#or else youre gonna be s u p e r confused
a-detraque-barista · 1 year
Yandere Todoroki HC 🤍 💗 🔥❄️
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okay first of all
i love him
one of the s o f t e s t bbs ever
aNd No OnE cAn CoNvInCe Me OtHeRwIsE
he actually attaches to you q u i c k
once you two are friends, that’s it
you got him
he’s done for
i can see him being one of the more milder yanderes
feelings confuse him, why do you have to make him feel even m o r e confusing feelings
wont go balls to walls crazy if he sees you hugging someone
he just becomes protective
the one person he worries that would actually hurt you would be bakugou
so if he sees bakugou anywhere n e a r you, shoto is right by your side
making sure you’re okay
if you’re a touchy person, oh lord
give him all the cuddles p l e a s e
boi is touch-starved
although, he is the type to get comfortable in a hug with you
so if you try to stop hugging him to go to someone else
your feet are gonna be frozen to the ground
so you can’t leave
this boi is insecure as fUck
if you compliment his scar, he stops breathing
you like his quirk, stops breathing
you like his hair, stops b r e a t h i n g
you’ll need to start carrying around an inhaler
if he accidentally burns you, it will take him a very long time and a lot of reassurance from you until he can forgive himself
instead of isolating himself he becomes even more attached and protective
he’ll stick to your side like glue and will even take care of your burn(s) by applying ointment and such
will literally do almost anything for you
except for leaving you
he would never
he m e l t s whenever you hug him or hold his hand
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keen2meecha · 4 years
a creature of despair
There was a ghost haunting the streets of New Demington and everyone knew it.
Not a literal ghost. That would be much more convenient - and much less stressful. Ghosts could be caught, exorcised, shot with rock salt and sent back to wherever they belonged.
This ghost, though.
This ghost had yet to be seen, although the trail of bodies they left in their wake was unmistakable. Some with premortem wounds, some without - but all of them with their throats slashed from behind, and a length of purple ribbon left behind to cover the wound. It was a very specific calling card, but investigators had yet to determine the significance. And this had been going on for months.
Even Amadeus Black was pricklier than usual lately, and that was quite the feat. He was prickly on the best of days, but it took a lot to push him further.
And yet, despite the tension in the air and the worry on TV, Falks’ freshmen class remained as bright and oblivious as ever.
“We should go shopping!” Briony El-Hashem declared.
At the opposite end of the table, Kyran Cinege snorted as he speared his broccoli. Sure, he’d known since he stepped foot in this place that his classmates were idiots, but it was nice to have tangible proof. He looked up to catch Vera’s eye. She was an ice-cold bitch, but they had a certain understanding. She was a lot more tolerable than the others, for one thing. And she didn’t try to be his ‘friend’ - in fact, she seemed to migrate to his side most days specifically because he had no interest in friends.
She also didn’t talk, which meant she didn’t ask questions.
“What about you, dude?” Ibrahim asked eagerly, leaning closer to Kyran - and then immediately leaning back away at the sharp glare he got. “You in?”
“Of course I’m not fucking in!” Kyran snapped. “You’ve either got a goddamned death wish or your idiots - or, more likely, both.”
“Don’t be like that,” Dimas said, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll be however I fucking please. Unlike you imbeciles, I’m not taking my chances when there’s a damn Villain roaming the streets.”
“We don’t know they’re a Villain!” Larue protested immediately. “They could just be a serial killer!”
“Oh, right, yeah, that’s so much better - congrats, Strawberry! You’ve changed my mind!”
“It’ll be fun,” Rocco interrupted, and Kyran choked back a swear. “C’mon, please? We’ll make it worth your while!”
There was only one person who could possibly make it worth his while. He had red-hair and stupid pretty eyes and was currently pouting up at Kyran, said pretty eyes pleading with him. Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fucking-
“Fine, whatever.” He grunted, tearing his eyes away from Rocco. “If it makes you assholes leave me alone for once.”
“You know we won’t! Hey, Vera, what about you?”
“No,” She said flatly, not even looking up from her book.
“Aw, come on, not you too! Please?”
Unfortunately, Vera didn’t have the same weakness that Kyran had. She gave Rocco a flat look, then returned to her book once more. Rocco wrinkled his nose at her, then returned to the others to help the planning of the apparent shopping trip.
Kyran scowled and flicked her book as he said, “Oy, Princess, if I’ve gotta suffer through this bullshit so do you.”
She gave him a flat look, then stood up, shouldered her backpack, and started to walk away. Kyran reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could get far.
“Let go of me,” She snapped, yanking her wrist out of his grip as whirled on him. He was out of his seat and standing across from her in a second, shoulders squared and hands raised. He had seen what she could do with her Gift. She wasn’t going to get the drop on him.
“Guys,” Elora protested uneasily from the table. 
“Shut up, Pinkie,” Kyran told her, not looking away from Vera. “You too, Glasses.”
Zahir snapped his mouth shut.
“I said. I’m not. Going.” Vera gritted out. Despite the tension in her jaw, her hands were loose by her sides.
“And I said you are,” Kyran countered, not letting his guard down that easily. “Because there’s a killer roaming the streets, and we’re pretty much the only ones who can keep these idiots alive if they really insist on leaving campus.”
There was a full tense minute as she stared him down. He was starting to wonder if she would just forgo the Gift and punch him in the nose-
And then she huffed, nodded, and left without another word.
“Was that a yes?” Ibrahim asked into the shocked silence.
“We’re going shopping this weekend,” Kyran announced suddenly.
Across from him, the devil herself blinked and adjusted her glasses.
“We were discussing your childhood?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got daddy issues, blah blah blah,” Kyran waved a dismissive hand. “Been there, done that, old news.”
“Alright.” Tuliana gave an infuriating smile. “Who all is we?”
“The whole class.”
“Including you?”
“Don’t make me get the swear jar out again, Kyran.”
“Why did you agree to go? I was under the impression that you hated everyone.”
“Dunno.” He flopped back in the cushy armchair and glared out the window.
“These sessions won’t do you any good if you stonewall me.”
He huffed and drew a frowny face on the icy window with his finger, then said, “I… thought I saw her. Yesterday. Up on those mountains or whatever.”
“It’s not… unheard of for people to think they’ve seen loved ones that they’ve lost.”
“So I’m not going crazy?”
“No, we’ve been over this.”
“Even though it’s been, like, a year?”
“There’s no timeline for grief. It happens differently for everyone.” When he didn’t say anything else, she jotted something down on her notebook and said, “Is that why you agreed to go? Because you think you’ll see her again?”
“No, that’d be stupid.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
He scowled and shot her a glare. The worst part was that her serene expression didn’t even waver. In the almost two months he’d been attending Falks, he’d managed to get under every adults’ skin except for two: the headmaster and Tuliana Nagi. The former simply because he hadn’t had enough opportunities, the latter because he was sure there were more annoying things in Hell than him.
So far, at least.
“Maybe…” He returned to the window. “Maybe because it’s what she would have done.”
“Gone shopping?”
“Protected them.”
There was a long beat of silence, then she sighed and rubbed at her eye. She did that sometimes. Their sessions were always at the end of the day, and he was pretty sure she had chronic dry-eye. Her eye drops were in her drawer, but she never used them while they were meeting. Probably because it was impolite or some shit.
“Kyran, it’s not your job to save everyone.”
“It will be soon.”
“Yes, after you’ve been trained.” She dropped her hand and leaned forward. He shifted uncomfortably, but couldn’t seem to break eye contact. “Kyran, you couldn’t have saved her.”
“If I hadn’t left her with him-”
“You didn’t leave him.” They had been through this so many times that she felt comfortable interrupting him, which was infuriating. “You got separated while the museum was collapsing.”
“What difference does it make?”
“You know that it makes all the difference.”
He snarled at her, but had nothing to say to that. She was - probably, unfortunately - right. But if he had just had the instinct to dive back, not forward, if they had lingered just a second longer, or sped up just a little-
“That kind of thinking won’t bring her back, Kyran.”
That was the whole problem, wasn’t it? 
Nothing was going to bring back the one friend he’d ever had.
The mall was way too big, and way too loud. The moment they stepped inside, he regretted agreeing to come along. 
It didn’t help that Vera was practically radiating smugness at his discomfort, even as she too winced at the light and the noise and the smell. The rest of their classmates barely seemed to notice the terrible everything of the hellhole posing as a mall. They laughed and shouted and went through store after store after store. Why did a mall even need five separate shoe stores? Wasn’t one enough?
“Capitalism,” Jerilyn whispered gravely to him when he voiced his complaint.
“Fuck that,” He replied, turning away.
“Dude, where are you going?” Ibrahim shouted.
“Anywhere that isn’t here!”
He made it all the way to the boba stand before he realized that he was being followed.
“Fuck off, Princess.”
“You dragged me on this trip,” She replied evenly. “Actions have consequences.”
It was the closest to sarcasm he’d ever heard her get, so he begrudgingly didn’t protest further. The ghost everyone was afraid of preferred secluded areas, after all. They wouldn’t strike in the middle of a brightly lit, crowded as hell building.
“Hi!” The Chinese girl behind the counter chirped at their approach. “What can I get you?”
“What’s good?” Kyran asked, scanning the menu and trying hard not to scowl. His classmates deserved his ire - retail workers didn’t.
“Depends on what you like - the lavender is pretty interesting.”
“Sure, that.”
“Great! And you, ma’am?”
“Er, same thing.”
The girl didn’t notice the hesitance as she put their orders into the computer, but Kyran glanced back as he passed her the money. He’d had his suspicions, of course, but every time she opened her mouth he grew more certain that the weirdo had never had a real childhood.
Maybe they could start a club.
“Here’s your change!” The girl said, dragging him out of his thoughts.
He turned and accepted the coins - and found his gaze drawn to her pin-laden denim jacket. More specifically, the white pin with the thick purple line in the middle.
“Nice pin,” He said, jutting his chin out towards it.
“Huh?” She glanced down, then beamed up at him with excitement. “Thanks!”
“I’ve got a friend who had something similar,” He added, his throat tightening as the words clawed their way out. 
“Oh, nice. I can give you the website that I got it from, if you want to buy them a present!”
“Uh, no, thanks. She hasn’t got much use for gifts anymore.”
The girl snorted, and then the man who was also working at the booth called, “Jing, come help me!” and she hurried away.
Kyran heaved a sigh, then turned to see Vera staring at him.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“Nothing.” Unruffled as ever - she was almost as obnoxious as Tuliana. “I thought you didn’t have friends.”
“I don’t,” He snapped, already regretting the moment of weakness. At least Vera wasn’t the gossiping type. “Not anymore. What do you care?”
“I don’t.”
She said that, but she also kept stealing glances at him for the rest of their little shopping trip. By the time they left, just before the mall closed as the sun was setting below the horizon, he was ready to commit arson just for some kind of release.
The city buildings cast long shadows in the fading sunlight, and his classmates at least had the common sense to lower their voices as they walked. They were still in a populated part of the city, but they were fast-approaching that time where it was too late for the day crowd to still be heading home, but too early for the night crowd to start leaving home.
“Oh, hey, come on!” Briony said suddenly, her voice leaping half an octave in her excitement. “It’s a shortcut - it’ll get us to the nearest stop just in time for the next bus!”
“Wait, I’m not sure-” Zahir tried to protest, but she was already taking off down the darkened alleyway.
Kyran swore and took off after her, and the others followed close behind. 
Luckily she hadn’t gotten far - barely halfway down the alleyway before she stopped, apparently waiting for them to catch up.
“Do you want to fucking die?” He snapped, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her around to face him. “We need to stick together, or-”
“Well, well, well. Who is it that’s flown into my web this time?”
Or that.
Kyran shoved Briony behind him and pivoted, searching for the source of the crooning voice. It didn’t sound like it belonged to anyone much older or bigger than them, but it had just enough of an edge to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“Oh, could it be?” The voice continued, dancing with delight. “A little herd of Falkers, out and about in the city? All alone, and so late at night - I thought you were supposed to be smart!”
“Who says we’re alone?” Kyran snarled, putting a hand out to keep his classmates from doing anything stupid. 
There was the sound of sharp metal scraping against stone undercutting a breathy, unsettlingly girlish giggle, and a figure stepped into what little light was left. 
They weren’t what Kyran was expecting. Short, shorter than him, wearing jeans and sneakers and a faded purple hoodie that was missing the sleeves, leaving the person’s brown arms bare. They could almost be mistaken for a normal teenager wandering the streets - albeit a fucking jacked one - if not for the machete in their outstretched hand, resting against the wall of the building. That explained the scraping noise, at least.
