#the game is still in development but the mods are saying it's gonna be free apparently?
anqelbean · 5 months
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They have a patreon! Go support them!
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saruin · 3 months
i'm SO SO excited for the new love pack. Don't much care for the dating app and Wicked Woohoo already comes with turn on/turn offs but i'm still so excited!!
So much so that i can't even hear the people whining about it anymore. People making posts literally begging others to not buy the new pack are so strange to me, like...sucks to be you but i love the sims 4 and i have no problem buying the packs i want, and not buying those i don't.
Like how is the fact a nostalgic piece of furniture being in the new pack a problem? I don't get it.
EA has done a lot of dumb shit (like the hot tub for the 25th anniversary, or the star wars pack no one wanted, or that survey in general that they never even stuck to anyway)
but really? a bed? Console players get forgotten and people are whining about the bed not being free??
Same! I don't interact with a lot of game play gimmicks but I'm always excited to see bb and cas items when it comes to the bigger game packs. Plus they're bringing back a lot of animations that have been missed since sims 3, so excited.
People have been complaining about this game since before it was released, I'm not gonna let that affect me buying every single dlc on console. Should things have been implemented sooner? probably but so what, they're here now and that's not a bad thing.
In my opinion, pc players let the glitz and glamour of mods dictate how they think the game should be developed, like you said, console users are all but ignored. A pc player hates a aspect of gameplay? they can mod it to be better or mod it to completely remove it from their save file. I don't have that luxury, I gotta wait for a lot of things to be implemented or fixed. It's not a complaint, just an observation; if I wanted to play on pc i could, I just choose not to lol
Also the developers put their whole pussy into the meshes and textures of the Journey to Batuu pack. Say what you want about the gameplay but everything in that pack LOOKS. GOOD. I will die on this hill.
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wannab-urs · 9 months
Gin's 2023 sappy post
It's hard for me to believe that at the beginning of this year, I didn't know a single one of my best friends in the world existed. But it's true!
How we got here
I'm not quite sure exactly when I started looking up Pedro Pascal on Tumblr, but it was sometime after February. I'd watched Game of Thrones and Oberyn was my favorite character, but I was in one of my periods of not being on Tumblr (I've had this account for about 10 years, but it's seen many fandoms and I haven't always been active).
I watched the first few episodes of The Last of Us that had come out - I was 3 episodes behind I think - and immediately looked up Joel Miller on Tumblr. How could I not? Anyway, give me ten minutes on this hellsite and a middle aged man with a huge imdb and watch me develop a hyperfixation.
So then I looked up interviews. I watched basically every interview this man ever did, but I remember that the Lie Detector interview and his appearance on the Talk Easy podcast are really what did me in. I went from admiring this man as an actor and thinking he's pretty to basically being in love with him.
I didn't mean to start reading fanfic? I come from the world of Destiel on AO3. I never wrote it, I just read copious amounts of it. I'd never read reader insert, much less straight reader insert, and I'd never written a word of anything even resembling a fanfiction.
But I found @prolix-yuy, @frannyzooey, @joelscruff, @fuckyeahdindjarin, and @ezrasbirdie (check the spreadsheet, y'all are at the very top!) and I was hooked.
Then I read Psychomanteum by @whatsnewalycat and Celestial Navigation by @write-and-buried and was inspired to parade my trauma around in a Dieter shaped trench coat: AGOY was born.
@beskarandblasters is the first person I really talked to on here. In fact, Kel is the one who introduced me to most of my friends on here. And we've been harassing each other on the daily since. I hope to 🦵 her in real life someday soon ❤️. I love you, bitch. You mean the world to me.
I could never ever ever list all of my dear friends I've made on here. Seriously, there are so many of you that mean the world to me. But I'm gonna list a few.
My cannibal crew @pr0ximamidnight and @atinylittlepain, without whom Love as Violence Dave (starving season), Head up his Ass Javi (in the a.m.), and the later editions of loser druggie Dieter (AGOY) would not exist - or at least they wouldn't be as good as they are.
My darling soup snake, the loml, my spider twin, my forever partner in making bitches cry (it's us, we're bitches, making each other cry in an endless loop) @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin. #1 AGOY stan forever, you may love my own magnum opus more than I love it. Thanks for listening to me scream about every pedro boy on the planet and thanks for screaming right back at me. I love you.
The random college student I found by accident, decided to take under my wing, and then was subsequently taken under their wing bc it turns out they have more fandom experience and life advice than I can ever hope to have @idolatrybarbie. Bea, my darling, thanks for always letting me bitch, for showing me fics I never thought I'd be into (The Santa Claus AU Frankie Morales Free Use Kink, anyone) but that I often was into, for encouraging my writing, and for being fucking real with me.
The pedrostories crew, but especially @pedrorascal - I love screaming about Pedro with you at... 2:30 in the morning my time (we love time zones!). Thanks for letting me be a terrible mod for your fic archive blog and never getting mad at me for not doing my job. And for being a wonderful, kind, amazing person all the fucking time.
I'm being so serious when I say I could list at least 20 more people. People who brightened my day with a reblog or a message. Or who wrote a fic I still think about at least once a week. Or who made a gifset that is permanently etched into my brain. People I talked to in discords and most likely trauma dumped on and they listened and they cared and they let me hold their trauma in return. I love you guys so fucking much.
I never could have imagined I'd be a writer and run a fic rec blog at 24. Especially not for Pedro Pascal Characters. But here we are -- and I can honestly say it has been the highlight of my year. And I bought a house this year.
I have so many new friends and a new hobby (I never wrote at all before this) just because I wanted to Fuck That Old Man. Incredible.
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localsharkcryptid · 6 months
*stumbles onto your blog, tripping over various tree root and covered in leaves* Hi! I heard you have a Dragon Rider AU!!
Is everyone humans? Are some people dragons? It’s it angsty? Do you have a general plot? What kind of location is this based on? What kinds of dragons are there? Is dragon riding widely accepted? Can everyone do it or just a select few? How do people get their dragons?
Well hello there! :D
I've gotta say this is a LOT of questions but I do not mind at all!! Just this gonna be a long post, and speaking of which onto the answers!
Is everyone humans? Are some people dragons?
In this case everyone is human for this au!
Is it angsty?
Mildly?? I personally would consider it, bittersweet I suppose? The bit I'm working on currently is very focused on the shattered nature of DTeam's dynamic so I'll say good mild angst rating with a happy ending eventually (Angst may also be higher for the dnf enjoyers)
Do you have a general plot?
I have quite a few plot notes actually!! Currently I'm focused on what is a prequel to my original idea, which is shelved temporarily for reasons, so now this part of the story is focused on Dream and how he's dealing with his choices - and his attempts to run away from his role in everything.
The short version is basically: Dream is heir to his brother's (DreamXD) throne and well he wants absolutely nothing to do with it, this leads to a lot of rash decisions and unfortunately attempts to shove away his friends. A spiral very similar to canon dsmp just different motives. Inevitably though when he finally claims a dragon he at last has his ticket to freedom and makes a break for it to have his freedom. Shennagains then ensue, including obligatory Drunz cause I eternally love their character dynamic, Rivals Duo being rivals, XDnf in the distant background, and various other things I'm working out still!
What kind of location is this based on?
In general I am taking a lot of vibes from Westeros from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, a very very classic medieval fantasy vibe along with the actual layout and environment of things being loosely based on the actual maps of the dsmp!
What kinds of dragons are there?
