#the interview place today i have wobbly feelings about
ynisreal · 7 months
wires (2) - michael afton x reader
author´s note: helloo! i updated this on ao3 and forgot to post here :/ so here it is :D summary: You and Michael have the opportunity to get to know each other better. Michael couldn't be happier. (~6k words)
Chapter Two
It was during the night of that same day that you realized you'd forgotten your company radio in the control room, the result of being jolted awake. You flinch as you remember the shame you felt, after all, it was your first day and you had been caught sleeping by the night security guard. In fact, because of your startlement, you weren't yet conscious enough to question why he was hiding in the shadows; it was only when you left the establishment that you thought:
Why was he in the shadows?
It scared you, still afraid of your sister's stories, everything was very strange: your interviewer's lies and this faceless night security guard. Anyway, he had the opportunity to take you by surprise in a vulnerable state, when you were asleep, yet he did nothing. Michael did nothing. That was his name. Shit, you really wanted to see his face. His intimidating presence still wandering through your mind, leaving you with slightly flushed skin and wobbly legs.
You arrived home to find your sister recently home from school. You quickly start making dinner for the two of you, listening to her enthusiastically recount the day she had at school, and answering all the curious questions she was asking about the "haunted place" you currently worked at. You allow a chuckle to escape your lips, still amused by the idea of your sister gossiping with her friends about horror stories involving you. "It was fine," you reply, "Fine in the sense that there were no ghosts or any robots trying to steal my soul," you continue, smiling at her as you serve her plate alongside your own.
And it really was all right as far as it was possible, nothing you wouldn't expect, after all, it's a tedious job. Apart from the man in the shadows and Noah, nothing really struck you. That was good, you weren't working there for fun or looking for adventures, you need the money and you need stability for once in your life. You and your sister need that. Especially her, it's hard to live like this, that's the reason you were working so you could pay for her college. She deserved a happy ending.
With these thoughts in mind, you watch your little sister help clear the table and wash the dishes, smiling a little at how eager she is to help you all the time. You carry her in your arms to her bed, giving her several affectionate kisses on her chubby cheeks, laughing fondly when she lets out little giggles happy with the affection. You sing softly, holding her in your arms, lulling her to sleep on your lap, feeling the little sighs and groans she lets out in her deep sleep. You don't move from your position, wanting the moment to last a little longer, the feeling of peace was flooding your head, knowing that tomorrow you'll have food on the table, she'll have a school to go to and you'll have a job to attend to. Things were finding their footing again. You both deserved that. Because of this feeling and today's tiredness, you didn't even realize that your eyes were closed, letting your head fall on your sister's forehead, the two of you sleeping cuddled up in her baby bed, a little too tight for your comfort.
Your bedroom alarm goes off so loudly that it wakes you up even though you're in another room. You quickly get ready, taking the shower you had failed to take yesterday, hurriedly putting on your clothes, then opening the door to the neighbor who has come to take care of your sister. You thank her again, smiling in gratitude at the elderly woman who had generously offered her help in your new job, looking after your sister while you were away. She had lost her husband a few years ago, so having the company of a child nearby helped her through her grief, by distracting it with childish games and conversations. Children really can help give you purpose.
When you get to the elevator at Fazbear Sister Location, you manage to fix your hair in the wide mirror on the wall, feeling a little uneasy at the many posters staring back at you. It's like being watched. You hold the keys in your hand, ready to open the doors when you get out of the elevator. The loud sound of the doors once again startles you, making you angry at yourself for being so easily impressed. But, really, the sound was quite loud for this time in the morning. You scan the main hall, finding it completely clean again, meaning that the night security guard must have cleaned up once more last night. Caring, you remark. You know that cleaning wasn't in your contract, and probably not in his, and yet he took the initiative to organize the surroundings. That caught your eye in a positive way.
A note lying on one of the many tables in the large hall caught your eye. Your forgotten radio was there with a note on the side. You carefully picked it up and smiled at the shaky, careless handwriting as you read:
You forgot this.
You smiled at the nickname. Michael. Mike. You truly must have given the other worker a bad impression, sleeping on the job and forgetting an essential part of your work here. The thought made you hesitate, guilt showing on your face. Seeking to make amends with your coworker, you reach for the pen in your pocket and begin writing on the same piece of paper, underneath the note the younger man left.
Sorry again. I'll be more careful today. Good work tonight :)
What you didn't expect was that these notes would become a regular occurrence between the two of you. That was a bit surprising, because on the very day you said you were going to be more careful, you ended up forgetting your security badge. So, the next day, you arrived in the main hall with another ticket on the same table, next to your forgotten credential. You flinch in embarrassment.
"I'll be more careful," Y/n said.
In the other corner of the paper was a (very accurate) drawing of you leaving the establishment and dropping your badge on the floor. The strokes were well done, which you couldn't believe, given the poor quality of his writing. The words were all in sticks and shaky, while the drawing was delicate and shaded, as if he had spent more than a few minutes doing it. He must have been bored at work, wanting to make fun of your carelessness in forgetting various items at the office, even though you said you'd pay more attention. The thought made you laugh, you couldn't have made a worse impression, but you were glad that he seemed to have taken the situation into a comedic range. You didn't have a long interaction the night you met him in the shadows of the corridor, but you could see from the papers you were exchanging that he had a sense of humor and from the cleanliness of the place, he was very attentive.
You take another piece of paper from the control room and start drawing. Okay, your drawing wasn't as good as Michael's. In fact, it was nowhere near as good as Michael's drawing. You drew a lanky stick figure, with what was supposed to be a security guard's hat on its head and its hair, but it turned out to be a loaf of bread on a head with strands of black spaghetti. You hope he understands that it was a drawing of you with a smile and your thumb up making an "okay" with your hand.
Sorry again.
You write, topping off your hideous drawing. Michael couldn't hold back the loud laughter that rang through the corridors and the main hall when he saw your attempt at a drawing on the other note you left. You were fun and a bit clumsy, constantly forgetting important items for your work in the establishment. He could hear the conversations you had with Alice, always being polite and considerate to the poor woman. Michael found himself coming out of hiding more and more to watch you work, it was a bit dangerous and not at all clever, but he couldn't ignore the desire that was growing to know you better. You spent a few hours of your working day, when there was no company employee for you to look after, cleaning the floors and polishing the tables. You had brought some cleaning materials from home, making it your job to help him keep the place clean and smelling good. Michael appreciated that about you, the way you paid attention to his care and decided not to get in the way, but to actually help. You didn't have that obligation, nor did he in fact, but it was the place he spent every hour of every day, so the least he could do to make that gloomy place seem a little more comfortable was to clean it up. And you decided to do something about it.
You didn't notice his presence, he assumed it was because of the thousands of responsibilities in your head. You had a sister to look after, and Michael understood what it was like to feel responsible for another life, flooding your own head with someone else's needs. You start to live not for yourself, but for the other person. That's why Michael didn't judge you or think negatively of you for always forgetting items or not noticing his presence lurking in the shadows. He thought it was great, in fact, managing to communicate with you through notes, picking up on your little giggles when you saw his drawings or your concentration when you mopped the floor and watched the monitors. You were clumsy but hard-working, wanting to do your job to the best of your ability, and that didn't go unnoticed by Michael.
At the end of the day, Michael was still watching you. Your day at work had gone smoothly, favorably, with no company employees coming in to disturb your peace. Alice might be a nice girl and help you pass the time with casual conversations, but her boss was unbearable and stressful, instantly making you rigid with hatred and irritation. Without the presence of the two of them, you can better focus on organizing the establishment, not that it needed much arranging, but you could finish organizing the dozens of metal parts in the Parts & Service room. Strangely enough, walking past the Funtime Auditorium made you feel a little down, sad to find yet another empty stage, where once there were concerts and children having a wild time, today it's just an empty stage to dust off and tables to organize.
The stories your sister had told you involved these same animatronics killing children or kidnapping them, which was really scary. But there were no confirmed deaths or bodies found in the establishments, and hey, you spend all your days here, looking at the same monitors and the same rooms, if there was a secret room or hidden bodies, you'd know. Would you? With that thought, you hesitate, almost dropping the product in your hand. The tables in the Funtime Auditorium were almost all shiny, and with 30 minutes left of your workday, you didn't know if you'd have time to finish polishing all the tables. You sigh in exhaustion, the weakness in your arms becoming noticeable from all the manual labor you've done today, but that doesn't stop you from continuing your activity.
Michael is back in the shadows, his purplish skin merging with the darkness in such a way that he's almost impossible to see - not that you'd look for him, so lost in concentration on your own activities. He was in the auditorium with you, a safe distance between the two, but to already be in the same room with you was an audacity. Mike was getting more and more bold when it came to you, gradually reducing the distance between the two of you, surely observing the limits of your inattention, hiding in the corridors when you were in the control room or choosing the back of the rooms when you were spending your time organizing the animatronics' chambers. However, there was only one place he didn't follow you. The Circus Gallery. Michael can still remember all the feelings that went through his body when he saw Elizabeth for the first time in a long time. In fact, not Elizabeth, but Circus Baby.
They talked, the animatronic would speak to him and he would respond, something that was unimaginable to him nor Henry at the time when he was still alive and working in the same position as you. Hope flooded his body back then at knowing he could get in touch with his sister, but as Michael now knows, his life is submerged in injustice. That's why, today, he finds himself the way he is. With a hood hiding his face, a mask covering his mouth and only leaving the eye area visible, hoodie and pants over his entire body, hiding and watching you from afar. Michael sometimes allowed himself to imagine what it would be like if you had arrived at the establishment a little earlier, perhaps he could have had a coherent conversation with you, not exchanging notes full of drawings and short sentences, or he could even have taken you out to dinner after work, where you would certainly have told him all about your family and your sister, making him forget a little about the dysfunctionality of his own family.
A loud noise wakes him from his trance, the sound of something metallic hitting the floor. His eyes immediately went to the stage, ready for the possible reality that the horde of animatronics that had attacked him was back. For the next few seconds, he closed his fist in defense, knowing that, due to the lack of weapons in his possession, if Ennard had returned, Michael would have to protect you with just his own bare hands. And call him crazy, sometimes he missed fighting, it would be a splash of normality in the mess his life had become. But fortunately, no animatronic or threat appeared in the room, only your whine was heard. Michael returned his eyes to your figure, and you held open the door of Parts & Service with a frustrated look on your face.
"I don't fucking believe it!" You blurt out, irritation present in your voice. In your lack of attention when clearing the tables, you ended up opening the door with an unnecessary amount of force, which caused the wood to collide with one of the shelves, knocking it down as well as all the pieces you had organized. You had 15 minutes to go, but you didn't want to leave this mess for Michael to find. If you left this mess here, he would have to clean it up in the middle of the night. Night shifts are naturally tiring, and would you force him to clean up the mess you've made? No.
Michael's eyes follow your figure as you enter Parts & Service, he knows you'll try to sort out the mess as quickly as possible before his shift starts. He thinks it's sweet of you to care about his comfort, but he knows how heavy these shelves are for you, the metal being strong enough to hold the remaining parts of the animatronics. With your lack of strength and assuming that you will rush the process to get everything done before your workday is over, Michael comes to the conclusion: you will definitely hurt yourself. Not that he doubts your ability, but he knows how heavy these shelves are and, given your carelessness during your work shift, combined with your hurry, something is bound to go wrong. He doesn't want to see you get hurt, knowing that he couldn't take you to a hospital or call for help, so he would have to listen to your grunts of pain and see your body on the floor helpless until Henry arrived. That thought alone makes Michael's body respond negatively, the image messing up all the thinking he was doing. Apart from that, a selfish part of Michael doesn't want you not to be here for the next few days, assuming you'd have to miss a couple of days of work to recover. Or worse, you would come to work and stress your body even more.
With these ideas running through his head, he unconsciously begins to take the steps to reach the room where you were. The scene he finds proves all the theories that were forming in his head: you, holding the shelf with both hands, fighting against the force of gravity so that it doesn't fall on you. Michael immediately joins you, helping you put the rack upright again, which, frankly, wasn't that hard, given that he was the one who put them up and fixed the whole place up before you even worked here. He ignores the sound that escapes your lips in surprise, concentrating on getting the shelf upright and away from your body, to avoid you being harmed.
With Michael's help, surprising you with how quickly he had arrived, you manage to get the stand on its feet very easily. Too effortlessly, which fascinated you. You wipe the dust off your hands and watch the security guard in front of you do the same. Without saying a word, you roll up your sleeve, looking at your wristwatch indicating the end of your shift and the beginning of his. He had arrived quickly at the building, and frankly, it's a good thing he did; you didn't realize how much strength it took to lift that rack until it was too late.
"Thank you," you say, a little breathless from the effort you were making. Now you can see him more clearly, without the darkness of the corridor he was in when you first met. Michael was indeed pretty tall, wearing the same hoodie and jacket he wore that day, but you still couldn't see the man's face properly, his mouth and nose covered by a mask, leaving only the areas of his eyes visible. You didn't know if it was tiredness blurring your vision or the lack of illumination in the room, but his skin had a purple tone and his eyes were practically black. Were you that tired?
"You didn't have to fix that, I could have done it in my shift," he replied, turning his back to you and starting to pick up the pieces that had fallen. This gives you an almost perfect view of his back, broad and attractive, the movements of his arms making the muscles shape the stretched fabric of his jacket. You blush a little, still surprised by the man's abrupt arrival and his proximity.
"No, I made the mess, I'll clean it up," you say, "First rule you teach any child in kindergarten," the joking tone clear in your voice. He laughs, and gosh, he laughs, a little chuckle so attractive it makes you want to hear it forever. You bend down to start picking up the seemingly animatronic Ballora's arms, wanting to put them back where they were before. Michael continues to wrap the threads that have fallen off before seeing you bend down to pick up the heavy arms of the old animatronic.
"No, no, let me get that," he says quickly, setting aside the wires, and bending down beside you to grab the pieces from your arms, knowing that they would be too heavy for you to put on the shelf. You catch a glimpse of the man's hands, which are bandaged, leaving only his fingers, which also have a visible purple tinge. You must be seeing things.
"What about me? What do I do?" You let your arms fall by your sides, a little embarrassed that you had made a mess and he was organizing all the things for you. The sight you had was wonderful though, letting the night security guard do all the manual labor on your behalf, seeing this extremely tall and fit man holding heavy pieces for you.
"Sit there and look pretty," you can't see his smile, but you can hear the mocking tone in his voice, already imagining the playful grin that must be on his face. Even with the lack of lighting in the room, you manage to decipher where he's pointing, a chair left next to the intact shelf, away from the pieces that had fallen. You huff a little loudly, wanting to make it obvious that you were frustrated with your lack of cooperation, sitting down and returning to your task of admiring the man in front of you working.
Michael continues to pick up the forgotten pieces of the old animatronics and put them back on the shelves they were on before. After being stuck in the same rooms for so long, his memory was able to retain even the smallest details of how things were organized. He genuinely thinks that one day he'll be able to draw the whole establishment down to the minutest of details. Michael's back seemed to burn under your stare, he had noticed that your eyes hadn't left his figure since he started helping you collect the pieces. Very smooth, Y/n.
"You can draw really well," you break the silence, taking him by surprise. The drawing he had left on the note really surprised you, despite seeing you once, he managed to trace your body in a very recognizable way on paper. Your failure to do the same comes to mind for both of you, in the form of a lanky stick figure with a loaf of bread on its head, which was actually supposed to be a hat.
"You too," Michael says in a serious and convincing tone, leaving what looked like a few pieces of the endo-skeletons on the last shelf. "The noodle hair was a creative touch under the bread," he continues, now with his arm resting on the shelf, leaning over to rest his body against it. His convincing tone being easily identified by you as sarcasm.
"It was supposed to be a hat on top of my head," you smile, accepting defeat at your lack of talent in the art field. Michael lets out another laugh, which takes you by surprise, causing small giggles to escape from your own lips, glad to have been able to hear him laugh once again. "At least I accepted defeat and tried to draw myself, if I had tried to draw you, it would have been much worse."
"That's something I would like to see," Michael continued, smile invisible to you. Man, how he had missed laughing or smiling, Henry was good company, but with the various events that still cursed his mind, humor or comedy were not a strong trait in the older man's personality. You were young like Michael, still full of life and concrete dreams in your mind, and as much as you had taken on a great responsibility, which was looking after your younger sister, Michael could see traces of youth in your face, fighting to make themselves apparent in the surroundings where life had forced you to become a mature woman prematurely.
"I'll try my best," you say, a smile still present on your tired face. Michael was fun to talk to, distracting you from the fatigue that still weighed on your shoulders. "Have you started working here recently? You seem to know the place pretty well," you ask, looking at how he had re-organized the pieces, quickly putting them back where they were before they fell.
"No, I worked here for a while before you started," Michael lies easily, given that he had already practiced this lie with Henry several times before you even dreamed of asking him that question. "I worked both shifts," which wasn't entirely a lie, he really was here for both shifts, but it's not as if he had much of a choice.
You flinch, once again feeling that sensation you always felt when someone lied to you. Many years of listening to your mother's lies must have strengthened your intuition, but you didn't know why Michael was lying or hiding. You wouldn't ask, nor would you have the luxury of judging what he was doing, you weren't naive to the world you both lived in, he must have his reasons. He wasn't dangerous, given that the acceptance process for this job involved a lot of questions and documents, so if he had anything suspicious to hide, he probably wouldn't be accepted for this job, even more so for working two shifts.
"It must have been boring," you reply, "but you had the privilege of not being able to meet Noah," you add, a defeated sigh escaping your lips as you remember the insufferable architect who constantly ruined your mood at work hours. Michael did indeed know him, but you had no idea, so you believed him when he asked you who he was.
"He's one of the architects who is redesigning the facility for a new attraction," you repeated what Henry had already told Michael, but he didn't care, listening to you talk was something he was discovering he loved doing. "He's extremely rude and clueless, treating Alice, who is the other architect, in a derogatory way, acting as if everyone should cater to his every need and not minding their welfare".
Michael senses the annoyance in your voice as you talk about Noah, and frankly, he understands your frustration, from what he hears from the corridors to his hideout, the man's voice is extremely obnoxious in every way. "Sounds like every human who has too much power in his hands," Michael replied, returning to his task of wrapping the wires.
"No, I've worked in several places that had considerate bosses and, well, had the minimum of human dignity," you respond, still frustrated by Noah's behavior. This architect managed to fail at all the social skills possible.
"Why did you come to work here then?" Michael asks carefully, not knowing if it was a sensitive topic for you, he didn't want to possibly overstep any boundaries and lose the chance to continue talking to you. It was the first time in ages that he had managed to have a sincere conversation with someone other than Henry, and once again, that milestone had been achieved by your company. And, yet one more time, he was extremely grateful that it had been you, a beautiful, charismatic and attentive woman, how could it be better?
"Well, I don't have one of the best resumes, so there was always someone who was better trained than me or better prepared. In addition to my age, in jobs that involve constant contact with other workers, sometimes they would try to take advantage of my - how did they say it? My youthful disposition," you wince as you remember how much you were overworked in other positions because you were younger than the other employees. Michael hesitates too, annoyed that you had to deal with these situations, he always got to work in the businesses built by his father and Henry, so he knew he had the privilege of avoiding the possible charges he would have on his criminal record for beating up some scumbag bosses.
"I need the job, I have a greedy little sister at home to feed," you continue, too tired to realize that perhaps you were sharing too much information about your personal life to your co-worker.
"Hm, what's her name? Michael asks, curious to know more about you and your family. He missed his siblings and the family they could have been, even if he never experienced that opportunity. If he had the chance, he would be in your shoes, running away with his two siblings in his arms and living an eternal life of manual labor in order to provide a better future for them. Elizabeth and Evan would have gone to college, had dinner every night with Michael, spent Christmases just the three of them, until they each found a partner and Christmases expanded to three families with other kids running around the house. Perhaps in this dream, Michael would have called you on a date, telling you about the dysfunctionality of caring for two children alone.
"Cassie," you smile, remembering your little sister, who is probably now talking to the neighbor until her ears drop. She was always chatty, expressing herself confidently and stubbornly. “I can't complain about her, she always helped me in whatever she could,” you complete, the sincere smile on your face being noticed by Michael. The dead man's heart warmed, he could see the adoration you carried for your sister, it was lovely to watch. You must be a great big sister, Cassie was really lucky to have you, Michael notes.
”You should be an inspiration to her then", Michael compliments you sincerely, finally putting the last piece of metal on the shelf, everything arranged as it was before. Your smile expands humbly, your insecure mind not accepting the compliment of the attractive man in front of you.
“I don't know, sometimes I feel like she takes care of me, instead of me taking care of her,” you reply, raising your eyes, which you hadn't even realized were on the floor, to face Michael. He returned to rest his body on the shelf, his figure inclined, and yet, his face was turned towards you. You couldn't see his features, but you could feel his smile in the sound of his voice.
“All the older siblings feel this way, don't worry, I'm sure you must be doing a great job,” Michael says, confident in his statement. You were caring, hardworking and polite, he was sure Cassie must notice all these qualities of yours, unlike him, who was violent and angry, and he was sure Evan noticed that. "I speak from experience, you are a good example for Cassie," he concludes, a sad tone in his speech. You notice the change of emotion in the man's voice, a heavy intonation that almost made the room where you were darker than it really was.
“I'm sure your siblings are very lucky to have a brother like you, " you try to comfort, although your speech was not as confident as his. You didn't want to hear his voice sound like that again, sounding like all of his life had been sucked out of him, words so quiet and charged with regret. ”After all, you are careful with your surroundings, eager to help me even if I haven't done anything for you, and to top that, your impeccable cleaning skills, " you try to joke, and fortunately, it seems to work, as a low laugh fills the room with life again. You feel so relieved that you don't fail to smile too.
You roll up your sleeve, oblivious to the several minutes you spent talking to Michael. The number 7 and two zeros scream on the screen of your wristwatch, realizing that you had already finished your shift and were disturbing the work of the night security guard in front of you. You get up quickly, which takes Michael by surprise, thinking you had seen something you shouldn´t. Before Michael could explain the millions of reasons created in his own head as to why his skin was purple and his eyes so black they could mask themselves in the shadows of the hood, you say:
"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was disturbing your work- fuck, I'm leaving now, don't worry about me,” the words getting mixed up as you talked, showing your nervousness at having spent the first hour of the night's shift with him. Michael finds your awkward and nervous manner comical as you left the room, practically running from him to grab your backpack and leave him alone for his office hours. He doesn't fail to follow you, walking the same dark corridors behind your hurried, clumsy figure, only stopping to lean against the entrance of the control room to watch you.
He keeps watching as you quickly grab all your materials and practically toss them into your open backpack, making the conscious decision not to tell you that you were once again forgetting your radio on the table in the main hall. You were such a cute sight for Michael, babbling various excuses as you frantically packed up your items. He did not regret the risk he took in approaching you today, knowing more and more of the pieces that completed you, and even then, the hunger for more did not seem to subside. He was totally attracted to you, the way you talk, how you comforted him today, how you also noticed his efforts and, not least, your appearance. The illumination at Parts & Service wasn't the best, but he managed to see your face more clearly today, your smile, your eyes that were lost in his working figure, your small hands and how the uniform did a good job of grabbing every curve of your body. Michael had always known injustice, but the feeling was stronger now. How fate managed to deliver someone so perfect into his hands and he just couldn't feel what it would really be like to have you as his.
You run past him, shouting a nervous goodbye, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible to let him work. Your footsteps could be heard through the corridors and into the main hall, opening and closing the main doors with rapidity. Michael smiles, pulling his bandaged hand up over his mask, feeling his cheeks tingle. If he still had blood running through his veins, he'd be blushing. He couldn't stop you from leaving so frantically like that, finding the whole situation too adorable to be stopped. His legs begin to make their way to the main hall, picking up the radio you forgot again on one of the tables. He reaches for the pen and paper in his pocket, writing another small note for you.
I'm starting to think it's on purpose.
