#the foxhole court headcanons
fortheloveofexy · 2 years
thinking about the letter Aaron first wrote to Andrew 🥺 imagining what an excited twelve year old who just discovered he has a twin would write... and also picturing the heartbreak on his face when he gets a letter back telling him to fuck off.
Was the day Aaron got Andrew's "fuck off" letter the same day he willingly took some of Tilda's pills for the first time?
Was this rejection, this most recent in a long line of hurts, the final straw that had him crumbling at the seams and desperate for an escape? 🥺
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walkingcorpse03 · 7 months
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i fell to my knees in kmart
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feelingthedisaster · 14 days
headcanon that many years post canon, when aaron is already a doctor and has like coworkers and stuff, a patient recognizes him (realisticly they would confuse him with andrew but i want it to be a hard core fox fan remembering the good old times), so his work friends google him cause aaron never told them shit and they are like "aaron, wtf, you are Just A Regular Guy™️, what do you mean you have a fucking mURDER CHARGE??"
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linecrosser · 2 months
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so, i saw This Post by @moreau29 and... yes. all the yes. headcanon accepted.
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currently-evil · 3 months
Andreil in Nutshell
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Not included: rest of the foxes sideeyeing them nervously
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lemonboyjosten · 11 months
it was incredibly poetic of nora to begin andreil’s storyline with andrew hitting neil with a racquet and ending it with andrew protecting neil from being hit with a racquet.
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hmmm-shesucks · 8 months
Once the foxes become more comfortable with each other, they begin to nag. Mostly little things, usually humorous things. They nag on Nicky for being too forward sometimes. They nag on Neil for his horrible life habits. They nag on Dan for her mother henning. They nag on Kevin for everything. It's fun, it's what families do. They all just pick on each other for fun.
It takes a little longer for them to feel comfortable nagging Andrew though, which, is understandable, but one of the first things they start picking on him for is his lack of communication in general. He NEVER talks. They just want him to participate sometimes.
Renee and Neil find this funny because Andrew talks A LOT just not around the foxes. He's not comfortable.
See, Andrew is fucking weird. Everyone knows this, but the foxes think he's weird in a “mysterious, murder you in your sleep, was totally the kid everyone thought was going to shoot up the school” kind of weird.
Andrew is not that kind of weird. He's a different breed entirely. He plans out how he'd survive the apocalypse, any of them. He is constantly fighting back the most wild intrusive thoughts. He is 24/7 existential crisis. His head is a wild fucking place.
But he is trying. Making progress. Trying to be more open and approachable, as Bee says. So he talks. Out Loud.
And the foxes hate him.
In the most monotonous voice ever
“Do you ever feel like your bones are dirty? Like, I could totally strip my meat suit and just give my ribs a good bleaching.”
“If that light fell out of the ceiling it would kill at least three of you and seriously injure the rest of us.”
“Nothing is stopping me from buying five ice cream flavors at once, but I'm learning self-control and Bee would be disappointed.”
“Currently having a manic episode. Should I A.) call Bee, tell her I'm not doing too great, and talk about my symptoms and how to best cope? B.) find the nearest mall and spend every dime I have in less than thirty minutes. Or C.) go apeshit and try to fight anyone and everyone who looks at me in a less-than-kind way. Children included.
*stage whisper* there's a secret fourth option but I'm saving it for later ;) (pronounced Semicolon left facing open parentheses. Yes he says this out loud)”
disappears for less than five minutes and comes back with three furrbies and a corndog, one that is obviously not from the mall's food court.
He's so fucking weird. Like, weirder than Neil, and it's awful (so good dude, the foxes eat it up)
And it's not the manic Andrew on meds. It's just Andrew. He's still Andrew. He's still quiet most of the time and he is still grumpy and apathetic, but he's also comfortable enoughto just blurt random shit out and have fun watching everyone figure out how to respond. He's found safety in his new family and he can openly be who he is without fear of judgment or rejection. He's happy in a way he's never felt nor ever thought he'd get to experience. He's just Andrew.
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stick-ball · 3 months
neil is the mysterious girl that cannot shut the fuck up
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juicegremlin · 4 months
I know Neil and Andrew don't always rely on words, but I do think they eventually get into the habit of verbally apologizing. I think they both have some difficulty getting there (especially Andrew), but I imagine it would come to mean a lot to hear someone they love admit fault and make amends for it. Still, it's never as simple as an "I'm sorry." Their apologies almost always turn into good conversations, promises to work on things. They care enough about each other to do that.
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ohtobangchan · 4 months
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Happy Valentin to THEM and THEM only
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 3 months
Apparently traumatised kids often fail to grow to normal height because all the energy goes to surviving and well no fucking wonder twinyards and Neil are so short
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fortheloveofexy · 6 months
personally i think Andrew gets jealous soooo easily. like he literally warned Nicky off from Neil with a knife and was so afraid his brother would ditch him for a girl that he made him swear to a "bros before hoes" pact. he has so many possessive tendencies, that man is JEALOUS.
a key part of his character is that he is convinced nobody would want to be around him without something in return. he literally makes deals because he doesn't trust people to stay with him. that man doesn't know the meaning of secure attachment! he's never even seen it before!
even if Andrew logically knows Neil is demi and doesn't feel attraction towards anyone else, that's not gonna snuff out his bone deep belief that he is disposable. he's gonna feel jealous and possessive and even insecure at times, even if he won't outwardly show it.
