#the hands dealt
abracadaze · 2 years
i feel so bad for nikola tesla like imagine spending years beefing with a guy who has conned the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and you end up dying broke and starving and alone and then 100 years later another guy cons the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and he's doing it all IN YOUR NAME. he must be rolling in his grave like a fucking rotisserie chicken
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lgbtlunaverse · 3 months
Deeply ill about the way Nemesis' interactions with Melinoë start at "You don't deserve this (you're not good enough)" and slowly morph into "You don't deserve this (you deserve better than this)"
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riickgrimes · 4 months
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ZENDAYA as TASHI DUNCAN CHALLENGERS (2024) dir. Luca Guadagnino
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Part of the reason I find Wyll to be such a compelling character is that he is such a good person, but in what I think is a kinda unique way. 
I've seen a few criticisms of how quickly Wyll seems to switch sides in his initial confrontation with Karlach; how fast he goes from convinced he must kill her to letting her live. For me though, this makes perfect sense. 
The decision Wyll makes in that confrontation not actually whether or not to kill her; he has to decide whether or not Karlach is innocent, but once he's confirmed that, it's not a question.
He commits so quickly to Karlach because he doesn't have to choose whether or not to kill her in that moment; he already decided seven years ago. 
Because at seventeen years old, he decided he would sacrifice anything for the safety of others. 
At seventeen years old he decided that his own life, comfort and happiness was never worth the cost of someone else's. 
And so at twenty-four, he learns the devil he's been chasing is a person, and a victim, and an innocent, and the decision is already made up. 
Because Wyll Ravenguard at twenty-four is who he was at seventeen, and twenty, and ten. 
And to me that's one of the coolest things about him.
There's a separate post I'd like to make about how Wyll never loses his childhood wonder of the world- and I think there's a very similar principle here. Wyll grew up hearing stories of knights who slay monsters and heros in shining armor, and he took those stories and loved them and held them close to his chest. 
And then he's seventeen and a devil asked him if he wants to be a hero, and he's not an idiot; he understands the price of saviourhood so he says yes. 
And so when he meets Karlach, it's never really a question of if he'll kill her. It's just a matter of him finding the courage. 
Because he says "you don't know what you're asking of me" and he's absolutely right, we don't. But Wyll understands the cost; he's understood it for seven years. I'll bet anything that when Wyll Ravenguard made his pact with a devil to save tens of thousands of souls, he promised himself and his city and his father who wouldn't listen that he'd only ever use his pact to help and be good, and when it comes down to it, he sticks to his word. 
Because above all, Wyll Ravenguard is a man who knows who his is and what he beliefs, and who sticks to his principles no matter what, and for me that's incredibly compelling.
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windwenn · 6 months
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To sit by firelight
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annwrites · 5 months
exactly what he needs, pt. 5 ♡ ⋆。˚ | other parts here
— pairing: nate jacobs x fem!reader
— type: ficlet (multi-chapter)
— summary: you have an unsettling exchange with cal, you spend the day with nate, then he takes you to a party with the express purpose of getting you drunk.
— tags: shopping with nate, learning to drive, partying, swimming
— tw: f receiving oral, humping nate's thigh in public, coerced intoxication, skinny dipping, reader touching nate's genitals at his suggestion while drunk, lying, dollification, guilt-tripping/emotional manipulation (sexual & otherwise), gas lighting, major invasion of privacy, sexual assault (reader is drunk and nate touches them in a sexual way, so i count it), love-bombing, vomiting, eating | there will not be a date rape in this after the party, i promise!
— word count: 15,729
— a/n: cal, during his convo w/ reader, isn't trying to be an asshole toward nate, he's trying to give her a genuine warning. the line 'he kills what he loves' i went back & added to try & i guess pull some kind of parallel between the two men, like when cal said 'i kill what i eat' on the show. bc i do think cal is capable of love. i think nate is only capable of obsession/infatuation, which is easy to mix up in the heat of the moment.
if nate seems different w/the reader than he does w/ cassie, it's bc he's obviously still hiding his true colors with reader.
the song I had in mind during the party is dangerous (oliver remix), which was indeed used during the show.
i hope reading this feels as ominous as it did writing it lmao.
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When you wake in the middle of the night, it's with Nate's arm slung heavily over your abdomen, his hand hanging off the side of the bed.
You wiggle out from under him, still naked, before picking up his t-shirt and slipping it on before quietly unlocking his door and heading down to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Once you have it, you go to head back up to bed, until you hear his father calling to you from the living room, stopping you in your tracks.
You pad into the room, the light from the TV flickering against the dark which fills near every corner. "I was just getting a glass of water," you say, worried that he may think you were trying to steal from him in the middle of the night.
"Anything else you need?"
You shake your head, wishing you were wearing more than just a t-shirt right now. "I'm all set, thank you."
"Can I ask you something?"
You shift nervously as his eyes trail from your bare legs, back up to your face. "Sure."
"How is he? Nate?"
"What do you mean?"
He shrugs, glancing back to the TV. "He doesn't talk to me. Can't stand me, as I'm sure he's told you, or, at the very least, from what you can tell all on your own. I just want to know how he's doing." He looks at you again. "I assume he talks to you."
"If you mean in regards to you: no, he doesn't. You're the one thing he refuses to open up about. He...he seems fine, though. Most of the time, at least. He just seems to have this simmering-"
"Rage?" He finishes.
You nod. "I don't know if it stems from something that happened between the two of you, or if it's from however Maddy treated him, or something else." You glance down to the floor, then back up. "Maybe it's all of it. Maybe his life has just snowballed and he doesn't know how to deal with it. But you obviously care about him. So... I know what it's like to have an absent father." You pause. "I know it isn't my place, but...try to fix whatever is broken between the two of you before it's too late. Even if he hates you for it, he'll at least know you made that effort."
Cal grows quiet, for a long while, only the TV playing softly in the background. Then, "You're a smart girl, I can tell. Mature for your age. So, I'm going to give you a piece of advice." He leans forward. "Run. My son is not the guy for you. You can't fix him, and you can't help him. You can't give aid to a drowning man who chose to jump into the deep end in the first place.
"If you stay with him, he will ruin you. But I know you will anyway, despite this conversation. Maybe in spite of it. Just know that you're not the first, and you won't be the last." He leans back again. "No woman will ever make him happy, will ever live up to his perfect ideals of femininity. And, if they do, he'll fucking hate them for it. That anger he feels toward me? Give it time. You'll become the new punching bag. He kills what he loves"
You suddenly feel sick.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
You swallow, even if your mouth has now gone dry. "Goodnight, Mr. Jacobs," you say, turning away from him.
"Cal," he calls after you.
You turn your head back to look at him.
"Just Cal is fine."
You only nod before going back upstairs.
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When you close Nate's door behind you, he's still asleep.
You lock it, then lean back against it, staring at him, your head spinning.
What the hell had just happened?
You watch Nate sleep, wanting to cry. But not for yourself. No. For him. He's only seventeen, and his own father is trying to drive away someone he's only just gotten together with.
You try to piece things together.
Nate dislikes him, of course. The incident in the kitchen had seemed a bit more aggressive than Cal just joking around with him.
So, maybe...maybe he's jealous? Jealous that his son is young and still has options, whereas, at his age, he's set in his ways. But that doesn't make sense, either. Cal is handsome, successful, wealthy, has—what seems like, at least—a lovely wife. Has two sons, who you're sure will both go far, given their dad's money, if nothing else. At least, in Nate's case, it will also be due to hard work and perseverance.
No wonder Nate hates this house so much, had been so eager to get you into his room and away from...him.
It'd been something in the way he had looked at you that had made your skin crawl. Like he could see everything under the thin t-shirt draped over your frame.
Then you wonder if that's true at all, or if Nate's disdain for him is just rubbing off, creating a perception of him that isn't even real.
You want to blame it all on being tired, but you can't just ignore what Cal had told you.
So you finally lie down next to Nate, his body quickly pulling your own against his—finding you even in his sleep—and you stare up at the ceiling.
You try to think back through every interaction you've had with Nate the last couple of weeks. Trying to find any blaring red flags.
This had all started out as a secret: the tutoring.
You wonder if you should've brought it up to his dad just to see his reaction. To see if it would even bother him. But, even if not, it's easy for children to be terrified of disappointing their parents so much so that they hide things that said parent would never even get upset over.
There'd been the Fezco story, which hadn't seemed quite right to you. Rue was a drug addict, a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless. However, she seemed to mostly mind her own business and keep to herself. She never seemed the kind to stir up pointless drama. So, why would she target Nate randomly?
You mentally file that away for further observation.
Then there was his dressing you and doing your hair, which still came off as a bit odd. But maybe it's just another way of him trying to show affection? And honestly...you kind of like it. Not in a sexual way, but in a way that makes you feel warm and looked after.
And it's less for you to have to worry about. At least if he's doing your hair, it saves you time and effort in fighting with it.
Him spending obscene amounts of money on you without your permission had been a bit much for your comfort levels, but as you look at him, your heart breaks.
He'd told you how with Maddy he'd done all he could to "get her to love him back". And you're sure that's what he's trying to do with you, because that's what she had taught him love is: financially transactional.
Honestly, you want to hold him just thinking about it.
What had happened to this poor, sweet boy to make him think that he alone isn't good enough?
From his father being cruel and overly-critical, to Maddy being emotionally and verbally abusive, to Cassie being controlling and possessive, he's done nothing but endure mistreatment after mistreatment from people that're supposed to love him and that he tried to love himself.
You stop trying to find something wrong with him then. Instead focusing on the good. Him giving you compliments, always getting the door for you, driving you places, taking you on dates, giving you sweet gifts, helping you with the groceries, opening up to you and you also doing as much with him...the list goes on.
You cuddle closer to his chest, thinking, as you drift off to sleep, that Maddy and Cassie have no idea what they've lost.
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When Nate wakes the next morning, you're still asleep, pressed against his side. And as he lays there, looking down at you—you breathing softly—he says it for the first time in a quiet whisper.
"I love you."
You don't stir, even for a moment.
And he means it. Really means it this time.
Because he knows he's finally fucking done right by himself. He'd studied and observed and manipulated you for two weeks until finally getting you into his bed, and you'd played along beautifully. Backing down at every turn when he needed or wanted you to, letting him have control.
From choosing places you both went together, to ordering for you at the bistro, him choosing your clothes, doing your hair, driving you around, letting him touch you—even if you weren't entirely comfortable with it, but allowing it anyway because you knew it made him happy—to making yourself smaller and sweeter and more agreeable to him in his moments of anger and irritation... You were perfectly submissive and gentle and soft.
He'd only have to make a few more tweaks here and there and his work would be done. You'd be everything he's been waiting and looking for.
He lays back against the headboard, fingers dancing along the bare skin of your back—it'd only taken one evening to get you naked and spreading you legs for him in bed. And he didn't think less of you for it. If you'd been with anyone else before, he would, absolutely. But he'd seen the proof plain as fucking day while going down on you last night: you're still intact. No one else has touched you.
No, you'd done it because you were falling, whether you knew it or not. And because he had tons of experience over you. All you had known in that sweet, innocent little mind of yours was that you wanted more of what he was willing to give you. Because it felt so much better when it was coming from another person. From him.
He grabs his phone, scrolling through Instagram, checking his email, his texts, while he waits for you to wake up next to him.
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When you wake, it's with your face pressed against Nate's side. It takes you a moment to realize he's already awake, sitting up.
You sit up as well, covering yourself with a dark blue sheet.
"Good morning," you say shyly.
