#the batman bgm
batbaffle · 2 months
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i hope that all 35 of you who voted to burn this are happy now <3
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure - Enemy Chara Songs
It's time for some more digimon music appreciation! I love character songs so much. I wish every anime had them, not just the big shounen ones. It's pretty funny that voice actors are just expected to sing no matter how small their character was in the show. IDK that I've ever seen a collection quite like this with all non-human villains.
Etemon: Love Serenade
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A bop. I listened to it twice lol. Much like in the anime, it's Etemon bragging about how cool/what a super star he is. The song is interspersed with bits of Etemon reprimanding the crowd for not appreciating him enough and he eventually wins them over (or forces them to pretend to enjoy his concert?)
Etemon uses the "acchiki" personal pronoun. Is this a monkey version of atashi? Atashi is feminine, so is this part of his kind of effeminate way of speaking?
Gotsumon and Pumpmon: Let's Gotsumon, Pumpmon
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Amazing, iconic. Perfectly captures Gotsumon and Pumpmon's happy gremlin vibe. It was also a rap which fits their Shibuya obsession I think. Loved all the little references to Shibuya culture (gyaru, takoyaki, 109 department store).
There's a valley girl voice (or whatever the Japanese equivalent of that is) that comes in and kinda shit talks the boys, but they just go "whatever! We don't care what anyone thinks of us!" and I found it kinda inspiring lol
Pinocchimon: The Forest of Spinning Gears
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Okay, this one is really bad, which is a shame because Pinocchimon was one of my faves! For some reason they sped up the singer's voice so that they sound like a chipmunk and it's super grating....why. Also, the song itself just kinda sucks. Not much of a melody. Lyrics are decent, I guess.
Seriously...my ears are bleeding lol
Ogremon: I'm Ogremon
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Kinda forgot about this dude lol (cuz he's ugly and boring)
Ogremon's kinda tone deaf. His ORAORA's are nice tho. His song is just all about beating someone (the listener?) up. Fittingly dumb.
Sukamon and Chuumon: Easy-Daisy Poopy-Tossy
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This one was very similar to the Gotsumon and Pumpmon song but had more of a ska vibe to it. Very fun, despite all the potty humor haha. The nonsense words were very catchy and Sukamon and Chuumon switched off more evenly than Gotsumon and Pumpmon did in their song.
I learned something new, apparently "chichin pui pui" is something parents say to make kids feel better. It doesn't really mean anything and is more like a magic spell (like abracadabra).
Devimon - Dark Wing
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Translation here
A ballad-style song sung over what sounds like video game bgm, kind of a strange combo tbh. I don't really remember Devimon having a ton of dialogue, so hearing him sing this much feels kinda strange haha.
I wish this song was faster paced, Devimon sings verrrrry sloooowly
I said this was ballad-esque but it kinda devolves to talk-singing haha. I like the backup "~dark wiiiing~" singers. Dark Wing sounds like a Batman character.
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forcebookish · 1 year
hi! i’m the one who sent in about sandray’s death flags breakdown, with the joker and batman one. the post i saw it from didn’t really specify so i’m not too sure about that tbh but that was just stated in there. again, i’m not too certain about sand dying but there would come a time when ray may really have to let sand go, just like how sand mentioned in EP8. 
but with that said, i have a full breakdown about what the show is doing with top mew in my mind. i’m so sorry for the long post😅
I discovered an interesting part of the opening sequence that I think a lot of people overlooked. It’s the part right after Jennie with the guy and Title. With each couple, the screen pans to something that is heavily linked to them. SandRay - plum wine jars (income disparity), BostonNick - Boston’s photos (voyuerism), TopMew - some sort of deer antlers? I looked it up and it symbolises a lot of things associated with TopMew: power, dominance, authority, sacredness, self-awareness. The thing about deer antlers is that they regrow after they fall off - regrowth and regeneration. This confirms for me that the show is driving some sort of growth and regeneration for TopMew and their relationship, especially for Top. 
I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the lack of connection (chemistry?) between TopMew, but I truly think they were deliberately set up to do so. I feel that TopMew’s main dates - laser tag, silent disco, blind dinner heavily emphasise that disconnection (and its buildup). I personally am frustrated that a lot of people failed to realise that. Two people coming together defies the rules of laser tag. Technically one person is trying to get away from the other, one person has to keep chasing the other. The concept of silent disco is that you don’t have to listen to the same song as the other person and you can’t really hear the other person properly. For the blind dinner, you can’t see the other person and it’s difficult to be on the same page. not to mention the topmew scenes in the first half had a lot of eerie or unease bgm.
Overall, this disconnection is really from the insecurities, mistrust and miscommunication that was built up and not from the fact that they don’t love each other. they just didn’t fully confront these issues before the meltdown in EP6. If they didn’t love each other, they wouldn’t have been that hurt in the last scene of EP6. They wouldn’t have looked that vulnerable in the hostel kitchen in EP8. I want to pull at my hair every time someone says TopMew don’t love each other 🤯. But I’m glad they’re going to take steps to better communication and trust and be more open about their emotions, especially in the rage room (which I’m excited about😄!!). we’ll see how their connection builds from there. is their path of change/recovery smooth all the time? no, they’re morally grey people at the end of the day. but what makes topmew stand out and be able to work towards having a stable relationship is that they have individual responsibility, accountability and self-awareness to a certain extent. i can’t say the same for the others…
tysm for reading again! i just love forcebook in these roles and their story doesn’t seem like much at face value (cuz of the archetypes). but their story as a whole is so complex and interesting🥰. thank you for letting me share my thoughts.
wow!! this is really interesting, anon! i do, uhhhh, kind of disagree with everything........ and i will talk about it. at length... i promise i will try to do it in a not mean way lol but be warned you did trigger a lot of my spicier opinions. some of this reads like you might have taken a few too many sips of the kool-aid, my dear.
the antlers: are we sure it's that deep? obviously, it could be but it's an editing choice not a writing choice and half the time the gmmtv editors can't be trusted. plus, it's nickboston who have made out under antlers... just don't want us to get too into the weeds there. i definitely think that what you said about what it symbolizes for topmew IS true, but whether that was intended or not i'm a little skeptical of. cool trivia though!
