cowboy-robooty · 3 months
me when i read the gay porn genre comics and get mad theres gay porn
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Low Expectations
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader is low on self esteem when she meets Bucky. Can he convince her that she's the one he wants?
Warning: swearing and a little angst. Almost Canon compliant
Notes: just a simple story. Might be a couple of chapters if anyone is interested. Much of the situations, people and dialogue are from my real life. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Let me know what you think or if I should keep going.
Y/N and her bff/roommate, Terri, were putting on the finishing touches before going out. "Terri, do we always have to go dancing? Once in a while I'd like to go somewhere that plays rock n roll, I'm full up on EDM and dance pop"
"Next time, I promise but I heard this club is supposed to be really good."
Y/N looked down on her tiny friend, being almost 6 feet herself "Good like great music or good like lots of hot guys?"
Terri smirked "Why not both?"
She sighed, maybe this place would be different. Every club or bar they went to all the guys flocked to Terri's side and she was practically ignored by everyone but the bartender. She didn't blame Terri, it wasn't her fault that she was a natural platinum blonde who tans like a freak and was a genius with make-up and clothes. Y/N on the other hand was tall, taller than a lot of men, curvy wearing a size 14 compared to Terri's size 2 and barely wore make-up. Life was too short to spend hours on your face.
It wasn't different. She sat at the table while guys lined up to dance with Terri. A couple bought Y/N drinks and tried to chat her up but it didn't take long for them to start asking about Terri. One guy that looked old enough to be her father but with his shirt unbuttoned and way too tight pants did ask her to dance but she couldn't bring herself to say yes.
After that she stopped agreeing to go out, claiming work or a headache or cramps or anything she could think of that might convince Terri to leave her out of it.
After a couple of months, Terri had enough.
"Y/N! I'm home now come on, we're going out tonite!" the door slammed as Terri walked in.
Y/N sighed "But Terri, I have a meeting in the morning and can't be out late drinking"
"No, no, no. You haven't left the house for anything but work in months. When is the last time you had a date or got laid? You'll never meet anyone like this." Terri scolded
Y/N shook her head "Like I'll find some meaningful connection at a bar. Geez, you sound like my aunt."
"Maybe but I'll bet your aunt has gotten laid more recently than you have" Terri teased
Y/N rolled her eyes, her aunt was a party girl who never grew out of it even in her 50's "Keep up that kind of talk and you'll turn me off of sex forever. Definitely for tonight"
"Oh no you don't. Freshen up and let's go."
"Fine but two drinks and I'm coming home. I really do have a meeting." Y/N smirked "and we better go somewhere that plays some rock."
At the club Terri picked up the first round and started looking around the room for potential victims. She stopped when she saw a good looking guy with a beautiful smile and gap between his front teeth and a brunette sitting together with her nemesis Tina Larson hanging all over the smile.
She nudged Y/N "Look at Tina, sleazing all over tall dark and handsome. I'll bet you the next round I can steal him away from her. I'll even direct the brunette towards you, his hair is kinda long, like you like."
Y/N's eyes got wide "Isn't that-?" Terri nodded.
Y/N shook her head "That's a sucker bet, no guy actually wants Tina Larson all over him and all of them want you. The brunette is cute but not my type."
Terri scoffed "He's totally your type! Why are you talking yourself out of it without even meeting him?"
Y/N shook her head "Because none of them even look at me when I'm with you. Remember last time? You had like 8 guys clamoring to get near you and a creepy senior citizen asked me to dance. Go get handsome but leave me out of your schemes."
She pulled out her phone to keep busy while Terri worked. She was distracted from her phone when Terri came back with TD&H and his friend. Smirking at Tina who was glaring daggers at Terri.
Terri sat on the smiles lap "Y/N, this is Sam and James, boys this is Y/N."
Y/N smiled "Nice to meet you"
They sat and talked for awhile before Y/N excused herself "Sorry but I have a meeting at work in the morning."
James stood and offered to walk her out "Could I get your number?"
She looked at him skeptically "It's ok, you don't have to. I know Terri is the goal."
He looked at her confused "What are you talking about?"
She shrugged "I know Terri is the one you guys always want. Being nice to me helps but sleeping with me is a big no no. She's a bit of a slut but won't touch you if you hook up with me first. Friend rules."
James shook his head "I'm not interested in Terri, she's not my type. I like talking to you."
She laughed "She's not your type? That's a new one. Look, you're cute and probably awesome in bed but I'm not interested in a pity fuck. I always hate myself in the morning."
He looked at her oddly "Did I do something to offend you?"
"No, I just know how things go. You can have my number but you won't call." She smiled sadly at him. "See you around"
James smiled "Yeah, I'm definitely gonna call."
A few nights later Y/N got home from work exhausted and raging from hormones, cramps and the creeps at work. She ate dinner then ate an edible and settled down with her heating pad to read in her room when Terri poked her head in "You sure you don't want to come? Maybe tonite is your night"
Y/N laughed "Sorry but I'm comfortable here and my cramps finally calmed down. Go have fun for the both of us."
Awhile after Terri left, her phone rang. Y/N didn't recognize the number so let it go to voicemail. Then she got a text
It's Bucky , we met the other night. I did enjoy talking to you and would like to do it again if you'll have me
Sorry, it's James, Bucky is my nickname
She laughed, he was the first guy to even bother trying to contact her in ages. The phone rang again, she answered
"Hi, Y/N. This is James. We met the other night."
She was still laughing "I'm impressed that you called but I'm uh, med-i-ca-ted" she made air quotes that he obviously couldn't see "so not sure how interesting I can be"
He smiled "I have a feeling you are pretty entertaining when medicated"
"It's not my fault. I have vicious cramps and cannabis is better than opiates. OTC meds don't work." She explained matter of factly.
James blushed, glad that she couldn't see him and stammered a little "Oh. I see. I'm sorry you have to deal with that."
"It's not your fault, just life. Plus I had a shit day at work. Some of the men I work with are real cunts. You're not a cunt are you James?"
"No, I mean I try not to be."
She yawned "That's not very convincing. Are you sure?"
His brain scrambled for a way to convince her. "What if I prove it? I'll make you laugh. A cunt wouldn't make you laugh"
Y/N giggled "Probably not on purpose. So prove it."
He started
"Three pregnant women were sitting in an ob/gyn office talking about becoming mothers and speculating on the sex of their babies.
-The first one said 'I got pregnant with my husband on top, in a manly position so we are going to have a boy'
-The second one smiled 'My husband and I were in a womanly position with me on top so I'll bet we have a girl'
-The third one burst into tears and when the others asked her what's wrong she bawled out 'We're having puppies!'"
Y/N laughed out loud and James thought it was beautiful. "So what do you say?"
When she finally stopped laughing enough to speak she replied "Ok, that wasn't bad, you might not be a cunt. I guess you can call me again but I'm about to crash right now. Bye James"
"G'nite Y/N" James sighed softly as she hung up.
The next few days they spent most evenings on the phone getting to know each other. She was trying to fight it but could feel herself falling for him. She was afraid of having her heart broken. Again. But she couldn't help herself. He was so sweet. And funny. She really wanted him to be for real but still had her doubts.
After 2 weeks James was finally able to convince Y/N to go on a date with him.
She told him about a diner she had discovered when she first moved in with Terri. "It looks awful but it's clean and the food is perfection. We used to save up change and share a plate of fries and a shake once a month. When we were too broke to go out. Now we go for important milestones and celebrations. The bacon-avocado-cheddar burger is orgasmic. Seriously."
James laughed "Wow, how could I possibly say no to orgasmic. Meet you there at 7 on Friday?"
"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you Friday. But now I have to get some sleep. G'nite James."
"G'nite, Y/N"
On Friday morning Y/N fussed over her clothes and make-up a little more than she usually would on casual Friday, even letting Terri do her make-up after promising to keep it light. She wore black jeans with a purple peasant style blouse and black booties. She left her hair down and added some dangly earrings.
When she was finished, Terri stood back and whistled at her "I'd totally do you" and they both giggled.
By the end of the day Y/N was wound up from excitement and too much coffee. Her work friend Sheila was trying to get a group to go for happy hour but Y/N begged off, whispering "I have a date"
Sheila squealed "Ohmygod, tell me!!
Y/N shook her head "Nope. I don't want to jinx it. You'll just have to wait till next week."
Sheila winked "Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do?"
Y/N laughed "That leaves pretty much everything open but I don't want to get ahead of myself. See you on Monday."
When Y/N made it to the diner she was already 10 minutes late and her date wasn't there. She sighed but tried to stay hopeful and sent him a text. No response after 20 more minutes so she texted him again, hoping he was ok, and headed home. She tried not to cry but was really disappointed. She really thought he might be for real but a better offer must have come along.
Bucky was on a plane with Sam heading out to deal with the remnants of the Flag Smashers. He kept checking his phone, shaking his head and swearing. He knew Y/N would think he stood her up but he couldn't get a signal. He was really looking forward to seeing her again and hoped she would forgive him when he got home.
Sam just watched and shook him head "You alright over there, Robocop? Need some help with your phone?"
"No, I was supposed to meet someone for dinner tonight and I can't get a signal to call her"
Sams eyebrows went up "Her? Did you find yourself a girl Barnes?"
Bucky blushed "No. I don't know. maybe. Remember when we met Terri and her friend Y/N?" Sam nodded. "Well, Y\N and I have been talking a lot since then. She's kind of insecure, I guess Terri always gets all the attention when they are together and I don't want her to think I stood her up but I can't get a fuckin signal."
"I'm sure she'll understand if you explain when you get back"
Bucky shook his head "But then I'll have to tell her who I am. I don't want to scare her away."
Sam chuckled "Since Terri knew who I am I'm pretty sure your girl does too. Since she has been talking to you since that night I think you'll be alright."
Bucky paled "Are you sure? Fuck! I gotta find a way to call her."
Sam tried to calm him "Look, give me her address and I'll have Torres send some flowers after he drops us."
"I don't have her address. I haven't seen her since that first night and we were meeting at the diner tonite. I finally meet someone who seems real and everything blows up. This is the universe telling me something, I-"
Sam patted him on the shoulder "Don't be a drama queen, man. It's just a hiccup. You'll explain when we get back." He flashed a shit eating grin "So she's pretty cute right? I remember she was almost as tall as you. What's she like?"
Bucky smiled "She's sweet and smart and funny in a silly but sarcastic way." His eyes glassed over as he thought about her.
When Sam told him it was time to go he cleared his head to focus on the mission and tried not to think too much about her.
Chapter 2
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milkywaybottles · 2 years
The Way Things Were | Tommy Shelby x Reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hi! I will not be using the term starting with G (you know what it is) to describe Romani people unless it is a character speaking that had already spoken prior in the show (I do not agree with that language), because many Romani people find the term offensive and I do not want (Y/N) to speak like that. It is simply not my place xx
Chapter 7: Eventful Days
"This is an awful idea" you grumbled, crossing your arms across your chest. Worry was bubbling inside you. Ada only smiled, pushing a strand of her hair back behind her air. Your body bounced up and down rhythmically in the seat of the car, the road becoming heavier and bumpier as you neared the Lee camp.
"Don't worry. You were given the choice to come and you did, that must mean something. Besides, Tommy, Arthur and John wouldn't let anything happen again" Ada assured. She slipped her hand to her waist. She was getting big, the little baby gaining on their due date. After Ada declared she was going to make you a godmother, you had become just that little more excited about the baby.
There was a minute of silence between you.
"John isn't going to like this". She shook her head in agreement as the car slowed to a stop. You stepped out and as soon as your heel hit the gravel, you were overwhelmed with the scent of horse manure. Turning your head to Ada, you observed her face become paler than normal, resisting the urge to burst out in laughter. For a girl who grew up around horses, she definitely couldn't handle the smell. If you had been a few years younger, you definitely would've teased her about it, but deciding it wasn't worth the fight, you left it alone.
Arthur emerged from behind a colourful vardo, rubbing his hands together with satisfaction. "Ladies, Johnny boy is onboard. This way, please". His awfully chirpy behaviour caught you as a surprise, as he had previously contracted the self-named 'Flander's Blues' a week prior. He was practically shimming in excitement when taking you both to the alter, and you determined that there was definitely alcohol making its way through his system.
You had always been captivated by Romani culture. Considering the Shelby family was half Romani, it had fascinated you to hear them speak in Romani to each other. Polly even claimed she could predict a baby's sex and future because of it. And because you were in close proximity with the language, you had also managed to pick up a select few words, just not enough to hold a conversation. That is why you stuck to Arthur's side like glue, warily keeping your head focused in front of you.
"There are the other ladies of the evening, now we just have to wait for the lady of the evening" Tommy called out, expecting both of you to take your place beside him. Many of the Peaky Blinders were surrounding John like a support group, scruffing up his hair and teasing him. There was a crowd of people waiting apprehensively, some muttering little phrases under their breath, others taking silver flasks from their pockets and drinking their troubles away. The alter was adorned with two white cushions on the ground and an archway of flowers, one of the Lee brothers officiating.
When your eyes landed on the woman dressed in a long, cotton veil and a draping white dress, you weren't surprised to see her accompanied by Zilpha Lee. Much like Polly was the matriarch of the Shelby family, Zilpha Lee was the matriarch of the Lee family, making all the business decisions with Tommy. You had both met before when you were young, not thinking anything of the interaction. The dark-haired lady was grinning from ear to ear.
"She'd better be under 50" you heart John murmur, causing you to frown and nudge him suddenly.
Tommy turned to his brother, "Come 'ere" and he snatched the toothpick from John's mouth. Good riddance, you thought. Wouldn't want to have that between his lips when speaking to his bride for the first time. "Go on". He received a handful of supportive pats on the back, acting as the only thing really getting him up that aisle. Otherwise, the boy would've been sent running with his tail between his legs. Not knowing his bride, her personality or how she looked was a scary notion and you couldn't blame him. If marriage had been forced on you...
John knelt on the cushion beside his bride, squeaking from his weight. A dog bark echoed throughout the camp, otherwise, all was silent. "We're here today to join in matrimony, this man and this woman" Johnny Doggs began. Given the opportunity, Tommy struck up a stiff and casual conversation with his huffing sister, still on bad terms. Your eyes remained solely on John's back, observing as he turned around with the biggest smirk you had ever seen once his bride's veil had been removed. "Do you, John Michael Shelby, take Esme Martha Lee to be your beautiful wife?". The chatter between Thomas and Ada was too loud for you to hear the rest of the ceremony properly. "There remains one more part of the ceremony, the mingling of the two bloods. When the two families become the one family"
There was a knife slipped between the palms of the couple and their hands were intertwined. Esme's face was indulgent in a large, polite smile, her face dusted with freckles and her eyes the most beautiful shade of brown. "I now pronounce you man and wife!". Everyone rose, clapping feverishly. "Come on, John, kiss the bride, will you?"
The festivities carried well on into the night, lit with embers from a giant bonfire. There was cheery singing and dancing as well as more than a fair share of drinking. You smiled apprehensively at any Lees that looked your way but hadn't removed yourself from Tommy's side. Your face was caught in the light of sparkling fireworks, setting a beautiful glow on your features. Tommy hadn't taken his eyes off you the whole night.
He couldn't. Not when your serpent green dress hugged your figure, your makeup was just right and you stood timidly but loyally at his side. Goddamn... he even had the nerve to ask you to dance, which you had accepted after some convincing. The way you fit perfectly into his arms, melting into his body drove him crazy. When you span, the world seemed to fade away. In fact, when any other person, especially a Lee, even glanced your way, he felt his hand inching to his cap.
When a clearly intoxicated Arthur asked you to dance, he had almost lept from his seat in protest. You shook him off, going for a spin with Arthur before he insisted on stopping, disappearing behind a vardo. The splashing noise was enough to know that he had been sick, and you politely told him no for the rest of the evening. You weren't sure if you could handle the smell if you hadn't said no.
Finally, you had settled in a chair beside Tommy, happily watching the fire with a glass of whiskey sitting on the table. John was jeering merrily from his seat, holding Esme close to his waist. The couple appeared content. That was good enough for you. Even Ada, the heavily pregnant woman, appeared to be having a wonderful time. Between her chides, she would dance until she felt sick. One of the Lee members had taken fondly to her, causing you to wonder how Freddie would have felt about it had they not been on bad terms.
Nevertheless, it wasn't your business, so you took a cigarette to your lips.
Tommy decided that from that moment on, he couldn’t risk getting closer to you than he already had. Grace was the easiest escape, a distraction from what he truly wanted. He would pursue her, imagining that it was you moaning out his name instead of her. It would break your heart if you found out, but it would break your heart more if he loved you. He was consumed by desperation for you.
As you observed Ada, a watchful pair of eyes fell on you. “Should we say something to her, Tom?” you posed. “Tell her to slow down?”
“You think she’ll listen to me?” he scoffed. You reeled in your conversation, folding your arms on top of each other. You had become worried knowing that Ada had been drinking, hearing her practically beg to be spun again while dancing.
“I think you’re her brother. She has to listen. Please…”. You winced at the sight of the loose firecracker. Tommy stopped, putting his cigarette down and standing quickly. A smile made its way to your lips, although fading as soon as Tommy approached the dismissive Ada.
“All right, Ada, come on, have a rest, sit down” he beckoned. It was like something snapped in Ada, prompting you to join Tommy’s side. When she turned to face him, she stumbled, almost slipping in the mud. She swayed from side to side.
“Come and look, Esme! Come and look at the family you’ve joined. Come, look at the man who runs it! He chooses his brothers' wives! He hunts his own sister down like a rat and tries to kill his brother-in-law". It all came bubbling out of her, both Tommy and Arthur scolding her to quiet down. You could see the visible shock on Esme's face. "Now he won't even let me have a fucking dance! Not even at a fucking wedding!". Your jaw was on the floor, trying to put your hands on her shoulders to calm her, only for her to shake them off.
John's face had become as red as a tomato, practically spitting at his sister, "Sit her down".
"Ada, calm down. Calm down" Polly consoled, her face dropping as her eyes became downcast on the floor. Her eyes snapped to you, making intense eye contact, "Holy shit, water. Alright". Your heart skipped a beat, placing an arm on her to guide her away from the party. Ada became a panting mess as she was swarmed by countless relatives.
This was something you had been preparing to do since Ada became pregnant, Polly warning you that you may have to help deliver the baby. It was an anxiety-ridden task but not something you weren't educated on either. Your mother had been a midwife, so you knew the ins and outs.
"Jesus Christ Ada, you do pick your bloody times!". She urged them to get off of her, to give her some space.
Tommy had taken the wheel, you and Polly assisting Ada in the back of the vehicle. The whole ride was sweat-filled, the girl riding out the contractions while clinging to your arm mercilessly. All you could do was press down her hair, soothing her as she cried. You were sure she regret getting pregnant in the first place at that moment. It had even promoted you to reconsider what you wanted for your future as well.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’ve got you, Ada”
It was a train of cars that escorted you all back to Ada's house. Tommy, of course, drove in front, John driving at the back of the train. As soon as the car slowed to a stop, you and Polly leapt from the car, keeping the door open so Ada could crawl out. You took her chillingly cold hand and escorted her inside the building, eyes engulfed with bright floral wallpapers. The light pattering of Esme's feet could be heard as she entered the room, placing her hand on Ada's back as you both lowered her onto her bed.
She had dissolved into a whimpering mess.
"Ada!" Polly shouted in an elated manner from the entrance of the home, "The truce is on hold". As soon as she came rushing in, you could sense a tight-lipped smile on Ada, though hard to distinguish from her looks of grimaces. She was stripped of most of her clothing, layers upon layers of fancy and fluffy garments falling to the floor. Sweat was trickling down her forehead at an alarming rate as she screamed again, legs bare in front of her aunt.
"Keep going. That's right. Push!". Her groans were ungodly, shaking the whole house with her might. Esme put her hands to Ada's stomach to feel the baby, only to glance back up at you both with alarm.
"I think it might be the wrong way around. I attended three sisters". Your attention snapped to Ada and then her bump. Both you and Polly reached to feel the baby to which you could distinctly feel under her flesh that the legs were first. You and Polly hastily nodded in agreement,
"Yeah, I think you're right"
"We must lean her forward" you instructed, all of you taking her to pull her to her knees. Polly stroked up her back, attempting to bring any relief she could to her niece,
"Come on, not long to go now, darling. Push. Two. Three!"
The fresh sound of a newborn's cries filled the room.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter six: "I don't know everything, despite the fact you think that I do"
Tumblr media
My gif
Word count: 12,6K
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of drug use, drug detox, physical violence. Spencer being a jerk.
Summary: (Y/N) had enough of Spencer's attitude and plans an intervention on her own.
A/N: Hello! how are you? how's your week going? my life is a mess and I'm fighting with a lot of anxiety and stress after the month I spent with my grandparents, so I've been taking everything with calm in the latest days. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Spencer is... and then reader... ok, read it, and see you in the comments! Stay safe, kids!!!
Series Masterlist
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
───※ ·❆· ※───
(Y/N)'s point of view
After New Orleans, I thought things were starting to get a little better. For a few days, Spencer was a lot like himself again. It was refreshing and exciting. He smiled. He even looked like he had slept. And he wasn't rude. Not at first. Not until that Friday.
- "Hey, pretty girl"- Morgan appeared next to my desk and tapped on the pile of files I was working on- Got any plans for tonight?
- "I was actually going to meet my boyfriend. Why? What do you have in mind?"
Yes. Paul and I had a date, 'cos I hadn't seen him in two weeks. We had spent San Valentine's apart, 'cos we were out on a case. And I barely noticed it. I didn't have my hopes high for that night, though. Maybe pizza, a movie... I didn't feel like having sex, even when it had been over a month since we had done it.
- "I'm clubbing tonight, and I know you are a party girl. So, do you wanna come with me?"
- "As tempting as it sounds, I pass"- I smiled at my friend and shook my head- "All I can do today is have a quiet evening, eat something, watch a movie and then call it a day."
- "Are you sure? 'cos Emily is on board, and you two are my party sidekicks."- I chuckled and kept shaking my head- "Ok, alright. You lose. What about you, pretty boy?"
Spencer had been awfully quiet that whole afternoon. He was buried in his paperwork and only moved from his seat to get coffee.
- "Reid? are you listening?"- Morgan waved until he got his attention. But Spencer apparently didn't want to talk- "Hello? Earth to Reid."
- "What the hell do you want?"- I brought up my eyes to my best friend, 'cos his voice was as annoyed as rude.
- "Hey, hey, slow down, kid. What's your problem?"
- "I'm trying to work, and you don't let me! That's my problem!"- Morgan raised an eyebrow and took a deep break.
- "Ok, my bad."
Spencer glued his eyes on his files again, and I kept looking at him closely for a minute. He was fidgety on his chair. He kept scratching his arms, and he had flipped from human to whatever he was when he yelled at Morgan in a blink.
Of course, shit wasn't over yet.
- "Hey, do you want a ride home?"- I asked him and stood by his desk on my way out. He was getting ready to leave too.
- "I can take the subway on my own"- he talked to me like I was insulting him- "And I don't wanna get in the way of your fake date,"- he grumbled and put on his coat
- "Sorry, what?"- I wasn't sure I had gotten that right.
- "Yeah, you have a date with your boyfriend, and I don't want to get in the way."
- "What are you talking about, Reid?"- I couldn't believe his words. He was acting like a jerk.
- "You know, I don't get it"- he was mad. Furious. And he snapped in front of me, out of the blue- "Why are you still dating that jerk if you don't even love him? does he fuck you that good?"
I could see from the corner of my eye how every head in the bullpen turned to us. I looked at my best friend in the eyes and didn't say a word. I just nodded and grabbed my purse.
- "Enjoy your weekend, Reid."
I knew I didn't have to take those words personally. Spencer wasn't himself. But I was growing tired of justifying him in front of the team and myself. It was time for the big guns.
I tried to ease my mind that night, preparing myself for what I knew I had to do the next day. But I couldn't shake Reid from my thoughts. I needed to know what he was doing if he had dinner. If he was able to sleep. Shit! I needed to know if he was getting high all alone in his apartment.
What if he overdosed? What if he just decided to go a little further and his body couldn't resist it? He was too skinny. He wasn't eating correctly. Shit! He could die.
- "Hey, babe. Are you ok?"- Paul asked me all of a sudden. He was kissing my neck and trying to get under my shirt, and I wasn't even moving. I was thinking about Reid and how to help him. And meanwhile, my boyfriend was trying to have sex with me.
- "Sorry, what?"- I know, that wasn't a good answer.
- "Are you even here?"- he sighed and let me go- "Let me guess, you are thinking about a case."
- "No, I'm just worried about Reid."
I know. That wasn't a good answer either, considering Paul's angry face as soon as he heard his name. Paul hated Reid. Ok, Paul hated every single one of my friends, but he despised Spencer. He would almost see him as his sworn enemy, and they had seen each other in person twice in over a year.
- "Now you think about that nerd when we are making out?!"
- "What?! No! that's not what I meant!"- I tried to explain, but it was clear that wasn't going to work- "He is going through a tough time after the abduction and..."
- "Yeah, yeah"- he cut me off and stood up- "Everything about Spencer is more important than me! I don't wanna hear that shitty and sad kidnap story again!"
- "I'm just trying to say I am worried about him!"- I stood up and followed him around the apartment.
- "You are always worried about him!"
- "He is my friend. He is in pain!"
- "And what about me?! Do you even care about me?!"
- "Sure! of course, I do!"
I knew that was it all of a sudden. I didn't even want to argue with Paul, and neither explain to him how much I needed to help Reid. So I didn't say a word. I only stood in front of him. He brought up his eyes to me and sighed. It took him a few seconds to gather the courage to say what he wanted to say. But when he did, it wasn't good.
- "You are in love with him, aren't you?"
His question made my blood boil. I hated he made such a presumption only because I was worried about Spencer. I loved him, sure, but because he was my best friend. I was with him all day, every day. I saw him more than my own family. More than Lu, Mikey, or Frank. And I knew Reid was in pain and in real danger. Of course, Spencer was my priority.
- "No, Paul. I am not in love with him."- I looked right into his eyes and tried to make my point clear- "He is going through a shitty situation, and I wanna help him. That's all."
- "And do you love me?"
He had never asked me that before. We haven't talked about "love" in the whole year and a half we had been together. And, to be honest, I didn't want to lie. I didn't want to hurt him either, but it was the end of the line, and we both knew it.
- "Paul..."
- "That's a no,"- he said and folded his arms across his chest- "If you don't love me, why are you with me?"
- "Do you love me?"
- "Of course, I do!"- I raised an eyebrow and stared at him for a second - "Don't profile me!"
- "I'm not profiling you. I'm just sure you don't! And that's ok. Paul, we... This is not a relationship. It's two lonely persons holding onto something that didn't work."
We just stared at each other and didn't say a word for what seemed to be for ages.
- "Despite what you might think, I know you, (Y/N)"- he took a step closer to me and kissed my forehead- "And I know you love him."
- "Paul, I really don't. He is my friend, and I'm worried about him"- he simply nodded and sighed.
- "Sure thing. Take care"- started walking to the door and never looked back.
I stood alone in the middle of my apartment. That was it. The easiest breakup because neither of us was in love. And yet, I felt empty and sad. Tears started falling down my cheeks, and I didn't notice them until I was sobbing.
I wasn't sad I had lost Paul. I didn't understand where that emptiness and misery were coming from. Maybe it was grief for a relationship that was never meant to work. Perhaps I was sad because I had failed to maintain a relationship. After all, work had turned into my life. I was just like my father and my brother.
A part of me felt I was slowly turning into what I had fought not to be. And letting Paul might mean I was no longer the old (Y/N). And the new (Y/N) scared me: I was a Fed, I worked over 50 hours a week, and I had killed people. Bad people, but I had pulled the trigger. I knew I had the job of my dreams, and I knew I loved working at the BAU. But with every day that passed, I was walking further and further away from the version of me I loved.
And I was scared of what the new (Y/N) was going to be like. Was she going to be like her dad and lose her family due to her work? or like her brother? who couldn't have a normal life 'cos being a detective was more significant.
I knew we all made our own personal decisions, but a part of me felt it. We were all cut from the same cloth, and I was meant to grow old, alone, and the BAU was going to be my whole life until the day I retired, and the loneliness consumed me.
- "I need a drink."
Spencer's point of view
I took a cab home. I didn't want to take the subway because it would take longer to get there, and I couldn't wait that long. I needed one more fix.
I had been telling myself the same for a whole week now: Just one more. One last time.
But it never was the last time. Every night I failed, and that Friday, I was so eager to forget, I wasn't thinking straight. I snapped at Morgan and (Y/N), just 'cos I was going insane, craving Dilaudid.
After New Orleans, I decided to stop using it. And for two days, I did it. But, of course, I couldn't handle the need. That needle was going to be my end, and I was struggling every day to quit. It was impossible to stop on my own when I needed to quieten the pain somehow.
You don't know how much pain you are into until you numb yourself, and the weight of all your troubles and regrets is lifted from your chest. I knew it was eating me alive, but I had to be strong and quit. So, every day I tried. And every day, I failed. Just like that night, when I laid in bed and slowly unwrapped my belt from my arm, losing all connection with reality.
I had yelled at my friends, and they were probably angry at me. But shit! It was worth it. Nothing was even relevant as long as I could feel the relief Dilaudid gave me.
But it never lasted. And the following day, I regretted it all. I woke up dressed on my bed, a needle next to me and an empty bottle of Dilaudid by its side. Just like a junkie. Tears filled my arms as soon as I realized what had happened. What I had done: I had failed yet again.
My whole body was shaking. I needed to eat something. My last proper meal had been Thursday when (Y/N) and I stopped for dinner on our way back home. And I guess if it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't have eaten at all.
