#the cow vs ‘‘it’s…a cow?’’ ‘‘it was meant to be a dog…’’ ‘‘i’m not a dog!!’’
henrysglock · 6 months
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maximum squelch, you say?
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hecallsmehischild · 3 years
Recent Media Consumed
A Knot in the Grain and Other Stories by Robin McKinley. Not bad for a fantasy short story compilation, but as I read the stories I felt like too many questions went unanswered, or the answer wasn’t clear enough. I know there’s an art to not answering questions and making that intentional, but I didn’t pick up the feeling of the author being intentionally vague. It was still fun to read. I’m really just in a fantasy binge mode.
Fire and Water by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson. Both books are collections of short stories based on elemental spirits. Eh…. they were okay. Didn’t like them as much as the others.
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Hard book to get through. There’s so much monologuing and it doesn’t all make sense to me. People seem to be talking trite nonsense half the time and then being unbearably deep the other half. It is an interesting look at morbid aspects of the human heart. Might be that it’s a bit over my head to appreciate fully, but I’d like to read at least one more by this author. Maybe The Brothers Karamazov.
Hello Dolly. (mini liveblogging of reactions) There are way too many musicals I have not gotten around to seeing, simply because I have old favorites and sometimes it’s hard to get out of a rut. I am two minutes and four seconds in and CLEARLY not watching this before now was a failure on my part. I am in awe of the opening sequence that is just a series of legs and feet, but they are all moving to the music and they tell a dozen different stories that are very easy to understand even without seeing anybody’s top half, this is EXCELLENT framing and shooting and I feel like I’m in for a real treat. (In the middle of “It takes a woman”) I cannot tell you how much I missed over the top satire. This very much has the feel of My Fair Lady’s “With A Little Bit of Luck”. But then it’s taken up by the protagonist with an entirely different tone and WHAM the feels hit. I’m not enjoying all of the musical numbers, but there’s this one bit in the middle of the song about dancing where Dolly accepts a dance invitation from the grizzled old groundskeeper, and seeing this high-class looking widow take his invitation without a shred of irony, and to see him take her dancing in such a way that shows he’s clearly done this for many years and may be a widower himself, it’s just this strange sweet kind of moment that’s meant to be savored. And then again WHAM this high class widow, whenever she has a musical number in private, just NAILS you with her song and performance and all her emotions. Barbara Streisand was incredible, absolutely incredible. A lot of the other characters don’t really feel real, they feel like Musical People. She slips on the clothes of a Musical Person but then she drops the facade and shows you how hard all this is for her and it’s incredible. The movie is worth it just to watch HER. Even if it is very stressful watching her manipulate conversations and move people around like pawns. I have to say I do not, for the life of me, understand why she wants a relationship with Mr. Horace Vandergelder, or why he agrees. They look like they’ll make each other miserable for life.
Honest Thief. I went in with low “dumb robbery movie” expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I think I was most surprised by the fantastic chemistry of the couple and pretty much everyone’s acting. Aside from the acting it wasn’t anything remarkable, but everyone took it up to the next level. Nice flick. Also it tickles me to hear the voice of Aslan talking about how he carried out perfect robberies.
Nezha. Holy. Cow. Okay it doesn’t make total sense to me, not all the way through, but I chalk that up to missing cultural/lit knowledge and translation issues. Setting that aside, animation was gorgeous. Story was fun, but also compelling. There was some gross-out humor, but I’ve seen worse. And the climactic fight scene? Man. It went SO LONG but I didn’t even care. Some fight scenes drag on, but this one could have been twice as long and I would have been fine with that. The creators of this film really went all out with creativity and variety all throughout the film. I don’t totally understand the ending but I would love to see more (as the credits scenes hinted that there might be more). Oh wait, there is more and it’s called Jiang Ziya…
The Mitchells vs The Machines. This movie was so full of heart and also so full of complete over the top dumb goofiness. It kind of reminded me of Despicable Me in that way. Definitely brought a smile to my face.
Star vs the Forces of Evil. I had to re-watch through Eclipsa’s and Meteora’s arc because I’d seen that much before, but too long ago to remember. I re-watched it, then settled in for the last season which I hadn’t seen before. Watching through the new content and… I’m… disappointed. Story seems to be all over the place. The conflict is so forced it hurts. People are flatter than flat. And they’re all idiots. I feel like the show is trying to reach for a moral and don’t even know what that is from episode to episode. Wow. And as I go into the final arc, it just gets worse. Ham-fisted with zero focus and twists out of the bloody blue that make zero sense. You know… this series was hard to get into because characters were annoying and gross at the start. But then it added depth to each character and made me care about them as it went along. But everything after Eclipsa became queen has flushed all of that down the toilet as fast as possible and it is maddening to see that story-trust wasted. Nothing means anything in this story, that’s the conclusion I end up coming to. Nothing means anything and there is nobody worth caring about. I am radically disappointed. And kind of angry at the sheer number of levels at which the storytelling became terrible.
Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. I wasn’t sure how I’d handle another controller-based game after getting so accustomed to Breath of the Wild (I’m on a second re-play of that, I play it whenever my brain is on the fritz so badly that I can’t do anything else). But it turned out to be pretty easy to get into. The hardest part is getting stuck about how to solve certain puzzles and trying to figure it out over and over. Sometimes I figure it out, but sometimes I need to look up a hint online. I’m almost at the end of the game and I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit. I want to play more Zelda games...
Katamari Re-Roll. This is so stupid. I mean, SO VERY STUPID. And so much fun. You start off as this tiny little person just rolling a ball around and you can pick up anything smaller than you (thumbtacks, coins, caramel candies) and as your ball gets bigger, your options open up (mice, carrots, eggs, crabs) and open up (shoes, toys, cats, dogs) and open up (humans, food carts, cows). I hear you get to roll up houses at some point. I’m looking forward to that. For now I’m at the level where I’m rolling up a lot of people. They’re all wiggly and shrieky. It’s funny. There’s a time limit on each level, and you have to reach a certain size by the time limit, which is the only really annoying thing about it. But I’m still having a lot of fun.
