#peak disaster gabriel is peak disaster
ineffablesuffering · 1 year
There Must Be an Angel (Aziraphale x reader)
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I'd like to thank @avocado-writing for the inspo for this fic. They recommended I add this song to my 80s playlist (because I totally forgot this song existed) and this fic was born! I think this is classed as a songfic? I'm not too sure, anyway enjoy! <3
Pairing: Aziraphale x Reader
Warnings: unorganised bookshelves
Word count: 948 (short and sweet, might write a part 2?)
“Aziraphale?” you called as you walked through the door of the bookshop, the familiar comforting scent of dust, tea and incense filled your nostrils.
“Ah, Y/N! I was wondering when you would get here,” he said appearing from the back room. “How are you, my dear?” he asked, embracing you.
You gladly returned his embrace “I’m good thank you, how are you?”
“Much better now that you’re here,” he smiled “Shall we get started?”
You had agreed to help Aziraphale organise his books after Jim/Gabriel (you never were sure what to call him) had attempted to sort them in his own unique way. It had been driving him up the wall as he could never find what he was looking for. You were more than happy to help out a friend in need, besides, you enjoyed his company. You nodded and let him show you where he wanted you to start.
“It’s been so frustrating trying to find anything since,” he stopped and sighed “I’m not even going to mention it because it just annoys me. If you want to start here with whatever this is, I’ll start over there,” he pointed to a bookshelf on the other side of the room.
“Sure!” you said cheerfully, “you don’t mind if I listen to some music while I work, do you? Helps me concentrate.”
“Not at all my dear,” he said with a smile, “whatever helps you.” He gave your shoulder a pat before walking off to where he would be working.
You smiled at him as he walked off, pulling your headphones out of your bag and connecting them to your phone. You selected a playlist and got started. The shelves were a disaster zone but at least they were all of the same genre otherwise it would have taken all day to fix whatever was going on. You began by gently taking off all the books from the shelves and placing them on a table nearby before deciding that it would be best to alphabetise by author. Getting stuck in, you bopped along to the music playing on your headphones, singing quietly to yourself every so often. The time passed rather quickly and soon you were on to a new section.
You decided to take the section next to the one where you had started and repeated the process. Taking books of the shelf, placing them on a table and reorganising them. You changed your playlist to an 80’s one and continued to sing along quietly. The smooth sounds of Eurythmics played through your ears. You smiled and continued to work. “I walk into an empty room, and suddenly my heart goes boom, it’s an orchestra of angels and they’re playing with my heart,” you sang.
Aziraphale stopped in the middle of putting a book back on the shelf a few aisles away. He could hear you singing softly to yourself almost as if you didn’t think anyone could hear you. You weren’t singing loudly but it was definitely loud enough for him to hear. He tilted his head slightly, not recognising the song but the fact that you were singing about angels definitely caught his attention. He peaked out from the bookshelf that he was organising and walked around to where you were working.
“I must be hallucinating watching angels celebrating,” you continued to sing.
He stopped when he reached you and stood and watched as you continued to sing softly, not noticing he was standing there. He watched with a soft smile on his lips, you seemed so content organising and singing. You continued to place book by book back on the shelf in an organised manner and he just watched. You started to sing what he assumed to be a different song.
“I hear your voice, it’s like an angel sighing, I have no choice, I hear your voice feels like flying,” you sang.
Aziraphale leans slightly against the bookshelf just watching you. His eyes danced across your figure as you worked, he felt like he could watch you all day. You turned around ready to start on a new set of shelves and jump at the sight of Aziraphale watching you.
“Jesus Christ!” you said, getting a fright “I didn’t hear you come up behind me, is everything okay?” you laughed taking off your headphones.
Aziraphale chuckled, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just heard you singing, you’ve got a lovely voice.”
You blushed and bashfully dropped your gaze to the ground. You hadn’t realised that you were singing loud enough for him to hear you. “Thanks,” you mumbled. Aziraphale stepped closer to you, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him.
“There’s no need to be shy my dear,” he smiles moving his hand from your chin to brush a finger across your cheek, almost appreciating the blush. “It was quite beautiful. Almost angelic.” You stood there, gaping at him. You didn’t know what to say or how to react. “What were you singing darling?” he asked softly, snapping you out of your trance.
“Oh! Um what song?” you asked
“The last two just there.”
“Ah, so that was There Must Be an Angel and then the second one was called Like a Prayer.”  
“Hmm, I see,” he started “fitting do you not think?” Again, you were at a loss for words. What is going on? You thought to yourself. Aziraphale smiled at you, a knowing glint in his eyes. “Tea?” he asked. You didn’t say a word as you found yourself staring at him as he walked away.
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Joel Miller X Fem!Reader - Last of Us
A/N: i watched the first episode of Last of Us yesterday and suffice it to say that Joel Miller officially has a chokehold on me and i ain't complaining.
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Warnings: dark themes; post-apocalyptic dystopia; death of reader's minor child; probably a lot of non-canon details since I've never played the game; not proofread; spoilers if you haven't seen the show/played the game Word Count: 2402 Abbreviations: QZ = quarantine zone; FDRA "Fedra" = Federal Disaster Response Agency
Dying was a way of life in the QZ. Seemed like everyone was dying lately. Fireflies, FDRA, and most of all the people in between. The lost and lonely. 
You met Joel shortly after you died. Your spirit died with your twelve year old son, Gabriel. The docs had told you it was most likely cancer. The fucking irony of that burned you from the inside out until you felt completely hollow. Just a shell of a person, really. Your emotions felt anesthetized, your brain in a perpetual fog. You went about your day from routine and muscle memory. You might as well have been infected. At least then you’d have some sort of purpose. Without Gabriel, you felt utterly useless. He’d brought you a sense of optimism, a reason to at least try and believe in the future. When you’d lost Gabriel’s father Eddie, you’d at least had your son. But without him. Well, without him, there wasn’t any you. You didn’t have a role anymore, didn’t add anything to anyone’s life. You couldn’t think of anything more death-like than waking up day after day to the realization that you didn’t matter to anyone. The night Joel met you, in fact, you had vague plans to drink yourself into oblivion and hopefully not wake up.
But, something changed when Joel ran into you. And he did literally run into you. 
You were walking back from the bus stop after a shift cleaning the killing floor of the poultry planet. A cold, drizzling rain soaked the streets in a fine layer of mist. You crossed your arms over your chest, tucking your head underneath the threadbare hood of Eddie’s old hunting jacket. For a few weeks after Eddie had died in a firefight between the Fireflies and FDRA, the jacket had smelled like him, and you’d taken up wearing it. Damn thing wasn’t too warm, but at least it was decently waterproof. That had been years ago. It was useless now, neither warm nor waterproof, but it was all you had. Everything else you’d sold. 
You were going through the usual calculations in your head, trying to figure out how you were going to scrounge together enough cards to get some hot food in your belly, when something - someone, you realized after he’d hit you - came tearing around the corner of an alley. You weren’t braced for it, and even your reflexes didn’t seem to care enough to break your fall. You hit the damp, cobbled pavement hard on your left shoulder, your head bouncing off the tar and sending stars across your vision. You heard a man’s voice swear as you blacked out…
When you came to, you weren’t in the rain anymore. Your head throbbed and you didn’t dare move in case you vomited. You were resting on something soft, albeit a little lumpy, and there was a blanket wrapped around you. Your head was propped up on a musty smelling pillow and there was a fire crackling nearby. Your shoulder was screaming in pain, and against your better judgment you twisted as gently as you could manage to try and relieve the pressure on your joint. Your gut turned, and you leaned over to wretch as far from yourself as you could. With the first sound of gagging, you felt cold, rough hands grab the hair around your face and pull it away from your mouth as a bucket was shoved in front of your face. 
“Good, you’re awake.” A man’s voice.
You peaked towards the voice through slitted eyelids. The faint, hazy light through a dingy window felt like someone was driving a drill bit into your temple. 
“That’s a shame,” you rasped out, earning a dark chuckle from the man sitting across from you. The laugh didn’t reach his eyes. He had the same thousand-mile stare that most people in the QZ had. You couldn’t guess his age - that was another thing survivors had in common. Nothing ages you like the Apocalypse, Eddie used to say. 
“Pretty sure you’re concussed.” 
You nodded, trying to swallow down the acidic taste of bile-vomit. 
“Pretty sure you concussed me,” you shot back. Another chuckle, this one a bit fuller. 
“Yeah, that’d be me. Sorry about that. I had FDRA on my heels.” You shrugged, trying to push yourself up on the couch. Another wave of nausea tore through your head, but there wasn’t anything to vomit up except saliva. You managed to swallow it down, closing your eyes again to stop the spinning sensation. 
“I’ve got some broth cooking,” the man went on. “I think you should eat a bit. Settle your stomach. You’ve been out for almost 24 hours.” 
You did an idle calculation in your head, automatically tallying up the date. November 29. Not that it mattered, but it was a habit you hadn’t been able to shake ever since the outbreak. 
“Not hungry,” you replied, biting down on your tongue against another spasm in your gut.
“Yeah, but you need to eat. Looks like you don’t do that too often.” You shot the man the darkest look you could muster. You’d learned long ago not to trust men who commented on your appearance. 
“You look sick is all I mean,” your companion added apologetically. He thrust you a bowl with a watery-thin, yellow liquid in it, a curled tongue of steam rising from its surface and an old dented spoon sticking out of the broth. 
“Just try it,” he encouraged you as you eyed him suspiciously. He was big, you realized, tall and strong. One of those QZ guys who lived hard and had the muscles to speak for it. It wasn’t the same kind of physique that people had before the outbreak: lean, toned, all for show. Fitness wasn’t a luxury anymore. It was a necessity for most people in the QZ. Some lines of work required it more than others. And judging by the strong forearm that handed you the bowl, whatever this guy did, it was serious business. 
You accepted the bowl, relishing the warmth of the ceramic between your hands. Your stomach growled as the smell of chicken broth tickled your nostrils. You took a tentative sip, burning your tongue. Your movements were slow and deliberate. 
“Huh?” You raised an inquisitive eyebrow at your companion.
“Joel. My name’s Joel,” he clarified. 
You nodded, taking another sip of the broth. Even though moving made you sick to your stomach, your body was reacting hungrily to the taste. 
“Y/N,” you replied after a few moments of silence. Normally, you’d give a fake name. But, what was the point? Even with your real name, Joel didn’t have anything of yours to use against you. There wasn’t anything left to hurt you by. 
“You were Gabriel’s mother, weren’t you?” 
You froze, the spoon halfway to your lips. The sound of Gabriel’s name tore through you like lightning. The heart you’d forgotten you had twisted painfully in your chest.
“What the fuck did you say?” Anger came to the surface first. Your voice was barely more than a whisper.
“Gabriel. Sweet kid. Saw him hanging around the gate a couple times.” If Joel noticed your reaction, he didn’t let on. He was idly poking a burning log in an old, dirty fireplace. 
You didn’t know what to say, couldn’t make yourself speak. Even if you had, you didn’t trust yourself not to dissolve. Joel hadn’t met you before, yet somehow he’d managed to grab onto the only thread of humanity you still had. One tug on that thread and you were unraveling. 
“I’m sorry about what happened to him. Awful shit, cancer. My sister had it, back before… before shit went sideways.” Joel wasn’t looking at you, didn’t even seem to be talking to you. You couldn’t breathe. Gabriel’s name still echoed inside your ears.
“I lost my little girl, too. Sarah. When the outbreak happened. In Texas.”
Joel finally turned to face you. His eyes were empty, and you recognized that emptiness. It mirrored your own. 
“You’ll never get over it, if you’re wondering. Not that you are. Because you already know. I can see it.” Tears dripped off your chin onto the blanket in your lap. You didn’t know how long you’d been crying. 
“I’m sorry,” you sputtered out after a few silent, empty moments. 
Across the room from you, Joel nodded.
“Yeah. Me too.” 
You finished the rest of your broth in silence. It was the longest conversation you’d had with anyone in weeks, and somehow you’d never felt more alone.
You spent the next couple of days in a liminal space between healing and falling apart. Joel’s acknowledgment of Gabriel had broken something loose inside you, and as your head began to clear, you felt the grief all the more. It felt different than before, even right after you lost him. Gabriel’s death had cored the soul out of your body. Now, whatever was happening was infinitely more painful. You hated it, but you also hadn’t realized how much you’d missed feeling things. Even though what you felt was agonizing, it was affirming in a fucked up way to know you weren’t incapable of emotion.
