#the fact hes almost always wearing a top hat would
user211201 · 2 months
Originally posted on 2020-05-27 by dumb-and-jocked
Unfortunately dumb-and-jocked's account has been deactivated.
If the original author ever reads this: thank you for all your works!
Zane wasn’t particularly excited about going out to his uncle’s ranch. The two had never really known how to connect, with one being from the East Coast and the other in rural Wyoming. Zane had grown up privileged in the urban lifestyle, with many stores, jobs, and more progressive influences around every corner. His parents were also a little richer than most, so he was able to enjoy a luxurious apartment all to himself while he attended Yale. Well... not all to himself. His boyfriend Kaeden visited so often he was practically a second resident, but Zane didn’t mind--he loved the attention.
Zane practically adored his modern lifestyle, and made sure to show it by never leaving a five-mile radius. This caused his parents to worry, assuming if he didn’t start now he’d never know how to go out on his own. Trying to help (like all parents did), his father spoke with his brother and the two set up a little spring vacation for Zane. When Zane’s father had proposed the idea, Zane didn’t exactly jump in excitement. In fact, he didn’t seem excited at all.
“Really?” Zane asked coarsely. “Spring break is for beaches, coasts, actual fun!”
“Zane,” his father replied coolly. “I didn’t raise you to be a leech off of my own money. Go out to your uncle’s ranch and give him a hand; earn something for once. And anyway, Wyoming’s great this time of year--you might enjoy it!”
“Can I at least bring Kaeden with me?”
His father’s eyes went down for a moment. Zane always had a lurking feeling that his father wasn’t truly alright with his only son being gay, his Western Christian roots molding him that way, but his dad always acted like he was accepting. Proving Zane’s point, he swore he could’ve seen his dad’s ears perk up a second after the proposal was made.
“That’s a great idea!” his dad cheered, almost too enthusiastically. “Now someone can relish in the same pain you’ll be experiencing.” Zane rolled his eyes in response to the sarcasm before walking out to his car.
Reflecting back on that moment, his father did seem a little more eager than usual, but Zane didn’t care. It was too late now, as the old pickup truck was pulling into the driveway of the ranch. A huge arch loomed above them, displaying “WELCH” in iron letters across the top. Back when it used to be his grandparents’ ranch, Zane’s father loved this place. He used to thrive as a cowboy, but once he got a taste of the other side of the Mississippi, he left the lifestyle behind him. The rest of the family seemed alright with the transition, with Zane’s uncle being the older brother anyway, meaning he would be taking the ranch, so they decided to let him roam. His uncle had now been running the ranch for almost ten years, just him, his wife, and a small crew to help with the daily tasks.
“Alright, boys, enjoy the trip,” the man in the front grunted as he halted to a stop. Kaeden and Zane slowly jumped out of the truck, grabbing their bags as they looked at the massive farm. Zane swore it looked bigger than the last time he was here, but that was to be expected. The last time he was here was a decade ago for his grandparents’ funerals, so there was probably going to be change. While Kaedan gazed around in awe, Zane spotted what--or who--he was looking for. Leaning against one looming building was a tall man wearing a blue button-up and worn-out jeans. His large boots were placed firmly on the ground and a barn wall, while a beige hat rested proudly on top of his head. He looked like a more muscular, worn-out version of his father, his similar salt and pepper stubble pulling the whole look together.
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“Zaney boy, is that yeu?” the man asked in astonishment, the southern accent as prominent as ever.
“Yeah, Uncle Treyton.”
Zane tried to sound enthusiastic, but he never felt like family with the redneck. Not only did the two have completely different perspectives, but they didn’t even look related. Zane didn’t share the same muscular body as the silver fox, but instead had a little too much meat on his bones. He also didn’t get the Welch height, with Zane’s lime-dyed hair barely even reaching his uncle’s neck.
“And this must be Kaeden Sargent, put it here!”
Zane’s uncle shoved a meaty hand in front of him and Kaeden quickly accepted. He was always more optimistic than Zane, putting his best foot forward into every situation. The tall, lanky man took the other’s hand and shook it vigorously, so much in fact that his ginger curls bounced in a rhythm. Fortunately, the baby fat surrounding his face allowed him to act a little childish.
“Firm, that’ll go a long ways here, son.”
“Thanks, sir.”
“Ah, y’all can call me Treyton.”
Kaeden and Zane exchanged looks at each other. For a Christian cowboy, he was awfully accepting of their relationship. Neither of them expected Zane’s uncle to be so understanding.
“Where’s Aunt Joelene at?” Zane inquired as they hauled their bags inside.
“Her and the lady folk already had a vacation planned, so she ain’t gonna be here this week. Just some good ‘ol male bonding!”
He led them to two guest rooms on opposite sides of a hallway, telling them to toss their individual bags into one or the other. Zane and Kaeden exchanged looks again, although this time it was for a different reason. They both knew they might be staying in different rooms, but not sleeping.
All of a sudden, the doorbell rang from the front of the house. After dropping their things, Zane and Kaedan followed Treyton back out to the front door. The trio wandered out to the foyer to see another cowboy smugly standing on the porch.
“Harry!” Treyton shouted as he swung the door open. “‘Bout time ya got here--the nephew’s in town.”
Harry looked over at Zane, inspecting him and then Kaeden with hawk eyes. His tight black shirt didn’t hide the impressive muscles from years on the farm. The same could be said for his faded jeans and massive belt buckle, both of which did nothing to camouflage his gargantuan pouch.
“Is yers that paddy?” he remarked with a deep voice, his accent as thick as Treyton’s. “Or the fag.”
“They’re both fags,” Treyton corrected. “The paddy’s his ‘boyfriend’.”
Kaeden patted Zane’s shoulder in a comforting way. Treyton’s language had just confirmed that they had signed themselves up for a long vacation.
“I don’t mean to be abandonin’ y’all so quickly, but the town’s rodeo’s goin’ on tonight and I’m a volunteerin’,” Zane’s uncle began. “Everythin’ there is free, so I expect to see y’all out there. It’ll be a great time!”
The two hicks strutted over to Harry’s old pickup truck, the engine roaring mighty proud as it came to life. Zane and Kaedan wondered how they hadn’t heard it coming down the driveway.
“Keys are on the counter!” Treyton hollered as they drove off. Kaeden smirked lowering his hand from Zane’s shoulder to his butt as they watched the other pair leave.
“Might as well taint your uncle’s house before we go to the rodeo.”
“You really want to go to that thing?” Zane whined, missing the hint.
“No, but we should,” Kaeden replied. “Until then, let me keep you entertained.” He then started kissing Zane’s neck passionately, dragging him down a hallway.
“Alright!” Zane giggled, following along. He loved his boyfriend.
— —
Kaeden and Zane hesitantly pulled into the parking lot, the dirt flying into the air as they parked the rusty pickup near the back. The whole event took place in some kind of stadium, but instead of a neatly trimmed field with shiny seats, there were wooden bleachers and a dirt floor. They weren’t particularly excited, going from hardcore sex to this dump, but as long as they were at each other’s sides they’d make it through. At least, that’s what Zane kept telling himself.
The two cautiously jumped out, wearing sweatpants and matching concert tees from an event they went to on their fifth date. Zane had thought that if they wore their most casual clothes, they’d blend into the crowd, but it turned out this was truly his first rodeo. Walking up to the front gate, they saw a rainbow of button-ups scattered among the stretched and stained tees. Hicks and cowboys galore excitedly hollered as they entered the rodeo grounds. The strange thing was, it seemed like people were gathering by color. Zane and Kaeden watched the red button-ups slowly separate from the yellow tees, who themselves avoided the purple plaid-clad group. Even with the odd formation, the pair stuck out like two weeds in a freshly-planted garden.
“Alright next!”
Zane and Kaeden had been so perplexed by the entire situation that they hadn’t noticed they had crossed the parking lot, gotten in line, and made it to the front.
“Zaney boy, ya made it!”
Zane’s uncle proudly stood behind a booth, waving as the boyfriends walked up. Harry was placed on the other side, his look much more calculating than Treyton’s inviting smile.
“Are y’all excited?” Uncle Treyton asked, his accent coming out stronger with each syllable.
“Totally,” Kaeden answered, assuming his other half wouldn’t.
“Let us just stamp y’all and yeu’ll be on in.”
“Wait, why are we the only one’s getting stamped?” Kaedan observed. Zane hadn’t noticed, but all the other attendees had gotten in without a mark.
“Remember how I said y’all are gettin’ in free tonight,” Treyton explained. “This is yer free ticket.”
They nodded their heads as Kaeden extended the back of his hand out to Zane’s uncle. Treyton solidly pressed a stamp down on his hand, the blue color left behind sinking deep into his pale skin like a tattoo. Zane proceeded to do the same for Harry, who marked his hand with a black darker than the night itself.
“What do the colors mean?” Zane questioned.
“Whatever ink we’re usin’.” Harry snarked, sending him on his way. Zane sighed as he strolled through the gate.
“I’ll be at a food stand later tonight so make sure to come and visit me!” Treyton shouted as they disappeared into the crowd.
“We can do this,” Kaeden whispered, grabbing Zane’s hand and dragging him to the stands. He sounded reassuring, but Zane couldn’t tell if it was for him or Kaedan himself.
“It’s just for tonight,” Kaedan continued, “After that, we won’t have to deal with Harry, or anyone for that matter. Except for your uncle of course.”
Zane grinned--his boyfriend always knew how to cheer him up.
“And besides,” Kaeden continued. “Look at how much we have to explore!”
It might have been a bit exaggerated, but there was a some space to venture. Besides the stands, there were a few porta potties, some food stands, and a big tent filled with gear for the local country radio station. The tent was their first destination, looking through all the merchandise and advertisements. Although they both hated country music, they had fun exploring the booth, even signing up for a raffle to a Chase Rice concert. Did they know who he was? No--but they didn’t care. Even though they got a few sideways glances from passing families and couples, they were actually enjoying their time at the rodeo. Zane and Kaeden were there to have fun just like everyone else.
The pair watched on as the participant was whipped off the horse’s back. The first few rounds had looked painful, but Kaeden and Zane eventually stopped flinching after every contestant. It was the sport after all, so they shouldn’t be worried unless everyone else was worried. The uncomfortable thing was, everyone at the rodeo did seem slightly on edge, but it wasn’t over the participants. Unsurprisingly, it was over them.
“Hey,” Zane said, elbowing his partner to grab his attention. “Is it me or is there something strange about the crowd here?”
“You mean how they’re all looking at us like we’re sick?” Kaeden asked, not tearing his eyes away from the next contestant.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“I don’t know, I mean…” Zane stumbled off, noticing Kaeden was still focused on the riders.
“Earth to Kaedan!” Zane snapped, finally snatching the other’s attention. “For example, did we miss out on some color-coded theme? Why is everyone segregated?”
Kaeden glanced around the stands, noticing what his boyfriend was talking about. Although everyone was clumped together, there were noticeable separations. It seemed like groups of men, women, and children were organized by the shading of their clothes. It was peculiar, but so were most small, rural towns.
“Calm down, babe,” Kaeden replied nonchalantly. “It’s probably just some cheerleading thing, you know? Like someone’s family wears orange because their their fanclub.”
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense,” Zane conceded.
“You’re probably just paranoid from all the homophobia around here,” Kaeden reasoned. “But luckily, I know what’ll cheer you up.”
“Oh really,” Zane responded coyly.
“Definitely, meet me at your uncle’s food stand and I’ll get us some snacks.”
“Alright, but I’m gonna head to a restroom first.”
“Miss me!” Kaeden exclaimed as he rushed down the risers. Zane grinned, knowing he was lucky to have snagged his boyfriend.
— —
“Ah! Sorry,” Zane grunted as he shimmied out of the porta potty door, noticing the growing line that had assembled outside. He thought he hadn’t taken too long, but when one’s bowels beg for release, one has to give in. Walking with a little pep in his step, he eagerly bounced his way around the rodeo grounds to find his uncle’s food stand. Kaeden knew Zane had a soft spot for food, which was pretty evident by the soft spots around his hips. He was excited to see what he had gotten for him. After wandering around for a minute, he finally spotted his uncle stepping outside an old trailer.
“Uncle Treyton!” Zane shouted as he approached.
“Eh, Zane! What’s up? Enjoyin’ the rodeo?”
“I guess?” Zane replied honestly. “Have you seen Kaeden?”
“Ah yeah, he was my last customer for the night. I saw him walkin’ over to the picnic area,” Treyton grunted, locking the door to the trailer as he closed up.
“Thanks!” Zane responded, beginning to walk off.
“Hold on there, cowboy!” Treyton demanded, chuckling at his own irony. “I’m gonna be headin’ back to the ranch, gotta long day of work tomorrow, so make sure y’all don’t stay out too late.”
“Sounds good, Uncle Treyton!” Zane started again, desperately wanting to get back to Kaeden.
“AND!” Treyton emphasized. “Harry wanted to see ya ‘bout somethin’ before ya left. He should be at the stables.”
“Great, thanks!” Zane tore off, almost kicking up the dirt behind him as he darted back towards the porta potties. He made it to the picnic area in record time, almost panting as he slowed down. The so-called “picnic area” was really just a group of tables resting behind the bleachers, with no real purpose besides having a surface to eat at. Zane searched for Kaeden, but it seemed like the place was totally empty. The only person he saw was a man sitting alone, ravenously scarfing down an order of nachos. He was wearing a blue plaid button-up and the same straight, overused jeans as every other man at the rodeo. He also adorned a cowboy hat, a quite brawny body, and a bulge much larger than both Kaedan and Zane’s combined. The cowboy looked to be in his late 20’s, but his brunette chin strap and mustache combo made him seem older. Zane approached the other man delicately, noticing the redneck’s very large boots tap eagerly as he chowed on his food.
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“Um, excuse me…” Zane mumbled quietly. “I was wondering if-”
“Zane!” the man jumped up from his seat. “I was worryin’ ‘bout you! Thought you might’ve gotten stuck er somethin’.” Zane shook his head, confused at who the low-pitched, southern gent was exactly.
“I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Zane, it’s Clayton!” he paused, waiting for Zane to remember.
“Clayton Sherman?” Zane was still bewildered, until something clicked in his head.
“Wait, Kaedan?”
“No, Clayton. Didja hit yer head or somethin’?”
Zane felt a little crazy, but something supernatural was pulling him towards this stranger. He didn’t know what the force was, but his curiosity guided him.
“One sec, just let me check something.”
Zane grabbed Clayton’s right hand swiftly, finding the same blue stamp that his boyfriend had received earlier. Although it had faded dramatically, it was good enough proof for Zane.
“Kaedan, what happened to you? How did you become like this? What happened after you left the stand?” Zane must have been hallucinating. There was no way his long, slim, ginger lover had become some horse-kickin’, tobacco-spittin’ cowboy, right?
“First off, it’s Clayton,” Clayton responded calmly. “And I did exactly what I said I would. I went to yer uncle’s stand and got us some food. He told me he’d give us ‘somethin’ special’ and slapped my hand, saying it would be on the house. Can you believe it? These darn nachos were free!”
“Alright,” Zane quickly remarked. “Then what?”
“Well, I waited for ya, but the nachos kept lookin’ at me. So, I thought ya wouldn’t mind if I took a bite. One bite became two, then three, and now we’re here.” Clayton showed Zane the empty box, beaming a childish smile.
“Kaedan, I don’t under-”
Suddenly, Zane grabbed his head as he felt a shock go through his skull. He grimaced as it coursed through his brain, causing him to shake momentarily before regaining his thoughts. As fast as the pain had come, it had disappeared too.
“Y’all ok there?” Clayton asked, patting Zane’s shoulder in a brotherly way.
“Yeah, I think so,” Zane blinked. “What were we talking about again?”
“How I ate all the food!” Clayton hollered, laughing at himself in a low guffaw. “We oughta get back to the rodeo though, Little Petey’s going up soon.”
“Little Petey?” Zane mumbled to himself as the two hoisted themselves up. At first, he didn’t recognize the name, but the more he thought about it, the more memories that seemed to appear. Little Petey was Clayton’s little brother of course! Both Clayton and Pete Sherman were expert horse riders, having both broken records for steer wrestling and bull riding. They’d also been the star quarterbacks for the town back in their prime, but now with Pete turning 26 and Clayton having his second kid on the way, they were ready to settle down and start (or continue) their families.
“Yeah! I gotta run on back to Cassie and Trevor. Nice seein’ ya round these parts again!”
Clayton tossed the empty carton into the trash and ran off back to the stands. Zane watched the man dash up the wooden bleachers to his wife and first boy, embracing them as he sat down to continue watching the show. He sunk right back into the cluster of blue, completely camouflaged by the other people in the crowd. Zane didn’t really know Clayton, just remembered him as someone who worked at his uncle’s farm. He seemed nice, but definitely not friend-material. He had a little too much homophobia and country in him. Zane stopped for a moment to correct himself. Clayton didn’t have a little too much; he had a lot of too much.
