#the gods are fightiiiing
yall,,, Cas is FUCKED,,,,
ik I'm probably the only one who sees spn/spnwin/the boys/gk as a combined canon but like... Cas is really not in a good situation rn. its a lot to explain but like tldr:
The Empty is Tartarus, the well-known Endless Void Of Indescribable Torment Below Hell where many immortal beings, apparently including angels, go when they're destroyed. Immortals call it "The Empty" bc they're scared to speak its true name (that's a common Greek Thing to do)
Some roman gods took an interest in Cas and yoinked him out. these guys are like REALLY bad. I can't overstate how bad they are. like they're working with/for ppl and entities WAY outside of Greco-Roman stuff. like this is "BBEGs of spn postcanon" bad. They've forced Cas to take on the role of a roman god to further their Schemes(tm)
...and they're abt to do something Truly Unspeakable to him bc he won't play along.
(also, Meg had Cas' kid like a decade ago and didn't tell him. wtf. absolutely terrifying child btw)
edit: they fucking killed him. right back into Tartarus. didn't expect THAT to be their "Truly Unspeakable" plan but okay then. Unrelated news, we have (possibly) have Casifer again. Or some other cheeky douchebag is using the vessel. Either way I don't think anyone needed or wanted this development.
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hurryupmerlin · 7 months
Mal belongs to @riinoaheartilly and Mal's ass belongs to Ami
The doors slide open accompanied by a too loud "Am'ika!" and Fi enters the low-lit room just to stop dead in his tracks one step in.
"Ew, stinks of sex in here."
Ami pulls at the blanket with both fists until he's covered right up to his nose. The embarrassment paints his face a dark shade of red.
Mal on the other hand straightens up on his knees and not only becomes the center of attention with his movement but – and this fact does not escape Ami at all – he also further obscures the view of Ami, like a protective shield made of bare chest and pajama pants.
"Weird. Wonder why," Mal deadpans and Fi crosses his arms in response. The eyes of the two troopers are locked in an icy stare across the room. Sadly – due to a lack of Jedi powers – neither of them manages to push the other away by sheer power of will, therefore they just keep glaring at each other without so much as blinking.
"Fuck off," Mal snarls eventually when the unwelcomed guest still shows no intention to leave, and Fi makes a point of firmly planting his feet even wider on the threshold of their bedroom.
"Try and make me, asshole. "
Mal looks like he's gonna full-on attack the smug commando any second now, his body almost vibrates with held-back violence. And Fi grins like he can't wait to get his knuckles bloody.
"Um..." Ami tries and clears his throat loudly. That manages to get him the attention of the two men who finally break their stare down.
"Could you... please, maybe give us some space, Fi? We'll meet you outside in two minutes, okay?"
Fi might roll his eyes, but he can't deny Ami anything so he has to opt for retreat. He flexes his hands and everyone in the room knows that if it wasn't for Ami, Fi would be showing Mal the middle finger as a goodbye greeting right now. Instead he just jerks his head with a crooked smile and makes a 180 degree turn so sharp it would make any drill sergeant proud.
"Do you have to be like that to him?" Ami sighs later at the breakfast table. Mal didn't join them, with the feeble excuse of going on patrol.
Fi smirks in return. "Keeps him on edge. He should have to work harder for you, Am'ika. That bum takes you for granted."
"Fi," Ami outright whines now. "He's my partner, he doesn't have to prove his worth to you or anyone."
Both look at Ordo, but the man evades his freshly assigned role of referee by protestantly biting into his sandwich and keeping his eyes fixed on the datapad in front of him.
"What if he hurts you?" argues Fi.
Ami smiles genially and stands up, grabbing the plate with the breakfast ration he had prepared for Mal.
"He won't."
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rigginsstreet · 2 months
The limp wristing through this scene was an insane choice he can have some rights
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swagyna · 11 months
wait they called kaiba bc Yami is depressed?? 😭😭😭😭😭
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dating-sim-imagines · 2 months
Dangerous Fellows
I really have no idea how the day spiraled up into this, a couple months ago we arrived at the safe zone all together. Lawrence was still a biit possessive toward me but there's a therapist here in the safe zone to make sure no one looses their mind. Today we were to the outside area of the safe zone after we all completed our chores for the day, making fun of some zombies lurking by as the guards scolded us and shot them with the antidote as we all laughed. But there was a problem with no brain, just tits, Scarlett.
