#the fact that the two things end up complementing each other so well
to-be-spared · 1 year
The way Taehyun silently begs Dayeol not to be kind or tender to him and yet craves that kindness and tenderness at the same time and the way Dayeol says I don't know how to be kind or tender and yet wanting to be so that he can comfort Taehyun
I'm not physically vibrating about it
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wosoluver · 1 month
I have a request for Lena Oberdorf x Bayern Reader.
On the topic of her transfer to Bayern. This request is full on fluff with maybe a little angst of them being apart.
Can we please get one about Obi loving domestic life with Reader when they see each other (cooking together, cuddling while watching movies & even versing each other at video games). But misses it dearly when the two have to be apart for months on end due to their commitments with their respective clubs. Sure the two see each other during the national break but that’s not enough. So Obi decides to transfer to Bayern to be with Reader 24/7.
Lena Oberdorf x reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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"Finally reunited!" you said as you put your seatbelt on.
"Only for a little bit though." she said turning on the engine, to drive to her apartment from picking you up at the airport.
"Don't say that, we have a couple of days." you grabbed the hand she had in your thigh, intertwining your fingers and kissing the back of it.
"Sorry schatz. I swear, I'm very excited to spend time together."
You were a Bayern Munich player, and your girlfriend, well, she was one of your best rivals. She played for Wolfsburg.
You can say it took a lot of concessions, to make the relationship work.
"Okay love, I'm going to shower. Can you order dinner for us?"
"Yeah. Movie night or game night?"
"Game night!" you said disappearing into the bedroom's in suite.
"How does it feel to lose for the third time in a row?" she asked as you pouted your lips.
"You cheated this last round!"
"Well, all is fair in love and war." she tried to reason.
"And which one was it? Love or war?" she had distracted you, by removing her sweatshirt, staying in only a pair of shorts and a sports bra.
It would've been fine if she did it because she was hot. But she did it exactly to distract you. Flexing her muscles at any chance she got.
"Both. I wanted to win the game and I love to see you drooling." she said teasing you.
"I didn't drool!"
"You so did." she said pulling you to sit on her lap.
"Fine. How could I not? I'm dating the embodiment of a goddess."
That would have been enough, if she wasn't already turned on by you naturally.
"I think it's time we go to bed." she said with a naughty look on her face.
"Good Morning my love." she said kissing your temple. You opened your eyes, taking in Lena's sleepy and puffy face, as a ray of light came through the window.
"Good morning liebling. Slept well?"
"The best I have, since the last time we slept in the same bed." she would always bring up the fact you guys were separated by over 400 kilometers, constantly.
"In a couple of years, this will be our lives everyday." you reassured her, the best you could every time.
"I'll die of happiness when that happens."
This woman made your heart feel like it was about to explode.
"How about we cook some breakfast? I can make your favorite."
"Yes! I've been craving it." giving you a kiss before getting up. "Let's go."
"I've never seen you get up so fast in my life." as you followed her to get cleaned up.
"I don't know how you make this taste so good. Usually healthy versions of things taste like cardboard." as you prepared the pancake batter.
"We can't really break our diets, so. Also it's just a good recipe."
"Don't play it on the recipe. It's all you. Take a complement please."
"Thank you, schatz. How about we make a smoothie to complement it?"
"I'll start cutting the fruits." but before she could turn, you grabbed her attention.
"Hey..." you said dabbing a finger in the liquid and tapping it on her nose.
"Oh, it's on." letting out a mischievous grin.
You had the day all to yourselves. Not wanting to waste your time with anyone that wasn't each other, you decided upon watching movies. Only movies ever allowed to play by your girlfriend, was Disney movies. Not that you would ever complain. And you had chose the first one. Tangled.
Cuddling up to her. She was almost always the big spoon, only setting for other option when she felt extremely needy. So you laid on your back, as she placed her head on your chest, cuddling to your side the best she could, since you were a bit smaller than her.
You spent your time focusing partially on the movie and partially in gently combing her hair through you fingers and massaging her scalp.
"They are just like us. I'm obviously Flynn, good looking, funny, has a hot girlfriend."
"And I look nothing like Rapunzel."
"No, but you would probably defend yourself with a frying pan, if someone broke into the apartment."
She never failed at making you laugh. You loved that about her.
Every time you spent more time around eachother, she was more and more sure, of wanting to marry you. Of taking the decision to ask for a transfer.
She hadn't brought up yet. She was waiting till it felt like it was the right moment.
While you held each other under the blankets, you noticed she wasn't paying attention at all. So you brought up what you thought was bothering her.
"Aren't you supposed to be looking for a new apartment? I thought your lease was ending this summer."
"I've looked at some but, not one of them felt right." she mustered all her courage for her next words. It was now or now.
"It will only feel like a home, if I have you with me."
"What do you mean?"
"What if I moved to Munich?"
"That would be amazing! Are you planning to leave Wolfsburg next year?"
"Actually, I'm asking for a transfer over the summer."
"Are you messing with me?"
"I'm serious. All is fair in love and war, I want to move into a more competitive club and I want to be with you, close to you, not having to take a plane just to kiss you."
"You are?" You instantly jumped up on the bed.
"Yes." she said laughing as you jumped on the bed.
You landed on top of her. Pulling her into a hug.
"Love, I can't breathe properly." she said under you.
"Sorry, right, you have to be alive for that to happen." she pulled you back to her.
"I love you." she left a kiss on your forehead.
"And I love you." you said placing a kiss on her lips.
Hope you like it! Thanks for sending this in 🩷
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fangirlies · 1 year
Mission accomplished- (x.t)
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
Summary: You only had one mission. That was to get Enid and Ajax to ask each other to the Rave'n. But you couldn't achieve it without a particular tortured artist's help.
Warnings: fluff. some cursing. (Please let me know if i should be aware of anything else)
Word count: 2k
Is there such thing as too much fluff? with me, never. Feedback is always welcomed! (It’ll make me feel better about spending the whole day on this writing) enjoy friends!
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Tortured artist hm’ you thought to yourself. Why was he known as a tormented and mysterious guy? What was his story? The entire quad blurred, and the only thing you appeared to focus on was the tall brunette boy concentrating on his mural. It was beautiful you must admit. He appeared to be completely immersed in his painting. It wasn’t the first time you saw him completely fixated on his work. And it definitely wasn’t the first time you noticed him.
“Um hello… earth to y/n!” You heard snapping as you focused on Enid rather than the boy who had suddenly become a fixture in your mind.
"Yes yes, I heard you. I think you should definitely ask Ajax to the Rave'N" you weren't entirely paying attention to your best friend's 10 minute rant about reversing roles and taking pride in asking a guy to the dance for a change, but you picked up a few things here and there before your mind wandered elsewhere. Something to do with feminism? You weren't sure, but it seemed like a good idea.
You knew both Enid and Ajax had feelings for each other. In fact, everyone knew but they seemed to be the only ones who couldn’t see it. Isn't that cliche? The boy likes the girl. The girl likes the boy. They were naïve to the fact that their nerves were standing in the way of everything.
As Enid's best friend since the day you started at Nevermore, you were well aware of her crush on Ajax. It was adorable. She stared at him as if he were the only one who could complement her loud personality. She couldn't get enough of him, so you made it your goal to ensure Enid gets a happy ending. You knew she deserved it the most.
You weren’t thrilled about this Rave’N dance the school was hosting. As an outcast in your old normie school, you never got to experience these kind of things. You weren't planning to start now, no matter how much Enid pleaded.
"Are you sure it won't make me look desperate? I don’t want to ruin things with him.” Her brow wrinkled in intensity. You knew how much this meant to her.
"I don't think so, E; I think he'll be glad!" You reassured her while comforting her shoulder. "You have two and a half days to gather the courage to ask him," you said, smiling as you collected your books from the table and tossed them into your book bag.
The school bell rung, indicating the end of the day's final class. It also marked the start of your master plan. Mission: "Get E and A in the same room... alone."
“Psst hey, Xavier!” You really had no idea why you were whispering in the hallway. There was no one around you anymore as you tried to catch up to the tall and lanky boy. Xavier glanced around, a puzzled expression on his face. Sure, your two best friends were madly in love, but that didn't necessarily mean you and Xavier had to be friends. Acquaintances? Sure. Give each other a quick smile and a nod as you pass in the hallways? Fine. Meet in an empty corridor after class? Never.
"Hey," you finally got to him. Breathing heavily. Your gaze wandered over the attractive boy in front of you as you attempted to recover your breath. Man, he sure was perfect - even from up close. His sage-colored eyes drew you in. His long brown hair had been pulled back into a low bun. Free of imperfections, you thought.
"Did you have a question for me?" The 6-foot giant catches your attention by waving his hands. You shook your head, hoping to clear your mind of your thoughts of him. You were on a mission and were losing sight of it.
"I'm sorry." You took a second look around to make sure the coast was clear. "Enid has been dying for Ajax to invite her to the Rave'n. We all know Ajax is too pussy to ask her. So, I'm thinking we could finally force them to ask each other. tonight. The night shade library. Tell Ajax to meet you there and I’ll do the same with E. This needs to work or I'll spend the next few days listening to her overthink. So, what do say?” Repeating the plan out loud did sound crazy but you didn’t care. You wanted to see your best friend happy.
For a few moments, the boy was deafeningly silent. Perhaps you did sound a little insane.
"I'll do anything to stop hearing Ajax talk about his massive crush on her. I can’t take it anymore. I'm glad to hear that you're in the same boat as me. How does 7:30 sound to you?" Your expression brightened as your scheme began to take shape. Half of your grin was caused by the fact that this was your longest conversation with Xavier.
