#the code itself hopefully won't be too hard
Logistics of Moving Off Tumblr
With Status Update 13 now complete, I'm following through on what I said before. Scene 14 and onwards will no longer be concurrently updated on Tumblr. All future live updates will instead go on the official IWSY website, and you can find the current scene under the Table of Contents.
I haven't set comments up yet, but I will get on that within the next week; I do have some code on how to implement one, but I have a lot of backend work to sort out before I'm confident about this being any sort of long term solution. If by the end of the week I haven't implemented the comment box on the current scene, you can continue to send in actions through this blog, which will stay up, or you can join the official IWSY Discord server to send your actions there. Functionally, very little should change except the fact that things aren't being live updated over here anymore. The AO3 version will receive no changes.
Additionally, this blog will likely become more of an ask blog tied to IWSY. Plot relevant asks will be marked as such, but since this is no longer being used as the gameplay interface, there's less of a need to keep things delineated. All prior rules stated still apply, don't be unpleasant etc, but honestly the shit yall did on their birthday was hilarious, so why not lmao. Would still appreciate actions being headed by a > sign so it's easier to tell who's playing and who's just sending in asks.
If you've already looked at the site, you might have noticed that the character files tab has a lot of information and also some art (drawn by Viridian!) that hasn't ever been mentioned on Tumblr. Plans to expand that have been made, I just need to find time to write stuff. Expect other additional info like that to pop up on the site, because it gives me far more control over what I display and how I display it, so if you needed extra prompting to go check that out, this is it, wink wink.
A lot of things are in flux right now, but I sincerely hope you enjoy the story enough to stick with me. If not, thank you for sticking around for as long as you did. I'm deeply grateful I've had the chance to write this story at all through all the changes its made. I'm definitely going to keep writing it, it just will look a little different from what I initially imagined, but it's for the better. All of this means so much to me.
Anyway. If no one sends asks in, this will be the last post on this blog for a long while most likely. Been nice talking to you all.
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hahadit · 2 months
hey hahadit! How is everything right now with the whole Jeff the Killer dress-up game and the creepy pasta dating sim? Hopefully you got lots of rest during these last few days.
Don’t push yourself too hard on the game itself! Just focus on being you and what you’re followers would like.
Is the dating sim still in WIP?
im on my knees Liu is gonna be in the dating sim 100% I want him I want him so badly
thank you sm!!! i'm good, i want to advance as much as possible with the game since i have a short winter vacations 🙏💕
i would say it's a wip, but more solid bc i won't change EVERYTHING again, just fixing little things to make the game enjoyable (thank good coding on renpy it's easy for me)
and for now i have 7 routes, they are a lot skdjskd but maybe i'll try adding the creepys i have left
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casual-praxis · 2 months
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Aw yis, it's the final designs necessary for my modern high-school AU--here's Shadow and Zelda!
These two have my favorite outfits of the bunch, but that's probably because they're the most distinct, whoops (I can't coordinate an outfit to save my life.) It's a shame they're mostly secondary characters rather than main ones, but they're important enough to know their vibe.
There isn't actually a strict dress code for their school, the Colors are just weird and dress to match. The only mandatory "uniform" they really have are the ties, which are color-coded to the grade of the respective student. Everyone within the fanfic is in 12th grade, but the AU itself bounces around the timeline from when the friend group forms (so early middle school) to once they're all adults.
Shadow doesn't initially start off as friendly towards the group, being more of a bully on account of his older brother Vaati's influence, but he mellows out a bit once Vaati graduates. He's a troublemaker through and through, albeit in a playful way. Highkey has been stalking Vio since their sophomore year.
Zelda is more dignified. She's been friends with the Colors for almost as long as their group has been around, though she's not in their group chat because Green has a really obvious crush on her. Secretly, she's a huge video game nerd, but it's something she worries her parents won't approve of. She gets along with almost everyone, except Vio.
And that's pretty much that! I had a hard time trying to describe Shadow without just spoiling a little of what happens in the fanfic, but hopefully it's not too difficult to see what kind of character he might be.
I'll be posting little sketches of this AU whenever I can find the time. Since the fanfic itself is in chat-fic format, I can play around with things that happen outside the chat logs a lot more. Very excited for that haha.
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novelgamestudios · 10 months
Progress Report 12/3 - 12/9
Hello hello, Jace here!
