#the great game is a fun episode but also not really bc watching someone
handfulofmuses · 1 year
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Looking at all this from Vervain's perspective is so...man.
Because yeah sure, there was some animosity between him and Campion before, most of it due Vervain's pettiness but he wasn't obsessed with him until he saw Campion talking with the outsiders - that's when he is trying to prove that he is a traitor.
But he does not randomly point fingers. It's always when Campion did something. Heck, he made good points regarding his sudden appearance of the shining wires.
But then? He gets declared as deranged later, but turns out Campion was a spy after all. Of course he is going to laugh at his death because earlier in that episode people still thought he was insane.
And even as the truth is finally out that Campion is a traitor, the general just calls him a liar - Campion's name will be legend.
He is trying so hard to convince his chief that Campion was a traitor. I don't think it even has something to do with jealousy anymore, not after Vervain got a taste of his own medicine. This is about that he was right, that he got, in his eyes, judged unfairly.
But then later, Campion returns and the general falls for the same trick again. If I was in Vervain's shoes, then yeah, I would be incredibly frustrated with my boss as well. Vervain had to make a whole confession about him being a traitor, a coward, being weak but all it took was for Campion to be melodramatic and the general was like "haha mood. welcome back"
Dude doesn't even stick around. Just snarls and hops off. I felt that frustration.
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knee-stockings · 2 years
So I’ve been listening to lots of podcasts at work lately to break up the monotony of my office job. Mainly they’re horror, suspense/thriller, drama, that kind of thing. Trying to give ratings without spoilers~
(Check out updated pod recs here)
The Left Right Game (a journalist investigating an urban legend that gets increasingly more dangerous as they go): 5/5, this being one of the first ones I listened to set the bar really high tbh, it was great, immersive sound design, genuinely suspenseful and creepy moments, interesting plot, my only gripe is that I didn’t love the ending but I couldn’t dock a star just for that, highly recommend, maybe I’ll retire to Wintry Bay someday 
Alice Isn’t Dead (delivery trucker goes searching for her believed dead wife, comes across supernatural towns and creatures and a conspiracy that goes way deeper than one missing woman): 5/5, so so good, enjoyed a lot, I loved learning the truth about the Thistle men, still don’t completely understand oracles but that’s okay, some delightfully creepy moments, this will be high on my recommendation list (also it’s by the Welcome to Night Vale people, which I actually haven’t listened to lmao)
Harley Quinn and the Joker: Sound Mind (it’s a Harley Quinn origin story basically): 5/5, very enjoyable, sound design great, plot was fun, I don’t know how accurate this story is to the original Harley Quinn origin story but I liked this a lot
The Burned Photo (two women try to fight a familial curse haunting their bloodlines): 4/5, not bad at all, I thought the sound design was great and immersive but I thought the monster’s voice was a bit goofy idk, the plot wasn’t bad though ofc it was pretty bittersweet and sad in the end, tho I think it was never going to be happy for everyone involved
Blackwood (group of teens investigate the town urban legend and uncover more than they bargained for): I can’t decide…3.5 maybe? It was okay. I didn’t love it or hate it, I’m pretty neutral about it. It was interesting enough
Gaslight (girl goes missing and then reappears to her best friend years later with little explanation): 3/5, feels like there should be another season, wasn’t as dramatic/suspenseful as I thought it would be (maybe that’s my own fault tho, from the description and stuff I thought there would be more to it)
Ice-Cream (teens suspect the friendly neighborhood ice cream man of abducting little kids and uncover a dark secret): 4.5/5, interesting and a lil creepy, there’s something oddly funny about hearing someone scream “fuck you Beelzebub” even in context, sound design is pretty good and voice acting is great, finale was also pretty good but I’m docking half a star bc of that very last bit and bc I said so, overall short n’ sweet, no pun intendo (I’m kinda glad that it’s only the one season and not super long, gives the feeling of not overstaying its welcome. Also in awe that they made it within like a month, gonna go listen to their other podcast Cascadia too)
Cascadia (submarine expedition to uncharted waters, gone wrong, we almost died!?): 5/5, by the Ice-Cream people so I expected great sound design and voice acting and said expectations were met tbh, yes god love the drama, ocean depths are inherently scary to me so this is top tier horror, season one was chef’s kiss beautiful and I heard season 2 is coming so I’ll be waiting eagerly for that
Listening now:
Within the Wires (season 1 is relaxation cassette tapes from another world, season 2 is a guided museum tour I think): also by the WTNV people, interesting so far, the plot that unfolded in the first season was cool to watch as it played out, but also I am so sad. I like it so far
Rabbits (girl goes searching for her friend who disappeared because of this mysterious Rabbits game): feels like a really slow start after a few episodes, I kinda wanna get to more action soon please
Wake of Corrosion (apocalypse where characters are trying to find other survivors and also answers): mild shrug, not sure what to make of it just yet. Only like 2 episodes in so I think I need to give it a bit
Ars Paradoxica (scientist accidentally invents time travel and is thrown back to the 1940s): pretty interesting so far, science is fun 
Spoiler comment for Cascadia under the cut bc it's the one I just finished and I have Thoughts
As much as I enjoyed Cascadia, when I think about the expedition for more than 2 seconds I get confused. Not the whole alien thing, that’s fine, it’s Badger and Maria and their ulterior motives. Why in the world did Badger spend millions of dollars to make a submarine that’s faulty on purpose? And there was so much media coverage around it so the second something went wrong reporters were practically beating him over the head with microphones, so why risk so much bad press? Plus sacrificing three other talented divers who trusted him with their lives??? That’s the most confusing to me. There’s no way Badger foresaw them getting attacked underwater and losing Declan alone, so he must have been fully prepared to lose captain AND crew. Holden said that he saw Badger as a father, and yet he chose Holden to die? He said he handpicked them, so what did Holden, Alia, or Iris ever do to him to deserve being sent on a suicide mission? Doing all this just to get rid of Declan and be with Maria doesn’t feel right. Feels like there should be something more there. Tldr: surely Badger had another reason for conducting the suicide mission, right? Also since season 2 starts with Lila all grown up, a diver just like her father, I wanna know her opinions of her mother and of Badger. Did she learn about her mother’s betrayal? Is Badger still involved in funding deep sea diving or did the FBI take him out of that? Omg who’s the father of her little sibling…I’m so curious…
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thegeminisage · 24 days
star trek update time! I AM BEHIND. tuesday we watched voy's "message in a bottle" and ds9's "who mourns for morn?" thursday we did ds9's "far beyond the stars" and last night we did voy's "hunters" and ds9's "one little ship."
message in a bottle (voy):
i know vaguely how voyager ends because i have an internet connection but im still like omg omg omg theyre MAKING CONTACT WITH EARTH omg omg
like the whole episode i was so sure something would happen and they would get close but make no progress bc thats been the name of the game so far but THEY DID IT!!!
the emh was great here too. it was fun to see him next to someone who is basically who he used to be. that said, i didn't love who they cast for the other emh...i think it would have been more fun if it had been another zimmerman look alike or. better yet, julian bashir. julian bashir in this episode would have made it PERFECT
seven of nine shocking that guy was amazing. everyone say thank you to seven of nine for finding the communications relay
i get where b'elanna is coming from w seven but like............b'elanna is easily the rudest person on this ship. and i dont hold that against her i know where she is coming from but its hard to see her go damn seven youre rude when she is always snapping at everyone lskdjfgh
that said: Girl Fight
anyway "60k lightyears feels a little closer today" i welled up fr. great job everyone
who mourns for morn? (ds9):
i think i owuld have liked this episode a lot better if it didn't come so close to the magnificent ferengi episode...it's like very typical quark shenanigans and even though he IS my best friend now i don't think this was his best episode. he spent this whole episode just like...trying to do shenanigans and get money which is fine but it's all v surface level stuff. season 3 esque, if you will. the other episode had way more substance to it
that said, i love morn as a like bit character and i love that we found out increasingly improbable and fantastic things about him - cat burglar is almost as good as secret prince
even better when he got back and quark was like DON'T SAY A WORD after we've been talking about how talkative he is all episode and we have not heard him utter a single word in six seasons. incredible
i also like the two aliens who talked really slowly. very fun on-screen presence.
odo giving quark shit in this episode was also pretty good. like he was doing absolutely nothing illegal and odo literally didn't have anything better to do than harass him. E QUARK!
far beyond the stars (ds9):
this episode.
