#the dizi breakdown
thescorpioracer · 2 years
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Just in time for New Year’s Eve, we’re BACK with a new episode on @carogables's favorite dizi, Kiralık Aşk! (It's the show we bonded over when we first met here on tumblr.)
We also share some updated thoughts on Yargı and discuss our recent interests in Yalı Çapkını & Gelsin Hayat Bildiğı Gibi, among other things.
Listening options can be found here!
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usertoxicyaoi · 5 months
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pumpkinpaix · 14 days
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Chapter Spotlight 4:
"Iterative Violence: English (mis?)Translations of Modao Zushi and Chen Qing Ling" by Chant Y. Ng
Describe your topic/chapter in one sentence/one meme/140 characters.
A work by any other translation would NOT smell as sweet!!! In fact!!!!
What drew you to this topic?
Hi yes it's me, your pal cyan, you may know me from such hit posts as 8k words of rage-crying about the translation of 知己 as soulmates (which is about translation as violence), or maybe that other one about translation as violence (shockingly, it's really about translation as violence), or perhaps even that other other one about how one might translate Lan Xichen's title— (you know, I think this one is also about translation as violence)
If there’s one thing you hope the fandom takes away from your article, what would it be?
I hope that people think harder about how impossible it is to translate a text, and that they choose to extend more grace and compassion to authors and translators alike. A translation is not a window but a painting. Also, I'm manifesting better pay and respect for the work of translation into the cosmos. Please consider this a memo I am posting on the great message board of the universe. Thank you.
What is your MDZS/CQL origin story? (i.e. how did you come to this text?)
Started watching, made some gifs, read the book. Had a breakdown. Bon appetit.
Favorite adaptation, if any?
Audio drama! The love, care and effort put into it continues to astound me. Sometimes, to get the sound of a dizi hitting the ground, you gotta throw a dizi on the ground, y'know?
If you were isekai-ed into MDZS/CQL, what sect affiliation would you choose and why?
Please let me live my life in peace, I am but a feeble scholar.
Most compelling relationship in the text?
Twin Jades!!!!
Chaotic one-sentence pitch to get your friends into MDZS/CQL?
*gripping you tightly by the shoulders* don't
If you could ask MXTX one question, what would it be?
Anything to say to potential readers of the collection?
Thanks for checking us out! It's been a wild and unpredictable (four-year!!) ride but everyone worked very hard on their parts. Means a lot even if you're just here for our little promo. :) If you'd like a copy of my contribution for classroom use, please do reach out!
You can find Chant (cyan) here on Tumblr @pumpkinpaix.
(FAQ) (all posts on Catching Chen Qing Ling)
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One of my favorite additions that the MDZS adaptations gave us was the little detail that, in addition to storing Emperor’s Smile in his room, Lan Wangji also stored bamboo flutes and was implied to have learned how to carve them and did so on a regular basis.
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I just really like the idea that even though he didn’t know if Wei Wuxian would come back, he was preparing for it anyway. He raised Lan Sizhui and tried to train the juniors to be open-minded and unbiased, he held the weight of his whip scars and the sun brand on his chest, he filled his room with Emperor’s Smile that he might never be able to give Wei Wuxian.
I like to think Lan Wangji was learning to carve bamboo flutes even before Wei Wuxian died, since his methods of expressing himself often manifest in secret actions rather than words. Before he knew it, he found himself taking an interest in making dizi flutes and had a collection of them building up - and Lan Xichen is watching with a knowing gaze and offers to tune the flutes to help him improve (does Lan Wangji know how to play any flutes? I assume Lan Xichen knows somewhat how to play a dizi even though his Liebing is a xiao but I'm not a floutist so idk). Bonus angst if Lan Wangji ended up burning a pile of flutes every time he had a breakdown about Wei Wuxian being dead. Then he just goes around carving more.
The original novel has Wei Wuxian using the same out-of-tune bamboo flute nearly till the end, but like - Lan Wangji seeing Wei Wuxian playing badly just to (poorly) hide his identity and then Lan Wangji being so madly eager to show off his skills that he prepared just to serve Wei Wuxian at any and all times. He just whips out a bamboo shaft and a carving tool, and masterfully makes a flute in moments, and Wei Wuxian is oblivious like "Wow, nice job, thx!" and doesn't fully grasp that Lan Wangji is saying "I will make you a thousand bamboo flutes because I love you and will give you whatever you desire, that little surprise and pleasure on your face is worth all the time I waited -"
You know?
Still working way too hard on an MDZS fic BTW, like it's way over 1000 pages in Google Docs and half of it is me just transcribing the novel and the other is me repeating my feelings on everything with an OC or three. What am I doing with my life?
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esper-union-lounge · 1 year
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Dislyte's Character Design Director, Ono Dizi: To Design a Well Recieved Character (2.2/3)
Original post:
A continuation of the character design process. Last time, we left off on the second step: How to build a character. Due to the length of the post, I had to cut the last step :Characterisation, out.
So, this part won't be a long read. There are more pictures in this one, due to the pic limit, I will be adding ones that are necessary for the text.
Part 2.1 here
((Note: I am not a professional translator.I will localise the essay a bit more in the future. ))
Secondary traits
Realistic reference
Secondary Traits- Traits to be seen in character’s behaviour.
In character writing, there are two types of traits, Primary trait and Secondary trait.
The general rule of law is: If a character’s Primary Trait (Prim.) is positive, the Secondary Trait (Sec.) must be the opposite. Vice versa. In the context of in-game characters, it boils down to maintaining the ratio between Prim. and Sec.
7:3 is the golden ratio; numbers can be scaled up or down depending on the character. It is best to keep the ratio imbalanced. This is to prevent the characterisation getting muddled and unclear.
This ‘Ratio Method’ has always been a tactic for writers like Marvel, in their characters. A few example of their writing model includes:
Iron Man = “Technological Genius” (Prim.) + “A Play Boy” (Sec.) Personality Ratio: 6 (Prim.) : 4 (Sec.)
Dr Strange= “Highly Skilled Super PhD.” (Prim.) + “Prideful & Sharp tongued”(Sec.) Personality Ratio: 7(Prim.) : 3 (Sec.)
Ancient One= “Humble & Courteous” (Prim.) + “Dark Powers” (Sec.) Personality Ratio: 8 (Prim.) : 2 (Sec.)
Thanos= “Merciless & Lusting for power” (Prim.) + “Undying Fatherly Love” (Sec.) Personality Ratio: 9 (Prim.) + 1 (Sec.)
Examples from Dislyte:
In Dislyte, the character Melanie is blessed by Medusa. According to Medusa’s myth, her appearance was of a monstrous female with a head full of snakes. Anyone who looks into her eyes will be petrified into stone.
In her myth, Medusa was beheaded by Perseus with the help of Athena and Hermes. Medusa’s head was served to Athena, and was inlaid onto her shield since.
Considering Melanie’s character, *I thought about Medusa’s life story. The moment it was turned upside down when she, a young gentle maiden, was turned into an strange, and an *omen of a monster.
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Taking that exact moment of Medusa’s life; having her life changed so drastically, we have a character who retains a young maiden’s innocence, while also having mental breakdowns.
Thus, taking such mental state/ characterisation, and reflect it in Melanie’s character.
There are a lot of Espers who uses this ‘Ratio method’.
Triki’s design was set to be a Gambler (Prim.) as the Core Feeling in his brief. Yet, in his Expression sheet, we did not focus on his Prim., but focusing on the “Influential Street Hipster” as his Sec.
“Flamboyant Gambler” + “Street Hipster”= Triki (Loki)
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Triki’s Personality Ratio: 9:1
Lin Xiao, her Core Feeling is: “Chinese martial boxer who, is also a reinforcer of justice.”
Whenever Lin Xiao performs Chinese boxing, she becomes highly focus on her craft. Being absolute and intricate in her form and movements, it clashes with her impatience and brashness in everyday life.
“Strong & Reliable martial artist” + “Impatient & Brash” = Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
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Lin Xiao’s Personality Ratio: 6:4
Ashley, according to Norse mythology, Heimdall is the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. Legend says he has golden teeth, and pure white skin. Hence, he is dubbed as the ‘White Aesir’; with keen senses.
For Ashley’s Sec., we decided to give her a more feminine touch, and a girlish heart. In contrast to her Prim, which is her cold and stern exterior, and unwavering sense of justice.
“Strict & Aloof” + “Gently girlish” = Ashley (Heimdall)
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Ashley’s Personality Ratio: 8:2
And, many more…
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Realistic Reference- Making solid characters
To writing a believable character, we must have extensive knowledge of the character’s background.
Character lore alone is not enough to solidify our characters. The believability lies within references from the real world. From, works of art, or in real life people.
An approach we took was to collect inspiration and references based on the characters’ drawn design, and look into the reference’s history and background. Be it from literature, movies, animation, or liberal studies, these sources reflects humanity and its raw sets of personalities.
An example:
Prim: Strong and tough, scary looking fellow.
Sec: Cute. Into cooking and nutrition.
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For the character, Djoser, we referenced from Ma Dong-Seok.
According to Ancient Egyptian mythology, Atum was originally the sun god in the Heliopolis cult. In later times, when the worship of Ra became prominent, it subsequently replaced Atum’s original role, even merging the two gods to create a new god, Amun-Ra.
