#the design went through some changes here and there but the hardest part was actually getting around to it lol
fferthe · 5 months
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simplydnp · 6 months
WAD: Cover Art
dan is still working on selling the distribution rights for We're All Doomed! so i decided to make some DVD/Blu-ray disc jacket art!
this is my attempt at a traditional jacket design! none of the images used are mine, but i did create the concept and design:
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as i was making the first one for myself, i was struck by the fact that 'well, it's for me, so it doesn't have to look like a stereotypical jacket cover' which led me to be more artsy in my approach for the next one:
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i was really enjoying the creativity and space to explore, so i went looking for more inspiration for a third design. this led me to dan's favourite Muse album: Origin of Symmetry, which i paid homage to:
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after the first Muse album, i looked at their catalogue to see if there was more inspiration there. i was just thankful dan's favourite was easy stylistically to mimic, unlike say, 2009's The Resistance...
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thank you @danielhowell for the inspiration!
nerdy stuff & reference pics below the cut!
General notes
i don't know how to use photoshop! i entirely brute-forced my way through the whole project, and the only tutorial i looked up was for the gradient text in the 4th cover
this wasn't even the original project i was working on! you'll eventually get to see that though
and this one also inspired art for the disc itself so stay tuned 👀
i will do anything for authenticity so these are Full of intentional details
matching fonts is a nightmare
the traditional cover
took the longest, as it was the first.
the barcode numbers are the date of the first video he uploaded on dinof, and the last tour show date (in m/d/y)
i changed 'iceland' to 'poland' on the front cover, as he never actually went to iceland, and poland wasn't ever on the list even though he did go there
the orange may look a little off-center in the front, but these designs need to include space for a spine between the front and back cover, i promise it's right 😂
the black and white cover
inspired by the 'i want to believe' aliens poster
the cover art comes from his metal band merch shirt design
i had to manually shrink the text, line by line, and ensure it all lined up on the back!
i even made the logos on the back greyscale
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the Muse: Origin of Symmetry cover
a shockingly perfect style for a WAD cover. i'm so glad i used the cubes, even if they couldn't be orange.
there's some versions of the art online where the sky is even more orange and it baffles me how i haven't seen any parallels like this before
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the Muse: The Resistance cover
this cover was never supposed to see the light of day! i meant it when i said i was grateful i didn't have to try to adapt this complex design... and yet, i tried anyway.
i did all the grid lines by hand, including the jagged/broken edge parts, shading each section, and then drawing every star.
the hardest part was getting the gradient on the back text to cooperate. photoshop's gradient settings are surprisingly limited
gotta shout out @amazingphil for being the reason i knew what this cover looked like--it's the only muse album i knew the art of before embarking on this quest!
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obligatory sob story:
i've been extremely and suddenly ill for 6 months. it is difficult to function moment to moment, but especially in doing little things just for me. this is the first and only art project i've been able to feel inspired to not only work on, but to finish, and despite the pain and long hours, i enjoyed every minute of it. thank you, dan, for creating this space for me to explore, and thank you, everyone here, for being wonderful support during this time 💞
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phierie · 2 years
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in every fandom there comes a time when you have to ask yourself, ok but what classes would these characters be if they were in D&D
overlong headcanons/design notes under the cut:
I based this AU off my rudimentary knowledge of D&D and it’s classes, but I’m taking creative liberties and it can be thought of as just a general fantasy rpg-style thing. Ended up being a mix match of comics and MCU but it’s an AU so hey it’s fine right lol
KAMALA - Sorcerer/Monk
Arguably one of the hardest to actually decide a class for?? I’m imagining her powers here as more akin to those she has in the MCU show; they’re something innate to her, passed down through her bloodline (and possibly unlocked by some event or heirloom as in the case of the TV show). I think the way she fights would be something closer to a monk, though? After awakening her powers, she journeys around helping people in the same way as she becomes Ms Marvel, both on her own and with the party. 
Kamala’s design is based pretty much entirely off the Mystic Marvel design (originally I believe from Champions, also in the Avengers game)! I saw this design and my brain instantly went brrrr because it basically combines my two fave marvel heroes (Dr Strange and Kamala)!! I changed a few parts of the design, and simplified the shirt a bit. I think it suits Kamala well for a fantasy AU - even in the main comics she wears an outfit that’s comfy and easy to move in!
NAKIA- Sorcerer/Cleric
Since Nakia is the only sensible one here, it made sense for her to be the (begrudging, probably) healer. I think it suits her personality well too though! I’m imagining here that her powers are innate (like a sorcerer), but she just uses healing magic the most (like a cleric). More similar perhaps to something like the cleric class in Fire Emblem Awakening, where clerics are often religious but their powers aren’t something directly conferred by the gods. 
Nakia’s design is based entirely off of her Storm Sage look in Ms Marvel (2015) #38 (aka the one where the gang gets isekai’d) Once again simplified it a little and softened some of the shapes (since it’s more of a villain look in the comic, but she’s obvs a good guy here) 
BRUNO - Wizard/Artificer
Bruno’s outfit is also partly inspired by #38 (esp for colour scheme), but I mainly just did my own thing for what I thought he should look like in a fantasy AU ahahah. Gave him a long coat because if there’s one thing I love more than wizards, it’s wizards with long coats lmao
To me the D&D wizard class is much more the ‘study and research’ side of magic so it think it works well for the scientifically inclined Bruno. The thirst for knowledge and hubris (all the benchmarks of a good wizard character, really) are also very fitting for him, I think..!!
He’s a natural prodigy of magic and manages to get accepted to a prestigious and exclusive magic school but is kicked out after The Accident. Leaves to find somewhere else that’s willing to teach him since he can’t accept the idea of not learning magic. Meets Kwezi and the rest plays out much as it does in the comics
His prosthetics are powered with some kind of Magical Rock (call it a magic substitute for vibranium), and made by Kwezi. I’m undecided whether they’re grafted onto his arm/leg or it’s a whole Full Metal Alchemist situation but maybe a bit of both? The arm also acts as a conduit of sorts for casting his own magic (hence where the artificer class comes in). As he makes all sorts of stuff for Kamala in the comics/show I think him having the ability to craft magical items also fits well. Probably learns that magic from Kwezi. Which brings us to...
KWEZI - Artificer
Another magical prodigy, but I see Kwezi as more of a support type to Bruno’s spellcaster. The embodiment of chaotic good. I think he’d be mainly a crafter of magical items (sort of like Olruggio in Witch Hat Atelier?) 
His background in this AU is the same as in the comics, and him and Bruno go adventuring a bit themselves before joining up with Kamala and co eventually. I think he’d be pretty sheltered when it comes to travelling outside fantasy-Wakanda, especially compared to Bruno, so hijinks ensue. (Side note, but I absolutely adore that contrast when it comes to Kwezi & Bruno’s dynamic, I’m so in love with them both)
The green cloak-wrap is inspired by his formal outfit in Ms Marvel (2015) #30, and the harem pants are from #29. I think comfy, practical clothes suit Kwezi, and I like that the colour scheme for him is a nice contrast with Bruno! 
KAREEM - Rogue
Probably the easiest class to decide on because really what else could it be?? I’m undecided on whether Kareem should have his origin from the MCU show or the comics for this AU - personally I prefer comics but I do think a secret society sort of thing would work well for a fantasy AU so I’m leaning a bit more towards that perhaps.
His design is a mix of MCU, comics and my own take on it to make it a little more fantasy/rogue-like.  
KAMRAN - Sorcerer
Probably the only one here (except maybe Kareem) who’s primarily based off his MCU appearance rather than the comics. I see him as being initially a bit more of a bad guy than in the show though, a sort of misguided villain who eventually ends up joining the party (see: Zuko in ATLA)
He’s grown up with the Clandestines (probably some kind of cult here) and he generally believes in their mission, so it takes a little more for him to turn on them. As a sorcerer his powers manifest suddenly and he doesn’t understand how to control them at first. The Clandestines probably want him to use his powers to their ends, and that, along with run-ins with Kamala gets him questioning whether he should continue to follow them or turn away from the only family he’s ever known...
Kamran’s design was probably the hardest to figure out, since he only really has appearances in regular clothes, and no canon alternate designs to work off of (like Nakia/Bruno/Zoe). In the end I was thinking of the Clandestines and what they might wear in such a setting? The blue colour scheme is based off the jacket he wears in ep 6 (probably his most iconic MCU look) and also his coat/scarf look in Ms Marvel (2014) #13. I don’t think I captured Kamran’s likeness very well here but his outfit actually turned out to be one of my faves, so swings and roundabouts hahah
ZOE - Fighter
I’m imagining Zoe in this AU is the daughter of some lowly noble family (a big shot in the town that her and the gang are from, not so much elsewhere). After a run in with some bandits where she’s saved by Kamala, she resolves that she needs to get stronger. Not the strongest nor the most skillful fighter, but she’s trying her best!!
Zoe’s design is inspired by her fantasy look in #38 (the pink tunic in particular), but I changed and added some details to it. Her cloak I swapped out for the pink scarf, as inspired by her stint as Ms Marvel!
BECKY - Paladin-->Warlock & JOSH - ???
The actual bad guys of this AU ahahah. I’m imagining here that the events of Civil War II play out pretty much the same in this AU as in the comics. Becky starts out as a paladin with generally good intentions, but when she crosses a line she gets disowned (is that the right word?? probably not) by her god. Unable to deal with it, she turns instead to darker powers, making a pact and becoming a warlock. 
I haven’t really thought about what class Josh would be... maybe a fighter as well (to match Zoe?), but I’m imagining him as a sort of mysterious Black Knight type figure, hence the you haven’t unlocked this character yet question marks lmao
Their designs are based entirely off their lockdown/discord appearances, just adapted into fantasy-armour style. I think the designs carried over really well, actually (definitely helped by the excellent colour schemes!)
And there you have it LOL I have no idea if I’m gonna do anything more with this AU but just wanted to share the brainrot, so if you got this far THANKS..... any thoughts/suggestions for other characters I should add are always welcome!!
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deusexlachina · 3 months
Wannabe Warden Part 9: You WON'T BELIEVE which member of the Hawke family becomes a Grey Warden
In which my quest to find the Grey Wardens reaches a tragic twist.
The Deep Roads Expedition is kicked off with Varric's brother Bartrand making gratuitous sexual metaphors, a social situation nearly as uncomfortable as styling yourself in the image of a knight you believed to be dead but who is still alive and now it'd just be even more awkward if you went back, because it might look like your family friend was uncomfortable with you transitioning, and Other Aveline would rather die than have awkward conversations, because death is meaningless to her.
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Bartrand reminds us that these tunnels are bound to be full of leftover darkspawn, which I cheer at, although it was meant to be a warning. Cowards.
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Just as we set out to go, I am stopped by my mom and her unflattering haircut. Bethany can't go into the Deep Roads! I mean, she can understand why I would want to go there. The Deep Roads are the ultimate resume-padder for aspiring Wardens. But Bethany!
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Unfortunately for her, Bethany is a goddamn adult who does as she pleases, so I take Bethany and Anders along with Varric. After all, Varric has to go, and Anders is a Deep Roads veteran with Grey Warden powers, healing magic and a demon.
We fight our way through the Deep Roads until we encounter an ancient civilization with glowing rocks and idols to unrecognizable gods, which is always a good sign in adventures like these. We find an idol of lyrium that's red, which is supposed to be different from normal, blue lyrium, except you can find "raw lyrium" outside of here that's clearly red.
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Despite this, Varric proclaims that he's never seen any kind of lyrium like this, which is the first and last time Varric will fail to recognize and have very strong opinions about Red Lyrium.
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That's because, as soon as he hands his brother the idol, he goes villain on us and locks us in that section of the Deep Roads. This is terrible! There aren't even any darkspawn here! There are only these unknown monstrosities that the Codex calls profanes, presumably because as soon as he sees them Varric starts spouting profanities.
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A Hunger Demon inhabiting some rocks is feeding on the hunger of the profanes, and before I can wrap my head around how a being of pure hunger would be sated by even more hunger, it offers me a deal - stop killing the fucking profanes, and he'll point me to a key that I can use to escape. I agree, although it pisses off Anders, who hates demons despite sharing a body with one. Actually, I agree precisely because it pisses off Anders, and I'm more of a Rival to him, so there are more rewards for pissing him off whereas pleasing him would set him back to the default. This is a clever mechanic that is implemented pretty weirdly.
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Having successfully pissed off my friend, something that you want in Dragon Age 2 and in no other context, I set out towards the key, and encounter another lyrium rock monster - one less interested in talking. Do you remember how I died horribly on the last expedition? This is why.
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This is the Ancient Rock Wraith, and it is not only the hardest boss in this game, but the hardest boss in all of Dragon Age. By a large margin.