it is such a shame that avery brooks never did anything major outside of ds9. like, a handful of made for tv movies and that's IT?? ik i keep saying this but the man should have been an a-lister. holy fuck. he is SO talented it's insane
i was kinda hoping this guy was sisko's ancestor - that somehow for some reason the prophets were torturing him with visions too? but the fourth wall thing was really good too. and it also freaked me out i love a good fourth wall break <3
outside of the plot of this episode being good, the acting from everybody was phenomenal, but again, ESPECIALLY avery brooks...why can't tng and voyager holodeck episodes be like this?? jesus christ. like this had almost nothing at all to do with ds9 and i still loved it
aside from that, what a treat to see everybody out oft he makeup. some people i recognized ONLY by their voices. we had to pause and rewind several times to focus on what they were actually saying because we were so shocked at how different they looked, and in odo's case, sounded!
anyway, 10/10 episodes. bonus points for the fake jadzia going "oh my gawd she's got a wooorm in her belly" and giggling in disgusted delight <3
hunters (voy):
NEWS FROM HOME THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!! i SAID everybody say THANK YOU to seven of nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so sure harry wasnt gonna get a letter i was shocked when it finally did come in
tom not getting his letter but knowing one was sent vs b'elanna having no one who loves her enough to send a letter but still learning all her friends are dead...i was glad she gave him a reality check but at the same time...they do kind of work. both of them left behind such shit situations that their lives actually IMPROVED once they got to the delta quadrant and that is Something. semi-reluctantly, i now get it
TUVOK'S A GRANDFATHER......................we've been speculating about his babies and potential grandbabies for 3.5 seasons and now we finally have some ANSWERS!!!!! this is obviously his first grandson but i would still love to know how old the rest of his kids are...i doubt theyre like Babies but young adults? older teens? no one tell me i want to find out on my own
thuh-rilled that janeway finally got dumped by mark. absolutely baffled as to why she and chakotay talked it over like that if they weren't gonna be endgame...when tf did they decide to get him with seven instead? like i don't object because then i don't have to pick between jc and j7 i guess but what the fuck?? it makes no sense. i'm not really Seeing jc7 in my mind palace yet but i'm trying
one little ship (ds9):
this one was so funny. spend an entire episode struck by the lighting bolt from mario kart
o'brien being like saauuur preoccupied with his size also...hilarious. he wanted to kill julian every time he made a pun. don't worry o'brien your wife will understand
that said, really good when julian talked him through those repairs. i think it's easy to forget how fucking smart o'brien is but julian literally did not forget. he solved problems.
"fry every cell in my tiny body" or whatever tf julian said. his tiny, tiny body
when worf was worried about his wife but she came to save him but she was 1cm tall
sisko delaying the repairs was really good...i feel like he meets a jem'hadar and the first thing he tries to do is make them feel a sense of personhood so they can get angry about the injustice of their situation. like, it shows that he has empathy but it's also an incredibly effective tactic - people like as respect sisko as a captain and as someone who fights fairly, honorably, and effectively in battle, so they all hold his opinion in high regard - and the sitch with the jem'hadar is SO skeevy that like of Course they are mad about it. so he can pretty easily manipulate them if he plays his cards right which is? fun and sexy
bonus for kira becoming hysterical at the idea of o'brien and the others becoming that tiny. i think this is when he started to get insecure
edit: i did forget to say initially i really hated the use of "alphas" in this episode. it was very bad and i did not enjoy it any time they said it.
TONIGHT: voy's "prey" and ds9's "honor among thieves."
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jemmo · 10 months
for the ask game, 7, 12, 17! 💗🌼
thank you for the ask :)) and sorry its late i was gonna answer this at the bus stop yesterday but for once they decided to be on time
7. top 5 bl
man i had to stare at my mdl completed list for a while to decide this, but i'll preface that these top 5 are here both bc i have such a strong emotional connection with them and bc i want to scream about how actually good they are from a rooftop (also not ranked bc thats too hard):
utsukushii kare - don't know else i can make it clear how beloved and special this show is to me. an excellent story across both seasons and the movie with even better mains that are characterised to perfection, develop in the most beautifully human way and are performed brilliantly. and if i think about this show any longer and remember its over i will break so moving on
old fashioned cupcake - it was one thing to give me a bl starring THE og kageyama stage play actor bc those things were my life during the height of my anime phase, but to then have it be this good?? the story is beautiful, the fact they manage to do so much with such little run time amazes me, and to this day it has the most romantic line in any bl that always gives me goosebumps when i watch it. and i dont wanna talk like im that old, im only 25, but as someone who's barely had anything you can call a romantic experience, this show left me with the warmest sense of hope and comfort that beautiful love stories aren't reserved for high schools, and its never too late to find happiness
blueming - i havent rewatched this one in a while, or much at all, but i'll never forget the visceral response i had when i binged it all in one night. i adore the fact that this is just the gentlest story of 2 people falling in love and finding comfort in each other and just how naturally and simply it happens, and i think its portrayal of that specific family dynamic is phenomenal, bc for me at least its as much about that family being in the process of healing as it is about the love story, and the fact they go hand in hand is even better
bad buddy - what else is there to say. for the 12 weeks it aired, i ate, slept and breathed this show. literally did not even think about anything else. and this show has rightly been praised to the moon and back but as well as all that, its always gonna be special for me bc of the people and community i found and shared the watching experience with. what can i say, you just had to have been there, and im so glad i was
the eighth sense - surprisingly this was my last pick and i was debating swapping it for a few others, but it ultimately stays bc of how refreshing and how much of an emotional rollercoaster it was. i haven't ever brought myself to rewatch it, but i can vividly remember how enraptured i was by the sheer amount of tension they managed to create in those initial episodes, and how well they managed to maintain it. and i hope people take note of how much people loved its artful and kinda raw vibe and become inspired to do something similar bc i think it gives great balance to the genre (and i also, clearly, love it, just look at these pics. i promise i do love fun and silly stuff too)
12. most rewatched bl
i was debating putting this on my list but ultimately, while not being my absolute favourite, its my definition of a comfort show and that is my dating sim. idk what it is about the show, but ever since it came out i go back to it at the very least monthly. i think its the fact that when im really craving a good bl, it manages to not only hit all my favourite tropes (unrequited but secretly requited love, reuniting and digging up the past, that initial clash gives me a lil bit of enemies to lovers, plus it has enough fluff to make me all warm and giddy), but it also does them so well, and the story is so perfectly simple and succinct that i feel so content when the whole thing is over. truly the perfect show for when i wanna do nothing and feel happy.
17. best kiss
unsurprising but yes, it still is the bad buddy rooftop kiss. i dare not watch this kiss bc i know if the weakness ever overtakes me i will fall into a void that i will not escape for at least a week. and honestly, while there has been some good competition, idk if she'll ever be beaten, and idk if thats bias talking or just the objective truth, but i encourage all bl's to keep giving it their bests shot
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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georgieluz · 1 year
Lmao not gonna lie… it’s been a long day and I don’t know if I sent you asks for this particular ask game so please excuse me if I did 😃
1. Who was your first favourite character?
2. Is there a character you liked/disliked at first, but then changed opinion on throughout the show?
3. When did you first watch the show?
4. If you could pick three characters to be on your zombie apocalypse team, who would they be and why?
5. If you had to be one of the Easy boys for a day, who would you be and why? What would you want to do?
7. What’s your favourite quote from the show?
8. How did you find out about the show?
10. Would you ever do the same thing the boys did if you got the chance? Why/why not?
12. What do you think your army nickname would be if you were in it?
14. How many pairs of socks would you bring to Bastogne? [Because, as they say, socks are important!]
15. If you had to have a sidekick that was one of the guys from the show, who would you pick and why?
16. If you had to pick a trait from any of the boys that would be your main trait, which one would it be?
18. If you had to be named after one of the boys, who would it be and why?
19. What song [beside the original scores] do you connect the most with the show?
20. If you have a(ny) ship(s) when it comes to the show, which one(s) is your absolute favourite?
(Please ignore the fact that I basically sent you all the asks in the list lmao… let’s say I’m just really interested in your answers 🙃)
omg louise i thought you'd copy and pasted the whole thing in here at first lmaoo but i love it! okay let's go!!
1. Who was your first favourite character?
my love lewis nixon!! he was my guy from the get go and tbh he'll always be my favourite.
