#the avoidance thing is just chefs kiss imo
asukiess · 1 year
hmmm.... I love marinette’s anxiety--more specifically how it’s portrayed--so much. there’s been so many write ups about her panic attacks, her spiraling, all of which can put it better than I can, but I was just rewatching Multiplication and she has a big thing about being “deserving” of love, too. she puts people she loves on a big tall pedestal, be it adrien, kagami (or luka in crocoduel, but I think that episode shows a similar albeit “uglier” side of her anxiety), and if she can’t meet her supposed expectations, then she’s not good enough for them. she avoids kagami and luka in their respective eps because she’s letting them down or hurting them and she hates it so much  - both times inadvertently hurting them more. I just think it’s so realistic to show the avoiding phone calls & situations, lying, etc. all due to your anxiety. I’m not saying that’s correct behavior, but I personally like to see this realistically portrayed. I don’t think it’s ever condoned in the show, and I think she rightfully is told by other people that what she’s doing is wrong. idk, I just really like it.
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theblogwithoutfear · 5 months
My thoughts on Echo
(Not that anyone's dying to hear my takes lmao) This is gonna be a long post so buckle up
I feel like a lot of people either really loved it or really hated it. I think I'm somewhere in the middle. There was a lot to love about it, there were some really great moments, but also there was a lot left to be desired. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I hoped, but I want to be fair about it. I'm interested to see if people agree with me, if I'm completely wrong, etc. So feel free to tell me if I'm way off base with some of these opinions.
To start, here's the things I liked about it (in no particular order):
The fight choreography. The brutality of it was really something, especially in that first episode. It felt pretty grounded and real for the most part, which I really appreciated. That's one of the things that set Daredevil apart, so it's really great to see that Marvel's willing to go there again (although I think it got tamer as the show went on, wish the brutality would have kept up)
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Maya's characterization, especially in the beginning of the show. I liked her moral complexity, I liked her refusal to be a good guy or a bad guy (wish that continued more throughout, tbh)
The canonization of the Netflix shows!!! We finally have acknowledgement. The scene with the hammer? The flashbacks to Fisk's father? Amazing.
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Parallels between Maya and Fisk. I loved the way their relationship directly mirrored the way Fisk interacted with his father. Fisk in essence, becoming his father—the exact person he always wanted to avoid. And then Maya kicking the ice cream man when he's already down? Like that scene with the bully in DD season 1? Chef's kiss.
Sound design/editing. They made some really cool creative decisions here, especially for a show about a deaf person. Very cool.
Depiction of Indigenous culture. I'm not qualified to really speak on this, so I may be way off base, but it felt really respectful to me. It didn't seem to fetishize or exoticize Maya's heritage; it explored the everyday lives of her and her family, the way they partcipate in their culture. The combination of her powers with her heritage was beautiful to me.
The cinematography at certain scenes. I don't think it was exceptional throughout, but there were some great moments. The flashback sequences with her ancestors, the silent movie thing, and the scene with Fisk and the ice cream man all had pretty stunning cinematography.
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D'onofrio's acting. But that's a given.
Disability representation. It felt to me like it was done in a very respectful, normalizing way, which is so important.
Alaqua Cox's performance. I was really impressed. Maya Lopez is her first role; and she's really killed it. I think at times she could have expanded her range a little, but overall, very excellent.
As a bonus (because the show's not about him and I don't want to make it all about him): Matt's cameo. Amazing. It was such a cool decision to show a Daredevil fight from the villain perspective. It made Matt look soooo scary. Also, I love the implications that he's being puppeteered by Fisk! Even after all he's done to take Fisk down, Fisk still has the upper hand. Fisk knew he was there, and lured him there to get Maya to fight him? As a training exercise? Really cool, interesting implications to be explored in DDBA.
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So there's a lot to love about the show obviously. However, at least for me, there was also a lot to criticize—and the criticisms overpowered the good things imo. Again, that's just me, and if you loved the show, more power to you!
Here's the things that I didn't like:
Tonal whiplash. It felt like the show couldn't really decide if it wanted to be a dark gritty crime thriller, or if it wanted to be a heartwarming family dramedy. There was also a little too much "Marvel humor," if you know what I mean. It was just really jarring at times.
The bait and switch. Whatever your thoughts on the show, I think it's fair to say that it was WAAAY off from what the trailers gave us. The trailers relied so heavily on content from the original Daredevil show, and the way they were edited made it seem like it was going to be a lot closer, tonally and quality-wise, to Daredevil. They made it look way darker and grittier than the show actually was. To be clear: I'm NOT upset that Matt wasn't in it more. It wasn't his show, and I was more than happy with his cameo. I'm just irritated at the bait and switch from the trailers, both tone and content wise.
Fisk's characterization. This is probably the thing that irritated me the most. He was so weak here!! I wasn't scared of him at all. In Daredevil, every time Fisk came on screen I felt like my intestines were shriveling up in fear. In Echo, though, he just felt so vulnerable and helpless and almost pathetic. I mean, Daredevil showed Fisk's vulnerability, but it almost made him scarier. Here, though, he just felt like a run-of-the-mill Marvel villain. A bad guy, sure, but not really scary. (I think the exception to this is the ice cream man scene, which was excellent).
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Emotional stakes. They were too low for me. The writers didn't really give me any reason to care that much about what was going on. I didn't feel terribly connected to Maya or her family; I don't know, I just didn't feel that we had enough investment in them. I don't really know how to solve this problem—it definitely wasn't a matter of screen time, because they got plenty. But for some reason, I just didn't really feel connected to any of them. I think my one exception to this was Henry; something about him was really compelling, and I really cared what happened to him. But with everyone else, I just felt sort of disconnected and a little apathetic. To make matters worse, though, it felt like the writers kept trying to use shorthand to make us care—they used different tropes and techniques to try to manufacture emotion; lots of sappy music and dialogue and things like that. But honestly, it all felt very unearned. It felt like emotional manipulation a little bit, if I'm being honest.
Fisk and Maya's relationship. We were just kind of told that they are close, and we get one scene of Maya as a little girl (again, the ice cream scene, which was great). But at that point, they were already close. I think I would have bought into their relationship more if we got to see how they first met, and why Fisk cared about her so deeply. The thing that sets Fisk apart from other Marvel villains is his great capacity for love, imo. But their relationship felt cheap and inauthentic, and I just didn't buy it. I think we needed more scenes like the ice cream man scene for their relationship to feel really authentic.
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Why was Fisk willing to give Maya his criminal empire? Make her the queenpin? After she shot him in the head??? This is a man who decapitated someone after that guy embarrassed him. Maya attempts murder, and Fisk is like "take my business." It just didn't make any sense to me. Maybe it would have made more sense if we got some more in-depth views of Fisk's love for Maya, but as it was, this just fell flat for me.
Fisk felt out of character in a lot of regards, but one of them is that he never learned ASL. What??? He's a smart man, and very good at languages. In Daredevil we see that he speaks the languages of everyone he works with—Madame Gao, Nobu, etc.—because he respects them and because he wants to be involved and know the ins and outs of his people. But he won't even learn ASL for a woman who he supposedly sees as a daughter???
The contact lens thing. That was just so weird, I did not like it Sam-I-Am. I don't know, maybe they'll make it work better if they use it in DDBA, but who knows.
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How did Fisk gain so much power again??? At the end of Daredevil season 3, which is now officially canon, Fisk was universally hated by the city after everything he did. But suddenly he has all this power, and it's unexplained. To be fair, I'll give the show a temporary pass. I assume that DDBA will answer some of those questions, probably gaining power during the blip, going under the radar until he has the media under his control, etc. But it felt weird not to have any acknowledgement of his current position or how he got there throughout the course of the show.