Every time it loses a third of its health, it blasts your entire field of vision with deadly radiation that quickly kills anyone trapped in it and which can only be avoided by quickly running and hiding behind some columns. There's a similar mechanic in Hades, which is designed as a very difficult action game, and Hades uses it for the final boss whereas Dragon Age 2 is an RPG that uses it right at the end of Act 1.
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The room-filling death radiation is the least of my problems. It can shoot chain lightning at your party, severely damaging several companions at once. It can explode with energy, severely damaging several companions at once. It eventually changes forms and starts rolling around, severely damaging several companions at once. I'm glad this thing doesn't have a nose, because if it did it would might sneeze and severely damage several companions at once.
I look up as many different strategies as I can and, using my Maker's Sighs that I brought in uncharacteristic humility, try them all. None of them work. Determined not to reduce the difficulty level all the way down to merely the highest possible difficulty in the unmodded game, I start sewing strategies together, using the most beautiful parts of each to create a monstrous creature.
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With select strategies synthesized, and a few of my own, I devise a strategy so complicated it deserves its own post, which I promptly make, because there's some pretty bad advice out there and the good advice isn't all concentrated in one place. Nobody should have to suffer through the Ancient Rock Wraith and their self-imposed fanmade harder-than-nightmare difficulty on their own.
This process takes me more than a day, which is just as well because I was too sick to do much else.
Speaking of being sick, Bethany is feeling nauseous. I reassure her we're all pretty nauseous, since we were just running in tight circles to dodge the Ancient Rock Wrath of the Ancient Rock Wraith. But then we take a look at her face, and she's got ghoul eyes and veins.
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The darkspawn got her. Anders knows of a cure...becoming a Grey Warden. But he's not in the order anymore, because he retired. You cannot retire from the Grey Wardens - and that's exactly why he stole their map, in hopes of interfering with their plans to find him. My dream of finding the Grey Wardens is now Bethany's only hope of survival. There's no time to ask questions, like:
What the Wardens would even do to him if they caught him, and why that would ever be a higher priority than their sole mandate of fighting darkspawn.
How a map into the Deep Roads would help to find Anders who, at the time he stole the map, was hiding above ground in Darktown
Why the Grey Wardens would even need a map to find Anders, when they can sense the darkspawn taint in each other, as Anders himself knows full well
If Anders believed that the map would help to catch him, what he was doing keeping it instead of burning it or selling it to his allies in Lirene's Ferelden Imports for a few coppers despite it being a VALUABLE ITEM, LIRENE. (Given that her own prices are in silver, the markup must be over 1000%, which is excusable solely because she's helping refugees, the good soul)
In fairness to Anders, he's been going through a lot lately, including getting a whole ghost jammed up in his head. He's not been at his most clear-headed. This is also presumably why, when he uses his power to track the darkspawn taint in darkspawn-infested tunnels, he is surprised to find that he has tracked darkspawn.
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But, just as we think the trail has gone cold, in comes WARDEN STROUD HELL YEAH!!! "Who's Warden Stroud?" Really! Who's Warden Stroud? Shame on you. He's. Uh. A Grey Warden. Orlesian. Got a big moustache.
Unfortunately, Stroud doesn't want Bethany. The Grey Wardens don't recruit out of pity, he says, looking me dead in the eye.
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The life of a Grey Warden is hard, so it's really better to just put Beth out of her misery, since the taint falls somewhere between a stomachache and instant death. But, in a reversal of his prior position on euthanasia, Anders won't let Bethany die. She just beat the Ancient Rock Wraith. Anders stresses that the Wardens are really scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for recruits, an argument Stroud can't dispute because they hired Oghren. Once you let in Oghren, you're done. Everyone knows you have no standards.
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Stroud reluctantly agrees, but says that this makes them even. For...stealing his maps? Which he clearly didn't need?
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But Stroud has no time to stick around. He's got to rush Bethany to the Joining ritual while I go back home. I will likely never see her again.
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But I couldn't possibly part with little Bethany. If becoming a Grey Warden is what it would take to stay with my little sister, then that's a sacrifice I am willing to make. We've always been by each other's sides, no matter what, even when I went on dangerous adventures. We're even specced to complement each other's skills! I tank, she heals!
So, in conclusion, we're kind of a package deal, me and Beth, and you've got to recruit her, so really you might as well - wait! Where are you going? Don't leave me! I'm literally giving you a free extra Grey Warden! How many people are dumb enough to willingly sign onto that? Wait! No! GET BACK HERE YOU MOUSTACHIOED FUCK!
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tanetime · 10 months
20. Does Wyneer have any interesting facts regarding his creation?
This turned into me just rambling about making Wyneer and I'm so sorry.
I made Wyneer because me and some friends at the time decided to make DST mods together. My design prompt was "a jack of all trades." I pieced together inspiration from some old noh actor OCs of mine and imagery from a song I was obsesed with at the time and got Wyneer out of it.
The face on his mask used to be a lot smaller, and his hair less angular. You can see him become more DST-animatic-like over time... it's like putting a normal dog next to a pug.
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His original outfit (not pictured bc the art sucked) was a lot fancier and later became the basis for his original guest of honour skin.
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Wyneer originally had no name or gender or personality at all. He was supposed to be a blank slate and exaggerate certain personality traits through his masks...
...The problem was that I didn't have any masks. It took like six months for the first ones to get concept art. In that time, Wyneer developed an identity of his own. So the masks had to change into being different 'people'.
Wyneer himself hasn't changed very much, but his masks changed a lot. Under the cut I'll talk about the masks who made it into his mod, but here's two that didn't:
A kelp based mask, who was supposed to be used during seafaring. I think they got more stats from eating raw fish to allow them to stay at sea longer? They were very creature and liked to just sit in ponds.
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A beefalo-wool mask who had an affinity toward animals. I don't have a whole lot of concept art of them because I drew them once and went "that's it that's the design."
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Both of these masks got cut because ultimately I couldn't come up with anything for them to do that justified them existing. I don't think they'll ever come back.
As for the ones that made it in...
now let's talk about
The Masks
Here's some quick-fire things.
1. Fright n Flight, Brave Face and Laborious were the first masks I made, and I made them all together. Fright was the first to get modded in, Brave was the first to get sprites, and Lay was the first to develop an individual personality that wasn't part of Wyneer.
For the longest time the masks in his mod looked like this because they had no designs (that's Fright on the right):
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2. Brave Face and About Face only exist because their names are puns, and their mechanics are based on those puns. Boutey was supposed to be a comedy/tragedy mask until he became whatever the hell he ended up as.
3. Going back to Brave, if you'll remember I said that Wyneer's masks added to his personality originally. Back then his masks had more abstract designs and weren't designed to emote. For a very small period of time, Brave was a dragon!
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There's nothing left of this iteration other than his sharp teeth.
Fright was also a monster for a bit, but this was around the time I decided to make the masks people, so they became more reminisent of human faces instead.
Brave was the hardest mask to design. He used to be blue and green and resemble actual artefacts that were supposedly made by Celtic tribes, but the colours 1. looked bad digitally 2. bore no resemblence to any materials in Don't Starve. His final design was colour-picked from Wigfrid's Winged Victory set for cohesion.
It pains me that he's now a typical movie interprenation of generic Celtic things but it does make sense that Wyneer mistakenly thought that was what he should look like...
4. About Face and Jet Black were originally the same mask. About Face was originally "a rogue that becomes a tank" so his high sanity form couldn't be noticed by enemies unless he attacked them first.
It was a bit much, and I was debating making a crow feather mask, so I split that half of Boutey into Blake's original version. It got coded in but I ultimately didn't like it and removed it.
5. Wyneer had a whooole upgrade pyramid of masks involving different seasons. The idea was that there were four masks that had a season that suited them, and you could combine the masks together to sets of pairs to ultimately form a mask that consolidated all of their perks.
I got as far as making Crimson and Azure (summer and winter) before realising that the idea sounded cool on paper but introduced a lot of masks that were going to be redundant.
Wyneer did design Jet Black with the intent of him consolidating Crimson and Azure's abilities, but that's not quite what purple gems do.
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6. Nightmare Face used to glow magenta, like the other Ruins stuff. However, DST's colour cubes wash out magenta into a disgusting grey colour under certain circumstances, so I changed it to red.
Klei later did the same thing with the Nightmare Werepig. I wonder if the same realisation happened to them.
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7. The masks were originally supposed to have slightly different hair and wear Wyneer's clothes differently. I did the former for Brave and Boutey and immediately realised that it would be a nightmare and stopped doing it for the remaining masks.
8. Several of Wyneer's masks are based on venetian masks.
9. Wyneer's masks had a crafting tab icon before Klei nuked it. I still think it looks cool.
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10. The masks in Wyneer's mod are fully animated and have a disgusting amount of sprites. I wanted each one to feel unique, so I drew them all from scratch. It took so long to make them all that you can see me getting better or rustier between each one... it was a lot of work, but I really enjoy searching for an emotion and seeing how each one looks.
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11. Wyneer's masks are so unique that they broke the Modded Skins API and as of this post the hyperspecific glitch that effects him has not been fixed. Thanks Wyneer.
...I could go on forever, but this post is way too long...
As a sendoff, here are the beta inventory icons for the masks, for no particular reason.
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 months
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Breaking Dawn
You're invited to a party with the world's cutest creature of the night!
The inspiration for this fig is of course Gong Jun's delightful vampire-themed photoshoot from November 28, 2023:
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And of course, because how could we resist, the video:
His slow blink is so beautiful they had to show it twice.
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I'm zooming in and cropping the second picture so you can see a close up of the crown.
Alright, on to the fig!
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And what a fig it is. He is fabulous. He has both the most adorable face and he's gorgeously detailed. A jewel in my collection indeed! I was a little worried about him arriving safely because he's so ornate, but there was no problem at all.
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If you zoom in you can see the same style of script on this invite as from the one Gong Jun is holding in the photoshoot. This invitation says, You're invited to my party.
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The fig maker rendered his suit in this beautiful glossy paint - it looks even better in real life. The little stars almost seem to sparkle.
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Look at how beautiful that crown is. I am delighted by it!
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This is actually a pretty good shot of the quasi-sparkly effect from the star design in the glossy paint. The contrast of the textures is really nice for this fig.
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Ok, maybe this is this the best shot yet of the true glossiness of the paint! The light changed a little while photographing, so it's now pouring in through my upstairs window. This is much closer to how it looks in real life.
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The quill is very delicate. You might wonder how I know that. Well, the same way I seem to learn a lot of things - the hard way. In picking up this figure to take back to my display shelf, I placed my thumb right on the quill and it snapped right off. I almost had a heart attack!
Luckily, it was a fairly straightforward, if extremely fiddly fix. The hardest part was just making sure such a tiny piece went back on straight and in the correct way, and then staying very very still with the glue and tweezers for long enough to make sure the glue bond took. But eventually it I got it, and it looks as good as new.
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I really like the choice by the fig maker not to make his eyes too bright red - this is subtle and perfect.
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Back around to the front! I wanted to get a pic of our little vampire prince at night with a dark background for you. Unfortunately, my phone didn't seem to want to focus well in the low light, but that's ok, it gives him a slightly dreamy appearance. His crown looks gorgeous.
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Back to the harsh light of day for the bottoms-up and top-down pics! This is the best view yet of the tiny script on his invitation.
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As you can see, this cape is shorter than his outfit, so it's not one of those that will help stabilize the fig. I didn't even waste time with this fig trying to get him to stand for pictures - I immediately glued him on a base. I wasn't going to take any chances with him toppling over and breaking that beautiful crown.
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Speaking of the crown, here you go. The silver paint there around the front star really does look like pearls in real life. If you scroll back up to the night time pic you can see how it normally looks either night or day.
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I love this fig! I know I say each fig is my favorite, but he's definitely on the top of the list.
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That's the cutest little vampire lair I've ever seen in my life!
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The back of the fig card with the name, Breaking Dawn. As you can see, I did not come up with this name - I personally had him down a little more generically on my spreadsheet as "Vampire Jun", but turns out that's not quite accurate.
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As a bonus, the fig maker threw in some cute little transparent cards, in the style of Gong Jun's Instagram page. I love them, they're so cute! The top one, from his runway walk on Paris Fashion Week, is my favorite.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: (+1) 525
Scene Count: 38
Rating: We'll RSVP to this party for sure!
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ghostlenin · 1 year
Avalon (Better Late Than Never Promo)
Back in February - 80 days ago, according to itch - I released my third FIST supplement. This time it stretches the system out to a medieval hack-n-slash, swapping out Cold War mercenaries for Arthurian knights, and I've called it Avalon.
