#the first one is just a surprise kith
nguyenfinity · 1 year
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Have I done the homework I was supposed to? No
Have I drawn more Rinniki? Hell yeah
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avocado-writing · 4 months
I saw some of your BG3 headcanon and I got to say I love it. 💕
I hope it okay to ask what would BG3 companion would react if the reader is a selkie 🦭💕
how cute! hope you enjoy, anon!
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sort of glad he isn’t the only “afflicted” of the group (even though you consider your selkie-dom a blessing and not a curse like his vampirism)
you spend long nights discussing how you adapted to “normal” life after the tadpole. he doesn’t need to hide from sunlight, you don’t feel the pull to constantly be near water.
makes jokes about stealing your sealskin when you annoy him, in return you threaten to stake him. just girly things 💕💞💓💗💝💘💖
when you finally get the confidence to transform in front of him he is transfixed. you are beautiful.
“what do you think?” nervous eyes, picking at your fingers.
“you’re wonderful,” he says, uncharacteristically sincere, and you feel your cheeks heat up.
super duper fascinated.
asks you a billion questions, ones you didn’t even think about the answers to!
”so how does it feel when you actually slip into your seal form?” “?? Normal I guess? Idk, Gale!”
he watches you transform and swim around, making lots of notes to start with — but he gets distracted and just watches you play.
when you flop up onto the bank next to him, covered in water and out of your seal body, he gets lost in the sweet depth of your eyes.
when he kisses you for the first time it’s the most sure he’s ever been about anything.
“oh my GODS that’s so cool!”
also asks a billion questions too but not like… smart ones.
“have you ever eaten raw fish?” “yeah of course, Karlach!” “haha ew how did they taste?” “pretty good actually!” “AMAZING”
can’t stop looking at your, stroking your cloak when you’re in kith form. she knows how precious it is to you and wants to keep it safe.
she submerges herself in water and heats it up like a hot tub, you turn into your seal form and float around lazily enjoying her heat. ❤️
gobsmacked but honoured you shared this side of yourself with him.
we know our lad likes fairytales, he’s swept up in the storybook aspect of it all.
(secretly you’re both thrilled at the idea of being a knight having a romance with a selkie. it’s so perfect and sweet! 💕)
always checks in to see if there’s anything he can do to make you feel more comfortable - finding you water to relax in or getting you some fatty food to enjoy.
perfect partner. respectful and doting. no notes!
surprised, but pretends she knew all along (she didn’t, she just doesn’t want you knowing how taken aback she is)
I think you being a selkie helps her get the courage to try and swim.
maybe it’s you in bipedal form holding onto her and leading her into the water, or maybe you turn into a seal for extra buoyancy.
either way, she’s squeaking “don’t you dare let go!!”
she eventually gets more comfortable with this side of your life and there is nothing she enjoys more than just floating with you, holding your paw or your hand 💕
doesn’t really understand.
you have to explain the concept to her a couple of times before it sinks in.
”this is a confession?” “yes…” “I do not understand why you believe I would think any differently of you. you are still the source of my joy.”
her honest acceptance of you, all of you, is enough to make your soul feel sweet.
you kiss her. there is simply nothing else for it.
my man wildshapes, so he’s pretty used to people being in animal forms - even if it’s a bit different for you.
the two of you talk at length about changing into beasts and how it feels, what joy and freedom it brings.
let’s be real. we’ve all seen the bear scene. the two of you probably both turn into seals and get freaky. it’s great.
he likes to curl up in his bear form around you as a seal and drift off to sleep on the shore. you feel so safe next to him. he’d never let anything hurt you.
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ryukatters · 10 months
"Potentially in the mood to answer some thirsts and or short requests"
gojo, just gojo.
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don’t make this harder on me — satoru gojo x reader
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content/warnings: exes to lovers, some angst, obsession, potentially yandere, they both kith
pairing: gojo x fem! reader
summary: you need him to stop looking at you like that. you’re just friends now. gojo says otherwise.
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Ex-bf! Gojo who is so miserably insufferable. You didn’t expect to see him much after you broke up with him, but if there’s one thing Satoru Gojo is, it’s persistent.
You’re not sure what you were thinking, honestly, given the fact that both of you share mutual friends. He’s unavoidable. Akin to a shadow, him. You can feel the way his strikingly blue eyes sear into your skin whenever he’s around.
He’s sweet, too sweet, even after you walked away and left him all lonesome. The break up was more one sided than anything, but when did Gojo ever say no to you?
You wanted some space? He’ll give you some. But you need to know he’ll do whatever it takes to win you back.
He’s sweet while he listens to you, subconsciously leaning in to hear you better, clinging on to every word as though he were afraid he’d miss a single step in the cadence of your voice. Even sweeter when he presses up against you, effectively pinning you in between him and the marble countertops in Suguru’s kitchen.
The party is loud, nearing its climax with everyone too intoxicated to see what’s going on where you two are at. The music drowns out and all you can see and hear is Satoru.
“I’ve missed you so much, baby,” he murmurs against your cheek, pressing a chaste kiss on your plump skin.
The pet name makes you snap back to reality, with both arms trying to push your ex off. He doesn’t budge. He does pull away though, enough for you to see the unmasked disappointment and hurt in his cerulean orbs. Your heart aches, and you have to remind yourself that it’s not your place to comfort him anymore— even if you’re the source of his heartbreak.
Your hands grip at his biceps, in an attempt to both put even more distance between you two and to steady yourself. In return, he tightens the grip on your hips.
You’re trapped. With Gojo. The sensible part of you wants to run, to keep that distance between you both because you know the weaker, less rational side of you wants to curl up in his familiar and warm embrace.
“Gojo,” you begin with a sigh. “You can’t call me that. We’re not together anymore.”
“It’s Satoru to you, princess. And that’s why I’m here right now, I’m gonna change that,” he brings one hand to cup your cheek, and you have to will yourself not to melt into his warmth.
“You can’t change anything,” you whisper, though it sounds more like a plea. Don’t. I don’t think I’ll have the strength to keep refusing you.
“Shh..” he coos, his lips pressing another kiss, this time towards one corner of your mouth. You can practically feel yourself salivate from anticipation. “We did it your way the first time, but now you’ve gotta listen to me, ‘kay?”
You stare at him blankly, afraid that any word or action that comes out of you will betray what you’ve been so adamant about.
Your silence is telling, and Satoru can’t help but smile. He loves how stubborn you can be at times, because it makes the reward so much sweeter.
He kisses you, on the lips this time, with such gentleness that it makes your head spin. You stay that way for a few seconds before he pulls away. You find yourself craving his touch. He studies you for a second, azure orbs calculating before he pulls back in, this time with a more forceful kiss.
You let out a whine of surprise and he swallows it wholeheartedly. He brushes his tongue against your lower lip, urging you to let him in.
And you do.
Satoru moans the minute you part your lips for him, his tongue swiping against yours and easily overpowering it. He wedges one of his legs in between yours, muscular thigh pressing up against the slowly growing wet spot by your core.
Your mind starts to grow fuzzy at the edges because he hasn’t parted from you, and it’s only when both of you are gasping for breath does he pull away, but doesn’t let you go.
“Toru…” you whine.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I want to hear, baby.”
You want to curse yourself for being so weak for him. But with the way he looks at you, how it looks like he thinks you hung the moon, you feel a little bit better.
“You know what else I wanna hear?” His lips brush against your earlobe, and it feels like your entire body is on fire. He nips at the cartilage a bit. “Come back home with me, so you can find out.”
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Work belongs to @ryukatters. Please do not repost or translate my writing on any platform.
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chaotic-mystery · 10 months
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Pairing: dbf!Joel x f!reader
Summary: your waitressing job has been going good so far and Joel’s finally warming up to you. Halloween being celebrated at White Pony has to you excited for all the customers you can serve…but what does Joel do when one doesn’t treat you how you should be treated?
Content Warnings: eventual smut bc enemies to lovers okay we’re getting there! 18+ mdni!, mean!joel, drinking, no outbreak!au,reader smokes, Joel smokes, Joel’s bitch ass girlfriend, slut shaming (we don’t like Michelle) groaping, fighting, mentions of wounds and blood, reader has daddy issuessss, Joel finally being NICE (will update as we progress)
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: This shit is starting to warm up and I am biting my fingers for the barbecue scene okay!!! Will they kith? Maybe. If you can spot all my silly references in here, kiss kiss to you pookie.
Within the last two weeks of training at White Pony to be a waitress and being with Michelle almost every night, you had to see more and more of Joel. The first few days he refused to come in the bar like he always did before you got the job. It was his- as he put it, “place to be away from you.” Nice. 
Michelle was still just as scary as the day you met her. She kept Joel close in her eyesight when you first came to training but as the days passed and she watched you two hardly say any words to each other, she loosened the leash on him again. Since your blow up with him, things were still kind of weird in the way that all you said to each other was, “You done with that?” and “Another round.” 
Tonight you were celebrating Halloween down at the bar and Michelle told you all to come dressed as something, no shift unless you actually try with your outfit. It should’ve been no surprise to her that you'd show up as a blood sucking vampire and not just a regular old boring vampire. The black corset dress with the stockings and glitter everywhere had Michelle’s mouth dropping with shock. “Darlin’ when I said dress up I didn’t mean that dressed up.” Her fake witch nose was kind of crooked with the way she glued it to her face but it suited her. The passive aggressiveness she gave you was really starting to work your nerves but the tips were good here, you could easily talk shit about her attitude later while counting all your bills. 
You smooth down your dress and give a twirl, showing off your boots that you just got in the mail. You’ve already heard from Joel how many packages get delivered daily and that “the mail truck parks too long in front of his driveway” yada yada yada. He whined the same spiel every time you almost had it down word for word. 
Joel’s eyes meet yours as he leans back in the stool and he begins turning slowly while his eyes scan your outfit briefly. A sly smirk forms on his lips, “So just how much garlic should I put around me to keep you away?” His glass meets his mouth, taking a small sip of his whiskey. Your plastic tray falls at your side as your shoulders drop, your eyes low with annoyance. 
“Yeah? You feel proud of that one old man?” you mock, leaning against the bar until all your drinks are done being made. The glasses start to pile up, ready to be taken to the corner of girlfriends celebrating the night all dressed up as different colored crayons.
Your fingers delicately place each glass on the plastic tray and Joel gives a breathy laugh. “I’m proud of that, yeah.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself, cowboy. You're not my type to even sink my teeth into.” The firm tone takes him by surprise and his eyes flicker over your body once more before scoffing. 
“I’m everyone’s type, thank you very much. I’ll take another whiskey too, ma’am.” The devilish grin appears once more which only makes your eyes roll. 
“You aren’t even in my section Joel. Fuck off, get your lady to do it.” You shoot back, the annoyance not shying away from your face at all. Joel nods slowly and turns away from you, finally laying off just long enough to let you get back to your job. Michelle watches you closely as she overhears you telling Joel to fuck off, her stern look burning imaginary holes into you. 
When she busted you for talking like that to Joel, it was just best not to even look at her, this not being the first time she’s caught you with your sailors mouth in full effect.
With the night flying by from a packed bar, the tips were coming in well. Everyone was dressed up as something, leave it to Joel to dress up as…himself. 
“Let me know if you need anything else!” You shout over the music to your newest table and give everyone a smile before retreating to the bar. With Joel and Michelle in the corner canoodling at the end of the counter, you couldn’t help but throw up in your mouth a little. Her costume wasn’t going to last much longer, the evidence of a missing nose so apparent. Her costume was falling off her shoulders constantly, it was a bulky old witch dress and it looked ancient. 
Your hands run along the bar and pat it eagerly like an impatient puppy just ready for another table and more money. 
Suddenly a group of men walk in and the bar gets a tad quieter. The dress shirts they have on are so tight you can see the tank top underneath the fabric. Something about them just stuck out like a sore thumb in the best way possible and you wanted to be the one to serve them.
“Nell, how do I look? I’m gonna take that table and get the best tips for us all tonight.” You giggle and fix your hair while the bartender tells you how good you look. Joel must’ve sensed someone having fun because the next thing you know, an arm was grabbing you and walking you towards the back of the bar away from all the bustle and crowd. 
“Ow Joel, get off me. What are you doing?” You shout, grabbing your arm from his grasp and groan while rubbing the tender skin. 
“No, you aren’t taking them. They’re out of town assholes that sometimes stop in and it’s nothin’ but issues every time. Let Danny take ‘em.” He almost sounded concerned but the look in his eyes didn’t last long before he looked away. 
You stomped your foot softly and groaned, folding your arms across your chest. “Danny doesn’t even pool his tips at the end of the night like he’s supposed to! I can handle it Joel, I’ll call you if I need you to reenact Road house, okay?” You snicker at your reference and walk away before he could argue more, your tray innocently behind you as you walk up to the full table of intimidating men. 
Joel was seething in the corner, his tongue running over his teeth against his closed lips while he watched one already get handsy and try to cop a feel under your dress. Joel Miller was not jealous. He was worried for your safety and you were known to get yourself into some crazy things due to miscalculation on your part of common sense. He was almost too aware of how chaotic you could be at times but at this moment it wasn’t a joke to him. He sat back in his chair and turned it so you were in his view the entire conversation. The glasses of whiskey turned to glasses of water so he could be clear minded if things got sticky. You walked back over and he pretended not to overhear your conversation with Nell about the men fawning over you.  
Joel rolls his eyes and drinks his water, the annoyance you even entertained those assholes after he told you not to, just sitting deep inside his chest. Your small tray was packed with beers and shots of your top shelf vodka and his eyes widened, already knowing how tonight was going to play out. He sighed, smacking his hand on the bar before getting up to change the song on the jukebox. Searching for what felt like forever, he finally landed on one of his old favorites.
Porn star Dancing by My Darkest Days & Zakk Wylde. 
You stupidly sit on one of their laps and try to engage in the conversation but it always turns back to you. Hours go by of the conversation being about you and not in the best way. They’re asking what time you get off, where you got your sexy little outfit, what color were your panties, shit you shouldn’t be asking your waitress. A hand reaches to your neck and squeezes, making your skin crawl inside. They all smell of menthol and nicotine mixed with gray goose, too much liquid courage. 
Joel grabs Michelle and starts dancing with her in the corner, her back to you at the table the entire time. He keeps his eyes locked onto you, very very closely. Even when you extend an arm to grab an empty bottle out of the way his eyes are following.  They kept tugging you to sit back down, making his blood boil and his teeth clenched tightly. Somehow you managed to slip away for just a moment and make your way to the bathroom, darting around the corner into the pitch black hallway that was sheltered from noise. Joel lets go of Michelle and follows you without any sound, trying not to startle you. 
He stands against the wall and listens to your sobs muffled behind the bathroom door. The tears were pure fear and regret. Maybe, just maybe, Joel had a point. Even if you wanted to close their tab and stop serving them it would just make things so much worse for everyone. You got yourself into this mess, now it was up to you to get yourself out of it. You grab a small piece of toilet paper and blot away your tears, the post cry makeup making you look even better than before. Such a silly way of looking at the situation but you couldn’t deny a good cry moment.
A chill ran down your spine as you faced Joel outside of the bathroom, his head hanging to hear better. When the door squeaks open, his head snaps up and his eyes are on yours. With his strong gaze not leaving yours, you clear your throat and shrug like you know nothing. 
“W-why are you outside the ladies bathroom?” You knew why he was out here, he probably saw you run in here and wanted to report back to Michelle, or even worse, tell you, “I told you so..” blah blah. 
“Are you okay?” His hand rubs his neck as he stands up straight, moving closer to you. He reaches out and grumbles as he wipes away a tear. “Can jus’ ask Danny to finish out the table, s’okay if you change your mind.” Your glossy eyes look up at him and you smile, shaking your head no. 
“Can’t. I got this Joel, I just need to get through it and I’m done for the night.” Your hands wrap around your arms, shivering under the A/C vent. Joel’s shoulders drop in frustration and he sighs loudly. 
“Darlin’...” he starts, “don’t do this. Look I’ll tip you whatever they were even thinking about and more jus’ don’t do this to yourself.” His soft words were actually making you reconsider but then again, what did he care? You snap out of it and sniffle, shaking off the sadness. 
“I’ve got it Joel, promise.” A fake smile passes from your lips and he doesn’t take the bait at all. You both walk down the hall to find the table empty of bodies and three dollars squashed under a shot glass with vodka dripping down the side. Three. Dollars. You embarrassingly grab the money and look around confused as to what you could’ve done to deserve a three dollar tip. “God damnit..” you mutter under your breath. The glass clanks together as you begin to clean off the table, not wanting anyone to see this mortifying crime scene any more than they have to. 
Joel’s frame catches in the corner of your eye, his mouth covered by his hand. When you stop cleaning to look at him, he stares right into you and for a split second it doesn’t look like Joel at all. He gets up, snatching the three dollars from your hand and you knew something bad was going to happen. Joel shoves the exit door wide open and smacks the siding of the building. As he marches outside, he sees the fancy car still sitting in the parking lot, the men outside around it cracking jokes and being rowdy. 
