#the bakery AU no one asked for but you're getting it anyway
kooktrash · 2 years
campus affairs | jeon jungkook
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summary: you transferred to a new college during second semester and you didn’t expect much excitement out for. that’s until jungkook came along and what had struggled to be a friendship was becoming so much more.
warnings: 11.9k. college au. smut. fluff. f2l. y/n is new. Jungkook is kinda tsundere. mutual pining. friendship. college life. bakery fluff. protected sex. make out. groping/fondling. hand job. oral [m]. riding. light dirty talk. very smitten characters.
He didn't say anything for a long moment. Instead he stared at his two friends blankly. They had huge smiles on their faces as they waited for him to respond. He wasn't sure what they wanted him to say but it didn't matter. Nothing came to mind anyway. What was he supposed to say? He didn't know you, he didn't care to, but it's not like he had a reason for it. He didn't have a single reason to tell them no when you've done anything to him. It wasn't even your fault he felt this way, he just did.
Even when you gave him a bright, polite smile he didn't react. You looked down to the other two awkwardly, "It's fine, I can find another group."
"No, we want you here," Sia told you, "Sit, Jungkook's just an asshole but he'll warm up to you."
"It's alright," you told her looking back to Jungkook in confusion and that made him feel bad. He didn't mean to have such a bored expression or make you feel bad. He just didn't like the effort it took into meeting new people. Hence why his closest friends are the two girls he's known since middle school and nobody else.
"Wait," he called out just as you were turning to leave, "Stay."
You looked down to Sia and Yuna who smiled widely pointing to the empty spot next to Sia. Yuna sat across with Jungkook, "Y/n this is Jungkook, Jungkook this is Y/n. She's new, you would've noticed if you actually went to the lecture today."
"I overslept," Jungkook said with a shrug looking up at the stranger now sitting across from him. Had his friends really befriended you that easy?
They did do it that easy. They were the only ones with an open seat in the lecture hall. When you approached them they were quick to get to know you. It was the second month of the semester and you were transferring Universities. The only reason you did it is because this one provided classes your previous school didn't. When the professor advised you to join a study group Yuna and Sia were quick to invite you to theirs. You didn't expect the other member of the group to be intimidating tatted guy with piercings—not that it looked bad.
"Here's my notes from the unit we just did," Sia said sliding you her laptop letting you type in your email so she could send you the documents. Yuna leaned forward from her spot, "So, any plans tonight?"
"Hm?" You weren't expecting her question considering you'd only met her an hour ago. Yuna smiled, "I asked if you're doing anything tonight? We're going to go out for chicken and Soju. You should join us."
"Yes! You should come with us, we'll go after we're done here and have dinner," Sia added on smiling widely in anticipation. They were like a dose of serotonin Jungkook lacked. Maybe that's why he stuck with them for so long.
"Uh, I don't know..." if it was just the girls you'd say yes. Why wouldn't you want to meet people this quickly? But he was making you debate on going or not. He didn't seem interested in meeting anyone knew and he already didn't look happy letting you into their study group.
Jungkook got up leaving to find a textbook he needed to borrow for reference to an essay he was working on. He roamed the aisle closest to his friends and only looked over when one of them spoke a little too loud. You were smiling now along with them, laughing about something he couldn't hear. Your face lit up when you smiled and it looked genuine. You didn't pay attention to him but Jungkook didn't mind that.
People never expected him to best friends with such lovely girls but that's just how things happened. He was in a rough place in middle school, his parents always fighting, his older sibling moving out, his grades dropping. He was always sad and tired and Yuna was the first to be nice to him. She let him copee her notes, sat with him at lunch and basically befriended him when nobody else did. Then of course Sia came along attached to Yuna and they treated him warmly. He wasn't necessarily a quiet person but he was closed off. He only let certain people in and they were some of them.
This isn't the first time Yuna and Sia have adopted a newbie into their care but they've never stuck around—or one of them would end up crushing on Jungkook and get mad when he's not interested. The only guys that came around wanted just wanted to sleep with them and when Jungkook would tell them off for it they'd leave. He hated hearing guys talk about his friends like that. He wasn't interested in either one of them romantically and he doesn't think he ever has. They're just friends, and they were bringing you along this time.
He wondered if you were gonna be like the last chick they hung out with, Soomin. Sia and Yuna were so nice to her but she didn't care for it. She asked Jungkook out and when he rejected her she was rude to them as if it was their fault. So when he told her off for being a rude bitch apparently he was an asshole. He didn't care, they were like sisters to him. His older brother took care of him so why would he take care of those closest to him?
"I have to work tonight," You had been saying when Jungkook got back to the table. Sia frowned, "Where do you work?"
"A bakery," you told her, "It closes at 9:00 thought since it's a part of a plaza that closes at that time."
"Do you get a lot of customers then?" Yuna asked disregarding her homework leaving Jungkook the only one working surprisingly. You shook your head, "Not really, on slow days we'll get like four customers through the shift and they're usually regulars."
"Tell us the name and we'll stop by some day," She said to you and you did just that.
The second time he saw you was during class, when he actually managed to show up. You were sitting on the inside of the row while Yuna sat at the end of it with Sia. He had to make his way through to get to the empty seat next to you.
"Surprise, surprise," Sia said leaning forward to look at him, "Somebody finally made it to class."
"Don't get used to it," Jungkook said with a huff making his cheeks round as he looked to you for a quick moment. You stood out to him in a pink knitted vest and shoes that matched in color. You wore gold jewelry and your lashes looked long, for some reason that gave you a more enticing look. You turned suddenly, catching him in the act of staring.
"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He asked hoping that would cover his awful attempt at being discreet. You opened up your pencil pouch shaped like a caterpillar with antennas and began searching for it. You pulled out two mechanical pencils biting your lips nervously, "Sorry, this is the only one I have unless you want to write with a pink pen."
He looked at the purple mechanical pencil with lavender hearts on it and a heart-shaped eraser. Down on your desk space was a matching pink mechanical pencil that must've been from the same pack and he took it. He had to keep his cover story straight so you wouldn't think he's weird for staring. He studied the pencil, it was cute and he didn't feel embarrassed using it. Every now and then he'd look over and catching you writing with the matching pink one. Sometimes he'd see you two if against your lip when you read something. Throughout the lecture he used the purple pencil, even used the heart eraser a couple times. He got some weird stares from some guys but when they saw yours they shrugged it off probably thinking it was a couple thing.
After class you packed up your things before he did and before he could give it back to you, you were rushing out the class late for another early lecture. With a small sigh he put the pencil in his black backpack and left with Sia and Yuna. The pencil looked ridiculous with his black and white school supplies but it added a pop of color.
"We should go to Y/n's work," Yuna said after her last class when she met up with Sia and Jungkook at the bus stop, "I wanna try whatever pastries they have there."
"Yes! I want to try some too, wanna come with?" Sia asked turning to Jungkook. He thought about it for a second. He could either go home and have some ramen, or he could go try some dessert. Never one to turn down food he hopped on the bus heading toward a different direction than his apartment.
In reality he didn't have to ride the bus. He had a nice Mercedes Benz waiting in his family home's parking garage left unused. His father bought it for him when he was old enough to get a license but Jungkook never uses it. It'd be another thing he's reminded of, how his family controls everything in his life. How they'll use it against him when he doesn't do what they say and he's just not interested in that. Instead he used his allowance for a bus pass and at least that way he can ride with Sia and Yuna whenever.
The bakery you worked at was very warm, it smelled delicious and it was pretty. That's what Jungkook noticed first. The glass cases were lit up with a yellow hue that illuminates whoever stood behind it and currently that was you wearing a cream colored apron and your hair pinned back. You smiled at the group who you'd gotten acquainted with this past week. Even surprised to see Jungkook had willingly come here when he's been pretty closed off.
Not that you minded him being more serious around you. You've heard stories from Sia and Yuna and they always made him way more lively than he is around you. You wondered if you made him uncomfortable or annoyed but this morning he asked for a pencil and the only one you had was covered in hearts. Still though, he used it and it felt like a triumph. He was clearly a private person and you had just recently started hanging out with the other two so there's not much you can say on that matter.
"Hey," you said when they got to the counter after checking the place out. There was a couple at a table and a few high school students at another but beside that it wasn't busy at all. Sia looked down at the bakery case, "I need you to tell me what's the best thing here before I buy everything."
"And she will," Yuna said peering into it too. Jungkook hovered over them taking a peak too, practically tasting the pastry on his tongue. You pointed to the one you liked and they each ordered one and Jungkook ordered a second too. "Can you sit with us for a while or do you have to stay behind the counter?" Yuna asked once they paid with your employee discount added in.
"I can but if someone goes up I have to go look," you said leading them to a round table leaving you between Jungkook and Sia. "This place is so cute, do you have to close alone?" Sia asked you as she cut a slice into the pastry.
"Yeah but it's not hard, it's just pretty dark by the time I'm off," you said with a shrug. You had a full ride scholarship so you really only worked for your housing and food but even that wasn't too expensive. You lived in a pretty cheap old apartment but it was close to your new school and you didn't usually get that many groceries. You worked three days out of the week and once on the weekends so with that plus tips you were making it. Unfortunately that just meant you didn't have much spending money and you had to work longer shifts when you were done with classes.
"Do you walk home?" Jungkook asked suddenly, speaking to you finally aside from when ordered his pastry. You shook your head looking back to him and the big forkful of cake he was holding up. He shoved it in his mouth waiting for an answer from you.
"I usually catch the bus," you told him making his brows furrow. The bus is like a ten minute walk from the shopping plaza and that meant you had to walk to it alone at night.
"That's scary," Sia piped in, "Please be safe when you're closing up."
"When do you work?" Jungkook asked looking at you again like he was concerned but you probably saw wrong. You told him your schedule which was usually Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's and sometimes Saturday's. He nodded his head in acknowledgement looking back to his pastry as he finished the first one already reaching out for the second.
It's not that he should worry or anything but then he thinks about Sia and Yuna. They're like sisters to him and if either of them got off work so late then he'd be concerned about their safety. He didn't know you well but he couldn't imagine you walking home alone and some creep approaching you. He can remember your schedule, that way Yuna and Sia will feel more at ease knowing you won't walk home alone. Yeah that's it, it's for them not to worry.
"That was literally amazing, how do you work here without eating everything?" Sia asked as she finished up her pastry. You gave her a smile, "After a while it gets tiring but when we have extra dessert usually I'll take it home. I can take you some if you'd like, they'd only be a day old."
"Please!" They said unanimously. Just then the wind chime above the door rang and a gust of wind hit the table making you stand up lifting a finger to them motioning for them to give you a second. You left to the counter feeling a tug on your arm when you were walking making you whip around in surprise.
A smile spread across his face, "Not even gonna say hi?"
Your eyes widened, "Tae Tae!" Your arms flew around his neck suddenly making him stumble back a step as he caught you by the waist. The three you'd gotten to know stared in confusion and surprise as you and the handsome stranger started talking.
"You think that's Y/n's boyfriend?" Sia asked turning to the other two. Jungkook studied the guy a little closer, he seemed warm and friendly compared to him. Jungkook shrugged as he turned to look out the window lit up by large bulb string lights. Yuna nodded, "Probably. Y/n's pretty and that guy is hot. Did you see the way they greeted each other?"
He looked back to the two at the register. Was that your type? He looked like the artistic type, the kind who'd spend his time listening to jazz music and enjoying a piece of art. Jungkook preferred working out, music, photography and sometimes painting. It really depended on his mood. He couldn't deny how soft the man looked compared to Jungkook's harder exterior.
"Guys this is my most bestest friend in the entire world, Taehyung these are my new classmates," you introduced him like a pepperoni pizza with too much pepperoni [lil Caesar's lol]. Taehyung have a subtle wave as he looked over the trio as you said their names.
"Did you come all the way here to surprise Y/n?" Sia asked curiously but Taehyung just shook his head no. "I was in the area and stopped by."
"He would never go out of his way to see me. He doesn't care about me," you joked as you sat back down with the group looking back to him, "Pull up a chair." Taehyung shook his head, his hand going to the top of your head, "I've gotta catch the Subway but thanks for the food, Ugly."
"Because you're so cute, right?" You glared looking up at him but he only smiled. "I am."
"Anyways, it was nice meeting you, please take care of Y/n, she's a little slow," Taehyung joked making you smack his arm as he pulled it away from your head. He did a quick wave goodbye and left.
"Oh my God, be honest, is he your boyfriend?" Yuna rushed to speak. Your brows furrowed before a look of disgust crossed your face, "Ew, no. We met in an art study class freshman year of College and we became friends since."
"You're an art major? How didn't we know that?" Sia asked making you shrug. "Because we only take prerequisite courses together and since I've only been here a week and a half I haven't had a project yet?"
Jungkook wasn't fully listening anymore. His eyes were staring out the window where the guy had walked past. So you weren't dating him but you were obviously close enough for him to stop by here. How was he not worried about how late you'd be getting off if he's supposed to be your friend?
"We'll wait for you to close so we can all head home together," Yuna said checking the time. Jungkook nodded in agreement even if he didn't say anything.
         "Jungkook! I said you have to go!" Sia yelled at him the following Friday night. Even though you had to work today you didn't have to close the bakery and got off a little earlier. Once your new friends found out they asked to come over for some drinks and food which was currently what you were doing. You're out of Soju so you all did rock paper scissors to see who would buy and Jungkook lost against the three of you. Now you were all arguing.
"I don't even know where the store is here!" Jungkook said making you sighed. "I'll just go," you said standing up using the coffee table for support. Sia pulled on your pants, "No, he lost he has to go. He's just complaining."
"It's fine, the store's just a couple streets down," you told her watching her let go of you so you could go get your wallet and put your shoes on. With an annoyed huff Jungkook was getting up too, "I'll go with then, that way you can show me which store is closest."
"Ooh can we snoop your art while you're gone?" Yuna asked pointing to the spare room you had filled with art canvases. You nodded letting them go and do that while you waited for Jungkook to finish getting his shoes on, "I can go by myself."
"I lost so I should be going by myself," he shrugged but he didn't tell you to stay behind. He held the door open for you as you left down the hall toward the elevator, neither really saying anything. When you got down to the front entrance you hadn't expected it to be so windy out. You hugged your arms to your chest for warmth and began leading the way to the convenience store late at night.
"Are you cold?" He asked after a minute or two of watching you shiver. You looked back to him shaking your head no. It made him laugh softly before he was coming to a halt making you stop too. You watched as he reached for the back of his hoodie pulling it forward until it was slipping off. "Wear this," he said holding it out to you revealing a white long sleeve shirt.
"Won't you be cold?" You asked moving out of reach so he couldn't hand it to you. He told you no but you were still reluctant to take it. Jungkook has slowly been warming up to you but you can't say you're as close with him as you are with Sia and Yuna. Sure, the four of you were in a group chat and study group together, and often times had lunch together but he didn't talk to you that much.
You face forward to walk again but you didn't even make it a step forward when something thick and warm was being draped over your head covering you in a scent of expensive cologne. Your hands went up to fight his hold as he pulled the hoodie down for your head to peak out. You turned to glare at him as he finished slipping the oversized hoodie on you letting you poke your arms into the sleeves. He cleared his throat as he took a step away from you suddenly shy with how forward he'd been. His fist covered his mouth as he looked away from you, "Isn't that better?"
"Are you sure you won't be cold?" You asked adjusting the hoodie to fit you better but it was no use. It was too big and it smelled just like him. You shamelessly brought the front to your nose, "You smell really good. What do you use?"
"Yves Saint Laurent," he told you, cheeks flushing red along with the tip of his nose walking next to you again. He caught you taking another whiff of the hoodie and it had him pulling his sleeve to his nose to see if he still had the scent on him. The store was in a more populated section of your neighborhood with more store fronts lit up and he held the door open for you to go in.
The hoodie reached about your mid thigh and the sleeves were way too long so you kept having to slide them up.
He grabbed a basket letting you fill it with snacks before going to the liquor section. "Have you ever had cinnamon caramel ice cream?" You asked him suddenly as you stood in front of a freezer filled with ice cream.
"No," he said simply watching you open the door and pull out a pint of the ice cream and dropping it into the basket. Once you had the Soju the two of you headed over to the register. You fumbled with your wallet reaching into the too big front pocket of the hoodie as the cashier finished ringing your total up and when you finally got it out Jungkook was tapping his phone against the machine.
"Have a good night," the female cashier said with starry eyes as she stared at Jungkook. He took the bags before you could reach for them and it had you tugging him back, "I'll help you."
He shook you off making you whine, stomping a foot in the process, "You paid, let me help you."
"No," he said as the two of you stepped back out, "If you want to help you could grab the ice cream and let me try it."
He liked how expressive you were. You didn't shy away from touch or stop yourself from saying things that were on your mind like when you told him his perfume smelled great. You proceeded to smell his hoodie, and ultimately him, maybe he should wear it more often. You also had lively reactions compared to his monotonous ones. It was like a breath of fresh air and when the wind picked up your hair making you fight to tame it, it made you look prettier than usual.
"You're gonna love it, it's so good," you reached for the small plastic spoon that came with the pint and popped the lid open. You scooped up a decent amount going to hand it to him. Jungkook tried sliding the bags down his wrists but they were heavy. You held the spoon out to him, "Here."
He bit his lip in thought as the two of you stopped. He looked down to the spoon before bending his knees so he was eye level with you and let his mouth open slightly. You pushed the spoon past his lips and as they close around the plastic his eyes locked on yours. Your brows raised, "Well?"
He stood straight again swallowing the small bite he took ignoring the sudden race in his heart before nodding, "It's good."
"Told you so," you smiled as you took a bite for yourself. The walk back to your apartment was quiet aside from the time you'd bring the spoon to his lips to give him a taste.
      Jungkook noticed early on that he was really seeing you as a friend. He found himself caring about you the same way he cared about Yuna and Sia. The main difference is he found himself thinking about you even more than necessary. He wasn't sure what it was but you had managed to weasel your way closer to him and he was definitely happy about that.
He'll admit, he did get a little more protective with you when others came around. He wasn't vocal about it but he hovered like he was doing now but with Sia and Yuna.
"Thanks again for letting me borrow your study guide, some guy, Jimin, said catching up with the four when they had gotten back from lunch. Now you were standing a few feet away from them talking to Jimin, "Let me treat you to a meal. When are you free?"
"Oh, um," you didn't know what to say. It's not that you wanted to turn him down but honestly you're so busy with catching up with the semester and work. You bit your lip in thought, "How about I give you my number so we can plan?"
"Do you think he's her type?" Jungkook asked the other two curiously. Don't ask him why he was curious, he just was. Sia shrugged, "Isn't Park Jimin everyone's type?"
"They've been talking a while, should we just go?" Jungkook asked slightly bothered by the fact that you were still talking. You and him had class together next and he wanted to leave already.
"Why? Is it bother you that they're talking? You seem awfully interested in those two," Yuna pointed out making Sia nod in agreement. Jungkook rolled his eyes in time to see you and Jimin say your goodbyes.
"We're gonna be late," Jungkook said when you finally caught up to them. You signed, "I know, sorry."
"It's alright," he said as you two split from Sia and Yuna, "How did it go with Jimin?"
He looked over to you as the two of you walked down the stairs heading toward another prerequisite course you shared.
You gave a shrug, "It was fine I guess. I always feel bad when someone asks me out because I seriously don't have time unless it's last minute."
"Isn't that kind of worse?" Jungkook asked, holding the door to the hall open for you so the two of you could sit in for your next class, "Like always having to tell people you can't hang out if they message you last minute?"
You shook your head, "I mean, like I'm the one making plans last minute. I rarely have free time so when I do, it's unplanned and I end up just hoping someone wants to spend time with me."
He nodded in understanding. He didn't have the same type of busy schedule as you did. Frankly, he just didn't have to pay for school, or anything else. Maybe he was just spoiled but his parents pay for everything including a luxury apartment and a Mercedes Benz.
He already knows that he doesn't have to worry about work and supporting himself so he has way too much free time. He wishes he could understand you better but he also didn't want to act like he did because he didn't. He didn't have to work to feed himself or keep a roof over his head while attending college full time. But, in a sense, if you ever did randomly ask him to hang out because you had time off, he'd be free whenever.
       You hated yourself for thinking Jungkook was so unbelievably attractive. It wouldn't be such a problem if he wasn't your friend but because he was you didn't want to think that. Despite it being close to midterms you've yet to meet that many people aside from Yuna, Jungkook, and Sia.
You didn't want to lose a friend just because you started catching feelings for Jungkook. How awful would that be.
You were too busy cleaning the inside of the muffin case to pay attention to the wind chimes, barely muttering a greeting at the customer who came in. Jungkook smiled a little at the fact you were clearly stepping on a step stool to be able to reach the case, "You open?"
You looked over, a smile spreading across your lips, "What if I say no?"
"Then I guess I'll just have to come back another time," he walked over to where you were passing a couple college students doing homework. He leaned against the front counter smiling warmly, "Hey."
"Hey," you breathed out finally getting down from the stepping stool, "What are you doing here? Came for more cake?"
"And other things," he shrugged looking down at the warm cases, "I was in the area and I had a feeling you'd be closing tonight. I had a sudden craving for some carrot cake and I figured since it's late I can just wait for you to close so I can walk you home."