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I'm really quite pleased with this one! Since this has been out for a bit - and has also received one major update - I figured I'd reflect on the design process and what I was aiming for mechanically with this one.
The idea for this came up organically: what if FIST but knights. That's a solid high concept pitch, so I went for it. I've long been a fan of arthuriana, the grail cycle, old myths, and subversions or reinventions of the old stories. For this though, I wanted to play it more straight-up than revisionist, more grounded than fantastical, since the thrust of the FIST system is to make combat-focused chaos engines.
So when it came to dealing with things like magic and dragons, I figured I'd shoot for a matter-of-fact presentation. The fantastic in Le Morte d'Arthur is just there, no explanation, no in-depth discussions of the repercussions of magic existing in society; wizards do magic, there's weird stuff in the wilderness.
I started with a couple new Traits in mind. Traits are the building blocks of FIST characters and are the source of equipment, abilities, and stat changes. These were classic things like "oh I need one for jousting", "what about where they're from", and "some that capture some of the more famous knights of the round." As I got more into my research, I wanted to include Traits that touched on what being one of the Round Table might actually look like in a combat-heavy ttrpg setting and how the church/faith aspect of arthuriana could be included in a way that was 1) not specific to Catholicism or even Christianity and 2) not required for players to engage with. I also wanted Traits that could change with, or at least track, a knight's progression through the ranks. I'll touch on how all of that came about in the next section, though.
The other major choice for players in vanilla FIST is choosing a Role, or an archetype with a personality motivation to act in particular ways that, when you do the thing, you can take an Advancement and improve your character. These quickly changed to Virtues in Avalon, and I went with the classic chivalric seven. Vices, or choosing one of the Virtues that your knight has the hardest time with, came later, but (in my opinion) cemented the feeling of an arthurian knight: the quests aren't just about the physical obstacles, they're also (or arguably, mainly) about the internal moral struggles.
After I figured out the Virtue-Vice setup, the Quests part came pretty easy, especially after I laid out the rules I'd use for myself in writing up a Quest:
A Goal connected to a Primary Virtue
A main physical obstacle
A main moral obstacle that targets a different Virtue than the Primary
The idea here was to emphasize the choices in how players resolve problems. This definitely drags FIST closer to the OSR side of things (not that it's not pretty OSRy anyway!) and gives Referees/GMs a versatile framework for building out Quests.
The Bestiary came with the big 1.1 Update, and frankly was a blast to write. Splitting it up into three tiers was a no-brainer: it makes sense to me to have a rough idea for the "combat rating" of baddies in relation to the characters, and that's why the tiers are mapped to the Rank Traits. It was also fun to come up with unique abilities, cycles of enemies that appear in multiple tiers (like the fey), and just absolutely brutal stat blocks. This was also the area where I got to plop in some of the weirder medieval woodcut images I found in the public domain--the one of the giant fish chomping on one dude while his buddy runs away cracks me up.
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By far, the biggest thing Avalon does to advance the mechanics/system space of FIST-based games is in how I deal with Advancement, or what happens when your character levels up.
This started with an idea when I was drafting out Traits: what if there were some parts of Traits you lost when you took a new one? On the FIST discord, the group had been engaging in lots of really good discussions on topics like "how do you deal with characters that have like 8 traits" and "should I make my players retire their characters when they get too strong? and what does too strong look like?" and "how can we fix WAR DICE so people actually choose them."
What I came up with was a combination solution that tries to address these issues. First: putting a max on Advancements (12, of course) and a max on Traits (5, with some exceptions). Second: creating rules and mechanics for replacing traits. Third: codifying retirement (your knight hits the Advancement max) and replacement (your knight retires or dies and a new one takes its place).
The Traits max came first, and the rules for replacing Traits came right along with the development of this system. I wanted to do two things with this max: incentivize taking options other than Traits when you Advance and making replacing Traits an interesting choice. Many of the Traits in the finished product have a black diamond for a bullet point: this marks parts of the Trait that go away when it's replaced, and they're usually the strongest or most unique part of the Trait.
Flavor-wise, I intended to evoke the idea that as you focused your attention elsewhere, you lost access to some of the things you used to be able to do. The Origin Traits are great examples of this. If you build a character with an Origin Trait, you're declaring that they grew up away from the Castle, and they have some bonus to exploration because of it. Ex: Mountborn says that "You can scale rock faces and squeeze into small spaces with no difficulty" but you lose that part of the Trait when you replace it/as you become more integrated into the lifestyle of a Questing Knight in service to the King, you lose touch with where you came from.
I think this is the biggest innovation, and I'm proud of it!
The Advancement max had some interesting knock-on effects, so I wanted to talk about that briefly, too. At first, it was just a hard cap: you get 12, that's it. I wrote out what the Advancement options would be, adapting and expanding the options from the base game, and called it good. The rules in the Virtues-Vice section for falling and recovering from a fall provided a nice little outlet for some additional increases that didn't count toward your total to reward roleplaying the moral/inner strife part of being this kind of knight.
However, I realized that this wasn't quite enough, so for the 1.1 Update, I made a couple changes. The first was to actually add Advancement boxes onto the character sheets. The second was to bake in regular WAR DICE gains on the Advancement track. Not only is this easier to see how far along your knight is in its journey, but it also gives you regular boosts for keeping your guy alive. Quality of life improvement plus a buff, what more can you want!
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I'm going to let Avalon marinate for a little bit and give it some more playing time before returning to its design space, but I do really like this project and I plan on a revisit at some point.
In the mean time, Avalon is for sale for $5 on my itch page. If you do grab a copy, give it a read and a play and then go rate it!
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trashfontcesttrash · 2 years
So I caved and gave my main three familiars. I have a habit of wanting to avoid convential tropes but I went through a whole "if they would have a pet what would it be" thing as part of their creation process to you know, explore their budding personalities and it stuck. Besides, there's a lot of magic girl influences and what magic girl doesn't have a magical animal companion so I let it go.
Then I remembered that I actually have to name all this shit. It's fine but like i said I have to write all this down or else I'll forget. Write, not type because I'll forget it exists if I type it up.I don't know why but my overactive brain manifested the word "Jabonbon" like years ago and and I would spontaneously remember that so I'm taking that, cutting it short and naming their animal companions Jabons.
Willoughbys was going to be an octopus, because octopus are smart and she is smart and you can do some really cool things design wise with an octopus. However, I couldn't get it to stick because there wasn't an octopus I liked enough to base it on. I eventually settle on a rabbit because rabbits are cute. And she herself kind of looks like a rabbit. And the personality matches up much better.
I gave Vivian a fox because of kitsunes and she's a weeb. That's it, that's the whole story. It's not like it doesn't fit her or anything, and several times I thought about giving her another animal like a chinchilla but their back legs reminded me too much of rabbits snd I didn't want that much of an overlap. So fox it is.
Bree was the hardest because I couldn't pi. Down an exact animal and even know the one I have for her I have second guesses. It's a cat. Specifically a black footed cat. Small, but a very successfull hunter. For a minute I considered a money of some kind but that consideration lasted exactly one minute because not only is Bree black she has the darkest skintone out of the three and it wouldn't be a good look. (I'm black so don't hate me I think monkeys are cool). So a cat it is for her lol.
The Jabons themselves can change forms or whatever I flesh this bit out into. E.g. Willoughbys can turn into a Jackalope and by extension she'll get wings and a pair of horn, as well as a small set of more extreme abilities. Vivians would be a kitsune but I'm going to out in the work to make it unique. Or look for some other mythical fox to base it on, it's so hard finding one I could've sworn there were more mythological foxes. Brees would oroblam be based on some cat from American folklore, I have a few in mind.
The Jabons are really sweet though, Willoughbys Jabon laps on her head when she had a migraine and acts like a ice pack to help her feel better lol. That's not all they do.
Willoughbys the most developed one here can you tell lmao.
Then I remembered very early on that I said Willoughby would have a guinea pig as a pet that almost made me back petal on the whole rabbit thing but I kept it. It's too far gone now.
Honestly there's no reason i cant cone up with a way for them to have multiple Jabons, even more like pets then adventure companions. I'm tossing this one around, I have to see if it's consistent since I already have a villain that's corrupted and steals other Trismo users abilities and by extention their Jabons.
Also, Trismo, the name I have the magic system the girls will be bestowed with. Finally put a name to it two weeks ago and I'm proud of myself
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applemint-club · 2 years
Every morning when I get up, they send various images of ugly horrible woman (sometimes even the ones of men) from their computer into my brain very strongly and at the same time stimulate some emotions and senses like pain, nausea, despair, sadness, anger and suffering.
They have been trying to change my self image and identity into ugly feminist like a man.
Now, they are sending an image of small boobs(less than size A in Japan; almost plain breast) into my brain and stimulating uncomfortable mixed feelings. Now my self image is as if like a woman with plain tiny boobs by nature since I was a teenager and who loves it, and at the same time they are sending some emotions, thoughts and senses like doubt, laughter and anger about it. They can change our self images in our human brains mechanically by AI. They say they can completely delete my memories of my beautiful boobs; the size(D), shape and texture in the past and stimulate fear very often.
A year ago, they have destroied my boobs, face and other parts of my body into ugly ones with a weapon in a distance actually. My boobs got smaller suddenly within several minutes. Of course I ate 3 times a day properly. And at the same time, they have also changed my photoes in the past on my phones and made many fake ugly photoes I've never taken with my friends😿. They also change my image in a mirror when I see it very frequently into many kinds of ugly ones that never exist and are processed by AI; they can control many informations in human's brain directly.
Today they have lead me to post this here. And I'm a little bit nervous to be taken advantage of for one of their possible purposes to hide and deny the existance of these technologies...They have been investigated many personal informations through my brain like my authentic belief, character, common sense, way of thinking or human relationships in the past before I started working for Japanese government...by repeating input of crucial stimulations into my body and brain and outputs on my phone in turns for almost a year. They say they have already collected my information and they can delate all evidences.
I'm not sure if this SNS is open to public online as they can change and block all of my posts on my phone. They can show me fake screen and show others the another fake ones.
They can change and delate datas of messages themselves from my family and friends on emails and SNS, and also they can control their(my family's and friends') brain directly and make them speak, write, feel and think what they(Japanese secret police from government) want.
They have been controlling my pivate human relationships over 10 years by using this AI system by controlling our brain directly. I noticed this because I found how people react to me is based on my fake character I was pretending in a government. It was completely different from my authentic character when I was a student😹lol.
I was feminine by nature and I never went to university frequently; only 20% of requirement. I didn't study at all and my interests were cooking, baking, dating, romance, design, feminine fashion, and cosmetic etc... I have never got angry at others(only got angry at my close family😅) and never complained or told my opinions even when I was treated irrationally or I saw some irrational things. I was kinda like a feminine, friendly, childlike and sweet girl like most of other typical Japanese younger girl.
But I pretended as a serious, selfish and bold feminist like who has an ambition for hardest work and strong eager to promotion like a man, when I took a job interview. My dad who believes in power forced me by fear and violence to enter Japanese government. I had to act just for living🥲
I went to girl's high school and took science class there as my memory function suddenly got terrible since 13 years old.🥲I could remember almost nothing in other classes like history, politics, or old Japanese language.
I major in architecture at science University but no one saw me as like a science girl😺✨Boys outside the school never noticed my major. I was interested in design, especially in beautiful feminine interior designs, gardens and stylish modern houses. But the classes were too hard so I didn't went to the university at all. And, I got a job to design and construct prisons in whole country in Ministary of Law😹. There was no choice for me as my dad forced me to be a government officer. And I thought I was lucky to be able to do design things even in government😹It was like a comedy for me to deal with prisons and to work for government.
Since about 2nd year in Ministary of Law in Japan, they have been controling my family, friends and boyfriend in my private according to their "assumption"😹 over 10 years.
I understand how I look without "the title of government"😹. About 12 years ago, on the 1st year in government, 10 men in social circles asked me for dating seriously at the same time in my private(of course I can tell who is serious at heart or not with flattery😹lol and we didn't have iPhone yet and online dating services neither, like now. At that time I had a boyfriend and they didn't know it.) I can see myself objectively of course😹lol, but serious men in Japanese secret police in government never understand how I am and how I was like in my private and still unable to modify the AI system.😺😸✨People around me are still kept reacting weirdly by AI no matter what I enter on my phone everyday. Maybe they are still misunderstanding me and they are thinking they can take advantage of me as a funny and crazy woman with a self conceit if they change all of my photoes into ugly ones(maybe even if they didn't lol) and that's why they have approved me to post here. Very funny😹 I'm very humble, sincere and honest and have enough common sense.
My feminine and sweet mom who had endured domestic violence from my dad over 20 years are changed into a bold, selfish, aggressive and savage feminist like a man. She was a very beautiful and tender house wife who worked in a Japanese famous business company as a secretary of executives before marriage around 40 years ago.
