#the gates close behind us not with rock but with water. halting the entrance of new air
guardianofrivendell · 4 years
Gentlemen in Distress (request)
Legolas x reader x Fellowship
Requested: Yes! @galileostyles​ asked “hey i love your writing so much ❤️ could you do a legolas x reader x fellowship where they see you fighting for the first time at the mines of moria and feel bad for underestimating you. thanks ❤️”
Warnings: men being men
A/N: This was harder than I thought! I wrote it a first time last week but then I realized it was too similar to an upcoming chapter of ‘Perfect Secrets’, so I had to delete and start all over again. Enjoy and let me know what you think! I live for comments/reblogs :) 
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(I absolutely love this gif. It practically screams testosteron! If I was standing near an Orc at this moment I would take its arm and wound it around my neck myself, and gladly take up the role of damsel in distress. Yes please!)
The fellowship halted before the gates of Moria.  You were relieved to be out of the snow, but dreaded the upcoming journey through Moria. You knew why Gandalf hesitated to go through them, shivering at the thought of what could happen. Legolas’ eyes met yours, but he looked the other way when he saw you staring back. You rolled your eyes, knowing you had to have a serious word with your beloved Elf. 
While Gandalf tried to figure out how to crack the password after two unsuccesful attempts, you made your way towards Legolas. It felt like days since you two spoke to each other.  He didn’t look up when you sat down next to him. You sighed, kicking the sand with the heel of your boot.
“Are you still cross with me?” you asked, already knowing the answer. He pursed his lips, as if he was actually considering it. But then he rose to his feet and went to Aragorn and Sam.  “Guess that’s a yes,” you muttered.  Merry and Pippin let themself drop down at your feet. You heard Gandalf yelling at poor Pippin a few moments before and he still looked a bit shaken.  “Still mad at you?” Merry asked. You nodded. “He has every right to be, my lady,” Boromir interrupted. You didn’t know he had been eavesdropping.  “And why is that?” you asked him. “This journey is no place for a woman. When we fight, we do not have the time to protect you as well. He only wants to keep you safe.” You rolled your eyes again. “How many times do I have to say that I can take care of myself? I know how to fight!” “Training or taking part in a battle is not the same thing. If you were mine, I would have tied you to a chair to make sure you didn’t join us.” “That’s why ‘if’ is the keyword, Boromir,” you reminded him.  
You could hear Frodo shout something, and the doors to Moria finally opened.  Everyone got to their feet and entered the mines.  Legolas made his way up front with Gandalf and Frodo, while you lingered towards the back of the group. If he wanted to ignore you, so be it. You wouldn’t fret about it anymore. He’ll come around eventually. 
The reason of your falling out was quite simple. Legolas had forbidden you to go along on the journey, after you volunteered at the Council of Elrond, following his example. Yes, that’s right. He forbade you. Like you were his property.  Not that he could have convinced you not to go, but you might have listened to reason. But as soon as he said that damned word, your mind was set. You were going, even if that meant you had to end your relationship because of it.  And ever since you left Rivendell with the fellowship, Legolas had given you the cold shoulder. He hardly talked to you and chose to walk alongside everyone but you.  When the Crebain flew over in Eregion, it hadn’t been Legolas who pulled you under the rocks but Aragorn. At that moment you realized he truly was angry at you. What you failed to notice was the worried expression Legolas wore the entire time, cursing himself for not being anywhere near you to pull you to safety. He had thanked Aragorn extensively afterwards. He vowed to himself to never make that mistake again. 
When you entered the mines, you could hear Gimli boasting about his cousin and the hospitality they were about to recieve.  You felt the darkness closing in around you, you really didn’t like this place.  “This is no mine, it’s a tombe!” You heard Boromir exclaim. It was only then you realised the cracking sound beneath your feet wasn’t the sound of branches breaking or gravel. You were literally walking on dead bodies.  Legolas pulled an arrow out of a corpse.  “Goblins!” he hissed. He notched an arrow on his bow and instinctively took a few steps towards you. You were too busy trying to avoid stepping on another dead Dwarf that you didn’t notice.
Boromir yelled something about the Gap of Rohan, but a movement outside of the gates caught your attention. Out of the water came a long tentacle, slowly sliding over the ground towards Frodo. Before you could warn him, it grabbed his leg and dragged him out of the mines.  Sam cried to Aragorn for help, alerting everyone else. They all ran outside and tried to cut off the tentacles with their swords. Boromir had been able to free Frodo, but the giant squidlike creature wasn’t giving up very easily.  “Y/N! Go back inside, take the Hobbits with you!” Aragorn yelled.  Seriously? You were not a babysitter! Why did they have such a hard time believing you could hold your own? Aragorn, Gimli and Boromir kept slicing the tentacles, but the creature didn’t back off. Legolas shot arrow after arrow, to no avail. They needed help. “Quick, give me a sword or a dagger, anything!” you yelled, eager to join the fight. “No!” Legolas yelled, shooting an arrow in the squid’s left eye. “Go back into the mines!” “Oh, now you can talk to me!” You felt someone grab your arm, trying to pull you back. You shook them off before you turned around and saw it was Merry, immediately swallowing the insult that had been on your tongue. “Into the mines, hurry!” Gandalf shouted, when he realised this was a fight they could not win. You followed the others back into the mine, barely escaping the falling rocks when the entrance collapsed. 
After a few days of walking through Moria, you had reached the Chamber of Mazarbul.  Legolas still wasn’t talking to you, now upset you hadn’t listened to him with the squid situation, but you knew he was going to give in at any moment. You had caught him staring multiple times, his hands twitching to take yours when you walked next to each other.  Gimli cried over the loss of Balin. You placed your hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. He gave you a grateful nod.  You heard Gandalf reading aloud from a book he’d found, and the words he spoke made your hairs stand up.  A sudden clang sounded through the chamber, and you saw Pippin standing by a well. He had managed to knock the head off a corpse, and the body of the fallen warrior followed seconds later. Gandalf shouted at him for being so careless. “Don’t worry Pippin, he’s under a lot of stress. He doesn’t mean it,” you tried to ease the tension between them. But then the drumbeats had started…  “Orcs!” Boromir and Aragorn ran to the door and barricaded it with anything they could find on the ground.  “They have a cave troll,” Boromir laughed sarcastically. 
“Y/N! Take the Hobbits and go to the back of the chamber! Stay behind Gandalf!” Aragorn shouted. “No! I want to fight! You can use my help,” you yelled angrily. You weren’t going to stand helpless at the sidelines again. Not this time. “Meleth nin,” Legolas spoke to you, his jaw clenched. “Could you please listen to us for once? I only want to keep you safe!” He cupped your face with his hands, and kissed your lips. “I could not live with myself if you got hurt.” The Orcs started to hack through the heavy wooden doors with their axes.  “Go!” he growled at you, and you were so surprised at his reaction that you obeyed. 
You had gathered the Hobbits and hidden yourself on the second level, behind the pillars to keep you out of sight.  The men had no problem with the Orcs, slaying every single one who crossed the wooden doors. But then a loud growl resounded through the chamber, and the cave troll entered, shattering the remains of the door with his mace. A curse escaped you, this was entirely different than fighting against Orcs. The troll immediately made its way to Legolas. The skin was too thick, Legolas’ arrows bounced off of it.  He barely avoided a hit with the mace, and you started to get worried. 
Suddenly the troll spotted you and the Hobbits, and with a screech he ran towards you.  It swung its mace and you grabbed Frodo, yelling at the other Hobbits to go the other way, hoping it would chase you to keep them safe.  Aragorn and Boromir took the chain hanging from its neck and pulled at it with all their might, trying to distract it and buy you and Frodo some time to get yourselves to safety. Legolas and Gimli were too busy with the remaining Orcs. The troll swung its mace at them, and with one powerful blow he threw Boromir across the room into the wall. He landed with a thump on the ground, unconscious.  “No!” you screamed, which caught the creature’s attention. He charged at you again, and you shoved Frodo behind you.  The troll roared in pain when Aragorn threw a spear at him, piercing his back. Aragorn soon suffered the same fate as Boromir. Your eyes went to Boromir, who was slowly regaining his consciousness, to Legolas who was shooting arrows at the troll again in the hope to find a weak spot, and back to Aragorn, who lay lifeless on the ground. They were losing this battle… You couldn’t stay there and do nothing! Even Sam was fighting against the last Orcs with his frying pan of all things, but it was effective. They only had to find a way to defeat the cavetroll. And you knew how.
“Stay here!” you said to Frodo, shoving him in the corner. You jumped of the landing and took two Orc swords from the ground. “Y/N, no!” Legolas cried at you. But you already listened once today, and that was more than enough. You ran around the troll, hacking your swords in its legs. It cried out in pain, and was now really pissed off at you.  “Y/N, Lassie, leave this to us!” Gimli shouted.  “Yes, because you’re doing so great!” you yelled back. The troll swung at you with its mace, and it smacked to the ground right in front of you. Perfect timing, you thought and you jumped on top of it, and nimbly ran up his arm towards his shoulder. It tried to smack you off of him, but you were faster, slicing his shoulder and upper back.  You sat down, and swung your arms around his neck, effectively slicing his throat with both swords. The troll made a gargling sound and fell face forward to the ground. You jumped off his back, twirling the swords in a cocky way.
The whole fellowship looked at you in surprise.  “That was amazing!” Merry and Pippin yelled at you, engulfing you in a hug. “Excellent fighting skills!” Boromir complimented. “I’m sorry we doubted you.” The others couldn’t agree more. Legolas however stayed silent. “Are you okay?” you asked him. He scoffed. “You’re asking me if I’m okay? No, Y/N. I’m not! You didn’t listen and put yourself in danger. I had a dozen heart attacks while you fought that troll!” You stared at the ground. He lifted your chin with his hand, and he pressed his lips against yours. “But you have proven to me that you can stand your ground.” You smiled at that. “Does that mean I can have one of your swords?” “Absolutely not!”
A/N: I’m still not that good with endings, but you get the idea! 
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By the king’s hand 🐍 VIII
Warnings: warnings to be added as we progress but this series may contain non-consent, violence, death, and other triggers (this chapter, noncon, trauma)
This is dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are overwhelmed by your imprisonment.
Note: I wasn’t expecting to get this done today but I did!
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You left as you came; in the servants’ cart wearing clothes that weren’t yours. You had a cap over your hair and apron across your front as you huddled down beside the chests with the rest of the royal staff. Your guardian was ever present as he marched in borrowed armor which served as a poor disguise.
You rocked with the roll of the wheels and as the night came, Magnus tore you away from the others and secreted you to the king’s tent. He was silent, perturbed, but as demanding as ever. You woke early to resume your place among the servants and carry on the final leg of the journey back to the capital. To you, it was no homecoming, rather the closing of the prison gates behind you.
It was night when you neared the palace, the walls rose up around you, a looming sentinel of your fate. The cart jolted to a halt behind the train and you waited for the others to hop off before you slunked out the end. As your feet met the ground, you were seized and dragged away from the storm of bodies suddenly looking for tasks.
Magnus’ heavy boots stomped through the dirt and his armor jostled loudly as he led you from the procession. He directed you towards the south end of the palace as he kept his chin down, his hand squeezing painfully on your arm.
“No chances this time,” he growled, “King’s given permission that I break your leg myself if you run again.”
“How kind a master he is.” You sneered.
“I could do it now and say you did try, bitch,” he wrenched open a door and forced you through ahead of him. “What I could do to you…” He shoved you so that you stumbled against the opposite wall and the door slammed behind him. Only the flicker of the torch hung feet away lit the space. “I wonder what intrigues the king so.” He caught you as you turned around, his hand on your skirts. “I wouldn’t mind a taste of the royal delight.”
“Get off of me,” you pushed against his mailed chest. “The king would do more than slap your snout, you dog.”
“Or perhaps he would tire of a used toy,” Magnus cupped your ass through your skirts, “If there was anything left to play with.”
You grabbed at his belt and your hand settled on the pommel of his sword. His gauntlet closed over your hand and his other shot up to your neck. 
“I’d like you to try,” he dared you, “I doubt you could even lift the blade.”
He pushed your hand away and parted from you gruffly. He cleared his throat and pushed his shoulders back. He nodded down the corridor and waited. Slowly, you stepped away from the wall and began down the stone floor.
“I’ll take enough pleasure in hearing your pathetic mewls as he takes you again,” he chortled, “And imagine how you should weep if it were me.”
You were silent. You were afraid, truly, and revolted. You didn’t dare to look at the beastly guard and instead watched his shadow ahead of you as you neared the winding staircase. You ascended ahead of him and his hand strayed to your skirts but just as swiftly retracted. When you reached the top he ushered you on to the king’s chambers.
“He wants you ready for him. He must greet his people.” Magnus declared. “Perhaps I might help loosen you up.”
“You’re repulsive,” you shuddered as his hand settled on the door handle. “You truly think he would not castrate you for the act.”
“You are no wife, no queen,” he opened the door and let it open, “Only a whore.” He grabbed your shoulder and forced you inside, quickly following and slamming the door. He crossed his arms over his mailed chest. “I must take your garb so you do not stray again.”
“You’ve been ordered to or you--”
“I’ll rip it off myself,” he stepped forward and you shied away. “What I should do after the trouble you’ve caused.”
You edge away from him and gulped. You averted your eyes as you removed your cap and untied your apron. You threw them at his feet and kicked away your slippers, your stocks slid down your legs and added to the heap. 
As you strained to unlace the dress, he huffed and pulled you to him. He spun you and tore the laces loose and forced the fabric down your arms. He continued to undress you gruffly, your shift shredded by his touch and his hand lingered before he finally collected the rest. You covered yourself and stumbled away from him.
You turned as he snickered and hugged the bundle of clothing. His grey eyes glimmered with malice.
“How brave you are until you are naked,” he taunted, “If you... require me, I will be without, wench. Waiting, watching.”
Your nostrils flared as you quickly retreated to the sofa and shielded yourself with a pillow. “You will remain without, sir.” You hissed. “Keep watch, doggy.”
His grin fell and he scowled before he turned away. He left you but the fear didn’t. You quaked as you sat and waited. For the guard to lose his restraint or the king to retire for the night. Neither was welcome.
When the door opened, you were still unprepared for the king, but it wasn’t him. Two servants streamed in without acknowledging you and went through to the bath chamber with pails of steaming water. You watched them silently as they filled the tub over several trips, the slosh of water and their footfalls the only noise. When they finished, they were gone just as soon. 
Moments later, Loki appeared. Hal accompanied him and kept his eyes to the floor as your nudity shamed him. You sat, stony and dazed, as the king was undressed by his attendant. He said nothing as he drank from the bottle of wine directly and ordered the boy away. The door closed and ended your trance.
You looked over as Loki wore only his undershorts and grabbed the bottle by the neck. His skin still bore the marks of competition and his face the lines of his agitation. He didn’t look at you as he neared the bedchamber.
“Mouse,” he beckoned you with a finger.
He strode through the door and you stood cautiously. You listened to his lithe steps and took your own wary ones across the room. As you entered the bed chamber, you heard the clunk of glass on stone, and followed it to the bath chamber. The bottle of wine sat on the flat brim of the tub as Loki rolled his shorts down and stepped into the steaming pool of water. He lowered himself with a sigh and stretched his arms around the lip.
“Come. You smell of the road.” He bid as he closed his eyes.
You took a breath and neared the other end of the tub. You lifted your leg over the side and dipped into the water carefully. The basin was large enough for at least four body’s, a round crater carved in marble. He took another swig and the bottle made another thick thump off the stone.
“Closer,” he demanded as he stirred his fingers in the water.
You stared at him, hesitant. His silence was disconcerting. The man loved his own voice and his monologues were much preferable to nothing. He was mad still; he would be for some time. You knew, by his relationship with his brother, that he would hold a grudge.
You pushed yourself away from the side of the tub and waded through the water on your knees. His eyes opened and focused on you. As you neared him, you were suddenly plunged beneath as his hand snaked around the back of your neck. Your mouth and nose filled with water as you struggled against him and he turned to hold you under. He pulled you back up only as you were certain you would drown.
You coughed and sputtered as the water erupted from your lungs. He kept hold of you as he angled you against the wall of the tub and pinned you there. You blinked in terror as his green eyes stabbed you like daggers.
“You realise I hold your life in my hand?” he slithered, “That I would have you killed for your disobedience if you were any other. That I will if your use does expire.”
You nodded frantically as he leaned in, his nose close to yours as you smelled the wine on his breath. “I do, your majesty,” you croaked.
“You will not have another chance, mouse,” his hand slid around to your throat, “You are not the only woman with a cunt.”
You pressed your hands to the bottom of the tub as you stared back at him. He moved his knee between yours and slowly parted your legs. His hand went to your chin and he held you against the tub as he lowered his head. His lips tickled your neck and you shivered as the water swirled around you. You cried out as he sank his teeth into your skin and began to suck. You squirmed as the pressure built to unbearable. He pulled away with a pop and admired his mark.
“Remember who you belong to. Who has given you your life.” He snarled as his thighs pushed against yours as he slid against you. His member pressed to your folds as your legs hung over his. “I have given you purpose.”
He reached between your bodies and rubbed his tip along your cunt. You trembled as he found your entrance and poked, teasing you as he drew away several times, marveling at your reaction as you bit your quivering lip. Finally, he prodded you more firmly and slipped in an inch at a time. Your legs tensed around him and he crushed you against the tub as he impaled you. He kept himself at his limit as he shuddered.
“Do you still ache, mouse?” He squeezed your chin as his other hand fondled your chest. “You do fit me well.”
You let out a whimpered as your defiance threatened to break. You clenched your jaw as he thrust and your entire body jerked. You reached up and grasped the brim of the tub as you body slid against the marble. He rocked into you slowly as his breath mounted. He tweaked your nipple as his grip threatened to crush your jaw.
He sped up as he folded your body against the tub, your legs splayed around him as he rutted into you. He grunted loudly as his eyes never left yours. He watched the play of pleasure and pain across your face as he fucked you harder each time you murmured. 
You slapped your hand against his shoulder as you felt the singular pang. That rise which would send you over the edge of sanity. Your fingers curled against him and you hugged him with your thighs as your lips parted in ecstasy. Your eyes rolled back as you came and he slapped you harshly before clasping your chin again.
“Look at me,” he growled. “Don’t look away.”
You whined through bared teeth as the waves flowed through you. You twitched wildly as he was egged on by your reluctant orgasm. He grabbed the tub behind you and clung to it as he moved even closer. You were trapped between him and the marble, painfully so. He poked his thumb into your mouth and his hot breath washed over you as he pressed his forehead to yours.
He spasmed but did not slow. You felt him spill inside of you as he let out angry snarls. He only stopped as his body recoiled at the overstimulation and he buried himself to his hilt. He exhaled slowly and wrapped an arm around you as he turned to sit against the tub. He held you in his lap as his heart raced and he framed your chin in his hands as he made you sit up.
“Show me why I should keep you, mouse,” he tilted his hips and you whined. He trailed a hand down your arm and grasped your hip. “Go on and fuck me, whore.”
Your lashes fluttered and you bit back your anger. The wine, his wrath, his pride; it was a dangerous mix and you knew it was not the time to test it. You moaned as you rocked and he gasped at the friction. He began to harden again and you felt him grow inside of you.
“Mmmm,” he purred as kneaded your ass, “Faster…” you sped up as his other hand tickled your back, “That’s it, pet. Obey your master.”
Your night wore on by the king’s hand. When you thought he would sleep, he riled again and by the morning, you were tender and worn. You were tired, drained of all strength, all resistance as you body overrode your mind. As Loki used it against you.
You didn’t move as he finally parted and dressed in the early dawn. He uttered some cloying words about his inevitable return but you could only lay paralysed across the sheets. You feared he had broken you entirely. It was enough to use your body but you felt your wits scattered beside you. There was safety in his desire; not only from his own cruelty but the man on the other side of the doors. Loki was evil, but the lesser of many.
He left and you did not move. You were plummeted into a black sleep, so deep and void that it felt as death. You did not wake as the sun reached its peak or even as it began its descent. You woke only when you were disturbed by the touch of your tormentor. As Loki moved between your legs, uncaring of your fatigue, and again made his will your own.
Time blurred as glimpses of the morning were shrouded by the deepest dusks. Your hours were marked by hollow sleep, pierced only by the unrelenting hand of the king, and the mindless sustenance of your body. You were a puppet and you had no choice by to let him dangle you from his string.
It wasn’t until you felt a different touch and saw a different face that life seemed to call to you. That you recalled where you were and who you were. Birger, the silver-haired man with the face of a crow, sat on the edge of the bed as he moved your head and felt along your chest. You looked at him dopily and took his hand. You squeezed.
“She is senseless, your majesty. She has no physical malady but her mind…” He untangled his hand from your and pulled the covers up to your chin. “I would never question your deeds but she must rest. She must be nurtured unless you prefer a husk.”
You giggled. You couldn’t quite grasp his words but as another voice rose, you choked and lashed out. The blanket fell away as you cried out.
“Nurtured?” The king echoed. “And what would you recommend particularly?”
Your arm was caught and folded over your chest. Birger replaced the cover over you and hushed you as he rubbed your cheek. “Be calm, girl.” He drew away and you listened to a subtle rustle. “I will treat her today with a sedative and you will leave her be.”
“And tomorrow?” The king asked as the clink of glass sounded beside you and you felt a slender rim against your lips.
“Just a little, dear,” Birger tipped the vial and the glossy tincture coated your tongue. “Well, your majesty,” the man stood straight and you closed your eyes. The bitter taste turned sweet as your sight began to darken again. “You might offer her more than your own company. You might do more than play with her like some toy.”
The voices mingled as you sank down again, floating on a breeze that carried leaves and the smell of pollen. The void was gone and you were free, running in the fields toward the sunlight.
You felt a soft stroke along the back of your head. The song of birds filled your ears and your lashes slowly lifted as your vision cleared. You were clothed in a crisp nightgown, the blankets rolled beneath your arms as your chest rose and fell. You finger twitched and you groaned. A hand closed around yours.
“You’re awake,” the familiar voice sang, “Hey, it’s me.”
You turned your head back and forth as you grumbled and blinked away the fog. You focused on the figure beside you. Gilla wore a yellow dress as she sat on a stool and cradled your hand. She smiled back at you.
“Gilla?” You rasped. “What’s--”
You coughed and she let go of you. She reached for a crystal glass and held it out. “You should drink something.”
“How did--” You looked around. You were still in the king’s chambers though they were markedly brighter as the curtains had been drawn and the windows were open to let in the air. You tried to push yourself up and fell back heavily.
“Shhh,” she grabbed your arm as she balanced the cup in her other hand and helped you sit up. 
She handed you the water and pulled another pillow behind you to prop you up. You took the glass and drank deeply, more thirsty with each gulp. You handed it back shakily and glanced around furtively. “Where is he?”
“Who?” She asked, “Oh, the king?”
“I…” you twined your fingers together, “Yes. Where is he?”
“He is at council.” She said. “He said he would return to check on you after he finished.”
You were confused. You couldn’t recall how you’d woken thus. “I don’t understand. What’s happening? Why are you here?”
“The king said you missed me and you were sick.” She pouted. “I missed you. I thought… I thought you were dead. And because of me.”
You sighed and a sudden surge of anger went through you. You grimaced and pulled your hands apart.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-- I never--” She reached for your hand, “I was foolish. Selfish. And you saved me.”
You looked at her. You wanted to smile but couldn’t. You shrugged. “It cannot be undone.”
“You… seem well off now. If not a little weakened.” She looked around the chamber. “A king’s favour--”
“Favour?” You recoiled. “Are you that shallow? This is no favour. This is prison!”
“But… he has clothed you, fed you, and kept you from the dungeons--”
“Is that what he says? He may have plucked me from a cell but he did throw me down there first.” You hissed. “Gilla, you don’t know. You can’t.”
“I don’t know. You’re right. How could I? It was a king’s man who came to me to tell me you were alive. Barely. And that you needed me. Your own uncle still thinks you dead, if not imprisoned and fated to be so.”
“What do you think this is? Do you think I am the king’s amour? Hmm?” You spat and the effort made you dizzy. “I am nothing but a whore. He made me that! I did not want it.”
She hung her head and shook it. “He did say you might be delirious.”
“You--” you gathered your strength and threw the blankets aside. You turned your leg over the edge and she gasped. You faced her and scowled. “You think he would ever tell the truth!? To you? A peasant?”
“You are still a peasant too,” she countered. “Please, I did only come here to see you well and the king, he has made sure to keep you well.”
“No, he has put me in such a state. Do you not understand? I live a nightmare every day.” You stood and stumbled as she rose in a fright. You nudged her aside and unsteadily made your way to the window. “I will never run through the city square again or play in the tall wheat before the harvest. I will only ever be his and when he disposes of me, I doubt I will be alive.”
She was silent as you leaned heavily on the sill. You did not look at her, you could not. You gazed out at the palace wall and beyond. Why had the king bothered at all? You were better to him as you were; weak and oblivious. Better for you that you had remained such.
You flinched as you heard the doors through the next chamber and Gilla moved behind you. “Your majesty,” she said meekly as you heard the footsteps pass over the threshold of the bedchamber.
“Is she...well?” The king asked.
“I am awake so you might ask me,” you sneered as you did not move. “I am not.”
He exhaled deeply. Your eyes clouded with tears as you watched the clouds. There was a new bite in the air. Summer was ending.
“Gilla, might you excuse us for a moment?” Loki asked. You scoffed, he was not one to ask of anyone.
“Your majesty,” she allowed and you listened to her slippers on the stone before the door closed between the receiving chamber and the bedchamber.
“You are angry.” He said.
“What does it matter to you?” You spun sharply and stumbled. He caught you as before your knees met the floor.
“You are weak,” he led you to the bed and sat you down. You shoved him away. “You should not be up.”
“You did this to me,” you huffed. “Why did you not leave me as I was?”
He looked down his nose and crossed his arms. “You were close to madness. I kept you from that.”
“You would drive me to it.” You snapped. “Why bring her here? Why have your physician feed me sour oils? As you said, I am not the only woman with a cunt.”
He sniffed and his brows drew together as a line formed between them. He stared at you and slowly his lips curled. “I brought her so that you might realise what I could do to her if you continue to behave thus.” He warned. “And I did see to you so that I might have a toy worth playing with.”
You scoffed and grasped your knees to keep from slumping over. Despite your anger, you couldn’t help the disuse of your body which had you so drained.
“I see. A torture more cruel has never been known,” you mulled. “Well, you can send her away. She is no friend of mine. Not anymore.”
“You would toss her away for your self-pity?” He wondered. “You would spurn all courtesy I allow you and for what?”
“Courtesy?” You snickered darkly, “I have nothing. You have allowed me nothing and I will not allow you to wave bait before me and snatch it away.” You clutched the nightgown in your fists, “Have you not done enough?”
He considered you. His cheek twitched and his jaw clenched. Slowly, he approached you and bent to look you in your eyes. “Your majesty,” he corrected, “You do forget yourself.”
You squinted at him and repeated those venomous words; “your majesty.”
Loki smirked and touched your cheek. His green eyes fell down your body and he shoved you so that you fell onto your back. You closed your eyes and braced for him. He laughed and retreated. You opened your eyes and watched him back away.
“You will gird yourself or I will have that girl lashed.” He warned, “Or perhaps I shall give her to my guard. He does like the innocent ones.” You lifted your head and struggled to sit up. You watched him as he neared the door. “You care for her still. It is obvious. Let us keep that in mind going forward.”
His grabbed the door handle and twisted. You seethed as he peered over his shoulder at you.
“You’re awful.” You uttered.
“Oh, I know,” he said and pushed open the door, “You might keep watch on her,” he called to Gilla, “She is still very sickened and your company would do her well.”
You listened to him go and Gilla appeared in his stead. You laid back on the bed and turned your back to her. 
“Do be quiet and let me rest.” You muttered.
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Female vampire x female hunter (sfw) - Streaming story
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Hey folks! Here’s the edited version of the story I wrote with your input on my Twitch writing stream. Names were suggested in the chat for Olena (the vampire), our huntress, and the black cat, so thank you! I hope you had fun watching the stream and watching how I write and work, and maybe we can do another one in the future if there’s enough interest.
This feels like a part one to me, so maybe we can continue it together? Also Olena is basically Striga from the Netflix Castlevania series...
Content: (POV vampire) snow, scheming cats, grumpy lesbian vampire, slightly daffy huntress, and a teeny bit of sass. Wordcount: ~2.7k
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She’d seen a hundred winters like it, but the sight of dancing snowflakes as winter really sank its teeth into the landscape never failed to ease something inside her. The summers here were intense and hot, but in the dead of winter the sun barely managed to haul itself above the tall row of looming elms on the horizon and everything lay muffled beneath dense blankets of pristine snow.  
Her breath fogged against the leaded panes of the mullioned windows as snowflakes flailed around the dark courtyard beyond and she found her thin, dark lips tugging into a wry, private smile. Yes, winter was her time; it was a time of wolves and hunting; of long nights, solitary stars, and gusting winds.
As she shifted her weight - on the point of turning away from the worsening storm - her light, soft-soled fur boots sounding barely a whisper on the smooth, time-worn flagstones of the bastion which she’d called home for the past two centuries, a movement in the barbican gate caught her sharp eye. Scowling, she focused her gaze on the distant, shadowed arch below. Squinting past her own severe, pale reflection and the flickering of the fire behind her, her heavy, dark brows knotted a little more tightly together when she figured out exactly what she was seeing.  
“No,” she breathed, astonished. “No fucking way. A human? Out in this weather?”
Easy pickings, perhaps. 
It had been long enough since her last feed that the thought of hot, fresh blood straight from the vein enticed her out into the cold.  
With a grunt, she turned away from the window and stalked through the castle on long, lean legs, fur-trimmed cloak swirling behind her like pirate’s sail. It didn’t take much effort to haul open the monstrous, iron-studded castle doors, and the blast of icy air that hit her in the face barely registered. Narrowing moss-green eyes against the biting wind, she stepped out into the drift-riddled courtyard.  
