#the fact tsukki actually did it too
urlocaltannenbaumm · 2 years
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zorosprincess · 2 months
I Fucking Hate You
PAIRING - Tsukishima Kei x Reader WC - 4.5K GENRE - smut CW - mentions of drinking, short(er) reader, manhandling, some degradation... i mean c'mon... it's tsukki, fingering, mentions of spit, unprotected sex, creampie
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If you would have known that letting your best friend Aiko convince you to come to the university volleyball team's 'end of trimester' party would end with you here, like this... you would not have come. You would have said to hell with her begging and her crocodile tears, the pout on her lips that was replaced with a huge smile the second you gave in and said yes.
"You're worse than that Oikawa boy." You had said the words just to watch her face twist up in disgust as she gagged, "never compare me to him again." "You know he likes you, right?" you'd joked, hoping to get her irritated enough with you that she'd rescind the invite. It hadn't worked, her hand waving in dismissal, "you're not making me uninvite you."
So yeah. If you'd known that this is where it would have gotten you, you would have said no. If you'd have known that your best friend's ex boyfriend would have been at the party (a fact you were sure Aiko purposely forgot to mention it to you for this reason) you would not have come.
And if you would have known that you and the aforementioned male would be forced to actually interact thanks to your bitch of a best friend, you would have pushed her down the stairs the second you got here and ran for the hills. Because here you were. Alone. With one of the people that you hated the most. The one person you argued with the most.
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Honestly, knowing who was throwing the party, you could really only blame yourself. He was on the team. You should've expected him to be here. Really you just didn't think he'd be the type to come to a party. The type to let himself be convinced to come. It was stupid, really. You realized so the second you pulled up to Tadashi's house with Aiko.
The same way you would always show up for Aiko, Tsukishima Kei would always show up for Tadashi.
You had determined that the best way to avoid Tsukishima was to drink with Aiko. To glue yourself to her side because you knew he didn't want to come around both a girl he hated and his ex-girlfriend. As long as you didn't let yourself get pulled away by a teammate then you should have been fine.
Should have been.
What you did not account for, however, was being shoved down the hallway after him by said traitor best friend as he was sent to go find extra towels because a couple of the boys wanted to jump into the pool.
It had taken you all of five minutes to give up on finding the towels and to sit yourself on the bed, eyes trailing after the stupid bean pole as he kept digging through cabinets of the room you'd been pointed to.
"Would you care to repeat that?" he sneered out the words and it occurred to you that maybe you hadn't called him that insult only in your head.
"Nope." you popped the p on the word and rolled your eyes. You were suddenly aware of how stupid the drinks with Aiko had been. It wasn't that you were drunk, but you were compromised enough to have no filter between your mouth and your brain. No impulse control. "No one wants to talk to you anyways," you giggled as you let the name Hinata taught you slip from your lips, "Suckyshima."
You were trying so hard not to laugh at the glare he gave you then. He let out an annoyed huff of air as his tongue poked at his lower lip in irritation. He was towering over you at that point - When did he move in front of you? Why did he have to be so tall that it hurt for your neck to crook back and look at him? - he was looking down at you with his signature condescending smirk.
"Listen, shrimp," his smirk widened as you glared up at him, "I'm sorry the simple task of looking for towels is too hard for that dumb little brain of yours to understand," he emphasized his words with a flick to your forehead and you nearly growled as you swatted his hand away, "but don't take it out on me." He laughed and stepped away from you.
You clenched our teeth as you stood up then, not that it helped much, he still towered over you as you straightened to your full height. You tried your hardest to keep your tone unbothered as you struck out, trying to hit a nerve, "ya know, lamppost-" you couldn't help your smile, almost seeing the tilt of his head and eye roll at the sound of the nickname you'd never once let up on since the first time you'd met- "if you weren't such an ass maybe someone would actually enjoy talking to you."
He scoffed, continuing to look around the room for the third time. "Like you? I'd rather be deaf and mute for the rest of my life."
You made an amused sound in the back of your throat. "At least I'd never have to listen to your stupid voice again." It was a childish jab, you knew it and he knew it, but you couldn't help yourself. The need to piss him off, to annoy him, it was just too overwhelming. You had to do it. "I mean doing the world a favor really. Maybe knock that smug look off your face, sitting there, thinking you're better than everyone."
"Like you're any better?" He turned to look at you, eyebrows raised and lips twitching, mocking as he re-closed the distance he'd just put between the two of you. Why did he have to be so stupidly tall? "Walking around, acting like a bitch, like the world owes you everything." He glared down at you and you looked right back up at him in defiance. "Think you'd know better since you haven't been able to attract a boy since high school - yeah Maki's told me all about it. Walking around like you're the shit just because you're a pent up bitch."
You could feel your face heat up in anger. Embarrassment coursing into your system as you silently cursed Aiko for sharing that information with the enemy. It wasn't like you had actively looked for someone and had been turned down, so it wasn't like it was something to be ashamed of. But knowing that Tsukishima knew about it suddenly made all rational thought leave your brain.
"You don't know shit." You shoved at his chest and he took a half step back at the force. He let out a soft scoff, almost like he was impressed you even had the gall to lay your hands on him. "Like you've landed a girl since you were with Aiko in high school?" You shoved again and watched as his tongue poked at the bottom of his cheek, a telltale sign that he was holding back his words, his insults. "You're nothing but an ignorant," shove, "arrogant," shove, "asshole," one last shove. "I hate you." You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. "Not worth my time."
"I'm real fucking sick of your mouth." Tsukishima's voice cut through the air and you barely registered the feeling of a hand on your arm before your back slammed against the wall. It took you a moment to register his frame caging you in but he was already speaking. "Watch your attitude." The words were formed more into a growl as he pushed them through his teeth, one of his hands keeping you pinned to the wall by your upper arm.
You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched squeak at the motion and almost felt the need to submit overcome you before you snapped yourself out of it. Your mind was begging your body to ignore the proximity between the two of you. Begging your body to ignore how hot annoying it was that he was towering over a foot taller than you, caging you against the wall.
You felt the heat travel past your face and start on your neck. Your head spun trying to figure out if it was still just anger or if there was a blush starting on the skin too. You hated the thought. You pushed at his chest again and tried to yank your arm away. "Fuck off!" You seethed at him and a final tug of your arm almost set you free only for him to catch you again and pull you back.
"I wasn't fucking done talking." You struggled against him but he didn't let up, your body twisting in his grip. You groaned as you were once again pinned between him and the wall. But this time, your hands rested against the flat surface, just barely keeping your chest from being fully pressed against it.
"I don't fucking care what you have to say." You struggled to move and only grew more irritated when you couldn't quite get away before you were pinned back to the wall, again. "I'm fucking leaving, you asshole." You took a chance and tried to press your whole body weight back against him to throw him off and create a larger gap between him and the wall but it backfired quickly.
His quick reaction made you realize your mistake. He'd read your movements and his whole body quickly pinned yours to the wall, making it near impossible for more to move. You were reminded again of how bad you had messed up by drinking alcohol. The stupid alcohol that removed the filter between your mouth and your brain, between your body and your brain, as a desperate moan involuntarily clawed its way out of your throat. You froze and your eyes widened as you realized what you had just done, body tensing up immediately.
"Oh?" You could almost see the smirk etching its way onto his lips. A light chuckle vibrated out of his chest against your back as he refused to move. "I get it now." He leaned down, lips leveling with your face, breath tickling the top of your burning ear as he taunted. "You're just a desperate little slut."
"I fucking hate you." You growled at him, jerking your body away from the wall, trying to get away from the embarrassing situation you'd put yourself in. "I'm fucking leaving." You barely got two inches away from him when his muscles tightened and slammed you right back against the wall.
This time, however, he pulled you up on your toes and purposefully ground his hips into your ass. "You're a bitch." You let out a pathetic whimper against your will, the heat crawling its way across your skin as you could feel him harden against you.
The feeling of your core heating up was one you would have welcomed in any situation but this. Any situation where it wasn't Tsukishima Kei pressed against you from behind, you would have already given in. But it was him and you hated him. Your voice was weaker this time, "Get the fuck off me." You pushed again, struggling to escape his grasp.
His weight lifted off your figure and you thought you were home free. You wiggled against him, trying to escape the predicament you had gotten yourself into. Of course if you were thinking a little clearer, if the scent of his cologne wasn't fogging up your senses and the heat of his body wasn't suffocating you, you would have realized that you were only making it worse. He stifled a groan as you brushed against his hips a little too hard and suddenly it felt like you were more trapped.
He slotted his thigh between yours, using it to separate your legs and keep them in place as he leaned down, pressing his cheek to yours. Even the slightest movement from either of you created a delicious friction that had your breath hitching and your panties dampening. "Someone should put you in your fucking place." The way he growled sent shivers down your spine, the heat of his breath bouncing off the wall and fanning both of your faces.
You reached behind you to try and push his thigh down and away, the heat in your body becoming unbearable. "I fucking ha-"
You were cut off by one of his hands snatching both your wrists and pinning them to your lower back. He forced you to arch against the wall, the motion causing your dress to hike up and you to lose your balance on your toes. He pressed his thigh up, angling it just right so that when you slipped off your toes, you unintentionally ground yourself against his thigh. You let out a strangled moan and internally cursed your body for giving in so easily like this. "Don't know where you think you're fucking going now."
You took a deep breath and bit your lip, trying to stop another moan from escaping as he began to move his thigh, the friction sending electricity through your core. There was no way you would let yourself fall apart in front of fucking Tsukishima. No fucking way. You ignored the pleasure flooding your body as you struggled to get your wrists released and get away from him.
"I'm fucking leaving." Why did he have to be so fucking strong. "I swear to god Tsukishima-" a quiet whine interrupted your threat as a particular struggle of yours lined up perfectly with the movement of his thigh and the fabric of your underwear caught against your clit just right. "Let me go." It was supposed to come out as a hard demand but with the way your breathing couldn't steady, it came out more as a pathetic plea.
