#the first chapter...i hate it LOL
toruvi · 1 year
every time i do my lil reread of paychecks i get so fucked got me listening to lana del rey n shit 😭😭😭especially w chapter 19 it makes me so emo PLEASE 😭😭😭😭
LANA DEL REY HELPPP god i felt that tho.......i'nm rereading to refresh myself when i start writing again and gkjfhdgjkhjkghdfjkgh I CANNOT BELIEVE IT'S BEEN ALMOST 2 YEARS sinCE I STARTED WRITING .... WTF fd gdfn
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michi-chelle-draws · 2 months
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more towa !
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mechaness · 6 days
First of many
So much had happened. Nasiens had found her biological family, she found out about herself, she almost died... but now her hero was with her again.
When the battle was decided, a few words were exchanged and someone gave Percival a cloak so he could cover up. He hadn't even realized he was naked. He apologized, though it was clear he didn't see the issue.
After a while, her new family (she had to present them to Ordo as soon as she could!) left her alone with him, sharing knowing smiles.
Nasiens couldn't stop looking at him.
Percival... She smiled.
"So you are a fairy now? That's so cool!" Percival's voice was so soothing to her. How had she missed his smile!
"Yes... I'm not used to flying, though..."
"But now we can fly together!" Percy said, laughing. He grabbed her hands and gently lifted them up. Nasiens was shocked but soon started smiling again. A little spin in the air, and she was laughing along with him.
"I just can't get used to the height..." she admitted looking down, feeling cold sweat in her forehead. It had been fine in the battle, but now... She looked up at Percival, thinking how silly she was being. Something gleamed in his eyes.
He threw her one of his winning smiles and she felt her heart stop.
"Well, that's easy! Just keep looking at me!" His face was too close to hers, but then again, he had never been good at respecting people's personal space.
And Nasiens couldn't think of anything better to look at than his eyes. He always managed to calm her down. She could do anything as long as he's with her.
"See? You can fly really high if you want!" Like a spell being broken, she looked down. She almost let out a scream. They were so high up she could barely see the ground!
Her arms moved on their own, hugging Percival. She hid her face in the crook of his neck, trembling.
Percival was shocked. Not because of the hug, he loved Nasiens' hugs, as different as this one felt. However, she felt like dead weight. Had she stopped flying?! Of course she wasn't in any real danger as long as he was there to hold her, but...!
"Nasiens?!" He could hear her mumbling nonono again and again, "I'm sorry! I thought...! Are you ok?" He was so worried about her and Nasiens was still trembling, but she managed to answer,
"Ye-yeah..." she looked up. She was again at a loss for words. She knew Percival was still Percival inside, but he was really big now, and tall, and... she could feel her face aflame. "Yeah, I'm... I'm good. I was shocked, I guess..." she couldn't look him in the eyes anymore.
Percy was silent for while before he spoke again.
"You really feel different now, uh..." Nasiens eyes widened at his comment.
"Wh-what do you mean? Is it bad?" Percival's silence made her a little nervous. He wasn't looking at her anymore. She forgot to ask again though, since they landed in the hollow part of a cave, up in a mountain, and the sight amazed her.
"It's beautiful..." she said. Percy agreed, but he wasn't looking outside. His eyes were fixed on the pretty girl he was holding.
Screw pretty, he thought. Nasiens had always been beautiful, but now... It was like a whole other level. The way she held herself felt different. Also,
"You got boobs now!" he shouted, almost giving her a heart attack. She almost tripped, blushing like crazy.
"Ye... yeah..." she put her hand on her chest. They weren't even that noticeably, but... "the whole thing feels weird..."
"Bad weird?" he sounded genuinely curious.
"N... no, I don't think so. I never felt bad being called a boy, but now... I like this. Being a girl, I mean. It feels right, but I'm... not used to it yet. Not completely, at least. Is that weird?"
"I don't think so! Anyway, Nasiens is Nasiens, no matter what! You are amazing!" when he looked at her, he could see that gentle smile of hers that he loved so much.
Nasiens was so grateful. Of course Percival wasn't fazed. He was just Percival. He hadn't even questioned her change, something which she she was grateful for. She couldn't even imagine how she could start explain the whole thing to him.
She was thinking how much she loved this side of his and was so deep in her thoughts, she didn't realize when Percival got behind her.
