#the drud
skeletalheartattack · 5 months
does this to u
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probably-impossible · 9 months
The thing about Rawhide is that sometimes it's really, really good, and sometimes they’re being haunted by druids.
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dire-vulture · 1 year
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i saw some talk about pokemon lairs haha so i figured i'd show off my pokemon fan dragons :D
My Arcanines, Arcanine and Zen!
Dunsley the Dunsparce, Avastly the Gliscor, Serendipity the Druddigon
My Kyurem's, Kyurem and Kronch, and Delilah the Appletun!
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kibblemode · 2 years
you are my friand and i loav to have conversations. roscoe is also there and im shaking his hand. yes sir how do you do sir i saw you on the doctors website the other day w/ your little lollipop and propeller cap. sorry kip i'm talking to roscoe now
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druddigoon · 2 months
man i wish i could draw
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buzznolimit · 1 year
Maladie d’Alzheimer : une info à retrouver sur Buzz No Limit
Buzz No Limit, une plateforme d’information incontournable, vous propose de télécharger une vidéo sur un traitement porteur d’espoir pour les patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Selon les chercheurs, un nouveau médicament expérimental nommé « Donanemab » semble ralentir légèrement (de quatre à sept mois) la progression inéluctable de cette maladie dévastatrice. Le groupe pharmaceutique…
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
Bausch + Lomb Buys Novartis Drugs For $1 75 Bn. #novartis #miebo #bausch...
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
When vampires (or vampire-like revenants) manage the masquerade as human in folktales, there is usually some mention of what they do or do not eat. For instance that they seem to not eat at all, or only eat meat, or only drink water. But I've always loved Angela Sommer-Bodenburg's lore in her Der kleine Vampir series that includes the detail of vampires, especially young vampires, can also drink milk and eat milk products.
It feels logical, milk is a liquid source of life just as much as blood is. And while most old folklore isn't at all concerned with giving vampires ways to appear more human, there is a folkloric basis to letting them drink milk as well as blood, and that delights me:
"The second curious characteristic requiring an explanation is the belief that the vampire sometimes drinks milk rather than blood. Ernest Jones in his pioneering essay on the vampire notes this feature when he comments: "The German Alp sucks the nipples of men and children, and withdraws milk from women and cows more often than blood. The Drud also sucks the breasts of children, while the Southern Slav Mora sucks blood or milk indifferently" (1971:119). In Romania, we are told that vampires on St. George's Eve "take milk away from nursing mothers" (Murgoci 1926:332)."
From: The Vampire: A Casebook, Alan Dunes, 1998, p. 163.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 5 months
Mini PheeTech fix it <3 sorta. Bittersweet.
Phee watched from her window as Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair relaxed, Omega safely nestled between them.
She sighed softly, listening as their injuries began to complain as she walked away, further into her home- well, now officially their home, once more.
"We should do something about that," Tech commented lightly, sitting up on her plush bed. Ever careful of the extensive machinery around him.
Phee laughed. "We're still figuring out what to do with you," She poked his nose. "Excuse me for prioritising."
Tech squirmed. "You should not–" He started, only for Phee to smother his next rant with a hand across his mouth.
"Don't." She said, voice unusually hard. "You heard what Omega's doppelganger said. Spear through the heart's no joke."
Tech sighed, already feeling the dull ache of it once more. "Don't I know." He grumbled, tired eyes finding hers as he smiled softly.
Phee looked at him, eyes soft, but jaw firmly set as she took his injuries in.
Tech cupped her face in his shaking hand. "You should not be angry," He told her softly. "Not at them. They didn't know."
"Doesn't matter," She found herself hissing. "A spear. Through your heart. Pits, you nearly died- again."
"But I did not," He pointed out, a gentle reminder.
She thought to the state he found them in. "Well, not because he didn't try." Phee muttered darkly. Tech tensed, guilt flashing through his pinched expression before he looked away.
"I would have done the same," He told her quietly. "Had it been someone else, had another done that to Crosshair- to anyone, I wouldn't have hesitated, either."
Phee gripped his hand. "You couldn't have done anything." She whispered between them.
"I could have tried." He said bitterly. "But I didn't–"
He hissed, pent up pressure in his chest sending agonising waves of pain through him. "Easy," She encouraged softly. "Keep breathing, it's okay–"
"Don't be angry with them," He repeated, quiet as he felt the flow of hard sedatives. "They did what they thought was right."
Phee didn't answer, not until he had slipped back off. "So did you." She murmured. "I just wish you hadn't had to."
The road was long, looking out at the rest of Tech's little family. A family Phee had tangled herself in, with no sign of leaving, even if facing some were hard, bitterness of a fight she hadn't a say in clouding her judgment.
This was his road, and she supposed he was sweet enough to walk it with him. She felt his hand seek her out through his drud-aided sleep, and she smiled.
The road was long, but the company was worth it.
Dammit, now I have to write a whole mini epilogue...... god I'm gonna cry.