“Joel…” You call out and immediately run after him, small struts because of your boots. “Joel sto-”
“S’cuse me fellas. Three dollar tip, really?” Joel chuckles and puts a hand on his hip, the look on his face hard as stone. Here we fucking go, you thought to yourself. Everyone from inside gathers outside and you slowly make your way to Joel, his hand flying in your direction motioning you to stop in your tracks.
“What’d you say, dickhead?” One of the men called out, his words semi slurred. His friends laugh and Joel sarcastically laughs before standing up straight. 
“See, I don’t know where y’all are from but around here we tip our waitresses real nice. Three dollars? Cmon man.” He was maybe thinking they “forgot” to put down a ten dollar bill or something, no way they meant three dollars. 
“Man she was worth three dollars but she can come home with me if she wants for the rest of the tip, know what I mean?” The assholes behind him hoot and holler, clapping their hands together and praising the man for the disgusting comeback.
“Joel stop cmon just drop it it’s fine let’s just go back inside.” You firmly shout, voice cracking from humiliation. Joel turns to look at you and pushes his hand down telling you to calm down. As his boots drag against the gravel making his way to the group of skeezy men, he tuts loudly at them. 
“Do I have to teach you a thing or two about manners, asshole? She’s not a fuckin’ fast food burger that you get for three dollars. She’s worth way more than that. You basically groaped her all night, askin’ what color her panties are, when she’s leavin’, how badly does she want your money, but I don’t have to tell you any of that. You know exactly what you’ve been sayin’ to her all while she’s jus’ doin’ her job. So let me ask you this, you do plan on tipping her correctly, yes?” Joel stopped just as he was toe to toe with the man, not a smirk to be found anywhere except on Joel. 
“Ye-yeah man um, let me get my wallet.” He hastily reaches into his pocket while he stutters apology after apology to Joel. Just as he’s pulling his hand out, he balls it into a fist all wound back to hit Joel. Never once did it connect with his cheek, never. 
Joel grabs the skeeze’s wrist and twists it roughly before throwing him on the ground, his buddies getting up contemplating if they really wanted to do this or not. Joel gets on top of him, throwing punches left and right, grunting with every connection his fist has with skin. Blood trickles down his hand between his fingers and he doesn’t stop until the guy is begging for mercy. 
Wiping his nose and breathing in deeply, Joel gets up and grabs the wallet that was supposed to be taken out before all this started. His bloody fingers split it open and find a bunch of cash, flicking through all the bills. 
“How much was their bill, darlin’?” 
Everyone's eyes were on you and the chattering started to fill your ears. 
You clear your throat roughly and walk closer to Joel by just a few steps, not wanting to get too close. 
“Uh…I don’t remember. It was around 213 dollars I believe…lots of gray goose shots.” Your eyes went wide when he pulled out two 100 dollar bills and folded them, passing it to you between his index and middle finger. You take it apprehensively, staring at the grunting man rolling around on the ground. Joel nods at you a little and asks if you’re okay. Just as your lips part to tell him thank you, someone is running up on him. 
“Joel watch out!” You shout and he pushes you back so much you fall on the ground. A fist hitting him right in the face, “You fuckin’ prick! Wanna piece of me old man?!” The other guy shouts at Joel and hits him, starting to wrestle him on the ground. They roll around causing the gravel dust to stir up and you think quickly on your feet. Going behind the guy trying to wrestle Joel to be on top, you kick him right in the balls with your boots. “Get off of him!” You shriek and grab his hair, tossing him backwards. The audible winces and groans from the crowd echo off the buildings, Joel sits up and looks at you like you were some angel or something. 
Reaching out your hand for a lift, you take deep breaths and help him up off his ass. 
“How was that for your reenactment? You okay?” He asks as he begins to brush the gravel off his palms. The men were on the ground rolling in pain still, such a funny thing to watch. 
Chuckling softly, you turn back to Joel,”Yeah I’m okay. You okay?” You nudge his arm and see his knuckles still dripping blood. A small nod comes from him and you grab his hand slowly to observe the wounds. 
“Should get some ice on that Mr.Miller.” The glimmer in his eye takes you and draws you in, standing there holding onto his hand for far too long. Everyone behind you cleared out and went inside, leaving Michelle there alone. She clears her throat and you snap back to earth and drop Joel's hand rather fast. 
“Take her home Joel. She’s done.”
“What?!” You shout in complete surprise.
“Mich come on baby I don’t think that’s very fa-” Joel’s reasoning is cut off by a groan from Michelle. 
“No! I can’t have a floozy willing to do whatever for tips work here and expect my boyfriend to protect her! You’re done!” She was expressive with her hands just like your mother used to be, which was exactly how you were feeling. A little girl once more and your mom was beyond done with you. 
Your tongue pushes against your cheek and you go inside to get your coat and purse. Nell was the only bartender who didn’t treat you like a monster and she started to get pissed off when you told her the news. Joel and Michelle were outside arguing and you stood by the door eavesdropping, careful they couldn’t see you.
“You’ve never once defended me from a creep like that!”
“Oh Michelle, is that what this is about? Really?”
“No, of course not Joel! You know damn well she knew what she was doing dressed like that coming to work and getting on their laps the way she did! What else did she expect from them?!” Her hands were flying up in the air as Joel’s head dropped, shaking side to side. 
“Michelle she’s just barely started her life, what did you want me to do, hm? Watch them take advantage of her?!” His arms reached out, searching for something that wasn’t there. 
“No but what do you think is gonna happen when she walks around here acting like a slut?!”
As your fast breaths started to fog the glass awaiting Joel’s response or even some sliver of defense, nothing. He said nothing. 
Joel knew that wasn’t true. He watched your driveway like a hawk regardless how many times he said he didn't. Tommy was the first and last person you’ve been with since you moved back but that was none of Michelle's business even if you wanted to get with everybody.The door flew open and you walked to your car, getting in the passenger side. All you wanted to do was cry yourself to sleep, Joel could drive. More muffled sentences rang outside the car, something about Joel calling her tomorrow. You felt pretty buzzed after that encounter until overhearing that fuck ass conversation. That was probably the first time anyone has cared so much about your safety, your well-being, you in general. No one has ever willingly stuck up for you like that and beat someone the way Joel did. Not even your own dad has done that or would ever. You must’ve been replaying in your head the images of Joel beating that man so much because all at once you came back to the now, his fingers snapping in front of your face.
“Cmon, we’re home. You’ve got a cut on your knee sweetheart. Let’s go clean it.” He fumbles with your house keys and unlocks the front door, making his way into your house. 
“Jus’ sit, I’ll be back. Where’s the bathroom?” Shutting the front door, you point to the left and sit slowly to observe the cut. 
It was definitely something. The nylon stocking was tattered and covered with dry blood caked onto the broken skin. Joel arrives with the rubbing alcohol sloshing in the bottle along with a washcloth. 
“I didn’t mean to push you down so hard, m’sorry.” Joel kneels down in front of you and rests your foot against his thigh so he can examine how bad it was. Those beautiful brown eyes were getting you again. It didn’t seem so far-fetched to forget everything, even the conversation you overheard, until he pressed the alcohol to your skin. Sucking in a sharp breath, you grab the armrest of the couch and whimper quietly at the contact. 
“Ow..Joel that-ah-ooh-that hurts.” You suck in sharply again, his eyes going back to your cut. 
“I know baby, I know..I’m sorry, jus’ hold on f’me.” He whispers as he rips the material of your tights until a large hole is created around the scrape. His rough hands covered in blood were so gentle on your leg, his fingers wrapping around the back of your boot covered calf. 
“You should really let me bandage up your hand, can at least do that much for you.” The room went silent and all that was heard was Joel’s deep breaths and the washcloth pressing against you. He sighs and grabs a bandaid from where he set it down on the couch cushion, opening it to cover the wound. 
With a firm press on the edges, his thumbs smooth over the entire bandaid and he glances up at you hoping you weren’t wincing in pain. 
After a long pause he mutters, “I’ll be fine, just need some ice is all. Also um…darlin’..” he started and continues to ever so slightly rub the bandaid. 
“I know you overheard ‘Chelle and I talkin and I just wanted to apologize on her behalf. She doesn’t think those things about you and neither do I, okay?” He didn’t sound too sure that he even believed the words coming from his mouth. 
You were too emotional to argue with him so a small nod was all you responded with.
It was a bullshit apology and it didn’t even need to come from him but there was too much in your head right now, an apology was the last thing you were concerned about. 
Without a word you get up slowly and step onto the front porch with a new pack of cigarettes in your palm. Joel hesitated following but he wasn’t done with you just yet. The front door squeaks open softly and before even turning around you had the cigarette held out for him to take a few drags from. 
“Are you uh..are you goin’ to your dad’s barbecue this weekend?” The smoke rolled out of his mouth and he ashes over the railing.
“I’ve thought about it..” You take a puff and pause. “What would I even say? ‘Hey dad uh I know I just got my job here but I got fired because I was dressed like a slut.’ Mmm, I don’t know, Joel.” All the smoke exited your lungs by the time you were finished talking and the glowing orange light was lifted again as your cheeks hollowed taking another hit.
Joel turns to you slightly, holding out his hand with his fingers spread and ready to take your cigarette. 
“Jus’ don’t tell him anything. He couldn’t even wish you luck or congratulate you for gettin’ the damn job anyway. Asshole.” His face disappears behind a cloud of smoke and it was probably for the best due to the shit eating grin on your face while his words echoed in your head. 
“So you’re finally getting it I see, Mr. Miller.” The cigarette slowly dwindles and he lets you have the last drag. 
“I can’t see why he’d ever treat you like that, I wouldn’t dream of treating you that badly and you really know how to work my fuckin’ nerves sometimes, little girl.”
The pair of you laugh and Joel flicks the cigarette butt on the driveway, shoving his non fucked up hand in his pocket. The dim porchlight hardly illuminated his face but the moon on the other side made up for what you couldn’t see. 
“Get some sleep, you’ve got job hunting to do tomorrow.” His boots clunked against the wooden floorboards of the steps, gravel crunching as he got further across the way to his sidewalk. 
“Oh, one more thing sweetheart!” He shouts from his porch.
“I’ll back you up no matter what. He doesn’t know you anymore, not like I do.” 
Your face was hot to the touch from his words. Joel Miller finally finding his heart? Who knew he had one? Each of your front doors closed and you went to sleep that night just imagining how the barbeque is going to go. Joel fell asleep that night with a bag of frozen peas on his knuckles and a small grin on his face.
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williaml0ver · 4 months
☆ <3 Kisses with Ganji Gupta ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 1089
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, angst to comfort, fluff, touch starved Ganji, kith kith
[🖇️] author's note: i can't believe i posted two fics in a span of two days hello?? Anyways thank you so much for this lovely request pookie, i'm sorry for this being shorter than my usual lenght for posts :( i would steal a horse for you if you told me to 🫂 GANJI NATION RISE. I love this boy so much omg....
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☆ ☆ ☆
-Ganji particularly strikes me as the type of a lover who may struggle with showing affection through physical touch at first. But when he becomes used to it, realizes he likes it? He'd be obsessed!
-At first, his way of proving his love is simply being there for you. Listening to your thoughts, confessions and rants, making sure you're aware your opinion matters to him. You matter to him.
-He'd overall prefer for his love to know that they have a trustworthy, capable of protecting man you could always lean on when in need.
-For Ganji, this looks like a perfect stance to take. You will feel safe, loved and comforted, yes?
-This in fact, does can lead to a missunderstanding, especially if you're really fond of physical touch in your relationship. But what you cannot do is blame Ganji. He was a boy raised in solitude, someone who was taken advantage of and mistreated. Love is still a fairly foreign thing for him.
-Something shifts deep inside the batter when you two become a thing, he just doesn't know what exactly yet. He's new to this... feeling, he isn't sure what is he supposed to provide for you.
-Even if you don't resemble a person who finds happiness in taking the lead, you should direct him a little. Just be honest and voice your needs. He may have troubles with opening up to you - he doesn't want you to worry, but he will open up if you reassure him that you want to be a safe space for your boyfriend.
-Don't get it wrong, if you hugged him in his or your room, he would act awkward but wouldn't push you away.
-The direct affection is rather one sided at the start. Ganji accepts, but does not initiate at all.
-But near someone? He wouldn't push you away either, but he'd show clear signs of discomfort. He's not ready for public displays of affection just yet. He wants to be treated seriously by other survivors, in fact, he does enjoy how some avoid him and fear him.
-You have to get to know him before.
-When it comes to touching, start slowly. Don't demand things too fast. Let Ganji adaptate in slow, little steps. He'd feel mostly overwhelmed if you decide to let out all your love inside you all at once.
-All those small things, like you insisting on gentle hand holding, hair petting, make Ganji's senses wake up from deep slumber. He wants to protect you, but he also begins to want to experience the feeling of safeness.
-He suddenly starts waiting for your small touches. After matches, he mindlessly comes to you and desires to be held, comforted. He doesn't know why. It just feels right, feels good.
-It does make him feel better and more open to closeness.
-One thing about Ganji, he struggles with expressing his cravings. He feels like he doesn't deserve anything. It really is a miracle you even wanted to treat such a monster as a lover.
-Step by step, you start being more intimate with him. He'd let you lay on him, grounding him when sleeping today.
-He wishes for more and more from you, but Ganji is afraid of it. What if you'll be dissapointed and think he's weak? The thought of you leaving terrifies his poor heart.
-At some point, to your surprise, he just breaks down. He's crying, hardly breathing and whimpering. All he ever wanted was to be loved.
-Please, wipe his tears away, comfort him, touch him. Ganji needs it more than ever.
-Not putting much thought into it, you kiss the batter on his lips. It activates something in both of you. Yes, you've exchanged touches before, but this one feels so deeply personal. It makes your relationship, Ganji feel... complete.
-Everything he ever defended, protected, fought for... that one moment made the pain worth it all.
-That one kiss resulted in a big explosion of Ganji's wild passion towards your person. He is now allowed to shower you with something he longed to do ever since you met, but had to bottle it up.
-Ganji takes kisses very seriously. He'd feel honoured if his lover wanted to do it.
-No one ever made him feel so flustered.
-He was so passionate. You were the one to kiss him, but he quickly took control of the kiss. He's never done that before, but you felt otherwise. You've stayed this way for the next hour.
-You felt like you gave him the kiss of life. His eyes brightened up, his smile is wide, you felt like it's all Ganji's world and you're just living in it.
-Each kiss from him feels like it's his last meal on earth ever.
-He felt like a completely new person that day. You two were already very close, but his sudden burst of affection made your love go over to the roof. No, the stars above.
-Not long after, he starts treating you back with light caresses on your soft skin. Ganji doesn't even hide the fact that he is touch starved.
-He discovers he prefers showing you his devotion through touch, rather than doing it verbally.
-Make sure you kiss him goodnight and also for good luck in his matches <3
-You discovered it's easier to convince him with giving small kisses.
"Look, love, I could take you somewhere else, i'm not really a fan of cinema, you know?"
*kith kith noises*
"Oh... I... I mean, of course, I'd love to go."
-He's got a poker face for sure. It's sometimes hard for you to read him, imagine how difficult it has to be to other survivors...
-You noticed his face is actually very responsive during kissing time.
-You keep teasing him about blushing. He denies it all the time.
-You woke up from a nap? A kiss on your forehead. He heroically carried the entire match? Proud kisses on his mouth. Mind you, he's obssesed.
-He'd appreciate every kiss you offer. His personal favourite place to kiss you is on your cheeks, meanwhile you love to pamper his cleavage with kisses.
-Make sure to kiss his scars!!! Ganji is exceptionally insecure about them. Feeling your mouth on those little atrocities makes him feel loved for who he is, not for the scary persona he tries to become near people.
-Speaking of people, he surprisingly becomes very possesive. He doesn't mind PDA, in fact, he wants everyone to know that you're taken by the batter - Ganji Gupta.
☆ ☆ ☆
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Take a look at this shrek plushie i've digged up in a thrift store lately... okay it's 2am goodnight guys
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hongcherry · 1 year
Lunch Visit || csc (m)
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"Seungcheol's a busy man, so you decide to bring him lunch. However, you end up staying longer than you planned."
👔 Pairing: ceo!Seungcheol x Reader (afab)
👔 Ratings/Genre/AUs: M(18+); Smut, fluff, office au, established relationship
👔 Warnings: Lots of kithes, fingering, oral (f. rec.), dom!cheol, light breast play, unprotected safe (be safe!), rough sex, also soft sex for 0.5 seconds, dirty talk, creampie, cum play, a sexy pic is sent, desk sex
👔 Word Count: 5.3k
👔 Beta: @playmetheclassics Indigo, you beautiful hooman. Thank you so much for thoroughly looking over this for me! Your comments made me laugh. Please accept my hug *opens arms* 🥰
👔 Author's Note: My first ever svt fic is here!!! I have a handful of svt wips, but I FINALLY got one finished (thank goodness) 😭 I'm really excited to show you all what I've been working on, but for now, here is ceo!cheol hehe. I hope you enjoy.
seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
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The way to Seungcheol’s office was a winding path.
