#the first part was decent tho really enjoyed it when it was a bit more professional... the latter parts were just insane but so funny
louismygf · 2 years
fr didnt go as i expected it sounded like a group of friends just chatting shit and gossiping 😭
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transmascaraa · 4 months
Hello it's me again ;33, the one who requested to bsd, and seriously, i LOVED it, it almost made my cry 'cause i'm trying my best to get better, but anyways!! Can i ask more for bsd?? I saw that your requests are open, soo..... Can i ask Dazai and/or Chuuya having a partner that literally HATES alcohool and alcohoolics/drunk people? Like idk i think that it would be a very interesting think (most to Dazai cause Chuu isn't an alcohoolic he just get drunk easily but i think you understood), so pretty please?? (Thinking abt req for dgr too btw hehe >u<)
multiple characters headcannons!
characters: dazai, chuuya x gn!reader
author's note: OKAY SO i don't like alcoholics and alcoholism as a whole bffr that shit is fucked up but i don't think this will be hard to write due to having witnessed some pretty bad experiences happen to the people in my neighborhood and i think it is really bad(my dad is a part of that even tho it's VERY rare and it doesn't impact him TOO much) lmao BUT i do love chuuya so why not write it smh i hope you enjoy! (also i'm glad you liked the last one^^)
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-uh so
-this man.
-it might be a LITTLE hard for you guys to get along in the first place
-especially when he comes home late at night, drunk as fuck and you have to help him go to sleep and rest(drink water first ofc)
-so you'll definitely try to help him or something i meannnn
-sometimes it's his failed attempt at killing himself but yk he doesn't really attempt after getting with you in a relationship
-you'll definitely try to confront him multiple times and tell him how bad and unhealthy it is.
-wether it's because of religion or just that you don't like it, he will not drink IN YOUR PRESENCE.
-otherwise, when he's not with you, he still drinks.
-and scold him please—
-he deserves it.
♡ Chuuya
-so ofc as any decent human being you're gonna try and help him and stop him from drinking alcohol completely
-and with chuuya it might even work even tho the chances aren't all that high
-he understands that you hate it and just despise it when he comes back home at 4am drunk, then having you making him rest and all just isn't his thing at all.
-if you scold him, he'll always irritatedly reply with something like:
-"yeah, whatever, i know, i'm trying. mind your own business. i know."
-gonna be a bit of a challenge but at least it's possible.
-throw away any alcohol you have at home so it doesn't remind him of the taste or something (whereas dazai, if you threw it away, would buy it again without you knowing)
-ngl would be really understanding with this subject/topic, he'll do his best.
-if he fails know that he's still trying, especially with having you to distract him from it
so yes
i like this one
love your reqs btw!!
| @mariaace <3
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longlivedelusion · 27 days
hi uh can you do a fluffy jegulus at some point? idk if you do fluff but uh yeah
@ninkiminjaaaj I absolutely do fluff. And I've been actually reading a ton of Jegulus lately! Hyperfixation, activated 😎
Been in a bit of a writing rut tho so this isn't as good as I'd like it to be, but hopefully you enjoy 🥲
You Made Me a Poet
Summary: Regulus gets too caught up in his writing, and James takes him out of it. Fluffy and lots of looking back on their relationship.
Warnings: None really.
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"Reg," the sound of his name came with a groan as James peeked in through the door. "How much longer? You promised we'd go flying today."
Regulus didn't look up as he scribbled away at his book, "Just a few more minutes, I'm just about done."
Another grumble came from the doorway as James made his way into the room and onto the couch across from him in a dramatic huff.  "You said that half an hour ago."
Regulus lifts his head and blinks, turning his gaze over to the clock and his clearly perturbed boyfriend in the corner. "Oh." He looks back down as his nearly finished chapter.
He's so close to finishing a huge part of his book, and he's been on a creative roll all day which has been great. But then again, he did promise James some flying time since they hadn't spent too much time together lately with work and all.
Regulus's eyes turn towards James, assessing. "Okay, give me precisely 5 more minutes and I'll call it a day. I promise. You can stay there and time it if you'd like."
James sighs but nods, leaning back with one arm to get comfortable. 
It used to bother Regulus, having people around him like this. James especially. When they were in school, it took him years just to feel comfortable hanging out with James one-on-one, let alone having him there observing him while he worked. First, he was Sirius's loud, annoying best friend. Then he was his Quidditch rival. Then tutor and eventual friend. Which turned into years of pining before they finally confessed their feelings. Or, well, James did. 
If it wasn't for James, there would be so much that Regulus wouldn't have right now. An adorably needy boyfriend for one. A home, a real one. A decent relationship with his brother. Merlin, even his career in writing. If it wasn't for James, be wouldn't have even tried, probably would have gotten some ministry job that he would have hated, lived in an apartment alone, unhappy, and with no family.
But that wasn't his life. And so much of the joy he felt was because he had learned what it meant to be happy through James. 
As he finished up his final notes, James sneaks up behind him. Regulus feels a soft breath on his ear and arms wrap around him, "Time's up." 
Reg reaches up and back, stretching and using this chance to lace his fingers through his boyfriend's soft, brown curls. He gently pulls the brunette down to softly kiss his lips. 
Jame smile, but pulls back. "How was your day?" 
Regulus pouts at the loss of contact but responds nonetheless. "Good. I finished the chapter about the masquerade today."
James' smile brightened instantly, "Oh! That's amazing. You're about finished then aren't you? I still can't believe you've managed to knock out an entire book in less than a year! Well, actually I can but only because it's definitely cut into my quality Reggie time which I've definitely noticed, but of course I support you, I just miss seeing you so much you know?" 
Regulus's frown turns into a small, fond smile. "Don't jinx it," He warned. "I'm not finished yet. And I still have to go through editors and I don't even have an agent yet."
He feels James let go before he suddenly turns the chair, making Reggie yelp in surprise. "You're an amazing writer," he starts, eyes serious as they fix on Reggie's. "You're going to finish that book, get an editor, and then get it published. Everyone will buy it and love it. End of story."
Regulus raises an eyebrow at him, making James chuckle.
"Now you just need to make sure you don't burn yourself out before you get there, which is why... Flying!" James says, picking Regulus up bridal style.
"James!" He yells, arms wrapping around James's broad shoulders. "Give me a warning next time, please."
James softens, his arms securing tighter around. "Sorry."
Regulus shook his head, but the small smile blooms again on his features, one he reserves only for his adorable boyfriend. He lifts his hand, pale fingers tracing the smooth, deep brown skin that always felt like heaven under his touch. Features he could trace time and time again yet never get tired of, finding new lines as he aged, a new softness or sharpness across his jaw or cheek.
This man, the love of his life.
Regulus still couldn't believe it. 
Whether it was now or the first time James' hands laid flush against Regulus's own, their fingers tracing slow paths around their joined hands. Exploring, tentative touches after they'd confessed. Their hearts laid bare in a way neither had ever done, and now this whole new world awaited them. 
Regulus knew then, beyond a doubt that James was going to be the death of him. And the rebirth of something entirely new. And he wasn't so afraid, not if he got to have an enternity of that feeling.
And still years later, he had that feeling every time James' touched his lips, pressed a hand to his back or whispered an I love you.
Nothing could beat this, these moments. This life. Not when James was by his side.
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candycryptids · 3 months
hewwooo tuesday here's a silly little question for you since your "check it out, frogs!!" blog title always delights me: how do each of your characters feel about frogs? 👀
I *love* Frogs, but how do the blorbeans feel about em...? Well... I had to really think about it TTuTT BUT! Chuu favors mechanical creatures over flesh 'n blood ones, and while her getting to the First is ambiguous and mysterious (being a non-wol, I just try not to think about it too much) She DOES... love the Dwarven Mecha frogs. And. The biggest frog of them all... Formi.... <3 …. So she doesn’t care for frogs much. She has sent Tuesday out frog catching for alchemical ingredients though….
