#the au possibilities are endless
bibiundtinaundzombies · 4 months
olenna and margaery would have be absolutely unstoppable on dance moms. catch olenna waterboarding abby lee miller so her little margaery gets a solo.
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rupertgayes · 1 year
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thanks guys
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meep-meep-richie · 6 months
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#Lokius soldier AU
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XD chaggie fluff plot twist idea: the whole hotel assumes Vaggie's choker necklace is a pet collar, Vaggie doesn't correct them, Charlie overhears once and tugs self-consciously at her own bowtie-
Charlie was wearing bowties long before she met Vaggie BUT
after they met (and started living together) suddenly Charlie had a hard time focusing on previously normal things, most obviously her forgetting how to tie her bow in the mornings as Vaggie got ready for the day behind her, wandering distractingly back and forth in the reflection of the mirror Charlie was failing to pay proper attention to-
one day Vaggie notices the bowtie problem, casually and wordless waves Charlie over so she can try reaching up to fix it-
has to grimace and stop, her hands on Charlie's lapels as the pain in her shoulders flares up- and Charlie's heart goes from skipped beats to stopped to a slow thud as she SHE sees the wince, the frustration, the look of Vaggie finding something else she can't do anymore like she used to
so Charlie kneels down (head empty) (not even asking what the thing is) NOT wanting to be one of the things that makes Vaggie sad like that (not wanting Vaggie to give up and take her hands away)
Vaggie fixed the bow tie (didn't notice Charlie staring at her the whole time) (too busy making sure Charlie's bow was Just So) (too caught up smiling without realizing it) and Charlie spent the rest of the day reaching up to touch bow, trace the little satisfied line Vaggie's fingers had trailed along it (lingering a few seconds longer than she'd needed to)
next morning Charlie makes a big show of having trouble again while giving Vaggie hopeful glances, and, well,
(fair trade for all the help Charlie gave her, Vaggie said, waving Charlie over and rolling her one not-torn out eye as the hell princess kneels again when she COULD just lean down) (kneeling is more comfy!) (also the view is Very Nice)
the kneeling, the bow tie tying and fixing, the quiet intimacy of the moment.... Charlie and the tangible reminder of having someone actively in her life again (someone who cares, who's there every day and almost every moment of every previously lonely day), Vaggie and the chance to help this amazing woman put her best hoof forward in some small way (helplessness and failure replaced with usefulness and pride)-
imagine an au where that all quickly got incorporated into VARIOUS aspects of their relationship
XD years later the hazbins are all snickering about Charlie probably having Vaggie on leash, no idea what it means whenever Vaggie reaches up casually (healed enough to lift her arms now without pain) to adjust Charlie's bowtie, while Charlie stands perfectly still for her (an amazing feat, a Charlie not in motion) and uses the moment to take in every last bit of Vaggie's smile
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themissingmango · 4 months
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Stick with me… Tom Kazanksy as an incredibly prestigious film direction and Pete Mitchell as the industries most beloved action star. But when will they ever work together?! 👀
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
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something's off about my sua...
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quick-catton · 5 months
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i just want to say that these two have been on my mind literally all of january. the thought of the debauchery they would indulge in. bobby and his pretty boygirlfriend. using him as a decoy in robberies, his cute lil thing an easy distraction while he takes what he needs, allowing them both to easily slip away. getting to show off his pretty baby in clubs, having a sweet little thing as his passenger princess during long drives through the dessert. a doll for him to dress up and have hanging off his arm wherever they go. anyway <3
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mrghostrat · 3 months
Omg AU careers, you get it. I love chef/baker Crowley solely for him getting to feed Aziraphale. I love vet/zoo-keeper Aziraphale for his kindness to living things including snakes. It’s not just about the characters fitting into their careers (because hey we as people don’t always love our jobs). It’s sometimes so much more about what it brings out in them for the other character to bounce off of and love
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ibrithir-was-here · 7 months
i adore your bad end series! with the most recent post, i have to wonder what little quincey considers dracula to be. his weird uncle? his parents' "friend?" a spooky roommate?
Ah yes, the vampire lord in the corner.
I’m going to tag @unchartedentity for this as they asked a very similar question!
