#the body thing is still very important though although she has more an emphasis on the language we defer to our bodies
ladykissingfish · 3 years
The Akatsuki as Parents
Was a bit reluctant when he found out he was going to be a daddy ... at first. Not because he didn’t want kids ((he really did)), but because he severely doubted his own ability to be a father. But the second he holds the baby in his arms, he’s hooked. He will be so eagerly helpful and hands-on that during the child’s infancy, the other parent will rarely have to lift a finger. Diapers need changing? Obito’s on it. Baby needs to be fed at 2am? Obito’s already out of bed and warming formula on the stove. Rash? Fever? A cough? Obito is consulting every doctor within a 20 mile radius on what to do. Note that Obito is a hard-core traditionalist and, if he isn’t married to the child’s other parent before he gets them pregnant, he’ll be persistent about doing so before the kid is born. Sobs the first time his child calls him “papa”. As the child grows older, Obito will be a tireless teacher and mentor, and you better believe that the kid will know every facet of what was once the Uchiha clan. Sharingan training is a bit nerve-wracking for Dad, because while he wants his child to grow strong, he knows the power of the eye is a deadly one, and doesn’t like to see his son/daughter get hurt. Is the type to be a bit more strict with his sons than with daughters, in fact being a complete pushover for anything his little girl(s) wants. Very, VERY likely to insist a girl be named Nohara. Also the type to sneak and let his kid eat lots of sweets (like Obito himself does) before meals, much to the other parent’s chagrin. Also involves the other Akatsuki members as uncles/aunt in the kid’s life, especially Itachi and Sasuke as he wants the kid to be exposed to members of the family more often.
The literal first words out of his mouth are “pregnant? Why the hell didn’t you make me wear a condom?!” Takes a long time to warm up to the idea of parenthood, but once he does, he’s surprisingly better at it than anyone would anticipate. He tends to be very fast-paced in his body movements and not really used to being careful, so if he’s holding his infant it’s best to make him sit still in a chair first. Once the kid(s) is older, it’s better, because Hidan’s energy levels will match (and overshadow) even the liveliest of children. It will be a big point of contention between Hidan and his co-parent on whether or not to introduce their kid to Jashinism, and Hidan will eventually promise to wait until the child is an adult to start talking about “all that shit”; although Hidan’s idea of adulthood seems to be when the kid is old enough to use a kunai. Puts a startling amount of emphasis on his kid getting a good education, and will be sure to send him or her to the best village school that he possibly can. The reason behind this is because Hidan himself had a poor education growing up, and is in fact barely able to read or do basic math; and he says over and over that his kid “isn’t gonna be some dumbass like his/her father”.
Nearly faints when told he’s going to be a father. Will immediately get out a calculator and start figuring out expenses like diapers, food, toys, education ... is so preoccupied that he ends up neglecting the person who carries his child, causing them to go off on their own expecting to be a single parent. Oddly, it’s Hidan who sets the old guy straight. He stays on his case and talks to him until the nonagenarian sees the error of his ways, and goes after the person having his baby. Kakuzu will be gentle with a baby, and show a surprising affinity for making up and singing lullabies. As the kid gets older, Kakuzu will be a bit more strict. “Food is expensive; you better eat every bite on your plate.” “A hole in your pants? No give them to me and I’ll mend them; buying new clothes is unnecessary.” His child will grow up knowing how to stretch a buck and budget money better than any other kid their age. Kakuzu isn’t really one for showing much warmth or affection, but there will be a few rare moments in his kid’s life where his father hugs him and tells him how proud he is of him. Kakuzu knows that the life of a shinobi is hard and therefore encourages his kid to pursue other career paths, such as opening up his/her own business.
Konan and Nagato
These two are so closely intertwined that they could only be parental mates to each other. When a baby comes into the picture, Nagato will still maintain his position as leader of the Akatsuki as Pein, but will insist that Konan quit. It’s for a practical purpose rather than a sentimental one; they both lost their collective parents to war, and Nagato always thought that if he had a child, he’d ensure that at least one parent would be around to always take care of him or her. Konan, however, will still keep in touch with all of the Akatsuki members, who will become very enthusiastic uncles to her child. She’s always been a good cook but with a child she’ll level up to professional chef caliber, creating dishes that are fun and healthy. Her child(ren) will be taught all of their mother’s paper jutsus, and Nagato will work to devise a way for the brightest one to get his rinnegan once he passes. The kids will primarily spend time with Nagato through Pein, and only be taken to meet their father when Konan feels they’re ready. Because Konan and Nagato had a childhood devoid of parental love, they’re often at a loss for how to be affectionate or sentimental, instead putting a lot of emphasis on “toughening” their kids up, so that they’re prepared to face the cruelties of the world. But the kids will know that mom and dad love them; it’s obvious in everything they say and do.
Will be the fun, loving, yet highly irresponsible father. As soon as his kid is born he anxiously awaits to see if he or she inherits his explosion-release kekkei genkai; and if the kid DOES, he’s ecstatic. “Art is an explosion” won’t just be a saying in his household; it’ll be a way of life. The child will grow up given complete freedom to express his or her artistic tendencies, with Deidara highly praising any and every impact they make on the outside world. Yet despite being for artistic creativity, he’ll be (surprisingly) strongly against the child joining any kind of organization that’s like the Akatsuki; he regrets his own decision to join as he feels it out a horrible damper on his artistic expression and independence. Likes to tell his young children stories every night, which are actually just heavily edited and sanitized versions of his Akatsuki missions. Like Obito, will be a bit more of a pushover for a daughter than a son, and will love spending hours brushing and styling the beautiful long hair that the girl inherits from him. He’ll let any member of the Akatsuki around his kids except for Hidan (because he doesn’t want his foul language around the child).
There are people in this world who know for certain that their lives wouldn’t be fulfilled by having children, and Zetsu is one of these individuals. While wanting no offspring of his own, he IS rather a good “uncle” to the children of his fellow Akatsuki members ((although the majority of these kids are too terrified of his physical appearance to want to go anywhere near him until they’re at least teenagers)).
A child would be hard-pressed to elicit any kind of emotional reaction from Sasori, as the man cleared himself of most feeling when he underwent his puppet transformation. However, one thing that he could never rid himself of, was his ability to love. Even if he has difficulty showing it, he loves his child and would do literally anything to help or protect them. When the child is a baby, Sasori will spend hours crafting tiny puppet-dolls for the kid to play with. As he grew up with a skilled medic grandmother, he possesses a wide knowledge of herbs and healing, which he will painstakingly pass on to his children. Not one to baby his children by any means, as he lives by the philosophy that the world is tough meaning you have to be tougher; however will offer advice, support, and encouragement on any issues that may be troubling his son/daughter. Early on he expresses a desire for his child to learn to be a master puppeteer like himself; however will be understanding if they choose to pursue a different path. Is very smart and naturally mistrustful of strangers, so will likely choose to educate his kids at home rather than send them to a village school. The type to seem more like a trusted mentor or an interesting uncle than an actual father; also the type to relate to his teen or adult children better than young kids.
Itachi never feels like he deserves any of the good things in life, because of what he’s done, and therefore doesn’t know how to handle blessings that are given to him. A baby is the ultimate example of this. Itachi will feel as though any child of his would be better off not knowing him or being “exposed” to the cursed Uchiha bloodline, so at first he’ll make it a point to barely be around his baby ((even though this kills him inside)). Surprisingly, of all people, it’s Deidara who will talk him out of this mindset, telling him how important it is for a child to be around their father “even if he is a damned red-eyed weirdo”. Once Itachi allows himself to fully commit to parenthood, that’s it — he’ll be the best damned father in the universe. He’ll be warm and affectionate, especially liking to pick his kid up (no matter how old they are or how embarrassed it makes them) and squeeze them. He’s not much of a disciplinarian, believing that kids need to be able to make mistakes in order to grow from them. The only time he’ll ever get angry is when the child does something that could have resulted in a serious injury. Itachi’s intelligence has always been off the charts, and he utilizes this to help his kid be a spectacular student. In fact, as the kid gets older, they’ll start bringing his/her friends around the house in order to receive Itachi’s tutoring. Itachi’s brother Sasuke will adore his nephew/niece and come home more often simply to be with them. Also Kisame will come around practically every day, and the kid will grow up learning an impressive arsenal of water jutsus to compliment the traditional Uchiha fire jutsus.
The tall, somewhat awkward father that scares all of his kid’s friends with his intimidating physical appearance ... until he opens his mouth and they hear a god-awful dad joke come out. Any child of Kisame’s is going to be part shark, and therefore have some affinity for being in/breathing under the water. Kisame’s favorite pastime will be taking his baby (and yes, I do mean baby, as he tends to start his kid on this when they’re young) out for long swims in the ocean. Kisame has always been self-conscious of his looks, so from the time the child is born he will spend a good deal of time teaching him or her to have self-confidence and love for him/herself. Like many of the others in the Akatsuki, Kisame never received much of a formal education, and therefore puts a lot of emphasis on his child going to a “normal” school and giving it their all when it comes to their studies. When the child proves him or herself physically capable, Kisame will start training with them on how to wield/control samehada, as well as fight with a variety of swords. It goes without saying that Itachi will be in Kisame’s kid’s life from the day they’re born, and be their favorite “uncle”.
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gellavonhamster · 3 years
cold weapons
Suicide Squad (2016) || Captain Boomerang/Katana || post-canon
ao3 link eng || this was first written and published on ao3 in Russian in 2017 but I didn't attempt to translate it into English back then.  
“So, what do you think of them?” Colonel Flag asks.
Tatsu puts the folder containing the rap sheet of Waylon Jones, better known as Killer Croc, on top of three other folders.
“They’re complicated,” she replies after giving it some thought.
The materials in these folders could have formed her first impression about the members of Task Force X – or, as Lawton has aptly put it, the Suicide Squad. Could have, but did not, because they were given their first task earlier than expected. Which is why she doesn’t say “villains” or “scoundrels” or “worst team imaginable” – her first impression of them was formed in combat, and then in an empty bar in Midway City where they all drank together thinking it may be the last drink in their lives. She remembers all of this and says ‘complicated’.  
“Very tactful of you,” the colonel chuckles. Then again, what kind of colonel is he now – an unwashed shirt, black circles under the eyes. Just another guy struggling with a deluge of work, a hard-hearted boss, and a troubled relationship with his girlfriend. “But yeah, they definitely aren’t simple,” continues Rick Flag, one of her few friends in the country that will never become her home, and Tatsu cannot suppress a tired smile.  
“You like them.”
“They’re… tolerable,” Rick admits, and takes another sip of coffee. Lately he seems to be living only on coffee and whiskey and the verb “must” and (so Tatsu supposes, although they don’t talk about that) the hope that June Moone, who still hasn’t fully recovered from all the horrors she’s been through, will be all right – and will stop isolating herself and avoiding him. These means for not letting yourself just fall down and never get up are far from being reliable, but Tatsu herself lives mostly on revenge and duty and, for that matter, whiskey as well, to a certain degree, so it’s not for her to judge. “Most of them, at least. All of them minus the Australian.”
“At least he’s a good fighter,” Tatsu points out. This is the only good thing she can say about Captain Boomerang with full confidence.  
“He’s not cut out for teamwork.”
“When we were fighting the Enchantress, it didn’t look to me like that.”
She does not put much meaning into these words. It’s just that at some point Captain Boomerang saved her, and she saved him – and good thing they’re even, because the last thing she needs is to owe a favour to someone so incompatible with the very concept of duty. She could have said much about the man who tried to escape at the very beginning of the mission and got a teammate killed (and for some reason stood up for El Diablo when Harley Quinn lashed out at him at the bar, and for some reason came back before the battle after trying to desert), but the only thing she’s sure of is that he’s a fine weapon; she can confirm that, being a weapon herself. At the end of the day, that is all that’s required from him.      
At the end of the day, that is all that’s required from her, too.
 It is possible that what she said about Digger Harkness sticks in Rick’s memory, because when the need to comb the area arises during the next mission, he sends the two of them to search through the same building.
“If he gets up to something, do whatever you want to him. No one’s gonna weep for him,” he flings off. This is in the heat of the moment, of course – Boomerang almost got into a fight with Killer Croc on the helicopter over some nonsense. Or rather, it was Croc that almost got into a fight with Boomerang after the latter provoked him. Complicated.  
“You heard that, darl?” Boomerang addresses her with a smile so wide as if he hasn’t heard the last remark. “I’m all yours.”
Tatsu looks the other way and pointedly takes her sword out of its sheath – not completely, just a little. No further comments follow, and they part company – Deadshot with Croc, Flag with his team of spec ops, Tatsu with Boomerang – and go on a recce.  
In the basement, they discover something that looks like a laboratory – if a place so far from being sanitary may even be called one. All their hopes to move without making a sound crumble as soon as they enter the room: the floor is covered with broken glass. Those who ran the place must have escaped in haste and couldn’t take the entire stock of the serum with them, so they opted to destroy most of it. Tatsu’s attention is immediately drawn to the object on the table in the middle of the room – a metal container with tubes going from it to several smaller vessels. She heads straight for the table, shards crunching underfoot. Boomerang follows her, apparently kicking the largest shards on purpose so that they fly in all directions.      
“Looks like a hooch still,” he comments, having come closer, and gives a whistle. “Whoa, fuck, is that blood?”
Compared to the first task of their squad, this one looks almost effortless. Two gangs, the members of one of which possess the formula of the serum that grants superpowers to those who take it. A gun battle, collateral damage, the entire district on lockdown. If a few people weren’t noticed literally floating through the sky, the police would have been handling this. But this is an emergency, which is why they’re here, and the flying gangsters aren’t flying anymore, for Lawton is an exceptionally good shot.    
As it turns out, the serum that sparked the conflict is based on metahuman blood – hardly donated voluntarily.
“I’ll contact Colonel Flag,” says Tatsu, eyes locked on the bloodied tubes, and then someone grabs her by the neck.
For the first time in her life, she really has to fight blindly – because her enemy is invisible.  
Later, when the dead bodies gradually become visible on the floor like an eerie animated movie, it turns out there were four of them. Before that, Tatsu manages to lose her sword, recapture it, almost choke when an invisible hand squeezes her neck, slash one of the attackers in half, and plunge the blade into another’s stomach. Boomerang takes care of the other two, knocking over the container in the process.    
Tatsu is listening to the silence that came after the fight, wondering if any other invisible foes are lurking around the corner, when she feels that something is wrong. Something is wrong with her – she just can't figure out what. Sometimes it happens that one feels unwell but cannot determine what exactly the problem is – she is experiencing something similar now. Until she realizes: the mask. Until she looks up and makes eye contact with Captain Boomerang, who is staring at her and grinning.  
“You lost anything, doll?” Harkness inquires innocently, with an emphasis on the last word, and his smile grows even wider and cockier.  
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. The invisible man she fought hand to hand tore off her mask, and she didn’t even notice. But her partner, blast him, did – and picked it up.  
“Give it back,” Tatsu demands, hand outstretched. She feels naked. In combat, during the mission, she is Katana, a single whole with her sword. A cold weapon. No one needs to see her face. Truly, if she was wearing only the mask and nothing else, she would have felt less exposed – all right, this is an overstatement, and she doesn’t even want to imagine such a situation. Meanwhile, Boomerang is in no hurry to return the mask.      
“What did ya call me when that fucker was about to stab me?” he asks. Tatsu clenches the sword hilt. There is no telling how many enemies drunk on the magic serum are hiding in this house, and he’s dawdling. “You said…”
Damn it, what did she say? She saw one of the invisibles creeping up on him while he was fighting another – a bloodstain was floating through the air. She shouted…
“I said ‘George’”. Isn’t your name George Harkness?”
“You bet it is. It’s just weird. Most people don’t call me George, y’know.”  
“How do they call you then?”
“Digger. Boomerang. Boomer. That Prick. All sorts of things, but never George. But you,” he winks, “can call me whatever ya want. I liked the way you say my name.”
“Give. Me. The mask.”
“And the magic word?”
“I will chop your hand off,” as a proof of her intentions, she puts the blade against his extended hand that is holding her mask. In fact, she would face no consequences for doing so. No one’s gonna weep for him.      
Harkness makes a helpless gesture and hands her the mask.
“Can’t say no to you, luv.”
The mask helps her conceal her identity, but what is more important is that it helps her conceal needless emotions. Tatsu really hopes that her facial expression isn’t giving away that she’s ill at ease now. This is a weakness; weaknesses are not to be demonstrated. She feels deeply relieved when she puts the mask back on.  
“Let’s get out of here,” she commands, turns around, and heads for the exit. Harkness trails behind.
“It ain’t fair, by the way. You know my real name, but I don’t know yours,” he muses. “Care to introduce yourself, eh?”  
He asks the same question at least three times more before they return to Belle Reve, and each time she ignores him.
 A week later, he still doesn’t know her name – but he learns something else.
They do away with the last members of the recent gang on the outskirts of the city. Both wretches have overused the unfortunate serum, in keeping with the best traditions of the clichéd movies about superheroes and supervillains that Hollywood keeps producing for some reason, even though it is more and more often possible to see nearly the same thing on the news. As a result, one of them got puffed up almost to the size of the creature that Superman died fighting, and the other couldn’t control the flames bursting from his mouth. He burned half of the shopping centre with customers, retail workers, and guards. With teenagers in the bowling alley on the second floor and children in the playroom on the first.    
Santana… wouldn’t have approved.
Both problems eliminated, they leave: the firefighters and the cops will take it from here. Flag’s spec ops stay behind, because officially it is their victory; the general public shouldn’t know about the existence of Task Force X. Through backyards, they retreat in the direction of the abandoned construction site on the other side of the street; a car has been sent to pick them up there.  
There is a workers’ trailer still standing by the construction pit. The door is not locked, and Rick, Deadshot, Croc, and Boomerang go inside. Jones’s arm is broken: his inhuman strength notwithstanding, he still was no match for his enemy – not the fire-breather, but the other one. Tatsu leaves them to figure out how to make a temporary sling, and wanders away. Not far from the trailer, a piece of tarpaulin stretched over the fence has come off, and she can see the building across the street. Tatsu sits down on the ground, puts her arms around her knees, and stares at the dandelions growing by the fence.  
In her head, flames are raging.
She doesn’t look up, neither when she hears the footsteps approaching, nor when Harkness – and it is him, no one else in the Squad reeks of the mixture of booze and cologne like that – sits down next to her and cracks open a can of beer.  
“You want some?” he nudges her. What extraordinary generosity. It is, however, perfectly possible that if she says yes, he’ll reply along the lines of “Well, then go and buy yourself some.”  
“No,” Tatsu replies without looking and, after a short pause, adds, “Thank you.”
“Are you sure?”
With a sigh, she accepts the can from his hands, and takes a sip.
“This is disgusting,” she whispers, and takes another.  
Harkness just snorts and opens another one. For a little while, they sit side by side in silence, drinking each from their own can, and study the wall opposite through the mesh of the fence – like out of a prison window. Old advertisements that are half torn off, graffiti, a writing proclaiming that life fucks us all – plenty of things to stare at to avoid looking the person next to you in the eye.  
“So what the hell happened to ya?” Boomerang asks, and suddenly she could do with some serum for invisibility or, better yet, disappearing completely. Naturally, it is a fleeting impulse; she has no right to disappear. She has obligations – towards Flag, towards Waller. Towards herself.    
“Nothing? You zoned out, Flag shouted himself hoarse before you heard him. Like you were someplace else. Didn’t ya?”  
Why do you need to know? Tatsu thinks. If she almost rushed headlong into the fire, it’s her own business. If it only seemed to her that someone was there, it’s her own business. If she’s going to see things that aren’t there for the rest of her life, it’s her own business. He shouldn't have spoken. There is something comforting about being silent together.    
“Nah, you don’t have to say if you don’t wanna,” Boomerang assents, and takes another pull on his can. “I just thought that you, well. Might wanna talk to someone.”  
And they fall silent again. Yet now Tatsu feels awkward, which makes her angry at herself. She’s not obliged to pour out her heart to anyone who shows something that looks like care.    
This silence doesn’t make it any easier.
“I have… bad memories,” she finally says. Now it won’t be as awkward: she answered his question. It won’t be, right? “About a fire”.
Harkness nods, looking at her attentively.
“Someone you knew died, aye?”
“My children,” she hears herself say, and wishes to disappear again.
“Fuck,” Boomerang says, embarrassed, and – unbelievable – looks like he actually feels bad about starting this conversation. “I’m sorry, I… well, uh, I had no idea.”  
“It’s okay,” Tatsu says mechanically. Nothing is okay: she can still see Yuki’s tear-stained face, still hear Reiko’s voice, she is still watching the flames run up the curtains that she and Maseo picked together, she is still breathing in the smoke and still cannot believe she deserves a gulp of fresh air. She should have saved them. All of them.  
Boomerang looks at her incredulously but doesn’t say anything, and bit by bit, the silence that she doesn’t want to run from returns – the kind of silence in which one is not alone.    
Then there are footsteps again, and Flag approaches them.
“There you are,” he says with relief as soon as he sees her. Rick does not let himself overstep the limits of formality – they’re on a mission, after all – but he has obviously been worried. At the sight of Harkness, he frowns warily. “You! Quit getting on her nerves.”
“Who’s gettin’ on her nerves, Colonel? I was just tryin’ to help,” Harkness protests. It appears Rick’s words have wounded him a little.  
“He was,” Tatsu says. “It’s all under control, Colonel Flag.”  
Flag shifts his gaze to her and then to Boomerang again, and nods.
“Okay. In any case… follow me. We’re leaving.”
Tatsu gives her unfinished beer to Boomerang.
“Don’t talk about this to anyone,” she tells him. This might be an order or a request; she doesn’t really know.
He nods, and she thinks absentmindedly: who would have thought this man knows how to make a solemn face.
“Thank you,” she says again, hoping that he understands that this is not just about the beer or his promise to keep his mouth shut.
 After a few days, Tatsu comes to visit him. In prison.
Actually, she comes to visit all of them, of course. Not more than fifteen minutes alone with each of them – Waller wouldn’t allow more. This request seems to have surprised her, but Tatsu is certain that Waller is already picturing the new threads she can use to manipulate her special operations puppets. So it is possible that one day this decision will blow up in Tatsu’s face – or in the faces of all of them. But she cannot shake off the feeling that she must do this – so that someone except Rick, who is already dealing with a lot these days, would notice in time if the inmates are treated with undeserved cruelty. So that she knows what’s on their minds, because it is safer to fight side by side with the people whose line of thought she can understand at least roughly. So that there is some kind of variety in their lives between the missions.  
This is why she visits all three of them. Killer Croc, who looks like he’s not surprised to see her in the slightest and doesn’t really seems to care that she came, but doesn’t have any issue with that either. Deadshot, who looks like he is surprised, but doesn’t seem to mind answering her questions when she notices a stack of letters in the corner and asks him how his daughter is doing. And Captain Boomerang, who, when she enters his cell, looks like he can’t figure out if he’s dreaming.
“Katana?” he frowns perplexedly. He’s stripped to his waist, so she can see a couple of fresh scars he brought back from the last mission, and he’s got a black eye – when Tatsu saw him last, he had not. Must have quarrelled with the guards again. “What are you doing here?”  
“I came to see you.”
For a moment he seems not to understand what she just said. Then he breaks into a smile – or rather a grin, wide and pleased. Very pleased.  
“Aha! Knew it would end up like this,” he pronounces in triumph.
“Like this?”
“You,” he looks like he’s just proven a theorem of immense complexity, “missed me.”  
“I haven’t missed you, Captain.”
A very, very pleased grin.
“And still you’re here.”
“I visited Deadshot and Killer Croc earlier,” Tatsu says, and sees his facial expression change instantly. Not for long: the grin is quick to return, and she wouldn’t be able to tell right away that he’s disappointed.    
“Did ya now? And how are our fellas doing? Better than me, I reckon?”
“So it would seem. Did you fight the guards?”
“Why do you care, gorgeous?”
Indeed, why does she? Most likely, he picked a fight himself – and got his just deserts.  
“Make up your mind,” Tatsu says, “if you think that I missed you or that I don’t care.”
Harkness chuckles and really seems to ponder over this for a while.
“Beats me,” he concludes at last. “Care to throw some light on it?”  
No, Tatsu thinks, I don’t get it myself and I’m not sure I want to.
Instead of answering, she comes closer to him – so close that she can smell his sweat – and studies his face. She has to look up to be able to do that, which must look comical. Then again, he’s hardly stupid enough to laugh at her height or anything else about her, especially when she’s armed and he is not.  
“You lost a tooth. What happened?”
“Didn’t get along with one of the Wall’s watchdogs.”
“You could have tried not to look for trouble for a change,” all of a sudden, Tatsu realizes that she’s mad. Really mad at him. They might get dragged to another mission this instant; whether they like it or not, they have to be in good enough shape to protect the society that the most of them have to atone before at least partially. They shouldn’t spend their energy and health on nonsense. Black eyes and knocked-out teeth are nothing, but it mustn’t come to any of them being out of action when all of them are needed. All their powers, all their skills. All the anger they should rather aim at something other than the people who can just press a certain button at any point – and dispose of the wilful weapon.
Boomerang bares his teeth – not like Croc, of course, but still threateningly. He looks dangerous now – big, sturdy, more than a head taller than her. But he still isn’t more dangerous than her – and both of them are aware of that.  
“And they could have tried,” he speaks through his teeth, “not to talk shit about my mother for a change. They wanna talk shit about me, they can knock themselves out. I’ve heard enough ‘bout myself, I don’t give a flying fuck about what else they gonna say. But they’d better leave my mother out of it.”
So that’s what it is. They have found a quick and easy way to infuriate the man who has “MUM” tattooed on his chest. In uneven letters, like a child's handwriting. Tatsu noticed that tattoo as soon as she came in but didn’t look too closely at it. Now she feels like she has the right to look, to let her gaze slip lower, at the ridiculous writing that heaves with each furious breath of his, and then to avert her eyes at once.    
“They have power, and you have nothing,” she says. “Do you enjoy being their plaything?”
“Oh, so I’m a plaything, darl? And do I have much choice who to be now? In these four walls, and,” Boomerang points at his neck, at the place where a bomb is implanted under his skin, “with this crap in my neck?”  
Tatsu looks up again, right him in the eye.
“You already know who you are,” she tells him. “You’re a weapon. Broken weapons get discarded. And you’re letting them break you.”  
He stays silent, just looks at her in an odd manner, as if she’s speaking another language but he has a vague understanding of what she’s saying and doesn’t like what he just heard – because it is the truth.
Tatsu still doesn’t understand why she cares, and with each passing minute she has less and less desire to learn why.  
“Also,” she continues, “if you call me ‘darl’ or ‘gorgeous’ one more time, you’re going to regret opening your mouth.”
“Yeah? And how should I call ya?”
“What, and that’s all? Nah, we might be weapons,” and she probably ought to remind him that there is no ‘we’, but in this particular case he’s right. Perhaps that is why Tatsu feels drawn to all of them: they’re cut from the same cloth, “but we’re alive as well. So far. Seriously, what’s yer real name? You know mine.”  
“I should not disclose that.”  
