#the good old pinned info dump
yotoll · 4 months
💫💀About Me!💀💫
Aliases: yotoll (this blog, AO3, Instagram, misc other places), noisyskull (Tumblr only)
Fandoms: Danganronpa, Good Omens, Mob Psycho 100, The Magnus Archives, Oban Star Racers
Personal details:
She/They, Lesbian, 26
Hobby artist by night, gamer by day
I don't talk much outside of reblog tags due to social anxiety, but I do read messages and appreciate it.
#it's yotoll art -- For all art I post, regardless of type
#not yotoll art -- Anything that isn't art I do (including reblogs or me chatting)
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strange-august · 1 year
Tag Yourself as Aesthetics I resonate with
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Changelingcore: Broken insect wings, wildflower meadows, catching tadpoles, lingering mist after it rains, wet shoes from the damp grass, the feeling of moss under your hands, collection of strange trinkets and objects, taking your stuffed animals on adventures, doodling on your clothes, busy hands, wading knee deep into a lake, screaming into the air to ease frustration, organizing and reorganizing your treasures, bird calls, animal howls, digging in the mud, chewing on your lip until it bleeds, bruises and scrapes, the urge to live in the woods and never return to regular society, knotted hair, forest shrines, putting flower blossoms in your hair, flooded swampy areas, jumping from short cliffs
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Suburban Gothic: Hot muggy air sticking to your skin, the buzz of florescent lights, flickering street lights, budget popsicles, late night drug store visits, muffled arguments, an old clock ticking, guady wallpaper, gossamer curtains, dusty cotton sheets, faded quilts, dog barkings, milkshakes in an empty diner, broken windows and graffiti, abandoned train tracks, 24/7 laundromats, rusty swingsets, shadowy silhouettes, semi-abandoned malls, sounds of far off traffic and train horns, driving around at night while soft music plays on the radio, tv static, junk yards and pick-n-pulls, holding hands with a stranger, urban legends, varsity jackets, broken glass on the road, crumbling buildings, local television channels
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Cuddle Party: Excited giggles and hushed whispers, condensation on drinkware, running through an empty field hollering and whooping in the dead of night, sitting on the porch in rocking chairs, drunken "I love you"s, old cartoons, classic disney movies, five dollar pizza and breadsticks, singing out loud in the car, finding new places to explore, county fairs and arcade visits, eating fair food and screaming your lungs out on rides, trying to earn as many tickets at the arcade and still winning cheap prizes, being the last one to fall asleep, casually sleeping all together in the same bed, holding hands in crowds, if one of us isn't having a good time none of us are, wondering how long these days will last
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Cryptid Academia: Listening to video essays while sketching cryptids, exploring abandoned buildings (legally and illegally), pocket knives, blackout curtains, newspaper clippings, viewing the night sky through a telescope, visiting natural history or science museums, old typewriters, info dumping conspiracy theories on friends, making plans to investigate that never come to fruition, tearing yet another hole into your clothes climbing over fences, shoddily patched up clothes, keychains and aluminum pins, novelty socks, analog watches, Buzzfeed Unsolved, cryptid podcasts, sprint training so you can outrun whatever is chasing you, rubiks cubes, sore fingers from mending, thrift shopping, essays only about cryptids
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Desertwave: Billowing winds, sandstorms, wind chimes and suncatchers, succulents in handmade clay pots, aloe vera plants on the kitchen windowsill, the distant howl of a coyote, faded winnebagos, the soft hiss of patio misters, campsites and trailer parks, large rock formations covered in graffiti, picking up trash, the crackle of a bonfire, cacti and joshua trees in the backyard, never getting the sand completely out of your shoes, dusty clothes, laying in a hammock watching the stars, water balloon fights, hot springs, mexican ice cream bars, rocky desert mountains, plots of sand and plants that stretch on as far as the eye can see
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cupcakeslushie · 11 months
Hello, so what exactly is the seprated!au I just discovered your account and I'm pretty interested in it and I'm just kinda lost. If you don't mind telling me
So a good place to start is checking out my pinned post! This au is nearing a year old so that post has what I consider to be the most important links!
The main comic starts with Mikey’s arc which is kinda a prologue and introduces everyone and a bit of their situations.
Leo and Mikey were taken during a supply run by the Foot and split up from Splinter and Raph. Mikey managed to escape and grew up with Big Mama, but Leo was raised in the Foot Clan, and Donnie, from the start was only ever raised by Draxum.
The au has a main comic but I’ve been asked a lot of questions about it while making it, so if you look at the other tags in that pinned post like the ‘Sep!AU life’ tag you’ll find more art, and the ‘Sep!AU info dump’ tag has…well a lot of info! Also there is a main timeline that I’d really recommend glancing at! Especially the parts that cover anything before the main comic starts (it is labeled where to stop if you don’t want to be spoiled too much!)
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ghostsbimbo · 7 months
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the boys & hearing a song from your phone on shuffle a/n: nsfw songs ahead <3 ur welcome. tw: some songs contain heavy subjects such as rape.
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simon "ghost" riley - good lookin' by dixon dallas
He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking)
He has a thousand yard stare as you try to contain your laughter at the song. you love this song, and the artist in general. You originally found him when he was just doing rap, his name being iamjakehill. you completely embraced both the pop punk (ur pretty) project & the country project of his. and now, you're showing your lieutenant one of his very gay masterpieces, despite the artist being a very straight man.
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könig - dana dan by bloodywood
Not all men, yes, all men Need all men for what we're solvin' Can't be what it's been but we're evolvin' You see for yourself now get involved in Talking all in, do more, boy, it's a war Chainsaw to the dead weight, leave it raw Bloody galore as we clean out the core Yeah, we do it for her, so we kick in the door
he definitely looked up the lyrics, meaning behind the song, and translation as soon as it was over, and with that he found a new band to listen to. listen, the dude may basically be a war criminal [ they all fuckin are, lets admit it ] but he sure as hell would fucking destroy a rapist as soon as he had the opportunity. all of them would.
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john price - i threw glass at my friend's eyes and now I'm on probation by destroy boys
But fuck you! You're so old, dude! Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow! You know, I kinda wish I had let you do that one thing that one time But in retrospect, it would've been a bad idea 'cause You don't care about me like I care about you so I feel bad
man, this dude felt this song was a personal attack on him. yes, y'all had an age gap, but you needed to assure him he was perfectly fine, and you just liked the song because of trauma prior to meeting him. being a kid/teenager with unmonitered internet access really fucked you up, buddy.
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keegan p. russ - chokehold by sleep token [ cover by will ramos ]
So show me that which I cannot see Even if it hurts me Even if I can't sleep Oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake
to say he loved the dudes voice would be an understatement, and then to figure out it was a cover of a song and he heard the original? the man was offended you kept will ramos, his band lorna shore, and the band sleep token from him. his phone would end up being filled with both bands discography.
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kyle "gaz" garrick - to the hellfire by lorna shore
Accept this descent into the night Releasing your grasp to induce separation Plunged into the shadows Lost in sensation, we're free falling down into the everblack Can you feel it? These pins and needles
He got scared. He also wondered how you could understand what the guy was saying the whole time. He got VERY confused when the pig squeals started - confused enough to ask if they had a pig in studio. You laughed and explained that no, the vocalist that was screaming - Will - did it all himself. It then lead to you info dumping on the genre of music as a whole.
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johnny "soap" mactavish - pisces by JINJER
No promises I ever give Don't rely on me and I won't deceive The beginning or the end you can't tell When I wave my fin and shake my tail I grew in different normality With unblamable morality Hooks and nets are there for me But I'm skittish
The soft voice is what got to him, his eyes going wide when he heard the screaming. He didn't believe you at first when you told him the woman singing was also the one screaming, too. - "No fuckin' way is that a bonnie doin' that." - so you pulled up the song on youtube, and then also pulled up a few live videos of the band, too. He believed you after a few videos, and may have gotten a little jealous when you said she causes you to have a MAJOR gay panic. You also state you wish you had the same amount of talent as her, especially with the screaming.
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elrallin · 3 months
Hello hello! I'm El Rallin.
I write predominantly sci-fi and fantasy, with a focus on post-apocalyptic and post-post-apoc. As a queer person, I write a lot of stories with queer characters.
I'm an editing and publishing undergrad working part time as a copy editor for a scientific journal. I'm a huge nerd about the history of the English language, particularly Old English, which I will happily nerd about at any given opportunity.
Open to tags and asks! (Including tag lists for WiPs. And feel free to info dump to me about your projects in asks/similar.)
I often vanish for large chunks of time, during which the blog runs on a queue. I also just queue a lot of posts in general! If I vanish it's because disabilities+life are kicking my ass, and I'll return, though it mmmmay take a little bit. xD
Fallen to Ashes - currently drafting
Post-post apocalyptic novel centering on a young drone pilot trying to get hired by a local vigilante crew to help make a positive impact on the city she has grown up in. Meanwhile, said crew's mission in the city is forcing them to either think in new ways, or give up and withdraw back to where they will be safe.