He drops his phone onto his bedside table, giving you his full attention. "Morning, angel."
He leans forward, planting a soft kiss to your lips.
You reach up. "My hair is probably a mess," you say nervously.
He leans back. "You look perfect. But you can use the bathroom if you want."
You nod, standing, and Nate takes in your naked body before you slip on his t-shirt, walking into the bathroom.
Once you've relieved yourself, you brush your teeth, then gasp when you look in the mirror before starting on your hair.
You quickly open the bathroom door and Nate looks at you with a lazy look on his face.
"What did you do?" You ask, fingers reaching up to gently press against the dark purple bruise he'd left on your neck.
He smirks. "Oops."
Blood rushes to your face in embarrassment. "People will see this."
He shrugs. "Let 'em."
You cross your arms, feeling uncomfortable. "It...it looks trashy."
He sighs. "It looks like a hicky."
He rolls his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So, what, did I fuck up last night, too? I thought you enjoyed it."
You withdraw into yourself. "N-no, you didn't. I did—enjoy it, I mean."
He lowers his hand, looking up to you with a hurt expression. "Do you regret it?"
You feel absolutely horrible.
You pad over to him, sitting down beside him, taking one of his hands in yours, the other coming up to cup his cheek. "No, of course not. I liked it...all of it. I'm sorry. I overreacted."
You wrap your arms around his neck, and his face quickly returns to normal as you hug him.
"I enjoyed it, Nate. That's the first time I've done anything. I'm glad it was with you." You whisper, pressing your body closer to his own.
He waits a moment, lets you sweat over a possibility of having truly hurt him, then you relax when his arms wind around you.
"If you don't want me to in the fut-"
You pull back. "No, I do." You don't really wanting to be walking around with love bites for all to see, but you'll just have to figure out a way to cover them up in the future.
You'd rather that than making him worry that you don't enjoy being intimate with him.
You press your lips to his. You look at him for a moment, giving him a soft smile before you stand, returning to the bathroom.
Once you've brushed your hair, and washed your face, you return to bed, sitting next to Nate.
You gingerly take one of his hands in your own.
“Are you hungry?” You ask.
He glances between your legs, then back into your eyes.
You blush, looking down. 
“Are you?”
You shrug. “I could eat.” You look at him again. “Do you want me to make you breakfast again?”
He slowly moves his hand up your thigh. He doesn’t like the idea of his dad seeing you like this. Bare from your thighs down—more-so uncomfortable because you have nothing on underneath the t-shirt you’re wearing, even if he wishes you hadn’t bothered with putting it back on in the first place.
He stands. “Let me see if I can find you a pair of shorts or something.”
“I thought you said nothing you have will fit?”
He doesn’t reply as he pulls a pair of drawstring basketball shorts out of his dresser, turning around to hand them to you. “Put these on.”
You stand, doing as instructed, cinching the waist. They still look ridiculously big, but they stay in-place.
“Good enough,” he says before pulling on a t-shirt and putting on his sweatpants from last night—before going to sleep he’d taken them off, only sleeping in his boxers. He typically sleeps naked, but knew doing so last night most likely wouldn’t have been a good idea. Perhaps after you stay over a few more times he’ll strip one night, letting you wake up to his naked body pressed against yours.
He takes your hand as the two of you exit his room and he leads you downstairs. 
You’d slept until nearly eleven, so the rest of the house is already up. He just hopes you sleeping so late isn’t a regular thing. But he understands that you’d exerted yourself a bit more than usual last night. He smirks at the thought.
Thankfully, the kitchen is empty when Nate leads you into it. 
You lean back against a counter. “What would you like to eat?”
He seats himself at the island. “Do you know how to make an omelette?”
You smile. “Yes.”
You go to the fridge, pulling out a carton of eggs, some cheese, and you grab a bell pepper from a fruit bowl on the counter, setting it all down. 
You begin pulling open drawers, looking for a knife, a whisk, and a bowl, and Nate just watches with idle amusement at you familiarizing yourself with his kitchen. 
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You and Nate eat side-by-side, his knee brushing against yours as he takes bites of his omelette. 
He swallows. “I know I said it before, but you really are a good fucking cook.”
You glance at him and smile. “Thank you.”
Once the two of you are finished, Nate helps you load the dishwasher. “What do you want to do today?”
You lean back against the counter again and he plants his palms flat on either side of you, caging you in. 
You grip the hem of his t-shirt. “I’m not sure.”
“I could take you shopping again?”
Your heart sinks. 
You reach up, gently touching your fingertips against his cheek. Your eyes have softened as you look into his own.
“I know we talked about it before, and that you said that’s not why you did it, but I don’t ever want you to think you have to buy my affection, Nate. And I know you also said you didn’t want to talk about them anymore, but I’m not Maddy. My feelings for you aren’t transactional. I’m with you for you. And I’ll never try to control you like Cassie.”
You briefly think back to your exchange with his father last night and that well of sadness you now feel for him deepens. You wrap your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair. “I just want you. Exactly as you are. You’re more than enough for me. Please don’t ever feel like you have to bend over backwards to make, or keep me happy. I’m just glad I finally have someone to talk to and spend time with; that I'm not alone anymore.”
Nate slowly wraps his arms around you as well, wondering what the hell had come over you. He doesn’t dislike it. No, the very opposite. He likes it when you’re soft and kind with him. Not because he needs it, but because your feminine personality, especially in moments like this, more than compliment his masculine one.
All he can think is: this is exactly how it’s supposed to be. You submissive and sweet, loving and caring. Cooking and cleaning and doing as you’re told, letting him—one man—teach you about sex and your own body. Letting him make your decisions for you, like what you can wear, how to do your hair—he plans to expand that list drastically as time goes on. Also letting him think for you in the future, he hopes.
His sob stories about Maddy and Cassie had worked, apparently. A few truths, a few lies, and you saw him as someone who’d been used and taken advantage of by evil women.
You saw him as a good man.
He doesn’t wish he were. He knows what he is. He just hopes he can keep you blind to that truth for awhile longer. At least until after the two of you have started having sex.
He presses his face into your hair. “I’m so glad I met you. Even if it had to happen twice.”
You nod. “Me too.”
Neither of you are aware of it, but his mom stands just around the corner, tears stinging her eyes. And she knows her little boy has finally found the right girl for himself.
When you pull away from Nate, he caresses both of your cheeks, bringing his lips down to your own. His hand slips under the oversized t-shirt hanging from your frame , moving higher until he's cupping one of your bare breasts. He rubs the pad of his thumb against your nipple until it pebbles.
You pull away and he quickly moves his lips to your neck, sucking on that same hicky from last night.
You gasp. "Nate, what if someone walks in?"
He gently bites down and your hips buck against him.
He lifts you onto the counter, moving his lips back to yours, considering reaching his hand into his shorts that hang from your hips, until his phone vibrates in his pocket.
He bites back a curse at the ruined moment.
He pulls away from you with an irritated sigh and you wait patiently while he checks the notification.
He scans over the message, then looks up to you. "Do you want to go to a party tonight?"
You blink at him. "Like a birthday party?"
He smiles at your sweet innocence. "No, baby, a real party."
"Oh." You consider it for a moment. "I've never been to one."
He smirks, stepping closer to you, between your dangling legs. "I figured as much."
"Do you want to go?"
In truth, he usually wouldn't much care either way, but he knows this is a perfect opportunity to get you drunk, just to see what he can get out of it—out of you.
"I wouldn't mind it. It'd give us something to do tonight."
He give him a peck on the lips. "Okay."
He'd honestly thought you'd try to talk him into some fairytale movie night instead. He's pleased with your easy agreement.
"The party doesn't start until nine, which really means to show up after ten, at least. So we have the whole day ahead of us. We could run over to your place, get you changed, and pick up an outfit for tonight." He doesn't mention also getting pajamas for when he brings you back here after getting you loaded. You can either sleep naked or in something of his. But he'll make that decision then.
"Okay," you say pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"Once you've changed I'll give you your first driving lesson."
You still then, and he dislikes your sudden change in demeanor. He prefers you agreeable and cute.
"What do you mean?"
He raises a brow. "Don't worry, I'm not going to be putting you on the interstate your first day. I'll teach you some of the basics in the school parking lot."
He moves his hand back under your shirt, gripping the curve of your side.
"And that's all, right?"
He nods.
You gently grip his t-shirt. "Okay."
He smiles.
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Once you and Nate have arrived at your house, he follows you into your bedroom. Before you can open your closet to find a proper outfit to change into, he beats you to it. You stand to the side, still unsure how to feel about him picking out your clothes.
You say nothing about it, however, telling yourself it's one way he shows affection.
He hands you the blue babydoll dress he'd bought you, then picks up a pair of matte silver flats from your small shoe rack at the bottom of your closet, setting them near your bedroom door.
Without a word, without even your permission, he opens the top drawer of your dresser and begins to browse your panties and bras.
"W-what're you-"
He looks at you over his shoulder. "I've already seen you naked, sweetheart. Am I not allowed to pick out your panties?"
You blush furiously—your cheeks hot—before sitting down on your bed. You don't answer as he turns back around, picking out a pair of sky-blue panties with tiny dark-blue flowers printed on them and a white bra with lace trim and a heart sewn in the middle.
He tosses the items on your bed.
"Stand up for me, baby."
You do as he asks and he slowly pushes the hem of the t-shirt you're wearing up. You lift your arms and he removes it entirely, dropping it on the floor. You feel the need to cover your bare breasts, but refrain as he rubs the pads of his thumbs over each of your nipples.
He then reaches down, puling at the drawstring of the shorts he'd given you to wear and they fall to the carpeted floor, pooling at your feet.
You feel beyond self-conscious being completely naked before him in the daylight.
And he can tell just by your shift in body language. Pressing your thighs together, hands clasped in front of your genitals. And you refuse to look at him now.
He cups one of your cheeks in his hand, his other arm resting at his side. "Are you insecure?"
You shrug.
His lip twitches. Good, he thinks.
Maddy had been too fucking confident in every way. And Cassie had been completely secure in her looks, her body. And he'd thought them both shallow sluts for it.
But you? You have humility. You need his approval. Because you have no idea what you have.
"Look at me, Y/N."
You do so reluctantly.
"Do you have any idea how fucking perfect you are? What seeing you like this does to me?"
He uses his free hand to grab at his erection over his jeans and fills with such fucking satisfaction at seeing your pure, innocent eyes widen when you look down.
You look back up to him. "O-oh."
He glances to your bed behind you, that teddy still in-place. He looks at you again, your eyes watching him, waiting for him to tell you what to do next.
And he revels in it.
"Lie back on the bed, sweetheart."
You give a terse nod before doing so.
He leans over you, grabbing your bear, before handing it to you. "Hold this."
Your brows furrow, but you take the plush object from his grip.
He stands back up, removing his leather jacket before tossing it toward your chair in the corner. He then kneels down on the floor at the foot of your bed. Finally, he reaches forward, grabbing your hips and bringing himself face-to-face with that pretty pussy of yours.
"N-nate, wha-"
He immediately gets you to shut up by throwing your legs over his shoulders just like last night and devouring your already-wet pussy.
You grip your bear tighter, your body relaxing.
Nate eventually removes his lips from your cunt after a few minutes, then starts planting firm, wet kisses against your inner-thighs. Slowly. One after another after another. Occasionally sucking in one spot here, another there, working at giving you a couple more hickys, marking your privates as his very own.
He does the same as last night, gripping your hips in his large hands, keeping you still.
You whimper quietly, so he blows against your weeping pussy and you wiggle your hips, trying to get closer and he grins.
