#the housing department said i would get matched with a roommate based on the questions i answered in the housing application
boyplushie · 3 years
i feel so selfish but also im gonna start crying bc of this
#teddy vents#the university i plan on going to is offering gender neutral housing for the first time EVER.#like my first year of school is gonna be their first year of this#& i got really excited at first#& im on the list for it (there's a pretty low number of spots)#but the residence hall they're using for it has no single rooms only doubles#& it seems selfish but i was really looking forward to having my own personal dorm room. where i could be myself#i don't want to have to spend my first year of college in a new program rooming with a complete stranger#where the only thing we had in common was our transness.#& i know there's a chance i would get along with whoever i end up with. but there's no guarantee!#the housing department said i would get matched with a roommate based on the questions i answered in the housing application#but those questions were only are you willing to live with service/support animals + do you get up early + do you stay up late#+ are you okay/not okay with noise#like that's not enough! i don't feel safe or comfortable enough with that#but i don't know if id feel worse rooming with the floor that doesn't match my gender at all#bc in my original dorm choice i was going to be living with 3 or so other girls#we'd have our own rooms but i would still be lumped in with the wrong gender.#i don't know. would it be worth it? what would my parents think?#they're still helping me pay for a lot of college. they'll be there when i move in what will they think#when they potentially see visibly trans people that i would be rooming with.#that's a recipe for disaster right there.#i don't know. i don't know.#they're keeping me on the list until friday which is okay#im gonna see my therapist tomorrow so ill talk to her then about it & what she thinks.#i was so excited for this opportunity & now it seems like it won't even work for me.#i just want to live in a dorm where im happy & comfortable#damn. why did the affordable & scholarship granting school also have to be the most conservative and traditional one too#if you read this far thanks 👍 im kinda distraught#wish this hadn't happened in the middle of the school day im gonna be focusing on it until tomorrow's appointment now
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 27: Intrulogical (TW)
Day 27 - Your eyes match your soulmate’s hair color. If they dye their hair, your eyes change colors.
TRIGGER WARNINGS!!!!! Attempted rape (by unnamed OC), drugging, implied underage drinking (though none is actually seen), emetophobia/vomiting, Halloween, alcohol, characters being tipsy/drunk, parties. Happy/satisfying ending.
Word count: 4.7k
Logan lived his life based on routine. In a world of constant change, it felt comforting to always know what his next step was. His mornings always started the same; wake up at seven o’clock sharp, sneak to the dorm bathroom in an attempt to not wake his essentially nocturnal roommate, and brush his teeth. Wet the toothbrush, pea sized amount of toothpaste, wet the brush again, and start on the left side of his mouth. Brush for exactly two minutes, wash face, and then attempt to calm down the bedhead. He’d sneak back into the room, change silently, and then make his way to the shared kitchen to make cereal for breakfast. The only variable in his routine was which fruit he’d eat along with his Cheerios. Then he’d triple check that all of his homework was packed properly, and head off to his morning class.
Except today.
For someone who rarely got distracted from his normal routine, he was surprisingly still as he glared, shocked, into his reflection. Water still dripped off his face and all over the counter, but he couldn’t tear his attention from it. Because his normally dark brown eyes were now neon green.
“Are you kidding me?!” He yelled before he could stop himself, storming back into their room and dropping back onto his bed.
“What’s’it?” Virgil mumbled, lifting his exhausted face from where they’d been smooshed into the pillows. Logan spun his face up towards the top bunk, jaw clenched, and gestured towards his eyes.
“I have a presentation today!” Logan continued, looking away from Virgil’s failed attempt to cover a smile, “And I look ridiculous! No one will take me seriously!”
“Just in time for Halloween, I guess. They just look like contacts.”
“Hallow-” Logan sprung to his desk to look at his calendar accusingly, groaning when he realized it was in fact the thirty first. “Ugh, I have a paper due tomorrow!”
“Don’t tell me you’re backing out of the party now, Lo. I already promised people I’d go, and I’m not going alone.”
“I won’t back out of the party,” Logan grumbled, crossing his arms. Virgil gave a satisfied hum, flopping back into his comforter. When he spoke again, his voice was muffled.
“Out of all people, I’m surprised you forgot.”
“So sue me, if a frivolous game of promiscuous dress up comes after passing my classes in the list of importance.” 
The emo snorted. “What’s your costume gonna be?”
“I am not wearing a costume!” Logan’s voice was almost offended.
“You already look like a traffic light. Might as well complete the look.” 
Logan grumbled angrily, marching back toward the bathroom to finish getting ready. “I’m not wearing a costume. I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Aw, c’mon, Lo. For me?”
That stopped Logan in his tracks. He spun around and took a careful breath, glaring down his overly pleased roommate. “Fine. Just for you.” 
Virgil gave another satisfied hum, before squinting his eyes at Logan scrutinizingly. “I wonder if your eyes glow in the dark. Can you imagine if the prof turns the lights off for a presentation and-”
“UUUGGHHH!” Logan yowled as he slammed the bathroom door shut, shaking his head at Virgil’s snickers. 
They were meeting up at the party at the end of classes (right about when Virgil tended to wake up), so Logan headed there directly after his final class, just as the evening sun was fading behind the horizon. It was already packed with people already picking the snack and drinks table bare, a lopsided sign that said ‘21+ only’ forgotten near an empty beer box. If Logan were to assume correctly, the sign was only there to assuage the conscience of whoever was hosting tonight, and not actually to stop the underage drinking. Even if he was above legal drinking age, he still didn’t experience many of the positives of drinking, so he grabbed a can of iced tea and stood next to a wall to wait for Virgil.
It hadn’t been a full five minutes before a man sidled up to him, sipping from a half empty beer bottle and watching Logan with a careful eye. He didn’t spare so much as a glance in return, barely acknowledging the newcomer’s presence.
“What’s a wallflower like you doing at a rager like this?” He drawled with an almost audible impish smile.
“If this is considered a rager, I’d hate to see what a calm party looks like.”
“Aw, we just haven’t gotten started yet! We’re fueling up for when the moon comes out. And you haven’t answered my question, flower.”
“I’m simply waiting for a friend.”
“Oh, and does this friend have a name?” He purred. 
Frustrated, Logan turned to the man, and promptly froze. Looking down at him with pitch black eyes was a person in a costume he couldn’t recognize; a black and white striped suit that looked like he’d raked it through dust, and a mold green tie. The stubble on his face could have been his own five o’clock shadow or makeup, but it only functioned to make him look far hotter than what was fair. What was most shocking though, and Logan was baffled that he’d missed it in the initial approach, was the mop of electric-shock-straight neon green hair on his head. 
“He- I don’t-”
“Didn’t take you for the type to get flustered,” The man snorted, taking another sip. “What do you have? Aw, iced tea? And not even spiked? A crime.”
How did he not see Logan’s eyes? The hair was the exact same color; Logan would know. He’d spend the whole day watching his reflection, hoping that his soulmate would have some mercy and dye their hair back to its original color. Neon green was not exactly the most subtle color, and he had not missed the snickers or silent glances from his classmates and professors all day. So the question remained, why wasn’t this guy saying anything?
“I don’t drink. I tend to just become lethargic when I do.” He answered instead, gripping his can a little tighter. It took far too much effort to keep his voice from straining. 
“Fair enough. I’m not pressuring you to drink, no worries. At least we’ll have one sober mind at this party tonight.” The taller man winked at him, flashing him that stupidly stunning smile again. 
But then it occurred to Logan as he kept searching the man’s dark eyes desperately. His eyes were too dark, almost pitch black, while Logan’s hair was several shades lighter. So... there was no way they were soulmates. Just as quickly as the hope had exploded in his stomach, it dissipated, leaving him feeling more exhausted than usual. Stupid feelings.
“Logan, there you are!” An unusually loud voice called through his stupor and he spun around to see Virgil’s fanged smile. In the back of his mind, he remembered watching Virgil putting together his elaborate vampire costume over the last few weeks, but he’d never seen the full thing put together until now. “Ah, and Remus found you. Scram, Beetlejuice.”
Remus, apparently, didn’t seem at all offended by the jab. Instead, he seemed to smile wider. “Nice to see you too, emo. Is that any way to treat the host of the party?”
To Logan’s surprise, Virgil smiled too. “Oh, shut up. You’re going to give Logan a heart attack.”
“I’m sure he’s fine, Dracula. Why don’t you go get a drink, and I’ll keep him company?”
“Nuh uh. No way. Not leaving him with you any longer than I have already.” With that, Virgil hooked his arm through Logan’s and led him back to the drink table. 
“Remember, Virgil, drinks are only for the big kids!”
“I’m older than you are!” He flipped the bird over Logan’s shoulder to the host, earning a barked laugh in response. “He never lets me forget I’m a whole three inches shorter than him.”
“You know the host of the party?”
Virgil hummed in response, pouring himself a cup of punch that reeked of alcohol. “How else would I get invited? We were in English together in third year, and I haven’t been able to shake him since. He’s like a leech.”
“You seem friendly with him.”
The elder froze, solo cup barely touching his lips as he looked over Logan slowly. “Everything okay? You’re not usually this… quiet.” They could both tell it wasn’t the word he’d wanted to use.
For a brief moment, Logan considered telling Virgil about his brief flair of hope, about how for a single second he’d felt nothing but relief and desire and elation, and how it had been ripped away from him just as quickly. But then he realized that, no, Virgil didn’t need that to bring down the mood of the first party he’d attended in a year, since his anxiety had flared. If it still bothered him after the party, he’d bring it up. That was unlikely, though. Logan was especially gifted in the art of repression.
“I’m just a tad out of my element. Nothing to worry about,” he responded with a smile. Virgil didn’t fall for it, if the way he watched Logan as he sipped his drink was anything to go off of, but he did them both the favor of not pushing it. For now. 
“I thought I told you to wear a costume,” Virgil gasped as he drained the cup, immediately refilling it from the same bowl.  
“I did.” Logan gestured towards the single piece of paper taped to his white shirt. It took Virgil a moment to squint through the darkening light to make-out the black sharpie, reading allowed.
“‘Error 404, Costume Not Found.’ That does not count, Logan!” He laughed nonetheless, just as a deep bass filled the house. Apparently, the party had begun. He didn’t have a good argument for Virgil’s accusation, since he technically thought it very much did count, but arguing with the other was a waste of time. The two men were equally matched in the stubbornness department.  
The lights disappeared for a good few seconds before the house was illuminated in strobe lights, and the music’s volume exploded. Virgil laughed giddily; apparently his plan to get buzzed before the party could give him anxiety was intentional.
“They do, ya know.” 
Logan looked at him in confusion, and shouted over the roaring music. “What?”
“Your eyes! They do glow in the dark!”
“Shut up!” 
“You look like a glowstick!” He began to giggle wildly, leaning on Logan for support. 
“No more drinks for a good half hour, Virge,” Logan chided gently, replacing his solo cup with a water bottle from the table. Virgil whined but plucked out his vampire fangs so he could drink from the small spout easier. 
“Let’s dance,” Virgil said, grabbing Logan’s arm and leading him into the crowd.
Logan guessed it was well past midnight when Virgil tugged on his arm for the third time, leaning close to his ear and shouting that he had to go to the bathroom.
“Again?!” Logan called back at the vampire’s back. There was no malice in his words, not when he knew Virgil had been anxious to go to this party and he tended to drink more water when he was anxious. It was just all coming back for revenge now. 
To Logan’s delight, the excitement of the party had started to push out the event from earlier. His mood was no longer dampened by the let down of what he thought was meeting his soulmate, and he could finally enjoy the one event he allowed himself to go to this semester. School was important, but he allowed this for Virgil. He hadn’t expected himself to have a good time as well. 
It wasn’t even a minute after Virgil had left that there was a loud shout and Logan was jostled harshly to the side, the front of his shirt immediately soaking red from the cup of punch spilled on him. His own drink clattered to the floor.
“Shit, babe, I’m so sorry!” A man Logan didn’t recognize started to pat at his chest with a handful of tissues, an action that for some reason caused the smaller man to cringe.
“No worries. It was bound to happen eventually. Perhaps a white shirt wasn’t my smartest idea,” He responded sharply, taking the tissues from the other and dabbing himself off to the best of his abilities. Slightly relieved that he now had a valid reason, he ripped off his poor attempt at a costume and crumpled up the soaking wet paper in the hand not trying in vain to dry himself. Despite Logan obviously being uninterested, the taller man stayed where he was, watching Logan’s actions with fierce intensity. His lip curled as his eyes trailed down the now nearly see-through shirt.
“If you wanted, I could get that shirt off of you. Fool around, give it some time to dry?”
“I’m so flattered,” Logan deadpanned, “But no thanks.”
“Aw, too bad,” The man cooed, shrugging. His demeanor did a full one-eighty, his predatory gaze replaced with innocence, “Was worth a try. Let me at least get you a new drink, since I ruined your other one.”
“That’s not necessary-”
“I insist.” He laid a hand on Logan’s shoulder, causing a tingling cold to spread through his whole body. The smaller man barely contained a shudder as the man gave him another wolf like grin before disappearing into the crowd towards the drinks table.
Logan was hoping he’d forgotten, and just wouldn’t come back, but the man reappeared in moments, popping open a pink lemonade and handing it to him.
“Saw your other drink was non-alcoholic, so I got the only other one left.”
“Uhm…” Logan looked critically at the can, his alarm bells flaring. But… he’d seen the man open it, right? So it’s not as if he could have done something to it. Perhaps this guy really did have the right intentions, just an iffy way of showing them. “Thank you.” 
He took a sip as the man smiled with too much teeth. “So, are you here alone?”
“No,” Logan responded a little less coolly, “I’m here with a friend. He just went to the bathroom.” Another sip.
“Oh, that’s fun! Are you guys in the same year?”
“Yes. We are both fourth years.” The man was acting kinder, and Logan was starting to consider that perhaps their initial meeting had been a misunderstanding on his part. Maybe he had just wanted to help out, but Logan, being cynical as always, had assumed the worst. Wasn’t that just like him, though? Always so quick to conclusions, ruining good things before they have a chance to happen. Trying to chase away his annoyance with himself and the bitter taste it had left on his tongue, he took a longer swig of the can.
“Hey, me too! I’m an English major, what about you?”
“Business with an astronomy minor.”
“That sounds difficult. How many semester hours are you clocking at right now?”
“I… uhm…” And for the life of him, he couldn’t remember. It was a high number, he knew for sure. He shook his head. “Fifteen, sixteen? Maybe seventeen?”
The man whistled. “Damn, impressive. Remind me of your name, again?”
Had he told him in the first place? “Logan.”
“And what brings a studious man such as yourself to a party like this?”
“My- My friend.” Logan couldn’t help shake his head again, hoping the fog in his mind would scatter. That’s what he got, staying out this late when his sleep schedule was usually so precise. “He doesn’t like… parties. So he asked…” He blinked hard a couple times, finding himself swaying on his feet. “He asked me…”
“Hey, are you okay?” The man placed his hand on his arm in an ironclad grip, holding him steady, “Logan, can you hear me?”
“Yeah, I… Dizzy,” He murmured, reaching up blearily and grabbing onto him. 
“Are you dehydrated? Maybe you should drink some more.”
What were the symptoms of dehydration again? Dizziness, check. Fatigue, check. Confusion, check. Thirst? Yeah, he could drink something, but he’d been drinking all night, so why…
The can dropped from his hand, the second one tonight, and he tried weakly to pull away. Instead of letting him go, the man pulled him closer, wrapping an arm bruisingly tight around his waist. 
“You… you drugged-”
“You don’t look so good, Logan. Let’s get you upstairs so you can lie down, yeah?”
“No, I don’t…” He was unable to escape, barely able to keep his feet under him, as the man started dragging him to the stairs. Where the hell is Virgil? Logan could feel tears pricking his eyes as his breathing hitched, and for the first time in years, he felt real panic. This couldn’t be happening. This isn’t-
“Let him the fuck go!”
