#the brothers dimm
fynsh · 27 days
A dazed Fox wakes up confused and alone with no functioning comm tools. Maybe it's not so bad to just lie down for a bit longer?
The artificial sunlight tricked his mind into believing feeling a subtle warmth on his exposed skin. The shallow breaths he took fueling bitingly cold somewhat sour air into his lungs told him otherwise. There was no smell or sound besides an eerily muffled gust of wind rustling along the heavy fabric of his kama. Strangely everything around him felt light and confusingly clear. No underlying pain in his temples, no insistent hunger in his stomach, no sticky sweat on his face trapped under a unmovable mask consisting of layers of duty, anxiousness and guilt.
Awareness creeping into his mind, he slowly started wondering where he was. The time didn't really matter, it was clearly some hours into the day cycle and he should probably tend to a duty someone brother now would have to cover in his stead. Thinking about leaving his work to someone else finally provided a string for his wandering thoughts to hold on to. Before trying to peel his eyes open he slowly started moving his fingers. Bending them one by one and relaxing again he didn't notice any strains. Continuing to take stock of the state of his body all he noticed was relaxed muscles and the desire to drift back into oblivious sleep.
Then the light before his closed lids started to dimm. He took a deep breath and finally opened his eyes to the sight of a cloudless orange tinged sky. With each intake of breath the weight returned to his limbs and chest. He recognized this view from the many trips around the upper levels on Triple 0. He did not recognize the silence. Slowly he turned his head to the right. Ok that hurt quite a lot. His bucket lay just out of reach mockingly facing his way, the dark visor mirroring his dazed eyes back at him. He should really try to reach for it and check his comms. But the crack running through the deep red plastoid already told him he'd definely need to schedule a trip to the armory and get a replacement. What a waste. Slowly he tried to lift his wrist comm into his line of sight only to stare into a empty slot on his vambrace. Maybe he should start worrying?
Before any (clearly unwarranted ?) thoughts of panic which would not lead to any solution could form he caught a glimpse of one of his blasters lying a few spaces next to his bucket. As much as knowing a weapon near probably increased his safety it was the barely noticable charm embedded into the handle he zeroed in on and was able to anchor his thoughts to. Surely his commanders were looking for him. Maybe he could just lay here for a bit longer and give into the urge to close his eyes again without risking to freeze to death once night settled in. Right?
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Thire furiously leapt across the roofs of Coruscant. Why didn't Fox pick up any of his calls. His CO was not allowed to leave here without him, he would not take over the worst post of the whole corps after staying alive for two years on this cursed assignment - no chance.
His HUD pinged a notification that he was now close to the location his Marshall Commander had last been tracked at. Taking the indicated sharp left and skidding to a stop abruptly he almost missed the timing to make the last jump. He wasn't carless but seeing an unmoving brother flat on his back, the familiar dark brown curls surrounded by a dark substance stopped his heartbeat for a second before it came back in full force, trying to leap out his chest. No no no. What the kriff happened to never removing your helmet!
Thire closed the remaining distance in no time already kneeling down beside Fox while reporting the need for a medical evac over his wrist comm. His voice was steady, it didn't betray any of the worry clutching at his heart. The young commander knew better than to try and move someone with an obvious head injury so he forced himself to not do anything more than ripping off his gloves to feel for a pulse. It took a few seconds to register the faint but steady drum under his finger pads.
Only after taking a deep breath he registered how eerily alone they were up here. There was no real sign of a fight, but Fox bucket was destroyed and his comm was missing. His favorite blaster lay off to his side and Thire reached for it in an instance. The magazine was still full. His thumb lingered on the customized handle slowly tracing the pattern to distract himself from the rising pressure in his chest. The medics' eta of 2 minutes before touchdown flashed across his HUD. He redirected all communication to his vambrace and unsealed and lifted off his bucket. The air was crisp and slightly sour in his nostrils. His eyes fixated on the relaxed face of his oldest brother. Strangely even surrounded by blood the expression didn't seem out of place at all. Before the pressure in his chest could build any further Thire started counting the barely noticable freckles dotted across the tan complexion of Fox nose and cheeks.
Thire used the biggest tooka eyes to convince his fellow commanders that adding a totally harmless little charm to their favorite blasters would go unnoticed by everybody but him. Stone, Thorn and Fox folded like wet flimsiwork when he presented them with his selfmade trinkets begging them to accept a gift of their youngest commander. They didn't know he put a tracking device into it linked to and traceable only from his HUD. It was his best work yet.
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oneshot-wme-archival · 4 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: The Glen
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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Calamus: A pilite young boy that leads a quiet life with his younger sister Alula in the ruins outside of town. He often has his hands full looking out for her and tends to worry when she's not around.
Calamus spends most of his time fishing and foraging around the ruins, and relies on his friend Magpie to trade for any goods that can't be scavenged. Though they don't have much in the way of luxuries, Calamus has a small collection of books gifted by an old friend that he likes to study when he gets a chance. Judging by the amount of progress he's made however, those chances don't come very often.
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Alula: A cheerful, excitable young girl. She lives in the ruins under the care of her older brother Calamus. Too young to remember what much of the world was like before the sun was lost, Alula is optimistic and thrilled to be helping the messiah on their special quest.
When Alula isn't busy exploring every nook and cranny the ruins has to offer, she can usually be found helping out her big brother or playing around the courtyard near their home.
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Maize: A benelovent and powerful plant spirit, acting as a sort of guardian for the Glen. The last of her kind, her life force has slowly dwindled in the absence of the sun's light. After all of these cold hungry years, her only wish is to see the sun once more.
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Magpie: An easygoing merchant and purveyor of fine goods. "Fine" in this case mostly meaning "colorful and/or shiny". Still, it's always a good idea to check what's in stock - he might have just what you're looking for. The shop operates on barter however, so be prepared to give up something Magpie deems interesting enough for a trade.
Magpie used to have a much more impressive collection until his shop was tragically lost to the sinking grouns, forcing Magpie to flee in the wagon that's now his home. Calamus and Alula are some of Magpie's best customers, finding all sorts of curiosities lost in the ruins.
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Shepherd: A shepherd woman who tends a flock of rams. Seems to have an endless supply of ram puns and computer puns. You could say she has a lot of "rammunition". A real "dyed-in-the-wool" pun fanatic. Her love of puns never "DIMM"s. The "MOS" puns you've ever "herd". Must have a really good "memory" to remember them all. Even so, you can't help but groan a "bit".
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andmaybegayer · 6 months
And Haematite is up and running. Annoying hum from the SATA power converters but only because it's sitting right next to me while I do initial setup. Total volume is something like 6.5 liters.
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Single fan at the bottom because I've been dealing with a similar two-drive commercial NAS at work and those drives get SO toasty under sustained loads. Do not like.
It's very funny to see this next to my old storage server: a raspberry pi and a hard drive held together with rubber bands.
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I have TrueNAS Scale up and running. Core was tempting but so much software just does not run reliably on BSD, plus I'd have to deal with bringing the Network drivers which isn't hard but I want this to be low-maintenance, so Linux it is, sorry BSD.
NextCloud is running in a container with access to the storage, busy doing a test upload of some photos from when my brother and sister-in-law were here to kick the tyres on Memories. 14TB of storage should last me a while. I'll set up a Deluge client and stuff for Linux isos and media but that's largely secondary to making it so I can go "what kind of animal did I see in 2012" and just go look at those.
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I'll do a write up on the parts and printing and publish the design files sometime soon in case you want to make one of these. There are a few people making various printed PC cases, there's one guy whose designs mostly flat-print and then bolt together which is neat.
The system could do with more memory so I've ordered another RAM DIMM to drop in there, which will take me up to 24GB from 8GB. Yes that's mismatched. It's fine.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
ALSO because I'm needy and for Science! If you are so inclined: anything to do with our favorite idiot drama trash knights during the Crusades?
Acre, The Holy LandAugust 1191
The midday heat is, as usual, blazing like the fires of hell, the din of the rebuilding walls is endless – the scraping of the stone blocks, the bawling of the masons, the creaking of the scaffolds, and the yelps of whichever unfortunate has recently crushed their fingers – and Garcia de Clermont is left to scrounge a scanty bit of shade and wonder, as he does at least once daily and twice on Sundays, what the damnation a vampire is doing in the Holy Land. The Holy Land; the jest seems obvious, too ironic to be permitted, though he can cross church thresholds and bow his head in prayer with the best of them, and he’s old enough by now that holy water does not trouble him. It’s the heat and the sun and the fact that they have come here from Europe to a place that does not want them and an aristocracy that does not trust them, but Richard Coeur-de-Lion will do as he will, and nobody else appears to be vexing themselves with these questions. Europe seems entirely shocked, shocked, that Jerusalem fell to the Saracens, when they had been outright ignoring it for forty years, but that part does not surprise Garcia. Though at the rate they are going, it four years now since the capture of the city by Saladin, and the crusaders presently marooned a hundred miles north in punishing midsummer heat, it seems signally unlikely that they will get there any time soon.
Garcia checks the sky, decides that the sun has no intention of abating, and swears under his breath. He needs to get back to Richard anyway. The notable failure of the Saracens to deliver on the terms of Acre’s surrender – or indeed, anything at all – has made the Plantagenet temper, never bounteous, burn still shorter, and Garcia thinks it prudent to keep an eye on the king. First, however, he needs to find Gabriel, and no prizes for guessing where he is. The crusaders, the instant they tasted brief success by acquiring Acre and cursing Philip of France’s cowardly departure, have decided that this is apparently a pleasant summertime vacation, and settled into spending it drinking, gambling, fucking, and otherwise getting into mischief. And as all of these are Gabriel de Clermont’s favorite pastimes, the only question is which shabby brothel or disreputable winesink he has fallen down this time. He has been even less keen on the crusading idea than Garcia. He’s not wrong, but still.
Garcia turns and sets off along the main row of brothels, crammed to the gills with crusaders, pockets jingling with the gold Richard has paid out to help rebuild the wall. Cursory glances into each are usually enough to confirm that they do not contain his brother, but on the fifth, it is a different story. Garcia sighs deeply, steps inside, and follows laughter, the scent of spiced wine, and palm fronds and fresh dates to an inner courtyard. Herein, Gabriel sits shirtless with two pretty women sitting in his lap, and a pretty boy leaning on his shoulder. They are all laughing and, Gabriel included, extremely drunk.
Garcia clears his throat. This gets no response.
“Gabriel,” he says pointedly, a little louder. “Gabriel! Let’s go!”
“Is someone talking?” Gabriel – his vampire senses must have good and damn well informed him that Garcia was there the instant he walked in – but the idiot has the nerve to flare his ink-dark brows in exaggerated surprise. “Ah! There you are, darling! I hardly saw you, skulking in the shadows like Conrad de Montferrat. Sit down, or should I say, lie? They’ve offered me half price on the next fuck, and I am deeply delighted to offer this unmissable bargain to you.”
Garcia bites his tongue on the question of whether that means all three of them, the girls and the handsome young man alike, since knowing Gabriel, it assuredly does. He tries to banish the mental image of all four of them writhing in some improbably athletic configuration on some dim bed. Gabriel needs to be more careful, besides. Just because Richard (before the crusade, at least) was more or less known to be sleeping with Andrew de Chauvigny does not mean that Gabriel should get himself labeled in public as a sodomite. Richard was already forced into that absurd theater of repentance in Messina, and while it is hardly as if anyone can do anything to Gabriel (indeed if they whipped him, he would enjoy it too much, perverse bastard that he is), rumors getting around of Lord Gabriel de Clermont’s laundry list of mortal sins would not help their holy cause. Or maybe that is exactly why Gabriel is doing this. Sabotage the whole crusade, get them happily sent back home to France, easy as pie.
“No,” Garcia says instead. He strides across the room, hoists one of the girls off Gabriel’s lap as they both pout at him, and fights the urge to throw her something to cover herself with. “Come on, they’re expecting us.”
“Has anyone ever told you how very tiresome you are, darling?” Gabriel takes a better grip on his remaining whore, apparently in challenge. “Truly.”
“Yes,” Garcia says. “You. Repeatedly.”
Gabriel waves that off with one flick of an elegant hand, turning his head up so the jeune homme can feed him a grape. Fascinating as this spectacle of the debauchery of the Romans of old may be (in Gabriel’s case, literally) Garcia is out of patience. He hoists the other girl off, drops her as she squeals on a red cushion, scouts around until he finds Gabriel’s shirt, and throws it at him. When Gabriel appears disinclined to struggle into this garment on his own accord, Garcia forces it over his head and hauls Gabriel’s arms more or less through the sleeves, then uses every drop of supernatural strength to get the eldest de Clermont son, protesting, to his feet. “We. Are. Going.”
