#the divine moral
palipunk · 1 year
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‘I could fix her’ babe she just overthrew the chantry and made herself Divine 
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 months
I've seen a couple takes on techno being Like That because he went a little insane due to the voices as an embodiment of the blood god and usually we see the blood god as this indifferent if not malicious entity but consider this: BENEVOLENT, KIND, LOVING blood god who saw this feral little kid growing up on his own and decided to make it their conduit because they fell in love head over heels the way parents fall in love when they first hold their new bown baby. BG tried to make a well adjusted adult out of tech but he was never properly socialized before being adopted so he's Just Like That DESPITE the blood god's best efforts
I always love to portray the Blood God in a more possitive light. In mythology, gods related to blood are usually also gods of family, chidbirth, loyalty, victory, wine, fire, or even LIFE. That last one is fun if you contrast it to Phil being the patron of the Goddess of death.
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guccigarantine · 3 months
there should be hunterpedia for palisade
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I want to stay optimistic, but I don't have much faith that the HOTD writers will go through with any of the messages in the Dance aside from misogyny. Obviously, misogyny plays a big role in the Dance because it is the means to and end for the Greens, but the way the show focuses on this to favor Rhaenyra's claim and rule and this sort of diminishes the complexity of the story. By making it so that one side rightful, righteous, chosen by some divine powers, etc., etc. and one side that is perverse and corrupted and only there for greed, it takes away from one of the most important lessons in the Dance: Targaryens are not a divine superior race that should be exempt from the rage of common men that suffer at the cost of them.
(Also, ik ambition was a major motivator for the Greens in the books, but the books didn't try to frame Rhaenyra's right to the throne as God-given)
You might have already guessed, but the part of the dance I anticipated the most was Targaryens who perceive themselves to be divine and superior take the realm to shit fighting over a throne that neither of them actually deserve. They fight at the cost of everything and lose everything for a throne that neither of them keep for long because they are both inadequate rulers that rely heavily on their respective councils. When they make decisions on their own, their nearly equal incompetence shows because Aegon's choices are emotional and stupid and Rhaenyra's are paranoid and stupid. These are the people that cause the death of the dragons.
It feels like the show is trying to appeal to those stans that bend over backwards to defend their fave tyrants and believe the throne is a rightful possession of the Targaryens.
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cheriafreya · 8 months
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My Divinity 2 party (Sunniva, Fane, Sebille and the Red Prince) 💞
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lexsnotdead · 2 years
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ladyluscinia · 7 months
OFMD fandom has me thinking about Protagonist Centered Morality, like, in general.
I feel like we only call it that when we think it's been handled wrong and are criticizing it, even though - let's be honest - we have all bought into some degree of protagonist centered morality in our favorite show. Like. It's the beating heart behind the very idea of a Mook - the faceless darkside minion that your heroes can destroy without any moral consequence for that action because who gives a shit? It's basically inescapable in every cop-show (or reskinned cop show like spn), chosen one story, action movie, revenge quest, underdog tale... we fucking love it when the universe agrees "yeah they earned that" and will generally just roll our eyes at people going "ok but you know your fictional murderers are doing bad things, right?"
Until we don't.
And, like, as an offshoot of this... 99% of the time, when you're criticizing a show for its protagonist centered morality, the most straightforward way to get your point across is complaining about whatever happened. "X did Y and then we're just supposed to forget about it?" Or "X is being such a hypocrite about Z!" And then someone else (real or hypothetical) pushes back with some point about how the story / other characters / etc. don't treat this as a problem and that kicks off the framing criticisms. But is it really about what they did?
People will object to the protagonist centered framing of actions they don't consider that serious, and be satisfied or unconcerned with the framing of actions they find borderline unforgivable. Protagonist centered morality can casually handwave (or seriously penalize) the whole spectrum of morally questionable actions from being a shit in high school to committing massive war crimes. Sometimes the primary complaint is that the protagonist already took a stance against this action, so now being fine with doing it themselves is hypocritical and out of character, and the problem with protagonist centered morality seems to be more that it's letting the OOC part slide.
The concept engages with genuine criticism of a characterization or character's actions as a shorthand, but the part it's actually complaining about is closer to feeling the narrative failed somewhere on a meta level to calibrate how much the audience should care about this event (and what level of in-universe caring would then satisfy).