"Well isn't that sweet of you?" You asked already sliding the glass and grabbing parchment paper to pick up the carrot cake with white frosting and a chocolate orange carrot on top, "Also, this carrot is so you."
"Am I supposed to know what you mean by that?" He asked walking over to the register watching you put the slice of cake on a small plate. He waited for you to ring it up but you didn't, instead sliding it over to him as you said, "You've got bunny teeth, did you know that? And you scrunch your nose a lot."
"Wow, and here I am trying to seem tough while you're comparing me to a fur ball," he sighed dramatically waiting for you to lift the counter top and join him at a table, "What color bunny?"
You didn't hesitate when you said, "Black."
He scrunched his nose in response, "That's fitting. Want me to tell you yours?"
"Have you been thinking about it?" You asked as he cut a small piece of cake with his fork and offered it to you. He nodded, "For the past two minutes, yeah."
"Cat," he said simply, "But personality wise? Puppy?"
"Why puppy?" You asked swallowing the bite of cake he'd given you. He shrugged, "Sometimes you're energetic and it's cute."
You tried finding a proper response without sounding flirty and when you came up blank you were lucky enough to be saved by the wind chimes. You left him at the table to go work and he sat back watching you.
Why did he feel different with you compared to how he felt around Sia and Yuna, speaking of which...
yuna: I'm hungryyyyyyyyy
jungkook: what's that gotta do with me
yuna: bring me food I'm on campus
jungkook: can't
jungkook: I'm walking y/n home
jungkook: there's a cafe by the bus stop
yuna: boo u whore
yuna: y didn't u invite me
jungkook: idk
He waited outside the shop while you finished closing. It was dark and cold out so he made sure to double layer in case you forgot a sweater again. When you came out he watched you double check the door was closed before turning to him with a smile. "Put your hand out."
"Huh?" He asked lifting his hand, "Wh—". You placed a pink hand warmer in his tatted hand making him stutter. "So your hands don't get cold obviously," you said taking yours out of your pocket.
"Well aren't you the sweetest?" He chuckled as he examined it better. It was actually white with a soft pink pattern. He looked at yours and yours was the same but opposite.
"Since you let me borrow your hoodie," you said making him chuckle. "Borrow? I haven't gotten it back, I think you stole it."
"Technically not steal, you knew I had it," you played along knowing he wasn't serious about it.
After some time of walking in comfortable silence it had to be interrupted by his phone. He couldn't hold in the deep sigh as he took his phone out reading his screen.
You didn't mean to snoop but when you turned to look at him you got a good read at whoever was calling him. It was a guy with 'hyung' added to the name. You watched him put his phone away holding his hand warmer a little tighter. It wasn't even a minute later that it was ringing again. Once again he hung up the call and once again it was ringing.
"Sorry, it's uh, it's my older brother," he huffed in annoyance as he tries locking his phone only to receive yet another call.
"Maybe you should answer it," you shrugged walking ahead a little so he could have some more privacy. With a sigh he clicked answer, "Hello?"
"Finally you're done ignoring me," his older brother JungHyun said clearly annoyed, "Dad is asking if you'll be attending for dinner tomorrow. Park Jisoo will be present."
Jungkook couldn't resist the roll of his eyes at the mention of the woman. Jisoo was someone his parents deeply wished he'd date. Her father is a CEO of an entertainment business that works closely to his family's tech business. Since they were kids they've been around each other in hopes that some day they'd marry and expand both business. Clearly that isn't happening if Jungkook has anything to do with it.
He looked over to you who was walking a couple feet in front of him and suddenly he wanted to get off the phone so he didn't have to hear about Jisoo. "Why? Are we having dinner with her?" he cleared his throat awkwardly looking back to you, "Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow."
With that he ended the call before his brother could say anything else releasing a deep sigh. You looked over to him with curiosity, "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," he smiled already catching sight of the bus stop across the street. He looked toward you, eyes landing on your red puffy nose from the cold, "You know I bundled up in case you needed an extra layer."
"Hm?" You stared at him as he held out his sleeve. "I even put extra perfume on for you. See?"
You tried ignoring the sudden race of your heart beat as he pressed the sleeve into your nose trapping warmth so the redness could go down. He was treating you how he treats Sia and Yuna. That means he sees you as a close friend, right? You moved his arm away holding him by the sleeve, "Smells expensive."
He smiled as he held you back from crossing the street unaware of the car coming by, "What would you do without me?"
Once you two were on the bus he sat down next to you keeping you against the window, "So what did your brother want?" You asked turning to look at him better. From behind you a couple girls were being a little too loud with their comments about Jungkook's looks and that made you smile trying to hold back a laugh.
"Oh, he wanted to know if I'd be attending family dinner this Friday," His teeth played with his lip ring as he looked you over.
Your brows furrowed, "He was blowing up your phone for that?"
"I guess, knowing my father he probably told my brother to make sure I go," Jungkook said honestly. You were quiet for a moment leading him to believe he might be over sharing. He knew there was nothing you could really respond with and that made him nervous. He doesn't share a lot about himself much less his family and he probably threw you off. You smiled, "If you eat something really good you better get me something from there."
He laughed a little catching the light hearted tone, "I'll smuggle something in my pocket."
"Ew no, then my food's gonna taste like expensive perfume," you said making him push you playfully toward the window.
       Jungkook didn't even try and act interested in anything that happened over dinner the following Friday. With his phone under the table he was too busy reading messages in the group chat along with having an entirely separate conversation with you.
"Jungkook, Jisoo was saying something, I'm not sure if you heard," his mother had said. They were having dinner in a private room on the top floor of a hotel. It was a large circular table with his parents, his older brother and his fiancé, him, and for some reason Jisoo and her mother.
He looked up clearly bored with the dinner, "Mind repeating that?"
It's not that he completely hated Jisoo it's just that he knew she was in genuine. He's known her for a long time and she's not the saint she acts like in front of his parents. She wants to be in their good graces and Jungkook didn't like that. He didn't like being forced to spend time with someone he doesn't care for. She's a snob and he's seen the way she treats certain people in her life. She's beautiful, sure but he doesn't like her personality.
"Who has you so focused on your phone?" His father asked in clear annoyance that Jungkook mirrored. Well, currently he was talking to only you. "Y/n."
"Who?" JungHyun asked. Jungkook shrugged, "A friend."
"Well if she's anything like the other two always following you around, then I'm sure you can find better company," his mother said making Jungkook huff. "You don't even know her."
Ignoring him, his mother turned to Jisoo and her mother, "I have no doubt in my mind his new friend is only after him for money. He loves to take on charity cases. I try and tell him time and time that he needs to be careful over who he keeps close."
Jungkook couldn't stop the grind of his teeth. His mother had a tendency to act like this, make up her own assumptions and completely disregard her children and their wants. He didn't mind being bashed on, but there was no way he'd allow his friends to be bashed on too. Suddenly, he pushed his chair out raising to his feet. Everyone turned to him, "What are you doing?"
"I'm leaving," Jungkook said firmly as he looked at his parents in particular. His hyung shook his head in disapproval, "Jungkoo—"
"I'm not going to sit here and listen to her make her own assumptions about Y/n," Jungkook said honestly, a little surprised by his own words, "She doesn't even know about any of this. Unlike some people, money isn't everything."
His father made a sound similar to a snicker, "Jungkook, sit down. You're being disrespectful and I won't allow it. We have invited Jisoo and her mother to dinner and I won't let you ruin it."
"Jungkook, aren't you hungry?" Jisoo asked suddenly, "I'm sure they're only looking out for your best interest. Why don't we finish up dinner."
He scoffed, "You think you know them better than I do? They don't care about my best interest, they care about theirs."
"I'm sorry mother but I'm not going to let you insult my friends and force me to hang out with people I don't care for," he was rude. He knows it, but something about his mother's comments about you drove him mad. To top it off, Jisoo has the nerve to butt in and agree with his mom. As if either one of them knew his friends or you. If they got to know you they'd know you're hard working. You're humble and admiring. He's the one who always feels self conscious because you were clearly more independent than he was. But his mom has the nerve to say you're only his friend because of his money. When you didn't even know he was a chaebol!
He didn't give them much time to respond when he was already out the door. He was surprised with himself. He hasn't felt this defensive of his friends since he was a kid but then you came along. He clearly cares about you. But why does it feel so different from how he feels about Sia and Yuna?
They're the ones who got him through his family problems but you're the one he's trying to be closer with to ease his anxiety. Wait, stop, you're friends. You've said it before, you don't have time for much else. He doesn't need to scare you off with how clingy and touchy he can be when he's into someone.
Pause. Is he into you? Is that what this is all about? Can everyone see it but him? Is that why everyone was extra hostile tonight? He can't remember the last time he liked someone. He tries to steer clear of relationships because of his family and if he ever has flings they're lowkey. The second his mother started bashing on his friends, you in particular, he couldn't take it anymore. Usually, he's able to sit there and ignore them but this was different. They didn't even know you. How could he not get upset and defensive? Would Yuna and Sia be mad if he was into you? Oh God, he's crazy into you.
On Monday you got to campus later than usual, you were running late and already having a hectic morning. When you got to class, the lecture hall was practically filled aside from one spot near your friends and it had Jungkook's backpack on it.
"We saved you a seat," Sia exclaimed once you made it through the filled row. You smiled at her looking down to Jungkook as he slid his backpack off it pulling it down for you to sit.
"Hey," he said softly. His elbows had been pressed against the table with his hands in fists over his mouth almost shyly as he looked at you with sparkly eyes. You smiled, "Hey."
On his notebook was the purple mechanical pencil that matched your own. You pointed it out, "I like your pencil."
"I like you—r, yours too," he stuttered out immediately dropping his head in embarrassment. Snap out of it, Jungkook, you're friends. Why is it that all of a sudden he's acknowledged his feelings for you? Now he's nervous around you for no reason. Sia looked over at you, "Do you work today?"
"No, I switched shifts for a coworker. I work tomorrow," you told her already taking your things out, "Why?"
"I was gonna come visit you after I got off," she said with a sigh, "I was really craving some scones. Do you still wanna go?"
"It's awkward going to work when I'm not scheduled," you said with a little laugh, "And some of my friends are coming down for dinner."
Yuna hit Sia's arm playfully, "I said I'd go with you. Jungkook? Are you craving any of that carrot cake?"
"Not today," Jungkook nipping at his bottom lip nervously. Your friends were coming down to visit and he wondered if that meant that guy, Taehyung.
The topic was dropped and you tried focusing on the class and not Jungkook. You didn't want to stare at him like a creep but you noticed something was off about him. After class when the other two were too distracted to notice, Jungkook pulled you to the side. His hand was on your wrist keeping you in front of him and it wasn't until you looked down at the hold that he let go shyly.
"Should I pick you up from work tomorrow? Do you close?" He asked. You gave him a warm smile, "I do close but you don't have to pick me up. It's probably a hassle for you."
"I don't mind."
You nodded, "Alright, I'll bring your hoodie to you."
"You don't have t—bye!" He rushed when you started heading out the class waving goodbye to him and the others. With a deep, dejected sigh he turned back to the other two, surprised when he caught them staring at him clearly amused. Yuna spoke first, "Well, aren't you desperate?"
"He can't hide his feelings even if he wanted to," Sia laughed as they began walking out. Fuck, he knew they'd catch on fast.
In the evening when you went out for dinner with your friends you kept thinking about Jungkook. Why was he so cute today? You've never seen him act shy or nervous and yet today he was. You're not sure why but it was surprisingly cute. Seeing a guy who looked as intimidating as him act shy.
"Look at Y/n, she's got new friends and doesn't care about us anymore," your friend Yoongi joked after dinner. You were all sitting at the table still, trying to reel back down from how full you all felt.
"Honestly," Taehyung agreed looking over to you, "What are you thinking about?"
"My midterm project," you lied even though you did actually have to decide what it was going to be. You already bought a canvas and the right brushes but you're still iffy on the idea.
jungkook: want to watch a movie on friday after ur off
jungkook: or will u be too busy
you: what kind of movie
jungkook: what do u like
you: horror
jungkook: horror it is :)
jungkook: I'll buy the tix
you: are sia and yuna coming?
jungkook: they can if u want
you: it's ok
you: sometimes I like it when it's just kenskakamkas
"Hey!" You reached for your phone as Jin snatched it from you. Jin pressed his palm into your face to keep you away, "Y/n's too busy planning a date."
Your face reddened, "It's not a date. We're just friends."
Jin rolled his eyes, "Oh really?" He handed the phone back and you read the final text.
jungkook: ?
jungkook: it's a date then
"There," Jungkook said with a sigh as he showed his phone to the girls. Sia cheered, "Atta boy, Kook. I knew something was up with you the second you met Y/n."
"Same, he's like a puppy now just trailing after her. Are you forgetting us?"
On Friday, Jungkook was in front of your work standing next to a Mercedes Benz that made your brows furrow, "This is your car?"
"Uh yeah," Jungkook cleared his throat nervously once you were in, "I don't really use it since I live close to campus and parking is a pain."
"Expensive perfume. Expensive clothes. Expensive car. Are you secretly a chaebol?" You asked jokingly but his silence made the smile wipe off your face. But he had tattoos and piercings and he seemed so care free. Well, except the time he talked about his family. Why didn't you connect the dots? He looked slightly uncomfortable now as if you said something he didn't like so you tried to change the subject.
"So what movie are we watching?" You asked buckling yourself in, "I'll buy snacks since you got the tickets."
He shook his head releasing a breath he didn't know he had been holding, "Can't I treat you to this? You never answered when I said it was a date. Did you think I was kidding?"
"Wow Kook, I didn't realize you'd be so forward," you teased but he seemed not to be as playful tonight, more nervous than everything else.
"Uh, is that okay? That it's a date or... you know. I was just thinks because I, uh, I mean I like talking to you and-"
"Why wouldn't it be okay?" You asked cutting his rambling off. He looked over to you as he drove which only made you smile. When you got to the concessions you still offered to pay but he didn't let you. He ordered one of everything before the two of you went to the right theatre.
"If you're scared don't worry, I'll protect you," he said playfully now as he led you to your seats. You rolled your eyes, "I think you'll be more scared than me."
"Will you hold me if I'm scared?" He smirked, his mood improving from earlier, nerves going back down so he didn't feel as anxious. You nodded going along with the light flirting, "Are you always this cheesy?"
"Not usually, is it bad?" He asked digging into the popcorn before lifting it to you so you could eat from his hand making you laugh a little. You leaned into him, "You're wearing the perfume again."
"Just for you," he said reaching into his pocket for a small roller of the same perfume holding his hand out until you handed him your hand. He twisted it open before rolling the scent onto your hand, "Now we'll both be wearing it."
"Wow, I've never worn YSL perfume," you said honestly in short whispers since the movie started. He smiled a little, it was like this was your signature scent. Like for the both of you now. He'll make sure to get you some since you like it so much.
After the movie the two of you had a good discussion on the movie but nothing else. Clearly there were other stuff to talk about but you both were trying to keep it from getting awkward. You were alone in his car but you were still nervous to speak up, "I had fun, did you?”
"Of course," he smiled warmly as he reached out a hand to touch yours, "I know this might seem too forward but I’m really liking getting to know you more. At first I know I was pretty stand offish, it just takes me a while to open up to people. "
"Yeah, I figured but if it means anything, I’m glad I’m getting to know you more too," you answered letting your hands touch more by pressing yours into his. He smiled at that, "That's good."
"I know you’re busy a lot but what do you say about having more of these little dates?" Jungkook asked as he pulled up to your apartment. You didn’t anything as you began unbuckling your seat belt. You were thinking, obviously you had an attraction toward him but you had no clue he felt the same. On top of that, he’s suddenly done a big shift from how cold he used to be to how warm he’s been lately. After your silence became too much for him, he was calling out to you again, "Y/n?"
“Yes?” You responded back. He gave a soft smile, “If you want to just be friends… I won’t be upset. I mean I will but I also understand.”
“I don’t want to just be friends,” you said honestly. You liked hanging out with Jungkook too much. You didn’t notice it at first but maybe you just liked him too much. His lip was pulled between his teeth and you couldn't help but look down at them. He wanted to kiss you so damn bad. One hand was on the steering wheel and before he knew it the other was coming up to cup your jaw. Instantly you were leaning closer as he craned his neck toward you and then it happened.
Your lips met, barely brushing against each others and it had both of you inching back but his hand never left your face. Should the two of you just go for it? You've only known him for a few weeks but clearly there was something going on between you two? Even if he had been cold toward you that was only in the beginning. It happened again, this time more purposeful.
His lips pressed against yours parting them slightly and you were melting into the touch. Your tongue swiped against his lip ring making him release a deep breath through his nose and just as he was ready to pull you into him you jumped.
On your lap was your cellphone, it was vibrating with Taehyung's contact photo displayed on the screen. You pulled away looking down at the phone and Jungkook did the same, catching his breath for a moment.
"Hey," you said breathlessly, awkwardness beginning to set in between you two. Taehyung was already talking your ear off about something and you knew there was no reason to stay in Jungkook's car.
"I'll get going," you told him shyly and he nodded, "Text me when you're inside. Goodnight."
Neither one of you were able to process the kiss until you were in the comfort of your own homes alone with your thoughts. What happened tonight?
It went on like this for weeks. It was hard to find time alone together with midterms, work, and school. Not to mention. You had to balance hanging out with your new friends, school work, and hanging out with your old friends. So far, you and Jungkook had only made out [a few times] but that’s it. Usually when you have free time Sia and Yuna want it all so then you end up hanging out as four.
You have yet to put an actual label on what you have with Jungkook but clearly there’s something there that everyone can see. For instance, he’s definitely gotten clingier to you. It’s comical actually, this big, buff, tatted guy making pouty faces at you when you don’t pay attention to him. Or forcing Yuna to scoot over so he could sit next to you. Always looking annoyed when some guy asks you a question. He was intimidating and yet so soft with you.
“You guys are so gross, you make me sick!” Sia gagged loudly. It was a Sunday and you were over at Jungkook’s having some movie marathon. Or at least trying to but it’s really just been all of you talking. Sia was currently grossed out by the fact that you and Jungkook started having a separate conversation that ended with a kiss on the tip of your throat.
“God I hate couples, makes me want to puke,” Yuna sighed making you look over to her with confusion. She only rolled her eyes playfully, “Don’t give me that look. You two are a couple and don’t deny it.”
Jungkook turned to look at you but neither one of you said anything for a moment. Is that really how you’ll announce it? He smiled leaning in to kiss your forehead, “We’re not denying it, right?”
“I’m leaving, I’m craving some chicken and you two are making me lose my appetite. God I hate being single,” Sia groaned as she got to her feet. Yuna was quick to follow in agreement, “For real. Y/n set us up with some of your hot friends.”
“Bye! Love you two! Use protecti—“ Yuna closed the door before Sia could say anything else and you couldn’t help but laugh. Jungkook laughed with you as he got to his feet, “They’re annoying.”
Honestly this is the first time in a while that you’ve had a full day to yourself with no schoolwork or regular work. Now that the girls were gone you were hoping to spend more time with Jungkook. Frankly you’ve been thinking about going further and the only reason you haven’t expressed it is because you know Jungkook. He’s probably waiting for you to make the move first because he feels like he rushes you, which he doesn’t.
“What?” He asked as he came back from carrying empty chip bags and soda cans to the trash. He looked down at you with a smile when he caught you staring. You lifted your arms up as if reaching for him and it made him laugh softly making his way over to you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his knees pressed into the cushion between your legs, “Can I get a kiss?”
“As many as you want,” he leaned down enough to capture your lips with his, immediately melting into your arms as you made yourself sit up to give him more room. He was getting used to this now, kissing you on your lips, getting close to you but he obviously wanted more. He’s only keeping himself at bay because he knows how tired you are and he doesn’t want to push you.
Of course he didn’t imagine you to be in the same boat. It was only when your hands began to play with the waist band of his sweats to lift his shirt up a little did his body react. A small groan echoing down your throat that came from him due to your sudden forwardness. His lips didn’t leave yours as he started bunching his t-shirt up feeling your cold hands run along his abdomen muscles before having to sit back so he could pull over his head. The second it was off he was back on you, heads turning in opposite directions trying to deepen the kiss, his tongue tracing against yours.
His hands cupped your jaw, brows scrunched together in concentration just wanting to swallow you whole.
Somehow, he got you to pull your legs up on the couch, so he could kneel between them but it wasn’t comfortable and before you knew his hands were gripped your waist hard. He lifted you up, never giving you a chance to break away from the kiss, as he held you up before flipping you. You ended up straddling Jungkook’s hips with the way he twisted you around. With this new position you were able to press down on his crotch more, and that elicited a deep-throated moan from him. Smirking against the kiss, your hands rested on his chest, nails digging into the solid muscle found there. He was more undressed than you were and he needed to change that but your soft touch on his bare torso was heaven sent.
By now your breathing became labored and you could feel the growing wetness between your legs. It was automatic, your hips grinding down and having your denim-clothed crotch make contact with Jungkook’s growing hardness. The fabric of his sweats only served to turn him on, hands gripping your hips guiding your movement letting his hands trail even lower.