He flicks the tip of his tongue against your clit and watches as you pulsate for just a moment.
He reaches down, spreading your labia with his fore and middle fingers and admiring your in-tact seal. Mine, all fucking mine, he thinks before putting his mouth back on you.
He looks up, sees you gripping your teddy bear, biting your lip, your back arched and he moans against you at the beautiful fucking sight of you spread open and completely vulnerable before him.
He has you so fucking duped—thinking he's some injured boy looking for love—when all he really wants is to possess every part of you.
But he knows he's the best thing for you. What you need.
Not any of the idiotic guys at school who wouldn't know how to appreciate you. Wouldn't know how to provide for or protect you. Wouldn't know the first thing to do with you, other than try to shove their cocks in your face, or between your legs.
No, he wants you for far, far longer, and for far more than just some quick fuck.
You're sweet, inexperienced, and all alone. Not even you know what you need, what you want, who you are. But he does.
He runs his tongue along your hymen and you cry out and his eyes roll in pleasure at the sound. Finally he's gotten you to make some fucking noise.
He does it again and your body shudders.
He does his utmost to ignore his cock straining painfully against his pants.
He removes his mouth from you again and he hears a sound escape your lips that's something akin to a sob.
He begins to kiss your thighs again, working his way down to your knees, then back up each side. He sucks against the soft skin, leaving angry purple bruises on both sides before blowing against your clit again. You throw your teddy down out of frustration and he knows he nearly has you there.
He blows again, flicks his tongue lightly against your clit, a kiss and then another on either of your thighs, lightly biting. And then finally, finally, you reach down, tangling your fingers in his hair and you move your pussy closer, your ass now nearly hanging off the edge of the bed.
He looks up at you. "This what you want, sweetheart?"
Your fingers tighten then loosen against his scalp. "Mhm."
He blows against your dripping pussy. "You want me to let you cum, baby?"
You look down at him and your cheeks are a lovely shade of pink, your eyes glazed over with lust. "Please, Nate."
"How about pretty please?"
You lie back down against your fluffy white pillows with their frilly cases. "Pretty please?"
He kisses your right thigh. "Can you say with sugar on top?"
You squirm your hips and he holds them each in an iron-tight grip against the bed.
You let out a small sob.
She's finally fucking crying, he thinks.
"With sugar on top, please, p-pretty please?"
He kisses your left thigh, sucking on that pretty purple bruise of his own doing.
"And a cherry?" He asks.
You let out another sob and he can see a tear slip from your eye, dampening a spot on the pillow beneath your head.
God it's hardly taken him any effort at all. But, then again, you have nothing to compare him to.
It all comes out as one long, garbled word, you say it so quickly. But he deems it good enough. He knows he's humiliated you by making you beg. But that you're so desperate for it that you'll do anything to have his mouth back on you.
"Good girl," he says before getting back to work with his tongue.
You start crying. "T-thank you."
It's after another ten minutes—you whining and grinding yourself into his mouth, whispering his name quietly over and over again—that he finally lets you fall over the edge. And it's something beautiful to fucking behold when you do.
Halfway through, he'd spread your right leg wider, his hand squeezing your thigh, keeping it in-place. He'd found your left hand with his, twining his fingers between yours, your hand squeezing his every few seconds as you concentrated on trying to find your release.
And when you orgasm, your hand squeezes his so hard it hurts, even a bit. He keeps your legs spread as you arch your back, your fingers tugging against his hair, rubbing your pussy against his mouth. And once you've calmed, your hammering heart slowing, he keeps your legs spread, watching your ass and pussy pulsate slowly. It's only once they've both stopped that he allows you to finally close your legs.
He climbs up onto the bed, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and you cry quietly for a moment and you can't understand why.
He shooshes you. "It's alright, baby. You did so fucking good for me."
He places a soft kiss to the top of your head and you close your eyes, pressing yourself closer to him.
You feel so...different. Your body feels hot all over, a pleasant soreness between your legs, your thigh muscles a bit more overworked than usual, and your head feels...a bit foggy somehow? You feel relaxed for once. Content.
And the way you feel about Nate in this moment... You can't think like that. Can't acknowledge that little four-letter word. You were being ridiculous. But you'd never felt like this before. Never felt the way you had last night in his bed, either.
You can't say it. If you do, you'll lose him. And you can't lose anyone else. Because you have no one else to turn to if you do.
Now that you know how good it feels to be cared for and wanted and desired, you don't ever want to be alone again.
You suddenly feel tired and feel yourself starting to drift off to sleep against his broad, warm chest, his hands rubbing soothing circles against your bare back. You press your palms against him and yawn.
Then, "You ready for me to get you dressed, angel?"
Your eyes slowly flutter open. "I'm so tired."
He smirks. You would be.
Wait until he starts fucking you multiple times a day. You won't have energy for anything else. Or, that's the plan, at least. All you'll want is to stay naked in his bed. Too exhausted to even get up and put a t-shirt on.
He squeezes your small, soft body for a moment. "I know, but I really wanted to give you your first driving lesson today."
Not that he plans to let you start driving—not that you have the means to do so in the first place—but because he knows you'll learn sooner or later, and he wants to be the one to teach you yet one more thing.
He doesn't want it coming from another man, even if it's your dad.
You're his.
He sits up and you bury your face in a pillow and all he can do is think how cute you look.
"C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up."
You look up at him, at his outstretched hand, and you take it, following him sleepily to the bathroom.
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As you stand in the shower, Nate gently wiping down your naked body with a warm, soapy cloth, you almost want to cry from how loved you feel.
You just can't manage to wrap your head around how Maddy or Cassie could've ever treated him the way they did. How Maddy could've been so cruel. Could've only wanted him for what he could give her. How she could've been so materialistic when he alone is so...wonderful.
You suppose you understand Cassie losing it over the thought of losing him. But it seems so evil to try and trap someone so kind and thoughtful in a relationship they no longer feel safe or comfortable in.
God, no reason he doesn't want to talk about either of them.
And then his dad treating him so terribly and trying to drive you away almost immediately after the two of you get together... You wonder if it isn't so Nate won't be 'distracted'. If he's the type of man to try and force his son to live up to some ideal image of manhood he himself could never quite achieve.
Your heart swells with affection for Nate, just like it did last night and this morning both.
You're broken from your thoughts by him speaking. "Turn."
You do.
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Once Nate has rinsed you off, even shaved your legs, and wrapped you in a fluffy towel, he gestures for you to sit on the toilet lid and you watch as he pulls out your straightener like the day before.
You sit silently for a moment as he runs it over your hair. Then you decide you have to finally ask about his interest in styling.
"Can I ask you something?"
He's quiet for a moment, then, "Sure."
"How did you learn to do hair?"
He raises a brow, even if you can't see it. "Just comes naturally, I guess."
"Is...is that something you think you'd like to do one day? Styling or barbering?"
He nearly laughs at you. A straight man as a stylist.
"No. I just like doing yours."
"Oh." Then, "Why? Do you not like how I do it?"
Your tone sounds hurt, if not also a bit worried.
Good, you're finally worried about what he thinks of your appearance. You want his approval.
"I didn't say that. I just like taking care of you; dressing you up."
Like a doll, you think, but you don't say it.
He drops his hands, the hot tool now hanging by his side. "Why? Do you want me to stop doing it? Does it bother you that much?"
You turn back to him, gripping the towel wound around you. "No. I didn't say that."
You echo his own words back at him and his jaw feathers, not liking it. He'd picked out your clothes for you, gave you an orgasm without asking for anything in return, bathed you, and was now doing your hair, and you wanted to get fucking smart with him?
His free hand twitches at his side.
"It means...it means a lot to me, Nate. That you want to do things like this for me. That you care enough to try in the first place. No one has ever been so sweet to me." A tear falls and you quickly wipe it away, looking up at him again. "You're the most selfless person I've ever met."
He softens, his jaw relaxing, his fist loosening. He kneels down. "You're sure you don't mind?"
You shake your head, giving him a warm smile. "You make me feel so..." You trail off. You can't say loved. "So cared for. And safe."
You lean forward, kissing him softly. He moves his free hand under your towel and it falls open. He slides his hand from your thigh, to your hips, then to your back, pulling you closer to him. Finally, you wrap your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss, flicking his tongue against your lips, silently asking for entrance, which you immediately grant him. Just as you start to spread your legs, clearly wanting him to give you something more, he stands, returning to your hair.
And as he finishes up with the straightener, all he can do is bite back an amused smile at you having called him 'selfless'. As if the things he does to you are for you.
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Once Nate has finished with your hair—parting the fronts on either side from the rest, then joining them together in the back with a light blue bow he clips into place—he leads you back into your room.
He kneels down in front of you again, slipping your panties over your legs—you gripping his shoulder for support as you put one foot through one side, then the same with the other—he plants a quick kiss to your belly, which makes you giggle—the sound making him hard again. He then puts your bra on you.
Once he's clasped the back, he grabs your new dress and carefully lowers it over your head, careful not to mess up your hair. Once he's tied the large bow at the back of it, he adjusts your Tiffany necklace.
The pendant still resting in his palm, he looks at you. "Can you promise me something?"
You nod gently.
"Don't ever take this necklace off unless I tell you otherwise."
You're quiet for a moment, then, "Okay."
Once Nate has slipped your flats onto your feet, he looks you over for a moment, his eyes honing in on the hicky he'd left on your neck.
You stare back at him for a moment, before reaching up and pressing your fingertips against it. "I think I have some concealer-"
He shakes his head, not feeling like bothering with giving you a full-face of makeup at the moment.
"Do you have any chokers?"
Your brows furrow. "The necklaces?"
You shake your head. "I never really got into those."
Well, you're about to, he thinks. He offers you his hand. "Let's go."
You slide your palm against his.
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Once you're seated in Nate's truck, you grab your seatbelt, until he holds it in-place before you can pull it across your chest.
"Let me."
You let go and wait as he reaches across you, buckling you in. "I-I can do that."
He gives you a peck on the lips and a smile. "It's fine, I don't mind," he states before shutting your door.
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Just as you're perhaps ten minutes away from the school, Nate turns down an unfamiliar road.
"I thought we were going to the school parking lot?"
He slides his hand up your thigh, under your dress, until it's so close to your panties he can feel your heat. "Just making a little detour, something I want to pick up real quick."
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Perhaps five minutes later he pulls up to a small, expensive-looking boutique. He exits the truck before you can ask him what's going on, coming around to your side. He goes through the same—but also slightly-new—rendition of opening your door, and now also unbuckling you. He grabs you by the hips, helping you down, then taking your hand firmly in his as he walks inside.
An older woman with straight grey hair, an orange dress, and glasses calls out to the both of you, welcoming you to her shop.
You greet her back, while Nate all but ignores her.
"What are you looking for?" You ask, looking at him.
"I need to see if they even have it first."
He looks to the woman. "Where's your jewelry section?"
She points to the back of the store. "Back there and to the right. Let me know if you need help finding anything. Or need something ordered in a different size or color."
He leads you alongside him, until he finds a small display of lacy chokers.
He releases your hand, picking one up, holding it toward you.
You shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other. "I don't wear them for a reason. They're called chokers for a reason. They're really uncomfortable and-"
He cuts you off by tying it around your neck. "You wanted to cover the hicky I gave you. So, unless you want to put on a sweater in this heat, I don't see any other options."
You go silent, feeling like he's wrapping a collar around your throat instead.
He notices your sudden change in demeanor.
"What's wrong?"
You reach up, gently touching the fabric wrapped around your throat. "I don't know." Your tone is unsure.
