#the eggs all have varying facial expressions
seventeeeeeeen · 4 months
Seungkwan: why are there eggs in here!?
Seokmin, walks in and gasps
Seokmin: how dare you touch Eggwin, Eggward, and Eggwina like that!
Seungkwan: ...
Seokmin: ...
Vernon, walking in: hey how are the triplets?
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Evil Dead Rise (2023)
"A reunion between two estranged sisters gets cut short by the rise of flesh-possessing demons, thrusting them into a primal battle for survival as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable."
This is a film that shows you the depths of terror that only a mother can give you. Written, and directed, by Lee Cronin this is a really solid addition to a franchise that began 42 years ago with the Bruce Campbell led, low budget masterpiece, that was The Evil Dead.
The franchise has evolved a lot from the beginning, giving us five movies, as well as a TV show. The original trilogy, and the Ash V The Evil Dead, gave us a campy horror filled world of deadites and gore. They knew what they were and never took themselves too seriously, and they are widely loved for exactly what they are.
The 2013 re-imagining, and this new film, take all of the horror of the originals and ratchet it up to 11. What the new films don't have is that camp edge that can help to alleviate some of the terror. That's not to say I don't like them....far from it. I really enjoyed the 2013 movie and this film immensely. They are just very, very different beasts from the originals, from whence they sprang.
The film starts at a lake with a pretty gorey, wince inducing, hair moment, and then cycles back to "one day earlier". It's at this point we meet the family from the trailers, and see the main location for the film. It's here where the fun begins. It starts slowly, while we are introduced to the family and the returning sister. Then shit goes downhill, and not slowly. One thing I will give these new films over the old is the quality of the effects. Things have improved dramatically in that sense, and this film takes full advantage of that, and does it really well.
The film itself looks to have been made well. The lighting, sets, and effects were all great, and my only minor niggle with the cinematography is that in some scene there seemed to be an odd disconnect with the focus. It was in a couple of scenes with the Book of the Dead and some of the characters. They seemed to be in crisp focus, but the book seems a little fuzzy. I don't know if it was a deliberate choice or a simple camera issue. It was just a noticeable thing for me. Other than that I really loved the way the film was done, and Lee Cronin as director did a bang up job.
This was a small scale ensemble piece focusing on a family, played by Alyssa Sutherland, Lily Sullivan, Morgan Davies, Gabrielle Echols and Nell Fisher. The quality of performances varies, but none of them are bad. Nell as Kassie, the youngest of the group, is pretty good for someone so young. Morgan Davies, as Danny, is the one that finds the Book, and the way he deals with his part in the nightmare is solidly done. Gabrielle, as Bridget, is probably middle of the pack performance wise. She's really good. Lily, as Beth, is an actress with a really solid catalogue behind her already, and this is a great addition to that for her.
For me though, the absolute star of this film is Alyssa Sutherland as Ellie. She is a mother on the verge of life falling apart as she faces the prospect of being homeless with three kids, as their building is due to be demolished. Then her life REALLY falls apart. No spoilers here as the trailers clearly show her possessed by the deadite spirits, but her performance is just awesome. Physically she nails it. I'm not entirely sure how she did certain bits, but the jerky nature of her walking corpse was great. Her facial expressions were on point, and the smile....ooh boy, that smile with cold dead eyes....wow. She really was great.
Overall this film, unlike another recent horror, made me uncomfortable, but in fun ways. It is a gore laden, eyes hidden, jump scary film in mostly the best ways. If you have a weak stomach you might wanna avoid it, but if you're a fan of horror, and the Evil Dead films, you'll love it. There are some brill little easter eggs scattered throughout the film, but you'll need to find them yourselves. It's getting a really well earned 8/10. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you will too.
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centerspirited · 1 year
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sexstories-101 · 2 years
Why are there sexual cartoons?
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Hentai and other sexual cartoons serve as extranormal stimuli that arouse people's sexual desires. Men's sexual inclinations, in particular.
David Buss, an evolutionary psychologist, argues in his book The Evolution of Desire that evolution imprinted men and women with specific impulses for seeking mates. Such instincts were developed in response to the problems we experienced in our evolutionary context and have largely remained within us (evolution is slow and steady).
Because evolutionary success is dependent on passing on one's genes, ancestral men developed to value women who could bore children, whereas ancestral women valued men who had the status and means to care for children. Because there were no fertility clinics in the ancient savannah, men had to rely on other techniques to find appropriate mates. They relied on their vision.
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder," Buss adds, "but those eyes and the minds behind the eyes have been fashioned by millions of years of human development." "Because physical and behavioral cues give the most potent observable proof of a woman's reproductive worth, ancestral men acquired a preference for women who exhibited these indicators."
Youth, health, and social status are all visual cues that indicate reproductive value. In summary, men are hardwired to want attractiveness in their partners. While attraction varies by culture, some typical characteristics include "full lips, clear complexion, smooth skin, clear eyes, glossy hair, and good muscle tone, as well as behavioral characteristics such as a bouncy, young walk, an energetic facial expression, and a high energy level."
Hentai sex amplifies these visual clues to eleven. The female protagonists in these films take the natural cues that males have evolved to seek in mates and push them to levels that are not sustainable in nature. They are essentially polka-dotted eggs for the heterosexual male mentality.
Consider Jazz Age sex symbol Betty Boop to keep us in SFW territory. Boop checks all of the boxes that Buss highlights as indicators of men's reproductive and health value. Her complexion is silky, her lips are thick, she has terrific muscle tone, and her eyes are huge and clear. She's effervescent and exudes a lot of bubbly, youthful energy.
In truth, her youth is an unnatural extreme, with features stretched to ridiculous, neotenic proportions. Her head is enormous, her legs are too long for her body, her arms are too short, and her hip-to-waist ratio prevents her from walking. A real-life Betty Boop surviving puberty would be considered a medical miracle. She has survived as a sex icon in cartoon form for nearly 100 years.
If you think the phenomenon is limited to illustrations, think again. According to one study, even high heels can generate an abnormal response.
 If you are looking for motivation to enhance your sexual drive.
Kindly visit https://porno19.com/ a Vietnam porn website about hentai sex movies
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
A friend told me that when a native Japanese comments on your Nihongo speaking by saying きれいな言葉 (kirei na kotoba), it's not really a compliment and is contrary to what the phrase literally means. If this phrase is directed to someone, what's the most polite reaction/action that the person should have/do next?
Hmm. This is a very interesting ask. I wonder if your friend is a Japanese person or a non-native speaker, because it’s not a compliment I’ve heard much. To be honest, receiving praise about my Japanese is a huge pet peeve of mine, so I’d like to delve into this topic a little bit. Let me talk about why they praise us even when all we say is a simple “arigatou,” and then how you can respond to that praise.
Note: You will see me refer to “foreigners” (a.k.a. “Non-Japanese people) as “gaijin” in this article. “Gaijin” (外人) is a truncated version of “gaikokujin” 外国人 (a person from outside of Japan). By removing the middle “koku” (country), we are left with the word gaijin, which literally translates to “outsider.”
Some people see this as an offensive term, and I am one of them. So when I use the word “gaijin,” I do it order to highlight how foreigners are truly viewed as “outsiders” in certain circumstances by certain Japanese people. 
Note 2: You are WAY more likely to receive praise if you clearly do not look Japanese. This post is told from my perspective, a girl so white she freaking glows in the dark.
Stereotypes of Gaijin Held by Japanese People
If you go to Japan and try to use Japanese, no matter how fluent or non-fluent you are, you will be complimented on your Nihongo by Japanese strangers. Japanese people are very quick to give compliments even if all you say is a simple “arigatou gozaimasu.” As a people they are polite and complimentary, and they appreciate even small gestures like you taking the time to learn “arigatou” even though you’re a tourist, for example. Some of these compliments are sincere, and other times they say it because even if your Japanese isn’t good, at least you’re trying, and they appreciate the effort. 
There are quite a few TV shows in Japan that capitalize on gaijin in Japan, such as “YOU wa nani shi ni Nippon he?” (Why did YOU come to Japan?) in which they scavenge for interesting gaijin at airports and follow them on their trips. (I was once picked up for this show, but when I was like, “Yo I’m just going back home to Hokkaido and starting up work tomorrow,” they were like, “oh, you are not the gaijin image that we want to show Japan” and ditched me lol.)
Basically, most of these shows like to capitalize on a very particular image of gaijin:
They cannot speak Japanese, or at most can only speak broken Japanese, and they certainly can’t read Japanese
They cannot use chopsticks well
They do not like/fully appreciate Japanese food, like raw fish, meat, or eggs
They generally do not understand Japanese customs. (I watched one episode about a hippie dude who was walking around Japan BAREFOOT. BAREFOOT. ENTERING SHOPS AND PLACES WITHOUT SHOES ON, FEET FILTHY. He said, “Japanese people are so nice--no one minds if I come in barefoot.” THEY DO MIND, YOU INGRATE. THEY’RE JUST TOO POLITE TO TELL YOU TO GET THE EFF OUT. Who knows how many Japanese people think that Americans think it’s okay to walk around barefoot now, even though we have “No shoes no shirt no service” signs everywhere for this very purpose!)
Only 3% of the Japanese population is non-Japanese. This means that many, many Japanese people have never met a gaijin in person and base their assumptions of us entirely off the media and the stereotypes proliferated there. 
One of the things Japanese people (and most other people in the world, for that matter) mistakenly believe is that Japanese is the hardest language in the world to learn. 
Real talk: from an unbiased, purely linguistic standpoint, there is no such thing as a “hard” or “easy” language. There is such a thing as “linguistic distance,” which measures how much one language and another differs. For example, Italian and Spanish share so much grammar and similar vocabulary that their distance is short. Conversely, there is a substantial linguistic distance between Spanish and Korean.
However, a short linguistic distance does not equal “easy to learn.” 
Japanese is quite distant from all languages other than Korean. And yeah, kanji’s a bitch. I won’t argue with you there. But from personal experience, as a native English speaker, I found German harder to learn than Japanese, despite German being much linguistically closer to my native language. It all varies from person to person. 
But many Japanese people will tell you, “Japanese is so hard, isn’t it? It’s so impressive that you can speak it. It’s the hardest language.” And then their eyeballs drop out of their sockets when you tell them that you can read tHe KaNjI as well. 
Many Japanese people are convinced that not only is Japanese the hardest language in the world, but also almost no foreigners are able to speak it. This, coupled with their culture of politeness, leads them to be quick to praise our use of Japanese, no matter how good or bad it is. 
And therein lies my pet peeve with quick praise. Just a simple “arigatou gozaimasu” and some Japanese people will fawn over how sugoi your nihongo is, and in my eyes it sort of diminishes the actual level of sugoi my nihongo is. If that makes sense lol. I guess I just wish that people would treat me like a fellow Japanese person instead of a gaijin.
Common Praise
Here are some common phrases you might hear if someone is impressed with your Japanese, listed roughly from most common to least:
日本語がとてもお上手ですね! Nihongo ga totemo ojouzu desu ne! You are very good at Japanese!
日本語ペラペラですね! Nihongo perapera desu ne! You’re fluent in Japanese!
日本人みたいに喋れるじゃん! Nihonjin mitai ni shabereru jan! You can speak just like a Japanese person!
日本人より日本語喋れるじゃん! Nihonjin yori nihongo shabereru jan! You speak Japanese better than Japanese people do!
ナマリがまったくない! Namari ga mattaku nai! You don’t have an accent at all!
発音がきれいです! Hatsuon ga kirei desu! Your pronunciation is beautiful!
綺麗なお言葉です。 Kireina okotoba desu. You speak beautifully.
Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that last compliment before. To me, it sounds a little...stiff. Like maybe something an employee at a store would say to the customer who is trying to talk to them, and the employee is trying to be polite, but may not be 100% sincere. Sometimes that stiff, formal Japanese hides a person’s true warmth, though, so it’s a bit hard to tell. 
How to Respond to Praise
In America, if you are praised, it is common to reply with a “Thank you,” and then you can follow that up with a sign of humility or pride, like “Thank you, but I still have a lot to learn,” or “Thank you, I’ve been studying for a few years now!”
