#the bane chronicles.
omgserafinablog · 3 months
"It would be easy to idealize the Herondales, but they are, after all, just people. There will be more stories about the Circle in future; can't talk about them quite yet, but you will see more of the influences that shaped Stephen. (And in fact meet a different, even worse Herondale.)" - Cassie's full answer can be read here - https://www.tumblr.com/cassandraclare/89795771639/herondales?source=share
Cassie says there will be more stories about the circle, and if she meant those three old stories, then it's definitely not enough! because, for example, I personally never understood why Stephen, who was older than Valentine, was so dependent on his opinion, even when it came to his personal life, starting with "the evil we love." I still didn't understand what exactly he was missing in life. Are strict, suffocating parents really to blame for this? Why does he say in "The Last Stand of the New York Institute" that he sacrificed too much for the circle, but what exactly? He was still with Amatis at the time.
Many of the circle did not fully understand Valentine's brutal struggle with the undead, but remained in the circle out of fear of Morgenstern and because they were grateful for his assistance. Robert was indebted to Valentine for teaching him how to overcome his fear of runes. Lucian for the fact that, Valentine taught him to be a skilled warrior. Hodge, who saw a better future for himself in Valentine's new world, and so on. But Stephen really had it all. What did Valentine do for him? Did he drive the "suffocating" Imogen away from Stephen? Was his hatred of the undead real, or did he copy it from Valentine, as well as the style of clothing? He seemed ashamed of his bloodline. Was he so ashamed that he gave Valentine an important book for his family? (otherwise, it is unclear how the "tale of two cities" ended up in Valentine's apartment).
In "The Last Stand of the New York Institute" there was a moment when it was said that Lucian could believe in the rightness of the circle's actions, but Stephen knew that they were violating the agreement. Nevertheless, he gladly agrees to take Lucian's place when he "dies". Later, he becomes disillusioned with Valentine. I thought the reason for the disappointment in the circle was that Stephen began to realize that they were actually murderers. But wasn't it enough for him to kill the entire Whitelaw family, which is related to Stephen? And how easily Valentine brushed it off. After that, he becomes Valentine's lieutenant. Oh, Stephen. I pray that there will be a separate story about each member of the circle🖤
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tyhxrondxle · 1 month
we tend to forget about this BUT Alec and Magnus had been seeing each other for A WEEK and Alec already had a key to his apartment. that’s the gayest thing they have ever done, and they’ve done a lot of gay things
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mayaheronthorn · 16 days
BREAKING NEWS: The Shadowhunters Chronicles (2007 - 2029) just received a 55 minute standing ovation from me in my living room after rereading it for the 200th time
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balladofbells · 27 days
Alec and Magnus
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carelessflower · 5 months
✔️married with two kids in his early 20s
✔️much older, richer husband
✔️ live in husband's apartment
✔️ does the household chores (cleaning, washing dishes, etc)
you all...regret to say this...but i think alec is a tradwife
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culiehua · 5 months
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જ⁀➴ love is stored in the insult of endearment trope ୧⍤⃝💐
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It's crying over Lightwood-Bane family hours
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aeskidz · 2 months
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jace and alec's bond is so important to me,, nobody gets them like I do.
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outerspacess · 6 months
I think about this more often than I’d like to admit.
“Whoever you have loved, and however you loved them,” said Jem, “anyone you loved would be lucky.”
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fairdale · 5 months
one of my favorite things will always be that scene of magnus thinking about how most people focused on jace ("the gold"), but in reality alec ("the silver") was rarer. more precious for him. the way he loves alec is something i hold very close to my heart. always freeing and empowering
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illustratinghan · 7 months
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little max and rafael love taking chairman meow outside to play - although he doesn’t cooperate with them very often!😅
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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amrubrum · 2 months
*cough* *cough* SHADOWHUNTERS *cough*
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from @ writtenbycraine's reel on insta !
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jaxlightstairs · 8 months
Some people say "I love you." Magnus Bane says "Loving you made me believe in eternity"
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Art from the graphic novel by Cassandra Jean
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When you open Alec's fandom wiki page, this is the first thing you see, and i feel Iike Alec would be so proud of it.
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Jason Todd: Can I get my dad back?
Bane: No.
Jason: Come on man.
Bane: I don't hate you Jason, I hate him. So no.
Batman bruised on the ground: If you just give me a minute I can defeat you.
Jason: Oh my God. Can I give you something?
Bane: Not sure what you could give me. I can't be bought.
Jason looks through his backpack.
Jason: One of my guns?
Bane: Mm... Nah.
Jason: Chocolate bar?
Bane: On a diet.
Jason pulls out a book. Bane snatches it away.
Jason: Hey that's mine.
Bane: I've never read this Brigerton book.
Batman: Brigerton?!
Jason sighs.
Jason: If you let him go... You can keep it.
Bane: Deal. Nice doing business with ya.
Bane walks away with the book.
Jason: That was a fucking collector's edition- Batman, bring your ass so we can go home!
Batman: I... Funny story, he broke my leg really badly.
Jason groans covering his face with one hand.
Jason: Okay, you're buying me that book. Same copy.
Jason drags Batman by his good leg while grumbling angrily.
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carelessflower · 5 months
you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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