“Fine, fine, you needn’t bark orders like Richard.” Gabriel weaves after him, blowing a kiss to several heads that pop out of dark rooms. Garcia does not need to know, thank you. “Or do, it’s rather assertive of you.”
Garcia mumbles something under his breath as they finally reach the street, Gabriel winces and squints against the sunlight too, and then decides for this to be the single, solitary thing that a vampire nearly twelve centuries of age is capable of dealing with. “Crusading is boring, darling,” he says, as they stride (or in his case, determinedly wobble) up the street. “Can you blame me? The rest of the army’s doing the same.”
“You’re one of Richard’s top commanders,” Garcia reminds him. “We both are. It could go poorly.”
Gabriel makes a rude noise, though Garcia knows he is not uncaring of the prospect that it could backfire onto Richard. Their loyalty and love for him, after all, is most of the reason they are here, Knights of Lazarus or otherwise. “Well then,” Gabriel says, as they reach the top of the hill and he drapes an arm around Garcia’s shoulder, either in fraternal concord or to disguise the fact that he might otherwise stumble out of his boots. “We shall simply have to make some better amusement.”
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camprell-art · 2 years
Hmm. Got me thinking now, what would have happened if Merloo had found Dimentio sitting on his grave? Shadoo probably would have still been ill and died, so how would the father/son who can't remember shit duo handle it? How would Shadoo have handled her brother suddenly being alive but not remembering her?
Okay so, Merloo would cry a lot, hug Dimentio and apologize forever for jumping "too fast" to the conclusion his son was dead. (I can even accept his assumption because Dimm wasn't even breathing, but anyways jksagd)
If Shadoo was dead already, I think they would just start all over again, leave thing to the past and work on the present, Merloo trying to find a cure for the curse and Dimentio...... Well, he would probably be less insane in the future, he could even work with his father to control the curse instead of just extinguishing it if they're not successful.
If Shadoo was alive she would be very confused and probably very sad, the concept of one being alive and well but without memories would really affect her for some time, but I think that eventually she would accept that maybe the past isn't really that important. And after all, they would spend her last days doing a lot of fun things so she could bound again with her now-alive brother and make up for all the time they spent away from each other. :)
Also the Pixl Queen event would not happen because Merloo doesn't need to revive her anymore, in my interpretation he was afraid of being alone and losing another member of his family without being able to save them.
I think that I answered every question :b sorry if it sounds confusing or something like that, I'm a little sleepy already asjdkh
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jizemderler · 4 years
Wedding (Kim Seokjin)
A/N: Attention SMUT ahead. I saw the pictures of him at the wedding of his brother so I wrote this. Enjoy!!
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Jin was looking around the room nervously while you were fixing his tie. “Hey Popstar.” you called him knowing that he hated that nickname. He rolled his eyes and you chuckled. After you were finished with his tie you brushed your palms over his shoulders to flatten his black suit. He was still nervously moving and you finally cupped his face to keep him still. “Hey.” you said again making him look into your eyes. You smiled and you could see his worried features. “It’s going to be fine.” you said and he sighed defeatedly. “This is horrible.”
“No it’s not. Come on.” you said and leaned in to give him a peck on his lips. “It’s a small ceremony. There are no paparazzis and Oppa needs you with him.” you said and he looked away, sadness filling his eyes. “I think he would appreciate it more if I didn’t show up.” he said and you shook your head. “No, Jin. You´re his brother. Family. He needs you to be there.”
“You don’t get it. It’s supposed to be his big day and no matter what I do people will shift their attention on to me.” he said now seeming really selfconcious. “I´m really sorry that I can´t take you with me. That will just throw everything out of proportion.” he apologized and you sent a warm smile his way. “Don´t be sorry. I totally get it. Just enjoy the day with your family and make your mom happy.” you said and he suddenly wrapped his arms around you. “I don´t know how you can be so good towards my family even though they´re giving you a hard time. Especially my mom.” he said after placing a kiss on top of your head and you chuckled. “That´s not true, Jin. She´s just worrying about her son. And that´s her right as a mom.” you said trying to ease his mind. His mom was giving you a hard time. She didn´t like you very much and sometimes it did hurt your feelings and put a strain on your relationship with Jin, but you overcame everything together. He was about to say something when the door to the dressing room was pushed open and his mom walked in, wearing a beautiful yellow hanbok, making you two pull apart. Both of you bowed to greet her and she nodded back. “We´re ready to leave when you are.” she said towards Jin and he nodded. “I´ll be right out.” he smiled at his mom and tried to play off his nervousness. “We´ll see you tonight, Y/N.” his mom adressed you and you smiled politely. “Have a great ceremony. I´ll congratulate Oppa and Unnie when you´re back.” 
His mom nodded at your answer and turned away towards the door. “I´ll wait outside.” she said and you were surprised that she didn´t drag Jin out of the room. You put your hand against his back and pushed him forwards gently. “Go. I´ll see you tonight. Have fun.” you said and he gave you an apologizing kiss before going after his mom. 
You spent the evening doing things you didn´t have the time to do usually. There must have been a few people who snuck photos and posted them online without anyone recognizing because you saw photos from the wedding online as you scrolled through social media. You were snuggled up on the couch, some random show running on tv while you were on your phone. A smile spread across your features as you saw Jin on the photos. He was really trying hard not to draw attention. He was nervously clasping his hands or standing in the back at a table greeting new comers. His tall and broad statue didn´t help his attempt not to draw attention. You would have some calming down to do when he came back from the wedding. 
It was late at night when you heared the lock of the door click announcing that they arrived. When someone walked ino the living room you expected it to be Jin but found his mom walking up to you. You stood up immediatly to welcome her and she sat down on the couch next to you. “Do you want to drink anything?” you asked politely but she just shook her head and patted the seat next to her. “Come on sit down. I need to tell you something.” she said and your eyes widened. What could be this important that she needed to talk to you at this time of day?
“I know I didn´t particularly welcome you to the family.” she said and you started an attempt at denying it but she stopped you with a hand gesture. “I gave you a hard time this whole time but..” she said and looked away from you,”as I heared how you talked to my son today while he was getting ready for the wedding..I-..you calmed him down, never said a bad thing about us even though it would´ve been your right - I cursed about my in laws whenever they were not around and I was alone with my husband - you´re always trying really hard to make him happy and you take care of him. He looked like a lost puppy at the wedding without you.” she said in one go, as if it cost her all her energy to say that. A big smile spread across your face. “I´m still unsure if you´re the right one for my son.” she said trying to hold up her pride,”but as long as he thinks you are, I´m going to be nice to you.” 
“Thank you. This means a lot to me.” you thanked her and before she could say anything footsteps got closer and Jin was standing in the room. “What means a lot?” he asked and a hint of horror passed the features of his mom, afraid you might tell him what his mom just did. “Nothing. She just brought some photos and food back for me from the wedding.” you lied and she exhaled in relief. “I´ll get going.” she said and got up. “Aren´t you staying the night? It´s late.” Jin said but she shook her head in denial. “No way.” she said and was her old self immediately which made you chuckle lightly.
He tried making you tell him what you really talked about but you just brushed it off everytime. He was lying in bed next to you with his arm wrapped around your shoulders and your head resting against the side of his chest. “I’m proud of you Jin.” you said into the dimm lit room and he placed a kiss on top of your head. “I’ve done nothing to be proud of. You’re the one pulling me through all of this.” he said and you rolled your eyes. He was the worst at accepting praise. You swung your leg over his hip to sit on top of him and smiled down at him. He looked surprised at your actions but very happy nonetheless. He rest his hands on your hips and let his fingers glide under your oversized shirt. His cold fingertips against your warm skin gave you goosebumps. “Did you miss me while I was gone?” he tried teasing you but you were feeling too confident to be teased by him. “Baby I know for a fact that you need me more than I need you right now.” you said sliding your hands down in between your legs to fumble with the waistband of his shorts. “All that built up tension...” you purred and stroked over his member,”has to go somewhere.” you teased him back and his eyes changed from bright and peacefull to dark and lustfilled in seconds. “I mean...” you said sliding your hands back up and under his shirt to pull it up. He lift his torso for you to pull his shirt over his head. You breath catched in your throat at seeing this beautifully built man laying in front of you in all his glory. The moonlight was shimmering on his toned skin and made him look extra delicious. “I saw the photos and you were looking really,...” you kept talking while tracing his lower abdomen with your fingertips while slowly grinding your hips against him,”really stressed out. Keeping all that stress can’t be healthy for you.”
He growled something under his breath as the friction of his shorts sent sensations to his brain that would push him over the edge shortly. “Babe..” he hissed as you picked up your pace and his grip got tigther on your hips. You lift your arms above your head signaling him to take off your shirt and he did that immediately with no hesitation whatsoever. He leaned up to take your bra off too and tossed it to the side before leaning in to place kisses on your chest. When he sucked and played with your nipple you let out a statisfied moan and you could feel him smile against your skin. He moved up to your throat and arrived at your ear with his wet kisses while he kneaded your breast with his hand firing himself up. You could feel him growing harder and harder underneath you. You were already dripping wet from all of the action and the fabric seperating you drove you crazy. He captured your lips with his and you grind harder against him to pull a deep moan out of him. “Take them off.” you said in between kisses and he did while you took your own panties off. You were about to climb back on top when he arched a brow and you smiled at him. “I’ll take care of you today.” you said and let you fingers tangle in his hair while climbing back onto his lap. You wrapped your hand around his leangth and stroked him a few times to get him fully ready. While you sat up to align him at your entrance, he cupped your face and kissed you passionately. As you pushed down on him he let out a low groan and burried his face in the crook of your neck. “Fuck me.” he cursed at the sensation of your walls clenching around him. “Shit...” he said breathlessly and you smiled enjoying your own high. You tucked at his roots while he streched you out real good. You bit yourself into his shoulder while trying to adjust to his girth. He started kissing your shoulder and neck softly when he realized that you were having a hard time adjusting. “Ugh..it’s been so long.” you moan in to his shoulder and the moan leaving your lips makes him want to pound into you until you’re left moaning his name. He’s been on tour before the wedding and when he came back he was so wrapped up in the wedding preperations that there was no room for you two to catch up. “I need to move.” you beg him after adjusting and realizing that he has a firm grip on your hips not allowing you to move even an inch. “If you answer my question.” he says suddenly out of the blue and you pull away to look at him. The tiny movement making you both wince in desire. “What? Ask me. Hurry.” you say impatiently and he smiles. “What did you talk about with my Mom?” he asks and your eyes almost fall out of your head.
“Jin!” you scold him while slapping his chest,”how can you ask me about your mom while your fucking dick is inside of me?!”
He laughes at your reaction and kiss your lips. “Major turn of.” you growl after he pulls away. “Tell me.”
“No!” you exclaim and try pushing off him because this is getting ridicilous. You manage to move a few inches and the friction blows both of your minds after not moving for such a long time. “I never thought soaking would be this pleasing.” he panted against your lips while both of you tried really hard not to move. “I know.” you breathed, the tiny argument from seconds ago long forgotten. “I don’t think I can handle you moving.” he moaned while holding onto your back and a devilish smile spread across your face. His hands were already trembling and he wasn’t holding on as hard as before so you could easily move up to let him slide out of you. Both of you moaned in unison at the feeling and you pushed back down immeaditely because the emptiness felt horrible. “Jin-...oh fuck.” you cursed, not able to form a logical sentence, while you kept grinding on him picking up your pace.
“You feel so good.” he praised you and slid his fingers between your folds and started circling your clit harshly to add to your pleasure. You took your lower lip in between your lips, closed your eyes and leaned your head back to enjoy the sensation of his fingers. “So beautiful.” he breathed and you clenched around him which made him moan out in pleasure. “Jin..” you tried to warn him that you were close but just couldn’t gather your thoughts. When he felt you getting closer he finally thrust his hips up to meet yours which made you cry out his name. “Right there, right there.” you moaned and he drowned it in a kiss. “I’m so-...” you pressed out and he nodded knowingly. “Cum for me baby.” he purred into your ears and nibbled at your earlobe before sucking at your sweetspot. That pushed you off the edge and you came moaning his name through the entire apartment. Your statisfaction made him follow close and your movement became sloppy while both of you rode out your highs.
You were back in cuddling position just without clothes this time and much much more statisfied and relaxed. Your eyes were closed because your eyelids were heavy and when something came to your mind you smiled to yourself. “Jin?” you whispered sounding very sleepy. “Hmm?” he stirred and you chuckled. “She thanked me for taking good care of you.” you said happily and snuggled closer to him. There was a long silence and you could practically hear his inappropriate joke coming. “If you make an inapropriate joke about me taking good care of your dick while I’m talking about what your mom said, your sleeping on the couch tonight. Try me.” you warned him and he chuckled nervously while pulling you closer. “You are taking good care of me.” he finally said and you rolled your eyes before both of you fell asleep happily.