Fisk being defeated with Maya's new powers. I don't know, I think just the way it was executed, it felt really cheesy. Even cringey. I think the storyline of the ancestor magic could have been so powerful and cool against a different sort of villain. It would have been more impactful against a villain who had been set up as a more direct metaphor for racism or colonialism (I mean, Fisk is used as a metaphor for gentrification in Daredevil, but they never really go into that in Echo). I don't know, I think the way he was defeated was just really dissatisfying, and I was just disappointed.
Maya's powers in general felt a little underdeveloped. It's different than the comics, which is fine, but in that case, I think they should have spent even more time going over exactly what she can do. I don't know, again, it just felt cheesy at times. Which would have been fine in another show, but in this one, which was billed as a gritty, dark, crime drama, it just felt really out of place.
Her family members suddenly getting powers and then easily beating up Fisk's goons? That felt really cheesy to me. It made Fisk feel absolutely powerless and way less interesting of a villain. I just was never at all in any doubt that Maya's family was going to come out of it okay, because Fisk was not scary and they beat him so easily. It made the stakes feel really low. At the end of the show I was just like, "Oh, Fisk is weak. Guess Matt apparently is too, because Maya and her family took Fisk out in like five minutes."
Honestly, just the whole last episode. Before that episode, the show was at, like, a 7 for me. But the last episode dropped it down to a 5 imo. Again, a lot of the stuff in episode 5 is fine, but just didn't necessarily fit the genre or tone of the show.
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I was probably going into it with expectations too high. But I think, considering the talent that Marvel has, the show could have been incredible. I don't want to blame the artists too much, honestly, because there's clearly a lot of great artistic choices throughout. The whole thing feels like the writers wanted to do risky, interesting things with the storytelling, and then studio execs swooped in and were like
"No! You have to follow The Formula™️! The lead has to believe in herself and help everyone with magic and the villain needs to be defeated really conventionally and easily. And you need to use lots of jokes and sitcom style banter. It has to feel like a MARVEL movie, because everyone loves those. No one has any complaints about how stale they've gotten lately. Stick to the formula."
So it just feels like a bunch of half-baked decisions and risks they started on, but didn't fully commit to.
Idk, I'll give it a rewatch in a little while and see if my opinion changes or not. But those are my thoughts at this point. Again, not the worst show ever, but far below the bar of what it could have been. A lot of potential, but overall not to the standard that I think it deserved.
I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts; if you agree, disagree, think I'm an idiot, etc.
(An obligatory Matt gif to end the post)
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mskinkyafro · 1 year
Thoughts & Spoilers for S2 of FX The Bear
Overall it was a strong second season that for the most kept up to the same quality as the first, if not excel in some areas. I loved having specialized episodes for side characters and expanding on them.
It’s interesting to see if S3 will be having Carmy at a crossroads or questioning continuing this path and also still having to meet the profit deadline from Unc Jimmy.
Seeing the growth and different connections that each character comes to make The Bear successful and the dedication was truly just perfect and the writing for it blew me away.
Now I think my biggest critiques are regarding the romance aspects and the potential ships.
Claire & Carmy was so insignificant for me. Idk if they really wanted us the viewers to care about her and the relationship. But I felt mainly more upset that Carmy didn’t believe he can be happy and have a healthy work/life balance than Claire leaving.
I personally hope they don’t try to revive or bring this parking back. Not even as Chef Kiss shipper but the fact that we don’t see the impact that Claire really has on Carmy, what about her outside of outdated/pre-date canon lore to see why she’s so great for him and why he likes her?
After episode 6 to me it was made clear that Carmy is with Claire bc of what she represents than truly liking and “loving” her. She is a chance for him to feel normal and not too much of psycho or fucked up person.
I’d further say that his pursuing Claire and exploring this relationship was almost a way to “connect” to Mikey but also avoid “ending up”like Mikey. In the sense we learned how Mikey cared about Carm’s love life and happiness and was pushing him to be with her and so for him to years later be with her it almost like a sign to take his dead brother’s gift. But also the fact that she distracts him from the pressures of launching the restaurant, it helps eases his fear of following Mikey’s footstep and talking about a pipe dream restaurant but never completing anything or making it successful especially his runs with success were short lived bc he couldn’t handle it.
So then the big revelation falls flat and I don’t really feel bad for her bc once again I don’t see how he or even she could love someone in such a short span but what else did he learn about her and what did she learn about him. They both are in love of what they think they know but not the real person.
She understood he’s special but once again, I just felt like she was there to be a conflict engine and plot device for Carmy rather than a real character and it’s unfortunate but bc if that I really don’t care that she’s gone now. I just said hope we don’t see Carmy really going back to her bc I just don’t think the show establishes enough for me the viewer that he really loves this woman. It’s more of the potential than person.
Which goes back to what I said previously posted about that this very thing, perceptions and the understanding of these characters and would stop Carmy and Syd from being together. Now watching the full season I think there’s a clearer understanding of both shortcomings but also more discussion on not just the focus but what the need and expect from the other that’s outside of pristine persona or imposter syndrome that those two hide behind. And also it’s have to be a final season type of establish relationship if they did pursue Chef kiss bc it really is a slow burn that is remisncent of classic tv that I love. To keep the audience on the toes but watching the gradual affection and intimacy change. Shows keep trying to avoid that but I say keep creating bc that’s one of the most beautiful and profound parts of television imo.
Now for Syd and Marcus I peeped how they were trying to set it up and I’m sorry I’m not a fan. I feel like the dynamic should stay as brother/sister or friends. And it feels one sided rather than Syd is purposefully ignoring her feelings bc I don’t feel she has romantic feelings for Marcus and his reaction to her trying to place a boundary during dress rehearsal dinner me the wrong way.
Also in media and tv shows I find it telling when it seems that it’s more palpable to pair the “only” (in the case of the show they aren’t the only but you know what I’m getting at) two black characters just bc they black (that’s the vibes I get from the ships, but that’s my opinion. Others are welcome to disagree) vs having black female lead with the male white lead. Just saying especially how some in the fandom would rather not acknowledge the established connection whether you don’t interpret romantic or not between Syd and Carmy. But Marcus and Syd is just one of the ones that idk is slightly out of left field and doesn’t need to explore and once again, I bring up the point you’d want to maybe breadcrumb that but why the complete hell no for Syd and Camry? Just saying, bombastic side eye 👀
Anyway I get that like many modern shoes and comedy/frame does writers are hell bent on trying to be so cool and different and unlike others before them by being anti-romance but yet utilizing elements of it and trying add some side plots so it’s kinda like which is it?Just saying.
Anyway a great season, I love really dive into the characters and their history and especially the darkness and mental illness of the Berzatto family like probably the best fucking episode of tv I’ve seen. Just the writing the balance of characters to the acting and the direction like truly.
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newtwithinternet · 2 months
Some eragon movie sugar (because like yes 90% of this movie is shit, but there are parts i genuinely love):
Brom. Literally all of him. His appearance of a village idiot instead of a storyteller is questionable, but fun, his character is, imo, nailed and i definitely feel like many of his scenes were written with eragon bromsson twist in mind, because they hit hard, when you know ("plow the land, sow wheat and don't get in trouble"? The "better to ask forgiveness than permission" exchange? Brom's last words? Etc, etc, etc). Also his outfit design? Edgy just enough, to be cool, and blue as its signature color? Chef's kiss. (And Irons' performance is great)
the whole thing with soldiers and recruiting, which hopefully helps to avoid complaining about the empire "not looking evil enough"
a thing with the forests of spine being the king's property, because i do think crown owning forests and lands and harming people by it (as they can't use resources from there) is fitting both the "evil enough" empire and the medieval setting.