A voice distinctly not Virgil’s shouted over the music, and Logan didn’t even dare hope it’s directed at the man still clutching him. His luck would never be that good. But through his blurry vision, a pin striped blob with a mess of green hair breaks through the crowd, marching distinctly up to them. 
“He came here with me.” Logan could just make out the stronger man’s words through his dizzied state. “He just had a bit too much to drink. I’m going to let him lay down.”
“Like hell you are. Give him to me.” 
“How dare you-”
“Logan. Doesn’t. Drink. And I know who he came here with.” Remus snarled, edging towards the duo threateningly, “Now let go of him before I break your fucking jaw.”
With almost as much physical relief as emotional, the man finally released his painful hold on Logan and shoved his way through the crowd, the distant shouts of inconvenienced partygoers near the door the only signal that he’d completely left. 
For all his effort, Logan couldn’t hold himself up and collapsed. At first the feeling of strong arms picking him up bridal style caused him to panic and he lashed out, feebly hitting the chest of whoever was holding him. Realizing they were now walking up the stairs, the same place the other man had been pulling him, caused his breath to hitch in his throat.
“Woah there, Lo. You’re okay. It’s just me, it’s Remus, okay? Take a deep breath, just relax. I won’t hurt you.”
For some reason that Logan couldn’t fathom, the words calmed him down. Somewhere, Logan acknowledged that even though Virgil had known Remus for a while, Logan had only talked to him for a total of five minutes, and he probably shouldn’t trust an essential stranger when he’s like this. He’s just too tired to fight though, no matter how his adrenaline is pumping. 
“V’rg’l,” Logan whimpered, clutching Remus' shirt with all the strength of a wet leaf, “W’nt h’m.”
“I’ll get Virgil as soon as you’re safe, okay? Don’t worry,” Remus’ soothing voice rumbled through Logan from where he was pressed to the taller’s chest, making his eyelids flutter. His arms felt like over boiled pasta and his stomach was doing flips, but Remus’ voice broke through the fog he was in and settled him in a way he hadn’t felt before. Maybe it was the drugs.
“We’re at the top of the stairs now, okay? I’ll take you to my room, since it’s the only one with a lock. So we know there won’t be any horny college kids in there, making a mess of my sheets. Gotta unlock it without dropping you, hold on, and… A HAH! Got it. You want the light on or off?”
Logan couldn’t compute the question, much less make a choice. He made a sound that was slightly reminiscent of a stalled car engine, letting his head loll towards the lump that he assumed was a bed.
“Let’s compromise.” With all the care in the world, Logan was placed onto the sheets and gently rolled onto his side, a heavy comforter pulled up to his shoulders. Remus shifted away and a dim light flashed through his eyelids, enough to notice but definitely not enough to hurt his throbbing head. A table lamp, probably.
“No falling asleep on me, okay? You need to stay awake. I don’t know what that fucker gave you. I’m texting Virgil now, he’ll be here soon. Just keep your eyes open.”
Logan opened his eyes despite his overwhelming urge to sleep, and was immediately assaulted by a swirl of colors as the world tilted. An explosion of nausea tilted him forward and he pushed himself up on his elbows.
“‘m g’nna-” He didn’t have to finish his sentence before there was a plastic garbage can under his cheek and he heaved, throwing up the remnants of dinner and all he drank that evening. He didn’t even have the energy to be embarrassed as he flopped back down onto his side, squeezing his eyes shut again.
“Oh, Logan,” Remus whispered. 
There was a pounding on the door and Logan didn’t even have the energy to flinch from the violent sound. Remus stood quickly and unlocked it, barely opening it before someone barreled into the room, the newcomer gasping for breath.
“What the fuck happened?!” Virgil screamed, dropping on his knees next to the bed, hand reaching up to lay on Logan’s cheek.
“He got roofied by some motherfucker I haven’t seen before. I caught him in the stairwell before anything happened.” Remus was still standing by the open door. The music was flowing in louder now, and Virgil’s raged shouting wasn’t helping his headache at all.
“I’m going to fucking kill whoever did this. I’ll fucking kill him!”
“Virgil, you’re real hot when you’re pissed, but calm the hell down. Yelling won’t help Logan.”
“You’re… shit, you’re right. Okay. I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“Watch him. Keep him on his side, bin’s to your left if he has to hurl again. I’m cutting this shit show.”
Logan finally cracked his eyes open as the door shut, Virgil leaning backwards to lock it. When he turned back and saw his friend’s eyes open, he almost wept.
“I’m so sorry Lo, I shouldn’t have asked you to come.”
“‘s okay.”
“No, no it’s not. I got distracted talking to someone, but I should have come back sooner. You could’ve… You could’ve been…”
“Not y’r fa’lt,” Logan mumbled, reaching over blindly to try and find Virgil’s hand. The other must have sensed his intentions and gripped onto the flailing limb, interlocking their fingers. 
“You better not be blaming yourself.”
Technically, he was. He should have been more careful, shouldn’t have taken a drink from a stranger, should have noticed something was off the moment his mind started to fade. Never in his life would he say that this kind of situation was the victim’s fault but… he couldn’t help it when it came to himself. He’d always been self critical that way. Bringing this up to Virgil would be a death wish, though, and an argument he certainly did not have the energy for right now. 
The music cut off downstairs and Logan sighed in relief, nearly smiling at Remus’ shout for everyone to get out of his house. For someone he’d met once, he was protective, that was for sure. 
Virgil didn’t force him to talk. They both just enjoyed the silence for a while, the only sound being the occasional shout from downstairs and Virgil’s sniffles. Logan couldn’t exactly blame him; he’d cry too if he had the brainpower. He didn’t though, which was the problem, so he allowed his hand to be held and allowed himself to get lost in the feeling of a thumb brushing over his knuckles.
There was a quiet knock on the door and Virgil reached over to unlock it, allowing Remus to walk back in. “Sorry that took so long. Wanted to double check that anyone using someone else as a crutch was black out drunk, not drugged. Here, sit him up.”
Virgil shifted so he was behind Logan and pulled him up against him, holding him steady as Remus lifted a glass of water to his lips. “You have to be thirsty. Do your best to keep this down, Lo.” Suddenly realizing how thirsty he actually was, Logan downed half the glass before Remus pulled it away. “Not so much, you’ll get sick.” There was a clink as the glass was placed on the bed side table. “We need to take him to the hospital. I don’t know how much whatever the fucker gave him.”
“I’m too drunk to drive,” Virgil said, gently lowering Logan back onto his side.
“I didn’t drink that much, but I’m not safe either. You got a friend who can take us?”
“Yeah,” The shorter mumbled as he shakily typed in his phone password, “I’m going to call Patton, just a second.” He moved to the furthest corner of the small room and the conversation faded into the background. At least Virgil was talking… that meant Patton picked up, right? 
“Shitty way to end a pretty spectacular holiday,” Remus stated as he sat back on his spot, letting a hand rest on Logan’s leg.
“‘m s’rry.” 
“Ah, shit, that’s not what I meant. I’m mad for you, not at you. Ya know,” As he spoke, he reached up and did something to his eyes, almost picking at them, “Halloween’s the only valid holiday in my book. Christmas is too overrated, Easter is senseless, Thanksgiving? No thanks, I don’t glorify genocide. But Halloween? I get to dress slutty or spooky or fucking ridiculous, and no one can give me two shits about it. I get to throw ragers and stab gourds into faces and buy discount candy until I’m fifty percent chocolate. I mean, I dyed my hair green for it, paid extra for the glow in the dark shit, and all I got were compliments.”
His hands had returned to his lap and he was fiddling with something. Logan tried to make out what it was, but it just looked like black plastic. Tiny, flexible pieces of black plastic. That Remus had pulled from his eyes.
They were colored contacts.
“I guess I do kind of blame Roman for getting me into Beetlejuice, but it is one of his least favorite musicals, so it’s also a bit of a ‘fuck you’ to him-”
“R’mus,” He breathed, and even that faint call was enough to snap Remus back to him. The taller man turned to him immediately, and Logan forgot how to breathe. 
Because his eyes were brown, and in the dim light of the single lamp, they absolutely shone. 
His eyes were the same brown as Logan’s hair, and Logan’s eyes became that offensive green around the same time as Remus dyed his for the costume, and that’s all the confirmation Logan needed to push himself up onto the hands and lunge forward to kiss him. The effort is strenuous and the lurch almost makes him heave again, but oh Lord, he just found his soulmate and it’s actually him and-
“Woah, woah woah woah. Hold on there, cowboy.” Remus gently pushes him back down before their lips can meet, “You are very drugged right now. I am not kissing you drugged. Sober, hell yes. But not like this.”
“Y’re my-”
“Soulmate. I know. I kind of figured when I saw your eyes. But I figured… I might as well get you to like me before I dropped that kind of bombshell. Although… I was hoping that would be accomplished by basic flirting, but then the party started getting out of hand, so I was always busy with-”
“Patton’s on his way,” Virgil spoke up, joining the two on the bed. “You okay, Lo?”
“He figured it out,” Remus said softly, letting a hand card through Logan’s hair. 
“I was wondering how long that would take.”
Logan gave a weak smile, his own fear and adrenaline starting wear off slightly. He was safe here, and he felt like he wasn’t going to be let out of sight for a while. 
“Drink some more water, wallflower,” Remus whispered, helping him sit up, “We’ll take care of you.” 
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magicsmutshop · 5 years
Pairings: Kim Taehyung/Reader, Min Yoongi/Reader
Genre: Smutty one-shot
Rating: Explicit
Word count: ~6000
Warnings: Alcohol, weed, voyeurism/exhibitionism, frat boy!Tae, frat boy!Yoongi, quasi-threesome
about: You’re stuck partnering on a presentation with resident stoner Taehyung. When you go over to his frat house to work on it, you meet his roommate Yoongi -- and realize they both have more to them than meets the eye.
inspired by this amazing picture.
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Shouldering your backpack, you knock on the front door of the Beta Tau Sigma house. You shift your weight from foot to foot while waiting for a response. You can hear sounds coming through the door -- some kind of shooting game and guys yelling at each other to “duck under that projectile, Jin!” You roll your eyes and bang on the door harder.
Suddenly, the door is flung open to reveal a tall guy in a gray sweatsuit, shaking black hair out of his eyes. He stares at you for a moment, looking completely spaced-out.
“Uh, hi? Is Taehyung here?” You awkwardly adjust your backpack again and tighten your ponytail.
Tall Guy’s face clears and his eyes crinkle. “Oh yeah, he said he had somebody coming by to work on a project. He’s in the living room.” He spins on his heel and charges down the hall, not waiting to see if you followed.  You roll your eyes again and make your way inside, closing the door behind you. You definitely got a strong whiff of weed from that brief conversation, which doesn’t bode well for your project work tonight.
Your Anthro 101 professor had assigned partners for a presentation due in two weeks. Unfortunately, you were paired up with Kim Taehyung, the resident stoner who always made the most random comments during discussion. You internally cringed every time he opened his mouth, because his off-the-wall questions would lead the professor down long tangents that were irrelevant to the syllabus. It was a waste of your time when the professor could be lecturing on content that would actually show up on the exams!  You were dreading the idea of having to keep Taehyung on topic and on track during the presentation, which counted for a fairly large part of your grade.
On the other hand, Taehyung seemed happy with the partner assignment. He plopped down in the seat next to yours while you were packing up your notes, and cheerfully invited you to his fraternity house the next night to get started on the presentation.  He was a member of Beta Tau Sigma, the arts fraternity which was known for their hot artsy guys, but also for the noise complaints that came out of their League of Legends tournaments. You weren’t exactly eager to spend an evening there, but your roommate never left the dorm room and the library had shitty heating.  So here you were on a Friday night, following the skunk smell to the living room in search of your partner.
You poke your head into the room Tall Guy disappeared into, and see him sitting on the floor in front of the couch with a controller in his hands. He’s next to a beautiful man with broad shoulders and plush lips who’s screaming at the tv.  Behind them on the couch is Taehyung, next to yet another beautiful man with plush lips and silvery hair. The fraternity’s reputation was clearly not wrong.
Taehyung looks up with a beaming smile upon seeing you peeking in. “Y/N! You made it!” He gracefully unfolds himself off the couch and bounds over to you. “I’m so excited to work on this with you.” He’s making really intense eye contact with you, which is slightly unnerving until you notice the slight redness of his eyes. You see a bong made out of a Tata figurine on the beat-up coffee table in front of the couch, which explains everything you needed to know.
You force a smile. “Of course, looking forward to getting this project done. So, where’s your room?” The guys behind you break out into a chorus of “oohs” before returning their attention to the game they’re playing.  Taehyung ignores them, taking you gently by the arm and directing you out of the room.
“Sorry, we’ve been having our game night and they get a little rowdy. I promise they won’t bother us while we’re working on the project. I’m right upstairs. Do you want anything to drink before we get started?”
You shake your head. “No thanks, I’d rather just get to it.”  Taehyung shrugs and leads you up a flight of stairs. As you follow him, you can’t help but notice how nicely his ass fills out his black pants. He pushes open a door covered in a Nas poster and beckons for you to enter first.
You blink your eyes at the dim lighting when you enter his room. The room is a pretty standard-issue college room--there are two twin beds on opposite walls. One side is covered in torn-out pictures of rappers from magazines. The other side is covered in black-and-white photos, plus a poster of The Starry Night. In between the beds, another guy is sitting at his desk with his back to you. He has huge headphones on and is looking at an intimidating array of monitors and speakers. Like Taehyung, he’s wearing a baseball cap and a plain black tee. He doesn’t seem to have noticed your entrance.
Taehyung bounces over to the guy and pokes him in the shoulder. “Yo, Yoongi!”  Yoongi ignores him. Not to be deterred, Taehyung pulls one side of his headphones off. “Yoongi!”
Yoongi finally turns around. “What, Tae?” His scowl doesn’t hide the fact that he’s really attractive, with narrow, dark eyes, delicate lips, and the most flawless skin you’ve ever seen on a man. Seriously, what is it with the hot men in this fraternity? Suddenly, you notice his dark gaze land on you.
“Yoongi, this is Y/N! She’s in my anthro class, we’re going to work on that presentation I was telling you about!” Taehyung turns to you, smiling winningly. “This is my roommate Yoongi, do you mind if he sticks around? He’s working on a project too, but don’t worry, his headphones block out the entire world.”  You shrug.
Yoongi gives you a brief nod and then immediately turns back to his computer, putting his headphones back on. He’s clearly not the talkative type, but Taehyung seems to talk enough for two.  “Come sit here, I promise I just changed the sheets, Jungkook did the laundry so it smells really good!” He pats the bedspread next to him.
You tentatively approach and sit down, pulling your backpack into your lap. The sheets really do smell good, and sitting this closely, Taehyung smells good too. You were expecting him to smell like weed and Axe, but instead, he smells like a combination of musk and flowers.  You blink out of your brief reverie and lock eyes with him. There’s that discomfiting eye contact again… but this time you notice how long his eyelashes are. “So, shall we start?” He pulls out his laptop, breaking the moment.
Much to your surprise, Taehyung actually knows what he’s doing. He had a really good suggestion for your presentation topic, and when you agreed to it, he had a potential outline already typed up, with ideas for supporting articles and readings you could refer to.  Despite your worst fears, you’re done with the initial prep work in an hour, and have a solid base to draft your presentation for next week. Taehyung closes his laptop with a flourish and hops off his bed, stretching his arms above his head. His shirt rides up, revealing a flat stomach with a tiny happy trail leading up to his bellybutton. As your gaze drifts up his torso, you realize he’s watching you watch him, with a smug glint in his eyes.  “How about that drink now?”
You flush, realizing you were caught. Tae had completely changed your initial opinion of him over the past 90 minutes, once you realized how quick-thinking he actually was. You were actually enjoying his random little asides and pieces of trivia, and it was harder to ignore how attractive he actually was… for a frat boy. “I’m not sure,” you start to demur, but his smile quickly turns into a pout.