You two exchanged phone numbers to ensure the success of your plan. You both decided on the excuse you'd give and the time. Everything seemed to be going according to plan.
It was now 7:15 p.m.
From x.t- 7:15 A and X headed to nsl
With these code phrases, you couldn't help but chuckle. He was taking his role seriously. Gosh, he was so stupid.
To x.t- 7:16 Copy that, x. E is wrapping up and we’ll be headed your way
You continued his silly game and stuck your phone in your back pocket.
“Hey E, just wanted to say thanks for coming with me to the library. I really need that book for an essay, and I was scared to go alone," you continued your lie, resting against the bathroom door frame.
“Of course! What are best friends for if not to scare monsters away with their colorful claws?" Enid remarked, extending her sharp claws of various colors. She'll forgive your lie once she realizes what the night has in store for her.
After slipping out of your dorm room and into the hallway, the two of you discussed the latest school gossip.
To x.t- 7:28  E and I are about to enter. remember our plan. 
You hit send as the Edgar Allen Poe statue came to vision. Enid snapped her fingers twice, causing the statue to recoil and reveal a stairwell leading to the library. To Enid's surprise, she found herself face to face—no, face to chest—with Xavier.
“What the heck are you doing here?” She inquired.
"What exactly are YOU doing here?" You were amused by Xavier's stab at reverse psychology. He didn't even wait for the blonde girl to respond before walking away and vanishing into the quad.
"God, he's always so weird," she sneered as she walked down the stairs. You weren't following her down again, much to her dismay. Instead, the statue had been closed. Keeping the poor girl from fleeting.
"She'll thank me later," you reasoned as you dusted your hands. The rest of the night was up to them; your work here was already done. You started walking back to the quad and immediately jumped up in fear as you turned the corner.
“Did it work?” The towering boy emerged. He stuck around to see if your plan was a hit or miss.
You smacked his chest for inadvertently scaring you. "Yes, scaring me worked." You shrieked as you placed your palm over your heart, hoping to slow its pulse.
The giant laughed at your theatrics, revealing his perfectly white teeth. You realized that was the first time you'd ever seen him laugh. He was sexy when he wore the mysterious "bad boy" look, but this was a new look for him that you admired even more. His laughter had to be contagious. You started to laugh at this point, causing your cheeks to grow a crimson pink.
“Yes, E and A are both in position” you joked with a stern voice. Xavier nodded and walked up to a picnic table in the quad. You didn't fall far behind. He sat on the table, staring up at the sky. The quad possessed a glass ceiling, making it ideal for stargazing. You sat in the typical student seating rather than where your meal should have been put.
“You see that bright tiny circle up there?” Xavier gestured to the dark sky. You squinted your eyes and followed the path of his finger.
“Is that a star?” You questioned. "It's Venus," he explained. “Because Venus's orbit lies closer to the Sun than the Earth's, it tends to get lost in the Sun's glare. It's only visible for a few months of the year- when it's the furthest away from the Sun."
You stared at Venus in awe. It made you smile since it gleamed brighter than the other stars in the night sky. You returned your attention to Xavier, who was still gazing passionately at the planet. The fact that he was so familiar with the topic warmed your heart.
"Did you know it gets its name from the Roman goddess? It's the planet of love, beauty, and art," he says, his attention now fixed on you. When his gaze fell on you, you swore your heart skipped a beat. For a split second you wondered if you were dreaming. Or if this was a scene from The Notebook.
“How do you know all this?” You inquired. Moving alongside him on top of the picnic table.
Xavier shrugged his shoulders and turned to face Venus. "I know little about everything. I can't really tell you how I know things." The mysterious boy spoke up. Tonight was unexpected. Surprising was a better word to describe it. You never imagined it would turn out this way. You and Xavier talking, let alone star gazing. It was all strange and yet soothing at the same time. You felt safe next to him.
“Anyway, are you going to the Rave’n?” He leaned back on the table and ran his fingers through his hair, clearing it from his face.
“Me? nah, that's only for the pretty girls who have guys lining up and begging them to be their date. My mission was just to convince Enid to go." You stated the truth. You had no intention of going. Regardless of how much Enid tried to persuade you. You knew it was only a competition for guys to show up with the hottest date and for girls to show up with their finest dress. Not your scene.
“As a pretty girl yourself - I’m a little surprised you don’t have guys begging you to be their date,” he said standing up. You lowered your head to keep him from seeing the flush on your cheeks and the faint smile that threatened to leave your mouth. Did he call you pretty?
He stood in front of your seated body. Hands shoved deep in the pockets of his hoodie. You could see the cheeky smile he was now giving you as you raised your head.
“What?” Your brow wrinkled as you questioned. Small smile still trying to poke through.
"Well," he said, looking behind him. "I guess I'm first in line."
You drew your brows even closer together and tilted your head. You didn’t understand.
"Would you be willing to go with me to the dance?"
Yup. Definitely like a scene from The Notebook. You eventually cracked a smile, and you didn't care if he could see the blazing red hue on your face. Although you weren't interested in these events, how could you refuse Xavier Thorpe? THE tortured artist.
"I'd - I'd enjoy that, X," you murmured, giggling slightly. The smile that made your heart sink reappeared on his face.
“You guys are assholes!” A familiar voice came from the opposite direction. You focused your attention on the gorgon and the blonde girl approaching you. “I was absolutely shitting myself when you left me alone in there” Enid playfully tickled your sides when you found your way off the table you were previously sitting at.
Ajax had his arm around Enid's shoulder. You and Xavier exchanged a quick glance as you realized what must have happened. Knowing that your mission was successful.
"Soooo. . ?" Xavier pressed, seeking the answer we already knew.
Ajax chuckled and lowered his head. “Yes man, I asked her to be my girlfriend”
A loud squeal escaped your mouth as you hugged Enid. The two of you were jumping up and down like girls in middle school when their crush passed by them in the halls.
"Wait," Enid said quickly, turning to face her partner, "does this mean we're going to the Rave'n together?" You three were laughing at her. Of course, it meant they were going together, but to be fair, she was excited and couldn't think straight. Her boyfriend nodded while rolling his eyes and returned his arm on her shoulders.
"Well, I guess we'll see you there," Xavier said, his gaze melting you.
"Wait, wait, wait, you two?" Enid extended two fingers in the direction of you and Xavier. Her expression was priceless.
"Are you going to the Rave'n? Together?” Ajax added. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he'd stoned himself based on the shocked look on his face.
Both you and Xavier nodded your heads, a silly grin on your faces. It was now Enid's turn to shriek and draw you in for a hug.
“Oh. My. Goodness. My bestest friend and my boyfriend's best friend? We're going on a double date? I can't believe this! I've got to tell Wednesday, she called it from the minute y/n transferred here."
Enid couldn't stop raving about this "double date" for the following two days. You and Xavier joked at the fact that your mission was accomplished, but it came with a new never-ending topic to annoy you with.
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Authors note: Quick! guess my favorite planet and why! I started this december 11 and got tired of packing last night so i finished it so i can feed you girlies before i leave on my trip. 
As always— requests are always open! Share your thoughts! Talk to me! Get something off your mind! ✨
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agi-ppangx · 8 months
💭starry night
hwang hyunjin x gn!reader
an: based on this request !! im sorry it took me so long, but i hope you'll like it nonetheless<33
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“the sky looks pretty tonight,” you whispered to hyunjin, looking intently at the stars above. he hummed in agreement, but you missed the fact that he was looking intently at you instead of the starry sky. “yeah, they twinkle really bright,” he said dreamily, focusing on your big, almost child-like eyes, referring to them. “did you know that stars don’t actually twinkle?” you shared the fun fact with him, but since he was too lost in examining your face, he didn’t respond. it made you turn your head and look at him. it was only then when you noticed his dreamy expression. “why are you looking at me like that?” you said breathlessly, noticing how his sight wandered between your lips and your wide-opened eyes. you got up, not exactly knowing what to do. the atmosphere seemed to change, the thick air between the two of you making your head spin.
hyunjin and you had been friends for around six years already and you felt as if he knew you inside and out. he knew all your fears and dreams, but there was one thing you kept away from him. you didn’t want hyunjin to know you had a crush on him. you knew it was cliché, to fall for you best friend, but you couldn’t help it. not when you felt as if he was you missing half, he complemented you in a way no one had ever before. but you couldn’t tell him that, no. you were too scared to lose that precious relationship you two had created throughout the years.
but now, when he was looking at you like that, you were starting to think your friendship might come to an end.
“yn?” he said your name softly, getting up as well. you didn’t look at him, too scared to do it. “hyune, i-” “please, don’t do this. don’t say we shouldn’t try to be more than friends. i know how you feel about me. and you should know how i feel about you,” he interrupted you, taking a step closer to you. he cupped your cheek, making your eyes finally meet his. you exhaled shakily, nodding slightly. you noticed how the vague moonlight was complimenting hyunjin’s face and you felt as if you were looking at some piece of art. oh boy, you were a goner… “and how do you feel about me, hm?” you hummed, getting gradually lost in his eyes. “i love you,” hyunjin simply stated and it made you stop in your tracks. did he just say he loved you? “what?” you responded with a disbelief in your voice. he only nodded. “i will never forget the moment i realised i loved you. we were hanging out in the park and you let me take a few photos of you. you were so happy and bubbly, it made my mind spin,” he recalled the memory. “hyune, that was three years ago,” you whispered and he nodded again. “why are you surprised? you’ve liked me for at least as long as i’ve liked you.” you raised your eyebrow, clearly amused by his words. “and how do you know it?” “oh, um… your friend may have told me a while ago…” you sighed, but smiled nonetheless. you leaned forward and placed a delicate peck on his cheek, making him blush. then you moved slighty and finally kissed him on the lips. he quickly complied and your mouth moved in perfect harmony, as if you two were made for each other. “you know what?” hyunjin spoke after you stopped the kiss to take a breath. “you’re prettier than the sky tonight.”