Joel maintained his silence on the subject. In fact, he was generally silent. You exchanged a handful of words here and there, usually in response to him asking about your health. 
How’s the head?
After about a week, the questions took a different quality.
When do you think you’ll be ready to go?
Go where?
Anywhere you need to.
I don’t have anywhere I need to go.
You didn’t take offense to his questions, and he didn’t take offense to your responses. There was a companionable bluntness to your interactions. He asked after the basics - did you have what you needed, were you sick, hungry, cold - and you answered simply and honestly. No follow ups, no games, no need to converse on anything. In fact, after the first conversation you’d had about Gabriel and Sarah, you and Joel didn’t talk about anything at all. 
It was the eighth day when you finally felt well enough to stand up and cook. Joel was out - where, you didn’t know - but you thought you’d heat something up for him. An hour before curfew, you moved into the kitchen and started looking through the cabinets. He’d been good about sharing his food with you, and you knew enough of QZ life to know that sparing food wasn’t something everyone would do. And he hadn’t broached the subject of repayment. You doubted he ever would; despite his gruffness, Joel had a core of generosity. You didn’t know anyone anymore who would let a complete stranger spend a week on their couch, no matter how sick they were. 
You found a can of split pea soup in the back of the pantry and an opened package half-full of saltines. You picked out the crackers that didn’t have mold on them while the soup heated over the single gas burner Joel used for cooking. The light was fading outside; curfew was a few minutes away. Right on time, you heard Joel’s key in the lock on the apartment door. A few seconds later, Joel walked into the kitchen.
“What’s this?”
“Dinner,” you replied, gesturing to the two barstools he had tucked up the kitchen counter. He sat, letting out a bone-weary sigh as he threw off his boots, chucking them towards the hall where the door was. 
“Long day?” you asked idly. For some reason, you felt an urge to make conversation that you hadn’t noticed before around him. Maybe it was vestiges of your old life. Memories of entertaining Eddie while you made dinner flicked in your mind. Or maybe it was because something felt different about Joel today.
“Sure,” he replied flatly. You heard the sound of his flask opening, followed by a thick gulp. He drank a lot. You’d noticed that quickly. It didn’t bother you, and he was as generous with the whiskey as he was with his food.
“When are you leaving?” His question was angry. You turned to look at him, not exactly insulted but faintly stung. 
“I told you, I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“That’s not what you said. You said there’s nowhere you need to go, not that there’s nowhere you can go.” You nodded once. Joel was right. The distinction felt accusatory, and you once again had the impression that he was about to speak to a part of you that you didn’t want said out loud. Just like he’d done that first night when he’d talked about Gabriel.
You sucked in a breath before turning to face him, sliding a plate of the edible saltines across the counter. 
“I can leave anytime you need me to,” you said, your voice soft and quiet. “I’m feeling good enough to travel.” 
Joel looked into you for a breath. His eyes looked the same, but you had the distinct impression that they weren’t as empty as the first time you’d seen him. Whatever it was you saw in his gaze, it made you feel ashamed, and you broke eye contact. 
He shifted on the barstool before taking another generous swig from his flask. 
“Good. Tonight.”
You raised your eyebrows at him.
“It’s almost curfew,” you pointed out, nodding in the direction of the window to the street below.
“Fine. Tomorrow then.” His voice was hard as stone.
You nodded, stirring the soup and turning away from him. You didn’t want him to see the rejection in your eyes. You couldn’t say what you’d wanted, but all you knew was this wasn’t it. 
“Tomorrow,” you agreed quietly. 
Joel sat for another instant. You sensed that he was waiting for something: you couldn’t tell if he was waiting for you or waiting for something in himself. Whatever it was he was waiting on, the moment passed. He sighed, frustrated, before he scooted away from the counter and went to the couch. He didn’t say anything when you brought him the soup, and he didn’t say anything when he went into his bedroom, closing the door behind him to drink himself to sleep. You were awake and gone before he came out the next morning, although somehow you knew that he was wide awake, listening to the sound of your departure through the door.
**part 2 here!! Let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters
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t00muchheart · 6 months
As I do when I am hyperfixating on something, I have read a LOT of supernatural fanfiction in the last few months, and I get a lot of the titles I read from other peoples’ recommendations or collections on ao3, so I figured I’d share some of my favorites in case anyone else is looking for recs :)
Spirit of the West by teen_dean
This is a shock to literally no one who follows me because I regularly bring it up, but it honestly is one of the best things I’ve ever read. The 90s horse girl AU of your dreams (or, if you haven’t dreamed of one, that you never knew you needed). The storytelling is immaculate, the symbolism rich, and it only improves on re-reading
And this, your living kiss by opal_bullets
Poet Dean AU featuring genuinely beautiful comments on language and writing and how we encounter stories and words and what they can do, and also some honestly incredible poetry
where there is darkness by quiettewandering
Lighthouse keepers AU! this one is a bit mysterious and I did scream into a pillow after finishing it. If you know the story of the Flannan Isles lighthouse keepers, it is loosely inspired by that.
Phantasma by thisisapaige
Messy Dean, my beloved. Messy, Stanford-Era Dean, my beloved. Dean breaks off from John and buys a haunted house, and things sort of escalate.
For All You Young Hockey Players Out There, Pay Attention by thursdaysfallenangel
I don’t even watch hockey, but this AU kind of made me want to start. Rivals to friends to lovers all while dealing with the homophobia in the NHL
time has come today series by teen_dean
Team Free Will brings in teen Dean Winchester to help with a case, parallel worlds come into play; every version of Dean Winchester falls in love with Castiel & all the good stuff like that
What Baking Can Do by cowlovely
Baker & Dad Dean fic and Doctor Cas? What more could you ask for?
Everyone’s a Critic by Englandwouldfall
Food Critic Cas and Chef Dean meet in a truly unfortunate way. This is worth it for Cas’s reviews alone, but also the Dean-Gabriel dynamic
FROTUS by kathscradle
A President Cas, Restaurant Owner Dean romance that was honestly just a good time
take the bones, begin anew by JustStandingHere
This was one of the first fics I read and it is sort of peak disaster™ Dean Winchester. I love a good “I fixed up a house for you and didn’t realize it meant I was in love” fic and this one is iconic
i want to do with you (what spring does with cherry trees) by sobsicles
I ugly cry every time I read this fic. It is a run of Cas and Dean’s relationship in seasons 13-15 and has Dean making a friend and it hurts but also it’s so good. Maybe my favorite Sam line of any fic comes from this fic ("If he thinks what you two do is friendship, then I must just be some guy he happens to speak to sometimes.”)
break the skin (to break the barriers) by sobsicles
Dean gets tattoos, and as he does, he tells the tattoo artist his life story. This is a post-15x19 fic told from an outside perspective and it is so well-done
Dumbassery, Denial, Doing by sobsicles
Listen tbh this list could be dominated by sobsicles and so I am showing restraint by only including three of their works. Their Dean characterization is everything to me and this fic really highlights Dean growing to understand himself better when given the freedom to
Revisions by bizarrestars
THEE what if Dean and Cas got together earlier and Chuck just wrote it out? fic.
a turn of the earth by microcomets
I love a work that explores pre-series Dean, and this one is great. Basically, think what-if later seasons Cas and pre-series Dean met (Strandlines by aeli_kindara is another good example of this premise, but in Strandlines, it is pre-series Cas as well as pre-series Dean).
psalm 40:2 by unicornpoe
On a similar note, psalm 40:2 is a great pre-series Dean, future-Cas fic. I am a bi Dean believer but this fic did sway me toward the gay Dean camp because it’s simply so good.
You Belong Among the Wildflowers by ImYourHoneyBee
Dean fixing his relationship with Jack? You got it. Dean trying to work through losing Cas? Yep. Dean getting Cas back by being stubborn? It’s there.
Who You Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel
Dean has a ghost following him around as he tries to start a life post-series, and for a while, he can’t figure out what’s happening. I love nothing more than Dean telling people he and Cas were married because he doesn’t know how else to explain and this fic delivers so hard
quilts by fleeceframe
A “Cas didn’t confess before getting taken to the Empty” fic. Soft things all around
Fathers & Daughters by sinnabonka
On a different note, this is one of my favorite Claire fics. It looks at Claire’s relationship with Cas and the impossibility of it, and it’s so artfully done.
Bus Loop Madness by batz_in_blue
Literally just a “what if everyone lived, Jack was a toddler, and they all picked him up from school?” AU. I audibly laughed while reading this, and it’s an essential pick-me-up from the heavier fics.
More of my favorite sobsicles fics include: gorging myself on you, still can’t get full (insatiable), and he’s back (with a mind of his own), six hundred sundays (and many more), oh sooner or later it all comes down to faith, things happen (they do, they do, and they do), according to all known laws of life, and profoundly bonded (by law)
Also, honorable mentions to Ninety One Whiskey, which is such a good fic, and Make a Believer Outta Me, which is a Hocus Pocus AU that is honestly just a fun time.
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spnsabrielbang2023 · 1 year
SPN Sabriel Bang 2023 Masterlist
Thanks for accompanying us on this wild ride, all! Here's the masterlist for this year's submissions.
You can also fill out this form to get on the mailing list for next year!
1. broken dreams
Author: @gay-destiel Artist: @golby-moon
when gabriel is rescued from hell, his wings are torn. to heal them, they need ingredients, one of which is closely guarded by a prince of hell. belial. gabe grapples with trauma while sam does his best to protect him.
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Check out the art by Golby!
2. The Look In Your Eyes
Author: @archangelgabriellives Artists: @sagee-stuffs, @i-love-you-but-in-spanish
A strange new painting finds its way to the Singer Art Museum, and Sam Winchester feels a strange connection to it. Who is the man in the painting with the golden eyes, and who else knows that its been found?
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Art by Sage
Art by Kitsy
3. Lucifer of the Opera
Author: @ladyknightskye Artists: @sagee-stuffs, @mellow-memuries
Annoyed with his brother, Gabriel asks God to help him weave a prank for his older brother. Lucifer must act out the story of The Phantom of the Opera in order to escape his prison in the basement of a theater. But when Sam and Dean show up - and Dean is caught up in the spell on Lucifer - Gabriel ends up enlisting Sam's help in trying to mitigate the disaster looming on the horizon.
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Art by Muri
Art by Sage
4. Lost in Translation
Author: @leatafandom Artist: @lucathepanman
When Sam’s churning soul was jammed back into his body after over a thousand years of being incorporeal, the wall of Death's design had never stood a chance against the changes Sam's soul had undergone to survive the Cage. Upon waking, Sam struggles with being able to cope with the drastic change from being ethereal to being part of the physical world and the strangers he is greeted with. His memories of the human world were absent upon waking within his body. Sam doesn't know how he had ever been part of the physical world, nor how to carve out a spot within it like the youngest archangel had managed to. His empowered soul was lost without the memories of his human life, and he was unsure who to turn to in a world full of strangers that tried to imprison him.
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Check out the art by Lucas!
5. Bound
Author: @aayo-whatt Artist: @dustghoul
Gabriel chuckles, genuinely smiling for the first time in an age, "Sam, the only thing you've done is make me fall head over heels for you. And I finally thought I should tell you how far I've fallen."
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Check out the art by Angel!
6. Dante's Peak
Author: @cheerfulripley Artist: @rezal-art
Sam is a Volcanologist and Gabriel is the mayor of the town who's idyllic little home changes from heaven to hell overnight when the dormant Volcano next door wakes up!
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Check out the art by Rezal!
Author: @nonbinary-witch-sam Artist: @as-lost-as-sams-shoe
The moment the binds went loose, Sam was up, rushing to his lover's body. He was crying, begging Gabriel to wake up, for this all to be a nightmare or a trick. but, he didn't wake up. Gabriel was dead. Sam slowly lifted his head, looking at Lucifer with grief-stricken fury as the surviving archangel went to walk away. "I will kill you before I ever say yes." he vowed, "you will never fight Michael. you will never possess me. I will string up your lifeless body like a puppet and make an example out of you, Lucifer." Gabriel, the real Gabriel, stood quietly behind one of the walls, listening intently to his lover swearing revenge as he tucked his ring into his pocket with a solemn expression.  "I'm sorry, Sam." He whispered before vanishing.
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Check out the art by Callion!
8. Atlas Shattered
Author: mukur0 Artist: @katfixation
After spending humanity's entire history stacking his own hand, Gabriel just can't win. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, too wounded to move faster than his own feet can carry him and too scared to start up where he and Sam had left off before that night at the Elysian Fields hotel, you'd think he'd welcome the chance to hide out in a gross motel room rather than face whatever might be stalking a downed archangel. Too bad for him, he'd almost prefer it over being caught in close quarters with a Winchester who just fucking wants to talk.
