#the audacity of putting that on your fanart
brothuania · 2 years
"Don't like without reblogging!!" Ok well now you're getting neither
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ladyloveroll · 1 month
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(These are my ACTUAL notes from my friends birthday party full of people who absolutely did not know who the fuck Itachi and Kisame were or how pairing names work or what a ship is.)
Writing kisaita (on and off) for 15 years
Never get tired of the ship
Excellent, friendly people in the fandom to keep making content (Cynni)
Presentation is less about the specific ship and more about the general qualities that make their ship S-tier. You may find this echoed in your own OTP, IDK.
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Powerful, badass characters who can kick anyones asses no problem, as depicted where they are casually taking a stroll after Kisame (who still has his little fo-hawk) casually takes down the four-tails
Kisame is noted as the ‘tail-less jinchuuriki’
Itachi is clearly a fucking powerhouse, we don’t need to debate that
Working with strong characters means you are more easily able to portray their weakness and explore that side of them since that rarely gets screentime
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Auxiliary, not main characters
Main characters are harder to write because they spend a lot of screen time accomplishing their goal and doing Plot
Auxiliary characters are more malleable, and morally gray ones especially so
Depicted here are Itachi and Kisame, separately, being ordered by their villages to kill their own people. They carry this order out, but do not particularly like it. Nor are they particularly loyal to their own villages, despite carrying this order out. It’s hard to say where their loyalities lie.
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Any ship that has a timeskip has LOADS of canon-verse material you can work with, especially if it feels like the characters have changed or their dynamic has changed.
For Naruto especially, WTF are Kisame and Itachi doing for three years? Clearly neither of them are out capturing jinchuriki. They aren’t seen lounging around Amegakure or Akatsuki headquarters. They are just traveling the world. Probably doing hits. Probably hitting on EACH OTHER WOOOOOO
Long time skips mean a few thing: 1) Canon divergence, 2) Canon compliant, 3) pre-time skip, 4) during time skip, 5) post time-skip; and that’s not even the AU’s
They clearly haven’t made any other friends during this time either so lots of relationship to explore
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The Naruto franchise is notorious for retconning. Probably because Kishimoto (the writer) was pushed to create at a pace that was impossible for any sane or healthy man to keep up with.
Fanficition writers can take advantage of this poor writing by interpreting the character in a lot more ways than if the character was solidly written.
There are a lot of different ways Kisame is written, and accepted as so
Itachi less so but we don’t have time for that
Retconning allows you to take a writers mistake and turn it into utter brainrot that ten other people (me) will reblog every 3 years
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This one is kind of specific, but if you like angst then OH BOY this ship has a lot of potential for it
Any OTP that involves an angsty edgelord and a sadistic tagalong can indulge in either EXTRA ANGST and be able to balance out the angst with humor
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The KisaIta ship has 4 great themes about it:
And Existentialism of course
Sharkboy / lava girl
Edgelord / goof
Leader / follower
Maybe old? / a touch too young
Respect for each other
S-tier OTP because of strong themes and repeatable dynamics
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Kinkfest here we come
S-tier OTPs must be able to withstand an intense variety of smut writing
Powerful level = able to handle pain and dish out pain
Body things? = more positions
The Shape of Water was one of the single best thing to happen to the KisaIta 18+ fics because (even though it existed before the movie came out) a lot more readers were into it now
Also, Kisame makes this ship work more than Itachi. He is fucking DEVOTED
at this point I was running out of my 10-minutes (THEY HAD THE AUDACITY TO PUT ME ON A TIMER) so i just backfilled the rest of the presentation with fanart and memes i like
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Why do I like KisaIta?
I mostly write smut
They’re great at smut
I also like angst
They’re always great for angst, either character
Also look at them they are hot AF
Beefcake service-top vs. ‘shaped like a katana’ masochist
Healthy dose of hurt-comfort
They’re extremely flexible to write and so there’s a lot of stories you can create
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thank you for not reporting me to the powerpoint police
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 22/22
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21
STORY 2 - Sequel
I can't believe it?? I made it, Ma!
Luci's General Suit inspired by this FANART on twt by @kajina_97
This is the COMIC that inspired me to write the whole thing because I wanted this ending so bad klajdklsa it's by @Sandranetta_13 on twt
Dk what tomorrow might entai. Might be the first chapter for the sequel?
Let me know what you guys think! Please, I'm very desperate.
I'm willing to do a Q&A regarding your thoughts. DMs and Asks are OPEN! <3
Will link the sequel here once posted
Everything was relatively normal the following week. His and Charlie's long overdue moment with no more miscommunication made Lucifer feel a whole lot better. He couldn't ask for a better daughter.
Dressing himself in one of his battle suits, he felt like he could take on the world. Nothing says King of Hell like your best warrior outfit and a badass sword in full display.
Lucifer: Looking pretty dapper there, me.
Lucifer doesn't even bother to style his hair- it now flows animatedly like that of Lilith's.
Flowers were still being sent to him especially when he was first spotted roaming around the hotel after a week-ish long recovery. Charlie had the amazing idea of making a greenhouse or some sort of garden to put all the flowers and keep them alive as long as possible.
They got rid of any red ones after someone sent a buttload of them which then caused him to have a mini panic attack. Alastor is subtly trying to take that moment off his mind by leaving Marigolds everywhere. It's sweet but soon they're going to need a separate greenhouse for just the Marigolds. Where'd he even get these??
