#the entire nohebi team
nicolovesutoo · 5 months
Kuroo x Daisho - GHOSTFACE
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Themes: Halloween, Ghostface Kuroo, “final girl” Daishou, established relationship
FLUFF: 1,288⋆。°✩⋆。°✩
Daisho shiered as chills ran down his back, it was Halloween night and it was cold as hell. The Nohebi team had decided to go trick-or-treating to build morale but it got boring quickly. Some wanted to hit up the party that Aoba Johsai was throwing and some wanted to catch the last train to Shiratorizawa Academy’s party.
“Why don’t we split up? So everyone gets what they want.” Kuguri suggested as he adjusted his letterman jacket. Coincidentally the entire group agreed to go their separate ways which is how Daisho ended up walking home.
He wore his volleyball uniform for his Halloween costume, his green and white windbreaker being the only source of warmth for him. His parents were on a trip and wouldn’t be back for a week, meaning he had the house to himself for a while. Blowing his bang out of the view of his eye, he admired the decorations in his neighborhood. There were carved pumpkins on people’s doorsteps but people were going inside for the night it seemed, as there wasn’t anybody on their doorsteps and no kids trick or treating. Lights were turned off and music was lowered to be barely audible. 
He sighed and entered through his door, noticing that his lights were on. He didn’t remember leaving them on but he assumed that maybe he forgot, he was like that. Going to the kitchen, he took off his windbreaker to embrace the warmth of his A/C and opened the fridge. He took out his leftover steak and fries and placed it into the microwave to warm up but before he could press the buttons, his phone rang. It was an unknown number so assuming it was spam, he ignored it and heated up his food. 
The calls didn’t end there, whoever was calling was relentless and it annoyed him to no end. 
“Hello??” He said, finally answering the phone. There was silence before heavy breathing on the other line, which creeped him out. He was about to hang up the phone when the person spoke, they had the type of voice you would hear on the radio.
“Do you like scary movies?”
Daisho rolled his eyes, “What's the point? They're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act and who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. It's insulting.”
The person on the other line laughed and clicked his tongue, “Are you alone in the house?”
“...Who are you?”
“The question isn’t, who am I? The question is, where am I?”
Daisho’s grip around his phone tightened as if he were going to use it as a brick to throw at the person. He grabbed a knife from his counter before dimming the lights.
“So where are you?” He asked as he observed the hallway.
“On your front porch.” Daisho walked to his front porch and looked through the peephole. Not seeing anyone.
“You’re a liar, no one’s there.” Daisho laughed and was about to hang up the phone but it was as if the person could sense it. 
“Don’t you dare hang up.”
Daisho scoffed and put the phone on speaker, “What’re you going to do if I do?”
“Don’t test me, Daisho.” He hung up the phone.
He laughed at the man and placed his phone on the kitchen island. “What an idiot.” He was thinking that the man could be one of his friends pranking him for not cleaning up the volleyballs during practice. He put the knife back into the drawer before turning to the window near the back door, seeing a shadow quickly disappear. 
His blood ran cold and in an attempt to save himself, he shut off the lights completely. This caused the backdoor lights to turn on and reveal a tall man dressed in a Ghostface costume, tilting his head and holding a knife. He was glad that thanks to the glass, the man couldn’t see him but he knew he was staring. Daisho bolted upstairs, almost tripping over his own feet, and hid under his bed. 
He covered his mouth to hide his gasp when he heard the backdoor open, the alarm going off. But the man turned off the alarm, it had to be someone Daisho knew and had around a lot. Why would someone he loved try to kill him? On Halloween of all days? He closed his eyes as the person hummed throughout the house, tapping his knife on the surfaces he passed by. It was as if he was taunting him, wanting Daisho to try and fight him off.
But Daisho wasn’t that stupid, he knew it would be useless to try and fight off the maniac. God he wished he would’ve gone to one of those parties, then he wouldn’t be in this situation.  
The lights flickered on and off in the hallway, being triggered by movement. The man was walking, pausing, and then walking again. He was giving him time. For what exactly? He didn’t know but it was killing him faster than the knife would have. He approached his bedroom, opened the large door, and stepped onto Daisho’s hardwood floors. The man wore combat boots that looked freshly bought, no scuff marks or anything to identify him with. 
“Daishooo..” The man called to him, walking slowly around his room. “I know you’re here~”
He kept quiet and prayed for this to be quick, for this to be over with already. Suddenly, the man dropped down and peered at Daisho. “GOT YOU!”
Daisho screamed and kicked the man in his stomach, scrambling to get from under his bed. “You fucking creep!” He shouted, running from his bedroom and jumping down the stairs. The man followed close behind, chasing after Daisho like he was a piece of meat. 
He outstretched his hands to attempt to grab a knife from the drawer but the man pulled him back, pressing him against the kitchen island.
He kicked and screamed but the man just laughed, “Get the hell off of me!” The man paid him no mind and slowly took off his mask.
Daisho looked back and saw him… Kuroo. His boyfriend.
“Kuroo?? What the hell?!” He screamed at him as his boyfriend slowly released him. 
“You should be more careful darling. If I was a real murderer you would’ve been dead now.” He smirked and placed the mask on the kitchen island.
Daisho punched his chest, glaring up at him, “You Rooster-haired bastard! I thought I was going to die!” 
Kuroo shrugged and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, “But you didn't, right? Aren’t I the best boyfriend in the world?”
He was going to take this as his apology but he wanted to see him beg a bit. “Absolutely not, you sicko.” He huffed and crossed his arms, looking away from him. 
“Come on baby, you know you can’t stay mad at me.” Kuroo kissed his cheek, “You look nice tonight.”
Daisho rolled his eyes and looked away from him, “You ruined my dinner.”
“Then I’ll order something for you, you know I got you.” Daisho slapped his chest at that and his boyfriend's laugh echoed through the house. 
“God, he’s such an idiot,” Daisho thought to himself as he grabbed Kuroo by the collar and smashed his lips against his.
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lhatake87 · 2 years
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
One shot from my Haikyuu one shot collection on Wattpad.
⚠️ 18+ ⚠️
Kenma's 21st birthday was a couple of days ago, and Hinata wanted to throw him a party. It was nice knowing that Kenma had close friends still. I haven't seen him, or anyone from Nekoma in about six months. I've been so busy with work and school, I just haven't had a chance to come back to Tokyo. I had about half a year left of college, if I continued with the schedule I was on now.
My train arrived around two in the afternoon, and Kenma told me to come to his house since the party wasn't until seven tonight. I wasn't sure where the party was, but I knew we were going out. I started walking the familiar path to Kenma's house when I started thinking back on my time at Nekoma.
Being the youngest grandchild of the boys' volleyball coach was difficult at times. Everyone expected so much from me, and I pushed myself and pushed myself, too far. So far that I injured myself at the beginning of my third year, it's a vivid memory I have. When I think of it, I can feel the impact all over again.
I was chasing a ball, a ball I should've let go, but the opposing team was at match point, we needed this point to tie. I managed to get the ball, but the lunge I made sent me into the judges' table. The crowd and team watched the ball, but I could only see stars from the pain. The impact on the table had my knee cap fractured, the flip over the table, I dislocated my shoulder, and then shattered my elbow on the same arm.
I sighed and looked up at the cloudy sky, I hated myself after that. We won, the team made it to Nationals, without their captain being able to play. We lost in the second round, and that was that. I then became a sort of coach to the boys' volleyball club, my grandfather wanting me to continue my career in any way possible.
My college career consisted of physical therapy, physical training, and sports medicine. I could easily implement those into coaching in the future. I was even the trainer for the men's volleyball club at the college I attended. I had an interview for an internship for the Japanese Olympic team for next summer. My grandfather was extremely proud of me for my achievements since my injury.
Since I spent so much time with the boys' volleyball club, I became close to the team, especially the third years. Yaku and I were closest, though Kuroo was in the same class as us. Kai was in class four, but when the three could hang out together, they did. It was fun watching them in their last year of volleyball, last year of school. They were so close and supported one another through everything.
Then it happened. I kissed Kuroo. I didn't just kiss Kuroo, I kissed Kuroo in front of the entire team, and what part of the school was present at the tournament. At the Spring High to advance to nationals. They had lost to Fukurodani, Bokuto was ecstatic, but was actually quiet afterward, not rubbing it in Kuroo's face. Next, they played Nohebi and advanced to Nationals. I ran from the stands and took the steps two at a time until I burst through the doors. I found Kuroo, his messy black hair easy to spot, and threw my arms around him. Then, I kissed him.
He eased me down to the floor, him being so much taller than me, and I stepped back. We never said a word about the kiss, even to this day, no one has said a word. Aside from Kenma, the butt always gives me a hard time about it. He even sent me a string of kissy emojis this morning when I told him I was getting on the train. Ass.
"Where's sleeping beauty?" I asked as Kenma opened his door.
"Sleeping," Kenma answered.
I gave the man a hug and smiled as I stepped back, I feel like he's grown even more. "Of course he is."
"Going to give him true loves kiss?"
I snorted. "I walked right into that one."
"Sure did." I followed Kenma into his old bedroom and found the male in question was in fact asleep.
He was just like I remember. I haven't seen him in about nine months, but while he's grown since high school, he really didn't change all that much. He's more muscular and taller, but that black messy hair that I've dreamt of brushing my fingers through again. I'd hang out with the guys and he'd always manage to put his head in my lap, simply so I'd start playing with his hair, it was always an absentminded gesture.
"I'm going to shower." Kenma's voice made me quit dreaming for a moment.
"Okay." I tossed my bag in his desk chair and plopped in the bean bag.
I pulled my phone out and smirked as I snapped a pic of the male who was sleeping peacefully.
"Did you just take a picture of me?"
I reigned in the blush that threatened to light my face, "Good blackmail material."
"Let me see." He turned his head and blinked a few times before I saw his eyes widen slightly.
I tilted my head, "Is something wrong?"
"Your hair has gotten long."
I touched my braid that was laying over my shoulder, "Oh, I always had it short when I was playing volleyball, but I prefer it long." I turned my phone around and showed him the picture I took.
He made a throaty noise, something like a grunt, and turned his head back away. "You look tired." He mumbled.
"I've been up since seven this morning, I had to work for a few hours before I headed to Tokyo."
He shifted on the bed, moving over all the way to one side. "Lay down then."
I arched a brow, though Kuroo couldn't see me. "Finally trying to get me in bed with you?"
"If I wanted you in bed with me, it would've happened." I couldn't decide if I wanted to be offended or embarrassed, but both seemed to make my stomach drop, and my heart cracks just a little. "Wait, that sounded wrong." He moved to kneel on the bed now.
"Whatever, Kuroo." Was all I managed to say.
"No." He grabbed my forearm and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He sat back on his legs and looked at me curiously. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Then how did you mean it?" I shouldn't have acted as I cared, but I found that I definitely did care.
He just stared at me and I couldn't even begin to try and guess what he was thinking. His face was so serious, he was contemplating something, that was for sure. "Why did you kiss me at the Spring High?"
"That was almost four years ago, Kuroo." Why bring that up now?
"And I think about it almost every day." His voice was dangerously low.
"Tetsu... I-"
"Hey, did you manage to- oh." Kenma caught us in an interesting position. Kuroo was kneeling on the bed, still holding my arm, and I was flush with the edge of the bed.
Kuroo let go of me and I turned my body, "He was awake, a faker like always." I was trying to joke, but I winced when I realized the tone I had.
"I was getting up so she could lay down," Kuroo answered and moved off the bed.
I craned my neck to look up at the much taller male, he was at least eight inches taller, if not an entire foot. "You didn't have to get up for me."
"You need your rest." I rubbed my thighs together but quickly stopped when I saw Kuroo cut his eyes down.
"Thanks." Was all I could think to say. I shrugged my light jacket off and crawled onto the bed. The pillow smelled of Kuroo's cologne already and I fought the urge to inhale deeply.
"I'm going to grab a snack, you want anything?" Kenma glanced between the two of us.
"I'm okay, thank though."
"I'll come with you." Kuroo thankfully followed after Kenma.
After the door closed, I gave into temptation and smelled the pillow. Heaven. I snuggled down even more and found the creeping feeling of sleep approaching fast. I didn't take time off like this often, so relaxing and having no worries at the moment, it was nice. I pulled my hair free and out the hair tie around my wrist. I was asleep before the males made it back into the room.
Kuroo POV:
"What was that all about?" Kenma pounced the second we were in the kitchen.
"What are you talking about?" I really wasn't sure what had come over me earlier, but when I opened my eyes and saw her, something ignited within me.
"Don't play stupid." Kenma grabbed a fruit tray and put it on the counter.
"We were talking."
"Funny, looked like you were about to pull her into bed with you."
"I wanted to."
Kenma dropped the strawberry he was holding. "What?"
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed heavily. "I never told you how I felt about her."
"I assumed you wanted to sleep with her like every other pretty girl you've met."
"I'm not that bad." I corrected.
"Your reputation says otherwise."
"I know that, and that's why I kept my distance." Kenma gave me a look at told me to keep going. "She's too good for me, always has been. I didn't want to drag her down with my reputation. Her grandfather would've been disappointed."
"Look, I have no idea what you're getting at, but, she's had a crush on you since your second year of high school. Then, after her injury, the two of you got closer, and she found herself falling for you. She knew you had a reputation, but she didn't care, and didn't believe it."
"You seem to know a lot about how she felt."
"I know a lot about how she feels. We talk at least once a week, Kuroo. She wanted you to look at her like you did the other girls, she wanted you to see her in a different light, not friend zone her. She loved it when you laid down in her lap, making the other girls jealous."
"What?" Kenma gave a sad smile before continuing.
"There was a rumor going around your third year, especially after the kiss incident."
"What kind of rumor?"
"You really didn't hear it?" I shook my head no, "That Y/n and you were sleeping together, but that you didn't want a relationship. Then, after the kiss, people really thought it was true and that you got pissed off and stopped talking to her. She tried to act like nothing had happened, and while you did too, you still pushed her away for the remainder of the year. She just let everyone talk shit, she didn't care what they thought of her, she only worried about you."
"Why didn't you say anything?" This strange feeling of shame washed over me and I felt anger fill me.
"We were busy with practice and then Nationals, I didn't want to distract you. I talked to Yaku about it, and he agreed."
"Yaku knew?"
"Fuck." How was I so blind? How did I never hear the rumor myself?
"Everyone respected you, but everyone was terrified of you, Kuroo. Y/n always stood up for you, and defended your honor, even if it meant damning herself. She knew the real you, just as much as I did."
"What do I do?" I seriously had no idea what to do with the information I had just heard.
Kenma shrugged, "That's up to you." He put the fruit back in the fridge and then continued talking. "But Yaku plans on asking her out tonight."
"The hell?!"
"Yaku found out that she and Daichi broke up, thinks he can swoop in and win her heart. Or something like that." Kenma waved his hand around lazily.
"Her... and Daichi... dated?"
"Couple of years if I remember correctly."
"What happened?" Daichi was a nice guy, I could see them together, for the long haul.
Kenma headed down the hall to his room and opened the door. "I'm not sure, she didn't want to talk about it."
