#the immediate stress i felt in my whole body when my former manager turned her camera on. fight or flight
sanhaoche · 2 years
in a sector wide call for work and of the 18 other people here 1 i knew from uni 1 is my former colleague and 1 is my former manager. all of them are causing me immediate brain damage
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Omega’s Observations
Request:  Congrats on starting the blog!! Pumped to have a new writer's work to read 🥰 If you need some requests, how about an echo/gn!medic reader who he develops a crush on, for a little of that sweet sweet mutual pining action✨ Dunno if you write pre-citadel or just BB echo, but I'm happy with either. Have a good weekend!! :) (@krussyfed)
Author’s Note: Whew! This took a while for me to get to a place where I felt good about posting it. Honestly, as most of my writing does, it got a bit away from me, but that’s because I love fleshing out a story, showing-not-telling, and building on events from the canon. But if I saw this through until the end, I probably wouldn’t end up posting this for months! So I hope what I have here is worth the wait, and if you want more, let me know! 
Story Notes: Unbeta’ed, no obvious warnings. 
🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑
Ask her brothers to describe her, and ‘still and quiet’ would not be two of the words any of them would use. 
Hunter would call her curious to a fault, then ruffle her hair to let her know that he meant it in the nicest way possible. 
Wrecker would boom with laughter, proclaiming her one of them (“Always ready for action and adventurin’! Let’s go get those gundarks!”). 
Tech would probably consider for a moment, then use a four-syllable word. Like effervescent.
Echo would call her young and energetic, but his brow would furrow as though this might be a bad thing. Then he would inevitably follow up with a reminder to stay within sight and keep out of trouble. She didn’t mind. She knew he just worried about her. Omega would always reassure him that she would keep close to her brothers. Of course, whether it actually happened was usually another thing. 
Crosshair, if he was with them, would probably call her troublesome. 
But really, this was a tactical advantage. Her brothers never expected her to be still and quiet, so she could settle in and be observant when it was least expected of her. 
Omega was actually quite accustomed to being taciturn, at least when she needed to be. Her time with Nala Se, after all, was mostly like this. 
Watching over like a stone guardian as Nala Se pored over the capsules containing her modified brothers…
...being as unobtrusive as possible during another endless meeting with Lama Su…
...laying noiselessly and without complaint as Nala Se inserted a needle into her arm for yet another blood sample…
 These days, Omega could be as boisterous and vivacious (two more words Tech had taught her) as she wanted to be, so long as there was no chance of enemies being around. The only time she was obediently still by choice during these times was when she was being treated by Y/N, Clone Force 99’s on-board medic. 
Again, this was mostly out of habit from her time with Nala Se, but it wasn’t as bad. For one thing, Y/N fielded all of Omega’s questions with unending patience. And their hands were less clinical, more gentle than Omega was used to. Nala Se was efficient, not a movement wasted in her examinations. Y/N, however, always offered a comforting touch on the back after a scary encounter, and would gently but firmly place their hands on Omega’s face to look her in the eye to assess emotional well-being. 
The first time Y/N had done this was on the Ordo Moon, as Y/N was finishing wrapping up Omega’s small scratches on her hands and knees from her misadventures in the underground tunnels. 
At this point, not used to such close eye contact, Omega averted her eyes and looked over Y/N’s shoulder for something to distract her from the unusual awkwardness she felt. 
Her eyes met Echo’s. 
Her awkwardness vanished as he seemed to startle, a faint flush appearing on his neck, as he coughed, crossed his arms, and turned away, suddenly much more interested in examining the ship’s ceiling than anything else. 
What an interesting reaction. Her brain filed it away, curiosity piqued.  
Then, over the course of a few weeks, Omega confirmed her suspicions. 
Echo was always watching Y/N. Echo liked Y/N. 
Omega caught him absentmindedly gazing at Y/N’s hands as they tapped thoughtfully on a datapad while Wrecker carried new medical inventory aboard the Marauder during a supply run. 
After Wrecker’s successful inhibitor chip removal on Bracca, and Tech volunteered to go next, Omega watched Y/N’s hands fly across the medical controls, fierce determination sharpening their features. Glancing up, she saw that Echo’s attention was similarly arrested, a look on his face that was bordering very close to adoration. 
He seemed most captivated by Y/N’s hands, however, whenever they were treating him personally for any ailments or injuries. Echo always sat pin straight, almost comedically robotic (it would be funnier, but his history brought a sort of cruel irony to the thought) and allowing Y/N to turn his body and maneuver his prosthetic arm however was needed without any fidgeting or complaint. 
But his eyes were another story. Darting back and forth everywhere their fingers touched, such a stoniness to his face that Omega was certain he was committing every graze, every feather-light touch, to memory. Y/N, as always, was so focused on the medical work that they never seemed to notice. 
Omega saw things, though. Echo was like Y/N’s shadow, often slipping into the same room or area Y/N was in, like a ghost. She observed with fascination how he always angled himself to face her whenever there was a conversation in the cockpit. It didn’t matter if it was just the two of them, or if the entire squad was there and discussing a mission, it was as though he had attuned himself to wherever Y/N happened to be and was drawn to them.
Like a sunflower always facing the sun. 
She saw in the field how Echo, not Hunter, was usually the one to call the Marauder to check in or alert Y/N to any injuries that would need to be treated when they returned. How the space between his brows would crease whenever they would radio in but only receive the static of communications interference. 
Or worse, no answer at all. 
Echo wouldn’t say anything, but Omega felt that her brother’s steps would quicken, just a little. And she wasn’t sure she was just imagining a sudden sense of urgency in the air as they completed the mission, with just a bit more efficiency, a bit more ruthlessness than was usual. 
Omega saw how Echo always let out a tiny breath in relief, as though he had been holding it the whole time, whenever they returned to the Marauder with its medic unharmed. 
And she would never forget that one time they had returned to the Marauder, doors blasted open, interior trashed, with no medic in sight and droplets of blood leading away from the ship. 
Omega had never been in war, had only heard about it passively from the conversations between Nala Se and Lama Su, then a bit more directly from her brothers once she was allowed out of the private lab. 
She had once asked Tech about the war, but his response clearly paled in comparison to the dark look on Echo’s face, as they battled their way through enemy after enemy to rescue Y/N.
Omega felt as though she understood war a little bit more after this. At least its motivations. 
It took longer for Omega to figure out whether her brother’s feelings were reciprocated. Y/N’s affection wasn’t as obvious, but the trick was to watch more for their actions than in body language. 
Since Y/N and Tech slept the least, they would swap bunks and so were usually on opposite sleep schedules. This meant that Y/N would stay up late into the night well after the rest of the boys had retired to their bunks, face alight in the glow of a datapad. They would concentrate fiercely, chewing on their thumbnail and pausing often to tap notes into the margins. 
Omega eventually managed to snatch and break into Y/N’s data pad, and saw that they were working their way through a series of medical journals, detailing the latest treatment for prosthetics. There were also several articles on treating post-traumatic stress disorder for former prisoners of war. 
Omega had even checked Y/N’s search history, and discovered that they had been using an encrypted channel to search for chatter on the whereabouts of the former 501st legion and its various members. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Y/N had much luck so far, but if the number of searches were any indication, they weren’t giving up. 
Omega wondered incredulously how none of her other brothers had yet caught on to the two’s clearly mutual affection for each other. Until she realized that no, they already knew.
Once, when Omega had offered Echo some of her Mantell Mix, Echo had sniffed it, much to her amusement. Her giggles subsided immediately when Echo murmured apologetically that he sometimes had trouble digesting pretty much any food that wasn’t nutritional paste, due to half his digestive system being completely artificial. 
Of course, this meant that he must have been experiencing constant abdominal discomfort, as they hadn’t had any nutritional paste on the ship since their escape from Kamino. Hunter once mentioned to her that even the plainest of rations seemed to bother him, but he gamely never complained.
One day, Hunter was giving out rations in the cockpit, and had already given Tech and Wrecker their usual. Then he pulled out a green, unlabeled squeeze packet instead of the usual rations bar, and handed it to Echo, who took it with some confusion.
“What’s this?”
“New brand. It should be easier on your digestive systems than the usual stuff. Tastier, too.” 
Echo glanced at the packet skeptically, unscrewing the cap and sniffing at its contents. 
“It smells...fresh?” 
“Try it,” Hunter urged him, to which Echo obediently tried a small amount. 
His mouth rounded in a surprised ‘oh’. Omega wished she could have captured the look on his face with a holovid. He stared at the packet in his hands, with a look that was a bit like wonder and amazement. 
This didn’t escape Wrecker’s notice, who immediately stood up in protest. “What? Why does Echo get something new to eat?” He glanced forlornly at the slightly crumpled, stale rations bar in his hand. “I want some!” 
“They’re too expensive for your appetite, Wrecker,” Hunter replied, just a bit too quickly, though none of the others seemed to notice. “Besides, you probably wouldn’t like it.” 
“I’ll be the judge of that!” Wrecker proclaimed, swiping the packet from Echo’s hands despite Hunter’s attempt to chastise him. Wrecker took a giant slurp. 
...and immediately spat it out, some of it splattering on poor Gronk. 
“Blech! That tastes weird.” 
“Probably because it’s made of fruits and vegetables,” Tech said dryly, “Your palette likely isn’t sophisticated enough to appreciate the subtle bitterness and natural sweetness that are characteristic of those food categories.” 
Echo eyed Hunter skeptically. “And we have the money to keep buying these?” 
Hunter hummed, closing the rations box and turning away from the cockpit. “Omega’s paying for it from her holochess winnings.” She startled at the sudden mention of her name. “We have extra to spare, for now.” Hunter subtly winked at her when the others weren’t looking. 
“Oh. Thank you, Omega,” said Echo, looking at her with true gratitude. Omega flushed a bit, but mostly because it actually didn’t have anything to do with her. She played along, however, and insisted it was no problem. It did seem to make him happy, so there was no harm in a small lie like that, right? 
She cornered Hunter later, though, and insisted on him telling her the truth. After wearing him down a bit, he finally relented.
“Okay, but you can’t tell the others, all right? Believe me, I’ve already tried to talk them out of it. But Y/N has been doing some medical work on the side, working at one of the clinics near Cid’s bar. They’ve been using the money to buy these.” 
Omega’s face screwed up in confusion. “Why can’t you just tell Echo that?”
Hunter sighed. “Because they don’t want Echo to know. Figures that Echo wouldn’t like them going out on their own to work in the slums for his sake. They’re probably right, of course.” He rubbed at his forehead, a sure sign of an impending headache. 
Omega frowned, then decided to go for it.
“You know they like each other, right?” 
Hunter blinked at her, looking surprised. At her determined stare, he gave a sigh and muttered something like, ‘I’m getting too old for this’. He proceeded to explain patiently to her that perhaps Echo and Y/N liked each other, but pointed out how awkward or difficult it could be to have a romantic relationship in such close quarters, especially when they as a team also had bigger things to worry about. 
It sounded like Hunter had given this exact speech at least twice before. 
So Tech and Wrecker knew, then, but were being polite about it (or, in Wrecker’s case, had probably gotten an earful from Hunter earlier about tact and ‘minding one’s own business’). 
Well. That wouldn’t do. 
By the time Echo got up the nerve to say anything, he’d probably be old! (Omega wouldn’t, but she tried not to think too hard about that particular fact.)
So, she began to scheme. Quietly. 
She had the tactical advantage, after all. 
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falloutjay · 3 years
Stan x anxious/compassionate reader (kind of has a little canon divergence)
After giving up on Wendy (around Season 12), Stan and us start dating, we were always worried about him (no we weren't dating him out of pity, we were just a very anxious person). Some people find of clingy, others find us adorable but We've never left his side:
Ex: We were by his side helping with whales (Whale W)
We were the only one who didn't leave him when he got depression (You're Getting Old/Ass Burgers)
Next to Heidi, we became social pariah because we didn't want to dump Stan (this even made Wendy guilty)
But him moving, really gets to us, the coronavirus makes it worse. We get worried about him, then we start getting worried about everyone else as everything falls apart (Kyle, Kenny, Eric, Butters, Tweek, Craig, Scott, etc.) And we pass out of stress. About waking up in the hospital, we find out, everyone was worried about us. And Stan is the most worried of all, he spends the whole day with us. We tal-no vent about all the happened to the both of us. By the end of it, we agree that whatever happens we'll do it together.
Guess whos back! :D
Well, while it's not my best work, in my humble opinion, I sure hope you enjoy and like it. Again sorry for the delay! ಥ_ಥ
And if it's not that clear, because I know I can write a little cryptic, there is a time skip. You can either have all the show events happen when they are children and have the time skip between Covid and the memories or between you getting together as kids and the memories. Choose however you like! ^^
Stan x anxious!compassionate!Reader
Tiny eyes watched the scene unfold.
Normally, Wendy was the one to break up with Stan, but not this time around. Stan was actually telling Wendy that he had no interest in her anymore.
“What changed Stan?” Wendy asked, obviously confused.
“I think I like someone else… I don’t know yet…”
Wendy gave him a smile.
“I wish you all the luck Stan, say if you need anything!”
“I will.” And with that, Wendy took off to be with her friends, while Stan turned a corner and told Kyle and Kenny how it went.
Cartman was there too, but he only wanted to know if she cried, because “she would deserve it.”.
You closed your locker and felt your heartbeat like crazy. Ever since you changed school a few months ago, Stan captured your little ten-year-old mind.
He was kind and showed you around when you had no idea where to go. It was a little crush you developed, and you never felt as scared and excited as now, since that Stan had broken off with Wendy.
This newfound feeling almost made you dizzy but you quickly snapped back into reality when you heard your name.
“Y/N?” Stan asked and waited patiently for his answer next to you.
“Oh, sorry, I was thinking, what did you want?”
“Would you maybe like to hang out some time?”
Stan almost got a heart attack when you suddenly squealed but was happy when you managed to get a high-pitched “YES!” out.
“Okay, what are you betting Kenny? Some Pennies or a dead rat?” Cartman almost fell from his chair laughing about his shitty joke, while Kyle and Kenny rolled their eyes.
“Don’t you think it’s weird how clingy they are?” Kyle asked his blonde friend, while they kept watching you and Stan, who were seated at a separate table at lunch.
“Honestly, I think it’s pretty cute.” Kenny said with his muffled voice.
You held his arm and hugged him from the side, while he happy kept on eating his lunch.
Eric, who had now calmed down from his laugh attack eyed the couple critically. “I’m giving them a month max.”
He said lazily and looked around. “I say longer than a year.” Kenny said, throwing a crinkled five-dollar note on the table.
“You two are horrible.” Kyle shook his head before he threw 10 dollars on the table.
“Four months.”
Kenny was a happy man after a year, because despite everyone believing you two would eventually break up, you never did.
You were always by his side, no matter what.
His desire to desperately save whales with the help of a braindead ship crew?
You were always right by his in the interviews he gave.
His horrible depression that even drove Kyle away? No chance, you stood strong and helped him through the whole thing and even help reuniting the gang.
Even during the protest against Skanthunt42, you chose to sit this one out, despite you absolutely hating that the troll photoshopped a dick into your mother’s mouth.
At least you and Heidi got close due to you guys both becoming social outcasts. When Wendy heard this, she was impressed by your dedication and felt somewhat guilty for obviously not trying as much in her former relationship.
Everyone admired your patience and endurance. No matter what obstacle came, you managed to get through it.
“You don’t need to be sad, Y/N. I won't be that far away.” Stan said, holding your hand.
“B-But it's outside of town. You need ages by bike to get there and vice versa.” You said, holding back tears.
Randy walked past you and you desperately pleaded to him.
“Please Mister Marsh, please stay in town!” Randy put the box he carried into the car, before turning to you.
“Real sorry, dear Y/N. This town is…How do I put it… Absolute shit and I really want to get away.”
He patted you on the head and went back into the house to get more boxes.
“Told you, you cant talk to him.” Stan said and shrugged.
“But it’s unfair. We won’t see each other as much anymore.” Stan pressed a kiss onto your cheek, which made you blush intensely.
“Don’t. Worry. I will make time for you.”
With that in mind, you didn’t feel as sad, when the car with the Marsh Family in it left for their new home.
“I will make time for you, my ass.” You mumbled while you sat at a bench near Starks Pond. Letting out a deep sigh, you leaned back and just enjoyed the warmth of the setting sun.
Covid was one hell of a bitch and just had to have this big impact on everyone’s life. Stan and you now saw each other less and less.
It was just a horrible feeling that tainted your heart and made you worry a lot.
Maybe he was feeling just as bad as you are, maybe even more?
Maybe he just didn’t want to tell you how he felt?
Were you maybe a bad partner? Your mind began racing and your train of thoughts became unrailed.
So many bad thoughts manifested themselves and it made you almost gasp for air.
“I need to check on him.” You mumbled getting up from the park bench.
You began walking and you kind of hoped that maybe just the walking would get your mind in check, but sadly it didn’t. Involuntarily you had to think about all the other stuff that happened during this horrible time.
The precious Broship was more fragile than ever. You had become such good friends with Kenny, Kyle and Cartman over time that it hurt you a lot too.
You also saw Covid take a toll on your other friends, like Craig and his group, who now took Cartman into their gang after the split up.
However, that came to be…
The girls were also pretty divided, so hanging out with them meant picking sides which wasn’t your thing, you kinda just want them to get along again.
Everything felt like it was falling apart. Your parents had fights ever so often, all your friends had problems and your beloved boyfriend was stuck on that stupid farm.
God how you hated that stupid farm and Randy.
When he gave you one of those plushies that looked like him, you functioned it into a voodoo doll. But sadly, it didn’t seem to affect him, no matter how many needles you rammed into it.
Your heart felt heavy, and it seemed hard to breathe, but you brushed it aside.
You had already reached the busy streets of South Park and mingled between the newly vaccinated people.
Everywhere you looked, the people seemed happy.
Everyone was happy except you and the people around you… Maybe…You were the problem?
You shook your head. No, you didn’t allow those kinds of thoughts.
You much rather think about Stan. How you miss him and how amazing your dates were.
Oh, how much effort he put into all the small things… Well… At least he did.
Now that you thought about it when was your last date?
It feels like it had been ages. It has been ages. Everything had been ages. Going out with him, hanging out with your friends, your family not fighting… How long has this been the new normal? You can’t help but wonder.
Your heart clenched again. “Stop it, stupid heart.” You mumbled under your breath.
An exhausted sigh escaped your lips when you thought about how you maybe had to walk all the way up to the farm… It would take ages, but you really craved being held by the person you adored so much.
So, you continued walking down through the street when an elder lady stopped you.
“Excuse me, but you look rather sickly, are you alright?” Confused you raised an eyebrow. Did the vaccines make them delusional?
“No, I’m fine.” You answered, somewhat snippy, even when you didn’t know why you were so agitated.
“But you look rather pale, maybe you- I am fine.” You interrupted her and continued your path.
Were all people in this shitty town stupid or- The thought could not be completed, due to you suddenly losing consciousness.
When you woke up again, you immediately recognized one of the Hells Pass Hospital rooms, once your eyes had adjusted to the bright lights. Around the bed were your parents and more importantly Stan and his mother.
“Thank God, you’re awake again!” Your mother said when she went for a hug.
Confused you asked why you were here.
“Well, seemingly you were so stressed out, that your body basically shut down.”
Somewhat shocked you looked around. Was it really a surprise to hear that? Not really, but it still felt odd knowing that it happened.
“Well, I’m glad you’re fine, Y/N.” Misses Marsh commented and smiled warmly at you. She had always liked you and you felt the same. She was always nice to you and you felt like she was the only one with a brain in the family…
Feeling a sudden sensation of warmness on your hand, your eyes darted down to it. Stan held you hand while answering something your dad had asked him.
“Well, Sharon, you wanna accompany us to get some hot chocolate for us all?”
Your mother said with an odd wink, which made you and Stan roll your eyes.
The three adults left the room chatting happily. Stan looked at you with a stern expression, which kind of surprised you.
“I swear, whenever I think I couldn’t get more worried about you, your parents call me, to tell me that you’re in the hospital.”