Up ahead she thought she could make out the figure of a young, human leading a horse. “The fuck?” she snarled. While her body didn’t particularly need blood at the moment -  no burning thirst prickling the back of her throat - as she neared the human and caught the faintest traces of her scent on the wind the instinctive urge to feed sparked a dull throb in her canines. It didn’t help that the woman’s pulse was rabbiting, but she could ignore that for now.  
The next scent she caught was the sour tang of horse, and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. Still, the human seemed to have noticed her at last because a voice that would have been too faint for human ears rose above the yowling of the wind a moment later.  
“Oh by the gods,” the young woman practically whimpered, staggering a little into the body of her chestnut horse who seemed to be a little lame on the nearside fore, head nodding with each step. The syncopated motion set a nicely-made, tooled leather quiver rocking on the saddle, revealing a decent number of arrows. The woman was a hunter then, and either her horse had gone lame before she’d managed to shoot anything, or she wasn’t very good.  
Olena stilled and let them approach her, a single, incredulous eyebrow raised.  
“I know it’s late!” the woman continued, tugging fruitlessly on the reins of the mare who had planted her feet and refused to take another step.
Animals could usually sense the supernatural, and this mare clearly had more sense than her owner when it came to marching up to a predator uninvited and introducing itself.  
“But, Buttercup here threw a shoe about half a mile back and it’s twisted the clenches a bit, and I didn’t want to keep riding her with one shoe off, so I got off and walked, but then it got late, and dark, and the snow started to worsen and…”  
Olena remained perfectly still, wondering how the woman’s mouth could be moving so quickly when the rest of her seemed half frozen.  
“So… uh… any chance we could find some help here? At least a roof over our heads til tomorrow? I don’t mind sleeping in the stable with Buttercup. Well,” she added tilting her head a bit and patting the mare’s shoulder, “Maybe not with with, because I don’t want to get crushed, but… you know… On a hay bale or something.”
After a brief pause while Olena’s brain tried to catch up with the sheer speed of the woman’s speech, she said, “I think we have a spare trough for you.”
For a split second, the human didn’t react and Olena wondered if she had, finally, frozen in place. Her eyes were wide and brown, somewhere between the colour of honey and hazel, and she blinked a few times before spluttering, “Wait, are you serious? You’re gonna offer me a fucking trough?”  
A tiny smile played at the corner of Olena’s mouth but she resisted the urge to let it blossom into something more expressive. With a quick jut of her chin, she indicated the stable block - mostly disused these days - and muttered, “Stable the mare in there. When you’re done, come up to the castle.”  
Without checking to see if the human had any more questions or spontaneous monologues to spout, Olena turned on the spot and left her to it.  
As she paced steadily through the falling snow, the vampire’s keen ears caught the soft sounds of the hunter nattering on to the horse - something about creepy castles and grumpy noblewomen - followed by the raucous squeak of the stable door as it opened, the clop of the mare’s hooves on hard stone, and then she was back at the castle doors herself and passing beneath leering carved gargoyles and grotesques.  
She debated fleetingly with herself as to whether she should close the doors again, partly so that the drifting snow didn’t pile up in the hallway again, but mostly so that Luna didn’t decide she wanted to go out all of a sudden, and then disappear for hours, only to turn up in the middle of the day, mewling to come in with something unmentionable dangling from her needle-sharp teeth.  
“Bloody cat,” Olena muttered fondly.
It had been a while since she’d been in any real position to gauge a human’s strength - in any context - but she had the feeling that this woman was probably stronger than her slim build suggested. Perhaps she was wiry rather than slender. A life where someone needed to come poaching deer in the forest, rather than having fine meals made, had a tendency to tip a person towards a leaner constitution. It was a build that had always appealed to her, despite certain expectations that someone as tall and muscular as Olena would prefer someone softer and altogether more delicate. Not that she’d given herself the slightest occasion to sample any kind of pleasure from any kind of woman in the past century or so, but that was on her.  
Despite the thickness of the castle walls between the entrance hall and the kitchens below, Olena could still make out the stump of the woman’s boots as she kicked off the worst of the snow before slamming the doors closed behind her with an echoing boom that shattered the stillness of the castle.  The vampire only realised once she was standing in the empty kitchen that she had no food fit for humans whatsoever. Perhaps there was a solid wheel of what had once been cheese lurking in a far corner of the cellars, but other than offering her a freshly-caught mouse, courtesy of Luna, there wasn’t much to bring up other than a pitcher of water.  
She shook a jar of something that could have been black tea a hundred years ago, but given that it resembled little more than mouse droppings, she returned it to the shelf and left the kitchens with the jug of water and a small earthenware cup. The human would have to be grateful for the fire and the shelter, if not the food.  
With footsteps quieter than even the cat’s, Olena’s progress along the stone corridors was unmarked by any eyes, save for perhaps a stray spider lurking in the vaulted ceilings. It hadn’t been until the strong heartbeat of another being had entered the halls that she’d appreciated quite how alone she was here. Memories, distant and dusty, of parties and gatherings filtered back to her through the layers of dust that seemed to cling to every surface of the castle, and something old and stale and painful stirred inside her at the sound of that new, fresh heartbeat.  
Mixing gradually with the steady rhythm of the new heartbeat came another sound. A soft voice, hoarse from the cold, hummed an old melody from the region that Olena was certain no one alive still knew, and the force of it hit her squarely in the chest. The last person who had sung that in her presence had been gone for nearly two centuries now.  
From her abrupt halt in the corridor, she caught the faint thrumming of another heartbeat. A moment later and Luna coiled softly around her ankles in silent greeting before fluffing up her tail and pricking her black ears forwards, suddenly alert. Then, bold as brass, she trotted into the drawing room, taking a direct path over the rug in the centre of the room, and introduced herself to the hunter without preamble.  
The human’s gentle warbling cut off the moment she spotted the cat, and she let out a little chuckle, crouching down into a childlike pose that almost drew a smile from Olena. She’d clearly been drying her russet-brown hair in the heat blasting off the fire in the grate, and Olena’s green eyes darted instantly to the soft curve of her now exposed neck.
Unconsciously, she licked her lips.  
The colours of the flames glimmered enticingly on the sliver of bare skin, dancing first gold then to a deeper amber.  
Her pulse beat steady and strong.  
Olena blinked and licked her lips again.  
Concentrating harder on her senses, she realised that the ferrous tang of blood tinted the air, and she deepened her habitually stern scowl. The hunter hadn’t seemed hurt. Honing her focus still further, it was with a strange sense of relief that she realised that the blood was not human. A second later, she spotted the source. A tiny mouse had been deposited on the hearth rug, and she grimaced. Luna had clearly been hunting and had left a present there for her on her return.  
The human, upon spotting the grim little offering, pulled a face and then, to Olena’s surprise, laughed. “Well, you did better than me,” she said, scratching the cat under the chin as Luna tilted her dark, fluffy face upwards for a moment before coiling languorously around the stranger’s ankles like a shadow come to life. “So far I’ve caught absolutely nothing.”
It wasn’t until the raucous purring of the traitorous cat reached her ears that Olena realised she’d been standing there staring like a suit of armour for too long.  
The human finally noticed her presence, jumping quietly and gasping, which startled Luna a little. In rebuke, the cat bristled and stalked away. She was acting as if this new arrival to the utter stillness of their castle meant nothing at all to her, though Olena could see that she was secretly fascinated with the human. Remembering how long the cat had taken to warm up to her in the first place brought a fresh sting to her chest and a bitterness to her mouth.  
She rolled her green eyes and shot the cat a look, but Luna just ignored her.  
“Cute,” the human grinned, and Olena frowned, swivelling her gaze to the human and pinning her to the spot with a well-practised glare.  
“Excuse me?”
“Your cat,” the hunter said with a surprisingly girlish giggle for someone dressed like a soldier in supple leathers. “She’s cute.”
Olena had only the merest grunt in answer to that. “I can’t offer you anything to eat, but if you’re thirsty, there’s water. Or wine.”
The hunter tilted her head slightly, more curious than offended. “No servants to cook for you?” she asked archly. “Did you send them all away for the winter festivities and now have no one to feed you?”
She felt her features tighten in response - the urge to flash her fangs at the sheer audacity of this frail little human surged hot and bright in Olena, almost blinding her for a second before she reined herself in.  
The human, however, was apparently not finished. “Or perhaps you rely on the scraps your cat brings you?”
She was the next thing to letting her eyes flare red. Instead, she ground her jaw and set the pitcher of water down on the table near the fire without a word, and left the room.  
Luna, clearly unused to all the drama, let out a soft ‘mrrrp’ from the depths of the squashy chair where she’d apparently set up camp for the evening, and the hunter looked over at her. “I know,” she grinned. “These aristocratic types are so touchy.”
Olena’s last thread of patience snapped and she whirled on the spot. “What would you know?” she hissed, voice low and dangerous, and for the first time, she saw the spark of apprehension begin to kindle in the human’s eyes. The reason this castle was echoing and empty made her insides ache. “Perhaps you should have stayed in the stables if you’re so picky…”
The hunter’s mouth opened and shut a few times before she finally croaked, “Look, I’m sorry. I was out of line. You didn’t have to let me shelter here for the night.” She tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, Olena’s eyes instantly tracking the movement, before adding, “I’ve got some supplies in my saddlebag. I can eat those.”
And with that, the human turned on her heel and left the room.  
The absence of her heartbeat in the vacuum left behind left Olena reeling.
In the days of the castle’s former life, no one would have dared to speak to her like that, and yet, in the snows of winter, a desperate and chilly huntress had just talked back at her like they were village teenagers scrapping over nothing at all, and had abruptly flounced out. If she’d known what Olena was - who Olena was - would she still have been so bold?
Feeling petulant, Olena just let her go, but once she’d heard the doors slam, she slumped down into a fire-warmed chair and let out a long breath and did her best to ignore the nagging sensation at the back of her mind, and forget about the human altogether.  
Luna, however, had other ideas.  
The cat refused to settle, and eventually she trotted from the room and disappeared with a flurry of her black, fluffy tail. “Oh you too, huh?” Olena growled at the cat’s retreating back. The wind had picked up, tugging at the turrets of the castle and battering the glass of the windows with a steady hail of ice and snowflakes, and with a deep, regretful sigh, Olena stood.  
“You’re right,” she grumbled to the memory of the cat who was now nowhere to be seen. “I wouldn’t leave a dog out in this weather…”
The wind caught her full in the face as she cranked the castle doors open one more time, and almost all evidence of their earlier journey across the courtyard had been obliterated by the fresh, gusting snow. The main doors to the stable block had been battened down against the weather, but she had no difficulty in opening them.  
A warning whicker from the mare - who names a horse like that Buttercup anyway? she mused - alerted the human to her approach, and Olena caught the rustle of straw as she stood, heartbeat ticking faster. She could taste the woman’s fear on the air now.  
By the time she reached their stall, the human was on her feet, expression set in a wary glare.  
“You shouldn’t sleep out here.”  
The hunter blinked. “Where else am I supposed to sleep? I’m not staying up in that creepy castle with you.”
Olena almost admired her guts. “Well, it’s that or frostbite. Your choice.” And with that, she headed back to her ‘creepy castle’ alone. Let the stubborn human freeze if she wanted.  
However, she was gratified to hear a short squawk a few seconds later, followed by the crunch of boots in the snow as the human barrelled after her at an unsteady run. “Wait!” she yelled over the fierce wind. “Wait…”
Olena’s footsteps halted and she half turned to look over her shoulder. The human’s cheeks were flushed with the cold, and her breath swirled upwards like campfire smoke before the wind whisked it away.  
“Wait,” the human panted, heartbeat thundering out now despite the noise of the wind. “What’s your name?”
“You can call me Olena,” she replied, setting off again.  
She didn’t have to ask for the human’s in return because the audacious young woman just blurted, “I’m Annika. Please don’t call me Anni though. It’s just Annika.”
“Annika,” Olena murmured, finding that she rather liked the shape of the name on her tongue. “Annika.”
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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katsmonsterblog · 4 years
Sunflowers in the Cemetery pt 1
OMG okay so... I feel like I have to post this now. If i don’t then this will probably be a full blown novel... and I mean I wouldn’t complain but I have literally been working on this for months. 
So this is a story about two of my OCs :D how they met actually. At over 5k words and 13 pages long, its one of my longest works and I’m so super proud of it you guys.  I came to a stopping point and...While the story isn’t fully done, I’ve decided to make it a part one of however many (pls don’t kill me ;-;) 
Its a bit pg13, mentions of sex and cursing
If you like this then please support me on Ko-fi! And check out my commissions page and my masterlist :) 
Anyways! Enjoy!  
Music pumped through the speakers around the club, vibrating the wood of the floor and bar, a pulsating beat that made you want to grind and sway and move. Well, the music only helped add to the atmosphere of sex on the dance floor, in truth, there was something else that seemed to be at play here. There weren’t many places like this in a smaller city like this one, and it definitely wasn’t the alcohol that brought the demon here. No, it was definitely the sex. A hand clapped him on the back and took his predatory gaze from the crowd of writhing bodies. “You know Andras, I don’t much like demons in my place of business but for you I’ll always make an exception.” The male beside him was a friend of a friend’s, and his club wasn’t one that especially catered to the supernatural, more a way to get food if you were invited to prowl and were smart about it, though Liam had never expressly liked his kind. “Is it because I’m pretty Liam?” Andras smirked, sipping whiskey that would never get him drunk. “Or is it because when I’m here you make more money than you know what to do with?” He batted his eyes as the vampire laughed, flashing his fangs and then leaning into him. “Both. Are you hungry tonight Andi? Cuz I’m starving..” Liam purred, green eyes flashing red, a spark within the depths, and having little effect on the incubus. Andras in turn smiled, though his own deep blue gaze was hard, and rolled his neck….a tease for the male and a little something more. Around them it seemed like the humans grew frenzied in their grinding, the aura of lust rising. Prince was only a title he had once held, but it was a title and a bloodline in itself and Andras came from a rare breed of Incubi, his power and aura like another part of him. Like breathing. It flowed out over the crowd of humans, heightening their touch, their lust... “Don’t call me Andi….but yes I could most definitely go for.... a bite...” He responded with a wicked smile as he looked out to the crowd once more and caught the shy gaze of adoration on a younger male, human but very willing. Ah he knew that look, one that said, ‘oh please come here and wreck me.’ Who was he to deny that wish? “I’ll catch you later Liam.” He said as he slid off his barstool, the picture of liquid heat and raw sex and ...gods help the multitude of humans he’d burn through tonight. True that he could feed on just the lust in the room, the arousal, but it was like water to a starving man. Empty calories, and not only that but it would take longer, even through chaste touch, as skin to skin heightened his ability to use his power. It was so unsatisfying.
Tonight he wanted a full course meal... ~~~~~~~~~~
It was as dawn was just peeking out over the city that Andras slipped out the door of whatever apartment he’d been in, a lit cigarette in his mouth, and pulled on his leather jacket. Not that he needed it, it wasn’t particularly cold and the rain from the night before had stopped, but he had to blend in. He looked human for all intents and purposes, if only a little punk rock for most people’s tastes, fishnets and leather and piercings. 
He took a deep breath of nicotine and tar, not caring about the smell or taste really, it didn’t harm him, but it took the edge off. The humans he'd left in the apartment upstairs were spent, but alive. They'd likely be drained, and deliciously sore, for a few days.  As much as he was down for cuddles after… he shook himself from those thoughts, frowning and turning towards the street. Humans were clingy...and weak… he couldn’t be around them for long without them being addicted to him. Literally. It wasn’t his ego talking either, humans were known for becoming addicted to the use of his power, to the touch and taste of him, to the point they grew mad and fanatic. He had just decided to disappear, a demon’s way of teleporting that they called ‘smoking out’, when movement caught his eye. 
Really, there weren’t many people up at this time of day, so when he turned to see someone staring at him from across the street, he halted. He couldn’t tell why it shocked him at first, people stared at him a lot, but it had always been lust and awe. This wasn’t that, instead she stared at him as though she were staring through him, like she knew him. She was dressed cute, in cuffed jeans and a sunflower blouse, her hair a mess of red curls and something about her heart shaped face and wide eyes screamed innocence. But as soon as she saw that he was also staring, turned in a hurry with her bike and pedalled off. 
He should leave that alone.. really, because from what he could sense in that instant, she was human. But the way she looked at him, could she somehow see him for what he truly was? He blew out a cloud of smoke and tossed the cigarette. This was fucking stupid, it was just some fucking human.
But even as he thought that, he followed after her.
Holy cow biscuits. He saw her.... Didn’t he? She knew him, the demon.. Well she didn’t know him really.. But she’d seen him. She’d seen him before she ever saw him. It was difficult to describe, how she knew things before they happened, how faces stuck in her mind only for her to come across them in real life. How her powers were a curse, not a gift, and often not helpful at all.Especially when it all but invited the demon to see her too...
Cassie winced at her own train of thought as she coasted her bike around the corner and looked both ways before she rode across the street to the one lane road that would take her to her favorite painting spot. Forest Grove Cemetery was old, one that the city had stopped using a while back, but it was still visited and kept clean, filled with old statuary and wildflowers and moss. It was odd, but she always felt at peace here. Today, she had all day to paint, she’d brought her materials and a backpack of packed lunch, snacks and water,  but now… 
She looked behind her as she parked her bike near the entrance gate, sure that she’d do so at some point and see ...him. It was crazy… but then when was her life sane? She didn’t ask to have these powers. Pulling out the huge drawing pad that was mostly sketched and colored, she set herself on one of the only benches in the cemetery and set to work, following lines that were already there and some that she just knew should be. 
“Funny spot for a sunflower, a cemetery.” The voice wrapped around her, honey toned and ...well it might have been soothing, or alluring even, except it scared the holy bejeezus out of her. Whipping around, she clutched her book to her chest and  froze. It was him, the demon from before, leaned against the tree watching her. He looked for all intents and purposes, human.. But she could see past his glamour magic. An Incubus demon. His skin a deep blue, black horns curling back and up away from his face, a face that looked both softly sensual and so sharply beautiful that it hurt, and was dotted by silver piercings. The horns seemed more prominent where his hair was shaved on the sides, and where his human mask had blue eyes so dark they looked black, now his eyes were like the night sky, full blackness with a swirling blue galaxy that almost made you drown in them. He was… sinnfully gorgeous, built like a swimmer with narrow hips and a lean frame... And he was powerful...she could sense it. The only issues she had right at the moment was the cigarette that dangled from his hands as he pulled it from a pack in his jacket and lit up. He watched her curiously, smirk on his lips when she hadn't replied, only stared. “What’s the matter, sunflower? Cat got your tongue?” he asked.
“No..” She voiced, hesitating when he raised a brow at her. She frowned at him. “Those things smell awful by the way...” She commented, knowing that since he was a demon, he probably didn’t care much about it possibly affecting his health. Heck it probably did nothing for him besides maybe making him seem ’cool’. He blinked at her, before he smirked again and snuffed out the cigarette, chuckling. “You can see through my disguise, can’t you?” He gestured at his body, “Not many humans can, although you’re not the first…” He sighed, straightening out and stretching like a big cat. He reminded her of some large jungle cat with the way his lithe blue tail swished back and forth lazily… maybe he meant more with that analogy of his. She wondered what kind of demon he was, she could feel his power, like warm breath over her skin. It was… nice, but why could she feel it? She’d been around other demons, and fae, and while they held power, most were uninterested in her, didn’t see her even. Was he pushing it to touch her? Was there supposed to be an effect? It was odd, Andras let his power pool around her and yet… she simply stared at him, up close he could see the freckles across her face. But there was no feeling of lust, and her hazel green eyes didn’t linger over him, her pupils didn’t dilate in want... she wasn’t affected by him. That fact hit him like a ton of bricks. Not that there weren’t beings that held immunity to incubus powers, though it was a small range especially for one of his lineage and status but.. for a human to have no effect well, that was a rare thing. “You gonna answer me sunflower?”
“Yes, I can see what you are..” She spoke softly, trailing off. She was nervous, he could see it in the way her fingers played with the ridges of her book. But it was the nerves of a potential prey likely to bolt, it wasn’t anticipation he saw normally with females. She licked her lips as he stepped forward. “Look, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything by staring..You caught my eye…. Not that I mean anything like that by the way..”
“No.. staring’s fine.” He grinned, interrupting her ramblings. He was trying to read her, appear.. charming, playful...she tilted her head a bit and he continued. “I was curious to see what you were up to all alone, like I said, a cemetery is an odd place for a sunflower.” He stepped closer. Her eyes widened a little at that and she made to stand up, leaning away. Okay he probably could have worded that better.
“Why do you..” She started, then looked down at her shirt and flushed a little. “I’m not a sunflower. I’m sketching and I don’t want any trouble so...you can  be on your way Mister Demon.” She mumbled, and Andras was confused. When she didn’t say anything else, it was clear that she didn’t want anything to do with him...still that didn’t deter him. 
He stepped closer again and it brought her gaze up in a hurry… was she… scared of him? “It's not everyday I get shooed away by a pretty girl. I’m not gonna hurt you.. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’d like me if you tried.” He purred, winking and putting on a smile. “At least tell me your name?” 
This time she did stand up, shoving her padbook into her bag with a small frown in her lips. He was being.. a creep. Was this normal for an Incubus? Didn’t he know that commenting to a girl that she was all alone and secluded with some stranger with every potential to hurt her was… scary?  Again, she felt his warm power and realized that he was.. Flirting..? Trying to seduce her? Heat crept up her cheeks, not only by realizing what he was doing but also for what he kept calling her. And she really didn’t feel like giving him her name. Clearing her throat, she looked down at her stuff then back to him. “Listen.. I’m sorry mister demon but… I didn’t ask to be able to see the real you.. And I’m not interested in…”  she gestured her hands, “yeah, so you can ...just not... with the names and flirting. I just came here to sketch and I’m sure you have much more fun things to do like parties and whatnot... so..yeah...” She trailed off again, hesitating in her speech. She didn’t want to be mean, or piss him off...right now he seemed laid back, non threatening. But that could change. Grabbing her backpack she turned away in a hurry. 
Andras blinked, a frown of his own turning to a confused scowl. “Hey! Wait a minute.. Hey, sunflower..!” His voice caught her before she could get far and she paused, turning to him with another frown.  “I don’t mean to be a pest. If it’ll help, I’ll tell you my name?” He asked, whatever small awkwardness he held melting away. She had to admit, he was charming. 
“What’s your name then?” She asked, and he seemed to brighten up. 
“Andras.” He answered her, giving a mock bow that seemed to be more sensual than romantic. “And what can I call you? If not a sunflower?” he chuckled. She paused again and then smirked. 
“See ya around then.. Andras.” Not answering and then she was off, heading down the path and disappearing off into the cemetery. He was… stunned. And he didn’t even get her name! He huffed as he pulled out another cigarette and stopped, scoffing a laugh when her words in his head came back. Smells bad? He never thought to care about that, and most people didn’t comment on it. 
He thought about going after her again, but instead, he turned and stopped when something caught his eye....  On the bench where she had been sitting was a folded piece of paper, stuck as if she’d dropped it. He shoved his cigarettes back into his pocket, walking over to pick it up.... and smiled. Looks like fate had other plans for his runaway sunflower...and what the hell, he liked the chase. 
Disappearing in a cloud of blue tinted smoke, he set out to make some plans.
Her bike tires skidded to a halt in front of what used to be an old book store. A few months back they’d renovated it into some sort of building for art classes and after working overtime, she’d signed up to take one. The flyer, that she couldn’t for the life of her remember where she put it, had said that each week was a different theme or lesson and it seemed...exciting. Maybe it would inspire her to draw something other than..
Again she shook herself from whatever weird dreams she’d been having that week and parked her bike against the building. It was a little later in the evening but it seemed to be the only time she could do with her work schedule, she just hoped she wasn’t too late. As she headed inside though, she was relieved to see a smaller gathering, probably ten or fifteen people, all standing around mingling. The room was nicely lit and a warmer temperature than outside, to the right of the room was a circle of chairs and easels set up around what looked like a platform. That made her pause...in her dream last night-
“Hey! Welcome to the class, you must be Cassie?” A middle aged woman with white blonde hair came up to her, breaking her thoughts. 
“Ah! Yes ma’am.” She answered politely, feeling nervous when others turned her way. She wasn’t as dressed up today, since she’d be painting, she wore a big shirt that had star trek next generation on it and some ripped jeans, both already had paint on it. All that coupled with her beanie and reading glasses, made her look like a nerd and a boy...a look she liked but often felt out of place around others. 
“Great, thanks for joining us! My name is Sofia, we spoke on the phone? We were expecting another person but they canceled on us. Still, For today’s class, we’ll be painting a live nude model, I mentioned this right?” She asked and Cass assured her that yes she knew of what this week entailed. Though, something in her brain nagged at her, why did this particular room look so familiar?
Sofia had her fill out a form, and then called the class to order, no time for deja vu thoughts when she got to set up her paints for her easel, grabbing her pencil to sketch first. It was then, she found out, why the room looked so familiar. Sofia introduced the model with a flush on her cheeks, and a hush fell over the room as Andras walked in from behind a screen she hadn’t noticed at the back of the room. She froze in place while the others awed over him, he was just as gorgeous as before but.. what hit her most... was that this moment was her dream last night.. She had seen this, him, in her dreams, dreamt of tracing his lines with her pencils.. her fingers... He noticed her with a breathtaking smile as he introduced himself and stepped onto the platform. He was once again in his human guise, and yet she could see past it if she tried hard enough. And then he was shedding his robe, and while the idea of sex had never appealed to her, she felt... something in her stir as she took him in...he was a work of art. 
“Alright Andras, give us a comfortable, natural pose and hold it. We’ll break when you need to.” Again, Sofia’s voice cut through her thoughts and Andras posed as she explained that they were going to take everyone’s unique style in the form of real life sketches first. But Cassie’s mind was already going, and so was her hand.
She always went to a different place when drawing, and when painting, but here it was like the two of them were the only in the room. He hadn’t chosen a provocative pose, one arm bent up and the other reaching down, he looked like a greek god, or a statute of one. She sketched the lines of his face, the curve of his mouth, his hair, shaved on the sides and wild on top, black and soft, and each piercing in his ear, nose and lips. His upper body was studded, small raised patterns of skin, like scars made purposefully, they traveled across his chest and down his stomach. For some reason, drawing him, drawing him in hard lines seemed wrong, so instead she used soft curves and watched him come to life on canvas...and that made him more real than him standing no less than ten feet away. 
Before she knew it, Miss Sofia was calling for a break and Andras was stretching, moving again and completely comfortable with being in the nude. There was chatter, a few people flocking to Andras to ask him questions as he robed up and Sofia gave him a bottle of water. Cass...stayed seated. She followed the lines of her pencil, letting it complete the curves and edges that was him. Somehow she’d managed to capture some sort of emotion on his face, mischievous, wistful, lusting… distant. 
“Do sunflowers always sit by themselves?” His voice startled her and just as she whipped her head up to see him standing behind her...she caught his reaction to her drawing. His face said he was impressed, but there was also.. A softer something in his face.   He was so...tall, she mused. He seemed to shake himself though and smile down at her. “You have some wicked talent.” That got her to flush red more than any of his attempted flirting had. “Thank you.. Um, could you not call me sunflower?” She asked, dropping her gaze as he took the seat beside her. She wasn’t even wearing that shirt anymore.
“Not a chance.” He grinned, “You never told me your name. But I stilI found you.~” he sang with a small laugh. She frowned at that, found her? 
“You were looking for me?” She tilted her head, confused, “Why?” She didn’t leave the cemetery that day.. He could have followed her, but he didn’t.
Andras wondered how she could make such an innocent gesture look so ...cute, and it was surprising to him that he thought something like that. He sipped his water and sat back with a smirk. It was easy for him to stretch out, feel all of the eyes in the room on him. But hers wasn’t in want. “Because you’re a bit of a mystery. Won’t tell me your name and hang out in graveyards? And you can see me. The real me.” He watched again as her hazel eyes dropped to her hands. What was she hiding? And again while he could feel the lust off of  everyone in the room, from the instructor to the only two males, all of them lighting up on his radar, she alone was a blank spot. All of the others' works had seemed innately sexual but hers...there was something different. 
This time she rolled her eyes a little. “Cass, my name is Cass, or Cassie if you like.” she said, her eyes lifting up, looking through him more than at him. “Did you seriously sign up as the model to get to me?” She asked and when she put it so bluntly…he guessed that he was being a bit stalkerish.
“What can I say? You left an impression on me.” He smiled. It was just then that the instructor lady got his attention, asking if he was ready to continue their session. He said he was, glancing once more to Cass, and stood up. Looking at Cassie's painting and then back up to her, he gave another dazzling grin, “Paint me like one of your french girls?” He asked. 
And she laughed, head back and eyes closed, a loud sound like he’d caught her off guard. Something in Andras liked that, that he’d made her laugh, and he gave her another smile as he stepped up to the platform and shed the robe again. 
He resumed his pose, able to look right at her, though she seemed once again to just be looking through him. 
Weeks followed and for some reason it bothered Andras that he hadn’t seen her since then. She’d only shown up at the one art class, and when he asked about her, the instructor woman had even said she’d left her painting to be displayed. He declined sticking around after that… after he bought the painting with enough cash to buy the studio. One reason why it had been weeks was because he had to feed, at least once or twice a week depending on the “meal” available but when he wasn’t doing so, he was.. quite literally hanging around, bored out of his skull and hoping… to see her. He went back to the cemetery several times, but no luck. Out of all the flowers there, not a single one was the sunflower he wanted to see. 
He scrubbed a hand down his face with a growl as he walked down the street, when did he become such a fucking sap? Why was he still hung up on one human woman? She obviously didn't want to be around him. And again...humans were predictable, weak...except he didn't think that she fell into that category. Still, he felt wondrously bored out of his skull and a bored demon wasn’t something anyone wanted. Maybe it was time to let this all go, move on to another city. 
