#the ending felt kinda rushed to me but whatever. i'm done fighting with it
practically-an-x-man · 4 months
The Working of My Hands (Indigo x Hux)
Summary: When a storm rolls in and a drought is on the horizon, it takes a bit of hard labor to get things prepared
Word Count: 3.6k
Tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, mild physical and emotional hurt/comfort, completely self-indulgent (I may have watched the De Selby pt. 2 music video a few too many times...)
Crossposted on AO3
“What is it?” Indie asked, twisting around from her spot on the sofa. Armitage was peering at his holopad, frowning at what he saw on the screen.
“Local notice.” he answered, waving a hand at the device, “Just went out. They’re expecting a drought after the storm tonight. They’ve got some recommendations.”
“What does it say?”
“‘Locals are advised to take shorter showers and keep water usage to a minimum’,” he read, “‘Any land-owning residents are also encouraged to dig holes at regular intervals to collect rainfall and reduce the risk of desertification’. And then there’s a diagram.”
He turned the screen in her direction, offering her a glimpse at the notice, then shut down his holopad and set it down on the table beside him. He spared a brief glance out the window, taking in the storm clouds brewing on the horizon, then tugged at his sleeves and took a few brisk strides towards the back bedroom.
“We have a shovel in the garage, don’t we?” he asked, “Would you find it for me while I get changed?”
“Right now?”
“Figure it’s better to get started before the rain comes in.” Armitage said, though she knew he’d done his share of working through the rain all the same. He always got the same look on his face, whenever the clouds broke or thunder echoed across the fields, a strange blend of nostalgia and something far more painful. And he always strayed a little closer to her on those days, always seemed a little more candid about his affections, like the rain reminded him of everything he’d left in his wake. She was never sure if he was imagining Arkanis or Ajan Kloss. Perhaps it was a hybrid of both.
“I think we’ve got one,” Indie agreed, gently shooing Zero off her lap and popping up to her feet, “And maybe the neighbors have a second one I could borrow. I’ll give you a hand.”
“Pacemaker.” he reminded her, an infuriatingly good point, “And it’s humid out. I’ll take care of it.”
“C’mon, I want to help. I’ll take it easy. It’ll get done faster with both of us.”
“Indie.” he said, and set his hand on her shoulder as she brushed past him, “My love. Let me handle this one. You do enough housework as it is. I can handle a shovel.”
She caved. Of course she did. He’d always been so damn good at that, and it had only grown easier since he had her heart to use as leverage. So Indigo nodded, and placed her hand over his to give it a brief squeeze. 
“Alright. I’ll go find it for you.”
Gratefulness crested across his face - she wondered, again, how she’d once found him so hard to read - and Armitage ran his fingers over her hair, her face, her throat, before drawing away. It made sparks dance through her, bright and hot and pleasant. She’d never get tired of that. It still astounded her, sometimes, that he’d chosen to spend his life with her, and without so much as a word of complaint towards all her needs and eccentricities. 
Indie ducked into the garage and skirted past the souped-up speeder she’d been working on. Another out-of-towner with a big custom rig: flashy, sloppily-built, and completely impractical, but it brought in good money. She’d take what she got. 
The shovel was easy enough to find, propped up against the far corner amid a cluster of other tools. When she slipped back into the house, Armitage was there waiting for her. He’d changed into looser clothes, ones that would be easier to move in and that he wouldn’t mind getting dirty, and was busy rolling the sleeves back to the elbows when she stepped inside.
“Thank you, Indie,” he said, taking the shovel from her and briefly leaning over to kiss her temple. It was the storm on the horizon, she thought, the rain bringing out his affections like it so often did. She wouldn’t complain, of course, not ever, but it was interesting enough to have noticed the pattern.
He spared one more glance at his holopad, memorizing the diagram on the screen, then nodded and stepped out the door.
She watched him for a while, seated on the couch with Zero curled up on her lap. It was almost entrancing to watch him work, turning shovelful after shovelful of the fine, dry earth. There was a certain grace to his movements, the same grace as when he piloted a ship or fired a blaster. He’d done his share of manual work in his life, she knew that much, been trained in tools and machines for years before he entered the Order proper. And perhaps even more than most - he’d told her before of his father’s disdain of his slender frame, the way he’d wanted a strong military man to carry on his name. She could imagine Armitage as a young man in the academy, always the one sent to chop firewood or dig the latrines in an effort to put a little more muscle on his frame.
She figured this sort of work was a lot easier to palate than what he was used to. She wondered if he thought of it the same way she did, an effort to keep the earth alive so new greenery could grow, or if he only saw it as work. She hoped, now two years spent living here planetside, having escaped the militaristic nature of their prior lives, that it was the former.
But whatever his thoughts, his rhythm didn’t slow. The dirt became pockmarked with shallow holes, one after another in evenly-spaced intervals, and his hands and forearms became streaked with dirt. A few times she saw him pause, to catch his breath or push the hair out of his face, sometimes to turn his face up towards the sky as if savoring the breeze. These little breaks only lasted a moment or two, and then he’d roll his shoulders and tighten his grip on the shovel, right back to work with the same rigid discipline she knew so well. 
After a while, these little breaks got more frequent, and she could see his form beginning to falter. He was tiring, and very clearly pushing himself past it. Old habits.
Indigo sighed to herself - funny how both of them could have the same bad habit, pushing themselves past what they could rightfully take - and stood up from her seat. She stopped in the kitchen, long enough to grab a tall drinking glass and fill it with cool water, then made her way towards the door. She had to nudge Millicent out of the way before she could bolt for it, and managed a tricky sort of spin to get the door closed before the cat could get out.
Humidity hit her like a slap to the face. The air was thick with it, thick and hot, and she expected the storm to break any moment. Only a few minutes outdoors, and she’d already welcome the rain as an old friend. She imagined that even with so many tumultuous memories souring his mind to it, after this much work, Armitage would be quick to do the same. 
He was still absorbed in his work, thin cords of muscle flexing in his forearms as he turned another shovelful of soil. With him standing in the hole, almost a foot below her, Indie had the rare perspective of being taller than him. His face was shining with sweat, his breathing labored, and yet he still moved with an almost mechanical diligence. 
Although his job itself was somewhat sedentary, managing import and export records for this particular hemisphere of the planet, it wasn't as if it was rare to see him performing manual labor. The two of them owned a bit of land to tend, after all, and there were always duties around the house to manage at that. Indie did much of the mechanical work, of course, fixed what needed fixing, but Armitage certainly pulled his weight and more. He was no stranger to hard work.
But this… this was something else. It was almost carnal, she thought, seeing him move the earth in strong and confident motions. As much as she loved the sight of him clean and put-together as he normally was, the sight of him hard at work, covered in dirt with his hair fallen in rough red waves around his face, sent a different sort of thrill through her.
He’d taken on this role in an effort to keep her from straining her heart. The sight of him here, now, easily negated all that effort. If anything, she found herself a little dizzy.
“How’s it going?” Indigo asked, succeeding in drawing his eyes up to her. At first Hux just shrugged and leaned against the shaft of the shovel, panting faintly from the exertion. He swiped one hand across his forehead but only succeeded in smudging dirt across his face.
“Getting there.” he finally replied, gesturing at the rows of shallow, even holes now scattered across their back lot. Armitage brushed at the hair hanging loose into his face, trying to coax it away from his eyes, and let out another sharp breath. “This humidity is killing me, though.”
“Here.” she said, and held out the glass to him, “Water.”
He took it and shot her a grateful look, then drained the glass in just a few swallows. Even just that much seemed to refresh him a bit, though he was still breathing hard from all the work.
“Wanna come back inside?” Indie asked, “Take a break for a few minutes?”
Armitage tilted his head, taking in the storm clouds gathering overhead with a scrutinizing expression on his face. Then he dropped his eyes and gave her a low shrug. 
“Storm’ll break any moment now. I’d like to get a little more done before it does.”
“Alright,” she agreed, knowing she wouldn’t be able to convince him otherwise. He was the type to fulfill a job to completion, and she knew it would bother him if he didn’t. That level of discipline had been wired into him, and she didn’t imagine it would ever leave. By now, she figured she knew him almost as well as she knew herself. Her heart was linked with his own, now and forever.
So Indie just reached out and took the empty glass from him, and leaned over enough to kiss his cheek. Her feet slid on loose soil and she nearly fell right into the hole, but one of his hands caught her waist and held her in place - like it was simple, unconscious, easy despite how tired he had to be. It sent the same little thrill through her, so much that she nearly shivered despite the sweltering temperature around her. 
Her heart was never going to recover from this. 
She didn’t mind a bit.
“Don’t stay out too long, okay?”
“I’ll be in as soon as the rain hits.” he promised, his hand remaining steady on her waist until he was sure she’d recovered her footing. 
“I’ll hold you to it.”
Armitage just nodded (weary but not dismissive, merely a reflection of his growing exhaustion) and readjusted his grip on his shovel. Indie found herself lingering a moment longer, drinking in the sight of him, then finally managed to pull herself away and slip back into the house. 
She watched him for a while longer, a shorter while, then eventually decided that was a little odd and picked herself up from the couch. She fed the animals and pored over the contents of the kitchen - then proceeded to take a mental step back, and thought of how lucky she was to be in a place where Zero could have two good meals every day and the fridge held real vegetables instead of only dehydrated space-grade food. She’d never really had this kind of security before. Even two years in, it still came as a bit of a shock. 
Thunder rolled in just as she’d made a decision on what to cook, and Indie heard rain battering the metal roof of the house only a few moments later. This was going to be a big one, she could tell. It made her think of Ajan Kloss. 
The back door slid open after only a moment or two of rain, and she watched Armitage attempt to shoo Millicent away from the door so he could step inside. It seemed he’d mostly outrun the rain - the dirt streaked across his face and arms had not yet become mud, at least - though he left his shoes at the door to avoid soiling the floor as he walked through the house.
“Finished.” he said, though he seemed more preoccupied with keeping the cat from brushing up against his trousers and getting dirt smudged across her fur. Finally Millicent lost interest and padded away, and Hux straightened up. “I’m going to go wash up.”
He crossed the room in just a few long strides, frowning at the dirt caked under his fingernails, but Indigo held up a hand just before he passed her. 
He paused mid-stride and turned to face her, as Indie refilled the same tall glass of water and held it out to him. Like before, he took it without any hesitation or argument, and downed the liquid like a man lost in the desert.
“Thanks, love.” he murmured, setting the glass down on the counter beside him. Almost before Indie could react, his fingers caught the back of her neck and pulled her in against him. In just one brisk, confident motion, he pressed his lips firmly to her forehead, and then he let her go and strode down the hall before she’d even fully processed what he’d done. 
Then it hit her like a bolt of lightning, prickling along every nerve. Her heart thundered in her chest so fervently that she had to sit down for a moment. The sight of it, the sight of him all rugged and covered in dirt, and the feel of that confident hand against the back of her neck, was carved into her memory.
Armitage emerged a brief while later, looking much more refreshed and put-together now that he’d had a chance to properly cool down. Indigo watched him finish with the buttons on his shirt as he made his way down the hall. His hair was damp, and his skin was clean of dirt - though his face and forearms were crimson with a rather uncomfortable-looking sunburn. 
“Oh, you’re all red.” Indie mumbled, more to herself than anything, and crouched to pull open the cabinet under the sink. That was where they kept the first aid kit: equidistant from the house proper and her garage, positioned for both mundane needs and any work injuries she might stumble into. It took her a minute of rifling through it before she found what she was looking for. 
“Leave it to me to burn on a cloudy day,” he muttered, half a joke and half a sigh, “Do we have aloe? Or bacta?”
“Right here,” she said, finding it almost at the same moment he mentioned it. Hux held out his hand for the little tube of gel, but Indigo just gestured at the couch across the room. “Sit down.”
Confusion flickered across his face, but he crossed the room without hesitation and took a seat on the end of the sofa. Indie joined him after only a moment, aloe in hand. 
She stood in front of him, not even a full arm’s-length away, and poured a bit of the gel out into her fingers. Armitage was still, expectant, though his pale eyes tracked every motion she made.
Indie shot him a faint smile, then reached out and gently took hold of his forearm, working the aloe into his skin. She took her time with it, perhaps a little longer than was really necessary, but she didn’t want this to feel rushed- least of all like a chore, when it was just the opposite. When she reached his wrist, though, Armitage flipped his palm and closed his fingers loosely around her hand. 
“You don’t have to-”
“I know,” she said, “I want to.”
He still looked a little fidgety at first - not uncomfortable, just that he wasn’t used to having someone else take care of these little tasks for him - and his fingers twitched as he released his grip on her hand. That, too, was a frequent thing for both of them. Having sparked their relationship in the midst of war, the gentler life was still foreign in many ways. One of those, and one of the most difficult to soak in, was learning to accept this sort of attention for things beyond simple necessity. Perhaps it came from how much of their lives they’d each spent alone, only able to rely on themselves.
He’d taken on the yard work because he knew her heart wouldn’t manage it. That much was easy; easy for him to suggest, and easy for her to accept, because it was tethered to something as tangible as her health. But this, caring for him in this way that she knew he could easily do himself, just for the fact that she wanted to… that was new. That was trickier.
“Hey,” Indie murmured, and set her hand gently on his sunburned face, “Relax.”