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Check out the art by Kat!
9. The Tales Grow Taller On Down The Line
Author: @ladylilithprime Artist: @alexiescherryslurpy
When Bobby Singer got the call from Dean Winchester - "This case is weird even for us and Sam's been compromised, we need help!" - he had expected the hunt to be unusual but still fairly straightforward. Being introduced to Loki, the Norse god of mischief and patron of tricksters, and being told the pagan was Sam's soulmate? Definitely not so straightforward!
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Check out the art by Slurpyart!
10. Carry On (Nothing Equals the Splendour)
Author: @hobbyistauthor Artist: @bakh-meliorism
The New God decides to be hands-on just one last time: there's a specific Winchester—still alive, always in grief—and one particular lost Archangel—whose graveyard didn't fight much to keep him dead—that could really use one of his miracles. To Sam, healing and hope looks like candy in every room of the Bunker and eyes like sunbeams-through-whiskey. To Gabriel, being Graceless yet still wanted gives him time to discover who he is, and who he wants to be.
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Check out the art by Bakh!
Bonus art by the author
11. The Trickster Fic
Author: @deadsuburbia Artist: @raaflingdraws
After being stabbed by his brother, Gabriel makes a last-ditch attempt to play a trick on Death itself. He reaches out to Sam Winchester, the only person who would ever look his way after his lifetime of trickery, and begs for help. Taking pity on the angel who played a God, Sam beams himself directly into Gabriel’s mind. The Trickster Fic retells the story of Gabriel from his own perspective: why he turned out the way that he did in his lifetime that spanned over a thousand years. In his very last moments, Gabriel is forced to come face-to-face with the consequences of his running, his cowardice, his own nihlism. Sam has to ask the question: can Gabriel be saved?
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Check out the art by Raafling!
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cheerfulripley · 1 year
For the 2023 Sabriel Big Bang!
Dante's Peak is a SPN AU of the disaster movie by the same name. Sam is a Volcanologist and Gabriel is the mayor of the picturesque little town that turns to hell overnight as their dormant mountain suddenly wakes up!
Rated E for disaster related descriptions, steamy romance!
Posting July 1st!!
Art by @rezal-art !
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toffeethief · 9 months
Top 5 Albums In The Year Of Our Lord 2023
1. Ryuichi Sakamoto - 12
2. Buggin’ - Concrete Cowboys
3. Aesop Rock - Integrated Tech Solutions
4. Bell Witch - Future’s Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Shadow
5. Zulu - A New Tomorrow
Honorable Mentions:
The Album Leaf - Future Falling // Amen Seat – Amen Seat // Andre 3000– New Blue Sun // Angel Dust – Brand New Soul // Aphex Twin – Blackbox Life Recorder 21f / In A Room7 F760 // Baroness – Stone // BB Bomb – Practice Songs-Lesson Three // Billy Woods & Kenny Segal – Maps // Black Matter Device – Buckshot Mouthwash/Mr. Uncomfortable // Blonde Redhead – Sit Down For Dinner // Boris/Uniform – Bright New Disease // The Bouncing Souls – Ten Stories High // Boygenius – The Record //  The Callous Daoboys – God Smiles On The Callous Daoboys // Chat Pile/Nerver – Brothers In Christ // Clementine Valentine – The Coin That Broke The Fountain Floor // C.LS.M. – Infinity Shit // George Cosby – Talk // Covet – Catharsis // Deserve To Die – Deserve To Die // Dorthia Cottrell – Death Folk Country // Arnold Dreyblatt – Resolve // Ex Pilots – Ex Pilots // Explosions In The Sky – End // Felony For Existing – Felony For Existing // Fews – Glass City // Fishbone – Fishbone // Flooding – Silhouette Machine // Fotocrime – Accelerated // Peter Gabriel – i/o // GLAM – The Color, The Dark // Gridlink – Coronet Juniper // Headcheese – Expired // The HIRS Collective – We’re Still Here // The Hope Conspiracy – Confusion/Chaos/Misery // Khanate – To Be Cruel // Kilamanzego – Black Weirdo // Killer Mike – Michael // Kitba – Kitba // Lamp Of Murmuur – Saturnian Bloodstorm // Lankum – False Lankum // Kali Malone – Does Spring Hides Its Joy // Mary Lattimore – Goodbye, Hotel Arkada // Lucy Camp – Smores Vol. 1 // Lunar Creature – Lunar Creature // Mile End – Promo 2023 // Mil-Spec – Marathon // Milledenials – The Peak Of Youth Life // Model/Actriz – Dogsbody // Mystic 100s – On A Micro Diet // Narrow Head – Moments Of Clarity // The Necks – Travel // New Found Glory – Make The Most Of It // New World Man ­– The Beast Is Back // Noname – Sundial // One Step Closer – Song For The Willow // Ostraca – Disaster // Oxbow – Love’s Holiday // Bill Orcutt – Jump On It // Misha Panilov – In Focus // Paramore – This Is Why // Parannoul – After The Magic // Pere Ubu – Trouble On A Big Beat Street // Perfect Angel At Heaven – Imploder // Pile – All Fiction // Planet On A Chain – Boxed In // Powers/Pulice/Rolin – Prism // Protomartyr – Formal Growth In The Desert // Pulsatile Tinnitus – The Finer Art Of Heartwork // Radiator Hospital – Can’t Make Any Promises / Watching A Fire // Rat Cage – Savage Visions // Restraining Order – Locked In Time // Ringworm – Seeing Through Fire // Olivia Rodrigo – Guts // Sadness – April Sunset // Sadness/Abriction – Sadness/Abriction // Sam Goldberg – Some Songs Are Sung // Screaming Females – Desire Pathways // Samuel Sharp – Consequential // Patrick Shiroishi – I Was Too Young To Hear Silence // Shonen Knife – Our Best Place // Shunkan – She Nods // Sigur Ros – Atta // Sincere Engineer – Cheap Grills // Slant – Demo 2023 // Sophia Chablau e Uma Enore Pedre de Tempo – Musicia do Esquencimento // Spellling – Spellling & The Mystery School // Spirit Of Hamlet – Northwest Of Hamuretto // Spirit Of The Beehive – I’m So Lucky // Spy – Satisfaction // Marnie Stern – The Comeback Kid // Sunbear – Enjoy! // Suzie True – Sentimental Scum // Swiss Army Wife – Medium Gnarly // The Tallest Man On Earth – Henry St. // Teke::Teke – Hagata // Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 – These Things Remain Unassigned // TLOOTH – Wet // Unwed Sailor – Mute The Charm // Usurp Synapse – A Vile Contamina // Vivat Virtute – Hold Music // Widowdusk – I Know Where We’re At, Not Where We’re Going // Will Haven – VII // Witch Prophet – Gateway Experience
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behindthesemasks · 1 year
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And now to introduce the main crew...
Nic slid a dossier to the middle of the table where the 8 men were gathered.  Flipping the top of the manila folder open, Mel’s picture came into view.  Nic's cousin and co-heir of the massive fortune belonging to the well established creole Meyers family, Mel was an archaeologist and professor at LSU in Baton Rouge, just up I-10 from where they were meeting in New Orleans. The previous year an excavation in Peru had gone south, Mel had ended up kidnapped, and once freed a price had been put on her head for a long time because she could identify who it was that had been behind the operation. That was the reason that this time had to be different, another repeat of last time and his grandfather just might kill him personally.
Nic cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. “Now, let’s go over this one more time.  I’d hate to have to kill any of you personally.”  A wry smile formed on his lips as his gaze met each of the other 7 men’s in turn.   “Keep your sister alive,” Cade said with a sigh and raised eyebrows.  Nic thought of correcting Cade, but decided against it.  Maybe if they kept with the misunderstanding that Mel was his sister they’d have extra impetus to keep her alive.
“Don’t break her artifacts,” it was Alexander’s turn now.  He was also an archaeologist, so it was no surprise that he remembered this one.  He was also her best friend, and closer to her than even Nic was. Friend of the family since he and Mel had been in college, Alexander's past with MI6 would prove useful, Nic had a feeling.
“Kill any fucker who looks at her funny,” Gabriel piped in with a chuckle.
“And make it look like an accident,” added Donovon, also chuckling and shaking his head.
“Be ready to give our lives for your sister,” Case chimed in.
“Don’t let her know we’re her goddamned security detail,”  Dez sighed.
“And for god’s sakes, don’t fuck her.” Cam’s voice came out deadpan and flat, causing all heads to turn and look at him.  Half had a look of *are you fucking out of your mind* while the rest just seemed to stare blankly.  His shoulders raised in a shrug, as did his eyebrows, “what?  Was that not drilled into our heads like a thousand times this week?  I mean she’s hot, but I’m not keen on having a red dot from this mystery assassin on my forehead.”  Shrugging again, he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.
Nic closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.  This was going to be a disaster, something deep inside told him that.  These were the 7 men whom he trusted far and above all others.  Trained assassins, hitmen, soldiers, and most importantly friends sat around this table.   They were going into Serbia, not known to be the bastion of peace and light.  There was only one other he would have liked to have on this team, but that man was out of pocket with no word on where he was or when he’d be back.
There was no doubt that the skill of the men sitting around the table was more than enough to combat any threat that came their way, any human threat that was.  Unlike some of the others, Nic was all too aware that while they were all human, some of the threats they might face would not be.  Melania’s mother was Marie LaVeau after all. It wasn’t like there wasn’t the possibility of something else showing up on scene.  
Running a hand down his face, he again turned his attention to the males before him.  “This is Serbia.  We’re going to Gradina, it’s on the peak of the Jelica Mountain and is just south-west of Carcak.  This is a huge open area, but it IS the high ground.  We won’t have to worry about death from above unless it is a paratrooper.”  His gaze alternated between Cam and Dez, brothers who had both served in organizations that the government still denied existed before going into private contracting and becoming much more deadly than the government had ever trained them to be. “Elevation is approximately half a mile above sea level, so there shouldn’t be too much of an effect on all of us.  Be prepared though, train for it.  If Mel can out pace you and outrun you, I’ll personally kick your ass if she doesn’t gut you first.”  Nic chuckled as did some of the other men.  “You should all have your wire transfers by now and verified them.  That sum should tell you how important it is to my grandfather and I that nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, happens to Mel while we’re over there.  We WILL NOT have a repeat of Peru.  AM.I.CLEAR gentlemen?”  Heads nodded around the table. 
All assembled had heard of what had transpired in the jungles of Peru and all had personally taken part in the eradication of all threats to Mel afterward.   There had been a little kidnapping, a little more torture, and a few that required a bullet to the brain to end the hunt for Mel’s life, but none there would have changed a thing.   Case, Donovan, Cade, and Gabriel had been the snipers responsible for watching over Mel 24/7 once she had been secured in the mansion in Gulfport, Mississippi.  While the petite and lithe brunette may not recognize them, there was little about the female that any of them wouldn’t recognize from hours of watching her through a scope.
As the meeting adjourned, the men each tucked a copy of the dossier into their jackets as they headed out.  While they had been over the plans for this trip repeatedly in the last week, none were about to let their guard down or not be fully prepared for what they were to face.  They might be getting to travel in private, first-class style, but they were still there to do a job. No, not just a job.  They were there as friends and ‘brothers’ to Nic, and they weren’t about to let a damn thing happen to Mel on their watch.  This might be a bit different from their normal covert and under-cover op, but the stakes were no less.
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liamhaydn-blog · 1 year
An Arsenal Fan’s view on what the club need to do this summer to compete on all fronts next season.
The Summer of 2023 promises to be one of the most important ones in recent memory for Arsenal. For much of the last decade plus they’d sleepwalked themselves into becoming something of a sleeping giant. Perhaps understandably at first given the financial restraints of paying off their new stadium, a time where Arsenal spent most of their time anxiously guarding their world class talents. Rather than being able to look around the market and buy more, they instead had to settle for the more mediocre and year after year their best players were plucked from under them and Arsenal had to endure watching them lift the big prizes elsewhere. 
The signing of Mesut Ozil was added to Santi Cazorla, and the following summer when the trophy drought was ended, Alexis Sanchez was also brought in. Arsenal appeared to be waking from their stupor. However, just as in the days of Fabregas, Nasri and Van Persie, Wenger was either unable or unwilling to pay up for a support cast that could turn Arsenal back into real title contenders, though the prospect momentarily flickered from time to time.  
