#the curse of the sea
c-herondale · 8 months
Obsessed with how Annabeth isn't spacial, she isn't a chosen one, she has no demigod magic powers, she is for all intents and purposes, a fairly normal girl.
But she poured her blood, sweat and tears into becoming the best warrior she could be. She trained hard for years because she knew she had disadvantages and she didn't want to be seen as weak.
She's literally known in Camp and by monsters like Alecto as the most powerful demigod alive and she doesn't have powers. It's almost as of girls don't need to be magical to be a hero!
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chiron: you have to go on this quest, the fate of the world is at stake
percy: meh
grover: the fate of the world includes your mom
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batcavescolony · 2 years
Do you ever think about how in Percy Jackson and the Olympians Poseidon offered Sally Jackson palace at the bottom of the sea to keep her safe but she turned it down. Hades offered to take Maria Di Angelo and her kids to the Underworld to protect them but she turned it down. then Zeus offered nothing to Beryl Grace but she would have taken it. there's something to be said there, it's definitely interesting but it's late and I'm tired.
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demigods-posts · 4 months
that rule of three people per quest is always in tact when you look for it. in tlt, it was the og trio. in som, it percabeth + tyson. in ttc, two people out of five died. in tbotl, annabeth's quest boiled down to percabeth + rachel for a brief period. in the hoo series, one of the seven died, leaving the other six, which is a multiple of three. this shit is crazy.
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berystraw · 4 months
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[P.J Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
[Now Playing!]: Jealous by Nick Jonas ❝'𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧' 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞❞
Synopsis: Percy Jackson is never the type to get jealous. He just never does. Tell him he is and he'll laugh at your face and tell you you're wrong.
Pairing: Percy Jackson x Aphrodite's daughter reader
Warning: LUKE DOES NOT BECOME KRONOS AND TURN TO THE BAD SIDE, Y/n is used multiple times in the story, violence, mention of liquor, getting drunk and tipsy, and all minor characters mentioned are AGED UP! The reader is mentioned to be a girl
W.C: 2.1k
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Percy Jackson is never the type to get jealous. Or so he says he isn't. Tell him that he is and he'll laugh at your face and tell you you're wrong. He's Percy Jackson! He saved the world multiple times and has a wonderful girlfriend who he knows loves him and only him. So why would he be jealous of a new camper who keeps trying to make a move on his girl? Right?
"If looks could kill, I'd think poor little Colin would be in the Underworld with Hades by now," Leo says as he watches Percy glaring at Colin for the nth time this morning. "Woah dude, if you hate strawberries just say so, no need to murder them," Luke jokes, making Leo laugh alongside him.
Percy removes his gaze from the two and shakes his now-soaked hand, stained with strawberry juice. Lea and Luke exchange knowing looks and turn to the younger boy, who is now continuing to pluck strawberries from their bushes.
"Don't tell us you're jealous of the new camper, Jackson," Luke teases, which earns him a glare from the younger boy. That just made Luke's smirk wider than it already was. "You are jealous," Leo teases as well. "I'm not! Why would I be anyway?" Percy denies, but the two know better than their friend.
"If you say so, Perc," Luke says. He and Leo exchange smirks and glances before continuing their chores. Percy only tries to shake the unwanted feeling the whole time and tries to block out the beautiful sounds of your laughter and the annoying voice of Colin.
No, he is not jealous. He's Percy Jackson! And Percy Jackson is never jealous!
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"Oh, you are so jealous," Annabeth laughs, along with Piper and Clarisse. "I am not! How many times do I have to say that?" Percy says, annoyed by his friends' pestering. His response only made the three laugh louder and started to gain the attention of other campers. "You very much are, Jackson. You can't deny it," Clarisse says to the boy. "Why are you even here, Clarisse? Shouldn't you be bullying some of the new campers?" Percy asks, which earns him a glare from the child of Ares. "Yeah, but teasing and laughing at your jealous state is more fun and enjoyable," Clarisse says back.
"Why would I be jealous of that Colin anyway? I'm Percy Jackson!" The boy says, making the three girls laugh at him even more. "Yeah, why are you so jealous of Colin anyway, Seaweed Brain? It's not like Y/n will leave you for the new kid anyway," Annabeth says. Yeah... She wouldn't leave me for someone else...right?
