#the girl who kicked the hornet nest
omg26lilly · 7 months
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My art
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acesammy · 1 year
Sam is more queercoded than dean bc almost all of sam’s love interests are deemed unacceptable and Sam is constantly mocked and shamed for it send tweet
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
jodie ‘method acting’ whittaker growing another heart to play the role of a two hearted alien is what puts her at no.1 in the doctor actor competition and that’s that. 
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artia · 4 months
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Lisbeth Salander in the world of Fallout
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 2 months
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aesmyass · 1 year
No thoughts but I wish Stieg Larsson could have lived longer.
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
A very happy birthday to the very cool Noomi Rapace!
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khelinski · 1 year
Why can't life ever just let us be? Wherever she goes, whatever direction she takes, that part of her past always catches up with her.
Karin Smirnoff
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thatmissquin · 2 years
Some light reading
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sneakystorms · 1 year
It's literally causing me unbearable pain to tear myself away from the girl who kicked the hornets' nest audiobook to go to sleep
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sgiandubh · 4 months
From barf bag to pity party
The whole 'Kick in the hornets' nest' involuntary series was started by this Anon, received by the de facto leader of the Disgruntled Tumblrettes yesterday evening (in Europe):
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The next morning, another Anon chimed in, on the same page, with what prompted the First Kick: S has a child with 'a woman', but God forbid, not with C 🤣🤣🤣.
And then, one of their group felt the need (then the clearly irritated urge) to come back and comment on the above Anon. No less than 5 (five!) long and plethoric comments were written, prompting my Second and Third Kicks - as you all know, the woman practically begged for them.
I feel it's time to show some mercy and draw the line here.
This blog is read (and trusted) by many. Comments were received. Very interesting, matter-of-fact submissions, to say the least. You know: FACTS (🤣🤣🤣). People who have rich and full and loving lives, people who travel. People who don't even agree on many things, yet spontaneously concurred on what things very probably looked like, on that Palm Sunday morning.
Exhibit 1: Mom and Traveler #1 (a mom I am not - but I was a child, unbelievable as it might sound, and I absolutely confirm every single bit of it)
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I am not yet ridden with dementia, and I remember very well waking everyone up at ungodly hours and refusing my mandatory afternoon siesta (a very bad habit we have in Southern Europe). I wish I would still have that same insane energy now. I also wish I would have kept my 3 year old fashion model food quirks - but that is another story.
However, I am a dog slave (not owner) and as such, I am taking Baby out for his short (but excruciating) morning routine at 7:30 AM. Come rain or shine. Beg him to finish his business with grace and dignity. He never listens. Labs are a charming, addictive handful and my Greek boy is no exception:
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Exhibit 2: Mom and Traveler #2. Who happened to be in GLA on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024 (for the thick people at the back!):
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All that trip was abundantly documented on her own page. I am reasonably sure she might be reblogging this with her own pics from that day.
And now, for the real questions at stake:
Why make such an unbelievable fuss over an Anon with no pic, that I was reluctant to publish myself?
Why have a cosmic meltdown, in public nonetheless, if you do think this is such a pile of unbelievable nonsense crap? (*imagine the freakout in DMs, if this made the headlines!)
How many times has/have S (or C, or SC) been seen by Antis in GLA in similar postures, without a word being uttered in public?
Why would such an occurrence be An Event, outside of this (help me, I have no words) fandom?
Why insist with your crappy arguments, when it is plain to see you have got all your facts dreadfully wrong?
Why mention 'central Glasgow', when it is public lore (and included in Waypoints!) that S does not live there anymore? (* I blacked out the exact reference, which makes total sense - the least thing I would like to see happening is freaks like you stalking them)
One last time, you insist - comments 6 and 7 (wow, girl!):
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First comment is a lie and if you read my Anon (and you know you all did and discussed it to oblivion) you'll have also read this:
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Which part of 'he didn't approach' you don't get, in plain English, madam? I am lousy at drawing, but hey - for the cause (open in separate page, questionable humor included):
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Second comment, I won't even get into it. God only knows what the hell you meant. I am Romanian and we tend to be a very sarcastic bunch - especially the Southerners.