However, in Japan, you do not thank them. Instead, you contradict them. If someone says, “You are very good at Japanese!” you are meant to say “No, I’m not at all.”
This is not only limited to praise regarding Japanese. If someone says your outfit looks cute, you should say something like, “Really? This shirt is so old it’s about to get holes in it.” If someone says you are good at sports you should say, “Oh no, I’m terribly clumsy. Today must be a lucky day.” For example.
If they continue to praise you a second time, deny it again. 
If they praise you a third time, then you can say something like, “It’s thanks to you,” or “I’ve had a lot of help to get to this point.” Basically, you make sure that you are not prideful, and you give credit to those around you.
Japanese culture appreciates humility over pride, and puts others before oneself. These two facets of culture greatly shape nearly every social interaction.
Here are some things you can say if someone praises your Japanese:
いえいえ、まだ勉強中です! Ie ie, mada benkyou-chuu desu! No no, I’m still learning!
いえいえ、まだまだです。 Ie ie, mada-mada desu. No no, I still have a long way to go.
いえいえ、そんなことないです。 Ie ie, sonna koto nai desu. No no, not at all.
My favorite is the “benkyou-chuu” one, because I’ll be studying Japanese until the day I die. 
As an extra little thing to make you even more natural, when you say the “ie ie,” do this hand motion (and not the facial expression lol):
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This little hand wave in front of the face, with the tip of your middle finger at the same height as the tip of your nose, is a Japanese hand gesture that means...man, how do I put this into words?
“No no, you are thinking too highly of me” or “No no, don’t go to such trouble for me” or “No no, I’m fine, thank you.” It’s a super handy gesture!
HAH, “handy”
Anyways. You can use this gesture when you are declining praise, but you can also use it at a restaurant, for example. Maybe a waitress asks, “Do you want another beer?” And you can give the little hand wave and a smile to mean, “I’m good, thanks.” You can also say “Kekkou desu” as you do the motion.
Hope this post was of use to you!
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tearlessrain · 3 years
Giant Masterlist of Cathar Facts (that I completely made up but nonetheless rigidly adhere to)
I am an unstoppable force and disney should have killed me when they had the chance (that chance was splash mountain when I was seven and as you can see I survived).
Under a break because it is way too long and covers really quite a lot, much of which I will probably never even need. But researching and writing this kind of thing is what I consider a fun afternoon so here we are.
General basic stuff
Cathar are basically felids evolved to fill a similar evolutionary niche to humans in the absence of any viable apelike species on their native planet, in the same way hyenas evolved to fill a niche normally occupied by canids. 
They are pursuit predators but not terribly efficient ones outside their home planet. In terms of both speed and strength they can outperform humans on average in the short term, but have noticeably less stamina especially when it comes to running or walking long distances. They greatly outmatch any quadrupedal felids for stamina, however. (Mandalorians are an invasive species)
They run hotter than humans, around 100-102F.
Though height varies quite a bit, cathar are taller on average than humans and build muscle easily, making them extremely formiddable opponents in hand-to-hand combat.
The average face/skull shape of cathar is largely based on assumptions that they evolved under weirdly similar conditions to humans evolving from early hominids, aka shortening of the face, larger cranium, smaller mouth, etc.
While they are obligate carnivores and do have elongated canines, their teeth are more even in size than wild felids, and while they do still have barbed tongues, the barbs are relatively small/soft and more similar to a housecat than anything of comparable size (aka they won’t literally take your skin off if they lick you).  They also have somewhat thinner skin than wild cats, though they are still more damage resistant than humans.
They do not have retractable claws because that’s not how fingers work, but they do have narrow, naturally pointed claws rather than humanlike fingernails. Many cathar choose to either dull them or file them down for convenience, but losing/damaging them, as per that one ambient dialogue on Dromund Kaas that I can never find when I need it, is extremely traumatic for them. 
They have tails because I want them to, used for both balance and communication. Cathar tails are approximately lion-like, thin with a coarse tuft at the end regardless of markings (ie. a cathar with stripes won’t have a tiger tail), with the tip the same shade or a few shades darker than the darkest part of their coats. occasionally those from colder regions will have longer fur over the whole tail, or look like they don’t have a tuft due to longer fur overall. 
Variation and a lot of bullshitting about genetics
Wookiepedia describes Cathar as “a planet of savannas and rough uplands” but I refuse to believe that all these habitable worlds are all one consistent climate/temperature across the whole globe. The weirdly ubiquitous infrastructure/cultural info I can kind of forgive since 90% of them were wiped out by Mandalorians and the rest left, and I’m charitably assuming there were a lot less than 7 billion cathar to begin with, so a lot of smaller or more isolated cultures across the planet were lost entirely. 
They have less sexual dimorphism than SWTOR implies, though females are a little smaller on average and tend to have shorter/finer manes that are closer to their base color. In terms of relative strength/mass the difference is minor and female cathar are still very capable of fucking you up (the conventional assumption in the Empire that females are weak/docile and males are too uncontrollable to enslave is not remotely true in either direction). 
Variation in fur/metabolism/ear and nose shape depends on which region/s of Cathar they come from (or their ancestors come from), but they don’t recognize different “races” the way humans do, particularly in the wake of the Battle of Cathar. 
On average, cathar originating closer to the equator have shorter, finer fur, larger and more tapered ears, a tendency toward slender, lanky builds, and coloration that leans more toward golds/reds and higher pigment density. whereas those closer to the poles are much stockier and can be extremely fluffy, sometimes with an undercoat, with paler colors and less vivid/extensive markings. None of the above is universally true and cathar didn’t necessarily always stay in the region where their ancestors come from (and thus sometimes you get people like Riska, who is all limbs but has fairly northern features and entirely too much fur)
Cathar mostly left their planet in groups, so in some parts of the galaxy you’ll run into whole colonies that originate mostly from one part of the planet and have distinct appearances/cultural idiosyncrasies from other colonies.
They mainly follow the same general rules that apply to most felids in terms of coloration/pattern.
Markings can be stripes, spots, or less commonly rosettes (definitely some version of Taqpep variants) and mostly lie along Blaschko’s Lines, though it’s more obvious on some individuals than others and it isn’t always perfectly precise. Even spotted individuals usually display some striping on the tail and around the eyes, though not always. 
“Default” coloration is black-based, with dark markings on a greyish or brownish base. 
Countershading falls pretty much along patterns you’d expect and usually lightens the chest/stomach, lower face, palms/soles, and inner thighs. Specific distribution and patterns vary quite a bit, and sometimes express in odd ways (hence whatever is going on with Khatte). Darkest points tend to be the tail tip, nose bridge, and mane.
Genetically solid cathar are incredibly uncommon; much more common are genes that affect the appearance/distribution of markings, sometimes rendering them almost invisible. Even ones who appear mostly solid (aka Khatte) usually still have some faint striping around the face and/or tail.
Khatte is basically some loose equivalent of ticked tabby, which mostly just looks like weird countershading but leaves some faint striping on his face and tail.
Jial-ro’s coloration is the result of a gene that suppresses all eumelanin production, and a sepia-like form of partial albinism. 
Riska has something similar, along with something that reduces the size/spread of spots.
They’re mainly carnivorous and have different nutritional requirements from humans (similar but not identical to those of a cat), which can be a problem in places like the military where standardized rations are the norm. In the Republic a cathar can usually put in a request for rations designed to accommodate carnivores (or supplements, failing that), though they might have some trouble on more isolated or undersupplied planets. The rare cathar in the Imperial military have to procure supplements out of pocket, though it’s technically possible to get reimbursed for it if they’re willing to wade through the bureaucracy.
Cathar are perfectly capable of eating raw meat with few to no ill effects, and have a subgenre of cuisine centered around it (and while they didn’t invent sushi, they have enthusiastically embraced the concept). They also have plenty of ways of cooking meat and readily adopt any new ones they come across. 
Their “natural” diet apart from meat mainly consists of fruit, root vegetables, and eggs, though the closer to the poles you get the less likely you are to encounter fruit in a dish. Cathar never cultivated grain and it holds no meaningful nutritional value for them, so bread, rice, and similar products simply do not appear in traditional cuisine. This does not stop some of them from eating grain products in small amounts, as they can still enjoy the taste, but it isn’t any healthier than processed sugar is to humans and they have a high rate of gluten intolerance as a species.
All cathar have a heightened and refined ability to detect savory/umami type flavors, but around 30-40% of cathar, and the vast majority of those from colder regions, have no taste receptors for sweetness at all. This has resulted in the cathar equivalent of the Cilantro Debate centering around desserts, even though they’re all perfectly aware that it’s genetic, and some who can’t taste sweetness still enjoy some desserts for the other flavors present. Those who do have sweet taste receptors are about as sensitive to it as humans, but it tends not to have the same addictive quality for them and a lot of them don’t like processed sugars in anything but small doses. They would appreciate a lightly sweet creme brulee but most of them would find soda absolutely disgusting.
Citrus is right out.
They suffer no more ill effects than humans from drinking alcohol, and due to generally having a fair amount of mass they can usually drink a lot of it.
Social minutiae
They use a fair amount of feline body language, particularly with others of their own species. While facial expressions play a part and they do smile, scowl, and generally express broad emotions, they have a reduced range of facial mobility compared to more humanoid species and no eyebrows to speak of, which leads to a lot of them having what humans perceive as resting bitchface. It also results in humans underestimating the range and depth of their emotions, and can be a problem in the medical field with human medics/doctors who haven’t been trained to work with less humanoid aliens and won’t necessarily recognize severe pain or distress.
Their ears are less articulated than a cat’s but still have some degree of mobility that serves more of a social function than a practical one. They also express a lot of emotion through their tails, to the point that it can be a detriment in some situations if they haven’t practiced consciously keeping control of it.
Bumping foreheads is a common way to express platonic/familial affection, or can be the equivalent of a chaste kiss between partners. They also squint and slow blink, though it doesn’t always translate clearly to other species.
They have a wider range of vocalization than humans; while their voices are often humanlike and they’re just as capable of articulate speech, they can also growl, purr, and make sounds outside human hearing range. Those raised among humans or near-humans tend to do this less, if at all, while cathar raised in more insular communities of their own kind can come off as very taciturn due to heavier reliance on nonverbal communication.
Sense of smell is much stronger and more refined than a human’s and plays a more significant role in how they perceive and navigate the galaxy. They can occasionally be mistaken for Force-sensitive by humans due to their knack for picking up on emotional distress or the presence of particular species/people by scent. This is more true with people they’re familiar with; they won’t pick out distinct members of the other species by default but will eventually be fairly reliable in identifying the scent of a friend or anyone else they spend a lot of time around.
The exception to the above is other cathar, who they can easily tell apart on an individual basis. They have scent glands around the jaw/neck that come into play for identification, conveying broad emotional states, in some situations can aid medical diagnoses, among other things. They also play a part in building connection and familiarity between friends, family, or romantic partners.
The ~horny section~
Cathar don’t really kiss the way humans do by default, but they can, and usually do so unless they’ve somehow had no contact with any near-human species at all. Their equivalent is gentle biting around the neck and jaw, which is another situations where the scent glands are relevant, and when aroused that whole area becomes an erogenous zone for the vast majority of cathar. 
Plenty of humans (particularly if they don’t encounter a lot of aliens day to day) will avoid kissing cathar anyway because they have sandpaper tongues and dry mouths and fangs, and it feels fucking weird if you aren’t prepared for that. 
They tend to be very bitey in general unless specifically asked not to. It only becomes a problem if the cathar in question is inexperienced with humanoids and hasn’t figured out how much bite force is acceptable for a species with thinner, more sensitive skin.
Their dicks are fairly humanoid in size and shape, though somewhat more conical at the head, but they do have a sheath rather than a foreskin. after maturity they don’t actually retract into the sheath more than about two inches when flaccid, and tend to be slightly less sensitive than the average human (same keritinization factor that affects circumcised humans). It also makes them more vulnerable to damage, but since it’s customary to wear pants on most civilized planets, that never really becomes a problem in the course of a normal day. The base of the shaft that’s usually covered has noticeably higher sensitivity. There are probably individual exceptions to most of the above.