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gothicmama · 11 months
"The Little Ones"
Chapter 7
The Little Ones - Chapter 1 - GothicMama - The Hobbit - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
This was easily the most stressful dinner of Bilbo’s life. And that was saying something, since he’d had several dinners with Lobelia before the quest. But this was different, the stakes were different. He didn’t have to worry about his spoons going missing. Instead, he had to worry about not further traumatizing the three Dwarflings he already considered his own. The last thing he wanted to do was to set all their healing and progress back. And with a dinner, even though he was planning and hosting it and it would just be a few people, there were still so many things he couldn’t control and so many ways it could go wrong.
To combat his stress and anxiety, he spent the day cooking with the children. Bombur helped of course but Bilbo found it more relaxing to do most of it himself. It was one of the few things he could control and one of the few things he was absolutely confident about. If the dinner turned out to be a bad idea, at least they’d all have good food to soothe any hurt.
Normally, cooking for a dinner with just his family wouldn’t be an all-day affair. But, between his stress cooking more food than they probably could eat in one sitting and letting the children help so that even the quickest meals took twice as long, they spent the whole day in the kitchen. Bilbo made sure to cook Balin’s favorite dessert, a large cinnamon swirl, to thank him for changing his schedule, again, so that he wasn’t needed elsewhere. He also cooked desserts for everyone else as well. The children all wanted different flavored cakes with different flavored frosting, so they each got to help mix and decorate their own personal cakes. Strawberries made of strawberry frosting on a strawberry cake for Nuti. Bright yellow lemon frosting on a vanilla cake for Drud. And after some prompting Gisren had admitted that he liked plain chocolate frosting and chocolate cake. Thorin and Dis both got blackberry pies, and the boys got a big plate of sugar cookies to share between them. And for himself, Bilbo made a simple tea cake.
By the time he pulled the last meal from the oven, a large honey glazed ham, the sun was beginning to set. He’d just set the ham down on the counter when he heard footsteps approaching from the den. He didn’t have to look to know who it was, so when Nuti suddenly squealed and jumped down from her place at the breakfast table, he wasn’t surprised. As he finished prepping the ham, he listened to the scene behind him. He couldn’t make out the words, but he heard Thorin’s rumbling Khuzdul and Nuti’s excited replies, followed by responses from the boys. He smiled listening to them all, and if he hurried to get the ham done so he could turn around and watch, that was his business. He was allowed to enjoy the sight of his husband being a father, after all.
When Bilbo did turn around, he wasn’t surprised to find Thorin standing in place with both of the younger Dwarflings on his hips. He held them easily, one in each arm, while Gisren stood in front of him. Thorin could just as easily have held him too, but he knew the boy wouldn’t accept the offer, even if it was what he really wanted. So, he let him stand closer instead and he didn’t comment when Gisren leaned against him and shyly grabbed onto the hem of his tunic. Both Nuti and Drud were talking over each other but thanks to his experience with his nephews, who still did the same thing despite their ages, he was able to keep up and switch back and forth between them. He even took a few moments to talk to Gisren, who didn’t have much to say but seemed to appreciate the attention anyway.
After a few minutes Nuti and Drud ran out of steam and things to talk about. Thorin gently lowered them and set them on their feet. He brushed his hand over both of their heads affectionately before offering his hand to Gisren. The older boy stared at his hand uncertainly for a moment, but then he gave a shaky nod. Thorin smiled encouragingly at him as he carefully brushed his hand over the boy’s head. Gisren hesitantly raised his head to meet Thorin’s hand and he melted into the touch for a few seconds. But after Thorin raised his hand, Gisren shook his head slightly, as if shaking off the touch, and then he returned to the table.
Bilbo sighed, gaze locked on the boy as he pulled himself into his chair and returned the snack he’d been nibbling on. Thorin patted Nuti and Drud on their backs then carefully pushed them towards the table. They pouted, earning a soft but firm Khuzdul reprimand. That cleared Drud’s pout up and he hurried to the table. While Nuti’s pout only grew as she walked, as slow as she possibly could, back to her seat. Chuckling, Thorin crossed the room to Bilbo. He grabbed his husband’s hand and raised it to his lips. He kissed it, his beard tickling the sensitive skin on Bilbo’s palm, and then murmured, “They’ll be alright, my heart.”
The Hobbit blushed at the endearment and when his hand was released, he cradled it against his chest. “Thank you for that, dearest, but I’m quite alright, I assure you.”
“I’m sure you are.” Thorin’s voice rumbled slightly as he spoke “That’s why you’ve been locked up in here all day, cooking up enough food to feed a small army.
Bilbo scoffed lightly and lifted his head up. He refused to meet Thorin’s gaze, but he didn’t have to because he already knew what he’d see. Thorin’s concern for the children, his own concerns about the dinner, and his concern for Bilbo. Trying to lighten both of their moods, he joked, “You’re exaggerating. It would feed a company maybe, but certainly not an army, not even a small one.”