I took a long shower, trying to wash away the guilt. It's obvious to say it didn't work. But I consoled myself thinking last night had been the last time. That day I was going to be strong enough, and I was going to quit. I had decided. Nothing could stop me that time.
My breakfast was miserable: I made coffee and took a look in my fridge. Nothing. All I ate that morning was a bowl of cereal (without milk) and two cups of coffee and sugar. Sugar and coffee, actually, like everybody teased me.
I tried to read for a while, at a normal peace, because my head was still fuzzy. So I sat in my living room and grabbed a book from my coffee table: "The Illustrated Man."
After a few hours and four books later, my mind kept coming to the same place. I was out of Dilaudid. And it was a good thing, 'cos now I just wasn't going to get any more. That was it. I had officially quit. Yes. And I felt good. It was a new day, and I was ready to be clean and sober. So I made myself another cup of coffee to celebrate and took a look at my bookshelf. I picked another three books and sat on my armchair, ready to keep on reading. I didn't need drugs to be happy.
Around three in the afternoon, I couldn't stop moving on the couch as I read the sixth book of the day. I drank yet another cup of coffee, even when I knew what I really needed was to get some real food. But I didn't care to starve at that moment. There was only one thought in my mind: Getting high.
Maybe I wasn't ready to quit. I should try leaving it periodically. Actually, perhaps having a bottle around the house could help me ease my mind. Knowing it was there made me feel better. As good as using it.
I was going insane. I kept debating whether I should stay home or find my dealer and just get a little dose. Just enough for one more time. Maybe two. I kept walking around my apartment, creating excuses in my head to get high.
And that was when I heard a knock on my door. I stopped on my tracks, confused. I wasn't waiting for anyone, and I wouldn't really have many unannounced visits. So I walked silently towards the door and looked through the peephole.
- "Shit"- my voice was a whisper I prayed (Y/N) hadn't heard.
What was she doing there? Maybe she had come to talk about my attitude at the BAU. I had said some awful things, but that wasn't really a good moment. I didn't want to see her. I didn't want her to see me like this. I didn't want anyone to see me. So I didn't open the door.
But she knocked again. I didn't move and almost didn't breathe as I stood still by the door, waiting for her to leave. But she wasn't leaving. Instead, she kept knocking over and over again, driving me insane until I snapped.
- "What the fuck do you want?!"- I opened the door and yelled at her face. She widened her eyes, surprised, and didn't move.
- "You just came to stand there and look at me?- I shouted, and she flinched. She had to leave. I wanted her out of my house. But rather than leaving, she walked in and stood in the middle of the apartment.
- "What is wrong with you?"- she was making an effort to stay calm, but I could tell she was scared. She kept biting the inner part of her cheeks and crossed her arms on her chest. Was she scared of me?
- "Spencer, why are you acting like this?"
- "What the fuck is your problem, (Y/N)? Why are you in my house uninvited?!"
- "I called you like three times. I wanted to invite you to my house for dinner, but you didn't answer, so I got worried."
- "As you can see, I'm fine! And no, I don't wanna go to your house for dinner!"
Her eyes were wide opened, staring right into mine, and I swear it physically hurt to see her. She shouldn't be there. I needed her out. I didn't want her to see me like that, and I needed to get out and get some more Dilaudid. Now more than ever.
- "I'm making lasagna"- (Y/N) whispered- "Mikey, Frank, and Lu are coming."
- "I don't care, I don't wanna go to your house, I don't wanna go anywhere! I'm fine here."
- "But, honey bunny..."
- "Stop calling me that!! I hate it!! It's a stupid nickname! I'm not your fucking honey bunny!!"
The silence in my apartment was so deep, I could hear my own heart racing inside my chest. (Y/N)'s eyes filled with tears that soon started falling down her cheeks. She dropped her shoulders, and her arms hung at her sides, slacks.
- "Please"- she begged- "Tell me what's wrong. I want to help you, Spencer."
- "There's nothing wrong! don't you get sometimes I don't want to be stuck at you?! I already have to see your face all day at work. I deserve a break during the few weekends we have off!"
- "I know you don't mean that"- her voice broke, and her chin trembled, but she still made her best not to cry.
- "You don't know that. You don't know shit, (Y/N)."
I stayed quiet and looked away from her. I couldn't stare at those sad eyes for another second.
- "Please, leave"- I managed to control my voice for a second, in a poor attempt not to hurt her anymore. But she shook her head and sniffed.
- "No, Spencer, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong with you. I am worried."
- "There's nothing fucking wrong with me, (Y/N)! Don't you get it?! I just don't wanna be with you!"
- "Please"- she begged, sobbing in front of me. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't bear to see her anymore.
So I ruined everything and hurt her. I pushed her. She nearly fell back but managed to stabilize. She was shocked by my actions, but I didn't even have time to think about what I was doing. All I could think of that minute was that I needed her out of my house to buy drugs and get high.
- "Spencer, what the hell are you doing?"
- "I asked you nicely, but you didn't leave. So now I won't be nice anymore. Get out!!"
I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of my sight. She cried, pleading I would tell her what was wrong with me. But I didn't listen. Instead, I dragged her out of my apartment and slammed the door. I could hear her crying in the hall for a moment, and it enraged me. I thought if she was crying, she herself had caused it. She had appeared at my house at the wrong moment, unannounced.
It wasn't my fault. I just wanted her to leave. I did what I had to do.
And I didn't regret it.
Not until Sunday afternoon, when an announced knock on my door forced me to drag my stoned body from the couch. It was a delivery boy who gave me a package and left. It had nothing written on it. Not even my name. When I opened the box, I found a computer and a note.
- "Play me."
I knew I was still stoned, but not enough to be imagining those kinds of things. I took the laptop to the couch with me. There was a video ready to be played in it. So I pushed play.
- "What the fuck do you want?!"- my heart dropped. It was me, but I could barely recognize my own face- "You just came to stand there and look at me?"
It was a recording of me yelling at (Y/N). She had taped everything, and I couldn't believe my own eyes. I was a monster.
- "I'm making lasagna"- my chin quivered at that scene. Her voice was a whisper, and I was out of myself- "Mikey, Frank, and Lu are coming."
- "I don't care, I don't wanna go to your house, I don't wanna go anywhere! I'm fine here."
- "But honey bunny..."
- "Stop calling me that!! I hate it!! It's a stupid nickname! I'm not your fucking honey bunny!!"
I paused the video, 'cos I couldn't take it anymore. That wasn't me. I couldn't believe I had said all those things to her. It hurt (Y/N), so I could get drugs.
I covered my face with my hands and cried. I was done. Not only did I not know how to recover from my drug addiction, but I also didn't know how I could ever look at my best friend again in the eyes after what I had done.
I remembered she had cried, and I knew I had been mean. But when I saw the extreme hate in each one of my words, I knew I had reached rock bottom. I needed help.
After a few minutes, I pushed play again. I knew I needed to see the whole thing actually to understand what had happened.
- "Please, leave!!"
- "No! Spencer, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong with you. I am worried."
- "There's nothing fucking wrong with me, (Y/N)! Don't you get it! I just don't wanna be with you!!"
- "Please... Spencer, no! What the hell are you doing?"
- "I asked you nicely, but you didn't leave. So now I won't be nice anymore. Get out!!"
I hit her. I pushed her. She was there to invite me for dinner, and I hurt her. Who was I? What kind of beast does such a thing to his best friend?
Who would do such a thing to the woman he loves.
I curled on the couch, crying. How could I let that happen? When did I turn into a downward version of myself? Ethan was right. I had been dumb enough to think I could control it when in reality, drugs were controlling me. I was losing who I was. I could lose my job. I was losing my friends.
I knew things had been hard for me growing up, but I had finally reached a point in my life where I was happy. I liked my life. I loved my job. For once, I had real friends, and I was making good, catching bad guys. I had actually fulfilled my dream to work at the BAU. So why was I wasting it all?
- "Spencer"- I heard (Y/N)'s voice at the end of the video and saw her face on the screen- "I am here if you need to talk. I'm not mad. I just wanna hug you. Please, call me. Let me help you."
But I couldn't do it. I couldn't talk to her after what had happened. I dragged her by the arm out of my apartment. I made her cry. I didn't deserve anything. I couldn't deal with reality and the consequences of the monster I had become into.
Sunday, March 4th. That was the day it all changed for good.
(Y/N)'s point of view
Spencer didn't call. I wasn't surprised, though. I knew he would be affected by the video and probably felt like he didn't deserve my help. So I did what I knew Frank would say I shouldn't do. I put on my shoes and got ready to go to his apartment and pick him up. I was not going to leave him alone when I could see he was struggling to survive.
But when I opened my door, Spencer was sitting in the hall outside my apartment, hugging his legs, shaking. His eyes were puffy, and his lips were shattered. He looked at me, afraid I would be mad. But how could I? I just wanted to help him.
I kneeled in front of him and touched his hands. They were stone cold. His lips trembled as I looked into his eyes, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he finally threw his arms around me, crying.
- "It's ok, honey"- I whispered and felt his whole body shaking as he held me tight- "I've got you."
- "I'm sorry"- I mumbled, sobbing against my shoulder.
- "Shh, it's ok, it's ok"- I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek.
- "Please"- I had to bite my lips not to cry with him, but I knew I had to be strong for him- "Help me."
- "Always."
I poured two cups of tea on my kitchen island as I looked at Spencer eating a bowl of soup. He was swallowing it like he hadn't eaten in days, which was probably true. We had barely spoken in the last hour. He kept asking for forgiveness as I helped him walk into my apartment and sat with him on the couch. He held onto me like a castaway holds to whatever shipwrecks he finds to survive.
When I finally convinced him to eat something, he followed me to the kitchen and looked at me in silence as I cooked. I didn't know what to tell him, so I just did my best to stay calm. I knew what was happening next, and it wasn't going to be pretty. But I was ready to go through it with him.
- "Thank you"- he whispered and sighed as soon as he was finished.
- "Do you want some more?"- but he shook his head. I smiled at him and handed him his cup of herbal tea.
- "Cookies?"- he didn't answer. He just looked at me with those big puppy eyes and broke my heart.
- "I'm sorry"- he spoke so softly I almost didn't hear him.
- "Don't be."
- "I was a monster"- he stared at me, and I knew he was thinking I was never going to forgive him, when the truth was, I wasn't mad at him at all. I was just worried sick.
- "Are you ready to get better?"- I was afraid to ask, 'cos I was afraid he could change his mind. Still, I trusted the video had shaken him deeply enough to erase from his head any thought of relapsing.
- "Yes."
His answer was clear. Even when it was a whisper, there was no hesitation or no fear. Pure determination. It made me smile to hear him like that. And he smiled at me for a second, filling my heart with hope.
- "Ok, then this is what we are doing"- I walked to my desk and took a folder I had prepared for that day. I gave it to him, and he frowned, confused.
- "What is this?"
- "Our home detox plan. You and I are locked in this apartment for the next fifteen days."
Spencer looked at me, baffled. I just smiled and walked to the fridge to show him how prepared I was.
- "I got all the food we need, and the meds you might need, and a nurse that will come to visit daily to put an eye on you."
- "What? How? What about work?"
- "I'll talk to Hotch."
- "What are you gonna tell him?"
- "The truth"
I wasn't going to lie to my boss, not when he also knew what was happening with Reid.
- "Honey, he knows there's something wrong with you, and I'm sure he will understand our absence for two weeks. You and I have enough vacation days saved to cover that time. And you need it."
Spencer looked at me in silence. I couldn't read his face because his eyes hypnotized me. Even under those circumstances, his eyes were beautiful and sweet. Filled with hope.
- "Ok"- he nodded, and I hugged him right away.
- "I'm so proud of you, honey"- I whispered and caressed his hair for a second.- "Come on. We are doing one more thing before we start."
- "What?"
- "Cleaning your apartment."
I took Reid back to his place and got rid of the Dilaudid he had gotten that weekend: All of it. And the needles. I helped him clean because I didn't want him to find a messy apartment when he would get back there. Then, we packed a bag of clean clothes to take to my place. He looked weak but determined to change, which made me feel so relieved. My heart was joyful.
- "Do you have everything?"- I whispered and held his hand as he stood in the middle of the living room and took a look around- "Do you want to take some books?"- he didn't answer- "Spencer? are you ok?"
- "I don't want to be a burden"- he whispered, and I took a deep breath right away, trying to find the right words to convince him he wasn't and that there was no way on earth he could ever be a burden in my life.
- "You are not, I swear"- he looked down and played with his fingers in my hand- "I mean it."
- "It's not going to be nice"
- "I know"
- "And..."
- "And I want to be there, with you, all along. Ok?"- he looked at me, and my heart skipped a beat.
- "(Y/N), withdrawal symptoms from opiates include anxiety, sweating, vomiting, and"- he cleared his throat, embarrassed- "And diarrhea."
- "I know... but we are going to go through this together, one day at the time."
Spencer kept his fingers in my hand, tracing paths on my skin. I looked at him and bit the inside of my cheeks. I didn't want him to doubt himself, 'cos I knew he could do it.
- "One day at the time sounds good"- he murmured and looked at me with a tiny smile. I nodded and kissed his cheek. I don't know why I did it. I just know how much I liked it. The sensation of his skin, and his two days beard, I don't know what it did to me. But I even shivered.
- "Let's go"- I whispered and held his hand tight. He nodded and grabbed his bag. It was about to get real.
The first night with Spencer was wild. He hadn't used it in over a day, and the withdrawal symptoms started around midnight. We were on the couch watching a movie. I was already half asleep when I felt Spencer constantly moving. He started biting his nails and scratching his face every two minutes.
- "Are you ok?"- I whispered and looked at him. He was pale.
- "I'm not gonna be able to do this."
- "Honey..."
- "No, I mean it."
- "You can, and you will."
- "How do you know? I was weak enough to start using."
- "You were forced to start using, and you are strong enough to stop"- I sat straight and held his hands. He was freezing- "What do you say we put you to bed? I'll make you a cup of tea, and we'll see how you feel in the morning."
He didn't move. I kept his hand in mine, and he held it tight. Real tight. I don't know what he was thinking about, but after a few seconds, he sighed and looked at me.
- "Bed and tea sounds nice,"- I nodded and stood up, but he didn't move- "(Y/N)?"
- "Yes?"
- "Where are you going to sleep?"
- "On the couch"- he sighed, and his face was filled with guilt.
- "I can't let you do that. This is your house."
- "Don't worry about that now. Come on. You need to rest"- I caressed his hand with my thumb, and he finally stood up. But halfway to the bedroom, he stopped.
- "I feel so guilty to put you through all this."
- "I want to do this"
- "But..."
- "No, but"- I turned to him and cupped his face with my hands- "I love you, and I'm not gonna leave you alone. No matter what."
My words resonated inside my head for a few seconds as I stared at him. My stomach was fluttering, and my heart was racing inside my chest.
That wasn't good. But I didn't have to overthink my feelings because my best friend needed me.
Reid walked to the bathroom and put on his pajamas while I made him a cup of warm tea. I knew what was coming: nausea, shivering, throwing up, stomach ache, and more. But I was ready. Two weeks and Spencer was going to be ok.
I had talked about my plan with Hotch earlier that day, and he agreed to give us two weeks off and cover us. Spencer was going to be in Vegas, 'cos his mother had had an episode, and I would be in New York, helping my brother on a case. Seemed convincing. Having the two of us out of town would stop any of our friends to stop by unannounced.
- "(Y/N), thank you for doing this for Reid"- Hotch said before hanging up. I felt lucky to have him as my unit chief. He surely cared for all of us. I don't think anyone else would have done the same.
Retchings from my bathroom were the first thing I heard as soon as I stepped into my room.
- "Honey, do you need help?"- but Reid didn't answer. So I ran back to the kitchen and got him a Gatorade from the fridge, set it on the nightstand. Then I ran to my closet and grabbed a clean towel.
I opened the bathroom door and found Reid kneeled by the toilet. He had already flushed but didn't stand up.
- "Here"- I dampened the towel and put it on his forehead. He closed his eyes and sighed- "Better?"
Spencer just nodded and stayed still for a moment. I took off his glasses and pulled his hair back carefully. He started retching a second later, and I rubbed his stomach, cooing him. When he was done, I flushed and helped him stand up. That wasn't it, and I knew it. He knew it too.
- "Did you know brushing your teeth right after throwing up damages your teeth?"- he whispered, making me smile. It felt good to know deep down, even under those shitty circumstances, he was still the same good old Reid.
- "So, mouthwash?"- I moved the bottle closer for him, and he just nodded- "I'll be outside."
Reid drank a little Gatorade and made a sad effort to read after getting into bed but fell asleep in less than five minutes. I took the glasses off (again) and took the book from his hands. My heart felt warm just to see him there, resting.
But that lasted less than half an hour. I stayed by Spencer's side to make sure he was ok. I was reading when he started retching again. I grabbed the bucket I had already set underneath the bed and rushed to help him. His stomach was already empty. He was basically just vomiting bile.
When he finally fell asleep again, he started shaking. I touched his hand, and he was freezing, so I took an extra blanket from the closet, placed it on top of him, and set the room's thermostats to make it a little warmer for him.
I stayed by his side, reading until he woke up again. This time, he was sweating. I took a clean pajama top from his bag and helped him change. Then, I took the dirty pajamas and the clothes he had worn that day and put them in the washer.
I sat next to Reid on the bed and looked at him. He was awake, rolling over and over, not able to stay still.
- "Come here"- I whispered and tapped on my lap- "Put your head here."
I thought he was going to argue, but no. Instead, he did as told with no hesitation as I ran my fingers through his hair slowly, scratching his scalp carefully. I felt how he inhaled deeply and relaxed, at least for a little while.
But it didn't last. And the rest of the night was a long loop of puke, shivers, and sweat. Spencer finally fell asleep for good around six in the morning, and I dragged my exhausted self to the couch. Night one was done. Nine more to go.
Spencer's point of view
My whole body ached. I opened my eyes, disoriented. All I knew was that I felt I had been beaten up, but I didn't recognize the room. I did recognize the smell on my pillow, though. It was (Y/N)'s. That's how I remembered what was going on.
Adding to how bad I felt, physically, I felt worst knowing everything that had happened the night before and in advance for everything I knew would happen that week. But even knowing that, and even when I was embarrassed to be a burden, I was glad to be there. I was happy to feel taken cared of and loved. It was a change I never imagined I could experience. The one who always took care of his mother now had someone who took care of him. It was under a miserable context, but I felt loved anyway.
Even when I was loved only as a friend.
I stood up slowly. I was fatigued, probably 'cos I had spent half of the night puking. I drank what was left of the Gatorade on the nightstand and walked to the living room. (Y/N) was asleep on the couch. My heart ached to think how uncomfortable she probably was while I slept on her queen-sized bed. No one had ever cared so much about me before. So I walked to the kitchen and made her breakfast. A classical Reid breakfast. Coffee, cereal, and milk. That was it. That was all I could cook.
- "Hey, what are you doing?"- (Y/N) appeared suddenly and smiled at me so sweetly, I nearly dropped the coffee pot.
- "I'm trying to make you breakfast"- I confessed and blushed- "And as you can see, I'm not much of a cooker."
- "You made coffee, you covered the most important part"- she held the cup I had filled for her and smiled- "What if you get comfy on the couch while I make you something to eat?"
- "I can't let you do everything, (Y/N)"- the way she looked at me, my heart skipped a beat.
- "I'll tell you what: If I ever get sick or hurt, or anything happens to me, you are going to be the one taking care of me. Ok?"- I nodded and stayed quiet- "Now, go to the couch. It's a lazy Monday."
- "What does that mean?"
- "We stay in our pajamas, watch movies, nap, and do nothing."
How could anyone say no to that?
I wasn't hungry at all, but (Y/N) really applied herself with everything she cooked: she made chocolate chips, hotcakes, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a smoothie, and also forced me to eat a bowl of fruit. She said I needed all the vitamins I could get, 'cos I had to get strong.
She sat next to me, ate the bowl of cereal I had prepared for her, and drank the coffee I had made. It was relaxing just staying there, covered with a blanket, watching Dr. Who. I felt my body losing up little by little. Until detox hit again. The light was bothering me, burning my eyes, and my body felt weak. Nauseous started kicking in, and before I knew it, I was throwing up on (Y/N)'s carpet.
She held a bucket in front of me and pressed a damped towel on the back of my neck.
- "Better?"- (Y/N) whispered and smiled at me. Her fingers tucked some of my hair behind my ears gently- "Do you want to lay down for a while? You are shaking."
I just nodded.
- "Ok, come on, let's go"- she held my arm and helped me stand up. She was right. I was shaking, but not just because I was cold. It was the withdrawal.
I was so embarrassed and mortified. With each symptom, I was a little more certain (Y/N) would never look at me the way I did. She would never fall for me after what she was witnessing. No one in their right mind would.
- "There you are"- she whispered, fixing the pillow behind my head as I laid on her bed again.
- "Can you please close the curtains?"- I whispered, covering my face with both hands. The light was too painful to deal with.
- "Sure, honey. Headache?"- all I could do was nod- "I'll get you ibuprofen, that will help with your body aches and the migraine."
I stayed still, eyes closed, hands covering my face, thinking how I had gotten to the point of having to detox my body from drugs. It was, without a doubt, the lowest moment of my whole life.
- "Ok, honey, try to get some rest, ok?"- (Y/N) whispered after I took the ibuprofen and drank half the bottle of water she had brought.
-  "Can you..."- I studied because I was afraid to tell her I didn't want her to leave me alone. I was afraid to be on my own. I didn't trust myself or my mind.
- "What is it? Do you want another blanket?"
- "Can you stay with me?"- I finally asked and held her hand. She just nodded, smiling, and sat next to me on her bed, making sure I was comfy and cozy, fixing the pillow again and the blanket. I looked at her as she laid by my side on top of the covers and held her book.
- "I'm here, Spencer. And I'll be where when you wake up, ok?"
- "Can you read to me?"- I closed my eyes 'cos the light was killing me.
- "And your headache?"
- "Your voice is soothing, and it would help to concentrate on something else but the pain."
- "Ok... then prepare yourself for some horror, 'cos I'm reading, yet again, "Something wicked this way comes."
- "It's one of my favorites"- I whispered and sighed.
- "Why am I not surprised?"
I tried to fight the waves of nausea, the pain in every muscle and headache, and only focused on the sound of her voice as she read. It took me back to when I was a kid, and my mom would read me every night. (Y/N) kept caressing my hair and reading to me. It was the closest I had ever been to heaven, even when physically, I felt like dying.
When I woke up, (Y/N) was asleep by my side. I tried to move, but my body was limp. It was too painful for me to get up on my own, and all I could think of was one simple thing: Dilaudid. I was craving it. I would never feel so bad if I had a fix. Just a little one. To make the pain go away.
I was making excuses to justify my need for drugs. I wanted to feel better, 'cos right there, on (Y/N)'s bed, I felt dead already, and my whole body was rotting. I just wanted to get a little high. It wasn't going to hurt anyone. Right?
Wrong. The bruise on (Y/N)'s arm was the reality check I needed. I hurt her. I hit her. I pushed her away from me. That's how low I had gotten. I would not let that happen again, and more important than anything else: I was never going to hurt (Y/N), ever again. And that I swore to myself that day on her bed.
There was no use in denying the fact I was in love with my best friend. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me. And I knew I was going to love her forever, even when she would only be my friend. I didn't even know when I had fallen so hard in love with her. I tried to remember the moment my feelings had changed from friendship to love, but I couldn't find it. I just knew I loved her, and nothing was ever gonna change that.
The kind of love that makes you think you'd die for that person. I would die for her, just to make sure she is safe.
I felt so pathetic thinking those things. Not because I didn't want to feel that way, but because I knew (Y/N) would never look at me like that. But still, I'd give her everything she could ever ask me for.
I just laid by her side and looked at her as she slept. My eyes were finally able to slide on every detail of her face. Her freckles, her nose, the color of her lips that even without makeup looked like a cherry. And the bruise on her arm. I was never going to forget about it and neither forgive myself.
- "Hey"- she whispered, fluttering her eyes- "How are you feeling?"
- "Good"- I lied. I didn't want to tell her I felt like dying. She stayed still, looking at me for a few seconds.
- "Are you hungry?"- I shook my head, even that hurt- "How's the headache?"- my eyes were killing me.
- "Better"- she nodded and sighed.
- "I know you are full of shit, Spencer Walter Reid. You don't need to lie"- I just closed my eyes and refused to open them again for a few minutes.
- "I just don't want you to worry, (Y/N). That's all."
- "Do you want to sleep some more? I'm gonna go..."- but as soon as she moved, I stopped her.
- "No"- I looked at her and held her hand immediately. Every muscle in my body hurt with that movement, but I didn't regret it- "Please, don't leave."
- "Ok, I won't go. I promise"- she held my hand and caressed it slowly and smiled so sweetly, I think I even smiled back.
We laid in silence for a while. I closed my eyes again, trying to breathe normally. (Y/N) was lying next to me. That would get my heart racing in a second.
- "The nurse is coming around five. She will put an eye on you every day if you need any medical attention, ok?"- I hummed as a response and kept focused on her fingers playing with my hand- "Maybe we can ask her to help you take a bath."
I wide opened my eyes at those words and noticed how my best friend was blushing.
- "What?"- she chuckled at my reaction- "I can take a bath on my own!"
- "Really? You should consider it then"- she stuck out her tongue to me and giggled- "Though your two days beard is cute"- she ran her fingers along my jaw and sent shivers all over my body. The proximity felt so new, yet incredibly natural, almost familiar.
- "Thanks?"- I answered with a question 'cos I had no idea what else to do. I just stayed still and looked into her eyes. She didn't say another word either. Her eyes were following her fingers, playing with my jawbone slowly.
I wanted to move a little closer to her and hug her, maybe. But I couldn't. Not only because I physically couldn't move without crying, but because her phone rang and made her jump on the bed.
- "Hey! Paco, how are you?"- I heard her pick up the phone in the living room and walk back to me, holding another bottle of Gatorade.
- "No, I'm on a case. In New York. I don't know how long, I wish I could predict how long it's gonna take to catch a fucking serial killer, but I can't."
I looked at her as she walked around the room, talking with Frank. Of course, it was him. She always called him Paco. I slowly sat down on the bed and sighed. I was paranoid about the shower. Maybe I stank. I hadn't bathed since... Saturday. Obviously, I smelled terrible. I had been sweating all night long.
I made my best effort and walked to the bathroom. Everything hurt. When I finally managed to take off my pajamas and ran the shower, I was weary. But the warm water made me feel a lot better.
I took a long shower. Not just because I wanted to stay forever under the warm water, but because I couldn't really move that fast. I washed my hair and considered shaving. But I didn't have a razor on hand, and if (Y/N) liked my tiny beard, I decided to keep it.
- "Hey! everything ok?"- (Y/N) asked from the other side of the door.
- "Yes, I'm ok"- she walked in, and I froze.
- "Ok, I'll leave a clean towel next to the shower, ok? It's warm"
- "Thank you."
I stayed still under the water until she exited the bathroom and nearly held my breath at the thought of her being there with me. It was too much, and to be honest, I was too weak to overthink it. But I knew it was going to be a thought that would hunt me back home.
(Y/N)'s point of view
I sat on the couch and drank my tea after leaving the towel for Spencer in the bathroom. My heart was racing, and that shouldn't be happening. Why was I so affected by my best friend? I knew I was worried, and all my attention was focused on him, but that didn't explain why my stomach fluttered when I looked at him.
- "Put your shit together!!"- I yelled/whispered to myself and shook my head.
Frank had called to know about Spencer, but I had to lie and act like I was at work. I couldn't just tell him what was going on in front of Reid. So I texted him the short version of the fact, and he asked me to keep him posted. He also told me he was going to keep Mikey and Lu away from my apartment those days.
Spencer took a shower and sat with me on the couch. I had cleaned the vomit from the carpet and kept a bucket near in case he felt sick. We read in silence for a while, and I kept checking on him every few minutes. He was nervous and looked anxious. I wasn't going to ask him what was wrong, 'cos it was obvious he was craving Dilaudid, and to be honest, I was scared he might start yelling and getting violent. So, I stood up and prepared him a smoothie. I knew he hated healthy eating, especially salads, but he was doomed. He had to put some vitamins in his body.
He looked at me disgusted as I gave him the glass but drank it quietly and gave it back in a minute. I was impressed.
He threw it up in less than ten minutes, though. So far, not so good.
He also vomited lunch. I knew his whole body ached, so I put on a Star Trek DVD to keep his mind busy in anything else. When the nurse came, she did a brief check-up and told me to continue with the same diet and ibuprofen in case of severe pain. We had to put an eye on dehydration. She also suggested we'd engage in some physical activity as soon as he felt better. Walks to the park were her recommendation.
I couldn't imagine Spencer walking out of the house under those conditions, but I had high hopes by the end of that week, he was going to feel much better.
The second night was worse than the first because his body aches hit him harder. He rolled in bed in pain, shivering. I stayed with him until late, trying to soothe him. I read and caressed his sweated hair. At a certain point, I just sat there with his head on my legs, and he started crying. His tears soaking my legs and his sobs breaking my heart.
I didn't know what to say. I don't know if there was anything to be said at that moment. So I just leaned in and kissed Spencer's temple. I rocked him like a baby and did my best to calm him down. He just kept crying on and on, tearing my soul apart. I couldn't handle watching him like that. I didn't know what to do to help him feel better too. All I could do was be with him throughout the process and hold him tight to make sure I kept all his pieces together. I didn't want him to fall apart.