So before I dive into the progress made this week I want to give a little background info on the process overall. Some of y'all who may be familiar with visual novels or gamedev or both probably know the go-to recommended engine for making VNs is Ren'Py, it just is. And it's pretty dang fantastic, don't get me wrong, but that's not the engine I'm using.
I'm using Gdevelop, which is a no-code, visual scripting engine. I did this for two reasons. 1) Ren'Py has a LOT of functionality that you would expect in a VN already baked in and while that's fantastic, if you want to do some other things or add in other game mechanics, you're looking at learning some code. And I love code, I think it's super cool, but I also have very limited time in my day so I had to pick my battles as a solo dev and no-code engine it is! 2) Ren'Py ONLY makes VNs and I have ideas for at least half a dozen other games that aren't VNs. So if I'm going to learn an engine I want it to be one I can do lots of things in.
I share this because this means that everything we're building into this game, we're building from scratch. So basically if the stuff I share seems kind of basic that's why lol
TL;DR I'm working really hard on this so be gentle and also don't be afraid to maybe gas me up a little 🥺💜
Brightness slider! I personally have really bad light sensitivity and there's a LOT of games I can't play for more than hour (or at all) because it hurts too much. So I wanted to be sure to include the ability to dim the screen for folks if they needed it.
Dyslexic font toggle! We went with a sans-serif font to begin with in the hopes of making text as easy to read as possible. But just in case we're also adding in a toggle to the settings that will change the font to the Open Dyslexic font. This will change the dialogue, dialogue choices, and the settings menu!
History Log! Just in case you hit the button too fast or didn't really process what was said (or maybe your cat stepped on the keyboard), there will be a log you can pull up that will show the transcript of what you've done so far in the current chapter!
I put together a lil video showing how the brightness and font toggle work! (But not the history log cause all I got down was the code in a test scene and it is... very ugly right now lol)
The brightness slider is fully implemented and the font toggle is well on its way. The history log hasn't been implemented into the game itself so hopefully we won't hit any additional hiccups when that happens.
Thanks for reading and as always our asks are open if you have any questions!
See ya next week!
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Hello, it's been a while. I hope you've had easy days. somewhere in between winter and spring I lost the threads of time but I did not forgot I had said I would tell you about angst in my pants, in fact I thought of it often. on what words are too much and what words to leave, in the end it turned into this scattered note from different days expecting it makes sense, only a little hopefully, as words always carry blank spaces with itself.
 First have to admit my takes on songs is attached to the instant moments of what makes me to think of or feel rather than what may the true meaning be which ends up my understanding of songs be far away of what artist may want to say mostly.  listening to angst in my pants had me thinking of mental condition of mine, now like you I am unfamiliar with English, for such long time only enjoyed the song away from the meaning till once i was sitting around untying tangled threads mode swings, burdened from this is how always was and will be, how it changed me into what no longer can be recognized excluded from mental disorder. 
Still it been days where I wished it goes away, to not be present in every part of me, depressives days where I wished with help of this outfit or attitude and fighting spirit no one notice how bad it is and pitty me or react cause is a phase, it goes away. that how this mental disorder works. and there are times in day when there is no pressure of work or people, i think of I wish I could just stay home with someone nice. just nice cause I dont need they feel my pain, I hope for no one feel this pain or understand it, I cant understand it even I live with it, so nice would be fine. even I'm not sure how it would work out.
I hope it doesn't show It'll go away It's just a passin' phase It'll go away
But when you're all alone And nothing bites You'll wish you stayed at home With someone nice
You can't be that, you doing good, I'm sure it's just in your head! You cant have this, my brother has it! I know how it is. but you are smart, you cant be dealing with that? (I say no more) 
You can be smart as hell Know how to add Know how to figure things
Answer so no one knows What you just said But when you're all alone You and your head
I thought I will get used to it, that I can learn it like a code know when this or that happens with this thing which button to push, as if there is a solid pattern which If I can learn, I could fix it. but it wasn't, mostly. after years of rounding in sad-happy loop still i forgot it never truly goes away. it is always there, alone or not, with massage on my devices or nice person on home is still there. in me, everywhere.
"It'll go away" Give it a hundred years It won't go away
I've got angst in my pants
was it so far away, wasnt it?
tell me of the song that recently got you if you like to. I hadnt much listened to music lately except some tracks of The Smiths (The boy with the throne in his side)
First of all: 💕 so much love to you, my friend.