In Dislyte, the characters, Narmer and Djoser are in different syndicate camps. The Core Feeling for Narmer was along the lines of, “A young and refined Godfather.” While the latter is more aligned in the direction of Latin American Narcos.
We gave Djoser the characterisation of Ma Dong-Seok, scary-looking yet, delicate, because we don’t want to solely focus on the anger and resentment aspect of Atum’s lore. But, to show an optimistic side of the character as well.
Thus offering a contrast between Ra and Atum in the game.
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Narmer’s character image.
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Djoser’s character image.
We can propose samples of characterisation, and discuss them with our Copy Writers to see which real-life references are the closest to the proposed sample. Be it by matching life-experiences, or similar relationships.
It is important to note, for a game that has many characters, not all of them needs to have a detailed and complex characterisation. The level of depth is determined by resources, character rarity, and the role they play. Sometimes, less is more.
All and all, when designing a character:
Step 1.) Establish the Core Feeling for the character based on the setting.
Step 2.) Design the character; convey who, where, and what
Step 3.) Characterisation. Design a Secondary Trait and take reference from real life sources.
Step 4.) Through basic drawing skills and design experience, mass experimenting and producing character image until the design is satisfactory.
(To be continued…)
Translator’s note:
“I thought about Medusa’s life…” : Ono Dizi is responsible for designing Melanie.
“Omen” : The original word in the text means to describe something along the lines of ‘a bad mark/ symbol’. But, for lack of a better word, I used “omen” to suggest that the image of Medusa is a bad sign.
This part of the essay has to be the most I have did research into. There are a number of terms that I need to google them up to see what they are.
The concept of Primary and Secondary traits are hard to translate too. The original essay wasn’t very clear in explaining the concept. It took me a while to figure it out, and then interpret it into English. If anyone doesn’t understand, feel free to ask.
-Esper Union Lounge
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10 yıl kadar önce izleyip sonu beni üzer diye finalini izlemediğim dizi bir şekilde karşıma çıktı, baştan izledim sonunu bilerek şimdi mental breakdown zamanı kendime neden bunu yaptım hiçbir fikrim yok 🤦��‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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dangermousie · 1 year
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When you are the mob bride but your groom is not there because he’s having a nervous breakdown about childhood trauma.
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aykutiltertr · 4 days
Uzozisola (You'll Regret It) - Justin Vibes ✩ Rhythm Karaoke (Nihavend M...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ⭐ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/YRGiYySpH5Y ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Uzozisola (You'll Regret It) - Justin Vibes ✩ Rhythm Karaoke (Nihavend Minör 4/4 C Composer Aymos) ❤ @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ➤ SANATÇININ DİĞER ŞARKILARI İÇİN OYNATMA LİSTESİNE BAKABİLİRSİNİZ...         ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9SktAtLVupOrJM4iEjwg4NY0kWEvhKJX https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JcqjI4dwLZI   HIP HOP ➤ ESER ADI                : Uzozisola (You'll Regret It) ➤ SÖZ GÜFTE            : AYMOS ➤ BESTE - MÜZİK      : AYMOS ➤ USÜL                       : 4/4 ➤ MAKAM - DİZİ        : NİHAVEND - MİNÖR ➤ ARANJÖR              : JUSTIN VIBES ➤ ENSTRÜMANLAR :   ➤ KİMLER OKUDU    : ft. Diamonds of Gwijo x Azul Serene ➤ FİRMA - ŞİRKETİ   : ? COMPOSITION & LYRICS AYMOS Aymos Songwriter                             ŞARKI SÖZÜ ve AKORU Lyrics Translation: Ngi Authi a sharp mina (I’m a chilled/laid back guy) babuze bonke bazo ku tsela (ask anyone and they’ll they you) ndiyi authi e sharp mina Andina nto eyiningi mina (I’m a chilled/laid back guy) ndihleka nawo wonke umntu ohleka nam (I get along with almost everyone) phinde veza loku gqibela (my huge smile is a testament to that) ayebo sokule hee hee Hu hu (Yes this is it) Uzozisola (You’ll Regret It) This song is a cover of Mas Musiq's "Uzozisola" which means "You'll Regret It". It's about being a nice guy but if pushed over the edge, you'll regret it. Diamonds of Gwijo (the kids), only sang part of the song's lyrics. Azul Serene sang the breakdown "Uzozisola". I hope you enjoy! Marimba One has strategically thought of the future and longevity of their instruments, and equally the same for their artists. Because of this intentional care and detail to both the instruments and the artists, that was enough for me to choose M1. Justin Vibes A multi-platinum songwriter & producer, singer, and vibraphonist, Justin Vibes has paved out a lane in the music industry that some may find intriguing. The Baltimore born, Trinidadian musician found success in Los Angeles writing songs for Eminem, Chris Brown, DaBaby, and Kodak Black, just to only name a few while touring the world, performing on big stages such as Coachella, Lollapalooza, etc with alternative pop duo, Capital Cities.  His instrument of choice, the vibraphone, is an instrument rarely seen in the mainstream music scene. Justin is using this instrument on hit records and big stages with no hesitation, garnering millions of views on social media, and showcasing the instrument (along with his singing and songwriting skills) in all of his original music.   Currently, Justin is continuously writing songs for other artists, producing content for his audience, and is expected to release his solo project soon. JUSTIN VIBES HIP HOP SONGS RHYTHM KARAOKE
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
mannnnnn what the fuck s3 finaleeeee
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her şeyden önce (evet en büyük olaydan bile önce) şunu söylemek istiyorum KENDALLLLLLLLLLLLL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 kendallllllllll kendall miyav miyavvvv kendalllllll :((((((( ajsdshgfs abi. bu anı ilk sezon finalinden beri BÜYÜK bir açlıkla bekliyordum ve eninde sonunda geleceğinden emindim ve O KADAR DELICIOUS KI.... yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy
harika HARİKA bir sahneydi. bu sezon genel olarak build-up ve pay-off konusunda o kadarrrrr başarılı olmuş ki ağlıycam çok güzel. sadece bu konuda da değil birçok konudaki payoff (MESELA TOM. we will get to that later) o kadar leziz ki uhhhmmmmm yeah.
kendall hayatımda gördüğüm en üzücü karakterlerden biri ve that says a lot lmao. obsessed with this pathetic man so hard rn. ve o sahnedeki complete breakdown o kadar iyiydi kiiiiii arrrgghhhhhhh sadece ken'in tamamen raw duyguları açısından da değil (BTW OYUNCULUK 🙌🙌🙌) mesela şunlar da çok lezizdi;;;;;
bütün setting ve context??? annesinin düğününde, şirketin (ve ailenin) kaderini değiştirecek olan haberin geldiği anda -yani dizinin başından beri istediği şey- VE intihar girişiminden hemen sonra yaşanması. bro. alt başlığa alt başlık açmak gibi olmasın ama can we talk abt that part too yani her ne kadar kendisi kabul etmese de baya intihar girişimiydi bu???? sonrasındaki küçük intervention girişimi, shit, yani logan bile gelip çocuklarla ilgileniyordu u got the whole squad really fucking worried kenny boy :( ve bu şekilde başlayan bir bölümde iyiyim ya diye diye bu kocaman haber geldikten sonra birden çökmesi. ough. ve. VE. bu benim en sevdiğim kısım ehem. dediğim gibi dizinin başından beri istediği ve uğruna savaştığı şey, ve şu an gerçekleşmeye çok çok çok yakın ve. ve kendall'ın yapabildiği tek şey bu breakdown. ben burda (ilginçtir ki sdhfdshfds) ağlamadım ama bunun tek nedeni ULAN DİZİ BEEE diye bağırıyor olmamdı hdfsbdfhsdf o kadar iyi yazılmış ve iyi oynanmış ve arkası dolu bir sahneydi ki.