A year ago this AI system started to control her to act like a selfish woman who has an Alzheimer. I got isolated physically(by locations) from my separated family and friends. I can contact with them on SNS but all of them are controlled by this system. My mom's uncle is "dead", they say. And one of my friends is also "dead". They held even funeral...😿(I never saw her dead body🤔) My brother was arrested 10 years ago(←I'm not sure if this is related to the government though)
But it's a clear fact that this system can control what we say, what we think and how we feel, and trys to avoid talking about this mystery each other and to modify our relationships at surface to the 3rd party. But my honest friendships over 20 years are never broken so I feel lonly now but I trust God and someday I will be able to meet them and talk about what was going on among us. Maybe Japanese government are using this system only for a certain people they are targeting. Because the system is too terrible and many people would notice if they use it for all Japanese😹.
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So I’ve noticed something with all the merch that comes out. All the characters have a specific color associated with them??
Draken- pink
Chifuyu- Cyan/light blue
Baji- Dark blue
???-purple (idk if u look into it who do u think it could be, I’m thinking sanzu but we don’t really know a lot about him. They also haven’t used purple in the official merch)
Kisaki- black
So my initial thought was “ha rainbow gaaaayyyy”
But then I remembered this thing we went over in class about wavelengths and the visible light spectrum. We went a lil off topic and this whole discussion about auras came up and how they’re not scientifically proven but everything has energy and we as humans also emit energy
Anyway I looked up what specific aura colors mean and they sound an awful lot like the characters I mentioned above.
Like how a red aura can mean passion, anger, hunger(and that boi be eaten), driven, reactive and have leadership qualities. And the specific shade of red involved in the merch is a bright red rather than a dark red?? A dark red aura represents stability, and a grounded mentality, which I thought was neat bc Mikey isn’t any of those things(Oop)
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Honestly my first thought was we should paint Mikey in a children's hospital, colour theory proves he'll work well there.
But I can see what you mean, these are only some of the merch images but you see a clear colour scheme going here.
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You already mentioned red and purple which both fit the characters pretty well (esp Mikey, you're right he does love to eat). So I'll quickly go through the others.
Pink represents someone who gives their heart freely to others without demanding much in return. Which i think fits Draken pretty well, he happily not only gives his heart to Mikey but to all of toman. We can see this during a lot of his fights where he's always protecting and looking out for others. He put his heart and everything he had into toman and Mikey.
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Orange represents creativity, it's said people with an orange aura receives peace from their art, their minds can also be overactive. I think it's pretty clear why this fits Mitsuya, he's arguably the most creative person in the series, constantly designing different outfits.
Yellow represents high energy people who exclude optimism. I actually do think Kazutora is an optimist deep down, though it can be hard to miss due to everything he's been through.
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He's optimistic enough to ask about his birthday above, thinking it might be acknowledged. We also see him being optimistic with his fake friends, even though he deep down knows they're using him he still thinks they'll be there for him in a fight. I would say he's optimistic to think he could've beaten Mikey. And we see a lot of his optimism in the future parts, he always wanting and thinks he can save Mikey. He's also quite high energy which can be seen in how often he's the one pushing for a fight.
Green- represents a grounded, hard working person, also said to be a nature lover. They are also prone to jealousy and competition. Not sure about the nature lover or jealousy bit but the other parts definitely fit Takemichi. He's probably the hardest worker in this whole series since he constantly has to work to keep everyone alive. I also think the competition bit kind of fits him since after Kisaki's death he said he wanted him to come back so they could fight again.
Cyan/light blue represents someone empathic and sensitive. They can also be uneasy of change and nervous of new situations. Again fitting Chifuyu well, Chifuyu is shown to be empathetic on a couple of occasions throughout the manga. He takes pity on Baji and helps him with work, helps Takemichi accomplice his goals and gives Kazutora a job once he gets out. He also does seem unsure of new situations or at least new people, for example he doesn't trust the ex black dragons and doesn't want them to join the first division.
Dark blue/indigo represents a wise person with an old soul. They're also sometimes said to be secretive, going off into their own little world. Baji is definitely a wise person, he's the only one to see past Kisaki's tricks and is able to predict what will happen if Kazutora and Mikey clashed. He also correctly judges Takemichi to be good enough to look after Mikey after he's gone. He is also very secretive, always trying to do things alone.
And finally black represents a dark energy brought on by selfish and unkind behaviour. This aura also indicates that someone needs to let go of baggage. Which is basically Kisaki's whole character, most of the events happen because of his selfish desire to have Hina. His behaviour is definitely unkind, though I would probably use a more harsh word. And the baggage he needs to let go of is Hina herself.
So yeah I agree i think the aura colour theory checks out pretty nicely here.
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Ron Weasley x Fem! Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1,829
“I’m sorry I ruined your weekend.”
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“I said I was sorry!”
“Save it, Ron.”
“I didn’t know you would get in trouble too!”
“Shut up, Ron.” 
This conversation had been going on for the last ten minutes. Just you and Ron alone in the Potions classroom, bickering over the reason why you had ended up in Professor Snape’s Saturday night detention. Your beloved boyfriend decided that assisting his infamous twin brothers with one of their pranks outweighed the consequences of if they got caught. Fred and George managed to get off easy without any punishment, considering that they left you and Ron with all the damning evidence.
For the most part, it started out as a pretty harmless prank. It might’ve caused Filch a bit of a headache and a hernia, but otherwise it was meant to be a mellow joke. Fred and George had been working on these new exploding firecrackers that were supposed to combust when lit. They were proud of their finished product, and they were ready to try it out. Every once in a while, the twins would seek out their little brother’s help to ensure that the prank would be successful. 
In all of their excitement, they forgot to actually test the firecrackers to make sure they worked as they were supposed to.
It had always been Fred and George’s dream to make an attack on one of the girls’ bathrooms. Obviously it could be difficult to actually sneak in and have the time to plan some sort of scheme. But this was rather simple. All they had to do was have Ron light the firecrackers, toss them in the sink and scare the daylights out of anyone in the room. Ron had asked you to tag along, and you decided that witnessing their endeavor might be worth your time. That’s when Ron, Fred, and George had found a slight quirk in the twins’ design. 
The firecracker didn’t only explode and destroy the sink, but it caught everything in the surrounding area on fire. It was the loudest noise that any of them had ever heard, and water soon came gushing out of the busted pipes. The twins made their escape shortly after, leaving you and Ron to deal with their screw up. A group of girls sprinted out of the bathroom in a flurry of frightened screams as the room filled with smoke and water soaked you and the floor. Ron went into a panic until Professor Snape came running in with all the commotion, casting a charm to stop the flames from further engulfing the bathroom. Ron frantically tried to explain that neither of you were really the culprits, but without Fred and George present, it was impossible to prove. 
Snape dragged the two of you to his Potions classroom, not even allowing either of you to change clothes first. So, that was how you ended up in the gloomy classroom, practically dripping wet from the broken sink. Professor Snape’s detentions were always the worst, because he either gave you way too much to do, or nothing at all. Sometimes being assigned nothing but to sit in silence for hours at a time was worse than the latter.
You were sitting on the opposite side of the room from Ron, per Professor Snape’s demands. Although, you were so miffed at Ron that you didn’t even mind. You had barely offered  him even a passing glance in the last hour. You weren’t exactly thrilled that Ron had dragged you into this, because this wasn’t how you wanted to spend your Saturday night. After the first hour of silent detention had passed, Snape made his exit for a bit to go handle something with one of his Slytherins. That left you and Ron alone in the room, allowing some time to speak.
“I wouldn’t have asked you to come see it if I had known that they hadn’t even tried the damned thing out first.” Ron claimed, trying his hardest to get you to at least look at him.
You didn’t offer any kind of response, only continuing to stare off into space with your head resting in your palm. Ron hated the silent treatment. He’d rather you scream and yell at him for all hours of the night than you not say anything at all. At least that way he could know how you felt. The red-headed boy let out a deep sigh, crossing his arms over the top of the desk and resting his chin on the arm that was propped on top. 
It was so quiet in the desolate classroom that it was almost loud. If it weren’t for the clock ticking on the wall, Ron might’ve thought he had lost all hearing. He had grown bored long ago, almost wishing Snape had made the two of you write an essay or something. Out of sheer boredom, Ron began to tap his foot on the ground, the sole of his shoe making some sort of melody each time it hit the floor. 
You still didn’t turn your head to look at him, but your eyes did shift in his general direction. He began to lull his head from side to side, fairly content with the entertainment he was providing for himself. You were already irritated, and this wasn’t helping. It was possible to endure you supposed. It wasn’t like he was being totally obnoxious.
That was until he started singing.
He started singing some song you didn’t even know, but you did know that it was terrible. Ron’s horrid singing skills were no assistance either. You groaned in aggravation, finally looking at him through a piercing glare.
“Ron! Enough with the singing.” You scolded, hissing at your boyfriend.
His music production had innocent intentions. He hadn’t meant to annoy the everloving soul out of you, but it was a win-win because now you had spoken to him again, and he had an opportunity. He sheepishly grinned, scratching at his neck cumbersomely. 
“Sorry, love.” He apologized.
Now you let out a heavy sigh, but gave your first non-harsh response of the evening.
“It’s okay.” You replied, twiddling your thumbs absentmindedly.
It seemed that you had taken pretty much all of the water damage, not a single part of your clothing being dry. Ron had taken most of the smoke from the fire, his face and clothes smudged with soot. It was always cold in the dungeons of the castle, and your damp state just made you even chillier. You couldn’t fight the shudder that vibrated down your spine and through your body, something that Ron couldn’t miss.
“Are you cold?” Ron asked, knowing that you had to be.
You only shrugged, still not giving into his antics yet. 
“A little.” You lied as another shiver coursed through you. 
Ron chuckled under his breath, standing from his place and removing his sweater from his body, leaving his t-shirt underneath to remain. He walked over to you with the warmer clothes in hand, giving you one simple instruction.
“Arms up.” He said.
You looked at him with hesitancy and coldness, but you obliged. 
“You’re stubborn, you know that?” Ron said, whipping your wet shirt off. His cheeks glowed red at your breasts peeking over the top of your lacy bra, “My pretty baby…”
He grinned cheekily when you couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on your face. He slipped his sweater over your head, rubbing your arms to get more heat through you.
“I would offer you my trousers, but I don’t think Snape would appreciate me walking around his classroom in nothing but my underwear,” Ron joked, “Besides, I’d rather you stay in that skirt because bloody hell…”
“Ron,” You warned, “Not right now.”
“Because you’re mad at me or because you’re afraid Snape might walk in?” Ron chided.
“Both.” You answered shortly.
Ron let out a playful, guttural noise as he sat in the empty chair next to you. His hand was warm on your inner thigh, his palm forming to it perfectly. He had always believed that his hands were made for touching you...for loving on you.
“C’mon, beautiful, don’t be mad. I really didn’t think you’d get in trouble too,” He pleaded again, “I’d never do that on purpose.”
You let your index fingertip trail over his knuckles, a gesture that he always found so cute. You went quiet again, still not going to break just yet. Ron sighed dramatically.
“I guess you leave me no choice…” He hinted.
You went to question him, but you didn’t get the chance before he began peppering you with an attack of kisses. You squealed under his lips, laughing and squirming when he pulled you into his lap. His hands tickled your sides and wherever else he knew you were ticklish, refusing to stop until you caved.
“Okay, okay! I’m not mad!” You admitted, realizing you couldn’t stay angry at him, “It was kind of funny.” You added once he stopped.
Ron’s smile spread twice in size, his giggle coming out as a hiccup of a laugh. 
“Snape’s face was priceless! I can’t believe Fred and George missed it!” He exclaimed, remembering how Snape had almost fainted at the sight of what had happened.
The two of you fell into rounds of laughter as you remembered the encounter. You laughed until you were lightheaded and breathless from the aching in your sides. When your laughter simmered down, Ron filled the silence by kissing you more lovingly this time. He was relieved that you wouldn’t hold this over his head, but even more relieved that you understood that he really didn’t intentionally get you in trouble. His hands came to cup your face as your lips danced together as they had hundreds of times before. He kept you grounded in his lap, his arms wrapped around your torso. 
You pulled away first, brushing some of his slightly singed hair out of his face.
“I’m sorry I ruined your weekend.” He said, apologizing for the millionth time. 
“You didn’t ruin my weekend. You’re here, aren’t you?” You asked, smiling when he got bashful at your words, “Now go back to your side before Snape doubles our detention.”
Ron grumbled in disapproval, but set you off of his lap so he could return to his original seat. It was just in the nick of time too, since Snape entered immediately after Ron sat down.