Deciding he had nothing else to do, Zane started heading back towards the parking lot. Although the event seemed kind of interesting, Zane was too lonesome to really find any joy in the situation. Even his uncle’s presence would’ve made him want to stay, but with no one there by his side, Zane decided to head out. Right as he stepped through the gate, he suddenly recalled his uncle saying something about Harry wanting to see him. He didn’t like Harry, and he assumed it worked the other way around too, but Zane knew he should respect his uncle’s wishes.
Zane stumbled into the area housing the horse stables, the place completely deserted besides the rolling tumbleweeds. Strolling past a few horse-buses, it didn’t take long to find Harry. He grinned as Zane approached, holding a lasso in one hand.
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“‘Bout time you got here, thinkin’ you got lost er somethin’.”
“Wish I would have,” Zane mumbled to himself as Harry tossed an arm around his shoulder. Harry suddenly seemed more cheery than he had been before.
“Did yer uncle tell ya what yer doing here?”
“No, but I hope it’s not too long; I’m getting tired.” To emphasize his point, Zane faked a huge yawn.
“Not that, fag,” Harry chuckled, dropping down one end of the rope. “I mean this vacation.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Back in high school, yer pops, uncle, and I used to be the studs of the town. Valuable players, intimidatin’ cowboys, 100% corn-fed beef. But when yer pops was offered an education out east, the three of us fell apart.”
“Yeah, so what?”Zane was uninterested, finding the cowboy’s bulge as the only thing appealing about Harry. Zane had a bad habit of checking out other men when he was single.
“Well,” Harry continued, dragging Zane into a stable. “When yer pops saw how off-track he had raised ya, he called up Treyton and I to put a little country in ya. We knew we were gonna have fun, but when ya brought along that Irish laddy too, that was just a cherry for the top.”
Zane shook his head in bewilderment. Who was Harry talking about? He had obviously come here alone.
“See, originally Treyton wanted you as part of his ranch, but when yer boyfriend came he decided to pass the sweeter treat off to me. I think yeu’ll really-”
“Woah, slow down a moment,” Zane rubbed his temples, losing track of everything.
“Ah, I fergot about the mental stuff,” Harry contemplated, thinking about how to explain everything. He had to find a way to explain it all to the boy.
“Remember how everyone in the stands was segregated by their clothin’ color?”
“Yeah?” Zane clearly remembered, as he had stuck out like a sore thumb, but he didn’t understand why this was important now.
“Well, they’re all branded to some ranch, that’s why they stick to one color.”
Harry’s answer made sense to him, but Zane was still visibly perplexed.
“Look at Kae- I mean Clayton Sherman,” Harry started. “He works for yer uncle’s ranch. What color to they wear?”
“Exactly!” Harry slapped Zane’s back, knocking the wind out of the other man.
“Every color here is for someone’s ranch. Blue is Welch, green is Smith, white for Johnson-”
“How... how many are there?” Zane stuttered, the pieces gradually coming together.
“10, ‘cluding myself,” Harry responded proudly.
“So what you’re saying,” Zane reasoned. “Is that these ranch owner’s ‘brand’ people to be part of their ‘ranch,’ claiming them as their property?”
“And why are you telling me this?”
“Thought you oughta know beforehand.”Zane was about to ask what that meant, but before he could speak, something clicked together in his head.
“You own one of these ‘ranches’?”
“The stunnin’ Mueller Ranch.”
“And what color are you?”
Zane already knew the answer, hoping to distract the other man, but he wasn’t fast enough to dodge Harry’s launch. The older cowboy tackled Zane to the ground, the stench of hay and manure infiltrating Zane’s lungs as his face graced the dirt floor. Zane, not one to be athletic, surprisingly twisted himself out of Harry’s grasp, rolling sideways before getting up and escaping. He started running to his truck, desperately shuffling through his pockets to find the keys. Frantically scurrying away, he didn’t even notice his foot slip right out from beneath him.
Harry cackled heartily as he looked upon his captured prey, who was clawing at the rope helplessly. It seemed like a scene from an old western cartoon: the fool stepping into the lasso and getting caught. Harry had already tied the other end of the rope to a stable post, approaching Zane with a face gleaming with malice. Zane trembled in fear, giving up hope on flight and nervously accepting the fight. As Harry took the final steps, Zane's cowered timidly as he gave up. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but he knew something was going to be over. Then, to Zane’s pure surprise, a hand stretched out to help him up.
“Come on,” Harry welcomed warmly.
Zane’s heart stopped. Was Harry… serious? Was this all some prank just to scare him? Zane didn’t know what was going on, but he decided that once he got out of this mess he’d stay in the sweet shelter of his uncle’s ranch. After the week was over, he was never coming back to this pathetic town, or Wyoming for that sake.
“Are ya gonna take it or what?”
Zane sighed, clasping his hand into Harry’s. As soon as they connected, Harry’s flowery smile instantly twisted back into the thorny smirk.
“It’s just too easy.”
Before Zane could react, Harry flipped the other’s hand over and tapped the black stamp. Instantaneously, time stopped around them. The whole moment felt electric, almost as if everything in existence had shifted, but it was simply only a light touch. Zane gasped as he got up, struggling to speak.
“What… what did you do?”
“Eh, nothin’ yeu’ll remember,” Harry chimed. Zane investigated the back of his hand, noticing a slight pulse as the black stamp began to fade. He was shocked to see the color slowly draining from it into his veins, noticing the same inky shade pumping into his bloodstream.
“Oh no,” Zane cried as a small crackling came from his knuckles. It sounded similar to an orchestra of crickets, the hundreds of minuscule pops signifying the growth of his average hands. Zane’s palms grew thicker at a sluggish pace, bloating with meat as his fingers grew into calloused sausages. Zane groaned in pain while his hands became paws, now feeling like he was wearing bulky, leather mittens instead of skin.
The raven color flew through Zane’s arms, gliding across his chest before venturing vertically. To Zane’s dismay, his unused tendons stretched intensely, expanding as they made room for the arriving muscular tissue. Biceps proudly emerged as their brotherly triceps erupted from underneath Zane’s flesh, causing him to writhe. His forearms gained some meat too before a tan wave swept across the surface of his skin. The classic shade darkened Zane’s pale skin as a field of hair was planted on top. Before long, Zane’s arms looked like an avid gym-goer’s, yet for some reason his mind told him they were from the farm.
After improving the upper appendages, the ink moved downwards, cutting through Zane’s chest. His deltoids pushed outwards as his collarbone expanded, barely extending his traps as his torso began to shift into the shape of a “T”. His pectorals ballooned outwards, forming into meaty packages with two perky nipples, obviously erect underneath his shrinking tee. After the pecs squared out, Zane moaned as a sturdy six pack pounded in, each abdominal packing a punch as it pushed forward. A light covering of fur erupted from his chest while the tan wave made sure to paint itself once more. Zane began panting for air violently, each breath sucking in a little body fat. It didn’t remove all of his fat, but enough to maintain something barely below a body-builder’s standards. His shirt also stitched itself back together, having been torn apart seconds before. The cheap concert tee grew black as it painted itself back onto Zane’s torso, the dusky color hiding its overuse.
Following were Zane’s legs, as the black blood dove deeper. His juicy thighs began to tighten, retaining their above-average size, but now containing more muscle than meat. After his quadriceps had hardened, his knees cracked violently, stretching out Zane’s calves to max him out at 6’2. The bottom of his sweatpants violently tore to reveal two meaty forelegs, both veiny, firm, and covered in a lathering of hair. His pale skin darkened as his legs were covered in a loose denim, locking away his lower appendages.
With Zane’s lower body now covered in an old pair of Wranglers, the ink took hold of his feet, which were currently snug in a pair of Sperry’s boat shoes, the only shoes he had brought with him. In an instant, the leather and cloth tore apart in the middle, blossoming open like a flower to reveal gargantuan Size 15 feet. Zane was appalled to see the hairy, meaty, and awfully rank monsters attached below his ankles, but to his luck, the shredded shoes began to reform. The leather gracefully became cowhide as it expertly resowed itself around Zane’s feet, traveling up to his midcalves to create two authentic cowboy boots. Zane however didn’t feel relieved, in fact all he could feel was the sweat of his massive feet filling up the shoes. His socks hadn’t reformed, so it appeared he was going commando in his boots.
The ink swam up to the top, touching up on any missed spots. After filling in Zane’s pits with a hearty amount of hair, the black blood filled in his neck, adding girth to support the maturing Adam’s apple. Vocal chords stretched as the Zane’s register reached new depths, causing him to violently cough and sputter as he adjusted, allowing the ink to shoot upwards. Zane cried out in pain as the black blood clutched his skull, pulling apart at the bones to give him a thicker head. While the baby fat was removed, his jaw was stretched horizontally, giving him a prominent chin just large enough for a cleft. His lips shrunk while his nose expanded, filling in along with his expanding brows. Zane’s eyes shifted from a bland brown to easy-going blue as his hair shaved away, leaving a no-effort buzzcut where a manicured mane once laid. The vibrant green color rapidly faded, giving way to a light brown that easily shaded in Zane’s new haircut and thickening chinstrap. Across his body, his skin tightened barely as his body packed on a few extra years. It wasn’t a noticeable difference, but Zane no longer had the same glow of young adulthood.
“Ah Lordee,” Zane grumbled, getting up as his language center reorganized itself. “What’d y’all do to me?”
“Well, there’s still one more thing to go,” Harry replied, watching Zane shakily ascend. When the other man stood straight, he now faced eye to eye with the other cowboy.
“What in tarnation is left?”
“Just give it a sec-”
“I ain’t got no time for games, I’m gettin’-”
Suddenly, Zane felt an electrifying pulse throughout his groin, the rest of the ink finally reaching his reproductive center. The black blood infiltrated his testicles, killing off the weak sperm as it overtook his pouch. Zane’s balls bloated as they became heavy with cowboy sperm, dropping dramatically due to the increased weight. The ink traveled into his medium-sized penis, engorging it almost instantly. At first, Zane felt like he was having the most powerful boner of his life, but he began to realize his dick was in fact growing. His member began pulsating with the foreign blood, elongating as it grew to a mighty 10 inches. In the back end, his buttocks blew up into two massive, hardened globes, pushing against the confines of one end of the jeans while his pouch took the other.
Losing all sense of reality, Zane furiously palmed himself through his jeans, the feeling of his newly-materialized boxer shorts rubbing against his sensitive tip driving him crazy. Precumming in seconds due to the pent up stress, Zane was too horny to realize what he was doing, or what he was losing. His prized Yale education evaporated like powdered milk into his ballsack. Next went his East Coast upbringing, his progressive ideas and urban lifestyle disappearing into the void that was his semen. In tow was his homosexuality, which was thrown into the fire inside his testicles. Even a sizeable chunk of his IQ was tossed into the mixing pot. Everything about Zane was sucked down into his sperm, ready to be expelled permanently.
“C’mon boy,” Harry shouted eagerly. “Ya know what ya want to do!”
Zane grunted as he groped himself once more, feeling a burst of static electricity coarse across his body. Grabbing a nearby fence, Zane steadied himself against the stable wall as he felt the rush coming.
A huge load of sperm coated the front of the Wranglers, causing the area beneath the giant belt buckle to darken dramatically. Not bothering to clean himself up, the young cowboy basked in the afterglow of ejaculation, truly content with himself. He adjusted his pouch one last time, with his other hand still secured to the fence.
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“There ya go, that felt better, didn’t it?” Harry slapped a hand around the other man, securing the black cowboy hat on top of the other’s head while doing so.
“Ah yeah, Sir, that one was a goodie,” the other replied, the two slowly making their way back to the main grounds.
“Tell me, Wayne, where the wife and kids at? Shouldn’t they be at the rodeo?”
“They are, Sir,” Wayne responded quickly. “They’re sittin’ near the back of the bleachers with the other ranch families.”
“Ah I see.”
Harry paused in front of the main gate, shuffling his hand through his pocket to find his keys and some Copenhagen chew.
“I best be headin’ out,” he stated. “We got a long day at the ranch tomorrow, lots of hay bale shipments to move out.”
“Sounds good, Sir.” Wayne extended his hand out, “I’ll see y’all bright and early tomorrow mornin’.”
“See y’all then, Wayne.”
The two vigorously shook hands, with Harry delighted to see the disappearance of a certain black stamp. They waved each other off as Harry walked back to his truck. After watching his boss leave, Wayne was elated to go back to his family, with one beautiful wife and three handsome sons to entertain. Turning 29 in a matter of days (his birthday shared with Pete Sherman’s, or “Little Petey” as the town called him), Wayne had already accomplished his major goal in life, growing the Woods family. It only seemed like yesterday that he and his wife were high school sweethearts, but now they owned their own little home with three rowdy chaps running around everywhere. It was going to be Wayne’s job to teach them the right morals just like how his father taught him. Over the years, he’d teach them about Christianity, voting Red, being country men, and how to swoon ladies. But, with the oldest one only in first grade, he thought it might be best to wait a bit longer.
Inspecting the bleachers, it didn’t take Wayne long to find his family. He ran up to them and sat down immediately, ready to keep enjoying the show. He quickly explained to his wife what his boss had wanted him for, saying Harry had just wanted an update on the coming fourth child. Wayne then kissed his wife passionately before giving his attention back to the rodeo, applauding as the last participant finished off the night.
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The hat
Summary: reader goes missing and only leaves one sign of life: the sheriff’s hat Carl had given to her.
Tw: angst, gore, walkers (both characters are 18!!)
Rick grimes’ sheriff’s hat had been passed down many times. And Carl took it upon himself to give it to you, as a sign of protection of some kind. Carl when he was little always stated that when his dad would wear the hat then he would be protected from all the violence in the world, and in some ways he was correct… but all of that hope and belief turned into some sort of horror as soon as Carl stumbled upon the sheriff’s hat left discarded on the floor.
“Y/n!!” Carl yelled as he ran around desperately searching for you, running upstairs of the home and downstairs, the gated community of Alexandria was safe.. always.. but you’d never leave without telling him. The hat was held in his hand before he eventually put it down on top of his head as he sprinted back downstairs palm skimming lightly against the banister before he stumbled outside seeing Rick talking to michonne. “Dad!!” Carl practically screamed, making the former sheriff’s head snap in his direction seeing the sheer fright on his sons face “woah… what’s wrong?” His hand came to rest against carls shoulder to try and calm him down “y/n’s missing!”
“Missing?” Rick spoke confused, Carl nodding breathing heavily “I found the hat discarded… I looked all around but I can’t find her. I asked Eugene and Rosita but they said they didn’t see her go out.” Rick’s face twisted with concern, his hand coming up to rub against his forehead, pinching against the bridge of his nose “she doesn’t just leave she would’ve told me!” Carl spoke with wide worried eyes, Rick nodding, hand quickly tentatively grabbing onto the boys shoulder “I know. I know… it’s unlike her. I’ll get a few people to go out and look for her. She couldn’t of gone far.” And as Carl’s lips parted Rick only shook his head already knowing what he was going to say. “No. You stay here… I know how much you love that girl. I don’t want you getting hurt by jumping into action..” he spoke simply, Carl disliked that, but knew damn well his dad was right. And so he would just have to sit and wait around for good news.
Hours had passed by and although multiple search groups had been sent out, they had returned empty handed and now it was dark. The sheriffs hat was still planted firmly upon Carl’s head. He couldn’t sit still. He couldn’t calm down either. You and Carl were best friends, you had been best friends for a long long time even before the apocalypse and now with you missing he was beyond terrified for you.
Carl had dinner with his dad and michonne, not being able to eat much- too nervous. “Do you think she’s dead?” He questioned, Rick giving him an almost warning look to not give up before silently shaking his head. No one else spoke a word, as often times if you speak of something you fear then it will happen. Even as dinner was finished and everyone went to bed, Carl remained wide awake, now sat upon his bed packing a bag. He wasn’t going to give up. He was going to find you. As he zipped up his bag he threw it over his shoulder, opening the bedroom window and carefully climbing out, carefully so, until he felt his feet hit the floor before he immediately but quickly fled towards the gates that were left unattended, he silently slipped out of the gate shutting it behind himself before he began the long hike to try and find you.