"i expected someone a little more… Well, more." Also that Durza appears more often (he's written rather terribly, but at least he's here). And that he sent eragon the dream about arya (it makes no sense for the lore and little sense for the plot, yes, but i like it better than eldunarya apparently trying to patch all the holes that are there in alagaesia using some greenie rider.)
"I waited a thousand years to hear your thoughts"
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tuiyla · 1 year
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About a year ago, Sal/coffeorderwrites posted a 2021 Glee gifmaker appreciation with positive vibes all around that celebrated this undead fandom’s creatives. I was honoured to be featured on there; at that point I had barely contributed anything to this fandom and didn’t really consider myself a part of the tumblr Gleeks. I hadn’t known about this very much alive community that’s still on here, still making edits and sharing thoughts and is so supportive. Being included on there was, in many ways, my first step towards where I am now in terms of the fandom. And though Sal isn’t on tumblr anymore (but maybe lurking!), I wanted to spread some positivity this year as well.
Despite the show having been off the air for 7 years now I feel like we’ve had a good year and had so many people either continue to contribute or come join this space as a newcomer. I’ve seen so many wonderful creations and I wanted to shout them out and remind all these people that their work is appreciated. Now, I’m focusing on just gifs in this post but this fandom creates so much and I very much encourage shoutouts to fanfic and meta authors and artists and anyone you can think of. Feel very free to add to this post or make a new one and spread the love. Also please do add gifmakers as well if you feel I’ve missed anyone or anything. It’s entirely possible and I do want everyone who added to Glee’s longevity to be appreciated. It’s by no means a definitive list and I did pick just one post from each creator to avoid this being a super long cheese fest but again, feel free to expand.
And one more thing before you click on the keep reading link and go to reblog every one of these sets, I wanted to shout out @gleeful-paintbox-project ( @sohoseance) and @gleesource (in particular @itstruthtime and @backslashdelta) for keeping the fandom spirit alive through their projects and fandom events. Just speaking for myself, Paintbox was absolutely crucial in involving myself more in the fandom and crawling out of my gifmaking hiatus. I cannot overstate important I consider Paintbox to be, both to the fandom in general and to myself. And gleesource’s Glee Anniversary Appreciation Week was, imo, a smashing success where I not only saw so many amazing creations but surprised myself by contributing every single day. Hope everyone enjoyed the Get to Know the Members event and is voting for their own favourites!
But now, without further ado:
GAAW Day 2 - dynamic: the Hummels’ dynamic is such a huge part of the show I’m sure it wasn’t an easy task to encapsulate it in a set but this one absolutely succeeds with great layout and just great vibes all around.
Puck + The Archer: sometimes lyrics sets are just meant to be and I consider this to be one of those, where it just fits so well and is executed in the best way. Particularly the first gif transition from archer to prey is *chef’s kiss* excellence.
They’re a 10 but: an incredibly pleasing gradient with such good typography and fun text, not to mention a killer and apt final gif. Very smooth and fun all around.
GAAW Day 3 - quote: Ngl this set has been living rent free in my head since May. I can’t get over how magnificent everything about it is, from the coordination of the colours to how it follows the theme. Exceptional idea executed in the best way possible. (Very strong runner-up and honourable mention because I have to.)
Chasing Pavements: an excellent choice for the gleesource get to know members event executed in a fun, purple-focused, blended way.
Chasing Pavements: again! Which shows how creatively and how differently you can interpret scenes. Part of the best solos series and indeed a best of gifset with vibrant green and just in general excellent colouring.
Santana Lopez: once again an excellent choice for the gleesource members event, devil in red as she should be,
Quinntana: there’s just something about black and white sets that have red as the one colour popping and demanding your attention, and there’s something about it that’s perfect for Quinntana. I loved this set the moment I saw it and still love it now, particularly the blending and typography.
Tina + Spellbound: we love giving Tina her dues and to do it in an animated text kind of way just makes it that much more magical.
GAAW Day 5 - color: rainbow sets my beloved, and what a fun selection of scenes.
@hummels-turn/ @sohoseance
Klaine + Labyrinth: incredibly chosen colours and such a nice typography, particularly that third gif with the transitions and just an excellent set overall.
Sam Evans: what a fun character post, what fun colours and typography and layout, and really just the whole deal.
Blam + Style: such a fun use of colours without it being, you know, all red and orange and I’m obsessed with the second gif in particular, an excellent match of scene and lyrics.
Klaine + The Only Heartbreaker: I’m such a fun of well-executed gradients in sets and the interplay of colours is excellent here, guiding us through a fun lyrics set.
Every Klaine duet - Let It Snow: I’ll always admire a series and this one edit within it in particular just grabbed me. Some fun typography across the board and across the 16 duets but it’s Let It Snow that I enjoyed the most.
Finchel: I’m nothing if not a sucker for silhouettes and this beautifully blended Finchel edit was the perfect way to hold that moment of silence on July 13th.
This was in no particular order and by no means included everyone, so again please do add!
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jayteacups · 9 months
Okay so I’ve decided to reread the AOT manga several chapters a day in preparation for the final final final final final part in November, and I’m currently on the Trost arc, and I just have to gush about Mikasa for a second this kill was so smooth I’m🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️AND THE WAY SHE STANDS ON ITS HEAD AS IT FALLS she’s so cool
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And then this bit right here is still my fav Mikasa moment in the entire series… I really love how she’s shown to care about not just Eren, and how she is angry that her comrades are dying whilst the evacuation of innocent civilians is being held up for such selfish and absolutely avoidable reasons…
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chefs kiss 🤌🏼
and then her exchange with little Louise… so cute 🥺 (before things go south in S4 but I don’t want to think about that because pain. Now shhhh)
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Anyways I just don’t want this moment to get overlooked since most people’s impression of Mikasa is ‘Eren simp bot’, which is sad, but honestly not too difficult to see why people take that stance considering there aren’t enough scenes focusing on Mikasa’s characterisation outside of Eren imo, and some of the later stuff doesn’t exactly help, but at least we have this cool Trost scene where not only does she kick ass, we see how she genuinely cares for more than just Eren, unlike what most of the fandom would have you believe
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manoosweebar · 2 years
Imagery of Steel Inquisitors
[spoilers for Mistborn Era 1, I suppose] Recently finished era 1 of Mistborn last summer (yet to start era 2, trying to pace myself through the sanderson-verse/cosmere thing????) and I just wanna talk about my thoughts behind how characters looked and specifically changed through the story. Specifically, Marsh
Marsh, being Kelsier’s brother, made me reckon they’d be similar. I had in my mind that he was a brunette to Kelsier’s dirty-blonde, mainly an auburn, reddish-brown shade. In terms of build I imagine he’s built well, but not super buff or anything
This of course changed when he became a Steel Inquisitor. I imagined/headcanon'ed these fucking monsters being built like a 40k Space Marine. Huge as hell, almost engorged with muscle in a way that gives them the build of an un-plugged fridge. Dwarfing characters like 5-foot-weighs-100-lbs-soaking-wet Vin and a great deal few heads taller than characters like Ham (HC'd as tall and built like a strongman) and Sazed (HC'd as tall, but more willowy/lanky). At the end of The Final Empire Marsh'd be bald, I HC'd him sporting a bit of short hair growth in Well of Ascension, but I couldn't see him as sporting anything else than wearing a wild chestnut-brown mowhawk and short beard in Hero of Ages. I don't know why. I just did and it was great?