The cold of his fingers met the heat of your upper thigh and you gasped out as you felt them quickly trail up to pull your underwear aside. "Why don't you tell me to stop then." His condescending tone sent shocks straight through the center of your body in all the ways you hated but his movements slowed as he gathered the slick that had pooled in your underwear, like he was waiting for you to actually say it.
You couldn't. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't move. Couldn't stop the disgustingly needy whimper that clawed its way out of our throat. "I fucking hate you." You protested but your body worked against you, pushing into his hand a little more.
A breathy chuckle left his lips, "Yeah, and that's why you're so fucking wet, right?" he mocked and sunk two fingers into you without warning. Your mouth dropped open and your body lifted onto your toes as your hands clenched at the sudden feeling. "That's why your stupid little cunt is squeezing my fingers like this?"
"Fu-fuck." Your breath stuttered and you didn't notice when his hand released your wrists, your hands finding purchase on the wall, holding yourself up as he slowly curled his long fingers towards the perfect spot inside of you. A whimper left your lips as he pressed hard into you with his fingers.
"Go on then," he started with an amused huff, "thought you were going to leave." Reality crashed on you again and you snapped your jaw shut. You squeezed your eyes and begged yourself to pull yourself away from him now that you had the chance. But the way that his fingers kept rubbing so perfectly against your g-spot kept your mouth from forming the words, kept your body from leaving the dizzying sensation.
"You're dripping down my hand, you know." He taunted, twisting his wrist slightly and hitting a new angle. He pressed deeper and a cry left your body as you felt his thumb brush your clit. "Here I am, knuckles deep in you," your eyes began to roll back as the pressure in your gut started to build-god why were his fingers so long? why did they move so well? "bet you wanna cum on my fingers now, like a little slut." He laughed again as you let out a broken moan, nails starting to claw at the wall. "Go on and tell me you hate me now."
You bit back another moan and clenched your teeth. You reminded yourself that there was no fucking way you were letting fucking Tsukishima break you like this. "I fucking hate you." You gritted out and pushed off the wall, going to separate yourself from him.
He was quick to catch you by your waist with his free arm, pinning you against himself, this time with no help from the wall. He removed his fingers from your warmth and brought his newly freed hand to your hips. He pushed your dress up further and before you could register what was happening he had turned the both of you and was throwing you down onto the bed.
You were pinned facedown on the bed before you could think. "You need a fucking attitude adjustment." He growled in your ear as he hovered over you, his hands still on your hips, trapping them in place under him.
"Fuck off." Once again, it didn't come out as harsh as you meant it to, your out of breath tone ruining the purpose.
He only laughed at you and both of his hands left your hips, seeking out and finding your wrists quickly. He pinned them against your lower back, once again, holding them in one hand with a bruising grip. He used his other to pull your hips up, listing the rest of your body onto the bed easily and pushing you forward, forcing your knees under your hips and your back into a deep arch. Easily, like you were a fucking ragdoll. The thought pissed you off but sent a new wave of heat rushing for your core.
You hated it. You hated him.
You could barely hear the rustling of fabric, and you definitely didn't recognize its meaning, over the blood rushing in your ears, the position you were in making you feel vulnerable to the one person you would swear up and down the coast that you hated the most.
You realized almost too late that his hand had left your hips and instead it was his knees and thighs holding you in your position. "You don't need these, right?" It was a mocking question that he didn't let you answer, that you didn't even register before the sound of fabric being ripped and your now ruined panties were removed from your frame.
"You ass-" the sound caught in your throat and turned into a squeak as you felt the head of his cock brush against your clit. You couldn't see it, couldn't even shift your hips back to try and gauge how big it was. But the feeling of it spreading your lower lips slightly made you want it inside of you.
"Why don't you keep quiet and let this slutty little pussy have what it wants." It wasn't a question. His fingers dipped back into you barely, just barely past the pads of his fingers and you let a needy whimper slip out at the teasing. He chuckled again, pressing the head of his cock right against your clit, sending a jolt through your body again. You couldn't move and you hated it. Wouldn't even if you could and you hated that too. "C'mon shrimp," he taunted, leaning down and lowering his voice, "tell me how much you want me to stop."
"Shut. Up." You panted it out, your cheek pressed against the mattress. It wasn't a stop. You knew that. He knew that. You could almost picture that stupid smirk on his face as he leaned back up. Picture him shaking his head in amusement, running his hand through that stupidly pretty blonde hair of his.
"Have it your way." The feeling of something cold and wet dripping down onto your hole with perfect accuracy brought a loud gasp out of you. But before you could register how lewd it was that he'd not spit on your pussy but let it drip onto it, he pushed the self-made lube in with the tip of his cock. "Fuck." He breathed out as you let out a pathetic squeak. He was thick. So deliciously thick. "Fuck you're tight."
He released your wrists and your hands instantly flew to fist the comforter by your head as he pushed the full head of his cock in. "Think you can take it?" His voice was breathy but the condescending, challenging tone in his voice was still there. You were nodding before you understood what you were doing. He laughed a you and you heard spit leaving his mouth again before you were distracted by both his hands on your hips. "Good." He bottomed out in a single thrust and your vision went white.
A choked moan escaped from you as you were suddenly engulfed by the feeling of being split open. He was seated deeper than you had ever taken anything and the pain that jolted through your core had never felt so delicious. And nothing had ever sounded as good as the moan that left his lips as his fingers on your hips tightened, no doubt leaving small bruises in their wake. You opened your mouth to say something but all that left was another cry as he moved his hips, starting at a brutally fast and hard pace.
You couldn't call the sounds that left your mouth moans, couldn't even call them whimpers. They were shrill cries of half-formed curses and pleas, desperate whines as he pounded into you. Your hips were bruising as you tried to hold on to the comforter to ground you to reality. The pain and pleasure of the pace and force that he was rutting into you was making your mind go hazy.
He wrapped one of his hands into your hair and yanked, keeping your back arched but pulling your chest off the bed. Your arms scrambled to find their way under you, begging to hold up your body but failing as his hips refused to slow their pace. The new angle that his hips slammed into you at had your mouth left open, eyes finding a home at the back of your skull while pathetic, shrill moans left your body unfiltered. "Please, please, please." You begged without shame, heat burning all of your nerve ends.
"Please what?" he growled out, "what do you want slut?" You whimpered at the derogatory term. "Oh? Feel that?' he taunted, slowing down slightly to let both of you enjoy the way his cock stretched and rubbed against your inner walls, "the way your cunt just tightened when I called you a slut?" You cried out and tried to nod but couldn't due to the hold he had on your hair. "So tell me what you want, slut."
"Ple-" a cry left your mouth, "please wanna-" another broken moan escaped, "wan' cum." You slurred the words out as he tightened his grip on your hip and your hair.
"You wanna cum on my cock?" You tried to nod desperately, a flurry of slurred "yes"s leaving your mouth. He laughed and halted all his movements. A frustrated groan ripped its way out of your throat as the heat dissipated ever-so-lightly. "Look at your cute little cunt drooling all over my cock." He laughed as you whined, trying to push your hips towards him to get him to move again. His grip steeled, making it impossible for you to move. "Ask me then." You widened your eyes at his words. "And don't you dare fucking cum without permission." He growled in finality.
"Wha-what?" He gave a harsh tug on your hair and your eyes fluttered. Fuck it. "Please." You whimpered lightly. He moved his hips lightly, drawing out and pushing back in ever so slightly. Not enough. "Please can I-" he cut you off by resuming his previously brutal pace as the heat returned in full force to your belly, tightening pressure building quickly.
You remembered his threat and struggled to get your tongue to form the question. "Can I-" a scream ripped through your body at a particularly hard thrust, "can I please." The last word was drawn out with a long whine, trying to catch your breath. "Please," you tried to catch your breath as moans fell effortlessly from your mouth, "wan' cum, wan' cum, cum ple-ah!" your mindlessly babbled pleas interrupted by your cry.
"Can I- can I- please." He mocked you, shifting his pitch up before laughing. "God so stupid you can't even ask a question?" His voice was strained but collected as he pounded into you impossibly harder, cries falling from your mouth, eyes rolling back again, tongue flipping past your bottom lip. "Fucking cum then. Cum on my cock like a good little slut." Like a command.
"Fuck!" You cried as you felt every one of your muscles tighten around him, his movements refusing to let up on your body as you started to shake. He released your hair and your upper body crashed down to the sheets as he resumed a two-handed grip on your hips, recklessly starting to lose his rhythm as he pulled your body to meet his every thrust, fucking you through your orgasm. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kei!" His given name fell from your lips in a shriek and almost immediately you received a response.
"Fu-ck." The word left his lips in a broken moan. A higher pitched leaving right after you felt his length twitch inside of you, spilling his load deep into your core. He paused for barely a second before pushing you flat onto the bed, disconnecting your bodies easily.
So that was that. You thought, preparing to catch your breath and lay there in your shame. That plan, however, was interrupted as Tsukishima gripped your legs by your knees, easily flipping you onto your back and drawing you towards the end of the bed. You leaned up on your elbows, looking and watching, speechless as he rid himself of the pants that had been half on this whole time. Your breath hitched as he tore his shirt off next.
As much as you hated to admit it, he was a fucking sight to see.
Sculpted abs flexing with every movement. Sweat dripping down his perfect, lean muscles. Blonde hair damp and mussed without care. And his still hard cock. Fuck. It was fucking gorgeous and glistening with a mix of both his and your cum.
You swallowed hard and met his eyes as he smirked down at you. That stupid fucking condescending smirk that made your skin burn with hatred, and now lust.
"Did you think I was fucking done?" He was inexplicably intimidating from this angle-towering over you. He laughed at your wide-eyed expression and reached to tear off your dress. "What's wrong, slut? No smart remarks this time?"
You groaned and lost your balance on your arms as he quickly pushed two fingers back into you, watching with sick satisfaction as his cum gushed around them.
You moaned despite yourself. "I fucking hate you."