lack of connection/chemistry: oh, anon... you poor thing, you're clearly new here... you don't know about me... this is straight up a winter soldier activation code for me at this point.
i wholly disagree that it was "set up" that way, because i literally do not see it. it's not the first time i've seen this interpretation, and it seems more like something that topmew/forcebook-haters incepted into your brain and you tried to explain it away... but it's simply not true. while i agree that these dates have similar purposes to what you've mentioned, the idea that they're not connecting is a conclusion that rejects everything that is actually happening on screen.
i will give you only the laser tag date, because it's when mew literally dumps top lol
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but clearly there is still chemistry. this date demonstrates that they are playful, flirtatious, and competitive as well as there being a give and take to their relationship where top is pursuing mew (something completely neutral, btw).
also are we just going to ignore the bookstore date where they spent the whole time flirting and getting to know each other?? because it's actually the date that sets the tone for all of them: this is when it is established that
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mew is largely unwilling to try new things and sticks to books, while top challenges that mindset and
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mew's sense is (maybe) always right.
the dates you mentioned are about those two details: new experiences, top gets him out of his shell and introduces him to numerous firsts, and senses, when you take away one sense, all your other senses become stronger.
on the silent disco date, they purposefully switch to the same song and dance together, in sync (which is also how they kiss, btw - something that is meant to show that they're connecting and want the same thing out of the relationship. the only time they didn't kiss in sync is their love scene in episode six... for obvious reasons. again, no chemistry, my ass🙄).
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mew listens to top and sees that he's cute.
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(gifs from this post btw)
we're also ignoring the temple date? (x)
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the cafe date? (x)
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the dates where they just chat comfortably, are casually affectionate, and flirt sweetly are conveniently left out because they don't fit the false narrative that there's a disconnect between them? to fit the false narrative that chemistry is just about sex and not being easy with each other? ok........
the blind dinner is explicitly about seeing with your heart.
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the point is that they're on the same page: that's why they clink their glasses in perfect sync and top feeds mew and wipes his mouth more effectively.
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that whole day is about mew seeing top for who he really is.
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and as much as the fandom loooooooooves to talk about the lasik "revealing" who top really is, it's not. it's about revealing who his "friends," boston and ray, really are. mew starts out the relationship assuming that top is the person who he then thinks he is after he learns about the betrayal: but the person he's come to know, who he's seen with his heart is the true top. it's proven over and over and over again that top is a caring, friendly person (who defends himself when challenged) who loves mew (and doesn't want to fuck boston lol) - just how mew came to see him and is going to see him as again.
and while i agree that topmew have a fair amount of insecurities, mistrust, and miscommunication, i don't think it's indicative of a disconnect and these are mostly resolved through communication. and even when they aren't, what does that have to do with chemistry? why do they have to tick all these Perfect Relationship boxes? why are they held at a higher standard than all the other couples, who like you said don't have individual responsibility, accountability, or self-awareness? just because they're boyfriends? or because they were already on defense in a fandom that was determined to hate them from the jump? ...or because they're forcebook?🙃 i've never seen another couple in anything have their relationship so picked apart and scrutinized in bad faith. let them breathe!
eerie or uneasy background music: this makes me insane omg i've said this before but jangly guitar and soft piano are suddenly not romantic!?!?????!? are there scenes with uneasy background music? sure, but i think saying there are "a lot" of them is too broad and decontextualizes the scenes that they were used in.
they're morally gray people: they're just people. for the love of god. i'm so tired of this phrase. this should be used for jedis and superheroes, not 21-year-old college students trying to date each other omg morally gray implies that there is some war of balance between good and evil when really, they're just boys who fuck up sometimes. and i'm not saying that there aren't bad people (ray - who repeatedly hurts everyone around him, shouted at mew for not having sex with him, and rarely ever apologizes his worst offenses - and boston - who assaulted and coerced top and only reluctantly apologized to mew after ray asked him if he was going to lol) in this drama, but making it out like topmew are toeing the line when they're perfectly normal and make a few bad decisions (and often apologize for them) is excessive.
soooo sorry for all of that, anon. i know you meant well😅 this is typically the kind of discourse i just ignore when it shows up on my dash precisely because this is the result😅
if you're still reading😅: i'm also really excited about the rage room! i know a lot of my buddies on here want topmew to sit down and talk about their feelings, which is all fine and good for a couple irl, but this is a drama! i wanna see something happen! and i think this is the perfect visual tool to do that. i do think that their relationship is only going to get stronger after this, and i really hope that mew can get to a point (soon) where he's more secure. because even after exchanging i love yous he was still holding himself back and doubting the relationship. hopefully after seeing how top has handled the breakup and how clear it is that he never lied about loving mew, mew can be more confident about who he really is to top.
thanks for stopping by, anon!💗 sorry again for getting into it like that😅
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 30-November 5
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
10-30 → MarrsGreen posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. The caption includes, “the starlight is gorgeous.”
→ VogueFilm posted their interview with Gong Jun discussing “Hello, Hello”. During one part, he said, “I have never forgotten my original intentions.” [full translation] 
→ 361° put up a shoe listing on their Taobao using a model who looks strikingly similar to Zhang Zhehan. There’s even one photo where he’s wearing a bucket hat. Photos: [1] [2] Fan Observation: Many think it’s likely shade towards the Instagram, in a sort of “look, we can find a lookalike too” way. Instagram believers were pissed about it.
→ Addition 11-08: The Roving Inspection Team Weibo account was unmuted after six months. It reposted something by Peng Lihu a few days later, unfortunately confirming suspicions that he is the one behind it.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
10-31 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video for LockNLock, later reposted by LockNLock.
→ MarrsGreen posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Tangle Teezer posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted the music video for his new song More Youthful With Ideal. Caption: “The ideal guides our direction, soar bravely together, and let the youth ignite!” His studio reposted it with the added caption, “Fearless to pursue dreams and work hard to move forward without fear of challenges and never forget the original intention. Listen to boss @ Gong Jun Simon use his singing to convey strength, live up to the youth and live up to the times!”
→ Kangshifu posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Lexus unfollowed both the super3 Instagram and the brand’s Instagram.