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wolveria · 5 months
AU - Both Pollened for that WIP game?
Good choice good choice
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There was nothing very disarming about the SCP waiting inside. The door slid back to reveal the dark form sitting at the table, his shoulders slightly hunched, and his head bowed. His mask lifted upwards so quickly it was almost a jerk, his eyes focused on you like a large hawk spotting a mouse in a meadow.
You frowned at the unusual display but continued forward, your tablet held against your chest as you entered the interview room. The Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness was in place, two extender bars connecting the collar around his neck to the grips of the two guards who flanked him. Even sitting down with his wrists shackled to the table, they weren’t taking any chances.
Typically, you would be at ease in the SCP’s presence, but something had clearly agitated him. You assumed the guards had been rougher than necessary, leaving the poor entity ruffled and misused.
You sat at the table opposite of SCP-049, laying the tablet flat on the table, and gave him a reassuring smile.
“I’m going to ask you a few questions today. Is it okay if I record this interview?”
The SCP stared at you, but his grey eyes seemed fixed on the wall behind you.
“I would not suggest making a record for what is about to transpire, but I fear that decision is outside your control.”
It was your turn to stare. The SCP’s words had been low, grinding in his throat as if it was difficult to speak, and his eyes were now focused on you far too sharply.
“SCP-049, are you feeling all right?”
One of the guards behind you clicked his radio, but you heard nothing else, indicating he had switched to his headset. Behind the glass, the weight of their stares were heavy on you, a reminder that your position was on the line.
There was a crinkle of chains as 049's folded hands shifted on the table.
“Are you?”
The question brought you up short. The way it was presented was fairly neutral, but this level of stubbornness was unlike him.
“049, if you are unwilling to cooperate for this interview, then you will be escorted back to your cell.”
“No. I will not.”
He leaned forward, chains pulled taut at the movement.
“Neither you nor I will be leaving this room. Not, I suspect, for a while.”
You opened your mouth to ask him what the hell was wrong with him, and then fell silent. Guards on both ends of the room suddenly turned, opened the door, and walked out.
All you could do was watch, startled into inaction until the room was emptied of all but you and the SCP.
You leapt from your chair, tablet forgotten as you swiped your keycard in front of the reader. It didn’t so much as beep. You pounded on the door, calm professionalism forgotten as you were left trapped inside.
You went over to the mirrored observation window next, banging your hand into the surface so hard it wobbled. Panic rose in place of confused anger. Your forehead was beaded with sweat, your hair already damp, and heat sufficed your skin.
“You are feeling the effects.”
You met 049’s reflected gaze in the mirror.
“The effects of what?”
His head tilted, as of the answer was obvious.
“Whatever they have given us both.”
Your mind immediately backtracked to earlier that morning and the unusually bitter coffee some tech had handed you before the interview.
049 must have glimpsed it in your eyes, the conclusion you’d drawn with the facts you were given. You and the SCP were caught in an experiment, exposed to an unknown chemical, and the results would be documented.
Without warning, the SCP yanked through his chains, the links scattering across the floor like spilled jewels from a broken necklace. He rose to his feet, broad shoulders blocking out the light behind him, his beaked mask dipped as his gaze burned through you.
You bolted from the window into the far corner of the room, but the entity was right on your heels. He grabbed a fistful of your coat, yanked you backwards, and slammed you onto the nearest surface: the interview table.
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leonsfavgun · 1 year
hey!! if you need requests i have a cute concept that i was thinking of! so basically, reader is touring with the band in 2006 and is really overwhelmed about everything, the fame, being away from home, etc. and breaks down in their hotel room when alex comes in and comforts them, kissing them on the forehead which causes the reader to lean up and kiss him on the lips instead AAAHFHRJ IDK just an idea!!
you’ve got the face on
wpsia!alex x gn!reader
warnings: reader gets overwhelmed and cries a little but that’s about it - the rest is fluff
AHDJSHDJFJ i am SO soft for 2005/2006 al like .. ???!!?!!? thank u for the request sorry it took so long, i hope u like it <33
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you didn’t know when you got back to your hotel room, but you were just glad that you were. you curled up on the bed you shared with alex, ugly crying with your face hidden in your hands.
today was supposed to be good. but it wasn’t.
the boys had an interview, and that was it. yous were supposed to be free for the rest of the day, but here you were, curled up in your hotel room, alex still in the lobby with the others.
the interview itself went great – the interviewer was respectful, funny, and witty, which was amazing (and rare). you even laughed a few times during their interview. your whole day was only ruined after you left to buy yourself some food.
there were quite a lot of people outside; passers-by, fans, and paparazzi. of course, only the passers-by and some fans didn’t disrespect your personal space. the rest felt like they were going up to your face, taking pictures, some even with their flash on.
when you got to a fast food restaurant, you quickly ordered and got your food so you could go back to the interview place. while you walked back, you walked past a restaurant with a family that was quite like your own back home. it’d been a few months since you left to go with the band for their tour... you missed your family, your home.
everything was setting you off. you were almost in tears by the time you got back. the interview had been over for a few minutes by then, so the boys were getting ready to leave. you arrived at the hotel lobby a little later, then you ran up to your hotel room.
which brings us back to the present.
you were still quietly sniffling, trying not to be too loud with your sobs so as not to disturb the other guests.
you heard the door unlock and footsteps walking to the bed. the bed sank where alex sat, his hands awkwardly smoothing the sheets.
“hey, you alright?”
you looked up at him through your tears, the pillow still covering the rest of your face, your body hidden under the covers. you sniffled again and shook your head, no.
he laid beside you, running his hand up and down your side. “you can talk to me about it, y’know. i mean, if you want to...”
you softly smiled before it melted back into a wobbly frown, tears rolling down your cheeks before you buried your face in the pillow again. “i’m sorry,” you whispered, the pillow muffling your voice.
he pulled you closer, your chest against his as he wrapped his arms around you. “sorry for what, love?”
“dunno… today was supposed to be good for you guys but i feel like i ruined it.”
“pshhh, none o’ that! you didn’t ruin nothin’, love, please don’t worry about it, alright?” you felt his thumb softly stroking the back of your head, trying to comfort you. “you didn’t ruin anything, swear on me life.” he held up a hand as though he was taking a pledge. okay, maybe you laughed a bit at that.
you both lay in comforting silence, only the sound of quiet breathing disturbing it.
you turned your head up to kiss his cheek. at the same time, he tilted his head down to kiss your forehead — your lips accidentally meeting in the middle, your eyes smiling at each other.
you pulled away and hid your face on the side of his neck, playing with his hair as he played with yours. you felt him quietly kiss the top of your head.
“thank you, al,” you mumbled into his skin.
he leaned back to see your face. “for what?”
“for making me feel better.”
he kissed your forehead, mumbling something about taking care of you and not to worry about it.
“i’ll go run us a bath, love. be right back,” he stood up to leave, but you gently grabbed his wrist.
“bathe with me, please?”
“of course, that’s why i said i’d run us a bath, innit?” he grinned as he kissed your cheek.
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cardierreh15 · 1 year
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I do not give anyone permission to copy and repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: None! Just Heavy Flirting 💗
Pairings: Henry Cavill x Cardíerre (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: After their Interview on Cardierre’s good friend talk show, Henry meets Cardi in her dressing room.
Word Count:
***reposting because my computer shitted on me the other day lol***
‘Ms. Lane! you’re on in 5!’
She was pacing back and forth across the dressing room. Her breathing labored and the choking sensation in her throat only made her feel more anxious. This was her first appearance on a talk show,no matter how much time she took to prepare, none of what she practiced felt right. She then stopped in front of her mother and placed her hands on her hips, ‘How do I look?! Do I look OK?!’
‘Child,’ her mother stood up and dusted Cardíerre’s shoulder off, ‘You are my child. Therefore, you always look good. I know this is your first talk show, but this isn’t any late night host. You and Tokio have been friends for years now; she’s not make you look crazy on live tv.’
Cardierre began to chew on the skin on the inside of her bottom lip. ‘Mmm, what if I trip or something? You sure?’
‘Positive! Now—‘
‘Ms. Lane!’ The producer knocked on the door and walked inside, ‘It’s time.’
Cardíerre looked back at her mother and let out a deep breath, a nervous smile spreading onto her lips, ‘I guess it’s now or never. I got this… wish me luck ma.’ She then spin gracefully on her toes and walked towards the door.
‘You’ll do great baby! You’re my baby girl!’ Her mother called out.
As the two women walked down the busy hallway and towards the curtain, she could feel her knees wobbling out of control. Her hands were sweaty, her mouth felt cotton dry, and she felt parched. It appeared that they were coming back from commercial break. A makeup artist dusted Tokio’s face with some powder, and another person touched up her hair. Cardi stood there, snacking on her lip, trying to calm her nerves before she heard a familiar voice call out to her. ‘Cardi!’
Her head spun around quickly, looking over her shoulder to find the mysterious figure, emerging from the shadows. He had the gleaming smile of a thousand angels. She was met with the bluest of eyes, and the calmness in them reminded her of waves of the Atlantic. Not to mention his incredible height over her. He looked like a beast towering over her.
She swallowed her spit; it felt like a pound of bricks just fell into the pit of her gut. But also, in a strange way, she felt relieved. ‘Henry?! Oh my God! Henry!’ Her heart rammed in his chest as he chuckled, wrapping his firm arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around.
The two laughed gleefully.
She even took the time to take in his scent. Mmm, and he even smelled of the heavens. She thought to herself, he smelled of Tom Ford. A smoky musk. Perhaps Oud Wood. Damn, what a tasty scent on him.
Once he placed her down on her feet, she pushed her hair behind her ear, laughing happily. ‘You must be that mysterious guest everyone was talking about! I swear, I’m gonna kick Tokio’s ass!’ She said, placing her hands on her hips.
Henry chuckled, ‘She meant no harm. She expressed to me how nervous you were to be here today. I just volunteered to come.’ He gave her an innocent shrug.
Cardierre smirked with a nod, ‘Right.’ She knew that was a lie. Tokio was one of Cardi’s close friends. She knew the love she had for Henry; This was all just a scheme, but she was not gonna fall for her tricks tonight.
Cardíerre watched nervously as Tokio gave them their introduction;
“Some of you may know her as Rhea, or the Girl of Ganymede. But I know her as my closest friend. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give it up for Cardierre Harris and her beloved Co-Star, Henry Cavill.”
‘Oh shit. That’s us!’ She basically skipped towards the curtains. The crowd was so full of energy and excitement! And now that he was there, she didn’t feel anxious anymore.
She walked out first, where the crowd had seemed to have gotten louder at the sight of her. She waved her hands with a pretty white grin written on her full lips.Henry stood to the side with his arms outstretched towards Cardíerre showing her off to the crowd. Then, she approached Tokio who was standing up with her hands reaching out for a hug.
Cardi laughed sweetly before embracing her in a hug so sweet, they rocked side to side.
Once the hug was broken, Cardi walked over to her seat while Henry walked over and they placed French kisses on one another’s cheeks. The music from the dj quieted down after a while, the crowd buzzed with excitement; the warm reception of the crowd made Cardi feel right at home.
‘Please! Have a seat! Get comfy, mi casa and all that.’’ Tokio giggled, she’d never been so zealous before, the bright smile stretched across her round face brought youthfulness to her features.
Cardierre and Henry sat down next to one another, just a few inches apart.
‘First of all, this is something we’ve literally dreamed about, texted about, and planned for many years. Now you’re sitting across from me, on my late night show, telling me about your new movie that you star in. In the words of the rapper Future, life’s good.” The crowd chuckled a little, as did Cardierre, she nodded her head looking around the set, and to the audience impressed. Henry gave a golf clap in agreement, he was mainly there to cheer Cardíerre on from the sidelines, so he remained quiet for the most part. This may have also had something to do with Tokio’s plot to get Henry and Cardi together. It’s not like she had to beg him to be here tonight, he wanted to see her up close and personal during her interview, as if their press tour wasn’t enough.
‘You two look fabulous by the way,— honestly! Don’t they look great everybody?’ Tokio called out to the audience. And the room roared with applause.
Cardi giggled, looking over at Henry for a moment as he smiled at her.
‘Thank you, Tokio.’ Cardíerre grins, one leg crossed over the other, she leans a little closer to the armchair feeling more relaxed.
‘It’s no problem! It’s no problem! First of all, I would like to congratulate the both of you! “Rhea” totally crushed the box office in the past 3 weeks. Capping out $902M in the US alone! That. is. insane! And this is your first movie!’ Tokio tapped her note cards on the desk, she took a breath letting the high energy settle.
Cardi nodded with a huge grin curling on her lips. ‘It is! And I couldn’t have been any happier with the team I got, the amazing - supportive actors.’
‘That’s wonderful! And speaking of supportive actors, I brought Henry out here today so I could get an outside point of view of what it’s like working with you.! He said it was an absolute bore and he’d never do it again.’ Tokio said playfully, seeing the looks on their faces made her erupted with a humorous laughter.
Henry’s eyes grew wide and his mouth fell, ‘Oh I would never say such a thing!’
Cardi’s mouth fell and she playfully hit Henry on his arm, ‘How dare you Henry!’
Tokio straightened up as the audience recovered from their own laughter ‘I’m only kidding. Henry, you’re amiliar with being the superhero right? You’ve been the iconic Superman and was somewhat of a vigilante in the Netflix show, The Witcher. Do you think from someone who has been the star hero for all these years, that she was able to capture the characteristics of being a superhero, and a savior of Earth?’
Henry inhaled a deep breath as he seemed to think for a moment. Truth be told she did a fantastic job, not only did he get a professional partner, but one that is so ardent about the job. Usually he’s able to keep his emotions separate from the acting, but through their work, he found himself falling for the woman behind the character.
‘Well shit, don’t think too hard.’ Cardierre said with a slight giggle.She too was curious as to what he would say, during the press tour in Europe Henry was reserved when it came to his opinions of Cardíerre’s skills. Tonight felt different, Tokio had sent a pint of Gueniss to his dressing room as a ‘gift’ for being a guest on such short notice.
Her remark caused the crowd to erupt with more laughter.
Henry chuckled, ‘Well I had to think for a second. If I say the wrong thing, I may get your heel lodged in my head.’ He chuckled once more, ‘Honestly…I couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous, kind hearted, and patient partner. Any time things may have gotten too heavy, and I had to step out of it at any time; she’s right there comforting you. She is just supportive! Certainly a blessing to have around.’ The crowd buzzed with laughter. It caused Cardi to snicker a little bit. ‘Awww, Cardi!-‘ Tokio gushed.
Cardierre looked over at Henry with a subtle smile, and Henry’s gentle grin had never faltered.
“Those were some incredibly sweet words. She’s always been the encouraging one of our group.” Tokio giggled lightly, to add fuel to the fire, she leaned towards Cardi over her desk, and pretended to whisper, “Did you get the part where he said you were gorgeous?”
“Tokio!” Cardi shouted, she pressed her lips together trying to hide the grin from appearing onto her face. Embarrassed, she puts her hands to her cheeks, and blinks one too many times to be counted as normal.
“Alright, okay, I’m done…moving on. Cardíerre, tell me how it feels to not only see yourself in a D.C film, but to be the one pioneering a plus size, dark skin hero as the main character on your first try. Like that is an amazing roll out if I’ve ever seen one.” Tokio praised, she watched as Cardíerre’s eyes teared up, that whole filming process was a mix of fun, and frustration.
“Well, first of all— it’s life changing. It’s only been a few people in cinematic history that have been able to craft and create something and be the face of that item; in this situation— that person. It’s a very powerful feeling because then I was able to stay true to the source and myself and no one could take that away from me— no matter how hard they tried. When it came to what society saw, some people did not agree with being a black plus size superhero and that’s fine! But it wasn’t for them to like. It was to push a message that no matter how big or small, you could be just as strong as Superman if not— stronger.”
“Oh I don’t think you can beat me.” Henry said with a smirk, raising his brow as he looked at her.
“Oh no?”
“Uh-Oh.” Tokio giggled as she watched their little banter.
“Well, we’ll just have to put it to the test one day. I still got the suit.” He grinned.
Cardierre rolled her eyes playfully before she looked back ahead at Tokio.
‘Ohhh shoot! Looks like we may get some action here!” Tokio laughed and fixed her cue cards once again. So what was it like being Rhea’s love interest in the movie? I understand that it is a superhero movie and to make the main character seem more — normal… they tend to fall in love! So what was it like forming that bond with Rhea… well, essentially Cardi too?’
Cardi could feel her heart sink at this question. She balled up her fists as her knee bounced and her pretty brown eyes stared at Tokio.
‘Why are you throwing me under the bus here?!’ She laughed, somewhat embarrassed.
The crowd laughed as well.
Tokio thought this was all hilarious. Having her close friend here with the man she had accidentally fallen in love with while filming this movie. Cardi was in a tough spot right now. But she had to play it cool.
‘Well,’ he chuckled for a moment, pausing to get his words right, ‘Honestly, we kept it as sincere as possible,’ Henry then looked over at Cardi with a gentle smirk, ‘She was easy to work with so therefore, it was very easy for me to tap into Zagerion. Not to mention she was great with everyone else too. Respectful, thoughtful. I hope to be involved with Cardi more in the near future.’
Her cheeks burned as she sank her pretty white teeth into her bottom lip. Her dimples deepened as she felt the sudden urge to just cover her face with her hands.
‘Awww, Henry that was so- Cardi?!’ Tokio peaked over with her eyes the size of dinner plates, ‘You ok?!’
Cardierre dropped her hands as she was trying to stiffen some goofy giggles from her lips. Waving her hand and shaking her head, ‘I’m OK! I just feel like he’s being way too nice right now.’ She laughed as the audience chuckled and awed.
‘Oh girl please stop it! For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always been a force to be reckoned with. And so passionate and loving. You deserve this glory!’ The audience clapped and whistled as Tokio gave her close friend her flowers. ‘Well! Henry, Cardi- I want to thank you both for coming by today! Henry, I’d have to say you look a lot more charming in person.’
Henry chuckled and nodded, ‘Thank You.’
She then turned to face the audience, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, Them and Theys, “Rhea” is now out in theaters world wide!
Cardi had her hands placed flat upon the counter in her dressing room. ‘Honey, I don’t know what you’re so worried about! I think you did a phenomenal job! Was it because of-’ she paused and jerked her head towards the door.
Of course it was. She’d be a flat out liar if she said that traveling around to these press conferences, talk shows and interviews weren’t causing her to bend romantically in his direction. He was always there! And when he wasn’t, he was always sending her memes he’d find on Reddit and reassuring her how well she was doing with everything. Cardi stood up straight and turned around to face her mother and leaned against her dresser. ‘You know what it’s like to be in love, mama. You know that it’s a game and a risk… a gamble.’ She looked to the side before her head fell.
Her mother gave her a gentle nod as a smile curled on her lips, ‘I did. But, everyone sees the way you look at him. And the way he looks at you for that matter. It’s like you mirror one another. Without even knowing.’
Suddenly, there was a cheerful knock at the door. Her mother walked over to the door and poked her head out of it when she opened it. ‘Who is it mama?’ Cardi asked as she stood up straight. Her mother then stood to the side and pulled the door open for him to walk through. Henry held a big bouquet of sunflowers in his hands.
‘Henry,’ she looked at the gorgeous bouquet before glancing over at her mother who just quietly walked out of the room. ‘What’s this?’
‘I just wanted… to drop these off by you. I want to show you my gratitude and how I am extremely lucky to have worked with you.’
Her lips parted for a second before they just curled up into a genuine smile, ‘They are beautiful.’ She walked over and carefully took the crystal vase out of his large hands and cradled them.
‘Thank you, Henry.’ She said softly as she ran her thumb gently over a petal.
‘Of course. I tried to pick something that reminded me of you. They were the first thing I saw and nothing fit more.’ He chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair.
‘Well that’s thoughtful. Yellow is one of my favorite colors… Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. You didn’t disappoint.’ She smiled softly as she turned around and placed the vase on the dresser top and admired them once more.
‘Well I… I should be getting on now.’ He sighed softly, ‘Will I see you soon?’
Cardi looked over her shoulder and then she turned around to fully face him once again. ‘Leaving already?’
‘Yeah, I got my aunt and Kal waiting in my dressing room… I should get back to them now. Plus I don’t want you to feel like I’m all up in your hair. I just–’ He trailed off before he glanced to the side.
Clearly there was much more he wanted to tell her. And there was a lot more she wanted to tell him too.
‘Henry, what are you doing?’ He whispered to himself.
Cardi’s head fell to the side, ‘Henry?’
‘There’s– I’ve been trying to put the appropriate words together… But the older I get, the more I realize things that are unplanned turn out to be so much more fulfilling and memorable.’
She just stared at him as he did his best to explain what he was going through.
‘Cardierre, whenever we’re in the same room… or someone mentions your name I freeze. I look for you and if you’re there, I’m at comfort and peace. I have never felt this spark with someone else. I tried- the best I could to fight this feeling but the more I fight it, the stronger my love grows for you.’
Cardi’s arms dropped slowly from the fold on her chest. ‘Wha-what?’
‘I don’t want to keep fighting it anymore, Cardi. I’m in love with you. I can’t see myself with anyone else but you.’
She stared at him; her eyes glued on him. She couldn’t even blink. She felt as if there was a tumor in her throat and she couldn’t swallow.
‘Can you just– say something?’
‘I can’t…’
‘You just did.’
He swallowed his spit and walked up to her, ‘Tell me… Tell me that you don’t feel the same way. Tell me that you don’t love me and I swear I will never bother you again.’
‘Henry..’ she looked up into his eyes as her head fell to the side. She then let out a gentle sigh and bit into her bottom lip. ‘I’ve– You bring me so much joy. When you’re around, my world… everything… everything that i’ve ever said, everything that i’ve ever done… it makes sense.’
He brought his hand up to push her hair out of her face before cupping her jaw softly.
‘I love you… I love you, Henry. You’re my heart. And my heart is yours.’
‘You mean it?’ he said lowly, leaning down, initiating a kiss.
‘How could I prove it?’ She asked, breaking the glare from his eyes to his lips.
Henry slowly closed his eyes as he leaned in just a bit more. She then wrapped her short arms around his wide frame. Cardi parted her lips gently before her full lips were met with his.
His lips.
They tasted of sweet Cherry Balm. They were so soft and tender to the touch. She just embraced his taste with open arms as her fingernails dug gently into his muscular back. He held her pretty face in his palms before one arm dropped to wrap around her waist and the other to grip her rump; giving it a firm squeeze.
The sudden squeeze caused her to jump in his grip. A laugh escaped her lips as she began to regain her composure. A sigh left her lips as her eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze once again.
‘Too soon?’ Henry chuckled.
‘No..God No! I loved… that! But I want us to keep this as lowkey and private as possible. If it does come out about us… being together I won’t be mad but- let’s take it slow in the meantime… yeah?’ She smiled softly as she pushed his thick loc from his forehead.
Henry smiled softly and gave her a gentle nod, ‘If that’s what you want. Can I call you tonight?’
‘Yeah… call me when you get settled in with your aunt and Kal. Oh! Speaking of Kal… when can I see him again?’
‘I can bring him to the hotel tomorrow… if you’re cool with that.’
‘I am! Maybe we can take him to the doggy park down the street too!’
Henry smiled softly and nodded gently. ‘I like the sound of that. I’ll see you later?’ he said as he brought her hand up and placed his lips against her knuckles.
‘You will.’ Cardi giggled.
‘Alright.’ He smiled as he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. ‘See you soon.’ he smiled as he shot her a wink before walking towards the dressing room door.
‘Bye.’ she smiled and waved her hand once.
As he shut the door behind him, she felt her knees buckle beneath her weight. ‘Whoooo… shit.’ She cursed at herself as she slowly sat down in the rotating stool. She sat there for a moment before, ‘Let me call Tokio. She won’t believe this shit.’ She cackled as she picked up her phone and dialed up her friend.