Finding his first Marigold of the day, in the bathroom of all places really Alastor??, he makes his way to the lobby. Everyone was there doing their own thing.
Husk and Angel are at the bar as usual, with the latter talking animatedly about something that puts an endearing expression on Husk's face. Nifty is putting on roach puppet shows for Alastor. The radio demon notices him and conveys his most 'help me' face but he just chuckled and gives him a thumbs up. The cyclops named Cherri is today's gift screener, grumbling about the pollen and the shitty taste some demons have.
Charlie and Vaggie were talking to a small group of demons by the entrance. As soon as his daughter sees him, she said something to the group then walked over to him.
Charlie: Good morning, dad!
Lucifer: You look busy.
Charlie: They're sinners who are asking about the hotel! I'm so happy that people are at least coming here to check it out. Did you have a good sleep?
Lucifer: Well, I don't feel like passing out today. So pretty good!
Charlie: That's great, dad!
Angel: Short king! Looking good in that fit!
Cherri: Yeah! Do a spin, hot stuff!
He blushes at the sudden attention. Everyone is looking at him in awe- maybe it was too much?
Alastor: Nonsense, dear.
Alastor appeared beside him in a flurry of shadows, seemingly reading his mind. He bends down at Lucifer's level to whisper in his ear. He plucked the Marigold Lucifer was holding, putting it behind the King's hair.
Alastor: I, for one, think you never looked so.. raveshing~
Damn him.
Lucifer: Shut up.
Lucifer hisses in response. Like, seriously? In front of his daughter? Thank Father, Charlie didn't hear that.
Charlie: Yeah! You look so cool. I don't think I've seen you wear that except for when there's a banquet.
Lucifer: Yeah, well, I wanted to look put together after everything.
Charlie softens at his words.
Alastor: No need for that, sire. I'm sure no one is foolish enough to comment negatively on what the King of Hell chooses to look like.
Lucifer: What does that make you then?
Alastor: Privileged, my King~
Lucifer rolls his eyes at the audacity but he can't help but smile. Man, he never thought he'd miss their constant banter.
Charlie: You look awesome, dad, okay? Al, please slow down with the Marigolds, Nifty's going crazy. Oh! Dad, right, Aunt Bel called said that the Sloth Ring is making incredible progress and that she'll visit again soon. I think Aunt Bee is planning a party with the other Sins and would like it to be held here in Pride! At the hotel! It would be so cool and of course if you're not ready I can tell them and maybe a little get together would be better. I'll even invite Sev! He gave flowers for you too and Vaggie was so jealous when I said he was my ex and thought the flowers were for me, she was so cute-
Lucifer tried, but he stopped listening halfway through his daughter's talk. It was a bit of an information overload but he kept a small, genuine smile on his face for her.
Then something caught his eye that made him stopped smiling altogether.
Charlie notices this causing her to stop talking.
Charlie: Dad?
He should answer but his eyes were locked on the wall behind Charlie. Plastered on the higher part of the lobby's wall was a glowing mark- gold wings with a dot on the center.
Lucifer turns around so fast to look outside the hotel's window. Heaven looks so out of place up there, sticking out like a sore thumb upon Hell's red skies.
A glint in the distance made him act. Without warning, he took off with such force that those inside the hotel were knocked down by the gust of his wings.
He breaks the window on his way out and pulls out Lightbringer. Lucifer brings the sword up and-
A powerful explosion lit up the sky. The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over Pride. At that moment, everyone became so hot that they couldn't bear it, as if their whole body was on fire. They wanted to rip their skin off just to get a sense of relief but then the sky shut closed. A strong thump was heard by every demon in the vicinity and then they were all thrown a few meters.
It felt like an eternity before Charlie and the others could get their bearings. Those that didn't get knocked out went outside, once there, they see Lucifer far up in the sky, holding up a flaming sword. The signature pentagram of the city has been fractured by whatever happened and demons all around were either hurt or unconscious.
Charlie: Dad!
Charlie calls out to her dad but he doesn't acknowledge her. His gaze never leaving Heaven, as if he's seeing something that no one else can.
A screen locked on Hell zooms out as the machine's voice rang out 'target disengaged'.
An angel looking similarly to Lucifer, except there's blue tints on the spots where Lucifer had reds, was looking down at Hell pulling back a large, golden gun. They blew the smoke residue and sighed.
Michael: Hello, Lucifer... Still causing trouble, I see.
it's done??
cliffhanger but don't worry, there's a sequel!
I spent 30 minutes looking for that comic that inspired this ending.
Did y'all catch that Lemmino reference? I'd have that description in my head rent free ever since I watched Grazed by the Apocalypse
Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! This was my first published baby and I'm so proud !
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sortumavaara · 1 year
Wow, redbubble, you piece of shit.
So, today I received an email from redbubble - they are adding tiers. At this point, my thoughts are: "Alright, kinda shitty, but whatever". I didn't know half of it.
I read on.
Oh, the first and default tier costs money (I'm considering deleting at this point), but on I go! It can't be that bad, right? How do you get to higher tiers, one might ask? - Well, as far as I can see, there's no set criteria (or at least they aren't telling me what those are) and you can't apply for another tier manually at all. It's automated baby. So, essentially there's a good chance that you will not get away from the default, ever.