→ Gong Jun reposted a trailer from Qiao Xin, his co-star from Dream Garden, for her new drama Winter Night. His added caption: “I heard that Zheng Daqian is going to start ‘making big money’ tonight?”
→ Seven government departments put out a request for opinions about increasing regulation on stars and their sponsors, including preventing immoral artists from being spokespersons. CAPA responded in favour. A reminder that Zhang Zhehan has only been called an immoral artist by CAPA, not any government agencies.
→ Fox Spirit Matchmaker officially wrapped filming, though a few modern scenes still had yet to be filmed.
→ Colgate posted a video of behind the scenes footage from a commercial featuring Gong Jun. They later posted three photo ads in quick succession. [1] [2] [3]
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gon Jun.
→ The Instagram posted a photo of a man in a Batman mask.
11-01 → Gong Jun’s studio posted his schedule for the month: brand livestreams on 11-01 and 11-02, birthday on 11-29. Caption: “In late autumn, in the traces of winter, boss @ Gong Jun Simon's November itinerary has arrived. Special reminder: add clothes in season, pay attention to keep warm!” [quoted translation] BGM is What Other Heart by Mac DeMarco.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted the photos used in the schedule video. Caption: “It’s here it’s here” Fan Observations:  -  These were taken on the day of the Hogan livestream.  -  He’s doing the Tenet hand gesture in them.  -  This is the third post in a month by him or his studio to use the caption “来了来了”.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad promoting the livestream held later that day.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four photos of him taking selfies. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Hello dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# time train has officially departed and arrived at the first station ahead. 「Train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon raised his mobile phone with one hand and put the other in his pocket coolly, quickly getting a super handsome selfie」, all passengers, please take a seat and hold on, the next stop is about to arrive at _______.” Fan Observation: These photos are possibly from 2021. Case in point:  -  The shirt he’s wearing has the text “Come and try our tunnel of love, tickets for two” on the back. He previously wore it on 2021-07-28; on the same day, Zhang Zhehan’s ads for Lanvin Qixi products were teased.  -  The red phone case looks to be the one he used last year. All photos from this year where his phone is visible either have a clear case or none at all.
→ 361° posted a teaser video for an upcoming samoyed themed collection in partnership with Gong Jun.
→ L’Oreal posted a photo ad for their livestream with Gong Jun later that day.
→ Gong Jun posted the same photo ad for the L’Oreal livestream. (14:20, 520 (”love you”) kadian) Caption: “I heard that I can't hide my identity as a soul painter. Let's take an art class with you on Double Eleven! Search L'Oreal's official flagship store, see my wonderful brushwork, and transform into a lot of surprises and gifts!” Fan Observation: A reach with kadians: the two earliest posts by his studio were at 10:00 and 10:30 → 1+1+3=5 → 51129 520 for these four posts altogether.
→ Gong Jun appeared in a livestream for L’Oreal. [full recording (no subs)] [summary with clips]  -  He said there’s a surprise for his birthday month.   -  There was the suggestion of doing a giveaway for a drawing Gong Jun did, but the producer disallowed it because it would mean having to read the winner’s username aloud. Gong Jun briefly tried to insist they should. (Context: There was an incident on 2021-06-10 (also a L’Oreal livestream lol) where someone with the username “Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan’s fan” won a giveaway; Gong Jun insisted that the host read it properly after she skipped over Zhang Zhehan’s name. [clip] Later during the same livestream, the producer had them stop reading winner’s names after multiple ones with CPF terms were read, and Gong Jun was visibly annoyed for a few minutes.)  -  At the end, he thanked “fans and friends”. Fan Observation: The glasses that he made a point of putting on at the start look quite similar to ones Zhang Zhehan wore on 2021-07-29.
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→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun promoting their livestream the following day.
→ Gong Jun appeared in a livestream for Colgate. At the end, he thanked “my fans, [and] my junweixians”. [full recording (no subs)] [summary with clips] Fan Observations: A joke he told was previously mentioned by the host of one of Zhang Zhehan’s livestreams on 2021-06-20.
11-02 → CAPA bought the hotsearch #CAPA reminds entertainers to regulate their endorsement behaviour#, putting it at #12 under the entertainment hotsearch.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a commercial teasing the new product line with 361°. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Life goes on and on, and love has traces to follow. Let go of the fatigue of life and liberate yourself in nature! If you love it, let's go wild together!”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted three photos of him in recording booths. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear Passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 2nd station 「On the way to the music, the train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon had many friendly exchanges with his microphone, brave and firm」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.” Fan Observations: The center photo was taken at the same time as an almost identical one he posted on 2021-11-24. Caption for that was “Your little ears have ‘ear blessings’ again! [six husky emojis]”.
→ 361° posted the same commercial, also announcing a livestream on 11-10 (19:30). Caption: “Go to love with 361° global brand spokesperson @ Gong Jun Simon, meet a better version of yourself. Life goes on and on, love has traces to follow.” They also changed their Weibo header to a promotional photo for the new line.
→ MUJOSH posted the glasses that Gong Jun wore for the L’Oreal livestream. Caption: “Heard that you were all looking for these glasses after watching the live broadcast?”
→ Possible hexagon ring sighting in his breast pocket in paparazzi photos of him going to the venue.