She was sleeping soundly, in the same position I had been. Her h/c hair had fallen into her face slightly, she had taken her braid down. This warm feeling filled me and I didn't stop as I walked to the bed and brushed her hair back, letting me see her face fully.
"How long ago?" I whispered.
"Few months," Kenma answered quietly as he grabbed his phone. "I'm going to the living room." He didn't say anymore as he left the room, even closing the door.
I took her bag from the desk chair and sat down, spinning around to watch her sleep. I'm not being creepy or anything. She was in jeans and a simple t-shirt, the travel of the day making her want to be comfortable I assumed, she still looked adorable. Beautiful, she was always beautiful. I loved watching her play volleyball, the captain of her own team, and an ace. She played libero her first year of high school when she was the shortest on the team.
She stirred slightly and her shirt hiked up around her waist, exposing her lower back. I leaned over slightly, tilting my head to the side. Her smooth flesh was decorated with a tattoo it seemed, barely peeking out from under her shirt. My curiosity was about to get the better of me, but her phone started ringing next to me on the desk. She made a groaning noise and looked up at me. She was so damn sexy, that tried and disheveled look, I wanted to wake up to it. I handed her her phone and she blinked a few times before answering.
"Daichi?" I tried to remain indifferent as I heard her say his name.
I could hear the former captain on the other end of the phone. "Are you in town?"
"I'm at Kenma's with him and Kuroo." She answered sleepily.
"Kuroo?" She flinched and then rolled onto her back.
"Kenma said he got in last night and stayed here." She and Kenma did talk a lot.
"I was hoping I could talk to you." She dropped her head to the side, looking at me.
"About what, Daichi?"
"I miss you." Even I could hear the pleading tone.
She sighed, closing her eyes. I wanted to hold her, protect her from whatever harm I could. "While I miss you too, I'm not changing my mind. I do love you, Dai, just not like you want me to."
"That doesn't even make sense, if you love me, then let's get married."
I choked on air, making her open her eyes and look at me curiously. She held my stare as she answered. "I already told you, I don't want to marry you. To which you replied 'then I'm not wasting any more time trying to convince you otherwise'. I understand your reasoning."
My body seemed to move on its own as I knelt beside the bed, my fingers brushing over the skin of her neck. She shivered at my touch but didn't move away, still holding my gaze.
"Y/n, please, I was wrong in saying that. Imagine planning a proposal for the woman you want to marry and she says no. Not only that, but she also says no because she's still in love with someone else."
She rolled her head back to stare at the ceiling. "I said I couldn't marry you right now, not as long as I still loved him. There is a difference. It's fine, Daichi, I'm not mad at you. Besides, our lives are headed down separate paths."
"Does he love you?"
She let out a harsh laugh that tugged at my emotions. "I doubt it."
"So you didn't cheat on me?"
"Of course not." She sounded so crushed that he even suggested it. "I'll admit that I went into the relationship unsure of my feelings for you, and for him. But, I didn't, and still don't see a relationship happening with him, so that's why I made the effort with you."
Her shirt has now ridden up on her stomach and I could see a good four inches of her abdomen, still toned and flat. Again, my body moved without me thinking and I ran my fingertips up from her hip to the hem of her shirt and back down. The motion made her close her eyes, and she seemed to relax slightly, given the conversation she was having.
"Do I know him?" Daichi asked.
I repeated the gesture a couple of times, trying to calm her nerves. "Yes." She admitted in a hushed voice.
"Will you at least tell me who he is then?"
"I can't." Her voice was low and she sounded heartbroken. I glanced at her face and saw tears sliding down the side of her face, pooling in her ear.
"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just want to try and understand, that's all."
"I'm sorry, Dai." She choked on a sob when she finished saying it.
"Don't cry, okay? He's an idiot if he can't see how special you are."
She managed a small laugh before answering. "I'll see you tonight."
"Okay, baby."
She just dropped the phone from her ear and covered her face with her hands, trying to muffle her crying. I moved onto the bed and pulled her into my chest, placing an arm under her head and the other around her. I couldn't stand seeing a woman cry, but seeing her breakdown, it made me feel like my own world was crumbling around me. I wanted to pick up her broken pieces and put them back together.
"I'm about to-" Kenma stopped talking once he saw us.
"Daichi called," I explained as I moved my head to look at Kenma.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kenma asked, and Y/n shook her head no.
"Do you want me to go?" I asked, making her shake her head no again.
"I'm going to go meet Hinata, he said he needed help moving something. I'll be back about six unless you want to come with."
She didn't move, and I took the hint. "I'll stay with her, you go ahead." Kenma gave me a stern look but simply gave me a nod as he closed the door.
"Your shirt." She mumbled into her hands. "I'm sorry." She went to pull away but I held her still.
"I have another," I answered.
She moved a hand away and wrapped it around me, her fingers clinging to the fabric of my shirt. I realized she was laying on her right side and I went to move onto my back, letting her take the weight off of her body. She peered up at me, her face red and blotched, eyes bloodshot and glassy. I wiped her exposed cheek as I answered.
"Your right side is your injured side." Her face seemed to light up slightly.
"You remember that?"
"I'll never forget it." She just stared at me, shock written on her features. "You don't remember who carried you to the medic?" She focused back onto her hand on my chest for a moment, racking her brain for the memory. "I watched you hit the table and then flip over, I jumped the barrier and scooped you up, you were biting your lip so hard to keep from screaming that you drew blood."
Reader POV:
Hearing his words made this memory come rushing back to me. "You rode in the ambulance with me."
"I stayed with you until they took in for the MRI and other tests, then I sat with your grandfather until they came out, telling him you were in surgery."
"Tetsu." I peered back up at him as I mumbled his name.
"Why didn't you ever tell me about the rumor in high school?"
"Fucking Kenma," I grumbled.
"Don't blame this on Kenma. We were talking in the kitchen and he told me about it. Don't you think I deserved to know?"
I shrugged best I could, "It was a long time ago."
"I knew what kind of reputation I had, but to let people think we were fooling around and then-"
"It doesn't matter anymore, Kuroo." I moved to push off him but he rolled so I was beneath him.
"It does matter." He snapped. "It matters to me at least."
I couldn't process his words, no, I didn't have time. He had closed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine, silencing any thoughts, let alone words, I had. His large hands held my face and his thumbs stroked my skin tenderly. I tilted my head and opened my mouth at his request, deepening the kiss. He suddenly broke away and got off the bed in one swift motion, leaving me cold and alone.
"I'm sorry, you just broke up with Daichi." He ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed. "And you said you're in love with someone else. I'm sorry." He repeated I'm sorry a least four more times while he paced.
I mustered up every ounce of courage I had and stood up, then said it. "It's you."
He froze and looked up at me, eyes wide and face slackened. "What's me?"
"Don't make me say it." My voice was suddenly hushed.
He stepped closer and grabbed my arms, "Say it." He urged.
"I turned Daichi's proposal down.... because I'm still in love with you." There, I said it. I laid it all out on the line. He could reject me and it would all be over, it's the reason I never said anything in the four-plus years he's been the center of my world. I only saw him two or three times a year in the last couple of years, but my heart still yearned for him. "I'm not sure when it happened, but it did."
"Second year." I jerked my head up and looked into his eyes. "You were in the stands, you called out to me after a win. Then, when you made it to the floor, you called me Tetsu for the first time." He got really nervous all of the sudden, even rubbing the back of his neck. "It may sound cheesy, but no ones ever made me feel the same as when you say it."
I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to me as I pushed onto my tippy toes. I kissed him hard, trying to get him to understand, to finally see what I've been wanting to say. Kuroo wrapped his arms around my waist before his hands slid down my hips, ass and then hoisted me up. He pushed me against the wall as my legs wrapped around him, he was already hard and my body trembled with need.
Kuroo broke the kiss, simply studying my face before he slammed his lips back to mine. I couldn't get enough, I needed him, all of him. My fingers gripped his bed head hair and I tugged at it, making him buck into me. I moaned into the kiss, the pressure building within me needs to be released. His mouth left a hot, wet trail down my neck until he decided my shirt needed to be removed. Keeping me against the wall, he was able to pull my shirt off.
"Tetsu." I moaned as he licked my collarbone before biting down gently. "Harder," I whispered, making him hum against the crook of my neck. "Bite harder." I urged.
I felt the smirk on my skin before he licked, slow and teasing across my shoulder, when he felt me shiver, he bit down, hard, extracting a moan. He repeated the action a few times, littering my chest with bites, then licking and kissing them in apology. He kissed his way back to my lips and brushed his over my own before pecking me softly.
"I need you." He said breathlessly.
"Please, Tetsu, don't stop."
Kuroo kissed me again and let me slide down off his waist. He knelt before me and unbuttoned my jeans before sliding them down, peering up at me the entire time. Once I was in bra and panties only, this fire seemed to light inside of us both. I pulled Kuroo up and began undoing his shirt as he fumbled with his belt and jeans. We studied each other's almost nude bodies before I reached behind me to remove my bra, I let it drop and kicked it aside.
I bit my lip as I watched Kuroo's gaze travel the expanse of my body before he reached forward slowly, turning me around. "It's beautiful." His voice seemed to drop even deeper, making me want him even more. The tattoo on my back, a black panther, ran from shoulder to hip almost. His hands traced it before he settled at my hips and pushed my panties down, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses down my spine. I gasped in surprise when I felt him bite my ass cheek, to which let out a low chuckle.
Kuroo remained kneeling as he turned me, then he lifted one of my legs, propping it on his shoulder. He broke eye contact to take in my fully naked body, then wasted no more time as he flicked his tongue against my core. "You're gorgeous." He licked from my slit to my bundle of nerves and repeated the action over and over. I fisted his hair and brought him in even deeper.
His middle and ring finger pushed past my folds and I moaned at the feeling of him stroking my need perfectly. I couldn't help but rock into him as he ravaged me, his mouth perfect and fingers know exactly what to do. A slew of curses and praises both falling from my lips as he continued to push me to my high.
"Fuck." I rasped, trying to remain quiet.
"Scream for me, baby."
"Ahh!" I didn't hold back.
Kuroo continued to lap at my juices for a moment, stretching my orgasm for as long as he could. He stood up slowly and pushed his underwear off. I'm assuming from the biting incident, he gathered that I liked things a little rough because he rubbed his slick fingers over my lips before he pushed them in, making me taste the sweet nectar of myself. When he removed his fingers from my mouth, he replaced them with his own mouth. He moaned, tasting me on my own lips as I palmed his throbbing dick.
He lifted me again as I held him, lining us up for him to push into me. Once he felt the slick entrance, he eased himself in, letting us both relish the moment. It was like our bodies were meant for one another, fitting together perfectly. I held onto him tightly, as if my life depended on it as he began thrusting into me. I kissed his jawline, perfect and chiseled before kissing his neck, offering a few light bites of my own.
He pulled me off the wall, only to walk to the bed and drop us down, all without breaking away from me. Kuroo paused his movements, peering down at me, and what I saw, took my breath away. I saw a man looking at the woman he loved with all his heart, a man who was going to give her the world, no matter what the cost.
"Tetsu." I murmured.
"I love you, Y/n." Tears brimmed and he kissed them away.
"I love you, Tetsu."
His lips were salty from my tears, but we didn't care. Kuroo began moving again, bucking into me, long and deep strokes. Almost every move had me so close to the edge, every motion made me mewl, moan, or gasp. He began moving faster but still slammed himself home every time, striking my spot with every movement.
"I've dreamt of this," Kuroo whispered in my ear.
I couldn't form words, so I offered him hum in agreement. Kuroo rolled us over, putting me on top of him, I pushed myself upright, using his chest for balance. Eyes half-lidded and filled with lust, I looked down at this perfect man. I began moving and his fingers dug into the meaty flesh of my hips, helping me keep my pace. I became lost in him and closed my eyes, dropping my head back.
"Cum for me." He coaxed.
I rode him until I did just that, screaming his name as I did. My walls clenched around him and he pulled me down to kiss me again. He wrapped an arm around my waist as his other hand held my neck, putting my face into the crook of his neck. He began thrusting into me again, and I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling.
"Tetsu..." I moaned. "Don't stop," I begged.
"I'm close, baby."
"Cum, Tetsu." It was my turn to coax his release from him.
His chest rumbled as he grunted, I felt him swell before his salty seed filled me, making me cum again with him. After a few final thrusts, he stilled his movements. He moved an arm away, but I didn't dare move, he grabbed the sheet and pulled it over us both as he rolled onto his side. He kissed my forehead tenderly before brushing the hair from my face.
"Get some rest." He mumbled sleepily, he always loved to sleep.
"We should get dressed before Kenma gets home." I countered.
"He'll get over it." Kuroo chuckled.
I hummed as I snuggled into his chest. All because of a rumor I didn't say anything to him. All because of a rumor, he finally said something to me. Never let a rumor dictate your life.
"You're right," I said, letting sleep wash over me too.
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monstrsball · 1 year
iwaoisuga and whatever kuroo and daisho's shipname is for the bingo!
i wonder what i have to say about this one… 🤔
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i loooove them. i marked relationship goals even though the relationship exists entirely in my head. (but if you think about it part of the ship is iwaoi and they ARE goals so it works)
i have built it up entirely in my head but it is so good. i simply think suga deserves two boyfriends. you understand. i also think they would look good together… i think about the height progression all the time.
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i like it!! i’m not like… obsessed with it or anything but i think it’s neat. i think it’s interesting!! i always liked how kuroo defended nohebi against the other team who was complaining about losing. like, kuroo respects daishou even if he may not necessarily like him. it’s cool!!
and i love seeing the different ways people interpret their relationship and the different ways they explain kuroo knowing about mika and daishou breaking up. people are so funny.
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tesalicious2 · 2 years
Nohebi Headcanons:
Kuguri is the most popular with the girls but hates it so much
He is dating Shibayama and only Mika knows about it
He keeps getting the ‘as your upperclassman’ lectures but hasn’t used any of their advice and would like them to stop
Takachiho isn’t against the Nekoma rivalry, he finds is funny mostly
He encourages Daishou’s and Kuroo’s fights
Akama is good friends with Shibayama since they went to the same junior high but he can’t approach him with Yaku around
He is very afraid
Shibayama only told him about Kuguri and his relationship, very supportive
He helped start the Libero GC and has since gained a respect for Shibayama and his ability to put up with everything
Sakishima has also approached Shibayama with Akama once but tried to look intimidating the whole time as a joke
It worked to well and now Shibayama is very afraid, until Takachiho tripped him
He loves the rivalry
Hiroo is a more devious and bit louder version of Kuguri
He adores the rivalry, it entertains him to no end
Seguro has anger issues and needs counseling
There was an intervention
Numai cannot give two shits about the rivalry and finds it dumb
But he will encourage Diashou
He suspects Kuguri’s seeing someone but couldn’t care who
Oomizu is an old man trapped in a young dudes body
He is very concerned for the mental stability of his team and the team will invite him to game nights
He will host them as well
The entire team adores his daughter and have been called big brother by her
Kuguri smiled at her once and everyone died
Mika has a black book full of black mail on the team
Even Coach Omizu isn’t safe
Everyone tried to get Kuguri riled up but ended up getting utterly destroyed in the process
It ended on a game night when Akama admitting he knew how to get Kuguri to punch someone
No one believed him
Akama sat next to Kuguri on the floor. He pulled out his wallet and some bills.