So far, this has been a bother and an annoyance. However the next bit got me angry. Behold the audacity :
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To clarify & as an example: if I were to sell 3 prints, this month, that would be about 20usd in profit (they would have cost the person buying the 3 more than double that). As far as I understand, this would be a great month for many accounts. Redbubble has profited from this already.
Now, when this new update rolls around, when that money is put in my account RB comes DOUBLE DIPPING in my bowl, and takes 9.20usd. Meaning they have taken 46% of my profits after already making money off my work. I would have made 11.80usd on 3 high quality art prints which is downright insulting. Oh, and also, since you made less than 20usd, they won't be sending you the cheque uwu
Also, the fanart thing is for higher tiers only uwu no deals for you peasants
I have recommended redbubble to several people over the years. Let it be known that I can no longer do that. I take everything nice I said about them back. I highly suggest finding any alternative possible, because this will basically never be fair on small artists. Essentially, one would have to double the price they are selling their work (small items especially) to make equal profits - and let me tell you, there are plenty of people who would pay 25usd for a print, there are very few who would pay 50usd.
Shame on you redbubble, shame on you, your family and your cow. You disgust me.
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Hi, can I ask why we hashtag anti bryke? They did give us a great story except for the love story ending which was lame. Maybe that’s why he hates us so much because he doesn’t like to give us the satisfaction? Or is it a chicken and egg thing and he hated us first, reason for the anti bryke hashtags?
two reasons: 1) tagging correctly is just proper tumblr etiquette, and it's good to cover your bases when criticizing atla so you don't accidentally cross paths with antis and 2) bryan and mike have never failed to be real assholes to zutara shippers, like that lovely incident where they took fanart made by their own fans and used it to make a parody video mocking zutara at a fan convention, which featured gems such as "women who ship zuko and katara will forever have doomed relationships". real fucking classy to take something fans of your show invested time and effort in for free, and use it to publicly make fun of them just because they had the audacity to use critical thinking skills in their choice of ship instead of lapping up your half-baked self-insert romance.
(they never apologized for this either; in fact, bryan later went on to put the video up on his own tumblr and called it a joke. yeah dude, zutara shippers definitely found it funny when you basically declared open season on us to the rest of the fandom.)
i would heavily hesitate to say they gave us a great story: bryke are good visual guys, and we can certainly thank them for conceptualising atla, but the people who truly made atla great were the writers, particularly aaron ehasz and elizabeth welch. and if you want proof of that, all you have to do is look at what happened when bryke didn't bring their writer's room over to LOK with them. hmmm, i wonder which avatar series is better known and lauded for its strength of storytelling?
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sluttywonwoo · 10 months
lol they said they deleted everything they reposted so i went to their blog to see and they still had a bunch of fics stollen from other accs, gifs, what looked like a stolen poem and even fanart that was reposted from other people so like???? why are you lying we can see it up and tagged shamelessly
putting all of the asks i've received about this under the cut so i don't clog up your dashes with them
they copy pasted @/yejinnie's work too and it seems like they deleted it after i replied to the post. did catch a reply they left, something about "wasn't this a reblog" please be serious
NAHHH but also I scrolled through the plagiarizer's blog and she literally types like a minor 💀 no age indicator, spelling mistakes, weird grammar...minor detector ringing BELLS now, plus way they're acting is downright immature. also they fucking turned off anon 💀💀💀 the audacity of some people I will never get.
Hey just to let you know, the plagiariser changed their @, probably to escape responsibility. They're @/got-me-seein-stars now
The audacity of them to not only delete replies calling them out and continue to post the plagiarized work, but change their username like nothing happened. They have to be a minor just by the way they respond (just the words alone are reading child 🫠) lol lil bitch is starting to get scared already changed urls to got-me-seein-stars this is 13 yo behavior at its prime 💀
https://www.tumblr.com/got-me-seein-stars/735798648423743488/the-stuff-that-goes-on-in-this-world I think they're just actually stupid
the lack of age indicator is a big red flag… and the fact that they haven’t changed the other stuff that’s been stolen leads me to believe they aren’t being honest about this “other person” that allegedly had access to their account :/ i just… this exhausts me
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crescentcampbell · 5 months
Wouldn't You Like to Know, Ch. 9
            Penelope enjoyed her little, quiet life. She had wanted to be a writer for as long as she could remember, but she didn’t want all of the attention that came with it. It had been different ten, maybe even twenty years ago. Most of the time writers put out their books, maybe did some interviews, and the world left them alone. But with the internet, it was hard to maintain any sense of a quiet life no matter what your job. A person could post a video of you that they took anywhere, and you could go viral. In both good and bad ways.
            Her book series, The Gossip, was so popular that most of her marketing was done by fans. Girls posted fanart of the series, edits, and costume inspiration because the book took place at a private school. There were all kinds of podcasts going over every detail and every pop culture reference that Penelope included.
            Her own, personal Instagram hadn’t seen any action except for the message that she’d gotten from Colin the other day. But a few days after the press release for Wallflowers had gone out, her phone suddenly wouldn’t stop vibrating from all of the notifications that she was getting. Enough so that it woke her up from the deep sleep she had been while using her arm as a pillow at her desk.