2. Is there a character you liked/disliked at first, but then changed opinion on throughout the show?
never quite as drastic as going from straight up disliking someone to liking or vice versa, but it took a few episodes to fully appreciate a lot of characters just from the structure and ensemble nature of the show. the funniest thing is that when george appeared i genuinely thought 'omg he's gonna be the annoying one, isn't he?' and like i wasn't wrong, but he's Endearing Annoying, not Annoying Annoying, and well, look at me now, i am a george luz enthusiast through and through
3. When did you first watch the show?
i don't have an exact year but i was about 14 maybe?
4. If you could pick three characters to be on your zombie apocalypse team, who would they be and why?
okay here's where we need to get serious about strategy! everyone will pick shifty bc of his skills, but i reckon since i already have a decent enough aim from doing archery, it would be silly to waste a pick on another good shot (sorry, my guy, you are welcome to join our team further into the narrative). so my picks would start with doc roe because c'mon, every zombie apocalypse team needs a medic! then i'm gonna choose george for group morale and being-my-boyfriend purposes. and then for my final pick, i'm struggling to choose between johnny martin for protection purposes and lipton for keeping-us-alive and doc-roe-is-gonna-kill-george-and-julian-otherwise purposes.. i feel like lip would be such a great all rounder choice, he can protect us in so many different ways, both physical and emotional. okay, lip it is. i think johnny would find us so annoying and would just be like "y'know what? fuck this i'm going off by myself". also, during this thought process i just imagined how terrible a me, tab, webster and babe team would be... like we would not last! we'd be the prettiest apocalypse team around but we would NOT survive!
5. If you had to be one of the Easy boys for a day, who would you be and why? What would you want to do?
speirs! because it would be fun to experience being someone that people are scared of for a day bc i'm the least intimidating person ever lmao.. i'd go around terrifying everyone with vague silent threats or just saying the most out of character shit to people, like wishing them a good day and complimenting them, because i think that would be even scarier to hear from speirs
7. What’s your favourite quote from the show?
let me think of this and get back to you because i have too many and really need to narrow it down!
8. How did you find out about the show?
i already answered this one over here
10. Would you ever do the same thing the boys did if you got the chance? Why/why not?
for me to jump out of a plane you would quite literally have to drug me, drag me into the flying tin can and throw me out yourself tbh
12. What do you think your army nickname would be if you were in it?
i already answered this here, but feel free to suggest one if you please haha
14. How many pairs of socks would you bring to Bastogne? [Because, as they say, socks are important!]
answered this one here too, but i will say once again: ALL of them!
15. If you had to have a sidekick that was one of the guys from the show, who would you pick and why?
me and babe would absolutely kill it as the silly lil ginger duo, we'd be so annoying but everyone would let us get away with murder bc they think we're cute
16. If you had to pick a trait from any of the boys that would be your main trait, which one would it be?
i was gonna pick something fun but y'know what i would genuinely benefit from? a little bit of lipton or winters patience and will power bc i have literally zero whatsoever and it's actually annoying as hell
18. If you had to be named after one of the boys, who would it be and why?
i actually don't know, that's another one i'll have to think about!
19. What song [beside the original scores] do you connect the most with the show?
somebody to die for by hurts!! i actually can't listen to the song without thinking about easy and certain scenes now
20. If you have a(ny) ship(s) when it comes to the show, which one(s) is your absolute favourite?
this tends to change with the seasons! webgott and winnix will always have me obsessed simply bc it's so There!!! and honestly, winnix had little gay me internally screaming when i watched it with my dad as a teenager the first time.. but i'm a massive rarepair guy so what i'm absolutely living for is lipluz, ronnix, speirsgrant, spalton (please tell me this is speirs and alton more's ship name.. if not, it is now!), a little bit of winteroe and a side of speirluzton.. i'll never say no to a big plate of baberoe either!!
for this band of brothers ask game :)
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 months
I started watching Dungeon meshi a few days ago (and I started the manga), and Hades 2 reawakened my fixation on the games.
(Potential spoilers for Dungeon meshi?)
So seeing the Fanart of Hades characters as Dungeon meshi characters has me gnawing on my enclosure. Falin Hypnos, my beloved.
That's said I keep thinking of an au for WMFTD where Y/n is in Falins' role and Hypnos is in Marcille.
All this boils down to dragon Y/n and necromancer Hypnos being even more obsessed devoted and in love with one another. :) (You brought me back even though the ones we love most told you not to, I came back wrong, but I know I still love you. You did the unthinkable, and now I am forever indebted to you. You are mine, and I am yours.)
As for the other characters, I think Zagreus would be Laois (brotherly bond and instead of food, his thing would be filling Achilles codex and fishing), while not fulling matching characters I think Thanatos would be in Chilchuck role, and for Senshi... I'm not sure. You could put Meg there not because she necessarily fits as Senshi but to keep her with Zagreus and Thanatos, a knight, maybe? I was thinking of putting Achilles in Senshi's place because it just seems fitting. (And the Angst potential)
But aaa, that's all for rambling. I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day!
I enjoyed your rambling! ^-^ also on mobile. sorry for mistakes.
Putting my reply under a readmore.
But yes I love that line between devotion and obsession because that line might be thinner than love/hate. Also don’t cross that stuff out! That is the goooood shit. 🤌
As for the role for people to play:
Zagreus as Laois fits really well, methinks. It works bc part of the reasons Zag left the house was because he felt like he didn’t fit in.
I think with Y/N getting nom on and leaving Zagreus behind would only increase that feeling of isolation for him.
especially if the others kinda blame him for what happened. ( also maybe the dragon could be a hydra? so in place of feathers, y/n ends up with those horns things? And fangs? )
Maybe Achilles’ codex could still be greek monsters along greek gods and Zagreus having his own personal one for all the different kinds of fishes and the many ways to cook them.
If it was up to Zagreus, they would eat fishes for every meal. The others veto it very quickly.
I actually he would be a great fit for the chilchuck role. Both of them would much rather keep work and personal life separate.
also while Thanatos can fight and fairly well, he is not a skilled/trained combatant like Meg or Y/N would be.
so letting him have a role where he focuses on overall safety and solving puzzles would really let his natural skills shine.
also since y/n isn’t a healer, it would help Hypnos to have someone who also has the skills and patience needed for healing spells.
also I think the fights between Zagreus and him about not being reckless and learning to trust the eachother could be interesting.
She could fill in for the Namari/Shuro role. She just didn’t leave the group since she had personal reasons to want to stay ( but it could be interesting if she did leave after Y/N became a sandwich bc the whole episode with her was one of my favorite)
especially if she ends up getting her sisters to help find y/n
it would also help bc while Zagreus is learning how to fight, the lost of skills and knowledge of combat after Y/N got nibble on would be huge blow to the group.
It also possible she felt some guilt for what happened to y/n as well but still blames Zag which could have some fun tension/fights.
As for the senshi’s role, I love the idea of it being achilles, but if I may suggest another character, I think Dusa would be a good fit for the role.
She already shown to be super helpful and has skill in domestic tasks along with being an outcast. Like the group find her and she ends up helping out by showing Zagreus how to de-bone and cook the many different fishes. Along with dealing various monster and gods since she lived in the dungeon for so long.
She would also be a friend of Zagreus while being a neutral third party, something the group desperately needs.
Achilles just wouldn’t be able to stay calm or listen if he lost his son. He would likely get everyone killed along with himself before saving Y/N. Especially if Pat is no longer in the picture.
So maybe…
Tall man Pat and Achilles adopted little Y/N, who might have elf or something else in him but no one knows for sure. As y/n get a little older, his parents began working in the dungeon together, leaving him with Persephone and baby zag. Y/n would start studying fighting skills so he could join his parents sooner.
Something happened, monster or demon and it left Y/n alone with baby Zag, hiding until his parents found them.
So Patroclus and Achilles takes Zag in and they grow up as brothers.
Somethings happened to Patroclus and Achilles, the only thing found of them were ruined gear along with Achilles’ bloody and torn codex. maybe that was part of the reasons the brothers decided to go down there. To try get some answers.
I think hypnos would be unsure at first but seeing the deep pain Y/N’s eyes would make him agree. Also only because hypnos totally thought Y/N as a great friend, nothing more. Nope. He definitely doesn’t get jealous when he caught Meg staring at Y/N a few times.
and he totally doesn’t cozy up to y/n whenever he got cold in the dungeon. Or share more snacks with y/n or fuss over Y/N more when he is doing the healing magic.
They formed the group and everything seemed to be going well.
Then y/n became an ‘all you can eat special’ and the journey began.
And like Hypnos might be going a little crazy bc he just lost his best friend, someone he knew as a boy then as a man and he just really wanted his best friend back. That was all.