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Colette... Doesn't have any feelings this way or that about frogs, really. They're small, they're kinda slimey? but mostly they're just, very small. Except Gigantoads, I suppose, but those are a toad, and decidedly less slimey, by virture of being a toad. The ambivalence remains though! They're not that tricky to fight so long as you know how to wriggle out of their tongue grasp. (I did... take some frog-related Colette pictures tho >:3 I'm just gonna, post em a bit later, since the theme got away from me) Gigantoads make for a decent enough meal so long as you prep the meat right :T the legs are the most edible part yk.
Ishi is much more fond of Poro Roggo's, Matoya's froggy familiars. They're wearing LITTLE HATS ! They wave little canes! They're quite frankly adorable and they have little croaking voices. What's not to enjoy? (And also, there's something really nice about being out in the marshes of Mor Dhona and finding a little frog instead of a Morbol ready to stink bomb you, HAH)
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Tuesday shivers when he thinks about frogs (knows the difference between a frog and a toad, still pictures a Gigantoad first, and does not much love being yanked mid-cast from his Ley lines into body slamming range.) Finds just a regular little frog endearing and will get down in the mud and muck to look at it though. Is especially fascinated by frogs that stick to things like leaves and trees and their camouflages uwu He’s the one who likely knows the most about frogs, and would gladly tell you more about them. Probably compares information with Erenville, if they ever meet up in non-life-threatening-situations.
Tangy finds them fun ! If she’s on a walk or a run or an errand and it’s drizzly and she sees a little frog hop across the pathway there’s literally 0 inhibitions in her body that stop her from also hopping or skipping for at least a minute (still on her way, but a frogs leap is so charming. They’re like tiny dragoons! She points this similarity out to Estinien once. Krile laughs, Estinien looks constipated- you know the face.) She also has a weird compulsion to put them into her mouth, though, so if she catches one….. make sure it’s not poisonous. She doesn’t even plan to eat it! They just look like they would fit perfectly in her kitty jaws (she is sometimes correct).
Mochiie had to get used to frog song when he moved to Gridania. The rivers and lakes and greenery abounding let the little critters thrive in a way they don’t particularly on the Steppe. …. He comes around to finding it relaxing and feels uneasy when he doesn’t hear them anymore lmfao. In non-WoL au’s, probably sometimes tasks adventurer’s with catching frogs for alchemical ingredients OR to bring back to the pond he’s been carefully maintaining to encourage the little beepers to live in it. (Btw, his favorite frog singers are the Pobblebonk or Banjo Frog [YT Link], and the Pacific Chorus Frog [YT Link] 🥰)
Levraut…. I’m still not sure. 🤔 I think he’d like them, but he wouldn’t feel strongly about them. He WOULD eat them though. As would Colette and Mochi… I mentioned Tangy liked to stick them in her mouth but actually eating them seems like a waste, since she’s so big and they’re so small. Like eating a blueberry. I can say his favorite frogs would be the Blue Jeans Poison Frog, for their striking jackets of warning colors, and the desert rain frog, whose perfect spherical nature and grumpy face is endearing.
#ASK GAME#TY FOR THE ASK? I got to think about frogs a whoooole bunch and it’s got me feelin like a sparkling lemonade#me personally? I’m always biting at the bars between me and the Devs wanting a mount that looks like one of their Gigantoads. idk how you’d#even ride on it I just. want it. LMFAO#also I didn’t get poses for everyyybodyyyy but I did have fun taking these screens uwu!!!#I also listened to a bunch of frog calls….. poison dart frogs make such a cool noise it’s wild#somehow picturing Lev with a Frog was akin to plopping an alien in front of him I could noOT figure out how he’d feel about them!#if I had my self-Insert character done up I woulda done a bonus of me with frogs lololol#but I was having trouble getting even just the one frog for Ishi 🫢#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv Miqo’te#ffxiv Ishi’li#also…. uhm…. the Boys ™ are still in ARR gameplay wise so even though by all rights they should be a DRK and an AST I didn’t uh.#I didn’t have any MCDF’s made up for either of them 🫢🫣 cos we haven’t >> Designed em yet#so please accept DRG Kizuna and his tummy and Nin Ishi and his. hair that’s a little short#OH ALSO THEIR SCRINKLE CARBUNCLE BC THEY HAVE POOR AETHER POOLS#the WoL has 10k. Ishi has like. 3-4k. he gets trained to Always Be (Lucid) Dreaming for the MP regen#I wanted to post this today and do more screenshots before hand but the Maint is gonna gunch me first#Cos Im finishing endwalkers with my husbaaaand !#Please enjoy what I have. Ishi tripped.
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rubywolf0201 · 6 months
Gotta say, now that I'm watching the dub to Bucchigiri, I think it's pretty good, and even tries to clear things up in the dialogue, though not to the high standard of SK8's dub since there's no real standouts like David Wald's performance as ADAM.
The closest though has to be Ricco Fajardo's performance as Matakara. I've been following his roles for a decade now, and I'm impressed by his range across the shows he stars in and he manages to demonstrate that range so well here. Inversely, it's Arajin's VA who's new to voice acting, since this is his first major lead role in a dub.
Also a shout out to Shindo's dub VA for playing his first villain role in years and just delighting in chewing the scenery. It really sounds like he's enjoying this.
Yeah I caught a few of the dub clips on X/Twitter and while I do think that the dub cast isn’t as strong as the ones in SK8 (I WILL GET INTO THE SERIES SOON I PROMISE BUT NOT RIGHT NOW), I don’t mind it as I rather let some new talents shine and see how they perform in the long run. Well most of them are names I never heard of with maybe a few exception (Senya, Mahoro, Akutaro, Ichiya and Matakara).
So I’ll give out my opinions on some of the dub cast:
Arajin (Alex Mai): He isn’t bad by any means. I do like how in Episode 2, he made the scene where Arajin is forcibly pulled by Senya funnier than the original. Can’t wait to hear more of his performance.
Matakara (Ricco Fajardo): I only heard him a few times as Matakara but it is decent. It sounds close to his performance as Pandreo in FE Engage but with a much more mellow tone to it. (I don’t know how would Ricco tackle Corrupted!Matakara but I’ll just wait and see once all episodes are up) It’s a shame he doesn’t even mention or like any BUCCHIGIRI?! posts when I felt that it was a pretty decent role he has (tho then again not every VA’s are chronically online)
Mahoro (Lindsey Seidel): She’s ok so far. But I do think her raspy voice when showing her spiteful side felt a little off compared to the original VA where she just lower a few octaves or so but it’s still an okay-ish performance so far.
Marito (Kieran Fullton)- For a new-ish VA, his performance for Marito is just as close to the Japanese performance. I like how he balances out Marito’s playful side but also his sneakiness in some parts such as in the scene of Episode 2 where he asked Matakara about Arajin’s whereabouts before he gleefully says he is going to make him join Siguma.
Senya (Chris Guerrero)- I agent heard much but he does seem to act out the best he can. The part in Episode 2 where he managed to perfectly replicate the performance in the original where Senya is acting like a meow meow is just 👌🏻
Zabu (Daniel Van Thomas)- I think he’s ok but I do have certain issues in that I felt that his voice felt way too deep for a 16-17 year old boy. Still, it’s a decent performance but I preferred the original better (Sorry 😅)
Komao (James Marler)- I think he’s ok from the few clips I’ve seen, almost as close to the JP VA performance but still having some few differences here and there.
Outa (Wyatt Baker)- Can’t say much tbh. (Sorry)
Jabashiri (Alex Hom)- He’s alright so far. I only heard a bit of him back in Apothecary Diaries so it’s a bit surprising he was chosen to play Jabashiri.
Hagure (Van Barr Jr.)- Can’t say much tbh but I do like some of his performances from the few clips I caught of him.
Akutaro (Aaron Dismuke)- I do like his performance as Akutaro, sounds almost close to the original as well esp in that clip in Episode 6 where he ‘thanked’ the whole of Minato Kai and Siguma Squad for being close to his goal.
Overall, those are just my thoughts on the dub VA performance.
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fukia · 1 year
Fionna & Cake final thoughts , opinions and nitpicks lol
This will be unorganized and random and stinky, sorry
• great pacing first 2 eps
• good ideas
• ignoring multiverse saturation, is p decently done here!