“We don’t want any trouble,” Zahir called, earning a hissed shut up from Kyran.
“You don’t?” The person asked, almost sounding disappointed. “But don’t you know? That’s all you Falkers are. Little troubles, that grow up to be big strong Heroic troubles.”
“Back the fuck off now,” Kyran snarled when they took a step forward, raising his free hand in preparation. An explosion in such a tight space wasn’t ideal, but if push came to shove it would be worth it. “And no one will get hurt.”
The person paused and tilted their head. He could see the faintest flash of clever dark eyes studying him. There was something about this person, something hauntingly familiar... 
“Why don’t we make a deal?” They crooned, pushing their hood back. 
They were wearing a paneled black mask over the entirety of the bottom half of their face, but that still left the top half of their face exposed. Golden brown eyes with heavy bags under them, freckles, their dark brown curls shaved in an undercut. A scar through their thick eyebrow. Kyran narrowed his eyes. It was right there, staring him in the face, why couldn’t he figure it out-
“You give me your jacket, and I’ll let you go.”
“My jacket?” He glanced down at the leather jacket he was wrapped up in, worn to comfortable softness and right on the edge of being too small. “No fucking way.”
“Kyran,” Ibrahim whispered urgently.
“I said no,” He snapped, lifting his hand a little higher and curling his finger into the beginnings of a flick. If they made even the slightest of moves, kaboom. “I’m not giving some whacko my jacket.”
“Oh, but it’s not your jacket, now is it?” They said softly, taking another step forward. They were within arm’s reach. He needed to use his Gift, or throw a punch, or run, or something - but he was paralyzed, mesmerized by those far-too-knowing eyes. “You stole it from your friend, didn’t you? That night in the hospital? You chased her out, blamed her for your own damn issues, and then stole the jacket she left behind?”
“How do you know that?” He whispered.
“Oh, I know all about you, Kruze Cinege.”
She - because the only person who would ever call him that was a ‘she’ - smiled and pulled the mask down around her neck. Her nose was broad and freckled, her chin rounded and soft, her lips stretched in a smile he’d seen a hundred times before - but this one was mangled and bitter and empty, a fucked up facsimile of the original.
She’d gotten a haircut, gathered a few more scars, lost the spark that used to make her shine so bright - but she still managed to be unmistakable. 
No wonder they called her a ghost.
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Robby NSFW Alphabet
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not my gif
A: Aftercare
Robby’s aftercare is ON POINT. He’s a huge cuddler and loves to have the chance to take care of someone who really appreciates it and takes care of him in return. He will get a soft, damp cloth and clean you off before pulling you onto his chest and wrapping you both up in tons of blankets. He likes to pet your hair while you fall asleep, and hold you so that no one can hurt you while you’re in such a vulnerable state. He knows, realistically, that no one is gonna jump out of the closet and attack you, but it makes him feel needed. 
B: Body Part
His favorite body part of yours is your hands. He loves holding them up next to his and comparing, he loves holding your hand, and he loves when your hand is wrapped around his cock while y’all are in private. He can’t help but look at your left hand and picture a pretty ring on that finger, imagining the beautiful future he wants to have with you. His favorite body part of his is his butt. The boy works out, and he knows how much you like it. He honestly never noticed his butt before, whether it was nice or not, until you started pointing it out, and now he walks around in leggings just to get your attention!
C: Cum
He likes to cum in your mouth. Blowjobs make him feel like he’s in heaven, and when you swallow, it makes Robby feel like you’re accepting him and worshipping him like no one ever has before. He also likes to finish inside you (wrap it up) because of how intimate it is. Not part of the prompt, but he loves to make you sit on his face and cum all over his mouth, dirty boy. 
D: Dirty Secret
Robby has always wanted to try more public sex. The thought of getting caught riles him to no end, and he gets so turned on by the idea of holding his hand over your mouth in a janitor’s closet so people walking past don’t hear your moans. If you wanted to try it, y’all would start small, like your backyard, and work your way up, but if you weren;t into it, that’s fine with him too. 
E: Experience
He’s decently experienced. Robby had a one night stand or two before he met Mr. Larusso, when he hung out with those hooligans, but it never meant anything. With you, it’s his first time doing it with feelings involved, and he was blown away by how much better it was that way. He was experienced enough to not bust in T-2 minutes, but he still had a lot to learn about taking his time and making sure you both enjoyed it. With the other girls, it was always about doing it to impress his friends so he never thought much about how it felt, for him or her. You have to teach him that porn isn’t realistic, and that it takes time to feel good. He’s a fast learner though. 
F: Favorite Position
He loves a good 69, lying down or standing ;) bc he’s strong like that. He also likes taking you from behind while he holds you up against him by your neck, and his other hand playing with your nipples or clit. Add a mirror, and you have the hottest sex either of you had ever had. 
G: Goofy
He can be goofy during foreplay or aftercare, but Robby likes to keep it more intimate and serious during actual sex. He wants you to know that he takes you seriously, and thinks that you guys are goofy all the time, so he wants sex to be loving and heartfelt. Drunk sex can be goofy, but most of the time, he keeps it mature. 
H: Hair
He will shave it off every once in a while and let it get stubbly for a couple weeks, then shave again. Robby HATES ingrown hairs, so he doesn’t like to shave every day, but he thinks just trimming makes it look sloppy. He settles for shaving every couple weeks. He literally doesn’t even notice when you don’t shave, so obviously he doesn’t care about that. Like he’s so caught up in the moment that you could put a little blue wig down there and he wouldn’t notice. 
I: Intimacy
So growing up, Robby never really had people that cared a lot about him. Because of this, he lives for intimate moments. Just you guys lying on his bed playing with each other’s hair makes him swoon. He’s a romantic guy, and would definitely go all out with flower petals, candles, champagne, and bubble baths if it were a special occasion. He wants you to know that he loves you, and wants to make sure you know how much he loves you. 10/10 romance. 
J: Jack off 
He did it a lot before he met you, but now he prefers you. He really doesn’t feel the need to jack off because you guys are together so often. If he starts thinking about you in the shower or something, maybe he would, but he’d rather just text you to come over. 
K: Kink
So Robby is a switch. When he’s feeling more dominant, he loves to spank you with his hands, a paddle, or his karate belt. He gets off on the fact that you trust him so much to hold your pleasure and pain in his hands. He would never go too far, but he loves how wet you get after a light spanking. When Robby is more sub, he likes when you boss him around. Telling him how exactly to pleasure you, pulling his face further into your core. Making him get on his knees and watch as you pleasured yourself. He worships you. 
L: Location
At first, a bed. But after you guys have sex on a beach at night one time, he realizes that he wants to try tons of different locations. Just the possibilities of how he can position you, someone catching you, or someone hearing how good he makes you feel, really gets him going. His favorite so far was in an empty stairwell at a fancy resort that Sam invited you both to. 
M: Motivation
So like Hawk and Miguel, Robby is a teenage boy! He’s horny all day, every day. He loves seeing you in workout clothes, seeing other guys hit on you and then shrink away when they realize you’re his, teaching you karate, and watching you put your hair up. It reminds him of… certain things. 
N: No
He would never ever let someone else join you guys. Male, female, or other, he hates the idea of someone putting their hands on you in that way, and knows you would feel the same about him. Robby thinks you guys have such a perfect chemistry going, so why would you want to ruin that with another person? It would just be awkward and clumsy, and Robby does NOT like to share. 
O: Oral
So like I said earlier, he thinks porn is accurate when y’all first start having sex. He would go down on you for like 30 seconds, barely using any pressure or suction, and would then be confused as to why you weren’t finishing. He sat you down one day and talked to you about it, because he was scared you just weren’t attracted to him or something. When you told him that you needed more than what he was doing, he made you teach him right then and there. He spent a good hour and a half going down on you, making you tell him what was good and what wasn’t, learning how to actually give GOOD head, and now he’s pretty much an expert. He takes his time and takes cues from you. You were amazing at head right off the bat, and he’s such a simp for you when you’re between his legs. 
P: Pace
It honestly varies depending on the day and what mood you guys are in. He’s a switch in all respects, so he can be slow and loving, or fast and rough, or a mix of the two. He also loves when you start on top and set the pace, and then he will flip you guys over when you get tired and finish you both off. 
Q: Quickie
He likes a good quickie in those moments when you guys are out and get turned on all of a sudden. Robby likes to take you somewhere a little more private and get you both off, before resuming what you guys were doing and acting like nothing happened. You’ve seen him shake the hand of someone with the same hand that was buried in you 3 minutes before, acting like nothing was out of sorts at all. 
R: Risk
He will try new things if you want to, but is honestly pretty content with how you guys fuck right now. His philosophy is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But he’s more than willing to try whatever you want to try. Robby can’t say no to his girl. Sometimes, you guys just sit there and watch porn together, and will see something that looks like fun, so you decide to try it. 
S: Stamina
So I feel redundant for saying this on Miguel and Hawk’s too, but he’s a teenage boy! He can’t go for more than 12 minutes at first. He could go like 5 times in a row, but didn’t last very long. Now, he’s way better. He can last for a solid 30 to 40 minutes if he really wants to, but normally you’re satisfied before that and he can let himself finish. 
T: Toy
Robby loves to try toys on you. When you first told him that you had a vibrator, he immediately asked if he could use it on you. He’s fascinated with how different toys do different things, and he loves studying the difference in your reactions depending on what he’s using. He doesn’t really like toys being used on him though. He thinks it feels weird and he'd rather have your mouth or hand. 
U: Unfair
Robby can be a really bad tease if he’s in the right mood. He would hover his mouth over your pussy, letting you shake and cry before he touches you. He would finger you and bring you right up to the edge, before pulling his hand away and laughing as you almost sob. He likes knowing he has the power to make you writhe like that. 
V: Volume
He’s pretty quiet, to be honest. You had to tell him specifically that you wanted him to be louder in the bedroom. Once you did that, he started to let loose a little bit more, but still isn’t super loud. He would rather listen to you scream his name ;) 
W: Wild Card
He loves shower sex. Too many times have you guys both cum, only for him to carry you into the shower to clean off and eventually start round 2. The water, the soap, the nakedness, he’s a sucker for it. There’s no clean up involved, and he even gets a bathtub mat so you guys don’t slip and hurt yourselves. 
X: X-Ray
I said it before and I’ll say it again! Size! Does! Not! Matter! The g-spot is 3 INCHES IN so if he’s hitting it right it’s fine!!! But Robby is probably a solid 6 inches. 
Y: Yearning
Teenage boy! He could go at the drop of a hat. Robby wants you all the time, he just holds back until you want to as well. Which is also often, I mean look at him!
Z: Zzz
He doesn’t really like to fall asleep right after in case you need something. He makes sure he’s available to get you whatever you need: a snack, water, another blanket, a kiss. Robby also likes to hold you while you sleep, because it makes him feel like he’s doing his duty as your boyfriend and protecting you. 
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kyswoo · 3 years
The Boyz reaction
teasing them in public
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pairing: yandere!the boyz x reader
genre: yandere au, suggestive
request: "Hii! I saw your request was open can I get The Boyz yandere reaction to teasing them sexually in public??"
masterlist 🌸
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smiles awkwardly trying to ignore your hand caressing his thigh
your hands tries to go higher but he stops it
"control yourself, we are in public right now" he looks serious at you
you ignore it and keep caressing his thigh so eventually he can't take it anymore
gives an excuse to the others so you two can go home
"you love driving me crazy uh?" he throws you on your bed and you already know is gonna be a long night
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he holds your hand so you stop teasing him
"cobie I need you right now please.." you whimper close to his ear
"wait a little longer sweetie, we'll go home soon"
you keep teasing him and he can't pay attention to anything else but you, so he says you two need to go 
once you got home he kissed you passionately guiding you to your room
"you really need to do that when we're outside? you know I can't resist you.."