World of Warcraft: Classic. Of all the games I never thought I’d play, this is probably toward the top of the list. I don’t like the concept of grinding. I like story. But after playing Breath of the Wild, I also found out that I love exploration/open world type games. My husband helped me build a character and we ran around doing quests and levelling up. Now I’m a level 17 Dwarf hunter who does skinning and leatherworking. I have a pet wolf named Chompers. I’m having a lot of fun. Probably not obsessive levels of fun, but enough fun that I’m happy to sink a couple several-hour sessions a week into playing.
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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The Ship of Monsters
Check me out, I’m being topical!  I had another review almost finished for today, but when I saw the news I knew I had to set that aside and find a movie about life on Venus.  This one is a ridiculous Mexican film starring Lorena Velazquez from Samson vs the Vampire Women (looking only slightly less like Cher) and one of those amazing cardboard robots you only get in the very worst of late 50’s and early 60’s sci-fi.
An atomic war on the planet Venus has killed off all the males, so an expedition is sent out in search of replacements, consisting of a native Venusian named Gamma, her Uranian navigator Beta, and their robot Tor.  After promising the Empress that they will bring back only the most manly of men, they wander the solar system a while collecting creatures with penises before an engine problem forces them to land on Earth.  The first human they meet there is Laureano Gomez, a singing cowboy with a well-earned reputation for telling tall tales.  One might assume one could predict the rest of the movie from there… but then Beta turns on Gamma and reveals that her true mission all along was to conquer a planet to feed the vampires of Uranus!
I gotta say… I did not see that coming.
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The Ship of Monsters is supposed to be a comedy.  It’s seldom funny when it’s trying to be, although it mercifully avoids being the kind of desperately unfunny a lot of bad comedies are… possibly this is because it’s in Spanish, and by the time I’ve realized something is stupid there’s another subtitle to distract me. The jokes, such as they are, are pretty standard.  Tor the robot was created by an alien race, who were aware of Earth but never bothered exploring it because they thought the inhabitants weren’t very intelligent.  Laureano is in the habit of telling ridiculous stories to his drinking buddies, so of course when he claims the Earth is being invaded by space monsters they don’t believe him.  That sort of thing.  The movie is much funnier when it’s just showing us absurd situations, but to nobody’s surprise, The Ship of Monsters is at its funniest when it’s trying to be serious.
This hilarity comes in many forms, covering just about all the possible bases for a dirt-cheap 1960 sci-fi film.  We have spaceship sets made of cardboard, covered with buttons that don’t actually press and levers conveniently placed so people can bump into them during fight scenes.  We have Tor, with his tin can body that’s always a little dinged up but never in the same places, giving us clues as to what order the scenes might have been shot in.  He also has wiggly spring antennae and makes a little whirring noise every time he moves. We have space babes in silver bathing suits and glittery high heels.  Vampire-Beta, sporting plastic fangs that look like they came from the bottom of a cereal box, could be the female counterpart to the guy from Dracula vs Frankenstein, and the puppet used to represent her in flight is nearly as bad as the one from The Devil Bat.
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The ‘monsters’ of the title are a bulging-brained Martian prince, a scaly cyclops, a spidery creature with venomous fangs, and the mobile skeleton of what appears to be a *damn worwelf (he tells us that his race has Evolved Beyond Flesh... apparently not Beyond Bones, though).  The costumes are all terrible, particularly the warwulf puppet, whose backbone extends into his mouth and who has to be carried around with his feet dangling in any shot that’s not a close-up.  It’s nice, though, that a little imagination went into them, and somebody gave a bit of thought to the idea that a monstrous appearance is relative.  The Martian tells Beta that he admires her ambition and might even marry her if she weren’t so ugly by his planet’s standards.
At the end, naturally, this alien invasion is defeated by Laureano, his twelve-year-old brother, and a cardboard robot, while Gamma just stands around and screams.  With a movie like this I expect nothing less.  The denouement contains my favourite intentional joke in the whole thing, in which Gamma stays on Earth with her True Love, and Tor the robot takes his, the Jukebox, back to Venus with him!  Tom Servo would have given a speech to congratulate the happy couple, and I can just see him breaking down into happy tears before he got five lines in.
(The wirwalf skeleton is not present at the climactic fight, by the way… no explanation is offered, and I strongly suspect that they broke the puppet trying.  I rather enjoy this omission, because it lets me imagine him getting lost or maybe buried by an enterprising dog, and finally finding his way back to the landing site only to learn that they’ve left without him.)
I called Laureano a cowboy but he only has one cow.  Her name is Lolobrijida and she is the very first time I have ever seen a movie spur a hero into action by killing his cow.  She gets a proper Teenagers from Outer Space death, with her skeleton left behind propped up by metal struts like a dinosaur in a museum!
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I also called him a singing cowboy, which he is – there are several songs, including one in which he tries to explain to Gamma and Beta what ‘love’ means.  The songs have pleasant but forgettable Mexican pop melodies, and none of the lyrics make a whole lot of sense.  Being translated over-literally from Spanish probably didn’t do them any favours (my own Spanish tops out at yo no tengo dinero), but I still can’t imagine that the What Is Love song clarified anything.
Laureano himself comes across as kind of a fool, but he’s not actually a full-on idiot, which is quite important.  If he were the kind of one-dimensional ‘comedic nitwit’ embodied in characters like Dropo, or the janitor from Reptilicus, he’d be insufferable.  Laureano is no genius, but he’s got personality traits besides being stupid – he cares deeply for his little brother Chuy and for his animals, and he doesn’t treat Gamma and Beta’s appearance as two women for the price of one.  Very quickly he decides that Gamma is the one he loves, and he sticks to that, doing his best to let Beta down gently even when she offers to make him a king.  He’s also smart enough to trick Beta into dancing with him so he can steal the device she uses to control the rocket and Tor, and to listen to Gamma when she tells him about the various monsters’ weaknesses.
Gamma and Beta, on the other hand, don’t have a lot to them besides the basic fact that Gamma is the Nice One and Beta is Evil. Gamma starts out in the story with a strong sense of duty, and it’s a bit disappointing to see her abandon that because of Tru Luv.  I would have liked the ending better if she’d taken Laureano home with her so that the two of them could be the Adam and Eve of the new Venusian race.  Meanwhile, Beta shows no sign of any loyalty except to herself and her own ambition.  Her original mission, to secure Earth as a blood supply for the Uranians, falls by the wayside as she decides she’s going to conquer and rule the planet herself.