Bone-House - 24 hour novel project
Taylor, a newly hired library worker, discovers that they can see ghosts at the same time as they themself are starting to become one. Now, they need to work to save some library relics, including the bones of a ghost that has taken a liking to them, before the relics are permanently removed, and the library claims Taylor's bones to replace those that have been taken.
Voices Belonging to Monsters - summer project
A Beowulf retelling set after a viral apocalypse has permanently altered life on Earth, focusing on what it means to be a "good king" and to inherit a legacy. Told from the PoV of a Wiglaf/Unferth character who is overshadowed and overwhelmed by the legacy of a heroic leader.
Once, We Were Dragons - outlining
In a world where dragons were killed by a conquering empire, their descendants are still struggling for peace. A young half-human boy and his family flee for one of the few safe havens. Meanwhile, a human girl starts to challenge what she was taught about the world and her place in it.
I have other projects that I'll occasionally make mention of, and some characters, but these are the things that I'm working on getting drafted this year!
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zwy01 · 8 months
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Kaelestis Doodles!!!
My OC Kaelestis Blerster, son and only child of Karias Blerster. His other parent is Rael Kertia (soul fragment donor). For more info on his bio check out my pinned post!
1. Doodle dump of changes in Kaelestis’ appearance as he grows up. As a small child his hair was basically kind of like Rael’s, except even messier. Karias didn’t really do anything about his son’s hair because he thought his fluffy baby was cute that way haha. And it’s true! Though as soon as Kaelestis became aware of his own appearance he started taking care of it by combing it to the sides of his head. In general kiddie Kaelestis had a round face and this feature stays with him well into adulthood. Karias’ features kick in fairly late, when Kaelestis is much, much older. Far future Kaelestis still has that same frowny expression though. He reminds people of his uncle Razark and paternal grandfather Krasis. Kaelestis isn’t trying to frown but that’s just what his face looks like when relaxed. Dammit, he’s trying his hardest, but people just keep asking him what’s wrong. Nothing really, he’s quite content actually. Orrr maybe he could be concerned about something, who knows. Hopefully he’s not worrying about Karias doing something over the top for the nth time.
2. Karias with his tiny son! While there are some… perhaps problematic things in their father-son relationship, Kaelestis’ early childhood was a very good one and arguably the best time he’s shared with his father. Which leads to the thing I want to discuss next, and that is what’s exactly going on between the two of them, and the details of what their dynamic is like.
In general, Karias and Kaelestis have a pretty decent father-son relationship. If you asked, everyone would basically tell you that oh, they have a great relationship. And that is a correct observation, because it is true. For the most part, at least. There’s nothing abnormal or strange, and they don’t have conflicts with each other. There are even affectionate moments here and there too, though there’s more to it than what people generally see.
Remember when I said that Kaelestis is more like a parent to Karias than the other way around like it’s supposed to be? That’s actually a very long story, and it goes all the way back to Kaelestis’ early childhood, to when he was a toddler, so roughly a 20 year old ish. You see, Kaelestis was a very, very well-behaved child. So well-behaved, it’s actually quite unbelievable when you think about it in hindsight. Even the other now elegant and sophisticated nextgen nobles had to be disciplined and educated to some extent to correct rowdy, weird, and sometimes unacceptable behavior. Which was basically all of them, even the super nice ones like Asa, Alethea, and Cordelia. Except for Kaelestis. He was the only exception. People were actually kind of envious of Karias, and to them he very much won the lottery with his kid. Not to mention Kaelestis is Karias and Rael’s kid… people intially expected him to be some sort of mixture between the two of his parents, but worse. Turns out, they were totally wrong. Kiddie Kaelestis was as sweet as you could get with any child. He was honest, patient, kind, and generous. He always waited for his turn to speak, always politely and correctly addressed everyone accordingly (except for that one time when Karias convinced him with the lie that Lord Raskreia is his auntie and he actually called her that lol), and never caused mischief. It’s not that he had superior self-control; those things simply just never crossed his mind. It wasn’t in his nature to do anything out of line. People kept praising Karias for his superb parenting and everyone dreaming of having a kid like Kaelestis. He’s the best you can ever get, right? And as a parent, of course you’d want to support your kid. So Karias tells a young Kaelestis how much he loves him, he’s his baby son. Sometimes Karias would also throw in a comment about how well-behaved he is, and that he’s proud of him. Of course kiddie Kaelestis would be very happy to hear that. It’s praise from none other than the Blerster Clan Leader, his dear father who he loves and respects more than anyone else in this world! That’s where everything started, and you could say it’s for the worse. Kaelestis, who holds his father in such high regard, would take this praise as a very serious thing and more or less it got engraved in his mind. You know when you were a small kid and someone said something that could be trivial but you remembered it forever and it basically impacted the trajectory some aspect of your life? Basically that. And so Kaelestis began to take pride in the fact that he was so well-behaved, and continuing to do that would make his father as proud as ever. Before this, he wasn’t even aware of the fact that he was the “perfect” child, he simply was. Now that this became a new addition to his knowledge, of course he’s going to act on it. But to Karias, Kaelestis was still a small child (toddler equivalent) so Karias isn’t going to take it too seriously anyway. He still showered his baby with affection and always gave him attention. And Kaelestis very much enjoyed every moment of it.
Fast forward to the time when Kaelestis was the equivalent of a 8-12 year old human. You know when kids are very young the parents always treat them like baby and when they get a bit older and have thoughts of their own the parents start to really have fun with their kids? That’s what happens next. Karias doesn’t need to watch Kaelestis all the time anymore, hovering over his son and worrying about him getting himself into some sort of danger. He could let him run free for a bit. Let him be on his own, and do his own thing. Karias still spends time with his son and is affectionate with him, in a different way. Because Kaelestis now takes pride in being so well-behaved, he actually makes a conscious effort to be even more well-behaved. He’s become obsessed with the idea, more or less. Be the perfect son, don’t ever cause trouble, make Father proud because he doesn’t need to worry about me, and then Father can attend to his duties as Clan Leader with high efficiency. This was what Kaelestis knew at the time, and it truly was out of good will, as he’s being considerate of others. But what young Kaelestis didn’t know was that this also meant that he’s sacrificing his own well-being and need for closeness to his father. And Karias wasn’t even aware of this, he just thought that this is just what his kid is like, being nice as usual and that, and he can focus more on clan duties. And so Kaelestis never got the extra recognition that he yearned for, and even worse his father now spends less time with him. He got what he wanted, didn’t he? For his father to be the best Clan Leader ever? But something doesn’t feel so right, and Kaelestis starts to doubt his own decision. Even worse, Kaelestis doesn’t do anything to fix the situation, he just goes with the flow because he started this himself. His Clan Leader never asked of him for any of this. But now that it’s done, there’s no choice but to endure the consequences and move on, right? For now, he’ll continue to be the best son for his father. Because he loves him. It’ll do. This won’t go on forever, right? At least Kaelestis had thought so, though this optimism would soon be replaced with even more regret and exhaustion.
Fast forward to Kaelestis’ teen years, so the human equivalent of a 13-19 year old ish. Kaelestis’ hobbies are expanding, and his talent is truly blooming. He had discovered his love for the arts… painting, sculpture, anything really. This was his purpose in life, and his skills were really impressive. Karias is of course overjoyed and thrilled to learn that his son is so talented and that he has found his passion. And so Karias gets Kaelestis all the materials he could possibly find both inside and outside of Lukedonia, and Kaelestis is very touched by his father’s gestures. He has all this stuff with work with now! It was a real moment of joy for him, and yet another memory for him to remember forever , which would later also become tinted with melancholy. Now that Kaelestis actually has time to spend on projects, he is indirectly pushing his father away even more. Whenever Karias would drop by to check on his son and ask him how he’s doing, Kaelestis would always answers that he’s doing well, and Karias doesn’t need to worry about him, because he has art, and that’s all he needs to be happy. Which was a lie, because he actually longed for time with his father. He misses his early childhood where the two of them would spend time together everyday, all day. But he needs to not be a distraction to his father’s schedule, because he’s well-behaved right? He could hold in his feelings of yearning… right? So Karias never learns of his son’s true feelings. Because he never tells him. Which just hurts Kaelestis even more because now he’s actually reinforcing Karias’ belief that his son is all good and that his role as father isn’t one that is needed too much, because he’s a good boy who can entertain himself in peace. And that’s when they start to see each other less and less. They still have dinner together and talk about the day sometimes, but the frequency is nothing like before anymore. Not even close. Kaelestis is hurting himself, and he can’t bring himself to admit to his father that he needs him. No, no, there’s no way he can be an inconvenience to his father. Of course Karias would never think of his son in that way, ever. But Kaelestis’ tendencies to overthink and internalize things drives him to this conclusion. And this doesn’t change much even after Kaelestis becomes a young adult. And so, even to this day, whenever Kaelestis picks up a paintbrush or a chisel, he’d always be reminded of the fact that he (partially) traded away his father’s bond with himself for this. Perhaps this melancholy doesn’t sting Kaelestis as much as it did at first, but it will always be a thorn in his heart, a mild, reoccurring pain.