Carl walked for ages and now it was pitch black, he continued searching around for you, but it was practically impossible to find you. He was growing worried and more sure about the fact that you had been killed until he heard an abrupt scream- his head snapping in the direction of the sound before he began sprinting wasting no time to come to this persons rescue hoping it was you. He saw and heard walkers all around but he didn’t stop, until he blindly slammed into something or rather someone. He feared it was a Walker but as he pulled back and saw your familiar face, dirty and mucky his eyes widened “y/n!” He exclaimed his eyes remaining wide, watching as your eyes teared up “Jesus Christ where were you?!” His hands came to caress against your face the groaning of incoming walkers getting closer and closer but Carl was in too much shock.
“I wanted to impress Daryl. By hunting a deer… he has been teaching me all these techniques and tricks to follow the markings on the ground but.. I— I guess I’m not ready.” Carls brows furrowed, but he knew how you always critiqued yourself way too often and constantly wanted to impress “fuck y/n.” He murmured shaking his head before he stood up grabbing onto your hands and pulling you up, instantly noticing the limp you had but he didn’t question it, instead wrapping your arm around his shoulder as he began helping lead you away from the herd of walkers. Your breathing was heavy as you gripped onto him “I- I just wanted to try and be an adult.” You spoke to him quietly “well you’re not. And if you keep pulling dangerous shit like this you’ll get yourself killed!” His words were harsher than they intended to be, and he immediately felt guilty for the way he spoke to you, murmuring an apology to you as he helped guide you somewhere safe.
Eventually the two of you found an old abandoned house, in the middle of no where. He helped you sit down before he sat down keeping his eyes on you worried and upset before he shook his head “you could’ve been killed.” He murmured and you nodded slightly embarrassed before looking down. He exhaled softly before he pulled the hat from his head and slowly popped it back onto your head leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek “next time you do that… wear your hat.” He spoke with a small smile, hand caressing against your cheek.
“Okay… deal..” you said with a small smile, you knew Rick and michonne were going to kill you and murder Carl for being this stupid. “You missed by the way.” You spoke with a playful grin and Carl raised his brows before you puckered your lips making Carl laugh “god you’re unbelievable sometimes.” He muttered before nonetheless leaning in and kissing you on the lips gently. “My dads gonna kill me.” He murmured against your lips and you smiled “oh no.” You spoke sarcastically a playful offended look appearing on carls face before he rolled his eyes “unbelievable.” He chuckled shaking his head.
(Part two on reuniting Rick and michonne+ their reaction?? Maybe? Lmk!!)
This took me forever to get out. Im sorry!!!
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feelbokkie · 4 months
花火 (Fireworks)
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
bff!han and reader the way they steal a glance every once in a while slowly falling in love with eachothers laugh, with their smile the SOFTEST SOFTEST kiss to have ever kissed it's not either of their first kiss, but there's fireworks EXCEPT THERES ACTUAL FIREWORKS BC THERE AT AN EVENT
genre: fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: Back home after touring for months, your best friend Jisung takes you to a firework festival.
pairing: best friend!Jisung x reader
warnings: none?
word count: 1,792
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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"You know," You huff as you adjust the large stuffed quokka in your arms, "as cute as it was to win me this, it probably would have been cheaper if you just bought this from the vendor outright.."
"My pride would have never allowed that," Jisung says casually as he continues to pull you through the crowd, his grip on you tighter than you thought impossible for him.
When did he get so strong?
You haven't seen your best friend Jisung in months. He's been off traveling the world touring and promoting his music while you were busy working. You knew that when he came back, he was going to want to spend as much time as he possibly could to make up for lost time. You thought it would be how it always was: nights in either at your apartment or his dorm with movies and whatever food you wanted. When Jisung told you that there was a festival he wanted to go to, you were shocked. It's loud, crowded, and overwhelming; all the things that Jisung normally dislikes when going out into a public space. In all honestly, you've spent most of the day checking out for his warning signs in case he became too overwhelmed. Not that you minded staring at his face.
"How does your pride feel about how much you just spent right now?" You giggle, because you can't help but laugh. The whole idea of Jisung spending over an hour trying to win you a stuffed quokka because you turned to him and said "Look, it's you" is completely silly. His response after he won the oversized stuffed animal is even sillier.
"There, now you'll have me around when I'm away on tour,"
You weren't sure what he meant by that. Ever since the creation of the skzoos, he's always made sure you had every variation of Han Quokka. At first, it was to "keep you company" while he was away and then it became, to "add to the collection." And still, you're not sure what it was about what he said this time that made your heart race around your entire body and your breath hitch in your throat.
Maybe it's the fact that you've hardly seen him in over a year. He was on tour for most of the year last year, only coming back for the holidays, but you went back home to spend time with your family. And then it felt like he was only free for a week when the world tour ended. The boys almost immediately went back to work on their next album. And then promotion for that album, followed by the creation and promotion of a Japanese album, and then yet another creation and promotion of another album. On top of that they have various schedules for interviews, award shows, content for their fans, and so many other things, that you're surprised Jisung even has time for you right now.
And yet, here he is, wearing a black, oversized ratty old Wu-Tang Clan shirt that he said he thrifted while he was on tour in the States, a pair of baggy jeans that dragged on the floor, and a pair of off-white sneakers that made him a little taller than he actually his. With his face concealed by a black bucket hat and a face mask that spent more time on his chin than it did on his face. It's almost like he wasn't international superstar Han Jisung, but your best friend. The first friend you made when you moved to South Korea to start a new life.
"Are you happy?" He asks suddenly, carefully pushing his way through the crowd of people.
You're quiet for a moment, confused as to why that question would even cross his mind. "Yeah, why?"
"Then my pride doesn't care," Hey says simply.
Has he always been like this?
Bold isn’t a word you would use to describe. Confident? Yes, absolutely. He wouldn’t be where is he today if he wasn’t at least a little bit confident in himself. But bold? You were always more of a risk-taker of the duo and made more decisive decisions. Jisung has always been more cautious, only taking risks with his career. Even then, that was more confidence than him being bold. After all, being confident is the only way anyone could survive in the industry.
Finally, there's a break in the crowd as Jisung reached the front of the crowd. The festival hasn't been too crowded the entire time you've been there. The two of you went earlier in the day to avoid the crowd so Jisung could walk around comfortably without being recognized. But as the sun began to set, more people came making you feel more anxious. Not because you dislike crowds and the havoc that they bring, but because Jisung does. And he's been having such a good day, you didn't want it to end.
You've caught yourself starting at Jisung more times than you care to admit. Small glimpses throughout the day. Little things about him caught your eye. The way his skin would bronze in the sunlight. Or how his eyes would become a fine line when he laughed, really laughed. And how his large, gummy smile took up most of his face. And the little pout he would do when he was doing poorly in a game. Or the way his face would turn red when you would turn to steal a glance and he was already looking at you. And the small smile he'd give you when he would catch you staring.
It's normal, right?
How happy you are spending time with Jisung. How your heart hasn't stopped pounding since he grabbed your hand 5 minutes ago. And the way your stomach has been doing acrobatics every time he laughs. You've just missed him.
And here he is, standing in front of you without the barrier of a screen.
"Do you know what the Japanese word for firework is?" Jisung asks suddenly.
The two of you are sitting comfortably on the grass at the front of the crowd, and yet he still holds your hand. Not that you mind. You can hardly see his face in the dark of the night. The stalls and surrounding buildings started turning their lights off or dimming them as the crowd started to settle down for the fireworks show.
"I barely know the Korean word for firework," You chuckle softly in response.
"Fair enough," He chuckles back, "It's the same concept in both Korean and Japanese so I guess I could have just asked if you knew the Korean word."
"Same concept?" You tilt your head to the side while looking at Jisung. Your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, allowing you to make out the familiar features of his face. "What are you talking about?"
Jisung turns his attention in front of him. Nothing is happening, and yet he stares off into the distance. "Bulkkoch. Hanabi. In both languages, firework is made up of two characters. Bul and hi both mean fire in their respective languages. Then kkoch and hana mean flower. So in direct translation, firework is either fire flower or flower fire."
"It's prettier than the English word, that's for sure. Seems lazy in comparison. It's literally just a work of fire for us."
"I think so too. But of the two, I think hanabi is the prettier." Jisung turns his attention back to you. "Reminds me of you, somehow."
You're not sure why, but your breath hitches in your throat and your heart starts to flutter like the wings of a hummingbird. He's just your friend. But maybe, just maybe, you have feelings for him.
You don't know when it started or if there was even a starting point to be had. Maybe you've always had feelings for him and you just didn't realize it. Spending time with Jisung is the happiest you've been in months. Your stomach and cheeks hurt from laughing so much. And maybe your feelings for him were there in the subtext of it all. You've never laughed this much with any of your other friends. You can't remember the last time someone made you so much in one day. Nor do you think you've never felt such joy hearing someone say your name before. Out of all the things he's ever sung, your name is your favorite song.
"Y/n," Jisung mumbles. You're certain your eyes are playing tricks with the light.
You freeze as Jisung's face slowly gets closer to you. So slow that you're not sure he's moving. Still, as the scent of his cologne becomes increasingly stronger, you stay completely still. As if any sudden movement will scare him away. And he might. You're not sure where Jisung's confidence is coming from but you know better than anyone it's just a facade that can be easily shaken. And, if what you think is happening is happening, you don't want to deter him from continuing.
You should stop him. Remind him that the two of you are in public and anyone could see. Anyone could take a picture and send it to dispatch. But part of you is selfish, wanting a part of him for yourself after sharing him with the world for so long. A part of him that you know he can't share with his fans.
Your eyes close instinctively as he's only inches away from you. You slowly lose your nerve as he stops moving closer, his breath tickling your face. Maybe he realized what he was doing. Maybe he--
Your mind stops racing as Jisung's lips gently graze yours. So softly at first, you think you imagined it until he leans in more, closing any and every gap between your lips.
It's a simple kiss, in an innocent way. And yet, you feel a jolt of electricity run through your body. Like Jisung is an outlet and you're a kid who just shoved a fork in it. So innocent and yet, your entire body is on fire, tingling like all of your nerves are miniature fireworks going off all at once.
Jisung slowly pulls away, leaving you breathless and your head spinning.
You're no stranger to kissing. Neither of you are. You've done it more times than you care to count throughout your life. Some with people who've meant significantly less than what Jisung means to you. And somehow, you've never been left so breathless from a peck on the lips before. Judging by the look on Jisung's face, illuminated the various colors of the fireworks you didn't know were going off, neither has he. You want to kiss him again.
"Wow," you both mutter in unison.
Buy me a coffee?
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
Delicate, ii
pairing: dbf!southern!frank castle x innocent!afab!reader
summary: a sweet older gentleman moves into the house next door, or rather a few acres away. he spends a few evenings with your dad and consequently earns the attention of a much younger girl, you.
warnings: age gap (reader is 22, frank is 46), protective dad???, no use of y/n, not proofread
word count: 808 words
author’s note: here is the very first part of delicate and i really hope you guys love it! not too much action, entirely just set up for frank and peach's future endeavors and relationship. please enjoy! mwah!
tag list: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @shantellorraine
find the masterlist here!
read the previous part here!
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The sun peaked its way into your room, warming up all the spaces it touched as it slithered its way through your curtains. The sun rising earlier in the summer was always your biggest complaint, it woke you up so early but if you got blackout curtains you would sleep too late in the evening. It truly was a lose-lose situation. This particular morning, bright and early at seven am, there were two voices talking loudly in the driveway. That just so happened to be almost directly outside your bedroom window.
You sat up, rubbed your eyes and tried to decipher what they were saying. You knew it was your father and Frank speaking but you couldn’t make out any words, they were just too far out of range for that. No matter how close you got to the window you just couldn’t do it, maybe it was because you’d just woken up or maybe you were just losing your hearing. It would be a worry for another day. The clock now read seven fifteen, you spent fifteen minutes trying to eavesdrop on two grown men. It was almost pathetic.
The sun was now further into your room, if you hadn’t already gotten out of bed it would’ve been blaring into your eyes. You picked out a pink pair of shorts and matched it to a cute strawberry patterned tank top. Once you were satisfied with what you were wearing you brushed your hair and did your general morning routine. By the time you made it to the kitchen both your dad and Frank were sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on some coffee that had been made earlier in the morning.
“‘Mornin’ Peach.” Your dad grumbled, taking a sip of his coffee and slurping it when it reached his lips.
“Good morning.” You chirped, way too cheery for the two men at the table. Despite being awake longer than you, neither of them were glad to be up bright and early. “Good morning, Mr. Castle.”
“Just Frank, Peach.” Frank responded, watching you traverse through the kitchen, trying his best to keep his eyes to himself.
“Yes, sir.” You smiled at him, pouring some more coffee into both cups on the table before putting it back to brew more coffee.
Frank choked on the fresh coffee he was trying to drink, even though it was said so innocently it was doing a number on him. Thankfully, for him, the table was in the way of anyone seeing the tent currently pitching in his pants. He covered it up with a cough and a clearing of his throat, continuing the conversation he was having with your dad.
The sausage and eggs your dad had made this morning had gone cold, he must’ve been up earlier than normal. You would ask him later if everything was okay on the ranch later, make sure you didn’t need to pick up any extra duties to help. You warmed up the food on the stove, listening to their conversation while you waited. Nothing interesting, besides the fact you learned Frank was single. That, you didn’t understand.
Just because you’d never had sex or anything close to it didn’t mean you didn’t imagine what it was like. For the first time. Last night. With Frank. He wasn’t wearing his cowboy hat this morning, it made you want to frown just a bit. Not that he wasn’t as attractive without it, there was just something about the hat that enhanced it. you wanted to run your fingers through his hair, twist the hair around your nails and curl it more than it already was.
“What are your plans for today, Peach?” Your dad asked, as he did every morning. Only really asking to see if you would be home long enough to do some morning chores around the house.
“I gotta stop by the general store, get some food and then probably get some stuff for the horses.” You responded, placing the now warm breakfast on a plate and sitting at the table.
“I can take ‘er.” Frank offered, taking a sip of his coffee, eyes boring into your soul. “I gotta do the same shit.”
“Perfect! Thanks, Frank!” Your dad responded happily, taking his wallet out to hand you a few bills for the stuff you needed.
Your neck burned, blush creeping up from the depths of your chest. Frank stared, discreetly, as your skin turned a tinge pink. You tuned out the rest of the conversation, playing around with your food, thinking about being alone with an older man. It was almost taboo, you hadn’t been alone with a boy much less a man. If you could see into Frank’s mind the blush would engulf your whole body, burning you like a sinner in church. You hadn’t known things so dirty and taboo.
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bearw-me · 4 months
Drinking Buddies with Husk!
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𐐒 includes : gender neutral reader 𐐒 cw : drinking/alcohol, fluffs, drunk rambling 𐐒 summary : mainly platonic but you could read as romantic too (in fact i'd love it if you did!) 𐐒 note : lil' self indulgent, love me sum whiskey myself... & with husk is just <3
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Husk considers 'drinking buddy' and 'friends' two completely different fields, and even then, being his drinking buddy is (what I consider) a special privilege. . . not bestowed to many
he likes to unwind once and a while as much as the next sinner. . . but who really likes to wallow in self-pity by themselves? having company is always fun
the best company (as Husk considers you)
lets be real, how many people would Husk enjoy drinking with?
but its because he can practically see right through you. . . with those narrow yellow eyes of his, you almost feels transparent
and you are with him
if Husk wants no bullsht (i mean especially if the two of you share some drinks) he'll get it
in return, you allow Husk to be himself and rant all his drunken thoughts he has pent up inside of him
"I can't. . . I can't BELIEVE they got me working the bar at the. . . the. . . uh. . . waittt. . . what did you say about Angel?"
you laugh at him, both of your faces flushed, held up haphazardly with your hands leaning against Husk's bar top. Heads wonderfully buzzed.
Husk (near sht-faced) actually starts to purr, doing those slow blinks that cats do
I imagine Husk allows you to take his hat and wear it at some point, either he doesn't care or he doesn't even notice until you two wake up hungover (still at the bar no less)
Drunk bar songs w/ Husk, wherein he has his arm around your shoulder!
At his bar, or in his company, Husk has a special glass just for you.
Husk cleans all the glasses when no one's at the bar, and he notices the way you like to hold your drink and play with it in your hands. So when you take to a particular one (the perfect size for you hands) Husk puts it aside for when you come around!
no matter what you prefer to drink, Husk still makes you new drinks to consider and try out if you'll take it
always watches out for you btw and keeps you head up (literally)
but Husk loves drinking with you, he doesn't have to worry too much about—much really, and he knows he can depend on you too if he ever needed it, bar-fight wise anyway
i think he'd actually feel a twinge of jealous once and a while if 'the wrong' person were to approach you, especially if he was looking forward to your company and you actually seem to prefer the presence of someone else over him
Husk is the perfect drinking buddy imo
he's equal parts mature, responsible, and I could 100% picture the old cat being a hilarious drunk if he was pushed far enough!