At the moment just wyvern style dragons, a lot of my inspiration for the dragons comes from House of the Dragon as well as the works of Sawyer Lee (Sawyerleearts on insta/da he has some AMAZING work)! Effectively all the same 'species' of fire breathing beast but they all have their own unique features and looks! Though I am considering maybe adding ice and lightening breathing dragons as a fun little reference to the Ice & Fire mod - not much would change design wise, just kinda mixing up the breath abilities if I do go with that.
Also have some of my current concepts (newest to oldest, since I'm still in the process of changing designs)
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Is dragon riding widely accepted?
Dragons in this case are rare, and dragon riders are rarer - when dragon riders usually come about they become part of a kingdom's greater military force or some similar high standing rank. Dragons are tickets to power if you don't already have it pretty much, they are after all the fantasy equivalent of a multi use nuclear weapon! Though there are some outliers who have dragons but don't align with either kingdom in the realm, these being sell swords/mercenaries like Punz or just lords who wish to remain independent and not everyone uses them for war. In general I'd say it's a very respected position to have.
Can anyone do it or is it only a select few? How do people get their dragons?
The criteria for someone to bond with a dragon varies a bit, pretty much anyone can bond and develop a link with a hatchling - if the wyrmling imprints on them after hatching it's a free ticket pretty much! Though hatching dragon eggs is not easy, and the hatch rates of them are very low. The other option to get a dragon is claiming a wild one. Bonding with wild dragons though, is more difficult, no one is exactly sure how it's done but the rider usually has to have some recessive magic genes effectively (magic is a long dead art but remnants of it's influence remain, i.e potions & enchantments). When it comes to claiming a wild dragon what also matters is the dragon also choosing and accepting the rider, things can turn a bit- nasty if they decline the bond. Gaining a dragon is in general no easy feat, adding onto that sort of instant status boost dragon riders can gain if they succeed in getting one!
Thank you for the questions btw!!! It thoroughly made my day to see a full list of stuff to answer about this project ^^
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madsims4finds · 3 months
Me when they canceled life by you:
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I just KNEW there was something fishy. I was happy for the delays cause the game just looked undercooked and so the cancellation…was a surprise, I’m not gonna lie lol. But once the initial shock wore off, I just shook my head. It’s giving they didn’t want to suffer through another launch like Cities Skylines 2.
I’ve said from the beginning that Life By You did not look good. It did not have any practical features that I could see that would make gameplay enjoyable. No family play, empty world, and whenever a “human” went to work at apparently the only place hiring in town, the grocery store, it was like 2 other “humans” there. I mean those gameplay videos they were doing just got hard to watch. The game just seemed like it would be dead on arrival. And then on top of all that, a company like Paradox is releasing early access. Red flags all around. I wrote a dissertation I’m sure no one read, but there were too many things that I could see Paralives doing right that Life By You was doing wrong. Something as simple as being creative enough to come up with a name for these digital people. We have Zoi’s, we have Paras, we have Sims, and Life by You had…humans? How lazy is that? I get that it’s a life simulation game but there should still be some form of lore. Something that the world is grounded in. Something unique and immediately recognizable that makes the game stand out. And Life by You never had that. Their whole gimmick was “mod the game” how you like. But like I said before it was more about being able to deeply customize your game, not mod it. At least from what we were seeing. They made such a big deal about custom dialogue, story creator, color wheels, tailoring your characters personality to the most minute detail, etc. But they forgot to develop the rest of the game. At least that’s what it sounds like to me.
Devs are saying they were blindsided, which they probably were. I don’t think the game should have been canceled out right, but I think paradox’s impatience (since apparently it would “take too long” for the game to be done) probably stems from their desperate need for a win. And they knew Life by You wasn’t going to give them that. They did a great job of hyping up the community, enlisting every popular sim tuber they could, and I’m sure they would have made some sales. But I’m also sure the backlash for the state of the game would have been bigger. I mean seriously, look at older videos of Paralives and where they are now. And then look at Life by You.
Still sad that they shut down the whole studio and all those hard working folks lost their jobs. That part sucks. They should at least have been given the chance to make the game better. Smh.
I hope we’re able to see the other two projects to completion. Cause at the end of the day, the goal is to make sure EA no longer has a monopoly on this genre. The goal is NOT paying over $1200 in DLC for a $40, oh excuse me, now free to play game. Also can we stop charging for a game only to offer it for free later? Cause they sure ain’t giving refunds when that shit happens. 😭😤
Anyway, I’m rooting for everyone who’s not EA to be successful in their endeavors.
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chucklesim · 1 year
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Okay I've been working on the game but I don't have much I can physically show, so I'll explain my thought process about creating it so I have something to post and y'all know I'm still alive and working.
I learned how to make dating sims in renpy about 6 years ago to make a dating sim that consisted of random people I knew just for funsies, and so all the time I'll like something and be like "man I could totally make a visual novel of this!!". I never actually acted on it until I was nearing 20 shots of Fireball and two bottles of Molson (gotta rep the Canadian brands!!) deep in the middle of May, pulled out my notebook at the shitty dive bar and started scribbling away. For some reason coding HITS when you're drunk so I've told myself if I'm not gonna be able to kick my drinking habit I'm gonna be productive with it at the least, and have been working on it whenever I drink. The code isn't really the neatest because of it, but that's why I'm just working on it alone. It's a free fan passion project, if I'm the only one who can decipher and edit my messy coding that's okay. If suddenly it seems like y'all suddenly wanna mod it to add your own endings I'll assess the damage and move from there.
In terms of release, I should have specified that the full game will not be released in September. At the very least a basic Ted and Schlatt ending will be finished, I'm hoping Charlie too but it might be difficult since I'm gonna do a similar thing to unlocking Ren in boyfriend to death with him if all goes well. I'm working two jobs (I'm a social media manager which is funny because I can't be fucked (I can say that because this is a free fan game hahaha) to use my skills on my own accounts because I don't wanna just keep doing my job on my own time, and I work helping lead developments in Canadian Indigenous education at my local museum with a government grant) and I'm also going back to school in September (English Language and Literature, minor in German, don't speak to me in German I am a disgrace to the language so far) so I can't spend all the time I want to spend working on Chucklesim.
The plan is to get something playable out in September, then I'll crank out some updates through the year. As an English student who's naturally insane at reading I hardly have any homework that takes me forever, so I'd hopefully have time to have something out during my off days for exams in December and April.
In terms of dating routes, that's a no. I doubt Schlatt would be okay with that, and even if everyone was completely fine with it, Ted and Charlie have partners and I'd feel so disrespectful and weird if I made a dating sim for someone else's partner, regardless if they're famous or not.
I'm really happy to be working on this and I hope you all enjoy it. If you have any questions, any suggestions, wanna stay updated, please check out the link to the Google form here so I can have all that information easily accessible in one place. I want this to be our game, not just mine. My ask box is always open as well, even if you're just goofing off.
Keep chuckling, perhaps even allow yourself to chortle a little, and have a good day!
Love, Alyssia/ilovlys - Chuckle Sim's favourite (only) dev
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jaythelay · 22 days
concord getting taken down is genuinely sad and also why live service is terrible.
Do ya'll know how many games I have specifically to play some passionate fan mod, but I loathe the original game?
There's alot. Concord was never given such an opportunity. It couldn't have community servers which could change rules and plugins, it couldn't even be altered in anyway because of dumbass anti-cheat.
"It's a hero shooter?"
Yeah and we've done had that default bland as shit, scared of experimentation, no creativity experience like 6 times before concord in just under 4 years. Guess what Live Service does/means? That's right! People already had their second job, it was OW2, apex, siege, etc etc. Once ya got a "second job" game you're not interested in another.