The first time I read what you wrote it hit me so hard. I was only a few paragraphs in at that point and already deeply felt what you meant. By the time I finished reading I had to stare at a wall for half an hour. So I laid in bed and did just that. All of what you wrote about is definitely very much there in the song and it's such a valid interpretation. (Leave it to Ron to write songs that you can interpret both literally and on the surface level, and on a deeply emotional level.) I hope the song gives you strength and a bit of comfort whenever you hear it. I personally really like how the best songs have a power to make someone feel less alone.
It took me quite some time to reply because I wanted to make sure what I wrote was adequate and also it just took some time for me to process (but in a really good way). Thank you, truly, sharing all of this and enriching my view of the song. It's a relatable thing too to have to search for the words in how to express what something means to you and what words to add and what to leave out. Sometimes using less words and leaving gaps where things are implied says more than spelling it all out, but spelling it all out is impossible too. But you worded what you wanted to express really well :)
As to a song that recently got me, I was hit hard by Pulling Rabbits Out Of A Hat. You can love and appreciate a song for years but it can take the right situation for it to hit like a brick. It's a song in which someone is doing truly miraculous things, but all they get is "polite applause". "Entertaining, that's the word I get from you. Entertaining, and then you bid a fond adieu. Well, adieu." It's Sparks, so again many valid interpretations: you can take it as literal as being about a love interest who's mind you can't change, or more generally about how you just can't make people like you no matter how much you want it and how hard you work for it, or about the rawness of the feeling of not being properly seen, valued and appreciated. There is nothing worse than polite applause, there's nothing worse than receiving lukewarm. "Raise the Titanic and then - I see you turning away". What an utterly tragic song. I love it so much.
There's two different versions of this song that were released on albums, but I recently watched a live performance that especially hit me. I'll share it in a separate post because I tried to add it here and tumblr ate my post and deleted what I had written... Not risking that again. The point is, Russell delivers the lines with so much anger and spite. I love when he really leans into the emotion of a song, when it all becomes about hitting the right feeling. And the audience is fully in on it. It doesn't matter that the audience can't hit the notes, singing along as hard as they can when appropriate. There won't be ever a polite applause from Sparks fans.
I'll wrap this up in my next post, if tumblr agrees to upload it this time.
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outplacedwriter · 2 years
things I think frozen does very well that were forgotten by the anti-hype crowd
It is a natural occurrence that the breakthrough of a piece of media will eventually end up in its own anti-hype crowd culture. We have reached a point, long ago, in which saying that Frozen is bad or that Anna and Elsa aren't as great as the hype says became a sign of...
✨ status, intelligence, not-like-other-girls revolutionary warrior ✨
It's impossible to say "Frozen" anywhere without someone popping out of thin air to preach how they don't like it and how flawed and annoying and how X is better, because reasons.
But after Frozen II, this crowd became louder. I just can't find a single video on YT about Frozen that is not about someone dashing or overly criticizing the movie and its characters because it's cool, and different, and oh-so-clever to be one of the superior ones who weren't caught on this Disney trap.
Yet I feel like the hype made people forget *why* the world was so impacted by this story in the first place. I have my own whys, and some popular whys, here is a list of a few of them that I care to discuss.
Sympathetic Neurodivergent Character. In all fairness, Elsa might still be seen as a villain by some people -- usually because of their inability to understand nuance, analyze a text, or just self-righteous ignorance. But it is very obvious in the movie that the whole narrative and the artistic choices try to paint Elsa's struggle and personality in a positive, or at least in an understanding light. She's not the monster who people fear, who she fears, and who another story would make to be a villain. She's a traumatized child dealing with a burden too great for anyone. Let's remember that back in 2013 the talk about mental health wasn't as nearly as spread as it is today, and having a queer-coded, canonically neurodivergent Disney PrincessTM was unthinkable. Dare I say, Elsa's significance and symbology were completely green-lit by accident. Maybe the artistic force behind it was aware of that, but Disney Corporation just wanted the cute girls to sell dolls and hopefully pay itself. This is a win for the mental disable community and for the queer community that is forgotten and downplayed everywhere. After all, we are woke now!