“Worried? About me? I should be worried about you?” You laughed to which Stan shook his head.
“Listen, everyone has been super worried about you since you seemed so down and just exhausted. Like, Kyle already called me earlier to ask if you’re awake again. I don’t know why you worry about me; I am really fine babe. Promise.”
With that said, the door opened, and your parents came back inside.
“Y/N, the doctor said they would like you to stay the night, so they can check that you’re really alright.” Your father informed you and you were immediately annoyed.
Well, you had no choice but to oblige. Your parents left after an hour, wanting to get you some clothes and other things you’d need.
Sharon also bids her goodbye and so you and Stan were left.
And just like you wished, you got to cuddle with him. He held you close, and you vented to him, how worried you were about everything and everyone, while he told you just how worried all of your friends had been since you were acting so out of character.
“Even Cartman?”
“Yup, even when he would never admit it.” Stan laughed. He held your hand tight, and his content smile never left his face.
“I think we should talk more about feelings and being worried and all that. I know I’m not all that good at it, but I don’t ever wanna have to visit you in a hospital again.” Stan said, giving your hand a squeeze.
“That sounds good. But you gotta accept, I worry a lot, because I care a lot about you, okay?” You said sternly and Stan nodded. You two looked fondly at each other and just enjoyed the time you got.
“Together forever?” You asked and he whispered “Forever.”, before he pressed a sweet kiss onto your lips.
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flowesona · 4 years
foul and fair - yandere! jimin x reader
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happy (late) birthday to my wonderful mutual @jooniescupcakes​! i hope ur day was blessed and i hope you enjoy this :)
Jeering and the feeling of rocks hitting his back were Jimin’s last memories of the village that he’d once called his home. Then, why was someone outside his door?
He’d been called a warlock, a demon and a foul spirit. Every crop he’d attended to wilted and every cattle he touched had collapsed within a matter of days. Girls would hear of these rumours and escalate into claiming he’d bewitched them too. Jimin was only ten at the time, but even his own parents had been sold into the mob mentality and cast him out of their home without a second thought to his wellbeing. The jeers of his former friends, the booming voice of the preacher declaring him to be wicked, the cries on young girls when they so much made eye contact with him - the sounds still rattled in his ears if he let himself gaze upon the town in the distance.
That had been fourteen years ago, and over that time he’d grown used to his own company.
Yet, despite this the woman stood outside his abode with an innocent expression intrigued him. 
Thus he reluctantly opened the door a sliver, half of his face visible.
“Hi! I am new to Royal Gebolwl, my name is (Y/N). It is nice to meet you, what is your name?” She gave him an eager smile, offering him her hand as she spoke a million words at once. Jimin blinked, trying to process it and figure out how to respond when he hadn’t held a conversation in over a decade. 
When he was unable to think of a response, he decided instead to get a proper look at her. Neatly dressed in clothes that seemed to show eloquence but also modesty and clutching a woven basket to her chest.
She caught him staring at the basket intensely and blushed, before dipping her hand inside and pulling out a small paper package.
“I know it is not much, but I wanted to bring you some bread that I baked. I have been working on my recipe so I hope that it tastes nice!” (Y/N) smiled, holding it out to him. His hand snaked out to take the package, their fingers brushing slightly.
The young woman watched him anxiously as he inspected the package with some suspicion.
Finally, when he decided it was safe he finally spoke.
“Thank you.” 
She gave him a gracious nod and turned to walk away, before he spoke again.
“My name is Jimin.” He shut the door immediately afterwards, taking a few seconds to breathe and take in the situation.
“It is nice to meet you.” The words felt strange on his tongue. They lacked the honey-like sweetness of her voice, that was for sure.
The young man sat down at his makeshift kitchen table, unwrapping the brown paper to see a neat brown roll. He tore off a piece and held it to his lips. Paranoia flashed through his body. What if she was sent to kill him? What if the gift she gave him was in fact to euthanize him?
Even so, he put the gift in his mouth and chewed. Instantly he was on the verge of tears. He hadn’t tasted such a delicious treat in years, and suddenly the bread was in his hands and he was eating it as if he was starving.
Once it was all gone, he could only stare at his empty hands and wonder how he’d been so happy with his own company when he was missing out on people like her. And following that realisation, he was more hungry than ever.
Jimin had practiced many times in anticipation for their next meeting. He’d practiced talking in the mirror to rid himself of any hesitation, and even started to grow special, rare flowers in his garden so that he could make her an arrangement. 
The weeks on end without seeing her were starting to wear on him. He’d wondered about wandering into the village to find her, but the thought of her seeing him be shooed away again was enough to stop him dead in his tracks. 
(Y/N) had left him to stew for too long. Almost three weeks after their first meeting did she return, the same woven basket clutched to her chest as if it were glued there.
“Jimin, I do not mean to be an inconvenience but I saw that you have some onions in your garden and was wondering if you could spare a few?”
The young man wasn’t as composed as he’d thought himself to be. The euphoria of (Y/N) remembering his name and showing an interest in his horticultural products made his carefully composed words fall out of his mouth.
“Are you okay?” The young woman was immediately concerned by his pale face and lack of speech. 
“Y-yes. Would you like to come in for some tea?” Jimin managed to choke out, heart pounding.
“Apologises but I am short on time, my daughter is sick and hungry. I need to feed her. Tomorrow, perhaps?” He nodded, heat flushing his face in humiliation as her words set in.
“Wonderful. Help yourself.” He said shortly before closing the door in her face and rushing to his bed. He collapsed immediately, face screwing up in frustration as he lashed out at whatever he could lay his hands on. Chairs were knocked over, bowls clattered to the floor, feathers fluttered out of his pillow.
How could she deceive him like this? Having a child, and most likely a husband? Jimin had been certain they were soulmates, that she’d reserved herself for him this whole time. Yet, here she was talking about her family, prioritising them over Jimin. Couldn’t she see that he’d dedicated all his time to her, but she couldn’t even give him a few minutes?
Enough is enough, he concluded. She couldn’t play with his feelings and drive him insane any longer. If her mind had wandered astray, he would set it back.
Jimin spent most of his time the next day in the chicken coop. They made excellent company: for one, they never judged him for being born wicked. But the added advantage was a near perfect view of the path to his cottage - as soon as she would approach he was ready. 
He waited, and waited. Until it grew late and the sun retired from the sky, Jimin sat outside with his eyes dead set on the path and only his small array of feathery friends for company.
It was only when they too left him that Jimin realised she wasn’t coming.
A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of what was happening to her. What if the villagers that had once persecuted him had now set her as their next target? The idea of (Y/N) being maltreated felt like Jimin’s heart was being ripped out.
Love. That was the word for it. Jimin loves her, to the point of no return, and he was ready to fight for her to be in his arms. He hadn’t experienced the warm touch of another in years, but his yearning for her was much more than that. 
Before he knew it, his feet were carrying him out of the chicken enclosure, into his house to put on a cloak and pack a small satchel and he was journeying far beyond his home before he was even aware of what he was doing.
The fear of being recognised, of being punished for stepping inside the village boundaries as he was forbidden from doing and worst of all being painted as a monster in front of (Y/N) was jarring. But he felt like there was some kind of string pulling him along, as he skulked through the night inspecting each house to deduct which one was hers. 
Suddenly, from inside the house he’d stopped outside of he heard the faint sound of her angelic voice once again. With cautious steps he approached the building it was coming from, glancing in through a small gap in the wall that had not been filled in with stone..
He saw (Y/N) gently stroking the forehead of a young girl who looked almost identical to her mother, save for the stressed lines that creased (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) was singing a sweet lullaby as she comforted her daughter, accompanied by some washed out ghost of a man who seemed to be her husband. The angel pressed a final kiss to her daughter’s forehead before rising from the young girl’s side and nearly collapsing into the man’s arms. Through the thin walls, Jimin could make out a conversation.
“They turned you away?” 
“It’s far too expensive. More than a year’s wages. There’s nothing we can do.”
(Y/N) let out a loud sob.
Jimin’s heart throbbed hearing the beautiful (Y/N)’s wails of anguish, although he didn’t quite know the cause. But he did know that he had to save her from what was making her upset, and fast.
He continued to quietly observe as the family settled themselves down to sleep for the night. The fear was starting to set in that he’d get caught peeking. What if someone recognised him, what if he was publicly humiliated in front of (Y/N), what if she learnt that he did not love as an outcast voluntarily? Jimin could not bear to see hatred in those beautiful eyes, not towards him.
In his satchel, he’d brought a knife. Nestled in with some bread he’d tried to bake. He’d hoped she would enjoy his bread as he did hers, but evidently there was a more pressing issue at hand.
Using his knife, he’d broken open the simple wooden latch on their door and entered. Whilst he’d expected the heavy smell of hops, as many men of the village drank far too much, there was instead the pleasant smell of leftover broth. Whilst Jimin’s stomach was begging him to indulge in some of the homemade food, his heart was begging for some other relief.
When he entered the other room, his heart fell to his shoes. He saw (Y/N) cuddled up to her “husband”, her eyes still sore but her breathing slow and steady. 
Jimin’s stomach churned, thinking about what he was going to do. What if he was caught in the act by (Y/N)?
But he had to do it, to save her and become the man that she needed in her life. The second her husband was gone, she’d turn to cry on his shoulder. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have a companion in his lonely world. She could love him for who he truly was, no matter how freakish, and surely her daughter would be delighted to have a new father?
With one final seed of doubt destroyed Jimin set to work. He gently turned the man on his back, separating his parasitic limbs from (Y/N). And, pressing a hand to his victim’s mouth, Jimin quickly slit his throat.
The man’s eyes shot open as a response to the pain, but all he could do was gargle blood pathetically, his strength being sapped away by the second. And within a minute it was all over. 
He climbed off the dreaded man, not wanting contact with him to last a second longer. His eyes trailed lovingly to see (Y/N), still fast asleep only with a small bit of blood wetting her hair. He longed to take her back with him, but it would not be right. She had to realise herself that Jimin was the man she needed, not some corpse.
Then he saw the child. The poor, wretched child that had been the product of (Y/N)’s mistaken marriage. What was he to do with the child, if it would only remind her of her past pain?
There was only one thing to do. Jimin knelt next to the child, feeling her pulse. It was racing high, and her forehead was drenched in sweat.
The child had done nothing wrong. She deserved mercy, and Jimin felt at peace with himself as he resolved to give it to her. Placing a hand on her chest, muttering an incantation, and watching her quick breaths slow to a stop.
Jimin finally left the house, breathing in the fresh autumn breeze. And finally, for the first time in fourteen years, he smiled.
That afternoon, as he attended to his crops, Jimin spied the sight he’d been dreaming off. (Y/N).
She was clutching a black shawl around herself. As she got closer, he noticed her eyes were bloodshot and her face was caked with mud.
However, she didn’t even spare him a glance. Moreover, she walked straight past him.
“(Y/N)?” He called out, to get no response. Growing more scared, he vaulted over the fence to catch up to her. “(Y/N)?”
“Why do you want to talk to me?” She finally said, her voice hoarse. “I am a monster.”
Jimin didn’t respond. He stood with his mouth open, trying to articulate the words to tell she was wrong, she was an angel!
“You will not ever have to see me again.” She said, turning away. “You do not deserve to be in the presence of a murderer.”
Suddenly it clicked. And suddenly, Jimin felt like they were closer than ever.
“You have been exiled?”
“They say I am a witch. That I killed my husband and cursed my own child! One of the elders took pity but if not for that I would be burnt at the stake!” (Y/N)’s body started to shake.
“You did not do it.” Jimin replied firmly, proud of how his voice didn’t shake as it used to.
“I did not. But they did not believe me. They took my daughter away and I have nothing left in life but the clothes on my body.”
“And me.”
(Y/N) finally looked him in the eye.
“You can stay with me. Outside the village boundaries.” He recited his rehearsed lines, resisting the urge to smile in acknowledgement of (Y/N)’s somber demeanor. They’d believed it all, fell into the trap he’d concocted 
“You are kind Jimin. Alas, that would be too much a burden.” She replied quietly.
“Never. Stay with me, and I will give you your life.” Jimin repeated.
She looked hesitant, but as her need for survival took over her pride she nodded. He held out his hand, which she took in her own blood caked one as he led her back to his dwelling. 
She seemed blissfully unaware of his own status, or perhaps she no longer cared to hold the hand of a freak, an outcast, a foul spirit. But, with the power granted to him, Jimin wouldn’t have it any other way.
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cathrrrine · 3 years
RUN | Pietro x Reader
Originally from my Wattpad
(I just reached a 100k reads on Wattpad! yay!)
Just an hour and a half ago, Steve's world tilted violently on it's axis when Natasha told him who Y/N really was—the Winter Soldier's former apprentice. The one and only phantom that had been on every possible enemy radar, and ally too.
Steve had his arms crossed and tucked tight to his chest as he tried to find some peace of mind on the skyway, facing the glass windows that overlooked the field below. The Avengers tower was vast, but the Captain preferred this particular spot whenever he needed some time alone to think.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as a million thoughts per second ran through his head. She knew him, the Winter Soldier. Heck, she'd been trained by him. If she knew how he thought, how he worked...was it possible that she'd know where he was?
Steve would give anything to find him. Even if it meant giving his life. He'd been begging the universe to help him find his best friend and it looks like his solution had just landed right in front of him. When he told Natasha this, her head almost exploded in the process of telling him how stupid the idea was. But Steve needed to know, he needed to see for himself. If this was indeed his last option, then he'd be damned if he didn't at least try.
He clenched his fists, cracking the knuckle of his thumb in the process then brought his hand to the bridge of his nose, pinching it as he sighed inwardly. It was decided. He was going to ask Y/N to go on a very idiotic, yet very desperately needed mission.
"Oh, this is a very bad idea." The captain whispered to himself.
"You look miserable."
Pietro's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and my head snapped up as he stepped out of the shadow. Immediately, I felt almost grateful for his presence at that moment. Even though I revelled in the glory of being alone, solidarity confinement was giving me hell after Romanoff's confrontation. At this point I'd take anything as a distraction from my own thoughts.
"I'm being held in a cage for God knows how long, what am I supposed to do? Smile?"
"Maybe." He shrugged as he took a stray chair and plopped down on it.
I bared my teeth, stretching my mouth in an extremely forced smile. "You mean like this?" I said without moving my lips.
"Exactly like that." He cringed, chuckling despite the nasty sarcasm I was throwing at him.
The room grew silent after that. I could only hear the sound of his sneakers scraping against the floor as he drew imaginary circles with his feet.
"What are you doing here?" The lack of conversation was tedious to me. I thought he was going to be a distraction at the very least but it turns out he was only making it worse.
"What do you mean 'what?', you come to my cell and now you're silent. Out of all places, why'd you come here to mope around and do nothing? Because the last time you were here, you basically talked my ear off while shooting lasers at me through your eyes." I made a pointing gesture with two fingers as I made a poking motion in front of my face.
I couldn't stop staring at him. Somewhere along my angry speech, he had looked up from the floor and turned his eyes to me. It was direct and undisturbed eye contact that should have made me very, very uncomfortable but instead it was...insanely hypnotising. I didn't understand it at all.
"I can't figure you out."
"Well you're definitely not the first one to say that, get in line-"
"No, you don't understand. I can't figure you out, at all. Frankly, it's frustrating and it's stressing me out."
"Wow." I scoffed. "This is coming out of nowhere."
"Nowhere?" He yelled, speeding towards me until he was just a mere centimetres away from the glass that separated us. "Out of nowhere? Do you not get how much you confuse me, huh Y/N?"
My stomach twisted painfully as he said my real name. I glared at him, determined not to lose the argument or whatever it was that was happening. "I confuse a lot of people, pal."
"Stop it." He spat. "See, this is what I meant. I don't understand you. We came from the same place and yet I can't...I just..."
"Same place? What the ever loving fuck are you talking about? Why are you so mad all of a sudden?"
"I'm not mad, I'm frustrated." He sighed, running his hand through his white locks. "You're driving me crazy, Y/N."
It took a full second for me to process what he was saying, but it still made no sense. The words he was saying were painstakingly familiar but the tone he was saying it in sent a dangerous chill down my spine. "What the fuck...okay, cut the crap Pietro. Is this some sort of trick they asked you to do? Who sent you here?"
He threw his hands in the air, jotting a thumb to his chest. "Myself. This isn't a scheme or whatever it is you're thinking."
I frowned, "Then what is it?"
He turned around and went back to his chair, taking a seat and closing his eyes. It was my turn to stand up and pace.
"Look, the last 72 or so hours of my life have been drastically confusing and there's nothing I'd love more than to hear an explanation...for everything. What the fuck is this? I just spent 3 scrutinising hours with Romanoff, going over my past and taking a trip down memory lane, except that my memory lane is just a horrible road full of potholes and hot, steaming coal! Now you're yelling at me about how much I confuse you? What do you think this is? A feelings brothel?"
He didn't look up or speed up close to me this time, he just stayed there on his chair with his head down, elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together.
Then he said something. It was barely above a whisper, but luckily the room was silent enough that I was able to hear it.
"I was ready to kill you when I first met you. I wanted to end your life as quickly as possible."
No surprise there.
"So, tell me why that's suddenly changed?"
My feet stayed glued to their spot. I had no answer to his question, not even a sarcastic retort. I had nothing to offer. For the first time in many, many years...I was speechless. These words were foreign and dangerous. A big red flag planted itself on the part of my brain that had 'Pietro' written on it.
"What are you implying?"
"You have some sort of hold over me that I can't get out of. I don't get it." Pietro was making my head spin and my heart tumble over my guts. "Is this a trick of yours? Some mind-controlling ability that you've hidden from us so you could get me to trust you? Were you dishonest about the full extent of your skillset?"
I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. Normally, at this point I would think I had been injected with some type of paralysis poison. But my heart was beating wildly enough to prove that theory wrong.
"No. Nothing of that sort, Pietro."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
I stopped myself from holding a hand to my chest in an effort to keep my heart from beating itself out of its socket. The palpitations reverberated throughout my whole body like a bass drum. Somehow through the shock, I managed to squeeze out a single sentence.
"Because if I had the ability to control minds in the way you just described, I wouldn't even be here in the first place."
We stared at each other for a moment and then he shook his head with a heavy sigh and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts yet again.
And I thought he was gonna be a distraction for my thoughts instead of causing another prominent flow of them.
As soon as Pietro exited the room in which Y/N was being held, he bumped straight into Steve.
"Captain. What are you doing here?"
"I'm..." he sighed, "...about to do something really stupid."