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taglist: @lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n
let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist💙
feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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sunnebeam · 1 year
twin flame bruise. (01)
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader, jeon jungkook x reader (yes they're different people)
plot: the jeon twins have become nothing more than two strikingly similar looking guys who share a mere home address and a last name. but in their senior year of college, the estranged twins may have found one more thing they share in common – you.
warnings: jeon twins au, possible headache bc the use of jeongguk and jung kook is v confusing (but they're different people here your honor), specific warnings will be emphasized in the actual completed fic (whenever that may be)
series index. | masterlist + disclaimers.
note: normally i don't post unfinished wips (especially ones with plots that aren't completely fleshed out yet) but this au has been sitting in my drafts since amas 2021, so i thought why not post a lil snippet and just dip right after? (p.s. please manage ur expectations bc 1. i'm too lazy to write this and 2. i have no idea where i'm going with this plot)
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More often than not, identical twins are actually more different than similar.
The Jeon twins are a testament to that, even going as far as to insisting they’re entire opposites instead of merely different.
Jeongguk — the older of the two by a mere seven minutes; the golden son — can’t remember the last time he and his younger brother Jung Kook — the black sheep of the family by a great margin; the problematic son — saw eye to eye. In fact, their whole lives have been a flurry of grit and determination to prove they’re not the identical twins people saw them to be; that they’re individuals, that they’re their own persons.
First it was the nicknames. Despite the differences in spelling, Jeongguk and Jung Kook sound almost exactly the same and neither twin is having that. Thus, Jeongguk became “Guk” and Jung Kook became “JK”. Anyone who calls them otherwise will earn themselves a grimace from the older twin and a scoff from the younger.
Next it was their personalities, and by extension, their forms of expression. Both twins are conventionally attractive, a commonality they can’t help but share through their genes, but each own up to the word “beautiful” in their own unique ways.
Jeongguk is the calmer of the two, the more responsible one, the reliable pillar. His stellar grades and bookish habits surprisingly go hand in hand with his eleven piercings and constant need to work out at the gym. He prefers his hair in a short, neat cut and favors studs as earrings for a generally clean look.
Jung Kook on the other hand is the more adventurous of the two, the mysterious one, the wild card. His grades are just enough to make him pass despite the fact that he rarely shows up to classes, always disappearing during periods of time and reappearing as if nothing is amiss. He prefers his long, chin-length hair slicked back so that it complements his undercut and favors hoops as well as dangling earrings for a slightly bolder look.
Despite these insistent differences, the twins still end up in the same university, in the same campus, albeit in different programs. Guk earned himself an academic scholarship into the business program their parents always pushed at, whereas JK also landed himself a scholarship through his participation in their old high school’s varsity team that allows him to pursue a sports science program.
Studying completely different majors and living in completely different parts in the huge campus, the two brothers see each other less and less with each passing year.
After their freshman year, JK stops coming home for holidays and breaks. In the middle of their sophomore year, Guk stops making excuses for his younger twin whenever their parents ask questions. By their junior year, the two brothers have become nothing more than two strikingly similar looking guys who share a mere home address and a last name.
But in their senior year, the estranged Jeon twins may have found one more thing they share in common.
Something. Someone.
You’ve known JK since your first year and after that first hookup, you’ve become a regular fixture in his apartment. You fight endlessly, you make up frequently, you fuck constantly, but most of all, you care for each other deeply. Though you never really crossed the line between friends-who-fuck and something more, you know him well enough to be assured of your place in his life.
You trust him. That is, until you meet his twin.
You meet Guk in your last year of college, which opens up a whole new jar of questions. Why didn’t JK tell you about his twin brother? Didn’t he trust you? What other secrets is he hiding?
Will you just be another thing they have in common that ends up further driving the wedge between them?
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He’s running out of time.
Fuck, Jung Kook knew he shouldn’t have come here. No amount of money is worth the stress of putting himself in sketchy situations. Not to mention this is the longest he’s been gone and there’s no doubt that his phone is filled to the brim with your concerned texts and voicemails.
“What did Yoongi tell you about this guy?” his partner Namjoon asks him as they’re observing their client from a distance.
“Nothing,” Jung Kook replies robotically.
A tense silence falls over them. Nothing like the smug, comfortable silences they shared in previous gigs. This one is more fragile, more different. Just like how this client seems more different, more dangerous.
“You still wanna go through with this, JK?” Namjoon still thinks to ask even though he already knows the answer.
The logical decision would be for Jung Kook to say no, to not risk their safety for the sake of measly profits that they only get a portion of, to walk away and forget all about the sketchy looking client. But Jung Kook has never been exactly logical.
Your face flashes through his mind, your smile, your laugh, the way you felt in his arms, the sincerity in your voice when you said three peculiar words to him, the tears you cried when he shut you out weeks ago.
Even in this tense situation, you’re all he thinks of. You’re it for him and that’s exactly why he needs to make this gig. He needs the money. He needs you.
So instead, Jung Kook replies with, “yes,” and takes a step forward.
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All he needs to do is take a step forward.
The front door is already open and he can already see the inside of the apartment, but for some reason Jeongguk can’t move. Maybe he’s afraid of what he might find. Or more specifically, what he might not find.
It’s been a week since he heard around campus that his twin brother has gone AWOL, and this time around doesn’t seem like one of his usual two-to-three-day disappearances. Normally Jeongguk wouldn’t meddle. After all, it’s been several months (or was it years?) since he last physically saw and talked to his own twin. But something is tugging at him this time. Something tells him this time is different.
He sighs. Then takes a step forward.
JK’s apartment looks exactly like how he remembers it, save for a few minor changes. Nothing seems to be amiss. Nothing indicates distress or disturbance, but almost everything indicates a voluntary exit. He pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s heard all the rumors about what exactly his twin does in his spare time. He once tried confronting him about it but was met with an enraged cry of, “mind your own business!” When he asked again on a particularly calm day when they were both civil with each other, the latter merely whispered a shaky, “nothing too dangerous, I swear.”
Guk paces around the modest apartment, running his hands through his hair in agitation. It’s obvious what he has to do but how exactly does he start looking for his younger brother who’s been gone for nearly three weeks? He doesn’t know where to begin, where to sit down and think. He doesn’t even know if this apartment is the right starting point.
A knock on the door. Then another one. Then a series of hard knocks followed by frantic shouting.
“I know you’re in there, asshole!”
Jeongguk lurches out of his seat and fumbles with the locks on the door. He doesn’t know if the shouting was directed at him, that whoever is outside was talking about him, or at his absent brother. The yelling continues with a mix of “open up!” and “I hate you! I hate you!” before he finally manages to open the door and is greeted with the sight of an angry, tear-stained face.
You’re panting, looking at him as if he’s the bane of your existence but that’s impossible because he’s sure he’s never met you before.
“You asshole!” you screech at him as you step forward and land punches on his chest, not noticing how it’s slightly bigger and sturdier than you’re used to. “You act all cold to me out of the blue! Disappear for three weeks, ignore my calls and texts! Then you come back and not tell me? I hate you, JK, I hate you!”
Jeongguk is bewildered and if he isn’t so distracted by your hands on his chest and your pretty eyes trained on him, he would’ve noticed how your entire body relaxed in his hold and your lips formed a pout.
“Fuck it,” you whisper.
Then you kiss him.
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He’s kissing you back.
You deepen the kiss, and it’s like the past three weeks of worrying never happened. The kiss is as explosive as usual, both of you so into it with passion and eagerness, and you’re just grateful he’s back. He’s safe and in your arms again. Your tongue darts out to trace his lower lips and you hear him moan appreciatively before your wet muscle feels something different. Something metal.
You pull back all of a sudden. His eyes are still closed as he tries to chase your lips but you push his chest back with narrowed eyes. He opens his eyes in a daze.
“You got a lip piercing?” Your squinted eyes land on his right eyebrow. “And another on your eyebrow?” Your eyes trace the six studs that form an aesthetically straight line on his right ear. “You look different. You cut your hair. And your arm… those tattoos…” you trail off when you spot a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm instead of the few inked doodles you remember. “JK, what’s going on?”
The name which you call him snaps Guk out of his kiss-induced haze and he finally, finally, takes a good look at you. You’re beautiful. Wait, that’s probably an understatement. You’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen — from your swollen lips to your arched eyebrow to your sweet, confused face.
“Who are you?” he asks. Something he should’ve done before he welcomed your lips on his.
You growl adorably in irritation and he almost kisses you again before you spit back a retort. “I’m not playing around. Be serious for once, JK.”
“That’s the thing,” he says slowly as he steps back and looks at you cautiously. “I’m not exactly JK… I’m his twin brother—“
“I told you to stop messing with me!”
“I’m not! I’m not, I swear!” He holds his hands up in surrender when you look at him threateningly. “I’m his twin brother, Jeongguk, but I mostly go by Guk. I’m sorry my brother never told you about me but I’m sure he has his reasons.”
Your eyes narrow even further. “What are you implying? If you’re saying he— Are you saying he doesn’t trust me?”
“That’s not what I meant. Look, I’m sorry, I don’t know any more than you do but I promise you I’m telling the truth.” He grips his hair in frustration and resumes his earlier pacing.