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zilabee · 1 year
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- Oh, George Martin, looking at a hidden camera with the greatest of expressions known to mankind. Thank you for everything.
The Beatles are meeting in a room downstairs... still uncertain about performing on the roof.
- I love that they're all just setting up anyway. I love that MLH is clinging to this performance for all he's worth as the only possible way to save his film. I love watching them getting ready and taping things down. I love the street level and how old fashioned it is and how beautiful everything is.
- LSKDJFoijweoi jsodijfowejfsdfwpejfsdf. Everything about Paul coming onto the roof is lkJfoIJOfijoweifjsdsd. All my feelings are everywhere.
- The men by the chimneys on the other building, trying to work out what's happening <333
- Ringo being sweet with Maureen. Then messing with his kit. Then yelling to Mal cos they've nailed him down in the wrong place. I ADORE HIM.
- Paul jumping up and down on the incredibly wobbly floorboards, to see if he crashes to his death? Utterly perfect in every way. Magic. Couldn't love him more.
- I am freezing cold just looking at them. I want to eat them. Paul's hair is ridiculously perfect for a windy rooftop.
- Paul is smiling lovingly at John within two minutes. It's mad and it's stunning. And then the way they're moving as soon as they get into it. Little jigs of utter content.
- Incredibly horribly touching that Maureen is there, representing for all the cavern girls.
- Everyone coming out onto their roofs and balconies. Pavements filling up even though nobody can see them from there. The colours of it all.
- John coping heroically with hair in his face and in his mouth. The beautiful moment he knows he doesn't know the next line. The beautiful moment George hears him singing gobbledegook. Paul watching him lovingly to see where he wants to pick up. DON'T LET ME DOWN IS THE BEST SONG IN THE WORLD OKAY, IT JUST IS. And they're just playing it out for people who have never heard it before, and it's a wonderful thing to fill the streets with and I love them.
We've had thirty complaints in the space of half an hour. It's got to come down.
- Paul living every second, unaware that downstairs all his dreams are coming true! And the sad PCs, aware there's nothing they can do but that they will have to do something. Debbie <333333 She honestly doesn't really know what it is, it's for some feature, but she doesn't know.
- All sneaking over between songs to see their crowd that they're rudely hiding from.
Interviewer: The Beatles are doing a free concert on the roof. Man: I think it's very good. Why aren't they doing it in the street? Interviewer: They thought you'd want to hear it. Man: Yeah, well we'd also like to see them.
- Halfway through one after 909 they smiled at each other and I felt myself wanting to scream. The absolute pleasure of them. Performing is so good for them, everything everyone has said about getting great takes if they just do it in a show is true and right and lskfdjowieosijdfwjef. Kicking their little legs up at the end. FUCK.
- Not me literally warming my fingers up before they play the next song, as if I will magically send warmth through space and time to them.
"Rock and Roll!" "You too!"
- The way Paul moves when he's singing is obscene anyway, but the way he moves when the police are behind him and he's thrilled by music and altitude and adventure all at once, oh my god arrest him at once.
- I like that Ringo's closest to the police, so he sort of keeps an eye on them in case they might just grab him. (In all the other Beatle films he was the central character, it'd be very fitting if they just arrested Ringo and took him off. It would circle us back to hard day's night.)
- What's been nice for me watching the concert today is that my dog was trying to sleep after a very long walk. She's been really annoyed that I keep letting the beatles sing, and that I am 'overreacting' to them. She humphs at me and turns away and furrows eyebrows. She's my very own grumpy crowd member who thinks they're interfering with local business <3
- Oh Mal. Letting them down. Unplugging them like a traitor. BETRAYAL SO LATE IN THE GAME. They trusted you. They thought you loved them. Years together and now this.
- I love Paul and Ringo carrying on regardless, and John and George turning to glare. George turning themselves back on is pure bliss and makes up a good 60% of my love for him.
You've been playing on the roof again! And your mommy doesn't like that. She's going to have you arrested. Get back!
- In the control room listening back you get to see George Martin being all overcome by how wonderful they are again and it didn't make me cry so that's good.
- Mo and Paul grooving to one after 909. Their hearts pure and true.
- Ringo holding Linda and Paul's hands, and then scoffing the camera for noticing. MY HEART. MY BLOOD GROUP.
- slkdjfowosoosoo. The almost child voice that George has when he says 'if we got the police we could pretend in the film that we had to get it down for them', he sounds so different, I love it. I love that people keep telling him that there's no plot for a film and he is making one in his serious voice.
I think the Beatles are cracking. You can't beat them. They're all out on their own. They've got a style of their own. And in my opinion, I think they're a lovely crowd. They've got good qualities. They sing well.
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argethara · 2 years
A/N: Hello, argethara reporting! I’m back from customer service hell. Here’s a piece to celebrate my freedom. A sweet crackfic from @levihanbaryo‘s pool of prompts. I hope y’all are still obsessed with levihan as much as I do. If not, why???
Oh, and btw! Levihan Baryo admins and participants are working hard to finish a zine for our beloved ship. Please support and root for our works soon! 
You can also hang-out with us in our Discord server. Just DM me for the link.
Okay, here goes my trash.
PROMPT: Levi got a huge crush on Dr. Hange Zoe so he decided to receive an extra dose of vaccine from them. 
C/W: Profanities, crack medical process (please this is the prompt given, don’t be mad)
(Context: Yes, this is COVID-19 vaccine. Yes, in our country, people get 2 shots of the vaccine and 2 booster shots. Yes, we don’t have a lot of the J&J brand.) 
It’s not everyday that a person like Levi Ackerman gets nervous as shaking, heart popping out of his chest kind of nervous. Heck, he wasn’t even an inch close to this scared when he was brought by his uncle to a clinic one random day to finally be an actual man. He didn’t even cry after the procedure. Didn’t flinch when he got home with a pain worth his life on his official man dong. And he’s barely eleven years old then. 
Levi “the strongest” Ackerman wasn’t this restless on his first job interview too. 
So why does meeting a doctor for a vaccination schedule make him squeak?
Goddamn, it’s more embarrassing to think that he does mixed martial arts in his free time and he’s acting all anxious on his seat for a second-long puncture on his skin.
Levi stands up and sits on the next chair. It’s almost his turn and he can feel the rush of blood in his veins more, the sweat profusely dropping and staining his baby blue button down shirt. His eyes grow when he tries to peek and the wetness shows on the fabric. He immediately closes his arms to his sides, sitting straight and looking around, trying to find that familiar face. 
And there they are. In one corner of the hall, he can see them talking with an elderly woman and throwing the used syringe in the biohazard bin. Levi starts gawking as his surroundings fade into view and his focus tunnels to the bird nest on their head, sliding his vision on the gorgeous bridge sitting nicely between their never-fading, blazing hazelnut eyes, crinkling as their wide smile brightens the whole place. 
 A noise ruins his pink slow motion filter. 
“Neeext!” “Neeext!” 
His knees start to wobble a bit. The nurse gives him a strange look. As he draws near, he realizes something that makes all his shakiness replaced with cold disappointment. 
After sweating and doing all the math in his head, the person they came for stands up and says, “Better get back to the hospital. See you tomorrow, Dr. Yeager!” 
“Thank you for assisting today, Zoe. Oh, if you see Eren around, tell him to go home early,” Dr. Yeager replied.
“Copy that, Doc! Your son really bakes amazing stuff, I’ll make sure to buy some eclairs for my interns.”
“You bet. Rest too, sweetheart.”
No, stay, Levi wishes silently.
The person laughed beautifully, loudly. Levi stops on his tracks, which the nurse guiding him obviously didn’t appreciate.
“Sir, it’s your turn-” 
And Levi does his mental calculation again as he watches the person fix their things, preparing to head out of the facility.
He looks at this Dr. Yeager which eerily reminds him of his spiteful mixed martial arts club mate in college. Who also likes to say, “Don’t let them know your next move” when he’s about to lose the match. 
Don’t let them know your next move
Don’t let  them know your next move
Don’t let them know your next move
He hates to admit but he does exactly what the pathetic monkey is chanting in his head.
He does the unexpected.
Looking at the nurse that is already frowning harder than he could, he frowns his hardest, clenching his chest with a fist, and kneels dramatically on the floor. “Eugh” “Eugh!” 
The nurse watches him heartlessly as she sighs. 
He drops down to the floor further with his hands on his chest, emphasizing the “Eugh” as he continues. He feels his face is so red at that point. He has never done this all his life. 
His eyes are still closed. He is becoming more self-conscious and realizes this is the most regrettable decision he has made. Or not, his mind debates. If he gets the attention of that damn doctor, bugging his wits to its end every night, then this shitty act might be worth it after all.
Good fucking thing that I’m a hundred kilometers away from my city.
The things I do, just so I could call you mine.
Mikasa’s playlist started consoling him away from his current state. Oh to do some stupid teenage lovesick bullshit when you’re in your thirties. 
“Sir, please calm down! I’m Pieck, a nurse. Where does it hurt?”
Levi opened an eye. The snobbish nurse is near him. 
Fuck, just get out here. 
He glances at where the person is and they are watching him. Good, he rolls a bit towards Dr. Zoe, bumping to some chairs.
The damn nurse held him in place by his shoulder. 
“Sir! Open your eyes. Please tell me where it hurts so I can help you. Try not to move much.”
Go fucking away!
Levi has the urge to yell but his act will be caught and he doesn't want his efforts to fail. He’s already doing a ridiculous way of getting their attention, and might as well succeed. 
“I- I, my b-brain an-d my heart fucking hurts,” he suddenly said.
Yes, my brain is at the edge. I don’t know how to keep up nor end this shit I started.
“Huh? Can you stand, Sir? What’s your name?” Nurse Pieck asked. 
God, help me. 
“No.” I won’t stand unless Dr. Zoe will get me up. 
The nurse makes him lie on the ground and he complies, not knowing what his next move will be anymore. Seems like he’s not stupid enough to pull of a stupid decision like Zeke does. His fist is still on his chest to keep the act straight.
“What’s happening?” 
“Oh, Doc Zoe! He’s sweating and panting hard but I haven’t checked any vital signs yet. He said his brain and heart hurts. He’s been like this for two minutes now.”
“Alright. Thank you, Pieck.” Levi feels a presence on his right side. 
He opened his eyes to the brunette when they touched his forehead. 
The pants got harder.
Fucked. I am fucked. Why did I do this?
“Sir, can you speak? What’s your name?”
Their sparkling brown eyes are at him. Curious, like he’s a fucking specimen in the lab but that’s alright. He made them stay. 
His chest actually tightens. Breathtaking. 
Dr. Zoe chuckled and he blinked. Shit, he almost forgot he’s acting. 
“What’s your name?” They repeated.
“Levi,” he muttered. 
“Okay, Levi, I’m Dr. Hange Zoe. Is the pain still there?”
“A-ah, Y-yea. It’s… I can’t breathe properly.”
“Rate your pain from 1-10.”
“Earlier 8, now it’s 5.”
“Can you stand?”
“Now we’re talking!” They beamed at the nurse and the latter rolled her eyes.
“You can leave Levi to me now, Nurse. You can attend to the others.”
Pieck huffed, “I can handle this, though! You’re about to go out.”
“It’s okay. I still have some time. I’ll just go to the cafe next time.”
Pieck gives him a look one last time and goes back to the other people on the line. Dr. Zoe helps him to sit on a chair. They’re smiling like it’s business as usual but it’s enough for Levi’s heart to actually palpitate abnormally. 
“Ah, can you hold on for a minute?”
Levi nods as a response. He dares not to look around. He knows they’re still watching. Especially the witch that was assisting him earlier. Her eyes are sending laser beams from afar, he can tell. 
They step out and he watches them instead. 
When they get back to him, they give them a cup of water. And they both sit quietly as he downs the liquid.
The doctor takes a breath and smiles as he glances to their side. 
“How are you feeling?” They inquired.
“Better.” He muttered.
“That’s quite a scene, eh? Have you had any experience like that before?”
His ears turn pink. “This is the first time.”
“Can I?” They raised their manual sphygmomanometer. 
He nodded.
They measured his blood pressure. Staring at him closely from time to time. 
Damn, they smell like sweat and isopropyl alcohol. 
I should say something.
Shit, almost done?
They bite their lip when focused.
That’s sexy.
“It’s higher than normal but you’ll survive with a bit of rest and water. You should cool down if you wanna get the vaccine today, but you can return to-”
“No.” The doctor is surprised with his firm tone. 
“O-oh. You might be a busy person. I understand-”
“No, I’m not busy I, I just-” he stutters.
“Ahh… Oh!” Hange holds his hands in theirs and Levi almost freaks out. He likes it, though. They have warm, comforting hands.
“Do you have trypanophobia?” They whispered.
The person is closer to Levi than he allows people to be with him on normal days. But he is now basking in their attention. It is a successful mission. No matter how fucked the method he did.
They nodded consolingly. “That’s okay. No shame on being afraid of needles. I know a lot of people who are the same. They even run away or faint sometimes. Some doctors do too! I’m proud of you for conquering your fears and getting this vaccine…”
Doctor Hange Zoe rambles about the benefits of vaccination and how to defeat his fears. He hears the name of a psychiatrist that can help him with his problem. Their speech goes from one ear to the other. The highlight of his day is not only that he managed to talk with the doctor this time, he was also touched, comforted. 
“...And you see, all the citizens of the world are being monitored right now. Paradis even has a database of all the people who already had the vaccine that’s been distributed. Oh! Good Ymir! I haven’t asked your whole name yet.”
“Levi Ackerman.”
And it happens so fast. He’s now sitting on a chair in one of the booths. Being taken care of by THE Hange Zoe themself. As soon as they’re done, he grabs the opportunity to exchange numbers. “I’m passionate about recovering from fears! Please get in touch when you’re ready to talk with a psychiatrist. He’s a friend of mine but I highly recommend him for his expertise you know…”
Another five-minute monologue on his mental health and he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. He rarely accepts opinions of others yet it feels like heaven that they’re overly worried about his well-being. 
The day ends with him taking an hour flight to Sina where he actually lives and works. 
On the following day, he wakes up and crawls on his bed with a heavy body, burning deep to his bones from the side effect of the vaccine. 
He smiles as the notification pops out messages from his precious Hange Zoe.
“Hi Levi! This is Hange in case you didn’t save my number. How are you? I’m sorry, I forgot to register your name yesterday! I was talking a lot and I forgot and I know it’s my negligence as a doctor. It’s a very rare mistake on my part. Please forgive me! I’ll do it immediately when I get to the hospital.” Sent 6:12 AM.
“You must be sleeping. I want to inform you about the registration. System says you already completed your set of vaccines in North Sina General Hospital a week ago. But maybe it’s a system error. Let me ask this to my colleagues.” Sent 7:00 AM. 
“Hi, Levi! Did you forget to take your last booster shot last week? I’m afraid I gave you a fifth one. Do you know that there are only 2 sets for the initial and 2 booster shots? I’ve committed two offenses against my practice already if that’s the case. Oh God! I was so careless, I forgot to check the database beforehand.” Sent 7:24 AM.
“Remember Dr. Smith, the psychiatrist? He said the database is very very updated. OMG. Can we talk?” Sent 7:50 AM. 
9 missed calls from Sunshine <3
He chuckles weakly. The fuck he’s gonna tell them. That he’s a stupid simp?
Levi presses their number to call them back. 
“Levi! Oh my God! How are you? I’m really sorry! I think-”
He laughs. They sound like they care about him.
“I- huh? Hello? Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry.”
“You don’t have to worry. It’s entirely my fault,” he coughs.
“A-are you sick?”
“No, uh yeah, but it’s just a side effect of the vaccine. It usually goes away after a day of rest.”
“So did I really give you a third booster shot?” They are sniffing on the other line. 
“Oh no!” The cries get louder. 
“Shh, shh, hey. Doctor, listen. Can I tell you something?”
“Hm?” sniffs, “Yeah, anything. I’m really sorry.”
“You really don’t remember me?”
“What do you mean?” 
He sighs, “That’s disappointing. We even laughed with the children in the orphanage together.”
“Yeah, five months ago, The Ymir’s Heart For Angels Foundation event.”
There’s silence. Levi looked at his phone, checking if they hung up already.
“You might’ve been too busy to remember me. Sorry for acting stupid. It’s not your fault. I didn’t know we could only get up to four shots. And a fever won’t kill me, you know that too. Someone told me you’re a doctor in Shiganshina and I happen to be in the area for business. So I tried visiting you but you weren’t in the hospital for two days. It’s almost my flight so I got desperate and went to the vaccination center.”
“Do you have a fever?” They cut his confession. 
“Well, yeah, kind of.” He admits. 
“You kinda deserve that.”
“Hm, yeah.” He laughs at their annoyed voice.
“Do you have family taking care of you?”
“I’m alone. Ah- I have a cat, if it counts as family.”
“Mr. Ackerman, I’m not joking with you.”
“Neither am I, Dr. Zoe.”
Someone is calling the doctor from their end. He waits and relaxes on their words he barely understands. Their end goes quiet after some time.
“Doc? Hange?” He asks.
“Don’t risk my license to meet me next time.”
The phone beeps as his caller ends the call. 
“Call me tonight” Sent 1:15 PM.
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inkofamethyst · 1 year
January 3, 2023
okokokokok lemme back up a lil
So I put together a rough list of PhD programs in the order of “would like to attend” and it’s not entirely accurate, because each of theses programs has pros n cons that are unequally weighted, but I’m keeping it as is because why not [I have since decided to list them alphabetically to better reflect the wibbly-wobbly nature of how I feel about these schools (ex. my “Choice 7 is now my Choice A because it comes first in the alphabet) and to also use an alphabetical system to minimize undergrad and grad admissions confusion].  ANYWAY I finish my TA thing today (more on that later), do some grading (what a bizarre thing to do suddenly after.. seventeen years of being graded), then get set to walk home.  I open my email while I’m somewhere in the middle of campus to find an invitation to a recruitment day from one of the people I contacted.  They’re paying for my flight, for my hotel, for my food... Of course I screamed and called my parents and apparently I screeched again so loudly on the phone with my mom initially that my dad had to come out of a meeting and tell my mom to turn the volume down.
NOW.  I am ecstatic.  This is one of the top programs for my field in the US.  It would look fantastic to be able to graduate from a place like that.  It’s perhaps not in the city environment that I want, but it seems a little more lively than where I’m at now.  Not to mention that the campus is beautiful.
However.  Allow me to back up a bit more.
I was told (after I had reached out to the guy), that one of the potential advisors I was interested in doesn’t.. have the best reputation with lady scientists, if you catch my drift.  I might’ve even lamented over this here because it’s something that’s unfortunately common in male-dominated fields (or fields that are equally split but have older big-name men).  And so I wrote in my personal statement that I was interested in working with another person at the school instead, but I still put that guy in on my app as a potential advisor because you have to name three people.  The guy I don’t want to work with is the one who emailed me though.  And like, he’s not director of admissions or graduate studies or anything.. he’s just a guy there.  So it worries me just a little (because what am I if not a little bag of worries) that the institution might’ve paired me up with that guy.  To be fair, his lab definitely aligns more with my previous research experience and my actual interests, but uh.  I’d rather not be paranoid for six years around a person who can become as close to you as a really good friend or parent, in some cases (not to mention that they can be lifetime collaborators).
But.  That very well could be me entirely overthinking.  For now, I just want to bask in the fact that what was probably my best application overall has yielded some results.
What a way to start the new year.
It’s a little funny, but uh, this morning, before the class started, I thought to myself “I am going to get into [Choice 1 [Choice E]].”  That didn’t happen, not today, anyway, but it’s a weird coincidence that I got this email on the same day.  Something, something, speak it into existence, I guess.
Today I’m thankful for the invitation to interview :)
Even if I have to miss the first day of my classes to do so :P (I am very much understating the effect that missing a full day of class will have on me.. not to mention that it’s the first day and most of these my two academic ones are upper-levels so they’ll spend ten minutes on the syllabus before rockin n rollin into day one content (but but but.  it’s day one content.  I can review day one content on my own.  I’ll be okay.))
Also the TA thing went alright, I’d say.  I overestimated how much background knowledge they were coming in with... it’s a science class and none of the students are natural science majors, so things like hypothesis testing aren’t really part of what they do.  I recognize that a) they haven’t had a full lecture yet, b) they’re taking this to “easily” fulfill a science requirement, and c) I didn’t prepare as much as I needed to (I won’t fault myself for this, as it’s been a minute since I’ve taken this class and I’ve never TA’d before), so I’ve been pretty lenient with grading the first assignments.  I’ll inevitably improve and settle into my own style, but I’m happy with how today went.  Very happy.
What a good day, wow.
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keyofjetwolf · 2 years
Just got a phone interview scheduled for today at 1pm, waiting to hear back from another place on an offer or a “no thanks”, and I have until Thursday to yay or nay the offer I got last week.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Someone hurts Y/N at work; and Harry’s owner of the company.
Angry young man CEO!H very protective of his lovie :)))))))))))))
It was Tuesday. Tiring Tuesday is what Y/N calls them to be because they lurk in the middle of week and drags you after a Monday. Today, it’s the worst fucking Tuesday since the day she started working at this company.
Harry offered her. More to say tried to convince her with his sweet puppy tactics, tried to lure her in with his seductive begging and would mumble the same thing in her sweaty neck while balls deep in her, “Please sweet toots ... promise I wouldn’t be there to take ye' interview, please work in my company.” He squished her sides in desperation. Y/N whined, mind too occupied in the way he’s leaking into her, the head of his cock angled to rub at her spongy wall making her hug herself into him.
“I could be a very hard boss in my office, ‘s all ‘m saying.” He wiggled his brows at her playfully, hissing when his double joke earned him a tight fit around his prick and he was soon forgetting all of it when she canted her hips to let him slick deeper inside her.
It’s not that; Y/N doesn’t wants to work at his company. When her boyfriend asked her so sweetly and stout-heartedly. Call him a sap but he actually wants to be closer to her in every possible chance he gets – she gives him an unyielding amount of comfort and happiness when she’s with him.
There’s this silver of pride he wants to take (since he’s the biggest narcissists) in being a power couple, because in the end everything will be theirs.
But she doesn’t want to seem like she took advantage of him. She didn’t study and worked hard many years to be called dependent on her boyfriend. She wanted to find her first proper job herself – feel all the odds and jitters of her firsts after UNI.
Harry called the battles off knowing his little stubborn baby’s too much a wiggler and he believes in her and he’s very proud of her previous achievements, he just wants to see her happy working with him or not.
She indeed got it. She was finally a design editor at a grand magazine company, excited to meet her boss who’s one of her absolute favourite graphic designers in the industry.
Harry and her celebrated her baby step towards her success by going out at this cafe which had cats you can pet and love on.
He was blissed to see her this happy, considering it a win win situation. But she doesn’t need to know? Does she? And Harry didn’t do anything suspicious? Did he? Nobody even know who she's! And if Y/N wants that, he’ll have it that way.
Soon her enthusiasm deflated like a sorrowful balloon whirling in the air for seconds before falling on the ground and getting it’s existence neglected, because, her boss was the meanest bitch alive.
At the moment, Y/N forced the pertinacious lump of pathetic tears down her throat, not blinking to dry out the moisture threatening to fall from her waterline feeling humiliation creep up her skin and making her want to shrink into herself and never show her face.
She listens patiently and optimistically as her boss practically screams at her for not liking the designs Y/N worked to modify for damn 62 hours and the Karen still had an audacity to degrade, Y/N.
Y/N gasped, stumbling back in fright shock when the file that had her precious designs composed in it flew and hit Y/N, the ragged corner of it scratching Y/N’s delicate skin and her boss was spinning away from her to stare coldly at the bustling city outside through the window drowning into fumes and anger.
Y/N opened her mouth, guppy like. Wanting to say something back and call her out on her act but she felt like her voice got strangled into her chest.