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a/n - i need to be shot down please. tsukishima brain rot is back
TAGLIST - CLOSED @tetsuskei
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tsxkkis · 9 months
# tsukishima kei - no words exchanged
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a/n = i had two bigger tests today and i studied for both of them a lot BUT i think i did well?? let's hope so cuz i'll die if i end up failing them fr... ALSO idk abt this one cuz i didn't have much time to write lately (which resulted in me being dissatisfied with everything i write) but i hope you like it anyways ^^
summary = a school project finally bonds you with the tall blonde from your friend group.
warnings = none tbh, except for kinda ooc tsukki?
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if someone had no bigger knowledge of tsukishima kei as a person, they would immediately assume he was greatly annoyed by your presence.
your rambling seemed to not have an end, the excitement in your voice and sparkly eyes clearly indicating just how into the conversation you really were. tsukishima glanced over to your side for a spare second, the sight of you happily explaining something to hinata and yamaguchi in a high-pitched voice gracing his eyes, taking in every bit of emotion in your face, every word you said.
ever since you became karasuno's manager along with yachi, tsukishima has been stuck with that weird feeling inside his gut, one that he so desperately tried to get rid of from the very moment he made notice of it. he couldn't afford himself to waste time on such stupid things as love; or maybe, more precisely, he didn't want to admit to himself he was actually feeling that way towards someone.
on the contrary, you actively thought that tsukishima kei hated you.
for you, the quick glances he stole your way were nothing but an indicator of being annoyed by the amount of words that left your mouth, and it didn't help you were the only person he never directed his snarky comments to. in fact, he didn't even speak to you, almost at all; aside from an occasional small talk with him and yamaguchi or greeting you at school.
out of your entire friend group, it was always the most awkward between you two, a surprising fact when you considered that even someone such as kageyama talked with tsukishima more in his life than you have. and if you were being completely honest, it made you a tad bit sad.
and if things couldn't get worse than they already were, a project for chemistry class with random partners hit you like a smack to the face.
"it's a good thing, though, don't you think so, yamaguchi?" yachi's voice echoed from beside you, the dark-haired boy giving her a nod and a little hum in response. "maybe the two of you will finally bond a little."
"yeah, if we even exchange a word." you murmured, feet carrying you to your locker as you took out the books you needed for your next class.
you couldn't deny that maybe yachi was right. maybe it was the chance you needed to finally break the ice of awkwardness between you two, to finally act like actual friends.
as you parted your ways with yachi, the blonde girl going to her class, your eyes caught a glimpse of a different blonde, much taller, walking out of the bathroom and towards you and yamaguchi.
you almost flinched at the sound of your name from his mouth, and yet something in the way he said it sounded so warm and familiar. your eyes met his as you fully turned your body around towards the boy, head turned slightly upward as you waited for him to continue speaking.
"we should probably meet after school sometime this week to do the project."
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you fiddled with your fingers as you stood in tsukishima's doorway, an unsure look on your face as you tried your best not to overthink the situation too much. it couldn't go wrong, right? it's just a project for school. maybe you and him will actually get along.
as you caught a glimpse of tsukishima's frame on the other side of the door, a small smile appeared on your face, the boy waiting for you to take off your shoes before motioning for you to follow him, heading inside his room.
not a word exchanged.
his room was none other than what you expected it to be; everything was neat and organized, and it looked almost untouched. as you sat down on the edge of the bed, eyes still roaming through the unfamiliar place you were in, a small detail occurred to you.
"you have a collection of dinosaur figurines?"
tsukishima tried to hide his embarrassment, but it was evident the second you noticed how the tips of his ears turned red when hearing your question.
"so what?" he cleared his throat, voice as nonchalant as possible as he opened his laptop, sitting down at his desk.
"nothing." you mumbled, eyes following his movements. "i think it's sweet."
he only hummed in response, fingers swiftly moving across the keyboard as he typed in something into the internet, silence taking over the room; so thick you doubt you would've been able to cut it with a perfectly sharpened knife.
ten minutes passed, and tsukishima still didn't seem even remotely interested in starting a conversation with you, a fact that both annoyed and worried you. ignoring the "bonding experience" yachi mentioned it could be for you two, you also had a school project to do.
and that project wasn't even touched yet.
"you know, if you didn't want to work with me, you could've always switched partners."
tsukishima, although taken aback by your question, gave you only a slight shrug in response, seated with his back facing you.
"i wanted to work with you." his words confused you, eyes glued to the back of his purple t-shirt as you tried to process what he could possibly mean by that.
"you hate me, though." you mumbled, barely loud enough for the blonde haired boy to hear you. this time, he did turn around to face you; and as much as you tried, you couldn't exactly understand the emotions behind the expression he had. he looked like he didn't believe what he just heard and, to some extent, that was the truth.
his eyes were fixated on your face, a rare occurrence considering that most of the time the two of you wouldn't even share eye contact.
"i don't."
"you don't really do anything to prove that."
he sighed, hand instinctively going to brush through his hair.
"i'm not used to having friends." his words echoed through the room. "let alone friends like you."
you didn't quite understand what he meant, looking at him with a confused look painted on your face.
"you're loud, and annoying, and you talk so much it makes me wanna throw myself out the window." his words hit you like a knife through your heart. the remains of a faint smile immediately dissapearing from your face. but from what it looked like, he wasn't close to being done talking.
"and yet i can't seem to hate you at all. you make all those traits seem like the most loveable things on the planet."
he stopped for a couple of seconds, as if trying to decide what to say next. tsukishima wasn't used to talking a lot, and talking to you greatly stressed him, as much as he wanted to deny it.
"i don't hate you, [name]. don't make me repeat myself again." he finally added, trying to come back to his usual, cold demeanor. but you could still feel the bits of softness left in his voice, the faintest shade of pink gracing his cheeks.
you smiled, seeing as he turned back to his laptop, typing away again.
"i won't, don't worry." you said, standing up to look at whatever tsukishima was writing down, a grin on your face. "but i am telling kageyama about your dinosaur figurine collection."
he turned to you abruptly, a sight of annoyance mixed with an amused smile on his face, almost as if he enjoyed the playful comment from you.
"don't you even dare."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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cr4yolaas · 3 days
blue spring — teach me!
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prev: prologue | masterlist | next: monkey tie at the exhibit
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he's sitting across from her on the floor, the fluff of the carpet sticking to his bare legs. she hasn't spoken a word to him since she welcomed him into her bedroom, and already, he fears he's done something wrong.
slowly, she scrolls up and down on her laptop, the screen illuminating each curvature on her face. he watches as she thumbs the enter button aggressively, her brows furrowed and the corner of her bottom lip captured between her teeth. "what concepts are you struggling with?" she questions absentmindedly, her attention still directed towards her computer.
he details each topic, some dating as far back as the first semester. the sigh that escapes her lips makes him subconscious. he bites the inside of his cheek to compose himself.
she nods along, an attempt to prove that she is, in fact, listening to him. her eyes scan the screen rapidly, and when he finishes his ramblings, she closes her laptop a little too quickly. a quiet curse slips out from under her breath.
"how do you best learn?" she asks him, and this time, her eyes are locked with his.
"um... visually? like, through examples?"
again, she nods, and signals for him to open his notebook.
and then it begins.
he's observant, his attention on each step and diagram she crafts for him. her handwriting is horribly neater than his. he can't stop focusing on how fast she's writing, but regardless, he does his best to follow.
she pauses for a moment, her pen lifting off of the page. her head tilts towards his, and he can feel her gaze on his skin. "am i going too fast? you can tell me to slow down."
"yeah, please."
and so, she lowers her pace. his notes are becoming clearer, and slowly, he's beginning to understand. her voice becomes softer, and softer, and softer, until it's just barely a whisper against his cheek. kageyama doesn't realize how close they are, with their backs hunched over their notebooks, until a wisp of her hair brushes against his face. suddenly, he can't focus.
he nearly jumps at the way she drops her pen to her side before leaning back against her arms. "that's enough for today," she muses, and he can only nod in agreement. her notebook comes to a close, and he follows suit. silently, he packs his bag, his eyes glancing around her room as he does so. there are clothes strewn beneath her bed, and countless papers splayed across her desk. a canvas sits in the corner, neither blank nor full -- all that she's painted is a bland, gray background. he chooses not to question it.
she doesn't send him off, only sparing him a gentle farewell before he leaves. yachi hands him a bag of cookies with a smile. the other two won't stop looking at him.
when he finally leaves the apartment, kageyama unleashes a heavy breath.
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𝜗𝜚 when kageyama came home he was pacing around with the cookies still in his hands
𝜗𝜚 the jacket kageyama left at yn's place was from his senior year at karasuno
𝜗𝜚 yn was actually so out of it for most of the session. her brain was on autopilot cuz she doesn't normally have guests over unless its forced upon her by her friends
𝜗𝜚 kageyama lowk thought she was weird as fuck for having a random gray canvas in her room but he's too blinded by his love for mysterious nonchalant and offputting people
𝜗𝜚 tsukki and yams were semi-cuddling semi-arguing on the couch before kags came out so they judged him in silence. poor guy did a walk of shame out of the house
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severelystrangewriter · 9 months
Holding Hands (Flufftober 2023 Day 6)
Pairing: kei “tsukki” tsukishima x female reader
WC: 906
Warnings: none
Summary: just a short and sweet scenario involving tsukki holding your hand
Note: there’s nothing really to add, no thoughts only tsukki
Kei Tsukishima has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. You, him, and Tadashi Yamaguchi were practically inseparable growing up. So it came as no surprise to you when you started developing feelings towards Tsukki.
Being with the bespectacled boy was second nature to you despite his cold and calculating personality. What surprised you was how he reciprocated your feelings, having actually been the one to confess to you during your last year of middle school.
You accepted happily and thus began your relationship, which might not seem like your typical relationship to outsiders. He still teased you like he would anyone else, but don’t worry, you always served it right back to him.
To be completely honest, with the way you two acted, most people didn’t even know you were together.
And it’s not like you guys were keeping it a secret either, you were both just too lazy to “announce” it to the world. You both knew you were dating and that’s all that mattered.