            Penelope jolted awake and found herself staring at her phone. “What the hell?” she whispered, shocked. “What the hell?”
            She looked at the notifications and found that she was tagged at least a million times in pictures of her kicking Colin Bridgerton out of her apartment. “Shit!” The article read: Mystery Woman for Colin Bridgerton?
            Colin Bridgerton, who was previously linked to actress Marina Thompson, has been seen coming out of a mystery apartment. Sources say the redhead in question is Penelope Featherington, a family friend of the Bridgerton’s that Colin knew from high school. Penelope and Colin both attended the same school, Whistledown Academy.
            Penelope took a deep breath. “Oh, my god. Oh my god.”
            She grabbed the paperwork that she had gotten from Colin the other day and used the phone number that he had left to call him. She waited a few rings and then Colin’s voice was on the phone. “Penelope, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
            “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? You bring chaos into my life and have the audacity to ask what’s wrong?”
            “What are you talking about?” Colin asked.
            “I’m talking about TMZ plastering my face online and now thinking that we’re sleeping together! You’ve got to delete it, please. If my mother thinks that I’m sleeping with you, there will be invitations sent out for nonexistent June wedding.”
            Colin paused. “Are you really that disinterested in me? What happened to the Penelope that used to blush every time that I said hi to her in the halls? I’m feeling hurt.”
            “You are ridiculous!” Penelope said. “You’ve met my mother. If you think that she won’t start booking reception halls, you don’t know Portia Featherington.”
            Colin muttered something under her breath and Penelope couldn’t make out what it was but knowing Colin, it was probably something inappropriate. “You really want me to call and tell them what? That we’re not dating? Teen Penelope would be so disappointed and----”
            Penelope furrowed her brows together. “Colin? Is everything okay?”
            “Marinas engaged.”
            Penelope coughed. “Oh----I’m sorry.”
            “Pen, I can’t do a press tour for this movie getting asked questions about Marina all of the damn time.”
            “The movie’s going to take a year to write and film anyway. What’s the big deal? By that time, she’ll probably be married and popping out babies.”
            “Come on,” said Penelope, “what’s the big deal? You come from one of the richest families in the world, your mother has been called America’s mother, and you were one of People’s Sexiest Men alive on your eighteenth birthday and four years running after that. You’re fine.”
            “Come on, Pen. Do me a favor. We can pretend to be dating. Anyway, I need someone to do research for the role.”
            Penelope made face. “It’s a teen drama and you are basically going to be Nate Archibald. There’s no research to be done.”
            “Really? You don’t think that the people who have waited forever to see Lulu Rochester’s debut, best-selling novel adapted deserve the best, most accurate portrayal of all of the steamy scenes that everyone loves so much?”
            Penelope paused. “Are you asking me to be your intimacy coordinator?”
            Colin chuckled. “No, there’s a whole lot of work that actually goes into being an intimacy coordinator. I’m asking for you to help with research purposes, you know.”
            “Research purposes?” Penelope said.
            Colin paused. “Yes, research purposes. This is the first time I’m going to be the leading man. I want to make sure that I do it right. I know it’s a book for teens, but it’s important to me. This could be a great launching pad.”
            “And in order for it to be a great launching pad, that means that the two of us need to practice the sex scenes?”
            “I do want it to be Oscar worthy, y’know?”
            Penelope snorted. “The only films that win Oscars are depressing films about married, white people going through divorce or World War Two dramas. Maybe a World War One movie depending on who’s naked in it. This is a teen drama movie for Netflix.”
            “Yeah, but it’s basically Cruel Intentions, only the main character is a plus size lead. No one is going to take this movie seriously if you don’t.”
            Penelope scratched her head. “I’m not the author. It’s not my job to take it seriously.”
            “I mean, if you could give me Lulu’s number, I could easily hook up with her instead.”
            “No!” Penelope blurted. “No. It’s fine. I mean, I’m her assistant. It’s my job to help her get the very best of everything. I’ll…. I’ll help you with whatever you need.”
            “Good,” said Colin, “then, we won’t worry about the TMZ pictures?”
            Penelope sighed. “How do you do that?”
            “Do what?”
            “Always get your way.”
            “I’m that good.”
            “You’re annoying is what you are.”
            “Bye, Pen.”
            “Bye, Colin.”
            The call ended and Penelope had never felt more exasperated in her life. Her heart was racing and she forgot that this was what being around the Bridgerton’s felt like.  There was always something dramatic going on. That was why it was so intoxicating to be around them. She only hoped this wasn’t going to end up like the last time.
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paperboy-pb · 11 months
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Now that the prologue is done, I can't thank the fans of this series enough.
No, we haven't hit any particular follower milestone. The story has just begun. And most of you haven't given me any sort of financial support to help me out, either. (And that's alright! I haven't asked, lol.)
I'm thanking you for just being apart of the audience.
I started PB in a little blue notebook during the summer of 2015. It was originally meant for my eyes only. And a big part of the reason why was that, when I googled things like "Special Ed makes me feel bad," there wouldn't be much of anything coming up. There were Quora forums! A couple of YouTube videos. Articles here and there.
But it wasn't a lot. Not enough to help me out for long. And it only hammered the idea further into my head that I was alone in what I endured. As I got older, grew up, and away from the program and people who took my disabled youth, I constantly felt this urge to talk about it. What SpEd had put me through. What I'd lost. What I'd seen & heard. The things I did and didn't learn. Even though I was never a very open kid, let alone teenager.