So The Ship of Monsters isn’t exactly a feminist manifesto, but neither is it complete misogynistic garbage like Project Moon Base.  The whole premise, after all, rests on a planet of women being able to develop space travel all on their own!  This is a fairly surprising plot point, because in many ‘planet of women’ movies like Fire Maidens of Outer Space or Cat Women of the Moon, the ladies need the virile Earth Men to come to them.
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There’s also a little bit of actual science peeking out of the cracks.  The moment for launch of the rocket from Venus is determined by when ‘the elliptical orbits coincide’.  Launch timing is, indeed, a delicate art depending very much on what’s orbiting where. There’s also the moment when, trying to land on Earth, Gamma and Beta worry that the friction, combined with our oxygen-rich atmosphere, will set their ship on fire.  This stuff is pretty impressive coming from a time when the moon landing was still nearly a decade away.  There are even a couple of scenes in zero gravity that honestly aren’t totally terrible.  I mean, I’ve seen better, but I’ve also seen much, much worse.
There’s also one weirdly prescient moment when Laureano, telling one of his silly stories in the pub, describes being surrounded by dinosaurs – only to get a laugh a moment later when he mentions that they had beautiful plumage.  I’m not sure whether this is meant to be a joke in that Laureano is exaggerating an actual encounter with an angry bird into something more fearsome (I think we’re to assume that the whole story is totally made up), or whether it’s just supposed to be funny that Laureano thinks dinosaurs had feathers instead of scales.  Either way, it’s the equivalent of the moon Fornax in Menace from Outer Space being so reminiscent of Io.  There’s no way the writers could have known that, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
The Ship of Monsters is very cheap and very dumb, but it’s good fun for those of us who like crummy old alien invasion movies, and I recommend it to anybody in that demographic.  As for actual life on Venus… I feel like a lot of the people getting excited are too young to remember when Bill Clinton told the world that we had totally found life on Mars.  Humans have been discovering life on other planets for about two hundred years and every single one of those ‘discoveries’ has turned out to be either a mistake or an outright lie.  We have plenty enough to panic about this year without a Venusian invasion.
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randomfandomfamily · 3 years
Im tryin to learn how to write fanfic for the first time and your fics are one of the big inspirations for me. Do u have any tips on balancing dialouge vs focusing on the character's thoughts and feelings? Cause ive done like 4k words and maybe 7 lines of dialouge oops-
Yo, congrats on starting your first fanfiction! 3,000 - 4,000 words is the average chapter length for novels, so you are definitely off to a fantastic start.
As for advice? Shoot, dunno why you’re askin’ this dumbass, but I’ll try.
I recommend taking the following advice with a grain of salt. I am by no means a professional, and it’s very rare that I actually know what I’m doing. The universe nerfed me by taking away the ability to form a coherent thought. Nerf or nothing, baby.
Getting off track here, but you know what I mean.
Anyhow! I hate writing advice that doesn’t provide examples, so I’m providing some, and that means this ended up a little longer than I meant it to be, so your answer is gonna be under the cut there, Mx. Anon!
Probably the most important thing to remember is that all of your characters are going to have different, and sometimes conflicting, speech patterns. Speech patterns always have some form of thought process behind them, though, so you can start your dialogue to thought balance there.
(warning: sentences written by a dumb bitch ahead.)
For example, a person who speaks on impulse might talk faster than they think. Backtrack their statements a little to balance the thoughts to the dialogue:
Fast thought, blurted comment, realization, amendment.
- The black and white pattern on the dress reminded him of his grandparent’s farm. “Looks a bit like a cow,” he said. At her affronted expression, he quickly explained, “The dress! Not you. The dress looks a bit like a cow, with the white and the black spots.”
Absent thought, repeat thought out loud, confronted by confused conversation partner, explains thought process.
- “I think you might be a ferret,” they informed their friend.
She raised an eyebrow at them. “Okay? Am I supposed to know what that means or...?”
“You said the pandemic is hard because you can’t see your friends as often, right? And when you get ferrets, you have to get at least two of them, because if you just get one then it’ll be lonely and depressed and sad.” They shrugged. “Kinda sounds like you.”
Whereas a person who’s more careful about what they say might take longer to respond. It might not look as balanced, thought to dialogue, but showing the character’s process behind the thought makes the dialogue meaningful enough that it’s not necessary for them to talk as much:
Careful consideration, picked a thought, analyzed it, (filler words! “Hm/Um/Uh.” “Let me think” “Well...”) decided it wasn’t worth mentioning/not interesting enough/etc., new thought, analyze it, comment.
- “Would you rather go to the bottom of the ocean, or to the edge of space?”
She tilted her head at the question. “Hm...” On the one hand, the vastness of space, and on the other hand, the unknowable depth of the ocean. Both intriguing and terrifying in their own ways. “You know, I’m not really sure.” She considered the possibility of something going wrong in either place. “The ocean, I guess,” she decided. “Then if something happened to me, I’d still be- you know, on Earth.”
Now your character has thoughts and dialogue. Now, not every thought your characters have needs to be spelled out with dialogue (otherwise your story could be lengthy), and not every piece of dialogue needs to be profound or have a thought process behind it.
Sometimes humans say dumb things! And that’s okay! I can implant thoughts into your brain by using the muscles I have in my throat to wiggle air, and that is a power I refuse to use responsibly.
-“The corn-dogs you buy in the freezer section at Walmart are popsicles until you cook them, and then they are kebabs.”
And now you have to think about that. Any point to what I just said? Nope. Did I provide any thought process? Absolutely not. It’s probably factually incorrect, but it’s a conversation starter, for sure. Sometimes people talk to each other Like That, and it’s okay to have those kinds of dialogue in your story, just scattered about.
Not everything has to be meaningful. Don’t focus so much on ‘perfect’ or ‘balanced’ dialogue. Don’t be afraid to let your character be a little human. Trip over words. Zone out for a few seconds. Forget what they were going to say.
But in all honesty, talking is not the end all be all of communication. There are plenty of perfectly realistic ways to get your character’s point across without them speaking, so never be afraid of having small amounts of dialogue in your stories.