“Andras?” The voice halted his steps, and he turned to see...Cass. She was standing in the doorway of a small pottery shop that was wedged in between two larger buildings, a tote bag tucked under one arm and a curious expression on her face. Well.. fate had other plans once again. “Are you stalking me again?” She asked, raising a suspicious brow in his direction and stepping off the step of the shop.  
“No.” He winced, because...had he been? Kinda. Maybe. Okay he had been. “Well not really,” He amended, “I've been hoping to find you again but no such luck. But fate has led me to my sunflower.” He smiled, charming and cheesy all at once. He watched her frown, pursing her lips a bit though her eyes rolled and he caught amusement as she moved past him to a small alleyway where her bike was parked. 
“It’s not sunflower, remember? It’s Cass. And fate is stupid.” She grumbled, pouting her lips. He wondered why the sour tone. Was that really how she felt about fate, not that he could fault her on that really,  or was it his presence that made her frown like that. He couldn’t have that.
“My apologies, Cass.” He smiled again and followed after her as she set her bag into the basket on the front of the bike. “And yeah, fate is a tricky mistress. I'll give you that. And yet just when I'd given up, you popped up in my sights. So that must count for something right?” 
She eyed him, relaxing a touch and sighing a little. “I guess so.” Though she felt otherwise on the matter for sure… still it wasn’t his fault. Not really, especially when she had other reasons he didn’t even know of, that made her stance on the cruelty of fate more concrete. She was stolen from her thoughts by the warmth touching her again, his power? Or did he just radiate that? Looking up, she could see him watching her, his curious dark eyes… it didn’t take much to see past the illusion he held of being human, and the real him was just as flawless. Why was he so interested in her? He could have.. Anyone. Was it her odd powers that lured him?
She shook her head. “So, you’ve found me...again, what now? I told you that I’m not interested in flirting.” She said, her tone was softer, unsure of what he wanted but wanting to remind him, casual sex was off the table. 
“Hey, even I know that no means no. I’m not here to seduce you,” and then his smile turned to a grin, his voice a lower purr. “Not unless you want me to try. I do like the chase.” he teased, quick to drop that tone and she was grateful. “but really, I just feel drawn to you. And though I’m not sure why yet, I’d like to find out.” He admitted, shifting again from the role of wicked incubus, that bit of awkwardness she’d glimpsed before coming back. “There’s something there, I know it..” He said and Cass found herself taking a breath to steady herself. Of course there was something more...but she couldn't tell him that. Could she? 
“You hungry?” Cass blurted before she lost courage, picking at the edges of the tote bag in her bike basket. This was stupid.. She didn’t get involved with demons...But Andras grinned. “And if I am?” he asked, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans, hanging low on his hips. She looked at him then, and again, no lust or want or arousal, but nerves. 
Cass shoved at her hair and pushed a headband back through it, away from her face. “I just got off work,” She pointed to the pottery shop, “We could.. grab a bite to eat? And maybe talk.” She probably sounded stupid.
“Alright, let’s go then.” Andras said and stepped in close. She barely had time to protest before he was pushing her bike down the street, her trying to keep up with his long strides.
Cass dipped another fry into her milkshake, kicking her feet because she was too short in the booth to touch… which he found cute really. She was more than cute, she held a softer beauty, one that felt feminine… yet not, he couldn’t describe it. He’d been with males and females, and those that felt they were neither, both or in between.. Bodies that were warm and soft or hard and rugged...he liked them all. And she was no exception. He had seen first her outer beauty but there was something.. More. Again, it was difficult to describe the pull she held.  “I know that it’s not the most...unbelievable thing, not to people like you.” She said softly, “But I don’t exactly go around broadcasting my… abilities.” She shrugged, munching on her food, glancing around to the only semi busy burger joint. 
“I mean, that’s understandable.. and I did stalk you.” He grinned at her, completely unashamed of his actions apparently. But she smirked, a twitch of her lips that made him notice the dimples she very barely had. “And by the way sunflower, there are no people like me.” he added on, watching her roll her eyes, protesting that she was not a sunflower. “But you are human, and you have... a power to you. A pull… help me understand why that is? I know you didn’t ask me to lunch just because.” He knew that if it had been someone else, his charming smile and sensual allure could have them eating out of his hands, but Cass seemed wary. Like a nervous cat about to be caged, and he didn’t want to scare her off. It felt… awkward, trying to get someone to open up to him with actual… effort. 
Cass seemed to purse her lips in thought, her eyes dropping to what was left of her food, before launching into her life story. She told him about her powers, unstable as they were, how things, demon or otherwise, were always drawn to her and how she had visions that often caused her to black out from the force of them. It was why she rode a bike instead of driving. “My parents didn’t have powers.. in fact they hated that I did and tried to get the church involved.” She winced, very vividly remembering what cruelty they had dealt her. Then there was her sister, a few years older and just… gone one night. She’d said goodbye, a sleepy memory that she tried to hold onto but part of Cassie felt that she’d been abandoned. 
“And you’ve had visions of me?” Andras asked, listening to her as though she weren’t babbling nonsense. A waitress came by, slipping her phone number in with the check, smiling and touching him as though she couldn’t help but to do so, she completely looked Cassie over, which didn’t bother her much. She was used to it for the most part. Andras though, seemed to preen at the attention and tucked her number into his pocket with a wink. It hit her that she’d only seen him as a demon now, she didn’t see his disguise though she knew it was there otherwise the waitress would have freaked. 
“Sort of?” She questioned, mostly herself more than his question. “I’ve seen you.. before I saw you on the street, I mean. In dreams and such. I had a vision where I was just.. happy, and you were there.” A tint of warm pink touched her cheeks when she admitted that. “But for the most part I don’t know how to interpret the things I see. They aren’t always accurate or certain and time changes the outcome so.. I try to avoid it.” She spoke softly now but seemed less tense. 
Andras sat back in the booth. “Well that makes sense. You’re what us.. Other folks would call a Seer.” He’d met more than one and none were ever alike.. and that did explain the pull he had towards her, but not why she had no reaction to him. Cass nodded like she was familiar with the term. “But, have you ever considered finding someone to work with your powers? You’re young but If someone my power level is drawn to you..” He knew that he had meant her no harm but… there were always those that did out there. Cass looked away. 
“I usually outrun them.. When they find me.” She voiced and he frowned. 
“Who’s they?” He asked, though he had an inkling as to who she meant. 
“Demons, fae, vampires once. People who think that I can control this and scare me..” She admitted. She didn’t know why she felt like admitting this to him. She had thought of running from him too. But maybe it was their constant meeting, or maybe.. She did find him charming in a way. Andras paid, though Cassie protested and as he walked her down the street, Cass pushing her bike, he again brought up the idea of seeking someone to help her harness her power. 
“I tried to go to a psychic.. One of those ones that claimed to read fortunes.. But she was a farce.” Cass explained. It had been embarrassing and frustrating to have someone read a premade astrology horoscope to her, not listening once to her problems and seeming irritated for voicing them. She stopped pushing her bike and looked up at him as he stopped too. “Why are you so interested in helping me..?” 
“I can’t let other demons stalk you now, it’s my job.” Andras grinned with a wink, and of course, he was rewarded with a smile. “Look, let me pull some strings. Least I can do is help out my new friend yeah?” He stuck out his hand. At this, she brightened and reached out, shaking his hand. 
“Okay.” She agreed, liking the idea that he could be a friend.
Taglist: @doodledream @jellyflux @serenitydusk @sunrisehoneybee @ijwrff @the-dying-red-rose @junepop45 @no-need-to-apply @nickthegiantboi (its not gt but I hope you don’t mind me tagging you)  @scribbles-main-blog @matronofthevoid    @bee-wrecker @spooky-scary-lesbian If I forgot anyone Im so sorry! >.< And if you want to be tagged just let me know!
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bgnmagic · 3 years
Shining Strong
Merlin and Arthur are hunting a beast and things just keep going from bad to worse. Merlin has to use his magic to save them but there is an odd side effect.
This is from a melee prompt for Moon.
Also it could be read as merthur if you want. Sorta left is open in that regard. :) Hope you all enjoy!
Work Text:
The sound of rushing water reached his ears first, followed by his feet getting swiftly overrun with the icy cold stuff. They’d run out of time. Climbing down into the depths of this cave had been a bad idea, not that Arthur would have listened anyway. Now, Merlin had to figure out how to save them from the beast they were attempting to slay, and from drowning! What a trip this was turning out to be.
“Arthur! We need to go back; the water is only going to get deeper the further in we go!” Merlin hissed as he held his torch tightly. He’d tried to use a magic orb to light their way earlier, but the King visibly paled at his use of magic so Merlin had reconsidered. Thankful that Arthur hadn’t decided to kill him when he’d found out a few months ago, Merlin was still trying to be careful about how he used his gift in front of his friend.
“Just a little further, I know it came this way,” Arthur replied still focused on the path in front of them despite it filling with water.
“I’m not interested in swimming with it!” Merlin shouted in frustration.
Arthur scoffed and kept sloshing through the waters that were now knee deep. “There’s a bend up here, if it’s not hiding back here then we can go back,” he grumbled.
Why did Arthur have to have a sixth sense when it came to hunting down things? Of course, the bastard had been right. Turning the corner revealed the beast clinging to the rock wall, its red eyes trained on them both. In a flash the thing leapt at Arthur and Merlin barely reacted in time, slinging the beast away with his magic.
The King had his sword out and rushed forward to attack. The blow he dealt did damage but also angered the beast. This time Merlin wasn’t prepared. He’d gone to step in front of Arthur to deflect the next blow with magic, only to be flung quite hard against the rocks. Things devolved quickly after that.
Merlin was dimly aware of the beast continuing its attack. The blurry scene before his eyes was lit only with Arthurs remaining torch. Merlin’s torch had been extinguished, lost to the rising waters.
Wait, rising?
They hadn’t moved so why was there more water?! Suddenly alert Merlin drug himself upright and took a deep breath. Drawing on as much magic as he could muster Merlin pushed back the waters and the beast with it. The reprieve only lasted a few seconds, the water quickly rushed back in around them and the beast howled from somewhere nearby.
“I had it!” Arthur yelled as he slogged over.
The adrenaline coursing through his system prevented Merlin from actually rolling his eyes. “We need to go! You’ll sink in all that mail!”
Arthur didn’t reply but turned to go back. They’d only made it a few paces when a horrid cracking noise erupted. The rock around them was showing cracks and beginning to shift. When the first bit of earth tumbled off Merlin’s shoulder he’d already thrown his hands out. The world paused. The only sound Merlin was aware of was the blood rushing in his ears. His magic was powerful, but using this much at once was trying. Arthur was there shouting at him but Merlin couldn’t hear. His mind was hyper focused on one thing, stopping death from claiming them.
Holding the rocks in place was in of itself a simple task, but the energy it was draining from Merlin was monumental. The water had been temporarily pushed back, leaving Arthur and he standing on a dry island of dirt. The beast was thrashing behind him, intent on causing more harm. Reaching out with his magic Merlin found the beast’s heart and stopped it. Quick and painless and the threat was gone.
“ –lk! Merlin! Can you walk?!” Arthur shouted again.
Willing his legs to move wasn’t working. Merlin was about push Arthur to safety with his magic when he felt something on his arms. Two strong hands were gripping his biceps and guiding him forward. Merlin kept their path dry as Arthur pulled him along. The space was lit with a golden glow, highlighting the errant dust in the air from the slowly crumbling cave walls.
Merlin didn’t know how much time had passed before he felt the push of the earth recede. Then, as quickly as everything had gone to hell it was calm again. The night sky appeared before them from entrance to the cave, and Merlin knew they were safe, at last.
Stumbling out into the clearing, Merlin collapsed to his knees and took a moment to breathe. The woods looked so beautiful covered in dew and shining in the moonlight. The stark contrast to what they had just endured made the sight that much more striking.
“Merlin? What’s wrong? Is the beast still alive?” Arthur asked in a panic.
Why was Arthur worried? Also, when did Arthur get that close? Had he always been next to him in the grass? Temporarily blinking the exhaustion away Merlin managed to look up and hold the King’s gaze. “It –it’s dead. Why?”
“Oh gods, you can’t tell can you--,” Arthur whispered with an expression Merlin couldn’t quite place.
“Huh? Arthur, I’m tired, what the hell are you going on about?”
“Your eyes, Merlin, they are still gold.”
Oh. Shit.
“Sorry, shit, that’s not, uh--,” Merlin gave up trying explain his stupid body and ducked his head closing his eyes so Arthur wouldn’t have to see.
“Hey, hey, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about it,” Arthur scolded gently. “I just assumed something was still wrong, since, well, since I only ever see you use magic when we are in danger.”
Still keeping his head down Merlin attempted to process things. It wasn’t until a firm but kind grip landed on his shoulder did he try looking up again. “Sorry, I must have used more magic than I realized.”
“Don’t apologize, you saved us. Otherwise, we’d have been eviscerated by that beast, or drown in the water, or crushed to death by rocks, none of which sound the least bit appealing.” Arthur added with a wild look.
Arthur’s tone caught Merlin off guard and he laughed despite himself. This action caused his back to twinge, right; he’d been tossed around like a rag doll earlier. Wincing at the pain he could clearly feel now that his body wasn’t on high alert, Merlin sagged slightly. “I think I’m dying,” he mumbled halfheartedly.
“Nonsense, you’re fine, little rest and you’ll be right as rain!” Arthur exclaimed.
“You might have to leave me here and come back in the morning; I don’t think I can move.”
“Bah, come on let’s head back. I found the beast and you slayed it, our work is done.”
Good thing Arthur had energy because he practically had to carry Merlin to the horses. It didn’t take but a few paces, once they’d mounted, to realize he wasn’t going to stay upright. Deciding he could ride draped over his mare, Merlin was surprised when Arthur halted his steed and made him ride with him. Merlin doesn’t remember much of the ride back to Camelot. Arthur had insisted he ride in front like a maid, which resulted in him falling asleep.
Something lightly tapping his face woke Merlin some time later. Groaning he opened his eyes to a castle turret in the distance. “S’everything okay?” he slurred.
Arthur’s voice sounded from behind, “Yeah, I wanted to make sure your eyes were blue again before I rode through the gate.”
“Are they?” Merlin had no clue; it wasn’t something he could determine without the aid of a mirror.
“Yep,” Arthur answered easily. “How’s your back?”
“Bruised, but I think it’ll be okay. It doesn’t hurt to breathe anymore.”
“I think you’d benefit from a soak in a nice hot bath.”
“M’not lugging water around right now,” Merlin muttered nearly about to fall asleep again.
“Idiot, I’d have another servant fill it up for us.”
“What? You think I’m going to go to bed smelling like wet rat?”
Laughing at the image of Arthur with rat ears Merlin finally agreed to the plan. “If you say so sire, but I feel bad for the servants we are going to rouse from sleep to accomplish this task.”
“I think they are already awake Merlin, It’s nearly dawn.”
Groaning at the fact that they’d been out all afternoon and night trying to not die, Merlin closed his eyes once more and feigned sleep. “Do I have to go to work today?” he mumbled softly.
“Merlin, I think you earned a day off this time,” Arthur replied kindly.
Lifting his hand in a small victory wave Merlin tried to gather his energy. He did need to make it inside eventually, a hot bath sounded truly wondrous. Especially if he didn’t have to prepare it!
Right before they dismounted Arthur squeezed his arm and leaned forward to catch his eye, “Thanks for saving us.”
“Anytime, besides I didn’t want to get eaten by that thing either.”
Arthur barked out a laugh as he helped him to the ground. Taking Merlin’s arm and slinging it over his shoulder they both made their way inside. They’d survived, now they could rest, and maybe Merlin could get Arthur to tell him what is was like to see his eyes glow gold for so long. Being open about his magic with Arthur was freeing in a way Merlin had never anticipated.  Maybe his magic would fit into court life better than he realized.
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centuryofdean · 4 years
When Lightning Strikes - Chapter 16
Author Disclaimer:: The Hobbit, Middle Earth and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. The story line and even some dialogue–also not mine. Instead I claim my Original Character Laurel and the adjustments to the story line.
Summary:: From when Laurel Took was small she dreamed of a man. Every time she dreamed of him, he could not see or hear her. Over time they are able to communicate–but he’s been dreaming about her too. Finally after years of anticipation Laurel takes the leap and kisses him. Only for her to wake up and dread the real world. Then lightning strikes and she finds herself in a familiar place, with a familiar face.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+. NSFW.
Warnings:: Language, Violence and Scenes of Sexual Nature.
Pairing:: Kili x OC (Laurel)
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The bottom of the stairs led to the cellar very quickly, where I found Legolas talking with two other elves. Those must be the guards, who were not too far away from the cells. With Legolas there watching my movements, there wasn't much I could do except to hope that Bilbo was watching from afar. In one of the corners I could see numerous packs and weapons, mine all sitting atop.
"Here are your things," he motioned. Quickly I searched my pack, trying to see what was salvageable. Inside most of my watered bulbs were broken. The only two still intact was the Kings-Foil and California Poppies. The poppies were already used one night, but I kept the water for whatever reason. Now more than ever I thank myself. If I was sly enough I could pour the poppy water into the wine the guards were drinking and knock them out. Maybe get Legolas to drink some if I had enough.
As I turned I noticed two glasses in Legolas' hand. Excellent. I palmed the light yellow poppy water and smiled softly.
He eyed my hands and motioned to what I was holding, "What is that?"
"Oh this is something from home. It is a special wine sweetener," the lie slid easily off my tongue. "By itself it tastes bitter, but mix it and any wine will taste outstanding."
Stomping down the stairs led Tauriel to our mists. "Legolas, your father wishes to see us about the spiders that keep invading our lands," she addressed him formally.
"Save me some of the wine sweetener," he replied softly. One of the glasses he was holding was pushed into my hands, each of his fingers caressing my own as he gave it to me. "I will be back shortly to show you around, we can celebrate your freedom."
Blushing I accepted the glass, it seemed he was very forward.
The guards watched as he left, turning to me and almost waiting for something. I held up the bulb and shook it, "Would you two like to try some as well?"
Eager nods and grins met my offer. It surprised me how confident my hand poured infused water in each wine glass. I watched as they each grasped a glass and raised their hands in an effort of 'cheers'. Silently, I waited as they sipped.
One mentioned how it didn't taste all that different, if anything it tasted watered down and like grass. The other shrugged and downed the glass he was given and poured another. Eventually the first finished his glass as well as I sipped on my own, poppy water excluded. Almost as if a switch was flipped, they dropped to the table unconscious.
"Thought they'd never fall asleep."
A scream started in my throat at the sound of Bilbo, and the sight of him appearing just feet to my left as he removed the ring. "Shit," I muttered holding my beating heart, "don't do that! Could have at least given me a warning or something."
Quickly I grabbed the keys from the hook on the wall, tossing them to Bilbo. "Go get the others. I will look for a way out."
"No! I found a way, just stay here," Bilbo urged before scampering away.
While he was gone I started to gear up with my weapons. It was difficult to try and get my sword and scabbard on, seeing as I had no trousers with loops to slip it into. Instead I slipped it into my quiver, trying not to ruin my remaining arrows. With my bow across my shoulders I waited, trying to sort the weapons as best I could. There was a small barrel dedicated to Fili's knives alone.
Feet started to descend the stairs once more, and just to be cautious I drew my dagger. When Thorin's face came into view, I released a breath and lowered the blade. The others trailed in behind him, muttering about 'going deeper into the fortress instead of out'. I directed everyone to their things, watching and waiting for further instruction. Bilbo hushed all the voices as we followed him to the back part of the cellar. Barrels were stacked in a particular way; all empty.
"Into the barrels," he ushered.
"This was your plan," I hissed shrilly, "they are going to find us in here hiding!"
"Just get in!"
I wasn't the only one upset at the idea. Each of us were inside a barrel, and my bow was close to sticking out the end of my own. After a while Bofur stuck his head out below me and hissed, "Well what do we do now?"
Bilbo walked across the room and pointed to a leaver, and then pulled it. Instantly the world turned as I rolled over and over again, screaming the whole way. Water splashed everywhere drenching me after a short drop. Gasping for air I looked around, seeing that we were in a cave stream, leading into the woods and sunlight. Brilliant Bilbo!
We all held, counting heads to make sure no one was missing. The ceiling above us opened again, Bilbo falling through. He came up gasping, trying to grasp onto something to hold onto. I used all my strength to pull him into my barrel with me. We were both small enough we fit just fine.
"Well done Master Baggins and Lady Laurel," Thorin chortled excitedly. With a few pushes we were into the current again.
Behind me Kili laughed as if he was having the time of his life. We all were bouncing around on rocks and being pushed towards the entrance of the cave, finally hitting the sunlight. When I turned to see him, my heart caught in my throat at the sight. Just one barrel behind me he was soaking in his clothes. Dark brown hair was somewhat wet and matted to his face. The smile that adorned it was full of excitement, eyes alight with mirth. He was actually having fun. Not that I didn't blame him, it was like lazy river tubing, with the river being a little more urgent and forceful.
Just as we were getting closer to the outer wall built around their fortress a horn sounded. Shit. They knew we had escaped.
Elvin guards started to come out of the woodwork, weapons pointed at as. One in particular ran to the top of the wall, pulling a leaver that closed the gates to our waterway exit.
"Damn it," I muttered, building up behind Fili and Dwalin, the only barrel behind me being Kili. I was pushed up against the edge, watching as a smirking guard approached me.
Suddenly an arrow went through his chest and he choked, falling to the ground. On the horizon behind him stood a large disgusting looking orc.
"Orcs!" Kili's voice tore through the air.
We watched as the guard that pulled the lever was also shot through the chest with an arrow. Suddenly a battle took out between orcs and elves alike, all the while we were sitting like ducks. With every muscle I possessed I jumped, pushing myself out of the barrel and onto the land. Kili called out to me, but I kept pushing. I ran to the top of the wall and pulled the lever, watching as the rest of the company started to fall through the opening and into the more rushing river.
Just as I was about to turn around and jump back into my barrel I heard a grunt.
At my feet was Kili, eyes closed in pain.
Everything seemed to slow to a halt, my heart stopping where breath was knocked out of me. Sticking out of his thigh was an arrow. My heart clenched tightly in my chest, seizing and thrashing with worry and ache at the thought of it being his heart rather than his thigh. "I'm sorry," I muttered as I pulled the arrow out—wincing at the hiss Kili emitted—and strung it to my bow and shot it at the direction it came from. The orc was hit in the chest, he shuddered as he took a step back. It wasn't a lethal shot unfortunately.
Another orc laughed evilly as he approached us. Kili tried to stand, falling to his knee when he couldn't hold his weight due to the pain. The orc raised its sword to Kili, ready to behead him. "Fuck no you don't," I hissed, digging into my chest and grabbed my knife, flicking it open with a swift wrist movement. I gave my own battle cry as I lunged, knife plunging down into the eye of the beast. The next few moments seemed to go on forever. The monster thrashed, screaming in pain as it tried to push me off of it. I did my best to stay on, grunting here and there at the hits that landed on my face and sides. Slowly it went limp beneath me. It's body falling to the ground, me riding atop of it.
Not wasting time I turned and grabbed Kili, dragging him to the ledge of the wall and lining him up with his idle barrel as I urged him to jump.
In moments I jumped into the water, seeing as Bilbo took my barrel and went with the rest of the company.
Everything seemed to blur and blend together after that. I swam with my life depended on it, keeping my head above the raging water and holding onto Kili's barrel for dear life. He fell unconscious at one point, eyes closed as his face screwed up in pain. I knew he wasn't dead, there was no way he would die from a hit to the thigh, especially since his artery wasn't nicked. The rest of the company was killing orcs and fending off elves. I was amazed watching them work so easily from barrels, taking out enemies with ease.
We finally escaped their reach, carried ahead swifter with the water. As we neared a large lake the current died. Each of us were pushing our way to shore with our hands. Kili awoke, trying to pull me with him in the barrel.
"I think we outran them," Bofur mumbled.
Thorin shook his head as he crawled to land, "Not quite. They will be following surely. Hurry now, on your feet."
The rocks started to scratch at my skin, completely soaked as I crawled on my hands and knees to land. My stomach heaved, expelling half of the lake that I had swallowed trying to stay alive. I flung off my bow, laying on my back and starring up at the sky. Kili collapsed next to me, also heaving for breath. He was hurt. Scrambling up to my knees, I looked at his thigh. The arrow pierced the fabric of his pants easily enough, but the gaping bloody black hole that met my vision brought tears to my eyes. I tore a piece of the dress off, quickly tying it around his thigh so that it would at least slow the bleeding. He rose to his elbows, watching me. Once I was finished I threw myself into his chest and cried.
"Don't you ever take a shot for me. I will strangle you myself," I heaved as my fingers worked into his hair. "I thought you were killed."
Our lips met softly as I kissed him. Everything that I could muster was thrown into the kiss, all the energy I had left. He was right. I don't think I could continue on without him, but I was glad to know that we were in it together, rather me fighting him all the way. Everything made sense of what he was saying. It felt empowering and brilliant to accept him, not deny everything every step of the way. A weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was so dizzy and lucid at once I felt as though I was floating.
It didn't come to a shock when I finally admitted to myself that I love him. I tried so hard for a long time to try to tell myself I didn't. All that time was wasted and useless.
The familiar sound of an arrow notching from behind Kili had my back go ridged. With what strength I had left I flung myself over him and placed his chest to my back as I came face to face with the metal tip of arrow. At the bow was a man.
Many things happened at once. Nearly everyone in the company grabbed something to raise to our aid. The man was quick to shoot the things out of their hands. Then coming back to rest his aim on me again. "Put down your weapons," he hissed, "or I shoot her and him."
Balin hesitantly approached the man, hands up in surrender. "Excuse me," he sounded polite, like I didn't have an arrow pointed at my heart, "but, are you from Laketown by chance? That barge just over there, can it be available for hire?"
"I am Bard from Laketown, and perhaps the barge is for hire."
At his words the arrow was lowered. Everything in me relaxed as I slumped against Kili. His arm were wrapped tightly around me, flipping us so that if the man rose his bow again he would be hit before me.
Sadly to say my consciousness flickered in and out as the rest of them spoke about bargaining. Only did I wake fully and pay attention when I was hoisted up.
"Do not worry little sister," Fili murmured softly in my ear, "Kili gave me permission to carry you. I do not want to strain him with his injury."
We were settled into a smaller boat, every one of us cold and shivering. Bilbo handed me my mostly dry pack, sitting next to me where I was curled into Kili's lap. "Thank you Bilbo," I smiled. Silence fell between those of us that were not talking to the man, Bard, or Balin. Most of them were bickering rather than talking.
Slowly the mountain in question we were in search for came into view. Each of the dwarves looked as if God himself were standing before them. The brothers next to and beneath me were sharing small smiles. "This is it brother," Kili murmured, holding me closer, "our home. We are close to taking what is ours."
"Hurry, give me the money. There are guards ahead, get into the barrels," Bard urged.
We were quick to do as he said, myself crouching into the barrel with Bilbo. After much fighting with Kili about it. ("Kili we both won't fit in there. Bilbo and I are small enough to fit in one! Quit acting like a jealous baby!")
A gasp left me when cold wet fish were poured over our heads. My teeth chattered as much as I would allow.
Now I wished I had shared the barrel with Kili, if only to snuggle him for warmth.
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ladyideal · 4 years
This is Us Chapter 3
Pairing: Legolas x OC!Reader
Word Count: 3414
Summary: When the One Ring was found, it becomes a journey across Middle Earth to destroy it. Watch as the Fellowship is formed, and crossed the continent, where loyalty will be tested, and love will blossom at the most unexpected places.
A/n: Look at that, 2 chapters in one week! This one is thankfully longer, same with the next one. And the next, and the next after that... Also the cave troll fight was a pain in the ass to write.
Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4
"The Mines are no place for a pony, even one so brave as Bill," Aragorn spoke the moment they arrived in front of the Doors of Moria.
"I'm gonna miss him," You spoke, watching fondly as the Ranger unhitched the pony's bridle.
"He'll be missed," The Ranger agreed.
"Buh bye Bill," Sam called out.
"Go on, Bill, go on. Don't worry Sam, he knows the way home," Aragorn spoke, watching as the pony clip clopped down the shore. By the time the Fellowship climbed from down the mountain, night had fallen. 
Legolas sidled up to you. "Yare indóme tye nimeár- ilquen i tye're a Melain?" (When will you tell everyone that you're a Valar?)
You didn't answer, couldn't answer as Alena had shuffled up close to you at the exact same time the elf spoke. Not able to answer, you shot a glare at him and shook your head. 
Not yet. Not this early. 
"The Walls of Moria!" Gimli explained, halting in front of the doors. He frowned immediately when his axe clanged against the stone, not exactly knowing how to open the tall slab of rock. "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed."
"Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them, if their secrets are forgotten," Gandalf huffed out, tapping his staff too.
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas rolled his eyes, making the dwarf grumble wordlessly. You shared a grin with Alena at the bickering. 
"Now let's see. Ithildin-," Gandalf thought out loud. As the company relaxed, you watched as Frodo's leg splashed loudly into the pool of water just outside the supposed doors of Moria. 
"Careful Frodo," Aragorn warned. 
"It mirrors only starlight and moonlight," The wizard suddenly announced, turning to you with a knowing look. 
You nodded, and avoiding Alena's questioning glance, looked up at the sky. Almost immediately, the dark clouds parted away for the moon and the stars above. For a moment, you let yourself be homesick as the lights in the night sky danced happily in their brilliance. The silver lines grew bright, outlying a door formed of two columns beneath an arch, with a star in the center.
"Wow," You heard someone say. 
"It reads 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter," Gandalf translated. 
"What do you suppose that means?" Merry piped up.
"It's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password, and the doors will open," The grey wizard paused. "Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen!" (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!)
Nothing happened. 
"Fennas Nogothrim, lasto beth lammen," He tried again. (Doorway of the Dwarf-folk, listen to the word of my tongue.)
"Nothing's happening," Pippin frowned. 
You too were stumped. One glance around the Fellowship, and you could tell that you weren't the only one. 
"I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves, Men, and Orcs."