I was advised to avoid fanart for the books until after I read them by a friend (Wise friend, she is). That's when I saw that most depictions are much different than what I headcanoned. Outfits, spikes, and tattoos were good but it was the size that was the most different. They were jacked, ofc, but they weren't as monstrously massive as I had imagined.
I feel like the imagery I imagined... idk, fit more? Mostly on a subtle-body-horror thing going on with Mistborn era 1 and the logic behind some of their powers
IMO, some of the creatures in era 1 are ghoulishly scary. You can see bones of the corpse-eating mistwraiths through their skin. Similarly, Kandra eat people, wear their skins, and (when not wearing people bodies) wear bodies of stone and crystal. Koloss. GOOD LORD THE HULK SMURFS. The baby guys have flabby blue skin that tears and bleeds as they get bigger. And they're all creatures made with Hemalurgy. Steel Inquisitors make due in the body horror with the whole spikes thing, but them being the size of the average dude is not enough. I Need Them to be huuuuuge.
Plus, their immense strength comes from a combo of burning pewter and using the stored strength from feruchemy, right? Specifically with Feruchemy, we see in tFE that when Sazed taps into strength he gets jacked as well. I think hes described as growing taller due to it, but I don't have the books with me to double check. Either way, if they're constantly burning MAD GAINZ MAGIC™, I'd imagine they're roided out the wazzoo
I need more art of Steel Inquisitors to make them MONSTERS. The offical art and fan-art thats out there is (Chef's Kiss) beutiful, but I'd love to see this kind of take on steel inquisitors
[Please no spoilers for the rest of the series, I promise I'm getting through it as fast as I can to enjoy the memes, art and discussions]
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
some meta on the biggest simp™ of TMF
Hellooooooo local populace of tumblr. If you’re looking for something toa-related unfortunately this is not the post you are probably looking for, but alas! I write it anyway. Now to find out if the series has anything on tumblr…
This is about tmf (the music freaks) a series by rosyclozy on youtube (which is honestly the superior gacha series compared to every other series i’ve ever seen, imo), so please check it out! The editing is truly *chefs kiss* and it’s voice acted and so good omg.
Onto the thing!
In my experience, people seem to really underplay peer pressure – it really isn’t as simple as they say. “Just say no and leave if they offer you drugs” and whatnot. It’s not always illegal drugs or crimes or something (even though you should avoid that anyway); sometimes, the people you hang out with affect what you do, change how you act, who you are, your other relationships. And that’s where I introduce the skrunkly guy called Jake, the protagonist!!
Poor guy has been bullied for his passion. When he gets taken in by a popular guy and his friends, he is given protection from his bullies – but as time goes on, he becomes a bully himself. (villain arc??) you became the one thing you swore to destroy- why? Because he wanted to fit in, to keep his friends. In this world, it’s yeet or be yeeted, and it’s not different in tmf either, apparently.
The desire to fit into a community is a basic part of us. That’s why peer pressure is so strong – we want to be “doing it right”, “fitting in”, and being accepted by others around us in the community.
Or who knows! Maybe my perspective is skewed because I'm more of a doormat than others. But this isn’t considered in those lessons I've been taught.
Passion – passion and motivation probably power the world. It’s probably how we even got this far as a species. Ao3, for example, is notorious for having some extremely hardworking authors delivering amazing content for free… and I suppose the series I'm talking about right now is also a great example. Peer pressure vs. passion? Oh boy, that poor guy. Something that drives you, that gives you happiness, vs. something that changes you, affects your “character”, gives you a degree of satisfaction? That’s an internal war.
I don’t think anyone thinks this decision between 2 groups is anything remotely easy for Jake, but just in case, I'm gonna say it because I want to: it really isn’t easy in the slightest. There will always be people who clash and don’t get along. Being torn between 2 friends (perpetually, not just 2 friends who had a fight), is horrible. (again, experience). Out of fear of losing one or the other side’s liking of you made that… incredibly awkward tbh lol. All you wanted was to be friends with both with no conflict but here we are! C’est la vie, or something. Society is a work of art. Our poor, poor resident simp.
In the upcoming (hopefully soon 🙏🙏) episode 10, Jake will probably continue to be given the cold shoulder by the music club, but on the other side? He might realize that they framed him and made this happen, so HE might give the POPULAR ONES some ire too. (or not. Pesky society things.)
(and if that happens, he’ll be really alone. Alone like he was in middle school. Back to square 1.)
But things are gonna go DOWNNN and i’m excited to see just how they will occur!
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grievedeeply · 1 year
Bess stands only 5'5", and has never suffered for it. Slim and lithe, she has the body of a dancer with the strength of a brute. Her chestnut locks sit at the top of her head with the rest shaved to the skin. It flows down the left side of her face a stops just below her shoulder in very gentle waves. Often she braids the front strands towards the back to keep all of it out of her face. With little turquoise and brown wooden beads that her father had carved for her when she first became a maiden.
She moves with all the grace of a prowling feline on the road and in the wilderness. Else she lopes in a relaxed gait adjusting her stride to keep pace with whichever companion she has at the time. Her soft features only harden in battle and though it may be subdued, her expression often reflects her thoughts, otherwise she keeps the subtle ghost of an amused smile, gentle as mist and sweet as honeysuckle.
Her blue-gray eyes often sparkle with a cleverness that encourages others to laugh tho she rarely jokes outright. Preferring to let you stumble into a grammical mistake, realize it, and try to stumble your way out and make a complete fool of yourself in the process. All while she blinks and smiles innocently at you. But she still laughs softly and teases lightly to ease your embarrassment.
If not for the alarmingly vast number of scars she bore from her head to her legs, she would have a neverending line of suitors. As it was her face was marred with a large streaked scar on her left cheek, a thin one catching the tail of her right eyebrow, and the gnarled tearing scar that led down and spread across the majority of her neck. It would take a thorough, close inspection to see that the scar on her chin was actually not part of the large one on her neck. It simply overlapped, as such it always looked awkward.
Her attire was simple, a sleeveless green tunic, and black trousers. Her armor made mostly of leather, with a sash of sky blue and gray embroidery that somehow matched her eyes. Her spear was an unusual sight in these parts but not unheard of. And she knew exactly how to use it. Moving like rapids in the spring, dancing across the battlefield, her thrusts strong and precise.
Kratos didn't know what to make of her at first. This strange, quiet, capable little woman. She seemed too young to be wandering the woods by herself hunting sadŕ. He would have left her to it if the same camp she was stalking did not also hold trapped wolves. He had promised to free any wolves he found after all.