The only time they raised from your backside was to finally inch your shirt off wanting any layer between you two off. With deft fingers, he was quickly yanking the ends of your shirt up, sliding the material over your head while still trying to kiss you. You pulled away with a small laugh at his eagerness giving him the chance to take it off you. You were sitting straight as he looked at you with those sparkly eyes, hands on your waist looking you up and down sitting on his lap.
“You’re so pretty,” his hands flitted across your skin. You automatically tucked your stomach in, feeling self conscious suddenly. It wasn’t even dark out, the sun still shone through his windows and here you were shirtless with Jungkook eyeing you. He bit his lip, “All of you Y/n.”
His hands held firmly onto your hips, clasping tightly before slowly letting his palms slide across your lower back. His arms ended up wrapping around your waist and you found yourself face to face with him, your foreheads touching. Why did this feel so right?
“I like you so much, Y/N,” he pecked your lips lightly. You smiled, “I think you’re pretty too. And I like you so much too.”
His head lowered, lips connecting with your collarbone and peppering it with affectionate kisses. Your lips fell apart as your hands wrapped around the back of his neck keeping him put where he showered you in kisses.
His kisses led down to the valley between your covered breasts, hands coming around to press against the fabric of your bra. He looked up to you again as he move to kiss your lips as his hands began sneaking up your back and fingers quickly undoing the clasp of your bra.
“Are you always so soft?” he whispered as the straps fell off your shoulders. He slid them down your arms and you smiled when you flicked it off with your wrist, “Usually.” His eyebrows shot up at your response making him laugh a little before focusing his attention back to your exposed chest.
Without another word, Jungkook leaned closer and began to press open-mouth kisses to your chest. His hands snuck under your chest sliding his palms up until he was dipping a breast in each hand. You gasped lightly, playing with the ends of the hair on the back of his neck. He was being playful, squeezing lightly here and there, going lower with each peck until he got to the nipple. His thumb flicked at the hardening nipple, his tongue doing the same with the other one. You gasped, your spine arching and pressing your chest further closer to his touch. How was he so damn gentle and sweet with his movements? When you look at him you can’t help but feel intimidated. Yet he holds you with such tenderness and care and it felt soft the way you two talked throughout this so far.
You couldn’t help but to jerk your hips, seeking out the friction that would bring you release when his tongue swirled around your bud. At this, you pressed down onto Jungkook’s erection and he became painfully aware of it once again. His lips were swollen and wet when they pulled away from your breasts, your skin prickling when the air hit the moisture that he had left behind on your skin. He was surprised by the tug on his hair angling his neck back before you crashed your lips onto his going straight for a deepened kiss that had him moaning into your mouth. His hands were still playing with your tits, pinching and your erect nipples.
“Jungkook,” you said between kisses, hands moving to his shoulder for more support to guide your hips over him using his gasps for air as signs to see what he’d like.
“Alright,” he said not needing to hear more from you, already knowing what you wanted. He wanted to do more for your body but that would require him to be a little rougher and he didn’t want that for your first time. Not that you’d mind having him use you however he pleased but he was clearly being considerate of what you’d be open to try. He lifted you off his lap and you got the hint moving to your knees, providing enough space for him to pull the front of his sweats loose and quickly slide them down his legs, along with his underwear. His cock hit his stomach with a thud as he kicked away his clothes.
Before he could move you back down, you were leaning forward, lips attacking his neck just under his jaw bone creating a soft suction on his skin that had his breathing hitching at the action. His hands were hovering over your butt as you moved further down his lap to palm at his erection. You started slow, a soft glide down the length of his cock with a small twist of your wrist around his head, moving some of his foreskin back. His eyes shut tightly and the groan that you elicited from him made you smile against his neck. You left soft little kisses as you stroked him, spreading the precum that dribbled out of his slit down the head of his cock. Everytime you applied more pressure, more came out until you were able to cover his length with it.
“Fucking hell,” he licked his dried lips, head thrown back against the couch as his hips met your hands, quickening the pace, “You’re going to make me cum before I get to be inside you,” he stopped you, gripping your wrist tightly, “I need a condom.”
You climbed off him watching him leave to his room, surprisingly a nice image seeing his naked, toned and tatted body. When he came back his eyes caught sight of his phone’s screen lighting up and passing by he saw a text from the girls but he couldn’t think right now. All he could focus on was the way you shimmied your jeans off watching the snug fit over your hips. You kicked them off and before you do your underwear next, Jungkook was pushing you to the couch.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry,” he cursed feeling bad for the way he threw you back with more force than he would’ve liked. You brushed it off, “It’s okay. You can push me.”
It made him chuckle but if definitely was a nice thing to know. He pulled your panties down for you as you watched him tear into the condom. He picked you up again so that he could sit and place your over his lap. Jungkook cupped your jaw, his smile still on his lips as he kissed yours, sweetly and slowly. His tongue licked inside your mouth, exploring slowly as he pressed you closer to his chest feeling the dip on where your tits were and feeling your hardened nipples had him grunting in approval.
You felt his hard length press against your hip, you grasped his length and aligned it with your wet slit. His hand went over your hip watching in anticipation for when you’d let him slip inside you. His brows scrunched together as his lips parting making his face contort in pleasure as you slowly sank down taking his length inside you.
You knew this guy was attractive from his looks to his personality and yet right now that you took his cock inside you, he never looked hotter. He bit his bottom lip and held on tightly to your hips when you sank enough to finally sit on his lap and pushed your knees into the couch to raise your hips. He groaned into your neck, “Oh fuck, you’re so tight.”
Jungkook’s hands landed on your hips, grasping tightly as he began to quicken your movements, raising your hips a little more whenever you lifted them only to drop them back down hard. His head was on your shoulder staring down her back to the way his fingers dug into your was making you ride him deep and hard. You squeezed your walls around him, angling yourself to where you knew that the head of his cock would hit your sweet spot just right. You licked your lips leaning into him more rested your arms on his shoulders, barely able to form a full sentence as you moaned, “So big, fuck.”
One of his hands reached up, took a breast in hand and began to firmly fondle it, thumb and forefinger pulling at the nipple making your hips begin to circle in a steady rhythm trying to get him to fuck all your pleasure spots from your clit to your g-spot.
“Kiss me,” he moaned looking up at you as his thumb rubbed over your clit groaning in pleasure, “Fuck, I’m gon—ngh, gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, fucking cum for me,” he moved you faster, his hips meeting yours as they began to gyrate lifting off the couch.
“I’m gonna cum, Jungkook,” You moaned his name as you reached your peak, walls squeezing around his thick cock, hands flat on his chest to take some of the pressure off your shaking legs as you came. His hands were pinching your thighs with a loud cry in bliss, filling the condom with his load, kissing your shoulder softly. Still, he thrusted gently trying to ease himself out so he wouldn’t just drag himself out quickly and potentially cause you any pain.
You laughed softly, bringing your hips up until his cock had completely pulled out of you carefully. He made space for you, his back pressing to back cushion of the sofa as you both faced each other, laughing breathless alongside you.
He looked over to you, head rolling to the side to face you better. Jungkook release soft pants trying to catch his breath bringing his hand up to the back of your head. He brought you close to him pressing a kiss in your hair, “You okay?”
“Yes,” you said moving to stand up, “But I need to use the bathroom.”
He let you go taking your clothes with you and he sat back trying to clean himself up too. He cleaned up with everything in time to catch you coming back out fully dressed. You gave each other shy smiles as you turned to head back in the living room unsure of what to do with yourselves. When he came back to you, he’d just gotten onto the couch when his phone was lighting up.
The group chat appearing on his screen but he ignored it. He already knew it was Sia and Yuna probably to ask them to hang out again. It’s crazy how they were the ones to call them out as a couple when neither of you could bring yourselves to admit it.
Your eyes met and he broke out into a smile, “What are you thinking?”
“I’m hungry,” you said with a little laugh that had him laughing too. Your hand was on the cushion and he reached for it taking it in his own hand. He lifted a brow, “What do you want to eat?”
“Pizza,” that made him roll his eyes playfully speaking with a smile. “We had that yesterday but we can get it. Do you want to order or eat out?”
“Order,” you said with a shrug as his shoulder pressed against yours. He nodded taking his phone out ready to order the food when he finally got a good look at the texts.
sia: I forgot my wallet at ur place
sia: helllllloooooo
sia: let me up
sia: I know y’all are there
sia: ew wait
sia: u suck
He laughed as he read over her last text that she’d be back tomorrow. She must’ve realized what distract you two so much because she left him alone after that.
He had another text from his brother apologizing for not sticking up for him at dinner the other night.
Jungkook will admit he was still upset over that, mostly that they’d all judge you before even getting to know you. He liked you not whoever his parents wanted him to be with and nothing would make him change his mind.
Nothing makes him happier than the fact you transferred to his school earlier this semester.
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tag list: @poopiedookieballz [lol the name] @ughitsvicky @prettyvjrd-blog @screamertannie @kimyishin
like Can we talk about looks like they could kill you, is acc a tsundere cinnamon roll?
that would be Jungkook here
I decided to do something sweet bc lately my fics for Jungkook have been having a lot of angst
and omg I had time three different stories going on for this post and I just couldn’t focus until this week lol
5K notes · View notes
✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 7: Stray Kids bias wrecker - Jisung✨️
The Heat
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AN: We have reached the end of my milestone celebration! Thank you to all of you, new and old, for your support. You have no idea how much it all means to me <3 Time to end this celebration off with my other other arch nemesis lol.
Synopsis: When your roommate brings home a bag of strange cookies, you two don't think much of it. Assuming whoever sold them to him was lying about them containing an aphrodisiac. You both quickly come to realise that you were very, very incorrect.
Heads up: Han Jisung x Fem! Reader, Roommates AU, dub-con elements (because Reader and Jisung are under the influence of an aphrodisiac, but they do genuinely want each other), mentions of masturbation, dirty talk, nipple play (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex, Reader cries a little, Jisung cums pretty quickly, mentions of multiple orgasms, unrealistic sex (Jisung cums more than once and remains hard), hypersensitivity, some usage of a petname for Reader and a barely there praise kink (f. receiving).
Word count: 3658
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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"You'll never guess what I found!" Your roommate yells, all but slamming the front door open in his excitement.
"Hello to you too, Jisung," you respond dryly but, your curiosity is piqued. Angling yourself to get a better view of the brown paper bag in his grasp from your position on the couch.
"Sorry, hi. I'm just really hyped," he responds sheepishly, plopping down beside you, "but look!"
You're not sure what you were expecting, but a bag filled with cookies certainly wasn't it. "Uh, they look good?" You offer, not really understanding what makes these cookies in particular so special. The little pink hearts on them are very cute, you'll give them that much.
"No, no listen. These aren't just any old cookies. Minho and I stumbled across this kind of weird looking bakery, and the lady who runs it said these cookies are mixed with some really potent aphrodisiacs,"
Yeah, this is not how you anticipated your Saturday to unfold at all.
"So... you bought them from an apparently really shady bakery and just trusted what that lady said?"
Your words take a few seconds to register in his mind. Big eyes blinking at you owlishly. If he hadn't just admitted to something so stupid, you'd reach over to squish his cheeks because of how endearing he looks right now.
"Well, when you put it like that..."
It takes a great deal of effort on your part not to drag your hand down your face.
"Minho should really stop enabling all of your impulsive purchases and ideas,"
"To be fair, he was the one who dragged me into the bakery. I just happened to stumble across these," he says, motioning to the bag now staring at the two of you on your coffee table.
"My point still stands. Why did you buy so many anyway? Why not just get a few if you just wanted to test them out?"
"They were running a special," he mutters.
"I didn't realise you were this naive. I have some magic beans to sell you if you're interested," you tease, grinning as the tips of his ears redden.
"Ha ha ha. Very funny. They weren't that pricey anyway so, luckily I didn't spend much," he reaches for the bag, fishing out a cookie.
"Woah hey, what're you doing?"
"Eating the cookies I bought? Like you said, I'm sure they're a scam, so I might as well eat them since I spent money on them," he responds with a shrug. Your anxiety building watching him take his first bite.
"Oh, they're pretty good, actually. Want one?" He asks, turning his big brown eyes onto you. Now, how are you supposed to say no when he looks at you with those eyes?
"If these are poisoned or something, I swear I'm going to haunt you," you respond, and your roommate takes that as a green light.
"We'll both be ghosts then. I don't think ghosts can haunt each other," he says with a laugh, the brushes of his fingers against yours feeling like electricity as he hands you a cookie.
You choose to essentially shove the cookie in your mouth to avoid dealing with that particular can of worms. Jisung was right. They are delicious. Flavours of strawberry with faint hints of chocolate caressing your taste buds. Maybe they were worth turning into a ghost for if the worst comes to pass, you think.
"See? They're good, right?"
"Yeah, I can't even lie. That's one of the best cookies I've ever had. If we survive this, you should show this oddball bakery to me,"
"Oh," and you immediately regret admitting to him that you actually liked it, "how the tables have turned. What was that you were saying earlier about reckless purchases?"
Rolling your eyes, you stand up in order to get ready for bed. Jisung's smugness more than enough motivation to finally get your ass off the couch.
"Goodnight Jisung," you say, waving him off.
"Goodnight," you don't even need to turn around to see the smirk stretched across his face. You can hear it clear as day.
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Everything feels like it's on fire when you wake up the following morning.
You're absolutely drenched in sweat and your throat is beyond dry. Perhaps the oddest realisation of all is that you're wet. As in, obscenely so. Your thighs are smeared in it and you're almost certain it's leaked all the way onto your bedsheets.
What the hell?
It takes you some very long minutes to blink your bleary eyes open. Your muddled mind working a mile a minute to try and make sense of all of this. Last night hadn't been that hot so, there should be no reason why you're this sweaty. Plus, from what you can remember at the very least, you hadn't touched yourself before turning in for the night. So why in the world are you this wet? And more than that, why does it hurt so much more than usual?
'What is going on?' Is that question that echoes through your skull as you join the world of the conscious. You're due for a shower and a change of sheets, you think. You feel pretty disgusting at the moment, and a shower might just be what you need to help calm you down. An ice cold one.
On perhaps the strangest morning you've experienced to date, you don't expect to bump into a shirtless Jisung with a towel wrapped around his slim waist.
You've seen your roommate without a shirt more times than you can count at this point. However, it's never made you feel like this before.
The throbbing gets worse. So, so much worse. Warmth flooding your face when you feel yourself gush onto the fresh pair of sleeping shorts you'd just changed into. Jisung is an attractive man. A very, very attractive man. You've had no qualms with admitting that in the most private parts of your mind and on nights when images of him between your thighs are the only thoughts that can push you off of the proverbial edge.
But it's never been like this.
"Morning," he says gruffly. God, that just made it worse. If you weren't too lost in your own spiral, you'd notice his blown out pupils and the glassy quality to his eyes. How they shamelessly rake over your body. How he has to adjust his hold on his towel so you don't notice how hard he is. How hard he's been for what feels like hours now.
"Morning," you squeak back in response once your higher order functions return to you. Practically slamming the bathroom door in his face and, sagging against it once you're alone.
What is wrong with you?
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Taking a shower was minimally successful. At least you're no longer drenched in various body fluids, but you still feel as though there's molten lava coursing through your veins. Everything is just so hot.
Touching yourself while you were in there didn't help either. If anything, it only added fuel to the inferno that seems hell bent on swallowing you whole from the inside out. Maybe you're just in desperate need of a good fuck. It has been longer than you care to admit since you last slept with someone. That Changbin guy was nice and ridiculously attractive. Perhaps you should give him a call.
You're disrupted from your thoughts when you hear a tentative knock at your bedroom door. Jisung. Oh no, you're not sure if you can handle looking at him right now, let alone being in the same room with him. Your mind has been replaying the encounter from this morning over and over again. Even that hadn't helped you cum in a satisfactory way. Which is insane because thinking about him works 11 times out of 10. You must really need to be fucked.
However, you're not a child. You're not going to avoid your roommate and your friend just because you're a little (okay, maybe it's more than a little) more sexually frustrated than usual. You're more mature than that.
"Come in," you say, cringing at the hoarseness in your voice.
To your relief (and mild disappointment), Jisung has a shirt on. Though, the way the tank top leaves his broad shoulders and biceps completely uncovered isn't helping the to soothe the squirming of your insides.
Jisung looks exactly how you feel: like a total wreck. His hair is in dissary and sticking to his damp forehead and his cheeks are flushed with an appealing dust of pink. You wonder if this is what he'd look like underneath you.
"What's up?" You croak, looking at your bedroom door as though it's the most interesting object you've ever seen. He may have a shirt on, but you're not sure you can handle looking at him for too long right now. For both of your sakes.
"Does it feel hot as fuck for you today too? I don't know what's been going on, but I already took two showers today, and I still feel like I might pass out from heat stroke," he says, making himself comfortable on your bed. While not out of the oddinary, having him so close to you is sending your barely coherent mind into panic. The desire to straddle his incredibly welcoming looking lap clawing at your insides.
"Yeah, it does feel a lot hotter than usual today. Maybe there's a ventilation issue or something in our place? Because I checked the weather and it the temperature for the day is on the cooler side, funnily enough," you respond, wiping some excess sweat off of your forehead. So, you're not the only one who seems to feel...off, weird even today. Whatever is happening appears to be affecting Jisung too.
"Really? That's so weird. I thought maybe there was a heat wave or something. I don't know how much more of this I can take," he sighs, throwing himself down. The bottom of his tank top exposing a sliver of his toned abdomen. Fuck.
Before your mind can assault you with fantasies of covering his abs in your wetness, that's when it hits you. Those damn cookies. They have to be the reason you're like this and that you suspect Jisung is experiencing something very similar.
"Jisung, I think I know why we're feeling so hot right now," you rush out, fingers absentmindedly toying with your blanket.
"Really? Well, I'm all ears," he responds, turning to give you all of his attention.
Fuck, how did you not realise it sooner? Jisung's eyes are almost black with how dilated his pupils are. Desire flashing like a neon sign on his face.
You really can't afford to soak through another pair of shorts right now. Focus.
"I think the cookies - I think the cookies weren't a scam," you mutter, hugging your legs to your chest. Your face is so warm that you're surprised the heat from it isn't radiating off of you.
He just keeps looking at you. You know the moment your words sink in because his face quickly shifts from a pretty, pink flush to an almost scarlet red. His mouth opening and closing as he grapples with what to even say to you.
"What? What makes you think that?" It's his turn to squeak and avoid your gaze. Seemingly fascinated with your ceiling.
"What else could it be? We both had them yesterday, and now we're sweating buckets and -" You cut yourself off. Jisung doesn't need to know you've been wet all day. You should probably keep that part to yourself.
However, the universe is determined to make you suffer, "And what?" He asks, meeting your eyes briefly before turning away. His teeth toying with his bottom lip.
"It-It's fine. Don't worry about it, but, um just trust me. I really think those cookies are the reason we're like this," You stutter out, studiously ignoring the lecherous thoughts creeping back into your mind.
Jisung doesn't say anything at first. Just laying there before sitting up once more, his hand ruffling his hair, "I wasn't kidding when I said I don't know much of this I can take. I feel like I'm losing my mind."
That you can relate to. Intimately.
"The solution is pretty obvious," you joke in an attempt to lighten the thick tension in the air. It almost makes it difficult to even breathe properly.
Your words have the opposite effect, however. Startled, fiery brown eyes meeting your own. Jisung looks like he's seriously considering it, and you're not sure whether your stomach knots itself in hope or anxiety.
"Jisung, I was-"
"Do you want to?"
Now it's your turn to stare at him in stunned silence. Probably looking like an absolute buffoon gaping at him. Is he joking? Is this his way of getting back at you?
"Wha-What?" Comes your brilliant response.
"Do you want to?" He repeats, both looking and sounding deathly serious.
"You don't have to do this, you know. If you don't want to. We can j-"
"I want to," he interrupts again, his cheeks darkening, but he doesn't falter in his words.
Your very hot, very kind, very funny roommate is offering himself on a silver platter. Even if you weren't so wet you could die, you'd be an idiot to say no.
"Okay," you whisper, meeting his eyes head on. Your heart thundering against your chest as you watch him shift closer to you. Barely any space left between the two of you. You're not sure who moves first, and it ultimately doesn't matter because after months of fantasising about it, Jisung's mouth is finally on yours.
Maybe it's the cookies, but your first kiss isn't gentle or slow or sweet. It's fierce and messy and desperate from the very beginning. Your hands not sure where they want to settle themselves. Alternating between pulling on his hair, pulling the most delicious whimpers from him or steadying yourself on his muscular shoulders while you two fall deeper into each other.
The gasp that leaves your mouth when Jisung nestles himself between your thighs is loud and throaty. He's hard. So hard and so hot that you can feel the heat radiating from him even through your respective clothing. Jisung wastes no time in covering your throat and jaw in sloppy, uncoordinated kisses while he shallowly grinds his erection against you. Greedily searching for any semblance of relief he can possibly find.
"Ji-Jisung," you moan, arching into his touch when one of his hands gives your breast an experimental squeeze. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," he groans against your neck between licks and nips, thumbing at your already hard nipple through your shirt.
"Re-Really?" You manage to ask through the fog. "Really," he responds, impatiently shoving your shirt up and taking one of your nipples into his mouth. To say you were unprepared for the sensation of being enveloped in his wet, warm mouth would be putting it lightly. You're so much more sensitive than usual. It might be the cookies, or it might just be Jisung. Probably a dangerous mixture of the two.