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his eyes widened when he felt you kissing his neck
"what are you doing? stop it.." he says embarassed
"why? I thought you liked it" you look at him with puppy eyes and he laughs softly not believing your behavior right now
"be patient and wait till we're home or you're not cumming"
he stops giving you attention so you just sigh in defeat
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he is chatting with some people and he suddenly feels your hands caressing him
"what the fuck you're doing? are you that desperate?" he whispers in your ear and you just nod
he sighs and smirk at you and took you to the bathroom putting you against the wall and attacking your lips
"if you're that desperate then I won't bother being gentle with you" he says with his eyes full of lust
the rest you know
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he barely pays attention to you trying to get his attention
"not now babe" he says ignoring your actions
you keep teasing him so eventually he grabs you hand and look at you serious 
"I said not now" his voice was serious so you pouted and thought it was better to stop
he noticed it and gave you a kiss "when we get home ok? I promise"
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he looks at you in shock with a smirk on his face
"what do you want babe?" he says with a playful voice "you want to get laid? is that it?"
he keeps teasing you in a playful way so he can control himself
but after you kept teasing him, he can't control it anymore so he'll take you home as fast as he can
"let me give you what you wanted now"
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he rolled his eyes when he realised what you were doing
"sweetie can't you wait till were home?" you hummed a no and he looks at you in disapproval
he tries to ignore your kisses and whining but he can't help getting turned on
"shit.. you really be testing me uh?" he grabs your wrist and takes you to the car and unzip his pants 
"take care of it you brat, we'll finish it when we get home"
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he was confused at why you were being so clingy and touchy, but he was loving it
he looks at you and smirks when he realises what you wanted
won't waste any more time and he is already dragging you to the bathroom
he already has that devil look ready to go down on you
"you asked for it babe" 
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gets embarassed because there is too many people around
"don't do that babe, people will see" he tries getting your hand aways from him but you start kissing him
"why are you like this today?" you just smiled at him, but he won't do anything if you two are not home
"please babe.." you whine so he just gives in and goes home
"you know I can't say no to you"
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he is also a tease so it'll become a competition to see who gives up first not caring about anyone else
he can't hold it anymore and so do you so he'll take you to the bathroom and starts kissing your neck
"I love having you all to myself like this" he says breathy and running his hands on your body
once you're "finished" he will quickly take you home
"let's continue this at home ok?"
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he almost jumps out of his chair when he feels your hands on him and smacks it away from him
"what are you doing?" he says in shock and you can see his cheeks turning red
you looked at him like you didn't knew what he was talking about
"don't act innocent now, I know what you're doing!"
you ignore him and after some time he is the one caressing you
"should we go home now?" he says smirking in your ear 
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Sesshomaru|| SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Heheh he seggsy ft. a gender neutral reader
Word Count: 2140
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sesshomaru shows affection by cutting off the heads of those that would dare threaten you and overall ensuring your safety. He also lets you lay on him, whether in human form or demon form, the fact that he lets you lay on him, let alone be near him when he’s so vulnerable speaks volumes of your bond.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Sesshomaru doesn’t really do best friends, if he’s interested in you, he’ll make it known when he feels is most appropriate but otherwise you’re likely in his mind at least a subordinate or acquaintance at most.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As stated before, Sesshomaru is a secret cuddler, even more surprising is the fact that he’s good at it. Sesshomaru’s cuddles are warm and fluffy and his arm wrapped tight around your waist makes you feel safe and secure. When he’s cuddling you, he’ll also bury his head into the junction between your neck and shoulder, to him this is where your scent is strongest and he loves to be reminded of it as the rest of your scent slowly blends into his.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down for Sesshomaru is kind of a weird term, it takes a lot of explaining and even then he’s still confused. When you ask him about it though, he informs you that you’re more than welcome to stay at his castle, but part of his duty is patrolling his land. He can’t settle down but he swears to you that you’ll never want for anything so long as you allow him to stand by your side.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
To be honest, Sesshomaru would probably just drop you off at the nearest human settlement/demon settlement (if it’s a really bad breakup he’ll just leave you to fend for yourself). If Rin is particularly attached to you, he may feel bad internally but in his mind, she’ll have to understand that the two of you just weren’t meant to last.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sesshomaru is kind of already engaged to you once you accept his courting offer. While he won’t be pushy about it, he does want to marry you as soon as possible. The moment you agree to marry him is the happiest day of his long life, and the whole affair is a week long festivity followed by a month long honeymoon.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sesshomaru is by no means gentle. Maybe if pushed to the brink of desperation to where your life was in danger, he’d crack just a little bit, the aftermath of which he’d make some excuse to always be holding or carrying you. Overall though, he’s not really gentle but he doesn’t need to be, he more than makes up for it because he treats you like you’re a gift from the heavens and a grace to all living things.
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn’t initiate hugs, ever. He lets Rin hug him and you but that’s about it. If anyone else tried to hug him, he’d cut their arms off and if anyone aside from Jaken or Ah-Un saw him receiving a hug they’d better start running.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
Like with settling down, it takes some convincing and a lot of explanation on your part for him to understand how three words convey to you the depth of his devotion. The way he says ‘i love you’ isn’t through words (although he eventually does say so to make you happy) it’s through the way his gaze melts just a little bit when he sees you, it’s in the smile he gives no one but you, it’s in the way he’s willing to give up everything, just for you.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
When Sesshomaru gets jealous, it’s actually kind of serious. He doesn’t get jealous as he has no need to but seeing how Mukotsu stole you away from him and hearing how one of the thunder brothers tried to marry you made his blood boil with rage. If he hadn’t already disposed of Mukotsu he’d have made him die a slow death by Sesshomaru’s poison. Also, the fact that Inuyasha killed the thunder brothers is one of the few things he doesn’t begrudge his brother for.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sesshomaru’s kisses are rough and demanding, even when he’s trying to be soft with you. Something in his nature that wants to assert dominance even in the tamest expressions of love. It’s not like you mind though, his kisses always leave you breathless and wanting more.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
As evidenced by Rin (and kind of Kohaku), Sesshomaru is really good with kids. He’s just firm and uncaring enough to keep kids in line while still letting them play and explore. And deep, deep, deep down, he enjoys kids because of the almost naive outlook they have on the world, but he’d never admit that.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Sesshomaru are really nice and pleasant...until you have to pee. At which point it becomes an almost wrestling contest against a clingy cuddly demon who still wants to be pressed against his mate until time forces you both to wake up. It doesn’t help either that you’re likely sore from the night before.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The SFW version of a night with Sesshomaru usually consists of you telling Rin (and a bitter Jaken) stories around the fire. Rin will probably help you put your hair up before you go to sleep and when the little ball of energy finally collapses, you tuck her in and kiss her forehead. Sesshomaru in the meanwhile, would watch all of this from a distance, his superior senses negating any need to be close anyways; plus he prefers to watch over all of you from afar before sneaking under the covers next to you while you’re asleep.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sesshomaru doesn’t necessarily mean to shut you out he just reveals information on a need to know basis. In addition to that, most of his thoughts are carefully revealed through small subconscious reactions or expressions that take you a while to even pick up on, much less interpret. Eventually though, he does become open with you, you become the only person in the world that he trusts with the full breadth of his secrets and vulnerability.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s a 50/50 split. He can be patient when he wants to, but sometimes people are moving too slow for his liking and he starts to feel his hand twitch with the urge to use his claws. To get him angry to the point of it being visible on his face or even to the point that he shifts into his demon form is something few (namely Inuyasha and Kagome) are capable of. With you though, he does get a little impatient, especially at the beginning when you didn’t understand his grunting, but never fully enraged to the point of transforming.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Sesshomaru remembers things about you like your scent, what makes you happy, what makes you mad, etc., all very basic information for him. He doesn’t really bother to remember things like anniversaries or birthdays just for the simple fact that his concept of time is completely different to yours. He doesn’t see the point in celebrating anniversaries (he manages by noticing the changes in your scent when yalls anniversary is approaching) and he finds it amusing that you celebrate his birthday, he hates celebrating yours though because it just reminds him that you’re human and each year is closer and closer to an eternity he’ll have to inevitably spend without you.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Sesshomaru’s  favorite moment in your relationship was when Rin accidently likened you to a parental figure one day. You managed to keep it together, but the moment she got distracted you turned to him and just sobbed into the fluff of his tail. The memory still makes him laugh but you swore him to secrecy, and he fears ever so slightly what you’d do if he broke that vow.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Sesshomaru does all the physical protection in your relationship. He can sense danger better even when far away and has skills and senses that you really can’t compare to. Although, Sesshomaru never sees you as inferior to him, as long as you rub his head and shoo away Kagome whenever she tries to be too sisterly with him, he’s all good.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
As mentioned earlier, Sesshomaru, while he doesn’t care for anniversaries, definitely makes a big event out of showing his love to you. Although the two of you aren’t dating, you’re courting (or married), he still manages to make you feel like the most beautiful person on Earth when he takes you out. If your date isn’t a private personal affair, he’s making a big show of it. Everyone in the land will know that you are his and that you are incredible in every way (basically multiple feasts/parties held in your honor).
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit of Sesshomaru’s is his impatience. He can be patient, but it’s mostly a façade, one in place to maintain his cool, unbothered persona. Truth is, many things bother him and he tends to just bottle it up and let it build until it boils over. Now, he may snap at you, but it’s most likely that he’ll walk away to go hack at a tree and not speak to you for a while. This leads to his second bad habit, his aloofness. While Sesshomaru is always aloof, it’s not usually a bad thing. But if he gets into one of his moods and you push and push and push, it will cause an argument.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Sesshomaru isn’t concerned with his looks, he always looks flawless. 
W: Worry (changed bcus I don’t like how the original frames relationships)
Sesshomaru does worry about you a lot. He tries not to say anything or let it bother him but it seems like every second he’s reminded of your human fragility. One day for trip over a tree root, the next you poke your finger sewing Rin’s clothes, and just one after another until your damned birthday comes around again and he’s reminded of the fact that you’ll get old much faster than he will. Needless to say, he worries about you a lot.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has some previous relationship experience, mostly from matches his mom set up or random hookups. You’re most likely his first and only serious relationship.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
He thinks people who seek to gain power/get ahead through frivolous means to be some of the most distasteful scum of the Earth. Aside from that he doesn’t really dislike anyone, aside from humans, or half-demons, or other demons, or anyone weaker than him, or... we could be here all day, but he pretty much only likes you, Ah-Un, Rin, Kohaku, and sometimes Jaken
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sesshomaru has never really had to sleep in a bed proper before you so he can just kinda fall asleep anywhere and be perfectly fine. His other skills include sleeping while standing and sleeping with his eyes open.
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dootdootwriting · 3 years
AHHH CONGRATS ON 600!!! I hope you're doing well heehoo and if its okay can i ask for the whole alphabet with scaramouche?:3 (also pls don't overwork yourself jdjajdkdlfmmeis)
600+ event!!
this is my first time writing for scara so i hope i did okay aha,, under the cut for length!
fluff alphabet with scaramouche, gn reader, warning for inazuma quest/scaramouche backstory spoilers!!
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why is his name so long
A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
- scaramouche isn't super knowledgeable about relationships, so he'll just sort of tentatively ask what you want to do and go along with it (though he might act like it's a stupid idea the whole time). really he doesn't care what he spends his free time on as long as you're a part of it.
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
- well first of all, he admires the courage you've got to have to be with him in the first place. other than that, he also loves your smile (but you won't hear him tell you that out loud, unless you're not really asleep when he thinks you are)
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
- another thing he's alien to. at first just starts telling you to calm down and is pretty harsh about it. when he realizes this isn't working, he'll reluctantly take you into his arms and start awkwardly patting your head. it's funny how awkward it is and you end up laughing at him about it, which makes him annoyed, but at least now you feel better.
D-Dreams (how do they picture the future with their s/o?)
- scaramouche... either wants you to be by his side as he conquers everything and shows the world just how strong he is, or he wants to do it alone. though it would be much better if you were with him and it makes him sad to think about you not being there in the end.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
- surprisingly passive, actually. he doesn't really know what he's doing so he lets you make most of the decisions about dates and spending time together. other than that though, he likes to drag you around to do whatever he wants.
F-Fun (what do they do for fun with their s/o? what’s their idea of a fun day out?)
- what's fun? on a day off, scaramouche will wander around and ponder his own existence. you'll have to take him to a market or a park or something so he can actually experience things first - once you do, you'll find he enjoys being alone with you somewhere quiet, where he doesn't have to listen to other people.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
- doesn't show it, but is definitely grateful, though he also doesn't know just how much of a hassle he can be. scaramouche just sort of assumed love was supposed to be unconditional... but he can tell when he's crossed a line, and he's grateful for you sticking by him despite everything.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
- obviously the one big secret is how he came into being in the first place, but once he trusts you enough to tell you about his being a puppet and a test, he's in all the way. he hides little things from you before that but once he's told you, you're in it with him forever whether you like it or not, and that means he doesn't keep anything else from you.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
- he's a lot more tolerable around you! you've been approached by fatui officers asking you "how do you do it?" and saying things like "thank you so much i totally thought i was gonna be yelled at today!" somehow you cool off his temper a bit.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
- JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS man. he gets jealous so so easily and WILL confront you about it. after a while and once he knows he can trust you he gets jealous less frequently, because he knows you're with him for the long run.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?).