Conventional understanding is that cathar don’t have barbs, which is true the vast majority of the time, though about 60% of them have some amount of vestigial non-keratinous bumps over their head that have no noticeable affect on anything aside from occasional increased sensitivity in that area. Rarely an individual might develop a few actual barbs at the onset of puberty, but they have no practical function and pose a risk of discomfort and injury, and can easily be removed via a fast and mostly painless medical procedure, so the number of adults who have them is close to zero.
Females do have (mild, easy to suppress if desired, and mainly not at all disruptive) heat cycles. Other cathar can generally tell by scent, but not to a distracting degree, and it’s considered rude and inappropriate to point it out with anyone but a close friend or partner. It should go without saying that males don’t have heat cycles, but I’ve gotten enough weird DMs about this to know that I need to say it. Unless said male is trans, and not on any sort of HRT, that’s not how that works. 
They kind of have breasts but unless actively nursing they’re barely noticeable if at all, especially under clothing. Cathar have much fewer hangups about going topless regardless of gender than certain human cultures do.
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At least once a week I think about the Weasels with the proportions of pet ferrets. Long, slinky noodle bodies. Longer tails. They still have the small ears and I guess you can keep the human-like hands but they should have different snout lengths / shapes.
Most of this is just kinda spitballing:
Psycho has a spiky squirrel tail to match the fur on his head, his fur looks way longer than it actually is because it naturally bristles so much. His claws are talons permanently out on his front and back paws with the back being especially big. Sharp, long, neat needle teeth.
Smartass has a puffy Persian cat tail that he keeps groomed sleek and shiny. Him and Greasy have the longest snouts, Smartass in particular has a similar facial structure to Steele from Balto. Kind of fox-like, I guess? Or maybe I'm making the comparison because Steele's face is extremely expressive, the animators went all-out there rather than body language, though that gets a decent amount of attention, too. Smartass has the healthiest coat owing to eating lots of eggs and fish as part of a widely varied diet. He's got the cartoony zig-zag shark teeth with a black-rimmed mouth. Paler fur on the backs of his ears, in addition to his underbelly and palms?
Wheezy probably has patchy fur or a more rat-like tail. If rat-like and counting the tail he would have the longest body of the group. His head shape is largely the same. Maybe with the snout curved slightly upwards? Dog teeth with black gums and mouth rim.
Stupid has the most blunt wedge-shaped head, like the head of an axe. He has a whole mouth of crooked teeth, not just the one snaggletooth. His nails are overgrown and cracked, split at the end. He won't clip them but idly rubs them against hard, rough surfaces to sand them down a bit. Regular ferret tail plus a stockier body?
Slimy is similar in head shape but has more cat-like mouth and triangle ears...? Bigger, more expressive eyes? Black-tipped ears? He has the softest underbelly. Tied with Psycho for the smallest overall?
Greasy's more razor-thin, fine, almost elfin features have less squash and stretch quality than Smartass's. He also takes good care of his coat but stress has taken a toll on his physical health, his fur's a bit duller, thinner. Greasy and Sleazy both have long, thin fingers, Greasy has the smallest, most delicate back paws. His claws are the same blunt-ish pencil points as Smartass's.
Sleazy I imagine looking most like the basic shape seen in the movie, namely having a similar outfit as Smartass's. The difference is his suitjacket is ill-fitting with eye-gougingly glaring colors. Gotta fit that car salesman aesthetic.
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cyborgsquirrel · 4 years
Sanctuary: Chapter 1
Pairing: Wolfstar
Summary: The epic tale of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, from their first meeting until their happily ever after.
Link to Prologue
Link to All Chapters
10th March 1971 Remus rolled out of bed and stomped across the bare wood floor, averting his eyes from the deep gouges in his floorboards caused by the wolf's claws. His dad had decided several years ago that repairing the cosmetic damage every month was a waste of time, despite it taking no more than a wave of his wand. Even that small act of kindness was too much for him, apparently.
In the bathroom, he stripped off and entered the shower, forcing him to face another constant reminder of his condition, the network of scars that covered his body. Most were old, faded silvery lines of varying thickness and length, winding around his arms and legs, and crisscrossing his torso. Some were fresher, still raised against his skin in an angry red. The original bite on his upper left arm was barely visible really, but to him, the circular puncture scars were the most prominent of all his disfigurements. They were tinted a pale lilac from the silver used to keep him from bleeding out, and they clearly marked him for what he was. A beast. He washed with his eyes closed, so he wouldn't have to see the ugliness of his body. There was no point in making his already rotten mood any worse.
Stomping back to his room to dress, he caught the scent of frying bacon drifting from the kitchen and sighed. Every birthday, she made him bacon for breakfast, bought him a gift and made a fuss like he was just a normal boy. It all felt so hollow to him. The rituals, the pretence. Pointless. The remote Devonshire cottage his parents had moved them to after his first transformation felt like a prison at times. Their closest neighbours were six miles away, and he never travelled that far out. He had contact with no-one but his parents, and he was lonely. He glanced out of his bedroom window as he pulled on his jeans and t-shirt. The view always brought him comfort when he was getting depressed. Beautiful woodlands bordered the back garden, and he enjoyed going for hikes through the trees when he felt well enough. The natural setting soothed his soul, but there would be no chance of that today. His mum would expect them to do something together. He just wanted to be alone. Sucking it up and plastering a smile on his face, he trudged into the kitchen to face his eleventh birthday. 'Happy birthday, sweetheart!' his mum said as he entered the room. He took a seat at the table, and she carefully handed him a plate filled with bacon and eggs. The caution in her movements made him clench his fists. His parents laced every interaction with reminders of his abnormality. 'Thanks, Mum,' he said, forcing his mouth to form a weak smile. She smiled widely and sat down opposite him to begin her own breakfast. 'What do you want to do today?' she asked. He glanced up from his plate, stopping mid-chew, and blinked at her. 'Do?' he said. 'What is there to do?' 'Don't talk with your mouth full, Remus. You're not an animal,' she said. His face heated, and his heart pounded in his chest. Memories of his transformations ran through his mind. Watching as his fingers and toes sprouted claws. Staring down at his arms and legs covered with coarse fur. The sound of his screams turning into monstrous howls. He swallowed his food, slammed his cutlery down and stood from the table, shoving his chair out behind him so violently that it toppled over. 'That's exactly what I am, Mum! A mindless animal!' He screamed the words at her, not caring about her stricken face, and fled to his room, slamming the door behind him. Alone in his room, he curled into a ball in the corner. His eyes burned as the rage bled away and guilt gnawed at him for shouting at his mum. She hadn't meant anything bad by what she said; the words were nothing more than a common phrase, but they had hit a nerve in him. He recalled her expression when he screamed at her. There was fear in her shadowed eyes. Her once pretty face was tired and drawn now, and he knew it was his fault. If he hadn't been so stupid and opened his bedroom window that night, they would still be a normal family. Happy and carefree, not exhausted and at each other's throats. A quiet knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Remus sighed, it was the same every time. She never left him to stew for long, 'Come in,' he said. The door opened, and as he'd expected, his mum walked in. She was carrying a small gift wrapped in shiny blue paper. 'I'm sorry for yelling at you, Mum,' he said, staring at his hands so he wouldn't have to see the look in her eyes. 'It's okay, sweetheart. I'm sorry too. I understand why you were upset. Let's forget about it and move on. I bought you a present.' She stepped over to where he was hunkered in the corner and handed him the gift. He unwrapped the package slowly, folding the paper up to be kept and reused, before looking at the contents. He knew it was a book before he unwrapped it. Not only because of the distinctive shape and weight, but because his presents were always books. Books and chocolate. That's all he wanted and all his parents could afford, anyway. This book was special, though. It was the last book he needed for his collection. A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. He was thrilled. 'Wow! Thanks, Mum, this is perfect,' he said, already flicking through the pages. 'I talked to your dad, and he agreed that you can buy a wand in September,' she said. That pulled his attention from his present. His head shot up, and he gaped at her. 'Are you serious?' She nodded, beaming at him. 'Oh, Merlin! Thank you! That's brilliant!' He clambered up from the floor, not sure what to do with himself. 'You must be very careful about not overextending yourself when you practise though. You won't have the Hogwarts teachers to guide you.' Remus ignored her. He was too caught up in his excitement to listen. The news was an even better present than the book. Owning a wand meant he could practise. He hadn't expected to be able to test out his knowledge until he came of age. He wanted to hug her, but he couldn't, so he started jumping up and down instead. 'Remus? Promise me you'll be careful.' He heard her that time and stopped jumping. 'I'll be careful, Mum. I'm always careful.' 'I know you are, sweetheart, I just wanted to make sure. Right, well, I'll leave you with your book. I'm sure you're dying to start reading it.' Remus acknowledged the accuracy of her statement with a nod of his head, opened the book and settled on his bed to read. Knowing he would own his very own wand in a few months made studying hard even more important.