Okay, I’m done being a rambly bastard. I hope that helps, and I’m sorry if it doesn’t, and I’m also sorry that this got so fucking long, jeezus cripes. I’ve never given writing advice before, and I’m honored that you came to me. You made my entire week, Mx. Anon, thank you so much ❤
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Why I Dumped...RWBY
If there’s one thing I’ve learned being in fandom is that the audience is not allowed to dictate creative changes to someone else’s work. That is not your place. The trade-off is that you don’t have to be a member of that audience. Once I learned that, I decided that if a series pissed me off one too many times, I would just straight up dump it. Adios, amigo. Go piss someone else off with your shit stories. There are a hundred other things I could be doing with my time. 
When I tell people this, they usually get defensive because sometimes the show I dumped happens to be a show they really like. Which is fine. If it works for you, great. Have fun. But we all have our tastes and personal preferences. 
Sometimes that just isn’t enough for people. They have to know why you would insult them (I’m not and neither are you) by not liking something they like. I doubt most care. Some people just want to be offended. However, there have been some people who are genuinely curious. Usually people who are neutral to whatever show I dumped. They have no dog in this fight; they just want to see my train of thought. 
So you asked for it and here it is. This is my new blog post series where I talk about why I dumped a series. Let’s see if my story and logic will help you see things from my perspective. Let me be clear, I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind. This is just the story of why I made this decision. If you like this series good for you. I don’t. It’s my opinion and I’m allowed to have one same as you.
 We’re going to start off big with RWBY.
For me, RWBY started off as one of those things I kinda heard about on the internet, but never really knew what it was. Then it was on Neftlix and I decided to check out what it actually was. It was a CGI webseries made by the same company that did Red VS Blue led by the guy who did those weird Dead Fantasy videos on YouTube. I watched the first two volumes (because they just can’t be called seasons. We have to be all special and shit) and I wasn’t sure what to think of it. I guess my brain needed time to process it. I watched it again with my brother and then I started volume three on my own. After the volume three finale, I stopped watching and just kept tabs on the show before losing interest completely. There are several reasons that just piled up together so let’s just start at the beginning.
I just don’t think the show is very good.
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It was a fucking chore to watch volume one again with my brother. Like holy crap, why wasn’t the show this bad the first time I saw it? Was it going to suck this hard with every viewing? (SPOILER ALERT: The answer is yes.) A lot of the character models look really pale. The animation can be wonky or jittery. The voice acting goes from bad to passable. The pacing is wack. The story is barely told. We spend way too much time on Jaune even though we already have FOUR main characters we have to be tackling. And this is a pet peeve of mine, but they gave names to things that already have names.
semblance = super power
aura = energy
Grimm = monsters
Why won’t anyone just call super powers super powers?
Anyway, those were my initial thoughts. A recurring thought I have about RWBY is, “The idea is adequate but the execution is lacking.” Someone asked me what that meant. Really? Really? You don’t know what words mean? Google it. Your ideas are okay, but the way you’re doing them sucks.
So if I hated the show so much, why did I stick with it after volume one? I liked the characters. I fell in love with Yang. She’s all my favorite parts of female characters put together in one awesome package. A blonde busty badass babe that beats a bunch of baddies? Sign me the fuck up. (Alliteration is fun, kids.) Thanks to some really good fan art, I also started to ship Arkos, Renora, White Rose and Roman Ice Cream (or gelato or partners in crime or whatever it’s called). I wanted to see more Yang and I wanted to see if I would get a payoff after investing so much time. 
I didn’t.
The story goes all over the place. It introduces a bunch of new ideas but never sticks around to develop one. I’ve lost track of how the world works and what our goals are. They created side videos called, “The World of RWBY” that explains that shit. That’s another sign of bad writing. Supplemental material to understand what is going on in the story isn’t fun; it’s homework. More importantly, I shouldn’t have to. It should be organically in the story itself. But it wasn’t because this crew doesn’t know how to. It’s just not there.
Pyrrha’s Death
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The main reason I stopped watching after the season three finale. I understand that everyone wants to do their own version of Empire Strikes Back or Avengers: Infinity War. The big battle where the good guys lose. I have several problems with this though. 
1. I agree with Linkara that the only reason you should kill a character is if you’ve ran out of stories to tell with that character. Cheap drama should not be your goal. The problem with shock value is that it only lasts for a second. 
2. You should never kill a fan favorite. That’s how you lose audiences i.e. money. You don’t sell your golden goose, and you don’t kill your cash cow.
I don’t believe that Pyrrha had ran out of stories to tell with her character. Pyrrha was killed just to further Jaune’s story arc which sucks because I barely liked Jaune. I shipped Arkos because I wanted good things for Pyrrha, and really, who doesn’t?
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This unfortunately common trope is Stuffed into the Fridge, where female characters are killed for the sole purpose of a male character’s story. It doesn’t matter if Pyrrha was the best warrior in the class or had friends who could have helped her or she could have just ran away or anything really. Pyrrha, my second favorite character, was killed off to jump start Jaune’s character development. Fuck you, Rooster Teeth. And the worst part is, I heard that this was always the plan for Pyrrha. If you have to rely on a trope from 1994, you’re probably not a good writer.
I cancelled my Crunchyroll subscription, and a few people told me to get the fuck over it. 
No. My time. My money. Not interested.
Yang wasn’t ‘for me,’ apparently
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This one has a little less to do with the show and more with the fandom (or FNDM, because we have to be all special here). Like I said earlier, I fell in love with Yang. She became my number one waifu instantly. She had everything I liked. Big boobs, long legs, blonde hair, fiery personality, loved to kick ass, loved martial arts, had a great zest for life. It’s like that song lyric, “You are everything I want ‘cause you’re everything I’m not.” I know it’s super embarrassing but I would fantasize about being a character in RWBY and being Yang’s boyfriend. Whenever I would work out I would say it was because I was training to be Yang’s husband. I know it’s lame, but that’s how enamored I was. 
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Hell, Yang was the reason I even considered watching RWBY in the first place. I only discovered her thanks to that episode of Death Battle where she beat Tifa.
Then bumblebee happened. 
People on tumblr have this thing where they like to decide what someone else’s character’s sexuality and gender is regardless of the canon. Do whatever you want. The problem was that I am a straight, cis, heterosexual Hispanic male with a tumblr account who likes a character who mostly shipped with another female character. So whenever I try to get matchups or headcanons or imagines, I’m usually ignored. I’m a big boy. I can handle that. What does get under my skin is people going out of their way to tell me that Yang isn’t for me. Like I’m not allowed to like her. When you’ve already lived most of your life with other people telling you that the things you want were never really for you, that sorta thing kinda hits you in the wrong side of the feels. Yang is for bumblebee and bumblee shippers only. I’m over it, but still not cool.