He flexes his jaw. He takes a calming breath, refusing to make a scene in public. He sighs, cupping your cheek. "I just thought I'd buy you one to make you feel better. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." He smirks, trying to come off as playful, flirty even. "I might prefer it if you don't, actually."
You blush, a small smile coming onto your lips.
He nearly releases a breath of relief.
He's fine with letting you think that him putting a collar of ownership on you was all your idea. He's fine with letting you think it's something else entirely.
You look in the small mirror set up off to the side of the jewelry selection. "I guess it feels okay."
He picks up a few more then. "Anything you'd like to look at while we're here?"
You shake your head immediately and it displeases him.
He leans down, kisses you, then whispers against your lips. "We're not leaving until you've picked out something for me to buy for you."
He kisses you again and again, then pulls away.
"You're sure?"
He nods. "I told you yesterday that I plan to spoil you fucking rotten. I like buying you presents, sweetheart. So let me."
Even if he knows it's just another form of him love-bombing you.
You gently twine your fingers between his and begin to browse.
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By the time the two of you are done, Nate has spent over three-hundred dollars on you.
You'd only picked out a pair of sunglasses and a cheap pair of earrings, hoping that'd be enough for him, but he'd shopped more for you than you had for yourself.
He'd bought you two more dresses, a pair of jean cut-off shorts with a light-purple shirt to go with them, a new pair of sandals, the chokers he'd picked up when you first came in, and a few bows for your hair, along with a couple bottles of nail polish.
Just as you'd thought the two of you nearly finished, Nate had stopped, you bumping into his backside.
"Sorry," you'd said, squeezing his hand, but he'd not been paying any attention to you.
And when you followed his line-of-sight, your eyes grew wider.
No. Not lingerie.
But it was too late. He was already leading you over to their wide array of options. From simple bras and panties, to thongs, garters, chemises, but Nate only shows interest in, of course, babydolls.
He picks up a burgundy one, holding it up to you, but not looking at you, but your body. He shakes his head, then flips through the other colors before finding a soft pink one. He removes it from the rack.
He quickly cuts you off. "We'll get this one. I'd like to see it on you at some point."
He takes your hand as he leads you up to the register.
You'd stood silently by his side as he swiped a shiny black credit card, an unsettling feeling in your gut, but you merely pressed yourself against his side then—willing it away—and he'd pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head as he grabbed the decorative boutique bags off the counter with one hand, taking yours in the other as he led you back out to his truck.
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You're silent the entire way to the school, Nate's hand wedged firmly between your thighs, and it feels like the choker around your neck grows tighter.
Once Nate has pulled into the school parking lot, he kills the engine, turning to you.
He'd noticed your silence on the way to your destination. Had noticed your refusal to look in his direction. Instead keeping your eyes on the passing scenery outside your window.
He knows he's moving too fast, doing too much. That it's making you uncomfortable. Perhaps more than uncomfortable. And he fears that if he pushes too much harder, right now, at least, you might just jump ship. You've only been together since Thursday evening. Not even a full two days yet.
But he's good with words, always knows exactly what to say after reading someone to get desired results.
You're no different.
He turns toward you, you still looking out the window. "Hey," he says softly, quietly. "Can you look at me?"
A couple seconds pass and then you do.
He removes his hand from between your legs, instead using it to take one of your own in his. He looks down at your hands, furrowing his brows. "I'm sorry if...if maybe I did too much back there. If I made you uncomfortable. That was never my intention. I just..." He looks out the windshield. "I see everything you've gone without. Things I never have. Nice clothes, shoes..."
He looks back at you then. "Even just someone to talk to. I just..." He sighs, acting like he's at a loss for words. "The last thing I want is for you to continue on that way. So, sometimes, I like to buy you gifts. Take you to nice places on dates. Above all else, I want to make sure you're always happy.
"I want you to feel as happy as you've made me in the time we've spent together. Because I've never met anyone like you. Someone so good-natured and empathetic and affectionate. I think that's honestly what it is," he says with a small laugh, as if he's just figured something out. "I've never had that before. From anyone. So it makes me want to...to be better. It makes me so fucking happy to do things for you. To take care of you. I feel like maybe you bring out the softer side of me—the best of me. A side of me I don't ever share with anyone else. Because every time I have, they've either used it against me, or taken advantage, or mocked me for it. So, I feel like I always have to keep it under lock and key.
"And now I feel like it's only served to make you uncomfortable and-"
You interrupt him by reaching up, pressing your palm against his cheek. Now you understood it better. It wasn't just about him liking to give you gifts. No. It went far deeper than that.
This—this young man right here—is who he's always been. But he's never felt allowed to show it. The last thing you want to do is make him feel, yet again, like he needs to hide it away.
This is the side of him that you want to see.
"It did. Because for a second it felt like...like maybe you're trying to change me or..." You don't want to say it, but you're both being honest. "Or maybe control me? And after only a couple days together, that frightened me. But now? Nate, this," you say, reaching down to take his other hand in yours. "This is the one thing you can give me that I actually need. Honesty. If I understand it—you—then it won't bother me. Whatever it is."
You rub your thumb against the back of his hand. "You don't ever have to be afraid of being like this with me. Of opening up. If anything, it makes me feel closer to you. I know some girls expect men to be masculine and tough all the time, but I don't. I just want you as you are."
He gives you a loving look. He reaches across the console, wrapping his muscled arms around you, his hand cupping the back of your head. "I'm so glad I have you now."
You nod. "Me too."
He pulls back the least bit, simply looking into your eyes, until you press a kiss to his lips, and then another, and then he grabs your chin, deepening it. After a moment, you climb across the truck, into his lap, your legs bent on either side of him. He quickly reaches down, sliding the seat back. He then reaches under your dress, into the back of your panties, squeezing your ass in each of his hands and you grind down against him, gasping lightly before pressing your mouth back against his.
His cock is already straining against his jeans, desperately aching to finally fucking be inside of you, but he once again tells himself no, even if he's already grown sick and fucking tired of it.
He then reaches into your panties, his palm flat against your slick pussy.
You pull away a bit.
"I want you to cum on my hand," he whispers.
You don't even think about it before you begin to buck your hips against his palm, bringing your mouth back down to his own.
In a few minutes, the truck is shaking from the movements of your hips, trying desperately to reach your finish, pushing down against him as much as the limited space the two of you occupy allows.
Damned bucket seats, you think.
Nate wants to shove a finger or two inside of you, but knows that seal is meant to be broken by his cock and his cock alone.
Eventually, you groan in frustration. He reaches up, throwing some hair back behind your shoulder, which your dress is beginning to slip off of. "What's wrong, baby? Tell me what you need."
You whimper, grabbing his arm, humping his hand, but it's no use on its own.
"Would my leg be better, angel?"
You look up at him and nod.
First, he reaches around, pulling loose the bow tied against your back, then pulling down the top of your dress, until that lacy little bra is visible. He quickly unhooks it at the back, tossing it into the passenger seat. He then grabs your hips, repositioning you over his left thigh.
"Go on, sweetheart, cum for me."
As you begin to grind down against his thigh—a shudder wracking through your body—he leans forward, taking one of your breasts in his mouth.
"Mm, so much better," you say quietly, head thrown back.
His hand is now soaked, but he reaches into the back of your panties once again, gripping your ass, feeling your movements as you ride his leg.
It's only a few minutes later that he begins to feel a wet sensation against his thigh and he pulls back, watching you.
Your face, neck, and chest are red with a sex flush, your soft breasts as well. He firmly grips your hips. "Come on, angel. Cum for me."
You begin to move faster, grinding down against him, whimpering, sighing.
"That's it, baby, I know. I know it feels good."
You whine, nodding your head.
"You look so fucking beautiful. Cum on my leg, sweetheart. You're almost there. Come on, baby."
It only takes a few more seconds before you fall over the edge. "Ah, Nate!"
You press your lips back to his, riding out your orgasm, bucking your hips against his thigh until you're sore and can't go anymore.
And his cock is throbbing from you saying his name as you climaxed. A sound he'd hoped to hear last night, or even this morning, but all that mattered was that he now had that lovely fucking sound in his head.
You only whispering his name in your room hadn't been nearly satisfactory enough.
Once your movements have slowed, you slump against him, your breathing ragged.
He holds you, hands rubbing against your bare back. He presses a kiss to the side of your head. "You did such a good job, angel."
You lie your head on his shoulder. "I did?"
He hums in approval. "I fucking loved hearing you say my name like that."
You pull back, eyes now hooded. "Really?"
He smirks. "Of course. Why wouldn't I like that?"
You gently plant your palms against his chest.
"Did you like that?"
You look at him from under your lashes and nod shyly.
He presses a kiss to your forehead. "Good."
You glance down at his erection, then back up to him. "Should I-"
He shakes his head. "I just wanted to take care of you. I enjoy helping you cum."
Lies, fucking lies. Yes, he enjoys knowing he's the one making you orgasm, but God if he doesn't want to pull his cock out and force it down your warm wet throat right now just to get some fucking relief.
But he can't. Not here. Not like this.
You nod.
He grabs your bra and begins dressing you again.
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"Right blinker."
You glance at the levers on either side of the steering wheel. You know it's one of them, but unsure which one exactly.
You look at him.
"Try the lever on the left side."
A small green arrow starts blinking on the dash.
"Now left one."
A new arrow appears.
"Hazard lights."
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Once Nate has schooled you on the various buttons and levers and switches his truck has to offer—you hope can you remember all of them—he makes you identify the brake and then the gas, then the gas and then the brake over and over, before telling you to adjust your mirrors, and finally instructing you to take the vehicle out of park and do a lap around the parking lot.
You don't go over ten miles per hour as you do as instructed, his palm resting on your thigh all the while for support.
One you've reached the spot where you first started, you press down on the brakes a bit too hard—the both of you lurch forward in your seats.
Your face grows warm and you look at him, gripping the wheel tighter. "Sorry."
He chuckles and you're glad you at least got him to smile. "It's ok. We'll work on that. Go ahead and go around again."
You do as instructed.
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At the end of your lessons, Nate deems that you've done rather well. He'd had you drive around the parking lot a few times, reverse, park, even parallel park, which wasn't your favorite, but he tells you that all of it will improve in time the more he has you do it.
When he finally comes around to the driver's side to unbuckle you, you can't help but smile at how...special you feel.
He'd told you before you ever even switched seats that he'd never let another person drive his truck. Ever.
You'd thanked him for the privilege, then joked that you would only put, at most, a couple dents in it.
He'd told you he might have to punish you if that happened, his hand snaking between your legs.
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On the way back to Nate's house, he'd called ahead and ordered the two of you Chinese for dinner, saying he wouldn't take you to a party on an empty stomach.
You'd merely told him thank you, twining his fingers between your own, his other wrist draped over the wheel.
As the two of you sat at the dining room table in his house, eating your dinner side-by-side, he'd fed you some of his Kung Pao chicken, your throat immediately burning. He'd laughed as you gulped down half a glass of water.
You ignored his telling you water would only make it worse as you drank more.
He finished half his food, putting the rest away in the fridge before coming to sit back down beside you while you finished, his body facing yours, pressing soft kisses to your hair every few moments as you ate your rice and chicken.
And at one point, when you'd finally looked at him, the look in his eyes was nothing short of adoring.
He merely continued to stare at you, his fingers threading through your hair. "You're so beautiful."
"Thank you."
He nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before you went back to eating.
So polite, he thought. Even after giving you oral you had thanked him—thanked him—for getting you to orgasm. God, you were so different than anyone he'd ever had before.