“How often are you annoyed?” Akama asked
Kuguri didnt respond until Akama out a bill in front of him.
“Has this bottled up emotion become anger?” He placed another bill.
Kuguri put away his phone. “Yes.”
“Would you like to hit someone?”
Kurugi nodded. Akama set the final bill in front of him.
“Hit them.”
Everyone froze and watched Kuguri.
Kuguri sprang up and punched Numai in the face. He quickly sat down and sighed. Akama rubbed his back, “better?”
Kuguri nodded as he put away the money.
Numai wasnt amused.
Turns out, trying to excite Kuguri didn the opposite and totally pushed him off
It also turns out, Kuguri is incredible strong and left a bruise on Numai’s face
Kuguri never apologized
Mika is the only other one because she figured out what gets him visible annoyed
It’s movie/show adaptations of books
Bring up Rings of Power on Amazon and he will give a four hour lecture on how shit it is (this is mg sister about this show)
For some reason, waking them up is incredibly difficult
They wake up o their own just fine but weekends are for sleeping in and any attempts to ruin that will end in voilence
Their attitude is “wake me up and I’ll cut off your fingers then hand then arm at the elbow and so on til you die.”
They will do it and act like they already have
This includes Mika and they have definite gotten this attitude from Oomizu, who lets them sleep when they have the time or are just doing regular practice
Omizu used to do this, will sometimes do it (not to his family) and his children do it, it doesn’t scare him though
Kuguri’s parents own a reptile shop. Nohebi all go over and help all the time, they all enjoy helping them out
There is one snake that hates everyone except Omizu, its amazing
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chillychive · 2 years
My rnadom commentary again, this time for Haikyuu, Land vs. Air
AHhhhhh i LOVE bokuto's entrance and akaashi in the background catching his jacket.
Friendly reminder that here Yaku calls Alissa hot and later if I remember correctly he says she and Lev look a lot alike... just saying
AHH Bokuto's huge smile as he goes for the ball <3
KENMA caught the read on that ball so well lol
AHH WAIT I WAS SO DISTRACTED I misssed the Aka Ken convo thru the net
after Daichi and Yaku, it's gotten to the point that whenever any player plays super well or is super on their game, you're almost terrified they'll get hurt to change up the game.
Kuroo's smirk lmao
I could actually analyze this or I could just keep squealing whenever anyone does anything and I think I'll stick with the fanboying.
lev nooo that was so silly
He's just going through all the stages of grief when Kenma critises him and then the final blow- "You're no where near as good as Shoyo."
kenma's so unnervingly in control of the whole game
oh noo. YET AGAIN- Akaashi has a mental list of Bokuto's weakneses. It would almost be creepy if it wasn't also kind of sweet? Not Bokuto forgetting how to do cross shots entirely.
And the fact that Kenma forced him to do that by getting the blockers to focus on cross shots so that he would keep hitting line shots.
But akaashi can play that analyze and manipulate the other team game too
a feint immediately? Dude who does that??
Suguru you obnoxious little slime.
demon senpai lmao
such a mean place to end the episode... with Lev just :D->8o and yaku *pain*
Kuroo and Yaku hating each other omg
Kuroo's such a nerd.
Their senpai's reaction when Kuroo and Yaku step forward in sync and say 'winning nationals'
YAKU :((((( and how immediately Kuroo raced to check on him. and him and Kai trying to convince him it'll be okay and yaku knowing it isn't ahhh
poor shibayama
Ahh Kenma saying they've got it
Kuroo's blocks are awesome. And I love the little bits of admiration between Yaku and Kuroo
ahh Yaku's smile is adorablleee
not Kenma beating Nohebi at their own game of feints.
yoo they won the first settt
not them obviously cheating.
ouchh Kuroo's handd
AHH teamwork.
yet again, tora and tanaka being the same person.
YEAH SHIBAYAMA and LEV the lion.
HA he really thought he could jump over the thing like yaku and be cool. He really thought.
aww Lev.
the shots of Yaku hugging Kai and Kuroo and then shibayama
i love the bond between the third years.
okay im done w my ridiculous comentary. this makes no sense. i apologize for the spelling errors ive been writing all day and my hands are tired.
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
u got this -Kuguri
🥺💕 thank you, babes. I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself!!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
literally have not stopped thinking about that nationals panel where fukurodani players have ppl to fucking MASSAGE them or whatever it was and i truly don't think we have realized the pure absurdity of how rich some of the schools are so here's some hcs let's goooo
every private/rich school team has at least one (1) token nonrich kid
i could list them all but like. that would take a while
shirabu and yahaba are each HORRIFIED to learn that the other is the token nonrich kid bc all this time their insults were based on "tch, bet he wouldn't even survive in PUBLIC SCHOOL"
karasuno🤝🏻dateko: determined to beat the shit out of private school teams
the real reason nekomata invited karasuno to the tokyo training camps was so that they could have another public school team just completely fuck up fukurodani, ubugawa, and shinzhen
(i know shinzen and ubugawa aren't exactly confirmed but it's SO much funnier this way)
also. nekoma will finally have other people to do The Eyeroll with whenever one of the students from the other schools say something COMPLETELY out of pocket
like okay yeah they love hanging out with each other but like. how the fuck else are you supposed to react when komi goes "haha yeah we just got a new tv it only cost like a million yen" and everyone else just starts nodding and comparing prices from these fuck-all brands
god and inarizaki . . .
look regardless of whether we're ever going to get confirmation if inarizaki is public or private. they're still rich as hell and we NEED to acknowledge that!!
like hello? you think a normal school would have the resources to recruit students from a whole other prefecture?? you think a normal public high school could afford to send THEIR ENTIRE BAND TO TOKYO??
suna gets to inarizaki and is immediately blown out of the fucking water by how nonchalant people are about . . . just pretty much everything that goes over his weekly budget
one of his classmates is like "yeah i broke the dorm washing machine once but it's okay my family just bought them a new one" and suna has never wanted to punch anyone more in his entire life
the only time you'll find nekoma and nohebi allied is when they want to trash talk the rich kids
shirabu: "yeah if you get the shiratorizawa uniform dirty you know we can sue right" futakuchi: "oh fuck off like the cops could ever catch me anyways"
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🐍Being Nohebi's Manager🐍
Daishou's Little Sister
(Reverse Harem)
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Nohebi x Daishou YN (fem! reader)
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This is a request from 🦢 anon! Honestly, I'm excited for alot of requests but this is DEFINITELY one! First time writing a full set for Nohebi and our snake bbys deserve it 🥺
I'm slowly getting back into posting 🥰
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
A big LONG exasperated *SIGH*
Once again I'm just out here, making dreams come true for our Queen Yn
It's hard being a fairy godmother 😫
But alas someone must do it and the best person for the job??
Me 🥰💅🏼
Let me toot my own horn ok 😅
So anyways, let's get too it!
Everyone on Nohebi knew Daishou had a baby sister
He rarely talked about you, except to say how annoying you were 🙄
Typical sibling stuff
So let's just say, it was a pretty big shock to the entire team when you showed up looking for your brother
Daishou had wanted to find a manager for his third year but no candidates had come about
Mika wasn't an option
Remember she thought Volleyball wasn't cool or whatever 🙃
The other third years had joked about Daishou asking his elusive "sister" to be the manager
It often went something like this 👇🏻
"Suguru just ask your sister to be the manager. I mean she deals with your dumbass all the time"- Takachiho said
Daishou 👉🏻 😐 absolutely not
"It's probably because she doesn't exist"- Sakishima joked
"Oh she's very much real and very much the bain of my existence"- Daishou 😒
"It's just weird that we've never seen her before. What are you afraid we'll corrupt her?"- Numai 😆
"Very much the opposite actually"- Daishou said setting up the net
Meanwhile, Kuguri and Seguro are grabbing the volleyballs when the door opens
Kuguri stops and Seguro looks at him, then looking at the door
Literally them 👉🏻😲😲
"Holy crap, it's that super hot first year from my science class"- Kuguri says
"Dang! Who the heck is she??"- Seguro
"Her name is Yn. She's in my literature class. She's freaking gorgeous, smart and funny!"- Akama says coming up besides them
Numai, Takachiho, Hiroo and Sakishima all look over towards the door
There stands the most gorgeous girl they have seen in their entire lives 😍
These boys are standing there like 🥵🥵🥵
"Damn who is that hotty?"- Hiroo asks
"I've seen her around, I think she's a first year"- Sakishima adds
"Lucky bastards"- Numai
Just as you look around, you smile at the boys who instantly cease to exist 💀
Then it happens
"YN what the hell are you doing here??"- Daishou shouts
You just glare 😑
"Shut it Suguru! I came to give you your stupid jacket since you let it at home and mom had to work late"- You, shouting back at Daishou
Suddenly Mika comes in and screams
"YN OMG HI LOVELY"- she says as you hug her
Daishou just rolls his eyes 🙄 and goes to grab his jacket
Now the peanut gallery is super confused 🤨
What the heck is happening here??
"Ahh Suguru... umm who is this?"- Hiroo
"She's nobody"- Suguru says walking away from you
"Suguru be nice to YN"- Mika yells
"Yeah be nice to your sister Suguru"- You 😜
Hold up 🤚🏻
"You're..."- Takachiho
"SISTER"- Sakishima, Kuguri, Seguro, Akama, Numai, and Hiroo shout
You giggle as you look at all of their shocked faces
Please Yn do less 😒
"Unfortunately yes"- Daishou says walking further away from him
You skip after him, on your way to make good on your baby sister pest status
"Ahhh Suguru you didn't tell me you had such handsome boys on your team"- you say smiling
Really YN... please do less ✋🏻
The boys 👉🏻😳😲
"YN leave now before I tell mom about you sneaking out last weekend"- Daishou
"Go ahead big brother, I'll just tell mom about how you snuck Mika in the house when they were out of town"- you, again being the baby
"YN I swear to god-"
"Bring it"- you say approaching your brother
"Ok killer chill out"- Numai says getting in between you and Suguru
"Hey your that super tall ace all the girls talk about! Man they are so right! You are cute!"- you 😍
Numai 👉🏻 uhh well ☺️
Please the rest of the team is FUMING at Numai right now 😅
"YN knock it off-"
"Hey do you guys need a manager???"- you say suddenly
Before Daishou can even form the word, the boys all scream
"YES!"- The entire team
Daishou 👉🏻🤨😐🙄
The team 👉🏻😍😍😍
Mika 👉🏻😬
"Yay!! Omg can I be your manager?? Please! I need a club!"- you say, jumping up and down
"Absolutely not"- Daishou
"Suguru please"- you 🥺🥺🥺
"YN no! Go manage the basketball team or something"- Suguru says glaring at you
"Don't you think this should be a team vote?"- Sakishima says
Daishou 👉🏻 really 😐
"Yeah I say we all vote"- Hiroo
Your eyes sparkle as you clap your hands together
These boys are already whipped YN you don't need to put so much effort in 🙄
"Ok all those opposed to YN being our manager"- Akama says
Daishou's hand shoots up
He looks around
Zero support from the crowd, literal crickets 🦗🦗
"All those in favor..."- Akama says
Please he doesn't even finish the sentence before these boys hands are higher than the clouds 🤣
Daishou 👉🏻🤦‍♂️ don't say I didn't warn you guys
You smile and run to hug them all
Please you literally jump into Kuguri's arms
Kuguri 👉🏻😰
Please you broke the poor boy YN
You move your way down the line as you hug each one
"I'm so excited to work with all of you"- you shout as you wave and run towards Mika who is waiting
When you leave, all hell breaks loose
"YOU SON OF A BITCH"- Takachiho shouts, glaring at Daishou
"You seriously hid THAT from us!"- Sakishima joins in
"She is literally the hottest girl I've ever seen in my entire life"- Seguro adds
"Probably the hottest girl we will ever see"- Kuguri adds
Daishou just stands there 🧍‍♂️ 😐
"Well now we have the hottest manager in the entire prefecture"- Akama says high fiving Hiroo
"More like the hottest manager in freaking Japan!"- Numai adds
Daishou 👉🏻 you guys realize that'd my sister right 🤨
"Dude you are just lucky YN will end up with me"- Takachiho says
The world stops ✋🏻
The boys heads snap to him
"You mean, with me?"- Sakishima interjects
Daishou 👉🏻 😐
"You guys know I'm the ace right? You remember she said I was cute right?"- Numai
"That's because your big head was blocking her view of the rest of us"- Hiroo
Daishou just rolls his eyes and walks away from the team
Please they asked for this 😅
You start your job as manager and boy is it exciting
Thankfully you are actually a decent manager...
The boys thrive under your praise YN 👏🏻
"Kuguri that was an amazing kill!"- you scream as you jump up and down clapping on the side line
Kuguri blushes while the team looks like they are about to commit homicide 🙃
"Sakishima that set was perfect!! And Hiroo, your blocks are so on point!"- you scream
YN you're doing it again...
"Akama I can't believe you dug that ball up!"
Seguro that serve was so good and Takachiho that line shot was gorgeous!"
Yn... chill...
You hand the boys their water bottles and run to get the towels
"God I feel like I'm practicing so much better with YN here"- Numai
"She's amazing"- Takachiho
"Honestly, how did we do without a manager for so long?"- Seguro
Daishou stands apart from the team, observing your interactions
"Guys I'm so excited for this tournament!! There's going to be so many schools there!"- you say excitedly
The boys all nodd at you before it suddenly smacks them in the fact
So many schools...
That means....