Hammering in her brain when she felt something warm oozing from her skin and she’s panicking, wiping a vicious streak of blood from her jaw with her trembly fingers and scuttled straight to the washroom before anyone was able to see her in such vulnerable condition.
She had enough of it and left out of there without a word to anyone, not even to her cubby mate. She bottled all the emotions that were rattling against her bones to flood out of her each pore, until she could reach her home and once she did she was having a humongous and ominously scary breakdown, glad that Harry was stuck in meetings and the house was all of hers to cry ugly.
Once she was all blue lips, puffy and swelled up cheeks and eyes, nest of a hairstyle and all burned up lungs she was calming herself down with deep breaths just Harry taught her.
Scrubbing and cleaning herself off then going to bed without waiting for Harry, something very rare and the right hit in the nail for him to know she isn’t feeling well.
He was welcomed by silence. No dinner, just leftovers in fridge and his insides became all crummy and not very pleasant when he tailed to the living room and wasn’t met by his lovebug; either cramming her head to sketch down designs with an ipad in her lap while a buzz of random Netflix show accompanies her, dossing off cutely with hundreds of her study journals and magazines messed around her on the floor, or her in sleeping pyjamas with food already set up on the coffee table and brightening the whole room with her squeals when Harry announces his presence.
None of that instead he finds her in their bedroom, drowned under layers of blankies and her stuffies with room lit dark.
He coos softly, mattress dipping down from his weight and his heart expands and melts all around his other organs at how adorable she looks sleeping in his hoodie. He chuckles shaking his head at the way she has the strings of the hoodie squeezed around her head, not sure how she’s able to breath at how tight it seems around her neck.
Doing his own routine he was slipping into the bed, sighing from the warmth and how toasty she has made the bed already.
He bunched her against his chest and kissed her head then spooned her up in his arms, lips fluttering into a smile when she hummed and sniffed basking into his scent.
“Oi sleepy.” He whispers down at her cupping her neck and giggles softly when she whines mushing her cheek against his chest only to grunt sleepily and muffle her yelps into his sweatshirt.
Harry’s brows shoots up into slight bafflement then dips down into a frown when he slipped his calloused palm under her hoodie to cradle her jaw and felt something graze against his thumb that was about to press into her soft skin to bring her for a night kiss.
“Hey...” He perches himself on elbows, switching on the lamps and ignores her groans grasping the blanket she was about to pull over herself, huffing at him to let her sleep but Harry’s more stubborn than her if it involves assuring himself she’s okay and right now she’s not and Harry was already feeling it in his bones.
“Lemme see.” He persists gently, peeling the blankets and the hoodie off her head while she’s still stirring into sleep not able to open her eyes how much she tries because of the exhaustion dumped on her from whole day.
He stares at the wound she did a shit effort to cover with a gauze messily over her jaw and tiny bit area of her neck, a long bandage reaching to her ear and Harry tries to think rationally and not freak out as he touches it with cautious fingertips.
“What ... the –- fuck, Y/N what is...is this?” His mouth falls slack. His ears buzzing for a moment and he wraps his arm around her shoulder to bring her up as he leans them against the bedhead.
He feels bad when she knuckles at her eyes warily and mumbles something that’s barely audible.
“What happened, baby? Talk t’me? How did y'hurt yourself so bad?” Worried and fearful. He bombs her with questions not waiting for her to be fully awake and his heart breaks miserly upon focusing his gaze on her face, her angelic face that’s now soaked with sadness –- she’s been crying.
His loves been crying and he wasn’t there for her.
“Who did this to you?” Y/N's eyes widens abruptly. The alertness in them vivid for Harry to see under the lamp glow and she gasps, nose twitching and lip wobbling as Harry grabbed her chin and ducked to her eyelevel to ask her tenderly with a layer of strictness under his tone, “’M asking, Who did this to you, Y/N?” Her fragile heart could already take so much and she strangled out a sob lowering her head down in embarrassment.
“’M.. I’m —-.. no –..not telli –-..telling you,” She hiccups breathlessly, shaky fingers fisting onto the blanket thrown over Harry’s lap and he holds her hands kissing them gently, “I’ll know it one way or another baby. Don’t force me to get outta my way to find —–“ His soul stabbing glare was enough for Y/N to ramble and at first he thought he didn’t heard her right, that she was mumbling too much but when the reality seeped in gradually Harry almost froze in his spot.
“I know it’s very shameful —..” Y/N stammers barely able to get in a breather and Harry’s head snapped at her words, removing his nails away from making little graves in his palms and his jaw which almost felt like breaking from the hinges from how painfully furious he had it set relaxes as he tries to calm himself down and not to grab his keys and drive to that bitch's house to trash her place.
Because how fucking dare she treat anyone like that in his own fucking company.
“Hey, hey. Now none of that toots. Look at me darling, oh my sweet moppet ... shh.” It slices his heart in pain to see Y/N like this -- so small and disheartened. How dare she hurt his such delicate, sweet, loving girl like that? How!?
“You shouldn’t be ashamed of yourself moppet. She should be, fo’ being such a heartless prick.” He spat, his guts full of bitter and hatred. His skin hot, his grip on her tightening protectively and his chin quivers trying to lock all his anger inside and not to burst out like a pressure cooker.
“I’ll deal with her tomorrow.” He nods curtly to himself, poking his tongue to wet his grimacing lips and Y/N was too woolly to get what’s he’s saying.
His gaze flitters back on her. His demeanour turned incredibly soft and gentle for her smooching a big generous kiss to her salty lips and then to both of her cheeks cared in both of his palms, “Are y'okay? D'you want me to take you to hospital?” She shakes her head mewling and melting and caressing herself into his wrist.
“Why didn’t you call me baby?” He asks her doing anything in his power to mask the hurt in his tone and sighs touching his forehead to her's when Y/N sniffled, “Didn’t wan’ you to worry.” He slid his forearm under her bum and scooched her atop of him, patching tiny careful pecks to her jaw.
“But, that’s love moppet. Worryin’ bout you, takin’ care of ye' and beating anyone raw who even dares to have evil intentions towards you,”
“Remember the time y'snubbed that one guy’s oh so expensive shoes who was very rude to me at one of your graduations party?” His simper turning into a proper ironic grin when she giggled hoarsely nodding along and the tension in his muscles released watching her getting better.
“Proper broke his big toe with your heel darling.” He giggles with her and then Y/N realised how sad and awful Harry’s feeling, how it’s hurting him the same way it hurt her an year ago.
“How about we have a glass of milk .... it’ll help us sleep less grumpy y'know.” He murmurs in the crook of her neck, elbow cocooned safely around her shoulder blade as he kisses the side of her head again and again nose buried in her hair to smell her treacly smell.
In the morning he was tragic to hear Y/N sound so heartbroken and dejected as she told him, “I’m going to resign and accept your offer.” Her smile small and sad, hugging him looping her limbs around his torso lazily.
“’kay baby, but first eat your brekkie.” He kissed her hair and squished her pout when he moved away to make some calls to his assistant.
Y/N had no-idea what he was upto. Glad that he was driving her to the company and that he was immensely supportive of her decision, her insides pooled with warmth and giddiness when he tried to cheer her up with his silly jokes and singing along the radio murmuring rubbish whenever he forgot the lyrics.
She was utterly confused when upon reaching he was giving the keys to valet boy to park his car and interviewing their fingers in a strong grip before leading her inside, even though she should be the one to do so.
She sputters a, “Huh?” when instead of telling her he’d wait for her in the lobby he’s rounding the corner towards the elevators and turns his wrist to push her infront of him to keep her closer to himself all the time.
When the doors are sliding apart the people scurrying outside halts for a moment, not looking Harry in eyes and keeping their heads low.
Phones were already rung in the building that Mr. Styles will be coming un-announced and everyone should be prepared to face the consequences if they stumble upon him – because well he isn’t in such a nice mood to start with.
“Harry.” She pokes him in ribs feebly, stepping away from him feeling timid due to few pair of eyes in elevator watching her awkwardly and maybe judgingly.
The tension in space could be cut through knife, as if everyone’s holding their breaths and she pouts taking a good look at Harry who’s smirking smugly confident in his element.
Do they all think her boyfriend’s way too intimidating and out of reach for them? They should know he’s such a sweetie!
Y/N huffs. Folding her arms over chest when Harry paws at her hips and pulls her back against his chest resting his chin atop of her head with a shit eating grin.
In all seriousness. Showing them that’s she’s his's and belongs under his wings, which will keep her safe and protected till his death.
“How did you know my boss's office’s on tenth floor?” She squints up at him suspiciously.
“Hmm. Dunno, moppet. Magical powers or summat?” He teases her, putting a hand at the small of her back to nudge her forward making her blush pink and ducks down to whisper in her ear, “You got this toots.” Biting her earlobe playfully to stroke down her anxiety upon sensing her hesitancy to step in the hallway that has cubicles lined up.
He already got this. He ordered his assistant to get the resign letter ready and showing her who’s the boss here’s not much of hurdle for him.
It’s weird. Bloody weird. Y/N wants to turn back and run away because the moment they step inside the whole damn hallway falls eerily pin drop silent and everyone’s peeking up from the short walls of their cubicles and then diverting their eyes immediately in embarrassment and apology seeing Harry behind her.
The ones who’re standing bows their heads lightly in respect for him and scurrying away to give him a way and that’s insanely surprising and weird.
Harry on the other hand was no stranger to those bogey looks. Of curiosity, uneasiness and dread when he passes through the crowd of his employs. Y/N is.
Slowly perhaps. It starts to sink in— jumbled and disoriented when she looks back at Harry. He’s keeping his head held high and shoulders tilted back with poise and conceitedness, hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants and because though it makes him look like a proper snob— he is their boss and the owner of this company, he should act like one.
“Mr. Styles.” Y/N’s boss assistant Marina who’s usually very chirpy (and undeserving of all the yelling she gets from her boss) turns pale at Harry’s presence. She’s the only person Y/N's very keen of, now she’s fretting towards them with her head lowered and tries to stammer something but Harry’s walking past her with his lips pursued as he goes inside without knocking.
“Harry...” Y/N tattles behind him, lunging to clutch onto the hem of his suits coat, to scold him to stop babying her and let her handle it herself, too late since she’s already meeting with the sight of her overly stressed and upset boss.
Her knees almost gives in when Harry snaps his fingers for the employees that were inside to give them privacy and takes in the most relaxing breath of oxygen, feeling a gag of bitterness in his mouth from even looking at her.
Y/N gasped. Her boss (which she’s not sure is her boss anymore) gasped. The sweet assistant Marina gasped. When Harry told her in the most composing way– though his blood’s boiling absolutely sheathing through his veins.
“You’re fired.” His demeanour cold and voice monotone not giving a fuck how much she shakes and cries for his forgiveness.
“Mr. Styles. I..I can explain–-" She stammers rushing from the back of her desk and stops obediently when Harry gestures her to not to take another step forward.
“There’s no excuse for abuse. I don’t want your lame explanations, I can’t have an abusive asshole running my company for me ... we might be strict on our employees but we aren’t monsters.” He grits, his eyes flaring piercingly with rage and showing no empathy towards her as she pleads him to forgive her mistake– those bricks of money makes you work baby.
“You hurt someone so dearly to me ‘n think I’ll forgive ye'?” The assistance eye’s blows away at newfound information, Harry Styles love of life’s none other than Y/N. The girl she used to have smoked sandwiches and milkshakes with in their lunch breaks.
“I didn’t know ...” He chuckles ironically at her hypocrisy and that’s the last straw for him before he’s threatening her to call the security and she’s getting out of there cursing him under her breath but Harry grabs her from elbow roughly, conceding his brow at her dauntingly.
"Apologise to her right fuckin' now."
"Sorry, Mrs Styles. I'm very ashamed of what I did." She says nervously and Y/N nods not able to speak from the butterflies that are flapping around her stomach, which sure didn't go unnoticed at Harry's side and he smirks at Y/N.
When they’re left alone. Jovial cackles are bouncing against the walls and he’s pressing his hip to the desk, securing his hands around his triceps as he folds his arms infront of his chest entertaining himself to the cute and fuzzy reactions of his girl at what just happened.
“See. Told ya, nobody could defy my bossiness at work.” He grins at her, jerking his hand towards his chest to usher her closer to him and boops her nose smacking an obnoxiously loud kiss to her mouth when she toddles in his arms.
“The offers still there,” He looks down at her cheekily and she shakes her head, a small smile kicking up her lips at his determination and devotion.
“Couldn’t say no to you, could I? What will you be owning secretly next time?” She nips at him, planting her palms firmly against his midriff feeling the crispiness of his shirt underneath his jacket.
“A bakery shop ....?” He muses in the most pondering voice and she scoffs at him through pattering of giggles, “Suck it up Mr. Styles.”
“Hey! I know my prick’s huge but not tha’ much for me to suck it myself.”
Y/N chokes onto her own spit. Shaking her head at him.
“Your innocent employees knows how vulgar you’re?”
“Uhmm. Infact, She gets very hot hearin’ me like tha'.” He bobs his head grinning at her wickedly and she smacks his shoulder, “Harry!”
“Yeahhh! Tell everyone how good I make you feel babbbyy—....” Y/N clamps her hand around his mouth to muffle his lewd fake moaning.
“You’re so embarrassing.” She grumbles wiping his spit sticking to her palm down her skirt and spins around to head for the door expecting him to follow her.
“You don’t talk to boss like that!” He trails behind her, “Boss my ass!” She quips out a squeal looking around to make sure that nobody saw it when Harry slapped her bum.
“Boss someone’s ‘bout to get a pink ass.”
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kateandthediamonds · 2 years
How the Duchess of Cambridge is preparing to be Queen
On her 40th birthday, the inside account of how a girl from the Shires has coped with the relentless demands of royal life. By Roya Nikkhah, royal editor
Who would marry into the monarchy? Graveyard of broken marriages, hotbed of family friction, the world’s eyes scrutinising your every move.
From Diana to Fergie to Meghan, royal brides’ discontent with the institution is renowned. But more than ten years after marrying in, the Duchess of Cambridge celebrates her 40th birthday today with a high level of the personal and professional happiness that has eluded some royal wives.
That is no mean feat for a young woman who has been so exposed for so long. “The reality is she has been in public life for more than a decade, hugely visible, constantly photographed and has never put a foot wrong,” says a longstanding royal aide. “She has carved out her role on her terms.”
The past two years have been, to say the least, turbulent for Kate and her family. The Sussexes quit royal life for America, firing missiles at the monarchy and some personally at Kate; the Cambridges scrambled to lead the royal family’s response on the ground to the pandemic; the Queen’s health recently prompted a national wobble and Kate has watched her husband mourn the loss of his grandfather, not to mention his close relationship with his brother.
Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, one of the Cambridges’ closest friends and advisers, their former principal private secretary who is godfather to Prince George, assesses Kate’s coping mechanism: “She has that almost old-fashioned, Queen Mother attitude to drama — she just doesn’t do it.”
An image of the duchess arriving at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral in April last year is telling. Taken a few weeks after Harry and Meghan’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, which included accusations of racism in the royal family, Kate appears composed but defiant. During that interview Meghan said that in the lead-up to her wedding in May 2018 Kate “made me cry and it really hurt my feelings”, the opposite version of what had been reported previously about a fracas at a bridesmaid dress fitting. “Some recollections may vary,” said Buckingham Palace on behalf of the Queen. William, 39, was “reeling”, with “his head all over the place”, furious that his brother and sister-in-law had taken aim at his wife and his family, forcing him to state publicly: “We are very much not a racist family.”
Kate reacted differently. Instead of stamping her feet and demanding her right to reply, her focus turned to her husband. “In the days after the interview her priority was William, not how she felt about what Harry and Meghan had done,” says a source close to the Cambridges. “She has focused on personal support for William in what has been a really sad time in his life. She never predicted the degree of falling out between them.”
Of the “who made who cry” incident, a palace source says: “I’ve had hundreds of hours of conversations with her [Kate] and it never came up. I only ever heard from Meghan about that — a very different story from what she said to Oprah.”
A close friend says: “Kate has a way of calming William down and knows how to be really affectionate and gentle. But she is 100 per cent loyal to him and has a shaft of steel running up her back when she needs to deal with stuff that’s unpalatable.” One of William’s closest friends puts it bluntly: “He has had a year from hell and she has been fantastic supporting him.”
William is the first to acknowledge his wife’s diplomacy. “Catherine is a peacemaker,” he told a friend. “She’s much better than me, she wants everyone to be aligned.” When the royal party emerged from St George’s Chapel in Windsor after Prince Philip’s funeral, Kate broke the ice chatting to Harry, leading William to follow suit. In July, when the brothers were briefly reunited again at Kensington Palace to unveil a statue of Diana, Kate did not join them publicly but worked her magic out of sight before the brothers emerged into the glare of the world’s media.
William was still furious,” says a close friend. “He had taken the view that he’d only give so much. He just didn’t want to go there [with Harry].” An aide says: “[Catherine] was amazing behind the scenes when Harry came.” The event went off without a hitch.
’Twas ever thus, says a former courtier, who points to the royal trio’s Heads Together campaign launched in 2016 to raise awareness around mental health: “It was completely her idea. She was very keen for the three of them to do something powerful together equally. She cared a lot about William’s relationship with his brother.”
William and Kate met at the University of St Andrews in 2001, where they were initially in the same halls of residence and reading the same degree, although William switched from art history to geography. Kate briefly dated law student Rupert Finch in her first year. She and William became a couple in 2003, managing to stay under the radar until April 2004 when The Sun broke their cover, publishing photographs of them skiing. Kate’s world changed for ever. Yet she did not. “She was always the same, from when she didn’t know she was going to be William’s wife to after the engagement,” says a close friend of the couple. “She never changed her manner with anybody.”
The eldest child of Michael and Carole Middleton, she was raised in the small, idyllic village of Bucklebury in Berkshire. Her parents’ successful party-planning business enabled them to send her and her two younger siblings, Pippa and James, to Marlborough College, a private school in Wiltshire. There she moved in upper-class circles that made the transition into royal life a relatively smooth one.
Another friend who has known her and William since the early days of their relationship when Kate was still the “unknown girlfriend” recalls how “totally herself” she was from the start. “When I first met her with William, she was completely at ease with him. There was no ‘Ooh, look at me with the prince’. She was charming, clearly bright but not showy, just totally natural.”
That ease came from a solid friendship before romance blossomed. As William said in their engagement interview in 2010: “We ended up being friends for a while and that was a good foundation. Because I do generally believe now that being friends with one another is a massive advantage.”
One of their closest friends says a spark was there from the start. “He found her really attractive and they’re the couple that still really fancy each other, there’s still a strong attraction. She finds him hilarious, they’re very into each other.”
Meghan has often complained bitterly about her treatment at the hands of some in the media, and it is easy to forget that Kate had a rough ride from the start. After their relationship became public she was hounded by the paparazzi, who camped outside her Chelsea home, chasing her down the street. When it emerged she was working as an accessories buyer for the fashion label Jigsaw, photographers followed her as she went to buy her lunch. A friend tells me Kate was even chased late at night by several men in a car, which she found “terrifying”.
William’s team did all they could to help, but until he put Diana’s ring on her finger Kate was on her own without police protection. “It was constant. She coped with it admirably, given how intrusive it was,” says a former royal aide. The onslaught continued for years. After her job at Jigsaw became too difficult with the paparazzi, she went to work for her parents’ party-planning business and was attacked for being a “Waity Katie” who was biding her time until William made an honest woman of her. Reports that some in William’s circle nicknamed her “Doors to Manual”, in a reference to her mother Carole’s former career as a flight attendant, are said to be an “urban myth” by those close to the prince, but the future queen did not have it easy.
“It was never water off a duck’s back, but she has extraordinary strength of character and resilience,” says the aide. “I’ve never once seen or heard of her losing her temper. She went into it with her eyes wide open and her brain engaged. She is a sound, grounded person who knows herself well.”
Kate astonished everyone in royal circles with how she handled their wedding in April 2011, watched by an estimated global audience of two billion. A close friend says: “She must have the ability to switch on a tap and ice runs through the veins, because she was so calm throughout.”
The nerves kicked in soon afterwards, when the newlyweds set off that summer on their first overseas tour to Canada, where they will one day be king and queen. Lowther-Pinkerton says: “She was nervous when she went to Canada. It was her first big foray into that world and we had to get it right in terms of how she could project herself, but not overproject, now that she was married to William. We were determined that Canada should be fun, because at the end of it we didn’t want her thinking, ‘Christ, I’ve got another 70 years of this.’ There was some dead serious stuff too — Quebec was pretty momentous.” A small group of anti-monarchy separatists protested when they visited the city, but the couple were undeterred and met well-wishers on an unscheduled walkabout.
Back in Anglesey, where the Cambridges spent their first years of marriage while William worked as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot, Kate carefully planned her approach to learning how to become a future queen. “She was absolutely daunted by it and it was overwhelming at times,” says one of her closest friends. “Everyone wanted her to be the next Diana — people had this Diana hole they wanted to put her into. There was constant ‘what are her [campaigning] issues going to be?’ William was protective in making sure she had time and space to acclimatise to public life and not feel pressured.”
With charities clamouring for her attention, Rebecca Priestley, a confidante and adviser from 2011 and her private secretary from 2012 to 2017, helped Kate shape her new role. “Catherine knows every decision is for the rest of her life, everything is for the long game,” Priestley says. “She was aware she wasn’t an expert in any one field and she wanted to educate herself first, then shine a spotlight where needed. It was a ‘listen and learn’ approach rather than immediately becoming patron of a charity. We did a lot of under-the-radar visits before the public engagements.”
In late 2011 Sandy Nairne, then director of the National Portrait Gallery (NPG), received a surprise call requesting a visit. Kate, an art history graduate and accomplished photographer, “clearly knew what she was talking about”. It was agreed the NPG was a good fit, but there was a snag. “We had some toing and froing about what she would be called,” Nairne says. “The gallery had never had a royal patron or any patron, the ethos was it was a gallery for the nation, so the feeling was the idea of a “royal patron” didn’t sit right. I hesitantly rang her office and said we’d love to have her but would she mind just being patron, not royal patron? She completely got it.”
In February 2012 Kate made her first solo engagement, visiting the Lucian Freud Portraits exhibition at the gallery. Nairne says her patronage noticeably “connected the Portrait Gallery with much wider and younger audiences”.
Nairne recalls only one controversy, when Kate’s portrait was painted by Paul Emsley, an artist she hand-picked to capture her in 2012, aged 30. “We asked her what she wanted it to look like and she said, ‘Just me.’ She didn’t want any finery or elaborate royal setting.” The resulting photographic-style portrait was striking in its simplicity. Before its unveiling in January 2013 she viewed the painting privately and “it was a bit of a shock”, Nairne says. “It was a bit like anyone seeing a finished portrait for the first time, ‘Woah, that’s me,’ and it was larger than she expected. I was nervous but she was very positive about it.”
On the morning of the official unveiling she was heard saying: “It’s just amazing, I thought it was brilliant.” But the critics were savage. Waldemar Januszczak, art critic of The Sunday Times, said Kate had been “let down”, that her eyes “don’t sparkle” and there was “something rather dour about the face”. Robin Simon, editor of the British Art Journal, said it was “a rotten portrait”. Nairne says the critics got it wrong because “they were looking for an ‘image’ of her. Instead what they found was just her, just as she’d wanted.”
She took a similar approach for a Vogue photoshoot in 2016, marking the fashion magazine’s centenary. Kate eschewed haute couture for a country casuals look of T-shirts, trousers, a cosy brown coat and fedora for the photographs, taken on the Queen’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk, where the Cambridges have their country home, Anmer Hall.