Now I’m hearing that Rooster Teeth might make bumblebee canon to appease the fans. No artistic integrity. I guess I was wrong. The audience is allowed to dictate creative changes if you’re Rooster Teeth. It doesn’t help that Blake is my least favorite character in the series. 
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I was upset when Adam cut off her arm in the end of volume three. It didn’t help that it was the same episode that Pyrrha died. Two birds with one stone and all that. I’m glad somebody made a supercut of Yang’s volume four story on YouTube. That was good to watch. It was kinda like Korra’s story in the beginning of Book Four (ugh, just call them seasons!) except with a fraction of the talent.
I haven’t watched anything beyond that, but I have heard of a few things. I’m glad Adam is dead, but that’s about it.
So that’s mostly why I dumped RWBY. Sorry if it was too much, but thanks for reading. Do I miss the show? Not really. I do miss Pyrrha, Yang, and the fan art. Will I ever go back to RWBY? Sorry but no. That’s not how that works. The damage has been done.
tl;dr version
I dumped RWBY because:
I didn’t think it was very good to begin with.
They killed my second favorite character for a shit reason.
My favorite character isn’t ‘for me’ according to everyone else.
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themellydiaries · 4 years
The Melly Diaries
Why are we still discussing this?
**VIP Disclaimer This post is not a post on whether breast is best or the benefits of formula vs breastfeeding. That is another post entirely and hopefully, when you get to the end it’s one you’re not even interested in anymore.**
Take a read of this screenshot…. It is unedited apart from the scribbles hiding someone else’s identity and his surname and picture.
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Screenshot of Mark’s dickhead comments
This ladies and gentlemen is what a moron looks like…A Mansplaining moron. What Mark think’s he’s done is share a “helpful” & informative link from the NHS on formula milk and breastfeeding.
What Mark has actually done is make himself look like a”Knobby Know it all.”
Why? You may ask… Well, that’s what I wondered. So to give him the benefit of the doubt, I asked whether he was a midwife, OBGYN, or perhaps even a breastfeeding specialist. I checked the comments to see if perhaps someone had asked Mark for his input and I checked his profile to see whether he was in a same-sex marriage with a man raising a baby and that maybe he’d done intense research on how amazing breastfeeding is and had got himself an online supplier from a female…
NO, simply is the answer to those…
But ahh of course “The wife!”
“The Wife” was a breastfeeding support leader, had made an online group, and had breastfed two children.
Tumblr media
“The progression of a liar..Sorry I meant author..”
However, I feel compelled to add my husband is a tree surgeon but you’re not fucking going to catch me up a tree, using a chainsaw or sharing any information on Facebook about trees, but again…No Judgement (Well ish!)
Mark then (rather sarcastically) asks me what I do…Oh, I’m so glad you asked Mark!
I Mark, am a mother, a pharm tech, and a biomedical student which means although I won’t be carrying out my own lab studies, just yet. I’m pretty equipped to be able to deal with other people’s scientific findings, what they actually mean and whose quotes and resources are acceptable to rely on for information.
Before formula was invented way back in 1865 mums had to rely on a wet nurse to breastfeed if they couldn’t or chose not to. Many babies died if a nurse wasn’t accessible.
For now, man-made baby formula (technically actually cow made) is the best substitute for woman-made breastmilk and so many studies aren’t actually on the formula itself it’s on the comparison with breastmilk, and various other topics it’s been around for thousands of years and will probably continue to be developed.
(I don’t know whether wet nursing will ever become a thing again, but technically in this statement, it’s not the type of substitute I am referring to so for now wet nursing and using someone else’s breastmilk is going to stay out of the discussion.)
Now I’m going to assume that Mark has never breastfed anyone let alone successfully….and if “The wife” did indeed manage to breastfeed for 27 months he; as a partner has never had to sit and watch his wife in agony, despair and worry over the fact that breastfeeding is simply not working. That his baby was never dropping birth weight rapidly because essentially they are unable (for various reasons) to feed.
This story has been shared over and over again by celebs, healthcare workers, midwives and breastfeeding support workers and normal women alive today, and in fact, was recorded as far back as the Egyptians, and let’s face it is exactly why the use of wet nurses and formula even exist. “The wife” Herself will have had to listen to crying women and babies on the other end of a support line and I hope to god she gives the correct non-judgemental support to those women…
Those millennia-old problems have not gone away, and it’s not women making it up. Unfortunately, for Mark, he even had the audacity to refer to issues breastfeeding; both mentally (I’ll get to that more later) physically and emotionally as “anecdotal”. Fucking anecdotal…
His opinion *puke face* “Fed is the bare minimum” Is both redundant and unhelpful. (I mean truly if only feeding was the minimum required!) A baby needs sleep, cleaned, dressed, and my oh my 24-hour attention, but we already know this and I’m being deliberately obtuse; let alone the fact the comment is barely even worth addressing.
Breastfeeding is time-consuming, it requires commitment, support, and often medical/expert assistance. Honestly, if it isn’t for you, you shouldn’t feel pressured into ‘having to do it’.
Babies need their caregivers (and yes I do say, caregivers, as they aren’t always birth mums or even female.)
Ever heard the phrase “It takes a village”?
Breastfeeding is an incredible feat and an incredible journey which provides perfectly tailored baby milk along with a load of other fantastic benefits. (Like I said before the milk itself requires its own post.)
But why on earth in 2020 are we still fucking talking about breastfeeding vs formula like our children actually give a shit? When before the age of two they’re licking spaghetti off the dog and ramming their dribble filled fists into their mouth after they’ve used them to crawl on the floor.
Yes there are a million studies that talk about breast is best and honestly, I’ll repeat it again because some numb nut will still find it acceptable to share both their opinion and a statement to justify their personal choices, but… when actually talking about science it’s important to research and cite which is time-consuming and I’ve left it for another day.