So... many... BOYS
Ope 😶
You giggle with excitement as you go to start collecting the volleyballs
The boys all stop and stare at you as you skip around the gym
"Hiroo your walking me home tonight right?"- You say
Hiroo just nodds as you kiss his cheek and skip away to keep about your tasks
Please these boys are just standing there, water bottles halfway to their mouths, like "shit 😐"
How could they have forgotten about the TOURNAMENT
Daishou walks up to them and smirks 😏
"Something wrong guys"- Daishou 🙃🙃🙃
Kuguri looks at Daishou, then to you as you go about your tasks
"We gotta protect our girl"- Numai says
"Agreed"- Sakishima says
After your done cleaning up, you change into your uniform and meet the boys by the gym
"Hey YN so we were thinking.."- Akama says
"Maybe you shouldn't come to the tournament with us..."- Takachiho
Your eyes start to water 🥺
"You- you guys don't want me there??"- you 😢
The boys eyes widen
"Please YN don't cry"- Sakishima says
"Am I- am I not doing a good job??"- you 🥺🥺🥺
"Sweetheart no you are doing perfect!"- Numai says hugging you
He looks over at the other guys who are now all unsure what to do
Daishou walks behind and smirks at them again 😏
Mans knows exactly what's happening here
"Yn we just want to make sure your safe"- Hiroo
"But you guys will be there and you can protect me right"- you say, peeking out from Numai's chest 🥺
Please YN you really do the most 🤚🏻
"YN we definitely want you there!"- Akama
"I think YN should be there as our manager"- Daishou interrupts
These boys just look at him like 😐 really-
"YN is a valuable part of our team now and she's earned a spot on our bench"- Daishou says, again smirking 😏
"Suguru 🥺"- you say running to hug your brother
They are all just standing there like 👇🏻 "really Suguru 😐"
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Daishou pays them no mind tho 💅🏼
Unbothered king
So instead of making you cry again, they all just agree to guard you with their lives 🤣
Literally they are so stressed come tournament time 😅
You notice your poor bbys seem on edge
Hiroo is just standing there, in his own world and you walk up hugging him 🫂
He hugs you back and kisses the top of your head
"You look stressed"- you snuggling into him
Please he's a comfy tree YN give him love
"I'm ok love, just nervous"- he says hugging you tightly
You look to see the other boys just as nervous
YN to the rescue 🦸🏻‍♀️
You hug and kiss all the boys cheeks
You head to the gym to warm up, the boys getting ready to start spiking drills
"Ohh YN??? Could you go fill these up? I forgot to ask you earlier"- Daishou, knowing full well he did not forget
"Oh sure! I'll be right back"- you say grabbing the crate and running off
Daishou 👇🏻 freaking smirky snake boi
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While in the hallway, you stumble into someone on accident
"Oh my! I'm so very sorry!"- you say, looking up to see a very tall, darker haired man
He looks... almost... Rooster like 😏
"Well hello there"- Rooster man says smiling at you
"Kuroo stop being weird"- a shorter guy in a red Nekoma jacket says
"I'm not being weird! I was just saying hello!"- the tall man yelled
"Oh im so very sorry! I was just apologizing for running into your teammate"- you say grining wide
The boys both look at you with heart eyes 😻
"Hey will you two stay with the group?"- another boy says, as he joined by several more guys in red jackets
They all look at you at you as you stand there smiling 😁
✨️back in the gym ✨️
Takachiho looks around and then hits Sakishima in the arm
"Hey man-"
"Where's YN?"- Takachiho says panicking
Numai, Hiroo, Akama, Kuguri, and Seguro all look around
"Suguru where is YN?"- Numai shouts
Daishou just shrugs 🤷‍♂️ and walks away
Freaking snake 🐍
The boys BARREL out into the hallway, looking everywhere until they see you
Standing next to NEKOMA
Oof 😬
Sakishima, Hiroo and Numai charge as Takachiho grabs you and pulls you behind him
"Yoshiya what-" you confused
"You pussy cats better not have touched our YN"- Numai growls
"As if they could even, our YN is too perfect for the likes of them"- Sakishima adds, arms crossed and glaring
"Hey- we were just talking with her"- Kuroo says, hands up and smirking 😏
He's just as sneaky as Daishou!
"Save it Kuroo"- Hiroo spits as he grabs your hand and hauls you towards the gym doors
Kuguri and Serugo fawn over you when you get back
"YN what happened-"
"Those bastard cats were talking to her"- Akama yelled
"Excuse me??"- Seguro says 😃
"Really guys, I'm ok"- you say smiling at your overprotective bois
They all look at you and boy are they PISSED
This calls for a good ole YN intervention
Hugs and kisses YN, needed STAT
The boys instantly calm as you make your way around the team
"Besides Suguru asked me to fill up the waterbottles before the match"- you say, smiling and turning away to set up the bench
The guys all look at each other, then to Daishou 😐😑
Daishou 👉🏻👀😗 🎶 what??
Please 🤚🏻 if you don't think this man is going to take advantage of his teammates crushing on his baby sister
Do you really know the snakes at all 🙃
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You Make Him Blush
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Oikawa, Kuroo and Akaashi
Warning: Swearing, sorry
A/N: Ya girl is finally posting. I mean it’s 5 am right now but hey! I did it. V, proud of myself (I should sleep but no). I hope you enjoy it. (It’s not edited, I skimmed over it but I may have missed some mistakes, so sorry about that!!)
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This fucker likes to play games with you. He makes you blush all the goddamn motherfucking time. He'll wink at you before making a killer serve, lift his shirt just enough during practice that you'd see his toned abs, he'll whisper ungodly shit in your ears when you're out in public. And honestly, you're super tired of feeling your cheeks heat up every time this guy so much as breathes in your direction.  
In the start of your relationship when the two of you were still a new couple you had witnessed him blush, but it was a mild flush out of nervousness. You always felt that you never made him as flustered as he made you.
So there you were, on a Saturday evening whining to your best friend that your boyfriend doesn't get nervous around you anymore and that the spark in your relationship was dwindling.
"I don't think that it's getting mundane, your relationship," your BFF started. "He's hella whipped for you, makes me gag."
"Then? How can he make me blush, but I can't even make him mildly flustered?" you asked, your shoulders slumping in a defeated manner. "Why do you even care about that?" 
You stare at your friend, "Because, he does it all the time! I wanna do it too! I wanna see him flustered!" you whine. "I wanna make him speechless!"
 "Oh so it's a game?" your friend asks you blankly. "Listen either help me or don't judge me."
That conversation was a week ago. Today was a rare date where you and Tooru would go out rather than him practising his serves in the gym and you watching him and feeding him snacks in between.
He waited for you outside your house. You paced in your room, checking yourself in the mirror anxiously. Was it too much? Will he laugh at you? Do you look stupid? A million thoughts were rushing through your head as you looked at your appearance in the mirror. With a nervous groan, you exit your room and make your way to the front door.
As soon as he hears the front door open, he turns around with a wide grin, "Finally! What took-" he is stunned as he lays his eyes on you, "you... so long..." his words dying in his throat.
You blink in shock as you witness a deep flush spreading across his cheeks. Your face also felt hot but with embarrassment. "Th-this wasn't a good idea!" you stutter. "I'm gonna go change!" you turn to leave, but you are yanked backwards by your wrist, falling against Tooru's strong chest. "You look great," he mumbles into your shoulder. "So so beautiful..."
You were surprised, you had no idea that wearing his turquoise jersey tucked into your jeans would have this much impact on your boyfriend.
The whole time during your date, Tooru kept stealing glances at you, and every time your eyes would meet, a dark blush would appear across his face. You wanted to grin and say that it serves him right! That it was your revenge. But you couldn't say a single word, your face equally as red as his.
Because the thing is, you never realised that a blushing, flustered Tooru was absolutely way too fucking adorable. 
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It's not that you never made him flustered or nervous. You were an absolute beauty, and everything you did was enough to bring him to his knees, but he hid it well. He'd hide it behind a facade of a confident tease; when that wouldn't work, he'd strategically turn his face away from you until the redness left his cheeks.
You were under the impression that he was way too suave and that you did not have that sort of power over him. Oooh! And boy, were you wrong!
It happened right before the match between Nekoma and Nohebi. You were hanging out with the team before they went out into the court and you went to the spectator's area. 
Kuroo's team bumped into the opposing team, and obviously, your boyfriend had to shit-talk the other team. You stood to the side rolling your eyes.
Your boyfriend took another jab at Daishou regarding his ex-girlfriend. Irked, the other team's captain attempted to tease him back by saying that Kuroo doesn't even have a girlfriend.
You raised your brow, stepped forward and looped your arm around your boyfriend's and smiled sweetly at Daishou, "Now, now. I'm very offended that you think that I don't exist."
Kuroo smirked as the other guy sputtered an apology towards you. You accepted his sorry. 
You realised that it was soon going to be time for you to find a seat, so you leaned up and placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips. You could literally see his head exploding as a deep red blush appeared on his face. 
You almost didn't hear both teams sputtering because your eyes were blinking at your boyfriend's current state.
Yaku and Kai dragged the Nekoma team away, while Nohebi left on their own, Daishou giving Kuroo a hateful glare as he left.
As soon as it was just the two of you, he buried his face in the crook between your neck and shoulder. His knees began to feel weak. He groaned, his voice muffled by your skin.
"Tetsu, are you okay?" you asked, confused. He only shook his head still buried in your neck. "I look so lame right now..." he mumbled into your skin. He felt the vibrations on your throat as you laughed and stroked his hair. "What? You think I think you're lame because you stopped functioning because of a simple kiss?" he nodded again. This caused you to laugh loudly this time.
He pulled back and glared at you weakly, his face still flushed red. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he asked. You smiled and flicked his forehead, "Go out there and win, cool guy," you grin. He pouted but left after placing a quick kiss to your forehead, ready for his team to hoot for him teasingly.
As soon as he was out of sight, you placed a hand over your beating heart in your chest and took a deep breath. Did he have any clue what he does to you?
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Right. So I headcanon that this guy is not that difficult to fluster but he, just like Kuroo, tries his best to hide it afraid you'd think that he is unattractive.
It's a difficult task to control his face from getting red because everything you do is so cute he can't help it. One time he had to physically remove himself from your presence before you could see his neck turning red.
This one-time Bokuto found him in the storage room, face buried between all the volleyballs in the basket. He has never been more scared in his life than seeing his teammate, who is the epitome of calm, losing his shit because his S/O decided to be cute that day. 
You weren't unaware of the effect you had on him but you knew that he was embarrassed, whatever his reason was, so you never intentionally did anything that would fluster him.
So imagine your surprise when you suddenly come face to face with a new side of him.
The two of you were hanging out in a cafe, you guys were on a study date. Keiji was immersed in his textbook, his hand holding yours across the table. You noticed that his lips were slightly chapped, thinking that they would hurt if his skin stretches, you call out to him, "Keiji." He looks up from his book at you, "Hmm?" he hums.
Without thinking, you swipe your thumb across your lower lip, gathering up the gloss and then proceed to wipe it on his lips. He couldn't even get up and hide, his entire face flushes a deep red. He buries his face in his folded arms on the table with a loud thud. "K-Keiji?!" you call out startled. "Are you okay?"
"J-just give me a minute, I need to calm down," he says, face still buried in his arms. "Okay?" you sit back, confused, taking a sip from your drink.
After a while, he slowly looks up, his face still slightly flushed. "You good?" you ask. He nods weakly. "Sorry..." he apologises. "You must think I look stupid."
You wrinkle your brows in confusion, "What?"
"I mean, I probably look dumb with my face all red and ugly..."
"Keiji," you begin calmly. "You have this effect on me all the time, do you think I look stupid?" you ask.
"No!" he says quickly. "I think you look adorable."
You smile, "There you go! What makes you think that I don't think that you don’t look adorable?" He looks away, unable to answer. "Sweety, you need to stop overthinking about things like that. I love you no matter what."
He smiles weakly and laces his fingers with your fingers. He didn't say anything after that, but you could feel him relax. He felt giddy in his heart, you said you loved him. He didn't tell you yet but he will soon, in a way you deserve to hear it.
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jesswritesthat · 3 years
Daishō Suguru: Kitten
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: angsty, fluff
• Being best friends doesn’t mean you’re gonna fall for that cliché trope, but the Tokyo Representative Playoffs bring that whole facade crashing down. For both of you.
Warnings: mature language, 3k? 😬
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Knowing Daishō was ultimately a blessing in life, he's an incredible companion to those he cares about (like his teammates) and intimate people in his life.
As one of his closest friends, that included you, and as one of his closest friends it meant you saw the rougher edges of his personality too. It was uncountable how many times you'd been roped into his cunning antics, and how many you'd gotten him out of. You don't hang around Daishō Suguru without picking up a few tricks.
Then there were the 'feelings' side of your relationship, it'd be suspicious to be involved like the two of you were for the thought and rumours not to arise. And they did, for you at least.
However you'd given up on the pointless trope of falling for your best friend the moment he'd told you of his crush on Yamaka Mika. It was obvious to anyone, purely by the way he looked at her - Daishō truly liked her, why compete with that?
Hence maturely, you moved on before inevitably being subject to his romantic and confused ranting once they'd begun a relationship since you're 'his person' and all.
Then of course, when they'd broken up you'd been needed to offer support when he'd broke down and replayed it all, with you deadpan sitting on his bed listening to his frustration and heartbreak as he paced up and down his room burning a trail into his flooring. A simple nod or hum was offered as acknowledgment, choosing to speak more once he'd paused until he went off again - but he'd do the same (if not more) for you without hesitation.
The situation wasn't ideal, especially 2 months before the Spring High Representative Playoffs, and the moment you'd caught Nekomas' scheming Captain in your peripheral you knew Daishōs single status would be dragged up.
"Did you ever get over Mika-chan dumping you? Are you sure you're gonna be able to play this next match? You must be pretty hurt."
"Wait, what?! I wasn't dumped! I was the one who dumped her!"
A disapproving glare was sent Daishōs' way, knowing that to be entirely false but you sighed painfully before swiftly intervening.
"Tetsurō, c'mon."
Kuroo spared you a softening glance, he would've smiled since the two of you were considered friends by this point, but Nohebi had riled up his team too much for that.
"Your snake-bastard started it."
"I know, but I'm looking forward to this match so let's make it a good one alright?" A warning glare was sent to Daishō who held his hands up in surrender, tongue darting across his lips leaving you clamping his shoulder forcing him into submission.
"Ah- 'kay! Fine."
Nekomas' Captain was amused, delighted smirk growing slightly when he switched his attention from Suguru to you. "Anything for you, kitten."
"Thank you, I appreciate your cooperation Captain~"
The teams' parted ways with intriguing words from Lev and Yaku, Daishō immediately pulling you to the side when he had the chance, having been somewhat snappy since the recent conversation. Kuroo probably got under his skin.
"What was that?!" It was hissed out, whisper yelled in urgency with his grip remaining gentle on your wrist from where he'd tugged you aside.
"What was what?"
"Um? 'Tetsurō' for a start? Then that scheming bastard called you 'kitten', and you decided to flirt back?"
There was underlying vulnerability lingering despite him trying to be stern, the reason only eliciting a bemused giggle from your lips.
"Yeah so? I'm single, and Kuroo is attractive, I'm allowed to have fun."
It was silent for a second, Sugurus' grip sliding from your skin as he'd looked away from you, his answer leaving a nasty taste on your tongue.
"Yeah just, not with him."
"Oh? Don't start Daishō. I've never berated your feelings for Mika-chan, so you have no right to tell me what I can or can't do with Kuroo."
"No but I—"
"But nothing. Good luck in the game, I'm with you, as always."
It didn't get any better with the match between Nekoma and Nohebi fast approaching and Kuroo having sought your companionship across the court during the warm ups regardless of the fact you were his enemy.
"Don't hold it against me if Nekoma win."
"I won't need to, Nohebi will kick your cute fluffy tails~" Came your quick clap back, proudly observing your team on the court with Kuroo playfully knocking your arm with his own.
"Hm, sounds fun. It's good to see you again actually, Nohebi are lucky to have you as their manager y'know."
"I hope so, I'm lucky to have them too. They're like... my second family."
"I understand that, so good luck kitten. And thanks for calling us cute."
"You too. And I didn't call— I meant like— whatever Tetsurō!" He walked backwards with a flashing grin and mocking salute heading back to his team, yourself exasperatedly groaning whilst Daishō slammed his bottle down beside you with a huff.
"Hey? Direct whatever is going on with you toward winning would ya?"
"Oh you bet."
It wasn't until after their match did you get closer to a reasonable answer, congratulating Kuroo and his team as they'd passed you prior to coming face to face with a heartbroken Captain. Suguru put on a brave facade for his team, but you were the one to always read him like a book.