bunların hepsinin üstüne, bir de shiv ve roman'ın sahneye katkıları var which is :''''''''' arghhhhhhhhhhhhh my fucked up siblings ya 😭 roman'ın (her zamanki gibi, in his own way) ortamı yumuşatma çabaları... ki bu demek oluyor ki iğrenç bir olay hakkında iğrenç şakalar yapıyor AMA ama önemli olan şu ki gerçekten ken'in kafasını dağıtıp sakinleştirmeye çalışıyordu. oughhhhh en son kalkıp yürümeye başladıktan sonra kafasına yavaşça vurup biraz okşaması 🥺 (burda bütün vocab'im bitti ya bilmiyorum nasıl anlatabilirdim bunu sdfsfsdsf) his bald headddddd 😭 ve SHIV..... of hepsi bu konuda o kadar kötü ki ama ellerinden geleni yapmaya çalışıyorlar BECAUSE THAT'S THEIR BIG BROTHER..... yani günün sonunda ne olursa olsun bu yani. shiv'in sahne boyunca fiziksel olarak comfort vermeye çalışması ve olayı kontrol altında tutmaya çalışması :( olayın tamamen kendall'ın suçu olmadığı konusunda (baya fucked up bir şekilde yapmaya çalışsalar da) kendall'ı ikna etmeye çalışmaları :((( i'm all apart..... shit sHITTT cidden ☹☹☹☹☹ bu üç karakteri bir araya getirip bu kadar içten bir şekilde üzücü bir sahne yazabilmek çok başarılı - ya da şöyle diyeyim bunu bu kadar iyi bir şekilde yapmış olmaları çok başarılı. durum iğrenç, karakterler somewhat kavgalı diyebiliriz, ve ayrıca hepsi o kadar fucked up ki duyguları hakkında konuşmak en kötü oldukları şey. mesela normalde roman'ın bu sahnede dediği hiçbir şey duygusal sayılmamalı i mean sdjfsdsf ama IT WORKS SO WELL HERE yani. elbette roman'la duygusal bir sahne yazacaksan böyle yazılır*. ofc. abi bu sahne mü-kem-meldi gerçekten chefs kiss kissing the chef with tongue etc etc
(* just for the record, her ne kadar kendall dünyanın en üzücü kişisi ödülünü alıyor olsa da -ve ben hala kendall girl olsam da- özellikle bu sezon roman beni o kadar duygulandırdı ki tbh. sanki roman'la duygusal bir sahne yazmak imkansızmış gibi konuştum, ve kendisi cidden öyleymiş gibi davranıyor, ama bilin ki bu sezon logan ve roman'ın bir arada olduğu her sahne benim için aşırı duygusaldı. just daddy's little boy huh... :( ki bu da sıradaki konuyla çok alakalı bi şey devam edelim)
ve. ve bu harika sahnenin aftermath'i olarak da kardeşlerin bu sefer GERÇEKTEN birlik olmaya karar vermesi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gerçektennnnnnnnnn!!!! ken'in en başından beri istediği şeyi en sonunda alması ama :((((((( ama yine de they got fucked her türlü jsbsdfbdsfs :(((( dur oraya da gelicem ama bu birlik hakkında biraz konuşmak istiyorum. shiv en başından beri zaten biraz ihanete ve ikili oynamaya yatkın bir karakter, ve içlerinden en ruthless olan o bence. o yüzden onun çok basit bir şekilde bu karara varması hiç şaşırtıcı değil, kendisi için en yararlı karar bu sonuçta. şimdiye kadar bunu yapmamış olmasının tek nedeni her zaman sonunda daha yararlı olan kararlarla karşılaşmasıydı diyebiliriz. o yüzden burası okay. kendall zaten hsfdsf chief executive officer of betraying dad 💅 yani zamanlama olarak mentalinin all time low olduğu bir zaman olması üzücü tabii ki ama breakdownu biter bitmez evet gidip babamızı öldürelim en mantıklısı bu moduna girmesi oldukça in character bi şey ksdjdsdfssd AMAAAAA ama roman.... dediğim gibi daddy's boy.... doğrusu bu sahneler boyunca o kadar gerildim ki kardeşlerini (ahem,, yine) satacak diye (tbf hepsi birbirini satıyor hep zaten idk). ama bu hayati anda bunu yapmamış olmasıııııı 😭 çok kere arada kaldı bu belli oluyordu (rome, abini dışarı çıkar da konuşalım. rome, sen planın içindesin hadi gel konuşalım falan filan) AMA hayır!!!! sonuç olarak kardeşlerinin yanında kaldı belki de ilk defa!! belki de ilk defa hepimiz babamıza karşı anı yaşandı. ve. o. kadar. lezizdi ki. anlatamam. of daha önce de dediğim gibi özellikle son 1 sezondur rome bana o kadar zevk veren bir karakter ki. ve bu bölüm cidden peak yaptı bu hislerim. hepsi için geçerli ama özellikle de onun inner conflictlerini görmek çok zevkliydi
VEEEEEEEE bunların hepsinin sonunda they still got fucked <3 HEM DE ANNELERİ TARAFINDAN..... god (bu arada, anneleri ve shiv'in arasında geçen o konuşma. goes feral goes rabid moment gerçekten Çok İyiydi... maybe i'm just like my mother hahahah :D ) ve bu durumda shiv İKİ kere dunked oldu çünkü hem annesi hem de TOMMMMMM oh my godddddddddd. dur buraya gelmeden önce bir iki şey daha diycem. umm bu sahnede yaptıkları her şeye rağmen yine de başarısız olmaları da çok lezizdi benim için. kendall için aint his first rodeo zaten, shiv dediğim gibi feci durumda, ve roman... man... gerri'ye dönmesi ve onun da hiçbir şey yapmaması... ve daddy, please?????? 🥺🥺🥺 ki ZATEN bu rebellion olayını açıklayan kişinin roman olması EVIL EVIL EVIL who wrote thissssssss sesi titriyor falan yumuşakça anlatmaya çalışıyor göz teması kurmuyorrrr 😭😭😭 hep babam en iyisini bilir çektikten sonra arghhhhhhh ve bi de LOVE????? :( ve logan piçi de bilerek hep onun üstüne gidiyor aaaarghhhh çok güzel her şeyyyyyyyyy :((((
evet şimdi de sonda olan olaya gelelim akhdgshgfds TOMMMMMMM ?????? abiiiiiii tom için o kadarrrrrr iyi bir build-up ve pay-off yaşanıyor ki burda. VE HİÇBİR ŞEY SÖYLEMEDEN YAPIYORLAR BUNU. abiiiiii aşırı başarılıydı. gerçekten hiçbir şey söylemeden, sadece logan'ın omzuna vurup gülümsemesi ile yapıyor, ve sonra shiv'in yüz ifadesi........... confront etmemesi....... biliyorum bunları acayip şeylermiş gibi anlatıyorum ama jshhdfds daha az iyi bir dizi bu sahneleri o kadar farklı yazıp çekerdi ki. ve maalesef bunlardan çok fazla olduğu için, böylesine temiz ve etkileyici sahneler çok çok başarılı olmuş oluyor. gerçekten dizi beee moduna girmeme neden oluyor ajksfsd
neyse,,, tom bütün sezon (hatta bütün dizi) boyunca hep shiv'in gölgesinde kalmıştı diyebiliriz. ve bu sezon bunu baya baya gözümüze soktular artık. bu konuda özellikle greg'le olan sahnelerin müthişliği* <33333 tom'un sürekli kabul edilmek ve başarılı olmak için kendini parçalaması, shiv'in sevgisi için kendini parçalaması, ama hiçbir şey elde edememesi. yem gibi köpekbalıklarına atılması, hatta bi yerden sonra resmen kendini adak gibi sunması (logan'ın bunu unutmayacağım demesi...). en sonunda (greg'i de yanına alarak) büyük hamleler yapmaya başladı demek. god. çok başarılıydı ya. şimdi ne olacak çok merak ediyorummm binge yapmamam lazım cidden yapmamalıyım asfbhsfhdsf or should i....? kasssjfhsd
(* btw şunu da eklemek istiyorum tomgreg arasındaki subtle homoeroticism... bunu ben kendi kafamda mi uydurdum diye çok düşündüm dizi boyunca ama bu sezon baya vardı ya yani sjsjdjjd)
neyse. sonuç olarak i understand yall now ya. destan yazdıktan sonra çıkışımı yapıyorum sfnsfnds
ps. adam kazandı demekten kendimi alıkoyamıyorum... gerçekten nasıl hep kazanıyor ya
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djemsostylist · 3 years
Kind of want to craft an essay about the the use of touch in this dizi, particularly in respect to Akgün and the way the Kara family takes someone who is only used to touch hurting and turns it into something that is soft and gentle and healing. The first few episodes he just always looks ready for the blow, but the first time Selim hugs him or Yağmur touches his face or Canan takes care of him he just sort of melts. Which isn't surprising, considering the first time we meet his father he slaps him across the face. And we know he doesn't have friends, just Söner and their idea of communication is waterboarding and pen stabbing.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. hi, thank you for your efforts ❤️ i have a fic finder, because even though time travel fics should be so easy to find, i just can't find this one. wx both come back to the cloud recesses days, lwj finds out that wwx also went back bc he hears him humming/playing their song. wwx is given a dizi that has a name with 'dawn' in it i think? (by nhs who was probably the one who sent them back). they fix all the stuff of course
FOUND! The Wild Geese’s Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 66k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-it, Temporary Character Death)
2. Hello, looking for a fic where LWJ comes to Burial Mounds and WWX & he get into a fight. It’s pretty brutal, and at some point A-Yuan arrives and is in danger so LWJ protects him getting stabbed in the progress. I think it was a fix-it au.
The fic is during burial mounds settlement days. I think during the fight WWX doesn't fight LWJ personally but calls many many corpses to do it for him.
3. Hi there long time lurker first time requester!! Love what you do, thank you!! I’ve found so many good fics through this blog.
Ok so for my ask, it was before I had an ao3 acct so it’s no where in my history! What I remember is SOMETHING happened and Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan get thrust into modern times. They live together and somehow find their way back? Sorry that’s not a lot to go on :/ Thanks again!! @rogue-90-em​
FOUND! This sounds a lot like atlas in his sleepin' by anatheme (E, 49k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JYL & WWX & JZX, fix-it, reincarnation, family reunions, dimension travel, temporary transmigrator LWJ, JC & WWX reconciliation, first time, sharing clothes, angst w/ happy ending)
4. Hello I have been looking for this fic for awhile now and have had no luck finding it. It took place after Sunshot I believe. WWX had to marry NMJ so the wens would have a safe place to live. Later in the story LWJ in also married to NMJ and WWX.