Then they finally got y/n back and hypnos knew he was being clingy but y/n didn’t to mind, even letting hypnos hold on to him for far longer than appropriate and hypnos just didn’t want to let go. Maybe they share quiet, gentle kisses when alone together, promising to talk more when they got out of the dungeon.
Then shit goes sideway.
Hydra!y/n is huge, powerful, quick moving and terrifying. With dozens of little hydra following him around. ( kinda like the harpies kinda did with Falin.)
But he seemed to recognize Hypnos, he touched Hypnos’ chin like he did before they shared those kisses. And he was able to say Zagreus’ name.
Also lol imagine poor hypnos during that shirt ripping part with y/n.
So Hypnos can totally bring Y/N back to normal. Totally. He is not crying thank you very much. No, he didn’t want a tissue, Dusa but thank you.
And yeah lol. Thanks for letting me ramble lol.
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kozukenkitten · 4 months
🧚🏻‍♀️.)) hiiii, if you still taking a hq romantic matchup req, I hope you can do mine. And bcs I want to give you as many ideas as I can, I'm sorry if this ended up so long 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
so, I'm a 5'2" asian girl. I have a waist long wavy black hair that I let down all the time. I only wear a little make up everyday, but always with a very bold red lipstick. People told me that I have a RBF :(
If this help, I'm an ENFP, a taurus, and Gryffindor. So yes I'm actually a veeeeery friendly and easygoing person, I really talk a lot. I feel like everytime me and my loved one hangout, its my duty to bring up the mood and keep it fun, and I'm happy to do that ☀️
I love music. My current favorite song is Bruno Mars "Leave the door open" and I guess by saying this you can see that I'm a hopeless romantic kind of girl 😂
Playing games, tarot readings, and watching horror/crime movies (which gonna ended up with me being too scared to sleep) are some activities that I really enjoyed doing. 💫
My ideal type is someone who can understand that we are equal to one another. Someone who I can joked around with but mature enough to be serious when it is the time and place to be. I have a lot of insecurities and I got depressed easily, so yeah I also need someone who always show me love and support right on my face. Basically someone who loves me more than I love them would be the best partner for me ngl 😔✌🏻
• My love language are physical touch and Quality times.
yikeees, I think its too long already so I need to stop myself haha. But anyway, thank you so much for taking request. I really enjoyed reading different result from different match-up writer. It always boost up my mood and makes me feel more positive about myself. I wish you can have some fun with my request too. Have a good day 🥰
Hello hello!! I would match you with Akaashi Keiji!!
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Okay, so here's my reasoning:
Akaashi is very used to Bokuto's mood swings and depressive episodes, and so probably knows about a million great coping mechanisms and distractions in mind to help you when you're having a hard time of it, whether you need to talk through it or just get whatever's bothering you off your mind until you're ready to talk. Also, he's not the most expressive person either, so I doubt he'd be too bothered by RBF. In fact, people would probably find it fitting, as both of you can come across as very serious people with RBF before they get to know you.
He would love to hang out with you, especially in lowkey settings, just watching movies, reading books together, talking about life and recent goings on, etc. Even if it's just doing parallel activities, where you two are doing your own individual things in the same room and maybe cuddling throughout, he would vibe with that entirely. You reading the cards and snuggling up to him while he reads quietly? 10/10.
I feel like y'all would probably end up having game nights, at least with Bokuto, Kuroo, and Tsukki when you're visiting at training camp, lol. If you're playing video games, you can probably rope Kenma into it as well.
At first he'd be very subtle with physical affection/PDA, but once he knows where the boundaries are with you, he's probably constantly at least holding pinkies with you, if not holding hands as you walk along, and pressing little pecks to your forehead or cheek and smiling warmly at you whenever you do something he thinks is cute.
Overall he's a calmer more quiet guy, and can maybe be a bit too serious at moments, but I think he'd be a great match for you because he'd be affectionate and still enjoy experiencing life with you and having fun, while still knowing when to take things more seriously.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
srry if this is a weird question but what batman stuff would you recommend to someone with no real prior knowledge of it? followed you bc of kirby knowing nothing about batman but it looks like a lot of fun and ive considered getting into it. im not sure where to start with it though. do you have any favorite stuff thats like. "oh if you're new to the franchise you GOTTA check x out first"?
The best thing about Batman is it has absolutely no consistency. Really the characters tend to change depending on the writers and artists. So go apeshit! I got into it by getting sick and binging every Scarecrow comic i could find online in my brief periods of consciousness LMAO
Also keep in mind I am still very much bullshitting my way through Batman and DC in general EFGUIEWWEF
But the ones I would recommend aka the ones i started with:
The Long Halloween
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13 Issues. One of the most iconic Batman stories, and one of my personal favorites. Specifically it centers around Harvey Dent, Carmine Falcone, and Batman all trying to identify stop a killer called "Holiday" from offing another member after member of Gotham's biggest crime family.
The art is absolutely gorgeous and captures tone perfectly. It also showcased a handle of the Batman rogues on the side and is REALLY fun trying to guess who the killer is alongside the characters. It also has a sequel: Dark Victory!
Here's the link to read it
Batman: The Audio Adventures
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This is my personal favorite Batman media. It's an official podcast focused on the 60s Batman! Which means its a lot goofier than a most of current Batman.
It's a dark comedy podcast, but don't let that fool you. It knows when to take itself seriously, and features a small handful of the Batman Rogues! Also my favorite detail is that it takes the guise of a radio show- complete with fake ads that hold foreshadowing and funny gags! It does a great job of capturing the chaos of Gotham with the constantly interchanging multiple storylines, but keeping it understandable.
Also this podcast is entirely free. You can find the entirety of it on Youtube, HBO Max, and Spotify.
Arkham Series
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If you prefer video games or playthroughs instead of comics, I highly recommend the Arkham games! There's Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. They all have VERY interesting and well done versions of the characters and are a blast to play.
I recommend starting with Arkham Asylum, since its the first released of the games and is much easier to jump into than the others, imo. You basically play as Batman dropping off Joker to the asylum as usual, but everything goes wrong and ends with all the inmates taking control of the Asylum, leaving Batman to uncover Joker's newest plan and fighting through the Asylum hes been trapped in.
Arkham Asylum is normally $20 on Steam, but it has a free demo you can play. Also the games tend to go on sale pretty often and you can usually get the whole series for less than $10
Batman: The Animated Series
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I have to recommend this one. It is the most iconic Batman media and has done so much for the characters and series. It's a fun series with lovely animation and surprisingly heartfelt episodes.
It has some of my favorite interpretations of the villains and one of my personal favorites of Batman! It doesn't pretend Bruce Wayne is heartless and beats the shit out of criminals for the hell of it. It's a great watch!
You can watch it on HBOMax with a subscription, but since streaming services are a parasite, you can also find it on PrimeWire.
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youmarin · 1 year
"The Smile Has Left Your Eyes" rant.
*Spoilers below*
Gotta get it off my chest. Mostly bc I hurt for Kim Moo Young .
I read the series summary and I was like, "Mmm okaaay there's gonna be trauma here." To be honest I didn't think grandly of him during the first episodes. Actually I didn't know what to think of Kim Moo Young. A very goodlooking mf who's a loner. He grew in an orphanage after the incident and well he seemed to care for the nuns there but that was it. He didn't let anyone close or felt anything for anyone (the closest thing before things developed was that coworker of his but even they didn't appear too close to be called friends? idk).
Until he overheard that conversation between Seung Ah and Jang Woo Sang, he didn't seem to do stuff that would make him go out of his way. He seemed to be looking to entertain himself even at the cost of other people's well being. That was because he normally was numb minded. He didn't understand people's behaviour, like for example, why people "had" to do things they didn't really want to do. So when he taunted Seung Ah (even though it must've been uncomfortable. I felt like that watching it), I thought, "He's being quite an asshole, but maybe that's his way to try and help her step up for herself?". Think about it, things are never as easy as just saying it. She thought she couldn't get herself out of that situation but Moo Young didn't see things like that. He saw things differently. And so he was like, "If you don't wanna do it then don't." Simple as that.
Seung Ah fell for Moo Young because of that. And I don't think she really loved him either. She was clinging to him to escape her own life, one that was mostly decided for her and that she didn't want. (Plus they've "known" each other for like 2 months. C'mon.)