“You’re both still here,” Snape announced, “I thought I was about to walk in on the two of you snogging.”
You held down your giggle that threatened to escape, only giving Ron a knowing look. 
“No, Professor. Never.” Ron lied. 
The rest of the night was horribly boring, but you completed your detention sentence nonetheless. Ron owed you a weekend and lots of compensation for your time spent in detention, but at the end of the day, you had made a wonderful memory that you’d always share with him. 
And you’d take detention for that any day.
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
real estate x damon albarn
Pairing: 1998 damon albarn x reader
Warnings: none :))
Word count: 3.104
Requested by anon x
Searching for a home to share with your partner is one of the most fulfilling yet extremely stressful experiences. To prior discussion and awareness of the reciprocity of feelings you have for one another, a mutual agreement is conformed in the idea of wanting to invest in a space where you both can start anew, and begin a segment in your lives which in hope can progress until the very last breath. From being in a relationship with Damon for quite a significant amount of time - and having him inhabit my apartment for many a year - it was quite transparent that we had both worn out the flat, to the point that it was wearing us down. To be able to start fresh, in a new space, grants the ability of us to create the life that we had always manifested together - notwithstanding the fact that we had loved where we had lived at the time, it was simply the element of growth and the need for a change between our relationship. As you get older, mature more into your thirties, simple doings like getting drunk every friday night after a long, dragging day of work and intoxicating your body with countless shots of pure ethanol, losing all ability of processing any cognitive skill, becomes more of an impediment than going out to release the burden placed on your shoulders from the entire week of pure hindrance - and not to mention the hangovers. If we had perpetuated ourselves in the same routine that had been occupied as long as the decade induced in our twenties lasted, not only would it morph a lifestyle of monotonous sadness, but it leaves no ground for the chance to mature, the chance to experience all else that this world, this life can provide. It defeats the purpose of life, as existence is never steady; it is a continuous development between life stages, and an inevitability. To not accept the philosophy of life, proves a lack of purpose in your existence. Life is fleeting from the moment a baby opens its mouth for its first cry, and to distract one’s self from the thought of the end, we comply with life as it blossoms.
Me and Damon were visiting the second home that the real estate agent had been showing us. It was beautiful; a much larger space in comparison to the apartment we had in the heart of Camden - a place where the life of the party never comes to a halt, so getting to sleep was quite a challenge some nights, as well as it being an actual house. We decided upon the fact that we should search for houses instead of another apartment as we had endured living in a one-floor apartment for years on end, and to be able to have more space where you could rest your feet, not have clutter at every corner of the room, would be a dream. As I wandered around the upstairs floor, I walked into the master room, where I had found Damon standing, gazing out of the window which conveyed the most picturesque landscape of freshly cut grass, accompanied with the sun’s glisten to allow the richness of the green pigment to blossom even more. It felt like a stupor admiring the beauty that was portrayed forth, like an over emphasised memory from your childhood, in which every little thing seemed to be so enticing, full of pure feelings of euphoria, where there had been not a care in the world for anything except your own - merely just that significant moment that had been playing out. From the repetitive reminiscence towards those specific memories, things seem to feel a little more bright, full, happy, than it had been before, as if it was your mind toying with the fact that you may not feel as elated as you were when everything had been handed to you from unconditional love and care. “What do you think of it?” I asked Damon, as I sat myself on the mattress laid on the bed frame.
His figure didn’t move from his admiration of the nature. “It’s alright,” he mumbled, just audible, before stepping away from the window and turning to face me, his back now resting against the warm glass surface. He seemed quite uninterested with the house itself, which had happened with the house we visited beforehand. All he seemed to do was pull faces or rest on the couch after looking around a couple times. “Let’s go visit the last place, see if we get anything better.” A hint of annoyance had been laced in his words, confusing me slightly. I had the urge to question him, see if there was anything bothering him, or if he had begun to doubt wanting to get a house together. The simple thought had shattered my heart a little, as if it had been trodden on by accident, though accidental pain seems to hurt the most. Attempting to brush the everlasting thought away from my mind, I nodded slightly, getting up from the mattress and walking out of the room with him.
As we reached the last property, it had only seemed as if things had gotten progressively worse in Damon’s demeanour. He walked around the building alongside me, leaving snide comments here and there about specific things that didn’t appeal to him from the interior. However, the home that had been presented to us seemed almost perfect for the both of us, a place that was created out of the utmost creativity and affection for the right couple to walk in and begin their lives together. This home was illustrated to have your heart sink into the ground, seep into the mud underneath as if it were quick sand and completely engulf your mind with it, a hypnosis so intense that regardless of the pricing you would sign any form sent your way. By having been with Damon for the past couple years, I knew him more than a reasonable amount to understand that there had been something else causing him to project such a detest towards our property-searching the entire day. There was not a single flaw in the architecture, as if the residence had been created as a welcome to Eden’s garden subsequent to your soul’s departure, except it had been built in the wrong heaven. A single step in the building had your jaw cascading to the wooden flooring, your mouth empty yet so brimmed with compliments, mesmerisation aching to escape your throat, though you could not muster any form of ability since it had been utterly hushed by the construction’s elegance that you didn’t want to damage any part from speaking, even in a mere whisper.
“What do you think of it?” I asked, my mind gaining déjà vu from the question I had repeated at every residence we had stepped forth into. We were wandering around the kitchen, which had an island separating it to the living room. It was a very large, open space, and the thought of not dividing rooms with brick walls, like the kitchen and living room, having them conjoined except separated with a countertop was very thoughtful. It removed the feeling of being trapped into such a small room, needing to wander through many doors twisting knobs and pushing the wooden frames in order to get into another corner of the premises, and made living much more free and easy. It's extremely draining by living in a space for many a year that it begins to close in on you, as if every single time you walked in it had gotten tighter, more smaller.
Turning my gaze to watch Damon wander around the living side of the room, I placed my hands on the countertop, sucking my cheek in as I attempted to think of something that may be bothering him, minus the stress of the entire house hunt we were doing today. Stress from work? Perhaps he got into an argument with a friend? Got up on the wrong side of bed? It was a pure mystery. My gaze was fixed on him until he connected eyes with me, a hand placed on his neck as his fingers grazed the back of it lightly, an attempt to relax himself. “It’s the nicest one we’ve visited,” he replied, walking over to me slowly, also scanning the large room as he did. “The amount of detail that went into designing this is mad.”
A small smile crept up on my lips as he stopped by the countertop, that now being the only thing in which dividing us at that point. “It’s perfect for us, don’t you think?” I asked quietly, admiring the craftwork that had been delicately carved into the ceiling.
“I think we should think over what we want before we make that decision,” he replied as our gazes matched once again. Looking up at him, a confused expression spread out on my face, but before I was able to speak up he had carried on. “Don’t take that the wrong way, but I don’t want us to rush into things and have us regretting something we could’ve easily thought of if we gave ourselves time.”
“We have spoken it out, haven’t we?” I questioned him, now taking a step back and folding my arms together. Everything about Damon today felt so off, the thought of him not wanting to share a place with me sinking into my thoughts again as I tried my hardest to battle it out of my mind. “You agreed that it was time for us to search for something new, together, and that’s what we’re doing, is it not?”
An exasperated sigh left his lips as he stared at the ground. At this point I had begun to get frustrated with his overall mood - this was supposed to be a fun experience together, but the feeling of him weighing the cons was more visible than his thought of the pros. “I don’t want to argue here, let’s just keep looking around.”
The build-up to the argument had seemingly debunked itself, at Damon’s command. Indeed, we carried on looking around, though this time I had decided to admire the place alone, which had been made very clear when I had pushed past him, not with much strength to cause damage, but enough to cause a point once I left the room. The upstairs floor was no different in beauty and elegance as the ground floor embodied. It would be a simple wonder to think how much time, dedication would be taken into creating such a masterpiece; it was so magnificent that you’d practically feel guilty for stepping foot inside. Glad I took my shoes off once I walked in, then.
After spending what seemed like all eternity having my eyes fixated on the embellishment surfaced all around, picturing what furniture would suit in far right corner, the middle of the room, what would hang on the wall, I headed to the ground floor, refreshing my memory of the delicacy that had been portrayed everywhere. My pace was slow, as if my mind was taking mental pictures of the palace to be able to look back in my memories for later, when me and Damon would discuss which place suited us the most. The market was quite tight at the minute, seemingly every person in the industry and in our lives growing up and deciding upon starting new chapters of their lives, which is why we were extremely lucky to be able to have such a place offered to us at the minute, surprising as it had not been taken by some conservative wanting to waste their money on a place where they probably wouldn’t walk inside. I saw the estate agent in the living room, who immediately made eye contact with me as I stepped into the room, a grin spreading out across her cheeks almost instantaneously. “Nice, right?”
“Oh, it’s absolutely beautiful,” I replied back, engaging myself in the ceiling’s artwork once again, thinking for a moment before choosing the right thing to reply. My thoughts had then been distracted from Damon’s footsteps heading towards the pair of us. He stood beside me as I gazed up at him, swallowing lightly before I knew what to say. “I think we’re going to head home and think about everything first, before we make any big decisions.” I added, my gaze never leaving Damon’s side profile.
“That’s completely alright, you have until the end of the week to make your decision, I’ll put this place on a reserve.” She replied, followed by our thanks as we walked out of the elegant building and headed home.
Me and Damon hardly spoke after we got home as I needed to finish up some work that was overdue from my job. Damon had nothing else planned for the rest of the night, so he stayed in the living room, providing no extra distraction for me to prevent any extra pressure or stress so I could be able to complete everything as quickly as possible. I overheard the television in the background, and the occasional phone ring, every call being for Damon it seemed as his deep voice followed after the repetitive rings of the phone line had come to an end. Oftentimes I envied his freedom due to his occupation being a musician, however a lot of the time his job seemed quite enclosing and tiring. Having to constantly be away from home, not being able to have an easy way of stability from the constant movement to a different country every couple of days, sometimes even every single day. Though, arriving in a new country every morning does seem quite fun.
After I had finished up all my work, I changed into my pyjamas and headed to the living room, welcoming me to the sight of Damon, who had now dozed off on the couch, his hair quite messy from shuffling around in the same spot, his skin illuminating a golden glow, courtesy to the warm light being omitted from the lampshade beside him. Part of me didn’t want to wake him due to how relaxed he looked, though I knew he would be more comfortable waking up on a mattress rather than an old leather couch. I turned the television off, quietly tiptoeing around his sleepy body, then crouched down slightly to shake Damon so he would wake up. “Come to bed, love.” I whispered, causing his eyelids to flutter open softly as he stretched his arms out unintentionally, conveying his exhaustion, a small smile spread out across his lips once he was greeted by me in his sight. Helping him get up, I allowed him to walk into our bedroom in front of me, turning the light off after we both left the room. There was no light on in the bedroom, except the shine of the moon seeping onto the bed covers due to the curtains never being shut. Once we both made ourselves comfortable under the duvet, we turned our bodies to look at one another's, Damon’s tired eyes evident due to the eyebags surrounding them, though he was more awake now after moving around a little. “I know you’re tired, but what was wrong with you today?” I asked quietly, regretting speaking as soon as the sentence had rolled off my tongue.
A large sigh escaped his throat before mustering a response towards my asking. “I’ll be honest, the houses were very nice, but I didn’t like any of them.”
“None of them? How come?” I replied, attempting not to raise my voice out of shock.
“Because I want to start this part of our lives with a house big enough for us to raise children,” he admitted, staring deeply into my eyes. “I want the perfect house for us, but I haven’t been able to find it at all, and it’s so frustrating.”
A grin spread across my face as I reached to embrace his face with both my hands. "Damon, it doesn't matter the style of the doors, how big the living room is, or whether there's two or three bathrooms," I began, allowing my thumbs to lightly graze over his cheeks. “What matters is enjoying our time together, and the lives that we'll lead together as parents, raising our children,” A large beam spread across his face from my reassurance, compelling me to give him a soft peck on the lips before carrying on. "If you can picture the house of your dreams, it isn't your dream house. Your dream house is something that you shouldn't be able to picture, something that you can't fixate upon in specific, because it carries such beauty that you will only know you have achieved, once you've got it."
“Does that apply to everything?” he asked, mumbling, his voice now soft as if the love of the moment had been seeping out of his mouth.
“I’d say so, yeah.”
“Then that means I’ve got the girl of my dreams.”
“Oh shut it you softie.”
“What? It’s true, love.”
“I can’t wait to start a family with you.” I mumbled absentmindedly, a light sigh leaving my mouth, repeating all that had just happened these past couple minutes.