As his eyes trailed over your body, he couldn't help but smile at knowing you're his.
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Once you're full, he leads you up to his room, stripping you out of your outfit for the day, before slipping one of his t-shirts on over your head for you to relax in for the next couple of hours before he gets you ready for the party.
You seat yourself on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to decide what the two of you are going to do next, until he sits down on his lifting bench.
"Do you care if I work out for a little bit?"
You shake your head. "Go ahead," you say with a smile. Perhaps even a little eager to watch him.
He lies back, legs spread, feet planted on the floor on either side of him, then reaches up to start weight-lifting.
You lean forward, your legs crossed, elbows pressed into your thighs, head resting on your fists as you watch him with utter desire.
The way his biceps flex, his abs taught as he pushes the weight up from him, then back down, with little difficulty. You lick your lips as your eyes trail lower, somewhat wanting to see what you'd felt pressed against your heat earlier in his truck.
You know you had told him that you didn't mind him being softer, gentler, but the fact that he plays football, drives a big truck, and works out...it's all definitely a turn-on.
After a number of reps—you'd not bothered keeping count of just how many, you were otherwise occupied—Nate sits up, only glancing to you before starting with the leg lift next. And your eyes once again trail from his abdomen, all the way down to his muscled legs, dark hair littering both.
You feel warm, especially between your thighs. God, you can't believe he's all yours.
Who cares if he wants to blow large loads of money on you and dress you up occasionally if you get to watch him do this sometimes.
Once he's finished, you sit up straighter as he walks over to you. You look up at him.
"Sorry if that was a bit boring."
He knows you liked it. Can tell from how intently you had watched him, the obvious warmth of your cheeks.
You shake your head. "It wasn't," you say, your voice barely above a whisper you're so turned on.
He grips your chin, running his thumb alonger your lower lip. "No?"
You lightly shake your head.
"You liked it?" He pretends to feign mild suprise.
You nod.
He studies you for a moment. Then, he leans down toward you, forcing you to lay back on the bed.
He reaches between your legs and you gasp in surprise as he runs two fingers along your soaking wet folds. "That much, huh?"
You nod, then spread your legs wider, reaching down to the hem of his t-shirt, quickly removing it, leaving yourself completely naked before him.
A silent plea for him to do something—anything—to relieve that pulse going between your legs now.
He rubs his thumb over your clit and you smile, reching up to grip his broad shoulders.
"Did that feel good?"
You nod. "Y-yes."
He looks down at your pussy. "So wet for me, aren't you, baby?"
You spread your legs wider, the backs of your thighs now resting flat on the mattress they can't be parted any further.
And all Nate can think is how needy you fucking are. And he loves it. How easily wet you get for him, how you're already so willing to let him touch and taste and tease you. How you so easily hand over control of your body to him.
He presses a kiss to your lips for just a moment before pulling away, rubbing his thumb over your clit again.
"Mm, Nate..."
He smirks as you close your eyes, expecting him to give you yet another orgasm today.
Finally, he steps away, shutting the bathroom door behind him, the shower turning on.
Your eyes pop open and you shoot up in bed, bringing your legs back together, wondering why the hell he'd left.
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Nate takes his time showering, hoping you're lying on the bed sexually frustrated from his teasing you, something he plans to do a great deal more of in-time.
He knows how powerful of a weapon sex can be, and with your experience being null...he never had that kind of upper-hand before. He's beyond elated that he does now.
He'd known Maddy had been lying when they fucked for the first time. When he had pulled out of her and there's been no blood, when she'd clearly known what the hell she was doing. But, because she'd been something warm and tight to stick his cock into, he'd resigned himself to not having a virgin like he wanted.
But you? You don't stand a chance against his sexual prowess.
Once he's showered and has also shaved, he jacks off thinking about the things he's done to you so far, but even more-so the things to come.
When he finishes, it's with cum shooting out, onto his hand, on the dark shower walls. Finally he feels some small form of release.
It's beyond fucking difficult maintaining control when it comes to being intimate with you, but he has a plan and knows he has to—must—stick to it. It's imperative that your first time with him is full of emotion and love and passion.
Because once the two of you have shared that moment?
His hooks in you will be permanently set.
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Once Nate had showered, you'd not said anything about his teasing you. In reality, you kind of liked it... You knew he was being a flirt by doing it, if not also a bit of an ass, but for some reason all of that turned you on all the more.
The build-up to something else.
The two of you lied down on his bed for awhile, you naked, pressed into his side, one of your legs twined around his own while while some cheesy romance movie played—something he'd put on, thinking you would like it.
But you couldn't focus on that. Instead, all you could think about was how good this feels. This level of comfort and warmth and trust with someone to be with them like this. Naked in his bed, one of his arms around you, fingertips brushing against your hip, his other bent behind his head.
You think how lucky you are to have him. He's smart, handsome, sweet, so, so kind and giving and selfless, mature, determined...the list goes on.
He moves his hand up, his fingers working themselves against your scalp and you close your eyes, falling asleep listening to the strong, steady beat of his heart.
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You're woken by Nate planting featherlight kisses against your cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, lips. Your eyes flutter open and you wrap your arms around his neck, stretching, arching your back. You smile up at him through drowsy eyes. "Hi."
You crane your neck up to kiss him and he melts into you. Literally melts.
Your softness, your graceful femininity, your love and desire for him and only him.
He pulls away for a moment, your gentle fingertips touching his lips as you look into his eyes.
"Time to get up and let me get you ready, angel."
"What if we stayed here in your bed?" You ask, your voice light and dreamy.
And fuck him if he doesn't consider it for a moment.
He shakes his head, then. He needs to get you drunk tonight.
"Sit up for me, sweetheart."
You keep your arms around his neck as he pulls you up with him, yawning as he disentangles himself from you, then takes your hand in his, leading your naked form into the bathroom as he turns on the shower.
Once he's washed you, the two of you go through the same rendition as that morning. And due to your still feeling sleepy, you let him do as he pleases as he brushes out your still-straight hair, forgoing any accessories. He then leads you back into his bedroom, seating you on his mattress as he goes through the bag he'd packed for you. He'd found a comely black dress in your closet that he'd actually been surprised you even owned, it showed so much skin. Well, a lot for you, at least.
But it'd also been shoved into the back, so it clearly was not a favorite of yours.
You raise your arms as he slips the soft black dress over your naked form. He admires it on you for a moment—it's a mini dress, with a plunging neckline, the sides cut out, leaving your sides bare, but against your back is a large bow.
He doesn't consider putting a choker back on you, wanting anyone who looks at you tonight to see the mark he'd put on your body, branding you as his property.
He then kneels down, slipping a black pair of pumps onto your feet which are covered in a pleasant floral pattern, small bows on each.
He then stands, heading over to his closet and throwing on a t-shirt and jeans, and a pair of clean socks and tennis shoes, shrugging on a zip-up hoodie before offering you his hand.
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A small smile plays on Nate's lips the entire way over to the party. This afternoon had been so perfect. You naked in his bed, asleep in his arms, then sitting there contently—silently—while he readied you, dressing you up as he pleased. And now here you sit in the passenger side, entertaining yourself with his right hand resting in your lap, holding one of your own while your other traces idle shapes along his veins and skin.
As he slows for a traffic light, he glances at you, how beautiful you look. And all he can think is how much he loves you.
"Are you happy, baby?"
You look up at him, smile, then nod. "Yes."
The light turns green and he looks back to the road before the both of you.
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Once Nate has parked, you feel your pulse rising under your skin. Flashing lights, and loud, thumping music come from the two-story house before you, numerous people coming in and out, milling around outside, drinks in-hand.
Once Nate has come around and unbuckled you, you stay seated. "There's a lot of people here."
He just looks at you, waiting for you to continue. "I...I get anxious in crowds."
He takes your hand in his, helping you down. "Just stay close to me, then, sweetheart."
You twine your fingers securely between his, your other arm coming up to wrap around his own and you press your body as close as you can into his side as you enter the strange domicile you've never been to before.
And Nate eats it up—you clinging to him so closely, afraid of being parted from his side—and he feels both a sense of satisfaction, as well as jealousy, if not also possessiveness, as young men's eyes trail along your young body. All of them want what they'll never have. You belong to him now.
He glances down at you and you're already looking up at him, completely oblivious to the men practically lapping at you with their tongues.
He gives you a quick kiss on the top of your head, then leads you further into the house, the music growing so loud you can feel the bass in your chest, intermixing with the wild beat of your heart.
Nate's eyes dart this way and that, looking for possible familiar faces—not because he wants to spend any amount of time with anyone but you tonight—but because he wants the word to spread like wildfire that you're already wrapped around his finger already. Completely devoted to him.
When he spots the kitchen, he leads you in that direction, honing in on the plethora of alcoholic drinks sitting out on the counter.
He releases your hand for a moment, your body pressing impossibly closer to his own, as he looks over the bottles, searching for something good to start you out with. Something sweet and sugary to get you drunk on before he has you start downing hard liquor to keep you that way for the rest of the night.
His goal is to get you drunk enough that you black out and forget what he has planned this evening.
He spots a bottle of sparkling cider and picks it up, pouring some into a solo cup, placing it in your small delicate hands.
"I-I don't drink!" You practially have to scream at him over the music.
His brows furrow, acting like he has no idea what you've said. He leans down, placing his ear close to those pretty lips that he'd put some pink lipgloss on before leaving.
"I don't drink, Nate."
He places his lips against your ear, his hand gripping your hip in silent encouragement. "Just try it, you might like it."
You look at him for a moment, then finally take a sip. And your eyes widen in interest before taking another one. He bites back a satisfied smirk.
"Do you like it?"
You nod your head fervently and he can't help but think how utterly fucking adorable you look.
He takes your cup, filling it nearly to the brim with the orange substance.
He, himself, grabs a bottle of Budweiser before leading you further into the house, seating himself on a couch before pulling you into his lap, one of his hands coming to rest firmly between your legs under your dress.
He takes a sip of his beer, then watches as you take another sip and then another from your cup. He reaches up, tipping it forward, forcing you to down a third of it in one go. Finally, he drops his hand, picking up his beer again and laughs playfully when you look at him, shaking your head with a smile.
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By the time you've reached the bottom of your cup, you're already drunk. Your head feels light, like it's spinning. You lean back against Nate, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Did you finish it?"
You merely nod, a giggle escaping your lips.
"Want me to get you another one?"
You sit up straighter, then turn to look at him and burst out laughing.
He can't keep himself from smiling at you.
"Is that a yes?"
You nod, scrunching your nose up adorably before throwing your arms around his neck, pressing a firm wet kiss to his cheek, then kissing his lips. He notes that you taste pleasantly of apples.
You stumble alongside Nate as he pulls you into the kitchen, filling your cup again and you don't notice, as you go to take a sip, that he once again puts his index finger under the base, holding it in-place until half the cup is drained.
He glances behind you, seeing Maddy across the room, wearing some revealing purple dress that nearly shows her ass, Kat at her side.
He watches them as they watch you, Maddy leaning over to Kat, saying something to her, which he can't quite make out.
He thinks, if he's read her lips correctly, she said 'what the fuck did he do to her?'.
He looks down at you, cupping one of your cheeks in his hand. "Do you want to dance?"
"What?" You giggle again, hugging him affectionately.
When you pull away he repeats himself.
"Do you?" You ask, your words slurred.
He doesn't answer before grabbing your hand, leading you into the middle of the living room, pulling your body against his. He grabs your hips, shaking them this way then that, one of your arms slung over his shoulder, the other occasionally lifting your drink to your lips.