"We lost..." His ghosting statement echoed in the empty hallway, acting as acknowledgment to your familiar presence, no matter how quiet he'd intended it to be.
"We did, but that doesn't mean you weren't incredible Suguru. Don't forget that, you're talented as Hell." Your voice was confident yet comforting, Daishō shaking his head with eyes glossing over slightly which was the moment you'd hugged him, the outside hitter instinctively surrendering to you in silence.
It didn't take long for him to recover, mumbling curses into your neck and pulling back with a frustrated furrow of his brows, darting his glare to the side.
"I really wanted to beat him this time, I was so pissed at him and... you two get on so well."
"Why has that been bothering you today? Is it because you're opponents? You barely see him outside of tournaments."
"It hasn't— I just— It's more than that." It was spoken through gritted teeth, like he'd been trying to avoid this but you knew him better than his cunning tricks would account for.
Daishō turned away from you, as a useless attempt and keeping his composure but you were persistent when it came to his well-being, he knew that.
"Because his team beat yours? That doesn't matter, you played skilfully and should be so proud that you're one of the top 4 teams in Tokyo!"
"No! It's— shit..." Regretfully, digits brushed his hair back once you'd cracked his resolve, turning to meet your concerned gaze and reflexively wanted to spill everything to you. "It's because the thought of anyone -particularly Kuroo- getting to be with you, seeing you smile just for them and loving you makes me feel - I dunno - sick? Since..."
"Since...?" You parroted, curiosity and mild irritation laced into it.
"Since I— since I haven't told you how I feel yet and I want to be the one to make you smile, and be the one you fall in love with or whatever. If you'll let me."
The usual cunning gaze was absent, replaced with unnerved sentiment and a wavering hopefulness you'd only seen on the rarest of occasions. The ones where he'd needed you most - except you were speechless, voice cracking in whispered disbelief.
Daishō shook his head, blinking harshly before speaking up again, a deep breath taken to calm his nerves beforehand.
"I wanted to tell you how I felt, I've wanted that for so long - but I waited so you'd know it wasn't just a rebound after Mika. I never wanted that thought to even cross your mind because you're so much more than that to me." Suguru stepped closer, cautiously analysing your reactions and placed a delicate hold on your upper arms before continuing to elaborate.
"You understand me like second nature, and you've always supported my passion for Volleyball even if you aren't as interested as me. I can be myself around you, and I'm so grateful that you accept me for me."
Honestly you couldn't help but smile sorrowfully, tension easing into the familiarity of your friendship with a breathy giggle escaping alongside your next words. "Suguru, if you'd have said this a year ago I would've kissed the hell outta you..."
A faint scarlet dusted his skin, flicking to your lips and back to meet your eyes sensing you weren't finished yet.
"I'll always feel something toward you, we’re good friends for a start but your emotions are running high right now."
"Yeah but, you've thought about us too? Why didn't you ever say anything? We could've— I would've—"
"I didn't think you felt the same, then Mika came along and the rest is history." Came your shrugging justification, Daishō maintaining his contrasting mixture of shock and pleading with dramatic gestures acting as accompaniment.
"You never asked, after all we've done together you don't think it crossed my mind? Because it did -so many times- but losing you wasn't an option and then I loved Mika-chan."
"I know. I was there idiot." Despite your witty sarcasm, your offered another kind smile and a playful punch to his shoulder. "But regardless of this, you're still my best friend Daishō so we shouldn't rush into anything."
"And you're mine too. We should talk about this when we get back then, over food maybe?" He'd caught your wrist, tentative hold lingering longer or maybe you'd only just noticed because of the revelation, and you had always shared moments like these.
"Yeah, alright. I'll meet you in the lobby, take a minute to yourself first."
"I hate how well you know me." Daishōs' signature smirk resurfaced, tone as slick as ever like he hadn't just confessed.
The lobby was dispersed, fellow Nohebi teammates surrounded your perimeter whilst you awaited the return of your Captain. Though seeing his figure stroll through the hallway, hands buried in his pockets and aura downcast like expecting punishment for wrongdoing.
"Saw Mika huh?" Came your precarious voice, not even looking at him when he'd halted before you and remorsefully responsed.
"Oh, yeah..."
"She told me you're fixing things, so I suppose you've changed your mind now?”
"Tch, I should've known—" It hurt. Evident in everything you exuded, arms crossed and ready to walk away until you were interrupted by none other than Kuroo.
"Hey, how is my favourite Nohebi Academy attendee?"
"Perfect, you can go now." Daishō hissed out, instinctively stepping closer to you with Kuroo mirroring his glare with a fluent retort.
"You're obviously not my favourite, snake-bastard."
"I'm pissed pretty kitty, but congratulations on reaching Nationals. How are you feeling Tetsurō?"
"Look I know losing sucks, but it was a good match so don't be too hard on yourselves." A comforting hand was placed on your shoulder, reaching for it with a grateful smile that soon flipped to flirtatious.
"How about you make it up me then Kuroo?"
"Oya? I'd love that, fancy going to the shopping district this weekend?"
"Good idea, I'll—"
"No way! That is not happening!" Alarmed, Suguru protectively intervened with a distressed look sent toward you as if begging you to reconsider.
"Couples dispute huh?"
"Potentially!" "No!" — The answers to Kuroos' offhanded query were synchronous, leaving the Nekoma Captain rather smug.
"Sorry Kuroo, a lot has happened today, could I text you later? My team need me more right now."
"No worries, thanks again for the game today. See you guys for a rematch sometime, and see you sooner hopefully."
With Kuroo returning to Nekoma, you walked an irritated Daishō outside rolling your eyes at his blatant refusal to acknowledge the previous events. Too much had happened today, like a carousel of mismatched emotions and situations that were dizzying - and the ride wasn't over.
"What now? You don't like my underhanded tactics Daishō? Because I learned them straight from you." Venom laced your voice, ironic considering your teams' insignia, and your Captain reminded you he’d mastered such a tone, cutting your path and scanning your frame with betrayal piercing that resolve.
"I told you about how I felt less than 30 minutes ago, and you do this right in front of my face?"
"Yeah, but I did it right after the part where you reconciled with your ex-girlfriend. Remember that bit?"
"Yes I remember! But we aren't getting back together, we just talked. Mika saw me play and enjoyed it - you got the wrong idea." Suguru desperately defended himself, both out of frustration and fear of losing you more than anything.
"So did you!"
Incredulously he tutted at your reference to Kuroo, the two of you misinterpreting the others intentions apparently a mutual mistake even though he required further convincing.
"Doubt it, you two are—"
"Friends. Not once did Kuroo and I mention ‘date’, we hang out all the time. You'd know that if you asked what I did, instead of if it'd be a good date location for you and Mika."
"I never— oh..." Daishō bit his tongue, brief recollections proving your account to be true. An apologetic look of empathy crossed his features, sincerity flooding the first half of his statement prior to argumentativeness overshadowing it. "Then I'll work on that, but you still openly flirt with each other!"
"We have dumb nicknames and we flirt a bit, if we wanted anything to happen then it would've. You just don't listen do you?"
"What more was there to listen to? It hurt enough already!" Voices we're raising, like a battle of dominance in this heated 'discussion' of yours fuelled by burning feelings for one another.
"He said 'Your snake bastard' and  'couples dispute' — do you really think the scheming Captain would mention that offhanded? No, he was teasing me because he knew how I felt about you Suguru. Jeez..." Breathlessly you finished, flicking up to the sky to take a breath and landing back on your now offended best friend.
"You told Kuroo -that rooster bastard- before me?!"
"Tetsurō picked up on it, he's more intuitive, obviously."
"No he isn't! I just never wanted to make you uncomfortable by bringing it up!"
"And this scenario is sooo much better."
"Tomorrow." Composed, and confident. Like he’d already mentally configured an entire plan, one you were currently unaware of.
"We do this tomorrow. We should go out, like normal, except we need to talk once we've had time to figure things out. Sound good?"
"Yeah... you're right. Tomorrow."
"Let's uh, get back to our team. They'll get suspicious if we're gone too long."
Never had it been awkward between you two, Nohebi would testify to that. Even during fights you'd still fire insults at one another before ultimately making up.
Sitting across from him now though, in one of the familiar restaurants you'd frequented to escape the chaos of the city, neither of you could manage even that much.
"You and Kuroo aren't..." Daishō spoke carefully, trailing off with the rest obviously implied whilst you mirrored the tone.
"No, and Mika isn't your..."
Silence reclaimed the atmosphere, claws sinking in suffocatingly deeper as if constricting you, choking out your next words with stilted laughter.
"I've never not known what to say to you before. This is really weird..."
"I agree, I mean the only time we've had silence is when we share a look about some scheme we devised in our heads." Grinning at the memory, Daishō understood what you meant, almost like clearing the air to speak freely.
"Exactly! Now all I can think about is-"
"Dating you."
"Dating you."
Simultaneously mutual, the two of you diverting your attention due to sheer embarrassment at the honest nonchalance of it.
"After everything that happened yesterday, would you still want that?"
"Yeah, as your best friend, I strongly recommend myself as boyfriend material." Daishō offered a victorious smirk, leaning forward across the table in bemusement - until meeting your expectant brow. "Ah, seriously though, I'd do anything for you anyway and if we dated I'd try to be the person you deserve."
"Idiot, you're already perfect for me. Don't change or anything okay?" With your quieter reply, he became flustered by your flattery and his confidence faltered with his stammering.
"I— I won't - um, you're... you're perfect for me too so..."
The conversation actually resonated, panic surging through you due the fact you were presuming you’d be together hence your urgent corrections as you reached your hand across the table in surrender.
"Only if we do get together of course! Not that we will - I'm not pressuring you or anything!"
"No no! Neither! I want to, but if you don't want to then that's fine too!"
"Well, I want to too!" It was a peculiar back and forth, voices in acting that of a dispute despite it being the opposite.
"Then this is a date."
"It's a date."
Again it was ambiguous, staring at one another in thought until you’d spoke cautiously.
"Actually, how about we just hang out, we can go on our first date another time. I just want to enjoy being with you like this, simply because I can." You were pleasantly surprised to see the tension relieve itself from Daishōs’ muscles at your proposal.
"Whatever you want, I’m happy if you are~"
It was no surprise it took about 2 months for him to ask you to be his partner, after a few dates here and there. It came too naturally, being together romantically that is. Even your team weren’t surprised by the development and if anything they were expecting it as some point or another.
It was just the two of you left in the gymnasium tonight, riding the high of Suguru becoming your boyfriend only moments ago having asked you on the court which was one of his favourite places that linked you together he’d said. You couldn’t help but lovingly smile at his cheesiness, agreeing all the same until delicate fingers lifted your chin.
“I officially get to be the one who can make you smile like that from now on y’know.”
"We're still friends first though, you're my partner and my best friend Suguru." You’d leaned in slightly, digits easing to the back of his neck with Daishō melting into your warm touch.
"Of course kitten."
"..." You both froze in place, shooting an unimpressed look toward your boyfriend as if saying ‘Really?’.
"Ugh yeah that hurt me as well - you're far too beautiful for a shitty pet name like that one anyway." Instantly he’d pulled back in mock disgust, internally chastising himself for saying something so cringe in such a lovely moment but found comfort in your echoing laughter.
In a minute you'd caught yourself, pulling the sniggering idiot back to you with tone seductively lower than usual as you angled to kiss him once more - holding back just enough to speak.
"What are you going to call me then?"
"I can deal with that. Which makes you mine, Suguru."
Lips centimetres apart, if you weren't so in tune with him then you'd have missed the wistfully longing mutter escaping his tongue before he closed the gap. 
[ Masterlist ]
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eurydicees · 3 years
so one day maybe i'll write an actual fic, but for now here are some daishou & kuroo childhood friends to petty rivals headcanons because i have absolutely no self-control. also this is not proofread because my computer is about to die and i want to post before that happens
their dads meet at work and immediately hit it off and become best friends immediately
this happens before either of them are born, before they’re even old enough to really make friends, their dads are already trying to force them to become best friends
they get along until around age eight, when kuroo and his father move
moving towns does not, of course, change the fact that their dads are besties and still go out for drinks every other friday, so kuroo and daishou still see each other all the time
they’re casual friends at best, just by virtue of seeing each other whenever their dads are hanging out and can’t get a babysitter for whatever reason, until kuroo’s eighth birthday party, when daishou insults his favorite volleyball team. kuroo blames this needless hate for the loss that his team suffered that night. he has not, and will never, forget this incident.
their rivalry starts off casual, just two casual friends bickering over the best volleyball team and who gets the last of kuroo’s father’s homemade cookies (kuroo is a guest in the daishou home, but they were technically made for daishou’s family to enjoy, not kuroo, who can have them all the time) and other nonsense like that
it only accelerates when their dads start trying to force them to stop arguing and be Best Friends™
you know how kids always want to do the opposite thing that their parents want them to do? their dads said “now be friends because we are” and at some point they said “fuck that” because daishou was going through a rebellious phase and kuroo was mad at his dad for making him switch schools
they still see each other, though, and their dads try to force them to bond over volleyball, which they do, until daishou (accidentally, he claims, though kuroo doesn’t believe him) hit the ball into a kuroo’s face, breaking his nose (it hasn’t been the same since, he claims, but daishou thinks he’s just being dramatic), and they go back to hating each other
at some point, their dads give up on making them be friends, but it’s not like they’re going to stop being friends just because their sons are so stubborn, so kuroo and daishou continue to rotate in the same social circle
fast forward to their first year at nekoma and nohebi, and the two play against each other in a practice game— nohebi narrowly wins, and despite both of them remaining on the bench for the entirety of the game, kuroo will never forgive daishou for this
in the first real game against each other, though, nekoma wins— and again, despite neither of them playing, kuroo holds this over daishou for their entire first year
kuroo is the first to make it onto the starting line up towards the end of their first year, and in their second year, this is something that he almost never fails to bring up when daishou taunts him
their families think that this rivalry is absolutely hilarious— their sisters are close friends, and their dads are besties, and they’re the only ones who don’t get along
whenever their families go out together— which happens a lot when they’re younger, and kuroo’s dad is struggling to adjust to being a single father (ask me about that hc too, i dare you)— they always manage to spend the entire time bickering, much to their sisters’ rolled eyes
kuroo was daishou’s bisexual awakening, a fact that he will never, never, never tell kuroo (look. it’s something about the enemies to lovers, okay? he daydreams about it for about five minutes before getting disgusting by the idea of dating someone with that hair and moves on. he’s still bi though)
their fathers, though they’ve given up on trying to make them be friends, are still attempting to make them civil, at the very least
their fathers talk, as parents do— they share the most embarrassing stories about their sons that they can think of, some of which are then relayed to their children
their dads send each other pictures that both kuroo and daishou have secretly stolen off of their dads’ phones with the idea to blackmail the other with them (they would never actually do it, but it’s the principle of the thing)
when mika and daishou break up, it gets to his sister within minutes, which then gets to his father within hours, which then gets to kuroo’s dad that same day, and kuroo delights in having this information, and files for use as soon as they see each other at the next tournament
after knowing each other for so long, they have a lot of ammunition on each other and there is so much that they make fun of each other for, but they know where the lines are, too, and they don’t actually despise each other. it’s an entirely petty rivalry and they both know it, so there are lines that neither of them will cross
kuroo has crashed so many of daishou and mika’s dates, both accidentally and on purpose (times and locations are things he gets from daishou’s sister, because she loves kuroo, a fact which he has used against daishou more than once)
kuroo once accidentally finds daishou and mika when he’s out with yaku, and they just follow the two of them around the city all day, eating popcorn and whispering to each other, because yaku is just as much of a little shit as kuroo, he’s just quieter about it. daishou does not find this funny at all. mika thinks it’s hilarious.
speaking of, mika thinks that their rivalry is petty and over the top and ridiculous, but she also thinks that it’s funny, too, and whenever she wants to antagonize her boyfriend, she’ll bring up kuroo in one way or another. it never fails to make daishou mad.
she also thinks that kuroo’s hair is stupid, though, so she’ll join in with daishou on making fun of it (whenever she joins in on his ranting about kuroo, he falls a little more in love with her)
finally, it’s important to note that they do have a lot of respect for each other as players and as people— not that they’ll ever say that to the other’s face
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Anon, this might be a tad bit ooc in some parts.... Sometimes I picture the different ways these characters act when they aren’t seen and I like to write it like that LOL You know experiment and shit,,, Also I feel like I’m the only bitch who likes Nohebi HAHAH 
WC- 2,213
Akaashi Keiji
First let me say, wow Akaashi is so pretty and done.