It had the desired effect and Thorin laughed out loud, earning surprised looks from the children. He offered a quick explanation that Bilbo only halfway understood but it was enough for them to turn back to their snacks. With little eyes no longer on them, he grabbed Bilbo’s waist and pulled him close. He situated the Hobbit in front of him, Bilbo’s back to his front, and he wrapped his arms around him. Bilbo leaned back against him and laced their fingers together. Thorin nuzzled his shoulder through his thin shirt, murmuring, “Dis and I have both spoken to the boys. They know to be on their best behavior. They don’t want to frighten the little ones any more than we want them to.”
“I know,” Bilbo sighed. He knew the boys wouldn’t do it intentionally, they were good boys, good Dwarrow, and despite their antics they were capable young adults and princes. But accidents happened, after all, and it was very likely that one of the children could react to something none of them could ever imagine would set them off. He’d spent part of the day explaining to them that if they felt scared or uncomfortable in any way, they were more than welcome to leave, they didn’t even have to be polite about it. They could do whatever they needed to do to get through the dinner and be okay afterwards. Even if that meant Nuti brought all of her dolls, or Drud brought whatever crawly thing he’d found. And as for Gisren, he didn’t have to say a word if he didn’t want to. He’d repeated it to them all several times throughout the day, they were in control, and no one would have hurt feelings or be angry at them no matter what they did. That was as much as any of them could do to make sure the children were ready. Bilbo sighed again and copied Thorin by raising their intwined hands to his mouth. He kissed his husband’s knuckles before regretfully pulling their hands apart. “I need to get them all bathed and dressed, I’ll have just enough time for myself after that.”
“No.” Thorin stopped him before he could walk away. When Bilbo frowned at him, he quickly explained, “Dis and I will take care of the little ones.”
Bilbo’s frown deepened. “I don’t need help with them, Thorin.”
“I know you don’t,” Thorin conceded, bowing his head slightly. “But you’ve been locked up in here all day with them. Let us take it from here and you take some time by yourself to breathe and refresh.” He cupped Bilbo’s face and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “You can do it all by yourself, but you don’t have to, and you shouldn’t.”
Bilbo wanted too argue but he recognized the look on Thorin’s face. The Dwarrow wasn’t going to change his mind this time, and when he chose to stand his ground, it usually turned into a fiery conversation that Bilbo sometimes lost. He wasn’t going to do that right before dinner, and especially not in front of the children, so instead he said, “I’ll be done in one hour. Can you ask someone to move all the dishes to the dining room? I’ll arrange them how I like after I’ve changed.”
“It will be done, love.” Thorin nodded and pushed him towards the doorway he’d come through. “Go on now, Dis should be here soon to help with the children.”
Bilbo let himself be pushed but paused in the doorway to look back at the Dwarflings. Gisren had finished his snack, leaving some left over, and had started cleaning up Nuti and Drud. Bilbo’s heart hurt watching him do something that he’d likely had to do because for a long time he was the only one there to do it. He almost turned and went to help the boy, but he caught Thorin’s eyes, and his husband shook his head. Biting back his disappointment, Bilbo spun around and hurried from the room before he could change his mind.
Bilbo wasn’t so prideful that he couldn’t admit when he was wrong and someone else was right. When that someone else was his husband, however, he found it much harder to admit it to himself, let alone to anyone else. So, when he emerged from the bath, curly head and foot hair freshly washed and thoroughly brushed, he added it to the list of things that would never be spoken. Because despite his disbelief, taking the bath and having that time alone had done exactly what Thorin had said it would. He felt refreshed, lighter somehow, and there was an excitement for the upcoming dinner that hadn’t been there before.
He was practically bouncing as he exited his bedroom and entered the den, and he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that his and Thorin’s armchairs were full. Not until he passed by one and the figure sitting in it moved, calling out a tentative, “Bilbo?”
Bilbo shouted, jumped, and spun around so fast he almost tripped over his own feet. When he righted himself he found himself facing two contrite princes, each facing him with their heads bowed. Chuckling, he put his hand on his chest and shook his head. “Goodness, boys, you gave me a fright. I didn’t realize you were here.”
“We’re sorry, Bilbo,” Fili apologized without raising his head, and Kili quietly echoed it with his own apology.
Bilbo’s excitement quickly faded away, replaced again by worry. But this time, worry for a different set of Dwarflings. He stepped up to them and grabbed one of their hands in each of his. Their hands were stiff in his grip and as he looked them over, he realized they themselves were stiff as well. And neither one would look him in the eye, not even when he ducked his head to try and meet their gazes. His concern growing, he straightened up. Ignoring the thoughts running through his head of all the bad things that could have caused this reaction in them, he asked, “What’s wrong, boys?”
They were silent for a moment before Fili raised his head. His hair had been brushed and neatly braided and he wore one of his best royal outfits, the clothing that was usually reserved for official meetings and events. It was simply too much for a family dinner but before Bilbo could inquire about it, the prince answered him. “We promised mother and uncle and Balin that we’d be on our best behavior so that we don’t frighten the pebbles.”
“Yeah, we promised,” Kili piped up and finally raised his own head. He, too, had taken more care with his hair than he usually did and had donned his best royal outfit, which he rarely got to wear as his presence wasn’t required to many of the same things Fili’s was. “We know we’re a lot, and we want them to like us. So, best behavior tonight.”