Next Arsenal gambled and went big with the signings of Lacazette, Aubameyang and Nicolas Pepe. There was short-lived success in the shape of another FA Cup, but things quickly lurched to disaster. Arsenal went from finishing 2nd in 2016, to back to back 8th placed finishes by 2021 under fledgling new manager and former captain Mikel Arteta. Transfer policy shifted with Arsenal identifying young talents such as Aaron Ramsdale, Ben White and Martin Odegaard. This added to a special young trio of talents, that of Bukayo Saka, Gabriel Martinelli and Emile Smith Rowe. Despite narrowly missing out on Champions League football, the confidence and feel good factor was slowly returning to Arsenal and they then added Gabriel Jesus and Oleksandr Zinchenko from Champions Manchester City.
Those summer additions helped Arsenal produce a starting 11 so good they won 23 of their first 29 league games. However, 2 defensive injuries to the colossal William Saliba and back-up right-back Takehiro Tomiyasu have laid bare the lack of depth that still exists in this Arsenal squad, in terms of being able to actually win the league against one of Sport’s most dominant ever teams in Guardiola’s City. Those injuries have meant Arsenal have had to turn to Rob Holding, a player signed from Bolton for £2M, who peaked in his 1st season for the club as a 20-year old, since then he’s only gone downhill. Arsenal exited the domestic cups very early, they exited the Europa League at its first knockout round, they didn’t have that many players involved at the World Cup as starters for their nations, and STILL injuries have once again derailed their season. It simply must stop happening, the time is now for Arsenal to build a squad which can compete in both the Premier League and the Champions League.
Arsenal have a brilliant, ambitious young manager, a fantastically talented young team who with meaningful additions in the right areas this summer can set themselves up to be the kind of team that produces the consistency of say Klopp’s Liverpool at their peak. They really can. But it requires those at the top to continue being bold and not resting on their laurels. The thinking from the board under Wenger was: “So long as we get the Champions League money by making top 4 we’re happy.” Such thinking can not be allowed to return. That kind of thinking damaged Arsenal for years, damaged United in recent years under the Glazers, and is damaging Spurs under Dan Levy now. 
Arsenal could be on the precipice of doing special things at home and maybe even abroad, but they are not there yet. But they must not hesitate, the momentum is with them. They are one of the biggest clubs in the biggest league in the world, therefore they are one of the hottest destinations for talent in the world, and they also happen to play in what is regarded as one of the best cities in the world, the City of London. Having woken from their slumber, it’s time for Arsenal to no longer be a sleeping giant and begin to throw their wait around like the big club they are. Can they go and ruthlessly take West Ham’s captain and best player? Can they go back in for Caicedo, and actually get him this time? The outcome to these questions will surely tell us more about whether Arsenal can once again produce glory years akin to those with Pires, Henry and Vieira or if it will be another era of nearly men, of ‘if’s’ ‘but’s’ and ‘maybe’s’.
In this piece I will lay out what Arsenal must, could and should do this summer to ensure they don’t stand still and continue to evolve.
No movement required in this area for Arsenal this summer. Ramsdale had an impressive debut season at Arsenal and he’s gotten better in his follow-up campaign. Up until recently he was having a brilliant season, best exemplified by his stellar performance away at Anfield, earlier on he was also outstanding away at Tottenham. In recent weeks his form has dipped, which has led some to question whether he is good enough to be the number 1 keeper in a league winning team. This in my opinion is harsh and a consequence of recency bias, if all Arsenal players were judged on their performances over the last few weeks, they would all need to be replaced as none of them have played like league winners. He’s also one of the best around with his feet which is of course essential to the way Arsenal build-up, so his number 1 spot is assured at the moment. 
And at 24, he’s still a baby in goalkeeper years with plenty of room to grow over the coming seasons. If he can keep making small improvements the potential is definitely there to become one of Europe’s top goalkeepers, however he is still a way off the finished article. He hasn’t been commanding in dealing with corners this season, his confidence is usually one of his biggest assets but it has been wobbled slightly at times, and his confidence with passing has occasionally become over-confidence which has caused big problems for him and his side. Overall though, Arsenal can be optimistic that this promising young goalkeeper matures into a really great one. 
Matt Turner as USA’s Number 1 isn’t a bad one to have as your back-up keeper, but he will be hopeful Arsenal go much further in the domestic cups than in his first season, or else his game time could be severely limited. At 21 it could be a good time for 3rd choice keeper and Estonian International Karl Hein to get first team football on loan somewhere. 
Sell: N/A.
Loan: Hein.
Sign: N/A.
Gabriel and Saliba have formed what is the most complete centre-back partnership Arsenal have had since Sol Campbell and Kolo Toure, they are excellent together and Arsenal fans will be hoping they stay together for a long time. However an injury to Saliba exposed Arsenal’s lack of depth at centre-back and this summer needs to be the end of the road at Arsenal for Rob Holding. As the player’s at Arsenal have got better over the last 12 months, the extent to which he has been out of his depth has been further exposed. I think he lacks the speed, physicality, decision making and technical ability to be even a solid mid-table level Premier League defender and would instead be better suited to Serie A, where he could build his career in a way similar to Chris Smalling, who also struggled massively in the Premier League. Holding is obviously a popular dressing room figure, who is liked and trusted by Arteta, but to compete with the likes of City and other strong teams upon their return to the Champions League, they simply need better strength in depth than what Holding can muster and he must be sold. 
Arsenal must also part ways with Cedric which seems inevitable, as does the departure of Ainsley Maitland-Niles whom I and many others once considered to have a bright future at Arsenal, due to his versatility. Despite initially winning Arteta over and playing well in Arsenal’s FA Cup triumph, he fell out of favour and having been linked with a permanent move away for some time, surely this is the summer it finally happens. Pablo Mari will also depart permanently for Monza, as per the terms of his loan deal.
Nuno Taveres was signed by Arsenal in the summer of 2022 for £8M but looked out of his depth at left-back in most of Arsenal’s league games, especially at the business end of the season where he was pretty costly in Arsenal’s missing out on top 4. He’s had a resurgent season on loan at Marseille, where he has often been deployed in a more advanced role on the wing. During a particularly good spell it was thought by some that there may be a future for him yet with Arsenal, but I don’t see it. I think he will always lack the tactical discipline and intelligence Arteta demands from his players, and aswell the intensity. The best case here is Taveres finishes the season strong and Marseille want to keep him, in which case Arsenal should be looking to at least make a comfortable profit on the 23-year old.
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The subject of Kieran Tierney is an interesting and divisive one. He’s clearly a very good left-back and at 25 is likely approaching his peak. However he is a very different style to Zinchenko, and if the manager wants Zinchenko’s inverted position mimicked by his back-up, Tierney is never gonna be the one to do that well, because he’s not in that mould. Newcastle are thought to be potential admirers, and there’s no doubting he’d likely prove an excellent player for them and improve them even further. So considering Newcastle are now a rival for Champions League places going forward, does that mean Arsenal should definitely refuse to sell to them? Not necessarily, as Arsenal’s top priority has to be Arsenal. 
Saudi-backed Newcastle have got huge money and they’re not afraid to splash it around, evidenced in January by them spending £40M on Everton’s want-away winger Anthony Gordon. He had scored 7 times in senior football and never been capped by his country. Therefore if Arsenal are to sell Tierney they would be fools to let him go for less than that. 
It’s not essential to sell Tierney as he is a solid player, who’s a good option to bring on to replace Zinchenko to help see games out with more defensive solidity, but Arteta has not often used him like that this season, outside of a few very brief cameos. So if Arteta no longer values his importance to the side that highly, it makes sense for all parties for Arsenal to sell, but they would be smart to not allow Newcastle to secure for a low-ball offer, because he’s likely to be very popular on Tyneside, so the Gunners need to make sure they remain firm and don’t sell for below their asking price. Arsenal have struggled in recent years to get good value for their players, for example allowing Leno to join Fulham for just £8M. It’s an area they must improve in this summer. 
Where the money from a Tierney sale should then be invested depends on several decisions Arteta could take. Polish International Jakub Kiwior was signed in January from Spezia for £27M. Given the reliability of Gabriel, and Kiwior being left-footed meaning there is only one CB spot (the LCB spot) available to him I find it hard to believe the 22-year old was signed just as a Gabriel back-up. I feel his profile could be used to replicate Zinchenko’s role in the side as an inverted left-back, taking up the usual central positions the Ukrainian takes. He has experience playing left-back and defensive midfield, so it seems likely this is a role that’s been earmarked for him. Therefore Kiwior could act as first in reserve for both Gabriel and Zinchenko, giving the Pole much more opportunities for game time.
Takehiro Tomiyasu has endured an injury laden 2 seasons with Arsenal, despite mostly being back-up behind Ben White this season. Given Tomiyasu’s 6 foot 2 frame, I believe there could be something to trying to convert him to become a centre-back option. The full-back role demands endless running up and down the flanks, often at speed and I feel trying Tomiyasu in the middle instead could better protect him from injuries. Tomiyasu has experience in the role having played there many times for his country and whilst playing in the Belgian Pro League. 
He is a good passer with both feet and usually makes good decisions with the ball but his on the ball limitations are exposed more at full-back in this Arsenal team, as he often doesn’t look completely comfortable in the oppositions final third, rarely making runs beyond Saka to offer him that option or just to pull a defender away from the winger, as we have become accustomed to seeing from White. Whilst a fine right-back defensively, I can only see Tomiyasu’s body breaking down season after season in the role of an attacking full-back, which at Arsenal you need to be, so if he is to have a future at the club I think it needs to be as a back-up for Saliba and Gabriel, with more sporadic appearances at full-back in cases of emergency. Aswell as potentially taking that option, Arsenal will still need to sign a replacement for Holding and it will be very straightforward to identify a clear upgrade, who is more comfortable on the ball and better suited to the physical demands of the Premier League, potentially one who is already playing in it for a club somewhere down the table. 
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In Arsenal’s position I would then invest money from a Tierney sale on a right-back who can challenge for the position with White, and offer the same things White does with security in possession and with the fitness and attacking instincts to offer the overlap for Saka constantly throughout the game. A new right-back would give Arsenal more defensive flexibility and options, as if suffering with an injury/suspension for eg. they could move White to centre-back where he is reliable and play the new right-back alongside him. Or if White and Saliba were both injured, Tomiyasu could come into RCB with the new right-back now next to him. One right-back Arsenal have recently been interested in is 18-year old Ivan Fresneda of Real Valladolid, with the Gunners and Borussia Dortmund both vying for his services last January. Considering Arteta already has 2 solid right-back options, it seems likely his interest in a third would suggest he also sees a future for Tomiyasu in a centre-half role. 
Sell: Cedric, Tavares, Mari, Tierney (if offered around £40M), Holding.
Loan: Trusty (to Premier League club).
Sign: Right-Back, Centre-Back.
Decisions: Tomiyasu as CB option, Kiwior as LB option.
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This is the position most rife with rumours when it comes to potential recruits for Arsenal this summer and understandably so. Partey is 30 this summer, Xhaka is already 30 and Jorginho is 31. There are 2 players at the top of virtually every Arsenal fans wishlist: Moises Caicedo of Brighton and Declan Rice of West Ham. Arsenal have already seen a £70M bid for 21-year old Caicedo rejected, but will remain encouraged despite his recent contract extension, due to his initial desire to join the club, which saw him issue a very public transfer request. Since then he has spoken of his desire to see Arsenal win the league, so he seemingly remains interested. 
Caicedo shows similarities to the N’Golo Kante we saw at Leicester and in his early years at Chelsea, a player capable of winning the ball cleanly from all manner of unlikely positions, such players are essential to a team and can be the difference across a season between finishing 1st and 2nd, as Kante demonstrated winning back-to-back Premier League’s with Leicester and Chelsea. Caicedo plays well beyond his years, despite having played less than 100 senior club games, with over a third of them being back in the Ecuadorian league. Less than a year after signing him for an undisclosed fee Brighton unequivocally rejected a £70M offer for him, which shows their confidence that when he does leave, it will be for an even bigger fee. They are right to believe that, especially after getting him to commit to a new contract.  
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Declan Rice has been linked with a move from his beloved West Ham for years now, and Chelsea always seemed likely to be his eventual destination. For Arsenal it was probably seen as a bit of a pipe dream, they’ve not been able to offer him Champions League Football and financially could not get into a bidding war with the likes of Chelsea. However the balance of power has shifted quite drastically this season with Arsenal leading the way for much of the season, with an exciting young manager and group of players which would interest any player looking for his next club. 
