#the hobbit sbg
emwritessometimes · 29 days
What I’ll write
Karl Jacobs
Wilbur soot
Maze runner
(Any movie set)
Umbrella Academy
Ben (sparrow and umbrella versions)
(Any season set)
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
(Any movie set)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
(Any movie set)
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
Rings of Power
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Din Djarin (Mando)
Cara Dune
Call of Duty
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
John Price
Shadow and bone
Alina Starkov
Mal aretov
Max Brekker
Jesper Fahny
Nina Zenik
Genja Sadfin
Nikolai Lantsov
Pekka Rollins
David Kostyk
Cobra Kai
Hazbin Hotel
Angel dust
Sir penstious
Cherry bomb
School Buss Graveyard
Aiden Clark
Ashlyn Banner
Ben Clark
Tyler Hernandez
Taylor Hernandez
Logan Fields
Ready player one
Wade Watts (Parzival)
Samantha Cook (Art3mis)
I will also write
Smut (for certain characters)
Please let me know if there are any other shows or movies that you would like to see! I will try my best to get to everyone. Send a request and I will see if I can do it.
For some of these characters I am uncomfortable doing any kinda of smut considering some of them are teenagers. But other than that yall pretty much have free reign. Yall can also be anonymous if yall want to
Also sorry it’s so long. I wanted yall to be able to choose freely
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livingponcho · 1 year
Realized I never made one of these, so yeah! Heyo im Livingponcho or better known as poncho! :)
Boundaries with messages:
I am fine with people sending me memes (if we are mutuals) but don’t be creepy. If we are not mutual please don’t private message me.
Any/all (am I acegender? pangender? gender-fluid? no body knows!) (jokes) (identify a little bit with all of these terms) (non-binary works fine)
My blog has no theme.
If I believe a piece of art is nice, I will repost it. if I believe something is important, I will repost it. I will re-post most things. 
Interest at the moment:
Big ones:
The hobbits/lotr
Fantasy High
Might show up:
My own dnd campaign
Hope you have a good day!!
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cervum-studio · 7 years
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Citadel/Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings SBG
Rivendell Guard - Pt.4 - Completed? Far from it...
Completed army shot for the Rivendell Guard; this is all of the original force that was mostly donated by my friend. However I’ve become completely hooked with the system thanks to the enthusiasm of my mate, actually being able to get games in and the awesome community. As such I’m already working to expand this army out:
- The Rivendell Guard will be receiving some reinforcements in the form of Elladan & Elrohir (classic sculpts), Estel (young Aragorn), Cirdan, a mounted Glorfindel (based on one of the armoured twins on horseback) and eight regular guys to act as dismounts for the Knights. Bilbo is also featured in the Throne of Skulls 2017 Rivendell army list, so I’m doing him as I feel I should paint at least one hobbit.
- As I already have most of the members I’m finishing off the White Council with Saruman the Wise, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown (based on the Sharky model), Galadriel and Celeborn.
- With Radagast and Bilbo opening up the option for a Radgast’s Alliance/Wanderers in the Wild contingent there will be a pair of Great Eagles making an appearance. 
- After the awesome weekend at W.A.R. of the Ring 2017 in Reading my best friend and I are looking to do a lot more tournaments. Top of the list is Throne of Skulls 2018. I’ve already picked up some themed dice, counters and objective markers and am looking at a display board that will double up for Armies on Parade 2018 too.
- I’m currently working on some basic terrain pieces to make our games more thematic. The Ruins of Osgiliath set from GW is fantastic value and very versatile.   
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notimeforwargames · 7 years
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Got a small Hobbit SBG game in yesterday! My Gondor forces were doing well holding the line against the forces of evil, but my lines fell apart one the Black Numenorean cavalry charged into the flank. Had a ton of fun, these smaller scale battles are sometimes more enjoyable than the larger ones since there is a lot more time to focus on individual units without taking too much time.
You can also see my purple Harad models here, just one coat of paint down on these guys so far, and like a million left to go!
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happyloudmers · 5 years
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Painted the defenders of laketown Tauriel today. Tried sticking to the same colours as the basic gw tauriel i painted last year. Was a lot of fun, the face was especislly fun to paint.
Shes an absolute killing machine in the middle earth sbg who has carried legolas in all 11 games ive used them together (she gets bonus attacks when outnumbered and can get almost triple the dice any other hero can when fully surrounded) so yeah i hope the newer model continues this spree :)
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mrllaine · 7 years
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Quick update on my last project, first warband in my upcoming men of Dale army for the hobbit sbg, models are from Perry Miniatures with fireforge shields, lovely sculpts and a ton of fun to both assemple and paint. I added the bowstrings to the archers with 0.22 mm brass wire.
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fortheking16 · 5 years
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Roast Mutton – Hobbit SBG – Battle Report — Battles in Middle Earth Thanks in part to the encouragement of you all and a holiday weekend here in the US, I finally played my next scenario and this time it is the first one from An Unexpected Journey!
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cervum-studio · 7 years
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Citadel/Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings SBG
Rivendell Guard - Pt.5 - The Elves are mustered, allies are coming.