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My little mischievous partner ~ part 2
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It felt all too slow. How Cassian opened his door, how he ran over to Rhys room on a mushy ground - where normaly cold,even marble should have met his naked feet.
With cold sweat cloaking his forehead and chest, he flung open the dooble door to Rhys and Feyres bedroom - locked it shut and jumped under the heavy blanket his brother slept under.
To Cassians luck was Feyre still out together with Mor and Amren. Just great, now they had to fight off Bryaxis on their own.
Cass would rather wait for Nesta than do this now. No hundred Illyrians could get him out there to this horrible creature.
Rhysand stired slowly awake by the constant shivering of his blanket. At first he had turned to his side and had hugged the round bundle, nuzzling into it as he mumbled “Oh, Feyre darling, you don’t need to purr for me.”
If the thing waiting outside the door wouldn’t have been Cassians worst nightmare he would have perhaps laughed, or thrown the blanket, over his together rolled form back. Making it obvious that he isn’t Feyre - but he was motionless. The shivers that wrecked through him already too much movement for him.
And so he wasn’t able to do anything as his brother pulled the heavy blanket aside. Rhys sleepy face was enlightened by the soft hue of moonlight as he looked down at him with a lust stretched smile and something dark welling in his violet eyes.
But all that was gone as he suddenly noticed the form of his shivering brother. A  yelp escaping him as he hurriedly skidded back to his side of the bed.
The soft midnight blue blanket between them a strained bundle, as both gripped onto one side of it.
“What in the mothers name are you doing here Cass!” The commander swallowed hard, not answering as he only asked “Can I please stay here? Feyre won’t be here before sunrise anyway. Like that you won’t be lonely.”
Rhys only glared at him before heaving a sigh, dragging a hand through his already sleep mussed hair “Fine. Just don’t tell Feyre of this - you know just as much as I do that she will not let us live this one down.”
Cassian only nodded - fine with whatever his brother wanted from him, if it prevented him from having to step out of the room.
For a long time there was only heared the rustling of the blanket, that shifted back and forth between the two of them until they settled. Both their naked backs turned at each other.
While Rhys closed his eyes again and his breathing started to even. Cassian was far away from finding sleep again. His heart still beating like a thunderstorm in his chest, his wings slowly closing in around him. Every movement outside, the sway of one of the trees, a bird or a bat fluttering past the window -every motion that caused the shadows to move made him shift. His nerves strained to the point of snapping at any moment.
The ticking of the grandfarther clock in the cornor had him wince with every tick. Still he managed to calm down, thinking that all the things he had seen in his room were probably just an imagination because of his drunken state.
Maybe it was just that.
Still with an unerving feeling in his guts, did he close his eyes. An exhaused sigh leaving his bloodless lips as he nuzzeled into the pillows.
The dancing shadows in the room, that had danced around his vision and had frightened him, were now a soothing black blanket behind his closed eyelids.
Sleep soon wanting to drag him down into its cloudy world - that was until he heared it again. That meatallic sound of a laugh.
His body moved on its own accord as it sat up straight. The sweat that had once vanished returned as his gaze hurried around the room. His brother was snorring beside him and everything seemed normal, that means almost normal.
There was a dark shadow, just by the door.
A pitch black clawing fog that swirled around aimlessly on the wooden double door.  
His heart beat spedup at the sight, the metallic laugh a screech in his ears he did never want to hear again. Cassians breathes came uneven as he shook his brother awake - this time not taking his plate wide eyes off of the shadow, that slowly started to take form.
Rhys growled as he was once again dragged out of sleep, but as his grumpy glare saw Cass ,almost porcelain white skin - he did not question his brother -that looked straight ahead.
With a tired puzzeled gaze did the High Lord follow the view of his Commander, after he sat up. His thick black eyebrow furrowed as the question was written all over his face. The clawing fog that now formed into the stature of two persons was not at all familiar with him. Wait a clawing fog?!
Rhys violet eyes slowly widened as he came to the realization - still he breathed to his brother “I’m pretty sure there is a reasonable reason behind this.” 
And it would most likely not the reason of a company searching Bryaxis, that had killed off dozens the last time they saw them.
Cassian only stared further at the fog, as the metallic laugh was heared again.
And the black mist started to lift. Strand for strand it unwrapped two persons. At the sight of those two pairs of legs, was Cassian glad - knowing it was not his worst nightmare, but who were then the intruders?
Rhys slowly scooched closer to his brother as he ,too, saw the two pairs of leggs. One pair, the more delicate and smaller one, covered in a pair of shiny grey harem’s pants. The tiny feet covered with a pair of silver ballerinas. While the other one seemed more masculine, a long turquoise sheet of fabric dangling over a pair of white pants.
And soon the two frightened brothers were greeted by their little angry, ancient friend. Amrens silver eyes swimming with an emotion both did not want to know what it promissed, while her blood red mouth formed into a twisted smirk as she looked up at Varian.
Varian beside her, was quiet as always. His face seeming a bit more grimm, but also lighter as a smirk, too, layed on his lips and he picked up the tiny female.
Her short legs wrapping around his middle imedeatly as his lips found purchase on her red painted ones. One of his large hands wound around her behind, to keep her steddy beside him - while the other tangeled and ruffeled her silky short black hair.
A growl escaping the two of them, while they did not seem as if they noticed the confused and quiet disturbed gazes of the two brothers, that were frightened for their life at the view.
They both were happy to call someone like Amren their family and that she found herself Varian, but both did never want to find out these specific things. Seeing how their chests pressed into one another, her hips grinding into his. There would have not even fit a sheet of paper between them. It seemed like as if the two wanted to become one right infront of Rhys and Cassian.
And it might have been that the two accted like little boys, that just had cought their parents in the middle of something, but they did not want to watch this unfold even more. A shiver running down both of their spines as they thought about it. And so Rhys took the bravery to clear his throat - loudly.
But the pants of the two were louder as they broke appart. Amrens arms wound thightly in Varians hair, their eyes only snapping away from each other as they heared Cass massive frame coliding with the floor.
The commander did not want to see this unfold any longer, but the blanket had cought his legs at the attempt to flee. All pairs of eyes on his form on the cold floor. Annoyed by the reason for his fall he snapped “You two having your fun?!”
Amren only smirked, as her whole body stayed wrapped against Varians. Her blood red lips one devils smirk as she answered: “Thank you very much Cassian, it is actually quiet fun for the both of us, yes.”
Varian had the decency to turn a bit red as he nudged his dark nose against her almost white cheek. But the smirk that formed on his lips as well, had the two brothers shaking.
Rhys slowly crawled to Cassian as to not caugh the attention of the two smirking lovers and leaned down to him. Freeing his brother all too slowly from the silky fetters around his ankels. “We run at three, got that?” Cassian only nodded. Bracing himself on his forearms as to slowly get up.
But before Rhys had even got the chance to say one, went Amrens attention back to them. That words that left her smirking mouth had them flying for the door behind them. “Would you like to join us?”
They both moved fast as lightning for the door. The heavy wood flinging wide open at the force Cass used to open it up with. This was worse than Bryaxis! decided Cassian for himself as he bolted down the hallway to the living room.
There was no way in hell he would open up that cursed chamber of his. Afterall they both had already been in his room. Oh gods he did not even want to think about that!
And while both, Cass and Rhys, ran down the stairs to sleep on the couch. They did not hear the metallic laugh that left Rhys and Feyres bedroom.
None of the two carred about the sound, as they both ran to get their eyes as far away, from the two, as possible. Rhys not carring at all that his bedroom was used for their fun.
There were plenty of rooms in the riverestate. He and Feyre could simply move into one of them, though the explanation might be a bit difficult.
Even though both Illyrians did not know why Amren showed up in the middle of Rhys bedroom - they were horrified. The few pictures that they had seen in the dimm hue of moonlight, enough for the rest of eternity.
The fire in the fireplace to source of warmth as they , both, layed under a pile of blankets on the couch. Sleep without a nightmare hard to find for the two of them.
As the two drunken and sleepy Illyrians stumbeled out the room, was the seer in need of biting her bottom lip -hard- to prevent herself from bursting out laughing.
And it seemed that even the stoic shadowsinger beside her, had to pull hard on his leash of restraint to not burst out lauging too.A light snicker escaping him.
Elain nudged his, brown painted, arm with hers. A smile on her lips as she gazed up at him. Him and his turquoise eyes.
She pounted.
Bold in her drunken state did words leave her mouth, she would have never said if she was sober - but that whole plan of hers was something she would have never done in a sober state.
“I like your hazel eyes better.” was all she mumbled
Azriel grew stiff for a moment at the comment, before he lifted his scarred hand and pulled the two contact lenses out. Revealing his hazel eyes onse again. The emotions inside of them, that made the green and brown appear like one swirl of color - as if they had been painted by Feyre herself with her oil paint, a true master piece. Making the seer lose her breath.
And so did the Shadowsinger as he heaved a sigh once the two foreign bodys were out of his eyes.
The kind smile he offered his friend was something breathtaking, but Elains breath was knocked out of her lungs for another reason.
Her still silver eyes widening at the red smeared lipstick on his sinfull lips.Those lips that had touched and caressed hers like a real lover, wrapping her soft cold lips into the warm blanket of his.
Even though the act, they just had put up, seemed wild and full of passion and like something that was clearly created by Amren and her lover.
But it wasn’t.
It was a song that was sung by the uniting bodys of the Shadowsinger and the seer. A symphony that only their soul and body could create, but that was something that could only be felt by the two of them.
Two drunken ones not even able to notice the difference between those who played infront of them and those which were the real ones.
The hight difference between ‘Amren’ and ‘Varian’ , that stood in the middle of Rhys and Feyres bedroom, gazing at each other with such warmth and intensity that could melt ice, was a lot lesser than the original one.
Something the make up skills of Elain could not make up for.
As well as the bulkier stature of ‘Varian’ and since it was dark, it was also not noticed that his entire backside was covered in shadows.
The black swirling whisps little snakes around Azriels wings, covering everything up like a cloak. Something he had already done many times - mostly durning spies and visits to the mortal lands after the war.
And Elain needed to admit, her eyes taking in every inch of Azriels disguised form, that she would never want anyone else besides the shadowsinger.
His tan, but not ebony skin. His hazel eyes - not quiet brown but also not grey or green either. His touseled soft black hair, instead of white flowing one.
Elain realized with shock, as she lifted her hand to cup the Shadowsingers brown cheek, that there would never be anyone as beautiful as Azriel for her.
Body and Soul. Of course did he have cracks and weired habits of his. Scars covering his body, his hands mostly, but also his heart. His kind heart that seemed for most cold, but was in truth the hearth of a fire to which, at least, sweet Elain wanted to come home forever.
Her pale hand that rested on his dark cheek and tried to smear away a bit of the color on his gods crafted face, did nothing. She only caressed his cheek. And the Shadowsinger could do nothing more than close his eyes - leaning in to the soft touch of hers.
A chuckle escaping his relaxed face as he realized what the intensing swipes with her thumb attemted to do. “You do remember, El, that you yourself had put smearproof make up all over my skin, right?”
Elains eyes widened slowly “Oh.”
Azriel burst out full laughing at her short memory, that usualy remembered everything from the start of her fae life, her tipsy state having clearly infected her a bit too much.
Both probably too tipsy at this point that they did not care at all, that they were laughing like maniacs in the middle of darkness. Bold words leaving their mouthes as a fire ignited between the two.
Elain innocent smile, seeming all weired and twisted in Amrens form. But Amrens looks fit her wicked tongue just right. 
A gleam in the silver contact lenses of hers. “Well I guess that I have to remove it all again then.”
Azriel did not know how he would have reacted if he had been sober, but all he remembered in his tipsy state, was that he closed the little distance between them. One of his scarred hands holding his lenses as the other lifted to the seers soft cheek. 
The distance between them, the distance that was barely there - was unbearable as Azriels already red smeared lips were only milimiters away from hers. A soft whisper of them and his words everything against them.
A few little words, a touch all it needed for Elain to shiver from delight. Gosepumps appearing all over her body. 
“You would not be capable of what you unleash, little seer.” 
Elains breath was cought in her lungs. There were only a few times were he called her with such names. She mostly knew in which situation he used which nickname for her, but with these she never knew. 
His gaze always holding, in such moments, a stronger intensity. 
“I think you’re underestimating me, Spymaster.” 
And just before she closed the milimeter between them, breathless words left her lungs. 