FOUND! An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut, Mojo’s bookmark)
NOT FOUND! Pastime (With Good Company) by nirejseki (Not rated, 25k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, WIP)
5. Can you help find this fic? It's a modern fic about the aftermath of how wy was groomed and abused by one of jyl's friend. After getting out of that toxic relationship wy started a flower shop which his sibling try to visit frequently. Jc and lz is studying law together. I remember wy having a breakdown bcs he figured out that lz was the younger brother of lxc who was the doctor that treated him after his abused. There was also a scene where sushe harassed wy to the point of panic attack. Thanks
FOUND? #5 was written by AvoOwO on ao3 but seems to have been deleted. I think the title was something among the lines of "Daffodils to Ambrosia"?
6. Hi! I’m looking for a fic where wangxian are both bored with their (separate) sex lives and decide to have roleplay sex with each other to liven things up. The first time they do this they pretend to be strangers in a bar. There was also one that time that was god/worshipper roleplay. It was multi chapter with each roleplay in separate chapters. Thank you so much for the help!
7. Hey mods! There's this fic where the juniors tell mxy(wwx) that hgj is in love with another(wwx) bc they think mxy(wwx) loves hgj and don't want him to be heartbroken and turns out mxy(wwx) was actually, well, wwx lol— and after that they eavesdrop on a convo with hgj and wwx and find out mxy is actually wwx @sentientcongee​
FOUND? things we're all too young to know by someitems (T, 11k, wangxian, misunderstandings, junior shenanigans, mistaken identity, found family)
8. Hallo! I'm trying to find a fic in which WY is a servant of the Jiangs (he is treated badly) and the Lans are guests at Lotus Pier and he walks into LZ and runs away (?) (I think he wasn't allowed to talk to anyone or was afraid he would get pubished). I have only read the first chapter and that's all I remember:/ Thank you so much!
FOUND! Flowers of pain by CorkaHadesa (M, 16k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, YZY Bashing, JC Bashing, Jiang Family Bashing, Bad Sibling JC, Bad Sibling JYL, Protective LWJ, Protective LXC, Protective LQR, Bad Parenting, Family Issues, Child Abuse, Self-Esteem Issues, Happy Ending)
9. Hi there! I'm looking for a fic I read a while ago in which LWJ creates a new cultivation method?? IIRC WWX had been thrown into the Burial Mounds and LWJ and JC are looking for him. I don't remember any other specific details, but towards the end LWJ finally reveals his new cultivation style. I think his whole thing had to do with the earth and connecting to it?? I know it's vague but it's probably been a year since I've read it ;-;
FOUND? From my heart's ground. by orange_crushed (E, 37k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Corporal Punishment, Vomiting, Injury Recovery, Trauma, Blood Magic, Elemental Magic, Gardens & Gardening, Resurrection, Dissociation, Explicit Sexual Content, First Time, Language of Flowers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family, Arson, Now Everybody's A Rogue Cultivator, Self-Harm for Blood Magic Reasons, Suicidal Thoughts, Spiritual Coma, Brief Reference to Temporary Incontinence as a Result of Said Coma, Self-Esteem Issues)
10. hii first of all thank you so much for your hard work!! i’ve been searching high and low for this fic in my bookmarks and can’t find it anywhere :( all i remember is that modern day wwx ends up in the past? i also remember a scene where he reunites with jyl and it’s really sweet bc the one from his universe had died i think? i hope this is enough jdhdhd
FOUND! Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
11. Searching for a fic, any help would be appreciated! It was a vaguely knight-y/medieval setting, and after some shit went down, LZ was locked up and/or severely whipped by the Lans, and when the fic starts I think he's still having issues from that and traveling on his own. And then he reunites with WY - maybe I'm conflating fics, so these are just maybes, but it could be some sort of beauty and the beast situation? Or there's a moment where WY goes full-on YLLZ when he finds out how hurt LZ was.
FOUND! the necromancer's fairytale by iliacquer (E, 17k, wangxian, safe sane consensual non-con, past torture, not Lan friendly, happy ending, switch energy, rough sex, pain kink)
12. Hi! im looking for a wangxian timetravel fic, i remember that they went back to the cloud recess arc in their old bodies and one specific detail i remember is wei wuxian changing his hair style to his future hair style because lan zhan was still doing his hair in the mornings, sorry i don't remember much else Thanks for the help!
FOUND? No, Lan Wangji, You Cannot Marry Someone You Just Met! by soulmateenthusiast (T, 40k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Time Travel, WWX and LWJ Are Transported to the Past, Attempt at Humor, Fluff, slight angst Gratuitous Amounts of PDA, Courtesy of WangXian, BAMF!WWX, Time Travel Fix-It, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued)
13. Asking this cause I lost those fic where A) Wangji was kid when got kidnapped and lives in brothel and he himself ask a witch to curse him ugly person B) Wangji is omega and lactates for A-yuan @selflovingmedj
FOUND? Turn Left by kianspo (M, 91k, WIP, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters, Canon-Typical Violence, Neurodivergent LWJ, LXC is the best brother, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels)
FOUND? 💖 so full of love i could barely eat by cicer (E, 40k, wangxian, ABO, canon divergence, breastfeeding, lactation kink, golden core reveal, fix-it)
14. Hi I’m looking for a fic that takes place during the CR arc and has LWJ realizing that rewarding WWX works better than punishments and I think there are some scenes that take place in the library. I can’t really remember much else so I’d appreciate the help!
FOUND? Pigtail Pulling by protos_metazu_ison (G, 3k, wangxian, fluff & humor, crack treated seriously, cloud recesses shenanigans)
15. Heyy! Im looking for a fic where wangxian went on a date(i think 1st) to a petting zoo. There what I remember the most is wwx pulling grass and lwj blurting out if he was stimming. I honestly can’t remember much. There were bunnies tho. It’s complete and i thinkk it’s part of a series! Please help me find it!!!
FOUND? 🧡#Bunny date by Onomatopoetikon (T, 15k, WangXian, Modern AU, POV LWJ, Autistic LWJ, WWX Has ADHD, First Dates, First Kiss, Holding Hands, LWJ Uses Actual Words, Neurodiversity, Developing Relationship, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, Fluff, Romantic Fluff) it's part 3 of a series :)
16. hello. i've been wondering if you could help with this: i'm not looking for a fic, but i've been wanting to write one. i remember seeing some time ago a twitter thread containing certaing details and tips for writing modern aus set in china, but i can't find it. i was hoping if any of your followers would know something
FOUND? might be this twitter moment, if not, there's still some good stuff here!
17. Hey! I was looking for a LXC x Oc, the oc was a jin who is like what people say dumb and the summer is something along the lines "The new madam Lan got pregnant and is craving for the bunny" I forgot the whole summery but it was like that. Anyways turns out she was actually quite smart.
18. hello, hello!! when you have a chance, i would appreciate help finding a fic!! it was modern, and the only thing i remember was probably a part towards the end, and i think wwx was kidnapped by the wens and was on top of a building, someone was shot, & i think wen chao might've fallen off the building? wwx nearly died? sorry if this is really vague, but hopefully someone recognizes it!!
NOT FOUND! 🧡The World We Made by updatebug (T, 80k, WangXian, The Old Guard fusion, Immortals, Immortal LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Junior Quartet is the best Quartet, JYL is the best, NMJ Lives, Reincarnation, Modern AU, The Old Guard AU, Team Give Xichen Nice Things, Team Unbury Your Gays, LITERALLY, Temporary Character Death) has a similar scene I think (only he gets kidnapped by JGY instead)
NOT FOUND! 🧡Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, wangxian, criminal underworld au, dark LWJ, ABO, note all tags)
could also be FOUND! Monotone, I think it’s not on ao3 directly anymore but is still available on a Google doc / the author has posted a link to monotone here / Monotone on Google docs, Anyway I think that's the shared link for #18. Pretty sure that's it. Ch. 23 Reset is WWX and Wen Chao on the roof of Nightless City. Wwx is shot and WC jumps off the edge.
19. hello! I need help finding a fic. The only scene I can remember is the Jiang family and Lan Wangji sitting at a table (eating dinner I think) and Madam Yu says or implies something insulting/rude about Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji uses his engagement or marriage to Wei Wuxian to tell her off. Saying she has no right to say something like that about something that is his/belongs to him. I believe it was Canon era but that's about all I can remember.