Armitage nodded against her palm, and she could see the tension trickle out of his body with what looked like a palpable effort. It made her heart hurt a little, just knowing how difficult it was for him to be vulnerable even here. But all the same, it warmed her heart that he was willing to try.
She let her hand fall away from his face, and instead busied herself with applying the aloe to his other forearm and wrist. After a minute of this, Zero hopped up onto the couch to investigate, his nose twitching as he attempted to weasel his way under Hux’s arm. Armitage lifted his hand out of the way, letting out a breathy halfway-laugh at the animal.
“Move, buddy,” Indigo told her pet, promptly rerouting him with the hand not slathered in aloe. Zero let out a low chirp, almost indignant, but hopped off the couch and immediately prowled over to steal Millicent’s spot by the window. 
“He was fine.” 
“Medicinal aloe is toxic if it’s ingested. I didn’t want him getting it on his feathers and then grooming himself.”
Thunder crackled above the house, sharp and sudden. Indigo jumped, startled by the noise. Hux did not. He’d lived in storms all his life, after all.
“Seems like the wells are helping, though,” Indie said once the thunder died down, stretching to peer out the window, “They’re catching the rainwater.”
“Be surprised if they didn’t.” Armitage mumbled, hardly loud enough to be heard. Indie just scoffed and shoved lightly at his shoulder. 
“You know what I mean.”
She poured out a little more of the aloe gel into her palm, eyeing the drawn and distant look on her partner’s face. He was still looking out the window, watching the rain come down in sheets. Oh yes, this would be quite the storm, a supercell like the ones of his youth.
Armitage shut his eyes as her fingers reached his face, and she felt the last of his tension finally ebb away under her touch. Her fingertips skated over his forehead, his cheekbones, the harsh splash of crimson across the bridge of his nose- and then, on a whim, she ducked down and kissed him. 
That earned her a smile, bright and real and surprised, and his hands caught her hips to pull her a step closer. Indie staggered and nearly fell straight into his lap, brought so close she could feel the heat from his skin. A harsh but steady rain drummed on the roof over their heads.
A flash of sudden lightning lit up the whole house, accompanied by the deafening and near-instantaneous boom of thunder. Across the room, Millicent yowled and sprinted underneath the cupboard in the hallway. Indigo flinched again despite herself. These storms weren’t often as bad for her as they were for him, with his history, but witnessing lightning so close had grown to make her shudder. All she could see was Exegol.
Clearly Armitage had the same thought. He didn’t flinch, but his hands moved from her waist to her wrists, thumbs tracing the paths of those branching scars down her skin. The touch was comforting on a level she couldn’t quite describe - a reminder of what those scars had been worth, in the end. That made things a little better, though she still couldn’t bear to look out the window as the skies flashed bright again.
His fingers slid down to her hands and squeezed them tight. When she managed to meet his eyes, she found a striking degree of seriousness in them. 
“Indie, I-” he began, refusing to break her gaze for even a moment, “I’m so lucky to have you.”
The rain brought out his affections. It always did. And in a storm like this, how could there be anything else? Lightning was the flash of a blaster, thunder was the snap of a belt. His arduous past rolled in with the storm clouds.
And though the rain was cold, he refused to let it chill him. Not anymore.
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cloudmancy · 5 months
I have no desire to get you in trouble but I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the new episode and the preview because I also have.. thoughts and I'm interested in what other people clocked as not great or kinda.. idk. other people's concerns, because I have had a lot of them and I never see people really talk about those things
they're doing a new format this season where they film a bunch of rp episodes in a row then take a break when there's a battle so the crew can get the battleset ready, so I understand the dissonance. but the tone of this episode from the tone of last episode was SO jarring. I was ready to chew drywall at the end of episode 17 but we head into the episode 18 fight and at the end all I can say is... damn! that sure is a battle that happened. the entire fight felt really low-stakes even though objectively a few of the bad kids were in mortal danger, but the mood at the table was so relaxed and chill and there was almost no roleplay at all... which drove me so crazy
>no rp except for fun silly party stuff (no callbacks to the adaine elven oracle in a storm thing? after all the fun setup last time??)
>fought 8 different antagonists and none of them said a word
>nobody questioned why or what oisin's grandma or all those dragon were doing there they just started taking them out one by one like raid battles in world of warcraft
>cassandra/nightmare king showed up only to not make any impact or get a single word in
>dos2 lady vengeance fight did the floating boat/ballistas/dragon fight better SMH
and then after all of that we're headed straight into ANOTHER battle episode judging by the preview... and it's against the rat grinders and porter/jace! let me out I want PLOT & DIALOGUE fhjy cannot end like this (5 hours straight of battle where they just kill everyone that moves). there's 2 eps left so I really hope they do the last ep as a 4 hour long roleplay only epilogue episode because as we've all seen ending campaigns on a battle leads to frankly really rushed character and world decisions. it's ultra disappointing too because I loved this entire season so much so far. the setup and buildup and plot points and mystery of fhjy is the best they've ever done it in dimension 20 period
ep 18 fhjy battle was a letdown to me... not giving the party an rp episode after 3 hours of loredump + going straight into a final battle without being able to interact with the world after gaining info is bad. they should've had a chance to process everything they learned about house sunstone, porter's plan, the rat grinders being used as ascension fodder, whatever the whole deal behind ambrosia and lucy frostkettle and why they needed a helios cleric in buddy IN ROLEPLAY. I don't want all this stuff explained to me after the battle by brennan or in some throwaway lines in the adventuring party - I want the bad kids to talk to people! I want them to investigate! I want fig to pull some BS with porter knowing the full extent of all his plans. it really sucks for us as an audience too to be hit with all this lore and get approximately 0 time for it to sink into the implications of how the worldbuilding was shaped by it or realizations of "ohhh that's why that happened at the beginning of the season" before we go straight into killing everyone.
with the way this is going I don't have any confidence they're gonna be able to actually empathize at all with the rat grinders too before they start lopping heads off because in battle episodes everyone kind of just. becomes numbers and an objective to take out except for pet favourite npcs of the cast. and they've mostly been interacting with the rat grinders as nuisances all season 😭 I'm PRAYING to be proven wrong and the last 2 episodes of this are fantastic but it's not looking good folks
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in-depth opinions on keefe (trying to return you to your roots: getting asks about kotlc characters)?
I may be putting several additional feet in several additional fandoms but I promise y'all have me prisoner and can send me as many keeper asks as you want <3
I will say these are my personal, subjective opinions! Which do include a bit of bias (TLDR at bottom)
For years I was perfectly fine with Keefe; he's never been my favorite, but he had some funny lines and an engaging presence. Never failed to liven things up. This changed around end of Legacy/Stellarlune.
It's not because I don't ship sokeefe, but because I felt sokeefe's execution was rushed and overshadowing the rest of the story. Wasn't even a full book since Sophie broke up with Fitz and said she wasn't ready for a relationship, yet there they are. I think they, and we, deserved more time. (and yes, Keefe exists beyond shipping, but given how HUGE of a role it plays in his in-text and fandom presence, i find it relevant)
Of course that's not Keefe's fault, but seeing all the adoration for what I found lackluster kinda pavloved me into a general distaste. Especially when done at the expense at Fitz, one of my favorites. Which is unfair, but I did say there's bias. That's not to say I'm mid on Keefe because I love Fitz or that you can't love both, just that personally I'm a Fitz fan, and seeing Keefe used as a direct comparison to shoot him down doesn't endear him to me (and no, not everybody does this, but I've seen it enough to be impacted)
As for Keefe independently, he's following the path of Ro. Too many traits are staying stagnant and becoming repetitive, which is adulterating what I used to enjoy. The way he steamrolls everything--forcing hands to go to Ravagog in Neverseen, running away in Lodestar and refusing to listen, the mercadir incident in Nightfall, the going behind everyone's back thing in Legacy, the running away again, etc. At first it was annoying but interesting, but at this point it's like...we're still doing this?
The amount of time and effort Sophie has to expend managing Keefe is ridiculous. if we could just knock him out for like 2 months I think she could fix everything. it's gone from a facet of the plot's challenges to straight up nuisance like get tf out of her way !!
Others have mentioned this, but the privacy invasion and making others uncomfortable is another thing that I didn't mind at first but became annoying. A joke or overstep here or there is fine; no one's perfect, and if it moves the story forward, sure. But he's constantly pushing and isn't sorry. And the more it happens, the less I can stand the earlier instances. I do my pagethroughs and just get annoyed where I used to laugh
Is there an understandable explanation for several of these points? yes. how the hell would he know how to have healthy relationships and boundaries when he's been set such bad examples? However, he's also being consistently corrected and ignoring that advice. He's given pep talk after pep talk, has fight after fight, and yet nothing's changed.
Do I think he's beyond saving? No. I've spoken with a few people about this, but I think a key thing holding him back is Sophie's "I could never hate you" promise she keeps making. Because Sophie is the main (if not only) thing that matters to him, he's got a built in safety net for whatever stupid shit he pulls, and never faces the consequences he's really afraid of.
If we took that net away, if he faced her genuine distrust and anger and upset and her exclusion and her hatred--without the "but not really just give me some time" vibe. I think that'd do wonders and we'd actually get somewhere. And also it'd be vindicating to see; the nightfall healing center fight is one of my favorite scenes
TL;DR: In summary, I don't hate Keefe. He has potential and I've enjoyed him in the past. But currently the combination of him being used against Fitz, the lackluster execution of sokeefe (imo), the privacy invasion, and stagnation don't do it for me. His kind of character already isn't my niche, and that doesn't help. Does he have potential to become less annoying? yes! i hope he does for everyone's sakes. until then, mild distaste for him.
i will be taking Fitz, Tam, Cadence, and Luzia and playing in the corner, thanks <3
(this is in no way against Keefe fans. kudos to y'all! i'm simply not one of you atm)
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cherrytimemachine · 23 hours
Soooooo....How was earthspark, my friend? 😬
I know this has been sitting in my inbox for like two weeks, sorry bro.
Season 2 was... a lot. I have a lot of things I wanted to say about this, so I'll try my damn hardest to keep this as short as possible without it becoming an essay rant.
First off, it felt like they weren't really sure how to start the next season. They skipped through a whole year of potential plot. It felt like I the plot started midway through the season. I wanted to see the aftermath of the battle with Mandroid, the fallout between the Autobots and the Decepticons, the characters grappling with being under mind control. Dammit, I wanted Megatron angst.
Speaking of which, he wasn't in there enough. In the first season he was there all the time, but he was only in two episodes. I see this a lot with shows or movie sequels where they try to introduce new characters to keep the story interesting and fresh, but what happens is that they push the main characters into the background and essentially replace them. And they made everyone dumb for some reason. Like in the second episode when Mo's parents didn't even notice how weird she was being, like, what was that ?? I know it's a kids show, but good grief, at least try to make it more sneaky.
The Chaos Terrans were meh. They felt more like unnecessary additions if you ask me. I wasn't much of a fan of Aftermath, and Spitfire (who's name I kept forgetting for some reason) was interesting in the beginning, but her character arc went way off the rails really fast. How did she go from "angry competitive person who will do whatever it takes to win" to "murder is ok and fun actually"? That feels like a real leap in logic.
I think they're trying to pull that same plotline from Cyberverse with Shockwave, where his spark was just "made evil", leaving no room for depth or development with his character arc. I already made my thoughts on that very clear when I watched Cyberverse two years ago. I was really mad when I wrote that lol.
This season also has a major problem with the thematic elements being discarded from season 1. The story felt bland and flimsy, the characters were more like two dimensional caricatures of themselves, and the ending was beyond rushed.
I did have a few things I liked about it though. I liked the filler episode with the carnival magician, it's probably my favorite episode this season. The Quintessons looked cool as hell, and I hope we get more of them at some point. I also liked Terratronus a lot, and I wish they had done more with her. I'm glad this show is tackling the idea that the Primes weren't perfect, and they had flaws in their ideology. Mo actually questioned Quintus's decisions of making these new races to support his own and then abandoning them, and Terratronus defended his authority and ignored her questions, which I thought was well done showing how Terratronus has been trained to be loyal to her creator and refuses to question his choices.
The Starscream thing was ridiculous though. His potential was left in the dust. I was so ready for him and Megatron to have another fight where they address their hatred for each other, but that didn't happen. For most of the season, he was just kinda there being a no nonsense leader guy lacking in his own personality. He only got his time to shine towards the end, and he wasn't written very well. There was only one interaction between him and Hashtag, and there was no emotion behind it at all. Then he rips the sparks out the sparks of the Chaos Terrans, which I thought was excessive but cool anyway, and then he takes over Terratronus. Starscream's defeat happened way too quickly and they didn't even really explore what he was going to do when he got control of the titan. We didn't get to see much of his point of view on how he was going to transform Earth into their new home, we just knew that was his goal. I do wish they added more of the rift between Shockwave's ideas and Starscream's as well, it would've made their retreat much more impactful.
That's all I have to say for now. I could go more in depth with it (and the lack of Prowl and Tarantulas, don't think I didn't notice that), but much like the writing team, I don't have any ideas right now.