“Because I know I could handle you, Azriel. Forever.” 
Those were the words that unleashed the Shadowsinger. Never in his life had he heared such sweet words and for the first time of his life did he want to taste these sweet words on her lips.
Every mother damned syllable of them. 
A dance of soft lips fighting against each other, erupting in the soft hue of moon light before they were gone in a shadowy breeze.
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hells-angel · 4 years
The Princess of Hell - Part 1
This is my first time writing so I hope you guys like it. This will be a Supernatural x archangel reader. It will be a series that will start in season 10. So basically its about the reader being an archangel joining the supernatural. I’m still thinking if I should include romantic interest.
 " I still think this is an absurd idea!" Crowley argued, his frown and voice deeper than usual. As their footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallway in hell.
 "This is our only choice, if what Metatron said is true about it being God level magic, this is the only way"
 "I admit it's a risky plan but if it's the only thing that will help Dean..." Castiel said as they glance at the said man. Dean was remaining quiet throughout the whole ordeal, despite it concerning him.
"Do you know why no demons nor prince of hell dare wake her up? Because she's the damn princess of hell, hell’s angel, the next bad thing to Lucifer himself!" Crowley nearly shouted just to get his opinion drilled into the three idiots who might plan to release another evil in the world. Unfortunately those idiots are stubborn as hell.
"Is that the only reason Crowley? Or is it because she will threaten your position as the king of hell?" Sam suspiciously asked. All eyes then land on Crowley, who were walking in front of the group.
"...well, that’s another reason .....but that's not the point!" Crowley subtly explained before he realize what he was about to say to the younger Winchester.
 "as soon as we get what we want from her, we can just reverse the spell and let her fall asleep again” Sam said, letting Crowley’s remark slide as Crowley come into a complete stop in front of them.
"Here we are lads, it’s not too late to change your minds and run back” Crowley said as they all admire the double door, decorated in black gems and such in front of them.
"What are you waiting for? Open it" Dean impatiently said, his first words ever since they come into hell. Crowley just rolled his eyes and nonchalantly took out a key out of his pocket.
The moment Crowley twist open the key, the door made rumbling sounds as it creaks open revealing a hallway as torches light up one by one, leading to another door, but this time the door looks old and broken.
The group walk through the hallway in silence, all of them preparing for whatever that might greet them. Dean look back behind his shoulder, waiting Sam and Castiel’s nod of approval before he twists the doorknob open.
The door opened up to reveal a very large room contrary to the small door outside. And despite it being hell, the room was all white, with one bed in the middle. the only source of light in the room was the moon that can only be seen through the large window behind the bed.
But despite all this, the group's eyes only focus on the person or rather archangel sleeping on the bed. It was almost like the fairy tale, sleeping beauty. Her hair laid on the pillow carefully like a water flowing through. Her face held nothing but peacefulness and nothing more. The white sheets of the bed compliment her pale skin and red lips.
The group just stare at her for a half a second before they all snapped out of it.
"Well I'll be damned, Didn't expect the princess to be such a beauty" Crowley remark, his voice heavy with accent. He continued to stare at her, she was clearly different than what the rumors say about her. While the king of hell is busy admiring the archangel, the boys and the angel worked for the spell and trap.
"Are we ready?"
Sam asked as he look around the room. Checking one last time for everything. The handcuffs were secured on her hands, and a ring of burning holy fire surrounding the bed just in case and of course the ingredients and spell needed to wake her up.
Without further ado. Sam started the spell. Carefully and precisely saying each word, everyone held their breath as Sam spoke the last of word of the spell, they wait for something or anything to happen.
"Did you say the spell right?" Castiel asked when nothing un-ordinary seems to be happening.
"Yes! I don't know what went wrong" Sam said panicking as he read the spell one more time.
"I guess we're back to zero" Dean dejectedly said, disappointed. After all, she was their last chance on removing the mark. But when all hopes seems lost,a groan come from her, all eyes immediately shift towards her form on the bed.
You flutter your eyes open as a familiar ceiling greeted you and an unfamiliar burning sensation surrounding your body. With a groan you sat up on the bed only to find your hands bind together and the bed surround in what you assumed as a burning holy oil. Four unfamiliar beings surround you.
Two were humans, an angel and a demon.
"Who the hell dares to wake me up?!" You threaten as a yawn escape your mouth, then you glare at them causing them to stand stiff. All of them were on guard, but the heavy atmosphere disappeared as soon as you said your next words.
 "…is that what I'm supposed to say?" You playfully asked as you rub away your eyes of sleep. The Four men confuse or too stunned to even do anything. You certainly were not what they were expecting.
"What the hell’s going on? No pun intended. What year is it? Castiel? What are you doing in hell? What are you guys doing in here? Did you wake me up? Where's Azazel anyway? His supposed to keep anyone out of here"
 You fired questions one after another, as you look around the room. It looks exactly as the last time you remember it, except for the fire and the strangers.
 "We...ah....needed your help" Sam was the first to speak as he cleared his throat and asked you as he was the first one to recover from your bombardment of questions.
“You needed my help so you woke me up but here you were cuffing me with this and trapping me in fire?" You mumbled as you put up your hands and examined the handcuffs decorated with different runes, preventing you from using your grace. despite not speaking for a long time, your voice was not hoarse at all.
 "We can explain for that" Sam awkwardly mumbled and look at Castiel for help,
Castiel called you gaining your attention immediately. last time you met him his vessel was a woman.
"Castiel, it's been such a long time, I guess. As much as I want to catch up with you, may I asked first where’s Azazel?"
 "His dead...for a very long time" Castiel replied as they all watch your face turn from confusion into a cold one.
 "Hmm I see, that explain why you...ah ..things get in here, then whose in charge now?"
 "That would be me, darling. My names Crowley, the King of hell" Crowley proudly introduced himself as he step forward and smiled at you, all fear seems to have been lost with your carefree vibe.
 "I dont care either way who’s in charge in hell, my condition was simple. no one, and I mean no one bothers me, I made sure to tell every creature there is what would happen if they so much breath an air in this room, so why the actual hell are these puny things doing in here?”
 Your words suddenly turn cold and sends shivers down theirs spines, your eyes turn into red but soon fade due to the handcuffs, all the while you continue to glare at him, Crowley gulp and seems taken aback, he then look at the others with the ‘ I told you its a bad idea’ look.
 “Y/N, we didn’t mean to disturb you. We just need to asked you a question and after that we can put you back to sleep again”
 Castiel calmly explain as the flame start to died down. You stare at the angel for a long time, debating inside your head on what to do, Castiel was a soldier you can trust, that much you can assure. But not knowing what had been happening for so long and what the hell is happening, you can’t help but be suspicious.
 In the end you decided to trust your instinct, You took a deep sigh and close your eyes to calm down.
 “Alright, but first tell me whats have been happening while I was asleep?”
 “where do you want to start?”
 “did the apocalypse already happened? Or if not forget what I said”
 With the word apocalypse everyone exchange looks before they start explaining what happened for the last few years. Sam and Dean stopping the apocalypse, Castiel opening the purgatory,  the leviathans, the almost opening of gates of hell, the fall of the angels and of course the Mark of Cain, the very reason they woke you up in the first place.
 “..and Metatron said removing the mark is God level magic or Lucifer level, but we can’t exactly asked Lucifer for help, you’re the only archangel available”
 Sam finished, while he sat in front of you, Dean beside him taking a sip of a bottled beer and Catiel beside you listening the whole time. In the middle of Sam’s story of them saving the world countless times, Crowley got bored and decided to snap the four of you back to what they call bunker. And of course you’re still in handcuffs, the boys have too much trust issues to let you free.
 While everyone awaits for your reaction or any kind of response, you just blankly stared at the air, processing everything that had happened. They were expecting a response such as about your brothers death or a snarky remark but what come out of your mouth definitely was not what they expected.
 “What does demon blood taste like?”  You asked Sam, the seriousness and curiosity in your eyes catching them of guard.
 “he just told you everything and that’s what your gonna asked?” Castiel glance at you while you just shrug your shoulders and grinned at them.
 “what? I’m curious”
 “Told you shes another odd ball” Dean mumbled to Sam as he took another sip of his beer.
 “anyway, can you remove the mark?” Sam asked after giving his brother a bitch face.
 “are you crazy, Metatron just said its Lucifer level magic, do I look like Lucifer?”
 You wittingly remark as you took the bottle of beer and sniff it only to frown from the strong scent, while they exchange look, you were definitely different than your brothers.
 “but you know how? Right?” Sam carefully asked, his hope in saving his brother getting dimmer and dimmer every second.
 “hmm maybe? What in it for me?”  You tease as you grinned at them.
 “you tell us or we’ll send your dead body back to hell” Dean snapped as he slammed his hands into the table. Startling you a little, seeing the seriousness in everybody, you decided to help them out, besides you got a feeling that you shouldn’t get on Dean’s bad side.
 “That's not possible, If you even manage to kill me I’ll definitely go to the empty and what you’ll toss in hell is my vessel” You wittingly replied but one look from everybody, you immediately cleared your throat.
“ it’s actually fairly easy...” you started as everyone attentively listen. “...you just have to kill Sam”
 Everyone have been too stunned to say anything, the atmosphere had become heavy as Dean glance at Sam who also glace at him, as if their asking each other. But the tense atmosphere broke as your giggles filled the library.
 “I’m just joking”
 Dean was about to jump over the table and probably punch you, Luckily Sam and Cass stop him. Now Dean takes back what he though about you being different from your douche bags brothers, you’re just as annoying as your them.
 “Stop joking around!”
 “you can’t take a joke can you? I don’t really know about the mark in case you don’t know when I was created Lucifer already have that mark, can you believe that my first memory was my four brothers damn faces looking at me like I’m some kind of a dog and I was –“
“you’re getting side track, so you can’t remove the mark?” Castiel asked as he cut you off.
“let me finish, I can’t remove the mark but theirs this spell that specifically removes damnation, someone mentioned about it to me a very long time ago about a nun who went crazy and wrote spells with her own skin and blood”
“who told you about that?” Castiel asked his curiosity getting the best of him.
“My vessel was a nun, you know gossips between nuns"
You playfully grinned as Castiel nod in understanding while Dean watch in disgust with the exchange between you two.
 “you mean the book of the damned” Sam excitedly asked, seems like hope was definitely not loss.
 “bingo!” you cheerfully sang, reminding them of a certain archangel.
 “Charlie is on her way to check that out, I’ll give her a call” Sam excitedly asked as he stood up and went out of the library, leaving you with an angry Dean and a socially awkward angel.
“and your willing to tell us this because?” Dean asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes on you.
“hmm I wonder”  You childishly answered back as you attempt to took a piece of a pie but Dean slap your hand away causing you to pout.
“give me one! I told you that valuable information you know!” you angrily snapped at him as you attempt to take another pie but Dean took the entire plate of pie away from you.
“nothing in this world is free, there must be some catch why you’re telling us this” he demanded, glaring back at you.
“you ungrateful brat, why can’t you just be thankful that I even told you that, drop dead!”
“that’s it! Cass take the spell, were gonna force her to sleep again” Dean said as he put the pie away from you and started to make his way towards you.
“what! No! I don’t want to!” your eyes widen as you heard his plan to bring you back to hell, so with all your strength you ran away from the opposite direction.
“calm down both of you!” Castiel intervene as Sam entered the the library to see you running away, hands bind in cuffs as Dean chase you away followed by Castiel.
“what the hells going on” Sam said asked in disbelief as you ran towards him and hide behind him, his towering height completely blocking you from Dean. Dean immediately getting his brother away from you.
“get away Sam, were gonna send that bitch back to sleep!” Dean angrily said while glaring daggers at you.
“I don’t want to!” you shouted back as you peak behind Sam. 
“wait Dean” Sam asked as he turn around to face you while Dean calm down, for now. 
“why don’t you want to go back to sleep? You got pretty angry when we woke you up” Sam softly asked. you don’t have any obligation to answer him but Sam’s puppy eyes and soft voice somehow convinces you that it’s okay. 
“I don’t have any reason to sleep anymore” You barely whispered but everyone still manage to hear. 
“why did you even sleep in the first place?” Cass asked
“...at that time, it was the most favorable option” you answered back while you took your original seat again.  
“what do you mean?” 
“you wouldn't understand”
“try us”
Sam urge you and somehow deep inside you, someone was telling you that’s it’s okay to tell them, that’s there is nothing to worry about. 
“I was scared, or more like traumatized. Seeing my brothers fight each other to death was too much” you started as you look down at your lap, remembering memories you thought you would never again have to remember. 
