#the crazy thing is i didn't even notice those episode similarities when i thought to make this
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Buffy getting caught in a net in Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode 2.15, and then Angel being trapped in one in episode 3.15. LOL
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seaweedrain · 8 months
I wanna go off about Pentious and Cherri because I adore them
I saw a post in the cherrisnake tag explaining how the whole night club scene felt a little OOC, and I totally agreed! Until I thought... Is it? I agree with the person who wrote the post (here is link to post) that Pentious seems like the kind of dude who would be asking for her fathers permission to court her! I've honestly wanted to write fanfics just like this back when the pilot came out, he really does give off those types of vibes!
I feel like the first few gestures of buying her a drink was him being gentlemanly! But again, like the person who wrote that post said, the mans probably got a lil buzzed, lettin the drinks talk as he moved forward with his Rule Of 3 comedy moment! Again, I fully agree haha! However, I do think another side of his personality was showing during this moment!
Sir Pentious has a desire to be accepted by those he admires! He wants the V's to see him, he wants other Overlords to notice him and his work! He will act like them if necessary! He's hip and cool! Or at least he really thinks he is! That club was Cherris scene! He was invited out by her! He had to act like her! Right??? That would impress her, RIGHT?! Asking her to do things with him that didn't seem... like him? She'd like that, right? That's what she does! She brought him there, after all (only because Charlie told her to, but he never thought he'd make it this far!)
After talking with Charlie in those last few episodes (in the background), the girl probably gave him sound advice to be himself as he tried to confess to Cherri. Being like Cherri didn't work with flirting with her (altho I personally, think she thinks he's a cute silly), so he might as well be himself. Someone who isn't trying to fight with her and "enemies/arch rivals". As he fumbles and runs away, it does look like she's a little sad he didn't confess, although I've seen a few argue that she just looked confused. Even after Angel told her she could hit that, in my personal opinion there was a hint of sadness.
In the fun facts, it says Sir Pentious died in the 19th century. I know he's an inventor, but the fact that he wears a generals outfit makes me wonder if that was him just... Being a silly lil guy thinking back to his time where he could have been high up in the ranks for war, or if he actually was! How much has he been through in life? Was he unable to confess his love before dying? I went to the wiki and couldn't find any information, although even if there were, I'm not sure how much I'd trust from wiki or how much of the info might be considered outdated now that the show is actually out!
The idea that he knew he was risking his after life, about to double die, he didn't want regrets about confessing to Cherri, especially after failing to the night before. Whether he had a similar experience in the living life or not, I do adore that Sir Pentious was able to be himself at least somewhat. Cherri was clearly charmed.
I do see him as a character that would try to court her over time, something I could DEF write a slow burn about! But I do love that he was written as someone who WANTED to get these feelings off his chest! Maybe if he could have, then he could have woo'd her like a proper gentleman! Maybe if we had a longer season, we could have seen more of that. His different attempts, trying to act like others thinking that'd impress her. Not fully aware that being himself was actually the answer all along. Yes, being himself was in a 'life' or death situation and it PROBABLY wasn't exactly how he could have wanted it to go down, but he was nonetheless, able to confess. Not pretending to be someone he wasn't. Yes, he agreed he was out of his mind, but he was being crazy for sacrificing himself! There wasn't time to think, he just had to do. There wouldn't be regrets. He was doing this for his friends, for her, in hopes to keep them safe or buy time.
So I do wish he took his time with her. Was able to flirt, court, and awkwardly confess at his own rate (figuring out he didn't have to pretend he was just like her and could do everything she did, fumbling it lmao) I could see how someone could think this was a ship pushed too quickly and out of the blue- maybe if there was more time in the season it wouldn't have seemed that way! I'm biased, I've been shipping them since the pilot! However, with the screen time they did get, I think it was written well!
And who knows?! There are theories he will lose his memory now that he's in Heaven, he will have lost his memory (which would be VERY sad, but I also adore the drama). I've seen posts where Charlie goes up again or Emily reaches out and they find out Pentious is there! I wouldn't be surprised if Emily remembered The Rizz Master who failed to flirt with a girl 3 times in one night at a club. I do fear Sera is going to do something to him, prevent him from doing anything as the news sinners can come to Heaven shouldn't be known or smth idk... But, I like the opportunities for Cherri and Sir Pentious that they may have in the future!
For all Cherri knows, right now Sir Pentious is double dead! The shipping possibilities are endless with him now being in Heaven! I saw a cute post about them writing letters and sending them to each other via Charlie. I could see Pentious writing this long, elegant letter with a reply of "LMAO XD RAWR" and him LOVING IT!
I'd love to know others thoughts, I just wanted to ramble about them.
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
Some notes on Tales of the TARDIS: The Pyramids of Mars (some finale trailer spoilers included)
We don't get as much interesting stuff in the framing device here, for obvious reasons, but there's still some stuff to talk about.
Surprised they still used the stock backgroud / TARDIS cgi for this Tales of the TARDIS episode. I would have thought they would have something new/more specific to the next episode.
I'm very interested in the decision to have Fifteen and Ruby here. Out of universe I get it, what with Elisabeth Sladen being gone, and who knows if Tom would have able/willing to do something with a different actor (and who would you bring in even if he were? Luke?). But the in-universe placement is interesting. I would have assumed it was just a framing device, but we know we're going to see the Memory TARDIS in the finale. I'm guessing there will be a scene with them in the Memory TARDIS where Fifteen briefly explains what Sutekh is, and the Tales of the TARDIS bookends will basically be a deleted scene that fits into that?
There's actually some evidence for this. As we zoom in, the TARDIS doors seem to be open, which might fit with those trailer scenes of the Doctor looking out at Earth, plus the one of him screaming. However, Mel was there in the trailer, so I'm guessing we're going to be in and out of the Memory TARDIS quite a bit next episode.
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I noticed those subtle camera glances from Ncuti as he's talking about Four and Sarah Jane :)
People have already commented on it, but I like the anti-colonialist reframing of the story.
As for the omnibus story itself, the editing was generally good. I don't know the original serial enough to spot everything they did, but I did kinda miss the Victoria reference at the beginning.
Interesting decision to replace the Time Corridor effects with the modern Time Vortex. Kinda makes sense in some ways, plus probably helps explain how Sutekh ends up in the Void without needing other stories. Super missed opportunity not using the graphics from the Season promo photos though, which people pointed out as being very reminiscent of the time tunnel.
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As someone always eager, usually in vain, for 'canon' to fit together, I'm super intrigued by the mention of Sutekh having "evolved into a Titan" since Pyramids. (Interestingly, the iPlayer titles capitalised this. I found it a bit interesting, since in the context of gods, it immediately bring to mind Greek mythology, but that would be an odd choice to combine with the Egyptian/Christian inspired Sutekh.)
(Actually small critique of the iPlayer subtitling. I don't really need accessibility features, but had them on as I didn't want to miss anything. The new Doctor Who content has made some big bounds with accessibility, with the BSL and audio description options, but I was a bit disappointed with some of the subtitling line changes from the actual spoken words, even if I get why some lines might have been changed for clarity from Four's meandering language. It had quite a big effect on the dialogue though, in some places. I can see what people on here mean when they advocate for accurate subtitling.)
Anyway, back to the evolution thing. I hope this might be explained or eluded to next episode, given the decision to re-air an episode with such a distinctly different Sutekh.
Between the time tunnel leading to the far future, plus the fact he originates from the Dark Times, maybe the idea of him being the 'oldest one' isn't as crazy as I thought? After all, beings like the Toymaker, if they are the 'Time Lords' of the previous universe, are presumably only around 14 billion years old in the present day, if their original species had lifespans similar to the current Time Lords.
That being said, Four says he 'lived for 7000 years'. No idea if that's about his lifetime up until this point, or how long the Doctor thinks Sutekh survived in the Time Tunnel. If the prior, it's possible it doesn't include his time imprisoned. If the latter, maybe that's how long he was stuck in the tunnel before he escaped to the Void, with his disappearance causing the Doctor to assume he died?
Meanwhile, maybe the "Mother/Father/Other" thing is more about taking that kind of role in providing understanding of N-Space to the Great Old Ones, like in the Titan Comics storyline, than an actual parental connection? I don't know, that one's going to both me if we don't get more information tonight...
The only other possibility, which admittedly I kind of like, is that Sutekh is somehow an incarnation of The Beast (in the same way the Doctor might be the Other/Red Guardian), who really is old enough to be such a thing. If so, maybe he's awakened to that power/knowledge since last we saw him?
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seidooreiki · 1 year
I want to be diligent and put screencaps in this post but when I think about it again, I don't think I can so here we go.
Dojin's sudden death is such a big plot twist that I never think will happen-- now I'm kind of mad, I will prefer the cheesy and useless love triangle rather than his tragic death.
But at the same time, I'm kind of impressed.
I do think the script writer has planned it from the first season. It isn't the big plot twist just for the sake of it, but Dojin is destinied to die (for the sake of the plot). It left a big impact, it made me love and hate the script writer for doing it to me.
What you can say? I love angst. It hurts so good. It destroyed me in the worst way possible, I hate it but I love it.
I do love how the director directed this drama. The episode 3 is so... darn painful but very beautiful done, even though I'm reluctant to admit it.
Dojin's death is tragic, but at least, not stupid.
It is very Dojin like.
A noble death, kind of.
I cried my eyes off for the entire episode. It was unfolded in a neat way. In a memorable way.
And here, in the first season, I thought Doujin will get into the trope of nice guy second male lead who will get a heartbreak but find a new love in the second season. I thought for sure Sol will choose Detective Jin, because his trope as the loner and suicidal bad boy MC is too fatal. But, I never thought their love triangle will end in this way.
Not with how Dojin confessed his love in the 'afterlife'. Not with how Detective Jin, secretly, took away the ring from Dojin's finger and put it on Sol, because he just knows.
Not with how after Sol woke up from her comatose state, the first thing Detective Jin did was telling her about Dojin's death. Not with how Detective Jin accompanied her to Dojin's grave because she missed the funeral.
It is like how Dojin knows how Sol has a soft spot for Detective Jin, but Dojin never acted childish about it. Instead, he respects her feeling, and focusing at how he can win her heart without slandering Detective Jin. Detective Jin also knows how Dojin loves her and how Sol regards Dojin as an important person.
The triangle love turned tragic but wholesome, it was so far away from a cliche and toxic triangle love story in most kdrama.
Heck, in alternate story, I won't mind for them to be in a polyamory relationship because those three are wholesome together.
And beside the tragic love triangle.
I'm saddened of how Detective Jin missed his chance to have a good friendship with Dojin. Well, their friendship has improved a lot, but not enough, for me. Detective Jin is so broken and he functions solely on negative feelings, it was almost hard to see. The ones who noticed it the most are Sol and Dojin.
Sol is healing him with her kindness and love,
And Dojin is giving him a strange but understanding friendship, where Dojin can perfectly follow Detective Jin's crazy thought.
For someone as broken as Detective Jin, I can tell how Dojin's death broke something inside Detective Jin more. He didn't show it because he can't show it unless the case is solved. But Detective Jin was very shaken up.
And it was sad.
He is an inch away to have a better friendship with Dojin, in the first and second episodes, they become quite close.
The episode 3 is such a wild ride because it is shown how everyone suffered with Dojin's death. He is an amazing person and he left a big impact for so many people.
The coroner who has a crush to Dojin.
I cried so hard when she cried.
I felt her. She maintained her professionalism to the end and finally shed tears when no one watching. Similar with the comannder of the fire fighter.
The episode 2 is about how people are worrying about Sol, so Dojin's death flew under their radar, well, our radar. It was beautifully planned by the director and the script writer. I'm upset but impressed.
Still, now that Dojin isn't there with them, this drama won't ever be the same. Now instead of trio, it only become duo... and more romantic (but also very painful)? I don't know honestly.