“Come on, it’s Friday night and we totally blew past our goals for the evening. Let’s hang out and play some Mario Kart,” he wheedles, widening his brown eyes at you.  Behind him, you hear a snort from Yoongi. Tae had claimed that Yoongi’s headphones blocked out the world, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Yoongi had made the occasional dry aside during your conversations. He had a sarcastic sense of humor, but had also made some good suggestions for your presentation.
Earlier on, you’d finally asked Tae why he led the professor on so many tangents during class. “You’re so organized with this project, why do you ask all those random questions that take ages for him to answer?”
Taehyung had a sly smile on his face. “It turns out that the professor has certain areas of interest that he wasn’t allowed to put on the syllabus because the department is so strict about 100-level standards. So when I ask my questions, I get participation credit, right?”  You nod slowly. You can see Yoongi at his desk, turned in your direction. “But not only do I get the credit, I also get insight into what the professor is interested in. He goes off on these tangents about his pet interests, which I then put into my homework and papers. He’s flattered that I have an interest, so I get a better grade.”
“Oh my god, are you serious?” your mind was blown. Suddenly you understood where Tae’s presentation idea came from--the professor had indeed rambled on about it for a good 20 minutes in the previous week’s class.  You looked at Taehyung with new respect. His eyes were glimmering with mischief.
Yoongi nodded. “I took this class last year with the same professor. I taught this guy everything he knows.” He had a matching sly smile on his face.  These two were trouble.
“Yah! I have some tricks of my own!” Taehyung playfully threw a plushie at Yoongi’s head, ending the conversation, and you got back to your work.
You agree to play Mario Kart, so Taehyung takes you back to the living room. Yoongi stays behind in the room, claiming he’s on a roll with his song, and the other guys are nowhere to be seen. According to Tae, they’ve left for a party at another frat.
“You didn’t want to go with them?” You ask, sipping on peach soju.
Taehyung shrugs. “I didn’t want to wreck our flow, and I’m cool just chilling here for the evening. Do you wanna make things interesting and race for shots?” His eyes sparkle and he shakes the bottle of soju in your direction.
“Race for shots?”
“Winner of the race has to do a shot of soju. That way if one of us is better, the alcohol evens things out. We implemented the house rule because otherwise Jungkook would win every single round.”
What do you have to lose? You’re having fun, and you could use the handicap to be honest. “Sure, let’s do it. But I call Yoshi!”
Taehyung pouts. “No fair, Yoshi’s the best.”
Seven rounds later, you’re both flushed and giggly and constantly running your karts off the side of the Rainbow Road.  Taehyung’s tolerance is surprisingly low for a frat boy, and you aren’t doing much better. He keeps leaning into your side as he acts out the turns with his entire body. Whenever he presses up against your side, you get another whiff of that musky fragrance, and his body forms a line of heat against yours. 
He knocks back his penalty shot of soju but not all of it makes it into his mouth. You watch the droplets of liquid travel down his firm jawline onto his neck. Your mouth is suddenly dry--you find yourself wanting to track that droplet with your tongue.  He seems to know what you’re thinking. When you look back at his eyes, he’s staring at your mouth. “Hey. I don’t think I can take any more soju. How about a different penalty for winning the next race? Winner has to give the loser a kiss.”
You gulp. His mouth looks lush and red, and is glistening from the soju. He licks his lips slowly, cleaning off the last of the alcohol. Fueled by soju bravery, you lick your own lips. “How about we skip the race and go straight to the penalty?” You can feel a flush rise to your cheeks that isn’t solely from the alcohol.
In lieu of an answer, he leans forward and gently brushes his lips against yours. You close your eyes, open your mouth and fall into the kiss. His lips are soft, and when you slide your tongue against his, he tastes like peaches. As the kissing becomes more intense, he suddenly wraps his hands around your face, long fingers caressing your cheeks. You pull back for a moment, looking into his intense eyes. The eye contact is no longer uncomfortable, but you break it in order to make your wish of tracking the stray soju come true. You dip your head to brush kisses along his jawline, following the sticky traces, moving down to his neck. He gasps and lets out a deep moan. His voice has gotten impossibly deeper as you continue to kiss and gently suck on his neck. “Don’t stop, babe. That feels incredible.”
Suddenly, he slides his hands into your ponytail and pulls you off his neck, crushing his lips to yours again. As you let out tiny whines into his mouth, his hands roam down your body, grabbing you by the waist and lifting you into his lap.  You toss your head back at the feeling of his hardness trapped underneath you. You’re separated by several layers of clothing, but you can feel his cock grinding up into you. He reaches under your shirt and runs his hands up your back while you’re rubbing against him. Both of you are getting loud--until you suddenly hear the door open, and boisterous laughter wafting into the hall.
You spring off his lap and fling yourself back onto the couch next to him, but there’s no hiding what you’ve been up to. Both of you have wet, bitten lips, you’re heaving with breath, and he has a massive bulge in his pants. Luckily, you hear the noise move into the kitchen rather than in your direction.  Taehyung nods to himself, stands up, and takes your hands to pull you up as well. “Stay with me tonight?” he whispers.
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you deeply while he walks you backwards to the stairs. You stumble a bit, the haze of lust and alcohol fogging up your coordination, but his grip is firm and steady.  This time, he lets you go ahead of him on the stairs, and you swear you can feel his heated gaze on your ass. Your intuition is proven right as he reaches out and squeezes your cheeks with both hands just as you reach the top landing. You manage to stifle your yelp in time before the boys in the kitchen hear you. “Tae!” you hiss, turning around on him.  He grins, unrepentant.
Tae takes your waist in his grasp again, crowding his body up against your back, and gently pushes you through the door with the Nas picture. You can feel him rubbing his cock against your ass as he slides his hands up your stomach towards your breasts. All of a sudden, you stop short as you take in the room. His roommate! Yoongi isn’t at his computer, and the room is only lit by the glow of his sleeping monitors and a lamp on Tae’s nightstand.  But you see a human-sized lump in the twin bed on the far end of the room.
Taehyung continues to move his hands up to your breasts, pinching at your nipples. Even through your shirt and bra, it feels amazing, but you reluctantly twist out of his grip.  “Tae, we can’t do this, Yoongi’s sleeping right there.” you hiss as quietly as possible.
Taehyung chuckles lowly. “Yoongi is the heaviest sleeper I know. He has his headphones on for white noise, and a sleeping mask. I promise you, he has no idea what’s happening right now,” he says in his normal speaking tone.  You look over at Yoongi again fearfully, but he hasn’t twitched a muscle. Sure enough, you can see Galaxy Buds in his ears, a Kumamon mask pulled over his eyes, and his blanket pulled up to his chin. He looks strangely angelic in his sleep. But you’re still unsure… until Tae pulls you into yet another kiss.
You can’t get enough of the taste of his lips, the feeling of his big hands roaming over your skin, or the smell of his neck when you bury your nose in it. All of your doubts float away in the Tae-and-soju haze.  You crawl onto his bed and let your legs fall open so that he can lower himself down in between them.
“You’re so sexy, I noticed you the first day in class,” he murmurs as he slowly pushes your shirt up, revealing your plain purple bra. “You were chewing on your pen in between taking notes, and you looked so annoyed every time I opened my mouth. That was the third reason I kept asking so many questions in class--to get a rise out of you.” He expertly flips the front clasp on your bra and pulls it apart, revealing your breasts to him. Before you can respond to his cheeky statement, he silences you by leaning down and licking across one of your nipples. He works his tongue around the nub, enjoying the feeling of it stiffening in his mouth.  You’re still trying to keep your cries quiet out of fear of waking Yoongi up, but he’s making it extremely difficult.
You run your hands down his back, grabbing the end of his shirt and starting to tug it up. “Take this off, Tae.” He sits up and pulls his shirt over his head, dislodging his baseball cap. He flings his shirt to the floor, picks up the cap, and settles it back on his head, brim facing backwards. He flashes you a V-sign when he catches you staring. You ignore the cap in favor of admiring the swathes of golden skin that have been revealed. His shoulders are broad, and his torso is lean and lightly muscled. You shrug off your shirt and bra as well, and pull him back down on top of you.
After a few minutes of heated kissing, you can feel his hips rocking into yours more urgently. Panting lightly, he pulls back and looks into your eyes. “Can I go down on you?”
“Hell yes.” You start to unbutton your pants, but he stops you, putting his hands over yours. He slowly kisses his way down your torso, detouring to lick at each of your nipples in turn, and flutters his tongue in your bellybutton, making you laugh. Finally, he slides off your pants and underwear in one smooth motion, leaving you completely bare to his gaze. Tae pushes your legs apart, running his hands up your thighs. He doesn’t drag it out any longer, but gently slides his thumb in between your lower lips, rubbing at the wetness around your hole.
“Seriously, so sexy.” Using both hands, Tae parts your lips to reveal your clit, and swipes at it with his tongue. Your hips kick up as you choke on a moan. His tongue is hot and wet, and feels amazing as he swirls it around your aching nub. He looks up at you. “Play with your nipples for me, baby.” You bring your hands up to follow his orders, when suddenly you notice movement on the far end of the room.  You turn your head to the side and lock eyes with Yoongi, who is decidedly not asleep and is watching you. You flinch, nearly kicking Tae in the head.
Yoongi flashes you a lazy smirk and waves at you and Taehyung, who has also noticed he’s awake.  Tae giggles and waves back. “Hi, Yoongi! Did we wake you up?” He leans back in towards you, but you hold him back with a hand on his forehead, bringing your other arm up to cover your breasts.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry, Taehyung told me you would sleep through anything,” you babble.
“Now how could I sleep through this? And why would I want to?” Yoongi rumbles in a sleep-roughened voice. He sounds nonchalant as ever, but the high flush on his cheeks tell a different story, and you notice one of his hands is underneath his covers. He bites his lower lip, tongue peeking out to swipe across it.
Taehyung, ever observant, doesn’t overlook your interest. “Do you mind if he stays?” You turn your attention back to him where he’s still between your legs. His lips and chin are wet with your juices, his eyes are sparkling, and his forehead is flushed underneath that damn backwards ballcap.  You can feel his hands sneaking back up to your pussy, and you can feel Yoongi’s gaze like a weight. You’ve never felt so desirable and sexy. The soju haze has mostly left you, but you’re under a fog of lust and you don’t want to stop here. 
Locking eyes with Yoongi again, you shake your head. “I don’t mind. But I don’t want to be the only one naked here.”
Taehyung hurriedly raises himself up to his knees, almost falling over as he hurriedly shoves down his black pants. He’s not wearing any underwear underneath, so his large cock springs out and slaps against his stomach. Your breath catches. It’s incredible how hard it is for the size. It’s glistening at the tip, and you know it’s going to feel absolutely amazing inside you. But first, you want to taste him there and see if he’s as sweet as he is everywhere else.
You hear rustling from Yoongi’s side of the room, and glance over to see he has his covers rucked down to his waist, exposing his bare chest. He’s broader than Taehyung, with perky nipples you’d love to get your mouth on. He has one hand propping up his head to better enjoy the show, and the other hand is slowly, rhythmically moving under the covers.  You drag your gaze away from him and back to Taehyung, who’s put his mouth back on your clit and is slowly grinding his hips into the bed.
Now that you don’t have to worry about being quiet, your moans fill the air as Taehyung works the gasps out of your mouth. He slides one long finger into you, stroking it in and out as he suckles at your clit. His eyes are closed in bliss as he enjoys your taste, and you can feel the vibrations of his low moans.  You suddenly find yourself way too close to coming, and you don’t want to be done so quickly.
“Tae.” He opens his eyes and meets yours, sliding his finger out of your pussy and into his mouth. You almost forget what you were going to say, but gather the last threads of coherency back together. “Let me return the favor.”  You hear Yoongi quietly gasp and speed up his strokes.
You and Taehyung switch places on the bed, with him now lying on his back, looking up at you. You whip the cap off his head, running your fingers through his silky hair, before sitting back up on top of his legs. You feel shy for a moment to be so exposed, but the expression on his face reveals nothing but desire and lust. You can hear Yoongi’s little gasps from across the room as well, as you mouth down Tae’s toned torso towards his cock.  You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, lapping up his sticky precome. It doesn’t taste like peaches, but you can’t get enough of his unique flavor.
Tae gets loud, unabashedly keeping up a steady stream of compliments in that deep voice, telling you how sexy you look as you slide your mouth down his cock. It’s too big for you to take the whole thing in, but you use your hand to slide up and down the parts your mouth can’t reach.  After a few minutes, you feel his hips start to jerk up more, and he wraps his hand in your ponytail to gently pull you off. “Stop… I’m so close, but I really want to fuck you.”
You press one last open-mouthed kiss to the head of his cock, and then knee-walk your way back up his body to pull him in for a heated liplock. After grabbing a condom and rolling it on, he brings his hands to your core again, plunging two fingers into your pussy while sucking on your neck right underneath your ear, making you gasp.  His fingers feel great, but you’re after something bigger. Batting his hand aside, you grasp his cock and slowly take the entire length in until your thighs press against his sharp hipbones. You both gasp and pause for a moment, enjoying the feeling until you have to move. Leaning forward and resting your hands on his shoulders, your lips meet once again as you start to rock back and forth on his cock.
He’s stroking up into you at the perfect angle and speed. You can barely keep your lips connected to his, until you finally pull away to gasp for air. His eyes are squeezed shut underneath his thick eyebrows, and he’s biting his lower lip almost painfully.  Before you get lost in the pleasure, you turn to the side again, and see Yoongi looks almost as lost, biting the side of his hand to stay quiet as he rapidly strokes himself underneath the covers. Seeing the effect you’re having on these two men causes you to clench tightly on Taehyung’s length. If you can just get a little friction, you’re so close to coming apart.
Taehyung suddenly moans sharply, grabs your hips, and forces you down onto his cock as his hips hammer up into you. You can see his pulse pounding in his neck as his breathing gradually slows. A bright flush spreads across his cheeks as you realize that he just came.
Taehyung gently raises you up by the hips so he can pull out of you, panting heavily. You let out a little whine--you were so close to coming! You can’t help but grind down on his flat stomach, trying to get any friction on your throbbing clit. His eyes are closed and his expression is completely blissed out as he scrubs his hand through his sweaty hair. Suddenly, he opens his eyes and gives you a pout. “Shit, babe--that felt way too good, I didn’t mean to come that fast. You didn’t get off yet, right?” Tae’s voice is gravelly and satisfied, in contrast to his puppy eyes. “Give me a second and I’ll go down on you again.”
You open your mouth to accept his offer, when you’re interrupted from an unexpected corner. “That won’t be necessary,” Yoongi says. As you and Tae both swivel to look over at him, Yoongi abruptly raises himself off his bed. You can see spots of color high on his cheeks, and his lips are flushed and wet from where he’s been biting them. His pupils are so dilated, his eyes are practically black. Looking further down, the wet spot on the front of the bulge in his boxers leave you no doubt that he’s been enjoying the show. But he can’t stand by and merely watch any longer. 
He stalks in your direction, unceremoniously stripping off his underwear to reveal his flushed cock. He gently strokes himself a few times, spreading the precome up and down his shaft before grabbing a condom from Tae’s bedside table and smoothly rolling it on.
“Is this okay?” he whispers into your ear as he climbs onto the bed behind you where you’re still straddling Taehyung’s legs. You gulp and nod, grinding yourself onto Tae’s abs a little harder. This is straight out of your deepest, darkest fantasies. “Baby, I need you to use your words.” Yoongi’s voice drops even further as he leans closer. You can smell the woodsy note of his cologne and feel the heat radiating off of his hands, which are planted on the bed on either side of your hips.
“Y-yes, this is more than okay,” you manage to gasp out. You start to rise off of Taehyung, to move off of him so that Yoongi has room to maneuver. But Yoongi instead grabs your hips firmly, keeping you in place as he presses his full body up against yours. This is the first time he’s touched you all night, and his big hands feel so good, slightly digging into your flesh. You’re going to have the marks from this encounter on your skin for quite some time, and you can’t get enough of it.