He then sees Cassie, who's been watching the two of you for God knows how long, so he leans down, pressing a long, passionate kiss to your lips, adding in plenty of tongue.
You moan against him and he has half-a-mind to reach into your panties, wondering if all the alcohol has gone where he hopes it has.
He refrains. He won't humiliate or disrespect you like that. Not in front of a crowd.
He moves his lips down to your neck and you throw your head back. He moves one of his hands under the cut-out side of your dress, under your panties beneath, gripping one of your ass cheeks. The other comes up to caress the back of your head as he begins kissing your neck, sucking on that purple bruise, keeping it firmly in-place.
He licks your neck when he sees Cassie finally walk away, chugging her beer.
Nate pulls back, looking down at you.
You smile up at him. "I feel so-" you laugh. "So good." you giggle a few times. "I want you so bad."
He raises a brow. "Is that so?"
"Mhm." You reply, kissing him.
He puts his lips right up against your ear. "I bet if I checked them, your panties are fucking soaked right now. Aren't they?"
He feels you nod and blood fills his cock.
"You wet for me, baby?"
You nod again. "Yes," you say breathily.
His fingers tangle in the hair at the back of your head, gently yanking your head back, and he devours your neck. He wedges one of his legs between your thighs, moving his lips back to your ear. "There you go, angel. Take what you need."
You grind against him and whimper.
He presses his lips against your own, teasing you with his tongue.
Your kissing grows sloppy, uncoordinated, your hips bucking randomly against him.
He pulls away and you pout. He pulls you back into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels before holding it against your lips. "Try this one, sweetheart."
You don't argue, you just drink, the whiskey dripping down between your breasts, which he quickly cleans with his tongue. You giggle. "Stop it," you say between laughs.
He holds the bottle to your lips again and doesn't stop until you've drunk more than a sufficient amount.
You tug against his shirt then and he gives you his ear. "I have to-" You laugh. "Have to potty."
He holds you against his side as he goes in search of the bathroom, hoping you can hold it and that you haven't broken that tab just yet.
He finally finds it at the end of a hall. He knocks once, twice, then opens the door, finding it empty.
You stumble inside.
"Can you go on your own?" He does not fucking want to have to wipe you, but will look after you if that's what needs done.
You nod your head, slamming the door in his face.
He leans back against a wall, waiting for you. And rolls his eyes when Cassie comes to rest back against the wall opposite him.
She takes a swig of her beer—because of course she's drinking beer—at least you like the sweet stuff, which he thinks certainly fitting for you—before crossing her arms over her ample chest.
He only gives her a bored glance before leaning his head back, taking a drink of his Budweiser.
"What does she have that I don't?"
"Jesus fucking Christ," he mutters while staring up at the ceiling before looking at her. "Are you serious right now?"
She shrugs dramatically, her eyes widening. "You never had any interest in her before. Didn't you call her 'fucking boring' one time?"
He shakes his head. "Doesn't fucking matter what I said before, Cassie. I'm with her now. End of story."
She laughs, but there's no humor in it. "She's not even your fucking type!"
He laughs, mockingly. He licks his lips, glancing away, then back to her. "You have no idea what my type even is."
"I thought it was me..." She mumbles.
He raises a brow. "Are you fucking slow or something? Alright, fine. You want to know what she has that you don't?
She nods her head dramatically. "Yeah, I do. Because it sure as hell isn't looks, or-"
His fuse is near-gone by now. "She came to me a fucking virgin, for one. I sure as shit couldn't have said the same for you."
She flinches.
"Do you know how humiliating it was to be with you? The way you acted sometimes-" He rubs his thumb against his brow, lowering that hand back down to his side. "You were nothing more than a greedy whore looking for attention, and that still hasn't changed even now. It's why you're trying to make a scene in the middle of a party in front of all our peers. I mean," he holds out his hands, palms face-up before her. "What did you really hope to accomplish with this?" He relaxes one of his arms back down to his side again, the other holding his beer to his lips for a quick drink.
"Look at the fucking way you're dressed for one. You might as well have walked in here naked-"
"Look at the way she's dressed!"
"I know exactly what she's wearing because I put it on her!"
Hurt flashes across her features, remembering when he had once done that for her.
"So, is that it, then, you just needed a new doll to play with?"
He leans back, lightly banging the back of his head against the wall. "You don't fucking get it."
"Then explain it to me, since I'm so ignorant."
He looks at her again. "She's everything I've ever wanted. You can't hope to hold a fucking candle to her. You, Cassie, you were just a toy for me to fuck when I had nothing better to do. You're the girl you brag to your buddies about making another notch in your belt for. She's the girl you marry and provide a life for."
Her lip trembles.
He shakes his head. "Even then, I don't brag about you because I'm fucking ashamed I was ever even with you. I'm probably lucky I didn't catch something, since half the guys around here have rode you like a goddamn Greyhound."
She explodes then. "Fuck you, Nate! I gave you fucking everything! I bent over backwards for you—to be perfect for you. I blew up my life for you! I thought we were in love and that...that we'd have forever together and...so what? What is it, then? Do you love her now?"
He throws his bottle at the wall, no more than half a foot from her head, causing her to jump in fear as it shatters, alcohol spraying on her. "Yes, Cassie, I fucking love her!"
Right as he screams it in her face, you open the bathroom door, hearing every word.
Both their heads jerk in your direction and you glance from Cassie to Nate, back to Cassie, before finally settling on Nate again. You let out a quiet sob. "I can't get them back on, I keep falling over."
He looks down, and sees your panties around your ankles. He suddenly softens then. "Oh, baby, c'mere."
He kneels down, grabbing your hand and placing it firmly on his shoulder. "Lift your leg for me sweetheart."
You do, head spinning as he slips one foot free. "Now the other side, angel."
Cassie watches, heart breaking at how gentle he is with you. The sweet names he calls you—something he'd never done for her. She was, at the most, Cass.
Finally, he stands, pocketing your lacy black panties.
You lean back against the wall to steady yourself, and he cups both of your cheeks in his hands and all she can do is stare at the two of you. At the look in his eyes—seeing that it's true; they're filled with love and devotion and care.
"Did you go?" He asks, his tone gentle, but concerned.
You nod.
He brushes a thumb over your lips. "Did you wipe, sweetheart?"
You nod again.
He presses a firm, yet soft kiss to your forehead, then your lips, before wrapping one of his arms around you, holding you close to his side, not sparing Cassie another glance as he tells you "Let's go get you another drink."
Cassie slams the bathroom door behind her, unable to think of anything else but how, if that had been her, he wouldn't have waited for her, wouldn't have helped, or tended to her. Would've most likely started a fight with her over how she was embarrassing him. How she was being a trashy slut.
What the fuck was so different about you?
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Once Nate has gotten you so drunk that you can't even stand up on your own, he has to carry you back to his truck bridal-style. His jacket is draped over you to keep you warm, your face pressed against his neck while one of your hands grips his t-shirt for dear life.
He quickly unlocks the truck, his keys held firmly in one of his hands underneath you, and he lowers you into your seat, carefully buckling you in. He gently shuts the door, coming around to the driver's side. Once he's buckled in as well, he locks both doors, making sure you don't do something stupid in your stupor, like try and open it.
You lean your head back against the seat, holding his jacket over you.
"So dizzy..."
He turns the heat on. "Just close your eyes, baby. We'll be home soon."
You do, wishing the world would just slow down.
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Once Nate has gotten you home, he carries you inside, and when he sets you down in the foyer, you slam back against the wall, back to giggling again.
He tries to shoosh you, holding a finger up to your lips, but you gently pull it down, trying to instead shove it under your dress.
He shakes his head. "Are you going to be a naughty girl tonight, then?"
You shrug, but barely, your limbs not entirely cooperating.
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours and you giggle yet again and his hand grips one of your inner-thighs.
He pulls back a little, glancing down the hall, then to you. "Do you want to go swimming?"
You nod enthusiatically, then immediately regret it as you press your forehead against his chest, willing the dizziness away. "Nooooo..."
"So you do or don't?"
"Swim mmm."
He takes that as a yes.
He leads you that way, you nearly falling on your ass halfway down the hall, but he drags you along, despite your stumbling. He grabs a couple beers from the fridge, intending on giving one to you outside.
Once you're in the backyard, he picks you up, slinging you over his shoulder. "Oooh noooo."
"Oh yes," he replies.
Your head slumps, bobbing with every step he takes, until he finally sets you down on a pool chair.
He hands a bottle of beer to you and you can't quite figure out the twist top, so he takes it from you, opening it, then handing it back. He watches in satisfaction as you take a long drink, licking your pretty pink lips.
He kneels down, not even buzzed and reaches his hand between your legs.
You hum with pleasure, closing your eyes.
"Look at me, sweetheart."
Your eyes pop open.
"Do you want to go skinny dipping?"
You nod.
He helps you out of your heels and then your dress, tossing the latter onto the chair you'd previously occupied.
He grips the back of his shirt, pulling it off, then toes off his shoes and socks before he reaches down, unbuckling his belt, and unzipping and unbuttoning his jeans before he pulls them, along with his briefs, off in one motion. You barely get a chance to look over his naked form before he walks the both of you over to the pool. He seats you on the side, your legs dangling in the warm water as he slips in.
He grips your hips, easing you in as well, wrapping your legs around his waist, arms around his neck, and his own arms around you to ensure you don't drown.
You gently lie your cheek against his shoulder, the only sounds to fill the night being the lapping of water, crickets and frogs, and the pool filter humming under the water.
"I love you," he whispers, knowing you won't remember any of this.
"Mmm," is all the reply you can manage, your body shaking with a small laugh.
"You're all mine. Every part of you."
You stay silent, enjoying the bouyant feeling of weightlessness and the warmth of him.
"Can you tell me that, angel? That you belong to me?"
"I..." you giggle. "I belong to youuu."
He hums his approval.
"I'm going to take your virginity tomorrow," he says, tone relaxed.
He smirks. You have no idea what he's even saying.
"And when I do, you're mine. Forever."
You only wrap your arms tighter around his neck. "Juuust get the home-" you snicker. "Homework done, 'kay?"
He doesn't say anything as he wades the two of you arond the pool. His studious little angel.
You yawn and he knows it's time to get out then.
You take his hand as the two of you exit the pool. Nate grabs some towels out of a nearby bin, but you laugh when he comes to stand in front of you. He fills with seething fucking rage when he sees that you're looking at his cock when you do it.
"What's so funny?" He asks, hands in fists at his sides.
"I've n-never seen one. In-" You cackle. "real life. It's so-"
If you're about to insult him, he knows he'll snap and do something he'll later regret.
"So preeetty."
All the tension releases from his body. Not quite what he'd been expecting, but he'll take it.
You look up to him with a drunken smile. "I l-like it."
He smirks. "Do you want to touch my cock, sweetheart?"
You nod.
He takes one of your hands in his, wrapping it around his member, which quickly grows harder in your grip.
"Feels funny."
"Soft. Like vel-Velveeta."
He knows you mean velvet.
Your strokes are sloppy, unsure. He knows that you have no idea what the fuck you're doing, but it only turns him on all the more.
Just as he begins to consider asking you to get on your knees, he looks toward the house and immediately loses his erection when he sees his dad watching the both of you.
You frown. "What...w-what happened?"
You look up to him.
"You're exhausted. Time for bed."
You hang your head as he wraps your naked body in a towel. "Noooo..."
"Yes, c'mon," he says, taking your hand, grabbing your clothes and his in the other, slipping his shoes back on, handing you yours.