→ 361° posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun appeared in a livestream for Hsu Fu Chi. The vast majority of people watching were junweixian, very few CPFs. [full recording (no subs)] [summary with clips] (Context: Hsu Fu Chi endorsed Zhang Zhehan prior to 813, but were the most ruthless of his brands in the termination of their endorsement during 813 and in the months following. Gong Jun was already contracted to endorse them next, but has only done the bare minimum as their spokesperson, on two occassions blatantly leaving them out when mentioning his endorsements. If you look at photo ads, you may have noticed they’ve been using the same photos of him all year.)  -  He drew a Tangle Teezer during a drawing segment, and he also at one point mentioned BEAST.  -  He ate some of the chewy candy while the host was talking and when the host asked him if he needed a drink, he stepped off camera for a moment, grabbed his LockNLock thermos, and drank from it for a solid five seconds on camera. [clip] Usually if a spokesperson needs a drink during a livestream, they’re given an unmarked paper cup.  -  Otherwise, he was very professional and positive.  -  He sang a few lines from Bitter Gourd by Eason Chan, saying he’s been listening to it a lot recently. When the song is shared on QQ Music, a (different) AMV of Kimi no Na wa plays. Just in case we missed it last week, I guess.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of behind the scenes footage from a photoshoot that day. BGM is 隆里电丝 by 盛宇DamnShine. [lyrics] Fan Observation: The song includes a spoken part at the beginning with the lines, “Some people will become your friends / or your soulmate (知己). / Some people will fight with you to the end / as long as you’re happy (开心就好).”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos of him from the photoshoot. Caption: “Blue and white interlaced black and white, walking through the moving night. Capture today's boss @ Gong Jun Simon's ‘R&B style’~”
11-03 → Yu Zheng, the producer Zhang Zhehan worked under until 2018, responded to an anti asking about the drama Zhao Ge never being released. Yu Zheng blamed Zhang Zhehan for it, saying that it caused him to lose money and he can’t edit Zhang Zhehan’s face out with AI due to the cost. The drama filmed in 2017 and never aired because the script that Yu Zheng wrote himseld didn’t pass censorship, it had nothing to do with Zhang Zhehan. By the way, Yu Zheng has had multiple plagarism and defamation lawsuits filed against him, and filming Zhao Ge was the reason Zhang Zhehan’s knee didn’t heal properly.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a photo of him petting a samoyed, taken on the same day (estimated to be early to mid June) as photos he posted posted on 10-04 from his trip while filming Guardian of the Alpine Plants. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun’s very wonderful November# time train has arrived at the 3rd station 「The train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon wants to take a photo with Xiugou, but he [the dog] just wanted to find a toy ball, and left without turning back」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.”
→ Tangle Teezer posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Colgate posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ The host from the L’Oreal livestream posted six photos of himself and Gong Jun.
→ The final filming for Fox Spirit Matchmaker was completed.  Fan Observation: The child actor present for the filming is the same one who played Zhen Yan in Word of Honor.
→ 361° posted three photo ads [here] [here] and [here] featuring Gong Jun with a samoyed.
→ Kangshifu posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
11-04 → Gong Jun’s studio posted three photos of him from the filming of the Louis Vuitton watch commercial released on 01-15. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 4th station 「The monitor recorded the train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon under the sunset, while waiting for the signal light, the elongated figure is also lost in thought」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on. The station ahead is _______.”
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→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a short Q&A video with Gong Jun. [subbed video]
11-05 → Gong Jun’s studio posted a photo from the L’OFFICIEL shoot released on 05-23. (1129 kadian, 51129 with the date) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# The time train has now arrived at the 5th station 「a three-dimensional sketch portrait of the conductor @ Gong Jun Simon, relaxed and powerful」, all passengers please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.” Fan Observation: The published photo most similar to this one was on page 115 of the magazine.
→ The Instagram posted nine photos of “Zhang Zhehan” with white hair in front of a windmill. Addition 11-08: [Here] is a debunk on these.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted six more photos of “Zhang Zhehan”.
Additional Reading: → N/A
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This post was last edited 2022-11-08.
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callunavulgari · 7 months
Scrapbook 2024 - March
Anyway, for anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 70 books and write at least 50k of original content.
Past Years
(Twilight: New Moon)
A Haunting in Venice
Poor Things
(The X-Files - s1, s2)
Shogun, s1
Under the Banner of Heaven, s1 (it gives me the yuck)
Watcher: Mystery Files
5 EASY One-Pot Meals From Around The World - Beryl
The Ultimate Guide to Egg Dishes Around the World - Beryl
what i eat in a day (winter comfort foods) - Inga
System Collapse by Martha Wells [Fin]
Some Faraway Place by Lauren Shippen [Fin]
Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica [Fin]
Bride by Ali Hazelwood [Fin]
The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
Dark Heir by CS Pacat
Watcher Podcast
Nine II Midnight: Horrors of Dreams
Nine II Midnight: Terrors of the Real World
Rusty Fears
The Magnus Protocol* (!!!!!!!!!)
Stardew Valley, Mabel - 89 hrs, year 2
Baldur's Gate 3, 100(ish) hours
3:18 AM | Stranger Things | Steddie | 1897 words | “No,” Eddie says, fighting to keep hold of Steve’s wrist. He catches the other hand as Steve swings it into play. “Steve, no, you don’t have to—“
486 words of Steddie singing neighbor meet cute
105 words of Steddie ballet au
587 words of Breakfast Club AU
Fanmixes/Spotify Playlists/Graphics
terror haunting saturday afternoon
cabin fever by occasional_loverboy | Stranger Things | Steddie | 31k | No more than a few weeks. That's what Owens had told him.
Critical Hit by AidaRonan | Stranger Things | Steddie | 7k | Steve shows up to play DnD. Eddie decides Steve can stay. IF 'King Steve' recognizes the real lord and master of Hellfire.
Wrap Me Around Your Finger by indelicate | Stranger Things | Steddie | 10k | “The whole team, huh?” Eddie feels delirious as he blurts out, “Slut.”
thaw by @calciseptine | Stranger Things | Steddie | 25k | WIP | "It's not like that, Robin," Steve says for the hundredth time. "We don't even really like each other. We just… fool around."
People are oblivious to reality.
Rage cannot stay inside.