You would think the CEO’s office would be more accessible, but you supposed he was too busy to deal with minuscule issues his subordinates may have. Thus, he needed to be in a secluded area away from everyone. If everyone were to go to him with their problems, he would be working 24/7, if possible. However, it felt like he was working that long now anyway. This was why you found yourself outside the meeting room he was supposedly in—thanks to the receptionist.
Having been told his meeting ended three minutes ago, you pushed open the door without knocking. You figured he was lingering inside because he was gathering his materials before he left. You didn’t expect to be greeted by Seungcheol’s booming voice, sharp and annoyed.
“…have to push back our deadline because they want to change the conditions? Again?! Tell them no. They should’ve gotten their shit toget—Yn?”
Seungcheol stopped in his rant when he finally turned to see you at the door. His eyes immediately took in your not-so-professional attire. You had planned to hang out with a friend soon, but you wanted to drop off food for Seungcheol first.
“Hi, Cheol,” you greeted with a smile, eyes glancing at the room full of employees. You shifted uncomfortably under the stares. Most of them were looking at you with wide eyes. It made sense. You didn’t recognize them and weren’t dressed appropriately to be in the building.
You averted your gaze to Seungcheol and said, “I thought you were done with your meeting.”
Although his eyes softened at seeing you, they were still fierce—body hot from dealing with stupid people all morning.
“I’ll be done soon. Go wait for me in my office,” he instructed and started to walk to you. He dug a hand in his slacks, pulling out his keys and placing them in your palm. He glanced at the bag you were holding but didn’t say anything.
“I have to go soon; I just wanted—” 
“Ten minutes, alright?” he said.
“I don’t know if I can wait until then,” you replied.
Seungcheol took a deep breath. He didn’t want to snap at you, but his patience was already too low as it was.
“Five then. Go to my office, alright?” He sighed, gesturing out the door.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. You could tell he was trying hard not to be too demanding.
“Fine,” you grumbled and turned around.
Walking to his office, you passed by Wonwoo’s room. You didn’t know him outside of work, but he was always friendly whenever you visited Seungcheol.
This time you knocked, waiting for a response before pushing his ajar door open more.
“Hi, Wonwoo,” you smiled.
He sat behind his desk, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose as his eyes glided across the screens in front of him. He peered up when he heard your voice. He looked surprised to see you.
“Hey Yn, it’s nice to see you,” he replied, pushing away from his desk to give you his full attention. “I think Seungcheol is still in a meeting.”
You pointed in the direction of the meeting room, a small laugh escaping as you replied, “Yeah, I just came from there.”
“Oh,” he said sheepishly.
“I just came to stop by as I wait for him to finish,” you explained.
“You’re welcome to sit,” he said and gestured to the guest chair.
You obliged, setting down the bag and your purse. Like all your conversations, the context was light. Between asking about work updates and his recent lover, you passed the time quickly.
“I thought I told you to wait in my office.”
You snapped your gaze up; the words on your lips died upon hearing Seungcheol’s rigid tone. It was obvious he wasn’t pleased with you being here.
Your mouth dipped down. “It’s boring in there alone.”
“Hm,” he paused to look at Wonwoo, “I expect those files to be sent to me within an hour.”
“Hey, don’t be harsh on him, babe. I’m the one that disturbed him,” you said as you stood up with your belongings.
“Which is why I told you to go to—”
“Your office. Yeah, I got it,” you grumbled. You glanced at Wonwoo, giving him an apologetic smile. “I’m glad you’re happier, Wonwoo. Thanks for the chat.”
Wonwoo grinned as he rolled himself closer to his desk. “Thanks, Yn.”
“The files,” Seungcheol reminded Wonwoo. Wonwoo nodded, waving you goodbye when Seungcheol guided you out of the room.
You followed next to him as he walked to his office. The silence was unsettling. Glancing at him briefly, you noticed his jaw was clenched and lips angled downward more than usual.
“Ba—” you started to say.
“Wait until we get inside,” he simply ordered.
You’re not sure what you did wrong besides interrupting his meeting. You understood he was probably stressed, but you didn’t see the mistake as a big deal. If he had taken the lunch prior, he could’ve gotten back to work instead of talking to you.
Once Seungcheol shut and locked his office door, he moved you to his chair while leaning against his desk. You placed your belongings on the floor as he loosened his tie. He then placed his hands behind him on the wooden surface.
“Why are you mad at me?” you pouted, sinking into his comfortable seat.
Seungcheol sighed. “I’m not.”
“You’re acting like you are,” you huffed and furrowed your brows in puzzlement.
“You just came on a bad day,” he explained, hand coming up to rub his temples. “Why did you come anyway? Dressed like that too.”
“Don’t sound so thrilled,” you said sarcastically. “Also, what’s wrong with my outfit?”
“It’s not appropriate here,” he answered, hand falling from his face.
“I didn’t think I had to be dressed in slacks to come to see you,” you argued. He’s never had an issue with your “inappropriate” attire before, so you wondered what changed. 
“People were staring,” he muttered, lips returning to a frown.
You chuckled silently in realization. “My little jealous baby,” you cooed.
“I’m not,” he fussed.
“Oh, that’s good then. I’m going to meet Jun once I leave by the way,” you said.
Seungcheol narrowed his eyes. “Why?”
“Because he’s my friend,” you giggled, seeing his change in demeanor. “I’m actually probably late, so I should get going.”
Seungcheol reached down to pull you up and into a hug before you could leave. You smiled, knowing he was definitely hiding his jealousy. Your arms slid under his suit jacket, and you began to rub his back.
“Don’t go,” Seungcheol mumbled into your neck. “I’m sorry I was rude to you.”
“I’m not going to spite you, Cheol. I had already planned to see him. I just wanted to drop by to give you lunch before I went,” you explained. “I know you’ve been busy.”
You enjoyed teasing him, but you didn’t want him to think you were doing something to upset him purposely.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
You stayed silent for a moment as you felt his body gradually relax in your hold. When you felt he had calmed down, you slowly pulled away enough to see his face. You offered a small smile, tucking the hair that was in his face behind his ear. You let your hand rest on his cheek after.
“Do you forgive me?” he questioned.
“You can make up for being mean to me,” you suggested softly.
“How?” he asked, hands gripping your waist firmly so you couldn’t move too far.
You pretended to think, eyes raising to the ceiling momentarily as you thought. 
“Five kisses,” you finally said.
“Only five?” Seungcheol asked playfully. You smiled at hearing his light tone. You were glad he was happier, even if it was just for now.
“Depends how good they are,” you said and leaned forward. His lips were a few inches from yours.
“They’re always good,” he scoffed lightly.
“Let me be the judge of that.”
You pressed your lips against his gently. However, Seungcheol was too anxious to go slow. He pressed you flush against him as he slipped his tongue between your lips.
He switched your positions, so you were against his desk. Your hands went down his back before landing on his ass. You gave him a mischievous squeeze that had him biting your lip in return. You giggled as you pulled away.
“We’re going to be here a long time if you kiss me like that, Cheollie,” you said. “You have four more to go.”
Seungcheol lifted you onto his desk, hands resting on the surface so he could lean closer. “That was my last meeting of the day. I’m all yours, baby.”
He kissed you again, but you pulled away before he could deepen it.
“I don’t believe you,” you replied. Hearing how annoyed he sounded earlier, you felt he had things to tend to today.
Seungcheol smirked, a small sigh leaving his mouth. “Always so smart.”
He gave you a quick peck before moving away to type something on his computer that resided on the adjacent part of his desk. While he did this, you pulled your phone out to text Jun that you’d be running late.
“There,” he announced and put his computer to sleep. “Now, I’m free.”
You set your phone down, arms coming up to hook around his neck when he returned. “Two more.”
“Two?” he asked, confused, while putting his hands on your hips.
“You just gave me another one, so yes, two.”
“That wasn’t even a kiss,” Seungcheol said, words dragging out.
“I still counted it. Two more kisses, then I’ll let you get back to work.“
“We’ll see about that,” he muttered before crashing his mouth on yours.
Smiling into the kiss, you wrapped your legs around his hips. Seungcheol’s hands rubbed your sides. His thumbs brushed against the underside of your breasts each time, making you yearn for his touch more.
You tore away from him, breathing a little heavier. He stared at you with hooded eyes.
“You’re slowly being forgiven,” you teased.
He raised a brow at you. “So, you admit my kisses are good?”
You laughed at his tone, finding him cute despite his slight smugness.
“I think I need one more to know,” you replied.
Seungcheol gave you another kiss, tongue pushing past your lips quickly as he made out with you fervently.
“Okay,” you giggled when he pulled away. “They’re good.”
“You were just being complicated,” he huffed. Your gaze glanced down at his swollen lips and then to his eyes. He was watching you closely, chest rising and falling quicker than usual. You really were lucky to have him.
“Maybe,” you smiled. “That was five, lover boy. Now, get back to work.”
You placed a hand on his chest to move him away, but he stayed still. You tilted your head at him.
“Move, Cheol,” you said in case he didn’t understand that you meant now.
Seungcheol shook his head, a hand sliding down your body until it was nestled between your legs.
“I’m not done with you, baby,” he growled lowly.
Your mouth fell open in a gasp when he started to circle your clit. Seungcheol leaned down to press open-mouthed kisses on your neck. Your hands moved to clutch his sides, pulling him closer as you spread your legs to accommodate him.
“I thought you s-said we couldn’t do this here anymore,” you stammered, a small smirk on your mouth when he tugged down your shorts.
He pulled away from your neck to mutter in your ear, “No, I said you couldn’t be so fucking loud.”
As soon as your shorts and underwear were on the floor, he kneeled. His hands gripped your thighs and shifted you closer to the edge of his desk. One of your hands immediately went to his hair, clutching it and pushing his face toward you. His tongue glided along your slit before his mouth connected with your clit.
Seungcheol gave you a pointed look and slowed his ministrations when you moaned a little too loud. You bit your lip in response since you didn’t want him to stop.
Once you quieted down, Seungcheol continued. His tongue lapped at your arousal, eyes closing briefly as he savored your taste.
You watched him in awe. You loved seeing how enthused he was whenever he was between your legs.
“This isn’t what I meant when I said I brought you lunch,” you quipped.
Seungcheol flattened his tongue, slowly gathering your slick before he stood up. He made a show of swallowing, and you shook your head playfully at his act.
“Maybe not, but I’m enjoying my meal very much,” he murmured. He slid his fingers between your folds, coating them in your wetness before pushing one inside. “You taste so good, baby.”
As a small moan slipped from your mouth, you shifted your hands down to his slacks. You unbuckled his belt quickly.
“Yeah?” you asked, feeling an odd sense of pride at the compliment.
He nodded as he chuckled and put another finger inside. He pumped them slowly. You whined at the slight stretch, needing to feel his cock instead. You pushed down his zipper and moved his pants and underwear out of the way. Your walls squeezed around his fingers at the sight of him. You reached out to spread his pre-cum before slowly rubbing his shaft.
“M-maybe you can bring me lunch again next week,” he mumbled, trying to keep his focus on your words rather than your hand.
“I can do that,” you smiled.
He grinned back and pressed his lips on yours again. His fingers started to move quicker, causing you to moan into the kiss. Seungcheol smirked, added another finger, and continued his fast movements. You were so focused on his hand that you had to pull away from the kiss to cry out, your hand pausing on him.
Seungcheol was quick to press his other hand on your mouth, muffling your moans as he gradually decreased his speed. He pulled his fingers from you but kept his hand against your face. His other hand gently took your hand off his cock.
“You’re gonna stay quiet for me, or else I’ll send you on your way out without cumming,” he threatened lowly.
You answered back, but it wasn’t very clear. He moved his hand and nodded for you to repeat.
“But you like it when I’m loud,” you whined.
“Today, I just want to have you all to myself. I want to be the only one who hears you,” he explained, hands trailing down to the top of your off-the-shoulder blouse. He tugged it down until just your bra was exposed. It had your arm movements restricted; raising them too much would push the material back up.
You started to pull your arms out, so you could move better, but Seungcheol stopped you.
“I like you like this,” he said. His hands tugged down the top of your bra, a small smirk forming on his lips when your breasts were freed from their confinements. “So beautiful.”
Seungcheol shifted a few objects on his desk before carefully laying you down on his desk. He didn’t bother undressing as he situated himself between your legs, length in hand. You attempted to prop your feet on the desk but had little trouble finding your footing.
“Here,” he said and guided your legs around him instead.
Your face heated at his readjustments. “T-thanks.”
Seungcheol smiled at you, kind and loving as if you had just said something precious to him. He aligned his tip at your entrance and leaned over you. It had his tip pushing into your entrance. You whined at the feeling, moving your hips in hopes of feeling more. However, he stayed put.
Seungcheol slid a hand behind your neck and gently lifted you slightly. He moved his face so it was mere inches from yours. Your elbows rested on the surface to be more balanced.
“I love you,” he murmured.
A grin broke out on your face. “I love you.”
He gave you a sweet kiss as he gradually sank into your heat. The feel of his cock filling you up had you tightening your legs around his waist. Seungcheol let you push him closer, deeper; his groan got lost in your mouth.
Slowly, he started to rock into you. The kiss grew sloppy with each snap of his hips. Eventually, he broke it off, mouth ajar as he basked in how you fit so well around him.
“C-Cheol,” you whimpered, hands finding a hold on his wrists that were within reach.
He stared down at you while he started to speed up. There was a thin coat of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. He adjusted himself, so he could move deeper. The position had him hitting a particular spot that made you moan loudly.
For the second time, Seungcheol covered your mouth to silence your sounds.
“You don’t listen, do you?” he asked. However, his hips suddenly slammed into yours. It had you crying out again. The smirk on his face told you it was purposeful; he wanted to hear you be noisy despite his words. His other hand moved to grip one of your breasts. Your hands moved to hold onto your shirt, needing to hold onto something.
“No one listens to me,” he huffed, suddenly recalling the events from earlier. He had been trying to close a deal for five months, but each time he tried to finalize everything, the other person would change the conditions. He was tired of going back and forth. Not to mention, some of his veteran employees have been making rookie mistakes lately. He was just fed up.
You moaned into Seungcheol’s hand when he squeezed your breast harshly. He bowed his head, hips snapping at a brutal pace. His mind was consumed with all the annoyance bottled up in him the past few weeks. He needed to let go of his frustrations. He was tired of everything going wrong around him.
Except for you. You always treated him right.
Seungcheol slowed down once he realized how rough he had been. He moved his hand from your face, eyes searching yours.
“S-sorry,” he breathed heavily. “Are you okay?”
Although you felt sore from where his skin was hitting yours, you were fine.
“Yes,” you replied. However, you grew worried for him. Seungcheol has been rough with you before, but this time felt different.
“Are you okay?” you questioned.
Seungcheol sighed, resting his head against your chest as he held you close. You moved your hands to caress his head; you didn’t care that your shirt had risen because of it.
“Is it about work?” you asked.
“I just need this deal to go through. It’s been going on for months,” he complained.
You petted his head soothingly. “Maybe you should find another place if they’re difficult.”
“I can’t. This place will benefit us greatly.”
“Hold in there then, babe. Hopefully, they’ll come around. If not, I know you’ll still be successful without them,” you tried to reassure. You didn’t completely understand all his business practices, but you knew you hated seeing him so upset.
Seungcheol lifted his head to look at you. “Because I have you.”
You giggled softly and cupped his cheeks. You gave them a subtle squish that had Seungcheol whine.
“No, because you’re really smart and hard-working.”
“But you motivate me to do better,” he replied.
Smiling, “You do too, Cheollie.”
“I like when you call me that,” he confessed quietly and leaned down.
“I know,” you murmured, raising your head to meet him for a kiss. You felt his lips spread into a grin.
He steadily began to roll his hips again. This time his pace was gentler. He pulled away and moved onto his hands again, eyes briefly glancing down where he slid into you and then to your face again. Seungcheol’s brows were drawn together in concentration.
Your hands moved to his forearms and said, “You can go faster. I’m okay.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he replied with a shake of his head.
“You won’t. I’ll tell you if you are, alright?” you reassured.
He stared at you for a moment, hips faltering. “You promise?”
“Yes,” you said.
Seungcheol nodded. You were anticipating him to pick up where he left off, but instead, he slipped out of you. Your legs unhooked from around him, and you sat up. You looked at him confused. You could already feel how sore you’d be after this was all done.
He peeled off his jacket and tossed it to the floor, spreading it out before turning to you. His arms wrapped around you and lifted you off his desk.
“Oh,” you said, surprised, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Seungcheol carefully laid you back on his jacket on the floor.
“Better?” he asked as he settled between your legs.
You had to admit your legs were aching at having been in the same position for a while. Although the carpet wasn’t as plush as you’d like, it felt better than the hard surface of his desk. You figured he could’ve put you in his chair, but it was nice to have more room.
“Yes, thank you,” you said.
“I think I should get a couch in here soon,” he replied after a glance around his office. 
There was a table and chairs in the corner for private meetings. He had bookcases and file cabinets along the wall that took up most of his space. However, there was an empty corner he could furnish.
You laughed lightly. “I think that’d be a good investment.”
“It’d make you want to visit more,” he commented.
“And what’s wrong with that?” you scoffed half-heartedly.