It's not (at least usually) a fancy way of putting forward character crit of the good guys - most people who want to do that are just going to do so directly. If anything it has more in common with being upset at a story for breaking your Suspension of Disbelief (usually in the arena of character relationships).
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atlcscp · 5 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @milimeters-morales !!💙🦋 the cake's been knocked around a bit but I'm sure it's still tasty ^_^ ‼️ YIPPIE !!!
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HOPE U HAVE AN AWESOME YEAR !!! Ik I've been less active but i just wanted 2 say a great big THANK YOU for being you‼️ :3 last year you made my 2023 so AWESOME and boosted my whimsy and joy so much !!! U have such COOL ideas and characters and designs and ur art is always so lovely💙 !!!! Plus your nice kindness and SILLYFUNNY spirit makes me smile so wide :3 your impact on my joke vocabulary in 2023 was huge...🦋 And I'm pretty sure i got into the silly spiderman side of tumblr and gained all my mutuals from you!! Which was such a lovely experience and im so lucky i got 2 goof around in the eventful year with cool mutuals like u !! So I just wanted 2 say thank u 4 being such an AWESOME FRIEND and making my spiderman brainrot and overall whimsy so much more joyous :3 rambling with u about the atsv trailers and mini miles was so much fun !! 1 BILLION SHEEP FROLICKING CAREFREE IN A FIELD !!! AND SMILING !!!!🐏‼️
Something silly also !! the first proper interaction I had with ur blog was on ur birthday last year !! Did a similar doodle so I just did it again ! :3 Happy birthday Scor !! I hope the world is ever so kind 2 u this year and awesome things happen forever :D💙🦋
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hundredsspoons · 1 year
Do we ever get an explanation for why Midvalley can kill people with his saxophone.... or is that something nobody really questions
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the wild thing about “I- you have my word as an angel” is that, at that point, the lie in Aziraphale’s mind is twofold. he pauses, yes, but once he’s made up his mind, he states that they are Job’s new children in a clear, measured tone. in that moment, he’s committed to saving them, and has accepted the consequences.
the lie he then struggles to get out is that he’s an angel at all.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
To suffer isn't righteous - to thrive isn't a sin
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callmemerry00 · 9 months
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Pov: You got dragged inside Tsukuyomi's dream realm to get mocked
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florallylly · 4 months
something something there are two wolves inside of you except one wolf is rabid scratching at the walls insane over son of aphrodite camp halfblood steve harrington BUT the second wolf is like that specific steddie fic where eddie keeps calling steve his "apollo"
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vaedae · 14 days
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This is Emmett Till. He was 14 years old. Born on July 25, 1941, died on August 28, 1955. Well, died or murdered? Or abducted, tortured, and lynched?
Emmett Till was a young boy visiting family for the summer in Money, Mississippi; coming from Chicago, Illinois. He had gone to the local Bryant Grocery store and purchased two cents worth of bubble gum, on his way out, he supposedly made the mistake that cost him his life. Some people say that Emmett had whistled at Carolyn Bryant, other people say he catcalled or grabbed her.
Some people say it was days after making her claim, other people say it was the same night, either way, Carolyn's husband Roy and his half-brother JW Milam went to Till's great uncle's house and abducted Emmett. The two men took him to the bank of Tallahatchie River and ordered him to take off his clothes. They then proceeded to beat him to death. Gouged out his eyes, knocked out his teeth, beat him on his hips and back, cut up his face and genitals, shot him in the head, tied a 75-pound cotton gin fan around his neck with barbed wire, and dumped him into the water.
Emmett was only 14 years old. He hadn't made it to high school, hadn't made it to adulthood, hadn't been able to marry, hadn't been able to have children. No child should ever have to endure the torture Emmett did. No child should be murdered over something so small. Something that may not even be true.
No single person deserves any of the treatment that Emmett Till received.
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wayti-blog · 5 months
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.
Thomas A. Edison
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 6 months
i don't think i'm ever going to take my cultist/worship au phoenix anywhere but i may as well post it bc idk
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theyre kind of a freak. so nothing's changed really
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