#the great gozu
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ems-the-fangirl · 1 year
1 random fact about each future arc character
(Only gonna do characters introduced as main characters in future arc,because I might do one for trigger happy havoc)
there is a legend that any anime made by Ryota will make you cry
Koichi's birthday is the same day hope arc came out,which is ironic as he has no appearance in this
Miaya is mentioned in danganronpa S,as she apparantly made the program.this makes her the only character to originate from the end of hope's peak to be mentioned in this game.
Kyosuke would originally die protecting Makoto
Juzo is the only character in danganronpa to have survived a killing game but died in the same series.
Out of all the characters to appear in both Future and Despair arc,Tengan is the only one who's design remained mostly unchanged
Chisa's guitar in episode 1 of despair arc has the kanji for Kyosuke written on it.
Daisuke is the tallest character in any danganronpa media,at 7ft
Ruruka's title was formerly schemer.
Gozu is the only main character in danganronpa to not have his face shown,as even ultimate imposter has their true face shown in despair arc
Sonosuke's name translates to 'helper of all'
Seiko is the only female character to have her face covered to some extent for most of her appearances.
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They put the DR3 cast into DRS not as teachers, but as the main casts juniors.
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danglovely · 9 months
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Gozu kicks so much ass out of the gate. It's a real shame we didn't get more time with him.
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genoskissors · 12 hours
Daily Danganronpa Fun Fact #266
There are sketches showing the Danganronpa 3 exclusive characters in a style more similar to the games, rather than the anime style.
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mijoonart · 10 months
dr future arc
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utsukurou · 2 months
Kyosuke the type of guy to sleep with a nightgown and a cap
Juzo the type of guy to say 'Ok, no more Mr Nice guy!' unironically
Chisa the type of girl to say 'Ooh, butter fingers!' when someone drops something
Ruruka the type of girl to throw tomatoes when someone tells a bad joke
Izayoi the type of guy to start floating when he smells pie
Seiko the type of girl to lose her phone and say, 'If I were the phone, where would I be?'
Miaya the type of girl to type 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!' when she gets insulted
Ryota the type of guy to say 'Aw, shucks!' when he's complimented
Koichi the type of guy to laugh with Jin, look up and say, 'Ah, I needed this'
Gozu the type of guy to accidentally break the TV while playing Wii because he didn't strap it
Bandai the type of guy to walk in between two people fighting and say 'Stop, this isn't you!'
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funishment-time · 4 months
a load of recent official birthday posts from Kodaka!
(since i forgot to do it for a bit, Whoops)
under the cut are:
Great Gozu
and Mahiru
💉 Mikan:
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Tsumiki: "Eh...! There's no way someone like me would be celebrated like this...! I can at least tell that this is a prank! Please... stop teasing me...! Wait, what? It's not a prank? Is it really... a present that you sent me? Ehhhh...! Wh...why? I'm so happy I don't know what's going on...!"
🕸️ Kirumi:
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Tojo: "This is for me? I'm glad you remembered my birthday. As always, I'm not used to people doing things for me, so I'm not very good at thanking you, but if you ever need anything, please call me anytime. I'll serve you selflessly as a token of my appreciation."
🐂 Great Gozu:
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Great Gozu: "The time has come. That's all. I'm grateful for the birthday presents I receive every year. Thanks to all of your encouragement, I'm able to take a step forward without hesitation. Don't you get it, idiot?! Look at me with your eyes wide open! Now, everyone chant together! 1, 2, 3...great! Great! Thank you!"
