#the bogeyman doctor who
manhattansangels · 5 months
The doctor was about to lose something else that was important to him, definitely not as important as rose BUT the bogeyman is the last/only of it's species, just like the doctor is. This time, during a scene fairly similar to the scene he lost rose in doomsday, he got to save what he was about to lose
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jacksdoodlesnshit · 4 months
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Hush, hush, hush…Here comes the BOGEYMAN! ‘Space Babies’ cartoon from Doctor Who.
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cool-stuffandthings · 5 months
Doctor Who Space Babies:
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timeagainreviews · 4 months
In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Scream for Your Nappy Change
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Few shows have had as many pilot episodes as Doctor Who. From “An Unearthly Child,” to the 1996 TV movie, to 2005’s “Rose,” and now “Space Babies.” However, one could argue that every new Doctor is essentially a pilot episode. There are notable shifts in the show’s dynamic to such a degree that it’s practically a reset. Any major personnel shift is a renewal. The transition from William Hartnell to Patrick Troughton, the transfer of power from Russell T Davies to Steven Moffat, and again, from Moffat to Chris Chibnall, for example. Even series ten began with the cheeky title “The Pilot,” where we find the Doctor earthbound as a college professor with his student, Bill, and his wife, Nardole. But “Space Babies,” is an odd one, for so many reasons. Mostly because it’s introducing us to characters we’ve been getting to know for a couple of episodes now. Then, of course, there’s everything else.
For some, an episode called “Space Babies” was always going to be a hard sale. Back in March when they revealed the new episode titles as a series of vignettes, Space Babies looked and sounded a lot like what we got. Sometimes a very literal title can be a bit of fun. “Snakes on a Plane,” tells you everything you need to know going in. While it may have benefitted from a bit of virality, you could argue that it does more with its premise than something like “Cocaine Bear,” which was little more than its title. I’ve complained in the past that my issue with the concept of the Timeless Child was that you could figure out the story by hearing the words. If I can watch a story in my head from its title, then in the words of Amy Pond- what is the point of you? My reaction to the title “Space Babies,” was very similar. Except in this case, I would say it was closer to a “Snakes On a Plane,” than a “Cocaine Bear.”
We’re off to a great start. I got to mention cocaine and babies in the same sentence. Speaking of awkward starts, why did Russell T Davies decide to open the show with the twee episode for the kiddies? Those types of stories are usually relegated to the mid-season point, after a really good one. I guess they needed a palette cleanser to put some space between “The Giggle,” and “The Devil’s Chord,” as they’re essentially the same story twice. But that’s for the next review. Though “Rose,” has its own brand of wacky weirdness with man-eating rubbish bins and plastic boyfriend doppelgangers with pizza peels for hands. Even still, it’s an odd choice for the “pilot.”
A lot of the episode’s enjoyment is predicated on how cute you think babies are. In my case, it’s not very much. If they had called the episode “Space Kittens,” it would have hooked me. But babies come with baggage. People are weird about babies. Babies are often politicised, which this episode definitely does, but more on that later. Another reason why babies were a hard sell for me is they’re not actors. Child actors are rarely good, so filtering their performances through the vacant faces of babies is like making a bad thing worse. Sure, they animated their mouths with cutting-edge technology straight from 1995’s “Babe,” but their faces gave us no range of emotion unless you count Eric, whose facial expression was that of one constantly bricking it in his diaper. I was reminded of the Gelflings in “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance,” in that it takes some getting used to the look of their faces. Except in the case of the Gelflings, the Jim Henson Creature Workshop knew their limitations and used CGI where the puppets fell short. A furrowed brow would have gone a long way to sell the babies.
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However, I’m not made of stone. I’m not so joyless that I can’t send my critical brain on a little vacay for 46 minutes. I also appreciate that Doctor Who still takes the time to do stories for children. It’s a family show, after all. I was even impressed that the episode was able to sell me on the concept of a booger man (or Bogeyman to be precise) when “Sleep No More,” had so utterly failed to sell me on the concept of eye booger men previously. Even more, I had never expected to feel an emotional connection to said Bogeyman. While a lot of it had to do with Ncuti Gatwa’s performance, I’ll admit I actually got a little choked up at the end of the episode. Even a snotty little freak of nature deserves a place in the world, and I identified with that. It’s nice when a Doctor Who episode ends and it was actually about something.