I hated that no one was talking about it. And how nobody knew what happened to kids like me behind closed doors. At 13 and 14, almost none of the new friends I made had ever heard a life story like mine. And I've always found that wild: I had a LOT of friends! (Still do!)
So I kept drawing it out. Kept working on the story in notebooks, sketchbooks, my friends' DMs, and anywhere else words could go. Sometimes, my family would catch glimpses of the concept art. Sad sketches of Matthew crying, freaky drafts of Monster, or tense moments between what would become Class 7-C.
And one of my parents would be like, "Why is your art so depressing?" They'd roll their eyes. And they'd add on, "People's parents aren't gonna like it!"
No, I never told them what the story was about. I never even told them it was a children's media (because it kinda isn't! I'd personally put PB as 13+?) These were judgments made with just one glance at computer papers covered in pencil strokes; sketchy and shapey little kids who didn't look like they were having fun.
I knew they were wrong. But the audacity still pissed me off. There aren't many times where it's appropriate to boss somebody else around in how to tell their story, you know? Not only that, but I also worried about not having an audience back then. Sure, all my friends loved my work. But at the time, I was the only one who'd really experienced anything "Special Education" in life. Thus, these were General Ed kids watching it unfold. Able-bodied eyes and (as far as I knew back then) neurotypical minds, watching and learning from whatever I made.
And I liked that. But that wasn't the only group I wanted to be seen by. I wanted disabled people, especially youth in their teens and twenties, to see it. That's my primary audience. And shit like that made me wonder if I'd ever find it. Had me second-guessing myself a little, you know?
But I shook it off. It's like that thing teachers always say in class. "If you're confused or have a question, ask: whatever it is, you probably aren't the only one thinking it!"
And I searched for stuff like PAPERBOY, hadn't I? Yeah. I had. So by that logic, other people definitely would be, too.
So I stuck to my guns, and... check it! Y'all showed up!
One thing I've noticed ever since publishing part 1 is that the PB Nation is pretty damn devoted. You guys have been patient, passionate, silly, and unapologetically yourselves since the get-go. And the response to every old promotional comic or post I've made has been OVERWHELMINGLY positive and curious. I've gotten fucking fanart, man! More than once! I've had the honor of meeting a few of you in person already! And for the ones who haven't caught me out with my friends in New York, believe me, I REMEMBER who comments what.
By the way, you guys should spam my comments more. Fuckin' love that shit. SPEAK TO ME, lmao. Even if it's like, the most irrelevant PB question ever. Keyboard smash in my comment sections. Send me disability reels you like. Tell me what you wanna see from the story. Whatever, as long as it doesn't bleed into parasocial territory!
I've gotta have one of the best audiences out there. So thank you! For just... being around. Here's to hoping y'all enjoy the journey we're aboutta go on.
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ladymorghul · 9 months
People complaining about fan arts portraying the Targtower siblings and specifically about Helaena and Aemond being closer than usual are never not going to be the most miserable ones in the fandom. The same goes for anyone generally complaining about fan arts that the artists are posting for FREE, btw. Like, draw your own shit or commission it if the existing art doesn't suit your personal tastes, but why shit on other people's art in very public manner? At least have the decency to do it in your private group chats with your just as jobless friends. Surely they know there is a high chance the artist is going to see their post(s) bashing the artwork, so why do it when it's likely they're gonna be hurt by it. You just don't do stuff like this, why is it so hard to understand? You're not going to motivate the artist themselves or other artist to cater to your own tastes by doing shit like this! I get that they didn't screenshot the art itself in the post but let's be real, everyone knows very well who they were referring to. And mind you, that post bashing the art got almost as many likes as the art itself…if I was an artist drawing I'd honestly stop drawing and posting free stuff related to anything about HOTD. Why do it when a significant part of the fandom will complain about it, if not screenshot it publicly? Also what's up with Rhaen*cents being yet again at the scene of the crime? It's extra funny and ironic when their ship also exists just because of changes the show made to the source material, but no, they have to complain about other ships that are also not canon to the book. Sorry for the rant but this fandom truly doesn't deserve all the artists that are constantly providing free art for everyone.
i mean, preach it!
it's honestly so cringe that these people, the majority of them with the talent of a wet spoon, have the audacity to go around and be loud about fanart when some of them can't even put a filter on a picture if their life depended on it. but it's not just this, you don't need to be an artist to understand how shitty it is to go around saying how much you hate a certain type of art, if someone owes you to cater to your taste, as if you can't just scroll by quietly and engage with the artists that you do like.
honestly, without some of these artists there would be half as little art for their favorite characters. like greenies already get significantly less content than tb does, do you feel good shaming artists for using their own skills to create what they like? only in this fandom..
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fkevin073 · 2 years
okay, so I've already gone about this on twitter a bit, but the recent reactions to the latest chapter of IKYLAO have certainly been interesting to say the least. 