I have tried for months to at least get her to be cordial toward me, trying to avoid the drama and just try to be hopeful the world will be better in the future but Scarlett kept targeting me for no reason at this point, even Jay was getting tired of her shit. Today we were all having fun until I playfully insulted Zion but of course, Scarlett couldn't mind her own business. "Girl, you can't be talking with your hobo looking ass clothes bitch." She insulted me as we heard the usual annoyed grunts from everyone but a certain blonde boy was craving chaos today. "Ooh, MC! Personally I would NOT take that disrespect. You're going to let her talk to you like that?" He whispered into my ear with a smirk as Lawrence gave him a look that screamed 'Don't fucking start' but he already did.
My blood boiled as all the pent up rage in me finally exploded "Kinda bold for you to talk when your shitty ass sense of empathy and bitchy attitude are your only personality traits other than whore" I said in a calm voice as I smiled at her, Eugene held back laugher as the whole group looked shocked and a bit disappointed of me clapping back and letting her get to me but I was tired and Eugene was starting to get what he wanted. "At least I enough balls to speak with my chest instead of taking it all like a dumbass, looks like you grew out of it tho but you've got a loooong way before you earn some of your self respect back" She looked irritated, and Lawrence was trying to stop her while Jay and Eugene seemed like they were having fun, "Guys knock it off-"
MC: At least I got enough self respect to not try and show my tits to Zion every chance I get-
She lunged at me while the small group started yelling and trying to separate us, Haley looked horrified in a corner, Eugene and Jay were loosing their shit while the rest tried to break us up. There was a lot of hair pulling, punching, kicking, insulting and even biting. Eventually because of the commotion a couple guards came to see why we were so loud and at last separated us, we were both bleeding and taken to the infirmary but to make things worse, we were put in the same room to rest.
MC: ...
Scarlett: ...
Nurse: I'm very disappointed in you guys, you are not kids
Zion: Yeah, but to me MC was justified, you on insulting her for no reason, Scarlett.
Lawrence: Shut the hell up they are both dumb, and Eugene I wanna speak with you for a moment.
Eugene: Shit... It was worth it tho-
Harry: Oh my god-
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atherix · 2 years
Alright listen i wanna scream about the last three chapters but i do not have the brain for fully fledged thoughts so this is what you're getting.
I am FASCINATED by this creation myth for the fae, btw. If I had more brain i feel like i could probably pull on things i know or have read but as of righgt now just know i reall love it and eventually i will be returning to it because I have some Thoughts I cant get out of my brain.
Also. I am once again projecting onto Scar as someone who Has Been deathly ill a few times in my life. Genuinely there are periods of terrifying lucidity and long stretches of basically unconsciousness for me too so its like. I am. Looking.
Oh my god and then Mumbo and Cub. PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: THE GIRLS ARE FIIIIGHTIIIIIIIIIING. but also genuinely I think whether it stays Mumscarian or goes Mumscarvexian Cub's relationship to the trio is SO interesting. How he does to some extent know Scar but he knows a younger Scar who was less sure of himself. How Mumbo DOES know Scar but he only really knows the older and more confident Scar. God. they. MMMMMMMM. And the fact that Mumbo and Cub are like, two sides of the same coin here - Shadow magic of two different kinds. So so so close with Scar. God. AUGH.
F U C K AO3 WENT DOWN UHHHH But Also. The fact that there is definitely Something in there and I don't mean the Skeleton Archer while they are GOING AFTER HUNTERS. MUMBO! CUB!!! WAAAAAAAH
And then the NEXT chapter where Grian's fucking dumbass takes Scar's magic and is like 'SCAR AND MUMBO CAN NEVER KNOW *kills the lawn and a tree*" liike okay bird brain. GOD!!!! ALSO THAT SCENE WAS SO INTENSE I AM!!! AHHHHHHHHH GOD GRIAN YOU!!! DUMABASS I AM RATTLING YOU!!! AND SCAR AND MUMBO ARE GOING TO RATTLE YOU AS THEY FUCKING SHOULD!!!!