- bad kisser at first because he's probably never been in love before. he gets the hang of it quickly though! your first kiss was because he had to shut you up and he couldn't figure out another way how so he just kissed you. you yelled at him after that.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
- scaramouche confesses on purpose but in a really weird way. he plans it and everything - he takes you out to see the sunset and brings food (almost like a picnic) but then once he gets to the actual confession it's just like "how dare you do this to me? i stay awake at night thinking of you and somehow you're the most tolerable person i've ever met. childe had the audacity to call it love and to laugh at me so he got what he deserved. if you don't feel the same way i'll punch you too." but he doesn't end up having to punch you, which you're both very glad about.
M-Mornings (what’s it like waking up with them? do they sleep late or wake up before the sun rises?)
- he didn't have a reason to sleep in late until he started sleeping next to you. now he's stuck in his ridiculous sleep schedule so he always wakes up before you. but hey! bonus! now he gets to look at you while you sleep, which for some reason makes him extremely flustered (which is really cute to wake up to).
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
- just calls you your name 🧍
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
- when he discovered he was in love he got angry at you. then he realized it wasn't your fault, and, actually, this wasn't such a bad thing. man were you confused though. for a solid week he just yelled at you for no reason. childe guessed correctly when he realized scaramouche's more-unusual-than-usual behavior, but he had the decency to hold his tongue around you.
P-PDA (how are they with PDA? is it fun to them or are they more reserved with their affection?)
- hates pda. will hold your hand and that's it if you try to kiss him in public his face will scrunch up and his ears will pull back instinctively. then he'll avoid you for the rest of the day.
Q-Quirk (some random thing they do when they’re with you for no reason in particular)
- gently taps you at random moments, almost as if he's trying to remind himself that you're here with him.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
- scaramouche tries to be romantic? he's doing his best. he tries all the gooey stuff to make you happy like buying you chocolate and giving you stuffed animals but in reality he has little to no tolerance for this kind of thing and you have to reassure him you love him, not the classic romantic things he forces himself to do. after that he stops, which is a huge relief.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
- he's more focused on his own goals and climbing the fatui ladder, but he's also very invested in anything you're attempting to do. wholeheartedly believes in you, whether he outwardly expresses it or not.
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
- scaramouche likes the security of his routine and the place your relationship is at. he gets embarrassed at pretty much any new milestone and needs some time to get to them, and he gets cranky when things change suddenly, so uh. no, he likes it better the way it is with little to no changes.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
- not very empathetic, but is very understanding. scaramouche lacks the ability to feel how you're feeling (is it because he isn't quite human?), but he does understand how you work and function, and the best ways to treat you depending on your mood.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?).
- since you're so important to him, you're about number two on his list of priorities, maybe almost tied with his work in the fatui. he can't stand people, but you've wormed your way into his heart, so he's not letting you go anytime soon.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
- any time you give him affection he's a little startled at first, but he comes to love it and eventually will ask you for hugs.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
- yes but ONLY behind closed doors. he's afraid if he so much as looks at you lovingly his underlings will laugh at him, and he definitely can't have that. when you two are alone, however, he absolutely cannot get enough of your touch.
Y- Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
- angry angry angry and makes it everyone's problem. when you get back from your trip the mood is dark and agents are running up to you like you're their savior "OH GOD YOU'RE BACK THANK EVERYTHING PLEASE SAVE US."
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
- he would literally kill for you (please tell him not to)
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
fic request because i am d e s p e r a t e : tarlos carlos whump with supportive gabriel reyes ??? if you’re down to write him that is. i love ur work n ur whump n i think u would write a p good gabe. 🥰
holly’s august extravaganza day 1: against all odds (we're still here)
i'm always down to write gabriel! thanks for the prompt trick, i hope you like it!
ao3 | 2k | car accidents, whump, major character injury, angst with a happy ending
“I told you we should have brought the car.”
Carlos scowls over at TK, shifting one of the many bags he’s carrying higher on his arm. It cuts painfully into his skin, his good mood from earlier long since soured. The knowledge that TK is, of course, right isn’t exactly helping matters.
“In my defence,” he starts, for probably the fifth or sixth time, “when we texted your dad to see if he wanted us to pick up anything from the store, I wasn’t expecting a full list.”
“We could have told him no.”
“TK, he’s your dad and we are literally crashing his home right now. I’m not gonna tell him no.”
TK opens his mouth, presumably to retort with a comment about how his dad loves Carlos and loves having them around. Both of which are things Carlos knows perfectly well, thanks, but he’s still not interested in testing it by refusing to get Owen’s kale chips or that specific brand of shampoo which took half an hour—and two stores—to track down.
Whatever TK was about to say is abandoned when one of his own bags slips out of his grasp and falls to the ground with a depressing thud. It bursts open—because why wouldn’t it—and spills their purchases across the sidewalk. The only solace is that nothing breaks, but that’s where the good news begins and ends; Carlos’s eyes track a can as it rolls down the street and into the gutter, landing in a puddle of dirty water. TK looks forlornly between the dropped bag and those still balanced on his arms, then heaves a long-suffering sigh and crouches awkwardly, easing the other bags down as carefully as he can manage.
“Call an Uber,” he grumbles. “We are not walking home like this.”
On that point, they’re in agreement. Carlos spares himself a moment of idle amusement at TK’s predicament before beginning the arduous task of extracting his phone from his pocket without dropping any of his own shopping.
He’ll hate himself for it later, but he’s so focused that the screech of tires coming around the corner barely registers as a blip on his radar. He doesn’t notice anything until TK suddenly barrels into him, throwing Carlos to the side just before something else, something heavy, crashes into them with a blinding flash of pain, and then—
Oh my god!
Someone call 911!
Are they even alive?
Just hold on, son, you’re going to be just fine.
Carlos frowns, slowly blinking his heavy eyelids open. It takes a minute to register his surroundings for what they are—a hospital room—and a further minute to notice the presence at his side. It’s his father, looking exhausted, turning his cowboy hat in his hands as he stares at the floor.
“Dad?” he croaks, wincing at the soreness in his throat. “What happened?”
His father’s head jerks up, his eyes going wide as he sees Carlos awake. “Mijo. It’s good to see you awake.”
“Dad, why am I here? What happened?”
He sighs, reaching out to pat Carlos’s arm. “There was an accident,” he explains. “A drunk driver lost control of his car and mounted the curb right where you boys were standing. He was speeding, so he hit you pretty hard. Your foot was crushed under a wheel, you have a fractured wrist, and you bumped your head when you fell so you probably have a concussion. The doctors say you should heal just fine, though, gracias a Dios.”
Carlos lifts his head to look down at his body, only just registering the casts on his arm and foot. There’s a dull ache radiating through his entire body and his head is pounding in time with his heartbeat, but he’s alive and he’ll heal. He should be happy about that, but the only thing occupying his mind is his dad’s silence on TK.
“What about TK?” he asks, part of him dreading the answer. “I remember him pushing me; is he okay?”
“He’s…” His dad hesitates, sending a cold slither of fear down Carlos’s spine. “Alive.”
Carlos stares, the beginnings of panic stealing his breath. “What does that mean?”
His father blows out a long breath. “It means you were right,” he says, meeting Carlos’s eyes. “He did push you, so he took the brunt of the hit. He suffered a serious open pelvic fracture and broken ribs, which punctured his lung. Last I heard, they managed to fix him up and they’re not expecting any further complications, but we won’t know for sure until he wakes up.”
“He hasn’t woken up?”
“Not yet. He will, you’ll see.”
“I want to see him.”
And Carlos knows what the answer will be to that—a resounding no. He also knows that he won’t be able to argue; his father is incredibly stubborn, and when he digs his heels in, there’s no moving him. But he needs to at least try—he’s not going to stop worrying about TK until he sees him, and probably not for a long time after that.
His dad sighs and fixes him with a firm look. “Carlitos, you and I both know that’s out of the question,” he says. “You’ve only just woken up, you need to give yourself time to heal before exerting your body even more. Besides, he’s in good hands and Owen is with him, so we’ll know as soon as there’s any change.”
“Joder, Papá, I know all that,” Carlos cries, frustrated, barely able to refrain from throwing his head back on the pillow. “I just hate that he’s here, hurt, and I can’t even see him.”
“Lo sé,” His dad smiles gently, something that’s probably supposed to be comforting, but really only gets on Carlos’s nerves. “Escúchame, hijo. Descansa. Cúrate. Then you can focus on TK.”
It’s easier said than done and his father knows it, but Carlos has no choice. The conversation is effectively put to an end by his dad reaching over and pressing the call button next to the bed. A nurse comes in and quickly sets about checking his vitals and asking enough questions to make Carlos’s head spin. His probable concussion becomes definite, but otherwise he’s in good shape, all things considered.
He can’t help but wish he weren’t.
Two days later, Carlos is deemed fit to be discharged, providing he has someone to help him and providing he agrees to rest and not do anything even close to strenuous. TK is also awake now but, according to Owen, he’ll be kept in the hospital for at least another week. The break to his pelvis was bad, so he’ll need a wheelchair for a while even after discharge, and his refusal to take strong painkillers means his recovery is going to be long and painful.
Carlos is itching to see him. It’s been torture cooped up in his room without knowing how TK was doing—there’s only so much relief messages passed through their fathers can bring. It had only been his father’s stern and steady presence that had kept him in that bed when he felt like he was losing his mind with worry.
But now, finally, he’s being wheeled into TK’s room and helped onto the chair next to the bed. Owen stands off to the side, watching the two of them with a mixture of affection and sadness in his gaze, and his dad hovers behind him, but Carlos only has eyes for TK.
He looks incredibly tired, but he attempts a smile when he rolls his head to look at Carlos, extending his hand out across the distance between them.
“Hey, Ty,” Carlos says softly, taking TK’s hand in his good one. “How are you feeling?”
“Been better. Not sure if I’ve been worse. I think this might just beat getting shot to that title.”
“That’s not funny.”
TK just hums, his eyes drifting closed for a second. “Maybe not.”
“Why did you push me?”
TK’s eyes fly open at the question, confusion overtaking his expression as he stares at Carlos. He moves as if to sit upright before groaning in pain, his face screwing up. Carlos reaches out for him, but he’s beaten to it by his father, who places a reassuring hand on TK’s shoulder.
“Take it easy, son,” he says gently. “Don’t move too much.”
“I hate this,” TK mutters, his body relaxing bit by bit. His gaze is still clouded when he looks back over at Carlos, but he manages a soft smile all the same. “I pushed you because I didn’t want you to get hurt. The car would have hit me either way; I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to get you out of the way in time.”
Carlos blinks at him, dumbfounded. “You’re sorry?” he asks, disbelief colouring his tone. “Ty, you’re in the hospital, seriously injured, because you chose to save me instead of yourself. Why would you do that?”
“You know why.”
Carlos does; of course he does, but it’s not enough to assuage the guilt still bubbling in his stomach at the sight of TK in the bed.
TK sighs, squeezing his hand. “You would have done the same for me,” he points out. “We both know you would have, so don’t you dare ask me to apologise for my choices.”
“I know. I won’t.” Carlos closes his eyes, deflating a little. “I just hate seeing you hurt.”
“And I hate seeing you hurt, so maybe you can do us both a favour and go home. I’ll be fine.”
Carlos must need his hearing tested, because there’s no way TK just said that. There’s no way his boyfriend told him to leave right after calling him out for hypocrisy. Except apparently he did, because he’s trying to disentangle their hands, and Carlos is not having that.
He grips onto TK even tighter and glares at him. “TK, if you think I’m leaving you here—”
“Carlos,” TK interrupts quietly. “I get it. But, babe, you need to rest and heal, and you can’t do either of those things sitting here.”
“Watch me.”
“No.” TK shifts his gaze over Carlos’s shoulder, a slight smirk playing at his lips. “Mr Reyes, can you make sure he rests?”
His dad laughs, leaning over to pat TK’s shoulder. “Of course. I’m sure once his mother sees him, she won’t let him out of her sight for a week anyway.”
TK grins. “Good to know.” He yawns and resettles himself slightly in the bed, his eyes fluttering shut. “Carlos, if you’re still here when I next open my eyes, I’m not kissing you for a month.”
“You shouldn’t make threats you know you can’t follow through with.”
“Don’t make me make it two.”
Despite himself, Carlos laughs. He leans over and presses a lingering kiss to TK’s temple, then stands as well as he’s able, leaning on his dad for support. “Alright, I’m going. I’ll see you soon. Love you.”
TK already sounds half-asleep when he mumbles, “Love you too,” back, and Carlos can’t even be embarrassed by how ridiculously smitten he must look, even though he’s in front of both their fathers.