“Oh, come on. Listen,” he breaks into a pleased grin again. Another theorem proven. “How about a deal? You tell me yer name, and I will try to keep my temper if anyone else decides to stir me up. What do ya think?”    
“As if you’re going to keep your word.”
Boomerang makes a show of putting his hand over his heart.
“For you, ma’am… anything.”
For you. All at once, she recalls Rick’s words: do whatever you want to him. How many minutes of the visit she has already spent on this predictably fruitless conversation?    
“My name is Tatsu Yamashiro,” she says, tired, and then he smiles – not the way he did before, but in a calmer and more sincere manner. Gratefully.
“George Harkness,” he offers her his hand with an earnest air. “Nice to meet ya.”  
Tatsu hesitantly offers him hers. Her hand looks very small and fragile against his huge paw, and he must be thinking the same because the handshake comes out very careful. He could easily break her wrist. She could easily kill him with one hand afterwards. But he holds her hand gently in his warm, pleasantly calloused palm, and Tatsu hastens to take her hand away, because this is a mistake of an even worse kind than the time he saw her without the mask.  
“So you promise not to fights the guards.”
“I promise to try,” Harkness assures, but he’s keeping one hand behind his back.
“Don’t cross your fingers,” Tatsu says sternly. Real mature.
With a sigh, Boomerang repeats his promise, this time holding his hands within her view.
“But I ain’t promisin’ not to call you gorgeous,” he declares in the end.
“You know my name now.”
“But you’re still gorgeous.”
“Time’s up!” shouts the guard outside the door, and Tatsu cannot help feeling relieved that she has to go. She doesn’t regret visiting him, but all of this is too strange and awkward, and both of them might be weapons, but her position is different from his, and it is better not to forget that.    
“Can I do anything for you?” she asks him on parting.  
“Well,” Boomerang smirks. “I don’t even know where to begin.”
“With something I would actually agree to do?”
“Come again. Will ya?” This time he isn’t flirting; this time she can feel his insecurity, even shyness. As if he doesn’t like to admit to himself that what she answers is really important to him.  
“I’ll try,” she says cautiously. She’s not going to make any promises: she asked Waller about one time only. She doubts if she’ll be allowed to visit them again – to visit him again.  
“Try,” Harkness repeats, as if weighing the word on his tongue. “This means no.”
“This means I’ll try,” Tatsu says firmly.
And she comes again in a week. And the week after next. And a week after that.  
 “Why didn’t you walk away in Midway City?” Tatsu asks him once. “When Rick broke the control panel. You left then; why did you return?”  
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the time Captain Boomerang dared to smart off Amanda Waller. Several successful missions, slightly more respectful attitude on his part – and his cell already bears a passing resemblance to a place for living, even if for living quite miserably. Now there is even a table, and a chair that she gets to sit on as guest privilege. Harkness is sitting on the floor opposite her. The question seems to catch him unawares, but only for a moment.    
“Huh? Why did I return? Gotta live up to my name, that’s why. Have you ever thrown a boomerang, luv?”
I’m going to throw you somewhere one day, Tatsu thinks, yet without much irritation.
“And jokes aside?”
Boomerang attempts to feign an offended sigh.
“How do ya think? Plenty of options, all right. You gonna try to guess which one?”
Tatsu frowns.
“Is this a psychoanalysis session? Were you bitten by Harley Quinn?”
“Nah, Blondie didn’t bite me, I would’ve remembered. So don’t be jealous,” his voice gets playful again, and Tatsu stifles the urge to roll her eyes. “Lookie here… suppose I suddenly realized that I can’t leave you guys! ‘Cause you’re my mates. One for all, and so on. Don’t believe me?”
“You said something about plenty of options. What are the rest of them?”
He scratches his chin thoughtfully.
“We-e-ell… the second, ‘course, is that I wanted to save the world. Not that the world smiles upon me every bloody day, but I still wanna live! And for everyone an’ their mother to know that the bastards like us can also be heroes. Don’t you like being one of the good guys, eh, Tatsu?”
“I’m not ‘one of the good guys’”, Tatsu protests. “And it’s not me that we’re talking about. Any other options?”
“There was no point in leaving. That was still gonna be the end of the world, aye? So I’d rather meet it in battle and in good company than on the run. All the same it’ll be the end. There you go.”  
He stops talking, and in the silence that falls Tatsu can hear the footsteps of the guards in the corridor. Once again she wonders what the duty attendants that monitor everything through the surveillance cameras think of their conversations. They must make for the strangest and most pointless reality show ever.  
“The third one,” she says.
Boomerang looks a bit disappointed.
“Not the first one, because none of us meant anything to you then. You had just met us. And it didn’t seem like you were upset about letting Slipknot down,” Tatsu explains. She doesn’t intend to offend him – she’s just saying the truth. Once, he claimed it himself that they understand each other – here’s some understanding, he’s welcome. “Not the second one either, because you’re not stupid – no, stop smiling. You never believed that if people like us stop the Enchantress, someone would learn about that. Only the third option remains.”  
Harkness nods slowly.
“Yeah,” he agrees, and his eyes turn pensive, abstracted, as if he is there again, in the night city frozen in anticipation of the apocalypse. As if he sees himself – and makes a choice once again. “And that’s what happened in the end, didn’t it?”
“So the third option, then?”
“So it is.”
But something in his face makes Tatsu think that he was hoping for a different answer.
 Time flies; weeks and months go by. Tatsu spends them fighting, spilling someone else’s blood, occasionally drinking with Flag at a bar or in his apartment – a bachelor’s home again; reading books – most of the plots seem too naïve and unimaginative compared to what goes on in her life, and that is even for the best, and visiting the members of the Suicide Squad in Belle Reve. Some people go clubbing Friday evenings, and she goes to prison Friday afternoons.  
“Don’t get attached to them,” Rick scolds her.
“That is rich coming from you,” Tatsu replies, and he has enough self-awareness not to argue. Lest he gets offended, she chooses not to tell him that sometimes she and Lawton talk a little about him good-naturedly behind his back.
During one of her visits, Harkness raises a topic she has totally forgotten about.
“Hey, come to think of it, we never had that drink,” he points out. Tatsu doesn’t understand what he’s talking about, and it must be written all over her face, because he continues. “Remember I asked you out for a drink? In Midway City, before we fought the witch.”  
Tatsu has to make an effort to remember: indeed, he said something of the sort, but it never occurred to her to take those words seriously.
“We had a drink,” she counters. “When… when you shared your beer with me.”  
He shakes his head, dissatisfied.
“At the construction site? That’s bollocks. I’m talking a proper bar… nah, a restaurant! With crystal glasses an’ candles an’ shit… Like normal people.”  
“Candles,” Tatsu mumbles. She tries to imagine the two of them at the table at a restaurant; the picture turns out pretty absurd. On the other hand, a lot of what has happened in her life during the past few years can be deemed absurd.
“Yeah. Candles,” echoes Harkness, and continues with a crooked smile, “well, that’s me jokin’ around. In the near future,” he gestures in the direction of the small barred window of his cell, “I won’t be able to take you even to a fucking McDonald’s.”  
They don’t talk about the hypothetical dinners at a restaurant anymore, but the absurd picture stays with Tatsu, who still feels somehow indebted to Boomerang – for no reason, as she keeps telling herself – for that conversation at the construction site. She doesn’t like to feel the weight of unpaid debts on her shoulders – yes, that’s what it is about.
One day, she finds a way to pay that debt back.
 She waits for him in the car outside the prison gate. She hears him first; she cannot make out what exactly he is yelling at the guards, but that surely isn’t ‘good evening’. Then the door of the jeep is open, and someone must have kicked him in the rear because he literally falls into the car. Tatsu shrinks back on instinct.  
Then Harkness looks up – and notices her.
“Katana?.. Hey, what the hell’s going on? They didn’t let me take the boomerangs, didn’t let me take anything…”
“Close the door,” Tatsu tells him, and when he, still confused, obeys, tells the driver, “Let’s go.”
The car pulls away.
“I still don’t get what’s happening,” Harkness reminds her. “Sure, I’m happy to see ya, but… you weren’t ordered to take me to the woods and finish me off under the radar, huh?”  
“If Waller wanted to get rid of you, she would have had you killed in your own cell, and that’s all.”
“Wow, thanks for honesty. So where are we going?”
“To a restaurant,” Tatsu says, and turns away. Yet again it crosses her mind that it is a terrible idea.
“A restaurant?” Harkness drawls quizzically.
“As far as I recall, you said that the beer at the construction site is ‘bollocks’.”  
She should turn back to him, of course. The problem is that Tatsu is ninety-nine per cent sure that if she meets his eye now, she will blush. And she is by no means going to give him any sign that might be interpreted as taking an interest… of a certain kind. She has already blundered more than a few times.  
Therefore she stubbornly keeps looking out of the window. Then again, she doesn’t even need to look to picture how his facial expression is changing now; she’s seen this rakish grin enough times.  
“Holy cow. Tatsu, are you serious? We’re really just going to a restaurant? We’re getting outta this shithole where they only give us porridge with rat crap to gorge ourselves on lobsters and drink wine? Oh, fuck me sideways,” in the end, she turns to him and sees him throw back his head and burst into laughter, narrowing his eyes happily. “I’ll be damned! Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming. Pinch me.”    
“I can assure you you’re not,” Tatsu says, and realizes that she is also starting to smile despite herself. She has visited him and the others in Belle Reve often enough to know that porridge with rat crap, unfortunately, is far from being just a figure of speech. After such a diet, a meal at a restaurant must seem like the pinnacle of happiness.    
Boomerang shakes his head, apparently still unable to believe her.
“Holy fucking shit. How did you do that? How do you even do all that? I’ve told ya you’re unreal, have I?”
“Yes, you have,” Tatsu confirms patiently. And more than once – too often for her to attach great importance to it, too fervently for it not to please her at all. “Let’s put it that way: this is Waller paying me for a… favour.”  
“A favour, then. I take it a lot of some poor suckers died?”
“No,” she shakes her head. And it is true – but there still was a lot of blood. Both the man Waller indicated and his bodyguards turned out to be worthy adversaries. The whole thing went not as smoothly as she wanted it to – not that she wanted to; not that she would kill another person she knows nothing about if she could help it. Nothing to assure her: this one deserves it. Everything turned out rather… nasty. She had to burn the bodies. Then she got home in a haze, tended to a couple of fresh wounds – or rather, just scratches. And then she went to the bathroom and spent a long time soaping herself, as if the invisible filth that bothered her the most could be washed off with shower gel.    
Afterwards, she rummaged through her modest wardrobe and dug out the only dress she has about in America. Nothing special: wine red, below the knee length, sleeveless but with a pretty high neckline – very demure. The first and so far the last dress she bought after… after. If she and Rick didn’t have to accompany Amanda Waller to some event once, she wouldn’t have bought this one either. She put it on, combed her hair, still wet after the shower, with her fingers, looked at herself in the mirror – and flew into a rage, pulled off the dress, and could barely stop herself from tearing it to shreds. Restaurant or not, what does it matter? The last thing she needs is for him to think she dressed up for him.      
So the situation might be a little less absurd than it could have been. Both of them look like they’re going on another mission with the others, only she isn’t wearing her mask – he has already seen her face anyway – and he isn’t wearing his ever-present coat. It is no wonder he wasn’t allowed to take it – Waller wasn’t going to let him out of Belle Reve armed, and to let him wear his coat would probably be as unwise as to hand him all his boomerangs. Tatsu has no doubt that everyone and their dog have already searched through the personal belongings of the Squad, but she wouldn’t be surprised to learn that somewhere in his inside pockets Harkness has as many boomerangs as he is listed as having officially. She witnessed this man produce from his bosom at least four different lighters, a massive stack of dollars, a pocket knife, small binoculars, flat-nose pliers, and a toy unicorn. She has to admit: sometimes she doesn’t understand how he even does all that either.    
It appears that the thoughts of Captain Boomerang also turn to the contents of his pockets.
“Hey, how the hell are we affording this, though? Make no mistake, I’d stand treat, but my stash is in the coat, and these assholes didn’t let me take it, y’know.”    
“Don’t worry about that. Waller is paying for everything,” she explains, unable to suppress a grin, because this part, possibly the most unbelievable part of the entire affair, gives her a sort of silly, spiteful joy. Task Force X is a comparatively recent project, but they’ve already cleaned up so much mess for Amanda Waller that Heracles and his labours don’t even come close. A dinner at a restaurant is the least thing she could offer them. So when Boomerang explodes with laughter and gives her a conspiratorial wink, she looks him right in the eye and smiles. Another mistake. Then again, this is not the first time they share a secret.
He puts his hand on her knee, and she shakes it off immediately; this is way too far.
“I see you took your sword with ya,” Harkness observes, not giving any sign that something didn’t go the way he wanted.
“I am to keep an eye on you.”
“Yeah. How about…” he leans in closer, and the smell of cologne blasts up Tatsu’s nose. She can only hope it is due to external use only, “we chop off his head,” he nods at the driver, “and drive the fuck away from this? Huh?”    
The driver, who can definitely hear everything, doesn’t turn, but Tatsu notices him tense up.
“You’re kidding,” she says dryly. He may be, or he may be not – with Digger Harkness, one cannot always tell.
“Why kidding, doll? Zip, and done. There’s no way you enjoy working for Waller.”  
“I do not. But if you pull some stunt,” Tatsu feels for the sword hilt, and Boomerang sees that – very well, it is good for him to see that, “I will chop your head off. I really hope it won’t come to that.”  
“And what’s it to you? Scared of me? But I’m unarmed,” he claps himself on the chest demonstratively, implying that he has no weapons on him. “Why do you care if it does?”  
“I just wouldn’t like to do that,” she says firmly, and it’s true. It works well; he doesn’t even mention running away for the remainder of the day.
 This might be the strangest evening in her life.
Waller’s man drives them to a French restaurant whose name she cannot read but is almost sure that the phrase was chosen solely because it sounds impressive. They are let in through the back door, so no one among the other guests, who are sporting evening dresses and suits, pays any attention to her crop top and sword or to his… appearance in general. Their table is one of those located in alcoves, away from prying eyes, but Tatsu feels they are being watched. Which means Waller doesn’t trust her too much – well, she can understand that. She is part of a special team composed of deranged madmen, and she must admit she likes these deranged madmen more than she likes certain normal people known to her. Of course, she is Flag’s right-hand woman, but it is most likely that Waller doesn’t trust Flag either. It is doubtful whether there are any people in this world that she trusts at all.          
Waller is rich. Their little feast will not shatter her wealth, all the more so since the restaurant she sent them to is not the most luxurious. But they still have a field day ordering loads of food and a bottle of the most expensive wine on the menu.    
“To honour among thieves?” she suggests, when they raise their glasses for the first time.
“Didn’t ya say yer not a thief?”
“That is true,” she admits, and adds inwardly, I’m a killer.  
In the end, they drink to the Suicide Squad. Then to Lawton and Jones, currently languishing in their cells. Then to Zoe Lawton, who is acting in a school play next week. To a lot of things. He asks her about her life here, in America. At some point she finds herself trying to explain to him what taiyaki is, and him telling her about banana sandwiches, and she can’t remember why they started talking about this at all. The bottle becomes empty, and another appears as if by itself.      
They don’t talk about the past. They don’t talk about the future, because there might be no future at all – they can’t know for sure, what with their way of life. That evening, Tatsu laughs and thinks: good thing I’m drunk – it almost gets easier for a while.  
When it’s time to leave, Harkness gets pig-headed.
“Whoa, no, no, no. Already? It’s too early, are you kiddin’ me?” he booms out when they exit the restaurant. He protests, but she drags him by the hand and he stumbles along after all, treading heavily like a dancing bear. “Let’s go someplace else, luv. Look at the pretty stars.”  
“We are already late. And you… you have to go back to jail,” Tatsu tells him. The stars are pretty indeed, but she regrets looking up at them, because her head begins to spin. Thankfully, she isn’t wearing high heels. Thankfully, she doesn’t have any high-heeled shoes at all, or she could have been possessed to wear them. “Sorry,” she adds when they get into the car and set off. “There is no other way.”  
“Back to jail,” Boomerang repeats with disgust. Sprawling on the seat, he unzips his hoodie, and Tatsu is swept over by the smell of cologne again. Weirdly, it doesn’t annoy her as much as at the beginning of the evening. “I’m a fucking Cinderella. I’m not back by midnight, they turn me into a pumpkin.”  
“Cinderella,” Tatsu echoes, and giggles: everything is way funnier now. The driver makes a sudden turn, and she is literally thrown at Boomerang. Her cheek presses to his chest – and stays there. Tatsu feels drunk and sated and drunk again, and sleepy too, and he makes for a decent pillow, and she can’t make herself move away.  
“Oh, you think it’s funny,” Harkness mutters with mock offence in his voice. It seems he’s about to fall asleep too. “Well, go on, laugh.”
They drive back in silence, and through the drowse Tatsu feels the warm arm around her waist and thinks: good thing I’m drunk, I can pretend I’m asleep.  
The road to Belle Reve is long, but it still feels like they reach it too quickly.
“Inmate,” calls one of the guards, “get out.”  
Harkness, his eyes still closed, moans with discontent.
“Captain Boomerang,” Tatsu says softly, freeing herself from his embrace. “It’s time.”
There is nothing to be done. He’s already about to step out of the jeep, when he suddenly moves closer to her again.
“Hey, darlin’,” he says, looking her right in the eye. “Aren’t ya forgetting something?”
It takes her some time to realize what he means: he must be expecting her to kiss him. All at once she remembers everything that has happened this evening, and awful shame washes over her: it is no wonder he’s expecting that to happen.  
“Inmate, get out!”
She shrinks back.
“Good night, Captain,” she tells him as dryly as she can. He looks wounded but says nothing, and almost obediently lets the guards escort him back to his cell. Tatsu closes her eyes and rubs her temples wearily. Tomorrow she is going to regret drinking so much. She already does – and that’s not the only thing she regrets.
She has to stop seeing him.
 At first, she even succeeds. Next Friday Tatsu, as always, goes to Belle Reve to see the Squad – all of them save for Harkness. She feels sick at heart because if she did promise him anything, it was to visit him, and now she’s going back on her word because of her own stupid weakness. But there is no other way.  
“He asked about you,” Waylon tells her a week later, when she brings him the latest issue of Playboy. Tatsu almost doesn’t feel weird anymore when buying it, and doesn’t try to imagine anymore what the news stand clerks think when she pays them for it. Such periodicals cause her a feeling of light disgust, but Croc, who gets let out of jail only to be thrown into another trouble spot, deserves at least some small joys.  
Waylon, no doubt observant like all the quiet ones tend to be, bares his impressive teeth.  
“You know who.”
It seems a logical solution to give up on these visits at all – but in that case she would betray all of them. Perhaps this little tradition is much more important to her than it is to the prisoners, but Tatsu is almost sure that it means something to them as well. She has no right to deprive the rest of them of this bit of understanding, companionship, normalcy because she wasn’t smart enough to stop the game she and Boomerang started before it became too late.
At home – not that the apartment she’s renting here deserves to be called ‘home’ – she, unable to fall asleep, unsheathes the sword and runs the tips of her fingers along the cool blade. A tender, habitual movement – like touching the cheek of a loved one.
“I’ve lost my way, Maseo,” whispers Tatsu. The place where the souls of the people struck down by this blade are trapped is still a mystery to her, but she knows that Maseo will come as soon as she calls him – as a voice from afar, as nebulous shapes in the swirls of smoke, as the peace and safety granted by the presence of someone dear. “I’m afraid of my own heart.”    
I know your heart, Tatsu. You have nothing to be afraid of.
“It makes me act rashly. Makes me succumb to false feelings.”  
I know your heart, Tatsu, and it incapable of falsehood.  
Only the ones that are already far away can speak so vaguely and with such unrelenting honesty at the same time.  
“I will always love you,” she whispers ardently. Not because she doesn’t want him to think it is not so; not because she herself feels like it is not so anymore either. She knows for sure that she is always going to love him, for she loved him as a lover, as a husband, as the father of her children, as the only thing she had left after all her life fell apart, burned in that damned fire. He will stay in her heart until her last breath – even if she has to close her heart to the rest of the world. Once she used to think that after all she’s been through, it isn’t going to be an issue.
And I will always love you, her husband replies, and Tatsu blinks back tears with a deep sigh.
“I just wish you were alive,” she tells him for what must be the hundredth, or maybe a thousandth time.
If he was with her – not as smoke or a voice, but as flesh and blood – he probably would have kissed her gently on the nape of her neck, as he often used to do.  
I just wish, says her husband – no, the soul of her husband, which is already rushing away, deep into the world she shouldn’t hurry to go to if she doesn’t want this sword to fall into wrong hands, that you were happy.
 Literally the next day there is a message from Metropolis that some giant snake-like beast is terrorizing the city and devouring people. The monster was last seen crawling into the building of the opera – which is where their squad heads to after reaching the city.  
“Look at that freak,” Harkness comments in a low voice. The creature is curled up slumbering on stage, and they are watching it from the catwalks above. “Not a family of yours by any chance, eh, ‘gator?’    
Waylon steps towards him, and the planks creak under his feet, threatening to break.
“Say that again,” he growls.
Tatsu bares her sword and wedges herself between them. Waylon backs off reluctantly.
“Knock it off,” she tells Boomerang. It feels like everything has come full circle – the day Harkness picked up her mask, he also had a run-in with Jones. The day they were sent to fight the Enchantress, she also put the blade of her sword under his chin. Why did she even think something would change?
“Oh, so you’re talking to me after all?”
“Enough,” Tatsu hisses. She really wants to try to explain everything to him. Maybe if she tries to put her feelings into words, many things will become clear to her, too. But if he thinks they are going to discuss this now, he is mistaken.
On the neighbouring catwalk, Rick is looking at them in a rage, gesturing both of them to shut up. Harkness steps closer; now the blade of the Soultaker is within a hair’s breadth away from his neck. A single careless movement, and blood will be spilled. A wild idea crosses her mind: it looks as if he’s into this. Tatsu licks her lips.
“Y’know,” Boomerang begins, lowering his head a little so that it is easier for him to look her in the eye, “I think you’re scared of me. Or of yourself, hell if I know. Am I right?”  
A loud rustle comes from beneath, and the next instant the monster bites through the middle of the catwalk they’re standing on, and both of them are falling down. Tatsu manages to grab some rope, but when she tries to climb it, her hands slip, and she comes tumbling down.
The fall is far from being soft, even though she falls on the tatters of the curtain, which the snake must have torn earlier. She is lucky not to hurt her head, but her left leg and hip are aching. Only the awareness that there is no time to lie around makes her summon up all her strength and get up. Her sword is nowhere to be seen, and Tatsu is overwhelmed by fury: now she is useless.
The snake roars and shakes its head, trying to shake off Croc, who is trying to bite through its scales. Rick is shooting at the monster from above, and Deadshot, who is already on stage somehow, is doing the same from below, dodging the blows of its tail. Tatsu sweeps her eyes weakly over the stage and suddenly notices a hole broken in it. At the very edge of the hole, the hilt of her sword is sticking out of the floor. Moving as quickly as it is possible to do that with a limp, Tatsu hurries there.
The moment she pulls the sword out of the stage, Harkness’s head pokes out of the hole. Not waiting for him to ask for help, Tatsu helps him get out.
“Are you…” both of them begin in unison and drop it immediately, because the snake has managed to shake off the bothersome little crocodile – who is hopefully just somewhere on the floor and not in its belly – and is moving towards them, slower than before but still pretty speedily. They scatter, and Tatsu charges at the monster with her sword drawn. Harkness throws a boomerang at the creature, aiming at its eye, but it dodges at the last second.        
Eventually, with joint forces they manage to kill the beast. To be on the safe side, Lawton fires a round into its open jaws. The long body shudders one last time and falls still. For some time, the five of them stand there looking at it.
“Where could this thing even come from?” Rick mutters.
“Remember what the Wicked Witch of the West said when she tried to get us to join her? The world is changing, the time of magic has come, blah, blah, blah,” Lawton reminds him. Rick nods absentmindedly; these are not happy memories.
Jones kicks the dead snake.
“Maybe it meant no harm,” he points out in his deep voice.
“Croc,” Rick says wearily, “it ate people.”
“So did I.”
“But at least you didn’t chew the curtain at the opera like a disgraced diva?” Lawton asks, struggling not to grin.
“Well, then it’s okay.”
Rick titters nervously, and the next instant all of them are shaking with laughter.
 Tatsu is drinking water straight from the tap in the restroom, when Harkness comes in.
“This is a ladies’ room,” she says reflexively.
“Hey, I just wanna wash my face, is all.”
Without waiting for her to answer, he comes closer and starts washing at the neighbouring sink. Tatsu casts a sidelong look at him and notices that the water is turning red.  
“Show me your face,” she orders.
“It’s not a bad face, what’s yer problem?”
“I’m serious.”
He rolls his eyes, but stands still while she examines his face, only wincing when she dabs at the cut on his forehead with a paper towel.
“Just a scratch,” he assures at once.
“Just a scratch,” Tatsu agrees. She scrunches up the towel and throws it into the sink. She would like to keep her hand on his face, pretending that she’s still wiping off the blood, but she’s done pretending.
“How about you?” Boomerang asks quietly.
“Fine. A couple of bruises. You were lucky today,” she says just as quietly, and takes off her mask. Tomorrow they might not be as lucky. “I’m happy for you.”
“And I’m happy you got out alive… darl.”
For a moment she wants him to ruin everything. To reply with a jibe, to crack another dirty joke, to try to grab and kiss her only to get smacked. Not to stand motionless in front of her like he’s afraid to scare her off. It occurred to her once that from the outside their relationship might look like an attempt to tame a wild animal. Perhaps this is a mutual process.
Do whatever you want to him.
She stands up on tiptoes and kisses him.
For an instant, Harkness freezes – possibly trying to figure out again if he’s dreaming – and then pulls her closer and kisses back. Drinks her hungrily, like this is both the first time and the last. Bearing in mind what their lives are like, it really might be the last.
Tatsu doesn’t immediately realize why she suddenly doesn’t need to stand on tiptoes anymore.
“Put me down–” she starts, but gives up and wraps her legs around his waist. Boomerang grunts with satisfaction and switches from her lips to her neck. His beard, fortunately, is softer than could have been expected.  
“Stop drinking so much,” Tatsu breathes out, now that no one is trying to shut her mouth. “You taste like…” all English words slip her mind, “like… a beer cask.”  
It tickles her when he laughs into her neck.
Someone simply must enter now – Rick, Floyd, Amanda Waller, the president of the United  States, but no, no one is trying to stop him from squeezing her hips, to stop her from running her fingers through his hair. Weapon to weapon, blade to blade. Red-hot metal to red-hot metal. Melting until something new is forged – without fear, without regret, without the past, without the future.
Clearly, Maseo wants too much: she remembers what happiness is, and she is sure she’ll never ever be happy again.
But she can take a shot at being alive.