• I miss Neil Patrick’s take on Gary/gumball- he sounded so freakin princely :(
• marshall sounded kinda less mischievous than he used to? Like vocally more down or something- I’m super glad he had the same actor tho lol Donaldddd
• I miss old Prismo voice too but I know why these didn’t work out
• Hunter’s voice either could’ve gone for a deep gravely stoicism or could’ve just been w/ the same actor as Huntress Wizard
• Scarab is ehhh- decent design but feels kinda out of place for adventure time- voice is similarly the same offness too, reminded me of kinda bad anime dub voices, it doesn’t feel intentional to the right extent —- either make a more surreal villain or a funnier one, his presence was rather generic
• the spooky faces and scurrying beetle of scarab was kinda funny
• lemongrab. Why justnonce roiland.
• I will end my life a million aeons over for Orbo - bluey’s dad: “say goodbye to your legs!”
• mmmarceline dress
• bubblegum mmmmilitary
• I wish we saw the fucking MOON vampire
• MOON vs STAR (super cool naming if the uh tarot thing is carried on here I legit don’t know if star is an actual tarot card lemme check)
• marshall n Gary was sweet- but I really wished they played up the bitter exes part before they did just the fluffy dating, bring a bit of parallel consistency
• fionna was good acting! The crying bit made my heart ouches- Character herself was a tad frustrating at times admittedly
• cake is great still - cake and vampire king hilarious
• why no “the star”’s actual dad :(
• BETH SHERMY GIBBON YES YES YES- back to old adventure time: I love the intro theme for Beth and shermy, it’s so melancholic and desolate, cold, with backgrounds that make this so fascinatingly depressing a turn for the land of oo (happy endings impermanent- life goes on kinda deal, so cool, so consistent with adventure time’s own concepts & “everything stays”)
• Simon and Betty made me emotional
• uhh how old was Betty when she starting dating simon? Just offhand lol I’m sure it was fine
• Golbetty had beautiful scenes
• way better simon and Golbetty than that weird adventure time published comic I’m sure some of you read
• the animation is great on some places, other times while well made, feels out of place for adventure time; like it’s trying too hard to be pretty (not the Ice Prince song, stuff like that made sense for adventure time)
• like some bits reminded me of Steven universe’s inconsistencies (same bits that made me really really dislike some of adventure time distant lands’ execution)
• [funny nitpick incoming] like there were points where the characters had really big eyes even tho they r supposed to be dots (not when exaggerating certain emotions cartoonishly, I meant prolonged); adventure time’s deal is keeping them small and kinda hard to decipher
• some bits were just a tinnny too anime that it bothered me, just some! Anime is cool!!!
• I was really expecting or hoping for a Korra styled multi-season just with lesser episodes
• the resolution was… kinda haphazardly handled
• same with some of the final themes, like w/ simon n betty
• adventure time is kinda known for being almost ambiguously optimistic so the whole super happy thing was kinda strange to me
• I know like it shouldn’t have to be the same as adventure time obviously, but that was the general identity of adventure time; the cosmic ambiguity with absurd humor delivered nonchalantly
• like I think of patience st pim’s ice domain during elements and the melancholic quietness of it - also PATIENCE ST PIM WHYYYYY I LOVED YOU (patiencevstheempresscough)
• yes it was a great thing to have this miniseries I enjoyed many parts
• the music was fucking fire!!!
• where was the dr two brains reference ? -3-
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kingcedricthegay · 8 months
So I read the first chapter of your Cedric x Reader fanfic and came to share my thoughts.
I will say, I'm not too fond of x Reader, I'm more about reading about characters instead of being one. That being said, I liked that there was an effort to include other characters from stf, and I actually got invested from how the fic was formatted as a genuine stf episode.
I don't want to be too critical of the portrayal of some of the characters, but as a Roland enjoyer, I felt your portrayal of him was quite decent until it came to Cedric. I'm not sure at what point the story is supposed to take place in besides being between Great Auntventure and Day of the Sorcerers, but I feel that Roland being unhappy about Cedric coming along doesn't feel in character. At most points in the show, Roland is shown to not mind Cedric, let alone with Sofia. Cedric's Apprentice was an episode where Sofia literally became Cedric's apprentice so he could help her for a test, and Roland never once objects to her being with Cedric. I think Roland doesn't have as big of a gripe as people think because he's more disappointed at Cedric not being able to do magic than him as a person overall.
That being said, I love how you wrote him as someone who respected Sofia's wishes and let her bring Cedric along to the carnival. That is very much like Roland to see that Sofia likes something and sets aside his biases for his daughter. I can understand headcanoning Roland not liking Cedric as a person, and It's not something I'd agree with, but I absolutely agree with him respecting his children and their wishes.
As for the royal family as a whole, I didn't expect them to take as much of a focus as they did, and it was a pleasant surprise to have the children interact with Y/N. In fact, the format of the fic was so creative, with the royal family being so involved, I found myself being invested more in that than the x Reader parts. That's just me liking things not involving Cedric more because of how focused he is in the fandom. I wanted to talk more about the other aspects of the fic because I think people would find these elements such a treat.
While the royal family isn't THE main focus, I found Amber and Miranda to be a bit weird as characters. The fact I preferred the writing for James over them says something. With Miranda, I felt she wasn't a character like everyone else. The only role she seemed to have was as a mother and nothing else. The way she didn't have as much of a prominence as the others bummed me out. And it's not that she had to have a bigger role, but I felt myself questioning where she was.
My thoughts about Amber are based on my opinion, but the way she was written felt mixed to me. There were parts where she felt like Amber, like her excitement at getting her fortune told, but her being interested in whether she has a spouse?? I don't know, I personally don't think she would be too interested in that, or at least would be more interested in other aspects of her future. Plus the "I AM EASY" part caught me off guard. That part with the part before of Amber eating fast but elegantly did not pair well. It felt like Hildegard core.
These are just my thoughts though. I really enjoyed reading this fanfic despite some parts I didn't jive with. I would recommend it for anyone who likes a storyline with their smoochies with Cedric rjdbhdidjdjdjrj
Thanks for recommending me this fic /g /vpos
I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you tho or sorry that happened /ref
No but seriously thank you so much for writing all this 😭😭
First of all I always try to make my one shots feel like they could more or less happen in the StF canon, so I’m glad it works!!
Regarding Roland, I know that you love him but I don’t necessarily like him that much. I think he’s okay most of the time, I just hate him for fun lmao (that’s probably why I wrote him as less likable than he actually is)
About the characters overall, this was my first piece of StF fan fiction and when I was writing this I hadn’t finished the show yet (I was maybe at the beginning of season 2) so the characters hadn’t gone through all the development they had to go through yet, and I guess I didn’t have that good of a grasp on their personalities. Now that you point it out, looking back Amber was never boy crazy so I agree that that bit doesn’t make any sense (😭), and yeah I guess Miranda ended up being just… mom.
All in all thanks for the feedback! ❤️❤️
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assortedvillainvault · 8 months
It's a bit of a random question, but I'm simply curious, how did you start falling in love with the Horned King/what's your origin story with him? Only if you want to share it of course^^ Feel free to also just generally gush or ramble about him!
(also btw I think it's awesome that we share him as an f/o now, I think subconsciously I already knew for a while that I'd fall for him eventually, it was just a matter of time he's just too gorgeous💕)
Ok this ask has given me the warm fuzzies for several weeks so thank you and I guess I should probably answer this now huh -
(also every time someone else pops up who f/o's him I'm Absolutely Delighted and am so glad I helped facilitate your decent into lich simpery)
I'll do IRL and self insert shenanigans, so IRL first:
- the first time I watched the black cauldron I'd be ...about 8 or 9?
- one thing you sincerely must understand about me is that I am, unapologetically, unequivocally, unexpectedly....a weenie.
- much as I adore the spooky and the strange, any film that veers into remotely scary territory, or horror in general, that shit scars me down to the cellular level.
- Power to everyone who can disengage/absorb that stuff healthily because I sure as fuck don't and doubt I ever will. Anyway.
- mum buys me the black cauldron and thinks nothing of it. It's Disney, right?
- anyway yeah uh suffice to say boy golly gee I'd never seen *that* many skeletons animated before. Think my little brother started crying at some point.