FOUND! chapter 6 of 30 Days of Celebration with Yunmeng Jiang by starandrea (M, 41k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Family Drama, Telepathic Bond, Kink Negotiation, Wedding Planning, Weddings, Sibling Bonding, Fluff, Happy Ending)
20. hi there! for the next FF, this modern-online-class au. it's in the pov of one of the students, though i remember it changes pov a lot. wangxian are professors, LSZ is in both their classes. he gets sick, and he never reveals who his parents are until WWX walks in on a call with him and his friends and they go >:0000 on him. theres a lot of student chatting. there was a scene with a student remarking on WWX's child's achievements on the wall and LSZ being extremely embarrassed about it. @revellingfate
FOUND! The Mystery of Professor Lan's and Professor Wei's private lives by SilverBells (G, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, wangxian married and have a son, online classes AU, Self Indulgent Ficlet, Fluff, University AU, Professor LWJ and Professor WWX, University second year LSZ, Humour)
NOT FOUND! Lan Jingyi and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Cursed Information by fensandmarshes (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Crack Treated Seriously, Married WangXian, POV Outsider, POV Outsider on WangXian, Crack and Humour, LJY-centric, Hijinks & Shenanigans, LWJ is a Little Bitch, College/University, Nonbinary LSZ)
NOT FOUND! Yearning by Sanguis (T, 9k, WangXian, LingYi, Modern AU, Professors, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Bunnies, Pre-Relationship, Secrets)
NOT FOUND! And They Were Married And Had a Son Series by yellowcarnations (G, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, POV Outsider, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Professors WangXian, Kid Fic)
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I wonder if it pained Nie Huaisang to listen to music after Da-ge’s death. I wonder if Nie Huaisang, figuring out days - hours - after his brother’s murder that his san-ge played a cursed form of “Cleansing” for Nie Mingjue, could ever hear Lan Xichen or Lan Wangji play the guqin again without thinking of his brother’s unavenged death. I wonder if, able to disguise his pain so well for an entire decade, he let everyone believe their own assumptions - that he was so aggrieved by the failure of “Cleansing” to cure his brother, he could no longer hear the pluck of a string without succumbing to his grief. When in reality, every note that vibrated through the air filled him with incandescent rage. And rage scared him. Because, ultimately, it was the uncontrollable anger that drove a wedge between himself and his da-ge.  
....It is ironic, he thinks, hurrying from the hall where the Chief Cultivator, Lan Wangji, practises his qin. One note, and Nie Huaisang feels that he, too, may qi deviate on the spot for the whole world to see, when for so long they saw nothing - heard nothing - at all. 
I actually have a running headcanon/plot about this, for my sang+wangxian agenda. I headcanon that after Wangji witnesses Huaisang’s traumatic reaction, he theorises that Huaisang reacts to all music in this way because he does not understand what he is hearing. He can read sheet music and play the dizi, but he does not understand the qin. So, Wangji resolves to teach him.
Cue quiet nights in the jingshi where Wangji sits Huaisang at his side and has him play simple, calming melodies while Wei Wuxian drinks to the moon from their bed. 😌😌😌
My niche ships aside though, I feel like this could be such a complex exploration of Huaisang’s trauma and grief. The hope he must’ve felt, hearing the notes of Jin Guangyao’s guqin through the halls of the Unclean Realm... to suddenly realise that every note was hurting his brother, pushing him closer to self-destruction... to realise that Jin Guangyao taught Huaisang the corrupted music and encouraged him to play it for Mingjue... I doubt Huaisang would ever pick up an instrument again, or could even listen to one without having a breakdown in those first few years after Mingjue’s death. 
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lokislytherin · 3 years
burial mound shenanigans
wwx as yiling patriarch: iT's a mEnTaL bReAkDoWn
wwx: *off key dizi*
wq, covering a-yuan's ears: shut up you're traumatizing the children
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 12
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 12: Communication is Key
A soft melodic noise was playing in the air as Yanyu and Bohai entered the open clearing. Both blinked for a moment and then a grim expression overtook them as they saw the rest of their friends with the same nervous looks.
“Okay, what the fuck happened with Makkie and whose head do I need to bust open?” Yanyu asked everyone as they watched him play the Dizi as he sat down crossed legged on a tree branch with his tail lazily hanging.
“I don’t know,” Minsheng whispered as they peaked out from behind the tree.
“He’s been like this since we got in an hour ago,” Ahmed continued as his tail swished behind him.
“He didn’t react once,” Mei hissed as her fingers clenched her arm.
“Really?” The jellyfish looked astonished.
“Other than the flicker of his ears when he arrived, nothing,” Daiyu commented as her feathers puffed up.
“He only play this sad shit when he’s feels absolutely terrible and no one knows what the fuck happened?” The bluenette looked at everyone, only to get shakes of heads and denial again. “Damn.”
“I do,” their heads snapped towards a wincing MK as he held a pair of headphones in hand. “But it’s kinda a long story.”
“Last time he got like this was when he blacked out cause a literal firework got shot right next to his ear,” the bunny demon deadpanned, “and that was after already coming close to a breakdown when he thought he lost the two of you when you guys set off that curse.”
“So what they're trying to say MK,” Mei dragged her brother by the shirt and brought him close, “is telling us whose ass do we need to kick?”
“Don’t think you can fight against an immortal,” he winced.
It was Ahmed who got it first as he too winced, “I take it that it went very badly.”
“So much yelling and fighting,” he groaned.
“Wait who-fuck,” Mei eyes narrowed, “Macaque and Monkey King met didn’t they.” At the clarification, everyone winced. They might not have been there to see the fight go down but they have known the black furred monkey long enough for him to trust them on telling the two relationships with each other.
“Tell us everything,” the bunny demon said.
“Everything.” They all said together.
“Then you might want to sit down for this, it’s gonna be a long story.”
“That no good little-”
���Of course they're both idiots,” Bohai sighed as he rubbed his head.
“-how dare he even say that!”
“Two monkeys, both immortal, both friends for a long time, and yet neither of them have developed proper communication,” Yanyu groaned as she too felt a headache coming along.
“I swear I’m gonna grab that head and-”
“Should just be glad that the mountain is still standing,” the lion tried to look on the brighter side despite his claws slowly emerging and retreating.
“It’s kinda sad that this is the best side of all of this,” the vulture said.
“-then after I shave all the fur I will use that razor and-”
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad,” MK wrung his hands together.
“I think bad is an understatement kiddy,” the rabbit demon then looked back at a fuming Mei. “You thinking of stopping anytime soon?”
“No!” The group can almost see the faintest of green in her eyes as it twitched. “There will be a skinned immortal monkey before the month ends!”
“Easy there breezy,” she felt her head forcibly, but gently, lowered by a warm fuzzy hand. “Don’t need to plot the demise of Wukong just yet.”
“Why nottt,” she whined as he looked up at Macaque. “He should learn that nobody messes with you without facing some consequences.”
“And I can do that myself,” he emphasized as he ruffled her hair, but she fondly slapped it away. “But do remember that I also said some things unwarranted too and I also didn’t try to deescalate the fight, so he's not at total fault here.”
“Still was part of the problem,” Minsheng pointed out.
“And also said some things he shouldn’t have said,” Yanyu couldn't help but say.
“True, but some of those things do hold some truth.”
“What part are you talking about?” MK blurted out in confusion.
“I know that I have changed, I can truthfully admit that, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still have a lot of issues in general.” Back then he would have never admitted this to anyone, not even on his deathbed, but as the years pass and as the seasons go on, he knows that he can comfortably say all this to them without fear.
“There are many times where I still question myself and whether or not if this is me or if I wear a facade for so long that I became it, especially if I even deserve to be called a father,” he said that last part lowly to himself, but everyone heard it. But he didn’t take any notice of it as he continued. “Regardless though, I do know one thing for certain, I appreciate you trying to look out for me.” He smirked as he ruffled his two kids' hair.
They begrudgingly let him with a small smile on their face.
“We always do,” Bohai grinned.
“You do the same for us doc,” the bluenette slapped his shoulder. “Like that one time where you forced us to rest after that little incident.”
“You mean the time where you all decided it was a good idea to have a little fight in a bunch of unknown plants and then you all got sick?” He raised his eyebrow.
“That’s the one!” Both rabbit and vulture said with matching grins.
“Why did I become friends with you guys again?” He uttered for the nth time since he met them.
“For our glowing personality,” the big cat gave a deep chuckle as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder and nuzzled his fur as he gave a few long licks to Macaque long mane.
The first time he had ever done this to the monkey, he had chucked him clean across the treetops before it was properly explained to him. This is apparently done with not just cubs, but other lions or demons in the pride to form a closer connection and to provide comfort and affection. After that he begrudgingly let him continue the process, though he couldn’t help but cringe at the first few times.
“Alright, alright I get it,” he gently pushed the muzzle away from him. “Imma whip up some food, didn’t even realize how hungry I was until now. Does a hotpot sound good to you all.”
“I can already feel myself drooling,” Yanyu licked her lips.
“You should probably get that checked out then,” Mei jokes.
“That’s why we have the old man here for.”
“I don’t get paid enough for that,” he deadpanned.
“You don’t get paid at all,” MK supplied.
“No I do not,” was the last thing he said before he climbed up a tree and headed over back to the oversized treehouse.
“So we are gonna take down the Monkey King or at least plan some vengeance upon him, yes,” Bohai mused as he slightly glowed.
“Ohohoho, like you wouldn’t believe it,” Daiyu puffed up her feathers. “Imma about to hurt a monkey.”
“Count me in,” Mei said with an eerie twitching smile.
“May not be the strongest, but I know a few ways to immobilize a simian,” Minsheng muttered.
“I’ll get the hot glue and tacks. Nobody fucks with my teacher and gets away with it alive,” Yanyu took out her phone and began furiously typing.
“At ease everyone, try not to let your anger fester. We’re here for Mac right now,” Ahmed said with a low growl.
“Says the one growling,” MK inputted as his own hands twitched violently as he clutched onto the staff.
Both Tang and Pigsy were watching Mei moodily chomp down on her noodles as she was furiously typing something down. They look to the other side and see that MK, who was on break, was steadfastly ignoring his cooling noodles as he was drawing something down in his notebook.
“Did they get into a fight?” The historian asked as he slurped down his food.