He allows his dad to move him back to the wheelchair and says a quick goodbye to Owen, keeping his eyes on TK for as long as he can. Just as they reach the door, he catches TK’s eyes opening to slivers, obviously checking to see if Carlos is actually leaving. Carlos shakes his head at him, causing TK to flush at the knowledge he’s been caught. His eyes slam shut again, his tongue poking out childishly, and Carlos laughs, a lightness settling in his heart even as TK’s room disappears from view.
It’s going to be a long few months for the both of them, but they have family behind them to help them get through it.
And they have each other. Which, given everything, Carlos thinks is nothing short of a goddamn miracle.
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notgalaxii · 4 years
May I pls ask for a headcanon of when the brothers or undateables are sick and MC looks after them pls
I wroteee guys! Be proud of me! Oh and I'm also super kinda sorta upset because my new manager wants me in at like 5:30am - 1:30pm?? And that's tiring. Oh welllll, thats how it beeee.
Another thing! I kind of wrote a self-indulgent Satan smut but I didn't know if I wanted to post self-indulgent NSFW cause I feel like a HOOEEE so if you're reading this, you should leave a reply letting me know what you think~
Bold of you to assume Lucifer will willingly stay put in bed to be taken care of
He puts up one of the biggest fights
"MC, I have paperwork to do."
"MC, Lord Diavolo requested me for a meeting."
"Calm your shit, Luci. You know Diavolo would give you the devildoms entire supply of tissues and medicine if he knew you were sick."
After he gets over his fit of needing to do anything and everything, he's quite easy to take care of
Will tell you exactly what he wants, needs, how much it is, and how to get it
Lucifer would probably be more of a medicine person than soup or tea
Definitely gets very fever high and it'll slowly chip at his wall
"Thank you for bringing me my meals, MC. It means so much to me that you'd go out of your way to take care of me. I appreciate you every second of every day."
Sick Lucifer likes it when you run your fingers through his hair, it'll lull him to sleep
Definitely wouldn't mind if you crawled next to him in bed and fell asleep to him, but I feel like if you do it a few times, fever high Luci will get pretty clingy.
"Why didn't you stay with me longer last night, MC? You left me cold."
You thought Mammon was already clingy?
Sick Mammon is the textbook definition of clingy
And it's even worse because he feels too fucking miserable to put up a fight with his tsundere self so all of his neediness is right there in the open
"MCCCCC Where ya goin!?!? I wasn't done with you yet! The Great Mammon wants to be fed soup."
Whiny. Very whiny. Oh my god so whiny.
"Why do I feel like my head is floatin' away from my body, huh? It's all foggy up here! Make it stooop"
And if you take a few seconds too long to say something,
"Oi! Are ya listenin' to me!? Pay attention, human!"
But will definitely make it up because sick Mammon is ✨lovey✨ Mammon
"I love you, human. Don't forget that, 'kay? I wouldn't let any other dumb little human take care of me like this. I feel like I can trust you."
Sicky Mammon loves soup. He wants the soup to be fed to him every time too.
Will aggressively feed it to himself if you deny him
"Dummy human, don't know what ya missin' out on, yanno!"
Absolutely melts under a n y touch that you give him
Likes it when you rub his chest a lot, it's very soothing
And as per usual, absolutely loves his hair being played with
An ideal night for sick Mammon would be cuddled up to his human with their hand in hair, watching movies and having soup fed to him until he falls asleep
He's a baby, protect him. Please.
Leviathan is very confused about why you're trying so hard to take care of him
He's holed up in his room all day anyway, what's the difference when he's sick? He can take care of himself!
But oh god when you bring him food and pets, he can't deny how loved it makes him feel
Anime Marathons! Anime Marathons!
Adores being all wrapped up in the blankets with you watching his favorite shows to make him feel better.
Brush his hair out of his face to check his fever. Do it. It'll break him.
Kiss him on the forehead afterwards if you really r e a l l y want to break him
Levi wouldn't care too much what you bring him, but he would like it to be hot to sooth his throat
He can't yell at his game with a sore throat.
Rub his chest and shoulders, it makes him feel like a big boy
Play with his hair that's usually in his face
Angy boy is angy
Doesn't get why you're trying to take care of him, he's a big boy
At first he's a little annoyed by the gestures. Satan likes to do things for himself, he wants to feel capable.
If you're romantically involved with him though, he'll be nicer about it
"I don't know why you're bringing me my meals, kitten. I can still walk. Its just a small cold" proceeds to fall into a sneezing fit
When he's in his demon form, his tail sticks straight up when he sneezes-
Y'all gonna make me write an entire headcanon about how they sneeze I fucking swear.
Back on topic, Satan would like to have a book read to him while he's sick. Sometimes his vision gets a lil foggy and his head gets cloudy
Let him lay his head on your lap by the fire place. Run your hands through his hair and read him a novel.
After his initial fit of "fuck you i'm a big boy," he was by far the easiest to take care of
Any time you tell him to take a medicine, eat something, drink something, blow his nose, or get some rest he listens
Well now that he knows you have best intent in mind
And deep deep deep down in his aggressive heart, he kind of enjoys being bossed around by you
Asmodeus would be almost Mammon levels of whiny
"MC, am I still beautiful even though my nose is runny?"
"MC, I feel too heavy to walk to the bathroom and do my skincare. Can you do it?"
"MMMCCCCC~ come give me cuddles"
"MC! Feed me my medicine~"
On that note, Asmo doesn't care what you bring him as long as you feed it to him
He'll make it sensual as hell too
Will still try to kiss you all the time if you're okay with it
And you bet he'd be like, "You know what would make me feel better?" And definitely try to get in your pants.
Touch him literally anywhere. He won't care if its his face, dick, or left pinky toe. Just give him your love
Cuddle sessions will be a lot more loving.
Don't get me wrong, Asmo cuddle sessions are already very loving and sensual, but when he's siiiick
He's so so so SO soft
Professes his love for you at least once a day
Wants gentle kisses on his forehead, cheeks, and nose
Honestly, Asmo overall just wants to be held, loved, and taken good care of
You wouldn't be allowed to sleep in your room anymore. He wants your attention and care at all times.
How did you even get sick!?
You're h u g e man, and an athlete, you think you'd have more of a tolerance?????
Okay so on the slim chance that Beelzebub is sick
He is sO GOOD about letting you take care of him
You want him to take this medicine when the alarm rings? He'll down it before dismissing it!
You want him to drink this tea you gave him? It's delicious, MC~
Eat the soup? S a y l e s s
No Beel- you have to drink it slowly or else it won't help as much
Okay so he'll struggle a little bit on that part but he will do his best because he loves you and wants to make you proud.
Beelzebub would like it if during your sick cuddles, you laid on top of him while he had his arms around you
You take so much care of him, he wants to feel like he's caring for you too
Fever High Beel is chatty, honestly when you know Beel personally hes chatty anyways but he's worse under a sick spell
Will ask you literally every philosophical question that settles in his brain for at least a second
Some of them are straight up weird though man
"Why is there a D in fridge but not refrigerator?" Is one he has asked m u l t i p l e times.
Beel is a good puppy 💕
Like his twin, Belphie is veryyyy easy to take care of when he's sick
He doesn't... Do much so it's not like he's gonna hop out of bed and run away from the medicine
Just opens his mouth with a little "ahh~" sound and drinks or eats whatever you shove in his face
He's moody sick though
Well he's always a little moody but when he's sick he's probably a grumpy ass boy
"Ehh, MC why am I sick again? All I smell is snot" he would huff
Likes to pick at your brain a little bit when he's sick
Just really loves listening to you talk all the time and it keeps him occupied enough when he feels like shit and you're there to go on the cute little rambles he loves
Being groggy helps him sleep better, so expect this beautiful little cowboy to pull you in for some more naps with him~
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gohan111111 · 3 years
For @thesaiyanprincess
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
SFW ABC Headcanons
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A=Affection(How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
As you can guess Vegeta isn’t really an affectionate person. 
But there are times where he is willing to put his pride aside and just hold you to tell you how much he appreciates you.
Like when he thinks you’re asleep, or he’s had a bad day, or you come home crying.
He’ll pull you into his chest and just hold you. He won’t say anything, but just that alone shows how much he cares.
B=Beauty(What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
Vegeta loves how you care for Trunks. 
This man will never amidst it but he appreciates you very much.
He loves his strength. 
This man is so prideful of his muscles that if he loses any fight he will train for hours or until he passes out from exhaustion, which at that point you’ll have to find a way to get him inside.
C=Cuddle(Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Vegeta isn’t a cuddly person but there are times when he will.
Like before the Cell games or after the tournament of power. 
All he does is pull you into his chest.
D=Dream(What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
I know this sounds cheesy but just here me out, Vegeta dreams of being King and ruling the Sayians with you by his side, his Queen. 
But he knows that can never happen because almost all of the Sayian race is dead. 
So, he is content with what he has at the moment.
E=Effort(How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
Vegeta doesn’t put much effort in front of others. But he sure does shoe it in the bedroom. Not gonna go into detail cause this is SFW.
But there was one time he came home from training with a bouquet of wildflowers He walked in all sweaty and handed you the flowers, roots still attached, not saying a word. He then walked away. You still have those flowers in a pot of soil and they are thriving, even if you don’t have a green thumb.
F=First kiss(When do you have your first kiss? Where and how does it happen?)
It happened during a fight.
You two were fighting over how he was gone all the time. You didn’t mind that he fought and trained but you wanted to have time with him too.
You went on a rant and he stopped yelling, which you didn’t notice. He suddenly grabbed you by the waist and crashed his lips into yours. You were shocked by kissed back moments later. 
He pulled away, telling you, “Shut up. The only reason I’m not here all the time is because I’m not good enough for you and I’ll never be even close until I’m stronger than that blubbering idiot!”
Let’s just say you spent all night showing him what you really thought about him.
G=Gentle(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally Vegeta isn’t gentle but he will compliment you in his own way. He’ll compliment you by saying you’re not annoying or he might say a random woman he sees in public looks like a dead cat.
Physically, he knows he’s stronger than you but he also knows that he could hurt you. So, Vegeta is rough but just enough so he doesn’t hurt you too much.
H=Hugs(Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Vegeta isn’t a huggy person but I will stand by the idea that a sleepy Vegeta is a cuddly Vegeta.
I imagine he would come in the kitchen in the morning while you're making your morning coffee or tea.
Wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face into your neck.
I=Intimacy(How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Vegeta has a problem with human intimacy but he gets the job done.
The most he does though is for you to come home from work and there be a full meal on the table because this man can cook unlike Goku.
J=Jealous(Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Vegeta is a very jealous man. 
He doesn’t want you to look at anyone else.
He once broke a TV because you were drooling over this movie star on TV.
He almost fought a guy in the mall for just glancing in your direction.
K=Kisses(Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Vegeta is a good kisser by all means. He’s a rough kisser as well.
He doesn’t kiss you out of nowhere though and he says he hates when you do it to him but he’s a liar. This man loves it. He gets all red when it happens.
Kids(Do they want kids? If so, how many and how?)
Well, Vegeta already has Trunks but he’s open to the idea of more.
Don’t get him wrong he loves Trunks to death. He might not show it but he does. 
Trunks will train with him all the time but he isn’t as invested as Vegeta is. Vegeta wants a kid that loves to fight just as much as he does. 
L=Love you(When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Vegeta only says I love you after something really bad happens and he thought he might’ve lost you and trunks and when he thinks they might now win, which barley ever happens.
M=Mornings(How are mornings spent with them?)
Vegeta normally gets up early in the morning to get up and train.
But there are days, though not many at all, where he’ll sleep in and let you cuddle up to him or he’ll initiate early morning sex. 
N=Nights Out(What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Vegeta doesn’t go on dates. He finds them useless. 
The most he does is make you dinner and then y’all have sex. 
You tried to take him on a date once. He got pissed at the waiter and you two got banned from the restaurant. 
He does like taking you on picnics in the woods for some reason.
O=Open(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take Vegeta a very long time to open up to you. 
To him being open means being weak and he hates being weak. 
But once he’s comfortable, even though it might take him years, he’ll open up and tell you bits and pieces of his past.
P=PDA(Do they like it? What do they do?)
Vegeta will not do PDA.
The most he does is have an arm around your waist to show that you’re his.
Q=Questions(How often do they ask questions? What questions do they have?)
Vegeta only has two types of questions. 
Mad questions that only happen during arguments, which usually sound like, “Why would you do that?!” or “What do you think I’d do if you would’ve died?!”
He also has confused questions which he asks when he doesn’t understand the point of something that humans do.