“You won’t even recognize us,” Fili added and in Bilbo’s mind he couldn’t help but think they were already unrecognizable. He looked back and forth between them for a moment, struggling to think of what to say in response, when he realized something. It wasn’t the clothes or the hair, or even their demeanor that was off putting. He’d seen them serious before, they both knew how to act appropriately when the situation called for it. No, he’d only seen them like this once, right before the battle. When Thorin was lost in his madness and they’d lost their faith in him.
They weren’t just trying to be serious, they were hurting and lost.
It hit Bilbo like Dwalin’s hammer and he yanked them into his arms. They fell forward, bending over awkwardly to meet his shorter height, but after a few seconds they latched onto him. He squeezed them as tight as he could and let them hide their faces in his shoulders. “Oh, my boys, I’m so sorry. We’ve hurt you both, I’ve hurt you both, and I didn’t even realize.”
“It’s okay, Bilbo,” Fili muttered, shrugging half-heartedly. “You didn’t mean to.” Kili nodded his agreement, sniffing softly.
“That doesn’t make it right,” Bilbo firmly replied. He pushed the boys up and back a step from him. They both bowed their heads again, hiding their faces. He cupped their faces, careful of their facial hair, and pulled their heads up instead. He wasn’t surprised to see tears in their eyes, but it made his heart hurt even more. He smiled and blinked back his own tears. “You’re both good boys, good Dwarrow, and fine princes. I’m sorry we’ve forgotten that.”
“But you’re not wrong,” Kili mumbled, looking down. “We are a lot. Maybe too much.”
Something in his voice tugged at Bilbo’s brain. His smile slipped and he asked, “Kili. Fili. This isn’t just about tonight’s dinner, is it?”
Neither of them responded for a long time, but finally, after over a minute of tense silence, Fili hesitantly explained, “We thought maybe. I don’t know. We haven’t seen much of you or Uncle these past weeks. And we understand why, the pebbles need all the love and attention they can get. And it’s given us both a chance to step up and cover for you both and take on more responsibility. But,” he trailed off then, uncertain if he should continue.
Kili took the choice away from him by continuing his explanation. “Tonight will be the first time we’ve spent together since you brought the pebbles home, and we were excited, at first, excited that we’d finally get to meet them and spend time with them and get to spend time with you and Uncle and even Amad again. But then they sat us down and told us not to be so loud and energetic, and it was like.” He frowned and looked at Fili. He didn’t know the words to use to explain further.
“It felt like you didn’t trust us, after weeks of barely seeing you or talking to you, it feels like you don’t even know us,” Fili admitted. He closed his eyes and pulled away from Bilbo’s hands. “It feels like we don’t know you, or Uncle, anymore.”
Bilbo’s heart stopped. His breath caught in his lungs. He couldn’t breathe, let alone think or speak. But then Kili followed his brother’s example and pulled away from Bilbo’s hand, and suddenly he was snapped out of his stupor. He grabbed the princes and again pulled them close to him. But this he pulled them down all the way to the floor, until he was on his knees, and they were leaning against him. He held them to him, brushed his hands over their hair, and pressed kisses back and forth between them. They were stiff for a few seconds before they sagged against him. They clutched at him, ruffling his clothes, but he didn’t care, he simply held them tighter.
“My boys, I’m sorry, my boys,” he murmured into their hair, repeating himself over and over as they shook against him. “We’ve been awful to you, ignoring you these past weeks, and we’ve been cruel to you over this dinner. I’m so sorry.” Neither prince could respond through their tears this time, so he continued to apologize until his own tears choked him.
They stayed like that for several minutes until the boys had cried themselves out and their tears had dried. Bilbo sniffed and swallowed back his tears then. It wasn’t his turn to cry, it wasn’t about him. Once he got himself under control, he pushed the boys back. They settled back on their heels, gazes uncertainly jumping between him and the floor. He put his hands on their shoulders and waited for them both to look at him, waited for the fear to fade from their eyes. Sniffing, he tried to give them a smile. “We’ve been, I’ve been so focused on them, I didn’t stop to think about anything else, or anyone else. You two are grown, yes, but I forgot that you’re still young and you still need us, still need me. And I am so sorry.” He cupped both boys’ faces and this time, they leaned into his hands.
“And we should have introduced them to you much sooner. If they are to be part of this family.” Both boys gasped, surprised by his sudden confession. “If they are to be part of this family, it was only right they meet their cousins straightaway. I’ve been so worried about them, treating them like they’ll break at the slightest pressure, I didn’t think about anything else.” As soon as he spoke, another realization hit him. “Balin was right. I think you two will be just what they need.”
Their faces lit up and Kili blurted out, “You really think so?”
“Yes, I do.” Nodding, Bilbo stood up. He reached down and grabbed their hands to pull them to his feet as well. They stood still as he fussed over and straightened their clothes. “They couldn’t ask for better cousins, or better role models for how to grow up to be fine Dwarrow, and fine royal heirs.” He finished fixing Kili’s buttons and looked up at him. He returned the prince’s trembling smile with one of his own, before turning his smile to Fili. When the older prince smiled back at him, he couldn’t help the relief and love that surged through him. His boys were entirely too forgiving, and he didn’t deserve their forgiveness so easily, but he could make sure to do better by them. And he knew just how to start, with the dinner.
