#the doctor gave me steroids
Me: do you have antacids at home? I accidentally took too much ibuprofen and Tylenol and Google said antacids will help.
Sister: on top of the fridge. How many did you take?
Me: today, 12 ibuprofen and 6 Tylenol in 12 hours. Yesterday, 16 ibuprofen And 12 Tylenol in 16 hours.
Sister: that's called overdosing, and you can die.
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wiklm · 2 months
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mmmvery questionable doodles of @/ghostofreach117’s diluc bc i’m SO!!!!!! bored and don’t know what to draw :(
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tj-crochets · 5 months
Hey y'all! It's weird question time again! So that doctor I mentioned before that I wanted to make a dog plushie for because he has improved my quality of life so much* (and also inexplicably reminds me of like a greyhound or a borzoi) is my endocrinologist And, as my endocrinologist, he recommended back in December that I go see a rheumatologist, because he thinks I might have rheumatoid arthritis**. The staff at his office have been trying to get a rheumatologist for four months now. I know that, because yesterday I got a call from the rheumatologist's office and the nurse I spoke to said "Your doctor's office has been very...persistent about getting you this appointment" So now I kinda want to get something for the whole office? But idk what I could get them or make them. Like, in non-medical contexts I'd make cookies or brownies for a group, but I can't bring cookies to a doctor's office. I mean, I guess I could, but if I were them I would definitely not eat them, and I run the risk of allergy-ing a fellow patient. Is there like a gift basket or gift card or thank you card or something you can recommend?
*I mean he maybe should have found a diagnosis before offering me steroids about it but the low dose steroids have made such a HUGE difference in my quality of life I am thrilled with Tennessee's weird (to me, with my experience in California) medical practices **I don't think I have enough joint pain for it to be rheumatoid arthritis, but he's like the fourth doctor to tell me it's weird that when I got hives they usually started on joints, so maybe I'm wrong? I have the weird version of enough medical things that at this point I would not be surprised if I had Weird Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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pancakeke · 3 months
I bought a weird type of nasal strip that I need to explain in another post and it has made me realize that under normal circumstances I can barely fucking breathe through my nose. like I'm going to return my cpap now because that was not the solution for whatever I have going on.
what is the point of a cpap if i cant breathe effectively during the daytime btw. I would like the ability to breathe through my nose 24/7.
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touchmycoat · 2 months
for my birthday this year I got a two-day land typhoon, a daoist funeral, a crafts party, three new ferns, a rosemary harvest, and left shoulder pain so bad I was 60% convinced it was a fucking cardiac event 'cause i couldn't fully inhale and the pain radiated up to my jaw lol
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thresholdbb · 6 months
Got diagnosed with "spots all the way down" and they didn't even give me a space worm???
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a-star-that-fell · 1 year
today feels fucking insurmountable
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transcarcinization · 2 years
goddd i want to play slime rancher but i’m skipping class and work today to do my math hw. so. i should probably actually do it
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slumbering-shadows · 2 years
Whyyyy does my inhaler make me feel so sick I just want to breathe
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jagar-tharns · 2 years
holy shit i feel fully lucid for the first time in days
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scent1st · 1 year
could've had the funniest hidden camera moment at the urgent care yesterday like i really thought they were playing a prank on me
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aita for refusing to take my meds?
apparently, i (14m) have not been in the best shape medically lately, but physically i feel perfectly fine. it was recently discovered through some blood tests (for something unrelated) that my liver is kinda… devouring itself? or something i guess. but i've googled everything and i'm not having any symptoms like jaundice or weight/appetite loss or anything like that. so i've not really taken it seriously bc it doesn't feel like a big deal bc i'm clearly not THAT bad.
well, on the other hand, my parents have seriously lost their minds about it. they've been taking me to get my blood drawn like once a week (which imo is just making me Actually feel worse cause it sucks and seriously stresses me out). so in one of these MANY doctor visits, they've given me so many different kinds of meds that i have to take like. three times a day. None of which feels necessary from the get go because i never felt bad in the first place. so i took them (some antibiotics and a steroid i think) for a couple of days, but then i stopped bc they were ironically making me feel worse. like the steroid made me SUPER hungry but the antibiotics made me wanna hurl. so i figure if i felt okay before the meds, that they were doing more harm than good.
ANYWAY. so the big drop here: it turns out my parents have been hiding the meds in my food ever since. and when i found out, i REFUSED to eat anything they gave me bc obvious reasons??? but at the same time they ARE my parents so i usually don't have any other option. and several times now they've made my favourite food for me as an "apology", only for me to find out that they've poisoned me AGAIN. (yeah i know, fool me once, fool me twice, yada yada)
luckily, it seems like they're getting the hint and not trying to force me to take the meds anymore, i haven't been to the doc in like two weeks, and finally things are starting to chill out. my parents have even gotten me some of these really yummy soft treats that i just swallow whole now, which is super awesome!!
but anyway i just wanted to know, aita for not taking my meds (and maybe sometimes biting my parents a little in the process)?
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What are these acronyms?