You posted those at about 2:45 AM, local time (if you are, indeed, a Scot). That's 4:45 AM my time.
I am a lifelong sufferer of insomnia. You, madam, you are mad wae it, as they say in Glasgow.
Don't drink and post, seriously. It makes for a very #sorry hangover show.
And with this, I am done with you. All of you, in that corner. You showed me more than enough. You know there is substance to that Anon, despite the lack of a picture - hence the collective freakout.
From barf bag to pity party. Who knew?
[Later edit:] re-reading the sixth comment, I think she wants to imply it was the 'other child' - I was literally blind with sleep when I first saw it. Well, there is no evidence of whatever she is trying to explain (has she contacted The Climber? between midnight and 2 AM, local time?). Also, a 5 year old child is not a toddler anymore: kids are considered toddlers up to 3, only. That boy, as we all know (and I am sorry we do), has dark hair - where is the resemblance Anon noticed?
Desperate, grasping at straws, lying through her teeth and mad wae it, all the way.
@pamalissou, thanks for bringing us a third mom's POV in your reblog.
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in-love-with-movies · 1 month
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The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (2009)
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venussaidso · 7 months
Two Ashwini natives play Lisbeth Salander from Girl With The Dragon Tattoo/The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest.
Lmao you have got to be fucking kidding me.
Ashwini Sun Rooney Mara
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Ashwini Moon (and Mula Sun) Noomi Rapace
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Now ironically the novels they're adapted from are written by a Shatabhisha Moon male... literally Ashwini's animal yoni which I found funny.
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when claire nakti finally does her ashwini exploration, i expect miss lisbeth salander to be the face of it... she'll be, like, the equivalent of the disney princesses that represented all those other nakshatras. like uttara bhadrapada gets cinderella, mula gets belle, magha gets red riding hood... ashwini gets lisbeth salander 🙂
PLEASEEEEE im gonna rewatch Girl With The Dragon Tattoo again
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Skin Crawl
CW: Bugs, Bug horror, bullying
Hero scrubbed uselessly at the permanent marker, but even with the rubbing alcohol stinging their nose and their shoulders sore from vigor, an outline of obscenities stubbornly marred the top corner of the desk.
Hero sighed, leaning back on their heels. How did they even get roped into this? They’d only pointed out the spattering of language to their teacher so that they could punish those responsible. They hadn’t been volunteering to clean up the mess themselves. But the teacher had seemed so pleased with their willingness to help…how could they have refused?
They glanced to the back of the classroom where their dark haired classmate leaned way back in their seat, feet kicked up on their desk, book held open directly overhead.
“Are you…going to help?”
“Sure,” they waved without looking away from their page. “You can go if you want. I’ll do the rest.”
Hero straightened their aching back. “Will you?”
It came out a little snarkier than they’d intended, but Villain wasn’t exactly known for their work ethic. They were always coming to school late, staring off, or ignoring assignments. Unlike Hero, they hadn’t volunteered for classroom cleanup.
Villain cocked their head to the side, raising one dark brow. “How many times have you cleaned this classroom?”
“Well, just this once—“
“How many times have I cleaned this classroom?”
“How am I supposed to know? I don’t count all the times you mess around—“
“Oh yes, you do. You have that cute little book with all the tallies.”
Hero’s face burned.
But for some reason, Villain didn’t sound angry, just…making a point.
"Go on, open up to my page. Tell me how much experience I have staying after school."
Hero shouldered their backpack with a huff. "Ok, I get it. Just...make sure you drop the classroom key at the office when you're done. I don't want to lose the staff's trust because of you."
"Yes, master," Villain said and went back to their book.
Hero hesitated. Part of them still didn't trust their classmate to continue where they'd left off. Could this be a ruse to get them in trouble? Or maybe they just wanted Hero out of their hair and didn't care about the consequences.
Or maybe you need more faith in people.
Ugh. That was hard when everyone in this school had proven untrustworthy. Even the friends they'd made from the 'good crowd' hadn't lasted past the first month of the school year. None of them had what it took to stand up against immorality. They'd rather turn a blind eye and cut ties with anyone who might stir up the hornet's nest.