I feel like if you accidentally call him daddy in front of the team it’ll be such a big mess 
All the third years, except Bokuto, are going to be silent, while their captain is like ‘yo toss for me’ like the whole ‘daddy’ thing would go over Bokuto’s head. Sweet Bokuto does not kink shame, okay. The managers would be squealing and gasping in shock, sending you suggestive looks before dragging you off somewhere to beg for details HAHAH
“Keiji! I’m so happy to see you!” You exclaim softly before wrapping your arms around him, you’re at the representative playoffs and you finally get to see your boyfriend once again after the few weeks of separation
Despite living relatively close to one another, you and Akaashi were both very busy preparing for these games. While he was practicing with his own team, you were managing for yours (which always proved to be a challenge, even now)
“Oh, how is your girlfriend doing by the way?” Kuroo sneers behind you and you glance to see your own captain squaring up with the pesky cat 
“Ah, excuse me Keiji,” You pout and apologize, Akaashi gently smiles and kisses the pout off your lips before unwrapping his arms to let you go control your petty team
“Daishou!” You scold and wrap your hand around said boy’s bicep, pulling him behind you to get in front of Kuroo, you give the Nekoma captain a fake smile before turning around to face your friend “I’m trying to see my boyfriend and I can’t do that if you keep starting shit!” You whisper-yell and Daishou rolls his eyes
“I didn’t start anything-“ He lies and you narrow your eyes up at him
“Daishou stay away from them and they’ll stay away from you, okay? Save your energy for the court.” You pat his chest and gently let go of the grip you have on him,
You’re about halfway back to Akaashi before you hear the damn snake speak up again
“I broke up with her!” Your eye twitches because you know damn well Yamaka broke up with him, you send Akaashi another sympathetic smile before walking back to your teammate
The grip you have on Daishou’s collar makes him choke and you practically toss him into the wall and get in-between him and Kuroo once more, glaring at anyone who looks at you
“I am trying to talk to my boyfriend who I have not seen in a few weeks so if you both could kindly stay away from each other I would appreciate it,” You smile sweetly and Daishou scrunches his nose before opening his mouth once more 
“See you in the finals” He sneers and you quite literally pick him up by his hair
“Daishou if you don’t shut the fuck up, you’re not going to see the finals. All I want is to have a peaceful day and then go home and give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please help me just this once and be quiet.” You growl and drag him away from Nekoma, smiling softly at Akaashi when you pass him, you bring your captain all the way to where your team is in the bleachers and sit him down on the bench “okay, now then-“
“You call him daddy?” Daishou snickers and you narrow your eyes at him
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask and Daishou laughs so loudly it sounds like a cackle 
“You said, and I quote,” Daishou clears his throat before speaking again, purposely altering the pitch of his tone to reference yours “give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please-“ 
Daishou shuts up when you sit down next to him dejectedly
“I said that in front of you and the entire Nekoma team and Fukuroudani?” You whisper and the captain throws his arm around your shoulder
“Don’t worry (Y/N)! At least you didn’t say it in front of our team…. Oh wait,” He snickers and you awkwardly face the rest of your players and coach
“Ah, Daishou, I’m going to quit” You cry and he immediately tries to calm you down 
“Wait, (Y/N), no you can’t!” 
“So, you like being called daddy?” Kuroo asks after he bumps into Akaashi. Your boyfriend can only sigh in shame and shake his head, “I-is that a yes or a no?”
“That’s a shut the fuck up Kuroo” Kenma bites and defends his other friend, trying to drag the middle blocker away from the setter
Konohana, Komi, and Sarukui simply blink before walking away, dragging Bokuto along with them so their setter can face the shame in peace 
“Oh, Keiji!” You squeak and tightly grip the bed sheets on either side of you, you want to so badly grip his silky hair but, Akaashi has rules. The dark-haired boy flicks your thigh as a warning and you can’t help the pout that appears on your face. Akaashi not allowing you to touch him is a big punishment and, needless to say, you aren’t happy about it. Akaashi continues to stare up at you from in-between your thighs, his lips have captured your clit as he sucks dutifully on the swollen bud. 
“Daddy,” The pitiful whimper slips past your lips and Akaashi smirks against your soaking cunt, his tongue flicks your clit. His warm mouth is welcoming as he continues the harassment on the delicate pearl. “I-I love you.” The endearing phrase flies past your lips and Akaashi feels his resolve soften, he can never stay harsh with you for long. 
Though, he will try.
Akaashi removes his mouth and slaps your clit with four fingers, watching as you squirm and cry at the impact. He can tell how badly you want to grip his hair and he mentally reminds himself to reward you for staying so still, well as still as you can be. He continues to tap the sensitive bundle of nerves, ranging from light taps to slaps that sound throughout the room. 
“Daddy, please,” You cry and Akaashi takes pity on you, he leans forward and licks soothing strips up against your clit. He wants to kiss the sting away because he truly cares too much about his baby and wants you to feel nothing but pleasure.
“Daddy loves you too sweet girl, I love you so much.” Akaashi coos as he kisses along your thigh, he glances up and sees you staring at him with a deep pout on your face. He just wants to kiss it off. “Don’t look at me like that.” He tries to scold but his words come out weak, your pitiful eyes play numbers on him that he will never understand. “Patience, you’ll get what you want, hold out for Daddy."
Kozume Kenma
I 99.9% believe that Kenma getting called daddy in front of the team is Kuroo’s fault ,,, LOL 
Like Kuroo knows shit and it accidentally slips and everyone is like … ‘kuroo wtf’ because nobody believes him much to Kenma’s relief HAHAH
It isn’t often that you can convince Kenma to stay after at a joint practice but when you do, you nearly regret it every time
“And then she wanted to call me daddy,” Kuroo gasps loudly like the gossiper he is and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes at the way Bokuto is hanging onto his every word “shit honestly though, it was pretty hot”
The one time…. One time you convince Kenma to stay after practice to spend time with his friends and these are the conversations you get 
“Oh, I totally believe you Kuroo” You click your tongue mockingly and the tall captain gently pushes the side of your head 
“It’s true, don’t be jealous you weren’t her (Y/N)” Kuroo throws back and you flick him off, internally smiling at the way Kenma pulls you closer to his chest and tightens his arms around your shoulders 
“Kuroo you’re literally the biggest nerd on the planet, you really expect me to believe you get pussy, much less get someone to call you daddy?” At your words Bokuto gasps and Akaashi covers the ace’s gaping mouth with his own hand
“Ask Kenma he was there!” Kuroo flicks your forehead and you turn around to your boyfriend with your hand already bunched up in his dyed hair 
“I was not there,” Kenma confirms and had it not been for his arms wrapped around your waist, you would have lunged at Kuroo
“I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe, it’s not like you don’t call Kenma ‘daddy’” Kuroo spills, stating it so simply like he’s talking about the weather. You start to mentally plan his death as Akaashi shakes his head and Bokuto begins laughs loudly
You know Kenma hates being put in the spotlight but you simply could not help yourself
“You’re telling me if you had this mf fucking you every night, you wouldn’t call him daddy?” You snap at Kuroo and Kenma tenses behind you before squeezing your hips so hard you nearly yelp, Kuroo leans back on his forearms and looks around proudly like what did I say? 
“Yeah, okay,” Bokuto wheezes and falls back on the gym floor 
“What?” You and Kuroo both snap and Bokuto laughs even harder, clutching his sides and trying to cover his loud voice with Akaashi’s jacket
“Those two virgins? Yeah right-AH” Bokuto points at you and Kenma before Akaashi shuts him up by covering his mouth once again
“How would you even know that Kuroo?” Akaashi asks while placing his other hand on Boktuo’s shoulder to keep him pinned to the floor 
“Best friends don’t overshare their sex lives?” Kuroo asks and Akaashi shakes his head quietly, Kuroo does not miss a beat with his follow-up response “Oh, I forgot you two do each other so there isn’t much to share” 
Now it’s your turn to gasp and Kenma tries to hide the audible hitch in your breath with his hand. The gym is now silent and you eagerly glance between Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto while waiting for someone to confirm or deny the statement
“Come on Kuroo it was one time!” Bokuto finally gets out of Akaashi’s grasp and Kuroo gives him a pointed look, “Fine. Five times” Another moment of silence passes before “Okay, it has become a regularly occurring thing” 
“Wow,” You simply nod in amazement before sending Akaashi a proud thumbs-up, one that Kenma swats down quickly 
“So we all probably have daddy kinks…” You trail off and look around the gym suspiciously, taking in the small noticeable nods you receive while trying to subtly hide the shocked look on your face
“Well, wasn't this fun, we all learned something new about each other!” Kuroo claps amusedly and Kenma buries his head into your shoulder 
“Yeah, too much,” He mutters before nudging your nose with his ear “can we leave now?”
Of course, Kuroo happened to overhear that
Kenma kneels behind you and he oozes disinterest as his eyes run all over your bent figure. The way he has you tied up has your face shoved into the mattress while your ass is high in the air. Kenma leans forward, hovering over you as he playfully snaps your blindfold between his fingers. 
“You’re so irritating,” He sighs and tugs on your hair roughly, forcing you to arch your back even more. It doesn’t matter how much shit he talks because you can still feel the hard heat digging into the back of your thighs. “you really wanted everyone to know your little secret.” 
Kenma trails one of his hands between your thighs, running his fingers along your slit and the gag in your mouth muffles your moans. 
“Kuroo acts like he knows everything we do behind closed doors but truthfully, he doesn’t even know the half of it.” Kenma softly rubs his palm against your ass, smoothing it over to the bottom of your spine. “Isn’t that right?” He asks and you can’t help the way you push your ass harder up against him. 
A harsh slap resonates around the room, the entire impact of it all makes your body lunge forward. Had it not been for the restraints, you would have bucked your head into the wooden headboard. Kenma quietly laughs before doing it again, letting his slim hand smack your ass once more. He watches with an amused expression at how your thighs have slightly spread for him so that he can see your drenched cunt perfectly.
“You’re enjoying this,” Kenma voices his thoughts and you nod your head, Kenma has to hold back from rolling his eyes and he leans over to release the gag from your mouth.
“Yes Daddy, I want more. Please,” You softly moan, your voice coming out hoarse due to the strain in your jaw and the dryness of your throat. Your boyfriend almost regrets taking the gag off your loudmouth. Regardless, he finds himself playing right into your game and the tightness in his pants increases tenfold. He does this all for you, Kenma lies to himself. It isn’t all entirely just for you.
“How many more do you want? How many more can you take from me?”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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rocorambles · 4 years
Mending the Cracks
Pairing: Daishou x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Choking, Spitting, DDLG, Degradation, Dirty Talk, Overstimulation
Summary: Daishuo prides himself on his cool and collected facade, his ability to not let anyone see past his polite and put together appearances unless he wishes them to. But Kuroo has always had a special talent for getting under his skin and now it’s your turn to help mend the cracks the messy haired captain has accidentally created.  
Roco once again turns a request that should have been just a rough jealous angry spicy PWP fic into a whole angst/fluff/comfort fic WITH rough jealous angry spice~
Your heart sinks as the referee blows the whistle signifying the end of the game, pride and disappointment swirling in a confusing mixture inside of you as you rush to your feet, already making your way out of the stands and towards the locker rooms. It had been a good game, a great game, one Nohebi should be proud of regardless of the end result, that Daishou should be proud of. Yet, you know that’s the farthest thing from what any of the boys are thinking of as they dejectedly shake hands with Nekoma, another chance of Nationals taken right from underneath their noses, Daishou’s last chance of Nationals gone, just like that. 
You should be paying more attention to your surroundings, especially in such a crowded building with masses of spectators and athletes, but you’re too focused on rushing to your boyfriend as fast as you can, barely dodging the crowds and receiving more than a few dirty looks from people you accidentally bump into in your haste. But it doesn’t matter. All that matters is comforting your lover, being there for him and reminding him that he’s still the most amazing person you know regardless of how one game went. And determinedly you quickly hook around the corner of the hall, only to yelp when you crash into something firm, the impact making you stagger back. 
Mortification rushes through you once your body steadies itself and you fumble for words, stuttering out apologies when you realize what, or more specifically who, you’ve run into, practically diving to pick up the knee pads the other has dropped because of your carelessness. You can barely bring yourself to look up at the other person’s face, already cringing at the look of irritation you know you’ll receive (and frankly, deserve). But it’s the polite thing to do and your eyes slowly travel up and up a long, lean frame, only to blink in surprise when you see the amused smile on a handsome cat-like face as he plucks his knee pads from your hands. 
He looks...familiar and you take a second to appraise him, eyes widening in shock when you recognize the Nekoma uniform and, emboldened by his lack of annoyance, you shyly smile, politely congratulate him on his team’s win and earning their ticket to Nationals. 
You’re secretly glad your boyfriend is nowhere in sight, already knowing how childishly competitive he can get, especially where Nekoma is concerned. And you know he’d throw a fit if he saw you “consorting with the enemy”. But it’s the least you can do after running the poor guy over. Plus, Daishou really only has an issue with one person on the team and what are the chances that this athlete is…
“Oya? It’s not everyday someone decides to literally run me over. Nice to meet you. I’m Kuroo Tetsurou.” 
You pray to anyone who’s listening that Daishou doesn’t walk in on this scene, can only imagine how bad it would look to be caught chatting with Kuroo Tetsurou of all people only minutes after Nekoma had swiped Nohebi’s chances of Nationals away from them, even before you’ve talked to your own boyfriend. 
But when it rains it pours and unknown to you, narrowed eyes scowl at the both of you from down the hallway. 