Which is why it's completely insane to me that once again TF2 is dramatic proof of what happens when you:
A. Make a good product.
B. Make a unique product
C. Be a good company worth investing and trusting in.
D. Make your game not connected to a server 24/7 or it's dead dead Dead.
E. Allow the community to keep the game fresh for them.
F. Has more gamemodes than playable characters
G. Isn't a second job
H. Can be modded and has community servers
I. There's an inventory system that takes all credence from the dumbass but utterly frivilous level system that makes it fun to play instead of a timed event job.
J. The artistry is not only actually appealing, but timeless.
K. Can't stress this enough, it's a game ya bought and owned in 2010, became free in 2011/12, and yet everyone still owns and plays it. OW didn't and won't do that. Concord is unplayable entirely.
Really imagine working on a turd for 8 years and it comes out and fails immedietely. What a waste of artist's time to work on the CEO's dumbass cashgrab. All the art made for it is lost to time, and tbh, it doesn't even look all that great, but at the least you can say an artist made the models based off the designs that were scrutinized into generic slop by higher ups. It's still art to preserve, and we have no ability to do so.
Just sad. All around. The artists should be dictating what is being made. All publisher's should be focused on is getting the product out the door. Not one CEO could draw a line without demanding hundreds in payment. Why are they dictating the games to be made to the actual artists? You know? The people they hired to make art?
Wouldn't it be cool if the person making your game was in charge of it at any point? Instead of some investor or CEO?
I assure you we'll be hearing how most of the devs had no confidence or creativr passion for this soulless cashgrab. Some put efforts in because they respect their work enough to, but the fact is? They all knew they were polishing a turd of a product in the free market of bloat.
Stood absolutely no chance at any point in it's 8 years of development. Why the fuck spend that long on an OW clone, I genuinely will never fucking know. TF2 is right there guys. I'm not a fanboy and actively hate the game these days.
We're regressing hard with Second Job games, what TF2 brought was the future then, is now a twinkle of hope for the future we were promised. A game like Concord better set some examples. Let your artists make art, not the CEO"s latest cashgrab. Make a game that isn't tied to a server, allow mods and community servers, and you have a worthwhile product.
Til' then you're absolutely foolish to think being an OW clone was gonna sell. You chose the far more drug addicted brother who's success hinged on the success of TF2 and Blizzard's advertising. Concord had neither. OW was an exception and always will be. If ya don't got the marketing budget, you ain't beating OW. If you got the talent, you can beat TF2. Or you know. Make a better game all around.
What I want to stress is simply this: Concord is forever unplayable because nobody listens to the employees. If they did, Concord wouldn't be a Second Job title. It wouldn't be tied to a server. It wouldn't have nicro-transactions. And it certainly would've been artistically successful at the least. But when CEOs and investors are the one's deciding the artistic/creative angles, the artist will get significantly bored and the product will fail.
Notice that what worked for TF2 is that all the devs actually wanted to fucking make it. It wasn't dictated by Gabe the almighty to mandate TF2's work. Simply made a game they actually wanted to play. That, is how you get good products.
When the employee isn't a tool but an artist.
Valve is exemplatory of this and yet despite making infinite money by being the only pro-consumer store-front, having only fans because of their several genuinely timeless products, all of which were made because the artists wanted to make it, and not having a CEO leaking drool on twitter, significantly, goes to show that most of these companies are ran by absolutely dipshitted cunts who keep their artists from making real works people would be interested in.
Instead, trend chasing. Because god knows that works in the gaming industry hahaHHAHAHAHAHA fuck me. Fuck me sideways they took 8 years to copy OW and I can't stress enough by the second year there should've been a monocum of embarrassment. A moment of realization. A Second. of consideration. But no. They barrelled through for 8 fucking years to the point the game they were cloning got a fake sequel.
Nobody wants to work on a creative piece that lacks creativity and will innevitably fail. The best foot wasn't allowed forward and here we see what happens when you don't follow the Valve formula of making games the developers actually want to work on, that won't instantly crash and burn.
I'd like to say good riddance, or hey, maybe this'll be a message to the industry that if you can't match OW's marketing, that maybe you shouldn't fucking compete against them? And instead, make a unique or fun game. Idunno like make a Rayman inspired title or some shit, jesus.
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roboromantic · 11 months
had a Really bad bout of "oh gd the future's hopeless I'm never gonna be able to live the life I want" yesterday
probably just bc I was Hella stressed, but it was the push I needed to Actually go ahead and drop by Wake Tech to see about that Simulation and Game Development degree (aka The One With 3d Modeling and Animation) or certificate programs.
turns out the certificate programs are not eligible for financial aid; I'd have to go with the associates. I apparently can't meet with an actual courses advisor unless I get admitted (so basically, if I apply). Applying is free beyond sending them my UNCA transcript, and there's no obligation to sign up for classes I guess? that's what the admissions advisor seemed to be saying.
Wake Tech is pretty darn cheap to begin with and I'm fairly sure I can get it covered by financial aid anyway so......I think I may go ahead and see if maybe I can go for that associates beginning in spring or if they'd make me retake all the gen-ed courses. in which case lol nope. The admissions advisor seemed optimistic about the gen-ed stuff transferring and/or still being valid after nearly a decade, so maybe I CAN just focus on the important stuff
I'm hoping that I can take all or most of my classes online to save on gas costs/driving time; too much driving time on top of classes would probably be a pain even with my job's very flexible hours. If I can get all or mostly T/Th and/or night courses though that'd be less of an issue
oh I'd also like to try and take courses throughout the whole year to speed things up a bit lmao. gimme all the summer classes.
they DO offer uuuhhh what's it called. work-based learning. which is not guaranteed to pay you (boooo) but I think would still be a good thing to try out just so I can get some experience + (more) connections in the industry maybe?
I mean I don't want to work EXCLUSIVELY on video games, but they don't seem to have any other animation-related options so. I mean I'm definitely still very interested I just wish there were a few more options 😔
I'm hoping I won't have to write any damn essays in these classes but I'm sure there's gonna be some. hopefully with adhd meds it'll be tolerable
The one thing that's kind of holding me back is that because the degree is "Simulation and Game Development" there's not really a strong focus on the 3d modeling & animation that'd I'd kinda wanted. I guess I might could just take the classes that interest me, but that definitely wouldn't be covered by financial aid. It's probably for the best to learn all that stuff though, I have also wanted to learn some programming stuff anyways (mostly to make Minecraft mods lol but I don't know that they'll go into Java.)
I was also considering online schools/courses, which would be guaranteed to be online-only and MUCH more focused on the stuff I want, but those don't really Do financial aid and maybe this is a Boomer take but I'm still kinda leery about the credentials of online schools. Not so much Animation Mentor or Animschool, though I feel like an Actual AA from a Real College™ still carries more weight if that makes sense, but stuff like Udemy courses seem to just kinda be Whatever.
I think maybe I should just go with the AA at Wake Tech and get the basics down. maybe by the time I've finished that I can move on to something like Animschool; L-rd knows I ain't goin back for another BA though lmao
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I have to wonder why Geralt seemed to connect with (or like) everyone in the show BUT the one that supposed to be his best friend (besides maybe everyone else Geralt was supposed to dislike, which was beside the point). Like, that was the narrative that the show seemed to give. Even Nivellen was introduced as a 'friend', and it was implied they haven't even seen each other for 13 years (which mean Jaskier possibly knew of him too even if he wasn't involved in the event, he and Geralt was supposed to have been 'adventuring' together for more than 20 years!).