When I opened my eyes the following day, Spencer was asleep in front of me. He was pale, and the rings under his eyes were darker than ever. But at least, he was finally sleeping.
I stared at him for a few minutes, planning the day. But soon, I realized I couldn't concentrate. I just looked at him. I knew my friend was handsome, even when he always argued when I let him know. But at that moment, he made my heart beat faster. His hair was messy and with some curls. His brown beard kept growing. I had never seen Spencer with facial hair, and I loved it. I wanted to tell him to keep it, but then I thought it might be inappropriate. Not that telling him was wrong, but what he was making me feel.
I refused to think I had a crush on my friend. Because I didn't. I was just worried sick for him, and my head was confused. It wasn't the time to think about that. I had to be a good friend and help Reid. His wellbeing was all that mattered to me.
So I got out of bed and ran to the kitchen to make sure everything was ready. I cooked breakfast and lunch, cleaned, and took a quick shower. I was walking out of the bathroom in my clean clothes when Spencer woke up. He rolled in bed and looked at me, confused.
- "Hey, how are you feeling, honey?"- I whispered and sat next to him on the bed. He yawned and nodded.
- "Better."
- "Great, I hope you are hungry, 'cos breakfast is ready"- he scratched his head and yawned again. And I swear, I had to mentally slap myself because I thought he looked adorable and couldn't stop staring.
- "Do you want to take a shower?"- I asked him and stood up. I had to do anything to keep me from being stupid- "I can also run you a bath. I got some salts that could make you feel better. They might help with your body ache."
- "Thank you"- he whispered and sat down. He just looked at me in silence as I kept myself busy opening curtains, folding blankets, and cleaning the bathroom, to get it ready for him
- "Did you sleep?"- he asked me suddenly- "You look tired."
- "Nah, I'm ok. I think I went too heavy on the coffee earlier."
- "How long have you been up?"- I looked at my wristwatch and sighed.
- "A couple of hours."
It was ten. I got up at eight. Spencer had finally fallen asleep at five. It didn't take a genius to see I hadn't slept properly.
- "Why don't you nap?"- he asked and tapped on the bed- "You look like you could use some more sleep"- that was tempting, I won't deny it. But no. I couldn't.
- "Tell you what, why don't you eat something and then we can watch a movie together?"- Spencer nodded and moved slowly. That's when I remembered he felt like shit.
- "Come here"- I stood by his side and held his hands- "Can you stand up?"
- "Yes"- he whispered and tried to move on his own. His legs were shaking, and so were his hands. He did his best to stand up, and after a few tries on his own, he succeeded. But after giving two steps alone, he stumbled and nearly fell.
- "I've got you!"- I said, wrapping my arms around him and keeping him steady. His whole face was red, in anger maybe, or embarrassment. I didn't want to push him to talk or do anything. I just made sure he wouldn't fall.
- "Wanna stay in bed?"- I suggested
- "No"- he murmured and took a step ahead
- "Ok, let's go to the living room then."
Spencer didn't reply. I was sure he was ashamed and upset. I just walked with him to the living room, trying to think of anything else: anything but the butterflies in my stomach.
It was getting harder to ignore the mental fuzziness I felt each time I looked at him. But I refused to think about it. It wasn't the right time.
But it got worse that evening.
We spent the whole day on my sofa, napping, reading, and watching Star Trek. I was getting dinner ready when Spencer's phone rang. We both stayed still. He looked at me with widened eyes, almost scared. I smiled and walked to my room to get the phone. It was JJ.
I'm not proud to say it, but an overwhelming sensation of insecurity and concern filled my body. Why was JJ calling Spencer? Were they closer than I thought? I don't know why I kept thinking all those things.
- "It's JJ"- I announced and gave him his phone. He hesitated for a moment and finally picked up. I walked back to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. What was wrong with me?
- "Mom is fine, thank you for calling"- I heard him say and closed my eyes. I had to focus on the food. I had to focus on helping him get better.
Why was I so upset JJ had called him? It was nice to know more people cared about him. Not as much as I did, of course.
- "Sure, I tell her. I'll see you in a couple of days"
I walked back to the living room carrying a tray with soup and salads. Spencer sat down properly and looked at me with a small smile.
- "I know you hate veggies, but you are doomed"- I whispered, reading his mind- "These are packed with all the vitamins and minerals your body needs."
- "Thank you"- he murmured and kept his eyes on me until I sat next to him and grabbed my bowl.
- "How was JJ?"- I had to ask. He cleared his throat and played with the lettuce on his dish for a moment before saying.
- "She was ok. She wanted to know if everything was ok with my mom."
- "Oh"- I didn't know what else to say. I tried no to think about it anymore, 'cos it was useless.
- "I kind of felt bad everybody swallowed our story"- Spencer confessed and sighed.
- "That's because I make up the best lies, honey,"- I smiled at him, but he just stared- "Everything ok?"
- "I'm not hungry"
- "Come on, at least have the soup, please?"
- "I don't want to barf all over your carpet, again"- he whispered and kept playing with the lettuce.
- "What if I tell you I made brownies? and you can have a brownie if you eat the soup?"- Spencer bit his lips and shook his head.
- "Why are you treating me like a kid?"
- "I am not! I'm blackmailing you with sugar as I would do under any other circumstance."-
And I wasn't lying. I would definitely try to force him to eat or do something with the promise of a brownie.
- "So? What do you say? Eat that soup, and we'll have brownies... with vanilla ice cream."
Reid stared into my eyes, and I held my breath. He was so pale, so thin. And yet, so beautiful.
- "If I vomit..."
- "If you vomit, you vomit. No hard feelings"- I smiled and tapped on his leg- "Besides, you need to get some vitamins in your body. You are too thin."
He didn't reply. He started eating slowly and kept watching Star Trek in silence.
Spencer successfully ate his bowl of soup and ate a little bit of the salad. I knew he hates veggies, so I didn't push him. As a reward, I prepared a big tray with brownies with ice cream, chocolate sauce, and hot chocolate with marshmallows and put it on the coffee table in front of us. We were about to start eating when we heard a knock on the door.
- "That's the nurse"- I said and stood up quickly. But I was wrong. It was Paul.
- "Babe... hey"- he smiled at me as soon as I opened the door and tried to walk in. But I didn't let him.
- "What are you doing here?"- I stood at the door and raised an eyebrow. I knew we didn't have a bad breakup, but after what he had said that night, I was afraid he might freak out to see Spencer in his pajamas watching tv on my couch.
- "I couldn't stop thinking about what happened the other night, and..."- he made a pause and looked inside- "What are you doing?"
- "I'm having dinner"
- "Alone?"- I didn't answer- "Can I come in?"
- "No"
- "Are you with someone? are you on a date?"- Paul pushed the door and stormed into my apartment. Reid turned around and looked at him, embarrassed.
- "What the fuck do you think you are doing? get out of my house!"- I grabbed my ex-boyfriend's sleeve and stopped him.
- "Hey, Paul"- Spencer waved from the couch, looking scared. His shoulders were tightened, and his eyes wide opened.
- "What is this nerd doing here?"- Paul turned to me, ignoring my friend.
- "What are you doing here? That's the question!"
- "I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day."
- "Well, sorry to crack the news, but if this is an apology, it sucks!"- I swear, I could feel my pulse speeding- "And there is nothing to talk or forgive, we broke up, and it was ok!"
- "Yeah, and now the nerd is here to make you feel better!"
- "You have no idea what you are talking about! And would appreciate it if you stop calling him that!!"- I freaked out and clenched my fist. I was going to lose it with him.
- "Good luck with the Ice Princess here!!"- Paul yelled at Reid- "If you are lucky, she is gonna hug you once!!"
- "Get out!"- I stood by the open door and slammed it as soon as he had left. My hands were shaking, my lips were quivering, and my eyes were tearing up.
- "Are you... are you ok?"- Spencer stood up and walked to me. He stumbled a little but managed to hold me. I didn't reply. I just broke into tears.
Why was I crying if I was glad I had broken up with Paul? Why was I so upset to see him at my house? Why was I shaking in anger?
Maybe I was just human, and I was tired of all the shit. Perhaps I was just sleepy or stressed with everything going on with Reid. Or the fact he kept thinking I had feelings for my best friend was too much for me.
Even the fact he called me "Ice Princess" hurt me. Yes, I wasn't a very physical person with him. But that was just because I wasn't in love with him.
For a few minutes, I just cried, soaking Spencer's pajamas as he held me tight, just like I had done for him the night before.
- "I'm sorry"- I whispered and sighed. I let him go and fixed my hair- "I shouldn't let Paul affect me so much, but I wasn't expecting to see him."
- "What happened?"- Spencer held my hand and took me to the couch with him. He handed me a dish with brownie and melted ice cream, and a spoon.
- "We broke up a few days ago."- my best friend looked at me in silence as his shaky thumb wiped off the tears on my cheeks.
- "I was actually planning dinner with the guys to give them the news, 'cos I knew they would like to celebrate... but that doesn't matter. You were right; I didn't love him. I don't know why I was still dating him."
- "I'm sorry"- he whispered and carefully wrapped me on a blanket.
- "Don't be. I really wanted to break up with him. I was just scared to lose who I used to be..."
- "You are never going to lose who you are, (Y/N)"- Spencer whispered and cut me a smile- "Frankie, Lu, and Mikey would never let that happen"- I sighed and nodded- "I won't let that happen either."
- "Thank you, honey"- I grabbed the spoon and took a big piece of brownie- "You know what bothers me? I don't know why I'm crying so much! I'm not sad! I'm angry!"
- "Actually, when you get mad, your body produces a flood of hormones that stimulate strong reactions in your body, like racing your heart and getting sweaty palms. In response to the elevated stress level, crying stimulates the release of oxytocin and prolactin. These two chemicals can bring your heart rate down and otherwise calm you after a stressful event."
- "Well, my fucking body makes me look weak and stupid!"
- "You could never look weak..."- Spencer hesitated for a second. It felt like he wanted to add something to those words but finally just stayed quiet.
- "Thank you, honey bunny. You are the best friend I could ever ask for."
- "Don't say that. You are the best friend I could have ever asked for."
We just stared for a few seconds. His eyes on mine, my hands still shaking, though I didn't know why.
It was a moment I knew I could never forget, 'cos it was the moment I first considered kissing Spencer.
It was a thought that only lasted for a second, but it was there. And like a seed planted on my brain, once I knew it was there, it could only grow and hunt me, like a ghost.
Spencer's point of view
My heart ached to see (Y/N) crying because of an asshole who never deserved her. And it also jumped of joy knowing she was no longer dating that jerk. I knew I could never make a move on her, but just to know she wasn't stuck with him made me happy.
But the fact she had gone through all that alone and didn't even talk about it for four days because she was too busy taking care of me made me feel awful. I didn't deserve any of that.
- "How are you feeling?"- she whispered and smiled at me after finishing her brownie- "Want me to heat your cocoa?"
- "I'm ok, thank you"
I stared at her in silence and decided to make the boldest move I have ever made with her, and opened my arm for her so that she could cuddle. She didn't hesitate and moved closer. I wrapped an arm around her, and her head rested on my chest. And trying not to make it look like a big deal, I also held her hand and caressed her skin, tracing random patterns on it.
- "I'm sorry for being such a bad friend"- I said and kissed the top of her head. I didn't plan it. I just did it. And it felt so good.
- "Don't say that."
- "I've been an asshole since Tobias."
- "You haven't... I mean, you have, but you had your reasons"- she made a pause and sighed. I knew something was bothering her, and I was hoping it wasn't our position because I loved how her warm body felt against mine.
- "Honey?"- she whispered, and I hummed as a response- "Would you call me a cold person?"
- "Never..."
- "I know I'm not a physical person, but..."
- "Me neither, and look at us"- I pointed out the obvious, and she softly giggled. He raised her head from my chest and turned to look at me. I swear all I could think of that minute was kissing her.
- "I am more loving with you than I ever was with Paul"- she confessed and sighed. Her eyes were sad. Clearly, what he had said to her had affected her more than she wanted to admit.
- "He didn't deserve it anyway"- she added and moved back to lay her head on my chest- "You do."
And after that, we just stayed like that, hugged on the couch, until the nurse knocked on the door.
- "You look much better"- I smiled at the nurse and nodded- "Still nauseous?"
- "Yes, but not as much as yesterday"- I whispered and looked at her, wrapping the blood pressure cuff around my arm, right next to all the marks I left with the needles. I wanted to hide them from everyone, and I thanked (Y/N) wasn't in the room. Of all people, she was the one I didn't want to see those marks the most.
- "They are going to fade soon"- the nurse whispered. I wasn't too subtle with my reaction, I guess. I just nodded and looked away.
- "Your girlfriend is taking excellent care of you. You are a fortunate guy"- I'm sure I blushed and turned to her immediately.
- "She... she is... she is not my girlfriend"- I felt I needed to explain it, I don't know why.
- "Really?"- and the nurse seemed to be in shock- "She surely loves you."
- "She is my best friend"- I whispered and felt how my heart was nearly bursting inside my chest.
- "You are lucky to have her"- she added, and I agreed.
I knew I was lucky. Even when (Y/N) wasn't my girlfriend, I knew I had to be with her. Always.
After thirteen days of home detox, I was back to being my old self again. I felt happy, healthy, and strong. I don't think I had ever felt that good before.
I loved spending those days with (Y/N), and I was pretty bummed I had to go back to my apartment the next day. The fact I had lived with her for two weeks was incredible. I knew it all happened under dark and miserable circumstances, but it had been life-changing.
Now I knew everything I wanted to know about her to help me make her day better and all her little quirks. Her favorite brands of tea, her favorite snacks. How she liked to take the last cup of tea of the day in bed, reading. Her favorite bands. How she always cooked singing. She always slept on her left side. And how after all those days, we would be so comfortable together, we would cuddle naturally, even without asking.
I don't want to overreact, but it was pretty heavenly to me, like the sensation I felt with the romantic poems mom used to read to me when I was little. Just don't tell anyone I said that.
- "Ok, dinner is ready"- (Y/N) announced and took the lasagna from the oven. I held a bowl of salad and walked with her to the dining room.
- "What do you wanna drink?"
- "A glass of wine, you?"
- "Red or white?"- I asked her and walked back to the kitchen. I didn't even wait for her answer. I took the white and two glasses. She smiled and sat down.
- "This looks amazing, (Y/N)"- and I wasn't lying.
- "Wait until you see dessert, we have three colors of Jell-O"- the fact she knew I loved jello wasn't what got me. It was how happy she looked to spoil me with my favorite dessert.
- "Thank you for cooking all my favorite meals."
- "You are welcome, honey bunny"- I smiled at her and poured a glass of wine for her and one for me.
- "Can I ask you something?"- I whispered, and she nodded- "Why do you call me honey bunny?"- she looked from her dish and giggled.
- "It took you forever to ask."
- "Well... I didn't want you to think I didn't like it..."
- "You don't?"- I wide opened my eyes and shook my head frenetically.
- "No! I love it! I just... don't know... where does it come from? You said I gave you the "honey bunny" vibes, but... what does that mean?"- (Y/N) chewed her lasagna and looked at me.
- "Well, I always loved that nickname. I thought it was adorable and never used it on anyone because no one ever gave me that vibe. I had never met my honey bunny before."
"My Honey Bunny." That woman was killing me, and she had no idea.
- "And I took it from Pulp Fiction"- she finally confessed and waited for my reaction- "Have you seen it?"
- "No"- I admitted and shrugged.
- "Then we are watching it after dinner tonight"- (Y/N) decided, and I nodded- "You still don't give me a nickname, by the way."
She had no idea, but I had a list of nicknames for her. I had written all the cute names I wanted to call on a notebook I kept in my satchel. But I didn't dare. I could call her cute names in my head all the time, but never out loud.
- "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, by the way"- she added and kept eating.
- "I have never done it before"- I accepted, feeling embarrassed- "Sorry."
- "Why are you sorry?"
- "I don't want you to think I don't want to call you by a loving nickname. I just..."
- "Come on, how would you call me? Do I give you any nickname vibe?"- I chuckled, and she smiled childishly.
- "I really like the story behind "nugget." I think it's brilliant"- she shook her head, and her cheeks blushed- "But for you... I think I have three options."
- "So you've given it some thoughts!"- I nodded and took a sip of wine- "Let me hear them."
- "Well... after that case in Oregon when you got lost in the woods, I thought I could call you "chipmunk"- I confessed and watched her face light up.
- "I love that!"
- "Really?"- I chuckled and looked at her holding my breath- "Well... then I remembered how we became friends and your obsession with cupcakes, so I thought I could call you that."
- "I love that too!!"
- "And..."- since I was honest, I took it a little further- "After last Halloween, and all the carving we did, and our movie marathon, I thought "pumpkin" was pretty sweet too."
(Y/N) sighed and smiled at me, her cheeks blushing and her eyes shining.
- "They are all awesome, so you should use them all, and I can look for more nicknames for you"- I simply stared at her and felt how my heart melted.
- "Ok"- I whispered, and she raised an eyebrow playfully.
- "Ok, what?"
- "Ok... pumpkin"- I whispered and held my breath at the sound of those words leaving my lips.
She really didn't have a clue about what she did to me.
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Next update: May 19th, 2021
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julesclues · 4 years
fake dating
“uh oh” // chapter 1
warnings: mentions of sex
pairings: jj maybank x reader
word count: 2.0k
summary: your family keeps pressuring you to get a boyfriend so, you say you have one. when they ask for a name, the only one that pops into your mind is jj maybank– your enemy.
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all the girls wanted to be you, and all the guys wanted to be with you. except for one. jj maybank. you two were the furthest thing from friends, let alone partners. you both tried your best to stay away from one another, but being apart of the same friend group wasn’t make that any easier. you and jj had just never gotten along. it started in elementary school, when he would bully you by putting slime in your hair, or breaking your pencils in half when he knew you didn’t have anymore. that hatred only continued to grow when middle school came. now being in high school, it’s worse than ever. the pouges tried everything to get you two to get along, but it just never seemed to work.
“i’m just saying that if you were to cut off your arm,” jj starts, “you wouldn’t feel pain!” you groan, earning a laugh from kie. “of course you would feel pain you jackass,” you reply, making jj glance at you. “shut up, i’m not talking to you.” you scoff, looking at john b. “john b, tell him please! of course you would feel pain if you cut off your arm. you are literally cutting off your arm,” you exclaim, pretending your hand is a saw and demonstrating it on your arm. “i gotta agree with y/n on this one man,” john b states, gaining a whine from jj. “but where would you feel the pain?,” he questions. you then reply with, “in your arm–“ but he cuts you off, hitting his thigh with his palm. “but your arm is gone!”
“yeah but you have a nervous system! you would feel the pain everywhere. pain travels you idiot!” you say, making jj huff and turn away. “relax maybank,” you speak, catching his attention. “you’re just being a little bitch because you’re wrong.” the grip on his beer bottle tightens and he takes a long swig. “i’m the little bitch?” he bites back. “uh oh,” pope whispers. “you always have something to say! you think you’re better than everyone else, always trying to prove them wrong! but you never think for a second that you could be wrong too, no, of course not. because you’re little miss sunshine, aren’t you?” jj rants, panting as you look him up and down in disgust. “you think you have me all figured out, don’t you jj? well guess what dickhead? you don’t. so why don’t you get your head out of my ass! stop trying to figure me out. if you keep doing so, some might even think you’re obsessed with me,” you yell, getting up and walking away from the bonfire. “fuck you!” jj yells. you don’t look back. all you do is stick up your middle finger and keep walking.
now, three weeks later, you’re in a sticky situation. “so, y/n,” your mom starts, grabbing the bowl of mashed potatoes and pouring some into her plate. you were all having dinner– your mom, dad, and younger sister. “do you have a boyfriend yet?” you choke on your chicken while your little sister laughs. she was only younger than you by 3 years, so you two got a long pretty well. “oh my god mom, when are you going to drop that?” you ask, taking a sip from your water. “i’ll drop it when you get a boyfriend,” she responds, while your dad gums in agreement. “well then drop it, because i have a boyfriend.” she drops her fork and looks at you with wide eyes. “oh my god really? who is it? oh, please tell me!”
panicking, a random name slips out of your mouth. “oh- uh, d-do you know jj maybank?” your mom gasps and picks her fork back up to continue to eat. “i always thought you two didn’t like each other!” she starts. you rub the back of your neck and chuckle slightly. “things change,” you say with a small smile. “i’m happy for you y/n,” your dad says, patting your shoulder. “we have to invite him over one day!” your eyes widen. you were about to say how much that was definitely not going to happen, but seeing how happy your mom was made you say something else.
“i’ll ask him.” she squeals, hugging you awkwardly while you tried to eat. “i’m so happy for you y/n! maybe he’s your soulmate, like your father and me.” you pretend to throw up in your mouth, earning a laugh from your little sister. “y/n! manners!” your mom exclaims.
later that night, you found your fingers hovering over the keybord to text jj. just text him, you think to yourself.
y/n😒: jj i need your help
jj🖕🏻: absolutely not
y/n😒: please i’m serious
jj🖕🏻: so am i
y/n😒: my family thinks we’re dating
incoming call from jj🖕🏻
hesitantly, you answer the phone. “y/n, why the fuck does your family think we’re together?” you chuckle nervously, hearing him groan from the other end. “um so we were eating dinner and–“
“is this going to be a long story?” you stomp your foot at his question. “if you keep interrupting, yeah, it will be!” he stays quiet and you continue. “so, for the past couple weeks my family has been pressuring me to get a boyfriend and i got tired of it so i told my mom i had one.” jj laughs and you scoff. “stop it’s not funny! she asked me for a name and i accidentally said you! please i need you to help me,” you beg. maybe using your soft voice would convince him. “no way.” maybe not.
“jj please! i’ll do anything!” he stays quiet for a moment, and you could swear you heard him smirk, if that was even possible. “anything?” you sigh loudly. “i’m not sleeping with you,” you say nonchalantly. jj groans in disgust from the other side of the phone, but ends it with a laugh. “i don’t want to sleep wi– well actually–“
“jj!” you whisper-scream, knowing your family is sleeping. “i’m kidding! mostly. but i will help you on one condition.” though he can’t see it, you nod. “what is it?” you ask with a small smile. “you have to pay me.” your smile drops. “you’re kidding,” you groan, throwing your head back into your pillow. “i’m one hundred percent serious y/n. $50 and i’ll do whatever you want me to.” you think for a minute and sigh in defeat. “whatever i want?” you ask, and he chuckles. “i’m not sleeping with you,” he mocks. “shut up idiot. listen, you’re going to have to fake date me for like a week, think you can do that?”
“fake date you?” he asks loudly. “i’m going to need $100 instead. deal or no deal.”
“jj,” you warn.
“deal or no deal,” he repeats. “fine! okay, fine! just shut up, you’re so annoying. come to my house tomorrow, alright? and please whatever you do, don’t screw this up.” he exhales with a small laugh. “you have my word, honey.” before you could protest the pet name, he hangs up. “i hate him,” you say, pinching the bridge of your nose.
the next morning you wake up, thinking it was all a dream. but after checking your phone and seeing the text messages along with the 3 minute phone call with jj, you realize it wasn’t. “crap,” you whisper to yourself, looking at the time. 9:19am. jj would be here soon, and you just woke up. you jump out of bed and search your closet for clothes. before you could find an appealing outfit, the doorbell rings. oh fuck, you think to yourself. you didn’t tell your parents that jj was coming over. running downstairs, you see that your mom was about to put her hand on the door knob. “wait–!” you yell, but your mom still opens the door, and there stands jj maybank. your boyfriend.
“oh jj! what a lovely surprise! y/n didn’t tell me you were coming over today!” she says, looking back at you, wiggling her eyebrows. you make eye contact with jj and whisper a “sorry” as he rolls his eyes. but when your mom turns back, he smiles widely. “i hope that’s not a problem ms. l/n!” he says sweetly. your mouth hangs open a bit. you’ve never heard him speak so proper. “oh not at all! i heard you two are together now, congrat–“ you interupt her by running down the rest of the stairs and grabbing jj’s hand. “okay cool thanks mom bye,” you stutter quickly, dragging jj to your room. “use protection!” she yells up. “stop!” you scream, as jj laughs.
dragging jj to your room, you throw him on the bed and shut the door, locking it behind you. “i’m usually the dominant one in the bedroom but i could get used to this,” jj jokes, and you smack him in the arm. “shut your mouth,” you speak, grabbing a tank top from your closet, along with some shorts. you walk into your connected bathroom and change quickly, making eye contact with jj. “so why did you want me here?” you sit down next to jj and look into his eyes. you never realized how beautiful they truly were. you were mesmerized by how much they resembled the ocean. you loved the ocean.
“okay so we have to pretend to date,” you start, and he groans. “wow really, i had no idea,” he says sarcastically, causing you to hit him. “jj come on, i’m serious! so, i’m going to need you to stay over tonight.” his eyes widen lightly, followed by a smirk. “and why’s that, honey?”
“would you cut it out with the “honey” nickname! that’s so weird,” you exclaim, making jj chuckle. “if i can’t call you honey, then what pet names can i call you?” you think for a minute, looking down at your hands. “why don’t we make rules?” you ask, making eye contact with jj. “i’m listening,” he replies. “so rule number one could be..” you pause, as jj stares at you intensely. “the nicknames! we have to use them around people. so you can call me princess, baby, my love, and snickerdoodle.” jj makes a face at the last one, and you laugh. “i’m kidding about the last one, but the first three are true. and what about you maybank? what should i call you?” jj smirks and you groan. “here we go,” you say softly.
“well, i never thought i would say this, but i like it when you say my last name. it rolls right off your tongue. so you can call me maybank, baby, my love..” he pauses for a moment, and gets close to you. “what are you doing?” you question, feeling his warm breath against your skin. “...and daddy.” you choke on air, earning a laugh from the blonde haired boy. “n-no way jj!” you say, pushing him. “i’m not doing that! not in front of my family!”
“oh so in private is okay?” he exclaims. “jj! just– oh my god.. let’s just get b-back to the rules, okay?” he laughs, nodding. “i love seeing you flustered, princess.” ignoring the nickname, you continue with the rules. for hours, you and jj tried to come up with rules, and in the end, you came up with 10.
they were:
1) use nicknames whenever around people
2) can only kiss each other if the other person says “kiss me.” it cannot be an unexpected kiss
3) do not break character, no matter what
4) hold hands whenever you’re walking side by side with one another
5) make it believeable. be sweet but not too sweet
6) don’t tell anyone that you’re faking it
7) always say “i love you” when people are looking
8) protect one another
9) y/n has to pay jj always laugh at each other’s jokes
10) this is all fake. whatever you do, do not fall in love
this is going to be fun.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Broken Angel (Yuta)
idol! Yuta x Angel! reader 
ANGST! SAD ENDING... you’ve been warned 
MENTIONS OF BLOOD AND SUICIDE please do not read if you’re sensitive to these contents, instead head to my master post and find my other fluff stories! 
happy angst-ish! 
You take one last look over your once big strong silver wings. The one that would glow under the moonlight, get so heavy if drained under the rain, and of course the strong one that would fly you through the sky. You hold your breath and bite your lips as you saw them slowly turning black. The feathers wither as the clock strikes twelve times in mid night.
You stifle your tears, bite your lips in order to keep your voice low so the human sleeping on the bed won’t get up. The calendar mocks you with one box encircled with big red mark. Tonight, is the night, the night you lost your wings for failing as an angel. Yes, failing the mission and surprise surprise! breaking the rules.
The last pair of silver feather turned black as gravity drags them down to the ground. Your back hurts and you see your broken reflection. You walk slowly to the closet Yuta has in his room. This is a Japanese room, there is nothing wrong about having a samurai in your closet. Yuta had told you about this and you made sure to remember where he store it, because you knew one day you’ll need it. That day has come, tonight to be precise.
You’re an angel sent to the world to look after a young idol. A Japanese man who debuted as a kpop boyband member. Your mission was to make him fall in love and find his other half, but you failed miserably.
From first sight, you felt in love, you felt jealousy, and obsession. Angels could actually never feel jealous and obsessed, yet there is you. Sitting on top of his cupboard at nights, keeping yourself invincible until he’s ready to meet you. Every night you look after him, making sure there is no one breaking into his room, no mosquitos that will disturb him, even worse no saesangs in his room.
For 100 days, you have to make him fall in love. And he did, so as you
First ten days, you spent them looking around for anyone suitable for him. He got billions of fans, but you don’t feel anyone can be his other half.
The next ten days, you follow him everywhere he go and you keep yourself hideous. Yuta still did not know you, until day 15.
You were using his kitchen, thinking he won’t be home before seven. You used his kitchen on six to cook yourself some food, you forgot your camouflage since you’ve got so little energy. Yuta freaked out at first, but you quickly showed him your wings. That was the only way Yuta finally agreed to let you stay there. He did pull and tried to take off your wings, thinking those were fake. Alas to no avail, he can’t pull what the god had planted on the angel in his house.
By the next morning, you told him your mission and you broke the first dangerous rule. You stepped so far into the human life, telling him all about angels, the rules, and everything he was not supposed to hear.
Day 30 in mission, you’ve totally fell for this man with a healing smile. Yuta flirted with you and your sensitive heart can no longer hold back.
Day 50, he had bravely asked you to try and date him. You agreed thinking maybe in the last 50 days you can still find him a girl and you can leave Earth and Yuta without any problem.
Yuta was the type of man to protect you and super possessive. He did not hesitate to show the world you are his. Yes you can shape shift, hiding your wings and just walking on the roads casually like you’re a normal woman.
Every day, he sneaked in to see you between practices, your ability to be invincible made it easy to be here and there.  You could always meet him in the small vocal room, big dancing room, in the changing room, even bathroom.