Husk doing drunk magic tricks and sleight-of-hand for more drinks, or to impress
Husk has a very high tolerance for booze, but doesn't like to mix his drink types often
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ixexile · 19 days
Mrs. Officer
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I made this for my best friend and had nowhere else to post this so sorry if it's shitty the last time I wrote fan fiction was in 2012 about One Direction (I also don't know how to add the cool pics yall do)
**Hardly proof read**
“I make her wear nothing but handcuffs & heels and I beat it like a cop”
y/n’s POV
It’s been five months since Nate ended things with me and by this point I thought I would be healed from everything he put me through but I still find myself missing parts of him. I miss the status it gave me, I miss the chaos, I miss the holidays back in Boston and being surrounded by his family and friends. Well, except Chris, I do not miss Chris. Chris has been in Nate’s life since they were small and was always around throughout our two year relationship - I tried so hard to gain a connection with my ex's best friend but no matter what Chris was standoffish and cold. We all go to the same small university in Pennsylvania and my sorority and their fraternity always have events together so keeping away from them has been challenging. Lately I have been mostly keeping to myself and trying to stay away from any mixers or events because I can not face them and honestly it’s not even Nate who gets under my skin the most it’s Chris. When he sees me around campus he acts like he has never met me or rolls his eyes at me or makes some snide comment about what I am wearing. I am sure Nate has told him that I do not care for him but he is the one who was a dick to me first and at this point he needs to grow up. Tonight is Halloween and I have decided I am finally going out tonight. I am known as the party girl in my sorority and my absence has not gone unnoticed and I can not give Chris Sturniolo the satisfaction of thinking he is controlling me and I will make sure to wear a costume that will really piss Chris off.
Chris’ POV
“Do you think y/n is coming tonight?” I asked while mindlessly scrolling on my phone. 
“For the tenth time Chris I have no fucking clue if she is coming tonight. Why do you keep asking me? If you care so much, text her” Nate rants. 
“Assuming I care about that bitch is really bold kid” I mutter, still not looking up from my phone.
 “I mean you were the one who was interested first until I slid in and stole her from you” Nate teases. 
“That was almost two years ago” I roll my eyes. ”I am just happy you are the one who got stuck with her” I smirk at Nate.
I can't grasp what exactly makes me tick about y/n. Was it the fact Nate purposefully went after her once I showed interest? Was it the slutty outfits she paraded around on campus? Her smart mouth? I can’t figure it out but all I knew was she drove me crazy and made my dick twitch.
“Let’s get ready for the party, people will probably start getting here soon” Nate says, startling me out of my train of thought.
“Yeah, okay” I nod, getting up from the couch. 
y/n’s POV
“Are you sure this looks okay?” I say while staring at the full length mirror looking at myself in every angle possible. It’s not that I’m not confident I just want my comeback to be memorable. I decided on being a sexy cop wearing a crop top, a badge, short shorts, a hat and functional handcuffs. 
“Yes y/n you are slaying! Nate is going to be so pissed.” Madi beams back at me in the mirror. I shake my head and stifle a smile. As much as I don’t want to see him it would be fun to remind him of what he had. 
“I don’t want this night to be about him” I say, turning to Madi, looking into her eyes. Madi is dressed as the corpse bride. “I am honestly going to do my best to steer clear from him and his douchebag of a friend.” 
“No no I agree, you just look really good” she squeezes my hand. " I wish Chris wasn’t such a douche, I mean he is pretty hot.” Madi giggles.
“I would never.”
As we start nearing the Fraternity house my nerves start getting the best of me and my stomach starts to turn. I slow down walking, trying to catch my breath and Madi notices. 
“Y/n I love you but I am not letting you talk your way out of this one. You can not let them control your life. After a couple of drinks I am sure that you will relax and this house will be packed. You might not even see them.” Madi assured me. I nod my head, run my hands over my face and let out a deep breath.
“Okay..fuck..okay let’s go” I say while grabbing her hand and we take off towards the house. 
Chris’ POV
The music is so loud and my head is swimming..I think I may have pre gamed too hard. My nerves are shot at the thought I may see y/n tonight after what feels like months without properly seeing her. She hasn’t been around much and I would know because I scope out every event looking for her but I know Halloween is her favorite. She would always make Nate carve pumpkins and bring her to haunted houses. He complained to me the whole time but I would have done anything to be in position. To watch how scared she would get and hold her and make her feel safe. No matter how hard I tried I was always a dick to her while she dated my best friend..I was just so fucking jealous and couldn’t stand the way he treated her and she just let him. Fuck, I need to get some fresh air. I start making my way out the house when some girl I am pretty sure I hooked up with last semester stops me.
“Oh my god are you supposed to be Steve Harrington from Stranger Things?” she slurs.
“Yeah and I am guessing you’re supposed to be Eleven?” I ask flatly. 
“How did you know?! Yes! Can we please take a picture together?” she smiles.
“Yeah whatever” I put my sunglasses up on my head and bring my bat up.
“Thaaaannkk you Chrisss” she says hardly being able to stand. I just nod and try to find the nearest exit of the house. I step out onto the porch and close my eyes. Maybe y/n won’t come tonight. 
“Madi please stop walking so fast these shoes are not meant to do fucking track and field” I hear y/n yell and my eyes fly open. 
“Sooorrry y/n” I hear Madi sing while skipping.  
Before I can retreat back into the house, y/n spots me. Madi grabs her hand and they start making their way up the stairs to the front door.
“Chrisropher” Madi snaps.
“Madi” I snap back. 
Y/n walks past me without looking in my direction. Of course she would be wearing some slutty costume. I absent-mindedly adjust myself before saying “Come y/n it’s been so long, haven’t you missed me? No hello?” I smirk.
“Fuck you Chris” y/n spits. 
y/n’s POV
“Okay I hate to laugh but the fact that Chris was the first person we saw is kind of crazy” Madi laughs once we enter the packed living room. I laugh and roll my eyes.
“I definitely need a drink after that, do you want one Madi?”
“Yes please”
 I walk towards the keg and wait in line. I’m actually not as shaken up as I thought I would be after seeing Chris. I will just never understand his issue with me but I am not letting myself ruminate on it. I fill Madi and I’s cups up and as I turn around I can feel the liquid spill down the front of me. 
“Oh shit sorry…wait y/n! A little birdy told me you were here I guess I didn’t believe them” Nate says.
“Hello Nate. Yeah I’m here and now my costume is ruined thanks to you.” I grumble as I grab napkins to wipe myself off. 
“How are you?” Nate slurs. “I am sorry for all the like shit I put you through y/n really I am” he pouts while putting his hand over his heart.
“All the shit? Do you mean cheating on me for two years with multiple girls? You mean humiliating me in front of everyone? Is that the ‘shit’ you are referring to?” I snarl.
“You know Chris always told me that you were just some dumb girl and I really should have listened to him. You can't even take a sincere apology from the man who made you who you are.” Nate boasts.
“Made me who I am?” I laugh. “Nate you are a president of a Fraternity get the fuck over yourself my god.” I yell. I make my way back to Madi with two half filled cups.
“Umm..what happened to you?” Madi asks, scanning my face while grabbing her cup.
“I don’t even know it’s so packed in here. I just kept getting bumped into! I am going to go to the bathroom and clean myself up!.” I can’t let Madi know what happened between Nate and I. I don’t want to ruin her night but I just need to have a little bit of alone time.
“I can come with you if you want! Maybe help you with your costume?” Madi offers.
“I’m okay, thank you” I offer her a smile.
“Keep your phone with you y/n, I mean it” she says sternly. I salute her and she rolls her eyes. 
Chris’ POV
“Wait you spilled a drink on y/n? Purposefully?” I ask Nate while standing in the kitchen.
“Not purposefully but whatever she deserved it” Nate states. “You should’ve seen the look on her face once she realized it was me.” Nate laughs.
“You do realize that you are the one that cheated on her and made her life a living hell?” I ask, feeling my face get hot.
“What? Now you suddenly care about y/n’s feelings? Didn’t seem like you cared too much when you were trying to convince me to break up with her for two years” Nate responds while putting his hand to his chin while pretending to think hard. “But you know I could always tell you wanted her” he wags his finger at me.  “You wanted to feel her mouth around you didn’t you? You wanted to hear her moaning your name, right?” Nate taunts.
“You better fucking watch it kid” I say while shoving Nate. 
“Okay enough let’s break it up” some random guy yells while getting in between Nate and I. I decided to head to the bathroom to try to cool off. I don’t know why I have been such a prick to y/n when Nate is obviously the issue. Great, no line to the bathroom. I try the door and it's locked. Of course. I knock loudly on the door.
“Yo, is anyone there?” No response. “Hello? Come on bro I have to go” I yell over the loud music. I put my ear to the door and I can hear the water running and sniffing. 
y/n’s POV
I feel like such an idiot while I stand in front of the mirror trying to desperately get this sticky beer off of me and fix my makeup. Why am I even crying? This is such a pathetic state to be in at a party.
“Yo, is anyone there?” someone yells. “Hello? Come on bro I have to go.” 
I freeze. It’s Chris. Of course it’s Chris, why wouldn’t it be Chris? Please god get me out of here. The excessive knocking is making my head hurt.
“WHAT?” I yell throwing the door open to be met with a startled Chris.
“Were you crying in there? Chris asked with his eyebrow slightly raised.
“Nothing gets past you huh?” I say while trying to get past him.
“Oh no you are going nowhere” he says while pushing me back in the bathroom and locking the door behind him.
“What is your fucking issue with me Chris?” I snap.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about y/n '' he starts.
“Spare me the bullshit you haven’t liked me since the day we met and I haven’t done anything to you!”
“Haven’t liked you that's rich” Chris mocks. “Haven’t liked you y/n? You have been all I thought about for two fucking years but you chose Nate.”
“What? What are you talking about?” I ask wondering if I heard him right. Chris sits on the side of the bathtub and puts his face in his hands. Chris sighs.
“I don’t know what I am saying” he mumbles through his hands.
“I mean you can start off with a sorry perhaps” I say while prying his hands away from his face. He looks up at me and smiles and rolls his eyes. 
“I am sorry y/n I really am. I don’t know why I have treated you the way I have for so long. I think I may have been jealous of you know like your relationship or whatever” Chris confesses.
“What? Did you think I was trying to get in between you and Nate? I never wanted that” I say while putting my hands up defensively. Chris giggles.
“You really are dense, aren’t you?” he stands up towering over me. “I wanted you y/n..just you” he stares down at me. I feel like I am being pranked, is there a camera in this bathroom? Is Nate outside listening? 
“Don’t fuck with me Chris” I whisper and shove his chest. “This isn’t funny at all. You act like you don’t even know me anymore. It’s been five months and this is the first time we’ve held a conversation and you want me to trust you? I can’t.” I say holding back tears. I have felt so alone after the breakup and I can’t handle being taunted.
“No I get that” he says while tucking a hair behind my ear “I have been really shitty towards you and I guess if I was you I wouldn’t trust me either but I am serious “ he tips my chin up forcing me to look into his eyes “I have wanted you for so long, Ma” he licks his lips. I involuntarily squeeze my thighs together looking for any type of friction.
“Chris” I whisper.
“And that fucking outfit jesus christ y/n” he smirks down at me. “Turn around for me baby..bend down in front of the sink” he whispers in my ear. I’m fucked. I turn around slowly and see my flushed face in the mirror and bend down. Chris tuts.
“No, don’t get all shy on me y/n. I have heard you in Nate’s dorm. Look in the mirror.” Chris demands. 
Chris’ POV
I look in the mirror and see y/n’s flushed face. I can tell she’s breathing heavily with the way her breath is fogging up the mirror. I press my clothed hard on against her and she bucks her hips back. “You’re such a needy girl aren’t you? I have been waiting for this for so long Ma you have no idea. We are going to take our time. Can you be a good girl for daddy?” Y/n nods her head. “Words baby”
“I’m going to be a good girl Chris” Y/n says breathlessly. I back away from her and she whimpers. My hand meets her ass with a loud crack which makes her jolt. “Who are you going to be a good girl for?” I tease. 
“A good girl for you daddy..always a good girl for you” she whimpers. I can tell she’s embarrassed with the way she keeps trying to hide her face. 
“And I want you to watch y/n I want you to watch yourself while I touch you okay? I want you to see all the pretty faces you make” I lean over and whisper in her ear. She nods again. “Words y/n. I’m not going to tell you again.”
“Yes daddy,” she moans. 
“Pull your shorts down.” I watch as she pulls her shorts down as I palm myself through my jeans. No underwear. I lock eyes with her in the mirror. “No underwear y/n? You’re such a slut huh? Look at you clenching around nothing” I tut. “I bet you wanted me to find you like this with your shorts off bent over the sink with your pussy soaked” I laugh. 
“Please” she whines. 
“Please what baby?” I taunt. 
“Please daddy please touch me I need you so bad”
y/n’s POV
I never would have thought I would be begging Chris Sturniolo to touch me but here I am bent over a sink with my pussy on full display for him. I have never experienced anything like this before. Sure Nate and I had sex but never like this and I’m almost scared I won’t be able to take it. Chris gets on his knees and starts kissing up the back of the thighs and I can feel myself dripping down my legs. 
“God look at you Ma, you look so pretty” Chris says and while wiping up my slick and putting his fingers in his mouth letting out a satisfied moan. I clench begging for something, anything at this point. “And look at how you respond to me, you're such a good girl.” Chris spreads my legs and buries his face in my pussy and focuses on my clit. 
“Fuuck Chr…Daddy.” I moan out. He swirls his tongue around my entrance before plunging it fully in making my buck my hips against his face. “S-Sorry Daddy I didn’t mean to move.” I plead. 
“No baby it’s okay I want you to fuck my face like the little slut you are” Chris says while grabbing my ass. I start fucking myself against his tongue and I can feel my legs start to shake. 
“I’m close..I’m so close” I pant and Chris snakes his arm through my legs and starts drawing lazy circles around my clit. “Yes please just like that…nghhh..fuck fuck I am going to cum” I scream out and I see stars while I ride out my orgasm all over Chris’ face. 
Chris’ POV 
Y/n turns her head to face me and giggles. 
“What?” I smirk. 
“You still have all of your clothes on” she laughs. I stand up and she turns to face me and grabs the back of my neck. Our lips smash together and I let out and moan as she bites my lip and runs her hands through my hair. She grabs my sunglasses off of the top of my head and places them on her eyes, breaking the kiss. 
“Against the wall Daddy” she barks at me trying not to laugh. 
“Oh are you giving orders now?” I smirk. I can feel a wet spot sticking to the tip of my cock. 
“Well I am the cop you know? So..against the wall” she stands on her toes and whispers in my ear. I back up against the wall and watch her unbuckle my belt. 
“Shirt off” I whisper while taking her police hat off her head and running my hands through her hair. She surprisingly listens, taking her shirt off. “Bra too” I say. I watch in awe as her tits bounce. “Fuck y/n. You are stunning.” She pulls my boxers down and my cock springs out hitting her face. I hiss at the cool air. 
“You’re so big daddy” she looks up at me through my sunglasses. I just nod and lick my lips. I don’t know how long I am going to last if she keeps looking at me like that. She kitten licks the tip of my cock and I can’t help but buck my hips forward burying my cock in her throat. She hums around my cock making me throw my head back. 
“You’re taking me so well fuck. I want you to get yourself ready for me okay baby? Stretch yourself out for daddy” I instruct her while I watch her finger her pussy. I grab her hair fucking her throat and watch her gag and spit on my cock. She grabs my balls and gives them a firm a squeeze. “Fuck yeah Ma, just like that. You going to swallow all of me y/n?” I moan out. She nods and looks up at me through her wet eyelashes. My hips stutter as I squeeze my eyes shut and cum down her throat. 
y/n’s POV
I make sure to lap any cum with my tongue as Chris winces at the sensitivity. 
“You are fucking unreal y/n” Chris laughs. 
“Oh I know” I wink back at him. 
“Are those handcuffs real?” Chris nods at the handcuffs left on the top of the toilet already getting hard again. 
“Yeah” I smile shyly back at chris. “They’re real” 
“Stand up, turn around and hands behind your back” Chris demands and I do as I’m told. I know he had me stretch myself out but I can’t help being a little nervous considering he is way larger than Nate. Chris walks over, grabs the handcuffs and cuffs my hands behind my back. 
I bend over the sink and glance up at Chris who is just staring at me. 
“What?” I ask nervously looking at his reflection in the mirror. 
“You just look so good I can’t even believe my eyes bro” Chris says dumbfounded. 
“Calling me bro right now is crazy” I say rolling my eyes.
“Right..sorry officer” Chris winks at me and lines up with my entrance and grabbing my hips. He slids into me slowly without breaking eye contact. He is so fucking huge. 