Kaelestis’ feelings of responsibility over his father carries over to different aspects too. You see, Karias’ personality is drastically different from Kaelestis’. That’s literally just how he is. He’s flamboyant and always going over the top, sometimes he’d say or do something inappropriate by noble standards and get yelled at by Rozaria and Gejutel… etc etc. The usual drill. Kaelestis feels like he needs to keep Karias in check to make sure he’s not being an inconvenience to others. He’s Karias’ son, and it is his duty to make sure Father doesn’t do something so out of line again. And this involves reminding his father of “ahem, Clan Leader, please don’t do that” to reprimanding him if he comedically wails about how he’s not allowed to have fun and his son is just sooooo not fun either. To be honest, Karias has always been like this since the start but Kaelestis just never took it seriously until he got older, because he didn’t think it was a problem. Now that his sense of responsibility is ever so strong, of course he’d be concerned with Karias’ self-representation out there. To Kaelestis, Karias’ image is heavily tied with the entire clan’s image. Karias just thinks his son is hilarious. Which does not amuse Kaelestis because he essentially still needs to parent his parent and being laughed at in the face isn’t exactly helpful either. Kaelestis’ duties includes apologizing to others when Karias does something weird, warning others about what might come, reminding Karias about what and what not to say at meetings, etc etc. You could say that Kaelestis thinks this is exhausting, because it really is. But to him, maybe this is some other form of bonding, to fill that void in his childhood. In a way, this is spending time with his father whom he misses dearly. But still. Kaelestis yearns for Karias to interact with him like they did in his childhood. Just gentle affection and attention from his father. He wants to be a small child again, because he had never been able to smile out of true happiness for a very long time now. He wishes he’d never taken being well-behaved so seriously, because that one phrase of praise led to everything that causes him sadness in the present day. In a way, he misses Karias. Karias was never out of reach, as the two of them live in the same manor and they’re often together on duties and errands. Mentally and emotionally? That’s the complicated part. Kaelestis is there, and not there in the same time. To Karias he’s still his precious son and everything is totally normal. But to Kaelestis there is this gap between them that will never close, and it’s entirely his own fault so he can’t complain. Perhaps if Kaelestis didn’t see clearing a misunderstanding as such a heavy burden, he would’ve done it. Just admit to Father that you were unhappy all along. Just do it. He thinks about it often, but ends up failing every single time. Just can’t bring himself to say it. And so this eats him from the inside out, causing him to be in a constant state of burnout. The kid he was never able to be, and the peace of mind he will never get. The ever so gracious maturity and sophisticated energy that he emits and perceived by others, is a curse to him. The burden does not end there. When he’s with his friends, the others automatically assume that he’ll be the chaperone and take responsibility for anything that happens. Even their joke nickname for him is “dad” because he’s so much like one, right? This puts even more pressure on him, and he has to constantly be on lookout in case any of them does something stupid. Hearing them tell the others “Kaelestis didn’t stop me, so I did it anyway” doesn’t exactly help either. He’s getting blamed for something they decided to do? He never signed up for this, but he doesn’t want to make things complicated, so he keeps it inside and… boom. Stress and more stress. It’s always, always there. He still enjoys being in the presence of his friends but sometimes the burden overrides the joy and in the end, everyone had a good time, except for himself.
One of his deepest unspoken desires is for someone to come hold him, and tell him he can stop and put down everything and just cry. Come and rescue him, and help him out of this cage that he put himself in. To this day, he awaits for someone to burst down that wall he spent his entire life maintaining. Someone. Anyone.
Aaaand this is about it for now! I’d love to talk more about my precious Kaekae in the future so I might do that when I have the opportunity again!
(+ this is why Kaelestis falls for Izar! Unlike virtually all of the others, Izar doesn’t cause much trouble. He’s mostly obsessed with doing research in his own lab and rarely leaves it. Sometimes there’d be an explosion, but that’s pretty much it. Nothing dramatic or extra involved. Izar is also very chill in general and would take care of Kaelestis when he’s a visiting his lab as a “guest” : offering him snacks and drinks, showing him his figure collection and letting him play with them, showering him in plushies to hug, putting a blanket over him after he’s fallen asleep from listening to him reading research papers… all those small but heartwarming things that make Kaelestis feel being taken care of. Izar isn’t even aware of the fact that these simple gestures mean so, so much to Kaelestis and that this dude is in love with him… how lovely! +for more info in Izar feel free to once again check out my pinned post+ special Izar post from before!)
((again sleep deprived so excuse me for any typos haha hopefully it all makes sense! See you again in the future!!))
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Could I request the different riddlers with a s/o who collects just random ass trinkets? Pins, pendants, just little shiny trinkets and knick-knacks. Hopefully that makes sense
"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?" Riddler party x reader
I have a collection of kokeshi dolls and other random things like bones so.... I felt this ask while reading it. I also included stuff they might collect!
TW: None
If any of the riddlers is going to understand collecting and the hyperfixations that can come attached to that, it's Gotham. Please show him your entire collection and tell him all the information you want about it. He will be listening with hearts in his eyes memorizing the standards of which you use to pick new items.
He actually has his own collections! Articulated skeletons, wet specimens, old fashioned medical textbooks- He'd love to tell you all about them! oh and puzzle boxes! He's even made some, do you want to see?
He has a checklist in his mind of the traits things in your collection share so he can find the perfect thing. You won't get a ton of stuff from him, but the things you do get are a-mazing and exactly to your taste. It has to be perfect! He spends a lot of time overthinking this kind of thing.
How darling! Just where did you find all this? Whatever pieces are your favorites, he'd like to hear the story behind them at some point. Sometimes you'll catch him looking at them from time to time, admiring them. Thinking about how they suit you. Shiny treasures. Just like you are to him.
He will find you the cheesy, weird stuff that fits in with your collection. ESPECIALLY knick-knacks and pins. He insists he travels often enough and has enough friends that he just knows how to get this kind of thing. If nothing else, the pieces are always very unique.
Riddler has a collection of old movies and theatrical costumes. It's not the same but if you want him to share that with you, he'd be happy to! Make some silly home movies where batman gets owned (again).
Zero Year
This man's special interest is in mythology and folk tales (which I will go deeper into in another post). If any of your knick knacks, pins or the like reflects on those subjects, expect to have his full attention. He's already rattling off statistics and info dumping on the type of/cut of the jewels in your trinkets and pendants. Ah, but you showed him this because it's your interest, so perhaps you should tell him about it (once he's done talking, of course).
If you promise to be cool about it, he will show you his dice and dnd figurines. He hand-painted this one, it's one of his characters for a game, a gnome... and he's gone he's going to be rambling for like an hour about the mythos he created for this guy. The dice are all custom made and he has a set that all the ones are a golden question mark on green. You aren't surprised.
Oh, you've done it. You've basically told him outright what to get you as presents. Suffer, by which I mean be ready for him to use that to his advantage. He knows good quality and fine work when he sees it. These things combined means you are getting some very kick ass gifts whenever he pleases. Especially if you just happen to be mad at him for being a shit.
Instantly zoning in on things that attract his eye. Whether it's the beauty of your pendants or a quirky design on a pin, he's going to tell you his opinion on these pieces. Yet you notice he's too polite to say which ones he doesn't like (if any) and just glosses over them...
Perhaps it'll seem too on the nose, but he likes collecting old game systems, obscure limited edition video games and arcade cabinets. He's repaired them and reworked bad coding and hardware issues in his spare time. You know, for fun. He used to do this since he was a child which coincidentally is where he learned a lot of it. Now he can afford expensive equipment and tools. If he's anywhere past the year 2006, he has a physical copy of Rule of Rose. If you know, you know.
You like pretty, shiny things? He is more than willing to get you pretty, shiny things. Let's be honest, he already liked stealing jewels of high caliber and the like, this just gives him more incentive. Then he can tell you all about his dashing and clever plan he used to do it which gives him such a little ego boost.
He doesn't mean to be rude, cherub, (he is anyways) but what is the point of this? Is it just because it's pretty? Is there something specific you like about all of it? In his opinion, it's just there to collect dust if it doesn't have a use.
While he of course pretends he's above all that, BACK IN THE DAY, he used to collect Lord of the Rings stuff. He has a copy of the 1978 version that he still holds in high regard. Semi-related, if you coaxed him into it, he will speak Elvish in bed.
He isn't necessarily going to seek out things for you to add to your collection, that's not his bag. But once in a blue moon, you'll get a small box with something special in it that he says "reminded me of you." Even if he doesn't get it, he knows it's something you care about and so he will attempt to make an effort.