Day 70, he took your first kiss. Touching has been insufficient; Yuta craves for more and you forgot the eternal rules to never let a human kiss or touch your intimate parts. For every kiss, you feel your body and heart burning, you feel your head super heavy, and for every touch, you will pay them back with the burden of the wing demolishing process.
Yes you know you’ll need to bare the crazy painful wing demolishing process. You’ve lost count his sweet kisses and you mis count his teasing hands. Though it was painful for you, you’ve never told Yuta nor have you the idea to stop. The super wonderful feeling whenever his lips collided into yours, failed to slap you to your senses.
Twenty last days on Earth, Yuta is totally in love with you too. You thought it’s a happy ending…. You love him, he loves you bam the two of you are each other’s missing piece. However, life was never that beautiful. Angels could never become one with human and as hard as you want to try and deny that, you were forced to agree that you two can’t be together. The god above had punished you with lowering your abilities and power day by day. You thought there were only small amount of time, and you bare the pain by yourself to make Yuta smile every time he sees you in between hard times and tiring schedules.
You thought everything was worth it, until ten days your last day in Earth, you saw him looking at a girl with a very different look. You noted his eyes were full of hearts, his voice even sweeter, and his smile… the best smile you saw on a man.
Your heart aches when you saw him showing interest to her and as day goes by you saw him seeing her more often. The last straw was seeing the two of them kiss in front of you. Your tears flooded your face and you ran all the way back home. It feels like heaven had punished you into a painful truth and reality. You could never mess up with fate, coz fate will always come to make his story as planned.
Day 99, you feel the lack of love Yuta has to you. Every night where he hugged you, now felt different. He still hugs you, but the warmth and safe feeling were missing.
That night, you corrupted his mind and made him sleep with you. People have slept with the devil, but Yuta… Yuta slept with the angel. You swore that was the best sin you ever did. Sex with Yuta was everything you could imagine. He whispered you an “I love you” when you both reach your high.
That and a last kiss was enough to end your chapter and for him to go into deep sleep.
That night when the moon shines so beautifully over your silver wings, you glance to Yuta. Sleeping peacefully like a baby and you bring yourself to the mirror. You walked through your punishment by your side, not even with a helping hand from the man who was also responsible.
You grab the samurai in your hands. Trembling, you saw your tear stained face over the shiny polished blade. When you close your eyes and swing your hands to stab yourself in the heart, you heard a loud scream and someone pulling yourself away.
Yuta cradled you in his tight embrace, your weak grip left the metal. Yuta fell with you to the ground, his cries were hysterical and you found your peace when he hold you close next to his heartbeat. From your peripheral view, you could see the shattered black feather around the two of you slowly turning into an ash.
“Stay with me.. why.. why did you do this?” Yuta managed to speak them up between his tears.
He hold you tight, ignoring his white shirt turning dark red, ignoring the wet feeling of his hands as he hold you with all his might.
‘Hold on.. I’ll call the ambulance.” He almost leave you, but you hold him first.
‘Don’t I won’t survive. It’s my punishment Yuta…” you were crying as your eyes start to blurr.
“Yuta.. Don’t leave me… I can’t see you.” You said weakly
He bring your hand to touch his cheeks, they were wet from the tears and you could see pain all over his eyes.
“Go with that girl, she loves you” you speak very slow, you even wonder if Yuta could catch the words.
He shakes his head, “No… you’re the one I am inlove with.. how could you leave me?! Why did you stab yourself.. why (Y/n) what should I do?!”
You force a smile, when he pressed your hands on his cheek, “Tell me how I can save you.”
“Smile… tell me you love me..” you gasped “and kiss me”
He forced himself to smile, he whispered to you tons of I love you and when your breathing gets harder, he placed his lips over your bloody ones.
He tasted the metallic blood of yours in his mouth, tears are competing one another to fall to the ground. For every tears touching your skin, you burn.
“no!” Yuta screamed when he realized your skin are melting away. Those moon white skin, the perfect porcelain skin only angels can have. You did not feel them though, for you’ve train your body with the burn whenever Yuta kisses you.
‘Stay with me Yuta… When this is all gone, take my ashes… drown them to the sea.” You look at him for the last time
He looks so wrecked, you feel bad now seeing him this miserable.
“Promise me love, be happy, find your soulmate, and let go off me. Thank you Yuta..”
‘I love you”
Those were the last words I said before closing my eyes and slowly turning into ashes in his hugs. Yuta cried himself to sleep.
He woke up the next day, body curled in a fetal position, ashes and black feathers all around him, the once bloody samurai was now clean but with traces of burnt on the shiny metal.
Yuta actually cannot accept your lost, he actually never loves that girl, he kissed him coz he lost control. You are everything he wanted.
But you’re now gone, you’re following the rules, angels that broke rules and failing mission will follow the textbook of punishments.
In grief, Yuta did your last message. He collected your ashes in a jar and with a black suit, red puffy eyes, Yuta walked under the rain with a black umbrella and your ash.
He took you to the beach he remembered you really love, and as he sits down on the sands.
The young man took his time to spill his heart out. While holding back tears, Yuta did your last request.
He however did not promise you to find the love of his life. No, for now he will grief upon your lost and he won’t open his heart for someone else.
the end 
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lightwormlol · 3 years
4.5 stars.
Okay, so! This was the first book I was able to finish in 2021. I've kinda been in a reading slump, and struggling to get past the 30-50% of books. I think its because I took essentially 3 months off my normal (daily) reading schedule and have been prioritising other things (health, fitness, job applications etc) - I think it's a testament to how addicted I was to this that I finished and consumed this at the rate I did! I recently went back and added some things to my ACOWAR review. To briefly summarise, I feel that, at the time I read it, it kind of gave me what I needed, but it definitely isn't getting a re read - my love for feysand has definitely lessened over time, but honestly i'm not that mad at sarah for this, as I find that whenever I've passed the sexual tension part of relationships in books, I tend to get bored of the domestic bliss. Like, leave that shit for an epilogue and keep it at that? As someone generally averse to relationships, but there is definitely a grace period for how long I can actively be smitten with a couple... before it becomes sickly. Taking all this into account, I honestly was nervous for this book, its release date totally took me by surprise, and I read it on a whim. As a Nessian shipper (I mean we didn't really have a choice after acomaf but to delve into the world of fanfic to keep us going) - this book gave me most of what I wanted and needed from them! I think,(some) kudos to SJM, for not disappointing in their relationship. This was definitely a character > plot driven story. In terms of the plot, I wasn't really invested until around the 38% mark? I'm not sure if I was adjusting to the writing style (lots of dramatic. sentences. that. are. so. abrupt. Nesta Archeron. Death etc) - or if it was bc I hadn't read an SJM book since the novella, which I basically skimmed. I was obviously reading for Nessian, but I didn't really feel intrigued by the wider plot (death gods, the human queens? Given I had lost my previous obsession with the world/ have outgrown 'fandom' culture, that made me actively update my knowledge, I couldn't remember a lot!) I think its clear that SJM excels character driven stories, but I think her worldbuilding and execution is significantly better in the throne of glass franchise. Now, I did say this was a character driven story. This is mostly regarding Nesta, Cassian and Azriel. I loved pretty much any interaction they had! I love a good training montage. Ngl though, I think, unless you possess an ardent love for Nessian, you're not going to be particularly wowed by this, if you've read heir of fire, or even acomaf. I obviously am never going to be able to be objective, because I've loved nessian so much from 2017-now, but I loved the dynamic those two (and three - friendship wise between nes/cass/az). One of the highlights of ACOWAR for me was the snippets of Az, showing tenderness, and opening up to the newer members of the inner circle (and i'm excluding any hint of an Elriel ship because FUCK THAT LOL) For me, the tip with SJM books is: once you outgrow them/the particular mode of narrative style, is to not anticipate anything other than a character driven story, albeit one riddled with smut. I personally am a romance heavy reader, so I'm honestly deconditioned to it at this point, (like, when I see reviewers scandalised I'm like... wow, the amount of trash I have consumed in the last five years loool.) While I disagree with the fact SJM marketed this series as y/a (or maybe it wasn't her per se, but the key booksellers definitely did this for her) - I think its clear enough now she's descended into the adult/borderline erotica genre.(very mild imo). I personally like to adopt a policy of skimming sex scenes when I find the dialogue cringy (most the time it is lets be honest any talking is v second hand embarrassment). Cassian and Nesta were definitely better than Rhys and Feyre post chapter 55 though! I was so glad there weren't a million moments of Cass/Nesta betraying their arousal with their scents, in front of everyone (like feysand, the voyeuristic pda pricks they are). I found the slowburn ish nature of their relationship great, and I actually think if you're a virgo/emotionally stunted reader, you will be happy with their relationship dynamic. It contrasts with the daemati sexual snark of acomaf, but it felt right, and authentic. This book was a journey of personal growth, for Nesta. It is clear SJM loves books about strong women, and maybe thats what makes me love this book so much. I think, out of all the archeron sisters, I love Nesta the most. This is for my Rose Calloway fans, my misunderstood, somewhat cold/left out girls, who are less receptive to being vulnerable. If you're a slowburn fan, it's not Mariana Zapata levels of slowburn, imo it's the perfect combo. Addictive enough that I don't want to put it down, but not so fast moving that I couldn't believe it. I loved the sex without emotion relationship they had!! This is honestly never done in mainstream n/a fantasy, unless its a caricature of a 'slut' that normally rivals the main character, lmao. Even if their inner conflict was p transparent, this gave me everything I needed! I know this is vapid lol but I also love the physical dynamic between the two, they just look so good together, the amount of fanart I'm going to reacquaint myself with after this review!! I adored seeing Nesta grow, (even if towards the end I kind of resented her sudden acceptance into the inner circle, i get SJM loves her and just wanted a fluffy ending, but, as a Nesta like character, it's awkward and stilted on her end to adjust to the inner circle like this - i mean, hugging rhys, really??)
I think, if I had to compare this to any other SJM book, I would say Chaols book (though I obviously preferred this). That being said, I felt less attached to new characters in this book than I was in even Chaols book (and even then ngl I remember nothing?) Obviously I loved what it represented, as a trio of traumatised women. I just, didn't love this the way I loved other inner circle members! I get that they gave Nesta exactly what they needed, a family that doesn't hold the history of her sisters, who she doesn't have to worry about holding preconceived notions of disappointment. I loved this for her! Even then.. I just wasn't attached to either of them. I found their interactions cute - but boring. Towards the end, when their stories/pasts are revealed, I couldn't help but cringe slightly, I can't put my finger on why, but I just didn't buy it. Maybe it's the brit in me but I couldn't be moved by this slightly forced bonding moment.. which was so anticlimactic. My 'aww how cute' tolerance is defo deserved for characters whose tropes I love. Maybe they just didn't fit into this list. Maybe I'm just being a cow here?
Now, let's speak about the real star of the show.... A FUCKING MAGICAL HOUSE FRIEND??? YESSSSSSS. IF YOU ARE AN ILONA ANDREWS INNKEEPERS CHRONICLES FAN, U WILL LOVE! How was the animation of this somehow more touching than all of nesta's other friendships combined? Exactly what I ordered, thank you. This trope somehow touches more than any material bonding!! The cute witch x house dynamic (also maybe howls moving castle vibes?) I loved the trying to reach the target of 10,000 steps (a little Celaena HOF). I think this, heir of fire and acomaf are my favourite SJM books for this reason. Gripes: I definitely had some personal gripes with how other members of the inner circle treated Nesta (rhys i'm looking at you. Disappointed doesn't even cover it.) I inherently take offence to any elain scene, as i'm so over bland characters whose existence is reduced to wanting to fucking plant flowers?? like?? really? To go from moriel to that is such a downgrade, even if I fell out of love with Mor due to the way she snubbed Nesta (you're a 500 year old being and you can't see someone is clearly traumatised?). I adore Az so much, but if it aint polyamorous, I cannot see any pairing with Elain making me happy. (wouldn’t mind gwyn though) I think the whole mating bond that I do not want is a good dynamic, but I really hate that everyone has to be mates in this world. I don't think we were that surprised, but it would've been nice if the somehow, idk, developed a strong bond over time, without it being preordained? Like, even if they do not all actively stay with their mate, given how disproportionate mates are among the general population, what's the likelihood 6 members of the inner circle (including lucien) have mates?
My advice? Read this book if you love nessian and the acotar world in general, but don't expect the world building to be consistent with greater fantasy series'. This style of story is obviously what to expect. She writes what she likes, and if her fantasy is this - then who are we, as readers, to expect otherwise?
Final rating: 4.5 (no, i'm not objective, but objectivity does not exist if you are a real, human being, lol)
Original Characters: 5/5 (nessian/az/house wise) 1/5 (feysand - really over how they essentially take over the very end of the book - ugh, I wanted nesta's arc to be wholly separate from them) Writing style: 3.5 Cringe Scale: Low, with the exception of some dialogue. New Characters: 2 Plot: I went into it with a 2 and came out with a 4. Not in terms of complexity, but in terms of how addictive and enjoyable this reading experience was! (less)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 1 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: hey everyone! no ur not getting deja vu, i’m reposting what i have of this fic again just with a few necessary adjustments if u kwam. rip all my notes and lovely comments as i’m going to have chapter 1 deleted after this for obvious reasons, so feel free to still leave me some luv bc i’m ngl, re-jigging two fics is taking it out of me asdfghjklkjhgfds. without further ado may i now present to you strictly au 2: electric boogaloo xo
(this one goes out to the anon who wanted radio 1 DJ Heidi Nina Closet xo)
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
8th August 2020
Political correctness gone mad. Or at least, that’s what all the straight, white, 50 year old men have been tweeting. But the TV bosses thought that a same-sex version of the nation’s favourite dancing show would pull the viewers in, at least get some hype going like the good old days. The show’s been going since 2004, Vanessa thinks, as she rolls her neck and looks at the various alleged celebrities opposite them. This is what caused the death of the X Factor, all these sensationalist spin-offs, and now they’re doing the same with this one. She supposes the BBC were intimidated by Dancing on Ice, who had a single solitary same-sex couple on their show and were called out live by H from Steps. How humiliating. She’s only been part of the show for two years; this is her third, but her first one with a partner. She scans her eyes back down the line again, her gaze interrupted as Akeria whispers to her.
“Who you gunning for? I like that goddess, third from the right. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin. Shit, our babies would be beautiful.”
Vanessa pauses, looks at who Akeria’s talking about and snorts a laugh. “Keeks, that’s Asia O'Hara. The chef? She’s been on Saturday Kitchen a couple times.”
“You actually watch that shit?” Akeria side-eyed her.
“Hey, drop the judgemental tone, bitch! It’s easy, chilled-out Saturday morning viewing. Anyway, chefs? Nah. Two left feet and they stomp their way across the dancefloor.”
“It ain’t the dancefloor I’m worried about. I’m more interested in what’s going on in the bedroom,” Akeria wiggles her eyebrows, making Vanessa snort a laugh. Seeing her friend’s expression of disbelief, Akeria rolls her eyes. “Oh, come on, Vanj. You telling me you never thought about it? A lil’ steamy affair? Get the Daily Mail’s tongues wagging?”
“Shut the hell up. You’re awful,” Vanessa laughs long-sufferingly in reply, casts her eyes back down the line of celebrities. Scarlet Envy is at the top- Vanessa knows her, she’s in one of the big soap operas. She’s talking quite earnestly to Yvie Oddly. Vanessa is aware of Yvie only because her niece is obsessed with her Youtube channel. What is it she does again? Gaming walkthroughs? She can’t remember. There’s a tall newsreader with dark hair that Vanessa doesn’t remember the name of but she knows that Jan’s eyeing her up from across the room, so even if she ends up being half-decent and Vanessa gets on well with her Jan will still cut her to make sure she ends up with her as a partner. There’s a black girl with a mane of dark hair and a gap tooth chatting to a blonde woman with glittery makeup, some pretty girls that must be influencers or makeup artists or something (in fact, Vanessa definitely recognises one from Love Island), and Monet X Change. Vanessa definitely knows her, and she’s quite surprised the show managed to net Monet given that most of the singers that appear on the show are usually washed up talent show rejects. Vanessa’s seen some clips of her touring, she knows she’s a good dancer. Maybe she’d be good.
Vanessa takes one final sweep down the line as she sees the producers readying themselves to begin. One, two, three, four…hang on. There’s only eleven celebrities, and unless she’s suddenly lost the ability to count Vanessa knows there’s twelve dancers. Maybe they were going to be more cutthroat than she thought, maybe this would be where they decide which dancers they’re giving partners to and which one they’re cutting. Vanessa nervously shifts in her character shoes as the producers begin their welcome.
As they’re talking, the huge rehearsal room doors burst open and a tall blonde comes rushing through them, dressed in white trainers, a baggy white gym top, and black Nike leggings. She looks on her way to be sweating half of her perfectly made up face off as she runs over to join the other celebrities, sweeping her long, curling-ironed hair up into a bun and apologising frantically as she does so.
“Kiki,” Vanessa whispers to her friend. “Who’s that?”
She feels Akeria shrug beside her. Luckily Monique is standing by her right side and has heard her question.
“Oh, bitch! That’s Brooke Lynn. She presents stuff.”
“What the fuck’s stuff?” Vanessa laughs quietly, not wanting to incur the wrath of the producers by talking over them.
“She did, uh…The Voice. An’ she did some kind of consumer show in the evenings. She does The One Show now. Bunch of boring ass shit, basically,” Monique waves a hand dismissively towards the end, gets distracted by a wink and a small wave across the room from Monet X Change.
“Damn. So they give her all the boring shows to present because they know people will tune in ‘cause she’s hot?” Vanessa muses. It’s just a fact, after all. She’s not been able to tear her eyes away from her since she rushed into the room. Vanessa hopes she’s a good dancer.
“Oop. Here we go already. The Strictly curse claims its first victim,” Akeria overhears her, sticks her tongue out at her as Vanessa bats her on the arm. The sudden movement causes one of the producers to whip round and glare at Vanessa and she immediately drops her arm and fixes him with an easy smile.
When she looks back at Brooke Lynn, she’s hiding her mouth with her hand and her eyes are twinkling at her in a laugh. Vanessa presses her lips together to keep from smiling back.
They all warm up together, even though Vanessa’s already warmed up, but it’s a good chance to see who has potential and who looks more like an octopus out of water with half its limbs cut off. She scans the mirrored wall as she rolls her shoulders in time with the EDM that’s blasting from the speakers. The blonde influencer-looking girl is fucked from the start, Vanessa notes. She’s rolling her shoulders both the wrong way and off-beat. One of the celebrities, the pouty one from Love Island, is already complaining that she’s pulled a muscle. Vanessa makes the executive decision that if she gets partnered up with her then she’s quitting the show and also possibly going on a killing spree in Elstree Studios.
Brooke Lynn hasn’t met her eyes since they caught each others’ earlier. She’s not being weird, it’s just an observation. Vanessa’s, however, have drifted her way a couple of times. Brooke seems to be sailing through the warmup that Jaida’s leading easily, and Vanessa notes how easily she’s managing the split stretches, how she can bend her body almost in half until her head touches the floor. She’s clearly had some sort of dance training before, and Vanessa thinks her good looks would just be a bonus of being partnered with her. She sweeps her gaze across the room again as she stretches out her other leg, her gaze landing on Yvie. She’s bendy, her forehead pressed to the floor as she stretches out and giggles at Scarlet beside her whose body appears to be made almost entirely of cardboard. Vanessa stifles a giggle herself as Jaida starts leading them in squats, hears Monique muttering something to her as she drops to the floor. Vanessa fixes her with a confused face.
“Think you’ve got an admirer,” Monique repeats a little louder, raising her eyebrows and jerking her head behind them to where the celebrities warmed up. Vanessa brings herself up out of the squat, whips her head round to see Brooke looking right at her.
Or rather, her ass.
As Brooke suddenly looks at about six different places in the room in the space of a second and her face turns roughly the same colour as a fire engine, Vanessa turns her head back round, trying to ignore the heat she can feel attacking her own face.
It’s kind of ironic that every year at least one couple is claimed by the Strictly curse and yet the producers still call the process of finding a potential partner “Speed Dating”. The curse is a phenomenon that Vanessa has felt the brunt of and knows all too well- a partner and a contestant, almost every year, end up either falling for each other or falling into bed with each other. It’s natural, she supposes- you can’t spend practically every waking moment of every day pressed up against someone else and not trip and fall onto their dick. However, this is a room full of girls, at least half of whom Vanessa knows are gay as all hell, and maybe this year there’ll be a bit more nuance and obliviousness and just general all-round idiocy.
Looking at the celebrities, she sees Scarlet joke-grinding against Yvie, both of them almost falling over laughing. Maybe everyone will be a little less oblivious than Vanessa has given them credit for.
One of the producers launches into a spiel about how the pairing up process will work. Everyone knows they won’t get properly paired up until the launch show, but this will be more of a chemistry test than a dancing test, he explains, to see who gets on with each other best. Then at the end, all of them will get to write down their top three potential partners.
“After all,” he laughs, “You’re going to be spending a long time together!”
There’s a polite bubble of laughter that pops in the room, and Vanessa feels her stomach explode suddenly with butterflies. What if she gets paired up with someone she doesn’t get on well with at all, never mind someone who can dance? Her mind drifts. Phi Phi’s standing beside her, her face set in a small frown. Vanessa whispers to her.
“Who you got your eyes on?”
Phi Phi doesn’t shift her gaze, and Vanessa follows it. Her gaze lands on the woman with the glittery makeup who’s laughing like a seal at something that gap tooth girl has said and isn’t paying any attention to what the producers are saying. “Anyone with a pulse who’s taking the competition seriously. I know who I don’t want, put it that way.”
Vanessa indulges her in a laugh. Phi Phi has reached the semi-final four times and has never advanced further, and her frustration is starting to show. Vanessa supposes she’s at an advantage here- she’s fresh on the show, she doesn’t have any chips on her shoulder. As she looks around the room, she can see each of the dancers’ past experiences reflected on their faces like battle scars: four-time World Championship finalist Courtney is smiling easily, happy in the knowledge that she won last year and will probably get a dud partner this year, Shea, former West End Choreographer who could literally get given Theresa May and still manage to advance to the finals has a calm exterior, and frowning determinedly is 2018 Latin European champion Vixen, who bowed out early last year with her partner and has expressed very openly and very loudly to everyone who’ll hear her that she’s going for the glitterball this year. In a similar boat is World Cup Freestyle Latin Champion Aja, who was up against Courtney in the finals last year and lost by only a tiny margin of the vote. The girl doesn’t seem bitter, but she’s already got her eyes trained on Monet and has clearly backed her winner already. Crystal is lost in a daydream, classic. To the untrained eye the girl may look as if she couldn’t even do the macarena in time, but the girls know better. Crystal is hard-working, determined, creative, clever, and one of the highest-ranking ballroom and Latin dancers in the country. Vanessa knows that whoever she gets as a partner she’ll be able to mold into something amazing.
Vanessa’s gaze then lands on Plastique. The girl is a fierce dancer and it’s her fifth year on the show already. If she’s nervous, she doesn’t show it. Then again, she trained under Alyssa Edwards so she’s very possibly not felt butterflies in her stomach since the year 2012. Vanessa’s eyes widen a bit as she notices Plastique eyeing up Brooke. She’s going to need to turn up the charm all the way to 100, as Plastique’s reputation precedes her and she’ll be top choice for a lot of the girls opposite.
One by one, the dancers introduce themselves. Vanessa keeps her introduction short and sweet. She doesn’t like to brag about her titles unlike some of the other girls, and she knows that her achievements are outshone by many so she focuses on the fact it’s her first year with a partner instead.
“I ain’t got a track record like Courtney, but I also ain’t got one like Monique either,” Vanessa jokes, her friend nudging her and shouting in protest as the other girls laugh. Monique takes it in good humour though- she’s been an early out for a few years in a row having kept landing Olympic sportsmen with limbs like toy soldiers, so it’s a fair enough comment. Vanessa continues, trying not to let her eyes land on Brooke all that much. “So whoever gets paired with me don’t need to be worried ‘cuz they’re gonna always end up being special to me. My first partner on the show, and the first person I get to experience it with. And I’d be happy to get any of you, because you all look nice and smiley an’ friendly!”
She adds in that last bit to come across as gracious, and it seems to work as the celebrities opposite all smile at her gently and she hears a couple of “aaw!”s thrown her way. She can practically feel Phi Phi, Aja and Vixen all roll their eyes at her, but she doesn’t care. It’s a point in her favour with the girls opposite at least.
After the professionals have all said their piece, the celebrities pipe up. To give them their dues, there are quite a few that Vanessa would be glad to be partnered up with. Peppermint, a TV journalist, seems like she’d be great to gossip with if nothing else, Gigi, the once so intimidating-looking model has got a goofy side that would keep Vanessa sane in rehearsals, and Instagram influencer Blair seems similarly sweet and is so eager to please that it almost hurts. Then Brooke steps forward, her expression the serene calm of a woman who’s used to speaking in front of an audience, and all Vanessa can think about is how much of a point that confident, in-control body language would be in their favour when they took to the floor in week one.
No, not when. If. She’s getting ahead of herself.
“Hey everyone! I’m Brooke Lynn Hytes, uh, I present stuff. I’m basically like Ant and Dec but without the loveable double-act element and the millions of national TV awards clogging up my trophy cabinets and gathering dust.”
Vanessa lets out a snort. The actual joke isn’t even that funny, but Brooke’s delivery was so deadpan and matter of fact that it made the whole thing ten times more hilarious. Akeria turns to face Vanessa, raises her eyebrows and hisses over to her.
“Girl. Any further up her ass and your new nickname is gonna be suppository for the rest of the season.”
“Uh, dance-experience-wise I actually have a fair bit. I did exams and dance shows in high school. I don’t know if I should’ve mentioned that, now you’re all gonna be fighting over me like a pack of zombies,” Brooke laughs. The other girls join in with the laughter and Vanessa shifts from foot to foot. Brooke doesn’t know how accurate she’s just been. Oblivious, she carries on. “So yeah! Good luck to us all. Please don’t tear me limb from limb.”
Another laugh that Vanessa joins in weakly with. Unsurprisingly, Brooke introducing herself to the room has done nothing for Vanessa’s nerves. She has a favourite now, but it’s akin to putting money on a greyhound race- it’s a complete gamble. She tells herself that she can’t pin her hopes on getting partnered with Brooke, even though that thought is a bit like locking a stable door after the pony’s bolted, or whatever the goddamn figure of speech is. As gap-in-teeth-girl who’s standing beside Brooke begins to introduce herself (Heidi’s a Radio 1 DJ, and that explains why her voice sounds so familiar) Vanessa jumps a little as she hears Monique whisper to her out of nowhere.
“Girl, Jesus. Dare you to be less obvious.”
Vanessa narrows her eyes at her as she turns her head. “What?”
“Brooke Lynn,” Monique cocks her head towards the girl in question. Vanessa keeps her gaze steely. “Put your tongue back in your mouth, sis.”
“Oh, like you’ve not got a favourite already,” Vanessa whispers back. She’s got the Monet card she can use if she wants to.
“You know you don’t have to take that partner thing literally, right? You don’t actually have to fuck the person you get matched with,” Monique shoots back, pressing her lips together to stop herself from laughing. Vanessa rolls her eyes.
“You’re being ridiculous. She’s got dance experience, the height difference is good, I could win with her. There’s nothing more to it than that. I’d be happy with any of these bitches.”
Monique raises her eyebrows. “You’re not tryin’ to be Miss World, Vanj, it’s okay to say you wouldn’t kick her outta bed.”
“Okay, so what about Monet? I’m sure the reason that you keep lookin’ all the way down that end of the room is definitely…shit, I don’t know…some sort of eye condition?” Vanessa uses her trump card, smiles and sticks her tongue out at Monique who gives her a little shove and clamps her mouth shut in a pout, knowing she’s been outmanoeuvred. Vanessa tunes back in to the introductions. The Love Island girl introduces herself as Farrah, and she’s pouting and asking the pros not to work her too hard. Vanessa thinks back to what Phi Phi had said. She’ll give the girl some credit. Maybe Vanessa should focus more on who she doesn’t want after all.
The producers start leading girls from their side of the room to the middle so that they form two big vertical lines in front of each other. Vanessa starts in front of Blair, who smiles kindly at her and appears too shy to speak. There’s no time for Vanessa to really attempt to strike up a conversation as they’re all getting shuffled around based on their heights. She watches as Brooke gets moved from in front of Aja, past Shea, past Crystal, and finally given to Jan.
Vanessa shakes the disappointment off. She’s being ridiculous, she knows she’ll get a turn with mostly everyone and the fact that Brooke’s tall, statuesque frame contrasts with her pint-sized self means that she’s a dead cert to get a shot at dancing with her. There’s not many people smaller than her so she knows she’s not going to be leading. This is good, as she’s obviously not used to it. The girls paired up with the smaller celebrities are going to have to work twice as hard.
Blair gets shuffled around to be partnered with Aja, and eventually Vanessa gets Gigi deposited in front of her. She gives her a friendly wave and a pleasant smile, and eventually everyone is paired up- for now. Vanessa looks over at Akeria, notices she’s been given Asia to dance with first. Akeria meets her gaze and gives her a smile that Vanessa doesn’t think she’s going to be able to wipe off her face until mid-June of next year.
As the producers give the girls some time to teach the celebrities an incredibly basic salsa step to start them off with, Vanessa relaxes as she begins talking Gigi through the steps. She’s glad she’s finally getting to do what she loves instead of being consumed by nerves and what-ifs. She knows how to dance and she’s good at it- it’s just a fact- and she knows she’s able to teach things, having helped out with the kids at her dance school when she was younger. To her delight Gigi picks things up quickly, and the two of them are simply dancing the same four basic moves in a loop as they move on to chatting.