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As mentioned before, Russell T Davies uses the baggage that comes along with babies to stoke the fire of his own story. Through the eyes of Jocylen, the ship’s reluctant nanny, we see the babies in another light- as a constant source of worry. Having never wanted the job in the first place, Jocylen’s part is one of necessity rather than vocation. No one working in the field of charity or crisis aid wants to be doing the work. Sure, it’s fulfilling, but the nature of its necessity is telling of the world at large, or in this case- star system. In a perfect star system, no child would go unhugged, unattended, or forgotten. Yet here she is, forced by circumstance and emboldened by compassion to rise to the occasion. She may not be nailing it, but seriously, who the hell else was taking care of the children they forced to exist? If “Kill the Moon,” was Doctor Who’s pro-life story, this episode stands in stark contrast as the pro-choice story.
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An episode with a butt-shaped space station that farts its way to the shores of freedom seems like an odd choice to talk about refugees, but it’s also the episode that gave a booger a soul. While a lot of the tone aligns more with “Aliens of London/World War Three,” or “Love and Monsters,” the message aligns more with something like “Turn Left.” Russell T Davies is giving us a spoonful of sugar with our medicine, which seems the correct approach in a show where Christmas trees are capable of murder. Suffice it to say, seeing a Rwandan refugee playing a British icon on the BBC commenting on the conservative government’s Rwandan bill is better than anything the show could do on its own. You almost have to do it, and more than I’m glad RTD rose to the occasion, I’m glad it was Ncuti who got to do it.
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Speaking of things only Ncuti Gatwa could do, I appreciate that his Doctor is emotionally available enough to offer a hug to a child while still being alien enough to scare the bejeezus out of them. I can’t really picture Tom Baker hugging anyone, though I can imagine him scaring the bejeezus out of someone. Maybe Matt Smith would do it. Jodie as well. But Gatwa’s Doctor is an interesting mixture of compassionate and completely aloof. It’s a mixture that is sometimes at odds with itself, but it works. You see it in brief moments like when Ruby’s caretaker instincts take over and she runs head-on into danger, while the Doctor takes a moment to pop around the corner and catch up to her. It’s the classic dynamic of the Doctor being reminded of human nature by his companion.
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I really like this selfless defender of the people streak in Ruby’s personality. It reminds me a lot of an ‘80s companion. She’s like a mixture of Nyssa and Ace. She puts herself in harm's way to protect others. She writes songs to cheer up lovesick lesbians. She’s got a very full personality that is palpable very early on. We got this level of character development with RTD’s earlier companions, and it’s nice to see it continue. What’s less nice is how he seems to have also taken a page from Steven Moffat’s book where the companion must also be needlessly complicated. What’s more is it feels less enticing and more like retreading familiar territory. It’s giving “The Impossible Girl,” vibes with an Amy Pond pregnancy body scan to bring it full circle. This is one of my biggest issues with the RTD2 era so far- it feels like a remix of past Doctor Who. That isn’t to say he’s added nothing new to the show, but it does feel a bit Clara 2.0. I’m just saying, it doesn’t always have to be some star-crossed destiny. If you do it every time, it loses its power.  Sometimes people just meet each other. Say what you will about Yaz’s characterisation, but at least she was allowed to be a person.
The story at the heart of “Space Babies,” is ultimately a bit thin. You could argue that there was never any real threat, but that happens sometimes on Doctor Who (take “Listen,” for example). I’ve seen some people online complaining that the Bogeyman doesn’t die, but what does it really do other than scare people? Sure, you see Eric’s pram toppled and find him characteristically bricking it in his diaper, but he’s not got a scratch on him. What if Eric went missing because the Bogeyman “ate” him. They could reveal that he actually was protecting Eric from the dangers of the malfunctioning bowels of the ship. Imagine the bogey bits tearing away out of the airlock, slowly revealing Eric inside. Not only would Jocylen have almost taken an innocent life, but two innocent lives. Pair that with the Doctor's brave rescue and blammo! It could have upped the tension and implied more danger, is all I’m saying.