Caicedo is more of a classic 6 than Rice, though he is much more than just a ball-winner, he possesses a diverse passing range. Rice can excel either as a number 6 or a number 8, so the most ambitious Arsenal fans are dreaming of signing them both and having them in the same midfield along with Odegaard. It’s not impossible, and I think it should at least be the club’s ambition to try. They are the bookies favourites to sign both players, but they will likely face stern competition for these players signatures from Liverpool and Chelsea especially who are both desperate for central midfielders. 
With Champions League money in their pocket for the first time since 2016, Arsenal should have the financial might to be in with a shout, and it will be very disappointing if they are unable to secure at least one of those two. Should Arsenal secure for eg. Rice and the bidding war for Caicedo reach such a level where the money is close to £100M which I think it might, Arsenal would have 2 options, walk away and try to secure the services of a cheaper player who also appears to interest them such as Martin Zubimendi from Real Sociedad, or another interesting solution could be to part-fund the signing of Caicedo by off-loading Thomas Partey. 
Now Partey at his best is undoubtedly one of the best in the league in his position, some games he oozes class and looks head and shoulders above everyone on the pitch. Overall he’s had a great season and some brilliant spells in particular but.. there has been times where he has cost Arsenal with some lacklustre play, being too careless and almost over confident. And in a league as fast and furious as the Premier League has now become, he can occasionally lack that real intensity to go alongside his obvious ability. There is also the matter of injuries, he played only 48 league games across his first 2 seasons, this season has been better but he has still missed crucial matches such as United away and City at home, both times he felt sorely missed but it has become an all too regular story. He still has 2 years left to run on his current deal and though 30, he remains young enough that they should be able to get a reasonable fee. 
If an offer came in from a club overseas such as one of the big Italian clubs I think it would be something to seriously consider. I don’t suggest the sale of Partey lightly, but *if* it enabled Arsenal to bring in both Rice and Caicedo, and they otherwise couldn’t do it, I’d be in favour of it. Because the idea of Arsenal having a Caicedo-Rice-Odegaard midfield... let’s just say I’d sell more than just a Ghanaian Footballer for the prospect of that.  
But if not, Arsenal must definitely sign at least one player who can play his position as it’s essential they become less reliant on him. Both Partey and Xhaka can have big roles to play in Arsenal’s future, but they can’t do it for much longer alone, certainly not when playing in 2 elite competitions week after week, when they return to the Champions League. 
Odegaard is the captain and has had a fantastic season, however there are question marks about the strength in depth in reserve there. Odegaard has had excellent fitness in his time in North London and we all hope it continues, though when the Champions League gets added to the calendar next year it becomes unrealistic to expect him to be available and in form for every game. Fabio Vieira was signed last summer from FC Porto, but has really struggled to impose himself on games, especially in the Premier League. 
He needs to have a big summer where he impresses in pre-season and gives everyone reason for optimism, because right now he looks a long way off the required level. And Arsenal really need him to become a capable understudy to Odegaard when they are aiming to play 50+ matches next season. There is a real possibility in my opinion that the best option for Vieira could be a season long-loan to a Premier League team, to get him more game time to adapt to the league. 
He is not going to dislodge the captain from the team, and currently he looks like he could really benefit from more minutes to properly adjust to English football. A good possibility could be someone like Wolves, who have Portuguese players there to help him settle. This depends on how many midfielders Arsenal sign, but if they do bring in 2 and especially if they also keep Xhaka and Partey, by that point Vieira drops really far down the pecking order and there may not be room in the squad for him. 
Another issue that’s emerged is with Emile Smith-Rowe, who has fallen out of favour with the manager and it remains unclear where he best fits into this Arsenal side. Outwide? In Xhaka’s position? In Odegaard’s position? None seem naturally suited but something needs to be worked out because the Arsenal youth graduate is too talented and has too much to potentially offer to be left in the cold like this. With 10 league goals last season, we cannot give up on ESR and need to develop the 22-year old in a way where he can operate in the team’s system. He cannot endure another season like this one, though admittedly it didn’t help he’s spent so much of it injured. 
I believe it’s the end of the road for Albert Sambi Lokonga and we should look to move him on permanently at the end of the season. A season-long loan would not be the end of the world, but I struggle to see his attitude and mentality ever been warmed to by Arteta. And his performances on the pitch for Arsenal always left you feeling cold, like you know he could have given more. Charlie Patino should be given some game time in pre-season, and either given another season long loan, or if he impresses potentially kept around for domestic cup games. 
Sell: Lokonga, Partey (if required to sign both Caicedo&Rice).
Loan: Patino (to Premier League club), potentially Vieira (to a Premier League club) depending on the size of Arsenal’s squad.
Sign: 2 Centre Midfielders are essential, ideally they are Caicedo & Rice.
Decisions: find ESR a role within the system.
Arsenal have 2 of the best wingers in the league in Saka and Martinelli, and given they are both just 21-years old, the likelihood is that in years to come they will be 2 of the very best in the world. Arsenal getting both players to commit their long-term futures to the club (Martinelli recently signed a new long-term contract, and Saka’s new contract has reportedly been finalised, just not officially announced at time of writing) is as important for the club’s future as any new signing they could complete this summer. They’ve both been incredible this season and are two of the most exciting and promising players in the world. 
There has been question marks about Arsenal’s depth in their positions though. The signing of Leandro Trossard has eased those concerns somewhat, he is an extremely able replacement for Martinelli, and the Belgian’s versatility in the forward positions is of massive benefit to Arsenal. His impact on the side following his January move has quickly made him a fan favourite, and he’s one Arsenal fans should enjoy watching for years to come. 
However on the right hand side, they are still very reliant on Saka staying fit. Luckily for Arsenal, the youngster has amazing fitness levels, he’s been involved in every Premier League game Arsenal have played since May 9th 2021. But that will become trickier when Arsenal are back playing Champions League Football as The Gunners will need him at his very sharpest to progress in that competition, it stands to reason that at different stages through the season they will need some alternative there. 
One option they currently have is Reiss Nelson, the 23-year old who has had an up and down career to date. He had a very successful loan at Hoffenheim, where manager Julian Nagelsmann was very impressed with him. He returned to Arsenal and appeared often after Arteta had replaced Unai Emery but he lost his place the following season and was later loaned out to Feyenoord. This season has been another up and down one for him, he didn’t impress in his Europa League starts, then he got a chance against Forest after Saka went off injured and took it, but then picked up an injury which meant he wasn’t seen again until the Bournemouth game, where he was excellent getting an assist and later an outstanding game-winning goal. 
Nelson’s contract expires this summer, though Arsenal are reportedly in talks to extend it. I think that would be a smart move by the club, he’s showed enough in his substitute cameos to prove that there is a real player in there, one definitely good enough to be a solid back-up option. Due to the quality and availability of Saka, Arsenal need a right-wing option who is willing to be patient, but who also has the required quality when called upon. I think Nelson fits into that category, as a Hale End Graduate, an Arsenal boy, he is more likely to be willing to wait patiently on the bench unlike a new signing who could easily get disheartened at the lack of game time. The one concern over Nelson is perhaps his injury record. Given he is behind Saka there will be times in a season where his chances of playing time are few and far between, but there will be definitely be moments he will be needed, whether starting or off the bench, and he needs to be fit and ready for them. 
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In that right-wing position Arsenal of course still have Nicolas Pepe, who is the club’s record signing after they paid £72M for him in 2019. He has been on loan at Nice this season but has done little to convince anyone there’s a future for him at Arsenal. He is simply too inconsistent. Though capable of hitting real highs, scoring great goals out of nothing and looking very dangerous, just as often he has games where he constantly makes the wrong decisions and is very wasteful. Arteta requires players who even on a bad day never fall below a certain level of technical security and Pepe often falls below that level, so he will never be an Arteta type player. Arsenal should look to move him on this summer, as he is not good enough to push Saka for a place, and will be unwilling to spend the majority of his time sat on the bench. A move is best for all parties, and Arsenal will surely find a willing suitor somewhere in Ligue 1, but should not expect to recoup even half of what they paid out for the Ivorian winger. 
Another right-wing option is Marquinhos, who Arsenal signed from Sao Paulo last summer. He had a dream debut away at Zurich where he hit a great goal and assist, but since then on his rare opportunities he’s looked very raw. In January he was sent on loan to Norwich, where again he scored and assisted on his debut but has struggled for impact since. The 20-year old is still young enough to be afforded time and Arsenal have the option to either keep him playing with the under 21′s for now or find another loan move for him.
At striker, Arsenal have some interesting possibilities. Gabriel Jesus was along with William Saliba, Arsenal’s best player before the 2022 World Cup. He brought a new dimension of quality to the attack, and set a new standard for the team with an insatiable work ethic and ability to fashion chances out of very little for himself and his teammates. At the World Cup he picked up a serious injury which required surgery. Upon his return, he quickly got back up to speed and scored 4 goals in his first 3 starts back. 
Jesus has many strengths, but he also has his weaknesses, the big one being that he isn’t clinical, which is really the only reason he isn’t one of the world’s very best strikers, because in all other areas such as work rate, intelligence, creativity and dribbling he is, but he is not a man who will ever get 20+ league goals a season. Jesus was very wasteful in the games prior to the World Cup, but Arsenal fans accepted it because they were playing so well, they were winning games anyway in spite of these misses. However in recent games, with the absence of Saliba at the back meaning Arsenal are much less solid defensively, they are conceding more goals and now Jesus’ wastefulness is starting to cost them and therefore becoming more of a problem.  
One problem Arsenal have currently is they don’t have a striker who can offer them something completely different to Jesus. The one other out-and-out striker they have is Eddie Nketiah, who other than fresh legs and a fresh mind if Jesus becomes fatigued in a game, doesn’t really offer a different problem to defences than the one Jesus provides. Nketiah doesn’t have an all-round game at the level of Jesus, his hold-up play isn’t as good, even though he’s slightly taller than the Brazilian, hitting long to him is less effective than it is with Jesus on the pitch, and in the box he doesn’t provide a greater threat in the air.
In 9 league starts whilst Jesus was injured, Nketiah played 9 full league matches and scored 4 goals, including that well remembered brace against Manchester United which featured that memorable last minute winner. But in those 9 starts, he fired 6 blanks and didn’t produce any assists either. Nketiah has many good qualities for Arsenal, his attitude is good, he has a serious desire for self-improvement evidenced by the way he has bulked up in recent times, he is a good goal poacher, a reliable cup goalscorer and as a Hale End boy, he loves the club and will be patient for opportunities, conducting himself professionally whilst waiting for a chance, and at 23 he’s young enough to still get better. 
However does he have enough quality to ever seriously threaten to dislodge a fit Gabriel Jesus from the side? It’s doubtful and there lies the problem. A team that is looking to win the Premier League and reach the latter stages of the Champions League should be looking to have a striker who can really push Jesus for minutes. It’s of course normal to have a first-choice striker who is a long way clear of the second, and that’s fine if your striker is Erling Haaland or Harry Kane, someone who guarantees lots of goals. Arsenal don’t have that luxury with Jesus and therefore it’s not an acceptable position going forward that Jesus is just the first choice number 9 no matter what, no matter if he has a long scoring drought. Or that if Jesus is struggling in a game, there’s no point taking him off because the back-up striker can’t really offer a better alternative. 
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So to compete in both the Premier League and the Champions League, Arsenal will need to look at a different option upfront. One such option could be Folarin Balogun, the 21-year old striker currently on loan at Reims. He has scored 18 in 30 league games, and appears to at least present a completely different profile to Jesus, being more of an out-and-out goalscorer and therefore a more clinical finisher. This would definitely seem to present a good substitute option for Arsenal and perhaps even a good starting option at times when Jesus is struggling for scoring form. However there has been rumours circulating that Balogun wants to continue being a first choice striker and doesn’t want the competition of fighting for a starting place. At 21-years old he certainly has no divine right to a starting place ahead of Jesus, so therefore the best option could be to sell the striker. If Arsenal opt for this, they should be looking to get around £40M for him, considering he still has 2 years left to run on his contract. To get less than £30M for him would be a failure, especially if he is sold to a Premier League club. 
Given he signed a new contract with the club last summer, I do not expect Nketiah to leave as he appears to have a good relationship with his manager and teammates. Nketiah is one of the better cup competition strikers around so can be relied on to net in the domestic cups. However I view Nketiah as a good mid-table level striker who would be a decent starter for the likes of Crystal Palace and West Ham. Given he has a contract running until 2027, Arsenal could expect to get decent money should they opt to sell him. 