“We’ll sit and have a talk with your uncle and mother later. For now, I just want you both to be yourselves, understand? Good. Now, we’ve got to hurry, or we’ll be late!” He grabbed Fili’s and Kili’s arms and led them from the room.
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doxiedreg · 5 months
Rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
My WIPs: -death god, death god maybe -grin ref -hooman Crom -hugo ref -Kerby ref -Moonshine Gang ref -nanners and goo ref -ozzie ref -rech basilisk form ref, snek rechor attempt 3 -snow ref 2.0 -thorn hooman ref 2.0 sketch -tumblr villain -valka ref -auron city map template -art evolution, art journey, art style evolution -dimitri icon -drud dragon redesign -hydra mom 3.0 -rorie ref 2024 -rorie true form concept -sketchgargoyle -storm god concept art -thorn expressions part 3 -gale fuck anatomy I decided to only include wips I actually intend to finish or redo. So no doodle pages, refs that i ended up starting over with and finishing differently or abandoned projects Stole this from @tinymintywolf and I encourage theft to those who also want to do this
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444namesplus · 9 months
Aal Aalde Aar Aber Abord Aburg Ade Aden Adord Adt Adtim Ahau Ahden Ahna Ahne Ais Ald Alden Alind Alkel Alken All Allin Almun Als Alten Ana And Angen Ann Appen Arn Arrk Arsch Art Arte Arz Asa Asel Auber Aude Auer Aul Aund Aurg Axnōt Bach Bachl Badt Baer Baig Bal Bald Bark Bas Bau Baus Baut Bayen Bechl Beck Bein Ben Ber Berd Berdr Beren Berg Berim Bern Bert Bia Biber Bin Bing Birch Bisen Bitz Bla Bladt Blen Blena Blich Blutz Boch Boden Bof Bord Borda Borf Borg Bort Botna Bow Bra Bram Bre Bren Brich Bruch Brunn Bryn Buken Bur Bureu Burin Burse Burt Bus Böham Bømla Bück Bürg Bürt Bütte Bütz Cal Calch Cald Calda Calde Carch Casse Chem Cla Coben Cock Coe Cord Creim Cren Crino Cusel Dal Dals Dan Dard Den Dena Dieck Diedr Dieim Dien Digyn Din Dinda Dineb Ding Diten Ditz Dord Dorde Dorf Dorn Drud Dust Döben Dömho Dürg Ebel Eberg Eck Edt Eger Egern Egg Eid Eim Eißen Eke Elben Eld Elden Elfin Eln Emdin Emgo Emitz Emme Emsda Ena Erd Erg Erich Ern Ersee Esch Esen Esher Esle Ewal Fach Fal Fel Felm Fen Fil Filde Flana Flau Fleim Flen Fogen Ford Forf Forna Fra Fral Fran Frau Fre Freck Free Freim Freis Fren Frich Fried Frike Frim Frin Frow Fröde Ful Furen Furg Førg Fürg Fürt Gadt Gan Gar Garde Garg Garne Gart Gast Gebut Gel Geld Gen Genau Gend Georn Ger Gerb Gerf Gerg Gerja Gil Gis Gisen Gla Glan Gne Gold Gom Gotte Grach Gran Grd Gre Greha Greim Grich Grick Grim Grims Grin Groda Gron Grow Gríðr Grötz Grøya Grún Grúðr Grüch Grüm Guber Guden Gul Gulau Guld Gun Gunn Göld Gönin Görd Göttn Gößen Günde Güto Gütz Hadt Haer Hagda Hage Hal Halan Halze Hammo Han Hange Har Harf Harn Hau Haurg Haus Hause Haut Hed Heder Hee Heich Heif Heig Heim Hein Heina Heind Heing Heitz Hel Held Hemic Hen Hena Heng Her Herau Herf Herg Herms Hiden Hil Hild Him Hin Hinge Hirch Hja Hjack Hjel Hjørd Hock Hofn Hold Holf Hor Hord Horde Horf Hoth How Hren Hrin Hum Hus Håste Höna Hönia Höð Hück Hünd Hüren Ichau Idow Idt Ilden Ilen Ilin Immel Inne Irco Isfen Istad Itzen Iðr Jal Jalen Jar Jel Jen Jerg Jeve Joh Jord Jorde Jorf Jugne Jul Julz Jun Jup Jör Jørg Jøsse Jüllr Jürg Jüth Kald Kalde Kam Kange Kapa Kapla Kar Kas Kasse Katz Kau Kaurg Kaði Kel Keld Kemne Kemon Ken Kerst Kir Kirch Kirg Kirse Kisee Kitz Klau Klena Klow Kob Kock Kohn Kott Kow Kra Krau Krauf Kren Krey Krome Kuf Kul Kum Kup Kurg Kus Kár König Könul Külsa Künch Lach Lad Ladt Lagen Lahl Lainn Lam Lamen Lan Lana Lanau Landa Lann Latz Lau Lauel Ledt Leina Len Lens Lerg Lern Lerst Lest Leste Leue Leurg Lia Ligen Lik Lim Lin Line Linge Lip Litz Lival Lohle Loma Lomr Lotte Lotz Loued Louen Low Loßen Luch Ludal Lude Lun Luna Lusen Lut Lych Lysen Löfn Lön Lör Lörlo Lübth Lück Lüdi Lügen Lündi Lünna Lünz Lütz Lütze