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Once the two of you have taken a shower—Nate not wanting his sheets to stink like chlorine—he puts you to bed, lying down beside you, still naked.
Before you fall off to sleep, however, he reaches over, grabbing your phone from the nightstand.
He hopes to God you're not too drunken to answer his next question. "What's the pin for your phone?"
It takes a few tries and a lot of laughing, but you finally give him the four-digit code, which he immediately commits to memory.
And then you drift off to sleep, once again firmly against his chest, feeling safe and happy.
Meanwhile, Nate goes through every single app on your device. He's glad to see you have no social media, minus Pinterest and Letterboxd accounts, neither of which have any messages on them. He browses through your emails, finding nothing of interest.
He next checks your gallery, searching for nudes he's sure he won't find, even checking for hidden folders.
He finds naught.
Finally, after browsing your texts—you only having threads with him, your dad—which you haven't texted with in hardly three weeks, and Lexi—who you left on read Friday when she texted you asking 'what the hell is going on with you and Nate?'—he briefly considers blocking her number, but knows that decision, that action, needs to come from you—he installs an app for tracking your location, syncs it to the very same app on his own phone, and then hides it.
He makes it so that, unless you go into your settings looking through your app list, you'll never find it.
He tells himself that he's only doing it to keep you safe. But he also knows that if he ever catches you with someone else, he'll fucking kill him.
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You wake before dawn with an extreme feeling of nausea. You practically jump out of bed—head pounding—and race to the toilet, barely making it as you kneel before it, vomiting up the contents of your stomach.
Nate wakes as well, sitting up, heading toward the bathroom in a panic to take care of you, before remembering that he's naked. He grabs a pair of briefs from the floor, sitting on his bench press as he pulls them on. He comes into the bathroom then, kneeling beside you and pulling your hair out of your way as you continue to get sick.
Once your stomach has calmed, you close the lid, flushing, then lying your head down. "Oh God."
He smirks, running his hand along your naked back. "Hangover?"
"Don't ever, ever, ever let me drink again."
He stands, grabbing a clean washcloth and running it under some cool water before wringing it out and holding it against your forehead.
You merely hum your appreciation.
"I feel so horrible."
"It usually goes down a lot easier than when it comes back up."
You groan.
He presses a kiss to your hair. "Are you cold or hot?"
"Both. My body is freezing."
He stands, grabbing a spare blanket from the foot of his bed, then returning to the bathroom, wrapping you up in it.
"Thank you," you mumble.
And then the feeling hits you again, so you throw the toilet lid open and vomit once more.
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It's almost an hour later before you feel confident enough that, if you go back to bed, you won't get sick all over it. Nate puts a trash can on your side anyway.
He'd gone down and gotten you water, a bottle of Gatorade, and some crackers before coming back up and setting them on the table on your side of the bed.
He likes that you now have a side.
While you lie there, facing away from him and instead toward the side that the trash can is on, he also lays on his side, rubbing your back.
"I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Embarrassing you, probably."
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"I don't remember most of it."
His hand stills, but only for a moment. So it worked, he thinks, a sick sense of satisfaction filling him.
"What's the last thing you do?"
You close your eyes. "It's like there's holes in my memory. I remember dancing. I think I went pee. I think...I think I went pee and Cassie was in the bathroom with me?" You pause for a moment and sigh. "I think you carried me to your truck. Did we swim?"
A muscle in his jaw feathers. "Just for a little bit. Then we came up and watched a movie until you fell asleep on my chest."
You hum in response. "Was it The Princess Bride? I think I remember."
He's glad you do, because he sure as hell doesn't, since it never happened. "It was."
You're quiet for a moment, then, "Have you ever been drunk?"
He nods. "A few times. I try not to make a habit of it."
You moan. "That's smart. Smarter than me."
He chuckles. "First time for everything. Including get wasted. Honestly, it's more on me than it is you. You've never drank before and don't know your own limits. I should've cut you off a lot earlier."
You press your face into the soft pillow under your head. "That's a lifetime achievement I could've lived without. But it's not your fault."
You lie your cheek against the pillow then. "How long until I feel better?"
He shrugs. "A few hours, better part of a day. Just depends how long it takes to work its way out of your system."
You take a sip of your Gatorade and chew on a cracker. Once you've swallowed you lie back down.
"Just close your eyes and try and get some sleep, angel."
You nod against the pillow. "Goodnight."
He presses a kiss to the back of your head, curling his body around yours, pulling you back against him. "Goodnight," he replies, even if it's now morning.
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
I'm getting five foster babies tomorrow! They're not good at having their pictures taken.
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2K notes · View notes
soup-child · 9 months
The fact that Adaine "i don't know if im asexual im 15" Abernant and Riz "why is everyone so horny im definately aroace" Gukgak both being in the same show is incredibly important to me
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indiegowrites · 2 months
Phobia Mikey
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PhobiaVerse Michelangelo, representative of pyrophobia.
(Despite being the most powerful of his siblings, Mikey is generally the gentlest of the five. His endless optimism that one day, humans will accept them as living, thinking beings is what drives his bale to continue on.)
hes so silly oh my god i love you phobia!mikey!!!!!
closeup under the cut :DDD
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qiu-yan · 2 months
187 notes · View notes
sisididis · 11 months
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The Friendship of Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow in Hogwarts Legacy
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
SUMMARY: With the battle of Moonrise quickly approaching, you and Astarion take a moment to yourselves.
PAIRING: Astarion & Female Reader
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Act 2 (henceforth there will be spoilers in all chapters here on out), angst, lots of hurt/a little comfort as a treat, descriptions of dissociation, mentions of death, untimely flirting probably.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter killed me so... be kind. :')
There’s an impending doom that hits your chest mid-conversation. 
As you sit alongside your peers, discussing with Jaheira the plan of attack on Moonrise, you can feel the depths of your mind begin to drift. Slowly but surely, moving through the air to focus on Astarion’s face engrossed in the details of your infiltration. It makes you narrow your eyes in frustration. Seeing the interest in his own as she explains the designated route, marking down the paths she deems safer than others while he slowly nods his head.
You’re not sure why but seeing him like this —so invested in something you know will probably end in suffering, makes you sick to your stomach. As if, your body’s reacting to some sort of inevitable, internal prophecy that no one else can feel. All at once it takes over, erasing the previous hours of the day you once found enjoyment in. Coating such memories in a shadow of doubt that makes you wonder if this is the last time you’ll feel this. The pleasantries of being alive without consequence. The overwhelming sensation of warmth that blooms throughout your chest each time you look towards the pale-skinned elf. 
As you sit there, half-listening to the exchange that goes around the table, there’s a feeling of selfishness that follows behind such thoughts. A sliver of fear that quickly takes over, forcing you to wonder what would happen if you were to pull Astarion aside and ask him not to go. 
“So, we leave tonight.”
Unsurprisingly, it’s Wyll who furthers your anxieties. Bringing up the inevitable in such a casual way that, as he speaks, you find yourself turning to face him, watching unimpressed as he stares at the map splayed out in front of you, pressing a finger to your destination. On the parchment, it’s circled in red. Symbolically marked in a blood that’ll inevitably be split. 
Swallowing hard, you turn back to Astarion not long after, catching his eye; causing his expression to shift from focused to curious, immediately offering you a direct line to his thoughts if you need it. 
Without protest you take it, forcing back question after question until you settle on a single one, raising your brow in the process. 
Are we sure this is a good idea?
Your tadpole wriggles in response. Ebbing and flowing behind the sclera of your eye as you listen to Astarion’s sigh rattle through your brain. No, but it’s the only idea we’ve got. 
So far. 
His lip twitches. You blink. Both of you refuse to break eye contact even when Lae’zel brings up the fact that you’re all incredibly low on supplies. 
I’m sure our valiant Blade of Frontiers will come up with something.
You have to resist the urge to snort as you look away, allowing yourself to accept Astarion’s reassurance in the form of a badly timed joke and an ever-so-subtle tap to your thigh with his pinky. Both of which make your heart swell through the negativities that take up far too much space. 
“Don’t worry about supplies.” Jaheira clicks her tongue, pulling back your attention with the wave of her hand. “Give us a list and we’ll gather everything up while you rest for your journey.” 
It feels uncharacteristically kind of her to allow you more time to breathe. But it’s also something you don’t take for granted as you all disperse into your own spaces, attempting to ease your minds against the oncoming battle you’re less than certain you’ll return from. 
Letting out a heavy breath after your exchange, you find yourself wandering through the camp, feeling Astarion’s presence trailing behind as you move up the stairs of the Inn, finding refuge in your previously shared room. Once there, you kick off your boots and fall carelessly onto the bed, hands quickly moving to your temples as you stare at the ceiling, feeling the space beside you shift. 
“I’m not really in the mood for…”
Trailing off, you’re not sure what you’re meant to say. Or how you’re supposed to divert Astarion away from your racing thoughts after relying so heavily on him. Because at this rate, it’s been months of constant reassurance. Weeks of support, both reluctant and not. Days and hours and minutes of a growing tenderness that you’re undeniably thankful for, even now as you deny him your thoughts. 
Since the beginning of your journey, he’s been there in some capacity, distracting you from the growing wound inside your head. Forcing back all the terrible aspects of your shared reality so that he can take over the front. 
Somehow in such a short time frame, he’s managed to consume your every waking thought. Whenever you wake he’s the first thing you think of and before you sleep it’s not uncommon to find yourself dreaming of a life after all of this is over. A life where you’re together and happy and free of all the bullshit. 
And it scares you if you’re honest. Terrifies you to the point of obsession, filling you with an endless sense of unease even as you crane your neck to share his gaze, realizing he’s still there, despite it all.  
“For what?” 
You motion between the two of you, frowning. Unsure how to explain the feeling in your gut that roughly creeps through your organs, laying waste. “Being cheered up.” 
Despite your somewhat cryptic response, somehow his face is still as stone. An unwavering set of features that hold no obvious purpose as you stare at one another, unable to express anything other than exhaustion as he huffs at your defiance.
“You’re being rather obtrusive.”
“I know.” 
As if by design, your hand slots perfectly against the plush of his cheek. Gently, you stroke your thumb against the coolness of his skin, forcing yourself to smile despite feeling like you’re falling apart, knowing this may be the last time you find yourself together. 
“I don’t want to go. Not with you.”
Almost immediately he opens his mouth, ready to provide you with some sort of offended quip before he remembers that isn’t what you want. “I’m afraid we don’t have much of a choice, my love.” 
“I wish we did.”
You can tell then that he understands what you’re saying. Based on the sombre expression that follows your words and the way he tugs at your waist, maneuvering you further into the bed. Quickly, it becomes apparent that your feelings are shared. That when he looks back at you, taking in your words, he’s not only aware of the implications but feels them himself.
“Another unfair hand dealt, I suppose.”
All you can do is snort in response, allowing your eyes to roll around, remembering the hold he has on you. How regardless of everything you’ve been through he’s managed to attach himself to you like a ship’s anchor; always keeping you steady. Grounding you at every rough turn through the waters of your journey. 
“You know if you die I’m coming with you, right?” 
It’s a rather terrible joke. One that has him immediately laughing before he realizes there’s a hint of truth hidden inside. Then he looks at you as if you’ve just ripped the already cold, dead heart right out of his chest. “You can’t be serious.” 
“What if I am?”
He pauses for a moment, leaning back to get a good look at your face, picking apart each and every feature with narrowed eyes. “Well, firstly I’d question your sanity.” 
“I’m surprised you don’t already.”
“Then I’d tell you it’s not worth it.”
“Says you.”
