#spn postcanon
the thing with having a 3+ year long meta spn postcanon that only exists in my head because I refuse to take time to write the damn fic is that I can't properly explain how SAD the new Destiel Canonization is. like its bittersweet, and something Dean does in main canon... he only ever slows down to think once he's accepted that he's living on borrowed time. Dean KNOWS he'll be dead, or worse than dead, by the end of the summer. and he's thinking about Cas, and finally starting to let himself admit he was loved, like, LOVED loved. fuck!!!! he has a month and a half to live and!!! fuckkkkkkk!!!!!!!
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uhoh-spn · 1 year
Lonely Without You, Dear
For the Dreamy Drabble Prompts
Also on Ao3
Prompt: Lonely
Fandom: Supernatural
“I’ll just wait here, then,” he says, hanging up the phone with a bittersweet smile.
Those words bring back memories of the early days of his and Dean’s relationship. He’d been extremely lonely when he’d first rebelled. Normally surrounded by his angelic family, he spent many years alone and waiting on the Winchesters to call or following a lead.
But now he has a family, a house, and a partner in Dean. They come home to each other, sleep in the same bed every night – even when they’re arguing. They know from gut-wrenching, heartbreaking experience that it’s not worth it to be apart from each other over some small rift.
The door opens and Dean calls, “Sweetheart?”
“In the living room!”
Dean flops on the couch beside Castiel and presses a kiss to his cheek.
“Were you lonely without me?” Dean teases, plucking Castiel’s book from his hands.
“Of course.”
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
they just need time and space that's it! that's all! because the whole time they've known each other they have put all their feelings in the "deal with that later" pile! dean and cas both think feelings are a luxury and a liability so if there's any kind of crisis (which there always is) the feelings get put on hold. so when they finally can focus on the pile (and the feelings) they can do it. it won't be easy but it is very, very simple.
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Discord Weekly Drabble Challenge Prompt: Healing -------------------------
How does one heal an institution? Human bodies were so easy, by comparison. Those, he could restore with a laying-on of hands, as saints might: with my will, I remake you.
If only healing his home were so simple.
He could imagine what Adam would say: stop overthinking it, halo. A mortal practicality he has come to appreciate. In Jack, Heaven has a figurehead. It is not in need of another.
So what can he do?
A hammer materializes in his hands. Michael smiles.
Leadership is all well and good, but someone needs to fix the cracks in the foundations.
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july-19th-club · 5 months
the impetus of this fic by the way is that "grace" was written like eleven hours after the finale and i did zero thinking about whether it was good or not i just slammed 'post' and dipped . and i think it is very shallow in terms of character because it's short and not meant to be anything but a straight up fix fic. and i also don't love the end scenario i gave it i was just deeply in the nov. 2020 insanity at the moment so it made sense at the time and people seemed to enjoy it. HOWEVER. the real dense intellectual fix fic is my djinn theory baby that i have been nursing for several thousand hours . and "grace" is a pale shadow
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zodiackillerlouis · 1 year
what are your ultimate spn fic recs? like, great writing, great plot, great characterisation, instant favourites?
my top 8 right now because i couldn't pick 5:
Fracture mechanics - very angsty post 15x18 fix it. one of those fics where it's hurt/comfort except the author is the one hurting and then comforting you
Spirit of the west - AU, Dean is eighteen and works on his dad’s ranch taking care of horses. Cas, a childhood friend, comes back to town. teen_dean's writing is always phenomenal
Canticles - what happens after dean and cas leave the brothel in free to be you and me. i regularly go back to this fic just to feel the heartache all over again Where black stars rise (also by teen_dean)- dean and cas explore a canyon. Interstellar vibes. Cas wears cute little hiking shorts
Swimming with the fish pond fish - amazing shorter (25k) post canon fix-it fic with trans dean
Psalm 40:2 - after 15x18 cas goes back in time to meet stanford era dean. Angsty. Young dean is like a fragile little bird i love him so much
You and me and the war of the end times - endverse grace shotgunning fic + jupernatural!