So, @animate-mush who’s wonderful writing keeps inspiring this series to new heights has had Quincey call him “Father” in parallel to Jonathan’s ‘Papa’ and yeah I can definitely see Dracula pressing for that title, both by his ‘right’ as the reason the child is a vampire in the first place “He owes what he is as much to myself as to who’s blood he shares. And doesn’t some of mine run through him now as well?”
And also just because he knows it’s a knife in Jonmina’s hearts to hear Quincey call him that
How the relationship actually pans out? I think that in actually it’s much more of a creepy weird uncle situation, mixed with a lot of Palpatine corruption attempts. Dracula finds Quincey’s whole existence deeply interesting, seeing the Harkers attempts at domesticity is incredibly bizarre to him and also humorous—I think he really feels at some moment Quincey will twist into proper Vampire mode and break his dear papa’s heart doing so, and robbed of his chance to take over England he’ll take his kicks where he can get them.
Also going to take this opportunity to post the Dracula and Quincey interaction I just drew
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
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Hellknight!Hob wearing this. Chest hair and tiddies out, full happy trail, all of it...
Of course, I think about that, and that inspires a ficlet. And then that ficlet turns dark. So... *shrug* *shoves new baby out in the world*
Rated T
The first time Hob sees Dream is when the latter has the audacity to enter the Morningstar's realm. He watches as the Dream King intimidates Squatterbloat into bringing him to the Palace. The demon is stupid and gullible, easily swayed, and Hob has a mind to bury his morningstar in the moron's fleshy head, but he would rather observe the visitor and his raven from the shadows.
Hob trails them, the straps of his armor expanding and morphing to cover his body with the mottled charcoals and midnights that are the palette of Hell. Squatterbloat leads the King in a circuitous route to their destination, passing a cell whose occupant not only commands the attention of the sovereign of the Dreaming, but whose pleading pains him. Curious.
He follows the pair of black figures beyond their guided tour, all the way into Lucifer's Hall, sliding unnoticed through the crack in the main doors. Hob is good at his job. He hadn't been successful at being a bandit and cutthroat in life for nothing.
Hob takes a place in the long shadows of one of the pillars and observes.
Apparently the Lord of Dreams and Nightmares is here in Hell to retrieve his helm, one of his important symbols of office. And of course it is some overly ripe idiot like Choronzon who has it. Sometimes Hob just wants to kill them all and promote new individuals to the positions of power, sometimes the house can't be cleaned, it needs to be razed and rebuilt.
But what is truly awe-inspiring is watching the battle between Dream and the Morningstar themself. The Dream King wins, although not handily. It makes the victory even more impressive. Hope. Of fucking course. Hob is quite sure that he has never seen the Lord of Hell so visibly angry in all his 600 plus years in the underworld.
Helm secured and confidence restored, the Lord of the Dreaming is proud and... well, he is incredibly beautiful. He is sharp angles in soft greys and blacks, luminous white skin draped in flowing ink, spikes of hair wafting against gravity.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Hob follows Lord Morpheus and his raven back outside. They walk slowly through the barren, twisted landscape, calculated and careful. Imperious.
Hunger ripples down Hob's spine. He wants.
The Lord stops, body going more still than death. "I am here in my official capacity as King of Dreams and Nightmares. You have followed me for long enough. Show yourself, fiend."
The Dream King's voice is so much deeper and darker than Hob expected and now it is directed at him and it goes directly to his cock. He decides to drop any pretense all at once.
Hob has no shame as he steps out from hiding, the shadow-plates sliding back and leaving him in what really amounts to a series of leather straps and a loincloth, buckled to accentuate the triangle of his torso and the strength in his chest, with sleeves from biceps to palms. The Knights of Hell need no metal protection - they shield themselves in darkness and guile - and so Lucifer Morningstar gives them intangible weapons: the ability to inspire lust and envy as much as wrath. He drops his physical weapon and holds his hands out to his sides.
"Dream King," Hob inclines his head. "I am not here to harm, nor am I here at the behest of my Lord, the Lightbringer." He meets the King's piercing blue eyes and has to grit his teeth to hold in a gasp at how sharply they cut into his breast.
That look trails from Hob's head to his toes slowly, then back up. Judging. Assessing. "So why do you dog my steps, Hellknight?"