S2 reunion kind of fixed that, but there was a little agenda going on there, with Geralt trying to find Jaskier because he wanted information on Yennefer, as someone who last seen her before Geralt. Even after the apology (that Geralt did while still on his high horse, take that as you will) something about their relationship still seemed imbalanced. It was like S1 started with the love (platonic, romantic, however you wanna read it) entirely going on from Jaskier's side and maybe slightly, a little care from Geralt since he wasn't an inhuman monster that would let a human that haven't tried to kill him die. And S2 picked up from the breakup with the love still heavy on Jaskier's side, with the breakup song and how he jumped into Geralt's arm not long after he appeared. He did gain his self respect tho and his love was different from S1, more aware and guarded, I guess? While Geralt did say he missed Jaskier, so there was fondness, but there still wasn't much shown and compared to the intense heartbreak moment, it seemed like it's still imbalanced?
If I'm seeing this in positive light, it's possible that Jaskier will grow into himself and not need Geralt as muse. If what he told Yennefer about muses leaving him was allusion to Geralt leaving him, then S3 could be him affirming that his muse could be everything else he needed singing, a 'new destiny' so to speak. Or that S2 already hinting, with his Sandpiper thing and Dijkstra being his benefactor. S3 may have songs sung by Jaskier that aren't about the white wolf, in which case I guess I'll admit to 'growth'.
In the books, Dandelion was introduced as someone who was already famous, already comfortable in his skin and knew exactly who he was outside of Geralt. It's possible the show wanted to expand on Jaskier's growth to this, from someone whose fame intertwined so intertwined with Geralt to someone who stands by his own, outside of his relationship with Geralt.
For the sake of parallel though, I'd like to see Geralt showing more adoration and saying more affirming, sweet things to Jaskier as he did in the books as Jaskier himself grow independent. That would actually be sweet and the 'male friendship' they deserve. I'd still prefer the books, but at least ot'll make it better since there's a Journey and Hardship to get there, spanning however many seasons (definitely beyond 2) that may need. HOWEVER, I'm not gonna hold my breath for that happening since there's only 8 episodes per season and so many characters and stories to tell. And the Geralt x Yennefer development and Ciri.
Sigh..... Honestly, S2 yennskier felt more bros than the supposed bros. They felt healthier and more equal, more reliable even. I didn't even like her in S1, I was so weirded out by the magic orgy (did those people consent? Is this a brainwash thing? I don't agree with brainwash thing. But she's FL, aren't I supposed to like her?) And the Djinn that bound them together (soo, are they in love? Under influence to love? I like free will. Are they REALLY in love?)
(When I watched S1 I was coming in totally blind, haven't read the book nor have I played the game. I just saw a lot of Witcher 3 mods when I was playing Skyrim and got curious since it seemed really popular but wasn't in the mood to commit to playing the game, especially since it was '3', meaning there was 1 and 2, and if there's continuity I'm someone who liked to play chronologically, so to the show I went)
Anyway, yeah. Wasn't into Yennefer in S1. As a character, her backstory did seem rough, but I was kind of rooting for her with Istredd. They seemed to have a good thing going on at first. Then she also did the mind thingy on Geralt, Before the djinn wish got revealed, so in my eyes their relationship just seemed to be on such an unhealthy start. Then the djinn wish was revealed, and that was probably the only time I liked her in S1 in regards to her relationship with Geralt since her reaction was so visceral and utterly in line with what I thought about it. And also one of the time I utterly disliked Geralt outside of him screaming at Jaskier.
Liked her much better in s2. Her friendship vibe towards my fav bard probably helped a lot lol. Also liked her with Cahir. Honestly, I think she was the only character who was nice to Jaskier the entire season. Besides Geralt, kinda, but he doesn't count.
But, the Yenralt? Yeah, still not feeling it.
(Haven't read all the books, but it did read better in the books and I can see why it's the OTP. For the show, however? Haven't felt any so far.)
(Also this rant have gone away from my initial thought, sorry about that.)
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bitchesgate3 · 3 years
Tips for Getting Companion Scenes
Before I get to reblogging today’s daily dose of bg3 content, I’m gonna repost my spoiler-free detailed tips on maximizing companion content here for my tumblrfolks in prep of Patch 5 tomorrow:
Camp OFTEN! There are two camp scenes before the grove fight that serve as a good starting point for getting to know the companions. Companions often have something to say after you move along in their quest or in the main quest. Do one step of a companion's quest - camp - and only then do another's. (If you do them simultaneously, you will create a backlog of scenes. Meaning you might have camped after getting Gale to Medium approval, but because Wyll was just recruited, Wyll's scene occurs first. You will have to leave the area, and camp in a different one in order to “clear the queue” and have Gale's scene occur. Just camp often and you will not have to keep track of this too much, but you can learn to min-max this pretty effectively.) Camping may or may not change much with the new camping system in patch 5, but as far as I know, you can still "spam" camps and choose not to use any resources to forgo healing, if I understood it correctly.
Use the Tadpole. When the game releases you probably want to avoid this thing, but for now, I recommend using the Tadpole until you get the first two dreams. Because whatever is going on with the tadpole involves temptation, so you might want to hear the sorts of dreams and confessions the tadpole provokes in your companions - as well as the situations that arise from them.
Choose 3 Favorites and rank them. While Act 1 Part 1 is probably the playground to get to know the companions without committing to a definite trio, I recommend making your decision quickly in any playthrough. Whether by design or not, unless you've done their plots a million times and know when to swap them out and micro manage them - you will miss content and possibly miss environmental triggers that are necessary for their character development if you don’t stick with them. Additionally, in some camp scenes, the order you talk to your companions determines what they say and how much you can respond to. This is not always the case - possibly not even often the case, but I’d rather not miss out on the interaction and insight you gain in these scenes by not adhering to it religiously. My advice is to make one your confidant, another your bro, and another your third wheel and always talk to them in that order - no matter who has the ! mark over their head for that camp night. Some scenes, because you talk to them in that order, that's how they'll come off anyway.
Or Choose 1 to give priority. A common complaint I hear from people who enjoy the companions is that Shadowheart hogs all the reaction dialogues. There seems to be an unseen randomness or prioritization of who gets to react to certain scenes. Whatever the case may be, every character has a reaction if one of them does - if it is not a companion specific quest. (Yes, Lae’zel too for example has a reaction to this or that scene.) If you want to see a specific companion's reaction, the guaranteed way is to send the other two to camp. You can always fast travel to camp and pick them up later or right after. Be ready to fight a battle with just this companion for reactions that occur immediately following. The other half of this point is that sometimes, though not often, companions will interject into a scene if it appeals to their character traits. Talk to an ambitious wizard npc with Gale. A vengeful guard mourning her fallen brother with Lae’zel. Follow someone’s cries for help with Wyll. At a certain point if you just want to see one companion's content, you can attempt a single companion run with or without mods to help.
Lastly, try something new. The game has A LOT of content - not just companion content. What that means is that just choosing a different dialogue option, a different trio, a different way to handle a situation, a different area to explore, a different class or different race can cause new scenes and conclusions you've never seen. We already know we have one coming in patch 5. So if you have played EA several times, try something new here and there. Changing up how you normally respond to a companion can also change the actual tone of their response or a different line of dialogue entirely, leaving you with a different impression of them. Don't be afraid to be an ass or an ass-kisser to them. Both are quite entertaining ;)
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funkin-news · 3 years
ninjamuffin ama summary - 9/28/2021
you know the drill, purple text is me paraphrasing, everything else is direct (or almost direct) quote, FNF-related stuff only
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Q: What is one common misconception about FNF or its development that you wanna clear up?