Seungcheol smirked. “If you haven’t noticed, you’re very distracting.”
“Not my fault you can’t keep it in your pants,” you joked.
“Oh?” he asked, suppressing a laugh.
You gave him a challenging look. It had Seungcheol laughing at your cute expression.
“I guess you’re right,” he said. “You’re just too beautiful and mine not to fuck dumb.”
“I-I don’t become dumb,” you argued weakly.
“Should we find that out now?” he asked, rubbing the tip of his cock along your dripping folds.
Your hips jerked slightly when he grazed your clit.
“Buy me a new pair of shoes if you lose,” you forced out. You tried not to focus on how he was pushing into you slightly before pulling away.
“Oh, we’re betting on this? Alright. You have to buy me a new watch,” he bargained.
You rolled your eyes. “You have like five different ones already.”
“And it’ll be six soon,” he smiled smugly.
“You don’t know that.”
“Baby, yes, I do,” he chuckled confidently.
You opened your mouth to retaliate, but what came out instead was a gasp.
Seungcheol had pushed into your core abruptly. He wasn’t as abrasive as before, but he was quicker than a few minutes ago. He stared down, his eyes watching as his cock disappeared into your body. He loved seeing how stuffed he made you.
Suddenly his finger was on your clit, rubbing harsh circles that had you moaning his name and gripping the carpet.
“Always so good for me,” he praised. “Isn’t that right, baby girl?”
You nodded, walls clenching at his words. He sucked in a breath at the feeling but didn’t let that distract him. He wanted to see you babbling; he wanted to see your eyes roll back. He moved his hand and grabbed the back of your thighs. He moved them to your chest. It wasn’t the most comfortable position due to the not-so-soft ground, but your only thought was chasing your high.
“Fuck, C-Cheol,” you rasped at the deeper feeling. Your head leaned back as he thrust swiftly.
Seungcheol quickly shoved down your top again, fixing it so he could see how your beasts bounced with each snap of his hips. You felt the coil in your stomach tightening the longer he fucked into you.
“Tell me how good I’m making you feel,” he grunted.
“Y-yes,” you stuttered. “Feels so—Hmph!—good. Love your c-cock.”
Seungcheol couldn’t stop the smirk on his face. He was pleased to see how easy it was to get you to fall apart.
“Wanna come for me, angel?” he panted, feeling his own climax approaching.
“Please!” you begged.
“Go ahead,” he said.
Seungcheol moved his hips a little harder, a litter faster, until your legs were trembling, and his hips were stuttering. He cursed out your name when he came. Your walls fluttered around his cock as he spilled himself in your cunt.
The sounds of panting filled the room while you both eased down from your orgasms.
“I think I won,” Seungcheol gloated between breaths.
“Whatever,” you huffed in jest, knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it.
He smiled, leaning down to peck your lips before carefully pulling out and standing up. You stayed on the floor, tired. You could feel his cum begin to leak out of you and onto his jacket.
Seungcheol came back within seconds and guided your legs into your panties and shorts again. He slid them up your legs; however, before he fully dressed you, he gathered his cum on his fingers and shoved it back in. You mewled at the sensation but didn’t push him away.
Once he was done, he slid your clothes on.
“Keep my cum in you when you visit that friend of yours, baby,” he instructed.
Your eyes widened at realizing the intentions of his previous actions.
“O-okay,” you agreed, face heating at the thought of leaving with his seed pooling in your panties. He smiled, happy to hear that, then helped you to your feet. Seungcheol spotted a faint stain on his jacket, but he didn’t care. He plucked the clothing item from the floor and put it in his chair.
“I would make you stay longer, but you got a watch to buy me,” he said, a cocky grin on his face.
You glared at him as you fixed your top. Seungcheol just raised an eyebrow challengingly while he tucked himself back in his pants. He fixed his tie and smoothed down his shirt.
“Do you have a particular one in mind?” you asked, reaching toward him to fix his messy hair.
“Surprise me,” he shrugged. His smirk had turned into a kind smile at your gesture, his dimples showing.
When you pulled away, you poked them mirthfully. It wasn’t your first time doing so, so Seungcheol just smiled more.
“Come on, I’ll walk you out,” he said and grabbed your purse. You thanked him, taking it and following him out of his office. Some people stared at you both as you passed but quickly averted their eyes when you caught their gaze.
“I think you might get some questions,” you told Seungcheol in the elevator.
Seungcheol glanced at you, hand in yours. “Next time, I’ll have to gag you.”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Cheollie,” you purred and angled your body, so it was against his more. He chuckled and gave your forehead a kiss.
“I’ll get that couch ordered today,” he informed.
“Today? You’re eager for more lunch visits?” you asked.
“Perhaps,” he grinned. “But I want you to have a more comfortable place to rest when you come over anyway. You don’t look comfy when you’re napping at the table.”
You shrugged. He was right, but you weren’t going to complain when all you wanted to do was spend time with him—even when you were catching some z’s.
“I don’t mind,” you replied.
“I do, though,” he said, a little sternly to let you know he wasn’t going to change his mind.
When the elevator dinged your arrival, you moved away from him. He kept his hands in yours, not bothering to show a little PDA in his own building.
“Will you call me when you get home?” he asked once he stood near the door.
“Of course. Don’t stay here too long, okay? You’ve been here too much lately,” you frowned, staring at him with pleading eyes.
He sighed and gave you a sympathetic look. “I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be there early tonight, baby.”
“You better,” you grumbled. “Or else the watch will be mine.”
Seungcheol chuckled and nodded. “Noted. Drive safely.”
“I will. Can I give you a quick kiss?” you asked. You knew he wanted to keep the PDA at a minimum, and you wanted to respect his wishes.
Seungcheol glanced around quickly, seeing only a few people wandering the lobby.
“Okay,” he said.
You smiled and pressed your mouth against his. You let it linger for a few seconds before pulling away.
“See you at home, Cheollie,” you said.
“See you then,” he replied. You turned, but before you could take a step, you felt his hand lightly hit your ass.
You turned, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Remember what I said?” he asked.
You ducked your head down at his question. You could already feel his cum starting to slowly seep out of your pussy. “Yes.”
“Good,” he smirked and started to walk backward. “Bye, beautiful.”
You huffed at his audacity, waving at him with a playful glare before exiting the building.
Needless to say, you were extremely late meeting Jun. You simply said you got caught up in traffic going to and from Seungcheol’s office. Jun was hesitant about if he believed you, but he let it go. At some point, you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom when you felt Seungcheol’s cum leak from your panties. Your walls clenched around nothing, unintentionally pushing more of his seed out as your saw how ruined your underwear was. You weren’t going to send Seungcheol a picture at first, but you wanted to show him the mess he made.
Cheollie 🥵 [3:31] my messy baby
Cheollie 🥵 [3:31] i’ll make a mess out of u again tonight if u let me
You [3:32] you def better be home early tonight then.
Cheollie 🥵 [3:34] 😉
You hastily cleaned yourself up, heart beating quickly with anticipation for tonight.
You hung out with Jun for another half an hour before you left. On your way home, you stopped by a candy store. Seungcheol wanted a watch, but he never specified what kind of watch. You had planned to buy him an actual one, but then recalled the edible watches you had seen as a kid. You’d buy him a real watch later. You just wanted to play with him first.
Seungcheol came home early as promised. It was peaceful for two minutes before he was pushing you against the wall, telling you how you had gotten him hard again. Thankfully, he was in an online meeting, so no one could see his growing bulge. However, the rest of the day was filled with mental images of you both in compromising positions.
You weren’t able to give him his watch until the next day, but when you presented it to him, he doubled over laughing. It was a sound you adored hearing, and you were so grateful you were the cause of it. You thought he’d eat it, however, he wore it to work that day. Something about how he wanted to have something to remember you by. It was just a plus he could have a few nibbles as a snack throughout the day. He got funny looks and a few questions about it, but he didn’t mind. He loved having anything you bought him. Even if it was just a silly candy watch.
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For my "shy/silent" readers, I've created a feedback form where you can share your thoughts on my fics in a more anonymous and private way. ^-^
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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ddlcbrainrot · 2 months
I love how your mind works so much everything you say is canon now bc I said so.
Since you've done Monisuri, Moniyuri and Natsuri thoughts, do you plan on doing any other ships? Sayonika would be cool/nf
my mind is a cat, a red panda and a raccoon in a trench coat pretending to be human, or so i’ve been told so thank you
if people ask me to, then sure!
sayonika makes my brain go brrrrr and i stop thinking proper thoughts bc i love them so much every time i see them i just go hehehe so this is going to take a while bear with me
m…monika and sayori,… kithes…
ok but srsly, i think the reason i like sayonika so much is bc its a very versatile ship. You want cute best friends to lovers? Side stories are right there. You want angst fest, hurt no comfort with no happy ending? Base game is right there
If we are talking about base game, a lot of questions pop up. Like how did they even get together? (probably some time after the ending, maybe since both have gone through the epiphany they bond over that) Can they even be in a functioning relationship after the events of ddlc? (a functioning one? no lol, but maybe after a lot of work they make something special) Does Sayori ever forgive Monika? (surprisingly, yes after a long time. I actually can see her "forgiving" Monika right away, only for her to build up resentment over time and snap and so she realises that she needs to actually feel and process her feelings of anger and betrayal before she can forgive Monika) Does Monika forgive herself and lets herself be loved? (THERE IS NO WAY LMAO). So yeah, the main headcanon i have for them in base game is that Monika never fully forgives herself, no matter how much Sayori insists she forgives her. Because i love suffering.
Anyway lets step away from the sad sad world of base game and get to the happy stuff of side stories :D
So yeah, bffs that slowly realise they like eachother
I think ive mentioned this before, but they give off first sapphic crush/relationship vibes. if you know you know
Both had a hard time accepting they like each other bc both were like "shes too good for me..." (dumbasses)
Acting like a couple before even being together, im talking hand holding (how lewd...), cuddling, compliments, you name it
And when Natsuki would be like "you guys act so gay for eachother" they'd be like nnNnNoOoOo We're just gals being pals (dumbasses p2)
Who would confess? Probably Sayori. But only in a last resort situation. She'd be expecting to be rejected too. Surprise surprise being the kindest person alive gets people to like you who would have thought
PDA couple.
Sayori's physical affection and Monika's words of affection? You can't be around them without getting diabetes
Im not kidding when i say they would be the worst couple to be around. But like in a sweet way
Sayori steals Monika's clothes
They paint their nails the eye colour of the other person, so like Sayori paints them green and Monika blue
When one is having a bad day, the other gives little notes filled with cheezy puns throughout the school day to cheer them up, and they talk about whats bothering them after (sayori started this and it has become kind of a tradition)
I can keep going but if I do this will end up longer than the declaration of independence
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rogerswifesblog · 8 months
Kinktober - virginity
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A/N: hi! Im sorry i haven’t updated in a few days but I was really busy…therefore I have a little extra surprise for you-> those are two little drabbles one with reader being a virgin and a second one with Lloyd being a virgin! Let’s thank @jamneuromain for helping me with the virgin!lloyd idea since I had trouble coming up with something <3 kith kith
Warnings: virginity loss, p in v, protected sex, fingering, implied oral f receiving
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x reader
I’d appreciate reblogs and feedback <3 support your writers<3
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Meeting Lloyd was probably one of the best things that could’ve happened to you, even though you were often stressed when he mentioned staying at his place. You weren’t stupid. You knew what he meant by that.
He wanted to finally go further.
But you still hadn’t told him you were a virgin. He knew you were inexperienced, but that’s it.
So while you both watched a movie, made out and his hand slowly started brushing along your thigh up to your core you gasped surprised, leaning away from him. His eyebrows shot up, wrinkling his forehead slightly. “Something wrong?”, he asked, his hand still brushing your thigh, but just to comfort you.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…”, you whispered, your hands trembling as you took his in yours. “I…I’m a virgin”, you finally confessed, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Lloyd bit his bottom lip and watched your expression, not sure if you were honest. Maybe you just wanted to have a little laugh? Who knew.
When he finally realised you really meant it his lips formed a small ‘o’, watching your red cheeks in surprise, but also some kind of excitement. The idea of your body being untouched in that way made him…he couldn’t explain this feeling.
“I can make you feel good. I’ll be gentle”, he whispered, pulling you in his lap, his hands grabbing your butt lightly. “I promise it’ll be the best first time you could even imagine”, he kissed your neck and slowly up to your cheekbone before kissing your lips.
After pulling away you nodded in agreement. “I want that”, that’s all Lloyd needed to kiss you again, this time more passionately as his hands slowly massaged your ass.
Within minutes you were both naked on the couch, Lloyds chest already being covered In a thin layer of sweat from your body being pressed up against him.
He seemed much more comfortable with his nudity than you, especially since you tried to cover your breasts at first.
At this point you were laying on your back with Lloyd hovering over you, kissing your neck and breasts, sucking at your buds while his hand stroked your thigh up to your core. His fingers slipped along your slit, collecting the wetness before rubbing your clit gently.
A gasp escaped your lips at the sensation. It’s not like you’ve never touched yourself-you did it often, but it's never like this. Being touched by another person was…different. Good. Very good even.
Gasping you grabbed onto his hair, letting him play with you for a while, nearing your orgasm. “Lloyd-I think-I think I’m gonna come”, you whispered into his ear when he started kissing your neck, leaving small red spots and hickeys behind.
Your mouth fell open in a silent moan when you reached your high, for the first time from the touch of another person. “Oh god Lloyd-“ “was it that good to call me god? Well then wait till you feel my-” “lloyd!”, you slapped his arm playfully, but your grin disssapeared when Lloyd took off his boxershorts, revealing his hardness.
“You’re big.” Lloyd chuckled at your comment. “Thanks.”
You rolled your eyes at his smugness, even though you felt a bit stressed now. Lloyd kissed your forehead seeing the concern in your eyes. “Sweetheart, I’ll be as gentle as I can be”, he whispered, reaching for a condom from his nightstand.
You watched as he rolled the condom over his dick, stroking himself for a moment before leaning once again over you, his cock nudging your entrance.
When his head pressed slowly into your hole you both moaned, “you feel so good”, he whispered, pushing further into you. You frowned slightly at the pain, but it also felt good in a way. Not only the fullness, but even the slight burning was enjoyable.
Then Lloyd started moving, making you moan in pleasure at the foreign sensation. “Lloyd-“ “yeah I know-“, he whispered against your neck leaving open mouth kisses along your skin.
WHen he neared his own orgasms his thrust speed up, the sound of skin slapping against skin and squelch from your wetness filled the room. “God you’re so amazing”, his words made you pull him into a passionate kiss.
After kissing back for some time he moved away, pulling out of you and quickly taking off the condom, before stroking himself till he finished on your stomach and breasts, his face showing his pleasure.
Then his gaze fell onto you, watching as his cum covered your body. “I can definitely get used to this view”, he grinned before leaning down to kiss you one more time. “Now I have something else you’ll enjoy”, he mumbled before pushing your thighs apart, his head disappearing between them.
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Second Drabble
Pairing: fratboy!Lloyd Hansen x reader
Warnings: virginity loss, alcohol, drinking, unprotected sex, oral f receiving, fingering, possessive Lloyd
Walking into the party you hadn’t expected to see Lloyd Hansen, the so-called bad boy of your year, even though you were pretty sure he might be very nice, at least you really hoped so since you also hoped to get a bit closer to him.
That’s why you wore your best outfit, pretty makeup and your sweetest Parfum.
Lloyd wouldn’t be able to walk past you without at least looking once back at you. Not that he intended to just walk past you.
During most of the party you were somewhere close to each other, at least in the same room but most of the time someone wanted to talk to you so you didn’t have the chance to spend time with your crush. Only just some little smiles or not even full sentences shared between you two.
At some point your friends grabbed you by the hand, wanting to pull you away from the party already wanting to go home. “No, I don’t wanna go just yet-“, you said but your friends interrupted you. “How else will you go home? We’re your ride-“ “I can drive her”, a male voice interrupted your conversation, a firm hand squeezing your shoulder.
You immediately knew who it was. “See-I don’t have to go yet”, you said, looking back at Lloyd with a big smile. Your friends discussed something for a while longer, while you let Lloyd lead you away from them onto the porch where he sat down with you on the stairs. “I’ve been looking forward to this all night”, Lloyd smiled.
A smile crept onto your lips while you leaned a bit closer to him, unintentionally seeking his warmth since you had left your jacket inside. Lloyd immediately noticed your body shaking, how you wrapped your arms around yourself and the goosebumps appeared on your skin. “Here-“, he took off his football jersey and placed it around your shoulders.
Warmth creeped onto your cheeks as you leaned your head against his shoulder, he was now dressed only in a simple black turtleneck and white pants-an outfit you had seen him wear quite often. “How was your night?”, you asked quietly, smiling to yourself.
“It’s definitely better now”, Lloyd placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you a bit closer, making you bury your face against his chest, breathing in his smell. “I know how we could make it even better….”
Lloyd definitely hadn’t expected you to be so forward but when you pulled him to your feet and asked him to lead you to his room he didn’t deny how excited he got.