You've never cum just from having your breasts played with but, there's a first time for everything if the increasing wetness staining your shorts and inner thighs is any indication. Jisung, for his part, is content to spend hours with your tits in his face and in his mouth. Licking, sucking and fondling to his heart's content while he desperately humps your thigh. The dream, really.
He's about to whine when you tug him off of you, but he's shut up by your tongue being shoved down his throat. Your hands frantically pushing his tank top up and off of him until his bare torso is free for you to explore. Smiling into him when he whimpers at the way your nails rake across his skin. A pitchy 'fuck' greeting your ears when you accidentally brush one of his nipples. Oh. Interesting.
Kissing and touching him is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Jisung is fantastic with his mouth, and his firm chest is incredibly fun to explore. Figuring out which places garner you groans or whimpers or whines. Which ones make him grind into harder. Which leads to the other hand. You're so soaked and painfully empty, and kissing him isn't helping to soothe any of those flames.
"Jisung," you mutter against his mouth, your hands ghosting over the waistband of his sweats. Delighting in the way he shudders above you and his abdominal muscles jump under your barely there touches.
"I want you to fuck me, please," you whine into his ear, lightly biting down on his lobe, "it hurts."
Jisung exhales a very long sigh against your throat, "You're going to kill me."
A breathless laugh bubbles out of you when he pulls away to shove his sweats down. Any trace of humour vanishes quickly when his cock smacks against his toned stomach. He's so hard that it looks painful, flushed an angry shade of red, and glistening with pre-cum. You can't help but stare. Your walls clamping down harshly around nothing.
"I thought you wanted to get fucked?" He asks with an arrogant grin on his stupidly handsome face.
"Shut up," you respond, lifting your hips and letting your shorts join the heap of clothing on your bedroom floor. It's your turn to feel a little smug when Jisung's eyes zero in on your pussy. You don't think you've ever been this wet in your entire life, and you're too far gone to have any semblance of self-consciousness or embarrassment.
Jisung returns to his position between your thighs before you can fire out any quips, his cock nudging your entrance causing your head to spin and a soft moan to slip from you. "Stop teasing," you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist and clinging to his broad back.
"So-Sorry," is all the warning you receive before he very gradually starts sinking into you. god, it's never felt like this. Ever. With anyone else. Tears accumulate in your eyes, and a few roll down your face with every inch he pushes into you.
"Are you okay?" He asks lowly, kissing your cheek repeatedly and halting his movements.
"Yeah. Yes, Ji, I'm fine. Please don't stop," you practically moan, clawing into his back when he mumbles a curse and continues.
You can barely think, let alone breathe when he's fully sheathed inside of you. His cock pulsing inside of you violently and Jisung quivering above you, hushed moans of your name and whimpers being pressed into your shoulder. A whine hitting your ears when you squirm a little and tighten your hold around his waist.
"Wait, fuck. Wait, don't move," he moans, his hands grounding himself with his hold on your pillowy thighs. You struggle to comprehend his words. Everything is so muddled and overwhelming, and he just feels so fucking good, and he hasn't even moved yet.
At first, you assume Jisung's increase in sounds of pleasure and throbbing inside of you is just because he's as overwhelmed as you are. Every single nerve feeling like it's engulfed in flames. However, when his strained apologies register, you realise he came. Hot spurts of his cum flooding your eager pussy and open-mouthed kisses being pressed into your shoulder between apologies.
"I'm fuck I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. It just happened. Fuck you must think I'm so pathetic-"
"Jisung, stop. It-It's okay. That was really hot actually," you mutter, and you mean it. If anything, you're flattered that you managed to make him cum so fast.
"What? Really?" He asks, blinking down at him. His pretty eyes beyond fucked out and sweat dotting his face. God, he's so pretty. Your pussy clenching involuntarily.
"Yea- Wait, are you still hard?" You ask, only realising now that he's still nestled deeply inside of you despite the cum that's gradually starting to dribble out of you.
He looks as shocked as you. Seemingly not realising that his own cock hadn't softened in the slightest. "Holy shit," he breathes, thrusting into you experimentally, drawing a whimper and your nails biting into his back in reaction.
"Remind me to go back to that bakery," he utters into your throat. Giving you little time to adjust before picking up his pace considerably. Between your wetness and his cum, he fucks into you easily. Your combined noises of pleasure echoing throughout your bedroom while you two lose yourselves in one another.
You've been teetering on the edge for what feels like ages. All it takes is for Jisung to find your sweet spot for your eyes to roll into the back of your head and your back to arch into him. Your lovely, lovely roommate fucking you through it all and exploiting your newly discovered weakness.
"That's it, baby," he groans into your ear, his hands holding you firmly in place and making you take each and every thrust he gives you, "You're taking me so well. You're doing so good."
Those words are going to be replaying in your mind for the rest of your life.
Your mind is utterly blank as the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced wreaks your body. Your thighs shaking violently, and your hands holding onto Jisung for dear life while you tighten around him. Fuck. Fuck. You're so full, and it's so much, but not enough at the same time.
"More, please. Jisung, please. I want more," you cry out, not caring in the slightest about the pathetic, desperate edge to your voice. All you're capable of thinking about is cumming on his cock over and over again and, him filling you with his cum until it's still leaking out of you days later.
"I've got you, baby," he whispers, the pet name he's grown a fondness for causing butterflies to arise in your stomach.
"We're far from being finished."
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1K notes · View notes
rhadamanthes · 4 months
Made with love. Toji x reader
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word count : 2,8k
warnings : kitchen sex, fluff, praise, bakery AU, food play, breeding kink, soft toji, forced proximity, single dad toji, slowburnish.
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"Thanks for that, I owe you :)" You sigh, reading Shiu's message. You accepted one of his friends to work with you for a time. Toji, your new coworker starts today, you couldn't be more nervous. For the past 4 years, you've been working alone. You own a small pastry shop downtown, key word being small you don't even know how two people are going to fit in. You fidget nervously waiting for someone to show up. Shiu didn't even take the time to send a picture of the said friend. So you're just looking like a creep observing every passerby trough the window of the bakery waiting for someone to stop.
And when they do you can't help but gasp. A black haired man, built like a brick, is looking at the facade. That must be the guy. You open the door and pass your head through the crack.
"Toji?" you call hesitantly.
His head drops to meet your gaze and he nods. You're taken aback by the beautiful shade of his eyes, a deep captivating green. You feel the heat cripping to your cheeks but invite him inside.
"Did you find it easily ?" you start to break the ice.
"Yeah it's the only pastel colored shop in the business district" he laughs
You clear your throat in embarrassment, what's wrong with pastel color ?
"Anyways, so I suppose Shiu told you that I'm specialized in dessert and stuff, do you have any experience with that ?" you ask nervously.
"Not really in sweets, I used to cook for the army."
"Oh nice so you have some basis, I'll give you a quick tour."
The shop is small and only has a few seating tables so it goes pretty fast, pushing the swing door you're now behind the counter, and your fear comes to life. With the way he's built this feels like you're stepping on each other's feet. You open the door to the kitchen in a hurry needing to have some personal space again, it's the biggest room in the shop, and you walk him through it.
"So that's it, if you have any questions before we start don't hesitate and- oh! I almost forgot here is your apron, it's a spare of mine so I think it's going to be small but I'll go shop for others tomorrow." You say handing him the white colored clothes,
Now That you think about it, it also has lace details on the hem, you purse your lips the idea of this mountain of a man wearing a way too small apron with girly little details on it. Toji nods his head accepting the piece of cloth.
"So are you going to watch me change ?" he asks teasingly.
"N-no! Not at all the door here it's the break room, you can change there"You stutter over your word.
You put your own apron on, taking the ingredients that you need out of the fridge.
⠀༺ ✤ ༻
The morning rolls around fast and you're satisfied with Toji's way of working, he learns fast and is independent. The first customers start to walk in and you decide to put Toji at the desk to see how he interacts with them. And it's kind of catastrophic, not a smile in sight, no greetings or basic customer service sentences. You put your hand over your mouth looking at him. You go behind the counter, tapping his shoulder lightly.
"Toji, you know it would hurt anybody if you smiled a bit" you whisper not to expose him in front of the client sitting at the tables. "Look how I do with the next ones, yeah ?" He nods without saying a word.
Waiting patiently for the next customer, you rearrange the displayed goods, telling Toji how you like them to be presented. The bells at the doors ring and you put on your customer service smile, fading quickly when you realise who it is.
"Get out" you hiss.
"That's how you greet your friends now ? I just came by to see how the partnership is going" Shiu answers in his usual mischievous tone.
"It's great, now turn around and go away"
"Hmm i'll have the fondant aux poires please" you roll your eyes at his request serving him anyway.
"You're lucky i don't have tomatoes in here i'd ruin your suit"
"One day you'll thank me~" he says in a singsong voice handing you the cash "So toji how do you like it so far?"
"It's nice," he answers flatly.
You can't help but wonder if he really keeps this monotonous tone, and stone cold expression even with his friends. You turn around to meet his eyes and he's already looking at you, neutral expression, just grazing the scar on his lips with his fingers.
"Well I'll leave you to it then" Shiu says bidding you both farewell.
"So can I threaten the next customer?" Toji says leaning back on the counter.
" "Hello", and "have a nice day" will do, Forget about the smile" you say, hitting his arm lightly, going back to the kitchen.
At the end of the day you show Toji how to leave the kitchen ready for tomorrow, and everything clean. Outside of the shop you're both standing in front of each other awkwardly.
"Well i hope you enjoyed today" you laugh nervously "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, 8 am again ?"
You nod your head.
"See you then" he says, turning around going his ways.
Looking at him disappear, you think that this might not be as terrible as you thought, nobody ever denies a little help. This will do you think, this will do.
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You quickly get used to Toji, it's not like he's talkative, or particularly joyous but his presence makes you feel less lonely. He's less trouble then he seems, during the lunchbreak the two of you usually sit next to each other in the break area, when you were alone you would always put on some TV reality show to unwind. Now that Toji is here you still do, but he made fun of you for the first few days. Now he silently watches it with you, making comments from time to time.
Work wise you couldn't be more satisfied he quickly followed your rhythm and rarely complains. The only thing is that in such a small space you stopped counting the number of times you bumped into each other especially when behind the counter, he would always make snarky comments about how it's not an accident and you just want to feel his muscles. You always shut him off but he likes to see you so flustered.
One day Toji came to you looking thoughtful. You immediately pick up on it asking him what's wrong.
"Would...it be a problem if my son came to eat with us today ?" he asks, scratching his neck.
You're a bit dumbfounded, he has a son ? Of course Shiu didn't mention it.
"Hum yeah sure no problem" you says realising how few you really know about him
"Thanks, i should have warned you sooner but he only decided it a few minutes ago" he says avoiding your gaze
"It's fine, really, let's get back to work" you shut him off.
For the rest of the morning you can only think about Toji and his son, how old he's he ? Is it the reason why Shiu insisted for you to engage him ? Before you can think anymore about it the door opens, ringing the bell. You can see a small form rushing through the door and an adult following close behind, telling the kid to slow down.
"Megumi!" Toji beams as he takes the kid in his arms "Giving Tsumiki a hard time?" he laughs ruffling the hair of his son. The kid doesn't answer, hugging his father.
Tsumiki, the woman you suppose was following behind, is out of breath.
"Sorry about the cub, did he make you run around town again ?" Toji asks.
"No that's fine" she whispers, slowly breathing back to normal. "Enjoy your meal and I'll pick him up after hmm?"
Toji nods and she makes her way to the exit giving you a warm smile and a wave of her hand. You mimic her still not realising what happened.
"This is my son Megumi" Toji states awkwardly "Megumi says Hello" he whispers in his hair.
The kid turns around waving, not saying a word, well if it wasn't for the fact he's his dad spitting image, the attitude gives it away. You chuckle at the scene before you, leading them to the break room.
Dinner with the father and son duo was fun, they act exactly like each other, but Megumi is a bit more talkative you would say, he went on and on about the dogs he has back home and his friend Yuuji. This is the most information you have on the Fushiguro's. For dessert you offered Megumi a pastry and he happily devoured it. Tsumiki went to pick up the kid and the two of you resumed your shift. Since Toji brought a part of his private life here you allowed yourself to ask him a few questions, you learned that his wife passed away giving birth to their only son, and that Tsumiki is like a big sister to Megumi.
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Toji is not used to praise, or simply people talking to him without a second thought. To him, your sweetness hides something, so when you're both preparing the sweets of the day and you tell him how good he's doing, he snaps.
"Stop doing this" he tones. His harsh tone takes you aback, you furrow your brows.
"What are you talking about?" you ask genuinely intrigued
"Your stupid words of encouragement i'm not a toddler i don't need this, or your pity"
"This shop is all i have i don't care about your personal feelings, i care about your performance if you were doing bad i'll tell you too, you know what next time i'll tell you to fuck off when youre done with one of your task" you scoff losing patience.
Turning your back to him, you keep on decorating the cupcakes. The rest of the day was silent. Toji felt stupid for even mentioning that. He won't say it out loud but the silent treatment you're giving makes him miss your voice. He'll accept anything now, even the oversweet words.
༺ ✤ ༻
Today is the end of the week, on friday customers are rare in the afternoon. This is usually the day you take your time to try new recipes. Sitting on the counter you're eating a blueberry crumble with cream on the top.
"Solitary pleasure ?" Toji's voice interrupts you.
The both of you quickly made up after the little fight and everything is back to normal, even his little teasing. Heat creeps to your cheeks at his comment and you clear your throat.
"No just trying some new stuff" you stammers
"And can I have a bite?" he smiles.
You nod, extending your hand. A normal person would have picked up the sweet from your hand but not Toji, supporting your hand with his, he dips his head low, eating straight from your skin. The feeling of his lips and tongue on your skin makes you shiver. What is wrong with him ? He looks at you through his lashes and you instinctively close your thighs. He straightens his back, licking his lips.
"Don't close your thighs on me darling" he purrs with a smirk growing on his lips.
You hit him with your feet, getting off the counter to wash your hands in the nearby sink. The water runs against your skin and you try to forget what he feels like against you. But he seems to have other plans. Caging you against the counter, Toji takes your hands in his, spreading the soap on your limbs. His chest feels like a wall behind you, he's hot and strong, you relax in his touch and wonder how his tongue would feel on every part of your body. He keeps on massaging your hands as he rubs against your ass.
"Toji stop" you blurt in a meek voice, you're not even convincing yourself.
"You sure you want me to stop? you have goosebumps all over" he whispers in your neck. "And I can tell you want me, everytime i pass behind you you clutch your little thighs or your cute little apron," he adds, kissing your neck.
You moan out loud at the feeling. He stops the water, drying both your hands on the closest piece of clothes. Toji turns you around, locking your lips in a heated kiss. You completely let yourself go at his contact, locking your arm behind his neck as you start to grind on him too. He places a knee between your legs and your clit catches at every fiber of his jeans making you squirm. You can already feel yourself getting wet, as well as he's getting hard under your ministrations.
Lifting your hips, Toji places you on the counter. You shiver against the cold marble. Breaking the kiss you get rid of your apron and his. He rips open your blouse, attacking your nipples with his warm mouth. Your back arch off the counter in pleasure, as his tongue twirls against your sensitive bud. With his free hand toji reaches for the bowl of cream you used for your cake he places the cold mixture on your other tits lapping hungrily at it.
"Fuck Toji" you cry at the hot and cold sensation.
You're getting wetter by the second and want to feel him inside of your pussy right now. You let your hand travel to your pants working the zipper down. Toji lifts your lower body off the counter so you can properly take it off. He does the same for himself and you pat him through his boxer. Fuck he's big, you bite your lips.
"Scared ?" he asked with a grin.
You bite hard on his neck as an answer, he chuckles. You stroke his cock a few times and spread your legs when you feel he's hard enough. The tip of his cock runs against your folds and you clench his shoulders. Slowly entering you, you let your head fall backward at the stretch feeling.
"God that tight little pussy" he rasps in your ear
"You like that? you taunt petting his hair
Letting your back hit the counter once more, he hides his face in the crook of your neck as he begins a slow pace in your cunt. His big cock pushes your gummy walls all the way. It's been a long time since you've been fuck like that. The faster he gets the louder you moan.
"Shit Toji, just like that, good boy"
His hips stutter at your words and he groans.
"Say it again" he growls.
"You're a good boy," you say, kissing his jaw.
"My good boy" you purr right next to his ear.
A defeated sound escapes his mouth and picks up the pace ramming into your pussy full force. Each thrusts lock you harder against the counter while you dig your nails into his muscular back. Turning you around Toji places you in a doggy style position. Your hair is firmly locked in one of his hands while he pounds into you. He's close you can't tell. you're not far away either. He keeps rutting into you, the knot in your belly is getting closer to snap with each thrust.
"Make me cum Toji please be good to me" you moan on the verge of your orgasm .
A few more thrust and you cum undone, face pressed against the cold counter. Your muscles squeezing around his length make him shoot all of his cum deep inside of you. YOu're both moaning, and breathing heavily. His head rests against your sweaty back, you can feel his dick twitching inside of you.
Catching normal breaths you straighten your back.Toji is locking you against his torso in the process, his beefy arms resting on your belly. You're glad he does because your legs feel like jelly right now. Catching a few of the whipped cream with your finger you raise it to his mouth he licks it looking at you in the eyes.
"What a good little boy, you want more ?" you taunt
He squeezes his arms tighter around you and you apologize, laughing a bit. Guess you really have to thank Shiu for that.
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Baker Steve and Rockstar Eddie AU is now going to be called What Baking Can Do (will i write it out? Someday. Hopefully soon)
Anyways I have more headcanons for the au
•Steve doesn't wear polos anymore because of the scar around his neck. His closet is literally filled with the softest sweaters and t-shirts he could get his hands on. The softness brings him comfort and feels nice on the scars.
•He always smells like baked goods and the kids love it. It's why they always give him hugs right when they see him, they love the smell and his hugs are so warm and just the best.
•All the kids help out at the bakery when they can, they think it's fun and plus! Job experience! El, Will and surprisingly Lucas all like to help out in the back, Steve teaches them his recipes and how to bake because these are his kids and they will be his legacy so he will teach them everything he can. Max, while not the best with customer service as well as Mike, are both really good at remembering peoples orders if they are sitting at the tables. Dustin is great as a greeter and handing people their to-go orders. Erica is the best taste-tester.
•Look, Steve is still hella popular with the ladies but now he's just so oblivious to their advances, like girls he went on dates with in high-school are trying to BAG this boy but he's always like, "Hang out? Sorry I can't Lucas has a game that day and I promised I'd make him basketball cupcakes."
"Lunch to catch up? I'd love to Brenda but the kids have their little Hotfire club thingy and I promised I would sit in for the session. Raincheck?"
"Dinner? Oh my god thank you for reminding me! We have a family dinner this weekend and I said I'd bring cornbread and a cake."
The kids think it's absolutely hilarious, like how dare you try to date our mom???? And yes they have purposefully "reminded" Steve of something he "promised."
•Eddie has witnessed this on one of his visits and he too finds it hilarious yet endearing. Like Steve may be a little dumb when it comes to people flirting with him but Eddie likes that in a man.
•Eddie is a romantic and absolutely brings Steve a bouquet every time he visits. He finds out quickly that sunflowers and roses are Steve's favorites.
•Eddie always enters the cafe loudly announcing, "HONEY I'M HOME!" Steve grumbles that he's disturbing the customers but he loves it. He always gets the biggest smile when Eddie comes in.
He especially loves hearing that phrase when Eddie's been gone for awhile due to a tour or something of the like.
•Once Steve finds out who Eddie is he tracks down some of his records to listen to and finds he actually likes some of the songs so when Eddie came in next time Steve absolutely just rambled on and on about how much he loved the songs and told Eddie what he liked about them and Eddie is just slowly melting into a puddle hiding behind his hair.
•Steve let's the kids and Robin play whatever music they want when they are working but when he's by himself he absolutely plays ABBA, The Cure, Wham, David Bowie or Prince.
Eddie loves this ridiculous man despite the Wham
•Steve will absolutely close the cafe if one of the kids call him and they're sad, just plain having a bad day or if they are having an emergency. He doesn't care if it's a rush, or if you need your banana bread right now Bethany, his kids need him.
•When Eddie first started visiting and the kids didn't run into him due to conflicting schedules and what not, he finds out quickly that Steve doesn't know who he is so he has no problem giving Steve his name. (He holds himself back from asking if Steve likes his last name enough to take it)
They slowly start to get to know each other and Eddie tells Steve he writes songs and Steve just declares that he's sure Eddie is great at it despite not reading any of Eddie's songs or listening to the man sing and when Eddie point that out Steve just huffy.
"You're an amazing guy Eddie who has seen and done so much. It's not hard to believe that you are talented at writing songs. You really have a way with words!"
And Eddie just wants to lay on the floor, this boy is too precious. He can't.
•When Robin is down on her days off from school and working at the cafe, her and Steve wear matching "uniforms" which is really her just snatching one of his sweaters (of course matching colors), putting on her apron and she always insists they switch name tags.
Steve always rolls his eyes but he also always does it. That's how regulars know Robin is back because Steve will be wearing the nametag 'Robin'
•They absolutely decorate the cage for every holiday. They go all out and it's always the most fun Steve has had on holidays.