A source close to the duchess explains her decision behind the pictures: “It was meant to be a portrait of her at that time in her life, when she was based in Norfolk, not yet a full-time working member of the royal family and not doing the princess thing, so it didn’t feel natural for her to go for ballgowns and tiaras. Alexandra [Shulman, then Vogue editor] was very understanding, but they did have a few gowns on the day ready to go in case they could convince her. [Kate] looked at them with a smile and said, ‘No, we’re going with plan A.’ ”
Some of the media’s obsession with her style over the substance of her work is a source of frustration, one that cut deep when she was starting her public life. A close friend says: “When she goes to the Bond premiere or is at Trooping the Colour, of course she puts on the ‘uniform’ of the role. But what was enormously frustrating and difficult for her, especially in the early days, was she was going out and doing the work she was interested in and was hugely important to her, and people just talked about what she was wearing.”
When Kate made her first public speech in March 2012, at the Treehouse hospice in Suffolk, she wore a high-street dress that her mother, Carole, had previously worn to Royal Ascot. “There she was meeting with hugely vulnerable children and families, and the dress was the story,” says the friend. “She said she found it ‘a bit demoralising’.”
Her closest aides say the duchess is “allergic to advice on a PR basis” and will “never do something because she thinks the media will like it”. An aide says: “We’re never allowed to formulate advice along the lines of ‘it would look good if you did this’ or ‘a quick photo op with the kids would be easy for this’ — that is the quickest way to lose her. It’s not stubbornness, but unlike other public figures she just won’t do it if it’s not done for the right reasons.”
Another close adviser says: “How she operates is not reactive. She has stuck to the path that she knows is right for her and her family. It’s not about the quick win.”
It was the same when the Sussex show was going well for a time, with Meghan described as “a breath of fresh air” for the monarchy, bringing a modern, diverse feel to the institution. Before things spiralled the Cambridges looked a little too steady to some. But there was “no risk of Kate being blown off course or changing direction”, a close aide says. “Things need to feel relevant, but fundamentally it’s about a long-term set of values and there are benefits to tradition that the duchess has always had real clarity about. She is not flashy, that’s not what people want the institution for, and she has always had a very clear understanding of that.”
That refusal to be bounced into reactions has stood her in good stead through only a handful of crises in her royal career. The first came in September 2012, during a tour of southeast Asia and the South Pacific to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The French version of the magazine Closer published paparazzi photographs of Kate sunbathing topless while she was on holiday with William in France that summer. She was devastated but carried on with the tour as if nothing had happened. William, who finds it harder to hide his emotions and for whom the episode evoked his mother’s suffering at the hands of paparazzi, looked like thunder.
“For any normal person, when those photos are in circulation, you’d be within your rights to go to pieces,” says Priestley, who was with them when the story broke. “But there was no sense of ‘poor me, this is horrendous for me’. She knew it wasn’t going to be helpful to have a meltdown.”
The global frenzy over the story threatened to derail an important diplomatic trip. Lowther-Pinkerton was also with them: “How she reacted brought that whole tour back on course. It would have been blown off course with any histrionics. She was very much ‘the show must go on’.” The Cambridges successfully sued the magazine for the “grotesque” breach of privacy.
In 2013, while the duchess was suffering from severe morning sickness during her pregnancy with Prince George, she came under heavy fire from the author Hilary Mantel, who described her as a “shop-window mannequin, with no personality of her own, entirely defined by what she wore”, whose “only point and purpose” was “to give birth” and who “seems to have been selected for her role of princess because she was irreproachable … without quirks, without oddities, without the risk of the emergence of character”. Kate, said Mantel, appeared “machine-made”.
A close friend explains why the duchess maintained a dignified silence as debate raged around the comments: “She met William so young, there has been constant commenting on her and her family for so long that she has developed the good sense not to pay attention to everything because there’s always going to be someone saying something about her. I’m not pretending that things don’t hurt, but ignoring most of it is the only way for her to be.”
But royal hackles were raised last summer when Tatler magazine published a profile entitled “Catherine the Great”, alleging she felt “exhausted and trapped” by her workload after the Sussexes quit royal duties, describing her as “perilously thin”, her mother as a “terrible snob”, sister Pippa as “too regal” and claiming Kate had a poster of William on her wall when she was younger. Kensington Palace said the story contained a “swathe of inaccuracies and false misrepresentations” and the Cambridges instructed lawyers. Tatler removed the above unsubstantiated claims from the online version. A longstanding aide says: “I can count on one hand the number of times a story has upset her, but anything about her family or her parents is a touchpoint.”
Family is everything to Kate and she remains close to her parents and siblings. “I had a very happy childhood,” she has said. “It was great fun — I’m very lucky, I’ve come from a very strong family — my parents were hugely dedicated to us.” That stable family unit was a big draw for William when they met, and continues to be his compass. William has told a friend: “Catherine has made me realise the importance of family. As you know, family hasn’t always been an easy thing for me.”
The Middletons are the picture of respectability, maintaining a low-key presence in royal life at fun official engagements such as the Royal Variety Performance and the recent televised carol service at Westminster Abbey, hosted by Kate for community heroes of the pandemic, for which she also recorded a Christmas message and surprised viewers with her first public piano performance. Even occasional blips by Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith, who is Carole’s younger brother, have not dented their credentials. Goldsmith, an outspoken, self-made millionaire entrepreneur, was arrested in 2017 after an altercation with his fourth wife, and in 2009 he was caught in a tabloid sting chopping up cocaine at his Ibizan villa, Maison de Bang Bang. But he remained in the fold, attending the Cambridges’ wedding two years later.
William and Kate’s first years of married life, based mostly in Anglesey and Norfolk, were crucial. “It was really clear they needed to establish a solid family life, because there was always a sense that it wouldn’t last for ever,” says a friend. “That time was hugely important, because their working life has become more pressured the further away from that time they’ve got.”
Kate has always presented the unflappable demeanour of a mother who seamlessly balances the demands of a very public role with the challenges of raising George, eight, Charlotte, six, and Louis, three. But in February 2020 she let the mask slip a little, in a frank admission of wrestling with “mum guilt” and how parenthood had “pulled” her to the “toughest and most unknown places”. On the Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast she admitted struggling with “the juggle” of being “such a hands-on mum”, being riddled with “doubts and questions about the guilty element of being away for work” and always “questioning your own decisions and judgments”. It took her time to shed the guilt of having a nanny and housekeeper to share the load: “It was a real weight off my shoulders [to realise] that actually it’s not totally my responsibility to do everything because, you know, we all have good days and bad days.
It was rare to hear Kate nattering away unscripted, and an unusually candid insight into what matters to her: “Is it that I’m sitting down trying to do their maths and spelling homework over the weekend? Or is it the fact we’ve gone out and lit a bonfire and sat around trying to cook sausages that hasn’t worked because it’s too wet?” Kate revealed she adopted hypnobirthing techniques and had “really quite liked labour”, but found the prospect of emerging on to the steps of the Lindo Wing for a photo call hours after giving birth a “slightly terrifying” but necessary part of the job. “We’re hugely grateful for the support the public had shown us, and for us to be able to share that joy and appreciation with the public I felt was really important,” she said.
A close friend gives the unvarnished take on how Kate really feels about sharing the most personal moments of her life with the nation. “She accepts and understands that in their position this stuff needs to happen. But it’s not easy for her, particularly with the babies. Standing there after just having a baby, feeling exhausted, those moments take a huge amount out of her. It’s hard work because she’s a normal woman with all the vulnerabilities and realities all women have. It is part of their life, she doesn’t resent it but it takes a lot of effort.”
Many in royal circles describe Kate as “a perfectionist”, but what is she really like behind closed doors? “She is shy,” says a friend. “Very private, quite steady, she is not going to be the one who lets loose, and won’t pull the pin and get lashed,” although she sometimes enjoys a gin and tonic at the end of the day. The couple are expected to host a joint party this summer at Anmer Hall when William also enters his forties. Friends say Kate loves dressing up for cocktails and dinner, and enjoys after-dinner games.
A close friend says: “She’s brilliant at dressing up and acting silly for the children, going into different characters.” Fancy dress is a Middleton tradition, with her father, Michael, wearing joke costumes each year at Christmas. “She adores her children, playing football and rounders and feeding the chickens and gardening with them,” says the friend. “If she wasn’t who she was, she’d be a gardener or a photographer.”
“She has a great sense of humour,” Priestley says. “On a trip back from an engagement, she will giggle if something went wrong and sees the funny side of things and will often take the mick out of herself and William. People mainly see her professional side, but it doesn’t mean the fun’s not there.”
In his close circle William is frank about what is on his mind, including family woes. But Kate doesn’t go there. A friend says she is “150 per cent more reserved than William”, and the most they’ve ever seen of her views on Meghan was when she jokingly rolled her eyes at the mention of Suits, the legal drama Meghan starred in before she met Harry.
And what of the great “Kate” debate? An old friend scoffs at reports that she requested a regal rebrand from Kate to Catherine upon her engagement: “I call her Catherine, her family and her old Marlborough crew call her Catherine. At uni she became more of a Kate, among friends of William’s she’s Kate.” William calls her by both names.
The duchess’s legacy project is the early-years work that she has been developing for a decade, culminating in the launch last year of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, which convenes academics, charities and other bodies to “collaborate on new solutions” for early intervention. Royal aides say she believes the issues are “the social equivalent to climate change”. Announcing the centre, Kate said: “My own journey into understanding the importance of early childhood actually started with adults … I wanted to understand what more we could do to help prevent some of today’s toughest social challenges, and what more we could do to help with the rising rates of poor mental health. My hope is that we can change the way we think about early childhood and transform lives for generations to come.”
The idea was not manufactured by courtiers, says Jason Knauf, chief executive of the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge until last month, and former communications secretary to the Cambridges and the Sussexes: “She came up with the full structured plan of how the centre would work. The duchess understands that she is going to have a public role in her own right. She is charting her own course on that and trying to make a long-term relevant contribution.”
Professor Peter Fonagy, chief executive of children’s mental health charity the Anna Freud Centre, of which Kate is patron, says: “She has a clinical understanding of the issues, and the skills with parents and children in very challenging situations, that are better than some people who have been working in the area for a long time. She’s an implementer — if we’re going to make an impact in this area, it will be in large part because of her.”
In private, William speaks with pride about his wife’s work, and that is another part of their double-act success. Unlike his parents’ marriage, where Diana’s popularity eclipsed Charles, much to his frustration, William is happy that the future Princess of Wales has found her groove and popularity with the public. There is only occasionally a twinge of frustration when they do joint engagements and he is cropped out of the photographs.
A royal source close to the Cambridges says: “She has been a hugely important factor in him coming to terms with his destiny, how comfortable he has become with his role in the royal family as future monarch and the demands of that.”
In 2019 the Queen promoted Kate to Dame Grand Cross, the highest female rank in the Royal Victorian Order, awarded personally by the monarch for services to the sovereign — a sign of her gratitude to the woman on whose shoulders so much expectation rests. A royal source who has known Kate from the start believes she has quietly observed Her Majesty’s game plan and successfully adopted many of her tactics: “She will be queen for a long time, and knowing her, she will have thought, ‘Who is my role model here, who has done this really well? Who do I learn from to lay down and build the foundations for the long game, to stay solid, strong, calm and confident, without giving up too much of myself?’ I think she has taken a lot from the Queen.”
Since the Duke of York stepped back from royal life in 2019 over his links with Jeffrey Epstein, and the Sussexes left in 2020, the load on the Cambridges’ shoulders has become heavier, and according to a close friend “they do feel more exposed”. Another Cambridge confidante says: “The UK looks to them for the future of the monarchy. It’s a tough role.” But the future Queen Catherine has proven she is up to the challenge, says Lowther-Pinkerton: “She paced herself, she took her fences slowly but faultlessly.” Knauf believes “she will be a huge asset to the institution and the country”. An impeccably placed, longstanding royal insider who has watched Kate’s evolution says of the future king and queen: “William will be respected. Catherine will be loved.”
🖊: Roya Nikkah
📸: Paolo Roversi
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candychronicles · 3 years
heavens // t. keigo/hawks
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A/N: my take on the roommates theme for the bnharem collab! honestly didn’t know where i was going with this one and it seems a bit random/rushed so i apologize in advance but hope you enjoy nonetheless! 
CHARACTER PAIRING: Takami Keigo/Hawks x F!Reader
WARNINGS: oral (f!receiving), some language 
SYNOPSIS: despite his growing popularity, you two remained steady roommates, which confused you to no end. what was his true motive in keeping you around? 
And they were roommates! Click here to read more!
Hawks was an interesting character to say the least. when you first moved in, you weren’t all too sure what to expect. he was, at the time, a fairly popular hero, but nowhere near the status he held today. he was charming, suave, friendly and it seemed genuine at the time. things went downhill quick though as his popularity rose and along with it, his annoying, god-like tendencies. 
what you didn’t understand was why he kept you around after all this time. you didn’t necessarily need to live with him still, but as he got more popular and therefore gained more money, the areas he lived in grew nicer and nicer until you were on a gorgeous top floor penthouse with a stunning view, all for the price of your original, dingy apartment. what you could afford on your own would be nowhere near the luxury that he was offering. that’s why you stayed, but you weren’t sure why he offered to let you continue to stay with him after all this time.
sure, you were friends, got along for the most part and when you didn’t, stayed out of each other’s hair, but he didn’t owe you anything and you certainly didn’t want to feel like you were in his debt. yet something attracted the two of you together continuously despite it all. 
what you didn’t know was that Hawks very much enjoyed having you around. you’d deny it until you were blue in the face but he heard one too many times you touching yourself in your bedroom, muffled moans matching those of the girl or guy he was fucking that night. he often did his best to give you a show, cursing, spitting, hitting, anything he could do to rile you up, get you to hear the lewd sounds coming from the apartment. you acted like you didn’t know what he was talking about, scoffed when he invited you to join him or give you his own private show and acted like you didn’t know he was doing that all on purpose just to tease you. 
truth be told, you pushed all those thoughts aside when it came to him. he was attractive, very much so, and also very unattainable, in your eyes anyways. his god-like complex was annoying at times but also very warranted. he was popular with everyone he met-children, women, men, the elderly, hell, you don’t think he ever met a dog that didn’t like him. he was strong, powerful, commanding of the quirk he weld so well. his personality was nothing short of smooth, like honey over ice cream melting on your tongue. you felt so incredibly drawn to him that your brain absolutely shut out any idea of it, giving yourself no hope that he would ever reciprocate the pure feelings of desire you felt towards him. after awhile, your convincing became reality and you began to question everything, desperate to detach yourself from his enigmatic ways. 
hey sweetheart, will be gone for most of the day. left some money for groceries and a little extra for whatever you want. don’t miss me too much
you scoffed at the note pasted to your refrigerator, neon pink glaring at you in the morning sun trickling from the balcony window. he had been gone a lot lately, sometimes bringing home people at night, mostly crashing straight on the couch before he had even gotten a chance to change clothes. you acted like you didn’t miss him, miss his presence, the lingering touches that you swore were just him being an ass and making fun of you, but in reality, you missed the hell out of him. the domesticity that he showed when it was just you two vulnerable late at night, tired from a hard day of work, it made you realize that he wasn’t a god all the time after all.
that thought didn’t change your mind about his attainability, however. in fact, it only seemed to spur your ideals on more, convincing yourself that a man who could be so vulnerable and yet so strong was one who deserved more than what you could give. it would never be you and you were content with that fact, or so you thought.
your day was long and grueling, working patrols and small missions as a pro hero. you were likeable enough but when it came down to it, you didn’t care to be popular, didn’t care to make a ton of money or be interviewed by dozens of people a month. you just wanted to do your job and keep people safe and at the end of the day, that was what you accomplished. 
it was nearly midnight when you returned home, the elevator dinging closed behind you as you walked into the penthouse. the lights were still off, everything in place from this morning, which meant that Hawks had not arrived home yet despite him being gone for nearly the whole day. anger bubbled up underneath your skin. you knew he didn’t owe you anything, you knew you were nothing more than roommates, but sometimes feeling so isolated and alone in this big space with no one to talk to or do anything with left you antsy and annoyed. in simple frustration and retaliation, you locked the balcony window, forcing him to come up the elevator like a dignified man, bringing his nightly fuck in through the lobby instead of sneaking them inside like he often did.
it was nearly six am before you were woken up to a loud thud, the door smacking against the wall. you sighed, allowing yourself to calm down before you tried to go back to bed, but before you got a chance, a knock sounded at your door.
“what?” you asked irately, not in the mood to entertain him and his antics.
“why’d you lock the balcony window?” he asked simply, arms crossed. 
as you sat up to answer, you noticed his calm demeanor not so calm anymore. his chest was flaring up and down, body wobbly, and he reeked of alcohol.
“so much for a calm night,” you muttered. “i locked the door because i didn’t want to hear you fucking any of your whores while i was trying to sleep.”
“oh baby, you know you like it, like the sounds i make, the words i say. all you have to do is admit it and i can be all yours.”
“you wish bird brain,” you spat back at him, done with the conversation as you shimmied yourself back into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin and promptly shutting your eyes, ignoring the feeling of his stare burning into your brain.
“i do wish. i wish it were you i was fucking. i’ve wished that since the day i met you, all excited and doe eyed, ready to take on the world and all of its challenges. you never let my fame get in the way, never treat me any differently. you’ve been by my side throughout it all and yet you won’t let me get too close to you. why is that? afraid i’ll break your heart little one?”
you sat back up again quickly only to realize that he had moved to the foot of your bed. he sat down, taking off his boots and shucking them on the floor only to crawl practically into your lap, snuggling into your thigh.
“i won’t break your heart. i’ll only hurt you if you want me to, which i know you do, at least a little bit. but i’d n-never hurt your heart. you’re too precious for that princess, so sweet to me, so so angelic. and yet i can hear your moans through the walls, practically feel you arching off your bed as you chased your high, desperate for a release, wishing it were me who was touching you instead of your own fingers. i can do that you know. all you need to do is say the magic word and i’m yours. no more fucking other people, just me and you. i’ll spoil you rotten, anything you could possibly want and it’s all yours. you’d never have to worry about a thing again, yeah? what do you say?”
your heart hitched into your throat at his babbling confession. surely he wasn’t serious, right? it must’ve been the alcohol talking. you knew that if you said yes he was just going to tease you and tell you that he was joking and never wanted to see you ever again. you were just sure of it… but, in the off case that he was being serious… you couldn’t mess this up.
“yeah, okay,” you replied, voice hitching in your throat as you agreed with him.
you waited a few seconds for the harsh sting of a reply but nothing came. you cast your eyes down to see Hawks passed out, clinging to you as if his life depended on it. sighing, you flopped back down onto the bed, heels of your palms pressed into your eye sockets, brain full of thoughts as you tried to sift through your feelings. eventually you just gave up and passed out against the cool sheets of your bed, too tired to deal with the emotional turmoil you were putting yourself through.
when you woke up the next morning, Hawks was no longer against your thigh but rather plastered to your side. you weren’t sure how you ended up being spooned by the lanky man but it wasn’t necessarily the first time you had cuddled. your brain began working against you almost immediately, convincing yourself that the previous night's events were nothing more than a drunken spur from your roommate and that he did not, in fact, want to be with you.
with those thoughts in mind, you began to wiggle your way out of his grasp, nearly making it out of bed before you felt a hand shoot out and grab you by the wrist. 
“where are you going beautiful? sleep with a man and then ditch him before he even gets a chance to wake up? how heartless of you.”
“oh shut up, you know damn well that we did not sleep together. in fact, you came in here at six in the morning just to simply annoy the hell out of me. now that’s what i call heartless.”
“we didn’t sleep together but we could’ve,” he teased, fingers rubbing gently up and down your arm as he attempted to coax you back into bed, but your mind worked on overdrive, simply not believing that he was interested in you at all. 
“why do you always like to make fun of me, huh? does it give you some sick satisfaction to dangle hope like that in front of my face only to snatch it away from me if i ever say yes?” you spat, getting sick and tired of his games.
“princess, i’m not lying to you, nor am i making fun of you. i would never offer something like this if i wasn’t serious. i want to take care of you in any way i can-emotionally, sexually, financially, anything you need, i want to give it to you. i was trying to drop you hints, give you the space to come to your own conclusions but it seems that i miscalculated how that pretty little brain of yours works. instead of believing that i was seriously flirting with you, it seems as if you thought that i was making fun of you instead. how funny that the mind works like that sometimes. i must admit i was a fool for not seeing it sooner, but now it makes so much sense.”
“what are you rambling on about?” you asked, furrowing your brow in confusion as you tried to make sense of the fact that he was not only dead serious about wanting to be with you but also psychoanalyzing your thoughts at the same time.
“how you would always get mad when i brought people home but never said anything to me, how you always scoffed at my sweet words, would never take money from me despite me leaving it very clearly for you, never getting too close to me despite living together for years. i’m honestly dumbfounded that i didn’t realize sooner. you’ve been in love with me for a long time too, huh? except, unlike me, you truly never thought you had a chance.”
“u-uh, yeah, i-i just, Keigo, what are you really trying to say to me?”
“sweetheart, be mine, wholly and fully in every way possible. let me take care of you like i’ve always wanted, always tried to do. this isn’t some joke or elaborate ruse, i’m not lying to you or trying to hurt you in any way. i really, truly want to be with you.”
you exhaled heavily, not realizing you had been holding your breath the whole time, searching his eyes for any sign of a lie, not finding anything except sincerity and hope.
“okay,” you relented, nodding your head. “yeah, if you say you’re not lying to me, i’ll trust you. i just, i don’t know. i never realized that you actually liked me back. i never would’ve guessed it in a million years. never would’ve thought i would hear any words like that come out of your mouth let alone so sincerely.”
you looked down, twiddling your thumbs as you contemplated the situation once more, but before you could let your brain get the best of you, Hawks placed his slender fingers underneath your chin, lifting your face up so that you could peer at him. he leaned forward slowly, foreheads pressed together.
“is it okay if i kiss you?”
you nodded your head, squeaking out a quiet “yes” before surging forward to place your lips on his, desperate to feel him, desperate to quiet the negative voices in your head and surround yourself with him instead.
he matched your pace eagerly, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck to pull you forward even more, his own desperation leaking through the kiss. he was so enamored with you, the way you smelt, your mussy hair, the sparkle in your eyes, the feeling of your soft lips against his own. it was almost too much to handle. he hadn’t been with anyone in awhile, preferring to wait it out and confront you when he had the courage to do so, and he felt himself getting more and more antsy as time went on. he wanted to respect you, treat you with the dignity and honor that you deserved, but in that moment, all he wanted to do was ruin you and mark you as his own.
“baby, you need to tell me if i go to far, yeah? i just want to make you feel good, never uncomfortable. let me take care of you like you deserve,” he panted, adjusting himself closer to you.
“i trust you Keigo. i’m yours.”
he groaned at the sound of you, of how pathetic and weak you were towards him, how you trusted to be vulnerable around him, trusted that he would take care of you. he had never wanted to ruin anything so badly in his life and he was going to do his best to make sure you knew you were his.
the kisses turned more sensual, tongues dipping in and around each other, exploring one another for what felt like the first time ever. for you, it had been awhile, telling yourself that you were too busy to be sexual with someone else when in actuality you had been craving a certain blonde all along. for him, this was something entirely new and special. he never got the chance to be truly intimate with anyone, let his guard down, want to please his partner more than himself, but you were different, special in the fact that you loved him for him and no other reason than that. 
“please Keigo, i need more,” you whined, fisting at his shirt as you tried to pull him impossibly closer to your body. 
“anything for you princess.” 
his shirt came off first, a delicate process he mastered years ago. he reached for your own shirt, fingers playing at the hem as he once again asked permission. you replied by pulling it off yourself, exposing your breasts to him. he immediately latched onto your left nipple, hand coming up to pinch the right, gently coaxing you to lay back down on the bed as he followed, hands and mouth never leaving your body. he laved you with his tongue, leaving a trail of cool moisture in its wake, sucking and biting at every soft spot he could think of, wanting so hard to hear you moan. 