And I think there is a strong argument they should sell him, if an opportunity arose to sign a better striker than Nketiah, who aswell offers something completely different to Jesus. Players who fit into that category include the likes of Ollie Watkins, Ivan Toney and Dusan Vlahovic. Given the first 2 names are English and play for Premier League clubs, they would be far from cheap. However the sales of both Nketiah and Balogun would surely raise some not insignificant money to put towards capturing one of those players. Arsenal could really use a striker who is a real handful in the air, whether that’s in the penalty area to score from crosses, or someone who can win the header when the team opt to go long. It would also be beneficial for defending set-pieces, which Arsenal have been bad on recently. It would give the team that Plan B option in attack they do not currently possess.
Taking the best player off Aston Villa or Brentford will not be easy to achieve, but if Arsenal want to get over the line in the Premier League and really compete for the Champions League, this is the kind of quality and profile they need to really boost their attack. The other option would be to keep both Balogun and Nketiah, which atleast would give Arsenal some depth in that area and form between them would dictate who’s 2nd choice in that department. However if Balogun is determined to move, Arsenal must then go in for a striker and if the additional sale of Nketiah is required to fund the move of a really top one, such as one of the names mentioned, then in my opinion that’s something they should opt to do. 
Sell: Pepe, Balogun (if receive an offer of over £30M), Nketiah (if needed to fund the acquisition of a top striker).
Loan: Marquinhos
Sign: Striker (with a very different style to Jesus).
Decisions: Extend Reiss-Nelson’s contract. 
Arsenal played just 3 games across the 2 domestic cups and they played just 8 games in Europe, and they still picked up 2 defensive injuries at the same time which has put their outstanding league campaign on the verge of unravelling. Given they have now been knocked out of the FA Cup before the 5th round stage in each of the last 3 seasons it stands to reason they will be looking to progress deeper in it next season. They had a difficult 3rd round league cup draw in Brighton and an easier draw next season could present the opportunity to go further in that competition. 
And after 6 seasons out of the Champions League, Arsenal’s return to the elite European competition is a big moment for the club, they will not want to exit meekly, they will want to make a statement to the world on the biggest stage to show how far they have progressed as a club. The Premier League will be as difficult to win as ever, as it continues to be inundated with quality managers from the top of the league towards the bottom. So assuming that next season Arsenal go further in both cups than they have done this season, the club should be aiming to play over 50 games next season. This will be a new experience for this team, as in recent years they have rotated heavily for the Europa League. Now the team will be expected to perform at a high level twice a week throughout the season and the club needs to ensure they have assembled a squad which can realistically handle that demand. 
Season after season, Arsenal’s lack of squad depth has cost them their targets when it gets to April time. They need to reach a stage where they are prepared for the worst case scenario regarding injuries, so they are not in a position where the gap in quality between starter and back-up is as huge as is the case between say Saliba and Holding. Arsenal’s full strength starting 11 is very strong, the one area of the field where there is clear room for improvement is in midfield. Granit Xhaka is a very good player who’s had a very good season, but the difference in the squad’s quality if for example Declan Rice is signed for his position is enormous, as the knock-on effect is that Xhaka would then be a bench option and a very good one as opposed to having Xhaka starting and a bench option like Mohamed Elneny or Sambi-Lokonga, as has been the case at stages this season. 
Arsenal have a great starting 11 and they are not miles away from having a great squad, clearing out the last of the deadwood this summer and replacing them with quality will give Arsenal the strength in depth they need to compete on all fronts. With the money they will receive for being back in the Champions League, Josh Kroenke’s growing interest in the club’s on-pitch performance and the possibility of selling non-essential players for a good amount of money, Arsenal have the funds to take their squad to the next level this summer.  
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bllsbailey · 3 months
Biden Shuffled Out to Attack the Supreme Court and Everyone Couldn't Ignore His New Appearance
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According to White House aides, President Joe Biden only has a six-hour window of optimal functionality. From 10 am to 4 pm, that’s peak mental activity time for the president. After that, things go downhill fast, so I was shocked that Biden would deliver remarks at 7:45 pm tonight on the Supreme Court ruling on the immunity case. 
Happening Now: President Biden delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling. https://t.co/fRmKLnFgN5— The White House (@WhiteHouse) July 1, 2024
Biden threw a tantrum, visibly frustrated that the Supreme Court stopped his politically motivated legal crusade against his political rival. It was one of the most pathetic attempts at deflection in recent memory. We all still think you’re too old and slow, Joe. It also did nothing to repair the damage done during the first debate last Thursday night. 
A four minute speech read off a teleprompter isn’t going to quiet the worries about Biden…— Chris Cillizza (@ChrisCillizza) July 1, 2024
the idea that Biden couldn't speak tonight for at least 15 minutes -- forget taking any questions -- after countless members of the Democratic Party are on record sharing concerns about his mental fitness makes me think things are even worse than I imagined— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) July 2, 2024
— Brian Sullivan (@SullyCNBC) July 1, 2024
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 2, 2024
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) July 2, 2024
As Chris Cillizza tweeted, Biden reading for four minutes off a teleprompter won’t dispel the concerns about his mental decline. The lack of answering questions, his brief and speedy remarks to avoid mental trip-ups—all were a gamble after last week’s disaster. Biden shuffling away like a little girl also did nothing other than show the nation again that he probably can’t take questions because he’s unable to answer them. Also, what was with Biden’s appearance. Even liberal reporters were noting the Trump-esque look. They bronzed the man:
Hahahahahahaha…They bronzed him pic.twitter.com/BHyI4FKw1O— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 1, 2024
Somebody at the White House finally applied bronzer to the president pic.twitter.com/PrmF4sTKAH— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) July 1, 2024
Orange man bad? pic.twitter.com/oANWauH9NH— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) July 1, 2024
Another one of our @TheBabylonBee prophecies fulfilled pic.twitter.com/0CsXzsqJxj— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) July 2, 2024
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 2, 2024
pic.twitter.com/S3rZbI7int— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) July 2, 2024
Who wore it better? pic.twitter.com/PCnpV6qQnA— THAT SOUTHERN DUDE (@TSDmemes) July 2, 2024
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 2, 2024
Gonna tell my grandkids this was Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/srDbPUHccC— G (@stevensongs) July 2, 2024
So, Joe said some things—“end quote”—but we’ll all be discussing how he’s mentally slow, too old, and ineffective to be president, and how Democrats are powerless to remove him from the ticket.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
Dante's Peak
Dante's Peak https://ift.tt/6opzNCD by Cheerful_Shinigami Dante's Peak is an SPN AU of the disaster movie of the same name. Sam is a volcanologist and Gabriel is the mayor of the picturesque little town that turns to hell overnight as their dormant mountain suddenly wakes up! Words: 30132, Chapters: 11/11, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Jack Kline, Belphegor (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Meg, Real Tyson Brady, Ruby (Supernatural), Jody Mills, Lucifer (Supernatural), Kelly Kline (Supernatural), Naomi (Supernatural), Ava Wilson, Andy Gallagher Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Lucifer (Supernatural), Kelly Kline/Lucifer (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Dante's Peak AU, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, 2023 Sabriel Big Bang, Movie Dante's Peak, Volcanoes, Eruptions, Natural Disasters, Minor Character Death, Descriptions of injuries of a hollywood natural disaster type, Angst and Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt No Comfort, Hurt Dean Winchester, Hurt Sam Winchester, volcanologist Sam Winchester, Mayor Gabriel, Coffee Shops, It's Coffee Time!, Drama & Romance, Action & Romance, Blood and Injury, Sexual Humor, Gabriel/Lucifer is mentioned, not on screen, Sam Winchester Has PTSD, Non-Penetrative Sex, Gay Sex, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Second-Hand Embarrassment, Second Chances, Fluff and Smut, Gabriel is dying of thirst, Sam is a desert oasis, What I mean to say is that Gabriel is Stupidly Horny around this man via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/f3m95HB July 01, 2023 at 04:55AM
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Soul Wars - May The Source Be With You
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In the beginning, God-Source, the benevolent genderless electromagnetic energy entity created the universe and everything in it. God-Source was what humans called Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Adonai, Amon, El, Braham, Great Spirit, God/Goddess and many other names. God-Source helped atoms merge into molecules and molecules into stars. Galaxies and planets eventually formed after the Big Bang. The universe appeared chaotic but had a divine order to it. Many black holes were portals that led to the dimension outside of time. In the timeless void, God-Source created and gave birth to spheres of divine light. They were energy, non-human, but they were sentient with personalities of their own. They were the first electromagnetic souls. These entities loved God-Source so much, they wanted to merge back immediately. But God-Source, thrilled with the expansion of His/Their universe creation, wanted to watch His/Their entities expand. The first ones helped God-Source create more universes, gaining knowledge at a fast rate. Being the closest to their creator, they become the Old Ones or Elder Ones, merging together to help sustain God-Source’s energy and create more universes both in and out of time.
 Over time, God-Source created more souls from His/Their essence, forming a utopian cooperative community of energy beings outside of time. It was the first ever community/society that would remain until the end of time, the species that would be the origin and most advanced of all others. They communicated via telepathy, sending images, music, and thoughts at light speed. Each soul was recognized by their unique frequency, a Light Language symbol similar to a fingerprint. Each being was unique but made of the same energy as God-Source. They operated like a hive-mind, working together for the “Queen.” The older souls later became the Celestials; angels with great powers. (Humans often refer to them as Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel etc.). They managed the cosmos and orchestrated time and events, ensuring that no contradicting parallels or disasters occurred. God-Source was very personal, sentient, alive and actively loved His/Their creations, despite being a separate energy entity outside of time.
 God-Source spread His/Their love throughout the cosmos. God-Source noticed that whenever souls were exposed to dark energy, the isolated ones would grow dimmer in brightness slowly, going to a stale withdrawn state. But when other souls arrived to help, the souls’ light grew brighter and stronger than ever before. It was adapting to the darkness and evolving faster. The darkness was heavier and denser than the light, but the souls could still move through it easily. This gave God-Source an idea. An experimental extraordinary idea that would bring His/Their creations to the peak of their evolution for all eternity.
 God-Source encouraged the Celestials to begin manipulating energy and atoms to create physical matter. Matter was the opposite of free light energy, yet it had energy inside of it. Energy is everywhere. Then something extraordinary happened. There were suns and planets in the universe, and several worlds where aliens and physical beings could live on. How would the energy of God-Source’s souls fare while in temporary limiting physical bodies? The souls would not have their natural powers of telepathy, teleportation, and infinite knowledge, but they could, for the first time ever, experience a whole new world and learn something new. That knowledge would be forever stored in the soul’s divine consciousness and shared with the soul community. The new knowledge, would, in turn, expand God-Source’s experiences. (For it got boring being bombarded by everything and nothing separate.)
 After the Celestials, the first Council of Elders was formed as the population grew. These Elders received extra knowledge from God-Source by a divine violet sphere of consciousness known mysteriously as the Presence. The Council helped souls make decisions regarding universal exploration.
 God-Source knew that going to physical worlds imposed a risk for the young souls. For physical bodies were not made to last for eternity. The souls would feel pain, sadness, anger, ego, and death…but also pleasure, joy, love, and a new freedom. For in the spirit world, souls were peacefully detached, never feeling urges of evil, hatred, despair, or any strong emotions. Despite all souls experiencing fated points in their lives, they also had free will…and adaptation to learn from accidents and random occurrences. (Because souls may have chosen their lives but no one except God-Source can know everything). Naturally, the souls grew both excited and hesitant about the experience. Would they never exist again after their physical death? Would they return, too corrupted to stay? God-Source’s love and curiosity outweighed any fear. God-Source promised to all His/Their souls that when they all achieved what humans call “enlightenment,” they would return to Him/Them, merge as One with God-Source forever…allowing God-Source to experience anything He/They wanted, in and out of time.
 The first souls were sent onto easy worlds to adjust after simulated physical world trainings. They mostly were microorganisms living in the sea, living short lives. They came back and reported their findings. The first Life Reviews appeared for them, so the returning souls could reflect on what they learned, and the higher beings could record the experiences into the etheric Akashic Records. As the organisms evolved, so did the souls. Microorganisms became sea creatures, then dinosaurs, plants, animals and eventually, humans and aliens appeared across different worlds. Over time, the first souls in physical worlds grew incredibly homesick. Not wanting the earth creatures to get distracted and impede their progress, God-Source and the Celestials created transparent veils around all planets with living entities on them. Souls would shrink through a portal and pass through this veil before becoming babies, effectively erasing the majority of their memories being in the spirit world and whatever past lives they had. It stripped the soul of their size, memories, and divine powers but allowed for a fresh new start. The soul could then be fully immersed in its physical life, like it was intended. Then upon death, they would leave the body, regain their powers and memories, and be escorted for their Life Reviews. In their Life Reviews, they saw everything they did in their lives as humans, animals, trees, etc. They learned from their mistakes, recovered in the spirit world, and waited until reincarnating again. They could choose the mortal lives they wanted…as any kind of human or other being on Earth or elsewhere.