Still at this point, Moo Youngs motivations regarding Seung Ah were obviously messed up. "I wanted to know what drives a rich girl.", the whole bunch of lies, working up people for the fun of it. I wasn't a fan. He really gave an uneasy feeling (and with that face too. I was like, "Damn he's so fine but something's really wrong with him. Can't say I like him but I don't unlike him" lmao). And all that game got two people killed (which of course he didn't plan on it to end like that, and it was her fiancé, speeding and being drunk off his ass that didn't even bother to press the breaks before they crashed. ). But feeling nothing over it? Something's up up there in his head.
Same with Lim Yu Ri. He keeps her from ending her life and she catches feelings (he collects broken girls and broken girls love him 💀). He learns she's on a tough spot with another girl who's extorting her. And he intervenes again and helps someone who's also clearly not in her right mind to commit murder. Moo Young stands and watches. And then goes and cleans it up. ( 🚩❗)
Seung-Ah's and Jeong Mi Yeon's death were not his doing. Directly. But he did stuff that lead to that end. And still, no remorse, no guilt. Nothing. Again, technically he didn't do it so why would he feel those? But well, any other person would, wouldn’t they?
It's understandable and logical for Jin Gook to be a worried brother and not want Jin Kang near him. Oh but wait! Jin Gook might know the guy! From way back when he was a little boy! He's aware of the great possibility that Moo Young might be actually the son of a criminal he accidentally shot to death more than twenty years ago. And that Jin Kang and Moo Young's pasts are linked. But Jin Gook is scared for Jin Kang and more scared for himself to face the past and burst the bubble he's been trying to keep for so long (though it's still eating him alive).
Unfortunately for him, Jin Kang falls in love with Moo Young and for her, Moo Young decides to try an be a good person and stop acting as he had been until then. With her help.
"Promise me you'll be a good person." "Then teach me."
And he starts getting curious again about the past he'd forgotten about thanks to (funny, huh) the car crash he was in with Seung Ah and Jang Woo Sang. And what does Jin Gook decides to do? Stab. the. guy. A police officer. Oh and after calling Moo Young a murderer, a devil and everything he could come up with. Talking big when he had also killed someone (be it an accident, that the person was a murderer and that he might've ended up sentenced with death anyway, it doesn't take away that he killed someone).
And then everyone at the station being normal about it?? "Oh there was no report." Nobody investigated shit. Tak So Jung saw the footage and still did shit about it. But that also lead to Moo Young seeking the doctor (the doctor who let go an amnesic 7 year old boy from a hospital alone to who knows where with nobody to take care of him. Just relying on chance, "Maybe it'll be better". Like some sort of study subject.).
More questions were brought to Moo Young. The only thing the doctor could tell him was that his father fell to his death. But he knew that wasn't it because every time that the memory came he saw and heard a gun fired. So he goes to where they say his father died, finds his house (that scene when he's inside the house and the memories come back full force that he falls to the ground. Ok, kill me now that was so intense.) And he finds out that his girlfriend's brother is his father's killer. Now, how can he tell her that?
He goes back, he's angry, he has to know the rest. He breaks into Jin Gook and Jin Kang's house. Finds an old missing child poster with his picture in it. Then he reaches out for help with Jang Woo Sang's older sister (from the people he got tangled with in the beginning and that Jin Kang had stopped him from getting involved with again. And Jin Kang had told him that those people were capable of anything. Honestly didn't get that woman's deal. She was really a bitch who loved nobody and loved toying with people. Girl, get a life won't you. Mind your business.) He asks for a gun and breaks in again into their house. When Jin Gook arrives he sees Moo Young's shoes in the entryway. And he admits that he shot his father. Moo Young asks why and tells him he ruined his childhood and family. But was he really going to shoot him? I don't know. I really want to believe he wouldn’t shoot him. Because Jin Gook is important to Jin Kang. And I know he said a couple of times "You're just you to me." Which basically I translate to "The hell with your brother." (plus he stabbed him. I have resentment over that lol. Like, what was the reason?).
But I'm glad we didn't see that happen (for Moo Young. The grudge again 💀). Later he finds out that the story he had made around his drawing, the sole clue he was left with for a long time was actually not true. His dad, who he thought had in a moment searched for him, was not a police officer (that was Jin Gook, in fact), it was a murderer. A murderer who killed his mom and two others (when I heard about the other two people that's when I realized, "Ok those are Jin Kang's parents" and the idea that popped into my head when Tak So Jung told Jin Gook "If that's the boy you were searching they can't be together.", that Jin Kang and Moo Young were siblings, was wrong. But they scared me for a sec. with that. I was like, "Hell nah I love SIG but what's up with his dramas always having smthn (the age gaps in Café Minamdang and High School King of Savvy? Mostly the Minamdang one. Don't get me wrong I still loved the shows but there was that fact that eek! Aand now incest? Pls no. And thank GOD it wasn't. Phew 😬😅😂)
Continuing, Moo Young feels disgusted (for someone who barely felt anything now he feels this great love for Jin Kang and is so troubled with all the things he's found out, and the things still left for him to know) and that it now makes sense his way of being. The Dr. tells him his past and his father's doing have nothing to do with him and that he's an example of that.
"You're just you."
The "I love you" text. She knew he was in pain.
"Are you really ok with who I am?" "I want to be born again." 🥺💔
"To be born again you have to live in a warm house. A warm house smells like warm rice."
And when she got burnt and he was so worried and it brought another piece of the puzzle of his memory. He and Jin Kang had been together all along.
(Also that scene of them comparing their scars? I was not okay.💔) "They look like a map. And we followed that map to get here."
But he got it wrong and believed they were siblings (also bc of that lying bitch of Jang Woo Sang's sister. Honestly I didn't think he'd believe her. He always was so "Don't trust people, people are nothing." So clever, used to lie and play around like that that I thought he'll ask for proof or something. But that was how he remembered it and well the bitch hadn't lied to him until that point so oh well) and couldn't tell Jin Kang because he loved her. But not the way a brother loves a sister. And how could he tell her that yes, your dad is the same as mine, a murderer who killed our mom and two more people. And even when he found out that thankfully they were not siblings he still didn't want Jin Gook to tell her anything because still the truth wasn't much better. His father killed her parents.
And then Kim Moo Young commited murder trying to protect Jin Kang when he didn't have to.
"I killed someone when I felt human the most."
Jin Kang unable to believe it and breaking down saying he couldn’t have done it, that he couldn’t even stand seeing a bird or a fish hurt. Because she knew him better than anyone. He truly was sensitive.
How Moo Young hugged Jin Gook (See that? No need for hurting him more, man.) Left him a note. Signed with his real name. 💔
"When I met Jin Kang I was able to breathe again." 😭
And when she pointed a gun to her forehead his façade vanished.
"Go back."
"To where? You've been there from the start."
The fucking ending. She made him admit that he wanted to live right before that mf came in and shot her first, that being the last thing he saw, breaking his heart one last time before he was shot and died too.
How she didn't get to say "I love you" back. He only got to say it while he was dying and she just texted it to him. And it was probably the first time he remembered ever saying it to someone. Like when Jin Kang asked him if he had ever really liked someone and he said, "you."
How in the beginning he was the one who looked over and treasured Jing Kang but no one looked over him for so long until she came around again years later without remembering him and finally showed him love.
(And how it was her voice now that woke him up from the nightmare/memory.)
I hated that they always kept Jin Kang in the dark. Like, tell her something pls. Enlighten the woman too. She died and never got to know the mess that made Moo Young break up with her. She missed so much. Trying to protect her that much ended bad.
How different would've been things maybe if Moo Young also had had someone like Jin Kang did. (?)
If Jin Gook had told them everything!!! Instead of being so against them. Moo Young made mistakes but he then tried (and it really showed in his eyes how he instantly regretted it when Jin Gook treated him like that. Because he wasn't doing it for him, he was doing it for Jin Kang.). And Jin Gook was always like, "You can start afresh" (even though he always carried his grief and regret but still, he tried to believe that but apparently that didn't apply to Moo Young or wtf).
Loved, loved, loved the scene when they first slept together, how full of love and how they couldn't help their laughter because of how happy they were at that momemt. All the times she squished his face. So cute hahah. And when he carried her inside his house. How she helped him make his house a home. He didn't even have a single glass because, what was the need for those things? He's the only one who's ever there.
And that scene when he's looking at the night sky and cries and Jin Kang appears there. "How didn't I know? There are so many beautiful things in the world." And then the shot shows him lying there alone. I don't have a heart anymore, this show stepped on it and shattered it. 💔 It was so sad but such a beautiful scene.