"Hey, Perce!" Percy hears the sweet voice of his girlfriend, making him look up with a big smile plastered on his face. "Hi!" He waves back. Annabeth glances at the couple before rolling her eyes and secretly hides a smile. "No need to hide that smile, Annie. I know you're not even a bit annoyed," You tease the blonde, making her roll her eyes and fail to hide her grin. "Shut up, lovebirds," She says before walking away. The other two said they had to finish some chores and left the two couples alone.
"So, how was your day so far?" You ask. "Going well so far," Percy says, completely forgetting his jealous and annoyance towards the new camper. (We all know that isn't exactly true). "How about you? How's your day been so far?" He asks and wraps his arms around your waist. "Good so far, yeah. I've been showing Colin the routes and everything else he needs to know to be properly accustomed here at camp," You say while playing with some strands of Percy's hair.
The mention of Colin's name made him feel a stingy feeling in his chest, but he did his best not to show it. Because the gods forbid the son of Poseidon gets jealous of some new camper.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, noticing his sudden change of mood. "Huh? Yeah, totally fine, my love," He assures you and gives you a wide grin. "Hey, Y/n!" Someone calls your name. Percy and you look up and see Colin waving his hand while carrying a plate full of food. Percy tries to secretly hide his annoyance and prays you wouldn't notice.
"Hey, Cols," You greet back, much to Percy's annoyance. "Would you like some food? You've been working with me since this morning, and I thought you might want to eat some first? Maybe we can sit beside each other too— Oh, hi, Percy!" Colin greets the dark-haired boy before turning back to you and offering you his plate of food.
"Oh, I—"
"You can't eat beside someone who isn't in the same cabin as you, Colin," Percy interjects. "Oh, I uh— I didn't know that. Maybe next time?" Colin suggests, and you nod politely before the boy walks back to the Pavilion to eat with the Hermes Cabin. You turn to Percy with a brow raised, and he just shrugs his shoulder. "What? It's true," He says, which makes you chuckle.
"Okay, waterboy. You better eat now, I know you haven't eaten anything since this morning—" Percy opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off. "—Don't even lie to me, Perseus Jackson. Luke and Leo told me that you haven't eaten. Now, go eat!" You say and point towards the Pavilion. The boy could only sigh in defeat and walk with you to eat.
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Laughter had filled the whole camp that evening. All the campers had gathered around the bonfire to sing, chat with other friends and have a little bit of fun. Percy sat beside Leo, and the two spent half of the night chatting about things they both took interest in. It was all fun and laughter, and Percy had even forgotten about his jealousy thing for a certain camper.
Since Chiron and Mr. D had turned in early for the night, the campers left behind had too much fun. The Hermes and Dionysus cabins revealed their secret stash of liquor, and everyone had started to try it out, making some campers drunk and tipsy. Of course, before that, the Demeter cabin had made the younger campers turn in for the night to avoid the young children trying out things they shouldn't be.
All were having fun and forgetting their exhaustion before a piercing scream erupted, gaining everyone's attention.
"Let go of me, Colin!" a familiar voice yelled. A too familiar voice for Percy. He stopped his conversation with Leo halfway to turn to the scene that had gained the attention of everyone. He saw his girlfriend with a disturbed emotion, with a drunk Colin pestering her even more despite her refusal. This made the boy see red. Absolute red.
He stood up from his seat and walked towards the scene. "Percy, calm down—" Leo said, trying to stop him, only to be pushed away by his friend. "Hey, man, she said let go," Percy tried to calmly say while trying to shove the camper away, not wanting to cause another scene.
"Oh, shut up, fish boy," Colin responded. Without thinking, Percy raised his fist and punched the drunk Colin to the ground. Campers gasped in shock to see the son of Poseidon become physical with someone who wasn't a monster. Colin was quick to stand up and give Percy his own fist. "Percy!" you ran to your boyfriend, and some campers held Colin.
"Can't fight without your little girlfriend, huh, fish boy?" Colin taunted. "Don't talk to my girl like that," Percy tried to walk closer to Colin, but he was held back by you, Leo, and Luke. "Let go of me," Colin shook himself off from the campers who were holding him and spit on the ground.
"We aren't finished here, fish boy," Colin warned and pointed a finger at Percy before walking away. "Oh, yeah? It looks like it is to me!" Percy yelled at him. "Percy, stop!" you said, continuing to hold him by his arm. He looked down at you, and even for a little bit, he calmed down.