And here I hope the drama will end with Detective Jin healing with Sol's help and Dojin become his best friend that he doesn't know he needed.
I don't think I can ever rewatch this drama again because then I will cry everytime I see Dojin on screen.
He is one of the best second male lead I have ever seen. His death broke my heart to pieces.
And even though it will be hard to watch this drama to the end, probably I will still will. Because I know Dojin will still appear in flash back or hallucination later. But only for this second season.
If this drama continues into more seasons like the rumors said, I don't think I can watch more of this. Especially if Dojin's role is replaced by someone else, I can't bear to see it.
This is such an underrated drama, but I think not everyone can stomach how the second male lead died before the season 2 reach the climax so yeah...
Maybe I will write a fanfic about this drama, about Dojin, later. But now, I need to heal because Dojin's death give me such a trauma now.
F*ck u with love, script writer
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Pretty much how I imagine mini Yuu’s interactions with the Scarabia duo: Yuu: “Your student profile says Viper. Jamil Viper? You don’t look like a bodyguard.” Jamil: “I’m a special classification.” Yuu: “Did you ever kill anyone?”—insert a beat of awkwardness —Jamil: “…We’re getting off the subject”
Pfft, mini!Yuu has quite the imagination there and Jamil has no clue where or how they managed to come to that conclusion given how he tries not to stand out. 😂
Didn't help that Idia let them watch one too many anime episodes of "My Life as a Bodyguard and Babysitter to a Crazy Rich Kid with No Self-Preservation Skills" and noticed a lot of similarities between the main protagonist and a certain naga. Perhaps that's why mini!Yuu figured out his relationship with Kalim after seeing him literally yank his dorm leader by the scruff of his shirt to avoid slipping and falling over a ledge during one of his excitable bursts of energy!
If Jamil doesn't address it though, mini!Yuu's imagination would start going wild, imagining him and Kalim in those epic fight scenes against the bad guys while balancing household chores. In their eyes, he's just as cool--if not cooler--than the real bodyguard in the anime! This is quite adorable in a way...but also troublesome when they start rambling to all their big brothers about the "cool bodyguard spy" Jamil has become to them. He's a hero to them--even when they see him panic at the sight of a bug.
Mini!Yuu: "Why is Jamil afraid of bugs if he's a hero? I thought heroes didn't get scared?"
Kalim: "Well, even heroes can be scared of something too, right? That just means they've got feelings like us!"
Mini!Yuu: "Ooooh, okay!" *-goes over to the bug-* "Shoo! Shoo! Go away meanie bug!" *-traps it under container and helps Kalim take it out before returning triumphantly-* "The bug is gone!"
Jamil: *-uncoils himself from the ceiling-* "Thank you..."
Mini!Yuu: "Does this mean I'm a hero too?"
Jamil: "Hm?"
Mini!Yuu: "You're brave and strong and you can do cool things I can't! If I make the mean bugs stay away, you can do even more brave and cool things, big brother!"
Jamil: "That's..."
Kalim: "Awwwww! That's so precious!! QwQ"
And so mini!Yuu (with Kalim's help) declared themselves Jamil's protege and would valiantly (and nicely) chase away any bugs that got anywhere near him. It was silly in a cute way seeing a tiny human standing defiantly between the naga and a tiny little caterpillar munching away on a leaf.
Jamil had to have a talk with Idia about the type of shows he was letting the toddler watch, though he admitted it was nice having a little shadow helper following him around.
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vavuska · 4 years
Who changed Lola Bunny?
Malcolm D. Lee explained, “This is 2021. It’s important to reflect the authenticity of strong, capable female characters. … So we reworked a lot of things, not only her look, like making sure she had an appropriate length on her shorts and was feminine without being objectified, but gave her a real voice. For us, it was, ‘Let’s ground her athletic prowess, her leadership skills, and make her as full a character as the others.'”
(See the complete interview here: X)
So, gone are her curves, thigh-high drawstring shorts and midriff-baring crop top. Instead, Lola Bunny now takes on a sportier look wearing a more standard basketball vest and leggings under her track shorts.
But, let's see more deeply what determinated this choice:
1. Being mad at a fan art is sad, people.
Before, a sad 50 yo guy starts complaing about how "cancel culture" or "politically correct" ruined his life - Really? Changing a cartoon bunny from a movie you didn't see for a decade ruined your life? Wow. Someone should really review the list of their priorities -, let's see how really Lola looked in the 1996 original Space Jam.
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Here we have original Lola Bunny:
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(Here you can see all Lola's scenes in Space Jam: X)
Yes, Lola walked in a sexy way that show off her curves, or at least she seemed to have curves (a little breast, tight waist, long legs, bootie), but those are not big as in the fan art you are seeing around, and Lola's curves are not evidenced during the match or when she played. Is more her attitude and posture that made her look sexy. However, althought her curves clearly changes every time she is doing something different, from action to action, there are some scenes in which she is purposely made sexy, with saxophone music as soundtrack and male-gaze sections that ends in the same way, Lola surrounded by a bunch of horny and howling cartoon guys.
That's appropriate with Jessica Rabbit: she is purposely made and designed as a parody of the femme fatale from old hard boiler movies, in which attractive, mysterious women were portrayed as evil and manipulative gals who hide criminal intentions. Jessica, with her intentionally exaggerated body, subverted the misogyny of 40s and 30s detective movies: she is kind-hearted, truly loves her naive and goofy husband Roger and uses her powers (beauty and cunning) to protect him. Her body too is used for comic sketches, while this not happens for Lola, that's just a serious and indipendent basketball player. So, the male obsession for her body is out of place, expecially because she reacted with anger at being misconsidered only for being an attractive female bunny. “Don't call me doll” is her catch phrase. So, it seems strange she didn't react at all at the very sexualized presentation at the final basketball match: Lola simply shows her basketball skills, ignoring or accepting passively the reaction of the honey crowd of wolves around her. (Please, notice the association: Lola “admirers” are wolves, predators, while Lola, their object of desire, is a rabbit, a prey)
This is the cartoon version of cat calling: they are like a group of men who sit on their porches and whistle at girls everyday when they walk in from of them. A normal girl or woman would pass over this thing, even if they are bothered, unconfortable or embarassed, because they are more scared by a possible violent reaction of this whistling horny guys at their legitimate anger objections. But here, we are talking of Lola, a strong Looney Tunes bunny, and she could smash that damn basket ball on wolves' face, breaking all their teeth. That would be very a Looney reaction. But Lola doesn't react at all at this situation. Here, on my opinion, screenplayers missed an opportunity, but probably they thought to have already did too much with Lola's personality and “girl power”.
Remember also that Lola is the only young cartoon female character we see in the whole movie. So we can't do a proper comparison with other female relevant characters' rapresentation. (See here for a deeper analysis of Lola's origin and development: X)
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However, compared with Bugs, Lola looks more fit, more humanized than Bugs. Lola has clearly a definited breast and booty, but it looks like is more her posture that makes them relevant. Lola has clearly shoulders back to show the rack. Bugs is anthropomorphic but remains an animal, has no shoulders or pectorals more like a human and looks a bit over-weight (fat belly). And his posture don't keep that stomach in, chin up, and march forward.
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Lola, on the other hand, has a more human structure. That's why I say she has curves. An example are Mickey and Minnie who are two beans in the same way it is not that Mickey is a bean and Minnie has small tits, they are structurally alike.
Lola's body remembers highly No-Ribs-Jasmine from Aladdin (see the gif for reference). That unrealistic Barbie-like waist that was so popular in the 90s and 80s. (See here for references: X and X)
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Now, we are changed a lot from the past 24 years. Barbies didn't have that impossible, unrealistic waist-line anymore, Disney princess concept has changed (see Merida and Moana).
Lola concept is changed in 2012: her design for the new cartoons is totally different and her personality too. She wear a blue or violet dress, almost flat-chested and she was made annoying and silly, just to make a contrast with Bugs smarter. Just like Daffy Duck is dumb as hell and his new girlfriend, Tina Russo (no more dear old Melissa Duck), is way smarter than him. Tina is tough, street-smart, rebellious and feisty. But we will see this thing in the next point.
2. People on the upper floors hated Lola personality.
Lola Bunny had only few lines in Space Jam, but she definitely passed the first impression that she was draw only for make male characters fall in love. Lola was a good basketball player and show it off, in front of a skeptical and then astonish bunch of cartoon guys and also Michael Jordan. She also had a strong personality and said it clear to Bugs she didn't like being called "doll". Lola was beauty and curvy, but not a cheerleader. Lola was a basketball player. Remember this part, because we will talk about basketball in the next point.
If at the box office Space Jam was a success, at Warner Bros there were those who turn up their noses, and they are important people, from the upper floors, who accused the film with Michael Jordan of having completely distorted the philosophy of the Looney Tunes. They blamed Lola Bunny more than everything else. Producers of Warner Bros said she was too perfect for the moody group of Warner cartoons: she was too sensual, provocative and independent, totally alien to that core of crazy characters that act as an exaggeration of the vices of 'man.
And fans hated her too. Chuck Jones, creator of the Merrie Melodies said: "Lola Bunny is a character with no future, she’s a totally worthless character with no personality."
So, Lola Bunny was deleted. Lola would make only some brief apparitions in some comics edited by DC Comics, in Baby Looney Tunes, in which she was a toddler with a very similar personality and resemblance to Space Jam adult version, and also as playable character in some unsuccessful videogames.
Years passed and projects for a sequel of Space Jam never become reality, so in 2003 Warner Bros relased Looney Tunes Back in Action. But Lola wasn't here, because the movie purposely want to make a deep cut with what we saw in Space Jam, according to what said it's director Joe Dante. This movie was a totally failure, but it gave back to Looney Tunes their craziness.
Years passed again, but this time is 2011, 10th of May on Cartoon Network was relased the second episode of The Looney Tunes Show. The series aimed to strongly relaunch the Looney Tunes, long gone from the glories of the past, updating the stories of Bugs Bunny and associates in a sitcom key, with the rabbit sharing a house with Daffy Duck in a suburb of Los Angeles. All interspersed with sketches by Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner done in CGI and the updated return of the Merrie Melodies. But the big news of the second episode is that LOLA BUNNY RETURNED.
And Lola was a character with some relevance within the series, even if something didn't seem right with her. Lola looked different, she was no longer the rabbit version of the femme fatale seen in Space Jam: she was naive, talkative, with her head in the clouds, crazy to the point of becoming Bugs Bunny's stalker. Bugs after having fallen in love with her at first glance understands on the first date that he absolutely can't stand Lola. She is no longer the Lola we used to know, even if the appearance is similar and the name is the same. Lola is effectively a Looney Tunes now. And the fans like her, the public like her, Warner Bros like her.
(See Lola in The Looney Tunes Show here: X)
But this is a big walk in behind from the indipent character we used to know in Space Jam. Lola was turned into the stereotype of the crazy girlfriend for a while. And this is not a surprise, if we remember that in 2012 were popular the "overly attached girlfriend" meme template. (See here for references: X)
However, in The Looney Toons Show Lola has some very funny moments, while in Space Jam she was more serious and a little out of space among the other characters. (See here for references: X)
3. What women wear when they play basketball?
Women's National Basketball Association was only created in 1996. So, women's basketball were not considered - and still is not considered - as important as men's basketball at the time Space Jam was filmed.
In Space Jam 2 there will be WNBA players with a significant role, for example Diana Taurasi and Nneka Ogwumike.
Professional female athletes aren't that curvy because curves are determined by body fat and they have a little.
As a busty volleyball player, I can say, dear people, breats could be very annoying during sport activities: it could be a pain, when you run or jump. That's because a lot of women wear sport bra to compress and support their breast. Sports bra may also include layered cups or a high neck to keep everything in place and protect from painful hits, so women can be safe and comfortable during workouts.