this isn't to say he doesn't learn how to have a secure attachment style with Neil or that their relationship is unhealthy. it just wouldn't be unusual for Andrew to experience extremely jealous feelings, feelings that he'll have to work through with Neil and also with Bee
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walkingcorpse03 · 3 months
my favorite thing is neil judging andrew so immensely hard at first for being weird when he’s literally neil josten
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feelingthedisaster · 1 month
random aftg headcanons
dan gets a video camara and starts filming the foxes. years later, she founds all the tapes and makes a compilation
matt gives the freshman a brooklyn 99 style introduction of everyone
kevin chews gum, like, a lot. gum 24/7. its either mint or watermelon flavoured
the foxes give wymack a "n1 coach" mug for father's day one year. he pretends he is annoyed but he uses it everyday
jean likes to draw
kevin starts getting grey hairs at like 28 (wymack's genes)
renee knows how to tatto and she is actually pretty good, but doesnt do them often.
+she gave allison a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder
later in life, aaron gets a lot of people asking him for autographs thinking he is andrew. he just says "sorry, wrong twin" except when it's a little kid asking, only then he pretends he is andrew, he even learnt his signature
cat goes full gay panic when laila calls her catalina or cata, laila knows it so she does it on purpose
even though kevin prefers and mostly plays left-handed, sometimes he will just switch hands mid-games. like, "you thought you could mark me? sorry pal" and changes hands. it drives his opponements insane. they get used to him playing right-handed, he just switches back to his left. every defense player and coach hates him for that.
king mirrors andrew and sir mirrors neil
andrew and king have staring contents. king sits in the kitchen counter and andrew has to cook but doesnt want to move her so they stare at each other for entire minutes in complete silence. (king loses and leaves on her own to the couch). this happens more often than one would think
the cats LOVE neil's lap, specially sir. neil cant sit without getting a cat on his lap almost inmediately
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pandaseek · 11 months
Head cannon time: Neil is smart.
I know what you're thinking, Neil is a math major, he's a polyglot, of course he's smart. But that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm saying that Neil is smart.
There is a reason why Mary had to force to do average at school and not draw attention to himself, because that kid was bringing home straight A's and getting awards for damn near everything. Something he was very proud of because it was the only time both of his parents would be nice to him. They might even give him a treat.
Mary forces him to become paranoid to the extent of making average grades to go unnoticed, but do you know how hard it is to make a certain grade? You have to know every answer on the test to calculate how much you can get right to hit that perfect C.
I think Neil sat there through every lesson and test running calculations in his head about how many mistakes he needed to make to go under the radar. To never win an award. To never get asked to join any clubs. Because he KNOWS that Nathan and his people are scouring any news about up and coming kids.
They're looking at all the finalist in the state and nationals spelling bee's. The decathlons. The sporting teams. Just waiting for Nathaniel to grow egotistical enough to get the spotlight again.
But Mary doesn't celebrate his achievements anymore. At best he'll get a pat on the back if his report card is filled with the most mundane, 'I have no clue who this kid is' language from his teachers.
And Neil is desperate for that crumb of affection.
So he only goes back to Exy after she dies, and he plays down his talents until Kevin comes along. And when Andrew calls him out for knowing more than he lets on... Well, Neil is a real boy now, He doesn't need to hide anymore.
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currently-evil · 4 months
Alternative universe where Wymack gives up his “above my salary” rule and just straight up disses Andrew when he is pining over Neil
Andrew: breaks into Wymack’s apartment to rant about how much Neil is a problem and a threat Wymack: You want to fuck him so much it makes you look stupid
Andrew and Neil getting in their usual first book word scuffles Wymack to Andrew after Neil leaves them alone: So what have you decided on? Spring or Summer wedding?
Andrew: allows some fox to score on him because he was too busy staring at Neil’s ass Wymack not saying anything out loud but catching Andrew’s eyes with so much bored intensivity the words just materialize on their own in Andrew’s mind: Wow that was pathetic.
Andrew feeding Neil some “i’ll still solve you” or other talk like that Wymack not even raising his eyes from some documents he was filling out: I’ve seen fucking garden snails flirt better than you.
Andrew buys Neil a matching phone Wymack: And here I thought Nicky was the only useless gay in the family, good to see I can still be wrong.
Wymack calling Andrew after Neil hitchhiked his way back to his apartment the first time Monsters took him to Eden: CAN’T YOU TAKE HIM OUT ON A DATE LIKE NORMAL PERSON???? YOU HAVE TO FUCKING DRUG HIM???
Andrew: buys Neil like a half of wardrobe in a exact style Andrew prefer Wymack: just aggressively sideeyeing  him in silence Andrew: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP 
Wymack: shamelessly using Neil to stop Andrew from acting out against other Foxes Andrew: Fucking stop it. Wymack: No <3
Wymack: sends Neil to Andrew to ask him to stop throwing balls at Foxes’ ankles Wymack silently through very intense eye contact: JUST FUCKING BANG IT OUT AND STOP LETTING IT AFFECT MY GAMEPLAY
Wymack: Do threats of violence usually work for you? Or do you know about some Neil's fetish none of us are privy to?
Wymack to Andrew: Its good to know there is something that both you and Aaron share. I just didn't expect it to be inability to act like normal human beings around your crushes.
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