- but honestly, something about the films mad dichotomy of attempted cutesy fantasy with grim dark backdrop and off kilter humour enamoured me. And I found myself wanting *more* of the dark parts of the film.
- (still early the full cauldron born scenes were cut. So goddamn salty)
- the Horned King became a lynchpin of fascination, something about his eerie voice, his apathetic yet menacing mannerisms and his degraded appearance really drew me in. Esp his summoning and death scenes.
- I think I started drawing skeletons soon after and they're still the easiest thing for me to draw.
- over decade later when I was depressed as all fuck, I rewatched the film and found myself only really enjoying his scenes, in part because he was the only relatable villain to me at the time. (Eternally tired, quietly dramatic, quick to anger and dismissal. A smorgasbord of things to distract myself from feeling like I was actively decomposing too at the time. Brains are wild.)
- now I like to imagine quietly helping him get to a better place same as I've managed to do :) who needs therapy when you have imaginary lich time.
As for self insert funky times:
- rather than imagining myself in the dark ages, mostly because despite living in the UK my knowledge of that time period is just awful, I imagine a modern setting
- crucially tho the events of the film still happened exactly as shown.
- in this setting my s/I has moved to Wales and accidentally rediscovered the -broken- cauldron, and the remains of the castle. Time itself rusted the old thing and it cracked, letting HK's disheveled soul slip free.
- my S/I is an amateur ecologist, with interest in geology and paleontology and history. (So just me. Straight up me. I can't even pretend here) Once she figures out she's effectively haunted, HK's presence is akin to a field day.
- will she attempt to resurrect him properly? Eh who knows. Maybe. I'm a real fucking sucker for ghosts, esp partial possession or soul bonds.
- magic exists still in this setting, it's just mostly forgotten and thus dismissed. Of course my s/I has latent magic because of course, and I love the idea of HK teaching her as a pseudo bonding activity.
- love just watching HK be bamboozled and overwhelmed by the modern world too. Show this lich a toaster someone-
- very low stakes very chill, just two lonely fools trying to rebuild their 'lives' together. Probably the most weirdly cottage core of my selfships if I'm honest. With more dead things.
So yeah that's pretty much it! Thanks again for the lovely ask, and feel free to tag me in anything lich related 🥰
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bonkbobl · 17 days
i should be sleeping but i couldn't help but check your blog tonight and i'm so glad i did lolol,, hihi !! i just caught up on your last two recent fics and i must say, though i loved loved state of undress, i do find myself wanting to see more of distraction first. it was unsettling to read (the SA part mostly and the aftermath) yet so intriguing... i especially liked when you wrote of roose's conflict in realizing and feeling regret of his actions towards the reader & how he wants to apologize to her. i'm curious to see where you'll take it next ! (also the absolute fear i held when reader had to speak in front of everyone in the tent 😭,, i love that catelyn spoke up for her tho :') <3 ) needless to say, i would not mind whichever fic is posted first, as long as the one with a happier ending is posted second bwahahaha,,, i'm a sucker for angst but i fear roose bolton will be the death of me in this category 😭
i love that bed chem by sabrina was what loosely inspired you for state of undress bwahaha,,, which the gif??? where do u find these gifs they're all just so precisely fitting !! like even distraction he's so up close like 😳... AND OMG DISTRACTION WAS THE FIC U HAD TO REWRITE??? ur absolutely insane and dedicated and i love you for it 😭 i hope you took breaks in between writing :')
school has just begun and has been clocking my ass but seeing your posts have rejuvenated me !!! it is always a delight to see something new from you, fic or not haha,,, i hope school has been improving for you btw and i'm sorry to hear about your partner :/ i hope the split was civil and decent :']
btw those tiktok edits you're talking about.... is it the crawling back to you edits because istg i too have been watching them on repeat !! i like these two a lot as well:
https://www.tiktok.com/@rejoiceprime/video/7376165691335937285?lang=en — the song is kinda silly but the scene where he tilts his head back in his seat is just so KLDJSKLJDSKJDS 🫣
https://www.tiktok.com/@mannis_cc/video/7342193627386449184?lang=en — this one is just so dark and the song is just so him and ughhh
i hope the links work/ are valid and u like the edits haha,, let me know if you've seen them before :)
i look forward to reading the second parts to your recent fics, as well as any other new ones you might have in mind :) please do take care dear author !! wishing u all the best ! — 🩰 anon
im really happy you enjoyed them both ahhh!!! also yeah definitely the part 2 to distraction, if i end up writing it, will still have angst themes. although i like kind of tried to flesh out the ideas a bit more and im not super sure if im that passionate about it :/ but we'll see. i think i have lingering feelings about that fic and would like to flesh it out a bit more.
i hope school gets better for you soon. its lowkey been kicking my ass too LOLL especially since my courses are getting more advanced and more STEM focused.
ALSO LMAO NOT YOU KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT IM CRYING LOL. yes its those. also thanks for the new food i'll be saving these for later <3
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
Okie well I can't shut up ever so I'm going to compile my thoughts here on Tumblr as I rewatch nnt fom the beginning !! Also pls feel free to scream and/or rewatch with me👉👈👀
Kinda long so more thots below the cut
Season 1, episodes 1-6
I forgot how good the writing and animation are in the first season, like they truly thrived under aniplex😔 the brief white blood period in I think season 3 shows us just how good we had it
I love seeing Hawk and Meliodas's relationship, and his star Boar earring😭 plus having the Boar hat as the main location is just so comforting !!
Also I JUST realized his name is hawk because of a ham hok😭😭 this is like when I realized toe mater's name was tomato at the ripe age of 18
I miss the holy knights being powerful. Like I get that the Sins are always more powerful than them, had a long way to go in terms of power ups, and meliodas straight up had most of his power sealed but like DAMN. They were so cool in season 1 !! Gil was such a badass😭 I guess I just wish that the holy knights powered up along with the Sins
Seeing the very first episode got me thinking about the original pilot Manga (chapter 0) and how cool it might have been !! Like I love the story we got, but I do think those versions of Mel and Elizabeth maybe would have been better than the ones we got😳 like I just really like Meli's original design, I feel like he looks a bit older, and chapter 0 Elizabeth is simply superior ngl. She's funny, brave, and assertive - a lot more like Liz and goddess Elizabeth, except funnier
The first half of season 1 has one of my fave intro and outros like damn I forgot how fucking cool they were. Some of my fave songs to !! (my all time fave is def howling from season 3 part 2 (i think lol) tho)
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Like look how cool this is !!! It reminds me of this pic from the manga
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Speaking of intros, I miss the title cards !! Like look how cute this is !!
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Everytime the fiddle (?) Music plays I get SO FUCKING HYPED BRO like damn Ik it's through all the seasonal and I'm so glad it is because it's rlly the perfect hype song - here it is on Spotify
Also Gil is such a badass in early episodes, I love his strength !! This moment is the fucking coolest and you can't convince me otherwise
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Overall, I think the attention to detail is just better, the sounds the armor makes, the animation and drawings (esp background characters), Meliodas just sounds a bit older too (and I have theories on his voice here if u want them 👀)
The whole perv thing is really exhausting really quickly. Almost surprised 14 year old me made it through this as the 2nd anime I ever watched and the 1st I watched alone
I feel like Diane got shorter through the seasons. Like she doesn't compare to Hawk Mama like she did in season 1, and I think that's a damn shame. Let my giant girl be giant !!
She's also a decent bit more violent and I enjoy that thoroughly. She's just a silly goofy kween😌
Also her original costume is superior, her boots are just👌
Just realized that Meliodas was like an older brother/mentor to Gil and now they're brothers in law 😭😭
Also young Elizabeth and Gil are so cute😭 I always forget that they grew up together too
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I love Hawk, but I feel like kicking him would just be so satisfying 😔
HOLY SHIT I forgot how badass Ban is when weren't first introduced to him !!
The humming while impaled and bleeding out he really is that girl tm
He's such a masochist. A damn if it isn't kinda hot.
Wow they really introduced Diane's body issues and then almost never bring them up again
Also my plus size Diane headcanon is so real like damn. Body issues girlies are being represented by her fr😔
Ban's slutty waist. That's it. That's the thot.