Complex and Shattered Sibling Relationship Getting Healed. I swear to heavens if I have to hear anyone else compare these two to Lilo and Nani, and try to force them against each other like it's some kind of necessary comparison I will-... Anna and Elsa are sisters who love and care about each other. But they are in a very specific context in which their relationship is broken. This exact premise is what makes the movie excels. It was original -- as far as originally is possible or real. And such a breath of fresh air. The premise of this conflict in which the problem did not have an easy solution, was enough for a very compelling tale. It's so beautiful and wholesome to watch these young women struggle and find healing. Their undying affection and genuine love for each other make us hope so hard that they can finally find peace. I won't even touch on the matter that sibling relationships are complex and nuanced and how Frozen showing that to kids might help them to mend their own conflicts because it goes without saying. Just in the matter of narrative alone, this is a story that had to be told and should be praised again.
The Soundtrack Slapped Everyone In The Face Repeatedly. The song is good. The Broadway vibe is delicious. It's a fact.
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segfaulteddreams · 8 months
Ironing out the wrinkles: CRPG/Dungeon Generator Devlog #2
Haven't been able to work on this as much as I'd like since school picked back up, but I found myself a couple free hours in between all my classes to finally iron out those small graphical bugs I was having with my 3D dungeon generation system.
At this point, the "maze generation" phase of the dungeon system works perfectly (I think).
Now in theory, all that's left to do is implement the flood fill algorithm. This algorithm will make the dungeon rooms (not shown here in this video) accessible via the hallways and it'll remove some unnecessary walls.
That latter point should help to make the dungeons feel a lot more open, much less maze-like, and (hopefully therefore) much more fun to navigate and explore.
There are a few issues I hope to work on next before I start with all that however:
Refactoring: these graphical bugs were rather difficult to resolve and I ended up destroying much of the code base's readability in fixing them. Now that I know how everything works, I'm just gonna take a couple days to restructure it all into something that's a lot less of a headache to maintain.
Z-fighting: As you might be able to see from this short clip, there's some z-fighting occasionally happening between adjacent cells. I actually already solved this bug--I just had to slightly adjust the 3D tileset--but I held off on implementing that fix while I was dealing with my other aforementioned issues.
Paper-thin walls: I'm not thrilled with how some of the dungeon walls appear paper thin. I already have a fix in mind for this and so, I'm hoping this won't be too hard to implement, but this will also involve modifying the 3D tilesheet itself.
Oh and don't mind the horrible textures. I was too lazy to make new textures for this projects so I just grabbed two random one's I had previously made and threw them on the models without much of a care for how it all looked. (Don't worry, they hurt my eyes too!)
Just in case anyone's curious how exactly this all works, I'm hoping to write a more in-depth blog post on my website in the future. I'll be sure to repost it a bunch after it's made so if you're following, I'm sure you won't miss it.
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lovelywaifu · 6 years
Just some rambling about being anxious over fun, new medical problems
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Sorry there's no read more on mobile
This year had not started off super wonderfully. Right now I'm fighting with allergies so maybe that makes things a little worse because I'm sick-grouchy.
Some months ago, I found a good sized lump in my left breast. As a lady, they really pound it in your head that this is alarms-and-sirens BAD. And every once in a while it hurts like hell. Like, bad enough that my whole arm and chest and back ache and otc painkillers don't do much to help. At that time, my insurance was shit and I couldn't afford to get it looked at. My 2019 insurance is great and I've been to my first appointment about it already. I'm getting a mammogram and sonogram on Friday. My doctor's reaction to feeling it during the breast exam was uh... visible. Not very hope inspiring. There's no history of cancer in my family *that I know of*. I saying that way because my father is adopted. We don't know anything of his family history. So half my genetic code is a mystery. Really, anything is possible. And that's fucking scary.
So, because my new doctor is wonderful, I was asked if there was anything else I want to address since I had to go for a bunch of tests for my lump/general checkup anyway. So I told her about how my hips do a weird thing where I can't move around very well without shocks of pain. And how my shoulders are very prone to getting injured. So she tossed in a few extra tests for future reference and we would see if anything pops up, then take care of it after the immediate threat that is my lump. Cool. I ended up getting 7 tests. I got all the basic stuff like diabetes and cholesterol and then the added on, more specialized ones.
One of these tests was an ANA - antinuclear antibodies. This is a test that tests for all kinds of autoimmune diseases. It's a pretty general test. It cannot tell me what I have or anything. It's a basic scale of 'nope, nothing here' to 'oh fuck, something is definitely here'. I tested somewhere on the positive side. It's a definite positive in the high range but not an off-the-charts positive. I don't want to assume too much but when they tack on a not that says "we can talk about this sooner" and the test result itself says something is wrong in layman's terms, It's hard to not be really anxious about what's being discovered. The result says lupus and arthritis are possibilities. But I'll need more testing to know what's really going on. I have a big appointment on the 15th to discuss all the results of all my tests, including the mammogram.