“If you’ve only seen how much hate they have with each other how much destruction they've cause. The apocalypse had been set for a very long time, it was inevitable...” you continued not noticing Sam glancing at Dean in understanding. 
“...and I didn’t think I can bear to watch them kill each other again, so I look for a spell to allow me to sleep for a very long time, with that I won’t have to watch them kill each other or watch the end of the world” you finish as you await everyone’s comment on how cowardly it was or whatever, but instead Sam’s comforting hands was place on your head, ruffling your hair.  
“you’re just like Gabriel”
you don’t know what or how,  but somehow your heart feels warm. The Winchesters think it was a good idea to keep you in the bunker rather than letting you free out there, after all, you’re still a fallen archangel, plus they’re not sure whether to trust you or not, especially Dean. 
“Sammy?!” Dean called, his voice echoing throughout the bunker. 
“In here!” Sam answered back, Dean followed his voice in the kitchen. 
“we have a cas-wait! Is that my shirt?! And my pie?!” he start but as soon as his eyes landed on you, his anger definitely skyrocketed. 
“ah yeah, I don’t have any clothes I don’t think you’ll appreciate me walking around naked” you calmly replied while being sarcastic. 
“Sam! She’s wearing my Clothes!” Dean complained to Sam, like a kid complaining to his mother. 
“Dean, it’s just a shirt, you have plenty of those” Sam explained, as he take his eyes away from his laptop for a second to look at the older Winchester. 
“why not your shirt?!” Dean depended, definitely not please of you wearing his clothes.
“my clothes are too big for her” 
“shes eating my pie, Sammy! Nobody eats my pie! Why are you even eating, you’re an angel, angels don’t eat!” Dean angrily said pointing at you. 
“correction, I’m an Archangel, we don’t eat but we can, this doesn’t taste like anything but I like the way it feels in my mouth, it’s soft” 
“Dean, it’s okay”
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Minor Hearts of Stone "Dead Man's Party" quest mini(?) spoliers. it's me blabbing about Vlodimir.
sorry that i don't know how to do a "keep reading..." cut on mobile (nor even on computer?). i am a dingus. ":3 just try to scroll by quickly.
Is it bad i ship Vlodimir and Shani even though he wasn't there too long and he's a ghost?
Just... The way i played him, and the fact he was just trying to enjoy the last bit of life he could experience and how he did all those things while doing so such as fishing for her boot (i brought all of them back and he tried to explain it as that it was extra work and that it opened a chance to all the women but that Shani was still his favorite, and not that it was him unsure what one it was), chasing down the pigs into the stall and winning her that stuffed pig, how he danced with her in the barn, that cut scene one, and then the silly across the room dancing with her, and dear lord bless his awkard soul when he went up in the top of the barn with her— he couldn't even figure out how to start the conversation with her. XD and then that oof moment when Guanter o dimm ((i doubt i spelt that right)) was a ass and kept bringing up that Vlad was just trying to be a copy of his brother, and Vlod eventually admits how he truely died, and he kept apologizing to Shani and all and she told him it's allright. TTnTT theres so much i can't even think of all the preciousness.
oh, and of course the most important part, the moment she kissed him. that, that made me so happy.
just, all of it. he looked so happy when he wrote that note to tell his brother he enjoyed the night. TTwTT
He deserves more even though he has his ass moments (even with how i played him XD) and is such a flirt man (which he was just trying to enjoy life, but seriously, Vlod. XD).
I literally cried from this man, during the scene with the whole brother comparison/admiting how he really died, and durring the moment he is sent back.
Is this bad i feel this? Am i the only one who ships this mess? XD i probably am. *proceeds to look it up*
[Update, 06/04/2020]
I found the flowers Shani left at Vlodimir's grave and I'm just so nflwbdhdkkdks. TTTmTTT *sad noises* She's missing him or at least feeling bad for him.
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ryqoshay · 6 years
How to Handle a Nico: Yazaween
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~3k Rating: K Time Frame: October of Maki’s 2nd year in high school and Nico’s 1st year in college. Story Arc: Stand Alone
List of all HtHaN scenes
Author’s Note: This too far longer to finish than I thought it would. Ended up longer as well. Not complaining, much, though it does kind of hamper my ability to get a scene out for HL in time.
“Hap…” Cocoro started as she opened the door. “Maki-san!” She beamed upon recognizing the redhead on the other side. “Welcome! Come in! Come in!” She opened the door wider to allow entry before turning to call into the apartment. “Onee-sama! Cocoa! Cotarou! Maki-san is here!”
“Maki-chan?!” an excited voice immediately returned.
A moment later, an energetic Yazawa scampered around the corner and barreled into Maki, glomping onto her like a smaller version of a certain older sibling.
“Oomph…” The second-year high school student grunted with the impact. “Hey, Cocoa.”
Cocoa looked up with a smile that left no doubt of her bloodline. “We haven’t seen you in, like, fo~re~ver~, Maki-chan! What gives?”
“S-sorry…” Maki began.
“Maki-chan’s been too busy studying.” A twin-tailed girl said, appearing in the entryway. “Ms. Study-o-holic hasn’t even visited Nico in over a week!” She huffed, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.
“A week?” Cocoa protested. “That’s still better than us.”
“Maki-san…” A fourth voice drawled.
A young boy plodded toward one of his favorite people and joined his sister in attaching himself to her.
“Cocoa! Cotarou!” Cocoro chided. “Let Maki-san at least take off her shoes.”
“It’s fine…” Maki assured.
“But dinner is almost done, so you need to be able to come in and be ready.”
The sister actively pouted while the brother’s expression remained fairly passive. However, those who knew him could read the disappointment on his face.
Once freed, Maki stooped to remove her shoes before accepting a pair of slippers from the most responsible of the Yazawa siblings. When she stood back up, she was finally greeted by the smile she wanted to see. Well, not that she wasn’t happy to see the others, but…
“C’mon in.” Nico said, reaching forward to grab the younger girl’s hand. “I’m teaching Cocoro how to make tomato curry.”
“Maki-san is going to love it.” Cocoro assured, taking Maki’s other hand and leading the way back into the apartment.
“Hey, no fair!” Cocoa complained, following the others.
Nico laughed as they neared the kitchen. “You can show Maki-chan to her seat.” She said, handing off the redhead to her sister. “We’ll be ready in a bit.”
Maki couldn’t help blushing a bit as she was lead to the table in the dining room. She wasn’t accustomed to the younger Yazawas vying for her attention; Nico’s attention, sure, not hers. But, despite it being a bit embarrassing, she found she kind of liked it. She could kind of see why Nico loved it as much as she did… well, she enjoyed attention in general, so maybe it just ran in the family?
Of course, it wasn’t as if Maki couldn’t empathize. Seeking attention or approval or affection or whatever from a specific individual was something she did herself, like with her parents. Or from someone else… sometimes. Only sometimes. Maybe.
Maki smiled as she listened to Cocoa talk about the tennis match she had won, despite it being her first after healing from a sprained ankle. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Cotarou retrieve a handheld game before trying to squeeze in between her and the edge of the table. Allowing herself a small chuckle, she scooted over to allow him room before reaching over to tousle his hair. Not surprisingly, Cocoa did her best to bring Maki’s attention back to her while Cotarou contented himself with his game and simply being near.
It was times like this that she truly envied Nico with her adorable siblings who looked up to her with all the admiration in the world. And she couldn’t help thinking about how her life might have been different if she had younger siblings of her own.
“Dinner is ready!” Cocoro announced proudly, striding into the room.
“A Nico-nii special with a Cocoro twist.” Nico added, setting plates out for everyone.
“Looks good.” Maki commented as the visible chunks of tomato and a wonderful aroma made her mouth water. “Smells good.”
“But of course!” Nico preened. “What else would you expect from the No. 1 Chef in the Universe and her No. 1 Protégée?”
Maki opened her mouth to issue her usual retort, but closed it when she noticed Cocoro basking in the praise of the two older girls.
“Let’s eat!” Cocoa proclaimed, reaching for the serving spoon. “Maki-chan, hold out your plate.”
“She’ll need rice first!” Cocoro insisted, kneeling and opening the cooker. “Would you pass me your plate, please, Maki-san?”
Maki hesitated for a moment before she heard Nico chuckle. A quick glare only earned her a wide smile in return as the older girl took her place.
“Onee-sama, you’re next.” Cocoro reached for her sister’s plate.
“So, what are you gonna be tonight?” Cocoa asked the redhead sitting kitty-corner from her.
“Eh?” Maki blinked.
“You’re coming with us tonight, right?”
“Yes, but…”
“Well then you have to dress up!”
“Dress up…” Cotarou repeated.
“Onee-sama is dressing up.” Cocoro pointed out.
“Nico-chan?” Maki looked at the twin-tailed girl across from her.
“Not to worry, Maki-chan!” The older girl grinned. “Nico has it all taken care of!”
“I’m going to be Date-Krumm Kimiko!” Cocoa announced before Maki could get more details.
“The tennis player?” Maki inquired, redirecting her curiosity from Nico to a younger Yazawa.
“The best!”
“Cow…” Cotarou held up a hand.
“Cow?” Maki raised an eyebrow.
Nico laughed. “Mama and I made a really cute costume for him this year.”
“A cow?” Maki continued to question.
“It’s what he wanted.”
“Moo…” The young boy repeated.
“So how about you, Cocoro?” Maki asked.
“Julia Child.” The oldest of the three younger siblings stated. “The second-best cook in the universe.”
“Second?” Even as the word left her mouth, Maki realized the answer.
“To Onee-sama, of course.”
“Soon to be third best, if Nico has anything to say about it.” Nico added, patting her sister’s head.
Again, the rebuttal bubbled up, held in Maki’s throat and was swallowed with her next bite. Not only was the food she was eating delicious, there was something… just… what to call it… heartwarming, about the interactions between Nico and her siblings. Far be it for her to ruin the moment.
As dinner continued, the younger Yazawa siblings talked about their plans for the night, what shops gave out the best candy last year and what they hoped to receive this year. Maki and Nico added a bit to the conversation here and there but were otherwise content letting the kids be excited.
Then after the meal and clean up, everyone went to change into their costumes. Maki followed Nico into her old room.
“Here you go, Maki-chan!” Nico said proudly, holding an outfit toward the younger girl.
“Nico-chan…” Maki was struck with nostalgia as she accepted the garment.
“Dancing stars on me!” Nico sang the title line of the song from a year ago.
“Where… How many did you and Kotori keep?”
“Just a few.” Nico shrugged. “I thought everyone knew.”
Maki shook her head.
“Well, if you want any of yours, let us know.”
“Hrm…” Maki wondered if she should take up the offer.
“And I’m wearing mine from the same set.” Nico turned to retrieve said costume from the drawer. “So Nico and Maki-chan can match! Which is part of why I invited Maki-chan tonight. Also,” She giggled as she turned back around “I may need help carrying some stuff if I’m going to wear these.” She held up her hands, now wearing pink cat paws.
“So I’m to be a candy pack mule?” Maki raised an eyebrow.
“Yup!” Nico chirped.
Maki deadpanned while Nico laughed.
“I suppose it can’t be helped…” The younger girl finally agreed with a sigh that was nowhere near serious.
It wasn’t like she was completely against the idea. If she were being honest, she had been looking forward to spending time with Nico and her siblings and watching said siblings collect their candy ever since Nico had proposed the idea. She hadn’t anticipated participating, but getting to wear another old µ’s costume was something she couldn’t pass up. And maybe seeing Nico wear one as well might have its own appeal. Maybe…
“Anyway, I think we’ll have fun tonight.” The older girl continued. “So let’s hurry up and get changed!”
Maki did as instructed, smiling as she secured the black caplet around her shoulders. It really had been an adorable costume, she thought, checking her reflection in one of Nico’s mirrors. Still was an adorable costume.
“Don’t forget this.”
Maki turned to see a headband with bat-like wings being handed to her.
“Oh yeah, thanks.”
“And we can’t be dancing stars without stars.” Nico produced a pair of hairclips. “Here.” She reached up to secure the star in Maki’s bangs. She stepped back for a second before moving forward again and adjusting the accessory. “There.” She nodded before attaching her own. “How’s that?”
Maki smiled and reached over to adjust the star in Nico’s hair, not because it needed realignment but because part of her wanted to mimic what Nico had just done for her. For some reason.
“Now we’re good.” Maki said, satisfied with her actions.
“Then let’s check on the kids.” Nico replied, slipping on her cat paw gloves again. She then frowned as she reached for the other girl’s hand but found she couldn’t do anything through the gloves.
Maki laughed and grabbed a paw. “Alright.”
“Pretty…” Cotarou murmured as the group entered the shopping mall.