There’s more than one thing to consider when choosing how to feed our babies and it’s a massive weight on a mother’s shoulders. A mother who also carries guilt about a load of other shit society has made her worried about. So no Mark you can fuck off with your “Fed is the bare minimum.” No one wants to hear your biased opinions, or other people’s opinions when they are trying to do their best for their children…NO ONE. If someone is looking for advice on feeding they’ll find it, they’ll google it and they’ll find someone to talk to and I’m sorry Mark but somehow I think you’ll be at the back of the queue…
(Hell even some of this is unwanted shared info but there we go…)
But despite all that, Mark looked the biggest twat, not because of his mansplaining unwanted, opinions but because he had in fact commented on an advert, an advert for bottles! Not formula or breastfeeding! But for….bottles! Which could, quite frankly have either in.
Don’t be a Mark.
Informed is best
Supported is best
Empowered is best.
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doberbutts · 5 years
The more I have Creed interact with other dobermans, the more I’m convinced that breed recognition and early socialization are key in managing dog/dog interactions. I’m hardly the first person to say it ofc but seeing it with my own eyes is different than reading theory from a book or blog post.
Take, for example, Creed:
Doberman, raised with doberman mother and siblings, doberman grandmother, doberman uncle. Visited frequently by other dobes, related and not, during the early rearing process as the litter was raised underfoot with the breeder’s doberman club.
Early socialization =< 14wks, of which I only had Creed for a single week having picked him up at 13 weeks old- lives with my parents’ dog (medium brown mutty thing) and enjoys romping sessions with @crippledhockwalker‘s Rogue (GSD). Creed did not get other interactions with dogs until slightly later, due to vaccination concerns.
I have long since stated that Creed’s favorite dogs are =<50lb brown mutty retrievery things as that is about the look of Mocha (bonus: red tri aussies and bcs look close enough if they have floppy ears) and GSDs. And, for the most part, there is a visible difference in how well he reads them, how much he respects them, and how willing he is to play and interact.
But seeing him with dobermans is completely different. The above is true, but he is also more willing to settle in the house, more willing to just exist and not harass for interaction/play, give him and another doberman a chew and he’ll find a spot where he can chew his bone while still being near and hanging out with the other dog, without feeling the need to touch or bother. It’s interesting, watching him “talk” to other dobes vs any other breed, even breeds he’s historically liked.
More interesting to me, breeds he likes even though his first interactions with them were well after his socialization window closed are boxers and shibas. He has yet to meet a boxer or a shiba he doesn’t initially wiggle at. While I know it’s because we lived with a boxer and two shibas from the time he was 1yr until he was almost 4yrs, it’s after the generally agreed upon time that he would be interested in changing his mind about how he feels regarding certain things. And yet, boxers and shibas are treated by him much like brown mutty things and GSDs- dogs he adores, wants to play with, and is willing to back off and respect if told off.
Watching him interact with Suvie this Thursday was eye-opening on just how differently he treats other dobermans, and of course it makes sense since almost all of his early socialization was with other dobermans, but seeing it in action just solidifies it for me.
What would be interesting would be to examine how dogs raised by nursemaid mothers react to the breed that raised them/the “siblings”, vs their own breed. Creed’s breeder took in a GSD puppy when she had a singleton herself, to make sure her singleton got some socialization from a similarly-aged “sibling”. This GSD’s entire world was dobermans from the time she was a few days old until she went home at 8 or 9 weeks. Likewise, the singleton dobe was raised with both a GSD sibling and a dobe mother. I wonder- does the GSD practice breed recognition with her own breed, even though she learned next to nothing from her GSD mother and litter siblings, or does she only exhibit this with dobermans? Does the singleton treat GSDs and dobes the way Creed treats dobes, or does he focus on one or the other?
When I was young, we had a GSD that we raised from 3 weeks old (Pooch), and she was always a weird dog. She didn’t care about anything. She didn’t play. She didn’t want to train. She didn’t get excited. She never got up to any mischief. She didn’t want to interact with the other dogs- even GSDs- we had during the time we owned her. She died at 12 of liver cancer, and I don’t think I ever once saw her play with any of the dogs. In fact, most of my memories of her consist of her laying behind my dad’s recliner chewing her bone, or her slowly walking out into the yard to poop and then immediately coming back inside to return to her spot behind the chair. This is also the dog that bit me twice- once when I stepped on her as a toddler, and once resource guarding her bone from my grabby hands when I was 8. There are photos of her hanging out with my sisters and I, but she was never interested in toys, or treats, or really anything besides that old nylabone.
Knowing what I know now, it’s obvious that Pooch never really learned how to be a dog. She learned how to be a good pet, how to not cause trouble, how to navigate life when two babies and surly teenager were abruptly added to her world, but she never really figured out the being a dog part. The lack of early socialization with her mom and siblings- rejection from her mother, and my parents were too busy with kids and jobs and life to commit to raising a whole litter by themselves and had recruited help- meant that while she was a good girl, she was not exactly a dog either. Pooch did not practice breed recognition or, if she did, it was not enough to convince her to interact with Princess (already in the house) or Queenie (added towards the end) or any of the visitors that came and left.
It makes me wonder, then, what happens to dogs raised by cats, cows, and other species that sometimes step in as nursemaids. If a dog raised alone by humans does not know how to “dog” without early intervention, then is the lack of dog companionship detrimental to the puppies raised by other species? Have we simply not seen it, because usually it is not a lone puppy being raised but at least 2 or 3? Is there some truth to the “dog was raised by a cat and now thinks she’s a cat”, or is it more superficial than that?
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beepbeeprichiellc · 6 years
Could you do 19 or 25 please? :)
25. My friend dragged me to a party then abandoned me but
you came up and we started talking and somehow I started talking about how I
didn’t want to be here while you start smirking and my best friend comes back
and introduces you as the host of the party and I blush really hard because
I’ve been ranting about how boring it was for 10 minutes  
 “I hate you.”
Bill smiled, the passing city continued on with their
lives, unaware of the torture that Eddie was about to endure. How his friend
had gotten him to agree to his was beyond him but here he was, heading towards
a college frat party. This wasn’t Eddie Kaspbrak, boy with a midterm in the
morning, this was Eddie Kaspbrak, the sucker for his best friend’s puppy dog
“Look, it’s not so bad. We won’t stay long, I promise.”
Eddie scoffed, “What just long enough for you to nail that
Stan kid in the back room?” He asked, his annoyance lacing itself with his
words. “Can’t you do that without me going to this thing?
“You’re my wing man!” Bill pleaded, sideway glancing over to
his friend who was pouting in his seat. “Stan likes you, if I can get an in
with him then-“
“Stan doesn’t even know my name.” Eddie corrected.