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Also his pre series hair. First season reminding me why I love Ban sm
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Lowkey miss the dragon handle sword. The broken blade was so cool:( Lostvayne still cool tho
I think it's so funny how they always wore their armor as holy knights, and yet anytime they wear armor in the present time line, it just immediately cracks off😭
Really anything except pants is going to be blasted off🤪
Okay SO in episode 5, when Ban is about to get his scar from the dragon handle sword, he tells Meliodas "you and me have been hanging together for a lot of years now." This scene takes place 12 years before present (bp). Does this mean Ban and Meliodas were friends before the formation of the Sins? Or was Ban the first after him and Merlin? Ban has been immortal 20 years BP, leaving 8 years in between present and the flashback. 8 years before this scene, Meliodas was still in Danafal/Danfor and would be for another 4 years. What does any of this mean? Idk, just thot it was intriguing lol.
Also how did I not notice this is the first time we see demon!Meliodas !! Baby's first sighting as an unnatural creature with otherworldly rage🥰🥰
Also the fact we never see the scar Gil gave him again lol. Plus him presumably needing to do demon mode so hellfire can heal him is actually rlly cool
Just thought about how Elizabeth laying her hand on his chest to check the scar was the first time in years his love touches him with gentleness or concern🥲🥲
The fact that it took me 6 years to realize that when Meliodas says he'll keep the promise he made to Elizabeth, even if she should die is referencing the promise he made to her originally to break their curses🥲😬😤😭😭😭😭
6'11 Ban thinking that he even had a chance in fitting in Jericho's armor is just so... him
Diane calling Elizabeth kiddo is so fucking cute🥺
Also they definitely get away with a lot more innuendos and swears. The words badass and foreplay in the same episode? Impressive
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
the better part of valor
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“And this is Captain Miller,” Mary said, keeping her voice low. The man, a pallor beneath his tanned skin, dark shadows under his eyes, had taken a turn for the worse in the night, a consequence perhaps of being assigned to Dr. Hale, and she was loathe to wake him any earlier than she must. Hale would bluster about his time being valuable, but Jed was more likely to shrug and then expound upon what any decent physician could glean from a simple observation. If they had had coffee and not chicory, he might go on at some length, clearly enjoying himself while also waiting to see if the patient would rouse to the sound of his voice. If Jed sidled a bit closer in these circumstances, the hint of a smile almost concealed by his beard, the admiration in his gaze more obvious, Mary could not be held responsible or accused of any untoward behavior ill-suiting a Head Nurse.
“He ain’t. He’s Major Miller,” the young boy in the next bed piped up. 
“Indeed?” Jed said. He barely needed to pivot to take in the youngster, the beds having been pulled closer together than Mary ordinarily allowed. It meant the ward could hold a few more wounded, but she’d acquiesced primarily to assuage the boy’s combination of imperious demand and abject pleading. It happened this way sometimes, a pair or trio of soldiers came in together and it was apparent that their bond went beyond the battle or the uniform. 
“I see no evidence of such an elevated rank,” Jed added. “Perhaps you’re mistaken, a head injury can cause confusion—”
“I know what I know.” Beneath the bandages, the boy’s eyebrows drew together. Stubborn he was and though Mary was certain he’d lied about his age and very possibly about his name and sex given the binding she’d discovered under his newspaper-lined coat, she recognized the ring of truth in his expression and the flatness of his voice.
“Then you know better than the Union Army?” Jed countered. He’d taken chicory but there’d been fresh milk and Mary had poured with as lavish a hand as her New England upbringing would allow. Jed was in good spirits and was sure to regale her with a thorough medical assessment of the young private when they left the ward. 
“He got a whaddyacallit, a brevet, after what he did a month ago. Should’ve gotten a passel of them, all the Rebs he’s got, sir,” the boy said. 
“For gallantry on the field,” Jed said.
“Not gallantry,” the boy said, shaking his head as much as he could. Mary had attended to his dislocated shoulder herself, strapping him securely without disturbing the muslin tightly wound around his, or rather her, chest. “He’s the bravest man I know, the bravest man in the whole Union Army, and I wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t—if he didn’t—”
Something, a memory most likely, had overtaken the boy and his voice had risen before he broke off, worryingly soprano, enough to draw attention to the discussion and to the smoothness of his cheeks washed free of dirt and dried blood, the slightness of his frame. Carrying a flag and a drum, he’d be taken for what he said he was, but here, in the narrow cot, the bandages around his head like the nuns’ wimples, he was in danger of discovery and his champion Major Miller slept on, unable to defend with a distraction. Someone must intervene before Jed was forced to ask questions Mary knew he would rather defer, a truth undiscovered one he needn’t act on as either Doctor or Captain Foster, could trust to her discretion.
“I’ll be sure to make of note of the Major’s rank, Private Elton,” Mary said, lingering just a little on the name the boy had given her when she’d asked, a subtle reminder of the role that had been undertaken. He’d stumbled over it, really, salvaging the near-disastrous admission by coughing, first clumsily as Mary recalled the poor acting of the man rehearsing as Juliet when Corporal Gielgud had spiked a fever and been unable to tread what passed for the hospital’s theater boards, and then with the convulsive hacking that those who’d breathed in too much smoke and dust were prone to. Ellen was most likely or Eleanor, Elizabeth more commonly shortened to Lizzie or Betsy, not the El— that had been abandoned. The people she’d left behind must fear for her greatly, unless there were none left, Elton an orphan or a poor relation the larder barely stretched to feed.
“He rode a horse gut-shot,” Elton offered. “Major Miller was shot, not the horse.”
“A helpful, though unnecessary, clarification,” Jed remarked. “Exceedingly helpful for the horse, one imagines.”
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“Took out two snipers while he did it,” Elton went on, undeterred by Jed’s comment. “They would’ve killed me but he could’ve not got wounded. Belly’s bad to get hurt—” 
Jed picked up Major Miller’s wrist and after a few seconds, nodded, raising an eyebrow in that rapid assessment he was capable of, indicating he thought the man would live but that he’d have had a better chance under Jed’s hands than Hale’s. It was enough for Mary to go on with; she always found it easier to tell the truth and to lie by omission.
“I’m sure he was glad to do his duty. To keep you safe,” she said. She had half-expected another argument, that protecting Elton wasn’t Miller’s duty, that it was unreasonable to be kept safe in a battle, to have a stranger become your closest ally, but Elton stayed quiet.
“His injury isn’t terrible, though you’re correct that abdominal wounds have generally worse outcomes,” Jed said. Elton gave Jed such a glare of skeptical scrutiny it was all Mary could do to keep from chuckling. “I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen plenty,” he said, direct as he could be when it was needful.
“You ain’t the one they call the Butcher, are you?” Elton asked.
Jed choked on the laugh he couldn’t suppress despite the quelling glance Mary gave him.
“No, I haven’t been given that esteemed title. It belongs to our other surgeon, whose efforts your comrade appears to have weathered. Major Miller likely possesses a hearty constitution and an ample degree of, shall we say, fortitude?”
“He’s got grit and he’s obstinate as my Aunt Phaedra’s mule, if that’s what all your high-falutin’ words mean,” Elton said. This time, Mary permitted herself to smile.
“I’ll watch over him myself,” Mary said. “And you may send any of the orderlies for me if you are worried, I’ll come as quick as I can.”
“And now, young Elton,” Jed said, the name uttered with a sincerity that was undercut by the acute acknowledgement of his gaze, “you may rest easy, for there is no one here who is more determined to keep a man alive, even if he should wish to argue, than our Head Nurse. She should merit her own brevet, save that there is no higher post for her to ascend to, given that Lincoln’s still in the White House and the Mother Mary Veronica assures me God occupies His throne.”
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crystallinestars · 4 months
OMG I almost completed my response to you on my phone... then the Tumblr app refreshed and nuked it all. So sad 😿 No such thing as a too long response from you tho ! Your thoughts are always really interesting to read.