If Daishou’s honest, the outcome of the match isn’t surprising. Nekoma has always been a stronger team than Nohebi, as aggravating as it is to admit. But it doesn’t make the loss any easier and he knows he’s just looking for a reason to pick a fight when annoyance curls inside of him at how quietly and respectfully Kuroo shakes his hand, not a hint of the other’s usual provoking or teasing after the match is over. He knows it’s out of sportsmanship, but he can’t help but believe he sees his own self-pity reflected in those feline eyes. And he storms out before he accidentally makes a scene, mustering every last bit of his snake-like charm to plaster a smile on his face and force out some pleasantries and kind words to his team, all the while wanting nothing more than to rush into your arms and lock himself away as he comes to terms with his dreams being dashed. 
So imagine the stomach sinking shock he feels as he rounds the corner in his search of you, only to stare in disbelief as you smile up at literally the only person in this entire building who he’d rather you not ever meet, the person who led the team that had just crushed his team’s hopes, seemingly in no hurry to excuse yourself. 
Shock makes way for hot fiery fury fueled by jealousy and insecurity and before he can fully register what he’s doing, he’s storming towards you, startling both of you when he suddenly cuts in between, rigid and stiff with hostility and anger as he shoves his face mere inches away from Kuroo’s surprised one. 
It’s startling to say the least to have his view of you suddenly replaced by a larger figure and Kuroo instinctively steps back, uncertainty filling him when he sees heavy shadows of pure unadulterated ill-intent in Daishou’s eyes.
Interactions with the Nohebi captain are always playful, even if the stinging words aren’t always exactly lighthearted and Kuroo enjoys their bantering and rivalry underscored by respect for each other that both captains would die before admitting to. But this...this is different and Kuroo can’t help but think that somehow they’ve accidentally crossed the line to a point of no return, that something terrible is on the verge of happening, jaw instinctively tightening and fists clenching in self-defense.  
“Winning wasn’t enough for you, so now you’re trying to rub more salt in my wounds by hitting on my girl?” 
Oh. OH. 
Kuroo KNEW you looked familiar, unsure where to place you, but it all makes sense as his brain quickly puts the pieces together, frantically working under pressure as the snake in front of him rattles his tail and hisses. You’re the new girlfriend he’s seen in all of Daishou’s social media posts recently. And suddenly it’s his turn to fumble over words as he tries to calm the furious athlete in front of him, desperately trying to find a way to de escalate the situation without having to resort to anything physical, trying to reassure the other captain that it’s not what it looks like, wincing at how cliche that phrase sounds. 
You’re frozen as you watch the taller man continue stammering explanations, stunned by the feral aura radiating from your boyfriend, unsure what’s the best way to approach the situation without exacerbating the issue. But when you see Daishou take a step forward, your hands fly to the back of his jersey, harshly tugging at the fabric in a bid to drag him away from Kuroo, to keep him from doing something stupid that he’d regret. 
You wonder if you did the right thing as you cower when he whirls around to face you, pinning you down with a practically murderous gaze. But then you see it, underneath the blazing fires of his eyes, the vulnerable insecurities he keeps so deeply hidden within him, that he’d shared about to you in full confidence, raring back to life and tearing him up inside. 
Am I not good enough?
The question is unspoken, but you hear it clear as day and you want to scream at him, touch him, anything to wipe away the torment in his gaze. No, you're more than good enough. So much more. And despite the way you feel like a tiny mouse about to be swallowed whole, you easily let him drag you away, mindlessly following him and lacing your fingers with his bone crushing grip. 
It's silent as you scramble to keep up with his determined pace, clutching at his arm and pressing against his side in quiet obedient comfort, a reminder that you're with him every step of the way, out of your own desire and love for him. And although his countenance remains stony, your heart swells when he instinctively leans into your touch, the dark fog around him lightening just a bit. 
Not a word is said even as he locks his bedroom door behind the two of you, even as he pulls you onto his bed, wrapping his body tightly around you not unlike the creature he's nicknamed after. 
And you let him, ignoring the discomfort you feel as he constricts your body too tightly to be comforting, murmuring how amazing he was on the court, what a respected captain he is, how you know there's still so many opportunities for him in life, volleyball, anything he wants even if Nationals wasn't his fate. 
But when he remains silent, you nervously take a deep breath, knowing it's time to address the elephant in the room. 
"Suguru, you know I love you, right? I only have eyes for you and no one else. Kuroo-"
You squeal in surprise when you're suddenly pinned to the bed by a toned body, gasping when a hand wraps around your throat rendering you silent, whimpering at the venomous look staring down at you. 
"Don't say his fucking name, especially when you're in bed with me." 
But you need to explain! Need to clear the air! And you desperately claw at his hand digging into your neck, struggling to force words out, only to moan when lips crash down on yours, a tongue slithering inside of your mouth and ravishing you, fangs harshly nipping at your lips in a warning to remain silent and pliant. 
You pant for breath when he finally pulls away, trying to reach up and cradle his face in your hands, keep him still as you explain everything to him. But your efforts are futile and you moan when he promptly spits in your mouth the second you try to open your mouth to speak, body instinctively grinding against his when the hand on your throat tightens once again, mind busy trying to obediently keep his saliva in your mouth while simultaneously breathing through your constricted airway. 
"Not a single word from you unless it's about me and how good I'm making you feel, understood? Swallow." 
Daishou trained you well and you're quick to gulp down the pooled liquid in your mouth, baring your neck in submission as his lips and teeth possessively mark the expanse of your neck, sucking and biting marks you know you'll be proudly wearing for days afterwards, traveling down and down as your clothes are pulled off and haphazardly thrown away. 
The room fills with breathy moans and sighs as you let him have you, let him mark every inch of you, relishing in the slight twinges of pain you feel when teeth sink in too deep, when lips suck too hard all over your collarbones, the valley between your breasts, your rib cage. But you wail when he deems you sufficiently marked, a hot wet mouth wrapping around one of your nipples, fingers harshly twisting and pulling the other. 
Pride soars inside of Daishou at the nickname, a name he knows only he’s lucky enough to hear from your lips, and he pulls away from your aroused bud just long enough to spit out a few choice words. 
“That’s right, baby girl. I’m your daddy. I’m the one who takes care of you. I’m the one who makes you feel good. So why the fuck did daddy find his precious girl chatting it up with some other man like a dirty little slut? Daddy not good enough for you anymore?”
Your head swirls from the degrading words, thighs clenching at hearing his endearing terms for you, but tears pricking at your eyes when you hear the trickle of doubt that seeps into his last question. Shame floods through you as you frantically shake your head, salty droplets leaking from your eyes as you begin to sob, desperately clutching Daishou’s sides and trying to pull him closer to you. 
“No, Daddy! Never! Only you! You’re my only daddy. I love you. I’m sorry! I’m your good girl. Please let me show you that I’m your good girl?” 
Daishou chuckles, warm fondness beginning to take off the frostiest edges of his insecurities as he watches you flail and fight against his hold in your pursuit of making him feel good, your greedy fingers trying to drag him closer to you, your hips grinding and humping his hardening cock like a bitch in heat as you babble and beg to ride him, suck him off, help him cum. 
It’s heartwarming in the most depraved way how loyal and dedicated you are to him, how easily you’ll let yourself fall into debauchery just to please him. And in his heart of hearts, he knows deep down that you’d never betray him, that you love him just as much as he loves you. But the heart and the mind aren’t always on the same page and he can’t help the way his eyes narrow and his stomach twists uncomfortably when he replays the scene of Kuroo and you in the hall, even though he knows the chance of you being swept away so easily by someone else is close to null, even though he knows Kuroo is a decent enough man to back off once he knows you’re a taken woman. 
“Settle down, little one. I know you’re a desperate slut for daddy, but today you’re going to behave, okay? You’re going to lay there, let daddy thoroughly remind you who you belong to, and thank me for it, understand?” 
It’s a rhetorical question and you barely have time to nod your head before Daishou’s blunt cock head is pressing against your already drenched entrance. You claw at the bedsheets when he suddenly slams in balls deep inside of you, your sopping wet folds easily making way for his cock, and your toes curl at the abrupt stretch, eyes already shamelessly rolling to the back of your head from the sensation of finally being stuffed full. 
“Daddy, so good, daddy, daddy, daddy” becomes your mantra, barely discernible amidst your wanton moans as he hardly gives you time to adjust before he’s starting up a brutal pace, hips slamming into yours, balls slapping your ass with every thrust. It’s embarrassing how close to the edge you already are, how you nearly came just from his cock stretching you full, but you can’t help it when Daishou knows your body even better than you, when your pussy is practically molded just for him, trained to be his perfect cock sleeve and you wail as you fall to pieces around his cock, body convulsing and mind shattering from the overwhelming pleasure. 
But he doesn’t let up, continuing his relentless onslaught, smirking down at how broken you already look, drool and tears staining your wrecked face, incoherent babbling and wails slipping past your lips as overstimulation begins to wash over you, body now shaking uncontrollably as pain and pleasure swirl inside of you. 
“That’s it, baby girl. You’re doing so well. Keep on taking it. Fucking take my cock! This is what you were made for. Being daddy’s cock slave that he fucks silly. Going to use you until you can’t even think about anyone or anything else other than daddy’s cock.” 
There’s nowhere else he’d rather be than in between your legs and he swears he could die happy like this, cock buried deep within your tight pussy, would happily live the rest of his life bottomed out inside of you if he had the chance. But he’s only human after all and he can feel his end approaching, balls tightening and pace becoming wild and erratic when he hungrily devours the sight of your lewd state as you dopily smile, brokenly chanting “I’m daddy’s cock slave”, slurring thank yous over and over again. His hand reaches down to furiously rub your clit and all it takes is your second fall from grace, the sensation of your tight walls clamping and clenching around his cock, milking him of all his cum, to empty his balls inside of you. 
It’s silent again save for both your shaky breaths as you come down from your respective highs and Daishou carefully slumps down to the side of you, pulling you to also lay on your side, wrapping you in his arms as your lower bodies remain connected, hooking his chin on top of your head and letting you burrow into his neck and cuddle up beside him. 
But despite all his earlier bravado, you can feel his scales shift and skin shed as he reveals his softer, more vulnerable side, can feel him slump and his defenses crumble in the way he clings onto you, and you wriggle out of your comfortable position, ignoring the throbbing between your legs and all over you body as you determinedly reposition yourself until the two of you are face to face, forehead and noses pressed against each other. 
“Suguru, I love you. I love you so much. You’ll always be more than enough for me.”
You smile at the love and hope you see reciprocated back at you in your lover’s eyes, giggling when it’s quickly replaced by panic and embarrassment as he holds you at arms length, staring in dismay at all the punishing marks he had left all over your body before frantically nearly crushing you as he pulls you tightly back towards him, apologies spilling from his mouth for being so rough, a stupid stereotypically jealous boyfriend. And you roll your eyes as he suddenly starts raving and ranting about how this is somehow all Kuroo’s fault, shutting him up with a forceful kiss of your own, a playful smirk sitting on your face. 
“You told me not to mention his name and yet here you are, going on and on about him right after we’ve had sex. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’re a little more interested in him than two rival captains should be. Should I be the jealous one?”
You bite back a laugh at the look of pure disgust on Daishou’s face as he stares agape at you, jaw slack and open wide in disbelief at your blasphemous lies, using whatever latent talent you have as an actor to tap a finger to your lips in a parody of an inquisitive thoughtful gesture. 
“I’m pretty open minded, Suguru. We can invite him for a threesome if you want. Ooh! Who do you think would top? Kuroo? You’d look so pretty on bottom for once, don’t you think? Or would you prefer to shut him up-”
You squeal in laughter and surprise when you’re suddenly being suffocated and crushed by a heavy weight on top of you, Daishou flipping the two of you over and laying his whole weight on top of you, shoving your face into his chest and grunting at you to shut up as he nuzzles his face into the top of your head and closes his eyes to rest, dragging you to an exhausted slumber with him as his breathing even outs and lulls your own heavy eyelids into shutting. 
Somewhere else in Tokyo Kuroo sneezes out of the blue, curiously wondering if someone is talking about him.
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
REQUEST: Can I request Bokuto with a soft & short manager s/o and she always helps the team cheer bokuto up when hi is in emo mode and like a lot of fluff🥺👉👈
A/N: Tumblr is being a whore with their Keep Reading button, putting it on the ask and shit smh. So I apologize for the repost.
Tumblr media
alate. | bokuto kōtarō
word count: 1776
warnings: none
(adj.) having wings; lifted up in flight
Official match protocols only allowed one manager on the court for each team. Fukurodani Academy’s Boys’ Volleyball team always had their lenient but reliable third year managers to get the job done. Third-years Yukie and Kaori had been your final salvation against the inevitable fate of having to care for the raucous boys alone. But today with some lucky fortune of theirs, they’d somehow coerced you into taking their place.
“...Will I experience any internal combustions by the end of the match?”
The three of you stood in a personal circle at the entrance to the gym. The three managers of Fukurodani, with your two seniors looming over you like two scheming birds of prey. They didn’t even have to ask why you were so worried; despite being a second-year, this was your first time to stand on the court with the team instead of panicking on your own on the sidelines. This time, you were in the game, up-close-and-personal.
“You’ll do fine~” Yukie grinned, raising her right hand in a lazy ‘OK’ gesture. “Besides, you’re a total expert when it comes to giving Bokuto a good knock in the head.”
If Bokuto’s vanity was a chronic disease, he’d need more than just a “good knock in the head” to be cured. But Yukie wasn’t wrong. Your praises, in comparison to the others’, had a quicker, more powerful effect on the ace. Though you weren’t sure if that skill of yours was more of a blessing than a curse...
“W-well, I’ll do my best,” you muttered, fiddling with the hem of your track jacket. Your seniors exchanged a look before smiling softly at you.
“Oh, and one more thing!” Kaori piped up as you lugged the bag full of empty bottles over your shoulder. “Can you act a bit bashful when you’re complimenting the captain?
“Why’s that, Kaori-san?”
“Bokuto thinks you look cute when you’re embarrassed.”
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
‘Cute’? What did that even mean? Did Bokuto always think people were ‘cute’ whenever they flash a single praise at him? Not that you remembered... What’s with that, you grumbled, angrily trying to get the concept into your skull.
Your eyes darted back to the court where—much to your distress—the other team just had to be painfully good at blocks. Now, you just hoped that the boys wouldn’t get too disgruntled.
The score was 12-15, with Torasaka Metropolitan High in the lead. Though Fukurodani had obtained their twelfth point with a lucky read on Torasaka’s setter dump, things were obstinately bleak for your team.
“I want to try it!” you heard Bokuto exclaim excitedly. From afar, you could already spot a few sullen scowls begin to form on his teammates’ faces. “Hey, ‘Kaashi, do you want to try that block with me?”
The setter sent you a pained expression enough for guilt to comically swallow you whole. Returning his attention to the ace who’s practically bouncing on his heels, Akaashi sighed. “Bokuto-san, let’s focus on our normal blocks first.”
A child! you thought incredulously as you watched the captain stick out his tongue at him. Though Bokuto was particularly a sight to behold when he’s in top form, just how confident could he be, trying something so risky in a middle of a tight match? Or was he just a complete and utter numbskull? You thought he was rather amazing for the juxtaposition... in a Bokuto fashion, of course.