You eye him cautiously when he finally takes a seat on the couch. You observe how he looks eerily similar to JK, if not the exact same — from his doe eyes to his luscious hair to his full, rosy lips — yet he harbors his own unique features that separate him from your missing lover. Your chest aches when you remember those same pouty lips spouting hurtful words at you weeks ago and shutting you out.
“So you’re really…” you start cautiously, “…JK’s twin brother?”
“I am,” he answers promptly and you vaguely hear him add a hushed, “unfortunately.”
JK has always been secretive with you but hiding the fact that he has a twin brother is like a slap to your face. How could he have kept something this big from you? How could he, when you have always been unapologetically open with him?
“Why didn’t he ever tell me?” you whisper, your voice cracking in the end.
Jeongguk sighs. “I don’t know.”
You’re both quiet when you sit on the couch a few inches away from him. You both stare at nothing on the floor, with you trying to grasp the fact that JK never told you about his identical twin and with Guk trying to comprehend the truth that his twin brother never told him about you.
“Jeongguk… I mean, Guk?” you whisper. “Do you know where he is?”
He answers after a minute. “I don’t.”
Another minute. “Is he in danger?”
Half a minute, then Jeongguk turns to you with soft voice. “I hope not.”
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general-cyno · 7 months
I'm caught up with manga rn so I wanted to share a few thoughts (ramblings) on egghead arc zolu too. first, this convo after the crew leave wano and find out abt what's gone down in the reverie, and wrt to vivi specifically,
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I do agree with some stuff I've seen about how using ace here as an example was not exactly the best one since we know how that ended up. that said, I think it's lowkey sweet that zoro still remembers so clearly what luffy said back then and well, he's not entirely wrong.
as I've mentioned in other posts before, zoro takes the crew and his own role in it very seriously. these are his companions, his friends and family I daresay, and part of his duty as both crewmate and friend includes keeping them all check and safe whenever it's needed. especially luffy, as we've seen in different occasions (water 7, thriller bark, punk hazard, wano, just to name some arcs with relevant moments related to this). storming into marijoa, THE world government/navy stronghold, without any information and/or plan whatsoever is a bad idea all around.
luffy may be impulsive and stubborn at times, but he isn't really an idiot and he knows zoro's right even if he doesn't like it. hence this:
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ngl I love how grumpy luffy is at zoro here. these two are usually on a similar wavelength but there are key moments where their approach to things differ, and it ultimately works bc it's kind of... a complementary thing. making up for what the other lacks or needs to hear in those moments. I believe they bicker relatively less than other straw hats do in comparison (precisely bc of how similar they are imo) but it's funny when it actually happens. I can so easily picture luffy here fuming and stomping like a brat also being seconds away from asking for a divorce
this one's perhaps on a more delulu note on my part, but I like that zoro brought up ace in specific bc he was there both times when ace and sabo asked the crew to take care of luffy. it was curious to me that in the former case, zoro was kinda shown with this "!" reaction sign and later when it came to sabo in dressrosa, he was the one to fondly point out he sounded just like ace did in alabasta (and the "!" is back).
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(the fact that sabo handed zoro luffy's vivre card there also lives in my mind rent free btw)
so yeah. zoro's definitely not one to mess around when it comes to the crew and luffy's safety, though he may get a handful of grumpy straw hats (captain included!) for it.
another thing, and do bear with me bc I might be reaching once again is... the break up flashback between shanks and buggy. I pretty much forgot to make a post about water 7/enies lobby zolu bits (too busy crying over robin, I admit) but this actually reminded me of it.
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the context and personalities involved differ from each other, yeah, but I believe this shows exactly how easily it could've been for luffy and zoro to have a bad ending of sorts under different circumstances.
I can't say for sure how much of whiskey peak was intended to affect zoro and luffy's relationship later in the manga (I personally find some parts of it kinda goofy), but it at least served as an early example that they're not immune to suffering from misunderstandings and miscommunication issues. though unlike shanks/buggy, the fact that they're more similar than they're different and their differences tend to complement each other's likely works more in zoro and luffy's favor. still,
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if luffy hadn't listened to zoro here - if he'd failed to stay true to what's expected of him as the captain (and being the captain is related to his journey to become the pirate king), to stay true to the kind of man zoro believes him to be and that he chose to join in that marine base, we could've had a similar scenario to shanks and buggy's imo. more so when you consider that zoro's as headstrong as luffy is, that he's been mistaken for the captain and now has turned out to have the color of the supreme king too. hell, zoro used to be a bounty hunter, is still called the pirate hunter. I don't believe it'd be easy for zoro to leave despite what he says, or that they'd become enemies per se, but it isn't (or wasn't) out of the realm of possibilities. zoro has admitted that he sees no point in being a pirate unless he's part of luffy's crew as well.
as it is, the fact that luffy values zoro's imput and listens to him whenever the need arises is such an important part of their relationship. as loyal as zoro may be, as great as his displays of that loyalty are, they only exist bc luffy cares for him just as much and has earned them through his actions. I love it!
last thing before this gets too long is this:
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the mobile app's pic upload limit is my enemy so I can't share it but I also liked the page before this one, where luffy asks zoro if he needs some help, to which zoro tells him to focus on kizaru instead.
this is such a great showcase of how much they've grown in terms of strength - that zoro can take on one of pre-timeskip luffy's strongest foes now, and that luffy himself is no longer unable to do anything against enemies like kizaru. and yknow, I find it special that luffy can go against him now considering kizaru was the one who almost killed zoro in sabaody - one of those instances in which luffy was genuinely worried, upset and feared for zoro's safety to the point he was actually all teary when rayleigh managed to save him.
I would've liked to see zoro's reaction to nika!luffy since he was knocked out in wano when it first happened, but I suppose he's already seen the wanted poster and his lack of reaction now isn't that out of character probably. godly power up or not, that's still his silly gremlin captain ig. can't wait to see what else is in store for these guys in this arc and onwards!
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Love in the Time of Strudels
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Summary: Reader tells Spencer she loves him and it brings back some memories.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: fluff
Content warnings: Reminders of death and mourning of a loved one (Maeve)
Word count: 1.3k
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Spencer woke up to two things this morning. One, the smell of apples baking with traces of brown sugar wafting in the air. Two, his phone buzzing on his nightstand. He perks up, for which he couldn't say. But when the text is from J.J. calling him in early, he wants nothing more than to pretend that the text doesn't exist. Because it’s you responsible for the delicious smells gracing his entire one-bedroom dwelling.
He sat up, pushing the covers off. Sunlight peeked through the curtains behind him, making it harder to open his eyes. He rubbed them until he could. He doesn’t remember how long you both stayed up last night. However, considering your clothes are strewn together, ending at his feet and he was in fact, quite naked, he could work up some theories.
He didn’t have the energy for that though. Instead, he pushed himself up on his feet, immediately putting away his clothes and folding yours to place on your side of the bed. He grabbed a button-up, vest, and tie combination, along with matching pants and an overcoat. He dresses quickly because he knows an unanswered text leads to a phone call within five minutes. He needs to use those five minutes at least. He grabs his phone.
When Spencer enters his kitchen, he finds you at the sink. Dishes were collected there and ingredients that matched the air were grouped near the stove. The sounds of you scrubbing attentively almost drowned out when he said, “Well good morning.”
You turned around. Your bedhead is poofy and your lids look just as heavy as his, but your smile is still sweet. You’re wearing his robe, and he’s reminded that your clothes are on his bed. He’s tempted to let you keep it because he never thought you looked so beautiful. "Good morning back," you say as you cock your head. “You’re already dressed.”
“Yeah,” Spencer simply lifted his phone. The screen isn’t even lit.
You know. He studies your face, wondering how much he’s disappointed you. You’ve been around long enough to know how this works, but Spencer continues to learn the hard way that leaving you abruptly never gets easier. Especially when you’ve tried to make something special for him. And even more when your effort is displayed aesthetically in the form of apple strudels stacked on each other, topped with powdered sugar. You even used one of his fancy plates; the golden border complements the golden-flaked treat.
You suck in your cheeks like you taste-tested the lemon juice you used. “Okay.”
“You can be mad.”
“I’m not.”
“You sure?” He knows you’re not happy.
You push yourself off the counter you are leaning against and step forward. “Your job requires helping people who need you.” You stop when your toes meet his shoes. “We can’t control when that happens.”
Spencer takes your hand. “I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get back.”
“I know.” Your smile is slight.
Although the team profiles each other regularly, he doesn't speak the results aloud when analyzing you. Before he can say anything unrelated to what he’s thinking, you’re reaching across the kitchen island to grab the fancy plate, sliding it to your side. “Will you take these to your people?”
“What?” Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed. “You made them for us, though.”
“You’re getting called in now and you haven’t eaten. Your team likely hasn’t either.”
Spencer clamped his lips shut with his teeth. He knows you’re right.
You take the top strudel off the stack. Spencer didn’t even notice you had two smaller plates out for both of you. You take some powdered sugar off the big plate and sprinkle it on the one you give him. It somehow makes him feel awful. So before you can reach for the saran wrap, Spencer takes the plate from your hand. “I should at least compliment the chef before I leave.”
He takes a bite. The crispy crunch is almost melodic. “Oh, my god.” His words blend with his thoughtful chewing. Powdered sugar collects around the corners of his mouth. He takes another bite. “You’re brilliant.”
“I try,” you joke while wrapping the big plate. When done, you wait to wrap his, but he keeps it close to his chest, insisting through a full mouth that he wants to finish his breakfast here. He eats fast. He has maybe three minutes.