“Likewise, darling,” he replied, bringing his lips to my face to kiss my temples gently, the feeling of his kiss lingering on the skin, my heart filled with pure elation and adoration for the man in front of me. “Spoke to your mum today.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, she called whilst you were doing your work so I just told her you were busy, then she decided on having a conversation with me instead,” he replied, taking a hold of my hand and playing with my fingers, his gaze focused on the action. “I love your mum.”
A laugh rumbled out of my throat. “You say that every time you speak to her.”
“Wow, I can’t believe I love your mum more than you do.” he jokingly replied.
“What?” I scoffed, a smile spread on my lips. “I never said that!”
“Well you certainly implied it.” he joked, raising his eyebrows as he awaited a response.
“Shut up, go to sleep.” I laughed, partly serious as the fatigue from all the walking we had done began to kick in my body.
“Only if you give me a kiss.”
“I just did!” I answered back, shifting my body so my back was to him.
“You’re the worst.” he replied, annoyance laced between his words, causing my smile to widen.
“Thanks, lovely.”
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walkerwords · 4 years
“Rick” Rick Grimes x F!Reader
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Request: This was requested by many people. This is a sequel to BETH but you don’t HAVE to read it first as this can also be seen as a standalone if you wanted to. The reader and Rick have grown closer after he comforted her in the woods the night after she had the realization that Daryl didn’t have room in his life for her and Beth. 
Word Count: 2840
Warning: Mentions of Character Death
Song I Wrote To: “Kiss Me” by Ed Sheeran
Note: I am a sucker for Rick Grimes and I really gotta continue to write him more!
Alexandria was something else. 
Since escaping the horrors of Terminus and rescuing Beth and Carol from Grady, everyone was relieved to be behind walls for the first time since the prison. Better yet, these walls weren’t constantly being pushed at by Walkers.
Rick was still a bit hesitant about settling down in the Safe Zone. Deanna was kind, but he wasn’t dropping his guard any time soon. Daryl and Michonne were also keeping their eyes open while showing their strength to the new people. Whereas Maggie and Carol were playing their parts and trying to get insight from within rather than showing their brute strength. 
Then, there was you. Since that night in the forest, you and Rick had grown closer. Accepting the fact that Beth was always going to hold Daryl’s attention no matter what was between them, you had begun to distance yourself from him and the younger Greene. Which was how you found yourself moving closer to Rick. 
You protected the group together, shared what little food you had, and even kept watch in the dead of night, sticking close for warmth. It felt natural to be close to him and you found yourself searching for his tall form whenever you were alone in the new community. 
Any time you saw his curly hair or the stubble on his cheeks, you felt calmer and when his eyes would meet yours, he’d wave as if just letting you know he was still there. It made you feel safe and it meant a lot that Rick kept looking to you when he felt that trouble was on the horizon. He was becoming that person in your life that you didn’t know you needed and you weren’t the only one who had noticed. 
Glenn had started to pick up on a few things which of course he shared with his wife and Maggie was in agreement. She saw your connection with Rick too.
One day when the group was wandering the streets of the Safe Zone, Glenn got Rick alone for the first time in a couple of days. Rick was just leaving the house he shared with some of the others when Glenn jogged up to him. 
“So,” Glenn began with a wide smile.
“So what?” Rick asked, peering over at his friend in confusion. 
“I’ve noticed you and (Y/N) getting closer lately,” Glenn said, not dancing around it at all. 
“Is that so?” Rick asked with a smirk.
“You can’t deny it, Rick. I see all, I’m basically the prophet of the family.”
“You’re something alright,” Rick grumbled. Just then, you came walking down the other street with Tara, both of you biting into apples. His eyes watched you as you chatted excitedly with the other woman. It was so wonderful to see you so at ease and it was hard not to smile at the sight. 
“Take a picture, it will last longer,” Glenn jabbed and Rick just rolled his eyes. “You know that she liked Daryl, right?” Glenn asked carefully, trying to see how Rick would react, but the latter just nodded. 
“I think everyone did besides Daryl,” Rick said with a sigh. 
“Damn,” Glenn commented as you and Tara disappeared around another corner. “You know, you’re good for her,” he said. 
“What?” Rick asked, surprised. “No, it’s not like that.”
“Isn’t it?” Glenn pressed. 
“I don’t want to be her second choice, Glenn,” Rick admitted. 
“You’re not,” Glenn disagreed. “I personally don’t think Daryl was ever a choice for her to begin with. She needs someone like you and God knows you need it, too. You two are different sides of the same coin and I am not the only one who has noticed.” 
“It’s the end of the world, Glenn,” Rick pointed out. 
“Rick, it already ended. This is now the beginning of a new one and I think maybe that starts with her. Hey, I found Maggie so if I can do it, you can too,” Glenn said with a knock on Rick’s shoulder. Rick considered his words for a moment before nodding. 
“Thanks,” Rick said and Glenn just winked at him before they continued on their exploration of Alexandria. 
It was around dusk when Rick found you. 
He had been searching among the houses when he finally spotted your silhouette standing before the East wall. Your arms were crossed as you looked up the steel slats with your brow furrowed. 
“What are you doin’?” Rick asked as he came up behind you. You didn’t jump at the sudden noise, almost as if you just knew he was there. Another thing you had become accustomed to.
“I don’t know,” you sighed, “just thinking, imagining what would happen if these ever came down.”
“I don’t think that’s happenin’ any time soon, (Y/N),” Rick said, trying to comfort you. 
“You never know,” you said, trying to see all the way to the top. You had been walking the perimeter of your new home for a while. It wasn’t as if you were deliberately looking for faults in Reg’s design, but it did offer you come comfort before you went to sleep. 
“Where are the others?” Rick asked. 
“Around,” you said with a shrug. “Sasha and Abe are in the tower, Michonne is with Carl and Judith, and Beth is with Daryl and Maggie.” Your voice got quieter when you mentioned Daryl and Beth. Rick approached you then and gently ran his hand along your arm until he got to your hand. He carefully untangled your arms and took your hand in his and you let him, grateful for the firm pressure. 
“Walk with me?” he asked and you nodded, allowing him to lead you away from the wall and back onto the streets that were emptying due to the late hour. 
“Is everything okay?” you asked him. 
“Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing,” he said, looking at you in the low light of the evening. 
“I’m okay,” you said. “I haven’t felt this good in a while if I’m honest. I’m not sure if that is just this place or the people, but I finally feel calm.”
“I’m glad,” Rick said. You were quiet for a moment before you finally stopped and took his other hand. 
“Thank you,” you said, looking him in the eye. 
“For what?” he asked, tilting his head slightly. 
“You know,” you said, urging him to see your truth in your eyes. You would always be grateful for how he had comforted you that night in the woods. The two of you understood each other so well and nothing was going to change that. You just hoped that you finally had a place to truly put some roots down. You then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. 
It was quick, but it made the man before you smile as he slung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. He didn’t say anything as you walked, but it was enough just being there with him. 
It wasn’t long after that you finally voiced your opinion on the Alexandria subject. “I want to stay here, Rick,” you told him. He leaned into you and you could see the gears turning in his head. 
“I know,” he said, “and I want us too. Only if we are positive that it’s completely safe.”
“Do you have your doubts?”
“Don’t you?” he asked.
“I have concerns, but not doubts. I don’t doubt that this place could flourish and prosper with small changes, but my concern is that the people here won’t try. I don’t think the Monroes know how to survive. I’ve spoken to Michonne about this too and she agrees, Carol too.”
“I agree,” Rick said. “Changes have to happen if we are all going to survive. I am prepared to talk to Deanna about it soon. I think it needs to start with getting her boys out of positions of authority.”
“Good luck with that,” you said with a snort.
“If we have to,” Rick whispered, “We will take this place and we will help it grow and protect it. If that happens, can I count on your support with that?” 
“Of course,” you said, looking up at him. “Rick, you know that I would follow you to the ends of the Earth. We all would.” 
“Good, cause I need you by my side.”
“For a revolution?”
“For whatever we face,” Rick admitted and you smiled shyly at that. 
“I want to start a life here,” you responded. 
“You deserve it,” Rick said. 
“We deserve it,” you corrected. 
“Yeah, we do,” he said softly before glancing down at your lips. You thought he was moving closer and almost met him halfway when suddenly Abraham’s voice cut through the tension as he waved Rick over. Rick sighed in annoyance, but you just chuckled.
“Go on, you,” you said, playfully pushing him away. “Go be our leader.” Rick gave you another smile before pressing a kiss to your forehead and jogging after Abraham who looked to be quite annoyed. Whatever it was, Rick would be able to handle it. That was just who he was.
The day that Noah died was one of the hardest days of your life.
You could still see the look on Glenn’s face when you saw him in that revolving door. The last time you had seen him so shaken was after Terminus and it started to bring back horrible memories. Seeing the Walkers feast on your friend had made you actually sick. You had to force yourself to snap out of it and finally use a piece of metal to shatter the glass to help Glenn out. 
As you helped him to his feet, the Walkers pounded on the glass across from you, the fresh blood of their recent kill smearing on the door. You and Glenn had clutched each other as you stumbled away from the building, tears racing down both of your cheeks. 
When it was clear, you had both collapsed and cried. After everything you had done to rescue and protect the kid, that was how he had to go out. It was cruel and unfair and you were sick of it. 
Glenn wanted to kill Nicholas, but you couldn’t feel the rage that simmered in your blood. Nothing was feeling real as you walked up to Alexandria’s gate. Nothing felt safe anyone. You couldn’t bring yourself to even look at the sign that declared the community a “Safe Zone” because you knew the truth. No matter how many walls there were, the world was always dangerous and it would always take things away. 
The Dead would always win. 
Glenn went straight for Nicholas when the gates slid open, but you had your own task to do. Waiting just up the road was Beth who stood with Daryl and Maggie. As Maggie ran to stop her husband from breaking a nose or possibly a neck, you walked up to Beth. You were still covered in Walker blood and you had a cut on your arm from breaking the glass. 
“Beth,” you started. 
“Where is he?” Beth asked quietly. You wanted to reach for her hand, but it didn’t feel right. Nothing felt right. 
“Beth, I’m so sorry,” you said and she immediately began to cry. “Noah is dead and I’m sorry I couldn’t protect him.” Beth started sobbing as her knees buckled. Daryl caught her before she could hit the ground, keeping her upright. 
“How?” she asked in between sobs. 
“He and Glenn were cornered by Walkers. I was looking for a way out, and I left them…” you admitted. “I should have been there to protect him.”
“Wasn’t yer fault, girl,” Daryl said as he held Beth, but you didn’t want to believe him. You went with them because you were the best at spotting trouble. Noah was just a kid and you tried to convince him to stay behind, but he had insisted and you knew why. He wasn’t going to change just because there was now a sense of security. 
Beth continued to cry and you didn’t know how to help her. Her fingers were digging into Daryl’s leather jacket and he looked miserable as he struggled to figure out a way to help her. You backed away slowly, trying to distance yourself, but it wasn’t easy as you began to feel your own emotions swelling in your chest. 
You began to breath heavily and then, you felt a hand on your arm. Looking up, you saw Rick. “Come on,” he whispered as he towed you away from the grieving girl and towards his house. He didn’t let go until you were in his room and he closed the door. 
With a yell of frustration, you lashed out, sending a chair flying to the ground. “I can’t do this,” you breathed. “I can’t...I can’t breathe. I am so sick of losing people.”
“Calm down,” Rick said gently, placing his hands on your shoulders but you shook him off. 
“I can’t, Rick,” you said, shaking your head. “I thought all of this would be good for us, but I was wrong! It just seems that everything I touch turns to ash or blows up in my damn face!”
“No,” he said, “that’s not true.”
“Yes, it is!” you bellowed. “I can’t do this anymore! I can’t handle the loss. God, I just—” 
Without warning, Rick kissed you. 
His hands gripped the sides of your neck as he kissed you firmly, cutting off your words. Your own hands came up and gripped him around the waist as you kissed him back. The feeling that rushed through you was like nothing you had ever felt before. Nothing could have prepared you for what Rick Grimes felt like when kissing you. 
He pulled you in tighter, angling his head more so you were nearly pressed against him. He was firm but gentle as he took his time trying to tell you everything he was feeling at that moment and you were dissolving in his arms. 
Rick pulled back when he felt a tear slide down your cheek. When you broke apart, his blue eyes shone with something you hadn’t seen before. Reaching up, he wiped the stray tear before it could fall from your chin. 
“You are not cursed,” he whispered as he looked down at you with love in his eyes. “You are human and you are beautiful. You don’t see yourself as I see you and what I see is a fighter. You have saved us so much and dammit, (Y/N), you saved me.” 
A sob tore through your throat as you pulled him back in for another kiss. The second one was much more hurried and feverish, but it felt right. When he began trailing kisses down your neck, you pushed back again. “We shouldn’t do this,” you argued, “not when I’m being a basket case.”