R=Respect(Do they respect your boundaries? How respectful are they to your friends, your family, and you?)
When you first got with Vegeta he didn’t understand the concept of boundaries. 
But as time went on he began to understand and respect everyone's boundaries in his own way.
He might go too far every once in a while but he tries.
S=Sleep(How do they sleep with their s/o? Might include a gif.)
At the beginning of the night Vegeta will lay right beside you on the other side of the bed but once he thinks you're asleep he grabs you and holds you until he wakes up in the morning.
But if you wake up before him or in the middle of the night then you better stay there or it won’t happen again that night.
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T=Trust(How much do they trust their s/o?
If Vegeta is willing to have an actual relationship with you and it not be just sex, he has to trust you with his life.
Like he knows he is stronger than you but he has to know that you would do anything for him, even if he doesn’t like it.
U=Unique(What makes them unique as an s/o?)
What is most unique about Vegeta is that he might treat you like shit but he loves you and he shows you in his own way. He will protect you and Trunks with his life.
V=Vanity(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Vegeta isn’t necessarily concerned with his looks but he does value his strength.
In his eyes if he isn’t strong enough to protect his family he isn’t worth the love he receives from them. He doesn’t deserve to be called the prince of all Sayian.
W=Wedding(When, how, where do they propose?) 
Vegeta didn’t propose. I believe in Sayian culture there isn’t a wedding type thing. They find their mate and they stay with them for life. 
So, you essentially have to bring it up. 
He doesn’t understand why you would want to do that, you’re already his mate, why would a piece of paper matter?
You have to do a lot of begging and bargaining but he eventually agrees.
It isn’t a big flashy wedding like Bulma and Chi-chi wanted to plan. It was small with all your close family and friends. 
Trunks was the ring bearer. Imagine tiny Trunks in little tux, with his hair all done nice.
Vegeta gets really annoyed but he puts aside his pride for you and pushes through the day to make you happy. 
X=Xtra(You get a random, extra headcanon)
This man spends hours on his hair. I know it naturally stands by itself but he has a strict hair routine he follows every single week.
Y=Yawn(What do they do when they're bored?)
This man is never bored. 
If he doesn’t have something to do he’ll train.
Z=Zzz(What is a sleeping habit of theirs?)
This man snores so loud. 
You tried to get him to use those nose strip things that are supposed to help people stop snoring but he is so stubborn and dead set on saying that he doesn’t snore.
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mountjude · 3 years
yo yo yo, can i please have basic relationship hc's for lit?
I did the fluff alphabet!!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
cuddling, just cuddling. Also listening to modern music, he loves hearing your favorite songs.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires how much time you take to explain things to him. He's still trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the modern world and he appreciates all the time you take to teach him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He would probably panic himself. He's had his fair share of panic attacks, where you would help him, so he's returning the favor. He would do his best to try and distract you and if you let him touch you, he would hold you until you calm down.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Wherever you go, he'll go with you. You'll probably have some lil kiddos (if you want any) He can imagine living in a lil house with in, probably in New Rome, surrounded by plants.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Passive. He's sort of awkward in the beginning of your relationship. Your normally the one to make plans or initiate kissing or cuddling, then later in your relationship he will.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
This poor man has been betrayed TOO MANY TIMES. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY TO WAY IN TARTARUS YOU WOULD BE EASILY FORGIVEN (depending upon what you did). If you just like stole his shirt he'd been like "ok", but if you did something to really hurt him, he would probably punch something and leave.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is SO grateful. Like I said he's doing his best to try and learn but it's hard for him to adjust, all the time he's just like "thanks alot, y/n, i appreciate it" he says in a lil whisper
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He's very secretive in the beginning, before you start dating. Over time he learns he can trust you, and shares some of his secrets with you, especially after you start dating.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You absolutely helped him a bunch. Obviously all his problems weren't just "fixed" when you started dating, but over time he learned that you help a lot. He's learned to be way more relaxed and less tense around other people.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He absolutely gets jealous (aristagoras looking at you bitch). Especially if somebody is touching up on you, and he can tell your uncomfortable. You'll probably have to stop him from commiting murder. He doesn't mean to be posessive he just gets scared since you mean so much to him.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He's a lil awkward in the beginning. Your first kiss was probably on the roof of the waystation, and you guys were just chilling. Until he looked over at you and kissed you softly.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Probably after he sees you with somebody who looks interested in you. He sees them making you laugh and just panics. Afterwards he takes you to his room and just flat out tells you, "I'm so in love with you y/n, and I'm scared your gonna fall for somebody else." He was probably really confused why he was feeling like this, until somebody had to tell him.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I can't imagine you guys would do the whole wedding thing. He'd have Leo make you matching rings, and he'd be like "WHENS THE WEDDING?? CAN I BE THE MAID OF HONOR??" I can't imagine that many demigods getting married period (HERA MAAM). You both would get married privately, demigod lives are short and he wants to spend the rest of his with you. (he'll also throw an apple at you when he proposes)
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Apple!! (nickname from @kawaii-kozume ), other than that your name, he loves it so much!!
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He is absolutely smitten with you. He tries flirting but your just so oblivious and he's so fed up. You held his hand once before you started dating and this man WAS RED.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
If he wants to kiss you in public he will, but he won't suck your face off or anything. A lil kiss on the head, and holding you hand.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Since he has such strong arms, whenever your upset he will absolutly hold you tightly. Especially when you 2 go to sleep, he'll hold you til you fall asleep.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Since he's from ancient greece, he'll do some cute ass romantic stuff. He'll kiss your hands and pick you flowers.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He'll help you as much as he can. He believes in you so much it hurts. Whenever your stressed and wanna give up, he ALWAYS comforts you "just give it another try, apple"
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He has been doing routines his entire life, time to be a bit impulsive for once.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Before you started dating, he made it his mission to know you like the back of his hand. He'd always ask you stuff life "whats your favorite color?" to "who's your parent?" to "who would you ever court here?" he doesn't mean to be stalkerish he just very interested in the things you like.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your one of the most important things to him, sometimes its a lot of weight knowing that. He's been hurt over and over again, and his heart can't take another heartbreak.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Sometimes Lityerses pretends not to know something, like the internet, just so you'll help teach him.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Like I said, he's pretty awkward in the beginning over time, he loves to kiss your cheek and hold your hand.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
I tries to distract himself, with swordfighting, training, taking care of Georgie. But no matter what he does, it seems like they all remind him of you. Whenever you get back, your probably crushed in a bear hug.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Lityerses would do anything to prove his love for you. Please just hug and kiss him and tell him you love him because he will literally kill somebody for you.
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damedamedame · 4 years
hihi! can I request hc's of teru, akane, and hanako's s/o being such a simp for them? Like giving them small sweet notes, and all those cute stuff. And it continues even after they were dating alr 🥺🥺
- “You’re a Simp? Understandable, have a good day.”
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Who isn’t though--
You were known to be one of the biggest simps for Teru Minamoto, Prince and Student Council President of Kamome Gakuen. 
I mean, like everyone else but like
h u g e s i m p e n e r g y
like myself
You would always greet him every single morning with a ‘Good Morning, Minamoto!’ and with a ‘See you tomorrow, Minamoto!’ once you see him leave.
Everyone knew you wouldn’t stop, even Teru himself.
Which was good. 
Because he
may or may not be
simping for you too—
Listen, he saw you as a boss-type fangirl at first because of all the love notes you leave on his desk, the little presents that were left on the table in the Council Room which he would have to ask Akane about and just,, you in general.
He didn’t actually mind at all !! the chocolate-chip cookies you put on his desk one morning could even rival Kou’s.
Mhm yes the cookies won him over—
wai where was i
THEN he realized that he was starting to like you simping for him,, A LOT ACTUALLY—
He couldn’t bear the thought of you doing these sort of things to someone else,, 
Then,, ended up falling for the little things about you hard-- 
When you arrived to say ‘Good Morning, Minamoto!’ to him in the entrance, guess who pulled you aside to personally say
 ‘I.. really am starting to like you, (L/N), can we.. go out?’
Yes, it was Teru and your mind still locks this precious memory away in the back of your head.
And no, the simping did not stop after you started dating him. 
Not at all.
You gave him kisses and hugs every time you saw him, which he would gladly return. 
Especially if he was having a rough day and just needed your comfort. 
He thinks you’re cute when you rush over to him and give him the biggest hug when he enters the classroom. 
Everyone still can’t f uc king believe you got him, but here you were, receiving a little kiss on the forehead with your arms wrapped around him.
“You’re so cute, (Y/N).”
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lil heads up that this was supposed to be really angsty but then chapter 71 happened and i CANNOT HURT THIS BOY ANY LONGER—
You?? You’re simping on the biggest simp?? oH MY GO--
Akane feels a little, or ve r y, awkward at first because?? um?? w h y ????
Even he knows he’s a big simp for Aoi, so why are you simping for him ??
As I said, vv confused.
Eventually, after having to deal with the many presents (how do you even have energy for this) and the amount of flirts you give him, he gets used to it :’))
An F in the chat for (Y/N) !!
Because he !!
*drumroll noises*
bRushEs yOu oFf 👁👄👁
Look, he has one goal and one goal only and it is all for Aoi—
You might have to give up on this one, even if it h ur t.
Perhaps you’ll do him a favor and start befriending Aoi to help Akane, even if it really really hurts to do so.
Unrealistic as fuck, I know, but deal with me rn :’3
When he sees you befriending Aoi, he is 99% sure you’re stealing her away from him for revenge.
May have brought a bat whenever he sees you, just sayin—
He hears you both talking and
“You know, Akane is actually really good boyfriend material ! Maybe give him a chance, yes??”
Are you being his wingman???
For some reason, his simp has turned into his matchmaker and he just. doesn’t know what to feel.
‘Thank you?? But?? Aren’t you supposed to be simping for me?? Why are you helping—‘
You interrupted his thoughts with a cheeky grin on your face,
“I hope get you with her, Aoi :’>”
Don’t ask Akane why he’s frustrated with this outcome or you will get hit on the head with a bat.
You guys becomes friends after a while of suffering in confusion from him and after many many explanations that you just wanted to help him haha brr
And after a few months of banter
Let’s just say
There’s gonna be
A simp reversal
Because he definitely did not just notice the beautiful twinkle in your eyes, the way your smile makes his face flush all too suddenly, or how you just astound him in the most unexpected way.
“I... might have a problem, Ao-chan.”
“Akane, just give them a chance already.”
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What?? Where are all these gifts outside his stall suddenly coming from??
Much like Akane, poor ghost boy is also vv confused. When he finally catches the imposter heh, he’s shocked to see someone he thought he’d never see in,, forever. 
You two were actually really good friends when you both were alive before !!
Hanako remembers you vividly.
You were always there to cheer him up whenever he came up with a new bruise.
Always sending him little love notes in class when you had nothing else to do.
Late night chats as you both walked each other home.
He always thought you were beautiful, but dangerous.
Falling in love with his old best friend was something he didn’t want, especially since ruining your friendship with him was not part of the plan.
Little did you know that Hanako did see that but was vv unsure because ✨insecurities✨
You were back in his life now, as a ‘student’ who was def not a ghost. Nope. Not at all.
Everyone thought you were weird because you just?? kept visiting that particular stall?? and always left a hella lot of presents and notes??
Hanako tries to keep an eye on you without you knowing but then you really went and said
“I know you’re there, Amane~”
He didn’t realize how much he missed the way you said his name.
“H-Hey, (Y/N)..”
You, because you love him too much and finally managed to find him after many boring years of waiting around, did not miss this chance to tell him that HEY YES I LIKED YOU FOR LIKE 50 YEARS.
Let me just say that
Hanako was a blushing mess. yes that is all.
He accepts your confession because you practically barged in his mind when you both first met and you just. never left—
When Nene comes in the next day, she goes 😳 because ‘I-Is that (L/N) and Hanako? WAI WHY ARE THEY KISSING—‘
Definitely makes sure that you never meet Tsukasa again, even though the younger Yugi twin pretty much loved you too :’D
After classes, you always made sure to spend all your time with Hanako without fail, being the huge simp you are.
Don’t worry, he is too ;))
“How did you even find me, (Y/N)?”
“Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily, Amane?”