When he’s done, Spencer puts the plate down, then uncharacteristically wipes his hands together and calls it clean. Then those hands are put around your waist. He pulls you close and hugs you, his chin on your shoulder. “Thank you for this," he says to you. “Thank you for making me feel special.”
You follow, your arms instinctively rubbing his back and eventually settling around his neck. You hug him a bit tighter, and Spencer recognizes the small but noticeable squeeze. He relishes your press into his chest.
When you pull apart, your hands don’t leave. He keeps his at your waist while looking at you. “You gotta go.” You say.
He sighs, “I know.” He leans down to kiss you gently. “I’ll call you before we fly, okay?"
“Okay.” You push yourself up to kiss him again, mimicking what he did.
Spencer grins and lets you go. You hand him the big plate. “Bye.”
“Bye, love you.”
“Wait, what?” That is all he can say. Other than that, Spencer’s frozen in both action and brain activity. The phrase you just said, however, echoes throughout the room. Or it’s just him. He can’t ask.
“Bye, love you.”
You’ve been around enough to understand how his job works, and this isn’t the first time he’s trusted you alone in his apartment when he’s called in. But you don’t know about Maeve. Spencer knows his way through complicated theory and equations, but he can’t figure out how to bring up his ten-month relationship that ended abruptly due to not-so-common circumstances.
Yet with those three words, it’s as if you palmed him on the forehead with the memory of hearing Maeve speak it for the first time. He remembers thinking it was a slip. Then he remembers how she couldn’t see his reaction over the phone.
Heaviness is between you two right now, literally separated by a foot. Spencer’s sure the seconds have been long. The plate has already been put down, so you’ve definitely felt rejection at this point. Nevertheless, you repeat yourself. “I said I love you.” And he hears you swallow. “I-it’s okay if you don’t. I just wanted to say it. I’ve wanted to for a —”
“I love you too.”
He didn’t think your eyes could get wider. “You do?”
“Yeah.” He exhales, the corners of his lips turning upward. “I’m glad you told me.” Spencer also remembers that he didn’t get the chance to say it back. Maeve hung up before he could even think about it. His feelings were obviously there. It took time (and books and therapists) to cope with them, questioning for months if he would ever be able to express them again, fully and without fear.
Now he’s standing here, in his kitchen, in front of you. And he’s admitted he loves you.
Spencer bridges that foot of distance and puts his arms around you again. His hands are open on your back and the fleece of his own robe is suddenly the most delightful feeling in the world as your warmth continues to bloom through it. He presses his nose into your shoulder. 
Then his phone buzzes in his pocket. The phone call is here.
“They need you.” You say.
“They can wait.”
“You have to get on a plane.”
“I don’t care.”
Spencer silences the phone. He puts it on the island and pushes it to arm’s length. And he returns to you, fully present and in love.
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kingconia · 10 months
#4, #9 and #28 with Rook Hunt! He seems like a possessive lover
4. “You know I'd do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.“
9. “Damn it all to hell, if I don't get to have you tonight then I'm never going to be able to have you.”
28. ”Come and get your fix.”
cw: slightly spicy? mentions of possessiveness and slight obsession (from both sides, lmao)
In the world of kings, princes and magical creatures, you were no one.
It was something you accepted rather quickly; this world was never yours to begin with, and no particular sadness was met by this early realisation. The role of temporary guest came easily to you, the understating of the fact that you will leave this place as soon as Crowley will come up with something, always lingered at the back of your mind.
And so, attaching to someone was prohibited. From your perspective it would be easier this way, to be able leave it, without loving someone.
You were nice to everyone to the point all of them meant nothing to you. You treated them like characters, whose stories you witnessed accidentally. Different books with curious main characters. And nothing more.
Well. Until Rook Hunt.
This story started rather ridiculously. While you hunt down backstories of others, he hunted down you. He thought of you—and that was flattering—as a unique beast to this little collection, a new target. It was the fact that you had nothing in this world that made you so special in his eyes. An attractive little thing, he said.
Despite everything—or rather, exactly because of it—you preferred to ignore him. You rolled his eyes as you felt his ghostly presence in the rooms, and your lips thinned when he talked to you, spluttering little complements here and there. Eventually, though, you got used to it.
To all of him.
In one of many days like this, you suggested him to stop hiding in the bushes or climbing on the rooftops. Instead, you allowed him to follow you.
And the game began.
What started as a strange experience ended up being the most meaningful thing that you made. He was following you, and from now, you followed him as well. And what others called a strange alliance between two of you, grew into something more.
Apparently, Rook was kissing as skillfully as he shot animals down. And, oh, you were nothing in your soul if not starved.
Rook tasted as a pure madness; a tip of his sharp, arrow-like tongue filled your mouth with bittersweetness, dragging your further in the tunnel of insanity, along with him. His every single touch, each praise, tied you even more to him, making utterly desperate.
Rook Hunt tamed you. And you were happily giving up.
”Oh, mon précieux,” he murmured, pressing his chest to yours, as he caught in the corridors of the school, shamelessly, ”it is a little late for running away from me, don't you think?”
It was. Yet, you gave it a try.
The impact of his man dawned on you suddenly as you realised how far you were from your own rules. Your own decision not to be attached to anyone was long forgotten. Now, you know, leaving this world will hurt.
”You know I'd do anything to have you stay by my side, right?” His soft lips pressed to the line of your chin, in something between a kiss and mere touch. ”Anything.”
You closed your eyes, collecting yourself. It was time to stop this game.
”Rook, cut your nonsense,” your breath came out as a roar, when his fingertips traced down your neck, stopping on the tight-buttoned collar. ”I will leave this place eventually. Stop hurting both of us.”
”Maybe I should just break our favourite mirror,” he purred, as if ignoring what you said completely. ”That will leave you without a choice, hm-m.”
”Rook,” you hissed.
His voice was sweeter than honey, and the words that left his lips were so nicely poisonous that you desired nothing but to drink it right from his mouth.
What a graceful nightmare he was.
”Be honest with me, ma prière, do you truly believe that you will ever leave this place?” He stopped his distracting actions, eyes now fully on you. ”Or is that your own way to apologise before people you left in another world?”
You hardly had anyone back there, and you never felt belonged to anywhere. Could it be the reason why you were sent here? Could it be the argument to allow Crowley to stay? Could it be—
”You are thinking too much, mon amour,” the tip of your noses met. ”Will you have me or no?”
Oh, how dared he to ask, when he knows it already?
”Damn it all to hell,” you laughed bitterly, fingers digging in his lean shoulders, bringing him as close as it was only possible. ”If I don't get to have you tonight then I'm never going to be able to have you.”
Your breath mingled together, and the sharp corners of his lips curled in a disturbingly beautiful smile, when his hands squeezed your hips possessively.
”Here you are, ma bête. Come and get your fix.”
Before you know, your lips were already brought together as you clinged to each other desperately, teeth meeting with a clicking sound, and tongues intertwining in breathless gasps.
Rook might tamed you. But he didn't win. Because it was your name that was engraved on his heart, just as he branded his own in your chest.
And there was no turning back now.
A/N: Rook calls reader ”my precious”, ”my pray”, ”my love” and ”my beast” on french in this order.
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staratdawn · 11 months
All friendships in the "pantheon" have such different vibes. Like—
Regulus and Pandora were soulmates. They always so easy together. She always telled, he always listened. They complemented each other. When he was angry, she was tranquil; when she was angry, he was tranquil. While one of them was mad the other one was calm. It was a perfect balance. No one can destroy it.
Regulus and Barty were lovers, but they also were found brothers, just not at the same time. The family. Family they both never had, but they found in each other. They were desperate in their relationship, clinging to each other like a lifeline and then were incredibly faithful their partners, rejoicing for each other, loving each other incredibly intensely, but already with an another love
Regulus and Evan were allies. They got it each other very well, being in the same position. Son from a shitty privileged family, a king crushed by his crown. They dreamed of running away as much as they dreamed of staying. They shared each other's joys and sorrows and when it was bad with the family and scars healed too long, they always had each other.
Regulus and Dorcas were comrades in misfortune, falling in love with gryffindors, so differently but also so the same. They found each other's eyes across the hall, when they heard something interesting, knowing that then they would share this information with each other. They shared secrets with each other, talked about fellings, talked about things that they never talked about with others. They talked at night, when Pandora fell asleep. They were platonically in love with all of them, wanting to admire from the side and be inside at the same time, dying from a tenderness that they had never felt before.
Dorcas and Pandora were best friends. Yin and yang, oil and water, fire and ice, and and everything like that. Little lovers before and absolutely friendly loving each other now. They always held hands, talked a lot, braided each other's hair, read books aloud, telling about favorite stories. They are the only thing left of each other at some point. And then everything was lost. And they lost themselves, lost each other.
Dorcas and Barty are absolutely another persons. They were a couple in other's eyes, they were "familiars in the same social circle" in each other eyes, scaring to accept they were a more than familiars, they were a friends. Oh, more than anything she hated the fact she missed him when he joined to deatheaters. She hated that she thought about them, thought about him, when she died. She thought that they were a more than just familiars, their consersations were rare, but their friendship was bright, but so short, like a match, that it burns brightly and quickly burns out. They found a common language almost the last, they did not have decades, but this “something” was woven from moments that filled the void in her heart while she bled, regretting nothing.
Dorcas and Evan were each other's favorites. More words about love, about relationships, more tenderness, less tactility, because she really doesn't like hugs (with someone who is not pandora), respect for each other's personal boundaries at the highest level, yet there seems to have never been any distance between them. They were close, they were closer than with somebody other, but also they were ones whose connection was never caught. Platonic soulmates, who never truly hated each other, ending up tearing each other's soul to shreds.