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gamespritearchive · 3 years
yes i like fullmetal alchemist brotherhood a normal amount (<- lying) this post is going to be long so open the readmore at ur own risk
ok this is genuinely going to be a mess because im really terrible at summarizing things and organizing my thoughts so if ur actually gonna read through this then good luck!
here are just some short thoughts before the longer paragraphs
- i absolutely LOVE the note that plays right after the alchemists clap their hands together that indicates that theyre abt to use alchemy. the sound of the clap + the note that plays is incredibly satisfying
- the strong and well-written female characters in this show was a really good touch and i loved how they brought them (izumi and olivier) together at the end :') also their beefy husbands together was super nice too
- my favorite part of the story was actually the part where ed and al go to briggs because thats wher they introduced olivier. it was super nice to see her talk about how strong-willed she is and her army and all of that
- lan fan is another example of a strong female character but a little less favorable since she serves ling yao. that doesnt make her any less cool though she was super badass and i definitely cried over her more than once
- the details in this show was really nice. alphonse's body being malnourished was something that seemed really obvious, but the fact that when ed got his right arm back it was noticeably less muscular and had longer nails than his left was such a good detail
- in the last episode there was a scene where alphonse made a dumb face that was animated just like how ed's faces looked and that made me really happy that we finally get to see al emote just like his brother :')
- im pretty sure i cried through the entirety of the last episode because being able to see the characters laugh and smile without feeling burdoned by anything after youve seen them go through repeated heartache and physical pain for 63 episodes is a super nice feeling
- "i'm a terrible father but i want to make you two proud" .
- "i'll give you half of my life and you give me half of yours" UGH
- also right after this when ed was laughing at how flustered winry got because normally hes the one who gets flustered :') that was so sweet
- i literally guessed that it was morse code whenever they showed selim banging on al's head because its like why would they put so much emphasis on that and let it go on for like 10 seconds without any music over it. this happened like multiple times too and i guessed it before they made it incredibly obvious bye im the smartest guy alive
ok heres where i talk more besties lets go
fmab was absolutely worth watching 64 episodes. i was convinced that i probably wont finish it because i have trouble finishing 12 episodes but as it may be obvious i got super invested. fmab being this long allowed there to be enough time to explain aspects of the story separately and to watch them all come together at some point. it also allowed for a ton of details that even though they're small, they're still important to the story. they rehash a lot of points because it was a simple detail that could get lost through the story but when its rementioned and you recall the time, it's such a nice feeling to have that click in ur mind.
also the character development was really good and ill get more in-depth about characters later but the length of this anime also allowed for a ton of really good character development. it ties into the whole thing where you learn about a characters backstory and you don't understand why it's important to the show until later on and then you're like ohhhh holy shit that makes sense now! also all that time for character development also lets you get attached to more than just the main characters and makes you care more about the role they play in the story.
roy mustang. at first i liked him, but when he started to speak about how he wanted to become the fuhrer president before he knew the military was corrupt, i assumed that he would just become as corrupt as bradley was ("starting wars for no reason"). i was convinced for the longest time that he would eventually just turn out to be the second bad guy and that nearly came true whenever he was trying to kill envy but riza helped him :) i loved the entirety of their relationship they're so sweet and compliment eachother so well. the scene where roy demonstrates the sheer amount of trust he has in riza's abilities by blindly (heh. he was blind during this if u didnt know.) following her directions and hitting their target ... it was just so good. also even though i didnt trust roy i thought he was super badass the sound of him snapping was always super satisfying as well
i almost want to rewatch fmab because it would be really nice to pick up on things that were later referenced in the anime. because of how long it is, its super easy to forget about things that happened early on in the anime (especially for someone with memory issues lol) so being able to watch back with the second half of the show still fresh on my mind would be almost an entirely different experience. the first thing that comes to mind is whenever we were shown kimblee in prison super early on. i know he had dialogue but i remember nothing about it because i was focused on thinking "literally who the fuck is this guy lol" but now i know. wow.
edward elric. im aware that this is going to be incredibly biased but i literally do not care. anyways. character development is always important and needed within a story but i genuinely feel like ed's character development was interesting to watch. it was never super obvious and his core values never changed. he did somewhat have a change in attitude when he nearly died to kimblee, but thats like expected you know ... being that close to death and all. i think that event was essentially the beginning of the end of his naivety. he was always consistent with the people he cared about though :) he never stopped calling them stupid and weird and he never stopped threatening to punch hohenheim whenever he was frustrated even if they were like in the middle of like a life or death situation. i just think he's neat
when ed destroyed pride('s vessel) i felt my heart well up with. pride LOL. that was his very first explicit win against someone who has been against him this entire time, and seeing him defeat pride with his own two hands was such a nice feeling. it wasnt technically his own win since he was only able to get to that point because of his friends and family around him
episode 60 was suuper good it was the part where the father was gonna swallow god because of the solar eclipse. its super hard to explain if uve never seen it but basically the scene was super cool simply because of how well the animation showed the sheer scale of what was happening. like this guy was literally reaching to the moon. theres a lot of unnatural things that are shown in fmab and although this scene didnt introduce any new concepts, it was still incredibly captivating because of how well the animation was
aand thats it i think! i regret not writing down how i feel during the earlier episodes but i think watching it with little to no distractions was a better experience. if u actually read this im giving u a kiss on the cheek rn ilu
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staysuki · 3 years
I’ve been giving some thought on a point that 🍕anon made on the prospect of chan being suitable for y/n.
There was an emphasis on his personality and how it’s complimentary to her, I agree but I also think there would be some points to consider. Chans maturity gives y/n that contrast that’s absent with the other ships, this much is true. He has a calm, reassuring nature about him that keeps himself and others grounded. He makes it his duty to unlock the full potential of those around him and tends to give guidance to help them correct their mistakes. When You look at it this way I can see the appeal, but Its hard to under-look his ‘parental guidance’ vibe.
Put it this way, changbin has many traits similar to chan but i feel he has a more effective way of expressing them. Changbin will put forward his suggestions or offer a comment when it feels appropriate and does it in a flirtatious, engaging way. Indifferent to chan, changbin comes off light hearted and less serious when he talks to y/n whilst still portray the same level of concern. With chan I find that he comes off a bit authoritative, almost like a ‘heed my words’ type of approach. Being prez, that behaviour is understandable and It is early days still so chans character could quite easily develop to one more socially interesting.
Also if it is a love game that y/n unintentional wants, will chan be able to provide without having his attention redirected? He becomes fixated on being a leader in both his role as school president and in being a good friend. Trouble is, chan wants fairness, for there to be no unnecessary drama within the group. If he has already made observations of who has a romantic interest in her, would chan really take advancements to pursue her knowing how they feel? He’s very conscious of others emotions and takes on an outer body perception of things. I must admit I can’t see chan being selfish like that, shooting his shot at the cost of others. If it’s to go anywhere with chan, y/n will need to take the Raines. Even tho chan is very capable of running things he can be indecisive when it comes to putting his emotions first. That’s where this relationship can have a very operative and successful dynamic that promotes balance for both parties. Will it be too much of a hassle for y/n tho? She doesn’t seem the type to push an agenda. Just something to think about. 🤫
~ Lovegame anon
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surprising changbin viewpoint huh, not a lot has been bringing him up much 👀 (though ig i haven’t given him much spotlight so). and yes, i love the way you described it 😭 chan does have a very “heed my words” sort of tone, which was evident in the way he talked to y/n and how he talks to hyunjin (who he probs think needs the most guidance rn 🤪) and as for the parental guidance thing, jisung literally calls him their dad so that was also a very fitting description 🤧.
but i’m glad somebody has finally noticed changbin too 😭, i guess it’s because he’s also one of the oldest in the council, and although seungmin is in a higher position than him, he still somewhat feels a bigger sense of responsibility in looking over others. but at the same time, that sense of responsibility isn’t as big as chan’s so he can still be playful with it. changbin is also someone who knows how to put forth his own wants and needs which is very important for someone’s wellbeing— so ig that’s a glaring aspect in the difference between changbin and chan, one can take care of himself as well as the people around him, while the other focuses on everything else but himself
i guess in a first look perspective, it is easy to say that chan and y/n’s personalities match well hence the probable endgame result but you bring up a good point about his core selfless characteristic and how he wouldn’t be the kind to put his feelings first before others unless he comes across a really really sudden development where he would go “sorry felix, hyunjin, minho, and seungmin and literally anyone else that likes y/n, but I’M gonna be playing the game too.”
interesting perspective on y/n’s stance too 😏😏😏😏. so far, she’s only ever been 🧍‍♀️to the romantic advances that came her way. maybe there will come a guy that’ll make her want to be more assertive 🤔
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gothic-safari-clown · 4 years
The Mind’s Power Over the Body
Part 19: Hands Off
Story summary: They only ever had each other. It had been that way since high school, ever since Elianna transferred to dreary Arlen and took Jonathan under her wing. They go separate ways for college, and when they're reunited at Arkham Asylum professionally, Elianna comes to find that they've both changed during their time separated. Can she look past the promise of danger and stay by Jonathan's side as they slide further and further into the darkness while she grapples to come to terms with the truth about herself? Can she accept what needs to be done in order to hold onto the only person who holds any meaning in her life? This is a very self-indulgent AU that draws from several different canons of the DCU and ignoring others, starting in the Batman Begins Nolanverse. This will follow the plot of the movie, although the timeline has been very slightly tweaked.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18
Word count: 2587
TW for self harm
"So you're tellin' me absolutely nothin' is goin' on between you two?" Between sessions, Harley had come to visit Elianna in her office for a chat. "Aren't you still staying at his place?" It seemed that the blonde still had yet to give up on the idea of El and Jonathan together; the only difference now was that she had ended up being right (a fact that the redhead had made sure to remind him of as they laid in bed catching their breath the day before. He hadn't found it quite as funny as she did).
"Yeah—wait, how did you know that?"
"I was pullin' into the parking lot behind you guys this mornin'."
"Uh-huh, we drove separately, stalker." El quirked an eyebrow with an expectant smile.
"Right, so you just happened to arrive at the same time? Just 'cause you didn't take the same car doesn't you're not comin' from the same place."
"Alright, alright," El laughed. "He's got some errands to run after work, so I promised to make dinner."
"Aww," Harley exaggerated the syllable, knowing it would get under her friend's skin.
"Oh, cut it out." El rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I already told you, nothing is going on." The blonde just laughed in response. "Hey, how's your big case coming along?"
As Harley enthusiastically began to tell whatever she could about her sessions with the self-named Poison Ivy, El used the distraction as an opportunity to recall the day before smugly to herself.
Already, the recent change in their relationships had its ups and downs. On the one hand, it almost seemed like a dam had burst; their dynamic flowed more smoothly, and for her part, she felt as though a weight had lifted from her shoulders. On the other, when he had told her that morning that he had to oversee the handling of that night's delivery personally (since Batman had effectively put Falcone out of commission), her usual worry for his safety had doubled.
Something that Elianna and Jonathan had in common was a lack of experience with real relationships. As such, they shared a sense of profound importance in regards to the new arrangement. It would take some work to balance the now heightened concern they held for each other.
Meanwhile, Jonathan was in his office trying in vain to occupy his mind by shuffling through the stack of administrative paperwork that the warden's office couldn't be bothered to sort through before sending it to him. Between the unexpected hitch in the master plan and trying as hard as he could to not think about El (on that count, Scarecrow was actively working against), he was struggling to make it through even the very basics of his job.
At that moment, for example, he was grappling with his schedule for the day. Falcone had been taken to Blackgate and apparently had been asking to see him for a few days. Jonathan had been putting off visiting the mobster since he had found out; he had been caught by a civilian in a cape and a mask; what could he possibly have to discuss with such a disappointment to the underworld? Today, however, he had received word that the older man had cut his wrists, and the administration at Blackgate had sent for him specifically.
As if that weren't enough, he had already had to clear his schedule for that night to oversee the shipment, given that Falcone was now indisposed.
There was no getting around it, though, he supposed, and found himself back in the car en route to Blackgate. However, the drive wasn't nearly long enough for Jonathan to quell his frustration in Falcone's incompetence, and before too long was meeting with the mobster's caseworker.
"Doctor Crane, thanks for coming." There was a thinly disguised urgency in her voice as she greeted him.
"Not at all," he replied, barely remembering to keep his tone patient. "He cut his wrists?" How irritating it was to fake concern.
"Probably looking for the insanity plea," well, at least the woman was pragmatic, "but if anything should happen..."
"Of course, better safe than sorry." He nodded as they approached the door to the private room that Falcone had been brought to. With that, the caseworker unlocked the door to let Jonathan in and let the door swing closed behind him.
Falcone didn't skip a beat. "Hey, Doctor Crane, I can't take it anymore. It's all too much; the walls are closing in, blah blah blah," the old man rambled dryly. "Couple more days of this food, it'll be true." Jonathan found himself steeling himself against the urge to let Scarecrow come out as he settled into his chair.
"What do you want?"
"I want to know how you're gonna convince me to keep my mouth shut." The ego of a powerful man is truly something indigestible, isn't it?
"About what? You don't know anything about the operation."
"Maybe not specifics, sure, but I know you don't want the cops to take a closer look at the drugs they seized. I know about your experiments with the inmates of your nuthouse." Jonathan listened and watched as patiently as he could as the tiresome man continued to talk. "See, I don't go into business with a guy without finding out his dirty secrets." At this point, Scarecrow was banging against the proverbial walls of their brain, desperate to retaliate. "Those goons you used. I own the muscle in this town. Now I've been bringing your stuff in for months. So whatever he's planning, it's big. And I want in."
Can you believe the balls on this guy? Let me out, Jonny.
Not yet; he still doesn't have a leg to stand on.
"Well, I already know what he'll say. That we should kill you." Just because we haven't yet doesn't mean that we won't, old man.
"Even he can't get me in here. Not in my town." Jonathan was growing tired of this conversation very quickly.
"Your town." The psychiatrist repeated, not a question—a mockery. The older man's eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Oh, did I forget to ask? How rude of me, I forgot the most important part. How is your little lady friend from the asylum?" here the mobster leaned in threateningly, "Does she know what you're doing? What's gonna happen to her once you go down, I wonder. Maybe I'll send some people to make sure she's not alone, huh?"
Now that caught Jonathan's attention. The rest of Falcone's little threats were easily avoided; even he didn't have the power to endanger Ra's Al Gul's plans. He did, however, have the power to have unspeakable things done to Elianna. That would not stand.
Jonathan made his decision from there quickly. Scarecrow was overjoyed that El had been brought into the discussion, knowing that Jon would have to take it seriously, and was raring to be in control.
Jonathan sighed and removed his glasses, hearing the straw man begin to cheer in the back of his mind. "Would you like to see my mask?" He asked, opened his briefcase without waiting for an answer, popped open the false bottom, and reached for the mask, ignoring the several full syringes waiting to be used. He had added a new rig to the case, and it was as good a time as any to test it out. "I use it in my experiments. Now, I'm probably not very threatening to a guy like you," he continued, holding up the mask for emphasis, "but these crazies? They can't stand it."
With that, he made to put the mask on and let Scarecrow take over.
He could barely hear Falcone's quip about the nut taking over the nuthouse over the ever surreal feeling of taking the backseat in his own brain.
Once his face was secured, Scarecrow took great pleasure in pressing the button to release the cloud of toxin. The screams of terror began almost instantaneously, much to his delight, and he rose from his chair to loom over the mafioso.
"They scream, and they cry," he teased with menacing glee. "Much as you're doing now." Jonathan allowed Scarecrow a few more seconds of enjoyment before regaining control. They still had to leave undetected, and Scarecrow couldn't be trusted to be professional. As much as Jonathan enjoyed hearing the man who had dared to threaten El scream, he was more trustworthy when it came to subterfuge.
"Well, he's not faking," Jonathan cleared his throat as he reentered the hallway, greeted by the caseworker's concerned face. "Not that one." He was still a bit flustered by the rush of inflicting such horror upon someone. Move on, Jonathan, act normal. It was a bit of a blur after that, promising to talk to the judge and get Falcone transferred to Arkham before making his way back to the Asylum himself. He still had a few patients to see before he could punch out to oversee the shipment that evening.
However, once the rush wore off, Jonathan found his mind wandering back to what Falcone had said about El. Who knew what he could have told his people already? He stopped by El's office before returning to his own and was surprised to find her no longer there. A quick phone call to the secretary at the front desk told him that she had already left for the day—another phone call to find that her cell phone was dead.
Jonathan forced himself back to the matter at hand, telling himself that she was fine, but the lingering worry stayed in the back of his mind.
For about an hour and a half at least, when he decided that he was done with work for the day. The sooner he could take care of business, the sooner he could rush home to make sure she was there.
In the car on his way to the meeting site, Jonathan tried calling her again to no avail.
I really need to get a home phone for the apartment; he cursed to himself.
He found himself unable to focus on the task at hand as he parked his car and got into the one being driven by the goons provided by Falcone. Any of them could have received orders at any point to take El, hurt her, anything. He had no way of knowing if instructions had already been given or what liberties were allowed should anything happen to her.
Behind his impassive expression, Jonathan was operating almost solely on autopilot, getting out of the car and entering the old apartment that served as a drop point. This one had already been used twice before, and given how close the end date was, he had already decided to eradicate any and all evidence once the job was done.
He looked disinterestedly over the pile of stuffed bunnies, appraising the shipment's size, doing quick calculations in his head to the best of his ability. After concluding that it was, in fact, the correct amount, he gestured to the goons to retrieve the substance from inside of the toys. "Get rid of all traces."
Jonathan couldn't help the disgusted look around the dilapidated apartment. He couldn't think of anywhere he wanted to be less at that moment. Distracted by the sheer quantity of distasteful thoughts swirling in his mind, he was almost startled when Scarecrow spoke suddenly.
There's someone else here.
That statement froze all other concerns as he tuned in to his environment. He barely registered one of the thugs telling the others to torch the apartment as he noticed a prickling on the back of his neck, as well as the open window.
Jonathan remained calm and in control as the other men began to douse the furniture in gasoline while he moved to examine the window.
Are you sure?
Before the straw man could answer, the sound of shattering glass from the other room stole Jonathan's attention from the window.
Yes, came the smug response. Wasting no more time, Jonathan let the other goon move to investigate and instead moved into the shadows to retrieve his mask.
You're up again, Scarecrow. Do it fast; we have to get home.
Yeah, yeah, you've been annoying me for hours; she's fine. Would you shut up about it? Retaliated Scarecrow as he forced Jonathan out of the driver's seat and took over, relishing in the drama of wearing his face again.
That moment didn't last for very long before his suspicions were confirmed, and the Batman himself burst into the room, swiftly incapacitating the leftover thug. Luckily, Scarecrow's reflexes were just as fast, and he released a cloud of toxin from their sleeve rig, which hit the caped crusader squarely in the face.
The effects were almost instantaneous, judging by the wide eyes behind the cowl and the erratic, flailing movements. Scarecrow stifled a laugh as the armored man toppled backward away from him.
"Take a seat," he taunted, thoroughly enjoying his playtime, "have a drink." Here he seized a bottle of vodka abandoned by his now useless goons. The staw man snarled mentally, understanding Jonathan's intolerance of incompetence. They would be eradicated along with the evidence of their crimes. Splashing the booze on the caped man in delight, he continued to tease him.
"You look like a man who takes himself too seriously." Scarecrow abandoned the now empty bottle and replaced it in his hand with a zippo lighter that El had left in their pocket.
Wait, she loves that thing-
We'll buy her a new one, pipe down.
He had corraled Batman in front of the window and sparked the lighter, extending it in front of him menacingly. "Do you want my opinion? You need to lighten up." With that, he tossed the lighter, which ignited the caped crusader and the old rug in seconds.
This allowed them a swift escape, as Batman threw himself out the window and plummeted with the rain onto the pavement several stories below. Wasting no time, Scarecrow had them outside and in the getaway car. Luckily, there was a spare key in the visor, and they sped down the street in the direction of where they had left their car.
Slow down! We're attracting attention; we don't need that.
You're the one who's been bitching about getting home for the past few hours.
Not letting up for a second, Scarecrow turned a fifteen-minute drive back to Jonathan's car into a five-minute one before finally retreating to his place in the back of their mind. Of course, on principle, Jonathan was still irritated with Scarecrow for behaving so recklessly, then leaving him to deal with any potential consequences. Still, he was glad for the saved time.
By this point, Jonathan was so frenzied with panic about El's wellbeing that he couldn't even think about their own run-in with the Batman. Still ten minutes away from home, he tried to call her cell once again. Still no answer.
Why the fuck won't she pick up?
Scarecrow didn't respond, finally picking up just how agitated the whole situation had made his counterpart. Best not to rile him up further.
Jonathan nudged the car faster. Only a few minutes away, but it felt like forever. He was so frantic to get home and see Elianna safe that he couldn't even think of what he would do if she weren't. No game plan, not even a shadow of one because she's okay. Or so he kept telling himself.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
When kaito was learning to control his quirk.. what if he killed someone before kai's intervene? At the age of 5. Just like how kai killed one of his parent (in theory). Even though kai did make the person alive again since its just the same damn quirk but kaito was traumatized. Fear can be seen all over his face and tears are just running down non stop. I know you arent taking requests but if you like how do you think kai would "feel" and "do" about this ? You can ignore it too.
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"Grab this." Chisaki said nonchantly at the boy while holding a pair of gloves.
"Why though daddy?" Kaito arched his eyebrow up in confusion but took the little gloves anyway, but not putting on.
"Your quirk is the same as mine." Chisaki lifted his hand up and overhauled the glove monotonously to hive emphasis to his son "The overhaul is a powerful yet fearful quirk. I don't know yet if you can use it with both organic and non organic things, but for now if for security measures that you use these until you get some control over it."
Kaito pouted, still not putting on his gloves, while Chisaki just stared back blantly at him.
"I'm not a baby daddy. It was just a scare when it manifested, that's all." Kaito stated while Chisaki arched his eyebrow and pointed at the elephant on his side.
"And you use it on that plaything of yours and cried for at least 15 minutes." Kaito gasped and stood up on the couch, angry and flustered chubby face as he tried to glare at his father.
"I did not!"
"You did." Kai sighed while crossing his arms "Even your mother saw it and had to comfort your bratty self."
Kaito puffed up his cheeks while Chisaki rolled his eyes at the stubborn kid.
"What even could go wrong?!" The kid lifted his arms dramatically while his eyebrows furrowed "You can fix it later or even myself! Right?!"
"I just told you. It can be also dangerous, especially for your mother." He hissed the last part, and that was enough to make the kid huff a pout and sit down on the couch with crossed arms.
Rarely he had flashbacks on how himself got his quirk. Even not liking, more rather despising it, he really didn't meant to kill that man with it... neither that man on the hospital once.
He could be many things, but he wasn't going to be the hypocrite to allow his son to pass the same torture he got through... and heavens forbided that Kaito overhauled you by accident.
"How it was for you daddy?" Kaito suddenly asked. He furrowed his eyebrows at the memory before he sighed.
"Nothing big about it. But we must prevent it any accidents. Put on the gloves, your mother just messaged me that she is coming back with-"
"Heya my boys!!" You came in the room with a lot of bags as Chrono helped you out with some, since the poor man was also responsible for the kitchen, and Chisaki wasn't available to go with you at the time.
"Mommy!" Kaito jumped from the couch but soon heard a cough from his father, turning around to see him sternly looking at him and the gloves, earning a growl from the kid.
"Just got back and you two are already fighting?" You asked in giggles while laying the groceries on the table before hugging Kaito close to you and getting up to kiss your husband. Gladly he accepted, lowering down his mask despite Kaito's disgusted sounds.
"Help me out. This brat refuses to put his gloves." He said nonchantly as Kaito poked his tongue out at him.
"Gloves?" You tilted your head in confusion before the thought hitted you like a train. Kai was very allerted and aprehensive every since Kaito got his quirk....
"They're annoying!" The kid protested as Kurono chuckled at both Chisakis being having the same amount as stubbornness.
The said man came close as well by Kaito, half smirking in amusement at the kid trying to argue with his father, whose had the same stoic face as usual, but the tone of his voice indicated how annoyed he was.
"Kaito. Settle down for once." Kai said with more strictly as he started to glare at Kaito "If I am ordering for you to use gloves, then you are going to use them."
"Come on!" The kid whined as he threw his hands at the air "Is not like I can hurt someone daddy! Geez!"
You send a look to Chrono, mentally praying that he catched your silent question if he wanted to leave, which he just got confused at it.
"Actually you can hurt someone brat, listen for once."
"Yeah sure." The kid rolled his eyes in annoyance and holded his arms up with annoyance "You are always RIGHT!"
Although this action of Kaito, and due to his emotions being so out of control, made him accidentally bump his hand on Chrono's leg...
"FUCK!" The man shouted as Kai and yours eyes went wide open at sieng that Kaito indeed had the same quirk as his father... overhaul any non organic AND organic material...
Chisaki immediately repeated the error of his son, while you holded the boy in your arms... whose had his body trembling but yet frozen in place.
"Kurono you're alright?!" You ask in worry as the man touched his leg a few times, grew eyes wide open more in shock than horror.
"Man your kid has your quirk?" Kurono asked to Chisaki in amusement as Kai picked a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped furiously his hand.
"As yourself could see." He hissed and just when he looked at his son his eyebrows furrowed at the sign.
The boy was looking at his hand with nothing but horror, drops of tears on the edge of his eyes as his body was cold and unmoving like a ice cuh in your arms.
"Kaito?" You asked after regaining your breath "Sweetheart?" You crouched down in worry and hold his shoulders.
"I-I did t-that..." he said hushed while trembling.
"Hey brat." Kurono muttered "Is alright, suffered worse." He said nonchantly while Kaito brought his little hands to his head as his eyes were wide open while he started to loose the control of his breathing.
"I-I did that..!" He arched his back a bit, not fully noticing your worry neither of any of the three adults on there "I-I'm sorry-! I didn't meant it! I didn't meant it uncle Kurono!"
Deja fucking vuu... his chest was icy cold but he still had the strenght to get closer.
"Hey, I'm walking." Kurono got up and patted the ground with his boot to give emphasis "see? Nothing wrong, I swear."
"Honey. Calm down. Take a breath." You went to grab his hands that were clenching and probably hurting his head before Kaito yanked himself out of your embrace.
"No! Don't come any closer! Daddy warned me about it but I didn't listened!" He sobbed and let himself fall into the ground to curl up in a ball "I dont want to hurt you mommy! Neither anyone!"
Your heart clenched painfully while Kai just could feel himself almost passing out from how BAD and FAMILIAR this situation was. Disgusting flashbacks of his own biological parents going crazy at his first mistake and the final blow that made that woman to kick him out.
But hell.He promised you that he would do his best to his kid to not suffer, even if it meant him having the same disease as his.
"Chrono. Give us a moment." He muttered lowly as the man himself nodded and left the room.
You and him changed looks before Chisaki made the first move. Walking towards his son, in fetal position on the ground as he cried his eyes out. He crouched to be at least on a average level and hesitated for a bit before laying his gloved hand on his head.
The kid looked up to start to shout for his dad to get away, but the words got stuck on his throat when Chisaki lowered his mask and started to carres his son's head. Face on full display showing to the little boy genuine concern.
"We have the same quirk midget. You're not going to hurt me even of you wanted." The kid started to sob and he winced mentally at the wrong choice of words.
"I-I don't w-wan-"
"I know you don't." He said nonchalantly and grabbed his son's wrists to make him look at him. "Since we now know you have exactly the same quirk as me then is less complicated."