Tadashi knew of course, and he was ecstatic for you both. In fact, he’s the one who would talk about it more than you and Tsukki did- always suggesting date ideas that he would inevitably tag along. It was kind of endearing.
You all were now in your first year of high school and you were a manager in training like Yachi for the Karasuno volleyball team.
“Hurry up! We’re going to be late for school!” You exclaimed to Tsukki as you both walked to school with Tadashi.
“Calm down, (Y/n/n). We still have plenty of time,” Tadashi reminded you, “What are you in such a hurry for anyways?”
“She’s just anxious about that test today. But it’s not like getting there early is going to make it happen any faster,” Tsukki rolled his eyes. Tadashi nodded in understanding.
“If we get there early, then I can go over those flashcards one more time,” You said like it was obvious.
“But you’ve been studying crazy hard this entire week!” Tadashi protested, “I’m sure you know everything by now.”
Before you could reply, Tsukki spoke up, “He’s right, you’ve done nothing but stress about it. I mean, you’ve hardly slept. Which is why I’m not letting you touch those cards when we get to class. Let someone who actually needs them use them, like Tadashi.”
“Hey!” Tadashi snapped.
“Are you trying to inhibit my academic career?” You argued.
“I’m prioritizing your mental health,” He countered.
It was then that you felt Tsukki slip his hand into yours as he tugged you closer to him, the both of you coming to a stop.
“Look at me,” Tsukki stared hard at you and reached out with his free hand to flick your forehead, “You’re going to do fine on this test. You’re smart. Stop worrying so much.”
You looked up at your boyfriend with wide eyes, he looked completely serious as if daring you to argue with him about it. But you didn’t. Instead, you found yourself nodding along, a determined smile making its way onto your face.
“You’re right,” You said.
“I know I am,” Tsukki replied, continuing to walk once more, this time with your hands interlocked.
Your smile grew, feeling a little lighter now thanks to Tsukki’s words of encouragement. 
School and volleyball practice passed fairly quickly, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You were ready to go home.
Tsukki must’ve been feeling particularly touchy-feely today because the minute you both stepped out of the gym he laced his fingers with yours as you walked to the corner store for a snack. It made your heart flutter because typically it was you who initiated contact.
“Hey guys- AH! Tsukki and (Y/n) are holding hands!” Hinata yelled when you caught up with the team at the corner store, pointing at your laced fingers. He bounded over and circled you two once, studying you both curiously.
“Well duh, they’re dating,” Tadashi explained with a knowing smile on his face.
“What?!” Came the chorus of exclamations from your friends.
“For how long?” Kageyama demanded with a suspicious squint, annoyed that Tsukki of all people somehow managed to get a girlfriend.
“Our one year anniversary is actually next week,” You smiled sweetly, giving Tsukki’s hand a squeeze.
“But… you’re so nice,” Hinata came to stand in front of you again, looking at you like you’ve grown an extra head as he scrunched his nose, “Why are you dating Tsukki?”
You offered a one-sided shrug, “Because I like him and he makes me happy. Why else?”
“How? He says super mean things, like, all the time and-” Hinata suddenly started cowering, being cut off by Tsukki’s glare and menacing aura.
“Like I said, he makes me happy,” You repeated, stepping closer to Tsukki and leaning into his side. He seemed to relax a little at your reassurance.
“Yeah, no, I’m not buying it,” Tanaka shook his head and crossed his arms, “Blink twice if you’re being forced into this relationsh- ow!”
He rubbed the spot on his head that had been harshly smacked by Daichi.
“We’re happy for you guys, really,” The captain said with a comforting smile of his own. 
You grinned back and after a little more chatting you, Tsukki, and Tadashi departed from the group to head home, with Tsukki’s hand snuggly fit into your own like the most perfect puzzle piece.
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datingdonovan · 27 days
a/n: wake up. food's ready. just sat here for a few minutes and rehabbed an old draft that was probably based on this fabulous onceler drabble, I think? also VERY pg13... not really any explicit sex but. it's a lot about sex. my blog and my writing used to be so sfw but cece is back after her most recent troubling sexual relationship and is probably sexier than ever. he he ha ha help me. I hope you enjoy. also reader is gn but does get called beautiful so if that feels gendered or triggering to you please be aware! also mentions of tipsy/inebriated sex!!!! so dubcon in that way? I tried to make everyone not drunk drunk but if tipsy sex is slimy for you watch out for that too
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Yamaguchi wakes up slowly, eyes halfway open, naked body warm. And then he remembers what happened. The muscles in his body all tense at once, and it takes every fiber of his being to stay still. No no no no no. That hadn't happened. Shit. That hadn't happened, right?
But it had. His palm is resting on the soft skin of your hip and despite his best efforts he's squeezing lightly, so fucking nervous, and you're squirming toward him, still asleep, smiling softly, and it had, it had happened, oh god, it had.
Fuck. His ears are ringing with anxiety. What had happened? What had happened? He hadn't drank nearly enough last night for this to possibly have fucking happened.
And the information floods his mind as you nuzzle closer to his chest, your skin flush against his, a soft kiss where your mouth meets his shoulder. You, Tsukki, Tsukki breaking up with you — meanly, meaner than was necessary. You, Yamaguchi, and Tsukki, best friends, best friends since freshman year and Tsukki dating you and Yamaguchi shutting up and enduring it and you feeling tired of Tsukki's pretentiousness and his mean jokes and you telling Yamaguchi about it and Yamaguchi telling Tsukki about it and instead of fixing it making it worse and then you. You. YOU.
You with no more Tsukki, crying into his shoulder, and saying you just want to fuck someone. You're not even angry, you knew this was coming, you just want to fuck someone to forget. And Yamaguchi, the ever-loving asshole that he is, saying yes, yes, that makes sense, instead of saying, no, it's a bad idea. And then your dorm room, and then your sheets, and then your skin, god, your fucking skin. And now probably a hundred missed calls from Tsukki when Yamaguchi can chance a look at his phone, and the swirling feeling of bile coming up his throat, but what the fuck was he supposed to do? Wouldn't anyone have done the same?
He'd been in love with you since he first laid eyes on you, and in better, kinder ways than Tsukki, he knew. You were so beautiful, a ray of sunshine, someone who deserved the world, and to be treated with tenderness, and care. Tsukki just treated you like he did any other adoring idiot who was obsessed with him. Yamaguchi knew you deserved someone who was obsessed with you, and he knew he could be that. He knew he could love you. He had to constantly fucking remind Tsukki how you took your coffee in the morning, and what your favorite flavor of ice cream was, and that it did in fact matter when he got home if you were waiting up for him, and that you actually cared about him more than he knew and he shouldn't be wasting this opportunity treating you like an annoyance, like you didn't deserve his attention. Hell, with everything Yamaguchi tried to do to make sure you were treated right, you might as well have been dating him the whole time.
And he hated how his heart twinged with jealousy every time you chose his best friend over him, but he let it happen, because he loved you, even though he just fucking knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be. And then last night, everyone was tipsy, and you were crying, and he saw the chance to show you what really being loved could look like, and he took it. Fuck.
You mumble something soft and sweet against his shoulder and he remembers what he said last night with you on top of him, the only thing he could find the words to say, in every cadence he could think of, even after you laughed and told him to stop:
"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."
Yamaguchi swallows hard.
It hadn't been sex. It had been love. And that was so, so much worse.
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fuzztacular · 3 months
Have you ever thought about the fact that not only did Tsukki have to deal with the fact that Hinata's idol "the little Giant" took Akiteru's place, that Hinata's constantly threatening to take Tsukki's place too, but the fact that when everyone got better and he only slowly managed to pick up speed too (the training camp arc) and he actually got some recognition for that with the youth camp.... Hinata showed up there too and stole the show? Like, I know he likes to be mean, but don't you think there's some deep insecurity hidden behind all that?
Yay Tsukki! I find him to be a very interesting character! And I love this question! Honestly I think his insecurities about Akiteru kind of helped him with any internal issues he might have had with Hinata, maybe not in a healthy way though. Let me explain.
Kei had admired his brother from a young age, everything his brother did was cool, especially when it concerned volleyball. He either grew to enjoy the sport or wanted to be like his big brother, one or the other.
Then his brother chooses Karasuno and the team does well. Kei must be so proud of his big brother playing for a team like that, making that team stronger with his ability. And Akiteru is so embarrassed and hurt about that not being the case that he's willing to hide the truth and push Kei away rather than risk his reputation with his little brother. And poor Tsukki doesn't realize there's anything amiss.
I wonder if Tsukki regrets going to that Karasuno game? Would he have rather not found out about his brother's lie? Kept believing in the illusion that his older brother was as strong of a player as he presumed. Kept following in his footsteps and holding him in such a high regard.
Regardless, he did go and he got the rug pulled out from under him by the truth. Poor little Kei was devastated. Did he understand why Akiteru lied to him? What reasoning did a heartbroken young brother attribute to his older brother's actions? Did he view it as anything more than Akiteru's pride keeping the truth from him? Kei's trust in his brother was absolutely shattered by that point. Did he recognize his brother's bitter maybe even hopeless desire to make a spot for himself on the court?
If Kei didn't right then, he would've after seeing Akiteru sobbing on his bedroom floor that one time. At that time, to little Kei, high school would have been viewed as the big leagues. And Kei's big brother, the one he perceived as practically perfect, couldn't manage to make it in a sport he obviously loved. He saw how much Akiteru's own failures devastated his older brother. And Kei is a smart kid. I see him as someone able to learn from other people's missteps. He sees how much emotional anguish his brother is going though and he comes to the conclusion that emotionally distancing himself will prevent that kind of pain for himself in the future.
There may even have been that little voice in the back of his mind telling him that if his practically perfect older brother couldn't master this sport then how much of a shot did he have? Or maybe it just put everything into perspective. High school isn't the big leagues, his brother is far from perfect, and volleyball is just an extra curricular activity, just an after school club like any other. I think how whole view on life as he knew it was shaken.