A: im not the sole creator, im not some sole director. Each of the boys have very important roles with the game. This isn't just 1 dude having tunnel vision about a game, its generally all us coming to similar conclusions on where we want to take the game and what we wanna do wit it
Q: why
A: because I love video games and I love newgrounds
Q: Do you or the team plan to go back and make the older weeks higher quality?
A: that will definitely happen. both for general polish, and things leading up into future weeks / story or whatever
Q: Why did everyone think Week 8 was gonna come out on the 22nd?
A: accidental "teases" (Dave's MC-related doodle), madness day, general anxiousness bc the devs haven't been sharing much
Q: What kind of QOL changes are being added in the future?
A: charting editor improvements is one
Q: What is the most insane, most likely impossible to happen person you would like to collaborate with, could be Funkin related, could be just a personal project
A: the girl reading this
Q: Is Cassette Girl week 8?
A: no
Q: Is there concept art for the characters, or did they look the same during development?
A: GF looks exactly the same as the first ever drawing PhantomArcade did. There's a few small lil variations for a good chunk the other MAIN characters, one day u will see all them
R: can you explain the old bf icon? or is it just a dumb placeholder?
A: just a cool ass lil icon evilsk8r did during the game jam weekend
Q: Are you letting yourself getting inspired by more different genres of music for future weeks?
A: i think that more a Q for kawaisprite, but that man loves music, and can and does get inspired by anything he listens to in regards to music
Q: Why has the team been so silent about update progress?
A: They do better working in silence than hyping things up; when Week 6 was teased working on it became really stressful for them. Also, element of surprise
R: but youve been silent abt week7 on desktop for months, half a year. & week 8 is like….. nonexistant
A: week 8 isnt nonexistant, we just absolutely do not want to talk about it whatsoever. i said all the week 7 stuff will come with week 8 update
Q: what do you genuinely think about the people thinking you guys scammed people out of $2 million? just curious is all, i’ve seen lots of people talking about it rn
A: i think people are a bit wary about kickstarter, and makes sense when people's coin is on the line. if u want a breakdown of what we used KS coin so far, we spent maybe 2K of it on some development stuff we needed, most other expenses been paid from our savings / donations, etc.
Q: When does the OST come to the backers?
A: Kickstarter vinyl OSTs still need to be manufactured, which would take at least 6 months because of a global PVC shortage, completely out of our control. what is in our control is that we also still need to finish up and finalize artwork for it, the boys wanna make it all perfect. Same goes for CDs, but those should be done way sooner
Q: You got a date range of when Tshirt / Poster / or Pin surveys will be out by any chance? 👀
A: kickstarter tshirts / poster / pin stuff have been coming along nicely and hopefully those surveys should be coming soon, prob next few weeks
Q: Do you guys think you'll experiment with other artstyles in future weeks?
A: yes, cuz we've already done that (week 6) theres a lot more where that came from
Q: if you could isolate one part of the game and say it’s your favorite what would it be
A: the fact that FNF is our pure creative vision, with absolutely nothing getting in the way of that. Open source free Newgrounds rhythm game with crazy zany kawaisprite music, and stylish and charismatic animation and art style. and game been successful because of all of that.
Q: what do you think about people compiling the full ass game and playing it without paying anything
A: that makes me happy
Q: what do you think of all the mods and stuff people has made about your game
A: mods make me happy
Q: any inspiration from doki doki literature club for the weird stuff in week 6?
A: no, but some of the cool lil programming things DDLC did do interest me
Q: How do we know you're working on the game
A: you don't, and really it doesnt matter all too much. we being productive and things are moving forward, and people not believing that doesnt change that
And now, a speech:
i think trying to focus on keeping hype and keeping game popular can very easily be hollow. We have no worry about trying to keep hype or relevancy or anything like that. If FNF popularity shrunk to 0.1% of it's size, we'd be content, cuz that's still like 1000% more than before
"before" referring to anything we did before FNF.
you can lose success just as easily as you got it, and for FNF, it got successful INCREDIBLEY fast. With that in mind, it's just the nature of things if it all loses relevancy.
So far FNF doing good through the year, but if it wasn't, it's no real sweat off our back.
Although it's uhhh easy to look at it that way from our perspective. Get back to me and see if my thoughts on this has changed if FNF is forgotten from all memory.
Q: will there be a sequel to the full ass game? Like 'the full a2s game' or something clever like fast & furious movies do
A: friday night funkin: tokyo drift
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fleurlibelle · 4 years
PARALIVES Makes me believe that my dreams can come true.
Some of you know that I’m an avid follower of the Paralives Development since pretty much the very beginning. With some pride, 😊 I can say that I was one of the very first who posted and talked about PARALIVES here on my blog after their first entrance within 24hrs. You can read about my David vs. Goliath post here.  Check the other posts I made under this tag #paralives
Last night they dropped a brand-new 30 sec. clip with some ‘light gameplay’.
The Paralives Team is for sure on fire, and you can feel that their passion for a Life-Simulation Game is filled with details, and I bet this game will have deep gameplay. So far, what I’ve seen? EA could never pull it off like this because they do not have the passion our Sims-Community has.
LET’’ S STATE SOME FACTS The devotion with which our community designs unique characters is insane. We build incredible homes like architects and create compelling storylines that are the heart of what makes our Sims community unique globally. We can relate, get inspired, and yes, it can have an influence on your real life even. We have a bunch of talented Simmers with incredible stories worth to be a bestseller. CC Creators worth dying for (just visually, of course, lol) along with so many gifted and talented editors who create insane edits of our beloved pixels. Simmers who increase our pixel-thirst and kill us softly by leaving a deep desire and wish we could do so much more in our Life-Simulation-Game “maybe without the need of mods”????
Sadly the Sims-Franchise did not improve in a way I expected it would be. I’m an avid Simmer since TS2. I played it until last year! I was honestly hoping they would improve by keeping features from previous games and continue to add more and improve but still learn from the mistakes in the past. Sadly the reality did look very much different. TS3 was not designed at that time for Low-End PC’s. Therefore it had issues with loading content, and all the cool features from the past disappeared in TS4. 
TS4 on the other hand, is chic, very easy to use, has the best Build/CAS mode yet. However, unfortunately, it was pretty flat and empty from the very beginning. With the incredible audacity to offer absolutely a marginal gameplay with very flat and repetitive animations, which should encourage us to enjoy the game. What a joke, right? 
For me, TS4 was a bad prank in comparison to my imagination of what it could have been. My high expectations were set very high. As TS4 was launching officially, I absolutely refused to buy it. Up until last year, when they gave away free copies of the base game? Okay, I was like, let's take a look at TS4. I must say I was highly disappointed, as you can imagine. The limitation felt like a massive cut to my imagination, and it was a nightmare. Where are all the cute animations gone from the past? Where are all the cute things we loved about our Sims? I can only enjoy TS4 now because I can rely on our Community and their passion to mod the game to fit our imagination, somewhat due to the given limitations. 
Yes, I have bought one or the other expansion on sale cause I can't comprehend that EA limits my imagination so much. But expects me to reward them by paying the full price. I simply have no sympathy for the flat gameplay with no depth and the lack of any additional value to spend endless hours on it. Not to mention the incomplete sets (furniture, build items, clothes, hair for all ages, and different nations) and tools (color wheel, more build tool like round walls, levels, etc. to create the world I imagine are no exception. This is just what I really expect from a life-simulation game. The missing versatility to create individual characters and styles to my taste. Where is all that?  