"You gotten slimmer too, right? Right?" his poking sent shivers down her spine. What was his obsession with her back?!
Nasiens felt her face aflame again.
"Please, don't do that!" she almost screamed, taking a step back.
"Why? Can't I touch you?" he sounded so innocent, she almost felt bad. But when she looked up again she saw how serious he was. She felt taken back. He had never looked at her like that before, not like this.
How could she tell him that the only thing she wanted was for him to touch her all over... it was just so embarrassing to admit!
She felt her true feelings coming forward before she could stop herself.
"Well, if you a-!" a flashback made her stop. A painful memory crossed her mind and she felt silent.
She felt her blood boil.
"...you know what. I think it's best that you don't." She turned, not before giving him the iciest look he had ever seen. That kind of look was never directed at him! Percy got worried.
"N-Nasiens?! Are you angry at me? I hate it when I make you angry!" he ran to her. He grabbed her hand so she couldn't get further away from him. She flinched and stopped, but she didn't look at him. "I'm sorry, did I say something bad?"
"You got Anghalhad to touch, don't you?" she said, immediately regretting her words. It wasn't Percival fault, or Anghalhad's for that matter. Plus, she knew Percival didn't understand these kind of things! She barely could, after all.
"Yeah, I guess..." Percival's voice made her angrier and she felt so ashamed. She took her hand back, snapping at Percy.
"See?! Go to her for all I care!" she looked down, hiding her eyes as best as she could. She couldn't face him like this...
"Wha...?! No! I don't want to! I want to stay here with you! Nasiens!" he grabbed her by the shoulder, shaking her a little. He had to make her understand...!
Were those tears?
"Nasiens...? What's wrong?" she lifted her arm, trying to wipe her tears with her sleeve.
"I... I'm a horrible friend! I don't hate Anghalhad, I actually like her... but thinking about you two...!" she put her hands on her face, trying to control herself. "Who am I to say anything? You are free to do whatever you want...! But I hate it! I hate the thought of you two-!"
Percy hugged her so tightly she almost couldn't breathe. She felt his hand grabbing her hair, same way he had done early that day.
"P... Percival?"
"I won't touch anyone else!" he exclaimed, shocking her. "I don't really get it, but I thought of some else touching you and that made me angry, so I guess it's the same for you? Is that it?"
"Ye... yeah."
"Is it because you love me?" Nasiens felt trapped. She was about to protest when...
"Cause I love you too!" he said, his smile so bright it blinded her. He caught her so out of guard she almost fainted.
"Well," he continued, "I love all my friends... but with you... love falls short. Does that make sense? I want to hold you forever..." Percy said, snuggling to her. Looking down he saw her eyes, so full of hope and love, he couldn't help but smile. Nasiens smiled back.
"Y-yes, it makes sense. I... I feel the same way." Nasiens couldn't believe it. She confessed! She managed to do it and now...
"Good!" he grabbed her waist again, lifting her from the ground, "then it's settled!"
Nasiens felt tears forming again, this time from happiness. Things could be so easy with him sometimes... but then she remembered their little argument. She blushed again.
"A-about before... I don't mind, you know... but, you have to ask."
Percy was confused for a moment. Then it hit him.
"Really?!" he had pulled her down a little. His face was so close to hers...!
"Can I, then?" he asked. His lips were so close to hers, she felt her heart about to explode.
"Yes..." she tried to close the distance and...
"NASSIE! Percy! Dinner time! Come on, where-! Oh, there you are!" Tioreh shouted, appearing out of nowhere.
"...what are you two doing?" she asked, innocently.
It was a rare sight, if you asked her. Nassie with her face all red, pushing Percy away. Her hand was on Percy's face and he looked miserable, ignoring Tioreh and trying to get close to Nassie.
"But you said I could...!" he whined.
Tioreh had never seen Nassie so embarrassed. It was fun!
Later that night...
Nasiens couldn't believe it. They had almost...!
But the moment had been ruined.
She put her hands on her face, sighing. Maybe some other time... She was fixated in the fire next to the log she was sitting on, deep in thought.
"Nasiens! I was looking for you! Look!" Percival's voice took her out of her trance. She looked up to see him better, confused in what was she supposed to be looking at.
He placed a white flower on her hair.
"I knew it! It suits you!" he said, making her blush yet again. She gently touched the white flower with her fingers. "You look beautiful, you know!" Nasiens felt her blush deepen. She was going to get a fever from blushing so much...