“I’m not doing this cause you’re upset, (Y/N),” Rick said firmly. “And I’m not doing this because I miss Lori or that I just want to offer you some kind of comfort. I’m doing this because I want to, I need to, not to cure some ache.” 
“Really?” you asked, unsure of what else to say. You knew that Lori had been his first true love and you thought Daryl had been yours, but perhaps you both had been wrong. 
“Yes,” Rick promised, and then as if he was reading your mind, he said, “Are you still waiting for him?” You shook your head. 
“No. In fact, I don’t think he was ever the one I was actually waiting for,” you admitted and he smiled softly. 
“Then, come here,” he said as he pulled you back into him. You rested your head on his chest as he embraced you, kissing the top of your head. “We’re goin’ to get through this.”
“Promise?” you asked him as the two of you began to sway in the silence.
“Always,” he whispered, running his hands along your spine. “You told me you wanted to build a life. I want to do that together, (Y/N).” You lifted your face to look up at him and you nodded. 
“I would love that,” you admitted and he smiled.
“Good, cause I ain’t goin’ anywhere,” he promised.
“Good,” you echoed and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You stood in his arms for a few more moments, letting his warmth consume you. “Noah’s gone…” you whispered. 
“I know, Darlin’,” Rick said. 
“Can you stay with me?” you asked, clutching at his shirt. 
“As I said, I’m not going anywhere.” 
And as you held him, listening to the steady beat of his heart in his chest, you believed him and made a promise of your own. Nothing would take you away from him, you would die before you let that happen. You and Rick wanted to build a life and by hell or high water, that was what you were going to do. 
TAGS:  @thanossexual​ @yes-sir-hotchner​  @felicisimor @lucillethings
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Scars [Max Lord x gn!Reader]
Summary: Maxwell Lord is entrapped and scarred by the Lasso of Hestia, and he requests your care to help him heal.
Rating: PG-13 // unprompted angst (I am so sorry.)
Warnings: Details of injury/scars, details of Max’s declining health/illness.
Word count: 1300
Author’s Note: There are depictions in the comic books where Diana’s lasso of truth actually scars it’s victims. We all have scars and marks that we wish weren’t there, but I think it’s important to embrace them and learn to love them. So here is something short and sweet for those who share a similar insecurity.
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The second you and Maxwell enter Marine One, he closes all curtains aboard and discards his grey, pinstripe suit jacket. He tugs on his tie, and you see that he’s struggling to take it off. His motions are rough and aggressive and for a split second, you’re afraid he might choke himself. You approach him and gently take his shaky hands. They’re cold, like blocks of ice and you let go of them so they fall by his side. You bring your fingers up to his patterned blue tie and unravel the knot in it. Maxwell’s nose is scrunched up and he’s groaning, rubbing his chest and the side of his torso. It’s like he’s in pain.
“Can you help me take this off?” He asks you, and he’s grabbing at his white shirt like it’s suffocating him. You nod and start with pulling down his black and blue zig-zag suspenders so they drop by his legs. When you unbutton his shirt, you start at his collar and work your way down. Once it’s off and discarded onto the floor, Max breathes a sigh of relief. He’s grateful for the cool air hitting his skin.
He looks down at his body and his expression doesn’t change. In a sense, he expected it. He forgets that you’re with him, standing before him and looking upon his form feeling nothing but fear and concern.
On the exterior, Max Lord has always been confident. He walks around D.C. like he owns the entire city, in his perfectly pressed power suits and designer shoes. He constantly flaunts his power and wealth with every given opportunity. So to see him like this, washed with insecurity over his body image, was unexpected to say the least.
Maxwell watches your expression intently as you take in the sight of his scarred torso, and he swallows a knot in his throat. It was a knot that he didn’t realise he’d been holding back. He desperately searches your face for clues, trying his hardest to figure out what exactly you’re thinking about when you look at him. He prays silently that you aren’t as disgusted as he is. He feels his cheeks flush with warmth and he hopes he doesn’t look as flustered as he imagines. But his embarrassment isn’t lost on you. Your soft lips part and you extend your arm.
“May I?” you request, reaching out, your fingers hovering just above his ribcage. Maxwell silently nods and you gently trace the dark pink lines that mark there. The scars are risen slightly, and radiate heat. You can tell that they’re recent, although Maxwell won’t exactly explain what went on in The White House. You know better than to keep pushing him for answers. “They feel like burns,” you acknowledge, taking your hand away from his skin and biting your fingernails as you ponder. The lines look angry and there are so many of them. “Does it hurt when I touch?”
“No.” he grits out, and your heart breaks for him. You know he’s trying to stay strong for you.
“I-- I’m not really sure how to help,” you confess with a frown, and finally bring your gaze to meet his dark honeyed eyes. For the first time ever, you see a side to Maxwell that you have never seen before. He looks afraid. “Maybe you should go home and rest.” you propose, but already regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth. You know that it’s a silly suggestion and you know that Maxwell will just dismiss your comment like all the other times you’ve requested that he goes home. All the wish-granting has left him with shaky hands and blood shot eyes. His skin is pale and he looks tired; distinctly more tired than usual.
You’re in the air now, flying out to some place you don’t even know. Maxwell won’t tell you where he’s taking you. You want to trust him, but after all of this, it’s difficult. You get the feeling that he’s not thinking straight, and that his motive has been completely corrupted by this newfound power he has gained. You’re frightened for him. He doesn’t listen to you the way he used to and it feels like he doesn’t value your advice.
You’re afraid he doesn’t love you anymore.
And he’s afraid you won’t love him after this.
“Do you hate it?” Max asks, breaking the silence. The question comes as a shock and it snaps you out of your thoughts. It was an unusual question, especially coming from a man like Maxwell.
“What?” you counter, your eyes searching to meet his gaze, but he’s so self-conscious, he can’t even bring himself to look at you. “I-- no Max, of course I don’t hate it.”
Max swallows again. “I don’t think it’ll ever heal, or at least not completely.”
“If you come home now, we can see a doctor. But the longer you wait… the worse it might be,” you explain. “Although, no matter what you decide, I won’t leave you. Not now, not ever. And especially not because of some scars.”
“You know I can’t just come home,” Maxwell whispers. At this point, he feels like he’s forcing himself to complete the mission he’s set himself. He’s forgotten what really matters. However, he does miss the comfort of his bed and the warmth of your body when you wrap your arms and legs around him like a koala bear hugs a tree. “I have to finish what I started…” Maxwell pauses to cup your face, his thumb brushing the height of your cheekbone. You find yourself subconsciously leaning into his touch and you close your eyes as he admires your beauty.
You miss him. You want him to come home. You worry things might never be the same as they once were.
He won’t tell you his plans because he knows you’ll never approve. Max tells himself he’s doing this for the greater good. He wants to help those less fortunate. Just one wish could change so many lives. He could change lives.
But you won’t give up on him.
You choke back tears. He’s shutting you out, and you’re scared. His health is rapidly declining, that much is clear. He can barely walk. He’s wheezing every few minutes and you try your hardest not to think about the black veins that travel up his arm and neck.
He’s dying.
And there’s nothing you can do about it.
It’s a hard pill to swallow, and you can only hope that there is some higher power looking out for him. Someone out there who will help him see the truth.
You sniff and let yourself fall limp into his chest. On impulse, he wraps his arms tight around you and presses a chaste kiss onto the top of your head. 
“I just wish that you’d learn to love yourself.” you whimper, your salty tears dampening his bare skin.
A gust of wind breezes through your hair and Maxwell’s nose bleeds onto your shoulder. In that moment, Max swears that he will never let you go.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal  @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos​ @rocketqueen  @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics @jade10077 @dodgerandevans
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Here Comes the Bride (and the Boys)
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 2,039
Warnings: None!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
You’re is getting married! But, to get married, you need a dress. And instead of family at the dress appointment, the Reader brings some rather unusual guests. Her fiancé’s three weird best friends. 
“First of all, you’re wrong!”
You laughed, bent in half and gripping the dashboard for support as Benny and Will argued in the backseat. You were taking the boys dress shopping, and you hadn’t anticipated the disaster that would be the Miller brothers sitting in the car together.
“Fuck you, a single Twinkie is absolutely bite sized!” Benny said angrily, taking a Twinkie out of his pocket and ripping the package open. “See?” And then he stuffed it in his mouth, proving that it was, in fact, one bite.
Will laughed, punching his brother lightly. “You’re disgusting. We are on our way to a distinguished wedding dress appointment and you’re here stuffing your face with twinkies.”
Santiago, who had the misfortune of driving, sighed. “Lord help me,” he said, turning into the parking lot of the bridal place. “I am surrounded by morons.”
Still smiling, you texted Frankie, who was sitting at home and trying to decide what the wedding’s color scheme would be.
You: Your bffs are fucking idiots
Goldfish: I’m sorry?
You: Benny just ate a whole ass Twinkie in one bite
Goldfish: Wow. Tell him he’s disgusting
You: Will already did. Gtg, we’re there
Goldfish: love you
You: Love you too babe
Getting out of the car, you suddenly rethought your decision to bring the boys to help you choose a wedding dress. But you really didn’t want to do it alone and no one in your family could make it. So you’d grabbed what you hoped was the next best thing. Frankie’s friends.
But it was too late. You pulled the door to the place open and walked in, smiling at the receptionist. “Hello! I’m here for an appointment.”
The receptionist eyed your group and nodded. “Of course. Last name?”
“Morales.” Technically that wasn’t your last name yet, but you’d been engaged for almost a year now and using Frankie’s last name just felt natural.
Once you were checked in, you waited on a couch with the boys.
“So what kind of dress are you getting?” Benny asked, looking at a dress that looked, and this was the nice way of saying it, like an overly decorated pastry.
“Not that,” you said. “I dunno. Maybe A-line? The last fancy thing I wore was when Frankie and I went out to that restaurant last New Years, but that had no back, and I’m not going that slutty for my wedding day.”
Will snorted. “Okay. So the requirements are currently as follows. It must have a back, and it cannot be, in your words, slutty.”
“It has to be white,” you added. “And I want a floor length dress.”
“Well that’s not enough to work off of.”
You shrugged. “It’s what I got.”
Your consultant came in at that point. “Oh! Well, I guess I don’t have to ask who’s the bride!” She said. “I’m Zoe. Who’d you bring with you? Any family?”
“Nope!” You said, looking at the boys. “These are my fiancé’s three best friends, Santiago, Benny, and William.”
Zoe nodded. “Okay. How long have you been engaged?”
You shrugged. “A year, give or take. My fiancé, Frankie, was military until about four months ago, when he went on his last mission.” You could still remember how defeated he’d been coming home, the pain in his eyes as he told you about Tom and everything else. “We’re getting married in September.”
“Awesome!” Zoe said. “So, budget?”
“Frankie and I put aside about two thousand.”
Zoe nodded again. “And are we looking for any specific style of dress?”
You shook your head. “Nope. I just know I want it a bit more conservative, but not something that covers every inch of skin I’ve got.”
“Okay then,” Zoe said. “Let’s go look at some dresses!”
Unsurprisingly, the boys were apprehensive about this part. Benny was the first to recover, happily diving in and pulling a few dresses to ask you about them. Once he found his groove, Will and Santi quickly followed suit.
“What about this?” Santi asked, showing you a dress.
“Eh,” you said, looking over. “I don’t like that feathery bit on the bottom.”
It was interesting, shopping for a wedding dress. You’d only wear it once, but it was so damn important. You passed over dress after dress, dismissing most of them. Eventually, after a fair amount of searching, you and the boys had picked out a few dresses that were all decent contenders.
Trying the dresses on, that was a completely different story. The first dress Zoe brought you, which was one of Santi’s picks, was gorgeous, and actually made your tear up a bit.
“Oh dear, tears already?” Zoe asked, handing you a tissue.
“I just,” you said weakly, wiping your eyes. “I love Frankie so much, and I can’t believe after everything we’ve been through, I’m finally able to officially call him mine.”
Zoe rubbed your back. “I get it hon,” she consoled. “He must be one hell of a man.”
“Oh he definitely is.”
After a few more minutes of admiring the dress and composing yourself, you walked out to show the boys.
Immediately, they went quiet, admiring your dress. You stood on a small pedestal, turning and admiring the dress in the big mirror. “I like it.”
“But?” Santiago prompted.
“I don’t get that big wow feeling,” you finished, almost guilty. “Sorry Santi.”
Santiago shook his head. “It’s okay,” he promised. “But you do like it?”
You nodded, swishing the dress around. “Yeah. It’s got the right amount of pop.”
“Pop?” Benny asked.