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cinnamoonsworld · 4 years
Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 9 [Aizawa x fem!reader]
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Hi guys!  There are very few chapters left at the end, and this chapter (which I loved writing) will be ultrafluff! Thanks to my boyfriend for the translation, enjoy <3  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  Previous chapters: ch1 | ch 2 | ch3 | ch 4| ch5 | ch6 | ch7 | ch 8 You can also find me on Ao3! Word count: 1885  TW: none, pure fluff  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "(Y/N), is this chord ok??" Azai asked you by playing a chord with the guitar. "That’s exactly what I had in mind, very good Azai!" You said smiling. December had already started a few days ago, and the Christmas air was starting to feel more and more in the air. You liked to walk around the street and see all the decorations and lights that seemed to wrap around shop windows, trees and street lamps. Besides, you were very happy to see the decorations every day since you had to go to the rehearsal room to try with the band you had found together with Present Mic. In mid-November, Present Mic invited you to its radio show. He had decided to interview you and, during the interview, to make an announcement to find a band that would support you during the famous U.A. Christmas party. You were very concerned that your former manager had been spreading rumors in order to hinder you as much as possible, instead, a few days later, a flood of musicians appeared. After a long audition, and a long discussion, you and Hizashi chose the musicians who, in your opinion, found themselves more in touch with you to play. The time was short, and there were many things to do. In a month you had to write at least six new songs, with lots of music and arrangements together with the members of your new band. You felt happy to work with someone who dictated his choices to you and gave freedom to your tastes and opinions. The songs were taking shape, although you couldn’t find the lyrics to the sixth and final song. You used to crank up your thoughts trying to knock something down, but you just couldn’t. Aizawa also noticed this block. Usually, while you were correcting your homework, you would suddenly stop with your face glowing, and you would rush to get the notebook that you had in your work bag and then start writing quickly so you wouldn’t lose the ideas that you had just come up with. Aizawa didn’t blame you if you momentarily left in half what you were doing, he understood perfectly that what you were experiencing was a crucial moment for your career. "Well guys, that’s enough for tonight!" You happily announced. "Thank you all, we were very good all as usual! I’ll see you tomorrow night." You all applauded for the job well done and greeted each other. You were thinking about the shopping to do before going back to the dorm (with all these commitments you often did not remember to have an empty fridge), when at the entrance of the studios you found a figure familiar to you that controlled lazily the cell phone. "Shouta?" You asked a little out of your mind. "What are you doing here?" "I was on my way, and I thought I’d stop and wait for you." He replied with his usual tired tone. He actually asked Hizashi where the rehearsal room was where you went every day, and he decided to surprise you. He had this weird urge to see you, and since he didn’t have to go on any rounds that night, he decided he wanted to spend some time with you outside of school. Even though he was wearing a heavy black coat and a pair of jeans of the same color, you still thought he was beautiful. You immediately turned red in the face to think that of your superior, and tried to hide your face inside the scarf. "How would you like to go to dinner somewhere?" the hero suddenly asked. "Since it’s already dinner time now..." "G-going out to dinner? You and m-me?" You stuttered trying to hide badly the embarrassment and emotion that were taking over you. Aizawa stared at you with his obsidian eyes, perfectly concealing the panic he was experiencing at the time. He didn’t understand where all that courage was coming from, but he decided to play it all. "Of course." You said, finally, with a big smile in your heart that you felt it pounding in your ears. "With great pleasure." Aizawa was a very rational person, and he almost couldn’t get over how he kept thinking about you all the time. These new feelings a little scared him, but he was curious at the same time. So it was happening to you too, that you had never felt such a strong attraction to someone even though you were always a person who almost never followed logic but a lot of instinct. As you tried to keep your embarrassment at bay, the raven stopped in front of a family restaurant, carefully pondering whether it was the right place to take you or not. "Shouta." you chased him, seeing him in trouble. " I have no problem eating anywhere, I’ll settle for a bowl of ramen." Feeling relieved, he made his way into the restaurant. As much as it was a family restaurant, the environment was cozy and very reminiscent of a country house. A smiling waitress welcomed you and took you to a smaller table than the standard ones. It was full of families with small children, all very excited about the arrival of Christmas and the gifts that Santa Claus would have found under the tree. After studying the menus and ordering, you and Aizawa stayed quiet for a while. You didn’t know where to start, everything in your head seemed stupid and you didn’t want to look stupid in front of him. "Excuse me for asking (Y/N)." Aizawa said, ending the silence "Why don’t you ever use your Quirk?" Here, the question straight to the stomach like a punch. "It’s not that easy..." You sighed, looking for the exact words with which to answer. " Here...see...I don’t know where to start exactly." While inside you the panic began to rise, Aizawa noticed and took you by the hand. He didn’t understand why he did it either, but that instinctive gesture seemed like the right thing to do at that moment to calm you down. You began to feel the fear waning feeling the warmth of his hand over yours. "As beautiful as the Quirk of telekinesis can be, it is very difficult to control." You told quietly. " In addition to training for many years, you must also be a person who does not get caught up in strong emotions. Unfortunately I am not one of them." "Did your manager ever help you control your powers?" asked the raven. "Unfortunately, no...it was not uncommon that many times I destroyed the dressing rooms in anger, frustration or stress. He was willing to pay handsomely to keep people quiet about how destructive my power could be. But it’s much better now, I’m much better and I’m much quieter." As soon as the speech was over, the waitress came with your orders. "Have you ever had problems with your Quirk?" You asked for a bite. "In high school, I thought my power was useless." Aizawa replied, sketching a smile. "Until I realized, after a bad accident, that my friends were right about me, that I was strong but I was afraid I wouldn’t live up to the expectations of others. Then in the third year I decided to become an independent Pro Hero...and now here I am, teacher and independent Pro Hero." "Now I understand why you always encourage kids to improve and overcome their fears." You spoke with a smile, and Aizawa felt her heart tremble. The dinner went on with your stories and anecdotes of life, surprising you both of how well you were with two totally different personalities. Aizawa knew perfectly well to intimidate many people with his apparently cold and detached character, so he did not care to deepen the acquaintance with someone. With you, it was different. Your sunny character attracted him almost like a bee is attracted by honey. He never got tired of you. You, on the other hand, found this character of him fascinating, a bit rough on the surface but so kind. His low, warm voice made you feel wrapped in a soft blanket. After dinner, you went to the dorms together. Sometimes you stopped showing Aizawa some light or Christmas decoration that you particularly liked. "We should put something inside the dorm too." You sighed as you watched a Christmas tree. "Well...you can ask Nezu if you can do it." Aizawa said with a little smile. " I’m sure the kids will appreciate it too, it’s not a bad idea." "Y-you mean it?" You answered the hero smiling. Aizawa didn’t like Christmas decorations very much or in general, but seeing you with such a dreamy look just couldn’t say no to you. As you turned to look at a particularly beautiful decoration, your phone fell out of your coat pocket. You were about to pick it up, when Ereserhead was about to do the same, and your hands touched. You looked straight into each other’s eyes, with you getting even redder than usual and he feeling his heartbeat soaring. "Look... before I did not asked you... can I hold your hand?" Aizawa asked, trying to best disguise his embarrassment.  "Of course." You answered without the slightest hesitation and smiled gently as you began to blush conspicuously. Aizawa’s hand, callous as it was, was warm and big. You would have wanted to sink your face into his hand. You wanted those big, hot, callous hands to caress your whole body... Hand in hand, you arrived at the U.A. dormitory, on the way you had talked a bit about what Aizawa wanted to do as a program in class before the Christmas holidays and the last dreadful surprise task that he would have found on the 1-A desks in two days. You had a lot of laughs about what to put on the test, and some faces that the kids would read certain questions. "So tomorrow we’ll meet right after the lessons that we finish writing the paper for the boys?" asked the raven holding your hand again. "Of course!" You replied smiling "I have rehearsals in the late afternoon anyway, so there are no problems." Even though you were room neighbors, he walked you to the doorstep of your bedroom door.
"Then good night Shouta.- Pronounce yourself trying to shake his hand as much as possible." Thank you for a wonderful evening."
"Thanks to you." Pro Hero replied in turn, sketching a little smile. Before he left your hand, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. You ran immediately inside your room and closed the door immediately. Your heart was racing, and you felt warmer than normal. Even though that was a rash gesture, you were happy to have done it. 
Aizawa was impaled for five minutes good at touching the point of his cheek that had come into contact with your lips. He was trying to figure out whether what had just happened was real or not. And that’s when the light finally came to you. You knew what would be the last new piece you would present. The song you cared about the most and wanted to use as a battlehorse. Without even getting undressed, you rushed to your desk and started writing in a flash.
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larryssunflower · 4 years
The Non-Royal Romance, season two, part one
last part of season 1    teaser trailer   masterlist
(really bad) summary: TRR AU where MC (Alana Rhys) is the now queen of Cordonia, and Liam was part of the suitors in line to marry her. Drake Walker is Alana’s personal bodyguard, and as the season goes on, their feelings for each other only get stronger. After an assassination attempt during the coronation ball, Alana’s mother announces without her consent that she will marry Liam, to both Drake and Alana’s dismay. This season is dedicated to Alana’s and Liams engagement tour, and what will happen as it goes on
pairing: Drake Walker x MC x Liam (kinda)
tagging-  @ravenpuff02 @simplyaiden-blog @msjr0119 @butindeed @mfackenthal @axwalker @choices-lurker @american-duchess @drakelover78 @monosodiumglutamateme @crookedslimecreatorpasta @mrsdrakewalkerblog @traeumerinwitzhelden @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @agent-zephyrkah @liam-rhys-x-mc-x-constantine @snyggflicka @texaskitten30 @annekebbphotography @irishwhiskys-blog @nomadics-stuff @catlady0911 @twinkle-320 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @drakewalker04 @bigmemesplz @jovialyouthmusic @sleepwalkingelite @pintobomb @moneyfordiamonds​ @mskaneko​ @lauzales​ @princessleac1​ @kingliam2019​ 
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*six months after the coronation ball*
These past few months have been difficult, I’m not going to lie. I’ve spent the majority of my time living in the Beaumont manor, recovering my shoulder and having well deserved space from my mother. Luckily the interactions I have had with Liam have been brief, I can’t bring myself to act like I’m in love with him because he thinks I actually chose him and I don’t have the balls to tell him he wasn’t my choice. No one knows that it was my mother’s decision and I’m in love with my former bodyguard. The perfect Queen huh?
I haven’t seen Drake since the incident. It was so perfect for that short span of time where he loved me back and we were finally together. But that changed... thanks to my mother. My memory is still hazy due to the pain medication and all I remember is the incident on tv, falling asleep at one point with Drake by my side, and waking up and he was gone. My mom said he just up and left. 
I don’t blame him if I’m being honest. Who would want to be with this train wreck? I sigh, running my hands through my dirty hair. I know it’s pathetic, but I haven’t really been taking care of myself recently. I started getting night terrors, every time I’m in that ballroom, my friends and family being slaughtered around me, time and time again and I can’t do anything to help them. Maxwell always wakes me up with a hug, holding me as I sob in his arms.
We still haven’t found who orchestrated the assassination attempt. It’s not easy when your country is relatively peaceful with very few enemies.
I trace my fingers over my scar on my shoulder. My doctor said it could take up to a year to function normally again. Thank god it’s not fatal, but the psychological toll hasn’t been easy. I can’t help this horrible feeling of guilt every time I think about the ball. They were there to kill me, and harmed my friends to get there. Who knows what else they will do to get to me or my friends the second time?
I let out a breath shakily, looking out the window. Theres no point thinking like that. That’s all I have been doing, stressing over things I can’t control. 
All I know is that the engagement tour is starting tonight, and I have to speak to people again. I have to spend time with Liam, try to pretend to be in love, try to pretend that I’m not falling apart. I have to do this without Drake by my side. A horrible feeling pangs in my stomach anytime I think about him. I lost the one person I have ever felt this way about and maybe its a good thing. It wasn’t fair to him, our whole relationship- if you could call it that. 
I eventually drag myself into a well-needed shower, letting the hot water melt away the tension in my back. I don’t have a choice anymore, all I can do is try to do my best tonight. That’s all I can do.
I wake up, and immediately look to my left. Drake isn’t there. I frown, sitting up in my uncomfortable hospital bed, ignoring the pain in my shoulder and looking around. “Drake?” I ask, hoping he’s just in the other room. The door opens and my mom walks in, looking somber. A wave of anger flows over my body as I remember what she did. “Where is he.” I demand, my chest tight. She looks at me for a moment, not saying anything. “Where. is. he.” I demand harshly, making her sigh as I stare at her, my heart pounding.
“I didn’t want to tell you this way, but he’s gone.” My mother says much too simply, her everlasting sense of disapproval emulating from her gaze. Tears spring to my eyes as I digest what she said. “G-Gone?” I ask, swallowing thickly. My mother nods, walking over and sitting delicately on my bed. “Once you had fallen asleep, He left the room. I tried to ask him where he was going but he just said ‘I can’t do it anymore’ and walked away without a second glance.” She explains, making my heart break. Tears pool and spill onto my cheeks. I look down at my blurry hands which have began shaking.
“I’m so sorry honey,” My mother says, trying to hold my hand. I yank it away from her, fuming. “Don’t touch me.” I grit through my teeth, my conflicting feelings of anger, abandonment, loss, and love waging a war inside of me. “I can’t believe you! how could you do this to my life? Leave! please,” I beg, my voice shaking embarrassingly. My mother closes her mouth, pressing her lips together. “So be it.” She says, monotone. She gets up, and walks out the door.
I fall back against my pillow, tears pouring out of my eyes.
He’s gone.
I brush my now soft, clean hair, and watch as it falls gently on my shoulders. My baby pink dress is form fitting, the straps thick enough to hide the scar on my shoulder. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
Not sure if that’s really true, because I haven’t seen Drake in six months but... he is not out of my mind. It hurts more knowing that he probably doesn’t even care about me, especially since he walked out when it got rough and has probably moved on when all i do is think about him.
I watch my door open in the reflection of my mirror, my mother walking in. “You clean up well hon,” My mother says, her hopeful smile on that face. She has been trying really hard to make it up to me. “Thanks,” I say quietly, looking down at my clasped hands, my heavy, expensive ring on my left hand. The ornate gold ring pairs with a large crystal clear diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds in a teardrop shape. Its beautiful, but feels foreign. Liam brought it to me in the hospital a couple weeks after Drake left. My mother was watching carefully as I smiled and accepted the ring, giving Liam a kiss in thanks. The next day, a picture of me in my hospital bed and Liam presenting his ring to me was all over the gossip news and magazines. My mother pretended to be outraged but I knew she set it up. She’s a smart diplomat, I’ll give her that. She always knows what she’s doing.
“Tonight’s the big night! Your first event as Queen!” My mother says enthusiastically, and I nod absentmindedly, fiddling with the ring. I haven’t worn it since the day in the hospital, and it’s just been sitting on my bedside table, collecting dust and eating away at my stomach. My mother sighs. “Why can’t you be happy? Will you ever forgive me?” She asks, and I look up at her in the mirror, my expression unchanged. “I’ve told you many times how you could earn my forgiveness and respect back.” I say, referencing a past conversation we had, keeping my voice flat and even. My mother purses her lips. “Well then. I’ll see you tonight at the party. Stay presentable,” My mother orders, before swiftly turning away, stalking out the door. I scoff, shaking my head.
(Drake’s p.o.v)
I clench my jaw, punching the bag in front of me repeatedly. All my anger, regret, and frustration pouring out as I beat the punching bag, making it shake violently back and forth, it’s chain groaning.
I eventually stop, breathing heavily. I sigh, wiping the sheen of sweat off my forehead. All I can think about is her. As pathetic as that is. “You okay man?” the gym manager, Greg, asks. I nod, without looking up. “Yeah thanks, I’m fine,” I breathe, sitting down on the bench behind me, looking down as I unwrap my knuckles.
For a brief moment I’m back in that room, watching as she treats my fresh wounds, the light from the windows softly framing her beautiful face, whiskey flowing through my veins because that was the only way I could attempt to calm my nerves, being so close to her. I sigh, trying to push her from my mind.
She doesn’t want you anymore. 
“Hey uh, someone’s here to see you,” Greg says, his tone shifted. I look up in confusion and see Alana’s mother standing behind him, clearly uncomfortable in the dingy gym. I stand up quickly, suddenly feeing self conscious about my sweaty gym clothes.
Greg senses the tension and tentatively walks away, giving us a strange look. I guess it’s not every day that one of his patrons is visited by the recently former Queen. I look back at Regina, anger building back up within me. “How can I help you, Your Majesty?” I ask turning my head to the side, my nose flaring angrily. She blinks. “I deserve that,” she admits, looking down at the dingy floor. “I came here with a proposition for you,” She says, looking back up at me, making me furrow my brow in confusion.
(Alana’s p.o.v)
“You got this Al, I know you do.” Maxwell reassures me, his eyes kind. I smile, “Thanks Max,” I say, taking a deep breath. “I know you’ve had a tough couple months, but you may as well try to have a good time tonight,” Maxwell says, and I nod. We start to walk out of my room and down the hall, Maxwell’s arm slung around my shoulders. “We can get drunk just like old times,” Maxwell laughs in my ear, making me laugh. “Oh those were the days,” I sigh contently, my good friend making me smile.
We laugh as we make our way to the main entryway, separating as we walk down the stairs. I look up at the sound of the front doors opening and stop in my tracks. In walks in my mother and...Drake?
A wall of emotion hits me so hard, I feel as though I could fall over. The man I love, the man I swear to at night, the man who broke my heart, standing just a few feet away from me, in a frustratingly handsome navy suit, avoiding my eye contact.
“I got your bodyguard back, now, let’s leave before we are late to your engagement party,” My mother says, a satisfied smile on her face. I snap back to reality, nodding wordlessly. I walk down the stairs, not being able to look Drake in the eyes. As I pass him through the doorway, I feel his hand on my lower back, guiding me through. Chills spread over my arms and I keep walking, my face burning in embarrassment. I feel like a spoiled child whose parent forced some child to be my friend. I can’t believe she remembered.
Five months ago my mother asked how she could earn my forgiveness, and I simply said ‘bring him back’.
I step into the back of our black SUV, Maxwell following behind me. My mother gets into her own car with her bodyguard, and Drake sits up front with the driver. I can feel Max’s gaze on mine, but I don’t look at him, my stomach fluttering unpleasantly. I’m not eager to see the expression of my good friend’s face. I’m torn between being overjoyed that the man I love is so close to me again, and angry because that same man broke my heart six months ago. How can he just sit there, no emotion, after what he did? How much is my mother paying him? I cringe, looking out the window, waiting until we arrive.
Our cars pull up onto the gravel drive, the Amaranth Manor glittering in the warm night. Home to one of the Cordonia most notable noble family, their daughter being Madeline. I only met on her on a couple of occasions- she’s... not my taste. 
The cars roll to a stop just in front of the large doors, my nerves fluttering. I haven’t been in public like this in so long. My car door opens, and for the fist time in six months, I make direct eye contact with Drake. Just like that, all my reservations and cautiousness is out the window, replaced with the familiar feeling of overwhelming love and longing for Drake. A feeling I’ve tried to ignore for these past months that I just can’t hold it back anymore.
I get lost in those warm, brown, beautiful eyes, butterflies erupting in my stomach. I force myself to look away, gulping nervously. I take a deep breath, take his hand, and step down off the SUV. The manor is lit up with warm lights, music playing loudly through the french doors which are open wide for the warm summer air. I look over and see two men waiting for me one of whom is Liam, the other, I don’t recognize. Liam grins, walking over and enveloping me in an embrace. I smile, hugging him back. He kisses my cheek as he pulls away, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight. “So nice to see you again babe,” He says, and I grin. “Yes it is,” I smile. Liam turns, gesturing for the other man to walk over.
“This is my brother, Leo. He’s joining us on our tour,” Liam explains. “Ah, so nice to meet you!” I exclaim, holding out my hand. Leo takes it, placing a kiss on my knuckles. “It’s my pleasure Your Majesty,” Leo says in a smooth voice. I smile politely, and we head over to the entrance. I glance over my shoulder, spotting Maxwell throwing his arm over Liam, talking pleasantly with his friend, and Drake, following behind.
We enter the main ballroom, where many of the suitors form last season are, now with women of nobility. I feel slightly intimidated as we walk in, and they go nearly quiet. We are announced and the voices start up again, louder this time. Liam and I start getting bombarded by nobles, ready to congratulate us on our engagement. We maneuver through the party, my jeweled hand resting on Liam’s arm, in clear view. Drake trails behind us, but I try not to think or look at him, not sure how I will react. I get many compliments on my ring from noble women, many of whom will be my bridesmaids, even though I barely know any of them.
Hours into the party and a couple noble women stand out, like the extremely nice woman Hana Lee, the bubbly Penelope Ebrim, the cultured french woman Kiara Theron, and of course, Madeline. “Step-Cousin! So nice to see you,” Madeline says in a hard-to-tell but definitely fake smile. “Lovely to see you as well! Thank you for hosting,” I smile back. She studies me for a moment, before turning to Liam. “Liam. It’s been a while, you look well,” Madeline says, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. “You too Madeline,” Liam grins. She looks at him for a moment, before turning to me.
“Looking forward to the wedding? I bet it will be just lovely,” Madeline says, an edge to her voice. What is her problem? “Yeah definitely! Um- would you two excuse me for a moment? I think I just need some fresh air,” I say, and they both nod. “Are you okay?” Liam asks quietly, his hand on my forearm. I nod with a smile, gently releasing myself from his grip. “Yes! I’ll be right back,” I say cheerfully, kissing his cheek quickly, before turning and making my way through the ballroom and out one of the open doors, into the secluded garden. I walk for a bit in the quiet, until I’m far enough to be out of sight from the party, and sit down on a stone bench outside. I sigh, a feeling of relief washing over me, happy to finally be alone again.
