#doomsday doctor who
aguriart · 1 month
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I rewatched the "doomsday" episode with a friend and had to make this doodle, I miss these two so much..😭🌟💕
And ofc I cried again :"(
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thetorturedlovergirl · 3 months
Happy “Im burning up a sun just to say goodbye” day to all the people who want to kill themselves😭😭
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bird-slayer-brainrot · 8 months
Who? - Ineffable Husband watch Doctor Who - crack, fluff
"Mr Bond, you're truly a hero." the blond, bespectacled women said to him. It had been quite a victory, that much was true. The girl clutched Bond's arm, blushing up at him. "Mr Bond, it was ever so brave of scramoush scaramoush will you do the fandango.......
"Crowley, is that you?"
Crowley groaned. Blinking into awareness, Crowley pressed the phone to his ear. He really should change his ringtone. Leave your phone in the Bentley once and it thinks it has the right. "Yes, yes, hello Aziraphale."
"Oh dear," the angel paused for a moment, and Crowley pulled himself out of his covers and sat up. "Were you asleep? I'm so sorry for interrupting you. I'll let you get back to it."
"No, no." Crowley cleared his throat. The angel, to his credit, sounded genuinely distressed by the prospect of accidentally waking Crowley from his sleep. Crowley grimaced. "I was just getting up. What's the matter?"
Aziraphale was silent for a moment. The static buzzing of a tea kettle, knowing him, transferring through his end was all that could be heard.
"I'm afraid it's rather silly." That got Crowley's attention. He performed a quick miracle and he was dressed. Black sweater, black sweatpants (even demon's had lazy days, and he planned on gardening) and combat boots (to make up for the sweatpants). Aziraphale made a noise over the phone. "It's really not important. There was just something I wanted to show you, if... if you're not busy."
Crowley, of course, had nothing on. But Aziraphale wanted to see him so he was obviously free. Even if he had something on, he'd try and get... okay, no, that line of inquiry is well worn. He just wanted to see Aziraphale. He was bored yada yada.
"I'll be there." Crowley said into the microphone.
"Oh, good." Aziraphale's sigh transmitted through, and Crowley really had no clue then what it was Aziraphale wanted to see him for, and the angel wasn't telling him. "I'll see you soon. Safe driving."
"Never," Crowley responded, as usual. Aziraphale hung up the phone and Crowley sprung up and grabbed his keys.
Aziraphale was pacing.
Perhaps he shouldn't have called Crowley. It was ridiculous, this whole thing. But he couldn't, in good conscious, not tell the demon. It would be simply unfair not to. And Aziraphale was an angel, so he should be the one to tell him.
The bell at the door chimed. Crowley stepped inside, miracling his clothing dry. Aziraphale breathed a sigh of relief.
"Crowley," he approached his friend, smiling as the demon propped himself a bookshelf. "You look cozy. How was the drive?"
The demon tilted his head and put a hand on his hip. "Uhh, fine." he finally spoke. That was good. That was very good. "So do you mind telling me what's going on?"
"Ah, yes." Aziraphale shifted, adjusting his cardigan, "Well, I stumbled across something that might be rather interesting to you. On..." Aziraphale paused, but Crowley, who knew Aziraphale's mannerisms as well as his own, waited. "the television."
Crowley smiled.
And the demon laughed as Aziraphale led him upstairs.
It was unexpected.
They were in the small sitting room in the flat at the top of Aziraphale's bookshop. Crowley had only been up here on occasion. The room was like the rest of the space. There was a small, brown couch with a blanket and several homemade cushions; an antique coffee table covered with books, a newspaper, two tea cups and a half finished plate of biscuits; and a slim and small TV on the bureau. The curtains were drawn.
"This is cozy." Crowley said as Aziraphale sat on the couch and reached for the remote. Crowley took that as invitation to join him. And waited.