“Not that I know of,” the chef shook his head, “all I know is that MK came in like this and a little later girlie came in with the same mood.”
“We aren’t fighting,” Mei grumbled as she stabbed the chopsticks down onto the counter. “There is just an…issue that has occured.”
“Issue, that’s one word,” MK muttered.
“Just be glad I’m putting it lightly.”
“So, no fight?” Tang asked.
“No,” they both replied.
“Well that’s good at least…does it have to do with Red Son? I know that both of you were worried about him when he didn’t show, he called back yet?”
This brought the two back from their anger filled mind as the two twenty year old looked at each other, then back to Pigsy and shook his head.
“Nothing,” he sighed as he looked through his phone.
“Not even a text back,” Mei included.
“That’s weird, the three of you have been basically stuck by the hip since you all knew each other, wonder what could have happened?” Tang went into a questioning pose.
Mei leaned over to MK as the two other adults talked and quietly whispered, “you think it has something to do with his parents?”
“No doubt in my mind,” he whispered back. The two of them knew some things about his home situation, but that was all they needed to know that his parents were absolute garbage. “I’ll give him two more weeks, if we still don’t get a reply back then we bust in there and grab him.”
“And we should definitely phone the old man about this, at least this would take his mind off…well that,” the Dragon heiress said.
“How about we put that idea on hold for now,” he winced as she shot him an incredulous expression, “I think we can handle it.”
“Okay, you are so spilling why you don’t want to ask Macaque for help,” this isn’t the first time he tried to avoid asking the monkey for help. It’s been a slow gradual thing, but she had just now begun to pick up that MK was hiding something.
“Uhhhh well look at the time,” he nervously swallowed down his food in one gulp, after choking for a bit, and grabbed his keys and a few orders that were just made. “My break is over, no time to talk!”
“MK!” She yelled out as he rushed out of the store. “You will talk one way or another!”
“Oh I can’t hear you! Call you later!” He yelled out as he dived into the car, with the food still safely placed, and quickly drove onto the street.
“You little-!”
“I’m back!” He announced as soon as he landed on the mountain. He had taken a few days away from training and while he was still upset at Monkey King, he didn’t truly hate him nor was he even held a grudge against him. Though it probably didn’t help that Mei would evilly chuckle whenever she was typing or scraping another plan, he still winced at her seventh one. That one looked almost painfully brutal and humiliating.
Small frustration and irritation, yes. But not the kind that would overwhelm him and let it take absolute control. Besides he knew that wasn’t who the monkey really was, arguments can bring out the worst in someone, whether it’s true or not. But he still optimistically believes that those two can become friends again.
“Monkey Ki-WHOA!” He managed to brace for impact as he was almost knocked over as a bunch of monkeys came barreling into him from above. “Hey! Hey! It's good to see you all too.” He laughed as he tried to carry as many as he could.
“They missed you kiddo,” he looked to the voice behind him and saw the Monkey King sporting a wide grin as he sat upon his cloud. “They wouldn’t stop talking about missing their playmate.”
“Awww,” he cooed as he hugged the ones in his arms, “I missed you guys too.”
“We all did kiddo,” he smirked, but it did soften when he saw that there was no hostility or resentment in his student eyes.
“Well I guess I missed you too,” he gave an exaggerated sigh.
“I’m just a bit surprised that you came back, not that I didn’t think that you wouldn’t, but more along the lines of not wanting to see me again. But I mean who wouldn’t want to train with the great Monkey King,” he let a bit of his nerves leak out unintentionally.
“Well Dad always advocates for my choice, so I just chose to be here. Besides I just needed to cool off for a few days after all that,” he grinned widely as he bared his teeth. “I’m not giving up just yet.”
Wukong, who can now clearly tell that MK did share the same grin as Mac, couldn’t help but share his enthusiasm. “Well let’s freshen up your knowledge of the basics, I’m afraid you might have forgotten it all these past days.”
“I did not just sit around and do nothing these past couple of days, for your information!”
“What’s the problem with being lazy?” He smirked as he jumped off his cloud. “Nothing is wrong with that.”
“Oh there isn’t, it’s just that when you have a whole entire forest to watch out for when Dad is taking care of his patients, it gets a little crazy. Especially since the one who usually keeps an eye on things had to focus on another problem entirely or was not even there, except for BaBa. She’s the only reason why I haven’t tied all those idiots together in a knot,” he grumbled in the last part. It does get more than a little hectic in the forest, especially when there are so many creatures and demons all living in that same area no matter how big the boundaries may be. There will always be some sort of dispute between the clans and it’s usually the more neutral group, like Macaque, Ní, BaBa, Kappa, and even some of the faeries, to keep the relative peace. Will true harmony ever be attained? Ha! No, but the way they are living now is just perfectly fine to all of them. Despite the chaos, fights, and craziness in general, no one is truly upset over their homes.
“Oh, so he has patients,” he curiously prodded, “I didn’t think moo-Macaque would willingly subject himself to interacting with people.”
Before MK could tell him that he is technically true, he can tolerate them at best, they both were startled when multitudes of loud screeches burst their ears wide open as all the monkeys were howling and jumping either on the Monkey King or back on MK.
“What the-” Wukong was fast enough to dodge their grapple, but he thought best if he just waited for now as they didn’t seem to be angry from what he could tell from all their voices talking at once, rather…surprised?
“Yeah, I know Macaque?” MK answered one of the monkeys, who managed to stuff fruit in her sibling's mouth to shut them up. “He’s my dad.”
It was silent for only a moment before they all went wild as the ones that were previously on Wukong jumped over to him and began to screech.
“AHHHH?!” He confusedly screamed as well as he couldn’t understand them all when they yelled like this and, well, he was sorely unprepared for what was happening and just decided to copy them.
“Why are you screaming!” Wukong turned to him in confusion.
“I don’t know! Wait!” He looked down to the bunch that were still screeching wildly, “Are you the same ones that took in my Dad back then?!”
He received violent nodding of heads and/or a screech in afrimation.
“AWESOME!” His eyes sparkled as he gained a mischievous grin, “Then that must mean you know all types of embarrassing things he did back then.”
They all shared the same grin as him. It has been a long time since they have seen their missing tribe member, intellectually they knew that he wasn’t around because of a dispute with their King. But they instinctively knew that their King had missed their mate for a long time now, and while some are a bit miffed that he has left, they all have deeply missed a member of their own. And now they have confirmation that not only is he alive, but he has taken in a new infant of his own?! This is a cause for a celebration.
One of the monkeys does turn to Wukong and gives him the stink eye as she glared at him for not telling them.
“Okay to be fair, I didn’t really expect it to happen,” he held up his hands in apology.
The stink eye intensified.
“And I’m sorry.”
The stare remained.
“And I’ll give you some of the sweet peaches.”
She was satisfied as she went back to picking through the child's hair. Maybe that would teach their King twice before not saying anything again…though she highly doubts it.
“But I’m surprised MK,” he casually watched the cute scene of all of the monkeys snuggling, playing, or just hanging all over his student body. “I didn’t know you could understand them.”
“Well I do have a demon monkey for a dad and I frequently talk to the ones in the forest,” he deadpanned.
“Yeah that makes sense,” he stretched his arms as he casually sat down next to him. “Speaking of forest he-you guys really live in the Plum Blossom Forest?”
“Yep!” He grinned as most of the monkeys finally decided to get off him and play around the area, the only one left was the one who glared at Wukong.
“Can you tell me more about it? I never visited there despite it popping up a couple hundred years ago.”
“Well I can tell you some, but dad knows that place like the back of his hand. He made it after all,” he absentmindedly said as he scratched the back of the monkey's head.
“He made it?” He emphasized his last point, “Are you talking about the forest?”
“Why?!” And just when he thought he couldn’t be more shocked about his friend, life apparently throws him in for another loop.
“Well Ping-,” he paused and decided otherwise, “actually it’s kinda personal, way above my level.You should just ask dad about it when you have the chance.”
“Ping again,” he couldn’t help but mutter the name, “he must have been real special to Mac if you keep bringing it up.”
“Well I don’t know about special, but dad always says that he is just a regular human that just somehow doesn’t even blink at the most abnormal things that come his way, no matter how bizarre and crazy it may be,” he summarized.
“Must be some human then if he became so interested in him,” the Monkey King casually said as his tail silently moved back and forth just a bit quicker.
“Yup! Dad may never say it, but he really looks up to him and really is grateful for taking him in when he needed it the most,” he unknowingly blurted out, because right after he began to curse himself in his head over this as he froze. But before he could stutter out a flimsy question to redirect the focus away from the mess up he just created, he stilled once more as he felt a furry hand ruffle his head.
“I’m glad,” Wukong let a small grin envelop his face and he said nothing more.
MK took a few moments to process this and just nodded his head.
“Well I think we sat down for long enough,” the sage commented as he began to stand up. “I think it’s time we get to training. Are you ready?”
MK smiled as he let go of the monkey on his lap and jumped up. “I always am!”
“Mmmm I don’t think so I mean,” he held out a purple headband in his grasp, “you obviously forgot to keep watch of your surroundings.”
“My headband! Why is it always my headband!” He fumed and readied his stance for the chase.
“Like I always say, you can’t let your guard down,” and with that he jumped up and began to rapidly climb the mountain. “No matter what the situation may be.”