I honestly forgot the stress of being a noble - and now I’m Queen. god, what have I gotten myself into?
I suddenly hear a branch break, and whip my head to see Drake, standing just a bit away from me. I sigh. “Why did you follow me?” I ask, feeling an overwhelming sense of exhaustion from the situation. He sighs. “I’m just trying to do my job.” Drake says, shifting uncomfortably. I nod slightly, looking down.
After a moment, Drake talks again, “I don’t know why you wanted me back as your bodyguard, you seemed like you were done with us.” He says quietly. I scoff, standing up indignantly, facing him. “Excuse me? I was the one who was done? Last time I checked, you were the one who walked out,” I say angrily, glad I walked far enough from the crowded party to have privacy.
Drake looks at me, clear confusion in his face. “You didn’t want me with you. Your mother made me leave when- when it happened. After you fell asleep she told me that you were done with us, that you couldn’t take it anymore. You forced me out of your life, I didn’t walk out.” Drake explains, his annoyingly calm voice just making me more confused.
“But my mom told me...” I stop, my heart pounding. I look up at Drake, who is staring back at me, his eyes wide. It starts to click. Why did I just trust what my mom said after what she did? His Adam’s apple bobs up and back down. “You didn’t want me to leave did you?” He asks quietly. I shake my head. “You didn’t give up on me?” I ask, gulping. He nears me. “No. never. You have no idea how much I fought. I was at the hospital every day, trying to find a way to see you, to change your mind. Eventually they threatened me with arrest. The next day, you were moved to another hospital. I kept trying, I didn’t stop, as much as I probably should have. You have no idea how many stupid gossip magazines I bought just to get any information about you, to see if you were okay,” Drake says with a chuckle, making me snort at the picture of Drake buying gossip magazines, my stomach fluttering with happiness. He didn’t give up on us.
We look at each other for a moment, just staring. “I missed you,” I say softly, my voice cracking. Something breaks within Drake and he pulls me towards him, embracing me tightly. I sigh, melting into his familiar arms, clinging onto his shoulders. He buries his face into my neck, making me sigh with content. Something I haven’t felt for months. I curl my fingers in his hair, pulling gently. After a moment, he pulls away from the embrace, his eyes scanning my face.
In a second, our lips are connected. It’s hesitant at first, still unsure, our mutual feelings of hurt still lingering between us. I let out a small moan, the feeling of his lips on mine intoxicating after months of feeling nothing. I clearly did something right, because Drake groans, pulling me closer than imagined, his hands roaming up and down my sides. All these months of to re-living our kisses in the middle of the night could not have prepared me for how I feel in this moment. My heart soaring, my nerves on fire, wanting- no begging- for more contact. 
Once my lungs are burning for air, we break apart, breathing heavily. “God, I missed you too,” Drake says, his voice an octave lower than usual, making my heart swoop into my stomach. God, how does he have such an impact on me? Just his deep voice makes me want to jump his bones. I gulp, looking up at him. “What now?” I ask, and he looks down. “Honestly? I’m not sure,” He says quietly.
I bring my hand up, caressing his cheek, making him look up at me. He blinks, looking deeply into my eyes. “All I know is that I can’t lose you again. I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with this engagement situation, but I will never give up on us.” I say with every fiber in my being, hoping he understands my sincerity. He nods, a strange look in his eyes. Before I can question him, my phone goes off. I look down to see a text from Liam, asking me where I am.
I sigh, a feeling of guilt creeping up on me. Just because I don’t want to be with Liam doesn’t mean I want to hurt him. “What is it?” Drake asks, and I sigh. “I have to get back in there, as much as I wish I could stay out here with you,” I say, longing to stay forever with Drake, never having to leave his side again. His face falls slightly, before he smiles. “Hey, at least we figured this out. It was hard thinking that you didn’t want me for six months,” Drake says, making me smile. “Yeah, I’m glad we figured this out,” I say, and He looks at me for a moment, before swooping in, giving me a sweet kiss. I happily kiss back, before we both pull away.
“Time to go back in I guess,” I say, and He nods. We walk through the garden, back into the crowded party, my stomach still fluttering with butterflies after that kiss. Drake stays a good distance behind me, which is probably smart because if I could, I would never stop trying to touch or kiss him, which would be a bit concerning for the nobles, as they are at the engagement party for me and a different man. Leo, Liam’s brother pulls me aside gently. “Oh hi Leo,” I say, and he looks at me for a moment. “Did you enjoy your breath of fresh air?” He asks, making my stomach drop. He didn’t see did he? “Yeah, sometimes parties like this are suffocating and I just need a break,” I say, keeping my voice level.
Leo studies me for a mother moment, a sly smirk creeping onto his face. “hmm, I like you,” He says in a thoughtful way as I smile back, my heart pounding. Did he see me and Drake? “Thank you, I’m glad my future brother in law approves,” I say with a slightly nervous chuckle. I can’t figure Leo out, is he threatening me?
 “Hey what’s up babe?” Liam asks, coming over to us, sliding a hand around my waist. I glance over to see Drake staring daggers at Liam’s hand. Funny how things never change. It makes me blush knowing Drake is protective over me. “Oh, nothing, just talking to your lovely brother,” I smile, clearly making Liam happy. “I’m glad! You two are very important to me,” He says, and we start a perfectly pleasant conversation.
The night moves on, we dance for a while, eat some appetizers, drink some champagne and before I know it, the party is over. I say goodbye to Liam, making my way to my assigned room away from him, which may have been orchestrated by my step-cousin, little does she know that’s my ideal scenario. Honestly she can try to steal Liam away, I’m not going to stop her.
Drake and I stop outside my door. “I guess I should try to get some sleep,” I say, and he nods. My tongue darts out to wet my lips nervously. “Do you want to come in?” I ask, my stomach bubbling with nerves. Drake looks down at me, a heat in his eyes. “I really shouldn’t Alana,” He says, and I nod. I bite my lip, thinking about how out-of-hand we could get. Probably not the best idea. “Okay then, goodnight,” I say, giving him a quick hug. He hugs back, kissing my cheek lightly, making my face heat up. He makes me feel like a schoolgirl, blushing over my crush kissing my cheek. So stupid. “Goodnight Your Highness,” he whispers, making me take in a sharp breath. He is really making this hard for me.
He releases me from the hug, leaning back, a satisfied grin on his face. I huff. “G-Goodnight,” I say, turning and going into my room, the stupid blush never leaving my face.
I change out of my dress and into pajamas and flop onto my bed, thinking about earlier. I‘m so frustrated that I actually believed my manipulative mother for so long. I feel like I betrayed him by believing her, but he believed her too I guess. I stare at the pale blue ceiling above me, thinking about the kiss. God, the way he pulled me closer. He has to know what he does to me. It’s honestly unfair at this point.
I naw at my bottom lip, butterflies fluttering inside me. I glance over to the door and see the edge of his shadow outside my door. My heart warms at the thought of being so close to him again. Before long, I drift off to sleep.
I glance around, watching as everyone dances. The warm lights glow pleasantly, the music muffled, but nice. I smile as I see Max and Allie together, laughing. A feeling of warmth radiates through my body. I glance over and see Drake, smiling over at me. A strange feeling of familiarity falls over me slowly. Wait... This is the coronation ball, oh no.Suddenly, the warm lights go out. The ball is dark and suddenly a horrible cold feeling washes over me. I know what’s coming. No! I have to warn them! I try to scream, try to warn everyone to get down, but nothing will come out. I look down and see myself chained to a post, and feel the duck tape on my mouth.
The lights turn on again, and the assassins don’t hesitate opening fire on everyone. I scream as their bodies fall over, fighting with everything in me to be free, to help them. One near me turns, and aims and Drake. “No!” I try to say, nothing coming out. Drake just looks over at me in fear and then the assassin shoots him, making him collapse. I scream, thrashing against the binds, and suddenly, I’m in my room, and Drake is by my side, holding onto my shoulders, clearly concerned. I let out the largest sigh of relief, throwing my arms around him tightly. Tears fall out of my eyes and my shoulders shake as I sob in his arms. He holds me tightly, His body warmth calming me down. He just keeps whispering softly “it’s okay, you’ll be alright,” as I cry. 
As soon as I start to calm down, I let go of my death grip on him, leaning back. “Are you alright?” He asks, deeply concerned. I sigh, calming my nerves. “Y-yes, I am now. Sorry since the ball I’ve had these horrible dreams...” I trail off, stopping before I cry again. He reaches out, brushing my hair from my face. “It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize to me, I know nightmares better than anyone,” He says, and I nod, remembering that night when I found him in his bed, screaming in his sleep. “I had no idea you had them now,” He says sadly, looking into my eyes. “Yeah, um- if I’m being honest, I’ve been a hot mess since the ball and then my ‘surprise engagement’,” I say bitterly, fumbling with my hands in my lap. 
Drake rests his hand on mine, making me stop, looking up at him. “That makes two of us,” He says gently. My heart breaks thinking about Drake being just as heart-broken as me. “At least we’re in this together, right?” I say, and he nods, a small smile on his face. “Always.”
He stays by my side until I fall asleep.
I’m back! I know there’s a lot of crazy thing going on in the world right now which is horrible, but hopefully it will bring change with it! How did you guys like the first part? I love to hear your feedback ;) Thank you all for your support over the years now (crazy!) for this fic! It’s honesty hard for me to read earlier chapters, I feel like I’ve changed so much since the beginning haha. Anyway, I know this wasn’t the best part, but there are so many more exciting things I have planned! Again, thank you all for your support, if it wasn’t for all your kind words I would not have gotten so far! Love you all! 
-Ella xx
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keen2meecha · 4 years
a creature of despair
There was a ghost haunting the streets of New Demington and everyone knew it.
Not a literal ghost. That would be much more convenient - and much less stressful. Ghosts could be caught, exorcised, shot with rock salt and sent back to wherever they belonged.
This ghost, though.
This ghost had yet to be seen, although the trail of bodies they left in their wake was unmistakable. Some with premortem wounds, some without - but all of them with their throats slashed from behind, and a length of purple ribbon left behind to cover the wound. It was a very specific calling card, but investigators had yet to determine the significance. And this had been going on for months.
Even Amadeus Black was pricklier than usual lately, and that was quite the feat. He was prickly on the best of days, but it took a lot to push him further.
And yet, despite the tension in the air and the worry on TV, Falks’ freshmen class remained as bright and oblivious as ever.
“We should go shopping!” Briony El-Hashem declared.
At the opposite end of the table, Kyran Cinege snorted as he speared his broccoli. Sure, he’d known since he stepped foot in this place that his classmates were idiots, but it was nice to have tangible proof. He looked up to catch Vera’s eye. She was an ice-cold bitch, but they had a certain understanding. She was a lot more tolerable than the others, for one thing. And she didn’t try to be his ‘friend’ - in fact, she seemed to migrate to his side most days specifically because he had no interest in friends.
She also didn’t talk, which meant she didn’t ask questions.
“What about you, dude?” Ibrahim asked eagerly, leaning closer to Kyran - and then immediately leaning back away at the sharp glare he got. “You in?”
“Of course I’m not fucking in!” Kyran snapped. “You’ve either got a goddamned death wish or your idiots - or, more likely, both.”
“Don’t be like that,” Dimas said, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll be however I fucking please. Unlike you imbeciles, I’m not taking my chances when there’s a damn Villain roaming the streets.”
“We don’t know they’re a Villain!” Larue protested immediately. “They could just be a serial killer!”
“Oh, right, yeah, that’s so much better - congrats, Strawberry! You’ve changed my mind!”
“It’ll be fun,” Rocco interrupted, and Kyran choked back a swear. “C’mon, please? We’ll make it worth your while!”
There was only one person who could possibly make it worth his while. He had red-hair and stupid pretty eyes and was currently pouting up at Kyran, said pretty eyes pleading with him. Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fucking-
“Fine, whatever.” He grunted, tearing his eyes away from Rocco. “If it makes you assholes leave me alone for once.”
“You know we won’t! Hey, Vera, what about you?”
“No,” She said flatly, not even looking up from her book.
“Aw, come on, not you too! Please?”
Unfortunately, Vera didn’t have the same weakness that Kyran had. She gave Rocco a flat look, then returned to her book once more. Rocco wrinkled his nose at her, then returned to the others to help the planning of the apparent shopping trip.
Kyran scowled and flicked her book as he said, “Oy, Princess, if I’ve gotta suffer through this bullshit so do you.”
She gave him a flat look, then stood up, shouldered her backpack, and started to walk away. Kyran reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could get far.
“Let go of me,” She snapped, yanking her wrist out of his grip as whirled on him. He was out of his seat and standing across from her in a second, shoulders squared and hands raised. He had seen what she could do with her Gift. She wasn’t going to get the drop on him.
“Guys,” Elora protested uneasily from the table. 
“Shut up, Pinkie,” Kyran told her, not looking away from Vera. “You too, Glasses.”
Zahir snapped his mouth shut.
“I said. I’m not. Going.” Vera gritted out. Despite the tension in her jaw, her hands were loose by her sides.
“And I said you are,” Kyran countered, not letting his guard down that easily. “Because there’s a killer roaming the streets, and we’re pretty much the only ones who can keep these idiots alive if they really insist on leaving campus.”
There was a full tense minute as she stared him down. He was starting to wonder if she would just forgo the Gift and punch him in the nose-
And then she huffed, nodded, and left without another word.
“Was that a yes?” Ibrahim asked into the shocked silence.
“We’re going shopping this weekend,” Kyran announced suddenly.
Across from him, the devil herself blinked and adjusted her glasses.
“We were discussing your childhood?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got daddy issues, blah blah blah,” Kyran waved a dismissive hand. “Been there, done that, old news.”
“Alright.” Tuliana gave an infuriating smile. “Who all is we?”
“The whole class.”
“Including you?”
“Don’t make me get the swear jar out again, Kyran.”
“Why did you agree to go? I was under the impression that you hated everyone.”
“Dunno.” He flopped back in the cushy armchair and glared out the window.
“These sessions won’t do you any good if you stonewall me.”
He huffed and drew a frowny face on the icy window with his finger, then said, “I… thought I saw her. Yesterday. Up on those mountains or whatever.”
“It’s not… unheard of for people to think they’ve seen loved ones that they’ve lost.”
“So I’m not going crazy?”
“No, we’ve been over this.”
“Even though it’s been, like, a year?”
“There’s no timeline for grief. It happens differently for everyone.” When he didn’t say anything else, she jotted something down on her notebook and said, “Is that why you agreed to go? Because you think you’ll see her again?”
“No, that’d be stupid.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
He scowled and shot her a glare. The worst part was that her serene expression didn’t even waver. In the almost two months he’d been attending Falks, he’d managed to get under every adults’ skin except for two: the headmaster and Tuliana Nagi. The former simply because he hadn’t had enough opportunities, the latter because he was sure there were more annoying things in Hell than him.
So far, at least.
“Maybe…” He returned to the window. “Maybe because it’s what she would have done.”
“Gone shopping?”
“Protected them.”
There was a long beat of silence, then she sighed and rubbed at her eye. She did that sometimes. Their sessions were always at the end of the day, and he was pretty sure she had chronic dry-eye. Her eye drops were in her drawer, but she never used them while they were meeting. Probably because it was impolite or some shit.
“Kyran, it’s not your job to save everyone.”
“It will be soon.”
“Yes, after you’ve been trained.” She dropped her hand and leaned forward. He shifted uncomfortably, but couldn’t seem to break eye contact. “Kyran, you couldn’t have saved her.”
“If I hadn’t left her with him-”
“You didn’t leave him.” They had been through this so many times that she felt comfortable interrupting him, which was infuriating. “You got separated while the museum was collapsing.”
“What difference does it make?”
“You know that it makes all the difference.”
He snarled at her, but had nothing to say to that. She was - probably, unfortunately - right. But if he had just had the instinct to dive back, not forward, if they had lingered just a second longer, or sped up just a little-
“That kind of thinking won’t bring her back, Kyran.”
That was the whole problem, wasn’t it? 
Nothing was going to bring back the one friend he’d ever had.
The mall was way too big, and way too loud. The moment they stepped inside, he regretted agreeing to come along. 
It didn’t help that Vera was practically radiating smugness at his discomfort, even as she too winced at the light and the noise and the smell. The rest of their classmates barely seemed to notice the terrible everything of the hellhole posing as a mall. They laughed and shouted and went through store after store after store. Why did a mall even need five separate shoe stores? Wasn’t one enough?
“Capitalism,” Jerilyn whispered gravely to him when he voiced his complaint.
“Fuck that,” He replied, turning away.
“Dude, where are you going?” Ibrahim shouted.
“Anywhere that isn’t here!”
He made it all the way to the boba stand before he realized that he was being followed.
“Fuck off, Princess.”
“You dragged me on this trip,” She replied evenly. “Actions have consequences.”
It was the closest to sarcasm he’d ever heard her get, so he begrudgingly didn’t protest further. The ghost everyone was afraid of preferred secluded areas, after all. They wouldn’t strike in the middle of a brightly lit, crowded as hell building.
“Hi!” The Chinese girl behind the counter chirped at their approach. “What can I get you?”
“What’s good?” Kyran asked, scanning the menu and trying hard not to scowl. His classmates deserved his ire - retail workers didn’t.
“Depends on what you like - the lavender is pretty interesting.”
“Sure, that.”
“Great! And you, ma’am?”
“Er, same thing.”
The girl didn’t notice the hesitance as she put their orders into the computer, but Kyran glanced back as he passed her the money. He’d had his suspicions, of course, but every time she opened her mouth he grew more certain that the weirdo had never had a real childhood.
Maybe they could start a club.
“Here’s your change!” The girl said, dragging him out of his thoughts.
He turned and accepted the coins - and found his gaze drawn to her pin-laden denim jacket. More specifically, the white pin with the thick purple line in the middle.
“Nice pin,” He said, jutting his chin out towards it.
“Huh?” She glanced down, then beamed up at him with excitement. “Thanks!”
“I’ve got a friend who had something similar,” He added, his throat tightening as the words clawed their way out. 
“Oh, nice. I can give you the website that I got it from, if you want to buy them a present!”
“Uh, no, thanks. She hasn’t got much use for gifts anymore.”
The girl snorted, and then the man who was also working at the booth called, “Jing, come help me!” and she hurried away.
Kyran heaved a sigh, then turned to see Vera staring at him.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“Nothing.” Unruffled as ever - she was almost as obnoxious as Tuliana. “I thought you didn’t have friends.”
“I don’t,” He snapped, already regretting the moment of weakness. At least Vera wasn’t the gossiping type. “Not anymore. What do you care?”
“I don’t.”
She said that, but she also kept stealing glances at him for the rest of their little shopping trip. By the time they left, just before the mall closed as the sun was setting below the horizon, he was ready to commit arson just for some kind of release.
The city buildings cast long shadows in the fading sunlight, and his classmates at least had the common sense to lower their voices as they walked. They were still in a populated part of the city, but they were fast-approaching that time where it was too late for the day crowd to still be heading home, but too early for the night crowd to start leaving home.
“Oh, hey, come on!” Briony said suddenly, her voice leaping half an octave in her excitement. “It’s a shortcut - it’ll get us to the nearest stop just in time for the next bus!”
“Wait, I’m not sure-” Zahir tried to protest, but she was already taking off down the darkened alleyway.
Kyran swore and took off after her, and the others followed close behind. 
Luckily she hadn’t gotten far - barely halfway down the alleyway before she stopped, apparently waiting for them to catch up.
“Do you want to fucking die?” He snapped, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her around to face him. “We need to stick together, or-”
“Well, well, well. Who is it that’s flown into my web this time?”
Or that.