He shrugs and takes a step forward. There is no reason for Hob to not be bold. He has long been dead. He has been a resident of Hell and served the Devil themself, has lived that fate worse than death, for almost seven centuries. He has, quite literally, nothing to lose.
So Hob nudges a the magic at his disposal into the cant of his hips, the tilt of his head, the purse of his lips. He lowers his eyelids and takes another step towards the luminous being of black and white before him. "I merely wish to look my fill before I can no longer."
"Bossss..." The raven flies a nervously tight circle above them. He is summarily ignored.
"You wish to more than look, Hellknight, for I can taste your dreams." The Lord of Nightmares snarls as he takes multiple steps to get into Hob's personal space. "You dare-"
Hob laughs loud enough to interrupt him and those ice shards widen in shock. "Oh, yes. I dare." He steps up once more and now their faces are within inches of each other. "How do you think the Morningstar trains their knights? Do you think there is anything you could do to me that would be worse than 700 years of this?"
The resonant chuckle that curls across Hob's skin should probably worry him, but he cannot muster such sense when he is watching the pupils of the Dream King's eyes bleed black outwards, eclipsing his eyes entirely, and wholly captivating Hob. "Lucifer Morningstar's sins often get in the way of their... creativity."
A pale hand shoots towards him and Hob braces for impact, for pain.
He gets nothing of the sort.
Fingers that are the coolness of a lake in summer skate with hedonistic gentleness across Hob's cheek. The palm cups Hob's jaw sweetly. Honeyed breath caresses Hobs lips before they are pressed together. Then he is being kissed with the fondness and warmth of a dear lover.
And that is when Hob realizes that he has vastly miscalculated.
Against his better judgement, Hob is lost to the tide of it. The softest touch of tongues morphs into lazy familiar licks, mapping Hob's mouth as if to memorize, immortalize.
The King of Dreams pulls away and Hob is left panting and hazy.
"I touch you, I kiss you, as I would a lover, as I would my beloved." The King whispers it like a benediction. Hob gasps at the horror that settles into the marrow of his bones. "And never will you feel it again."
And then he is gone.
Hob watches, frozen, as each stride the King takes covers miles. It is only when they have disappeared over the horizon, both Lord and Raven, that Hob realizes tears are streaming down his face.
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hayaku14 · 10 months
OBSESSED with the idea of KID coming into the Kudou mansion seeking refuge (either he got heavily injured or his idenity is compromised) but instead is met with Okiya Subaru, Kudou Yukiko, and Kudou Yusaku. (Conan is also there coincidentally because lady luck hasn't totally abandoned him yet, apparently, but Kaito is sort of distracted by the amount of non-conans in the house to appreciate it.)
one day (before akai moves in) conan drags kid's injured ass back into the kudou mansion to patch him up (and also to demand answers about the snipers in the heist)
kid refuses to tell more about the snipers and conan doesn't pry but keeps an offer of help open
it becomes an unspoken agreement that kid would go to conan if something out of his hand happens in relation to said snipers
by 'go to conan' conan meant go to him, the person, as in wherever location he was at. kid, on the other hand, thought he should come back to the kudou mansion.
months pass, subaru, yusaku, and yukiko come to occupy the kudou household.
kid, injured or identity compromised, sees the lights are on and assumes conan is inside. which well...he ISN'T WRONG (LOL)
kid goes in through the window of conan's room which startles conan who was there to pick something up in his room.
"What are you doing here?!" Conan scream-whispers in a panic.
KID stiffens and stares at him with something like betrayal in his eyes. "Oh, I see I'm not welcome here."
"No! No wait that's not what I meant. It's just, this is NOT the best time."
Someone knocks on the door and the two of them jump. KID's eyes widen in realization as Conan quickly drags and pushes him into a closet. "Don't make a sound." KID does a zipping motion across his lips and makes a show of throwing an imaginary key. Conan rolls his eyes at him before closing the door.
anyways, it was akai who went up to check on conan cause the 4 of them were in the middle of a discussion and conan was suspiciously taking too long.
whether kid gets caught by akai and the kudou fam or not, i have no idea, but either way I WANT IT.
although tbh i feel like akai and yusaku would sense someone else is inside and yusaku would know exactly who it is LOL
then again, whether kid is heavily injured, has his identity compromised, or both, is a big factor on how events will unfold. (and i love exploring each one so my brain is rotting pls someone send help)
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futureman · 2 months
idk shit all about soccer but catch me writing a soccer dad-brother au because
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cakeleighh · 8 months
lmao I have so many au's for this funky lil guy
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Bike au! bike au! bike au! bike au! bike au! :D (please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes)
Don't ask me how I drew the bike, I was like 'hey why not use the select tool and gradient tool?' and then I blacked out for a few hours and when I awoke there was a bike on the page. I should probably drop some lore with this too.