Put them in a box somewhere - 5k, technically a Mary fic but also a kid Dean study. consider it a backstory to why dean was so interested in those ballet shoes
others that are also amazing:
So Says the Sword - Cas is ordered to watch over the michael sword and ends up falling in love with him (of course)
Everyone’s a critic - fluffy AU with a lot of miscommunication. Dean runs a restaurant, Cas is a food critic who calls his garlic bread closeted
Games of skill and fortune - I haven’t actually read this one in a couple of years but I remember really enjoying it. Dean says yes to michael. 
In the shadow of your wings - the one where cas gets an italian boyfriend
If wishes were horses - postcanon fix-it by thee teen_dean who cannot miss
The reddit thread fic 
Angelus cruorem - just a horny fic where dean drinks cas’ blood
Here, bullet, here - angsty and excellent dean study 
Let the old ways die - au where dean is in a band and cas is an ex music producer who now works on a farm. This fic made me go sit on a log in the sun and listen to music for an hour 
Seek to know you better - dean and cas go through those questions that are supposed to make you fall in love. But, you know, they’re in love the whole time anyway 
Take the bones, begin anew - everything you could want from a fix-it fic
All this and heaven too - author describes it as a love letter to every trans person who ever projected onto dean. i go back to it a lot :^)
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cumdumpstiel · 1 year
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howldean · 8 months
Endgame Archangel Castiel is something I have never heard about and now I am deathly curious please tell me about endgame archangel castiel
okay so first of all I AM TEAM ANGEL CAS ENDGAME i’ll take him however i can get and i’m by no means averse to human cas he’s so darling to me but i just think that
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it’s important to me that his full grace is restored. so archangel cas comes into play with the resurrection of angels and demons aka the emptying of the empty version of postcanon. i think it’s EXTRA juicy if he fulfills the role in the hierarchy left open by lucifer. because rebellious fallen angel go brrrr and fuck mark pellegrino all my homies hate that bitch. anyway i think it’s the perfect space for him. he always winds up in a position of solitary leadership but we see time and time again that he was a soldier and also just. doesn’t like being the one guy in charge. but archangel cas…… now that’s yummy. i’ve never been satisfied with how raphael was treated in the series, and to give my best archangel cas pitch i’d have to rewatch those seasons, but i think that having them not only be equals but ON THE SAME SIDE would be. oh yeah. big time. i also think that the archangels as a whole are such a tragedy within the script of spn that to bring them back together would give us spectacular dialogue. gabriel is tired and done and wanted things to be over, michael well i could go rounds about michael but i think that him and adam’s visage combined would be unique, and then taking raphael and his goals. throwing cas into that mix, the last true children of god plus the guy god kept fucking up and tell them they’re family again. holy fucking shit yknow. OH BUT ALSO obviously he’d be souped up and wouldn’t die easily and could help others. yeah
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adammilligan · 2 years
thinking about michael and adam in postcanon is still so interesting because i do think michael would feel guilty at leaving adam alone. he was so unstable during inherit the earth and getting brutally murdered by the father he loved would've made that worse there's no doubt about that so i think he WOULD think himself undeserving of adam's forgiveness. like i don't think he'd be a weeping crying wailing mess despite that being funny to imagine i think he'd just stay quiet about his feelings on the subject. he'd just enjoy being able to see adam alive once more. but the thing is we also have adam who's been on his own for however long and who spent so long having his bodily autonomy essentially violated because when he first said yes there wasn't really a choice in the matter. like yes they worked it out in the cage but they still built that relationship on a violent foundation. they can't bury that it's always there it'll always be there. but when michael comes back? and adam gets an actual choice on whether or not he wants to let him in because michael respects him this time around? and he says yes anyway? and michael thinks himself undeserving of forgiveness but adam's looking him dead in the eye and telling him that whether or not he chooses to forgive him regardless is not michael's choice to make, it's his? and he forgives him not because they're trapped together with the agreement that they only have each other but because they're finally free and he genuinely wants him around because they're still friends despite everything? considering how things worked out between adam and michael (who adam forgave) versus how things worked out between adam and sam and dean (who adam never forgave) i think 15x08 kind of did frame adam's forgiveness as like. really important. i think adam forgiving michael for the second time on his own terms would mean as much to him as it would to michael.