"Thank you, Percival..." she smiled at him and he smiled back, love in his eyes. He sat down next to her and she rested her head on his shoulder, sighing.
"Man, that sucked, uh?" he suddenly said, looking down at her. "I really wanted to kiss you."
Nasiens was definitely getting a fever.
"Re-really? Honestly, I did too..."
Without much thought, Percy turned and grabbed her by the waist, surprising her. He flew them away from the dinner and the rest.
In the air, with the moon shining brightly, he looked at Nasiens. He smiled, closing the distance between them.
"Can I?" he whispered.
Nasiens laughed. He really took it to heart to ask first.
"Of course...!"
Their laughter filled the night. At least for tonight, everything was going to all right.
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aroaessidhe · 1 month
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2024 reads / storygraph
Here We Go Again
adult f/f romance
follows two childhood friends who’ve hated each other since their middle school crush-based falling out, who are now both back teaching in their small town high school
when the english teacher who was like a father figure to both of them asks them both to drive him across the country as his dying wish, they give in and spend a summer on a wild road trip across the country that forces them to confront each other and maybe grow back together
two lesbian MCs with ADHD, one is likely aroacespec
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onejellyfishplease · 4 months
finally feeling to mojo to write more Open Your Shell!!
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leafyloveslaughing · 5 months
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deadnymaster · 2 months
I saw some people arguing about how is Silbert written in the recent chapters of Sonic IDW. Saying that him was being written as if he was stupid and useless??? What??? I don't understand some Sonic fans. Like, I LOVE all the oficial content about Silver. (And I consider it the best way to take the situation because the guy is being underused and, like everything on the Sonic franchise, his personality changes all the time whith every new media lol)
The only thing I don't like about SEGA's treatments would be that, the underusement of the character (Because HE IS the THIRD fucking hedgehog! One of the only few able to go super! Not everything is just about Sonic and Shadow!
But I guess is a thing that will be healing on the future. Because years ago he was even more underused than now lol
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nutelloona · 2 months
damn I really couldn't care less about Izutsumi
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
me when i read the gay porn genre comics and get mad theres gay porn
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krysmcscience · 3 months
Hey, look, it's this thing again, only with a whole new chapter!
Oh, but what's that? It's not ten thousand words like I said it would be? You are absolutely correct! It is now just shy of eight thousand, because I had to split it apart from what was on track to become fifteen thousand.
There's some worldbuilding in this new chapter, Oh Boy!
Also, trigger warning, Shio exists <:)
If you like this at all, go thank @anightydragon for making me want to write more of it~ OuO
(Psst, @crinklytinfoil, stupid squishboi alert)
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moonpaw · 2 years
yo sup!! as a fellow one piece fan i wanna applaud in how many ppl youve made watch it or read it!! but also im a bit concerned cause ive seen u linking the tcb scans link and i wanted to suggest that u maybe link a site that includes the official translation of the series? cause as we know the fan translations can be inaccurate sometimes and i know this is a bit nit picky but im just sayin!!! also idk what site to suggest cause i personally read the volumes by downloading torrents so idk. keep slayingggg bye
tcb uses viz official translations up to the late 900's so i think it's fine lmao
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tradingjack · 1 year
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last minute jayvik dump :P happy new years yall!
(bonus wild west viktor under cut)
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sysig · 7 months
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Did you expect Rescuing Rusty in 2023??? (RR is @zeejax‘s ♥) (Patreon)
Trick question! Even I wasn’t expecting Rescuing Rusty, but since it was up next on my fics to vet for construction, I had to give it a reread!