Oh. Hm. His very initial reaction might be that it's a little immature. He doesn't outright say it, but you can get that impression from small, harsh comments. Over time though, he'll come to appreciate the emotional value they have for you. Then he stops making those comments and will try to dish out compliments.
If you got this man intricate ship-in-a-bottle kits or those ridiculously intricate lego sets, he'd have his greasy gremlin hands all over those. Working with machinery the way he does, his happy space is putting it all together and seeing it complete. Then it goes on a shelf somewhere.
He's not probably going to give you much for your collecting unless you like things he can make for you- But, tell you what, he's more than willing to make a display for your things. He's good with his hands and it's a way to show that he cares about your interests. If you do like things he can make, like his trophies and whatnot though, you'll occasionally find something tucked away for you to find behind a riddle or two.
Edward is glad you feel comfortable enough to share this with him. He never got to collect things when he was younger because the other children would have just torn it to pieces just for fun. To him this is a sign of trust and vulnerability on your part. Now he can look through this collection to see parts of you that you might hide for other people. Little things you might not have even known about yourself.
He likes collecting/recreating memorabilia from movies (usually horror) as well as those insanely difficult puzzle boxes. The ones he can afford, anyways. He has a whole stack of completed brainteaser and puzzle books. A lot of them are math and some quite difficult to understand unless you're good at that sort of thing. However, he doesn't consider those collecting because he only had them for stress-coping. The cheaper ones he likes tearing out the pages to use as additional layering for his rats cages.
See, he doesn't have a lot and knows you don't expect these grand expensive gestures from him. That being said, I think he'd turn to the online sphere to try and find something really rare that you can't find anywhere else. He's very good at slinking around to find things and he has connections through his alternate persona. He wonders if stream might have any good ideas...
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lavalampstealer · 11 months
Okay, I’ve made a compiled dump of lore on my interpretations/versions of IEYTD characters (mainly Phoenix and Handler so far) so I can pin this and ppl won’t have to go looking for old posts. I’ll be updating this as I figure stuff out or if anything changes with them. Apologies if this is a little hard to read, I kind of word-vomited info here and I’ve tried to clean it up a little. Spoiler warning for IEYTD 1 and 2
Buckle up it’s gonna be a long one
First up: Handler, he/him (tumblr doesn’t have yellow text so orange will have to do).
He wears a sleeveless yellow turtleneck over a short sleeved shirt, square glasses, and a yellow headset. Originally a Field Agent for the Agency, he made quite a name for himself and was given the internal/honorary nickname of Agent Moray due to his knack for slipping away from Zor’s clutches while also leaving carnage in his wake (little did people know, he usually ran on pure adrenaline, fear, and general clumsiness that worked out in his favor). He eventually had to retire from field work and become a handler due to him breaking his right leg during his last mission and it not healing properly. Before he had to hang up his spy gear, he was selected to be an early implant tester for the Agency, and the one he got was a rudimentary version of the telekinesis where he could float things in place but not grab objects from afar. He has kept it and it has proved especially useful during his time as a handler for hovering important documents like dossiers and building blueprints/layouts nearby during missions. As for his actual work as a handler, he acts as support to Phoenix, mostly with work related things, but sometimes emotionally as well. He acts as an anchor for Phoenix and is there to bring them back to reality should he notice them getting that glassy-eyed, million mile stare every once in a while. He was very concerned for them in the fallout of Operation: Death Engine and after that he became more attached to them, resulting in him being devastated after Rising Phoenix. If there is anything between him and Phoenix, it leans more towards him being like a father figure than anything else. He usually works from his office in the Agency building (the one from IEYTD 1), but occasionally for more urgent/important/overseas missions, he opts to be nearby (in the crowd in Stage Fright, above Phoenix somewhere in Eaves Drop, outside the chateau in Party Crasher, etc.). If I come up with more I’ll add it to here, 10/10 character.
Next (and probably much longer): Phoenix, they/them.
During IEYTD 1, they had short hair and wore a long sleeve dress shirt and their cyan tie. They were able to do more action-intense missions (hijacking Zor’s sub, sneaking into a cargo plane to steal a car, sneaking onto a shuttle to the Death Engine, etc.) and were generally more aloof about their own safety and pretty much saw their job as just a fun game. However, in the aftermath of Operation DE, their left leg was badly injured and needed to be replaced from the thigh down, so the Agency provided them with a robotic prosthetic. It took them a while to get used to it, and while they can walk, run, and stand with it just fine, it’s a bit difficult for them do more intense activity like, say, hand to hand combat (although a good kick to shin usually has foes doubled over) or dodging projectiles. They also got their facial scars from the DE Incident, with the one on their left cheek coming from the beam that shot into their shuttle when the Death Engine fired for the first time. The other two are just general nicks and gashes from crashing back to Earth. Because of their robotic leg, someone in the Agency gave them the nickname “Tin Can” and it stuck (Phoenix pretends to hate it but thinks it’s amusing). After months of recovery, they were cleared for field work once again where they were given slightly easier missions that have most of the action happen while they’re seated (an exception to this is the implied fight with Gibson before Party Crasher because him being there was unexpected). This time around they prefer to roll up their sleeves because it’s more comfortable, allows for more movement, and it keeps them from getting singed/dirty, but they still wear a cyan tie (a new one since their old one was torn). Their hair grew out during their stint in Medical and they liked it, so they decided to keep it longer. Not much happened to them physically during IEYTD 2, but after Rising Phoenix they had their right arm replaced from the elbow down and got an updated leg (their og prosthetic was shattered in the fall).
I don’t have a design for them as they are in IEYTD 3 yet, so for now just imagine more scarring, longer hair, and a metallic arm from the elbow onwards.
Now, enough about their physical description, now it’s time for more on their mental state(s). After the DE Incident, Phoenix refused to actually dive into their emotions about losing a leg and nearly dying and instead preoccupied themselves with learning to use their new prosthetic and getting well again so they could return to field work. They don’t like to be alone with their thoughts for too long otherwise they start to spiral to a bad place so they’re always listening to some kind of music (a radio, headphones, humming/singing a song to themselves, or just replaying songs in their head). Handler helps them with this and pulls them back to the present every so often. Phoenix also once received an anonymous gift package that contained some very comfy and good quality earbuds (three guesses as to who sent them). They weren’t too surprised by Juniper’s twist of actually being evil (they had an icky feeling about the slimeball ever since they heard his tone in his call during their mission briefing for Jet Set). During Safe and Sound (and by extension, the tutorial), Phoenix gets a sinking feeling that Handler was never truly with the Agency and had betrayed them until Juniper revealed his act. Phoenix is furious with him for toying with them like that and mentally kick themselves for falling for it and for allowing themselves to get that attached to Handler (it’s like a taboo/rule at the Agency for handler and agents to not get connected (they don’t have the budget for employee therapy)).
More random tidbits about them and some other stuff that I couldn’t work into the above paragraphs:
- JJ carries a comb in his pocket at all times because he wants to make sure he always looks good (the smug look on his face undercuts the effect)
- JJ’s hair is more on the side of fluffy/soft but when he slicks it back it looks thinner and more wiry
- Phoenix’s color before getting their TK was a darker blue
- Handler’s favorite flowers were marigolds but after Jet Set, he refuses to have any near him
- Before becoming a handler, Handler’s color was more of an orange before mellowing out to a golden yellow after his retirement from field work
- Phoenix and Handler are injured in opposite legs, to which Handler teases them about them becoming an old man like him (he’s not old, about mid/late 40s-ish, idk)
- Phoenix is around 5’8 while Handler is a little under 5’6
- The Agency trains agents with the implant to use a sort of pointing finger gesture to use their powers but they can develop their own hand sign/gesture that better suits them. The pointer finger is generally effective for everyone but is limited in the sense that the user can’t pick up/float heavy objects. Once agents find a gesture that works best for them, they’re able to lift larger objects (like other people, crates, chairs, etc.). Phoenix has yet to find their gesture
- Background characters do not get a color and are either solid black if they’re with Zoraxis or black with grey or muted gold accents if they’re with the Agency
- Phoenix can and does use their powers in their daily life when they’re off the clock. They use them while cooking to hover ingredients nearby, picking out clothes so that they don’t end up wrinkled on the ground, looking through reports on previous missions to study Zoraxis’ preferred attack methods (explosions, guns, darts, etc.), to grab things from high shelves or faraway, etc. They’re really casual about using it and have to stop themselves from doing it when they go out in public (unless no one’s looking)
- Phoenix isn’t a bad cook, they just like to burn their food on purpose (they like the taste and it annoys Handler)
- Handler is a good cook and gets ticked off whenever Phoenix burns food
- Songs that fit Handler: From The Start by Laufey, The World We Knew and My Way of Life by Frank Sinatra, No More by Manfred Minnich, Nothing by Bruno Major, Slow Summer Swing by Essential Jazz Masters, The Lamp is Low by Laurindo Almeida
- Songs that fit Phoenix: Skeleton Song by Kate Nash, Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny, Leave Me Alone by IDKHOW, Debt Collector, Bad Luck!, and Pressure Bomb 3?!?! by Jhariah (Beginner’s Guide versions), My Way by Frank Sinatra, This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory (thanks @dieing-lilac for sending me some of these <3)
The songs are a mix of songs from ones that fit their general vibes to ones where the lyrics are accurate (to some degree) of their emotions (Phoenix’s especially). 10/10 songs go check them out if you can
Also the way that character colors work for my style/designs is that it’s an artistic choice to color characters’ details rather than their scars/eyebrows/tongues literally being something like blue or green. A character’s color is a reflection of their personality, characteristics, and general feel that I get from them, with the exception of if a character already has a canonical color (like John Juniper and Roxana Prism). Handler is golden yellow because he seems warm and he likes/liked scotch and marigolds, as well as his subtitle color in IEYTD 1 being yellow (albeit a different shade). Zor is red and gold because Zoraxis is also red and gold so it just makes sense that they would have the same colors as their corporation (also the cliché that red=evil, that whole thing). Phoenix is cyan because of their powers and it fits their personality more than red or any other color would. I don’t really have a reason for why Fabricator would be indigo other than her polaroid pic’s lighting looks dark blue/indigo and that it just makes sense to me. Solaris would be orange because of her love for lasers and because her name makes me think of a glowing ember orange. The more of an impact a character has on the story, the brighter/more saturated their color is (Ex: Daniel Sans would have a muted yellow-green and Anna Ulanova would have a muted maroon because they both don’t appear much but aren’t unimportant).