Magen Maind Mal Malln Mand Mar March Mard Marg Mark Markt Mart Marth Mau Med Mee Mef Meils Mel Meld Melde Melim Mels Mem Men Menau Mer Merg Mes Metha Mil Mils Min Mines Mirch Mirde Mirf Mirg Mit Mitia Mitz Monau Morn Mung Murth Mán Möl Mölld Mönid Mönn Mühl Münch Münd Münth Nau Naun Nebin Neck Necke Nee Nek Nen Nenda Nens Ner Nerg Nerma Nert Nes Netz Neuen Neul Neum Neunn Neurg Neven Newal Neyen Nich Nies Nig Nigen Nilde Nin Ninde Ning Nisim Nitz Njart Njört Noitz Nord Norde Norf Nost Now Nurg Nærf Nörd Nörf Nürg Obech Obelz Oben Obenz Obera Oberd Oberg Obern Obig Obuch Och Ock Ode Oel Oels Oerg Oesch Oessa Oeten Ofelm Olbe Old Olden Olz Opfel Ord Orden Ordt Orf Org Orn Osch Ossen Ossin Ossul Osta Osten Osth Oth Pain Par Patz Pau Pein Pen Per Pfa Pfan Pfen Pfurg Phel Phim Pla Plin Poch Pohau Pold Porth Poten Prin Puch Pul Pulf Putel Quel Quelf Quels Rach Radt Rakow Rand Rann Rasen Rath Ratz Rau Raum Raun Reck Red Reel Ref Rega Reim Remst Ren Rena Renz Resen Reut Rey Reyja Rhe Rheim Rhen Rhena Rherg Rid Ried Riede Riez Rijen Roch Rod Roden Rogen Rold Rolz Romar Ron Ronne Rop Row Rozen Roß Roßen Ránig Röden Rück Rüm Rünch Saal Saan Saarl Sach Sal Sam San Sana Sang Sann Sanna Sany Sarl Sart Sasen Sch Schen Schia Schl Schof Schrd Schte Schöð See Sel Selda Sen Sena Senz Sie Sien Sig Sigen Sim Sin Sina Sing Ska Skau Skjen Skord Skow Sna Snitz Sold Soll Son Sona Sow Soyth Spa Spau Speim Spel Spelf Spen Sper Sperf Speth Stach Stal Stau Staut Steid Steim Sten Ster Sterg Sterr Sth Sthop Sting Sto Stoch Stock Stren Strin Städt Sul Sulde Sulld Sum Sun Sunau Sung Sus Svel Sverg Svill Sviðr Syk Syken Ságar Ságau Süde Süden Tadel Taden Tadt Tal Tau Teim Tel Ten Terg Terio Tert Thau Tiane Tich Tin Tinau Tjørn Tocha Tomar Torg Tran Trau Trava Tren Trie Tring Tron Tyst Töne Tübz Uden Udin Uen Uetch Ulzen Unrau Urt Ussee Uwer Uwör Val Valch Vand Vanna Var Vart Vech Vedy Veim Velda Veln Ven Vend Ver Verg Vern Vest Viam Vich Vil Vin Vip Viðr Vogne Vold Volde Vole Vren Væna Vörd Vörðr Waach Wadt Wagen Wal Wald Walda Wali Walka Walke Wall Walln Wals Walth Wana Wanau Wand War Warna Was Wede Wedt Wegk Weila Weim Wein Weing Weirg Wen Wer Werau Werd Werg Wesch Wesen Weske Weten Wetz Wich Widen Wie Wied Wiedt Wig Wiga Wil Wild Wilde Willw Win Wiph Wisch Witz Wold Wolde Wolz Woode Worf Wurg Wurth Wusau Wykk Wört Würg Würn Xen Yre Yvde Zen Zer Zerg Ziedt Zietz Zig Zin Zitz Zoge Zow Zweim Zwer Zwerg Zwin Zwitz Zör Zörf Ård Ården Öld Ölen Übz Þordt Þrich
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thammit · 10 months
Ciao, Janus, ciao.
Arriving & departing, ciao.
Caio: Its dual meaning of "hello" and "goodbye" makes it similar to shalom in Hebrew, salām in Arabic, annyeong in Korean, aloha in Hawaiian, drud (bedrud) in Persian, and chào in Vietnamese
A dual meaning that connects antonyms. Hello & goodbye, arrival & departure, same diff.