Now, let me clarify, I don’t want anyone attacking somebody in the comments. Things are getting pretty controversial/heated in there right now, so I just want everyone to be kind to each other. 
that said, I'm also included in that. I don’t want to be the kind of author that fights with people in the comments or something, and I know I should probably ignore it, but the audacity of some people is really mind boggling. if I were a professional author engaging with comments, that would definitely be problematic. but I'm not. I'm doing this for free amidst my busy schedule. this is FANFICTION. it is a hobby. there are different degrees to what is acceptable with fanfiction/fanart. that doesn’t mean everyone has to like or adore what I write, but I think the comment sections for ao3 writers are meant to be a supportive place rather than a let-me-shit-on-your-OC fest. 
I like debate. I think some people have managed to express their apprehensions with certain choices in a respectful manner. I’m not trying to get people to call me the best writer in the world. I’m most definitely, definitely not. But I really do wonder at why people think it would be helpful or beneficial to just completely shit on an original character I have spent literal hours writing about. 
idk, a lot of the stuff I’ve seen is just excusing Aemond and making him into an angel whereas Alysanne is this horrible seductress who is selfish and never puts aemond first. the double standard is a bit frustrating. 
anyway, just gonna conclude this to say I think I'll be mostly stepping back from answering to comments. I don’t want to add to a heated environment. I ask that people remain kind and respectful to everyone, myself included. 
update**: if people start escalating discussions or levels of disrespect, I WILL block you. be warned. 
thank you for your reading. 
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
THE MAN MADE HIMSELF A SHIRT. I REPEAT THE MAN MADE HIMSELF A SHIRT! That was why he took my markers earlier today! And i had the audacity to think he’d be normal and that the mind map paper was the worst of it all. He took a white shirt and wrote with a sharpie ’Team Brian’ on it. He said he even watched youtube videos to learn how to like stitch it in but gave up after he hurt himself with a needle. He made 3 extra shirts, 2 for our parents that he express sent to them and one for me. He wrote a note with the package to our parents that said ‘if you love me, you’ll wear it’ So I cannot wait to see how that goes (fr imagine getting that sent to you, just a shirt and a note.) And the best(?) part of it all is he wore the shirt to the damn doctor check up! I almost forced him out of it but then at the last second thought to myself ‘for the content..gotta let him be dumb for the people on tumblr, they would want me to do it.’ (At this point I’m just going with the drugged up idiot flow) The doctor took one look at him when he walked into the office and sighed. I forgot that they had to deal with him for two days during his new found love, so i have no clue what all he put them through. And he tried to ignore it at first but my brother kept pulling at his shirt and smiling at him so the doctor went ‘(brothers name) i see youre in the arts and crafts part of your obsession..’ and all my brother said was ‘bro…i mean Doctor Bro, you have no clue. I am stressed! I am tired! I stayed up all night thinking. Nobody cares about my feelings. Nobody cares about what I have to say and think, i have no one in my corner. And now the worst of all, he ran off with a kazoo player! Do you know how dumb that is?!’ The second my brother looked away, the doctor looked at me and mouthed ‘kazoo?’ And I mimicked a violin and the guy had to cover up a laugh. I feel like the doctor is cursing at HIPAA cause if i was him, id want everyone to know about this dumbass at my work. I will report back when my parents get the package (should be like two days or so). He asked at the post office if they will receive it in less than a week ‘because it is important, very, very important! Like life or death situation’ and then he panicked that they’d think he is sending something illegal so he went ‘it’s shirts! Like this one’ *shows his shirt* and then idk what went through his head because he went ‘it’s from a show I’m watching. I swear im not just being weird about Brians’
Dear sweet anon, I was settling in with an afternoon coffee on the couch to do some work on my tablet and your message popped up before I turned on my work DND (otherwise every notification I get is like 👀 surely someone reblogging this this is more important that the thing I am literally paid to do, you know how it is). And I’m so glad that I saw this before I “hunkered down” for some paperwork. Blech.
Nobody cares about my feelings. Nobody cares about what I have to say and think, i have no one in my corner. OH BROTHER ANON you have tens of people in your corner. We DO care about your feelings and one day you will know.
The arts and crafts part of his obsession! I die. He’s going to get an etsy or redbubble store before this is over and start selling fanart phone cases (not a jab, I have a fanart phone case!).
So about HIPAA. HIPAA only applies to healthcare information and identifying information. So for therapists, that’s basically everything (although I will frequently say a client recommended a TV show to me because that is not healthcare information [uh your brother’s qaf obsession would be though] and it’s not identifying). And HIPAA doesn’t apply to consulting with other medical professionals without identifying information (so I could say to a fellow therapist “I have a client who ripped his stitches after surgery due to excitement about a TV show, my own bar for how normal this is is a bit fucked, should I be concerned?”) So I can absolutely guarantee that your brother’s doctor is at the very least telling his fellow doctors about your brother. I promises you they are in the break room laughing about this.
IAN PLAYS A KAZOO. Sorry if this shows up in a fic of mine in the future… this is very Brian coded. No offense to kazoo players. I’m sure they are a lovely bunch who do not deserve to be grouped in with Ethan.