“You’re a good teacher! It’s taking some of these other bitches ages,” Gigi laughs, Vanessa giving a guilty giggle at the comment as she notices Jadia, very patiently and very deliberately, walking Scarlet through the steps again.
“See, you wouldn’t think I never had a partner before!” Vanessa beams back at her, twirling around and landing back in Gigi’s hold. To some of the girls it might be a little awkward trying to make small-talk with someone they’ve just met whilst holding one of their hands and having another pressed to their back, but to Vanessa it comes naturally. She notices that Gigi is scanning the room and looking at the other girls. Vanessa knows a searching pair of eyes when she sees one. “You got your eye on a girl?”
“Well, you’d be good,” Gigi says immediately, although how much of that is out of courtesy Vanessa doesn’t know. “Or, I mean. Jaida’s a fierce teacher, and she’s won it before, right?”
Vanessa nods. She knows that Gigi is still holding back the namedrop of the girl she really wants. “But I guess, you know, Crystal’s a talent. It kind of seems like everyone sleeps on her despite the fact she’s got all these trophies and ranks so highly and she does ballroom and Latin. She ever won before?”
“Not yet. She got paired with some stompy politician last year and was an early out, but she made the semis before that,” Vanessa indulges her, although she’s quite sure that judging by the slight blush on Gigi’s face that she’s well aware of where Crystal’s ranked in previous seasons. Gigi seems nice, and she’s complimented Vanessa so she decides to throw one her way too. “You’ve got potential, you could take her to the finals easily. She could do a lot with you.”
“That’s sweet. Thanks,” Gigi smiles, Vanessa giving another twirl just as the producers get everyone to stop and switch round again. Time passes by in steps and twirls rather than minutes, but the variety of people she gets paired with ensures that things don’t become boring. Vanessa gets Scarlet, who steps on her toes about three times and, in her own words, dances like an inflatable waving tube man stuck outside a car showroom, then actress Willam, the one with the laugh like a seal and sparkly makeup and scant regard for the moves she’s been taught, preferring to make Vanessa laugh the whole time. After that she is paired with Jackie, the newsreader she’d noticed earlier. She shows promise but Vanessa does notice Jan’s head bobbing about looking at them from the other side of the room the whole time they’re together like an invasive meerkat so Vanessa does her a solid and talks Jan up a storm. She can’t really focus too much on Jackie, to be fair, because Plastique’s been partnered with Brooke and the two of them are already laughing and hitting it off with each other and Vanessa feels her blood fizz with determination.
Finally, mercifully, Brooke gets led down by one of the producers to stand in front of her, and for a moment Vanessa is tongue-tied. Brooke’s dark green eyes and her gorgeous face are a little intimidating, not that she’s got a crush or anything, and Vanessa feels herself growing shy for a second. But then she remembers that they only have minutes together, and if she wants to be partnered with this girl she’s going to have to up the charm offensive. The producers have been stalking the room like lions with notebooks, recording every laugh and lingering glance.
“Hey!” Vanessa starts cheerfully, fixing Brooke with the winning smile she always used to flash at the judges when she was competing. “I’m Vanjie. Well, Vanessa. Either. Is fine.”
Brooke smiles back at her despite the fact that her introduction was so awkward Vanessa feels like digging a hole in the ground and leaping into it. “Nice to meet you, Vanjie-Well-Vanessa. I’m Brooke Lynn.“
Before Vanessa can feel any more embarrassed at Brooke’s teasing, she takes a little bow and stands ready, her hand held out for her to take. "May I have this dance?”
Vanessa lets out a laugh at the cheesiness of it all, takes Brooke’s hand and stands in hold with her. Their hands seem to fit perfectly together and even though their bodies are still quite far apart Brooke’s hand on her back makes Vanessa feel close to her in a way she’s not felt dancing with any man before.
Monique’s teasing face appears in her mind and Vanessa shakes those particular thoughts away.
“I bet you said that to all these girls,” Vanessa quirks an eyebrow at her, and Brooke tilts her head to the ceiling in thought.
“Uh…no, don’t think so. Just you so far,” she shrugs, and it definitely doesn’t make Vanessa feel special in any way at all.
They start to step and oh shit. This is exciting. This is the first girl that’s properly led her, the first one that the moves have seemed to come so easily to, and Vanessa can feel her heart going like a train as she imagines what she could actually choreograph with a girl like Brooke to work with. She’s a bit quiet as she’s lost in thought, so she cracks an impressed face at the girl opposite her.
“You’re good.”
“Yeah, so are you,” Brooke looks at her a little funny, her face inquisitive. “Hey, how come you didn’t mention any of your accolades? Y'know. World Latin Champion 2016, four-time finalist. That’s a bragging right.”
Vanessa almost loses her steps she’s so shocked. How the fuck does Brooke know about all that? She’s not mentioned it. Brooke can clearly see the shock on her face and a blush hits her cheeks. “That probably sounds weird. I looked you up when I knew I was coming on the show.”
Vanessa laughs, pulls a face at Brooke. “Nah, that sounds even more weird. You’re just digging yourself a hole now.”
Brooke gives an embarrassed giggle, looks up at the sky to avoid Vanessa’s gaze and oh fuck she’s still moving perfectly and she’s not got her eyes trained on her feet holy shit. “No, I mean I looked all the girls up!”
Vanessa bursts out laughing again. The girl’s not helping her case. “Dig, dig, dig, bitch!”
Brooke squeals in protest as Vanessa feels her smile hurt her face. “You know what I mean! Ugh, God. Just answer the question and stop picking on me. I’m a very important celebrity. Don’t you know who I am?”
Brooke’s deadpan sort of humour is killing Vanessa. She tries to get out another jibe through her laugh. “Jesus, I hope that’s not how you normally interview people.”
There’s a pause as Brooke laughs back. Vanessa thinks over her question. “I don’t know. Guess I just didn’t want to come across like a showoff.”
“But it’s just a fact. You’re good,” Brooke shrugs. The praise makes Vanessa’s heart light up.
“An’ I guess I didn’t want the same as you. People fightin’ over me,” she shrugs back, making light of Brooke’s compliment. Brooke pulls a face.
“I don’t know about that, I think I’m going to have to fight off a couple of these girls if I want you,” she comments offhandedly, Vanessa suddenly feeling like she’d been shocked with a tazer. She’d been so focused on trying to charm the partner she wanted that she had no idea the celebrities would’ve been gunning for her too.
“Who wants to be partnered with me?” she asks, thinking retrospectively that she could’ve tried to appear a little less keen.
“Well, Asia’s making a bee-line, I know that much. And Willam was all smiles after she left you. And, I mean, I wouldn’t mind getting you either,” Brooke says, her last comment making Vanessa happier than it should.
“Wouldn’t mind? You’re gonna have to work harder than that,” Vanessa raises her eyebrows, faux-unimpressed. She has to slam her mouth shut at the end of her sentence to avoid tacking on a “baby” to the end of it. Jesus, what is wrong with her?
“You know they give us that card at the end where we write our top three partner choices on it,” Brooke continues. The fact she is trying so hard to come across as nonchalant is making her seem everything but, and Vanessa is loving it. “Hypothetically…would I be on yours?”
“Hypothetically? You might be,” Vanessa grins at her, spins round and misses the look that Brooke gives back at her. Is this flirting? She needs to stop.
“And, uh, hypothetically, of course, would I be first, second or third on that list?”
Vanessa looks to the ceiling, maintains the charade of not appearing overly keen. “At the moment, you are…third.”
Brooke’s face is so actively shocked that Vanessa bursts out laughing. “Third?! You bitch! Why?”
Vanessa composes herself. “Well first of all, I don’t know where you’re putting me on this list, girl, so I gotta hedge my bets. Second, I’m still trying to recover from wouldn’t mind, so that knocks you down a place. Also you just called me a bitch, so you’re now reserve-third.”
“If I told you you were first on my list, does that move me up a place?” Brooke smiles at her cheekily. Vanessa tries to keep a calm exterior and not show Brooke that she’s maybe-sort-of-a-little-bit melting at her words.
“You could. How do I know you’re telling the truth, though?”
Brooke shrugs a little. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to trust me.”
With that, Vanessa feels Brooke’s hand being ripped out of her own and coming to rest in between her shoulder blades, and suddenly she’s being dipped to the ground and brought back up again. She ends up pressed up against Brooke’s chest, her face tilted up to meet hers and her lips way too close to be good for Vanessa’s heart rate. She hears an impressed cry from someone- probably Monique or Akeria stirring the pot- and there’s a kind of hush that falls over the room in response to the move that’s a little bit more advanced than anyone was expecting.
“O-kay!” a producer exclaims, and Vanessa melts out of hold, only a little bit captivated. “If we could all switch round again, uh, I think we’ll have Aja with…Farrah-”
Brooke gives her a wink and a smile as she walks away towards Courtney who she’s been paired with next, and Vanessa attempts to compose herself as she gives a little wave back and tries to focus on Monet who she’s now in front of.
If things all ended up the way she wanted them to, this was going to be a very interesting season.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
She Sets the City on Fire - Father Knows Best
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She Sets the City on Fire: A Bruce Banner Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Square:  @brucebannerbingo​ - U3 Free Space
Rating:  E
Warning:  Age Gap, asshole parents, anxiety, smut (MF, light ds, oral sex, throat fucking, rough sex, a small amount of spanking, vaginal sex, gags)
Word Count:  4380
Pairing:  Bruce Banner x OFC (Summer)
Summary:  Bruce is drawn to Summer.  She’s everything he wished he could be.  Carefree, exciting, and she knows exactly who she is.  There are so many reasons a relationship with her wouldn’t work.  So why can’t he stop thinking about her?
A/N: On the first chapter
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6. Father Knows Best
Bruce and Summer walked up West 88th hand in hand.  They were driving out to Westchester so Bruce could meet Summer’s parents.  He was nervous.  Neither Summer nor Aiden talked about their parents much - at least not with Bruce - but after Tony had hinted it was someone famous, he had looked it up.
Summer’s father was media mogul Chester Martin.  The man who’s media empire included every single right-wing and anti-superhero outlet from New York’s Daily Bugle to the Globe-News.  It was his publications that helped the government cover up the Hulk and had Bruce listed as public enemy number one and pushed as some kind of global terrorist.  With that and what he had heard about him buying affection and ignoring Aidan’s existence for most of his life, Bruce was not foreseeing a warm reception.  Bruce was just thankful that he was actually younger than Chester.  He could only imagine how much worse it would be if they were from the same generation.  Even though the age-gap between Chester and Summer’s mother was over 30 years, Bruce didn’t think that hypocrisy would be enough of a reason to not use the age thing as a reason that Bruce wasn’t good enough for his daughter.
Summer had assured him that there wouldn’t be a problem.  That at worse he probably wouldn’t even notice that Bruce was there and that her mother liked everyone and she’d be welcoming to him.  Aidan had confirmed that Summer wasn’t lying about her mother, but that there was no way their father would like him.  He would pretend for Summer but in Chester’s eyes, no one was good enough for Summer, let alone some middle-aged, liberal, with an anger issue.  Aidan had left him one piece of advice, don’t let Chester get him on his own.
“Summer, are you sure what I’m wearing is fine?”  He asked for the eighth time that day.  He had not been able to decide if he should go formal or casual and ended up landing on a strange mix of both, with navy khakis, a dark purple button-up shirt that he left loose at the collar, a dark brown suit jacket, and because it was cooling off a long black coat.  Summer, on the other hand, looked like she stepped off the silver screen in a vintage skirt suit in pale pink wool with black trim.
“You look just like you.  And I love you.  So he’ll love you.”  Summer said, lifting his hand up into the air and spinning under it.  “Just relax, Brucie. I’ll protect you.”
They reached the garage where Summer kept her car.  A valet came out and she handed him a card.  It wasn’t long before he re-emerged driving a vintage MG Roadster in dark burgundy.
“Wow,” Bruce said, as Summer exchanged her keys for a tip.  He ran his hand over the hood of the car.  “Tony would love this.”
“I’m sure he could afford to buy one if he wanted.”  Summer joked.
“Do you think…” He paused and fidgeted with his hands.  Tony never let him drive one of his cars and he always wanted to.  Tony wasn’t Summer though.  Maybe she wouldn’t have that little hang-up about needing to be behind the wheel.  “Could I please drive?”
“Can you drive stick?”  She asked.
He nodded.  “I learned on the run.”
Summer threw him the keys and got into the passenger seat, digging in the glove compartment and pulling out a silk scarf that she wrapped around her hair while Bruce got into the driver's side and started the car.
“This is such a beautiful car,” Bruce said.  He wasn’t exactly what you’d call a ‘car person’.  Not the way Tony was.  He wasn’t into the engines or horsepower except for the basic way he was into that kind of science in general.  He could appreciate aesthetics though, and the rumble of an engine and the way he just felt like maybe the cool factor might rub off on him just a little.  Oh god… was he going through a midlife crisis after all?
“Thanks,” Summer said, hanging her arm over the door.  “My dad got it for my 21st.”
“He bought you a car that’s older than you.”  Bruce mused.
“It’s older than you too, Grandpa.  She’s a ‘63.”  Summer teased.
“You got a thing for the elderly?”  Bruce teased.
Summer laughed and leaned over, kissing his cheek.  “You know it.  I’m a grave robber.”
As they drove the 45 minutes to Westchester, Bruce kept stealing glances at Summer.  Something about the vintage suit, the scarf around her hair to protect it from the wind and the large round sunglasses she’d put on made her look like a 50s starlet.  She was in particularly high spirits today too, which was saying something for the ever carefree Summer.  She didn’t stop smiling the entire trip up.  Her hand was usually somewhere on Bruce, often sliding it’s way up his inner seam, sometimes on his hand, or playing with his hair.
Summer provided the directions and as they made their way into Westchester the houses just kept getting bigger and bigger and the space between each one became more vast until they became more like compounds than simply mansions. When they reached what was the biggest one yet he turned, entered the code at the gate and drove up the winding drive to the enormous mansion.
They got out of the car and Summer came around and took Bruce’s hand.  “He’s nice.  I protect you anyway, but he’ll love you.”
Bruce sighed.  He wasn’t so sure that they’d think much of each other, to be honest.  Chester Martin was a hateful bigot who had no concept of what it was like to struggle at all.  How Summer and Aidan had come out of that family even half the decent people they were was impressive, but Bruce was no stranger to good coming out of such bad.
As they made their way up the steps Chester and Abigail came out the front to meet them.  Summer let Bruce’s hand go and ran to them, hugging them both tightly.  Bruce continued his way up alone and when he finally reached them, Summer pulled back and introduced him.
Abigail greeted Bruce warmly, hugging him and kissing his cheek.  She was still quite young, in fact, the thought slipped into his head that Abigail was actually 2 years younger than Bruce was.  The thought freaked him out a little bit and he pushed it away and smothered it.  Abigale was slender and wore her long red hair in a bun.  She had the same clear blue eyes as Summer. In fact, Summer had taken after Abigail to the point it looked like she’d been cloned.  Which was good for her really, because as beautiful as her mother was, Chester Martin looked like a bloated, wrinkly toad.
He greeted Bruce with a firm handshake and a patronizing tone.  The followed him inside where Bruce met Summer’s sister Dakota.  Dakota looked a lot like Summer, though she had the dark hair and eyes of her father.  She barely even looked up from her phone when Summer walked in but when Summer said Bruce’s name her eyes snapped up.
“You’re Bruce Banner!”  She said, putting her phone away.
“That’s right.”  He said, feeling a little awkward.  Summer took a seat on a large leather couch and patted the spot beside her.
Dakota immediately moved from where she was sitting and sat down next to Bruce, pressing herself against him.  “I didn’t know you were dating an Avenger, Sum.  Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I told you his name was Bruce,” Summer said.
Dakota leaned towards her sister, her breast pressing against Bruce’s arm.  “You know what I mean.”
“I really don’t, Dakota,” Summer said.
Dakota sighed and her knuckles brushed up the side of Bruce’s thigh.
Chester took a seat in one of the wing-backed chairs opposite them while Abigail took a more comfortable looking sofa seat next to him.
“How exactly did the two of you meet?”  Chester asked.
Thus started the grilling.  Most questions seemed to try and pry out how long they’d been dating, what they did when they were together, and how serious they actually were.  The amount the Martins seemed to know about their daughter could fit in a thimble.  Chester’s questioning seemed to imply that Summer was an innocent young girl and Bruce was just there to corrupt her.
At some point, a staff member came in and poured everyone drinks before disappearing again.  After what felt like they’d been questioning forever, Chester looked at his watch.  “Girls, can you check and see what’s taking the kitchen so long with lunch?”
Summer jumped to her feet and practically skipped from the room after kissing Bruce on the forehead.  Dakota slouched after her.  When they were out of earshot, Chester turned to Bruce.
“I am not having my daughter being dragged into your Avengers lifestyle.  I know the kind of things Stark gets up to and I don’t want her life to be put in danger for associating with the likes of you,” Chester seethed.  “When you leave here today, you will break up with her.  You’ll let her down easy, but I don’t want to see you here again.”
Bruce’s heart started hammering in his chest, and he could feel the pulse in his ear and a shove from the Hulk in the back of his head.  “E- excuse me?”
“You heard me.  How dare you put my daughter in danger of being hurt by that thing inside you?”  Chester snapped.  “What is she doing with you anyway?  She’s a straight-A student, she is above being corrupted by some lecherous middle-aged man.  I won’t allow it.”
The hypocrisy was so thick that Bruce could almost taste it.  Anger started bubbling up inside him and he couldn’t seem to get it under control.  “Don’t you think Summer should get a say in this?”
“No.  I don’t.”  Chester said.  “You will be breaking up with her.  If you don’t there will be consequences.  And if you think for a second I can’t make your life a living hell, you’re sadly mistaken.”
Bruce’s mind raced.  Memories of how the press had treated him when he was on the run mixed with headlines about him hurting Summer.  He couldn’t hear anything above the thud of his pulse in his ears.  There was a shove from Hulk and he was sucked into the dark.
Hulk roared and swung his fist, shattering the coffee table in front of him.  He wasn’t sure where he was exactly or what was wrong.  There was no gunfire or explosions to point him at his target.  All he knew was that Banner had been angry and scared and it was time for him to step in.  
The couple in front of him was backing up against the wall, but the woman who looked so much like pretty Summer hand her hands up in placation.  “Please don’t hurt us.”
Hulk huffed.  Usually, when they were begging not to be hurt it was a pretty good sign they needed to be.  The door crashed open behind him and he spun around and growled.  In front of him was pretty Summer and he felt something in him relax a little.  Behind her stood a younger girl with dark hair who looked both surprised and scared.  He took two steps towards Summer, hoping she might have an answer to why Hulk was here.
“Big guy?”  She said, a little confused.  She put her hand on his arm and stepped around him, standing in front of him like she wanted to shield him.  “What did you do to him?”  She yelled.
“Us?”  The old man argued.  “Your boyfriend just turned into a monster and somehow that’s our fault.”
“Daddy!”  Summer snapped.  “I know you think I don’t know what you say to the people I bring home.  But I do.  I hoped you might not be stupid though.  What did you say that upset him so much?”
“I told him to break up with you!  You’re too good for him Summer!  He’s older than your mother!”  The man argued.
Summer took a deep breath and balled her hands into tiny fists.  Hulk squared up behind her, breathing heavily.  “Daddy, I love you, but you can be a huge asshole sometimes.”  She turned to Hulk and touched his wrist.  “Hey, you want to come outside with me.  We have horses.  I want to show you.”
Hulk smiled and wrapped his large hand around Summer’s tiny waist.  As she led him out of the room, Summer stopped at the girl who was still looking at Hulk stunned.  “Can you get some of Daddy’s clothes and bring them out to the stable?”  She said quietly.
The girl nodded.  “Yeah… yeah okay.”
“Thanks, Dakota,” Summer said and led Hulk outside.
He lumbered after beautiful Summer through the grounds.  “I’m sorry about my dad.  He can be a bit much.”  She said.
“Hulk not mind.  Hulk used to it.”  He rumbled.
“You shouldn’t be used to it though.  It’s mean.  Did Bruce get really upset?”  She asked.
Hulk nodded.  “Puny Banner.  Not like being questioned.  Hulk here now.”
She led him into a stable and Hulk began to look at the horses.  He always liked being around animals.  Animals never judged him.  The horses all let him pat them and feed them hay.  Summer introduced him to each one and gradually Hulk calmed completely and was just enjoying that he got to spend some time with her.
The brown-haired girl showed up with her arms full of clothes.  “You think this stuff will be okay?”  She asked as she handed them over to Summer.
“Yeah, it’ll be fine.  Thanks, Dee,” Summer said and put it on a bench.  “Hey Big Guy, this is my sister Dakota.  Dakota, this is the Hulk.”
Dakota raised her hand in a wave.  “Nice to meet you.”
Hulk huffed and nodded his head.
“You’re not scared of him?”  Dakota asked her sister.
Summer shook her head and patted Hulk’s hand.  “He’s my friend.  It’s nice getting to see him.  I just wish it wasn’t because of something dad said.”
Dakota shrugged.  “You should have seen him with the last guy I bought home.  Didn’t even try and chase him off in private.”
Summer giggled.  “I get he’s trying to protect us… I just…”
“Yeah…” Dakota agreed and looked up at Hulk.  “Can you introduce me to Cap?”
Hulk furrowed his brow.  “Don’t know.”
“Dakota, you’re 17!  He’s over 100!”  Summer yelped.
“Yeah, yeah.   And he’s hot as fuck,” Dakota said.
Hulk could feel Bruce niggling at the back of his head and he huffed and put his hand on Summer’s back.  “Banner want back.  Hulk go.”
Summer leaned up and kissed Hulk’s cheek.  “It was nice to see you.”
He nodded and stepped back and sunk back into the dark.
Bruce groaned and blinked around.  “Summer?”  He said, covering himself with his hands.
Summer grabbed the pile of clothes and gave them to him.  “It’s okay.  You’re okay.”
“Where are we?”  Bruce asked.
“The stables.  I thought it would be a good way to calm Hulk down,” she explained and looked at Dakota.  “You think we can have some alone time?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Dakota said, looking Bruce up and down before spinning and heading back to the house.
“Did I hurt anyone?”  Bruce asked as he started getting dressed.
“No, Brucie,” Summer said rubbing his back. “Just smashed a coffee table.  But he can afford to replace it.”
“I’m sorry,” Bruce said with a sigh.  He was starting to think maybe Chester was right after all.  Anything could have happened and it would have been his fault.
“No, Bruce.  I’m sorry for letting him talk to you like that.  I shouldn’t have left you alone,” she said.
He paused as he buttoned up his pants.  “Summer, this isn’t your fault.”
Summer wrapped her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled into his back.  “I’m not stupid, Bruce.  I know who my dad is.  I try and keep him accountable, but he sees me as this… perfect little flower and he doesn’t really listen to anything I actually say.  He’s still my dad though.  I knew he probably wouldn’t like you.  I knew I shouldn’t let him be alone with you.  But … it seemed to be going okay.  I slipped.”
Bruce turned and pulled her close.  “You don’t have to protect me from that.  I should be able to keep the anger under control.”
She leaned her forehead against his.  “Hulk didn’t hurt anyone.  I promise,” she said.  “What do you want to do?”
“I want to go home to bed and start thinking of ways to pretend none of this ever happened,” Bruce said.  “But we should probably go back inside.  I can’t just run from people like that.  Especially not when they’re your family.  Because… I love you, Summer.  I want you to be my family.”
Summer smiled.  “What if… we go to my room first.  We can do some of those things first,” she teased.  “Besides.  I wanted to show you my poster.”
Bruce smiled and kissed her nose.  “That sounds really good.”
Summer led him back inside through the back door and upstairs to her bedroom.  It was everything he’d hoped it would be.  Everything was pink and floral.  Shelves were littered with snow globes and ceramic unicorns.  There was a twin bed with a white metal frame in the middle of the room with a garish pink, floral bedspread that looked like it came right out of the 1970s.  Around the edge of the room acting as a kind of wallpaper-border, were pictures of various scientists, including, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, and above her bed, a photograph of him.
“Look at that, you weren’t kidding, were you?”  He said, looking around at the photos.  “If you were so into science, why are you studying classics?”
Summer shrugged.  “I liked the history about how the discoveries were made more.  The lives of the people who made the grand discoveries.  How Évariste Galois died in a duel.  And the way Tesla was treated by Eddison.  I still cry when I think about how Turing was treated,” she stepped over to Bruce and put her hands on his chest.  “How Bruce Banner fell in love with some crazy redhead.”
Bruce chuckled.  “I thought you were going to say something about the accident.  Or being hunted.  Or becoming an Avenger.”
Summer shook her head.  “This bit is much more interesting.”  She brought her lips to his and they kissed deeply.  His arms circled around her and he pulled her tight against him and she began to unbutton his shirt.  “Bruce,” she whispered.  “I want you to fuck me so hard.  Use me like he thinks you must be.”
Bruce choked on air.  “You’re sure?”
“Yes, please,” she hummed, kissing just under his ear and pulled his shirt open.
He pulled back and looked at her, “I’ll do my best.  With the Hulk out I might have to pull back though.”  He said seriously.
“I understand, honey,” she said, smiling sweetly at him.
“Now, for me to feel okay about it, you need to be as quiet as you can.  Okay, sweet one?”
“Yes, sir,” she whispered.
“Then take off those clothes and get on your knees.”
Summer pulled back and took off her jacket and blouse.  She folded them in half and laid them over her desk.  She slipped her shoes off and shimmied out of her pencil skirt.  She was wearing a white lace bra with matching thong, a white garter belt and shimmering white stockings  Bruce hummed as he looked her up and down and pulled out his cock.
“Look at you,” he growled softly as he pumped his cock.  She bit her bottom lip and sunk to her knees in front of him, looking up at him with those clear blue eyes.
She ghosted her lips up his shaft and kitten licked along the slit.  Bruce hardened fully and wrapped her hair in his hand.  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, centering himself.  When he let it out he looked down at her and pulled her hair.  “Open wide, honey.”
Summer opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out.  Bruce pushed his cock in past her lips and she closed them around him, engulfing his shaft in the warm, wet of her mouth.  She sucked up and down his length with that perfect amount of pressure to send a shiver running up his spine.  For a moment he just watched her and enjoyed the way that a dull tingle coiled up through him from his cock.
He pulled her hair back and looked down into her eyes.  “Hold still, honey.”
Summer opened her mouth and Bruce began to thrust down her throat.  “That’s it,” he purred.  “Take it.”
She moaned and gripped his thighs, breathing through the assault on her throat but never gagging or choking.  He brought himself right to the edge of orgasm with her mouth.  His cock throbbed and his balls tightened, ready to release  Just when he thought he’d gone too far, he let her go and pulled back.  Summer fell to her hands and knees panting.
“Fuck,” she gasped.  “That was so hot, Bruce.”
Bruce helped her to her feet and kissed the side of her neck.  “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.  If it was hot, it was all you.”
She hummed, carding her fingers through his hair and making him purr softly as she unhooked his bra, tossing it aside.  “Fuck me hard, Bruce,” she whispered against his ear.
“You be good and stay quiet,” he said and spanked her ass.  He spun her around and bent her over the bed.  He yanked her thong down, snapping the clasps of her garters as he pulled them down.  He crouched as he dragged them down, kissing the insides of her thighs and nuzzling at her pussy.  When he stood again he ground against her and palmed her cunt, massaging it and slipping his fingers between her folds.  She mewled and wriggled against him, and he grabbed her thighs, tearing her stockings as he pulled her back flush against him.
“Please, Bruce,” Summer whined through clenched teeth. “I want your dick so bad.”
Bruce reached into his pants for his wallet and then remembered that these weren’t his clothes.  “Damnit.  Summer.  I don’t have any protection.”
Summer gripped the sheets and groaned.  “Have you been sleeping around?”
Bruce shook his head. “No.  Just you.”
“You know you can if you want to,” she said.
“Are we really having this conversation right now?”
Summer started laughing.  “Sorry.  My last test came back clean and I’ve only been with you since.  Cassie went down on me one time and I gave this guy I met at school a handjob, but I used a latex glove  So if you want to...”
Bruce blinked and shook his head.  “You’re on birth control?”
“Yes, sir,” she purred grinding her dripping cunt back against his cock.
Bruce took a few deep breaths, massaging her ass as he pictured how her cunt would feel as he fucked her raw.  His chest rose and fell as he pushed Hulk back, the deep rumble of his primal need pushing against him.  He gripped her hips and sunk deep into her.
She groaned and bit the quilt cover as she squeezed her pelvic floor around him, the warmth and wetness of her encompassing his shaft as it pressed down from every side.  It was the first time he’d even attempted sex without protection since Betty before the accident and he’d forgotten how different it felt.
“God, Summer.  You feel so good,” he groaned.
“Fuck me with that huge cock, Bruce,” she moaned in response.
He leaned over and started to rail into her.  She cried out and gripped the sheets as he pounded into her, each thrust, pushed her twin bed across the room a little more.  “Summer, quiet,” he growled, spanking her ass.
“Feels so good,” she mewled.  “You’re gonna have to gag me.”
He grabbed her panties and shoved them in her mouth to muffle her cries, and she groaned and clenched around him.  He picked up his pace, slamming into her and groaning as her cunt massaged his cock.  She reached between her legs and rubbed her clit.  It made her lose control completely.  Her whole body clenched up and she cried out loudly as her cunt spasmed around Bruce’s cock.