For real though, same with wanting to celebrate hahaha. Actually tomorrow I might go get myself milk tea🧋to mark the occasion hahaha. Let's celebrate this banner and Pride Month 😼
I figured that the lack of Kaveh in the banner was due to the whole Destroyer of Worlds thing, but to be over a year, it feels like overkill at this point. 😭 I guess I'll keep an eye out for any Nilou-related banner leaks, as that might signal Kaveh's return...
I'm so shook about those localization issues 😭 The masculine pronouns thing, that's a REALLY big mess up on the part of the translators!! I don't want to go full dunking on them or anything but it's really weird that such errors were made... And pushing the whole personal beliefs thing is really wrong... Like translating CN, JP to EN in a way that conveys the original nuance is definitely challenging, whyyy would they just toss in their own agenda as well...?
I wonder if CN->JP and CN->KR deals with any similar issues... I've heard that for some non-English, non-CJK localizations, the translation is first run through a second language and then the target language, which I feel really makes things even more murky. 🫠
Yeah when such fans make sexuality HCs, they fixate most on either exclusively gay or exclusively lesbian. Probably it's cos if they chose anything else, they feel that the possibility of their fave (or the characters in their fave ship) being shipped with the opposite gender is too threatening. Ofc they could have fun with these HCs and enjoy making them with their friends, but these days it seems like they aren't even having fun anymore and they're just using these HCs as a reason to get mad at + harass those who disagree with them...
And now that you mention it, indeed I don't think I've ever seen a straight HC ! It's as if they are too afraid to do this hahaha. Or like, they use the most stereotypical criteria to determine what is "straight" and what is not. Flashback to the Kaveh rant from before hahahah. Like these people are all about bringing down the binary+gender roles til it comes to BL stuffs then they are suddenly OK with the heteronormativity that they are supposedly against. 💀 But it is pretty weird that they try to grasp at anything to prove "not straight, not straight!" Like how come they can't just make their HC in peace without needing to aggressively prove things, without going sicko mode on people with different HCs? 🤨 As far as I know, I haven't seen people from our lil corner of Kavehnation the fandom attempt to storm some rando's post with the intention of going "no!!!! ___ should be with a [man/woman/etc]!!!!" Like we definitely have strong words about the state of things, but overall we're minding our own business without having to bug people who think differently from us.
Oh Mihoyo, look what you've created... I guess that in fandom, BL/GL stuffs tend to be most appealing for some reason. So they're able to keep around the most unhinged, rabid parts of the fandom because of the massive BL/GL ship pandering that they do... haizz.
The thing about toxicity in Chinese fandom is interesting!!! 😲 When you say that there are the fans who fight over BL and NL ships, is it like those old-school ship wars? Like "my ship is better than yours!!! 😡" thing minus the 2020s homophobia accusations...?
And you mention the Russian fandom!! This makes me remember when last year, I corresponded with a Russian Genshin enjoyer. She was pretty much exclusively into BL ahahah. But I think I've seen Russian Genshin artists who make NL stuff !
I've witnessed a bit of Vietnamese fandom, only on Twitter though and it seems that NL is decently popular. ScaraLumi in particular seems to be a hit with many VN fans, popular enough to warrant the creation of a zine (which I wanted to preorder but was too late for!! but I digress again)
It was a pleasant surprise to see that Aventurine has two popular NL ships ^^ I could def see AvenStelle becoming the next ChiLumi hahaha, I know that there was even an artist who iirc even drew a ChiLumi + AvenStelle thing cos to her they have such similar vibes/dynamics. And yeah I'm hoping that they don't try to tie Aventurine to Ratio and do the same pandering stuff that they did in Genshin...
And it's so unfortunate for Kaveh. 😞 It's the reason why people think of him as just "ship bait," cos of the way Mihoyo treats him, and then how the fandom treats him in turn...
I'm surprised by the number of NL ships for him though! I only knew about KavehLumi, Kavelou, Kaveh+Faruzan, and then from your previous responses Kaveh+Candace ! I didn't know that he's been paired with Layla too :o (Speaking of Layla, I've been getting into Alhaitham+Layla recently which is apparently rarepair 😪)
And OMG KavehLumi week!!!! I looked at the prompts, I could feel the gears turning and the inspiration cooking hahahah. I will see if I could do some writing stuffs for this (I wish I could do art too, but alas I have no art skill).
For Kaveh food, I'd like to do mostly writing stuff, be it just solo focus, with Lumine/Nilou, or with OC ! I would like to fully understand his personality tho, as I feel that I don't fully have a grasp of like... his POV I guess? I don't want to mischaracterize him. 😅 Like I guess for me, writing Kaveh would be easier compared to more brooding types like Scara, Xiao, etc. but still... And I'd also like to read more books so that I could find ways to improve my writing quality. I guess whatever food I end up cooking, it'll mostly be for the sake of writing exercise, although I'm hoping it would be at least sufficiently readable.
Big thanks for your kind words!!! So 4th member is Bennett. My lineup is now Layla, Faruzan, Scara, Benny. I'm a lot more satisfied with this team compared to my previous one because it feels like everyone serves a purpose and gets the job done hahahah. Like my previous team was just smashing and bashing everything with elemental reactions, but this new team utilizes mechanics like shields, supports, etc... I feel good hahahah.
Big thank you always for the interesting discussions and kind responses!!!! Hope you have a warm and peaceful day 🙌🏻
Welcome back 🍓Anon! So sorry to hear about tumblr deleting your text 😢 Maybe next time you could try typing it out on the notes app on your phone, and then copy-pasting it? I don’t think you have the luxury of saving your ask as a draft like I do.
lol go get that milk tea and get me a cup too! There’s a lot to celebrate this month already 😎
Yeah, the pronoun thing was a huge error on the translators’ part, but I don’t fault them for it too heavily. I don't speak or understand Chinese so feel free to correct me if what I say is wrong, but as far as I know, Chinese as a language is not as gendered as English is. A lot of the time you can only determine the gender of people based on context, and they often use gender-neutral terms.
This is something I saw someone else point out, so I can’t prove if this is correct, but in Chinese, they have a special gender-neutral term when referring to deities (that's why all the Aeons in HSR are referred to as 'they'). Going off of this, I can see how the translators could have gotten mixed up, or not have known the gender of some of the characters (mind you, this mistake was made long before Nahida and Arlecchino were revealed), so they defaulted to masculine pronouns.
I’ve seen English localizers push their political agendas in the anime and games they translated (ex: miss kobayashi's dragon maid), but I don’t think Hoyoverse’s translators fall into that category. Considering how popular Genshin is, I would imagine people would have pointed out long ago if there were huge discrepancies between English and Chinese dialogue. That doesn't mean the translators aren't including biases in their translations, we just don't know for sure. But if they are, then it's not as egregious/obvious as with Kobayashi, for example.
And you’re right, the translation for other languages all comes from a single language, which happens to be English. The gender mistake wasn’t found in CN, KR, and JP, but EN and all other languages had it. So it’s safe to say they use English as the baseline for the other translations (maybe there are some exceptions, but I'm not aware of them).
lol you are absolutely right about the hypocrisy of certain BL/GL shippers! They want to dismantle the binary and gender roles, and get upset at straight pairings for promoting traditional gender roles, but then use these exact stereotypes for their queer ships. If you call them out on their hypocrisy, they’ll claim it’s “better/more interesting” when it’s done with a gay pairing vs a straight one.
Heck, even in real life I’ve seen a male celebrity post an innocent photo of him and his wife online, and some comments were saying how seeing a straight couple is boring, and that gay couples are more interesting. Like damn, do queer people only exist as pure entertainment for them?
Mihoyo is definitely to blame for feeding into the delusions of toxic shippers, but I also have to wonder why BL and GL is so popular in the first place. BL has a huge market, and it predominantly consists of women. I did some research into why women in particular like BL, but to be honest, I still don’t get it. It’s not a mindset I can ever understand or relate to. Similarly, a lot of fujoshi can’t understand the mindset of women who like NL or self-insert, and so we get a lot of conflict regarding shipping.
There are as many outlooks on shipping as there are people in the world, and there will always be conflict. Ever since the invention of the internet, it became harder to avoid conflicting opinions since it's so much easier to find them now.