“that’s it baby, don’t be shy. i want to hear you moan, say my name.”
you responded with a groan as his hand came to rest on your clothed cunt, feeling the wetness through your shorts. he smirked at the realization that you did truly want him as bad as he wanted you and the thought had his cock straining in his pants. it wasn’t long before he had freed himself from his confines, watching the way your eyes drank up the sight of him through the filtered light. 
gently, you reached out your hand to paw at his cock, marveling in the way it twitched at the slightest touch. you were enamored by him, all of him. before you kneeled a greek god willing to worship you, a mere mortal. you didn’t know what you did to deserve this but you figured you’d spend the rest of your life thanking the heavens.
“don’t worry about me right now, yeah? let’s just focus on making you feel good,” he cooed, reaching down to gently tug at your shorts.
you lifted your hips up without question, allowing him to pull the fabric down your body, your underwear coming along with it. he greedily watched as your slick stringed against the fabric before snapping. he was amazed that he could make someone so wet just by kissing them and was more than curious to see how soaked he could get you by the end of the morning.
he slowly dropped himself down to the edge of the bed, positioning himself between your thighs. kisses were placed to the soft flesh on your legs, pinching and nipping along the way, relishing in the squeals and moans you let out of your mouth. experimentally, he licked up your slit, watching how your breath hitched and your hands grasped the sheets below you, desperate to hold onto something. he licked again, this time using one of his hands to hold you down and the other to come and open you up. you responded immediately, back attempting to arch off the bed at the already intense situation.
he started up a steady pace, watching each little movement, breath, moan, grasp of the blanket to analyze what you liked best. he was enraptured with you, everything about you. you were so strong, fighting crime like it was nothing, doing anything you could to keep citizens safe and yet here you were, putty in his hands, baring your heart for him, trusting that he would take care of you.
the pressure inside of you slowly built up. it was like an intense heat you had never felt before, white hot and pulsing inside your abdomen. you clutched the sheets, your thighs, his hair, anything you could to purchase yourself to this earth as he brought you closer and closer to the promised land. finally, with one final lick, you came, crying out his name in a symphony of praises, singing to the high heavens.
he watched as you came done around his tongue, how your breath labored, eyes screwed shut, face flush and face twisted in pure pleasure. it was a magnificent sight to see, you so relaxed and carefree, enjoying every feeling that flooded over you.
when you had finally come down and your breathing began to even out, you opened your eyes to find Keigo still nestled between your thighs, head resting gently on you.
“how are you feeling love?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your hip.
“like i just left this world and came back,” you answered truthfully, laughing at his proud expression.
“are you okay? is there anything i can get for you?”
“no, Keigo, i think i’m okay,” you answered truthfully.
for the first time in a long time, you felt at ease. your body was relaxed, your mind foggy from the pleasure and you had the man you loved staring up at you like you were the only thing in this world that mattered.
“good, i’m glad you’re okay because we’re not done here. lay back down baby bird, let me make you feel good.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
The Nanny ~ Bang Chan [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy,fluff and fluff, Non Idol AU, Single dad Au,
PAIRING: Bang Chan x Nanny!Female!Reader
A/N: I hope that this is okay for you sweetie!!!
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"How do you know this guy still wants a nanny?" You questioned your best friend Felix as he pulled up outside a large home, he cut the engine off and shook his head at you. The whole drive over you'd been silent which he knew was a sign of you overthinking, he'd known you long enough to know all of the signs of it. He'd been your roommate for four years he knew you better than you knew yourself at this point.
"Because he's done nothing but complain to us at work about needing a nanny all week, what's the big deal? You're qualified for the job." It was true that you were extremely qualified to nanny for someone but you'd never been a live-in Nanny before which was the part that was scaring you the most. Felix had come to you one night claiming he had the perfect job for you, someone at his job was complaining about not having a Nanny for his 5-year-old daughter and needed one. The thought of living with people you barely knew terrified you but Felix assured you that the man you would be working for was great. He'd known him for the last three years at their job and the man was perfect, not to mention his daughter was one of the cutest little girls Felix had ever met in his life. A little 5-year-old bundle of joy.
"What if he's a creep at home? What if he hits on me? What if he's secretly a serial killer?!" You questioned as you got out of the car and Felix began heading up to the front door of the house he knew too well. Chan and Felix had been close since he started working there which was why Felix knew you and Chan would get along brilliantly together and have a good workflow.
Felix rolled his eyes as he listened to you come up with poor excuses not to get on with the interview and go back home, there was no way he was going to let you get out of this one since he knew how desperate you were for a new nanny gig. Looking after kids were something you'd dreamt of doing your whole life and for the last six years, you'd been looking after a 12-year-old boy until he turned 18 and the family no longer had a need for you. Not to mention Chan had lost his wife three years ago and hadn't dated or seemed interested in anyone since.
"It'll be good for you to get hit on, I don't remember the last time you even went on a date," Felix pulled a playful disgusted face and you rolled your eyes at him ignoring his attempts to make you feel better about all of this but it wasn't working. You were seriously nervous about meeting someone you didn't know anything about except for his name, Chan, that was all Felix told you about him. That and he was one of the producers that helped Felix write and produce songs at their entertainment company so the guy was constantly busy.
"This is serious Lix," You tried to tell him but he was already laughing softly.
"Trust me, Chan is not creepy and you'll love his daughter." Before you could even argue on it even more Felix rang the doorbell so you would shut up and then you were left alone with your thoughts. All of them creeping in about how you didn't know someone you were going to live with, you barely knew what his daughter was like and you knew you would be spending 90% of your time with them from now on if you got the job. Then the good thoughts crawled in, the pay was exceptionally great since you would be living inside their house, it was someone Felix knew which meant it would be easier and more relaxed to get to know the family.
"Hi!" You heard a male voice call out who you assumed was Chan call out through the closed door followed by some loud playful yelling and squealing out.
"Lix!? Open the door, Areum is currently running around covered in paint and I can't get her," Felix chuckled to himself as he pushed the large white front door open revealing the rest of the house to you. The door opened up into a small porch, directly in front of you were some carpeted stairs and to your right was an archway leading to the living room. The place seemed huge from where you were standing, nothing like you would have pictured it either. The floors were all laminated with brown wood, the walls were white, black leather sofas and a faux fur rug were on the floor.
"Hey you, come here!" A breathy chuckle came through the air and you saw a little girl screaming as she dripped paint onto the floor. She was darting towards the archway laughing wildly at her father, she had dark brown hair and the once black outfit she was wearing seemed to be mostly covered in white kiddy paint. The sight alone was enough to make you giggle a little as she rushed past you and Felix and around the sofa to avoid her father.
"Areum! We have guests!" Chan laughed as he almost caught up to her, you watched as a taller blonde male came into sight. He was wearing a black dress shirt with black jeans, probably not the best thing to be wearing whilst chasing a child with paint.
"Can you guys grab her? She's a slippery little girl today," You slid off your shoes and pushed your bag behind you on the floor as you began looking at Felix who went around one side of the sofa. It was a silent plan between the two of you on how to trap Areum and get her to give up the paint.
"I'm going to get your Areum!" Felix called out whilst wiggling his fingers as if he was going to tickle her making her jump up and squeal before running in the opposite direction towards you. You smiled as you saw her running in your direction, a smile filling her cheeks as she looked up at you. For a second you thought she would run over and hide behind your legs since you seemed to be the only other female presence in the room but she didn't.
"Hey!" You called out as she almost reached you but turned around at the last second to avoid you, you managed to grab her carefully and lift her into the air giggling as she laughed at you.
"Spin me!" She cried out as you laughed softly turning her around in small circles on the spot she started laughing again before whining that she was dizzy. You carefully set her down on the ground and took the paint from her hands as she wobbled over to stand by Felix greeting him with a hug.
"Lix can you take Areum for a bath?" Chan laughed as he came over to you to introduce himself properly to you, he held out his hand to shake yours when he noticed the paint on the both of you and stopped himself. He sighed nodding over to the kitchen door as he walked with you,
"Come to the kitchen, we can clean up and I'll do the interview there." He chuckled as he took you into the kitchen. It was larger than your kitchen back in your shared home with Felix, there were white marbled counters lining the room with a kitchen island in the middle of the room.
"I'm Y/n by the way," You told him as you reached the kitchen sink washing your hands under the hot water before dumping the empty tube of white paint into a nearby bin. He thanked you as he dried his own hands on a towel, giving it to you once he was done with it.
"Is Areum always like that?" You laughed out as you dried your hands on a towel listening to Felix who was currently singing loudly to Areum. Chan shook his head at you as he took you over to a small dining room just off from the kitchen. It had a round table inside with paperwork and folders all over it, you assumed it was paperwork for the job interview he was about to do with you.
"Not all of the time, she's just had a little too much sugar this morning and went wild. Saturday mornings are Weetabix days and...She got her hands on the sugar," He groaned out at himself as he thought back on the memory.
"I'd only turned away for two seconds," He laughed as he shook his head pulling out a chair across from him so you could sit down with him. As soon as you were settled he smiled up at you, there was something about him that seemed familiar. His dyed-blonde hair was throwing you off a little but you felt as though you knew him from somewhere,
"I should introduce myself properly right? That's how people do job interviews?" You relaxed as soon as you realised Chan was new at all of this as well and seemed a little more nervous about it than you did.
"I'm Christopher Bang, I go by Chan to everyone though as I just prefer it." He smiled at you flashing a dimple and that was when it hit you where you knew him from. The dimple and his full name hitting you as though someone had just flicked a switch inside of your head.
"C-Christopher Bang from Kinsella High School?" His eyes wandered up to your face as he nodded slowly wondering how you knew which school he had attended and you smiled as you realised it was him.
"Y/n! We went to the same school, I was in a couple of your classes!" You laughed softly as you finally placed where you knew him from. He and the main Cheerleader, Seo Nayeon were high school sweethearts back in school which made your heart sink as you remembered what Felix had told you. Chan had been a struggling single father since his wife died three years ago leaving him alone with Areum. The thought of Nayeon not being around anymore hurt, you'd been quite close in school but when you both went to different universities you drifted apart.
"Its good to see you again! I remember you from my English literature class and I think you were on the team with Nayeon right?" You nodded your head from side to side at him that was only partly true,
"Not officially on the team, I would just do all the girls hair and makeup for them." You laughed remember the good memories from your high school years. Not many people could claim they had a nice time in school but for what it was worth yours was pretty good.
"It's nice to see you again," He meant it this time, now he felt as though he didn't have to have too much of a rough time getting to know you. He didn't want the whole process to be slow and boring so it made it easier to know you had something in common together. You both smiled at one another before he continued on with the interviewing process.
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"I mean the last decision is down to Areum but I think you should have the job," Chan laughed as you walked through to the living room together. The interview was just the two of you catching up on what you had been doing since leaving high school, it didn't felt as though two hours had passed at all. Sitting on the sofa was the same girl who less than two hours ago was screaming the entire place down but now she was curled up on Felix's lap with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. She was like a completely different person from before, she was in a complete state of relaxation now.
"I decide on what daddy?" She questioned as she sat up to look over at you both watching you closely as though she was trying to eye you up.
"Would you like Y/n here to be your nanny?" Chan watched as Areum slid herself off the sofa and walked to stand in front of you both, looking you up and down as she did so.
"That depends on the next questions I have for you," You bent down so you could be eye to eye with her and she smiled, happy you were treating her as though her opinion mattered.
"Do you like Disney princesses?" You nodded your head at her as thinking back on all those nights you forced Felix into watching the movies with you, as well as dragging him to the cinema whenever there was a new release.
"I do, I have a Disney DVD collection that I make Felix watch with me." You told her proudly, she took your hand in her smaller one and walked you towards the front door and up the stairs to her bedroom without saying a word to you.
Opening the door she smiled as she proudly gave you the tour of her room. The whole room had pink walls, and there was a white loft bed with a pink curtain along the bottom,
"My secret palace," She whispered to you taking you into the room and pulling the curtain back, you could have died happily once you saw how many stuffed animals she had. All of them Disney related somehow it must have taken years to collect everything that she had under there.
"Whoa." You laughed as you glanced over everything that was there. Areum smiled proudly as she realised you were impressed and pulled you down to sit on a beanbag beside her.
"I also have this." She pointed up to top slabs of her bed, a small projector was hanging on them it looked as though Chan must have installed it for her and she switched it on. It began running a film on the white wall at the bottom of her bed,
"You could bring your DVD's with you when you move in," You smiled as she basically confirmed you having the job and then she went back to quizzing you on everything and anything that she could think of that would make you a good enough nanny for her.
Felix and Chan smirked at one another from outside the bedroom when they heard the two of you talking together.
"I told you she would be good for the job," Felix whispered to Chan who had been unsure about everything when Felix first came to him with your CV. He'd been worried about hiring a nanny for Areum but since Areum was getting older it was getting harder to hire a babysitter all of the time he needed one. After Nayeon died he thought he could do it alone but the older Areum got the more he began to realise it would be hard to raise a daughter when he worked 5 days a week with long shifts.
"She's single you know," Felix nudged Chan in the side playfully and Chan pretended not to hear what the younger male was saying while they walked down the stairs to the living room.
"She's a good roommate, she'll end up cleaning up everything even if she didn't make the mess...Chan, she's the best you won't regret hiring her," He told him as they sat down on the sofas together, Chan looked at Felix as he thought over everything again.
"I just don't want Areum to get the wrong idea-" Felix sighed as he shook his head knowing that Chan meant he didn't want Areum to think he was replacing her mother.
"She won't, Areum is a bright girl Chan. You know that and I know that. It'll be like she has a live-in best friend." Felix tried to reassure him as they spoke to one another but Chan was still a little unsure in his mind as they spoke about it more.
They stopped speaking when you and Areum came down the staircase together, Areum looked at her dad as she walked into the room trying to keep a straight face on as she looked at him.
"She's hired." You giggled as she rushed over to the sofa and jumped onto Felix staring up at her father again,
"On one condition," She stumbled over the word a little but looked at her dad with confidence,
"And what's the condition?" He raised his eyebrows looking between you and then Areum for answers,
"She gets to bring her DVD's and we force both you and Lix into Disney nights." Chan nodded since he'd already seen 90% of the Disney movies that were out there as well as already know the Frozen movies word for word. As well as how to play most of them on the piano since his daughter had insisted on him learning it for her,
"That's fine with me, Lix?" Felix stared at Areum who had her forehead pressed against his as a way of intimidating him into agreeing with her, not that she would need to do that. Felix would give her the world if she wanted it all she would have to do is ask nicely.
"It's practically perfect in every way." He said as he quoted the original Mary Poppins moving causing Areum to yell out in glee and rush over to you giving you a hug.
"You can start moving in today and you'll start Monday, is that okay?" Chan questioned as he looked at you and Areum together, already it was like Areum had a best friend and she was enjoying herself and Chan could tell she liked you.
"Sure, I'll have Lix help me bring my bags over." You smiled at him as you looked at Felix who knew he didn't have a choice in the matter, he was helping whether he liked it or not.
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The plan was to just take a couple of bags of clothes every couple of weeks instead of fully moving into the house, you didn't want to be in the way or make it seem like you were taking over but after three months of working with Areum and Chan, you'd moved in. The bedroom you had to yourself was on the top floor of the house on its own and had a small en-suite bathroom. It was nice having your own space to live in and after a while, it didn't even feel as though you were working for him, it just felt like you were living with a friend. Chan insisted on never letting you buy take out food unless you were buying it on your own at the weekends when they weren't eating with you, all of you shared the same food that was in the house it was basically like living with Felix only with a smaller best friend with him.
The first month of living in the house had been awkward, it took you a little time getting into the swing of their routines but once you got into it everything was great. Chan would go out for a jog every morning at 4 am, sometimes earlier if he didn't sleep that night you found out after the first week of being there his sleeping schedule was a little whacked out. You'd gone done one morning at 2 am to see him sitting in the living room watching an action movie so you joined him. Areum was at school three days out of the week so you would have to get her up and ready for 8 am while Chan went to work but over time you got to know them both a lot. Chan had changed a lot since high school and you ended up getting to know him on a deeper level finding out more about him than you did back then.
Tying your hair into a ponytail you headed down to the bottom floor to go out for a morning run, since moving in with them you'd started getting more active on the weekends. Chan didn't need you around since he didn't work them and you needed something to fill your time with while you had nothing to do. Running and swimming had been your main source of something to do other than hanging around Felix every weekend or trying to organise something with your friends who always seemed too busy.
"Morning," Chan chuckled as he walked into the porch to see you staring out of the small glass panelled windows. The rain was hammering down against the glass which was why he'd already made you a hot chocolate when he heard you moving around, he knew you wouldn't want to run out in that and made a drink for you. That and it was going to be his way of bribing you into helping him out today with Areum.
"Looks like it's going to rain all day, you're probably better off not running in that." He handed you a mug of hot chocolate and you smiled thanking him for him as you followed him into the living room he sat down on the sofa,
"Areum still sleeping?" You questioned as you sat down on the sofa beside him being careful not to spill the drink over.
"Yeah, I think she wants to bake today and I know Saturdays are your day off but..." He trailed off as he looked at you giving you the best puppy dog eyes he could manage and you giggled. After spending three months in the same house as Chan it had become very clear his cooking skills were less than great and when it came to baking you didn't want to put it to chance.
"The hot chocolate was a bribe huh?" You laughed at him before nodding as you thought it over,
"I mean if you're a bad baker you better admit it now." He challenged as he stared into your eyes, you scoffed at him as you sat up straight taking a playful offence to his remark.
"You'll be glad to know I'm an okay baker, better chef than I am a baker but I can help her," You laughed softly as he began thanking you repeatedly, he was just happy he didn't have to call someone else to come in for backup.
"I was scared I would have to call Felix or one of the boys over. I swear they're just as bad if not worse than me." He moaned out rolling his head over the back of the sofa thinking back to the times he'd invited Felix to bake a birthday cake for Areum.
"True. I've tasted Felix's attempts at homemade pizza and I barely lived to see today." You whined out playfully putting the mug of hot chocolate down on the sofa, Chan laughed along with you shaking his head as he turned to look at you.
"He told us you make his lunches for work! Is that true?" You nodded as you giggled thinking about it, all those times you used to wake up extra early to make breakfast and lunch for you in cute little lunch boxes.
"When I nannied for a different family I still lived at home so I would make his lunch when I made mine," Chan chuckled as he shook his head remembering the notes that Felix used to show him which you'd left in his lunch boxes.
"Seriously, if you'd tasted Felix's cooking you would be glad he never bought it to work, I swear it could melt eyelids off." You whimpered as you rolled your head back against the sofa and smiled at the ceiling just enjoying the peace and quiet you were having. Chan started telling you about one of the cake fails he and Felix had encountered before and you laughed it off together, shaking your head as he told you they'd ruined the entire thing by mixing Salt with sugar,
"You did not! That's awful!" You groaned thinking about the thought of eating a salt vanilla cake.
"Areum still ate it," He mumbled as he continued to laugh softly at it both of you staring at one another as you laughed together. Suddenly it was like you were the only ones in the room Chan moved a little closer to you on the sofa and you smiled nervously as you felt a shiver run up and down your back. There had been moments between you both throughout the last three months that made you feel like you had feelings for him but it would be wrong. He was your boss…But there was always something there. Just last week you were walking back up to your room after using the main bathroom shower since yours only had a bathtub and you both bumped into one another. Staring into each other’s eyes as you waited for the other to say or do something. Then there were the times you would accidentally cuddle one another while watching a movie or brush up against one another in the kitchen. Small things that made your heart race and your mind fuzz up just thinking back on them. Your eyes locked on Chan’s as you tried to say something, a small comeback for the salt cake but Areum’s footsteps came racing down the stairs and you moved away from him.
"CUPCAKE BAKING DAY!" Being screamed out by Areum who was dressed in an onesie and black apron tied around her waist, it looked a little big for her but she was still wearing it anyway.
"Ready for baking I see?" You giggled as you sat up straight and turned your body to face her eyes lit up as she saw you ready to bake with her,
"You're baking too?!" She seemed to go up in pitch as she got excited about you baking with her and her father,
"Yeah, we'll make some cupcakes after you've had breakfast and I've changed. Sound good?" She nodded at you sprinting over as she hugged your legs tightly,
"Sound fantastic!" You patted the top of her head before leaving and that was when she turned to her dad, smiling as she began listing off everything you were going to need to make today a baking success.
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"Are you both ready?!" Areum questioned as she walked in front of you and Chan, slapping a pink spoon against her hand as she marched around in front of you as though she was some kind of sergeant.
"Yes, Chef!" You both called out to her in unison as she smiled pointing at the aprons on the back of the kitchen door for you both to take,
"Daddy can have the pink one. I want to match with Y/n in our black ones." You smirked as you saw the disgusted look flash over Chan's face about wearing a bright pink apron, you knew how much he loved wearing black rather than brighter colours.  
"Hey I mean, the princess on the front really makes your eyes stand out," You teased him and he glared at you playfully, pulling you close when Areum wasn't looking at you. His chest pressed against your back as he wrapped his arms around your waist,
"I'm going to ruin all your cupcakes." He whispered in your ear a seemingly innocent thing to do but your brain was freezing as all you could think about were his arms around you. From the moment he pulled you into his personal space your mind went into a brain fog and all you could think about was Chan kissing you. Your skin tingling as you felt his skin on your own, you had goosebumps up and down your body as you laughed it off trying to pretend like you had felt nothing but Chan had felt it too. He smiled at you as he stepped to the other side of Areum. She was standing on a stool in front of the Kitchen island as she waited for you both to start helping her,
"Coca powder!" She yelled out reading from a list of ingredients in front of her. Chan handed her the powder, continuing on like that while you both handed her everything she needed like a doctor in surgery when they would ask for a surgical instrument.
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Areum was decorating all of the cupcakes with chocolate fudge icing while you and Chan helped with your own icing bags trying to do your best to follow an image she had up on Chan’s tablet.
"Hey, Y/n...You have a little something," Chan mumbled as he glanced over at you making you look up at him, he pointed to his own cheek as to where the mark on you was and you reached up to wipe it away.
"Where?" You questioned feeling nothing on your face, he sighed as you touched the wrong space over and over again,
"Chan where?" You giggled out as he continued to sigh at you before he shook his head at you,
"Right here," Before you could even react he placed a large squirt of chocolate icing across your cheek making you scream out in surprise as you felt the chocolate run down your face and hit the floor. Areum looked down at the chocolate and then back up to her dad who seemed to be laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
"Right...Channie, You have something just here-" You picked up some flour from the bag and threw it in his direction making him spit some out onto the floor after getting some in his mouth. Areum started laughing as she watched you both starting a food fight in the middle of the kitchen, she took her small plate of cupcakes into the dining room where she could protect them from your warpath.
"Christopher!" You cried out when you felt an egg yolk run down the front of your shirt making you groan at how cold the egg was,
"Oh! Christopher and Channie? We bringing out my full name and nicknames?!" He laughed harder, he hadn't heard someone use 'Channie' for him in years, even Nayeon stopped after they'd left school but it was refreshing to hear from someone else and it even made his heart jump. The only person who ever called him Christopher was his mother and that was only when he was in trouble.
"Chris! Put down the eggs!" You called out as you backed away from him, Areum watched from the door frame as you and Chan continued to throw random food items at one another from across the room. It was the first time she'd seen her father this happy in the longest time and she'd missed seeing the huge smile on his face so much.
"Areum! Save me!" You cried out as you ran past the dining room door, grabbing her as you held her in front of your body, kneeling down so you could shield yourself away from Chan.
"Don't bring me into it!" She yelled out before darting away from you letting you get hit with an egg to the chest, you groaned out as you held your hands up.
"You win! White flag!" You yelled out as you looked up at Chan, panic-filled him as he realised you looked as though you were really hurt by something and he rushed down to your side to check you over.
"Did it hurt? You okay?!" His voice cracked which made you feel almost bad for what you were about to do but you reached up and cracked an egg on top of his head. He stared at you in silence while Areum rushed over to give you a high five and dump the rest of the bag of flour onto Chan's head both of you giggling to one another.