My hope faded, and I don’t see a massive change for TS5 either. As much as I love the SIMS, their passion is not our passion for this game. One of the reasons why we demand what we wish to have and they seem not to listen good enough. Maybe Paralives will wake them up. Or might not, but we will see, but that��s set in stone already.
Now, Paralives Isn’t it amazing how a small Team within one year can raise your hopes up sky-rockin’ high with just 30 seconds clips? All the things EA said it’s not possible seems to be no longer valid because Paralives has an answer:
“Well, it is possible with today's technology, right? It’s as if Paralives would say: We listen to what Simmers desire. Our imagination has no limits but yours is might rusty, don’t you think, EA???”
And gosh, I’m gonna say it bluntly. I fuckin’ love their mentality their passion for all the details and extras they add. All the features we have seen so far will be in the base game how insane is that? Seriously they can even demand a higher price like 80 Euros or so, and I would be happily willing to pay because they provide real content and give me tools to create my world and how I want to play it. They do not tell me, well, it’s not possible!  
With the latest clip you will be able to:
place a zipline between point A and point B and let your Paras enjoy it!
jump into a pool from a high place, if your Para is brave enough!
set a house rule, so Paras remove their shoes when entering a house
 use a mysterious and very secret bookcase door 
Take off shoes? How cool is that, please? You have to savor this one: Take off your shoes by entering your home. Jump from your garage or balcony into the pool. The Zip thing? Cool. Just do it. Isn’t it insane?
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear Starry,
Co-Mod: Sorry for almost missing this letter, first and foremost.
As an introvert, I don’t show much personality most of the time, but I do see myself in the quirks of the Ace Attorney cast every now and then.  Sometimes I just want a break from what I’m dealing with, like Phoenix...
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...sometimes I get overemotional when things don’t go my way, like Larry...
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...sometimes I get too excited when they do go my way, like Pearly...
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...and sometimes I struggle not to explode in a fiery inferno that’s visible from space, like...well, like a lot of characters.
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But the character I relate most to, as I’ve mentioned several times before, is good old Ms. Cykes.
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She’s got skill and ambition, but still struggles in her self-confidence every now and then, and right now, that describes me perfectly.  (I hope the first part does, at least.)
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks, I guess.  *blows a noisemaker half-heartedly*
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: I might be willing to share that ship, oddly enough, except for the fact that I've already played through most of the Professor Layton series, so...yeah.  It’s probably not gonna work.
(I still need to finish it, don’t I?)
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Dear Starry again,
Co-Mod: I...honestly can’t say I know.  If things go my way, I’ll be doing something I love (or at least enjoy), like drawing/animating for a TV show or video game, writing music, or possibly even working on a game development team.  If Ace Attorney (and life) have taught me anything, though, it’s that no one can predict the future, so maybe I’ll be doing something completely different.
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As far as TV shows go (I’m allowed to answer both, right?), most of my favorites were the classic ones, like Green Acres, The Andy Griffith Show, and just about any Looney Tunes cartoon.  I also enjoyed a lot of Nickelodeon’s shows, like Hey Arnold!, Doug, and that one about the sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.  What was his name again...?
Mod Paups: Mmm for TV shows I’d say Dragon Ball is what I mainly watched, and maybe Pokemon, but that’s about it. I’m not certain where I see myself in 10 years, hopefully it’s good!
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Dear Starry again (again),
Co-Mod: I’m guessing you mean this one.  Thanks for waiting to see if it showed up.  For anyone else who’s wondering if your letter fell victim to Tumblr's glitchery or not, letters now take roughly 3 weeks to get answered, so feel free to resubmit it if you don’t see it after that long.
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Dear skibot99,
Co-Mod: Technically, DGS2 letters are still off limits, but I sometimes dance around that rule if the letter is only about DGS2, and not addressed to a character from that game.  Let’s just say that letters like that may or may not get answered, so only send them if you’re feeling lucky.
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Dear springtime562,
Co-Mod: My mistake!
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The other Mods are starting school, so I’ve mostly been on my own, and I’m balancing this blog with two part-time jobs, so...you (collectively) can probably expect a few more errors in the near future.
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Dear d0midink,
Co-Mod: Let me just start by saying that if this isn’t one of the nicest compliments we’ve received (and we’ve received quite a few), it’s definitely a contender.
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I’m just happy we’re still able to do it with everything else we’re going through (not to mention everything the world’s been through lately), so thanks a million for your support!
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: None in particular, but I do sort of miss answering letters to the Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney cast.  They have their own unique sort of charm.
Mod Paups: Well in my case I looove love answering letters addressed to any of the antagonists, specially Damon Gant. He has to be my favorite character to write as, he’s just so fun!
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Dear rogertheegg,
Co-Mod: I’m guessing what they’re referring to is the “culprit feels remorse in the end” concept in each case.  I definitely prefer Marlon’s breakdown over Acro’s, mostly because Marlon put up more of a fight, plus he showed a lot more emotion.  We also didn’t have to cycle through a bunch of profiles and evidence just to remind a clown about a magician’s three symbols, so there’s that, too.
Mod Paups: Honestly? I don’t feel as if Turnabout Reclaimed succeeded or was better? And if I had to choose, I prefer Big Top over Reclaimed. I guess it’s just a matter of tastes.
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Dear kxhyuns,
Co-Mod: I repeat myself, but...thanks a million!
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It’s been an honor to take what Ace Admin and the Mod created and keep it going for so long.  I’m just glad we’re still gaining followers and make the characters sound like themselves.
Here’s the letter you mentioned, by the way.  Pretty trollish, if you ask me.
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Co-Mod: Me too, pal, me too.  Looks like it’s finally time to accept this certificate of death for the Ace Attorney series.
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(I could be wrong, of course.)
But hey, at least the fandom’s still as alive and well as ever, as evidenced by this very blog!
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Never let the flame die out, folks.
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Dear mungeondaster,
Co-Mod: Are you kidding me?  My answer to both ideas is YES!!!  I’d like to see a shopping scene and I’d LOVE an open world Ace Attorney game!  Heck, I’d be fine with an anime retelling of AJ, DD, and/or SoJ, an Ace Attorney-themed chess game, Lisa Basil Teaches Typing...  JUST GIVE US SOMETHING, CAPCOM!!!
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*huff, huff, huff*
While we’re on the subject, I once had a dream where I was playing a point-and-click adventure game similar to King’s Quest VII, with Maya as a playable character.  I’d pay a huge sum for that if it became a reality.
-The Mods
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esamastation · 4 years
Oooh! I'd been looking at Kenshi as well, since the open rpg aspect sounds like fun, but the full fledged sandbox concept of it made me a *bit* nervous. Since I wind up going crazy in games like that - too much to do, not enough time. It's still sitting on my wishlist, staring me down and saying 'Buy me. Play me. You know you want to. You don't need that cash anyway.' [grins wryly] Have you been enjoying it? Your mention of hydroponics in the desert makes me so curious!
I'm loving it so far :D it's a perfect blend of solo RPG action, squad building and city building, if you go that way and you really don't have to if you don't want to. You can do so many different things, and there's basically as much story as you make it - there's lore, but none of it is every presented to you, you either happen across it or you have to seek it out. Also, mods. Mods mods mods. (For example, Water Vaporisers :D)
I haven't gotten to the point of having hydroponics in the desert, I kinda stacked my experience against me by difficulty start + mod that makes the NPC factions go into wars with each other, and it's gonna take time before my little Brotherhood can even think of setting up a base. Right now they're slowly growing in the shadows of a slaver city, sneaking about freeing slaves and recruiting and training novices. It's honestly the best time I've had with a game in months and I can already tell I'm going to put hundreds of hours into it.