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I was a bit confused by the ship’s computer creating the Bogeyman in the first place. That entire aspect of the plot was skimmed over and very flimsy. I thought they were doing something with the show’s new magical premise, a “superstition of the Bogeyman made him exist,” sort of angle. But no, it was just something the ship did, for reasons. I also expected that to be the reason for Ruby's transformation into the weird scaly lizard woman. I expected it to suddenly be possible through superstition that stepping on a butterfly could change the course of history. But instead, the Doctor forgot to push the butterfly compensator on the TARDIS console. Kinda weird that RTD had two moments to further his own mythology but sided on technobabble. Not bad, just odd.
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One aspect that bothered me was how long it took them to reveal the Bogeyman was made of snot. When they took the time to do this whole to do with the babies blowing their noses, I immediately looked over at my wife and said “The Bogeyman is made of baby boogers,’ to which she responded “I hate that you’re right.” They telegraphed it so hard that it made the Doctor seem slow on the uptake. If you recall from my review of "The Husbands of River Song," I felt like they did the same thing to River with how long it took her to recognise the Doctor. However, I imagine it's a bit of a balancing act to know when to reveal something. The Doctor doesn't necessarily have all of the information we have as an audience.
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As pilots go, “Space Babies,” could have done better at introducing a new audience to Doctor Who. Much of the expository dialogue about who the Doctor is or where he came from felt rushed and unnatural. My friend Taryn said she enjoyed this aspect of the Doctor being less cryptic and more forthcoming with information. While I agree, I feel like the execution was clumsy, a word we’re starting to see more often in my reviews of the RTD2 era. For comparison, take Fallout, a show that came out only a month earlier. Both are technically first seasons of tv shows based on pre-existing properties with dense lore. Both have eight episodes to tell their stories. And yet with Fallout, we get a trickle of information as things happen. With Doctor Who we have the Doctor stopping his companion mid-sentence to say “Oh yeah, by the way, I have two hearts.” Look, I get it, I’m neurodivergent. I appreciate a good infodump. But there’s a big reason people are calling Fallout a triumph- it respects its audience enough to reveal things over time.
RTD said recently that young people won’t watch black and white. I don’t know if this is true as I am a cusp gen x/millennial. I don’t know much about what kids get up to these days, but I also don’t go around saying what they will and won’t do. It sounds a lot like “Those damn kids with their hip hop video games,” or like “Kids don’t like anything that isn’t Tik Tok or Roblox.” It feels like it misunderstands the appeal of storytelling in the first place. Studio executives have never fully understood what is good about Doctor Who. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, it was “Why can’t it be like Star Wars?” In the Chibnall era, the goal was to compete with Netflix. And now it’s “We need to meet the same standards of Marvel.” But if Doctor Who is always being compared to something else, you curse it into always being behind the curve. When I fell in love with Doctor Who, it was because it wasn’t like anything I had ever seen before. If I want to watch Iron Man, I’ll watch Iron Man.
Not all of the expository dialogue was without merit. I’ve been continually impressed by RTD’s handling of the Timeless Child storyline. As longtime readers know, I was not a fan of that story. Hell, first-time readers probably picked up on it in this article. But I don’t think it’s fair to discount the people who did enjoy that story. And I think it is far more interesting for the show to develop the idea as opposed to sweeping it under the rug. We learned that the Time Lord genocide was cellular, which helps the whole concept of the Master achieving what millions of Daleks couldn’t do make more sense. It’s amazing how much a single line of dialogue can overcome a lot of shoddy writing. I liked the Doctor stating that it doesn’t matter where he comes from, as I’ve been saying that the whole damn time. It’s also nice that despite everything, the Doctor is still a Time Lord in his hearts of hearts. We as fans kinda need those moments so we can collectively move on from what has been a rather ugly time in the fandom.