"Alright, everyone! Go to your cabins! No one speaks about this again tomorrow morning!" Luke instructed, and the campers obediently followed the Hermes boy's orders. "You should get him cleaned up, Y/n," Luke said, and he and Leo let go of their friend. "Go to sleep, Perce," He ruffled the boy's hair before him and Leo bid their goodbyes.
The walk back to the Poseidon cabin was silent. Percy knew very much that you were angry at him, and he hated himself for showing that side of him to you. When the two of you entered his cabin, you quickly took the first aid kit from under his bunk and started to clean the bruise on his knuckles and his busted lip.
It was silent for a few more minutes before Percy found the courage to say something. "I'm sorry, love," he apologized. He looked down at his lap when you turned away from him and ignored his apology. "I'm not angry, Percy, but I am disappointed," Percy's face lit up halfway when you said you weren't mad, but it turned back into a sad expression after you said you were disappointed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he apologized again, and a small smile appeared on his face when you nodded at his apology. "I was capable of defending myself, Percy," you told him.
"I know, I just didn't like seeing that guy near you," he said, pouting, earning a laugh from you.
"What? What did I do now?" he asked, completely confused, making you laugh even louder.
"Annabeth told me something this afternoon," you said, playing with the soft hairs at the back of his neck. Percy rolled his eyes, knowing what you meant, making you laugh even more.
"For the nth time! I am not jealous! I just don't like the guy!" he said, making you laugh out louder, which brought a smile to the wounded boy's face.
"Yeah, and Leo also said you murdered several strawberries this morning, which explains why I saw Dionysus yelling at you this morning," you said between laughs. "Oh, my eyes are tearing up, waterboy," you said, calming yourself down and wiping the tears of laughter from your eyes.
"I'm still upset about what you did to Colin, Percy," you said, suddenly becoming serious, making the boy roll his eyes.
"Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, young boy," you warned him, and Percy shivered, remembering how his mother scolded him. "I still think what you did was not nice and very not camp counselor-like," you scolded, raising a finger at Percy, which he tried to bite, but you swatted him for it.
"He deserved it," Percy huffed in annoyance. You raised your brow at him before he grinned widely and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you back to his bed, making you fall on top of him with a squeal.
"Percy!" you hit him lightly on the arm, but he just continued to grin at you. "I'm sorry, love, don't be upset anymore," Percy said, placing kisses on your face before you pushed him down to make him stop. "Okay, okay," you said. You lay down and placed your head directly on Percy's chest, and both of you stayed quiet for a little while.
Percy stared up at the ceiling and admired the glow-in-the-dark moon and stars you both had placed on his ceiling. You had your ear directly on his chest and heard the calming beating of his heart against his chest. Percy mindlessly played with your hair out of instinct, and after a few more minutes, he thought you were already asleep when he looked down at your figure on top of him.
"I'm not asleep yet, waterboy," you told him with your eyes closed after feeling him move around to get a better look at you. Percy chuckled, and you could feel the way his body softly shook from it, making you giggle. "Thank you for protecting me earlier, Percy," you said, making him softly smile at you. "You're welcome, pretty girl," he said, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
"You should apologize to Colin in the morning, Percy," you said, earning a hum of acknowledgement from him. "Please, Perce?" you turned to him with your pleading eyes, making him sigh in defeat. "I promise, pretty girl," he said, making you smile. You lifted yourself up from his chest, making him look up at you with confusion. You lowered yourself down and connected both your lips together for a short kiss, earning a smile from the boy.
"I love you, waterboy," you said. "I love you too, pretty girl," he said, smiling.
The rest of the night was peaceful in the Poseidon Cabin. The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, and the strong beating of both your hearts could be heard by those who chose to be silent and listen carefully. Poseidon's son and Aphrodite's daughter are a perfect match that even the gods could not deny.
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pjo has consumed me and my entire being. completely. I don't have a life or a sense of identity anymore. this dam series has taken over my life.
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kafeicreme · 2 days
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nantucketwhales108 · 7 months
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Canonically, I think Percy would definitely wear this shirt
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 8 months
I think someone got it wrong about who should be a god and who shouldn’t.
Sally lit a match, dropped it in a FINISHED milkshake that wasn’t even HERS, it literally sizzled out in half a second and that’s all it took for Poseidon to COME TALK TO HER IN PERSON?!
Why isn’t Sally Jackson an official goddess yet?