Word of warning though, Kenshi is buggy as hell. Not like, game-breakingly so, but clipping issues are kinda constant and texture weirdness happens. Enemies get yeeted hundreds of meters away occasionally. I find it delightful but yeah, it's no picture perfect triple-A experience. (There's a Kenshi 2 in development, though, which is going to be on the Unreal Engine, so there's that)
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macgyvertape · 4 years
50 or so hours into Cyberpunk 2077
This should be roughly the correct amount of time, ive been leaving the game running as I get up to get food or do stretches. Quests are roughly in order I did them
non spoilers above cut:
 i haven't found a single hat/helmet i like, and since you can't hide them I just am not wearing any. It matters that much.
I posted the other day about bugs, every few hours I play I find new bugs. some require me to go back and reload a save others I honestly can’t tell if it’s a bug or just really poor development
there are several perks that don’t quite do what the description says, like the Anamesis perk. Based on reddit and trying it out it seems to just not do anything.
sometimes in car chase segments the passenger will say “look out” as cars spawn in my path and hit me. Can’t tell if that was deliberate or a pop in issue
Yeah I’ve just totally given up on doing pacifist things unless required by a mission. Given up on doing stealth too unless a mission objective, except for sneaking around to set up a fight.
the delemain car quest is fun. From the shock of the one going "beep beep motherfucker" and doing a hit and run to start it off, to the GLADOS car i see a lot of people talking about. It was fun to explore the city when i might have missed places like the landfill apparently there is follow up on T-bug's death if you go back to the quick hack shop in Kabuki. It's not much but better than nothing I made the pass with Panam of "what if the room just had one bed". I know she won't do a wlw romance, which is fine since I wouldn’t have chosen her.  I enjoy her as a character, don’t get me wrong, my V considers her as a friend, but it seems like theres always drama going on which would be tiring. I would have gone for a fling, i like her leotard-pants combo with all the straps
but also her questline was buggy as hell. Multiple cases of having to reload due to clipping into objects, including her in a driving section, or just insta-dying when collision physics with some rocks broke "your neural network can no longer function independantly of the chip" me slapping my desk: s y m b i o te!!! come on lets have some s y m b i o s i s
in the scene with hellman i really liked how Johnny moved around the room. It made him feel like he was really there. it was hard to follow the convo as I left the room, i would not have understood it without subtitles. But i guess Takemura fucking waterboarded hellman. :|
lol I hope the dialogue is different b/c i refuse to smoke for Johnny
i am level 18 and still can't beat the first opponents in the fist fighting quest. ffs
I looked up the romances options so I went to do the I fought the law quest as soon as i got it. ACAB, but like I literally just met River Ward 2 minutes ago, and I really like him. His earring and cyborg eye, his big fluffy coat. I'm definitely gonna sleep with him Ok i like how when River Ward is dealing with the tiger claws if you interject it leads to a fight. It goes better if you follow his instructions and let him deal with it. Seriously I enjoy that sometimes its good to not pick a dialogue choice.
during the red queen club part, there was no dialogue over the phone. So i reloaded a save and got myself spotted and attacked. Then River showed up to help me <3 and it was more enjoyable having him there. I honestly am not sure if him not going to the club level is bug or not.
then uuuuuugh the worst of irl police "cops are my family" from Detective Han. Again ACAB "FRATERNITY OF CITY COPS RESEMBLES A [Nomad] CLAN NOT AT ALL" ok a few minutes ago i was complaining about bugs, but the character modeling in this game is good (when they're there). You can see body posture, characters jiggle their legs when they are nervous. Like I though character A was just throwing a cigarette on the ground, but then character B flinches back; I realize Char A threw it at B as a fuck you
I'm honestly curious if "I fought the Law" quest will have any impact later on. My choices were that I thought there was more going on than Holt being the only person behind this (based on how complicated the main questline heist is, and keeping an eye on some of the in game news), and told him not to take it to internal affairs, and I loved his response of how he doesn't give a shit what we think, he's doing it anyway.
In the elevator to report in, Johnny said "this muck is deeper than you think, tell them nothing", so i just said that the case was complicated. anyway i love how much of a sarcastic asshole V is
I thought i was being nonlethal with the monk quest, but it seems i accidently killed someone. RIP, but thats kind of the problem with this game. Like when i do the non lethal cyberpychosis quests I equip my non lethal modded gun and hope for the est. I like how a go here kill things quest led to Charles the ripperdoc. He's getting all his parts from scav gang members so I felt obligated to take him out. I got a police bounty for it but w/e.
I merged the Delemain fragments with the whole. Guess he's the meta now. (Side note: some of my favorite rvb fanfic plots are Ai consiousness/memory merging with the humans, so I’m having fun with this game and look foward to introspective fanfic)
Honestly Jonny made some good points, the fragments didn't deserve to die; but also destroying the core and freeing the fragments, they couldn't really function alone.
I was able to rescue Saul fine with stealth. Using cameras and the synapse overload really made it easy.  Can't use the sniper rifle reward b/c I don't have the stats for it, and while it has a silencer the fact that it's a ricochette weapon and not a shoot through walls weapons, makes it not as good imo; and theres a legendary one that is stats free for only 100k.
Lol made a pass again at Panam, and she immediately shut me down. I then did Mitch's quest and I love every time someone tells V they area  good person.
I hacked the operation carpe noctem shard, and wow the corporations are using ai to make people have cyberpsychosis, or something like that. What a shocker /s, I've played Deus Ex HR before
lol driving through the unifinished interstate, past the fight from Panam's first quest I found a "batcave" with a very nice car, and a manifesto written by "muckman'. But here's my complaint about the loot, there is a legendary top, but it had 16 armor. My current top has 84 armor, like why would i switch?? then later i found a bunker with soviet spies in it. Wild
Doing River's second quest, love the timing of as soon as you ask, why are we breaking in, someone shows up to tell you he got kicked off the force. It's funny how Johnny comments how maybe River's into you, and V just doubts Johnny's words. Love how the first kid asks River if I'm his girlfriend. also wow like oof both the second parts of Judy and River's quest are SUPER fucked UP!! oof like i stopped doing first person mode on the braindances for those quests as soon as i could, just made me too uncomfortable seeing that in first person.
DRIVING IN THE GAME IS BAD! nowhere is it more apparent than the sinnerman quest, which took me 3 times to get the driving section done, as cars spawned out of nowhere to hit me. Then when you restart, there is a bunch of dialogue it doesn't let you fast forward through. The rest of the Sinnerman questline is interesting. My V took every option to tell the dude that he was messed up, and what he was doing was wrong. idk, I was surprised how much dialogue there was that let you buy into his whole "forgiveness thing" and how there wasn't any real dialogue to call him the fuck out, that in seeking forgiveness he continues to do harm both emotional to the mother of the man he killed, but also that he got the husband killed via cop. The later follow up quest, I told him that what he is doing is crazy, studio is just going to profit off this vid. Then I refused to join him prayer, and told him fuck no i wasn't going to hammer him to the cross, or even watch. Yes, the man is scared of dying, and the corporation is exploiting him, but he keeps creating burdens for others.  I think the discussion on this quest will be interesting to read, it's definitely my own personal experience with religion coloring my view. Anyway back to a main quest, yeah i don't trust Placide, especially in that scene where he grabs my hand, then jacks in. I ran off to do most of the sidequests here and got some criticism from him. I do love how in the cinema the western movie switches to a mission brief as the netwatch agent talks. its a fun enviromental detail.  I took the netwatch offer, i don't think he's being fully honest with me, but he didn't put a virus in my head. As I told Placide later, I didn't pick a side. I like how you can then talk with the agent, who is a fan of Western movies, b/c they show "a simpler time where all good guys carry badges" :eyeroll:, and then V recommends Unforgiven, which from the wiki summary goes against that theme.