Christmas: Him, Robin and the kids get ugly sweaters to wear for the cafe
Halloween: costumes but Robin and Steve are always Batman and Robin because they think it's funny.
Valentine's Day: Argyle made them shirts with neon colored Sweethearts Candies on them and they wear them every time.
Thanksgiving: Robin thinks it's hilarious for her and Steve to dress like vegetables. Dustin likes to be the Turkey. (Steve is almost always the corn)
•They do decorate the cafe for any member in the family's birthday for the day even if they're not having the party there.
•Eddie absolutely starts writing songs about Steve and that's how his band mates find out about him because they catch him singing the songs and other love songs.
•Eddie loves his band but he doesn't tell them where he goes when he goes to visit Steve, they share a lot, practically everything and he will introduce Steve to them and them to Steve but he doesn't do it right away because 1. He's wooing the man of his dreams 2. He just wants it to be for himself for a while
He does offer them treats though as an apology/bribe
•Eddie loves the kids but he is also terrified of them. Yes they are fans of his, but they clock in on the fact he wants to date Steve so fast and they each give him separate shovel talks. They make sure Steve doesn't see them do it though.
•Eddie fully thinks Steve is this super tender, sweet, sarcastic guy who wouldn't hurt a fly until he witnesses Steve defend him from an overzealous fan (which felt more like a stalker) that had followed them after they had had lunch at this local diner.
The fan had tried to get grabby. Had tried to take a "souvenir."
Steve has a mean right hook.
Steve so looked so proud of himself that he knocked the fucker out. He even put his hands on his hips and smiled all cutesy, "I won a fight!"
Which that sentence isn't terrifying right?
That was their first kiss. Also might have been the night Eddie confessed.
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sashaisready · 6 months
Chapter Fifteen - I’m done with you
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again
Warning: References to/implications of violence (mild)
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 16
Series Masterlist
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Bucky sits in his office chair utterly seething, a group of his men surrounding the desk. Steve and Sam exchange a nervous look, practically feeling the anger pouring out of their leader and friend.
"So let me get this straight..." Bucky starts through gritted teeth.
"So not only did she see the car...she ran towards it, then stepped into the middle of oncoming traffic...was nearly hit by a cab...only to be saved by a random guy. A random guy who then proceeded to hit on her...and get her phone number. Is that everything?" he asked the group, almost spitting venom.
Clint and Scott exchanged brief fearful glances before Clint spoke.
"Yes, boss. We're sorry, she ran out so quickly and the cab was just there...we never could've got to her in ti-"
Bucky held up a hand to silence him.
"Ignoring the fact she only ran out because she saw you...why did nobody go out and check on her? Or call me?? Why exactly did you stand by and let some guy have his hero moment and talk with her long enough to ask her out?" he spat, the edges of his calm façade slipping.
"We're sorry boss" Scott chimed in nervously. "You always say not to approach her...to keep our distance...and we didn't-"
Bucky interrupted him. "I didn't think I'd have to spell out that if you see her in danger or another guy trying to fuck her then it's alright to intervene. You're not filming a fucking nature documentary" he spat, slamming his fist into the mahogany desk.
Scott and Clint nodded, their heads hanging low.
Bucky sighed. "Okay. Everyone out except Steve and Sam" he gestured dismissively to the door with his hand.
"And you two" he pointed at Scott and Clint. "Come back here in ten for some extra training" he barked. "Seems you need a refresher."
Scott and Clint nodded again, swallowing with fear as they knew exactly what 'training' entailed.
"Don't be too hard on 'em, Buck" said Steve after the others had filed out and the door had closed.
"Nobody really knows what you want them to do with this girl. If they're just watching or stepping in. It's not exactly their day job. Everyone thought you wanted to stop following her".
Bucky sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes with his hands. Steve and Sam were the only members of the group who could speak freely like this with him. As much as it annoyed him, he knew it was important for the boss not to exist in an echo chamber.
The only other person who could speak to him like that was you.
"Sounds like you need some damage control after what happened in the bakery anyway" Sam added. "Not sure why you thought flaunting another girl in her face was a good idea..."
Bucky groaned. "I dunno. I fucked up. I was just trying to make her jealous and keep her on her toes. She seemed standoffish after our night together and I didn't want her to think I was whipped. I thought she'd just get mad and we'd do our bickering back and forth like always. I didn't want her thinking I'd gone soft just because we'd slept together..."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Well, you were so convincing you drove her into the arms of another man. So, good job" he scoffed.
Bucky knew they were right. He wasn't used to have feelings like this. Normally he slept with a woman once or twice and lost interest like clockwork. But you had got under his skin, chewed your way through into his mind. He had no idea how to handle it. But clearly he was failing, regardless.
"It's not important right now. How are we doing with that weapons deal?" he asked authoritatively. Snapping back into boss mode. Into familiar territory, the world he knew.
"Good. Stark is onboard. He's just weighing up the best way to bury the loss of inventory so that there are no questions raised if he gets audited" Steve replied.
Bucky nodded. "Okay, good. Let me know when we're having the sit down".
He turned to Sam. "We still haven't heard from our HYDRA friends in a while. Do we know what's going on there?"
Sam shook his head. "We've been asking around but nobody has heard anything. Maybe they're laying low to get the feds off their back, or they pissed off the wrong people".
Bucky thought carefully. "It's not like them to keep so quiet for this long. And they're not smart enough to lay low this efficiently. If they'd pissed someone off this badly I think we would've heard about it. Don't let up. I want to know where they've been hiding".
Sam nodded, adding a note in his phone.
They spoke more about business until a tentative knock at the door interrupted them.
Bucky sighed, pulling off his jacket and stretching his arms out. "Come in fellas" he said sinisterly.
Scott and Clint filed in sheepishly as Steve and Sam headed out. Steve shot Bucky another look and gestured subtly to the nervous men as he left.
Bucky nodded, knowing full well what Steve was trying to communicate. He wasn't really going to hurt them hurt them, just remind them of their orders. Sometimes people learn better by showing rather than telling.
"Alright, who's first?"
You walked to the bakery practically skipping, still high on your meeting with Peter from the day before. You'd been texting since last night and already had plans to meet on Friday evening.
Occasionally glimpses of Bucky flashed into your mind. His icy blue eyes. The smell of his cologne. How his arms felt as he held your hips that night you were together...
But you shook them away. Bucky was behind you now. It was better for you both - you could now meet a nice man who actually liked you and didn't play games - and he could go on fucking his way through the women of New York City and beyond, unencumbered by pesky distractions like 'feelings' or 'being a decent human being'. And life would go on. And that was fine.
But Bucky was hard to shake, even after everything he'd done. He was like a stain you couldn't fully scrub clean. Still, you were determined to remove him from your thoughts.
You filled Wanda in once you reached the bakery, babbling excitedly as you told her about Peter and the taxi and your date on Friday. She gasped, eyes wide as she got up to speed.
"Are you sure you didn't accidentally cast a love spell or something?" she teased. "All these men..."
You rolled your eyes as you pulled out the sheet of brownies Wanda had baked that morning, setting them down in the display cabinet.
"It's only two men, Wands" you scoffed, moving to line up the cupcakes at the front. "And one of them is very much off the scene".
Wanda chuckled as her gaze panned to the store windows, her face suddenly falling. "Huh. I guess not everyone got that memo".
You glanced up to see what Wanda meant only to find Bucky in the distance striding towards the store. You only see him briefly before you turn away so he doesn't see you, but you catch a glimpse of his face. He didn't look happy. But then, when does he?
You knew you didn't want to face him right now, unable to take whatever little game he wanted to play with you. It was just too much. You didn't want him to bring you down from your high, so you made a split decision.
"I'm not here" you spluttered as you catapulted into the back room.
"What??" hisses Wanda after you.
"I dunno tell him I'm on a supply run or something. He'll leave once he realises I'm not here. Thanks, I owe you one!!" you call back at her, slightly frantic.
Wanda sighed as she watched Bucky reach the front door. She plastered on her best service smile as he walked in.
"Hi, Mr. Barnes. What can I get for you today?" she asked.
You listen from the back, impressed by how breezy Wanda sounds.
Bucky casts an eye over the store, carefully inspecting every corner as if you were somewhere he just hadn't noticed yet.
"Where's your boss?" he questions, strolling up to the counter.
Wanda smiled back. "She's not here. She's out picking up some piping bags as our order got delayed. Do you want me to pass a message on?"
You silently applaud her for her quick thinking.
Bucky's jaw ticks. "Huh. That's too bad" he says pensively. "Is she working tomorrow?"
Wanda pauses, unsure if she's meant to tell him or not. She stalls for a moment but they're interrupted by the bell ringing, announcing someone else coming inside.
They both turn to look at him. It's a delivery man with a clipboard, clutching a handful of helium balloons which he carefully manoeuvres through the door.
Wanda looks at him blankly before he speaks.
"Hey. Got a delivery here for..." his finger runs down the page and he reads out your name.
Wanda's face twists in surprise. "Oh! Yeah I can sign for that...minion balloons huh?"
You know she only said that out loud for your benefit.
The guy shrugs and passes the clipboard to her. "I just deliver what I get".
You clasp your hands over your mouth as you hear what they are, dangerously close to crying out with excitement as your stomach flips. Peter was even sweeter than you realised.
"Are you done?" barks Bucky as he watches the man take the clipboard back. "We are in the middle of something here.."
The man scoffs. "Listen pal, I'm just doing my jo-"
But he cuts himself off when he turns to Bucky and fully takes him in. Fearful recognition spreads over his face.
"Oh I'm s-sorry Sir" he stammers nervously, clutching the clipboard and putting the pen back behind his ear. "Yes, all done here, sorry to interrupt".
He rushes out of the store and you remember just how intimidating Bucky's reputation is. You very nearly blow your cover by storming out and chastise him for intimidating people just trying to do their jobs. But you stay put.
"Uh yeah, she's here tomorrow morning" Wanda finally relents. "She's opening the store up".
Bucky nods at her. He shoots a confused glance at the balloons before leaving.
You give it a moment to make sure he's finally gone before sprinting back into the front, nearly smashing into the counter in your eagerness.
You screech are the sight of the balloons, there are three of them in the shape of minions. You giggle and snap a photo on your phone, texting it to Peter to share your appreciation.
Wanda watches on in confusion. "Minions..?" she asks tentatively.
"Oh yeah. I was dressed like a minion when we met and it's kinda become a thing" you explain, smiling at your phone.
Wanda chuckled. "So you have in-jokes already? Promising..."
"I'm not sure everyone appreciated your gift, though" she countered, nodding to the door where Bucky had just left.
You sigh. "Ugh. I'm sorry you had to deal with him. Thanks for covering for me. Don't worry I'll send him on his way tomorrow" you say casually, waving a hand dismissively.
"You're not worried about him?" Wanda asks curiously.
You shook your head. "Nah. I mean, sometimes. But not really, no. I just need to be in the right headspace for his schtick. And I wasn't today..." you explain, shrugging.
Wanda nods thoughtfully. Your phone buzzes as a message pops up on your screen.
Glad they got there in one piece! 😃 See you on Friday. Maybe leave the overalls at home. P x
You grinned excitedly. This was one of your favourite stages of a new romantic prospect, each text filling you with butterflies and anticipation.
The day went by in a flash, the usual to-and-fro of customers and no more Bucky or minion themed deliveries. Pepper called in briefly to say hello, delighted to see how well the store was doing and congratulating you on a job well done - which made you swell with pride. She was in the process of hiring a new store assistant to help out during busier shifts, taking the pressure off you and Wanda which you both welcomed. She said she'd send you the resumes of her shortlist and you could give her your thoughts.
Before you knew it you were locking up for the night - battling with the keys while you wrestled with the unruly balloons at the same time.
You set off home clutching the balloons as you read through your messages. You were replying to Peter, a smirk on your face as you ambled along the sidewalk. You didn't even notice the SUV creeping alongside you until a deep voice broke you out of your concentration.
"Hey, Doll".
You jump, your hand clasping your phone as you hold it to your chest in surprise. Your startled expression morphs into annoyance when you see who it is.
Bucky was leaning out of the backseat window, smiling innocently as the car rolled along next to you. He looked great as always, a section of his slicked back hair slipping down onto his forehead. You had to resist the urge to reach out and tuck it back in.
"What do you want, Bucky?" you ask flatly.
"Did you get the piping bags?" he mocks.
"Yep" you snap, continuing along the street with your eyes facing forward.
You thought the image must've been funny, a grown woman clutching minion balloons as a man leaning out of SUV drives alongside her at a glacial pace. But you were too annoyed by Bucky to see the humour in the situation.
"Cute balloons. Who they from?" he asks, reaching out to pull on the foil strings. You swat his hand away with a sharp slap.
"A new friend" you mutter as you continue on, wondering if you can make a detour to shake off your new shadow.
"Look at you. Always making friends...anyone I know?"
"I doubt it. We don't exactly run in the same circles". Your voice is cold and prickly.
"Oh, well, you wanna tell me how you met?" he teases.
"I'd rather not".
"Want a ride home?" he asked. "We have space for your new inflatable friends, too".
"No thanks. My legs work just fine" you spit back at him. "I thought you'd stopped following me?"
"I have. Was just in the neighbourhood is all" he shrugs.
You roll your eyes knowingly.
"Can we talk?" he asks quietly.
If you didn't know any better you would've detected a hint of desperation in his voice.
"There's nothing to say" you respond. "Maybe ask Allegra if you're looking to chat to someone". You curse yourself for sounding more annoyed than you wanted.
Bucky scoffs. "Not jealous, are you doll?"
"Why would I be jealous? Because we slept together last week, you kicked me out on my ass, ignored me for days and then you brought another woman to where I work?"
He frowned. "I may not have handled this as well as I could've..."
"No shit".
You stop and turn to face him. The car comes to a halt too.
You reach out and finally tuck that errant strand of hair behind his ear and lean in, smiling sweetly. Bucky's posture stiffens, inwardly ecstatic about this unexpected physical touch as he leans closer to you.
"Leave. Me. Alone" you practically whisper to him, carefully enunciating each word. "Stop following me. Stop showing up at my work. Torture someone else. I'm done with you".
You give him a quick kiss on his cheek almost mockingly and move as far away from the car as possible, ignoring his final pleas as you put your earphones in and begin to play music, drowning him out.
Bucky sighed. He really had fucked up with you.
But he wasn't licked yet.
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dontcare77ghj · 2 years
Supposed to be a one night thing
Steve x reader x Bucky
Mob! Au
Authors Note; Sorry for the long absecne, I'm going to try harder to post. In the mean time, if you want some behind the scenes, or want to be friends, or are just bored, please follow me on the following;
Sleeping with two men after sharing a couple of dances and drinks with them was not your best moment.
Especially since you three started before you even left the club.
The next morning you had snuck out of the hotel room they'd brought you to before either man had a chance to wake up.
You thought that was it. One night, two months ago.
Except now, sitting on your bathroom floor, you realised that hadn't been it.
"God, fucking damn it." You swore, staring at the positive pregnancy test in your hands.
"Y/N, you good in there?" Wanda called from the other side of the doorway.
"No, I'm dead." You called back sarcastically, still staring at the stick.
"Don't take that tone with me, miss missy," Wanda said as she opened the door. "It's positive, isn't it?" She asked, closing the door behind her.
"I thought there was protection." You whispered as Wanda came and sat beside you. "I could've sworn there were condoms, and I'm on the pill! For Christ's sake!" You cried, throwing the stick across the room.
"The pill doesn't always work, and you said you were all really drunk, didn't you?" Wanda questioned you as her arm wound around your shoulders.
"We were." You nodded, curling into Wanda's side.
"Well, there you go. It doesn't take a genius to make a baby." Wanda tried to joke.
"No, it just takes so many shots of vodka." You groaned.
"Is it too soon to ask you what you want to do?" Wanda wondered.
"I don't know what I want to do yet." You said with a sigh. "I don't even know who those men or which is the father." You said, hiding your face in your hands. "God, I'm a slut."
"Oh, please, those two are the first men you've slept with in two years. You're hardly a slut." Wanda told you.
"I'm barely twenty-four, Wands. I don't know if I can be a mom." You said, looking at your friend.
"You have pretty much adopted those four kids that work for you. You're the most mothery person I know, and that's including other mothers." Wanda said.
"If I did keep it, I have nana's bakery, so it's not like I'm strapped for cash." You hummed. "I might have to find somewhere else to live."
"We have the spare room, hon. Granted, it's a little small, but it'll be fine for now for bubs." Wanda said. "Oh, I have to make a nursery Pinterest board now! When do we know if it's a girl or a boy? Or should we go something between like purple?" She questioned you.
"You'd still want to live with me? With a baby that'll spend half its first year screaming?" You rose a brow at the woman.
"It's not like my insomnia lets me sleep anyway." Wanda shrugged. "Hey, look at me. You are my best friend, the sister I wanted but didn't get. Of course, I wasn't going to kick you out when you're pregnant." She promised you.
"Have I ever told you I love you?" You asked the woman. 
"Not lately." She smiled.
"I love you, Wands."
"I love you too, Y/N. We'll figure this out. I promise."
Two Months Later
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" Wanda cheered as she exited the doctor's office first.
"It was a fifty-fifty chance, Wanda." You rolled your eyes with a smile.
"But still, I was right!" She grinned, looping her arm around you. "And I think we should get ice cream for my little detkas."
"Not for you or me? Just for what's in my womb?" You rose a brow at the woman.
"I mean, we're going to get some too, but this way, we can pretend we're being healthy," Wanda said as the two of you rounded a corner.
But before the two of you could continue on your way, two black SUVs stopped in front of you.
"Should we run?" You asked, eyes darting to Wanda in fear.
"Too late." She nodded to another SUV behind you both.
"Ladies." A blonde man called as he exited one SUV, three other men right behind him. "We're going to need you to come with us."
"Yeah, we didn't ask for a ride, but thanks anyway." You said, causing a dark-skinned man to laugh.
"That's cute, honey, but the bosses want to see you." He chuckled. 
"You wouldn't want to start something that might hurt the baby in your belly, would you?" A man with long black hair wondered, causing another to smack him in the back of the head.
"Nothing will happen to any of you three if you just get in the car." The blonde man spoke again.
"I don't think we have much of a choice here, Y/N," Wanda whispered to you.
"No, I don't think we do." You sighed before the two of you began walking towards the men.
As the two of you got closer, the blonde man took hold of your forearm and pulled you into one car while another took Wanda and began dragging her towards the other.
"Wait, where are you taking her?" You demanded, watching as Wanda was bundled into the back of the other car. 
"Don't worry about her. She's going to be just fine as long as you cooperate." The man said as you were pushed into the car.
"How did no one react to two people being kidnapped in broad daylight?" You muttered to yourself.
"People see what we tell them to see." The dark-skinned man said as the car began to drive.
Too scared to anger your kidnappers, you kept silent in the back seat, your arms wrapped around your belly.
The windows were tinted so darkly that you couldn't tell where the men had driven you or how long it had been since you got into the car.
But all too soon, the car stopped.
"C'mon, little lady." The blonde said, opening your door and trying to take your arm.
Wrenching yourself out of his grasp, you stepped to the side before glaring at him.
"Put your hand on me, and it'll be the last thing it ever touches." You snapped, causing the darker man to laugh loudly as the blonde had the intelligence to look scared.
"Oh, I'm gonna like having you around." The man said, holding his hand out to you. "Sam."
"I'm not taking your hand." You said, wrapping your arms around your stomach.
"Fair enough." He nodded, letting his hand fall to his side. "This way." He gestured for you to follow him, the blonde man behind you.
You were certain you were going to die. 
That you, your babies, and Wanda, too, would all be dead by the end of the hour.
And your fears weren't lessened as Sam led you through what looked like an office building and bundled you into an elevator before pressing the top floor button.
"In you go, sweetheart," Sam said once the doors opened.
If you were going to die, there was no point in delaying the inevitable.
Steeling your shoulders, you walked out of the elevator into what appeared to be a large office.
You felt sorry for whoever was going to have to clean your blood out of these carpets.
"Y/N L/N." A man from behind the desk stated, causing you to freeze.
"I think she's surprised to see us, Buck." The other man chuckled.
"Of course, she is. I bet you never thought you'd see us again, huh, sweet thing?" Bucky questioned you, resting his elbows on the desk in front.
"Well, that is why I left before you two woke up." You sighed, walking closer to the two.
"You didn't think you could hide our baby from us, did you?" Steve cocked his head.
"Well, I didn't know who you were or have a phone number, and there's not exactly a message board for anonymous motel sex, is there?" You snarked, taking the seat opposite them. 
"You don't know who we are?" 
"Besides intimate details, no." You said, causing the two to share a look you couldn't discern. "What I do want to know is why the hell you had me and my friend kidnapped in broad daylight?"
"You're carrying our child, Y/N," Steve said as if that were all the explanation you needed.
"Which I still don't know how you found out about." You raised a brow.
"Our friend's wife works at your doctor's office. He recognised you." Bucky shrugged. 
"Okay, enough with the half-assed answers." You snapped.
"You might want to be careful what you say to us, kitten," Steve said warningly.