“Jesus y/n your pussy was fucking made for me” Chris moans and bottoms out. I can feel him in my stomach. “You tell me when to move baby…you’re taking me so well, such a good girl for me” he soothes me while rubbing my back. 
“S..slow please move slow.” I whine out. Chris starts moving slowly and I rock my hips back starting fuck myself back on his cock.
“Yeah baby, you're doing so good. You look so pretty fucking yourself on my cock for me. Can I go faster?” Chris breathes out. 
“Please daddy” I moan. Chris wastes no time and starts to pound into my pussy. 
“Deep breaths baby you can take me, fuck you’re so wet” Chris mumbles and lifts my leg up until my knee is on the sink. “Fucking look at you Ma so fucking good for me” he pants. I just nod my head. “Have I fucked you dumb baby? Too tired to talk to your daddy?” Chris laughs.
“Gonna cum” I mumble out, hardly able to talk.
“Go ahead baby cum all over my cock make a mess all over me y/n” Chris grunts. I scream out cumming all over him while babbling. Chris continues to pound into me.
“Dad..dy too sensitive” I whimper.
“I know baby I’m almost there, so good for me” Chris huffs out. “Can I cum in you baby?” he questions.
“Please daddy please come in me” I beg.
“Yeah want me to fuck my baby into you? Want everyone to know you’re mine you dirty slut” Chris’ hips stutter filling me with his hot cum. We both hiss while he pulls out of me. 
“Here let me get those cuffs off of you, do your arms hurt?” he says, looking concerned.
“Just a little but I’m okay though” I smile at him. Chris helps me clean myself up and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I really hope this isn’t it. I’d really like to hang out more, you know? I have a lot to make up to you” Chris says.
“I don’t think this will be the last time Chris but I really have to go find Madi” I laugh. 
“She’s going to kill you” he says while shaking his head.
“I know I have 40 missed calls”
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Wait, how would Cooper feel about thigh high stockings with some of those heels? Possibly a garter belt too? Or even just knowing that his partner has them on underneath whatever they usually wear? My mind goes blank when I see them on a pretty lady (or a man or anyone else really, I'm bisexual) Something about wearing them also makes me feel super hot but also powerful? Is that weird?
Oh, they feel very powerful, Anon. That's definitely not weird. In fact, I'd argue that that's one of the main selling points of them. It's very empowering and confidence-boosting to feel desirable and sexy.
That's why Cooper would absolutely adore seeing you in the entire get-up. He'd also like seeing you be so confident...
I think it would start small, maybe him gifting you your first very nice set of lingerie for your first Valentine's Day together. To you and your current financial situation, nice lingerie is simply defined as "a cute-ish top and bottoms that match and aren't completely ratty".
It's been about a year since he and Barb officially divorced, and about four months since you and Cooper started dating. You're both still quite low-key about it, not wanting to deal with the drama or the guilt of making Barb feel bad, but you're wild about one another. Coop likes being with someone who is more down-to-earth like he is, someone who he could really see raising chickens with him. You enjoy the older man's kindness, his generous nature, all the things he can show and teach you from years of life experience.
You aren't inexperienced, sexually, but the things you've tried aren't exactly adventurous. He catches you reading a steamy novel one evening, though, and suddenly you're getting quite the interrogation about what naughty things you like while he tickles you and kisses at your neck. And trust me, you will be divulging that information; he's a patient man, and if he has to wait until the next time you have an extra glass of wine with dinner to ask again, he will.
One of the things you eventually mention, lips loose after too much New Year's champagne, is how you've always liked the idea of dressing up in sexy lingerie, high heels and all, parading around a tied-up man like a prowling seductress.
So, naturally, you're over the moon when, a week before Valentine's Day, he gives you a gorgeous satiny bra and panty set and some stockings to go with. The sizing is perfect, of course, because he's so wonderful about attention to detail. The garter belt confuses you when you try it on, but eventually you manage to wrestle it all into place, and you're blown away by your reflection in the mirror. Cooper insists you don't show him what it looks like on until the day of, and you keep to that. But after your romantic dinner together that evening, you find yourself almost overly giddy to get out of the nice dress you'd chosen for your date. He's been shooting you heart-stopping glances all night, running his eyes up and down your body like he knows what you're hiding underneath your clothes.
Which, of course, he does.
When you finally get home, he takes great pleasure in slowly peeling you out of the thing, revealing the black satin and silk and the little bow between your breasts. Your feet have much less traction than usual against the hardwood floors in the stockings, but you're sure in your step as his eyes on you give you a huge confidence boost. Leading him to his bedroom, you push him down on the bed and kiss him for a long while before telling him to stay put, disappearing from the room and reappearing with a few lengths of rope in hand, his white cowboy hat on your head.
A few minutes later, his arms are outstretched just enough to keep him from being able to reach his body with his hands, the knots around his arms and the headboard posts nice and secure. He taught you the knots, and you'd really enjoyed learning them, but you still didn't think it had been fair of him to test your knowledge on them while he made you cockwarm him. But that's a score to settle another day.
You enjoy taking your time teasing him, running your tongue and nails along his chest and stomach, noting the way he shivers as you run your fingers along the waistband of his slacks. After he pleads a little, you free him from his open fly and tease him with your lips and tongue until he's pleading again. You smile wickedly at him as you move back.
Balancing on your rear and your palms, you lean back as far as you can while still staying upright between his knees, slowly and intentionally running your silk-clad feet all along the planes of his bare chest, appreciating his physique as you tease all the way up to his collar bones. A giggle leaves you when he cranes his neck to allow himself to nibble at your ankles, but the playful little kick you give him to the forehead sends him staring you down with a heat in his gaze. When he's settled down, you move your feet back down to the trail of hair that leads to his twitching, throbbing erection.
"Dirty tricks, little lady." he growls when you start to gently rub your smooth sole back and forth across his cock. You've managed to sniff out this particular kink of his between all the "secret" little glimpses at you after you take off your heels at the end of the day, the glut of compliments about how pretty your feet are, the regular pedicures he happily pays for. The massages where he can barely conceal his growing erection. You'd thought it a little strange at first, but he didn't judge you for your stranger proclivities, so you tried your best to grant him the same grace.
Plus, it was really quite hot how worked up he got about it, and you certainly didn't mind all the gifted shoes.
Since you've already been working him up and teasing him, he quickly reaches his end. You're both a little shocked by exactly how hard he cums, and how much, jet after hot jet spattering across his chest, his stomach, and your stockings, a low, guttural groan leaving him as you continue to gently pet at him until he pleads with you to stop. You can't help but notice that he seems like he's having a hard time meeting your gaze.
The whole display is incredibly erotic to you, despite what you may have thought about this sort of thing before. You'd never considered how much you could enjoy having a man you actually liked and trusted thinking your feet were very, very sexy, and now the whole thing has you ready to plant yourself down on him and never get off.
"Well, are you gonna untie me so I can return the favor, darlin'?" he asks eventually, face and neck still pink as he finally seems to gather up the courage to look over at you. You grin, slinking forward to lean in and kiss him deeply, running your fingers through the cooling rivulets of semen painting his toned chest.
"Mmm, I dunno, cowboy." you tut, pulling his hat from your head and giving your hair a seductive shake as you place it onto his. "I sorta like you like this. I'm thinking about maybe taking you for a little test ride."
His muscles flex against his restraints as he grins impishly at you. You have him under your control, and you intend to keep him that way for quite a while. Your pretty lingerie will definitely be destroyed by the time you're finished with each other, but no worries; he's got another of the exact same set hidden in the closet, ready to replace it so you can have one to actually keep.
He's just thoughtful like that. 😈
To the innocent anon: I'm sorry I used your submission to write foot job porn. :( Well, I'm kinda sorry.
I do feel at least a little bad, scout's honor.
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silverstonesainz · 6 months
“ taking advantage of the fact that they're walking through a crowded place and holding their hand so that they "don't get lost"
for the frat au with jack :)
just in case, just because
hand holding & first kisses frat!jack x reader 1.2k words warnings: n/a
d rambles. . . again, took way to long n this was kinda lame. but i hope u liked it. thanks for requesting lovely!!
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“i dunno…” you look back over at the house, the never ending flow of people walking in and out. it was packed— filled to the absolute brim with drunk college students and it didn’t quite look like your scene. 
“this can’t be new to you,” your roommate looks over at you in disbelief, already starting to take slow steps to the front of the frat house. 
it wasn’t. you had your fair share of parties, attended the best and the worst of them during your brief stint in college. but there was something different— something more intimidating about the double doors of the house. it was just different. 
but you would never admit that, not even to your roommate who knows you a little better than most. 
a girl manages to squeeze past the people pushing into the house, a sheen of sweat over her skin and her mascara smudged under her eyes. she looked worse for wear, but she wears an almost euphoric smile as she looked back into the house. 
“look at her,” you mumble to your friend, “the house just spit her up like that. it must be hell in there.” 
“oh stop looking for excuses, you’ve come home looking worse.” 
you roll your eyes, half amused. she isn’t exactly wrong. your roommate loops her arm through yours, laughing as she tugs you into the house. she’s a force, thank god, pushing through sturdy fraternity men and drunk girls, leading the two of you all the way to the bar. the air is thick, humid, you can already feel the sweat begin to form on your back. 
one poorly mixed drink and another push to the dance floor later, you were thoroughly soaked. you couldn’t enjoy the music, couldn’t enjoy the alcohol, couldn’t enjoy a damn thing. you leaned into your roommate, let her know you’d be back and that you needed a bit of air. she didn’t hear, and you took her lack of a response as an okay to go. 
you push past the heavy crowd, mumbling unheard sorries and ignored excuse-me’s. it felt like miles before you hit the clearing, before a rush of semi-cool air hits you in the face and puts your fiery skin at ease. you huff a breath of a relief, fanning yourself with your hand as you move deeper in the house. 
the kitchen is still full, but not nearly as bad as the dance floor. you make it back to the bar, smiling over at yuki as you yell for another drink over the music. 
and then you see him, snapback sitting backward on top of his head, laughing at his fraternity brother’s probable misfortune. his cheeks are rosy, an effect of the alcohol. he’s tipsy, happy, and completely unaware of the way you gawk at him. 
but he does turn his head eventually, catches you staring and makes you blush. he excuses himself from the conversation, squeezes past party-goers to get all the way over to you. and that’s when the air shifts— thick and filled with nerves. he’s what makes the difference. 
“hey sugar,” jack grins, slinging his arm over you. 
“hi jack.” 
he leans down, presses a wet kiss against your cheek, laughs when he sees the grimace on your face. you grumble complaints, none of which he can hear as he looks around the room. jack pulls you into his side, body heat radiating off him like it always done. and what is usually something comforting is now annoying. you feel yourself begin to overheat, irritation rising with your discomfort. you pull away from him, shrug off his hold as you take a step back. he pouts down at you, but the expression falls as soon as it comes. 
“what’s wrong?” 
“it’s so hot in here,” you yell, fanning yourself with your hand. 
the boy adjusts his hat on his head, revealing the beads of sweat that line where the brim of his hat lay. he looks around the room, “wanna go take a walk? cool off a bit?”
you nod. just about anything sounds better than being in that house at that point. anything. 
“lead the way.” jack holds his palm out, gestures you to step ahead of him. you don’t question why he doesn’t lead the way instead, considering his taller built. you allow your irritation lead the two of you through the heavy crowd, but it only takes you so far. even with jack’s hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you through, it only takes you so far. 
a couple blocks your way. and to the left another pairing and to the right very drunk sorority women who lack the concept of personal space. you were stuck, trapped in the center of the humid mosh pit of the frat house. you turn your head, pouting up at jack like a silent plea. 
you see the way he smiles knowingly, reads your expression with no trouble. he slides ahead of you, fingers intertwining with yours without a thought. you can feel you heart speed up, breath hitched in your throat. suddenly the hot air didn’t bother you as much, the sweat sliding down your back wasn’t as uncomfortable, and the lack of personal space as jack leads you through the crowd really wasn’t all that bad. 
jack squeezes past people with ease, pulls you along with him. with jack in the lead, it isn’t long until he’s yanked you out the door and into the cold air. you sigh in relief, head thrown back as you accept the cold fall air to kiss your skin. you hear jack chuckle, and you look up to catch his boyish smile as he watches your repose. his fingers are still interlocked with yours, curved so that you don’t slip away from him so easily. he lets you walk as far as both your hands would allow, before he’s pulling you back to him. you bump into his chest, hair over your face from the wind. he smiles, uses his friend to push the stray hairs to get a clearer view of you. 
“you look happy.” he comments. 
“i am,” you mumble, squeezing his hand. “you’re holding my hand.” 
he chuckles, squeezing your hand back, “i am. didn’t wanna lose you.” 
“and what’s your excuse now?” you tease, standing on your tip toes so that your noses brush. 
“just in case,” he mumbles, leaning forward ever so slightly. 
your heart speeds up as you catch his gaze fall from your eyes to your lips for split second. you catch a glimpse of his smile, feel it ghost over you lips before he presses into you. his lips are warm, taste like cherry and vodka. soft, sensual, jack kisses you like he has all the time of in the world. his kiss dims the world around you, renders the cold ineffective as his touch heats your skin. 
but he pulls away before you get too hot, panting softly as his eyes search yours for a bit of emotion. maybe regret, or discomfort— anything that might tell him that he just made a big mistake. but instead he sees your shy smile, you flushed cheeks as he leans in to press one more peck against your lips.  
“and what was that for?” you ask, nose still brushing against his. 
jack smiles, shrugs. “just because.” 
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odetodilfs · 1 year
Ride me, cowboy
Just some sub bottom whisky cause dominating dominant men is hot.
Pairing: top m!reader x bottom Agent whisky Content: Pet names, teasing, slight role-play and breeding Also people wanted to be tagged: @sangyeonara @littlelizardbish
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Just another afternoon with your boyfriend Jack, when he wasn’t busy he would always be at home, normally bring you a little gift every time he came back, this time he brought you cookies, the ones he knew you loved, and now here he was, in your arms, as you played with his hair and kissed him, “Mmm- right there-” he said, as you stroked a spot he liked on his head, but when he said that, your mind thought about something else… 
Jack had a lot of ass, and ever since the start of your relationship he was always the one on top in the bedroom, but lately you got these thoughts about fucking him, having him be the one screaming in pleasure or to go harder. You tried to distract yourself from these thoughts by looking at Jack’s face, with his mustache and how happy he looked, eyes closed, wide smile across his face as he laid his head on your hand as you caressed his hair, basking in the feeling like a dog.
“You know you can stroke something else right?” he winked as he said that, “Oh- Jack- if you want to?” you almost let it out…
“Hmm, you want something else don’t you?” he said, with that smirk that managed to get anything out of you, “Yes…” you said, your cheeks growing red as you admitted, “What is it, sugar?” he said, 
“I… I wanna fuck you, like fuck your ass” you said, amazed at the words coming out of your mouth, he laid there, still in your arms, smirking but thoughtful, 
“I don’t see why I couldn’t..” he said “Really?” you interrupted him, you were so excited, “Yeah,” he laughed at your inability to contain your excitement, “I mean, I ride horses normally, but I’d love it if it was your cock too” he said, a horny grin appearing across his face, as his position went to between your legs, taking off your pants and admiring your cock as it stood, “Fuck, sugar, you’re so hard for me…” he said, he knew how much you loved it when he called you “sugar”.
“Suck it,” you said, you didn’t know why, but the way he was with your cock close to his mouth, in such a submissive position, and the fact that he had such high ego, that “everyone is in love with me” attitude and being so dominant that dominating and being superior to the man made you feel so turned on. He finally put his lips to your dick and holy fuck did it feel good… he was an absolute expert at sucking, his tongue swirling expertly on your tip, then taking you down his throat, his throat and mouth were so warm and on top of that, he kept jerking your cock.
After 5 minutes of him slobbering all over your cock, with a stream of a mix of your precum and his spit down his chin, it was clear you both wanted to get onto the actual action, but Jack was dead set on pleasing you, so he wouldn’t stop unless you told him to, “J-Jack- I wanna- fuck you now-” you managed to moan as his tongue once again made you shiver as he licked your tip and slid his mouth off of your cock, “You want to baby?” he asked, checking to make sure, “yeah” you smiled, he reached for the lube and the nightstand and smeared it on your cock, standing proudly, ready to be inside him, “Wait” you held him as he was about to get on your cock, “wear your hat, how are you gonna be a cowboy and not wear your hat?” you teased, grabbing his hat and handing it to him, he put it on, “Like this?” he asked, “Hell yeah” you smirked.