Pandora and Evan were siblings. Literally. They had problems, but they were always good to each other. He would have died protecting her, she would have died protecting him, and that was all of them. Hand in hand, together from the first day, twins, their faces are identical, their characters are incredibly different. They were two sides of the same coin, they were halves of each other, so that one of them dreamed and the other interpreted, they always went in pair, never separately. When one of them died, the other was never complete again.
Pandora and Barty were the ones who don't think they could get along at all. But they got along. And it was silent contempt from the first seconds and unconditional support when it was needed. They were rivals in the final scores, overtaking each other in turns because their brains could hold an incredible amount of information, and were friends in everything else. They shared with each other laugh and tears they, shared problems and achievements, and it felt right. Then, looking at the Luna, seeing Pandora in her... It's never been easy. It's like you always knew your best friend was at arm's length, but you could never catch him, really.
Evan and Barty were friends. No, it's not true. They weren't friends. They were a couple, lovers, husbands. Anyone but friends. Their love was capable of burning forests and draining the seas, it was passion and tenderness, it was painful and it was pleasant at the same time. They were dramatic, bickering and screaming, smashing dishes, kissing in the rain and in dark alleys, hugging each other like it was their last time. They were careful, examining each other's bodies, looking into each other's souls. They were... everything for each other. It killed them in the end. Their love was destructive and Barty never knew how to let go.
I love them sm, thanks
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What do you think are Yuuji and Sukuna’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
A little bit of a late reply because it took me a while to gather and organise my thoughts which I have many of! I love talking about Yuji and Sukuna, especially the two of them together, and even moreso with the fact their strengths and weaknesses are so intertwined, which makes sense, considering they’re foil characters.
In regards to personality, I’ve spoken a lot about Sukuna’s end of things, and his flawed hedonistic mindset. The idea of change is something he cannot accept, and he, as the supposed pinnacle of Jujutsu, represents the old ways - the past - and Jujutsu Sorcerers in the past notoriously rejected their humanity to be stronger, as though some twisted form of enlightenment. Sukuna is an extreme of this, the most inhuman looking of all.
His strengths I think mostly lie in his thoughtfulness and consideration, the way he’s always planning and analysing the situation, never mindlessly swinging. He’s very good at measuring his opponents skill, rarely underestimating anyone (this is what makes his treatment of Yuji ever the more interesting). However, this thoughtful mindset is often held back by his rejection of humanity and change, and I don’t think that’s something he realises at all. His view on life is narrowed, he believes that humans live for pleasure and seek to avoid pain (hedonism), and he makes no room for any other belief. Anything that challenges his mindset is a threat to him (Yuji), and he’s so deep in this way or thinking that he just can’t comprehend that fact. His rejection of humanity is what supposedly makes him strong, yet it is also his greatest weakness - how ironic is that?
Then, there’s Yuji, his polar opposite. Yuji, who is unbreakable, who pushes through despite the suffering he’s undergone, who has such a strong sense of humanity and compassion, all these are his greatest strengths, though sometimes his compassion is also his downfall. The fact he also accepts change, and grows throughout every encounter, unlike Sukuna, is also another key strength. As a whole, Yuji is someone I’d call selfishly selfless, which sounds like a contradiction, but what I mean is he acts outwardly selfless on internally selfish principles. Truly, he wants to help people, he doesn’t want others to die horrible deaths, and he will act without reason if it means he can do that, life on the line and all. This is selfless. However, there’s always that selfish motivation, that desire to be known, to die surrounded by others, to have purpose. Yuji, despite how he seems, is a very lonely person, and it’s easy to forget this. He knows so many people, but very few truly know him, and he loses those that finally start to.
Yuji’s biggest flaw in my eyes stems from this loneliness, for a lonely person will often seek some kind of reason, of purpose, and will centre their life around this: Sukuna’s vessel, the only one who can save Megumi etc.
Yuji needs purpose, Sukuna needs no purpose: these are both flaws in context of their characters. I’m hoping this makes sense.
I think this Leads well into why I love their dynamic. They’re designed to complement each other, to be villain to the other’s hero. They are narratively cut from the same cloth: where one is the kind, the other is cruel, and where one is unbreakable, the other is fragile. You could say that neither could exist as they do now without the other, I mean, Yuji’s birth is connected with Sukuna somehow, and Sukuna could not have been incarnated without Yuji. They both drive the narrative because of this fact.
I think about that one Cain and Abel poem a lot in regards to them, I think it sums it up perfectly. “I want to kill him sometimes. I think sometimes he wants to die.” especially makes me think of them.
Apologies if this is messy, I’d usually try and structure something like this but I’m just passionately gushing here for the most part!
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crazy person check: did you see Richie being eviscerated by Syd in steadily personal and intense ways, until he was ultimately bothered / defeated, after belittling and undervaluing her. while also backdropped by past gems of empathy/connection and fondness.
all culminating in them getting in each other’s faces, and Syd brandishing a knife against him, and a part of you didn’t see it as a mere symptom of the chaos erupting in the kitchen, but as a greater manifestation of their tension (despite the good), especially with how needlessly close and frankly abetting/low Richie was speaking, not stepping away from the challenge, which later led you to realize that you actually ship it?
Especially bc he valued Sydney’s words sm that it borderline induced his S2 psychological spiral (which is fckɪɴɢ hilarious lol), exemplifying her impact/value to him, and how she’s equally if not more unhinged than him. and was allowed her retaliation in a grander, more intense way which validates her feelings against Richie, and elevates her above a passive recipient. With this tension transcending into S2, with their pointed tentativeness whenever they would initially interact, although awkward, it was evidently made so by all the things unsaid.
And doubly appreciate the detail of S2 ending with Carmy and Syd on repeatedly bad/disconnected footing and Richie conversely, earnestly imploring Sydney trust him, wanting to be utilized by her, giving himself to the person who arguably holds the most weight (was the one who really saw his inherent issues/needed to prove himself to) and was thusly crucial in pushing him to grow. and how sydney trusted him, chose to in fact — despite everything — which allowed her to achieve a huge part of her dream, actually being there for her - in opposition to his prior trend of self-centeredness (and so becoming endearing to you and smth you really appreciate). And the easy synergy this brought, evidencing their compatibility and natural gravitation — so while sydcarm are mirrors, their fallibilities tend to distance and depersonalize them from e/o - at least in carmy's case. Did this make you admire their depth and dynamicness and their uncanny ability to complement each other, whether piercing under the skin or building the other up? Did their [initial] tension make you think they were gonna makeout, but are you satisfied even tho they didn't (OOC, duh), but lowkey think they wanted to/should, like sydrichie nasty sickonut hɑτefuck when (with knife even)?
Would you lowkey love it if the show trolled and ended up not pairing sydcarm but unexpectedly the two that challenge each other - with sydrichie, despite many ppl falling to their knees in wallmart. Should sydrichie kiss sloppy style with τoɴɢue to make me very happy?
Do I need help? And is it an obvious problem that I ship Syd with any cousin 🐻 that breathes (she can't help that she's so charismatic and wifey 🤷🏿‍♂️)? Yes, yes. Clearly indicative of a hashtag normal person, very well adjusted yes.
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I Can't Stop Thinking About Mr. Grizz In Space
I'll preface all that I am going to say with the fact that Return of the Mammalians as a story has a lot of problems. Its pacing is kind of wack and basically all of the actual plot happens literally at the end. I think I like it more than most, certainly more than a lot of other high-profile Splatoon blogs here, but there's no denying it has a ton of flaws.
It did, however, leave me with a lot to chew on, and perhaps one of the things it has had me thinking about the most is actually just a little gag in the credits
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About three minutes into the credits, Mr. Grizz is shown slowly orbiting around earth, given so little thought that the credits roll right over him, but I genuinely think this is one of the most poignant and evocative images in the whole game.
Now, Mr. Grizz wasn't handled very well in this game, primarily as a consequence of that whole "all of the story happens in the ending sequence" thing, but I think that conceptually he is about as perfect of a villain as they could've made for the supposed "finale" of the story they've been building up to now.
One of Splatoon's primary themes, especially with its villains, has been the dangers of clinging to the past. Octavio is a bitter old warlord stoking the flames of a long-gone conflict mostly to satisfy his bruised ego. Commander Tartar is obsessed with an idealized version of the past and seeks to remake the present when it can't live up to that ideal, even when that ideal never existed. Splatoon 3 even went further, revealing that inklings, octolings, and all the other land-living sea life are in fact humanity's truest successors, and Tartar tried to wipe them all out anyway.
Mr. Grizz continues this trend and takes it maybe as far as possible because he doesn't just want to reshape the present, he sees it as something unnatural and wrong on a base fundamental level, a mistake that can only be resolved by restoring the status quo, giving the planet back to the mammals. Coming as close as possible to literally turning back time. With Splatoon's focus on youth culture and pop media, it's hard not to read this theme as an allegory for the ways that older generations can cause immense harm in rejecting the new and in making futile attempts to grasp a world that once was but never can be again.
But Splatoon isn't trying to tell us that the divides between us are unmendable, far from it. Over the course of the first two games we see how inklings and octolings grow closer and closer until it's a complete afterthought in the third game, and even Octavio, when push comes to shove, is willing to bury the hatchet for the greater good. Calamari Inktantation 3MIX is perhaps the purest expression of this, a mix of old and new, a traditional folk song turned into a pop song, complemented by three artists that each pull from completely different cultures (Frye = India, Shiver = Japan, Big Man = Brazil) all mixed together by a 100+ years old DJ. Calamari Inktantation is old and new, pop and traditional, Inkopolis and Splatsville, octoling and inkling (and manta ray), in a chaotic, messy, beautiful swirl of sheer ecstatic joy. As a song, it is peak Splatoon, clear and simple.