Kyran shoved Briony behind him and pivoted, searching for the source of the crooning voice. It didn’t sound like it belonged to anyone much older or bigger than them, but it had just enough of an edge to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“Oh, could it be?” The voice continued, dancing with delight. “A little herd of Falkers, out and about in the city? All alone, and so late at night - I thought you were supposed to be smart!”
“Who says we’re alone?” Kyran snarled, putting a hand out to keep his classmates from doing anything stupid. 
There was the sound of sharp metal scraping against stone undercutting a breathy, unsettlingly girlish giggle, and a figure stepped into what little light was left. 
They weren’t what Kyran was expecting. Short, shorter than him, wearing jeans and sneakers and a faded purple hoodie that was missing the sleeves, leaving the person’s brown arms bare. They could almost be mistaken for a normal teenager wandering the streets - albeit a fucking jacked one - if not for the machete in their outstretched hand, resting against the wall of the building. That explained the scraping noise, at least.
“We don’t want any trouble,” Zahir called, earning a hissed shut up from Kyran.
“You don’t?” The person asked, almost sounding disappointed. “But don’t you know? That’s all you Falkers are. Little troubles, that grow up to be big strong Heroic troubles.”
“Back the fuck off now,” Kyran snarled when they took a step forward, raising his free hand in preparation. An explosion in such a tight space wasn’t ideal, but if push came to shove it would be worth it. “And no one will get hurt.”
The person paused and tilted their head. He could see the faintest flash of clever dark eyes studying him. There was something about this person, something hauntingly familiar... 
“Why don’t we make a deal?” They crooned, pushing their hood back. 
They were wearing a paneled black mask over the entirety of the bottom half of their face, but that still left the top half of their face exposed. Golden brown eyes with heavy bags under them, freckles, their dark brown curls shaved in an undercut. A scar through their thick eyebrow. Kyran narrowed his eyes. It was right there, staring him in the face, why couldn’t he figure it out-
“You give me your jacket, and I’ll let you go.”
“My jacket?” He glanced down at the leather jacket he was wrapped up in, worn to comfortable softness and right on the edge of being too small. “No fucking way.”
“Kyran,” Ibrahim whispered urgently.
“I said no,” He snapped, lifting his hand a little higher and curling his finger into the beginnings of a flick. If they made even the slightest of moves, kaboom. “I’m not giving some whacko my jacket.”
“Oh, but it’s not your jacket, now is it?” They said softly, taking another step forward. They were within arm’s reach. He needed to use his Gift, or throw a punch, or run, or something - but he was paralyzed, mesmerized by those far-too-knowing eyes. “You stole it from your friend, didn’t you? That night in the hospital? You chased her out, blamed her for your own damn issues, and then stole the jacket she left behind?”
“How do you know that?” He whispered.
“Oh, I know all about you, Kruze Cinege.”
She - because the only person who would ever call him that was a ‘she’ - smiled and pulled the mask down around her neck. Her nose was broad and freckled, her chin rounded and soft, her lips stretched in a smile he’d seen a hundred times before - but this one was mangled and bitter and empty, a fucked up facsimile of the original.
She’d gotten a haircut, gathered a few more scars, lost the spark that used to make her shine so bright - but she still managed to be unmistakable. 
No wonder they called her a ghost.
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twiceblackvelvet · 4 years
Pt. I, Pt. II
June 2nd, 2022. 14:32 PM. Busan.
“That’s a wrap everyone, thank you!”
The booming voice of the director echoing throughout the set. Lighting rigs are taken down by the many production staff on hand. The few extras needed to walk in the shot background shuffle out of sight without speaking a word, grateful for the opportunity to be working, and not willing to do anything to risk their position here. You can see the hunger for more in all of their eyes and the envy they feel towards those with speaking roles. None of them have caused trouble, something the former male lead should learn from.
The first few weeks here had been tortuous but finally, Joy has completed the filming of her first acting job since the split of Red Velvet, without murdering the god-awful co-star initially hired which is an accomplishment. The role of a mistress seeking revenge against the man who murdered her father just seemed too good to pass up on. However, had she known it would come with dealing with by far the most pretentious man to exist, she might have thought twice.
The first few days it was plain sailing. Everyone just got on with their jobs and kept things moving along. But then, trailers needed to be made bigger and fine foods had to be stocked inside every day. The final straw being a request for an assistant solely to hold water bottles close by the actor. To say Joy was annoyed would be an understatement. So, she confronted the man for his poor behavior and put him in his place. Respect should be earned not just given, and this man had earned zero.
After being showed up in front of everyone, things spiraled quickly into ruining scenes on purpose just to make shoots run late or purposefully blocking the camera with his body during close-ups. Eventually, the director settled on replacing him with another actor, far better both in the talent and attitude department. The firing caused a setback in the schedule, but luckily everyone worked twice as hard to finish within the allotted time-frame.
To finally be rid of this experience feels like a breath of fresh air. Not that she didn’t enjoy portraying what most would deem the “bad” character for a change, it just became difficult to do so when a real-life villain was haunting the production.
“Hey, the director has arranged a wrap party, are you going?”
Eunseo, a petite woman in charge of the third camera who everyday likes to inform Joy she owns all of Red Velvet’s albums asks. Her toothy grin is remarkably unpleasant as the question escapes her mouth. However, Joy has gotten used to her overexcitement over the small pleasures in life.
“Sure, I just need to grab my things from the trailer and I’ll get my manager to drive me straight there.” A lie. A very obvious yet unnoticed lie.
“Great, I’ll see you there.” Eunseo latches her arms firmly around Joy’s neck, although, she barely reaches because of her lack of height.
Joy quickly squirms her way out of the smaller woman’s arms and gives only a smile in response before scurrying away to her trailer, not daring to allow her a second chance at grappling her neck.
Unlocking her phone as she gets closer to the spacious trailer she’s spent the last few months getting used to, a few notifications appear about her upcoming drama, which she subscribed to the alerts for. If the former male lead tries to tarnish her name despite his own actions being the issue, she wants her team to be on the case of fixing it immediately. A few missed calls from her sister and mom, likely wondering how long they need to keep babysitting Haetnim whilst she’s out of Seoul. But finally, some texts from an unknown number that she deletes without reading. If it’s anyone or anything important, they’ll contact her manager.
Getting closer to the trailer, the door appears to be slightly ajar. Joy stops in her tracks, trying to think back to whether or not she locked it before heading to the set. She’s certain she did, however, with the excitement of the final day looming over her, she thinks it’s possible this slipped her mind.
Not willing to risk a masked assailant, however, she shouts inside first to see if anyone responds.
“Hello, is anyone there?”
Silence is all that follows. Not trusting this, she asks again in a more threatening tone.
“Hello? I’m calling the police if you don’t come out!”
A small chuckle is all that can be heard, but there’s no one in sight. Fed up with the not knowing, Joy steps inside of her trailer attempting to use her phone like some kind of weapon. The last person she ever imagined being sat inside of her trailer, however, is there in all of her glory as made-up and ready for the runway as ever, despite her “normal” life now.
“Irene?” She asks, as if unsure of whether the older woman before her is real or just a figment of her imagination.
“Joohyun. It’s Joohyun now.” Adjusting her shirt as she speaks, Joy can tell that she’s nervous to be here, with her, for the first time since the day they parted as members. “Nice trailer, I can see you… decorated.”
There’s clothing thrown on the floor with little to no care, a reminder of their days in the dorm, everyone making a mess, and no one in the mood to clean up after themselves. However, if Joy had known that Joohyun was dropping by, she’d have attempted to at least make it slightly presentable. She does still mean a lot to Joy.
“Um… What are you doing here?” The bluntness to Joy’s tone being something she didn’t mean to let out, however, her voice naturally shows that she too is on edge.
The pair look at each other for a few seconds before Joohyun stands and attempts to leave. However, Joy places her arm up onto the door frame to block her path before she can whisk back out of her life as fast as she has re-entered it.
“This was a mistake, I shouldn’t have come here. I’m sorry.” Sadness drips off every word Joohyun speaks, her eyes averting to the ground.
“Come on, sit back down. I’ll make us a drink and you can tell me all about it.”
Joohyun desperately wants to escape, but Joy has always had a way of roping her into things she’s not so sure of. So she sits. They drink, something that is far too stiff for both of them to handle, however, it helps the words flow from Joohyun’s mouth and Joy’s ears do a lot more listening than they’re used to nowadays.
She tells Joy all about the offer from Dongchul and how she’s considering stepping into the acting world, about her garden that has become a haven where she can let all of her thoughts out and about how her parents’ smiles have become the thing that makes her heart feel alive now.
Joy has always found Joohyun beautiful, so has anyone lucky enough to lay their eyes on her, however, seeing her happy like this makes her feel that her own actions regarding their group splitting are justified if Joohyun is enjoying her new life this much. Joy desperately hopes to feel the same way one day about her own.
“How about you? Do you keep up with the others?” Joohyun asks and breaks Joy from her own inner monologue of life. “How are they all?”
Joy hesitates in answering Joohyun’s innocent question. She knows that her former leader is not trying to stir up any negative feelings by asking about the others, yet, sadness is all Joy can feel when she thinks about the state the group has erupted into.
“I don’t speak to Seulgi, she stopped speaking to me that day,” A frown replaces Joohyun’s smile from seconds ago at this. “Yeri and I hang out sometimes, she’s just as busy as I am. We check in with each other when we can.”
“That’s good, you two were always close. Annoying, but close.” Joohyun adds, “What about Wendy, do you see her still?”
Confusion etches across Joy’s face. Granted Joohyun is yet to reveal whether she has kept in touch with anyone, she figured that she would have at least saw the news on the internet or television.
“Well that would be difficult, given that she’s in America now, did you not know?”
Joohyun almost chokes on her drink at Joy’s words. America? Why would she move there? Why did no one tell her?
“No, when did she move?”
“She left about two months after the split.” If Joohyun thinks this is the only bombshell awaiting her about her former members, Joy has yet another shock in store for her. “So, you don’t know about the singles clash then, I guess?”
Placing her drink down onto the table, Joohyun shifts her body closer towards Joy’s, unsure of what she’s talking about.
“Singles clash? No?”
A deep sigh leaves Joy’s body. Dealing with her awful co-worker had also been made more difficult by the decisions made by two of her former members. Interviewers desperately wanting her to comment on what ended up being a situation blown out of proportion, but a stressful one to deal with. Fake smiles were plastered on and rumors of a feud swiftly denied by both her and Yeri on behalf of Seulgi and Wendy.
“Seulgi got to debut solo two months ago, SM did their first thing right in years and went all out for her, the whole works,” Joy can see Joohyun’s mental cogs shifting trying to figure out where an issue comes into play here. “But Wendy released her first solo song in the US at midnight, an hour before Seulgi’s showcase here.”
Suddenly, everything makes sense. But surely this was all coincidental? Joohyun thinks but doesn’t verbalize as Joy is in before she can.
“Wendy insists that she had no idea Seulgi’s debut was that day but, I don’t know. It turned into a messy situation and fans didn’t know which to support. Seulgi still topped the charts, but it can’t have felt good to have her thunder stolen from someone who was once her friend. She already blames us for the disbandment, this just added fuel to the fire.”
Joy’s hand’s motion between the two of them as she speaks.
“She blames me?” Joohyun asks softly.
Joy pauses and recalls that Joohyun missed the blow-up from Seulgi in the office that day having left before it happened. She decides it’s best to stick the knife all the way in and tell Joohyun everything instead of trying to spare her with a lie.
“Except for Yeri, she blames all of us.”
pt. iv
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Beyond Lovers || Chp.4
{More Than Friends Sequel}
Chairman!Jaehyun AU x CEO!Reader AU
Summary: You find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with the former CEO after overcoming your fear of love. Although there were rough patches, both of you are now stronger than ever. However, you realize that maintaining a relationship and a company at the same time can be very difficult, especially if someone is out to destroy the both of you.
{ Previous / Next }
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You were in awe as you walked through the building that was now lit up with purple, pink, and blue neon lights. It seemed it was only yesterday that Jaehyun proposed to have you as NCT’s CEO. You blindly accepted his offer not knowing how stressful it would be to weigh both online college and a company on your shoulders. Your eyes have almost gone blind from staring at a computer all day. From doing online courses to mapping out designs and promotions for NCT. You wouldn’t have been able to get through even half of it if your friends weren’t there to support you.
For the past few weeks, Soyeon and Mark have stayed up at the crack of dawn studying with you in hopes of finishing the courses required for the three of you to graduate on time. It’d be an understatement to say that the workload is difficult. At times, you even considered going back to college to learn face to face with a professor. However, Soyeon and Mark have always toughed it out and helped to make sure the three of you had the time for NCT.
When you have finished the crazy college workload for the day, you were faced with another workload from NCT. Photoshoots, coordinating, and managing the company left you absolutely no time to relax. You were just thankful your friends were suffering along with you. Soyeon, Soojin, Lucas, Winwin, and Ten were the models of the company. Since they were already professionals, half of the stress was taken away from you, not to mention that Ten’s ability to design saved the company so much time and money. Photoshoots also go smoothly with their professional opinions for improvements. On the other hand, Mark and Johnny were of great help behind the scenes. Mark was in charge of contacting future partners and other human resource duties while Johnny and you took charge of photography and video contents. The whole company was surprised, except for you and Jaehyun, that Johnny decided to retire from modeling. You and Jaehyun have always known Johnny’s passion and skill for photography. Plus, Jaehyun has always told you how guilty he felt to have made Johnny model with a “playboy” image back in SM. Taking both their thoughts into consideration, you used NCT as the perfect opportunity to settle both their concerns and wishes.
You walked through the crowded building remembering the countless nights the nine of you spent decorating and making the building look like what you all have envisioned for it to be: a place of creative freedom and a place that held no boundaries nor anyone to force a fake image upon others. With a big smile on your face, you greeted the people who congratulated you and had small talks with the guests of tonight’s grand opening event. You saw your friends enjoying their time eating, taking pictures, and just happily talking to other people. An ooze of happiness burst from inside of you. Although it was beyond difficult to start the company you and Jaehyun dreamed about, the endless efforts the nine of you put in resulted in a great outcome. 
You scanned around the room and stopped when you saw a particularly well-dressed man staring back at you with a bright smile on his face. Returning the smile, you subtly motioned for him to come.
“Hey there beautiful stranger,” the husky voice said.
You rolled your eyes at him as he wrapped his long arms around your waist. He stared at you lovingly and dove forward for a long kiss. 
Pulling apart, he said in a breathless whisper, “Congratulations Ms. CEO, this all happened because of you.”
Giving him a quick peck, you smiled and whispered next to his ears, “Well aren’t you lucky to be dating her.”
Smiling with his dimples exposed, Jaehyun tucked your hair behind your ears and gazed at you with loving eyes. “I sure am.”
Suddenly, you heard a buzzing sound in his pocket as he walked away to answer the call. You weren’t sure if it was because of the strobe lights or if you were just imagining things, but you saw a slight change in Jaehyun’s eyes. He seemed angry at first, maybe even furious, but when he made eye contact with you, his bright smile returned. You quickly brushed aside the doubtful feeling and walked toward him. 
Gently, placing a hand on his shoulder, you asked him softly, “Everything alright?”
With a light chuckle, he grabbed your hand and placed them beside him. As to assure you, he rubbed soft circles into the back of your hand and said, “I just got a call from our collaboration’s department chief. There were some problems with the contract.”
Pouting, you asked him, “So you have to go? I didn’t even do my welcoming speech yet.”
Jaehyun chuckled, pinching your cheek lightly, “I’ll see my famous girlfriend on youtube later. I know you’ll do great, but don’t forget to mention the handsome man who funded this whole project.”
You scoffed as he gave you a wink and started heading towards the exit. You saw him grab a glass of champagne before waving goodbye to you, disappearing into the elevator.
Sighing, you, too, took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and gulped it down. You tried to calm your nerves as you gave yourself a mental pep talk. Truth be told, you were a nervous wreck on the inside even though you seemed poised and calm on the exterior. Memorizing your speech wasn’t the difficult part, after all, you planned to speak your immediate thoughts instead of drafting out a speech. This way, the people will understand your genuine appreciation toward them and the company. However, what made you break down with anxiety was the gossip and drama that surrounded you in the past. Although your dating scandal with Jaehyun became less of an interest to the public, there were still many people who doubted you and the position you carry. It took you a lot to fight down your insecurities to even get dressed for the event and show up. You didn’t want to disappoint your friends who all counted on you, so you shallowed down your fears and dragged yourself to the event with forged confidence, hoping nobody will notice your nervous breakdown.
You felt someone lightly wrap their arm around your neck and you turned around to see Soojin. Your best friend gave you an assuring smile and told you, “It’s going to be ok y/n. If anything happens, which it won’t, you have the eight of us to back you up.”
You returned a forced smile and replied, “It’s seven now.”
Looking at you with confusion, she asked, “Seven? Who left?”
“Jaehyun did. He had to deal with one of the department chiefs.”
“Tsk tsk Leaving his girlfriend on one of her most nerve-wracking nights. What a shame,” she shook her head and looked at you with a straight face, “I disapprove.”
You chuckled and lightly shoved her, “Shut up Soojin. He wouldn’t leave me if he saw how nervous I am. Plus, he has important business to attend to. It’ll determine all nine of our futures.”
Raising her arms up in defeat, she said, “Fine, fine. I’m just salty he took my beautiful girlfriend from me.”
You saw her pout as she leaned closer to you, and you pressed your hand on top of her mouth, shoving her away. “Please, you had countless boyfriends and now you try to claim I’m yours?” You looked at her with fake shock, “How dare you! You cheater!”
You both laugh, feeling better already that Soojin was there to shake off your nerves. Soon after, you saw the rest of your friends come over, encouraging you that you’ll do fine. You must say, it was nice to always have the seven of them by your side. Everything felt like it was in place as long as you and your friends were together, indifferent to the media, dramas, and gossips that could easily separate you all.
“Please give a round of applause for NCT’s very own CEO, y/n y/l/n!”
A roar of applause was heard through the neon-lit floor and you felt your nerves rising. Giving a small smile, you walked to the front of the podium as gracefully as you could. 
Taking a deep inhale, you let out your words loud and confidently, “Thank you for the warm welcome! I am so pleased to finally introduce to you, NCT.” Another round of applause stroke and a few cheers were heard. “Our company has been working endlessly to introduce to you all our wonderful models and designs. I would like to first, thank all of our NCT models for bringing this collection to life: Soyeon, Lucas, Soojin, Ten and Winwin,” through your anxious eyes, you saw your five friends waving to the crowd. You gave them a warm smile and continued, “These models are the center of NCT and my most precious friends. Please give them your utmost love and support.”
You continued through your speech with no mistakes and applauses were heard throughout the room. You started to feel at ease as you finished your speech with the words you wanted to say the most, “Last but not least, I would like to thank this one very special person. He has been the light of my life and the most supportive and helpful person to both me and NCT. Unfortunately, he had some matters to attend to so he won’t be here to introduce himself and talk to you all. Nonetheless, I would like to thank Jaehyun with the bottom of my heart. I love you and will continue to lo-”
A cold liquid flowing down your head caused you to freeze before you can finish your sentence. You tried continuing to speak but your eyes started to see red paint drip down from your hair to your face. You felt the crowd’s eyes stare at you as more paint fell down your body. Suddenly, you heard a few people push their way to the front of the crowd and curse at you.
“‘Love’ my ass!”
“Nice way to kiss your way up to the top!!”
“You’re nothing but a slut!”
Once again, fear and anxiety took over you. You didn’t know what else to do but stand there dumbfounded. No matter how hard you tried to muster up your courage to speak, nothing came out. The people just continued to shout threats and throw all sorts of foods at you. The room started spinning and your vision started to get blurry. You saw a swarm of security running towards the shouting people and Mark coming up beside you to call an end to the event. Just as you were about to lose yourself and fall to the ground, Johnny caught you by the waist.
You heard him whisper by your ears, “Hold it in, stay composed. Don’t let these idiots see you fall.”
Johnny’s words made you get a hold onto reality a little better as you stand up straight, acting as if nothing was wrong. You clutch onto his arms as the both of you walk towards the exit behind the backdrop.