Female basketball players didn't wear crop-tops and tight shorts to play. They wear exactly what Lola wears in the picture above: long sleeveless tees, large shorts and maybe protective gears such as knee pads, sleeves or braces to reduce chronic pain caused by the immense burden put on the knees in basketball, to prevent bruises caused by collisions and hard fall and to provide support after a significant knee injury like an ACL tear. They could wear also compressive arms sleeves to help muscles that are sore or overworked to recover faster. The sleeve enables your blood flow to circulate quicker to the heart, which helps you heal and recover quicker.
Wow. WNBA wears Exactly what wear NBA players. So surprising.
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4. This is only a promotional character sketch, not what Lola would look in the movie.
Space Jam 2 would be developed in CGI and there are a little preview frames going around, included one showing Lola jumping and you can see her breast shape. But she totally looks like a comic cartoon character. It's not humanized. It's not designed to be the sexy love interest. She doesn't look out of space among the others anymore, expecially because seems that there would be also Tweety's Granny and Melissa Duck or Tina Russo as players too.
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5. Reality.
Really? You want a human anthropomorphic rabbit? Well, Lola as a rabbit would have something like six nipples, but no human-like breast. And, also, real life girls have ribs. No one in real life is that thin. Oh, well, if you don't considered Pixee Fox, a model who had surgically removed six ribs and wears daily a compressive bust corset (yes, like the one that made Elizabeth Swan faint in the first movie of Pirate of the Caribbean) to look like a cartoon fairy (Tinkerbell, you are the one to blame for this).
(See here for references: X)
In conclusion, we can say that all this controversy is based only on a porny fan art and that Lola “new” graphic isn't change too much from the original Space Jam movie. It's just a little more cartoonish.
We can also firmly remeber that Space Jam 2 is going to be developed for children, to relunch Looney Tunes among new generations of children, who are the largest buyers of merchandising (including Happy Meals surprises) and consumers of new cartoons that surely would be developed, if Space Jam 2 would be a success.
However, we should admit that those kids probably know better the 2011 version of Lola than her original version and that 2011 version was more appreciated by fans and producers. Lola's voice actress, Kristen Wiin won BTVA People's Choice Voice Acting Award in 2012 and was nominated for that prize also about three times in the following years. Also Rachel Ramras, Lola's voice actor was nominated for BTVA People's Choice Voice Acting Award in 2016 for her role in Looney Tunes: Rabbit Run.
We don't know anything about Lola's personality in Space Jam 2, so we can't do a proper comparison or a prevision, but, according to what Malcolm D. Lee said, we can assume that original personality of Lola would be preserved.
The controversy is relevant only for Lola's body and not for her personality, and that's is highly rappresentative of what impressed more this bunch of grow-up kids. They grow up to be like the horny wolves and they are howling because their prey is not available anymore.
And, to be honest, being so obsessed with the breast and the body of a cartoon character (that is clearly made up for kids) it's not sane at all. Sorry to say that, but sometimes people need to drink from a bottle of truth.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Why I (Want to) Love Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Salutations random people on the internet who most likely won’t read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
When I heard Disney was making an animated series based on Tangled, acting as a continuation from the original movie, my initial thought was, "Why?"
Sure, Disney is infamous for its unnecessary sequels of the story after happily ever after, with the many, many, many failures that follow suit. Even then, though, most of these continuations were movies that kind of have the potential to tell more of a story. But what more could be said about Tangled? Sorry to spoil a movie that's over ten years old at this point, but by the end of it: Rapunzel lost her golden hair, was reunited with her parents, fell in love, and lived happily ever after. Her losing the golden hair is the most essential part of that list because how can you do a series based on a Disney princess when her most iconic feature is gone? Then I found out that the series forced a way for her hair to come back, and my new initial thought became, "Oh man. This is gonna suck, isn't it?"
Despite the hesitation, I decided to give it a chance anyway. After all, I've been pleasantly surprised before. Things like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Mitchells vs. the Machines, and even The Owl House (yes, really), were shows (and a movie) that I didn't think would be that special. Only to find myself enjoying nearly every minute. So after watching Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, I can certainly say I was surprised...but it was entirely for the wrong reasons.
And to explain how requires spoilers. So if you haven't checked the series out yet, I highly suggest you do it to form your own opinion. Just keep in mind that it's a bit of a mess, but it can be an enjoyable mess...sometimes...let me explain.
The Animation/Art Style: The series swapping from 3D to 2D might have been the most brilliant decision anyone could have ever made with this series. Usually, when an animated movie gets turned into a show, the most noticeable downgrade is always the animation. Whether it’s not as detailed or not as fluid, it's always subjective that the movie is better animated than the series. But by switching up the styles, the contrast becomes objective instead. 2D and 3D animation each have their pros and cons, so deciding which one is better is nothing more than a matter of opinion. So by changing the style, Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure avoids getting complaints of being a downgrade from the original movie. It also helps that the art style of the series is really unique.
The best way to describe how the show looks is that it's like a coloring book brought to life. At times, everything looks like it was drawn and colored in with crayons, which sounds like an insult, but in actuality, it's one of the best features of the series. As much as I love most animated shows nowadays, I will admit, they all look a little too similar at times. Then here comes Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, which tries to incorporate a whole new style that successfully sets it apart from most shows.
As for the animation itself, it's really well-made! It's remarkably expressive when required, while the movements are really fluid during the correct scenes. Sure the fighting can be a little floaty during some action set pieces (yes, those exist here), but the dialogue and comedic moments are really where the series shines with its animation. I may have problems with the series as a whole, but I give credit where credit is due for the perfectly executed effort that I see in every episode in terms of animation.
Rapunzel and Eugene’s relationship: This was not something I was expecting to enjoy from the series. In the movie, Rapunzel and Eugene were fine. They were the typical Disney couple that worked off of each other enough that it was always entertaining, even if it was unbelievable that they fell deeply in love with each other after, like, two days. They weren't bad, but they weren't anything to go crazy over.
But the writers for the series said, "You know what, let's make these two adorable in nearly every scene they're in." And they are!
Even though I don't believe in their relationship in the movie, I fully believe it here. Both characters have a large amount of faith in one another on top of having endless love for their partner. Like how Eugene knew Rapunzel would be fine when taking out an airship or how Rapunzel couldn't bring herself to say a bad thing about Eugene when making Cassandra a sparring dummy of him. It's legitimately pleasant to watch, to the point where I put Rapunzel and Eugene in my top ten list of favorite fictional couples. They're that good to me, and it's one of the reasons why I don't jump on the bandwagon of shipping the two main female characters together. I'm all for LGBTQA+ representation, but give Cassandra her own girlfriend. Rapunzel's taken, and most of my enjoyment of this show comes from her and her man. So, you know, keep things as they are.
Cassandra (Seasons One and Two): Seeing how I've already mentioned her, let's talk about Cassandra, shall we? Because when making a series based on a movie that had only four prominent characters, with two of them being comedic animal sidekicks, you're going to need to introduce more members to the main cast to write more potential stories. And Cassandra, in Seasons One and Two (I'll get to Season Three), is a worthy addition. She acts as a strict straight man (I know the irony) who interacts well with Rapunzel and clashes perfectly with Eugene on occasion. She was passably entertaining in Season One and developed amazingly in Season Two. Her growing frustrations with Rapunzel's actions lead to a slow build-up that made her betrayal heartbreaking but somewhat understandable. And as for the results in that betrayal...yeah, I'll get into that later. For now, I'll just say that Cassandra was a pleasant addition to the main cast, especially when she was a part of the main trio, and she's yet another good surprise that the writers supplied for the series.
The Songs: The songs are...not going to be for everyone. Most of them are passable yet kind of generic, while others sound like they belong on Disney Junior (Looking at you, "Bigger Than That"). But when Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure makes a hit, MAN, it is a home run. Numbers like "Ready As I'll Ever Be" and "Nothing Left to Lose" are sung phenomenally, orchestrated well, and are songs I can listen to on repeat multiple times. And "Waiting in the Wings" is not only something I consider to be the best song in the series, but it's also something I'd place as high up on Disney's best due to how f**king incredible it is. "Waiting in the Wings" is a powerful ballad that manages to be both tragic yet inspiring on top of how well it sums up Cassandra as a character. The writers may not always be on top of their game when it comes to music, but songs like these prove that they know how to earn that Disney name.
And that’s all I have for the likes...Oh boy. That’s not a good thing is it?
It Peaked at Season One: It did. It really did.
Season One felt like the writers had a grip on what type of show they wanted: A slice-of-life series with Rapunzel dealing with the issues of her kingdom with a meager threat of these black rocks growing in the background. It was all cute and well-balanced for the most part, but that all disappears in Season Two. Because now it's sort of about this adventure, but because Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure set itself as a slice-of-life series, there need to be these small-scale stories that intertwine the grand narrative being told. The issue is that the story comes to a grinding halt one too many times as fans are forced to sit through these filler episodes that, while not all of them are bad, still feel like a distraction. And by Season Three, the series does feel more focused while having some slice-of-life episodes added to the ongoing story instead of distracting us from it. But the writing isn't as strong, there are several plot holes in the narrative (how did Rapunzel's sunstone get into her dress?), and there is way too much time going back and forth on Cassandra's morality. They claim that she's a villain while arguing that there might still be some good in her, and they continue this train of thought for nine episodes when it really could have been settled in two. For me, it's a bad sign for a series when the first season is the best one. Because if it's all downhill from there, what's the point of even watching?
It Tries to be Epic: This might have been the worst decision the writers could have made.
Now, here's the thing: I don't mind grand epic tales of adventure and battles against demons. If anything, I'm all for them...when it's appropriate and fits with the tone of the series.
Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure suffers a similar problem Frozen II has, in which the writers felt like a big, life-threatening adventure was the perfect continuation of a meager, personal story about the relationships of characters. It isn't. If anything, it's completely missing the mark about what the original story was about. And sure, sometimes writers can succeed in telling personal stories through grand adventures. Just look at The Owl House and parts of Amphibia. But with those shows, it's established within the first few episodes that action and peril will be a series staple. With Tangled, while there was some action and peril, it's all very subdued compared to how high the stakes got raised in later episodes in the show. Especially in the series finale.
And, I mean, c'mon. You're making Rapunzel an action hero?
Judy Hopps? Yes.
Moana? Maybe.
Raya? Most definitely.
But Rapunzel? The character who’s all about optimism and seeing the best of others. That's the character you're going to morph into a hero that fights against an evil demon laid dormant for years? Did you even watch the original movie? Yeah, sorry, but I just don't buy it.
If you want to tell an epic story that gets the blood pumping for fans addicted to adventure, go for it! See where the wind takes you. But make sure to set that tone as early as possible while also making sure that it fits with the characters. If not, the end result is a series that feels like it's trying to be something it’s not.
Eugene is Kind of an Idiot at Times: It should be noted that Movie-Eugene and Series-Eugene are practically two different characters. In the film, Eugene was more or less the straight man, as he often questions the wackiness in the world around him and keeping Rapunzel grounded in reality. For the series, most of that personality got transferred to Cassandra. Thus making Eugene's new role in the series act as the egotistical imbecile. Sure, he had those moments in the film, but not as frequently, and it really pains me when the writers really lean hard into a minor aspect of his personality. Sometimes there are moments when Eugene acts like his original self. But it's all small scenes that are spread apart with entire episodes where he has half a brain cell. I'm sure some people didn't mind this change to the character, but as someone who adores the movie version of Eugene, I can't help but feel disappointed.
The Villains are the Worst: Now, I don't mean the one-off villains that show up, cause some chaos for a bit, and disappear at the end of the episode. Those are characters with fun personalities, occasionally cool designs, and do their job as villains of the week. It doesn't matter if their motivations are laughably simple, as their purpose is to be enjoyable characters above anything else. So I actually enjoy those villains...it's the ones that act as season-long antagonists that really grind my gears.