When she told her smthn like, I hope you always have things like plants to water and food you have to eat before it spoils and that those stuff cling to you and all that. For him to keep living and enjoying the simple things. Things that in the end they didn't have the chance to live for. 🥺🥲
Other stuff that ended me:
"You planted love in her heart". "I don't believe it but I hope it's true."
"You protected her with your tiny body." "Now I feel proud of my big, ugly scar." (And this got me thinking how he protected her back then and then she did the same and took the bullet for him. But in the end both got burned and both were shot 💔💔💔)
And the songs "Lost", "Star". Loved them. And "Hidden Memory" (again, that whole scene).
Anyways, great name. I have puffy eyes thanks to this drama. The smile left me eyes.
I'll edit this if something else comes up in my head later but I had to write all these so I can process what I just finished watching yesterday evening.
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landgraabbed · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you had game recs for someone that has only played sims and stardew on pc! im the person and i want to start playing more stuff but i dont want to start with something too difficult i hope that makes sense 🐣 thank you and i hope you enjoy your weekend
hi nonners!! sure thing! a huge chunk of my childhood gaming was harvest moon and sims so let's see! my gaming tastes are very unified yet all over the place so don't take this as gospel and something you will For Sure enjoy! feel free to follow up if any game/genre piques your interest!
if you never did so, i would recommend giving the sims handheld games (namely, sims bustin' out, urbz, and sims 2 on the gba/ds). they're still in the universe of the sims so you take care of your lil sim/urb but they're adventure games where you're given tasks and progress through the story. the writing is silly but good, and the characters are fun, though the games may feel grindy at times. feel free to hit me up if you'd like, i can hook you up with them!
in the farming sim/resource manager sim, i can recommend you the harvest moon games, now story of seasons. story of seasons: a wonderful life just came out on the switch, and i think other platforms, and it is a remake of the iconic a wonderful life. just keep in mind that it might feel like a step down from just how much content is in stardew valley! there's also the rune factory series, my time at portia (and the upcoming my time at sandrock), ooblets, graveyard keeper, calico, and animal crossing. oh!! and kynseed. kynseed is lovely and it looks gorgeous and it is a life sim where you play as successive generations, with lots of fae elements. it can get a bit grindy but i've greatly enjoyed my time with it.
(and i just started wylde flowers since i got it on sale this week, and i've been really enjoyed it so far, but can't provide a full recommendation since i've had so little time with it)
if you enjoy the decorating part of the sims, i can recommend you the tenants. it's a game where you play as a landlord, decorate houses, find renters, and most importantly do renovation jobs for clients.
if you're in the mood for something sandbox-y, other than animal crossing i think that no man's sky could scratch that itch (you can fully customize options such as resource availability, combat difficulty, etc) and, of course the legend of zelda breath of the wild (and i can only assume tears of the kingdom, but i haven't started that one yet)
if you're wanting to dip your toes into different genres, such as rpgs, i can recommend you the elder scrolls series (especially skyrim is more streamlined and thus, more beginner friendly) and dragon age. both series have difficulty settings you can change as you feel more or less comfortable. if you're interested in party-based, turn-based rpgs, you can't go wrong with the final fantasy series, golden sun, and octopath traveler (which is a recent favorite that i wholeheartedly love, with the caveat that if someone is looking for a large, overarching story it is not the game that will provide that)
edit to add story-based games. there are many but i won't cite what maybe most people would recommend bc i either haven't played it or dislike it. i really enjoyed oxenfree, not tonight, road 96, and most importantly of all, kentucky route zero. my sibling adores the dreamfall chapters series and i really enjoy watching them play it! and my wife (a much more casual player than me but whom i love watching play and has great taste) loved playing strange horticulture, the sexy brutale, eastshade, and coffee talk (episodes 1 and 2)
please keep in mind there's some overlap between categories! and i think that most games will be approachable to beginners. nobody was born knowing how to play games and i find that most games do a good job of bringing players up to speed.
sorry for the long reply!! gaming is just a bit of a big interest for me since it's my preferred medium and i'm a rambler haha. as i said, feel free to hmu again on or off anon!! and hope u too are having a great weekend
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daz4i · 1 year
Hi hi my love!! ^^ So you asked for asks right? :3 I realize a lot of the times when I send you these I tend to ask you to rank stuff lol so I guess I'll lean into it? How about top 5 (or 10 if you have enough) anime series or top 5 (or 10) animated movies? :3 It's pretty general but I figure it should give you a lot of room to go over some of your favorites ^^ Sending love and good wishes!!! ❤️
ehehe thank you my love 🥺👉👈🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
i wanted to do both but then i did the top 5 anime and i got very carried away with my explanations so i kept it as just that. anyway:
1. haikyuu!! probably my favorite show ever tbh. i think hq has a perfect story, like it uses its genre to do everything right, and its impact on the outside world is amazing as well. as for the series itself, it's just beautiful (ignoring that one episode in season 4) and has a very unique style, stellar voice acting, awesome soundtrack, delicious symbolism, and it really gets you hyped for volleyball :P it's very easy to get attached even to the most minor character bc the story is written in a way that lets almost everyone in this HUGE cast (well over a 100 or even 150 named characters, i'm pretty sure) shine, and you're guaranteed to find someone you like. the only downside is you'll probably end up rooting for every team so eventually a team you like will lose a game (likely to another team you like) and that hurts every time fr. and still!!!!! it manages to be so feel-good and optimistic and really gets you pumped and inspired!!!! i think anyone who is even just open to try sports anime should check it out, it's def one of the most accessible I've seen in that genre (in a sense that it doesn't expect you to already be familiar with the sport to understand the story)
2. honestly?? osomatsu-san. probably bc it's very dear to me like emotionally, season 2 was still releasing when i was stuck in the hospital for a few months, and it was like a light i held onto every week (i was also following a few mangas back then but those were harder to follow. due to oso-san's skit nature it was always a good time) and i mean, ichi was my first f/o before i even knew that term existed hehe. it's one of these shows i wouldn't actually recommend to anyone unless i know they're ok with gross or edgy humor but i do think it's really good, i love how meta it is, and i think it uses its premise to deliver maximum entertainment!
(oh my god that was so much gushing abt a silly skit show i am so sorry <- guy who wrote most of the hq gushing after typing this part up. he was not aware)
3. ok so this one's really niche, idk if any of you have even heard of it heh. it's called bungou stray dogs-
ajdkflhlh while i have my gripes with how they adapt the manga, i do still think it's a very good anime as is. it was good enough to get me hooked on the story and characters and want to learn more and follow the story further, yknow? it's beautiful and i love its use of colors for symbolism, it has really great voice acting, and the energy is kept up throughout it enough to remain engaging. it's honestly a show I'd recommend everyone to at least try 🤔!
4. persona 4!!!! from one mediocre adaptation to a GREAT adaptation. i think p4's anime is really really well made - it manages to translate a game this long into a coherent and interesting story, gives its characters time to shine, and maintains a perfect balance between fun and emotions. also it has probably the best dub I've ever heard. naoto's anime voice dni. also i think episode 26 is a true masterpiece i think everyone should watch it
5. ngl. it's a three way tie for me. between shows i only watched once and don't have a lot of attachment to beyond that, but i think they're really good for very different reasons. gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun / great pretender / blue period. i won't go into details on why i love them all bc this post is already long enough. but if you're reading this you should check them out 🫡
also if this post convinces you to check out any show mentioned here you legally have to tell me ok? esp if you end up liking it 🧐🔥🔥
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roseposts-stuff · 7 months
once i rated doctor who series 11 episodes and said what i thought and i said i might do that with other series as well and as im currently on series 4 on my rewatch, i think it's time for series 1 ranking. btw im a very positive person and im NOT a storyteller (tho i want to be) and my rating is like 90% based on Vibes and all this leads to me going 'I LOVE THIS!!' like 98% of the time lol jajfjk
but! lets begin my ranking of series 1 👍
1. the empty child/the doctor dances (1x9-10): im sure everyone knows why this is my favourite story. i LOVE it, we get jack harkness, we get doctor who horror, it's such a good story and im sure we all know that so i won't elaborate further
2. dalek (1x6) this episode is so good, i LOVE the scene with 9 and the dalek y'all know what i'm talking about, christopher eccleston slayed i love that scene so much, i adore rose too, this episode has some of my favourite rose moments, the way she was so kind and compassionate in the best way, i LOVED it, could talk so long about how great rose was in this does someone want to talk about that?? anyway my introduction to daleks and it works very well
3. the end of the world (1x2) i really like this story too, i love jabe and i was so sad when she died :( and cassandra is iconic ofc, i liked how rose talked with the plumber, i really like that moment guys. i loved the atmosphere and everything, just a really good episode imo
4. bad wolf/the parting of the ways (1x12-13) this is such a good finale, i loved nine's regeneration scene so much it's perfect, i like that we visit the same place we did in 1x7, and the side characters are good, the plot is good, what more can you ask for, really? i loved the scene on earth with rose and mickey and jackie when rose tries to explain why travelling with the doctor is so great, i loved billie piper's acting in that scene
5. boom town (1x11) i LOVED the scene with nine and margaret the slitheen dining, and i'm so happy mickey finally told rose that how she's treating him is unfair bcs it totally was!! i really like mickey and the way rose treated him made me so angry, like girl break up with him if you don't like him?? so yeah, im glad mickey got to say what he has to say. also the scene where jack, nine, rose and mickey are having chips is short but great and i'd 100% watch 45 minutes of them just having chips and talking i loved the domesticity so much
6. rose (1x1) i like the introduction to rose, the opening montage is great imo, i like the set design too, it feels very real, idk a really good way to introduce us to both rose and the doctor
7. the long game (1x7) i liked the side characters in this (except adam, he was annoying and also stupid af like girl no?? are you actually so stupid??) anyway, i liked the story and the characters except for adam 👍
8. aliens of london/world war three (1x4-5) i like this story, but it's not the best you know. i love harriet jones she's great and i enjoyed having mickey and jackie there and tbh on my first watch this is what got me going like "i think i'm gonna like this", not sure why, but i do like the plot. it definitely had some great moments and i like this story!!