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I also really relate that BBDW turned around my opinion on Nu. I have a thing where it's obviously not like I inherently dislike characters who are pretty horrible and insane (a lot of my favorite BB characters are exactly this) but they have to have more complexity and ability to make their personality work with the story that's going on and especially when Nu came back in CP/CF I was left kinda like "why did they do that :/" and just kind of viewed it as them bringing her back for gameplay/people like her purposes which annoyed me. I think I could best describe it as what you were saying about Nu being a very static character who doesn't have any interesting dynamics or threads in the story beyond Ragna and general PFD stuff and now (at the time in my eyes) they were trying to shove her back into a plot that had gotten VERY busy since her death in CT. But BBDW at least made her revival make sense enough so I could begin to drop my gripe that Nu was a character they were trying to push back into the story for no reason and then I was able to be more open to them changing her to flesh her out as a character more. It was just one of the many things they were playing the long game on. Man this is just making me wish BBDW had a bit more time and now I'm getting sad lol there's a lot in CF that didn't make sense and kind of annoyed me that seemed like was getting answered or elaborated upon in DW.
I remember rumors going around that the original plan was to leave Nu, and later Lambda, dead after their respective games. The general story goes “Mori intended to have Nu’s story end there, but since BB is a fighting game and fans wanted their main back, Lambda was developed to replace her. She was also intended to die permanently after her story, but then BOTH of them were popular, so there was a studio push to bring both back.”
I haven’t found a source on this, though, so who knows. If it is true, that there was some executive meddling behind how it all happened, an interesting connection could be drawn to Mori’s latest interview about Studio Flare- where one of the studio philosophies his company is dedicated to is that they won’t prioritize audience requests or market desires over the integrity of the story they want to tell. I also recently heard some rumors that Central Fiction’s development was rushed to release in time for ESports, which led to a lot of scenes being cut, character arcs being rushed or dropped, etc. If true, that too would add some perspective on BlazBlue’s progression as a whole and on the growing rift between Mori and Arc System Works.
However, as I said, for now these are just rumors. They paint an interesting narrative, but don’t take them at face value until we can source some of these claims.
True or not, my point here is that you’re MORE than onto something here- Nu was an incredible character with a solid arc and death that just… have you ever read the Iliad? You know that scene where Hektor’s corpse is tied to a chariot and dragged in circles around the city? Nu post-CT felt a lot like that… Whatever the executive intentions were, she was being kept alive in the story long past the point where she needed to be left to rest.
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Which, as you touched on, really made the situation in BBDW all the more impactful. It felt to me like, as a character and narrative asset, she was finally being approached with real intention. Like, she was being written, as a full character, who needed care, purpose, and narrative intent- all of which were finally being given to her, whereas in the C-series proper she had subsisted entirely on gameplay necessity/utility.
This makes me start to wonder how it could have been done better. I can understand both competing needs- her story is over, the narrative needs her gone, but as a character in a fighting game the game itself needs her to stay. Perhaps I’m naive, but the answer seems simple: keep her out of the story but leave her as an unlockable character for the fighting game portion only.
The biggest problem left in that solution is that newer players would lack context, but that seems like more of an opportunity than anything. Give her an arcade mode and/or story mode that is an engaging retelling of her arc from Calamity Trigger. If you’re really worried, add some kind of note/page/thing at the start or end of her route that briefly explains that this character’s story is from a previous game. Then you’ve turned your issue (her not being in the story, confusing her new players) into profit (it’s a fucking advertisement now. You want to see this cool new waifu you found??? awesome, here’s some stuff for her, if you want more go buy our other game where she’s in the spotlight!)
It’s kind of like, she had been failed/messed up so bad, that the amazing way she was handled in BBDW really surprised me. It’s so easy for any writer or studio to end up in a position where a character is written into a corner and they just… stay underwhelming forever. There’s not always the need or the time to go back and try to improve things. That, too, I would assume, was part of Mori’s desire to make BBDW and later his own studio. I’ve spoken several times about my thoughts on mobile games being a unique market that allows for more writer freedom and more room to take chances than mainline video games right now- and Mori’s interview heavily implies that Studio Flare was designed to try to free himself and his coworkers from the current industry norms.
Ultimately, like you, god DAMN do I mourn BBDW. For that exact reason, really. We both know Mori has a lot more to say about the world of BlazBlue, HE knows these stories were left unfinished, and BBDW was probably the best chance any of us would have to get those stories told. With the death of the game, it seriously looks like the rest of BlazBlue will forever be buried somewhere between the depths of Mori’s mind and all the red tape of intellectual property law.
I really hope I’m proven wrong!
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gins-potter · 2 years
Yeah, I don't think any of the OC exits have been good, even Matt's, but that's more to do with the 200th episode and buildup, which felt rushed, rather than the storyline. The only thing I'm happy about is that characters like Matt, Connor, Jay etc., weren't killed off, so they can return if they want to.
I actually think Gabby's exit was good. It felt very in character for her and everything that happened in season 6 with her actually felt like a lead-up to her leaving, even if Haas didn't believe Monica about leaving until the last minute (Bria, Cordova, her fights with Matt and Sylvie). And at least Gabby and Matt had a break-up onscreen.
I also didn't hate Mill's exit, just the execution.
Trying to remember the context this ask was sent in and I think we were talking about good and bad OC exits, the majority of which we both agree were bad ha ha.
I think just looking at Matt's exit, it was good. It made sense for who the character is, it was this really nice full circle moment all the way back to the pilot, it was built up fairly well (like the Dardens didn't just pop up randomly in the 200th) and you got a lot of nice goodbye moments amongst the cast that felt cathartic. I just think the exit felt a bit off because that was a bit of a weird time in the show and the fandom, there was a lot of confusion about Stella/Miranda, Stellaride were in a weird place, there was a lot of speculation about whether Jesse was leaving or not, so I think there was a bit of uh uneasiness I guess, surrounding the exit. But looking at it purely from a story perspective, I think it was really good.
I'm gonna be controversial for a sec and say that I still think Jay should have been killed off tho. I get wanting him to be alive for the possibility of him coming back, but nothing about his exit makes sense to me and I'd just rather they'd killed him off and been done with it. Him going back to the army, the shoddy reasoning behind it, him not saying a proper goodbye to the rest of the cast, his last scene being with Voight, leaving Hailey in this awful limbo. I fucking hate all of it.
I will agree with you re. Gabby tho. As someone who was not much of a Gabby or Dawsey fan by the end of Monica's tenure, her departure made a lot of sense to me. She was always a very compassionate, giving person, so sending her to PR to do relief work is 100% in character. And I think the breakdown of Dawsey's relationship was a longer time coming than people think, and it exposed some flaws that had been there since the beginning. It's rough for the Dawsey fans, I'll fully admit that, so they probably don't see it as a good exit, but yeah I think it was fairly well done.
Mills' exit was... fine. I mean, they kinda wrote him into a hole. Medically he couldn't be a firefighter anymore, he didn't have a lot tying him to Chicago once his family left, and just yeah, apparently the writers ran out of storylines for him. Whatever that means. In my head he chilled with his family in their new place for a while and then ended up in PR and hooked up with Gabby again (sorry I'm a Millson truther).
I don't think it had happened back when you sent this ask, but I'll also submit Ethan's exit as one of the best that OC have done. As much as I'll miss Ethan, he was written out well.
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retphienix · 1 year
Yeah sure enough this seems like the end, huh, feels like we've done so very little to get here and yet had a ton of side stuff to mess around with lol
That seems apt for this game. Surprisingly, hasn't been a bad time, I rather like this one compared to TA.
I said it before, but it really does just feel like "TA done right". There's a world where TA is done better than this, definitely, like whoa boy definitely, buuuuut- compared to TA I found this way more enjoyable thanks to a few little adjustments.
But I'll save that for the actual finale post, for now this encounter- the story up to this point- and where this post closes.
This fight against Illua is deceptive. It can snowball BAD at the drop of a hat, as such this is actually my second attempt.
My first attempt I rushed up top with my gunner, archer, and Luso and I was incredibly confident as we 1 turned the behemoth up top while the rest of the party squared up in the spawn area.
But reinforcements arrive after 1 enemy dies and things started to get hairy way faster than I expected.
Illua got to like half health from Luso, then just double teamed him with the nearby lamia enemy that spawned.
I wasn't worried, because while Luso can DPS things down, my MVP is undeniably my hunter, and having supporting fire from my gunner had me confident.
Only for Illua to sprint over to my hunter and Stop him, at that moment I knew I was fucked. Sure enough what came next was like 30 turns of the lamia Toad'ing my gunner and (still Stop'd) hunter and Illua slowly tapping through my guys.
Obviously the fight went way smoother this time around.
I didn't intend to intentionally avoid killing enemies- I had no fear of the reinforcements now that I knew they were coming- but as it turned out they decided to waste their time taking the long path for whatever reason.
Worked for me :D
As for the story, man, what a weird game this has been lol.
I genuinely can't think of another game I've played that so desperately wanted to have no story.
Not ME wanting that, the GAME wanted to have no story, but did so anyway out of obligation.
The ENTIRE game has been "Let's fuck around! It's sure to be the solution!"
Every hint at story was vague in a fun way that implied more would happen... only for the more, as I'm now seeing, to just be exceptionally little lol
I mean we don't even learn about Khamja at this rate.
It's just a name.
The only member we see is Illua, and she's the big bad.
The only reason they exist as a concept is to add the smallest layer of complexity towards saying Cid used to know Illua (Oh they weren't friends, they were uh, oh yeah!, they were part of the same clan!)
Hell, a big part of the story builds up to reveal why Cid left and became who he is today- the reveal? He just felt like it.
No moral reason or nothing. He just left- they tried to kill him- and the only reason he's in a clan now is because as he bled out he saw a judge and said "Hmm. Save me I guess?"
Like I really like Cid as the story remains vague- he's fucking cool in this!
Then the reveal is just.
"Yeah I was in the right place at the right time. Idk man."
The short of it is that the story is kinda bad. Like a step lower than mediocre.
And yet, I'm not bothered by it?
99% of the game is trying DESPERATELY to jingle keys in my face and say "Don't worry about the story"- the story itself jingles the same keys with every other mission either being a ridiculous and nonsensical detour for the sake of it, a reference mission to FF12, or us fucking around.
So few of the missions progress anything at all lol
So since the game itself knows where it put its effort, and directs you to that effort constantly, and that effort is NOT the story- I find myself rather unbothered.
This game is about side quests (300 of them lol), getting rewarded with legendary weapons from other FF games CONSTANTLY, getting rewarded with equipment that has fun skills on them CONSTANTLY (unlike FFTA), and just messing around in short 5-15 minute ordeals- perfect for a recess break on your nintendo DS.
It's pretty good at that. I mean that.
Good enough that it makes me think I'd have more fun in TA if I abused its systems more because as it turns out TA/TA2 DOES have some good fun TRPG stuff in there. My time with TA was extremely lacking on that front, but seeing as so much of TA2 is just copy pasted but with some number tweaks to make it actually fun- I'm seeing the recipe wasn't as bad as I thought, it just needed the spice (equipment availability and skill acquisition speed improved) etc.
Don't get me wrong. I still find a lot of the core design ideas for TA and TA2 to be a mix of "Fucking dumb" and "Fine- but that's really not my personal preference", I'm just saying that TA did not sell it to me AT ALL and this, actually, kinda did.
BAH, I said I'd save that for the finale, I'll probably just point at this for that section now lol, this was supposed to be on the story and the story is just plain not there bud.
BUT, this little dialogue between the party was nice.
Kinda bog standard, but nice, it made me smile- that's cool :)
And as for how this post closes, I attempted the next guy, And Almost Fucking Did It!
I got greedy and thought "I bet I can repeat what I did with my tinkerer in the last fight, here :)" and after having gotten the core to really low health and destroyed the hand or whatever I cast haste.... on the enemy and fucking died lol
As I'm pretty sure is visible in this recording, I did savestate at the planning stage of the next fight, I'll be retrying from there.
I also have states outside of this whole ordeal so if it turns out I'm just too bad at video games to take him out then I'll backtrack, but I came close enough to think I'm fine.
OH OH OH, also
10 minutes in, the funniest fucking faceplant.
0 notes
kissbentennyson · 3 years
I have no idea if you'd do this but I need a nega ben x reader. He's my favorite out of the alternates. A softer one shot would be nice but whatever you're feeling is good too! I'll take any content I can get!
*Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica begins to play* Yeah me too.
Nega Ben x Reader | reader uses they/them pronouns, but dresses femininely.
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He’d been waiting all day, and I mean, all day. Classes always seemed to drag on and on longer when he wanted something, and sure, he could have skipped. But that would have taken too much effort not to get caught. He isn’t afraid of the cops or the school administration… But dealing with his parents? Yeah, no. Not worth it. He’d b-lined it across Bellwood, all the way to the “café” he frequented. Truthfully, it wasn't much of a café seeing as how they specialize in more smoothie like drinks, but whatever. It has been rather crowded, too crowded, and everyone just wanted to get in then out.
He should have expected to bump or get bumped into someone, but it didn’t dawn on him until his espresso smoothie was all over your bright pink, fuzzy sweater. Both of you stood there with slack jaws and wide eyes as the brown liquid dripped from your chest and down onto an equally as pink lolita-esque skirt. It looked expensive, not in a daddy's money way, in a “I saved up to buy this” way. And so, he was prepared for hell.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry!”