“I’m close, Summer,” Bruce moaned.  “Where do you want it.”
“Come on my tits, Bruce,” she begged.  “Paint me with it.”
Bruce groaned, gritting his teeth as he pulled out.  Summer slid off the bed, onto her knees and turned to face him, looking up at him as she squeezed her tits together.  He pumped his cock quickly as he looked down at her, completely overcome by lust.
He grunted and released, painting her breasts with hot ropes of come.  Summer hummed and ran her fingers through the mess.  As he helped her back to her feet she stuck her fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” Bruce said, pulling her into his arms.  “With your parents downstairs and right after a Hulk out.”
“I’m a bad girl, Brucie,” she hummed, nuzzling at his neck.  “You should punish me next time.”
“Maybe I will, you dirty thing,” Bruce said.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  “Did you want to get cleaned up and try having lunch with them?”
Bruce nodded.   “Yeah.  If they’re okay with me being here.”
She looked up at him and frowned a little.  “I’m sorry he was like that.  You don’t have to see them again if you don’t want to.” 
He held her close to him.  “No, Summer.  I love you so much.  I would spend every day with them if it meant I could be with you.”
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serahsanguine · 4 years
Fan Fic Master list
this was asked by the lovely @bevh78 also I'm adding a read here because this post is gonna be a long one 
Tagging; @peacenik0 @skullsmuldonn @today-in-fic
Completely AU and are WIP
School Sex and Subterfuge  Ao3
Summary; Mulder is a teacher, Scully is a student. This story is an NC-17 rating. There is no underage sex in my story I researched this before even writing it. Mulder is known to give extra credit of a sexual kind to Someone special in his class does this person turn out to be Scully? I will let you read and find out.
What’s left unsaid. says it all   Ao3 
Summary;  This is a Multi-Chapter story, based of a tweet that I wrote. What if Mulder and Scully Had Sex before Scully’s abduction, and from this said act she fell pregnant. Which turned the events of The X-Files into a more different/angst storyline for both Mulder and Scully.
Vacation series; 
Part 1 Let The Games Commence. Ao3
Summary;  Prompt; Mulder and Scully play Charades or Cards Against Humanity at some sort of party, maybe with the Scully family or the Lone Gunmen
Part 2 Halloween Surprises.  Ao3 
Summary; The Second Instalment for the Vacation Series. Filled With spooky storeys, vanity fairs and everything in between. To Fill the Prompt Boo
Porn battle so basically Smut Smut and more shameless Smut 
Good Vibrations 
prompt 4, Scully wears a portable vibe and gives Mulder the control 11, Wearable vibrator, public dinner date/family dinner
Candy is dandy. But liquor is quicker.
prompt 19; AU Young and very sexy Mulder and Scully meet in a club. After a few drinks and some dancing, they have a quickie in the club bathroom.
Life is always a little more fun when you’re a little more naughty.
Prompt; 51, Making out, heavy petting, Scully grinding on Mulder's lap while telling him about the girl she used to sleep with and the sexy things they would do together
Hidden Dreams And Secret Desires.
Prompt; 5, Scully dry humping a pillow while Mulder watches.
Kitchen Shenanigans.  
Prompt 27, Scully comes home from work IWTB era; kitchen counter passionate sex; vocal Scully.
Smut (Everything and Anything)
Blind Date
This is an AU in which Melissa is still alive. In this universe, Melissa and Maggie Scully are scheming to get Mulder and Scully together.
New York; Fireworks And Snowflakes. 
A Map of Us: 50 States of Sex MSR Challenge! I chose New York, Mulder takes Scully away to New York from Christmas till the new year. This story is based after season 9 but before IWTB but generally can be placed anywhere between seasons 9 and 10
Lust, Anger, And Greed
Prompt; surprise me! I would love something flirty with so much UST you can hardly breathe culminating. (RST)
Frustration and Revelation (WIP)
Scully is annoyed and highly sexually frustrated. Does Mulder know what he is in for?
Post episode (can include smut fluff etc)
Desire with a Twist
This one-shot is set just after ‘Rm9sbg93zxjz’ (I had ideas from the episodes ‘This, Plus one, Rm9). This story is based on something i wanted to do for a while i hope you enjoy it.
A Christmas Carol Remastered
prompt; How the Ghosts Stole Christmas, they exchange gifts and it's what everyone expected the gifts to be, porn and a vibrator. They decide to watch the movie and he tries out the vibrator on her and one thing leads to another
Christmas On The Run.
prompt; M&S Xmas after her abduction OR M&S first Xmas together on the run (sharing memories of their childhood, maybe?) I'd love to see some Hanukkah included somehow.
Star Crossed Ghosts (Au)
To the beautiful Kandi for everything you have done for me over the past year,
Prompt; open to anything I do enjoy occasional stuck in a single hotel room romp. The first time, romance, smut, angst UST to RST.
Well my dear Kandi there in a hotel room, it's their first time it has romance, smut, angst and definitely got UST to RST sorry I had to include a case file but it short Hehe ^-^ also you choose it to be after small potatoes I hope I did it justice
Post-Episode: s01e02 Deep Throat
prompt: Mulder dealing with the aftermath of his kidnapping. Physical symptoms? How did it affect his and Scully’s relationship?
Fluff completely and utterly fluff 
Chickenpox, Kittens And Family.
Prompt; Family time fluff. love to see them with either Will, or their little girl or both up to you.
None Msr 
The Text That Changed Everything (Gillovny)
The text that changed everything. Did the news article tell the truth?
48 notes · View notes
write-orflight · 4 years
Trouble: Chapter 4
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*Gif not mine*
Pairings: HotchxReader
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Rating: M
Words: 3.8K
Warnings: SMUT, Oral sex(male receiving), fingering, choking, slight degradation, dom/sub overtones. mention of past rape/abuse. witch shit. 
Summary: After Haley’s passing, Aaron Hotchner has lost the light in his eyes. He seems to find it it the most unlikely of places, an occult themed coffee shop ran by a witch.
A.N: If you don’t like smut, i’d skip some paragraphs but not the whole thing because there’s some major plot points. Tarot, wicca, and crystal information is very secondhand if you see any inaccuracies, no you don’t.
Chapter 4: I been facing trouble almost all my life
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Hotch asks, immediately standing when he heard the crash of the phone.
You couldn’t tell him. You couldn’t tell hotch about that period of your life, you guys just got to the place you wanted to be at for quite some time. Charlie couldn’t do this to you again, you couldn’t let him fuck more of your life up. 
“Oh nothing, butter fingers sorry.” You say, plastering a smile on. Hotch doesn’t believe you, you can tell he doesn’t but he doesn’t ask questions either.
After talking for another hour, Hotch kisses you goodbye, knowing somethings off but not saying anything. You head upstairs and relieve Silena of her duties, promising her details of the night tomorrow. Once you see her out, you instantly crawl into your daughter’s bed. 
“Mama?” She says groggily. 
“Yea honey, it’s me.” 
She nods sleepily before laying her head on your chest. You run your hands through her hair watching her sleep for a spell. 
Charlie couldn’t take this from you. 
You won’t let him. 
It’s been a couple months since the phone call and things were honestly going good, scary good. Business was booming, a famous blogger had stumbled upon your shop by accident and posted about it since then you and Silena seemed to have your hands so full with hipsters and entitled elitists that you needed a full time sitter. You didn’t like it but money was money. 
You and Hotch were also doing good. He finally took you on that date, which was dinner at a small Italian restaurant. He looked at you in shock as you rattled off the menu items in perfect pronunciation. You just shrugged explaining that you worked at an Italian bakery through college, which is where you learned the language and most of the recipes you used in the shop today. 
Both of you didn’t account for weather though and as soon as you left the restaurant it began to pour. Hotch gave you his suit jacket to cover your hair as the two of you bolted across the parking lot to his car. The original plan was to just wait out the rain until it was safe enough for you to both drive home but what ended up happening was the two of you making out like teenagers in the backseat of his car. 
It’s been about two months since then and while he’s gone a lot on cases he seems to still make time for you and, by proxy, Artie. The weekends the both of you had free were spent at the park with your kids who got along swimmingly. Artemis had the same personality as you in that sense, nice and outgoing. It was no surprise that she’d befriended Jack in a matter of days despite his shy demeanor.
You were still worried about Charlie. You tried not to be but you couldn’t help it. You had already moved multiple times because of him you couldn’t do it again. You had the shop, Artie was finally at that age where she was old enough to remember so she needed stability and now you had Aaron, who had already lost so much you couldn’t be another thing he lost. So you issued a new deal that gave any law enforcement officer 50% off a coffee order. Was it the best for your bank in the long run? No, but it gave you and Artie the protection you needed so he wouldn’t think of trying anything. That didn’t stop the threatening notes and phone calls though despite everything. 
You had finally decided though you weren’t going to run. Not this time. 
You’d never been inside the FBI building before and until today you never had an excuse to. But since Artie was with her sitter all day and you had the time you decided you’d take a long lunch and come see Hotch. 
You got off the elevator 2 carriers of coffee in tow, figuring it’d be rude to bring Hotch something and not the others. As you walk into the bullpen the first person to take notice of you is Spencer. 
“Hey, Y/N. What’re you doing here?” 
“I thought I’d surprise Hotch with lunch and you guys with coffee.” You smile, handing the coffee carriers to him as he makes grabby hands at them. You take out the two cups you knew were yours and Aaron’s. “Where is his office?” 
Spencer points to the catwalk above you. “Upstairs, his door is the open one.” You mouth your thanks as you head up the stairs and into the opened door of the office, rapping quietly on the door to announce your presence. Hotch looks up annoyed but when he sees it's you his face softens a bit. He gestures to the phone he’s talking into and a chair for you to sit and wait. You close the door behind you and walk in silently placing the cup you brought in with you in front of him silently. He gives you a gracious look while you sit quietly in the chair across from him as he finishes his conversation. 
You’d never seen Hotch at work so you’ve seen him like this. You always knew he had an authoritative energy, but you’ve never seen him like this in his element, in charge. Your eyes slowly pan up the charcoal suit he was wearing, broad chest and shoulders ridged with stress. You watched his stern expression get more annoyed by whoever he was on the phone with as he blew heavy exasperated breaths through his nose. 
He was angry. You could tell. 
But for some reason it was incredibly hot to you. 
“I’m not compromising when it comes to my team, now Goodbye.” He said, angrily slamming the phone into the receiver. He pinches the bridge of his nose, obviously frustrated. You decide to lean forward placing your fingers in the aforementioned hand. He instantly looks up and fully laces your hands together, pulling your hand up so he could kiss the swell of your knuckles. 
“Hey, dove.” Your heart swells a bit at the pet name, still not fully used to the development of your relationship despite being together for months. “What’re you doing here?” 
“The shop was pretty slow and Malia is watching Bean. I figured I’d take a long lunch to come see you. Is it a bad time?” You ask. 
“I’ll always make time for you.” He says. Hotch didn’t have many regrets but one of the major gut-wrenching ones was the fact that he drove Hayley away and made her feel unloved because he couldn’t tear himself away from work. And while you were very understanding, in fact much more understanding and patient than she was, he wasn’t going to do that ever again. 
“You’re angry though.” You say, stating the obvious. 
“I was.” 
“Can I ask why?”         
“It’s just… my boss doesn’t like me very much and because of that she puts the team under unneeded scrutiny.” He sighs, waving his hand. “I don’t want to bore you with that though, how was your day?” 
You shrug. “You know it’s just coffee, so uneventful. And you don’t bore me, if something’s stressing you out, I wanna hear about it.” You look him in the eye, thumb moving over his knuckles. “I wanna help.” 
Hotch sighs again. “It’s just, when Hayley was killed my judgement was clouded for a while. I was angry and I was taking unnecessary risks that were ultimately damaging to the team. I realize that now but not soon enough because Strauss is still on me about everything. And I’m trying to work on my anger about stuff like that but obviously when my abilities as a leader are questioned every 5 minutes, it’s hard.” 
You ran your thumb up and down his knuckles the whole time he ranted. You get up to circle his desk before standing in front of his chair, leaning back against the edge of the desk “Can I give you something?” You ask. 
“If it’s another rock, I’m going to have to get a chest to put them all at some point, having them on my desk is taking up space now.” He laughs. 
“I think we’ve established it’s always going to be a rock, Aaron.” You reach into your pocket. “I actually carry this on me all the time and maybe it’ll help you too. This is raw aquamarine. Because it’s water based it’s used for it’s cooling energy. Sometimes to calm anger, sometimes to provide wisdom in conflict.” Aaron holds out his left palm, knowing the drill by now. “Please be used as a conduit of peace.” You say, before handing the stone to him. 
“Thank you, dove.” He says, placing the crystal next to the others. “You said you carry this one all the time?” 
You sigh. “I used to have a really bad anger problem. Raw aquamarine helped me with it?”
“You...had an anger problem?” He said, extremely confused. “You? I’ve never even seen you angry.” 
“That’s because you haven’t done anything but make me happy, Mr. Hotchner.” You smile, leaning down to kiss him which he instantly reciprocates. “Also, you haven’t seen me drive, I have real bad road rage.” You laugh. 
“Well, thank you for the stone. I don’t think it’ll help my situation but it’s worth a shot.” He says. 
“Well, there is another way to absolve some of your anger.” 
“And what’s that?” He asks. 
“You could take it out on someone.” You say, looking him directly in the eye. You notice his pupils darken extremely. “I don’t mind.” 
“When do you have to go back to the shop?” He asks, standing from the chair so he’s towered over you now, the desk still blocking you from being able to back away from him. 
“I have another 45-50 minutes before Silena calls.” You look back at him innocently. 
“Lock the door and close the blinds, please.” He says, you don’t have to be told twice before you are squirming from under him to do just that. Once you do that you look back at Hotch who is gesturing for you to come closer which you do. 
“Are you sure you want this, dove? I know we haven’t done anything like this yet.” He asks you, you nod fast. “And you’ll tell me the second I do something that makes you uncomfortable?” 
“Yes, Aaron.” You say, practically whining. “Please, I need you.” 
Aaron instantly sweeps you into a deep passionate kiss that’s already leaving you groaning as his tongue sweeps across your bottom lip. He presses impossibly close to you and you feel him erect against your side. His hands travel up your sides and under your shirt slipping a hand into your bra, unhooking it before toying with your nipple. You moan loudly as his lips trail down your jaw sucking bite marks into your neck. 
“Fuck, look at you.” He says, lowly in your ears. “Already so desperate and loud for me when I’ve barely touched you.” You can’t help moan at that too, touching him everywhere your hands can reach. “I’m going to have to shut you up somehow, huh?” He says, you whimper slightly and he grins, devilishly at you. “Get on your knees for me, baby.” He says, and you nod fast before settling on your knees for the man before you. 
For a minute he just looks at you, studying you as if this was going to be the only time he’d see you like this. You watch him with hooded eyes as his hands go to his belt buckle and fly, revealing himself to you. You’re agape for a second trying not to drool he was certainly bigger than you’ve ever had. He tilts your chin up slightly so you can look him in the eye easily. 
“You want to make me feel good, right?” He says, you nod. “Use your words, baby.” 
“Yes, Sir.” You say, breathy. 
“Then do so.” He says, you nod before grabbing his member in your hand. Flattening your tongue to lick up the underside. He groans, grabbing the side of your head, pushing himself further into the warm heat of your mouth. He goes slow at first, testing the waters, trying to make sure you won’t freak out on him but soon enough he hears and more importantly he feels you moan. He grips your hair tighter before more forcefully shoving himself into your mouth. You have no choice but to flatten your tongue and take the assault, squeezing your legs together for some form of friction. 
“Look at you, so desperate to please. You wanna make me cum, dove?” He says, voice straining as he nears his end. You answer his question by sucking him harder, inducing a groan from the man. You start to feel him twitch on your tongue. “Fuck yes, that’s my good girl. Take it all.” He says, releasing himself into the back of your throat. You swallow quickly before leaning back on your knees looking up at him putting himself back in his slacks. 
“Come here.” He says, you stand up instantly and he cups your jaw, kissing you harshly before moving you until you’re seated on the edge of his desk. He reattaches his lips to your neck automatically going for that spot behind your ear you can’t help the groan that leaves you as you feel one of his hands undoing your pants. He doesn’t waste any time undressing you, just brings his hand into pants, cupping your heat. 
“You’re so wet for me already, dove?” He runs a finger up your slit before pressing inside you. A gasp that dissolves into a loud moan rips through your body. He grabs your jaw roughly with his other hand so you’ll meet his lips. His tongue running over the roof of your mouth as he slipped a second finger inside of you, curling slightly to hit that spot inside of you every thrust. You try to keep quiet but the moans and whimpers keep slipping out involuntarily. Aaron’s hand moves from your jaw to your neck, tightening slightly. 
“If you can’t keep quiet, I’m going to stop.” He says, looking deep into your eye as his thumb circles your clit. Your eyes roll back at the sensation. “You want everyone to hear you? Hear how desperate and needy you are for me?” You shake your head as much as you can with his tight grip around your throat. Trying to keep quiet as you felt yourself coming close to the edge. “No, I think you do. If we had the time, I’d bend you over this desk and fuck you like the needy slut you are. You’d want that wouldn’t you, dove? You want me to fill you up?” 
You nod, hips moving fast to meet his hand. “Yes, Sir.” You say, brokenly as you approached the edge. Hotch groans in response, hand tightening around your throat again. 
“Fuck, next time, Angel.” He says, thrusting his fingers faster now. “Now I need you to cum, Princess. Go ahead, let go.” You bite down on your own hand to keep quiet as your orgasm washes through you then, not knowing you were waiting on permission. Hotch rides you through it, only withdrawing when he hears you whine. He instantly pulls his fingers up to the seam of your lips, you open your mouth, inviting him in. He groans as he watches you suck them into your mouth, tongue rolling over them. He kisses you the second he pulls his fingers out. 
“Are you okay?” He whispers. “I hope I wasn’t too rough on you.” 
You shake your head, picking up your bra and shirt to put them back on. “No, I’m fine. You were great.” You say, leaning up to peck his cheek. 
“Good, because I’m not done with you yet.” He says, with a dark look. 
You pout. “I’ve gotta get back to the shop, Gus.” 
“Can I come see you tonight then?” He asks, you nod, smiling. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.” 
You stop in your tracks for a second. “We didn’t think this through, did we?” You say. “Everyone on your team is going to know exactly what we did.” 
“Most likely, but I don’t care.” He smiles, pecking you on the cheek before opening the door holding your hand as you guys walk toward the elevator. 
“I do.” You mumble, he only laughs at you. 
Later, you walk into the shop, hair that was down before now in a tight bun. You didn’t even bother trying to cover up the marks on your neck. It wasn’t like you had anything to cover it with and it was way too hot for scarves. Silena looks up from the book she was reading. Smirking when she sees your disheveled appearance. 
“Have a good lunch?” She says.    
You flush, walking back to put your apron on. “Yea, i-it was fine.” You paused before looking at her. “Your reading was right.” You say, inducing loud cackles from your best friend. 
Since you left, Hotch was having trouble thinking of anything that wasn’t you. After he saw how beautiful you looked losing control under him he knew he needed to see more. See just how much he could break you. He was just about getting ready to leave work when he got the call. 
“SSA Hotchner speaking. Who is this?” He says, he didn’t recognize the number on the screen. 
“Hey Hotch, This is Silena. I work with Y/N at HG.” 
“I know who you are Silena, what’s wrong?” He says, knowing something had to be up for her to be calling him. 
“Umm nothing yet, it’s just… Y/N’s ex is here and is camping in front of the store, I assume to catch her while she’s leaving… he’s not a good dude.” Hotch could make out some crashing behind her and someone he could only assume was Y/n yelling in very angry italian. “I just thought maybe if you came and flashed the badge a bit he’ll leave her alone.” he hears more yelling and crashing. “And you could save your girlfriend from a murder charge. Win-win.” 
“I’m on my way.” He says. 
“Great, come to the back door please.” Silena says hanging up. 
Hotch knocks tentatively when he arrives at the back door, Silena lets him in with a small smile. 
“Thanks for coming, Hotch.” We’re hiding out in the kitchen right now but he’s still banging on the front door. Luckily, we already locked for close so he couldn’t just walk in.” She says leading him to the kitchen where he sees you aggressively beating some dough. He looks back at Silena confused. “She’s pissed, sorry.” 
“This is fucking ridicous!” You yell. “Lo fa sempre, cazzo. quel ratto bastardo! Non posso vivere un giorno in una fottuta pace. Lo ucciderò, cazzo.” (He always fucking does this. that rat bastard. I can't live one day in fucking peace. I'm going to fucking kill him.)  
You turn and see Hotch who is looking back at you concerned. You level your angry gaze to Sil now. “I told you not to fucking call him.” You seeth. “You said you were calling Mike.” 
“Yea, but I figured it’d be better if I called Hotch since he’s an actual Agent and Charlie will probably listen if he said fuck off.” 
“I didn’t want you to call anyone. I wanted to handle it myself.” 
“Yea by killing him. Which I’m obviously not going to let you do. You have a shop and daughter to worry about.”  
“Un motivo in più per ucciderlo, cazzo! Non posso lasciarlo vicino a mia figlia!” (All the more reason to fucking kill him! I can't let him near my daughter) 
“Hotch, can you please handle it so we can just go home?” Silena pleads with him. He gives you another worried look before walking out the front of the store. Where he sees a disgruntled poor shaped man banging on the front door. 
Hotch opens the door slightly so the man could hear him “The shop is closed.” He says. 
“Who the fuck are you?” The man spits. Instead of answering, Hotch just pulls out his badge. 
“Since the shop is closed, you’re trespassing. I suggest you leave.” 
“Look, I don’t know who the fuck you are. But I know that whore is in there and I’m not leaving until she comes out.” 
As if on cue, you come out despite Silena trying very hard to hold you back, brandishing a rolling pin as a makeshift weapon. 
“Get the fuck off my property, Charlie.” 
“Where’s my kid, Y/N?” 
“You don’t have a fucking kid! I have a kid!” 
“I’m her father, I have a right to see her.” 
“Vedrai prima le porte dell'inferno prima che ti permetta di avvicinarti a mia figlia!” (You will sooner see the gates of hell before I let you near my daughter!) 
“You need to leave.” Aaron says, practically bodying the man out of the shop. 
“I hope this shitshow shop is doing well because I’ll just take you to court, Y/N.” He yells while leaving. 
“Oh yea, take me to court, stronzo! Let’s see what they decide. The mother with a successful business who raised her, or an abusive drunk!” You yell after him. “Fuck!” You yell, throwing the rolling pin deep into the shop thankfully not hitting anyone but putting a small dent into one of your paintings. 
“Can you believe that fucking asshole wants to take me to court! Me?! I’m the one who should’ve taken him years ago if i wasn’t so fucking afraid.” You kick a chair over. “You shouldn’t have stopped me, I should’ve killed him.” 
“Y/N, calm down. You don’t know what you're saying.” Aaron says. “It especially isn’t something you should be saying in front of an agent.”  
“Considering you actually fucking killed the man who killed your ex-wife, you have no right to judge me for saying I want to kill my fucking rapist.” You snapped at him. You see the hurt expression come across his face. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, Aaron. That was a really shitty thing for me to say.” 
“No, it’s fine. You’re right, I did do that and I don’t regret doing it.” Aaron grabs your hands, smoothing his finger over your knuckles, an action you had just done for him earlier that day. Which felt like lightyears away now. “I want to help you, Y/N, but I think… I think you need to tell me about it first.” 
You sighed heavily. He was right, you knew everything about Aaron’s past. 
It was only fair he knew everything about yours.
Taglist: @megatrexus @roses-and-grasses​ @tittymuncher69​ @liaabsurd​ @ladyravenclaw​ @genevievedarcygrangerreading​ @softbibxtch​ @xxdisappearwithoutatracexx​ @crimeshowtrash​ @augustgraceful​ @theweirdobella​ @infinity1321​ @stella95827 @neaswift
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jungkookienoona · 4 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 50: Waking Up with Her Meme
Recommended Song: Daybreak by Dreamcatcher
Waking up the morning after her birthday, the tutor can’t believe how her life is changing.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, elusions to sexual activities, this chapter is very short
Word Count: 431
Length: 50/?
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A/N: A very short chapter. I really wanted to get something up because the 5th was TMAHT’s birthday. Strange to think the first chapter was posted 3 years ago... Anyway I know some people might not like that this chapter isn’t longer but I’m behind on multiple deadlines, c-PTSD has been kicking my ass, I don’t feel confident in my writing at the moment,  the government is being an asshole and I have had a lot on my plate with organising events at my univeristy. The government has decided to stop paying me one of my disability benefits and may stop my other one so I’d very much appreciate it if you supported me on Ko-Fi. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
The feeling of hair being brushed away from your face stirred you awake, making you pull the warm body next to you closer.
“Mm, what time is it?” You said, nuzzling your face into Jungkook’s chest.
You felt rather than heard him chuckle, his hand carding through your hair. This situation struck you as so surreal. If a younger you had been told that one day you would be dating Jungkook, waking up beside him after a very eventful birthday evening, you would’ve laughed in disbelief. Hell, if someone had told you that you would enjoy sex you probably would’ve thought them insane. Yet there you were, curled up next to the man you love with a dull ache in your muscles from an active night.
“It's about 1pm. I thought I’d let you lay in.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, “I still can’t believe this is real.”
Jungkook tilted your head up, a cocky smirk on his lips, “I can’t believe we did it two more times and that I made you cum during both.”
Heat filled your cheeks, tomato face coming out in full force as you batted at his chest, “Don’t~ it's embarrassing!” 
“Noona,” Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed, “we’re both adults, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. And you certainly shouldn’t be embarrassed about enjoying yourself. Especially with what you’ve been through in the past.”
“I know. I’m just so used to feeling so ashamed afterwards and I’m not used to being treated so… gently,” You sighed, “I’m still grey-ace though just so you know.”
Jungkook placed a kiss on your forehead, “I know, I know. But I’m going to change that-” The tips of his ears turned red. “Not you being grey-ace! You’re perfect as you are! I just meant the feelings you asocciate with sex. I want to change those, replace the bad ones and make good memories for the both of us.” 
You giggled, pecking him on the lips, “I know what you meant, BunBun. No need to get so flustered. How about we go get cleaned up then have something to eat?”
A smirk tugged at Jungkook’s lips, “Are you on the menu?”
More blood rushed to your cheeks as your lightly slapped him on the chest with a small whine of “Pervert.” Jungkook chuckled as he pulled back the covers, a chuckle that grew louder when he noticed you had instinctively covered your eyes. 
“Noona, there’s no need to look away. You’ve seen me naked plenty of times now.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m used to it!”
“And here I thought you wanted us to shower together…”
@it-is-dana​ @joonsflowers​ @waiting-for-euphoria-to-begin​ @agustdez​ @szycha22​ @calico-optimist @littlecherri​
(please let me know if you want to be added or change your username)
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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peg-legz4 · 4 years
peggy's klance fic rec :)
this is my first fic rec and i know its really sloppy but one of my friends said she wanted it do I an forced to post it after procrastinating finishing it for a month. enjoy!
Best Friends to Lovers
Hearts Don't Break Around Here - klancekorner
AHHHHH okay okay okay this is the first klance fic i ever read and it set the bar soooo high. basically keith and lance have been bestfriends since foreverrr and it jumps between flashbacks and present day where keith is realizing hes just been In love with lance for like the whole time they've known each other and lance calls him snickers and its s l o w b u r n bc they're both oblivious idiots but theyre also pining and aghhghhh AND THE WAY THEY START TO REALIZE THEIR OWN FEEELINGS IS! IM- it's super cute pls read!!!
with love - allinadayswork - 8,888  AHHHGGGGGGGs high school au! this is so cute they're both so smitten basically they're best friends but lance is also keiths secret admirer and ahhhhh!!!!!! so cute pls read i beg of you + valentines day and overprotective shiro!!!!
 Your Smile Makes Me Awkward - Lancelee (ashleeforreal) - 8,791
another best friends to lovers (hehe) lance gets his braces taken off and keith is in a gay panic because lance looks hot and he doesnt know what to do and theres miscommunication but its all good in the end this was so cute
One Heart Missing - starlightment - 24021 HSWOQSJKNQJNIU BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS AU IM A SUCKER FOR THESEEE they’re in college and keith finds out he loves lance nd then they have a fwb thing going on and ppor keith but also poor lance for reasons i can’t disclose anD THE REOCCURRING THEME WITH THE ICE SKATING ITS SO CUTE AND DEHQIJOjqsk please just read it oh my god 
Soulmate AU
between two points - Alltheroads - 20,589 red string of fate au!!!!!!! keith is one of the few people in the world who can actually see the strings though, and lance seems not to have a string, just like keith. its them falling for eachother and keith teaching him how to repair a motorcycle and 50′s themed diners its amazingggg
Tell Me It’s My Name Written In Your Skin - Ivnars - 15,636 soulmate au where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist once you fall in love with them (i think?) and lance thinks his is unrequited and of course he also has a martyr complex and is willing to die for the team and almost does and then omgomg i just its so great pls read
there, nestled against his pulse - hiuthyn SHAOAMALAL ITS A SOULMATE AU I LOVE THESE HJDJSJSJSS AND ITS CANONVERSE (im pretty sure this was a one shot first and then I came back and it was a multi chapter fic and I read and it was like 1000× more amazing ajsjska) this was one of the very first klance fics i read and it’s definitely the first one that made me like gasp and scram cause oh my god,. okay basically the first and last words your soulmate says show up on your wrists and keith hides his wrists because he thinks he k words his soulmate and there’s miscommunication aND KEITH’S BACKSTORY AND IT GIVES LANCE SO MUCH DEPTH??????? and it has a really happy ending and its slowburn and angsty and pining and i’m a sucker for all those things which made this amazing!!!!!!!