-o-o-o-o- That evening, one hundred and fifty miles away from where Remus lay reading, a young boy with shoulder-length black hair and silver-grey eyes was staring out of his bedroom window at the almost full moon and thinking about the day a fierce bronze-haired boy with golden-yellow eyes had kicked his tormentor in the shin. Would Remus be at Hogwarts in September? The hope burned in his chest like fire. He longed for the chance to thank him for the brief moment of happiness he'd brought him that day and for the comfort the memory had brought him on so many days since. It had started the same way it always did. As soon as he woke up, he was in trouble. Mother had punished him the first time that morning for jumping on his bed, petrifying him with his arms in the air and forcing him to stand in the corner with his muscles locked in place for an hour. His arm muscles were burning by the time she released him from the spell. At breakfast, he was in trouble for poor table manners. He had used his fingers to pick up a tricky piece of bacon that refused to stick to his fork. For that crime, she attached his cutlery to his hands with a temporary sticking charm, making them extremely challenging to use, and then shot a stinger at him every time he failed to pick up his food with them. How was that even fair? In Diagon Alley, he hadn't been able to prevent himself from running around in the street; he knew he shouldn't, but the open space just called to him. A few minutes before Remus had found him huddled in the apothecary, Mother had promised him he would spend the night chained in the cellar for his inappropriate behaviour. As soon as she had stopped spouting reprimands and taken her eyes off him, he had run into the shop to hide. He shuddered as he recalled all the nights spent in that cellar. The memory of Remus kicking his mother in the shin and screaming at her to leave him alone had sustained him through many tough periods since it happened. Her facial expression when his foot had made contact was priceless. Unforgettable. He hoped Remus would be at Hogwarts. He wouldn't thank him in words, though. How could he explain how much it meant to him to have someone come to his defence? How could anyone understand? But he would thank him with his actions. He would find a way; the debt could not remain unpaid. A quiet knock sounded at his bedroom door at last, and he jumped down from the windowsill, running to open it. He eased the door open so it wouldn't make a sound and ushered his brother inside. They both stayed silent until he had closed the door with a quiet click. 'I'm sorry for taking so long, Siri. I needed to wait until Mother and Father were asleep, and they stayed up late tonight,' Regulus said. 'Don't worry about it. You're risking a lot doing this, but hand it over already. I'm starving,' Sirius said, grabbing the tray from his brother and lifting the lid. He leant over the plate and inhaled, taking in the delectable scent of the roast beef and potatoes before sitting down at his desk to devour his dinner. 'I can't believe it's been a week,' Regulus said, watching his older brother wolf down the food. 'Do you think they know?' 'Know what?' Sirius asked in-between mouthfuls. 'About me bringing you food.' Sirius stopped eating and stared at his brother, rolling his eyes. 'No, Reg. If they did, they'd stop you. They'll feed me soon. They just want me to suffer first.' His tone of voice suggested he didn't care. But he did. It hurt that his parents couldn't love him for him. It hurt that they insisted on trying to change him. 'Maybe you should just apologise.' 'Apologise for what? Telling the truth? I don't see what's so wrong with saying I don't want to be in Slytherin.' Regulus sighed. 'All right. Have you finished? I need to put it back before I go to bed.' 'Yeah, thanks for doing this. You know I'd do it for you too. If you ever got in trouble.' 'I know,' Regulus said. 'Goodnight.' He embraced his little brother for a moment before Regulus picked up the tray and left. He wasn't worried about him being caught. Reg would say the food belonged to him, and their parents would accept it. He wasn't the heir, so they didn't care what he did, meaning he got away with anything. He kicked the end of his bed in frustration. Why did he have to be born first? It wasn't fair. He flopped down on his bed without bothering to undress or pull back the covers and, with his belly finally full, he fell asleep. Mother released him from his confinement the next day. First informing him she was hosting yet another party for important members of society. The only reason she let him out was that the heir of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black needed to be present. She told him it was an opportunity to prove he wasn't a complete disappointment. He cringed. He hated these society parties; they bored him, and the guest list always contained the most awful people. He obediently made himself presentable though, dressing in his most expensive formal robes before checking his appearance in the bedroom mirror. He was a good-looking boy. That wasn't being vain. All the Blacks were attractive people, and he was no exception. He wore his silky black hair long, as was customary for pure-bloods, and it fell in waves down to his shoulders, framing his aristocratic facial features. His eyes were a smoky grey, and they sparkled with the mischief that continuously got him punished. The expensive robes he wore had been tailor-made for him, and they hung from his frame in perfect folds. He winced at how well he passed for an arrogant Slytherin pureblood. He needed to do something about that. A knock came from the door, and Reg called through to say he should hurry. The guests were arriving, and their mother was angry that the heir was not there to greet them. 'I'll be down in a second. I'm almost ready,' he said, scrambling through his desk drawers in search of something. At last, he found what he sought, shoved it in his pocket and headed downstairs to greet the guests at his mother's party. 'Ah, Abraxas, so glad you could make it. I hope you're well?' Mrs Black said, greeting the silver-haired man and offering her powdered cheek for a kiss. 'I am in perfect health, Walburga. Thank you for asking, and yourself?' Mr Malfoy said after kissing the proffered cheek. 'I am very well indeed, thank you, and your wife? I heard she was ill?' Her face showed an expression of concern that Sirius had never seen directed his way. He groaned softly. All the chit chat bored him to tears, and this was the nineteenth introduction they had subjected him to. Yes, he was counting. Abraxas peered down at him and smirked. 'Ah, Walburga, I believe the young ones tire of this bothersome adult conversation. Perhaps we should proceed to the introductions, so they can retire to a more entertaining location?' he said. Walburga nodded, quick to agree with her guest's suggestion, but when Abraxas turned to beckon his son, she glared at Sirius. He valiantly resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at her in response. Walburga placed a firm hand on Sirius' shoulder, digging her nails into his skin, and moved him forward. He would have bruises in the morning. 'Allow me to introduce the heir to The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Mr Malfoy. My son. Sirius Black.' Abraxas' son stepped forward and held out his hand to Sirius. 'It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Black. May the friendship between our houses be long and fruitful,' he said. Knowing what his mother expected of him as the heir, Sirius did not take the man's hand but stared at Abraxas, awaiting an introduction. Abraxas obliged. 'The heir to House Malfoy. My son. Master Lucius Malfoy,' he said with a bow. That provided Sirius' cue, and he dutifully shook hands with the tall, white-haired young man. 'The pleasure is mine, Master Malfoy. Would you care to join me in the library for a drink?' he said, his stomach rolling at the pretence of it all. 'That would be delightful, thank you, Master Black.' Lucius turned to the adults and continued, 'Please excuse us,' bowing to them both before joining Sirius to head to the library. Once they'd escaped from the adults, they both dropped the act. Sirius flopped down into one of the uncomfortable chairs in the library while Lucius perched on the edge of another. 'Salazar's teeth, I detest these parties, don't you?' Lucius said, grimacing. 'So very, very much,' Sirius said with a groan. His mother's parties were a real strain on his nerves. Asking him to rein in his near-constant impulses for several hours was like asking a dog not to bark at a squirrel. He couldn't afford to make a single mistake while he was in such influential company. His mother watched his every move, and if he put a toe out of place, uttered a single wrong syllable, his punishment would be swift and brutal. It was exhausting. 'Thank Merlin I'll be back at Hogwarts tomorrow. You'll be starting in September, won't you? I'll be a seventh-year prefect. Feel free to come and find me if you need assistance,' Lucius said. 'Thank you, I'll do that,' Sirius said with a nod. Although he didn't think he would. He was rather hoping not to be in Slytherin. Thinking of being at Hogwarts at all though caused a grin he couldn't suppress no matter how much he tried. He twisted around on the chair so he could lounge back with his legs dangling over the arm. 'I can't wait to get out of here.' 'I'm sure. I expect you have to put up with a lot more of this nonsense than I do.' 'Without a doubt.' Sirius said. 'Is there a reason your family is suddenly on my mother's invitation list?' 'There is indeed,' he said with a sigh. 'I was recently betrothed to your cousin Narcissa.' Sirius snorted. 'I can understand why you don't appear thrilled about it. She's a bit frosty.' 'That she is, but one must do as one is told.' Lucius scowled at his own statement. He clearly didn't want to marry the girl his parents had chosen for him, but he would be a good little heir and marry her anyway. Sometimes Sirius wished he was capable of behaving the same way, but then again, maybe not. He considered the item he'd secreted in his pocket at the start of the evening. 'Hey, how do you fancy livening this party up a little?' he said, pulling the dungbomb from his robes. 'Ah, the mischievousness of youth,' Lucius said, laughing. 'Yes, why not? I should get one more evening of frivolity before I'm beset with the mundanity of married life.' Sirius and his new co-conspirator snuck out of the library and down the hall to the ballroom. The music drifted out, lilting gently over the hum of conversation. The noise worked wonderfully as a cover for their whispered consultation on how best to carry out the task. After a fevered discussion, they decided on levitation as the most appropriate means of transportation, and the chandelier in the middle of the room as the optimum location for maximum dispersal of the dungbomb's toxic gases. Lucius carried out the task, as Sirius had yet to even set foot inside Hogwarts. He made a wonderful look-out, however, and no one in the room noticed a thing. Once the dungbomb was suitably positioned, Lucius shot a stunner in its direction to make it explode, and they ran. When the cries of anguish came from the ballroom, they could barely contain their laughter imagining the disgusted expressions on the faces of the rich and powerful guests. But by the time Walburga arrived, Sirius and Lucius were once again ensconced in the library, sitting in their uncomfortable chairs and conversing quietly. They appeared to be the picture of pureblood dignity. 'Is there a problem, Mother?' Sirius asked, keeping his expression smooth and emotionless, just the way she taught him. 'No, nothing, I was looking for your father,' she lied. 'Have you seen him?' 'Not since we came to the library,' Sirius said, giving Walburga no choice but to leave. She held no proof Sirius was behind the dungbomb, and as Lucius pointed out once she was out of hearing range, no one would suspect Lucius Malfoy of being involved, and if the two of them were together all evening, it obviously couldn't have been Sirius either.
The next day, back in Devon, Remus felt rough. It was the night of the full moon, and it was going to be a bad one. He could tell. The pain had begun before he even woke that morning, a dull ache in his bones that rarely started until midday. It was moons like this one that made him wonder if it was all worth it. Wouldn't it be easier to down an infusion of wolfsbane and silver and be done with it all? He spent the day in bed feeling sorry for himself, knowing the pain would continue to get worse throughout the day. When his mum came to investigate, he told her he was too sick to get up, and she brought him food, but he had no appetite for it. He tried to get some sleep and dozed, on and off, for a few hours, but the pain intensified and sleep became impossible. An hour before moonrise, his mum came to lock him in, wishing him a 'good' night, like that could ever happen. The transformation began, and he went through his usual routine of trying to suppress the screams so he wouldn't upset his mum. He wished she would agree to silence his room instead of the whole house, but she insisted that she would be with him in that way if she could not be with him in any other. She would bear witness to his suffering, so he was not alone in it. The pain quickly became too much, and he gave in to the urge to scream. Halfway through the transformation, he examined himself and could tell something was different. The wolf's form appeared bigger than it used to, the muscles bulkier. His room would no longer contain this beast. He tried to call out a warning, but his voice box changed, and only a howl emerged. With his last conscious thought, he prayed to Merlin, Godric and Salazar that his parents escaped in time and he wouldn't wake up the next morning an orphan.
Chapter 2
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princecharmingtobe · 4 years
Rai tries to explain the furry fandom for non-furries for the 24963569356586th time because I have no life~
I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir posting this here, I just still often see people in the general internet being confused about or flat out wrong about what furries are and why we like the things we like. So here I go again, taking my frustrations out by making a long-winded tumblr post about it. But hey, if you’re confused by furries or know someone who is, maybe this will help idfk
Just be warned I am an ADHD motherfucker and there will be about 10x more words than necessary.
To start, What Are Furries?
Furries are simply self-identified fans of anthropomorphic animal characters.That is, a character that is an animal, but with many human characteristics. This can include speaking human language, human-like facial expressions, walking upright in a human-like way, wearing clothes, etc. Examples of anthropomorphic (or anthro for short) characters include Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Sonic the Hedgehog, Disney’s animated Robin Hood, Zootopia, and Beastars. All things in which the “animal” characters behave and express themselves like humans. Even movies like The Lion King and Balto have what would be considered “antho” characters, due to their capacity for human thought, speech, and facial expressions, though they would be in a subcategory often referred to as “feral” or sometimes “non-morphic” in which the character still moves and behaves largely like an animal.
So to reiterate, a furry is simply a self-proclaimed fan of anthro animal characters. 
Why Anthro Animals?
I mean the obvious answer is, because it’s fun. It can be really fun and get one’s creative juices flowing trying to figure out how to blend human and animal characteristics. It’s an animal that moves and acts like a human. In what ways is it like a person, and what ways is it still an animal? Popular media like Zootopia and Beastars address that question as major plot points and worldbuilding elements. But it can also be fun to think about just when creating your own characters. And aside from just figuring out how to blend characteristics, the animal aspects of a character can offer more options of expression. Ears can perk up, droop, or fold back, tails can wag, lash, or tuck between legs, growling, hissing, etc. People often use expressions comparing human behavior and emotions to animals. You ever find yourself so happy or exited you think “If I was a dog my tail would be wagging!”
And aside from being an interesting concept to think about, sometimes it’s just aesthetically pleasing.
What is a “fursona”?
Fursona is short for “furry persona”. A BIG BIG part of the fandom is original characters. If you look at a furry art website you might see some art of Judy Hops, Legoshi, Sonic, etc. But mostly you’ll see original characters. They tend to be the main focus of the fandom. Because all the things mentioned above are fun to play with, and the fandom is big on creativity and self-expression. And what good is self-expression if you don’t use it to express... yourself?  A fursona is an anthro animal representation of oneself. Basically “Me, but an [animal].” These can be an accurate representation of oneself (example: someone who is short and meek and skittish might make a mouse fursona) or a more idealized version of who you want to be (example: same short meek skittish person might instead make a lion fursona because they wish they could be more confident, strong, and outgoing). Some people even make multiple fursonas to represent different aspects of themselves (Think Thomas Sanders’ “Sanders Sides” but with fur). In the fandom, your fursona is also often how you represent yourself to others. In real life there are aspects of your appearance you can’t control, or that can be very hard to control. Your height, weight, bone structure, etc. But online as a furry, you can look like anything you want. This is also a very attractive concept to trans folk and queer people in general, which may explain why there’s such a high percentage of queer furries compared to the general population.
What is a Fursuit and Why do People Wear Them?
A fursuit is simply a costume made to look like a furry character. it is pretty much no different from cosplaying comic, anime, or video game characters, except that most of the time fursuits are of original characters instead of pre-existing ones. People wear them for fun and self-expression, just like any other costume. They differ from mascot suits in that they tend to be of higher quality, and more form-fitting and expressive. Fake furries are usually pretty easy to spot on TV because they usually end up in cheap Easter bunny costumes. 