"What are you going to do then, Gandalf?"
"Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them, and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions, I will try to find the opening words," Gandalf huffed out in annoyance.
Sitting on the shores of the water, the Fellowship sprawled around in relaxation. While Gandalf muttered different phrases, Merry and Pippin took turns throwing stones into the lake. Alena sat beside you, sharpening her sword, as you fiddled around with your arrows. 
"Ando Eldarinwa, a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa" (Gate of Elves, listen to my word, Threshold of Dwarves)
"Stop Merry, Pippin," Aragorn ordered, observing the lake as it rippled.
"What?" The hobbits paused.
"Do not disturb the water."
"Oh, it's useless!" Gandalf sat down beside Frodo, done for the moment.
"Aragorn!" Boromir called out in warning, as the rest of the company glanced at the increasing ripples of the waters. 
"It's a riddle," Frodo suddenly stood up. "Speak 'friend' and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?"
"Mellon," Legolas answered.
The stone doors slowly swung open, rumbling deeply. Curiously, the Fellowship entered Moria through the newly gaping entrance. As the wizard reached into his robes, you stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. 
"Use mine, it'll glow longer," You offered a crystal. 
Gandalf regarded you for a quick moment, but gently grabbed it from your palm. Placing a crystal into the top of his staff, the rest followed the wizard in. Aragorn followed last, casting one last distrustful glance at the water.
"Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin," Glimli excitedly spoke. "And they call it a mine. A mine!"
"This is no mine," Boromir slowly spoke. "It's a tomb!" 
The light from the staff glowed brighter, illuminating the space around them. Cobwebs and bones covered every part on the floor, old and withering weapons littered around, dried blood could be found, and a filthy smell lingered in the air.
"Yuck," Alena muttered.
"Goblins!" Legolas examined an arrow from a fallen Dwarf, pulled it out, and casted it aside in disgust. The four Hobbits back towards the door. Something stirred in the water behind them.
"We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here," Boromir shook his head. 
"Now get out of here, get out!" Alena shouted from the back. 
The rest of the company ran for the door. Suddenly, Frodo was grabbed from behind and pulled off his feet by a long, snaking tentacle. "Help!!"
The watching creature at the gate released Frodo, and feigned disappearance under the waters. Suddenly, many tentacles sprung out of the water, slapping the other Hobbits aside and grabbing Frodo around the leg. He was pulled out and over into the air.
You cursed, and headed back the way you came in, ready to help. Yet, Legolas was faster than you. He ran back out onto the shore and started shooting. One of his arrows pierced a tentacle that was wrapping itself over Frodo's face.
"Strider, help!" The hobbit cried out.
Boromir, Alena, and Aragorn rushed to the water and started attacking the beast. It flung Frodo wildly in the air. Despite the Fellowship's efforts, the Hobbit was lowered towards a gapping maw in the water, ringed by fangs, set in a gilled face.
Finally arriving, you joined in the fight, aiming your arrows towards its head, in a futile attempt to injure the fell beast. Aragorn sliced through the tentacle holding Frodo, who fell into Boromir's waiting arms.
"Into the Mines!" Gandalf roared.
"Legolas! Y/N!" The Captain called as he and the two Rangers retreated. Running with Frodo in his arms, he ran into the gates as as a huge tentacle uncoiled a hand-like appendage, snaking after them. 
You and Legolas both aimed, and watched as the two arrows both hit their marks. With both eyes of the beast struck, it recoiled with a painful roar of pain and anger. 
Needing no other encouragement, you pulled Legolas towards the entrance. As the sea creature reached out once more, it teared the gates shut. Slabs of rocks dropped and the roof of the passageway caved in. The Fellowship stared back at one another as the last rays of moonlight disappeared behind.
"We now have but one choice," Gandalf spoke as the group caught their breaths. "We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Orcs, in the deep places of the world."
You sucked in a gap, understanding his words. Could there be older enemies from even all the way back when the First Age started? Nodding anyways, you followed the wizard as he started his trek. "How long does it take to reach the other side?"
"It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed," The Maiar answered quietly. You shook your head, it was going to be a long walk of silence filled with only your own terrified thoughts.
It was awhile, you didn't exactly how long had passed, before Gandalf halted the group in front of a cavern that led to a crossroads in the mine: three doorways loomed before them. The wizard glanced from one to the other and back.
"I have no memory of this place."
You groaned silently, but indicated for the company to sit and rest. 
Seeing a small figure leaping from stone to stone, a startled Frodo walked over to where Gandalf was leaning against a boulder.
"There's something down there!"
You rose an eyebrow.
"It's Gollum."
"He's been following us for three days."
"He escaped the dungeons of Barad-Dûr!"
"Escaped? Or was set loose?" Gandalf eyed the creature. "And now the Ring has drawn him here. He will never be rid of his need for it. He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself."
Some of the company, including you, watched as Gollum raised his head, eyes piercing through the darkness of the hall.
"Sméagol's life is a sad story. Yes, Sméagol he was once called. Before the Ring was found, before it drove him mad," The wizard quietly explained.
"It's a pity my uncle Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance!" 
"Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo?"
"Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise can not see all ends," You spoke out from beside Alena, watching as the young hobbit studied the floor with a sudden interest.
"My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is all over," Gandalf spoke over Gollum's songs. "The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many."
"I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened, Gandalf."
"So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought," Gandalf glanced at you again, but stood up. "Oh! It's that way."
"He's remembered!" Merry spoke.
As the Fellowship started down a dark stairway that the wizard pointed at, he placed his hat back on. 
"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."
You rolled your eyes at the words, but followed after Legolas to descend the stairway. 
"Behold! The great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf."
His staff illuminated a giant stone hall with tall pillars and arched ceilings.The Fellowship walked forward and through the hall, peering around a column. Seeing a ray of sunlight shining through a chamber, Gimli gasped and ran towards it without another thought.
Bodies and weapons scattered about it. The Dwarf stopped and kneeled by a crypt in the center of the room. A shaft of light illuminated through. Gandalf peered curiously at the tomb's surface, while the rest of the Fellowship observed the white bones of dead dwarves and enemies.
"No! No! No!" Gimli wailed, sobbing.
"'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' He is dead then. It's as I feared," The wizard grimly translated the runes, looking around the small chamber.
Giving his staff and hat to Pippin, he bent down, and took a large and battered book from a corpse's hands. He opened it, clearing the dirt from its pages.
"They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes," He read out loud, as Gimli peered up at the tall Maiar.
Pippin backed away slowly, as Gandalf continued. 
"Drums, drums, in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out."
You glanced nervously at Legolas, then at Alena, then back to the elf again. Even he held a grim look on his face as he nervously grabbed his bow as though for reassurances.
The silence was broken by Pippin. Curiously, he reached out and lightly twisted the arrow within the corpse. The skull slipped off, falling into the well with a resounding crash, dragging with it a chain and bucket. Gandalf whipped around at the sound, including everyone else and towards the guilty hobbit. Noise echoed from hall to hall far below, as Pippin winced at each wave of noise.
You groaned, and threw your hands up in defeat. The others shook their heads, and scowled.
"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf roughly slammed the tome shut. Pulling his hat and staff from the Hobbit's hands, he turned away. Pippin stood still awkwardly.
Until the drums sounded. 
"Orcs!" Legolas notched an arrow as the team scrambled to get into position with their weapons. 
"Hobbits, stay close to Y/N. Alena, with me," Aragorn ordered, drawing his own sword.
As Boromir rushed to the doors to have a look, arrows hissed into the door near his face. Too close of a comfort, as a matter of fact. A bellow was heard from just outside.
"They have a cave troll," He announced in sarcastic relief.
"Wonderful," You grumbled, grabbing an arrow from your back and readied your aim at the door.
Creatures began hacking the doors down. Weapons crashed through splintering spaces, creating little gaps just small enough for an arrow to sing through. When the first clear gap was gashed in the door, Legolas let go of his arrow, earning himself  a shrill cry from the other side. The Elf quickly notched another to his bow as you shot another.
Suddenly, the fell beasts broke through and the battle begand. A wave of armor-clad Orcs charged towards the Fellowship, who happily engaged the Orcs head on. While you and Legolas pierced Orcs with your arrows, Aragorn, Alena, and Boromir smashed their swords against the enemy. Gimli caught one in the stomach with his axe. 
With a loud roar, Gandalf launched himself into the fray with his sword, and the Hobbits huddled close to you, swords drawn and ready to fight. Aragorn beheaded an Orc, and black blood spewed forth. Suddenly Sam paused in the heat of battle, his attention drawn upwards.
"Here comes the cave troll, " Legolas shouted cheerfully beside you, as you and him sent endless volleys into the battle. You swung your head back to the entrance just when the cave troll smashed through the hallway. 
"Thanks mellon," You replied cheekily. "Certainly enjoy being dramatic."
Legolas shot the cave troll in the shoulder, growling at your words, while the beast roared and clapped a hand to its wound. Sam continued to stare, frozen, as the troll swung his mace down at the Hobbit. At the last minute, he dived under the troll's legs and crawled in vain away as the troll turned, sighting him again.
"Sam!" You hollered, sliding protectively in front of the hobbit, shooting the troll's shoulders.
As the beast raised his arm to strike, he suddenly fell back. Aragorn and Boromir appeared behind the troll, pulling on its chains. Twisting its arm, the troll whipped Boromir across the chamber, landing in a recess of the wall, dazed.
You cursed under your breath as an orc towered above the Captain, ready to strike him down. When across the room, Aragorn slung his blade into the Orc's neck, and although still dazed, the Ranger pulled him up. While Gimli sliced the troll with his axe, Legolas stood in the corner, shooting another two arrows at the troll, forcing it to reel back in pain. Orcs streamed in, and you slid out your sword.
"Stay behind!" You called to the hobbits behind you. Whether they were behind you or not was one thing, but with the endless enemies, you could only do so much. The troll swung his chains above his head again at Legolas who dodged it. As the chain wrapped around a pillar, the elf shot the troll in the back of the head and jumped off. 
As a result, the troll cringed, flattening its fellow orcs as it stumbled around in pain. Once recovered, The troll brought his mace down at the other Hobbits, causing them to jump aside. Now separated from Merry and Pippin, the troll seeked out Frodo, who tried to evade by hiding behind a pillar.
"Frodo!" Half of the Fellowship yelled, now fighting back in earnest to reach the hobbit.
Not being able to see him, it peered around the other side, causing Frodo to dodge out of its vision. Once it disappeared, the young hobbit carefully looked around the pillar. For now the troll was gone, and took a deep breath.
"Roar!" The troll blasted around the pillar, bellowing in Frodo's face. The Hobbit stumbed, and fell into a corner of the room. The troll grabbed him, and dragged him off of the edge of a recess. "Aragorn? Aragorn!"
Remembering that he still had Sting in hand, the hobbit wildly slashed the troll's hand. The fell beast instinctively dropped him to the ground, twisting his injured hand and staring at it. As Frodo laid on the floor, frozen in fear, his eyes widened at the impending doom.. It raised its mace and began to swing, but Aragorn leaped down into the recess as Legolas let go of his arrows aimed at the troll.
Although Pippin and Merry did their best by throwing stones at the troll's head, it swung his arm down. This time, hitting Aragorn, which sent him flying across the room. 
With an oof, he collapsed onto the floor. Frodo raced after the fallen Ranger and tried to rouse him, but to no avail.
"Aragorn!" Alena screamed, pushing back the orcs with her dual bladed swords. 
"Frodo no!" You echoed, slitting an orc's throat without another thought and trying to slog over where Aragorn laid.
The hobbit began to run, but the troll blocked his path with its spear, throwing him back. As if in slow mo, you and the company watched with wide eyes and half uttered screams, as the troll took aim and stabbed Frodo in the chest.
As the company stared in shock, the troll too seemed amazed at its own work.
Merry and Pippin glanced at each other and their faces appeared resolved. They leaped onto the beast, stabbing him mercilessly. "For Frodo!"
"Frodo?" Sam rushed to the fallen hobbit. "Frodo!"
Broken from their shocked trance, Aragorn, Alena, you, Boromir, and Gandalf fought with mad vigor in order to reach the Hobbit.
The troll flailed at its head and grabbed Merry, swinging him around and throwing him to the ground. While you, Gandalf, and Gimli took turns stabbing at the troll and dodging out of range, Legolas took aim.
With Pippin stabbing it in the head, the troll opened its mouth. Taking the chance, Legolas shot his arrow upwards and into the brain. With a long, pained moan, the troll collapsed to the ground, finally dead. There was a moment of silence as the remaining enemies fled.
You rushed to Frodo first before anyone else did. Gently, Aragorn rolled the hobbit over, but immediately stilled as he gasped for breath. 
"He's alive!" Alena exclaimed. With that announcement, the company sighed in relief. 
"I'm all right, I'm not hurt." Frodo croaked.
"You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar," Aragorn sheathed his sword away. 
Gandalf hummed in agreement. "I think there's more to this Hobbit than meets the eye."
Slowly, Frodo lifted his shirt up. Immediately, the mithril chain mail shirt glimmered in the faint light. You raised an eyebrow at the surprise. 
"Mithril! You are full of surprises, Master Baggins." Gimli gasped, taking in the familiar substance that his race grew rich upon. 
"Hate to disrupt," Boromir cut in, at the broken doorway again. "But there are still orcs here."
Faintly in the background, you could hear the movements, and the Fellowship straightened up. After Aragorn pulled Frodo to his feet, he turned to Gandalf.
"To the bridge?"
"To the bridge of Khazad-dûm!"
Permanent Tags: @asraime @mournthewicked
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 5 years
Worth the Risk
Author: @stiles-o-dylan24​ Word Count: 2644 Pairing: Bellamy x Reader Warnings: language, angst, but also fluff(do you warn about fluff?) I’m shit at warnings I’m sorry Prompt: “oh trust me sweetheart, you do not wanna say that” A/N: This is my submission for the @justauthoring and her 14k writing challenge MASTERLIST
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You halt your step and lift your hands, settling them on your hips as you squint your eyes at the sky with its dark ass clouds that came from nowhere. 
No sooner had you looked up had the clouds decide to drop open the floodgates making you groan with how far away from camp you are.
Turning around and high tailing it back the way you came, you lift your hood as you push your legs harder and faster to the cave you know is thankfully close by.
You’re just making it around the rock edge when you crash into something-- no someone.
“Y/n? What are you doing out here alone?”
You lick your lips quickly, stammering “I just--”
“Never mind, get in.” He rumbles deeply in his chest, interrupting the excuse you were still fumbling for.
He grabs your arm putting you in front of him as he guides you into the cave with his hand on your lower back.
When he feels certain you both are safe, he turns towards you noticing the lantern you’ve started and jugs of water you’ve set out.
You see the look on his face and you shrug your shoulder “What?”
His lips twitch smiling softly, nodding his head towards you “Where did you get the lantern?”
“I’ve kept the stock pile of items up in here, won’t be the last time the rain strands someone.”
He nods and an awkward silence settles in the small cave, unsaid words burning the back of your throat.
“You going to tell me why you were out here alone?” He crosses his arms as he looks down to where you’re seated.
“I just needed to clear my head” You look to the ground noticing a small rock near your shoe, completely in need of your undivided attention.
“Alone? In the woods?”
“Better than being back in Arkadia.” You hesitantly lift your eyes to him and notice him furrow his brows
“How is grounder territory better than Arkadia?” 
You open your mouth to reply, however, you snap it closed and look away.
Things between you and Bellamy have been interesting lately. You have felt like things between you were progressing and you were almost something more than the pining friend you have felt as of late.
However one step forward and two steps back seems to be the occurring dance between you both. Every time you think he feels the same way, he closes himself off and puts you at a distance.
It’s in the little things, when you’re talking and he laughs or you catch him staring. There’s an ease and happiness to him until you can literally see something pass in his eyes and it’s like a switch. He will claim he has something he needs to do, then he’ll be standoffish for however much time he chooses.
Next he’ll show up and be back to being your friend but there will be more of a hesitance. It’s an endless cycle that you need to break.
He either is not interested at all or he’s not allowing himself to be with you. Either option is shit at this point because you love the damn bastard.
Bellamy gives you a smirk “Miss y/n, at a loss for words? Now I've seen everything.”
You roll your eyes and stand up “I’m not at a loss for words. I’m confused and I obviously can’t talk to you about it.”
He frowns and lifts his arm crossed shoulders “You can talk to me about anything”
You snort and walk to the other side of the cave.
He clears his throat “Look I know things have been off lately and I’m sorry if you feel like I’m pushing you away, but--”
“Oh I don’t feel anything, I know you’re pushing me away Blake. What I can’t seem to figure out is why.”
He closes his mouth and clenches his jaw, making his nervous habit tick more pronounced. A million things look like they’re crossing his mind but when he doesn’t say anything, you cross your arms matching his stance “I know you know how I feel about you. You’d have to be blind not to notice Bellamy.”
More silence.
Lifting your shoulders you breathe out a huff and continue “Either you don’t feel the same way, which is fine by the way-- we can move on, or you do and you just don’t want to allow yourself to be happy, which frankly isn’t ok.”
More aggravating silence fills the small space and you’ve had enough. 
Deciding to throw it all out onto the cave floor in between the two of you “Fine, I want to know why. Why are you pushing me away?” You throw your hands out to your sides, “Huh? Because from where I’m standing, we are so good together. But then you notice, reel in your feelings and shut me out. Am I-- am I wrong? Is there something I’m missing?”
Silence. Jaw clenching silence.
You close your eyes briefly before opening them and crashing your gaze with his, here goes nothing
“Why the hell are you so scared to love me?”
Bellamy shakes his head, glare settling in his eyes and you see him clench his jaw even more “Oh trust me sweetheart, you do not wanna say that” he grumbles out however he ultimately doesn’t say anything else.
You scoff and shake your head at his lack to elaborate “Well that clears up everything, thank you for--”
“I’m not scared of loving you y/n because I already fucking love you!” He throws his arms out to his sides, “What I am scared of is losing you because I’ve lost everyone I have ever let myself love!”
Your mouth slightly parts in shock, you weren’t expecting any of that.
Using your silence he takes a couple tentative steps towards you until he’s standing so close you can feel the heat radiating off of him.
You place your hands flat against his chest “Bell--”
His hands land on your hips, increasing his hold on you with his words “I can’t lose you y/n/n. I... I won’t survive if I lose you.”
You lift your head to connect your eyes with his, squinting through your confusion “So your big plan to ‘not lose me' is to make sure you actually lose me, lose us, lose what we could be?”
You take a step back from him, his hands falling away from your sides and you immediately miss them, however you need the space because him being so close messes with your mind.
After that kind of confession you just want to slam your body into his and kiss him until the world is done wanting to end, however you are also not connecting his reasoning, so no kisses for him.
“What kind of life is that Bellamy? If these last however many years since we were sent down here have taught us anything, it’s that you can’t live like that. We were sent down here to die, but we didn’t. We have survived so much, and you’re just wasting that. You’re spitting in the face of everyone we have lost because you don’t want to lose me?”
Bellamy closes the gap you created and places his hands on your upper arms “I can’t let myself be happy with you and allow you to get hurt... or worse,” sadness crosses his face, swallowing thickly before he’s continuing “I’m the cause of all the loss we have endured. Me. And I will not add you to that list just because I was selfish enough to love you.”
Tears prick your eyes but you will them away as you flinch your head back slightly “So I don’t get a say in this? We both just get to be miserable because you’ve decided it’s the better option?”
He again says nothing and you shake your head. You need space. Now.
You walk away from him towards the cave entrance and notice the rain has stopped. 
You look back and see him in the same position, his back facing you which gives you the courage to say what you need to “You know, you are not responsible for all the loss we’ve endured. And choosing to not be with me doesn’t automatically make me invincible to death Bellamy. I know you’re worth the risk, I just wish you felt the same.”
You don’t wait for his silence, with the last word said you turn and are running back towards camp. 
It’s still somewhat light out, which you thank whoever is listening since running in the dark woods sucks balls. 
Especially since now that you’re alone you let the floodgate tears fall as they wish and running with tears in your eyes AND darkness is even worse.
You hear footsteps behind you, not surprised in the slightest that he’s right on your tail. You don’t say anything though, you just keep running.
You keeping running until you can see the lights of camp just through the trees. What does surprise the hell out of you is the burning excruciating pain that shoots up from your thigh all of sudden. 
Crashing to the ground you get your bearings and see a... fucking arrow? Seriously?! Can’t the grounders see you are a heartbroken crying mess? 
Your vision is going blurry as you see a figure coming towards you. You hear a couple of thuds and the sound of a body crashing to the ground as you lay down further, completely losing interest in your current situation now that sleep is the only thing you can think of.
Your body feels light as air and as though you’re floating, welcoming the darkness to take you away from the pain in both your heart and leg.
Bellamy tightens his grip around your back and legs, careful of the arrow imbedded in your thigh, as he clears the trees and comes up to the gate bellowing to the guards “Open the gate and get Clarke or Abby! Hurry!”
He’s flooded with dread and worry like never before as he looks down at the most beautiful face he’s ever laid eyes on.
He looks up with tears in his eyes at the gate opening. With enough room for him to squeeze you both through, he meets Abby and Kane halfway up the walkway “Bellamy what happened?”
“Grounders. I knocked the one who I think shot her out-- but the guards may want to check if there’s more.”
Kane shouts orders to the guards as Bellamy continues up the path. He carries you into the Med tent, laying you on a table and going to sit on your non injured side.
Clarke comes in to inspect the arrow, finding the ever present sign of poison. She goes about bringing you an antidote while Abby cleans and stitches the wound. She finishes and pats Bellamy on the shoulder smiling softly as she leaves you both.
After a little bit Clarke comes back in “Hey, how is she?”
Bellamy never taking his eyes off of you shakes his head “I don’t know, she--she doesn’t look as pale though”
Clarke nods as she brushes a hand through your hair on the top of your head “She’s strong, she’ll wake up soon”
Bellamy clears his throat “Is it always going to be like this down here? Waiting at the bedside of someone we hope will pull through?”
Clarke furrows her brows “I hope not. We just have to make the most out of our good days.”
Bellamy flicks his eyes up at that “You sound like her.”
Clarke smiles as she looks down at you again “Well she is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister.”
Bellamy’s lips twitch in a slight smile as he takes your small hand in his much bigger one.
Clarke’s face softens as she looks at two of the most important people in her life, wishing they’d get their shit together and just be together already.
“You are allowed to be happy, you know that right Bellamy?”
Bellamy doesn’t say anything as he sets his elbows on the bed next to you and brings your hand enclosed in both of his to rest against his mouth, willing you to wake up.
Clarke smiles softly and pats him on the shoulder as she leaves you both alone.
When you wake up it takes you a moment to remember where you are and what the hell happened.
Getting shot.
Your leg twitches. Ugh ow. Yup definitely got shot.
Groaning you sit up, swinging your legs over to dangle off the side and take in your surroundings of thankfully the familiar Med tent.
Putting your hands on either of your thighs you lift your bum up and gently slide off the bed, putting your weight on your good leg before testing the waters with your bad leg.
Clarke comes through the flap of the tent “Whoa whoa whoa y/n, take it easy.”
She runs up and steadies you with both of her hands on your arms “Hey you ok, dizzy at all?”
You smile as you set your hands on her shoulders bringing her in for a hug “No, I’m ok. I promise.”
She gives you a squeeze back “You had us all so worried.”
You pull away “How long was I out?”
Clarke grimaces “Three days”
“No wonder I’m starving” you both laugh as Clarke situates one of your arms around her shoulder and sets her arm around your lower back to help you walk “Let’s go get you some food then. I know someone is dying to see you.” She smirks reaching the doorway.
You don’t get a chance to ask who as she lifts the flap and you hear a deep shout of your name “Y/N!”
Lifting your head you see none other than Bellamy Blake taking long quick strides up to you. A breath getting caught in the back of your throat at the look adorning his face.
Clarke removes her arm and steps out of the way just as Bellamy takes his last step and plants his hands on either side of your face, fingers lightly gripping the sides of your neck.
He cradles your head, not wasting a second as he crashes his lips to yours. You go take a step back with the force but one of Bellamy’s hands wraps around your side to settle on your hip, stabling you from falling.
It takes you 2.7 seconds for the shock to wear off and you’re lifting your hands to settle around the back of his neck, pulling slightly at the hair that rests there. Effectively kissing him back with all the love you have for the man. He groans as he deepens the kiss and you feel the sound and the shivers it elicits all the way to your toes.
He pulls away dropping his other hand to your other side, and rests his forehead against yours as you both catch your breath.
“I love you.” He interrupts making you suck in a breath.
You open your eyes and see him already looking down at you. He lifts his head from yours shaking it slightly “I was wrong. If it’s not too late I’d like to prove to you just how wrong I was for however long you decide I’m worth it, because you are worth it. Every risk--”
He closes his eyes briefly, tightening his grip on your waist he brings you impossibly closer connecting his gaze with yours “y/n, you’re worth it. Being with you will never be a risk.”
You smile the biggest smile Bellamy has ever seen as you tighten the grip around his neck bringing him closer. Rubbing your noses together you whisper “It’s never too late Bell.”
Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is property of stiles-o-dylan24. These characters aren’t mine but this fanfiction is. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.   Posted 23 March 2019
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dorkyungsoowrites · 5 years
Alight & Alone
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Pairings: Jongdae x ???
Genre: Thriller/Angst/Fluff | Fantasy AU
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4k
Description: A traveler comes to rest at an abandoned town, and his desire to learn its history lead him to where legends lie.
A/N: Requested by Anon Crystal. I am...so sorry, but also not. Hope you enjoy.
There are several types of dragons. The standards like fire and ice that horde treasure and live on mountains or in caves. Terrorizing those that come near them. The lesser known without wings like earth that have scales of bark and help the forests flourish, or water that swallow and spit out the tides. Ones with four wings and three heads. Dragons with feathers instead of scales that are not much different from parrots in the jungle. There are even celestial dragons. Ancient and made of the stars themselves. Resting in their nest of galaxies.
Then there are a few not many are privy to. Dragons only in legend. Never confirmed by the eyes of man or elf. Whispered about to children in foothill villages to deter them from going too deep in the mountains. Beasts that skulk in shadow. Some of the stories even going so far as to say they are the shadows. Light the chief protector to wanderers.
They were only stories to Jongdae. Fear mongering to get children to behave. So when he came to an abandoned town set into the base of a mountain on his journeys, he decided it was the perfect place to camp. Carved in stone with gilded towers and marble inlaid streets. He wrote notes on the architecture as he strolled further in. That's what he did. He was a historian, of sorts. Recording the world as it is for future generations. Court scholars only record the city's goings on. He wanted to know more. How did the town by the marshlands farm? Who repairs the trade routes? Do villagers in the North even speak the same dialect, or because they're intermingled with the elves and satyrs more do they see the language in the city as the trade tongue? What folklore would he hear in each region? It all fascinated Jongdae. So he kept his books and quill on him at all times in a satchel. Ready to write and sketch crude drawings of each new place.
That town he camped at was new. Unfinished. Piles of chiseled stone sitting by halves of homes and stairs that lead to nowhere. It wasn't on any maps, and it made him reflect on the conversation he had with a woman in the hills East of the mountain. She had pointed at this exact area and spoke a tongue he did not know. He had guessed she was leading him to the next village, but as he approached the gate at the mouth of the mountain he thought maybe it was a warning. At the very least the items in front of the enormous carved stone were a sign. A berm of ashes and chunks of charred logs up to his knees. With the wind the pile should have been whipped away years ago. And three entire tree trunks pinching the doorway and ground. A barricade.
The scent of sage caught his senses. To the right stood an effigy staked into the ground blackened by soot of a tall figure wreathed in strings of herbs and flowers. A bundle of sage still smoked at its feet.
Jongdae sat on a nearby boulder and sketched the sight. It was curious, and so he decided to explore further. Looking for a smaller entrance. One they would have made for emergencies where the main gate wasn't an option like a fire. Around a jagged bend was what he was searching for, though blocked by rocks. The place above seemed intact. It wasn't a collapse. He could have missed the unassuming door all-together if he hadn't been seeking it out in daylight. So he moved the rocks. Tossing them aside onto the intermingled grass and stone until he could force it open. The wooden door giving way to the inside of the mountain. Heavier than it appeared. Jongdae grunted with effort, and the hinges howled in protest. Echoing down the tunnel.
Before stepping through he waited to catch his breath. Staring into the long void of darkness. A curtain of black hung on the doorway, impervious to sunlight. Air thick and heavy and stale. So Jongdae cupped his palms and raised them close to his face. Whispering magic into being. A wisp of a glowing orb to light his way. Blue-ish in hue, and once Jongdae opened his hands, it hovered just above his height over his shoulder. Then he walked into the mountain.
Daylight abandoned his sight. The friendly iridescence he conjured guiding his footsteps. His nose rankled at the scent of something rotting. The kind of foulness that settled rancid on the tongue. Lips curled down in disgust. Glancing around, his eyes widened in horror.
There was a corpse behind the door. It appeared tall enough to be human or elven. Jongdae had jammed and crushed the decaying body by opening the door. The flesh sliding off the bones without muscle or tissue to bind it. The white of the jaw and cheek showing through the tears in its face. The clothes and hair gave him a better idea of what it was. Though dirtied, the robes used to be green and silver. An embroidered emblem of an arch made of a tree on their breast. Precious metal chains and rings adorned their neck and hands with no jewels, and their auburn hair hung to their knees. The mark of a highborn in elvish society. The more extravagant their hair and hairstyle, the higher they were. The corpse was someone from a noble elvish house. Drooping, discolored, mangled...but not alone. Two other smaller bodies were tangled on the tunnel wall beside the first with the same emblem on their sleeves. As if all three had been huddled together before Jongdae opened the door. Suffered and starved and scared in the dark.