When it left you, Ben was confused. “Gosh, I should have been looking where I was going… But I was too distracted. Ugh, I-” You were flustered , more than actually, embarrassed is the correct word. “Um… Give me a second and I'll buy you a new one…”
Watching as you tried to pat away the coffee with one of the recycled paper napkins the café gives out, a million thoughts passed through him. Of course he took the offer, he wanted that coffee. The line was a lot shorter this time around, and got by a lot quicker too. You ordered for him as he zoned out suddenly looking over your shoulder at him. “What?” He asks, watching you get even more flustered. “I just asked if you wanted anything else. Do you?” “Oh, uh, yeah.” he clears his throat, raising his voice. “The kale chips.”
You both walked out together, your head was down and you watched your shoes as you walked. “Again, I’m really sorry.” He glances at you with a slight side eye as he sips on the coffee, this was the gazillionth time you’ve apologized in just the last few minutes. “It’s… whatever.” He lets out a quick and breathy chuckle. “You apologize to me, but I ruined your sweater.” All of the sudden, your embarrassment seemed non-existent. A light and bubbly laugh leaving you. “Ruined? Oh, trust me, I’ll be just fine. I've dealt with worse.”
“Anyways! I have to get home and change, It was nice meeting you!”
The lunch room was beyond packed, packed like the reunion tour of a popular punk band from the 2000's. The doors and tables overflow with hungry and impatient mouths. You had managed to get in before the rush and snag a serving of less than okay school food, but by the time you got out of line, they had all flooded in. People had no concern for others around them, pushing and shoving like toddlers over toys, and you were getting the brunt of it. Not actually, but it sure felt like it.
You were halfway across the room and were looking around the tables for a free space- but it was too late for that already. A body slams into yours hard, you hit the ground as your food falls and splatters all of the chest of the sweater you had just gotten the coffee stain out of. Feet come down around you as you struggle to get up, the other person now looming over you. “Could you have watched where you were going!?” This whole situation was not intentional, but they had no right to get angry at you for that.
You felt the tips of your ears heat, unable to answer. Her eyes bore down on you as she sways with every passing body bumping into her. Suddenly, you feel a hand grab the back of your sweater and pull you from the ground, as if they were scruffing a cat. “Or, maybe you could stop play fighting with your friends in the cafeteria, like a bitch.” Her jaw drops and her freckled face goes red with embarrassment, obviously on the fact that she can't pawn her mistake off on someone else this time. The voice was rather monotone- in a way- compared to the words spoken. And rather familiar.
When you look up it’s the guy from the café, his neutral expression was a thin vale to hide his irritation- at least to you. His hand still had a grip on the back of your shirt, it was a firm hold, and it made you just a tad bit nervous. You swallow as the person swallows her embarrassment, rolling her eyes desperately to try and hide. “Whatever freak, sorry…” she turns and disappears into the crowd. You watch her do so, completely shocked at the situation at hand. Your lips part to say something, but his grip on your sweater releases, being replaced by an arm around your shoulder. Suddenly, you’re being dragged through the crowd and towards the cafeteria door.
He walks you out into the hallway, which is mostly empty at this point. “Thank you.” you choke out through the lump in your throat. He doesn’t say anything, just keeps walking with you- and you aren’t in any position to object.
Eventually you reach the stairs. Under it is a mostly empty black backpack, and there’s a light reflection of gold from inside. The weight of his arm leaves your shoulders and he walks ahead, sliding under the stairs and sitting with his back to an old AC unit. You hesitate for a moment, you’ve only met this guy one other time… maybe you should just wait…… nah.
Sliding under the stairs right after him, you sit straight across from the guy. He’s already looked away. “I think we have third period together. Your name is Ben, right?” His phone is already out, and he’s scrolling through it. “Well I'm…” you give him your name, and all he does is look up at you with a nod before going back to his phone. The volume is low, but there are noises coming from it, ones you recognize. “Is that the Sumo Slammers mobile game?” There was no judgement in your voice at all, and suddenly the losing end sound plays.
The corners of his mouth twitch. “Yeah?” “My little brother is obsessed with that series. He says that the mobile game isn’t that good, but he still played it to the end.” He let out a little huff like laugh through his nose, pressing the power button and finally giving you his full attention. “Yeah, maybe the old one wasn't that good, but this one is a new release- Doesn’t even have dubbed lines yet.” He clears his throat, slouching a bit as his hands slide into his pockets. “Actually, it’s not fully released in the states yet. I got pre access to the game.” He watches you smile, and suddenly there's a slight tense feeling in his chest.
“That’s really cool, are you a beta tester or something?” He shrugs. “No, and it’s whatever.” He glances away, gaze holding on the wall. “Well I think it’s really cool, especially since it's a series you like.” “How do you know that?” His gaze snaps back to you, suddenly defensive. “Your backpack is open and the sun is reflecting off of the cold backing of the trading cards.” You lazily point to the stairs above you, and there is the reflected image of the symbol on the cards. “Those are the collectors additions, from japan. I know because I’ve been looking for that exact deck for my brother.”
You watch as his cheeks dust a light pink color, lightly nudging his bag so it falls over. He starts avoiding eye contact, leaning back fully against the old AC unit. “Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be cleaning up your sweater?” You lean back against the stairs. “Yeah, maybe. But I think you’re kinda cool, and I’d like to stay.”
It was rather silent the rest of lunch, when you tried to hold a conversation- he would end it with short answers that gave you nothing to build off of. The bell rings above you like the screech of an angered bird. You both get up, him raising from the floor before you. You brush the dirt off of the back of your thighs, the light sound of unzipping catching your attention. You watch as the zipper of his hoodie comes down as he pulls it. Yanking it off of his shoulders, revealing the greenish-grey long sleeve he had under it.
“Here. Even if you get the food off, it’ll still stain.” He hands you the coat, slinging his backpack over one shoulder, the already open flap lolling open even more. “Oh, thank you, I don’t know what to sa-” “Don’t. Don’t say anything. This never happened.” He walks past you and into the crowd of students, with his head down.
You watch as he does so, eventually looking back down at the hoodie in hand. You feel your face just slightly twinge with heat. “Yeah… Alright.” You say under your breath as you rush off to the nearest bathroom to scrub the food scum from your sweater.
It was a game day.
Not that he kept track of that, he had never been into football. Once upon a time he played soccer, but after he got the Negatrix any hopes of that former love returning was gone. Ben knew it was game day because his cousin was in her cheerleading outfit- and it was no were near time for cheer competitions. Her makeup was done and her strawberry blonde hair was pulled up, and she sat in the front seat of her boyfriend's car chatting to said boyfriend about the routines she had to do.
Ben sat in the back, as he always did, waiting for the drive to be over. It came soon enough as the car pulled into the drop off area in front of the school, slowing to a stop. Neither Tennyson waited for it to fully stop before opening their doors. He got out, closing it with a slam and without a thank you. Gwen still leaning in and talking. The chatter of the hoard of tired teenagers flocking into the building almost drowned out the shouting of his name.
He groans, looking over his shoulder, spotting the mass of pastels jogging towards him with something in their arms. “I’m so glad I got here on time! They were packed this morning- and I thought I'd be late- but I made it.” In your arms is his hoodie and an espresso smoothie. You hand him your gifts with a large smile. “I um, washed the jacket for you. Thanks again.” The bell rings and you give a quick wave before pushing into the school building yourself.
His jaw hangs slack, looking down at his freshly cleaned jacket- lint free, folded, and still warm- and the smoothie. When he moves there's a light cracking from inside the jacket, like the sound of a chip bag. He pulls back one of the folds and there is a bag of kale chips, stuck to it is a yellow sticky note written on with a pink gel pen. A phone number with “See you at lunch.”
“Who was that?” Ben looks over at his cousin, an impressed smirk on her lips.
“You’re getting mileage out of this, huh?” “Soooo much.”
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fics-n-stuff · 3 years
Affluenza | Pt2
Pairing: JJ × Kook!Reader
Summary: Y/N celebrates her birthday with a party that she didn't want to throw and finds out a sad truth about the boy that's not quite her boyfriend, but being in each other's company makes things at least a little better.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and descriptions of injury, reference to drugs
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I'm so happy that so many people liked pt1!! It means the absolute world to me that people are reading and enjoying my work 🥰 Pt3 might take a little longer to get out, but I'll try to post it asap.
Taglist: @alotbnouf @fairypitou @305weasley @thecraziestcrayon @sofamochi @arvinrussellseggplant
Thanks for reading guys ❤
Pt1 here | Pt3 here
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“Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday on Saturday!?” JJ exclaimed, letting go of your hand and sitting up from where you had both been lying on the deck of your boat.
“I didn’t think it was that big a deal.” You replied with a laugh. “I kinda just forgot to mention it.”
“But what if I wanted to buy you a present?”
“I don’t need a present from you JJ.” You smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek and pulling him down for a kiss.
The two of you had been dating for a couple of months now, and although you very much considered yourselves to be together neither of you had said the words ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ yet. The time you spent together was private, you kept it a secret from everyone; you didn’t want your family to know and he was hesitant to tell his friends, exactly why you weren’t sure but you didn’t want to pry. It wasn’t as if you were sneaking around, you were just being careful.
“I have plenty things already, your company is enough.” You said, pulling away from the kiss and sitting up yourself. “But unfortunately I won’t be able to see you on my actual birthday. Mom’s making me throw a party and every teenager on Figure Eight will be there, so I doubt you’d want to come.”
“I wouldn’t be welcome even if I did want to.” JJ chuckled. You hummed in agreement.
“That’s why I wanted to celebrate today.” You chirped, getting up to retrieve a cooler that you had brought with you.
“What’s in there?”
“A special birthday picnic.”
“Oh, I see.” He grinned as you took your seat opposite him again. “And what does that consist of?”
“Well, let’s have a look.” You opened up the cooler and looked in at what you had packed with a smile. “Of course the standard picnic items; sandwiches, fruit, some baked sweets.” You listed as you took them out of the cooler. “And then, as I learned from my mother, a young lady cannot celebrate her birthday without a bottle of champagne.”
“Fancy.” JJ nodded, taking the bottle from you.
“Not as fancy as these.” You said, taking the glasses out. “Crystal champagne flutes. I snuck them out of the cabinet. We only use them for the most special of occasions and my mom loves them so we have to be careful.”
“I can be careful.” JJ poured the champagne, and you clinked your glasses with a smile. “Happy early birthday.”
“This is a much better celebration than my party will be.” You sighed, finishing your sip and setting your glass down. “I don’t understand why my mom insists that I have to have one, I’m not actually friends with anyone that’s coming.”
“But I thought you said every kid on Figure Eight was going? You’re not friends with anybody?”
“No, not really. They’re all just so fake, I can’t stand it. I genuinely don’t think that any of them are really friends with each other and they’re just constantly pretending, but I can’t be bothered to pretend.” You rolled your eyes and JJ laughed.
“Sounds exhausting.” He smiled.
“What are your friends like, J?” You asked, genuinely just curious. He told you a bit about them, stories of the crazy stuff they had done, but you never got in depth about it. You felt like it was probably because he wasn’t ready to integrate the two parts of his life.
“They’re good.” He nodded. “I mean, we’re basically family. They’re just not the biggest fans of Kooks.”
“Well, neither are you.” You giggled.
“You know what I mean. I think you’d like them, I’m just worried that they wouldn’t want to give you chance.”
“How much do you bet I could win them over just like I did you?”
“I wouldn’t love it if you won them over exactly the same way as me.” He smirked, gently taking hold of your chin and pulling you in for a kiss, which you both laughed into. “I'm gonna get you a birthday present. What if I come by on Saturday just for a minute to deliver it?”
“You know I’ll be happy to see you, but nobody else at the party will.”
“Eh, who cares.” He shrugged, and you grinned broadly.
“Okay, if you insist.” You conceded. “Now let’s eat this picnic that I so painstakingly curated.”
+ + +
Your birthday party was in full swing, the ground floor of your house teeming with teenagers. People were drinking, dancing and jumping in the pool and you weren’t enjoying any of it.
Your mother had gifted you a particularly ugly necklace that was basically just a tangle of gold chain, and Nicholas had openly bad mouthed your father for only getting you a few books, even though that’s what you had asked for. The detest that you felt for him was justified. Your dad was actually supposed to have arrived back on the island the day before, but it wasn’t unusual for him to get held up with work.
You pushed past a group of boys having some loud conversation on your way into the kitchen and poured yourself a strong drink. You threw the drink back in one gulp and slammed the plastic cup back down onto the countertop with a loud sigh.
“What’s wrong, birthday girl?” Topper asked over the music, his arm slung around Sarah’s shoulders as they came up beside you.
“I’m fine.” You shrugged.
“Did your dad get you a good present this year?” Sarah asked with a smile. “A new car maybe?”
“I already have a car.” You replied with a flat chuckle. “He got me some books that I asked for.”
“That’s kinda boring.” Topper commented. You rolled your eyes and Sarah smacked him in the side.
“I think that’s sweet. What kind if books?”
You told Sarah about the books you had gotten, actually kind if enjoying the conversation. Sarah was actually pretty easy to talk to, you felt like the fact that you weren’t putting on an act made her kind of drop hers, and it was a refreshing break from the way that the rest of the teens on Figure Eight were constantly pretending to be the perfect versions of themselves.
Your explanation of the premise of one of your books was interrupted when you felt your phone ringing in your pocket. You took it out and saw that it was your dad, and you smiled.
“I gotta take this.” You excused quickly before rushing outside to get away from the music. You answered the call excitedly, greeting your dad with a bright tone.
“Hey, Pumpkin, happy birthday!” He exclaimed. “I’m sorry I didn’t call this morning, I got caught up in meetings. You know how it is.”