The purpose behind these types of foes is to build up how evil they are throughout the season. The issue is that the writers try to give these characters, or at least two of them, a point. To be fair, this can work. Just look at Killmonger from Black Panther and sometimes Karli Morgenthau from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. You understand and probably even sympathize with the logic and reasoning these characters have. It's just that their actions couldn't be farther from what you would do. The problem with Varian and Cassandra is that they have the motivation, but it's not written suitably for the story.
Cassandra is a whole can of worms I'll get to in a minute, but Varian is someone I can easily discuss for a brief time. Because while I can comprehend his pain for having his father frozen in yellow rock, I don't think turning evil is the best decision to go with that character. Because A. Everything is his fault. He blames Rapunzel for not helping him, but even if she didn't have a crisis to deal with, there was nothing she could have done to stop it. His frustrations are not only unjustified, but given the fact that this wouldn't have happened if he listened to his father in the first place, it feels like him becoming evil is too drastic of a turn. And B. Varian worked much better as a supporting character rather than a primary antagonist. He was just this hopeful, if not a clumsy scientist who wanted to prove himself, who causes minor catastrophes due to not thinking ahead. Turning a character like Varian into a villain is a bit of a misstep because if the guy acts hilariously incompetent as a good guy, it makes little sense to have him be intelligent and ten steps ahead of Rapunzel when being evil. If he were to become more serious and careful when helping the rest of the main cast, I'd consider that character progression done properly. But becoming a villain is just an overreaction.
However, none of that compares with my issues with the main antagonist of the series: Zhan Tiri. This goes back to my problems with the series making itself too epic. Because if Zhan Tiri existed in any other show, I probably wouldn't have any problem with her. She's built up well throughout all three seasons and is kind of threatening at times. But she doesn't belong in a series based on a movie that dealt with a small, personal issue where it wasn't even the character who killed the villain in the end. It was her love interest and animal sidekick. Even if Zhan Tiri works well as a character, the fact that it doesn't feel like she belongs in the show makes her too distracting to enjoy. And that's why these villains suck. If not poorly written, they don't belong in a series that should focus on small-scale issues. And if you can functionally write an antagonist that appears for only one episode but flounder with ones that show up in several, well, that's just embarrassing.
Cassandra (Season 3): OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH BOY, do I have some words to express with this character. Like with Movie-Eugene and Series-Eugene, Cassandra from Seasons One and Two is frustratingly different from the psychotic IDIOT from Season Three. Basically, just take the issues I have with Varian, multiply them by ten, add them with some bafflingly stupid decisions, and you still wouldn't get how much Season Three-Cassandra frustrates me!
First off, her motivation...what the f**k were the writers thinking? The big reason why Cassandra betrays Rapunzel and motivates all of her misdeeds was that Cassandra's mother was Mother Gothal...EXPLAIN THAT LOGIC TO ME?! Because Cassandra should know what type of woman Mother Gothal was. She should know what Mother Gothal did to Rapunzel in the first eighteen years of her life. So how is Cassandra being abandoned by Gothal the central motivator to cut ties with Rapunzel, who is probably an even bigger victim in this scenario!? Seriously, Rapunzel was cut off from the rest of the world and treated as an unknowing prisoner because she was beneficial to Gothal. Cassandra was adopted into a household with mutual love and got to actually live her life. In no way does it make sense for her to be angry at Rapunzel.
Nor does it make sense that the writers try to play it off as a good thing in the song "Crossing the Line!" Sure, it sounds nice, but thematically, it gives across the opposite feelings that the audience should have. Because if Cassandra cutting ties with Rapunzel is meant to be tragic and awful, why is the music suggesting it's the best possible thing that's ever happened for the character? If you like the song, fine, but even you have to admit that it's thematic nonsense.
But, sure. Cassandra's evil now, and she considers it a good thing. Whatever. I'll take it as long as it leads to good stories...but here's the thing: In the penultimate episode before the three-part series finale, Cassandra asks a question. A question I would have never expected her to ask, despite everything that has happened in the last season. A question that was so baffling, I had to legitimately pause the episode to process the fact that she asked something so stupid. Because Cassandra, the character who is intelligent and grounded in reality, asked, "Am I the bad guy?"
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I was honestly shocked to find out she was shocked! How, in the flying, everlasting, cock-a-doodle-doodling F**K does a person like her not pick up that maybe, just maybe, she isn't the hero in this story!? Call me crazy, but endangering the lives of people you once called friends and family, dressing in black, AND HAVING A GIANT EVIL-LOOKING TOWER MADE OUT OF F**KING SPIKES aren't qualities I would give to a hero!
If Cassandra was like Thanos, a character so wrapped up in his ego that he can't even notice how evil he is, I would understand. But she doesn't have an ego. Anger, yes. But for the most part, her personality is based on having logic and reasoning. So turning her into a villain and having her unaware that she's a villain is an act of lunacy that I am incapable of understanding. I don't know who's idea this was, but whoever is to blame...you've got issues.
>Sighs<...This series isn't good, is it?
I like the animation and some of the characters...but that's not enough. Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure is a mess of a show that tries to do too much for a story that should have so little. Meaning that it's a D+ for me. I want to enjoy it and give it a higher grade, especially with how much I hear people praise this series. And if you do enjoy it, all the power to you. Your opinions are valid, even if I highly disagree with them. Because for me, this is a show that I won't get myself tangled up in again in the future.
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shirokodomo · 3 years
Differences between the anime and the manga and how it affects my portrayal [Hakudoshi]
As probably everyone who has been following me for a while knows, my Hakudoshi is canon-divergent and headcanon based while cherry-picking certain stuff from the anime and manga.
But today I was going around several manga chapters where he appears to make new manga icons and I have noticed, once again, how there are a couple of things -like every other adaptation- that differ from the source material and I decided to make a post about this so that my followers know what I take from either the anime or the manga, mostly I follow the anime but let's dwell on it (might be a rather big post)
The first differences come right after his "birth", while it doesn't directly affect Hakudoshi's character it does change the way he and Entei met.
In the anime Sunrise introduced a second demon, Rengokuki, that along with Entei had been sealed by the priest the Infant and Kagura killed, his death leads to the seal on both demons break and Rengokuki is the one who possesses the naginata that later becomes Hakudoshi's signature weapon:
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In the manga, Rengokuki doesn't exist and Entei is immediately drawn to Hakudoshi choosing him as its new master/rider due to him having broken the seal. Thus their bond is not about Entei having seen Hakudoshi as a strong demon, worth ride on his back, but more as a returning favor, Hakudoshi even says so:
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This makes Entei's and Hakudoshi's "bond" even more unreal, colder than in the anime, although in the anime Hakudoshi could care less about Entei when it died (much like in the manga), the anime added Entei backing up Hakudoshi's escape. While I like the way both anime and manga portrayed their bond and I understand that Hakudoshi is a character not meant to form any sort of bond, I tend to prefer the anime's version because I like the idea of Naraku's incarnations forming at least one bond with someone. I even have made headcanons about Hakudoshi's and Entei's bond and stuff they did together when literally no one was looking, not even Kagura. Thus this is my first canon divergent piece in my portrayal albeit not used in his main verse but rather in the other ones: Hakudoshi can and will form bonds with someone if he spends enough time around them, he will be cold, distant, rude, and very unfriendly at the beginning but eventually comes to see them in another light.
Another difference I noted between the manga and the anime was Hakudoshi's introduction, I am not sure how much that changes things, probably nothing at all and it's even more probable that it's just a case of different translations for the same topic. In the manga, Hakudoshi introduces himself as "the discarded white child of Naraku" whereas in the anime he introduces himself merely as a "Naraku incarnation". Doesn't affect my portrayal but I thought it would be interesting to note.
In the manga, also regarding his weapon, Hakudoshi obtains his naginata by having Entei kill a boar demon that had that weapon. He took it from Rengokuki after he killed him with the naginata in the anime. Fun fact, in the anime a boar demon named Chokyukai had exactly the same design as the boar demon Entei killed in the manga, he even appears in the episode following Hakudoshi's introduction with a naginata exactly like Hakudoshi's with the exception that it has a sapphire in it instead of a ruby. Again, doesn't affect my portrayal but I thought it would be interesting to mention.
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The following change is related to Hakudoshi's abilities, most of his abilities are kept on par between the manga and the anime (barrier creator, miasma production, regeneration, and teleportation), however, episode 144 gave two more abilities on the very same scene above: telepathy, he already somewhat possessed this ability in the manga as well as he is able to read other's minds by touching them much like his counterpart (I feel like the minimal difference between Hakudoshi and the Infant is that Hakudoshi reads minds while the Infant reads the hearts), however, the anime adds more to it and he is capable of reading other's minds without touching them. Regarding this ability, I have decided to keep it in both ways though he will not be using the non-touching mind reading one unless it's necessary or if he feels like it. This means that it works essentially like a switch button that he can control at will and helps me explain why he didn't hear or even comment further on Kagura's thoughts about killing him/betraying Naraku or even when Kohaku was right next to him thinking about Sango as his sister and about his plan to get closer to the Infant after the Zushi Nezumi incident.
The second ability introduced is 100% anime-only and it's telekinesis which means he can move objects using his mind. I am also keeping this ability of his, however, with some restrictions. In the scene above we see Hakudoshi throwing several small rocks at Kagura, more with the intention of annoying and giving her a warning. Now, those small rocks don't have big weight and thus are easy to manipulate and control. This is where my headcanon and second canon divergent happens in my portrayal: Hakudoshi is not able to use telekinesis on objects that weigh more than him, in my post-canon verse this changes as he trains harder to be able to lift heavier weights but in his main verse he cannot do it. He would not be able to, for example, levitate Tessaiga in its transformed form considering it's much heavier than himself but he would be able to use the telekinesis to move his own weapon in case, for some reason, it was driven away from him.
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The third difference between the anime and the manga is, for me, one of the most important scenes considering that it shows more of Hakudoshi's methodical and strategical side. Once more this scene is anime-only, possibly more to fill in the content of the episode than anything else but I still find it interesting.
This scene makes it Hakudoshi's second direct interaction with Inuyasha (and his group, although in this specific scene it's only Inuyasha) set in between Inuyasha visiting Totosai and learning about Hosenki and Inuyasha actually finding Hosenki. In the manga such scene never happened, it was immediately shown Inuyasha finding Hosenki's lake. In the anime, they added that Hakudoshi was spying on the group through Samiyosho thus leading to the scenario above where Hakudoshi shows that he is always a step ahead. Not only that but he reveals that he knows about Hosenki's existence and even that Hosenki I is already dead (it's even implied at first that he had something to do with it only to be debunked by Hosenki's son).
Of course with the manga not having this scene they couldn't really change the plot behind it, however, I still find this scene interesting because not only shows Hakudoshi's childish behavior where he sees all this as a game (like a chess game) and Inuyasha's group are mere pawns in it but also that he could have easily killed Hosenki II, leaving Inuyasha's group without that resource and also, at the very least, injure Inuyasha seeing that he caught him by surprise but simply choose not to. He chooses not to kill his number one enemy with the mere exchange to see how Inuyasha would work around the problem, I think this is where it shows the differences between Naraku and Hakudoshi, while they are extremely similar in many ways and Naraku himself has been shown to be able to manipulate the odds in his favor, I feel like Naraku wouldn't have missed the chance to try and kill Inuyasha had he been this close to him like Hakudoshi was. This is yet another change the anime made that I keep within my portrayal of Hakudoshi, not only it gave more interactions between Inuyasha and Hakudoshi but also showed more to Hakudoshi's strategic side.
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The following scene is not different in either the manga or the anime however it's something I would still like to point out as it's one of my headcanons regarding Hakudoshi's betrayal plot towards Naraku.