 The Life Reviews of trees, animals, and other organisms were easy. Even predators who harmed countless prey only had to feel brief pain and were able to easily apologize to their former victims.
 It was the humans alone who had the hardest and most complex Life Reviews of any species in the universe. Although humans had technology and great intelligence, they were the species most out of tune with nature and the spirit world. And Earth was one of the hardest worlds to incarnate on…for there, souls were allowed to deviate from their natural love light nature and experience the opposite (hatred, fear, greed, etc.) ...for the sake of learning and experience. Any Hell that existed was created in the subconscious minds of souls/humans as a temporary illusion. God-Source knew that everyone would succeed and become One with Him/Them and was endlessly patient in a timeless world.
 Humans eventually recycled their souls for hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, always wanting evolution, fueled by the hope of being with God-Source and their soul-families forever. New souls were also being made as well, aided by other discarnate souls in the formation of their unique identities. The souls were identified by their frequencies and unique Light Symbols, so that even throughout past lives, the soul could be identified by guides and other souls. God-Source could see through the eyes and minds of every being, living and dead…and it was euphoric.
 The Council of Elders were soon in charge of making decisions, helping souls incarnate into new host bodies that matched their frequencies, temperaments, and spiritual goals. They gave advice to departing and returning souls regarding their Life Reviews and Pre-Life Reviews. To help aid incarnating souls in navigating the dangerous worlds, the first Spirit Guides were formed. The Master Guides oversaw all spirit guides and groups of souls, discarnate and alive. Junior Guides were under the Master Guides while the regular spirit guides watched over specific mortals…not just living humans but other living things. They would shapeshift into the species’ ancestors to comfort the living soul in altered states of consciousness. Souls, their spirit guides, and their soul families would take turns playing various roles on Earth: parents, siblings, spouses, children etc. of every race, gender, ability, disability, and cultural background. As certain humans evolved past the need to incarnate, they became Ascended Masters, being closer to God-Source; Jesus, Buddha, and many others. Among the Ascended Masters, correlated divine light beings became the Gods the Goddesses of human mythology (Zeus, Isis, Shiva, Odin, etc.), as they merged into the very personifications and representations of the universe. They influenced humanity over the centuries and analyzed how they evolved.
 Indeed, all these mythical beings appeared nonexistent and mythical in the physical reality…but they existed in another reality behind the scenes. Like atoms and germs, spirits were everywhere, constantly moving in and out of time through portals invisible to the naked eye. Only psychics and mediums and attuned individuals could sense their presence.
 The Celestial Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and the ancestors of the living were all sent out to watch over and protect the incarnated souls, knowing that upon their death, the soul’s memories would be restored, and they would see their families again. As humans became more corrupt and unfazed by extreme negative actions, their souls were sent back to earth or sent into isolation to prevent harm to others. These souls were the Earthbound souls, negative entities that humans called “demons.” They wanted to be alone, bring humans down and re-experience addictions and desires through living mortal minds and thoughts. Although, spirit guides and angels were sent to protect their mortal charges, they had to abide by the mortal’s free will, even if it meant they made grave mistakes. That meant that spirit guides and loved ones and even angels could not stop mortals from being sick, raped, killed, eaten, murdered etc. unless the circumstances were right in that the timelines would not be altered. For although humanity would someday be able to speak with spirits globally, the spirits still wanted humans to learn on their own, first and foremost. After all, their souls wanted to do exactly that when they chose their lives before birth.
 God-Source knew the perfection, thoughts, destiny, and evolution of all His/Their creations, thus God-Source was non-judgmental and neutral toward everyone. The unconditional love and healing light from God-Source instantly healed souls and reminded them of their divine Soul Selves. For only the Creator of All knew the fate and deep selves of everyone…the soul within the soul. Being in God-Source’s presence was like being a baby in a mother’s arms, experiencing the greatest sexual climax, and being loved by everyone in the world…all at the same time. But even that wasn’t enough to describe His/Their immense love. It was an unconditional love that was euphorically intoxicating, so much so that every soul and being in existence longed to merge back with God-Source/the Universe…and would do absolutely anything to reach that goal. They knew it would eventually happen for everyone, but their drive to learn dwindled their impatience...at least briefly.
 Little did humans know…there was eternal life after death…their learning would never ease…the spirit world was all around them…and they were always being loved and watched…
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online-journalist · 2 years
Study finds that climate change added 10% to Ian’s rainfall
Climate change added at least 10% more rain to Hurricane Ian, a study prepared immediately after the storm shows.
Thursday’s research, which is not peer-reviewed, compared peak rainfall rates during the real storm to about 20 different computer scenarios of a model with Hurricane Ian’s characteristics slamming into the Sunshine State in a world with no human-caused climate change.
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“The real storm was 10% wetter than the storm that might have been,” said Lawrence Berkeley National Lab climate scientist Michael Wehner, study co-author.
Forecasters predicted Ian will have dropped up to two feet (61 cm) of rain in parts of Florida by the time it stopped.
Wehner and Kevin Reed, an atmospheric scientist at Stony Brook University, published a study in Nature Communications earlier this year looking at the hurricanes of 2020 and found during their rainiest three-hour periods they were more than 10% wetter than in a world without greenhouse gases trapping heat. Wehner and Reed applied the same scientifically accepted attribution technique to Hurricane Ian.
A long-time rule of physics is that for every extra degree of warmth Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), the air in the atmosphere can hold 7% more water. This week the Gulf of Mexico was 0.8 degrees warmer than normal, which should have meant about 5% more rain. Reality turned out to be even worse. The flash study found the hurricane dropped double that — 10% more rain.
Ten per cent may not sound like a lot, but 10% of 20 inches is two inches, which is a lot of rain, especially on top of the 20 inches that already fell, Reed said.
Other studies have seen the same feedback mechanisms of stronger storms in warmer weather, said Princeton University atmospheric scientist Gabriel Vecchi, who wasn’t part of the study.
MIT hurricane researcher Kerry Emanuel said in general, a warmer world does make storms rainier. But he said he is uncomfortable drawing conclusions about individual storms.
“This business above very very heavy rain is something we’ve expected to see because of climate change,” he said. “We’ll see more storms like Ian.”
Princeton’s Vecchi said in an email that if the world is going to bounce back from disasters “we need to plan for wetter storms going forward, since global warming isn’t going to go away.”
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
ALSO because I'm needy and for Science! If you are so inclined: anything to do with our favorite idiot drama trash knights during the Crusades?
Acre, The Holy LandAugust 1191
The midday heat is, as usual, blazing like the fires of hell, the din of the rebuilding walls is endless – the scraping of the stone blocks, the bawling of the masons, the creaking of the scaffolds, and the yelps of whichever unfortunate has recently crushed their fingers – and Garcia de Clermont is left to scrounge a scanty bit of shade and wonder, as he does at least once daily and twice on Sundays, what the damnation a vampire is doing in the Holy Land. The Holy Land; the jest seems obvious, too ironic to be permitted, though he can cross church thresholds and bow his head in prayer with the best of them, and he’s old enough by now that holy water does not trouble him. It’s the heat and the sun and the fact that they have come here from Europe to a place that does not want them and an aristocracy that does not trust them, but Richard Coeur-de-Lion will do as he will, and nobody else appears to be vexing themselves with these questions. Europe seems entirely shocked, shocked, that Jerusalem fell to the Saracens, when they had been outright ignoring it for forty years, but that part does not surprise Garcia. Though at the rate they are going, it four years now since the capture of the city by Saladin, and the crusaders presently marooned a hundred miles north in punishing midsummer heat, it seems signally unlikely that they will get there any time soon.
Garcia checks the sky, decides that the sun has no intention of abating, and swears under his breath. He needs to get back to Richard anyway. The notable failure of the Saracens to deliver on the terms of Acre’s surrender – or indeed, anything at all – has made the Plantagenet temper, never bounteous, burn still shorter, and Garcia thinks it prudent to keep an eye on the king. First, however, he needs to find Gabriel, and no prizes for guessing where he is. The crusaders, the instant they tasted brief success by acquiring Acre and cursing Philip of France’s cowardly departure, have decided that this is apparently a pleasant summertime vacation, and settled into spending it drinking, gambling, fucking, and otherwise getting into mischief. And as all of these are Gabriel de Clermont’s favorite pastimes, the only question is which shabby brothel or disreputable winesink he has fallen down this time. He has been even less keen on the crusading idea than Garcia. He’s not wrong, but still.
Garcia turns and sets off along the main row of brothels, crammed to the gills with crusaders, pockets jingling with the gold Richard has paid out to help rebuild the wall. Cursory glances into each are usually enough to confirm that they do not contain his brother, but on the fifth, it is a different story. Garcia sighs deeply, steps inside, and follows laughter, the scent of spiced wine, and palm fronds and fresh dates to an inner courtyard. Herein, Gabriel sits shirtless with two pretty women sitting in his lap, and a pretty boy leaning on his shoulder. They are all laughing and, Gabriel included, extremely drunk.
Garcia clears his throat. This gets no response.
“Gabriel,” he says pointedly, a little louder. “Gabriel! Let’s go!”
“Is someone talking?” Gabriel – his vampire senses must have good and damn well informed him that Garcia was there the instant he walked in – but the idiot has the nerve to flare his ink-dark brows in exaggerated surprise. “Ah! There you are, darling! I hardly saw you, skulking in the shadows like Conrad de Montferrat. Sit down, or should I say, lie? They’ve offered me half price on the next fuck, and I am deeply delighted to offer this unmissable bargain to you.”
Garcia bites his tongue on the question of whether that means all three of them, the girls and the handsome young man alike, since knowing Gabriel, it assuredly does. He tries to banish the mental image of all four of them writhing in some improbably athletic configuration on some dim bed. Gabriel needs to be more careful, besides. Just because Richard (before the crusade, at least) was more or less known to be sleeping with Andrew de Chauvigny does not mean that Gabriel should get himself labeled in public as a sodomite. Richard was already forced into that absurd theater of repentance in Messina, and while it is hardly as if anyone can do anything to Gabriel (indeed if they whipped him, he would enjoy it too much, perverse bastard that he is), rumors getting around of Lord Gabriel de Clermont’s laundry list of mortal sins would not help their holy cause. Or maybe that is exactly why Gabriel is doing this. Sabotage the whole crusade, get them happily sent back home to France, easy as pie.
“No,” Garcia says instead. He strides across the room, hoists one of the girls off Gabriel’s lap as they both pout at him, and fights the urge to throw her something to cover herself with. “Come on, they’re expecting us.”
“Has anyone ever told you how very tiresome you are, darling?” Gabriel takes a better grip on his remaining whore, apparently in challenge. “Truly.”
“Yes,” Garcia says. “You. Repeatedly.”
Gabriel waves that off with one flick of an elegant hand, turning his head up so the jeune homme can feed him a grape. Fascinating as this spectacle of the debauchery of the Romans of old may be (in Gabriel’s case, literally) Garcia is out of patience. He hoists the other girl off, drops her as she squeals on a red cushion, scouts around until he finds Gabriel’s shirt, and throws it at him. When Gabriel appears disinclined to struggle into this garment on his own accord, Garcia forces it over his head and hauls Gabriel’s arms more or less through the sleeves, then uses every drop of supernatural strength to get the eldest de Clermont son, protesting, to his feet. “We. Are. Going.”
“Fine, fine, you needn’t bark orders like Richard.” Gabriel weaves after him, blowing a kiss to several heads that pop out of dark rooms. Garcia does not need to know, thank you. “Or do, it’s rather assertive of you.”
Garcia mumbles something under his breath as they finally reach the street, Gabriel winces and squints against the sunlight too, and then decides for this to be the single, solitary thing that a vampire nearly twelve centuries of age is capable of dealing with. “Crusading is boring, darling,” he says, as they stride (or in his case, determinedly wobble) up the street. “Can you blame me? The rest of the army’s doing the same.”
“You’re one of Richard’s top commanders,” Garcia reminds him. “We both are. It could go poorly.”