“Okay, Tae, watch and learn. This is how you get the job done.” Yoongi teasingly tells the other man over your shoulder, before ducking his head down to your neck. He trails his pouty lips up and down your skin, leaving a sucking mark on the sensitive spot right beneath your ear that Taehyung had been teasing earlier. He had clearly been paying close attention to the spots that made you shudder. You tilt your head to give him better access, reveling in having his attention on you. You can feel him grinding his hard cock against your ass, so close to where you’re feeling aching and empty. You try to tilt your hips backwards, but his grip is too firm.
Taehyung is completely unfazed by the extra body straddling his legs. He smirks and makes himself comfortable, putting his hands underneath his head on the pillow. “Teach me your ways, sunbae.” He casts his mischievous gaze down your body, lingering on your hard, flushed nipples before looking down at where Yoongi’s cock is slowly sliding through your parted lips. The smooth head of Yoongi’s length occasionally bumps up against your clit, sending sparks of pleasure throughout your body. You’re practically shaking from your delayed orgasm, and aching for more. These frat boys are goddamned teases!
Finally, Yoongi uses his grip on you to pull you backwards where he wants you, and slides into your dripping core in one smooth motion. You’re so wet, his hard cock strokes in and out of you easily. You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a shuddering moan. It feels absolutely incredible to be filled up again. Tae was long, but Yoongi is thick. Yoongi slides his hands around your waist, holding you up as he drives himself into you more firmly. You can hear him breathing heavily, letting out low grunts.
“Tae was right--you really do feel amazing,” he rasps. “But I have- better- self- control-” as he punctuates his statement with little bites to your shoulders. With effort, you turn your head to look him in the eyes so you can let him know what you think of his smug comment. But your words are lost as he immediately captures your lips in a searing kiss. He knows exactly what to do with his tongue, stroking it into your mouth in the same rhythm that he’s fucking you in. He takes one hand off your waist and slides it up into your hair, grasping your ponytail firmly and using it to turn your head to exactly the right angle so he can continue to plunder your mouth.
You’re lost in the pleasure of his lips, his hands, and his dick until you suddenly feel another set of hands running up the underside of your breasts, tweaking and tugging at your nipples.  You break away from Yoongi with a moan and look down at Taehyung, who’s made himself known again. He sends another smirk in your direction. “Don’t mind me, I just thought these could use some more attention.” He meets Yoongi’s eyes and grins cheekily.
Yoongi lets out a low growl. “Shut it, brat.” But in comparison to his harsh words, his touch is gentle as he takes your hands and lowers you forward until you’re now on all fours directly above Taehyung.  Taehyung immediately takes advantage, cupping your breasts in his large hands, rubbing his thumbs over your peaked nipples as he surges up to reattach his mouth to your neck. With you firmly in place, Yoongi grabs your hips again and doubles the speed of his thrusts.
You’re now surrounded on all sides as Taehyung sucks yet another hickey into your neck and Yoongi’s cock slides right up against your G-spot.  You have two sets of hands roaming your curves and all you can do is kneel there and give yourself over to the pleasure. You feel the tingles starting in your toes and slowly rising up through your entire body. You’re letting out a stream of stuttering moans in concert with Yoongi’s deeper gasps and the wet sounds of Taehyung kissing your neck. As your vision starts to go hazy, Yoongi slides one of his hands around your hip and firmly rubs your clit in small circles.
“Come on baby, I can tell you’re so close. Let go, come for us,” Yoongi bites out as his hips stutter into you.  Taehyung doesn’t say anything, but lowers his head and captures one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking hard. After one more firm press of Yoongi’s fingers, you absolutely lose it, shaking apart as your pussy clenches around Yoongi’s cock.  You actually black out for a moment from how good it feels after being on the verge of orgasm for so long.
When you return to yourself, you can hear Yoongi’s little grunts and gasps as his hands squeeze on your hips and his hips kick forward one, two more times. When he’s finished coming, he slumps forward, panting. His sudden weight on your back sends you crashing onto Taehyung’s body with a whump.
“Oh! Get off me old man, you’re crushing me!” Taehyung suddenly breaks the mood by reaching around and giving Yoongi a hard slap on the ass.  Yoongi grumbles something under his breath, pulling out of you and rolling off to the side of the bed. You break out into little giggles, still feeling a little lightheaded from your orgasm.  Tae wraps his arms around you and strokes his hands up and down your back. “How are you feeling?”
“That was… wow. I hope you took good notes, because that should definitely be on the exam. Yoongi can be my teacher anyday.” You send a flirtatious smile Yoongi’s way.  Yoongi lights up with a wide, gummy grin that completely transforms his face. You can’t believe this is the same man that just fucked the life out of you. Both of these frat boys have been full of pleasant surprises tonight.
“So, more study sessions in the future? I have so many more questions to ask...” you finally shut Taehyung up by pulling him into a kiss as you feel Yoongi’s hand start to creep back up your side. You have a feeling this is going to be one of the most satisfying projects of your college career.
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669 notes · View notes
midnightbluefox · 5 years
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The Reylo Writing Den ( @thereylowritingden ) recently celebrated its one year anniversary, and part of our celebration included a fic exchange! The theme this time was what makes Reylo special to you and what you’ve come to love in the fics that you’ve read or written. Favorite tropes or one you’ve wanted to see done, an idea you’ve been wanting to read, a twist on the first Reylo fic you fell in love with, etc. 
Because of the theme, we got a huge variety of fics written submitted by over forty extremely talented writers. Please enjoy and support our lovely and giving authors <3
+ fic is mature/explicit
* fic is a WIP/ currently incomplete
+ Night Music by @thelastmorozova for @3todream3 :  Kylo getting it on with Rey while still wearing his gloves and helmet.
+* This Game We Play by @midnightbluefox for @sand-its-everywhere : Rey’s always thought her roommate was attractive, but when she catches him with only a towel on, a contest slowly ensues to see who can drive the other more insane as time goes on.
Or, where Rey and Ben are both idiots in denial and refuse to give in.
+* Red Letter by @ohwise1ne for crossingwinter : His old name—the one no one calls him anymore, no one even knows—stretches in bold lettering across the front of the envelope.
There is no record of that person living in this apartment building. Ben has made sure of it.
They’ve found him anyway.
When Ben is summoned to be bonded with a compatible Alpha mate, everything he’s worked for comes crashing down—especially when she turns out to be the rising protégé of his enemy.
+* When Little Somethings Overturn Everything by CaffeinatedJediRey for @rrwilson66 : Rey's got it all: fantastic friends, a great mother, and a promising tenure-track job as a history professor. Yet, on the eve of her 31st birthday, Rey finds herself wondering where her life's headed while she's eating by herself after a conference presentation.
Ben Solo, a rival professor from her department, joins her for dinner after seeing her dining alone. He turns out to be more than she expects.
Let's just say things will not go the way Rey thinks they will.
+* Clear Skies by @eveningeyes for CaffeinatedJediRey : A handsome smuggler is found sneaking through Starkiller Base, and to Kira Ren's dismay, Snoke hires the guy to take her to find Leia Organa's secret Resistance base.
+ A Five Percent Chance by @sand-its-everywhere for @hellomelusine :  Ben is alone, and he likes it that way. He keeps to himself, and doesn't really want or need a relationship, but that doesn't stop his mother from trying to set him up with random people... until one day she sets him up with his childhood best friend... and both of them make it their mission for this to be the worst date ever... after all, they've got one hundred dollars promised to them by Leia if it is.
Blushing PINK by @tazwren for @kylotrashforever : Ben Solo is struck by a beautiful girl, for the first time in his life, but has no clue how to talk to her. Enter a friend who gives him highly questionable advice.
Or - how Ben Solo bought bags of lingerie for a non-existent girlfriend!
+ Fucking PINK by @tazwren for @kylotrashforever: Ben and Rey and all those bags of lingerie he bought.
Or - how Ben Solo is a virgin no more.
+* Delicate Matters by @kylotrashforever for @erney007 : His senses trickle back in, and he realizes something is covering his face. Reaching, he snatches the gauzy material that he recognizes is lace of some sort, holding it out in front of him and squinting his eyes.
What the fuck?
He knows without a doubt, with one hundred percent certainty, that he did not have a woman here last night.
So why the fuck is there a pair of women’s underwear on his face?
In which something falls into Ben’s lap (or more accurately his face) that he didn’t expect.
+* is this a sacrifice?  by @deadlikemoi for @kylosgirl9593 : "What are you giving up for Lent?" The question is posed to Rey by a friend of Rose's, a girl who goes by KK, and Rey has to search her mind for an answer.
That is the problem with going to a University that is religiously affiliated; most people assume that you follow that same tenet without bothering to ask, and it has gotten her into trouble more than a few times.
"Rey's not—" Finn tries to save her, it is a valiant effort, but the filter between her mouth and her brain is undergoing routine maintenance and a few words squeak through before she can stop herself.
"Sex. I'm giving up sex for Lent."
+ Bobbing Along by @polkadotdotdotreylo for @sweetkyloren : Ever since an incident as a child, Rey has had a fear of the water.
When your boyfriend owns a pool, who better to teach you how to swim?
+ A Poetic Match by @commandercrouton for @polkadotdotdotreylo : It didn’t matter who was here at the moment. The only thing Rey could focus on was that scent. Her wide hazel eyes circled the room as she tried to see the one who was emitting those delectable pheromones. How was no one else in this room reacting? The smell was making her crazy, and she dug her nails into her skin. She would know this scent anywhere.
She found him frozen by the podium, staring at her with the same look she knew she was giving him. She felt her thighs clench in anticipation as memories of their last, and only, time together filled her brain.
“Rey, is everything okay? Your scent...shifted,” Poe inquired tentatively.
“What?” she asked, not willing to take her eyes off the man in front of the room.
“Why is Professor Solo staring at you like you killed his pet cat?”
At this statement, Rey looked at Poe, realization dawning on her. No, not this, anything but this. This wasn’t a professor. He was something entirely different to her.
+* By The Moonlight by @my-jedi-life for @eveningeyes : Kylo Ren is being hailed as the "next Stan Lee" in the world of graphic novelists... but he holds a secret. His books are really about his life.
Rey Kenobi is an up and coming journalist who lands the interview of a lifetime with Kylo Ren.
* Black Ties & White Lies by @happilyeveraftereveryday for @looc-at-me : The plan was simple. Sneak in, kick Paige's ex-boyfriend's ass, then sneak out. But Rey did not plan on arguing with an unfairly hot but unsurprisingly elitist Greek god of a man while looking for said ex-boyfriend, especially when he took offense to her refusing to dance with him for some reason.
And she definitely didn't plan on kissing him.
Or how a masquerade party leads to unexpected actions, feelings, and consequences, along with Ben Solo's Cinderella dashing away without even leaving him a shoe behind. Nevertheless, he's determined to find her.
+* Your Eyes (Are Holding Up the Sky) by @em-is-writing for DagaGada :  Ben Solo life is falling apart (as much as one high school senior's life can) - he's failing Pre-Calculus, has been put on academic probation, and can't play on the basketball team until he pulls his grades up. When he's assigned a tutor, he thinks this will be an unmitigated disaster. Life has other plans.
+ But Not To Me by @littlethingsfic for ArdeaJestin : “…Ben?”
He memorizes every detail of her face — flushed cheeks, creased brows, dark eyelashes, wisps of loose hair — framed by the eerie quiet of their destruction. His body is restless like it might burst at the seams, thrilled and dazed by her, by their conquest, by their…
He searches for the words to say but everything sounds wrong. He charges in and decides not to say anything at all,
“Rey, I don’t care about the kriffing fleet —”
He grabs her and kisses her hard.
+ Cheers to Phasma’s Flaming Vibrator by @3todream3 for @rakefiree :  An unfortunate office fire has caused renovations, and the ever punctual Ben Solo has to share an office with Rey Johnson with whom he has a history. He just wish he could remember what he did to piss her off. She apparently doesn't like him much and annoys him with Candy Crush and other little things, not letting him get any work done. Being cooped up in the small office is going to be the death of Ben. What on earth could happen when tempers flare and hormones go crazy???
+* Seven Days with my Toes in the Sand by @erney007 for @em-is-writing :  Memory in his dream, emptiness in his hand, with his toes in the sand. Will she be the one who shows him how to love again?
Desert Magic by @roguesinside for @spiegatrixlestrange : He was hungry, always so hungry. He sweated through the sheets when he dreamed of the desert sun. Shivered under piles of blanket when the sand was lit only by the moons. He tried to magic up an apple, a glass of cool water but the lifeforce around him was so dim that the simple charm wasted away in the desert sand.
The dreams saved him.
+ Oh Captain, My Captain by @elleren31 for @littlethingsfic : In the midst of the Civil War, telegraph officer Captain Samuel Beckwith returns to Washington D.C. and is immediately taken by a beautiful young farmwoman. But love in a time of war can be difficult, especially when you work for the President of the United States.
Historical accuracy AND inaccuracies. Earns its rating later on.
+* Royal Blood by @sweetkyloren for @deadlikemoi : Rey has lived on the streets of Aldera for as long as she can remember but when an aide to Queen Leia takes Rey under her wing she finds herself living a life most can only dream about.
In the years that follow, Rey soon finds herself falling for her two best friends who also happen to be the two heirs to the throne: Ben and Kylo.
+ Ready For It? by @rrwilson66 for @elleren31 :   A tale as old as time, the story of a beast of a killer and a beautiful thief fighting to be together.
+* Unrequited by @rakefiree for @reyloandotherfandoms : Ben loves Rey. Rey loves Ben.
He thinks she loves someone else. She thinks he knows how she feels and doesn't reciprocate the feelings.
What happens when they are trapped in the same house for a weekend?
Welcome to Ben and Rey Pain Train! We have a dog... and stuff.
+* Swipes and Seduction (a tinder AU) by @galaxytrueffle for @tazwren : “Ben.” Was still a faceless and detail-less individuum on tinder. Thus he needed to add his career, height and a little text- before rounding up his introduction with a photograph.
Ben. Corporate lawyer. 189 cm.
What else was there to say about him?
“Hi. I am Ben. 32 years old. I work as a tax lawyer for a well known automotive company. My wife died and now I am a single parent- I work all the time and have literally no hobbies beside working out, one weekly WoW session and spending time with my child on the weekends. Oh- and I haven’t had sex for ages. So if you are interested- match me?”
That is what he should have written- the reality.
But- this was the internet...he didn’t have to be so honest. Especially not in the beginning.
You and Rey<3 have liked each other.
+* Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost by @loveofescapism for @reyloner : “Okay, what if you do find them and they send you away?”
“They won’t.”
“How do you know that?” he asked, and for once he looked like he was genuinely curious to hear her answer. Which, if he wasn’t pissing her off so much, she would have answered much nicer than she did.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I’m their daughter?” she said sarcastically, “They had a good reason for giving me up, you’ll see.”
Rey is traveling the world to find her birth parents after her guardian Maz passes way. She was excited to rediscover herself and more importantly, where she came from. The only thing she wasn't excited about, was the fact that Ben Solo was tagging along for the journey, his pen and notebook in hand.  
+ A wonderous place for you and me by @kylosgirl9593 for @galaxytrueffle : It's Ben Solo's 30th birthday and his friends decide to throw him a little 'Party’ Rey however has a few *special* presents for Ben. ------------ Ben laid on the ground, hands up in surrender. Rey had one foot on his chest, pinning him down to the ground, he could easily take her down, but he had to accept his defeat.“You had to know this was coming. You just had to. You couldn’t run from me forever, Solo,” she said as she pointed the gun to his chest. She smiled in victory. “Game over.” She pulled the trigger and the green laser beamed through the barrel. The sound of Pac-Man dying filled the room.
+ Close Encounters by @deedreamer for @loveofescapism : It’s like Rey's own personal porn reel is playing against the inside of her lids. Her body is reacting without her permission.
She sucks in a breath and re-crosses her legs, suddenly feeling a tingling sensation at her center. Her nipples harden and strain against the fabric of her bra and the silky material of her shell is cool against her belly, making the sensation even more extreme.
Rey feels her chest and cheeks flush, and she wonders if she looks as hot and bothered as she feels. Because that would be really embarrassing. She’s a professional, for God’s sake.