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cliveguy · 3 years
when i finally write a full length spn fic. then you will see.
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SPN POSTCANON UPDATE: Dean sighted in Roanoke VA, then soon after in Argentina
Seems alive(?), healthy and in one piece, but under a lot of stress. Has lost some weight and powers aren't working too well from what I can see. Hanging out w a pooka that's PROBABLY Baby, but with shapeshifters who even knows.
Dean is working with YET ANOTHER DUDE WHO SEEMS TO BE HIS BROTHER. Pretty clear that if they do share a parent, it's John. Their dynamic is good, a lot like Dean and Sam except this guy is NOTHING like Sam, honestly he's pretty feral. Huge guy easily meeting "giant" height, seems to prefer range combat but can hold his own in melee as well. Calls himself a hunter or tracker of some kind, mostly goes after human targets. Understands a little of what's going on w the Fae/Rome/etc but doesn't get the full picture. He's curious and eager to fuck around and find out
Physically he resembles John a LOT, and could easily be his kid- but also bears resemblance to Balor. w the whole Vessel situation going on rn its unclear who this guy's "father" actually is besides the fact that he's a piece of work. Also of note, this guy is confirmed to have a nonhuman lineage, unclear on which side. Features include giant stature/build, enhanced senses, expert/preternatural marksmanship, the usual super strength(?), animalistic/survival mindset as baseline, and hair seems more like fur, possibly seal fur. Doesn't seem to have any connection to the possible-Selkie girl in Maine.
...all in all, Balor is looking like a more likely candidate for this guy's dad, which would explain why he and Dean currently have this sibling relationship due to (THE BOYS S4 SPOILERS). Also still some chance of a Fomoire/Fae/Fuath/Campbell family connection that I haven't noticed.
Dean is tied up in more Roman nonsense and appears to have ended up owing a blood debt (in his own blood) to some late Roman military-cult god I've vaguely heard of bc he killed said god's brother. Lots of modern folk magic/esoterica, severed limbs and possibly at least one demon deal. Given the location and the events set to unfold this summer, can't rule out Croatoan fuckery going on here as well. Dean also had a new Magic Knife(tm), bone handled with a steel, iron or possibly silver blade. gave it to this new guy, probably for protection.
I'll look into if Balor had any children in the mythos (current/recent Antichrist Situation notwithstanding).
Not sure why Dean is headed south, not sure I want to know. If he weren't the type to run directly INTO danger every time, I'd say he was trying to get out ahead of the absolute shitstorm hitting the Northeast US coast in a month. I rly hope he's not planning on picking a fight w that Brazilian pantheon over what happened w Sam... its not their fault and if anything someone should warn them. Wars between seasonal deities WILL spread just as climate change does, and if one of them was already dragged into it, that whole mythos is at risk. ...Hopefully Dean is there to warn them, not. stab them.
Dean pls just be decent to the other pagan gods this once please.
Also, Garth and his wife are now in a threesome! with BENNY.
and they are ALL married to each other
that's odd, its not bad, its just ODD, I'm happy for them. 10/10, they were always like the 3 most functional characters in the whole show anyway, and I'm sure Garth's kiddos will enjoy having yet another fun dad.
congrats to whatever's going on over there.
ALSO! Rowena's back! Yay!!! She seems to have given up trying to escape Death and now WORKS for Death, namely corralling the souls of children who don't want to go to the afterlife... or... something vaguely like that idk. She likes her job, or at least likes continuing to exist while doing something in her vague field of interest. However she DOES appear to be sniffing around near all that recent activity w Azazel's return, I hope she stays safe or just finds somewhere else to hang out. Of relevance re: Rowena's current activities are:
-two VERY talented ghosts who help other ghosts pass on and hunt the occasional monster, they are amazingly skilled and there's a lot to learn from those two.