While I believe that Hakudoshi and the Infant had already been plotting for a while (if not from the beginning) their plan to eventually overthrow Naraku I mostly think that this scene above might have triggered it to start working, this and also once Naraku gave the Infant the Fuyoheki which kept hidden the Infant's demonic aura. Back to this specific scene, however, until then Hakudoshi had always been relying on the fact his heart (and Naraku's) was somewhere else as his "lucky charm", he could not be killed and could be doing whatever he wanted. He even hid behind Naraku's "protection" when it came to Kagura as he would punish her. This also made Hakudoshi extremely cocky regarding his status as a superior incarnation of Naraku, made him believe he was not a tool like Kagura was.
This specific moment, however, I headcanon it finally clicked in Hakudoshi's mind that he was not that different from the other incarnations, at least not to Naraku (in his mind he still was it) as he would use him as a shield just like he did with the other incarnations without hesitation, this made him realize that he is a tool just like Kagura and he absolutely refused to be it.
This would also lead to his state of rage, craziness, and denial we see in the moments before he dies.
The major change comes next, this time it was cut from the anime and I actually would have liked to have seen this animated. Unlike in episode 165 where Hakudoshi tested the newly created Moryomaru on Inuyasha, he actually tests it on both Inuyasha and Koga. This was the first and only direct interaction that Hakudoshi has with another enemy of his (and Naraku's) aside from those in Inuyasha's group.
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Therefor while until now I've mostly maintained what the anime added to Hakudoshi's role, this time it's the other way around and I will be keeping this manga scene in my portrayal. It helps me give a better sight in how Hakudoshi would act around other enemies of his that are not Inuyasha and his group or around Naraku and Kagura. The anime pretty much reduced Hakudoshi's interactions to these three and I don't like it, just like I didn't like that pretty much all of Hakudoshi's personality traits in the entire series (both manga and anime) were being evil and a brat.
From here on until the parts that were animated in the original anime are pretty much all on par with the manga. Which brings the next big change to the first episode of the Final Act (and Hakudoshi's only appearance in the 2010 anime since he dies right in the first one).
His first appearance in the new anime remains the same as in the manga, meaning he goes to the dungeons to speak to Kagura who is in charge of watching the revived Goryomaru, however the major change is in his speech towards Kagura:
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" Yes, freedom. If you truly desire liberation from Naraku you have no choice but to kill him." followed by " How about it Kagura? When the time comes I can retrieve your heart before I obliterate Naraku. "
In the anime, Hakudoshi attempts to make a deal with Kagura, tries to make her join forces with him, Goryomaru/Moryomaru and the Infant even tempts her with her so desired freedom and with the chance of retrieving Naraku. I confess when I first saw this I was confused, even when I hadn't read the manga yet, because until this point Hakudoshi has not once shown to care about Kagura's desire for freedom (something that to an extent he also desires but with another kind of end) nor had he ever tried to make a deal with her since he had always looked down on her. Granted this could very well just be a manipulation, most likely was, but still didn't explain his sudden need for her help when he never minded getting his hands dirty.
However, in the manga the speech goes extremely different, there is no temptation, there is no attempt to make a deal, he just plants a seed of doubt in Kagura:
" You want to know...just who Goryomaru is, don't you Kagura...? I'll tell you one thing. Even if you follow Naraku's orders...and protect Goryomarum, it won't benefit you. "
Still a manipulation however far different from that of the anime, he literally plants a seed of doubt in her, doesn't tempt her with a pact, he lets her make the decision on whether she should betray Naraku or not. And above all doesn't make such a promise to retrieve her heart.
In all honesty, I love both versions a lot, the anime's version fits a little better with my first point of canon divergent in which I wrote Hakudoshi is capable of creating a bond even if it takes a lot of time (and again not in his main verse, I refer this part to the post-canon verse and AU verses). It also gives me food for thought for an eventual AU where he actually succeeded in overthrowing Naraku (granted I never truly understood how he and the Infant intended to do so aside from absorbing Naraku into Moryomaru's body).
The manga's version is far more consistent with his relationship until now with Kagura: indifference, mutual despise, etc. But again, I did mention I didn't like how being evil and a brat was basically Hakudoshi's canon personality traits, I prefer to build my Muse with several character layers.
With this said, I made the decision to keep both versions in my portrayal and it will vary according to the kind of thread I am making.
A lot more was changed with the content of the following manga chapters when they were turned into anime but I won't dwell on it since they don't affect my portrayal of Hakudoshi. Until his death though, all the rest is much the same and in his main verse, it remains so.
But this brings me to my Post-Canon Verses which serve for interactions post-Kagome's return to the Feudal Era in which Hakudoshi is brought back to life in a similar way to Kikyo except that instead of a body made of clay, it's a body made of yokai flesh (fox yokai) with a human heart thus making Hakudoshi a half-demon.
Upon being brought back to life, however, Hakudoshi has no memory of who he used to be. Forcing him to start over in an attempt to both move forward with his (new) life and at the same time try to discover who he used to be (when it happens though, it will cause heavy conflict in his now human heart). He will also deal with human night every 9th day of the month.
I made these post canon verses with the idea of creating new interactions with other Inuyasha characters outside the whole "evil incarnation kid" (it gets repetitive and tiring to me to only use his main verse in every thread, I guess) and it also helps me build a more solid personality for Hakudoshi like other characters have.
The post became much bigger than I thought but I think I pretty much wrote down everything I wanted to write about the differences between the anime and the manga regarding Hakudoshi and how I use these interpretations in my threads.
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kdramaanalyst · 4 years
Spoilers ahead!!! Read at your own risk. Once again, I am not an expert and these are my personal opinions. If you have disagreements, let's talk it over. Don't judge me, let's judge the show together instead and have an understanding.
For the first drama that I am going to review, I chose The King: Eternal Monarch. A lot of viewers who supported the show with all of their hearts could still not get over its ending. Others who like to binge-watch are relieved because they can finally watch the entire series without waiting for a new episode to air. While some are still mulling over about watching it. Well, I hope I could help you with this review.
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• Introduction to the Drama
Short gist:
The story revolves around Lee Gon, present King of Kingdom of Corea. He witnessed his father’s death when he was young, an incident that haunted him until he grew older. Due to unfortunate circumstances, a legendary flute with powers called Manpasikjeok that can open different worlds was cut in half. He was able to get hold half of the flute, while the other half was obtained by Lee Lim, his uncle who killed his father. Lee Lim had been going back and forth two different worlds, plotting foul pursuits to fulfill his evil desires, and disrupting the peace between the two worlds. In order to restore balance and order, Lee Gon also traveled between worlds, meeting Jeong Tae Eul who soon became a significant person in his life.
If you've been watching Korean Dramas for quite a while now, you must be familiar with some of the characters of The King: Eternal Monarch, especially the lead.
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If you call yourself a k-drama fan and you don't know who Lee Minho is, give yourself a slap (just kidding, please don't take that seriously). Lee Minho has a good reputation because of his experience, acting skills and obviously, his gorgeous face. He has an impressive list of successful dramas and movies! Most of us probably knew him through his breakthrough role in Boys Over Flowers.
Meanwhile, Kim Go Eun, despite being fairly new to small screen (she first started appearing in movies), is also highly distinguished by a lot of k-drama fans. In all three dramas she starred in, including The King, she always got the lead role. His leading men are no joke either. And because of Kim Go Eun, many of us still wants to be the goblin's bride.
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Among the cast also includes the familiar faces of Woo Do Hwan, Kim Kyung Nam, Jung Eun Chae, and Lee Jung Jin.
Anyway, I'll try to share every thought I have from the first time I watched it until it ended. I will also try not to give so much spoilers because the drama just ended. I will talk first about my experience watching it and then I will list at the very bottom some of the issues I have and that list contains major spoilers so watch out for that. As you notice, I always warn you with spoilers using red font color.
• The Experience
When I watched the first teaser of the drama, I got intrigued and a little confused. What worlds are they talking about? Do they have super powers? Is this a historical drama? Questions were instantly formed in my head.
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It also reminded me of the drama Queen In Hyun's Man because of a similar scene where the leading man is riding his horse in the middle of the city and finding his woman. But that's just it, the two dramas are completely different. I just mentioned it because others may have felt the same way.
I don't usually watch dramas while it's still fresh. I wait for about two to three weeks before the schedule of the ending so I can binge watch without waiting so much. When I watched The King, there were already 12 episodes available on Netflix. Usually, I would finish 12 episodes in 1-3 days, and if the drama is really good and it's MY STYLE (i said that in an obviously fake Korean accent), I could watch it for an entire day.
However, I finished those 12 episodes in 2 weeks...
Why??? Why did it take me that long???
I wouldn't say I was bored, it's just that during the first few episodes, nothing caught my interest yet. I wasn't convinced that it was a good drama. There was nothing special and I didn't know what to look forward to that's why I couldn't watch it continuously. I got lazy. The pace was slow and the story build up was a little stagnant. It was too slow that I even started watching a long length saeguk just so I can watch something else.
I could have skipped some parts and dropped it but I continued watching and gave it a chance. Though it was a good thing that I didn't stop because as I watched more episodes, the story actually became more exciting. Finally, I saw some progress. I started to get invested in the drama after the eighth episode. That's when the story felt more alive. Finally, there were revelations, more conflicts arose, more emotions were shown, and the story got deeper. I began to appreciate the drama. However, I still don't like the fact that it took me 8 episodes before I started to like it.
• Points that I Liked About the Drama
1. The plot seemed like it's going to be too science fiction-y but it's just the right amount. I was worried that it might be too much for me to handle but it was just okay (i am a potato who dislikes thinking so much, but that depends on my mood lololol). I liked how there's a mix of history in the drama, as well as of politics but it still feels modern. There is a balance.
2. The distinction between the Kingdom of Corea and Republic of Korea is impressive. It's obvious that they put a lot of effort in building their vision of KOC to life.
3. Many people were saying that it's hella confusing and so much was going on. I don't think so. They actually made it easy for viewers to understand about parallel worlds. You don't have to study science facts just to get this drama's concept. I think the slow pace did its job well in this part.
4. The story is unpredictable. You never know what's going to happen next, that's the strength of The King's concept. Because of the two different worlds and the crazy number of characters, there could be a lot of possibilities and backstories.
5. The action scenes are commmendable. I liked the action scenes, the one during the last episode is probably my favorite.
• Points that I Didn't Like About the Drama
1. The slow pace. I don't think I still need to explain more but it totally ruined my whole experience of watching the drama.
2. Many characters didn't leave much impact. Their acting was great, however, I don't see a lot of personalities that standout. The most remarkable ones for me are the characters played by Woo Do Hwan. The other characters, especially the lead, the prime minister and the traitor were okay, too. The others were just bland and years from now, I probably won't remember most of them.
• The Ending (spoiler alert!)
The ending was good. It didn't feel rushed and everyone had a separate ending of their own. I just wished there was more Nari and Eunsup / Yeong and Seung A moment in the end, the conclusion was fine though. I don't like that Prime Minister Koo ended up in jail but Luna became a cop...
I just have one issue regarding the ending that they decided on. In the end they didn't show if Tae Eul became a queen. Well, it would be weird if she became one considering there is Luna in KOC. They can't be together in ROK, too because Gon's counterpart was able to live. So... what? They just kept traveling whenever they have time? Because if that's the case, doesn't that mean they will hide their relationship forever??? I liked that they ended up together but I wish they also kept this in mind. Because it kinda makes me sad. Lol.
• Final Thoughts
Overall, it was alright. It was over-hyped by netizens due to the amazing casting and promotions, but it's not bad at all.
Would I watch it again? No.
Would I recommend it? Yes. Give it a try! I honestly thought I wouldn't like it but I still did, even if it took me 8 episodes, I wouldn't say it wasn't worth it. If you enjoy fantasy dramas with complicated twists and conflicts, this drama is for you. Just have patience and prepare yourself mentally when you've reached the middle. This drama is gloomy and a little heavy, too. It was serious and has a very few humorous scenes.