• Sorry I’ve been MIA & S U F F E R I N G •
• I have too much work and I’m just a tiny girl so pls have mercy on me 🤕 •
• I’m also hella frustrated bc my card charged me for SuperM albums but I couldn’t place my order on the website like wtf does that even make sense to u •
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Not Alone - Gerard  Way x Reader
Request: Hello! I was wondering if you could do a Gerard x fem!Reader where she was bullied in the past and years later she encounters with the bullies and they start bothering her again and Gerard saves her? Tysm💜 Warnings: bullying, violence (shoving) Word count: 1 746
If you were being honest, being back in your hometown was not nearly as traumatizing as you had assumed it would be. Christmas had pulled you back into this tiny town in which your family still lived. For years you had managed to avoid it, always finding an excuse for your parents to come visit you instead, but this year you had finally decided to face the demons of your past.
The resentment about your hometown was not, as for many other people, grounded in a bad relationship with your family, but rather the unpleasant time of high school. Everyone, literally everyone in the whole town, had always known that you were the involuntary social outcast, the favourite victim of the bullies at school, and too weak (you preferred the word gentle) to save yourself. Even though everyone had known, nobody had ever made a move to help you, and your parents had been shut down by the school’s director, saying you had no prove for what you claimed the other students to have done. And since there was no other school in town and your parents could not afford to home school you, you somehow had learned to survive.
So there was a very good reason indeed why you had never been keen on returning here. As mentioned, the town was small, and chances were that you would stumble into some of your former bullies, or at least a cheering bystander as soon as you left the house. But when you had come home for Christmas, you had not come alone.
During your time away, you had started working for the cartoon network in New York, where you had gotten to know your adorable co-worker Gerard, who you now dated. That he wanted to stay in the relationship, even after he and the band, which he had founded a couple of years back, had made it big, was still a miracle to you, but you definitely did not complain; you loved him.
Now, against all better judgement, you had agreed to do the grocery shopping for your mother. She was already busy decorating, and sending out last minute cards, while simultaneously stressing out over getting the house clean before your grandparents arrived tomorrow morning. So you had figured taking that burden off her shoulders would be the least you could do, especially since the main Christmas grocery shopping was already done, and you only needed to get food for the following days, making sure you would not have to bother with going to the supermarket while you would rather have a peaceful time together.
Of course you had immediately told Gerard he would have to accompany you, which he enthusiastically did. Right now he had disappeared to the section of cereal, eager to choose something for your whole family, while you had continued to the snacks.
Slowly walking along the shelves, you once again wondered why one company produced three different kinds of crisps all with the same flavour. Rummaging through your memories you tried to recall the brand name your brother had mentioned as his favourite yesterday evening, when suddenly you heard someone walk up to you. Assuming it was just a person looking for a specific kind of food, like people do in supermarkets, you took a small step to the side to let them pass, but did not look up.
From the corner of your eye you saw the person had stopped right next to you, leaving not even a dozen inches between you. Normally you would have felt a little uncomfortable due to a lack of personal space, and continued your day, but now the person did not turn to the shelf, the tips of their shoes pointing straight at you. And these were not Gerard’s shoes.
A feeling, which you had not felt in years, overcame you, your instincts telling you to run as fast as possible, but instead you slowly looked up.
“That’s not the way to greet your old friends, (y/n).”
The voice had gotten deeper, but the snarling and dripping venom were the same as back in school. Looking up completely, you found a group of four men blocking the aisle. Their faces looked older, more grown up, more dangerous than what they had looked a couple of years back when you had last seen them. But there was no doubt; these were the same people who had made your life hell.
“You just left without saying goodbye,” said the one standing directly behind Hunter, who was their leader.
“We thought we could give you a proper send off on prom night, but you never showed up,” Hunter added, making the men behind him laugh.
Truth be told, you did not want to know what they had had in mind for you back then.
“But there’s plenty of time for that now, right?”
As if they were remote controlled, they all took a step towards you at the same time, but you did not step back. Never mind Hunter was almost standing chest to chest with you now, you were sick of their stupid games, terribly scared too, but most of all pissed off.
“Leave me alone,” you hissed at them, surprised by how confident you sounded.
“Oh, what’s this, little (y/n) got feisty while away,” Rick, who stood further in the back, laughed, “you should learn to shut your mouth.”
“Fuck off,” you just mumbled, and turned your back to them, trying to walk away from them.
But of course that did not work. It might have worked with normal people, but not with guys as fucked up as these four.
You had not even taken three steps, when a hand landed on your shoulder, and pulled you pack, forcefully slamming you into the packed shelf, causing several bags of snacks to tumble to the floor. Instinctively you curled into a small ball, immediately protecting face and stomach, as years of their torment had taught you; but before the first painful kick, which you expected to hit, found you, a voice sounded through the aisle, and your heart immediately jumped to your throat.
“Touch them, and you’ll regret it.”
Gerard’s voice usually was not very impressive, but years of screaming around on stage had given him the skill to sound dangerous, and luckily only you and him knew that he was bluffing.
On the one hand you were incredibly happy that he was there, by your side to help and protect you, but on the other hand you were scared what these men would do to him. He was great with words and all, but if he would have to defend himself he would probably be even worse off than you; he was just a gigantic teddy bear, and today he even almost looked like one, wearing the hand knitted sweater his grandma had made for him.
“What d’you want?”
“I want you to fuck off, unless you want the police to pick you up here. They’re on their way.”
Gerard sounded calm, as his steps approached you, making your bullies move away from you simultaneously.
“Seriously dude?”
“You heard me, they’re on their way.”
Calmly he knelt down next to you, carefully placing his hand on your back, and only then you felt that he was shaking.
“Why’d you call them, what’d you tell them?”
Hunter was almost shouting, not out of anger, but out of what sounded like fear, and made you even take a careful glance at them.
“That my partner is being violently attacked by four men in the supermarket…”
The only sounds that followed Gerard’s pretty relaxed statement were those of shoes rapidly clacking against the tiles of the floor as the men ran away.
“Did you really call the police,” you wondered, slowly allowing yourself to relax.
“I tried, but the line is occupied,” Gerard admitted, grinning gently at you. “Did they hurt you?”
Helping you up, he worriedly glanced up, and down your body.
“I’m fine I think,” you answered. Your back hurt a little from where you had been slammed into the shelf, but your thick winter jacket had blocked the worst. “They gave me a good scare though.”
“Me too,” Gerard agreed, “I always thought you were being a bit overdramatic with all the bullying, you know, distorted perception due to trauma or something, but hell, this is worse than what you ever told me!”
“Everything alright lovelies?”
An elderly lady, dressed in the uniform of the supermarket, peeked around the corner into the aisle.
“Yeah, we just-“
“Oh, don’t think I don’t know. These boys have been terrorizing the town for years.” Quickly she hurried over, and Gerard and you helped her collect the bags with crisps, which had fallen out of the shelf, off the floor. “They are well known to the sheriff, and that Hunter is on probation, so if he gets into trouble again, he’s going to jail for a while.”
Gerard and you exchanged glances, obvious that neither of you minded if Hunter would be locked away.
After the lady had helped you find the brand of snacks your brother liked so much, and had recommended some of her favourite post-Christmas crisps, you headed back to your shopping cart, and soon made your way over to the register, where the lady, who had introduced herself as Maggie, helped you check out.
“Here, for you,” you handed her a five dollar bill after you had paid, “Merry Christmas.”
Not waiting for her to break in a huge smile you turned, and started walking away, only seeing Gerard smile widely, and wave good bye at the lady.
“She sometimes gave us lollies for free,” you explained, once you had walked up to your car, “I don’t think she remembers me, but I sure remember her. Also five dollars probably won’t make up for all the lollies she gave me.”
Gerard chuckled, and helped you load the groceries into the car.
“People like that are the backbone of our nation,” he agreed, and both of you laughed.
After everything was stored away, you got into the car, and turned on radio and heating. Slowly you drove off the parking lot, careful not to slip in the snow that had started falling. Maybe the incident in the store had not been necessary, but at least you were not afraid of coming back home now, knowing that Gerard would always be by your side to help you.
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kisnet · 4 years
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My Life Story
I was born Christo DeFlamingh on 29 April 1971 on the early hours of that Thursday morning. When I was about 4 years old when we lived in a military base as my dad was an artillery instructor in the SADF. This was our first family home after I was born. One night we had visitors over and my mom sent me to run a bath for myself. I placed the plug into the bath trap and opened the hot water tap. After a couple of minutes as alot of kids do, I got bored waiting for the bath to fill up with water. I decided to lie on top of the edge of the bath and after a couple of seconds I lost my balance and fell into the bath half filled with hot water and almost immediately I let out a blood curling scream. My mom appeared in an instant as she ran to the bathroom after my screams for help. She picked me up out of the bath and covered me with a blanket and my dad rushed me to the military hospital in Wynberg military base. I had suffered severe burns over the upper part of my body and my legs and my one foot. After a long period of time my wounds had healed and with time I was able to have the bandages removed. This was my very first encounter when I experienced trauma and was very a frightening ordeal for me at such a young age. Since I can remember, I used to have a very cheeky temper tantrum in me and if I couldn't have my way or wanted make a statement or wanted my way, I would throw a tantrum. We used to look after the neighbours' dog when they went on holiday. It was a foxterrier female named Suzi and was like having my first experience with owning and playing with my best friend. We used to play outside and I remember running as fast as I could and go through the front door after running around the house then close the door quickly after entering the house. That used to be such a rush and exciting thrill all at the same time. I remember my brother starting school in 1975 as a first grader (sub A). Until 1977 we didn't own a TV and so my dad purchased our first family black and white 📺 TV after moving into our new home / flat in Wynberg military base. In 1977 we moved from our then house to a military flat in Wynberg military base which a whole new experience and making new friends although some of our neighbours also moved to Wynberg as the old military houses from our former home was to be converted to single quarters / rooms for military staff members. We lived a total of approximately 7 years in Wynberg military base. During my stay in Wynberg I had some fun times with my friends and family as a child growing up in a military environment things are considerably different to kids who's parents would be employed in the private and civilian sector. Life felt alot safer back in those days then in the 21st century. But nevertheless those were good years in the early to mid eighties. In 1978 we had next door neighbours that lived in the flat right next door to us and they had two sons named Francois and Deon. Myself and Deon became very good friends as he was at least ten years my senior. He was like a big brother to me and we did alot of things together over the years. He later joined the military after finishing high school. He had met a beautiful girl named Alida. He loved her very much. One night late It was raining very heavily and Deon and some of his mates left the military base where he was doing his military service and came home to see his parents and as he walked past when he left I saw his face for the last time as he made his way back to the car downstairs. He smiled and waved as he walked past that night in I think it was August 1978. He was killed in a car crash when they drove back to Youngsfield military base. The accident occurred on Ottery road not far from Youngsfield Military Base. We attended his funeral as a family and I felt so shocked as I didn't quite understood what was really happening as I was only seven years old. Years later I would find his grave and then really cried my eyes out and understood and comprehend what had taken place in terms of my emotions. I had lost my best friend that was like a brother to me. I would ride on the back of his motorcycle his dad bought him when came from school and that was always such an exciting feeling for me. I miss him still up until today I never forgotten him. We were quite close and his mother new and could see he had quite an impact on my life. His death was a huge loss to his family and friends. His parents remained in their flat for many years after we had moved out. In 1982 I had changed schools as I was diagnosed with being dislexic. I was now in a complete new and different type of school as it was quite a big change and I faced numerous challenges as to try and adapt and fit in with the rest of the school and cariculum. The first three yesrs was very difficult as the class teacher was a very emitionally distructive person and turned out to be very damaging to myself as a person as it made me very feel insecure and frightened. I didn't know what it was like to have fun anymore as I was scared and felt anxious for most of that time but nevertheless I did make very good friends over the years at my new school. Feeling so emotional and vulnerable at times had me landing up in detention after school as I became despondent and I didn't know how to deal with the issues at the time. I had my friends that would keep me grounded over the years as well as my mom and dad. I would look to my friends for fun times in terms of my situation at school. I did suffer alot of mental anguish under my first teacher at the new school but over time things got better as I advanced to higher grades. In the tenth grade (std 8) 1988, I decided to drop out of school and join the military to complete my military service. My dad was adamant that I complete my military training even if decided to go back to school the following year but my mind was made up not go back to school. Again joining the military I felt it was huge change in my life and adapting to military life was not easy at first as I wasn't the type to fit in very easily with big new changes and strangers etc. By the second month things seemed easier and I felt more relaxed. I managed to get a transfer to my dad's unit back home as I initially did my basic training in Kimberly over 1000 km from home. I was very happy to be back in my hometown. Later that year I applied to Technical College Cape Town and was granted sleep-out pass which allowed me to move back home as I was compelled to live in the military base due to my military training. I started studying part at the college by attending classes at night after work two to three times a week. I was determined to get my national senior certificate but as luck would have it, I lost interest and didn't complete the following year at college. So I ceased all studies especially after I left the military service in July 1990. I found myself unemployed and looking for work for the first time at the age of 19. I found a job at a motor company where I worked as a driver for the first 8 years then as a parts manager after which I was retrenched in August 1999. In 1993 my dad fell ill with having complications with his heart and as a result he passed away three years later on April 7th, 1995. I was devastated after loosing my dad. For years I wore black mourning my dad's passing and important dates like the date of his passing and buried as well as his birthday were very sad days for me. I struggled with great difficulty processing my dad's passing. My dad didn't have any life insurance and we were forced to sell our house where I grew up in and my mom and I purchased a flat jointly just down the road from where we used to live. After being laid off in 1999, I spent three years looking for work. My mom covered all the bills for those three years and I thought I would never find employment. In late 2003 I found employment with a service station and I put in charge of their car wash. It didn't pay much but I was very greatful for the opportunity as it covered my bills and my mom could breath a bit. Money was always tight but we always made it work and it turned out to be a 23 year life full of lessons. Lots of good memories with some sad days as well. In 2000 I met a neighbour whom lived across the road from me in house. Her name was Cathy and she was 18 years my senior. I fell in love with her and she was my rock for short few years. She used to listen to all my trials and tribulations. We spent alot of time together and went out quite a number of times. I felt wanted again and she meant the world to me. In 2001 she fell ill after being hospitalised for a hip replacement and passed away shortly after. I was once again left in a state of shock but I was able to process Cathy's death much easier than my dad's passing. My brother left for Dubai late in 2003 shortly after I found employment at the Engen service station where I was in charge of the carwash. He used to send money us money which was a great help financially. As life got more expensive with time I found employment with a paper vendor and I left in 2012 to venture out on my own as an entrepreneur to start my own business and make a living for myself to try and have a better quality of life. Due to my mom's health which was also on the decline, it was the best decision to work from home for myself and my mom assisted me taking calls for the first 3 to 4 years. I later approached friends of mine whom were unemployed as the business had now grown considerably and needed help keeping up with the demand and service I was offering to clients. In 2018 the business failed due to the economy and I had closed the business and lost my staff also as a result. I continued to get the odd call for business but eventually died off completely. I found myself once again unemployed and at the mercy of debt collectors and by now my mom's health had deteriorated considerably and I could see the stress of loosing our home started taking its toll on her as well as on me as I found myself very depressed many days and didn't know how to deal with this situation. My brother had also lost his job in Dubai and came home and was living with us due to being unemployed. Things would get rather tense and stressful as money was little to speak of. We were forced to put our flat up for sale to get out of the financial predicament we found ourselves in. My business which once provided for me and my mom's needs was also up in smoke and I felt like I had also nothing left to live for any longer. In March 2019 we signed the transfer documents for the sale of the flat but before transfer would take place, my mom passed away on April 28th, 2019. I was once again dumped into absolute devastation and depression. By now I had been on anti-anxiety and anti-depressants for quite some time prescribed by my doctor to help me cope with all that was taking place in my life. It's been almost a year and a half ago since my mom passed away, the flat has been sold, I moved out and alot has happened since then. My health is also on the decline but live to fight another day every day. Each day is a challenge for me but thank God each day that I am still alive. I don't always have the physical strength to get out of bed but I do my best as each day is a new challenge. I miss my parents dearly and wish I could turn the clock back to have some more time with them. But I would never stop loving them because they brought me up in this world and I would always be thankful to God for the time I had with them on earth. God is my only real rock I can lean on as I don't have my mom or my dad to fulfill that task for me. I feel lonely many days but take each day as it comes. Right now I just fight to survive and to stay alive mentally, emotionally and financially. This blog was written by Chris DeFlamingh
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lucastheunlucky · 4 years
Run; Miles & Luke - Part 2
In Continuation to Part 1
Set up: 
Miles had got Lucas off to sleep in the spare room, making sure all the doors and windows were locked and alarmed. Not so much to keep Luke in (although he was half-worried the poor guy might freak out and run away again) but to keep anyone who might be watching them out. One benefit of having a German Shepherd was that they were always on alert, so even if Miles didn’t catch whoever might be there, Duke would. 
He hardly slept, almost too frantic to drift off. He did eventually though, drifting in and out of wakefulness a few times, barely on the edge of dreaming before he finally gave up and got up to make breakfast. He looked in on Luke a few times just to make sure he was still there. Poor kid must’ve been exhausted. By the time he finally heard the door to the spare room open, it was midday. “Morning.” Miles looked at him, still almost unable to believe he was real. “How’d you sleep?”
Luke had woken and for a moment didn't realize where he was, the bed unfamiliar, and the wall he was facing not filled with the usual sunshine. When he saw Miles in his kitchen and himself standing only a few feet from him, every single cell in his body screamed to fucking run. Bolt as fast as he could, even barefoot, and with Duke staring at him. The familiarness of the question was so strange, and when was the last time he even had someone say that to him? He rubbed his heart as stress spread under the surface. 
"Morning? Is it? I haven't slept that hard in a long time," he admitted, walking forward, with a gentle pat on Duke's head in passing, before he sat down in a chair and laid his head down on the table with folded arms. "Did you sleep? You look like you've been spinning things in your head for hours."
“Sort of not,” Miles answered. “It’s a little after twelve.” His brother was there. His brother… was right there. It was impossible not to repeat that over and over in his head for however long it took him to believe it. “I was in and out. I’m kind of fighting the feeling like I’m gonna wake up any minute now and you’ll be gone.” He looked at Luke with sincerity. “I missed you, bro. We all did. We thought you were--” He was going to say ‘dead’ but he couldn’t get the word out. “You know.” 
"Dead--" Luke said the word easily and sighed lightly, really not wanting to draw from that pool of memories already. It was so easy to shove it all away, just let it be this forgetful spot in his mind, but it never was. Continuously, he's reminded in the mirror or shower with scars, not ones he's earned but given. "Alright--" he said with faint determination and tugged his shirt collar to pull it over his head. He quickly palmed his face to hopefully not show how much stress this was on him. "I need to say this quickly because it fucks with me. So-- they gunned me down-- shot me twice here first." Showing the starburst scars in his chest and lower rib cage that didn't get seen nearly as much. "Stupid bullets got stuck in there but didn't take me down. Missed my heart, not surprising since it was from a damn car and it was moving. Ah, but then, I look over and bam--" 
His breath shakes, and his eyes glance up, holding his fingers to his head. "Just like that, man, maybe four seconds. Four seconds and I was fucking gone."
Miles hated that word coming from Lucas’ lips, but he nodded sternly. He was mad, not at Luke, but this whole damn situation. Their entire family had been grieving and who knew what Luke had gone through? When he said the word torture, had he meant it literally? Miles could immediately tell he was different. He was darker, more haunted. It was as if Lucas had been living under a black cloud. He clenched his jaw as Luke went through his scars. His stomach was turning itself inside out. “Jesus. Sick bastards.” He was going to make some coffee, but maybe tea was a better idea to calm Luke down, or to calm himself down. “Do you know anything about them?” 