I won't have any answers until then.
Right now, I'm just a mess honestly. I'm doing my best to not think about it but it's hard not to. It's constantly gnawing at the back of my mind and making my anxious ALL THE TIME. I'm very stressed. There's a lot of non-medical things contributing to that stress but this is at least half of it. It sucks. I'm not having a good time.
But, hopefully, this will make me healthier in the end. I'm willing to endure this kind of anxiety if it'll help me later down the road.
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daemadness · 2 years
Felt like making a post since I've gained quite a lot of new followers on this blog (as well as on my main, most people being the same on both), as well as lots of reblogs which is GREAT too since the fandom here is already way too tiny!!! And I'm aware that I haven't been too active on this side of Tumblr in a long time.
I haven't had the queue running since the last spring, simply because I started to run out of blog to reblog from. I feel like I have already had everything in my blog, and I keep finding older blog and reblogging from those has its own problems. At least when I last time added stuff to my queue and drafts, I had to use the old XKit for adding stuff directly from blogs because using the regular system is nerve-racking. On top of all that, reblogging old posts means the HTML code of those posts looks different from recent posts, which is why adding tags, also, got extremely frustrating. I use quick tags and tag bundles exactly for the reason that I don't need to type every single tag there myself, and that I don't need to open every single post individually for adding tags. Well guess what - old posts did not support the quick tags anymore. It just kept saying there was an error, and I had to type everything down myself. Often several times. (And not tagging just is not an option for me!) Plus, Tumblr often likes/liked (not sure if it's already fixed) to refresh the queue/draft page so that it got just pain in the add to click and edit individual posts only to scroll down the drafts/queue every single time, and then do that like. 70 times in a row. Which is far from fun.
Adding stuff to queue just got too overwhelming. Tumblr freezing my browser when opening several tabs of a blog at once. Then quick tags and tag bundles stopped working and posts breaking because the old HTML code doesn't match the current HTML code. And the queue/drafts refreshing itself every single time cos you can't use quick tags.
But I feel like I need to start going through blogs again. I feel like I owe that to my old as well as new followers. Hopefully adding stuff to the queue won't be as enraging as it used to be. At some point even the beta editor changed somehow and I had to use the old one because in the new one you no longer could arrange images so making gifsets or photosets was impossible. And you can't arrange them in the old one either, unless you open it on the app, but where you sometimes still can't arrange them because the desktop code doesn't match the mobile code. And if you can open them on mobile, then you might not be able to open them on the desktop anymore cos Tumblr says it was created on the app. Besides, this web beta editor still doesn't work perfectly. I wonder if it ever will.
The last issue then is of course: the like-reblog ratios. This is not Instagram. If you only like and never reblog anything, you can be sure that I will block you in an instant. ESPECIALLY if you don't have a blog title and use the default icons. Then I will assume you're either a bot, or "spying us for (dä) content" which is not acceptable, at least not in my eyes. Go make your own content and don't steal what others have worked on hard, sometimes for hours. Which leads us back to like-reblog ratio: reblog art, please. And reblog creations. Reblogging IS NOT reposting, and reblogging is very very very much encouraged! (If you're new to Tumblr, it's that arrows symbol that looks like recycling symbol.) So please please please, reblog creations! Our tiny fandom is already tiny enough so when everyone's here just watching and not sharing and interacting (by reblogging! writing stuff in the tags!), I assure you that the Tumblr fandom WILL die out eventually. In fact it used to be way more active before, and it's been horribly inactive over the past 2-3 years. Also I used to post my art, edits, memes and videos here but recently gave up on that because there's just no interaction whatsoever anymore. So I don't see any point in sharing MY content to others if others don't care to look at it. So, I'm creating for myself and also keeping it all to myself, then. Maybe sharing it to some friends + my Instagram followers since IG seems to treat artists a bit better than Tumblr.
Alright, I guess that's enough. I'll try to get back to keeping this blog active, but finding "new" content is so hard nowadays, and I already explained the problems with the older posts. (I also started school a month ago so that will take some of my time, but I'm still spending time on Tumblr as if my life depended on it so it hasn't affected my Tumblr time that much yet.)
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