🍀 Nagito's fucking Tale of Two Cities ass thesis:
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Komaeda: "As you all know, I'm just an ordinary piece of trash, with the only good thing about me being that I'm a little luckier than most people. It doesn't matter if I'm here or not, I'm an insignificant existence. The fact that you've given me such a present means that you all have high expectations of me. That I will be a stepping stone... of hope that will brighten up this worthless, hopeless world. I get it, because what this world needs most is hope. It's because we have hope that we can all look forward. Hope is everyone's salvation, and more than anything, it is a precious guidepost. And the darker the surroundings are, the more brilliantly that light shines. Of course, I don't think anyone wants unhappiness, but just as unhappiness allows us to understand the importance of happiness, hope shines because of despair. I'm going to do it. Don't you think fireworks that go off at night are more beautiful than those that go off during the day? If no one else does it, then I'll do it. Yes, I'll turn the surroundings into night. All for the sake of hope. And luckily, there are many seeds of hope that will shine with such a brilliant light right next to me. I'm just a supporting role. What? You're asking me if I don't mind dragging people who don't like the night into this? Haha, who cares about the dust around them when fireworks are dancing in the night sky? It's all for the sake of beautiful and wonderful hope. Everything else doesn't matter. Of course, the same goes for myself. In front of hope, everything is equally worthless trash. Right? Everyone loves hope, don't they? Haha, we're friends now."
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🖌️ Angie:
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Yonaga Angie: "Those who believe will be saved. Those who don't believe won't be saved. Haha, I'm relieved that everyone believes in Angie. God is pleased too. Let's continue to believe in Angie and get closer to God. Fill your heads with Angie more and more and more. God will be pleased too. Everyone is godly!"
📷 Mahiru:
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Koizumi: "Are you giving me a birthday present too? Thank you. I'm really happy that you always celebrate with me. This feeling is enough for me, but I want to take a photo with everyone, too. When I look at the photo, I'll remember how I felt at this time, right? I want to be able to remember this feeling."
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gladosluver · 4 months
Secret Encount by xiki (PART 1)
Unofficial Danganronpa 3 fanbook translated into english by yours truly
reminder: read RIGHT -> LEFT (see end for notes)
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small notes page 3: 経験値 (translated as “experience”) used on this page specifically refers to experience points in games. im assuming it is meant to be a little more taunting/demeaning opposed to just saying 経験 page 9 (last page): at the end of tengan's sentence, the particle がな is used. it can be used to add hope and desire, but also to express uncertainty
special thanks to reverso context for helping me on some of gozu's dialogue... he uses such big words sometimes i feel like i'm having a stroke... please correct me if i'm wrong about some parts. i try my best
part 2 coming when i feel like doing the rest of it. theres quite a few pages to this! absolute win for mitarai nation
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shockersalvage · 1 month
DR3 Rewrite: Deadly Life Part 1
Heeeey, remember this little project? Where I was rewriting DR3 and even made a post concerning the first part - here - if you remember? It started my year, and I was working on it for a good deal.
That said, between general life busynes and motivation issues, it's been kind of slow. That said, am still working on it and originally wanted to only post until it was 100% done. Buuuut, at my pace, felt even doing that was kind mental slog. So instead, I'll be breaking it down into several eps per post for people to enjoy and have something out there until the gap between this and the next part.
So without further ado, I hope reading both will be enjoyable!!
The cast is in shock: Chisa Yukizome was dead and they were clearly under threat from the Monokast. With Monokuma at the front of the screen, he begins to explain the whole ordeal - the third killing game under the Monokuma Hunter rules.
Monokuma Hunter is as follows under two phases: Hunter Phase and Trial Phase. Under Hunter Phase, as it stands, the cast is on the F1 of the building and have to make their way up to the trial grounds of F6. However, each floor above is hosted by a member of the MonoKast who has a particular ‘Hell’ that the cast must endure, lest it cost them their lives. 
Each floor has a Boss that governs it as well, and they are in charge of ensuring that ‘Hell’ is carried out. If the cast manages to defeat the Boss then the conditions of the Floor are nullified. In addition, they could also get a major lead that could help them for the Trial Phase. 
In the Trial Phase, similarly to a class trial, the cast will be discussing who is the guilty party - though instead of discussing who killed who, its ‘who are the Traitors’ that have set up this killing game? There are three Traitors that they are to find and vote off. If they vote all three off, the game is over and the survivors can leave the building. If even one Traitor is not voted for after the final trial, the non-Traitor survivors will be executed. The Trial Phase happens once all floors have been conquered.
With that in mind, for the time being F1 has also been made the group’s de facto living quarters with food, a nurse’s office and bedding that’ll suit their needs for the time being and give them rest in-between their endeavors. 