“We were having a moment!” He yelled out as he quickly followed behind him.
“With emotions? Ew, I’m allergic to that.”
“That’s not a thing!”
“Says you, I for one have been alive for far longer and I can see some things and experienced just as many, so obviously this is totally a thing that can happen.”
“I am a literal physician in training, I am literally learning under the same monkey who has seen and done just as much shit as you have!”
“And he would agree,” he chirped.
“No he would not!”
“Thanks again for the meal,” Pigsy said as he took a sip of his drink as he gently scratched Tang's head on his lap, “I may love to cook, but it’s nice not having to cook once in a while.”
“I feel you there,” Macaque gave a grin as he laid a blanket on both Mei and MK, who were passed out asleep on the couch. “When I am just swamped with work, I would just order some takeout and have one of my clones bring it here.”
“Don’t forget the tea,” Sandy added as he sipped his cup. “Also, are you sure you don’t mind us staying the night?”
“Please, I have more than enough rooms for everyone here and then some,” he waved him off as he spotted another letter on the counter and promptly tore it up and threw it in the trash after he saw what it was, “it’s no problem.”
“Junk mail,” the blue giant absentmindedly said.
“Heh, yeah it is,” he snorted in amusement for some reason as he sat down on the couch.
“So you really just helped the travelers out of spite cause of who they were running from?” Tang couldn’t help but jump back to their previous conversation they had on some of the stories Macaque had shared during his travels.
“And not out of some benevolent goodwill to them?”
“Not really, I know first hand just how annoying a Yuki-onna, especially that bitch in particular,” he couldn’t stop the disgust in his tone.
“You know her?” Sandy asked.
“Unfortunately, let’s just say I was in the area one time during a snowstorm, cold and starving, did I meet her. She lulled into a false sense of security until I realized that I didn’t hear and then saw that I was half frozen. I got out of there so fast that I didn’t even contemplate my revenge until I could finally feel my feet again.”
“And what happened when you did meet again?” Tang questioned then raised his brow at the monkey's malicious grin.
“Well let’s just say that she dares not to show her face for a long time.”
“Meaning?” Pigsy was almost afraid to ask.
“I made her bald and used a special type of paint to make her skin purple, permanently,” he bluntly stated.
That actually made Sandy choke on his tea as both Tang and Pigsy busted out laughing at the image, though the historian did seem to be leaning more on the hysterical side.
“It shouldn’t be possible to leave a mark on a spirit skin unless it has dealt with tools to banish them, let alone ridding someone of their hair unless they can shapeshift?!”
“Goes to show what you know, I’ve been around quite a bit longer than you and trust me, we are well past the stage of simple banishing.”
“When did that happen? Who even thought of the idea?!”
He opted to say nothing, he wasn’t about to tell anyone that both he and Wukong created this after this one river spirit was getting on both of their nerves. They didn’t want to outright kill them, but to humiliate them enough to make them regret even showing their faces to the sky.
“Back to the merchants,” Sandy redirected the attention, “I know you also briefly mentioned that you helped heal them, have you been a physician for that long?”
“Give or take a couple of years.”
“So you really did go around healing others,” the historian amusedly said as he had broken from his previous hysteria.
Macaque rolled his eyes, “Just when I feel like it.”
“Now I’m curious, how did you decide to become a doctor in the first place?” Pigsy asked.
“Is it cause I sometimes look like either a teenager in their emo phase or too feminine?” He curiously asked. He had been mistaken for both before, though he guess it sometimes doesn’t help that he likes to paint his nails black or keep his mane long and wear feminine style clothing. He’s not complaining though, he didn’t really care about anyone opinion in the way he dress, clothing should not be biased to one gender and he feels good when he can wear whatever the fuck he want.
“No? Just curious,” though that does bring up some more questions on why he asked that.
“Just happened to learn it off of a human a few centuries back and it just didn’t stop,” he shrugged.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Well that’s a bit anticlimactic,” Tang pouted.
“Sucks to suck, but I can truthfully say that I have no regrets learning medicine.”
“Really? Even when things go sideways?” The gentle giant gently prodded.
“Those times are hard, but no no regrets. Especially since it helped bring MK to me,” he nostalgically smiled.
“How so?”
“Well I was actually out of bandages one day and went to the city to pick up some more and I decided to take my time walking back and then I saw him and the rest is history.” He can still remember just how small starlight was and just how tired, both physically and mentally, he was. If he closes his eyes, he can still draw out every scar, bump, bruise or rib that looked too harsh on his bright child. “He really brought a new spark in my life.”
“And you to him as well,” Sandy smiled.
Mac snorted and shook his head, “He would have still been his same kind, bright and enthusiastic self even without me.”
“Maybe, but I’m glad that he didn’t have to suffer for it,” the pig demon added. It may not be obvious at first glance, but there is a spark in both, hell even Mei, eyes whenever they see the other. He couldn’t tell if it was from relief, safety, comfort or all of the above, but just when they are with each other, everything seems to fall into place. “And besides, I think you did a damn good job raising him.”
Both demon and human nodded in agreement.
The monkey demon couldn’t help the small smile forming on his lips. Pigsy words may have been brief, but for some reason, he felt his lingering doubts and dread, that has been flooding his mind since the confrontation, ease up.
They all continued to quietly talk to one another as the night continued on as one by one they all slowly let the night air drift them off to sleep.
“It seems rather slow today,” Tang mentioned as he looked around the empty shop.
“You're telling me,” Pigsy muttered as he wiped down the already clean counter. “Not a single person nor demon stepped in since the lunch rush.”
“Which means less work for me,” the MK clone said as he lounged on the booth.
“Why I outta,” he said before Tang continued.
“That is a bit strange, but it’s not quite so bad,” he said with a coy smile.
“What is that supposed to me-” he was once more cut off as the historian surprised him with a long kiss on the lips. “Oh, I guess that’s not so bad,” he muttered when they came back for air and leaned in once more.
Unfortunately they were rudely interrupted when Mei and Sandy burst through the doors and closed it with a loud bang.
“GHA!” Tang was startled enough to fall out of his chair.
“What the-what's the big idea you guys!” Pigsy gripped the counter as he glared at them, but then it turned to confusion as he saw that both human and demon were strangely in disarray with their clothes torn and scratched on their bodies.
“Are you guys okay?” The historian asked when he too saw a good look at them.
“We have a huge problem!” Mei paused as she quickly closed the blinds and glanced out the window.
“Big problem!”
“What happened?! What’s going on?”
“Demon Bull King is back,” the pigtailed girl continued.
“And his clones have been terrorizing everyone and destroying the city!” The blue giant continued as he patted the frazzled cat on his shoulder.
“It’s mad chaos out there,” she dramatically said, “even Mac is out there blowing those machines to bits, and trying to get people to safety, but it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop. Wait-,” she eyed the relaxed clone and her eyes twitched. “Please don’t tell me-”
“Training with the Monkey King,” Tang and Pigsy simultaneously said.
“Damn it!” She facepalm, “well we’re just gonna have to hold them off until he gets here.”
Everyone, except the clone, nodded in determination as they got prepared for the coming battle.
“I think we need a little wardrobe change, some of us more than others,” Tang said as he eyed both Mei and Sandy clothes.
“Tang, do you really think we have time for this?” The pink demon questioned.
“Oh honey,” his glasses glinted as he held up a needle and thread, “there is always time for a wardrobe change.”
“Eh why not,” Sandy shrugged.
“I’m done for it,” she grinned, “but make sure it’s cool.”
“One apocalyptic style clothes coming right up,” he eagerly said as he made quick work of all their clothing.
“We’re gonna die,” clone MK boredly said as he flipped through the magazine.
Pigsy couldn’t say anything as he sighed and continued to get the weapons.
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 years
Tagged by @writingstellar! Good to hear how life’s going and holy crap I was just thinking about how it’s coming up 10 years since we met.
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
name/nickname: Haddock. King. Against my will, every other variation of fish-like things you can think of. King Fishy, Fishy, Fishface, Fishyface, Fish, etc.
gender: enby
star sign: 🖕
height: 5′ 2″
time: 12:27 AM
birthday: October 19
favourite bands: Flatt & Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys, The Dead South, Old Man Markley
favourite solo artists: uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm... get back to me on that. Can... can Beethoven count? C’mon I fucking have Beethoven music TATTOOED ON ME, we gonna make Beethoven count.
song stuck in my head: a combination of like six Flatt & Scruggs songs and covers rn, most prominently Colors. I have no idea why. I don’t listen to their late 1960s stuff as often, but I woke up and that song came to me with tenacity and wouldn’t let go.
last movie: What was the last movie I watched in my Bad Movie Night group? Was it Leo the Lion????? Oh gosh. That nightmare is the last movie I saw??? Dudes holy shit that movie was a special kind of awful, it was a horrible experience and it’s scarred me forever and [spoilers] why did you make the elephant canonically fuck the emaciated lion?!?!?!
last show: Flatt & Scruggs TV Show. Shut up. I like them. A lot. Hyperfixation gonna hyperfixate. And they’re actually really wonderful and personable to watch, in addition to making great music.
when did you create this blog? summer 2014
what do I post: on this blog? Well, it used to be an analysis blog for HTTYD and more. Now... whatever, but usually fandom-related materials for my favorite shows... Gravity Falls, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc.
last thing i googled: middle finger. to get that middle finger emote up there.
do i get asks? absolutely. sorry that I no longer respond to everything as I once did. I no longer have the time and presence of mind to get to all asks, and it’s no longer a priority in my life or major past-time. but I read all of them and appreciate all of them and really do try to answer peeps when I’m on here and in the mood! Thanks for talking with me so much!
why i chose my url: As a How to Train Your Dragon blog, I thought it would be the COOLEST thing to pick Hiccup’s title. I was in excited shock it wasn’t taken.
average hours of sleep: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m sleeping a fuckton lately, like sometimes 10, but that’s not normal to me.
lucky number: 13, 19, 320.