9. father's day (1x8) ahhh i'm not the biggest fan of this episode tbh, i definitely liked it more on a rewatch but i'm still not the biggest fan. it's good, don't get me wrong, i enjoyed rose and her dad and it was a beautiful episode, but something didn't click idk. i think it might just be that i didn't like how rose saved her dad, i understand her, i would do the same, but somehow it still annoyed me a bit?
10. the unquiet dead (1x3) im not a fan of this episode personally. idk it had some fun moments but i'm just not a fan, sorry unquiet dead fans. to me personally it's just a bit boring and i didn't really get into the story, not even sure why. maybe it's the fact that i haven't read any dickens and having him there just doesn't work for me because of that? i dont know
yeah, there we are! idk if you want to, feel free to tell me if you agree or disagree :D
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sasha-on-the-side · 9 months
Tag Meme
Thank you for the tag, @banachtarskiparadox! I don't do these memes often bc a lot of them make me go "and why do you want to know this about me?" but I'm always up for screaming about some of my favourite pieces of media!
A scent you love:
Grapefruit. My current signature is Zara Vetiver Pamplemousse layered with Kerosene Summer of '84.
Something you're looking forward to this week:
Been watching Arcane with some of my besties who haven't seen it, and we need to go through the last three episodes.
A book you are currently reading:
I've been AWFUL at reading books as an adult ;_; I've had This Is How You Lose the Time War, Gideon the Ninth, and TAZ graphic novel (The 11th Hour, my favourite arc) sitting on my bedside table since summer and I've barely made a dent in the former. I need to get to them sometime soon.
A game you're currently playing:
I've been on a bit of a gaming tear lately and got through some really good indie titles!
Outer Wilds - the game I beat and then made everyone I know play it too because I needed someone to talk to about it. This is one of those games that everyone reccs as "don't look up anything about it just play it blind trust me" and I find it to be a bit unfair to people who are not into certain types of gameplay, so I'm gonna recommend it to you in a way that's equally honest and non-spoilery:
It's a space exploration game in which you are a budding astronaut setting off on your first journey in your small solar system. It's entirely non-linear and you are welcome to craft your own path in visiting several distinct planets and other celestial bodies, while trying to uncover the mysteries of a civilisation that inhabited the system before you, through collecting pieces of written lore. You have to fly a ship to get to places, and while it takes some getting used to, it is very intuitive. And, if you like time loops, this game has one. If any of what I said sounds attractive to you, I implore you to play it, it is quite genuinely life- and/or game-changing.
American Arcadia - it's The Truman Show meets Severance meets Defunctland: the game. A 2.5D runner/puzzle game with a neat 70s aesthetic and a story that takes a pleasantly unique direction.
Chants of Sennaar - a game about being an interpreter in what is essentially the tower of Babel. It's a really novel but well-executed concept that doesn't get old during the course of the game and makes up for a (imo) rather basic storyline. It's the kind of game that has you take notes as you go, except the note-taking mechanic is already build into it.
Cocoon - a very neat puzzle game with a lovely art style and inception-like mechanics that may leave you stumped for a minute or to but then make you feel like a genius when you finally solve the puzzle.
Night in the Woods - a story-heavy game about coming of age with light puzzle, platformer, and rhythm game elements, fantastic dialogue and the most charming art style and animation.
All of the above titles also have great soundtracks, OW and NitW especially.
The most recent movie you watched:
Oh man, I don't watch that many movies. It has to be The Killer, which was remarkable in its mediocrity. It's fun as you get through it, and then it ends and makes you go "wait that's it?"
A show you've been watching or listening to:
Now here I can recc you some good ones! I got really into Taskmaster this past year and have been watching the New Zealand version, after being a bit reluctant to get into it. Fortunately it's just as funny as the UK version, it its own "man, they get wild on kiwi tv" way.
Another show I really liked lately was Culprits! Heist is my favourite genre of media, and this show delivered on the "someone in the crew is a traitor" storyline and then some. It also has a diverse cast, with a queer black lead, and a lovely wrap to the fist season that won't leave you without answers should it suffer...you know, that thing that happens to all shows these days.
I will also take an opportunity to plug Dungeons and Daddies*, a rowdy, horny, violent podcast for grown-ups, and my favourite audio show for the fourth year and counting. It's a real play podcast that's light on the rules and heavy on "yes and", and in its first season tackles issues of toxic masculinity, generational trauma, and what it means to be a father. If you liked TAZ Balance, give it a try.
*Not a BDSM podcast. Occasionally a BDSM podcast.
Your favourite season:
Early summer. The night air in my hometown has a scent I wish I could bottle up and put as the first answer instead.
Something you've learned recently:
Whatever it is I did, I have forgotten it by now.
Have you had any water recently?
Just now, to wash down my meds (this is your reminder to take yours.)
Tagging @canonicallyshort @orangeykay @joybones and YOU!
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ocdhuacheng · 6 months
thoughts on 3 body so far (episode 5), as someone whos read the books and not yet watched the drama
to get the obvious out of the way its very unnecessary to set it in england :/ but we all know that so.
i love wenjie i think zine tseng is perfect for her i really love wenjies scenes (for the most part. whhyyyy did they make her get with evans. like i groaned so hard. and they completely skipped over her actual husband and how she well. murdered him.) but yeah in general i think her parts are done really well. few complaints there. also she is gorgeous. Rosalind chao is great as well but I think the writing for old!wenjie is not as good as for young! Wenjie. That’s not ms Rosalind’s fault tho obviously I think she did really well with what she got.
besides wenjie i really like jin cheng as well. i get shes filling part of wang miao's role from the books and she is partially based off of cheng xin from book three and i think jess hong is a really good choice for her. even just appearance-wise she is perfect for what i imagined cheng xin to look like. and her attachment to the follower character in the game is a great set up for how her story might go if she follows cheng xin's footsteps.
i think auggie should be older. it seems like they want to make everyone all like a group of school friends so thats why they made her younger but i dont really think that it works.
lemme elaborate....... i........ do not care about auggie at all lmfao. honestly i welcome more female characters but if she is to fill wang miao's place as the nanotech expert... wang miao.... who is a man in his fourties... why are they replacing him with a girl who barely looks out of grad school. and shes cso and developer of groundbreaking tech already? SHE SHOULD BE AT THE CLUB. not trying to be MARY SUE ALERT but its unrealistic, and it kind of ruins making him into a female character imo. she should be middle aged!! fucking cowards!! it seems like they just made wang miao into a woman just so they could have a pretty face to slap on as the main character (though she is SO not my type but whatever thats not important.) if they wanted to genderbend and actually be ~feminist~ or whatever, they would have cast a 40+ year old. again, i get they want it to be this friend group so maybe it would be strange that she would be older than the rest of them but also they could have just.. not done that. so anyway. yeah. she kind of annoys me. she is too young. too pretty but in like such a hollywood way that it turns me off. also shes boring. and annoying.