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That’s not to say we aren’t still in an ugly culture battle within the fandom. Racism is still a very real aspect to the conversation. As are ableism, sexism, transphobia. And despite RTD meeting these things head-on with the grace of a fish out of water, we’ve still got some great points of intrigue. Who is this woman played by Susan Twist we keep seeing in the background? Who is the one who waits? Is Mrs Flood the White Guardian to Susan Twist’s Black Guardian? I would love to say it’s the Rani because it’s been 20 fucking years of it not being the Rani, which is also the exact reason I won’t say it’s the Rani. But god I wish it was the Rani. They even name-drop her! Give us this one, please. My point being, despite its daftness and its expressionless babies, “Space Babies,” still gives us a lot to go off of. If you didn’t like it, do what I did and watch it twice. The emotional resonance works better when it feels less like you’re watching a car accident.
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Look, if you didn’t like “Space Babies,” I get it. Maybe it’s not for you. There are weird little problems with the episode. The expository dialogue I mentioned, for example. The babies are a bit much. The Bogeyman howling like a werewolf was batshit weird. I guess it was because they compared him to a dog. Even then, why not make it bark? You could ask things like “Why didn’t the Doctor use the TARDIS to fly them to safety instead of setting their space station on a crash course with the planet’s surface?” or "Why didn't the Doctor get sucked out of the airlock? It's air pressure, not gravity." Is the humour still falling a bit flat? Sure. It’s easy to pick stuff apart. But come on, the episode is called “Space Babies,” you knew ahead of time if that concept was going to work for you or not.
Thanks for reading! I'm sorry these articles are taking a while. Having two episodes drop simultaneously doubles my workload! I'll have the review for "The Devil's Chord," up tomorrow! Hopefully next week will be more timely.
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moonmanunit42 · 5 months
Red Dwarf - Doctor Who: Space Babies.
After messing around with the D.N.A. Modifier, the boys from the Dwarf unwittingly create the smegging bogeyman!
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thingsasbarcodes · 5 months
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Doctor Who 1x01 - Space Babies
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stereotypical-jew · 4 months
okay. so. i did not vibe with the latest doctor who episode a lot? and idk why exactly. i did still enjoy it for the most part! do love that we're getting more explicit queer romance on the show, but idk it didn't feel...genuine? especially with the doctor saying that ruby's his best friend but then abandoning her to aliens for most of the episode. i'm like really feeling that the overarching plot must be about storytelling. like especially all the blatant references to bridgerton INCLUDING the bad guys and poker face covers. and the teaser line about it being the doctor's life they're playing out. i'm hoping that the arc is kind of about how something (pantheon character?) is kind of controlling the doctor/ruby's story to hit the beats it's supposed to bc its tv but is doing so in a non-organic way which is why the season feels so disjointed and very telling-not-showing. also the weird 6 month time jump between Space Babies and Boom. otherwise i'mgonna feel like it was just kind of poorly written. like! to be clear! i am still enjoying the show! but not as much as i have other seasons
#rachel speaks#doctor who#the rogue#sorry i have many thoughts#i think my favorite episode so far this season has been dot and bubble#it just feels most lilke doctor who and the twist at the end was really well done#i think doctor who is at its best with a good monster (alien) of the week and a mystery to solve#and i think a lot of the episodes this season have either totally strayed from that format or not fully built it out enough#like space babies is a pretty standard motw episode but i felt like there was a lot left out#like i did not get a good reason as to why the doctor was saving the bogeyman#like not even a 'all life deserve to live moment' just a 'oh no you can't kill it and now i've trapped it in the airlock forever instead!'#devils chord felt like it came way too early in the season#and personally as a professional musician music episodes tend to be hit or miss with me#because the more specific they try to be the more wrong they usually are#for example#a tritone is not a chord#and it wasn't actuallyb anned in the middle ages#also the idea of a 'lost chord' is so baffling to me#if we're living in western tonal land (which we clearly were in the episode) there are no lost chords#we know all the chords#if they had said 'melody' i would be more inclined to believe them#anyways so not a huge fan of the devils chord#73 yards was also very good and enjoyable! probably my 2nd favorite#but definitely a departure from standard who#oh i forgot about boom#i liked the anticapitlist anti war stuff#thought the twist was clever#but i felt like it relied too much on a relationship between the doctor and ruby that we hadn't actually seen yet#the rogue went back to that motw format but it spent WAY more time on the relationship between the doctor and the rogue#than actually on the cosplaying aliens
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marionjabbs · 5 months
fifteen serving cunt on a space station while ruby watches the futureplanet out the window is giving nine and rose in the end of the world. nice!!
so why is fifteen and the bogeyman in the airlock giving ten and rose in doomsday?