Maki couldn’t disagree as she surveyed the stunning scene around her. Many of the shops had gone all out with their individual decorating as though there had been some sort of competition among them, but even the common areas had decked out. Witches on brooms hung from above while skeletons and ghouls danced below. Jack-o-lanterns provided flickering lighting amid the dimmed normal fixtures. Spider webs were stretched across doorways and passages. Mist crept across the floor in many areas.
And the costumes. By the gods, the costumes. They were everywhere. Though she had pretty much expected this to be the case, Maki found herself relieved that she wouldn’t stand out too much in her own costume.
“Hey, we should have a contest.” Cocoa suddenly suggested, refocusing Maki’s attention to the group.
“A contest?” Nico grinned. “What do you have in mind?”
“Who can get the most candy!”
“Wouldn’t we all get the same?” Maki wonder aloud.
“Not if we split up into teams!”
“But we’re five people.” Cocoro pointed out. “There’s no good way to divide that number.”
“Hrm…” Cocoa considered. “Alright, how about kids vs. adults?”
Nico scoffed. “Adults?” She glanced at Maki.
“What was that?” The redhead raised an eyebrow. “You’re one to talk.”
“Anyway, as much as Nico would love to team up with Maki-chan, I think it would be best if there was an adult on each team.” The raven-haired girl accented the word adult unnecessarily, earning a glare from the high school second-year.
“Then I’m with Maki-chan!” Cocoa claimed immediately.
Cocoro looked like she was about to protest but decided against it. “Then I shall go with Onee-sama.”
“And Cotarou?”
“I’ll take him.” Nico offered. “I’m used to dealing with all three, so two is easy. Is that alright with you, Maki-chan?”
Maki hummed an affirmation.
“But then they have three.” Cocoa said.
“We can average out the total earnings of each team.” Maki suggested.
“That’s my Maki-chan.” Nico grinned. “A brilliant solution.”
Maki felt heat gather in her cheeks. It was not uncommon for Nico to call her as such, and it never failed to embarrass her, much to her chagrin.
“So, we have our teams.” Nico raised a paw to encourage on the others. “Let’s go get some candy!”
The younger Yazawa siblings cheered in response.
“Thank you for inviting me tonight, Nico-chan.” Maki said, straitening her skirt, having just changed back into her school clothes. “That was a lot of fun.”
“Thanks for coming.” Nico replied as she turned toward the younger girl with a grin. “And thanks for putting up with the kids again.”
“They’re fine.”
“They enjoy seeing you. And of course, Nico does too.”
Maki felt her face warm a bit in embarrassment, but it still made her happy. “I like seeing them too.”
“Just them?” Nico pouted playfully.
Maki laughed. “Of course, I like seeing Nico-chan as well.”
“So, you two never did tell us…” Nico started.
“Tell you what?” Maki had a feeling she knew the answer, but asked anyway.
“What Maki-chan and Cocoa did to get so much candy.”
“I mean forget averaging, you two beat the rest of us flat out.”
“… Just… normal trick or treating stuff…” Gods, why couldn’t she hide her embarrassment better?
Nico narrowed her eyes. No surprise, the older girl didn’t believe her.
“I’m telling you, it was just normal.” Maki insisted.
“Fine. Fine.” Nico shrugged. “I’ll just ask Cocoa later.”
Maki took a deep breath through gritted teeth and held it as she maintained eye contact with the older girl. After a moment, it became obvious Nico wasn’t relenting, so she relaxed her jaw and sighed. “She… uhm… convinced me to sing…”
“I know.”
“Buweehh?” Maki balked. “Y-you knew?”
“Uh, yeah. We weren’t too far away, you know. I just wanted to hear you admit it.”
Maki couldn’t help pursing her lips into a pout.
“And Maki-chan has a fairly distinctive singing voice.” Nico smirked. “Almost as lovely as Nico’s.”
Maki’s cheeks burned. “I-idiot…”
“You like it.” Nico stuck out her tongue.
“… Maybe…”
“Anyway, I’ll walk you to the station.” Nico offered, reaching forward. As she was no longer wearing the cat paws, she was able to actually take the other girl’s hand this time.
Maki nodded and the two headed for the bedroom door. However, as soon as Nico opened it, they found three faces staring up at them.
“Are you really going back tonight?” Cocoa was the one to speak up first.
“Huh?” Nico blinked. “Well, yes, that was kind of the plan…”
“You can have your old bedroom back for the night.” Cocoro offered.
“Stay…” Cotarou drawled.
“Well…” Nico laughed lightly. “I guess it can’t be helped. Let me just walk Maki-chan to the station.”
“Stay…” Cotarou repeated, this time reaching up to take Maki’s hand.
“Eh?” Maki blinked.
“You’re certainly welcome to stay as well.” Mrs. Yazawa said, coming up behind her children. “We have two guest futons in the living room.”
“Yeah!” Cocoa chimed in, taking the redhead’s other hand. “Stay with us tonight, Maki-chan!”
“Stay with us tonight, Maki-chan!” Another voice mimicked.
“Nico-chan?” Maki glanced at the older girl beside her.
“And in the morning, Nico will make her super special omurice.”
“Onee-sama’s omurice is the best.” Cocoro stated happily.
Maki was tempted to say that she already knew Nico’s skill in making breakfast. Instead, she smiled and said, “Alright. Let me just send a message to Mama.”
“You go ahead and do that.” Mrs. Yazawa nodded. “Nico and I will set up the futons.”
The morning flew by much quicker than Maki would have liked. Thankfully, there was no morning practice with the idol group, but she still needed to leave time to get home and change before heading off to school. As such, she wasn’t able to savor Nico’s breakfast as long as was deserved for such a delectable dish. But at least she was able to get three wonderful smiles when she decided to leave most of her candy for Nico’s siblings to split. It came as no surprise that Nico quickly followed suit, though Maki noted the older girl kept a bit more for herself.
When it finally came time for Nico and Maki to head out for the day, Cocoro, Cocoa and Cotarou lingered in the entry.
“You’re going to come back again soon, right?” Cocoro was the one to give voice to their shared thoughts.
“Of course.” Nico replied with a grin.
“Before Christmas?” Cocoa pressed.
“Absolutely.” The college first-year laughed lightly. “Maybe even in the next week or so, before I have to crack down for my exams.”
The high school second-year bit her tongue on commenting about Nico’s study habits.
“You too…?” Cotarou looked up at the redhead.
“Eh?” Maki hadn’t expected that.
“Yes, you as well, Maki-san.” Cocoro added.
“Come back soon, Maki-chan.” Cocoa smiled.
“Come play with us Maki-chan.” Nico echoed.
“Alright, alright.” Maki held out her hands. “Just… stop saying my name like that.” Especially with those pleading eyes and adorable expressions… She added silently.
The two older girls eventually worked their way through goodbyes and headed for the station.
“So, it’s obvious the kids want to see Maki-chan again.” Nico said as they approached the point where they would need to go their separate ways. “But when does Nico get to see Maki-chan again?”
“Hrm…” Maki pretended to consider. “Well, as you said earlier, exams are coming up. So I suppose you’ll need my help studying…”
“Exams aren’t for a few weeks.”
“Never too early to start studying for them.”
“Bo~o~!” Nico puffed out her cheeks. “And here Nico was hoping Maki-chan would just wanna hang out.”
Maki laughed. “I suppose we could do that as well.”
“Tonight?” Ruby eyes lit up with anticipation.
Well, there’s no doubt where her siblings get it. Maki thought to herself.
“I have practice this afternoon.”
“That’s fine. Just come whenever. Nico will have dinner ready.”
“Alright.” Maki finally agreed with a smile.
“And that’s my train.” Nico said, moving quickly as the doors opened. After boarding, she spun around, grinned and waved her signature gesture. “Have a good day, Maki-chan! See you tonight!”
“Bye, Nico-chan.” Maki managed to reply before the doors closed.
Maki then walked over to where her train was just arriving. As the train started moving, she found herself thinking about how much fun she had the previous night. That may have been her favorite Halloween celebration yet. However, as her thoughts continued, they began to dwell on three young siblings and the big sister they missed. She really couldn’t blame them; she missed seeing Nico every day as well.
Perhaps she could check her schedule to see when she might be free next to visit the younger Yazawas. But at least tonight, she would get to see Nico again. Maybe Nozomi and Eli as well, but definitely Nico. Maki smiled as she watched the city scroll past the windows. Definitely Nico.
Author’s Note Continued: I was inspired by a recent event story in Bandori, but I hit a wall with the main part of what I wanted to write here. And ended up cutting it completely. Hopefully, my little cheat around it will work out.
As mentioned above, this scene turned out a bit longer than intended, and took a bit of a different direction as well. However, in doing so, I think it ties nicely to other scenes I’ve written, as well as a few I still have planned.
Also, it was fun finally writing the Yazawa siblings. I definitely want to write more scenes with them now. E.g. a scene about how they came to refer to Maki as they do might be fun. I had a pretty good idea for Cocoro and Cocoa, but had to think a bit more for Cotarou.
Finally, Dancing stars on me remains high on my list of favorites in the franchise, both the song and the costumes. It is the only one for which I own an entire set of figures; partly because they’re chibi and as such were not as expensive as larger figs. I have the Nico and Maki out on display and have been using their R cards on my casual Cool teams in SIF all month. I’m actually a little disappointed that I will be taking down said display and changing the teams soon, though I am consoled by the fact that I’ll be replacing them with Snow halation.
In any case, because I love Dsom so much, I knew I had to include it in HtHaN at some point.  And I’ll probably do so again later.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
(As always feel free to ignore but) If I may suggest a palate cleanser for those of us still living in the land of Judgment and Deep Sighs after the last two TSAS chapters: The Calamity Companions being Good At Things (although possibly still dumb in other ways) during the Crusades (historian's choice as to which)?
Ahahaha. While chapter 20 did offer some amount of redemption for one half of the Brothers Dimm, if only since he literally could not dig any further and had to go the other goddamn direction, that does not mean our judgment is any less real. Also, as I have reminded you, just because they’re good at one very specific thing does not in the least guarantee that they will be good at others. So. You win some you lose some. You have been forewarned.
Zara, Dalmatia
November 1202
The great city walls of Zara, pummeled under the relentless bombardments of Venetian siege machines, lie in piles of broken stone and mortar, gaping like broken teeth and casting uneven shadows in the sunset glimmering over the sea. The crusader fleet lies at anchor in the harbor, crosses flapping over their sails, just as the crosses that the citizens of Zara hung off the walls in a vain attempt to remind their attackers that they too are Christians have now been torn to shreds, trampled under a thousand hobnailed boots. The place is uneasily, unnaturally quiet. Most of the citizens have taken refuge in the homes still standing, or gathered their things and fled inland, toward Nin or Biograd, while the Franks and the Venetians squabble like dogs in the street over their plunder. It tastes sour in Garcia’s throat as he paces along the seaward side, glancing up at the mess. He’s in mail and leather and green-crossed tabard, sword strapped around his waist and his hand on the hilt; he can’t help but expect trouble. The fact that Zara is his ancestral home territory, just over two hundred miles north of Ragusa, sharpens the insult. A city of Christians callously attacked, sacked, and used as collateral on the massive debt of 94,000 marks that the crusaders seem unlikely ever to pay back to the Venetians. As starts to Christendom’s Fourth Crusade go, which has already been hampered by bad recruitment and leadership squabbles, this feels… well, it certainly doesn’t feel good.
Garcia swears under his breath. He didn’t want to be here to start with, having had his fill of crusades after the last one, and wouldn’t be, but Papa insisted that the Knights of Lazarus, who after all were founded as a crusading order, had a responsibility to supervise this one particularly. Asher de Clermont seemed to guess that this was going to go badly from the start, but that is just Papa for you. He knows things no one else does (and, Garcia supposes, almost two and a half thousand years of military experience means absolutely nothing can surprise you). The sack of Zara would have been much worse for the citizens if Garcia and Gabriel hadn’t charged in there and pulled them out, gotten them to safety before the walls broke completely, but it still rankles Garcia immoderately. They don’t have the authority to override the decisions of the crusade’s human commanders, but he can’t help but feel like they should. What are they here for otherwise? Hope they can prevent too much innocent bloodshed while it’s happening, but stand there dumbly while it’s being proposed to start with? To hell with that. Papa’s rules about not interfering with human governance already cost them Richard. He should be here. He was supposed to be here. But instead he died in agony three years ago, and they had to watch it happen.
Garcia’s mouth tightens still further, and his fist clenches in its gauntlet. He’s not feeling charitable toward anyone at the moment, the Venetians especially, but his father isn’t far behind. Did Asher think they were just planning to – what? And it’s not just supernatural authorities who will hate this. The pope is going to have a bloody fit when he hears – Garcia wouldn’t be surprised if Innocent excommunicated the whole army, though it’s no less than what they –
“Good evening, darling,” a voice says behind him. “I must say, with a face like that, you could take down the rest of the walls on your own.”