“It’s the first time I’ve bottomed in my life” he confessed, eyes darting away from you to save the embarrassment, “hey, it’s okay, I’ll be gentle” you reassured him, “Can I ride you?” he asked, “Yeah, get on here, cowboy” both of you laughing as you said this, he started putting your cock inside him, you could tell it was his first time bottoming because goddamn was he tight, his walls coated your cock, fitting you like a glove, “Oh fuck- oh fuck-” he whimpered as he slid your dick deeper inside him
“Shhh- shh baby, you’re taking me so well, so well” you praised him, until finally, your whole cock was inside him, “Ride it cowboy” you ordered him, as you watched him jump up and down on your cock, the confident, dominant man you knew had disappeared, he had turned into a moaning, sweaty mess barely able to mutter a coherent sentence, “baby- please- please” he begged without knowing what he wanted. As he rode you and chased his orgasm his hat slowly started slipping off, as he kept trying to tell you to put it back on but the pleasure he felt was so intense he couldn’t even speak.
“How are you, baby? Like riding that dick?” you asked teasingly, 
“Y-yes I- am!! “ he moaned loudly as your cock hit his prostate over and over again, you lifted your back from the bed and wrapped your arms around him as he rode you, you licked at his chest, tasting the salty sweat that was due to your cock in his ass, he kept riding you, he couldn’t get enough and the way he was furiously humping your cock chasing his orgasm just looked so hot, by now, his hat was on the floor, “Oh fuck- it feels so good-” he whimpered, goddamn this man was gonna make you cum hard, you wanted to claim him, make him yours, and yours only.
“Fuck, keep riding that dick baby, be a good little whore for me and ride that dick” you whispered seductively in his ear, that was enough for him, and he whimpered as he came between your bodies, his walls fluterring around your dick and tightening more than ever as his dick  squirted cum like no tomorrow, the pleasure so intense tears were rolling down his face, this sight pushed you off the edge, followed by a loud moan from you as you unleashed your load inside Jack, coating his walls in you, making him belong to you. You could see your cum leaking from his ass and the way his asshole gaped trying to close from the assault you had just given to it.
“Fuck… that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had” he said, panting and still recovering from the intensity, “Was it good baby” you asked, obviously knowing it was, “It wasn’t” he said, you looked at him puzzled, “It was amazing,sugar” he said as he kissed you and brought you into his arms, “No- darling I wanna hold you” you whined, “Sure, hold me then” he said as he positioned himself in your arms, starting to doze off, “You wrecked my hole by the way” he said, chuckling,
“Yeah, I saw, we’ll take care of that tomorrow, okay?” you looked down at him, “Whatever you wish, sugar” he said as you both dozed off, absolutely spent.
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Could you write fluff for Kishibe where the reader forces him to bake with her? (AFAB reader if possible, please)!
Baking With Kishibe
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A/n: since Christmas is approaching, I thought I should make it a little more Christmasy so there you go, hopefully you will like this. Also, I never thought there would be people actually requesting Kishibe when I started writing for him which makes me extremely happy
Pairing: Kishibe x afab!reader
Warnings: absolutely none
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It had taken a lot of convincing for Kishibe to actually put some of his worries aside and indulge in the Christmas spirit. He had helped you with the tree you had set in the living room of your apartment, placing some balls here and there and lifting you up to place the star on top in the end.
But this was as far as he was willing to go. It wasn't that he didn't like Christmas. It was that he had forgotten how to celebrate it after all those years in his line of work.
"Please, I am begging you." You poked his scarred cheek which was a bad decision since there was a 99,9% chance that he would refuse once again.
"It's just cookies Kishibe." You sighed, falling back on the bed. He reached his hand to cover you with the warm blanket. It was unusual that he had a day off but it was heavily snowing so there wasn't much he could do. "Though I would appreciate your help in the gingerbread house."
"Absolutely not."
Long story short, he had no idea how he had ended up in your kitchen, wearing a red apron over his grey sweatpants and white shirt. Actually he had a vague idea; he would do anything for you. Anything to keep you happy and make you forget about the sorrow and pain of the devil-filled world the two of you lived in. If that meant that he had to bake cookies while wearing a Santa Claus hat then so be it.
He was lucky and glad that Power, Denji and Aki weren't there to see him.
"Now you're supposed to crack the eggs." His blank eyes travelled to you, raising his brows slightly at how good your ass looked when you were bent over the counter, reading the recipe. But eh quickly looked away and focused on the bowl in front of him.
"Am I?" He said, almost indifferently but he was secretly enjoying it. He hadn't felt so safe and happy in a place in a long time. "Let's make a deal, I'll crack the eggs if you let me remove that stupid hat."
"I'll do the eggs then." You moved in front of him, completely ignoring his protests.
Yet Kishibe didn't let you. Letting out a sigh which stemmed from the fact that he was standing for so long and not from his frustration like he wanted it to be, he picked up an egg and cracked it in the bowl.
"There you go." You reached up to pat his head. "See? This is so fun! Don't you love baking?"
Oh he knew you were doing it on purpose. He knew you were secretly taking pictures of him in this ridiculous outfit but he didn't care. If it meant that it would put a smile on your lovely face then he would gladly dress as an elf and dance around the fireplace for you.
But he did. He did because he was in your apartment, with you, safe and away from his daily life as a devil hunter. He wasn't Kishibe from Special Division 1. He was just Kishibe. A grumpy aspiring baker who would most probably have to clean the kitchen up since you always fell asleep after eating. Your Kishibe.
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kaigarax · 2 months
Wishes and Hopes
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Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love without words."
My Dearest,
I could never tell stories as masterfully as you. You, with your beautiful white ivory keys and elegantly composed melodies. But sometimes, I like to think of myself as an artist. With words as my notes, stringing together the songs in my heart.
Yours Truly
When Vinsmoke Sanji first sees you he’s nothing but a boy pushed to the back of the kitchen watching through the small circular window on the door.
Chef Zeff always did get annoyed when Sanji didn’t pay the utmost attention to his cooking (which truthfully didn’t happen that often) but one could really only expect so much when it came to the attention span of a young boy. Children, much like the kind that Sanji had been at the time, were rather curious things especially when it came to things that they were told to ignore.
A restaurant on the seas is most certainly going to garner attention. The attention of the locals wanting to see the boat that has docked upon their shores; the attention of pirates in search for a meal upon the mischievous ocean; and the attention of marines curious about the newest big thing.
There was no shortage of different characters that decided to enter the restaurant.
Chef Zeff, being a former pirate, wasn’t the most keen on serving marines but even his own discomfort wasn’t enough to override his code or morale. Anyone hungry on his doorstep would be fed.
While marines did come by it wasn’t often that anyone of note actually came around. So of course a young Sanji’s curiosity would push him to the door separating the kitchen staff from the customers when someone of note did come around.
It was… a vice-admiral or something? Or at least that was what one of the serves had uttered out while running into the kitchen to inform Chef Zeff. And of course, Sanji hadn’t meant to ease drop but it was only common knowledge that one needed to have an attentive ear if they hoped to work in an active kitchen; and a kitchen upon the sea was no different.
He doesn’t notice you at first, though that might have to do with the fact that you’re trailing after two very tall and lanky fellows. The buffer of the two men wears a tacky white cape on his back with a dog shaped hat on his head. He seems awfully jovial, laughing loudly about something to the waiter as he takes his seat. The other man is dressed in a similar outfit only a little slimmer and with that same tacky white cape on his back. He’s much more modest as he follows the buffer fellow with a serious expression, seeming almost hesitant as he looks around.
It isn’t until both men have sat down does Sanji notice you.
And the first thing he notices happens to be how pretty you really are. With brilliantly bright eyes and a warm smile that you give to the waiter as he pushes your chair in for you.
His heart, for the first time, flutters.
You sit with your hands politely in your lap as you read over the restaurant menu. You’re awfully quiet with a calm expression on your face as you take a seat. You only speak when spoken to and your voice comes out as soft melodic notes.
You order the soup -which he made- and the fried rice.
This is, of course, not the only time his heart will flutter in such a way but it is the first and that has to count for something, right?
The second time Sanji sees you he doesn’t recognize you.
He’d gone out on a grocery run with Chef Zeff. Something about a special order for a specific ingredient that they didn’t have on hand which resulted in Sanji getting dragged out of the kitchen and into a small boat as the two of them sailed off towards whatever the heck the nearest Island happened to be.
It’s been maybe… five years since he’s last seen you? He’s not really sure. Keeping track of time has never been on the top of Sanji’s priorities. Not while he’s been busy learning the ways of the kitchen.
Both you and him have grown a lot in those five years. He’s no longer that boy pushed into the back of the kitchen. Sure, he’s still pretty gangly and lanky (stuck in that awkward phase between being a child and an adult) but he likes to think that he’s grown into his features pretty well. Or, at the very least, has learned to style himself much better than he had before. And yes, he’s still getting dragged around but he won’t always be!
You, on the other hand, seemed to have quickly graduated from the side of the two men that you had been following around earlier. You walk around the marketplace alone, with your hands behind your back like you’re an old woman, with a curious look. You’re also, Sanji notices, a lot prettier. He thinks that you look good with your hair pushed back and your lips tilted upwards in a warm smile as you listen to one of the shopkeepers attempt to sell you the product.
Sanji bets you’d be good at dancing. From the way you easily maneuver yourself through the bustling crowd to the way you easily jump up to grab something from the top shelf for a young boy. Your movements are smooth and fluid.
Honestly, it reminds Sanji a little of Chef Zeff though he isn’t all too sure why. Maybe it has something to do with the preciseness of your movements? That there’s no wasted movements or pointless actions. Be quickly brushes the idea off as there’s nothing about it that is of any particular interest to him.
While Chef Zeff is seemingly occupied with trying to negotiate the price of the ingredient, Sanji thinks that now is a better time than ever to make his move. His first instinct is to make his way over to you and lay on the charm but is stopped as Zeff quickly grabs onto the back of his shirt before smacking him on the back of the head lightly. Sanji pouts in response but knows better than to make a scene. He’d actually gotten off rather easily considering that he’d usually get a kick to the head with Chef Zeff’s wooden leg seemingly only spared because of the presence of other people.
Besides, there will be plenty of other beautiful girls that he’ll see in his life.
It isn’t until years later that he realises that you were that same young girl from years ago.
The third time Sanji sees you he’s determined to speak to you.
He doesn’t.
Though, not for lack of trying.
It’s a usual grocery run that Sanji’s gone on when he notices you from a distance. A few of the sue-chefs had been selected to go into town and Sanji had tagged along because of a few things (clothes mostly) that he wanted to pick up and didn’t trust anyone else with getting for him. It was mostly because he didn’t want to inconvenience his fellow chefs with such mundane tasks but that was something that he’d never admit to them unless at gunpoint. And even then it was still up for debate.
He thinks about calling out to you but thinks that that would probably make you run away from him instead of go towards him. For one, he’s a stranger to you and secondly, you’re walking around the streets late at night by yourself. Any woman is bound to run when a strange man approaches you.
You’re carrying a bundle of grocery bags in your hand as you head where Sanji assumes to be your home.
His second thought is to approach you and ask if you need help bringing your groceries home. But then again that would probably come off as creepy. Once again, because the two of you are strangers it isn’t likely that you’ll take the news very well.
Worse case scenario, you run away screaming and calling him a creep.
Best case scenario, you politely turn him down and never speak to him again.
He’s pretty sure he ends up as a creep regardless of the scenario so decides that it’s probably best to avoid that route all together.
The third option is to make a scenario where you bump into him. Maybe he would knock something down and then save you before it can hit you over the head. Or maybe he could arrange the terrain so that you trip and then he can catch you in his arms before you fall over making him look like a charming prince.
That feels wrong too.
And it’s definitely morally wrong on almost every front. Not just does it involve deception but it would also take advantage of you after he put you into a certain kind of situation. Besides, he can already hear Chef Zeff scolding him for coming up with such a stupid idea in the first place.
Sanji isn’t a slimy kind of guy and in fact prides himself as someone who protects women from those kinds of men. Not go and become one of those men himself, despite the fact that you happen to be the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
So, ultimately, Sanji ends up not talking to you. The right situation just didn’t seem to appear. No amount of hoping and praying will just suddenly make a situation appear where Sanji doesn’t come off as a creepy weirdo so he ends up just watching. Okay, even watching feels creepy now - which is how Sanji ends up making his way back to the other chefs, sullen and downtrodden, without the items he left to buy, and without having spoken a single word to you.
The fourth time Sanji sees you is when he realises that he’s absolutely smitten. Head over heels in love with the girl that’s haunted his dreams for years. By then you’re a fully grown woman and he’s a dashing young man. Or at least he considers himself a dashing young man. The views of his crewmates (which absolutely don’t bother him at all) would most certainly beg to differ.
You’re so much prettier than you had been back when the two of you were still gangly teens and certainly much prettier than you had been when the two of you were kids just beginning to find your places in this world.
You’re dressed in a pretty outfit, loose fitting and breezy. Not something usually seen on women that traverse the seven seas. Sanji thinks that the contrast makes you stand out amongst all the other beautiful women he’s seen.
There’s a camera around your neck and a book strapped to your side as you follow Sanji’s hyperactive captain around. He practically drags you along by the wrist and Sanji uncharacteristically finds himself unable to approach and speak to you. The words get caught in his throat before he can even think to find them.
To Sanji’s surprise, you keep up with his hyperactive captain well. There’s a calm look on your face and an elegance to your movements that he recognizes from before. You don’t even seem to stumble over your own feet as you make your way through the streets of the city.
From Sanji’s own experience, he knows that his captain isn’t the most gentle person. Especially when it comes to the safety and health of others. His heart’s in the right place just… not always his mind.
When your eyes meet with Sanji’s he thinks that his heart stops beating momentarily.
You smile so prettily and softly that Sanji literally falls on his feet as the words get caught in his throat.
That’s the kind of smile that Sanji’s been dreaming about for years.
The kind that he can imagine waking up to every morning.
Sanji thinks that if that’s the last thing he ever sees he’ll die happy. That’s just the kind of smile you have. How pretty you seem to him.
His heart flutters in his chest dramatically.
And… oh.
Fall in love without words.
Him: A better question is how long will you love me.
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plussizeficchick · 1 year
Want to Play?|Izuku x Chubby! Reader feat. Bakugo
*gasp* a Halloween fic on Christmas Day?
And what about it?😉
Merry Christmas ya filthy’s😘thank you guys so much for another great year. Hears to another year of nasty smuts and being sluts🥂🎄part 2
(Warnings: major character deaths, gory-ish details, smut(fingering(fem receiving)dubcon?)
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You hated this fucking town.
Granted, you haven’t lived here for long, but just the mere thought of staying in the miserable place was enough to actually drive you insane.
It didn’t always used to be like this.
Quite the opposite, this used to be your solitude when you were younger, but then, as you blossomed into young adulthood, your parents decided that they’d had enough of your “rebellious attitude” and that maybe spending some time with your grandparents in this god forsaken place would “straighten you out”.
They were just mad that you weren’t married and pregnant at 22 like they were.
The one good thing that came out of moving here was reconnecting with your childhood friend Izuku. You remember him being a shy thing, hiding behind you whenever you defended him against some losers that would try to bully you both. You remember the adorable freckles that adorned his face, almost forming constellations that you’d spend hours trying to connect. Forest green hair and eyes intrigued you from first glance.
He had matured. Quite nicely, in fact.
No longer was he a shy, fragile boy ready to cry at the drop of a hat. Instead, you were met with a fucking beast of a man. Bulked up with muscle, his arms were huge and his thighs matched in thickness as he towered over your plush form.
He looked absolutely delicious if you were being quite honest with yourself.
And that seemed to transfer to the people that he hung out with because he introduced you to some of the most attractive people you think you’ve ever seen.
Okay, maybe you will enjoy your time here.
— —
Izuku invited you to a little Halloween get together with his friends. While you know they’re trying to be as welcoming as they can, you can’t help but feel like an outsider, being the only quirkless civilian out of the bunch. Izuku and Katsuki try to make you feel better about it, but when you think about the thin, athletic women that they’re surrounded with all day, it dampens your mood a little.
But you were determined to have fun at this kickback, ready to drink and dance to your heart’s content.
At least, that was the plan.
You decided to go dressed as Sailor Moon, adding a few accessories to customize it to your style before waiting for Izuku to pick you up. You didn’t tell anyone what your costume would be, knowing it was a bit out of your comfort zone, but you wanted to surprise everyone. Starting with him.
“Hey, “Zuku.” You coo, waving at him through the window. You wait for him to exit the car to open your door for you, something he insisted on doing ever since reconnecting with you.