But this isn't about Calamari Inktantation 3MIX, as excited about that song as I am, this is about Mr. Grizz, and after spending so many games exploring the dangers of clinging to the past, Splatoon 3 uses him to show us what happens when you cannot let go.
Mr. Grizz could not accept the present he found himself in. To him it was wrong, it was offensive, and he fought tooth and claw to bring it back with him, into the past, to the glory days, and he fails. Of course he fails, you can't stop time, much less turn it back, and the people of the present will always fight to protect their future. So where does that leave him?
Alone. Gazing down at a planet he was born on but can no longer recognize. From his orbit, he can see thousands, maybe millions, of little lights along the coastlines, each one an entire city, buzzing with life and all of its eccentricities. It's a world that would probably welcome him, if he gave it the chance. But he didn't. He rejected it and sought to return to a time and a place that no longer existed, and in so doing, all he achieved was isolating himself. And now, as he circles the world, all he can do is watch as it moves on without him.
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I started playing around with my Charlie’s design a little bit. I wanted to add some more covert wolf/dragon-like qualities, and I’ve also been ruminating on the white-savior narrative a bit as well as colorism… I know that they are technically half black in my version (they’re basically albino and albino black/bipoc people exist and, of course, should be acknowledged; I don’t want to overlook them, however, there is something to be said about how lighter skinned people or characters tend to fill the kinds of protagonist roles Charlie is in at a disproportionate rate….for very obvious reasons…., and idk how I would feel about playing into that even if I aim to critique it, especially if this ends up branching off into its own little thing) and that I chose the white coloration to comment on the ways we perceive whiteness as purity (lamb deception) whilst demonizing darkness, but I’m still on the fence. Like I said, I also wanted to play around with wolf patterning, so I landed on some vitiligo (ig?)- coded ideas. I’m not sure if I’m sold on it right now, but I do like the concept. I was also gonna try darkening their skin tone, but that one’s still in progress (Sorry, I don’t do a lot of digital art, so I’m kinda bad at it lol)
If anybody has any thoughts on the subject, I’d love to hear them.
Also, some more fun facts: they definitely have a more extensive wardrobe as royalty, and the colors I associate with them are black, white, pastel blue, and red (so original lol). They wear more red around their father or whenever they feel crappy since this palette is based on flame coloration in accordance to heat (high spirits = blue and white; low= red and reddish orange) and in my version, red would be a color closely associated with specifically Lucifer’s presence (instead of…everything), so they’re subconsciously trying to match his energy. They wear more contrasting black and white outfits when hanging around Alastor. With V, it’s more the typical blue (their usual attire is made to complement each other through pastels). Oh, and V finally has a name: Vanesa. That should have taken two seconds to come up with, but indecisiveness strikes again. I’m still second guessing.
Alright enough random color dynamics:
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babyjapril · 15 days
Just wondering, what‘s your favorite quality about Japril together and as individuals? :)
Hiiiii! First I'm sorry for taking some time to reply, I wanted to sit down to answer, and not through my phone, also since this is an opportunity to talk about my blorbos, even though i'm bad at talking about why i love my faves, it still got a bit long, sorry <3
With April there are two qualities that I think about right away when I think about her so I maybe those are my favorites, even though there are more that I love about her. So the first two I think about when I think about her are how kind/considerate she is and also her competitiveness lol. I feel like she's actually too kind to some people, like Alex, who treated her terribly, but with that I also love seeing her standing up for herself and becoming more confident
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I love how organized she is and it's cute how in the earlier seasons she was always taking pictures with her camera, I just know she'd make the best scrapbooks. And that she's a trauma surgeon, she def became a doctor bc she wanted to help people but she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie with trauma surgenry!! Also I'm always here for weird loser girls <3
(and not a quality of hers but the way in the beginning the show wanted to convice me to hate her bc she's "annoying" and then in general her being hated in the fandom makes me love here even more, idk I feel like Sarah just makes April loveable even when she's supposed to be annoying)
Jackson, I love that he's actually kind of a dork. Like "making medicine cool" and the fact that he has a lucky pencil. I loooove his sense of humor and I love how he treats his patients, his patients are some of my favorites (also love both his and Marks approach to plastics) .He works well under pressure, and he's a quick thinker, he was a hero in season 6 finale, oh but then again I can't forget saving a child from an exploding bus in season 9 finale. And you know he's just a good guy
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And them together, well first I just looooooove friends to lovers trope but especially when it's done a certain way. Like especially when we can see the characters be friends, true friends first, and then they accidentally discover there's a spark. And when that kind of ship has chemistry I'm sold!! Japrils chemistry is just unmatched imo.
I love how they're different from each other, but they complement each other soo well. Jackson is the one person who always calms April down, and Mr Grumpus is always so smiley around her and his silly side comes out. They also have the same values even though they have different beliefs, Jackson said it himself at the end of season 10 so idk why the writers went back to "nooo they would't work together bc faith". Jackson was I feel like the first mercy wester the grey sloan residents liked and he is a likeable guy, he could make friends anywhere, meanwhile even when April is friends with majac there's a lonliness to her of a girl who's kinda in the friend group bt kinda isn't, but they both have each other, like even though Jackson could make friends anywhere April is his closest friend, and Jackson is a great best friend to April, that's another thing I like about them. Plus how protective Jackson was of April since the start of season 7, dragging her away from the residents that were staring at them, punching Alex. And I think there are some parallels, even though they're soo different and they grew up so differently, they both didn't fit in with their families .
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Also I'm obsessed with how touchy they are, even when they're just friends they're always touching, they're just sooo comfortable with each other <3
(screencaps show another one of their qualities, they're sooo pretty both individually and together dhfhfd)
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
You need to read the live action, the manga and the anime as different canons. It's healthier to the fandom's brains AND it's also better for analyzing properly what is going on.
One Piece is the type of story that relies heavily on the medium it is presented on. Hm actually, let me correct myself: One Piece is the type of story that celebrates and understands and was born to be told in that specific medium. The form and the content don't exist as separate entities, but are rather intertwined to elevate the narrative. That the characters are soooo cartoonish is not a mere style choice— it holds meaning, it complements what the author is trying to transmit.
One of the first things that I learned in college while studying storytelling was that there's a max point for tension in any story. There's a top to how tense you can keep the audience. If you reach that point, you won't be able to intensify the emotions; that's it, you need to introduce a breather or you'd end up with a stagnant narrative.
In manga/comics and cartoons/anime it's easier to walk that line. The power to make some silly joke or have the characters acting stupid is in the hands of the mangaka. I bet any manga reader or anime watcher can think of a moment in their fav series when the characters were in the middle of a seriously important moment, just to be involved in something ridiculous that breaks the tension.
It's fantastic. Mangas and animes love to make fun of their mediums, introducing satire to allow the audience some laughs. It's not until later when the reader/watcher sits and realizes how fucked up the whole situation was. A delayed punch to the gut, something to keep the mind working and thinking of their series until they wait for the next chapter/episode.
How to make the audience feel the impact of a character? Well, you can allow the audience to empathize with the character by explaining their reasons or backstories, you can show the world through their eyes. You can also show them all goofy and happy, so when the hammer strikes the readers/watchers will be nostalgic for the good times, mourning the fact they will not get more of that and becoming nostalgic. There are so many ways to keep a character haunting a story...
Oda is aware of all the manga medium can and cannot do. For people like him, the limitations are actually just more tools to play with. If you want to double check what I'm saying, go reread the panels where Luffy awakened Gear 5. Only manga could offer what went down in those panels; when the very nature of Luffy's powers are revealed to the audience and the characters, the manga gets self-aware and voices it out: "hey, this is the type of thing that only happens in comics, right?"
The anime allows a different range of tropes and shapes the story, correctly translating it. It's true that the best translations mind the public and the medium, adapting the jokes and references. It's also true that every translation is a little betrayal to the original, a unique creation in its own right. A good example of that is the way that the fillers shape the perspective of the watchers when it comes to the characters' dynamics. If the anime has a filler arc where the fight, a new tension will be present in the next manga canon arc. If the anime shows a filler where characters are close friends, it's gonna be weird when they start acting all distance back at the manga canon events. Not all fillers are meant to be considered part of the main storyline, of course. You have OVAs and you have movies and fillers and all types of media that are considered separated.
On the other hand, you have the visual changes: imagine that the anime changes the angle of a scene where two characters used to stand close and put more distance between them. What the manga could mean as a subtle implication that those characters cared about each other could turn into cold tolerance of the other's presence. Even the best of animes have those changes!!!!
In One Piece's case, turning the story into a live action series must change almost everything. It'd be impossible to maintain the cartoonist aspects of the story (unless they decided to go full Looney Tunes in that movie with Brendan Fraser lol). The choice was the following: we can try to keep the original elements even when they translate poorly to the new medium so we can please the original fans that are used to the story —OR we can try to translate the essence of the story and change all that needs to be changed, so that we keep the storyline and storytelling coherent and cohesive, at the cost of creating something not necessarily alien, but still new.
Violence in OPLA is way more serious.