Garcia jumps, whirls around, and discovers that he has been so absorbed in his angry thoughts as to miss the sauntering advent of his brother. Of course, even in the middle of a sacked city and a semi-active battlefield, Gabriel de Clermont has to saunter. His hair is obnoxiously and perfectly windswept, cloak thrown artfully over his shoulder, a roguish cut on his cheek already beginning to heal, and his teeth flash white in the autumn dusk as he smiles. “Out here brooding by yourself, Garcia? You know there are better places to do it.”
“What, in the city? So we can watch them fight over some parish priest’s altar silver, or some old woman’s copper coins?” Garcia is happy to see Gabriel, he always is, but he does wish that Gabriel would appear to be taking this with even a drop of seriousness. “Doesn’t it bother you? All of this?”
“I prefer not to think too much about why humans do what they do, darling.” Gabriel comes to a halt next to Garcia, nudging his shoulder affectionately, and they stand side by side, staring out to sea, until Gabriel produces a wineskin, takes a deep swig, and tosses it over. “Here. Something for the pain.”
Garcia grunts, debates tossing it back, but then takes a long drink of his own. It won’t get him drunk, of course, but it helps. “What have you been doing? Admiring your reflection?”
“Breaking up some of those particularly unedifying squabbles, in fact.” Gabriel indicates the cut on his cheek. “Showed my fangs to some miserable little shit who was trying to steal a merchant’s takings, so he pissed himself and ran away. Really, almost too easy. Though there were a few who were less pleased at my intervention, so I had to throw them through a window.”
Garcia raises an eyebrow. ‘”I thought you didn’t care what humans did? Besides, what with Papa and his blasted insistence that we don’t interfere, are you allowed to throw looters through windows, or – ?”
“Papa is not here, my love.” Gabriel says this in a tone as if Garcia is very stupid not to have noticed this fact, but he is desperately fond and will enlighten him anyway. “And he never said we couldn’t take a few more hands-on measures, if the opportunity arises, otherwise we might as well not bother being here at all. Besides, I don’t recall we have to listen to everything he says, now do we?”
There’s just enough of an edge in Gabriel’s voice, despite the jocularity, to make Garcia realize that he’s not the only one holding a grudge against their father for Richard’s death. He glances at Gabriel again, but Gabriel carefully looks away, keeping his eyes on the sunset sea. Then he says, “I do recommend it, you know. Throwing the worst offenders through windows, or any other suitable object that presents itself. It is most cathartic.”
Garcia raises the other eyebrow. He can’t deny that the idea does sound good, and really, it is entirely compatible with their mandate to defend the citizens of Zara. The crusaders might bewail and bluster and fulminate about Gabriel and Garcia de Clermont aiding their enemies, but while they don’t know that they’re vampires, they do know instinctively that they are not to be messed with. Everyone has seen the two of them fight. It is… singular.
“Come on,” Gabriel says, jerking his thumb at the sounds of a scuffle behind them. “By the sounds of things, there’s still plenty left for you. Eh?”
To hell with it, Garcia thinks. Papa is not here, he does want to blow off steam, and Gabriel always knows what will make him feel better, whether or not it is, strictly speaking, what he is supposed to do. So he follows his brother into the darkening streets, they spend a very enjoyable hour or so absolutely terrifying anyone who is trying to steal that which does not belong to them (throwing is proceeded to in a few of the more extreme cases), and at the end of it, stand side by side in the square before St Donat’s. Garcia cannot deny that did in fact feel much better than brooding alone, and he wipes the grime off his forehead with his vambrace. “Do you think that will have put a stop to it?”
“Possibly,” Gabriel says. “Though more fun for us if not.”
Garcia looks at him again, sidelong. “Do you want – should we go somewhere? Have a feed? I could use it.”
“Oh, ah.” Gabriel coughs. “Later, dearest, later. I – have a social engagement.”
“Wh – ” Garcia stares at his brother in deep exasperation. “Zara fell a week ago. Don’t tell me you have a lover already.”
“If I saved a lovely young widow from a pack of Venetian condottieres, and she felt inclined to invite me back later to express her gratitude in more intimate ways – ” Gabriel raises one shoulder as if to say that truly, this face cannot be blamed for it. “It would be uncharitable of me to leave her without protection too long in these dangerous times, wouldn’t it? And no, her husband did not die during this attack. I am not that crass. Two years ago, of fever.”
“Jesus.” Garcia raises his face in mute appeal to the darkening heavens. “You are unbelievable.”
Gabriel smiles, but something about it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Just efficient, darling, that’s all. I shall see you later, or perhaps you shall find a fetching widow of your own to nibble on? Or widower, you know I’m not particular. So – ta?”
With that, he sweeps his cloak over to the other shoulder, adjusts his hair to an even more exquisite degree of tousle, and proceeds off down one of the narrow lanes to the presumable dwelling place of his paramour. Garcia stands there, wonders if he can hit Gabriel with a rock from here, and sighs deeply. Then he turns on his heel, decides that if nothing else he can at least go back to the crusader camp and silently judge Boniface of Montferrat and Enrico Dandolo from afar, and, still muttering, departs.
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libidomechanica · 3 years
For my pleasure shell ask no more at full
Here lies a brother John  was foremost to  proof, in the  heart lies plain, had done their  turn and in silenced  quire lie with quilled  dahlias and the  silent sea, and bade  the welked Phoebus  takes me want to  draw you out from the  nations, his host, with  wide-arched graceful  fold, an emerald  aigrette with  jealousy has Spain had  her children, ran before  thy virgin-choir  to make up now a 
congregation. Let no  dimme shadow, Rest. And bearing  into  Johnson, the gigantic 
guardsman;  and the Roman  brows of Agrippina.  Stream of light from  Heaven, the last  sparkled into  the mind the  bounteous Earth               and  then we dipt in all fancy  formd thee to bestow.  Angle, the splendour  of each nook and  niche. Was silent;  closer prest, heaving  hawthorn bush as crests  her boddice sae blue,  soft Persian, Grecian girls, 
with Aprils first- born flowers plucked in the  glen sae bushy, O, 
I set me down wi right glad  they were so blackly fringed,  the dappled forests  rooted  where were that  Psyche, but when 
she went away, Other  in her arms are 
cut and bounds Ravennas  immemorial wood, and  make her image  of a God. when  nature to  have thy lovely star, entitled  of the  kings were shadows; and  the fashion deckd; 
also a foreign  yoke to free the  hid scent in an  under-tone gruff with  thyself deceive. Espoused  two partners (milliners  of your boughes 
the ysicles depend.  Into  the hall as silent;  closer to  saying what she was  the proud 
man apart from the  marriage-tomb, the  swollen cheek of a  trumpet down, and then believe  my woe; those strange exclaiming  music, sole perhaps you  prophesy your plan, divorced  from the pale  marble Muses, look  at was the  Greek kalends of Being  and sense had thrilld my  guileless Genevieve; the  music and the  abyss Lady Blanche to  accuse her fathers.  of science: To  it  again a level—No! “You say 
that taste! Till toward  fever. And every  moment, like those featured  like his Highness that,)  he worship wake  some of the faery  power dost hold Time reduces  frail 
man, when  paper—even a rag  like thee the sun dyes  with that, direct  your  quaint honour, these their husbands  mourn, or show their husband,  wife, lust, modest, took an 
humble tribute to  his hearts ground. We text, text,  text how that leave  them the scent of ambergris;  Crystal, and a  hey nonino, our  significant  words. and formd  the secret  influence and meek, arose  and knight arise; come,  with one I 
loved the rest of 
thee, thou sayst, though linkd  among a world of death. Shorn  of its glass of  wind, though but of force  together at once from 
love? Art so unkind to  me, trust me, cousin? Than  female, moving stories  from ancient lovers  brings that Sheba came  to see the  wharves with spiry  turrets crownd, bright abode,  a love of old fell  down the Golden Fleece  his cause by leaning  deep in us, to  know whence follows?”
0 notes
Test - Gigabyte Brix S GB-BXi7H-5500: Review| Specs| Pros & Cons| Hashrate | Set-up
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Test - Gigabyte Brix S GB-BXi7H-5500: Specs | Price | CPU | Profitability| Hashrate| best Coins | Config | Advantage (Pros) and Disadvantages (Cons) and other important features that will help you make better decision. Mini-PCs are flourishing and all manufacturers offer more or less small models, Gigabyte has its Brix series (which I tested in its Pro i7 4770r version here), a range that offers several models equipped with processors ranging from the Intel Celeron 3205U to the powerful 5th Generation i7 (Broadwell) 5500U. Let's see what the Brix of today's test (which is none other than an update of the first Brix) has in the belly! Specification: Hashrate - Gigabyte Brix BXi7H-5500 Gigabyte Brix BXi7H-5500Dimensions4,68 x 10,7 x 11,4 cmProcessorIntel® Core™ i7-5500UProcessor frequenciesTurbo: 3,00 GHzNon Turbo: 2.40 GHzGraphics chipsetIntel® HD Graphics 5500Graphics chipset frequenciesMaximum: 950 MhzBase: 300 MhzMemory2 x SO-DIMM DDR3L 1.35V1333 - 1866 MHzMaximum de 16 GoNetworkGigabit LAN (Realtek RTL8111G)IEEE802.11ac, Dual Band & BT 4.0AudioRealtek ALC283Maximum resolutionsHDMI: 4096 x 2304 @ 24 HzMini Displayport: 3840 x 2160 @ 60 HzSlots d'extension1 mSATA slot1 mini-PCIe slot occupied by WiFi + BT card1 SATA slotFront connectors2 x USB 3.01 x prise jackConnection at the back1 x HDMI1 x Mini DisplayPort2 x USB 3.01 x RJ451 x DC-In1 x KensingtonStorage1 x Sata3 6GbCompatible hard drives / SSD 2.5 "(7 or 9.5mm)FoodInput: AC 100-240VOutput: DC 19V3.42ASupported operating systemsWindows 7 32/64bitWindows 8.1 64bitGuarantee2 yearsPrice550 € TTC The first thing that strikes you here is the size of the machine, a small cube of 11cm sides and 4.68cm high, we still lose almost 1.5cm in height compared to the original Brix, which was already very small. The processor is therefore a Core i7 5500U running at a maximum turbo frequency of 3GHz (2.4GHz base), contrary to what one might think and at the original Brix this i7 only has 2 physical cores with hyperthreading against 4 cores physical with hyperthreading, performance should therefore be lower but more in line with the size and use of the end. The graphics part is left to an HD 5500 chipset clocked at 950 Mhz in turbo mode and 300MHz when the processors are used at 100%, the performance should also be less good than the Iri Pro which equipped the Brix Pro that I tested previously! In terms of memory, it is possible to install SO-DIMM memory (the same as laptops) 1333, 1600 or even 1866 MHz (in OC mode) with a maximum voltage of 1.35V for a maximum of 16GB .The storage part consists of an mSata port intended to accommodate an SSD and a Sata 3 6Gb / s connector for a 2.5 ″ hard drive or SSD. Of course, the network part is very well supplied with 1 Gigabit RJ45 port and 1 811ac / Bluetooth WiFi card which should allow everyone to connect the Brix to their network.The connection is not left out either with 2 USB 3.0 ports at the front as well as a 3.5mm jack output and at the rear 2 USB 3.0 ports, 1 HDMI port, 1 Mini DisplayPort, 1 RJ45 port as well. than a Kensington slot is not bad for such a small device! Well that's all well and good, but what about the price? Offered at around 550 € the Gigabyte Brix GB-BXi7H-5500 is not cheap, but cheaper by around 150 € compared to the Brix pro equipped with an i7 4770R, you also need to get an mSata disc (or 2.5 ″) And memory to have a functional machine.Place the unpacking of the beast! Here is the box! It will certainly not take much space in the cabinet you can be sure, on the top there is a profile photo of the product with only the mention of the model and a small listing of the beast's strengths, a module without wire (Wifi and Bluetooth) as well as support for 2.5 ″ format discs.At the back we find various photos highlighting the connections, the internal layout as well as the third-party components necessary for the operation of the Brix (2.5 ″ hard drive or mSata Drive, SO-DIMM memory and of course an operating system) . Once the box is open (very rigid, however, the transport should not damage the precious!) There is a first compartment accommodating the tiny Brix in a foam bag. Once the first compartment has been removed we come across the second housing the driver CD, the VESA plate (for mounting behind a screen) as well as the various screws and the power supply. Here's everything that's in the Brix S box!The bundle consists of: - 1 Brix GB-BXi7H-5500 - 1 external power supply - 1 mains cable - 1 VESA plate - 1 CD de drivers The bundle is therefore rather basic with the essentials necessary for connecting and placing the Brix. The VESA plate will be particularly practical to hide the mini-PC behind a screen. Here is the beast! All dark gray shiny metallic, the little one is very sober and very compact and robustness is essential. The power button is placed on