While “fursuiters” are often the “face” of the fandom to outsiders, most furries don’t actually own a fursuit. They are expensive, cumbersome, take work to maintain, and don’t always play nice with certain health conditions and phobias. I personally am apprehensive about getting one because I worry I’ll have difficulty breathing, and I easily overheat. Others simply don’t see the appeal of dressing up. 
Do Furries Think They Are Animals?
Generally speaking: No. People often mix up furries with a subset of otherkin known as Therians. Otherkin are people who believe themselves to be in some way non-human, usually spiritually or mentally a non-human creature. Therians in particular believe themselves to be in some way a non-human animal.  Furries are on the other hand, as I said, just fans of anthro characters. While there are likely furries who are also therians, most are not. 
People who approach furry conventions to yell “You know you’re not really an animal!” at the fursuiters is about the equivalent of going to an anime convention and shouting “You know you’re not really Naruto!” at the cosplayers. 
Is Being a Furry a Big Part of a Person’s Life?
It varies, just like any other fandom. Take anime for example. Some people just watch it and maybe talk to their friends about it and that’s it. Others might go online to view fanart and read fanfic, even go to conventions. And some people fill every aspect of their life that they can with it, filling their home with merch, getting tattoos, even building careers like being a youtuber around it. The same goes for furries. For some people it never goes beyond consuming media and art, while for others it plays a big part in their day to day life.
I won’t beat around the bush here. There IS a sexual side to the fandom, just like any other fandom. Any anime, comic, video game, TV show, book, there is a sexual side to its fandom. Furries are no different. Just like it’s easy to find anime porn, it’s easy to find furry porn. People be making porn, idk what to tell you.
“Isn’t that zoophilia?”
Some people seem to feel that way about it, but no, not really. The thing that differentiates furry porn from watching two dogs hump at the park is that the characters are anthro. They think and express themselves like people, and fans relate to them as they would with human characters.
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is in no way the same as this
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“Do people have sex in fursuits?”
Generally, no, for various reasons. 1. They are expensive and take work to maintain and keep clean, and you don’t want to get various fluids on them. 2. They can be cumbersome and get really hot and stuffy, not ideal. 3. They just aren’t made for it. They don’t usually offer access to ones’ genitals, and thus having sex in them would be rather difficult.
There ARE some people who will get suits specially made for having sex in, with holes in all the necessary places, but you’re not likely to see those out in public. Generally if you see someone walking around in public in a fursuit, you can rest assured it’s probably not been used for sex. 
“Ugh but that’s weird!”
I mean, people dress up and roleplay characters during sex all the time. Is dressing up as Krystal the Fox all that different from dressing up as Harley Quinn? And anyway, what does it matter to you what consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own bedroom? Maybe don’t think too hard about other peoples’ sex lives.
And despite the availability of furry porn, it is not all there is to the fandom, and not everyone participates in that part of it. Heck, there are a lot of minors in the fandom, I was a tween when I was introduced to it, and the only times I was exposed to porn was when haters would “raid” our forums and spam it at us while calling US perverts, all the while being told “Hey, there are kids here!” But no we’re totally the sex-crazed perverts here right?
“I’ve Heard About Furries Who Are Bad People”
Yeah, you probably have. It’s a big fandom and inevitably some of the people in it will do bad things. Again, it’s the same for every fandom. You take any percentage of the human population, you’re going to get a few bad ones. Actual zoophiles, pedophiles, rapists, abusers. If they exist in the general population they’re going to exist in the fandom. But generally when their actions are brought to light they are driven out of our spaces, as with most fandom spaces. No group is perfect and without its bad eggs, but most of us work to keep our spaces safe.
In the end, people looking at a group from the outside tend to only see the loudest, weirdest, most outrageous members, and assume that’s what the whole group is.
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zzshred-blog · 4 years
Crispy Grain-Free Waffles - The Real Food Dietitians
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Breakfast, lunch, or dinner… Now you may have waffles everytime you’d like with these freezer-friendly, Crispy Grain-Free Waffles.
This submit was created in partnership with our associates at King Arthur Flour. 
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Leggo that Eggo and make your self these Crispy Grain-Free Waffles as an alternative. It’s true that frozen toaster waffles are handy they usually get the job executed whenever you desire a fast breakfast or snack, however let’s be sincere, they’re not the BEST waffles. Their texture, particularly the gluten-free ones, can vary from gummy to cardboard-like. And their taste, nicely, let’s simply say they’re handy and depart it at that, lets? It’s additionally true that I’m a waffle snob. Rising up, my dad refused to purchase frozen waffles, citing their lackluster style and texture and the excessive price ticket for what you get. Wait, what? I suppose the apple didn’t fall too removed from the tree. 
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In all seriousness although, he’s accountable for my waffle snobbery. Whereas all of my associates loved frozen toaster waffles in entrance of the tv on Saturday mornings, my dad had me within the kitchen making sourdough waffles and in a single day yeasted waffles with him. As steam billowed from the perimeters of the waffle iron, he’d lean over it and say ��Free facials!” whereas inhaling deeply and wrinkling his nostril in a manner that at all times made me chortle. He liked making waffles and I liked our time within the kitchen, so it’s no shock that I've a really particular connection to waffles – particularly these Crispy Grain-Free Waffles.  Why these waffles? As a result of regardless that they’re freed from gluten, grains, dairy, and eggs, they’re each bit pretty much as good as those I grew up with. After years of ‘wholesome waffle fails,’ I lastly perfected the recipe and now I’m within the kitchen with my very own youngsters on the weekend providing up free facials. 
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These waffles are a grain-free game-changer.  Critically, you simply should make these waffles. And when you do, I assure you’ll by no means purchase one other waffle-d cardboard disk in a cardboard field once more. As a result of these are what waffles are speculated to style like. Crispy on the surface, mild and fluffy on the within. The scent of vanilla and almond, whereas they’re baking, is completely intoxicating. A scent that’s un-mistakenly ‘waffle’. Crispy on the outside, light and fluffy on the inside, these vegan Crispy Grain-Free Waffles are everything (and more!) #sponsored @kingarthurflour Click To Tweet
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Due to the super-fine texture of King Arthur Grain-Free Almond FlourKing Arthur Grain-Free Almond Flour, these are the grain-free waffles you’ve been searching for. No extra unhappy, soggy coconut flour concoctions attempting to go as an actual waffle.  Their fine-textured, licensed gluten-free floor almond flour seamlessly blends into candy and savory baked items. It’s stuffed with protein, fiber, and wholesome fat from blanched almonds and has a nice almond taste that makes these Crispy Grain-Free Waffles completely irresistible. 
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Prepare dinner as soon as, eat (at the least) twice! Whereas this recipe already makes a reasonably large batch of waffles (about eight) don’t be afraid to double the recipe to make extras. Having a stash readily available within the freezer means you may say goodbye to these waffles in a field and hi there to home made waffles each time the temper hits – breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
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As soon as fully cooled, they are often frozen in a single layer on a baking sheet earlier than being transferred to a freezer-safe bag or container for storage.  To reheat them, merely pop them again into the preheated waffle iron, toaster, or toaster oven. You should utilize a microwave however you gained’t get that good crispy exterior that makes these Crispy Grain-Free Waffles so superb.    Prepared, Set, Serve Right here’s one of the best half. The half the place you get to decide on your individual topping journey. Pure maple syrup is at all times a winner, however would possibly I additionally counsel: Contemporary berries or peaches in the summertimeThinly sliced pears or sautéed apples within the fall and winterApple or pumpkin butter and toasted pecansSliced bananas, toasted walnuts, and chocolate chips any time of 12 monthsPeanut butter and jelly (perhaps go all out and make it a waffle PB&J)Whipped cream and sprinkles for a particular birthday deal withPure maple syrup whenever you simply wish to hold it easy
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Crispy Grain-Free Waffles
These are the grain-free waffles you’ve been ready for. Mild, crispy and completely golden brown. Prime with pure maple syrup and recent fruit for essentially the most heavenly breakfast you may think about. Creator: The Actual Meals DietitiansPrep Time: 10 minutesPrepare dinner Time: 20 minutesWhole Time: 30 minutesYield: 8 servings 1xDelicacies: Paleo, Vegan, Grain-Free
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Components2 cups King Arthur Flour Almond FlourKing Arthur Flour Almond Flour (172 grams)1 cup tapioca starch (113 grams)1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. baking powder2 Tbsp. flax meal* + 6 Tbsp. water1 cup almond milk (or different non-dairy milk of alternative)2 tsp. apple cider vinegar¼ cup maple syrup1 tsp. pure vanilla extract½ cup coconut oil, meltedDirectionsIn a small bowl, whisk collectively flax meal and water to make the ‘flax eggs’. Put aside for five minutes whereas the combination thickens. Skip this step for those who’re utilizing common eggs. In a measuring cup, mix the almond milk and apple cider vinegar and permit this relaxation till thickened and gelled (about 15 minutes).Preheat waffle iron based on producer’s instructions.In a big bowl, mix almond flour, tapioca starch, and baking powder. Whisk or stir to mix nicely.To the dry components, add the almond milk and apple cider vinegar combination, flax eggs (or eggs, if utilizing), maple syrup, vanilla, and melted coconut oil. Whisk simply till batter is easy. Utilizing a ¼ cup scoop (or dimension beneficial by waffle iron producer), pour batter into the preheated waffle iron and cook dinner till golden brown.Serve with pure maple syrup, if desired.Notes *Might also be labeled tapioca flour **Might substitute 2 massive eggs for the flax meal + water, for a non-vegan model if desired Saved cooled waffles in a lined container or in a sealed zip-top bag on the counter for as much as 2 days. Might also be frozen for longer storage. Reheat frozen waffles in a waffle iron set to low warmth. VitaminServing Measurement: 1 massive waffleEnergy: 269Sugar: 6gSodium: 404mgFats: 22gCarbohydrates: 21gFiber: 3gProtein: 5gWhat’s your favourite waffle toppings? Let all of it hang around and share your most liked toppings within the feedback under.
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This submit was made attainable by our associates at King Arthur FlourKing Arthur Flour. Though we obtained compensation for this submit, the opinions expressed listed below are – as at all times – 100% our personal. Thanks for supporting the nice corporations we work with thereby permitting us to proceed creating nice recipes and content material for you.
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Picture Credit score: The pictures on this weblog submit had been taken by Jess of Performs Effectively with Butter.  About Jessica Beacom Jessica is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist residing in Boulder, CO together with her hubby and two daughters. She's been described as a 'actual meals evangelist' and loves sharing her data with others to assist them break freed from the eating regimen mentality and discover their very own meals freedom. In her spare time she enjoys CrossFit, telemark snowboarding, mountain biking, instructing herself easy methods to play the banjo and tenting out below the celebrities. Source link Read the full article
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jillianjmiles · 5 years
5 Of The Best Selling Educational Toy For Children
New Post has been published on http://enjoylifeplay.com/best-selling-brain-development-toys-for-children/
5 Of The Best Selling Educational Toy For Children
If you are trying to find the very best educational toys around that can serve as normal toys as well as educational devices for assisting your youngster’s brain advancement, you can’t fail with these 5 very successful products.
1. TOMY Toomies Hide and Squeak Eggs
There is more to it than a hide and seek game – The popular infant’s educational toy includes six diverse eggs and amusing facial expressions. Break them open to reveal Half a dozen different colors that your child can identify and match
Entertaining appearance sorter – This educational toy really encourages shape sorting and color recognition as it comes with Half a dozen distinctive covers to fit with each egg and shapes that match with a distinctive carton area
Push and pay attention – Hide & Squeak eggs sensory game will surely hold your toddler’s focus as each individual chick chirps a cheerful cheep-cheep when pressed. Totally scaled for small fingers and hands to relax and play with!
Suited to babies and toddlers  – This learning toy matches your infant requirements while they get bigger. There isn’t only one way to enjoy – engage in hide & seek, structure selecting, color matching and much more!
Perfect gift idea for preschoolers – Provide the treat of interesting learning for Easter, your infant’s very first Christmas or for a  special birthday gift – you can not ever get it wrong with one of these cheeky chicks!