END NOTES: sorry akane’s is so shit omg also um this was not at all proof-read so uH I’M SORRY FOR BEING A DISAPPOINTMENT :(((((
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lots-o-stuff · 4 years
Karasuno Team with S/O HC (GN)
This actually took me forever but I’m so happy with how it turned out, also i figured out i cannot for the life of me write for quiet/nervous/shy characters very well so sorry for how Asahi, Kiyoko, Yamaguchi and Yachi turned out...
also sorry Kageyama’s was so short
daddy i mean Daichi is hot, you are hot, therefore you are both a very hot couple
Honestly you being with Daichi means you’ve replaced Suga as team mom hinata has called you mom on multiple occasions
Y’all act like a married couple it actually annoys the team how much you love each other
This man is protective, P R O T E C T I V E, and jealous like Tanaka and Nishinoya better not hit on you because Dadchi will destroy them
Although he doesn't mean to he def shows you off, it's just he loves you so much he can't keep his hands off you 
y’all are chaotic as FUCK
I mean everyone knows suga is the chaotic one out of the 3rd years but when the two of you are together? be prepared 
because you two can be as bad if not worse than Tanaka and Nishinoya which raises Asahi’s blood pressure 
you both are also very thicked skinned, so you tease each other relentlessly and brutally honestly Daichi would be so confused, think y’all are fighting 
Doesn’t really care about pda or showing you off but is NOT afraid to show people who you belongs too ;)
Nervous baby boi, definitely didn't make the first move
constantly worried he’s gonna mess up, please assure him he’s doing fine, again he's a nervous baby boi
Daichi and Suga find it hilarious how confident you are compared to Asahi and constantly tease him for it, like during practice, class, breaks, after school, anytime they can.
N E ways, this man absolutely adores you, Noya calls him a simp and he just doesn't know what it means and when they (tanaka and noya) explain it to him, he's just like, ok? and?
He doesn't show you off thinking you won't like it but if you give him the ok hell subtly show you off, just small touches, etc
U L T I M A T E   S I M P
this boi will literally take a bullet for you, no joke
he loves you soo freaking much it's unbelievable, and everyone knows it, Suga is proud of him, Kiyoko is just glad that the attention is off of her
You are probably the only person who is able to calm Noya right down, and the team LOVES you because of it, calms down noya? is pretty? and smart? done the team loves you
If you don’t think this man is showing you off then you have a different Nishinoya, everyone under the sun knows about your relationship, he’ll be gassing you up in front of everyone man.
U L T I M A T E   S I M P   PT.2
has definitely ask you to step on him unironically he’ll die if you do
was actually so nervous to talk to you at first that when you walked into the gym to give him something the team thought he was sick because it was so ooc
he is honestly a baby behind closed doors, he wants your attention and will throw a fit if you don't give it, and like he gets very jealous very quickly
he is showing you off, no questions asked.
now at first people think you two barely know each other cold stares am i right?
I mean kags isn’t a huge talker so seeing you two together they assume you are acquaintances  
but in reality you two know each other better than anyone else
you two are each other’s safe haven i wish
doesn’t show you off except when hinata is around
ok that was overdramatic but still this little ball of sunshine has so much energy its ridiculous
you too are so cute, everytime the team sees you together its like watching two young kids seeing each other for the first time in a week, does that make sense? probably not
he seriously loves you though and would literally walk halfway across the world for you
he will show you off to everyone, EVERYONE, the team, his class, his family, random strangers, everyone
Get ready to be teased, at all times, breakfast lunch and dinner, 24/7
but tease him back, seriously this boy has NO clue how to show his affection so he does what he knows best being salty
anyway no one realises you guys are dating for ages because you act the same and just insult each other for fun
THIS BOY, I swear to god, THIS BOY, is a jealous, clingy ass, he wont show it in public but ooooo when you get home? ;)
He won’t show you off, at all, not even to prove to ’The king’ that he is better, because “he has pride”
honestly think he DID make the first move but it was so awkward and rushed you probably missed half of what he said but once it clicked that he was confessing to you, omg your blush made him feel so proud
When he introduces you to the team Tanaka and Noya lose it that he is with someone as cute as you
He is so scared that you are gonna leave him that you need to reassure him please reassure him
The only person this boy will show you off to his Tsukki, and its just because he wants his best friend and Partner to get along Tsukki is secretly proud
she was just too adorable for you too resist!
you whole relationship is you too braving the world together knowing that you are safe with each other
You probably get a huge talking to by the team when they meet you for the first time and Yachi introduces you as her partner
She is too afraid to show you off, but is happy to talk about you to Kiyoko
She made the first move, you don’t get a choice
She is so stoic and quiet at times that you honestly just don’t know if she cares about you
but she does, she loves you so much it's ridiculous and she makes sure you know of it when you guys are alone and in private
When you met the team most were happy for the two of you but Tanaka and Nishinoya legit started crying, just be glad Kiyoko mentioned this would probably happen beforehand
she doesn’t show you off, she doesn’t need to, you both love and trust eachother and thats all that matters
I’m seriously so proud of this, anyways please request! I do x readers, headcanons, bad fan art, fics, ships, sfw and nsfw (within reason).
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
haikyuu nsfw alphabet series | oikawa tōru
please block #claras steamys if you don’t want to see this type of content!!
warnings: sexual themes (bondage, power play), mentions of sex, fem!reader
a/n: (1) based on post time-skip!! (2) not edited (3) i debated about this for a long time let me know what your opinions are bc obviously these are headcanons!!
return to nsfw alphabet series masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
despite his “mr cool popular guy” exterior i think he would be a very gentle lover and thus great at after care. after sex, he’ll lay down with you for a little, gently stroking your cheek while you catch your breath. after he’ll grab two wash cloths, one cold one to wipe your forehead to help you cool down, one warm to wipe down your legs and what not and ofc water so you can rehydrate. once you’re both clean, he’ll slip a new shirt on you and you’ll cuddle while he gives you little kisses all over your face
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on him his hands!! they’re long and slender and surprisingly pretty soft. loves when you mindless play with them, or better yet when you suck on them
your hips/thighs/legs!!!!! doesn’t matter where you guys are he’ll wanna attach himself to you in any sort of way. standing? hand on your hip. sitting, you bet one of his hands is running up and down your thigh giving it a squeeze every one in awhile!!!!
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
since he’s all about aftercare he doesn’t mind getting messy so he likes to cum on your tummy and spread it around, making a mess out of you and telling you how pretty you look :-)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
when you’re not looking, he steals one of your panties to take back to his apartment with him. it happens so often that he probably has a collection at this point and you’re confused bc you keep running out of underwear lmao
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
has probably had a few casual partners before you, but nothing that’s lasted too long. knows the basics of how to get a girl off (and where the clit is thank god)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary but likes to have your legs over his shoulders. that way he can grip your thighs and fuck into you nice and deep and see your fucked out expression
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
definitely more serious. maaaaybe if something out of the ordinary happens he’ll try to make a joke out of it but that’s usually not the case
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not bare, but not unkempt. probably trims it every once in awhile so it doesn’t get too wild
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
romantic!! will kiss you along the jawline and tell you how pretty you look all fucked up just for him. whispers sweet nothings in your ear and just makes you feel super loved and appreciated. unless he’s super needy or in a rush then he’ll literally just fuck you without saying much
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
asked you if he could record the two of you having sex on multiple occasions so now he has an album full of photos and videos of you to use when you’re not available
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
oikawa has an inferiority complex and although i think he’s learned how to control how he compares himself to others, it’s still there just not as prominent. so basically he loves anything that gives him a good confidence boost but top 3 are probably:
praise (receiving). this one is kind of obvious given the above but anything that tells him you’re having a good time. telling him how good it feels, moaning, clenching around him, tugging on his hair
i could definitely even see some power play. he loves it when you’re all desperate for him to fuck you but he won’t give it to you bc he’s milking the fact that he’s in control and you can’t do anything about it
going hand in hand with power play, bondage. likes to watch you struggle while you’re tied up just begging him to fuck you. knowing that he’s in control is a MAJOR ego booster
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
i don’t think he has a particular favourite. as long as it’s private enough and the two of you are comfortable that’s good enough for him
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you tell him that he’s the only person that can make you feel good. making the first move. confidence!! booster!! will take you right then and there
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
degradation (receiving). again with the whole inferiority thing i think he can’t let go of his pride and it’s just something he’d rather not bring into the bedroom.
threesomes. doesn’t wanna share you with anyone else or feel like someone else is making you feel better than he does
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
its probably 50/50 for him mainly because he has power in both positions. likes when you go down on him bc he can grab a fistful of your hair and control the pace. also thinks you look pretty when tears are streaming down your face while you’re basically choking on his dick
ask him to and he will go d o w n on you. wraps his arms around your thighs to lock you down and will just lap at your arousal until you cum but he won’t stop bc he enjoys your squirming and begging
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
will ask you what you want but is usually slow and sensual. like i said before he likes to make you feel loved, so he takes his time with you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn’t mind them but also not his favourite. he’ll go for a quickie if he has to but rather take his time with you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Down for whatever you are, as long as you feel comfortable and you guys have a safe word in place
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
LOTS AND LOTS OF STAMINA. I think this goes for basically any haikyuu character just because they have to keep their fitness in check. Definitely can go for at least 3+ rounds if you can keep up. may need a small break in between but not long
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
probably something like handcuffs, and maybe a vibrator or two but prefers to use his own skills to get you off
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
lots!! will do shit like kiss your neck while you’re doing something simple like washing the dishes and pretend he didn’t when you look at him. or brush his fingers along your thighs when your shirt is a little too short and then tell you its YOUR fault for wearing that
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not like freakishly loud, but not quiet either. probably close to speaking volume cause he wants you to know how good you feel. some grunting, and moaning, likes to say your name and swears a lot when he’s about to cum
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
when you guys meet up after being apart for a particularly long time, he’ll set up a bubble bath for you guys complete with rose petals and candles. he’ll turn on the weekend or a similar artist and you guys will just relax in the tub, drinking wine and catching up, stealing kisses here and there.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
definitely on the longer side, but girth wise is probably a little on the thinner side or average at best, definitely veiny
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
normal sex drive. with volleyball he’s learned to keep his emotions in check so it doesn’t interfere with his performance. but when you two are together he’s gonna wanna fuck at least once a day (with multiple rounds) before he has to leave you again
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
once after care is done, he’ll lay with you in his arms and cuddle you until you fall asleep. once he’s sure you’re asleep he’ll settle down before drifting off
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springday-aus · 3 years
Hockey Player!AU with Mark
moodboard link
Group: NCT
Member: Mark Lee 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Additionally: college!au
Type: Bulletpoint AU
Word Count: approx. 2.3k 
→ Inspired by NCT U’s 90s Love! 
I’m gonna be completely honest: I don’t know shit about hockey so apologizes in advance
Mark is a left-winger for the team
he plays for his university’s team and they’re actually pretty good
within the three-ish years that he’s been on the team, they’ve won a couple of championships
it’s not really hard considering that Mark takes everything too seriously
(at least that’s what Donghyuk says during practice all the time)
Johnny somewhere: “okay Mark”
Yuta: “let’s not overreact Mark”
Taeyong: “leave my son alone”
Mark: “I’m a grown adult…”
Taeyong: “shhh”
since he used to play for his team back in hometown, he naturally joined the university’s team
he was a natural and everyone easily took a liking to him
especially since now they have someone to make fun of constantly
by they, I literally mean just Donghyuk
I’m just kidding—it’s all in good fun because it just shows how close they are
Mark is just that one college kid that’s still cute even when he’s not a freshman anymore
the other team members still treat him like the youngest even though YangYang and Sungchan are like
👁👄👁 hello ?
speaking of which, their teamwork is incredible and it shows through their games
and, on the rare occasions that they don’t win, they still have dinner together afterwards
well, it’s less of dinner and more of drinks and strategizing what went wrong—which are kind of depressing but it’s fine
at least that’s what Sicheng says as captain, but it sounds like denial
anyways, even though Ten is the co-captain, they all work to make their play plan together
they all contribute ideas, especially since they’ve been in the positions they’ve been in for, like, ever
again, Mark is like really good
so you know he got that bombass scholarship
and that’s what really pushes him to do well bc let’s be real, college is e x p e n s i v e
he also likes ice skating in general because the cold reminds him of home
so he’s one of those hockey players that also likes figures skaters and it’s funny because he gets so many weird looks from the others
(altho, Jeno goes with him sometimes bc he’s nice)
back to what I was saying tho: Mark is really good
despite his personality, he’s a bit more aggressive on the ice—considering he’s a forward
Donghyuk, the right-winger: he makes sense
there’s the passive aggressive-ness
Mark? who knew he had some strength to him when it’s actually applied
seriously, have you seen his thighs?
speaking of which, the team serves a lot of looks
which means a lot of speculators that show up to the games
which means lots of fans
people typically come for the looks, but then stay for the games bc the team is very underrated
they actually win games and everything but like
advertising for the team? nonexistent
@stupid college funding distributions that focus on mediocre sports like football
so, where do you fall into the mix? you’re an og stan
you’ve been in the stands since you entered university
it didn’t even have anything to do with the members (altho, it is nice to have some eye-candy)
you just……… like hockey
even if you don’t understand much about it
it’s just… interesting to watch
so, whenever the season rolls around, you go to the games
but to say over the years that you didn’t develop a particular attachment to our boy Mark…… is an absolute lie
so, do you have a crush on Mark?
but also like
who doesn’t have a crush on Mark
this man is literally so talented and nice and adorable and he just makes you want to take care of him all the time and ugh
one of your friends went to a game with you and literally was just like “oh he’s cute”
You: “we know”
he’s def one of those guys who everyone has or has had a crush on at some point
and you are no different
the thing is that you are fine with not ever confessing because you’re happy with just being on the sidelines because you’ve. literally. just been on the sidelines…
the idea of confessing feels ridiculous bc realistically, what would you mean to some guy that literally e v e r y person has a crush on?
the thing is though is that Mark knows you
at least, he knows of your presence
if he didn’t, it would be embarrassing considering that you come to every game - he’s got loyalty unless some people
Ten: “who?”