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Didn’t it turn out lovely 💕 There’s not a lot of sky-related imagery in RR, but I couldn’t not go with this colour - it’s an even richer rust colour IRL :D
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The spine ended up being big enough that I was able to sneak in two bookmarks! One for Zoom (the black) and one for Rusty (the red)
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Even though they sit separately, Rusty’s still crosses over Zoom’s hehe ♥
#My art#Rescuing Rusty#Rusty#Zoom#They get a digital doodle since I was rereading while in the digital warmup mindset haha#They just barely snuck in! Good for them ♥ They are still good lads :)#Nowadays the miasma of positive feelings has gotten very fuzzy and indistinct but boy do I still remember how Big those feelings were lol#NPG good! EX good! NPG and EX being friends good!!#Rescuing Rusty is charming as always :) It's a snuggle-up kind of fic I just feel cozy thinking about and reading it ♪#It's funny as well since I started rereading before picking out the cover - looking for which one would be the most thematic lol#And I ended up just reading a few chapters all at once 'cause I was having a good time with it! Oops reading lol#It was also an experiment >:3c Since out home printer is kinda ehhhh currently - the poor old thing haha - I took a trip to the library#Our local library allows up to 10 free greyscale prints a day so ♪ Slowly but surely I'd walk to the library and come back 10 pages richer#I've figured out how to take books out of the library and not have to return them! Libraries hate this one weird trick!#Lol ♪#So yeah :D Other than the cover and the first page (since I hadn't figured if the library could use the Minecraft font yet - they can!)#This is a ''free'' printed book :D I mean - other than walking to and from the library and construction and ribbons lol#The guts of the book were paid with taxes lol ♫#It was well worth it :) It's good to walk!#And I am happy to have it physically :D
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
About Judgment: In short, I think RGGS was intending to continue the series. There were indeed rumors at one point that the series would end at Lost Judgment due to a disagreement with Kimura's agency, Johnny & Associates, about porting the games to PC--I'm unclear on why, there was speculation but I don't think it was ever stated. Obviously the PC ports are out now, so either that wasn't the issue or they moved past it. There's also just general disbelief around there being a third entry simply because there's this idea (joke?) that Kimura never does three of anything, which isn't true at this point. It is true RGGS historically hasn't done three of anything in terms of spinoff series (Kurohyou, Mobile+Kizuna, and arguably Kenzan+Ishin), but it's also true that none of their past spinoffs have been as successful as Judgment, and we're seeing a lot of "firsts" from the studio lately. The fact is that Yokoyama himself said something along the lines of "and of course, we won't forget about Judgment" (not literally, just the closest English expression I can think of that can be misinterpreted in the way I'm about to explain) while talking about future works. But for some reason, people took it as if he meant it "in mourning" rather than an obvious confirmation of more to come, I guess? A TV show was also announced, so I really don't get why they'd invest so much into a series they were going to end. I know Kurohyou got a show too, but this seems different. Anyway, that's the most recent information, but it's from some years ago. There is a major new development, however: J&A talents' contracts are being cancelled left and right as of the last couple of months due to the agency's dogshit handling of and response to an investigation into Johnny Kitagawa's serial abuse of allegedly hundreds of his talents. That's been going on since the man died in 2019, basically, but a lot's happened this year.
This has left the talents with the incredibly tough decision of either remaining at an agency that refuses to even change its name and is rapidly breaking down or leaving. It has historically been very difficult to do the latter. On top of what you'd expect, J&A controls their talents to an insane degree and has leveraged their control of the media to suppress the careers of those who leave.
Broadly, in terms of how media companies have responded so far, I understand not wanting to associate with J&A and that J&A would likely benefit from the contracts more than the talents, but it still feels like the talents are the ones being punished... I have to imagine at least some of them were victims, so to be victims of the blacklist on top of that... That, and some of these companies kept the truth from coming out for decades.
With J&A losing its foothold in the media, though, there may be no better time than now to leave the agency. I don't know if Kimura will--rumors have been circulating ever since his idol group were forced to break up years and years ago, but while they all went independent, he never has--especially because a lot of seniors like him feel a responsibility to stay and change the agency for the better. As of right now, I'm not aware of Kimura's contracts getting cancelled, so I can't say one way or another if that'd have an effect.
I don't know what happens from here. I'm not sure if RGGS will look at it as collaborating with J&A or with Kimura or both, and how they'll factor in what's going on right now into working with him. Hypothetically, it would be possible to continue the series even without Kimura (any of the other mains do or would make great protagonists), but at the same time, Judgment is hugely reliant on Kimura's charisma. That's why people who play the dub (or people who don't like Kimura) often come away with the impression Yagami's kind of a dick or doesn't stand out much.
So... that's the state of Judgment right now. We won't know until we know, I guess.
OHHHHH OK saucy... sucks about J&A- it'd be cool if yk. they could face the consequences of their actions LMAO but that Could involve displacing hella workers now wouldnt it
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andthebubbles · 13 days
reading earlier chapters of my own fic like it's sustenance
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