With that, the explanation ends, and the room descends into chaos. Yelling is going on and tension is high given the circumstances. What should they even do? It’s Munakata who, in spite of his loss, gets everyone back on track. As it stands, standing around isn’t going to do anything. If they want answers, than the best course is to investigate their surroundings first…and if all else fails to make headway, they move up to the next floor.
Nobody really likes it, but there isn’t much anyone can really do. Juzo is assigned to keep watch over Makoto given how high suspicion is on him. As for Kyoko, she’s allowed to investigate Chisa and where she died, though under watch by Munakata himself. Seiko is also there to do an autopsy, albeit as best as she could. Everyone else is to spread out throughout the first floor to search or gain their bearings.
Hina, alongside Koichi and a very upset Ryota, go to Kyoko to get info on Chisa’s death. It was a stab through the heart from an odd-looking knife that did her in. Presumably, the culprit stabbed with it before hoisting her on top of the chandelier before rigging it to fall. Koichi asks if it was possible any of them could have done it, Kyoko believes that, while possible, its too early to tell since, given how long the group was out, the culprit would have hm more than enough time to kill Chisa and prepare their event up, and get back in position before anyone would even wake up.
When asking Seiko about the time of death, while she admits she is not a true coroner, she can at least confirm that it has been a good deal of hours since Chisa had died. There was no hope of saving her long before they woke up. Upon saying that, she notices Munakata and immediately begins to apologize, though he tells her it’s alright. Makoto, knowing how it feels to lose a girl you love, tries to empathize with Munakata, but the Vice Chairman tells him to save it. 
The others come back to share their findings. As it stands, the exits are locked up tight. No way in or out. There were enough rooms for everyone and food to last for a while, but it remained pretty clear this is not a permanent stay. They needed to make moves and fast. So, with that in mind - Munakata gives the orders. They were heading to F2. Though as they make their way to the elevators, they find that there are three different elevators they had to take. 
Monokuma appears on the monitors again. He adds that, before the elevators could rise, all participants needs to spread themselves amongst the elavators. At max 5, at minimum (for one elevator in this case) 4. At this, the groups are created under Munakata’s direction/personality clashes:
Group 1 - Munakata, Juzo, Makoto, Gozu, Hina (Gozu was worried about Makoto, and so Tengan allowed him to watch over him to ensure the first two don’t do anything foul. Hina joined G1 to help out Makoto)
Group2 2 - Kyoko, Tengan, Koichi, Ryota, Seiko (Tengan volunteered to lead this next part, with Ryota joining under him. Kyoko followed suit with G1 filled and with a degree of suspicion on her face. Koichi followed Kyoko and Seiko couldn’t join G3 or G1 so she had to join G2)
Group 3 - Ruruka, Izayoi, Bandai, and Miaya (Ruruka refused for Seiko or any ‘traitors’ to join her elevator, so her BF and the two neutrals won by default)
With these settled, the groups finally make their way to F2. Inside each elevator is a monitor that explains the rundown of the Floor. For F2, the Host of the Floor is Monokan and her Floor Boss is Pestilence: The Ex-Ultimate Exteriminator - Jun Ueda. The stipulations of the Floor is as follows. Each elevator has enough gas masks that can filter out a particular poisonous gas for one hour. During that hour, the players must traverse through F2 and defeat the Floor Boss. How they defeat a FB is entirely up to the players (kill them, knock them out, capture them, make them give up - it’s all up to the cast). Once that happens, the gas will stop automatically, along with treatment for the poison in the room to the trial grounds. A Clue for one of the Traitors identity will be handed out following an FB’s defeat.
With that firmly established, the cast (after getting their masks) brace themselves to face Jun..with both Juzo and Munakata looking even more irritated at the thought. Especially, Munakata. A flashback shows Jun sitting in a chair, drinking some tea, and even looking genuinely friendly towards the Class 74 trio.
…Which is contrasted with Jun in the present, sitting in an armchair as gas flows throughout the room - gas mask on in preparation for the fight to come.