“I know, dad. It’s okay, you’re calling now. Are you done with work? Do you think you’ll get here tonight?” You questioned eagerly. You heard him let out a sigh, and your smile fell.
“About that, sweetheart, I’ve had a few bumps in the road.” He began. You felt your heart sink and you were already scolding yourself for getting your hopes up before he could even tell you what the reason for missing your birthday was. “My meetings haven’t gone as well as I’d hoped and it looks like I’m going to be held up for a few more days.”
“Oh, right, okay.” You nodded, keeping your voice steady even as your eyes welled with tears. “Hope things get better then.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really did want to be there. I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get back; we can have a movie marathon night, completely your pick.” You let out a chuckle despite yourself. He might not be around much but he still knew you well, and movie marathon nights were one of your favourite things to do with him.
“Sounds great, dad. I can’t wait.”
“I hope you’ve had a good day, at least. What have you been getting up to?”
“I’m having a party, actually.” You replied. You didn’t need to tell him that you didn’t want to have the party and weren’t actually really enjoying it.
“Right now? I’ll let you get back to it then.” Your dad smiled down the phone. “Have fun.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Love you, Pumpkin.”
“Love you too.”
You said your goodbyes and ended the call, and you tucked your phone back into the pocket of your shorts. You just stood there for a few moments, the loud music and whooping of partying teenagers emanating from the house, before tears began to fall. You shook with a silent sob and had to take a seat on the concrete of your driveway.
You sat there, with your legs pulled up to your chest and your head in your knees, for a few minutes. You sniffed, wiping your tears away on the back of your hand, when you heard a shuffle of footsteps and looked up quickly.
“JJ.” You acknowledged quickly, furiously wiping at your eyes as he walked up the driveway.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asked, his voice edged with concern. You were ready to brush away his concerns, but as he got closer you saw the bruising on his face and suddenly you had some worries of your own.
“What happened to you?”
“I asked first.” JJ countered. You watched him as he came to sit down next to you, lifting your hand and softly placing it just below his purpled cheekbone, inspecting the fresh bruising around his eye and the split in his lip, then noticing the discolouration around his collarbone. He took the hand away gently, intertwining your fingers, and you saw that there was no bruising on his knuckles; these weren’t injuries earned in a fair fight. “Why are you crying?” He repeated.
“No, that doesn’t matter.” You shook your head. You weren’t trying to downplay your upset anymore, you just knew that whatever had happened to JJ was more important. “Who did this to you, JJ?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smiled, but there was no joy or amusement behind it. You hesitated for a moment before conceding.
“My dad missed my birthday again.” You told him. “The last time he actually made it home for my actual birthday was when I turned eleven, and yet somehow I still get my hopes up every year. I hate this party, there are at least three different types of club drugs being taken in my house right now, I’m sad. You’re turn.”
JJ sighed. He looked down at your joined hands, pausing to think for a moment before looking back up at you. He let out a short breath of soft laughter, lifting his free hand and smoothing his thumb over the crease that had formed on your brow.
“Promise not to freak out?” He asked.
“Okay.” You replied shakily. You could try to limit your reaction at least. “But you have to tell me the truth, J.”
“My dad hits me.” JJ said quickly, and you felt your lips part in shock. “I stay with John B most of the time, I try to stay out of his way when I’m home, but it’s not like I can avoid him completely.”
“Wha- Why don’t you tell somebody?” You stuttered. “Call the police or protective services or-?”
“I don’t want to.” He interrupted. “I’m happy here with my friends and if I get protective services involved then they’ll ship me off to the mainland. I can deal with my dad.”
“This doesn’t look like dealing.” You muttered softly, pushing the collar of his t-shirt to the side to get a better look at the bruise that it was partially covering. “When is this from?”
“Yesterday. I went home to get some money so I could buy you this.” JJ shifted to reach into his pocket and pulled out a small, flat box. “It’s not much but it’s all I could afford.”
You took the box from him curiously, unlinking your hand from his so that you could pull off the lid. Inside was a small silver necklace, a thin chain with a small circular pendant. When you lifted it up you saw that the pendant had a map of the world etched into it. The necklace was simple and sweet, and you felt a big smile take over your face.
“You didn’t have to get me this, J.” You simpered.
“I told you I wanted to.” He smiled back. You handed the box back to him and turned to face away, and JJ eagerly fastened the chain around your neck. He struggled a little with the tiny clasp, making you giggle. His hands ran over your shoulders before he dropped them, and you turned back to him with the smile gone from your face.
“You went through that just so you could buy this for me?” You murmured. JJ's smile faltered but didn’t fall, and he nodded slightly.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. It’s just what happens.”
You sat silently for a little while, but your peaceful moment was interrupted by a loud round of cheering from inside. You looked over your shoulder towards the house with a groan, but then lightened up when you got an idea.
“You wanna get away from this bullshit?” You asked, gesturing towards the party.
“You wanna leave your own birthday party?” He asked with a chuckle. You shrugged.
“Nobody will notice that I’m gone. I’ll just have to come back at, like, midnight to kick everybody out.”
“Okay, then let’s go.” JJ smiled.
“Alright. Give me one minute.” You giggled, getting up quickly. “Just wait here a sec.”
You ran back into the house and pushed past all of the people to the stairs, heading up to your bedroom. You had kept the door locked to keep out horny couples. You rooted through one of your drawers until you found a set of keys, switched out of your party sandals to a pair of converse, and grabbed your car key off of your vanity before heading back out, making sure to lock your door behind you again.
You paused on the stairs to scan the crowd until you spotted Sarah, and pushed past the bodies towards her.
“Y/N! Where’d you go?” She shouted over the music.
“Just outside. I’m gonna disappear from the party for the bit, can you call me if something major happens?” You asked. Sarah frowned.
“But this is your birthday party.”
“I know it’s weird, but I’ve got some other stuff going on right now and I just need to get away for a bit.”
“Okay, I guess that makes sense. I’ll call you if anything happens.” She nodded, though the confusion was still clear on her face.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” You smiled, before heading back out.
JJ was stood at the side of the driveway waiting for you when you came back out, slamming the front door shut after yourself. You grabbed his hand and pulled him after you to your car with a smile.
“Where are we going?” He questioned as you started the engine and began backing out.
“My other house.” You answered.
“Sorry, did you say ‘other house’?”
“My dad’s house. He hasn’t been home in eight months and I haven’t been there in about five, but a cleaner comes by every two weeks to maintain it.” You explained.
“Jesus you’re rich.” JJ mumbled. He had a teasing smile on his face but the comment made you feel a little guilty.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to show off or anything. We don’t have to go to my dad’s if you don't want-"
“Y/N, it’s fine.” He laughed. “You didn’t choose to be born into a rich family the same way I didn’t choose to be born into a poor one.”
“I know, I just don’t want to be... insensitive isn’t the right word. I just don’t want to seem like I take it for granted; I don’t want you think that I’m that kind of person.”
“I don’t.” He assured you. “You don’t treat me like I’m any different for being poor, so I don’t care that you’re rich.”
It wasn’t long until you were pulling into the driveway of your dad’s house. It was grand and expensive looking, but it was still smaller than your mom’s; she had kept the house after the divorce and since your dad wasn’t even home most of the time he’d decided that he didn’t need quote so much space.
The inside was modestly decorated, no elaborate sculptures or outlandish wall decorations like so many of the other houses on Figure Eight. The furniture was very nice, and the few paintings and things that were on the walls were expensive, but your father was a man of simple taste. He didn’t even have any fancy chandeliers.
“I expected something more opulent for the richest man in the Outer Banks.” JJ commented as he looked around.
“Since when was opulent a word in your vocabulary?” You questioned with a giggle. JJ gasped, and pinched you in the side with a frown.
“I’m not completely dumb.” He objected.
You laughed, grabbing his hand and dragging him after you into the living room. You flicked on the light before dropping yourself onto the sofa and pulling JJ down with you.
“What kind of movies do you like?” You asked him as you picked up the remote and switched on the TV.
“Uh, I don’t know, action and horror.” He shrugged.
“What kind of horror? Slasher? Psychological? Paranormal?”
“I don’t know.” He chuckled. You gave an exaggerated sigh, going into the horror section on Netflix.
“Fine, I guess I’ll pick.”
You ended up putting on The Blair Witch Project after discovering that JJ had never seen it, and the two of you settled down. You were thankful to be away from the crowded mess of your birthday party and just have a quiet night with JJ.
“But I don’t understand how they managed to make it scary, basically nothing happened.” JJ perplexed after the movie ended.
“Yeah, that’s why it’s genius.” You grinned up at him. Throughout the course of the film you had ended up lying across the sofa with your head resting on his lap. “All of the horror is in the fact that you know that something this out there but you never see it. Modern horror movies could never.”
“That’s crazy bro.” He said, making you laugh. He looked down at you with an amused smile and a sparkle in his eye that made your heart jump.
“Do you wanna stay here for the night?” You offered once your laughter subsided. “I’m sure my dad has some stuff in his closet that you can sleep in.”
“Are you sure? I mean, don’t you have to go home?”
“Nah, my mom and Nicholas are staying at a hotel tonight so that I can have my party so they won’t know that I’m not there.” You shrugged. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“No, I’d like to stay.” He smiled. You let out a relieved breath that you didn’t realise you’d been holding.
“Cool. I need to go and kick everyone out of my house but we can watch another movie when I get back if you want?”
“Sounds good to me. Do you want me to come with you?”
“Probably best if you don’t, you know, with the whole ‘every Kook on the island is there’ thing.” JJ laughed lightly at that.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He nodded. “Can I have a shower while you’re gone.”
“Sure.” You chuckled as you sat up. “You can use my en suite and I’ll get you something to change into.”
You took him upstairs, grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts from one of your dad’s drawers before showing him into your room. It was plainly decorated like the rest of the house, but you had posters and photos tacked up and covering almost every inch of the walls.
“This is nice.” JJ smiled, looking around.
“Don’t go snooping around while I’m gone, a person’s bedroom is their kingdom.”
“I’ll mind my own business.” He agreed with a salute that made you grin.
“And make sure you dry off properly, I don’t want you dripping all over my nice carpet.”
“Jeeze, any more rules?”
“Uh, nope. I think that’s it.” You chirped. “I should be back in, like, half an hour. I’m pretty sure I left some chicken nuggets in the freezer last time I was here, you can have those if you get hungry. Or maybe I’ll get takeout on my way back?”
“Takeout sounds good.” JJ nodded, beaming, and pulled you in for a kiss before you left.
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hamliet · 3 years
Hello good morning, I really like your CFC ask so I come here with one after today’s chapter… especially because I don’t know how to feel in regard to 203 after HY’s reveal. What do you think? I like HY, I kinda had an inkling he either had something along the lines of the ErHa flower or he was undercover, but after 203 I discarded this idea, albeit not completely and now I’m kinda conflicted cause 203 was non-con and… yeah 😓 I trust you cause you’re very eloquent and can out into words what I can’t
Hi! So... my thoughts aren't super positive, unfortunately.
I'm really strongly reminded with this present arc of what happened during the final arc of the manga Tokyo Ghoul:re. Those of you who have been with me since then already know my Strong Opinions on it, but the short of it is that the author was under so much stress and pressure that he lost the ability to taste and smell, wasn't sleeping, and feared that if he took a break he'd never finish the story, so he rushed the ending. I've always held he did the right thing for himself. Please don't think I'd ever think otherwise. He's a genius writer of unique talent.
However, that doesn't make the story itself any better. The rushed ending was done in such a way that the main theme got utterly broken. The framing was contradictory chapter to chapter, and it ultimately took its powerful message and inverted it to something I personally found triggering and offensive. Even my personal feelings and triggers aside, it was objectively not well written.
I don't know what's going on in Meatbun's personal life, and I'm not gonna speculate. But the novel itself is a thematically contradictory mess at this point, and I don't know if it is salvageable. I'm inclined to say it's not.
This is a shame, because honestly I feel like Case File Compendium started off as by far the strongest of her novels, and up until the fight scene it pretty much kept impressing me. It took themes and concepts from 2ha and Yuwu but refined them, expounded on them in ways that felt fresh and unique, and offered powerful messages on redemption and the meaning of life. The story perfectly straddled the line between realism and cyberpunk/sci-fi.
That's kind of all gone now. It feels like everything plunged into an acid vat, and I mean colloquial acid.
The framing of 203 completely contradicts the entirety of the story before it.
So let's back up a bit. Framing is what tells you how to view a plot device, character choice, moment, etc. It indicates authorial intent in some ways. For the record, I can read pretty much anything if it's framed well. I am all for those enemies to lovers who try to kill each other, have killed a loved one, kidnap each other, whatever. But, it needs to be framed in a... morally defensible way for me to enjoy it personally. Meaning, it should be dealt with.
But, you say, the story might just not be for you, Hamliet! That's very true. It's all fine to write what you want and frame it how you want. However, it's also true that no story occurs in a vacuum, and the issues CFC explores (sexual assault) are very, very serious, and often triggering. Still, competing needs are a thing, and it's not morally wrong to read or write a story that frames it as less than a horror (it's a trope in romance, and LGBT+ media for a reason--gee, it's almost like fiction aimed at people who are societally conditioned to not express sexuality might find the concept of what's initially forced sexuality leading to hope and romance and new life resonating with them).