His eyes give your outfit a once over, trailing particularly slowly over your thick thighs and exposed cleavage. He was clad in black jeans and a black muscle tee, his bulging arms busting at the seams. You swallow thickly, your eyes catching his. “Where’s your costume, Izu?” You question, your eyes furrowing as you glance at his outfit once again. “‘M wearing it.” He says, motioning to the Sniper Mask cosplay he fastened on the top of his head. You pout, your glossy lips puckered in the cutest way. “Izuuu,” you whine, “just a mask is not a costume. I would’ve even settled for you dressing up as yourself as a pro hero.” Izuku chuckles, opening your door for you. “Don’t worry, doll. When the night’s over, you’ll change your mind.” You initially wondered what he meant, but shrugged it off.
Maybe other people will just be wearing masks?
— —
You both arrive at the party fashionably late, you never did like getting there too early, and by the time you greet your friends the event is in full swing, people dancing, drinking, making out. Now it’s a fucking party.
You immediately go to take 2 shots of vodka, chasing it with whatever god awful concoction that was put together in the punch bowl. “Easy there, Chubs. Ya jus’ got here.” You turn around to face the familiar voice, seeing none other than Katsuki standing with a smirk on his face. “And just what are you supposed to be?” You sass. From where you stood, he was dressed in black jeans, a black tee and his infamous combat boots. The only noticeable difference is the Cuban link chain dangling around his neck. “Homicidal maniac. They look like everyone else.” “Haha, very funny.” You deadpan, turning to look around the room. Katsuki grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger, angling your head to look at him. “You’re looking very good though. I mean garters? You’re itchin’ for a rough night, doll.” He walks away before you get the opportunity to say anything so you take the chance to hightail it to the bathroom. The way him and Izuku are able to reduce you to a pile of mush should be a crime.
On your way to the bathroom, you notice droplets of what looks to be red paint on the floor. “Huh, they really went all out. That almost looks real.” You shrug as you enter and honestly, nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight.
It was a blonde guy, Monoma, you think his name was, laying there with his throat cut wide open. You weren’t close by any means and quite frankly, you’re kind of shocked to see him at this party. Katsuki is always raving about how the guy is bad news, yet here he is, laying dead in the tub of you don’t know who’s house.
You let out a blood curdling scream, the sheer horror of someone murdered before your very eyes shaking you to the core.
Izuku finds you first, his voice sounding distant as he tries to shield you away from the sight. “It’s gonna be okay (Y/NN). Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
Will it?
— —
For the most part, only Izuku, Katsuki and their friends were the only ones who’d heard you and you were currently in a guest room trying to figure out what to do. “Okay, so we’ve got a dead body and basically a rogue serial killer on the loose who's probably here looking for their next victim, sound about right?” Kirishima asks, looking around. After a brief nod from everyone, he busts out into hysterics, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO?! I can’t go to jail, Kat. I-I’m not fit for jail. I mean I am fit, but that’s not the-“ “SHITTY HAIR, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! Fucking idiot. Nobody’s going to jail.” Katsuki grumbles angrily. “But, what are we going to do-“ “GIVE ME A FUCKING SEC TO THINK!” He practically shouts at you. “Hey, there’s no reason for you to yell at her. She’s scared.” Izuku defends. “Yeah, well we’re all fucking scared, Shitty Deku. She can pipe down for a minute.” You place a reassuring hand on Izuku’s bicep as you feel him ready to start up again. He looks at you before giving you a brief smile, taking your hand in his.
“Alright,” Katsuki finally says after a few minutes of silence. “We’re gonna have to hide the body. Us boys will take care of the moving, you girls take care of the clean-up and kicking everybody the fuck out of this house. That not only slims down the chances of having another murder on our hands, but also the possibility of having a fucking killer in our house. Sound good?” He checks in, looking around for any signs of hesitation. When he’s satisfied he claps his hands together, “All right, let’s move.”
— —
You decided to take to ushering people out of the house, while a lot of people were upset at having their fun cut short, you were more delighted at the fact that the possible murderer was being escorted out. Once you were certain that everyone besides your group had left, you closed the door behind you, leaning against it. “Feeling better?” You yelp at the sound directly in your ear. You turn to see Denki, one of the more eccentric people in the group. You aren’t particularly close to him, but you’d like to think you have a good relationship with him. “Oh, uh, kinda. Still a bit shaken up, I guess.” He hums, almost as if he’s considering your words. “I guess anyone would be. It’s not everyday something like this happens.” He says, closing in on the distance you’d put between you two, eyes trailing over your plump frame. “We should probably head back to meet with everyone.” You suggest, turning away and hurrying in the direction of what is now, the conference room.
You enter and see Katsuki, along with Kirishima and Mina, and as you turn, you see Izuku and Shoto entering after you. “Where’s Dunce face?” Bakugo asks, scowl present on his face. “He was just with me. I don’t know where he could’ve wandered off to.” You practically whimper, already scared of the possibilities. “Relax, Chubs. I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll go look for him, how’s that sound?” He suggests. “I’ll go with you.” Izuku pipes up. “That way it’ll be safer.” You nod, not wanting anything to happen to your closest friends. As they leave, you sit quietly as Kirishima, Mina and Shoto all try to make sense of what’s happening.
It isn’t even an hour later before the lights in the room you’re in start to flicker before going out completely. You all immediately pull out your phones for your flashlight. “Um, guys. Something’s wrong.” Mina says after a few beats of silence. Kirishima is about to reassure her before he’s cut off by a gut wrenching scream. He takes to holding her against his chest, hoping to shield her away from the horrors that await on the other side of the door. The screaming stops for a while before starting back up once again, this time more chilling than the last. The screams come to a stop once again when all of a sudden, your phone starts flashing.
*Incoming FaceTime Call*
You glance around, wondering if you should answer when you decided, fuck it, and answer the call.
You’re all met with a figure in a mask, his voice distorted as he speaks, “Let’s play a game shall we?” The figure doesn’t wait for a response before continuing, “If you guys can somehow find your friend in the next ten minutes, I won’t kill explosion boy. Tick tock.” They say before disconnecting the call. You all don’t get the chance to discuss the call before the door to the room you’re in bursts open.
There stands Izuku, his attire disheveled and his face rather shaken up. “Izu,” You run up to him, giving him a onceover. “What happened? Are you okay?” “Ka-Kaachan.” He barely gets out. “What, honey? What happened with Kat?” You ask, hands rubbing soothing circles onto his back. “That’s just it, (Y/NN). I- I don’t know what happened. One second we were together, the next we weren’t. As soon as I realized I lost sight of him I came back here. I thought he would’ve had the same idea.” He sighs out. He felt like a failure. Not one, but two of his friends had gone missing within the span of an hour and he had the nerve to call himself a pro hero? “Then we’ll all go look.” You say, determination set in your voice. “They would do the same for us, we’ve got to look out for them.” You say, grabbing his hand. You look at everyone else the best you can and just barely make out their nods. “Let’s get going.”
— —
You all walk together, flashlights in hand down the corridor of the house. “I think the screams came from the front of the house.” You hear Kirishima say. “Okay, we’ll check out there first.” Izuku says, leading you all towards the front of the house.
It takes you a while, but you finally arrive and nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight in front of you.
Almost like a sensor, the lights cut on, and you’re met with Kaminari beaten bloody and strung up against the wall and his throat slit.
But that wasn’t all.
There laid Katsuki, your Katsuki, with what looked to be six knives in his back and a pool of blood surrounding him. You turned away to keep yourself from throwing up. “Oh-oh my God. Oh my God. What the fuck?!” You practically shriek. You’re shaking, you’ve never been in a situation like this before. “What the fuck is going on, man?” Kirishima grunts. “Let’s go back to the room.” Izuku suggests. “What, why? What if the killer is still in here?” Mina asks. “What if they’re right outside waiting to kill us?” He counters. Everyone looks at each other before nodding, heading back to the conference room.
Once you all arrive, Mina’s on you. “I don’t care what anyone else says, I’m onto you, quirkless.” She practically spits, finger pointing harshly into your chest. You look at her stunned and everyone else is taken aback by her sudden outburst. “These murders didn’t start happening ‘til you showed up. And you just so happen to be the only quirkless person here? Seems a bit fishy to me, no?” She questions, looking around for confirmation. You notice Kirishima considering her words and you feel yourself begin to panic. “Mina, what the fuck? I thought we were friends?! How the fuck would I be able to kill a bunch of pro heroes in training? You said it yourself, I’m quirkless!” You exclaimed. How was this suddenly being put on you? “I don’t know (Y/N). It kinda adds up. You were the last person seen with Kami and you “found” Monoma’s body. Plus, you just so happened to be the one the killer calls? It’s just too many coincidences.” Kirishima sighs. You feel your heart breaking as you feel your friends turn on you. “You guys have literally no concrete proof that it was me.” “(Y/NN)-“ “No Izuku, they’re trying to blame me for something I didn’t do.” “I know, but if you’d just-“ “No! Fuck that, Izuku, I’m not the killer!” You cry. The tears blur your vision, so you fail to notice the smirk making its way to Izuku’s face. “I know.” He says as he pulls out a gun and shoots both Mina and Kirishima in the head. They both immediately drop dead to the floor, and you’re too stunned by the sight to say anything.
Izuku sighs, wiping the barrel of his gun. “Such a shame, I was gonna let them go, but then they had to go and rile you up. Are you okay, love? She didn’t hurt you, did she?” Izuku asks, giving your body a once over. “What? What’s going on?” You finally manage to take your eyes away from Mina and Kirishima to look Izuku in the eyes, alarmed. “You’re mine, silly. Had to get some competition out the way though.” He sighs. You’re taken aback by his proclamation. This whole time, Izuku had feelings for you? He liked you back, enough to feel like he had to kill for you? “You- you did this, for me?” Izuku nods emphatically, nuzzling his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. “Did it for us, baby. Can’t have people thinking they can have you.” He says, moving to pepper kisses along your neck. Unconsciously, you move your head to the side, granting him better access. While doing this, you’d completely forgotten Izuku’s other friend, Shoto, who’d not only been privy to Izuku’s love confession, but also to his friend’s admitted murder spree. “Uh, Izu? What about-“ “Todoroki? We don’t have to worry about him. Wherever I go, he’s sure to follow.” Izuku smiles. He turns to him, addressing him for the first time all night. “Actually, Todoroki, can you do me a favor? Stand outside for me?” You’re a bit confused why he’d want him to stand guard outside, but you don’t have time to ponder that when you feel Izuku’s lips on yours, his warm tongue gliding inside your mouth.
You know you shouldn’t want this. He’s a fucking serial killer! But, he admitted he did it for you, so the sentiment is there, right? It may not be the most conventional, but at least he put some thought and consideration into it. Right?
That was enough for you to kiss back, moaning into his mouth as you wrap your thick arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist, grabbing handfuls of the fat settled there. God he loved your stomach. Not in a fetishizing way, whether you had it or not he’d love you either way, he just liked to have his hands on it. “Fuck, you’re so pretty. Want you so bad. For so long.” He murmurs against your lips. You whine as he snakes your panties down your legs. “Gotta be quick, not gonna like that I didn’t share you.” He mutters to himself. You’re about to ask him what he means when you feel one of his fingers running through your folds. You take a deep breath just as he works a finger inside your hole. “Fuck, this wet from a little kissing? You’re a little slut, aren’t you?” He mocks you, sucking hickies into your neck. You whine as he slowly works his finger in and out, stretching you far better than your own fingers ever could. Just as you're about to cum though, it’s suddenly ripped away from you.
You cry at your ruined orgasm and Izuku hushes your cries with sweet kisses to your forehead as he guides you to a table in the middle of the room. “Shh, baby. I’ve got something better for you.” He soothes, as he pulls his cock out of his jeans. It’s gorgeous if you were being honest. Pre beading at the tip, veins running along the sides. You wanted it in your mouth.
Almost as if he could read your mind, Izuku answers, “Next time, love. Gotta be in you now.” You nod as he bends you over and lines up his cock with your entrance before pushing into the hilt. You gasp at the intrusion, his thick cock filling you in ways you haven’t been before. He sets a steady pace, not too fast or slow, just enough to keep you wanting more. “Izu,” you whine, your words slurring together from the pleasure. “Feels s’good.” He nods in agreement, the pleasure almost too much for him to even speak. “Fuck,” Izuku grunts, picking up his pace, thrusting harder. “So fucking good. Pussy’s soo fucking good, baby.” He moans in your ear. You both meet in a sloppy kiss, tongue and teeth mashing together as you fuck mindlessly against the table.
Izuku breaks away from the kiss to bring one of his hands to his mouth, before pressing his wet thumb against your clit, rubbing harsh circles into the bundle of nerves. “Cum for me. Right. Fucking. Now. Cum.” He practically demands, sucking hickies into your neck as his free hand grabbed handfuls of your tits, and how can you refuse? You practically squirt all over his cock as you ride the waves of your orgasm.
The tightness of your cunt triggers Izuku’s orgasm and you feel him flood your womb with his seed. You both sigh as the endorphins slowly start to wash away as you come down from your highs.
You both don’t get to enjoy yourselves for too long, the door to the room you’re in bursting open for a second time. “What the hell, Shitty nerd? I told ya we were sharing.”
— —
Taglist: @xogabbiexo @pervysenpaix @dabilovesme @sintiva @blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @luna-indigoduh @bookwormsenpai @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpx @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillz @haikyutiehoe @musicisme333 @anotherfuckedupdayinthelifeofme @celi-xxmoon
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myesmi · 1 year
Hi! I heard you wanted some requests? So, I was wondering if you could do something where both the reader and Billy (you can make this poly or not, totally up to you!) take care of a very sick Stu Macher? They had all previously been messing around in the snow (kind of a winter setting I suppose!) but when they head back inside, it’s clear that Stu is developing some cold symptoms.
(Scenery is that they mostly stay at Stu’s house seeing as his parents are always away for trips. Also the reader can be any gender you would like! Totally doesn’t bother me! <3)
You don’t have to make this btw! A writer is always entitled to not do requests if they wish!
HAT & GLOVES. 𓂅 ˖ ࣪ ( poly! ghostface x gn! reader )
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cw. vulgar language, established polyamorous relationship
note. this was such a cute idea and such an exciting first request! let me know how you like it hon! billy is a little ooc perhaps, same with stu since i’m still a new blog, so it’ll be awhile till i fully capture horror slasher personalities in my writing — either way, hope you enjoy! <3 comments and reblogs appreciated!
requests are open. masterlist.
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stu’s cheeks were a perfect rosy red color, the wind nipping at his uncovered ears. his short hair was messy, white flakes of snow wetting his hair. you’ll never forget the perfect visage of your boyfriend, head laid back in the snow next to your own, his signature wide smile adorning his face. his bare hand was intertwined with your own gloved hand, his fingertips red from the cold air. you had tried to convince him to wear gloves, but after already convincing him to shoulder on a coat and scarf, he refused any more protection against the cold winter weather.
you smiled over at him, feeling how your own cheeks dully ached from the cold. his head lulled over, his smile reaching his eyes cutely, laughter erupting from his chest. it was hard to believe he was anything but a sweetheart sometimes.
the crunch of snow under boots reached your red-tipped ears, stu’s bright laughter that mingled with your own breathless giggles and chuckles fading as you both peered up from your spots, laying comfortably in the soft white snow.
billy loomis, in a coat, scarf, beanie, gloves, and boots stood over you both, something of a smirk adorning his face. “having fun?” he huffed, leaning over to grab stu’s hands, pulling the lanky boy up from the snowy ground. next was you, as you reached up to meet his outstretched gloved hands. he hefted you up from the ground, grimacing as a cold breeze ripped through the tender moment between you three. billy was never one for the cold.
and soon, you found yourself wrapped up in stu’s surprisingly strong arms, his face nuzzled into your neck as he stretched out on top of you where you both laid on his living room couch. billy was still heard in the kitchen.
“we told you to put those damn gloves and hat on.” billy chided, almost like a worried mother with his furrowed brow and scowl on his face. however that didn’t hide the fact that he was still standing in the kitchen, making stu his requested soup and hot tea.
stu grumbled into your neck, his warm breaths nothing compared to how his forehead practically burned your skin, as stu sported a light fever. “make him stop, (y/n)!” stu whined, pulling his head away from your neck briefly to throw you his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.
you winced looking at his face, cheeks reddened and his hair ever so slightly damp from how sweaty he was starting to get, despite refusing to move from being so comfortably laid within your welcoming arms.
stu glared at your wince, and you laughed, “sorry, sorry!” you chuckle, pulling your arm away from being wrapped around his waist to place your palm against his forehead, “i’m just worried is all. billy too.” “i’m not worried!” billy shouted from the kitchen before walking into the living room.
he wore stu’s mother’s kitchen apron, holding a tray that held a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a cup of warm tea.
you raised an eyebrow, looking billy up and down before nodding. “mhm,” you hummed as billy rolled his eyes. “shut up, you’re lucky you’re not sick.” “oh stop whining, just because i didn’t wear a hat or earmuffs doesn’t mean i’m gonna immediately get sick!” you huffed, clutching stu closer to you as he happily snuggled closer.
billy set the tray down on the coffee table, moving towards you both on the couch. he simply lifted your legs, slipping under you both to sit on the other end of the couch, letting both you and stu’s legs lay across his lap. he tried his best to ignore you and stu’s giddy smiles at how gentle billy could be as he grabbed the tv remote, biting the inside of his cheek to prevent his own smile.