And then more of the Fae story I am!!!! WELL I WOULD BE LOOKING AT IT IF AO3 WASNT DOWN BUT!!! STARING!!!!
LMAO a lot has happened and I did not give anyone time to process <3
LOOK. I AM SO. I fucking love myths and legends and I've been sitting on this for MONTHS, trying to figure out the best way to piece it together to maximize Creation Story vibes, and I am loving how it's coming together <3 I love the Fae story I have created, it is near and dear to me. Also leave it to me to create a "monarchy with absolute power" but said monarchy has absolutely the most brutal burden and responsibility to carry <3 May slightly be influenced by Cost of the Crown. "Though I am the head of state, in truth I am the least." THIS LINE LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE so it may or may not have influenced how the Fae royals (and Elves in general) carry a burden and obligation <3 BUT YEAH THE FAE STORY. I am absolutely in love with it I'm hjgjkhfkfd <3
jkfgdjk Ihope I'm presenting that well enough, I know it's not 1:1 with real life (because it's a fantasy illness that depends on magic production + how much magic is in your system so it's more cyclical than real life) but just the idea of being aware that you're slipping away (and knowing very well that you might never wake up again) just scares me and makes me feel absolutely helpless, so I hope I'm conveying that well enough </3
THEY'RE FIGHTIIIING. Regardless of what happens yes I think Cub is an interesting addition to the Coven group 👀 YEAH That is exactly what I wanted to highlight here- Cub used to know EVERYTHING about Scar, but that was a completely different time and a completely different Scar. And Mumbo knows Scar NOW, knows him in the way Cub doesn't anymore, and just hhhjjgf. PARALLELS BABEYYY you know me, I love me some parallels <3
AO3 SABOTAGED YOUR ESSAY HJJSKJFSK </3 IT'S OKAY THO WE SURVIVED!!! Hahaha oh yes <3 The sad thing is Mumbo KNOWS there's something else... but he's so focused on Scar that he just dismisses it.... oh Mumbo.... and Cub doesn't really know any better, this is his first time spending any extended time out here </3
HAHAHA YEAHHHH Like I said to Void, why take "Deus Ex Machina" when I can use "Fuck Around and Find Out" and have Grian being stubborn and overconfident and fucking suffer for it <3 GOD GRIAN IS GONNA GET SO RATTLED. I wonder how he's gonna try and hide the damage to the lawn :)
I LOVE THE FAE STORY. Also the fact that Scar is sharing this story in his moments of lucidity.... <3 And trying to keep going even while his focus and his mind are slipping I AM SO JKFSKLFS-
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explainslowly · 2 years
Free to be you and me
The girls are fightiiiing.
Sam's mysterious charms are very funny to me. The show should have split them way more, Sam can be so entertaining when he's not cringing in Dean's shadow.
So many classic lines in this episode, 'when humans want something really really bad we lie', the Thelma and Louis thing, the baffling 'Bert and Ernie are gay and you will not die a virgin' (Dean what the fuck is going on in your brain).
The joke with Chastity sucks. Like it's not funny, it's classic supernatural ignoring women's interiority.
No way is Dean not twirling his pigtails after Cas puts Raphael in his place.
The way this show imagines addiction works is so stupid tbh.
Does Cas flutter away at the end because Dean says he's not that much fun?? God I miss pissy early season Cas.
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koroart · 3 years
I'm screaming , the Tobirama one is looking SO FUCKING GOOD. Maybe I'll get a head start on Madara's when I get home 🤔
In the meantime! Have some Deity AU lore in the tags! 💕
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Voltron Part 24
Once again only one episode instead of two. Because of these damned even numbers of episodes! Anyway, enjoy! Episode 5 from season 5.
Oh my God. Hunk actually acknowledged that they have families!
Which again raises the question. Why didn't they visit them? They have a goddamn Teleporter!!
Awww, poor Lance (can't believe I'm saying that)
Moustache man = best man
Bye, bye Nerd sibs' dad!