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nate-fraust · 2 years
Something Old, Something New
Sorry, don’t really use Tumblr except to see what new stuff’s being posted about my ships, so this’ll be a lame first post.
Anyways, I guess the prompt for this sort of thread thing is “Post a snip of one of your oldest works vs. one of your newest.” In that case, I’ve got a few things for y’all.
(Btw: thx to @n1hila for the tag. If anyone else would like to join, like @mel-kusanagi, you can, but you don’t have to. I’m just a dude lurking in the shade of y’all’s brilliance :) )
So, since I got tagged on the basis of my writing, I guess I’ll start with that. Writing
The first section is an excerpt from the first chapter of “coNTROL”, the first fanfic I ever published during my early years as a part of the inFAMOUS fandom. I’d initially posted it on Fanfiction.net back in September or October of 2013, but I deleted it from my account there and reposted it to my AO3 five years later. This story sparked my love of writing and storytelling, so much so that I’m working on earning my bachelor’s in Mass Communication/Journalism right now. The second section is “Phantom”, my latest one-shot. I wrote it as part of the “Codextober” challenge from @orphiceonian, using the prompt “Blade”. I’d intended to follow it up with another one-shot of Loki (or Delus/Luka/Leug, as I would call him using the “Isu” name he would most likely have) meeting Aletheia/Angrboða (Drud/Drutes in “Isu”) during his time apprenticing under Promethus/Consus (Permenos/Setor) at his workshop prior to the War of Reunification* in 1923 Isu Era. However, classes and assignments got the better of me. Perhaps I’ll finish it over this break.
His brain drummed a maddening beat against his skull as he limped towards the destroyed military truck. Dammit, he cursed. Would this incessant pounding never end? He reached the truck, which had evidence of a firefight or some sort of incindeary devices all over it. The back of the truck was facing him, a box of smoke and flames. Delsin rushed as best he could towards the opening, trying to ignore the oily stench of smoke and burning human flesh.
He saw the shine of a DUP officer's helmet, and ignored it. Why should he care for the oppressive SOB? He peered around and noticed movement through the fumes. He hurried over to the figure and tried to get his attention.
"Sir? Sir, you need medical help." Delsin said to the hunched over man as he clapped him lightly on the shoulder. Don't we all, he reflected bitterly. "I need to ca-".
The man grabbed his arm and held on like a vise. "No!" he shouted hoarsely. "No hospitals! They're never taking me back!"
Delsin tried to wrench his arm away from the madman, and ended up touching his wrist to the stranger's thumb. A roar sounded in his ears, and they flew apart. Delsin hit the ground and slid to the back of the car, bashing his head on the end of a cold metal bench. He barely heard the crack of the man's neck as he slid into unconsciousness. New:
Wind rushes into me as I come back to myself. Far off in the distance, a sable speck plummets into the spear-din, glinting and crossed. I watch it fall.
Someone is screaming. Somewhere, someone is screaming.
The heat is at my back. I turn to face it.
Ice shoots through my heart.
“ You ,” I sputter, gilded spittle flecking Delus’ scarred visage.
“Aye.” The bastard’s smile is cruel, lit from within with madness. “ Me .”
He goes to pull his dagger from my chest, but I grasp onto his arm in a grip made tight from death. His eyes are full of hate and panic.
With the last of my strength, I cast Gungnir far from me, willing it farther and farther still as I pull the traitor’s blade deeper into myself.
Delus is screaming in my ear, cursing me, my blood, my kin. I close my eyes against the truth as he howls to the roaring winds, crying of his hand in beloved Balthas’ slow death. I close my eyes and call out to the Swayer, drawing it back, back, back-
My blood-brother chokes on his words as Gungir tears through us both, fleeing far to the north. We fall.
The air is thick with cries of “ Zàw! ” and the black scent of death, but my eyes are fixed on his. There are no promises, no oaths to be made in the face of such a sight.
My body is cold now, yet the wound burns all the same.
Delus’ mouth moves, gilded tongue full of venom-
* - The War of Reunification was a conflict that likely would have been analogous to the Aesir-Vanir War of Norse myth. If the conflict was continent-wide, it could have also/otherwise been the basis for the theorized Proto-Indo-European myth of the “war of the functions/foundation”.
Bonus: Art
I’ve been drawing for far longer than I’ve been writing, but I don’t stake any significant claim on it. However, I do have a few pieces in my Google Photos. Old:
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This is a drawing of Delsin Rowe from one of my other (unfinished) inFAMOUS fanfics, a Last of Us crossover titled “The Light”. Had I continued with it, Delsin would’ve looked something like this by (probably) the middle of the story. His right forearm has a green-blue shattered arrowhead, which was supposed to signify the Glass powers he would have gotten at some point in the journey.
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This is a drawing of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, semi-inspired by Christy Tortland/Serena Kenobi’s iteration of her in her “Hunter” Wonderbat series of fanfics. If I’m remembering correctly, I may have based the body off of Gina Carano, but I really should have worked more on Gal Gadot’s face. Either that, or I should’ve just done Jamie Alexander instead.