MARVEL | Revolution
The Batman | Stop, Children What's That Sound
glorious - foxes
rose's turn - glee cast
be (acoustic) - hozier
butterflies - tom odell
what a life - scarlet pleasure
shadow - livingston (whole album is great)
find me in the sky (you'll be okay) - neurotic
bgm -konami
sous le ciel de paris - pomplamoose ft ross garren
smells like teen spirit - tommee profitt
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fabulousahoy · 6 years
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ritwiksketch · 3 years
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Joker water color sketch, #sketching #joker #bgm #sad #watercolour #painting #drawing #whysoserious⁉️ #batman #dccomics #dcuniverse #beyourself #dailypost #ritwik_art #ritwiksinghart #shareart #sharesketches #feature #viralreels #viralvideos #instagram #indianartist #india #indianartcommunity (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRDpLrXh7wg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lyrasky · 4 years
Lyra Sky's Monologue- Favorites vol.101
Lyra Sky's Monologue- Favorites vol.101 check Lyra's Blog #lyrasky #dylanrieder #riverphoenix doglover #Riverphoenix #cooking #jerrycantrell #skateboard #髭男 #charliehunnam #garyoldman #justintimberlake #nineinchnails #batman #charlottekempmuhl #seanlennon
I watched tv and Lisa the TVprogram’s guest told “It’s so good a man get a tattoo name of a girl he loves ” to the guy’s going to win a woman’s heart in approach race. I think so,too.truly , I think it’s romantic. 👠lyra4m.com/ #awesome #goodguys #stunning #tattoo #skateboard #skateboardingisfun #talent #geniuses #doglover #skater #beautiful #fashion
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jhynka · 3 years
i still remember my first time playing video games and my dad let me borrow his psp. i played lego batman on that thing religiously. i was like 3-4 during that era and that lego batman era ended two years ago when i lost the charger. i played on that thing so much that i remember singing and humming the bgm on car rides while my fam was like wtf are u singing and how i was so the crickcrusahs of the lego men dying sound sometimes till now. lego batman u will be missed
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lils-in-space · 3 years
Notes on The Batman (2022) pt. 3
Here is the link to part one and part two, if you haven’t seen them already! These posts build on each other, so I’d recommend taking a look at them :) Warning, some of these are rambling so, apologies ahead of the time for the lack of clarity, haha. I swear they make sense in my head. 
Just to recap: We left off the last post with Bats jumping off the building in his Bat-suit.
Meeting Back up with Gordon to Interrogating the Penguin:
I love the dry quips that the movie has on the occasion. “You could’ve tried to pull that punch.” “I did.” Kudos to Rob Pat for being able to rasp that out with a straight face. I would’ve burst out laughing. 
I like how Bats finally seems to trust Gordon, although he never says so explicitly. Gordon extends that trust first, “I only trust you,” and we can see Bats doing the same when he agrees to team up with Gordon to track the Penguin. 
Colin Farrell does a splendid job at playing the Penguin. We finally see his mobster side (that he was seemingly hiding the first time Bats sought him) and disregard for his goons when he took off on his own. He also causes massive damage to civvies when he, in essence, blows up a gas-transport truck and rams into multiple cars in an effort to flee from Bats. He is also phenomenal at delivered the “la rata” lines. I think it’s the only part of the movie that made me chuckle out loud. “Am I the only one who knows the difference between el and la?” And the way he spits it out so vehemently. Tasteful. *chef’s kiss* 
 We see Bruce Wayne peek through Bats when he pieces together that the next clue is at the Wayne orphanage. He overshares details about it, I believe I recall it being the point where he mentions that it was “donated by the Wayne’s as a part of the renewal project” or something along those lines. We can also read some of the confusion in his eyes. He’s still trying to piece together his place in the Riddler’s game. 
Wayne Orphanage to Holding Hands with Alfred (what a contrast here):
Going into the mansion that his family used to live at, clearly takes a toll on Bruce. He gets a lot more tense in his movements. 
When we hear the projector audio, with “Ave Maria” playing, and then hear the applause and Thomas Wayne begin to speak, you cannot convince me otherwise, that Bruce recognized what was playing the moment his dad opened his mouth. That’s why, when Gordon asked “What the hell is that?”, Bruce didn’t respond because he knew. I imagine that he’s rewatched these multiple times (just because he’s angsty like that). 
We see the moment Bruce registers that he’s the next target with the close-up to his masked face. His eyes widen imperceptibly (well done, Rob Pat) and the next moment, he’s gone in the blink of an eye. In his rushed actions, and the contrast between the phone ringing/choir bgm and the roar of the Batmobile, his panic and deep-seated urge to save Alfred. I think it was rather tasteful to cut out his audio at a certain point and replace it with the loud growl of the engine, which was a rather stirring noise. It makes us, the audience, feel the urgency and fury, rather than hear it.  
He’s already hanging by a loose thread due to the thought of his father being connected to the corruption, and then, Alfred (his current father-figure, no matter how hard he tries to deny it) gets heavily injured. At this point, Bruce no longer has an ally (or, at least, one who is conscious) who knows both of his identities, someone who he can fully trust. Alfred was the only one. Gordon and, questionably, Selina are his allies but as Batman’s, not Bruce’s. And, naturally, since Bruce is a recluse, there’s no one to help him on that front either. And, then, he gets the call from Selina. He’s vulnerable and it’s a bad time for any wild cards to come into play. 
In the moment he meets with Selina, they’re both in emotionally unstable states. Selina is notably distraught by the murder of Annika and Bruce less apparently so by Alfred’s near-death experience. We see the juxtaposition in their grieving processes. Bruce lashes out and Selina retorts by saying, “Whoever you are, clearly you were born rich.” Unwittingly, his comments on Annika and Selina’s “choice” of work belied the fact that he had never been in a situation where he couldn’t choose what he wanted to do. He chose to become the Batman of his own volition. Annika and Selina did not have that choice, Selina in particular due to the circumstances of her father being Falcone, a detail that she reveals after Bruce pushes too hard. Thankfully, he apologies for his earlier comments which means we have hope for him yet. 
“Will you help me?” This is the first time Selina asks him for his help, which intimates a new level of trust that she has for him. Up until this point, her assumed motto was “I can take care of myself”. 
It’s interesting how their kiss was depicted as a silhouette against a dawning sky. Perhaps this suggests that a new chapter in their relationship is beginning? Or alternatively, it could be a sunset representing the end of one chapter and the start of “night”.
We see Bruce’s last remaining trust in his father crumble after watching the video the Riddler posts. He feels betrayed since, this entire time, he was fighting for Gotham because that is what he thought his family’s legacy was. He thought his father was an advocate of good. That is what Alfred taught him and was basically the only thing keeping him from falling off the edge of morality. But good ol’ Alfred holds him back from careening into that abyss. 
“He was a good man. He just made a mistake.” Although Alfred is referring to Thomas Wayne when he says this, the same could be applied to Bruce. It is almost reassuring. Good people can make bad mistakes. And Bruce still has time to “redeem” himself and become the hero that Gotham truly needs, instead of the violent vigilante he seemed to be leaning towards. 