If that doesn't kill one's love of the game what would? I wonder if he considered quitting volleyball himself? Or maybe he just didn't see the point in any of what Akiteru put himself through. Why would someone be willing to put that much of themself, to the point of emotional anguish, into something as miniscule as a game. Did Kei think his brother intentionally mislead him because of Akiteru's own pride, that he would rather Kei kept looking up to him rather than admit his own shortcomings?
What I'm getting at is Tsukki is already kind of messed up about how he views competition and volleyball before he even meets Hinata or joins Karasuno. I think part of why he doesn't get along with Kageyama is because he sees that same obsession with volleyball that led to he and his brother falling out. And they did have a falling out, even if it was Kei silently avoiding his brother and not a shouting match or Kei hurling accusations. There's no way Akiteru and Kei's relationship was nearly as strong after Kei discovered that deception.
So to go to Karasuno himself, also join the volleyball club, and find out there were people just as obsessed with volleyball. Not only did their obsession confuse him, both Kageyama and Hinata had both already been hurt by the game they love so much, Kageyama shooting himself in the foot with his perfectionism and Hinata so incredibly desperate to play despite not having enough skill, both being a little too similar to Akiteru's high school situation.
I think that first 3 on 3 match was the deciding factor for Tsukki's reluctance to push himself for most of their first year. I don't recall if Hinata had mentioned the tiny giant around Tsukki prior to or during that initial match, but he would've recognized that burning desire to play in Hinata. I don't know if he equated him as being a rival so much as him having the personality flaw of loving something that will eventually just hurt you. I almost think Tsukki took on the view that anyone who puts more than a modicum of effort into a sport is just waiting to be emotionally devastated when their career doesn't go the way they expect.
So that 3 on 3 match was a test for Tsukki. He would put in a certain amount of effort, if he won he could gloat over Kageyama and Hinata, really show them why their point of view on volleyball was flawed. If he lost, no big deal, he refused to care that much, wouldn't allow himself to care like Akiteru had. He didn't put everything he had into it, because if he did and his team still failed then his best wouldn't be enough and he risked being hurt in the same way Akiteru had been.
I think Hinata did threaten him, but not in the way you expect. I think his obvious love of the game and persistence in getting better made Tsukki realize that maybe his beliefs were incorrect. So many people he met through the club were just as infatuated with volleyball as his brother had been, but they weren't hurting because of it. Kageyama, Hinata, Bokuto, Kuroo, and so many other were thriving. I'm sure that is what has him second guessing everything he thought he knew yet again.
Hell, even Tadashi was putting so much extra effort and feelings into making a spot on the court for himself, and Tadashi knew what happened to Akiteru. I'm Kei's opinion, Tadashi should have known why it was dangerous to put that much of yourself into something as arbitrary as a school club. Yet he did it anyways and then months later had the nerve to call Tsukki's own apathy on the subject into question.
So as to your original question, maybe a small already repressed part of Tsukki's mind might have felt that insecurity when it came to Hinata being in direct competition to himself, but I think the main problem was Tsukki's view on competition as a whole. He didn't even give himself the option to compete with Hinata as that would have proved himself correct in seeing volleyball as not worth the possible heartache of having his pride dented. I think he told Asahi something similar. People, himself included, didn't expect much from him while he was on the court, he just had to hold down the fort until Hinata was back.
In fact it wasn't until after he decided to actually start putting in effort that he saw Hinata as a rival instead of just some idiot on the team that happened to play the same position. For example, right before the Shiritorizawa match, Hinata had asked Tsukki if he could stop Ushiwaka. Tsukishima stated he hated when other people told him he couldn't do something. I don't know if he would have responded that way before he decided to put effort into getting better, I don't know that he would have let himself care about Hinata's sudo insult to his ability.
Tadashi, having known him for a while, could pick up on his competitive nature. But I wonder how much of that Tsukki had abandoned after what happened with Akiteru. I would assume quite a bit if his team's loss of the 3on 3 game was any indication. Sure he was slightly annoyed, but I don't think he allowed himself to care as much as he would have otherwise. In Tadashi's perspective, was Tsukki re-emerging from his metaphorical shell when he started showing his competitive side again, when he started really trying to get better?
I think by the time Tsukishima accepted Hinata as a rival and possible replacement, he'd already passed Hinata's defensive abilities. I think he recognized Hinata's more offensive style as opposed to his own defensive specialties. So maybe he already saw that they weren't in direct competition for a spot on the court. Maybe by time the first year training at Shiritorizawa came along, he just saw Hinata as a means to increase his own proficiencies.
I like to think Tsukishima did eventually notice the parallels between Akiteru and the tiny giant and he and Hinata. But by time he let himself care about the competitive nature of their relationship, he was already becoming more confident in his abilities. Maybe understanding that his situation was different than Akiteru's, or maybe that the lessons he'd learned at a young age were incorrect.
I think ultimately he learned that the feeling of being overshadowed isn't necessarily a negative one. And that instead of immediately surrendering, he has the option to push back. And more importantly, he isn't afraid of that option anymore.
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devilstruly · 2 years
rush hour
tetsuro kuroo x fem! reader
summary: you and your best friend run into kuroo in a coffee shop
a/n: i know I've been posting so much about kuroo lately but he's just so amazing and i could think about him forever gwah
'Took you long enough'
Your best friend looked up from his phone with bored eyes making you scoff in return.
'Be grateful I even came to get you asshole'
'Oh I'm honored'
His usual sarcasm was starting to annoy you just the tiniest bit and it hasn't even been five minutes.
'I haven't seen you in months can't you be nicer?'
'It's been two weeks'
'Same thing! Now give me a hug'
You smiled when he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around you begrudgingly. Tsukishima was never the touchy type - actually he was never any type to be honest. Sometimes you wonder how you ended up as friends in the first place.
'There we go that wasn't so bad'
'For you'
He pinched the bridge of his nose, pretending to be annoyed, but he knew you knew him better than that.
The two of you left the Tokyo train station on your way to your favorite coffee shop. Along the way you asked him about his team and listened to him complaining about Hinata and Kageyama, as always.
You occupied Tsukishima by talking about the stuff that happened to you in school while you two waited in line for your coffee. He was listening intently and was about to make a snarky comment but a voice behind him made his words die on his tongue.
'Hey Four-eyes! Is that you?'
You heard the man beside you groan quietly and you failed to stiffle a giggle before turning around. As soon as you did, you were greeted with the bright and cheery smile of no other than Kuroo Tetsuro. He looked like he was just jogging, hair slightly damp, loose shorts and tanktop and headphones hanging around his neck.
Damn he's hot
As soon as his eyes landed on you his smile turned into his signature smirk and he stood taller all of a sudden.
'Y/N. Hey there'
He had all of his attention on you and it even looked like he wasn't able to control his smile. And you couldn't help offering one of your own.
'Hi Tetsuro, how are you?'
'I'm great, just getting some coffee after a light workout. You?'
'Tsukki is visiting for the day so we're just catching up'
'Oh? Fun~'
'She's gonna suck the life out of me'
'There there you don't have much to begin with'
You patted the blonde's back with a innocent smile before turning your gaze back to Kuroo who seemed like he was- checking you out?
What? No. Was he...? No hell no snap out of it
Tsukishima rolled his eyes beside you but you were too focused on the man in front of you to notice anything besides him. Kuroo smirked yet again and looked right in your eyes making your face heat up as you quickly looked away.
'Nice jacket ~'
His statement did in fact snap you out of your thoughts, causing you to subconsciously touch the sleeves of the oversized piece of clothing before the realization hit you.
'Thanks it's.....yours'
The blush on your cheeks made itself known again as you shyly looked up at Kuroo who observed you with amusement dancing in his golden eyes.
'It is'
The weather app said it would be sunny in the morning. Sunny. So why the fuck were you soaking wet right now?
You woke up at 6:30am to get ready for school, too tired to hear the tapping of raindrops from the outside. Considering you didn't have an umbrella either, your morning started off with a sprint towards the Fukurodani academy in hopes of saving your clothes - spoiler: it didn't work.
Cursing under your breath, you attempted to put your damp hair out of the way as neatly as you could. You noticed Bokuto talking with Akaashi and Kuroo at the end of the hallway and your usual routine would require joining them.
'Hey hey hey good morning!'
'Does this look like a good morning to you? It's fucking cold'
You angrily gestured to the water dripping from your school uniform and groaned in frustration.
'Didn't check the weather?'
'I did! They fucking lied!'
You groaned yet again and hid your head in the shoulder Kuroo offered as he pat your back.
'There there it's gonna dry off'
'Yeah but-'
Stopping mid sentence, you looked at Kuroo while he gently draped his club jacket over your shoulders - so gently you forgot to breathe for a second. He smiled softly when the bell rang, giving you a wink before sprinting off.
'Give it back when you don't feel so cold anymore'
If it hadn't been for Tsukishima faking a cough and handing you your coffee, you would've absolutely forgotten what you were doing in the first place.
'Looks like it's my turn now'
Kuroo grinned once again and you were brought back to reality, hurrying to take off the jacket.
'Right! I should probably give this back now'
To your surprise though, what Kuroo did was take the sleeve that you already took off and put it back up to your shoulder. You stared at him questioningly before he leaned down for you to be his eye level.
'How about...you give it back to me, at my next game. When you come cheer for me?'
The bastard didn't even give you a chance to respond as he stepped towards the counter and ordered himself a cappuccino.
'Come on I don't have all day'
Tsukishima gently pushed you towards the exit of the coffee shop while you still struggled to process everything that has happened in the last five minutes.
Kuroo fucking Tetsuro...