in general, other than wenjie and jin, im not particularly attached to any of the characters. not necessarily a bad thing bc the books themselves were much more plot driven over character driven, so yeah. kind of a neutral statement. i do like will (even though...... he should be chinese -_- though i guess i am grateful that they did seemingly make an effort to make the cast diverse, rather than just make them all white brits.) and i like uhhhh *checks notes* tatiana, mainly because i think shes extremely pretty lmao. i think the guy who plays old!evans is great, i do Not care for the guy who plays him when he is young. cringe. gigachad looking ass. wade is good too, when i saw his name show up i was like omg what are you doing here????? hes a bastard but hes fun. also like shi, i think the actor they chose is great and fits really well. i did prefer him in the books tho he was so much fun in the books. saul fits in well, if hes the luo ji character i can Definitely see him wasting government resources to do fuck all as a wallfacer lmao. godspeed king.
i think them making all these characters who are going to go on to be key players in the future all know eachother to begin with is funny. and not a great choice. unrealistic. in the books like most of these people had nothing to do with anyone else, either to begin with or at all. and now theyre all somehow friends? in the books the main characters were scattered all over the place (or.. well.. at least all over china) but now u gonna tell me 90% of the ppl doing important shit for the human species were all like buddies in college or smth instead of just some randos in the right place at the right time with the right (debatable) credentials? less believable to me. like for example the zhang beihai adjacent character being the cheng xin adjacent character's boyfriend before everything goes down. like girl did they even meet in the books? idr
sophon is gorgeous, so is her outfit, though i hope they keep the japanese aesthetic shes got going on from the books, i think it was a very telling and important, if not large part of the books for her to latch onto japanese culture specifically.
the sophons... in the book it was just miao who was given the universe blinking vision but now its basically everyone on the nightside of the planet? how did they do that with just 2 sophons. i mean. idk maybe. sure. they do travel close to the speed of light. i aint doing the calculations to know what is or is not plausible at those speeds. but damn these poor things are so overworked. they need to unionize. wish they kept the numbers on the photographs tho instead of just in their retinas. that could have been really cool.
the sequence of the sophons unfolding over earth was cool and all just kinda funny bc they had just established in a previous scene that they needed like a supercollider in orbit to unfold one and now they can just unfold willy nilly? ok.
uhhhhhhhhh. yeah thats all for now. i have more onions but im sleepy tired and thats all i can rememver i wanted to say. im enjoying it. just kind of bitter at them making it british but thats old news. i think if i were watching this blind without there being a book series to compare it to its very solid! some hollywood esque quippy humor and added annoying romance (particularly with wenjie) and stuff that im not thrilled with but over all its well done imo. definitely going to have to reread the books when im done and also watch the drama :)
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thegeminisage · 10 months
ok tng update time. this one is four episodes because i let it get away from me. i at some point watched "manhunt," then we caught "the emissary" and "peak condition" together, and finally i sped my way through "shades of gray" earlier today
manhunt: not even majel barrett could save this one. not only did deanna not take a stand against her mother like she did in the last lwaxana troi ep, she went back to acting as though she never had at all. so much for my favorite deanna moment ever. i'm sorry women
riker carrying the suitcase WAS funny. i love how down he is to do literally anything. he is rapidly becoming one of my favorites he's finally coming into his own
husband hunting bc of menopause bad. holodeck WORSE. combine them and i am in agony
the jokes about how ugly those stasis aliens were were also kind of unfunny. the twist about them being assassins and lwaxana knowing all along because she's psychic WOULD have been funny if 1. they hadn't established her telepathy was off and 2. she hadn't been so annoying this episode
i hate when she scolds people for "having naughty thoughts" when it was established last episode that she's making that shit up or at the very least sharply exaggerating it to embarrass them and then it WORKS TO EMBARRASS THEM. shouldn't everyone in the room by now know that she's just inflating her own ego...
anyway it was unwatchably bad.
the emissary: this one was ALMOST good. they got really close. i really liked the half-klingon woman when she was hanging out with deanna...they had genuine chemistry and they should have kissed about it. unfortunately all her scenes with worf were INSUFFERABLE
like, this woman DESPISES klingons. she doesn't say one thing about them that isn't completely derogatory the entire episode. she hates her own klingon half, she hates other klingons, why on EARTH was she 1. put in charge of this mission 2. made to work with WORF even after he asked picard to pick someone else?
like, worf literally spent the entire episode trying to do his job, and she kept bringing up their past drama so she could provoke him into fucking her
and then when he tries to """do the right thing""" by marrying her (WHICH MAKES NO SENSE WHEN COMPARED WITH PREVIOUS LORE...BUT WHATEVER...) she's like haha no silly that's what those silly backward awful KLINGONS do, but EYE am a way more evolved human
and then we don't examine that at all ever.
like, she could have been a fascinating character when foiled with worf - both of them are klingons who operate in a world of humans and feel isolated and othered as a result, but she HATES her klingon half and worf wants to connect more closely with his own klingon heritage. they could have been good for each other but instead she was super annoying and then just left.
i DID like the scene at the end though where worf got dressed in full klingon captain regalia and bluffed his way into captaincy of a klingon warship. GOOD for him. that was fun and sexy of him and for once i didn't mind them using the woman as eye candy.
THAT SAID IF SHE HATES KLINGONS SO MUCH WHY IS SHE THE ONE ABOARD THAT SHIP. IT MAKES NO SENSE. anyway it missed the fucking mark. i loved the poker game though
peak condition: i loved this one. it was so funny and full of shenanigans and hijinks. this is actually the most i have ever liked wesley, who used his dumb annoying kid persona as a cover to CHEAT a metaphorical kobayashi maru. i genuinely unironically thought it was great. eveyrbody was rolling their eyes at him bc he had to go back for his experiment and then meanwhile he's loading antimatter onto the hathaway with a PERFECT fucking poker face behind their backs
i loved the little npc this episode, he was such a ham. he truly was doing the most he was so funny
best plot twist ever is when worf fakes the first enemy ship and then the second enemy ship is the real one. the comedic timing of that was HILARIOUS and riker finding a way to make it work even when that strategy guy said it was impossible bc he had too much charisma was great
my one sour note was pulaski setting data up to do that video game match. she realized her mistake and apologized but i still wanted to kill her. i would have hated it less had data volunteered on his own, because i DID like his little arc about learning sometimes he will make mistakes even if his solution to beating the guy in the end felt like a little bit of a copout. anyway, stellar episode despite that little hiccup, i wish tng was that fun all the time
shades of gray: actually much less horrific than i expected given its clip show nature. some of the clips were ones i liked and the ones i fucking hated i felt no shame in speeding up or even skipping through entirely (i can't believe they wanted us to watch tasha yar die again LMAOOO and that fake girl on the holodeck like come ON).
that said, the part before the clipshow was very VERY charming. riker living it up while everyone else is having kittens about his impending doom, his determination to keep both his dignity and sense of humor while facing death...unironically some of the best riker content hiding in that episode. i feel like i got to watch 12 minutes of cool riker stuff and then a few cool clips.
i guess that was pulaski's last appearance? rip girl, you tried and again women i am so sorry.
anyway, that's it for season 2. we literally fucking made it. tomorrow night we're starting season 3 and doing every episode together until we hit three duds in a row lol.
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dog-violet · 1 year
Considering watching the Nier Automata anime what would you suggest oh wise Max
ohh my god hold on I have a lot to say
personally I think the anime is really good but I think it’s really good as someone who already knows what’s going on bc I played the game. a lot of my favorite parts are the moments that are entirely original to the anime and not a recreation of something from the game. I’ve seen a few people say that it’s super confusing for people who don’t know anything about the game, but I also saw someone say that when only episode one was released. episode one is almost an exact recreation of the game’s prologue, so if you’re lost at the point then trust me you’d be just as lost at that point in the game. it kinda throws you in the middle of things and then explains the world’s history and the general situation right after the prologue. that all said, I think I’m a bad judge of guessing how confusing something can be to someone who doesn’t have the context that I do, so if you watch it and just feel too lost to keep going with it that’s totally understandable
anyways, for my actual answer!! you should totally watch at least the first two episodes. the first episode is my least favorite (mostly bc some of the worst looking CGI in the show is thrown like right at the start lmao) so I don’t think it alone is a great sample of the whole show, and the second episode is where a lot of the exposition is to help explain the premise of the story. also, it’s worth mentioning that the anime’s story differs enough from the game that I actually think it’s meant to be an alternate timeline. for all I know, it could have a completely different ending, which is part of why it’s fun for me to watch but a little harder to recommend to someone entirely new to the series
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