Not sure if this was intentional but, Alfred doesn’t point fingers at anyone necessarily. “I wish I knew for sure...” As the Wayne’s butler, he has also been trying to avenge Thomas and Martha, but had Bruce to take care of, which helped him escape the consuming circle of revenge. I think that it is at this point that Bruce begins to realize just how much his “campaign” for vengeance has been futile. Bruce mentions at the beginning of the film that the “city is eating itself” but, just the same, his quest for vengeance was also consuming him, leaving him a husk of what he could be, both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman. By taking Alfred’s hand, it’s almost as if he is relinquishing his desperate hold on his identity as Vengeance (which is later made clear when he prevent Selina from shooting the officer and her dad). 
“I thought I had overcome that fear...of losing someone that I care about.” Another recurring theme is Bats overcoming his fear. He fears caring about anything because the things or people he care about might be taken from him. This is the first time he voices this fear aloud in the film, and what better way to do so, than to acknowledge Alfred’s influence in his life. I will touch on the wider “forest” that this touches on, in the fourth post of this notes series. (I’m so glad I drew a limit on this. I could talk about it for hours)
Part One // Part Two // Part Four (to be linked)
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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The Devil Judge - The Finale
A dystopian law drama w/a good concept that ended up underwhelming due to terrible writing. The star studded cast made up that fault with the likes of Ji Sung and Park Jinyoung.
Min and Jung has a previous conversation about the live show court trial. They team up so that they could stop this madness with the Supreme Court and with the SRF Foundation. Jung request that Min should keep an eye on someone and that someone is Ga-On. He requested Ga-On during their early meetings to be the Judas for Yo-Han. Min hated Yo-Han for ruining the country so he wanted to attack him by revealing his family affairs. He wants to drag Yo-Han down. He affirmed it when he was at the hospital and Jung visited. But Min didnt know how crazy Jung was and killed Soohyun. He said that Soohyun is like a daughter to him. Min said didnt he want to stop Yohan at all cost, that includes Soohyun too. Jung said that there's no going back now and they're close to ending the chaos, and questions if he wants to be remembered.
Min needed to become a monster to stop Yohan. Gaon then calls him a dirty hypocript and Min calls the security. Gaon is in pain that he just let Soohyun die just like that. Gaon was taken away by the security. Gaon tells Jinjoo that the foundation has set this all up and she wants to help.
The SRF team congratulates Jung for having Min to their side and Heo is in silence waiting for her instructions. He's literally her dog. They then talk about Yohan's mental mind now that he's in prison, he's out of his game. If he disappears quietly, they assume that everyone would be happy. Jung thinks otherwise, if he continues to say things she threatens him to step down. The SRF team continues to praise Jung. Jung discussses with her righthand woman on how Heo changed his personality completely and finds it fishy. She probably underestimated him and there's something else. She then request to check the status of the moving of the residence to the Dream Village.
Chief Ward meets Yohan to have discussiona t the office. Yohan disrespects the Chief  but the Chief warns him that this is not a live court show and that he's in prison.
Lawyer Ko talks to Gaon and how much of an idiot he is. He doesnt know if he can continue to trust Gaon with what he's done. Gaon is asking for help. Gaon wants to go expose the Dream Village and plans to go alone. Lawyer Ko warns him that there's tone of security but he can go to the Medical Center, but no way he can exit out. Gaon says just let him in. Also warns him that the media is on their eggshells and it's not anymore a free media. Gaon though has come up for something and request to get him 1 thing.
Gaon explains to Elijah in a letter that she didnt do anything wrong and promises that Yohan will return and that it wouldnt take long. He tells her to eat well to not get sick so that Yohan wouldnt worry. She then cries and eats her food to recover.
At the prison, Yohan and Juk breaks out a fight at the courtyard.
Gaon then enters through the Dream village by using the food truck inside a box. He then observes the restricted area and records using a small video device. He sees alot of people lying down sick surrounded by nurses and guards. He goes through the wards and surprisingly sees Ms. Han, the woman who sided with Yohan during the live courtshow. All of a sudden the President arrives at the facility. Theyre testing a new vaccine and the number of people that survived is 182. President requests about the behind payments of all the countries. Clinical trials are in high demand. President tells them when a person dies through the trials they collect all the well organs and export them as byproducts. Nothing goes to waste. Gaon silently watches them laugh maniaclly in disgust. The SRF and Heo talks about Jung behind her back, they plan to outs her. Gaon plans to escape with Han but was got caught with a nurse but saves himself that he's checking her vitals. The nurse recognizes him and actually helps him. She has been waiting for some help and said that their phones have been taken away. Also said that there's some sane people in the center too. She promises to help.
Breaking news that Yohan has been arrested for instigating murder is dead. He was stabbed by a assailant. Both co-judges are left in shock. Same goes to Jung. She's in shock but calms herself that it was done because of her. Jung will be President and Min would now be Chief Justice. He did a press conference instead of a inauguration. Oh was able to catch up with Min and tells him that Jung wants to meet him at her office, this is a set up. Gaon tells her to leave the building and requests her to go. SRF team celebrates at the live court set with Jung at the top of the judges seats. Gaon then captures Min and ties him up at the office with a bomb around his body. Since when did Gaon become so violent. Its a plant and the media will receive news about exposing the Dream Village with his name on it. Yohan suddenly appears and saves Gaon on time. The death news was fake and that Yohan had to dig out to save him. He reminded me of Batman at some point here. Yohan was able to get out by threatening the Chief with his corruption and crimes for the last 30 years. Mentions the Chief that the money is not with him anymore. Yohan tells him to save himself is by doing his specialty for swapping prisoners. Just give him 24 hours. Lawyer Ko enters and tells him that he couldnt tell Gaon everything. Yohan tells him that he was able to return the Chief a favor but not in the form of cash but through charity.
While the SRF is celebrating the lights and the screen suddenly went on with Yohan on the screen. Jung realizes that he is alive and so does the rest of the team. Its revealed as a solemn trial. Yohan starts a live trial and its the final trial with the entire SRF team being exposed with the Dream Home Medical Center. Looks like Jung doesnt know anything about it and asks the team about it. Even the conversation Heo had with the team regarding the citizens. They also show that Jung has killed innocent people in the way to fulfill her ambitions and to attack him. Min is attacked too as a betrayer.  Min is let go by Gaon but tells him that his name is tarnished forever and he will live awfully for the rest of his life. That's a better punishment and more realistically given too. 