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jimiscribif · 5 months
Just realised what the Bogeyman in Space Babies reminded me of...
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coyotesqrl · 5 months
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Look who Ruby and the Doctor met...
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brb-on-pluto · 4 months
Space Babies - Doctor Who (2024)
In Series: Episode One
Directed by: Julie Anne Robinson
Written by: Russell T. Davies
Genre: Sci-Fi
Staring: Ncuti Gatwa | Millie Gibson | Golda Rosheuvel | Robert Strange
Runtime: 46 Minutes
Rating: 7.7/10
Watched: 11/03/2024
■■■■ (Comments Below)
Was this episode a bit out there in terms of plot? Yes, but when isn't Doctor Who? Was this episode a little political? Yes, but when isn't Doctor Who? Could it be said it was a little "cringey"? Yes, but when isn't Doctor Who? My only major criticism of the story is that after saying "babies", every time it was then corrected by "Space Babies!" which got old, very, very fast. (+ the weird cgi on the babies mouthes).
Did I find the monster for the episode to be a bit odd? Yes. But it's nice to see a new monster, that will very likely not be a recurring villain for their first outing outside of a special.
First episode of Doctor Who I've *enjoyed* in a long while. Whilst I appreciate some of Chibnall's writing - it often isn't for me, too clunky, too tell don't show.
I'm really excited to see what comes next with Gatwa's fifteenth Doctor. And very excited to see him handle some recurring monsters. Also, loving the recurring snowflakes and lead back to the day of Ruby's birth. I'm interested to see where this plot goes.
Loved seeing Golda in a different type of role than what I am used to seeing her in (which is mostly her role as Queen Charlotte). And loved seeing Mollie Gibson as Ruby Sunday!
Gorgeous, gorgeous music by Murray Gold. Gorgeous, gorgeous direction.
Not sure what's going on with the Susan Twist cameos, I wonder what it's all leading up to and wait with anticipation!
My Doctor Who Review Masterpost!
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XD the dr losing it at ruby being covered in snot as shes freaking out!!! 😭😭😭
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birdsonpowerlines · 4 months
Doctor Who Season 14: Episodes 1 to 4
In this podcast we discuss our thoughts on the first four episodes of Doctor Who Season 14 - Space Babies, The Devil's Chord, Boom and 73 Yards. As always, our conversation brings in ideas from other shows like Stargate SG1 and Star Trek TNG.
Who are we at the Birds on Power Lines Podcast? We are a mom and young adult child team having the time of our lives talking about things we love and care about! If you haven't listened to our podcasts before, we use a voice messenger app to share our thoughts with each other to discuss a variety of topics as we go about our day.
Find the full set of podcasts on YouTube here:
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Art: All watercolor art by me: Evelyn Voura for Birds on Power Lines, @BirdsOnPowerLines
Music: Music by my child for Birds on Power Lines, @BirdsOnPowerLines
Bird sounds from: Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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bnxxshthealien · 4 months
so. so far in doctor who we’ve had:
space babies (babies in space) with a bogeyman made of bogeys that are saved by the power of farts
a musical episode where music comes to life and they’re a drag queen
one of the most intense doctor who episodes where the doctor stands on a landmine in a fifty-first century anglican war and everything around him keeps getting worse also the real enemy was capitalism
the doctor disappeared for twenty years and ruby assassinates the prime minister in an emotional study on fear of rejection or something
everybody dies because of systemic racism
alien bridgerton LARP where the doctor finally kisses men again
is there any other show with such a wide range of ridiculous settings that are all part of one connected, serious plot?
i fucking love doctor who lmao
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idkaguyorsomething · 4 months
episode one: we rescued the space babies and the bogeyman, yay!
episode two: we went back in time to meet thr beatles and saved music!
episode three: doctor who steps on a fucking land mine.
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moonmanunit42 · 4 months
Space Babies
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