Of course, that one camp was not the end. Naturally she enticed him to follow her to treasure troves and join her on monster hunts. With Atreus out searching for gaint souls, Kratos was rather bored after settling the biggest concerns around the nine realms with Freya. So he followed Bess.
i was asked to proof read, so join me in my thought process if you want to LOL
WOW! the descriptors you use here to describe her and her relationship with the world around her is soo good. i loooove how you describe everything so in detail. it really brings the character out of the screen imo
i don't really have any constructive criticism, but i do have one thing i noticed that i generally try to avoid when i write my own work. you used stumbled twice in the same sentence, which isn't a grammatical error at all, but it is something i try to not to because it bothers me LMFAO. instead of stumbled. i feel like the use of the same word in the sentence actually works for this paragraph though 🤔
setting up the story with kratos is just chefs kiss!! i love that.
something else i noticed was the "tho" and i'm assuming it was just a typo or autocorrect (i use tho out of writing a LOT lol). and there's nothing wrong with using it and other abbreviations while writing a rough draft, buuuut i would try to go back and correct those before posting
also also, don't be afraid of using semicolons or em dashes. i love using those things in my writing it makes me feel sophisticated lol
other than that, be sure to go back after writing and check grammatical errors/typos. i don't ever proof read my own stuff and i definitely should so im a hypocrite for saying this buuuut... definitely worth it
anyway, i really enjoyed this! keep it up :)
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wishful-soda · 2 years
Obviously don’t answer this too soon re: spoilers
my overall thought is that it PERFECTLY showed the progression in how they feel/think about each other without being too explicit like you just subtly showed it in actions/words and that’s what made it SO chefs kiss my GOD
my quick summary is to share the 3 moments where i went from smiling so wide while reading to jaw dropped on the floor:
1. you’re harder to hate than you think you are- DID HE RLY JUST ADMIT THAT TO HER imo that’s one step from him admitting to himself he loves her like my GOD
2. CHRISTIAN HORNER. TEAM PRINCIPAL. Ma’am i CACKLED i cannot BELIEVE u did this it’s the best thing to ever happen to me i SWEAR
3. Alright there’s a new purpose now…. THEY WAY HE JUST CHANGED THE TONE SUCCESSFULLY AND MADE IT SIGNIFICANT I DIED. how did you successfully craft this transition it was too perfect
Other thoughts are:
THE FACT CHARLES WAS LIKE OH I KNOW WHO WILL MAKE HER FEEL BETTER like. 6 months ago people would have made them avoid each other to not get more pissed off but NOW they’re so damn OBVIOUS (i mean charles knows they’re fucking but to know they will bring each other a better MOOD is just SO MUCH SKSKSKS)
I know we saw the ~more obsessed with her than i am~ line in the WIP game but it still hit. SO. hard.
i laughed out loud at “that they’re a shit couple and no one thinks they’re good together” and max’s response was so max like i could HEAR it in his voice
i also snorted at daniel “it’s pretty big” at the hickey…. cocky son of a bitch… actually just that whole scene is cocky son of a bitch… and i LOVED IT esp w the whole backwards hat image going on
daniel is literally INCAPABLE of paying attention to anything but charles hands and movements like this is a NEW level of jealousy…. i wish him good luck in the coming chapters sksksks. But it hurts my physically the way he just loses all anger when she smiles at him like JESUS he is in so deep he’s gotta admit that to himself (more on this later but he pretty much has admitted it he just hasn’t SAID it to himself he is SO close to figuring it out and i for one can’t wait)
trying not to over comment here but i love every bit of it jsyk why i can’t stop
ok we carry on:
“you don’t need to remind me that you hate me” :(((((((((((( i cry
the WAY they’re just. chatting in the alleyway just HOLDING each other. and they’re gonna tell me they’re not in love? IDIOTS I HATE THEM I LOVE THEM
THEY TRUST EACH OTHER. that’s a HUGE deal maam i love that u included that 😭😭😭😭😭
using the blow job idea for a reassurance thing…… absolute GENIUS my GOD it was perfection
“angry rough and manly revenge fyck” IS THE FUNNIEST LINE EVER daniel laughing and giving up is so in character i love them.
and lastly he ADMITTED he is trying to get her to like him…. which is admitting basically that he already likes her (not just doesn’t hate her) ITS RLY HAPPENING HERE!!! and i DIED my heart was POUNDING at this moment
ANYWAYS, final thoughts:
the way she was using their enemy start as a barrier and now he took down the first layer (their meeting) there are LESS REASONS TO NOT BE IN LOVE NOW!!!! you are perfectly stripping down the layers of the walls between them until it will be undeniable for them and that’s why you’re the best fic author on this site! i said what i said!

thanks for another AMAZING chapter i cannot WAIT for more!!!!! you are BEYOND appreciated i hope you know that 🥹😭🤘🏼
Okay listen; I fucked around with the moment where he pivots the purpose of the moment for SO LONG and I literally was so anxious about it, like I felt it was too...idk meh. So when you tell me that I pulled it off? STOP I'LL CRY 😭
Also I love that you mentioned Max's response to Daniel's "They're a shit couple" comment because I stg I HEARD Max's voice in my head as I wrote that, like his laugh and the way he says 'mate', it was literally just an audio in my brain so so I'm so glad that it came across the way I was hearing it.
AND YES. Max finally opened his damn eyes. I feel like Daniel doesn't even realize how obvious he's being now, he thinks he's still playing it lowkey and that he's got everyone fooled and in reality the only person he's got fooled is himself 😏
Listen I've come to grips that girly pop just expresses lots of her emotions with blowjobs ok? She's all about that 🙇‍♀️
ALSO; when he breaks and starts laughing and gives up, omg I felt like it was so Daniel so I love that you caught that too!
Y'all are gonna get tired and fed up with the hold holding I swear because I'm obsessed with it.
"the way she was using their enemy start as a barrier and now he took down the first layer (their meeting) there are LESS REASONS TO NOT BE IN LOVE NOW!!!!" BESTIE YOU'VE GOT IT NAILED. Homegirl knows that as soon as there's no more reasons to hate him she's going to fall HARD and she's flipping the fuck out.
THANK YOU SO MUCH BBY!!! I seriously look forward to your thoughts and comments every time I post and get super stoked when I see you in my notifications. I LOVE YOU AND APPRECIATE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW 😭😘😘🥰🥰
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minimoefoe · 2 years
Thirteen Era Rewatch: Eve of the Daleks
I'm re-watching Thirteen's era in lead up to the Centenary and since this is likely going to be my last full re-watch for a while I thought I'd do a post on each ep where I just go over all the things I love, hate or just have some general thoughts on.
Low-key the TARDIS being fucked is one of those things that was cool in the first couple of eps of Flux and the scene of them fixing it in this ep was also cool but it felt kinda pointless overall idk. And obvs the TARDIS is the reason the time loop happens but surely they coulda explained it some other way? Or the TARDIS coulda done it anyways without the need for the repairing it aspect
Yaz hitting Dan when he suggests they should all just leave lmao
Nick keeping his ex’s stuff is so weird. The scene where they’re like ‘uh they’re still alive aren’t they’ is funny and I don’t think this stuff is problematic like I’ve seen some ppl say, but I do think it just makes his character look like such an idiot to the point where I almost dislike him like why the actual fuck are you keeping all that stuff ‘just in case they ask for it back’ when you could give it to them yourself or just throw it away. Idk it just winds me up
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Love how upfront Yaz is about wanting to know what’s been going on with the Doctor. Like the second the Doctor was like ‘I wanna tell you everything’ Yaz is like yeah imma hold you to that. And I love how frustrated she is that it hasn’t happened yet
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I love Sarah so much her vibe is unreal
Words cannot express how much this caught me off guard when the ep aired. And I literally thought this was gonna be all we got as well
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I love their friendhisp so much
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Something about the way she just short circuits kills me idk
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13’s motivational is 10/10 cringe as fuck I really don’t like it
I LOVE when Yaz literally loses the ability to put sentences together when tryna explain how she feels about the Doctor. It’s god tier.
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The entire scene with Yaz and Dan is chef’s kiss tbh. Do ppl think Yaz is just saying she’s never admitted her feelings for the Doctor? Or do ppl think it’s that on top of 13 being the first woman Yaz has fancied so she’s not admitted that to herself either? I think I prefer the idea that she also has never felt this way for a woman and so is like, also coming to terms with that but idk, I think it could be read either way
I love the scene with 13 and Dan and how he’s calling her out. Kinda shows he’s closer with Yaz and has more loyalty to her than 13, which obviously makes sense.