Instruments: Yes. I have an entire sideblog dedicated to my banjo explorations and bluegrass/country music obsession, to rant and rave to like the 0.1 person who’ll see it. ;) Feel free to check it out... I try to make it accessible to like, anyone, even peeps with none music background left beef. Banjo is my latest instrument and I’m proud of how far I’ve come in less than a year and a half. Started on piano as a wee one, got good at it. Added flute and piccolo, got good at it, played semi-competitively at local/state events in high school. Added clarinet. Added viola and played that in college orchestra because it was the one thing I could get INTO orchestra on because they didn’t audition on it. Also own/play to varying degrees of skill or incompetence: pennywhistles, soprano recorder, khloy (Cambodian flute), khene (Southeast Asian pipe instrument), tro (Cambodian spiked fiddle), tro ou (Cambodian spiked fiddle), dizi (Chinese flute), shakuhachi, ukulele, guitar, fiddle, Irish flute, harmonica, didgeridoo, shit why do I feel like I’m forgetting some things. Uhhhhhh... in college I played some taiko, shamisen, and shinobue too? I dunno, just chuck a woodwind or a string instrument at me, and I’ll figure something out. Won’t necessarily be pleasant but there’ll be notes.
what i’m wearing: red pajamas. They have snowflakes on them. they are warm and comfy.
dream job: I know it’s hard work as hell, believe me, my fam’s been in it, but seriously? transitioning to agricultural work. I’m an old-fashioned ass at heart and, as much as my work has serious perks with a flexible schedule, I hate how much of my life is spent on a screen. I’m happiest working with my hands, and I’ve got a green thumb.
dream trip: Dammit, I have to pick ONE place??? fuck that shit, I want to go everywhere, I have bucket list countries in every continent. shit. uh. how about Norway because that’s the home of my ancestors.
last book i read: I’m currently reading three right now. the last one I finished is an obscure Country Music history picture book from the 1960s. Oh hey wow did the bluegrass hyperfixation appear again? WOW YOU BETCHA IT DID. Uff-dah.
favourite food: I’m going to just say a fucking cuisine rather than narrow it down to one dish. Thai food.
nationality: United States American.
favourite song: Foggy Mountain Breakdown. Yes. Flatt & Scruggs came up again. Get used to it. I have fucking had Flatt & Scruggs appear multiple times in my dreams. I have fucking had Flatt & Scruggs more in my dreams than some of my irl friends. 
top three fictional universes: Mass Effect, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gravity Falls
gonna gently tag (no pressure!):
Okay I am sleep loopy so I cannot think of names rn but I might reblog and tag later with peeps because I always like poking friends.
16 notes · View notes
aslibekroglu · 3 years
I want to start off by saying that this show is hilarious. The amount of times I'm losing it in my room seriously... Selim and Akgün together are a riot. "My good son, my wonderful son, my stupid son" lmao I was like, THATS ME WITH AKGÜN! MY STUPID, WONDERFUL SON THAT I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART!! The car chase lmao...Akgün being, "everything's over, they were short term feelings" and Selim threatening him with the gun when he said that lol. He won't let Akgün live in either situations.
The watch scene 😭😭😭😭. I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!! AKGÜN GETTING THE ACCEPTANCE HE'S ALWAYS WANTED!! I'm gonna start crying all over again. The chemistry between Alperen and Ali is amazing! Watching that scene a second time, it made me feel like Selim was also sort of, in a way, going to give his blessings for Akmur. Idk, what do you think?
Selim having second thoughts after seeing how devastated both were after the breakup, lol that was nice to see; how his conscience was eating him up
CanSel are just so damn adorable! Literally the cutest divorced couple ever
I'm so glad we got to see how bad the breakup was affecting Akmur. Like they didn't goes over it, I really liked that. Poor Akgün got a double whammy dealing with the breakup and photo. And my girl Yağmur!! I felt so bad for her, crying at school. Literally the worst place to have a breakdown (and oh, I WANT THOSE SELFIES!! WHERE ARE THE SELFIES?? WHERE ARE THEY???). Her happiness when Akgün called her. Legit disliked him there for 1 minute bc she was so happy to see him and him avoiding her hug. Ugggghhh Akgün
I don't care but I do not feel one bit bad for Kaan. He deserved it. Dude just killed any hopes he had of getting back with Yağmur. Not that she would get back with him but now Selim will kill him if he even looks at her
Naz & Soner!!!! (Will not complain about them getting a better edited kiss. Nope. Nuh-uh. I will not be one of those fans. Just kidding, I complained but like for a minute)
Yesss!!! I'm so glad the Bedri thing came back to Yağmur. I want to see mom and daughter take him down. If anybody can do it, it's them two. Especially Yağmur, like she said, she won't rest until she exposes him
Oh and Soner being the bestest friend ever!?!? He was serious when he said he doesn't forget the good things people do for him. He was on Akgün watch all day lol. I want more scenes of him and Akgün just being roommates
Anyways, some people are thinking that Selim and Akgün have something up their sleeve after that last shared look. Idk and honestly I'm just here for the ride. No theorizing for me lol
Tbh this show is so damn funny. And emotional. And dramatic. And romantic. There’s so many good parts about it, it’s just great. Akgün and Selim’s scenes at the police station and during the car chase absolutely cRACKED me up!!! And then the scene with the watch absolutely WRECKED me. Seeing Akgün get that acceptance he’s been looking for meant soooooo much! Alperen did such an amazing job in that scene. I was just a sobbing mess watching it. But, yeah when I first watched it the first thing that came to my mind was, is this watch meant to symbolize yağmur, is he giving his blessing, is he finally okay with them being together???? And idk, I’m excited to see how Selim treats them next episode, it’s going to be interesting seeing this development now that he’s really accepted Akgün . And as much as I loved seeing Selim feel bad about Yağmur hurting (that heart to heart they had in the garden was so so good), I just loved seeing how guilty he felt about Akgün. Like those moments when Selim was complaining about him and Canan was just like please, you know you love him and you know you feel guilty. Or when Akgün mentioned how they just can’t seem to separate, like no matter how mad he gets at Akgün, they’re bonded for life, they can’t get rid of each other!!!
Cansel was absolutely adorable, I really feel like it’s just a matter of time before they really do start dating again and I can’t waittttttt! Now, the Akmur fight. I was genuinely so mad at Akgün in that moment. He was breaching that type of jealousy that I hate in these dizis, that possessive, controlling type and I just hope they don’t really continue on that path. I so badly wanted him to apologize for it and they just made it seem like him beating up Kaan was enough and it wasn’t. I was proud of how she stood up to him in that moment, but the fact that Yağmur didn’t really make him answer for it kind of upset me. And in regards to the whole Kaan thing, what Akgün said was basically in the same vein of what Kaan was saying. Sure what Kaan said was a bit more extreme, implied something worse than what Akgün said, and was more insulting. And Akgün’s statement was more so based on just jealousy and the ‘ex-boyfriend’ of it all (plus him still being angry about the marriage situation) while Kaan’s was more so basic slut shaming, but it’s all the same ‘you can’t touch any other man while we’re together’ foolishness and it’s just gross. That being said, as much as I hated what the actual akmur fight was about, I LOVED the scene. Like idk what it was about it, but Alperen and Hafsanur’s chemistry and was on point in that scene. Between Yağmur just yelling at this brick wall that is a jealous Akgün and just being so done with Akgün’s low ass emotional iq, and Akgün only being able to focus on her calling Kaan her ex-boyfriend, that scene is just great!!!
Speaking of that scene, on youtube there were a bunch of comments saying like oh is this akgün and yagmur that we’re watching or canan and selim or wow akmur has really turned into cansel. And I just find it so interesting. I mean there have been examples in other episodes, but in this episode in particular they showed how similar the two couples are. Like of course it’s been brought up before how Akgün and Selim had similar upbringings, how Selim sees himself in Akgün. And in 14, you could see Yağmur following in similar footsteps as Canan, sacrificing herself for love. But in this episode they like specifically called it out multiple times. Idk it’s interesting. I wonder what they’re trying to say with that or where they’re going with it.
But that scene with Yağmur and Akgün when they’re talking about his brother legitimately made me cry. The way she is always teaching him to hope and dream just makes me so emotional. She is so fucking good for him, i can’t believe it.
Oh yeah, and as much as I love Akgün and Selim living together, I am so excited to see Akgün and Soner as roommates!! I adore their friendship so so much. Seeing how concerned Soner was for Akgün and seeing him constantly watch over him was so nice. And I loved Naz and Soner’s kiss it was so sweet. I saw a comment somewhere about how Soner did what it took Akgün 13 episodes to do lmaooooo honestly Soner made his mooooove!!
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