+* Don’t You Forget About Me by @rebelrebelreylo for @my-jedi-life : He wrote the letter ten years ago, but it’s still burning a hole in his pocket.
Dear Mr. Skywalker, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.
But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain…
And an athlete…
And a basket case…
A prince…
And a criminal.
Does that answer your question?
Sincerely — The Breakfast Club.
A Breakfast Club AU with not-quite-neat-parallels written for MyJediLife for the Reylo Writing Den Anniversary Exchange. (Yes — Rey is more Bender than anyone else.)
+* A Year of Me and You by crossingwinter for @kylolita : “After you move in with one another, give yourself six months to like one another again,” Maz says, looking at Rey seriously through her bottlecap glasses. 
“I’m not going to fall out of love with—”
“No, no. Not love. Love’s not got anything to do with it, child. Like.”
Non-linear vignettes of various length, set during the first year Rey and Ben live together.
Ben’s Body by @shewhospeakswiththunder for @thelastmorozova :  AU. Rey is an up and coming sculptor specialising in human shape and form. Her new next door neighbour has a body to die for and she's determined to preserve it in marble forever. Now she just has to convince dashing and reclusive Ben to model for her. 
Preferably naked.
+* Sounds of Passion by DagaGada for @rebelrebelreylo : The Sound of Music Modern AU. The two actors meet in the theater production. He's Von Trapp and she's Maria. He's a big star who got roped into it by his mother, who owns the theater. She's fresh out of Juilliard.
Will they go past their hate at first sight? What if the heated fight turns into something different but equally heated? Will they find passion for theatre and each other together?
* Grabbing Your Attention in Detention for @shewhospeakswiththunder by @ashtyntaytertot :  Ben is a troubled teen in high school and Rey doesn't like him because of that, but he likes her. A lot.
+ Let Me Put My Darkness In You by ArdeaJestin for @terestriel :  Hux catches his boss composing love poems, attempts to wreak havoc, and wonders why smartphones don't exist.
+* At the Stroke of Midnight by @bunilicious for @midnightbluefox : He knew.
The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, and it was only the warmth of his hand on her elbow that kept her upright. How else could she explain the determination beneath his soulful gaze?
He was iron, wrapped in the finest velvet.
“Rey,” Ben spoke at last, his voice barely above a whisper.
Yes, she wanted to scream. I am the masked woman who waltzed with you underneath the moonlight. The one who ran away when the clock struck twelve. The one who lost her shoe at the foot of the stairs.
But he had to say it first. He had to.
“Rey.” He took a deep breath, eyes fixed upon her expectant face. “I need you to help me find her.”
Her dreams were made of glass. And in that moment they had shattered.
+* Ravenous by @aknightofwren for @bunilicious :  38 ABY. Nearly four decades since the Battle of Yavin. The greatest of all great wars has finally come to an end. The Resistance has been disbanded, allowing those seeking comfort and security among their ranks to finally pursue the lives they had always dreamt of. But something sinister is lurking in the lush greens of the Forest Moon of Endor, something that not even the Skywalker's could have seen coming.
+ Shape of you by @looc-at-me for @deedreamer :  Ben Solo has been babysitting a group of grumpy old men who are often referred to as immortal rock legends for nearly two years and he's at his wits end. Deciding to spend the last concert of The Vaders worldwide tour on the ground floor with the other fans instead of backstage, Ben manages to meet a brown-haired beauty and they instantly connect before a family secret resurfaces.
+* Refuse Me by @kylolita for @aknightofwren : It’s the most contact she’s received in years, since her Grandpa was still alive.
This Alpha’s touch is electric, completely unfamiliar but just what she needs. Her eyes automatically find his, they are molten brown, and everything in her wants to examine those eyes forever and-
What am I doing? some sensible part of her screams at herself. Whatever he bids, another part answers.
Rey’s plan to live her life to the fullest as an Alpha falls apart when a classmate discovers her secret.
* And There You Were by @reyloandotherfandoms for @happilyeveraftereveryday : The phone rings in the middle of the night, and it's some man Rey doesn't know, demanding to speak to someone whose name she does not recognize. Why she doesn't just hang up on him is beyond her.
But she doesn't.
+* Love Potions and Legalities by @hellomelusine for @ohwise1ne :  When Kylo Ren, best Law Enforcement Warlock on Leia Organa-Solo's team, is tasked with apprehending a girl, untrained, but blatantly brewing and selling illegal love potions, he's less than enthused, the task beneath his station. What he expects and what he gets are two wildly different things when he finally breezes into Rey's shop in the desert town of Niima, Jakku.
+* Kingdom for a Kiss by @reyloner for @commandercrouton : “His name day is only moonturn away — there’s to be a great feast in his honour. And, best of all, a tourney he’ll be sure to compete in. He’s a good jouster — I have faith in his victory.” She leans in, a sly smile working alighting her elegant features. “Winning make men bold. It warms the blood, inflates their egos. It makes my Husband insufferable and my son want to celebrate.”
 “Oh.” Rey frowns. “How can you be sure he’ll win?”
“I cannot.” Leia admits. “But I can hope.”
Lady Rey Kenobi, the last surviving member of a once great house, is to wed the future King of Naboo. 
Only, Prince Benjamin Amidala seems determined to avoid her at all costs - even in consummating the marriage.
+* No Deliverance by @orkindofamazing for @ashtyntaytertot : Kylo Ren had seen beauty, witnessed the splendor of creation and the power of destruction, was well acquainted with desire and longing. Yet none of it compared to the strength and beauty of the tempest he was witnessing here.
The only thing he understood with any degree of certainty was the fact that he inexplicably wanted to be closer. In a trance-like state, he advanced, and his feet seemed to move across the ground of their own volition.
Kylo Ren wasn't very good at being a demon, but then he hadn't been a very successful angel, either. However, when he is sent to tempt and bind an immortal named Rey, it's a challenge unlike anything he's faced before.
+ Art for You Octopi My Heart by @spiegatrixlestrange for @orkindofamazing :  An art gift for an amazing person.
Every single one of these fics was so wonderful and we are so lucky to have such talented people in our discord server! A huge thanks to everyone who participated, we can’t wait to do the next one!
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seelaa26 · 4 years
4. Echo
“Anybody out there? ‘Cause I don’t hear a sound. I’m out on the edge and I’m screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs but it’s never enough ‘cause my echo is the only voice coming back”
-¿Why don’t you just get over it?
-Because you cheated –Warrick answered while he was driving.
-No, I did not –I laughed at the accusation- I told you, I’m good at playing pool.
-I’ve never met a woman who is good at billiards.
-¿Since when do you have a master’s degree at the macho university? –I exclaimed surprised by his comment- That doesn’t sound like you at all.
-It is not macho, it is statistical –he looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled. I knew he was provoking me on purpose- ¿How many female billiards champions do you know?
-Oh my god, I’m so jumping off the car right now.
-No need to –he parked the car- We’re here.  
We got out of the car and opened the trunk to get the field kits. I already had my own kit, since after I’ve been with them for a while, Grissom said that it was time for me to go from observation to practice, obviously with supervision. Apparently, this case wasn’t very complicated; two girls had run over a boy.
-First of all, ¿do you remember the rule of the Seven S’s? –Warrick asked me.
-The first two are in charge of the police; Secure the scene and Separate the witnesses –I looked at the cordoned area and remember the other five- Scan the scene, Seeing the scene, Sketch the scene, Search for evidence and Secure the collected evidence.
The first marker I put was on a bag full of beer cans that I had found on the sidewalk. The next evidence I found was a broken tail light, and after taking the evidence pictures, I bagged it. Warrick was crouched down watching the victim’s torso when he called me.
-¿You see it? –he asked me pointing at the boy.
-Two distinct tire treads; one wide and one narrow.
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-Given the extensive bruising from the wide trade mark, victim was killed by a larger vehicle, not that compact –he explained- The two girls ran over a corpse.
After collecting the evidence found at the crime scene, I sealed them by writing my initials and the date on each evidence container. The chain of custody is the documentation and preservation of the evidence. If the chain of custody is broken, that means that all the evidence collected it inadmissible in court. Sloppy chain of custody work can mean failing to serve justice and letting a criminal walk free.
While we collected the evidence at the scene, they took the body to the coroner and performed the autopsy so when we got back to the Lab, Warrick checked in the evidence while I went to the morgue with Sara and Grissom.
-Printed your hit-and-run and AFIS found a match –Dr. Albert Robbins explained- Brian Clemonds, 22, born in Vegas and he’s deaf.
-¿You can tell he’s deaf by his fingerprints? –I asked surprised.
-Actually, yes. He was printed as part of a state aid program but to confirm I examined his ear canal. Normally, the malleus is shaped like a hammer; a long, smooth handle connecting to a blunt head, but Brian’s malleus is knotted, both of them, birth defect.
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-There’s a college for the deaf about a mile from where we found him –Grissom added as a possible connection.
-So, Brian takes a walk, crosses the street, doesn’t hear the car, gets creamed.
-The vehicle, probably a truck or an SUV, based on the width of the tire tread , takes off. Later, along comes a compact-thump and runs over a dead body –Sara ends the explanation of what happened.
-Maybe, maybe not –Dr. Robbins lifted up the sheet and showed us the vic’s right hand- ¿See the dried blood on his knuckles? No associated wounding. Blood’s probably not his.
-The kid was in a fight.
Accompanied by an officer, Grissom and I headed to the house where the victim’s mother lives. No one had notified her yet, so we had that task left for us. Grissom, who was behind the wheel, parked and before getting out of the car he looked at me.
-¿Have you already notified someone in any case?
-No, I haven’t –I denied with my head- I have offered my condolences before, but not as a CSI.
-There’s a study that says that 72% of people who have lost a loved one, can perfectly remember the face of the person who gave them the news –Grissom said to me- That means that for many people, you are the living image of the worst day of their lives.  
-¿How do you do it..? –I asked a little bit affected by what he said- ¿How do you face that you are one of the worst memories?
-By finding out the truth and hope it will bring them justice and peace.
Grissom took the initiative to get out of the car and I followed him. On our way to the front door of the house, I thought about what he had told me and realized that he was very wise and the right person to look at if I wanted to learn.
-¿Mrs. Clemonds? –Grissom asked as he held up his ID for her to look at- My name is Gil Grissom, this is Laura Serrano. We are with the Las Vegas Crime Lab. ¿May we come in for a minute?
She stepped aside and we walked into the house. As we stepped inside we looked around. I noticed a bell near the floorboards, and she noticed.
-My son is deaf –she explained- The bell is connected to the doorbell.
-The bell sets off vibrations which reverberate on the floorboards so that he knows someone’s at the door –Grissom added the information, which it was very curious- Mrs. Clemonds, we are here about your son Brian. There’s no easy way to say this.
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-Oh, god, please no –she started to cry.
-Brian was killed tonight.
-No, no, no –she slowly sat down on the couch, crying- This is my fault. When I was pregnant, I had the German measles and the virus took away his hearing.
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-No, Mrs. Clemonds.. We think he might have been murdered.
-¿Murdered? –she shook her head.
-¿Would you like to talk to a Family Service Counselor?
-Talking is overrated, Mr. Grissom –she laughed weakly- Just find out who did this to my boy, please.
 Sometimes it happened that a crime was reported when the graveyard shift was about to end and it is difficult to leave a case halfway so that’s why we also work day hours, and that’s what happened with this case. Turns out that the victim attended the college for the deaf that Grissom mentioned during the autopsy. Sara and I were the ones in charge of talking with the headmistress. Dr. Gilbert was her name, and we thought we’d need to use an interpreter but neither of us had much experience in this area so we didn’t fare very well.
-Dr. Gilbert.. –Sara said loudly and she turned around to look at the interpreter who stood behind us- We need your help. Brian Clemonds was murdered.
-¿Was he having any difficulties? –I asked the same way Sara was doing it.
-¿Anyone have a grudge against him? –Sara asked again- We understand you don’t want a homicide investigation upsetting your students.
-I’m severely deaf and I can communicate fine -Dr. Gilbert watched us and shook her head- I’d appreciate it if you’d look at me when you speak to me. I wear a hearing aid and I can read lips. You could have asked if I needed an interpreter.
-I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to offend you –Sara spoke for both of us- We’re just following protocol.. we need to speak with Brian’s friends and we’ll also need access to his records.
-The crime didn’t happen here, it happened out there.
-We are not accusing anybody of anything –I added.
-Neither am I, but there are more of you, ¿right? –she shook her head in a mad way- Send someone else, someone with more understanding of this school and my students.
-Dr. Gilbert, we are here now and evidence is time-sensitive.
-¿How can you solve a crime without understanding the victim? –In a frustrated way, she signed to the interpreter, so we turned back to look at her.
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-Um.. She’s kicking us out.
We both left the office and when we arrived at the parking lot, we saw Grissom getting out of his car.
-¿How’d it go?
-They’re not cooperating –I explained- She kicked us out.
-¿What did you do? –he asked worried.
-¿What did we do? Met the headmistress and asked a few questions –Sara answered indignantly- She was kind of hostile, like it’s our fault we can hear.
-All right, let’s go –Grissom made his way across the campus and walked into the office- ¿Dr. Gilbert? I’m Gil Grissom, with the Crime Lab. You kicked my people out of your office.
-Well, I’m kicking you out too –she stood up and indicated the door.
-Look, your student is dead. ¿Don’t you want to know who is responsible? I do.
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Grissom stopped her and signed as he spoke. Sara and I turned to look each other, surprised to learn this new aspect of Grissom.
-Your people can’t solve this crime.
-¿Why? ¿’Cause they don’t understand the victim? Help them understand.
-When a deaf person meets a hearing person the hearing person so much as says “I’m normal, you’re not”.
-¿Is that what you think I’m saying? –he kept speaking as he signed- A student is dead and maybe you feel responsible. Maybe you’re angry, but don’t be angry with us. We want to help you.
-¿If I agree to cooperate you will include me in your investigation?
-Yes, I will –he nodded- I welcome your involvement. Now, ¿may I see Brian Clemond’s file, please?
Apparently, Brian filed six complaints against his roommate, Paul Arrington. Paul lost his hearing less than a year ago and he hasn’t adjusted, so he’s angry. Paul didn’t read lips or sign, but we needed to communicate with him anyway so Grissom had an idea. Back at the Police Department, all of us working on the case were waiting for Paul to come.
-So, ¿you going to tell us how you learned to sign? –Sara asked.
-Well, the president of the college is a real whack job.
-Sara, you see deafness as a pathology –he explained- For Dr. Gilbert, her deafness is not her handicap, it’s her way of life.
-You know, I think you might be siding with her.
-As long as you see this as us versus them, you’re going to have problems on this case.
Luckily, before Sara could respond, Dr. Gilbert and Paul Arrington were walking down the hallway toward us. Grissom went to meet them, and since he was going to be present in the room while they were doing the test, the rest of us were going to be in the observation room.
-¿What was all that about? –Sara closed the door behind us- Grissom signs.
-¿Do you know what Grissom drinks when he goes out at night? –Warrick asked.
-¿He goes out?
-Exactly, ¿who knows anything about that guy? –he nodded as he indicated to look at Grissom, who was putting a head band on Paul’s head- Hey, check that out.
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-Oh, I’ve read about this machine, brain printing, they call it a visual polygraph –I said interested in the subject- Very Frankenstein.
-A couple of years ago Grissom and I used one to interview this rapist –Warrick explained- The guy was mute but his brain waves spoke loud and clear.
-So, you show the suspect slides of the crime scene and if he’s our guy then the oscillator will give him away.
Paul didn’t recollect Brian’s murder, in fact, the pictures of the crime scene were upsetting him so we ruled him out of his roommate’s murder.
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Once we were in a dead end and we had run out of suspects, what we had to do was review all the evidence collected and If we had already done it, we would review it again. Sara, Warrick and I met on the Layout Room to go over everything again. Sara was running the tire treads from the body through the database looking for a match while Warrick and I checked the victim’s clothes.
-¿Any hits? –Warrick asked Sara about the tire treads.