I know some ppl say it’s kinda messed up that Dan ‘outed’ Yaz to 13 but I don’t think it is tbh. It’s established that Dan knows that 13 knows and is just tryna pretend she doesn’t. Dan hasn’t just decided to randomly drop this news on her, it’s less like he’s giving her new info and more like he’s telling her to get a move in and face it. Which imo makes sense bc 13 is in the position of power when it comes to her and Yaz, in that she’s older and more experienced in like, every way, so it feels like Dan, who is also older/wiser than Yaz and is closer to 13’s level, is calling her out for avoiding what’s going on bc it’s not fair that she’s doing that
I love the faces she makes in this scene as well like she’s really going through it lmao
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Lives were changed
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The way 13’s face changes from happy to sad/worried KILLS ME. It’s like shes finally letting herself feel something for Yaz, or like, show that feeling, but then her face changes bc she remembers she can’t let herself go there bc it won’t last and it’ll hurt
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bitimdrake · 2 years
I hate most fanon “Bruce’s favorite child” stuff, (and it’s not always Cassandra, I’ve seen it for Dick too a lot, and Tim less explicitly and labeled but with stuff said like Tim being the easiest to work with, the most like him, etc. I’ve also seen some Duke stuff moving in this direction unfortunately) because it’s lazy, it’s repetitive, who cares who Bruce’s favorite is when he’s just an okay dad overall, (imho I feel like being Bruce’s “favorite child” would be more of a curse than a blessing!) and it usually results in people being written OOC.
Unless. The favorite is Jason/Robin!Jason. In which case I find the idea perfect and tragic and potentially interesting
Okay, so 'Bruce's favorite kid' doesn't necessarily annoy me actually. I think there are a couple ways to believably claim one kid or another is his favorite, and many ways to dive into how that affects (or doesn't affect) relationships within the family. imo it's something that could create a lot of hugely interesting stories.
However a lot of it comes in such a flat package of like...[insert kid] is his unargued favorite, and everyone knows this and openly comments on it, and this is always a good thing for the kid except for the sibling resentment. But that's bullshit!! Sometimes the kid picked makes no sense. (Cass as the favorite child is always always always lazy ooc writing to avoid giving her any nuance. I am not versed on Duke yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same thing.) Often the way every character talks about and treats it reads as such flat nonsense where no character acts like a real person. And yes!!! Being Bruce's favorite would almost certainly not be sunshine an rainbows! Being a favorite child does not actually mean Bruce necessarily treats them well! Or that they enjoy the role!
...but fuck yeah, Bruce's favorite kid being the dead kid who can be sanctified in his mind and who no living child could possibly live up to is [chef's kiss] I love the trauma and angst.
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layalu · 2 years
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Saw this and had some time to kill, so.. have a thing P: Definitely not a definitive list for sure lol there's a lot of games I could put in each of these categories
Overall best
I don't have any one "favourite game of all time" so I just put BOTW in there as a placeholder since it's a pretty good summary of a lot of things I like in games and one of my faves for sure
Fave series
Charming style, charming music, gameplay based on solving riddles... i just really like these games <3 Close seconds are KH, DA and LIS though
Best OST
Not just Journey but all of Austin Wintory's stuff is just... chef's kiss
That being said tho it's SO hard to choose, there are so so many games with amazing music
Favourite protag
Sassy sweet dumbass who doesn't shut up ever and gets into the most stupid and hilarious shenanigans, delightful all around. Hawke is a very very close second because I love them,, so much,,,,,
Favourite villain
Iconic, terrifying, snarky, tragic... also she lied about me getting cake and that automatically makes her the most evil villain
Best story
This was a tough one cos I couldn't really pick any one best story, but TTM's is definitely one that stuck with me the most
Haven't played yet but want to
Boy there's a LOT of games I still want to play, but TW3 is a big one
You love but everyone hates
Re:Coded is one of the least popular games in the franchise, and I agree that the story is one of (it not the) weakest in the series, but the gameplay is hella fun imo
You hate that everyone loves
Honesty no idea.....
Best art style
There are. SO many gorgeous games, but Okami is hands down one of the most visually unique and pretty ones out there. Some other styles I really love are both Ori games, TWEWY, and NITW (and a whole bunch more but those are some of my faves)
Fave ending
Again super hard to choose, but FFX's ending sequence was one of those that hit me in the feels with a ton of bricks and just... ughhh
Fave boss fight
Tbh I don't often care for boss fights, specially rpg ones, but the Unova E4 were ones that I really liked
Childhood game
BFBB was the first video game I had (and for a long time the only one I had lol) and the one I remember the most of, tho Pokemon Stadium and Little Big Planet are close contenders
Relaxing game
I wasn't sure if I was gonna like this one cos I'm not super into management sims, but it's delightfully relaxing and charming
Stressful game
I tend to avoid stressful games so i wasn't sure about this one, but funnily enough when I think of stressful games the first that come to mind are all from the Löwenzahn CDs I had. I loved them, but boy did some of those games stress little me tf out
Game you always come back to
The last couple years, Celeste! Every now and then I'll give the bonus levels another go, or restart the main game to try and beat them faster/ with fewer deaths
Guilty pleasure
Dunno if I'd call it guilty pleasure exactly, but whenever I play Minecraft I'm only ever on creative building stuff. Wanted to put this in the "relaxing game" slot but put it here instead p:
Tons of hours played
DA:I :'). It's a long game..... and I always wanna explore everything and do all the sidequests.......
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nymph1e · 4 years
Okay fuck it, I gotta give in, I gotta watch through Supernatural. AFAIK, it's all on Netflix; at least I saw it on there in passing. Going into this, is there anything I should be aware of? Are there any episodes I should skip, any seasons? Should I start from season 4? I know the basic plot and concept, and I know it's very monster-of-the-week. But aside from me highkey shipping Destiel already, that's all.
Well my first piece of advice would be
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but uh, let’s fucking ~GO~
If you’re actually jumping into this hellhole (why why why) don’t start at season 4. It’s tempting, but seasons 1-3 are some of the best shit in the whole show, also having context for Sam and Dean’s characters, and their relationship with the supernatural up to season 4 really highlights how fucking wild the introduction of angels is in the show. it’s basically a complete paradigm shift.
I would recommend you watch seasons 1-5 basically as is, though if you’re in a rush, season three is kinda skippable as long as you read a general synopsis. This is the original arc of the show and it shows. A friend of mine, @sammwinchestersdimples​ has said she’d have been fine if the show had ended there, and I can totally see her point. After season five things start to get... uhhhhh... not as good. THAT BEING SAID some really amazing seasons come later, and you’d get nowhere NEAR the Full Destiel Experience without them. What REALLY sucks is that all the seasons have good moments in them, so even if the seasons are generally bad, they’ll have episodes of GOLD. But fuck it, here’s a season-by-season breakdown.
Season 6 - This is the first... “eh” season. There’s a lot of character choices made in this one that I don’t like. The plot also doesn’t quite seem to know what to do with itself and it has no real main villain... or I guess it has a twist villain? This is also the season where they start chucking in the typical “no homos” you get when a show is queerbaiting, so they can point to the no homo bits and claim the queers are delusional.
Season 7 - The absolute WORST season, imo, is season 7, and it features Cas the least out of all the post season 4 seasons. You can tell the writers genuinely tried to write Cas off here. Not to mention the main plot is completely stupid. HOWEVER this is the season where we get golden things like Cas showing up to Dean’s prayer naked and covered in bees, and the episode where Charlie (best girl) is introduced and Dean subsequently has to flirt with a dude because she, a lesbian, cannot. (Wow so straight, Dean)
Episodes Not To Skip:
6x03 - A good Cas/plot episode (spot the famous destiel quote)
6x04 - A good all-round episode, also Jackles directed it so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6x09 - This is one of the Batshit Episodes. Definitely watch.