I think that’s all I have for now, but some of Handler and Phoenix’s characterization can’t really be accurately described without just showing them in their element, so I’m thinking of maybe writing a little story about how Phoenix joined the Agency, how their training went, how they got the implant, and how the events of IEYTD 1 and 2 went with them :) No promises though as I’ll have to find time to plan it out, but if I ever do it I’ll be sure to put it on wattpad or ao3 or something, I’ve never posted a story anywhere before so we’ll see how it goes
Enough of my rambling, I set you readers who made it this far free <33 also here’s something for having made it all the way to the end: 🍬
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lochlander · 7 months
Hi I'm sincerely not trying to be a jerk but what does 'sidhe' mean? I've never seen that word before.
Man, you're so good. This did trigger an info dump that I realized might be too big of an answer, so I'll do it one at a time.
Short answer: It's an Old Irish spelling of a word for fairies which is pronounced "she." A friend got me a pronoun pin once that said "sídhe/her" and it made my day because I love Irish folklore; but "she/her" is also totally fine.
Long answer: "Sídhe" is an older spelling of the modern Irish word "sí", which stands for the Irish hills and is often used as shorthand for the "aos sí" in English-language texts. The aos sí are the supernatural creatures who live in the hills, which are similar to fairies but have a unique tradition unto themselves. Technically, "aos sí/her" would be more accurate in calling myself one of the fair folk, but I'm not a fairy, and I think calling myself a hill is hilarious.
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random0lover · 1 year
Requests Are Open!!
For the love of god please put your age in your bio or in a pinned post. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I CANT TELL HOW OLD YOU ARE. Also in the end of it all, you are responsible for your own media consumption. If you decide to go around warnings that is your own choice. Thank you.💞 Also, my blog is a safe space! If anyone need’s to vent or just wants someone to talk to my dm’s are always open. <3
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Side Blog- (link)
} Things About Me
- I’m 19
- She/Her
- I sometimes go by Kat (open to nicknames tbh)
- I’m short enough that I have to climb onto counters to reach the top shelf (fml)
- Scorpio
- if I’m outside you’ll often find me staring at the sky whether it’s day or night
- I mainly write for fun but would love to maybe pursue it as a career one day
- I’m happiest when it’s raining outside and I can just curl up with a good book with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee <3
- I’m part of multiple fandoms so you’ll find reblogs (and maybe a few of my own writings) of all sorts here :)
- If you decide to follow me I would greatly appreciate if in your bio it could indicate that you’re over the age of 18. Whether it’s a simple 18+ or even if it says MDNI (minors do not interact)
Find info about my writing by clicking ‘keep reading’ :)
Also here are the tags I use if you’d like to block any (I reblog a lot and I know that annoys some people)
#random0lover replies
#random0lover is kinda flabbergasted
#random0lover horny tings
#random0lover relates
#random0lover writing struggles
#random0lover things about me
#random0lover emotional dumps
#random0lover my writing
#random0lover polls 📊
#random0lover message to followers <3
#random0lover smut reblog
#random0lover angst reblog
#random0lover fluff reblog
#random0lover rambles ♡
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} Masterlist
Key for works
Fluff = ✨
Light Smut = ☀️
Smut = 🔥
Smut with hard kinks = 🔥💥
This includes CNC (CONSENSUAL non-consent), intense bondage, knife play, gun play, pet play, intense impact play, fear play. I think that’s it but more may be added.
Angst = 🌪️
No Comfort = 🥀
Fem!reader = 🌩️
GN!reader = 🌨️
AFAB!reader = ❄️
No Reader Insert = 🍄
• Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
🌩️☀️✨] A Day for First’s and Adding A Second
- Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x wife fem!reader, slight NSFW, established relationship, pregnancy mentioned, you and Simon have a son, fluff
🌨️🌪️✨] TF141 x gn!reader That Was a Military Kid
-Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN!reader, SFW, angst, fluff, reader is mean and dealing with a lot emotionally, talk of parental death, established relationship, Simon is understanding and caring
-mini series-🌪️🥀🌨️] Open Wounds and War Paint
- Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN!reader, SFW, Angst/No Comfort, blood, reader death(?)
-part 2- 🌪️🥀🌨️] Her Past is Their torture
- Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN!reader, SFW, Angst/No Comfort (yet), nothing to serious for this part but make sure to read warnings
• Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish
❄️✨] Johnny Mactavish Head Canon’s - dad edition (kinda)
- John ‘soap’ Mactavish x afab!reader, SFW, marriage, pregnancy, fluff
🌨️✨] Hot Chocolate & Hoodies
- John ‘Soap’ Mactavish x GN!reader, SFW, Fluff
•Captain John Price
❄️✨]John Price Head Canon’s - dad edition (kinda)
-John Price x afab!reader, SFW, marriage, pregnancy, fluff
🌨️✨]Captain John Price Head Canon’s- SO that has Tourette’s Syndrome
-John Price x GN!reader, SFW, reader has Tourette’s Syndrome, John is supportive, fluff
🌨️🌪️✨]TF141 x gn!reader That Was a Military Kid
-John Price x GN!reader, SFW, angst, comfort, reader is emotionally dealing with a lot, established relationship, John’s a sweetheart, talk of parental death
• Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
🍄✨]Bar/pub owners!141, Los Vaqueros, König, and Kate Laswell Head Canon’s
-SFW, fluff, alcohol mentioned, drunk people mentioned, harassment mentioned, ghostsoap mentioned one time, blood mentioned once
} Random One-Shots
These will be anywhere between 1,000 to 1,500 words
🔥🌨️] “What do you want?”
-Male!dom x GN!reader, Smut, NSFW
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} Things I absolutely refuse to write
Be aware of clicking the words in purple. The links lead to possibly NSFW things or topics that may be triggering for some.
- Watersports (what is this?) (not judging just not my thing)
- Pedophilia 😡
- Scatophilia (what is this?) (not judging just not my thing)
-Cannibalism (only time you would probably ever see this is if I’m writing an apocalypse fic but it would not be an important part of it)
-anything involving dead bodies or animals (I mean this in a sexual manner (like kinks people have) as this is absolutely disgusting and horrible)
} Things I’m not exactly comfortable writing
This is not to offend anyone as I would never judge anyone for their kinks! This is me just trying to set some personal boundaries <3
- age play
I have nothing against age play (as long as everyone is playing a legal age). I went through some childhood trauma that makes writing it hard and I would prefer not to write it for my own mental health <3
-CBT (what is this?)
Once again nothing against anyone that enjoys this! It’s just really not my cup of tea and I don’t want to offend anyone or spread any misinformation by writing it incorrectly!
I myself have read a few fics like this but I don’t ever really see myself writing it. I don’t frequent in erotica like that so I really wouldn’t know what the hell I would be doing 😅
-Electro stimulation (what is this?)
Honestly never heard of it until I started looking into different kind of kinks. It’s definitely an interesting one but not something I could see myself writing.
} A Small Warning
I reblog and not very often but sometimes vent about sensitive topics. This can range from SA (what is this?), Abuse may come up at times (mainly mental and emotional), Childhood Trauma can often come up even if I do not go into detail, and things that probably piss me off or make me angry.
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That’s all for now but more may be added as time goes on! If you read all that thank you so much <3
Requests are open
Please read the things above before sending in a request. Thanks my love 💕
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pjplayground · 9 months
Tragic Mystery
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There's a familial mystery afoot, I can smell it.