As Washio prepared to serve, you watched the ace literally vibrate with eagerness of having such an “interesting enemy”. Whenever Bokuto got extremely fired up, it was your inevitable fate that you just couldn’t look away. The way his jersey hugged his hulking frame as he flexed his muscles in preparation to follow the path of the ball, it was nearly bewitching. If he had been like this his entire life, you were sure your heart wouldn’t take being with Bokuto for a mere second.
“It’s up!” Torasaka’s libero signaled, cleanly receiving Washio’s serve (much to the player’s frustration).
In your memory, Torasaka High wasn’t a much known threat until just recently. “Their new first years block like a fort,” you remembered what Coach Yamiji had said in the bus that morning. Despite far from being as crafty as Nohebi or as versatile as Nekoma, Tokyo teams were a force to be reckoned with.
What a terrifying sport, you thought to yourself for what seemed to be the fifth time this month.
“Left! Left!”
On the other side of the court, Sarukui, Bokuto and Akaashi scrambled to follow the ball’s trajectory. Though you were only a rookie in this entire volleyball thing, you were quick to notice that Bokuto’s footsteps were a bit smaller and slower than the first two...
Wait, is he planning to delay the timing of his block now?!
It was definitely a quick from the other side. It was evident, even to you. And when the two jumped to block the ball with their ace lagging behind, the ball had already streaked over him at a dangerous angle. Point Torasaka.
Landing on the pads of his feet, Akaashi’s expression shifted between “candidly annoyed” and “visibly concerned” as he watched the captain raise his head for his team to see.
“You’re kidding me...” Sarukui groaned under his breath. Behind him, the others followed promptly with their own reactions of disbelief.
His infamous salt-and-pepper hair deflating alongside his shoulders, Bokuto whined, loud enough for you to hear from the benches. “The hell... I thought I had that block mastered. Why’d they have to make it look so easy?”
Time-out! Akaashi turned to you and the coach a with pleading stare, hard enough for your supervising teacher to shoot upwards and signal the referee for their second break of the match.
Groaning, you stuffed your face in your hands, hoping that your senior managers in the audience were praying for your good health.
“What were you thinking?!” Coach Yamiji hissed, giving the sulking ace a well-deserved smack to the side of his head. Bokuto didn’t even flinch. “You could’ve—”
“Coach. Let me.”
Snapping his head in your direction, the old man grew pale when he heeded the dark aura that spewed from your body. Even the others, though they were only watching the entire event go down, was hyper-aware of the invisible, nightmarish fog that came with your frustration.
You’d always seemed so sweet and indulgent, never angry. Never. And yet Bokuto had finally gotten you to drop the tether that held your patience together.
Walking to Bokuto, you sent him a scowl so cold, he forgot how to blink. The rest of the team, the coach, your teacher and even Yukie and Kaori in the stands shivered from the sudden gust of frosty air that oozed from you. Some of the audience surprisingly turned their heads to watch the spectacle of the tiny Fukurodani manager who seemed like she was about to trample on their ace.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
“Bokuto, you—!”
You froze. No. If you scolded him now, that only make matters worse. Bokuto didn’t fare well when he was scolded by Kaori or Yukie either. Besides, you were his manager, not his mother. But what else were you going to do?
Bokuto thinks you look cute when you’re embarrassed.
Swallowing a nagging lump in your throat, you recalled the words of your seniors. Embarrassed? How do you do embarrassed? Was that even a thing you could pull off manually? Taking in a deep breath, you tightened your fist before loosening them in front of your body. Something was better than nothing.
“Senpai?!” the others snapped towards you, jaws on the floor. Even Bokuto was stunned.
Eyeing his interested gaze, you continued, fidgeting bashfully, “Bokuto-senpai’s such a slob... If you just listened to the others... you’d be a lot cooler...”
Komi tugged at the back of Konoha’s jersey, whispering in the blonde one’s ear, “She’s pulling out the ‘Cute Tsundere’ card!”
Stupefied, the wing spiker muttered, “Bokuto’s actually taking the bait... Scary. L/N-san’s scary.”
And take the bait he did. You didn’t even realize how red you were with the way he was looking at you—and the shade was fully unintentional, much to your chagrin. But Bokuto’s sullen mood was far gone, replaced with the brighter interest of infatuation.
“A lot cooler...?” Bokuto savored your words in his tongue, before whipping out both his hands to grab at your shoulders. “Y-You think I’m cool?!”
You didn’t even have to pretend to be shy anymore. The close contact of his skin, the scent of his sweat mingled with the musky aroma of his cologne and the pinkish tint on his cheeks. It was too much, and you soon wondered if Bokuto had always seemed this charming to you.
“Y-you airhead! Of course I do,” you mumbled, lowering your sight to the floor. “You’re already really good at volleyball, but you do things like forcing yourself to do a block you can’t do just because you want attention and... and now everyone has to bear that burden.”
“Please go on a date with me.”
You flinched in his grasps. This was escalating much faster than you’d hoped it would. Unable to register what he had said, you asked him to repeat himself.
“The cute Y/N-chan thinks I’m cool. That’s like a dream come true, right? So if I become cool again, won’t you go on a date with me?”
How unbelievable. One second he almost reminded you of the small boy that lived below your apartment, and the next he was like some sort of phantom thief, ready to whisk you away from the confines of your castle and steal your heart. You smiled earnestly; Bokuto Koutarou really was a man of many wonders.
Slipping yourself away from his grip, you raised an index finger between his eyes. “If you win... I’ll consider it.”
Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, the ace lit up once more. Revived, renewed, and heart set on taking you out. While dragging Akaashi back onto the court, Bokuto made it a point that he was looking at you all the way. You giggled. What an interesting person.
From the stands, your gaze traced the motto of Fukurodani’s Volleyball Club. Pour all your soul into each ball. Bokuto played with passion, with his emotions and whenever the time was right, with his logic too. For a while, volleyball seemed like the last thing you’d want to spend your life doing. But seeing the ace’s blushing grin to you when they’d scored the final match point... it might not be as bad as you thought it’d be.
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a-minion · 3 years
Rivals of Old - Part 1
In which the lone claw meets the flying sun
Note: Lots of written parts
The Nekoma Boys' Volleyball Team had just arrived at the inn they were going to spend Golden Week in. Though the travel wasn’t long, having woken up very early to catch their ride and sitting at a train for 2 hours straight tired them more than any training.
Each one of them were just about ready to get a few more hours of rest before their first practice match that afternoon.
Coach Nekomata had just left them to speak to the proprietor for their room arrangements when a series of soft bells and whistles erupted signalling notifications being made.
The first one to react was the light haired boy at the very front of the group. Giving his teammates a deadpan expression, he asked "Really? We're all standing next to each other? You're not that tired to actually use your voice, are you?"
Kuroo just let out a chuckle but made no move to actually look at the notification.
"Where's Kenma?" you asked, worry laced in your voice as your eyes searched the group.
All eyes suddenly turned to you before they began to search the vicinity as well, all hoping that you just didn’t spot your classmate and he was actually there with them.
The lack of Kenma's response and presence caused everyone to go pale.
"W-wasn’t he standing next to you?" Kuroo furrowed his brows, confused as he also began to look for the familiar pudding colored hair. When he didn’t see the boy he was looking for, Kuroo's entire body went cold despite his heartbeat suddenly picking up its pace.
Upon the realization that they had just lost their precious setter, the entire team simultaneously scurried to reach for the phones in their bags. Meanwhile, one Naoi Manabu could only stand and watch as he debated whether to tell Coach Nekomata or just go call the cops.
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You opened the link to the location Kenma sent and nodded, noting quietly that it wasn’t far from where they were. Or at least, it didn't seem far in the map.
Then again, you were never known for your accuracy in gauging distance.
"You actually handled that pretty calmly." Yaku mused, looking at you with wonder
Pouting a little at the comment, you asked "Yaku-san, were you expecting me to freak out like Captain and Kenma?"
"Hah? Who's freaking out?" Said captain argued defensively
Letting out a huff, you tilted your head to add an effect. "When you're both scared or stressed, you suddenly become snarky or confrontational. If I freak out too, we're never gonna get our setter back."
Yaku actually laughed at Kuroo's speechlessness. Kuroo was vaguely aware of this weakness of his but he had always thought he covered it up well. After all, he was always so composed during stressful situations in games. In fact, there were very few things that could actually rile him up;
That damned snake from Nohebi;
People who insult those he care about; and
The threat of his friends getting hurt.
"Leave it to our reliable manager." Kai nodded, looking quite proud of her
"Can someone tell me what's happening? Did you find Kenma? Is he okay? Should I call the cops?"
This seemed like the first time the teenagers noticed their Coach
"Ah, he just wandered off. He sent his location to Y/n-chan just now." Kuroo informed the older man.
"Alright, someone should go with L/n." The coach said with a sign of relief. "I'll tell Coach Nekomata what happened. L/n, if you encounter any problems, call us right away"
You nodded and turned to the team, waiting to see who will go you. It didn’t even take a second before Kuroo volunteered and told you to lead the way.
In all honestly, you were glad that Coach Naoi asked one of the boys to go with you. It wasn’t that you couldn’t do anything alone but you were in a place you have never been to before and though you didn’t show it, or at least you thought you hid it well, you were kind of terrified to go alone.
The fact that it was your captain who volunteered also added to the comfort.
Although you could say that you were closest to Kenma now, the captain had always been the one you felt you could rely on. When things bother you or whenever you feel stressed, he was the first person you think of confiding with, except of course, if the issue is concerning him. Then you go to Kenma or sometimes Akaashi but that was rare since it only happens when you deem the former too stressed for your problems.
Then again, you hardly ever have issues regarding Kuroo. You only ever had them when he first began flirting with you. Now, you know better. Flirting is one of Kuroo's defence mechanisms. He had a habit of making people around him uncomfortable when he is uncomfortable and it seems he does it unconsciously.
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And so, you found yourself on a stroll with your captain. He kept glancing at you but since he seemed uncertain, you decided not to ask and just wait for him to spit it out.
You had been walking for about 20 minutes now, you wondering how on earth Kenma wandered off so far and Kuroo now looking around as some cats scurried around and crows flew from garbage can to another.
"Heh" Kuroo's chuckle suddenly had you looking at him in bafflement. "We're sightseeing"
You couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that came out at the random comment. Glancing at your captain and seeing the rather goofy grin he had on as opposed to his usual smirk. You couldn't help it when an equally wide grin formed on your face.
"We are", You didn’t even have the heart to contradict or sass him with a retort.
"Lovely view" Kuroo went on. "Did you see the wild creatures we passed by earlier"
"Ah yes, the Corvus and Felis Catus." you laughed at your obnoxious imitation of those animal documentaries you see in the television, "Magnificent creatures feeding on garbage"
"Fun trivia" Your captain continued, "Felis Catus actually share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with the Panthera Tigris which is why they share a lot of common traits and behavior"
You stared at him, watching how proud he looked at that fun trivia. Letting out a giggle, you asked, "Is that true?"
"Mhm" he seemed rather proud of himself. "And also, members of the genus Corvus can be found on every continent except Antarctica and South America"
Shaking your head, you had to ask, "How do you know that?"
"You wouldn’t believe how much useless information I have in there" he chuckled, tapping the temple of his head
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"Was that Kenma?" Kuroo asked, curious to the changes in your expression
You chuckled at him and explained how he's freaking out because a kid just started talking to him. This had Kuroo laughing and shaking his head.
"Should we walk slower?" he asked, a mischievous glint shining in his eyes
Grinning back, you nodded causing the captain to laugh again.
Your pace didn’t decrease, however, as you both knew just how uncomfortable Kenma was during unexpected social interactions. It didn’t even take 10 minutes to reach the place pinned to your map. When you finally saw the familiar red jersey and bleached hair of your team's setter, both you and Kuroo noticed that there was, indeed a boy speaking to him.
To your surprise and curiosity, Kenma wasn't just engaging in conversation with the orange haired boy, he was even looking at him without fidgeting or turning away.
Not that you're one to talk about this kind of thing, though, since you were just as awkward most times.
But this was so new to you and Kuroo that the sight had you both stopping in your tracks.
Glancing at Kuroo, you see intrigue in his eyes as he stared at the orange haired boy. Yet you couldn’t help flinching in shock when Kuroo suddenly let out a rather loud "Kenma!"
Now both Kenma and the boy turned to you and the Nekoma Captain, the former's eyes lighting up in sudden relief.
"Kuro, Y/n" Kenma answered as he pocketed his phone, stood and picked up his bag.
And again, to both yours and Kuroo's surprise, Kenma actually said goodbye to the boy and even turned to say "See you soon, Shōyō"
Shōyō looked as baffled as you, though you suspect it's for different reasons. Upon getting closer earlier, you had noticed the Karasuno High School printed on the orange haired kid's shirt and deduced two thing; A) He's not actually a kid and is in high school; and B) He's in the team Nekoma will be facing in two days.
Your team's long lost rival.
There was really nothing odd about what Kenma said. You all will see "Shōyō" in two days, after all. What surprised you was the friendly nature and ease in how your friend said it.
Kenma didn't make friends easily. You knew this from the amount of effort you gave, the number of times you tried and failed to speak to him. Truthfully, if it weren't for Monster Hunter, you would not have had a chance at all.
"Don't go wandering off by yourself" Kuroo began with his scolding.
"Sorry" was all Kenma answered, rolling his eyes a little.
"We're strangers to this place. You have to be careful" and off Kuroo went to his naggy-mom routine.
A few distances later as you neared the inn the team will call home for the next 3 days, you bumped your shoulder to Kenma to catch his attention.
"Hm?" he tilted his head.
"Did you make a new friend?" you grinned at Kenma, your expression teasing.
Instead of rebuffing you, however, Kenma surprised you yet again by smiling and saying "Yeah, I think so"
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Masterlist | previous | next 
AN: I'm not sure how to put a social media spin on canon events so those are most likely going to be plain written parts (unless I can somehow fit texting and group chats into it). It worked out here since Kenma got lost but I don't know how to go about it for the Nekoma vs Karasuno practice matches. Also, I feel like Kuroo's getting way too much sceen time. I'll probably add competition for him in the future chapters. I won't say who because even I still don't know.
Next Chapter: Y/n has a crush on someone from Karasuno?!
TAGLIST: @theblueslytherin @magical-fandoms @kotarousbabyowl @bakugousflowerprincess @random-fandom-girl-24 @kirakirasaku @mushimoon14 @gab-z @ysatrap
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
was rewatching nekoma v nohebi and honestly. you will NEVER have a funnier match. you’ve got this group of third-years, a group of ALMOST ADULTS, and they’re like “lol let’s completely trash on these pipsqueak fifteen-year-olds that seems like the Right Way of doing things” except one of those fifteen-year-olds is just. SUPERBLY overconfident to the point where discovering the power of TEAMWORK, in a TEAM SPORT, is like a mind-blowing revelation that he has never once considered before in his entire LIFE and he’s like “HOLY SHIT I’VE CRACKED THE CODE” when he really just needed to take a step back from being a shallow asshat (which i say with the greatest affection possible) and now he’s like “wow teamwork is GREAT why haven’t i done this before” and it’s just HILARIOUS to watch it play out
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