"You can't let your emotions control you"
The Sheith spirit is strong in this
We know that Krolia is important, because she gets to have a face
Is Krolia going to turn out to be Keith's mom? Because so far this episode has this whole family-thing going on
Also her design looks too pretty/human to be "wasted" on a one-off character
So how is space witch doing? With her son being the new (evil) emperor
Lotor promised the Galras quintessence. Which he does not have at the moment
Does he want to turn Allura into a new space witch?
Shiro said something about Star-charts. And now I'm just picturing him, as that Astrology-bitch that has everyone's birth charts memorized
They split into 3 groups. Lotura, Garrison Three and Space Dads2: Electric Boogaloo
One of the robots asked what fun is. Well you see. F is for friends, who do stuff together-
The Galra Girls are fightiiiing!!
It's that fucking meme Scream sound effect again!!!!
Pidge and Hunk called themselves Team Punk!!!!!!!! I love it!!!
Garrison Three have their 90s bonding montage with fun uplifting music. And a robot.
Strong Lotura spirit in this episode!
Is Lotor lying or does he really not know that space witch is his mom?
Oooor he's just in denial.
Yeah, Krolia's totally gonna be Keith's mom
Allura really Disney princess-ed this thing with that Alchemy stone. Goddamn magical tears
I love the fact that there's just this goofball Galra Robot somewhere out in space now
I called it! I fucking, fucking called it! She's Keith's fucking mom
But it took Keith a little bit too long to realize that. Honey, it's not too hard. She looks almost like you
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drakrite · 4 years
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❛  oh, thank god i found a better goal in life.  ❜  the champs are fightiiiing.
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aroacemisha · 5 years
SU: Future episodes 7-8 reactions (spoilers)
Snow Day:
oof Steven sounds depressed
ahshxv I love Amethyst
Steven doesn't use the cheeseburger backpack anymore? wonder if he just doesn't like it or if he just feels like he's too old for it
aww Cat Steven
abskshkxhxj PEARL
oof... teen angst
Steven is overworking himself
awww Pearl
"jokes on you, she doesn't shapeshift" *she shapeshifts*
aww they’re happy
oh god Steven run
Steven and the munchkin Stevens absjzb
oh they turned into teen Stevens now, good
Why So Blue?:
awww so cute
ohh the Lapises are pretty
the one with a navel gem has freckles!
the Lapises like destroying stuff, oof it's gonna be hard
oh god
oh they're dancing
are they gonna fuse?
oh okay no
Lapis is singing!!
I love her so much aaa
dang Lapis is epic
"that was weakness! restraint is strength, patience is strength" ohh Lapis learned a lot
"you've grown so much" that's what I just said
one of the Lapises came to Little Homeschool yay
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imperialsrising · 2 years
“The gods are fightiiiing!”
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dr-awo · 5 years
THE DESPAIRS ARE FIGHTIIIING | Hiroha | MM trial | Re: Atsushi, Suguri
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"I-I see...so then Saiban-san really does count as dead. D-does that mean the person on standby is...waiting for us to figure them out?"
Her being wrong about Koten only makes the whole thing with Subject 19 more concerning. Three people with power roles? Holy shit.
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"Hold on, maybe...maybe this is part of the internal fighting in the code override logs? Because it looks like some people were wanting to overthrow this 'Y.N.'...it says in the logs that the Yoshi-san was working on god modding someone in too, so..."
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"I think there's the mastermind Nakaniwa wanted, and the one the Neo Resurgence turning against Nakaniwa wanted! Th-the only problem is...which one is the one we need to find, and who are they?"
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itsmemarlie-blog · 8 years
7th Week!
Last Wednesday we were able to present our group assignment last week which is the lean canvas in class. Not the whole lean canvas but only the first four parts, these parts are the following: Problem, Customer Segments, Unique Value Proposition, and Solution.
After the presentation our instructor asked us several questions regarding our presentation and the flow of it and unfortunately we weren’t able to answer it precisely due to misunderstanding and our ideas aren’t constructed well :( . So after the presentation we decided that we would have a meeting next week to discuss thoroughly our plans and to finalize everything. Our instructor also commented that we should also consider and interview people in the cashier/assessment related department. So, we will do our best to interview some people related to it next week.
To do a start-up isn’t easy but I hope that we would be able to get everything straight and finalize our plans by next week with the help of our Almighty God! Fightiiiing! We can do it! :)
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