The theme of Doctor Who began to play, and at this, Crowley looked over at the angel. Aziraphale was watching the screen, adjusting his cardigan again. Several names flashed across the screen, then, the title, The Christmas Invasion.
The episode started to play. Ten minutes in, Aziraphale paused it, and slowly turned his head to face Crowley. Crowley was already looking at Aziraphale.
"That." was all Crowley said.
"I know." Aziraphale flinched. "I was just as surprised as you."
"David Tennant?"
Aziraphale shifted. "I was meaning to catch up on the series, before it got too far away from me." he tried to explain. "And, well, there's this." he gestured towards the screen, where a still image of David Tennant's sleeping face. The resemblance to the demon at his right was uncanny.
"And you thought this was my doing?"
"Well," Aziraphale shrugged. "I didn't know what to think, but you seem just as surprised by this information."
Crowley leaned back into the couch, pondering this for a moment. Then he shrugged, and got up.
"Wait, where are you going? You can't hurt him!"
Crowley spun around on his feet. The expression on his face was incredulous.
"Aziraphale." he said in a measured tone. "That is a human man. You want to watch Doctor Who, and so do I. I'm grabbing wine." then he turned away again, and walked out of the room.
Several hours later...
Aziraphale turned the TV off. They stared at the black screen.
"That was..."
A noise broke through the silence. Aziraphale turned his head, and Crowley turned his away.
"Crowley." he said gently. "Are you... crying?"
Crowley sneered at this and turned back to face Aziraphale. His face was dry, miraculously, and Aziraphale felt a wave of tenderness wash through him.
"Well," Aziraphale's hand itched to reach out and comfort the demon. On the screen, the Doctor walked away from the wall dividing him and Rose. Well, the wall that was actually a gap in the void. The theme swelled, and Aziraphale's heart clenched. He paused the episode.
"Next one?" Crowley said gently, and Aziraphale obliged.
Later, Crowley would deny ever crying at that episode. It was not brought up again.
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manhattansangels · 5 months
The doctor was about to lose something else that was important to him, definitely not as important as rose BUT the bogeyman is the last/only of it's species, just like the doctor is. This time, during a scene fairly similar to the scene he lost rose in doomsday, he got to save what he was about to lose
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@neil-gaiman please don’t do this to us
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sentientsky · 7 months
watched "doomsday" tonight and uh. did i enjoy it immensely? yes. did i sustain a nasty bruise to my ankle by walking straight into a barbell on my floor while ranting desperately and brokenheartedly to my friend about the episode? ...also yes.
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queer-reader-07 · 1 year
y’all were not kidding when you said Doomsday (doctor who s2ep13) was HEARTBREAKING
it takes quite a bit to get me to cry at a show and i was fully shedding tears watching the doctor and rose’s goodbye
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i don't have many words to say
just david tennant almost crying...
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dontbotheraziraphale · 10 months
not the fourteenth doctor throwing the word LOVE around like it's free when my boy ten is forever living here
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bananastastelikeshit · 2 months
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why is david’s face so fucking hard to draw.
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lady-disdain221b · 4 months
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what is it with doctor who and sending love interests to another dimension?!? ngl, it hits every time </3
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i think the most devastating bit about doomsday is that ten had never had to live without rose before.
ten was born in front of rose. he existed as a physical manifestation of nine's love for her: the embodiment of all the wounds she had tended to without knowing. rose could not save the doctor from hating himself, but she let him love again. she laughed and listened to music and got chips with him, and "run for your life" became "thank you. i need you. please stay with me." to live without her, to live with the knowledge that he could never ever see her again would have been utterly SHATTERING.
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davidtennan-t · 3 months
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It’s been 18 years since Doomsday aired - so that means it’s been 18 years since the Doctor met Donna for the first time. Who would have thought all these years later, they’d be family ❤️
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catabasis · 2 months
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yousharknotpass · 4 months
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rose 🌹🩷
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Nine would have never “Rose Tyler I….” he’d of said i love you and he’d of said it with chest
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