“Details,” you elaborated, running a hand along the subtly flowered waistline. “Flair. Call it whatever. And the shape is nice.”
Will nodded. “The sleeves aren’t your thing, are they?”
“Yeah, absolutely not.” You put a finger under the short sleeve. “It’s tight across the shoulders and I feel like I can’t lift my arms.”
“So no short sleeves?” Santiago asked.
“We can eliminate short sleeves,” you decided.
The next few dresses were all like the first. Decent and very pretty, but not your dress. You managed to eliminate a few other things you weren’t too fond of, like the super tight mermaid dresses and the overly poofy princess dresses. Sleeveless was still on the table, but you were hesitant about that. The boys gave amazing criticism, and no one started any drama, which was nice. But still, you found yourself wishing Frankie were here. He’d know exactly what to recommend. You could almost hear him whispering in your ear as you examined yet another not right dress.
“I’m sure you’ll get it eventually, margarita.”
You sighed, deeming the dress a flop and heading back to try something else on.
And then you passed a dress on the way back to the changing room that made you stop in your tracks.
“What is it?” Zoe asked, stopping right behind you.
“What’s that?” You asked, pointing to the dress.
Zoe followed your finger. “Oh. That’s a dress we just got. It’s from a small designer who specializes in unique dresses.”
“Can I try it on?” You asked, still mesmerized.
“Sure.” Zoe grabbed the dress. “It’s not floor length though.”
You shrugged, still watching the dress with nothing short of awe. “I’m willing to bend for this dress.”
The dress fit you perfectly, and when you turned around to look at it for the first time, you were dead silent for a whole minute before starting to cry again.
“Still good tears?” Zoe asked hopefully, helping you step back into your white flats.
“This is my dress,” you said softly. “This is my dress.”
Zoe smiled. “It looks really good on you,” she said. “Shall we show the boys?”
You nodded, smoothing your hands down the textured fabric of the skirt.
Walking out to show the boys was the hardest thing you’d done in a while. The dress was perfect, it was definitely the one, but what if they didn’t agree?
You heard gasps from the group when you stepped onto the pedestal, back facing them.
“So?” Zoe prompted. “What do you think?”
“It’s my dress,” you said yet again. “It’s perfect.”
“It is,” Santiago agreed. “C’mon, turn for us, let us see.”
You turned, facing the boys.
Immediately, Benny, who was smiling, threw his hands up. “Okay, so we threw all the rules out for this dress.”
You laughed, feeling the skirt swish around your calves. “It’s perfect Benny. I had to break the rules for the daisies.”
“I don’t get it,” Benny said, leaning back. “Why daisies?”
“That’s what Frankie calls me,” you said softly. “I’m his margarita. It’s Spanish for daisy.”
You turned to examine the dress again. It was still white, which would placate your mother and gave you that bride feeling in the pit of your stomach. But the thing that sold you was the thin layer of sheer white fabric on top, the layer with the small daisies on it. The sleeves were nice, loose without being a hazard and tight without being too restricting. The V neck was modest enough for a wedding, and the smooth white ribbon around your natural waist really helped define the shape of the dress.
Zoe came out with a matching flower crown and placed it on your head, causing you to tear up when you faced yourself in the mirror again.
“Oh honey,” Santiago said, standing and wrapping you in a hug. “Is it group hug time?”
You nodded, feeling the warm embrace of the boys around you. “Thank you,” you said softly, surrounded by friends. “My mother would’ve had an aneurysm if I tried this on for her.”
Benny laughed, rubbing your back. “We get it,” he said. “And trust us, Fish is gonna adore it.”
Seven months later, you were freaking out, trying not to cry in your small tent, twenty minutes before you were supposed to walk down the aisle.
“What if he doesn’t show up?” You asked one of your bridesmaids, Luca. “What if he doesn’t wanna get married anymore?”
Luca put her hands on your shoulders. “Hey. I’m sure he’s just as nervous as you, and I’m absolutely positive he’s sticking around.”
You took a breath, anxiety spiking again as a knock echoed on the door.
“Can we come in? We have a gift for the bride.”
You eagerly accepted the boys in, embracing them each in turn.
“You look like a goddess,” Will complimented, holding you at arm’s length and smiling. “He’s so nervous.”
“Told you so!” Luca shouted.
Benny laughed. “He told us to give you this.”
You took the small box, opening it hesitantly and pressing a hand to your mouth before the tears bubbled over. It was a necklace, nothing seemingly expensive or fancy. It had a thin silver chain, and on the end of the chain was a circle of resin, no bigger than a quarter, with a beautiful pressed daisy in it.
Luca helped you slip the necklace over your head. The daisy pendant sat on your skin, just above the V neck, barely visible.
“Are you ready?” Santiago asked, placing the necklace box down.
You nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”
The next almost half hour of waiting was agony. You texted Frankie, both of you anxious and both of you very ready for the ceremony to be over. Then, Frankie stopped responding, and you heard the music. It was time.
You father took your arm and guided you out of the tent, into the park you’d picked for the venue. Plenty of people were waiting for you, but you only had eyes for one of them.
Frankie turned, his entire face lighting up as he saw you walking towards him. He looked amazing, all clean and neat in a suit with a small daisy tucked into his lapel. He wasn’t wearing his hat, but you almost wished he was. He’d shaved, but that tiny spot where he constantly complained about the lack of facial hair was still there and obvious.
You father smiled, placing your hands in Frankie’s. He squeezed them, and you felt pure joy humming through your veins. You were getting married.
“Ready?” Frankie asked you softly, so softly you almost didn’t hear him.
You didn’t even hesitate to answer. “I’m ready.”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Alright - JJ Maybank
Request: hey! can i request a jj maybank x reader? basically just a MASSIVE fluff dump?? like jj loves to protect his girl but he's a huge softie who wants to be held by her & wants to be good enough so one night at a party he gets drunk & he spills all that, saying how his dad makes him feel like he's not good enough for her, & so maybe the prompt is the next day, where he's just so emotionally exhausted & wants to be loved and called petnames & he's super clingy & maybe there's a couple tears but FLUFF
A/N: I think there are always songs that stick with you, for whatever reason, and when I was younger my mom used to listen to this Sara Groves song ‘It’s Gonna Be Alright’ and I was thinking about it when I wrote this.
Outer Banks Masterlist
The alarm that you had set at the beginning of summer, in hopes of not falling out of a routine and in hopes of actually waking up and doing yoga or something positive instead of hitting snooze, went off from the other side of the room. 
The soft sound of Ed Sheeran’s Kiss Me not registering in your more-than-tired state of mind. With eyes still closed and mind a little fogged you tried to place yourself. Were you home? Had you stayed at John B’s after the party or had you been sober enough to drive yourself home?  
You could feel a weight against your side and realized, with some help as you pulled yourself up in bed, that you were in your room and that JJ was there too. You sat up enough that you were propped on your pillows, reaching for your phone as Ed reached the chorus, hitting the button on the side to silence him for now, moments from the night before coming back to you.  
Pogue parties were legendary on the island and JJ was an infamous character among these parties. Was it even a party if he wasn’t there, spouting off some bullshit tall-tale and involving himself in antics that would be talked about for weeks afterward? You were only a supporting character in these nights, or at least, you usually were. It’d been a bad week at home though, when JJ was home, and you had argued with him not to even go to the party.
“Lets just stay at here, we can watch movies or something.” You had urged when he started riffling through the pile of his clothes that had been left on the desk chair in your room. He had been sleeping on your couch since Sunday.  
“I don’t wanna watch movies. I need a beer...or twelve.” He replied. He wasn’t ungrateful that your mom had taken him in during what he called a ‘rough patch’ at home but she didn’t allow alcohol in the house and the dependence he’d already developed was making him go a little stir crazy.  
“JJ...I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go out tonight.” You stressed.  
The last thing he needed right now was something to kill what little filter he had. He was agitated at everything and you knew it was only a matter of time before something worse than being dared into surfing naked at midnight happened.  
“Well mom, feel free to stay the fuck home.”  
Of course, you didn’t. You got dressed and went with JJ because the only thing worse than going to a party when he was that out of it was letting him go alone. You could remember going with him but you couldn’t remember being designated driver which meant that you definitely drank which explained the fuzziness you were having piecing all the events together in your head.  
JJ was still sleeping beside you, on his stomach facing the window. You sat up further and picked your phone up, awake enough to check texts and drink some water to get rid of your dry mouth but not awake enough for anything that required leaving the bed.  
The party was down at the boneyard; as if that was the only stretch of beach in the OBX worth drinking on. You tagged along and-
A long, muffled groan interrupted you as you texted with Kiara about a video she’d taken the night prior and drew your attention toward JJ, who was pushed himself up onto his elbows. His head hung for a moment before he picked it up and turned to look at you, hair falling into his eyes.  
“What are you doing?” The whining undertone in his voice betrayed his age for just a moment, making him sound like a kid. He sat the rest of the way up to his knees, pushing the blanket down passed his ankles.
“Texting Kiara.” You replied, holding your phone up for him to see. Technically you were waiting for her to text you back.
JJ frowned, a pout scrunching up his nose and pushing out his bottom lip as he processed the information. There wasn’t much he remembered from the night before aside from actually going to the party. After that was just blackout, which he knew you had been trying to avoid by convincing him to stay home but it hadn’t worked and now he could practically feel his head pounding.  
He reached for the phone, taking it from your hands and tossing it somewhere onto your carpeted floor. “JJ! What the hell?”  
The strangled groan was back as he rubbed as his eyes, “so loud.”
“You threw my phone across the room JJ, how am I supposed to not be loud about that?” You whispered harshly.  
JJ shifted to sit on his butt, scooting closer to you in bed and trying to pull you back into a position where you could lay down with him. “Stop being mean to me, I don’t feel good.” He muttered, “I just wanna cuddle.”
“You don’t feel good because you have a hangover babe.” You teased, leaning back against the pillows but keeping yourself propped up. JJ continued to shift in bed until he made himself comfortable, laying on his back with his head on your chest. You brought one leg up and he twisted his arm so he could run his hand over your knee.  
“I don’t feel good cause my girlfriend is being mean to me.” He replied, the smile that settled on his face as you combed through his hair with your fingers betrayed his words.  
“I’m sorry, you threw my phone though J, it could’ve broken.” You pointed out. It wouldn’t be the first time JJ had cracked your phone. He’d once stepped on it trying to lift you up and carry you to bed. Your phone had slipped out of your pocket and JJ’s heavy booted foot had come down right on the screen, crunching it beyond use. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing...I just wanna lay with you.” He tilted his head to the side so he could see you though he kept his eyes closed, a move you recognized as him wanting a kiss more than him trying to look at you.  
You kissed his forehead so that you wouldn’t have to change positions and continued to play with his hair, your other hand laying across his chest, holding the hand not rubbing your knee. It was a tangle of limbs and odd angles but it was a comfortable position for the most part, one that allowed you to hold him.  
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” JJ had been avoiding the topic of his dad since Sunday, pushing it all down and trying his hardest to lock it away so that he didn’t have to deal with what he was feeling. He hated that those bad feelings lingered, that they followed him to hangouts at the Chateau or The Wreck, that he couldn’t just leave them behind when the screen door on his porch slammed shut after him. He definitely didn’t want to talk about them with you. And not because he didn’t trust you or love you or think you were capable of understanding and empathizing but because he wanted you to see him happy and in control of himself.  
“Okay,” you squeezed his hand, trying to ease him into sleep again. You knew he was still tired from the night before and no doubt he was dealing with a massive headache. It was silent for a moment and you thought maybe he had fallen back to sleep that quickly when you felt him shift against you and the sound of sniffling. At first you didn’t say anything, unsure if he wanted you to acknowledge the fact that he was crying or just ignore it and pretend to be oblivious. It was hard to know with him.  
When you couldn’t block it out anymore without a knot of guilt twisting in your stomach you spoke, “JJ?”
He didn’t say anything and you almost thought he was holding his breath to get you to ignore him.  
“Babe?” You heard a sniffle and continued to brush his hair, twisting little pieces of it in your fingers. When he continued to cry again you shushed him quietly, “it’s gonna be okay, I’m right here. I love you so much Jay, you’re okay, we’re safe.”
JJ pulled your hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of it and you could feel his tears wetting your skin as he pressed his lips to your wrist. Whatever catalyst had brought about last night’s wild antics it had dissolved into this, a version of your boyfriend you didn’t see often, one who was something beyond vulnerable? Laid open perhaps, scars on display. You repeated your words over and over until they sounded like a mantra meant to put him to sleep.  
When he woke later on he’d stumble out of bed for some Advil and pretend like nothing ever happened and for now you would let him.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles  @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger  @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels  @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh@lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj  @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @jolomez @timotaychalabae @solllaris
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