So last Sunday I sat down with the extended LotR trilogy for the first time in probably 12 years and had a marathon painting session whilst my girlfriend was off being a hippy. 10.5 hours later I hadn't finished the films but had the models almost done. A couple of days later I sat down and finished the movies and the models off. This sees the Rivendell Guard portion of my army finished. Glorfindel, on Asfaloth - I got one of the mounted twins for cheap as the horse was missing a leg. My friend donated me a Rohan steed and, some pinning and a bit of green stuff later, he was as good as new. The only other adjustment was to shorten the sword hilt. If I were to do it again I'd definitely chop up the original one for the helmet/sword as the face sculpt leaves a lot to be desired. Elladan, Twin son of Elrond - He remains one of my favourite models through pose and simplicity. Lovely to paint. Elrohir, Twin son of Elrond - Complete opposite to his brother. At least his sword hasn't broken... yet. Celebrían, Wife of Elrond, Mother of Arwen and the twins - Based on the original Galadriel model; rules wise I'll run her as Lindir. She neatly completes the family unit woth regards to fluff and rounds out my hero selection. I'll be honest in that I was just looking for an excuse to paint her! Cirdan, Master Shipwright - This chap is possibly my favourite miniature I've painted for LotR so far. Absolutely gorgeous sculpt. Points wise I can neatly swap him out for Arwen. Estel, the Elfstone (Aragorn) - Given how Aragorn was raised in Rivendell and was besties with the Twins it was only apt that he feature. Plus I had the model lying around. Bilbo Baggins - What's LotR without a hobbit? This model is TINY but good fun to paint. I wanted him to look younger than he does in the Fellowship with the idea being he has realised the error of his ways and has the elves helping him destroy the Ring. He featured in last year's Throne Of Skulls Rivendell army list too, and gives me access to Eagles via Wanderers in the Wild. Rivendell Knights (Dismounted) - Nothing exciting model wise but essential in letting me run the Knights. Broken lances used on the bases to differentiate them from normal infantry.
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notimeforwargames · 7 years
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Another absolutely epic battle with the Hobbit SBG campaign. The final battle where the armies of Middle Earth attack Gondor to capture Arwen. The terrain was custom built by a friend of the campaign owners and made this battlefield one of the coolest I've ever played on!
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happyloudmers · 6 years
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Finished painting a new Tauriel and Legolas i got for christmas :)
Everygame i used them (well my old models for them) last year legolas fluffed his shots but Tauriel murdered everything with her blademistress ability. So i expect equal again this year :)
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priceabate-blog · 7 years
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Lord of the Rings Mordor Troll - Metal OOP - GW Games Workshop LOTR Hobbit SBG
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Time to finally get this thing up and running! Holy shit Beorn is huge!
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Self-Plug time!
So I've just started a new blog, for all my work on the Plastic Crack (aka. Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warhammer 40,000 and the Hobbit; An Unexpected Journey Strategy Battle Game. It should have a lot more content than my first one, but I'll only be updating it once a week. If you are fans of any of the above wargames, or just want to watch a try-hard fail spectacularly at something, here it is:
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cervum-studio · 7 years
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Citadel/Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings SBG
Rivendell Guard - Pt.2 - Warriors
The first picture is taken from the 'Hobbit Chronicles: Art & Design’ book and shows the scheme I was trying to emulate. 
Due to the sheer volume of models I needed to have painted in a short space of time I only went for a tabletop standard on these guys. That being said I’m quite satisfied with how they came out and they look good on the table. Whereas the metal heroes are lovely figures to paint, the plastics are less so. They definitely show their age; lacking a lot of detail and definition. The spearmen are old generation Finecast and absolutely terrible models; easily the worst material that I’ve ever worked with. 
I haven’t posted all the models to save on repetition. In total there are two Captains, two banners, 8 swordsmen, 8 spearmen and 8 archers. This totals two full warbands with some flexibility.
The last picture shows the second game from yesterday; 300pts, to the death, improvised terrain. Great time, even though I lost both (mainly due to awful dice). I’d never played LotR SBG before, and my mate hadn’t for over a decade. We’ve got three weeks to learn the rules before W.A.R. of the Ring (vol.2) 2017 in November; wish us luck! 
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cervum-studio · 7 years
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Citadel/Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings SBG
Rivendell Guard - Pt.1 - Heroes
So I’ll be honest; I never had any intentions of playing the LotR SBG. However my best friend got back into wargaming and had always been a massive fan. He managed to persuade me (read: asked me once) to start and go to a tournament with him in November. I needed 300pts. I now have over 1200pts (mostly donated by another friend) and am still expanding.
The army is currently themed around the Rivendell Guard, and based on the art in the 'Hobbit Chronicles: Art & Design book’ (see Pt.2). I feel that that age has the most scope/potential, although I do really like the alternate timelines proposed in the Battle for Middle Earth 2 video game and what would have happened should Sauron have regained the One Ring.
from top-to-bottom:
- Gil-Galad, King of the Elves
- Elrond, Master of Rivendell
- Glorfindel, Lord of the West
- Erestor, Chief Councilor of Elrond, Captain of Rivendell
- Arwen Undómiel
- Legolad (Legolas’ more loutish identical twin, says ‘bro’ a lot, loves to get smashed on mead)
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cervum-studio · 7 years
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Citadel/Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings SBG
Rivendell Guard - Pt.3 - Rivendell Knights
I found these guys an absolute slog to paint, and messing up the washes didn’t help any, however I am fairly satisfied with how they turned out. As with the rest of the army they’re only tabletop standard but tie in nicely. They’re a pretty powerhouse unit in game and will hopefully add some much needed punch to the army.
As with Pt.2 I haven’t posted everyone; just a selection of the two units. In total there’s two Captains, two banners and then eight regular Knights.
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