-Not yet, the database contains 11.033 patterns –she exhaled at the number- Could take a while.
With a magnifying glass, Warrick examined the pants and I examined the sweater. It didn’t take long for me to see that there were some little bugs in the sweater. I could get an idea of what they were, but I wasn’t sure.
-Whoa.. ¿what are these?
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-They look like lice –Warrick said when he checked it- ¿Wasn’t our dead guy clean?
-Yes, he was –Sara answered while tucking her hair- Lice adhere to hair follicles. I didn’t find any stray hairs on him.
-¿He was in a fight, right? –I looked for an explanation- Maybe his attacker had lice and they crawled off on his sweater.
Grissom walked by the doorway and when he saw us inside, he stopped.
-¿Any luck on the tire treads?
-Computer’s still processing but Laura found something pretty interesting.
-¿You know anything about lice? –I asked him.
-Yeah –Grissom stepped into the Layout Room- They make our head itch. And, after head colds, the most common medical problem affecting children.
-Hey, Grissom, ¿can I see you a second? –Greg rushed into the room and when he saw Sara, Greg waved at her- Stat.
-Stay on the tire treads –Grissom told Sara- ¿Warrick? ¿Laura?
-Yeah, right behind you –Warrick and I rushed to get a sample of the lice and then followed Grissom to the DNA Lab.
-I am the man –Greg said proudly.
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-¿Why? ¿What did you do? Let me guess.. –Warrick spoke- You ran a DNA profile on the blood from the dead guy’s knuckles and you got a match.
-¿You ran a DNA profile and something very distinctive popped up? –Grissom tried.
-Not quite.
-¿You made it out of bed and you dressed yourself? –I joked, causing a little smile on my coworkers.
-¿What is it, Greg? –Grissom asked tired of guessing.
-Just put your nose down the scope –Greg turned around and pointed to the scope. Grissom put his things down and looked- Pyoverdin, a pigment excreted from pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is a bacteria occasionally found in the bloodstream. Your killer has fluorescent blue dots in his blood.
-So, the guy’s a glow-stick –Warrick said without giving it too much importance- ¿How does that help us track him down?
-We have a lead –Sara walked into the lab- I found a partial serial number on the broken taillight. The tire belongs to a Ford Explorer, only one with the same partial serial number is registered in Vegas.
-¿What do you call a guy with blue-dotted blood, lice and keys to a Ford Explorer? –Grissom asked out loud.
-¿A suspect? –I answered and Grissom turned to look at me.
-A killer.
The SUV was registered to Adam Walkey, 18 years old and no prior complaints. Sara and Warrick processed the car and they discovered that the taillight was a match and the presence of head lice on the driver’s seat. The findings in his car gave us the warrant we wanted; his blood and a scalp search. With a licemeister I combed his hair and the surprise was that Adam Walkey didn’t have lice, not even lice eggs and he couldn’t get rid of them since the other night because delousing agents take time to kick in and there would have been evidence of the infestation. Still, we had his blood and the results would give us an answer.
-¡Hey Greg!  -I greeted him while entering the Lab- ¿Do you have..?
-¡Greg, my boy! –Nick’s voice sounded from behind me- Tell me you’ve got the paternity results.
-Sorry, I was first –Nick stood next to me, so I looked at him and smiled.
-Not in the Crime Lab –he smiled and I understood, he was teasing me.
-I didn’t know it was a competition –I turned to stand in front of him and crossed my arms.
-Oh.. You wouldn’t like to compete against me –he smiled proudly.
-The other day, when Warrick and I went out for a drink, you had the chance to prove it but you didn’t show up –I teased him back- Don’t worry, you can ask him who got their ass kicked.
-Warrick has many virtues but playing pool, not one of them –he laughed lightly and came closer- Even Catherine’s daughter would kick his ass.
-I’m pretty sure she’s do the same with yours.
We were both so focused on joking with each other that we didn’t realize that Greg was watching us and clearing his throat to make us listen to him. Like a spell, that moment kept us looking straight into our eyes and unable to avoid smiling. The best think, in my opinion, about liking someone is being able to tease that person and have them return it to you. Honestly, I felt like it was happening between us, as if a flame had been lit during the eye contact.
-¿Am I missing something here? –he asked curiously.
Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who realized that.
-Walkey’s blood sample matches the blood found on Brian’s knuckles.
-First degree murder –Sergeant O’Riley indicated- That’s how we see it.
-In that case, my client is now prepared to make a statement –Adam’s lawyer spoke first- Tell them, Adam.
-I may have hit a guy. I remember hitting something, it was dark. I-I just kept driving, didn’t look back.
-Adam.. we found lice in the driver’s seat of your vehicle but your scalp was clean –Grissom explained- ¿Was there anyone else there? ¿A witness who might support your account?
-Yeah, someone was with me –he looked at his lawyer, and after getting approval, he said the name- Mark Rucker. He can confirm everything I told you.
Dr. Gilbert was with me looking the interrogation through the glass, but suddenly she opened the door and angrily walked into the room. I followed her but I couldn’t stop her.
-¿Is that the coward who killed Brian? –she spoke and signed as she walked slowly toward Adam- ¿What happened? ¿He scare you? ¿Talk a little funny? ¿Make a lot of noises? ¿Screamed? You make me sick.
-¡Get away from me! –Adam screamed.
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Grissom and I held her and took her out into the hallway.
-You offered to help with my investigation and now you’re compromising it.
-You found the killer.
-He has a witness –I added.
-Who will lie for him –she stormed at me.
-The witness can say whatever he wants –Grissom got between us- The important thing is that Adam Walkey was not alone when he killed Brian.  His witness is our other suspect.
-I just have one question –Grissom sat in front of the suspect, Mark Rucker- ¿Does your head itch?
-¿Do I have to answer that? –he laughed.
-According to Adam Walkey you were with him in his SUV the other night and your head lice.. confirmed his statement. They also tell me you were driving.
-Yeah, yeah, I was with him. And, like he told you, we didn’t know we hit a guy.
-¿How do you know what Adam told us? –O’Riley wondered.
-It was around midnight and we were listening to the radio, I changed the station and Adam got pissed. We thought we hit a dog so we kept driving. It’s the truth.
-The evidence says otherwise –Grissom refuted- There weren’t just lice in the SUV. There were lice on the victim’s sweater. ¿Do you know what lice eat? Blood, and I’m pretty sure I can prove that the lice on Brian Clemonds came from your head.
-We got out of the car –he confessed- ¡I didn’t want to leave him like that! Adam talked me into it, he had a scholarship to Duke next year, you know. He couldn’t risk it.
-Let me tell you what I think happened –Grissom sighed- You and Adam saw Brian walking out of a liquor store carrying a six-pack. You’re underage, maybe you wanted him to front you some beer. Brian doesn’t respond then you got out of the car. You started taunting him and then everything escalated. The blood on the victim’s knuckles led us to Adam and a stray hair left behind lice, which brings us to you. It would have ended there, as you were about to drive away, something in your rearview mirror caught your attention. Brian was screaming, so you ran over him and then took off.
-I want a lawyer.
-Let me tell you something, son.
-Gil, the interrogation is over –O’Riley indicated- He requested counsel.
-No more questions, just this –Grissom slowly got to his feet- ¿You know why Brian Clemonds ran away from you? It was dark, you were shouting at him and he didn’t understand what you were saying. Brian Clemonds was deaf.
Mark Rucker looked up at Grissom.
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-He was afraid of you, but you were more afraid of him.. ¿weren’t you?
Some people are just afraid and that’s why they killed Brian Clemonds; because he was different. People get lost in the moment without realizing what that can entail. ¿How many lives have been lost for not stopping to think and instead of acting out of fear, acting out of kindness? ¿When have we become fearful and selfish people? ¿Where is the willingness to understand and help?
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High School AUs (based on real experiences I’ve had) pt. 2
So, here’s another fifty weird prompts, since people seemed to like the first ones...
(Part 1)
51. You're twice my size and have huge muscles, but you got told off by our teacher for going on your phone, so she took your phone and placed you next to me. I was super nervous, but then you began whispering to me about how the only reason you kept using your phone was because you work at an old age home, and one of the nurses there is sending you updates on the residents. I think I just melted.
52. My friends and I have been calling you "Muscle Man Mark" for the good part of the last two years, but we don't actually know your name or anything about you. All we know is your biceps are the size of your head. One day, you overhear us talking about you and buRST OUT LAUGHING WHEN YOU FIND OUT YOUR NICKNAME.
53. You and your best friend are Russian exchange students and you're in my art class. You are at least a head taller than me and look like you could crush my skull with one hand, but your best friend is the scrawniest motherfucker I've ever seen. You glare at everyone, while he smiles like sunshine. I kind of ship you together... but I'm pretty sure you overheard me say that to my friend, because you both keep looking at me now.
54. Some freshmen stole my group's usual spot and they woN'T LEAVE. You see me getting increasingly irritated because this has been our spot for the last three and a hALF YEARS AND I WILL BE DAMNED IF I LET THEM TAKE IT NOW. You stroll over and tell the freshmen to leave without even explaining why, and they just get up and walk away. Turns out you're their class' assigned prefect, so you pretty much own them AND I AM AWED BY YOUR POWER.
55. My friend and I went to a department store after school. We were apparently more rowdy than I thought because the store manager is coming up to us, looking really angry, but he's wearing a purple shirt and I just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind when I'm nervous... so I say "Doctor Banner this is not the place to Hulk out" and he fucking loses it.
56. Everyone in our friend group knows that we're no longer welcome at the comic book store down the road. There are some crazy theories as to why, but in reality it's because you bought a sword from there and forced me to ducktape it to your arm, then proceeded to try picking a fight with everyone in the store.
57. We were walking through a park in the middle of the night and saw a really weird light in the distance, and our conspiracy-enthused asses immediately assumed it was something crashing to Earth. You turn to me and say; "If this is it, I need you to know... (insert whatever you want)." ... Turns out it was just a weirdly shaped paper lantern.
58. You're my best friend and you've just realized you aren't as straight as you previously thought, but instead of coming out to me in some quiet sort of nervous way, you just turn up at my house one day and throw open the door. Without even checking who was home you yell out; "I'm bisexual, bitches!"
59. We've been friends for years, but we've never been that close. One day you get drunk before school and a teacher noticed, so you get suspended for the rest of the week, and for some strange reason you only told me about it??
60. We were on a school trip and you asked if anyone had a pair of scissors, but no one did. Instead, my best friend pulled out a craft knife and I pulled out a pocket knife with a four-inch blade. You're a little bit concerned.
61. We've been out all night walking around and we've just wandered on to our school's grounds. You insist on climbing up onto the roof - and no, of course we can't just use the stairs, we have to climb a tree and scale the second-storey wall because you're fucking hardcore like that - just so that we can watch the sunrise.
62. You're this really scary-yet-super-smart kid that never really talks to anyone other than the teachers, but one day it's really, really cold and you turn up in a Christmas sweater, and I just... can't compute?
63. You were sitting next to me at lunch while I was searching through my bag for my house keys. I absentmindedly unpacked all the little trinkets I've collected over the past few weeks and just haven't taken out, while you become increasingly curious and simultaneously afraid. I've just taken out 3 lighters, a pocket knife, lip balm, a bus card, a first-aid kit, a small flashlight, a box of matches, like 6 pens, and what looks like it might be a wooden cube covered in blood.
64. We sit next to each other in our music class. I don't know a damn thing about music, while you're pretty much the top student. You're literally in the orchestra and three different bands, all at the same time. I'm barely scraping by in the class, so you take pity on me and teach me a few things.
65. Since sophomore year, you've always been followed around by the younger kids at lunchtime. No one has any idea why, but it always happens. Every semester of every year, you pick one of the students to pretty much become your protege. By senior year, the challenge of becoming your protege has pretty much become our school's Hunger Games and it's absolutely hilarious.
66. Most of our friend group is staying the night at your house, so we've been drinking some beer and playing random games. You and your best friend then decide to put on all your goalie gear and wrestle in the garage, while the rest of us sit on the pool table and question why we're friends with either of you in the first place.
67. I just moved out of my parent's house and into an apartment. You and your best friend are my new roommates, but I only meet you after four days of living there. You call a house meeting as soon as you walk through the door, but when we find you in the living room you've got branches in your hair, mud on your clothes, and you're only wearing one shoe.
68. I had a huge fight with my parents, so I packed some things into a bag and walked out the door. Three hours later, I'm wandering aimlessly through a park and decide to call you for advice, since you moved out of your parents' house for similar reasons. You pick me up twenty minutes later and offer to let me take your couch for as long as I need.
69. I was sitting in the library before school when you came past me and hit me on the head with a pile of paper. When I turn to look at you, you're showing off a twelve-page essay and say; "'Can't do it the night before,' my ass."
70. You had six shots of espresso one after the other right before lunch, then came to sit with our group. You spend the entire hour asking us weird philosophical questions, until eventually you just start asking us what would happen if we laminated certain things. Now we're going around the school asking every technology teacher we find if they have a laminator so that we can test some of these theories. It's for science!
71. You took one of the freshmen under your wing this year, so you go to check up on him at least once a week and insist on buying him food. You have dubbed him your son and will literally tell anyone willing to listen about how great your 'sweet summer child' is.
72. We sit together in class, but we never hang out outside of that class. One day, my friend buys four tickets to a movie premiere for us and a couple of our friends, but one of the people who were meant to go had to cancel, so I ask you if you want to go 'cause I know you've been looking forward to seeing the movie too.
73. We went to go ask a teacher a question, but he gets side-tracked because I'm wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt and he wants to talk about the band. You keep giving me exasperated looks and whispering; "Stay focused, we're on a mission."
74. I was walking down one of the hallways, when you suddenly pulled me into an empty storage room. Before I can even ask what is going on, you shove $70 in my hand, and then push me back out. Why in the hell are you just giving me money???
75. We were on a school field trip, but you were only there when they were taking the roll (at the beginning and end of the trip), so the next day you ask me to give you a quick summary of everything we saw and learnt for when the teacher inevitably asks us what happened.
76. You came in to a meeting for a club we're both in carrying three bags stacked up with apple crumble in little foil trays. And everyone is just like ???? Why?? Turns out no one in your hospitality class likes apple crumble, so you got 30 trays of it for free.
77. We both take the same bus all the way to the exchange every day, but you usually just get on another bus, while I leave the exchange 'cause I live nearby. One day you have to go to a store that's in the same area, so you ask me what street you have to go down to get there and I'm like "How would I know?" and that's how you find out I don't even know the name of the street I LIVE on, I just walk there through muscle memory alone.
78. I was at the grocery store with my mother. I saw you staring at me, so I smiled and said 'hi' as I passed you, but then you tried to say something back, while still walking, and ended up walking straight into a display. I feel really bad for laughing, but that's honestly the funniest thing I've seen all day.
79. You and your girlfriend just broke up, so you come over to my house to distract yourself. We end up watching all the Godfather movies, drinking a 24 box of beer and most of a bottle of vodka. By morning, we are both somehow passably fluent in Italian, though we have no idea how that happened.
80. You stay the night at my house and sleep on my bedroom floor, but you get woken up at three in the morning by my cat who is not happy about you taking up his pile of blankets.
81. We have a movie night/sleepover with our group of friends. We are each other's wing-people with our respective crushes, but neither of us sleep that well and we seem to be the only people who can put up with each other for extended periods of time, so now it's about four in the morning and we're trying not to wake everyone else up while we're giggling about random inside jokes we have.
82. I came for a sleepover at your house, but you have two siblings who are much younger than you, and for some unknown reason your 8-year-old brother is up at six in the morning playing with fuCKING BEYBLADES ON WOODEN FLOOR BOARDS AND IF I HEAR THAT GODDAMN THING GO OFF ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR TO GOD.
83. Your best friend, my best friend, and the two of us are passing a relatively small bottle of 'water' (it's vodka, guys) between us, while we walk with the rest of our group through a super posh neighbourhood in the wee hours of the morning. Given that one of our friends lives in the neighbourhood, we've been ordered to be on our best behaviour and not bring any alcohol to this party. Unfortunately, turns out you are the lightest of all the lightweights and now we're trying our best to hide the fact that you're drunk from the rest of our friends.