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lavenderfairiez · 1 month
Thalia Grace for @yendts 💙
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more bg versions under the cut
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gingerthesnap · 8 months
the fucking isolation sally jackson must've felt when she was trying to pry her demigod child who physically cannot drown from the edge of a pool bc he's afraid to learn to swim. it is such a comedically stupid situation but she cant complain about it to a single mortal soul.
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sadlittlepotatobean · 2 months
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color-beyond-lines · 2 months
me: attempting to watch 8 currently airing series
also me: watchlist of 20+ series
still me: hits play on every new series that starts
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ampresandian · 6 months
Okay so season 1 was definitely Percy's story like between the flashbacks and his development over the quest The Lightning Thief is Percy's Story. The whole series is Percy's story but the way they produced the first season of the show is especially Percy's, and I need them to continue to develop this in the rest of the seasons.
Season 2, Sea of Monsters, should definitely be Annabeth's. Percy (and the readers) get to know her better--she opens up to him about her past, not just introducing him to the world they share (the Olympians) but to Her World and How it Got to Be that Way. We see more of how who Percy is impacts her (esp with Tyson), and she takes on a lot of responsibility for saving their quest. Unlike the Arch or Crusty, Annabeth is the one that saves them from Circe and takes on Polyphemus one on one.
Season 3 I think is Thalia's. It's the only chance we really have, as readers, to get to know her--we're thrown into her relationship with Percy at the beginning of the book, after our only introduction to her being her saying her name at the end of som, but we travel with her on this quest, and I think flashbacks, etc. in this season should be about her. It's the best way to let the audience get to know her, and I think we need to get to know her to understand her choice at the end (and to be excited when we see her again later). We need that her sudden disappearance at the end, when she leaves without saying goodbye and just as suddenly as she appeared she's gone, to hurt and to feel wrong and making her the Character is the way to do that imo.
Botl in season 4 I think is tricky at first glance (esp since we've given Annabeth som already) but tbh it needs to be Grover's. Flashbacks can be about his time in schools as a protector, and his time searching for Pan. Grover's development is kind of sudden in this story, but I think showing him when he's younger and like as he's been off Doing Things it would be more dramatic and honestly Grover is a fantastic character that Rick seems to forget about/ignore a lot and he should make it up by showing us what his life is like when he's not with Percy (which is increasingly often) and letting us see his independence develop to the point that he's ready to take on his new mantle and be a leader.
Season 5 is obviously Luke's. Even the book is written like that. We need flashbacks to his life and childhood just as much as Percy does, and they need to humanize him and let us empathize with who he was and how he got to who he is by the end of the story before he dies. I think they should give us flashbacks to his quest here, too, and probably the conversation he clearly has with Hermes before he goes on it (he's obviously bitter when he talks about it in tlt, and he had to get his magic shoes, and I think they need to utilize having that conversation in person so we can see how Hermes tries and fails to relate to him and also to make LMM make very very sad eyes as Luke leaves because he knows his son is at the end of his time as a hero). They can milk this for all the comparisons between Luke and Percy. I think flashbacks to his claiming, and not having to move cabins but probably like getting a bed or something now that he's here Forever, and when he becomes the Cabin Counselor. How/when he meets up with Thalia. Him seeking out fights as they make their way to camp. The battles he fights on his quest, facing monsters he's working with now, getting the scar.
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the pjo series is low key just "Percy tried so hard to mind his own business, but annabeth's problems are also his business"
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berystraw · 5 months
A Little Too Drunk To Remember
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[P.J Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
Warning: usage of y/n and y/l/n (like 5 times I think), mention of alcohol and being drunk, Annabeth close to murdering Percy, kissing, aged up pjo characters
Pairing: reader x Percy Jackson
W.C: 2k Note: I'm planning on making my Percy Jackson tag list! Comment if you want to be part of it! Also if you want to be part of my overall taglist! Synopsis: After celebrating a bit too much after their win, Percy gets a little too drunk to remember who his girlfriend is.
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Camp Half-Blood had just completed another successful game of Capture the Flag on Friday. The blue team emerged as the victors, thanks to the exceptional leadership of the Athena Cabin. To commemorate their win, a celebration was organized in their honor. Once Chiron and Mr. D had retired for the night, the real party began. The Hermes cabin unveiled their covert stash of pilfered alcoholic beverages. Both blue and red team members danced and reveled throughout the night. Percy, being part of the blue team, was not exempt from the festivities.