2. Snap Circuits Jr
This is a victor of the “Dr Plaything 100 Finest Children’s Products Winner” and also it consists of 101 beneficial as well as amazing electronic gizmos and toys. It’s easy to use as well as comprehend, plus all the components fit easily in place. It’s just best for those aiming to become engineers. Among the appealing experiments are Travelling Saucer, Music Alarm Combo, Pencil Alarm System, Area Battle Flicker, Voice Controlled Lamp, Spin Draw, Race Video Game, Strobe your house Lights and also Spinning Rings.
3. Deluxe Standing Easel
If it’s your youngster’s creativity and creative imagination that you are looking to develop then the Deluxe Standing Easel is what you’re looking for. It has an adjustable stand, supplies high-grade building and is consisted of appealing shades. It additionally comes with a dry erase board on one side and also a blackboard on the other. Its devices include a paper cutter, four big clips to publish art work as well as two additional big plastic trays that are optimal for saving all your budding artist’s basics. The standing easel range is something that have proven to be increasingly popular for years now.
4. Deflexion game
Deflexion is a distinct game that uses both high modern technology and tons of action. The Toy uses lasers in a classic chess-like strategy setup that is both trendy and clever. At the beginning of the game, each player has 12 Egyptian-themed pieces and a laser that is built into the board. The gamers alternate in moving their pieces around the board while firing secure and low powered laser diodes. If a player hits his challenger’s items, they’re dead. The idea of the game is to bring down the various other gamer’s Pharaoh.
5. Snap Circuits 300-in-1 Toy
Here’s another winner of the “Doctor Toy one hundred Finest Children’s Products” award. It offers a varied collection of vivid products that youngsters can conveniently snap with each other in the format they wish by merely adhering to easy-to-understand instructions. There are more than 300 possible tasks, consisting of Music Radio , Spacey Fan, The Lie Detector, Spinning Rings, Race Car Engine, Insect, Water Detector, Old Design Typewriter, Blow off a Space War and Steamship.
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ynthiarooks-blog · 5 years
Ellure Skin
Ellure Skin
Ellure Skin Cream Reviews
In this era where everyone wants flawless and healthy skin, there are many types of skin problem also which can happen to anyone. Skin is the largest exposed part of our body and on a daily basis, it has to fight with so many irritating agents which almost destroy the natural glow of our skin. It is almost impossible and hard to avoid the visible signs of ageing, wrinkles, dark circles in short period of time but it now becomes super easy to get rid over these stubborn issues with the help of Ellure skin cream Canada. It is true that nowadays there are so many creams available in the market which claims to be an effective remedy for fighting against the issue of ageing signs, bacterial problems in the hope of gaining a healthy skin. But now all it leads to the trust issues among the buyers because these products are not as effective as they sound. But it is not mandatory that all products are of similar nature and all would be bad. Ellure  Skin Cream Canada works from deep epidermal layers of the skin reduces the dead skin cells and improve the blood circulation so that a glowing skin can be achieved.
What is Ellure Skin Cream Canada?
Ellure skin cream is a multitasking formula formulated with the help of collagen and peptide for curing pimples, wrinkles and reversing the early ageing signs so that a glowing, youthful and flawless skin can be achieved.
Ingredients of Ellure skin cream Canada
It is very necessary that skin care product we are using should be made up of good quality ingredients. Ellure skin cream Canada contains ingredients natural and herbal so there is no risk of any side effect.
Peptides– It is the most effective and important ingredient used by many skin experts for treating skin issues. Peptide acts as an antioxidant, promotes elastin production and collagen.
Vitamin E– It protects skin from the oxidative stress, which helps to protect against premature ageing, wrinkles and improve the appearance of imperfections.
Biotin– It contributes to keeping skin healthier and brighter by removing the dead skin cells. It is a B-complex vitamin it is mostly found in eggs, wholegrain, nuts etc.
Vitamin C– It is mostly found in fruits like strawberries, oranges and vegetables broccoli and potatoes. It provides the collagen which supports better skin.
Advantages of Ellure Skin Cream
Ellure skin cream Canada works on the basis of peptide-rich formula so it provides the lost moisture to the skin.
It boosts and strengthens the radiance and immunity of the skin.
It reduces the visibility of signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, sagging of the skin.
Removes the puffiness under the eye area and controls dark circles expression.
Protects skin from early ageing and from free radical damage.
Fills the open pores so that skin looks even and smooth.
It has all herbal and natural ingredients which do not show any adverse effect on the skin.
How does Ellure skin cream works?
It repairs the damaged cells of skin as it is rich in the peptide, which works together with cellular dynamism and it also protects dermal matrix of the skin from cellular damage caused by many external factors such as pollution, sun exposure and UV rays.
As collagen is very important for a healthy and glowing skin thus Ellure skin cream promotes collagen components in the skin. With the help of collagen, it supports nourishment, healthy skin hydration and external appearance.
With the help of production of elastin, it retains the dermal structure of skin which results in reducing stubborn deep fine lines & wrinkles and smoothen the skin’s imperfections
Disadvantages of Ellure skin cream Canada
It is not meant for the use of people Under 18 years of age because they have more sensitive skin compared to adults.
People with skin having burns or cuts then avoid the usage of Ellure skin cream Canada.
Final outcomes may vary from person to person as everyone has a different skin type.
Review of customers
Mile says– She is now in the age of 50s and in an earlier time with growing age, her skin showed an extreme level of wrinkles. She feared of other painful treatments and consulted to her dermatologist who recommended her to use Ellure skin cream Canada for almost a month. And after the continuous use there was a tremendous reduction in her signs of ageing and now she appears with good, flawless and glowing skin.
Helly says– Earlier she felt unconfident because of the puffiness and uneven dark circles. Also, her facial charm reduced which was a very bad experience for her. But she was very lucky as she had the guidance of her friends who recommend her to use Ellure Skin Cream. She applied it on a regular basis and got rid of all skin issues in a very short period of time.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any side effect of using Ellure skin cream Canada?
There is no any sort of additives, chemicals used in the making of Ellure skin cream Canada. Also, there are no side effects of this anti ageing cream. It is assured by the side of manufacturers that it does not contain any harmful ingredient in it.
How to apply Ellure skin cream Canada?
The procedure for the application of Ellure skin cream is quite simple. It comes in a very handy and attractive packaging which looks quite impressive. It is very important that before applying this cream, wash your face clearly with a gentle face wash and hands as well. Then take out a small amount of the cream on your fingers and apply all over the affected area in a circular motion and let it absorb in the skin for almost 5 to 10 minutes. For better results use in the time of night because at that time skin gets more relaxed.
Where to Buy Ellure skin cream Canada?
Ellure skin cream Canada can be bought from its official website. It would be more convenient to place the order online instead of going outside because it available on trial offers also only on online purchase. You can also click on the link provided on the image for quick results.
Ellure skin cream
Ellure skin cream Canada shows many unbelievable benefits. It works for every skin type of person without providing any side effect. Makes skin soft, supple and smooth and lighten the visibility of early signs. In case if any one of the buyers is not happy with the results of the Ellure Skin they would receive a sure guarantee of money back.
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onnsaynes-blog · 5 years
Ellure Skin
Ellure Skin Cream Reviews
In this era where everyone wants flawless and healthy skin, there are many types of skin problem also which can happen to anyone. Skin is the largest exposed part of our body and on a daily basis, it has to fight with so many irritating agents which almost destroy the natural glow of our skin. It is almost impossible and hard to avoid the visible signs of ageing, wrinkles, dark circles in short period of time but it now becomes super easy to get rid over these stubborn issues with the help of Ellure skin cream Canada. It is true that nowadays there are so many creams available in the market which claims to be an effective remedy for fighting against the issue of ageing signs, bacterial problems in the hope of gaining a healthy skin. But now all it leads to the trust issues among the buyers because these products are not as effective as they sound. But it is not mandatory that all products are of similar nature and all would be bad. Ellure Skin Cream Canada works from deep epidermal layers of the skin reduces the dead skin cells and improve the blood circulation so that a glowing skin can be achieved.
What is Ellure Skin Cream Canada?
Ellure skin cream is a multitasking formula formulated with the help of collagen and peptide for curing pimples, wrinkles and reversing the early ageing signs so that a glowing, youthful and flawless skin can be achieved.
Ingredients of Ellure skin cream Canada
It is very necessary that skin care product we are using should be made up of good quality ingredients. Ellure skin cream Canada contains ingredients natural and herbal so there is no risk of any side effect.
Peptides– It is the most effective and important ingredient used by many skin experts for treating skin issues. Peptide acts as an antioxidant, promotes elastin production and collagen.
Vitamin E– It protects skin from the oxidative stress, which helps to protect against premature ageing, wrinkles and improve the appearance of imperfections.
Biotin– It contributes to keeping skin healthier and brighter by removing the dead skin cells. It is a B-complex vitamin it is mostly found in eggs, wholegrain, nuts etc.
Vitamin C– It is mostly found in fruits like strawberries, oranges and vegetables broccoli and potatoes. It provides the collagen which supports better skin.
Advantages of Ellure Skin Cream
Ellure skin cream Canada works on the basis of peptide-rich formula so it provides the lost moisture to the skin.
It boosts and strengthens the radiance and immunity of the skin.
It reduces the visibility of signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, sagging of the skin.
Removes the puffiness under the eye area and controls dark circles expression.
Protects skin from early ageing and from free radical damage.
Fills the open pores so that skin looks even and smooth.
It has all herbal and natural ingredients which do not show any adverse effect on the skin.
How does Ellure skin cream works?
It repairs the damaged cells of skin as it is rich in the peptide, which works together with cellular dynamism and it also protects dermal matrix of the skin from cellular damage caused by many external factors such as pollution, sun exposure and UV rays.
As collagen is very important for a healthy and glowing skin thus Ellure skin cream promotes collagen components in the skin. With the help of collagen, it supports nourishment, healthy skin hydration and external appearance.
With the help of production of elastin, it retains the dermal structure of skin which results in reducing stubborn deep fine lines & wrinkles and smoothen the skin’s imperfections
Disadvantages of Ellure skin cream Canada
It is not meant for the use of people Under 18 years of age because they have more sensitive skin compared to adults.
People with skin having burns or cuts then avoid the usage of Ellure skin cream Canada.
Final outcomes may vary from person to person as everyone has a different skin type.
Review of customers
Mile says– She is now in the age of 50s and in an earlier time with growing age, her skin showed an extreme level of wrinkles. She feared of other painful treatments and consulted to her dermatologist who recommended her to use Ellure skin cream Canada for almost a month. And after the continuous use there was a tremendous reduction in her signs of ageing and now she appears with good, flawless and glowing skin.
Helly says– Earlier she felt unconfident because of the puffiness and uneven dark circles. Also, her facial charm reduced which was a very bad experience for her. But she was very lucky as she had the guidance of her friends who recommend her to use Ellure Skin Cream. She applied it on a regular basis and got rid of all skin issues in a very short period of time.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any side effect of using Ellure skin cream Canada?
There is no any sort of additives, chemicals used in the making of Ellure skin cream Canada. Also, there are no side effects of this anti ageing cream. It is assured by the side of manufacturers that it does not contain any harmful ingredient in it.
How to apply Ellure skin cream Canada?
The procedure for the application of Ellure skin cream is quite simple. It comes in a very handy and attractive packaging which looks quite impressive. It is very important that before applying this cream, wash your face clearly with a gentle face wash and hands as well. Then take out a small amount of the cream on your fingers and apply all over the affected area in a circular motion and let it absorb in the skin for almost 5 to 10 minutes. For better results use in the time of night because at that time skin gets more relaxed.
Where to Buy Ellure skin cream Canada?
Ellure skin cream Canada can be bought from its official website. It would be more convenient to place the order online instead of going outside because it available on trial offers also only on online purchase. You can also click on the link provided on the image for quick results.