The traveler swallowed the lump in his throat and moved further in. Following the curves of the tunnel until he came to a wall. It could have been mistaken for a dead end if it weren't for the seam in the stone. He pushed it open and came into the main hall. The height of the ceiling and general expanse of the room he couldn't measure in the dark, but when he took a step it echoed rather well. He took a more relaxed breath in the enormous space until something fetid balled in the back of his mouth. The air was still and soaked in decay. Not as strong as the cramped tunnel, but sitting like a fog near the ground. Jongdae turned left and muttered to the orb. Cajoling it to be brighter.
More bodies were strewn about near the main gate. Leaning on pillars with their throats slit to the bone or run through with a sword in a dried pool of blood. Near a dozen that he could see. None in armor, but all armed. Jongdae wandered the area. Searching overturned carts of marble, and behind a huge boulder only partially carved into a head for a statue, and further in to other rooms. Cart tracks leading to each one where tables lined the walls with tools for inspecting the quality of gems and minerals. Empty carts in all except one that was partially filled with gold coins. The longer Jongdae stayed, however, the more he looked over his shoulder. Watching for moving shadows. The heat of eyes on his back crawling up his neck and forming beads of sweat. His hands shaking as he left the corridor of inspection rooms and followed cart tracks to a mine shaft. Tugging on the laces at the top of his shirt.
A ramp lead his footsteps around the circumference of the large quarry. Taking him deeper underground. He avoided looking over the roped railing. Afraid the blackened chasm would swallow him whole and break his neck, but exploring all the same.
After every other full rotation there was a level dug outward with columns for support. The first was more inspection areas with carts of coins. Jongdae skimmed his fingers over one of the piles with a curious look before continuing. The second was nothing but blacksmithing stations. The third down had various tools and saws for cutting. Jongdae didn't linger in that one for very long. Most of the equipment was broken, and he spooked himself by kicking a pebble over the edge of the ramp where he couldn't hear it hit the bottom. Instead he heard stone scraping stone overhead. Jongdae shook his head. Perhaps his disturbing things made a pile fall down somewhere. There was nothing to be frightened of. But he still clung to the walls. His ears still perked. The silence of the abandoned mines impressed upon him. Surrounding him with absolute and complete nothing.
The next two levels were the largest, and had all the smelters inside. Afterward it was just the ramp and uneven walls from where the previous inhabitants mined. Jongdae considered going back to the surface until he saw another small rock at his feet. He decided if he threw it down the center of the shaft and heard it clunk to the bottom he would explore, because that meant he was near to finding the missing pieces of this mysterious town, but if he didn't then it would wait until morning. He peeked over the railing, white-knuckling the rope, and felt his heart leap into his throat.
There was a soft white glow coming from deep in the ground. Just two levels away. Had some survived the skirmish up top? Was this their discovery? Was it natural or magical?
Jongdae, reinvigorated by the possibilities, practically sprinted down the ramp. He jerked to a halt at the end. Splitting off the side was a cave, but the entrance was blocked. A magical ward shimmered and distorted his vision through to the other side. He quickly raised his hands to it and felt for the energy. Making him shudder. The trap was to shock any who touched it with lightning. So Jongdae pulled out his waterskin, mumbled an incantation, and splashed the barrier. It jolted, rippled and flashed, the entrance seemingly warping in and singeing the air before bursting all at once. A few darting sparks over his toes the only remnant until those faded as well. Leaving Jongdae a path inside.
What he found left him speechless. Simply trying to take in the splendor of the gorgeous area. The cave was twice his height, with crystals large and small jutting from the walls, and hanging from the ceiling. Even around a small natural spring to the far right. Clear, or some slightly frosted over. The light from Jongdae's floating orb bounced, reflected, and refracted off almost every surface. Coloring the cave in a wonder of rainbows and stars. Shining on him like he had the finest linens tailors could only dream of making without magic. It was almost blinding. He smiled, looked at the pieces of galaxies on the back of his hand, and laughed. Until he caught sight of something.
A flash of a reflection in a larger crystal. The elven noble from the emergency exit. Flesh dripping off their face, dagger gleaming in the light. Limping its way closer as if to slice his throat open like some of the other corpses. Jongdae's heart skipped, and he gasped. Whipping around to see nothing but the cave entrance. Backing further inside its bright, jagged walls. His blood raced on edge through his veins. Glancing over each shoulder.
Then there was the scratch. Like talons on stone. Slicing through the air and scoring his heart. Then the rumble. Like a growl that hasn't left the base of the throat yet. He wiped his face with his sleeve.
Then his vision morphed the mound of crystals by the spring. It sighed and rose. Unfurling like loosely coiled ribbon. Revealing a stretched tail and an elongated neck with a head. The creatures flesh under the crystals like stained glass. Its eyes found his person straight away. The prismatic irises color was being drawn into the slatted pupils, and it mesmerized the traveler. Paralyzing his feet on the spot.
He clamped his eyes shut tight and opened them again, but the creature was still there. It was closer, in fact. Wings folded tightly to its body. Claws scratching the ground. Head low. So Jongdae did what any level-headed scholar would do when confronted with a dragon.
"Uh...um...hello?" His voice trembled fiercely.
The spines on the creature's head flared and flattened. Tossing the light around and striking his eyes. Making him wince and glance down. There was a particular patch of purple from the base of its neck that gleamed on the floor of the cave. It crept closer to his feet like the setting sun through a window.
"It-it's marvelous to...make your...acquai-acquaintance," he bumbled. "Ha-have you always lived in this splendorous place?" He waited a few shallow breaths. "People call me Jongdae; history keeper an-and wandering wizard. Sort of. How shall I address you?"
The rumbling ceased, and its head raised. "Why do you keep the histories? Should they not be shared?"
The voice that had spoken surprised Jongdae. It was quiet and feathered. Not deep and ferocious like other dragons. A bit jilted as well. Not the cadence of a natural trade speaker.
"I...intend to share them," he replied slowly. "But I must finish recording them first."
The creature dipped and slunk around Jongdae. Startling him. Circling, curling around and looming over his form. Compressing him into a tiny space to avoid any sharp pricks from the edges of the crystals. The air turned thick in his lungs. Pressuring him to appease.
"Do you steal these histories, Keeper?"
"One can-" He cleared his throat. "One cannot steal what is freely shared."
"So you are not a thief."
"Of course not."
"Where else has your wandering brought you?"
"Well...I came from the royal city in the South, and went fairly straight North until now. Following the Western coast for the most part."
"A far journey."
"Yes...I suppose..."
It circled him once more. Eyes piercing and overwhelming. Then its tail flicked at his hair. Causing it to bounce and stick out.
"I apologize," Jongdae began. "But, I still do not know your name, and I feel it impolite to call you by anything else."
"Call me whatever you wish though I may refuse to answer the same for I have no moniker. Or it was granted at a time too lost and I have forgotten it. Your Keeping would have served very well then."
"Indeed, I suppose it might have..." he answered, unsure.
"You will show it to me."
"The records of your keeping."
"We-well they are very dear to me, and I...I fear your fire, or whatever the case may be, could turn my life's work to ash."
"It is my shape that fails to assuage your trepidation? Well, I suppose I can't very well grasp a book with talons." The creature unwound away from him, and began to glow from within. Rays of light shooting out, glinting, glimmering, until it was nothing but a blinding blur, and Jongdae shut his eyes. When they re-opened there was a woman in front of him. Or, the shape of a warrior woman. Muscular and tall. Its skin was still as colored glass not unlike the crystals surround if they were polished. And instead of flowing hair there was a soft white light that floated behind her--their--shoulders like water. The angles of their face cut like the finest, most precious jewels. A refined and elegant ethereal creature. He was captivated.
"How did you...how have I not heard tales of such a wonderful being?"
"Perhaps you have but cannot recognize it," they replied. "I may take endless forms in this space as well as in the minds of men."
Jongdae's features sank. "The effigy outside."
"Indeed," they nodded and stepped closer. "Another baseless monster. I am not so malicious as others would claim, but the village insists I'm an evil spirit or beast summoned only to torment, and steep the world in chaos if I were let free."
Jongdae hadn't realized how close they had come until their hands were on the strap of his satchel. Lifting it up and off his body. He watched as they pulled out one of his two books and set the satchel on the ground. Opening its pages as they strolled to the wall.
A gentle smile formed their mouth. Fingers stroking down the parchment. Skimming over the ones without pictures. "It is no wonder your kind chose to copy important information in this way."
"My kind?"
"So you have always lived in this mountain? How can you speak? Know all these things? Was it the miners?"
The smiled dimmed. "Come. I will absolve your curiosities of the sinister sight above." They shut the tome and turned away.
Jongdae followed them further in to the wall opposite the spring. They went to their knees, and so he did the same. Sitting beside them and a large, clear crystal. They laid his book on the ground and put their hand up to the crystal. It came to life at their behest, and images shone under its surface. Blurred around the edges. First of the one beside Jongdae in that very same spot.
"I was born of the crystals in this cave," they spoke. "A sibling to light and earth, and it is the earth that speaks to me, and to every place else it lays. One and the same." The image shifted to the palace in the capital. "The crystals are the perfect meeting place. The light is the guide. It is timeless and formless until reflected. It bends and bares itself to those who know how to master it. And you can follow it backwards as well." The image shifted again to that of humans and elves hollowing out an entrance and building streets. Jumping through year after year of the mines above being built. "For ages too long for counting I watched the civilizations on the surface flourish. Learned their languages, their customs, their names. I saw their knowledge in these crystals...and yet I have never left the shelter of this mountain. When the miners came, I gave them small visions. Guiding them where to dig. I was so excited...soon I could see the world with my own eyes and talk to others with my own voice.
I gave them stone and marble, and gold. They only had to leave the crystals alone, but soon they found the vein leading to my home, and could not keep their true nature at bay." Their voice grew harder. Tensing against a quiver. Fingers grasping the side of the crystal. The images changed to that of the elven noble with crystals caged in their jewelry, and a scared creature in a cave. "They would have stripped my family away until they were nothing but broken fragments trapped in a chain around someone's neck. With each piece they stole from the ground I felt myself crack a little inside. So I replaced the visions of my home. Implanted the idea of a shadowy monster to frighten them away. I did not anticipate its effects on everyone in the town."
The visions changed to that of families leaving with their children. In-fighting between miners, arguments with the elvish nobility, workers growing restless and paranoid. The population dwindling. Until a faction went mad. Barricading the front gates, and piling the stones at the emergency door. Trapping the remaining people inside with what they believed was a monster.
Jongdae's eyes filled with tears. Tone shattering against the building waves of emotion. Raising his eyes to their face. "So lonely an existence...lonely then and even lonelier now. How did you stand it all those centuries?"
Their gaze emptied. The visions fading on the crystal. "One does not notice anything absent until there is hope of more."
The traveler reached out carefully, and slowly let his hand form to the back of theirs on the ground betwixt their bodies. Blood rushing in his veins. "I'm so sorry..."
Their skin was cool to the touch. His fingers still quivered. Without warning they twisted and wrapped him in an embrace. His tears dammed up in his shock. Taking in a larger breath and sighing. It should have been like running into a window, or figurine. They should have been delicate and firm. Instead what he felt was any other woman's flesh squish to his. Fingertips anchoring themselves on his back. A cool mist on his cheek.
Jongdae slipped his palms to their waist, and around to the spine. Pulling them closer. Smoothing up and down. Feeling the realness, and the chill, and the desire for companionship. His face flaming. And he shivered.
Their shoulders shook once then one hand loosened. Fingers plucking through Jongdae's hair before sinking deep. Buried to the root. Face in the crook of his neck, and they sat. For hours it felt like. Steeping in his new knowledge. Planning how to record it on parchment, and realizing over and over with a pained chest precisely how desperate this creatures life had been. His heart feeling heavier with every new thought of their isolation, and the irreparable damage those villagers caused. To live their entire life alone with only windowed visions for friends, and to give up that dream of freedom and adventure to protect themselves.
After a while passed Jongdae let up, and they released him in turn. Allowing them both to stand. Jongdae gathered his books in his satchel, and slung it over his shoulder.
"Come outside with me," he propositioned. "If the villagers could only meet you they would understand. We could all understand. I can write a letter to the palace petitioning for this area of crystals to be protected. They would be endangering your life otherwise. They would have to do it. People would never dare touch a forest of Nymphs, why not magical crystalline caves? If only they knew you were here."
They took a step away, hugging themselves and shaking their head. "No," they refused softly. "No, the villagers would never forgive me. I would be dead on the spot. I cannot leave. There would be no one to speak for the histories. To protect them."
"Only one hour in the sun then. To begin. We won't even leave the base of the mountain. I want to show you all the things you had wished for gazing into those visions. Don't you long to feel the sun on your face? The grass beneath your feet? What about sailing? I'll take you sailing. We can journey the world together."
"Yes, oh there's so many places I want to take you. The amethyst waterfalls, the hanging roads, the upside-down city. It must be well into the night by now. I already set up camp. I'll rest outside and come back in the morning. It's a big step, but the first is the hardest, and you'll have me to help, a little at a time."
"You will..." they whispered. "You'll stay with me? Like this?"
Jongdae grinned warmly. "I will return come daylight. I promise."
They hesitated, but dipped their head to acknowledge his words. With that new hope planted, Jongdae made it up the spiraling ramp into the main hall. The end of his sleeve wet with perspiration where he had been dabbing his face. The orb he conjured still drifting above him. He searched for the tunnel he came in through. Running along the wall in the dim dark. Palms pressed to the stone. The gap he left in the doorway had not showed itself, and his hands felt no seams or abnormally smooth cracks.
The reek had not weakened either. Cycling in his nostrils. As time crept on, Jongdae's heart picked up pace. Mind sprinting, tripping and doubling over on itself. Eyes darting, squinting. Pacing every wall in case he tried the wrong one. Then he returned to where his memory lead. Fingers splayed on the mountain. His shallow breaths concentrated in his ears. Panting, pushing for an exit. The giant main gate to his right, an ugly silence to his left, and behind him...a light glinted.
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creator-zee · 4 years
        I darted through the trees, silent under the moonlight. I followed the scent of the bloodsuckers who had chased me away from the town last night. I had lost them, after a chase that lasted several days, but I was ready to strike again. I had to constantly change my attack patterns. Sometimes I would attack the same town twice in quick succession, other times I would wait days, sometimes different towns close together, sometimes the same town for a while at different times. It kept the bloodsuckers from guessing my next move and preparing in advance. 
          As the city lights came into view I paused at the edge of the forest. I had a good 50 meters of open grass to cross before the first buildings. I needed to be sure that there were no Bloodsuckers around. I glanced around my improved vision allowing me to easily see through the night, despite the lack of light. No vamps anywhere in sight. I darted across the open ground to the building. I leaned against it, blending into the shadow.
           I weaved through alleyways avoiding lamp light until I reached the mansion of the noble family that governed this town. I easily climbed the security fence avoiding the guards patrolling the front entrance. Silly vamps always assumed that their walls were unclimbable. I called upon my wolf’s blood and my teeth elongated, nails turned to claws, and my senses heightened. I used my increased agility to scale the wall of the manor, until I reached a window ledge. I eased open the window, it wasn’t even locked, and slipped inside. An empty room. I listened carefully, as I quelled my wolf’s blood and returned to an ordinary human form. I slipped through the halls of the sleeping manor and into the basement, where the slaves were. I grabbed the keys and quickly unlocked the cell-like rooms. I carefully woke the sleeping slaves, covering their mouths so they wouldn’t scream. I looked over their weakened forms, they were malnourished and scrawny, they wouldn’t be able to climb down. I repressed a growl of anger at the cruelty of vampires, before leading the slaves through the house. At least they were good at being silent. We escaped through the back door, and I used a stolen key to open the gate. 
        I flinched as the gate squealed on its unoiled hinges. I hurriedly shoved it open, stealth gone.
         “Run!” I whisper shouted at the slaves, who didn’t hesitate.
         As their forms disappeared, I called upon the wolf’s blood again. If they were to get anywhere I would have to distract the guards. I quickly scaled a nearby house, running along the roof, and jumping onto the mansions. I slid down the front of the house scraping my claws against the stone to both slow my fall, and get the guards attention.
        Four pairs of golden eyes shot to me. The swishing sounds of swords being drawn had me launching myself over the guards and dashing through the streets. 
         “Wolf! Wolf in the streets! Wolf!” The shouts followed me through the town as half-asleep vamps were awoken. Metal boots on stone roads. Shouting in my ears. Same old same old. Not easy being a rebel in a world ruled by vampires who kill or enslave all who disobey, or even those who don’t. Simply exist and you’re free game as far as the bloodsuckers are concerned. 
          The number of guards had doubled, joined by the city guard. I wasn’t concerned. I could lose them in the forest, I always did. I was about to enter the grassy border around the town when a dark figure shot out in front of me. Golden eyes. A vampire. I growled. Shit. I couldn’t lose them in the forest if I couldn’t get there. I skidded to a halt and jumped onto a nearby building scrambling onto the thatch roof. I ran along it, jumping from house to house. I heard the softer, padded footsteps of the guards as they followed me. A blur, the figure was back. Without hesitating, this time, I launched myself off the building, rolling to break my fall. 
         I sprinted across the grass. A swish of grass, behind me. A vamp was right on my tail. I pushed myself to run faster, we were already going much faster than any human, but, unfortunately, I knew that the vampires had the advantage. The one right on my tail was a full-blood no doubt, by the scent. I had barely any wolf-blood compared to my ancestors. I needed to hide, to get away.
         The river. I could disappear beneath the rapids. The vamps would assume me dead, but I had swam through that river countless times. I wouldn’t die. I cut through the brush heading towards the sound of the river. Branches slapped a giant my face and bushes rubbed at my clothes. I ignored it, beating back the worst of it with my arms. The sound of rushing waves grew louder. Thud. My boot hit rock instead of soft dirt. I launched myself forwards past the last trees, diving into the rushing waves of the river below. I was immediately pulled under, but I fought the urge to panic. I let the currents pull me downstream. Only when my lungs began to burn did I fight to the surface of the river. I quickly grabbed a breath of fresh air, and let the water carry me again. I repeated this several times, until I was sure I was miles away from where I had jumped. The next time I fought the currents to get to the surface I looked around searching for a place where the river eddied out. I found one. I swam over, and the current no longer fought to pull me downstream. I turned to face the rock wall I was against. I gripped the slippery stones and began climbing. Luckily, the bank wasn’t too high here. 
         Risky foothold and handholds carries me to the bank of the river. My arms, lungs and legs burned. I lay exhausted on the forest floor, but the river, when I heard a splash that was different from the ordinary sounds of the river. I stood up quickly looking back down at the river. A black shape was gripping onto the wall I had just climbed. Shit a vamp had followed me. I quickly dashed back into the forest. I didn’t know where I was. I was really running out of options. Maybe this was it. My tired legs protested with my burning lungs as I forced myself to sprint through the untamed wilds. I caught another smell. Wolf, no not Wolf, wolf-blood. And strong too. A pack was near. A pack of full-blooded werewolves that could easily defeat one vampire. I followed the scent as it grew. The water disguised the vampires scent somewhat, but it was quickly growing stronger as they gained ground. The pack’s scent was also going stronger. If I could just last a little bit longer. 
        Pain shooting up my foot. I fell to the forest floor. My tired body was done. I had tripped. I struggled to my feet, but a weight on my back pushed me down. 
        “You’re done wolf. The queen wants to see you, and she gets what she wants.” The ivy voice of the vampire washed over me.
          I struggled pointlessly against the iron grip of the vamp. I gave up. The forest had been my only advantage, but this vamp had taken that away and now I was terrifyingly outmatched. I was being taken to the queen. The master of masters. What the hell did she have in store for me?
        Heavy iron restraints around my ankles and wrists. A guard on either side of me. No hope of escape. A rough shove and I stumbled into a, a bedroom? What the hell? The door slammed shut behind me and I rapidly scanned the white walls and large bed with white sheets for the owner of this room. My eyes landed on a tall figure wearing a golden dress. She turned and her golden eyes landed on me. 
          Silver eyes met gold. Warmth exploded from my core around my body. My claws and fangs were pushed out as my wolf-blood rose without my command. 
        “Mate.” The word was whispered, barely spoken, barely leaving the lips of the vampire who stared at me. She strode towards me. She stopped in front of me. Her hand rose as if to stroke my cheek, but it stopped and returned to her side.
        I managed to tear my eyes away from hers, and I pushed my wolf-blood away. The claws and fangs receded. This couldn’t be. I shouldn’t have enough wolf-blood to have a mate. I wasn’t strong enough to be the queens mate. Everyone knew that vampire’s mates were determined based off of strength, or so I thought. 
        The queen's hand moved, and I tensed, fearing attack. I instinctively tried to step back, but my bound feet led me only to stumbling back ungracefully. An arm shot around my waist catching me and pulling me back to my feet. The queen had caught me. 
        “Be careful.” She muttered. Flashing the golden key in her hand, that was why she had moved. She crouched. “Let me get these off.”
       She worked quickly and smoothly removing my restraints and setting them aside along with the key. Once the last cuff clicked open, I stepped back. I didn’t dare to meet her gaze again, but I did look up slightly, staring steadfastly at her neck. 
       “Why did you bring me here?” I asked. “Why did you remove my chains?”
       “I brought you here because you were a highly dangerous prisoner that I didn’t trust my guards to handle.” She replied in a business like manner, but her tone softened as she continued. “But, I let you go because you’re my mate. I will not harm you, or hold you captive.”
        “Then why have your guard chase me down in the woods, risking death?” I pressed. I didn’t believe this kindness. There had to be a trick, some catch. Something that the queen wanted. 
          “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you were my mate then. I only knew that you were a dangerous renegade who had been stealing noble families property.” She answered calmly. 
          I snorted. “Stealing property? I was freeing slaves.”
       “Not in the eye of the law.”
       I sighed. “So what now? What are you going to do with me? Throw me in a cell? Kill me? Torture me?”
        I couldn’t read her expression as I didn’t dare look at her face, but her astonishment was clear in her tone. 
        “What? No? I said I wouldn’t hurt you or hold you captive.” She asserted. “I meant it. No, what I am going to do is let you go. You can stay if you want and I would like that, but I won’t force you.” She paused before adding. “But please, keep a low profile if you do leave, or make sure you aren’t caught again. If I have to let you go again, and you’re a wanted criminal with a giant bounty then the other Vampires will think I’m weak and I could lose my throne and anarchy could ensue.”
        I still didn’t respond, so she continued. “I would like to at least know your name first, before you go. And maybe what could convince you to stay and be my mate?” She added the last part in a quiet whisper, but I heard it quickly. 
         “Rory.” I replied. “I go by Rory, and the only way I would stand by your side is if you were no longer a monarch who condoned and protected slavery and the abuse and exploitation of humans.”
          “I’m Val, and I will work on it, but hierarchy is the culture of the vampires, I can’t just remove it all.”
        I stared in shock my gaze finally drifting to meet hers again. “Really? I thought you would immediately deny it.”
          She nodded. “Really. I’m willing to work to be worthy of my mate.”
        I couldn’t help laughing. “Worthy of me? You’re the vampire queen. You are ten times stronger than me, and faster than me. I have barely enough wolf-blood to change my nails to claws. You are far superior to me in any way, if anyone isn’t worthy it’s me.”
          “Yet you have managed to inflict more damage for more time than any full blooded werewolf or pack. And you’re alone. You don’t smell of any pack.” She provided, calmly. “I may have brute strength and speed, but you have stealth and cunning. It took my finest tracker to hunt you down. You are a force to be reckoned with, and don’t you forget it.”
        I was stunned. I didn’t expect this in a million years. The Queen of all Vampires was complimenting me, and being genuine, and trying to change. I lowered my gaze again. I couldn’t fall for it. It had to be a trick. Even as I forced the thoughts, I couldn’t ignore the undeniable pull I had towards her. Or the way her scent was delicious. Or her beauty.
           “Thanks.” I mumbled before walking around the queen to the window, still facing her. I unlatched the window and slid it open, preparing to jump out. Luckily, her room was on the first floor and facing the forest, so my escape would be easy.
          She didn’t move, watching me prepare to leave. “Will you return?”
        I shrugged. “Maybe.”
         I ducked and slid through the window, shutting it behind me. I scampered off into the woods. I doubted I could resist the mate pull for that long, but I wasn’t going to stand by a tyrant. For now I would go back to my fight, against the tyranny, but with more precautions. After all, the Queen was right, I couldn’t get captured again.
       I stood in the forest with an ache in my heart. I stared at the castle in front of me. I had scaled steep rocky cliffs to get to the back side of the mountain where the palace was home. There was no moonlight tonight, only cloudy skies. Even with my improved vision I struggled to see, but I could still make out the windows that I knew led to the queen's bedroom, Val’s bedroom, my mate’s bedroom. It had been three months since she had let me go, and I had successfully released many more slaves. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t been seen, that every rescue had been flawless. I had found myself drawn back to this forest, back to this palace, back to this room, back to this person.
         I crept forward in the dark, melding the shadows of my clothes with the darkness of the wall. I reached up and tested the window. It slid open easily. I pulled myself up to the ledge, perching as I slid the window up. I slipped inside the dark room, closing the window silently behind me. My eyes fell on the sleeping form of the Queen. What was I doing? What did I expect to happen? This was stupid. I reached back for the window, to leave again, but I shifted my weight wrong and a floorboard creaked. I froze, but it was too late the damage had been done. 
        A blur of motion and I was pinned against the wall. 
        “Who are you?” The queen growled. Then she relaxed her hold suddenly. “Rory? You came back?”
         I nodded.
          I shrugged.
         She stepped back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
          “I’m fine.” I assured her. “Besides I’m the one who snuck into your bedroom in the middle of the night.” I laughed uneasily. “I’m not exactly blameless either.”
           My unease and nervousness was replaced by suspicion and fear. “You smell different. You smell like a human.” I glared at the dark figure of the queen. “What did you do?”
       “I can explain, Rory.” She began. 
       I snorted derisively. “Of course you can. Well? I’m listening.”
        “I’m working on changing the laws about humans, but it’s slow progress as most vampires don’t see a reason to change. In the meantime I was trying to uphold your beliefs, and not take blood by force, but the only way the slave agreed was if we had sex.” Val explained. 
          I growled. “You shouldn’t have to do that just to eat. Isn’t there some understanding you can reach with humans? Some mutually beneficial arrangement?”
          “I’m working on it.” She insisted. “In a few more months, hopefully new laws will be passed.” She paused. “Do you forgive me?”
          “Of course.”
          Silence grew between us, but I was in no hurry to break it. Val didn’t seem eager to break it either. She returned to her bed and laid back down. I climbed onto the window ledge, sliding the window open. I heard her shift in her bed. 
           “Come back again?” She asked silently. 
        “Eventually. I can’t stay away.” I admitted as I disappeared into the night.
         Another three months passed and I found myself back in the woods by the palace, this time guided by a full moon, and treading through snow. I had come not only because of the ache in my heart, but because I no longer needed to free slaves. Val had succeeded, slavery was gone. In its place, servitude. Humans could sign contracts with vampires, to work as servants of some kind, or as a blood servant. The human would be provided with food, water, and shelter in return for their services. A vampire was only allowed to take blood from a blood servant who had signed a contract giving consent, or with spoken consent from another human. Punishments hadn’t been outlawed for misbehaving servants, but they were restricted to matching the punishments that vampires would receive for misbehavior. Of course, some vampires broke the law and progress was slow, but it was happening. Support for the equality movement was growing and with it more funding was able to be directed towards enforcing the new laws. 
        I took a deep breath, pressed against the wall next to the window. Val has upheld her end of the bargain, now I had nothing stopping me from at least giving her a chance. My fingers found the cold stone ledge and I brushed the light dusting of snow away. I pulled myself up I to the ledge. I grabbed the edge of the window, but it didn’t budge. Well that was awkward. I brushed more snow away, the window was frozen. Well crap. I couldn’t exactly go in the front door. I may no longer be wanted number one but I was still a wolf. I slipped down and jumped up on the next window, also frozen. The third as well. I returned to the first and gave it a good yank. It thudded open with a crack as the ice broke.
         A figure tackled me from my precarious position. I slid back on the snowy ground looking up into golden eyes. Val’s hot breathe was against my face and I squirmed under her grip. 
       “Sorry, it was frozen.” I tried. 
       Val just stared at me. “Are you going to stay this time?”
        I nodded. “I’m going to give it a chance.”
        “Thank you.” She breathed and stood up, offering me a hand. I accepted it, noticing that hers was much warmer than mine. I really should’ve invested in gloves. 
       “Your hand is freezing.” She commented, concerned. 
       “That’s what snow does.” I shrugged. 
        She pulled me through the window and into her room. “You don’t have a home, do you?”
         “Just the forest.” I admitted.
        “That sounds awful. All alone.”
          I feared her concern turning into pity, so I waved it away. “I survived.”
         “Hopefully, you can survive here.” She was only half-joking. 
          “How do you plan for me to live in a palace full of vampires? They hate my kind, and me.”
        “Everyone in the palace knows not to bother you.”
         “So I could’ve come in the front door.” I complained. “Do you know how hard it is to climb the cliff that you call a back door?”
         She shrugged. “That is kinda the point.”
         “I know, but still.” I argued futilely.
         “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I should have told you.”
         “It’s okay. I probably wouldn’t have used the front door anyways.” I grinned sheepishly. 
         She laughed. “Wanted the mysterious aspect of breaking into the Queen’s bedroom?”
         “No.” I admitted. “In truth I would be avoiding all the people.”
        She raised her eyebrows. “Really?”
       I shrugged. “Yeah, I’ve never gotten along with anyone, much less Vampires. I haven’t had a friend since.” My voice faltered as the memory came back. “Since.” I forced back tears. “Since I was a kid.”
         Val engulfed me in a warm hug, and I accepted it. “You have me now, Rory. I can be your friend and more.”
        “Thank you.” I muttered into her shoulder.
        She pulled back and pointed to the bed. “Care to sleep?”
       I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly. “I’m actually not tired.”
       “You’re not? It’s like 2am?” She asked, surprised.
        “I’m nocturnal.” I admitted. “Due to needing the cover of darkness for stealth I have taken to sleeping in the day. 2 am for me is your 2pm.”