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8n53 · 2 years
saw for the first time the other day concept art of fulbright from the dual destinies artbook.. wondering your thoughts as the expert of him
oh you mean the 2 pages that i just keep propped open in front of my tablet 90% of the time ........ yeah . hold on . let me infodump egregiously about that
ultimately i think bobbys final design is 100% perfect and i wouldn't change a thing but of course im fond of the beta bobbys 💕 i often wonder about the alternate universe where they went with the one without a jacket i think he would have been a Lot more popular 😭
theres some fun fanart from the japanese side of the fandom that depicts the beta designs as his older brothers which i love love loveee !!!!! bobbys japanese name has the kanji for 3 in it, so he could definitely be a third child!! youngest child bobby.. i headcanon theyre both in similar careers (like ICPO/private investigators or something) and they dote on him but dont take him as seriously as he'd like .. i have to wonder what the hell happened in this family that made them so gung ho about justice LMAO ....
and. spoiler related comments under the cut Lol
let me tell you man .... i am. So frustrated . they didnt put any concept art of phantys sprites in there . theres no way they didnt draw any!!!!!! theres no way that phanty didnt affect his design!!!!! its so clear the twist was taken into consideration in his design but they dont make any comments on it... its not like they had to avoid spoilers 'cause theres phantys in the sprite section ... im planning a heist on capcoms headquarters for the secret phantys. i would do anything to see them.
also theres a comment where they say "we knew from the start of development that bobby would be cheery and bighearted" which fills me with utter joy and also utter disbelief at the sheer audacity of it all. bighearted!!!! god!!!!!!!!
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dankzombiereviews · 2 years
Book thoughts: Cursed
1.25 ✰
long rant incoming
holy fuck is our protagonist dumb. absolutely stupid. incapable of seeing the consequences of her actions. beyond anything i've ever seen. I can't even fathom how someone like this could be written and expected to be taken seriously. in addition to being the dumbest girl I've ever seen, she also trusted people (ie. Arthur) way too fast, had no training but was mysteriously super powerful, and had zero chemistry with any character. When she makes a mistake, it's never her fault (it was). She is also told to become queen? with no blood to the throne and a random peasant from a random village? It just doesn't make any sense. and then she just... becomes queen of the fey after one (1) inspirational speech. That's not how these things work and I beg someone to explain that to the author. Her misplaced arrogance and self rightousness were difficult to read and I just didn't enjoy a single character in this book. I think the author had a hard on for his protagonist because she could NEVER do anything wrong
This book dragged on until page 379 out of 403, when everything happened all at once; the pacing was terrible. Only half of the book was with Nimue, the other half was Merlin. who was extremely unlikeable, untrustworthy, selfish, and I personally wasn't a fan of how he didn't have magic. I know it's trying to be "different" but to me, Merlin should always have magic, because that's Merlin, no matter the media. Personally didn't vibe with it. Name dropping some Knights of the Round Table doesn't make me care about the characters, it makes me sad to see how far they've fallen.
also the art is not good... the only good thing about The Atlas Six was the art and this book doesn't even have that. the artist could have added shading. detail. proper proportions. Not drawing like he had 30 minutes left and rushed each piece. specifically, the art on page 28-29 feels... racist? like why did the artist draw a black woman's face like that. big ick
The plot is so basic, the pH hit double digits. It goes without saying that the romance was terrible, quick, and shallow. worst of all, this book was boring. Was it actively terrible? maybe not, but it certainly wasn't good and I was just dragging my feet trying to finish this. There were things that just didn't make sense. For example, you can't assasinate your royal mother in front of people and expect no reprocussions. I know it's fantasy but I still expect people to act like people. The ending was so open ended that it feels like they were trying to set up a sequel, but on what? characters are dead, characters are incompetent and nothing like the myth, so how is only one aspect of the myth going to be original and the rest isn't??? If you try to follow the story, it won't make sense.
Saw a review from goodreads that summed up some other thoughts well.
The flashbacks and narration of the plot was very strange. there was no indication or reason for the flashbacks, and i had to reread it several times to try and understand wtf was going on. The logic of ruining all tension BEFORE we see the reasoning... when we all know how it ends is a very strange decision to me. And the seamlessness from present to past was done poorly, like the author was just writing as the ideas came. In every piece of media I've read, there's italics, a paragraph break, little symbols, SOMETHING to indicate a change in time. I've never read a flashback that occurs mid sentence from present to past.
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I would normally add fanart but I have to document evidence to how terrible the art is. I took these pictures, and most of the artists on tumblr would NEVER have the audacity to put art this bad in a published book.
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m0e-ru · 2 years
HAPPY HOLIDAY S !!!! here are the answers to my moel activity book 2022 aka my birthday quiz but theres also a bunch of lore questions in there. part 1 !!!!!!! with the more personal stuff because i hit the image limit so theres part 2 hehe. here <-
YOU CAN ANSWER IT HERE FIRST !!! or read this and see how bullshit my logic is from the get go SORRY
tourist - this was meant to be the lowest scoring result like you dont know much about me or lore like what it says !! you pass by my blog just occasionally like from a tag or a reblog. like a tourist at a gas station. yknow? but the way I scored was like you get bigger penalties when you pick a wrong answer whoopsie (●>ω<)ノ゙
beloved okyakusan - okyakusan means customer I just think you might follow this blog or know enough of it to get some answers right but the way I scored it I dont think. anyone would get this. yikes
loyalty discount - you know more than enough of my shit on any branch I might have been in . YEAH !! you know a lot. I hope. or I scored it bad. BUT ANYWAY !!! loyalty discount realness
oh youre in this hole with me? - this was supposed to be hard to get especially with the more bullshit personal questions sorry. but I think you could get this easily while I’m looking at it whole. welcome to my hole. my friends call it a mineshaft or another said it was a lake from digging up a puddle.
mega blorboism go - mim, adachi, marie, teddie, souji seta, (bonus) akc [akechi]
OKAY !! first 4 self explanatory. Souji vs Narukami I like Souji more from his depiction in the official manga by Sogabe than the more official Narukami from the animes, spinoffs, etc.
well yeah okay I admit I was a goroboy back in sweet 2017 too bad I only made noise in the fandom in 2020 when Royal came out and GOLDEN had the audacity to show its ass in Steam. my highest note post is this dumb aksh comic btw. I thought nothing of it.