Tho he also felt his heartbeat quicken as soon as you two entered the room and you pushed him right against the door, your lips connecting with his in a bruising kiss, making him gasp in surprise. His hands immediately found your waist, pulling you closer against him as he heard you turn the key in the door, locking it.
You stepped away from him, slowly going to the bed, meanwhile leaving a trail of clothes behind before laying down naked on the bed. A grin on your lips when you noticed him staring at you, his hand slowly rubbing his bulge as his cock hardened with every second.
“Are you gonna just stand there and watch or will you come here and fuck me?”, you spread your legs for him to see your glistening cunt in the dimmed light of the moon. Lloyd immediately nodded, coming closer to you, his hands gently touching your calves as he kneeled down on the floor, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
He felt his breath quicken being so close to your core. It was the first time that he was…doing any of that with someone and he really wanted to be good for you…but it couldn’t be that hard right?
So when he leaned down to lick at your clit he had to look for it for a moment before finally circling his tongue against your bud. “Mmhhh Lloyd, feels so good”, you whispered barely audible as he rubbed one of his fingers along your slit, slowly pushing in. His movements hadn’t a real rhythm to them, but it was fine for now even though you weren’t sure if you’d be able to come from that. “Move your tongue quicker”, you whispered, wanting to give him some advice on how you liked it. Maybe his ex partner was into slow and gentle things?
He listened to what you said, even though he was sure he’d have manage to figure this out on his own anyway.
You started moving your hips against his movements, feeling your orgasm approach. “Yeah-just like that-“, while saying that you grabbed onto his hair, pulling him against you, feeling his moustache scratch your already sensitive clit more. That’s all you needed to burst, your thighs tightening around his head.
He teased you for a while longer before being pulled into a kiss by you, feeling proud of himself for making you come. “How was it?”, he asked quietly, wanting to have approval for his new learned skill.
It slightly confused you for a moment to hear such a question. “It was very nice. I liked it…but I’d like it even more if you’d fuck me now”, you whispered into his ear, biting down on his earlobe as he gasp in surprise.
Within seconds you nearly tore his clothes off of him, wanting to feel his warm skin against you as he’d fuck you. You watched as he reached for a condom from his nightstand, tearing open the package and trying to roll it over himself-but it rolled right back up as it seemed to be on the wrong side. A quiet curse escaped his lips as he took another one, his hands being shaky at this point. “Let me-“, you said, wanting to finally go further.
“No I know what I’m doing”, it was a very weird word choice for him to use, which made you feel a bit like…he definitely had no idea what he was doing. Without saying a thing you took his hand and helped him push the condom down, making him moan shakingly at your touch.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a passionate kiss, his cock nudging your entrance making you moan into the kiss. “Fuck me Lloyd”, hearing your words he gasped quietly, finally pushing in-at leash thats what he tried to do but his cock slipped out whenever he tried to push in. It took him a few tries before he finally pushed in, thrusting sloppy and once again without holding a rhythm. Whenever you tried to move your hips he was losing whatever rhythm he tried to keep up, making you frown a little.
“Lloyd, is it your first time?”, you finally couldn’t stop this question anymore, already knowing the answer. He stopped moving, looking back at you. “It can’t be that bad-I know what I’m doing-“, he mumbled, trying to find a rhythm again. At his answer you immediately knew it was indeed his first time, so you’ve decided to make it worth remembering.
You kissed him once again, pulling at his hair lightly. “Lay on your back”, you whispered. When he finally did as told you started grinding against him, the feeling of your wet folds making Lloyd gasp.
“I don’t know what to do”, he finally confessed when you started kissing his neck, sucking a big hickey over his collarbone. Chuckling you started grinding your wet pussy against his cock a bit faster, feeling the head rub against your slit, sometimes even dipping in a bit.
Both of you moaned when you finally took him in your hand, stroking a few times before positioning against your hole and slowly sitting down, feeling him stretch you nicely. He really had a nice cock. What a shame nobody knew…on the other hand you’d like to keep him all to yourself.
When you started bouncing on his cock he immediately grabbed your thighs harshly, moaning beneath you. You could tell he wouldn’t last for a long time since it was his first time feeling a cunt wrapped around his dick-at least a real one.
You moaned loudly when his cock-head hit your g-spot as you moved faster, your own hand brushing along your clit, chasing your own orgasm-your second one.
Lloyd watched you bounce on his lap, your tits jumping with every movement making him want to touch them-so he did.
Then he felt your count squeeze him even more as you moaned loudly, wetness covering his lap as you sped up your bouncing, falling harder back into his lap, as you squirted all over him. That definitely pushed him much quicker to his high.
You wrapped your hands around his throat, squeezing as you started moving quicker. His mouth fell in an open mouth moan as he unexpectedly filled you with his load, the choking having been all he needed to reach his high. “Fuck-fuck-fuck-“, he whispered, completely overstimulated. Every little move made it nearly impossible to think straight.
But you still moved at a slow pace, watching him twitch and shake, his cum already leaking out of your cunt, before you slowly let him slip out and laid down next to him.
The next morning you were woken up by harsh knocking. “Lloyd-we have practice-“, a male voice sounded from outside the room, making Lloyd groan quietly, pull you closer against him.
That’s when he realized the naked body next to him, slowly opening his eyes. “Morning”, he smiled, kissing you on the cheek before sitting up. Another knock. “Yeah five minutes! I’m coming”, he shouted back. “I’m sorry I completely forgot I have practice but we can meet after”, he said casually making you slightly confused but also pleasant surprise. So he wanted to continue this?
“Sounds good, I’ll be at my place and you can text me”, you said while putting your clothes back on, but you couldn’t find your panties even after having put on your skirt. “Have you seen my slip?”, you asked, looking under the bed as Lloyd watched you bend down, “no, but I’m seeing something very nice”, he said, his cock already hardening as he picked up your panties next to the nightstand and buried them into his jeans pocket.
You felt yourself blush when you stood up again, still no panties. “You’ll have to go like this…”, he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you, his hand sliding along your back over your butt to your core, rubbing your wet slit and dipping in. But as quick as it started it also ended and he took away his hand, just for him to suck at his fingers to taste you.
A gasp escaped your lips while you watched him. At this point you’d love to go back to bed but you knew you had no time for that.
While walking out of the room he placed his jersey once again over your shoulders, watching as you left his place in his jacket with his name written on the back of it. Now everyone would know who you belonged to.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know and leave some feedback <3 reblogs are very appreciated!
Taglist: @bisexuawolfsalt @rogersbarber
Does anyone want to be tagged? If so, be active by liking, commenting and reblogging! Let me know if you wanna be added:)
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possession1981 · 11 months
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Can you believe I recently (well, over a month ago now definitely, but I'm lazy so let's ignore that) hit 5000 followers on this blog because I sure cannot. Either way, I did and I am soooo sososososoooo grateful for ever single person who follows me and who appreciates my dumb jokes (such as this perfectly on-brand, tacky, campy, ridiculous but beautifully made gif of Shinee) and who reblogs my gifs and edits, especially when you put very very sweet comments in the tags it's a joy to be able to have a space to share my little creations that may not really mean much to the outside world but they do to ME.
Anyways! As a token of my appreciation I have decided to do a little gif request event which will be open until I say it's not anymore tbh... No set time limit we'll just see how my stamina is I suppose. The request rules will be at the bottom of this post. However, first I want to give a quick shoutout to SOME of my most beloved mutuals who make scrolling on this stupid website so much better. (As you know, there's a cap on how many tags we can add to posts, so to those mutuals who may not be mentioned here know that I love you SOOOOOOO much still, and I kith u!)
@aintgonnadance 🖤 @awek-s 🖤 @baeseongyeob 🖤 @berryjaellie 🖤 @byunbaekhyunie 🖤 @catchmewjsn 🖤 @cheolmatez 🖤 @dokyeomini 🖤 @dongkwan 🖤 @duovxq 🖤 @exidtual 🖤 @filmopen 🖤 @flops 🖤 @gaykey 🖤 @glowinseong 🖤 @got7 🖤 @hoshifromkpop 🖤 @hozierbyrne 🖤 @hwangcha 🖤 @hwiyoungies 🖤 @hyunpic 🖤 @hyunseungs 🖤 @jeonwonwoo 🖤 @jikyu 🖤 @juyeonis 🖤 @kangyeosaang 🖤 @kyubins 🖤 @librapropaganda 🖤 @moonsua 🖤 @notyuta 🖤 @park-doha 🖤 @ryudaeng 🖤 @seonghwasblr 🖤 @shnryjn 🖤@smartrabbit 🖤 @smingi 🖤 @sodacreams 🖤 @stepmom 🖤 @sunmisbf 🖤 @sunwoonie 🖤 @taeminie 🖤 @taeminnomuyeppeo 🖤 @wantbytaemin 🖤 @yejiswife 🖤 @yirenz 🖤 @yoohyeontual 🖤 @yukuz 🖤 @yunkyoung 🖤 @yunwooz 🖤 @yutaslaugh
REQUEST EVENT RULES AND REGULATIONS I will be taking three kinds of requests for this event! Two are music video requests, and the third is a fun option if you want a surprise.
Full music video - this is exactly what it sounds like. You may request that I gif any kpop music video, however I reserve the right to choose not to gif it if it's an artist or group I don't want to gif (I won't list them, but it's a pretty standard group), or I can't find a file that lets me gif to the standard I want to keep.
Member music video - very similar to the former, you may request gifs of any single member of a group from a specific music video and I shall be at your command, although the same reservations as above apply. Since these are much faster to do than full mv sets, they are preferred over the latter.
My favourite x - this is the option if you want to venture outside of music videos, and it's here because my beloved Eri suggested it. You may request gifs of my favourite of whatever you want. Favourite hairstyle on x idol? Favourite era of x group? Favourite styling for x group? etc. etc. The same reservations as above apply, however. Don't ask me for my favourite beet member.
Okay, that's all I think! Please send asks via my ask box only, and please have some patience because well, I'm mentally ill. Requests are open for anyone who wants to send one, and I take them on anon as well. Once again, thank you soooooooo much for the 5k I love you all.
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ilyuu-archive · 1 year
Yui!! I wanna congratulate you again on your milestone!! 💞 May the +1k followers follow soon ❤️❤️
Idk if I am doing it right
But could I ask for from the actions prompt the number 10? Kisses that makes them melt? With Baizhu ofc and Diluc (and anyone else you would like! <3 maybe your boyfriend Scara? 🤭❤️❤️)
Have a great day / night ahead and take care!!
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Anyways Scarayui slays <33 💞💞🤭🤭
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warnings : suggestive! kiths! kiths all over the place! ooc characters,,,, sorry for that! also!! this is for you, vi!! so i’d only written for the love of your life <3 and the man left in the dust
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a whisper of the wind breathes in his hair, locks dancing along with its quiet, soft tempo. it’s something nice to witness, to see, as the sounds of life slowly hits a lull, one lantern after another put out like a tide ebbing - at the same time, it’s ephemeral. that if you take your eyes off of him for even a moment, that if you blink, he’d slip from your fingers.
his eyes held a small flicker of surprise in them as it shifts to you, holding his arm. you feel how cold his skin is, with how long he’d been standing here. it somehow warms up a bit when he chuckles, a soft string of notes that sounds more than pleasant to your ears - it wouldn’t be an understatement to say that you’d be more than happy listening to it as long as you can.
his hand held yours, fingers twined, and it secured a silent, stilled promise in you for a while. even more as he takes your hands to his lips, a slight curve, as it grazes the back of your hand, your knuckles, and to your fingertips - eyes on each other, and his softened subtly. the gentle swirl in your chest flutters from the heat of his lips, in spite of what you thought at first, and you could only smile at him. it seems to be enough (it is and more) as he leans in, the space between the two of you still, time trickling at a crawl.
“it’s quite relieving,” he croons, “to be beside someone in these types of nights, let alone for that someone to be you.”
an inch of air left.
“i should thank you.”
and he presses his lips against yours. it starts off slow, sweet - something soft that you’re all too comfortable with, and indulge yourself. it’s when you feel his hand slither to the nape of your neck, slipping his fingers into your hair, that he tilts your head just slightly. that itself was enough for him. he moves his lips against yours, that alone tugs a shivering breath that pours out from you, and his eyes seems to glow. you feel him smile, if slightly, into the kiss as something prods at your lips for a quiet entrance in…
…until, that is, changsheng yawns, the snake stumbling on the state of consciousness and unconsciousness for a second. and asleep once more as swiftly.
he steps away from you, and, for a few minutes, other than the cicadas, hush winds, the tandem of heavy breathes is what fills the air. his hand held over his lips, slightly touching it, and as his gaze shifts over to you, he can see the soft luster on yours - and he closes his eyes all once more, focusing on his breathing more than anything as of now and in this moment.
wiry tendrils, vines, coils around the vast grapes, yet ripe, still asking for some time until the moment comes.
you stroll amid them, taking in the scent, as bittersweet as it is, as more of a comfort than anything. your fingers trail after the slender stems, just barely touching them in and out of its rows. crystalflies stray far from you the moment you come too close; and the last few sources of lights depart into the darkness of the day.
the moon peeks from the tops of the trees, its rich colors of soft flush and canary now an inky nightfall. not something you’re concerned about with, of course, how close you are to the winery - the lanterns are already lit, small dollops of fire a promising warmth to you.
that and the silhouette, though one you are familiar with, striding to you as much the same. the candle in his hand lit his face, just a bit, yet you already see the tension in his features that never seems to leave him, no matter how much time passes.
“ah, diluc, i—”
not a word to say as his arms curls around you, pulling you close to his chest, and a blanket of said warmth - be it his vision or just him - wraps you with all the love it has and has to give.
and it comes in a form of a kiss. he locks his lips with yours, and it draws a soft sigh from you, a sound that has him cling onto you a bit closer, space no longer a thing, let alone a thought, as the two of you lost yourselves in a small space of each other instead. his eyes grow heavy, hooded x as he takes in every little thing about you in this second - said second stretches on. you grow breathless, desperate for the cold air to swirl in your chest, lungs, and he feels it. as much as he doesn’t want to (as much as he wants to still feel you against him), he parts the kiss.
you settle your head on his shoulder, and, for a bit, he listens to you trying to catch your breath, and it coaxes him to lift his hand from your back to run his fingers in your hair for said bit.
“i… apologies. seems i went too far.”
“it’s… it’s alright. really.” he sees the smile on your lips, slightly swollen, and he looks to the side. “i liked it… a lot.”
“…oh.” a pause. he shifts his gaze back to you. he sees the subtle light hinting at more. “oh.”
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jeonbunnie · 1 year
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pairing: reader x jeongguk
anonymous requested: “I have another idea for a fic I hope that's okay... it's a post break up angst durabble based on the song nervous by gavin james with jungkook they share a friend group and they see each other again I'll leave the pov up to you..”
summary: Jeongguk runs into his ex-girlfriend over the holidays.
genre: slight angst; fluff;
soundtrack: nervous—gavin james
content/warnings: exes to lovers; established relationship; nonidol!au; college!au; whipped!jk; shy!reader/ warning may make you die of cuteness 
a/n: I know this request was supposed to be angsty but it ended up being fluffy I’m sorry! I needed a cute ending. hope I made it up to you by putting it in jk’s pov! also shout out to @mynovia for the winter fic encouragement kith kith ily ♡ 
word count: 1.9k
♪ I promise that I'll hold you when it's cold out. ♪
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“You’re leaving already?”
Jeongguk caught you outside the front door. You’re shrugged on your coat, breathing out little puffs of it to the cold winter air.
You look over your shoulder at him, and even though it’s below 20 degrees, Jeongguk feels himself melting on the spot.
“Yeah,” you said, “I feel a bit tired. Think I should go home.”
Jeongguk doesn’t want to see you leave the party early. Because even though it’s been a year since you broke up and went your separate ways—Jeongguk was still in love with you.
The realization came like a shot to the heart when you walked into the holiday party and locked eyes with him, just as you did the year before.
Love wasn’t even on his radar when he met you. It was the summer before senior year, and all he could think about were the two years he had left with his friends before college changed everything.
Then you showed up out of the blue one night. Jeongguk couldn’t remember who threw the house party, but he remembered you, coming in with your girlfriends in your baby blue sweater, locking eyes with him across the room.
Jeongguk knew he’d love you the minute he saw you, like hearing the first few notes of a new song and knowing the melody would end up as your favorite.
The way your face lit up when Jennie introduced you two. . .your smile made his heart sing the minute he saw it, and it hasn’t stopped singing for you since.
He planned on spending the summer solely with the guys: trips to the ocean, wild hangouts, and late-night drives. Instead, he spent the whole summer falling in love with you.
Until he fucked it all up.
“Is someone driving you?” asked Jeongguk, desperately hoping the answer was no. Because deep down, he couldn’t stand the idea of you leaving with another man.
You shake your head, inching out more towards the front porch. “I was going to walk. You know I don’t live far.”
“Walk? In this weather?” It was still snowing out, and even though you looked beautiful in the midst of it, hair glittering wet with snow, Jeongguk was too worried about you to even be relieved by the fact that you were unaccompanied.
“You’ll catch a cold.”
You fixed him with a bored look. “Ok. Then I’ll call an Uber.”