They grabbed their notebook off their desk and whisked out of the room. Now, what misdeeds had they borne witness to today? They flipped open to the middle of the boo; they might as well report these to the office before heading home.
11:45am--Caleb stuck gum on the inside of his desk sticking together the pages of the math textbook
11:50--Kayla texted in class for half an hour straight and did not complete any of her schoolwork.
12:30--An unknown underclassman with red hair shoved a smaller boy at lunch and took his place in line (please identify).
12:45--Taylor C. was making out with her boyfriend in front of the east stairs between classes, blocking off the way for anyone needing to use them. She also used some choice language against a well-meaning student who asked her to refrain until they left the grounds.
12:48--Victor verbally harassed an underclassman girl in the hallway despite her repeated refusals for acquaintanceship; he did not respond well to outside interven--
Hero's notebook hit the floor with a loud smack.
For a moment all they could do was stare at their empty hands in shock, then they lifted their gaze to the sneering, chiseled face in front of them.
"How many times did it make it into Book Golden Rule now?"
"Only once today, Victor," Hero said, bending for the book. Victor snatched it just before their fingers could brush the spine. At about the same moment, someone kicked them behind their right knee. Hard.
Hero gasped, collapsing onto the sneaker-smudged tile.
Victor flicked casually through the pages, stopping at his own tally sheet near the front. "Wow, my infraction rap is growing. You must be obsessed with me or something. Kinda gross but I guess you can't help it."
A chorus of laughter sounded over Hero's shoulder, and suddenly they were surrounded on all sides. They defiantly looked into the perpetrator's faces, memorizing identities: Caleb, Rick, Renna.
"Just give it back," Hero said dryly. "You're only making this worse on yourself."
Victor laughed now. "Really now? Your self-righteous ego is so big you still think you've got the upper hand here?"
"Not physically obviously, but anything you do to me, I'm just going to add it to my report."
Victor stared Hero dead in the eyes and slowly tore the notebook in half.
"I'm going to beat you so soundly, you won't even look at me without peeing yourself. You're going to look away from everything I do because all you'll remember is the pain of this moment.
"I'd never turn a blind eye for my own personal--"
The words scattered as Victor's fist met their mouth. Before they could recover he hit them again. And again. And again. A cleated food hit them from behind, sending a stab of electric agony up their spine. Dangerous. This wasn't just a scuffle. They wanted to seriously hurt them!
The next punch threw Hero on their back. They'd never been one for envy, but suddenly they wished they had one of those combat powers, super strength, invincible skin, knife fingers, anything actually useful for defeating evil!
Army boots smashed over their fingers.
Hero screamed.
"Shut them up!" Victor snarled.
Caleb's shaved head bent over them, and something knit and strongly scented of sweat was forced between their teeth and far enough in to make them gag. They spasmed but movement only made Caleb lean in harder. They couldn't breathe!
Where was the principal? Where were the teachers? Someone had to be hearing this? Someone here had to care?
The boots hit their ribs and tears gathered in their eyes.
"Aww, the wittle baby is cwying," Renna said. She balanced one foot on the center of Hero's chest and slowly leaned in her weight. "How does it feel when someone steps on you?"
Hero wanted to say that exposing someone for cheating wasn't crushing anything deserved, but there was too much sweater down their windpipe.
The group jolted and some of the wight lifted. Hero's vision was blurred, but between Victor and Rick's shoulders, they made out unkempt midnight hair and lanky limbs. Villain.
"If it isn't Psycho," Victor practically purred. "You want to get a few blows in too? Go nuts."
Hero's screaming insides twisted. They cared more about facts than rumors but they'd also never been this helpless in front of their dark classmate, as alone and outcast as they were but for totally different reasons. Villain supposedly had a penchant for macabre experimentation. Students said they had a devil in them. That they ate the raw innards of animals to feed it and placed curses on anyone who messed with them. There was even a rumor that they dissected a kid who made fun of them in class. Hero always found that one ridiculous, the student probably just moved away. But now, pinned and gagged and Villain getting closer they were having doubts.