College AU
i just wanna be (with you) - aknightley - 8,020 COLLEGE ROOMMATES AU LETS GOOOOOOOO there’s a lot of tension and pining and they give eachother gifts all the time i’m sOFT pls pls pls read
reasons why keith is the worst - MellodramaticLawliet - 5517 lance and keith are roommates and to cope with his hate for keith, he starts a list of why he hates keith and it just turns into a journal abt keith and lance is so oblivious and there’s also fencing tournaments which is cool hadjalkj read ittt
You Should Date Me - petalloso ahhhh lance and Keith are both freshman in college and they have little adventures and it's just super cute and fluffy ajskkasna
The Art of Secret Telling - jilliancares - 4,880 so to form another coalition, voltron has to form another coalition and lance has, 1, never kissed anybody and 2, has a crush on keith hehehe
a culmination of things - viscrael ahhh it's super cute and short and basically jumps around in time and they're just in looovee
instincts - godsensei lance n keith are getting their groove on when red mistakes Keith's pleasure for distress and comes crashing through the wall ajsksksmsna
i can’t help but want - aknightley  lance and Keith's lions get stranded on different islands but their comms get through so they're just talking and bonding and falling in love while they get their lions fixed akssjal so cute pls read!!!!
Terminal Velocity - speaks tHE ANGSTTTTT. i'm like, a whore for angst. but basically. voltron gets captured by these alien empaths and this guy feeds off of other people's pain(???) and so he tortures lance and makes keith watch and oh my. this is so good I felt so many emotions pls read.
Keith McClain - orphan_account 🥺🥺 keith sees visions of him and lance in the future on the space whale and its v soft
In English, Please  - orphan_account this is a fic I'll always remember omg so lance flirts with Keith in spanish but pretends they're insults and he thinks Keith wont find out (he does)
 moderation - Katranga - 21, 613 HSJHKJAJOIHQQ keith gets bitten by a love bug and sees lance first and then allura gets bitten and sees hunk so he just tries to act how allura acts so it doesnt give away his actual crush on lance hsjksskjs
Public Displays of Affection by hattricks lance n Keith are undercover on a mission and they see guards and they hide by making out ajkaka
the waiting game - they frick frack a lot but basically Keith and lance make eachother wait through a week without sex and only teasing sksjakak
To Bite, Or Not To Bite - jilliancares - 11,433 lance gets bitten by a vampire!!!! and he turns into one!!!! need i say more? and the way it like happens AND THEN THE WAY HIM AND KEITH DECIDE TO OMG IM THIS IS GRESR
feelings on fire i guess i'm a bad liar - melancholymango - 22679 a witch curses lance and now he can’t lie to Keith or anything having to do with Keith and its really funny i cackled sjhkah
The Loverboy Trials - PM_Writes - 20,838 THSIEIHWHIJIHJI I LOVED THIS ONE AHHHHHHH.basicaly the aliens think keith is their god of fertility and stuff so they’re like oh we need to do a ritual thing where people fight for his virginity and voltron is like oh fuck no so then lance has to compete to save keith i can’t get over it it’s- i’m softttt
Sorry, Who Are You? - sjskakaja lance and keith were childhood best friends but keith is bad with faces so when they meet at the garrison lance is really salty and keiths backstoey and the way he find out i'm- its great trust me pls
it might not be that bad - Katranga - 16,416 omg i adore this fic okay so. basically. keith doesnt know the difference between jealously and attraction because of him clinging to the closet in middle school and now hes trying to find out why his and Lance's definitions of jealousy differ and Keith's bad at feelings please readd
Everything Else
read all about it - starlightment AHAKAKAL HIGH SCHOOL AU!!!! i just read this one and it’s great!!!1 Lance is on the newspaper and writes and articles professing his love for Keith, the star quarterback that everyones in love with. it's such a good read and oh my goshh this made me throw my phone and squeal out of freaking excitement i love it so much 🥺 idk how but this made me feel as if i was living out senior year through this fic??? it was just that amazing
it's you that's haunting me - perfchan 
suuuper cute youtuber au where Keith hunts gosts and enlists lance as his cameraman. (includes a haunted mansion ballroom dance scene) and its just great oml oml i love it so so much!!! there’s also like 4 sequels so that makes it even better!!!1
Dirty Laundry - 
this is a staple and if you havent read it you're either new to the fandom or living under a rock but its a fake dating au where keith spends winter break with Lance's family and they bondddd and its great!!!! 
alright i just realized the author took it down so uhhhh
adaigo by shipstiel
lance moves in next to keith and Keith likes to play piano at the ungodly hours of the might where lance is just trying to sleep. this ones so cute!!!!!!
eyes to you wide with wonder - aknightley
an office au where Keith is shiro's secretary and lance always comes up to his desk to annoy him and they mask their affection under playful banter and lance also ends up being Keith's knight in shining armor ajskssnns it's so great!!!!
okay i know that you are not my type (still i fall) - quidhitch
ajoasbak nyma cuffs lance to a bed during a party and then leaves but then the bed turns out to be none other than....Keith's bed!! so they like talk while Lance is only in boxers and cuffed to Keith's bed
you never stood a chance - kagshina
it's a snapchat fic!!!!!!! lance accidentally snaps keith a shirtless pic and then Keith snaps back and it's just 😳😳 the whole time it's great omg
Cold Hearts Looking for Love - swang_is_trying typical enemies to lovers where lance is the son of a rich businessman and visits the orphanage that Keith hangs around to visit Pidge??? but its fricking jam packed with them thirsting over each other sshsksksm (i must warn you, its incomplete)
Of Don Juan And Elvis - shipstiel 
Keith is a starbucks barista and lance always comes in and orders with really weird names ehehe
And Now Presenting: Rielle and the Forbidden Meringue
tsbkakaK this ones so cute keith is a galra guard and hes guarding a garden (ooh alliteration) and climbs a tree and then falls into lance's arms (who's an altean guard) and its really cute sjkssahajaj
how to not keep a diary, or, lance’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad semester - glitterfreezing sjskasla they're sophmores in college and roommates pidge forces lance to keep a diary and he just ends up ranting about keith but he’ oblivious to his won feelings heheh
Lance and the Search For Keith's Boyfriend - haikquu - 9497
lance is jealous bc everyone keeps talking abt keith’s boyfriends but he doesnt know who he is (it’s him)
bus buddies - WhatTheBodyGraspsNot - 8033
lance notices Keith doesnt have a bus buddy on a 3-day-trip to save the bees so he goes and sits with him and it's so cuteeeee
got got got it bad -  kairiolette - 10,377 so keith is bad at feelings so he asks what its like to have a crush on someone and then basically tells lance that he has a crush on him and lance just casually brings it up
Only Fools Rush In (but I Can't Help Falling in Love with You) - Fangirl_on_fire_ - 13,524
The Bitter And The Sweetness - The_Real_Karaage - 66337
its a klance youtuber au!!!!!! I love these!!!!! okay so keith makes like conspiracy theory videos and knife throwing ones and lance does like vlogs or storytimes with pidge and they also do dance and then they meet irl but lance doesn't know keith is the YouTube guy cause he hides his identity and omgomggg also Keith is from Texas so he acts like a stereotypical emo cowboy and as a Texan I find it extremely funny
nobody puts baby in a corner - orphan_account - 3,950
 its like the 23rd century and aliens are on earth and keith is a royal galra and lance goes clubbing and and they meet and dance and wOOHOO 
okay thats all for now but i'm probably gonna make a part 2 cause i have a whole bunch saved to my notes app lmao have fun reading y'all
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hockeybabestars · 5 years
New Year, Same Us - Auston Matthews - Six
a/n: yall our girls spill the tea in this chapter. also i did not just make up the wags account, i’ve actually seen some different ones like this on instagram but i don’t know the @ so just a heads up lol, enjoy.
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July 28, 2018
“Uh (Y/N)” Steph said from the living room. “You might wanna see this!” 
“Hold on give me a sec!” I grabbed my mitts and pulled the rolls out of the oven, placing them next to the chicken on the stove, and ran into the living room plopping down next to Steph. 
It was a girls night, which meant that Paige, Steph and I were making dinner and watching movies while the guys played video games at Mitch’s with some of their other teammates. It was nice catching up. I had been setting up for a fall internship in my department at school and was getting all the details ironed out before I went back. I hadn’t seen the girls in a hot minute.
“I usually don’t look at stuff like this, but it popped up on my explore feed.” Steph was sandwiched between Paige and I, as we looked down at her phone.
It was an Instagram post with pictures of Auston and I either from each other’s instagram page or pictures it looks like people have sent in from spotting us in public. One of which we are holding hands. “Gimme that.” I make grabby hands at her phone and she hands it to me. I scroll through the multiple photos of us again, and then look at the actual account. An NHL Wags account which has more than 10k followers. Holy shit. 
I click on the Leafs highlight. It’s a bunch of listings of players and girlfriends/wives with the date of the most recent update. The first one has TAKEN next to Mitch and nothing next to Auston’s. But then the one from last year has TAKEN next to Auston’s. And the most recent one, which was updated a couple weeks ago, still says TAKEN.
I went back to the post of us and read the caption. “Auston Matthews of the Toronto Maple Leafs and (Y/F/N)! These two are adorable! All photo credits go to submissions and their instagrams.”
Under it were probably 50 plus comments. 
“So cute!”
“They’ve been together since day one, just look at their accounts they go wayyyy back and the captions just get flirtier. We love an otp”
“Why tf would he go for her?”
“He could do better.”
And at that I shut it down. I knew people said horrible shit about me for being his friend but I chose not to directly look at it and I wasn’t about to start feeding the beast.
“That’s uh, interesting.” I said handing Steph her phone back. “And weird.”
“Wait why?” Paige asked looking confused. “Obviously not the fact that they have the info but like aren’t you guys together?”
“I forget you’re new.” I laughed, “I swore I told you-“
“I just assumed-“
“It’s not a big deal, literally everyone thinks we’re together at first.”
“So you’re not?” She raised a perfectly sculpted brow as I shook my head, “damn. I swore you guys were. Kappy never told me otherwise so I just thought- wow.”
“If it helps she wants them to be.” Steph shrugged and I glared at her. “What? Better to be honest and upfront. I don’t know why you two haven’t just come to terms with it all and told each other how you’re feeling.”
The timer dinged on the oven for the Mac and Cheese and we all made our way back into the kitchen. “Yeah that would be great and all but Aus doesn’t feel that way about me. And even if he did you see the girls he goes for. Polar opposite of me.” I pulled the Mac out of the oven as Paige started putting the salad together.
“Babe,” she started, “that boy is in love with you. I think he just hasn’t realized it yet.”
“Yeah,” Steph chimes in, “I don’t know if you realize but like, he never even mentions said girls to the guys when they ask.”
“Yeah but that’s just cause I’m around the majority of the time.”
“No- not even when you’re not there. Mitch asked him if he went home with a girl when we went out the other week? Ya know when you were busy sorting out that internship?” I nodded. “We went home early that night but Auston and Willy stayed out.  You know what he said? He didn’t go home with anybody. And you know who he started talking about instead? You.”
My cheeks flushed, “All he went on about is how proud of you he was and how he wanted your internship to go well for you.” 
My stomach was in knots, “you’re telling me that Auston didn’t go home with anyone that night? That’s so unlike him.”
I had thought about it before. Around the time that we first got to Toronto. That maybe he had the same feelings I did, but then it was a new girl every game and I figured that I better get over it quickly before my heart broke. I didn’t. 
I guess I wanted to believe that if he really did like me then he would just come out and say it, or at least he wouldn’t sleep around. And he never did say anything. But he’s hot. And a professional hockey player. And a damn good one at that. He was sleeping around in high school. And it’s nothing to shame him for, it just sucked when I was harboring those feelings and I didn’t want our friendship to change if he didn’t like me back. I wasn’t ready to leave and give him up if that were the case.
“Sis he hasn’t been going home with anyone for like the past 3 months.” 
“There’s no way he hasn’t had sex in that long. That’s just not realistic.”
“That’s what Mitch told me.”
“You live with him.” Paige said, fixing herself a plate, “wouldn’t you know?”
“We never bring hookups to our apartment. I’m always asleep when he gets home on those nights. I don’t wanna know how long he’s been gone. And even if I was awake I keep my door shut at night anyway.”
“Have you like, got any recently?” Steph asked wiggling her eyebrows and putting an unhealthy portion of Mac and Cheese on her plate. 
“Uhh I hooked up with that hot bartender, but Aus doesn’t need to know about that. And also a guy that I had some classes with from last semester, I think about a month ago? But that’s about it. I went out on a limb with those, I’m not one to just hook up ya know? I would rather be in a relationship.” They nodded and I went on, “It was good with the guy from school but as soon as he found out Auston and I were friends it got weird. It was the one time I brought someone over because Auston was out of town. So after we hooked up, this dude was going through our kitchen cabinets at like 1 in the morning with just boxers on while I was asleep and Auston walked in. That’s how he found out I lived with him. That’s how he fucking met Auston.” 
They were damn near cackling at this point and I just started making myself some food.
“What did Auston say to you when it happened and then like after?” Paige poured us some wine.
“He had just come home from a road trip and was so confused. He asked the guy to leave, but I guess he was awestruck that Auston Matthews was in my apartment and I kid you not, asked for a damn autograph.”
They were dying. “Glad I can amuse you ladies at my expense.” I laughed a little too. 
“The whole thing was such a shitshow. Auston obviously said no and kicked him out. Then he knocked on my door. And like there I am with just a t-shirt and panties on. I was so fucking embarrassed. He wanted to talk then and we worked it out. But he was acting kind of weird about it. Honestly he seemed a little butthurt.”
“Of course he did. He was pissed off some kid at your college could get with you when he’s known you all of a semester and Aus can’t seem to catch a break after 20 years.” Steph stated.
I laughed, but Paige added, “Damn right!” She raised her glass and Steph and I did the same. 
“To good friends.” I started, “I needed this, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you guys. So here’s to us!”
“To us!” They said at the same time, glasses clinking.
 And it felt good.
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whorderofthepheonix · 5 years
Three’s Company: Chapter 3 || Erik Killmonger x Adonis Creed x Black!OC
A/N: Sorry this is so late!!!! I’m currently on vacation but here it is! I made it super long and filled you smut for you guys!!!! ENJOY!
Words: 5.1k (Long AF but you’ll love every word!)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (A LOTTTTTT)
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Georgia’s POV
I woke up the next morning, wrapped in Erik’s arms. He slept so peacefully, his lips parted slightly and his chest rising and falling softly. I leaned in and kissed his lips. He stayed asleep so I kissed him again, deeply. I straddled him, not breaking our kiss and grinded on his naked body. A minute later, he was awake kissing me back and fully hard. He pushed himself into me and I moaned loudly. I rode him hard, feeling my orgasm nearing.
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum!” I moaned.
Then my fucking phone started to ring.
“Mother fucker!” I shouted.
“Let it go to voicemail,” Erik whined. I reached over and looked at the caller ID.
“It’s my friend Madison. She never showed up last night. I should take this.”
“Well, I’m not stopping. You not bouta give me blue balls,” he laughed. “I’m gettin’ my nut.” I swiped answer and held the phone to my ear.
“Okay, first I’m sorry that I was so late to the bar but ya ass wasn’t even there when I arrived!” She whined.
“So you got to the bar?” I asked as Erik sat up with me still straddling his lap.
“Bitch, not only did I get there, I met this fine ass chocolate nigga who took me back to his hotel suite!” She moaned into the receiver. “This nigga blew my fucking back out! Holy shit! I snuck out of the hotel early this morning before he could wake up!” Erik reached down and rubbed my clit making me cry out. “Um… You good?”
“Yeah, I’m just– Fuck! Right there!”
“Imma call you back!” I hissed throwing my phone on the floor. I pulled Erik’s dreads and rode him harder. “Fuck, Erik! Daddy, Yes!” I came hard and he followed seconds after me. His wet lips traced my neck and he looked me in the eyes.
“Good morning to you too,” he grinned.
We had a lazy Sunday. We ordered take out, closed all the blinds, and watched movies all day… Not to mention all the incredible sex we had. I was so fucking pissed that I had to get up for work on Monday. Erik and I walked out of my brownstone, Monday at 8 am. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.
“I don’t wanna go to work,” I frowned.
“Nah, none of that. You gotta go secure that bag, Princess,” he advised me.
“When can I see you again? You said you weren’t in town for long,” I reminded him.
“That’s true… I did say that. But who knows?”
“What changed?” A smile crept on my face.
“Maybe someone gave me a reason to stay,” he shrugged. I tiptoed and kissed him deeply.
“I’ll call you tonight?”
“You better.” He gave my ass a slap before hopping in his Uber. I got in my car and drove to work feeling like I was on clouds. I clocked in and sat at my desk, still grinning like an idiot when Madison rushed over, with a mischievous smile.
“Who’s Erik?” She winked. My eyes widened.
“What?” I asked.
“You never hung up the phone yesterday, and I heard y’all fucking!” She cackled. “Who is he?!”
“I’ve told you about Erik… You know? My childhood boyfriend? We were in foster care together, we lost our virginities to each other-”
“BITCH, YOU MEAN 50 SECOND ERIK?!” She laughed. I groaned, covering my face.
“I can assure you, he lasts a lot longer than 50 seconds now,” I winked. We both laughed as someone cleared their throat behind Madison. She moved out of the way and there stood Adonis, holding a stack of papers. I had completely forgotten about Donnie and our… Exploits. Our falling out hadn’t even crossed my mind after I reconnected with Erik.
“Can you make 5 copies of this for me, please?” He asked handing me the paper.
“That’s my cue to leave,” Madison excused herself. “We’ll talk later.” She walked away and I took the papers from Donnie and went over to the machine. He came around the desk to the copier.
“I’ve been texting and calling since yesterday morning,” he said in a hushed voice.
“Sorry. I was… busy,” I smirked, reminiscing about my weekend with Erik.
“Gigi, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you,” he pleaded. “I had a great time Friday-”
“Are you sure you should be talking to me here? Wouldn’t wanna risk you not getting that promotion.”
“Actually, I got the promotion…”
“Well, whoop-de-fucking-do!” I rolled my eyes. “Excuse the fact that I’m not jumping for joy-”
“But not before I told HR about us.” He added. I stopped making copies and looked at him.
“You… You what? You told HR about us?!” I hissed. “Without telling me?!”
“If I’m not mistaken, you got mad that I didn’t say anything, and now that I have, you’re still upset? That’s why I kept trying to call you. If you’d listen to any of the voicemails I left, you would’ve known.”
I took a deep breath.
“Look, Donnie,” I sighed. “I really wish you hadn’t because-” He pressed his lips to mine and I felt a warmness go through my legs, turning them to jelly. “I… Um. I-I-I don’t know if I feel the same way…”
“Well, maybe I can help you remember,” he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I felt my panties dampen.
“I… um, maybe,” I stammered.
“I got my own office now. It’s across from the break room. So if you change ya mind, you can come by on your break… And I’ll show you exactly what this mouth can do,” he bit my earlobe lightly before getting his papers from the copier and retreating from my desk. I was actually sweating. Fuck fuck fuck! What do I do? My heart and vagina started arguing.
Vagina: Adonis went and told HR about you, plus you’ve liked him since FOREVER!
Heart: But Erik’s your one true love, Georgia!
Vagina: Erik isn’t here, now is he?
Heart: Fuck you slut. You’re gonna be the reason that I break again!
Vagina: Um, who tf was thinking about love? I’m tryna get ate so… Let’s go ride his face, G.
Brain: No! Jesus, Georgia! Stop thinking with your cooch and your heart and start thinking with your head! You shouldn’t have any more sexual contact with either of these guys until you figure out what to do! Do I make myself clear?!
Georgia: Okay, fine. Whatever.
*3 Hours later*
“Fuck, Donnie, I’m cumming!” I cried out. I was laid out flat on Adonis’ desk while he knelt on the floor, tongue deep in my pussy. “Yes! FUCK!” I came and he lapped up every drop. He stood up from the floor, unzipped his pants and thrusted into me.
“Shit, baby!” He hissed. “Less than 2 days and you had me craving ya fucking pussy!” He kept me flat on the desk but brought my legs up so that my calves rested on his shoulders as he pounded into me. My legs were already numb from my weekend with Erik and this was making whatever feeling I currently had faded away. “I’m cummin’!”
“Me too,” I managed to gasp. He grabbed me by my throat and pulled me up to meet his lips. Once I came, he grunted and pulled out of me, jerking his dick hard. He let out a groan as he came on my thigh. I grabbed some memos off his desk and wiped off the cum that started to run down my leg. He pulled me close to him, kissing my nose.
“So, I’m forgiven?” He grinned.
“You’re on thin ice,” I corrected him, pulling my skirt back down.
“Oh, word? Thin ice?” He laughed. “What I gotta do to get back on your good side? Fuck you back here?” He asked grabbing my ass. My mind started drifting to the thought of him pounding my ass. He noticed the look on my face and raised his eyebrows. “Seriously?” I nodded slowly biting my lip. “Aight. You ain’t gotta tell me twice.” And I hiked my skirt back up and laid over his desk.
I ran over to Madison’s desk after Donnie and I were done… Again.
“I need to talk to you!” I pleaded. She put her hand over her mouth piece.
“I’m with a client, Georgia,” she informed me.
“I just had sex with Donnie in his new office! TWICE!” I hissed. Her eyes popped out her head.
“Mrs. Hernandez, I’m going to have to transfer you call to my associate Adam,” she spoke in her ‘Becky’ voice. She pressed a button. “ADAM! YOU HAVE A CALL!” She shouted to him before pulling me around her desk, and sitting me across from her. “First of all, WHAT?!” I nodded my head in shame, covering my face. “Bitch, what about Erik?”
“That’s why I’m freaking out!” I groaned. “I’ve liked Donnie for years! He’s kind, I met his mother, and he put his ass on the line by telling HR about us. On the other hand, I’ve been in love with Erik since I was 14! I thought that spark went out years ago, but it was like we were never apart, Madison! Teenage Georgia came out and fell in love with him all over again! I don’t know what to do! This is terrible!”
“Um… Bitch. This is like… The OPPOSITE of a problem!” Madison raised an eyebrow. “You have two FOINE ass niggas in ya back pocket and you’re stressing for what?? Who says you have to choose between them?” I looked up at her.
“What? You’re not serious! Tell me you’re not serious!”
“I’m as serious as a heart attack! It’s the 21st century, Gigi! Why do you need to pick one?” Was she seriously making me consider dating them both?… Yes she was.
“Will you sleepover tonight? We can call in sick tomorrow like we used to do!” I squealed.
“Why wait until tomorrow? Cough cough, bitch. I’m sick, now.”
We got off of work and headed straight to my house. We bought a bunch of junk food to stock up my refrigerator then turned on a scary movie and started pigging out when my phone rang.
“Hello?” I answered without looking.
“So, I was sitting here, minding my own business and I started thinkin’ about ya pussy,” Erik said into the receiver. “And now I’m hard. So, Imma need you to slide through and come take care of this.”
“Hmm, is that all I am to you, Erik?” I smirked. “A sex toy?”
“More like sex bunny,” he laughed. “But nah Georgie, you know I got love for you, Princess. Listen, my cousins are havin’ a small get together and I want you here. I wanna show you off.”
“My friend, Madison is actually over so-”
“Bitch, don’t let me get in the way of you getting ya back blown out!” Madison hissed from next to me.
“Yeah, listen to her!” Erik chimed in. “But seriously, bring her. We got food and drinks. She’ll have a fun time.”
“Did he just say there’ll be drinks?” She whispered to me. I nodded. “The fuck we still doin’ here sober, Gigi?! Let’s be out!”
We got dressed and took an Uber to Erik’s hotel. I walked to the front desk.
“Excuse me,” I said to the concierge. “I’m looking for Erik Stevens’ suite. I believe he’s in the penthouse.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t give out guests’ information,” she said, not looking up from the computer.
“Well, he’s in the penthouse so if we can just go up-”
“I’m sorry, our penthouse is checked in by very important guests,” she taunted, finally looking up at me. “I doubt your friend is checked in at this hotel.”
“Listen, Becky,” Madison hissed stepping forward. “Unless you want my foot up ya ass, I suggest you stop with the indirects and start making sense.”
“Really? You’re gonna call me Becky?” The concierge snapped. “You people always want to play the race card! But if I called you Precious, it would be all over the news!”
“The fuck you just say?” Madison yelled.
I texted Erik immediately and let him know that we were downstairs and how disrespectful this bitch was. The elevator opened 2 minutes later and Erik got off, lookin like a whole ass meal. Concierge Cathy bit her lip and unbuttoned her top button. She stood up and flipped her hair. I stood up and kissed him deeply, making sure to keep eye contact with the concierge.
“You good, baby?” He asked holding my waist.
“I’m great,” I smiled.
“Mr. Stevens!” The Concierge interrupted. “I hope everything is well-”
“Uh, Yeah, Fine. Why aren’t you letting my guests upstairs?” He snapped. Her face dropped.
“I-I-I apologize sir!” She stuttered. “I didn’t know they were your guests.”
“Bullshit! We told you twice!” Madison scoffed.
“I’ll let it slide this time, but if you ever disrespect any of my guests again, I’ll have ya fuckin’ job. We clear?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry sir.”
“Wait,” Madison raised her eyebrows. “We just gonna ignored the fact that this bitch called me ‘Precious?’”
“She called you what?!” Erik screeched. He turned to the concierge who looked pale and sickly. “Nah. It’s clipped for you. Turn in ya uniform.”
“Mr. Stevens, please! I’m sorry-”
“You have 15 minutes to get off my cousin’s property,” Erik warned her. “Or imma throw ya ass out myself. Pack ya shit, bitch. Ya done!” She scrambled to the back in tears as I turned to Erik in shock.
“That was so sexy,” I whispered, kissing him hard.
“I just don’t tolerate disrespect,” he reassured me.
“Um, pause, rewind, play. Your cousin owns this hotel?” Madison asked.
“He and my friend do. You must be Madison. I’m Erik,” he extended his hand.
“Trust me, I know. I recognized your voice immediately from when I called Gigi on the phone while you were rearranging her guts,” Madison grinned. I slapped my palm to my forehead as Erik laughed.
“Let’s head upstairs. T’s waiting for me to come back.” Erik ushered us into the elevator. He swiped his key and hit the 30th floor button, taking us all the way to the top. Once the doors opened, Madison and I dropped our jaws.
“‘Small get together’ my ass,” I hissed to Erik as we got off the elevator. There were about 100 people in the penthouse, waiters with white gloves handed out drinks, there was a sushi/seafood bar in one corner, a hot food buffet in the other. “Erik… What is this?”
“My cousins are hosting a few diplomats for this charity event. I wanted you to be my date,” he explained.
“Are those crab legs over there?” Madison gasped. “Girl, you know where I’ll be if you need me.” And she ran over to the seafood bar. Erik snaked his arm around my waist and led me into the party. Terrence and Sam were talking to– I choked on my champagne and pulled Erik back.
“That’s Tony fucking Stark!” I gasped.
“Yeah, I kinda wanna punch that dude in the face,” Erik rolled his eyes. “He’s an asshole.”
“He’s a rich asshole!”I corrected. He leaned into my ear.
“T’s richer,” Erik informed me. We stood next to them and Erik cleared his throat.
“Mr. Stark, you remember my cousin, Erik,” Terrence said.
“Yes, of course. And who is your beautiful guest?” Tony asked.
“This is my girl, Georgia,” Erik introduced me. My body tingled at those words…. That we, of course, needed to discuss. Tony kissed my hand making Erik frown.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark,” I tried not to squeal.
“The pleasure is all mine, Georgia,” he winked. “You are gorgeous, I must say…” I blushed as Erik scowled. “If you ever find yourself in New York, please, give me a call.” Erik was now livid and opened his mouth to say something but Terrence stopped him.
“Erik!” He interjected. “Walk away.”
“Hamb ‘umshiye!” He hissed. Erik clenched his teeth, put his hand in the small of my back and walked us away.
“I should’ve punched that nigga in his mouth,” he growled. “The fuck he think he is?! He ain’t shit without that fuckin’ suit. I’ll beat a nigga’s ass!” I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“You called me your girl,” I grinned. “When did this happen?” He bent down to earshot.
“The moment you let me nut in ya pussy,” he whispered. “Now if I’m not mistaken, I invited you over so you could help me deal with an issue…” He pulled me closer to him, pressing his erection against my crotch. I moaned softly as he moved his hands to my ass and we moved to the music playing. “Lemme take you upstairs and pump you full of-”
“GEORGIA!” Madison’s loud ass screeched from behind us. Erik groaned and let go of me. Madison ran over to us and grabbed my arm. “He’s here! Holy fuck, he’s here!”
“Who? Who’s here?” I asked annoyed.
“The nigga from the club!” She gasped. “You know, the nigga who brought me back to his hotel, blew my spine out, and I left before he woke up? HIM! He’s here!” She pointed to the bar to where-
“Martin?!” Erik laughed. “Wait-! Shit! You’re the girl he was tellin us about?”
“Bitch, what do I do? I need to get up out of here! We need to go!” She whined.
“Go? Bitch, we just got here!” I protested. “I ain’t tell you to leave him, hoe! If you wanna go then go.”
“Bitch, fuck you-”
“Madison,” Martin’s voice said from behind us. We turned and looked. “And Georgia. What a nice surprise. It’s good to see you again.”
“You too,” I said politely. He looked at Madison.