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© myesmi . . . do not steal, translate, or repost.
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summerblueringo · 4 months
Top 5 Kimi haircuts NOW
I could blindly point at five random rallies from 2010 and get the right answers, but I'll try to give other hair eras a chance too. Ranking his hair is actually very hard because he wears hats all the time (and when he doesn’t, his pretty face is so distracting that it can make even terrible haircuts work) but I tried my best.
So, in no particular order (except the order that long hair >>>>> short hair always):
Long hair
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Actual godtier hair, the fact he wore a hat 24/7 is an actual crime when his hair falls like that naturally and looks beyond soft to the touch. Score: 10/10, would homewreck.
Long but not so long hair
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I know what you’re thinking: this is just long hair but not so long. WRONG. He also had more discernible bangs here. So yeah. Score: 10/10, would ruin Fernando Alonso’s life by not letting him get a WDC for 4 straight years and then take his job at Ferrari to partner up with this guy in 2015.
Short and kinda middle parted
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I don’t know how to describe it, it almost looks like he leaves it alone but there’s a zigzaggy pattern (he's a 90s/y2k girlie at heart). Score: 9/10, I could change for him.
That swoopy upwards thing he does with his front hair
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There are two versions of this: baby duckling and Oh my god. Oh my god….. Oh my godddddd. Score: 9/10, would terrorise McLaren-Mercedes until they stopped making his engine out of explodium.
Short but not too short, messy top
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I don’t know if his hair does this naturally, probably not, but I like it when he has the top slightly longer and messy-ish, I think it’s neat :) Then again it could just be his face carrying every hairstyle. Score: 9/10, would agree to an open relationship.
Bonus special mentions to the mohawk we never got to see :'(, bleached hottie era, and a mistake:
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Score: *megan thee stallion voice* bottom line is I still would 😔
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
[8.07] dad!mingi × baby!sumin × baby!seeun (ft. uncles!ateez, dad!hongjoong and baby!minjae)
⇀ mingi really is that dad. an enabler dad.
⇁ i ended up writing this after mulling over it for a long ass while (not really but still, long enough) and at this point brat brigade's spam section is my baby!xikers dumping ground. but lookie @flowerboykun i wrote this idea !
⇁ disclaimer : the author is not forcing any ideas or form of relationship between irl characters. this fic is specifically for entertainment purposes
wc : 1.8 k
genre : fluff, dad!au, baby!au
When you first found out that you were pregnant, your first thought went straight to how much fun you'll have dressing your daughter up. Then you found out you were having a boy and Mingi immediately cried because now he can have his twin. Then the second time you got pregnant, you were still hoping to have a girl to dress in frilly clothes and shove the fact that now you have your own twin to Mingi's face. But that day, in the doctor's office, with Mingi and Sumin with his custom baby Gucci beret in his arms, you found out that you were having another boy. It wasn't like you don't want your children, it was just that you know having two boys means that Mingi's going to have so much fun coordinating both boys' outfits.
So now, when Sumin and Seeun reached 5 and 4 years old respectively, you weren't even surprised that Mingi had dedicated a whole Instagram page to document the daily outfits that he coordinated for them. As pissy as you were that you couldn't dress your daughter in pink tutus or sparkly tops, you have to admit that they looked absolutely precious in the outfit their dad had so passionately picked for them.
Sumin is almost always dressed in how Mingi would be dressed on stage, a muted version of his flashy fashion while Seeun is more often than not dressed as a sporty-casual Mingi. They have their own unique styles, of course, but Mingi would always make sure that whenever they go out, people will IMMEDIATELY recognize them as siblings. And now, he had (somehow) managed to rope you into coordinating outfits as a family which you (and Seonghwa as the eldest representative) had limited to special events only because people (Wooyoung) began teasing you both by using the pictures you posted on Instagram and photoshopping them on advertisements (the worst one was for a hemorrhoid cream) which annoyed you (you taking his old as fuck Bathing Ape jacket and threatening to rip it to shreds and use them to wipe your children's snots). Nevertheless, both brothers love being dressed up by their dads so much and you were absolutely grateful for the fact that they never fought over who gets to wear what when, it had always been civil between them and they even do this bit of commenting on each other's outfits just before they go out. It's safe to say that at ages 5 and 4, they can differentiate between Houndstooth and Glen Check, and which is Louis Vuitton and which is Gucci. Yeah, your babies are SPOILED by their dad.
Their taste develops at such a young age that nowadays, they have begun to accessorise themselves. Sumin has been quite into sunglasses lately, even at night, he'd try to wear his dad's sunglasses on top of his head that just ended up falling over his face so Mingi bought him his first Gentle Monster that he adored to pieces. Seeun, on the other hand, has been into hats as of late, particularly bucket hats. It started when you put one on him as he was going to the mall to have fun with his uncle Yunho and cousin Jinsik, and he came home buzzing with excitement and refusing to take his hat off, so he asked you and Mingi to take him to get more hats the next day (he took mostly buckets, of course).
Knowing how important impressions are to your boys, you were rather reluctant to leave them for their first day of pre-K and kindergarten because you were called to the newly established branch of your company in Gyeongsangnam-do. While Seeun cried freely into your chest, Sumin tried to pack himself into your luggage. Thankfully, you were able to compromise with the boys by letting them wear whatever they want for their first day in a new environment and that they would be able to send you pictures and videos as much as they wanted. You thought that there would be no harm done and Mingi would make sure that both boys can freely express themselves within the guidelines. With teary eyes and quivering lips, both boys spent a whole 15 minutes hugging you until you have to go.
So the next day, Mingi arrived with his boys in front of the school and as soon as they got out of the car, Seeun and Sumin rushed to the steps and posed, beyond excited. "Come on, dad! Take a picture!" Sumin called out as he adjusted Seeun's hat so the front flap doesn't cover his eyes. "Coming!" Mingi grinned widely and immediately crouched down a little bit farther away from the two boys with his phone aimed at them, "Now, give mommy a big, big smile and a big pose!"
Clad in blue and white, both boys were grinning widely, very much happy with the outfit that they were adorning. Keeping with the twinning theme, Sumin had a white long-sleeved shirt paired with knee-length light blue shorts, colourful crew socks that he picked out himself, and original white Adidas with black stripes. To top the look off, he had his sunglasses on top of his head as a fashion statement. Meanwhile, Seeun was wearing a white t-shirt with a light blue puffer vest, matching knee-length shorts and matching bucket hat, crew socks, and original black vans. To top it all off, both boys were wearing different black bags; Sumin with his messenger bag and Seeun with his backpack. Parents walking past them genuinely thought that the boys were celebrity children which was technically true since their dad is an idol but they themselves also seemed like tv personalities with how confident they were in front of the camera and they were dressed too fashionably for a day in school.
When Sumin and Seeun had their fill of posing and taking pictures, Mingi shot you a quick text with a picture of your boys before jogging to his boys who grabbed his hands upon contact. "Okay, it's a big big day for Seeunnie here, so please listen to your teacher for everything. That goes to you too, Sumin, Okay?" Mingi eyed the two boys who were staring up at him intently, "I can't have mommy getting a call saying that you stuck a crayon up your nose again like your first day in Pre-K," Mingi squinted his eyes at the eldest boy who whined and stomped his feet in embarrassment at the mention of his accident while his younger brother snorted at him. Some parents were rushing to get their kids in but the Song boys were enjoying their leisure walk as the family head told them how to conduct themselves. Seeun was looking up at his dad, listening carefully while Sumin was kicking pebbles along the path whilst maintaining hand-holding with Mingi.
Just as the boys were about to reach the entrance of the school, a teacher came approaching with a smile on her face. "Why hello there!" she greeted as she crouched down in front of the boys which made Sumin's smile drop and Seeun stepped back and hid behind one of Mingi's legs, "I see that you two are ready for school, huh? Look at your clothes!" The compliments she was giving made Sumin puff up his chest proudly as Seeun took half a step forward to look at the teacher curiously. "I love your outfits so much, however, we don't allow accessories like hats and sunglasses in our classes," the teacher's eyes peered up to Mingi as if seeking his help to remove the items from his kids and hopefully take him home with him.
Hearing that they couldn't wear their accessories, Sumin and Seeun whipped their heads to Mingi with the saddest face ever. Mingi, however, didn't even need the push from his sons to step up for them. "Why not?" he asked without sparing a second. The teacher seemed taken aback, not expecting that a parent would question the rules that have been established for a long time in the school. "Because... It's an accessory sir, it's not part of the outfit guidelines for the students," if she thought that would just drop it, she was sorely mistaken. Mingi looked around at the other kids that were starting to arrive and noticed some little girls with accessories on them which he pointed at with his chin, "I don't think I read anything about bead bracelets, necklaces, and earrings," he shrugged. To anyone who didn't know him, it might seem like Mingi was being annoying or unreasonable but in reality, Mingi was simply being inquisitive. The teacher seemed stunned because he did have a point but at the same time, no one has ever raised an issue or even just a question about female students wearing accessories before. "Uh... I mean..." Truly, she was stumped but she had to answer because she was supposed to have an answer, "W-well, the accessories the boys wear could be dangerous as things like your son's sunglasses could poke other children in the eyes and no one is allowed to wear hats in class." Hearing their accessories being mentioned, both children grabbed the items mentioned as if to not let anyone take them away. "Yeah, but... Why? I don't see any problem if my boys are not gonna distract any children with their accessories or disturb the class. If anything, those glass ball thingies in those girls' hair ties could potentially blind other children if they snapped or the necklaces they wore could break, fall into a student's drinking cup and choke on it."
Just as the teacher was about to answer, two people came and stopped where they stood still. She didn't know whether it was a good or a bad thing, though. "What are you guys doing here?" Hongjoong asked with an eyebrow raised, Minjae on his side on his iPad with his headphones on. Both Sumin and Seeun immediately beamed and rushed to hug their uncle Joongie tightly, greeting him with muffled voices. "The teacher said Sumin can't wear his sunglasses and Seeun can't wear his bucket hat," Mingi sighed, shrugging his shoulders in confusion. Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows and planted his hands on his hips, "What do you mean they can't wear their sunglasses and bucket hat?" The teacher was about to answer when Mingi answered for her instead, "Well she said those items could hurt other children?" To which Hongjoong replied with a scoff and his arms crossed over his chest, "And those tiny catapults in the girls' hair couldn't?" In agreement, Mingi clapped his hands together, "Thank you!"
It seemed like both fathers were so into their conversations that they didn't realize the kids were looking at each other. Minjae pulled his headphone down and tucked his iPad into his bag securely before taking both of Sumin and Seeun's hands into his. He stepped up to the dumbfounded teacher (who looked like she was about to cry) and spoke, "We'll be getting to class first, miss, we'll be late," he smiled widely before bowing and walking away with Sumin and Seeun in tow, not even giving a chance for the teacher to tell him that he was not supposed to bring electronics into class and that Sumin and Seeun were still not supposed to wear their accessories.
This issue could be resolved, right?
taglist :
@yvnnieurl @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @thesolarplanetarysystem @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @kpoplover718 @imswitchbabemox @haatohwa @youngestdelacour @x-bluee @erinaimeexx @blackb3ll @mingiholic @angelicyeo @vampcharxter @meowmeowminnie @marvelous-llama @kawennote09 @hongjoong-lovebot @ming-ki @stopeatread @spooo00oky @asjkdk @shinotani
network :
@cultofdionysusnet @kflixnet
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melanieph321 · 10 months
Ruben Dias - Lost in Sardinia Part 3/8
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Summary - Ruben is on a getaway in Sardinia. There he meets a girl named Fiorella. She starts to wonder why Ruben won't tell her what exactly he is getting away from, or even what his real name is.
Fiorella had always lived in Sardinia, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the island she called home. The crystal-clear waters, lush greenery, and majestic landscapes were a part of her everyday life. It had never occurred to her to go on hike and discover it all.
"You good to go?"
Fiorella told Ruben to meet here at dawn, at the base of the mountain trail. He arrived dressed for the occasion, wearing a loosely fitted t-shirt, a pair of shorts and proper running shoes. Fiorella on the other hand, woke up and did what she always did, dressed according to weather. She wore a hat for the sun and sandals to go with her ripped jeans and white tank top.
"You should know," Fiorella confessed, "I've never been on a hike before. The last time I was at the waterfalls my family and I went by car."
"Are you having second thoughts?" There was a fraction of concern in Ruben's voice.
Fiorella shook her head. "You wish."
He smiled warmly.  "Good, let's not waste anymore daylight then."
With excitement and a hint of nervousness, Fiorella and Ruben began their trek into the untouched wilderness of Sardinia. The air was alive with the scent of wildflowers and the chorus of birdsong, as the two explorers carefully navigated the uneven terrain.
As they journeyed deeper, Fiorella marveled at Ruben's endurance and genuine appreciation for nature. His captivating stories of travels around the world fascinated her, desperately fueling her attraction to this curious stranger.
"What's the reason for your travels?" Fiorella asked, trying to mask the fact that she was out of breath from walking.
"Mostly to clear my mind."
Ruben walked with rapid steps, a pace Fiorella praised herself for keeping up with. On the other hand, Ruben didn't walk with hunched back like she did. His braud shoulders were brought back with his perfect posture and as a pool's of sweat damped the back of his shirt, Fiorella couldn't help but to let her imagination run free.
"Clear your mind of what?" She asked. "What is it full of?"
"I just have some decisions to make back home."
"Decisions about what?"
Ruben glanced over his shoulder, meeting her eye. "You know, there is usually not this much talking during a hike."
"Then I guess were not on hike then. I guess we just love walking to the throbbing sensation of our feet and the painful pounding of our hearts. May I ad that mine is working overtime right now."
Ruben chuckled.
Fiorella took pride in the fact that she made him crack a smile. It felt like they were experiencing the hike very differently. Ruben went on with a twisted expression on his face, like his life depended on reaching the top of the mountain. Fiorella took several pauses during the hike, mostly to snap photos of strange looking rocks and the poop of unknown animals. At times she wished that she had brought Pluto with them. He would have appreciated the journey, at least more than Ruben did.
"My job." He said, regaining Fiorella's attention. "I have decisions to make about my job."
"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm an athlete."
"Like, professional?"
"Yes, it's my main income." Ruben picked up the pace.
"Is this the sport, hiking?" Fiorella was struggling to keep up, almost jogging beside Ruben, who didn't seem to care that she had short legs. She almost tripped herself when he altered his steps very abruptly. 
"Is that it?" He asked, head raised to the sky. He was looking at the top of the mountain. It's where the waterfall would be.
Fiorella nodded. "It's about a 20 minute walk."
And leave her behind? Was he crazy?
Ruben turned to her, his expression unreadable. "Do you mind if run the last part?"
"Um...sure. I'll meet you there."
"Alright, see you at the top."
Fiorella watched Ruben pick up the pace and sprint away from her. Had she said something to upset him?
After what felt like hours of hiking, she finally reached their destination - the magnificent waterfall. Its cascading waters sparkled in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle against the backdrop of majestic cliffs and vibrant foliage.
"You made it!"
A voice called her from a distance. It was Ruben, already splashing away in the fresh-water pool.
Memroies of her childhood came flooding back. Without hesitation, Fiorella stripped off her shoes, feeling the rush of excitement building within her. She waded into the icy-cold water, feeling its rejuvenating touch on her sore skin. Laughter echoed through the valley as she and Ruben playfully splashed and embraced the exhilarating experience, forgetting about their troubles beyond their realm.
Vading back to land, they lay down on a large rock, drying themselves in the blissful sun. When it was time to go back Fiorella simply dreaded the thought of hiking back down the mountain, leaving the peaceful waterfall behind her.
"Ugh " Fiorella groaned, sitting down, support herself on a rock.
"You okay?"
"My feet."
"Do they hurt?"
"Yes. I don't think I can make it down the mountain by myself."
Ruben crouched down in front of her, inspecting her blisters.
"I picked the wrong shoes didn't I?"
Ruben didn't answer, he was to busy caring for her wounds.
"I should probably call my dad...or my uncle. They know this trail, they can come and pick me up."
"Or you can get on my back."
Ruben lifted his gaze, looking deep into her eyes. "You can get on my back. I'll carry you down the mountain."
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