The scene opens with Hagakure running for his life and for good reason. The Ultimate Elite Taskforce is still after him and wants his ass dead. It’s basically the start of Hagakure’s bizarre, unfortunate, adventure trying to get to safety, all while trying his damnedest to get in contact with anyone from inside or even outside, like Byakuya…
Speaking of which, everyone’s favorite heir is knocking back some tea as he gets a report on the damages throughout the divisions. For Division 14, they’ve since managed to subdue the rebels and have suffered minimum casualties. Their current objective is reaching out to the other Division and trying their damndest to support them as best as they can. We get a flashback to Byakuya looking over the contents of the files from last season. How they showed there was going to be a nationwide rebellion against the Branches, and how Byakuya had barely managed to organize his own security force for Division 14 prior to things going crazy. Pennyworth and his secretary remark on fortunate it was that they were able to get the drive to Byakuya in time. He agrees though they can’t rest now: they need to get in touch with, and possibly, rescue the Directors as soon as possible. Through the emails, Byakuya knows the location of the secret trial and is trying to arrange ships and helicopters as quickly as possible. But, given how much disarray everyone was in, it’ll be awhile.
But, hopefully, the others can hold out until then.
Speaking of the others, they’re at the Pestilence Floor - a place filled with dense gas that they have to make their way through and traps. Such as spears through the floors and Monokuma units that lunge out. Thankfully, for the groups, they’re able to gradually make their way throughout the maze like floor due to their own experience. Though Kyoko can't help but notice that, for her group, they aren't really running into most obstacles as expected…
During this time, Makoto begins to ask if anyone knows anything about the Floor Boss - Jun Ueda. Begrudgingly, Munakata informs Makoto that Jun was a former member of class 74’s student council. Specifically, he was their Treasurer - being a snarky, teasing, logistics man who only forked up the cash for any school project only when all bases were covered. Something that is shown in a flashback to the 74 trio and their interaction with their former friend. Though, their happy days could not remain forever. He later joined Future Foundation - but was imprisoned due to the one act that earned him his place among the Four Blights. He gassed a warehouse filled with those who were ill, injured, disabled in some manner or were under watch due to having some past criminal conviction - killing them all while they slept. The very next day, when it was discovered, he turned himself and remained in max prison up until recently.
Makoto and Hina are horrified, while their other teammates are tense. This is why Munakata wants Jun defeated immediately. They can’t risk any of the Blights getting back out and enacting their horrors again. They have to end him here. But as they enter another room, Hina asks if both Juzo and Munakata are prepared to fight against someone that used to be their friend. Something that a voice mentions, is way too late to consider.
It’s Jun, gas mask on his face, and gun in hand. Munakata orders Gozu to watch Makoto and Hina while he and Juzo try to pincer Jun. However, it’s a tense fight as Jun is very light on his feet, and has some units to help hold off both. While he fights, he’s taunting Munakata - criticizing how it was inability to take decisive, proper, headway into this matter that led to the Directors being attacked like this now. What lead to that incident in the past! He should be ashamed of himself for being so hesitant!! It’s what leads Munakata being grazed by a shot and Juzo getting knocked about in his anger to get to Jun.
However, Makoto has had enough and rebuked such claims. While he doesn’t know Munakata personally, and while they definitely disagree on certain things, even Makoto can see he was at least trying to help as much people as he could in these awful times! Jun shoots back, both metaphorically and literally, that trying to help everyone is a fool’s errand. During the time of the incident, Future Foundation was struggling to gain supplies to help those under their care - it was a massive effort to supply a squad, let alone refugees. If they helped everyone under their case, they would have been left completely depleted and wiped out by Ultimate Despair. That’s why Jun did what he ‘had’ to do it. He wiped out those who couldn’t help FF to make the organization live for another day. It was awful, but necessary in his eyes. Even the five here can understand the need to dirty your hands for the greater good, right? Hina is the one to speak up on this.
She knows how it feels, to think you have to resort to extremes just because you think its right (referencing her attempt in DR1 chapter 4 in trying to kill everyone after bein tricked by Monokuma). But, she insists that being tunnel visioned by thinking you’re justified can lead you to being blinded on the truth. In this case? He had no real way of knowing if slaughtering those refugees really was the ‘saving move’ he keeps claiming it is. True, FF was struggling back then, but he has no real evidence that helping out the refugees would cost the FF everything. If anything, by killing off so many with potential who could have helped, didn’t he just send the organization back ? Jun has to know this, unless…
Is he is arguing his case so hard, because realizing the other side is that soul crushing?