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pavo-ocxllus · 2 years
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❝ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬. ❞
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡… haikyuu!! but make it enemies to lovers. 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠… haikyuu!! boys x gn!reader (unfortunately, i was on vacation while writing this, so most likely not everybody was here since i had to write in html format and got hella confused) 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… pining, fluff, angst, strictly enemies-to-lovers, mass headcanons 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬… angst, pining, possibly one-sided love or one-sided rivalry. 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭… i swear if i see this quote once more i’m gonna cry (not before finally watching bridgerton tho)  fun fact: the 4th headcanon was actually based off of a real life grudge i had in middle school track (no, i did not end up liking them)
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩. — you didn’t want to do it, and they certainly didn’t want to do it. however, in a world that acts like not having a romantic relationship at a certain amount of time is downright horrible, social pressures from everyone to your parents, friends, and literally strangers on the street inevitably led the two of you together. it was, apparently, out of pure convenience; all of your other friends were busy, and now here were the both of you, hand in hand, in a bustling party, where they had no clue who most of the people were. this situation unfortunately also made it where they were “forced” to hang out with you... well, now that you thought about it more, “forced” is a rather generous word, given how they either are a little bit too affectionate, even for a supposedly fake relationship, or how he might adamantly deny he was when you point it out. 
↳ SUNA, KAGEYAMA, yaku, kyotani, sakunami-ish, GOSHIKI, SAKUSA, semi, kuroo.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 ❝ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐭 ❞ 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩. — mutual hatred spread like an invasive species in the both of you ever since the two of you met each other as children; perhaps it was just fate that you two practically loathed every square inch of each other. of course, the hatred seemed to do nothing but strengthen as the two of you grown older, as seen by the way he walks you home since he’s practically the only one the school who knows and is near where you live, the way he splits his lunch with you when you forget yours, and most notably, the longing gaze he gives you across the room when he sees you all happy and smiliey with someone who wasn’t him, and of course, when he seems genuinely cheerful when he's around you. he’s definitely doing this because he hates you.
↳ kawanishi, DAISHOU, kai, WATARI, GOSHIKI, matsunhyakuzawa, kinoshita, HINATA, nakashima, ARAN, yamagata, watari-ish, LEV-ish, inuoka, iwaizumi
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩. — to say you were flat-out stoked when you got the job was definitely an understatement... and everything seemed practically perfect; the salary, the hours, the conditions. it just seemed as if everything was going in your favor! however, as one of your co-workers were showing you around the workplace, your eyes weren’t looking at the direction they were supposed to and spotted a rather familiar young man. maybe your eyes were tricking you... maybe he was just eerily familiar, but it couldn’t possibly be him! before you started eternally racking your brain for possible excuses for why he out of all people was here, your fellow coworker interrupts your thoughts, causing you to rush over to them, embarrassed, but now without the weird feeling of eyes on you. even with such a subtle interaction, the coworker leading you around the workplace couldn’t help but feel as though they’re going to be in a world of hurt tommorrow.
↳ TSUKKI, ennoshita, ukai, KUGIRI, yamamoto, TANAKA, NOYA, suna, makki
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩. — is there one, single, thing that this guy cannot do better than you? honestly, it just seems like he’s good at everything; from athletics to academics, and maybe even throw in art there too. it’s frustrating; maybe it’s just you, but either they verbally say it or not, he just seem to be mocking you with his aura alone. insecurity aside, you couldn’t help but feel the burning need to not only succeed, but at the very least, beat him, and it’s the very same for him. (plot twist: he really was trying to show off, but this mess happened instead).
↳ kenma-ish, KAMASAKI, ATSUMU, osamu, kuroo, TSUKKI (insufferable), suga, kita (he’s way too damn perfect), kindaichi-ish, kunimi (insufferable 2 electric boogaloo), NUMAI, GAO, oikawa, iwaizumi-ish, AKAASHI.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩. — the thing about this relationship was that unlike the others, this particular one didn’t have any history of bad blood between you and him. however, similar to most of them, the tense atmosphere always came when the two of you were in the same room together. unfortunately, it seemed as though both of your guardians had agreed  that it was romantic tension, causing the two of you to be married on the next day. the night before the ceremony, the bed sheets were... cold... almost, even when the both of you were more than aware you were sharing the same bed. it’s less casual teasing and more distant than anything. this “relationship” wasn’t going anywhere, everybody and their mothers know it. regardless, with absolutely no effort on both of your parts to get to know your spouse better, there's simply no hope.
↳ YAMAGUCHI, washio,  ASAHI, MONIWA, udai, ikejiri, daichi, AONE, teshiro.
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝
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kingstrawberry · 2 years
tsukikage fwb where they’re honestly not super close (Tsukishima has never even been to Kageyama’s house cuz yama tutors kags and tsukki tutors hinata. (He lost a coin flip first year.))
No one else is aware of this fwb situation cuz they manage to be discreet somehow, until they hook up in the club room after cleaning the gym. Two mistakes get made in the aftermath.
One is that kageyama accidentally takes tsuki’s jersey instead of his own afterwards. By some miracle he doesn’t notice anything too wrong and he’s changing for extra morning practice with Hinata when hinata dies laughing.
“How did- did you steal Saltyshima’s jersey??” the redhead wheezes through tears.
Kageyama doesn’t even look down. /That/ must be why its snug around his shoulders.
He shoots tsuki a text that the blond definitely won’t see until he’s already at school but whatever, kageyama can hope.
He was wrong to hope. They have practice in the afternoon but tsuki has a note and he didn’t bring his uniform to school.
He’d dragged tsuki out of the lunchroom alone, using vending machine milk as an excuse but even kageyama knew how flimsy it is.
“What do you mean you don’t have your uniform?!??” Kageyama whispers, brows furrowed as he glares at Tsuki.
“I’m telling Coach I don’t feel well.”
Kags pauses. “You look fine,” he says as he throws his empty milk cartons out.
Tsuki’s eyes widen. “I look-” He closes his eyes and takes a breath before smiling ominously and grabbing Kageyama’s wrist. “Come with me to the bathroom, King.” His voice is sugary sweet in a way that makes Kageyama think he might lose his hand.
Tsuki is quick to shove kageyama into a stall.
“What are you-?” Kags manages to get out as tsuki piles in with him and slams the door shut. “Oh.”
“Yea, /oh,/ you fucking vacuum!!” Tsuki glares at kageyama while pulling his shirt further down, showing him the purple marks scattered all over his torso.
Kageyama isn’t really paying attention to what tsuki is saying until the blond puts his shirt back on properly.
“You’re hopeless,” Tsuki snips, and that actually reaches Kageyama’s brain.
“You didn’t even try to stop me,” Kags immediately bites back, shoving Tsuki against the door. “So don’t complain.”
“You’re a moron,” tsuki snarls as he unlocks the door behind him.
He stumbles backward but kags grabs him by the collar before he hits the ground.
Kags pulls him back up with a rough kiss that tsuki is shocked intro reciprocating.
Tsuki wraps an arm around Kags’ waist when kags abruptly pulls away with a huff.
“Hopeless,” he murmurs, the corner of his mouth twitching upward in a way that shouldn’t make tsuki’s heart race before he turns and leaves.
And the other is that a knee pad gets left behind in the clubroom. Who it belongs to isn’t as important as the fact that yamaguchi is there when tsuki goes looking for it.
“So, Kageyamakun pranked you?”
Tsuki nods, though he feels his ears heating up.
“And /that/ is part of it?” Yamaguchi asks, eyes narrowed as he tilts his head towards the corner tsuki was sitting in the day before. Lo and behold, the knee pad is there.
Tsuki nods again, though he might faint.
Yamaguchi doesn’t relent in his scrutiny, but he manages to put on a smile. “Okay well, maybe keep pranks in Kageyamakun’s house from now on.” He walks past tsuki but pauses to pat his shoulder. “He lives alone, but you knew that, didn’t you Tsuki?” And yamaguchi’s smile goes from irritated to amused as he watches his best friend’s eyes widen.
Tsuki’s sure his whole face is red when Yama says “Of course you did,” before turning away and leaving.
He scrambles to pick up the discarded knee pad and he doesn’t know how yet but he’s going to figure out a way to choke the king with it. Maybe he can figure that out when he finally visits the castle.
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lys-9-10 · 1 year
5 Times Tsukki Reluctantly Gives Relationship Advice + 1 Time Somebody Returns the Favour
#WIP Wednesday but im actually gonna finish it lol. You can subscribe for updates on AO3. 1
Tsukishima Kei would not consider himself an approachable person. In fact, he goes specifically out of his way to not be approachable. That being the case, Tsukishima can’t for the life of him fathom how he somehow ends up serving as unwilling relationship counsellor for just about every high school volleyball player in Japan. 
It started with Bokuto and Kuroo. Bokuto and Kuroo  always had an affinity for dragging Tsukki’s unwilling arse into undesired roles — like when they forcefully adopted him as their practice blocker at the Tokyo training camp. Today was turning out to be no different. 
Tsukki was at the cornerstore minding his own business, when suddenly someone pounced on him from behind, their arms rocketing around his neck and clamping down in an enthusiastic chokehold. 
“YOOOOOOOOOOOOO TSUKKI-POO MAH MAN!!!!” Tsukki, whose eyes had bugged out of his head at the unexpected attack, now simply slumped in on himself and groaned. “Get off,” he muttered shortly, without looking behind him.
“FIRST GUESS WHOOOOO!!” the familiar voice hooted. 
“Get off, Bokuto.”  
Chortling gleefully, Bokuto released him and dropped to the floor. 
Tsukki finally turned around to address his visitor — and groaned again. 
“Oh god. Both of you.” 
Kuroo grinned and clapped Tsukki on the back. “How’s my favourite grumpy blocker?” 
“Couldn’t be better,” Tsukki grumbled. “Truly, running into the two of you has made my day.” 
Bokuto whooped, seeming not to identify the sarcasm in the comment. Tsukki looked over the two captains’ shoulders and did a quick scan.
“Where’s Akaashi?” The calm, level-headed presence of Bokuto’s setter always served to make interactions with these two doorknobs a touch more sane. (Just a touch.)
At Tsukki’s question a sudden shift overcame Bokuto’s face. His toothy grin faltered and his gaze dropped to the floor.