By midnight, Grover, Annabeth, and a thoroughly intoxicated Percy stumbled onto the front porch of Poseidon's cabin. "Percy, get up! You can't sleep outside here!" whispered Annabeth, attempting to help him rise from his slumber on the chilly cement floor. "Hold him while I open the door," Grover instructed Annabeth, who stared at him with wide eyes. "I swear, I'm getting annoyed," she grumbled, struggling to keep Percy upright. "Come on, Percy. We're almost there," Grover said, taking one of Percy's arms and placing it over his shoulder, guiding him inside the cabin. The three of them attempted to enter the cabin discreetly, but Percy tripped over nothing, causing Grover and Annabeth to stumble along with him.
"Ow! Percy!"
"Seaweed-brain, you're heavy!"
"Shhhhh! Be quiet, both of you!"
"What the hell is going on?" a voice asked, and moments later, the lights flickered on. You stood there, slightly shocked, observing the scene before you. "You guys look like you could use some help," you chuckled, walking towards the group. You assisted Annabeth and Grover in standing up before the three of you carried Percy to one of the beds in the corner of the room. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you gently laid Percy down on the soft mattress.
"I was this close to leaving him on the ground," Annabeth said, raising her hand to demonstrate the small distance between her thumb and forefinger. You laughed at her playful gesture and glanced at Percy, who lay on the bed completely oblivious to the minor predicament he had caused. "I would have done the same if I were both of you," you shrugged, causing the two of them to laugh.
After some persuasion, you managed to convince Annabeth and Grover to retire for the night instead of trying to assist you with the situation that went by the name of Percy Jackson. You sat down on the bed beside Percy and reached out to touch his curly blonde hair, which had grown longer over the past three months. Rising from your seat, you walked towards the small closet next to the bed and retrieved some fresh, comfortable clothes for him to sleep in. Placing them on the edge of the bed, you attempted to wake Percy. "Perc? Babe, you need to wake up and change," you whispered. He emitted a small grunt, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes, adjusting to the bright light in the room.
He took the clothes from your hands and was about to lift his shirt when he paused, looking at you. "Miss, you seem nice and all, but could you please look away? I don't think it would be appropriate to change in front of a girl, especially considering I have a girlfriend," Percy's words caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but giggle, causing his eyebrows to furrow in confusion. "Uh, okay. I'll be in the restroom if you need me," you said, trying to stifle your laughter. He nodded, waiting for you to enter the restroom and close the door before changing out of his soiled clothes.
You covered your mouth with your hand, attempting to suppress your laughter. The serious expression on Percy's face as he made his request amused you. It was at that moment you realized that he mistook you for someone else. After a few minutes, you decided to emerge from the restroom. You saw Percy surveying the room as if it were his first time entering it."You okay, Perce?" You asked him out of concern. He had only broken out of his trance when you placed a hand on his shoulder. His blue eyes looked up at you and you were stopping yourself from melting right there and then. "You still need to brush your teeth before bed," You reminded him and he calmly nodded before walking towards the restroom. 
You stared at his stumbling figure as he walked. You were about to walk over to him to help but he raised his hand in front of you, giving you a sign that he's alright. You lay down on your side of the bed, waiting for your boyfriend to come back. You didn't realize you were starting to fall asleep and didn't notice he had already left the restroom. 
You woke up to the sound of shuffling. "Percy?" You groggle reaching out for his side but feel only the cold bedsheets. Eyes lazily opening, you look down from the bed and see Percy lying uncomfortably on the cold tiled floor of his cabin. "Parcy, baby, you can't sleep there," You tried convincing him but he only shook his head. 
"I can't. I don't want to upset y/n," He sleepily said. "Why is that? I'm sure she wouldn't mind," You giggled lightly and hoped it convinced him but it didn't. He shook his head again and turned in the other direction. "I don't want to sleep beside someone who isn't my girlfriend. Goodnight, miss," After that, you realized you wouldn't be able to convince him at all so you just decided to sleep. 
You had a bit of trouble sleeping since you weren't exactly used to sleeping without Percy beside you. Eventually, as the music from outside slowly ceased, your eyes also slowly closed due to sleepiness. It wasn't the best but it would do. 