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pancakeke · 3 months
what if I shoved a bunch of beads or something up my nose when I was like 4 and they never came out, and that's why my nose never stops running.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Lying in bed thinking about the conversation I had with my mother tonight. I called her to let her know the GI doctor seemed good, and we'd be going ahead to schedule the colonoscopy + endoscopy, and how I'm hopeful I'll finally get some answers and maybe start a treatment plan that might help alleviate the excruciating pain I've been in since May.
Her reaction was catastrophic devastation. "Oh no, how awful, those procedures are so horrifying, this is devastating. Are you sure you have to do it?"
And, I'm just like... as opposed to what I'm dealing with now?
I can't eat solids. I am barely tolerating liquids. Everything hurts. I can't sleep. I can't focus. I've dropped 40 lbs since May. I am barely functional right now. And I know neither procedure is pleasant. Name a single medical procedure that is. But if shoving a camera on a roto rooter from one end of my digestive tract to the other tells them what the fuck is wrong with me (chrons is suspected + MCAS complications), then it'll be worth not dealing with this anymore.
And there's a small, jaded part of me that knows her and knows how she thinks and the way she used to control my food intake that can't help but wonder if she's just glad I'm thin again.
Maybe I'm being cruel. Maybe I'm projecting back the childhood trauma she gave me. But I also can't help but recall how she saw a picture of me holding my niece at Christmas, both of us beaming and laughing, and the only remark she made was, "Are you still on the steroids? They make you gain weight, you know."
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Imagine that Katsumi is in love with the reader, but she has a favorite partner whom she loves dearly and with whom she wants a family (Katsumi is a good friend to her, but that doesn't stop him from acting from afar)
The reader possibly has trouble conceiving (or the partner has sperm problems??) and they go for IVF or take sperm donation?
I'm just offering the idea that Katsumi infiltrates the sperm donation building and replaces it with hers
I kind of do and don’t. I really, really liked this idea so I made a short story.
Warning: this story is kind of messed up
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Family
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Afab Reader x Jack Hanma
A young woman sat across from her best friend, Orochi Katsumi, at a cafe. The two enjoyed a hot cup of coffee together while they chatted. As of late, there had been trouble in paradise for (your name).
“I’m sorry to hear that you and Jack can’t have kids…” Katsumi whispered while his leg bounced anxiously under the table. Despite the sympathetic expression he had on his face, Katsumi was actually thrilled to hear this. He was happy that she wouldn’t be able to have kids with Jack because he was practically infertile from his excessive steroid usage. It made him happy that Jack couldn’t give her what she wanted… not like Katsumi could.
(Your name) was oblivious of Katsumi’s feelings for her. She had no idea her best friend was madly in love with her. That Katsumi was willing to do anything to ensure her happiness.
“I know… it really sucks…” (Your name) frowned while she played with her thumbs. “Do you think I should try IVF? It’s sort of a last resort but… I really want a baby.” (Your name) blushed in embarrassment to her admittance to her desire to be a mother.
“Well I actually know a doctor who specializes with that. I could hook you up.” Katsumi’s eyes sparkled. He did have a connection through Shinshinkai and if she accepted… both of their dreams could come true…
“You’d do that for me?” (Your name) smiled warmly at Katsumi. Her heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness.
“Of course I would.” Katsumi chuckled when (your name) ran around the table to wrap her arms around him in joy. Katsumi hugged her tightly and softly whispered to himself. “I’d do anything for you.”
“You want to… father her child?” The doctor asked Katsumi who gave him a sheepish grin. “But you’re not her husband…”
“You said yourself that her husband is completely infertile. I’d hate to see my best friend pay all this money and not be able to have a child come from it.” Katsumi tried to play the role of a concerned friend. Although what he said was partially the truth, Katsumi was doing this out of his own selfish desire to father (your name)’s children… Katsumi has been in love with her for years and this could bring them closer… maybe she’d realize what was right in front of her if he gave this small piece of himself to her.
“You have a point… she did seem to really want that baby… I’d hate to crush her dreams of being a mother. The birth rates are already so low...” The doctor sighed and set his clipboard down. “Alright. If you’re willing to do this for your friend.”
“I’d do anything for (Your name).” Katsumi smiled, his body trembled in excitement. Soon… soon he’d begin his perfect family with (your name).
Katsumi’s heart soared when he saw (your name) again after a month. Katsumi always texted and called her but to see her in person was even more magical…
Her belly had started to become round and cute and she had a bright smile on her face while she placed a hand lovingly over her stomach.
“Katsumi! The doctor was able to make it work for this little miracle.” (Your name) did a spin and beamed at him. “We don’t know the gender yet but I think it’s a little boy…”
Katsumi blushed at how happy she was. Katsumi reached his hand out to touch her stomach, his eyes sparkled in awe. His baby was inside of her. No… their baby.
(Your name) smiled at Katsumi’s awestruck expression. Katsumi seemed starstruck to see her pregnant which was funny since she never knew he liked babies.
“Two and a half more months and they’ll start kicking… I’ll also find out the gender then.” (Your name) smiled warmly at Katsumi whose hand rubbed her stomach in a daze.