So the scarab is still an alien that came to earth, but it was attached to -essentially- an accompanying spacecraft which the scarab is directly linked to. Unlike the movie, the scarab/bike was claimed by Victoria Kord almost immediately after Ted Kord died, and she attempted to reverse engineer it for her own interests. Unfortunately for her, the scarab was completely unresponsive to external stimulus and no tools were advanced enough to take apart the scarab/bike. There was only one instance of the mechanisms reacting to something, and that was long ago -before Kord industries was established- and they weren't able to get even an understanding of this alien technology at the time. And no matter how persistent Victoria Kord is, she isn't able to do anything with it.
Kord industries (founded by Ted Kord, with the inspiration of the scarab and Ted's brilliant mind) focused on making bikes and other motor vehicles inspired directly by the scarab. He didn't know how the bike worked but he could theorise and make his own inventions that worked for him. The company became one of the main manufacturers of bikes in the world, and holds racing events every year or so to bring in more publicity. Victoria does not care for these races, but she understands that they're good for the company. Victoria is -non surprisingly- more concerned about the military research and developments in the company.
After years of ruthless and expensive testing on the scarab/bike, with no results, the share holders expressed their concern with the lack of profits and new designs coming out since Ted's passing. Her researchers express how even Ted Kord was not able to get the scarab to respond, and therefore it had been almost 50 years since the scarab was reported to have activated (allegedly). With threats to pull out investments, Victoria was forced to abandon the Scarab program and quickly focus on other RnD departments. Though she personally still wanted to harness the power of the scarab, but she could do nothing without the money.
Through the neglect of the dismissed program, the bike is moved about into storage. But with one miscommunication, it ends up in the wrong warehouse. More time passes, and the warehouse is ordered to be cleaned out without concern for what's in there. The bike ends up in a scrapyard where it cannot be destroyed, so the owner takes the opportunity to sell it to another mechanic for a bit of extra money 'the company wont even know it's been resold'. The mechanic -completely unable to do anything with the funky beetle bike- tries to make his money back by selling to another scrap yard. And there it stayed for another few years, all the while Kord industries still thought it was in storage. This is where Jaime finds the bike, by accident, trying to look for his uncle's "misplaced" bike.
Jenny Kord is still a thorn in Victoria's side, not only concerned with the questionable ethics of Victoria's research, but preserving her father's legacy before Victoria destroys all evidence of it. Jenny knows of the scarab/bike, but has been prohibited in knowing it's location and status. So She's forced to go undercover as a presenter/cameraperson (This will make more sense when I show her design) at the racing events to try and get evidence on where the bike is being held, which is definitely easier when you have control of many cameras.
I made this au before the movie came out, and when I finally saw it, I realised the plot actually lined up pretty well already -which is convenient. The only thing I had to change was the inclusion of Jenny (cuz I knew nothing about her before the movie came out), and adding more detail to the antagonists. I love Jenny's design in this au (soon, I will release the pictures) cuz I had total free reign and a cyber-punk motorbike racing aesthetic to base it off. Also, she rides a bike in the movie too so I can actually base her bike off of the pre-existing one.
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t4tsurge · 2 months
Introducing: Endless Possibilities!!!
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Violet: Violet was created in a lab using Sonic and Shadow's DNA. She mostly takes after Sonic, having his same adventurous and fun loving spirit and cocky attitude. They also inherited Shadow's sense of duty, wanting nothing more than to travel the world, using their abilities to protect it like their parents did at their age.
Aster and Jade: Aster and Jade were meant to be the children of Blaze, Amy, and Surge, but Surge left their partners before the twins were born. While Jade was born without powers, Aster was born with a strong connection to the Sol emeralds, giving her the ability to control light and access to her own burning form. Because of this connection Aster is the current guardian of the emeralds as well as the next in line for the throne.