"I remember you liked my mouth. Or was it just what went in it and not out?" You narrowed your eyes at the blonde as Bucky laughed loudly.
"She's got fire, Stevie."
"Look, we can all agree that this," You gestured to your rounded stomach. "Is not what any of us planned. So, why don't you two go back to not knowing?" You suggested.
"Not knowing?"
"Yeah, me and my friend, who better still be in one piece, go back home, and you two can stay here and do whatever the hell it is you do." You explained. "You won't hear from any of us again."
"And what would you say if we offered you a million dollars to have this baby, give it to us, and you go on with your life?" Bucky offered.
"You could offer me the moon, and I'd turn it down." You shook your head.
"That's our baby, kitten." Steve reminded you. 
"It wouldn't be your baby if I filed for a restraining order, would it?" You asked, trying to sound threatening, only for the two to laugh.
"There isn't a judge in this city who isn't in our pocket, sweet thing," Bucky mentioned.
"How about we come to the obvious solution?" Steve asked, causing you to cock your head at him. "Co-parenting."
"There'd be rules." You crossed your arms across your chest.
"On both ends." Bucky nodded. 
"And conditions." You added. "Starting with my friend walking out of here without a scratch on her."
"Done." Steve nodded. "One of ours is you, and the baby would have to live with us."
"Excuse me?" You scoffed.
"We have a lot of enemies, sweet thing. It'd be safer for both of you." Bucky mentioned.
"Who the hell are you two?" You snapped, tired of the two's vague words.
"Sweetheart, we're the head of the Avengers mob."
"How the fuck did you not know you were sleeping with two mob bosses?" Wanda demanded as she entered the room Steve and Bucky had given you.
Apparently, the building Sam and the man you'd come to know as Clint had brought you to had many uses.
The lower floors were one of Steve and Bucky's many businesses, this one legal, and the top floors were home to them and theirs.
That now included you.
"I don't pay attention to who people are, Wanda! I don't know who the fucking President is!" You groaned, holding your head in your hands.
"After we fix this, you're not leaving my sight. Next thing I know, you'll be inviting a terrorist to dinner." Wanda sighed, sinking to sit beside you. "Did they hurt you?"
"No." You shook your head. "I don't think they will."
"They kidnapped us." Wanda reminded you.
"They could done a lot worse." You sighed. "Steve and Bucky said they'd call you a car when you're ready to go."
"Like hell, I'm leaving you here." Wanda scoffed. "You can tell them they can either set me up a bedroom next to yours, or we're sharing a bed."
"Wanda, it'd be safer for you back at the apartment." You told her.
"Y/N, after my parents, and Piet, you and these detkas are all the family I have left. I'm not going anywhere." Wanda promised, taking your hand.
"Alright. I'll let them know."
"My friend gets to stay."
"And you keep all your mob dealings away from us."
"We can do that."
"But we need you to stay here for your own safety."
"I have a business to run."
"We have an intern who can take over for you."
"I'd need to meet him."
"We can arrange for that."
"We're also going to need to keep the baby a secret. We've got a lot of enemies."
"I understand." You nodded. "But you should know, it's babies."
Three months pregnant
Steve and Bucky had been quite accommodating in the month you'd been forcibly moved into their home. 
The two had given Wanda a room next to yours, though she ended up staying in your bed most nights.
"Someone's got to watch over you."
They brought in their own doctor, who was on hand 24/7 and even found a prenatal expert they trusted.
And strangely enough, for two one-night stands, the two were very interested in you and the babies in your belly.
"And bon appetite!" Steve grinned, placing a plate in front of you. 
"You know you don't have to cook for us, right? There's a kitchen in my rooms." You reminded him as Bucky took a seat to your left.
"Bruce says you should stay off your feet. He says there's an increased risk of miscarrying with multiples." He said, pinching a piece of bacon off your plate. 
"Hey! Don't touch our bacon!" You gasped, moving your plate out of his reach.
"Buck, you have your own plate." Steve sighed, nodding to the one in front of the brunette. 
"Aw, but Stevie, stolen bacon always tastes better," Bucky whined, causing the blonde to shake his head.
"How you two run a mob, I have no idea." You shook your head. 
"That's easy," Bucky said, shoving bacon into his mouth. "No one gets to see this side of us."
"No one?" You raised a brow. "Not even Sam, who I saw here two days ago walking around in his underwear?" 
"To be fair, he was shot in the leg," Steve smirked. "Makes it harder to wear pants."
"What Steve meant to say is that very few get to see this side of us. Our family basically." Bucky told you.
"Well, I get to see this side of you. And I'm not family." You reminded the man.
"Sweetheart, you are carrying our children. You are more family than you think."
Five months pregnant
"Y/N, are you alright?" Steve asked as you stormed into the living room with Clint on your tail.
"Just fine, no thanks to your little bodyguard." You snapped, moving into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
"What did you do?" You overheard Bucky ask Clint.
"I did what you asked me. I took her into town like she wanted, and kept close."
"And ruined my date." You said, reentering the living room. "You just had to talk to the guy, didn't you?"
"Alright, Clint, why don't you head home for the day?" Steve suggested with a chuckle.
"Oh, go from one overly emotional pregnant woman to another? Thanks, boss." Clint shook his head before leaving the three of you alone.
"So, you were on a date?" Steve rose a brow.
"I don't have to ask your permission to date." You grumbled before chugging half your water bottle. "Besides, it wasn't a real date anyway. We were gonna have coffee and go into the bathroom." You admitted quietly as your cheeks burned red.
"You were looking for someone to sleep with?" Bucky questioned you, choking on his saliva.
"Don't you two judge me. I wasn't going to say anything about this." You gestured between the three of you.
"Why were you trying to get fucked in a coffee house bathroom?"
"Because your kids have made me so fucking horny at all times of the day." You snapped before sinking into a chair with a sigh. "It's a lovely side effect of pregnancy, isn't it?"
"You know, if you wanted a quick lay, you could have just asked."
"Excuse me?" You rose a brow.
"Well, it's not like we haven't done it before. Clearly." Bucky gestured to your protruding stomach. "And this way, you wouldn't be trying to squeeze in a stall with a stranger."
"Don't think we were gonna make it to a stall, but okay." You muttered. "I thought you two were together, and what we did was a result of way too many shots."
"I mean kinda."
"Bucky!" Steve scolded, reaching out and hitting the brunette in the chest.
"Don't hit me, Steve!" Bucky whined, moving away from the man. "That wasn't all I was going to say, geez."
"How you two run a mob." You muttered to yourself.
"Look, what we did wasn't exactly planned. I mean, we were all drunk, and I don't think either of us planned to get you pregnant,"
"I hope not."
"But it happened. And we're all in each other's lives now." Bucky continued. "And it's not as if Steve and I aren't attracted to you."
"This won't make things weird?" You asked, looking between the two.
"Not if we don't make it weird," Steve told you. "Besides, it's not like either of us is going anywhere any time soon."
"What do you say, kitten? You still horny?" Bucky asked with a smirk. 
"Have been for about three weeks." You said, struggling to your feet and moving towards your bedroom. "You coming?"
"Going to be." 
"Not as much as you will be."
Eight Months Pregnant
You had been sleeping with Bucky and Steve for three months now. And honestly, you didn't want it to stop. You weren't sure when it happened or how, but you'd fallen in love with the two.
Wanda hadn't exactly been thrilled when you'd admitted the secret.
"So not only are you carrying the two mobsters' babies, you're now in love with them?" Wanda had demanded. "Oh, honey, you're really in it now, aren't you?"
Of course, you hadn't admitted to either that your feelings had changed. Because if there hadn't, you'd have to spend the rest of your life around them feeling an intense awkwardness.
Well, right now, you wished you had said something.
"Shit," Peter swore, his head falling back against the wall.
"Stop moving, Pete." You rasped from across the room. "You've got at least two broken ribs."
There had been a problem at the bakery that only you could solve so after crawling out of Steve and Bucky's bed and showering the stench of sex off you, Clint had driven you to the bakery.
Peter had been with you while Clint had answered a call from Sam in the front room. That's all it had taken before the back room was gassed.
You had called for Clint, trying to warn him of the attack, as Peter had dragged you into the alley.
But someone had been waiting for you in the alley. You weren't sure who it was or how many had been there because someone had quickly hit you over the head.
And now the two of you were chained to opposites of a room straight out of a torture porn scenario.
"Broken ribs are gonna be the least of my problems when Steve and Bucky find us." Peter groaned, closing his eyes.
"They aren't going to touch you." You promised the younger man as you shifted uncomfortably. 
To anyone else, it looked as though you were uncomfortable due to the terrible conditions of your kidnapping. But what you were afraid to admit out loud was that your discomfort was because of the twins in your womb.
"They're going to kill me." Peter miserably said.
"Peter, this wasn't your fault." You firmly told him. "And if they try anything, I'll kick them both in the ass." You said, causing him to chuckle.
Before Peter could retort, or you could continue to reassure him of his safety, the door to your prison opened. 
And in walked a stunning woman.
"Karla." Peter sat as upright as he could as he glared at the smirking woman.
"Hello, Peter." The woman purred. "So sorry about the rough arrival. Science doesn't like to wait."
"Peter?" You spoke, struggling to sit up. "You want to introduce me to our friend?"
"This is Karla Sofen. She was supposed to be on our side." Peter said, continuing to glare at the woman.
"Steve and Bucky promised me many things, and in the end, they couldn't deliver." Karla tsked.
"Oh, nothing like that, sweetie," Karla said, moving towards you. "I'm a scientist. They wanted my help with a few things."
"But we found out she was experimenting on people and their DNA." Peter snapped.
"They said I could continue my personal research." Karla shrugged.
"They didn't know it was fucking with people's genes!"
"My, my, language, Peter. What would your mother think?" Karla asked Peter with a smirk.
"So, you've kidnapped us because you're mad at Steve and Bucky?" You interjected before Karla could continue to taunt Peter.
"A little." Karla shrugged. "But I do get an added bonus by having you, sweet thing." She said, moving closer to you.
"And what would that be?"
"I have a little idea that if successful would truly allow twins, or any set of multiples, to be physically and mentally connected. The problem was, getting a set of multiples. That was until I found out about you." Karla said, kneeling down to your level.
"No." You gasped, unable to stop the tears from filling your eyes and trickling down your cheeks.
Stupid hormones.
"Oh, no, no, no. Don't cry, sweet thing." Karla cooed, reaching out to stroke your cheek. "I'm not going to hurt them. Not while they're safely nestled in your womb."
You tried to pull away from the woman, but you were already pressed against a wall.
"After all, you can't gauge the reactions of a test subject when you can't see them," Karla smirked, rising to her feet. "You'll be seeing me soon."
"Do you think they're looking for us yet?"
"I think they're burning the city down looking for you," Peter promised.
"I hope so." You murmured before wincing.
"Y/N?" Peter asked, sitting up straighter.
"I'm fine." You lied, moving to lie down on the cold floor.
"Don't lie to me, Y/N." Peter snapped. "What's wrong with the twins?"
"Nothing. Nothing. They're fine."
"Y/N." Peter started before you let out a gasp. "Y/N?"
"My water broke, Peter." You whispered.
"Oh shit."
"Look, Y/N, I really don't want to tell the pregnant woman what to do, but you have to try and stay quiet." Peter urged you.
"Fuck off, Parker!" You quietly snapped, biting into your fist to quiet your yells. "This kids not waiting, Pete. I think I'm gonna have to push." You cried.
"Then you're gonna have to push." Peter nodded.
"I didn't want it to go this way. I wanted Steve and Bucky to be here. I wanted the twins to be safe." You sobbed.
"Y/N, look at me." Peter pleaded. "Look, if I could come any closer, I'd be right there holding your hand, but I can't. And unfortunately, right now, this is the situation we're working with. I can't promise Steve or Bucky right now, but I promise you, nothing is going to happen to your babies."
You wanted to nod and smile at Peter's encouraging speech. You wanted to sit up and push these babies out in one go with no problems, but none of that was possible.
"Oh shit." You whimpered, hand shooting to your stomach. "I think I have to push."
Before Peter could respond, two things happened. 
One, you were already shimming out of the clothes on your lower half.
And two, the sound of gunshots echoed throughout the room.
"Oh, thank God." Peter breathed, averting his eyes from you. "That's them."
"They better hurry, or both of 'em will be sleeping on the couch." You grunted. 
The sound of gunfire easily covered your increasingly louder cries as the baby was getting closer to tearing its way into the world.
You could almost drown out the deafening sound as you tried to remember what your birthing coach had taught you. In fact, you almost entirely blocked out what was happening around you, until the sound of thundering footsteps got closer to your door.
You saw Peter sit upright at the noise, prepared to do what little he could in this situation when two matching gunshots rang out before something thumped to the ground.
The door slammed open, denting the wall it hit, as Bucky and Steve barreled inside.
"Oh thank God." Steve sighed, rushing to your side. 
"We didn't think we'd make it in time," Bucky said, picking the lock on your chains.
"Nope, right in time." You grunted. "Enough with the locks. Barnes, give me your hand. Steve, get down there and get ready to catch."
"What?" The two froze.
"She's in labour!" Peter exclaimed, causing the two mob bosses to rush into action.
"Oh, I swear, I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!"
"Oh, I love them." You gushed, staring down at the bundles in your arms.
After delivering both twins, and them being declared healthy as can be, Steve, Bucky and what seemed like an army, delivered you all back to your home.
Wanda had been quick to squeeze the life out of you for scaring her before giving her goddaughters the same treatment. 
Wanda, and, Steve and Bucky's friends had all come and gone, leaving just the five of you together.
"How can anyone not?" Bucky whispered, running a gentle finger along one of the sleeping girl's cheeks.
"It's gonna be really hard to say no to either of them," Steve mentioned, watching the twins with the same sappy smile he'd been wearing for hours.
"You're gonna spoil them, aren't ya?" You smirked at the blonde.
"I plead the fifth." He said, causing you and Bucky to laugh quietly.
"You really scared us today, kitten," Bucky mentioned as the two of you sobered.
"We went a little crazy when we found out you were taken," Steve admitted.
"Peter thought you might burn down the city." You told the two.
"We were thinking about it," Bucky said, and you didn't think he was joking.
"I was scared too." You said, looking down at the babies. "Scared she'd take our babies and hurt them, scared she was gonna kill Peter and me, and honestly, I was scared I wouldn't get to see either of you ever again." 
You felt a finger hook under your chin and found yourself looking into Steve's eyes.
"You were scared you wouldn't see us again?"
"Yes." You nodded, swallowing back the tears at the memories. "I should have said something sooner, but I was scared, but I'm not scared anymore. I love the two of you. I don't want to be co-parents with you, I want the three of us to be together and just be these kids' parents. 
I know it's dangerous, and I know I'm going to be worried about the two of you more often than not, but I think you're worth it. I think the three of us being together is worth it." You said, swallowing harshly once you had finished your impromptu speech.
"I can't believe you beat Steve to the speech." Bucky laughed. "Kitten, when we heard you were taken, we decided that once we got you back we were gonna ask you the same thing."
"Yes. And if you'll have us, we'd love to be in this with you 100%." Steve smiled. "As partners, lovers, the parents to the cutest girls ever born."
"Except for their mother." Bucky cut in.
"Except for their mother." Steve agreed. "What do you say?"
"How did I ever think this was supposed to be a one night thing?" You smiled at the two. "Yes. I want this. I want both of you. I want this family."
"And you'll have it."
"Along with anything else your heart could ever desire."
"It already has everything it could ever want."
Remember, all Taglists are open, as are requests. Taglists include the main taglist, individual characters, all male/female, and venom stories.
@rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainx @hopingforbarnes @starlingelliot @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @jelly-fishy-babie @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @reann-shitposting @skadikh @summergeezburrr @buckybarton03 @sunshinepower17 @bindythedemon @natasharomanoffismywife @keenmarvellover @bbybarness @storiesbystarlight @buckybarnesplumwhore @bromieeomieee @marvelmenarebeautifull @niki-is-a-thing @pauloonig @abyssiniapleasantt @beautybyfire @officalmarvelbaby @acertainredhead @reapersandcreepers @adoreyou9766 @casperlikej @songbirdcannabee @montygator17 @cecedrake22177 @nyx2021 @black-dhalias @idontwannagomrstarkk @chiyongberry @bunnyweasley23 @ratzy
Remember follow me on TikTok or Instagram @paigedwrites
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
I quite literally have no idea
Yeah, originally I was gonna do the vampire au, then the werewolf kids au, but then it just. Morphed into this. Enjoy it, idk <333
Mirabel walked with Camilo in the village. The pair of five-year-olds were giggling wildly at a joke Camilo made, a rather dumb one. But who could blame them? They were only 5, and it was a funny joke.
As they walked, they passed by a cart. Mirabel's eyes lit up, and she skipped up to the cart, Camilo hot on her heels. "I want a cone!" Mirabel said, her voice practically a demand. The ice cream vendor wasted no time and scooped the ice cream from the large cold basin into a cone.
Mirabel got her way. She always did. When her ceremony failed, her abuela just couldn't bear to see her Mariposita so unhappy and got her a room. And she loved it, and she loved her Abuela for doing everything just to get it for it. Mirabel was adored by her family, and she was well aware of that fact. It wasn't said out loud by anyone in the village but...Mirabel was spoiled.
Very spoiled.
She always got her face. And she was fiercely defensive of her family. She loved them to pieces and reveled in the attention that was showered on her. She would do anything to keep them happy, just like how they had done for her on her second attempt at a birthday party.
Mirabel smiled as the ice cream vendor handed her a cone. As she went to enjoy it, she saw Camilo fiddling with the fringes on her poncho. She stopped for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing before she looked at the man again.
"Give him a cone too. Now. And make it fast," Miravel said, pointing to her primo. Camilo's eyes lit up at the idea of also having ice cream.
The man looked towards Camilo. His expression changed, and with no hesitation, he flat-out told him a prince. "50 pesos for two scoops."
Camilo hesitated before digging around in his pockets. He left his pocket money at home. Mirabel noticed his saddened expression and the ice cream vendor's indifference. The fact that the ice cream vendor was charging him anyway irritated her, but she would fix this.
"Just give him a cone! He always helps out in town! I saw him yesterday helping you move your cart up the hill," Mirabel said, and she wasn't wrong. Just the other day Camilo had shifted and helped him, among the many other villagers.
"Look I can just...give out free cones. Bad for business. You're lucky I gave you one," the vendor argued, and Mirabel's top was about to blow. And Camilo could tell.
"Mirabel, it's fine, let's just go to the bakery or something," Camilo tried to reason.
"No! You want ice cream, and you deserve it. It's not fair!" Mirabel tapped her foot again, and by this point, her cone was melted. She paid little attention as she turned back to the vendor. "You WILL give him a cone! You have to!"
"Why? It's my business!" The man argued back. He wasn't entirely sure why he was arguing with a 6-year-old, but he wasn't going to lose.
"It's our Encanto! You wouldn't be anything if it weren't for me and my family! Especially Camilo!" Miravel snapped. She threw her cone to the ground. With a strong kick to her cart, Camilo finally pulled her away, pushing through the crowd. "You hear me? Nothing! I'll make sure no one buys from you again"
Camilo pulled Mirabel aside into a small alley, still holding her hand. The girl was breathing heavily, and Camilo pulled her into a hug. His jokester façade fell away, revealing a more gentle side that he only reserved for family, and even then, only Mirabel.
The girl eventually calmed down and Camilo pulled away. "You didn't have to do that. We could've just gone to the bakery."
"But that's not fair!" Mirabel said, stomping her feet. "I never get what I ask for, the villagers are mean!" Mirabel cried into her hands.
Camilo frowned at her prima's reaction. He pulled her closer, his hand on her cheeks, copying what his mama, tia, and abuela always did whenever Mirabel started crying like that. "Please don't cry Mirabel, it's not that big a deal."
"You deserve an ice cream cone! The whole family does! I don't like this village," Mirabel huffed, tears still in her eyes. With a sigh, she rubbed her eyes. "We should move."
"Or! We can still go to the bakery! Señor Marcelo always gives us treats there," Camilo suggested and Mirabel nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go," Mirabel grabbed Camilo's hand, rushing him out of the alley and towards the bakery. Camilo shook his head at the sudden mood swing. But he was happy he could make her feel better.
Literally just one of Mirabel’s old concept designs with a few altercations. She’s very mf spoiled in this au. But the only people she’s a brat to is her family.
That’s all I got y’all, I just didn’t wanna leave y’all wit no content 💀💀
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daegall · 2 years
pairing: tutor bf!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, slight hurt comfort, established relationship!AU, college!AU
warnings: reader gets insecure a little?
word count: 855 words
a/n: so hi 🤭pls dont take this as a sign that i will come back i've had numerous attempts at writing and this was just lucky enough to work out :((
thought of this in class and nearly cried bc i realized nobody has ever done this for me HAHA
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy &lt;3
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Dating Lee Donghyuck has many perks.
First of all, he is incredibly funny. His jokes never fail to brighten your mood, never fail to curl your lips up in a warm smile.
You don't know this, but Donghyuck loves your smile and no matter what, he will do anything to see it.
Second, he is very, really, super cute. Hot, almost. It's no surprise how many people would be attracted to him, with his whole goofy personality and pretty face, it's no wonder why you like him.