Bio: Paperjam is an aspiring thespian in their prime. They spend most of their free time working on stuff for their school's current play. They accentuate this eccentric interest with an eccentric wardrobe to match. Recently, his family moved into an old mansion that's apparently been in the family for generations, and his life is about to get dramatic - how fitting for a theater kid.
Basic Info Full Name: Paperjam Bonrad McFadden Age: 17 Height: 6' Gender Identity: Genderfluid (he/they preferred) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (preference for masculine people) Medical Issues: Anxiety, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) Can't Leave the House Without: Gum, jacket, beanie, salt shaker key chain, phone, earbuds
Relationships Ink - Father, fairly good Irene - Mother, have conflicting views Undyne - Friend, teases him on the daily Alphys - Friend, they info dump together Burgerpants - Friend, background set buddies Napstablook - New friend, totally does not have a huge crush on them
Miscellaneous Little Facts - The little pins on his hat are little references taken from various spooky/horror movies, can you identity them all? - His favorite flavor of gum to chew is honeydew. - PJ LIVES for salt and vinegar flavored things - especially chips. - They wear a large, old t-shirt for pajamas, and nothing else besides boxers. - When he was a kid, he would take the wax out of candles and mold them into little wax sculptures. He was a weird kid. - The story of Tragic Mystery was inspired by a horror movie called "The Ritual", as well as shows like Gravity Falls as said by Crispy Koala. - PJ's anxiety gives him what he calls an "anxious tummy", making him extremely gassy and his bowels very irritable. Meaning it's not uncommon for him to fart when he's anxious or nervous. - They refuse to eat at any restaurant that doesn't serve some form of chicken tenders and french fries. As they should, honestly. - He has three little pet Cotton Puff Bats named Lock, Shock, and Barrel. - Lock, Shock, and Barrel are fed all sorts of treats by PJ, their favorite being white dragon fruit. - PJ has a mini salt shaker key chain that he carries around on his backpack or belt loop for food emergencies, because he loves salty stuff. - In his closet, he has a pile of old busted up notebooks filled with years of stage play ideas. - He likes listening to music that fits within the umbrella aesthetics of Liminal Spaces and Weird/Dreamcore. - On top of the pins on his hat, he also has a variety of pins that he's collected which he adorns all over his backpack. - PJ plays on an old gaming system - the Cloud Jumper 94 - that his father used to own. He has newer gaming systems but he prefers to play on the old console. - He had a really, really embarrassing goth phase when he was between the ages of 13 and 15. - Due to the severity of his condition on some off days, PJ is a part time wheelchair user. - His mother Irene is a lawyer who believes PJ should work towards a more "sustainable" career. You can imagine how well they get along. - PJ loves horror movies, and doesn't scare easily. - The reason PJ always has gum in his possession is because he concentrates better when doing a minor motor action. - PJ and his friends were all dubbed the weird kids by their peers, so they stuck together. - PJ tries to keep a very collected and aloof demeanor around his friends and everyone else, but that all gets thrown out the window when Napstablook is within ten feet of his sight. - He's very passionate about all forms of art, including painting. But theater is his specialty within the arts. - From PJ's point of view, Blook seems oblivious to his crush on him. Which may or may not be the case... - He stumbled upon his family's potentially dark history by accident while snooping around the new house.
Tragic Mystery was a story created by my friend @thecrispykoala, and may have more content dedicated to it in the near future.
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Dancing in the Dark
Written By: Bruce Springsteen
Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Released: 1984
The first single off of Springsteen’s seminal album Born In The U.S.A., this track was written two years after most of the other songs on the album. Producer Jon Landau thought the new album lacked a guaranteed hit and pushed Springsteen to draft one more song. The two men got into a brief altercation, after which Bruce wrote “Dancing in the Dark” about his ‘difficulty writing a hit single and his frustration trying to write songs that will please people’. Its music video contains an early appearance by actress Courtney Cox. It also helped introduce Springsteen to a younger audience, setting the stage for a seven-single run of top 10 hits from the album. “Dancing In The Dark” became Springsteen’s highest charting single the Boss has ever had, spending four weeks in the #2 position of the Billboard Hot 100 in the summer of 1984, held from the top spot by Duran Duran “The Reflex” and Prince “When Doves Cry”. It also spent six weeks at #1 on the Mainstream Rock chart. This single is also Springsteen’s only to be certified platinum.
[Verse 1] I get up in the evening And I ain't got nothing to say I come home in the morning I go to bed feeling the same way I ain't nothing but tired Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself Hey there, baby I could use just a little help [Chorus] You can't start a fire You can't start a fire without a spark This gun's for hire Even if we're just dancing in the dark [Verse 2] Messages keep getting clearer Radio's on, and I'm moving 'round my place I check my look in the mirror I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face Man, I ain't getting nowhere I'm just living in a dump like this There's something happening somewhere Baby, I just know that there is [Chorus] You can't start a fire You can't start a fire without a spark This gun's for hire Even if we're just dancing in the dark [Bridge] You sit around getting older There's a joke here somewhere, and it's on me I'll shake this world off my shoulders Come on, baby, the laugh's on me [Verse 3] Stay on the streets of this town And they'll be carving you up all right They say, "You gotta stay hungry" Hey, baby, I'm just about starving tonight I'm dying for some action I'm sick of sitting around here trying to write this book I need a love reaction Come on now, baby, give me just one look [Chorus] You can't start a fire Sitting 'round crying over a broken heart This gun's for hire Even if we're just dancing in the dark You can't start a fire Worrying about your little world falling apart This gun's for hire Even if we're just dancing in the dark [Outro] Even if we're just dancing in the dark Even if we're just dancing in the dark Even if we're just dancing in the dark Hey, baby [Outro Saxophone Solo]
Written By: Half Shy
Artist: Olivia Olson & Half Shy for Adventure Time (alternate version by King Princess)
Released: 2020
Cover included: King Princess, 2020
“Monster” is a song from the second episode of Adventure Time: Distant Lands, “Obsidian”. This love song was composed by Marceline while living with Bubblegum and sung to her while they were stuck in a cave in the Glass Kingdom.
[Verse] I know we'll never grow old together 'Cause you'll never grow old to me You're the pink in my cheeks And I'm scared 'cause that means I'm a little bit soft [Pre-Chorus] But don't beat yourself up, Bonnie It wasn't just the sun that I was hiding from We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live And I'm still scared that I'm not good enough [Chorus] I've always felt like a monster Long before I was bit But only seen as a monster Let's just say I'm used to it And I grew tough 'cause love, it only hurt me back But loving you's a good problеm to have And I'm used to that, but I could get usеd to this Yeah, I'm used to that, but I could get used to this [Outro] And I know we'll never grow old together 'Cause you'll never grow old to me You're the pink in my cheeks And I love that it means I'm a little bit soft You're the pink in my cheeks And I love that it means I'm a little bit soft
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daydreaming-memories · 7 months
omg??? we're doing an updated paracosm pinned post???
EDIT: For asks please keep the questions in one singular ask keep it at max 3 questions. this is for our own sanity
This blog is ran by a system and we call ourselves the neon sysd.
You're mainly going to see me Nyx [he/they/fae]
But others from the system may pop up like Ribs [He/rots] or Blaze [He/Him]
We have madd/maladaptive daydreaming disorder n plenty of other but onto real info
Our main paracosm is "Daycosm 3"
It's a blanket paracosm [paracosm that has other paracosms inside of it] with a bunch of older paracosms as subcosms [smaller paracosms inside a blanket paracosm] that is a mutual paracosm [means we share it, but we could use monocosmic as well lmao] of the system
[NEW CONTENT (JAN 12 2024)
Into the Flip pit / Flipside-Ball pit-
A fnaf X dsaf X faith the unholy trinity crossover paracosm, this is mainly daydreamed by [alter]Blaze & [alter]Ribs
Scorned Reverance Ava AU/ScornRance AVA-
An Animation vs animator paracosm which is mainly daydreamed by [Alter]Drake, there are a good amount of changes compared to canon & some popular fanon hcs are heavily ignored keep this in mind
Major note: We may interchangiably use para, oc n character but do know we know the difference, it's just that even though we've been here a while the lines are still thin in our mind about our own paras
Our paras are mainly:
Primpara [original para, no source, generally an oc]
Fantapara [paras inspired by canon character or reimagined in a way that barely resembles canon]
Veritbonds [A very special type of para, hard to explain but close n alive]
Paraselves [for me nyx and various alters we insert ourselves]
Please be courtous & respect our boundaries
[Also please do not call our paras hot/cute or like romantic things unless we're close n we've told you elsewise makes the system uncomfortable as we're on the aroace spectrum who has been previously abused]
Also do keep in mind plenty of us are paratives [originally a para, now apart of the system] so don't be too weird
Alright now on to some info about daycosm 3 shall I?
HUGE themes of cycles, repeating patterns along with recovery from trauma/abuse.