The twins are complete opposites; while Aster is very studious and introverted, Jade is very outgoing and a bit of a slacker. While Aster is off studying or training with Blaze, Jade spends their time exploring the palace, gardening with Amy, or visiting Violet or Bramble back in Sonic's dimension.
Emerald: Emerald spends her time on Angel Island with Knuckles, raising chao and guarding the Master Emerald beside him. Emerald is naturally stronger than average, but while she likes training with her dad, she prefers flying. Despite being the oldest of the group, Emerald usually lets Violet or Jade take the lead on things, choosing to stay back with Aster instead of getting into too much trouble.
Bramble: Bramble was an orphan taken in by Surge and Sticks when he was very young. It's always been able to shapeshift and was originally born a tenrec, but once it got comfortable around it's new parents, it changed to a more hybrid form. Bramble enjoys the life he lives, basically having free reign to do as he pleases in the woods around Sticks' burrow or even going to visit Violet if he wants, as long as he checks back in at home. It can also be a bit obnoxious and rude, and gets along more with Jade and Violet than Emerald and Aster.
So yeah! Over the last few months, I've been working on redesigning the kids, and while I only have bits and pieces of a proper story, I feel ready to share the kids again!
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
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Ok I’m still doing some of the other requests but first MORE NARUTO AU!! Outfit designs with some notes about fighting styles for our favourite Hokage Hiccup and favourite Hokage’s boyfriend Jack!
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shakingparadigm · 7 days
In a modern au I think the wagyein would be like one of those gaint ass crocodiles that Ivan gets away with keeping because its technically a service animal. As long as its on a leash its all good and not a threat to the public!!
Ivan being rewarded with a more expensive and unique kind pet like a whole fucking crocodile honestly seems pretty in line for him 😭 especially since it adds a new "chic" flair to his photoshoots and his general aesthetic. Imagine Ivan's new photoshoot drops and he's in a suit posing with a fucking crocodile. Insane.
I really like the imagery of this large, scaly and dangerous looking reptile being tamed as Ivan's pet, something that could help boost his image and push that luxurious, enigmatic vibe. You know, like how stereotypical evil lairs have sharks or other rare and dangerous animals guarding the entrance or simply acting as accessory. That kind of vibe. I also like the imagery of this sharp creature being forced into submission and captivity. Forced to become a good, obedient pet, holding in its urges and keeping its teeth hidden. A being taken from the ruthless, grimy darkness, cleaned and maintained to perfection, forced to perform for the cameras. Ivan can empathize, he knows what it's like.
"Technically a service animal" is fucking hysterical. Ivan going Hello, sir! Please excuse my emotional support 12ft crocodile. Don't worry, he's very well-behaved.
I actually think Ivan would get along very well with his hypothetical crocodile. Just like the wagyein, he'd feel connected to it in a very personal way. Also just like the wagyein I think Ivan would be the only person it would never harm. In my head I have the mental image of Ivan petting and cuddling it as if it were a puppy.
#if ivan owns a crocodile luka would own a snake. like those unique kinds that could probably kill you#mizi would own jellyfish in a large aquarium....#i mean. in a modern au these people would literally be the nepo babies of high class rich people. endless possibilities#also you know that one interpretation of ivan and the wagyein where it's like#ivan embracing the wagyein symbolizes him embracing the idea that he is a “monster” (in his own eyes)#he can understand the wagyein on a deeper level because he is so fundamentally different from everyone else#the wagyein doesnt hurt him. even allowing him to rest in its maw unharmed#while it hurt till enough for him to literally be laying on the ground bruised in the og black sorrow storyboards. it frightens mizi too#thinking about ivans close relationship with danger. how he views himself as someone who can only hurt others#or someone who isnt even deserving enough for the pain he causes to matter to anyone (“you don't care about me”)#i think ivan embracing dangerous creatures while till fights back against them says a lot about both of their personalities#ivan is embracing and giving love to the part of himself that he knows would scare other people away. sharper. raw. intense and uninhibited#something that he has to hide or mask in order to be accepted. just like how the wagyein has to be hidden away from everyone else#SORRY MIGHT BE OOC im not in the best mindstate rn#this is just yhe thoughts in my head atm. no polish. my bad#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alnst ivan#asks
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