(Your name) noticed how Katsumi seemed a bit off. His cheeks were flushed and he shook like a leaf. Was he okay?
“They’re going to be so beautiful…” Katsumi whispered which made (your name) smile.
If only she knew what he meant by that…
Jack stood with (your name) at the baby shower, the giant felt out of place amongst their happy peers. Jack’s brown eyes softened at his wife while she accepted various gifts from people.
Jack couldn’t believe all the people that showed up… even Baki and Kozue came. Kozue cooed over (your name)’s baby bump while she nudged at Baki to hint that she wanted a baby as well.
“Look how cute she is! They’re going to have a little boy!” Kozue hissed while (your name) laughed.
“Hey, get off my case. We’re too young for all that yet.”
“But Baki, look at these little shoes!” Kozue held up a pair of baby shoes up to Baki which caused (your name) and Jack to laugh. “Little baby feet are so cute… please?”
The group laughed together until Katsumi came over with a gift. The karateka smiled warmly at (your name).
“I got you a gift as well, (your name).” Katsumi had a red blush on his cheeks, his hands stared her round stomach in awe.
(Your name) smiled and accepted the gift. She opened the gift to see it was an omamori charm with a little tiger on it along with a tiger plush.
“This is so cute. Thank you, Katsumi.”
“I just can’t wait for the little tiger to be born.” Katsumi chuckled. (Your name) smiled warmly at her best friend. “He’s going to have such a wonderful family…”
She had no idea that this baby was actually Katsumi’s.
Jack noticed a strangeness in Katsumi’s behavior. The karateka hovered over Jack’s wife like a surveillance drone. His hands constantly reached for her stomach to touch and Jack could tell (your name) had started to become a little afraid of him.
Jack started to tag along when (your name) would meet up with Katsumi. She has reached the eighth month mark and she was constantly being kicked by the baby inside of her. Jack could see little bumps on her stomach frequently, that kid was going to be a fighter… Jack felt horrible for (your name).
Katsumi’s eyes sparkled when he felt the many kicks on his hand. (Your name) nervously chuckled at his thrilled expression. Katsumi’s touchiness had started to make her extremely uncomfortable… but Katsumi was her best friend. She trusted him.
“He’s going to be a fighter… how about I teach him karate once he can walk?” Katsumi offered, he pressed his ear against her stomach. It was when he attempted to kiss it that caused Jack to get up.
Jack couldn’t take it anymore. The blonde grabbed the scruff of Katsumi’s shirt and dragged him out of their house. (Your name) sat in her rocking chair in confusion but she knew better than to interfere. Jack would get it sorted out..
Once they were outside, Jack picked Katsumi off the ground to glare at him. His fist balled up the front of Katsumi’s shirt.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you all over her like that-“
“Can’t I be happy about my son being born soon.” Jack felt his blood run cold at Katsumi’s words, the blonde dropped Katsumi in pure shock. The baby wasn’t his… it wasn’t Jack’s…
“But we did IVF-“
“You don’t have any sperm Jack.” Katsumi clicked his tongue and glanced at the house’s window. Katsumi spotted (your name) bouncing on her exercise ball with one hand on her stomach. “How could I not allow her to have the chance to be a mother-“
Jack slammed his fist into Katsumi’s face, the Japanese man tumbled to the ground with a broken nose. Blood splattered all over the grass.
“You fucker!” Jack hissed. The blonde stood over Katsumi with a heated glare. “You did this on purpose! I always thought you felt something towards her but to do this… I’m going to fucking kill you-“
A loud squeal was heard from the house. Jack rushed over to (your name) to see that her water had broke.
“They’re coming early, I guess.” (Your name) tried to joke while her body was wracked with contractions. “They just can’t wait to meet us…”
Jack called an ambulance while Katsumi sat on their front lawn. The karateka smiled while he held his bloody nose.
His baby was finally going to be here…
(Your name) was shocked at the mess of dark hair on top of her little bundle. Why was the baby’s hair so dark? It should have been blonde like Jack’s… and that’s when she noticed how similar this baby looked to a certain karateka… and then it all clicked. This wasn’t Jack’s baby. It was Katsumi’s.
Jack held her hand while the two of them cried together. She finally had her baby but Katsumi finally had his family.
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anexperimentallife · 19 days
So disappointed that I misunderstood the doctor. I guess not still officially having Dengue is NOT the same as being over it, so they gave me extra-mega-strength antihistamines (laced with a mild steroid anti-inflammatory) and a cough suppressant for about another week. :(
Now for the whining: Aight, y'all know I have joint injuries, spine injuries, AND both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, right? And extra joint pain is a side effect of Dengue AND my heart medication. I'll get over dengue soon, but I'm gonna have to work my ass off to get off the heart meds (thanks, long covid).
And hey, guess what the best way to do the latter is? Yep, exercise. And guess what joint pain and long covid symptoms make harder? You got it! (This is especially galling for a former fitness/martial arts nut who used to run 2 miles in a little over ten minutes and bench pressed 260 lbs despite being only 160 myself. )
Oh, I'll do it, but, y'know...
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