“I think when I last saw you, you were sneaking out of my room, shoes in one hand, pants in the other,” he smirked.
“Look… I’m sorry about that,” she sighed. “It’s just… A long story.”
“Well… If you want, I have time,” he smiled and offered up his arm. She gave him a smile then they went off.
“Aww, they cute,” I grinned. “I ship them.”
“You what?” Erik asked.
“Um. Nothing. Now… You was sayin’ somethin’ bout pumpin’ me full of something…” I purred. He gripped my ass hard and bent down to kiss me on the lips. However, our moment was cut short by-
“Erik?” Sam walked up.
“On God, if one more person interrupts us-” Erik rolled his eyes.
“Sorry but I thought you might like to know that brother invited your ex,” she explained.
“He did what?!” Erik hissed.
“Yeah… He forgot that things ended badly between you two. I only say this because-”
We both looked up to see a gorgeous woman and her date standing in front of us.
“O-M-G! I knew that was you!” She tiptoed and hugged him… For too long, might I add.
“Candace! Devin!” Erik raised his eyebrows. “Wow.. It’s been… A minute.”
“It has! I miss you so much!” She squealed. “We have to catch up soon, yeah? Let’s get brunch next Saturday! You look good…” I felt myself getting angry.
“Ahem,” I cleared my throat in an over dramatic way.
“Oh, shit. My bad. This is my girl, Georgia,” Erik introduced. The smile on Candace’s face faded a bit but she turned to me.
“Hi! I’m Candace!” She said. “Me and Erik go wayyyy back!”
“We go farther,” I smirked. Erik cleared his throat and looked at Devin.
“So, what’s been goin on wit you man?” Erik asked. Devin rolled his eyes and looked at Candace.
“Look, we just stopped by for a minute. We got other places to be, so…”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s cool. It was great seeing you guys-”
“Uh-huh,” Devin said, taking Candace’s arm and walking out the door. Erik groaned and led my up the spiral staircase to one of the rooms within the penthouse. He closed the door and locked it. I sat on the bed.
“Well… That was awkward,” he half laughed.
“Running into an ex is always awkward,” I stated. “She seemed happy to see you, though. Sayin you looked good, tryna make plans, flirting with you as if I wasn’t standing right there!”
“Who? Candy? Nah, she just-”
“Oh word? She’s Candy, now? Bet,” I folded my arms.
“Georgie, you got it all wrong… Candace isn’t my ex,” he sighed sitting down next to me. “Devin is.” My eyebrows could’ve gotten lost in my hairline by how high they jumped up.
“D-Devin… Is your ex?” I asked. “…So you’re-”
“Bisexual? Yeah, I am,” he nodded. “That’s not a problem, right?”
“Why would that be a problem?”
“Girls are weird about it after they find out,” he shrugged. “Thinkin’ I’m gay n shit. Like, damn! Y’all ain’t think I was gay when I was rearrangin’ ya guts! That’s why I stopped tellin’ people. Me and Devin broke up because he got insecure every time I talked to a girl just because his last nigga left him for some bitch. And he looked okay tonight until I introduced you as my girl… He also had an issue with me being bit…” He took a deep breath then looked over at me. “You sure you’re good? It don’t bother you or nothin’?”
“It doesn’t bother me,” I shook my head. “…I actually think it’s kinda hot…” Erik raised an eyebrow. “Like… Really hot…” I slid my jacket off and straddled him.
“Yeah?” He panted, moving his hand to my waist.
“Yeah,” I bit his lower lip. “I don’t know why but thinkin’ about you with another man… Fuck… It makes me wet…” I led his hand up my dress to my panties. He pulled them aside and slid his finger along my slit, collecting my wetness on his finger.
“Shit…” He hissed.
“So I need you to hurry the fuck up and undress me because a bitch needs to be dicked down, now!”
“You ain’t gotta tell me twice!” He insisted, finding the zipper of my dress and yanking it down. I whispered in Erik’s ear that I wanted to be dirty whore fucked so I got fully naked and just unzipped the front of his pants. He turned me over, face down ass up on the bed, and immediately slammed into me. “Shit baby… This what you need?” I moaned in response and he pulled me up by my hair and grabbed my throat, hard. “Bitch, I asked you a fuckin’ question! This what you need?”
“Yes,” I moaned and he squeezed harder.
“Yes who?”
“Yes, daddy!” I croaked.
“That’s what I fuckin’ thought!” He threw me back onto the bed and pounded me relentlessly. Tears were forming in my eyes from the immense pleasure he was giving me. I was cumming within seconds. As my legs shook uncontrollably from the violent orgasm ripping through me, I repeatedly slapped the sheets on the bed trying to let Erik know I needed a break.
“Erik- Daddy, fuck… I can’t! I can’t!” I shook my head, slapping the sheets faster. He slowed down.
“What? You tappin out already? Nah, what happened to allat mouth a few minutes ago?” He laughed. “Uh-uh, Princess, you gettin this dick. You betta take that shit!” And he started back with the hard, deep strokes. “Yeah, take that dick! You takin that dick so well!” Erik was so deep, I could feel him hitting my cervix! At this stage, I was drooling all over myself and clawing at the sheets.
“Daddy! Daddy I’m cumming again!” I cried as I came again, mere seconds from my first one.
“You wanted to be fucked like a dirty whore, right?” Then he bent down to my ear level and didn’t stop thrusting as he whispered, “I’ll show you exactly how I treat dirty fucking whores.” He pulled out of me and flipped me onto my back. He gripped my neck with both hands and brought me down hard on his dick. “Open that fucking mouth!” He squeezed my cheeks together so that my mouth was ajar and spit in it. “Fucking swallow it.” I swallowed and stuck out my tongue to prove it was gone. Erik presses his forehead to mine and panted into my mouth. “I’m gonna cum… Fuck!” He grabbed me roughly by the throat and squeezed as he came inside of me. I loved the feeling of him filling me up. He kissed me all over my face before rolling off of me. He pulled me closer to him and nuzzled my ear. “I needa be honest with you, Georgia…” I looked up at him.
“What is it?” I asked. He caressed my face and stared into my eyes.
“My feelings for you haven’t changed,” he admitted. “As soon as I saw you in that bar on Saturday, I knew… I still love you.” My heart fluttered.
“I still love you too,” I whispered before kissing him. Our kissing got deeper until Erik pulled me on top of him.
“Shit, you got me hard again,” he moaned. “But we should probably get outta here. This is actually T’s room.”
Adonis’ POV
I grabbed the donuts from the back of my car and walked up the stairs to Georgia’s brownstone. I rang the doorbell and waited… And waited… And waited… I put the donuts down and pulled out my phone, dialing her number.
“Hello?” She answered sleepily.
“Hey, babygirl,” I smiled. “I got us some breakfast and I’ve been downstairs ringing ya bell for almost 10 minutes. Sleepin soundly without me?” Then she gasped.
“Actually I’m not home,” she explained. “Me and Madison went out last night and we ended up at her place instead.”
“Oh, I said disappointed. “Aight no problem. Can I see you later?” Before she could answer, I heard the muffled of another person’s voice… was she with another nigga?
“Um, can I let you know? I was planning on going up to Anaheim to see my aunt. It’s been a while since I talked to her…”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“Great. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Aight. I miss y-” And the phone cut out…Great.
After leaving Georgia’s apartment and giving the box of donuts to some homeless people, I headed to the gym in the middle of Hollywood.
“Ayyy, wassup, D?” One of the locals greeted me as I walked in.
“What’s good?” I dabbed him up before walking to my usual area. I began my warmups when I noticed from the corner of my eye a guy I’ve never seen in the gym before, lifting weights in the corner. What made him stand out was the unusual scarring across his torso and back, ending at his wrists. His AirPods were in and he was in his own world, so I shook the thought out of my head and began my sets.
Drinking after working out is usually a bad idea but I had somehow convinced myself that if I went out later that night, it wouldn’t be an issue. I looked down at my phone to see if I had a response- nope. Nothing. Georgia hadn’t returned any of my texts or calls today. Could she still be mad about the work thing? I fucked her in the ass, what more could she want-
“Yo,” a voice said from beside me. I looked up to see the guy from the gym earlier sitting next to me. “You were at Monty’s earlier right? I saw you boxing. You’re good, man.”
“Respect,” I raised my beer bottle to him. “Yeah I saw you too. I’m Donnie.”
“Erik,” he shook my hand. “You drinking out ya sorrows or somethin?” I looked at the empty bottles in front of me.
“Nah… I mean. Fuck… it’s my girl- or I guess, a girl since we ain’t discuss our relationship status- she’s been dubbin me all day,” I shook my head.
“Damn, I’m sorry to hear that… You should go to her crib and see what’s up.”
“That’s the thing, I did that this morning and she wasn’t even home! Then I heard voices of someone else in the background and… I don’t know… Shit. I like this girl so fucking much… I just hope I ain’t do nothing to fuck it up.”
“Look I’m the last person anyone should be taking advice from but if you like her to the point where ya drinking alone at a bar, you should let her know that. Girls love that type of shit. Makes them wet as hell. But you gotta mean it, or else it’s a lie, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t lie,” he told me. Everything was sinking in.
“You right… I’m gonna go over there and-”
“No you’re not,” he interrupted me. “First of all nigga, you’re drunk and I saw you drive here which means you’re not driving anywhere. Second, you said she wasn’t home. So you showing up to her crib drunk while she ain’t home is a recipe for fucking disaster.” I groaned and laid my head on the table.
That’s when my phone vibrated. I sat up and checked it immediately.
Gigi❤️: Hey sorry I’ve been dodging you.
Gigi❤️: Can you come over?
I jumped up from my stool.
“She texted me! She wants me to come over! Shitting fuck! I can’t drive! Wait I can call an Uber!” I sent Gigi a reply telling her I’d be there soon and called an Uber to her place. Erik was getting up to leave.
“Yeah my girl just asked me to slide through so imma bounce,” he said, putting on his jacket. “But yo, good luck.”
“Thanks, yo, lemme pay for your drink, man. On me.” I gave my card to the bartender and Erik nodded.
“Thanks man, I’ll catch you around.”
“Word.” Once I was in my Uber on my way to Georgia’s my nerves were out of control. No other girl has ever made me feel like this before… The car had barely stopped as we pulled up to her crib. Shitshitshitshitshit! You got this. Just tell her how you feel. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.
“I’ll get it!” A male’s voice called out. What the fuck? The door was opening when I heard Georgia’s voice.
“No, E! I’ll…” She shouted as the door opened fully. “Get it…” Erik was standing in the doorway as Georgia cowarded behind him.
“What the fuck?” Me and Erik said together. Then we both looked at Georgia.
“This is why I wanted you guys to come over…” she whispered. “We all need to talk.”
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 200+ Notes for Ch.4! xoxo
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Time Heals.....Chapter Forty
“Bajan Girl.”
Robyn smiled as she pressed speaker on her work phone, “Yes Christopher.”
“What you doing?”
“Working. You?”
“Planning a vacation.”
“Vacation? To where?”
“To wherever you want to go.”
“So the girls told me that you normally take off work between Christmas and New Years and I was thinking for our first one as a family we should travel.”
“But who said I wanted to travel with you?”
“Keep playing and I’ma show up at your office and teach you a lesson.”
“Don’t tempt me, Baby.”
“You bad.”
“You like it.”
“I do but seriously, we should travel together. It doesn’t even have to be for a long time, just a few days.”
“I mean it is kind of early for something like this.”
“We’ll have the girls there to keep it very PG but I think it’d be good to get away from here for a while. If going away together seems too big of a deal, just forget it.”
“No, I just need to get out of my head a little bit. I think Italy would be good.”
“Italy? That’s unexpected.”
“Honestly, I've just always wanted to go and since you offering-”
“I’m down for that, you don’t have to explain.”
“I do think Italy might be a little adult for the girls though.”
“So you want it to be me and you?”
“If you want.”
“Baby Girl, I very much want.”
Robyn giggled, “what else you doing today?”
“Relaxing. It’s a Friday and the girls have a sleepover this weekend.”
“I completely forgot about that.”
“I figured. We should have a sleepover too.”
“Why? We aren’t gonna sleep.”
“Oh so that’s what we doing.”
Robyn laughed, “stop it.”
“Seriously, I want you to come see my room. All my furniture came and the pool table did too.”
“I will come over if you will teach me how to play pool.”
“And what I gotta do for you to stay?”
“I don’t know. Depends on you.’
“You gonna give me that kind of power?”
“I trust you.”
“Now that’s a woman after my own heart. How’s work going?”
“It’s going ok. I blocked off some time this morning to work and things have moved pretty smoothly. Then again it is a Friday, half the office isn’t here.”
“So why are you?”
“I like the peace and quiet. Most people here have a four day week except for the executives and me.”
“Are you allowed to cut out early?”
“Are you asking me to play hooky with you?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Can you leave early?”
“Yea,. So is that a yes?”
“I didn’t drive today so you’re gonna have to pick me up.”
“I will be there, lunch in hand.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I do. I’ll be there in a little bit. Finish up what you can and we’ll leave when I get there.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Don’t do that.”
Robyn laughed, “see you in a little while then.”
“Yup. Love you.”
“I love you too.”
They hung up.  Robyn looked over at the clock on her wall and dialed her boss’s extension. After a few moments, he picked up, “hello?”
“Hey Mr. Roberts.”
“Ms. Fenty, how are you?”
“I’m doing well and yourself?”
“I’m good. How can I help you?”
“I was wondering if I could leave a little early. I’m finishing out the Alnum report and was thinking of leaving after that.”
“That’s fine with me. Was wondering when you were gonna start taking advantage of your executive privileges.”
“Not much waiting at home to be leaving early especially with my daughters in school all day.”
“So there’s a reason now?”
Mr. Roberts chuckled, “hopefully we get to meet him someday. Are you attending the office Christmas party?”
“My usual check in will be happening.”
“Maybe you can bring your significant other this year.”
“I will make the suggestion.”
“Good. Enjoy your weekend, Ms. Fenty.”
“Thank you. You as well.”
Robyn hung up the phone and returned her attention to the report on her computer screen.
  Chris walked as quietly as he could as he noticed that Robyn’s office door was open. He smiled as he watched her flip through a large binder and highlight something on a few pages. He carefully leaned against the door frame before knocking on the wall, “you not working too hard are you?”
Robyn looked and laughed, “no, I’m not. You got here fast.”
She got up and went over to hug him then pecked his lips, “I wasn’t expecting you for another thirty minutes.”
“I wouldn’t make you wait that long. I would’ve been here sooner but I got you something to eat,” he replied as he lifted up a large brown bag, “in the mood for barbecue?”
“Oh you remembered. Babe,” Robyn cooed softly.
Chris smiled as he grabbed her hand and they went to sit on her couch, “I was surprised the place was still open but I figured you’d like it.”
“I love it. I haven’t been there in forever.”
“Just never had the time besides they’re normally closed when I get off work.”
“Oh. Well, I figured we’d eat here so it doesn’t get cold.”
“That’s fine. I have some plates and stuff we can use since they usually pack everything in catering pans. Was your boss ok with you leaving early?”
“She was fine with it. I think you really charmed her at that museum gala, she asks about you all the time.”
“Really? She really is a beautiful woman. Is she married?”
“Divorced but I’ve seen a couple men come to see her at the office sometimes. Probably dating around.”
“That’s good.”
“And your boss?”
“He was ok with it. Kind of happy I’m actually using some of my time, I guess.”
“You really never take off?”
“Nope. Every once in a while, I’ll work from home but I’m never not working. Even if I miss a day, I’ll come in on the weekend to catch up.”
“You don’t think that’s a bit much. You don’t wanna burn yourself out.”
“No but I’m not that worried about it. Alright Baby Daddy, what did you bring me to eat?”
“Ribs, collard greens, mac n cheese, chicken and cornbread.”
“All my favorites. I just might keep you around.”
“I always knew I could get you with food”
“And keep me with – never mind.”
Chris raised his brow and Robyn laughed, “just because you laughed, I know you were gonna say what I think you were gonna say. And you talk about me.”
“I at least have the decency to not say it.”
“Whatever Ms. Fenty.”
“So, did you set up your furniture or they just delivered?”
“Everything is set up. I did get that California King Mahogany bed you suggested.”
“Have you slept in it yet?”
“Waiting on you.”
“I will not sleep in that bed until we break in it and I don’t mean sex wise even though I’m not opposed to the idea.”
Robyn laughed, “why you being so stubborn about this?”
“Because it signifies a new start and I want you to be there for it. I’ve already put whatever clothes you have at my house in the closet now I just need you to put your stamp on the place and everything will be complete.”
“You sure do have a way with words.”
“And other things.”
“And other things. Speaking of other things, this trip to Italy we were discussing earlier.”
“I have a travel agent on standby so it depends on what you want to do. They have small villas for rent or we could do a hotel suite, which might be a bit more convenient but not as private.”
“If we do this trip alone, we’re gonna have to do a trip with the girls too.”
“Already thought about it. We should go to Disney, I think they’d love it.”
“Disney Land or Disney World?”
“Whichever one they want. I might have to concede on some things since they’re not going to Italy with us.”
“They are gonna be so spoiled.”
“It’s a vacation, that’s the time to spoil them. We’ve been through a lot in the last year or so.”
“That’s true. So I’m thinking we do a hotel suite especially since it’s our first time going.”
Chris pulled out his phone and pulled up the notepad, “so hotel suite. Do you wanna plan some things to do or just wing it?”
“I think we should wing it. We might get there and not want to do anything but relax. I think we should keep our options open.”
“Great. How many days?”
“Five should be good.”
“Business or First?’
“Interesting, definitely would’ve pegged you for First Class.”
“Never really liked first class for some reason.”
“Eh, that’s understandable. I’ll send my agent this information and we’ll see what we get back.”
“We can split it 50/50.”
“We’re not splitting anything 50/50. My treat and I’m not arguing about it either.”
“Well excuse me.”
“You’re excused.”
Robyn scoffed and pushed his shoulder, “you getting too comfortable telling me what to do.”
“It’s for your own good. This is a relationship, I am not letting you pay for any part of our vacation. It was my idea so it’s my treat.”
“And if I had suggested it, would you let me pay?”
“What? You should’ve known the answer to that. Even as children did I ever let you pay for anything?”
“No. Even on your birthday, you’d slip money in my bag for however much you thought the gift costs.”
“I take care of you even though I know you can take care of yourself. It works for us, ok?”
“It’s not ok but I’m not gonna argue with you about it.”
“Thank you. Now eat up so I can get you out of here and we can play pool.”
“You never did tell me about your random thought that led to the pool table.”
“It’s not important. Eat, Ms. Fenty.”
“I’m eating. I’m eating.”
Chris smiled over at her as he gently squeezed her leg, “I love you, you know that.”
“I know.”
 “You sure you wanna play pool in that?” Chris asked as he gave her outfit a once over. She was still dressed in her skirt suit and heels from work.
“It’s fine. I’ll just take my jacket off.”
She walked around to the back of the room and grabbed a pool stick and the chalk square off the rack, “you had this room set up pretty quickly. I wasn’t expecting all of this.”
He had also brought a multi-game table that transformed into air hockey and other games with removable tops.
“Well I did want it to be a game room and you can’t just have pool in here. I would’ve gotten an arcade game but I thought it would be too much besides a lot of them come in disc form and can be used with one of the game consoles I got.”
“Where you been hiding all this stuff anyway? Nice TV too.”
“Thanks. It was still packed up in the garage.”
“Oh. So how do we start?”
Chris grabbed the pool triangle, set it in the bottom third of the table and organized the pool balls inside. Once that was done, he grabbed a pool stick and stood beside Robyn, “you wanna try and break?”
“You can do it.”
“Ok, once I do, whichever goes in the pocket first is mine.”
He rolled the pool triangle a bit before removing it from the table and placing the cue ball down. Getting into position, he leaned over and hit the cue ball with force, knocking two solid-colored balls into the right corner pocket, “I’m solid. You’re stripes. If you make a shot, you continue until you miss one then it’s the other person’s turn.”
He leaned over and hit the cue ball again at a 45-degree angle, it spun and hit a striped ball, it skidded to a stop right before it hit the middle pocket. Chris scoffed, “it's your turn, Robs.”
“Ok, how do I do this?”
“Now this is why I suggested you change clothes. Is your skirt tight?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Ok. So come stand in front of me, I’m gonna adjust your body positioning a little.”
Robyn moved to stand in front of him and Chris shifted her hips a bit, “Now bend over slightly, you might have to step back a little further to compensate for the heels.”
Robyn bent forward and Chris pressed his hand against her stomach to stop her when he felt she was appropriately positioned. He then shifted her legs to widen a bit so her back was straight and not arched, “you comfortable?”
“I’m good.”
“Ok, now place your pool stick near the white cue ball, you must hit that ball first for your shot to count, ok?”
“Now which ball do you want to hit?”
She gestured the striped ball that was already in the mouth of the middle pocket.
“I want you to turn your body to face that ball but keep the same positioning. Wide stance. Straight back.”
“Ok,” Robyn moved a bit, “Am I good?”
“Perfect. Now you can take your shot. Just use a little bit of force, it’s not a far distance to the pocket and you wanna keep the cue ball on the table. Just tap it enough to hit the striped ball in.”
Robyn cocked the pool stick back a bit then pushed forward, tapping the cue ball. It hit the striped ball causing it to fall into the pocket. She stood up and pecked his lips, “how was that?”
“That was perfect. You’re a quick study.”
“I got a good teacher.”
“Thank you. It’s your turn again. How about we try something a bit more difficult?”
“Let’s do it.”
Robyn watched as he walked around the table looking for a more difficult shot. He stopped at the right corner pocket, “how about we try to hit that one into the left corner pocket opposite of me?”
Robyn scrunched up her face, “I don’t know, that seems a bit too advanced.”
“You can do it. I have faith in you.”
She laughed as she walked over to him, “Ok but if I miss, I still get another turn.”
“You have my word.”
“Ok, show me how to do this.”
Chris pressed his hand to his chin then leaned down to get eye level with the table. Robyn leaned back to look at his butt, “you gaining some weight, Christopher?”
“Muscle. Not fat.”
“Your ass looks nice.”
Chris popped up, “Robyn.”
She laughed and shrugged her shoulders, “I just saying you got a nice butt.”
“Don’t start being weird.”
“I’m not being weird, I’m just saying you have a nice butt. There’s nothing weird about that.”
“Uh huh.”
“Look, you lucky I just said and didn’t just smack your ass, I was thinking about doing that.”
“Stop it and pay attention.”
“Then stop bendig over in front of me.”
“You are not gonna start treating me like a bitch in here. Flirting all aggressive and shit.”
Robyn laughed, “I haven’t started flirting yet but I can.”
“You scared of me, Christopher?”
“I am not scared of anything or anybody.”
Robyn lifted her brow, “you sure?”
“You willing to bet on it?”
“I don’t have to. We’re supposed to be playing pool.”
“Well, I wanna play something else.”
“And what’s that?”
Chris turned to look at her as she set the pool stick on the table, “you know I didn’t bring you home early for this?’
“I know but I also know we were gonna get to this point eventually so why not just speed things up”
Chris smirked, “well since you in such a confident mood, let’s see what you got.”
“Is this a competition because you know I can make you nut hard and fast?”
“You can try.”
Robyn chuckled, “you’re funny.”
“And you’re horny.”
“You got that right.”
Robyn leaned down to take off her shoes but Chris stopped her, “Nah, leave them on but you can get rid of everything else.”
Robyn unzipped her black Chanel skirt and tugged her white silk peasant blouse out of it as the skirt fell to the floor. Her shirt hem skimmed the top of her thighs as she leaned against the pool table, “you taking anything off?”
Chris pulled his cashmere sweater over his head then pulled off the t-shirt he was wearing underneath, tossing both onto the pool table. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants but stopped before pulling them down. Robyn pouted, “why’d you stop?”
“I want you to finish.”
Robyn smiled as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. She walked over to him and pressed against his front, “you sure about that?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. How tall are your heels?”
“4.5 inches. Why?’
“Just wondering. I like them.”
“Thanks. I have a red pair too, you should see them some time.”
“Oh, I plan to but first-” Chris leaned forward to kiss her as he felt her body’s warmth through his dress pants. He could feel his dick hardening so he knows she felt it too. Robyn pulled back and then squatted down, placing her face level with his pelvis, “maybe we should let him come out and play.” She pulled down his pants then ran her fingernail along his hardened member that was being held in place by his underwear, “why do you always wear boxer briefs?”
“If I didn’t, he’d be sitting and rubbing against my thigh all day. Not a comfortable feeling.”
“Hmph, you’d probably give everybody in your office an eyeful too.”
“That is true.”
She smiled up at him as she gingerly pulled his underwear down. Chris toed off his shoes and kicked his pants and underwear to the side, “you gonna finish undressing?”
“In a minute. I want to do something first.”
She ran her nails along the thick vein on the underside of his appendage and giggled when the muscle jumped. “You’re sensitive. I like that,” she whispered as she started tracing the minor veins underneath the skin. Chris gripped the side of the pool table and bit down on his lip. She held it in her open palm and weighed it a bit, “it’s heavy. You ever measure it?”
“11 and a half.”
“Robyn, why are you playing with me?”
“Both times we had sex was manic and crazy, I never really got to look at it but it’s really pretty. Nice even color. Weighty and thick. Damn near perfect, I think.”
“Do I get to look at you too?”
“If you want. I told you I wanted foreplay, never mentioned intercourse.”
“Foreplay for how long?”
“Depends on how long you can hold out.”
“You wanna test it?”
“That’s what I asked for. Can I continue my fun, please?”
Chris chuckled, “have at it.”
She closed her hand around it and started stroking him gently, stopping her hand right underneath the head. It was a slight, barely noticeable darker color than the shaft but it was smooth and heavy as well. Her strokes got faster as he got harder and started to notice his hips lift a bit from the pool table. She kept going until she saw that first spurt of pre-cum start to fall on her forearm. Her eyes shifted up as her mouth opened and she took him into her mouth.
“Holy Shh…” He gritted out as she immediately gripped him with the tightest mouth suction he had ever felt. She took him out of her mouth with a pop before taking in a deep breath and slipping him back in. He swore he could feel the back of her throat and not once did she start to gag. Robyn’s other hand slid between her legs and she rubbed her clit. She started moaning, the vibrations in her throat tingling the head of his appendage and Chris banged on the pool table. He didn’t want to cum in her mouth but he also didn’t want her to think he was surrendering. Considering how spontaneous their last sexual excursions were, foreplay had never happened between them. A part of him was glad because apparently Robyn was dangerous with her mouth.
“Robs,” he murmured, “you gotta stop.”
She shook her head, the head of his dick hit both sides of her mouth and he groaned.
“Robs, you gotta stop. Don’t make me make you.”
She shifted her eyes back up to him and glared. Before she could blink, Chris grabbed her under both arms and sat her on the pool table. His dick slapped against his thigh as it forced from her mouth and rebounded to standing up straight.
“I told you about playing with me.”
“I wasn’t playing, Christopher. You’re ruining my fun.”
“You were having a bit too much fun by yourself to suit me.”
“Take your shirt off.”
“You do it.”
“I’m gonna rip it.”
“And you’re gonna pay for it.”
He gripped the middle of her cleavage and pulled the shirt open at the buttoned seam. He fell off her shoulders and Robyn tugged her arms out of the sleeve, “that was a hundred dollar shirt”
“So. Lay back.”
Chris raised his brow as he shoved the remaining balls of the table and gently pushed her back for her to lay flat, ���why you gotta be so damn difficult?”
“Why are you taking so long to subdue me?”
“Oh, that’s how it is.”
“Exactly how it is.”
Chris grabbed her legs and tugged her down until her butt hit the raised lip of the pool table. He looked between her legs then up at her face, “no panties?”
Chris gave her a look of mild disbelief and Robyn laughed, “stop being stupid. It’s not that surprising.”
“What? I’m shocked.”
He leaned up and kissed her lips, setting her legs onto his shoulders. With his hands now free, he unclasped the front clasp of her bra, the lacy piece of clothing fell away from and Robyn lifted her arms out of the straps, “I’m still mad you got rid of your piercings.”
“You can pay for them to be re-pierced because that’s the only way it’s gonna happen.”
“Can I watch?”
“Yes, you can. Freak.”
Chris chuckled as he moved to suck her nipple into his mouth. Robyn groaned as she felt his tongue flicker over her skin. He spent a few more moments on her left breast before placing a kiss on her ribcage and moving to her right. He felt her squirm a bit more, “you’re sensitive.”
“And you play too much.”
“How you want foreplay but rushing me through it?”
“Because you’re torturing me and I can’t just pick you up like you did me.”
Chris laughed then kissed her, “I wanna treasure this. Just bare with me.”
“If I don’t come apart first.”
“I’ll put you back together,” he replied with a wink.
He moved his hands to pull her underwear off. He tossed the scrap of lace behind him and spread her legs as wide as they could go. He slid his finger down the middle of her lips and she gasped. She was soaking wet. Chris held her lips open as his thumb strummed her clit. Her hips lifted and Chris pressed them back down using his forearms on her thighs. He leaned down and licked from the bottom to her clit with flat of his tongue. Robyn hissed loudly as she dragged her nails against the velvet top of the pool table, “Oh God.”
“You like that?”
Chris did it again and Robyn moaned loudly. He did another two times and her legs quivered. Chris slurped the wetness that was coming out even as he felt Robyn pushing on his shoulders. He stood up as his fingers continued playing in her wetness, “you know what, Babe?”
“You got a pretty pussy.”
Robyn giggled, “you know what, Babe?”
“I’d rather you’d keep eating it than look at it.”
“Well then, hold on.”
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