The kid made a confused sound while sniffling. Chisaki releasing his wrist to offer his handkerchief for the boy.
"Practices leads to perfection. Myself did train on my own, so imagine having someone whose knows exactly what to do for training... you can develop this on a more faster and effective way."
"B-But I just-"
"It was a accident sweety." You kneeled right besides Chisaki to look at your son with a gentle smile "You didn't meant it, and Kurono knows it too. It's okay Kaito, we swear."
The kid sniffled once or twice before he succumbed into loud sobs, falling without hesitation in your arms as you cooed to him in a awffort to calm him down.
"Kaito." Chisaki said monotonously, but still carresed his son's hair as the kid cried on your chest "This was bound to happen in some way. It was in my own case when I developed my quirk."
After some time of crying, your son was still in your chest, but only sniffles from him were heard. Giving a sign for Kai to speak up again.
"I did the same accident not only once but twice brat. The difference between us is only one and very important." He made Kaito look up at you and him, maintaining his face but with a hint of more emotions circling around him, shooking even you.
"You have someone to help you to control it and to dominate your quirk, me at this case, your father. And also, you have someone just as caring and sweet as a angel, your mother. Why the hell you think I call you deviant on the firts place?"
The kid sniffled, rubbing his forearm on his nose.
"Your mother is the incarnation of pure and gentleness."
"Shut it. You know is true." He growled to you "And I am what I am. Devil. A mixture of this we get a deviant. This case, you. A brat that can be just as sweet and calming yet so mischievous and troublesome."
He grabbed his son chin and tilted it up.
"Also you got inteligence. With that, you will be able to master the overhaul without causing any accidentents... I promise you that deviant. You are your mother's and my son."
"And we will always help you." You finished the sentence that you knew your husband wanted to say but still struggled to get out, being weird with emotions as always.
The boy nodded slowly as snuggled back at your chest, muttering a ask for his father to give him the gloves.
"But you don't like wearing them honey." You cooed and your son only burried himself deeper.
"Is safer..." you furrowed your eyebrows before Chisaki beat you to it.
"First time and probably last talking like this in front of you but, screw the gloves." You widened your eyes at hearing and even doubting if your husband just had said that.
"You're not a prisoner of your own power. You will learn to control it and I will assure you of that." He patted his son, half smirking at his and your face of shock "Simple as that."
The kid blinked and looked at you before pointing at him with wide eyes.
"Mommy! Daddy is smilling! Sorta..."
"Yeah." You giggled and kissed the boy's head "A beautiful smile, right?"
"You two should feel like rarity." He scoffed before smirking at you "Only you both get to see that."
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innovativestruggles · 4 years
TsukiYachi speculations, thoughts and theories based on canonical evidence
So I wanna share my thoughts with everyone - especially ya’ll TsukiYachi lovers (notably @mimi-cee-hq​) whoever that’s left (and clearly I should be working but doing this cause I apparently like to procrastinate)
Canonical Evidence
I want to reinforce the point here. When I write about character analysis and speculations, I base things on canonical evidence - that is - based on what I see and interpret from the manga and anime. I usually prefer to use manga as that is the ultimate canon but seeing as the anime is quite loyal to the manga, I’ll be using it too. Of course, this is all interpretation base (and maybe biased) which is why I will put forward evidence that I see so it helps people see where and how I got to my conclusion (instead of looking like I just made something up). Teehee.
Manga Vs. Anime
I only recently started the anime and reading the manga (yes yes I am aware I am late to the party but I’m FASHIONABLY LATE) and it is amazing how loyal the anime is to the manga (so far) but I have noticed a few discrepancies. And because this is a TsukiYachi post I am going to focus on this. 
The anime unfortunately toned down some of the interactions between Tsukki and Yachi, which is a huge shame - BUT it does make up for some parts by extrapolating and adding more cute details that was not seen in the manga. So I suppose there are elements of balance, although the details the anime omitted was important as it gave off more interesting vibes. 
For example; this interaction below was downplayed in the anime. Yachi only talked of Tsukki’s liveliness and the flustered “he usually acts so cool” was left out. So sad, I would have totally liked to see a flustered Yachi talking about Tsukki <33
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AND THIS ONE BELOW! THE MOST DISAPPOINTING OF THEM ALL! I was sooooooooo sad when the anime left this specific part out where Tsukki and Yachi were sitting next to each other. In the anime, Yachi was somewhere on the other side holding plates or something. LIKE SERIOUSLY? When manga panels are drawn, they usually draw who they would like to emphasise in the centre or draw them bigger. LOOK AT TSUKKI AND YACHI BEING THE CETNRE OF ATTENTION! LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY’VE BEEN DRAWN!! LOOK AT THEM SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER. 
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Anyways, one thing I did like about the anime was them extrapolating this scene. Teehee. Look at Tsukki just staring at Yachi even whilst Yamaguchi was talking. And then Tsukki continues to talk to Yachi as if Yama didn’t say anything at all. This scene was so adorable <33
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So moving on
I gotta agree with everyone here and the obvious is that the interactions between Tsukki and Yachi are minimal. It is so sad but you know, Tsukki is a side character and Yachi is like a side side character so I do understand why their interactions would have very little screen/page time. In saying that, whenever they do have their interaction, or when one talks of the other, it was rather significant. This was most notable in the Shiratorizawa arc. Let me explain;
Yachi is extremely caring of all her teammates and her interactions lie predominantly with Kiyoko and the four first year boys. Of the four, Hinata would be the one she interacts with most. I suppose this is because Hinata is the main protagonist so he gets thorough interaction moments with all characters. It is a given. 
Kageyama’s interaction with Yachi was second in terms of screen/page time but I believe the vast majority of the time, it was together with Hinata (ones that are significant anyways). 
Then there is Yamaguchi, who so adorably thinks she is cute. I am still unsure whether he actually likes her (maybe a little crush?). But I reckon Nishinoya likes Kiyoko more than Yamaguchi likes Yachi LOL. So it might just be a tiny crush, I don’t know. Anyways, YamaYachi have very little screen time as well and their direct and indirect interactions don’t particularly stand out to me. I mean, they do have their little fluff moments but nothing significant in terms of development.
Now we have Tsukki. In terms of screen/page time, Yachi and Tsukki, like I said earlier, have minimal interactions - but I mean this in a direct interaction kind of way. What I noticed were their indirect interactions! I’ll explain more later.
I went into watching Haikyuu with a very neutral standpoint and my TsukiYachi shipping did not start until quite some time later (most notable during the Shiratorizawa arc).
Shiratorizawa Arc
Tsukki underwent a major character development during the Shiratorizawa arc so this was a time where he shone the brightest. During this arc, Yachi had some of the biggest screen/page time - it was so awesome! 
Aside from when Yachi was first introduced, we never really got to see much of her, but her screen/page time appeared a lot more during this arc. It so happens that this very arc was the most important for Tsukki. Three major things I noted from this arc,
1. Akiteru’s presence
2. Akiteru and Yachi’s interactions (direct and indirect)
3. Yachi’s commentary of Tsukki
Akiteru’s Presence
Akiteru, we all know, was Tsukki’s biggest influence when it comes to his ideas around volleyball, so naturally his presence there during Tsukki’s major development would be significant.
Akiteru and Yachi’s Interactions
These two have an absurd amount of interactions during this arc. Have a look below!
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This was only a handful of times! There were so many more I couldn’t possibly add them all to this post! They only just met that day yet they talked so much to each other! And it wasn’t just all about Tsukki, it was about the game in general and I just love the friendly interactions between them. Like the most important person to Tsukki was interacting so much with Yachi <33 My heart...
Furudate could have made Akiteru interact the same way with any of the other three on the stand i.e. Saeko, Takinoue or Shimada but he made the focus on him and Yachi. And to have Yachi closely interact so much (and on a deep level regarding Tsukki) with someone so close to Tsukki, I thought this was so adorable!
Yachi’s commentary of Tsukki
Then we see Yachi’s commentary. FML don’t get me started on this. I don’t tend to be too observant with these kinds of things but I remember when I was watching this arc for the first time, the amount of times Yachi made some sort of comment about Tsukki was pretty much the only time she had screen time (aside from when Akiteru was talking to her). 
I don’t know whether Furudate was being deliberate with this (he probably was), but anyone on the team could give the same comments as Yachi regarding Tsukki! They probably know his play a lot better as well, but then the audience were given scenes of Yachi commenting on Tsukki instead. ALSO, NOT JUST ANY COMMENTS, they were quite deep-seated ones too. Yachi was just so observant of him and she watches him so closely it was so sweet. She seems to know his state of mind really well <333333
So have a look at some of her comments
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Of course there was the one panel earlier when she was talking about how lively Tsukki appeared. I won’t duplicate it. I really can’t help but notice how much she talked about Tsukki during this arc, and they were all mostly directed towards Akiteru as well! HOW IMPORTANT IS THAT? I gotta reinforce this but talking so deeply about someone to the most important family member of that person is so.....HNNNGGGG!! It was no wonder Akiteru was so surprised that Tsukki may have other friends other than Yamaguchi. Teehee. 
Also note that Yachi has not spoken about Kageyama or Yamaguchi (or even Kiyoko) in such a deep manner. She has done so bits and pieces toward Hinata, but tbh not as much as this arc here re; Tsukki.
Below are some Yachi reactions specifically towards Tsukki spiking (first two images) and blocking (last two images) - I had to put these in cause it’s soooo cute!
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Something extra for thoughts. I really love the below panel. Something about Yachi speaking of this was so sweet and tender. As if she truly knew exactly how much pain he was in. AAAAAHHHHHHH T____T My gorgeous babies.
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Also this one below as well, which occurred earlier in the manga. I just love how Yachi looks out for everyone but she finds Tsukki just that much more challenging to decipher. It just makes it so great when she was able to tell the differing emotions from Tsukki later on in the series... even though he was so apathetic most of the time...
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Finally this image below which I already posted above but would like to say a bit more about. So this scene occurred right after Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa. I just love it how with all the emphasis between Yachi and Tsukki during the entire arc, it was so beautifully wrapped up with them sitting next to each other <333
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Extra Side Story
Right I ain’t gonna leave this one out. This panel below just goes to show that there was something going on here. Whether I have overanalysed it or not, on face value, it just seems a bit too different for me. What I mean is that Tsukki is a very apathetic, standoff-ish kinda person. If he is not being aloof, he is making some sort of snide and snarky remarks about someone. So Tsukki literally going out of his way to try and say something nice, to make Yachi feel better about her body and then getting a bit miffed because it didn’t get through the way he wanted, was very, very out of character for him. Which is why I just feel like he may have a soft spot for Yachi. Or maybe he is nicer to girls? Though I haven’t seen him saying anything remotely encouraging to Kiyoko.
Then I thought of what he said. As I mentioned in some other post (I posted heaps I don’t even remember where now lmao). “There are definitely people who like smaller girls...” If the translation was done correctly from Japanese to English (I can vouch for this as I can read a bit of Japanese), then the word ‘definitely’ he used was rather brazen. It just means he knows with 100% accuracy that there are people out there who likes smaller girls... And it’s normally a reference to the person speaking because they obviously know that they like the person hehehe.
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Okay almost done with my thesis.
Star References
Yo this one is so fluff I fucking love it. I already made brief comments about this in some of my other posts and replies and Mimi (@mimi-cee-hq​) has done an amazing job writing two mini fics on this for me (ILY MY TSUKIYACHI SOUL HAS BEEN FED). See Matching Stars and the sequel A Blue Star! Thank you Mimi you’re a legend <33
So I started watching it a little closer in the anime (and manga), and Tsukki really favours his star shirts a whole damn lot (like the whole moon and star reference probably re; play on his name). Yachi on the other hand favours her star hair ties, blue ones she wears as manager and black ones during school times. I mean come on! Subtle references much? Either I am overanalysing this way too much and Furudate was half asleep when he designed these accessories or he truly be putting in some sneaky TsukiYachi references <333
P. S. Couple accessories that reference each other in subtle ways are common in Japan.
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Concluding Thoughts (this honestly feels like an essay fml)
So these are my evidence for this pairing so far. I may have overanalysed this and Furudate could be like “wtf this person be taking this whole thing out of context that was not what I intended” OR “yeah man she totally nailed it right on the spot. I’m surprised she could pick this up so well” HAHAHA. 
Either way, this was my interpretation based on what I saw/read. As a long time manga reader, I know that manga artists portray characters and place emphasis on certain things in differing ways because the audience reading and seeing a drawing is different to them watching something. It’s a lot more difficult to portray your point across to readers than watchers. So that’s why when I read manga, parts such as drawing things bigger, more detailed and at the centre signifies more emphasis, as well as having certain characters together in panels.
At first glance, I actually thought this pairing would be like a crack pairing because there was no absolute way there could be anything remotely romantic about this ship. But the more I watched and read, the more I realised that this pairing does have some sort of potential. I mean, just because of all the direct and indirect interactions I wrote about them here, it does not automatically mean that there would be a romantic development. What I’m trying to show is that there is a lot more to this pairing than just thinking of them as a crack ship, b/c there are developments for these two. Furudate seems to make it so that these two know each other a lot more than what the audience is being given. Do I even make any sense? LOL
Feel free to refute every single thing I wrote here. I love a good debate. As long as you can back it up with evidence and keep things civil that is. It would be so nice if Yachi ends up with Tsukki but yeah who knows. I’d rather her end up with no one if she doesn’t get together with Tuskki (but that’s my personal opinion). Leaving things to interpretation can be a good thing.
LMAO YACHI! HAHAHA! But I just love it how Furudate drew her close to Tsukki again <33 T___T so beautiful. And Tsukki in his giant star shirt...what’s new? lololol
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Nervous Yachi awaiting results of Tsukki’s injury. AHHHHHHHH LOOK HOW ADORABLE SHE IS! LOOK AT HER! I can’t make GIF but if you go and watch this scene she is literally shifting nervously on the spot. My precious gorgeous girl waiting for her man. I can’t, I just can’t ....
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That’s all folks!
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EDIT: I made a Part 2! Read it here
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faean · 4 years
Midnight x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by: I really do not know or remember. Whoops.
Rating: T+; Innuendoes, Midnight being Midnight
Word Length: 1,287 words
Title: Playful Thoughts
          (Y/N) (L/N), recent college graduate and holder of a Bachelor of Arts in Quirk History with an emphasis on its prevalence in art and culture, along with a minor in Hero Studies and Linguistics and some very important teaching credentials.
           Now on the path for a career, (Y/N) is hoping to be employed at one of the many Hero Schools that are spread across the globe; however, what you did not expect was to get a job offer. Much less a job offer from U.A., one of the most prestigious Hero Schools in Japan. Having read the letter over and over and over and…
           Well, it all seemed a dream come true. They were offering to help pay for any travel expenses should you need to relocate and even had suggestions on finding a home near the school. Your pay would be exceptional with ample opportunities for a raise if you go for a Master’s or Doctorate’s; you’d get full benefits within thirty days of employment; your own parking space; and you’d be teaching alongside Pro Heroes, including All Might!
           There was just one simple yet excruciatingly important little detail you missed in your excitement that you didn’t discover until already moved into your new apartment.
           ‘There will be a probational teaching period where you aid one of the teachers for a full school week so we may determine which class you would be best suited for.’
           Needless to say-
           “Shit…” you breathed out in a nervous huff. “I actually moved and applied for citizenship and everything, and I didn’t even bother to read the full letter.”
           Your anxiety grew rapidly, but it was just as quickly quelled as you reread that sentence.
           ‘…so we may determine which class you would be best suited for.’
           A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you sunk into the couch in your new living room. “I am hired, they just don’t know where to put me. At least I still have two weeks before school officially starts. Maybe I can meet with the principal and even find out which teacher I’ll be shadowing…” you said, trailing off as you began to imagine different scenarios.
           You only knew of a few teachers at U.A., mostly through the news and other media, and some of it from your own research. There’s Present Mic, though he didn’t strike you as someone into history and art other than music. There’s also Midnight, and she gave you chills, though she is an Art History teacher, so it may be her, which means having to get used to, well, Midnight. Then, there’s All Might himself, but you were pretty damn sure he’s teaching Heroics, and you don’t have the necessary licenses to teach that. Of course, there were a number of teachers at U.A., and not just in the Hero Department. There’s the General Studies (where you kind of hope to be put), the Support Department, and Business Classes…
           “I really hope I make it into the General Studies. Even though I minored in some heroic practices, I’m not really up for that sort of thing.” You said aloud, now laying sprawled across the couch as you continued to think.
           It was time. The first official day of school. Despite becoming fairly close with many of the teachers and heroes at the school, you still had trouble warming up to one, almost literally.
           The R-rated Hero: Midnight. (Or was it 18+ Hero? You were regretting not paying attention in your linguistics class, it would have helped a lot.) Every time she was near, she sent chills up and down your spine, and you tried to avoid her whenever possible. Until you learned that you’d be shadowing the Art History teacher for Class 1-A, Midnight. After learning this, you tried to talk to her more, but everything about her just made you a nervous wreck, and you couldn��t figure out why.
           Was it her outfit? No, there are countless scantily clad heroes and heroines out there, and at least she has a full body suit, even if her suit is the same tone as her skin.
           Maybe it was her Quirk? It could put people to sleep when they smell it, and it’s supposedly more effective on men than women, but you hoped you wouldn’t have to experience it for yourself.
           Perhaps it was her personality? She had no shame about how she dressed or acted, regardless of who was around. Her dominatrix personality both intrigued and terrified you, which means it probably works.
           Watching some media clips of her work didn’t help, either. Especially during the time where she wore mostly leather and nothing else. Honestly, you couldn’t figure out if you were scared or turned on, or both. Which only made things more confusing. That is, until you actually started shadowing her.
           She was an exceptional teacher, and she tolerated no disrespect. Though, you had to admit she could be a little harsh, even sadistic, when interrupted or insulted, which happened often, unfortunately (a certain purple ball-haired boy really made you wish you were in General Studies). Then, there was the fact that she was genuinely helpful. She made sure the students listened to you when you would take over, she walked you through the grading system, and she helped you prepare your own lessons. Although, there was one minor problem.
           The more time you spent with her, the more you started to adopt some of her tendencies. The confidence and no tolerance for disrespect were good, but then you found yourself thinking about innuendoes and retorts to them when something remotely suggestive was said. There was the oh so original ‘that’s what she said’ quote, but soon, those thoughts started to revolve around Midnight.
           I can help rip her suit off… for Quirk use, obviously.
           Those thighs can kill, and I will happily sacrifice myself for the greater good.
           Do I prefer legs, or breasts…? How about yes?
           Hi, yes, I would like to order one dominatrix in six-inch heels that will tower over me.
           All right, that last thought was more revealing than you, err, thought, and you realized you had to do something about it. With the students soon to return after they recover from the USJ Incident (you were grading some homework when everything went down, but without a proper hero license, you couldn’t do anything), it would be the only chance you got at speaking privately (heh) to Midnight.
           But… that wouldn’t be the case.
           “So, (L/N) … You wanted to talk?” Midnight spoke in a sultry tone; her arms extended on either side of you as she backed you into a corner.
           “I-I-I-…” you stammered, a blush spreading across your face and neck as your knees felt weak.
           Midnight was mere inches from you, her hand now resting on your shoulders as she wore a sadistic grin. “Seeing you tremble and stammer before me really turns me on, (Y/N),” her hands began to rove across your upper body, stroking your arms and ghosting over your chest and neck, “but I also really enjoy seeing you take control in the classroom.” She pressed herself up against you as she said that, and you almost fainted right then and there.
           Unable to form any coherent words, just small, embarrassing squeaks and moans, Midnight took control, and you didn’t want her to relinquish it.
           She took one of her hands to your chin, curling a finger under it as her thumb rested just beneath your bottom lip, ever so slightly parting them. She leaned in close, her breath tickling your ear as she moaned out “I think I prefer the former.”
           And all you can remember is her lips meeting yours.
Two down, eight more to go. Have a magnificent Pride, and I hope you heathens enjoyed!
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
Chasing Springtime
Summary: Kei Tsukishima, now in college, reacquaints himself with a childhood friend. They explore a museum together where they reminisce about their time in junior high. Old feelings that he has long shoved aside resurface.
Notes: Kaori Miyahara is an original character, but readers are free to put themselves into her shoes! This is my first fic and I love museums. There will be more chapters to come and let me know if you have any feedback.
Read it in (Ao3) 
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Spring (February) 2018 || Sendai Modern and Contemporary Art Museum || Sendai City || 3:00 PM
“I haven’t been to many contemporary art museums before,”  Kei Tsukishima  admitted as he followed Kaori Miyahara into one of the temporary exhibit galleries.
Although Tsukki hoped to work in a museum after he graduated college, he mostly envisioned a historical or science museum. He hadn’t considered any art museums because he wasn’t too familiar with them.
Growing up in the suburbs, there was not a big emphasis on the arts. Tsukki later regretted not paying more attention to the subject because it would have made the Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Arts class he was taking far less daunting. The class itself was interesting and eye opening, but he had felt like he lacked the actual experience with such art to fully appreciate the course. Towards the end of last year’s winter term, he had a conversation with his classmate Kaori visiting more museums to have a better understanding at how his courses will be useful for his planned career.
On one of the last few weeks of the winter term, he entered the classroom to find Kaori with a bunch of museum brochures spread out on her desk. He plopped on his desk next to hers and took out his notebook in preparation for their class.
“What’s with all the brochures?” he asked. Kaori was also in her first year in university. He hadn’t been classmates with her for years, but even then her desk remained messy before class. Some things never change.
Kaori turned her body towards him, sitting on the side of her chair and waved some of the brochures at him. The professor had not yet arrived, everyone was milling around talking about the upcoming spring break.
“How many of these have you actually been to?” she asked.
“I’ve been to those two and that one,” he pointed to one of the brochures on her desk. He took out his headphones and began placing his notes and pens on his desk.
“I’m sure I’ve been to more when I was younger but I haven’t been in some of these in so long I’m not sure what their interiors look like anymore.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Did you know that there were this many museums in the area?’ she asked, stacking the brochures on her desk.
“I guess not,” he shrugged, preparing to slip his headphones back on.
“I’m taking a class on Museum Management next semester and I don’t even know what most of the museums in the area look like. I’m not updated on their latest collections or their educational programs, I can already feel myself struggling at the subject.” she sighed. He could see a cloud of gloom start to gather on her head.
Tsukki honestly felt it was a little early to be panicking for a subject that started next term. He tried to reassure her, saying that many of her classmates would be on the same boat.
“There are so many I haven’t been to. I’ve been so focused on gymnastics when I lived here. I really should go to more museums.”she mumbled with her hands cupping her face, “I mean I’ve been to more museums when I lived in Tokyo because I was injured when I lived there. it’s great and all, but I’m not really taking my internship there.”
“Same,” he sighed, putting his hands behind his head, “Not about the Tokyo museums, but about visiting more museums. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You’re competing on both a team and as an individual gymnast. Of course that’s time consuming.”
Most gymnasts only competed on either team or individual. Kaori was technically recruited to compete on the team, but sometimes she competed on her individual because she had some difficult skills in her arsenal from her elite days.
“I actually wish we were required to go to museums every two weeks or so that we’ll be more updated about their latest collections, ne?” she mulled over with hands clasped together staring into the blackboard.
“Kaori, I’m sure most of your classmates wouldn’t have gone to that many museums either. I mean you’ll probably go to more throughout college right? Why would you ask for extra work in class? You seem to be doing pretty well.
Beside, we’re reading up on a lot of the things inside the museum. Isn’t that enough?” he said. Tsukki waved his notes. He reached out to take a handful of brochures from her desk and looked through them.
Kaori shook her head.
“Reading about history and art is very different from seeing it in front of your eyes. I feel like I understand the subject better when I know and see what they’re talk about. Visiting museums is important even if it’s not required by class, Tsukki.”
“I mean you could still do it on your own right?” he asked, with one brow up.
Kaori pouted and gave him the side eye, “You’re placing a lot of faith in my self- initiative. I mean, would you go on your own will? Regularly?”
“If I had someone to keep me accountable I guess,” he shrugged, handing the brochures back to her. Maybe she did have a point about required attendance.
Tsukki convinced her to form a museum club for two where they planned to go to museums on every other Sunday afternoon. Their first trip was to the 3M Science Museum, which catered more to Tsukki’s interest and the city museum the session after. Today it was an art museum, which was more up Kaori’s alley.
“Should we head to the temporary or permanent galleries first…” he asked, browsing through the map on the brochure. There was a temporary exhibit on Southeast Asian art, a children’s biennale of sorts and of course the permanent collections.
“We’re a little pressed. We can always visit the permanent collections another time, so the temporary exhibit might be best.” said Kaori, mentally calculating the time they should spend on the temporary collection to be able to quickly go through the permanent collection.
“My mom’s from Southeast Asia and I lived there for a few years, so I’m always curious what their art has to say especially in exhibits abroad,” she added. They presented their tickets at the counter and the staff directed them towards the Southeast Asia exhibit.
“I thought you said your mom was Chinese?” he asked, a little bit surprised. Tsukki didn’t know much about Kaori’s mother from the times he has seen her. He just knew she was Chinese because Kaori almost always perfected the kanji sections of their exam when they were in Junior High.
“Yeah, but she grew up in Southeast Asia because her parents migrated there.” she answered.
A lot of the paintings that came from the exhibit were Social-Realists, which reflected the realities and struggles of the Third World countries. The texts explained that although abstraction was a widespread movement in the region, artists feel a responsibility towards amplifying the voices of the masses.
“Cool! A movie.” she exclaimed, kicking off her boots as she hopped onto the mats. Kaori promptly sank into a chair.
Tsukki read through the exhibit caption before he followed suit. Kaori had kind of just dumped her shoes at the edge of the mat. He straightened them up and placed them besides his at a corner.
“It says the Thai artist wanted to film protests for workers rights in a rural area in Thailand, then something about it being a larger commentary on capitalism. A lot of the works here are so politically charged.” he commented, dragging a bean bag closer to her, “Does any of this match up with your experience when you lived there?”
“Not really, but you have to remember that I was really young and that my mom’s family were well-off. Majority of the people in the region are not as affluent. That and I’ve never lived in Thailand.” she sighed, “I heard the food there is really spicy.”
“Isn’t poverty a universal experience though?” he said, sitting back onto his bean bag. “I mean poverty exists here in Japan too. Why is Southeast Asian poverty so special that you would base an entire region’s works around it?”
Kaori’s eyes widened at his words. She looked at him with her eyebrow raised and her mouth ajar. Tsukki jerked back and waved his hands side to side in apology - a break from his usual demeanor.
“Ah…sorry, that’s not what I meant. What I wanted to say was ahh...their poverty seems to be branded with their Southeast Asian-ness. It’s like regular poverty mixed with...the stuff from pre-colonial Southeast Asian history class. It’s like they’re really emphasizing how Southeast Asian they are through their poverty. ” he rubbed the back of his neck as he explained, “I’m not sure I explained it that well.”
“There’s a duo from the Philippines that told me that when they do that kind of thing, they are more likely to get funding from Japan. I met them at a Yokohama show when I was in Tokyo. They regularly get grants from Japan Foundation so it must be a formula that works.” she said matter-of-factly.