You know how in the manga/anime characters would get fatally wounded and come back like it was just a minor injury? Or how they'd heal with no major medical intervention? That's a liberty of the medium. Your brain doesn't process the same way when you see a drawing wounded and when you see a real life person wounded. In OPLA, the suspension of disbelief is harder to achieve. Even and because the story was already introducing Luffy's powers and other fantastic elements, they needed to be careful to not overdo it. One option was to make people actually die— to know that in the live action not everything is so silly? It raises the stakes. OPLA discards some elements that are natural of a manga and in consequence, the story turns out to be darker. You have no fillers or little stripes of silly drawings or author comments or openings and endings. You'll have to do with what you do have and tell a story worthy of being told in that new medium.
That's a good translation right there, made by someone who understands that you cannot copy and paste things recklessly. That's the formula that made so many live actions fail, in fact.
You'll see many fans complaining because they don't understand any of what I just explained. For them it's easier to justify their opinions by saying that "they did this bad and that's why I don't like it" than admit that "they did this correctly but it's not my thing anyway".
One big example? Fanservice cannot be carried out from manga/anime to a live action. It's not the same to exaggerate the proportions of a body in a drawing (we can discuss the morals of this later) than ask of it from a human person. It's not the same to use some sexual traits in fiction as a way to appeal to the audience than to carry out those implications to a live action (again, I'm not saying it's good or bad because that's a discussion for another time).
Actors are humans. They will never have the same characteristics as an animation or a drawing, no matter how advanced technology is. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you appreciate art for what it is in its medium.
So really, what's the healthiest option? It'd be to approach each version as exactly that, a version of the story. As foreign as it can sound to some fandoms, the audience doesn't have to justify their opinions on something. Opinions are not professional reviews or art analysis. You can be as subjective as you want! To perceive each version as its own little world is easier: you can say "I like this better" without invalidating the opinion of anyone else. There's also the fun in exploring the different implications (they look like friends in this version but like lovers in this other) and playing with the divergences. Fans do that all the time in their art (literature, visual art, music, etc)
You can also analyze different versions of what is going on and contrast them. Do the differences change the form and content of the story or just one of those things? How does this new element change the dynamic between these characters? Are the characters written well but get thrown into a new setting? Is the setting the same but the characters feels more like ocs than the characters from the original story?
Knowing how much One Piece values symbolism, it'd be interesting to see how they could translate the constant influx of symbols in the manga or in the anime to the live action. The live action might show just the most important parts, cutting all the rest for lack of both space, time and budget. What does the author consider to be vital to the story and what can be cut down?
To have three parallel Luffy's in different stages of the story is fascinating to me, more so than the idea of trying to mix three formats that won't even match, mind you.
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taeohzcatz · 1 year
hello !! i saw that your requests were open, i was wondering if u could write something with jake, ben, alex, wolf, teddy and maybe donald (its up 2 u for the other boys ofc !!) having a really dumb s/o but shes really kind and joyful so like shes an airhead basically haha
thank you so much for the request!, i literally love these type of prompts :))
when you're dumb but sweet
feat: ben, alex, gerard, teddy, jake, wolf and donald
warnings: some light cursing
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ben (humin) park ★ —
you're the highlight of his days !!
he finds your sweet, oblivious nature endearing and finds you such a mood booster
sure you don't know what's going on half the time, but that's what he admires about you.
he's also a little airheaded, so it works.
you love telling him really bad jokes, and he either a.) finds them freaking hilarious or b.) just looks at you with the ??? face.
you two have a lot of inside jokes that literally no one understands (the majority of which are stupid things you've done or said).
he doesn't study very often but will start doing it more frequently just so he can help you with tests, homework, or any other assignment.
if you get anything higher than a 70, he'll start thinking he can give grey a run for his money 💀
god forbid if you call yourself dumb because he's telling you a thousand and one reasons why you're the smartest person he knows.
sure he might be exaggerating, but anything to make you happy
alex (hyeontak) go ★ —
i feel like alex would be more of the protective type.
of course, he loves your optimism and honest nature, but he does worry.
he's just scared that someone would take advantage of you.
especially with all the union and corrupt people in Yeongdeungpo, he just wants to protect you
no matter what he does to keep you safe, you just seem to find yourself in some sort of situation (never anything too serious, but of course���)
like he can tell you not to go out in the streets or the subways because it's too crowded or something simple, and you always just... spawn there.
you swear that you have no idea how you ended up there.
activate alex mom mode
your personality definitely stresses him out sometimes due to you being unaware of most things around you and the fact that you are unnaturally sweet.
despite the fact that you might worry him, you actually relieve stress much more than you ever cause it.
he loves your corny jokes and klutzy behaviors.
he especially loves it when you ask him for help on anything, it can be the simplest things, but alex just loves feeling useful to you.
he doesn't want you to be reduced to just an airhead, so he is constantly trying to teach you things or help you.
gerard (gayool) jin ★ —
i swear, you and gerard are soulmates.
you guys just complement each other so well.
he a sucker for you and your dumb jokes, and if you're a little slow, even better.
he finds you funny and adorable
there was this one time where you were in his lap, his head resting on your shoulder, as he was teaching you how to play his guitar.
"ok y/n so you just put your hand on here... and then you hold these stings and start strumming..."
you had no idea what he was saying 💀, you were trying your best to pay attention and to actually comprehend what he was saying but it just felt like he was teaching you 12 different things all at once
you just played it off with simple nods and ohhhhs.
although it came back to bite you in the ass when he told you to demonstrate what you learned.
if you're a klutz, he will definitely laugh at you (in a lighthearted way, of course) if you trip over something or bump into something (don't worry, he'll make sure you're ok after).
he definitely appreciates your joyful self.
he feels like he doesn't have to take anything too seriously around you and that he is free to be his true self.
although your sweetness won't stop him from trying to one up your horrible jokes,
teddy (taeoh) jin ★ —
just like gerard, you two suit each other.
he loves that you are friendly and sociable.
also your antics never fail to make him laugh.
like you two can be sitting together in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.
when you just say the most out of pocket stupidest thing he's ever heard.
you don't understand why he's laughing so much…
he thinks that you're a great change of pace and someone he can joke with.
he might even teach you some of his signature moves just so you can defend yourself against creeps or anyone really.
if anyone dares to make fun of you or call you dumb, then you better believe teddy is going after them.
just because you catch on a little slowly doesn't mean you deserve to be bullied:((
you don't have to worry too much about the bullies though because you have your natural bully repellent, teddy jin by your side.
jake (hagho) ji ★ —
bro is so whipped
you two love talking about your interests together, especially the ones you guys are passionate about
he especially loves how you let him ramble about One Piece or any other manga he's reading (just smile and nod 🥹)
he will be protective of you just like alex but will do it in a more humorous manner.
you know how in the movies the guy puts a jacket over a puddle so the girl can walk across it? Yeah, he'll be like that, but ironically,
he'll purposely insert a random scientific fact into you guys conversations just to see your face morph into confusion.
although he mostly does it just so you can beg him for its meaning (he doesn't even know what it means💀),
he definitely loves the fact that you're a natural sweetheart.
its definitely a break from all the disingenuous people around him.
of course, you catch on to things a little slower than the average joe but he loves watching your reaction when you finally get/understand something.
he loves how well you get along with his friends (even though in the beginning dean thought you were a little annoying).
of course, they ended up warming up to you fairly quickly and thought you two were basically made for each other.
jake especially likes when you get into conversations with timothy and you have to act like you know what he is talking about when he brings up shuttle patch rankings or anything data related.
in general, he finds you refreshing and a break from all the union and eunjang mess that has been going around him.
wolf (seongje) keum ★ —
(you're in the union)
he definitely thought you were annoying and obnoxious in the beginning.
he thought you were too dumb and too happy for the position you were in.
although that doesn't stop him from being that worried, possessive boyfriend.
he wouldn't be the gentlest person, but he wouldn't be mean either.
he will chastise you if you do something stupid or careless.
he'll tell you about how you're so dense and that you should've known better.
although in the beginning he sounds a little harsh, you'll start understanding that he is just looking out for you.
he just feels like you act and say before you think, which you do.
It's stressful having to keep up with you.
just like alex he thinks people will take advantage of your kindhearted and naive nature.
especially since you're in the union, it's definitely a risk that he can't take.
he'll do his best to take care of you, though.
your silly remarks and sweet gestures never fail to put a smile on his face (even though he uses his hand to cover it up, it's there, don't worry).
donald (baekjin) na ★ —
(you're childhood friends)
donald actually, surprisingly, enjoys your presence.
i mean, you've known him for such a long time that he would understandably get used to your behaviors.
growing up, nobody seemed to understand the unusual pairing that was you and Donald.
he was cold and intelligent, and you were sweet and naive.
you were basically his only friend back then
you were unnaturally nice to him, despite his being an outcast for his intelligence and economic situation.
you just brought something that was missing in his life
that joy and airheadedness definitely made him happy, especially growing up in such a bad environment.
fast forward to now, and you still matter to him.
he has a soft spot just for you (and maybe for Kingsley).
he always keeps an eye out for you, but because you are so close to the leader of the union, there's always the risk that you can be used as some sort of blackmail against him.
of course, he knows what you're capable of—or maybe what you're incapable of—so he doesn't worry too much.
he helps, or more, like does your homework for you
it will just be you sitting in his lap or anywhere in his office while he focuses on his own work and you're trying to figure out your own.
he puts in his own input every now and then, but it'll always fall on deaf ears.
you just don't understand, but for donald that's ok; he loves helping you.
he'll make sure you get at least some of it before you leave his office
he'll expect some progress on your test or assignments, though, so you better be paying attention😠
there!! i added gerard if that's ok with you anon ^^, these were very fun to write !!
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