Gabriel makes a rude noise, though Garcia knows he is not uncaring of the prospect that it could backfire onto Richard. Their loyalty and love for him, after all, is most of the reason they are here, Knights of Lazarus or otherwise. “Well then,” Gabriel says, as they reach the top of the hill and he drapes an arm around Garcia’s shoulder, either in fraternal concord or to disguise the fact that he might otherwise stumble out of his boots. “We shall simply have to make some better amusement.”
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huge-enthusiast · 3 years
You can find part 1 here.
The first one was really popular! So I decided to make a second part.
The rules are the same:
All of the fics will be rated Teen and up audiences or lower. Also if I don’t put the author’s tumblr is because they didn’t put it in the fic or/and I couldn’t find it.
The only thing that changes is that I would be putting the pairing in the description of the fic.
Without further ado...
Written in the Stars by Boogum (@botherkupo here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and Adrienette.
He was the god of destruction. She was a princess whose kingdom had been prophesied to fall. To save her people, she became his wife. To save him, she would have to do the impossible. The castle has secrets, the gods are watching, and time is running out.
Chapters: 37/37
TW for mild violence.
Arrange marriage, God AU. While I'm making this list, I still haven't finished the fic, but I had to recommend it because is THAT good. The way I gasped out loud while reading some of the plot twists. The worldbuilding is so good, and even if you aren't into AUs that deviate a lot from cannon like me, I 100% reccomend it.
Need a Lift? again by Boogum.
Pairing: DJWifi
Getting stranded on a foreign planet sucked. Luckily for Nino, his rival was willing to give him a lift home. Unluckily for Nino, she was beautiful and funny and he might just be in love with her.
Chapters: 1/1
Space Bounty Hunter AU! Really sweet and funny. If you are into flustered!Nino then this fic is for you.
hey, you by peachcitt (@peachcitt here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
“Have you ever had a dream about someone that changes the way you think of them?”
or Adrien has a dream about Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
Okay so, peachcitt is one of my favorite ml writers. Everything that they write is sooo good y'all, and i'm already a sucker for adrienette, so I cannot recommend this fic (or any of theirs) enough.
double dare again by peachcitt (I told ya!)
Pairing: Ladrien (with lots of sided ladynoir)
“Don’t ever do that again,” Marinette says, maybe a little too emphatically, and Adrien looks at her, his expression quiet. His cheeks, Marinette notices, are a little red.
“But I wanted to save you,” he says.
or Ladybug and Adrien can't seem to stop running into each other. (whether that is on accident or on purpose is nobody's business but their own, of course).
Chapters: 30/30
This was a ladrien june fic! Every chapter corresponds to the day's prompts but it also continues a story. If that doesn't make you want to read it then I don't know what it will. I fear fanfic writers, they're insane.
(not) so much by therentyoupay (@therentyoupayfanfiction here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and adrienette
(The claws are sharp, but the host of Destruction—for all of his loudmouth chaos and lack of reserve—is paradoxically careful.)
Chapters: 1/1
In which Chat Noir pays a visit not long after Marinette has made a pretty difficult decision, and they accidentally make a routine.
Prompt: Marinette gives Chat a hickey. Adrien has a suspiciously similar looking hickey the next day at school...
Gotta be honest with y'all, I did not expect this fic to be as good as it is. The adrienette has everything a stablished!Marichat should have. Marinette conflicted with her feelings? Check. Adrien being a hot mess bc That's My Girlfriend But She Doesn't Know That? Check. Them being absolute idiots? Check. It's good!
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) by BreG21.
Pairing: Adrienette
Rainwater sloshed up from the pools they had made on the sidewalk and coated his jean pants with every step he took. He couldn't bring himself to care.
He sniffed away some of the water that dribbled down his matted head. "Yeah?"
He paused as if to consider his words while Adrien stared down at him, so lost. "You weren't wrong when you thought you knew. A part of you wanted it to be her, but it was too perfect, you let the illusion fool you because how would you get that lucky. But trust me, Adrien. You weren't wrong."
He wasn't wrong? What was he not wrong about?
You weren't wrong. You want it to be her.
And it finally clicked as a small gasp wisped past his lips. He wasn't wrong.
In which, Plagg falls ill, and with Fu gone and Ladybug being the guardian now, has to go find her civilian self-even with the knowledge that she might not like that-is shocked to realize that even with having the kwami that was supposed to embodied the very being of bad luck, Adrien could conclude the very opposite of what he had thought for so long.
He was so very lucky.
Chapters: 1/1
I screamed so hard while reading this fic. It's just one of those who gets the characters right. Do you like a good reveal? Go read this now.
Operation Mega Sleepover by InTheWild (@smellerbeee here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
When Alya and Nino drop out of their long awaited mega-sleepover at the last minute, it leaves Marinette and Adrien alone together for the night. An Adrinette one-shot with lots of fluff and sleepover shenanigans.
Chapters: 1/1
I just,,, I love adrienette fluff so much,,, I love them,,,
You, Me & A Little Bit Of The Future by joonapeach.
Pairing: this is a fortunate case of all lovesquare shenanigans™
Marinette expects some disaster on her first outing alone with Adrien.
She just doesn't expect that disaster to be her future self passing off a baby for her to take care of with Adrien.
(Alternatively... two idiots obliviously in love cooing over their daughter while acting like they have no idea whose kid this is.)
Chapters: 1/1
I think the description says anything that it needs to be said. It's really sweet and funny and I love how they just change their minds so quickly and get emo for literally nothing. Peak shakesperean dumbasery.
The entire Marry That Girl series by Miraculous_Max (Maximilian_Alexander).
Pairing: Adrienette
Let’s say Marinette has a special sketchbook. This sketchbook is filled with drawings of their future house, of Adrien as an adult in multiple occupational settings, of Marinette and Adrien’s wedding, and most importantly, their future children.
Let's say Adrien found this sketchbook.
Works: 8 (All are 1/1 chapters)
Just realized how this list exposes me as number 1 adrienette sucker... oh well. I love how Adrien doesn't feel weirded out by the intensity of Marinette's crush. He likes it! He's as weird and romantic as her! That's one of the reasons I love the lovesquare so much and it makes me happy to see that everyone is in the same boat with me.
Strenght by 11JJ11.
Pairing: Adrienette
Marinette knew she was much stronger than she looked thanks to being a hero. So when her class had an arm wrestling contest she knew that she could beat all of them with ease, but she wasn't expecting anyone else to come close.
Chapters: 1/1
Good ol' accidental reveal feat. the entire class shenanigans. I, once again, screamed for an adrienette fic. Who could've thought.
Super Fan by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
It was a good thing Alya was holding the phone and not her, because it would have slipped from her fingers and shattered. How had she not noticed? She had been there, and somehow she’d missed her crush looking at her like she was an angel sent from heaven.
Forget the perfume ad. This picture was going to be her new desktop.
(In which Marinette realizes that she and Adrien might both be obsessive fans.)
Chapters: 1/1
Canon divergent from after Gorizilla. They're so dumb. That's my opinion on this fic.
How to Kiss Your Crush in Five Minutes or Less also by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
He just needed to know if Ladybug needed Chat Noir. He didn't expect to learn just how much she wanted Adrien.
This would be the best five minutes of his life, if he didn't expect her to forget it.
Chapters: 1/1
CW for making out.
Set during Desperada. I promise there's a happy ending. Also Luka is there for some reason, felt really bad for him.
Laying Down the Rules: The Gabriel Agreste Clauses by LadyKae
Adrien leaves the manor on a dark and stormy night and seeks sanctuary at the only place he feels safe: The Home of the Dupain-Cheng Family. When Sabine learns why her dear boy is fleeing to her home in the middle of the night, she makes a personal visit to one Gabriel Agreste.
There's more rules in play, but not for Adrien and Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
This is just Sabine going to beat the fuck out of Gabriel and it's really satifying ngl
4am. by hannieks
Pairing: post-reveal lovesquare
In which Adrien has the cat tendency to wake up their owners at stupid o'clock, and Marinette just wants to sleep. Cuteness ensues.
Chapters: 1/1
Really short but really sweet. If you like Adrien acting like a cat then you would like this.
Can I Date You(r Character)? by midnightstarlightwrites (@midnightstarlightwrites here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
Adrien turned to her, something unreadable in his gaze. “Are you ok with this?” he asked.
And what a loaded question that was. Was she ok with it? Was she ok with the one guy she couldn’t seem to get over in real life kissing her in a game of Dungeons and Dragons? When she put it like that, it seemed a bit silly to get so worked up.
It was just a game...right?
She was ok with it, right?
“Sure,” she lied. “I’m ok with it.”
When Adrien's character falls in love with Marinette's, they decided to date in-game. What could go wrong?
Chapters: 7/?
THIS ONE IS SO CUTE. You want to scream??? Read this.
two idiots and a hamster by Boogum (again) and carpisuns (@carpisuns here on tumblr)
Pairing: Adrienette
How do you hide your superhero identity from your roommate? (spoiler alert: badly)
Chapters: 5/?
Once @anna-scribbles described this fic as "is literally the closest i’ve ever seen a fic come to matching the energy of canon", and I couldn't have described it better.
And that's all for now! Next time I will probably make an only DJWifi list since I've been treating them so dirty lol.
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cheerfulripley · 1 year
2023 Sabriel Big Bang Posting Day!
Dante's Peak
Rated E for steamy romance and natural disaster shenanigans
Gabriel/Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester/Castiel
Sam is a Volcanologist and Gabriel is the mayor of the town who's idyllic little home changes from heaven to hell overnight when the dormant Volcano next door wakes up!
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My wonderful artist @rezal-art knocked the assignment out of the ballpark!!
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arjengelly · 3 years
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Felix is hanging out with Adrien one day and Lila drops by. Felix is suspicious of Gabriel letting this random girl inside his house and remembers her from a post he once saw on Adrien’s social media. Felix suggests that the cousins should pay Chloe a visit. Gabriel allows this on the condition that they take Lila along. On their way to Chloe’s, Felix jokes that it’s perfectly normal (for Adrien) to have a babysitter his same age. Lila and Adrien both remark that she’s not his babysitter.
Once at the Bourgeois’, Chloe immediately runs towards Adrien to greet him with kisses, much to the annoyance of Felix and Lila. Upon arriving to Chloe’s room, Felix is automatically smitten with Zoe (who is helping Sabrina look up Delmar on social media). Adrien introduces Zoe to his companions and Felix kisses her hand.
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The small gathering gets intense and awkward for Zoe as her sister and Lila bicker over Adrien. Sabrina and Felix kinda look on to see where this is going. Felix is sweating bullets sitting next to Zoe and notices she is texting someone. It’s Marinette on the other end of the line. She tells Zoe she wishes she could be there/ to help but she’s busy and would make it a disaster cuz of her two romantic rivals being in the same place and time.
However, Marinette devises a plan to have Luka deliver some specially made pastries over to the Bourgeois’ for all the teens. Zoe rushes down stairs to get the pastries and jokes with Luka to take her with him. Lila and Felix rush towards the same window trying to get a better look at Luka. Felix gets jealous and Lila’s curiosity is peaked by the handsome stranger. She calls Adrien over as Felix goes to sit next to Sabrina.
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Lila asks Adrien about who Zoe is talking to and he replies it’s Luka. He yells hi to his friend down below and the boys both wave to each other. Lila then invites him to join “the party.” Zoe whispers for him not to, but Luka replies that they can’t leave Adrien alone with them (as he remembers Marinette telling him about Lila and he saw Felix’s video of himself impersonating Adrien).
Chloe and Lila quickly shift their attention towards Luka; both girls leaning on either side of him. Adrien is relived at first but then takes pity on his friend. Felix is having a ball! Chloe realizes there’s something familiar about Luka. Sabrina picks out Chloe’s favorite pastries and puts it on a tray to take to her, but Zoe intercepts and offers to do it. Chloe is about to bring up the fact that Luka is Viperion, but Luka quickly grabs a pastry from the tray, splits it and shoves half in Chloe’s mouth while he eats his half.
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Luka quickly springs to his feet to go join Zoe in getting more pastries to put on the tray. Lila & Chloe don’t have much time to react and crash into each other head first. Adrien joins Luka and Zoe as to figure out how to really break the ice with this group of teens. Lila and Felix share a scowl as there is no denying that Luka and Zoe have chemistry (their bond is more evident compared to how they react towards Adrien).
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Felix and Lila take notice in each other’s dismay. Felix walks over towards Lila as Chloe joins Sabrina (Adrien can’t help but think it’s like musical chairs here). Felix whispers his plans to help Lila if she helps him. The two shake hands and embark in romantic shenanigans all night that ultimately end up causing Luka and Zoe to grow even closer.
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