And third, Lee Donghyuck is so very smart. He's known in campus for being the perfect boy tutor (apart from Mark Lee). Funny, cute, and smart? What's not to like about him?
Well for starters, the fact that he's already taken.
You have no idea how you managed to have the Lee Donghyuck be with you, let alone love you, and you're more than sure other people think the same thing.
It's been stuck swarming and plaguing your mind ever since you've started dating, which is quite some time, actually.
Donghyuck's fingers wave across yoru face, scaring you for a moment, and you flinch at the proximity.
"Hey, you listening?" His soothing voice comes next, right next to you, and it's a double jump scare.
He can't help but chuckle at the expression on your face, finding you way too endearing for 11:30 in the morning.
"Oh—sorry, Hyuck."
Donghyuck shakes his head, his hand inching towards yours to grab your hand softly in his. "It's okay," He then motions towards the chemistry book in front of you two, and you realize that he's tutoring you. "Anyways, for this equation—"
Just as he was about to explain the mistake you had made in one of the chemical bonds question, a cough interrupts his words. The source of the sound is from behind you, and you turn to find a girl, a book in his arms.
She looks... a bit too dressed up for a session at the library, her pretty eyes lined with clean eyeliner and lips heart shaped in a smile. She's gorgeous.
"Hey Donghyuck! Do you think you could tutor me today about... um—" She quickly looks down at her book, as if she had jsut forgotten what she had to study for. "—Ah! Right, Kinematics,"
Her long eyelashes bat against her cheeks, the dimple on her cheek shining. Instantly, a wave of uneasiness washes over you, and as much as you hate to admit it, it's jealousy.
You're about to pack up, expecting Donghyuck to do nothing but accept the offer, but his fingers tighten around yours, as if to halt you.
"Sorry, but I'm actually busy tutoring Y/n today,"
His words surprise you, it takes you completely off guard that you make a noise between shock and elatedness.
"...Oh, is that so?" The stranger's eyes shift form Donghyuck, to you, before she smiles politely and nods. "That's alright! I'll just go ask Jeno,"
Yes, the physics major. Why didn't she think of that before asking the med student?
And as she walks away, you can't help the heavy thumping of your heart, and how it's strings are being pulled very dangerously.
Donghyuck grins at you, before turning back to the worksheet. "Back to what I was saying,"
Before he can continue on, there's another interruption, but this time, it's from you.
"Why did you turn her down?"
Donghyuck is taken aback from your question, much more from the weakness in your voice. And as he looks up, his heart hurts from how confused you look.
"Because I'm tutoring you? Why would I end our session in the middle of it to go help someone else?"
There he goes, absolutely stealing your heart yet once again. He says it so easily, as if it were always that easy. If it was always that easy, why is it the first time someone's ever done it to you?
"Nobody's ever done that for me,"
If Donghyuck's heart hadn't hurt before, it sure is now. It's swelling, and sinking, and spiraling in such hurt at your words. "Nobody should ever ignore you."
Finally, a grin forms on your lips, as your fingers tighten around his. "Yeah," There are beads of tears at the corner of your eyes, and they slip down your cheeks before you can stop them. "No, yeah, cool, that's very cool."
Donghyuck's hand leaves yours, and before you can miss the feeling of it in yours, a warmer sensation of them wrapping themselves around your cheeks stops it. Your boyfriend gently wipes away the tears, scooting closer to you.
As much as he hates to see your tears, he's even happier that you feel happy, he's glad that you feel the validation you should have always had.
"You know what?" He mumbles with a smile. "Let's ditch this worksheet and head over for lunch. They got fish and chips today, and waffles for dessert," he purses his lips and squints his eyes as if trying to remember something, "and if I'm not wrong, waffles are your favorite..."
You laugh through the tears, leaning over to bump your forehead against Donghyuck's. "Are you asking me out on a date?"
He laughs, brushing your noses together. "You know it baby,"
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epicsteddieficrecs · 1 year
Epic Steddie Fic Rec: Chapter 5 (December 31st, 2022)
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I really need to get back into the habit of making these weekly recaps *weekly* or else... this is what happens. I post shit late lol.
Mutual Future by knell (Post-S4 Fix It | 40K | Explicit): two dudes navigate their feelings in the most normal way possible.
hold me now, i need relief by ToEdenandBackAgain (Post-S4 Fix It | 25K | Mature): It’s probably going to go down in history as the worst kiss Steve Harrington ever got, but Eddie doesn’t give a fuck. He isn’t going to get another chance so he’s working with what he’s got. It’s less of a kiss, and more of a slide of lips, wet with blood and tears but he feels Harrington’s grip tighten on the back of his shirt and he pulls back. He reaches up with the hand he can still feel and pushes back a strand of hair that had fallen in Steve’s face, smearing blood along his temple as he does. “Sorry. Couldn’t die without knowing what that felt like.”
🖤 And I Knew (in the Crystalline Knowledge of You) by PippinPips/ @majesticfaequeenpips (Practical Magic AU | 28K | Mature): At a young age, Eddie casts a spell to never fall in love in an attempt to save himself from future debilitating heartbreak. Of course magic always finds a way to work. When a single father moves to town Eddie never expected to really cross paths with the man. As fate would have it, he does. He gets so much more than he bargained for.
Eddie Munson and the Dreamboy by pukner/ @pukner (Post-S4 | 8K | Not rated): Or, five times El and Eddie find a version of Steve Harrington while traversing his mindscape to drag him out of a coma (thanks, Vecna). And one time Steve finds Eddie.
🖤 you can take the heart from your chest to use as a compass when you are lost by fragilecapric0rn/ @flashyysins (Modern AU | 29K | Mature): Thanksgiving 2009. Steve, who is about to host the brood of children (who somehow aren't children anymore) in a cabin for the long weekend, after a semi-bad week, all while batting off Dustin's attempts at playing matchmaker and dodging phone calls from his mother. And at some point some strange man on the internet broadcasts his worst public moment for the other Craigslist freaks to see. What could go wrong? Or right? (Part 1 of Missed Connections)
the worst time for the best case scenario by fragilecapric0rn/ @flashyysins (Modern AU | 2K | Not Rated): He briskly walks down the aisle before so he can walk in the guy’s direction on the other side and as he turns down, he realizes he fucked up.  Oh my god, is that a black eye? Oh my god, he’s hot. Oh my god, he’s crying. (Part 2 of Missed Connections)
i would wait anyway by poesidone/ @gonzocoded (Future Fic | 8K | Teen): Eddie's back in town after six years of traveling the country looking for himself. Upon his return, he's forced to confront the consequences of an impulse decision he'd made before leaving and the fact that, apparently, Steve Harrington now inexplicably owns a bakery called Flour Power.
you're the singer and i'm the song by ruinations (PWP, Trans Eddie | 4K | Explicit): After hearing a rumor that Steve's fantastic at eating pussy, Eddie asks Steve to prove it to him. Steve is more than happy to oblige.
the circus music playing on loop in my mind is being overpowered by the disco from the next room over by fragilecapric0rn/ @flashyysins (Canon Divergent | 3K | Mature): “What the fuck are you doing here?” He nearly squawked, meaning for it to come out anyway other than that. The man turned around, and here he was. In a stare down with ghostly pale Steve Harrington, who was not only supposed to be straight, but was also in a MESH TANK TOP at Frankie’s on a Wednesday night.  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He pauses, glancing around the room, small voice. “It’s disco night.” (Part 1 of who knew the aftermath could taste this sweet?)
i know it's hard. but when you accept it, it'll feel like flying. by fragilecapric0rn/ @flashyysins ( | 6K | Teen): Steve thinks he's finally getting a night alone with Eddie, but Will Byers has other plans. (Part 2 of who knew the aftermath could taste this sweet?)
words caught in my throat (who talks first?) by fragilecapric0rn/ @flashyysins (Future Fic, Getting Back Together | 12K | Explicit): Steve and Eddie get snowed in together. Emotional constipation and all the things left unsaid are also in attendance.
Seasons change, but people don't. by hotluncheddie/ @hotluncheddie (Canon Divergent, Pre-S4 | 6K | Mature): Eddie's scalp is prickling and he’s had the worst fucking day, okay? His stupid math and science teachers are in kahoots, he knows it. His grades are too low, he cant make it up and they don’t like him so there's no way out. He’s not graduating. Again. He has to repeat senior year. Again. And the added layer to his shit cake of a day? King Steve wants to buy from him. Today, right now. Oh ho ho is he gonna get overcharged sooo bad. Seeing as eddie has to postpone his wallowing to wait at his stupid little bench in the stupid woods behind the stupid school. Or: three times steve asks eddie to stay, plus one time he finally does.
defrost by Adure/ @toburnup (Enemies to Lovers, PWP | 9K | Explicit): Eddie hates Steve, for the most part. And now they're stranded in the middle of nowhere. And it's snowing.
won't be the same, dear, if you're not here with me by judasofsuburbia/ @judasofsuburbia (Post-S4 Fix it, Dreamsharing | 9K | Teen): Steve doesn’t want to ask this. He knows this is just a dream (or an upcoming nightmare). Something that’s made to feel real but isn’t. Still, he asks, “Are you actually alive?” Eddie glances up at him. His big, brown eyes are shimmering with naive, joyful hope. “You tell me, big boy.” or: five times steve harrington dreams of eddie munson and the one time reality feels like a dream.
didn't think that it'd take dying (to finally feel like i'm okay) by tak_cajaz (Post-S4 Fix It | 9K | Teen): Or, Eddie thought he was dead, so it didn't matter that he spilled his secret to the pretty angel taking him to heaven.
🖤 off the beaten path by pukner/ @pukner(Canon Divergent, Pre-S4, Autistic Steve & Eddie | 34K | Explicit): Or, post season 3, Steve manages to figure out that he's bisexual, despite his best efforts to repress it, comes out to Robin and Jonathan Byers of all people, and figures himself out. Also, there's a cute guy who might be actually insane running the kids' dnd club and he's got his eye on him. And his bandana. Too bad Eddie Munson hasn't had a similar revelation. He's still under the impression that he's a straight man obsessing over Steve Harrington for normal, extremely heterosexual reasons. OR: Steve figures out he's bi before Eddie figures out that he's gay. Eddie still manages to fall first. (Part 1 of off-script)
no boys allowed by pukner/ @pukner (Canon Divergent | 7K | Not Rated): Robin Buckley has her very first Girls' Day. She gets her hair braided, consoles her heartbroken best friend, and everyone muddies the water a bit on the exact definition of what a Girl is. Steve Harrington has a good cry about Eddie Munson. (Part 2 of off-script)
that'd be the end of the last man on earth by pbandjeremiah/ @pbandjeremiah (Future Fic, Parent Eddie | 9K | Mature): eddie munson and his two adorable daughters sit next to steve on a flight from san francisco to chicago. a lot changes in those four hours.
Crimson and Clover by Plastiktramps (Canon Divergent, Pre-S4, PWP | 4K | EXPLICIT): Or, Steve has a bisexual identity crisis and Eddie just wants to make him feel good. (Part 1 of Crimson and Clover-verse)
If you know someone I haven't tagged, please tag them in the comments!
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hexologh · 2 years
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Part 2 of “Those Eyes...”
Is it weird I get my inspiration from memes? ☹️
Characters ; You, Sun wukong and Macaque.
Sun wukong
— Considering how much pride this monkey has he'd probably agree with you.
— Like sir? Are you Asmodeus from Obey me? Jk Asmo is cool.
— But he secretly loves it when you compliment him, his ego be like : 📈
But fr tho please do this every day, every hour, every minute., Every sec—
— Ehem., Anyways you'd be like. “You're tail waging like Sanic.” SW would raise a brow and ask, “Don't you mean Sonic?” you'd blink with a apathetic face and say, “No.”
— Totally out of topic but ..,
— One time you two were hanging out and Mk appears out of nowhere and looks at the two of you like; “Something malicious is brewing..🧐”
— This man., Right here he ain't used to compliments I mean he suffered a lot of trauma, Like his dad never came home with the milk., I MEAN— he died that one time but came back like Jesus.
— My lord and savior is that you?? ☹️ Btw do y'all have time to talk Abt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? ❤️😘
— Jk, Or am I ..? 🧐 But fr tho get a therapist Macaque, anyways when you first complimented him he didn't really respond just blinked at you, staring at you liked he did when you worked at the bakery- no wait, wrong AU 🙊
— he's quite observant, he realized that you actually meant it., It made him happy after that he started to get closer to you and even spoke more,. only when you're around tho.
— Macaque if it isn't Y/n : Just go. Get out of here. Leave. 🗿
— You weren't stupid you noticed this and started to compliment everything he does he would be flushtered but keeps his straight face and just shrugs it off, But please keep doing it..
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misc-obeyme · 20 days
Ooo human AU? Seems interesting… what is Barb doing in this human au? Y’know once upon a time I went to this little tea shop thing, do you think Barb would wanna work there? I don’t really know lmao-
I really really wanna like Mammon and I get that he’s a little tsun but it’s just kinda hard for me to like him- I need validation and knowing that the work that I put into a relationship is appreciated, and I feel like with Mammon I would feel insecure or like… does he think I’m annoying, does he just not care about that I wanna be friends? So yea-
I have a deep love for Solomon akdjdjs especially in NB?? I value emotional stability and just like. stability and domesticity in general in my relationships, and they fed us so well with that hehe :3
My sister keeps sending me angst </3 so I’m depressed now yay! But I like torturing myself lol (especially if it’s good angst)
I’ve been trying to learn some k-pop dances!! And. uh. I have never danced before (besides just like random flailing that has no choreo at all) so that’s fun! But hey, it’s not going too bad in my opinion!
Anyways sorry for bothering you with my rambling ^w^
- <3
Ahh, yes I have a few posts about my human!au ideas... they even inspired some amazing fanart! But I haven't gotten to Barb yet... I started with the brothers and I haven't finished them yet. And it was just random ideas, I haven't actually written anything out. You can find them under the tag #misc human au! But also here are some links: this is the first one about Beel, then Belphie & Satan, and lastly Asmo & Mammon.
HOWEVER I have been thinking about Barbatos because of course I have. I've actually thought about two different human!au situations for him. In relation to my general AU as linked above, I'm kinda back and forthing about what I think he'd be doing. This is because I'm not sure what Diavolo is doing in that AU and I think that would impact what Barb is doing. I don't really want him to just be Diavolo's butler but human style, you know? So I'm still ruminating on this one.
But aside from that, I've had an idea about human!AU tea shop Barbatos for ages! So yes, exactly what you're suggesting. I was thinking it would be interesting to explore a story where Barbatos is not in command of time and space, where he's just... a regular person. How would that change his dynamic with MC? What would that look like if they fell in love? How would Barbatos react in a situation where he doesn't have any obligations to a prince or magic or the world at large? He's just a man who runs a tea shop.
Because I think if he didn't have all those things and he was just a human, he would definitely run a tea shop. I like to think of it as a tea shop/bakery hybrid. And of course MC is a regular customer. It's a story I've been thinking about for a while... maybe I should write it lol.
ANYWAY I didn't mean to ramble about this, but as you can see I have many thoughts lol.
It's totally valid not to like Mammon. He has a lot of fans, but he's not for everyone! The trick with him, I think, is to remember that no matter what he says, he's definitely down bad for you. All you gotta do is flirt with him and you'll see - he'll blush like crazy. Or maybe you flirt with one of his brothers just to see him protest. But in the end, if you really need him to be honest with you, all you have to do is ask him when he's alone with you. Every time he's open and honest with MC about his feelings it's when they're alone. It's one of my favorite things about him, personally. I like to imagine MC just being really honest with him and asking him how he feels and when he tells them, he might still be blushing, but he's serious and he means it.
I also think the tsundere thing is more about before he's in a relationship with MC. He has a harder time with it until it's official and he's feeling more secure. Then I think he'd get real clingy real fast and you'd find him glued to your hip lol.
But that's just how I interpret his character! And it's okay not to like a character that a lot of other people do! That's just how it goes sometimes!
Ah, Solomon. I love him, too. I wonder what it'd be like if they gave all the characters this treatment - like, if each character lived alone with MC for a season it'd almost be like routes, you know? Because you'd get to have that domestic situation with each one of them separately.
That would be interesting, but you know it's never gonna happen lol.
I have to be in the right mood for angst... I think it's pretty obvious that I tend to lean toward fluff. I do like angst, though, especially when it's all wrapped up in complicated emotion relationships... ugh but it also makes me crazy lol!
Ohhh fun! K-pop dances are so fun to watch! I hope you're enjoying learning them! I don't think you need any prior dancing experience! Especially if you're just doing it for fun. Anyway you gotta start somewhere, right?
No worries, you are not bothering me. As you can see, I am something of a rambler myself so don't be sorry!
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greentrickster · 7 months
Hi, if you're still taking asks for Miraculous Hesperia, how are things going with Marinette's parents? What do they think of her new internship/how things are changing in her life? Have they noticed?
Oh absolutely, you're just one of the only ones who's sent an ask here on tumblr - most of the interaction for this AU's been happening on AO3, in an odd turn of events. Anyway, question!
Shady mentioned in the special that she doesn't have a 'kind mother' amongst other things, and I refuse to pin everything on Chloe the way the special tried to (especially when Lila's Right There) so I'm not going to ignore it like I have other aspects of this special or the series as a whole. (takes a moment to admire the vast swathes of ML canon I've effortlessly ignored in making this dang thing)
So. Sabine and Tom. I'm not thrilled to have to write them as anything other than the lovely people they are in canon, but I've made my choices and it must be done. In this universe, they're not outright abusive like Chloe's parents or canon!Gabriel, but they're very strict and emotionally distant. They see Marinette's potential and talent, and they do encourage it (she's still got her sewing machine and resources and a nice room with space to practice and experiment), but less in a 'follow your dreams' way and more in a 'you have the potential to excel, so that's what we expect you to do' manner. This Marinette was told to grow a thicker skin in regards to being bullied at school, and it's made very clear that they're disappointed and expect better of her when her grades slip.
She receives a small salary for working at the bakery (unrelated to being given reasonable access to family funds to work on her design and tailoring skills), but it's also made very clear that, when she's working at the bakery, she's going to be treated as an employee, not their daughter. This gives her more monetary freedom than canon!Marinette enjoys, but also less room to skip a shift without good cause. There's a reason Adrien was able to come by the bakery to catch a glimpse of her with relative ease - she has a spot on the employee timetable, and she's expected to show up and do her work if she wants to receive her salary. While Adrien has more free time in this universe, Marinette's a lot busier.
Now, on a better note, this Sabine and Tom are very impressed when she tells them that she's landed an internship working directly with Gabriel Agreste, and she's given more leeway in regards to having a looser schedule and not having perfect grades. They're both bakers, tradespeople, and they know that - as with baking - fashion and tailory are skills that need to be learned and honed over years of practice and study. They're viewing this (without confirmation but still correctly) less as a traditional internship and more as an apprenticeship, meaning that the time Marinette spends on that instead of her former duties is still considered time well spent. Ironically, Marinette's getting more approval from her parents than she ever has before, but, having seen how Gabriel treats his son and how canon!Sabine talked to her daughter, it also cuts a bit deeper that this is something she's had to earn rather than be freely given. It's something she and Chloe will end up bonding over when they eventually get in a place to be comfortable discussing it with each other.
Speaking of Chloe, another advantage of this universe is that Tom and Sabine don't question it when Marinette starts becoming friends with her. Where their canon selves would be (understandably) concerned and wary of this new relationship, reverse!them see this as Marinette having finally been successful in overcoming an opponent, and also as a good strategic connection, since she's the Mayor's daughter - all the moreso when Chloe becomes the new face of the same company Marinette's interning with. It leaves the girls freer to interact without having to justify themselves.
Unrelated, but in regards to the internship itself, it involves Marinette spending a few hours with Gabriel every couple days. During this time she observes him working, gets instructed in the ins and outs of the fashion industry, and gets given assigned readings and areas of study that will help her refine her skill and knowledge. Gabriel's a surprisingly structured instructor (she hadn't expected him to be with how wishy-washy Hesperia has often come across to her), and can be quite strict, but he's also very warm and free with praise, open to questions and able to offer clear explanations. He personally rose to these heights after originating from a lower-middle class family, so he's in a position to have at least a rough idea of what areas of knowledge and resources she's more likely to have had access to. She also shadows Nathalie half a day twice a month, since Gabriel's less involved in the business side of things these days. While not as warm as Gabriel, Nathalie's good at judging when to let Marinette have free reign and when to pull her in, and offers a lot of insight on the more practical, less creative aspects of the industry that may have changed since Gabriel first started doing this.
And, quite frankly, it's the most genuinely exciting thing Marinette's ever done in her life. While an incredibly challenging task and workload for a fourteen-year-old, it's challenging in all the right places for her specifically! Though, sometime about six months after the events of the Paris Special, while she and Adrien are hanging out during some mutual free time in his room, Marinette does lean on his shoulder and ask, very quietly, "When we're older, even if it's just for a little while... would you marry me? Just so he can be my dad too?"
Adrien would probably drop to one knee and propose then and there if thought he could get away with it but, luckily, he's met Tom and Sabine by this point and gets what's really going on here. So instead he puts an arm around her and offers, "He could be your dad now if you want."