Luke knew Miles would be mad, and he actually expected to get yelled at because it was his fault for bringing him this pain. A small, broken part of him wanted Miles to just go off on him, hit him, or tell Luke he deserved it. If he had just not wandered off when he was a teen or if he had just gone to that school in Texas as his dad wanted, none of this would have happened. He closed his eyes, pulled his shirt on, and started pacing. He didn't know how to explain this without sounding crazy, and little whispers were filling his mind now that he's scratched that memory. "Miles, they put me in the ground. They thought I was dead, but I woke up there. That guy-- " his voice wavered, and he worried his lip. "He said he saved me--" A beaten, faintly insane laugh spilled out, "can you believe that brother? Saved me. That's what I know about him. He hurts me, kills me, and makes sure I come back. Heh-- heh -- so we can do it again. How do I fight that?" He finished, sounding resigned.
“They fucking what?!” The idea of his baby brother having to dig his way out of a shallow grave… Miles wanted to throw up. This sounded like some serious fucking gaslighting. If it’d been pure hate, some hapless hunter just trying to kill wolves because they were wolves, that would be one thing, but this guy was sadistic. “He didn’t save you. You saved you, okay? You’re the best, strongest person I know. I’ve missed you like hell.” He handed Luke a cup of tea, leading him to the couch so they could sit. “What does he look like? Does he have an accent? Any distinguishing features?”
Lucas accepted the warm drink and walked with Miles over to the couch. Sipping it carefully, it was honestly delicious and soothing. 'Thanks," What did he look like? Lucas' head pounded. Various memories showed the silhouette of the man but never his entire face. There were so many blurry edges like his mind refused to put it together. Remembering seemed to come with bringing up something awful in him. "He always hides his face," he managed, "but he has a beard, scruffy with a mustache, gray and white hair. His teeth are so white and straight." He sets the cup down, afraid he might break it as he squirms and pulls his legs up and tries to remember. "Speaks like he's always talking through a smile until he's mad." The edges of his sight darken at that thought, and he feels himself drifting, his breathing slows and his gaze lands in the distance space across the room. "He talks southern-- wears a cowboy hat, usually white, taller than us." 
Miles just sat down. Duke walked in circles for a bit and then lay down near Luke’s feet. “Guess he missed you,” Miles chuckled softly. Duke was trained in Search and Rescue so part of that required sometimes laying down near victims who were in distress or needed warmth. But Miles preferred to think of it as the former. “That’s good. Those are good details.” He put an arm around Luke’s shoulder. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do, but we’re gonna do it together this time, okay? You're not alone any more. I promise.”
"Okay, Miles," Lucas let that promise settle into him properly and believed it. "I just don't want anyone else to get hurt. He called me yesterday before I ran here. He gave mom my number, I lied to her on the phone when she called me. She cried--" he swallowed thickly, resting his head on Miles' reassuring arm. "I felt terrible. He knew Regan's name and a few others who helped me. I just don't know who I'm going to bring trouble too. The looming threat is hard to manage, I don't know what he will act on. I’ve been trying to pull things that relate to him, try to make sense of it all. But I’m not good at remembering anymore. Do you think we could set a trap?"
“The bastard got in touch with mom?” Now Miles really was angry. He had planned to contact the rest of the family to talk about Lucas once the nameless Hunter was out of the picture, but the fact this sicko was toying with her grief made him want to scream. “Lucas, this guy is going to hurt people no matter what you do. For some reason, he’s just the kind of person who enjoys hurting others. And they say we’re the monsters.” He shook his head. No amount of tea could calm him down, but he continued to drink it just so he had something to do with his hands. “I wanna find out what he wants. I have a lead on another hunter in town. I’ll see if he knows a guy who fits that description.” 
Lucas watched with a hazy expression at the anger darting over his brother's face. There was a part of him that still wished Miles would just yell at him, hoping it would help him process it better, but he also wasn't sure he could handle seeing his big brother in such a state either. Miles was always his rock; this person he could fall into without any guilt and a calm atmosphere. Luke finally releasing all these secrets, all this burden he's carried since he crawled out of that shallow grave was worrisome for him. He didn't want it all to go and ruin his brother as it did him. Lucas wasn't that happy, partying, laughing boy anymore, please don’t change from this. "I know he is--" he said about the hunter. Knowing this man killed humans just as easily, he just didn’t have proof. "Okay-- I actually have someone checking my, well-- gravesite for me," Luke said with a shiver, "I wasn't alone in there. Maybe you will see the picture better than me once we get everything. Regan is looking over an old case file too. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize I needed help. But, I’m feeling more hopeful than I have."
“You have nothing to apologise for,” Miles said, firm but soft. He set his mug down, wrapping his arms around Luke’s shoulders and pulling him into a hug. He just held him there for a few moments, not wanting to let him go. There were days - many of them - when he never thought he’d have Lucas in his arms again. It was only a couple of seconds, but it felt like forever before Miles finally let go. “Now, since your sleepy ass missed breakfast, how ‘bout lunch?” 
Lucas really couldn't remember Miles having this big of wind span and would have to find out how in the world did he get so big. The hug was welcome, and Lucas would probably find a way to get more in the coming days. Miles will likely have to keep telling Luke not to apologize and not to blame himself for years after this mess. Luke had hope. It felt good to have it back, even just a little bit. It didn't change Lucas was still terrified and had no idea what was going to happen when that surprise got to him. He wasn't sure he could handle watching Miles kill them, and he wasn't sure how he would react, even hearing his voice again. But, he had a few people keeping an eye on him now, and Luke felt unworthy in that broken way. He was also accepting it slowly. Hopefully, time could break those isolating habits he's created for himself. Maybe one day, in the future, he'd smile like he used too. 
"Heyyyy- I was tired," he pouted when Miles let go and hugged Duke instead. Both were looking at Miles with the same puppy eyes. "Duke, you want some of my famous cooking. Miles has no idea what he's in for. Think we can make him cry over food? Come on--"
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hamfistedmorals · 5 years
Rise of Skywalker: Initial Thoughts and Feelings
As a movie, it was engaging. As a Star Wars story, it hooked me. But as a conclusion to this particular trilogy? As a final chapter to the entire saga? Oh boy, was it a hot mess.
(Disclaimer - I’m one of the 5% of Star Wars fans that loved The Last Jedi, so that might influence my opinion, but I’ll try to keep things unbiased.) 
It was all over the place, and I mean that quite literally. 
We got to see so many new locations, and most of them seemed interesting. Unfortunately, because of the breakneck pace and the ticking clock, the film doesn’t spend any time developing these places apart from Exegol - and that’s only planet who’s name I can remember. Adding on to the map of a Galaxy Far, Far Away is always a good thing. But so many new locations in one movie, with our heroes jumping back and forth every ten minutes...doesn’t make this universe feel larger. Actually, it makes it feel smaller. In past Star Wars movies, it would take time to go from one planet or star system to another. But that really doesn’t seem to be the case here. If there’s one problem that’s been semi-consistent throughout this trilogy, it’s the confusion of timing. (What’s the point of the title crawl if Episode 8 is going to pick up immediately after Episode 7? But I digress.)
The Dyad in the Force is easily the most fascinating concept of the entire trilogy.
I braced myself for the movie to ignore the connection previously established between Rey and Kylo Ren, as it ignores so much of Episode 8. But no, Rise of Skywalker actually build on the bond between these two characters and gives us more amazing scenes of them interacting entirely through their connection in the Force. We learn that they are essentially a one-of-a-kind anomaly, that Palpatine can use to restore his life energy. Rey and Ben even learn how to use their bond by the end of the film. It’s a new idea that Star Wars hasn’t done before and I kinda love it - I just really wish they had explored it more, and better outlined what it is, where it came from, and how it works. Then again, after how much people hated the Midichlorians, I expect the writers are hesitant to give any answers about how The Force works. 
I also appreciated the official introduction of Healing, as a Force Power. 
Say what you will about some of the Force-Abilities introduced in TLJ, but this one makes perfect sense. So much so that I’m pretty sure it’s already a thing in Star Wars video games? It was well foreshadowed and it played a role in Rey and Ben’s final fight, as well as that heartbreaking climax. Honestly, I truly thought Rey was dead in that moment. I teared up, thinking that her parents’ sacrifice was for nothing. Wondering if Finn could sense that she was gone. Wondering what Ben would do without her, since he had no one else. To be honest, I almost wish Rey had stayed dead, since as it stands...we have a redeemed villain sacrificing himself to save the hero that redeemed him...sound familiar? If Ben had lived, and Rey had died, it could have been a tragic inversion of Return of the Jedi, instead of just a retread. But oh well. I had a feeling they were going to kill off Kylo Ren anyway. 
It feels like they did have plans for Finn, but never properly carried them out. 
Rise of Skywalker very clearly implies that Finn has discovered that he’s Force-Sensitive. Which is a good idea, it just comes out of nowhere. Apparently, that’s what he was going to tell Rey - JJ has clarified it. One problem...that’s not a detail that should be confirmed in an interview. It should be answered within the movie. There were two separate conversations about Finn wanting to tell Rey...something, but the film never comes back to that or gives it any conclusion. Likewise, the idea of Finn being force-sensitive is only ever foreshadowed, never brought to light. Overall, Finn got some great moments, like when he met Jannah and got to connect with another former Storm-trooper...but his overall character arc in this film never got off the ground. 
Was it just me...or was Poe constantly angry throughout the movie? 
I don’t know if this was just Oscar Isaac’s frustration slipping through, or if it was meant to be the stress of the war, or something...but Poe was in a bad mood in just about every scene. But just like with Finn, this never gets resolved or even really acknowledged. Didn’t Poe go through an entire arc in the last film about learning to be less of a hot-head? For some reason, he and Rey are at each other’s throats...even though the end of the last film hinted that they found each other attractive? He does get some backstory as a Spice Runner (though they don’t explain what that is. Maybe it’s answered in one of the books, I dunno.) and we get to meet Zori, who is truly a charming and compelling character. Even if she was only written in as a final “no-homo” to Finn and Poe, I wanted to learn more about her. 
They did Rose dirty. They did her so dirty.
She should have been an official member of the squad in this film, not relegated to cameos. There was no reason she couldn't have been more involved. Her romance with Finn should have been addressed. Even if it was just him gently letting her down, they ought to have mentioned it. Regardless of how you feel about Rose and that particular pairing (Personally, I adored her) it's downright strange that she's so absent from the story when she was a main character last time. Gee, I wonder why this was done? Could it be because the character was eviscerated online by a group of hardcore “fans” who compared her to Jar Jar Binks? Who not only made racist, sexist, and body-shaming comments about the character - they drove Kelly Marie Tran off social media? It really seems like downplaying Rose in this film was a direct response to how unpopular she was, and that isn’t fair to the character or the actress. It just seems...cowardly.
The CGI on Leia...could have been better. 
Not gonna lie, it might have been safer to simply reveal Leia’s death in the title crawl and open the movie with her funeral. Don’t get me wrong, I was initially quite impressed with how they managed to re-create Carrie Fisher. It was nice to see her training Rey, and we even get an answer to the age-old mystery of why she never became a Jedi. But as Leia’s scenes went on, the cracks started to show. It became very noticeable after a while that she would never adjust her standing position or really move at all. So many of her lines were shot to avoid showing her face while she spoke. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why it looked this way. I’m just saying that as a viewer, I noticed. Leia’s death scene was the worst offender of this. By the way...what exactly killed her? She apparently gave the “last of her energy” to call out to Ben, but...nothing beforehand indicated that her health was failing, so why would a simple telepathic message consume all her life energy? She’s done it before. Either way, the death scene was kinda lame...but other characters reactions to it? Hit me right in the feels. Chewie’s breakdown tore me to pieces. I wanted to hug him. And as for Ben...
 That Han Solo Cameo
I’m impressed, first of all. We all though Han could never come back since he wasn’t force-sensitive, so he wouldn’t get a spirit form. But the great thing is, Han didn’t come back - not really. It was all in Ben’s head, hence the lines echoing his father’s death. I love how Leia’s death, compounded with Rey healing Ben and all but telling him that she would be with him if he wasn’t on the dark side, is what ultimately swayed him to turn back. When he called Han “Dad...” In that broken voice, and Han just said “I know...” Honestly, that was the best scene in the movie. Ben previously said to Rey that the Dark Side was in her blood, so she couldn’t escape it. It was so clear that he felt that way about himself too, which may have been part of why he turned. Seeing Han was a perfect reminder that he had more than just Vader in his ancestry. 
Chewie’s “death” was the other scene in the movie that took my breath away. 
Echoing the Force-Battle over Anakin’s lightsaber, Rey and Kylo Ren have a tug-of-war for the ship Chewie is on, and in her rage, Rey accidentally conjures Force-Lightning and blows up the ship, shocking everyone. It demonstrates Rey’s power, as well as her natural leaning toward the Dark Side (through anger.) It also foreshadows her lineage. Plus, the whole concept of accidentally killing your beloved friend..It’s got so much tension, so much emotion - it’s fantastic. Only one problem...Chewie survived, and we find that out not even five minutes later. Honestly, it’s the last movie. Anything goes, you can kill off main characters, even beloved main characters. All of the emotional drama that this scene brings to the table stops mattering once you find out Chewie’s alive. I would love to see Rey actually have to deal with the consequences of what happened, for the movie to explore how it makes the other characters feel about her. On the other hand, one of my first thoughts after it happened was “Geez, if the fandom hated her before...” All the fans who complain Rey is a Mary Sue (She’s not) Yeah, they’d never, ever forgive her if she was responsible for Chewie’’s death.
I can’t decide how I feel about Kylo Ren repairing his mask. 
When I first realized it was happening, I was disappointed. In a way, it undoes his character growth in Last Jedi when he rejected his hero worship of Darth Vader - and even did what Vader could not, slaying his master and living to succeed him. Kylo Ren surpassed Vader once he stopped trying to be him, and that was awesome. But between bringing back the mask (with the painfully on-the-nose line about the “cracks in your mask”) and the reveal that “Snoke” is still alive, all of Ben Solo’s coolest moments from TLJ have been reversed. On the other hand... the Kylo Ren mask is, and always was, a symbol. In TFA, it reflected a pretentious attempt to be more like Darth Vader. But in this movie, it seemed to reflect Kylo Ren embracing the image of being the “Big Bad.” much like how Luke embraced his status as a legend, just before he died. And I’m not gonna lie, seeing the words “Supreme Leader Kylo Ren” in the title crawl was quite satisfying. Not to mention, at the end of the day...it’s all an act. Kylo Ren has always tried very hard to be “evil” but his heart just isn’t in it. He’s trying to be something he’s not - so maybe it’s okay if the mask comes back. 
Let’s rip this band-aid off: Bringing Palpatine back was a mistake.
If they needed a greater-scope villain for the climax after Ben was redeemed...why not use Snoke? Apparently, they’re the same person anyway, and people were mad that Snoke died without having a greater story to tell. Palpatine’s return goes entirely unexplained. He just hand-waves the issue by quoting Episode 3. As a viewer, why should I feel triumphant when Rey kills him at the end, when as far as I know, nothing is stopping him from returning again? After all, he survived certain death before, and we don’t know how he did it. (This is what I mean when I say the film is good by itself, but highly flawed as a continuation of existing Star Wars.) Palpatine’s return devalues Anakin’s sacrifice. It weakens both Vader and Kylo as villains because it removes their agency - we now know they only turned because Palpatine manipulated and groomed them. They’ve made him the greater-scope villain of every single trilogy, which just feels weird. I always thought the overarching villainous force of Star Wars was supposed to be, y’know, the Dark Side and it’s tempting call. That anyone could potentially succumb. But speaking of this film rejecting the idea of “anyone” being special...
Rey...did not need to have a bloodline. 
You need Palpatine to have a reason that he’s so intrigued by her? You’ve already got that - she’s part of an anomaly in The Force that no one’s ever seen before. Need a life-changing shock that pushes her closer to the Dark Side? All you have to do is let Chewie stay dead, and have it be her fault. As much as I have genuinely loved Rey’s character growth and I always enjoy watching her, I can’t help but feel like giving her a bloodline at this point was at least partially done to mitigate the claims that she’s “too powerful.” Not to mention, it ruins the reveal at the end of The Last Jedi, and it’s one more thing that makes the Star Wars universe feel smaller. Coming from a powerful bloodline shouldn’t be a requirement for changing the fate of the Galaxy. Sure, Force-Sensitivity is often hereditary, but not exclusively. Besides, there are more people out there attuned to the Force that just the Skywalkers, Palpatines, and Kenobis. Why couldn’t Rey just be one of them? If Star Wars really is going to go on forever, it can’t simply be the continuing sage of two or three families screwing up the Galaxy. 
What’s up with the super-rushed tone of the ending? 
So, Rey and Ben share a kiss - whether or not you ship them, this moment is wholesome, heartwarming, and so earned -  But then Ben immediately, and I mean immediately falls down dead. He doesn’t get any last words or even a last moment. (Come to think of it...does Ben have any lines at all after his scene with Han? I...don’t think he does. That’s just weird.) Nope, he just fades into the Force so quickly that I didn’t even realize what happened at first. Rey makes it back to the Resistance base and reunites with her friends, but they don’t share any dialogue either. No final moments, not even Finn telling Rey that he’s Force-Sensitive. Disney gets to check off their diversity clipboard by having two nameless women kiss in the background, and Rey then visits...Tatooine, of all places, to bury The Skywalker twins lightsabers. Because you see, a Jedi’s Weapon deserves respect. Burning them? Shameful. But burying them, A-Okay.
Rey is never shown mourning Ben Solo.
Whether or not you think he “deserved” redemption, the film clearly sided with the idea that he did. It based a lot of it’s conflict on Rey and Ben being a hero and a villain who also cared about each other. Going so far as to include the Dyad, and give them a kiss scene. So it’s bizarre that Ben’s death doesn’t seem to affect Rey. She doesn’t even have any sort of reaction to it, but she does have a gold lightsaber now. Which is so incredibly cool that it baffles me that they didn’t let her have it sooner. She never gets to really use it. A random local shows up, for no other purpose than to ask Rey who she is. Rey looks on to see Luke and Leia’s Force-Spirits give their blessing (No Ben, for some reason.) And she then introduces herself as Rey Skywalker. Because they had to justify that title somehow, right? Then the scavenger-turned-jedi, who started out all alone on a desert planet but found a family through her travels...ends her story all alone on desert planet. Hey, wait a minute-
The problems of this trilogy boil down to the fact that it had two writers, with two different visions for the characters.
Perhaps the death of Snoke, the introduction of Rose, and Rey’s lack of lineage directly conflicted with J.J.'s plans for the new trilogy...but The Last Jedi happened. It's canon now. Trying to pretend otherwise doesn't "fix" that. Having moments that directly contradict the previous film, even taking intentional jabs at it (looking at you, Force-Spirit Luke) is a waste of time and honestly feels...kind of immature? As a writer, I’m sure it isn’t easy, but you've got to work with what you have, follow the ideas and plot threads introduced, or else none of it will feel organic. So many moments like repairing Kylo Ren's mask, bringing back Anakin's destroyed saber, giving Rey a bloodline...they just cause whiplash.The only arcs that really continue through each movie are Kylo Ren's redemption, and Rey's identity issues. The writing of Episode 9 does everything it can to erase the ideas of Episode 8, and as a result, the entire trilogy feels directionless. The story feels like its at war with itself. I understand if Rian left J.J. in a compromising position, but sometimes you have to let go of ideas if they can no longer work in your story, however much you want them to. And, not to pick on J.J. too much, but...if he really had a major plan for the trilogy, then why didn't he stay to write Episode Eight? He left the second chapter of the trilogy to an entirely different writer, so...what did he think was going to happen? 
It’s a good movie. It really is. I was on the edge of my seat. If you’ve never seen the first two films, you’ll likely enjoy the hell out of it. But if you’re hoping to get a satisfying conclusion for the characters you’ve grown to care about...well, I’ll just say that I didn’t find that here. 
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snowpeawritings · 6 years
a one shot: lotor x fem!reader ??? :'D (oh! it can be a fluff?? or like, both are pining for each other, and the fem!reader can either be a paladin or a side character in the series huhuhu thank u!!!)
I took inspiration from the story of Star Guardians and Soraka, a support hero, in League of Legends so I hope that’s alright!
also beware that this is ridiculously long. Longer than I could afford bc i love my beautiful prince
Reader is female
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Blood mention
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Nobody told you that having the power of the stars can lead you to having thoughts about destroying a planet by using a huge star.