84. We're walking around our neighbourhood, just trying to explore a little, but we're also drunk and there's this buff as all-hell guy taking his very small dogs for a walk. The first time we pass the guy, we just coo and tell him he has cute dogs, before continuing on our way, but then we pass him again on our way back around the block. The guy lets us pet his dogs, so we end up just sitting on the side of the road petting these tiny dogs while this big-ass guy just laughs at our weird drunk asses.
85. We met at a party a while ago and exchanged numbers, but we've never really spoken much since. One day, you text me out of the blue asking if I want to come to a family BBQ on Saturday. Apparently your parents are super conservative and literally don't approve of anyone that isn't prim and proper. You want to scare them into leaving you alone when it comes to who you date, and I'm the only person you know that a) wears Iron Maiden and Megadeath t-shirts, b) is very openly queer, c) does not give a single fuck about what others think of me, and d) has a reputation as someone who likes to piss off overbearing parents. So... you think I'll be perfect for the job.
86. We both live really far out of town, so we usually get dropped off really early and have to bus for hours to get home. Because of this, we usually end up spending like and extra 3-4 hours a day together, and so we've sort of gotten super close and know way more about each other than anyone else does. Including your strange obsession with making the perfect whiskey.
87. We've been on-and-off frenemies since freshman year, but we've been hanging out a lot lately. Like, almost the entire school day and then we meet up outside of school to watch movies, go to parties or have sleepovers. In the past week or so, this guy in one of my classes has been trying to hit on me and hang out with me whenever I've got a spare moment, but he keeps getting shut down because you're always with me. Now, practically everyone we know is convinced we're dating.
88. You and your best friend sometimes spend your lunchtimes with my group of friends, and you are both super intimidating, but super cute underneath. Most people don't realize this until they see the two of you together because that's almost the only time you guys let it show. Like that time you hand-fed each other pizza, or that time you were trying to sing together but you kept getting distracted and laughing. I ship it SO HAAARD.
89. We were in class and our teacher knew that none of us would be doing any work today, so she gave us a short quiz to do and then started just chatting with us. She is a really adorable and sweet old lady who is always friendly and supportive of us all, though she thinks partying and smoking and stuff like that is horrible. The conversation somehow got onto this fact, and you called me out as being someone who parties relatively often, so I called you out by saying; "Well, you smoke all day every day, so let's focus on that." And our teacher thought I meant you smoke marijuana, and that's how we ended up finding out that this adorable tiny lady doesn't mind people smoking weed as long as they’re responsible about it. AND she once accidentally threw out $300 worth of her son's weed because she didn't realize what it was.
90. One lunchtime you brought up some kind of fact about the Soviet Union, and it reminded me of the story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko... and that's how we found out we were both obscure history buffs and we ended up spending four hours talking about all the random stuff we knew.
91. You're an art student and your folio is due in a few hours. You haven't slept in two and a half days and you've had so many energy drinks that you can hardly even see straight, but you're still really determined to get things done. I come to the art studio at lunch time to keep you company, but I end up having to stop you from drinking dirty water and walking into a wall, since apparently your brain isn't doing the job for you.
92. We're frenemies, so we don't always get along, but we live nearby each other and are usually free at the same times because we have our free period at the same time and often work the same hours. Because of this, we are often the only members of our group of friends that can meet up regularly. One day, I owed you some food so I bought you a 6 for $5 pack of muffins ('cause I'm cheap and don't like you) and came over to your house to watch the Breakfast Club. Your sister and her friend are also there, and they think they're being quiet, but I can hear them talking about how they think we're dating.
93. We went to the beach to hang out with a bunch of people we were friends with, but who were not in our immediate group of friends. Because of this, we weren't as comfortable around the other people there, so we mostly stuck to each other for the night. Anyway, around 9PM a large group of college students sort of stumbled in to where we were all sitting around a fire, and asked if they could join us. By the end of the night, all of the college students are convinced we're dating, won't believe us when we say we're each other's wing-people, and have dubbed us 'Star-crossed Lovers'.
94. You're house sitting at your neighbour's 50 acre farm and invite me over for a few days because the farm has goats on it and you know I love them to death. By the time I have to leave I'm genuinely considering just stealing one, while you think my love for goats is the cutest thing you've ever heard.
95. We went to the beach for a party, but at one point I managed to somehow hurt my toes. I don't remember how it happened, only that you were there and I ignored it at the time. In the morning my toes are kinda blue and I can't bend them, and we later discover that I somehow managed to break two of my toes. You feel really bad since the whole night had been your idea, and you had been involved in how I got hurt, though you won't tell me what happened.
96. You broke your nose twice within a couple weeks, so you have to get surgery to fix it since it's so bad that you can't breathe properly anymore. After the surgery, you aren't allowed to really do much of anything for a while, so I come over with some of our friends to keep you company and make sure you're okay.
97. It's waaaaay too hot outside, but we're supposed to hang out so you come over with ice cream. You find me lying down on my kitchen floor, feeding my cats ice chips.
98. We have our birthday on the same day, so we decide to throw our party together. We invite all of our friends, mutual and otherwise, to your house for the day. By the end of the night, there's been at least three fist-fights, one guy climbed on your garage's roof in nothing but his underwear, and we're both questioning why we ever thought this was a good idea.
99. You're my ride home from a friend's house, but you have to stop at your house to grab something before we go. Once we get there, you make me hot chocolate and leave me alone with your dog, while you go get ready. When you come back, your dog is sitting on my lap - despite being huge as hell - and refuses to move.
100. We jokingly proposed to each other because we're the only people we know who want to have a pagan handfasting ceremony instead of a 'normal' wedding, and one day your mum came up to us while we were at your house and asked you, "Well, have you asked her yet?" And when you asked what she meant she sarcastically said; "To marry you, obviously." Caught off guard, you immediately blurted out; "How did you know about that?" ... turns out your mum actually wanted to know if you'd asked me to come camping with the family yet, but she was suddenly much more interested in "WHat do you meAN YOU PROPOSED?" which led to an awkward hour of us having to explain that you hadn't actually proposed, it was a joke. We swear.
Hope you like my rollercoaster life. Like before, if you happen to use these for a story, I would love it if you could tag me or send me a link or something. I’d love to read them!
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What happened when I tried to become French
(CNN) — Julien was a tennis instructor with steel shoulders, blue eyes and two terraces we could never sit on because he stuffed them both with his marijuana plants.
Everyone back home in New York City told me that if I’d move to France I’d fall for some French guy, and that French guy was Julien. (Well… at first it was a guy named, Nico, but he had a girlfriend.)
It was the summer of 2008, and I was 28 years old and I’d done the crazy thing and moved to Montpellier, France. My rent was 250 euros a month. I munched an entire crusty baguette each and every single day. I got tan on Mediterranean beaches and I got drunk on bottles of pale French beer at open-air boîtes de nuit (night clubs.)
Very quickly, I’d become that girl, dating that French guy and living exactly that French dream we all think will be so damn beautiful.
And it really is…
… until it really isn’t.
If I’d stayed in Montpellier, I might still be that French girl. After several months, though, I couldn’t get the French dream to match the French reality, and that damn return ticket was always there waiting for me.
Escape from New York
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Turns out Montpellier is France’s seventh largest city.
PASCAL GUYOT/AFP via Getty Images
I’d been living in New York City for eight years in one insect-ridden apartment after another. I had a job in television programming my coworker described as “moving color bars around a screen all day.”
I was tired of the crowded expensive city and I needed much more than a two-week vacation. I have dual American and French citizenship thanks to my Caribbean dad, and I was thinking the French life would be for me.
So, I decided to attend a language school. All across Europe you’ll find these small, non-credit, unofficial schools which offer three or so hours of conversational classes per day. They help students find housing and organize group activities. They’re probably meant for European college students, but they attract anyone looking for a short escape.
In my case, it was a crutch to a new start in French life.
Once I bank transferred my 1,000 euros for my first month of classes at Odyssea Language School, I got on the web to buy a one-way British Airways ticket leaving in June. Then I panicked. I clicked instead on a refundable round trip returning in October. If my savings ran out, and I couldn’t find a job, the return was already paid for.
The school was in the Languedoc region in southern France. From the online photos, the town looked blissfully suburban compared to New York and Boston (my college town.)
In fact, Montpellier is France’s seventh largest city.
My creamy colored heaven
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Day trips from my French school included an outing to the historic city of Avignon.
AFP Contributor / Contributor
When I arrived, I stashed my stuff in a closet-sized room in a tiny apartment the school hooked me up with. I shared it with a girl who spoke not much English and not much French.
With no help from her, I somehow figured out how to explore the town on my own before my classes started.
Montpellier is actually a sprawling little city known for big universities that bring in 50,000-plus students seasonally.
Tall clusters of apartment buildings and department stores dot the outskirts and a small metro snakes in and out of the town center. The central square, or Place de la Comédie, is paved in white and cream-colored stones and anchors a maze of tiny shops and restaurants.
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Every friend in this photo comes from different ends of the Earth: Italy, Hong Kong, Canada, US and Germany.
Channon Hodge
There were too many historical buildings to count, but I vividly remember walking by a plaque commemorating one of the first medical schools in France. It had been there since before the United States was even a concept. That’s when my decade spent studying American History seemed rather trite.
On a tour the school organized, I learned about Europe’s southern history before borders carved it up. Some of the townspeople still speak a Catalan language and love explaining the region’s ties to Spain before it became part of France. They made sure Catalan names were etched on signs along with the French ones and their independent spirit was a precursor of what I would eventually encounter when I finally found a job.
The Spaniards taught us how to play ‘Merde’
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Open-air clubs were everywhere in a region where summers are long and winters are mild.
Channon Hodge
The school organized wine and cheese “meet and greets” for new students and bus trips to Avignon and Carcassonne. They organized trivia nights at the local British pub, The Shakespeare, and made sure everyone gathered for outdoor watch parties to see the French lose out in the World Cup.
The social part seemed as equally important to the language classes. I’d taken French in high school, college and even doled out $500 for classes at New York’s Alliance Francaise. My entrance exam at Odyssea informed me that none of that effort put me above “advanced-beginner.”
I could answer “Comment allez-vous?” but I couldn’t have a conversation for more than two minutes before becoming mentally exhausted.
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Odyssea – Institut Européen de Français – Language schools attract European students who can take long breaks to learn a language. My friends did not feel the pressure to graduate from university in four years and thought nothing of a long break.
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No worries. These schools have no set term start or end dates. You simply roll in any week at all, get placed with students at your level and “graduate” up if your teacher feels you are ready. That open acceptance helped me make all manner of new friends, including:
Jim — An American film editor determined to pick up a language in between contracts.
Marianna — A vivacious, gorgeous, curly haired Russian Italian who refused to wait in any line ever.
Hannah — An adventurous Canadian who’d eventually convince me to scramble down an off-limits cliff in Marseilles because we’d heard the waters were crystalline blue (they were, and they were freezing).
Felippa — A smiley Swede who shockingly explained that Ikea product names actually have real meanings and who would become my roommate in a much bigger and nicer flat.
A young German couple who’d just had a baby and who were spending their year of parental leave hopping around Europe.
Plus a gaggle of young dance-loving Singaporeans on exchange, a party-hardy group of Italian nuclear scientists sponsored by their company, and a rowdy group of Spaniards.
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We’d spent so many days on the beach, we once foolishly tried spending the night on one. We were frozen by midnight and fled home at 4 a.m.
Channon Hodge
A bunch of us would spend our afternoons biking out to the beach in a town nearby. I’d found a massive red checkered sheet on our apartment’s clothesline and we’d sprawl out on the sand while everyone turned out offerings of cheese, sliced meats, chips, fruits and baguettes.
The Spaniards had a car, they smoked like a coal factory, and they soon taught us a card game they insisted was called “Merde!” (S–t!)
We sadly mostly fell into speaking the more mutually understood English. Try as we might, French all day was simply exhausting. Eventually, though, I did get the accent down straight. That’s all thanks to a lot of fruit and a questionable pick up line.
Framboise, fraise and frozen juice
After a few weeks, I realized if I wanted to stay in Montpellier for a long time I’d need a job. The euro was nearly double the value of the dollar then and my savings were dwindling fast.
Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to find a job as unemployment for young people was around 20%. Businesses were loath to take on news part-time employees because once they had you, they were stuck with you because of labor laws.
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At this organized social event, we learned how to make crepes and a local favorite – bread with goat cheese, honey and herbs de provence. Events cost extra, and the euro’s value was double the dollar then.
Channon Hodge
The Russian Italian convinced me to try working for an Irish bar in town by pretending that my first name, Channon, gave me some Irish cred with the owner. That failed as soon as he realized I was African American.
Instead, he offered me about 15 hours per week making frozen juice at his new Jus Plus store in the mall. It was a new concept in France, then, and I suppose I looked like I could handle a blender.
I easily learned the frozen mixes, mostly based in apple juice, and quickly blended them together before calling out the drink orders to guests.
(Fraise = strawberry, framboise = raspberry)
Customers stared back at me dumbfounded and I didn’t know why. My dear coworkers Stella and Charles helped me to realize that a hard American “r” doesn’t really work in French. I quickly learned to make the correct and softer sound using the middle of my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I describe it as a mix between: a soft g, w, and que.
It worked! Stella also kindly forced me to speak French. Charles was a musician and he loved to explain all the rights I then had as a worker and all the great ways young people were starting revolutions.
The “mec” taught me something else entirely.
Le mec et la petite amie (the guy and the girlfriend)
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I’ve been told French relationships can become serious rather quickly, which is completely at odds with what I’d assumed about French promiscuity.
Channon Hodge
French people do indeed drink lots of wine and eat lots of bread and cheese. But they also guzzle down cheap beer and stock up on tinned meats, packaged toasts, bags of processed cookies and cartons of highly processed milk.
I was drinking beer with a group of friends at a café (which is, in fact, a bar), when a guy named Julien walked up to me and asked in English:
“Where are you from?”
“New York,” I said.
“Oh really?” he asked and then added: “I thought you were from paradise.”
Maybe it was the French accent? Maybe it was the tennis instructor body? I was immediately in like.
We had one date. He kept texting me and after a few weeks he referred to me as his “petit amie'” I quickly learned relationships can really form that easily in France.
Julien had lived off chômage (French unemployment) for nearly two years and would gasp when I used all his beurre on my baguette. He knew not much more English than he’d used to pick me up, so our relationship was mostly about what you think it was mostly about.
One day he did manage to scrounge some cash for gas and we went out to the beach, swimming out as the waters turned choppy and filled my nose with salt.
My days were all free and clear and sunny, until I suddenly couldn’t breathe.
The French way — No bills, no laws, no worries!
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It was completely against the law to scramble down the dangerous cliffs to the water in Marseille, France. Even moms with little children ignored the signage.
Picasa 3.0
I’ll never know if it was all that saltwater, but a week or so after the beach trip my lungs started shrinking. I could barely wheeze. One day it got so bad, I woke up in a panic sinking to the floor beside my bed feeling like my throat had become a red cocktail straw.
When I walked into a doctor’s office, I signed my name on a slip of paper because there was no receptionist, just him. He took a listen to my sad lungs and gave me a prescription for expectorant and a calming agent at the pharmacy. When I asked about the bill, I mentioned my French citizenship, but I admitted I hadn’t worked long enough to get a medical card.
“Well, you’re French so you’re not supposed to pay,” he told me, politely letting me go.
The medicine cost me around 15 euros, but over the next several weeks the infected lungs never quite went away. I never spoke again in France without coughing.
The beautiful haze grows hazy
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My typical morning started with café au lait, baguette with cheese, and French magazines. I lived in four different apartments over the season. My last room cost me €250 per month.
Channon Hodge
The weather got cold and crisp and the beach lost its charm. Then my friends began to leave, one by one returning to their home countries. The Spaniards left, then the Canadian, then the Russian Italian. My cheap summer room had to be turned back over to the fall student I’d sublet it from.