Villain stopped directly in front of them. "Let the angel go."
Victor gaped for a moment. "Are you kidding? They write you up almost as much as me. You think all those after-school detentions come from thin air?"
Villain only slow blinked. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out of here before I do go psycho. Unlike angel, my problem-solving is more physical."
"Get out of here," Victor said waving Villlain away before back toward Hero, though the rest of his crew looked a little more nervous.
Villain shrugged. "Suit yourself."
Their mouth opened wide, cavernous. The inside might have actually been black for all Hero could see. Though something almost seemed...to move.
The first centipede dropped on Renna's boot.
"What the..." She kicked it off, lip curled in disgust. "Did you just throw--" As she turned back, she let out a splitting scream. Everyone whirled. Caleb lost his grip on the sweater gag, and Hero finally managed to roll to the side, coughing and spitting. When they raised their head again a mass of black centipedes scurried across the floor, swarming the group's shoes and wriggling up their legs. The great arthropods dropped in heavy droves from Villain's lips, some crawling down the sides of his face and neck in rapid desperation to get to the floor. Through it all Villain was still and unflinching though their eyes danced with dark amusement.
"You freak!" Victor shrieked slapping off bugs--all four perpetrators were already littered with angry bites. "You're possessed! You're--"
He cut off as a low buzz gathered in the back of Villain's throat, this time the bugs emerged as a cloud, a swarm of wasps, as black and large as the centipedes.
"Forget this!" Rick cried, taking off at top speed Renna and Caleb were close behind. Victor looked like he wanted to curse them out but all he managed was a rude hand gesture before taking off after his posse.
The centipedes followed in a dark wave, cutting a path on either side of Hero. Villain let them go, though a deep inhale sucked the wasp swarm, and a few stragglers on their shirt, back down.
Hero stared. Villain stared back. Hard black eyes evaluating. Hero's breath caught in their chest, which was probably for the best. It hurt to breathe right now.
“You know it’s being an insufferable goody two shoes that keeps getting you in trouble," Villain finally said.
Hero rose achily to their feet, brusquely wiping their face with a stifled sniffle. "Yeah, well...no one asked you." Tears threatened to spill full force over their lashes, so they began quickly gathering up the pages of their shredded notebook. "I'm going to have to add a tally for physical violence in school. I can't be biased."
Villain barked an incredulous laugh. "You're really something else, you know that?"
"And you have centipedes living in your stomach."
"Not sure if they actually live there, more like they materialize there when I want them."
"And how'd you figure that out?"
Villain smiled. "You mean you don't commonly dream of centipedes?"
Not really an answer but Hero snorted, catching themself with a wince on the wall as they did.
Slender fingers gripped their shoulders. "You should sit down."
Hero obeyed without argument. They probably looked completely pathetic right now. Tear stained, bruised, shaking. They'd always sworn it didn't matter how many people disliked them as long as they had their dignity. So much for that.
Hero ducked their head between their knees.
"Why'd you help me? Victor's right. I get you in trouble almost daily."
Villain slid down on the floor next to them. "Yeah. But being a massive pain in the butt doesn't mean you deserve to get beaten up. Besides, some of the things they do need to be exposed. And...it's impressive that you're not scared to do it."
Hero didn't fully know how to respond. That someone needed to care? That obviously when five students screaming at the top of their lungs didn't even crack a door there was a problem? Yes, they'd realized early on that putting things on paper was the best way to get results, but it wasn't like they were completely without ulterior motives either. Did choosing to confront the bad for self-serving motives make them any better than those who turned away? Villain had called them angel. But they were far from it.
"Is it a power?" Hero said, shoving away the thoughts and pointing at their mouth instead.
Villain nodded.
“Cool.” They couldn’t help the note of awe.
Hero looked them head on. “Yeah. I guess it’s unconventional, but you took on four people and won without moving an inch. That’s a real power.”
"You don't think it's disgusting?” For the first time Villain looked something close to vulnerable. Like Hero’s reply had thrown them off so much they’d forgotten their nonchalance. “It doesn’t make your skin crawl?"