        “Well, we will have to work on fixing that.” I would like to see you more than just in the morning and at night.
         “Of course, but it may take a while.”
        “I know.”
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actuallykiwi · 5 years
Once a Thief... Chapter 16: Blindsighted
(Due to the length of this chapter, I have skipped a lot of the details of Irkngthand to get to the more key points of the story. If you ever wish to see how I write the full dungeon, let me know and I might rewrite it in the future!)
Cimber was sitting on a rock, dangling her feet in the shallow water below. It was quiet, aside from the water lapping against the shore, and the occasional breeze. She was wearing the Thieves’ Guild armor again, no wear and tear like it had been previously from her injuries. In fact, she felt no pain at all. Just the cool water dampening her pant legs from where she kicked the surface. But the tranquility didn’t last long. There was a laugh. That horrible, indistinguishable, malicious laugh that she knew would haunt her. She frantically looked around her for the source before standing on the rock, reaching for her sword that she knew she didn’t have. Then there he was. Mercer Frey was still laughing, swinging his bronze sword lazily as he approached her. The sudden pain in her side caused her to stagger precariously to the edge of the rock, which was now high above the water below. “You know, eyes seem to be a common theme lately...” he muttered as he stood mere feet from her. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. It was just like that night in the sanctum. Fear chilled her to the bone. His laugh turned to a deep chuckle as he lifted his sword. “Come and get me.” He spat. There was a blinding pain in her left eye, causing her to close them, and the last thing she saw was a flash of the Nightingale symbol, and then darkness. 
Cimber awoke with a loud gasp and shot straight up on the bed. Karliah jumped back. “Easy, easy, I was just about to wake you. It’s time to go.” She took a moment to slow her breathing before standing, rubbing her left eye. “Are you alright? That must have been some nightmare.” Karliah asked. Cimber sighed, “I’ll say. I’m fine.” Brynjolf was watching her, a hint of worry in his eyes. “Very well. We need to get going then.” Karliah rounded up a few belongings and began walking toward the Hall entrance. The others followed behind, a little slower because of the hour of the morning. 
Outside, two black horses waited patiently by the stone. “I couldn’t sleep last night, so I decided to make the journey easier for us.” Karliah explained. “Karliah, you should rest. This isn’t going to be an easy fight. You’ll need your strength.” Cimber protested. “Oh I have plenty of strength. I can’t rest until I know he’s taken care of.” “Listen to her, Karliah. You know how Nightingales operate, so being half-asleep during the fight won’t help.” Brynjolf joined in. Karliah sighed after a moment. “Fine. You can drive, Cimber.” She waited for Cimber to hop onto the horse before sitting behind her, Brynjolf took the other horse. “Let’s go.” They whipped the reins, and sped off into the edge of the sunrise. 
A couple of hours into the ride, the horses slowed to a steady trot. Cimber couldn’t but grin to herself as she felt Karliah slouch against her back, fast asleep.
It was mid-afternoon by the time they decided to stop in the marshes. Cimber and Brynjolf were secretly relieved to have the masks off. They all got off the horses to stretch and eat, but Brynjolf wandered off without a word beyond some trees. Cimber let him have a moment of privacy before curiosity got the best of her and she went to find him. 
She found him standing in a small clearing overlooking some of the marsh. He was leaning against a tree, a somber expression on his face. “You okay?” She tentatively asked as she stood next to him. It took him a moment to answer. “...Despite how much I despise him right now, and how much we can’t wait to send his soul to Oblivion... It’s not what he’s done that hurts me most.” His voice was quiet, as if in deep thought. She thought about this for a moment. “He was your friend. A really close one. You’ve trusted him for years, and you could have never seen this coming. No one could have.” His silence was her confirmation. “I know this must be hard for you, and not just because the guild is paying for it. But because all those years of friendship are ending like this... I’m so sorry.” She gently placed her hand on his shoulder as he stood up straight. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He finally looked at her, and she leaned up to wrap him in a tight hug. He was taken aback for just a moment, before chuckling softly and returning her embrace. “Thank you, lass.” He mumbled into her shoulder. 
“Brynjolf? Cimber?” Karliah called out. Cimber let go of the embrace and looked up at him, cupping his face with one hand. “We can do this. You can do this. Now let’s go save the Guild.” She grinned, and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before scurrying off to their waiting companion. He watched her go for a moment, then smiled and followed. 
The sun was almost fully set by the time the roofs of Irkngthand breached the horizon. The thieves departed their horses a good distance from the entrance, then carefully crept up to the large stone gate. They could see a few bandit corpses surrounding some campfires, but some still living patrolled the rest of the fortress, on high alert. They readied their weapons and found a side entrance past the locked gate. Luckily most of the bandits were scattered abroad, so picking them off proved to be fairly easy. Once the lower levels were cleared, of fiends and their treasures, they made their way up the high makeshift bridges leading to the entrance. They expected to face more up this way, but it appeared Mercer had made short work of them. “Must have spotted him on his way in,” Cimber noted as they perused through what the bandits left behind. Once through, they gathered up their courage and entered Irkngthand. 
The first bit of the dungeon was mostly empty, save for a few traps reset. There was several minutes of tiptoeing past pressure plates, rolling past threshers, and barely evading flamethrowers, burning a couple inches off of Cimber’s cape. Unfortunately, most valuables had already been taken, not that they had time to thoroughly search for any. Eventually, they came across an elevator leading further down into the ruins. This is where they paused to discussed a plan.
“Mercer’s been here. I hope we aren’t too late. We have to catch up to him, but we should tread carefully. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s left behind more surprises for us.” Karliah explained. “My guess is he’s trying to slow us down, or maybe he’s hoping one of these ‘surprises’ will be rid of us for him.” Brynjolf thought out loud. “Regardless, whatever he throws at us, we can handle it.” Cimber said determinedly as the elevator ground to a halt. “Well said, lass.” 
The three crept into a large, glowing chamber overlooking an expansive ruin, crawling with Falmer. “Wait a moment.. what’s that?” Karliah asked as she approached the bronze fence. “... It’s Mercer! Look, down there!” She pointed at a shadowy figure creeping up behind an unsuspecting Falmer. “Dammit, there’s no way through!” Brynjolf exclaimed as he pushed on the fence. There was a swift movement, and the creature fell over dead. It was hard to tell, but from a distance, it appeared as if Mercer’s head looked up at them before turning and running toward the exit. “He’s toying with us, he wants us to follow!” Karliah gripped her bow tightly. “Aye, lass. And we’ll be ready for him.” The girls nodded at him before moving on, albeit a little faster this time. 
Things from here on were a little trickier. Falmer are easier to get past, so Mercer left most of them alive, waiting for the trio. “Look at the size of this place. “Have you ever seen anything like it in your life?” Brynjolf wondered aloud once they dispatched a small group. “Can’t say that I have. Imagine the riches hidden within these walls...” Karliah ran her hand across the stone wall. They were now at a puzzle-like contraption where the solver had to pull the levers within a certain time for the gate to open and stay open long enough to get through. Karliah ran to the other side, while Cimber pulled on the other. They all three quickly slid down the rocky walls and past the gate. 
Now they were entering an expansive cavern covered with ruined Dwarven buildings, also crawling with inhabitants. These were easier to dispatch from a distance, but halfway through, there was a loud rumbling and crashing that shook the entire cavern. The trio huddled together to avoid rocks falling from the ceiling. “What in Oblivion was that!?” Cimber exclaimed once things settled. “Trouble, it sounds like.” Karliah stood and walked to the other end of the cavern, where a tower lay across what was once the exit. It was the cause of the crashing, evident by the rubble still falling and the billowing cloud of dust emanating from it. “How did this happen?” Brynjolf wondered. “It’s the Key, Brynjolf. This is the power that it wields in the hands of the wrong person. That’s why we have to get it back.” Karliah sighed and looked for an exit. “Up this ramp. He’ll be further ahead of us now, but we can still catch him.” 
They continued on further into Falmer territory, avoiding most of them. From this point on, Dwemer pipes snaked overhead, “I can hear water rushing through these pipes. We must be beneath a lake.” The others agreed as they used these pipes to their advantage, sneaking behind and over them in rooms filled with enemies. Another large bronze door was now ahead of them. Karliah paused before it. “He’s close. I’m certain of it. We must prepare ourselves.” Brynjolf stood by her. “Then this is it. We do this for Gallus, and the Guild.” Cimber stood by them and they nodded. With a deep breath, she stepped forward and opened the door. 
Facing them was a giant, bronze statue of what the Falmer used to look like, then known as the Snow Elves. It was sitting cross-legged, holding a tall torch in one hand and a huge bronze book in the other. Above, several pipes crisscrossed the ceiling, several leaks dripping to the ground below. On the statue’s face, gauging the precious eyes out, was Mercer, his back turned on the entrance. “He’s here and he hasn’t seen us yet. Brynjolf, watch the door.” Karliah whispered. “Aye, lass. Nothing’s getting past me.” She turned to Cimber, who was standing on the edge, watching Mercer. “Climb down that ledge and see if you can-” 
“Karliah, when will you learn that you can’t get the drop on me?” Mercer’s voice echoed ominously across the cavern. He chuckled as he dropped to the statue’s collar. He lifted up his hands and cast a strange spell. Rocks crashed down from overhead, and the ledge Cimber was standing on fell to the ground, causing her to fall along with it. She cried out and rolled with it, landing on her feet in the shallow water below. “Cimber!” Brynjolf cried out, and he tried to jump down after her. “I can’t.. move!” “Neither can I!” He and Karliah struggled on the ledge, but both of them seemed frozen in place. Mercer was now standing on the book of the statue, in front of Cimber. “When Brynjolf brought you before me, I could feel a sudden shift in the wind. And at that moment, I knew it would end with one of us at the end of a blade.” Mercer growled at her. She stood tall, despite trembling on the inside, and stared him dead in the eye. “Give me the Key, Mercer.”
He snarled. “What’s Karliah been filling your head with? Tales of thieves with honor? Oaths rife with falsehoods and broken promises? Nocturnal doesn’t care about you, the Key or anything having to do with the Guild.”  
“This isn’t just about Nocturnal. This is personal!” She growled back. 
“Revenge, is it? Have you learned nothing from your time with us? When will you open your eyes and realize how little my actions differ from yours? Both of us lie, cheat, and steal to further our own end!” 
“The difference is I actually give a damn! And I still have honor.” 
He scoffed. “it’s clear you’ll never see the Skeleton Key as I do... as an instrument of limitless wealth! Instead you’ve chosen to fall over your own foolish code.” 
“If anyone falls, it’ll be you!” 
He laughed. That awful, maniacal laugh that caused Cimber to shiver, but she stood her ground. “Then the die is cast, and once again my blade will taste Nightingale blood!” There was a flash as Mercer turned invisible. “Karliah, I’ll deal with you after I rid myself of your irksome companions. In the meantime, perhaps you and Brynjolf should get better acquainted!” He cast another spell and the cavern shook once more as he and Cimber began their fight. 
Against his will, Brynjolf began attacking Karliah. “Brynjolf, what are you doing?!” “I-I’m sorry, lass, this isn’t me!” She defended herself against him, “This must be his Nightingale ability, try to fight it instead of me!” “I’m trying, lass!” 
Above all the fighting, when Mercer’s spell had shaken the cavern, several pipes burst. Water poured in from above at alarming rates, beginning to flood the cavern. This didn’t go unnoticed, but at the time was the least of everyone’s worries. For now. 
Cimber tried to stay in the water for as long as she could, watching for ripples from Mercer. She saw them, and cast flame in that direction to better see his form. She caught him just in time, and parried a large swing from his blade. He backed her up onto the ramp, her loss of sight of him gaining her a few new scars. Finally the spell wore off, and she could see his face, burning with rage and hatred. The water was beginning to rise, lapping at their ankles. “Give it up, little Nightingale! You can’t possibly hope to survive this!” He snarled at her. They were now up to the elbow of the statue, each having gotten a few hits on the other. 
But it was clear he was stronger.  
Mercer lunged out at her, causing her to fly backwards and bang her head on the stone wall. She fell to the ground as her hood fell back and the room became blurry. “You know, I’ve always wondered about that scar on your eye. Someone must have tried to get that eye out. Here, let me FINISH THE JOB!” He roared and brought his blade down. Before she could realize what was happening, before she understood what he meant, the sword met her left eye. A blood-curdling shriek of pain echoed around the room, drowning out the roar of rushing water. Both Brynjolf and Karliah screamed her name, and Mercer stood back to admire his handiwork. 
Cimber curled onto the ground, holding where her left eye used to be and crying in pain. “Isn’t that beautifully ironic? Now you look almost just like the statue.” He grinned maliciously and kicked her side where he had stabbed her, causing another cry of pain. “Say hello to Gallus for me.” He lifted his sword to finish the job, but he wasn’t expecting her to retaliate. Cimber let out a vicious war cry that he mistook for a cry of pain, and dove upwards with the Nightingale Blade. Mercer gasped and gurgled, the sword shoving through his heart. She pushed into him, inches from his face, her face drenched in blood, sweat, and tears. While there, she snatched the Key and the Eye from his pockets, then spat blood into his shocked face. 
He grinned, despite contorting in pain. “’Shadows take me’...” he mocked. Cimber cried out again and kicked his body off of the blade, dropping into the water below. 
With Mercer dead the spell on Brynjolf was broken, and he dove into the water to Cimber. She was slouched against a pipe behind the shoulder of the statue, holding her face and other wounds. Karliah tried to open the door. “Something must have fallen behind the door, it’s not moving! We have to get out of here!” She swam over to them. Brynjolf was cradling Cimber, the water now rising to their waists. “Come on, lass, hang in there! Hold onto me!” He draped her across his back while Karliah desperately searched for a way out.
“I can’t look any further, everything’s underwater!” The water was now covering the head of the statue, feet away from the roof of the cavern. “Shadows preserve us...” She prayed. Cimber held onto Brynjolf as the water raced upwards, and they all took one long breath before being submerged completely. 
There was a few seconds of sheer panic before there was a slight rumbling ahead. Karliah pulled on Brynjolf’s arm and pointed at a faint light behind the statue’s head. They swam towards it, and relief flooded them more than the water as they gasped above the surface, finding a small tunnel leading into a cave. Cimber carefully slid off of him as they panted and stumbled as far form the water as they could before she collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain. “Karliah, we need a healing potion, NOW!” He cradled her once more and tore some of the cape off of her armor. As Karliah made her drink a potion, he wrapped the fabric around her eye, trying to slow the bleeding. She breathed heavily as the potion took its effect, and Karliah used the rest of the fabric to cover her other wounds. “Get her out of here, I’ll find help!” She ran ahead out of the cave.  
The last thing Cimber remembered was Brynjolf carrying her out into the night, worry strong in his voice. “Don’t worry lass, you’ll be alright, I’ve got you...”
The world began fading. 
“I’ve got you...” 
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missnmikaelson-main · 5 years
Consequences Part 23
Summary: What do you do when your old frenemy threatens to cut off your army at the source? Obviously you abscond with the doppelganger in the dead of night, but every action has consequences. Pairing: Klaus x Elena Word Count: 4111
Elena rubbed firm circles over her side and leaned on the kitchen counter. Staring down at the marble she attempted to stretch and relieve the ache in her back; it had been coming and going all day.
Every time Klaus caught her in the middle of one he seemed to grow a little tenser until she could practically see the energy coiled in his body. She’d had to remind him each time about the Braxton Hicks contractions, and how it was very unlikely that she was actually in labour; at thirty-three weeks it was too early for the baby to come.
She straightened up when the ache vanished and grunted when the baby kicked her in the ribs.
“Elena,” Elijah paused in the door to the kitchen, “are you alright?” He took in her stiff posture and the way she was clinging to the counter.
“I think so,” she gasped when a second kick landed in the same spot. Drawing in a sharp breath she winced at the pain spreading over her chest.
She blinked when a hand settled on the small of her back and steered her into a chair. She held the table with one hand and lowered herself with Elijah’s help.
Wincing she took shallow breaths and held her ribs as cramps radiated under her bump.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Elijah watched the flush on her cheeks.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “she just decided that my ribs are a xylophone.”
“Here,” he pointed to her side, “may I?”
Elena nodded and moved her hand out of the way. She drew in a sharp breath when his fingers prodded the area.
“I guess I don’t need to ask if that hurt,” he cocked an eyebrow. “It looks as if she’s bruised a rib.”
“Oh joy,” her laugh was strained.
“You should be fine,” he chuckled and straightened up. Striding to the cabinet he took down a glass and filled it with water. “I thought Niklaus was with you; where has he run off to?”
“I was trying to figure out what I was craving,” she held the bottom of her stomach, “and I couldn’t, but then it hit me… beignets. I told him I could find something else but he insisted on getting them.”
“So he’s flashed into the Quarter?” Elijah twisted his wrist to view his watch and turned off the water. “It’s nearly midnight; luckily the Café is open twenty-four hours.”
“Luckily,” she rolled her eyes. “He said he’d be back by midnight,” she reached up for the glass; somewhere in the house a grandfather clock began chiming the hour.
“I think he might be a little late,” he was passing her the tumbler at the last stroke of the clock.
Everything seemed to happen at once. Elena rocked forward and clutched her stomach. A loud snap was followed by the sound of shattering glass; liquid splashed up her side.
Elena exhaled quickly; three sharp breaths. Her eyes opened when a hand wrapped firmly around her upper arm. Panic gripped her heart and sent her curling forwards again. Elijah was sprawled across the kitchen floor; his neck bent at an awkward angle.
She screamed and tried to pull away but she was no match for the superior strength.
Kol came racing into the kitchen. He saw the open door, overturned chair, and neutralized brother before colliding with something solid. He hit the ground in a tangle of limbs.
“Kaleb…” Kol sat up, “… happy New Year? You know we have a door right?”
“What the bloody hell is going on in here?” Rebekah flashed into the room where Kol and Kaleb were standing back up. “What happened to Elijah?”
Kol shook his head and turned to Finn when he stepped into the kitchen. The eldest brother was followed by Davina.
“What the bloody hell happened in here?” Klaus dropped the paper bag on the counter and stared at the glass and water seeping into Elijah’s shirt. “Where’s Elena?”
“Oh no…” Kaleb swiped at the blood leaking from his nose. “No, no, no… fuck…” He rubbed his forehead to relieve the tension headache.
“Kaleb?” Klaus spun to face the warlock in his kitchen.
“The Ancestors contacted me this morning,” he pushed around the siblings into the study where he knew maps were kept in the drawer. “They said someone was coming for Elena.”
“What?” Klaus’ voice was deadly calm.
“Why didn’t you call us?” Davina took the map from his shaking hands.
“I tried,” Kaleb raked a hand through his hair, “I tried, but I was sealed in my house. An ancestral seal closed every point of entry, and whatever witch did it also cut my landline and scrambled the signal on my phone. I was lucky to find a spell that let me teleport here; took a bit of a toll though and it looks like I was too late.”
“At least you tried,” Davina turned to Klaus, “I’m going to need a little blood.”
“What I want to know is who managed to get the jump on Elijah,” Rebekah watched Klaus bite into his wrist; the blood dripped on to the map of the city.
“Someone already dead,” Elijah rubbed the back of his neck and stepped into the room. “Damon Salvatore has returned to the land of the living.”
Klaus tensed and watched the blood track across the page. He knew where it would settle before it did.
“If he’s alive that means he’s not working alone,” Klaus gritted his teeth. “Do you know what witch sealed you in?” He turned to Kaleb who shook his head.
Davina lowered her hands when the blood stopped in the cemetery.
“She’s back,” Elijah sighed.
“And smarter,” Klaus growled low in his throat. “She’s taken Elena where we can’t follow.”
“Correction,” Davina held up her hand, “she’s taken Elena where you can’t go without an invitation.”
Finn sat Davina on her feet outside the wrought iron gates of the cemetery. He could see the tall stone structures that made up the standing graves of New Orleans.
“When exactly did burying the dead become obsolete?” Finn pulled open the gate; he and Klaus were halted at the threshold.
“Sometime during the witch massacres,” Davina turned back around and invited them in.
Rebekah nodded in agreement. She vividly remembered the day of the first massacre. The streets of the city had run red with blood.
“Yes,” Klaus stalked through the cobblestoned path, “they ran out of room in the ground.”
Fresh flowers were displayed here and there between the graves; they were the only pop of colour in the otherwise grey landscape.
Klaus froze at a fork in the path and looked both ways. Forcing himself to calm down enough to utilize his other senses he inhaled and turned to the left where the scent of lavender was strongest. He and Finn made several more turns before his older brother grabbed his arm.
“Does that look familiar?” Finn nodded to a stone angel atop one of the tombs.
Davina pushed past them and crossed her arms to ward off the winter chill. Leaning forward she read the name inscribed on the stone.
“That’s impossible,” she breathed. Looking over her shoulder she saw the straight paths of the cemetery and no sign of the gate they had entered through.
“What’s impossible, love?” Klaus temper began to flare; Elena’s shampoo had all but faded away.
“This grave,” she tapped the name, “it’s Monique’s… only…” she bit her lip and turned around to meet his flashing eyes, “… Monique’s grave was just inside the gates. I’d think we were going in circles… except…”
Davina motioned behind them to the path.
Klaus glanced over his shoulder. He spun in a quick circle and realized that each grave he could see were ones he had already passed. Gritting his teeth he leapt into the air and landed atop the roof of a marble building.
“Remind to berate Elijah for his poor taste,” Klaus stared out over the tombs. The stone buildings appeared to stretch for miles; miles beyond where the cemetery should have ended.
“Niklaus?” Finn’s eyes grew round when he jumped onto the roof of an adjoining mausoleum.
“Bloody hell,” Rebekah’s gaze flickered from one grave to the next.
“What is it?” Davina backed up so she didn’t have to crane her neck and stared at the locked muscles of the Original siblings.
Rebekah jumped back down and helped Davina up onto the roof where she could see the mess that they had stumbled into.
There was a twisting sensation in her stomach and lower back. Every muscle had seized up. Just when she thought it was too much to bear the pain eased and she was left a panting mess on the stone floor.
Opening her eyes she slapped away the hands holding her arms.
“Do not touch me,” she hissed. Pushing up onto her hands she backed up until she was pressed against the cold bricks.
“Don’t be like that,” he stood from where he’d been crouched beside her. Candlelight flickered along the walls casting shadows across his face.
“How the hell are you alive?” She held her stomach as the pulling sensation started again and her muscles seized. She curled over and bit her lip.
“Made a deal with a witch,” Damon reached out to take her hand; he pulled back when she glared. “You know this might be less painful for you if you were to relax.”
Elena exhaled and tipped her head back against the bricks. Her eyes swiveled to the entrance when the sharp tap of heels sounded; a line appeared between her brows.
A tall woman with glossy red hair and stormy grey eyes glided into the mausoleum.
“Sarah?” Elena bit her lip.
“Not quite,” the red head knelt on the stone floor and placed her hands on Elena’s stomach.
“Celeste,” Elena lifted her hands to push the woman away. Fear twisted her gut that was already starting to tighten again; her muscles had frozen in place. She couldn’t even squeeze her eyes shut against the contraction; all she could do was release a pained scream.
When the pain passed she realized that Celeste had removed her leggings and draped a sheet over her thighs.
“I’ll see if I can lift the illusion,” Davina dropped to sit cross legged on the roof of the mausoleum and closed her eyes. Her head snapped up when a scream echoed over the stone.
“And you can follow your ears.”
Klaus was gone before she had finished talking. Finn remained on the rooftop to watch her work; the last thing anyone wanted was to lose Davina in the maze.
“Are you two sure about this?” Kaleb stared down at the worn pages of the grimoire. The ink was faded from the wear of time, but still readable on the calfskin.
“Positive,” Kol nodded.
“There is no stopping Niklaus,” Elijah lifted the lid of the box, “from killing her at which point she’ll just jump into another body.”
“She’s going to kill me,” Elena’s eyes burned with angry tears. There was no chance of reasoning with Celeste, the woman had tried to kill her once before, but maybe just maybe Damon would listen to reason.
“No she won’t,” Damon shook his head. “We had a deal.”
“And you expect her to honor it,” Elena glared at the witch in the far corner of the mausoleum.
Celeste lifted a ceremonial knife from her bag. Holding it aloft she murmured something indistinct and placed the blade on a cloth covered alter.
“She just wants the kid Elena,” Damon reasoned. “She wants to keep Klaus from making a damn army.”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Elena groaned and curled over. Her limbs had unfrozen several a minute before which was good. Being able to tense up and move meant she could grit her teeth and keep from screaming.
She straightened and almost immediately curled over again.
“It looks like it’s time,” Celeste knelt and lifted the edge of the sheet.
“She tried to kill me, Damon,” Elena kicked weakly at the redhead. “Months ago; the wolves attacked her and watched over me until Klaus found me.”
“It’s time to push,” Celeste held Elena’s foot and placed it back on the ground.
“No,” she gritted her teeth and shook her head. She pressed her thighs together. “It’s too soon; she’s too little.”
“It hardly matters,” Damon rolled his eyes.
“Please…” tears streaked down Elena’s flushed cheeks, “… Damon please… help me. She’s just a baby.”
Celeste’s shoulders stiffened as the vampire’s eyes flashed. She stood abruptly and paced to a candle high on one of the walls. Bloody symbols clung to the sides.
“What are you doing?” Elena flattened her palm against the floor and pushed herself against the wall. Her eyes landed on the hands of her watch; had it really only been two hours since she’d been laughing in the kitchen with Elijah?
“Taking pre-emptive measures,” Celeste met her eyes and blew out the candle.
Elena covered her mouth with her hand. Damon had vanished into thin air; one moment he was kneeling beside her and the next he was gone.
“What did you do to him?” Elena trembled. She was fighting the instinct that was telling her to push.
“I returned him to this plain,” Celeste replaced the large candle on the wall, “and now I’ve sent him back.”
Klaus fist collided with the side of a mausoleum. The stone shattered beneath his knuckles.
The trail had gone cold.
Jeremy bit his cheek to keep himself from speaking and breaking her concentration. He watched the intense look on her face from the corner of his eye.
Eventually he couldn’t take the silence any more.
“We’re going the right way,” she made a left.
“How can you tell?” Jeremy scanned the tombs as they passed. Each one looked the same to him in the moonlight.
“They left behind a trail,” she closed her eyes and felt the air with her mind. “It’s still reasonably fresh… and there’s a witch up ahead.”
Bonnie smiled triumphantly when she came to a stop and pointed to the top of a mausoleum.
Jeremy followed her arm to the shadowy figures sitting on the stone roof.
“Finn?” He squinted into the dark. “Davina?”
“Jeremy,” Finn took a look out over the rooftops and jumped down, “what are you doing here?”
“Bonnie got a message from the Other Side,” he nodded to her, “we tried calling, but every number I dialed gave me nothing but static.”
“So you drove down?”
“I drove down,” Jeremy nodded.
“A message?” Finn turned to Bonnie. “You’re a witch then?” He waited for her nod. “Perhaps you could help Davina; she’s having trouble lowering the spell.”
“What spell?” Jeremy’s eyes narrowed.
“The one concealing your sister,” Finn offered Bonnie a hand up onto the roof. “A witch has turned the cemetery into a maze.”
Bonnie sat across from Davina who had stopped chanting to stare out at the never ending tombs.
“What seems to be the problem?”
“Too much power,” Davina muttered. “I don’t know how she’s doing it. I’m a harvest witch I should be able to break through this easily; she’s got to be channeling someone.”
“Ancestors?” Bonnie guessed. “Don’t you practice ancestral magic down here?”
“It’s not them,” Davina shook her head. “They warned us about what was happening.”
“Maybe another ‘Harvest witch’?” Bonnie cocked an eyebrow.
“I can’t see any of the others wanting to help someone hurt Elena,” Davina bit her lip.
“Could be they’re not doing it willingly,” Bonnie swallowed. “Luckily for you I came prepared to help.” She held out her hands to Davina. “You know the spell and I’m channeling the magic of nearly two dozen dead witches.”
“It was rather terrifying watching her get it,” Jeremy grumbled. The dead had used something to keep him from getting to Bonnie when she had cried out in pain.
“I would imagine so,” Finn nodded.
They fell into silence as the witches began working together. A gentle wind blew through the standing graves.
Kaleb wiped the ashes from his hands and watched Elijah drape a white sheet over the bones.
“Not that I’m doubting your mother’s spell,” he dropped the rag onto the table, “but what happens when it does work?”
“Her spirit will return,” Kol closed the grimoire.
“I got that,” Kaleb nodded, “it’s what she’s returning to that bothers me. What’s to keep her from jumping again?”
“The fact that she won’t live long enough to prepare another body,” Elijah leaned back against the stone wall to wait.
“That…” Kol knelt and snapped a pair of rusted shackles around the wrist bones, “… and these.”
Klaus’ head snapped around with the wind. He pulled his hand from the ruined wall and watched as the new tombs seemed to shift and grow in the shimmering air.
After a moment the wind settled and a low moan reached him.
“Thank you Davina,” Rebekah breathed a sigh of relief and flashed off after her brother.
“Get the hell away from me!”
Rebekah froze outside a large tomb when Klaus emerged with his hand around the throat of a red headed woman.
“Celeste?” Rebekah arched an eyebrow. “It’s been a few centuries.” Her head snapped around to the groan coming from inside. “If you’ll excuse me…”
Elena held her stomach and gritted her teeth against the tugging pain in her abdomen. She felt like she was being split in two even pieces.
She flinched away from the gentle hands that settled on her stomach. Apparently the wind was only a momentary distraction.
“Elena, let me help you.”
Her eyes snapped open. Through the haze of her tears she made out blue eyes and blonde hair.
“Bekah?” She looked around frantically. “Celeste…”
“Is dead,” Klaus appeared and knelt at her other side.
“But she’ll…” Elena held her stomach and grimaced.
“Kaleb’s taken care of that,” Rebekah placed her hands on Elena’s knees, “the only body she’ll be possessing is her own.” The pit of her stomach fell when another contraction hit the brunette.
“We need to take you to a hospital,” Klaus wrapped an arm around her back. His eyes narrowed when Rebekah shook her head.