“Isn’t that a little disconcerting? That they have to show themselves as poor to get funding for their art?” he asked, shaking his head, “Shouldn’t there be a better criteria for funding? Like merit or something.”
Kaori sat back and looked at him in the eye, “All this almost feels like a show of how different and advanced Japan is. Since we don’t experience this kind of poverty here, it makes people feel better about their conditions you know.” She let herself slump at her seat as she talked, “The message is this: we don’t need these movements to be widespread because these problems supposedly don’t exist.”
Tsukki was surprised at the sharpness of her words. He had never thought about art that way. I mean he knew that art could be used as propaganda, but the subtlety of nuances of a Southeast Asian contemporary art exhibit was astonishing if Kaori was indeed right.
“Ahh I’m not sure how acceptable it is to say out loud. The Japanese can be prissy about discussions on politics. The culture here is rather compliant. People would rather obey than speak up.” she said, fiddling with her jacket as she stared at the film, “ And…I think I’ve made you uncomfortable. Just so you know, I’m not accusing you of anything. Compliance is a structure. ”
He shook his head, “…more than anything I think what you said has given me something to think about. I don’t feel targeted, don’t worry.”
Her vocabulary had become so sharp and radical. Kaori had the tendency to be critical about politics from an early age or “edgy” as some of the schoolmates would describe her, but even this caught him a little off guard.  
“Besides, just because this is all propaganda doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy its other merits,” he said standing up and preparing to leave.
Another couple entering the matted space turned to look at Tsukki. He looked slightly embarrassed.
“That’s right my leftist friend,” she said, winking at him, laughing inside at his discomfort. Tsukki nudged her side as she put her shoes back on.
“God, Kaori! You can be so cheeky sometimes.” he gritted his teeth, muttering at her, helping her up.
“Apologies, comrade.” she teased, walking on her tiptoes towards the next installation.
In the middle of the exhibit was a video installation that filled an entire wall. Mats covered the floor and bean bag chairs were spread all around encouraging visitors to sit and watch the film. A few visitors looking to rest were seated in the area. It looked like a casual film-viewing experience. After sitting in the area for a few minutes, they quickly moved onto to other works.
Tsukki’s favorite installation was probably one from Singapore. There wasn’t much text available about it, except that it made use of Ryuichi Sakamoto’s works such as Andata and Ubi that it was previously exhibited in the National Singapore Gallery.
The installation was fenced like a loose, dark maze. It was pitch black except for the patches of light emanating from tablet sized screens showing vignettes of apartment living rooms at night. The living rooms were shown from different angles all illuminated by TV screens as music by Sakamato, a renowned film music composer played in the background. Each tablet played a different piece.
“I like this one,” he said approvingly, “It’s unlike anything we’ve read in class.It’s more than paintings on walls. It’s a whole room of art!”
“It’s a great way to portray isolation in the cities.” she nodded.
Tsukki had barely pinpointed what he liked about the exhibit. Kaori had already summed up what it was about. The closest work they’ve discussed at class in relation to the installation was probably Rothko, an American abstractionist who painted huge canvases of color in hopes of moving people through the sheer size and emotion emanating from the painting.
“Reminds me of Edward Hopper,” she said, bending down a bit, to look at one of the screens.
Tsukki, who was peering at one the screens placed so low he had to crouch to be able to look, sat up straight. Hopper…that name seemed familiar. He probably took it up in his modern art class last semester. Maybe an American artist.
“American modernist who portrayed isolation of the city living. He had some works portraying how empty cities were during World War 2.” she said, as if reading her thoughts. “The professor barely mentioned it. I became a huge fan of his work when I was younger.”
Tsukki breathed a sigh of relief. Today was a Sunday, but he felt like he was being tested in school. Both of them took their time viewing each tablet, relishing in the details of each screen. They had stayed long enough that the music began to change to atmospheric noises and other atmospheric music.
Kaori had decided she was done before Tsukki was, so she sauntered over his side about a meter away, as not to pressure him to finish up. He sensed she was done and turned to her.
“Do you like this installation?” he asked. Her shape barely carved itself in the dark, but he could hear her breathing softly and the rustling of her jacket gave way where she stood while patiently waiting for him to finish.
“I do. The use of music makes me think about how different this installation would be if the music choices were switched. Andata is looming and melancholic right? It sounds like a silent scream. It heightens the alienation implied by the empty living rooms. If I changed it into something else, the feel would be totally different.” she whispered so quickly that he had to replay what she said in his head.  
Tsukki could sense Kaori was brewing with ideas. She sounded excited, and a little distracted by her own thoughts as if a million thoughts were racing in her head.
“What song would you put in place to change the mood?” he asked.
Kaori brought out her phone. She looked around to see if the light would distract other viewers. Thankfully there was no one else in the installation. She tapped his headphones around his neck indicating that she wanted to borrow his chord. He drew out the chord from his phone in his pocket and handed it to her. His fingers touched the center of her palm.
Illuminated by the light of her phone, Kaori instructed him to look at the nearest screen. He put his headphones on. She played Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes which was a song from the fifties sung by a barbershop quartet. The song transformed the living into a scene of possible domestic bliss. The modern living room juxtaposed with a vintage song created the semblance of residents that liked a fun throwback.
She wiggled her finger and pressed another song, playing “Careless Whisper by George Michael". Tsukki smirked, suppressing his laughter. This was a sharp contrast to Sakamoto and Chordettes’ pieces indeed. He took out his headphones.
“But what would you play to describe your own living room?” he asked.
Kaori thought for a moment and searched through her phone, her face barely lit.
“Ahh” she exclaimed, gesturing for him to put his headphones back. The piece she played combined ambient noises in a park such as the croaking of frogs and chirping of birds and layered with a piano composition that mimicked the sensation of light rains and wind.
“Your living room in Karasuno?” he guessed. Considering he lived next door, the sounds they heard in their backyard were pretty similar.
Kaori nodded, “Sounds like your living room too when you open the windows.”
Kaori and Tsukki were neighbors during Junior High. Although Kaori’s schedule was always tight (even during their breaks) because she wanted to compete at the elite level of gymnastics, they spent many whatever time they had free in each other’s backyard, tossing a volleyball around or watching shows on Tsukki’s computer.
Sometime in their second year, Tsukki became embarrassed about being seen around Kaori in school because their classmates would tease them together. At a time when first crushes and romances were novel, Tsukki found the whole thing an irritable debacle. Although he easily stood up to bullies, the teasing still got to him. He didn’t want people to think Kaori was his girlfriend. Tsukki’s distancing did not sit well with Kaori. She understood his concern but felt that it wasn’t an excuse to stop being friends.
One afternoon, when Kaori’s parents weren’t home. She thought it was the perfect opportunity to hang out with him because there was no one around. The sound of a volleyball being tossed up in the air indicated that Tsukki was out playing in his backyard. It was a relatively peaceful day. The sun was out, the birds were chirping, frogs were croaking in the distance. Tsukki’s footsteps lightly scratched on the dirt beneath his feet.
She climbed the brick wall between them and propped herself up on her forearms.
“Tsukki! Tsukki! Hey!!!” she said, struggling to keep herself on the wall. Tsukki turned to the direction of the wall. He was jolted by the sound of her voice, stumbling back on his own feet.
“How did you climb the wall? What are you doing??” He hissed, scrambling to stand back up. Kaori was like a monkey sometimes.
“Do you wanna watch a musical? Let’s watch a musical!” she smiled, waving at him.
“No.” he sternly pouted, folding his arms and staring at her. He was determined to spend less time with her, the memory of school teasing still fresh on his mind.
“You just don’t wanna hang out with me, because I’m a girl right? If I was a boy, you’d totally hang out with me like Yamaguchi!” she yelled, “You’re not even busy-”
Kaori lost her grip on the wall and slipped down the wall. Tsukki gasped. He heard a thud into the dirt. In a shot of adrenaline, he scrambled up his side of the wall to check if she was alright.
“Kaori! Are you okay?” he asked, holding himself up on the wall. His feet were slipping. He urged himself to stay up.
Kaori sat on her butt. She rolled backwards and quickly stood on her feet.
“I’m fine. Thanks. Didn’t think you’d be concerned,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me “since you don’t want to be friends anymore looks like it.”
“I just don’t want people teasing that you’re my girlfriend because you’re not.” he said, his brows furrowed.
“Why can’t you just tell that? Do you really have to go around avoiding me sometimes? If you don’t want to be friends, I’ll just go find new friends!!!” she said out loud, crossing her arms. Kaori made friends easily, Tsukki had no doubt that she could easily find someone else to bother.
“Everyone nearby is kind of in college. Who are you going to be friends with?” he said, cocking his head.
“I’ll bike to the next corner!” she called out, raising her voice at Tsukki who was struggling to stay hanging on the wall.
Tsukki couldn’t hold on anymore and slipped back down to the dirt of his backyard. He tried to climb back up. He couldn’t. Although he was tall, he was relatively skinny for his height. He didn’t have a lot of strength or athleticism.
“Ok, fine let’s watch a musical. Just don’t be so noisy. You can come over. Bring your own headphones.” he sighed, talking to her from his side of the wall.
When he didn’t hear a reply, he called her name, “Kaori?” Had she gone into her house in deliberate measure to ignore him?
Kaori managed to climb on the wall with her arms folded in front of her.
“Yes? Did you try climbing over again? I heard some scuffles on the wall.” she grinned with a glint in her eye. Tsukki could just feel that she enjoyed watching him struggle.
“Just come,” he scowled, rolling his eyes.
“Ok!” she smiled, dropping back down into her side.
The two spent the next hour and a half in the Tsukishima family living room watching a live recording of “Singing in the Rain” off a computer. They sat squeezed together on the couch with the computer placed on each of their laps. Kaori tapped her fingers to the beat of the songs. Tsukki lightly hummed to the few melodies he was familiar with. Both fully absorbed in the story set at the end of the silent film era.
After they watched the musical, Tsukki got Kaori to toss the volleyball for him in his backyard.
“You should do a routine to ‘Singing in the Rain’! It would look cool with your clubs or hoop apparatus.” he said excitedly. He promised to get Yamaguchi to watch her competition if she did the said routine.
“I think it would be quite good with the hoops too! Hopefully my coach will let me do it next season. Almost everyone does Pop or Classical music in rhythmic gymnastics, it can get really boring.” she sighed, changing her toss to an underhand receive. She hit the incoming ball and sent it up high.
“Nice receive! You’re really improving.” he said, watching where the ball was falling. He promptly catches it with an overhand toss.
“Thanks, it’s from all this tossing that we’re doing.” she said, her eyes glued to the ball.
While they toss the ball back and forth, Tsukki begins whistling the main melody of Singing in the Rain.
“How do you do that? I’ve always wanted to whistle! ” she asked, trying to whistle but to no avail. Tsukki shrugs his shoulders. He tries to teach her how to shape her lips. Kaori tries a couple of times and sighs in defeat. His whistling blends in with the sound of chirping birds and they continue to play until dinnertime.
“Who wrote this piece? It’s great.” he said, moving his headphones back down to his neck gesturing to ask for her phone.
“Belle Chen, she’s a contemporary classical musician. You should download her music” she said, showing him her profile. “What would you play to describe your house?”
“Sukiyaki is something my mom would play.” he thought. His mother had a penchant for 60’s pop songs that she would blast while she cleaned and cooked.
The two exited the installation into a series of dimly lit installations. They found themselves out on a hallway with colorful glass with a long net of wind-chimes on the ceiling.
“Pity that they didn’t put this outdoors. The wind would create more variations with the sound. Here it’s just being regularly blasted by the air conditioning.” she commented.
As Tsukki’s eyes adjusted to the light, he rebutted, “Maybe they placed the chimes here not for the source of wind, but for the light source. If this installation was outdoors, if this whole hallways was outdoors…the transition from a series of dimly lit areas into the sun would be quite jarring. The artificial light with the gentle rustling of the chimes would be a gentle reminder to the senses about the transition of spaces.”
Kaori still thought the chimes were best placed outside, reminiscent of the sound of chimes and bells during a temple visit but Tsukki did make a good argument for its current placement. They sat on the benches laid out on the hallway, listening to the chimes.
“What about here? What music will you play here?” he asked.
Kaori didn’t even blink. She extended her hand for his chord and plugged him in then played Sudden Rush of Memories by the Shanghai Restoration Project. Electronic synth music filled syncopations at the start that mellowed as it went on. Piano mixed with mimicked shuttling of a passing. It was colorful and evocative of a transcendental past.
It reminded Tsukki of the rustling of the wind, trees and sunlight peeking through the branches of “The Spot”. His first adventure at “The Spot”  when he was pedalling home after an afternoon spent at his volleyball youth group when he was 12 turning 13 on his first year in Junior High. He opted not to compete in his Junior High varsity team so his brother suggested that he sometimes practice with the adults from the town association to sharpen his skills in between his regular youth group. Practice had run later than usual and the sky was getting dark fast. He felt relieved that he didn’t have school the next day, so even if he had morning practice, he would have time to rest tonight.
On the last slope of the hill before he reached the street of his home, he heard a frantic pedalling from behind that threatened to derail his peaceful downward descent. He swiftly looked back to find Kaori Miyahara wide-eyed  and struggling to control her bike at the frenzied speed she was going.
In a split second decision, Tsukki hit the brakes on his bike and swerved into the nearest wall he could find to prevent colliding with Kaori. He lightly hit himself on the wall, relatively unscathed. Kaori hastily pulled the brakes as soon as she made it down hill. She pressed so hard that she almost flew off her bike.
Tsukki pedalled down and told her to watch where she was going as she picked herself up onto her bike.
“Can you watch where you’re going next time? That was reckless and dangerous!” he told her off. He re-adjusted his glasses and put himself back onto his bike.
Kaori seemed shaken up and as she looked up to apologise to him her eyes were at the verge of tears.
“I’m sorry!” she said, bowing her head.
Her shoulders started shaking as she slowly lifted her head. Tsukki’s eyes widened. He was tall, even for someone who was 12, so even if Kaori was over 5 feet tall, she looked terribly small to him, especially when she cowered as she cried and pitiable. He held back his impulse to call her lame.
“It’s alright. Hey, look it’s not a big deal.” he nodded, dusting himself returning to his usual nonchalant tone. Kaori would not stop crying. He sighed and got off his bike.
“I said it’s not a big deal. Why are you still crying?” he said, scratching the back of his head in genuine confusion. He had never really made someone cry outside of a volleyball game before.
In between sobs, Kaori explained that she had an early day off from gymnastics today and she had planned to find a spot that overlooked Sendai City to see the sunset. Her friend had suggested a spot and gave her directions, but she was lost for over an hour. With her curfew in mind, she started panicking while trying to make her way home finally coming out into a familiar street just about 10 minutes ago.
“This has been a terrible afternoon!” she hissed in frustration, “I even brought my analogue camera and everything. and now I feel like I’m about to get in trouble for coming home late.”
Tsukki resisted the urge not to laugh. Kaori was crying and fuming at the same time, it was like she couldn’t choose between which emotion to feel first.
“Where is this place?” he said, trying to sound serious. After picking up Kaori’s bike off the road, he walked beside his own bike. “Enough biking for today, let’s walk home.”
Kaori described a spot right off the main road. She said it was somewhere uphill near a small park of sorts where one could see the view of Sendai from a mildly sloping patch of grass. Tsukki kind of knew the general area that Kaori described but he hadn’t been there himself.
“Why don’t you just ask your friend to go with you?” he suggested.
“Well, Yuhana-chan lives in the opposite direction of that spot. It’s very far from her house, she will need her parents to drive her there if she really wants to go.” Kaori thought aloud.
Tsukki offered to draw a map that she could use to get to the said spot for tomorrow after gymnastics.
“Should I pack lunch and just eat there after gymnastics?” she pondered.
“The spot seems nearer from home than your gym. Besides it might be too hot there if you go during lunch. Might as well just go first before you head out in the afternoon.
Besides, there is no way that I’m doing that map tonight, so you’ll have to come back for it after lunch.” he said, raising his nose at her.
Kaori, who was absorbed in her own thoughts about the next day’s adventures, was unfazed by Tsukki’s expression. If the spot seemed warm, she definitely needed to pack snacks and something to drink.
“Sure, thanks Tsukki!” she said heading to her house while waving at him, “See you tomorrow.”
Tsukki rolled his eyes at her. She seemed to have forgotten her day’s ordeals already. Kaori rolled her bike into her house and Tsukki rolled his bike into the side of their house. While he took off his shoes, his brother peered out of the dining room to greet him.
“Okairi, Kei.” he smiled warmly. Unlike Kei, Akiteru was warm, friendly and cheerful. He was affectionate and supportive of his younger brother, conscious that his brother looked up to him. Like Kei, Akiteru was a volleyball player and an ace in Junior High. Tsukki idolized him both in and out of the court.
“Kei, you’re later than usual. Did practice run late to today?” asked Akiteru.
“Practice was alright. Miyahara-san got lost and panicked. She almost crashed into me on her way down the hill because she was rushing home. She was crying for a bit and I didn’t know what to do so I waited for her to stop crying.”
“Oh, is she ok?” Akiteru’s face was marked with concern. He hadn’t expected something so serious to have happened.
“Yeah, it’s like she forgot all about it when she saw her home.” he snorted.
The boys’ mother called them for dinner and the two quickly washed up before heading for the table. After dinner, Kei insisted that his brother helped him practice his passes and receives in their backyard. As Akiteru was tossing the ball and instructing him to bend his knees some more, he asked more about Kei’s day.
“Kao-chan is a free-spirited ne?” he said, passing him the ball through an underhand toss.
“She’s so dramatic. She cries over nothing.” Kei sniffed, receiving his brother’s toss with perfect timing.
“Hmmm…it wasn’t because you were being mean to her or anything right?” Akiteru raised his brow, looking at Tsukki straight in the eye. His younger brother could be cold to kids his age. He felt that Tsukki didn’t have many friends not because he wasn’t likable or inherently a bad person, it was because he didn’t try to be nicer.
Kei hesitated and looked to the side.
“No!…” he exclaimed.
Akiteru raised both of his brows at his little brother.
“…no? Maybe?” he muttered crossing his arms grumpily, “I told her to be more careful that’s all.”
Akiteru laughed and hit him on his side, “Kei, you are a terrible liar!”
Kei cursed quietly. His brother knew him too well.
After lunch the next day, Tsukki knocked at Kaori’s door with the map at hand. She answered the door and peered closely at his map.
“I won’t get lost if I follow exactly this map, right? This is not a prank.” she said, examining the roads he had labelled onto the paper.
“Why would I make a wrong map? That’s too much work.” he said, sounding exasperated that Kaori had doubted him. He was waiting for her to deem the map usable; they stood on her front porch.
“Are you super sure that this is right?” she said, rubbing her chin with her fingers while continuing to inspect the map then peered at him.
“I’ve never actually been there.” he confessed sheepishly.
“I’ll just go with you. I kind of know where it is but I don’t know where the exact place is.” he added, “When I get bored I’ll just bike back.” He was curious what this spot looked like. His brother was in practice anyways so he had nothing better to do.
“Sounds fair,” she said, accepting his offer with her hands on her hips.
Tsukki went back home to grab his book, his phone and his bike. The two met just outside their houses and biked off with Tsukki in the lead. The path to the spot was long winding and a little off the main road. It was overwhelmingly uphill that Tsukki for a while wondered if they should’ve just walked.
After a few wrong turns, they finally found the spot. Just as Kaori’s friend described, there was a patch of grass and a glorious view of the city from a vantage point with plenty of trees. The summer breeze blew by gently. The sight took their breath away.
“Wow….” said Kaori under her breath. She parked her bike on the ground and took her things from the basket. Kaori outstretched her arms and smiled. The wind tousled her hair and jacket.
Tsukki settled himself under a tree and put on his headphones. He opened  his book and folded his legs onto himself. He swiftly lost himself in his reading.
Kaori followed suit and sat near him. She pulled a bento box of sesame cookies and a thermos accompanied by two cups from her bag as well as her watercolor set, sketchpad and camera. Occasional gusts of wind would block her eyes with her hair, but she did not seem to mind. Kaori was busy being content.
When Kaori remembered the food she had set out, she tapped Tsukki on the shoulder and pointed towards the cookies. He took a cookie, thanked her and went back to the book. She poured herself some tea before standing up to take a photo of the view.
The two hardly talked while they immersed themselves in their separate worlds for the afternoon. Kaori sat painting away while Tsukki read with his headphones on. Kaori had packed her own music, but she decided that she liked the sounds of the wind rustling tree branches better.
As Kaori flipped through another page in her sketchpad, she looked up to see that Tsukki had fallen asleep with his hand on an opened book over his chest. She took another cookie and laid on her back. The light penetrating through the leaves of the trees filled her view. She held the cookie with her teeth and took a photo of the sky with her camera.
The click from her camera woke Tsukki from his light sleep. He blinked and turned towards her. Kaori took another photo of the sky for safe keeping - her film camera wasn’t always reliable.
“I like the light from here.” she sighed softly, “It’s like it’s leaking through the sky.”
“Isn’t there a word for that? Komorebi? The light that filters through the trees?” he yawned, picking up his book back up.
“Komorebi?” she whispered to herself. She liked it how it sounded and repeated it to herself a few more times. She stuck out her arms to see the shadows of the tree play on herself.
Tsukki went back to his book. She sat back up to continue to paint. They spent the afternoon on the grass, peaceful and unhurried.When the sunset became apparent, Tsukki began packing his things, preparing to leave.
“It’s time to go,” he said, “It’s getting late.”
Kaori had begun packing her things too. Her empty thermos was stowed beside the cups in her bag. She was carefully putting her brushes away then turned to him.
“Tsukki, but the sunset is just getting good. This is the best part! Can’t we stay a little longer?” she said, unable to look away from the magnificent gradients of the sky.
“I’m going to go ahead, you can stay.” he frowned, walking towards his bike.
“But I’m not sure I remember how to go home. Can’t we stay a little longer….please???” she pleaded, clasping her hands together.
“10 more minutes!” he sighed, sitting back down beside her.
Kaori brought out her camera and snapped a photo of the sunset oohing and ahhing its colors.
“Tsukki, you should have a photo with this view.” she insisted, shuffling him towards the front of the camera.
“Eh? No!” he said, standing his ground as she gently but firmly shoved him away from the tree.
“Come on, how else will you commemorate the discovery of this spot?” she said, poking his side, “Smile ok? Film is expensive. I can only take a few pictures, not like a digital camera.”
Tsukki begrudgingly humored her and smiled in front of the camera. Afterwards, Kaori asked him to take her photo too.
When the photos were taken and the camera was packed away, they headed back down the hill towards their homes. Kaori tried not to yell as her bike plunged down the steep hill. Tsukki biked behind her, afraid to bike in front her after yesterday’s mishap. He gritted his teeth and his bike accelerated into a speed that almost flattened his glasses against his face.
They biked quietly side by side after the hill. The ride was generally silent until Kaori spoke up.
“Thanks for today, Tsukki. That spot is the best place around here. You know I was starting to think this place was boring!” she beamed, “though I was thinking maybe next time we should just walk if it wasn’t so far…”
“We?! You’re planning to drag me here again?” he exclaimed, patting his hair back into place as he saw their street approaching. The sky was holding out its last light, turning into a light shade of purple.
“I mean you don’t have to come back, but I will keep going there and you can come if you like. It’s your spot now too!” she said, turning towards him.
Tsukki never had a spot to consider his before. He had his room, but that wasn’t really the same.
From then on, they knew that patch of grass as “The Spot”. Kaori would return to it. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Tsukki through the rest of her time in Miyagi. When she moved away, it was one of the places she missed the most.
“Kind of reminds me of The Spot…” he murmured, a little nervous as he spoke. Ever since he met Kaori in class, they haven’t really spoken about their past.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been there.” she wondered.
“Yeah, it has been, for us both but more for you I guess.” he said, turning towards her.
“Did you still go there after I transferred out?” she asked, turning to face him. Her eyes were wide and curious. He looked away.
He nodded, “Once in a while. The piece reminds me of our first afternoon there. It was a little windy, we watched the view. You painted and I read.”  
Kaori looked the other way, “We’ve been there so many times, I don’t really remember the first time. It feels like all my memories there have blended together some days.” She sounded quiet and a little embarrassed that she couldn’t remember more.
“At the end of the afternoon, you took a photo. I took one of you too. We watched a bit of the sunset, but we had to go back and you had already asked for ten minutes.” he said, staring down pretending to look at the piece’s cover art.
Kaori kept silent, her hands on her lap. Leaving Miyagi was such a painful memory for her. She tried to leave her memories behind when she landed in Tokyo.
“Why choose to come back to Sendai? You seem suited towards Tokyo.” he asked, genuinely curious. He stared at her, puzzled that she willingly came back to a place that she admitted had brought her so much pain. Kaori was not one for rural and suburban living too. She was a city girl at heart. Tokyo sounded perfect.
“Two words. Scholarship offer. The university offered me a full-ride plus allowance. I didn’t have my National Team funding so it would be expensive to continue doing gymnastics on my own.” she admitted.
Kaori checked the time. They had a little more than an hour before the museum closed.
“Let’s breeze through the permanent collection,” she suggested, changing the topic.
Once Kaori’s feet hit the tatami of her apartment, she hurriedly went through her boxes of photos which she brought with her from her time in Miyagi prefecture and later Tokyo. She found a box labelled “Junior High”. After a few minutes of searching, she found a pile of photos labelled "Others" which she used to refer to any event that didn’t have to do with her family, school and gymnastics life.
Her fingers find two copies of the same photo of Tsukki with their first sunset at The Spot. One of the copies had writings on the back.
She had written “Thanks for bringing me here, Tsukki. We should go back!” in her script, signed with her name and the date. She must have meant to give this to him, but totally forgot.
The photo untangled their many memories in The Spot and brought back a rush of memories specific to their first afternoon: the light from the trees, the cookies and Tsukki falling asleep beside her with his book. It had been almost six years and Tsukki still remembered it all as clear as day.
Kaori picked up her phone to text him. “You were right, I did take a photo. I found it. Will bring it to you when we see each other at uni. Find me in the library tomorrow?”
In the next hour, Kaori sat on her floor and flipped through her photos from that spring. She played “Sudden Rush of Memories” by The Shanghai Restoration Project as she carefully inspected each photo to see if she remembered when they were taken and with whom. At each syncopation and rest in the music, she felt her heart stop as she reminisced on her past that she had buried when she moved to Tokyo. The nostalgia of her time in junior High mixed with memory of her injuries and her parents’ separation brought a wave of inexplicable emotions.
The next day Kaori was in the library trying to cram some study time between her last class and her training when Tsukki pulled out a chair across her and brought out his books.
“How did you find me?” she jolted up, visibly surprised.
“You sat at this spot the last time I was in the library, thought I’d find you here again.” he said in hushed tones, “and didn’t you tell me to find you in the library before your training?”
Kaori ignored his question and slipped the photo to him. Tsukki’s expression asked whether she was lending or giving it to him. She flipped the photo over to show him the writing.
“I had two copies made because I wanted to make sure you got your own. It’s yours now.” she explained quietly.
Tsukki carefully slipped the photo into one of his books and began studying. He had some time before his training began. They sat absorbed in their separate worlds, catching up with their school work and passing the hours of their afternoon allowed by their schedules with their books.