-Tom Tildrum, or possibly Tim Toldrum, idfk its one of the cats to go by the title "The King Of Cats". I think he's Cat-sith on at least one side (Faerie/Sidhe cat) and may be in charge of them.
-Jenny Greenteeth, who may have Fomoire heritage and may ALSO be Balor's relative/child. She seems nice, if in over her head. Not sure she remembers what she is.
-Yet Another Second Generation Special Kid. this one has ALL kinds of other weird going on tho, gotta look into that
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spnsummergen · 3 years
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Fic on AO3: ‘the cat has the bones’, for @noblememoruled
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monstermoviedean · 2 years
postcanon dean also walks around the house in very little clothing because he's never gotten the chance to do that before
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nikadd · 4 years
pretty sure you've seen more of this show than i have so im curious: what are your thoughts on @/winchestersingerautorepair's spec that dean is gonna live out postcanon in a heaven that now has free will bc of cas?
i would accept it as a good ending for dean. for me personally, the most important thing is that dean is with cas and sam is with eileen, and the two brothers, while still on def good terms, are apart, or at least not in each other’s pockets as they’d been. i can’t see the show ending well with the codependency being intact. the technicalities of how this would happen do not concern me as much.
every time i tell someone that i watch spn, i always mention that the show has a funny pattern of similar endings for even and odd seasons.
each odd season ends with the brothers separated, whether by death, some portal, or something of the like. each even season ends with some Thing being released and/or a Door being broken.
1: car crash, dean in a coma 2: sam opens the gate to hell 3: dean goes to hell 4: sam lets lucifer out 5: sam falls into lucifer’s cage, dean moves in with lisa 6: leviathans are released 7: dean goes after cas to purgatory 8: angels fall 9: dean dies/becomes a demon 10: the darkness is released 11: dean left to face amara (this might be the only real time sam and dean weren’t really separated, but dean doesn’t get back until 12x01, so i still count it) 12: jack’s birth opens a rift between realities 13: michael takes over dean 14: chuck releases souls from hell 15: [insert sam and dean separating here]
i’ve thought of this back when i first started watching the show live (which was during season 9), so i could always predict approximately what was going to happen.
tl;dr: it makes sense, sounds like something they would do, would still cry watching it
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abladeofgrass · 3 years
hey bestie finished spn today, and yeah i was there when all hell broke loose on the fifth, but like those last few eps hurt. Cas’ death was somehow worse than I thought, Jack leaving had me sobbing, Dean’s death had me emotionally conflicted but also in tears, heaven made me smile for the most part, and SPN Tumblr was not joking about the wig for old Sam, I was trying not to laugh since it was sad and all, and I just really did not love the episodes overall, even if they made me feel that strongly.
Anyway glad that’s over, idk why I wanted to tell you specifically, but if you do respond to this I’m sure it’ll be funny
God, that’s basically how I felt about it too, down to laughing at the party city wig but also being too upset to find any sort of joy in the last couple of episodes. At the end of the day, my headcanon is that the empty is just fucking around with Cas and the last two episodes are just a torture fever dream :)) (followed by a postcanon rescue mission ofc)
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milliganstan · 3 years
thanks for the tag, maggie ❤️ @michaelfromsupernatural
3 ships: midam of course, kataang from atla, and haleth/caranthir from the silmarillion (the least sad ship in this book we love to see it)
last song: 天边外 from 金沙 idk if there's an official english title for it but it's more or less "Beyond the Horizon" and it is SO sad, it gives me postcanon adam vibe. I mean (not a proper translation) "i will never find out if he was out there beyond the horizon, how did he come all this way? who knows what's in his mind? [...] he began to sing softly, a heavenly melody, lets my dream take flight and my heart becomes deep as the sea, but when i wake from my dream, he's long gone" like.... girl what. (i absolutely has to link this subtitled performance its on 38 minutes mark)
last movie: probably gone girl
currently reading: Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. i'm trying to brush up my local classics but my progress has been very dismal indeed
currently watching: spn 15x08 over and over, thanks
currently craving: thee guider jacket
Uh, tagging @largecheekbones @guccimetti @susanoosama01 i think everyone already got tagged at this point :/
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