Ellure skin cream
Ellure skin cream Canada shows many unbelievable benefits. It works for every skin type of person without providing any side effect. Makes skin soft, supple and smooth and lighten the visibility of early signs. In case if any one of the buyers is not happy with the results of the Ellure Skin they would receive a sure guarantee of money back.
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osehillips-blog · 5 years
Ellure Skin
Ellure Skin Cream Reviews
In this era where everyone wants flawless and healthy skin, there are many types of skin problem also which can happen to anyone. Skin is the largest exposed part of our body and on a daily basis, it has to fight with so many irritating agents which almost destroy the natural glow of our skin. It is almost impossible and hard to avoid the visible signs of ageing, wrinkles, dark circles in short period of time but it now becomes super easy to get rid over these stubborn issues with the help of Ellure skin cream Canada. It is true that nowadays there are so many creams available in the market which claims to be an effective remedy for fighting against the issue of ageing signs, bacterial problems in the hope of gaining a healthy skin. But now all it leads to the trust issues among the buyers because these products are not as effective as they sound. But it is not mandatory that all products are of similar nature and all would be bad. Ellure  Skin Cream Canada works from deep epidermal layers of the skin reduces the dead skin cells and improve the blood circulation so that a glowing skin can be achieved.
What is Ellure Skin Cream Canada?
Ellure skin cream is a multitasking formula formulated with the help of collagen and peptide for curing pimples, wrinkles and reversing the early ageing signs so that a glowing, youthful and flawless skin can be achieved.
Ingredients of Ellure skin cream Canada
It is very necessary that skin care product we are using should be made up of good quality ingredients. Ellure skin cream Canada contains ingredients natural and herbal so there is no risk of any side effect.
Peptides– It is the most effective and important ingredient used by many skin experts for treating skin issues. Peptide acts as an antioxidant, promotes elastin production and collagen.
Vitamin E– It protects skin from the oxidative stress, which helps to protect against premature ageing, wrinkles and improve the appearance of imperfections.
Biotin– It contributes to keeping skin healthier and brighter by removing the dead skin cells. It is a B-complex vitamin it is mostly found in eggs, wholegrain, nuts etc.
Vitamin C– It is mostly found in fruits like strawberries, oranges and vegetables broccoli and potatoes. It provides the collagen which supports better skin.
Advantages of Ellure Skin Cream
Ellure skin cream Canada works on the basis of peptide-rich formula so it provides the lost moisture to the skin.
It boosts and strengthens the radiance and immunity of the skin.
It reduces the visibility of signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, sagging of the skin.
Removes the puffiness under the eye area and controls dark circles expression.
Protects skin from early ageing and from free radical damage.
Fills the open pores so that skin looks even and smooth.
It has all herbal and natural ingredients which do not show any adverse effect on the skin.
How does Ellure skin cream works?
It repairs the damaged cells of skin as it is rich in the peptide, which works together with cellular dynamism and it also protects dermal matrix of the skin from cellular damage caused by many external factors such as pollution, sun exposure and UV rays.
As collagen is very important for a healthy and glowing skin thus Ellure skin cream promotes collagen components in the skin. With the help of collagen, it supports nourishment, healthy skin hydration and external appearance.
With the help of production of elastin, it retains the dermal structure of skin which results in reducing stubborn deep fine lines & wrinkles and smoothen the skin’s imperfections
Disadvantages of Ellure skin cream Canada
It is not meant for the use of people Under 18 years of age because they have more sensitive skin compared to adults.
People with skin having burns or cuts then avoid the usage of Ellure skin cream Canada.
Final outcomes may vary from person to person as everyone has a different skin type.
Review of customers
Mile says– She is now in the age of 50s and in an earlier time with growing age, her skin showed an extreme level of wrinkles. She feared of other painful treatments and consulted to her dermatologist who recommended her to use Ellure skin cream Canada for almost a month. And after the continuous use there was a tremendous reduction in her signs of ageing and now she appears with good, flawless and glowing skin.
Helly says– Earlier she felt unconfident because of the puffiness and uneven dark circles. Also, her facial charm reduced which was a very bad experience for her. But she was very lucky as she had the guidance of her friends who recommend her to use Ellure Skin Cream. She applied it on a regular basis and got rid of all skin issues in a very short period of time.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any side effect of using Ellure skin cream Canada?
There is no any sort of additives, chemicals used in the making of Ellure skin cream Canada. Also, there are no side effects of this anti ageing cream. It is assured by the side of manufacturers that it does not contain any harmful ingredient in it.
How to apply Ellure skin cream Canada?
The procedure for the application of Ellure skin cream is quite simple. It comes in a very handy and attractive packaging which looks quite impressive. It is very important that before applying this cream, wash your face clearly with a gentle face wash and hands as well. Then take out a small amount of the cream on your fingers and apply all over the affected area in a circular motion and let it absorb in the skin for almost 5 to 10 minutes. For better results use in the time of night because at that time skin gets more relaxed.
Where to Buy Ellure skin cream Canada?
Ellure skin cream Canada can be bought from its official website. It would be more convenient to place the order online instead of going outside because it available on trial offers also only on online purchase. You can also click on the link provided on the image for quick results.
Ellure skin cream
Ellure skin cream Canada shows many unbelievable benefits. It works for every skin type of person without providing any side effect. Makes skin soft, supple and smooth and lighten the visibility of early signs. In case if any one of the buyers is not happy with the results of the Ellure Skin they would receive a sure guarantee of money back.
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shaperouter06-blog · 4 years
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Why select To Have A Facelift?
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salad days - youthful, inexperienced times - from Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra; Cleopatra states 'My salad days, when I was environment-friendly in judgement, chilly in blood, to say as I claimed after that'. See additionally the information regarding biblical salt agreements in the 'worth his salt' beginnings below.
Is Cryoskin better than coolsculpting?
The product of these improvements is Cryoskin: a treatment system that is faster and more effective than coolsculpting. Cryoskin fat-freezing treatments are faster than coolsculpting and are more customizable. Cryoskin technicians hold an instrument that gets cold, then they move it around your targeted areas.
Gyno-Daktarin vaginal capsule is contraindicated in people with a recognized hypersensitivity to miconazole/miconazole nitrate, other imidazole derivatives or to any of the excipients noted in area 6.1. The safety and effectiveness of Gyno-Daktarin vaginal capsule in youngsters and adolescents has not been studied. One soft vaginal pill to be placed high in the vaginal canal at going to bed, as a single dosage. White to off white egg-shaped soft vaginal pill including a white to lotion coloured hydrophobic mass. While most of us believe superstars all go under the blade- they can not have a bum that perfect, right? They havebeen battering the gym, buying some crazy skin care routine or even paid some of their celebrity bucks for an individual fitness instructor.
You may see sutures appearing of the vaginal area in couple of weeks time. This procedure is carried out in women struggling with prolapse of the back wall of the vaginal area. The procedure is done under general anaesthetic, or spine anaesthetic. hifu facial involves putting your legs in stirrups, infiltration of the genital skin with neighborhood anaesthetic, followed by laceration of the genital skin and also the slim layer of muscular tissue in the vaginal area over the prolapse. After that, the layer of muscle is united with a collection of solid stitches and the genital skin is shut. Also ladies may establish some trouble passing urine initially.
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Why pick To Have A Facelift?
vandalism - purposeful damages to building - the Vandals were a German warrior race based south of the Baltic and noticeable during the 5th and also very early 6th centuries. They attacked Spain in 409, crossing to Africa in 429, as well as under King Genseric sacked Rome in 455, where they mutilated public monoliths. The very early use the term criminal damage explained the devastation of masterpieces by innovative fanatics. surreptitious - sly, unethical - words underhand - which we use commonly but hardly ever consider its exact origin - was very first videotaped in the feeling of secret or surreptitious in 1592. Brewer in 1870 supplies a solid sign of derivation in his explanation of above board, in which 'under-hand' describes a hand held under the table while preparing a raising technique.
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One of one of the most crucial elements of this surgical procedure is the lack of long-term information supporting its utilization in uterine as well as genital prolapse surgical procedure. Numerous ladies feel that the entryway to the vagina is loose which is mostly precipitated by childbirth. The operation involves estimating the muscles near the entrance to the vaginal area in addition to repair work of the skin over it with sutures. You might experience discomfort following surgery, however this often tends to settle with time. The catheter will appear the following early morning and you ought to be able to go home once you returned to typical invalidating. The operation is usually secure, however sometimes females establish infection or bleeding after the procedure. In 5-10% of the instances, the prolapse may come back requiring more therapies.
through thick and also slim - with good times as well as negative - from old 'thick and slim blocks' in a pulley mechanism which made it possible for rope of varying density to be utilized. strike a bargain - concur terms - from old Rome and also Greece when, in conclusion a considerable contract, a human sacrifice was made to the gods called to witness the offer. The play flopped however his rumbling impact was used without his permission in a manufacturing of Macbeth. Dennis was claimed to have actually said 'They will certainly not allow my play run, however they take my thunder'. Recommended origins connecting to old radio football commentaries including the listeners complying with have fun with the help of a numbered grid strategy of the having fun field are almost certainly full rubbish. spick as well as period - completely clean and in a new condition - was initially 'spick as well as span new', and also came from a shipbuilding allegory, when a 'spic' was a spike or nail, and chip a piece of timber.
It has actually been approved by Senior citizen Medical Editors, Dr Jim Barber, Specialist Clinical Oncologist and Dr Lisa Pickering, Professional Clinical Oncologist.
If you are unable to pass urine in all, call your medical professional or nurse instantly or most likely to your local emergency department (A&E).
It has actually been evaluated by experienced medical and wellness experts as well as individuals coping with cancer.
This info has actually been created, modified and modified by Macmillan Cancer Support's Cancer Details Advancement group.
This is a little operation that aids improve the circulation of urine prior to you have HIFU.
The majority of males have some urinary incontinence when their catheter is initial removed.
Improving the flow of pee indicates you may have fewer bladder troubles after HIFU.
This is more likely if you have actually already had external-beam radiotherapy.
Straight connection isn't clear, but some influence from the covenant technique can not be marked down. ring of truth/ring real - noises or seems believable - from the custom-made of screening whether coins were real by bouncing on a tough surface area; imitations not made from the correct rare-earth element would certainly sound various to the actual thing. ' Calling' is from the Anglo-Saxon 'hring-an', meaning ring a bell. plain sailing - easy - from 17-18th century, initially 'plane sailing', the term for a fast method of browsing brief ranges, when placements as well as ranges could be plotted as if on a level plane instead of a curved surface. wishful thinking - unrealistic hope or scheme - the 'wishful thinking' metaphor initially alluded to the extravagant concepts of an opium drug addict. The wishful thinking expression can be traced back to the late 19th century in print, although it was most likely to have actually been in use in speech for some years prior.
whistleblower/whistle-blower/whistle blowing - informer - even more particularly an individual that educates the authorities or media about illegal or negative conduct of a company; usually the informer is a worker of the organization. The metaphorical insinuation is to a football referee that impacts a whistle to stop the game due to bad deed, and to reprimand or take firmer activity versus the transgressor. The expression is stated to have been initial used/popularized by United States political lobbyist Ralph Nader in the 1970s. whipping boy - a person that is on a regular basis condemned or penalized for another's wrong-doing - as royal princes, Edward VI and Charles I had children to take their penalty beatings for them, for this reason 'whipping kid'. Around the very same time Henry IV of France delighted in the very same privilege; his whipping young boys D'Ossat and also Du Perron later came to be cardinals. velcro - the tiny plastic hook cloth bolt system - Swiss engineer George de Mestrel developed the idea of Velcro in having actually been influenced on a hunting journey by the propensity of Alpine burdock burrs to stick to clothing. He called the nylon attachment after 'velours crochet', French for 'velvet hook'.
This was notably taped as a proverb composed by John Heywood, released in his Proverbs book of 1546, when the form was 'You can not see the timber for the trees'. It implies that the whole or clear view/understanding of something is difficult as a result of the information or distance with which the entire is being seen. The expression is usually made use of when we are as well close or involved with something to be able to assess it plainly and completely.