When Tsukki got home after his training, his brother had already laid out dinner on the table. He had made cabbage salad, and pork cutlet curry bowls on top of the usual miso soup and rice. Akiteru greeted him brightly and shuffled dinner from the kitchen counter to their dining table.
“Let’s eat!” he said, gesturing for his younger brother to come sit. Tsukki put away his things and brought out one of his books from his bag.
Tsukki nods. He quickly puts his sweaty clothes away. His usual bag was getting smelly, he aired out his books while on his desk. He brought out one book to read during dinner.
Akiteru noticed the photo slipped into the book. He pulled it out to look at it. He flipped it around surprised to see the handwritten note at the back.
‘Who took this photo?” he casually flips the photo surprised to find the writing at the back. He smiles a bit.
“I didn’t know you kept this after all these years.”
“I didn’t. I met Kaori the other day. She gave me this.”  
Akiteru raised his brows, eyes widening as he inspected the photo.  He hadn’t heard about her since she left. When she moved, he assumed it was permanent. What brought her back?
“She’s in Miyagi again?” he commented with a neutral tone.
“Sports scholarship offer from the university,” said Tsukki.
“We were in the same class last semester and I ran into her the other day. That’s all.” explained Tsukki, sipping through his miso soup. His tone indicated that was the end of the topic.
Akiteru nodded and backed away from the topic. His younger brother was not ready to talk about it. He put the photo down and began digging through his rice.
Kaori’s relationship with Kei was unique in many aspects. For one, he calls her by her first name despite his persistent habit of addressing his few close friends strictly by their last names. Kei had always been private about the time he spent with Kaori. Even when the two were close, Kei kept his stories and comments about Kaori to a minimum.
After chores and homework were said and done, Tsukki laid down on his bed. He took the photo back out and played “Sudden Rush of Memories” with his headphones on. The piece took him back to many an afternoon, lying flat on his back as the spring breeze gently blew by. He could hear Kaori’s camera clicking beside him. Closing his eyes as if he was back on “The Spot” for the first time, he placed his hand on his chest and dozed off into the night.
Read the rest of the chapters:
|| Chap. 2 (AO3) || Chap. 3
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Always Here
Connor Walsh & Michaela Pratt (How To Get Away With Murder)
Warnings: MAJOR TW: Rape, Trauma, PTSD, Swearing
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Relationship
Summary: Following the less than poor advice of her ‘friends’ Michela finds herself at the apartment and in the hands of a piece of scum eager to take advantage of her. Connor is not having any of it, rushing to her rescue and impatient to teach the bastard a lesson, punish him for the horrible, disgusting thing he did to his friend.
Requested by Anon as a birthday fic. Hello dear, happy birthday! Hope you have the best one yet! Sorry for the downer of a fic for such a happy day in your life (I was genuinely surprised when you requested such an angsty fic but I’m not complaining) hope you enjoy the read nonetheless. Enjoy your special day, hope you have a ton of fun and make great memories! Lots of love, Vy ❤
“Nah, I think you’re judging him too heavily.“ Laurel comments, taking a sip from the coffee cup on her desk, “He seemed rather nice when I got to talk to him last week. He seems to be really into you too.“
“Well, just because he’s into me doesn’t mean I’m into him.“ Michaela points out, irritation in her voice and a shudder running down her spine at the memory of the creep Laurel talked her into meeting a week ago - Charles Mahoney. Michaela immediately felt the oddest and creepiest vibes coming off the guy, but Laurel was persistent and Michaela tried to talk herself into trusting her friend’s judgement, despite her gut screaming at her to get out of the situation, accompanied by the alarm going off wildly in her head. The guy didn’t do anything to set off those alarms and he wasn’t acting like a creep per se but as Michaela put it when complaining to Connor later that same day: He seemed like a creep trying to act and behave like a normal person would. Connor noted the odd feeling he had in regards of that guy.
It was something about his demeanor, but not something she could pin-point to Laurel and use as concrete evidence that her gut was right. And, as a lawyer, she knew that without concrete evidence she wouldn’t get anywhere with that argument.
“Or it just means you’re too picky.“ Laurel swoops the file out of Michaela’s hands, earning herself a death glare from her friend, “Who says you have to date the guy? Just have some fun, a couple of drinks. Maybe a hook-up if you’re feeling it. Who knows where that might lead?“ She sits back down and flips open the file, eyes skimming over the text as if the discussion is over on her part.
Michaela’s about to complain when Asher decides to share his two cents on the subject, “Right! I agree with Laurel, he seemed like a nice guy. To be fair, we didn’t get to talk much, but he seems like a cool dude. Easy on the eyes too, not gonna lie.“
Michaela rolls her eyes, having heard enough about this Mahoney guy from these two. In fact, they’ve been playing this game of persuasion for two days now, neither of them giving a concrete reason on why they were doing it. Although, she might have a guess on their intentions: a few too many drinks one night and she ended up spilling her guts on how lonely she feels sometimes. She did her best in that drunken state to pack the emphasis on ‘sometimes’ but Asher and Laurel seem to have brushed past that bit, seeing as how they’ve made it their personal duty to play matchmakers. If only their choice of guys to pair her with wasn’t so crappy, they may have come in handy to fill the nights she didn’t have any work to do and really felt the lack of company setting in.
Seeing no other way to get the two off her back for good other than feed into their attempts and humor their ideas, Michaela sighs exasperatedly, resting her forehead in the palm of her hand as she speaks, “Will you get off my case if I give him a call and go out with him tonight?”
Asher opens his mouth but Laurel cuts him off before he can throw their chances of succeeding with this in the water, “Permanently. A lawyer’s word.” She nods, giving Michaela a tight-lipped smile that’s supposed to represent faux innocence which instead hides her fondness of her success at last.
“A lawyer’s word doesn’t mean much.“ Michaela mutters under her breath but pulls out her phone nonetheless, standing up to exit into the hallway to make the phone call to Charles Mahoney. She stops in her tracks, turning on her heel to face Laurel once more before exiting the room, “We need a safe-word, just in case.“ She snaps her fingers, trying to get a simple word to come to mind for the purpose of a GTFO signal.
Laurel suddenly gets an idea, “How does ‘trophy’ sound to you?”
Michaela can’t help the shiver that runs down her spine, “Like a nightmare and a ton of bad memories.” She replies bitterly, knitting her brows together in a displeased frown.
Her friend tilts her head to the side, “Then it’s perfect.”
She contemplates Laurel’s reply for a second. Well, contemplates the whole situation and the decision she’s about to make. Sure, it might not be final and she could still cancel if she changes her mind later on, but it’s still a borderline ridiculous move to make. But, when compared to finally being given some peace from the pesky Asher and Laurel, she finds spending a few hours with Mahoney to be worth it. 
So, with that, Michaela turns back around, heading out in the hallway to make the phone call she has no idea will lead to the worst moments of her life.
                                                             *  *  *
“Oh shit!“ Laurel curses, quickly disconnecting her phone from the charger where she had left it while her and Asher went to buy some dinner for the rest of the team to enjoy back at the office after Annalise had called in they were on their way and they had some important news to share with them. Some concerning news, if her voice was anything to go by.
“What’s up?“ Asher asks, setting the plastic bags he’s been carrying on his desk.
“Missed calls and texts from Michaela. Twenty seven of them, almost all saying ‘Trophy’.“ Laurel replies with a sigh that’s a mix of frustration and concern. The call goes to voicemail almost right away which only fuels the concern as she taps the button to call again. “Shit, she’s not answering.“
“She’s texted and called me too.“ Asher says, taking a look at his phone, “She could be in danger.“
“I know, Asher! I know she could be in danger!“ Laurel snaps, squeezing the phone tightly, pressing it against her ear, swearing and fighting the urge to slam it on the floor when the second call also goes to voicemail, “Damn it!“
Just then, the door to the office opens and in walks Connor, closely followed by Annalise and Frank who he ran into on his way in. The mention of a ‘she’ that could be in danger immediately puts him on edge as his eyes skim over the room, looking for his frenemy - Michaela Pratt. ‘On-edge’ is replaced by an early onset of panic when he takes in her absence, connecting the dots that the ‘she’ Laurel was referring to is indeed her. But, just to be safe and avoid a false alarm, he decides to fake nonchalance and ask:  “Danger? What’s going on here?“ He tilts his head, his gaze switching from Laurel who’s still trying to reach Michaela to Asher who is doing his best to avoid eye-contact with anyone in the room.
Annalise cuts the crap, way less nonchalant than him, “Where’s Miss Pratt? Didn’t I tell you all to stay in one spot?“
Laurel looks to Asher for backup, but when she realizes she’s clearly not gonna get any, she turns back to look at Annalise, feeling as though she’s shrinking under the woman’s intense and powerful gaze. “I-it’s my fault. Michaela left before you called and...”
“And she’s now gonna come back! Call her and tell her to return her ass here as soon as possible!“ Annalise cuts her off, her eyes glinting with anger the Keating 5 were so used to seeing yet were terrified of just the same no matter how many times they saw it.
“Well, that’s the thing. She left two hours ago to meet with Mahoney and she isn’t picking up her phone and...“ Laurel trails off, the words dying down in her throat, failing to reach or leave her mouth.
“And we think she could be in danger.“ Asher whispers, finally finding it in himself to speak up despite feeling guilty as all hell.
Annalise’s eyes widen as her heart drops, a sickening feeling overcoming her in the form of cold sweat covering her whole body at once, “YOU THINK?!” She snaps, eyes briefly blurred by tears. “You think she could be in danger when she’s in the hands of a fucking rapist?!”
The phone slips from Laurel’s hand, falling to the floor with a crash at the sound of that word. Asher’s reaction is not different by much - he becomes but a frozen statue in his spot, both him and Laurel looking at Annalise with deer-caught-in-headlights looks and pale faces that suggest Annalise’s heart isn’t the only one that’s dropped. Fear, guilt and despair has paralyzed the two in their spot, unable to think of something to do. Unable to find it in themselves to move.
One person, however, doesn’t remain paralyzed. He takes action, driven by his protective instinct that has set off all the alarms in his head and has sent shots of adrenaline pumping through his veins at a rapid pace. With trembling hands, Connor pulls out his phone, the one calm part of his brain reminding him of his pact with Michaela to always share their location with each other. Opening the app, he reads the address out loud. “Where is that place?!” He snaps, unable to contain his anger that’s blended in with the dreadful sense of fear for his friend’s safety and well-being which are most definitely at a huge risk at this very moment.
“The fucker’s apartment.“ Frank replies, looking up from his own phone where he had looked up the address Connor read out.
Without a second to spare, ignoring the fact his blood’s run cold and the numbness in his face and limbs, Connor takes off, running out of the office and straight to his car, closely followed by the rest of them.
“Connor, wait!“ Annalise attempts to stop him, but you cannot stop a hurricane with your bare hands. And this hurricane is a raging beast with a mission to save his friend and teach the fucker who’d dare touch her or harm her a lesson in the form of beating him bloody.
‘God, please tell me I’m not too late‘, he chants to himself silently, praying for the first time in a long while. ‘Please, keep her safe just a little longer, then I’ll take over.’
Little does he know, the worst has already happened.
                                                              *  *  *
Michaela feels herself coming back to her senses. She doesn’t want to wake up though. She wants for her eyes to remain closed and for her to perish, never again to be seen by the world outside of this apartment that to her now represents hell on Earth. Her survival instincts are kicking in but rather lowly and slowly, almost as if they’re afraid of scaring her or making her snap. So, instead of making an effort to move, she stays completely still and listens, takes in her surroundings. She can’t see much without turning her head which is facing the ceiling, but she’s too afraid to do so. As if her body has been rigged with explosives and the tiniest movement could set them off.
The first thing she hears is the sound of a shower running not too far away. The sound is faint but not faint enough, and neither is the humming that’s accompanying it. She recognizes the tune, she’s recently heard it. With a slight tilt of her head she catches a glimpse of a coffee table which has red wine spilled on it, one wineglass has fallen over and is still dripping tiny red drops alike blood on the carpeted floor. She vaguely recognizes the setting and she feels sickened looking at it, but it takes her a moment or two to place exactly why she feels that way.
And then it hits her.
The tune the voice is humming, she heard it in a bar earlier. The bar she went out to have drinks at. With Charles Mahoney. The Charles Mahoney who then persuaded her into going back to his apartment for a continuation of their drinking session. She remembers the repulsion she felt at the thought of going, but she wasn’t receiving any help from neither Laurel nor Asher whom she has texted and called countless times. So, she succumbed, regretting every step she took that led her closer to his apartment. Her gut was screaming at her the whole time, repeating over and over how bad of an idea that was and how she should make up some bullshit excuse and ditch the situation.
But she didn’t.
And he took advantage of it. Of her body, her tipsy vulnerability. Of her.
It was my fault
With that horribly wrong thought in mind, tears rush to Michaela’s eyes prickling them, begging to escape and relieve the tiniest portion of her pain. She allows them to, the silent tears slowly turning into suppressed sobs that escape her aching chest as she continues lying on that couch, helpless and in pain that cannot be healed or seen.
Her sobs come to an abrupt halt when a round of aggressive and loud knocks, or rather bangs are delivered to the front door that right beside the living room. She only then becomes aware of the subsiding of the running water in the shower. She renders herself silent, faking unconsciousness when she hears the bathroom door open, followed by hurried footsteps coming down the hall, passing the living room and stopping at the front door.
Charles had expected many things, but what he didn’t see coming was the punch that sent him falling to the floor with a broken nose as soon as he opened the door. He didn’t even get a good view of the person but he recognized the voice that called out to the girl he had raped barely an hour prior.
“Michaela!“ Connor shouted, his chest aching, heart racing so loud he could hear it in his ears. He rushed down the hall but stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of the living room where he found who he was looking for. And he found her in a state that broke his heart, “Michaela! Oh God, I’m too late! Fuck!“
Hearing the familiar voice of her friend, Michaela’s eyes snap open, catching sight of Connor’s concerned face hovering over hers. “Connor.” Her coarse voice barely makes it out of her throat in the form of a choked up sob.
Grabbing a blanket from the nearby armchair, Connor wraps it around Michaela covering her almost completely naked her body. Securing the blanket in place, he takes her face in his hands, directing her gaze to his eyes to prevent her from looking anywhere else, prevent her from seeing anything that will further confirm what has happened to her. “It’s ok, you’re ok now. I’m here. I’m here, Michaela and I will never leave you again, ok? You hear me? Focus on my voice, ok? It’s over, he can’t hurt you ever again. The cops are on their way...”
“Hands in the air! Get up! Search the apartment!“ Just as Connor says that, the urgent shouts of cops come from the hall, startling Michaela while also giving her the smallest spec of relief as she once again breaks out in a fit of uncontrollable sobs that are the result of that mix of trauma, emptiness, relief and disgust.
Connor wraps his arms around her pulling her close and resting her head on his chest, not making any attempts at subduing her cries, aware that she needs to get it out of her system before having to face and deal with anything else.
“Michaela?!“ The shout of her own name doesn’t get registered by her, but Connor hears it and feels rage building inside of him when he sees Laurel, Asher, Annalise and Frank enter the living room, “Oh God, Michaela, I’m so sor-“
“You’ve done enough damage!“ He snaps at her, the message meant for Asher as well, “Leave her alone, she’s had it with you and you bright ideas!“
Just then, a cop approaches him and Michaela. He’s not spared Connor’s death glare either, but he doesn’t allow himself to be too intimidated by it, “Sir, we’ll need to take Miss Pratt to a hospital and then to the station to give a statement.“
The rage continues bubbling up inside of him but forces himself to stay calm, seeing as how he’s talking to an officer, “You really think she’s fit for an examination and questioning right now? Can’t you see how traumatized she is?”
“It’s procedure, sir. We must follow a very strict protocol in these situations. Miss Pratt needs a proper examination and all harm done to her needs to be aided and handled properly.“ The officer makes another attempt at persuading the distressed Connor whose arms are still wrapped around the trembling Michaela who suddenly raises her head off his chest, placing her hand there instead.
“It’s ok, Connor. I-I can handle it. But...“ she trails off, a stray tear escaping her eye again.
“But what? Tell me, what do you need?“ he takes her hands in his, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
She inhales shakily before replying, “Could you stay with me? I mean, could you come with me for...well, for it all. I don’t wanna go through it alone.” She bites her lips, still looking down where their hands are connected, unable to look him in the eyes because of how weak and pathetic she feels that request was.
“Of course, Michaela. I wasn’t planning on leaving even if you tried chasing me away.“ He gives her hands a reassuringly, “I’m always gonna be here for you, ok? Never forget that.“
That finally gets Michaela to look up and allow her eyes to meet his. Fresh tears have welled up in her eyes, having grown emotional because of Connor’s words as she whispers a barely-audible, ‘Thank you.’ which says a lot more than just her gratitude for him accepting her request.
It shows how grateful she is to have a friend like him, to have him as a friend. How thankful she is he found her and is willing to stay with her through the nauseating experience she’s about to endure. How happy she is to have found a safe haven in his embrace - his arms serving as a barrier, keeping her safe and shielded from the world that has harmed her so many times and will continue doing so. She’s just glad she won’t have to heal her wounds on her own, all alone. She’ll never have to deal with anything by herself, cause she has him - someone she trusts. Those people have been rare in her life - the trustworthy ones - Connor has the privilege to be one of them. One day, he might even hear her say it, not that he needs to hear it to know though.
That’s what their friendship is - a connection that doesn’t require verbal communication in order to reach an understanding. Even if that understanding has more often than not been ‘agree to disagree’. Still, a friendship as strong as a fortress nonetheless.
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missaudreyhorney · 4 years
(Almost) Every Idea Ever
Although I rarely ever finish writing a fic, that never stops me from getting new ideas for them. Terrible, horrible, dumpster fire ideas. Okay, some of them are wholesome on occasion, but mostly it’s just filth. I've excluded a couple of things because either they were just too awful to mention or I’m currently working on them and I want it to be a surprise.
The first story I started to write this year was original fiction but with the main male character heavily inspired by Jim Hopper. It was about a recently married young woman having an affair with her father-in-law. This really set a precedent for the rest of my ideas and should indicate to you the level of depravity on this list.
Hopper x Reader:
Hurts So Good series - In 1982, Reader is Mayor Kline’s daughter and has a crush on Chief Hopper. She decides to pursue him and things don’t go quite as planned but they still end up having steamy, rough sex. A secret affair begins between the two of them but it eventually leads to heartbreak. Heavy emphasis on Dom/sub and pain kink. - Initial pursuit, fingering in the car, sex (60%) - Phone sex the following day (70%) - Rough sex, bordering on consensual nonconsent (partially written) - Introduction to Daddy kink (notes) - Body worship (notes) - Bruise kink (notes) - Facesitting (50%) - hurt/comfort throatfucking, an argument, angst/fluff (75%) - Orgasm denial/control (70%) - Possible gunplay? (Unwritten) - Disciplinary spanking (notes)
Dress You Up series - In 1985, Hopper meets plus-size!Reader at JCPenney when he comes in to pick out a shirt for his date. After Joyce stands him up, he decides to come back and ask Reader out instead. Probably the cutest idea I’ve ever had for smut. Inspired by flamehairedwritings and flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash. - 1st meeting, 2nd meeting, date, sex (50%) - 2nd date, a continuation of My First Drabble (partially written) - Meeting El and she’s standoffish (notes)
Domestic Smut - Reader and husband!Hopper are at the cabin alone together one weekend. After breakfast, she tries to wash the dishes but the sink is broken, the water squirting everywhere. A water fight turns into a tickle fight which turns into kitchen table sex. (50%)
Hopper blindfolding Reader during sex at the cabin (Notes)
Hopper blindfolding Reader during a blowjob in his office at the police station (Minimal notes)
Hopper rubbing a popsicle on Reader’s body then licking it off (Minimal notes)
Hopper coming over to Reader’s house, unannounced, late at night, in the rain, for a quick rough fuck. Inspired by one of the pictures from the Playboy shoot. (Partially written)
Licking Hopper’s hand and arm veins to get his attention while he reads the Sunday newspaper. (Unwritten)
Sucking Hopper’s cock while he smokes a cigar on the porch and either ignores you or looks at you with disdain. Inspired by a compilation video of David smoking a cigar on Instagram Live. (Unwritten)
Consensual nonconsent fantasy where Hopper touches Reader and tells her to say no to him while he’s making her cum. Rough, forceful sex immediately follows. (Partially written)
Bootlicker - anti-cop Reader has a secret fetish for cops and Hopper is more than happy to oblige them and keep quiet about it. (Notes)
Working out my own personal issues via smut, bigender-questioning AFAB Reader puts on Hopper’s uniform shirt and hat. Much to their delight, he says they look like a boy. He also says “If you’re going to dress like a boy, I’m going to fuck you like one.” Basically just incredible anal sex while Hopper calls Reader a good boy. Extremely niche subject but the fantasy of this is so affirming to me, I can’t not think about it. (Notes)
Hopper x Reader requests
A sequel to Little Magnum where the dog is a few years older. There is maybe also a cat? (Unwritten)
Fire & Ice - Reader is playing in the snow when it’s getting dark outside. Hopper tells them to come in but they don’t listen. Reader falls and hurts their ankle then Hopper gets angry at their disobedience. Not because he’s a jerk, but because he can’t imagine his life without Reader and doesn’t want to lose them. Angsty hurt/comfort. (~70%)
Replacement idea since Fire & Ice was much too angsty - Reader gets stung by a bee and Hopper freaks out. Reader is fine but he babies them nonetheless, because again, his greatest fear is losing them. Very cute and silly. (unwritten)
Freezeframe - Reader bought Hopper a Polaroid camera for his birthday and he hasn’t used it months later. Taking matters into her own hands, she uses the camera for some naughty selfies. Once Hopper finds the pictures, he decides to assume the role of photographer and gets some very intimate shots of Reader. (80-85%)
Morning Wood - Reader lets themself into the cabin early one Summer morning and sees Hopper in bed, fully nude, just a sheet covering the part they want to see most. Hop wakes up, invites Reader into bed with him, and a blowjob ensues. Very detailed description of his body. (Notes)
Hopper gets injured and needs Reader to patch him up. She gets pissed though for him being in yet another dangerous situation where he yet again gets hurt. Reader reprimanding him leads to confessions of feelings which leads to sex. (Unwritten)
Reader has been feeling ignored by Hopper lately and decides to make him jealous to get his attention. She flirts with another man at a bar while Hopper watches and seethes with rage. He punishes her by dragging her into the parking lot then spanking over the tailgate of his Chevy Blazer. Rough sex and more spanking goes down back at the cabin. Based on my jealous!Hopper headcanon post. (Partially written)
Principal Hopper  - One of the worst ideas I’ve ever had, which is saying A LOT. High school principal Hopper catches one of his 18-year-old female students spying on him between classes and confronts her about it. Sexual tension bubbles up until neither of them can control themselves. Based on a fantasy told to me by a friend who I will not name. (Notes)
Hopper x Reader AUs
Messing Around With Jim series - A continuation of The Big Game, Afterschool Special, and Third Time’s A Charm. Modern!Hopper and Reader having all kinds of sex. - Fingering, gentle sex, tender orgasm control (50%) - Period sex, vibrator (Notes) - First blowjob, a continuation of A Sampling (partially written) - Hop eating Reader’s pussy for his birthday (minimal notes) - Fingering in the car, truck bed sex (notes) - Another blowjob, rough sex over the hood of a car (partially written) - Pussy eating at the park (notes) - Hop not understanding FaceTime, fluff, smut (unwritten) - Roleplaying how they met, sex at Reader’s parents house (notes) - July 4th fingering, rough sex, surprises (notes) - Remote control vibrator (partially written) - More pussy eating, this time in Hop’s cutting edge shirt (partially written) - Yet another blowjob, this time in a movie theater (unwritten) - Jealousy resulting in overstimulation/”forced” orgasms (notes) - 4 part miniseries about butt plugs/anal sex (notes) - Confronting her parents, angst (55-60%) - Learning about Sara, ANGST! (notes)
Vacation series - modem!Hopper and Reader go on vacation together. That’s it, that’s the plot. Idea from David’s Croatian vacation pics and conversations with Tayler. All just notes at this point. - Christening the hotel bed - Bratty Reader getting semi-publicly punished - Hopper taking care of drunk!Reader, humor, fluff - Double date
carpenter!Hopper - Reader is recently divorced and hires Hop to make repairs on her house before she sells it. Graphic detail of him doing manly things like sawing and hammering. Porn with plot. Inspired by another friend, she knows who she is. (Notes in the form of a 500-word summary)
Detective Hopper - various bits and pieces of ideas inspired by David being digitally handcuffed to Darren Criss and Michael Stuhlbarg in Vanity Fair, plus a few pictures in 2016. (Unwritten)
Captain Hopper - a collaboration with @pkg4mumtown. She said she was thinking about fire captain!Hopper rescuing her from a burning building and I told her my pre-existing firefighter idea of being saved and then wanting to thank him in a variety of ways. Things snowballed from there and I decided we need to write it. Mostly just notes so far. - Initial meeting, first date, sex - Second date, making dinner together, sex
Hopper x Joyce:
There is a list of my Jopper ideas (Various degrees of notes)
Teenage Joyce and Hopper meeting in high school and their relationship that follows. Maybe a oneshot? Maybe a series? (Notes)
Hopper x Billy: (Over 18-years-old and no longer in high school!)
1940/50’s AU - Hopper meets expat Billy at a cigar club while on vacation in Havana. A familiar face, so to speak, in a foreign land. Hop pays Billy to take him back to his apartment and “keep him company”. Maybe two chapters? Inspired by a photo of Dacre Montgomery in GQ Germany. (Partially written.)
Hopper catches Billy “renting his time” at a truck stop outside of town and threatens to arrest him, but Billy bribes him with sex. (Unwritten.) I’m sorry but there’s just something about the idea of rent boy Billy that I absolutely love.
Hopper + Billy + Reader - completely implausible threeway (Unwritten)
David Harbour RPF:
AU where instead of being an actor, he’s a drama teacher at a high school in New York City and the kids from Stranger Things are his students. Pure fluff. (Please write this for me!)
Giving him a blow job before an important event. TWO different versions. Inspired by numerous photos of David wearing a robe. (Minimal notes)
Riding his thigh and everything that entails. Inspired by a picture of David from GQ Mexico. (Minimal notes)
touch-starved!David hires a sexworker during the pandemic because he’s lonely quarantining by himself. No sex. He literally just wants a hug and someone to be affectionate with him. Unconventional fluff. (Unwritten)
Other DKH-related shenanigans:
Let’s Ride sequel - Reader goes on a second date with Deacon from SoulCycle, they go out for sashimi and end up at his place. He has a cat that he inherited from a neighbor. Reader teaches him how to put her in a chokehold. (Unwritten)
Alexei Shostakov smut - some type of Bond Girl situation where Reader has to seduce him. Just an excuse for me to lovingly describe his large tattooed body in vivid detail. (Unwritten)
The Stranger - Reader has an ongoing affair with a mysterious man whose name is never mentioned. They meet at high society functions and hook up in fancy hotels. One night, he finds out that she’s married and punishes her for her dishonesty. Inspired by a photo of David looking annoyed in a tuxedo. (Notes)
Daddy Dom/little girl roleplay fantasy. Sweet, smutty, and slightly taboo. (Notes)
Daddy’s Little...Helper - Me, as submissive!Reader, watching Daddy jack off right in front of my face after he comes home from work. Based on a conversation with an Instagram friend and a picture of David in the play “Cal In Camo” where he’s holding a beer bottle between his legs. (65%)
Stranger Things x Twin Peaks crossover - Chief Jim Hopper comes to Twin Peaks to help Special Agent Dale Cooper solve some type of paranormal mystery. Perhaps a parallel between The Black Lodge and The Upside Down? I think this would work really really well, but I can’t write it myself. (Please write this for me!)