"No he can't, I'm interning for him, I can't just call him 'Dad' or anything when we're working together, it would be-" she falters and looks away, hugging herself, "It would probably make him uncomfortable."
"Okay, but what if we just don't tell him he's your dad now? It could happen... later. Some unknown time in the future when it's convenient for us personally."
It's the first time Marinette really, truly breaks down crying with him (in relief at him being okay with this, to his relief), and when she's finally dried her eyes the pact is formed - Gabriel will never know.
The pact lasts exactly five days before Marinette slips up and calls Gabriel 'dad' to his face. Luckily for her she does it while they're both in costume, so while absolutely mortifying, at least she doesn't need to jump in the Seine over it.
Though it does lead to Chloe pulling her aside during a patrol on the grounds of, "Okay, Shadybug, just to be clear: you better not even dream of going after Hesperia's son and marry into the family just so he can be your official dad or something. I know his son's girlfriend and she's a bitch and I like her a lot, and if you mess with their stupid, sappy happiness I'll Venom you and give your earrings to Nino."
Which, when it comes to reverse!Marinette, is a statement that gets you +5 friendship and +10 respect.
Thanks for the ask!
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sashaisready · 6 months
Chapter Twenty-Five - Epilogue
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Series Masterlist
(gif does not represent how reader looks!)
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It had been nearly a year now since you'd met Bucky.
You're still living in your apartment despite his protests, he's been vocal since early on in your relationship that he wants you to move in with him. You're in his house most of the time anyway, and he doesn't like waking up with you not there. The men like having you around, really like it when you bake for them or bring leftovers back from the bakery. But you enjoy your little sanctuary, a break from the busy house and the swarms of mobsters – who are perfectly pleasant, but everywhere. Your apartment has a silence you can't find anywhere else. A relic from your old life. Still, he's wearing you down and it won't be long until you give in to him. You know that, he knows that, but you've never been one to back down from a fight. He knows that too.
You're still at the bakery. The newest Assistant, Carol, has taken to the job like a duck to water and has settled in nicely between you and Wanda. She's feisty and keeps Bucky's men on their toes too, which is a bonus.
Bucky surprised you by buying a large stake in the bakery and putting it in your name, meaning you now technically own it with Pepper. He was nonchalant despite your shock and gratitude, telling you that you practically run the place anyway so you should do so legally too. Pepper is delighted with the choice of new business partner and business is booming, although it's all still quite new to you – you've always been about the cake rather than the numbers. Still, you're learning all about running a business – with Bucky's help and experience.
Wanda and Vis are getting married and you're maid of honour, of course. You're busy looking at centrepieces and honeymoon Pinterest boards when you're together but still find time to sometimes grab a beer with Peter to laugh and catch up. He's back with his ex, Mora, and seems very happy. Neither of you can believe you were ever romantically involved now, even fleetingly, it just feels so wrong.
Bucky's business is doing well too. He's made a conscious effort to shift into more legitimate activities in your honour so he's doing his best to go by the book. You'd bet a large sum of money that he dabbles more under the table than he lets on, but you don't ask. He's started to share more about his past and you hold his hand and kiss his scars as he talks. Some of it is shocking, upsetting – but you don't judge him. He punishes himself enough. To you, a lot of it sounds like a lost young man groomed to be a pawn by older and stronger personalities. But Bucky never shies away from the wrongs he's committed, he believes in accountability.
HYDRA had been wiped out completely after that night, but Bucky keeps an eye on any former members or allegiances who may start up again. He managed to weed out the mole, Klaue, after some rigorous investigation. He was feeding Pierce location information and any titbits he could get his hands on for a pay-out.
One day Klaue was there and the next he wasn't. You hadn't really gotten to know him. You guessed it didn't end well for him but again, didn't ask. The newspapers simply reported that he was missing and you have a feeling he won't ever be found. But it's hard to feel sympathy as what he did nearly killed you, a fact Bucky was painfully aware of when he uncovered the double-crossing.
He doesn't have you followed anymore but he likes you to check in when you're apart, and he gets irritable if he hasn't heard from you in a while. Sometimes if you lose track of time and forget then he'll call you, anxious something has happened and scolding you. It's something of a bone of contention in your relationship but you try to remind yourself he's always on high alert after the night you got taken, and that this all comes from a place of fear. You can see he's doing his best.
The panic attacks from that night still catch you off guard occasionally. You know you won't ever be fully free, but it's gotten easier, it's gotten better. You know how to handle them. Same with the nightmares, they're uncommon now but never fully gone. Bucky holds you tight when you cry out in your sleep, his warm touch on your skin bringing you back to him as he reassures you that he's there. He's always there. He hates thinking about you waking up alone when you're staying at your place without him.
You still don't care for all aspects of his work. You still aren't fully comfortable taking money from him and prefer the cosy neighbourhood restaurants over the high end establishments in Manhattan. You're more at home with a burger than foie gras. Still, you accompany him when his business requires it – galas and meetings, fancy dinners and charity events. You never feel fully comfortable but you know he appreciates having you there. You have a few dresses to look the part now which helps with your insecurity. He teases that at least he knows you're not with him for his money.
You have no patience for the paparazzi or red carpets but funnily enough they have lots of time for you. The press seem to like the idea of the notorious Bucky Barnes falling for the 'baker next door', reforming his gangster ways and helping him settle down. It makes you roll your eyes when occasional articles pop up about you online, but Bucky finds it all very amusing.
Your insecurities rear their ugly head when occasionally women try and flirt with Bucky, not even particularly put off if you're there. Some of them seem to see it as a challenge, tempting the notorious mob boss away now he's settled and happy with a girlfriend. Bucky is quick to shut them down, he only has eyes for you after all – but part of him revels in your jealousy. You'll glue yourself to his side when it happens, scowling at the offending interloper and making it clear he's yours. You stake your claim with a firm kiss and protectively run your arm across his back. This is the role Bucky normally plays, and he'd never admit it to you but he likes when you turn the tables, reminding him that you can be just as territorial as he can.
You once both attended a black tie gala and somehow got separated as the evening went on. You were cornered by a society type trying to pitch you some sort of charitable cause...donkeys maybe? No, zebras. Maybe. Or was it a toy museum? He seemed to think you could convince Bucky to make a generous donation, that you were the wheel he needed to grease to get the cash. Despite the fact you knew the requestor could fund the charity for a year from his own bank balance and not even notice. You saw through it of course, you got this sort of impassioned spiel from one person or another at all of these events as they pretended to be interested in the bakery. You'd nod half-heartedly and tell them you would keep it in mind.
As the man continued to wax lyrical on the plight of the donkeys, or zebras, or toys, you caught a glimpse of Bucky across the grand hall. You felt a momentary pang of love as you watched him in his tux, he looked so handsome. You could scarcely believe you got to wake up to him every day.
But that affection quickly dissipated as you saw him in close conversation with a gorgeous woman, looking practically like a celebrity in a tight fitting red dress. Bucky was laughing and the woman kept touching his arm as she spoke. You seethed quietly as you glared at him over your conversation partner's shoulder.
Fine. Two can play that game.
You turned your attention back to the man in front of you. Mr. Drake you thought his name was, or was it Mr. Dickinson? Mr D would suffice. You began to smile warmly as Mr D continued his monologue, absent-mindedly running a finger across the top of your breast as you nodded along. You caught his breath hitch slightly and you took your cue to move closer to him. He cracked a terrible joke and you laughed uproariously as you angled your hips to accentuate your dress.
Your laughter caught Bucky's attention, in the corner of your eye you saw his head snap over in your direction, his companion suddenly forgotten. His gaze stayed on you as you began to press your hand onto Mr D's chest and told him how funny he was. Mr D began to stutter, clearly nervous to be in this position but not wholly against it either.
You caught Bucky's eye and stared back at him defiantly as you continued the show. He was stoic to everyone else but you knew he was raging, you recognised his poker face well enough by now. Your performance continued until Bucky finally broke away and stormed over to you, leaving his new lady friend gawking as he disappeared halfway through her sentence.
1-0 to you.
"Can I steal her for a moment?" Bucky asked Mr D, voice sweet as pie as a firm arm snaked around your waist.
Mr D nodded and stammered in agreement, clearly unnerved and nervous about what Bucky might think. Poor guy.
He marched you a suitable distance to the corner of the room and then he was hissing in your ear.
"What game are you playing here, Doll?" he warned, his face locked into a smile. To any observers you looked like a loving couple having a moment of quiet.
"Same one you're playing, apparently" you shot back through your own carefully painted grin. "Leaving me to be shaken down for money while you make new friends".
Bucky chuckled. "She's on the board of a company we're trying to make a deal with, Doll. I need to keep her sweet..."
"Mmm. Well she certainly thinks you're funny".
He glared at you, silently daring you to push him further. You merely smirked.
You had ended up in a broom closet, going at it against the door as Bucky covered your moans with his metal hand and rutted deep inside of you.
"My jealous Doll" he whispered into your ear between thrusts as you teetered over the edge. "Acting out at my work events...flirting with rich old men to piss me off...all because you want my attention...what am I going to do with you?"
You'd come hard, whimpering against his chest as he held you tightly. You slowly raised your eyes to meet his as a satisfied grin spread over your blissed out face.
"Worked though, didn't it?"
You both like retire to bed early and quickly became intimate with every inch of each other's bodies. The sex is like nothing you've ever experienced, a combination of raw lust and attentive lovemaking. You may not always be on the same page in conversation, but your bodies have always understood one other perfectly.
You can almost see Bucky's persona soften in real time once the bedroom door is closed. He'll strip off his suit and settle into bed with you, Bucky the mob boss and ruthless businessman disappearing before your very eyes as your Bucky emerges in his place. Your Bucky who whispers sweet nothings in your ear, who holds you tenderly and watches you with awe. He's still wracked with guilt about what happened with HYDRA, and generally how your relationship started, and so he apologises and tells you he loves you and holds you close – repeating the same gentle phrases to you like he's reciting a prayer. And no matter how much you tell him it was alright, that you love him and forgive him, you understand a small part of him will always carry it with him – much like you and your trauma from that night. So you allow him to confess his sins as he takes you in his arms and kisses your skin as he makes it up to you, his ministrations both vocal and physical.
It's a normal Wednesday evening and Bucky is due in any minute. You're in his ensuite bathroom staring blankly at the tiles in a bit of a daze when he storms into the bedroom.
"Doll...I'm home" he calls as he walks in, slipping his jacket off. "What do you want for dinner? Sushi could be good..."
His face creases in puzzlement when he can't see you. He notices the ajar bathroom door and heads over.
You're sitting on the closed lid of the toilet but don't answer him or meet his eye, you just sigh heavily.
"Baby...you alright?" he moves to you, suddenly anxious that you're having a panic attack or PTSD flashback.
"I'm fine..." you mumble quietly, moving your eyes to meet his. "Looks like I'll be moving in after all".
His face lights up. "Finally! Don't worry, I'll fix everything, the truck...movers...Wait, what changed your mind?"
You smile brightly at him then slowly reveal a positive pregnancy test.
"Hope you've got room for two of us?" you grin.
Bucky's jaw drops open as he looks between you and the test. He moves quickly, smattering your face in kisses as he glares at the two bold lines. He face spreads into a disbelieving smile.
"Oh my god..." he whispers.
"I know..."
"Oh...my god"
"I know..."
"So...maybe we need to rethink sushi for dinner".
You laugh, wrapping your legs around his waist as he picks you up and swings you around. He kisses you deeply before his eyes fly open and widen at a sudden realisation.
"Wait...does this mean you've got a bun-"
"I swear to God, don't say it" you warn.
"Please..." he pleads.
"Ugh, fine. But just once".
"You've got a bun in the oven" he grins.
"Oh Doll, extremely".
The End
Aaand that’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, commented and reblogged this fic! It means so much to me and makes me so happy that people have enjoyed it. I am moving some of my other fics over from Wattpad/Ao3 after the holidays and am also cooking up some ideas for a Biker!Bucky fic for 2024 which I’m excited about.
Check out my Masterlist for my other stories and I’m also on Ko-Fi too. Thanks again ❤️
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abcketchup · 8 months
Seokjin x reader
Drabbles, Bakery au!
Warning: None.
Wc: I don't count for this one, but I think it's pretty short around 1k ~ 2k something.
A/n: I had this from 16 NOV 2021. Now it's out and become another commitment of mine to finish. I don't even have any title for this.
You really want to sell all of your possessions just to gain some money to buy this damn bakery. Sadly, your possession is not that much worth money- mostly your clothes were bought from a pile of bundles with the most affordable price at 5 bucks which you went crazy and ecstatic at the time.
Anyway, you really love that bakery, they make the most delicious pastry ever! Bonus, the owner, Mrs. Dora is really kind to you. Always give you the warmest bread and a hug (yes, bread comes first).
Talking to you fondly with warm gaze and motherly caress. But all of that will be gone. It's gone. Soon. Why?
Because, one day in a warm, peaceful evening. You were peacefully arranging the freshly baked pastry for display when Mrs. Dora decided to break the news.
"Sweetie, soon I'll sell this bakery. Because now, I have enough money to live my dream life! In my dream house with the love of my life." She sighed blissfully. Her hand skillfully kneading the dough, the result of years of working.
You froze after she said that. She didn't mean...
"What about me madam?" you timidly ask. Well, she should think about her staff, right? Because you know she is the kindest person you ever met, she will not just abandon you like that right?
"Hm? What about you?" Mrs. Dora tilted her head, confused.
You flounder after yourself, "I mean if you sell this bakery, what about me?" timidly you piped, shoulder slumped, "Am I fired?"
Mrs. Dora, who was kneading the dough for the second time, was startled and nearly spilled flour everywhere., "Oh my god, no! No sweetie, of course not." She quickly comforts you.
"You will still be working here. It will be just a change of ownership; thus, you will be getting a new boss!" She exclaimed excitedly.
"He's incredibly gorgeous and a true gentleman! How fortunate you are to have him as your boss, y/n! If my hubby was that old grouchy and I wasn't pursuing my dream, I would snatch him for marriage in no time!" Somehow you could feel the heated jealousy glare from behind where her husband doing his job.
Sulkily you said, "But I would rather have you, madam." You pout, hands twirling around the rug, "I am comfortable with you." not knowing your words tugging her heart- or maybe you know, either way.
"Oh, sweetie," she eyes you guiltily, "Don't say it like that. You made me want to take back the agreement," - "Please do!" you interject, "I can't sweetie. He already paid for this bakery." Mrs. Dora shakes her head pitifully.
"Don't worry y/n, I vouch with my husband's name that he is really a good person. He will take care of you and this bakery." The said husband was shocked, turning his head with his side-eyed beloved wife, who was oblivious to his side-eyed stare.
"Ah, he also would make for a good husband," she winks.
And that was the last thing she said to you.
Not only had Mrs. Dora betrayed you (you personally think she is, even if she's not), but she even didn't tell you last month, whereas yesterday, was her last day.
And now, you are facing this handsome stranger, with his printed cat apron on, claiming that he's the new owner here. And apparently, his name is "Kim Seokjin." And he wanted you to "Please, take care of me."
What the hell.
Out of instinct, you turn around. Wanted to bolt out of the scene as soon as possible.
"Wait!" No, you can't. It seems like your legs have their own minds, running as fast as they can.
Yet, you still are no match with his long leg, easily catching up to you, and pulling your elbow. "You're y/n, right?" he huffed, ah not really athletic.
"How do you know?" You didn't remember telling him anything, except for the greeting of little 'good morning'.
"Mrs. Dora once showed me your picture." He explained. Not only did she betray you, but she also spread your picture around (only this Kim Seokjin).
"She said that you will help me manage this bakery." Ah, also decided without you. Who said that you're going to still work here? (you will though).
"I didn't agree to anything. Hell, she didn't tell me anything. Except for this sudden new owner." You clarify, pulling back your arms from his grip. Now, that you are aware he's been chasing you with his cat-printed apron, catching some eyes from the passerby. (He still looks good, how unfair.)
"I didn't even know that it was today that the new owner came in." you huffed, steering a little to the side so as to not block people from walking, "She didn't even say goodbye." You mumbled, lips pouting a little bit as you felt upset. You really do adore the old woman and his husband.
They took care of you a lot. Even though you are a clumsy and slow worker. Always timid and not really sociable, always have problems to handle customers. They always let you work around the bakery, cleaning and organizing. Always give you some warm bread even though you know you are not much help. Always pay you, sometimes more than your worth. That's why when they left you like this, it's upset you more than you thought.
"Ah", his eyes wide in realization, "I was supposed to come in the next few weeks, but Mrs. Dora seemed to have some urgency in her hometown and asked me for help to look after the bakery for a few days." He scratches his neck awkwardly. "And I thought it would be nice to familiarize myself with the bakery."
"Mrs. Dora said that I just have to ask you anything regarding the bakery. You have worked for her for a long time now." He added. That caught you off guard. Yes, you did work for a long time, but all you did was the bare minimum.
"Well, yeah." You paused, before you slowly started, "But basically, all I did was clean around the bakery. And organize the fresh bread or something like that. Not much really. I don't think that I would be any help." you admit, somehow ashamed. And yet, his reaction is the opposite of what you think he would be.
"That would be great though! Let's go now, I just left the bakery with Jimin, and we should open now!"
Okay, wait, now who is Jimin?
a/n: this is just for fun. I don't think anyone would read this shshsh
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
One of those "my soulmate is a celebrity" AUs for CodyWan.
Option 1: Delivered pizza to a guy. Accidentally saved his life by the coincidence of being there. Got taken out for a nice dinner as a thank you. Now I'm in his bed and have a ring on my finger?
(This was the point at which I realized that I'd kind of done celeb/rando CodyWan with the clay dragons AU but anyway.)
Option 2: Cody's got a middle-schooler (idk Wooley? Boba?) that goes to the same grade as Obi-Wan's middle-schooler (Ahsoka), and they got into a bit of a dustup so the parents/guardians had to be called in.
The kids are horrified to see their guardians ask each other out.
Cody's some big hotshot celebrity (we'll with the easy option, actor), and Obi-Wan's family is all hippies and any generational wealth is with Grandpa Dooku over in Austria or something, and he will pay for Ahsoka to go to this fancy private school only so long as she gets a B+ at minimum in all her classes.
Obi-Wan is just. Some guy.
Who's usually very put together but this time he came in a rush and there's still dirt under his nails.
There's something? In his hair? That might be alive?
Option 3: The classic! Celebrity has a timer soulmark that is counting down to first meeting, leaves the house to shake out the nerves and goes to the nearest bakery, whoops the person ringing them up also just had their timer hit zero, you're soulmates.
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I have said fuck being on anon my anon name is too long so henlo, it me, unstoppable object anon
anyways. scarian au where scar runs a bakery and grian runs a plant nursery across the street (don't ask why I thought plant nursery I just thought it would fit both of their s9 aesthetics?)
grian is welcomed into the neighborhood by scar baking up some goodies for him and leaving them on the doorstep in a little basket; grian is like "i must return this stranger's gift with my own" and places a little succulent pot next to scar's bakery door that evening while he closes up
3 days later a guy walks sheepishly into grian's shop with remnants of flour on him and he's like "hi I'm scar I run the bakery next door and uhm. thanks for the plant but unfortunately I don't have a green thumb and kinda...... killed it. It was really cute tho! I actually came in here to buy a new one, but this time can I have some instructions too?" now, grian isn't smitten at first sight but- okay he's a little smitten at first sight. He gives scar another plant on the house but this time tells him how to take care of his plant
2 days later scar's back and is like ".... my cat Jellie knocked the plant off the windowsill... I was too late finding it..." and at that point while grian is checking out scar's purchase the two of them chat and hey! they get along great!
anyways the pattern continues. every few days scar comes in sheepishly to get a new plant for like. two weeks straight. he even starts bringing pastries and cookies for grian. and it gets to the point that grian's like "bro. I'm about to have to cut you off, you're running my small plant collection dry!"
well. grian gets very surprised when a few days later he decides to actually visit scar's bakery and finds that hey wait a minute... all the windows are lined with grian's plants. not a single one of them had been killed!
turns out scar had actually accidentally killed the first one, but after meeting grian he started crushing a little and also decided some plants would make the bakery interior look nice, so he kept coming back. which.. would explain some of scar's excuses ("well, a toddler poured lemon juice into the pot and the poor thing just couldn't handle it" and "turns out putting one on your beside table right by the alarm clock isn't the best choice of placement" suddenly made a lot more sense as nervous fibs than truths)
anyways after grian "confronts" scar about it they start hanging out more and the pining is just. too much. way too much! it takes like, four of their friends coming together to get the two of them to finally get together ladsgh
but they have a happy ending, becoming known as the couple that run two separate shops across the street from one another <3
This is sooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Scar pretending to kill his plants so he can have an excuse to see Grian more.... classic and cherished i love the pining here this is delicious
ALSO THE IDEA THAT THEY JUST HAVE THEIR SHOPS ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER like i know the typical endgame concept for these aus is that they combine them into one shop but i honestly LOVE the idea of the shops still remaining separate??? Like just imagine Grian getting on break and running across the street just to bustle into the bakery and flirt with Scar behind the counter >:] or Scar walking into the plant nursery to hand Grian a pastry and kiss him on the cheek because he forgot breakfast??? This whole concept is so sweet and cute and i am eating it up rn thank you so so much
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