Tsukki’s eyebrows pushed up his forehead in surprise. (Not concern.) Although the Fukurodani captain was known for his mood swings, those normally manifested as something akin to a two year old’s temper tantrum... This quiet despondency was something Tsukki had never seen from Bokuto before...   
When after several beats Bokuto did not offer any verbal response to Tsukki’s inquiry, Kuroo sighed and stepped in. 
“Akaashi asked to take a break,” he explained.
Tsukki stared. “A break,” he repeated slowly, as if turning the word around in his mouth. “From...” He jerked his head silently in Bokuto’s direction, punctuating the silence with an unspoken question mark. Kuroo nodded, and Tsukki’s gut tightened a little, against his will. “Damn,” he mumbled. And then, after wrestling himself for a couple seconds: “Sorry Bokuto.”
Bokuto just shrugged wordlessly. So Kuroo again took it upon himself to explain.
“Akaashi’s very analytical,” he said to Tsukki. “And he likes to plan ahead. Those traits serve him well in a match, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. But as it turns out, they can really handicap him when it comes to dating... He overthinks things, and he puts way too much pressure on himself to know what the final outcome of the relationshi pwill be. He doesn’t let himself experience the relationship because he’s too busy analyzing it and asking himself questions about whether this is ‘the one’, whether we’ll be happy in 60 years, etcetera etcetera... But he has even less data than he otherwise would to answer those questions, precisely because he isn’t actually experiencing the relationship. So he just ends up real confused and unsure of everything... And then he asks himself, ‘well why am I so unsure, if I’m unsure does that mean Bokuto’s not the one? Wouldn’t I know if he was?’ And then...” Kuroo shrugged and gestured towards Bokuto. “This happens.” 
Bokuto was still staring at his shoes, but Tsukki could see that through the duration of Kuroo’s speech, he’d begun furiously blinking back tears. Tsukki had never seen the spiker actually fight the tears before. Normally he just let the sobs and wails rip. This silent, struggling Bokuto was so awfully wrong. And Tsukki hated how much it tugged at his suppressed capacity for sympathy.
“I see...” Tsukki said. Then, trying not to sound too invested: “Have you guys talked to him about that? How you suspect the real problem is he’s overanalyzing things and not being present?” 
Kuroo sighed. “Yeah, we have. But I don’t think he really gets it. Like I said, those traits are precisely what make Akaashi such a great setter, so capable of directing the flow of a match. So the concept of the same traits being liabilities is just kind of... foreign to him.” 
Tsukki frowned and retreated into thought. (He chose to ignore it when Kuroo elbowed Bokuto and snickered: “Four-eyes looks so smarticle when he does that thinking thing, eh?”) After a couple minutes of deliberation, he spoke. “As I recall,” he began, “Those traits didn’t always serve Akaashi well in a match.” Kuroo and Bokuto exchanged surprised glances, then turned questioning gazes onto Tsukki. He clarified, “I’m talking about the match against Mujinazaka.” Tsukki didn’t need to say anything more after that. The Fukurodani vs. Mujinazaka match had become well known as the-time-cool-and-collected-Akaashi-actually-lost-his-shit-for-a-minute-while-taking-a-breather-on-the-bench. 
Bokuto and Kuroo’s eyes widened in comprehension. “You’re right...” Bokuto said, his features slowly regaining a hint of animation. “Kaashi did go bonkers then. Coach said it was ’cos he wasn’t playing by Fukurodani’s motto: Pour all your soul into each ball. That’s kinda the same thing. Right?? Right???” Bokuto looked back and forth eagerly between Tsukki and Kuroo. 
Kuroo rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “So what you guys are both saying... is that in the Mujinazaka match, Akaashi was forgetting to be present to each individual rally... And instead he was getting too stressed out worrying about the final outcome of the match. And that was sabotaging his game. And you’re saying that’s exactly what’s happening in his relationship with Bokuto?” Tsukki nodded, as Bokuto started jumping up and down like a jack-in-the-box, shouting, “YEAH!!! YEAH YEAH THAT’S IT!!” 
“It’s a reference point,” Tsukki said, shrugging nonchalantly at Kuroo. “Remind Akaashi of the Mujinazaka match. He might understand better.” 
The next time Bokuto landed with his feet on the floor, he flung himself toward Tsukki and clapped both hands to the blocker’s cheek, squishing them. “YOU’RE A GENIUS YOU CREEPY NERD!!” He then proceeded to smack a kiss on Tsukki’s forehead.
Tsukki yelped and jerked away, almost elbowing Bokuto in the nose as he did so. Kuroo let out a deep belly laugh. 
"Not bad, Four-eyes," Kuroo said appreciatively, after his chuckles subsided. "Maybe you should take up being a relationship counsellor."
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Tsukki normally ignored text messages from Bokuto. And from just about everyone, except Tadashi and his mom. But this time...
Tsukishima 7:16pm
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Tsukki didn’t bother to respond to that one. Updates will be posted to AO3
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greyfix · 2 years
Honey, I’m Home
Ship: Tsukishma Kei/Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Tobio &  Yamaguchi Tadashi
Summary: Yamaguchi, Kageyama, and Tsukishima have a routine. Ho do they handle it when things change.
Word Count: 979 (sorry it’s short, but it was originally a drabble)
Requested By: n/a
Author’s Note: This was originally the shittiest drabble I ever wrote. And then it became this. If enough of you guys want a part two i might do it.
“Honey, I’m Home~” Yamaguchi quipped as he walked into the apartment. 
“You are aware that you don’t actually live here, right?” was the response he was met with from the kitchen. 
He was, in fact, aware that this wasn’t his apartment. But he didn’t have a roommate, and bothering Kageyama while waiting for Tsukishima to get home was one of his favorite pastimes. 
He walked into the room and sat at the counter watching Kageyama cook from behind. “You’re just mad because Tsukki gives me more attention.”
“He’s my boyfriend,” Kageyama growled, turning around to look at the green haired boy in his home. “I should get all of the attention.”
Yamaguchi laughed, “The fact that you admitted that you’re jealous is comedic gold my man.” 
They had all become a lot closer after their time on the volleyball team. Kageyama learned to play well with others, and Tsukishima learned to express himself through something other than insults. Yamaguchi gained confidence being their captain, and they all stayed friends throughout their college years. They had changed, but it was for the better. 
Tsukishima and Kageyama still played volleyball with the college team, but Yamaguchi decided to focus on academics. He did still see everyone, and sometimes the college team would let him join in on practices since he’s oh so close with Tsukishima and Kageyama. 
“Kei’s got a class right now, so you’re stuck with me.” Kageyama grumped, “Or, even better you could leave and let me eat in peace.” 
Yamaguchi chose to ignore this, instead focusing on peering around Kageyama to see what’s in the pan he was hunched over. “What are you making?” 
“You can’t have any.” Kageyama didn't look away from his task. 
Yamaguchi did end up getting a portion of the food. Funny how Kageyama just happened to cook for three. . He continued to banter with Kageyama until Kei got home, as per their usual routine. They had some classes together, even though Kageyama wasn’t as academically inclined as Yamaguchi. 
Kageyama took care of him, feeding him and allowing him to stay in the apartment. And Yamaguchi did his part too. He always made sure to do the dishes after Kageyama cooked, and helped him with classwork. And though he showed up quite a lot, he always made sure the couple had their apartment to themselves. He may be annoying, something he has accepted, but he wasn’t an asshole. . 
Yamaguchi made gagging noises when Tsukishima kissed him hello, after setting his keys down by the door and walking directly to the kitchen, knowing that’s where his boyfriend would be. He smiled at Yamaguchi, saying his hello’s and asking how close they came to killing each other before going to change. 
They hung out for a good while. Watching movies or listening to music in the background while they played video games. Sometimes they would all just study together in silence. Sometimes they would break open a couple beers and just talk.  
They’d grown together, creating this almost domestic routine that they followed to the tee almost every day. 
That is until their little bubble bursts.
They loved their friends from high school, and they always would. But some of them tended to be a lot to handle all of the time. 
So they were stoked when they heard that Hinata was going to the same college as them once his gap year was over. Yamaguchi even offered to let him stay at his apartment for a while until he could get settled on his own. 
But it did interrupt their little routine. When Yamaguchi usually would go to Tsukishima and Kageyama’s for dinner, he found himself in the grocery store trying to keep up with Hinata’s ridiculous appetite.  Hinata did pitch in, but he didn’t seem to register that most people didn’t eat 6 full meals a day. 
And when he did go to Tsukishima and Kageyama’s to wind down, he would find hinata there as well. He was Kageyama’s best friend after all, even if they spent that year apart. Yamaguchi wasn’t one to try and break up a relationship like that just because he wanted a little bit of attention. 
So he just let it be. He let the routine change. He was home for dinner more often, and his dinners with tsukishima and kageyama were a lot more high energy. More playful, energetic arguing than the calm banter he was used to. 
He and Kageyama ended up going to the Library to study more often in order to escape the noise that came with hinata. 
Then there were the times when Yamaguchi would go to walk into Kageyama and Tsukishima’s apartment to find it empty. They’d given him a key for that reason, but he couldn’t help but feel the pang of jealousy that came from knowing that his apartment was also empty. That came from knowing that Kageyama and Hinata were probably out playing volleyball somewhere while Tsukishima was in class. 
So he did what he thought was best. He ignored the emotion and started towards the kitchen. He knew that when Kageyama comes home to an empty apartment, he cooks knowing well that someone would be home soon and he could give them food when they got there. 
He pulled out Kageyama’s favorite pan, and a rubber spatula. He searched for the Chef’s knife and cutting board and started on prep. By the time he heard the door open everything was in the pan and nearly done. 
He had been expecting Kageyama to walk into the kitchen since he was usually home long before Tsukishima’s class was finished, but what he saw when he turned was Tsukishima standing behind him, seemingly just as surprised as he was. 
“Where’s Tobio?” Tsukishima asked, and Yamaguchi’s heart broke, and all of the feelings he’d been avoiding came to the forefront of his mind. 