“I don’t think there’s time,” she held the edge of the sheet and waited for Elena’s nod. Closing her eyes she released a deep sigh and shook her head. “We can’t move her; she’s crowning.”
“I’m sorry… what?” Klaus held Elena’s hand and winced when she squeezed painfully.
“I can see the baby’s head,” Rebekah looked around. The only items she saw were laid out on an alter and she had no intention of touching those. “How long ago did she tell you to push?”
Rebekah shed her jacket and pulled off her black cardigan.
“I don’t know,” Elena gritted her teeth. Time had ceased to have any meaning a while ago.
“I’m thinking it’s been some time,” Rebekah folded her sweater. “Nik get behind her and support her back; Elena, I know you’re in a lot of pain but I need you to scoot your hips forward.”
“Why?” She leaned back into Klaus’ chest and took his hands.
“Because you need to push,” Rebekah took her hips and guided her forward. “On your next contraction bear down.”
“No way to stop it?” Elena took shallow breaths.
“Not at this point,” Rebekah shook her head.
“I can’t do it,” Elena tensed and strained with the contraction.
“Yes you can,” Klaus moved pushed her sweaty hair back from her face. “There is very little you can’t do, sweetheart.”
Jeremy skidded to a stop at the cloth covered table and averted his eyes as Rebekah wrapped a soft black material around a squealing baby and lowered the sheet back over Elena’s legs.
“That’s more of my sister than I ever wanted to see.”
“Jer?” Elena looked up from the small bundle being placed in her arms. Her brother only held his gaze for a moment before turning back to the baby.
“Hey,” he waved.
“Hi,” Elena murmured, but her attention was on the baby. Her finger gently moved the dark hair back.
“We rushed down…” Jeremy trailed off and looked at Rebekah. “She’s not listening to me at all is she?”
“Nope,” the blonde shook her head. Her eyes were trained on the wonderstruck expressions on the new parent’s faces. “Nik,” she took her brother’s shoulder, “maybe we should take them to the hospital now.”
“Elena,” he took her elbow and gently pulled her from the back of the car, “you don’t have to watch her sleep, sweetheart. The doctor said she was fine.”
“I don’t trust that doctor,” she watched him unhook the car seat. “What if she stops breathing, or chokes when she’s eating, or…”
Klaus pressed his fingers to her lips. Wrapping an arm around her waist he turned her to their little girl. She’d spent the first few days of her life in the NICU.
“She’s perfectly healthy,” he kissed Elena’s temple. “The doctors were amazed at how healthy she is.”
“Those doctors were pushing us out the door,” Elena crossed her arms when he lifted the carrier.
“They were pushing us out the door because she is perfectly healthy,” he closed the door and took her hand. “I’m pretty sure the only reason they kept her as long as they did was because you insisted.”
“You were just as insistent at me,” Elena walked with him up the stairs and into the house.
“For the first day,” he opened the door and was immediately greeted with a grinning Rebekah. “They gave her a clean bill of health.”
“Babies born that early can have health problems,” Elena unfastened the straps holding her in place and lifted her sleeping child into her arms.
“She’s not completely human, sweetheart,” Klaus cupped the infant’s cheek.
“I suppose not,” Elena inhaled slowly and smiled, “but…”
“First sign of trouble I will personally pick her up and run to the hospital,” Klaus swore. Nothing would have stopped him.
“Promise?” Elena met his eyes.
“You have my word,” he smiled and kissed her quickly.
“Am I going to get to hold my niece?” Rebekah bounced on the balls of her feet.
“I don’t know,” Elena frowned, “am I going to get her back?”
“Don’t do it ‘Lena,” Kol leaned on the banister, “Bex here is likely to run off with her.”
“I’m not going to kidnap her,” Rebekah rolled her eyes. “Out of everyone in this house I’m the only one that hasn’t had a hand in a kidnapping attempt.”
“I think you’re forgetting Finn,” Elena eased the baby into Rebekah’s arms.
“Is this her then?” Kol leaned over his sister’s shoulder; he and Elijah were the only ones who had yet to actually see the baby.
“No,” Elena rolled her eyes, “this one’s a loaner.”
“I think she’s mocking you,” Davina came down stairs and covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. She leaned over Rebekah’s other side and grinned down at the baby. “She looks bigger.”
“She is a little bit,” Elena crossed her arms and blinked tiredly.
“Come on love,” Klaus steered her towards the stairs, “you need to get some sleep before she wakes up hungry.” He reached for the baby.
“No,” Rebekah shook her head and smiled. “I just got her; I’ll bring her upstairs in a bit.”
“Somehow I don’t believe you,” Klaus smirked from the steps.
“I will,” Rebekah cooed, “she’ll be hungry eventually and that’s something I can’t do for her.”
When Elena opened her eyes a few hours later it was to see Klaus lifting their crying daughter from her bassinet. She sat up and held out her hands.
“Alright,” Elena yawned, “what seems to be the problem?” She popped the top buttons of her shirt.
“Would you like some help, love?” Klaus chuckled. He took the baby so Elena could finish unbuttoning her shirt. “Here you go, Claire.”
He positioned a pillow under Elena’s arm to help her support the baby.
“You’re listening…” she gasped when Claire started suckling. She wondered if she would ever get used to the tugging sensation.
“I’ve been listening to her heart since she was born,” he held her arm when she flailed. “Your mum’s a tad paranoid, sweetheart,” he smiled when her fingers curled around his thumb.
“I’m paranoid?” She smirked. “You’ve been listening to her heart beat since she was born.”
“Alright,” he smiled and kissed Elena’s cheek, “we’re both paranoid.”
“Much better,” she nodded. Laying her head on his shoulder she watched Claire’s blue eyes blink up at her.
Tag List: @rissyrapp20
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Behind Trinity Lines - Chapter Three: Welcome to the Jungle
Tags: @embracetranquilityson, @eintausendschoen, @roxlovescommanderourke4ever
Cozumel, Mexico
 It was early afternoon when Lara and Jonah arrived in Cozumel. The sun was shining, and the sky was bright blue with fluffy, white clouds. On the way into the village, Lara couldn’t help but marvel at the stunning scenery. White sandy beaches, turquoise blue waters, and vibrant green foliage surrounded them. Lara promised herself that once her business with Trinity was finally done she would take some time to just relax and enjoy life. She’d never been to Mexico before, but she already found herself quite fond of it.
“Where are we meeting your contact, Jonah?” Lara asked as the taxi came to a halt.
“A little place called La Casa Mexicana,” Jonah said. “I know the chef there.”
“Didn’t you eat on the plane?” Lara joked.
They exited the taxi, and Jonah led Lara toward a deserted courtyard. Lara immediately saw the darkened neon lights on the building ahead of them. La Casa Mexicana.
“There it is,” she said. “Let’s go.”
They were seated in a corner on the upstairs balcony overlooking the courtyard. They had only just ordered a round of drinks when Lara saw a short, heavily-built man in an apron and a ball cap approaching them.
“¡Oye, Jonah!” he called. “¿Cómo estás?”
Jonah stood and shook the man’s hand. “Lara, this is Hector Riviera.”
Hector joined them at the table, barely acknowledging Lara’s presence. She didn’t mind—she wasn’t exactly a people person anyway.
“You have some info for us?” Jonah asked.
“Dr. Dominguez has been searching for the entrance to a temple here for many years,” Hector said. “I think they are getting close. They have been bringing in more and more reinforcements.”
“Dr. Dominguez is here in Cozumel?” Lara asked. The name was familiar. She’d seen it in her father’s journals; they’d been friends before his death.
“No, I hear he is in Brazil right now. The man has fingers in many pies. The one in charge here is named Rourke. I’ve only seen him a handful of times, but he is a real pendejo.”
“So what is so important about this temple?” Lara asked.
Hector shrugged. “We do not know. Everything is very hush-hush.”
“Can you get us into the digs?” Jonah asked.
“Jonah, my friend, Dr. Dominguez and his men have been a great help to the people of this village, but they are not messing around. You need to be careful," Hector said.  “All I can do is give you the locations." 
“Is there anything else you can tell us?” Lara asked.
“I’ve had eyes on the dig closer to the city. I think that’s where their base camp is. I thought I had the front gate guard’s schedule down to a science, but they stuck a new guy up there today. A big guy with a creepy, scarred up face. Looks like he wants to strangle everyone he looks at.”
Jonah laughed. “Sounds about like Konstantin, doesn’t it, Lara?”
A wave of unease washed over Lara. She didn’t want to admit that the thought had already crossed her mind.
“I should get back to the kitchen,” Hector said. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and tossed it down onto the table. “I’ve written down the locations of all the dig sites. Good luck, my friends.”
Lara watched Hector leave the table, and she stared down at the bottle of beer a waitress had just placed in front of her.
“Something bothering you?” Jonah asked.
“What if Konstantin is here, Jonah?” Lara asked quietly.
“Don’t you trust him?” Jonah asked.
“I—I don’t know,” Lara muttered. “I want to trust him, but I’m not sure that I can.”
Jonah shrugged. “If he is here, there’s not much we can do about it . . . is there?”
Lara sighed. “I guess not.”
Jonah patted Lara’s shoulder and said, “Then don’t worry about it unless you have reason to. Let’s go back to the hotel and catch some sleep, and we’ll start checking out those dig sites tomorrow.”
“Sounds good,” she said. She pulled her cell phone from her pocket and said, “I’ll be right up.”
Lara unlocked her phone and started composing a message. K, we made it to Cozumel. Trinity is here in full force.
She sent the message and waited for the delivery notification, but it didn’t appear. Either his phone was off, or he was out of range. Konstantin always had his phone on, so Lara was once again hit with a wave of unease. If he really was there in Cozumel, she would find out sooner or later.
 *                    *                    *
  Trinity Base
Mobile, Alabama
 Commander Rourke wandered across the airplane hangar with his hands stuffed in his pockets. They were set to leave for Mexico in a matter of minutes, and he was waiting for the rest of the team to board the chopper idling outside.
The night before, for the first time in almost three years, Rourke slept in his own house in his own bed, and it felt damn good. He had never considered himself to be much of a homebody—sometimes he had trouble remembering what home was even like—but he decided that at that point in his life, at thirty-seven years old, putting down roots was sounding better and better.
His patience with Dr. Dominguez was growing thin. Dominguez had sent him on a wild goose chase all over Central and South America since the botched mission to find the Divine Source, and after almost a decade in the Special Forces, he was growing weary with living out of a duffel bag. He was always moving around, living somewhere new with new, unfamiliar people.
Rourke thought of his family back in Providence. He hadn’t seen or spoken to them in nearly ten years. He had long been seen as the black sheep of the picture-perfect Rourke family, but he was virtually disowned and disinherited when he decided to leave the Army to join the ranks of Trinity.
Trinity had changed everything for Rourke. He was respected, even revered, for his accomplishments and was put in a position where he could use his talents and experience accordingly. He didn’t have anyone to impress or satisfy. He was able to create an identity for himself that he was pleased with.
He watched from afar as Jo entered the hangar cautiously. She too was dressed in Trinity’s standard-issue hot weather uniform. Despite the masculine cut of the combat fatigues she wore, she looked incredible. Her shirt was casually unbuttoned, and Rourke could see the tiny gold cross necklace she’d worn for as long as he could remember.
Her saw her face go white the moment she laid eyes on the black utility helicopter nicknamed Cardinal Two. He felt bad for a moment; she’d told him over a year ago that she was done with Trinity, and he pulled her back in despite everything that had gone on in Siberia.
When Rourke finally boarded the chopper and gave the order to move out, he sat down in the empty seat beside Jo. As they prepared for take off, he heard her draw in a deep breath as she stared at the seat directly in front of her.
“You okay?” Rourke asked as he buckled himself into his seat. He knew she wasn’t.
Jo shook her head. “The last time I was on one of these birds . . . it was crashing.”
She pulled her duffel into her lap and fished around inside it until she found a bottle of pills. She popped one into her mouth and clenched her eyes shut.
“What are those?” Rourke asked with concern.
“Benzos,” Jo muttered. “How long is this flight?”
“About four hours,” Rourke said.
“Fuck,” she said under her breath. “Jesus Christ, why did I agree to this?” Jo said.
Rourke reached toward her and offered her his hand.
Jo ignored his gesture and said, “I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine.”
She was clearly not fine.
The cabin rocked slightly as the chopper ascended, and Jo drew in a sharp breath. She grabbed Rourke’s still outstretched hand and clenched her eyes shut.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Rourke said.
Jo squeezed his hand tightly and said, “I will be so happy when this thing lands.”
“Jo, look at me,” Rourke said earnestly.
Jo slowly opened her eyes and turned to face him.
“You’re safe,” he reassured. “You’re not alone.”
Jo nodded her head slowly and turned her attention back onto the empty seat across from her.
“Hey,” Rourke said, “do me a favor and don’t throw up in my lap this trip.”
Jo groaned. “I’d almost forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me.”
Rourke laughed softly. “No problem.”
“So what are we doing in Cozumel?” Jo asked, her voice still trembling.
“Dr. Dominguez is running a few digs on the island.”
“Dr. Dominguez?” Jo asked with surprise. “So this must be a pretty big deal for you and him both to be running things.”
Rourke sighed and rubbed his beard with his free hand. “Honestly, Jo? There aren’t many of us left. Croft has been a busy little bitch the past year.”
Rourke felt Jo bristle next to him at the mere mention of her name.
“So is that why you called me, too? Because there was no one else left?”
“No,” Rourke said. “I wanted you back.”
Jo met his eyes again.
“We used to be so close, and then with the Army and med school, we lost a lot of time.”
Jo gave him a small smile. “I see what you’re saying—in your long, convoluted way of putting it. I’ve missed you too.”
Rourke smiled to himself as Jo turned away from him again.
Jo closed her eyes and finally let herself relax in her seat. “So I hope this assignment is like 95% working on my tan and 5% actually treating patients.”
“I hope so, too,” Rourke said a little uneasily.
He knew that once they arrived in Cozumel Croft wouldn’t be far behind.
 *                    *                    *
  Cozumel, Mexico
 Konstantin shielded his eyes from the scorching sun and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He was wearing heavy cargo pants and a tactical vest—far too many layers for the current weather in Mexico. He had only just arrived a few hours before, and he already didn’t appreciate being volunteered for watch in an open area during the hottest time of day. He supposed Rourke was punishing him by giving him all the duties no one else wanted to make some sort of an example out of him.
He was starting to get lightheaded from the heat, so he stripped off the vest, tossing it to the ground. Getting shot at that point would’ve been sweet relief from the damn heat. He rolled up his sleeves and wiped his face again. He sighed with irritation as he glanced down at his watch. He only had an hour left until someone else came to relieve him.
Konstantin was scanning the treeline, looking for anything interesting, when he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned to see a tall, very tan, and very well-groomed man in an officer’s uniform. His eyes dropped to the name patch on his chest. Winters.
Winters shielded his eyes from the sun and said, “Commander Rourke sent me to tell you that your backup got detained, so you’re going to have to stick it out a few more hours.”
Konstantin clenched his jaw and said, “Yes, sir.”
Winters smirked at him and said, “You got a problem with that, Miller?”
“No problem at all, Winters,” Konstantin said through gritted teeth.
“It’s Commander Winters,” he said smugly. “So I guess you won’t mind pulling a double, then?”
“Even better,” Konstantin said. He tightened his grip on his rifle to keep himself from taking a swing at him.
Winters’ radio crackled. “This is Rourke. Winters, I want all dig sites rigged with explosives. I don’t want anyone getting inside unless they’re supposed to be in there.”
Konstantin’s gut wrenched into a knot. He knew that Lara was probably already in Cozumel, and it was only a matter of time before she found her way into Trinity’s business. He hadn’t yet taken the time to consider what he would do if they crossed paths. He knew he was going to have to figure out where he stood with all of it before they found themselves face to face, or he knew it wouldn’t be pretty.
Konstantin watched Winters walk away and then turned his attention back to the gate.  Just then it rolled open, and he found himself staring straight at her.  It was Jo, staring right back at him, just as surprised as he was.
Jo wrapped her arms around herself uncomfortably. “Konstantin.”
“How are you?”
“I’m well,” Jo said.
“How long have you been here?” Konstantin asked.
“I just got here a few hours ago,” Jo said.
“I had no idea you’d be here.”
A strained silence fell between them before Jo finally said, “Listen, I’d love to catch up, but I’m late for . . . a thing.”
She started to walk away, but Konstantin yelled after her. “You could’ve taken my calls! I’ve been trying to find you for months.”
Jo stopped and slowly turned to face him.
“I had no way of knowing if you were okay,” Konstantin said sternly.
Jo put her hands on her hips and cocked her head. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
He braced himself for her worst. “Maybe this isn’t the best time to talk about this.”
“This is the perfect time to talk about it since you brought it up, Konstantin. Where should I start?”
Konstantin stared at her blankly.
“You fucked Trinity’s Most Wanted. You forced me onto that chopper with you. You hit me. You put my life in danger.”
Konstantin frowned. “Jo, you are being overly dramatic about all of this.”
“I almost fucking died, Konstantin!” Jo shouted.
“I never meant to hurt you.”
Jo pointed her finger at him and said, “I was nothing but loyal to you for six years. I was always there for you, and I never asked for anything in return. I never bothered you with my problems. But I guess I was expecting too much to think that you’d show some loyalty to me. I loved you for six years, Konstantin. For six years. And you knew. But you didn’t give a shit. So, no, I didn’t take your calls because I thought it would be for the best that we don’t talk anymore.”
“Everything okay here?”
Konstantin and Jo both turned abruptly to see Rourke standing behind them.
Jo backed away from Konstantin and joined Rourke. “I was just leaving.”
 Once they were out of earshot, Jo rounded on Rourke.
“So did you forget to mention that he would be here, or did you do it on purpose?” she demanded.
“I don’t know what went down between you two, but it must’ve been some serious shit.”
“Yeah, it was,” Jo said darkly.
“I didn’t tell you because I knew this is how you would react,” Rourke said with annoyance. “I’ll make sure you don’t have to deal with him again.”
“You better,” Jo said. She poked him in the chest and said, “Or I will rip your dick off and shove it so far up your ass that you’ll taste cock for the rest of your life.”
He smirked and said, “So . . . we still drinking tonight?”
Jo rolled her eyes and walked away.
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fernwehbookworm · 6 years
Knight of Kandor- Chapter 2
It took nearly a fortnight to make our way to Kandor. The army had been deep in disputed border lands. Luckily some of my training included map reading and navigation when I began to show promise for command. I had never been to Krypton's capital city so I had to rely on that training to get us there. When we crested the last hill, I made us halt for the night, looking down on the flatlands that surrounded the walls.
"But there is plenty of light to make it before dark." John protests, no doubt hoping for an actual bed.
"I have never been to court, but I plan on doing it without weeks of travel and dirt on myself and my horse." John dismounts, I don't and he looks up at me questioningly.
"Start setting up camp. I am going to the stream we passed at the bottom of the hill. When I return you will go and bathe also." He nods and begins unloading the cart attached to his horse.
My horse makes the easy decent quickly. The sun was still high in the sky when I reached the stream. The stream was deep and the water still cool despite the heat of summer. I find a place where trees and undergrowth live close to the water. I unsaddle comet and allow my beautiful white horse to wade into the stream to drink. I strip myself and grab the bar of soap I made sure to keep in my saddle bags. I made it a point to seek out soap makers in major towns we passed near on campaign. I wade into the water next to Comet, where it comes up to my waist. I wash my hair and body, feeling the dirt and dust wash away in the slow-moving current. It felt so damn good. Then I wash my wrapping and tunic, laying them both on a flat rock to dry in the sun. I grab my wooden travel bowl from the saddles and use it to shovel water onto Comets back. By the end, I barely have enough soap left to hold. I make a mental note to search the capitol for some when I get the chance.
I lead Comet back to the shore so he can dry himself. I dress in spare clothing that are loose and little used but will do for tonight. Using fresh straw in the saddlebags, I rub Comet down to dry him. Saddled, I walk beside him back up the hill to see how John is doing.
John has done a lot. Both of our tents are erected, a fire burns hot between them, and his own horse is groomed and tied to a tree so it can graze on the lush hillside grass. I hand John the last of the soap and he descends the hill on foot. I tie Comet with John's horse and unsaddle him. I find my bow in my tent and descend the opposite side of the hill in search of game. We had dried meat and hard loaves but I wanted something more filling.
Within an hour I manage to kill a rabbit, a clean shot through its eye. I make my way back to the fire and have the rabbit cleaned and roasting on a spit before John returns. I leave John to tend the meat and dig out the rest of our rations for an actual meal. I compose my last letter to the Prince from the isolation of my tent. Letting him know we arrived at the city and that this would be my last report to him. I had sent letters during our travel as John and I stopped in various towns. I would have him send the last when we arrived tomorrow.
When I emerge again I see that John actually fetched water and was making a thin soup with the fresh meat, a few shrunken vegetables, and the rest of the dried meat. He had the dry loaves ready to soak up the broth. However, the boy had wits enough to keep some of the fresh meat out of the thin broth. John rolled a log to either side of the fire for seats. He hands me a leg being kept warm on a flat rock near the flames.
I give John a small approving nod and sit with him. I had learned early to hide my emotions, allowing almost nothing but battle rage to break my calm exterior. John now sought out these small gestures once he learned it was the only approval he would ever receive from me. After the leg, I have a small bowl of soup and one of the three hard rolls. I let the growing boy eat the rest. Then I send him to bed and take first watch while I polish my armor. I hadn't worn the full plate mail since leaving the army an I was starting to feel nervous. I had some training on how to conduct myself around royalty and had spent time with the Prince, but proper conduct was very loose surrounded by men on a killing field.
I wake John for his watch and sleep restlessly for a couple hours. Then, like always, I dress myself in full armor for our arrival. John was disappointed his first few weeks as my squire. when he arrived to find me dressed without his assistance, but soon he came to accept it with every one of my other quirks. I believe that he thought it was my low birth and lack of a formal education.
We move about the camp in a comfortable silence. A rhythm that only people who had spent a year traveling together could have. We reach the moat surrounding the city before noon. The city was in a large flat valley, surrounded by grasslands and rolling hills. The river cut through the land on the west side of the city. Any attackers would be completely exposed long before reaching the outer wall and moat. The moat closes at sunset each night, which is part of the reason I stopped early the day before.
Soldiers halt us before we cross the bridge. After presenting them with the parchments from both prince and Queen, riders are sent ahead and soldiers fell in alongside us. The capital city was sectioned off in four concentrate circles of walls. Each wall rose taller than the one before, the castle on the crest of the hill in the center of the city. The guard changed at each new gate. Obviously status and money increased at each new level of the city. The sun was sitting low in the sky by the time we reached the final gate. Crowds pressed in about us, barely moving out of the way for the armored men shoving through, as they finish their shopping and business for the day.
The final gate groans open in front of us. The doors were easily taller than me five times over. Each took two large plow horses on the other side to pull open. I was beginning to realize the castle was a fortress and also how hard it would be for an assassin to breach the walls. From my short education, I knew the castle had never been taken in its history. Most sieges could barely pass the outer wall of the city.
In the large cobblestone courtyard, young stable hands took our horses and our latest vanguard led us into one of the biggest building I have ever seen. I refused to look up because I knew whatever I saw would break my calm composure. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see John's head craned back, mouth gaping. I adjust the baldric over my shoulder and lift the hilt slightly to check and see if it was clear of the scabbard, a nervous tick that I could not kick. I focus on the back of the guard in front me, refusing to be impressed or allow my low birth to show. In my peripheral vision, I see us pass through a grand entrance hall, down a large corridor, and stop in front of a large oaken door. Guards on either side pull them open so we can file through. Our steps echo loudly in the large open room. Tapestries hang the length of the room bearing the royal families crest. A black diamond-like shield on a field of emerald green. Emblazoned on the shield is an ornate letter L embossed in gold.
Two thrones sat on a platform, one clearly larger and more ornate than the other. Around the thrones stood a few men and women, richly dressed and standing tall. Each one, however, was put to shame by the women sitting in the middle of them. On the more ornate throne was the Queen. A cold power emanated from her. My knees grew weak at the gaze of her dark eyes. I felt like she could see all of me, my deepest secrete. They trapped me and I could not look anywhere else because I feared if I did she would expose me.
"Presenting Sir Kal El Ward. Sworn knight of the Prince, Protector of the Queen-in-waiting. " The page announces, his voice carrying easily and surely in the large room. I kneel, now formally introduced, and bow my head. I feel every eye in front of and behind me searing against my skin.
"Rise, Sir Ward." An emotionless voice says above me. It is sharp and clear but leaves me on edge. I do as the Queen bids, drawing back to my full height, chin held proudly upward. I meet the cold azure eyes that bore into my own. I have to force my face to remain expressionless while the queen examines me in the silence of the hall.
"You were not born to be a knight," she states, I fear my voice would betray so I simply nod.
"But you have bested all the men serving my son and proven your worth time and time again." I nod.
"All with no formal education, only the necessary skills needed for command." Another nod.
"Which is why you fear to speak." The last question catches me off guard. I clear my throat and finally open my mouth to speak.
"Yes, your majesty." I choose the safest most formal address I knew. The corner of the queen's mouth twitch, betraying her amusement.
"Good, he can speak. That will make this much easier. You are expected to learn everything you need for court while protecting my daughter, your future queen." At the mention of the Queen-in-waiting, I finally look at her.
My mouth goes dry and my heart thuds in my ears. Her eyes are so green and sharp that I feel them pierce into my soul. Behind the coldness in them is an emotion I cannot quite decipher. Was it resentment, hate, or maybe even just indifference? The sharp features of her face are framed by wavy hair, as black as raven's wings. She wore a green dress that perfectly matched her eyes and the color of the Luthor coat of arms. She sits with her back rigid and no emotion in her features. I see her make a small movement that I take for a nod and return my gaze to the queen with some trouble. Breath fills my lungs again that I did not know I had lost.
"Now for your tutors. You will spend every morning before daybreak with a different one. Lady Catherine will teach you proper court behavior, manners, and whatever else she sees fit. Master Winslow will see to your reading and lettering. Sir James is our Master at Arms and will continue your training. Every fourth morning you will report to me with your tutors to review your progress."
As Queen Lillian spoke each name, the person belonging to it gave a nod. Lady Catherine was a stick of a woman, her face hard and hair pulled back in an intricate braid. She looked like a proud woman, one I should never cross. Master Winslow was a small, pale man with light brown hair. A smile barely kept from his face was enough to show me someone who loved his job. Sir James was a dark-skinned man, head shaved close to the scalp, his armor the green of the Luthor's with the crest emblazoned on the chaste plate. Suddenly I am aware of how damaged and cheap my own armor is. Sir James seemed just as happy as Master Winslow but was better able to hide it.
"Now Sir James will inform you of our safety measures and familiarize you with the castle and surrounding grounds."
Sir James descends the platform, stops next to me, and turns back to face the group he just left. He bows, I follow his lead, just a breath behind. The Queen dismisses us with a wave of her hand and I follow the master at arms out of the hall.
We walk briskly through the castle, even so, the tour takes up the rest of the day remaining. Sir James talking the whole time, bothered by the one-sided conversation. Torches are being lit when we finally reach a dead end hallway. The entrance to it is guarded by two men on either side. At the end of the hallway is another large double door, on one side is a smaller door.
"That is your room, right across from the princesses. Sorry, Queen-in-waiting. I watched that girl grow up and I am still not used to the new title. She turned twenty-five but to me, she is still five years old running around the castle barefoot." he seems to realize what he just said and clears his throat.
"Be at Lady Catherine's personal chambers tomorrow morning. After that, you will start your duties, send your squire to me if you require guidance. I will also help you in our own sessions. Dinner will be severed in an hour in the lesser hall." Without a further word he turned and left.
I open the door to my new home. My belongings are already at the foot of my bed in the small chamber. John must have been the one to bring it up because nothing is unpacked and he knows I do not like my stuff touched. I throw the bolt on the door and make a mental note to have something stronger put in place. I began loosening the straps on my armor and placing it carefully on the bed. I find a washbasin in the corner and smile at the warm water, meaning John had it heated for me. He knew how much I hated being dirty, I spent much more of my pay than I should have on those soaps I love. It was a luxury not many could afford or would try to. I had no more now but I stripped completely and used the soft cloth to wash the sweat and dirt from my body.
I dressed in my bust tunic and boots, well best of the three I owned. I descended to the hall that Sir James had shown me earlier. I sat in a corner and a serving girl placed a plate laden with food in front of me. I pick at the rich fair that is almost too much for my stomach. I grew up on plain food and lived on army rations since I was fourteen, I feared the rich food would make me ill. Instead, I pick up my tankard of ale and watch the hall while I sip it slowly. I watch interactions of the people in the room. Most the men are loud and boisterous, the women fair and flirting. I felt a stranger looking on a different world.
Suddenly my view was blocked by a grinning, bright-eyed, man. My eyes focus on Master Winslow's face and I stare unblinkingly back. Some of the eagerness leaves his face at my expressionless features but he speaks anyways.
"I cannot believe you are actually here. Rumors of your deeds of valor have reached us even this far north. I mean, I can not find any other account of a peasant boy rising so high and so quickly. I should know, I am the court scribe and bookkeeper. I have read thousands of reports and..." He trails off at the lack of reactions from me.
"You are a very serious man." I nod. Somehow he finds this funny and laughs.
"I think I am going to like teaching you." I stand and look down at him.
"Goodnight, Master Winslow."
"Winn," he says and I give him a questioning look.
"My friends call me Winn."
I nod and leave, my feet growing heavier with every step on my way back to my room. I throw the bolt and quickly strip and fall into bed. It was the softest thing I had ever felt and I fell quickly into a deep sleep.
I watched the blond man's back as he left with James. The rest of our party left shortly after the two knights. Leaving me alone with mother and my two guards.
"I do not need another guard mother. I do not even wish to have the ones already I do." I say icily.