I didn’t include maruki he’s a nice guy but he never hit blorbo category I mean he’s there. hi sensei
What’s their ultra mega favorite p4 adaptation - VISUALIVE STAGEPLAY !!!
the audio drama and manga bags some points too. I’m OBSESSED with visual voiceless media and visualess voiceful media but if you try to wrap my brain with the shitty anime I might throw up
yeah yeah the animes were fine im just more partial to those three yknow. they’re a bit liberal as broadcast media so uhm… the way they handled a few details weren’t for me. BUT WE HAVE AIKA CHAN it’s fine. I dont like anthologies though now that’s just a ball out of the park.
thoughts on tohru adachi - []
these all bag points but the discord screenshot gives the biggest penalty. it’s funnier that way. thank you tekuya. context on the messenger one was that I was partially live-blogging to another friend while I played. IM SORRY !!! I was really interested if he had a social link or not. I did not know of the Horrors. <- only knew he was a bit of an edgy bad guy from the floating fanart and lack of blacklisted spoiler tags but it’s 2022 im built different. I want to put him under a magnifying glass and if he makes me mad I concentrate the light on him till he combusts.
kai moeru is a silly - []
three of these have points except you get bonus points if you choose either of the kpop fan names because it’s fun.
when did they take over the gas station - they dont remember either
september 2022 also gets points because that’s when I think I started roleplaying as a manager.
OKAY strap in here’s some kai moeru lore. I used to subtly role play as just some guy who’s at the gas station too often for their own good. they dont even have a car they just talk to whoever also passes by with their silly conspiracy boards, red string etc etc. then at some point I became the manager of the tumblr branch and that was that! I have discounts and vouchers and promos and etc I think it’s fun that way. im the ceo of moel gas corp on discord btw
when did it all end - “Ohh Mimi”
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I mean this is when I started playing the game on my own and had a little too much thoughts about this dumb fucking npc. me and my dad started calling them mimi when we finished the game <- we were playing at the same time he finished first but I blocked out all the spoilers and had my own peaceful endgame. I give you a nickname and it’s ALL OVER !!!!!
or are you really so spineless that youd fold over some bullshit trivial threat on my life sorry for the royal question - small potatoes
like I said. bought royal on launch and finished it in two weeks where “small potatoes” was still there before it got patched out HAHA. i just thought it was silly. people were making essays about the expression then BAM. no more small potatoes.
whos the adachi of p5s (ROYAL + STRIKERS SPOILERS) - ichinose
okay I really liked her when I was playing OKAY? actually I dont think I’ve ever posted my doodle dumps ever but I always thought she had something to do with Sophia and EMMA and the formula making it look like she’d betray you or work with god at some point. SHE FUCKING DID it was so so fucking funny <- cried after the boss fight
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i mean i did this. because it's ridiculous
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what’s the first nickname they used - mimi
I did mention it before. I just think it’s really cute how it ended up being a household name for me. ive printed them out so many times, framed them and talk about them with that nickname at home that that’s how my siblings know them. it’s a very special name to me honestly. Time went by and I ended up calling them mim. hehe. not that I dont like Nami as a name it’s just that /gestures hands/ yeah
The whole Izumi Izanami thing is just that! Most of my devices’ autocorrects kept turning one word into the other I also ended up calling him zoomy instead and used one (1) “z” for Izy.
rie kugimiya - why are you pitting two bad bitches against each other
she’s the voice actor for both Rise and Haruka and I like them both !!!! You should listen to konnan janai
which emote is not part of the gas station discord server - nodding naoto
Now that one was from the Persona modding discord I think. I do have mim and Nagi rotating and the Adachi True was from a friend who also added Adachi False
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kaianimates · 2 years
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I posted 100 times in 2022
64 posts created (64%)
36 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 65 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#kaylee confessionsᵗᵐ - 15 posts
#the countdown - 6 posts
#not telling you what its for until the countdown is over - 5 posts
#kaylee confusion o~o - 4 posts
#fnaf - 3 posts
#kaylee's dream realm - 3 posts
#original stuff - 3 posts
#encanto - 3 posts
#incorrect quotes - 3 posts
#batdr - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#and i'm not entirely sure wether it's because she looks the same as me (bc she does)
My Top Posts in 2022:
just did the Luau on another save file and Lewis had the frickin AUDACITY to say someone put in a "poor-quality ingredient" when I LITERALLY FREAKING PUT IN A GOLD QUALITY SPRING ONION. WTF, L E W I S .
7 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Here have some fanart I made of Abigail from Stardew Valley :)
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she hav sord
16 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
21 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
HE WON'T COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!
23 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
23 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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