THe paracosm is very much somehow a fantasy crossed over with scifi..?? idk i'm silly and getting tored
We have a ton of things we have on the back burner of stuff to get out for the paracosm here are some:
A paracosm wiki on notion
General paracosm guide
Magic, Tech and Science lore
Places & locations
Species/race guides [Object bio infodump \ Simple tdlr]
fauna n flora along with some dishes stuff
inuniverse books, social media and media in general
Important items
religions n cultures
holidays n events
Deities, curses and blessings
Layerverse n the concept of aus n the multiverse
groups, organizations and brands
History of paracosm
Many tournaments [like whose the most sexyman, and others but wanna mention an end of year award show]
Multiple fics [main ones on mind are pokemon crossover, minecosm v20, and some others]
old poll paracosm dumps [like 16 at least wheeze]
hey it's the end just wanted to add one last note before I post & pin this.
The paracosm has plenty of sources and inspirations that I actively distain & are as actively critical of (as I can be) due to parts of said media or things the creator(s) has done.
Always trying to be better, but just wanna dream a bit longer
it's the closet I'll have to a home anywa
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Hi! Call me Nasa. All the cool kids are using pinned posts now. Here's my old about page.
I'm 30. This blog is mostly sfw, but does occasionally contain adult-oriented content. If you are a minor following me, I expect you to block the "nsfw" tag so these posts are blocked, and to not interact with them. This blog also will occasionally contain graphic depictions of violence and blood.
I’m okay with anything I post being reblogged unless it’s tagged with “please don’t reblog” or some variation thereof.
If you don't want me to answer an ask publicly, please say so as I will usually do so. I am also open to private DMs. Anons are usually on and usually it's fine to ask me anything as long as it's genuine/in good faith, just put warnings ahead of anything explicit, suggestive, or potentially disturbing so my followers can be warned if I answer publicly.
I will tag things if you ask me to, as long as it's not too difficult to do so. I already tag commonly blocked things like nsfw, gore, and blood. I have also been asked to tag spiders, trypophobia, blood, and weed so I will do my best to remember.
I usually prefer to just dump all of my interests on one blog rather than side blogs.
I'm a human. Read the URL.
My writing:
I write as a hobby. Most of my current writing is original works. Some of them have illustrations/visuals, but you are free to imagine the characters differently if you like. I welcome fanart, fanfiction, roleplaying asks, and collaborative worldbuilding, for anyone who feels so inclined. Just tag me so I can see! :)
My AO3 page
Watch Your Step - Giant/tiny, a story about a fairy and his adventures. An entomologist finds an injured fairy while out in the field. (The tag for posts about this story is #Watch Your Step) (Does not require reading anything beforehand) [Active]
Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset - A story about a vampire and a vampire hunter, told from dualing perspectives. (caution: graphic) (The tag for posts about this story is #MMSS) (Does not require reading anything beforehand but related to/inspired by another series) [Complete, but a sequel is coming.]
Click the readmore for more info about my writing, recent updates list, and what I'm currently working on!
K+J fanfic - here and here. This is fanfiction of someone else's whump series (caution: graphic)
K+J x MMSS - Crossover between my vampire story and K+J
Older writings:
Good Omens fanfiction: I am no longer active in the good omens fandom, but all my fanfiction can be found on my blog under #my good omens fanfiction, or on my AO3 for easier reading. My longest and most elaborate, OC-heavy series is Your Own Side. Most of my GOmens fanfiction was written using book canon, before the TV show came out.
Miscellaneous original short stories
Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Lost story I need to put up again: The Gamble
PS:  idk if the tumblr tipping feature actually works or not, so here is a link to my ko-fi if you want to tip outside of tumblr!!   ABSOLUTELY don’t feel obligated to tip though, just figured I’d put this here because I put a lot of work into my fic so I’d make it possible to tip if you wanted to, don’t feel guilty for not doing it, it’s just an option :)
Select recent updates:
5/25/24 Tinytopia Chapter 11: Bloodthirst (Part 3)
5/25/24 K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 7B
5/11/24 K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 6B
5/5/24 K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 5B
4/30/24 Tinytopia Chapter 10: Bloodthirst (Part 2)
4/26/24 Tinytopia Chapter 9: Bloodthirst (Part 1)
4/21/24 K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 4B
4/12/24 Tinytopia Chapter 8:  Endless Rebirth (Part 4)
4/10/24 Tinytopia Chapter 7:  Endless Rebirth (Part 3)
4/7/24 Savage Sunset Choose Your Own Adventure Finale
12/14/23 MMSS: Aftermath
12/2/23 Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset 29MS
Currently working on/coming next:
Tinytopia ch 11
The MMSS sequel (Desperate Daybreak) and another big surprise about MMSS 👀
PPS: i have been on tumblr for a WHILE (like since circa 2015) and this blog has gone through many phases. If you happen to stumble across any of my old posts that are not properly tagged, or contain something problematic that I never fixed, please send me a private DM so I can fix it.
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gu3ntzel · 7 months
how every player on my (fake) nhl team would react to winning the stanley cup
please see end notes for an explanation / more info
casey: initially, directly after the final buzzer, he'd be pretty stunned. he'd be happy, but he'd have a moment where he was melancholy, before he remembered where he was and would put on an mask for the moment. he'd also feel immensely depressed that everyone else had family there, but he only had freddy's (his gf's). once the celebrations would move off-ice, he'd find a quiet place where he could process what he did and what this meant. after this though, he'd go full on rager and wouldn't remember at all the following 24hrs. he'd wake up the next day in nate's guest room spooning with julian, probably.
julian: would be so wrapped up in the fact that he won that everything else would fade away and he'd forget where he was. he'd be so incredibly proud of himself, and feeling like he lived up to the expectations set on him. he'd take a moment to comfort casey when he noticed him go off on his own before he went back to partying. he wouldn't be as drunk but he would still be pretty plastered (may or may not have dumped a bunch of liquor in nate's pool). would end up crying and telling toller that he loved him before he'd pass out in nate's guest bedroom.
nate (c): would absolutely tackle miry and ukko and end up having a moment like landeskog did when he won the cup where he's like, pinning miry and ukko on the ground and holding them because oh my god, they did it together. they had been teammates when they first got into the league but had been traded before being reunited on the newfies w/ the expansion, and only nate and ukko had won cups (on diff teams) so this was incredibly special for all three of them because they never thought they'd have this moment. he'd break tradition and allow miry to take the cup because it was his first one. he, ukko and toller take turns looking after everyone (coughcoughmirycough) and like, half of the team end up passed out in nate's backyard/around his house. he doesn't go to bed till like 5am but he's incredibly happy.
miry (a): literally freaks out and cries and squishes ukko in a hug before they're tackled by nate. he's literally shaking and is just so relieved that he's finally won one that he literally doesnt know what to say. literally roars when he hoists the cup as like a big "fuck you" and is so honored that nate would break tradition like that for him. despite wanting to be a good alternate he gets absolutely plastered and makes out with the cup (depending on who you ask, of course). he ends up floating in nate's pool a good portion of the night with a beer in one of those weird floaties, and misses his mouth 90% of the time. he tries to fall asleep in a bush but nate and ukko make sure he makes it to a bed (because he's an "old man")
ukko (a): smacks a big kiss on miry's cheek and says "i told you you were going to do it" and literally stands there absolutely beaming at miry when he hoists the cup and feels so incredibly proud. in the whole chaos he makes sure that they get a photo of the three of them with the cup. he plays with a lot of the other players' kids and has to fish miry out of the pool. he's also the one who makes sure julian and casey end up in nate's guest room. he ends up taking four or five players home so they're not all at nate's house and makes sure no one drowns in their own vomit. he sends a text to his (dead) father's number that he's still paying for to let him know that they did it again.
cale: literally loses it. probably destroys mason's ear drum because of how loud he screams and the team's 100% convinced that one of cale's gloves ends up in the rafters (either that, or some lucky fan took one of them home). both his parents were there and they're all in tears because he knows how much they gave up for him and he doesn't want to let the cup go, but does because he knows how much longer miry had to wait for it than him. drinks the most beers out of the cup that night and tries to shoot fireworks off in nate's backyard (nate literally has to hide all the lighters because somehow caleb keeps finding them and trying to light them). is one of four people who want to try to take the cup in the pool in ohmage to past times but is barred from doing so. falls asleep in a beach chair and wakes up with an absolutely brutal sunburn.
mihails: poor mihails sneezed and missed kola scoring the game winning goal and honestly is more than a little embarrassed about it and hopes no one noticed (dusek does but thank god dusek is a kind soul who doesn't tell anyone (he does. he tells his wife and his wife tells mihails and mihails is so upset)). is so stunned that he's literally the last person off the bench and toller has to come over and be like "hey, man, we won," and then he's an absolute maniac. he goes around riding on dusek's back for most of the night and drunkenly sings in latvian and pinches kola's cheeks and telling him that he loves him. he goes home with ukko, and wakes up with nils' ass in his face.