"I'm going to give you a five-second head start..." Your eyes widened and so did Areum's as you scrambled to your feet trying to get out of the kitchen as fast as possible. Chan began counting down loudly so you both made a run to the living room, the front door opening to reveal Felix standing there drenched in water.
"FELIX RUN!" You screamed out running past him to save Areum but Chan picked you up from behind spinning you around making you scream out,
"AREUM SAVE YOURSELF!" You yelled out as Felix assessed the situation laughing when he saw the state of you and Chan he shook his head. He knew that both of you would get along well enough.
"What happened?" He laughed once Chan finally put you back down on both your feet and let go of you, you brushed some of the flour off in Chan’s direction and he wiped some of the egg off him onto you.
"Baking disaster," You laughed looking up at Chan who was standing directly behind you, his chest once again pressed against your back.
"Can you go and held run Areum a bath? We'll clean up down here, I think it’s only fair I help clean since I helped make the mess." Chan told Felix as you looked back over at the kitchen which looked as though a food bomb had exploded inside. Felix smirked to himself at the thought of you and Chan getting closer to one another, for a second when he walked in he thought it was just a lovers embrace he'd caught but then he noticed the food and realised you were only playing together.
"Sure. I'll take a pizza has payment though." You rolled your eyes at him but promised to buy him his favourite type before he ran up the staircase to help Areum clean herself up and find her some clean clothes to change into for the rest of the day.
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Later that night Felix and Areum were asleep under her bed, they'd passed out watching Moana together so you and Chan left them there for the night. After the baking incident and pizza, all of you decided to have one of the famous Disney nights you’d been wanting to do which resulted in the biggest kids falling asleep before the fifth movie was even over. Covering them both in a blanket while smiling to yourselves about how cute they looked you snuck out of the room being careful not to wake them when you shut the door,
"Thank you," Chan said as you both got onto the landing of the middle floor, you frowned wondering what he meant and he smiled weakly,
"For coming into our lives, I-I mean Areum's life. I don't think I've seen her this happy for a while..W-We're both happy you're here I just meant..." He stopped when you giggled softly at how he was starting to stumble over his words but he continued talking. He truly meant every word though, it wasn’t just Areum that you’d been helping out with. You’d helped with Chan too without even noticing it.
"I just wanted to say I'm glad you decided to come with us, it's been great having you here." He smiled as you stared up at him, the longer you looked at him the more your heart began to pound. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he tried to think of something to say to you until he finally bent down a little, tilting his head to the side and closed his eyes. Without a second thought about it, you matched his actions, leaning forward to kiss him. Your lips brushed against one another and the same shock you'd felt earlier that night came rushing back to you making you smile against his lips. He relaxed a little wrapping his arms around your waist as he drew your body closer to his. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck pulling yourself closer as you run your tongue along his bottom lip he smirked parting them slowly for you as you made out in the hallway. Everything around you seemed to disappear as you kissed him, everything was starting to feel right in the world when the sound of a door opening made you break apart. Chan cleared his throat scratching the back of his neck and you shivered trying to think of something to say to get out of the situation with Felix.
"Going to shower." You mumbled as you walked towards the stairs ignoring Felix who was smirking at the both of you, having seen everything he needed to see already, the kiss was more than enough for him to confirm you both liked one another. He could tell by the blush on Chan’s cheeks he liked you a lot.
"G-Going to go and erm...Go water the plants." He was never a good liar as he began making his way down the stairs,
“Chan?” Felix called out as he looked around the corner at the blushing man,
“You don’t have plants.” Chan let out a noise Felix didn’t understand or think was human as he ran off from him but Felix only chased after him wanting more answers.
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The door to your room had a small knock on it and you frowned turning over to check the time, it wasn't even 2 am yet so you knew it wasn't going to be Areum. Unlike her father, she could sleep like the dead. You rolled over in the bed as you made your way to the door,
"Chan?" You frowned when you saw him standing there in a hoodie and some sweatpants, you yawned looking at him for some kind of explanation,
"Couldn't sleep...I brought snacks and a movie." He lifted up the small portable DVD play and a bag of marshmallows as his only bribe.
"Did I wake you up?!" He panicked looking at you he knew he had but he still wanted to make it seem like he was shocked you were asleep. Over the last couple of months whenever Chan couldn’t sleep you would find one another watching a movie together downstairs, it had almost become a sort of tradition between the two of you.
"No Chan, I've just come in from a scuba dive. Yes, you woke me up," You grumbled taking the bag of marshmallows from his hand and going over to your bed, you patted the spot beside you and he walked over to you. Somehow it didn't feel awkward between you despite the heated makeout session you were having five hours ago, you laid your head on his shoulder watching the action movie of his choice. Tonight was Mr and Mrs Smith which was a film you’d been wanting to see for a while.
"I thought you'd be awake...I'm sorry," You shook your head at him as you stuffed the marshmallows into your mouth,
"I'm okay, I like watching movies in the night." You mumbled tiredly as you continued to try and stay awake from the movie. You had no idea what was making you want to do this but the thought of Chan being alone when he couldn't sleep hurt you to think about, you wanted to be there for him whenever you could be.
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"About the kiss..." He whispered to you an hour later, you rested your chin on his shoulder to look at him and he turned his head to look at you, you didn't say anything as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
"I want it to happen again." He admitted to you as he licked his lips, your heart jumped as he told you exactly what you were thinking and you nodded along with him and he smiled glad to know you were on the same page about things.
"Will it ruin what we have going on with you as a nanny?" He questioned hoping for the answer to be no. His eyes flicking between your eyes and your lips as he fought the urge to kiss you again without hearing what you had to say first.
"Not if you don't want it to...W-We can hide it from Areum-"You tried to tell him but he cut you off,
"I don't know if we can hide it, I mean I faked not being tired just because I knew you would stay awake with me...I wanted to spend time with you." Your heart began to pound faster as you realised he wanted to be with you. That he wanted to spend as much time with you as you did with him. You shook your head at him shutting the small portable DVD player down being glad you didn't have to fight the urge to sleep any more. Your eyelids were getting too heavy to keep open anymore.
"You'll have to keep you cool around your daughter Mr Bang." Your lips brushed against his and he smirked as you teased him a little making him whine out,
"I can do that..." You smiled at his words before leaning forward to finally connect your lips to one another, a small and soft kiss to keep you good until the morning.
"Good. Now let me sleep." You whined out at him snuggling down into the sheets as he sat up waiting for another kiss from you. You knew he wasn’t going to move so you kept your eyes shut as you threatened him playfully,
"Either cuddle me to sleep or sleep downstairs on your own." You mumbled not wanting to stay awake longer than you had to know you knew it had just been a ploy to get closer to you. He chuckled shaking his head and sliding down behind you, spooning you as you held onto one another.
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After another a month of sneaking around behind Areum's back it was beginning to get harder and harder to hide things from her. It was harder to control yourself around one another when all you wanted to do was act like the couple you really were. Areum wasn't dumb for her age and she could tell there was something going on when her dad would sneak out of your room in the mornings or when she would catch you wearing one of his hoodies. It wasn't like you wanted to keep it from her but you wanted to make sure the feelings were strong enough before either of you decided to tell her what was happening between you.
"I think she knows," He mumbled to you one night as you laid in your bed together the movie of choice had just finished and you were trying to sleep in the dark. He had his arms wrapped around your waist as he kissed the back of your neck softly.
"Why do you think that?" You whispered to him, playing with his hands while you tried to get him and yourself to sleep, you knew if you traced patterns into his skin he would slowly start to drift off. It was one of the cute things you’d learnt about him over your nights like this together.
"She keeps asking if she'll need a new babysitter soon..." You laughed softly and rolled over to face him,
"Do you think she'll need a new babysitter soon? I-I don't want you to keep paying me if we're together..." It would be far too weird for him to pay you for being a nanny while your relationship keeps developing.
"What do you mean if we're together...I thought we were already together," You rolled your eyes at him as he took what you meant too literally even though he knew exactly what you meant by it,
"You know what I mean, I already feel weird taking money from you. I would have to find a new family to nanny for if we came out officially..." He shook his head at you, kissing your lips softly as he tried to get you to relax a little,
"I make more than enough money, you wouldn't need to find a new family to nanny...Y-You could just be a part of this one." He raised his eyebrows as he looked at you trying to see if you would be comfortable with that. He knew he had strong feelings for you but all he knew about your feelings were that you liked him a lot,
"Chan, you can't say things like that." You moved away from him biting down on your lip as you stared at him,
"Why not?" He sat up in the bed tilting his head to the side as he looked at you,
"Because I can already feel myself falling in love with you if you keep saying things like that i-it'll only make me fall harder." He smirked as he pulled you back to him finally happy to hear the words fall from your lips.  
"Then fall harder, I love you too." You whimpered as you kissed him passionately, whining out as he carefully laid you down in the bed running his hands down your body.
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The next morning when Areum couldn't find her dad in his bed she snuck up the stairs to your room knowing he would be with you, pushing the door open and smiling to herself as she saw you both laying there together. She didn't say anything as she walked into the room, sandwiching herself between the two of you and smiling as you both woke up to a kick in the ribs as she attempted to get herself comfortable.
"I think someone knows," You mumbled as you turned over to see Areum laying on her back with a giant smile on her face, happy that her dad and someone she viewed as a best friend were finally happy together. It was becoming increasingly obvious it was the case.
“What gave you that idea?” Chan grumbled as he was forced to wake up,
"Can we have pancakes for breakfast? Then can we watch Frozen 2?" Chan groaned as he pulled a pillow over his face wanting to hide from Areum as she quizzed on him the Disney movie you could all watch.
"What about the little mermaid? Chan can we watch the little mermaid?!" You asked as you sat up in the bed and looked at Chan who was pretending to sleep under the pillow as you decided to join in with the begging of Disney movie watching. It was getting to the point where he knew he would have to lock all of the DVD’s away at some point.
"Areum, tickle attack in 3...2...-" You tried to whisper but Chan moved the pillow to look at you both. Giving the pair of you a warning look as he began talking,
"If you both want to live I suggest you don't- TICKLE ME!" He screamed out the last bit as both you and Areum began to tickle him wildly making him laugh and wriggle around on the bed uncontrollably as he tried to threaten you about how there were no more Disney movie nights. This was the beginning of a bright and wonderful future together. 
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @channiewoo​ @minholuvs​ @lkwonmj​
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938 notes · View notes
gubler-me-up · 4 years
Is that Code? (MGG Request)
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Request(s): hey i was wondering if you could do an mgg x interviewer. you can add whatever you want but some ideas i had were like a handjob under the table/desk they’re sitting at and maybe a quickie during commercial break. lots of degrading too. lol thanks :D
hi idk if ur still taking requests but can u pls do a mgg and interviewer one please like theyre just flirting back and forth and it ends in smut PLS IDK HOW TO REQUESTS THESE BUT PLS TELL ME U UNDERSTAND 😅
A/N: Thanks for the first request, @bigjuicygrape​ and thanks to the anon who sent the second request! This seems to be quite a popular request if it had to be requested twice LOL I hope it’s everything you ever wanted from this idea and more! Enjoy le ~interview smut~ 💕
Couple: MGG/Fem!reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Swearing, degradation, mention of oral sex (male receiving/giving, female receiving/giving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex, hair pulling, handjob
Word count: 2.1k
You were finishing the last touches to your makeup as you waited for Matthew to come on set. Your boss had been delighted by the chemistry you two had during your last interview, so she allowed you to interview him again. She also gave you a nice promotion for being such an outstanding employee, so it was a win-win for you.
The last time you interviewed Matthew, you two had a lot of interesting topics you discussed. Of course the main topic was Criminal Minds and how he felt about the series wrapping up. He was a joy to interview. He had endless energy, exquisite manners and was a natural sweetheart. You didn’t fail to notice how extremely good looking he was in person either.
Your first interview with him was the best interview with a celebrity in your few years of being an entertainment interviewer. The way he talked was magical, you couldn’t take your eyes off of his lips. He had noticed. He had smiled at you and made a joke about how your mind was somewhere else and how he’d like to be there with you.
His wish had come true when after the interview he was eating you out in your dressing room. His tongue running up and down your folds was an indescribable feeling you yearned to feel again. You didn’t leave him unsatisfied as you returned the favour by giving him a blowjob. The feeling of his cum dripping down the back of your throat still lingered in your memory and you wanted it again.
“Gube’s on set,” your cameraman said.
You immediately looked up from your compact mirror to see Matthew walking towards the table you were seated behind. You smiled as you stood up to greet him with a huge hug. He outstretched his arm for you to fall into. You wrapped your arms tightly around him. His arms wrapped around your waist and he made sure you were as close to him as possible.
“Has my dirty interviewer been good?” He whispered into your ear.
“The best,” you whispered back.
He eased up from the hug but didn’t let you go just yet. Without making it obvious to your cameraman, he looked you up and down. You bit your bottom lip as he examined every inch of your body. You knew he was having thoughts of all the things he would do to you right then and there if he could. He then looked back up at you with a smirk.
“Hope your mouth still works,” he said.
You chuckled. If you could you would have dropped to your knees and blew him. You kept your composure though and played off his comment.
“It only works when you’re here.”
“Good to know. Should we get started?”
You nodded your head. He finally let you out of his grip as he followed your lead to the table. You took your seat and he took his seat next to you. You looked over at your cameraman to give him the thumbs up. He nodded and counted down from three with his fingers. When he got down to one he gave you a thumbs up to start.
“As promised we have the eccentric, Matthew Gray Gubler, with us today,” you announced.
“Thank you, thank you. I’m happy to be back here with you and Sean behind the camera. You’re amazing, Sean,” he said as he gave Sean a thumbs up.
Sean smiled and gave him a thumbs up back. You giggled at how cute he was and how infectious his energy could be. You smiled at Sean as you too gave him a thumbs-up.
“My right-hand man,” you said.
Sean chuckled as he waved his hand to stop the compliments from coming. You giggled and focused your attention back on Matthew. He had already focused back on you with wandering eyes following the curve of your body from top to bottom.
“I should probably ask how you’re doing now that Criminal Minds is over? I still can’t believe we won’t be seeing your beautiful face on screen anymore,” you said.
He chuckled. “As long as I get to see your beautiful face, I’m not upset. Wait, if I’m not on the show anymore, does that mean you’re going to boot me from your interview list?” He asked.
You shook your head. “Of course not. If anything we can discuss more about you than the show.”
“That sounds like a good time to me,” he said
You placed your hand on his lap. Not obvious enough for Sean to notice or for the camera to even pick up on it but Matthew was the only one who knew what you were doing. He smirked as he placed his hand on yours.
“I know all about good times,” you said.
“Oh? What’s a good time to you? I want to know if I should join the party or not,” he said as he inched your hand closer to his zipper.
You giggled as you made an over-exaggerated thinking expression as you unbuttoned his pants and slowly undo his zipper. You placed a finger from your free hand on your lips to up your exaggerated look. He chuckled as he watched you put on a show for the camera as your hand was sliding into his underwear.
“A good time for me is a relaxing evening home with a glass of wine and a rom-com playing in the background,” you said.
You pulled out his dick a little to make your strokes easier to perform. He didn’t take his eyes off of you. He just stared at you with lust-filled eyes to avoid any attention being brought to what was going on underneath the table.
“That sounds amazing. I think I’d do the same thing but with a horror movie though. What’s your go-to rom-com?” He asked.
“My Best Friend’s Wedding,” you said.
“I love Julia Roberts. I think Pretty Woman’s my favourite rom-com of hers,” he said.
“I think we should star together in a rom-com one day,” you said as you increased your strokes.
“I think I’d rather make a different kind of movie with you,” he said.
You stopped stroking his dick as soon as he said that. You looked at him wide-eyed as those memories from the last interview came flooding back. You stuffed his dick back in his pants before turning your attention directly to the camera.
“We’ll talk more about movies and future plans with Matthew right after this break,” you said.
Sean looked at you with a raised, questionable eyebrow. He stopped recording regardless. You stood up from your seat before giving Sean a head signal to leave.
“You can grab something quick to eat if you want, Sean. I know you didn’t have lunch today,” you said.
“No need to tell me twice. I’ll be back in a sec,” he said before leaving.
When he walked out the door, you looked over at Matthew who had already gotten up with his zipper and button done up. You pouted as you looked at his crotch. He walked up to you and cupped your face in his hands.
“Are you too horny to continue the interview?” He asked.
“Maybe,” you said.
“It seems as if you’ve become my little slut interviewer,” he said.
“Only if you’ll have me as your little slut interviewer,” you said as you stuck out your tongue.
He pulled your head closer to him so he could lick your tongue before embracing you in a quick nasty kiss. He didn’t waste any time you two had left to mess around before the interview had to start again. He pushed your head away. He grabbed your arm to drag you in front of him before slamming the front of your body onto the table.
“I think we should practice for that movie. What should we name it?” He asked as he pulled up your skirt and moved your underwear to the side.
“Slut interviewer gets fucked,” you said.
“Gets fucked by who?” He said as he ran his fingers down your soaked folds.
“Gets fucked by big cock actor,” you said.
You felt the tip of his dick pressing against your hole. You moaned as you thought about how amazing it would feel to finally have him rail you. You had been fantasizing about the day ever since the last time you two had encountered each other.
“You nasty, nasty whore. You’re going to break code for some dick? How would your boss feel about your actions?” He asked.
“I don’t care. I just want you to fuck me,” you said.
He grabbed your hair and forced your head to look up. “Say that into the camera.”
“I want to get fucked,” you repeated.
“Move back on it if you’re a real whore for dick,” he said.
You didn’t hesitate to move back and engulf his dick inch by inch into you. Your mouth gaped open as you felt just how big he was. You made it all the way back so your ass was touching his abdomen.
“You are a whore for dick. Are you a cum whore as well?” He asked.
“Yes,” you whimpered.
“I love a good, filthy cum whore,” he said as he took it upon himself to ram himself into you.
You let out a loud gasp before biting your lip. Your legs could barely keep still as his dick went in and out of you with steady speed. All this time you thought his dick belonged in your mouth when in fact it belonged in you. Every single inch belonged in you.
“You’re…you’re so…big,” you moaned.
“The slut interviewer can’t handle my dick, huh? That’s not what I want to hear. I want to hear how you want to be my cum whore,” he said.
“I want to be your cum whore,” you said.
“Well, act like it. Tell me you’re a dirty slut,” he demanded.
“I’m a dirty slut,” you said.
He increased his speed when you said that. You gasped as you tried to balance yourself by stabilizing your hands on the table. You couldn’t stop your legs from shaking any longer and let them wobble under the feeling of him railing you.
“Tell me you’re a cum whore who loves to get creampied,” he said.
“I’m a cum whore who loves to get creampied,” you said.
“Keep repeating that until I cum. If you stop, you don’t get anything, whore,” he said.
You did exactly what he said and continued to repeat what he wanted to hear. You tried to say it as softly as possible but every time he rammed his dick into you it was as if your voice was going up an octave with every stroke. It didn’t seem as if he cared though. It was what he wanted to hear after all, so why would he want to stop you?
You must have done a good job in obeying his every word because he came in you and you heard a sound of satisfaction leave his mouth. You too let out a satisfied sigh as he pulled out of you. You felt him open up your folds to probably admire his cum dripping out of you.
“You make a good cum whore, Y/N. I knew you could take it from the first time I met you,” he said as he pulled down your skirt.
“You should have known from the last time I swallowed your cum,” you said as you turned around to look at him.
He smirked as he zipped up his pants. “I should have. Maybe we can make that movie after all.”
You chuckled. “Tell me where and when and I’ll be there.”
“I’ll definitely let you know.”
You both laughed as you both took your respective seats to find your composures again before the interview restarted. Sean walked in not too long after you two had taken your seats. He gave you two a thumbs up and you both gave him two thumbs up back. He counted you down from three and then gave you the thumbs up.
You smiled. “Welcome back to our interview with Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds. During the break, I convinced him we should do more interviews more often and I think he agrees we should.”
He nodded his head. “I love being interviewed with my slu…My slumber party partner in crime, Y/N.”
You giggled. “Yeah, exactly that.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection, @slutforthegubes, @pinkdiamond1016, @spencerreidsthings, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto, @slutforsr @bxtchboy69, @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @tclaerh @agentadhd @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @blxckhearthood @jesspavlik0vsky @katexrichardson @keniaasf @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @keniaasf @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 
835 notes · View notes
hermannsthumb · 3 years
"different young (rebound) hunk on his arm every week…newton geiszler who?" CAN YOU WRITE THIS FIC PLEASE? Hermann as the new heartthrob of the science world, cheekbones that can cut glass, baby gay scientists everywhere using appalling math-related pick-up lines in an attempt to be the booty call of the week. Newton catches a glimpse of him at a fundraiser and the Precursors have to stop him from crying with lust.
so tragically I plotted a whole fic for this and then came back and realized this prompt involves PRU but I liked my idea too much so unfortunately I won’t be filling the PRU part 😔 but I DO love heartthrob hermann sooooooooo. this can be pre-PRU if you want to make it sad actually CW for drinking and mild allusion to not sfw stuff. when will these boys talk about their feelings?
Hermann doesn’t like going out to bars at the best of times, least of all after he’s had the sort of exceptionally long day he’s had today (fighting his way through airports and hotel lobbies, fielding interview questions, having not even a minute’s break from Newton), but even he will admit that the one Newton has dragged him along to tonight could be far worse. The sorts of bars Newton fancied throughout their stint at the Hong Kong Shatterdome tended to be far hipper, far more becoming for a man of his (and, admittedly, Hermann’s) age, and likely aimed at tourists: pounding music, dark rooms, neon lighting, overpriced drinks, an inability to navigate through throngs of dancing bodies without bumping into at least half a dozen people. For that reason Hermann’s blood practically ran cold earlier that evening when, fresh out of their latest television interview, Newton insisted that Hermann needed to unwind a little. That Newton would help him unwind a little.
Hermann was pleasantly surprised to find that though the music (a live band) is still loud, and drink prices are still inflated, at least he can see Newton, and at least the few people dancing are dancing far away from them. And, well, perhaps it’s made him more amenable to (mostly) matching Newton drink-for-drink, and to indulging him in knocking back not one, but two rounds of the most disgusting-looking pink shots of all time, and— “Look, dude,” Newton declares, tossing an arm around Hermann’s shoulder. He’s shouting and leaning in too-close to Hermann, not because he’s intoxicated, but rather to be heard over the band, which has launched into a rather enthusiastic cover of some song Hermann’s sure he’s heard blaring from Newton’s iTunes before. His stubble tickles the shell of Hermann’s ear. “Just say it with me. It’s that easy. R-e-t-i-r-e-m—”
“We are thirty-five,” Hermann says. “We can’t just—”
“We absolutely can,” Newton says. He nudges his cocktail glass into Hermann’s chest, sloshing a bit of hot pink Watermelon Crush on his neat button-up. Hermann stifles a sigh; the shirt is brand new, bought just that morning for the interview, and will already be needing a wash. And smelling like liquified hard candy for the rest of the evening. “You and me, lying on a beach somewhere, sleeping in until noon every day, learning how to—to fish, or paint, or whatever the hell we want—”
“Not a beach,” Hermann says immediately. “I’m bloody well sick of beaches. Oceans, lakes, bays—no more."
Indulging Newton’s ridiculous little fantasy, even for a moment, is a mistake: Newton’s face lights up in a grin, and he tucks his arm around Hermann’s shoulder to pull Hermann flush against him. Hermann’s barstool wobbles dangerously. “Okay, no beaches. Far away from any coastline. The mountains, then.” It’d be just their luck, Hermann thinks, if the next Breach reopened far away from the ocean, too. Like it followed them somehow. “Let’s move to Switzerland or something and buy a log cabin or a cave and become weird recluses. I’ll learn how to ski, and you can grow a beard, and we can buy all our furniture at Ikea—” He frowns. “Is Ikea from Switzerland? Sweden? I haven’t been since college.”