Regarding toxicity in the Chinese fandom. My friend never divulged any details, so I can’t say for sure, but I imagine ship wars there are as you described them. I have also seen some Chinese fanartists have similar grievances as us regarding BL baiting and delusional behaviors of fujoshi. It seems to be a universal thing.
VN fandom sounds heavenly 😭 omg.
Alhaitham x Layla is definitely cute! There’s an artist I follow that made some really good fanart of them (https://mobile.x.com/luckylalal/media). I also like Alhaitham x Lisa haha. I feel like every NL ship is a rarepair, barring certain MC ships. It’s just so dry in this fandom 😭 But whenever someone expresses how NL shippers have it rough in fandom, the toxic people come out of the woodwork to mock us, saying “The straights like to act so oppressed, but if they just go outside, they’ll see a ton of straight couples 🙄” and I just 🤦‍♀️. Because first of all, fictional ships and real life are completely different things! Second of all, not only straight people like NL ships. And third, bi and pan people in different-sex relationships exist too😩 But not in their eyes, clearly :/ But I digress.
If you write anything for Kavehlumi week, I will be over the moon! I would love to have a lot of content to share on my Twitter to spread the love! No pressure, though.
If you’re looking to get a better grasp on Kaveh’s character, I recommend his hangout if you haven’t done it already. I sometimes replayed it to remind myself of how Kaveh actually is, because the fandom's portrayal of him does him so dirty. The interdarshan event was also pretty good at showing his personality and values, so if you can find a youtube video of it, it might help.
As a word of advice from a fellow writer, the stuff you write is better than you think. You might write something and think it’s cringy or not good, but there are people out there who will love it and say it’s amazing. We are our own worst critic, but that doesn't mean others think the same of our work the way we do. So don’t be afraid to share your writing!
Your Scara has everything he needs, honestly. Two of the best buffers in the game, and the best 4 star shielder plus a healer. Congrats on having built your first proper team!
I'm glad you enjoy reading my thoughts because I enjoy reading yours too! You're very sweet, 🍓 Anon ☺️ I hope you have a great day yourself (no more sleeping for only 3 hours)!
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Wow the Love Square is a mess no matter what
Ok kids exaltation is out, and…oh boy.
Listen, first of all, I know people who like Marichat never get any canon content from miraculous so first of all, congrats to them for having nice things, I hope y’all enjoyed the episode
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I… found it a little, just a bit upsetting from Marinette’s part (wow I know what I shocker)
Listen. I don’t hate the love square as a concept. On paper this relationship could have been really entertaining and fun and finally seeing the reverse love square is a nice change of pace. But this episode, especially when you take all the previous season of this show into account, and everything that happened… makes me uncomfortable.
Because Ladybug for 4 season, would always scream at chat Noir to quit being in love with her and to reveal nothing about his identity (even tho the identity rule literally doesn’t matter anymore) now that she wants him (because he’s convenient to her and rather then realized she fucked up because she’s obsessed, not because of Adrien, and that she should take a minute to maybe not date people, but no let’s throw your emotions on the closest male) and he’s like “w-what? What’s the trick here? Didn’t you say it’s dangerous?” She’s like “ohhhh my life is so hardddd why doesn’t he love meeee” YOU HAD YOUR GODDAMN CHANCE TO BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING TO HIM AND YOU MESSED THAT UP
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And then with Adrien, she’s outwardly rude, saying on speaker (I’m so glad he didn’t hear her) that he’s a school friend and that tell him that we’re not in school and that he should leave?! Like holy fucking shit, you really don’t know how to treat either personas of the boy with respect! You either obsessed and insist on dating and make creepy fantasies, or be extremely rude to their face!
And then when Chat Noir does what Ladybug told him, and respects and loves marinette so much to the point where he’s like “I am not taking advantage of you like this especially because you don’t know my identity” she legit starts screaming and crying about why everyone controls her and why she doesn’t get to choose who to love!
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Marinette is exhibiting every single behavior chat had, to an even more extreme degree, that had people hating him and saying he can’t take no as an answer, and had the show constantly beat him up for!!! But when Marinette does it?! “Oh my god I’m so sorry I shouldn’t dictate who you love”
And what’s the lesson from this episode kids? “They should do whatever makes them happy”. Not “hey maybe a civilian hero relationship would be dangerous” not “hey Marinette why are you super in love with me out of nowhere” or “hey Chat is right taking advantage of someone like this and getting into a relationship when one person holds more power over the other is a dangerous an unhealthy thing to do”
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The lesson is that Marinette’s always right and whatever she feels right now is ok and right and everyone should listen to her always and forever and just be happy for her. Hooray.
Anyways adrien still manages to be more respectful and kind then marinette ever was (even just kindly asking where Marinette is, rather then immediately declaring his love, and being very cordial to ladybug, and not getting mad at her for flirting), Glaciator got akumatized over stupid shit but ok, and Plagg and Tikki be carrying the show (with the addition of Alya, marinette should not have screamed at my girl like this)
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seagulley · 2 years
Kaija is 18 months old!
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Very long and sappy post under the cut. 
I think the short version of this post is just this: the more I get to know this dog the more I grow to love her. There are things we have struggled with of course, but as she slowly matures and her personality develops, those are becoming fewer and fewer, meanwhile the great, amazing things become more and more.
Overall I think Kaija is on the chill side as far as Aussies go, tho I should say that my sample size is basically... one. For a dog who *loves* to do stuff, at this point she's pretty willing to accept off days, although if there's too many in a row then she might get whiny about it. She's still very funny and very soft (her winter coat is coming in and it's nearly as soft now as when she was a puppy, apparently the undercoat is where the softness comes from), and she still struggles to remain connected to the ground (well I guess it's not much of a struggle in that she just... doesn't). She isn't a barky dog at all - on occasion she might bark if I get her extra amped up in play + I think there's been maybe three times when she's barked at the neighbours' dogs going crazy, but that's pretty much it. Instead she expresses her opinions through whining and through other vocalisations that I don't even have a word for.
Kaija is incredibly easy to work with. She forgives my handling mistakes and powers through even if I'm being annoyingly unclear in what I want from her. I'm a very green handler so it helps immensely that she is so resilient and optimistic. Plus, Kaija is easy to motivate, she loves food and will work for kibble if the environment isn't too difficult, and she's had pretty decent toy skills almost from the start. But the best thing is seeing how much she enjoys our training itself. Yes, the rewards are important to her and I'm more than happy to use them liberally, but you can't miss how she lights up when I bring out our training equipment. I think she loves the puzzle of it and getting it right, as well as simply the chance to work together with me.
We'll be ending this year with one last rally trial on the 18th. I'm really hoping for two more >90% scores - we already have two from our previous trial and four is the max before you have to move on to the next class. I think it would be nice to have all four qualifying scores and start getting ready for RO-2 in the spring. That being said, our biggest struggle is still sustaining focus and engagement through the whole course and this will be a brand new indoor venue for us... So we'll see how it goes.
For the first year-ish that I had Kaija, I wasn't sure whether this breed was right for me or whether we were the best fit. I had the puppy blues for a few months and then for a long time I just had this vague feeling that we weren't completely clicking, like something just wasn't fitting quite right. I remember how in the beginning I was so impressed with her spark and willingness to work with me, but I also felt a bit bad because I knew that someone more experienced could do so much more with her. But we're figuring it out together and I'm slowly learning how to be a better teacher to her. Besides, although I do believe she enjoys the work, she isn't obsessive about and it's only one part of what makes a happy Kaija. So maybe a filthy casual owner such as myself is just the sweet spot for her. I'm still not convinced that I'll have more Aussies in the future (I have to say tho, it's getting dangerously difficult to remember exactly why I was so sure I shouldn't), but holy shit is this dog everything to me. 