In conclusion: Yes, I know I need to have my head examined. Yes, I know I spend too much time thinking about Jim Hopper. Let me know if you LIKE these ideas. Please do not let me know if you hate these ideas.
Tagging: @manawhaat @strangest-hour @007swhore @kingphillipblake @david-harbour-arg @misshawkins1993 @oxforddrama 
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cashforrester · 4 years
rank all the songs on the trolls soundtracks!
Alrighty! Since there's 33 total, I'm going to start at #33 and go up to #1, aka the best song in both Trolls combined soundtracks! Please note that I'm not up to debating any of these placements and if you try, I'll scream -- I'm not an expert on much, but I am on the world of Trolls and that's absolutely final. Also worth noting is that even #33 is a masterpiece; this list really isn't from bad to good, it's more from 'pretty good' to 'absolutely rocked my world and changed it forever more!'.
33. The last place spot goes to "Rainbows, Unicorns, Everything Nice" from Trolls: World Tour! It’s a fun little bop and it got a small chuckle out of me but in the end, it’s super short and a little too obvious.
32. “The Other Side” by SZA and JT has to score low. I know it was used to bookend Trolls: World Tour or at least the instrumentals were, but it’s one of the more boring songs on the soundtrack which is the closest to a criticism of one of these songs I’ll have.
31. “Just Sing”, the non-film version, goes here. I know this seems low and it kind of is, but that’s because outside of the context of the movie, the song doesn’t have the same punch! The movie version will be higher on the list!
30. Next goes to "What U Workin' With?" by Gwen Stefani and Justin Timberlake from Trolls! It wasn’t super utilized in the movie so it’s just kind of a spare song on the soundtracks, even if it is a fun bop! I still dance along when it comes on my playlists but the other songs are more integral to the plot.
29. The next spot goes to "Don't Slack" by Anderson Paak and Justin Timberlake, aka the voices of Prince D and Branch! It’s used in the credits of Trolls: World Tour and they’re cute little credits and a cute little song but because it wasn’t used in a more relevant way, it has to rank lower than the others.
28. "I Fall to Pieces" by Sam Rockell, aka the voice of Hickory from Trolls: World Tour comes next! It’s a short but totally funny country tune that’s used well in the plot and made me smile. It is very short though and more of a joke than anything else, but the music isn’t bad so here we go!
27. "Rock N Roll Rules" by HAIM comes next and it’s a really REALLY good song, don’t get me wrong! I love the instrumentals and how they’re used in Trolls: World Tour and I still wish they’d gotten the lead singer of HAIM to voice Queen Barb instead of Rachel Bloom, but ultimately it just reminds me we didn’t get a great rock vocalist for the most important character in the sequel.
26. "It's All Love" by Andersen Paak has to come next! I love this song actually but there’s two versions on the soundtrack and this is the non-film version so it’s got to score lower than songs actually used in the movies, but holy heck, it’s a really good song, I’d highly recommend it.
25. Another song that’s just used as a joke is "The Sound of Silence" by Anna Kendrick, aka Poppy in Trolls and this ranks higher than the others because it was the first real joke song and it made me laugh so hard I cried!
24. "Barracuda” is the worst of Rachel Bloom’s vocal performances in Trolls: World Tour and I hate to say it, I really do, but at times on this one, you can definitely hear that she isn’t a rock singer. It scores higher than the others so far because it was used in a super plot relevant moment and super effectively! AND the most offensive part of the song to my ears, when she says the titular word horribly, was cut out of the film, so it gets 26th instead of last place for being a song that’s hard for me, the King of Suspension of Disbelief, to take seriously.
23. “They Don’t Know” by Ariana Grande comes next. It’s a fun bubbly song that fits Gristle and Bridget’s first date in Trolls perfectly and it made me really really want a roller-skating date at some point in my life. It gets points off for not being able to understand the words and also because none of the characters actually sang it. Songs in the backgrounds of musicals score lower with me.
22. I have to put “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake here. It’s one of my favorite songs ever but the film version is even better! It gets higher than other non-film versions because of how much it was used for advertising, it basically became synonymous with the Trolls franchise and that sparks joy.
21. And on that note, I have to put “True Colors” the non-film version, before we get to our top twenty. It’s such an amazing song but in the scope of the Troll world... well, the film version is going to score way higher, you’ll see.
20. "Trolls 2 Many Hits Mashup" in Trolls: World Tour has to come next. It’s the last joke song, and the highest scorer because at least they committed to the joke of pop music being way too much! The scene in its entirety is hilarious and all the voice actors really did their best! 
19. "Leaving Lonesome Flats" from Trolls: World Tour comes next! It loses some major points for not being sung by a character in the movie but it’s basically sung by the location that is Lonesome Flats and I love that! It’s a fun little country dirge that really makes us feel transported and it also slaps.
18. "Crazy Train" is maybe the average of Rachel Bloom’s performance as Barb in Trolls: World Tour. It’s over the top and not necessarily in a good way but it’s inoffensive to the ears and a good song notwithstanding whether it’s a cover. 
17. "Trolls Wanna Have Good Times" has to come next which isn’t fair, really; the only reason it’s not higher is because it’s clearly trying to do as well at an opening medley as its predecessor Trolls did with their opening medley. As it often is with sequels, the opening number really didn’t measure up. It was made up of some really fun parts and it gets points for having personalized lyrics (’lived underground away from the world till I had my life changed by a beautiful girl. Just need the guts to tell her that she’s the one’? Amazing!)
16. "Hair Up" from the opening of Trolls comes next! It’s purely sentimental that its this high but every time I hear this beat, it’s like I’m about to start watching Trolls and my whole mind and body get happy so it had to be top twenty, although not fifteen because it’s not the best of the best.
15. "Born to Die" by Kelly Clarkson, aka Delta Dawn, from Trolls: World Tour comes next. My favorite songs from the sequels were the introduction songs for the most part, and this song did a great job of summing up the differences between country trolls and pop trolls. It was great for plot, character, and conflict! It’s just not the kind of music I bop to - ironically, it’s lower than the other introduction songs for me because it’s not fun, which I know is their whole thing, but my whole thing is having fun!
14. "Atomic Dog World Tour Remix" is the funk trolls introduction song in Trolls: World Tour and it’s funky and fun and fresh and I love it! There’s not that much to say about this one, it’s used pretty quickly but very effectively from a storytelling standpoint! It quickly puts us into the world of the funk trolls.
13. "One More Time" is a very nearly perfect introduction song for the techno trolls in Trolls: World Tour! I love how the emphasis of this song is the instrumentals and the dancing more than the actual words -- the techno trolls are big on synchronicity and beats and it’s something that differentiates them from the other kinds of trolls and also makes them a devastating first colony to attack in the movie. They’re all about unity and togetherness and something about attacking and tearing apart the group that’s all about syncing up is so tragic.
12.  “Rock You Like a Hurricane” is the best Bloom sounds in the movie as Barb, and it’s also her introduction song, not surprisingly. The instrumentals are amazing both as a display of talent and power and her voice lends itself well to the moment; it’s a great opener for the rock trolls and it made me so excited to see more from them!
11. “Perfect for Me” is Trolls: World Tour’s answer to the excellence that was the True Colors duet and it was really cute! It wasn’t quite as perfect for the moment as True Colors was, which is funny because this one was written for the movie but I don’t know, since it was written for the movie, I’d have hoped it’d be better? More fitting? It’s a fine enough song that sometimes I listen to sadly while lying down in my bed but in the Trollverse, it’s not top ten material.
10. “September” comes next! It’s the song that the Trolls start singing as soon as they escape the Bergins and it’s their celebration song and I love it for that! It’s also used in the credits of the first movie which makes me love it more; I don’t know, it’s performed and sung really well and makes me really happy. The top ten all spark MASSING amounts of joy.
9. “It’s All Love (History of Funk)” is one of the best songs in the sequel! I love the way the funk trolls go through the history of funk and music, and the beats are amazing and the lyrics are so good and the movie’s scene is SO GOOD. I can’t articulate how much I love that the funk trolls show their history through album covers instead of scrapbooks like the pop trolls. All the vocalists are crazy talented and something about the beat just...yes. It’s just a yes.
8. “Yodel Beat”! It scores surprisingly high if you haven’t seen Trolls: World Tour but if you HAVE seen it, you’ll understand why! It’s one of the best songs for musically punctuating a moment that the entire franchise has and I still get goosebumps thinking about how that scene was executed and how this song played such a massive role in it. Big fan, big fan!
7. "I'm Coming Out" / "Mo' Money Mo' Problems" is just hilarious! I love this scene in Trolls, as it’s the first example we have that Trolls and Bergins can work together, as well as the fact that Bergins can be happy without eating trolls, since Bridget is so confident and awesome! I also give lots of points to mashups and medleys and this was an unexpected one that just worked!
6. "Just Sing (Trolls World Tour)" is the best song in the sequel, hands down! When all the leaders of the different troll counties sing together? It’s amazing, every single time! It’s so meaningful, the fact that music is the most important thing in all of their lives and how it’s what ultimately unites them. I shed a tear every time, honestly. I’m tearing up thinking about it right now.
5. "Hello"  in Trolls is performed EXPERTLY by Zooey Deschanel. Did anyone know she was that funny? Because holy carp! She’s hilarious! I love this song and scene, it was one of the first scenes in Trolls that made me realize this movie was on a whole other level! It had to be top five!
4. "Get Back Up Again" by Anna Kendrick aka Poppy has to be a high scorer! It’s an original for the movie and it’s so damn good! It’s optimistic and encouraging and I love it for the movie and the character but I also love to listen to it when I need some help getting up or feeling like it’s going to be a good day. I will get back up again! It’s a great philosophy and a fantastic reminder that life can knock you down but that you’ll be good!
3. Top three times! The best medley in the movie has to be here, and that’s "Move Your Feet" / "D.A.N.C.E." / "It's a Sunshine Day"! It’s our introduction to the Pop trolls in the first movie and it’s crafted so good! I love it! No matter how many times I listen to it, it makes me so so happy the way the songs flow together. Any world where these songs exist and fit together as well as they do is a world I want to be sucked into for at least the next two hours of my life.
2. THE FILM VERSION OF “TRUE COLORS”! Is my number two pick! It has to be! It’s so impactful and emotional and romantic and if I ever get somebody to want to marry me, an instrumental cover of this has to be our first dance song, I’m sorry. It’s so beautiful! And the film version somehow makes an amazing song even better! WHEN THE TROLLS HUG TIME WATCHES CHIME OFF IN THE TUNE OF THE SONG?! AS THEY FACE THEIR IMPENDING DOOM?! IT’S AMAZING, SHOWSTOPPING, LEGENDARY, ICONIC. I’m getting sweaty just thinking about it!
1. If you know me, you knew “Can’t Stop the Feeling”, the film version, was gonna be number one! The buildup to that moment in the movie is cinematic perfection, the performance is dazzling, and the feeling it leaves in you is unforgettable. It’s the song that’s played when the trolls teach the Bergins that you don’t need to eat other sentient species to be happy, you just need to find the magic and music inside of you, and it’s a lesson I learned while watching -- this movie and this song unlocked a power inside of me to smile and be happy with just myself and it’s absolutely... it’s just everything. It’s everything and I love it and I love you, whoever you are, who sent me this ask, because getting to think about and go through all the songs in Trolls that I love, it was awesome.
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honesty hour!
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minah-delacroix · 4 years
At any price (Part II)
Universe: Dynasty AU
Characters: Minah, Sungjae, Tyler, Jane, Tara, Ashleigh
Word count: 3,7k
The ambush
“Your office is coming together” Tara took an appreciative look around as she walked through the transparent double doors into Minah’s and Tyler’s new office. The room was a spacious and very luxurious penthouse Tyler had picked with Minah’s demands and taste in mind. 
So far it was decorated in white, all clean lines that contrasted with the dramatic floor-to-ceiling French windows offering a magnificent view of the Thames. Across the room, there was a well-stocked bar and a golden cart with empty buckets of ice. Tara inspected the shelves and a smirk came across her lips when she noticed her brother’s favorite brand of scotch and Minah’s rosé of preference on them. “But I have to say it, Minah,” Tara said “I thought you’d work from home, this office still has a lot of work to go through”  she raised a suspicious brow as she sat across her friend
“What can I say?” Minah shrugged giving her a strained smile. “I love this place already” There was no need for Tara to know Minah had been spending most of her time in that office simply because she couldn’t stand to see Sungjae at the manor. Not the mention that Christmas season was fast approaching and horribly enough every tradition in the Delacroix household reminded Minah of him, the comforting sandalwood smell of his home and-
“Only you would plan a party in 24 hours to prove a point” Jane Durand’s voice resounded in the almost empty room, forcing Minah to push the memories of Sungjae away and refocus on the present day and the reason why she’d called her friends in the first place.
“Well, it’s a launch party, it’s supposed to be fast,” Minah said matter of factly, pulling a list in meticulously neat handwriting from her leather journal. It was a list of people she’d carefully curated, keeping in mind that her company was supposed to be leading a whole new generation of fashion pioneers.
“Why are you really doing this?” Jane suddenly asked, throwing a quick glance at Minah before letting her eyes wander around the place and eventually land on a picture of Tyler and Tara that rested on top of his desk.
“To get the company the attention it deserves?”  MInah’s mouth twisted into a lopsided smile as she distractedly scrolled down her tablet “To woo new clients?” She spoke as though the answers to Jane’s questions were obvious, but her friends were still looking at her, eyebrows furrowed, concern evident on their faces.
“Hmmmm” Jane lips pursed as she eyed her best friend with disbelief.
“Why are you always hmmm-ing me?” Minah questioned defensively. The last thing she deserved was to be ambushed by her own friends or get interrogated for something as harmless as a party. 
Truth be told, the party had a lot to do with the fact she needed a distraction from Sungjae and very little with her business advancements, but no one needed to know that and especially not the people in front of her. Jane would tease her mercilessly about pining over an “insignificant assistant” and Tara would probably get offended on behalf of her brother. After all, it was Minah who chased Tyler for business. Tara’s next words proved her point.
“I just think it’s a strange coincidence that you’ve openly rejected my brother more than once, but the moment Ashleigh hooks up with that assistant you’re totally not having sex with, you’re back to focusing on Tyler” Tara bit down on her lower lip.
“Minah just goes where the attention is” Jane attempted to help her friend out, but Tara only grimaced, eyes widening in disapproval.
“That’s so off”
Whatever the humming was meant to mean, Minah rolled eyes at her friends. “Ok, are you gonna help me plan this party or not?” 
Tara sighed, shaking her head half amused, half irritated as she took the tablet from Minah’s hands “Is this the guest list?”
“Where’s Ethan Smith or Lennox?” Jane questioned, craning her neck to check the list.
“Or any of Tyler’s contacts?” Tara peered at Minah questioningly.
“I need to introduce him to bigwigs we can make business with” Minah began explaining although it didn’t seem like she was making a good job at convincing Tara because the young woman was still frowning at her “Tyler’s taken a lot of loses with that tech startup fiasco, which makes a lot of his old contacts losers”
“That is tech, Minah” Tara shifted on the chair, looking at Jane briefly as if asking for her support on this one.
“Losers turn into winners with one idea” Jane shrugged casually.
Minah shut her eyes and took a deep breath “Fine, I’ll invite Tyler’s contacts”
“See? You can be a team player” Tara patted Minah’s hand, smiling at her like a proud mother who’d just successfully taught her child an important life lesson.
“Hmmmm” Minah let out a noise that barely expressed any feelings, but her friends took as a first victory.
The guest list
Minah had lunch with Tara and their friend Enzo in the trendiest and most exclusive restaurant in London, but there was no two hundred pounds unsatisfying dish or company good enough to stop Minah’s mind from diverting to that last conversation with Sungjae and the pain streaking through every now and then. Everywhere she went, she felt haunted by memories of Sungjae that just wouldn’t leave her alone. Minah was willing to admit she missed him desperately, but that wouldn’t stop her from simultaneously hating his guts and wishing she had the determination to leave Delacroix Manor. Or at least close the chapter of her life where Sungjae was a main character.
“I’ve been getting texts all day” Minah’s thoughts were interrupted by Tyler walking into the office, mouth easing into a bright smile that contrasted with the frowns Minah had been on the receiving end of, for the last couple of days. She’d been busy enough to wonder or actually care about Tyler’s mood swings, but she couldn’t deny she felt somewhat relieved to know Tyler was back on his good side “People are actually excited to come” He was so plased that he didn’t even called Minah out on the fact she’d cancelled their weekly strategy with the lukewarm excuse of “not feeling good”.
“And here’s the menu.” Minah pushed a piece of paper across the table when Tyler sat in front of her “The chef is a good friend of mine and I got the mixologist from the Home House”
“Nice” He nodded in approval, but his face suddenly fell into something more like what Minah had been getting over the last couple of days —silent judgment, sadness?, maybe a bit of resentment even��.  “And the guest list?”
Minah offered her tablet silently and Tyler scrolled down for a few minutes, nodding in approval every once in a while.
“You know what? Maybe we should add Harry Cheng and Henry Shanks” Tyler suggested casually —maybe too casually. “I just heard they’re in town” At Minah’s lack of response or at least a sign of recognition of their names Tyler went on “They founded the whole-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know who they are” Minah said with an eye roll “I tried to poach them when I was at DG“ she explained with a strange gleam in the eyes “I took them to Jean-Georges at The Connaught and then in the middle of dinner they turned me down. Of course I went ballistic and-“ Before she could tell the whole story, Tyler chimed in looking unexpectedly amused.
“I might’ve heard that story” He smirked “Wait, no I read it on Forbes when they landed on the cover.” Tyler said, putting emphasis on the words Forbes and cover. “Something about you threatening to crush them into nerd sauce”
“Ok, well, I’m not wrong” Minah watched Tyler press his lips together, a vague sign of disapproval . “Look, these guys think pocket protectors are high fashion”
“All I know is they developed a body heat adjusting textile we need desperately for the next collection” Tyler stared at Minah for what it felt like forever and she refused to look away, their interaction fraught with tension until Minah spoke
“Well, I try not to operate from desperation” she replied naturally, a slightly forced smile on her face.
“Yeah?” Tyler’s voice turned grave “Well, I want them there”
The pair exchanged looks. Minah’s eyes searched his in an attempt to find out if he was just putting a façade, but at the lack of evidence she just gave in with a deep weary breath.
“Minah, what’s more important?” Tyler’s expression softened, reaching to grab her hand across the desk “Your pride or this company?”
Minah didn’t think such an obvious question deserved an answer.
The baby
The Lee siblings’ residence looked like another mansion with white walls and glass front, but once people made it through the main iron gates, there was a domineering and intimidating aura that made everybody realize how utterly powerful the their family was. Even for people like Minah who’d grown up basking in luxury, their residence resulted praise worthy. However —quite predictably— the grand lengths Tyler had gone to decorate the venue of Envoûté’s launch party had people gasping and ‘ooh-ing’ once they began filtering into the gardens of the manor.
Although it was nearly winter, the place looked as though time had frozen in spring, with gigantic spirals of pink and purple lysianthus and stargazer lilies flanking the patio and flowers suspending from the fake ceiling Tyler had installed just in case rain poured. The crystal chandeliers emitted a slight coral glow that offered a romantic and enchanting ambiance.
Music flowed capriciously across the gardens as the last rays of the sun filtered through the ceiling, giving an angelic glow to even the most unwelcome guests, like Maude Olivier who was talking to someone Minah thought looked awfully familiar.
“You liked it?” A voice behind Minah spoke. She turned around to see Tyler, clad in a black velvet suit —with the huge embellishment of a dragon on the side—, offering her a glass of champagne.
“Every major player under 40 in fashion joined” Minah smiled genuinely for what it appeared to be first time in weeks. “I can’t believe I am saying this, but you outdid yourself, Lee” She added, looking at the music ensemble, eyes focused on the masterful and magical execution of the electric violin. 
“And you even got me my fashion tech geeks” Tyler commented proudly, referring to Harry Cheng and Henry Shanks, who looked like a couple of lost puppies at the bar, awkwardly holding glasses of floral gin “They look like they could use an apology” He said teasingly, moving dangerously close to speak into MInah’s ear.
Minah blamed the shivers down her spine on the backless Marchesa dress she was wearing and the cold weather outside the garden structure, so she only shook her head, both as a response to Tyler’s question and as a reminder that she’d been rejecting his advances for nearly a decade. There was no reason to change that now.
“I guess they’ll have to wait for that” she shrugged with a smirk “It’d be rude not to greet the guests first”
Tyler gave Minah a judgmental look, but she ignored it, climbing up on stage, making the music stop and the attention to immediately turn on her.
“Hello everybody” From that position Minah could recognize some familiar faces among the very chic crowd, Tara, Jane, Jaehyun, Mark, Adela Kim, the Deveraux brothers, even some of the old clients of Delacroix Group and a few celebrities. “I would like to be the first welcoming you to Tyler’s house” Applause broke out. Though Minah felt all eyes were on her and Tyler, she joined in clapping politely. “I have a very important announcement to make….” It was just then when Minah recognized who the woman talking to Maude Olivier was: Ashleigh, who now had Sungjae’s arms wrapped around her. “Tyler and I are having a baby” she blurted out of the blue, causing the crowd to lapse into silence and Sungjae to look over in her direction, expression unreadable  “Well, technically we already did, Maison Envoûté” Everybody automatically relaxed, laughing and clapping. “And while it’s not a literal baby, this new step means just as much to me” This, Minah said it sincerely, eyes moving to find Tyler leaning against a cocktail table, his sister patting him in the back. “I am proud to introduce you to my new family, starting with my brilliant partner, a man who trusted me with his money, brand and the only man I’d trust with my baby, Tyler Lee”.
The faux-job
“So you’re telling me you’re not upset that Ashleigh showed up?” Tara asked, her perfectly plucked eyebrows raised in concern.
“Or that she brought the guy you’re not sleeping with?” An equally concerned Jane handed Minah a glass of chilled rosé and looked at her closely, as though she were expecting her to show symptoms of a disease at any moment.
“It's fine they’re here” Minah said unconvincingly. She downed the glass —the fifth of the day— and clung tightly to the Marie Antoinette coupe, so much she was surprised the glass didn’t crack in her hands. Minah’s mind wandered a bit at that, the image of a deep cut and her hands bleeding non stop suddenly invading her brain. It was almost like a scene from some horror thriller, one of those she was so fond of and Sungjae considered morbid. “I didn’t even noticed they were here” she shrugged.
“Just drop it, girls” Minah said sternly., acutely aware of the way her friends were looking at her —a mixture of pity and exasperation. “I said I’m ok” Minah waved to one of the waiters dressed in Tiffany-blue frac coats and picked another drink from the tray he offered. She downed it without hesitation, the bubbles pickling on her tongue.
“For god’s sake, Min, slow down” Tara whispered scandalized.
“I think I actually need something stronger” Minah looked around just on time to catch Sungjae kissing Ashleigh’s forehead. “Do you want anything from the bar?” She asked. Not waiting for her friends to reply, join or stop her, Minah turned on her heels and walked away. She waved and smiled at the people greeting her and politely dismissed some others who attempted to start a conversation, until she bumped into Harry Cheng and Henry Shanks.
“Oh, you two made it” Minah forced what might have been the millionth smile of the day.
“Yeap”, Henry replied with a grin. “And we brought a bottle to celebrate that our stocks are selling at 20 dollars today” he bragged, showing off a bottle of something Minah couldn’t even recognize. Some tacky drink she supposed.
“You said we’d never get over 10 without the Delacroix Group behind us” Harry remarked, smiling viciously at Minah.
“Yeah, I remember what I said, Harry, or Henry whichever one of the two you are” She said peering at the bar just behind them “I have no time to reminisce about the past. Today is supposed to be about the future.”
When Minah made it back to where she left Tara and Jane, holding two glasses of mojitos that were practically 90%tequila, none of her friends was to be found and Tyler seemed engrossed in a conversation with Leo Dyson, someone important enough for their business, but a jerk who didn’t how to accept no for an answer.
Minah leaned on a cocktail table checking her phone, waiting for anyone to rescue her from standing around uselessly.
“Nice party, Minah” The incarnation of Minah’s worst nightmare spoke coming from behind her. Ashleigh Hastings materialized, her skinny frame clad in a tacky champagne silk slip dress that Minah would’ve probably used as pajamas in the worst of her days. “I didn’t expect you to invite me”
“And I didn’t expect you to show up” Minah deadpanned. “Especially not with a date” She added wondering where Sungjae was “Cling much?”
“Obsessed much?” Ashleigh sniggered “Why can’t you just accept Sungjae dumped you? Can't you recognize a healthy relationship when you see one?”
“I don’t care the slightest bit about your relationship” Minah said slowly, trying her best to remain collected.
“Good” Ashleigh grinned “You won’t mind Sungjae is taking me on a little vacation along with his family, then” She announced, lips twisting into a snarl. “We’re going to Bristol this weekend"
Minah remained unimpressed although disturbing images of a bleeding heart were now assaulting her mind, “Well, if you even last that long”
“Don’t be bitter” Ashleigh laughed “You must have know that the whole assistant with benefits situation had no future”
“And you think yours it’s fated love?” Minah chuckled, free from any real amusement. “I doubt he recognizes you in broad daylight” Even Minah had to admit that she was surprised at how calm her own voice sounded. She mentally patted herself in the back.
“Look who’s talking” Ashleigh scoffed “Did you ever think that maybe you two never were official because Sungjae didn’t want to be seen with you in public?” That one was a low blow. Not even the alcohol in her system helped deaden the pain crushing Minah’s heart. Suddenly overtaken by the curiosity and doubt, Minah allowed her eyes to scan the place desperately, looking for Sungjae until she found his silhouette —she would’ve recognized Sungjae in a football stadium— inside the house, phone pressed to his ear.
“You know, normally I like to get the last word, but tonight it’s not about personal grudges. It is about business” Minah threw a quick disgusted glance at Ashleigh dress “And despite it all, I hope you’re mature enough to recognize where the future of fashion is” She then turned her back on her, adrenaline going through her veins when she noticed Sungjae moving to another room of the house and with the satisfaction of knowing —without even looking— that Ashleigh was fuming.
“You look like you could use some company” MInah closed the door of one of Tyler’s guest rooms behind her, briefly startling Sungjae who was still on the phone and quickly made an excuse to cut the call.
“What are you doing here?” Sungjae asked, unsure of what was going on and clearly confused by Minah’s presence.