The problem with this in CFC is that it has made the incident in the 50s one of the inciting incidents of the novel. Now, the framing of the Club Scene actually bothered me way less than, in theory, the framing of QJJ's first sex scene between Yao Wenyu/Qiao Tianya did (it wasn't consensual, but it was not framed as a violation). However, the QJJ scene is not a major scene in the novel. 
The Club Scene was always the big "can we come back from this?" moment. He Yu's own arc started when he realized how wrong he'd been to treat Xie Qingcheng so, and there was such regret and suffering--think of He Yu writing I'm sorry, XQC over and over and over again over a significant length of time. We even had a repeat where He Yu goes back to the club to self-destruct and Xie Qingcheng decides he's not afraid this time and marches in to haul He Yu out. It was framed as deathly serious.
Now that's gone. Listen, maybe 203 is in retrospect supposed to be read as dubcon, if Xie Qingcheng really did know all along--it could, because I don't read Chinese, so clearly I'm limited in my understanding. But, I haven't heard anything from people who do read Chinese that indicates it was readable as dubcon. And even if that is the intention, which is my understanding at the moment... it feels icky.
Why would you bait readers with a serious topic that was previously framed as such a serious moment? Why is that the topic about which to pull a sudden switcheroo? It's not a good twist. It doesn't add anything to the story that revealing it earlier would have not added. It just makes us feel confused. There is 0 narrative point to keeping Xie Qingcheng and He Yu's situations a secret other than to just get off on noncon p*rn but then whoops, don't worry, it's fine. It doesn't work with the previous framing wherein it was seriously dealt with and gut-wrenching to read.
It undermines the previous handling of the topic. It just feels cheap. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
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otakween · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure (Blind Watch) - Episode 18
Holy limited animation, Batman! This was a rough watch. They used every trick in the book to squeeze out this episode. Extreme close ups with hidden mouths, tons of panning of still frames, and action obscured in the distance or entirely off screen. Unfortunately, that's just what you sign up for with these old shows with tons of episodes. The writing was pretty rushed too. It's like suddenly they're desperate to end this arc as soon as possible. The nicest thing I can say, is that there was some cool imagery here and there.
Digimon introduced: Tyrannomon, Piccolomon
-This episode reminded me of the Teen Titans episode where Robin goes off to be trained by a martial arts master. Piccolomon's training grounds had that dojo vibe to it.
-Hard for me to hear "Piccolo" without thinking of DBZ. Apparently it's referencing the Italian word for "small," not the instrument (although I guess piccolos are called that because they're small lol). They changed his name to Piximon in the dub, because American kids are too dumb to handle Italian references I guess.
-This episode started off kinda strong with Kuwagamon jump scaring everyone, but then it went downhill from there. It's been awhile since we got a fight right at the beginning of an episode like that.
-Piccolomon randomly shows up to whip the kids into shape because they're "slacking off." How did he know that? Does he just watch the kids from behind his barrier? Did Gennai tell him?
-I'm not sure what the point of the river Styx imagery was? In fact, that whole scene was kind of weird, why does Piccolomon have the ability to send Taichi visions of his past? ~I guess it's just magic so whatever~
-The riding a bike metaphor was so poorly done lol. Taichi sees a younger version of himself fall off a bike and both him and Agumon instantly go "Ah yes, we can't let mistakes hold us back. I feel better now." Like I knew it was headed that way, but it would have been more effective if they thought about the issue for more than a millisecond. Speed running character development this episode.
-Both surprised and relieved to see Koushiro and Yamato get their crests simultaneously. It did feel kind of cheap and rushed, but I don't think we need to draw out this crest thing any longer. Not sure why Koushiro and Yamato were paired up in this instance. You'd think they would pair up the brothers...
-Tyrannomon is just a lazy reskin of Agumon. Like, they didn't even try. Plus we just saw Greymon fight Greymon a few episodes ago so the dino fighting felt redundant.
-There was some contrived explanation for why the other digimon (aside from Agumon) couldn't evolve this episode, something to do with Etemon's music. I don't remember that being a thing before? It felt very made up on the spot.
-I guess they've completed their training with Piccolomon because Agumon evolved? Doesn't really feel like they did much lol. Oh well.
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kaz11283 · 4 years
Love Never Wins
Summary: Words will be said but do you really think either one of you mean them. Sometimes actions speak louder.
Warnings: slight angst
Characters: Loki, Thor, Y/n, Clint, avengers in the background here and there
Loki x you, Thor x you (platonic), Clint x you (brother,sister)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Not going to lie. This was going to be a simple short sweet straight to the point drabble but it turned into such a looooong one shot (i guess) I was in a good head space wgile writing this and just couldnt stop really. But it is something that I am very proud of.
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: I've had to make this a simple 2 part. I got way to carried away with everything in it!
Loki Masterlist
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"What's going on with you?" You yelled as you grabbed Loki by the arm pulling him away from the girl who was obviously flirting with him and he with her.
"What are you talking about? We were talking." He yelled back.
"You were flirting Loki in front of everyone! Openly! Don't play me for the fool you think I am. You've been off lately. Not around as much, zoning out when we finally have some time together. If there's something you want to say tell me now." You felt the tears rush to your eyes. You had seen all the signs, hell you were an expert at the signs. Multiple boyfriends had given you the signs before but for some reason you though that maybe, just maybe, he was diffrent.
"I just feel like we've grown apart in the last few months y/n. I don't think I can do this anymore." he said simply.
"You said I brought out the best side of you, that I was the love of your life." You said tears streaming down your face now, to hell with the makeup you was wearing you wasn't going back to the party anyways.
"You're not." He stated simply clenching his jaw.
"Ok fine. It's not the first time I've been broken up with. Just the first time that I had ever put so much into someone that I truly did see a future with just to have my heart completely ripped out in front of me. You got me good this time trickster. Don't think I'll be able to fully recover from this one." You spat back at him before turning to head up stairs to your room that the two of you had shared for so long.
Luckily Tony hadn't done anything to the room you had once occupied on a lower level of the tower so you easily moved all of your clothing back into there in a matter of no time. You weren't use to the feeling of being alone but thats all you wanted right now for the rest of your life. The god of tricks had ruined other men for you, he had once shown you love like you had never felt, and now your heart broke like it had never broke before.
"Hey sis, noticed you weren't- oh god what did he do?" Clint asked walking into your room. "Knew something was up. I could feel it."
"Hawk stop with the twin shit, its creepy." You huffed whipping your eyes on the back your long sleeve hoodie.
"What happened? All I know is you two disappeared, he came back, you didn't, and he said I should probably find you in your old room." He sat down next to you.
"We broke up. Easy as that. Ya know I never understood why they say not to date your co workers till today." You shrugged turning to him. "When we first got together you hated it-"
"To be fair he did brainwash me."
"I didn't say you didn't have a right. We kept it from you for a while though. But we hadn't been together long, Hawk, I thought he was diffrent from any man I ever dated-"
"Well he is a god, kinda different."
"Would you shut up so I can vent just for a little bit then you can go back to the party."
"Na, parties lame anyways, I was thinking about hanging out here for a little bit." He said kicking his shoes off and proping his feet on the coffee table throwing his arms across the back of the couch.
"Whatever," you rolled your eyes as you snuggled into your brother. "He was so kind, gentle, he was paciant with me. He knew that me and you were close and he didnt wamt to get in the way of that. He wanted us to be closer than he and Thor was. I think it helped him realize just how important family is when you only have each other. We kept it a secret for so long though." You pulled the hood up closer to your face. You didn't want to admit to yourself but you had kept the jacket because it still smelled like him.
"Nat seen the two of you making out in the hall weeks before you told anyone by the way." He laughed pulling you closer to him. " I didnt say anything though because I knew you would tell me when you were comfortable with it."
"I love him so much and he played me. Completely tricked me into these feelings that I dont think will ever change." You sobbed wrapping your arms around his waist, he through his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer.
"Hes a dick with a god complex. Hes not good enough for you at all. Coming from a brother, a twin brothers point of view, I think you could do better. All is fair in love and war, but dont put it past me to be a little rougher on him during training, and I wont point anything out if you happen to let some bad guy kill him on the field." He said kissing the top of your head.
"Hawk, you know I'm not like that. I habe a reputation to up hold." You said slapping his arm before pulling away. "If you wanna stay theres still some of your sweats that I stole in the bedroom and ice cream in the freezer, but your sleeping on the couch. Its been since we were kids that we shared a bed but I bet you still kick."
A few weeks had passed since you and Loki had called it quites. You had been mainly staying in your room trying not to cause any uncomfortable silence if you and Loki wede in the same room. On one occasion when you had ventured out to the living room you seen Loki holding an icepack to his eye and a busted lip, your first instinct was to rush over and make sure he was ok but instead you turned and took a seat between Thor and Clint.
"Lady Y/n, as always your peresnts lights up the room. We just havent been seeing much of it as of late." Thor greeted you with a warm smile throwing his huge arm ober your shoulder, making you look smaller than you already was.
"No more gods." Clint mumbled beside you.
"Thor is just a friend. One of the best I have." You laughed. "What happened?" Nodding toward Loki.
"Payback." He shrugged.
"Ah yes, it turns out Loki is not very good at hand to hand combat unles he is able to use his magic." Thor laughed. "I always tried to get him to train with me but he never did, turns out he probably should have."
"Oh for god sakes I'm right here and you three are not really whispering. I shouldn't have to learn hand to hand combat I have my sedair! I'm assuming it was just your brothers idea so that he could get back at me." He yelled.
"And you forget that there could come a time when you might need hand to hand. I told you many times that you needed to train but no mister 'I'm Loki prince of Asguard, burdened with glorious purpose', mister I have my magic. Bullshit. Your just sour because a mear mortal bested you at something. Grow a pair and learn how to actually fight." You jumped up. You had finally snapped. It had been coming tough sitting in you waiting for the right, or wrong, time to show up.
"You watch your tone!" He shouted jumping up. "I know how to fight better than half the people in here." Clint and Thor slowly stood watching the scene in front of them neither one know what to do.
"You know how to use your pixie dust to make things happen! Well guess what tinker bell this aint Neverland. We get in weird predicaments all the time you never know what to expect." You yelled back. "Hell Loki, your probably so bad at hand to hand even I could beat you."
"Oh your on. Training room, 30mins. That is unless your scared?" He said giving you a mischievous smirk.
"Trust and believe I'm not afraid of you by any means. No weponds, no sedair strictly hand to hand." You said turning on your heel to walk to your room to get ready leaving Clint and Thor standing alone in the living room aww struck.
"So what do we do?" Clint finally asked.
"Well of course we have to stop this. It will not end very well." Thor answered.
"So tell the others?"
"Yes you tell the others I will get refreshments for the battle." They took off in seprate directions.
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kakaxhi · 3 years
Tomura Shigaraki | Mad World
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x Reader Request:
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Warnings: language, angst with a happy ending Word Count: 1.1k
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He wanted it to stop; the screaming, the fighting. The words that continuously flowed out of his mouth causing more harm then he actually meant. He couldn't remember what sparked this fight, but all he could focus on was that he didn't want to lose.
As time past, the need to scratch and hide his face behind Father grew. The way you were staring at him now made him feel horrible, but still, he continued. Your voices raising over each other, hands moving rapidly. And then you said it, the worst thing you could have possibly said in a heated moment.
"Honestly, I can't fucking stand to even look at you right now."
His heart skipped a beat, "You- You don't mean that."
He reached out for you, a feeling of dread coming over him as you flinched away.
"Don't you dare touch me."
"Please, Player Two-"
You stepped out of his way, hand gripping the doorknob, "No, Shigaraki, I'm done."
You slammed the door shut, just as he felt his heart shatter to pieces. Watching you walk out that door utterly broke him.
The rest of the League were surprised to see Tomura come out of his room so late in the day. He gave out the overused excuse of staying up to play games all night but in reality he barely slept. It was obvious if you looked closely enough, eyes bloodshot and puffy, hair messier then usual, looking as if he'd fall asleep just while sitting at the bar.
Tomura watched the room silently. His eyes found your form quickly, watching as you spoke to some of the other League members. He wanted to go and say something to you, but was unsure how to start. Though, he decided against it when your eyes met his and you glared at him like he was the dirt on the bottom of your shoe.
He sighed, downing his drink before going back to his room. The way you didn't even spare him a glance as he passed by making him want to break down all over again.
Tomura didn't have a lot of experience before you, being one of Japan's most wanted. But over time he'd gotten used to sleeping besides you, holding you in his arms, waking up in your warmth. Feeling your lips meet his skin as you kissed him awake.
Now, your side of the bed was cold, and for the second time he had cried himself to sleep. He wiped his face, pulling your unused pillow against his chest. He sighed, resting his pounding head against the cool fabric.
He sighed, pushing himself off the bed and making his way towards your room. You rarely slept there now, but kept it set up just in case. He finally made it to the door, a shaky hand coming up to knock on the door.
He waited a few minutes, but you never answered.
Tomura was miserable by day three. You hardly paid him any mind, or so he thought. He didn't see the heartbreak on your face each time he turned away from you. He didn't hear the sadness in your voice when you spoke. And he certainly didn't hear the way you cried each time you thought about the fight, the horrible words you said to him.
You eyed him from your position on the couch. His back was facing you, but as he moved around you could see the fresh scratch marks on his neck. You oh-so-badly wanted to go over and hug him, tell him everything was okay, but you were so sure he wanted nothing to do with you.