Snapping, an angry Jun is about to shoot her when he realizes his mistake. Hina distracted him enough to allow Munakata to get in close - knocking away Jun’s gun with a slash. Thus, giving Juzo a free opportunity to punch Jun in the mask. Sending him flying into the wall, unconscious. His gun was also knocked away from him, but no one quite seems to notice. On his wrist, a bracelet glows red and the gas stops. The Floor Boss has been defeated.
From Jun’s defeat, a letter floats down from the ceiling, into Makoto’s hands that he reads for the group:
“Even a dethroned monarch can be crowned again…”
Huh? The crew is unusure to what this means and by now the other groups have arrived. Jun also begins to stir, chuckling at their confusion. Munakata walls up to him, raises his katana and holds his blade to Jun’s throat. What is the meaning of this? Who recruited him for this? Who does this hint refer to. Jun opens his mouth, but by now Monokima units have flooded the room and snatched Jun.  
It's been announced that since Jun lost there would be a penalty for him. As Munakata and Juzo fight to get to him, begging him to speak, and to stay with them - all Jun could say is this:
“Eh, only thing I can really say is that the one who got me on board was a real nag. Sorry, but my hands are tied.” But right as they take him out of the room he does say this to Munakata. 
“Maybe…I was the one that couldn't remain decisive that day."
With that he was gone. But for what? Well…
“Boss of the Pestilence Floor, Ex-Ultimate Exterminator: Jun Ueda has lost his fight. Time to face the penalty!!! Let’s give it everything we’ve got: It’s punishment time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Execution: Suffocation of the White Rider
Jun wakes up to find himself trapped in an enclosed space with multiple other boxes beside him. The boxes all open to pour vermin and other dangerous animals. In addition, gas begins to fill the room. Chuckling, Jun goes around the room, trying to fend off the beasts as he scrambles to find a jumpsuit, oxygen tank and gas mask to put on. He succeeds, but that’s also his downfall. I nthe suit itself are venomous creatures that attack Jun. The suit itself can not be removed and the cast are forced to watch as he stumbles around in the haze…and eventually collapses dead.
This horrifies a lot of the cast, but they are urged by Munakata and Tengan to return down towards the first floor. The first floor has been cleared, and given what they’ve gone through, a rest is deserved.
On the monitors, of the MonoKast, Monokowl has been removed.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 6 months
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ems-the-fangirl · 1 year
gotta stay up to date with official drama stuff
Gozu: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Ruruka and Sonosuke's convo? Koichi: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Ryota: I'm in the washing machine. Juzo: I'm in the closet. Koichi: We accept you Juzo. <3 Juzo: No I'm literally in the closet. Koichi: Love is love. <3
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A Little Experiment
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danglovely · 8 months
Did Kyoko actually know when the fourth time limit was? There's some ambiguity as to whether it starts with the round where we lose Chisa or the round where we lose Gozu.
(We know she violates her NG Code when Ruruka dies, so presumably the time limits were 1. Chisa. 2. Gozu. 3. Seiko. 4. Ruruka. but that doesn't seem particularly fair seeing as she didn't learn the rules or her NG Code until after Chisa died).
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mythgirlimagines · 5 months
Can you do a part two of the Future Foundation Remnants HC?
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yes, thanks for being patient with my ask limits!
Juzo Sakakura:
No way he was brainwashed. No way.
He didn’t want to believe it.
Everything was laid out right in front of him, though.
Sonosuke Izayoi:
He was quiet about the issue.
It was a good thing they were all healed now.
Maybe there was still a chance to heal the new damage.
Ruruka Ando:
On the surface, she brushed it off.
It kind of tore her up on the inside, though.
What kind of stuff did she even do?
Seiko Kimura:
She’d been worried something like that would happen…
She started apologizing profusely, wanting to make up for it.
Would she even be of any help anymore?
Great Gozu:
He had a hard time believing that brainwashing worked on him.
The evidence was all there, though.
How much harm had he done to the healing world?
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