Not that it would actually do anything. Despite being huge balls of gas, your newly blessed power would only heal your fellow Paladins. You weren’t complaining at the limits of your powers. In fact, you were grateful that you were even helping. Much like the Garrison trio, you were swept in with Keith and Shiro inside a sentient mechanical lion and outside the confines of your solar system. Then one thing led to another, you were one of the protectors of entire galaxies.
Yet, you were nobody special. You didn’t have a chosen Lion, you didn’t have powers like Allura, you couldn’t even fight.
Maybe that was the reason why the elusive Star Guardians had blessed you.
Star Guardians… more myths than truths, Allura told you and Pidge these stories during a girls only night in her room. It was said that the Star Guardians were the protectors of the galaxies when Voltron nor the Paladins didn’t exist yet. 5 Guardians-much like 5 Paladins- 5 Guardians that harnessed the power of the stars and bend them to whichever way they want it. Whether this was an actual thing that happened years ago or maybe it was a bedtime story made up for her, you never would have guessed that saving a dying planet from the Galra can lead you to being blessed with powers.
You could still remember it like it was yesterday.
Nobody told the team that attempting rescue on a dying planet could lead to everyone being ambushed by aliens that weren’t Galra.
The castle had gotten a transmission on a rural planet about Galra attacking them. You were pretty sure that you were the only one who was skeptical about the message, wondering how a backwards planet managed to relay a quite clear message to the castle ship. Next thing you know, the lions, the ship, even Lotor’s cruiser had been compromised by alien tech that didn’t make sense to you. Heck, a battle ship looked like a giant snake with multiple eyes as its “mouth” blasted powerful green lasers at Lotor’s cruiser.
Call it recklessness or bravery, you went down there in one of the castle’s escape pods as the joined voices of Allura and Coran screamed in unison to try and stop you from entering the fight. As you avoided the numerous lasers from the dark purple ships, your communicator began bugging out on the account of everyone begging you to go back to the castle. Gulping at the sight of the draconic ship, you barely had time to reach Lotor as one laser managed to burn out the entire side on the pod.
The wind against your ears didn’t even matter. The hot burning sensation of the laser made your senses numb and it didn’t even graze you.
How weak could you be?
Yet when you were diving head-first down on the foreign ground, with no Lion or cruiser to save you since they were preoccupied with the fleet, your body somehow felt lighter as you got your senses back. With a strangled gasp, you realized the wind wasn’t blowing past your ears as fast as it should and no human should have a body that is a literal galaxy.
What once was your space suit disappeared in a flash as your nude body was covered by liquid-like movement of green galaxies. With a flash, a tight, sleeveless white tailcoat clung to your body as it’s tails flew outward like wings. Your skirt was green, with the same color streaks across your hair. Your legs were covered by white thigh-high socks with the same colored boots. Those, your chest, even next to your temple were adorned with green stars and tiny white wings.
With how sparkly and ridiculous the outfit looks, you might as well be in those magical girl cartoons you used to watch as a kid.
Even though you looked like a cosplayer amidst the war, the staff in your gloved hands glowed with light as you flew towards Lotor’s cruiser. Starlight immediately gathered around your staff as a stream of starlight slithered towards Lotor’s cruiser. You tapped the ship’s window, seeing Lotor’s gaping expression behind his helmet. Not stopping from your support, you raised your staff high in the air as the sky began to brighten. 8 green stars began falling down as they blessed all of your teammates with renewed energy.
Because of your sudden powers, Team Voltron turned the entire fight around as they fought back the armada. When you regrouped with the others, imagine their faces when you landed in front of them with sparkles littering your body. Mainly Allura, Lance, heck even Lotor looked as though they witnessed a goddess. Which isn’t very far technically. Maybe Lotor knew about the stories of the Star Guardians.
Which brings you to today.
Being the only team member that heals everyone, you were an integral part of the during and after fights. The least that were hurt were usually Pidge, Shiro, Allura and Lotor since they were careful enough while Hunk and Lance were the most injured since former was the one tanking everything while the latter was hurt more when he kept leading and trying to flirt with you whenever you heal him.
“You know I told you before that your eyes held the stars? It turns out I’m a seer this whole time!”
“Very funny, Lance. How about I feed you a star fragment then I’ll consider dating you.”
You could never get tired by seeing the Blue Paladin’s face pout from your rejections. Having the last of the starlight heal his wounds, you put your staff away as it floated besides you. Having these powers is amazing but the complete downside of it is how you have to wear a ridiculous yet arguably fashionable get-up.
“Please be careful next time, Lance. The stars can’t save you always, you know.” You said to him as he stretched his now-healed limbs.
“No promises, mi estrella. Can’t rest easy when galaxies are getting screwed over every second.” He replied back, patting your back gently. “We have you and Coran to support us every step of the way. You don’t have to stress yourself too much.”
Hearing those words come out of his mouth, you would assume that he was a parasite in the form of Lance, but you knew better. With him as the new Paladin of the Red Lion, his flirtatious attitude soon dwindled down as he began to act more like Shiro… scarily enough.
The doors opened, turning your head to see Lotor with an angry wound on his side. The different colored blood made you squirm slightly but you dismissed it as you went over to Lotor’s side and held him up. “Give us some privacy, Lance. You still need to debrief the team on our next mission.”
Lance nodded and left, not before giving a wary side-eye glance at Lotor’s shaking form before exiting the room. Bringing the alien to the nearest cot, you grabbed your staff as it glowed gently with starlight.
“I’m guessing level 11 training sequence is too hard on you?” You joked at him, waving the staff across his wound as his body stopped quivering.
He huffed, looking elsewhere from you. “I do not need your sympathy. My well-being has nothing to do with you.”
A sharp sting went through your heart. “It has everything to do with me. I’m the one healing you and everybody else after all.”
He sighed through his nose, noting that he was no longer sweating too much as the wound began to close. The stream of stars surrounded the rest of his minor wounds such as a hidden scrape on his shoulder, his legs, and a tiny scratch on his forehead nearing his eye. With the way the stream surrounded him, it made him look like he was bathed in starlight that complimented his ethereal looks.
And oh how you loved it.
“Do you enjoy watching your patients as you heal them?”
“N-No!” You exclaimed, replying quicker than intended. “I mean-I’m supposed to but not in that way–”
“My apologies…” Lotor cut you off, putting himself in a sitting up position when he began feeling better. “I did not intend for you to be uncomfortable. It’s just that you seem to enjoy supporting us from the backlines that I assumed fate must have done something right for once.”
You heard the bite in his last words but you chose to ignore it. You let your staff float beside you as it continued to let out a stream of starlight. “Well… if I’m being honest, I love it. Before I felt so useless because of everybody having something that’s useful for the coalition and then there’s me. I just happened to be with Lance when all of this happened.”
You sat down on the cot with him, smiling softly at your hands. “I could only provide support after a mission since I have a bit of background knowledge on medicine but even then I never felt so ashamed of myself whenever the team gets hurt. I know it’s a stupid reason but… I guess fate really did do something good for me.”
You were a bit out of breath, not prepared to give out a bit of your life story to the Galran prince. When you heard nothing from him, you turned your head only to see his beautiful eyes staring back at yours.
“I…” He trailed off, breaking eye contact momentarily to stare down at his lap. “I am glad that you were able to have something that you worked hard for. Truly you deserve it.”
Somehow there was more than what he implied but you stayed silent. Pursing your lips, you turned your body to him fully before taking one of his hands in yours. You didn’t miss the flinch of his body when you did.
“I know we don’t talk much and I know the team doesn’t trust you fully but you’re a part of the team now. You can tell us what’s wrong.”
It took a while for him to respond back but he placed his other hand on top of yours as he whispered your name softly, “Thank you. I do not deserve your kindness.”
Your heart could only beat faster when he said your name and touched your hand with his own. Your eyes wanted avert away from his face, realizing at how soft his expression became when he began talking to you. Yet nothing could remove your sight from his own.
It took way too much time to have your gaze tear away from his as you grabbed your staff. “Looks like you’re fully healed. Please be more careful when your in the training hub.”
In half a second, you swore you saw his eyes dull from you leaving him but he stood up quickly, already towering over you. “Thank you for healing me.”
You regarded him with a nod, before feeling warm when he took a step closer to you. It took all your courage to lift your head up and see his eyes shining like the stars surrounding yours.
“And thank you for being the team’s shining star.”
You gulped down a lump in your throat but wanting to play with his little game. “I didn’t take you to like puns.”
He shook his head softly, his hair swishing like white waves of water. “I am not joking. You are the light and hope of the team, especially for me.”
You swore Lotor could hear how hard your heart is pounding by his small smirk playing on his lips. “Where is this coming from?”
“From my heart, most obviously.” He joked, grabbing your wrist gently as he raised it near his chest. You gasped inwardly when you hear it beating as fast as yours. “This is what humans do during courting, am I right?”
A choked sound tore away from your throat as the alien stared down at you confusingly. He honestly looked like a kicked puppy that you wanted to coo at him.
“Well,” you started, trying to ignore your pounding heart, “your ‘techniques’ are… something. But I can’t deny that it’s making my heart race.”
He snorted, lips quirking upwards a tad bit to reveal fangs. “Most obviously.”
You quelled your ongoing flirtatious comments about him. “And if you’re asking… I would love to be your partner.”
You were pretty sure that it was supposed to be unnoticeable but his shoulders sagged almost as though a huge weight was removed. He placed his forehead against yours, laughing softly as his breath fanned against your face like a warm breeze.
“This should be the part where humans would initiate a ‘kiss’?” Lotor tested the word. “Though embarrassingly, I have yet to have full grasp on the action.”
You giggled, bringing your arms on his chest. “We’ll take our time then. I won’t burn out like the rest of the stars out there.”
You felt a hand on your waist, feeling it squeeze the area around it, like your would actually burn out. “Let’s hope you won’t then.”
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In which H longs to be selfish
angst, fluff
Any parts after this are linked at the bottom :)
When Anne gave Harry a ring on a Sunday morning in March, asking whether he was awfully busy one weekend the following month, him being the humble mumma’s boy he was, said he could likely rearrange some things for her and the gathering she had planned back in Holmes Chapel.
Although, he was in two minds since he had been raised to act both warmly and professionally in character by none other than Anne herself. Therefore, he didn’t want to screw anyone over by moving, for instance, that informal dinner-come-meeting with a new company he and Jeff were looking in to.
However, when Anne elaborated further as to what the event would entail – a relatively intimate reunion of sorts at his childhood home, with old school chums of his and Gem’s, with the parents that Anne got on well with alongside family friends both old and new – Harry couldn’t help but wonder about one person in particular who’s attendance was likely up in the air.
She probably won’t be there, he thought to himself. But it didn’t take long for him to pick up the phone and cancel the damn dinner.
Enveloped by his mother’s arms and the scent of sandalwood and home cooking, Harry allowed himself a content smile. He was now just Harry. Harry the son. Harry the brother. Harry the neighbour. Harry the friend. Harry from Chemistry class. Harry the man pining after a woman he didn’t stand a chance with.
After being hit by the initial flood of honorary relatives and the like, half-filled glass of red wine in hand, Harry was free to roam around in search of the few people he had yet to greet. When he had come full circle and reentered the living room, the first thing he saw caused him to stop dead in his tracks, at a standstill in the doorway as a stunned expression found his face.
He didn’t think she’d be there. That didn’t mean he hadn’t hoped.
She was stood a little ways off, back against the fireplace with a glass of wine that was mostly untouched by her full, smiling lips. Harry concluded that it was due to being caught up in so many conversations that she had yet to catch a break. Like now, those sumptuous lips were far too preoccupied moving in eloquent patterns in synch with her speech that her drink was entirely discarded. His thoughts briefly wandered to what those lips would look like if they were busing doing… something else, but was quick to reprimand himself for thinking that of someone whom he respected so much.
If Harry had been thinking clearly, he would know that it was more than likely that she would come. But he had hoped for her presence a little too much and seemed to be more so convincing himself that she wouldn’t be there as opposed to actually believing it, like he was subconsciously bracing himself for the slim chance she really wouldn’t turn up.
The crowd around her was far larger than any he had encountered himself today since the initial awe had worn off for the people he was currently surrounded by from when he first made it big with the band. This made him smile, since he knew very well that the next one of these he attended would be after he released his solo work and people would flock to him once again.
But she was a real gem. No wonder all eyes and attention were on her, since Harry wasn’t the only one to fly in from another country for the occasion. She had managed to land herself a mighty impressive scholarship to a uni abroad, and following her graduation it seemed she was only moving on to bigger and better things. His chest simultaneously swelled with pride and ached at the thought of her moving on to better people too. But he wasn't allowed to have these thoughts for a number of reasons, one being that she was never his to begin with.
Harry liked to consider himself a fairly selfless man, but he yearned - painfully so - to be selfish with her.
“Oh sweetheart,” The level, motherly voice of Anne Twist broke Harry away from his longing thoughts as her hand was placed on his pink cotton clad shoulder, “I wish you wouldn’t do this to yourself. You’re both adults now, by this time I’m sure that time you could-”
“No, mum,” Harry cut her off with a quiet murmur, “I can’t.” He said to his polished Gucci boots.
Anne sighed, in two minds over her son’s situation. She knew that to some degree he was right in his reservations, but how could anyone ignore years of such tenacious love?
When her eyes finally found his from across the room all of a sudden Harry seemed to go a little lightheaded. Her natural reaction was to smile that glowing smile bright enough to melt Harry’s insides, though her beam shortly became laced with a nostalgic sadness. The same sadness that had often been the devil to keep Harry up at night, urging him to have one more drink in order to forget and inducing an all too familiar ache in his chest.
Due to his drowsiness, it took a while for Harry to take note of y/n excusing herself from the hoard of people and her figure quickly approaching him.
“Hello Harry.” She breathed.
“Hullo, love.” He replied, wondering if it was even acceptable to call her  ‘Love’.
There was a brief pause which was enough for Harry to panic that she was going to say something like “well it was nice to see you again” and then leave him before he’d even said more than two words to her.
Instead, she made to end the formalities between the two of you, thinking it downright silly for a pair that had once been so comfortable together to act like strangers.
It practically knocked the wind out of him when she hugged him. Though he quickly fell back into the pattern of her embraces that had become second nature.
Her entire arms wound around his waist in order to come in contact with as much of his skin as possible. From doing this they had both discovered her penchant for settling her hands on his love handles, usually squeezing them or caressing them or tracing over them or something of the sort. Sometimes he joked and said things like “Trying t’ feel me up love?” or “Copping a feel there moppet?” to which she either hummed in response or gave a defiant pinch to the aforementioned skin.
The first time she had ‘felt him up’ by sort of massaging the skin emerging from his pants - which sounded far more peculiar when you worded it like that - Harry had felt erotic tingles more powerful than any sexual act he would experience from such an innocent gesture.
He’d proper moaned, but tried to cover it up by saying “Wha’ was that for then love? Hmm?” His voice was low with strained pleasure and he’d tried to come off as teasing, but regardless of what he sounded like, she began to pull back her hands. He’d immediately corrected any doubtful thoughts by softly grasping her hands with immense sureness and returning them to where they had previously rested. Her face had been buried in his neck but he could feel her smirk and he struggled not to cry out in ecstasy when she lured goosebumps on to his skin once again.
He always placed one hand firmly on her back, fingers spread wide like a shield which he sometimes rubbed up and down her spine in reassurance or had each finger work out those knots she got from stress. The other hand always lovingly followed the curve of her neck to the nape and, depending on the type of hug required, either remained there or went the whole way round so that his hand rested on her shoulder and her neck was nestled in the bend between his upper and lower arm.
“Missed you.” y/n murmured, voice muffled by his neck, her hot breath sending shivers coursing through his entire body. She was wearing heels today, and that factor usually determined if her head would nestle in his neck or on his chest. He preferred the former, more intimate of the two and often tried to bend down going in to the hug in order to secure her head there.
He swore he saw stars at her last statement and replied wholeheartedly. “Fuck, my angel, missed yeh so much.”
He said it breathlessly, and for once he didn’t debate if it was okay for him to say that (had he asked himself ten minutes earlier it would have been a vehement no). Because her cold nose was rubbing against the prominent vein in his neck, the one part of your body that had yet to adjust to the temperature of the household, and fuck if he didn’t want to treasure this moment forever, and her along with it.
“Staying in Cheshire for a bit. Mum n’ Dad are on holiday and your mum said I could stay here. Wanted to make sure you were okay with it.” She said all of this from the warmth of his neck, the one cheek that was squashed altering the clarity of her words but he heard her perfectly.
His eyes widened in excitement that she was asking him about staying in a home that he no longer really lived in just because she still cared about his opinion.
“O’ course love. Always want yeh around.”
“Hmm, wouldn’t be the same if I was staying here without all the people who mean the most to me. Be a bit silly really.” She hummed like a satisfied cat and at her words Harry felt like he might have a cardiac arrest.
“Yeh always were a silly one.” He recalled, noting that she had yet to remove herself from his arms and prayed she wasn’t about to.
“S’ why you always called me goose.” She chuckled.
His heart squeezed further that she had remembered.
Anne had always called Harry a silly goose as a child, usually, it was whenever he did something adorably naïve or childish. And he seemed to have pertained a knack for repeating words or phrases he particularly enjoyed, sometimes not even fully understanding the meaning, which is what inspired him to call her ‘goose’. Being so young, he’d unknowingly discarded the first word, opting to call her only by the second, and with age the use of the word changed.
As youngsters he’d sporadically point at you and proclaim you “Goose!” with a gurgling giggle. Then as children he became more playful with it, saying it in the appropriate context, like when you wore horribly mismatched socks and he’d jokingly chide you by shaking his head and saying you were “such a Goose” though his trademark grin gave his lack of seriousness away.
Then when they’d become teenagers, he’d gotten a little cocky and used it solely as a pet name, oftentimes smirking at the fact that no one else knew what had coined their little title when he teased her after she made mistakes or got embarrassed. When she’d fallen over a protruding tree root once during a walk in the woods with Harry and their respective families, still wearing her school skirt mind you, Harry had just chuckled and offered her his hand whilst saying “If yeh wanted t’ flash me yeh underwear love yeh could’ve just asked.”
It was late, or early if you were being smart about it, and Gemma had just banished Harry from interacting with any of the stragglers that had yet to be politely dismissed because of his incessant, though unintentional, knack to draw people to him, which was the exact opposite of what he should’ve been doing.
Anne busied herself in the kitchen, sending the dishwasher into overdrive with all the glasses and plates she’d stocked it with. When Harry entered the room, he noticed that she’d left a few odd pieces of cutlery and crockery by the sink to clean by hand.
He smiled, Anne was a strong, independent woman and had been all his life and, from what he’d heard, all of hers as well. Despite having a dishwasher he knew she enjoyed doing some of the cleaning for herself, partly because she’d never shed the need to do things for herself every once in a while and partly just for something therapeutic to keep her occupied.
Anne would never admit that to anyone else though, and would simply say that she was merely doing the dishes that had been left since the dishwasher was too full. Though Harry knew full well that this was the second round the dishwasher had done tonight, the activity brought his mum happiness and was a little idiosyncrasy of hers that he appreciated the few times that he could.
Y/n was the first person to tell him about that word, it was one of her favourites. It was when they were sixteen, and Harry took her out to eat at her favourite place, which was a forty minute drive and he wasn’t old enough to properly get his license but he couldn’t care less. That was what she did to him, she always had and always will have him voluntarily wrapped around her finger and she never even knew it. She never asked for anything extravagant but he was always on his knees ready to exceed expectations.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell,” Harry muttered the same words he had all those years ago “she literally drove me to commit a proper crime and she didn’t even ask me to.”
But he didn’t care, and he’d do it all over again if it meant getting to experience the happiness radiating from her the whole journey home, which, in fact, hadn’t been long enough.
Harry peered sombrely down at his glass, memories of that night staining his memory like the wine, and glanced longingly at the stairs leading to the woman he loved.
find part two on my masterlist :)
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