Feeling tears prick your eyes, you got up and rushed out of the room. Tomura watched your fleeting figure, body moving faster then his thoughts as he went after you. He reached your room seconds after you shut the door. He knocked, hearing the waver in your voice as you spoke.
"Who is it?"
"Tomura. Please, open the door?"
He waited patiently as you slowly opened the door. He hated seeing you so upset, wanting to hug you and forget the whole thing ever happened.
"Can we talk?"
You nodded, stepping aside to let him in. You shut and locked the door behind you, scared to face him. You froze, hearing the tremble in his voice. You turned to face him, heart breaking at the sight in front of you. You've only seen Tomura cry a few times but knowing you were the cause of it now? It made you hate yourself even more.
"I'm sorry, I don't even remember what we were fighting about. Whatever it was, I'm sorry. Do you still want to be with me? If not, I'll understand."
You shook your head, almost knocking him off his feet with the force of your hug. He was startled, quickly raising his fingers as to not touch you with all five fingers.
"I'm sorry, Tomura. I'm so sorry. I never should've said those things to you. I'll make it up to you."
He held you close, a smile tugging at his lips as he felt your own on his cheek, "You don't have to do anything special. As long as you still want to be Player Two."
You nodded, hand coming up to cup his cheek, "I will always be your Player Two."
He smiled, chuckling as you peppered kisses over his face. He sighed in content, bringing his lips to meet your own. You pulled away only when you needed air, resting your head against his shoulder.
"Will you stay in here tonight?"
He couldn't say no to you.
Tomura was never one to wake up early, but when he didn't feel you next to him he panicked. He only calmed down when the door slowly creaked open and you let out a soft curse.
"Hi baby. Did I wake you up?"
He shook his head, only answering when he realized you couldn't see him in the dark, "No, I kinda freaked out when I didn't feel you next to me."
You climbed in besides him, resting your hand on his chest, "I just needed a quick drink. I'm sorry for scaring you. Why don't you try and get some more sleep?"
He nodded, easily tangling his limbs with your own. He sighed as he felt your lips against his forehead, falling back asleep after whispering how much he loved you.
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dreamifics · 3 years
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A day with the Avengers..
Avengers x Y/N (all platonic, maybe a bit of loki pining..)
The whole avengers entered the part of the compound where a busy Y/N is.. S/he was busy with and was doing things all over the place.
"What are you doing?" Natasha cautiously asks, the remaing avengers behind her..
"None ofnshahana.." S/he utters without looking up from what s/he's doing..
"What?" Tony questioned confused..
"She said none ofnshahana, Mr. Stark.." Peter answered..
"What--No Peter--"
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Sam asks again, and it pushed one of Y/N's buttons..
"I'm doing something for me and it's called NONE OF YOUR FU,--.."
"Languange!" Steve yelled, this time Y/N looked up and rolled her/his eyes..
"Ugh, didn't see you there Capsicle!" S/he said sarcastically causing Steve to shake his head either in amusement or disappointment. It's really hard to tell..
"What are you working on, Y/N?" Natasha continue to ask the questions..
"Nothing, school project!" Y/N answered going back to whatever s/he's doing..
"Didn't you graduate school like five years ago.." Wanda chirped in..
"Oh..Did I say school project?I meant--hahaha!" S/he laughs nervously, Y/N faked a cough.. This made all the Avengers more suspicious of his/her actions..
"I meant just a project.." S/he answered timidly and focuses back to whatever s/he was doing.
"Is it dangerous?" Vision asks as the others wait for Y/N's answer..
"Umm--Not that I can think of.."
"Alright then!Let's drink, throw the party Stark!" Thor announced, he only received glares from the rest..
"No, were not leaving unless we find out what Y/N's working on.." Stark whispers as he lead them away from Y/N's earshot.
"I have a plan Mr. Stark!" Peter pitched in..
"No, I don't want you to get hurt son.." Tony subconsciously called Peter son.. Which he regrets but he had no time for that.
"Di-Did you just call me son?" Peter was in the verge of tears, he finally had a father figure in his life..
"What?!No!I mean---nevermind kid, I need to find out what Y/N's working on!" Tony left but Peter followed him..
"But Dad--i mean Mr. Stark!"
"I love being here!" Thor said earning a praise from the others.. A eerie silence passed by and no one has talked..
"Wanna bet on what Y/N's working on?" Sam broke the deafening silence. All the remaing heroes seemed to agree on Sam's idea..
"Hell yeah!" Clint cheered while crossing his arms.
"Sure, im bored anyways.." Natasha answered while leaning on the wall..
"I bet my 20 dollars, that Y/N's working on a kind of laser end of the world thing.." Clint took out his 20 dollars and showes it to everyone.
"That doesn't make sense.." Natasha countered Clint..
"Well, it does to me.." Clint just rolled his eyes to Natasha 
"Fine, I bet 50 bucks that Y/N's working on some kind of serum.." Natasha offered..
"Specify what kind of serum she's making.." Bruce questioned while working something in his phone..
"I don't know Bruce, I don't have fancy diplomats like you do.."
"I bet 10 dollars that Y/N's working on something related to me!" Thor said proudly with a cheeky grin on his face.
"What?That's stupid!" Sam utter.
"Like your plans?" Bucky jokes, making the rest laugh except for Sam..
"Oooh!Sick burn, Buck!" Clint high five Bucky but he was just confused..
"Okay!" Clint said in disappointment.
"Just bet you guys!" Sam was growing impatient.
"I bet that--" Wanda didn't even finish her sentences when Sam cut her off..
"Not you.."
"Why?" She asks..
"You can read minds, I'm not gonna risk my money, Wanda.."
"I don't read people's mind without their permission!" Wanda counteracts.
"You sure?" Vision questioned knowing that his girlfriend was lying..
"Fine!Let's just go and watch Seinfield.." Wanda scoffs and pulled Vision into their share bedroom.
"Alright, call T'Challa and ask him if he wants in.." Clint points at Nat but she mouthed 'no".
"Why not?"
"You're seriously bringing the king of Wakanda into a stupid bet?" Natasha was seriously surrounded by stupid heroes..
"Fine, just call Shuri.." Now Clint has just earned a slap from Black Widow..
"Hey!Why did you do that?!" He shrieks..
"We are not calling anyone!" Natasha lost her patience..
"Scott Lang?" Clint slowly asks..
"No--Maybe.." She gave up, there was nothing keeping Clint from calling their resources.
"Yes!" Clint excitedly leaves to call Scott..
"What about you, Cap?" Sam asks..
"I'm going for a run.." Steve said while almost half way to the door.
"Boooring!" Sam teases, he turns to Bucky..
"What about you Barnes?"
"I bet that this bet is stupid, and I'm going to run with Steve.."
"Geez, what a fun couple.." Natasha mutters, Sam just shrugged it off and focuses on Banner.
"What about you Bruce?"
"Very busy.." Banner answered, not looking up from his phone..
"Alrighty then, so Clint has 20 dollars on lasers, Romanoff's 50 bucks is on a serum, and thor's 10 dollars is on himself? And me!Well I bet 100 dollars that Y/N is working on a weapon to destroy humanity!" Sam recapped quickly..
"Woah, geez Sam.. Not so dark!" Natasha scolds.
"What?I just said she's working on a weapon, I never said she would use it!"
"Still that's so horrid!" Natasha groaned at Sam.. Suddenly Clint was back and he came from one of the vents..
"Hey--I just got off the phone with Scott, he said he bets 10 dollars that Y/N is working on a device that will turn him/herself into a--horse?" Clint explained confused..
"Wait--that's so detailed.." Bruce wondered..
"I know, but hey, easy money!" Clint toss his phone back into his pockets..
"Alright, let's wait on what Stark would be able to find.." Sam announced as they all walk towards Tony's office.
"Your money's mine, Romanoff!" Clint jokes..
"Your wife's mine, Barton.." Natasha smirks and sashay her way to their destination.
"What?" Clint said in a sad tone, he stopped on his tracks as Natasha's word replayed in his mind.
"Let's just find Stark.." Sam pats Clint's back as a sign of comfort, his friend just nod and followed Natasha.
Some of the Avengers were sitting on the living room watching a movie when a loud scream followed by a--
"I HAVE DONE IT!! BWAHAHAHAH!" interrupted them..
Sam came rushing out of his room with a bathrobe covering his body.. There were still soap in his face and hair, he was obviously in a hurry.
"Did you guys hear that?!" He asks..
"Yepp, sounds like a mad scientist to me.." Natasha answered while the others try to focus on the tv.
"LOL, yeah.." Steve was trying on some slangs he heard from Peter and Y/N.. But when he said that, they only gave him weird stares.
"Cap, that's very weird.." Sam whispered to the super soldier.
"I agree.." Bucky agreed.
"Just-Just don't.." Natasha didn't want to explain that it was weird seeing a fossil say slangs.. Steve was just heartbroken, he tried to fit in but that seems impossible.
"Anyways, Stark said he found something.." Wanda change the topic of their conversation.. They all gave her a thank you look.
"Alright!" Tony's voice boomed out throughout the whole place, he walked up to them..
"Hello, everyone.. No need for applause, I just find out what Y/N was inventing!"
"Yes!Wooh!" They all cheer as they ready their money.. The tension was on just like when Tony and Steve had a petty fight.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you please tell Y/N to come to the living room." Tony said to his A.I .
"Calling Y/N, sir.."
"Y/N is coming, sir.."
They all seem giddy and excited to what Stark found, the money in their hands was getting hot as the seconds pass.. Y/N walked in, s/he was covered in hair, it kinda looks like it belonged to an animal..
"Make it fast, Stark..I'm a busy person.." Y/N's voice pulled everyone out of their minds and back to the current situation.
"I just found out what your working on.." Tony blurts out, it made Y/N gasps..
"Wh-What?!How dare you?!"
"And to settle all the bets, I will announce it to everyone.." Tony continue, this was the cherry on top of Y/N's anger..
"You bitch!"
"Languange!" Steve was already wired to say that everytime he hears a profanity but this was obviously not a good time.
"Shut up, Capsicle!" Y/N and Tony both shushed him, he flops back down to his seat..
"Don't you dare disobey me, Stark!"
"Y/N has been working on a device that will turn her into a horse!" Y/N gasps, she felt her heart dropped on the floor..
"Peter is Stark's true son!" Y/N blurted out due to panic in his/her mind..
"What?!" The rest shout at the same time, they were confused on what's going on..
"Peter is not my son, but Y/N is building a device that will turn her/himself into a horse.." Tony explained making everyone calm down a little..
"So, Scott won?" Clint asks dumbfounded, he just lost his money.
"No!This bet is stupid anyways!No one won, this bet is cancelled!" Sam shouts, he just bet a hundred dollars and he was so sure that Y/N was creating a machine to destroy humanity.
"I told you this bet is stupid.." Bucky whisper shouts to Sam but he didn't listen and just gave Bucky the finger..
"I think, I think the bigger issue is Y/N's weird---fondness on horses.." Vision stated..
"Ugh!" Y/N glared at all of them..
"This is your fault Stark!I would kill you if I didn't love Morgan!"
"Do it then!" Stark taunts causing everyone to try and calm the situation down.
"Woah, woah calm down.." Bucky intervenes..
"Y/N what's with this horse thing?" Steve asks causing Y/N to blush and back down.
"Ha ha!Petty humans.." Thor was standing from a far spot away from the rest and just watching with popcorn in hand.
"Well.." Y/N muttered..
"Explain.." Natasha ordered.
"Fine, but first.." Y/N oblied, ,s/he had a soft spot for Natasha due to their one similarity.. And that's to piss off Stark..
"Is Loki here?" Y/N asks in a hush tone.
"No, he's still sleeping.." Wanda answered.. This answer made Y/N relax, s/he sits down on one of the chairs..
"Now tell us everything!" Natasha barks.
"This information that I'm about to tell you is very confidential, if I find out that this gets to Loki I would kill every one of you.." Y/N threatens causing some of them to be scared.. Y/N was a brutal killer, and s/he was even worse than the Winter Soldier  .
"S-Sure.." They all stutter, obviously scared of what information Y/N was about to drop..
"I was reading a book about Norse mythology, and stumble upon a story about.." Y/N couldn't bring herself to say the rest..
"About what?" Sam asks curiously..
"About Loki and a horse.." Y/N finally utters..
"What's with loki and a horse?" Steve questioned..
"He--Umm, I can't do it!" Y/N panicked and broke down..
"Ugh, I'll take matter on my own hands.." Tony said, earning a little applause from the rest of the Avengers.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, search and read the story about Loki and the horse?" Tony was unsure that this even exist..
"Oh god.." Thor whispers under his breath as it daunts to him, slowly backing away from everyone..
"Sleipnir was the eight-legged horse born of Loki, and belonged to Odin. Loki gave birth to Sleipnir after turning himself into a female horse when his father demanded he sabotage the work of a craftsman from being able to complete the fortification of Asgard in one season.." The A.I read the information it got.. They all seem dumbfounded, Y/N seems embarrassed and was shifting weight to every part of her body.. Thor was just shaking his head in disappointment..
"WHAT THE FRACK Y/N?!" Natasha questions..
"No!I was just curious if--umm he was attracted to horse.."
"Why not just buy a horse?!" Sam asks.
"That's just a myth Y/n!" Bucky shouts at Y/N..