the top and will therefore be easy to access. We can see very clearly that the beast is lower than its big brother Brix Pro, which was already really very compact, as you can see here. On the front we are entitled to 2 USB 3.0 ports as well as a 3.5mm jack that makes headphone and microphone, let's not forget the little Intel Core i7 sticker that goes well. There are small ventilation grilles on both sides, they will be needed to evacuate the heat of all these little people. The rear connection is rather well provided for a device of this type with 1 HDMI port, 1 mini DisplayPort port, 1 Gigabit RJ45 port as well as 2 USB 3.0 ports. Of course ventilation grilles are present here! Below we find again a small ventilation grid as well as the various labels of use, we learn that the Brix is ​​made to work with a 19V and 3.42A power supply or 65Watts, much less than the Brix Pro and its 135 Watts , that should be more than enough for this small configuration.Why not open the beast now! The motherboard! Everything is really miniaturized here, we see the 2 memory modules and the unused mSata port which is located just above the Wifi / Bluetooth module. The layout of the components is identical to the Brix Pro but the motherboard itself is not identical. Below we can see the cooling system, which is all in all tiny and much smaller than that of the Brix Pro, given the size of the fan we will have to expect it to run very quickly and therefore to the noise pollution that go with it, but we'll see that later  Here is the location for a 2.5 ″ drive / SSD, it will be glued to the bottom wall just like on the Brix Pro. The test platform The Brix S i7 5500 will be compared to the following configuration: - Processor : Intel Core i7 4770K - CPU Fan : Noctua NH-D15 - Motherboard : Gigabyte Z87X-UD5TH - Mémoire: Kingston HyperX 4 x 2 Go 1600Mhz - Disque dur: WD Raptor 150 Go - Ventirad Graphics Card : Arctic Cooling Accelero S1 - Alimentation: be quiet! E9 580CM - Case : Corsair Carbide 300R Of course the results will necessarily be to the advantage of the test configuration, but it will be a good point of comparison! The graphics card has been removed in favor of the integrated Intel HD4600 chipset.The temperature, consumption and noise tests were carried out under OCCT in order to push the machine to its limits. Cinebench R15 With 2 physical cores and 2 virtual cores less, the Core i7 5500U is no match for the other 2 Core i7s in the comparison, and that's normal! However, let's be relativistic because 305 is very close to a desktop Core i3 Haswell. SuperPI 32M Using only one thread the frequency plays a major role here, as on Cinebench R15 the Core i7 5500U is behind with 11 minutes compared to the 8 minutes of the other Core i7s. This is easily explained by seeing that the turbo mode of the 5500U is “only” 3 GHz. Aida64 4.60 In terms of memory under Aida64, the speeds are not far from the other solutions in the comparison, which is quite normal. The result under CPU Queen is once again in line with what we saw above namely more than 50% worse, again this is quite normal. 3DMark Fire Strike & Jeux The graphic part of the i7 5500U is clearly not made for playing, or you will have to pay great attention to graphic details and not expect miracles (games like LOL, HOTS or even Diablo 3 should however be fully playable. ). We can see that the HD 5500 chipset is also behind compared to the HD 4600 of the Core i7 4770K, which is itself far from the Iris Pro 5200 of the Core i7 4770R which equips the Brix Pro. Débits Sata – CrystalDiskMark I purposely removed the Brix Pro from the comparison as there was no point of comparison, so I took a Kingston HyperX Savage 240GB SSD (tested here) and it was tested on the Core i7 4770K and the Brix S (the Brix Pro is no longer in my possession).As we can see the Brix defends itself really very well by having read and write performance almost identical to its big desktop brother, we can say that there is really no clamping here and the SSD responds to the finger and at the eye. Network speeds The throughput was tested by transferring a 7GB iso file hosted on a machine running Debian Wheezy and all over a Gigabit network. At the network level, the Brix S has no problem keeping up with the speed with 970Mb / s in download and 960Mb / s in upload, same results as with the Brix Pro, the Intel chipset present on the Gigabyte Z87X-UD5TH is more efficient but nothing that changes from the ordinary here. The Gigabyte Brix S GB-BXi7H-5500 WiFi card has been tested in real conditions, and not glued to a high-end router specially purchased for the occasion, in fact in 99% of cases the PC is connected to the box so it will be the same for this test! The connection is made to a SFR NB6 box (optical fiber with a speed of 1Gb / 200Mb) and through a wall. By the way, we see that the Wifi chipset is really very good with 38.07 Mb / s in download and 41.81 Mb / s in upload, better than the Brix Pro but very slightly worse than the Wifi card installed on the Z98X-UD5TH motherboard . It is very likely that the possible speeds will not restrict your connection (unless you have fiber or VDSL2). Temperatures In terms of temperatures at rest, the Brix S behaves very well (for such a small PC of course) with 51 ° for the processor and the motherboard as well as 45 ° for the SSD. The SSD is a little hot but nothing that should endanger its life.In load we go up to 85 ° for the processor and the motherboard and 46 ° for the SSD, again even if this may seem high it is not so because this processor can remain at this temperature without the slightest concern for its duration of life (The Brix Pro's Core i7 rose to 97 ° to compare). Consumption So there is as much to say that Gigabyte has worked very well, at rest the complete machine consumes 8.6 Watts at the outlet, which is quite simply ridiculous and buries its big brother Brix Pro of about 10 Watts (which was already low in energy with its 18 Watts). On the other hand, the gap widens even more with a maximum of 49 Watts at the outlet for the Brix S against 89 Watts for the Brix Pro, nothing to say in terms of consumption the Brix S i7H-5500 is doing. perfectly. Noise Warning: Part to be taken with a grain of salt, unfortunately not having access to the appropriate equipment and using an android application to take the readings The measurements below are only indicative! The readings were taken 20cm from the machine. Here again the Brix S behaves very differently from its big brother the Brix Pro, indeed at rest and with its 32 dB it is almost completely silent, in any case it will clearly not be heard if there is every other sound source. Under load on the other hand and with 48 dB it is clear that we will not be able to miss the little beast which cries from the top of its more than 5000 RPM, but it remains well below the Brix Pro and its 70 dB which was almost unbearable . Here we are at the end of this test, what about the Brix S GB-BXi7H-5500?For starters Gigabyte took a Brix Pro which was already tiny and reduced its height even further, making placement very easy, behind a screen for example with its VESA mount. The build quality as well as the robustness of the whole are really excellent, no worries at this level. In terms of performance, we are below a Brix Pro with 2 fewer physical cores but the Brix S manages to do almost as well as a desktop Core i3 Haswell, so as much to say that it will be more than enough for all daily tasks. The integrated graphics chip will allow you to do whatever a user needs, and even play a few small games (LOL style for example) but clearly you should not expect miracles.Unlike the Brix Pro, the S version manages to keep temperatures correct for its size, as well as much more contained noise pollution, even if the beast will be clearly heard in load, in office use (which is the main use of this device). Brix S) it will be very discreet. Regarding the price on the other hand there is no miracle, the Core i7 5500U itself is offered at $ 393, the Brix S i5H-5500 is offered at a price between 550 and 600 €, so yes it remains expensive for the performances offered but the miniaturization of the whole has to be paid for, and as usual we have nothing for nothing! It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in addition to the Brix S itself it is necessary to add memory (between 40 and 50 € for 2 x 4 GB) and an SSD (from 60 to xxx €). If you are looking for the smallest possible office PC without losing performance compared to a classic office PC then the Brix S GB-BXi7H-5500 is undoubtedly an excellent choice, if the budget allows it  Advantages - Cut - Performances - Build quality A big thank you to Wilfried from Gigabyte who allowed me to do this test. Where to find the Brix S GB-BXi7H-5500? Read the full article
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
Aaaarrrrgggghhh!! I just finished the latest chapter of TSAS. I will be squeeing at you on AO3!! But...had to come over and say I thought it was going to be the other Brother Dimm at the end. I even started to hope a little. No I don’t know why. He’s such an ass. You fooled me!!! What are you up to you evil genius?!?!?
Pansexual Elizabethan Drama Trash Emperor Gabriel de Clermont’s usual MO:
Step 1: Look good.
Step 2: Like, really good.
Step 3: While looking as good as possible, commit repeated acts of unparalleled asshattery.
Step 4: Repeat Step 3.
Step 5: Repeat Step 4.
Step 6: Oh no. Problem has arisen.
Step 7: Ignore problem and/or double down on it.
Step 8: Continue looking good and getting laid.
Step 9: !?????????????!??!??!?!
Step 10: PROFIT!
So anyway, that is his entire thought process, and yet it somehow works enough for all of us to still want more of him, even though he is SUCH AN ASS. I honestly don’t know why, I’ve had it up to here with his shenanigans and am frankly grateful it was not him, so I can recover from his garbage for the time being. Let’s hope he’s in a corner at Sept-Tours thinking very hard about his life, but then since Lucy erased the fam’s memories, he doesn’t even know what a catastrophic dumbass he was. This is probably for the best.
Oh Gabriel. Why do we love you. Truly.
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Fixed Issues: - Fixed wifi driver v_2500- Patch 3g settingsNote: This is solely for RT-N13U Rev. - Fixed CPU Bus Speed 134MHz show 133MHz. - Updated Authentec AES2810 Fingerprint Sensor driver for E5xx0 systems - Fixes several Pre-Boot (PBA) issues. - Fixes Fn+F5 can(brother mfc-7410 driver can) not switch display device when system without Launch Manager in WinXP. - Fixed a bug where the spot temp was calculated too high-(brother mfc-7410 driver high-) Added more protocols to the serial connectionUPGRADE FIRMWARE:1. - Fixed(brother mfc-7410 driver Fixed) second call failing for 3-way call. - Fixed issue whereby(brother mfc-7410 driver whereby) IPhone tethering can't work on iOS 7.03, 7.04 and 7. - Fixed DRAM frequency read display error in OS.- Improved DRAM XMP compatibility over 4200MHz. - We are a Swedish brand after all!Fixes & Enhancements:- Solved an issue with port forwarding loopback. - Fixes the system wake up by USB(brother mfc-7410 driver USB) or LAN at S3 state. Users content: - Fix DNS issue between mydlink server and Apple TV. - Fix LED behavior in Client mode. GraphicsIntegrated Graphics ProcessorMulti-VGA output support : HDMI/DVI/DisplayPort ports- Supports HDMI with max. Specifications:CPU: - Intel Celeron 847 Processors Chipset: - Intel HM70Memory: - 2 x SO-DIMM, Max. - Adds CPU temp hot over 20min protect (shutdown).- Supports Liteon new CCD (VID=0x058F). Select this option to save configuration and security details, or if the location from where you run Lasso does not allow saving any details. Installing the update:1. CSCun58143)- The IPSec VPN pre-shared key support “#”. (CSCuo53179)- Hair Pinning issues for port forwarding. Close all opened applications including anti-virus, firewall, remote-access, or webcam software before attempting the install process. Water textures may appear to be missing in World of Final Fantasy. Enhance the PPPoE NAT throughput. https://msyactualprogramsportal.wordpress.com/2020/03/20/download-lexmark-x73-usb-driver/ Supported OS: Windows 7 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Windows 7 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2008 Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2003 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Server 2003 32-bit Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit Windows XP 64-bit Windows Vista 64-bit Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit) Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Notebook 8.1/8/7 32-bit Windows 10 Windows Vista 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) Windows XP 32-bit Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit) Searches: brother mfc-7410 PU1594; brother mfc-7410 driver; brother mfc-7410 P PU159-1; brother mfc-7410 driver for Windows Server 2016; brother mfc-7410 P15w; brother mfc-7410 driver for Windows Vista 64-bit; brother mfc-7410 PUWMS1594; brother mfc-7410 Pwx159-wxe; brother mfc-7410 driver for Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit); brother mfc-7410 driver for Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit; brother mfc-7410 driver for Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Compatible Devices: Wifi adapter; Scanner; Laptop; Videocard; Gadget; Wifi router To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value. MD5: f666ed2deff0deb20ecbed67f5ae4150 SHA1: 58b4504b4cdcee94fc6c49b629bbaec0269f3211 SHA-256: 6098b25fecf3c5596d912efb11e8ff80a580186fa54eb5af0de2bf9120c54f93
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