Looks like the Voodoo boys all got killed by Netwatch, but I as revenge for them trying to set me up I'm fine with it. Honestly after speaking with ai!Alt I don’t believe their plan of trying to be on good relations with AI would work. 
doing the johnny flashback 2, and wow Johnny really is an asshole. Like I had gotten so used to him in side missions I forgot how self centered and unlikable he was.You constantly get prompts to drink or do drugs, which I ignored. But i do love the goth/punk love Rogue and others have.
lol i called it, when Hellman said that the engram would seek to override the host, put V on the engram. I really like how as the relic malfunctions, you wind up in the chair with a cigarette, which you can either smoke and say you are turning into Johnny or throw away. My dialogue "your problem is the ends justify the means", which is true!!! He and Rogue detonated a nuke downtown, does anyone know that, and like ask Rogue about it????
(Funny you can ask Rouge about Johnny silverhand, over the phone, then the game bugs out and spawns her npc where you are. She doens't say much about the nuke, but she does say no one trusts you for jobs). The line of no one trusting you for jobs is pretty funny at level 46 street cred where im at “respected” status. really loving the family atmosphere at River's 3rd quest. Also his big strong arms, and the fact he is no longer a cop. I totally let the kids win, and wow the family dinner where they GRILL YOU over the relationship and try to set the two of you up, then the water tower scene!!!!! I don't love the first person sex cutscenes but they do have personality. I'm glad afterwards you got to tell River about the biochip and that you might die. Because he's so far removed from your personal plot. So I took that option to back out of a relationship.
I do love that you wake up with "river's tanktop" that says "fuck the police" It actually has extremely good armor stats, so thats what I'll wear now.
panam 3rd quest, when shes like why did you help me, I'm like "because it's important to you". Basically the closest you can get to "when a friend asks for help you help them", which as an ex-nomad backstory I really choose the nomad options when ever i can Paralezes quest part 2! I love the piano song but I always think of it as ocean's 11 music. It's also fun to see the computer and see Judy recommended you for the first quest. The emails talk about "forgetting" to hire a staffer, on the balocony a strange antennia was scannable, the color of the roses was remembered wrong...  lol guess i was right with those giant wall screens. Its fun environmental details that spell things out before you can notice, and it ties into some other quests where people's behavior is being altered. Actually, this quest "Dream On" I love it! For a while I've been like "wheres the illuminati conspiracy! Here it IS! I chose to follow Elisabeth's wishes and not tell her husband he was being brainwashed. In best case they program him to forget again, in worst case he ends up dead. The gaslighting Elisabeth described is CHILLING, her husband describes a vacation she can't remember and she doesn't know whose memories have been messed with. On your way to the plaza you get a call from someone/something that says the know exactly WHAT you are, any you black out!!! It's such a great feeling of helplessness that you're just one person in a world so big that you can't fight every power. As Johnny said, could be a corporation, could be a rogue ai, either way Jefferson is fucked (and so are you).
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donaeis · 5 years
simmer - get to know
by @cupcakegnome​
i was tagged by the amazing @whyhellosims​ and couldn’t pass up on this awesome opportunity to allow yall to get to know me a bit better! 💖
your name: I went on discord a few years ago for some sims help and just named my account Figaro after my favorite horse without really thinking about it... then I actually got hooked on discord and my friends started calling me Fig, so... fig it is! here’s the real fig, though, for those who are interested:
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hes more amazing than i could ever dream to be.
languages you speak: dutch, english, german (i'm gonna go as far as to say dutch and german are mutually intelligible, and tho this gives a bit less of an incentive to actually learn german when germans will understand ur dutch just fine, it also makes learning german significantly easier). I tried to learn greek but even after years and years i just couldnt get past the alphabet LOL. the only greek I know are the bits and pieces I learned from my time spent there, but id have 0 idea how to actually spell that stuff out.
are you a mermaid: if only!! i do feel a very strong connection to water, though—my dad built his own sailing boat and traveled the world with it, and during his travels me and my sis been visiting a lot, living on his boat with him while we did
your play style: so, so story-driven... even when I tell myself I just wanna play the game without a story for once I end up with one by the end of my play session anyway.
your selfsim picture:
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stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I do stories most of all, but also like regular gameplay, my stories will for a very large part be game-driven, and from time to time ill post some builds. ive done a lookbook too. basically the only thing that wont have too much of a focus on my blog, despite my using it, is cc
your favorite age state: YA
your favorite season: winter
your favorite holiday: talk like a pirate day!
how was your day: actually absolutely terrible LOL. hungover, lost my temper on both a customer as well as a coworker... at least i got through it. 😂
your favorite career: admittedly, I rarely actually play careers cause my sims are way too busy or too dumb to actually be able to go there. if I had to choose any, though... I might actually go with the military
your favorite aspiration: the one that the most of my sims have completed is Friend of the World, cause I like for my sims to be sociable so it doesnt take too much effort to complete it anyway, and the reward of relationships never decaying is great
your favorite EP, SP or GP: vampires will always hold a special place in my heart, but I also absolutely love strangerville! if I had to choose any one favorite, id go with that one.
how old is your simblr: I posted some stuff in march last year but havent been active since, like, november? december? something like that
have you woohooed: yes
your favorite skill: charisma, cause theyll develop it automatically as I play
the size of your mods folder: 2.77 GB
your 3 favorite mods: mc command center, npc control, and personality please (links) are the three mods i absolutely couldn’t play without
your interests (other than sims): writing, dancing, creating (i love things like character creation), horse riding & anything involving animals, really.
your favorite sim (picture if possible): this is actually incredibly difficult for me cause im not sure i have 1 favorite. a lot of sims of mine will always hold a special place in my heart. my favorite sim to play fluctuates a lot... but god, if i had to choose any favorite sim whom i really completely made through sims and who was not a non-sims character already precious to me turned into a sims character.... itd probably be tika. hes an asshole but man, do i just love him and especially his story.
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which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): the sims 1, 2 and 4
propose a crazy scheme: the sims community actually coming up with some GOOD sims 4 qualities for once 
best part of simblr: the amazing people I got to meet on here!
worst part of simblr: hmm... though i feel its much much less toxic than places like youtube or even the official forums, there is still some negativity here sometimes
what other games you play: im kind of a noob with other games, honestly. I used to play a whooole bunch of horse-related games (am a total horse girl), and I played the battle for middle earth (also looove me some LOTR). used to go to my childhood best friend's house to steal her brother's xbox and play gta iv on it, and I bought gta v for myself but sadly, I suck too bad at games to actually progress any with it
other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): im on wordpress (here). i also mod a sims-based, lgbtq+ discord server called simsclub 
are you single: very happily so, yes.
im tagging @wesunnysimmer​, @nyteroseshadowthorn​, @amuhav​, @chaosxsims​, @silverspringsimmer​, @polishsimmersblog​ and well, uh... basically anyone that wants to do this! feel absolutely free to ignore this if you dont want to. 
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