"And how do you know that?!"
"God, just ask Loki out the normal human way!" Clint utters as he hide his face in disappoint.
"No buts, you're banned from my lab.." Tony cut Y/N off..
"Why?!" This causes outrage to Y/N..
"You were doing weird things in there!"
"That's unreasonable!You have sex there with Pepper and you don't see me bitching about that!" Y/N blurted out, the rest suddenly felt weird and just gave each other looks.
"How the hell do you know about that?" Tony questioned..
"Well Pepetony, if you two would have sex make sure no one's around to see it!"
"Shut up!You're grounded!" Tony was mad, he didn't knew that someone knows about that..
"You're not my dad!" Y/N answered..
"But I'm in charge!"
"Of the bills?Yeah!But Steve is really the one in charge, right Cap?" Y/N looked over to Steve but he panics and stands up fast.
"Uhh--I'm going for a walk!" Steve excused and walked away from this uncomfortable moment.
"Me too!" Some utters as they follow Steve..
"We're all coming!" Natasha announced, walking away she follows everyone outside..
"BYE TONY!" Sam shouts..
"I'm coming too!" Y/N was walking when s/he was stopped by Tony..
"Son of a gun!"
"I'm also taking you to a therapist.." He announced, but Y/N gave up, s/he was tired and need to rest..
"Ugh, whatever..Imma throw out my horse convertible.."
"That's a stupid name.." Tony mutters..
"Not as stupid as yours.."
"I'm giving you back to Strange.."
"I rather live with Voldemort.." Y/N answered as s/he rolls his/her eyes..
"Ehh, he is weird.." Tony commented..
"Tell me about it, you know his cloak?" Y/N was suddenly intrigued by talking dirt behind Stephen's back but s/he knows that Strange already knows that this is happening..
"Yeah.." Tony answered unsure of what Y/N was pointing out 
"He doesn't wash it.."
"That's disgusting!" Tony gasped and shakes his head..
Loki was sitting from the surveillance room, watching it all happen with a scared Bruce on his side..
"Are--Are they always like this?" He asks..
"Yeah.." Bruce answered, obviously terrified of Loki..
"Fascinating.." Loki said as he relax more into the chair and played with his dagger.. To Bruce, this scared him but he knew that Loki was change.. He was just baffled by his obsession with daggers and how his eyes are always dark.. But he still can't believe that Y/N 's working on a device that will turn her/him to a horse..
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
I totally agree with everything Katheryne and Anon just said in the last ask about the Inazuma quest (it was so unsatisfying? Like, the ending was epic or whatever, but just like, everything felt kinda empty?), and I feel like it really disappointing?
It left so much open/to be desired, for the characters especially. We got a pretty large cast of characters, and they all seem really cool and interesting, but we barely saw much of them. It was mostly rushing around and doing errands.
Also, parts of the story felt like they went nowhere to me? Or just got abandoned? Maybe some of it will be cleared up eventually but, eh...
Examples I can think of: -Traveler got Swordfish II, then they basically forgot about that as soon as the Teppei stuff happened -The resistance didn't really get a proper conclusion? We saw them storm the city, Kazuha did that thing (I hope they give him a character quest to get into that, like, tf) and then after everything went down we saw some of them in that cutscene, but not really anything that felt like closure (if there's something in world quests I wouldn't know, haven't done much there yet)
Also on a semi related not, I'm pretty sure someone (Yae I think) said something about Scara being stronger than Signora since he's No. 6 of the Harbingers and she's 8, which kinda implied Childe, No. 11, being the weakest? I'm not entirely sure I got that right tho so don't quote me on that
i agree!! you summed up the main points way better than i ever could HAHA but yes, it was just so unsatisfactory and there were so many plot holes :(( i kept thinking they'd be chekhov'ed but no, no they were not.
and no, scaramouche being stronger than signora is just a coincidence! the numbering system of the harbingers had been explained quite a while ago:
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do keep in mind that though the wiki is run by fans, the mods fact-check everything and make sure not to post rumored information, so this is fairly trustworthy. i am not entirely sure why yae would say that scaramouche is more powerful because he's 6th :(( that's directly contradicts previous info given, but then again, we all know that the inazuma story seems... rushed HAHA so we can't rule out the wording being a mistake.
and as a childe main, i don't think our bloodthirsty ginger boy is the weakest at all! his character story explicitly says this:
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and consider his background:
spoilers for childe's story
he fell into the abyss when he was 14, learned how to fight from skirk, a swordswoman who has presumably been in the abyss dealing with monsters for ages, and received knowledge of the foul legacy transformation.
just that alone is Very Very powerful, but let's not forget that he has both a vision AND a delusion! we were never given the story for how he got his vision (where most characters have a vision story, he has a delusion story) but we can most definitely assume that the gods saw and appreciated him. hydro vision, electro delusion, AND power of the abyss? this dude is POWERFUL.
also, he's not afraid of chaos. there's a saying in china used to describe someone like that, 唯恐天下不乱, roughly translated as '[someone] whose only fear is that the world isn't chaotic', and that's childe to a T. this dude is not afraid to die, which means he's got nothing to lose, and those kinds of ppl are actually the scariest. he's fighting with everything he's got because he LOVES it like, geeeez this dude is a walking death flag.
i'm real sorry for taking the point of the post away. the point is that the inazuma story didn't seem well-planned, but if mihoyo ends up explaining that later, we can all be pleasantly surprised!
- katheryne from liyue
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danieyells · 3 years
Messy mutterings about Chapter 55 spoilers with a small angst warning, copypasted from discord with little cleaning and edits lol
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I'm imagining Raphael sent Luke away so he wouldn't interfere with him killing/fighting Michael and Simeon went along with the idea and is in the human world too so Luke's not, y'know, on his own in a strange new world and to reduce Luke's suspicion and all. But as Michael and Raphael are fighting or whatever Luke somehow learns what's going on/realizes why things are off and rushes home to try and stop it.
He tries to get between Raphael and Michael(perhaps his back, Raph perhaps striking while Michael is lost in thought missing the brothers, spaced out, staring at the wall where their portraits were) and is struck violently by Raphael's spear instead. Simeon, ofc, followed him home to try and protect him but is too late because of Luke's own determination to protect Michael bonus if he grows a little in this scene--just magically, because his current smol form is too weak to help surely but if he were a little bigger, a little stronger, maybe he could make it in time--!! and Luke is impaled.
He doesn't die but none of the three wanted Luke hurt in this confrontation--Michael is angry at Raph for attacking/being violent in the first place, Raph is mad at Simeon for failing to restrain Luke, and Simeon is like is now really the time for this because hello Luke is hurt.
Angels are made of strong stuff, he's not gonna die but he'll be in a bad spot if they don't get him to an angel who specializes in healing. I've elected this to be Uriel for now although I've been told that Raphael is generally percieved as the angel of healing--but with OM canon his reputation sonfar is so hostile I'm gonna say that may not be the case. Michael (or Raph) can stave things off for a bit but he's not healing specialized either--they're all Archangels and Seraphs but their fields are elsewhere, mostly combat.
(Luke tries to assure that he's fine and attempts to remove the spear. They don't allow this because the spear is, of course, keeping most of his blood in at the moment.)
They can't fly him to someone because it'd be bumpier so they have to carry him or call/run/send for help--so other angels do learn what's going on and speculation begins. Luke is hospitalized and Raph and Michael and Simeon stay with him while he sleeps, kinda tensely, not really ready to talk out whatever happened. But before he passed out Luke tried to tell Raphael not to fight/kill Michael, to talk to him instead. He wanted to tell him to talk to the demons/humans too, they're not as bad as they think(he and Raph are very likeminded so he thinks 'maybe Raphael will listen to me since I'm starting to see that I was a little wrong maybe') but he couldn't get it out.
Simeon messages the demons, Solomon, and MC and says he won't be returning to the human world/devildom for a bit because Luke was hurt in the CR. Mammon, having had recently gotten attached to Luke, is stunned and angry and anxious and wants to know what happened. Simeon isn't ready to tell them yet, and Mammon demands Barb make a portal to the CR for him to check on Luke--surely Barb is also worried because he cares for Luke too!
Diavolo says they're not allowed to go and Barb agrees(he felt as much before Diavolo said anything too.) Simeon agrees because there's some unrest now and speculation and with an exchange student angel having had been injured by a notoriously demon-skeptical Archangel some angels are worried the demons may be involved in this somehow and if demons suddenly showed up it'd make things worse. Mammon curses his helplessness because his new little brother minion is hurt and he can't even check on him. Simeon feels helpless too--he's an archangel, a Seraph, but he can't help Luke either.
I imagine MC then offers to visit instead--they may be a powerful sorcerer now but they're still just a sheep human with an inhuman aura right? They wouldn't be as concerning for the general populace. After some consideration the demons and Solomon agree this would be okay, as does Michael and Simeon [and Raph maybe] but they say to wait a few hours/a day or two before doing so, just to allow some cooldown/recovery in the CR.
(In the meantime Mammon reviews one of Luke's recent text chains to him where he's baking something. He tries to copy all the steps and instructions and clumsily makes some cupcakes. They're ugly and Mammon isn't known for his stellar cooking, but they kinda relieve him a bit and Beel says they taste alright, so Mammon asks MC to bring them to the CR for Luke for him--there's enough for Michael too since he's probably going through a hard time. It's not like he cares or anything!! He's just building up credit! They'll owe him with interest when this is all said and done!!!)
Idk what'd happen afterwards--it's probably the first time MC meets Raph so it's not under the best circumstances and he definitely wouldn't trust sweets from a demon. And even if he was gonna fight/kill Michael he doesn't trust that Mammon would give him anything safe and instinctively would tell Michael not to touch them, let alone Luke if he's awake to do so. So it's not like he hates Michael, he just. Things need to change and he tried to incite it the only way he knows how--or, rather, the most effective way, given how quickly things changed after the Rebellion. A spear to the throat makes anyone listen. A rebellion is what made Michael change, so maybe it will help him go back to normal too.
(Maybe Luke is awake enough to hear them talking about these things and weakly asks if Raph is going to be exciled over this--the first thing he says since passing out. They're surprised because. He got injured trying to protect Michael but he's still trying to protect Raphael, Michael's assailant? But Luke understands how Raphael feels because he feels the exact same way--or he used to. He didn't trust demons or humans or sorcerers or the exchange program, he didn't think they should get along at all. And he saw how sad Michael was without the brothers and hated them for that too--and Raph feels the same way, right?
Angels are all family. Raphael, Michael, Luke, Simeon, even when they disagree, when their views don't align due to time and perspectives and experiences and ages and positions, they're all brothers. And Lucifer and them were their family too. Even if they disliked them or how they behaved, even if they resent their rebellion and its effects they were still family and they loved and cared about them.
And Raphael doesn't want to see Michael hurting anymore either--certainly not over people who don't care anymore, certainly not over people who turned on them and Father, who must hate them as well. . .but he's been with the brothers for over a year now. Maybe two or three at this point. And he may have only learned it recently but. . .they haven't forgotten. They probably don't hate them. And the demons, the humans, even those unfaithful and the practitioners of dark magic, the fallen, they're not as bad as they thought. They're not necessarily their enemies. Raphael doesn't know it like Luke does because he's never left the CR aside for war and maybe visiting the human world briefly too, right? But if he'd consider things differently, if he's allowed a chance to learn, Luke himself promises Michael, promises Father who's surely watching as he always is, that he'll understand. Raph made a rash decision albeit after many many years of consideration-- but it was out of ignorance, so please forgive him and give him another chance and don't excile him? On top of that he needs a chance to learn and do better--imagine how he'd feel, being turned into something he hates or fears? It will help him learn, sure, but it also may only make him feel worse or make him do something more rash or result in another Fall if he has supporters.
Raphael doesn't hate Michael--he just wants things to be different. Perhaps to go back to normal. And he doesn't want Michael to mope over the loss of the seven brothers and Lilith anymore either.
And maybe in this time, since they'd have to decide what to do about Raph, Michael requested Diavolo come over too--y'know, in case Raph is exciled, they'd want Diavolo's approval and reassurance to keep an eye on him too. So maybe he or Barb, as they arrive in the room, would approve of Luke's appeal--ask what Michael and Simeon And Raph and MC think. They could always bring him in as an exchange student too! 😘 That worked for Luke!
Ultimately Raph probably wouldn't be exciled/become a Fallen but be given another chance. Maybe he's stripped of his title temporarily, until he's sufficiently deemed to learn about demons, angels, their history together, culture, whether or not they can get along, etc--so he's bitter, but thankful. And Michael understands that perhaps he's been allowing how much he misses the brothers and Lilith to cloud him and maybe it's time to move on and make changes to the Celestial Realm again after all this time. Bonus points if the bros came along and he was too distracted to sense them--someone's like "oh you're moving on? So we came here for no reason after all?" and ofc he's happy to see them again and gets to hang out with them again for a while before getting to say a goodbye with more closure. And he hangs off of Lucifer's neck the whole time they're there lol he and Dia bond over being Lucifer fanboys too.
Luke's okay in the end--a little worse for wear because being stabbed by Raphael is Not A Small Ordeal but he's okay and he shows a little more maturity. But he's also still same old Luke who will happily point out how awful demons are and use it as an excuse for distrust/fear--but he's more mindful of it now because he feels like he needs to set a good example for Raph lmao.)
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