“That’s a waste of money.”
You laughed, the sound soft like tinkling bells. “Well, if I can’t walk and I can’t take an Uber, how do you expect me to get home?”
“Let me drive you.”
Instantly your expression blinked from amusement to surprise. And Jeongguk couldn’t tell if that was good or bad (good, he hoped, because that meant he still had a chance).
“Oh, no. You don’t have to do that,” you said, waving him off. “I’ll be fine—”
“I don’t mind.”
“You don’t want to stay with the guys?” You said, pointing back at the cheers and laughter still humming inside.
He shook his head. He could care less. He went to the same university as Jimin and Taehyung, so he could see them whenever he wanted to. It was harder to catch the Ivy Leagues, but his hyungs always made time to meet up. You, however, were hard to find, and he wouldn’t make the same mistake as before and let you go so quickly this time.
“Please?” He asked.
You sigh as you nod, but Jeongguk’s too elated to care. He grabbed his jacket from the coat rack and the red scarf you left behind as you hastily tried to escape the party.
“You forgot this,” he said, rushing to catch up to you.
You thank him as you take the scarf from his hands, trying to keep your hair off your neck and wrap the scarf around you properly. It’s a bit of a struggle, and Jeongguk can’t help but reach for you, one hand sinking in your hair so he can wrap your scarf around you.
You looked up at him then, and it hit like a punch to the gut because your eyes were sparkling, your lips matched the ruby red of your sweater, and all Jeongguk wanted was to kiss you underneath the mistletoe. But he’s not sure you’d like that. So instead, he pulled his hands back, fingertips brushing against your neck.
You sucked in a breath and pulled away at the contact, tucking your chin into your chest. “Thank you. . .” you muttered.
Jeongguk has to hide his smile at your reaction, happy to have some effect on you. Maybe there was still a chance.
He led you to his car, carefully opening your door first before getting in. In his head, this was the part of the plan where he fixed things. He’d make small talk, and after a while, something would feel like before, when the two of you were inseparable, just like high school, when everything was easy. When you were his best friend and his dream girl and kissing you was more than just a memory.
But the car ride to your house is chilly, and it’s not because of the weather. It’s because Jeongguk was too nervous to talk to you.
He’s too nervous to tell you that he missed you, your good conversation, and how you make him laugh till his stomach aches.
Too nervous to tell you that he wished you’d never broken up before college, that he should have fought for you and made it work long distance.
Too nervous to tell you that you’re the only girl he’s ever really loved.
At the time, it made sense to end the relationship so early. School was starting back up, and he’d only have had the year to spend with you before you’d both have completely different lives going to other universities.
How could he know that the butterflies he felt when you were around weren’t just because you were riding a carnival ride? That the fireworks he saw when you first kissed went far beyond the sight at the top of the Ferris wheel?
He should have never put an expiration date on your love. Now things between you were sour. And the fact that he couldn’t talk to you left a bitter taste in his mouth.
In a last-ditch effort to make conversation, Jeongguk brings up your entrance, the only time you were in the same room with him tonight.
“I was surprised you showed up.”
“I could see that. Anyone could have read the shock on your face when I walked into the room.”
Jeongguks gripped the steering wheel, tensing up at the discontent in your tone. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant I didn’t think you’d want to come.”
You bristled. “Why wouldn’t I want to come? They’re my friends too.”
Shit. “That’s not—I just meant,” Jeongguk stopped, voice drying up as he tried to find the words. “I was happy to see you.”
Oh. Jeongguk bit his lip, toying with the piercing on the side. This conversation was going terribly. Maybe he read you wrong earlier. It could be that you felt nothing for him, and any chance he had with you had already passed him by.
It’s quiet for a beat. Jeongguk looked over to see you fidgeting with your hands in your lap, and he wished he could hold your hand in his.
Reluctantly, Jeongguk pulled up in front of your house. “I’ll walk you to your door,” he said, coming around to release you from the passage’s side.
You started to make a big fuss, but Jeongguk opened your door before you could further protest. And even though the car ride was tense, he couldn’t help but laugh at your cute flustered face.
“You don’t have to be so nice to me,” you said, full pout on your lips.
Jeongguk wanted to kiss it off your face. But he didn’t. “I know,” he said. “I want to.”
The walk-up to your door is freezing. Jeongguk wanted to take your hand and bring you close or say something—anything—to keep you from walking away, but it was too damn cold; he couldn’t even think straight.
You fished for your keys in your purse and shivered as you unlocked the door. The warmth from inside floods in, blanketing you both for a second. You turned to face him awkwardly. “Well, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, (Y/n),” sighed Jeongguk. He turned around, mentally kicking himself for not making a moment, not kissing you under the mistletoe, and losing you again.
He was halfway off your lawn when he heard your voice call out to him.
When he whipped around, you were still standing outside, freezing your ass off in your holiday dress, with the door wide open, when you should be inside.
“Why?” You said.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Jeongguk froze, but not from the temperature. It’s your question that gives him pause. And just like that, it all clicked into place. Forgetting your scarf at the door, startling at his touch, wringing your hands—you were nervous. Maybe you were just as nervous, if not more nervous, than he was.
Jeongguk was too in his head to realize it before, but he could see the hope on your face, and for once, he knew exactly what to say.
“Because I care about you. Because even though it’s been over a year, I’m not over you, and I wish we never broke up,” said Jeongguk, closing the distance between you.
“Because I’ve been waiting for a chance to see you again; I’m so scared I’m going to mess things up and live another year without you. And I don’t want to do that. I want to be the one to drive you home and hold your hand and kiss you goodnight instead of saying goodbye.”
Standing in front of you, he’s close enough to see the snowflakes land on your lashes. And because he knows you won’t say it if he doesn’t say it first: “Because still, I love you.”
The words are soft and quiet as they settle in the air between you.
This time when you say it, Jeongguk chuckles. “Oh? I pour my heart out to you, and the only thing you can say is, ‘oh?’”
“Sorry,” you said with a bashful smile on your lips. “I don’t know what to say. I just. . .I want to kiss you. Can I kiss you now?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
At last, Jeongguk got his wish. He pressed his lips to yours, sighing when you leaned into his touch as he cupped your cheek. He gave you the sweetest kiss he could, offering it like a promise to keep you close and a prayer to keep you forever.
You beamed up at him when he pulled away, smiling brighter than any holiday light. “I love you, too,” you said.
Your words made Jeongguk’s heart race like a kid’s on Christmas morning.
Without a second thought, he lifted you by your thighs, peppering you with kisses as he carried you inside the house. You giggled, holding onto him for dear life, and your laughter warmed him up from the cold.
There’s no rush because Jeongguk knows he has the new year to love you.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
HIHI!!! it’s 1am but i come to you with that fluff thought i promised ya :DD (..and an angst one, it’s okay!! dottore will wipe all of our tears </3 ). i’m sorry if i’m like!! brainrotting too much!! you’re so fun to hear the opinions of, and i love talking about this
dottore with fragile reader would be so soft, i like to imagine he really does put in the effort for those picnic dates that you always talk about. Does it mean carrying you there and making a spot where it’s much warmer rather than the cold unforgiving winter in snezhnaya? having a segment travel all the way to liyue for a snack? yes. it also means kissing your forehead as he extracts blood from you, clutching your hand when he knows you’re nervous, holding you no matter how busy he is. He can have you on his lap while he works, no matter how sick you are- it’s worth it to hear his true assistants thoughts. You’ve always been the most important. (dottore probably does not like the replacement assistants and purposefully makes their jobs harder…or the segments pester them because they love you just as much).
…on the other hand
on that traveler finding fragile reader note…omegatorre deleting all/most of the other segments probably meant it was much much easier for traveler to even get to that area in the first place. normally, the lab and area would be swarmed with dottores, but because of omegatorre- now zandik will have alot less. He can’t put as much energy into creating segments because he’s focused on the cure, but *now* traveler is with who he loves most, and he has to stop them. you’re right!! la signora, childe, etc had someone that drove them to become their worst to protect their memory, futures, etc- you are everything to dottore. you’re everything to zandik. ofcourse traveler has to win somehow, escape somehow, its their story after all- so now all zandik could do, is grab you, run, and fix this.
- 💌
(x) 💌 ANON OMFG I LOVE U… ANGST + FLUFF THE TWO THINGS THAT WILL KILL ME SOME DAY 😭💕💕 dottore + fragile reader lives in our head rent free huh
oH MY GOSH THOUGH THE PICNICS- You’re so right. Fragile! Reader tends to get super nostalgic about their Akademiya days/when they weren’t sick. So a lot of times they daydream about how they use to catnap and tease Zandik under the sun while he just muttered about how “this is a waste of time” (even though he secretly enjoyed it.) And now you just think about how these things are probably never gonna happen again for a long time :( but Dottore and the clones are like. We’re going to make it happen anyway. Since it’s quite difficult for you to leave the lab, makes me think about how once I said he built a specific room for you to emulate the outside world’s scenery. He literally got the same spot you two used to go to replicated for you 🥺 And hehe you’re so right about the clones. Mfs would do anything for you even if it means going halfway across Teyvat for Fried Radish Balls. (They make it back in record speed too😭 and present to you your snack as if it’s worth more than gold)
I just love the idea of Dottore being a genuine doctor with fragile! reader 😭 like it’s funny and cute to think about him doing legitimate doctor things and not the illegal ones. Taking blood - he’s a bit surprised when he finds out you’re kind of scared of that and needles and such. Doesn’t know what to do at first but he decides to just ramble on about his experiments and discoveries (Dottore knows you enjoy it) to distract you and then gives you a little kith and chuckles when you’re surprised it’s over that quickly. (Now im just thinking abt fragile reader running away since they might not like all the shots and medicine he has to give them) Also checking your heartbeat - every time he gets hella smug and cocky because your heart always races so fast when he’s so close to you “Oh? Is everything alright? Your heart is going rather fast… certainly not normal. I wonder, what could be the reason?”
Sitting on Dot’s lap while he does work >>> Even with all the clones he has he still gets stuck checking some boring papers every once in a while, and you just like. Sit on his lap and peer at them curiously. Also bothers him by pulling his little cheeks and kissing them <3 and nod enthusiastically as he discusses science stuff. (No fr all the dottores despise the regular Fatui assistants and some of them have gone missing 💀)
Okay angst… I’ll never get over the clones being deleted im in tears (I pretend I do not see it) Zandik never missed his clones more than in this instance. Sure, they fought a lot and caused problems sometimes. But he knew that nothing would ever happen to you because they would protect you at all times. And now it just so happens that damn Traveler had to come at the worst time possible, when security was low. Of course he knows the Traveler not trust him whatsoever and he doesn’t like them either, so the idea of you being with them alarms him more than he liked to admit.
No one is immune to desire. Not Archons or humans. And you are what he desires and loves wholly, so he won’t let anything hurt you. He may be at a disadvantage, but he is the Second Harbinger for a reason. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
okay here we go (I added in images to characters you might not know)
Mild crushes:
Brassius (left) and Hassel (right)
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Lord Milori (still kinda like him)
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Sir Pentious and Lucifer
Used to take over my life:
Brett Hand
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Mordecai Heller
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Adam (most recent)
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I used to like him before back in January, but after listening to the soundtrack of this movie again, I frickin fell in LOVE
The obsession got so bad that I’m now researching Romani history and culture, watching those “the making of (movie name)” videos, interviews (which there are SO FEW OF) of the VAs or Alan Menken, the composer of the soundtrack
I want to know everything when I like a character lol
I actually have more, but it already feels weirdly personal to confess some of them so thank god that this is the silly corner :]
Mo need to fear this is a no judgement zone! Also I lost my right to judge people when I wrote mpreg a few weeks ago/lh
Rubs hands
The first two!! Obligatory "I've never gotten too deep into pokemon and the only game I've played start to finish is shield, and I'm like. Partway through brilliant diamond" soooooo! I know nothing about the personalities of these two so we're going off of looks!! And I say!
Brassius gives off either old and exhausted punk or old exhausted gay artist but those two can overlap!
Hassel Looks yummy I love me a good longhaired blonde man AND he looks a little on the older side? YUMMY!!! He looks like he'd either he a grade A douchebag rich guy or a total sweetheart
Larry! Hey I know you I saw your dick on Twitter!!!/ref mo but real talk I can get the appeal! I already know that's hes a tired working man but that's about all I know!! Hes valid, I'd give him a big ol kith
Milori looks interesting! I don't know wheres hes from so once more we rely off of looks! He looks vaguely like a broken man . I can fix him. Valid!!!
Pentious is valid but I'm biased because I also had a crush on the character!! Pathetic men are just so silly!! Probably also has my favorite design of the entire show!!
Lucifer is also valid I can see the vision!! Caring but mentally I'll man who distances himself for one reason or another despite deeply wanting a connection my BELOVED
Grillby also had a choke hold on me when I was into undertale!! I'm so sad that there werent many grillby x reader fics out there- if I was still balls deep into undertale and deltarune like I used to be I'd 100% give writing the characters a shot but unfortunately I doubt I ever will <\3 unrelated theres a surprising amount of buff bara art of him
Gaster!! I can also get behind!! Mysterious creature that hardly has any lore iirc, fandom either portrayed him as a mad evil scientist or a loving father to sans and papyrus, at least with my experience with the fandom.. valid!!
I never watched inside job but I've heard good things about it! Brett looks like a sweetie, so I can understand the appeal! He looks so silly.. just a guy.. valid
Lukas!! It's been so long since I've heard someone talk about MCSM! Obligatory I dont remember much of Lukas, just that he was kind of an ass in the beginning I think.. but I can see the appeal! I was more of a ivor girlie
Surprisingly I have not seen lackadaisy yet! Surprising I know, since I'm huge fans of other indie animations on youtube!! Going off looks I can see the appeal, he gives old grumpy grandpa vibes but I could be totally off! I like his eyebrows :3
Kinger is another valid but again I might be biased because hes my baby girl- cant wait to see more of him in future episodes especially since hes hardly had any screen time so far <\3 he seems so sweet :(
Adam!! I can see the appeal again but his personality isnt really for me <\3 hes valid though!!
AND CLOPIN! It's been so so so long since I've seen the movies but omfg I remember I loved him a lot! Yummy design as well as a nice personality I wish we got more of him <\3 VALID VALID VALID
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ztarvokronpa · 2 years
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yet another short king that i absolutely love and want to smother in kithes cos bby deserves it and no ryoma you can't run away this time let me giVE YOU MY LOVE-
request status... OPEN!
headcanons under the cut!
SPOILERS FOR DRV3 (obviously!)
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Non-Despair AU
you? with him?? i mean sure but it might take a while lol
it'll be one sided pining until he realises he is also in love with you, then the pining is mutual
literally all your friends can see that you like each other and they've tried to set you up on multiple occasions
cue ryoma's stare
but when you two do get together, he's the sweetest honestly
but don't expect him to be all mushy and lovey dovey around you just yet, he's got demons he has to face first
that doesn't mean you can't be lovey dovey around him though!
hold his hand and rub your thumb over his knuckles - he will smile a little
kiss his cheek or the back of his head - he will freeze up a bit and blush a little
kiss him randomly on the lips - he will hide his face in his hat hehe
once he's more comfortable around you, he will get used to your affections and do the same to you!
did i mention his cat loves you? no? well, he does!
one time when ryoma got home from tennis practice, he found you asleep on the couch and his cat cuddling up next to you. it was so cute he had to take a picture!
"ryo, why do you have a picture of me sleeping with the cat as your phone background?" "what? i can't have my motivation to keep going as my phone background?"
when he comes back home really late at night and you're sound asleep in bed, he'll get changed and crawl next to you, placing himself in your arms and cuddling your chest
just don't turn on your stomach, he will die-
all in all, he loves you and will not let you go!
Despair AU - Ultimate School for Gifted Juveniles (or smth like that yk what i mean)
"go away, you don't want to be seen with a murderer, do you?"
boy shut up let us love you >:(
once he realises he loves you too, he tries to avoid you
it doesn't work because he always seems to find you by "mistake"
when he admits it and when you reciprocate his feelings, he feels like he's found a reason to live again!
so, you know how i said that teruteru is protective of you once the killing game starts? well this man takes it up a couple notches
i'm talking by your side 24/7 with a racket in hand (although he insists it's not for tennis or protective purposes, hon we can see right through you)
doesn't mind if you are friends with anyone, but he finds certain people suspicious so he'll warn you about them first before you talk to them
he calls you his reason to live and he absolutely tells you this whenever he sees you
but then the kubz pads arrive and you end up getting kirumi's
you immediately have a bad feeling when maki and kirumi come to tell you that maki gave ryoma his video, so you rushed over to his dorm
"what do you want?" "show me your kubz pad." "no." "right now." "no. if i didn't like it, you wouldn't either." "ryoma hoshi." "...fine. come in."
then you watched it. and on impulse after, you threw it to the ground, cracking the screen.
"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" ryoma was taken aback by your sudden outburst, but not totally surprised. monokuma, however...
after he left, you held ryoma's hands in his own and reassured him.
"ryo, that video is bullshit because i... i am right here and i care so deeply about you, okay? ryoma, i love you."
you expected him to tell you the typical "you can't love a guy like me", but what you didn't expect was for his hands to squeeze yours as he looked down, seemingly trying to hide his face.