6x10 - On the one hand, Cas episode. On the other, no homo, megstiel episode. Your choice.
6x11 - Good episode.
6x15 - THE ULTIMATE META EPISODE. Sam and Dean are teleported into Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles’ lives on the set of Supernatural and it is so batshit.
6x17 - Jolly good episode, and nice destiel content.
6x18 - Time travel episode, which is always fun.
6x19 - “Baby in a trenchcoat.” ‘Nough said.
6x20 - The Man Who Would Be King is the destiel episode. It is infamous in the fandom, and for good reason. It’s not just a good destiel episode, but one of the best episodes in the series. With banging lines like “Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.” and “For a brief moment, I was me again.”
6x21 & 6x22 - The last two episodes are kind of must-watches after TMWWBK, trust me.
Episodes Not To Skip:
7x01 & 7x02 - follows on from s6 final. You don’t wanna skip.
7x05 - Good general episode
7x06 - Again, good general episode. Sets ups plot for the season.
7x08 - Ugh. So the A plot for this episodes invoves Becky, the insane, stalker, fandom-insert character, roofie Sam into marrying her (and it’s heavily implied they have sex - and it’s treated as a joke despite being LITERAL RAPE). BUT this is the episode where Garth is introduced and Garth is fucking amazing. So. IDEK.
7x10 & 7x11 - Plot important.
7x12 - Time travel episode! See if you can catch the bi!dean moment ;)
7x17 - Cas is back! Or is he???
7x21 - Cas episode. It’s... interesting.
7x22 - The tagline for this episode is “Sam and Dean seek out an Alpha” 😭. It’s a Cas episode.
7x23 - If Cas weren’t in this episode I’d say skip it.
Season 8 - A fantastic season. If The Man Who Would Be King is the destiel episode, season 8 is the destiel season. When you watch this, DM me so I can RANT about all the amazing destiel this season. It’s also, again, a great season in general I remember watching it as it was airing it was soooo good. You have the arrival of the Bunker, you have Kevin and Charlie being awesome, some nice sprinkles of batshit episodes, BEST BOY BENNY rocks up in all his glory. Fucking epic season. Only downside it Sam’s character takes a bit of a dive. I’d recommend you watch through all of this season.
Episodes To AVOID:
7x13 - I literally pretend this stupid fucking episode doesn’t exist. Basically Dean impregnates a woman with Super Pregnancy and she has a daughter who becomes an adult within hours and then dies. The end. Everyone hated it. Man fuck this episode. Of course it was written by Buckleming.
Season 9 - Sadly, after how amazing season 8 was, and how spectactularly season 9 was set up, this season is a disappointment. It’s an ok season. It’s not bad, it’s not good, it’s just a bit all over the place.
I was going to give you the normal episode list to not skip, but looking through, most episodes this season should be watched for one reason or another. Either they’re Cas heavy, they do some interesting character building, or they feature one of the awesome side characters like Charlie or Jody.
This season is probably the height of the war in the writers’ room about destiel. Some writers want to no homo the whole thing and back way off, while other writers want to lean into it hard. So in the same season where SPOILER Cas loses his virginity to a random reaper woman and Dean kicks Cas out of the bunker to fend for himself, you also have Cas’ fatal flaw used as propaganda against him by Metatron being that he’s "in love” with humanity Dean. /SPOILER Whatever you do DON’T SKIP THE FINAL FEW EPISODES. TRUST ME.
Season 10 - Haha oh dear. This season is likely the biggest for wasted potential. You saw the end of season 9, right? You go “HOLY SHIT YES LET’S DO THIS” and then they do... season 10. They really became experts at setting up an awesome season only to fuck it up in delivery, right? Again, not a bad season, per se.
Episodes To AVOID:
9x05 - In which Dean wants to fuck a dog. I am not joking. I wish I were. Basically a spell-gone-wrong makes Dean doglike. it’s weird. it’s batshit. Not the good kind.
Season 11 - Season 11 is a pretty good season! They tried to give Dean a female love interest but Jackles said  ✨No✨ and played Dean as brainwashed and uncomfortable the whole time and I love him for it. Of special note this season is the episode Baby (11x04), which is my favourite episode in the series! It’s funny, it’s heartwarming, it’s weirdly shot. I love it! We also get casifer this season which is awesome! Some episodes are skippable, but they’re generally good episodes.
Episodes NOT to Skip (ignore the 10 year special):
10x01 & 10x02 - Great episodes, Dean in this is *chefs kiss*.
10x04 - *sighs* Fan Fiction. A 200th episode that is simultaneously a love letter to fans and laughing in fans’ faces. I’ve never liked this episode for the second-hand embarressment of it all, but you should watch it and see if you like it.
10x06 - Pretty good episode.
10x07 - Jody AND Donna! Fantastic episode!
10x08 - Dadstiel rears his ugly head. I fucking love how Cas adopts two (2) kids over the course of the series and in both cases Dean eventually goes “ah fuck, I guess I gotta co-parent this thing”. Also we get some KILLER destiel this episode. hey go on a DATE and Cas tells Dean he’s a good person ^_^
10x09 - Good episode. Much destiel.
10x10 - Charlie episode!
10x11 - Teen!Dean! Need I say more?
OK so I just had a look, and you really just need to watch every episode from this point in the season on. Enjoy!
Season 12 - Another example of a TERRRIBLE season, is season 12. Season 12 is also one of the most destiel-heavy seasons in the show. You see the issue? Like, it’s got a stupid plot that makes no sense and has no fucking cohesion, but you also FINALLY have the writers going “fuck it” and all in on the destiel. After this point Dean never has another non-Cas love interest and vice versa, they stop giving us whiplash from baiting and no-homoing. IF the conspiracy theory is true, and the end of the show is shit because of executive meddling, this season is the one where the writers decided they were gonna push for destiel endgame.
I gotta tell you the truth, I skipped this season in my rewatch, so all of my memories are from years ago when it first came out. This seson was the last that I watched live (for a reason). Should you skip it? No. But I’m not well informed enough about this season that I can point out what episodes you should or should not watch.
Season 13 - Congratulations! You’ve reached the point where the show’s gotten consistently good again! (just in time for most of the audience to have already left lol). We start off with SPOILERS Dean mourning Cas like he’s lost the will to fucking live. I’m talking complete despondence, praying for Cas to come back, lashing out in anger at everything, one of the darkest points we’ve ever seen him at on the show, then pulling a 180 and being super happy the second Cas comes back. /SPOILERS They also introduce Jack, who is the SECOND child Cas decides to adopt and Dean ends up co-parenting (Sam too). In fact, Jack is explicity Sam, Cas, and Dean’s kid.
Season 14 - Another good one. My only issue is where they decided to take the plot at the end of the season. I’d recommend watching it all, regardless.
Season 15 - And so we’ve come to the end of the line. This season was... well it was actually pretty good. It started off with what we hellers lovingly refer to as the “divorce arc” where Cas and Dean have a big blow up, and Cas leaves, but that ends with Dean praying on his knees for forgiveness and a nice hug. Honestly this season you can cut the tension between the two of them like a knife, and you can tell Misha and Jensen were doing it deliberately.
I’d say watch up until 15x18, then you decide what to do with the last two episodes. If you want you can watch them to understand just why people put their conspiracy theory hats on, or you can send me another ask and I’ll rec you some post 15x18 finale fics! There’s one fic that’s a replacement for 15x20 written in script format that is particularly good.