"I do not care what you wish. An attempt was made on your life and this constant cycle of guards is dangerous, hence the personal guard. Not only that, a guard who has fought our enemy, who has learned how they think and gone above and beyond to defeat them. Sir Kal has proven his worth so you will be protected by him. Now return to your ladies. Tomorrow night will be a feast welcoming the war hero home." Queen Lillian leaves no room to protest as she purposefully strides out of the room.  Leaving me in an empty hall with only the silent guards. Lillian Luthor had a way with long-winded speeches that did not let the other person respond.
I sigh and head to the sitting room where I know my ladies-in-waiting were anticipating my return. Planning the feast fell to us so the room becomes a flurry of activity. Pages are sent out to invite Dukes, Earls, and anyone else with any remote royal standing or titles. Most the ladies leave to set about the necessary tasks such as decor, entertainment, and food. I am left with the one person I trust fully and the guards standing just outside the door. She is the only friend I have too. Jessica continues to work on the embroidery in her hands, a bandage still wrapped around her palm. It slows her movements and causes her to wince occasionally. I sit and stare into the fire. The stillness of the room and the soft cracking of the flames cause my thoughts to wonder.
Jess and I were walking through the royal gardens. They were closed to all but those of the royal court. She was babbling on about some knight in the army that was rumored to have fought through twenty men to each the Prince, who was surrounded with only his squire to protect him. It all sounded so embellished and ridiculous but Jessica was ecstatic so I nodded and smiled and made all the approving sounds a friend should.  Around the bend in the path, a tall figure appears. I nearly run into the man but draw up just short. Jessica stops next to me as well, her feet at the same time as her mouth.
"Jackson!" I exclaim, a grin spreading across my face. His expression matches mine. He takes my hand and bows to place a soft kiss on the back of it.
"My lady, we have talked about this. Please call me Jack." Jack's hand lingers in mine just a moment too long but the feel of his skin sends heat through my entire body. From the corner of my eye, I see Jessica step back a little as Jack transfers my hand to his arm and begin to walk the way he came. Jessica stays a few steps behind us as we stroll arm and arm through my favorite place in the castle. The gardens were always so peaceful and one of the few places I could be myself without prying eyes of gossiping servants and members of the court.
We walk down the path, I point out different plants and each time Jack whispers that it isn't as beautiful as me, my smile grows with each compliment. I had known the man since we were children. His family lived in the southernmost lands of Krypton but Jack and his father were often at court. We knew it was purposeful, our parents conspiring to have us married but we were both fine with that. He was the tall dark and handsome type that every woman swooned for. A strong jaw covered by a well-groomed dark beard. Dark eyes that never strayed from mine even when surrounded by fawning women. Jack always danced with me and no other at any feast or celebration. I knew one day soon he would ask my mother's permission to marry me.
We stopped just short of the door that led back to the castle. The gardens were nestled in the courtyard surrounded by the sprawling walls of my home. The only entrance was where we stood, guards posted on the other side of the door. Jack turns toward me and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His hand rests on my cheek. I know what comes next. It had never gone further than a kiss but I always craved more. Jack refused me only to claim the defense of my honor. I close my eyes and lean into him.
My head snaps to the side as my shoulder hits the door hard. A scream rips through the air and when my vision focuses again I see Jessica standing over me. She grips the blade of a knife that Jack pulls back from her grasp, causing it to slice deeper into her flesh. Another cry escapes her lips. Jack roughly pushes the brave, stupid, girl to the side.
"I am sorry Lena. But they have my family. If I do this they will let them live and grant us lands and titles in Cadmium."
I do not even have time to think of a response before the loud thunk of metal hitting flesh and bone. Jack crumples and Sir James appears behind him, fist still extended from his own downward strike to Jack's head.
"That's Queen-in-waiting to you." James pulls me to my feet and guards outside the door follow him in.
"My lady? My lady?" a hand on my shoulder shakes me from my dark thoughts. Jessica of course.
"My lady, it is time to dress for supper." I nod and allow her to lead me to my rooms. I nod and allow her to lead me to my rooms.
A man exits the only other room in the hall. He was dressed in a blue tunic with gold trimming. It looked well worn and a little out of place in the ornate castle. His blues eyes pass over me as he turns back to lock the door he just exited. They are made all the sharper by the cloth he wears. His hair was so yellow that it was almost golden, which was also out of place this far north, especially among the nobility. It was Sir Kal. He was leaner than his armor had lead me to believe. Sir Kal turned the key in the lock and left without sparing me a second glance.
"That's him. The man who saved the Prince." Jessica whispers as we enter my chambers.
Chapter 3
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gorthol-mormegil · 6 years
The Barring of the Gate to Nekyia and the Fall of Sariza of the Roads
So this is a fic that sparked from an idea I had that Vaenia, ya know the porn flick, was actually a trashy corruption of an ancient asari romantic legend regarding an primordial republic's leading political family's final matrician and the captain of their guard during a time where a tyrant seized control through a coup.
Longer four part story short the captain, Benria, is killed by the tyrant's captain after they fled for their lives and the rest of the third book is spent searching for Piares to beg for her soul, contained in a magic device,  to be re-housed. The captain eventually atarts to catch up with the small band they had managed to scrape together just as they find the entrance to Nekyia, Piares' city in the polar caps. 
Sarizia, the last wandering knight of an even older kingdom, and a prototype of old Justicar codes of conduct, thats esentially an entire living heroic tradition herself, counsels the matrician to leave her behind.
Given tgis is the third thing I've ever wrote for pleasure that I've actually completed and it was all typed on an extremely frustrating phone keyboard, I would love to know everyone's thoughts on how this work holds up to someone other than the author.
The dictators actual name is so close to the word tyrant in most Thessian languages that is sometimes an exercise in futility to try and parse out tyrant and Tyrant from old texts with any degree of certanity. For clairity, sanity and tradition she's refered to by her title alone in most translations.
The sel is an old Thessian measurement equal to about 14.67 inches or 37.08 centimeters.
"These bones know battlefields my liege-" spake Sarizia, "-here at the gate a single spear, even one as rusted as this, could seem legion to those who try and cross her. They know also that the riders were but a herald for a fast aproaching columun that we cannot outrun but only delay."
The exile chewed on the elder matriarch's words, still trying to find a way to cast stones under Velan's cart without loss. Soon, she sighed, her metral bent in acepptance of the need.
"You speak truth Sarizia. But how long can this pass be held against Velan's thrust?"
The warrior paused lost in clouds of memory and battles past; perhaps wishing for long ago winds to push against her back in that dark defile. To those gathered she seemed as stone. Tapping Aiglo once upon the rock she straightened and her gaze was lifted to the fog cast road behind:
"Once I could say none could pass my shield here and that it would take many weeks for them to find a crack. Yet my crest has withered from those heights now, all I can offer to you is a garuntee that you would find a way to the depths of Nekyia and perhaps a solution to both you and your bond's problems," With those words Sarizia turned to gird herself in panoply for the last trumpet call.
Turning to the small band Ontia felt the yoke of a world upon her shoulders and even as Mythixila's voice began she silenced it with a wave. There was no time for even a small forum among the dust, she was a general conserving the bulk of her strength for more more favorable ground instead of a matrician vying for agreement in that desperate hour. With a tremor the fellowship turned away from the hero of their youth onto the shadowed bridge leading deeper into cold darkness. Clutching Benria to her heart she strode forward to Piares fog hidden halls.
Sarizia Road Walker, long legend closing, took Sanaris' helm from her pack as the footfalls of her companions faded into a place where only her spirit would see. Smiling at the empty metal she spoke words to it like wayward child returned to their mother's tomb after a life spent apart. No one could hear that confession in that place of bones, the cold north wind blowing at her back bearing sole witness to the beginning of a final duty an apprentince gave to the master. But before long Velan found the portal and those words exchanged still ring in the aurals of those who seek strength in old bones.
"Who stands here?"
"It is I: the judge of Aethan, the hooded friend, slayer of the Hound of Timatha, the defender of the unheard and last Iurisar of Thenos."
"Speak you name or stand aside."
"What shall you do if I say my mother given name?"
"That will be detemined matriarch. But you risk my wrath if you vex us further."
Sarizia laughed, a hoarse note among the gathering gloom, "Very well impatient one, but you should know it well by now. For my name comes crying from the lips of those you burn out of home, those whose right to consensus is stolen from them by fear of knives in-"
"Enough of this. Your *name* you isolent old fool!"
"You? *You*? You are old and pale. Submit to wisdom and your death will be swifter."
With a shout Velan's van surged forward toward the brightly shining figure before them. Fifteen times they came upon Sarizia and fifteen times they where cast back and each time she repulsed the she beat her shield once with Aiglo like a great brass drum that sounded like the heavens opening upon the plain. Wrath was her point and fury her biotics in that melee, with each attempt Velan's band quailed sooner and sooner for the Road Walker's eyes and blood ran with new fire that was stoked by each body that crumpled before her stroke and lay as testament to her fell skill. After the fifteenth time Velan called a halt to the slaughter, for none could withstand the furor contained in the blows Sarizia gave for long and did nothing but grow the number beneath Sarizia's boots.
Sensing the reluctance before her Sarizia laughed again as they pulled away from the doom that stood before them in the growing twilight. She rested herself on Aiglo for a breath and beheld the charnel pit grown before her; bowing her head once in scorn she tore the armor off her right breast and cried:
"Come now, my heart is bared to you. Surely one among your mighty numbers can find their way around my shield?"
Oh, if Velan's heart was not bent onto dark paths and darker treacheries Sarizia's tale would not end in defiance and pain; curse her heart. Curse treachery in any form.
Rage fired Velan's nerves at the barb, without a thought the trumpet call for a charge was sounded and the black heart herself surged at the fore of that new tide. Crashing on Sarizia's aegis Velan redoubled the call but it was like a child trying to shout down a hurricane. There Sarizia's talent was tested to it's utmost as it always is before the end comes. Nonetheless Sarizia, true to her words, gave not but a half sel to the throng before her like it was the Bronze Legion itself holding the gate to Piares realm.
Oh how Aiglo reaped a harvest in that final twilight; a loyal servant to a end so near. Keen was it's ice like tip and it whispered through air like the finger of Athame casting judgement. Oh how her silvered helm caught Parnitha's last light upon it's brow like a beacon of hope in fog clouded times. Oh how it shined.
With time came some measure of twisted reason in Velan's poisonous mind: she could not assail the gate with strength of force unless a full banner of the Tyrant's hand was brought to bear. Withdrawing once again across the violet painted clay she whispered words of treachary to a liuetenant and as they reassembled Velan lingered between the lines. Casting her arms into the signal of tethnamostra she called:
"I remember your name now o great Sarizia Elessara and I know now the legends of your prowess are but dew compared tp the ocean. I call you to grapple to stem the purposeless loss of maiden blood. Avail over me and you will be troubled no more, submit to me and your oath to Lady T'nuvias will be forgetten for a newer road. This I swear on Tevura's name as true."
One last time the firey laughter of youth flew from Sarizia's throat as she upheld her arms in answer before turning to the straps and buckles of her panoply for feckless vigor rushed in her veins in that hour. Blind she was to the truest depths of malice lurking in some hearts even after a lifetime and a half, if she only had a glimse much heartache could be undone. Finishing she rose to her full height, standing tall among the gore pit around like a lighthouse before a wine dark temptest. Undetered by age she strode forward to a place equisdistant between Velan amd her goal.
"I accept, though my heart fears oil beneath the waters. No matter though, for even unlimbered I am match for your guard. Come, subdue me if you can."
Long they grappled, new thews almost even against memories of countless matches and rightous hatred. Far into the dawn's light the two strove against each other; battering their foe with blows that would shatter any other body like aged kindling but neither breaking off. Oh, how it was like the sparring of titans in that cold dell. At the hour the wertas' crow could be heard on some faraway plain Velan saw a chance for her wretched gambit to start and sprung past Sarizia's guard with a leap toward the stone where Aiglo lay; seizing the mighty spear she, curse the demon's heart to the four winds, lashed at Sarizia's eye's darkening half the world with a single stroke. Stumbling back at the venom unleashed at her Sarizia gave a howl that sounded through Nekyia's dark halls to those who she had given her utmost to protect and incensed almost beyond reason she charged the villian like a avalanche at it's zenith. Velan, twist tounged, nearly shrank from the wrath of the Colossus of Dilzana come for her. Oh, if she had listened to that voice. Wading in herself, Velan took blows now that pulped bone to marrow before finding a gap among the fury. Ramming forth Aiglo with all her strength Velan pierced through Sarizia side. Aiglo, shivered and malused, burst in Velan's hand, perhaps as a final token apology to the one who carried her over long highways by wounding the aggresor with many shards.
Yet still Sarizia was the better there and those around her quailed at the furor of the wounded matriarch. But fog soon took from her the greater part of her strength and they bound her with chains to imprison her waning might. So Sarizia, her deeds uncountable, did fall under the gentle press of a northern wind - though she lingered long in the Tyrant's grasp until she cast herself from Vaenia's highest tower to the quiet stones of the plazas below.
When the dead were carted away the steel of the fallen were cast into a cairn eight sels high in hopes their deeds would crumble to dust given time. Many years later the abandoned shields, their bronze rent and torn, were pulled from that defile for part in the new bell that hung opposite the great common hall of Vaenia; to serve as a watch and alarm for those who would follow in the Tyrant's shadow. Of Sanaris' helm Calmasa, granddaughter of Lieratha, braved the chasm's rock to untold depths to retrieve it from gloom it was thrown in order that it's splendor would not be lost. Aiglo, faithful to her bearer's cause after parting, soon shone bright on Benria's belt as she scaled the walls of her home to smite the Tyrant with fury unending. Velan Dark Heart met her judgement the soonest, in those twisting cyclopean halls so jealously guarded by spirits even more terrible than she.
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altughuner-blog · 5 years
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Govardhan Parvat, Yamuna and Braj Bhumi – these are the only three things that have existed since the time of Sri Krishna. So, tells me the boatman who took me on a boat ride on the Yamuna in Mathura. It was repeated by every priest I spoke to, every learned man I interacted with in Braj Bhumi. Everything else you see belongs to the Bhaktas – the devotees of Radha Krishna. Not that bhaktas are treated any less in Braj.
Govardhan Puja at Braj Bhumi
At Govardhan, the hill and every stone of this hill are sacred. You see the stones being worshipped everywhere. Somewhere they are decorated and given a human feel with eyes and makeup, at another place they are worshipped just like that. Priests will show you the signs of feet or cows or Radha Krishna on these stones. They believe these stones have seen Radha Krishna do their Leela and they carry their imprints. Each stone is treated like Krishna and Radha.
They say the stones should not be taken out of Braj Bhumi. You will hear stories of people who tried to smuggle the stones out of Braj Bhumi and met with disaster. Ecology is best preserved with rituals I guess.
A Parikrama or circumambulation of the Govardhan Parvat is very popular among the devotees. Around the year you can see people doing the Parikrama. This time in Braj Bhumi, I decided to do the Parikrama of Govardhan Parvat. I did it on an e-rickshaw. First things I discovered was the different types of Parikrama that you can do.
Different Types of Govardhan Parikrama
108 Dandvat Parikrama of Govardhan Parvat
Walking Parikrama – This is the most common and probably the easiest way to do Parikrama. You start at a point and walk in the clockwise direction with the Govardhan Hill always on your right and finish at the same point. Depending on how fast you walk, walking Parikrama can be done in 6-8 hours not counting any rest stops you take.
Doodh Parikrama – In this Parikrama you hold a pot of milk in your hand as you walk or drive around Govardhan Parvat. You keep offering the milk continuously. Most of the times, people make a small hole in the pot and just hold it as they move. As you walk, you can see the lines of milk on the path.
Sohni Seva Parikrama – This is a parikrama done with a broom, where you clean as you do the Parikrama. The name of this parikrama itself says – the one that makes the place beautiful. How incredible! Imagine a built-in system to make sure that a place that is visited and worshipped by so many cleans itself.
Dandvat Parikrama – Dandvat means doing the Parikrama with your whole body. You lie on the floor with your both hands, both feet, both knees, chest, and forehead touching the ground. You mark where your hands reach with a stone and then stand at the same place to again touch your whole body to the ground. It is very difficult. After each Dandvat you do a Pranam. People who do this regularly take about 8-10 days to finish it. They do a part of it every day.
Couple Dandvat Parikrama – In a great example of Ardhnarishwara, many couples do the Dandvat Parikrama together. Alternate Dandvats is done by the husband and the wife. This reduces the effort spent by half. I saw many couples doing a Dandvat, where the wife starts from where the husband’s hands reach and then, husband stands where the wife’s hand touch the ground.
108 Dandvat Parikrama – This will amaze you. In this, the devotee carries 108 stones with him. He does 108 Dandvats at the same place before moving on. I saw many Sadhus doing this Dandvat on the Govardhan Parikrama. You have to see them to believe, how hard it is. It takes years for one Parikrama to be done. You cannot move more than 5-10 meters in a day. You will see many of these piles of stones throughout the Parikrama path. It tells you the number of people undertaking this. It seems they would be doing this for most of their lives. Where else have you seen such dedication?
How long is Govardhan Parikrama?
The whole Govardhan Parikrama route passing by the various temple, ponds, and groves is about 21 km.
Every Shila or Rock is Worshiped
Soft Earth walking path on most of the route allows you to walk easily, even barefoot, like the most walk. This path was pretty clean and broad in most places. Only when the villages pop up, you need to walk on the tar road.
Govardhan Parikrama route is pretty easy to do, with literally no ups and downs. At many places, you have the option to walk along the road or walk through the trees close to the hill.
Govardhan Parikrama Route
It is a circular route that goes around the Govardhan Parvat. You can start and end the Parikrama from anywhere on the route, with your Sankalp. I will narrate as I did it.
Daanghati Mandir
Most people coming from Mathura start the Parikrama from Daanghati Mandir. The temple façade showcases the Krishna carrying Govardhan Parvat on his little finger is relatively news.
Daanghati Mandir at Govardhan
Daanghati temple gets its name from the Daan or tax that little Krishna used to collect from Gopikas who wanted to do Govardhan Puja. Once they gave Radha to him as Daan, which is precisely what he wanted.
It is actually a temple complex with many small temples. A Govardhan rock is decorated in a way that it looks alive and human. This is what is worshipped everywhere in Govardhan.
Laxmi Narayan Temple
Laxmi Narayan Mandir
Opposite the Daanghati temple is lovely Laxminarayan temple in stone, built in 1903 by a wealthy family of Hathras. Next to the police station, there is a small area marked for Govardhan Puja that is done every morning and evening. This is a rather modern structure.
Mansi Ganga
Mansi Ganga is a sacred lake in the middle of Govardhan village. It is said that once Nand and Yashoda, the foster parents of Sri Krishna wanted to visit Ganga. On their way, they halted here for the night. By morning, Krishna brought the Ganga here from his mind, and it got the name Mansi Ganga.
Mansi Ganga at Braj Bhumi
This lake is surrounded by many temples. As I took a walk around the lake, I could see the Govardhan rocks being worshipped outside every home, in every temple, and under every tree. The lanes around Mansi Ganga have lovely little houses that take you back in time. I saw intricate paintings under the arches of some of the temples. The lake is surrounded by many big and small temples. Let me mention some of them for you:
Ancient Thakur Haridev Ji ka Mandir
Thakur Hari Dev Ji Mandir – A narrow lane led me to Thakur Hari Dev Ji temple in red sandstone. It is believed that it is at this spot that Sri Krishna stood when he held the Govardhan Parvat on his finger.
Painted ceilings of homes and temples around Mansi Ganga
Brahma Kund – This is a small Kund on the periphery of Mansi Ganga which seems to be a recently renovated and then immediately neglected.
Chakreshwar Mahadev Temple – This is the most incredible temple I saw on the whole Govardhan trail. It is a Shiva temple with 5 Shivalings in the shape of a Chakra. A carved stone behind retells the story of Krishna carrying the Govardhan Parvat on his finger. The story goes that when Govardhan Parvat was lifted, the water started gathering in the pit. Shiva appeared in the form of a Chakra or a wheel to flush it out. This temple commemorates that.
Shivalingas at Chakreshwar Mahadev Mandir near Mansi Ganga
I found the formation of the Chakra with five ancient Shivalingas very unique as if the stone sculpture behind it. I could not gather all that is on the sculpture but there is yantra with 9 boxes, there is Brahma on it and the top panel depicts the Govardhan lifting scene. There is conch carved and a figure that looks like Hanuman.
Chakreshwar Mahadev Mandir Shila
A Nandi in black stone tells its age with its eroding stone. Devi images in brass surround the Chakreshwar Mahadev.
Kunds Around Govardhan Hill
Govardhan like the rest of Braj Bhumi is full of Kunds or small man-made ponds. They say there are more than 250 Kunds in Braj Bhumi. You get to see a lot of them on this Govardhan Parikrama. Each Kund has a story associated with Krishna. Let me tell you about some of them.
The entrance of Sankarshan Kund on Govardhan Parikrama Route
Sankarshan Kund – Sankarshan is another name of Dau Balram, the elder brother of Sri Krishna. This Kund has a lovely image of Balram at one end and two Dwarpalas in stone stand on either side of a gate. Boards in sandstone tell you the story of this Kund, that connects it to Patal Lok and Sesh Naag. A small temple of Balram stands next to the Kund.
Gauri Kund – where Gopika Chandravali used to come and worship Gauri with an intent to meet Krishna.
Neep Kund – where Sri Krishna and his friends made Dona or bowls from the leaves of Palash tree for eating curd.
Govind Kund – Where Indra did the Abhishek of Sri Krishna after surrendering to him.
Gandharv Kund – Where the celestial Gandharvas sang when Krishna’s Abhishek was being done.
Airawat Kund
Apsara Kund – Where Apsaras or celestial maidens used to take a bath
Naval Kund – it was originally called Poonchhkund after the Poonchhari village but was renamed Naval after the queen of Bharatpur who renovated it.
Surbhi Kund – Where the celestial Surbhi cow came to give milk to Indra for the Abhishek of Krishna.
Indra Kund – where Indra prayed to Sri Krishna.
Airavat Kund – where the celestial elephant of Indra brought waters from Akash Ganga or the Milky Way.
Rudra Kund
Rudra Kund – Where Shiva as Rudra prayed to have darshan of Krishna
Maad Kund aka Udar Kund – Kund belonging to Maad community
Suraj or Sukhta Kund
Bicchalukund – where Radha Krishna used to play hide and seek.
Uddhav Kund – assume it belonged to Krishna’s cousin and friend Uddhav
Lalita Kund – Located close to Radha Kund, it is named after one of the Sakhis or friends of Radha. In Shakta tradition, Lalita is the supreme goddess and you do see a temple dedicated to her next to the Kund.
Radha Kund & Shyam Kund
Radha Kund is the most important Kund, for Radha is the ruling deity of Braj. Twin Kunds Radha-Shyam Kund are separated by a narrow strip and beneath the strip the later feeds the former.
Radha Kund & Shyam Kund
Radha Kund, they say was dug by Radha herself with her bangle, but it had no water. While Shyam Kund has the water from all holy rivers and oceans, and the same water filled Radha Kund as well. This comes wrapped in a love story that is best listened standing on the narrow strip between Radha Kund and Shyam Kund.
18. Kusum Sarovar
Kusum Sarovar
The Kusum Sarovar is the most beautiful and the best-maintained pond of Govardhan. The canopies at the other end reflecting in its quiet waters create a lovely and soothing image. There is something royal and humble about this Kund. I was there during the day, with the sun shining on my head and its waters, it still looked stunning.
A Shivalinga looks at the Sarovar, built by the royal family of Rajasthan.
However, the flowers that the name ‘Kusum’ promises are not to be seen anywhere.
19. Chandra Sarovar – This is a little off the main Parikrama Marg. It is believed that at this spot, the moon stopped to enjoy the Ras Lila of Sri Krishna. What makes it an important place to visit is that it is the place of Surdas – the famous 16th CE Bhakti poet.
Surdas Samadhi near Chandra Sarovar
His samadhi exists in the form of a small temple and you can still hear the students here singing his poetry. Visiting Surdas brought back his poetry I had read in school- Maiyya Mori Mein Nahi Maakhan Khayo!
Villages on Govardhan Parikrama Marg
You pass through many small villages on Govardhan Parikrama Path, each with its own story of Sri Krishna. Some key ones are:
Aanyaur – This is the original village of Srinathji of Nathdwara used to live. His original temple and the Murti was here in a temple on Govardhan Parvat. During the Mughal invasion, this Murti was taken from here to Agra and from there to Nathdwara near Udaipur. A small Braj like environment exists in Nathdwara where Srinathji continues to live.
Aanyaur gets its name from Aan + Aur.
Sri Krishna lifted the Govardhan Parvat for 7 days. After that, he was very hungry. In fact, 56 Bhog comes from the calculation of these 7 days. A day in India is divided into 8 Prahars, so 8X7 = 56. So, the people of Braj prepared 56 meals for him, one for each Prahar. However, he was so hungry that he kept asking for more – Aan Aur in Braj Bhasha. This is how the village gets its name.
Poonchhari – 3 Km south of Aanyaur village is Poonchhari village. It is famous for the Poonchhari ke Lautha Ji ka Mandir. Now, who is this Lautha Ji?
He was a friend of Sri Krishna. They used to practice wrestling together as kids.
Poonchhari ka Lautha Temple
When Krishna had to leave Braj Bhumi for Dwarka, he asked Lautha to come along. Lautha however, did not want to leave Braj Bhumi. He said, he would live without eating or drinking anything till Krishna returns. Krishna blessed him that he would live a healthy life even without eating.
We know that Krishna never came back to Mathura, once he left it. People believe that Krishna will come back one day for Lautha, and he is worshipped at his temple in Poochhari village.
It is a small but very lively temple, where lots of people come to ask for their wishes. Murti here does look like it is a Pahalwan or a wrestler with a big mustache.
Jatipura – Mukharvind – It is a small village that is best known for Mukharvind temple. At the open temple, a huge rock is worshipped by the devotees by offering it milk. Rock is decorated or Shringar is done differently at different times of the day. The narrow lane leading to the temple is full of vendors selling milk. A scene of Krishna lifting the mountain is depicted on top of the hill.
Jatipura Mukharvind Temple
Jatipura gets its name from the Jyoti or illumination of the Srinathji when he was eating.
Next to Mukharvind temple, on top of the hill is Gopalji temple where the Srinathji Murti originally was. People of Govardhan still believe that Srinathji still comes back here to sleep after Sandhya Arti in Nathdwara. This means Jatipura is on the other side of Aanyaur village, across the hill.
A little ahead Sri Giriraj Dandwati Shila which is again a part of Giriraj Parvat is special. 7 rounds around it are equivalent to Govardhan Hill. So, if you cannot walk the whole 21 km, this is your shortcut.
Sakhitada – This is the village of Chandravali – a Sakhi of Sri Krishna.
The shape of Govardhan Parvat
People in Govardhan, connect the shape of the Govardhan Parvat with that of a cow. Different points of the parikrama are connected with different parts of the cow like Poonchhari village with its tail. However, some think it is a standing cow, and others think it is a sitting cow and the locations change accordingly.
Govardhan Parvat or Hill
No matter what you choose to believe in, what you know is that at Govardhan Puja is nothing but Gau Puja. Krishna and Cow cannot be separated.
A book I read also suggests that its in the shape of a dancing peacock. Well, this bird is also associated with Krishna.
In between temples and Kunds, the path passes through small forests with trees that were mostly dried in March. The hill itself looks like a pile of big stones. Here and there you will see smaller stones balanced on top of each other. This is something you see across cultures near the hills and mountains.
Story of Giriraj Parvat
The story of Krishna lifting the mountain is well known. Krishna wanted the Brajwasis or the people of Braj not to worship Indra. Indra replied by making it rain heavily. Krishna then lifted the Govardhan Parvat on his little finger for 7 days to give shelter to people. After 7 days, Indra’s pride was broken and Krishna’s supremacy established. The whole of Braj celebrates this event as if it happened yesterday.
Hanuman & Braj
Yet another story that links it to Treta Yug or the time of Sri Ram. When the Ram Setu was being built at Rameshwaram for the army of Sri Ram to cross the sea, monkeys were picking up mountains to make the bridge. Hanuman was carrying a mountain from the Himalayas.
In the meantime, the Ram Setu was built and Nal & Neel, the architects of the bridge announced that no more stone was needed. They instructed everyone to keep the hills in their hands wherever they are. You guessed it, Hanuman was at Braj Bhumi and this is where he kept the hill, before moving on to Sri Lanka.
This story links the stories of 7th and 8th Avatar of Vishnu – Ram & Krishna. It makes the Govardhan hill even more reverential for it has is associated not just with one, but two avatars of Vishnu.
Rules for Govardhan Parikrama
Do not climb on Govardhan Hill.
Keep the hill on your right as you walk. Do not show your back or your feet to the sacred hill.
Do not wash your feet in any of the ponds, taking a bath is permitted.
Keep quiet & do not engage in worldly conversations. Basically, focus inside rather than outside.
Start the Parikrama by worshipping at a temple and repeat it after you finish.
Travel Tips for Govardhan Paravat Parikrama
Soft shoes available for doing Govardhan Parikrama
It is advised that you do the parikrama in a day if you are doing the normal Parikrama by walking.
People do split it up in 2-3 days if they can not walk 21 km in one day. If you do not have time and energy, take an e-rickshaw and they will take you around in an hour with all stops at the temples.
Ideally, you should walk barefoot. If you can’t, there are soft sleepers available at shops here for as low as Rs 50/- that you can wear and walk.
Water, Juice, and food are easily available on the parikrama route. You can walk as light as you want. Do cover your head, for the sun can get really strong during the day.
Start as early as possible, it would help you avoid the sun.
Govardhan Hill is considered sacred, do not climb on it.
Govardhan does have new age resorts coming up. So, if you plan this trip for this parikrama, it may be easier to stay in Govardhan. Mathura is about 25 km from here and so is Vrindavan.
The post Govardhan Parvat Parikrama – All You Need To Know appeared first on Inditales.
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