Then the strikes started. First the wine growers protested land taxes. Then the metro stopped working for weeks in the name of metro worker’s rights. The strikes caused chaos and brought attention to a cause, but they always ended without much progress.
To truly improve her French, my roommate enrolled in a real university for the fall and she wanted me to join her. But I couldn’t stomach the idea of being a college student again living in a dorm at then 29. (I’ve only realized now, of course, that 29 is still so young.)
I grew tired of never completely understanding anyone and only getting the gist. I hated all the money I’d spent buying tickets for the wrong day, and having packages sent to the wrong destination. I was frustrated that I couldn’t have a real conversation with Julien.
And it was so hard to shout “fgwquambwazzee!” while coughing.
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While the news in France was full of les grèves (strikes) and the financial crises, the news in the US was becoming more hopeful. Senator Barack Obama was quickly gaining speed as the nominee for President of the United States.
Channon Hodge
At one point I realized I was a lot funnier back in New York. I just didn’t get French humor. I didn’t understand why movies never had a real ending but were instead vaguely unsatisfying. I didn’t get all the constant anger at the government.
Then my coworker Charles started his own revolution in our little shop. He and my British boss screamed at each other over shift changes until he stormed off one day and I lost him, too.
But I still had that return ticket.
Just a tourist again
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Jardin du Luxembourg. I spent my days wandering the beautiful parks of Paris and headed home each night to my dear aunt in Villejuif before nightfall hit.
Channon Hodge
Late September, I left Montpellier and took the TGV up to Paris to stay with my aunt for a few weeks before my flight out. As I rode the smooth train north, I gazed out at vineyards whipping by with their grapes hung low to the ground waiting to be picked and crushed.
In the city, every morning my dear aunt made me a bowl of café au lait along with pâté smeared on bread. She sent me out into the city with a thin paper booklet called “Balades a Paris.” I climbed the bright Montmartre hill, learned Notre Dame’s secrets from a volunteer tour guide and bought a classic leather Cassandra bag at the Marche aux puces.
My mom and my brother joined me for my final two weeks and we were dazzled by the marbled figures at the Musee d’Orsay. We loved the thick chocolate at Angelina cafe. We drove down to see the Loire Valley’s castles.
As the date of my return flight drew closer, I realized I was dreading finding a new job in New York and starting my life there over again. Moving to France hadn’t been so hard after all. What had been difficult was staying there, building up a real life. That’s the work you have to do wherever you choose to go and wherever you try to stay.
I realized too late that you never pick up a language. It simply drags you along till you’re standing.
For a short time, I had been that girl, dating that French guy, living that French dream, but eventually I became just another American in Paris and a return ticket took me home.
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Milwaukee LAW 1.1
Milwaukee law
 ER Blood
Written By smoothie smith
   Intro : In Milwaukee War on Sex Crimes  Sexual bases Crimes are consider hidues these passion  police officers  are assigned to Milwaukee top area these are there stories
                  Marquette Housing Dorm Saturday March 18th 4::45 pm
  WE cut to housing until for Nurses we see two women who  are students at Marquette nurising program come in after a along days work at school she opens the door takes her books down as she opens the kitchen she screams for the other eight nurses
“My father had sex with his wife for the first time in 3 years”
“that must be a Bad Relationship “
“yeah but calls everyday saying thanks to the wife “
The girls knock on the door
“hey lets get something to eat Joan “
Sarah checks her watch
“it’s already five “
They knock again waiting for someone to answer the door
Then they ask the cleaning lady for asst
“sue do you mine”
Sue nods her head “
They go inside after Sue unlocks the door they walk to the living room where see 8 naked women dead and one still alive but in bad shape
“Glenda ,Joan!?”
Sarah goes in to the bed room and Screens
“Code BLUE”
(music in background )
We cut to the police coming In led by two Dectivces  they are decticve Steve Smith and Jerry Briscoe
Jerry comes in which he is greeted by a cop
“Joan Crawdfod 23 12 Stab Wons to the stomach “
“what do we got” Steve walks over a close look as he thinks about what happen
“so the doorbell rings the preson lungs at the girls then the event takes place”
“the roommate was found hiding in the kitchen “
“well we have nurses dead and one just happen to see it “
“nobody saw this preson come out “
Steve looks at Jerry
“Copy cat”
   Hallway we see a bodybag being wheeled out as the two Dec come in for more as they talk to the two women that found them dead
“we went out studying for our mid trems and we came in for a break “
“what time did you come back “
“2:30 to 2:45”
“We just wanted to hang out before we went back to the books”
Steve writes the info done
“thank you will be in touch”
They walk away
   A Officer comes In
Mark Wagner
“we got 8 female students 6 of them were stabed 2 were shot all of them  were Sexaully Assualt we already have lab test sent “
Jerry looks at the crime and gets up
“copy cat”
We see the office of the 2-7 of the Milwaukee Police department we see both Dectivices coming in we see a caption Ray Green come in
“do we know what type of Students the nuruse were “
“dealing with psych patients “
Steve comes in with papers
“we got a Witensss “
He gives the paper to ray
“she was just watching “
“what do you want us to do “
“go see what the doctor has in the exam room I’ll call Dr.Ovilet  “
“lets see if there were other people there”
“I like that Idea”
 Medical exam room
Tuesday march 23 1:00 pm
 Milwaukee Police deapratment office 22
We see steve and jerry working on the case they start calling people that might have been at or around the apartment
“alright thanks “
He hangs up
Steve keeps talking
“and what’s your name Susan Simon ok thank you will be right over”
“what do you got caption “
Steve looks at both of them
“Susan simon was just on the phone she was rape at knife point a couple of weeks ago by a man go and talk to her I will talk to the officers that she talked to “
“don’t you want us call J.K”
“not yet”
They leave
1324 N. Clybourn street 4:00 pm we see Steve and Jerry get out of the car walk over to the house and knock on the door
“you know my Uncle always told me trust nobody “
“didn’t your Uncle have two ex wife’s “
The door opens the women answers
“who are you “
Jerry and Steve flash there badge
“oh come in”
They go into Susan Living room they sit down in front of a seated  susan
“now we are sorry for what happen to you now can you tell us what happen and who it was “
Susan puts her cup of tea down goes to the window
“he had a southern draw in voice his name is Aaron Isbell “
They write down
“what did he do to you “
“I told the officer what happen the guy held me at gun point took my pants down and did his thing”
“two things would you mine coming downtown with for a voice skit”
They leave the house
We cut to the Department we see the two men working at the phones
“nope sorry “
He hangs up the phone
Ray comes in
“what do you got “
Jerry gives out a note
“listen a women in Wausau Wisconsin was Rape at knife point and the dectivces were told he had a drawel “
“a drawl “
Steve looks with his hands to face like he’s in love with the details
“this I gotta hear”
“so I called a couple of bars in the local area like in greenfield and Upper East side by the Unviersity and one name keeps poping up “
“who “
“Aaron Isbell”
“didn’t go to Green bay for a robbery “
Steve looks at the computer
“5 years”
“find him, I will talk to peter and Ryan “
They leave to find him
They drive to 25th and state
“who hell would live here “ steve looks around
“drive to east side”
They drive to Dowener ave
“nothing “
They see a pizza place
“you want to get some pizza for a break”
“sure “
We see the two dectivces eating pizza ray walks in with dectivce Anderson
“this is dectivce Curtis anderson this is dec steve Logan and Jerry Brisoce “
“hello I am a dectivce with Whitefish Bay police department  i have information about Aaron Isbell but first I want to tell you something “
“go ahead the pizza is getting cold “
“where do you think someone would go if they are a target for a mass murder case”
“south side of Milwaukee “
“I will call the DA”
Curtis leaves before getting a phone call from Cloumbia st marys hospital which is in  
“Hold up “
Jerry and steve wait
“they got Aaron Isbell “
“where “
“Columbia St. Mary “
They look at each other
St mary hospital recover room we see a doctor in Emegercy Medicence writing down something on a piece of paper the dec come in
“where is he”
Dr. Evans
“I am don evans please this way”
They walk
“I knew you guys were looking for him the despection from the whitefish bay police department said the man had a tattoo on his forarm Hell is here I love it “
“you believe this is the guy”
“I am very condieft “
“ do you understand what he is being charged with “
“8 counts of murder “
Don looks stund as they walk into the room
“hello aaron “
“I don’t remember anything “
“I don’t remember what”
Aaron raise his voice again
“I don’t remember anything”
Ray goes by the door
“ get the wittenss and I will get the warrant to run some test like finger prints and blood “
Hosptial wing we see Ray with a file sheet and a women who was attack along with Steve and Jerry and ADA Bethany Kincad comes in
“it’s a match “
Ray looks
“all we need is the wittenss bring her in “
They bring the witeenss in
“now he’s not going to see you all you need to do is tell us if you saw this preson that night “
She is thinking
(music beating in the background )
Faye looks at  the room
“omg “
She breaks down
“what “
She is on the floor
“it’s him”
They look at Bethany
“cuff him”
They go into the room
“Aaron Isbell your Under arrest for Murder you have the right to remind slient anything you say will be used in a court of law you have a right to attoeny “
Fade out
        We see the DA Office  as Peter stone the son of Ben stone reads the file on aaron isbell
“so what is the case looking so far”
“well we have a 24 year old aaron isbell of Cedarburg Wisconsin in cusdoty for 8 counts of murder”
“dose he have a record “
“arm robbery served 5 years in green bay  for that he is wanted in marathon county on raping a old women in the night “
Peter looks at Bethany
“I don’t like where this is going I don’t want a not guilty by insane I want a convicted so when you go to the bail if the judge gives a number I will take him down for it and before you go have Olivet stop by my office”
“I think this an isanity trail”
“I don’t call Olivet tell her I want her in my office in an hour “
 We see the court house where we enter court room 605 for a bail hearing in front of judge walker jones
“people v Isbell charges are 8 counts of murder in first degree “
“give me a plea”
Walter Green representing Aaron Isbell
“not guilty by reason of insane”
“no bail your honor he has a record “
“no obecjtion “
“no bail next”
“one thing the people want the psych to elevate Mr. Isabell “
“don’t call me that “
“get out “
Court ends
We see Olivet office as she exams Aaron isbell
“you do know you are tried on eight counts of murder one “
“that is what they say “
Olivet goes to a different question
“what do you feel about women “
Aaron looks at olivet
“there are two types of women there are prefect women who will obey you and then there are women who I call mandaon ring which contains sluts hookers and gays “
“because you can use the bitch “
We see Ryan office as olivet explains
“he is not insane “
“he killed eight women “
“listen there is a pattern with him he called a mandaona ring which he two types of women “
“and the nurses where in  the catorgery of sluts “
“last question , dose he know right from wrong “
“he was drunk but when he stated about the murder he was so  and  I talked he states there going to throw the book at me “
They look at each other
  We go inside Peter stone office we see Aaron Isbell lawyer comes in
Walter Green
“do you have an offer “
Peter looks at his Deputy
“if your Clinet can tell us the whole story we are willing to go with term of 35 to life “
“come on he’s sick”
Beathny ADA comes in to the convo
“what is your idea”
“15 to life for Murder 2 on all counts “
“why did you waste my lunch “
He opens his berif
“motion for a dismissal of counts 2,3,4”
They are stuned
They go see a Judge in room 321 in the Milwauke County court where they sit in front of judge Striker peter lets it lose on the defense team
“there Client murder 8 young nursres and he wants Parole after 35 years please “
“Peter he’s never going to get out”
“your honor !”
“save it peter  the densfne motion is denyed “
“ok then I am moving for an insane plea”
“any objection “
“we want edivence then to show  pattern that he is was planning this ”
Striker rights something down as walter gets mad
“what are you so afraid of they are allowed that “
We cut back to Ryan office where Peter and Beatheny wait for DA Ryan Majkowski
“walter is wasting my time “
“yeah “
Ryan comes In the door he’s an older geltman in his mid 60’s who has tried the case of John clment a serial killer who killed and ate his victims
“so what do we got “
Peter gives him the file
“aaron Isbell a 24 year old who is on the run from 2 states accessed of murdering 8 nursurse at Columbia st. mary hospital “
The phone rings Ryan picks it up
“yes “
He looks at Peter and Bethany
“ok we will be ready in an hour “
He hangs up the phone as he sits in his chair and wonders  
“did Dec Briscoe and Smith interview Aaron Isbell Ex Wife “
Bethany looks at her file
“there is nothing record “
“get them in here before the wife comes in“
Peter calls them
DA room Peter Stone Office
We see Jerry and Steve with Ray in the office
“did you Interview Mary Isbell “
“we didn’t know he had an ex wife “
They look at each other
Ray comes in the convo
“what do you want us to do “
Peter and Bethany look at each other
“Interview her but bring Bethany with you “
They leave the office , Ryan comes in
“good work”
They get back to work
We cut to conference room we see Jerry and Steve interview mary isbell
“I don’t want to have to testify “
“you might not have a choice “
“I am scared can’t there be any other way”
Steve taps the window as Beathney comes in
Music starts
“hello I am Bethany Knicaid  I am ADA for Milwaukee County what seems to be the problem “
Mary drops dead and tells all
“I need a laywer “
They leave the room
We cut to Ryan Office where Bethany and Ryan are talking about an option
“do we need her “
“I don’t think we do “
Peter who is sitting on the couch
“I want her on the stand “
Bethany looks behind her as peter drops the newspaper
“your going to win on all 8 counts “
“it gives me motive and a timeline of his crime and how it progress “
A women comes in and gives Bethany a note
“great “
“What “
“we have a bigger problem Mary hired Amy Clark “
“shit Danielle daughter, I will talk with her and Amy you got a trail to win  “
  We go back to Court were EDA Peter stone is questioning a witness
“now what happen next “
Hedi very scared
Walter stands up
“Apporach you honor “
They walk up
“this witness is scared to death “
“yeah because your client is here”
“he’s right but try something eles “
“but “
“you never objected “
They go back to the tables as Ryan comes in sits with Bethany writes something down
“different question, Hedi is the man that you saw come in the room and leave room on the night in queston is he in the court room right now “
Hedi gets off the witness stand and goes over to a scared Aaron Isbell
“this is the man “
She walks back
(Music in the background )
Pin drop
We go back to
We cut to the jury box were we see the forewomen stand up
“it’s my understanding that the jury has reach a verdict in this case “
Jury Forewomen
“yes we have your Honor “
Judge looks over at Aaron Isbell
“Will the Defandannt please rise “
He stands with his attonery
“on charge of First Degree murder in the death of Kelly Jenkins how do you find “
“we find the defendant guilty “
“on the second count murder in the first degree of Wendy Cox’s how do you find “
(music keeps rolling )
“we find the Defandant Guilty “
We cut to Ryan office as peter comes in  and sits down to have lunch with the two
“Guilty of all 8 counts wow”
“unbelievable “
“what should we do about sentencing “
“Life “
The phone rings Bethany picks up as Peter Reads to ryan what Walter worte
Bethany looks at the men
“I’ll ask them”
She puts the phone by her shoulder
“Ryan Steve kurtis of WISN has something he like to show us ‘
“bring him in”
Beathny back on the phone in a daring voice
“bring him in”
   We cut were We see a reporter coming into peter office they go over to DA Ryan MAjocowski the reporter name is Steve kurtis  he hands the video to Ryan
“what is this “
“it’s an interview someone at WISN reporter did “
They watch as Jerry and steve come in they watch the part were Aaron isbell takes off his shirt we can see that a transformed has been done on his body of the Breast
“wow “
They keep watching as the interview ask Aaron a question
“Do you like getting your Ass Fucked “
“you bet “
Peter and Bethany look like there about to vomint
“what are you in here for “
“8 counts of murder “
They watch in shock
The music in the background
“I am surprise he’s not dead yet”
“he will be dead one day, we don’t have to worry about that ”
“I am glad “
They leave
Ryan with his hat on about to leave
“lets move on “
Music ends with the video seeing Aaron performerinng Sex on another inmate
End of 1.1
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