#the curious household
seasonalbeauties · 3 months
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𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪
Jennifer nailed the hopscotch game outside however everyone else seemed a little confused about how she got through it so fast. Nebula's emotional control is beneath the earth due to her Mean trait and poor childhood response and is now having additional trouble controlling her emotions as a teen.
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mirathewarlock · 2 years
Sims Incorrect Quotes 24
Loki: I can't do that. It would go against my moral compass. Vidcund: Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel.
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yeoldecorprusarium · 3 months
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2 Cover Up Road, an edit of @jodeliejodelie's makeover (her Strangetown is my cannon) or the "I unchecked all the CC when installing and had to scramble" version.
(I forgot to take the before pic. Or the floorplans'... I'm sorry T.T)
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beans-mess · 7 months
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Some of my favourite characters from The sims!!
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pascalfan · 3 months
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vidcunds day off, as he got ready for work but conveniently forgot to go
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grimbunnies · 5 months
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maxispremades · 2 months
🎶Joy Division — Love Will Tear Us Apart
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Почему они все ненавидят меня? Почему, ΜĀΜĀ?!..
Только глухой не слышал о том, что военные и ученые готовят против меня заговор. Простые горожане переходят на другую сторону улицы, когда видят, что я шагаю навстречу. Даже Букет, чистокровный сиксимец и мой дорогой сосед — даже он старается избегать меня в последние дни. Я прокажен? Я болен? Что, ΜĀТþ вашу, со мной не так???
Я ведь всегда хотел только лучшего для них. Благодаря мне этот город стал убежищем для всех тех, кто не смог найти себя в большом мире. Отщепенцы, фрики, психопаты. Сильные женщины и хрупкие мужчины. Потерянные взрослые, трудные подростки и особые дети. Избранники Сиксима, которым выпала честь стать драгоценным сосудом для внеземной жизни. Самопровозглашенные творцы, безумные ученые, инакомыслящие всех мастей, маргиналы и панки — для каждого из них нашлось место под палящим солнцем Стрейнджервиля.
Я принес им ŦßŌЙ дар, я выпустил на волю ŦßŌЮ благодать, я призвал в иссушенную пустыню живительный дождь, чтобы семена ŦßŌĘЙ любви взошли и принесли ��огатый урожай. Что еще нужно им? Чего еще им не хватает?
Всем своим пиксельным сердцем я люблю ŦĘδЯ, моя ΜĀТþ, моя прекрасная Королева Звездных. Этой любви с избытком хватит — поверь мне! — на весь Стрейнджервиль. Только ŦЬΪ одна знаешь о том, сколько во мне этой любви. Невостребованной, нерастраченной. Порой мне кажется, что еще немного — и она разорвет меня на части... если только военные не сделают этого раньше. Защити меня, молю. И спаси этих неразумных персонажей от самих себя!
english text below the cut
Why do they all hate me? Why, ΜØΜΜ¥?!
Every sim and his dog knows that the military and scientists are plotting against me. The townies cross the street when they see me walking toward them. Even Pol, a pure-blooded Sixamian and my dear neighbor — even he's been trying to avoid me these past few days. Am I a leper? Am I sick? What is wrong with me, ΜØΜΜ¥???
I've always wanted the best for them all. Thanks to me, this town has become a refuge for all those who couldn't find themselves in the wider world. Outcasts, freaks, psychos. Strong women and fragile men. Lost adults, troubled teenagers and special children. Sixam's chosen ones, honored to become a precious vessel for extraterrestrial life. Soi-disant artists, mad scientists, dissenters of all persuasions, marginals and punks — there is a place for each of them in the scorching sun of Strangerville.
I have brought them ¥ØỮŘ gift, I have released ¥ØỮŘ grace, I have called the life-giving rain into the parched desert so that the seeds of ¥ØỮŘ love may sprout and bring forth a rich harvest. What more do they need? What else do they lack?
With all my pixel heart I love ¥ØỮ, my ΜØŦĦ€Ř, my beautiful Birth Queen. That love is enough, — believe me! — for the whole of Strangerville. ¥ØỮ're the only one who knows how much of ¥ØỮŘ love I have in my soul. Unclaimed, unspent love. Sometimes I think it will tear me apart... if the military doesn't do it first. Protect me, I pray ¥ØỮ. And, please, save these silly sims from themselves!
poses by @simsgami (pose request #18), @snarky-sims-creations (echoes of evermore, strangerville mystery), @n00b00simmer (my super girlfriend), @k-sims-7 (descendant of the sun);
and @radioactivedotcom (days of youth), @siimplysims (starry nights), @sciophobis (in colors), @starrysimsie (baby's coming);
and @akuiyumi (anger), @electricwhims (anxiety emotions), @joannebernice (stand and talk, talking/walking).
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mxwhore · 1 year
didnt make any progress today. (the artist is trying to fix their life) i did want to do a yam b4 bed
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seasonalbeauties · 4 months
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ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖
Of course in the midst of the family grieving, Father Winter arrived wanting to hand out presents...which he did end up passing out regardless to Techno and Nebula.
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polarmoon · 1 year
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for anyone interested, i just made a signal hill directory page 🌲📡
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thesims2comics · 2 years
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Lazlo trying to cut some bangs on himself!
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appleberry9000 · 9 months
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yeoldecorprusarium · 3 months
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I love them
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lovesickeros · 1 year
im back for my monthly delusion and its alice this time BECAUSE WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE TALK ABOUT HER. OR RHINEDOTTIR. extremely powerful witches who are probably on equal power level to an archon just vibing and committing war crimes.
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pascalfan · 3 months
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nervous spending some time with tycho while everyone's at work 🛸
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grimbunnies · 5 months
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