Hours later, you woke up to the sound of loud music playing. Being a child of Apollo does suck sometimes. The sun god would ride in his amazing chariot in the morning while blaring loud music that only his children would hear. "He does like showing off, even to his children," You mumble as you get out of the bed and walk to the restroom. You spotted Percy still lying on the cold floor, sleeping. You crouched down by his head pushed his hair out his forehead and gave it a gentle kiss. 
You walked to the bathroom and did your business. When you walked out you saw Percy sitting on the floor with his hands on his head. "You okay there babe?" You asked him. You obviously know he wasn't feeling well, you just wanted him to confirm it. "No, my head is throbbing like crazy and why am I sleeping on the floor? My whole body is screaming in pain right now," He said massaging his shoulder. 
"You refused to sleep beside me last night so you just slept on the floor," You said sitting on the bed with a hot cup of coffee in hand. "Why would I do that?" He asked confused. "I swear I couldn't remember a single thing from last night," 
"Well, you got carried here by Grover and Annabeth and when you got in you refused to let me touch you or be near you in fear of your "girlfriend" getting angry," You recall the happenings from last night. He stared at you in confusion while grabbing your hand to let you play with his hair. 
"Why would I do that?" He asks himself while staring off into the distance. "I don't know, baby. You tell me," You shrug while sipping your coffee. You spent a few minutes in silence, your hand never stopping to play with Percy's hair. "OH MY GODS" You suddenly hear him say out loud and you instantly realize he remembered everything from last night. "I did not just say that," He had his face buried in his hands with his ears turning a bright shade of red in embarrassment. You laughed while he continued to whine and complain in embarrassment. 
"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "It's okay baby don't need to say sorry. I found it hilarious last night," You laughed. Percy slowly stood up and wrapped his arms around your frame. He had to bend down a bit because he was taller than your sitting figure. "I'm sorry," His head was burning in between your shoulder and neck, and you felt wet and gentle kisses being placed on your neck. 
"It's fine, baby, I understand," You chuckled lightly and stroked his hair. If you never heard a human purr before, now you do. You and Percy stay silent like that for a few minutes more. It was getting rare for the both of you to have any peace around her now that more campers were starting to enter camp day by day. Damn, those gods be multiplying every day. Percy had to help train some kids while you had to take care of the new Apollo kids that were claimed by your father. Both of you seemed so busy that it's starting to become a rare occurrence for you both to be like this with each other. You just realized now how much you craved your boyfriend's warm and soft embrace. It makes you not want to let him go. 
"My headache is healing," Percy mumbles after a few minutes. You look at your hands and see them glowing golden. "Oops, my bad," You laughed. Percy grabs a hold of your thighs and lifts you. You yelped and held on to him in panic. He laughs at the sound and sets you down on his lap. "I missed you," He says brushing a strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. "I missed you too," You say while you stared at his blue eyes that greatly reminded you of the ocean. 
"I missed you too, Percy," You smiled. He stared at you a few seconds more before removing the gap between both of you. His lips tasted sweet from the sugary blue candy his mother gave him before he left for camp and a hint of saltiness that reminded you of ocean water. How did he taste like that? You don't even know. His lips felt so soft and pillowy against your own and you just know he was using the lip cream you gave him after you told him how chapped his lips were. 
After a moment you both pull away, breathless. Percy smiles as he stares at your breathless figure. Lips plump, cheeks flushed, and eyes sparkling. That's when he realized how so in love he was with you and you felt the same about him too. The two of you stared at each other with love and so much passion. Not even the gods can deny how much you both were made for each other. 
"Y/n we need yo-" Both you and Percy's heads turn to the door of the cabin. You saw Will and Lee standing by the entrance, cheeks pink after seeing the position you were both in. "Percy are you awa-" Annabeth and Grover arrive behind the two Apollo children and freeze after seeing you both.
"We'll just-" "I think it's better if we-"
"Yeah," The 4 close the door, and you and Percy look at each other and start to laugh loudly. "Did you see Grover's face?" Percy asked in between his laughter. "Poor young Will!" You wheezed. "Jackson you better get out of there in the next 5 minutes!" You both hear Annabeth yell from the outside but none of you paid attention after remembering the way her face turned so red. "Y/L/N we need help out here!" Lee yelled out. 
"You heard them, Jackson, you need to leave," You say to him after the both of you calm down. "You need to as well Y/L/N," He said back with a smirk. He was leaning down to kiss you again before…
"Y/L/N!" "JACKSON!" 
Maybe next time…
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