I am giving The King: Eternal Monarch a 7/10. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
• The King: Eternal Monarch OST Top 5
There are 13 songs in total and everything is so good! I wish I got to hear more of the songs in the drama, some were just played briefly. I swear every song makes me feel things. Choosing just 5 songs is really hard. If you don't watch dramas but love music, give these a listen!!!
My Day Is Full Of You by Zico, Wendy
Orbit by Hwasa
I Fall In Love by Ha Sungwoon
I Just Want To Stay With You by Zion.T
Please Don't Cry by Davichi
Now I'll move on to some of my "issues". This section isn't really what you think. The word "issues" is just intriguing ㅋㅋㅋ but this is just a compilation of my opinions, observations, feelings and other stuff no one might care about in the series. If you have answers for my questions or if you can explain it for me, please enlighten me. Major spoiler ahead!!!
• Issues
1. During the time when Lee Gon was time traveling and finally got back to Repuplic of Korea, it probably took him a lot of time, right? He even took his time to take care of Tae Eul in the hospital. I wish they also showed what was happening in Kingdom of Corea during that time because he's a king and his absence might have caused a ruckus in his kingdom. I can even picture the palace lady Noh getting really worried as Lee Gon travels. The moment he came back, they only gave him updates as if everything was okay.
But since they didn't show it, I guess it is safe to assume that nothing much happened in his kingdom back then. 🤷‍♀️
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2. When Gon and Tae Eul met again in Gwanghwamun, why did Tae Eul hug him? In my understanding, at that period of time, Tae Eul only met him twice—once when she was 5 and once when she was 27. So why did she hug him suddenly as if she knows he's going to be a significant person in her life? Their dialogue when they met again when she was 27 wasn't even enough for her to act that way.
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3. I hope they also gave Nari more lines and importance. Maybe it's just me, but at first, I thought she and her KOC counterpart would have more significant roles. When I think of it, even without her, the story could still go on. Though this is just a minor issue. ✌
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4. Prime Minister Koo. She was a villain, but I didn't really hate her until the last 4-5 episodes (can't recall the exact episode, sorry), though I wouldn't say I hated her so much. I actually liked her at first! She's ambitious, fierce, independent and intelligent. She just got blinded by greed.
My issue here is, am I really supposed to feel like that? In my opinion, her character has the potential to become more heinous and despiteful. I was wondering why they didn't turn her into someone like that? She was just greedy, bitchy, a little sly and annoying.
5. Lee Gon's and Tae Eul's love for each other was a little shallow. Sure, the man who saved Lee Gon when he was a child, had Tae Eul's ID. But how sure was Lee Gon that the woman who owns the I.D. is not a villain? The woman in the ID could lead him to the man who saved him, yes, but it still bugs me how easily they fell in love especially on Lee Gon's part. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I am sorry. 😅
In spite of that, I still liked their love progression. I didn't ship them that hard but their chemistry wasn't cringey and forced.
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6. The scene where Lee Gon gave Tae Eul flowers and then left, was a little confusing. It didn't break my heart, too. I just felt a little sad while watching that scene because Kim Go Eun's acting was good.
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7. Who the f is thay yoyo boy??? My guts tell me he's a part of the flute or something because he knows a lot. But I wish it was explained more. It looked weird how he just suddenly appears sometimes and suddenly talks some sense. He remains a mystery.
8. Why the f is Jeong Tae Eul a flat earther??? Well, at least she had a character development in the end. It just annoyed me lmao
9. I don't get why people keep comparing The King: Eternal Monarch to Goblin. Why??? They don't even have the same plot or concept.
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10. Court lady Noh was from Republic of Korea... What? Was that necessary?
Don't mind me. Don't mind me. Don't mind me.
Anyway I hate how tumblr wasn't able to save my draft when I was writing additional content. I lost half of it and it makes me furious!!! I had to redo the draft but I can no longer remember some of the things I wrote. I am sad because I lost something that can't be brought back again. This experience earned me a lesson.
That's it for my first review. What are your thoughts? I am a horrible reviewer, I know, but I will do better in the future. Thank you for reading!!!
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
[1/2] Hey, do you mind if I ask you about some headcanons you might have for Luisa? I've been rewatching earlier JtV and started wondering about her marriage with Allison, though we don't see much of it. Do you think Luisa stayed with her to get over Rose, or that they really did love each other? Obviously Allison was a sore spot between Roisa, but it surprised me that Rose didn't know about their breakup, because it meant Luisa didn't tell Emilio either!
[2/2] In fact, we never see anyone comfort Luisa about her (assumed) divorce. I know a lot of this is because Luisa’s not a main character, but it made me wonder how close Allison was to the family, and (coupled with the flashback in ch 77) whether Rose ever even met her, since she apparently wasn’t invited to their wedding? It’s so weird that Allison basically never comes up again despite being a huge part of Luisa’s life for years. Anyway, just wondered if you have any thoughts!
i think allison is a particularly, ah, hard spot in terms of general headcanon, for me.  a lot of my thoughts on her have shifted depending on fic or thinking about it too much or writing the characters so long that stuff just changes. and headcanon really should find its roots in canon, so, when looking at allison, we should be looking at the two episodes where we see her and what we learn about her from those episodes (as well as what we hear about her from luisa in chapter fourteen).now, this gets long, so placing it beneath a read more.  and, again, apologies to those of you on mobile if that doesn’t work for you.
as far as canon facts about allison, we get this:
luisa was in a relationship with allison when she met rose.
rose wasn’t there when luisa and rose got married.
allison had an affair.
luisa guessed she was having one.
allison told luisa she was crazy like her mother.
allison tried to apologize the next morning.
allison and luisa did not live at the marbella.
after the divorce, luisa lives at the marbella (or at longbourne or at wherever she is this season) - she doesn’t live in their apartment/house/etc.
additional facts worth remembering:
emilio solano got married and divorced multiple times.
the show doesn’t tell us how many, but this is apparently a frequent occurrence.
petra and rafael’s marriage assumed that she would get nothing from rafael if they got divorced within five years.
rafael tells luisa to leave his marbella party to go home to be with her wife.
luisa was 34 days sober when she met rose.
we don’t see luisa wearing a wedding ring.
additional fun thoughts:
with the exception of rose and allison, luisa has a type.
juicy, susanna, and eileen are all blonde.
juicy and eileen both appear to be spiritual people on the same level that luisa is.
eileen may be a construct, but she fits the type that rafael would expect from luisa so this is still relevant.
juicy and susanna are both physically active.
juicy is a wrestler.  she’s ripped.  this is obvious.
susanna is a police investigator.  she has to be in shape.
she can also catch fish barehanded.  like yo that’s got to be some physical prowess right there.
and, like with eileen, susanna may be a construct, but she still fits a type and luisa didn’t know she was a construct.
so, all of this together can give us a fairly good idea of some things, assuming we extrapolate from there.
either luisa loved allison or allison fit into her type somewhere (or both).
i tend to think that allison was athletic.  i tend to think she’s a runner/jogger.  she’s fit.  so, in my head, she at least in part fits luisa’s type.
but she’s not blonde, so….
luisa and allison may have had an open relationship.
luisa seems to have no qualms having sex with rose multiple times while in a relationship with allison - and that’s just talking rose and luisa’s first meeting, that’s not including any other trysts throughout the five years between that meeting and the beginning of the series (and going off of luisa’s comments, it is likely there were other trysts, but that’s not part of your queestion).
luisa guessed that allison liked the other girl she was with.
i think luisa was more upset that allison was not open with her.
open relationships rely on trust; allison breaks that trust by 1) lying to luisa about it and 2) implying that luisa is crazy for considering this a thing.
luisa and allison may have had a rocky relationship.
luisa has a girlfriend.  she is 34 days sober.  why is she in a girl bar by herself when she first meets rose?
we can also guess that luisa is only four days out of rehab if we work with the assumption that a rehab would keep her the first thirty days.  not necessarily always true, but tends to be my headcanon.
it is possible that she was supposed to meet allison there, which leads to the following possibilities:
allison stood her up
allison ran into work issues that kept her from getting in touch with luisa
allison and luisa were having the first date post-rehab
which would mean that maybe they were dating before luisa went to rehab
maybe, if they were dating before luisa went to rehab, luisa was unsure of the nature of their relationship post-rehab.
maybe she caught allison with someone else when she got back (not likely, in my opinion)
maybe she wanted to see if she could still hit it off with someone even though she wasn’t drinking
luisa and allison may have had a really quick marriage shortly before the start of the series
if rose wasn’t at luisa’s wedding, then it’s likely emilio wasn’t there either
emilio would have been at luisa’s wedding if he’d had the opportunity
this implies that their marriage was likely both quick and unexpected
rafael told luisa to leave his party to go be with her wife
this is something people say to someone who is newly married
then again, it may be that he’s newly recovered from cancer and she’s been spending time with him instead of with her wife, but i don’t think that’s likely
the solano/alver family is super prepared for divorces but allison still got something out of her divorce from luisa
their residence
although it’s possible that it was allison’s from before they got married - but even so, it seems to me that allison got to keep pretty much everything they, as a couple, had together
allison made bank on that divorce
but not money, probably
if this had been better planned, luisa likely would have had an agreement with allison similar to the one rafael had with petra (which is likely the same one emilio has with his wives)
however, we can also use this to guess that allison and luisa have been married for five years, but given what we know from chapter fourteen and rose’s comment about luisa’s marriage, this is really unlikely
luisa loved allison
i don’t want to say it, but luisa loves easily
as with rose, allison (as we see her in chapter seventy-seven) seems to go against luisa’s type, which means there’s something more than that keeping her around
luisa doesn’t really talk about her mother or her own mental instability often
she talks about a lot of other things, but this seems to be something she keeps close to the chest
luisa told allison
more to the point, luisa seems to have downplayed allison’s comments that she was crazy like her mother, and we know that this phrase is especially problematic for luisa - although it may be that this is just as much as a reminder of allison’s words as it is an indicator of what she’s afraid to be - she does not display this phrase with rose or rafael, but she seems to have done so with allison, so
either allison has to be some level of super important
or luisa is used to allison making these kinds of remarks offhand - which leads back to the rocky relationship point
allison, to some degree, loved luisa
she was around for five years (if we assume they kept in touch throughout the five years between when luisa met rose and the beginning of the series)
either she cared about luisa or she was just after the money
allison doesn’t seem like a gold-digger to me, and since rafael’s struggle with cancer (as well as petra’s miscarriage - which luisa did blame herself for) are both during that time period, allison staying around for all of that (and luisa went back to rehab.  twice) is a pretty clear indicator to me that she did care - it’s important to recognize that, i think
allison was a rock in terms of her relationship with luisa
when luisa turns to rose, rose asks her why 1) she didn’t talk to rafael or 2) she didn’t talk to her wife
this implies that allison is equal to rafael in terms of her relationship with luisa.  she trusts them both equally.