dusek: totally saw mihails miss the winning goal. he's just so happy to have won, though that he doesn't tell him that he knows and goes out to celebrate. he's clasping everyone on the shoulders and calling them kid and gives incredibly weird interviews to the media (they love that he's slovak and gives them "sayings that are popular in slovakia"(they arent. theyre just random shit he makes up and the media knows is mad up but they all think is incredibly funny bc they all know hes just bullshitting them)). he smooches his wife and parades his kids around on the ice and goes to nate's and drinks and jumps in the pool but then also gets out and reminds his kids to not be like these "poor excuses for men" even though his kids are too young to understand wtf he's talking about. goes home and has absolutely amazing stanley cup winner sex.
kola: scored the game winning goal. literally collapses, screaming on the top of his lungs. it becomes the iconic photo of their cup run--kola on his knees on the ice, the crowd behind him erupting, players around him throwing sticks and gloves and there he is, a man overwhelmed with the fact that he absolutely carried that team on his back the entire playoffs (with the help of julian's goaltending). it took a while for him to regain himself but when he did he was ecstatic, screaming and yelling and enveloped in hugs. was told so many times how good he was, how the team was so incredibly grateful to have him. ends the night with so much liver damage with how much alcohol he drank. the next morning he walks to nate's big-panned windows, sees the cup sitting on a table shining in the early morning light, and thinks, wow, i did it.
nils: looks like a little kid on xmas day. he was brought up late in the season due to injuries and worried the entire time that they wouldnt win because of him, because he wasnt good enough, but he was and that meant something. his grandparents are there and theyre so proud of him and he's so glad that he gets to share this with them, that he got to win this before they passed. is one of the four players that tries to drown the cup. he goes home with ukko and tries to get mihails to shut up because hes absolutely sick of his singing, ok, so he tries to sit on his head but misses and just ends up falling asleep with his ass in mihails' face.
jesse: hits mason in the face (on accident) with his stick and ends up missing parts of the celebration because he's hanging out with a bleeding-faced mason and apologizing profusely. he has to take some interviews for it because apparently thats more important than the fact they literally won the stanley cup. he gets drunker than a skunk and ends up falling into one of nate's bushes and somehow ends up getting lost in the scuffle and everyone literally forgets about him until nate stumbles upon him at 5am and ends up being left there because nate's got no more energy to deal with it. he wakes up with twigs and bugs all over him but its better than the time he woke up in a random woman's house literally two hours away from quebec city, so. could be worse.
murphy: literally first thing he does is stuff his baby who's like a couple months old (and named stanley, but didnt tell anyone else hes named stanley because he didnt want to be yelled at for it) in the cup and hoists him around and proudly proclaims that his baby's name is stanley and that his baby's the reason why they won while everyone's else is like you named your baby fucking stanley? but he doesn't care he's just glad he gets to put his baby in the cup and that he got dad strength. may or may not have tried to drown the cup (what are you, a lawyer?)
faddei: puts his puppy in the cup and then he and murphy put both in the cup and he's literally in heaven. he puts toller and the others in charge of his puppy and everythings just fucking great for him. may or may not lose some eyebrow hairs from cale trying to light fireworks but who fucking cares!!! hes a stanley cup champion!!!!!!!!!!
mason: takes a stick to the face on his own bench and takes a moment to join the rest of the party because of jesse. joins them and is literally accosted by journalists because they want to ask him about his injury and not his sick two points that he got that game (fucking thank you, jesse). everything turns out okay though because apparently some of his reactions turn into a meme and he gets a lot of popularity for it. jesse makes it up to him by buying him a ton of drinks and everything ends up being okay. he goes home with ukko and the others and sleeps in ukko's dog's bed.
simon: tries to be funny and say IM GOING TO DISNEY WORLD during an interview but due to a long history of concussions (like so bad they thought he wouldn’t play again and that at times after them he’d be confused where he was) that he got whisked away by medical and had to do a bunch of tests to prove to them that he didn’t have a concussion and was just trying to be funny. the team did not find it very funny. so by the time he got back he had to make up for lost time and ends up spewing chunks by like 12am and has to be tucked into bed by 1am, but he doesn’t mind. he’s just happy to be included.
charlie: is literally overcomed with emotions and finds it hard to speak for literally hours. he just smiles and nods and hugs and drinks and just has a good time. he thinks a lot about how this could be his final time with the team and then throws himself into enjoying it, making sure to take selfies and videos with everyone. he sends them to his gf who lives overseas as she’s studying abroad and he ends up not being too drunk at all. he manages to go home and cries in his car alone, just thankful to be apart of everything.
valdi: is a grown man and totally doesnt cry when they win. but in reality he sobs like a baby and holds his wife so close and then cries even more because she then reveals to him that they’re finally having a baby!!!!! that she’s finally pregnant!!!! and he’s overjoyed and he tells everyone and he gets drunk and plans out baby names and drunkenly orders a bunch of baby stuff off of amazon.
hershey: only goal in life is to shove as many hershey bars as he can into that fucker and make it into a big fondue sort of thing. the guy that's supposed to be in charge of the cup is like absolutely not but hershey's like FUCK YOU MAN I WON THE FUCKING CUP. decides against it when reminded about how many people probably peed in it or did other heinous acts. considers for most of the night just how he can make his dream come true. is another one of the four that try to drown the cup.
cam: gets so black out drunk that he literally ends up hanging out with toller most of the night and calls him "dad" because toller's the dad he never had. wants everyone to know that he loves them and he hopes he gets to stay in quebec city forever because these are his guys and that he's glad they gave him a chance when other teams havent. he ends up kissing miry at some point but neither remembers it and its probably for the best. (toller did have a photo of this and thought about keeping this for blackmail, but instead decided to delete it and let it be one of those things that died. after all, no one else needed to know cam's secret before cam was ready). has to be put to bed at toller's house like a little baby. toller's kids make fun of him for it the next day.
toller: is happy they won but not really in a celebrating mindset, as he feels he didn't do anything to contribute or deserve it. he decides to babysit everyone and be helpful in that aspect. he makes sure that everyone's accounted for and that no one's doing something they shouldn't be, and he's also taking photos for everyone so they have something to remember from the night (because he knows sure as shit no one else will). after checking in with nate and that he can handle it, he goes home, taking cam with them (as cam lives with them) where he kisses his wife and tucks his kids in after filling cam with water. he decides that night to retire, and resolves to call his agent the next day and make it a reality.
these are my ocs for my novel, and this is purely an exercise for me to experiment and figure out their personalities, and perhaps some of their backstory as well! this is all in good fun. :)
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sildhra · 9 months
I've been following your art on other sites for a while! I see your OC posts but I'm always too nervous to ask about them ; ; I read your pinned lore summary but may i have some fun facts about your favorites? :]
First of all, thank you for your interest in my OCs! Seeing your ask made me very happy so I'll gladly tell you more about my favorites ^^ I may stray away an say some stuff about some of my other OCs as extra!
Beck, or as I like to call him, Short King, is a pretty chaotic guy and having the ability to mimic any voices is surely playing into this. In high school, he was so troublesome with this that he got suspended one month for making prank call on the school intercom. They had to change them so only the staff could access them. The only good thing he did with his voice at school was to sing for his crush, Nova, with the voice of her favorite singer. Yeah, he is also very good at singing and he is the lead singer in the band he formed with his best friends Randy and Gython. I also feel like saying that Beck, Randy and Gython are based on the RGB color model as you can see on their design and their names!
For Tsukiyo, she is the second OC I have ever made! (Natsuki being the first one.) One of the funniest fact I have about her is that she originally didn't have bangs but ended up giving her some because I wasn't able to draw her 2 eyes correctly AND it was a redesign of her very first design to make into a Danganronpa OC… So yeah, a part of her current design comes from my Danganronpa phase of the beginning of my journey as an artist. Since we are digging into old stuff for her, let me tell you that Natsuki also got a Danganronpa redesign and that Volcanoman and Ayami were originally entirely Danganronpa OCs before revamping them for my current original story.
Another one of my top favorite is Volcanoman! I think he is my favorite design wise and he is so fun to draw. Little touch here about his design, his color palette was color picked from a volcano image from google and this fact still haunts me to this day. He is sort of a mysterious character despite being the wholesome and most reliable guy of the group. Every time he says his real name something will happen so nobody can hear it, his orange hair strands can't be removed, his BFF aka Ayami is literally the most unpredictable person and he loves extreme sports even as the most cautious guy alive. What's even more mysterious is that no one ever questioned this…
Keeping the little guy for the end, Quill is the silly one of the Dinobirds. At first, he was my least favorite. I didn't liked how I drew him and thought many time about giving him a redesign. As time passed, each time I drew him, he started to grow more on me and he became my favorite. I was also not expecting him to be the most popular towards others too so it was a surprise for me. Zero braincell orb supremacy.
I could info dump for hours but I'll keep it there for now! I hope you enjoyed these bits of fun stuff and feel free to ask more! I'll be happy to answer ^^
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