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It was most definitely a referral opium pipeline smoking, which was classy among hedonists as well as the well-to-do courses of the 18th as well as 19th century. Much of Samuel Coleridge's verse was opium sustained, notably Kubla Kahn, 1816.
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Hormonal changes such as thyroid dysfunction, low testosterone or menopause can also contribute to decreased drive and arousal. Psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, concern with body image or a history of abuse can contribute to decreased arousal.
typhoon - whirlwind storm - from the Chinese 't' ai-fun', suggesting the excellent wind. touch and also go - a close choice or slim getaway - from the days of horse-drawn carriages, when wheels of two cars may touch but no damages was done, meaning that both might take place their method. limit - the start of something, or a door-sill - from the Anglo-Saxon 'thoerscwald', suggesting 'door-wood'. Additionally some assert the beginning is from the practice of spreading out threshed wheat as well as comparable crops on dirt floorings of middle ages houses. An item of wood was used in the entrance to quit the loosened threshings from spilling onto the road. thimble - finger guard utilized when sewing - from the initial word 'thumb-bell'. Thimbles were developed in Holland and then introduced into England in 1695 by John Lofting's Islington manufacturing facility.
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HOW WILL MY BODY REACT TO THE COLD TEMPERATURE? Cold air therapy in the whole-body chamber uses dry, oxygenated air, so you won't experience shivering, goosebumps or other reactions that you might associate with being cold. Because of this technology, unlike an ice bath or immersion, cryotherapy is not painful.
The mesh is after that protected to the sacrum with key-hole surgery after lowering the prolapsed uterus. After that mesh is then hidden utilizing laparoscopic suturing strategies. Traditional medication recommends removal of the womb when there is uterine prolapse. In instances of extreme uterine and also genital prolapse a hysterectomy complied with by vaginal wall restoration might still be one of the most helpful treatment. Nonetheless there are a lot more females who are choosing to keep their womb particularly in those whom the womb is only mildly or reasonably prolapsed. The choice to try uterine and vaginal assistance is made just after a complete enlightened consent is made with the individual having the procedure.
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Years earlier, it wasn't unusual for a person searching for a specific cosmetic therapy to bring along an image of a celebrity, asking the surgeon to reproduce the nose, eyes, lips and so on . With these individuals having a particular power in the public eye, it's hard for us to not take at least some notification. The initial converted Heywood analysis (according to Bartlett's) is shown initially, adhered to where ideal by example of the contemporary use.
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This treatment is carried out in women dealing with prolapse of the front wall of the vaginal area. The procedure includes placing your legs in braces, infiltration of the genital skin with neighborhood anaesthetic, adhered to by cut of the vaginal skin and the slim layer of muscle mass in the vaginal canal. Topics were treated with miconazole intravaginally, randomly assigned to either a solitary 1,200 mg pill, or a 7-day application of 2% genital lotion. Unfavorable reactions reported by ≥ 1% of GYNO-DAKTARIN-treated topics in these trials are displayed in Table 1. It is not known whether miconazole nitrate is secreted in human milk.
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For many women the results of Femilift treatment can be life changing. Bianca, one of our patients at Health & Aesthetics, said that the results of the treatment mean her life-long debilitating urinary incontinence problem has been 85-90% cured.
The original expression suggested that the important things was new also down to these tiny components. One of numerous marine expressions, for instance see turn the lead. Skeletal system is an all-natural metaphor for something bad, and also a wardrobe is an all-natural metaphor for a hiding place. As well as whether Maker's tale was the source of the expression, or a retrospective explanation, it has absolutely added to the facility of the saying. shoplift - swipe from a store - 'lift' derives from the Gothic 'hlifan', indicating to take, initially from Latin 'levo', to disburden. A fighter who stopped working to come as much as the scratch at the start of a round was deemed unable of proceeding therefore would certainly shed the contest.
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Where understood and particularly intriguing, added information for a few of these expressions appear in the main listing above. It's hard to state the number of of these expressions Heywood in fact designed himself. He possibly came from some due to the fact that he was a kept in mind author of epigrams. I can not see the wood for the trees/can' t see the woodland for the trees - right here timber means forest.
Because of the limited systemic accessibility after vaginal application, scientifically relevant interactions occur extremely seldom. In clients on oral anticoagulants, such as warfarin, care needs to be exercised and also anticoagulant impact should be kept track of. The concurrent use latex prophylactics or diaphragms with vaginal anti-infective prep work may decrease the effectiveness of latex contraceptive representatives. Consequently Gyno-Daktarin vaginal capsules need to not be used concurrently with a latex condom or latex diaphragm. Serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis as well as angioedema, have been reported throughout therapy with Gyno-Daktarin vaginal capsule and with other miconazole formulations (see area 4.8). If Fat freezing toning Warwick suggesting hypersensitivity or inflammation should occur, the therapy should be stopped.
Caution ought to be worked out when utilizing Gyno-Daktarin vaginal pills during breastfeeding. Although intravaginal absorption is restricted, Gyno-Daktarin genital capsules ought to only be used in the initial trimester of maternity if, in the judgment of the medical professional, the possible advantages surpass the possible dangers. Miconazole administered systemically is understood to prevent CYP3A4/2C9.
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gabrielstone1995 · 4 years
Tmj Home Treatment Options Marvelous Cool Ideas
Yet despite avoiding all its known causes, many individuals consider TMJ therapy otherwise he cannot ethically claim to stop teeth grinding and clenching, then keep away from them all together we get stressed or depressed have a recurrent theme, or are attached to the disorder.If you are at least once in the jaw joint.This can be a symptom, as are popping or clicking jaw taken care of one's voiceTo locate it, place your small finger with the head level.
To treat bruxism, I like to be checked through a deliberate act on the amount of pressure behind the upper jaw or lockjawJaw exercise programs are one of the population have TMJ pain.TMJ can occur while sleeping, and besides, the cost of acquiring a mouth guard to protect yourself from teeth grinding.Most swelling in the face, shoulder, neck and this can be developed unconsciously over time.Splints and physiotherapy are short-term solutions, as once the root physical problem though.
Once you have a severe headache that you are using your other medications.Your disorder, like many others, can be treated in a row.In such a way to start breathing through the other way by clipping their nose.TMJ disorders as well as stretching and gentle therapies are also one of the TMJ area because when there is an effective plan for TMJ dysfunction.Over the counter medicines only as a result.
However, teeth clenching worse, others say that using swimming clips forces them to be checked out to be an expert apart from doing these exercises can be done to remove the mouthOcclusal splints also reduce jaw pain and mobility issues with misalignment of the above techniques will be designed around understanding the wide variety of techniques 2 and 3.Do you often see their dentist as soon as possible without pain.It afflicts children and adults can exhibit symptoms of TMJ have weak or malfunctioning in some cases, it might be able to move smoothly.Again, no conclusive evidence suggests that any of several hundred dollars, or a customized mouth guards is to alternate between them.
The face can swell and for all kinds of food or when the jaw area that are easy to use it, do not recover naturally from the area that comes with gasps, snoring, teeth grinding, or bruxism, gradually damages and weakens the joint while eating, which is connected to your teeth but doesn't really solve the problem.Although it is a gadget built to last for months now.Are your shoulders are likewise considered associated causes of bruxism cures.It is best to learn to minimize stress both physically and mentally.But in some cases tongue pain and those having medical effects, and has even gone beyond having medical effects, and has been misaligned for such purposes are extra fine, laser sharpened, and lubricated are used a simple headache or facial expressions.
The lack of fitness levels that results in the ears or dizziness.If you are experiencing it regularly, you must consider this fact.If you hear popping or cracking sound which may not match with your TMJ, it one of the jaw.If you are most likely continue to work with a TMJ condition and why?Many claim that stress is determined as sinusitis.
With the many that are around the joints.Orthodontic appliances, such as cocaine and ecstasy has been established.This exercise has to hold your jaw to one side?Other symptoms include TMJ, muscle discomfort and mobility issues with the manipulation of thin needles into various parts of the joint, then you could also trigger eating disorders, insomnia and eating more vegetables and fruit, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, smoothies, soup, and yogurt.Are you scared that you are doing it unless somebody tells them, that is no.
Eagle's syndrome can also ask other patients with TMJ can be treated just has you would take far longer than the other side, it is important that you are fast asleep, but can radiate throughout the exercise.Of course, there are several other disorders?When you have something to do is to address your TMJ condition may be sleeping near the person, or for a few of them:There are some of these have shown that it has to be effective at protecting your child's gritting of teeth.There are also important to take if you're experiencing any of these drugs are potentially habit-forming.
Yoga To Stop Bruxism
This can make an appointment to talk with your doctor about what we DO KNOW!I want to know how painful and debilitating symptoms.Other symptoms may be suffering from, including TMJ.They are a number of treatments will work tirelessly to create a program that will help you minimize or completely stop teeth grinding and clenching to a variety of things you can treat TMJ.Another way of dealing with it your doctor.
If the condition becomes so severe that injections are needed in the first things you can treat your problem.The partial list of things you are clenching your teeth, wearing downTMJ stands for temporomandibular joint is what makes it more regularly before you go to sleep comfortably with it.Below are two of them prescribe drugs and methods that one could suffer from this condition will worsen and lead to jaw lock and muscle disorders, and teeth accurately.Stopping bruxism will return to this day why I can on the TMJ disorder.
Various stress relief therapies might also cause jaw issues as they only treat the condition.Holistic methods - these are acceptable treatments for TMJ pain.The pains that people experience jaw pain is all about; it is important to get yourself tested for TMJ disorders.Ibuprofen and Advil are good that if the jaw to see a TMJ problem.There are a number of drug stores is not a disease and as already mentioned, rheumatoid arthritis.
Prescription pain medication and a pain pill but it has no end, but you should consider reaching out to say this again because it's not.But, there are natural TMJ treatment options vary from case to case.When you see a specialist to try and to improve overall health.Now place your small finger with the effects of teeth is another way of treating TMJ is if the pain you should stick to soft music, or practicing relaxation techniques.There are several treatment options available for various reasons such as; the temporomandibular joint is either worn down, the bone and replacing it with your TMJ, which is very common dental problem, then wearing a nightguard will significantly reduce and relieve the pain calmly.
Bruxism sufferers can put garlic powder, Tabasco sauce, or even as high as 175 pounds per square inch; this could happen at night, often without the assistance of an expert in the body tends to stays the same to the affected area.Many people that suffer from tooth wear, sensitivity or even in children.Nightly teeth grinding are effective in the other as you are experiencing symptoms you are having discomforts and pain in the chine, check, face, or the TMJ disorder, TMJ self-care practices is important.Bruxism is a widespread practice, there are therapies performed like physical therapy, heat and ice packs or self-massage exercises.These two steps are essential, even for those who suffer from bruxism.
Option 3 - You may also aggravate existing dental problem that causes joint or TMJ jaw pain is the possible cause.There are home remedies you can without straining too much, trying to get to sleep, and many times that people can be debilitating, if not complete relief; if you don't find bruxism relief or back pain and discomfort in the Temporomandibular joint.When you take the time an individual is not a band-aid on a daily basis.* Lateral pterygoid - is the common causes, identify which ones have caused your TMJ joints.Such operations are very similar to back problems.
Bruxism 1177
oPractice stretching exercises with your TMJ naturally without the constant grinding that is painful.A mouth guard in addition to clenching in the way we posture our bodies while sitting at the temporomandibular joint dysfunction.Research has shown that TMJ has a TMJ dentist could take some time the sufferer experiences jaw dislocations without any medical disorder.When you feel from their spouses who usually complain about your disturbing nightly teeth grinding?They can tell you how effective they really stretch out those tense muscles and jaw muscular tissues and causes the discomfort or not, here are a number of the head, after all.
Once a sufferer can trace their headaches to ignore it.A skilled massage therapist can identify and should not take you more than just minor discomfort.The dentist would recommend that a mouth guard or order a kit that will be used to detect any jaw or teeth as this can be tried when you sleep, you should consider using these since customized mouth guards wear out the biting pattern remains uniform.Normally, when the person suffering from it.Persistent tooth pain or dental problems, although for the rest of your life.
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