rose comes after the two of them
luisa only turns to rose for things when she cannot turn to rafael or allison - that’s the implication here
now, i do want to go a little further in terms of - i think allison and luisa had a shotgun vegas style wedding and i think they were both drunk.  i think luisa turned to allison for something, and i think she was already drinking (or allison was less firm on the no alcohol at all front than we tend to believe rose is or, if we want to take this in conjunction with luisa still getting drunk when she was with rose, we can see this as luisa is just extraordinarily good at getting alcohol and getting herself drunk even when other people don’t want her to be drinking)–i think the marriage wasn’t intentional.  i think they woke up the next morning hungover and married and they did already love each other so they made the best with what they could.  (or luisa impromptu proposed and did the let’s just get married thing and they just got married with no notice because she didn’t want to deal with the lawyers she knew emilio would want her to get involved as far as prenups.  either of these work.)  i think this is likely why luisa doesn’t have a ring - and, like, it’s blatant that she’s not wearing a ring - in the scene with the party at the marbella where raf tells her to go be with her wife, her left hand is very clearly seen.  no ring.i think allison had met the family but that most of them were preoccupied with other things: emilio got married to rose; rafael got married to petra; petra had her miscarriage; rafael had cancer; rafael got the marbella - i think she was around but she was luisa’s person in a way that kept her…separate.  if that makes any sense.i do think she and rose met, because it’s hard for me to imagine that luisa and allison were together that long without them meeting once - but if we go direct quote, rose says she would like to meet her (in chapter seventy-seven), so this would imply that they probably haven’t met - which, i mean, this could be consider indicative of the strength of luisa and allison’s relationship (maybe its strength isn’t that good, since she hasn’t met rose) or it could just be indicative of rose avoiding meeting allison for as long as possible or luisa keeping allison away from rose for as long as possible (and of these, i think this latter is most likely).as far as comforting her on her divorce - it was a quick marriage and they likely didn’t expect it to last, even if luisa and allison had been together (or in even just in touch, as friends) for five years.  the solanos (and probably luisa, to some degree) don’t seem to put much stock in marriage lasting.  luisa was also basically ostracized from the family - rafael didn’t want anything to do with her (because jane), if the pilot script is anything to go by petra hates her (who knows why? and i don’t necessarily think this is the case - but they rarely have scenes together where petra’s not trying to manipulate her for whatever reason) and let’s be real petra’s having her own problems (getting her own divorce from rafael, the murder of her boyfriend, she’s being blackmailed, etc.) - emilio probably did comfort her to some degree - but given that rose seems to be the only one who understands everything that luisa is going through and noticing it (rafael’s nonchalant “oh, yeah, luisa’s probably on a bender because she hides when she drinks” as though rose wouldn’t know that - who in this family cares about luisa?  emilio does as much as he can, but his ways of helping don’t really work with luisa or rafael, which leaves rose.  and we know how rose comforted her.  like, the solano/alver’s history of emotional support is shitty at best, and whatever happened may have been off-screen if at all.possibly during the two weeks that we don’t see while we wait for jane’s artificial insemination to take root - there was a two week time jump there, even if luisa does still refer to allison as her wife immediately after that (so - not a super quick divorce, but there’s no reason to believe they dragged it on).  but i feel like that would have been the time most likely for family members to have comforted her, and since we did skip that time period, that may be why we don’t see it on-screen at all.  after that, everyone’s so caught up in everything going on that they wouldn’t have even thought of it (emilio, at least, makes sure that luisa knows she’s still included in the family and that he’s glad she isn’t drinking).–i think that covers what you wanted?  i hope?  maybe?  if not, feel free to ask for more.  ^^
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Ethereal Promise ♡*✧✩⚫☆✧˖°ˈ·*
(As requested by @brittbrat2017)
You were walking to the corner of the high school cafeteria. Nothing was out of the ordinary. You walked, smelling the somewhat appetizing but mostly distasteful school food aroma as you made your way quietly to your seat. As you strode to your seat and the sounds all mingled together into nothingness you were lost in thought. This weekend was a big deal. Got7 was in town. You hadn't been able to afford tickets, and you heard constantly about their arrival, how exciting the show was going to be as if it was being rubbed in your face. You loved them, their music was a safe haven from the painful reality that happened to be your life. Nothing was too out of the ordinary about it really, you had lost your dad many years ago in death and your mom not much later. You were now old enough to take care of yourself as the high school year was coming to a close. There was something about the weakness that trauma- even past trauma creates that evil was drawn to. This time it was evil in the form of the most popular girl in school. For some reason, she seemed intent on picking on you, who tried to stay quiet for the most part. Your train of thought was broken as your lunch tray was flipped up and onto your sweater. It was one from your mother that you had managed to keep clean and perfectly white all this time. The red stains of meatloaf didn't blend well.
"W-what..?" You stuttered in utter shock and growing grief as the whole cafeteria came to a stop. Chairs squeaked across the floor as students turned to see the commotion. Your ears and cheeks went red as angry tears formed in your eyes instantly for the girl who was standing in front of you, a proud smirk playing on her face, silently asking you 'What are you gonna do about it?'.
"I'm doing you a favor. That sweater is awful." She and her enterouge snickered. "Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of Gracie's makeover! But it seems the show will be cut short today." She pouted as a mix of boo's and aww's echoed through the room of her teenage audience. "This one is a lost cause. Will I see you this weekend? No? Good. Wouldn't want to taint Jinyoung's pretty mind with all.... that." Laughing evilly she walked away as you shoved past her to go clean yourself up. Better yet, you were heading home. You had had enough of playing the victim and taking all of her merciless taunts, all because you felt too small to do anything. How did she even know who your bias was?
Tears streamed down your face and you struggled to wipe them as you got your bag and car keys from the locker you were assigned. Laughter still echoed through the hallway as murmurs of conversation floated in the air of the events that had transpired. 'New Girl', 'Loser' and more abusive terms met your ears as you stormed out the building and into the chilly rainy afternoon. Getting in your car, you started the engine and sped away from the hurtful remarks. The derogatory looks in the hallways. The nasty notes and words spraypainted on your locker almost every morning. Indifferent teachers. The list of things you left behind kept going before you realized you had been driving mindlessly. You saw the gas light was running out as rain pelted your windshield in a mind-numbing rhythm. As you looked up you slammed abruptly on your breaks to avoid hitting the man that was standing in the road and struggled to keep control of the wheel on the wet roads. Laying your hand flat on the horn it blared at him as your car sputtered to a stop- the gas had run out.
"what on EARTH???" You yelled at the man who couldn't hear you. He approached your car as your headlights went out and your throat ran dry. Swallowing difficulty you watched him as he rounded the car and tapped on your window, in a somewhat nonchalant manner. As if the rain wasn't sopping his clothes.... on second thought you noticed the rain wasn't on his clothes. Or on any part of him at all. A large hood covered his eyes and obscured his features and you found yourself staring at this intimidating man. He tapped again and you opened the door against your better judgment since you couldn't roll down your window thanks to your neglect of gas.
"Y-yes?" You hated the quiver in your voice but you couldn't help it. Rain dripped onto your pants and shirt that was still covered in lunch meat from earlier.
"Come out here." He said cooly, his voice getting somewhat lost in the sound of the downpour.
You scoffed slightly. "No way." You went to shut your door as your nerves buzzed with fear of this stranger as he stuck his hand in the inside of your window and shoved the door open. Grabbing you by your arms he yanked you out of the car with elegant force. He was firm but gentle. As you opened your mouth to scream, a strong gust of wind blew the hair in your face and blew the hood from his head. The scream lodged itself in your throat when you recognized the man. Your insides twisted as his touch began to tingle around your arms, even though it was separated by the fabric of your sweater. You couldn't bring yourself to say it. To say his name.
"What happened to you, my love?" His voice was velvety smooth as the rain began to recced and become quieter.
"U-um.... what?" words somehow formed in your brain but couldn't manage their way out of your mouth successfully.
"Your sweater. It's ruined. Who did this to you? Why didn't you fight back?"
Sighing and taking in this crazy situation you decided to be honest with him. To be honest with Jinyoung, seeing as your brain could do nothing else. "A girl at school who doesn't like me spilled my lunch on it. I can't fight her back. She has too many little minions, they would eat me alive if I looked at them the wrong way." You chewed your lip to keep it from shaking after you had finished
He nodded and took this all in contemplatively as his skin shone in the surprisingly bright light of the cloudy day. Strands of hair whispered over his forehead as he looked at you with deep and thoughtful eyes. He was breathtaking. This you already knew, but seeing him in real life, with your own eyes was a spectacle. Your heart was louder than the quiet pitter-patter of the rain as you tried to think of something to ask him, to figure this situation out but you came up empty. He reached forward and brushed wet strands of hair out of your eyes, your makeup running from the rain and the tears. You didn't look pretty. He must've read your mind. Cupping your face in his gentle hands he wiped the makeup stains from your cheeks. Your face tingled everywhere he made contact with it.
"You are very pretty Y/N." He coaxed softly with a warm smile on his face. Shock overwhelmed you as you looked at him with wide eyes. You could think of nothing to say at this moment as the sun finally came out briefly and shone on him and your cheeks warmed. He looked angelic, the sun shining as the fog of the rain stirred at your feet. You wondered if it was real. If you had finally lost it, gone crazy from the loneliness and the heartbreak of losing those closest to you. Smiling brighter the sun almost seemed to brighten with the flashing of his perfect row of white teeth. You almost saw his smile glitter, as his eyes sparkled in the bright light. Your heart warmed as you felt a piece of you be put back together. Your stomach buzzed with the attack of a million butterflies as your head tingled with the anxiousness of being so close to someone you had loved from afar for so long.
"Hang in there Y/N, I promise- everything is going to be okay. All I need is for you to trust me." His warm words almost brought tears to your eyes. Your heart was throbbing with residual pain of what had happened earlier, but the ache you felt was more the comfort you were receiving. It hurt in almost a good way. The sun glistened on your face and warmed your arms and neck. Things were so peaceful as the birds chirped happily around you two, the leaves on the trees rustling with soft whispers.
"I promise." He grinned charmingly again as his kind features watched you. A light began to glow from your chest and you looked down at the ball of warm illumination sprawling out over your heart. He tilted your head up and said quietly.
"I'll see you later-Y/N." How did he know your name?? Before you could think any further on the subject he was encased in the fog as it snaked up his legs wrapping itself around his waist and soon up over his shoulders and head. As the fog cleared, you saw straight through it to realize he was gone. You looked down as the light on your chest dimmed and faded away to realize the stains from today's lunch escapade were gone and there was a shining pendant hanging from a shimmering silver chain around your neck. A glimmer caught your eye and you realized there was a matching bracelet on your wrist. A sparkling jewel was encased in a little metal cage danging from the metal ring that was encased in glittering gems. The gem changed color as you turned it in the sunlight, something about it reminded you of the sparkle that you had seen in his eyes. It was gorgeous. You picked up the delicate pendant on your neck and observed it. The chain was made of sparkling crystal-like metal, and a similar jewel hung from the small enclosure that hung from the necklace. This one was slightly bigger and seemed to hover in place- with the same translucent sheen to it. The light caught some of the many facets of the majestic stone as it glinted brilliantly. Whispers floated in the wind as you smiled, they were the most incredible pieces you had ever seen in your entire life. Wondering where he had gone or why he had left you with such a wonderful gift you went back to your car. Groaning you remembered there was no gas. You climbed in as your car sputtered to life out of thin air, the gas meter sliding to the full marks as the lights flickered on. A sweet breeze fluttered through your hair as you smiled knowing who it was that must've magically fixed your car. His voice echoed in your head as your spirits were lifted. "I promise."
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leerose09 · 4 years
Kim Hyun-joo drama reviews and acting skill
I apologize for my current way of writing because i don’t follow rules in expressing myself in English so please bare with me.
I began knowing her in "glass shoes" 2002 with #oppa #sojisup #sojisub and her face was nothing special to me that time
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Source: hancinema
I didnt express any interest at all even with her other dramas like "marrying a millionare," "ms kims million dollar quest," "Boys over flowers," or even "what happens to my family" which im pretty sure it was showed on #philippine #tv screens.
Last year 2019 #ihavealover aired in abs cbn, if i remember i already watch youtube clips of this drama in previous years because of #oppa #jijinhee and still i ignored her. I didnt even notice who she is.
Its been few days of quarantine because of #covid19 and my thought was "what korean dramas should i watch?" After #crashlandingonyou i was eagerly searching for interesting #koreanmovies and i wasted a lot of time just to find out what's the best and nothing sparks my interest until a fanatic facebook friend pop-up her name #kimhyunjoo.
And this is her face now. Did she undergo #plasticsurgery? because shes really pretty this time.