"Not really." Hero looked up and down the vacant hallway. They wet their lips, took a deep breath, and shed their skin. They’d done it in the mirror enough times to know it was disturbing. It wasn’t the sort of shapeshifting that happened in glamorized movies. It was messy. Sometimes bloody if they went too fast. They looked at Villain with a mirror of their face. “That make your skin crawl?"
Villain grinned. "Not really."
A beat.
“So that’s how you get the dirt on so many people.”
Hero flushed and shed back into their own skin.“Most of the time yeah. They usually cover things up if they see me.”
Villain’s eyes roved them up down, hard and cutting and dark, like black diamonds. “Amazing.”
Hero shrugged, trying to pretend that gaze was not cutting them to the core. “It’s not a useful power. I connive against evil. I don’t beat it. After graduation I want to try for Allegiance Academy but…well you saw. What hero team would want someone who can’t even fight? Even with combat classes I’d never compare to the big powerhouses.”
Villain didn’t respond.
Great. Hero opened up to much. They’d gotten whiny with a practical stranger. They’d gotten Hero out is tight spot, not asked for their life’s dreams and woes
“Don’t hero teams need reconnaisance?” Villain said
Hero blinked. “I guess so.”
They’d never really thought about it before. That wasn’t the sort of role that showed up on the news. It wasn’t the thing that got peace prizes or admirers. But…maybe that was fine. They’d always craved power for the sake of being accepted into the academy and eventually chosen for a team, not for the sake of attention. Besides they were used to being alone; they were fine with it.
"Well, I better finish that cleaning," Villain said, pushing to their feet. "I wouldn't dare risk another infraction."
"Villain," Hero said before they got too far.
"Thank you. For the help. You're...good."
Villain crooked a smile. "Never been called that before. Probably won't again. But I appreciate it."
With that, they were gone.
Perhaps Hero didn't need to be alone after all.
8 years later…
Hero straightened their silk tie in the rearview mirror, a silvery ribboned thing they normally wouldn't have gone for but couldn't say they disliked. Though maybe that was because it suited this face. Round, prim, pink-lipped, nothing like their own drab, haggard countenance. They swore each time they returned to their true skin it looked worse.
They quickly double-checked their current contours with the photo in their glove box. "So, this is our target's lover?"
"Remy Navarro," their earpiece crackled. "They've been together six months, and they are very involved in this villain's inside plans. We're thinking 24 hours tops before you come across something big."
Hero stepped out of the car and began weaving their way through the menagerie of fine-dressed gala members. "Ok, well you rushed me into this, anything else I should know before I find this criminal overlord?"
Their teammate hesitated at the other end of the line. "Just don't act surprised about the legs."
"Legs?" Hero said. "As in, they look weird?"
"As in. there are extras."
"Excuse me? I'm really beginning to think I didn't get a proper debrief."
"It was an unexpected opening. We had to take it. Anyways you're good at improvising."
Hero dodged around a cocktail tray. "I appreciate your faith in me, but I'm better at improvising when I've had a week to carefully study my subject's personality and mannerisms. I mean what is my personality? Are they an affectionate couple?"
Silence and then finally, "You'll be fine."
"Are you kidding me? Other Hero! Other Hero?"
They'd dropped the line, hadn't they? Hero sighed, stuffing the earpiece into their pocket. Sure, they'd do better without distractions, but this was verging on insanity. Other Hero had better gather more info on their new identity before tomorrow.
They stopped in front of an intricately carved set of double doors at the tops of the stairs. The private quarters of the newest villainous boss their team had begun tracking. The assignment was a rush job so all they had was a blueprint layout and the supposition that tonight's gala was prepared as a cover for something big.
They rapped quietly on the wood before immediately easing the door open. Lovers would be comfortable enough to do that, right?
A tall figure turned as they entered. Long midnight hair fell over dark-clad shoulders. Dark, hard eyes stared out of an even harder face. And yes, there were extra legs, though not the kind Hero had been expecting: they were black, rigid, clawed things sticking out from their sides, almost like those of an insect. Meanwhile, a pair of pitch-colored moth wings folded on their back, the tails gliding on the floor like drapery.