Anyway that’s it. It’s kind of left me a little sad, to break down the show in this way. Especially coming up to season 15 nd remembering all the wasted potential. Honestly if you do decide to watch the show, good luck. I hope you enjoy it. I’m also glad you never had to be put through the bullshit false hope that came about after 15x18.
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[ Foreign Affairs spoilers post ] 🥲 scroll past this post if you wanna keep living under the rock 😔🤟
i was busy for a whole day so haven’t got the chance to read the final chapter.. until now 🥲 slow poke eats dust i guess 😔
first off. CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW HOT BLAINE IS? 🥺 how i’m crazy for this part?? like the “mg girlfriend” hits me so hard i’m crying— 🥲
everyone’s outfits in this chapter is *chef kiss* 🥵 i noticed every little detail, like that little pin of Ardona flag on Blaine’s suit, Henri’s crown, Zaira’s necklace... omfg everything in this chapter is ✨beautiful✨
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i mean we all guessed how MC and their LI will definitely public their thing in this final chapter, but i just didn’t think it will include a very emotional part of LI worried that MC will regret being with them 😭😭😭 i mean my heart broke a little seeing Blaine be so sad and so afraid that he’s gonna be abandoned again, just because his partner couldn’t take the stress...again 🥲
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and the end!! THE END!!! 🥲🥲🥲
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i saw someone’s post, saying they expected Mom to react more.. shock, when she found out her child’s date is a very unexpected person. and tbh, i agree. especially in my case, being in Blaine’s route. like, literally, Rivals to Lovers 🥲 which be more scandalous love story than that? 🥺 (i still find it funny, the part when Blaine nudges his father to go up and sign the treaty despite the 2 countries are still not allies) 😂
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finally, i just wanna say...
i can’t believe Nanny and Queen B get book 2, but not this masterpiece 😔 i mean i can see where it’s going if it continues, and somehow i believe it’s gonna turn into a mini The Royal Romance. so i guess it’s what PB is trying to avoid.
being royalty is sure a popular topic for books, but already TRR and TRH got shit on a lot because of overuse and milking for content. i’m a big fan of TRR, it’s my second book i read when i got the game, but even i got tired and really not looking forward to this last TRH book. i just want peace 🥲 no more fighting bad guys, i just wanna build a family with my husband and my daughter 🥲
therefore, despite this book is great, i wouldn’t want it to become another TRR kinda style. maybe it’s best if it’s a standalone, despite having so many potential to become a series? 🥲 it pains me to say this, but i really don’t want this really good book to be tampered with and becomes another monstrosity, like they way they did with TRR 🥲
imo, this is by far the best book PB had released in 2020 - first half of 2021 (minus the open-for-all VIP books). i’ve never felt so excited to catch up with a book like this one, even with OH on going. book got new point of views, new kind of romance (Rivals to Lovers, LI to bad guy), new problems to tackle, new twists... i love the creativity 🥺 i really hope to see more realistic books like this in the future (yes i’m looking at you Wolf Bride) 🙄
never actually introduced this, but my MC’s name is Iris Potter, First Daughter of Rutherland ✨ just because i felt like this book took place in the European side of the world, like Cordonia, therefore she deserves a Brit name... Potter just popped up in my head, automatically 😂
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emcon-imagines · 2 years
***SPIDERMAN NWH SPOILER WARNING*** First of all KFBDBISVFHRIFJH IT WAS SO GOOD AMAZING INCREDIBLE I CANT DESCRIBE IT. Second sorry if this is long and all over the place idk how to put my thoughts into words in an organized manner. To start, can I just say how much I love Ned, I didn’t realize how funny he was how did I miss it. Also, seeing the movie made me realize just how I had absolutely no fucking clue what the movie was about (cause in my head after accidentally seeing 0.5 second clips, I had made up this whole plot) and then AUNT MAY 😭😭😭😭 If I had been alone watching the movie I would have bawled my eyes out, cause WHY?! They didn’t have to do us like that ;( and then the three spidermans, absolutely BEAUTIFUL *chefs kiss* I loved it all, just seeing them interact idk I can’t explain it, despite not watching their other movies, I LOVED it. (I watched Tobey’s when I was younger but I don’t really remember, and Andrew’s I haven’t watched but I have seen the scene of Gwen). I think this is my favorite Spider-Man movie out of Tom’s three. Also I kind of thought they would make fun of the “with great power comes great responsibility” line cause of how commonly it’s used but nope. And I was a little lost on who the villains were cause you know i haven’t watched their movies but still I loved it. omg I almost forgot how could I. When MJ is falling and Peter tries to catch her but fails and then Andrew’s Spider-Man dives after her cause he couldn’t have what happened to Gwen happen to her and catches her and just holds her while crying 😭😭😭 I will say though that Peter (tom’s) annoyed me a little cause Ik he wanted to help everyone but strange was right cause if he changed the fate of the villains there are gonna be side effects to that, and then he did all of THAT, and Aunt May dying and the whole city basically getting trashed only to end up back to the beginning, only he could have avoided everything if he sent them back 🤡 also I sometimes ruin movies with a lot of special effects for myself cause I just imagine what the behind the scenes must look with them doing silly things and looking stupid and then I feel like I don’t really ENJOY it as much although maybe that’s just me tricking myself into thinking that I’m not enjoying it when I am, I have no clue now (it’s like when I was little and I found out that people lipsync in music videos, my whole world changed) anyways, the ending 🥺🥺 whyyyyyyyyy?;?:$: I just kept thinking about the fact that NO ONE would remember him, like the avengers wouldn’t even know about him anymore, wouldn’t know how much Tony cared for him or their interactions before that (oh my god I wrote that and I just remembered that nat died too and that Steve became a grandpa, and they are the only ones that really interacted with Peter (I think) whatever they are all alive in my head 😌) the whole time after strange wiped their memories, I was waiting for Peter to tell MJ or Ned a whole speech of who he was but he never said anything :( I understand that though, I’m guessing he didn’t want to burden them again with the whole secret seeing as they got into MIT and everything without him interfering, so he just thought they were better without him, but the fact that the audience is left with that, knowing the whole story while the characters don’t, I honestly felt like Peter for a second :(( anyways I’ll end this rant here, i should really go to sleep since it’s 2 in the morning 💃🏻💃🏻 if I remember something tomorrow I’ll be back, but I wanted to get my thoughts before I forgot the movie
First of all, I know that FEELING EXACTLY when you have so many feelings about something and have to type/go so fast so to not forget any of them also it's literally what I'm doing now akjdfhalksjdfh cause I was so excited to hear your thoughts.
YES NED!! He's so underrated imo and one of the reasons I've been trying to feature him more as an independent character in my OC works because he's just genuinely a great friend and reminds me of one of my friends irl just in everything he does. I wanna be his friend so bad
AUNT MAY I WAS SHOCKED. At first I thought she survived so I turned to my friend and was like "haha the power of the milf" and then she died and I was like "THIS IS A CRIME." Devastated. Totally shifted the tone of the Spider-man movies and I'll never be able to watch the first two the same way again.
I keep doing backflips trying to think of how future movie could repair the Peter, MJ, Ned trio because they're my emotional support friend group and I definitely projected on to that soooo ummm MARVEL FIX THIS especially since i didn't anticipate this for my OC story and now this Feels Bad Man they were friends :(
I was in total denial the whole drive home lol like it was a 90 minute drive and I was just like
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Thank you for sharing all of these thoughts I LOVED THEM and also one more thing the fact that they get to still go to MIT!!! (well... MJ and Ned...) ugh so excited for the MCU to come to Boston /s
Ned is totally right Boston has "wicked crime" Spider-man needs to come here STAT
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