He doesn’t laugh or smile. Instead, he just continues to stare, stroking the fabric that covers your side in slow, unsteady motions. “Darling, I’m aware that dying alongside a lover after they’ve fallen is typically viewed as a romantic gesture but for the love of Gods if you even think of doing such a thing—”
You go to protest but he cuts you off, squeezing your side. 
“—I’ll haunt you till the end of your days. And not in a sexy way.”
You raise your brow. “There’s a sexy way to haunt someone?”
In response he releases a humoured, heavy breath, shaking his head. “You know for someone who claims they don’t want to be cheered up you suddenly seem rather perky at the thought of me following you beyond the grave.” 
It’s because it’s you, you want to say but instead, you just grin and kiss his cheek, allowing yourself to further indulge in his company. To feel his touch wrapped tightly around your frame as the seconds turn to minutes and the minutes quickly shift into hours that pass by like whitecaps crashing against the shoreline each time you take a breath. 
By the end of it, you’re gasping for air. As time inches closer to your departure, there’s this breathlessness that coats your lungs, forcing you to suck the air Astarion breathes through shared kisses filled with desperation, knowing this is it. The calm before the storm. That final step before you’re at the edge of the cliff, staring down. 
It distracts you enough to make the moments shared feel less real —foreign in a way that has you feeling completely separate from your body, wandering past the Inn, across the expanse of the cursed lands with cautious feet. 
Beneath Astarion’s hands, you may be still as a board but somehow you’re also drifting through the darkness, following Jaheira’s path with tightened fingers that wrap around your blade, prompting Astarion to stop.
All at once his movements freeze, parting gently to showcase knitted brows that glance between you and your roughly placed hand. 
Your hold is tighter than expected, your nails digging between the fabric of his shirt, pushing through to just barely hit his skin. Without hesitation it forces him to carefully reach over and grab them, coaxing them out of his arm to the space between, hushing you through the silence, knowing that your mind is loud. 
“It’s going to be fine,” he tells you. Then his thumb runs along the course of your index finger, applying pressure to each joint as he moves up; becoming that anchor once again as you blink away the surrounding forest.
“You don’t know that, though.”
Fully encapsulating your hand, he digs his thumb into your palm, pressing away the stiffness that collects as you roll onto your back, staring at the ceiling. “True but that’s never stopped our blinding optimism before, has it?” 
You snort. “You and I both know I’ve never been an optimist. That’s Karlach’s job.”
“Fair. But you’ve also never expressed any doubt before,” he points out.
That’s because the circumstances have changed, you think, feeling the creature behind your eye wriggle in response, igniting within you a sensation of dread. Of a weight carried throughout your stomach that has you swallowing hard and abruptly sitting up, realizing why. 
It’s because you’ve grown used to what you have. To you and Astarion and the rest of your friends who patiently sit, waiting for the hour to strike. After years of abuse and solitude, you’ve managed to find the one thing you’ve never thought possible: a family of sorts to call your own. A party of confidants ready to roll into the gaping mouth of battle.
Standing up from the bed you feel your chest begin to tighten at such a discovery —both at the thought of gaining and losing such loved ones. Ultimately, it’s a bittersweet moment. One that has you fighting for air like before as you palm the sockets of your eyes and laugh. 
“What the hells is wrong with you?”
It’s a question said without malicious intent. The kind that sounds snarky but that’s truly filled with a curiosity that forces Astarion to sit up from the bed, watching as you rub your face. 
“I think I’m freaking out, a bit,” you admit, stifling back chuckles that half-catch in your throat as you turn back to face him. “I don’t want to lose anyone.”
You know then that he wants to lie to you and say that you won’t. That, as previously mentioned, everything’s going to be fine and that you’ll win the war without a scratch. Even though both of you know, that’s not the case. Not this time. Not with the growing size of the Absolute and the thickening plot. 
Because at this point you know very little about the world revolving around you and yet, you’re still rushing into it. Taking the cards you’ve been dealt and slamming them on the table, hoping they’ll work out in your favour. It’s all you’ve ever done this entire journey. Every fight fought, every person met —all of it’s come at the cost of blind luck. Of a dice roll and prayer filled with a hope that you’ll survive the day to come.
Deep down, you know that none of you should’ve survived up to this point. One by one you should’ve died and moved on but somehow the Gods have smiled upon you enough to allow you a moment of peace to persist. To travel across the land, surviving every encounter. To experience a life you never thought possible. 
To be with the man you think you might be in love with. 
“If I don’t make it—“
The words catch in your throat just as Astarion’s jaw begins to shift. Carefully clenching his teeth as he grips the sheet beneath him, making you frown and wander back over. 
“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.” 
You move your hand into the space between you, raising your pinky into the air with narrowed eyes, watching him look at you with annoyance. 
“A pinky swear?” Shaking his head, he looks up at you in disbelief, taking in the way you grin through the sadness and wiggle your finger, forcing him to look back down. “Darling, you can’t be serious.” 
“Yes, I can.” 
“You’re telling me you want me to swear on this delicate little thing that I won’t perish in the heat of battle?”
“Yes, was that not clear?”
“No, it was, I’m just—“
“Just swear on the damned pinky!”
He takes it instantly, the shock of your outburst causing his eyes to widen as you let out a breath of relief. 
“Now swear that if either of us die, we don’t do something stupid.”
For a moment there’s a brief pause but then it’s quickly followed by Astarion clearing his throat. “Okay, but what exactly classifies as stupid? Because with such vague terminology the options seem a bit endless.”
Thinking about it for a moment, you ponder the options, allowing yourself time to really explore the results of your oncoming fight. 
Because at this rate, anything could happen. You could all perish under the Absolute’s reign. Be taken into custody and forced into servitude like so many have. Hell, you could even survive this whole thing by the skin of your teeth. Lose a couple of limbs or something —truly anything is possible. 
“Promise me that if I die you won’t.” 
It’s a statement that hangs in the air for ages, collecting dust as both of you nervously stare, shifting and swallowing —forcing yourself to feel just how heavy this moment is. 
Quicker than anticipated, it consumes your every thought, causing the tadpole to slither to your eye’s edge, prodding at the skin behind, knowing it’s Astarion calling to you. Asking for permission to see what’s on your mind as you blink away, focusing on the position of your hands as you allow him access to your thoughts.
It takes no time to offer them over. To show him all your wishes and doubts and ideal outcomes. Letting him explore, you allow yourself to take a breath and close your eyes, strengthening the hold you have on his finger as he wanders through your membrane. 
I promise I won’t off myself in your honour.
Silently, you thank him, smiling to yourself as the thought is pushed towards him. Good, because I plan on haunting you. Sexily. 
You hear him hum in amusement. “You’d make a very alluring phantom.” 
“I would, wouldn’t I.” 
“You’ve got the moan for it.” 
Reaching to punch his chest, you open your eyes, scrunching up your face. “Shut up, you harlot.”
“Fine, but only if you promise to give me a proper burial if I die. One with lots of gifts. And flowers.”
“Flowers?” You raise your brow almost humorously before the image of a grave marked in his name appears. 
It’s the last thing you want to think about. And immediately Astarion feels you start to shift, prompting him to pull you to his lap. “We’re going to be okay, love. You and I we’re, uh, we’re good —we make a good team.”
It’s a word that rattles through your head violently, wishing deep down it was something more. Something caring and intimate and perhaps tailored to better represent the feelings that he stirs within you. 
Having experienced as much as you have together it’s obvious that you’re something else entirely. A friend or a partner —something more personal. 
Sure, together you do make a fairly decent team. In battle, you flow alongside each other beautifully, anticipating every need or want without so much as a thought. And everywhere else, you’re just as fitting. So it’s no wonder he views you as such. 
But still, there’s something missing in his words. A sentiment or belief that has you forcing out a smile, hoping that deep down he loves you all the same as your tadpole wriggles for him one last time, and the knock upon the door calls for you to leave. 
TAGLIST: @poohxlove @gaiasmight @sassy-stupid @novarex @v-gremlin @sapphiccloud @lipstickghoulie @kuroitsukyo@jjfchk@idiotsatan@bluestuesday@bloopthebat@art-by-greenie@heneralmoon@sukunababe@dreamingaboutyousworld@ranfithegood@haniscrying@liadamerondjarin@the-lake-is-calling@marina-and-the-memes@rookieoftheyear@zraloci-cpr@kaetmo@snickerdoodle-daydream@wowowwild@d1anna@raswiet@conniesbbymama@venus-wrts@demonicthorns@kihten@deadglamsheep@sanscas@spammypasta@leighsartworks216@rose-gold-blue@p1ssmagg0t@hellish-writes@ghostinvenus@otayz@sexysquatch@sleepyeclair@colorful-anxieties@alina-exe@ilana-the-lasagna@lillifer@girlwiththepapatattoo@y2cade@acelin-ginsberg@pinkuranium@catrad0rable@scarletrosesposts@qwnamidala@itsrosebabe@bunnyperi@queenofcarrotflowers-s@tatumadams20@spkyxszn@chlort@f3v3rs@awkwardwookie@joy-the-reader@warm-milk-with-honey-blog@vertigocrime@iyis@wildpiper@pebblethestone@tillywasneverhere@bex-03@kaetmo@revemiya@staticspouse@itzagothamcitysiren@djarinsmixtape@when-the-night-came@epicy0n@bababahannah@sleepyred1703@lotus-99@lofcompass@r4d10h34d5@vampninjaz@itsmekalou@offbrandhand@yikes-buddy@konenichi@rainonarden@oceanbluesixeyes@bodtyworship@maydayitsjay@greasyslimebucket@yeeteth-the-raven@fantasyfairysworld@allexthakatt@flowersaretheshit@mavix@morglyne@thespectacularspaceace@cephiss0@use-your-telescope@furblrwurblr@kloverfield@angelofthorr@writervaul-t@starved-kitten@minixluvr@crowley--aziraphale@sapphicwren@alionera-blog@jennithejester
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vickriarts · 2 months
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Ruby will always be near and dear to my heart. To learn so much about who she was as a person by asking people about her all around town, and when I finally met her face to face I was already so gutted.
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silk-spun · 8 months
don’t mind me just thinking about how daryl defied all the odds. dead mother, violent alcoholic father, neanderthal drug dealing older brother who took advantage of him at every turn and did everything in his power to demolish every bit of his spirit.. yet he still became the strongest, softest man with a heart that would bleed for anyone and a desire to do good that has almost gotten him killed more than once. and now, the last man standing. good job baby <3
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virtues-end · 19 days
I wonder how would Shea react if one way or another - with a MC who is a generally nice, helpful and selfless person - they somehow learned how they were before the transformation... only to realize they were exactly the same. That the amnesia, the stuff that happened to them and what not didn't change anything significant about their personality, simply because said traits are so profoundly rooted into them.
I can't help but headcanon my MC as someone who took the blame for some stuff to protect someone else and ended up in the situation they were thrown into because stuff escalated beyond control.
They would only find that extremely admirable. To go through absolute hell, through some of the worst things the world could throw at you, and to still emerge unscathed, true to your values, even with the added complication of amnesia... that takes strength. Real strength.
I will say, on the subject of the main character's past, their imprisonment by the Virtuous Order was precipitated by a significant event they were directly involved in. The event is the same for every character, but you, as the player, will be able to choose your character's motivations, or whether they were manipulated into action.
I'm not sure if everyone will like/agree with the way I've chosen to handle this (having no real choice in the matter), but I also think that that person, the old version of who the helvling used to be before, might not necessarily be who they are now, the character you control.
Sorry for being so vague about it all. 😔
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shaxza · 11 months
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