There was a proper punishment given and Yohan announced that there's a bomb then leaves to go to the trial set. Yohan reveals that Gaon was the one who helped exposed and will testify to tell the whole truth. The bomb is planned and Yohan will sacrifice himself along with the foundation. Yohan asks them if the moment reminds them of the fire incident. All of them trying to escape. Only the fastest person survives. Jung calmly comes up from her seat with a gun on her hand. Heo complains that he is the President and Jung shots him due to annoyance. She also tries and aims the gun at Yohan. Yohan tells her that its the both of them till the end. Tells her to come with him till death. That's the only way she'll be with him, which is quite tragic. Jung says her final goodbye to Yohan and shockingly shots herself to death, like how Ms. Cha did. Gaon then appears at the end, tells Yohan to stop and think of Elijah. Gaon in the end will be the hero and Yohan pushes him out. Will Yohan survive the bomb explosion? He needs to be alive or Gaon will end up with nothing. Well he still has Judge Oh and Elijah at least. Gaon wents back to the mansion and ses the blueprint of the bomb explosion, there has to be a escape route for Yohan. Yohan tells him that Gaon must do something for him. Housekeeper tells Gaon that Yohan stopped by and tells her she's fired and asks for Elijah. Yohan tells Elijah that they're going to move out to somewhere safe and its a rehabilitation center in Switzerland. Gaon then finds out that Yohan is actually alive.
Gaon was set in a trial with the comittee. Gaon inwardly thinks that nothing has changed at all and is confused on what to do now that the country doesn't need Yohan. Yohan secretly bids goodbye to Gaon and he then quickly realizes it. Captures him on time from afar. The 2 men bid each other goodbye which then ends the drama.
Thoughts: If you like stories like Batman or The Hunger Games this would be the drama for you. The writer seem to took inspiration from both works. I think Yohan is like Batman/Katniss while Gaon is like Peeta. Oddly reminds me of the finale alot with the similarities of the characters. Or sometimes Gaon acts like Katniss/Peeta both. Just remove the whole romance aspect of The Hunger Games. There's quite a few angst moments of Yohan and Gaon. Gaon all of a sudden cares for Yohan. The writer tries to include those similiarities with the 2 characters. Yohan wants nothing more than revenge. Then the rest of the SRF are like the trial players or could be the government too. They try to copy the brutality of the hunger games the games itself with the fire incident and the finale of the drama. All trying to save themselves from death.
Messed up the ending. What I wanted most from this drama was for people to rise up to protect their country, because its the job of people to protect their country not the job of one or two people like Yohan and Ga On. Also they didn't even show the aftermath of the last trial. What happened to that dream house project and what was the people's reaction about the live trial? Assuming the whole time it was filmed. What did they think of Yohan after that? Alot of afterthought was left out.
Rating: Story: 3 (Great until episode 12 onwards) Production: 2 (Locations and the offices were ok but not meant for the dystopian feel they were trying to sell. Could've been more modern looking set) OST: 1 (BGM is spot on and fills the scenes well, dont like the rock portion of the OST) Acting: 4 (Mainly because of Ji Sung) Character Development: .5 (Main cast are 1 sided and no room or little improvement) Overall Enjoyment: 1 (The drama's tone is consistent throughout despite the bad writing) Total Rating: 2.5/6
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krishnajanaa · 3 years
9 Years Of 'The Dark Knight RISES'💥
Song: JD vs. Bhavani from 'Master' (Tamil)
Favorite part of The Batman Trilogy.
Christopher Nolan's extraordinary writing and direction takes you to different dimension.
Hans Zimmer's intense BGM was dope.
Tom Hardy and Christian Bale was ❤🔥
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xxj0kerxx · 3 years
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open to: m/f connection: any BGM: Mysterious Forest
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arms stretched, splaying side to side while he embraced the air with open arms. taking a good whiff while he struts out of the dilapidated gates of the god forsaken asylum. his gold chains stringed along his pants as he stares up at the autumn skies. “what can i say?! mama didn’t raise no quitter!” his ugly scarred smile stretching across his face. it was nowhere neat or clean, but not like he was one to keep up his appearances. “i’m still a growing boy after all!” god knows how old he was, even he forgot. 30? 40? 50? 60? he lost track. time seems slow, but not in a good way. it was boring slow. but alas, he was free. joker wets his lips while his eyes wandered around until he snaps his eyes straight to them, slapping his thick leather coat. “what gives?! the long face?!” don’t play me for a fool, you dimwit. he knew the batman was long gone, disappeared without a single trace. not even a sighting or little chirp for the past months. crime was rampant all throughout gotham without their precious batman. it wasn’t like the fool slipped on a banana and cracked his bloody head. hunching his back as he took a deep sigh before pursing his lips lightly while he tried to see through them. 
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titleleaf · 5 years
podcast recs: “i need shit to do” edition
As an appendix to this post, here’s a bunch of podcasts I have listened to and enjoyed.