“I could ask the same question” Minah said, expression hardening “I didn’t think you could be this petty, coming to my launch party with Ashleigh”
Sungjae looked down. If Minah knew him as much as she believed she did, he seemed ashamed.
“You’re doing a great job at making me jealous if that’s what you’re trying to” Minah smirked viciously.
“I’m on a date with my girlfriend, this has nothing to do with you, Minah” Sungjae didn’t even look at her, and Minah chose to believe that he didn’t want to risk giving into her. Minah knew exactly how to taunt him and the way she was standing, back against the wall, the straps of her dress barely in place were just too much for him. She knew it.  Not even Sungjae’s rock-solid resolve would be enough to resist her.
“No, you’re doing this to get back at me” Minah insisted, her hands moving to grab Sungjae’s, to which he didn’t refuse. “I know you’re upset about the other day and I’m sorry about it. I really am.”
“I don’t want your apologies” Sungjae muttered, voice hardening although his eyes were fixed on Minah’s body.
“Tell me what do you want, I know whatever it is, I can give it to you” Minah made Sungjae’s hands hold her by the waist and she leaned in to kiss him. They were so close that Minah momentarily worried Sungjae might hear the beating of her heart against her ribs.
But Sungjae pulled away from Minah suddenly, looking angered.
“Stop it, Minah” He shook his head “You’re being ridiculous, sex is not gonna get you out of this one”
“That’s what you’re saying, but your body says otherwise” Minah attempted to draw close to him, but Sungjae gave a step backward.
“Minah, whatever you’re under the impression you’re doing, it’s not gonna happen,” He said firmly “It’s over between us. You didn’t even want a relationship in the first place.” Sungjae pulled the door open.
“You never invited me to spend time with your family” MInah pouted, not even understanding where all those accusations and resentment were coming from.
“And you never introduced me to your family as your boyfriend” Sungjae countered back.
“Because they would’ve fired you” She replied as though it was beyond obvious.
“I could’ve got another job!” Sungjae raised his voice, startling Minah and sending her a sharp eye before turning around to leave.
“Don’t pretend you care now, Minah” cut her off “You didn’t catch feelings overnight”
Minah’s eyes burned but she just dug her nails into her own palms. Somehow hurting herself seemed like a better idea than letting Sungjae see her broke down. “You seriously think I never cared about you?” Minah scoffed offended, pushing past him to leave the room and get back to the party.
Minah bumped into Ashleigh as soon as she stepped into the living room and it was clear that she was looking for Sungjae. That’s exactly why Minah licked her lips and pretended to fix her dress, smirking at the woman when Sungjae walked out of the same room.
Once Minah joins Tara and Jane back in the party, she watches amused how Ashleigh crosses the garden, tears streaming down her face, but the satisfaction is short-lived as she realizes Sungjae is chasing after her. Minah takes another swing of champagne and drags Tara and Jane with her to the dancefloor. The crowd parts for them, leaving the space in the middle of the room.
“I thought you forgot this was meant to be our party” Tyler yells over the music, pressing yet another flute of champagne into her hand.
“I would never, Ty” Minah drinks from the glass without even realizing what it is until she swallows. She stumbles forward into Tyler’s arms and smiles seductively at him, raising her arms and wrapping them around his neck. Then she closes her eyes letting all the haunting memories and hurtful comments from the day wash down with the rain that starts to pang against the fake ceiling, coating the transparent glass with thick raindrops.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Bonus (What If? #7)
What if Fairy Tail was like Shooting Starlight?
tfw spoilers kind of mess with this post concept
Fairy Tail is not Edens Zero. I made an important post about the different drives between the two for EZ Week 2019 on my main blog, so I don't want to say too much about this here. However, I have to admit that this isn't an unfair aspect to discuss when the two come up in my discussion. Especially since this was what drove my post.
Although, I feel like this isn't impossible as it may seem. Fairy Tail may have a reputation as a sort of "family outside of the family". But how would I "corrupt" the guild's nature?
For the uninitiated, Shooting Starlight is the guild members of the main cast of Edens Zero is a part of. While their involvement with the guild is rather inconsequential, the guild isn't as friendly towards its members. The bond between members is more arbitrary than Fairy Tail members. One member outright antagonizes another.
Now that's all well and good, but what's this have to do with this idea? It's not like there's a way to do this justified by canon, right?
Consider the following.
First, the guild has a fairly bad reputation in the land of Fiore. The fact that the manga starts with the council talking about the crazy antics of the guild is fairly important in canon. But this is something that could be manipulated towards my purposes.
The rest of the first arc has moments that could work towards this end. Natsu (very understandably) isn't excited to entertain Lucy as she joins him and Happy to find Macao and (less understandably) tricks her into the Daybreak mission. He goes to find Macao only because Makarov said that a wizard who couldn't survive the mission doesn't deserve to be a part of the guild and refuses to send help to him.
Keep in mind all of this happens after a giant guild-wide brawl. Miraculously, the guild functions despite these being regular occurrences. That everything else happens on top of that, I could easily make this idea work.
Finally, for this rewrite, Natsu doesn't love the guild to start the series. You know that speech about how he cares about the guild members as his friends, including Lucy and the people he was fighting? Not in the rewrite. His logic of stopping Bora as a phony Fairy Tail wizard? Not in the rewrite. I have him grow into his canon love and that would help with this type of guild.
What that would look like in Fairy Tail is interesting. While I could imagine several ways to do this, the best way to do this in my mind is to play off the Phantom Lord event. In canon, Laxus has an issue with the way the incident was caused by Lucy joining the guild. I would make that the start of a rift in the guild. The camps would align behind Laxus and Erza depending on how members think of their bonds as guild members. (I don't need to say much on the differences.) The issue for Makarov would be recognizing that dichotomy and doing his best to keep the two sides within one guild.
This would come to a head with two big events in the series. The first would be Fantasia. I don't want to go into too much detail about how this arc would change (read: I don't want to think too hard about this). The important thing is that Laxus is expelled from the guild, as in canon. But with him, those who sided with him also leave the guild, obviously including the Thunder God Tribe. Erza, then, becomes the one to convince Makarov to say as the master. At this point in the series, Laxus won't have too many supporters.
That would change with the second big moment: Tenrou Island. I would make two big changes to the arc, other than the obvious changes affected by the first one. First, Laxus doesn't go on the island at all. The Strongest Team can defeat Hades without his help. Second, the guild swings in favor of Laxus' view. The members we see as part of the guild in the canon x791 arc are broken off into the "old Fairy Tail" while Laxus leads this "new Fairy Tail" as a separate guild.
There are two ways to go from here. One is to have the guilds come to join again as a whole guild at some point. Either they all come together after the Grand Magic Games as a win condition on some kind of bet or the Alvarez Empire invasion reunites the factions. Otherwise, the guilds continue as two separate entities. Though something like the aforementioned invasion may force them to cooperate, the guilds stay as two distinct bodies.
With this explanation, it sounds like I've forgotten the basic idea of "a guild that doesn't value members". While one would likely turn Fairy Tail into pre-Grand Magic Games Sabertooth, this method isn't without its benefits. My explanation of this doesn't account for an obvious point of emphasis for Erza's faction: is it worth it? Is splitting up the guild worthwhile when you want the members to be a family? Should they consider their old section as a part of their family in the first place?
This also helps when thinking about some of the background characters. You can delve into the logic behind a character who doesn't get much screentime. Would they side with Laxus or Erza, and why?
For example, Chico C. Hammit isn't a name I'd expect many fans to recognize. But I could use her secret feeling for Laxus as a reason for her to join his faction. On the other side, Bisca might find a connection between Erza's acceptance of Lucy, despite causing the Phantom Lord incident, and Erza's acceptance of herself into the guild, despite faking membership to threaten people.
As a side note, this adds some interesting dynamics to guild relationships. Elfgreen goes from a semi-canon ship we see by the end of the series to its original bickering state. Erza and Laxus clash as ideological opposites and guild masters. And don't get me started on how much of a field day one could have with the Grand Magic Games as a factor in this. If I were to do such a thing, original arc ideas would delve into what this divide means for the guilds.
The reason why I'm not doing this should be obvious. This requires much more thought and restructuring of the series than I can afford. Even my biggest changes to canon can still work without too much work. Even as I'd say the series is about the guild, this is more extreme than I can make happen.
Based on Part 1
What If? #1 | What If? #2 | What If? #3 | What If? #4 | What If? #5 | What If? #6
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shaonsim · 4 years
Thoughts on the writing of itv!!! What kinda show would you writeee
My friend. My hero. Thank you for sending this in. Thank you so much!! You gave me such a wonderful opportunity to blab about stuff.
THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The writing of ITV, you ask? Hang on my friend, this will be a WILD ride. A wild ride. This will be loong and wordy and a little incoherent, jumping from one point to another, but this will tell you a lot about how I feel about the writing of ITV.
And yes, this will read like a letter to the CVs because I am totally incapable of abiding the rules of grammar and I don't want to edit all this.
And I apologise for the out of context references that seeped in with time. Sorry, couldn't help it. I will gladly expand upon any of the references.
The main thing with writing (according to me, but I don't like repeating this disclaimer since by asking the question you already know that this will be my personal opinion, but still, for safety purposes)...The main thing with writing is that the core concept can be summed up in one single paragraph, and then you add words for emphasis.
You write in a thousand situations, in different styles, only for the message to hit home.
Look at our Epics.
Ramayana can be summed up as the Ram-Ravan conflict in a good Vs evil way. Lakshman is the devoted brother, Hanuman (ji) is an ardent devotee of Ram-Sita.
Mahabharata is basically another story of good Vs evil, where Duryodhan is the evil guy , Shakuni is an evil mastermind, 99 Kaurav brothers (+ Karna) the sidekicks, and the rest of the Kurus (+ Drona and Kripa ) as the silent voices of reason.
And almost every event emphasises these points. Because that's the story.
Look at Harry Potter. Three kids (young blood/new generation ) fighting against the big bad and pointing out and fixing the mistakes of the past along the way.
Look at Kalpurush (I read it during the quarantine and I am in love ❤ ) , where the main theme is that a mother worries whether the circumstances will lead to history repeating itself, whether a son will follow his father's footsteps, and whether she would be happy if he did turn out to be like that.
Technically, it is the same with shows.
Sasural Simar Ka began with the concept of the deep bond between the sisters, then moved on to supernatural forces interfering with the Bhardwaj family. The theme changed, but it didn't vanish.
Swaragini began as a show revolving around the sisters, and it stayed like that for forever, even when the plot went sideways and the sisters were pitted against each other.
Kumkum bhagya is a show where the leads battle kidnapping, murder attempts, misunderstandings etc and come out longing for each other and dreaming about happier times (the same was the theme of Pavitra Rishta too, if I remember correctly. But with less kidnapping.) And now the show has taken a leap with a love triangle between the kids (look, another similarity between kkb and pr. Go Ekta)!
KZK2 *cringe cringe* is all about AnuPre who love each other but don't end up with each other because of various reasons.
ITV has this thing down pat.
But it fails to come up with proper events to highlight their core concept and of course, they fail to choose an interesting theme for the show, but heyy, human mind and relationships is a gold mine for ideas. It is fascinating, and quite enjoyable, if it is done right. Am I biased because it is my favourite genre? Yes of course.
But the point stands.
Another important part of writing is that in order to come up with plot points that will reinforce your main idea, you need to come up with a cast of interesting characters, and develop their background to give you an ample opportunity to create the above mentioned plot points. The spectators, onlookers, the influencers need motivation - reasons for their actions.
Think about Karna. Think about Drupad-Drona. Think about Bhishma-Amba. Think about Jayadrath and his boon.
Sub-plots, side-plots. Parallel storylines.
For the most part, ITV fails in this department. The characters or stories they introduce are a) boring (either because we fail to understand their motivation or because they are diluted versions of the leads) or b) annoying because of their over enthusiastic and blind favouritism for the lead character they support.
^ Casting and acting also plays a major part in this (ugh Chandni ), but most of the time, it can be solved with focusing on the actor's strengths and weaknesses and changing the dialogues based on that. A writer can change things.
That's their job.
If your side characters are not interesting enough to deserve a story of their own, you aren't trying hard enough. That said, if you can't weave in their story in your main story, do not focus on the side plots. No one is interested in seeing your hodgepodge of TWO (or more) stories. It should all come together in the end, it should become one BIG story. Bring it all together!!
But do focus on the side plots, because there is only so much you can do with your leads, especially in the romance/family (whatever you call it) genre that occupies 90% of tellywood (and for good reason too!!)
A good plan is to create events with one of your main character and a group of characters (how small or big a group is for you to decide). If you force the audience to look at two/three supporting characters, no body will be happy.
Use your leads!!!!
Also, PLEASE use the show Vs tell method.
You want us to know that the male lead is adored by his sister? Show us. And by that, I meant scenes where we can see the bond they share, NOT dull monologues where the sister sings praises of her brother (a few monologues are fine though). You are an audio-visual medium.
Monologues are for written things. Where we only have the words and our own imagination. Here, you have the tools to present us with the pictures, with the words they speak to each other.
Don't waste it.
In the same vein, do not repeat dialogues. Not word to word (don't repeat the same thing with different wording multiple times in a single episode or a week of episodes). Switch it up, and if you have to, have to repeat stuff, use an actor who has decent facial expressions and voice modulation. If the actor is stiff, robotic, then don't use that actor to parrot your lines. Seriously.
<< Not to hate on anyone in particular but Prerna's 'Anurag Anurag Anurag' is very annoying, for reasons that are better left unspoken >>
Hey, hey, you know what else is an integral part of writing? Research. Making a show on doctors? Police? Engineers? Lawyers? Chefs? Do your research. And if you want to take the short cut and go with the convenient business men/women trope, by all means, go for it. GO FOR IT. But show them working, and no, not because of tracks revolving around the business, but always. Running a business is a full time responsibility. Show that. I repeat, show that. Show that the character isn't home 24x7, show late night meetings, show files neatly stacked (or strewn about, your choice). Show the products or materials involved in the business. Show your characters being exhausted with the amount of work, show their involvement in their work. Or don't, if that suits the story and your character is neglectful, or if you have a proper reason to have them take some time off. Pay attention.
Time for a checklist.
Central theme? ✅
Side plots (+ characters)? ✅
Edit things because of the actors? ✅
Show Vs Tell? ✅
Research? ✅
How much DRAMA is too much drama? ❔❔
Now, this is a product of my curiosity (+ me posting the Fic Which Must Not Be Named), but I think this fits nicely with the rest of this answer. I wouldn't explain this in detail because the original post does a much better job (and I need validation, so go read that post) but to think, that ITV tells us stories of other people, and whether it is this very question, this doubt, that leads to the numerous kidnappings and accidents/fire/misunderstandings we see in 90% of the shows.
Okay, time to return to the checklist.
Oh. Oh! I forgot my favourite part.
The influences of the audience. Every writer has a story to tell. And while it is difficult to think that the ITV creatives know what they want to do with their story, I would give them the benefit of doubt. Besides, as a writer myself, I know that 80% of writing is having no clue as to where you want to take the story. ANYWAY, back to the topic at hand. I think, if everything was written and shot before telecast, we might get cohesive writing. As it is, the creatives put out some content, look at the reaction, and try to maintain the highs or fix the blunders, by hook or crook.
And the story suffers.
Complete revamping of tracks, characters behaving worse than pendulums, repeat of romantic scenes, bringing in new characters out of the blue - I believe, most of these things occur in a rush to fetch (or maintain) ratings.
Now, let's talk about copy-pasting tracks without bothering to look at the bigger picture. What works for one show, works only because it goes with the past and future events of the show. You can't grab xyz from show1 and throw it into show2, because S2 does not have the background of S1. It wouldn't work, because the characters are different, their motivation is different, their past is different, everything is different.
Also, can we talk about how two people of opposite genders can be friendly and helpful to each other without secretly pining for the other person? It doesn't always have to be romance, although it can be perceived as that, if you want a jealousy track. Character A and B both know there is no romantic feelings, but Character C is seeing green because heyy, DRAMA!!
((This is one thing that disastrous Bajlo tomar alor benu did right, in respect to Minu and Rudra))
Another important thing - people can (and should, if you want it to be realistic) be morally grey. There is a phase between liking someone or hating them or wishing them to be dead or actually killing them. Also, not everyone has access to criminals and goons. I REPEAT, not everyone has a criminal connection, or the mental capacity to actually execute the plan to the T.
Thinking of murder, planning murder and straight up plunging a knife in someone's chest are different things. Remember the difference.
And while you are on it, learn the difference between attraction, appreciation and love.
We might be attracted to a particular quality - a physical attribute, a skill, a specific philosophy etc. We might appreciate that quality in a fellow human being. And we might be attracted to and appreciate the person with those qualities, but that doesn't mean that we would love them.
In the ocean of unnecessary romance angles and third wheels, this core difference is often brushed away in a bid to gain trps. Please don't do that.
Another checklist.
Ratings changing the story? ✅
Copy pasting tracks ✅
The world is grey ✅
Less criminal activity ✅
Not everything is love ✅
Would you look at that! I covered so many things. Fear not, I still have a lot to say. Mwahaha.
Not going to go into detail about my opinions on in-laws on ITV, because that is already covered here, but let's talk about the actual family.
The parents, siblings, cousins, relatives. Again, I am going to repeat myself and tell them to use the show Vs tell method. And actually focus on the dynamics because although the equations will change after marriage (for the male lead, the female lead will be cut off from her family 80% of the time), these relationships set the foundation for your character. Their personality. Motivation.
If you are going with a character who is distant, then by all means, do so, but do NOT ignore the family. Show that the character doesn't care.
Show it. Don't gloss over it.
That said, limit your exploration of characters and back stories. There is no hard or fast rule, but if it feels like too much focus, then it is too much focus. Go follow your basic INSTINCTS.
Okay, now is the time to come to the business side of writing for ITV. Bringing in popular characters, giving them smart dialogues and promoting them to the High Heavens. Wonderful trick. But do it in a subtle way. We will gladly let you play us, but only until we realise that we have been played. Subtly manipulate things. Subtly.
And, talking about that, let's also talk about how consistency is really important. Dumping black (or white) paint on characters would not wash away past grievances. It wouldn't remove the impression we already have. So if you want to portray someone in a positive light, work up to that point. Same with negative portrayals. Ease us into the change in perspective.
((Bajaj track in KZK2 is the perfect example of how the writers totally FAILED to follow this rule))
Also, if you are writing comedy, please hire good actors. Comedy is incredibly difficult, and if the performance isn't up to the mark, then it falls flat. And bad comedy is very annoying.
Another thing. If you have a social message, as in if the central theme is a social issue, do NOT forget your theme. And do not shove it down our throats. Don't make it preachy. Strive for balance.
And here, let me remind you that you do need a central theme, that's a very important part of your story. So pick a theme. And stick to it.
Think of your story like a human body.
Skeleton is the theme. The concept.
Blood is the undercurrents, the 'vibe'.
Organs are the characters.
Veins and arteries are the relationships.
Flesh is your plot.
Skin is the sub plots and side plots.
See how I repeated myself for emphasis? That's what you have to do, in a more subdued and complex way. I know you have it in you.
And because I wrote so much about adding sub plots and side characters, let's talk about what you shouldn't do, with me quoting myself:
Even CID, a show I loved to watch because it was a crime drama but less gruesome than what you would expect, could not escape tellywood’s clutches and turned into a chaotic mess with too many new characters and a massive shift in focus - in its last days, it was more of a romantic drama with the crime sprinkled in, and because there were so many new characters (who were boring 70% of time and annoying for the other 30%), I had ZERO interest in the series. The crimes have always been similar, what kept me hooked was the way they dealt with it and their group dynamics, which was ruined by bringing in a hoard of characters who contributed nothing to the story. And the Shreya-Daya track was a bad one from its conception, there was no need to drag it until my mild indifference turned into a major annoyance. And they could have avoided all of this. There was no need to ruin a perfectly good show with lazy, uncreative writing.
^ Bolded are the parts I consider important.
Also, let me take this opportunity to talk about shows similar to CID, in which every episode deals with a mini-plot and it is only the characters that remain the same. Crime dramas, medical dramas (although one the most popular ones on ITV - DMG was less about medicine and more about Jerk!Armaan and his jerk-ness and got rid of this problem in an innovative way that deserves an essay of its own, but I digress).
If the only thing remaining constant is your characters and their group dynamics, then do NOT throw in twenty new characters at once. Introduce them one at a time and limit the number of characters you will use. Keep the same cast for a decent chunk of time. Please. And do not add in multiple sub plots. The storyline is already a little blurry, jumping from case to case, so too much drama between the characters can be either too much to handle or just very, very boring. The focus is on the cases. Keep it there.
A show that did it quite well, was Goyenda Ginni, what with the overarching plot of a homemaker balancing housework and her passion for solving crimes. And because it was always about a family, with limited characters (bringing in spouses for the unmarried characters), it wasn't crowded.
Before I forget, here are some of my common issues with ITV and their writing department ⬇️
EK and her love for the child!track
Portrayal of marriage and relationship
^ And I must add that the Fic Which Must Not Be Named came into being because I couldn't accept the marriage trope for the two characters from the show that has become my latest obsession, even if the trope is shown in a negative light and the people in it are called out and they realise how wrong they are. #shaonHatesDealMarriages
The year 2020 and tellywood marriages
For the most part the last two links say the same things, but the wording and examples and the object of focus is different (this is how you hammer it home, CVs, write long posts on the same thing until the world learns about your hatred for said things. You're welcome 😎)
Also, something I remembered while writing the little note about forced marriages - acknowledge the wrongdoings of your characters, EVEN if they are the leads and you want people to love them. Glossing over the misdeeds wouldn't help, but accepting the truth, pointing out the flaws and then adding the reasoning behind the actions, and later on, writing in the realisation and apology for the act, is a much, much better idea. It is easier to forgive someone if their misdemeanor isn't shoved under the rug. But don't go overboard with the accusations. Repeating the truth multiple times only serves to annoy us.
Have I covered everything? I don't know. Feel free to ask me specific things in case you think I didn't comment on something. It is easy for me to forget about things while writing an answer as long as this. Not to mention, that I framed the first two-three paragraphs in my head while I stood under the shower, so in the rush to jot down everything I had thought of, I might have missed some stuff. Happens to the best of us, eh?
Coming to the second part of your question, I must admit, I am not the best at coming up with original premises. I like to dwell on the thoughts of the individual, delve deeper into their minds and do stuff - as evident in my love for the romance/drama genre, and why I love that ITV has so many shows in this genre. Why my writing (the drabbles I wrote last week), is more about the people than the plot. That's just who I am.
That said, I think I would do good with a team. Together, we can write a lot of things. ((Someone agree to do a collaborative fun writing project right now, I love those. We can make full use of all this free time and write a story of our own)).
No, seriously.
I love writing as a team.
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radioactive-park · 4 years
Butters Stotch Application
name: Leopold “Butters” Stotch
age: 23
gender ( pronouns ): (GNC) Cis male, He/Him
sexuality: Bi ace, Closeted
occupation/role: Vault Dweller turned Raider & Tinkerer/Engineer
location/faction (Check the About page for factions! Feel free to be creative!) : He kind of wanders around a lot with his travelling partner (henrietta app incoming i think?), but makes camp outside New South Park on occasion.
personality: Due to how he grew up (read below), Butters has developed a few odd traits. He speaks with a country accent, but otherwise his voice is completely robotic. He’s extremely intelligent, especially with anything to do with electronics, metal, etcetera, but has little to no emotional or social knowledge and is exceptionally naive, gullible and blunt. Follows orders perfectly, which can be either really good or really bad seeing as how he doesn’t understand sarcasm in the slightest. The only emotion he seems to display properly is worry. As you’d expect from a raider, he’s a pretty fucking wild dude. Even though he shows little emotion on his face or in his voice, he’s known to sport the smallest hint of a smile while he brutally dismembers and cannibalizes people he either strongly dislikes or thinks are too weak. Deals with schizophrenia and is on the autism spectrum.
bio ( at least a paragraph explaining current character situation & any important elements of their past ): Butters was ‘born’ in Vault 74, approximately one year before it’s inhabitants became deranged due to the experiment that had sat dormant for over 150 years. The vault, as most who explore such ruins of a time before the ruin of the world would come to expect, had housed an experiment to test the population. This vault’s purpose was to, through several generations, develop a group of intel-gathering/infiltration soldiers that were incapable of being swayed to telling U.S. secrets no matter the trials they were put through. The process of this was similar to Vault 75, as the two were sister projects intended to be combined at some point near mutual completion. Through a selective process, the top in each field were harvested and subsequently executed after turning eighteen, their genes used to create a more refined test-tube child. Children who weren’t physically capable but especially intelligent were allowed to become scientists and further the experimentation. New children were injected with a small dosage of several different types of mind-altering drugs and regularly subjected to white noise experimentation akin to Vault 92, usually performed by a series of robots and supercomputers including a ZAX unit and, a few generations before Butters’ birth, a highly advanced robobrain (see diana stone from van buren) created from a scientist particularly unhealthy but unparalleled in intelligence. Soon after Butters was put in the care of the robots, there was a major issue within the electronics of the vault, causing a part of the experiment intended for several generations down the line to instead be activated within the main halls. Extremely heavy dosages of the mind-altering drugs, along with subliminal white noise messaging, that had been intended for a much stronger tolerance had flooded the air, bringing everyone outside of the nursery into a manic frenzy. Tearing one another apart from outside the windows of where Butters was safe from all of it, he had watched. He was the only child in the nursery at the time, and would be the last living inhabitant of the vault. After 22 years of being raised solely by computers unable to touch, most of which unable to feel, he developed a level of intelligence and ability higher than those before him, at a cost of his social and emotional capabilities. He was eventually found by a raider named Henrietta, who had initially terrified him with how different she was to what he’d known his entire life. The two of them have been traveling for around a year now, and although Butters is still for the most part incapable of holding relationships, he looks up to her with great respect. As of now, she’s the only one who can really stop him from going batshit insane on someone.
headcanons ( optional, just an extra space to play around ):
- He doesn’t know how to throw a punch or shoot a gun at all, although he is capable of lifting, pushing and pulling large amounts of weight and throwing objects at high velocity. His strength lies mostly in speed, stealth and his knowledge of anatomy. You spot him a bit too early and it’s all over for him. - Carries around a machete, dagger and a compact bow with some arrows. Yeah, dude can’t shoot a gun, but he can a bow and arrow. His upper half isn’t really built for recoil, so it’s a lot easier for him to use. - 6'5", very lanky. His body is very obviously built with an emphasis on him using his legs. - Photographic memory, thanks to the fact he was raised by a bunch of machines that would artificially increase the difficulty of all his learning exercises to the point they’d be impossible to someone without. - Hates the feeling of human touch, exception being Henrietta. - Carries around a bunch of tools for anything related to metals, engineering, etcetera. Includes your average things along with stuff like welders and a pouch containing all sorts of scrap metals. - Plays violin and flute. - Although he has otherwise heightened perception, he’s completely blind in his left eye. If you’re quiet enough, it’s pretty easy to get a jump on him if you approach from the right side- although you’d have to face Henri’s wrath, in that case. - As part of the whole 'making him not succumb to enemies’ thing, he’s also dealt with a lot of physical pain, leaving him with a high pain tolerance and a lot of scarring.
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