"y/n... thank you... i... i love you, too..."
a smile on your face, you opened your arms and englufed him in a hug, effortlessly bringing him ontop of you as you laid down.
he took off his hat and buried his face into your chest as he wrapped his arms around you. then you felt something wet.
"ryo, are you crying?" "...no..." he's a bad liar, so you just giggled and planted a kiss on top of his head, bringing him closer to you.
you had him right where you wanted him. in your loving embrace, where he knew he was loved and cared for, and where he was safe.
at least, that's what you thought before the magic show a few days after had come to a terrifying conclusion.
"r-ryoma...? RYOMA!!" the scream you let out was nothing less than blood curdling as you watched your small lover get mauled to the bone by pirhanas.
you wanted to throw up. who could have done this?! you both loved each other dearly, so you knew for a fact it wasn't suicide. you shut down that conclusion real quick.
then the culprit became clear. the ultimate maid. kirumi tojo.
"ya know," began kokichi, a grin on his face as he turned to you. "y/n's been awfully silent for a while now. i wonder what's on their mind..." "...shut up."
shuichi had to agree with kokichi, as he too began to ask you what was on your mind.
"y/n-" tenko had began, but wasn't able to continue as you screamed at everyone. "I SAID SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! I DON'T WANT YOUR QUESTIONS!"
silence befell the trial grounds as you sobbed uncontrollably. kirumi's guilt worsened.
"why...?" you began. "why did you do it? and to him?!"
kirumi reluctantly explained after shuichi put the pieces together. the harsh, tear filled glare you gave her made her sweat.
after her execution, you were the first one to storm off to the dorms, ignoring the cries of your friends and wanting to make a beeline to your room when you stopped in front of ryoma's dorm room.
you were already crying before, but now you had finally collapsed to your knees and sobbed uncontrollably into your hands.
you did this until you felt something tap your head twice, as if it was trying to comfort you.
"THERE-THERE. HE-WOULDN'T-WANT-YOU-TO-BE-SAD,-WOULD-HE?" looking up, you saw monodam in front of you, the door to ryoma's room open a crack behind him. you quickly assumed he had come out of it after hearing you cry.
you looked away, small sobs coming out of you as you had calmed down, your hands wiping away your tears.
he then held out something to you that very quickly caught your eye and brought you to tears once more.
ryoma's hat.
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hiya my loves! i've thought up an alternative ending to this, so, if you want, would you like me to write that in full? not headcanon style, just oneshot? ily all! 💜
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fr33ze-y0ur-br4in · 1 year
hi i’m the one who asked about xavier thorpe x fairy reader :) i would like if you could make it fem reader, but i wouldn’t have any issue with it being GN it’s totally up to you to!
My link list is here
Summary: headcanons of how I think Xavier would be with a fairy gf (includes you guys meeting at Nevermore, how you got together, and what happens while you’re together).
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Reader is an outcast obvi, 2nd person pov (you/your used when referring to reader), possible spoilers for Wednesday, takes place before and during Wednesday being at the school however it doesn’t exactly follow canon, maybe angst-ish if you squint in the first section for loneliness?, probably cringy😔👊, kithes (kisses), I think that’s it? Lmk if I’m missing anything. Should be POC reader friendly but if i mentioned anything for skin color please let me know ASAP so I can fix it
Word Count: 1,772
Genre: headcanons, fluff
Beta/proofread? Nope, my reader is asleep rn and I’m too impatient so lmk if there’s any mistakes <3
Notes: IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT MY MOTIVATION HAS BEEN CRAPPY LATELY BUT IM WORKING ON MY REQUESTS I PROMISE </3 I hope u like it cus this was my first official request 😁 also I thought it’d be easier to do headcanons cus I couldn’t think of an actual storyline but really wanted to do this lol
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How you met:
You were just a normal student at Nevermore.
Well… thats using “normal” loosely.
Most students fit into four categories: Fur, Fangs, Scales, Stoners.
You were nowhere near any of those.
You were a fairy walking around with mesmerizingly beautiful wings. (Thank goodness Weems special ordered your uniforms to have the slots in the back for your wings.)
As expected, this causes you to stand out… ironic how many outcasts there are in the school for outcast (but I digress).
Just about everyone knew you because of your extraordinary being. It’d be a surprise if someone didn’t know you.
But just because everyone knows you doesn’t mean everyone is automatically your friend. For you, those are few and far between.
It’s because of that reason exactly that you dreaded partner work in classes.
Thornhill had just announced a two-person project and you were among the many groaning and griping about the project.
As luck would have it, she assigned partners before hand.
“…and lastly, Xavier with y/n,” she finished reading off the pairings
You looked over to Xavier only to find him already looking back at you.
The two of you exchanged small smiles before turning back to Thornhill as she finished explaining the project.
The rest is history✨✨✨
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How you got together:
It had been a few months since you and Xavier got paired for Thornhill’s project.
Much to your surprise, he continued talking to you and hanging out with you when the project was finished.
“Y/n!” Xavier called out to you after Thornhill’s class one day. You two had just gotten your A for the project and you had figured Xavier would leave you behind the second it was done.
“Oh hey Xavier,” you said, a little surprised with him joining you in your walk to lunch. “Everything okay?”
He lightly laughed as his brow scrunched ever so slightly. “Yeah..? Why do you ask?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I didn’t think you’d want to still be my friend after finishing the work.”
He went from having a scrunched brow to a completely confused look. “Why wouldn’t I?” You looked down in slight embarrassment as you failed to find a good reason, opting to shrug your shoulders again. He laughs a bit again and puts his arm around your shoulders, leading you towards a different table than you usually sat at. “We’re eating with my other friends today, I think you’ll like them.” The former part of his words sounded more along the lines of a demand than it did a suggestion but you went with it anyways.
From that day on, you had gotten close to Enid, Wednesday (of course she wouldn’t admit it), Ajax, and Eugene.
All of that eventually lead to you and Enid (and consequently Wednesday) having a sleepover in their dorm.
“We should play truth or dare!” The energetic werewolf suggests the game suddenly.
“I don’t find the need to indulge in such childish games,” Wednesday says monotonously, continuing her typing at her desk.
You laugh a little as you respond to Enid, “I don’t see why not.”
She squeals as you move to sit with her on her bed. “Okay, I’ll ask first: truth or dare.”
You considered your options, also thinking about what Enid has the potential of making you do if you chose dare. “Truth.”
She smiles sinisterly. “Do you have a crush on anyone?”
You feel your heart drop to your toes. Had she caught on to your recent changes in behavior? Seen the small glances you had tossed across the room? Been able to hear your heart beat louder when you were near him?
“I don’t-” you start only to be interrupted.
“Just admit your oh-so-obvious feelings for Xavier, y/n. Everyone can see it, no sense in hiding it,” Wednesday interjects.
You feel your face flush and your wings give small flutters at the thought of you with Xavier.
You hadn’t realized when it had began. All you knew was that one day you started smiling at every text you received from him, looking forward to seeing him laugh at another one of Enid’s silly gossip stories, feeling your heart as well as your wings flutter every time your name fell from his lips.
You sigh in defeat. “Fine, I do like Xavier. But what am I supposed to do about it?”
”SO glad you asked,” Enid says getting up and reaching under her bed. She pulled out a poster board that says, “The Simple Plan of Getting Xavier and Y/n Together.”
You almost laughed seeing the cheesy decorations surrounding the board.
“I have been waiting for the perfect time to set my master plan in motion,” Enid smiles. “When better to start than now?”
She explains the plan, telling you about the party some other students were holding the coming up weekend.
“If we can get enough people to join in and play spin-the-bottle, I already found someone with telekinesis that can make the bottle land on you and Xavier every time one of you two spin!” she finishes explaining.
“And you’re sure this will work because..?” you ask skeptically.
“I may or may not have overheard Ajax talking to Xavier and Xavier may or may not have admitted to having a crush on you and he may or may not have used your name when admitting his crush,” she says, failing to control her smile.
Your heart and wings flutter how they do every time you imagine you two being together. “Are you- are you sure it was me? I mean I’m sure there’s plenty of other girls with the name ‘y/n’ in this school. He could’ve been talking about anyone for all we know.”
”I’ve heard the names of every student in this school, you manage to be the only y/n I’ve heard of,” Enid assures you.
You continue to hesitate as you think over everything that could happen. Finally, you decide the risk would be worth the reward. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
Fast forward a couple of days and you, Xavier, and a good bit of other students were sitting in a circle, an empty bottle in the middle of you all. You sat next to Xavier, the telekinetic student Enid was paying to control the bottle on your turns sat across from him, and everyone else was dispersed about.
After a few minutes, your turn has come. With a shaky hand, you spun the bottle as best you could.
As Enid told you, the bottle quickly stopped directly pointing at Xavier.
Xavier must have seen the nervousness on your face.
“You don’t have to if your not comfortable-” he starts, only for you to quickly cut him off by slamming your lips against his own.
He wasted no time in returning the action, lips pushing against yours as much as you pushed against his.
“Get a room!” one of the various students exclaimed jokingly, making you two quickly pull away from each other with slightly heavy breathing, eyes not leaving each others.
The game finishes eventually and Xavier had offered to walk you back to your dorm, an offer you quickly accepted.
Standing outside your door, Xavier begins to speak. “Can I tell you something? If you say yes, you can’t let it change anything between us if you don’t… ‘agree’.”
You feel the flutters once again, turning towards him and nodding for him to continue.
He takes a deep breath and gently grabs your hands. “There no point in tip-toeing around this so I’ll just rip the bandaid off: I like you. Like, really like you. And tonight… well tonight just made my feelings so much more intense. If you don’t like me back that’s fine, but I needed to tell you before it ate at my heart anymore than it already has.” His eyes never leave yours as he admits his feelings to you.
You stood there staring at him in shock. He takes your silence as rejection, smiling sadly as he nods and lets go of your hands.
Right as he turns to leave, you snap back to reality (oop-there goes gravity-).
“Wait!” you exclaim as you grab his hand and pull him back to facing you. “When I didn’t respond, I didn’t mean it as me-not-liking-you-back-and-I-don’t-know-how-to-tell-you silence. I meant it as holy-crap-the-guy-I-like-likes-me-back-and-I-don’t-know-how-to-tell-him silence.” He let’s out a small laugh at your ramble of a confession.
“So… what does this mean?” he asks after a moment of quiet between the two of you.
“What do you want it to mean?” you ask back.
The smile that follows makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, them increasing in rapidity as he places one hand on your cheek, pulling you into another sweet kiss.
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Stuff for while you’re dating:
If you know how to paint, you both spend time in his shed painting different scenes and portraits with each other. If you don’t know how to paint, you often hang out with him in his shed, doing your own thing while unknowingly being his model for slot her masterpiece.
Dude’s love language is gift giving and quality time, no I will not elaborate.
idk about y’all but mine is biting when I’m super comfortable with someone so if you’re just like me, he probably tends to have random bite marks wherever you decided to strike and if someone asks he just 🤷‍♂️ and moves on.
Steal his hoodies (tucking your wings into them to they’ll stay on), he will love seeing you in them💕 (bonus points if you’re way smaller than him, it’s adorable)
Naps? Yes. Elaboration? No.
You’re probably his date to all the secret parties he attends.
Please play with his hair after he has another less-than-pleasant vision, he will sleep so much better.
I feel like he’d probably be really good at makeup since he’s a really good artist so let him do your eyeliner every now and again.
“Can I touch your wings?” is a question you’ve often heard in your life, annoying you just as much. But he asks every now and again and you can’t help but let him.
Is amazed with your abilities.
Winter-based powers? Naturally cold? Perfect, let him warm you up. Plant-based powers? Grow him a flower and he’ll press into a bookmark. Electric-based powers? Nothing can shock him more than the night you started dating him hun, rest assured you won’t hurt him.
Idk what nicknames he’d call you but they’d probably be based around your abilities.
You go to his house on holidays, especially when his dad can’t be bothered to stay home with his son for a few days.
Give him any amount of affection and he’ll return it ten-fold 💙
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Notes: oh my godddd IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE 😭 I started back school awhile ago and I’ve been really down on motivation before and after that. I hope this is okay, thank you for my first official request 🫶 if anyone has already requested something, I promise I’ll be working on it soon.
124 notes · View notes
hongcherry · 1 year
Stolen Kisses || khj
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"Balancing work and his personal life wasn't easy, but Hongjoong made do by stealing kisses from you when he could."
💋 Pairing: boyfriend!idol!Hongjoong x Reader (cis f)
💋 Rating/Genres/AUs: NC-17; 100% fluff; Idol au, established relationship
💋 Warnings: They shower together but nothing sexual occurs, reader is referred to as girlfriend/girl, lots of kithes hehe, reader is a foreigner, usage of pet names (baby), a cringy nickname for Hongjoong lol (let me know if there's anything else!)
💋 Word Count: 4.6k
💋 Author's Note: I've had this sitting in my WIPs for months since July but I always got distracted while editing it. However, I finally sat down and looked it over thanks Syd if you see this lol. This is my first of many Hongjoong fics, which I'm excited about! This live got me feeling warm and bubbly, so I hope you all enjoy the fluff with me (:
Key: English | Korean
ateez masterlist | main masterlist
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A heavy sigh left your lips as you strolled through the narrow hotel corridor. It had been a long week dealing with picky clients—each wanting things created to the “T” according to their visions. Some just didn’t understand that no, you couldn’t put white text on a pastel pink background as it would be difficult to read with the lack of contrast.
You shook your head, hoping to rid the memory of the clients from your brain. At least for now. You just wanted to snuggle against your boyfriend until the responsibility of both your schedules forced you apart. You had flown out after work one day to visit Hongjoong while he was on tour. While Hongjoong had his own schedule to attend to today, you decided to explore the city.
As you approached the room you shared with Hongjoong, you could hear a faint voice inside. You recalled he had texted you earlier to let you know he had planned to do a livestream with his fans tonight. They were usually scheduled beforehand so you didn’t accidentally interrupt him or any of the other members. That must be what he’s doing now, you thought to yourself.
You kept that in mind as you carefully unlocked the door and pushed it open. You tried not to make a sound, so it wasn’t heard in the stream.
Hongjoong and you were lucky to have your own room, but the fans may get suspicious if they heard the door opening if he were to be alone. Sure, they may think it’s one of the members or staff, but you knew Hongjoong didn’t want to risk it. Understandably so because you felt the same. 
The streams were normally conducted with a staff member in the room so they could monitor the member(s). Despite this, they made an exception tonight and monitored the stream in another room. If anything were to arise, they would contact Hongjoong via text.
It’s no surprise your relationship with the famous idol was a secret. You didn’t want to bring any drama to his career. You both figured if you were still together in the future–hopefully, you would be–then you may consider disclosing your relationship to the public. Though, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
Hongjoong quickly glanced up mid-sentence when he heard the soft click of the door opening. From where the entrance was located, you couldn’t see each other. You made sure the door was locked before peeping your head around the corner to show yourself. You gave him a little wave in greeting as you took off your shoes.
When Hongjoong saw you, his lips instantly curled in a small smile. However, the smile was quickly directed to the camera to act like the grin was for his fans—not his girlfriend.
“Yeah, it’s spicy,” Hongjoong said to the phone that was propped up as he sat back against his chair. He set his chopsticks to the side of his empty noodle bowl.
You soundlessly made your way further into the room and set down your purse before making your way to the closet.
“Yeah, definitely spicy,” Hongjoong continued. He quickly licked the corner of his lips to rid any remnants of the spicy noodles he had just consumed. His eyes stole a glance upward to see you starting to remove your clothes.
He’s seen your body multiple times throughout your two-year-long relationship. Seeing you change was normal for him now, yet, he could still feel his body tingle at the sight of your figure. Perhaps it was because he loved your body, but another part of him was just so enamored with the reminder that you were his. That this domestic life with you was something he could really have, even with his hectic schedule.
“I need some water. Just a moment,” Hongjoong quickly told his fans and left the chair.
You were finishing changing into more comfortable clothes when you felt warm hands grab your hips.
You snapped your head up in surprise to see Hongjoong behind you.
“Hi, baby,” he whispered in your ear before pressing a soft kiss against your temple, trying to keep the sound inaudible to the stream. “I’ll be done soon, okay?”
“It’s fine,” you reassured and turned in his grasp. You placed a gentle hand against his cheek as you pecked his lips, wishing you could indulge in his affection longer, but you knew his fans were waiting for him to return.
Reluctantly, he let you go and went to the mini fridge in the room. He retrieved drinks for both of you and handed you one.
“Thanks,” you murmured and grabbed it. After giving you one last kiss, he went back to his chair.
It wasn’t the first time you had been in the same room as him while he did a live stream. Although you had to stay silent during them, you got used to them over time and ended up doing your own activities.
You quietly broke the seal of the water bottle, sat on the bed, and took a sip. Your eyes wandered to your boyfriend in the corner of the room.