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This is an early sketch of a marble statue of Dagris, a “god-king” deity from a homebrew DnD campaign I’ve been involved with for a few months. We’ve stalled for the moment, so I figured it would be alright to put this out into the world.
Bonus2: Poetry
Yes, I’m still here. Yes, I’ll be getting out of y’all’s hair in a moment (if you’ve not stopped reading already). Just wanted to leave you with a few snippets of poetry. 
Old: It’s pointless to write these words,
for I’ve dug my grave with my own hands,
with my thoughts,
and they're simply wind to you.
I’m grasping at an image,
A watercolor from the back of my mind.
The paints run down
As the image is washed in the river of thought.
I want to know;
I need to see.
But it’s not for me.
Before me, behind me, above me, about me,
The sky. 
Choked by the fideless clouds,
It roils, gelt in fury.
Orcus’ rictus gapes;
Kharon, bowing, beckons,
Cyan cowl stained,
Blotted by woeful waters.
Onward, ever onward;
Through tongueless tears,
Through faned fears,
Through a thousand-thousandfold.
Not so strange,
The fruitless ash,
Maddening horse-gallow.
Not so great,
The landless thorn,
Crossless cedar-hyssop.
Gloryless wanderer,
Sightless sees,
A pitiless gaze,
A manger seiged.
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Digital Health Market Size, Share, Trends and Revenue Forecast [2028]
 Digital Health Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $180.2 billion in 2023 and is poised to reach $549.7 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 25.0% from 2023 to 2028 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets. The growth of this market is driven by the expansion of telemedicine and telehealth services, enhanced patient engagement and empowerment and increased investment in health tech startups. On the other hand, variability in healthcare infrastructure and digital literacy, reimbursement and payment issues are some of the factors challenging the growth of the market.
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North America accounted for the largest share of the global Digital Health Industry in 2022.
The Digital Health market is segmented into four key regions—North America, Europe, APAC, and the Rest of the World (RoW). North America, being the early adopter of advanced technologies, has captured the largest share of the Digital Health market in 2022, followed by Europe and APAC. It is also projected to register the highest CAGR. North America is the fastest-growing regional segment for digital health due to its technological development, expansion in the healthcare industry, favorable regulatory environment, and the presence of key players and innovation hubs.
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Digital Health Market Dynamics:
·         Increasing penetration of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile platforms
·         Supportive initiatives and increasing strategic alliances
·         Rising geriatric population and subsequent increase in prevalence of chronic diseases
·         Rising focus on patient-centric healthcare solutions
·         High cost of deployment of digital health solutions for small and medium-sized hospitals in emerging countries
·         Interoperability issues
·         Shift toward intelligent health ecosystem to deliver personalized health experiences
·         Digital health solutions for universal healthcare access
·         Improving regulatory support and reimbursements
·         Advancements in digital health
·         Healthcare gap in emerging economies
·         Privacy and security concerns
Key Market Players of Digital Health Industry:
Prominent players in the digital health market include Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), Medtronic (Ireland), GE HealthCare (US), Abbott (US), OMRON Corporation (Japan), Fitbit, Inc. (A google company) (US), Johnson & Johnson Private Limited (US), Siemens Healthineers AG (Germany), Masimo (US), Apple, Inc. (US), Merative (US), AT & T, Inc. (US), Veradigm LLC (US), Noom, Inc. (US), Teladoc Health, Inc. (US), Omada Health Inc. (US), Dexcom, Inc. (US), Biotricity (US), iHealth Labs Inc (US), my mhealth Limited (UK), athenahealth (US), eClinicalWorks (US), AirStrip Technologies, Inc (US), AdvancedMD, Inc. (US) and Qardio, Inc. (US). Players adopted organic as well as inorganic growth strategies such as product upgrades, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, and acquisitions to increase their offerings, cater to the unmet needs of customers, increase their profitability, and expand their presence in the global market.
Breakdown of supply-side primary interviews, by company type, designation, and region:
· By Supply Side: Tier 1 (31%), Tier 2 (28%), and Tier 3 (41%)
· By Demand Side: Purchase Managers (45%), Head Of AI, ML, Drud Discovery & Computational Molecular Design (30%), Research Scientists (25%)
· By Designation: C-level (31%), Director-level (25%), and Others (44%)
· By Region: North America (45%), Europe (20%), Asia Pacific (28%), and RoW (7%)
Inquiry Before Buying:
 Recent Developments:
· In May 2023 Medtronic (Ireland) acquired EOFlow Co. Ltd. (South Korea) to expand its ability to treat patients with diabetes.
· In March 2023, GE HealthCare (US) partnered with Advantus Health Partners (US) to sign a multi-year contract to expand access to Healthcare Technology Management Services.
· In April 2023, Abbott (US) acquired Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (CSI) (US) to gain a complementary treatment option for vascular illness. The highly advanced atherectomy technology from CSI prepares vessels for angioplasty or stenting to restore blood flow.
Mr. Aashish Mehra
MarketsandMarkets™ INC.
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Northbrook, IL 60062
USA: +1-888-600-6441
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
oh yeah babey it's sucking and fucking Team Fortress style
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