True crime:
You’re Wrong About (O.J. Simpson, maligned women of 90s pop culture)
Man In The Window (EAR/ONS -- murder/serial sexual assault)
Monster: Atlanta Monster (murder)
The Fall Line (cold cases, Does, child abduction)
Uncover (cults, murder)
Cover-Up (Chappaquiddick scandal, Ted Kennedy)
The RFK Tapes (assassination of Robert F. Kennedy)
The Ballad Of Billy Balls (unsolved murder, police violence)
Ear Hustle (daily life in US prisons)
Crimetown (organized crime in Providence, RI and Detroit, MI) 
Stranglers (Boston Strangler case -- murder, sexual assault)
In The Dark (s1 murder/sexual assault of Jacob Wetterling, s2 false conviction/miscarriage of justice)
Criminal (episodic, deals with crime and criminal justice)
Long-run true crime series: (YMMV, standard true crime pitfalls apply)
Crime Junkie
All Crime No Cattle (Texas true crime)
Nonviolent (or not-all-violent) true crime:
Darknet Diaries (digital crime and hacktivism)
The Dream (s1 multilevel marketing, s2 predatory wellness practices)
The Queen (con artist and criminal Linda Taylor)
Swindled (white-collar crime and scams)
Odd Ball (unidentified mysterious metal ball found in FL -- trust me)
Blurry Photos (cryptids, aliens, mysteries)
Mystery Show (low-stakes delightful mysteries)
Lore (you’ve probably heard this one but it’s good for a lolspooky back listen)
Folklore (tonally the opposite of Lore, academic folklore)
We Hate Movies (favorite eps are The Good Son, Batman V. Superman) 
How Did This Get Made
The Canon
Art of The Score
BBC 4 Film Programme
In Voorhees We Trust (With Gourlie And Rust)
Hollywood In Color (history of WOC in Hollywood)
You Must Remember This (20th c. Hollywood history)
BGM: Bad Gay Movies, Bitchy Gay Men
Bloodsucking Feminists
Music history:
Hit Parade (music history/Top 100-type chart history)
Cocaine & Rhinestones (country music history)
Disgraceland (musicians behaving badly)
Set It Straight with Midland (more country music history, Spotify-only)
A Podcast To The Curious (M.R. James and James-inspired fiction)
Teen Creeps (80s-90s YA horror and genre fiction)
The Baby-Sitters Club Club (BSC rereads)
For The Gothic Heroine
BackStory (US history)
Sexing History (history of sexuality/LGBTQ history)
Spectacular Failures (incredible business failures)
This Podcast Will Kill You (contagious disease -- potentially not right now)
Household Name (brands/marketing)
Baltimore: The Rise Of Charm City
The Kitchen Sisters Present
HOME: Stories From LA
Yo, Is This Racist?
Pure silliness:
Page Seven (celebrity gossip, Spotify-only)
My Dad Wrote A Porno (bad erotica reading)
Gay Pulp (audiobook-type reading of vintage gay pulp)
The Mortified Podcast (people read their overwrought teenage diaries)
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deloresisout · 4 years
@beenpole said   :   🔥 movies Unpopular Opinions || Accepting!
    I actually have 2 opinions about movies. Now, I don’t know if this one is popular opinion but, I’m not a fan of background music constantly playing during scenes. I realized this when I was at the movies watching The Lion King remake. It was the scene when Mufasa was confronting Scar for not being at the celebration of Simba’s birth. I didn’t remember the bgm music being so loud and prevalent in the original animated scene, it threw me off. Also the Madam CJ Walker series OVERDID THIS!!     Now, I love a good soundtrack as much as anybody else. But I also feel like moments of silence can make things more intense. Like, Nightcrawler allowed situations like this to happen. I really liked the way it utilized its usage of sound.     Opinion 2! I use to be excited when I would see poc casted in traditionally white roles. But now I don’t like it as much. Not only is it performative in many cases, but they’re just telling the same story without even considering the nuances that come with these changes. I would really just prefer to see original films and series made by poc creatives, telling stories about themselves. About their culture. Nuances and all, rather than...      “It’s a Batman reboot! BUT HE’S A BLACK MAN NOW! Please come see it, black people.” 
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mendelpalace · 4 years
Good Ending 
DUSTINODELLOFFICIAL recently uploaded this nearly two-hour compilation of relaxing, downbeat, and chill tracks from Sega Genesis games. 
Recorded from Sega Genesis, Model 2 w/discrete YM2512 + line out mods + MegaAmp via Tascam US-1x2 @ 24/44
00:00:00 Valis - Deja-Vu 00:00:54 Arcus Odyssey - Map 00:02:21 Final Zone - After the War 00:06:47 Mega Anser - Bank Menu 2 00:09:05 Light Crusader - Status Screen 00:09:56 Tanglewood - Storm Warning 00:12:32 Batman - Ending Theme 00:15:05 Psy-O-Blade - Be Discared 00:16:18 Harukanaru Augusta - BGM 6 00:17:48 Zoop - Bored Stiff 00:19:55 Crusader of Centy - Burn Daisy 00:22:03 The Pirates of Dark Water - Track 2 00:25:24 Ecco the Dolphin - The Vents 00:26:57 Wonder Boy in Monster World - Under the Ocean 00:28:49 Fatal Labyrinth - Main Theme 00:29:52 Dahna - Continue 00:30:36 Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - BGM4 00:33:50 Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin - Good Ending 00:35:31 California Games - Surfing 00:38:10 Jennifer Capriati Tennis - Ending 2 00:41:24 Flashback - Sound Test 11 00:44:19 Cannon Fodder - Heroes of War 00:46:44 Shinobi 3 - Ground Zero 00:49:07 Vapor Trail - Staff Roll 00:50:56 Golden Axe - Old Map 00:52:00 Shining Force - Reading Girl 1 00:53:13 Super Hydlide - O.M.I.S.E 00:54:13 Castlevania Bloodlines - The Sinking Old Sanctuary 00:56:16 Shining Force II - Elven Town 00:57:58 World of Illusion - Level 3-1 01:00:26 Columns - Lathesis 01:05:03 Mickey Mania - Garden 01:07:02 Landstalker - A Ballad for Princess Loria 01:09:38 Minnesota Fats Pool Legend - Until Tomorrow 01:12:38 Sonic the Hedgehog - Star Light Zone 01:14:15 Ball Jacks - Ending Theme 1 01:16:02 Wonder Boy III - Big House 01:19:30 Devil's Course - BGM 1 01:22:06 Aerobiz Supersonic - Managing Scenarios 1 and 2 01:23:09 Waialae no Kiseki - BGM 1 01:28:57 OutRun - Last Wave 01:30:50 Monster World IV - Heart of Icegrave 01:33:01 Shanghai III Dragon's Eye - Main BGM (Shanghai) 01:34:16 High Seas Havoc - Sea of Deep Sorrow 01:36:45 Shining in the Darkness - Requiem 01:38:19 Ys III - Sentimental Twilight 01:39:32 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Sky Chase Zone 01:40:59 Super Thunder Blade - High Scores 01:42:26 Dynamite Headdy - Ballad for You 01:48:43 Streets of Rage - Good Ending 01:50:58 Ristar - Next Cruise
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