"Took you long enough," the villain said. A black centipede crawled down their cheek and settled like a parrot on the villain's shoulder.
Hero froze on the threshold, desperately trying to connect their dropped jaw back to their brain so they could snap it shut.
It had been years since they'd seen this dark figure; their jaw seemed even sharper, their lankiness had turned to elegant slenderness, and the bug parts were new, but Hero recognized them immediately.
Part Two
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 2 months
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catofoldstones · 5 months
The thing about arya fans' argument that arya comes before sansa in the line of succession because robb disinherited her because of her forced marriage is the underlying misogyny and victim blaming of it, and their assumption that grrm thinks the same. We don't have jon [you know the actual person robb chose over sansa, and i think its time we start talking that the will specifically was about sansa and jon and that shit means something narratively] asserting that winterfell belongs to sansa despite everything and him not falling to the bait of stannis calling her a lannister, to just assume that according to grrm what robb did was OK. If people actually think grrm wants to show robb was right and girls truly are not important and thus his disinheritance of his sister's rights will be upheld, then they need their heads checked. Its not like he showed us that jaehaerys's sexism was what led to death of the dragons and downfall of targaryens even though grrm considers him a good ruler. Ultimately, catelyn will be validated when brienne saves either sansa or arya with oathkeeper and sansa will become lady of winterfell/qitn DESPITE robb's will. He [and arya fans] can suck it.
Hi soulmate anon,
Before we start, I have to let you know that one our previous posts was screenshotted and circulated in the arya stans circles because “we’re spreading our agenda on a neutral public platform” or something along those lines. Idk if you’ve seen that or not but I had to let you know before we go off kicking another hornet’s nest lol.
Anyway, that out of the way, to the Arya stans who are so hellbent upon removing Sansa from the Stark succession, Robb declared Jon as his heir, pushing Sansa further down the line (not disinheriting her jesus fuck) because through her Tyrion may lay claim to Winterfell, landing it in the hands of the Lannisters, exactly what Robb and Cat are trying to prevent. Robb didn’t “disinherit” Arya because he thought she was dead. Hope that helps.
the will being specifically about Jon and Sansa and that we need to start thinking about that narratively
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Okay, I have now moved on (I have not). Though please feel free to talk about this more, I wanna know more. Guess I’ll now have to add jonsa tag to this answer hehe :P
I mean Robb did come from a place of “authority over the female members of his family” here with the will and that’s exactly the kind of thing we have to side eye. Taking it at face value and uncritically thinking about it is not a fair way to engage with the text I feel. You’re right when Jon himself reiterates Sansa’s claim over Winterfell, we are supposed to think twice whether Robb’s action was equitable or not. Stannis calls Sansa “Lady Lannister” to coax Jon into staking a claim over Winterfell so that Stannis gets a good reason to march to Winterfell and attack the Boltons (which he will anyway, but Jon’s, a member of the Stark family, support would mean political backing and reason). If we fall in the trap that Stannis thinks Sansa is now a Lannister, and therefore she is now a Lannister with no claim to Winterfell, then we’ve lost the plot and are coming from the same misogynistic hypocrisy (he wants Shireen on the throne if he dies but calls Sansa a Lannister, how does that work old man?) that destroys Westeros (your Jaehaerys example). And are no different from a crusty medieval era middle aged man btw.
It’s so fucking funny when the readers start emulating the same sexism that the author wants them to critique, and then start calling themselves feminists because they’re supporting a woman’s rights! Which woman’s rights besties? Because the one that clearly has them, you’re actively against her staking her claim. Wait till they read the books with their eyes open and realise that Arya comes at the end of the heirs to winterfell list, despite Sansa getting “disinherited” lmao. And I love Robb, he’s just a boy trying to do his best, but he truly made mistakes, especially with not listening to Catelyn. We also cannot deny the undercurrent of misogyny and chauvinism that Robb demonstrated with the will. Re Sansa’s rights and Jon’s decision to be with the Nights Watch. I will patiently wait for Catelyn to be validated and Sansa to be the Lady/QiTN not only because that subverts reader’s expectations and Westerosi patriarchal standards but because I want to see Sansa antis have a grand old meltdown.
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