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I cant stop comparing her faces over the years. #daebak
I got so curious so I started watching:
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My eyes completely glued on her in this show. The way she dressed so #elegant, her #makeup so #beautiful and her #goofy #funny acting Gangshim. #savage #nailedit #awsome
The show was consistent like i never loose my appetite like "i want more" I love the concept which was about family. #nospoilers
Ive already shared my thoughts about this show on my facebook. I didn't stop crying or laughing, its definitely one of my favorite dramas that will stay in my heart like #jewelinthepalace #queenseondeok #mynameiskimsamsoon
Consist of 53 episodes which is available in kbs channel youtube.
Rate: 10/10
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Well i was not impressed by this drama. I was like "what was going through the writers mind?" Everything was perfectly fine until Hae Gang (Ms. HYUN JOO) memories came back (#spoilersalert) i mean #whatthehell was that?! OK that's it!
No more paying attention to the story but i do love the fact that she perfectly performed that character. I will never get enough of saying wow!
1.Cold heart Lawyer Hae gang
2. Boyish Cool caring dude Office Manager Dok yong gi (Hae gang no memories 4 years)
3. Combination two memories old bad girl and new good girl Hae gang.
4. And nerdy twin younger sister real Dok yong gi.
I mean "how do you do that?!"
Another fact was the chemistry between her and oppa Ji jin-hee. Acting like a married couple was so convincing. I think they are really comfortable working together. They give me a lot of #giggles #tagalog term #kilig.
Lastly she was so beautiful in this show like "shes my crush." (Ehem im a woman who is so envy with her features at her age of 38)
Consist of 50 episodes
Rate: 7/10 *sorry (i cant believe this was the writer of "shall we kiss first" of 2018)
No link where to watch, "if there's a will, there's a way."
The Miracle we met 2018
Even her co-stars complimented her beauty #lol. I love the part where Hye jin embraces behind of Hyun-chul saying “stay with me.” (spoileralert!). This show was only Okey on my part (it has a similarity to i have a lover where the main character are bad person turning to a good one).
Ms. Ra Miran is definitely “scene stealer”
Consist of 16 episodes
Rate: 8/10
Fantastic 2016
A cancer patient (similarity to what happens to my family). I love the the part which she say crazy things like "will you sleep with me?" Or "will you marry me?" Out of nowhere. Like any other character whose life is limited, the goal is "live Today!"
My thought on the show? Well its another Ok!
Consist of 16 episodes
Rate: 8/10
What i love about her playing the character was her elegance wearing those sophisticated suit or dresses and her beauty being emphasized.
Its a good thing this is not a love story like shes been doing that forever.
I’m not a fan of Crime genre but again she did a great job!
The story left a lot of questions like how many TURTLES are there? Who is MONEY LOVER? When I’m watching crime or mysteries i tend to be overly focus like Sherlock Homes.
This was also an OK!
Consist of 16 episodes.
Rate: 8/10
Final words...
Is she accepting projects where "Philippines" is written on the script? Based from my observation if i remember it correctly almost all of this show mentioned my country.
I hope she will act in a drama written by great writers with a very unique story which will catch the heart of viewers so her performance will be recognize and she will win a daesang.
Advance Happy birthday and dont be lonely from your new fan.
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
About the Prince article about being bipolar, I guess I didn't think it was faked, just what the person describes they went through is crazy. And the fact that they said no one can tell. I always thought bipolar ppl were really obvious but I guess not. What did you think about it @Clipper?
Response from Opal:
I am not Clipper, who should definitely feel free to contribute to this answer, but I feel as though I can speak to this as well! For the record, I did not write the article, but much of what it describes really resonates with my own experiences. Although the phrase has some problematic implications, I guess you could call me a “high-functioning” person diagnosed with bipolar I, because like the author, most people who know me on would say that I am friendly, sociable, and fun to be around. I am full of energy, I am involved with many things on campus, I love my friends, and, if I may say so myself, I am a pretty damn good student. I also experience extreme mood swings, manic episodes, depression, and difficulties with attention and concentration. To you, these symptoms may seem like “obvious” tells of a mentally ill person, but there is actually much that can be done to mitigate or work around their impacts and keep their external manifestations within the realm of social acceptability, which should be illustrative of how mental illnesses interact with identity and behavior more complexly than the stigma that surrounds them might dictate. 
Bipolar disorder, like any other mental illness, affects every person in a different way, and every person also develops their own ways of managing it. I take my medications, I talk to my therapist, I did several months of dialectical behavioral therapy, and I have read Marsha Linehan cover to cover. I use specific coping skills every day to get myself through ordinary situations that become scary or overwhelming. I isolate myself safely when necessary. I am transparent with other people about my struggles, even if they are not aware that many of those are linked to my bipolar disorder. In the end, there is still so much that we simply do not see about each other on a daily basis. I stay on top of my homework, so who would necessarily know that I often start doing it after midnight because my emotional state is too unstable earlier in the evening? I am openly and effusively affectionate, so who would necessarily know that I had to train myself for years to overcome the social paranoia and anxiety that are inherent to my disorder? 
I am so lucky to have the right resources and opportunities at my disposal that help me live my life and be the person that I want to be, for the most part, but mental illness is still an enormous weight that I carry every second of every day, and people for whom mental illness is more of a disruptive and noticeable burden are just as deserving of compassion, understanding, and support, which this school often fails to provide. That is pretty crazy, huh? Apologies for rambling somewhat, but yeah - what the ‘Prince’ article described is not as unusual as it may sound, and this has only been a general overview of my own experiences with bipolar disorder at Princeton, but I am happy to talk more or offer advice to anyone who may need it! Much love.
Response from Clipper:
Agreed with Opal. After opening up to people around my mental health struggles, I’ve been heavily discriminated against and ousted by “friends” that had similar stereotypical views like this anon. The school (students and the administration) doesn’t care as much as they should. But on the other hand, while I’ve lost many friends who did not want to deal with my baggage, I’ve become closer to dozens of friends who are similarly ostracized on campus. Behind closed doors, away from the eyes of people who will judge them from a place of ignorance, they’ve shared with me that they are also struggling—with bipolar, prescription drug addiction, borderline personality disorder, major depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and more. I answer questions on RTP frequently on these topics. So the article did not surprise me at all.
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ofcloudsandstars · 8 years
(Pt. 1) Hi same anon here. Thank you for your incredibly detailed response. I didn't mean to sound like I was belittling your own practice - I believed I was a natural witch, from a young age I started worshiping nature and practicing magic but
it wasn’t till I was older I realized what I was doing was called witchcraft so I identified as a witch. I’ve never had amazing things or coincidences happen to me. I’m also a Capricorn rising and I deal with a lot of mental blockage and idk  guess I came to the conclusion that witchcraft couldn’t be “real”, because if it was, wouldn’t I be seeing it more often in my daily life? it’s just discouraging because I feel like I’m sabotaging my own faith (I’m mentally ill) and I can’t help my state of mind sometimes… sorry this is all convoluted but I admire how you experience witchcraft and magical happenings in your daily life, because I’ve been trying for years and years and haven’t really had anything happen to me despite what I believe to be a natural affinity for magic and witchcraft that I have… anyways I guess I just wanted to hear what you thought, how you keep going even when magic doesn’t seem to work. In my case for years it didn’t work.
lol SToP!!!!!I am also a Capricorn rising hahahaahaha but like Neptune and Uranus is in my first house so maybe it counter acts the negative hardass Capricorn shit?? Tbh I just figured out my true rising sign like.. yesterday.. and I still don’t know how to process it. lol. I truly thought and identified with Sagittarius rising, it’s like thinking your parents are Lily and James Potter but really your parents were the Dursley’s all along and all of my ugly outer traits were just highlighted by this sign that’s ruled by Saturn I was like NOOOOOOOO but the previous stuff from the last star chart I thought I had is gone so its not such a terrible fucking exchange. (Plus my north node is in the 12th house? How interesting!) Also maybe I identified so much with Sag rising cause I am an Aries Moon Libra Sun and the combination could probably have similarities to that sign.
I deal with mental blockages too, like every year is always a new Episode of some crazy mental battle I have with myself. I really do not know if I am a neurotypical but either once a year I deal with like, my fucking perception of reality shifting (think of it like how in those random cartoon episodes, the drawing animation would suddenly become claymation or like anime, but this is real life, and it’s hard for me to verbalize whats happening around me like I felt like I stepped into an alternate reality, or I am not the same person or I am dissociating so hard), or if it’s not that, my entire mental state goes upside down and there’s a new big bad anxiety in town like a boss fight I have to conquer to proceed and last year it was literally me trying to find my will to live cause my anxiety was so bad I couldn’t even hunt for a job or do literally ANYTHING I would spend weeks in bed like simultaneously exhausted and terrified and now I have finally got my shit together to an extent but still dealing with the fallout of wasting literally an entire year not doing anything and now job hunting is a little more challenging cause employers don’t want to hear those type of excuses haha. BUT ANYWAY-
You need to define what is real in witchcraft cause the majority of things that have happened to me have been eerie coincidences. You might not have noticed it, or just brushed off certain things as coincidences anyway. Also I wrote a personal theory to how I think will, fate and magic works in life and that a lot of magic you want to manifest can not take place without action. Like if you want to travel, save up money and cast a spell and you never know, but the spell might attract an opportunity to you to go someplace nice and the money you saved will help you be able to afford it. I’m unsure how you have been practicing but sometimes some things you want to manifest need some level of action to be taken. One thing that has also influenced the way I think about these things (and I think it really helped me learn how to manifest) was when I was a kid I saw the Matrix and that scene where Neo had to jump over the buildings made a mark on me haha. Everyone falls their first time cause they don’t believe they can make the jump. They get intimidated by the reality around them and don’t realize it’s their mind that shapes it. But as Morpheus said- if you know you can do it, you can do it. Having a belief like ‘this doesn’t exist’ might cut through your actions of trying to manifest something. But just meditate and make yourself know you can and what you want will happen to you. Don’t worry about feeling foolish or anything cause once again this is something personal to you and you can view it as a spiritual thing no one should judge you for, but focus on the idea that you know you have the ability to manifest what you want and the rest will follow.
also once again- not everyone practices magic the same and maybe you just haven’t found your thing that helps you manifest. I have a close witchy friend that is very aligned with fire and just.. burns herbs for spells. lol. And to me it’s like wtf… But observing her it really makes sense. She has made incredible things happen by just burning herbs but I know if I did that I would just feel like I made some nice smelling smoke but that’s it. Maybe you need to find what aligns with you. Blowing things away? Burying? Just pure visualization? Burning shit? Showers and baths? Drinking things? If you feel like you have a natural affinity for magic and witchcraft where is that pulling you towards? What in life makes you feel the most magical? You can literally make ANYTHING into a magical craft. If you like music there is a lot of ways to make listening music into a magical craft. If you like eating, boy is there tons of things for you to do hahaha. This might be TMI but once while on the toilet I thought about someone I deeply could not stand in highschool since they were a toxic cesspool of a person and I thought about banishing them from my life as I took a poo and they never spoke to me or interacted with my circle of friends again and its also my personal reasoning as to why no one can talk shit to other witches about emoji spells cause like if I can make poop magic a thing then it’s really about the witch’s personal power than the means they go to achieve it lmao. (Sorry if that was TMI I am regretting sharing this yet here I am still publishing it). Maybe there is something you want to achieve that you are PUSHING too hard. I notice my magic gets blocked when I am pushing it to be something it isn’t like it flows a certain way and has its own body and it needs to be respected. I kind of lost my touch for a bit when I got into crystals cause I love crystals aesthetically but they really are unhelpful to me magically (I mean another reason is that I am just kind of figuring them out but they still aren’t necessary to my craft), but I easily regain my power when I do energy exercises or visit places that recharge my energy and I don’t stress when doing magic cause stress ruins it for me. If you feel like it’s unnatural though you do feel like you have this natural affinity you are probably pushing yourself the wrong way and you need to figure out a method that really resonates with you!
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