Ok that's enough gushing about my puppy for now.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 1 year
As I said anime
Also maybe some slight spoilers for the two anime I'm about to talk about sorry
I finally got round to watching sailor moon
I mean I did star it like errrr half a year ago but I only watched 5 episodes cos I wasn't in an anime nor a magical girl phase, but now I am and here we are on episode 20
Okay first things first it's, so far, a 7/10. It's aged pretty damn well all things considered and I'm having a lot of fun with it and my brains gone "wouldn't it be fun to draw your dnd party in sailor moon style"
I listened to my brain idk why. I'm like decent at drawing but this is errr a bit too far above my skill and attention span level but here we are. Illve literally set everything up now so woo
Anyway getting back on track
So I started watching cardcaptor sakura back in errrrr Fuck 2020, damn it's been a while. Anyway I chose that one over sailor moon initially because my friend, who really gets my tastes and raised me to be the big anime fan I am, preferred this one so I thought "hell why not it's shorter than sailor moon"
These too massive influences on the magical girl genre as a whole are really interesting to compare and contrast to another. Sailor moon, being the bigger phenomenon that it was obviously had a bigger influence on the genre as a whole than cardcaptor but you can ignore what sakura put into the genre
And so like you'd ask "well skelly which do you prefer"
Both do things that I really like and don't like
Pros of cardcaptor sakura:
• her power scaling compatency is really well highlighted by collecting the crow card
• the crow cards are useful from the minute she collects them and I really enjoy seeing her use them in different
• the fact that her magical girl outfit is different each episode and are made by her friend (they're related but I don't know the name of the relationship cos it's her mother's cousins daughter)
• the fact that clamp are insane JoJo fans (okay but like legit tho it's one of the reasons I started watching cardcaptor cos cos cos JoJo part 3)
• her and her magical rival both having a crush on her brother's best friendisy adorable (they're like 12 while the brother (16) 's friend is 15 and obviously is just being nice to his friends family and family friends) [I know the end results if the relationships so it's fine]
• it's does a really good job of balancing one magical girl
Pros I'd sailor moon:
• usagi feels 14. Like she feels like a 14 year old in the 90s. Shes the most a magical girl protagonist has felt their age
• the astetic if sailor moon is just too notch
• most of the filler episodes feel good and not wasted time
• well passed and not excessive magical girl transformations
• villains (these don't exist in cardcaptor per say)
• the author is married to the author of Hunter X Hunter and they couldn't be more night and day in terms of style
• the three sailor soldiers (so far) balance out really well with each other
• their powers don't all just do damage. Mercury has a mist bomb essentially. Mars has a fire gun that damages and sailor moon has seems to bind/trap/ kill the opponent which is really cool
However, there are certain things that each one does that I'm just like whyyyyyy. Since sailor moons 'offences' are ones that are mainly yet to come and could turn out to be okay I'll start there first
Cons of sailor moon:
• chibi moon. This child hasn't and won't turn up till episode 14 of season 2 but I already don't like her. I don't like child characters with powers in magical girl anime let alone considering her relationship to the other characters. They might do her well but I'm very much expecting her to be my least favourite
• usagi is 14 and tuxedo mask is 18 when they first meet. Granted usagi is the only one who has feelings for the other perosna at the minute but since I'm like 99% sure of where this relationship goes it's so weird in heinseight
• (okay this is the weirdest one but) so far... It's had the straightest vibes. Know I know what your thinking "But but it's so gay" and I know I'm desperate to see Neptune and Uranus (totally not mad that they get introduced after chibi moon but what ever) and that the filler has some good shopping potential but like both mars and usagi are so man hungry at the moment. Granted usagi did describe mars in a very sapphic way when they first met all with a blush on her face which I definitely appreciated but since then they're just both been fighting over tuxedo mask and other men. Mercury is my saving grace cos at the minute she just don't care, giving real ace aro vibes which I like
Cardcaptor sakura cons:
• I only really have one of these so far
• and it's a doozy
• technically it's two/three but it all falls under the same issue
• student teacher relationships. Sakuras mother was 16 when she met her husband to be... Who was her teacher.... This broke me when I first found this out. And this isn't great. Entirely not aged well. However is the show had played this off as normal maybe I could let it go. Oh what's that. Sakuras mother's family fucking hate the dad's guts for it. Oh oh so your telling me they tried to so everything in their power to get her to not marry him and they did it anyway and it's shown as a whole love conquers all thing. Okay errr let me just throw up for a bit. Oh oh oh what's this there's a new female teach. Mmh okay sakuras smitten but Li gets uncomfortable around her. Oh sakuras brother knows her. She was previously his teacher. He's also having a wired reaction to her being back. Eh what's this HIS WEIRD REACTION IS COS THEY USE TO DATE WHILE AHE WAS HIS TEACHER WHEN HE WAS 14 AND HIS FATHER WAS OKAY WITH THIS AND HE DOSNT LIKE HER COS SHE BROKE IS HEART NOT THAT YOU KNWO THIS IS A FULLY GROWN ADULT DATING YOUR 14 YEAR OLD SON OH WHAT YOU WOULD CARE COS YOU DID THE SAME THING.
• there's another relationship that's like this but that I ky exists in the manga so imma ignore it cos I don't think I can take much more if it... This time the child is 12... I think this show wants to kill me
• after I found this out it's taken me ages to pick up the show again and whenever I do I just can't shake the uncomfortable feeling
So yea
Both shows have their ups and downs to say the least
And I can't really form a verdic till I finish cardcaptor sakura, clear card, and all of sailor moon
Bruh I finally remembered the point of this post
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deeenvious · 2 years
Ranking Every Halo Infinite Weapon
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The only weapon in this category. An utter failure. Embarrassing. Tactical Sidekicks is like playing laser tag but the lasers do not work. It is also part of the base weapon kit in quickplay and quickplay is boring. SECOND CATEGORY: WEAPONS THAT ARE GOOD BUT ARE BORING!!!! 21) Battle Rifle
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If this was about tactical slayer only (the best mode) this weapon is perfectly fine. Decent, maybe. Every other mode it is the most boring accuracy weapon. It brings me no joy. 20) Rocket Launcher
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It is just kinda boring. Nothing exciting about it. You look at someone and they die instantly. No thrill of the hunt. Would be fun in any rocket launcher only mode but otherwise no. Bad. Put that shit away! 19) Gravity Hammer
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Energy sword but worse. Fun to kill more than one person at once but it is just sorta whatever most of the time. Fiesta weapon only. 18) Assault Rifle
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It sure is consistent. Do not care. Next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17) Energy Sword
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It can be fun when you get a streak going but I do not want to be the one holding it. WEAPONS THAT ARE KINDA SHIT BUT THEY ARE REALLY FUNNY 16) Hydra
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I like the lock on thingy. It also kills banshees which is good because I hate seeing those flying FUCKS. Kinda funny 15) Pulse Carbine
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Honestly it is a bit more usable and I think that is a bit of a detriment to its funny factor sadly. I still enjoy using it to kill people though. 14) Plasma Pistol
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I like holding the shot and the funny pew pew noises it makes. Satisfying weapon. 13) Commando Rifle
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I'm surprised too tbh. It is a horrible weapon, beyond worthless. Wretched, Foul, Vile, Etc. But honestly? it is kinda funny and a bit satisfying to get a kill with. 12) Bull Dog
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Yeah it's alright. It's fine. 11) Disruptor
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I love this thing so much. Almost the most satisfying weapon fr. Love you. If this weapon ever becomes marginally good it will shoot up to like second. WEAPONS THAT ARE GOOD AND ALSO PRETTY FUNNY 10) Cinder Shot
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It is a rocket launcher but cooler and kinda based. I approve. 9) Heatwave
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It is like if they made a shotgun cool. Impossible. 8) Stalker Rifle
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Funny kool-aid sniper. 7) Needler
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Very satisfying. Everybody already knows this weapon is good though. 6) Skewer
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I think it is funny that this is the sniper the brutes could come up with. Good job guys. 5) Sniper
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Sniper 4) Mangler
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I am forever pissed about the nerfs they gave it. 343 makes the best weapons in the series and then nerf them into oblivion. Get real. Still fun tho. Tactical Mangler was one of the best modes in the game. 3) Sentinel Beam
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Bsshrhrshshshhhrhssshhh 2) Ravager
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It has a cool fire blast attack and it shoots globs at people idk what more you could want 1) SHOCK RIFLE!!!
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I believe this weapon is the best weapon in any game ever sorry. If you disagree I am telling my mom on you.
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