“Hey now, we fixed the whole Edmund vs Eddie thing last
time.” Bill defended, “All I’m asking is for a solid hour, you can spare that.”
“Fine.” Eddie growled, huffing in disgust. “But if you aren’t
done getting STD’s by then I’m going to leave without you.”
“Stan doesn’t have STD’s” Bill retorted, shaking his head. “I
mean, I don’t think-what did you hear something?”
Eddie only smirked.
The party was exactly as predicted, a giant rager at some poor
saps house. Students were scattered out in the street, sucking down blunts and
making out with one another. Eddie rolled his eyes, knowing that they were in
the right place. Bill offered an apologetic smile as he parked the car,
shrugging his shoulders.
Inside was ten times worse. The smell of liquor and cigarette
smoke wafting back in them just as they made it past the threshold. Eddie could
recognize some of the students, a few that were in some of his lectures but
mostly everyone was just a blur of hormones and drunken sways. God, how did he
end up in a place like this?
“I think I see Stan!” Bill yelled over the blaring rap music
that seemed to come from all angles. “I-I’m going to go talk to him, I’ll be
right back.”
“Oh no, don’t you ditch me Denbrough!”
“Just a few minutes Eddie!” He replied, already swimming
through the sea of people. “Promise.”
“You’re promises don’t mean shit!” Eddie yelled back, his
words eaten up by the drop of the bass and the following intoxicated screams of
those around him. He groaned, wanting to follow his friend but already knowing that
a place like this would swallow him whole in an instant. Instead he decided to
find a space against the far wall, somewhere that Bill could find him easily but
that didn’t make him a target to others drunken advances.
A few moments passed, the music changing from rap to rock
and roll, not that it sounded any better through the nearly blown out speakers.
Eddie watched the people around him, their actions baffling him as they grinded
on each other, practically dry humping for everyone to see. It wasn’t that he
hated parties, but blow outs like this tended not be his speed. After all, how
could you even enjoy yourself when you couldn’t even breathe in without tasting
someone else’s stench?
“Hey do I know you?” Eddie looked over, noticing a tall,
lanky boy who had made his way beside him. His mess of curls hung lower than
his ears, his bulky glasses concealing his brilliant auburn eyes and his faded nirvana
t-shirt hung loosely off of his shoulders. All and all, this kid was a mess and
looked like he could blend in to the cowed around them.
“No. I don’t think so.” Eddie replied flatly, trying to ignore
the twist in his stomach as the other boy smiled brightly.
“Oh no, you must be from my dreams then!”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, confused by the entire exchange. “Are
you trying to flirt with me?”  
“That depends.” He jeered, leaning against the wall
casually, his eyes scanning over Eddie making him blush. “Is it working?”
“No.” Eddie lied, looking away from the stranger, trying to
find his friend in the crowd.
“What school do you go to? I haven’t seen you around.”
“Look I don’t even want to be here, let alone want to be hit
on by some drunk guy so please just move on.” It wasn’t harsh, not exactly but
the bite that followed took the stranger off guard, making him stagger in surprise.
“Okay first off, I’m not drunk.” He lifted his cup, gesturing
to its contents. “This is Pepsi, I don’t actually drink. Second off, why aren’t
you enjoying the party? It’s fucking awesome if you ask me.”
“My friend dragged me here. I hate ragers, they are so
fucking boring.” He replied, shrugging. “All they are is a bunch of idiots who
feel the need to get wasted and high and then proceed to fuck their brains out
in the back room.”
“That seems a little rash.”
Eddie looked back to the other boy, rolling his eyes. “This
would have been a good party about 50 people ago, now the music gets shitty,
the liquor get stronger and wandering eyes get bolder. If I wanted this I would
have just gone to a club.”
“You are very opinionated aren’t you-uh, what was your name?”
“Eddie.” He replied, not knowing why he just gave out his
name but finding himself at ease beside this stranger. “And yeah, I guess I am.
Sue me.”
The boy smirked, biting his lip he admitted. “I like you
Eddie.” His confession made the shorter boy shutter, an unexpected feeling
pooling in his stomach. “You aren’t like the other people here.”
“What, do you mean sober?”
He laughed, shrugging his shoulders. “That’s not what I
meant exactly but sure. That too I guess.”
“What’s your name?” Eddie finally asked, feeling the need to
even the playing field.
Before the stranger could answer, Bill’s voice cut through
the crowed, appearing before him with Stan in tow. “There you are. I’ve been
looking for you.” He muttered, huffing in annoyance. “I see you’ve met Richie.”
“Richie.” Eddie repeated, the name like honey, dripping slowly
down the back of his throat. “Yeah, we were just talking.”
Richie smirked, “I see you found Stan.” He replied, gesturing
to the curly haired boy behind Bill. “Thank god, he won’t shut up about you.”
Stan made a face that Eddie could only describe as ugly. “I’m
not the one throwing a party and not fucking drinking trashmouth.”
“Oh my god.” Eddie choked, his face becoming heated from his
immense embarrassment. “You’re the fucking host.”
“That’s me.” Richie chuckled, “Guess I need to take a few
pointers before it can be up to your standards, huh Eds.” Eddie groaned,
running his hands down his face he muttered an apology, one that Richie merely
brushed off. “So are you guys leaving or-
“Actually…” Bill began, throwing another apologetic look to
his friend. “I came over here to talk to my friend, I was wondering if-“
“No.” Eddie nipped, “No we are going, I’ve made a compete ass
of myself, we need to fucking leave.”
“I can take you home, if you want.” Richie muttered, a shit
eating grin playing on his lips. “After all, this party is pretty lame.”
“It’s your party.” Eddie corrected, eyeing the taller boy. “You
can’t just-“
“I can do whatever I want. Stan can handle things till I get
back.” He made a quick motion to his friend, who offered a quick and harsh,
fuck you as a response. “Besides, I’d like to hear what other opinions you
“Oh that’d be great!” Bill breathed, his smile beaming. “I
can stay here with Stan and you can go with Richie! It all works out!”
“No. Bill no don’t-“
“Okay bye Eddie, see you later. Don’t wait up!” Bill yelled
as he pulled Stan back in to the crowed. “Have fun!”
Richie laughed, jingling his keys with amusement. “Shall we?”