Mark: “dude”
Donghyuk: “is this another one of your imaginary friends?”
jkjk , they all kind of know you, considering you’re one of the more consistent faces since they’ve been playing in these games (primarily the home ones bc free tickets for students but still)
you also don’t paint your face or anything—you just show up in your university sweatshirt with a couple of those foam light up sticks or something
again, not that wild like signs with his face or anything
you’re just…. a spectator
but yeah, Mark knows of you as a loyal fan ?
who also is kind of cute when you’re cheering for them
I want to emphasize that you have gone to, like, nearly every game, but the main ones you’ve *always* have gone to are the home games bc they’re more convenient
or the final games bc hello
they’re the finals, why the fuck would you miss the finals
I emphasize this because, when you’ve suddenly gone down with the flu, you literally cannot make it to the finals championship game
you thought: no one was gonna notice your absence anyways
haha, you thought
your friends figured you were sick from the beginning and were like, my friend, it’s flu season, stay away from me and pls stay at home
(wash your hands kids, it’s still covid season)
so you didn’t go and stayed in and binged watched iCarly or something
meanwhile, during the game, Mark was like
where... where are you???
so homeboy is highkey distracted and lowkey worried bc did you die???
(you were dying bc of your clogged nostrils, but otherwise, no)
they somehow managed to win by a couple of points so it was kind of fine
but the teasing was increased by all of Mark’s friends
i.e. Johnny, Donghyuk, Jaehyun, and everyone else
come on, it’s so easy to make fun of him
but like he doesn’t care about any of it bc he was worried about you
which got him thinking
why is he worried about someone whose name he doesn’t even know? is there something more? why is there something more? he literally doesn’t know you? except that you come to the games and you’re really cute cheering him on? what is this?
you know, ✨just Mark things✨
this bothered him for quite a bit more than he liked to admit
and it’s about a couple of days later
things are normal and you don’t feel like everything is dripping out of your nose
until you’re walking through campus from your class
and there’s some footsteps running from behind you that makes you coil up into a semi-standing ball bc you thought a bunch of frat boys were just excited or some shit
but then the footsteps stop at you and you’re standing there, wide-eyed
in front of an out of breath Mark
he was walking out of his class with Jaemin and he spotted you from across the quad
and immediately ran to you
Jaemin: I was talking but okay
this isn’t about you Jaemin
Mark is in front of you, panting and you’re just like sir?
You: “how are you out of breath? aren’t you an athlete?”
Mark: “oh my God, you’re just like Donghyuk”
you give him a bit of time (and some water bc he seemed like he needed it)
and once he’s caught his breath, he stands up and blurts it out
Mark: “what happened to you during the championship?”
You: “....................... what?”
seeing you blink at him confused, he can feel his ears reddening when he’s realized the situation he’s put himself into
Mark: “um, I just”
Mark: “I noticed that you weren’t at the game”
You: still confused bc how does he know about you
You: “huh?”
Mark: oh my God this is the wrong person, want to die
Mark: “you know what, I have the wrong person, I’m just gonna bounce I am so sorry—”
he starts backing up, but you aren’t letting him escape
You: “whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa, hold up hold up”
You: “I didn’t even know that you knew that I knew you”
You: “wait, did you run here just to ask me that?”
Mark is full on flushed at this point bc of all the questions and realizations and it’s all crashing down on him all too soon
and now you have this mischievous look in your eyes that remind him of Ten when he’s clowning Doyoung and he feels like he’s made a mistake
a good mistake but still a mistake
You: “is it?”
Mark: “well, you like, show up to all of our games and you didn’t go to the finals so I didn’t know if anything happened”
You: “oh, I got sick and I figured I shouldn’t be going into giant crowds while having my insides die internally”
You: “but, I did hear from my friends, congrats btw”
Mark: “thanks”
Mark: “are you feeling better tho?”
You: “yeah, but like, my throat is still kind of shitty”
Mark: “oh, if you want, I have a couple of friends who might be able to cook something up for your throat”
Mark: “I’d offer to make something, but Kun doesn’t let me in the kitchen anymore after finding out about the egg incident”
You: “the egg incident?”
Mark: “I can’t cook, like. at all.”
You: “I think I’m good, I was just gonna go get some tea to make it less scratchy or something”
Mark: “I can walk you?”
You: “sure”
so you two go to a cafe or something for you to get some warm tea and you two end up talking and you get to know each other a bit
and then you end up trading numbers and you make some time together
since Mark doesn’t have to go to practice until the next season, his time has opened up considerably
sometimes you study together
other times, you go check out some other places nearby campus
(eventually, you did get to try Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Kun’s food, to which there was no turning back at that point bc they make the best kind of food—free)
you’re basically dating at this point and his friends know you as his significant other so
Chenle: “is (Y/N) gonna be here?”
Mark: “no? it’s our movie night”
Donghyuk: “aren’t you dating tho?”
Mark: “what”
he told you he took it casually and cool, but considering how red his ears were getting when he told you………………. cute
Mark: “c-can you believe they thought we were dating?”
You: “is that not what we’re doing?”
Mark: “what?”
you both established your relationship after that and Mark got a lot more shy and it’s super adorable bc it makes you wanna take care of him and ugh
he’s precious okay
also cut to him trying to ask the other guys for advice, but then he gets embarrassed as Johnny and Ten tries to educate him about love
or how Lucas gives him cheesy lines to use on you
these boys are having a field day and Xiaojun and Doyoung have never felt more at peace
def the nervous type that he can’t even hold your hand and keeps asking if it’s okay
so you’re the top of this relationship bc he’s a shy lil boy
after a bit tho, he gets more comfortable and it’s great
he’ll get teased often right? when it happens in front of you, he just runs to you with a whine of your name and buries his face into your neck
and you end up yelling at someone
it’s cute tho
bc they def see you both as an adorable couple
when the hockey season starts rolling around again, you def spend more time at the practices—whether you’re there to watch, do your homework, or just help motivate him to play better
you started dressing up more too, especially since he gave you his jersey so you started wearing them to the games (and also face paint bc Jungwoo had some extra for an unknown reason)
and you make Mark Lee signs and it’s super cute
Sicheng also invites you to the afterparty dinners bc why not
also, remember that thing I said about watching figure skaters?
you two watch the Olympics for that and it’s like tradition now for you two to settle in front of the tv with snacks and watch them skate
so, since he’s an athlete, he has to be careful with his body bc then like scholarship will go poof
that means some of your dates might be physically limited
like he’ll go mini-golfing with you, but he can’t go to like self-defense classes with you
he’ll go to support you but if his foot gets busted, his coach and the rest of the team will be on his ass and he feels a bit bad about it but like you understand
considering that you absolutely refuse to get on the ice bc hockey is hard people
speaking of hockey, you told Mark he’s hot when he plays and he was FLUSHED
bc like the look in his eyes and the way he carries himself…. reminds you of when you’re doing some more………...steamy activities
anyways, stan Mark Lee
he’s a sweetheart who works so hard and you’re there to provide him with lots of love
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mego42 · 4 years
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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fading-lace · 3 years
Denki Headcannons because im extremely bored and have nothing else to do :D
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[Denki X female!reader] 
Warnings: cursing, because i do that...sorry...fluff!!!!
summary: literally just headcannons of you and your relationship with pikachu-
ok ok ok ok ok ok okok okfweo
so this boy.
is literally your No. 1 fan.
kid you not he is
once he saw you walk in through that big ass classroom door, he fell and fell H A R D
he would constantly try to get your attention and try to show off whenever he can 
whenever you guys are walking in the halls he would casually walk up to you and say horrible pick-up lines
if you like manga or anime (witch in 99% sure you do otherwise i dont think you would be here-) he would purposely go for anime pick-up lines, thinking it would be easier to lure you in
“hey (L/N)~ i dont need to use Byakugan to see inside your heart~”
just walk away, it would be better if you just walked away-
“are you gaara? because love is written all over your face~”
just wal-
“are you Haikyuu? because i like you~”
“hey (L/N)!! watch this!!” he yells at you before he uses the entirety of his quirk and literally goes stupid 
but none the less, you think his desperate tries are adorable and purposely keep turning him down so then you can see more of this dork in action. (bruh wtf just tell him you like him) 
this kept going on and on for about five weeks before one pick-up line ruined it all. or so you thought.
“hey (L/N)!! are you All might? because i’d like for you to Texas smash me~”
i told you to walk away, but did you listen? no. 
you just stood there, your face redder than and darker than blood.
Kaminari looked at you and immediately became insecure
.  you laughed a few seconds later, utterly confusing the yellow boy.
“w-why are you l-laughing?” 
“because silly! i’ve liked you all along!! your just so oblivious that you couldn’t even tell!”
just then that small brain of his realized you were playing hard to get.
a few days later you officially started dating. finally- 
istg take him from the beginning and times that by like...10
more pick-up lines
tries to show off more
and just being....Denki
but turns out, he is actually really caring
he drinks his respect women juice guys, ok? he is good boy, must protect..
when you guys finally moved into dorms, he was s u p e r exited because he could sneak to your dorm and cuddle with you all night 
one time you fell asleep doing homework and woke up in your bed with a sleeping kaminari being the big spoon 
he likes to cuddle, ok?
whenever you guys are training, he will glance over at you every now and then to make sure you are ok and not getting hurt
he occasionally will shout out..”YEA THATS MY GIRL!!! WORK THOSE MUSCLES OF YOURS!!” or “COME ON YOU GOT THIS!!” and just words of encouragement 
your guy’s first kiss was on accident-
you were standing behind him and he turned around from grabbing something and tripped on his shoelace...and...well..you know-
he likes to spoil you-
every so often he will take you out on dates to the mall, or the park, or even the beach! 
he just loves seeing you smile
even tho him and mineta are like, brothers...he still tries to keep the grapist F A R away from you
he wont let that shriveled up pervy grape touch you, even in they are friends
your first i love you wasn’t really special, he just accidentally said it while saying bye to you 
“ok!! bye (Y/N)!! love you-”
you looked at him, both of your faces covered with a light blush
“i love you too, see you later” you smiled back
he grinned brightly and walked off to whatever he was doing 
once you guys graduated, you moved in together, in a actual apartment, you know...like grownups?
and it wasn’t very long before he popped the question 
it was a late summer evening, the sun was setting and the weather was perfect 
Denki randomly told you to meet him at U.A over the weekend, alone and in nice looking clothing.
you shrugged it off and put on a nice dress and drove over to U.A
you parked your car and walked into the building, only to see some of the old staff members there, waiting for you
“nice to see you again (Y/N) please head over to class....1-A” Aizawa said giving you a small smile 
you did what you were told, slightly confused.
walking down the hallways of the school brought back so many memories
like when you guys did the concert 
or when iida had to stand on top of the exit sign because the whole school thought there was a intruder
so many great memories were taken in this school
you finally reached the door and opened it to see Denki, on one knee, and a ring in his hand
you blushes and brought your hands to cover your mouth, tears forming in your eyes 
“(Y/N) (L/N)....” he smirked 
“are you Suzue Kambe? because i Kambe your husband~”
you giggled and cupped Denki’s cheeks before kissing him right on the lips.
“yes, you Kambe my husband, you dork”
this made him smile as he stood up and places the ring on your finger before lifting you up and spinning around laughing 
“she said yes!!! hahaha!!!! im the happiest man alive!!!”
you laughed with him, happy to know you were gonna marry the love of your life...
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