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macatanghiya · 2 years
(unpleasantly) itching to fly
Every moment that he felt his skin itch, he's reminded of his father. No, he was never present. Not even once in his life. But his old man left his mark on him anyway, and in the most annoying way possible.
Absentmindedly, he scratched his arms hard to ease the irritation it caused. And he kept on scratching and scratching, but the itch never went away. In the last straw of irritation he scratched again—rather, he scraped through his left arm hard enough for the skin on it to blotch.
"Take it easy on your arms, Tsukki. Scratching too hard will cause possible damage to your wings once it grows" He remembers Tadashi telling him once. "Who said I want to grow those stupid wings on my body anyway?" he grunts in response.
Kei remembers thinking that it was his brother, Akiteru who wanted to have their father's wings. Not him. It was his brother who waited long enough for the moment his feathers to appear so he could have the chance to prove himself better as a part of the mob, only for that moment to never actually come at the time he claimed it did. (In retrospect, Akiteru turned to be a late bloomer but that doesn't erase the fact that he lied to Kei)
If he were to decide, Kei wanted to be a normal human like their mother. Minus of course her fascination with taking flight. Flying was a nuisance. He didn't need to fly to be able to function, thank you very much. He'd rather hole up in his room, studying for more valuable things rather than stressing himself over his itching skin and the apparent bumps forming on his arms that are signs of the transformation soon to occur.
This already sucks. And he's going to be more insufferable once it truly starts. He sighs for the nth time before closing his eyes to succumb to sleep.
He can't wait for it to be over.
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aftersamu · 2 years
for your ask game, idk why but i think you and bokuto would be really cute tgt! but for the enemies to lovers trope maybe tsukki? i swear he would say that he hates the polaroid pic you guys took tgt then be keeping it in his wallet-
and here are my facts:
1. i like experiencing and learning about new things, which is why i love travelling, road trips and any kind of outdoor activities
2. reading books, animating and playing the guitar are my favourite past times! my fav fiction genre is fantasy/adventure and i love reading non-fiction books about astronomy, geology or physiology
3. i love fluffy things, anything fluffy automatically the best! this is why i love winter so i can wear my fluffy jackets out >◡<
hihi! sorry for the long wait, i did not forget about you. and thanks for doing me too! genuinely love the answer!
imagine it, i feel he's more of an autumn or spring kinda guy. also, for context of the story, you have connections with the friend group.
first things first, you're the reason why all the guys are up his ass about leaving the house on weekends. big no no. (enemies arc)
as cute as the fluffy jackets are, he thinks they're inconvenient, walking into class with the heater on and a big jacket thats half your size when balled up.
the lovers arc kicks in when actually seeing the musical talent, it's like something shifts, and he's like: huh.
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moonswolfie · 11 months
a short and sweet little Tsukishima x gn!reader
so I woke up to my dog trying to find a spot to cuddle with me and actually let me cuddle her which is REALLY rare behaviour for her so I thought....
Hmmm, tsukki.
(she's actually sleeping in my lap as I'm writing this hdasdasdhsis she's adorable)
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Your eyes fluttered open to find some weight shifting on the bed. You glanced down to see your boyfriend moving next to you on the bed.
You thought you might still be dreaming and you gently closed your eyes again, waiting to actually wake up.
But the next thing you felt was a pair of arms around you and heard a satisfied little noise as you felt another body press against your back.
This felt a little too real to be a dream.
Tsukishima's hand slowly moved up and gently settled on your head, petting it. You almost let out a gasp but quickly supressed it. You had no idea what was wrong with Tsukishima this morning but you did not want it to end.
He stayed like that for a while, patting your head gently in silence. You tried your best to act like you're still asleep, but the fact he was doing something as unusual as cuddling had your heart doing sommersaults and you could only hope he didn't notice that.
Suddenly, you felt a kiss on your nape, and you flinched a little.
"I love you, so so much..." he mumbled.
You felt your face heat up and screamed internally. No freaking way he just said what you think he said.
"KEI!" you turned around suddenly, voice rasping a little since you haven't used it today yet. He looked really surprised and his eyes were adorably wide.
"I love you too." you quickly clung onto him, trapping him in the bed before he can leave since he had a habit of doing so after kissing you. He tried to wriggle in your grasp a little but quickly gave up.
"H...How long were you awake?"
"Enough to know you love me very much." you snuggled into him and he thanked god you couldn't see how red his face is right now.
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He's been secretly doing that almost every morning for some time now, about time you noticed and gave the salty boy some cuddles back ( •̀ ω •́ )
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Well Suited
The boys go to prom and Kageyama can't seem to think straight with how good his date looks in a suit.
Kageyama raised his eyes only a few times while he and Yamaguchi waited in Hinata’s small living room. Hinata had called out that he’d be ready in a few minutes when they had arrived. That was ten minutes ago. They had to leave in the next few minutes if they were going to pick up Yachi on time. He wasn’t sure why he was being so impatient, or why every time he thought he heard a door open his stomach did a little flip. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Hinata’s mom touched his shoulder.
 “I’m so excited for you boys,” She said as she floated around the living room, “Especially Shoyo, I can’t believe he has such a nice date.” 
Kageyama saw Yamaguchi snigger out of the corner of his eye and he felt his face start to heat up. He knew he couldn’t tell her that Hinata’s date was actually already sitting on the couch and not waiting to be picked up in the next fifteen minutes. Luckily, she didn’t wait for a reply as she left to go to Hinata’s door once more. He didn’t really know what was taking Hinata so long. It’s not like they didn’t see each other everyday anyways. He tried not to think about the fact that he had spent an extra thirty minutes trying to get a piece of his hair to stay flat. 
 “Hinata’s mom is funny isn’t she? ‘Nice date’ she said.” Yamaguchi whispered, barely containing a laugh. Kageyama was about to throw a comment back about hanging out with Tsukishima too much when his phone buzzed. He grinned widely upon opening it and turned to Yamaguchi, holding up his phone. 
“Speaking of ‘nice dates’.” He watched Yamaguchi’s face go bright red at the picture that Tsukishima had just sent him. His grin widened. 
 They both jumped when they heard a door open and shut, Kageyama’s stomach doing that flipping motion once more. A minute later a grinning Hinata walked into the room and Kageyama felt his face heating up again. The first thing he saw was the orange of his hair, which was wild and uncontained and wonderful as always, but for some reason made Kageyama’s heart beat faster. It was standing out even more than usual when contrasted with the black of his suit, paired with a black shirt and blue tie. All of this didn’t help his already rising heart rate. It made Hinata look long and lean and Kageyama had to hold himself back from reaching out to touch him. He felt that his own suit, with its traditional white button up and black coat was nothing in comparison. He apparently had been speechless and staring for too long because Hinata was starting to look unsure of himself and Yamaguchi had just elbowed him in the ribs. 
“You look great, Hinata.” Yamaguchi said.
Hinata’s smile returned, “You too.”
“You all look wonderful. I need a picture before you go.” Hinata’s mom said, ushering them in front of the door. Kageyama felt Hinata brush up against his side. Camera in hand, Hinata’s mom counted down and they were all blinded by the flash, but in that small instant Kageyama felt Hinata squeeze his hand before running up to his mother and kissing her on the cheek. He grabbed Kageyama’s hand again as he pulled them out of the house and to the car. They both sat in the back, Hinata giving directions to Yachi’s house where they were forced into more pictures and small talk before finally pulling into the school parking lot. They were only parked for a few seconds when there was a tap on Yamaguchi’s window.
“Tsukki.” Yamaguchi sputtered, quickly getting out of the car. Kageyama could hear Yamaguchi complementing Tsukishima’s outfit and filed Tsukishima’s red face and strained voice into the back of his mind for later blackmailing purposes.  
“You coming?” Hinata asked, already out of the car, face leaning in from the open door. Kageyama couldn’t help but stare, trying to decide whether it was appropriate to use Hinata’s blue tie to pull him back into the car or not. Kageyama cleared his throat before nodding and getting out. He noticed that everyone else was already on their way inside and they were the only two in the parking lot, Hinata already a few steps ahead of him. 
“Shoyo.” He finally spoke. Hinata turned around and doubled back to where he stood beside the car. 
“Um...You look really great.” 
He watched Hinata blush before his face broke out into a wide grin, “You look wonderful as well. When I saw you in my living room it was like... boom...wow.” 
Kageyama knew exactly what he was talking about. 
“Thanks, you know, for asking me.” Hinata said shyly, looking anywhere but at him. Kageyama finally let himself reach forwards, running his hands down the arms of the suit before pulling on Hinata’s elbows to pull him closer. 
“I’m really glad I did.” 
Hinata looked up at him before looking around. When they were both sure no one was left in the parking lot, Hinata pushed up on his toes and planted a quick kiss on Kageyama’s lips. Kageyama wasn’t sure if it was the night air or the magic of prom or the suit, but he couldn’t help but chase after his lips, following him down and back against the car. They stayed like that for a few more minutes before he pulled back.
“What was that for?” Hinata asked.
Kageyama shrugged, looking away, “It’s a really nice suit.” 
Hinata grinned, “Can we go inside then, because I bought it to dance in, not just to get you to kiss me, although that seems to be a perk.”
Kageyama didn’t know what Hinata dancing would be like, or what dancing at prom in general would be like, but he was surprised that he wanted to find out.  He looked at Hinata’s outstretched hand, the hand that was there to hit his tosses. The hand that was there to pull him up after a long match. The hand he’d held on the bus back from tournaments, needing someone to ground him after their win or their defeat. He didn’t even hesitate before taking it now. 
“Prom with the King. Who would’ve thought.” 
Kageyama smacked him lightly on the back of the head, “Don’t call me that, dumbass. Also, I’m not dancing.”
“You have to. Yamaguchi and I have a bet on who has the better moves, you or Tsukishima.”
Kageyama just clicked his tongue and Hinata laughed, stopping when they got to the school doors. 
“Come on, let’s go make prom night worth remembering.” Hinata said. 
Kageyama didn’t tell him that he knew that it already was.
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