Eddie let out a defeated sigh, looking over to the host with
irritation. “If this is some kind of trick then-“
“Oh come on Eds.” He jeered, leaning in so close that Eddie
could smell the scent of vanilla and cigarettes clinging to his lips, making
his knees weak. “You can trust me.”
He swallowed the lump his throat and managed a small, “Ok.”
And that was all it took for Richie to grab his hand and
lead him out of the house, the music still blaring in the background. People
called out the hosts name, yelling things that Eddie couldn’t’ make out but
Richie ignored them, pushing out towards the yard and barreling towards a beat
up truck. Eddie wasn’t sure what he had gotten himself in to but frankly, he
couldn’t give a damn at the moment.
He was so fucked.
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jobone123 · 4 years
#report 1 last thing under blood T V IS NOT BLACK PEOPLE because it's a white world BLONDE MINORITIES TIMES 2 u are 4% vs 96% whites Not your satellite not your TV black gem white said LOOKING A WHITE SKIN GEMS are better the black faces YOU LOST
Make up
T v black was steal tower never leaves BIRTHRIGHT 1 plane air AS BLACK WENT OUTSIDE the dirt flakes fell off his body ASH# it's a bronzer spray IF YOUR BLACK N LOVE BEEF we are throwing it in the trash food Poisoning BECAUSE COWS N CHICKENS not dogs or rats
Blonde is not your wife black# ACCIDENT WAS BORN WHITE MALE N FEMALE TURN BLACK AFTER 20YEARS OF MARRIAGE to go downtown n make a sacrifice family for insider trading JAYSON #lawsuit YOU CANT FORCE ME TO KILL BLACK PEOPLE that was blonde Jason's job it TECHNICALLY his fault#
A black girl n boy born downtown CONCRETE 1 WINDOW get a car at 16 n AS THEY WALK OUTSIDE dirt flakes fall off there body n they GET A HOUSE
Skinny black was eraser# but blacks got pregnant SKINNY BLACK WAS OBVIOUS SHOWER#
Black STERIODS is my CLIMATE if land Jason was bleeding ITS A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT all SUNRISES should be blonde JAYSON #center BLOOD TURNS HAIR WHITE the thermostat HOW MANY JONS WILL I HAVE TO KILL for snow jason blood MY CLIMATE IS A DIRECT BLACK MASS JUSTICE cause u can keep black gem white NOT THE BLONDE shes mine I WILL CUT OUT EYES #fish
Look I knew the fight would lead to black n blonde t v BUT IM DONE GIVING WHITE HAND OUTS it's not your satellite BLACK HAIR GEM WHITES IS YACHT SCIENCE BECAUSE WE HAVE TO SHOWER Duh# I'm Sorry but u bring STERIODS in the fight against a little blonde boy n I call INKED walls dead DAUGHTER #cheerleader SNOW WHITE HAD A CUTE NAME FOR THIS ended up too many food Poison blacks FLASH BOMBS KILLED YOUR WHOLE TEAM if didn't walk away we had black mass JUSTICE but I couldn't watch I WOULD RATHER BURY 10 BLONDES BEFORE ANOTHER BLACK BROTHER heartbreak we dont have out t v still RAWWAR ISNT DONE if I had my t v then fine but I have to stop u land SUNRISE losers using YACHT when snow won I THINK SNOW SAID WE OWN EVERY BLACK#
Enough is enough as you set me up for blondes death I will not let u set me up for blacks death either HEARTREAK too many new recruits DOWNTOWN IS AN ACCIDENT I have feeling too FALLING IN LOVE WITH BLACK BAE AGAIN N I WILL CUTT OUT EYES FOR A BLACK FROM WHITE OP THAT insults her BECAUSE ITS FREE N 1 GIRL FOR EVERY MAN N LETS BE CLEAR you PEOPLE are talking about taking someone s wife n 1 man isnt going to loe about A DIRTY NIGGER ON T V watched dmx 6 foot giant on BET 1 CHANNEL MTV 2 CHANNELS BLACK LIVES MATTER saw dmx in person 3'9 ITS AN EMBARRASSMENT When I saw 5'3 I stepped on him like a roach 5'3 DIDN'T HAVE 6'0 JAYSON his deal was FOOD Poisoning expansion A 1 YEAR OLD 3 FEET TALL WAS FOOD POISONING
Red I call BRUNETTE ginger displayed 1 thing I DONT NEED ANY BLACK SKIN OR BLONDE for the t v or YACHT HER EYES MATCH HER BROWN HAIR perfect#
Marshall had a LET THEM FIGHT BLONDE N BLACK SKIN ON TOUR so we let them NOT HOME NOT IN MY HOUSE I haven't seen but 1 or 2 blondes in a month I WILL NOT TOLERATE OR LISTEN TO YOU PEOPLE TALK ABOUT BLONDES# I HAVE BLACK BAE I dont need 1 bigger n Marshall I HAD TO PULL OFF BLACK had to stop the fight AS FLASH GENERADES BOMBS 1 DAY WAS OVER 100% NUKED it was a massacre what he did for her ITS OVER WERE DONE I paid u blondes FUCK OFF
We all know black STERIODS gas# was I was j# 10 COVID150 lbs but after blood n snow I SAID SKINNY BLACK WAS OBVIOUS SHOWER your betterism wasnt u did 37lbs max stomach WAS BLONDE WHOTES CHEERLEADER S of house Jason OF ERASER sat bae found YACHT WHY DO U THINK CUT OUT EYES because you all insult black bae brown eyes FOR A BETTERISM GEM n brown eye s WHITEs MEANT GOD N GOV WERE GEMS not your t v THE VIRGIN JOKE is n how does boys born with SISTERS know steak IMPOSSIBLE ONLY TO SAT OPERATORS bullshit is covid PEOPLE eating PEOPLE YOU SHOULD TRY RAT# FUCK U IM CUTTING OUT EYES FOR BLACK LIVES MATTER shouldn't be in desert pregnant
We all know the fake gem battle house fight was a car# every fake gem house for any black downtown SPECIFIC watch me throw you under a bus for a fake gem GO SHOWER DIRTY NIGGERS gasx# because blood was to distract while u niggers #steal from my bag OH N IF U CUT MY HAIR AGAIN ima kill your DAUGHTER for tourism BUISNESS company#
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