His two-toned hair was slicked back to expose his forehead. Some pieces fell into his eyes, but the look just made him more attractive. He donned a plaid button-down shirt that appeared a little too big, but you knew he didn’t mind the oversized fit. Hongjoong has always been handsome, but today he just shone more than usual. You could probably sit there and admire him until the sun rose.
“Ah, I brought soda, but I don’t think I can drink this right now,” Hongjoong said after a while of reading the comments. “One moment.”
Hongjoong took the chance to be near you again.
“Was that an excuse?” you giggled softly and peered up at him when he neared the bed.
He smiled and shook his head, leaning down to give you yet another kiss. He didn’t care if he was being excessive with the kisses. He missed you too much to care. Plus, he would be unable to feel your lips due to his schedule, so he was being greedy while he could.
“No,” he said after the short kiss. “But I might as well steal a few kisses while I can, right?”
As if to be true to his word, he gave you another one.
You laughed quietly and grabbed his hand, shaking it gently to show your own affection. You would have done more, but you didn’t have time.
Hongjoong understood and grabbed a juice from the fridge before going back to his chair. And no, he didn’t forget to give you a kiss, but this time on the top of your head.
You sat for a few more minutes watching him interact with his fans. A small smile formed on your lips involuntarily. You couldn’t help the way your heart swelled at how he composed himself.
“I’ll work hard to prepare with confidence,” Hongjoong continued his talk.
Despite wanting to watch him, you tore your gaze from him and pulled out the book you brought with you. Though, it was hard to focus. You stared at the words on the pages, yet you weren’t really reading. Your attention kept drifting off to the man in the corner of the room. His calming voice lured your attention to him.
Hongjoong was the third member you met of ATEEZ.
You were hired to contract for the company three years ago to help with graphics for their promotions. You ran into Yunho and Wooyoung on your first day. Ironically, you had met them down the block from the company building but didn’t recognize them at the time. It was your first time going to the building and being a foreigner, so you had a little trouble with directions. You had enough knowledge of Korean to live by, but some words or phrases still had you puzzled. Nevertheless, you found the building with their help.
Two weeks later and you met Hongjoong during a briefing meeting. You didn’t see him after a while and every meeting was nothing spectacular. What made the difference was that you and Hongjoong often got to the meetings early and made small talk. He didn’t mind which language you decided to speak, as long as you were comfortable. He even encouraged you to speak English since it helped him learn and retain it better. Likewise, it helped when he spoke Korean to you constantly. You were learning from each other, and it was a lot more beneficial than learning from a textbook.
You both tried to keep things professional despite the growing feelings toward one another. For some time you sat at opposite ends of the table to increase the distance—hoping the farther away you were, the more your feelings would disappear. However, it was to no avail. Like two teenagers in love, you both snuck off after meetings to exchange forbidden kisses in abandoned rooms.
You and Hongjoong knew your contract with KQ was coming to an end after the promotions, so you made a deal that you wouldn’t continue whatever you two had any further until your contract ended. Although there wasn’t a dating ban, you still wanted to remain professional. You were always told it wasn’t good to be in a relationship with a coworker—conflict of interests and such.
Once the contract was finished, Hongjoong asked you for a proper date.
It was easy to fall for Kim Hongjoong. He was hardworking, thoughtful, open-minded, and of course beyond attractive. You always felt happier around him and the feeling intensified when he became yours.
“‘Will you go watch the Minions 2’?” Hongjoong read aloud the comment. He gave a small smile. “I’ll try.”
A few more seconds passed as he read the comments.
“Yep! So… ‘Go to sleep!’ Noo!” Hongjoong paused with a chuckle but then relented. “Okay.”
You glanced up from your book at the sound, catching a glimpse of a smile on his lips. Your body was growing tired as the minutes passed, but you forced yourself to stay awake. You wanted to spend some time with Hongjoong before you went to sleep.
“I have to wash my face and body and hair and all that,” he continued and gestured to the parts he was listing.
You smiled hearing him speak in English. Even though he wasn’t able to study lately, he still tried to have conversations with you in English to remember the words he did know. You knew he wanted to work diligently in any way he could.
“I’ll get going now,” Hongjoong began to sign off, a hand waving to the camera. “Have a good day, and have a good night. Bye bye! Bye!”
Hongjoong fiddled with the phone for a second before quickly repeating a bye and turning off the live.
He waited a moment to be sure the live ended then got up and walked toward you.
“Sorry,” he said as he sat next to you on the bed. He wrapped his arms around your body and hauled you into his lap.
“Don’t apologize, Joongie,” you replied and snaked your arms around his shoulders. You nestled your head in the crook of his neck. His body was warm and he still smelled faintly of his cologne. “You need to talk to Atiny. They love seeing you.”
Although you did want more time with him, you knew it was important for him to build that connection with his fans. He wanted to talk to them, too, just felt bad that he couldn’t do both—talk to them and hang out with you. There weren’t enough hours in the day.
“But I love seeing you too,” Hongjoong whined softly and squeezed your body tighter.
You giggled and nodded, showing that you loved seeing him in return.
“You look really handsome today,” you complimented and pulled away to look at him.
He grinned, teeth on display while his eyes stared at you fondly.
“Thank you, baby,” he said and leaned forward. You met him halfway.
You smiled into the kiss, your heart still fluttering after years of constant smooches. You weren’t sure if you would ever get over the way he made you feel.
Hongjoong massaged your sides as he deepened the kiss. His tongue found yours and you giggled lightly when you tasted the lingering spice from his noodles. At the sound, he squeezed your sides playfully. Your hands trailed up to his hair; your fingers tangled in his locks. Although they weren’t as soft as usual due to the hairspray, you still liked the way it felt between your fingers.
When you were both out of breath, you pulled away. His eyes were shining under the lights.
Carefully, you leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed the makeup remover wipes. You freed one from the package and slowly began to wipe the makeup off Hongjoong’s face.
Hongjoong’s lips twisted up in a small smile at the action. His eyes fluttered closed while he continued to trace random patterns on your sides.
None of you spoke a word, but that didn’t matter. You just wanted to feel him against you. To be in his presence.
After you wiped away his eye makeup, he opened his eyes and slid his hands to your back.
Hongjoong lazily rubbed your lower back as he watched you. He started to hum a random tune while he did so. Your head was tilted as you concentrated on not being too rough on his skin.
“Come join me in the shower,” he spoke as you finished removing the last of the makeup.
You tossed the wipe in the trash and put the package back on the nightstand.
“But I’m too tired for sexy time,” you confessed with a small whine, already feeling your eyes getting heavy.
Hongjoong smiled at you chastely. “We don’t need to have sexy time. I just wanna spend more time with you.”
Your eyes squinted while you hummed in disbelief.
“Come on, pretty girl,” he begged, lower lip sticking out in a childish pout. “Please?”
Your eyes remained on his face for a moment. His eyes were round as he silently pleaded for you to agree. “You’re lucky you’re so cute,” you caved in.
Hongjoong grinned and patted your butt to indicate to move. You followed his silent order and climbed off his lap.
Hongjoong started to unbutton his shirt, revealing more of his honey skin a button at a time.
“You’re staring,” he teased when he noticed your eyes glued to the way his fingers worked to unfasten the fabric.
“Yes I am,” you boldly replied and flickered your gaze to his.
Hongjoong’s eyes widened slightly, and he ducked his head when he felt his cheeks redden. You supposed he wasn’t expecting that response.
You laughed and raised his chin to see his face. “You’re cute when you’re shy.”
“I’m not cute or shy,” he huffed and finished undoing his shirt. He stood in front of you, blue jeans on and shirt hanging open to show his defined torso. If he weren’t being pouty, you would’ve found him sexy in his fit. You just thought he was more adorable right now.
You placed your hands on his chest, and he shivered at your cool touch.
“Yes you are, and I love you because of it,” you said and pressed your lips against his pouty ones.
During the kiss, you pushed his shirt off his shoulders. You helped him pull his arms out, clothed chest pressed against his.
Hongjoong’s hands trailed up your hips to your waist. He grabbed the hem of your shirt and gently peeled it from your body. Because you had dressed comfortably, you had opted out of wearing your bra.
“You’re cold,” he said when he felt your chilled body against his warm one. “Let’s get you under warm water,” he instructed.
Hongjoong quickly removed his pants and took off his watch so he was only in his underwear. He grabbed your hand and led you to the bathroom.
After adjusting the temperature, he pulled off his remaining clothing. You followed suit and wrapped your arms around your body—the cool room causing goosebumps to form quickly.
Hongjoong stepped inside first to ensure the temperature was fine then held out a hand for you. You put your hand in his without hesitation.
A sigh left your lips when the hot water hit your body.
Hongjoong held you close to his figure to help warm you faster. You rested your head against his chest, letting the water fall over both your forms for a while.
“Better?” Hongjoong asked while he rubbed your back.
You nodded.
“Good,” he said and reached for the shampoo. “How was your day?”
You turned around when Hongjoong gestured for you and closed your eyes when you felt him put the liquid on your hair. He began to gently massage your scalp.
“Just some more annoying clients. They wanted a dark… Uh,” you paused when the word in Korean escaped you. You’ve heard it, even used it before, but for some reason, you couldn’t remember at the moment. Hongjoong paused in his movements to give you more of his attention.
“Gradient,” you said, glancing at your boyfriend over your shoulder.
His eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he tried to understand you. He didn’t know that word in English.
“When the color fades from one color to another,” you tried to explain. You could see the imaginary cogs turning in his head, trying to guess the word you were attempting to describe.
“Ahh!” he exclaimed when he recalled the word. “Gradient.”
Of course.
“Gradient,” you repeated sheepishly, though Hongjoong didn’t mind that you had forgotten. He gave you a reassuring smile and grabbed the shower hose. He rinsed your hair, careful to ensure no soap got on your face.
You closed your eyes again and continued, “They wanted a dark gradient with similar shade text. I tried to explain that it wouldn't look as nice but they insisted.”
Hongjoong listened carefully as he washed his own hair quickly. You felt bad that he helped you without you asking, so you stopped his movements and replaced his hands with yours.
“Maybe they’ll change their mind when they see it in its final version,” Hongjoong tried to comfort.
“I hope so,” you replied. You helped him rinse his hair then you each put in your own conditioner. “If they don’t, I don’t want to put my name on the work.”
Hongjoong was used to you switching between languages. Although it took him a little longer to understand what you had said, he never complained as it always helped him with his own English.
“It’ll just show how you’re able to adapt to others' requests,” he assured and reached for the soap bar. You let him glide the soap across your body, enjoying the feel of it and his fingertips against you.
Hongjoong hadn’t been a fan of skin ship initially. During the first few kisses you had, his touches were light. You could barely feel him on your clothed waist. Even his kisses were gentle to the point you felt you were simply brushing lips rather than actually kissing. He gradually became accustomed to your touches, but he still limited a few of them because he wasn’t used to such affectionate actions. Although he did receive love from his members—whether voluntarily or not—it felt different when the touches were from you.
Eventually, he was used to feeling your skin against his. Even started craving it so much that it was hard to even go to the bathroom without him clinging onto you like a koala. It was rather cute. Now, he only gets that way if he hasn’t seen you in a long time. Though, you are never upset with it. You like needy Hongjoong.
“That’s nice of you to say,” you replied and grabbed the bar.
“You’re talented, baby,” Hongjoong said.
“Thank you,” you murmured.
Hongjoong let out a small sigh at the feel of the soap rubbing against his skin. His head lolled back, and you took the time to admire his fit figure. His muscles were not as defined as some of his members, but they were still easily visible. Although you didn’t care either way, you had to admit it was a nice plus.
“You don’t need to thank me,” Hongjoong answered softly after a few seconds. He tilted his head downward in time to see you rinsing the bar, a habit of yours, before setting it down.
He stepped under the water and let the soap run off his body.
“I have a lot to thank you for,” you said.
Hongjoong grabbed your hips and swung you around to be under the water. You laughed and wiped the water from your face, but it was useless as more water kept coming.
“Like what?” he whispered and captured your lips with his before you could answer. Water raced down both your faces, but neither of you minded. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he smiled into the kiss at the feel of your body flush against his.
You pulled away and adjusted your bodies so he was more under the water. You reached up to tilt his head back as you rinsed the conditioner from his hair. He closed his eyes and kept his hands on your waist.
“Like how thankful I am to be able to be the only one who gets to kiss you,” you answered belatedly.
“Or how thankful I am to have a boyfriend as amazing as you,” you paused when you noticed Hongjoong’s lips twitching upward. It was as if he was trying hard not to smile. Wanting to see his full grin, you continued.
“Thank you for being so good to me… For making my heart do all sorts of cartwheels.”
“Cartwheels?” he asked and opened his eyes as he moved from the water. He stared down at you confused, not understanding what you meant.
“Cartwheels,” you explained. His mouth opened slightly in a silent “ah” as he understood, nodding slowly. However, his expression quickly turned bashful as he averted his eyes briefly. The words had finally sunk in and he felt his heart thud faster.
“Y-you still don’t need to thank me,” he mumbled and returned the favor of helping you rinse your hair.
“Maybe not,” you said even though you truly believed you did. Hongjoong was such a blessing in your life; you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. “But I want to.”
Hongjoong bit his lip at your words. He could run in circles with you about this all night long. Instead, he shut the water off and went to grab a towel for you.
He enclosed the towel around your body before he quickly dried off his chest and hair with his own towel. He wrapped the material around his waist and secured it. As he did so, you dried off and fixed your towel around your body.
You both did your night-time routine hastily then climbed into bed together.
“I hope you have a better day at work tomorrow,” Hongjoong said once you were both settled under the covers. You were facing each other, legs tangled under the sheets. Hongjoong had a hand placed on your side, rubbing his thumb against your warm skin absentmindedly. He spoke slower than usual as he focused on using the correct words in the correct order; yet, you were patient as always. Switching languages wasn’t easy and you admired that he still tried to use your native language even if he wasn’t totally confident in speaking it.
“Me too,” you replied with a smile.
“So, I have a question,” he said. You hummed to show your curiosity.
“Will you go watch the Minions 2 with me?”
You giggled. “Of course, my Minioong.”
Hongjoong sighed at the nickname, acting as if he disliked the pet name you had given him when you first learned about his love for Minions. Though, deep down you knew he liked it. Even if it was cringy and sounded a little funky, it came from you.
“I’m not going to share my popcorn with you now,” he huffed. Playfully, you stuck out a tongue at him. This earned a teasing poke from your boyfriend to which you whined in response.
“My silly girl,” Hongjoong said fondly and moved his hand back to your waist.
The softness of the mattress and the comforting feel of his hand on your bare skin had your eyes drooping. You blinked rapidly when you caught yourself dozing off.
Hongjoong chuckled softly at you trying to fight off the sleep. He pulled your body against him so your head was tucked in his chest. He rubbed your back and closed his eyes, basking in the feel of you engulfed in his embrace.
“Get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning,” he said and pressed a soothing kiss against your head.
“Are we still going to breakfast?” you wondered quietly, still not wanting to rest just yet.
Hongjoong hummed in affirmation. “You still okay with the members joining us?”
“As long as I get to sit next to you, yes,” you teased as you recalled the time Wooyoung rushed to occupy the only seat by Hongjoong. It forced you to sit away from him, which isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things. However, your time with your boyfriend in person was limited, and you just wanted to cling to him until you couldn’t anymore.
“I’ll make sure of it. You’re not leaving my side tomorrow,” he replied with a smile.
“Only tomorrow?” you asked softly and peered up at him.
Hongjoong caught your gaze, carefully raising your face more so he could plant a chaste kiss on your lips. “Forever, baby.”
“I don’t want to leave tomorrow,” you confessed glumly. Your trip to see Hongjoong was ending soon. Once their concert ended tomorrow, he was taking you straight to the airport so you could catch your flight. Despite being sad you weren’t able to spend your last few hours with him directly, you were still happy to see him on stage—doing what he loved for the people he loved. He was meant to be a performer, and you loved seeing his passion shine brightly under the stage lights.
“I don’t want you to either,” he sighed, tugging you against his body and resting his head against yours. “’m going to miss you too much.”
There was silence as your mind ran, sprinting from one sad thought to another. You wanted to stay with Hongjoong longer.
“Don’t be sad, pretty girl,” Hongjoong mumbled. “It’ll be okay.”
“I love you, Joongie,” you replied softly, eyes closing as you let Hongjoong hold you. He squeezed you tenderly before lifting one of your hands to plant a lazy kiss.
“I love you more,” he answered.
Knowing Hongjoong was too tired to argue with you, as he usually did when you said this, you answered, “I love you more.”
“Just this once,” he said with an airy chuckle. “Now, go to sleep, baby.”
“’kay,” you mumbled softly and closed your eyes, a triumphant smile on your face. You felt him adjust a little before settling down. He kept you close as you drifted off to sleep. Instead of dreading tomorrow, you focused on being with Hongjoong now. 
It was difficult to be in a relationship with an idol. You knew it would be from the moment you fell for one, but actually living through it pained you more than you realized. However, feeling Hongjoong’s warm body flushed against yours—hearing his heart beat steadily as sleep slowly consumed him—made you remember why you risked it all. Why you overcame the lonely nights, the three-in-the-morning facetimes, and the virtual dates. 
He was worth it all.
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