“I don’t recall ever agreeing to move anywhere with you in the first place,” Hermann says, “let alone retire to do so. What on earth makes you think I’d follow you to Switzerland? I’ve no interest whatsoever in Switzerland.”
“Uh, because we’re best friends?” Newton says. “Anyway, what else would you do?”
“Anything,” Hermann says. He begins to tick off all the possibilities on his fingers while Newton watches him, unimpressed. “I could stay in Hong Kong—I’m sure they’d appreciate help monitoring what remains of the Breach. Or I could move back to England and resume my old teaching post, if they’d have me.” Hermann knows they’d have him; they’ve already sent him at least a dozen emails practically begging him to accept tenure. “Or back to Germany, with my parents.”
“I could totally do all that, too,” Newton says. “Well—not the Germany thing. No offense, dude, but your parents kinda suck. I don’t think I want them as my roommates.”
Hermann decides not to mention that the odds are very high they would not want Newton as a roommate, either. He’s tempted to ask Newton if he meant what he said about them being best friends—for Hermann can’t recall the last time someone called him their best friend, if ever—but Newton’s arm is slipping from his shoulders, and Newton is pulling out his mobile phone and tapping away frantically at it. Hermann feels strangely bereft without his touch. “Okay,” Newton says, his eyes scanning the screen, “Ikea was founded in Sweden, but they moved headquarters in—”
“Excuse me?”
Hermann and Newton both startle, Newton nearly dropping his phone, and the bartender who’d interrupted them smiles apologetically. He’s holding a pint of what appears to be beer. “Sorry to bother you guys,” he says to them, “but this is from the young man over there in the pink shirt.”
At the sight of the drink Newton brightens and puffs out his chest visibly. Bloody perfect, Hermann thinks. Just want Newton needs—another boost to his ego. “No sweat,” Newton says. He tosses his mobile to the bar counter casually and reaches to accept the glass. “Please tell him I’m super flattered, but—”
“Actually, sir,” the bartender interrupts, and—to Hermann’s surprise—slides the glass away from Newton’s grasp and over to Hermann. Hermann takes it without a word, not quite daring to believe it. Down the bar, out of the corner of his eye, he can see the flash of a bright pink shirt, but he can’t quite make himself turn to acknowledge the mystery admirer. Is that rude of him? No one has ever sent him a drink before. He’s not quite sure of the etiquette. “It’s, um, not for you.”
Newton deflates like a popped balloon. A blush spreads across his cheeks, barely visible beneath his freckles, which have come out again in the spring sunlight now that they’re not spending all their time in the Shatterdome basement. Hermann likes the look of them; he thinks they’re sweet, and that if he traced his fingertip across them they’d make a pattern of some sort, like a constellation. Not that he ever would, of course. Newton would surely ridicule him. "Right, duh,” Newton says.
He waits until the bartender is gone to round on Hermann. “Dude!” he says, almost accusatory, “Fourth time this week!”
“It is not,” Hermann protests. It’s weak to his own ears: even he isn’t thick enough to miss the sudden influx of attention he’s gotten since their first television interview last month. Hermann was never exactly popular, never exactly the sort the drive people wild with lust or romantic longing, yet it seems as if he can’t go anywhere these days without turning a few heads (including mid-twentysomething heads, mortifyingly enough) and getting a few cellular numbers slipped into his hand. Yesterday, a young man on the metro asked Hermann if he might like to see a movie some time. The day before that, another man wearing a jean jacket full of enamel pins stepped up to Hermann in a Starbucks and asked him if he could ­call-cu-later. Last week, a starry-eyed college student stopped Hermann outside a hotel to ask him to sign his Calculus 3 textbook, excitedly telling Hermann he switched degrees to astrophysics not a few days prior after reading an interview with Hermann in a rather obscure pop science magazine, and had blushed when Hermann thanked him. Newton had laughed at that one, and advised the young man to give biology a shot instead. (Newton had gotten very cross when he was promptly ignored, and in referencing the incident later, rather bitterly called the student an annoying little punk.)
This is to say nothing, of course, of the multiple news articles (listicles, as Newton calls them) Newton has forced him to read about himself on something called Buzzfeed, which have apparently helped to cement Hermann’s fifteen minutes of fame. One was called Twelve Times Dr. Hermann Gottlieb Was A Fashion Icon and was accompanied with a rather embarrassing array of candid photos of Hermann. Newton has been particularly incensed over that one.
“It is,” Newton says. “At least third. You know, I think the worst part is that you’re not even getting laid. Dudes are throwing themselves at you left and right—”
“Am I meant to go home with any random stranger who shows me the briefest bit of attention?” Hermann snaps. “I like to think I have somewhat higher standards than that.” I’m not like you, he nearly adds, but decides that it might perhaps be too cruel, especially considering that Newton has not gotten a fraction of the attention Hermann has over the past month. He remembers what it used to be like in the Shatterdome, is all; Newton seemed to like anyone who would give him the time of day. Most of his romances didn’t fare well for that reason.
“I’m just saying you could, and you’re not,” Newton says.
Hermann taps his finger against the pint glass, watching bubbles release from the side and rise to the top. When he finally takes a sip, it makes him wrinkle his nose. He’s not usually much for drinking. “I don’t like IPAs,” he says.
“I’ll take it,” Newton says, and the corner of his mouth hitches up in a grin, “as long as your boyfriend won’t get offended.”
Considering that Newton has only just finished following up his two shots with a cocktail, Hermann questions the decision, but slides him the glass anyway. Newton starts on it at once. Hermann wonders if he’ll need to call them a rideshare back to their hotel tonight; he’s not sure he can manage guiding a intoxicated Newton through the streets of the city on foot, especially not after a day that’s been rather unkind on his hip. “Only I suppose I have trouble believing it,” Hermann admits.
“Believing what?” Newton says.
“That they’re genuinely interested,” Hermann says.
To Hermann’s surprise, Newton snorts. “Nah, dude. You’ve got—” He taps Hermann’s chest, and leaves his hand there. “—sex appeal. You’ve got the, like, soulful eyes, and the movie star eyelashes, and the cheekbones and—” He drags his fingertip along Hermann’s jaw, and Hermann masks his sharp flinch in a cough, hoping Newton can’t feel his face heating up. He doesn’t remember if Newton has ever touched his face before. It feels shockingly intimate. “People think it’s super hot.” He takes another sip of Hermann’s drink. "Plus, you’re so—like—uptight. It makes people wonder what you’re bottling up.”
Hermann arches an eyebrow. “Bottling up?”
“In a sexy way,” Newton clarifies.
He settles his hand back on Hermann’s chest. Hermann licks his lips. Has Newton wondered those sorts of things about him, too? “You’ve had—too much to drink,” he says.
“A little bit,” Newton agrees. “I’m right, though. I like this shirt, by the way, it’s a nice cut on you.” He toys with one of the shirt’s buttons, and when he speaks again it’s in a low voice that makes Hermann’s mouth feel strangely dry. Hermann has never heard it from him before. “Wanna go back to the hotel and rent a movie or something?”
He’s peering at Hermann through his eyelashes, smiling in an odd little way. How terribly close they are to each other, Hermann realizes. He can count every tiny scratch in Newton’s eyeglasses, every fleck of gold in his eyes, every freckle on his cheeks. He wonders if Newton really wants to rent a movie; he wonders what Newton would do if Hermann closed the inch between them, and... “I,” Hermann stammers, gaze fixed on Newton’s mouth (stained pinker from his drink), “er, yes, only—only I feel as if I ought to thank the gentleman who sent me—”
At once, Newton drops away from him. His face hardens. His smile hardens, too. “Oh, right. I forgot,” he says. He inclines his head down the bar. “Pink shirt, right?”
Hermann casts his eyes about, searching for the pink-shirted stranger. When he doesn’t immediately spot him, a small bubble of relief swells within him. Perhaps he left, perhaps he decided he’s not interested in Hermann after all, perhaps Hermann is free to go back to the hotel with Newton and watch a film and argue about retirement and… “Oh, there,” Newton says. A man catches Hermann’s eye and waves timidly. He’s wearing a pink button-up.
“Bugger,” Hermann mutters. His admirer is not unattractive—in fact, he’s the opposite, with curly hair and glasses even thicker than Newton’s—which Newton seems to notice, too. He claps Hermann on the shoulder, hard enough that Hermann sways with it.
“He’s totally cute,” Newton says, “and he’s totally into you. You gotta at least get his number.” He takes another large sip of Hermann’s drink. “Better yet, get yourself laid. You could use it.”
Hermann feels the oddest sense of whiplash. Just a minute prior, he was about to kiss Newton (and he was pretty sure Newton was going to kiss him back), and now Newton is practically throwing him at another man. Hermann does not want to get anyone’s phone number—he wants to fall asleep in his stiff hotel bed to some absolutely awful science-fiction movie Newton picks out. “Newton,” he says, “weren’t we going to—?”
“No biggie, we can do movie night tomorrow instead,” Newton says. He nudges Hermann’s calf with the toe of his boot, and holds out his cane to him. Hermann feels his heart begin to sink. “I won’t wait up for you. Just give me a heads up if he wants to go back to our place, and I’ll make sure to stay out longer.”
“I’m sure it’ll only take a moment,” Hermann says. He’ll make sure it only takes a moment.
“No biggie,” Newton repeats. He raises his glass to Hermann in a mock toast. “Good luck!”
When Hermann looks back over his shoulder, halfway to the man in the pink shirt, it’s to see Newton’s stool vacant, and the back of Newton’s leather jacket swishing out the bar doors.
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egyptsblackrose · 3 years
Dancing with Strangers
There will be one more part to this story after this then I think this story is complete. I have other projects in the works and other passions I want to devote some time to. Hope your all doing well and please enjoy.
No actual smut in this one, but reference to intimacy probably still 18+ though so minors please do not read
Part 4- https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/652018121062989824/dancing-with-strangers-more-filth-for-this-story
Part 5-
Your senses slowly brought you out of your peaceful, heavy slumber, though your mind was not ready to open your eyes just yet. First thing you felt was comfort, soft, warm, heavy sheets keeping you safe and cozy. When you focused more, however, you realised that part of your arm that was not in your little cocoon, was radiating the kind of heat only the sunlight could bring. So it was clearly day time, maybe even afternoon. No matter, you did’t have any classes today, that was why you agreed to going out to the clubs with your friends.
Your friends… You gasped and sat up with a jolt, only to groan and hiss. Rubbing your lower stomach and back.
Oh… right… you had gone home with not just one but TWO strangers and had a THREESOME!
Your cheeks set on fire as the events of last night played out in your head. The pleasure, the desire. More had happened after they had each taken a turn with you. Kakashi had been painfully hard again watching your brains get fucked out by Gojo, so you had rolled over and sucked him off lazily, taking your time to tease. That had lead to the boys getting revenge, Satoru holding your hands hostage as he fucked your mouth, while Hatake ravaged you again, harder and more forceful till you squirted for him as well.
Then you had been carried to the shower, Kakashi tenderly, lovingly holding you bridal style in the walk in shower as Gojo massaged your entire body with wonderful smelling shower gel. Only your moans had turned the men on again. Gojo took you this time, having you pressed against the wall with him on his knees, Hatake standing and receiving another blow job from you. Kakashi had to wash your face and hair when he tried to pull out too late, but you had been quick to defend him when Satoru’s teasing went too far.
By the time you were all dried, your legs had stopped working and you could barely keep your eyes open, the sun was peaking through the curtains gently to hint as the beginning of sunrise, and you all settled into bed. Never before had you been so comfortable, resting your head against someone’s chest while being spooned from behind, wearing a really comfy large hoodie and boxer shorts for bed while the two men only wore old shorts.
But glancing around at the bed, you found your companions gone and the bed cold. Nibbling on your bottom lip in thought, you quickly did a body check. Toes were wiggling; but it took effort and there was still a little pain, your stomach felt a little uncomfortable and sore but nothing you couldn’t handle. You smelled good- to your relief- though you needed to brush your teeth immediately. Your hair felt smooth and smelled great as well, your make up had clearly been removed, your cloths were at the end of the bed; freshly washed and folded.
You had clearly been well taken care of, their after care game was obviously on par with their A game. And yet the niggling doubt set into your mind.
Why take such good care of you and then leave you alone? And there was no sounds in the whole apartment from what you could hear. Had they left? There was no note from what you could see. Maybe they’d gone out or to work and hoped you’d be gone by the time they got back. Why else leave your cloths close by, in obvious view and clean to wear. This was their hint to get out. They’d had their fun, so had you, now it was time to leave.
The thought made you a lot sadder than you would like to admit. But then again, the two men were clearly experienced, your friends had even said so last night, that’s why they encouraged you to go through with it. You were not the first girl they did this too, and chances are you weren’t the last. How many other girls out there had woken up exactly like this? With a pout and painful groan, you slipped out of bed and started getting changed on wobbly legs.
This was for the best anyway, you told yourself. They were policemen, they were successful men, there was TWO of them. And you were just a Uni student, you weren’t even half way through your final year, you had yet to successfully land an interview. You didn’t even know if you wanted to stay in Japan after you graduated, if you wanted to graduate here or go back home to your family… There was still so much you needed to figure out, you were just beginning. And successful men like that would want a successful woman, or women rather.
Once presentable, borrowing some mouth wash from the bathroom seen as you did not have your own toothbrush, you took a few deep breaths to sike yourself up. The fact that not just one, but TWO god level men had chosen you to spend the night with them meant something, even if it was short lived. THEY had picked YOU, called you beautiful, whispered sweet nothings into your ear, taken care of you. And now it would be a nice memory, and you could wear this win like a badge of honour as you leave. Just think of how many women would kill to be you.
Opening the bedroom door, your heart sank a little more at not seeing even one of the handsome men. A little part of you had hoped that maybe they were up, and that little part of you made your eyes scan the living room and kitchen desperately for a note or a sign that you hadn’t been left behind. But all you found was a clock above the cooker that read 10:20 am.
Hu… earlier than you thought, but not an unpleasant surprise.
Thankfully the door was unlock-able from the inside, but you weren’t sure about the elevator, seen as they had used a key card to activate it last night. It seemed luck was on your side, however, because pressing the down button meant the elevator was automatically called to you, opened, and a frigging bell boy was waiting with a smile and a polite nod. How rich are these guys?!
“Ground floor Miss?” The young man asked. You nodded numbly, stepping in and moved to the back of the elevator. It seemed the new face could tell you didn’t want to talk, so the journey down was gratefully a silent one as you stared at the floor. How many young women has this man escorted down and out of the building for these two men?
You frowned at yourself. Why were you so hung up on that? You had no right to the answer and no right to even ask the question. They weren’t yours. You weren’t theirs. And it didn’t even matter. But you couldn’t free yourself from the feeling of being used.
Raising your head at the ding, as soon as the doors started opening you dashed out, wanting to quickly get away from this place and move on. The quicker this…mind blowing experience became a fond memory, the better.
Following your memory from last night of being in the taxi, you knew that you had passed your street on the way, and it didn’t seem like such a long ways away. You started walking without hesitation, head down as you messaged your friends that you were on the way home. They replied excitedly, clearly wanting to talk about the events of last night, but you quickly shut them down. Miku seemed to get the hint immediately that you weren’t feeling like yourself and something was wrong, promising movies and home made goodies from her mum who was visiting.
The thought made you smile. Miku and Sakura’s parents had basically adopted you as soon as you got back to Japan, all four insisting on introducing you to as many of their friends and neighbours as possible, promising you and your worried parents that they were only a call away. Miku’s mother was particularly affectionate, a little unusual for Japanese culture, but she often cured your home sickness with gentle hugs and head pats, pinching your cheeks and promising a nice warm home cooked meal and a few wise words. And such parental affections was too good to pass up right now.
Raising your head with slightly watery eyes, you quickened your pace. Only for your wrist to be grabbed in a unyielding hold.
The voices made to freeze, eyes widening as you slowly turned and gasped. It was them.
“Kakashi? Gojo?” Your voice was nothing but a whisper from how surprised you were.
“Baby, why are you leaving already?” Hatake asked worriedly, frown in place.
Satoru wagged a disapproving figure at you. “I thought I said we were staying in bed today to have fun.”
“But…” Swallowing thickly, you turned more towards them, wide eyed and confused. “I woke up in bed alone, you were both gone, my cloths were clean and folded beside me…I thought you wanted to me to go…”
“What?!” Gojo yelled in an exaggerated tone, quickly moving to wrap his arms around you from behind and rubbing his face into your hair. “What a silly little head our beautiful girl has Kakashi!”
“Y/N…” Hatake soothed quickly, seeing you frown at Gojo. “Baby I wasn’t there when you woke up because I left to do a little shop of things me and Gojo were out of, and also pick you up a toothbrush for when you woke up. And our idiot here wasn’t with you because I sent him to pick up some breakfast for us all. You said at the club that your favourite thing to wake up to was _____, so we thought we’d treat you. We both went so we could be back as fast as possible, we didn’t think you would wake up so soon, let alone think we wanted you to go. So imagine our surprise when we pull into our usual parking spot across the street and see a figure and outfit all to familiar walking away from us? We were worried you decided that YOU wanted to go.”
The words sunk in slowly and made your eyes water more, especially when you heard Kakashi use the term ‘OUR idiot’ when referring to Gojo. He was including you in their bond. “So… you weren’t trying to give me the hint to leave so you wouldn’t have to see me?”
“Beautiful, are you stupid?” Kakashi sent a glare to Gojo, but the other white haired male continued. “Last night was amazing, and I said that this was the beginning. Do I seem the type to lie to you beautiful? I don’t just say that to anyone, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever said it before. Me and Kakashi want to do so much more to you, with you, and not just in the bedroom…and not just sexual things either.”
The clear implication and teasing was not lost on you, making your cheeks light up a rosy pink. Hatake chuckled sweetly, stroking your cheek as he stepped a little closer. “There’s that blush we love. Y/N, I won’t lie to you. We have had one night stands before, we have had times where we either take the girl home or ask her personally to leave, but neither me or Gojo want this to be one of those times. We don’t want a one night stand with you, your different, special. We actually like you, as a person, and we’d like to see if this…if WE could be something.”
Your mouth fell open in shock. Where…where they SERIOUS? These beautiful, amazing men wanted you in their lives? “But why?”
Kakashi frowned. “Why?”
“Yeah. Why? Why me?”
Gojo chuckled, nuzzling your neck to draw your attention back to him. “Because Kakashi’s right, your different. Most women are flirty with us cause they want some fun. YOU were flirty with us cause WE were fun. You listened to us, you didn’t try to be something or someone your not, you were very real. And the real you is awesome. And we want to know that real you more.”
“Y/N,” Hatake’s hand, that was still on your wrist, moved down to take your hand, stroking the back of it soothingly. “Gojo and I have a strange relationship, we know that. We are more like brothers than friends, and there’s never been any attraction between us. But we have only ever had a functioning, healthy relationship when the two of us put in the effort. We are not perfect, but together we are. And for a long time we have looked for someone who can complete us, who can make us both happy. It’s too early to tell if that’s you, but surely even you had to feel how RIGHT everything felt last night.”
Flashes of charming smiles from the club took over your mind, how easy the flow of conversation was, how natural it felt to have both their hands on you. You had been saddened so much to think that something so good was already over. But here they were, telling you it didn’t have to be. Looking into those amazing dark grey and blue eyes of the two white haired men, you could see how they desperately did not want you to go.
“Ok… we can see where this goes. But, I want to try do this properly, and I want this to be open between the three of us.” Both men looked at each other in confusion, so you continued. “If something happened with just one of you while the other is away, I don’t want it causing fights, I also want to spend time with you, and not just doing…intimate stuff. Dates, together as a three or just as a duo, actually getting to know one another, honesty, proper communication. All of it.” You said firmly. “When I devote myself to a relationship, I do it whole heartedly, and I expect the same from my partner. Just because there’s two of you, doesn’t mean you can put in half the effort. I’m mostly looking at you Satoru.”
The blue eyed man gasped on horror, hand over his heart like it was clutching a fatal wound. “Beautiful, you think I wont treat you like a princess?”
“I don’t want to be treat like a princess.” You shot back firmly, but smiled softly. “I want you to treat me as your equal, like your friend, like your partner, because to me, that’s what a relationship is. I don’t want to be babied or spoilt, I just want to be treat fairly and honestly. And if I find out either of you cheated on me…just remember that BOTH my parents are amazing lawyers and I have another country I can easily move to.” The three of you laughed easily, smiling at each other with warm smiles as you each earliest that this was the start of something. Something beautiful.
Part 6- https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/655347185273241600/dancing-with-strangers-this-is-by-far-the-longest
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pokeheadcannons97 · 3 years
I'm not sure if requests are open or not but can you possibly write hc's for milo gordie leon and piers about having a s/o who suffers from epilepsy maybe include their reaction to the first seizure they see, and things like how they handle when s/o starts to seize/show warning signs,
I only do 3 characters at a post so I am going to do Leon, Piers, and Milo since I have Pokemon Shield
(and mama Melany)
Also, I’m speaking and writing this from my perspective of helping my aunt who has seizures regularly and will be answering in what I do and other things that I’ve looked up or found that help, please let me know if I can make it better, thank you! <3 Be safe
Even though he is super directionally challenged, he is so very perceptive. He will be the first to notice when you are about to have a seizure.
The distant look in your eyes and the nonverbal responses when he asks if you are okay are always signs you’re about to go into one.
He’s by your side in an instant, holding the back of your head up steady while rubbing your arm.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N… you’re okay.” He repeats this all through out it, steady and comforting.
When you blink back after a few moments, eyes bleary but answer softly back to him, he knows you’re okay and out of it.
Will immediately stop what he’s doing, be it in the middle of an interview or sees you go down in the stands, he is next to you to help you through it
Wont hesitate to absolutely eradicate any disrespectfully words or jokes towards you about your seizures
When you first went into one, he had not expected it.
The two of you were out having lunch together after Leon had invited you out for a date to get to know each other more closely. He had been persistent, always engaging you in small talk when you were at work at one of the local shoppes in Wyndon. Would offer to help in carrying heavier things to help you out, and to make your work load lighter. 
You had been perfectly fine, sitting across from him eating lunch at a local restaurant that you favored, when you seemed to be staring off into the distance as he was talking.
When Leon saw your Gothita get destressed and practically climbed up on you, he knew something was wrong.
He was scared, and that was putting it lightly.
With Gothita surrounding you in her psychic powers she steadied your body and instructed Leon through her telepathy to hold your head straight to where you wouldn’t choke.
He frantically rubbed your arms, while looking for your distant eyes to come back to the cheery e/c he found so attractive.
When you started to move slowly on your own your eyes peered up at him, the distant look fading quickly.
“Mmm…? Leon?” You asked softly, trying to attempt to remember where you were and what happened.
“Y/N!” He replied a smile forming on his face, full of relief. “You’re okay, my God I was so worried, are you ok?”
“Mmmhmm… thanks to you and Gracey.” You replied with a soft smile, giving your pokemon a thankful expression, to which she cried in happiness as a reply.
“Let’s get you to the hospital, to at least get a look at you. Then I’ll make sure you get home okay.” Leon said as he helped you up with his strong arms, letting your body lean against him. “I never knew you had to deal with these. You’re so much stronger than I could ever be, Y/N.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, your stomach knotting up in that similar way it did when you would see him visit your work on his days off from the league. Most people would be so scared and standoffish, more afraid of you than anything. See you as someone that needed to be fixed, someone that was fragile, and needed to be looked after like a child.
But Leon? He shown genuine kindness, he didn’t make you out to be this weak person who had epileptic seizures. He treated you with respect. As an equal.
You were strong, something that you did not hear often in your life.
You gave a small laugh, and peered up at him, your e/c eyes shining against the streetlights. “Is it too late to ask you for a second date?”
Leon’s cheeks uncharacteristically burned a deeper red and low chuckle came from his throat. “Not at all.”
There’s not many times he’s serious, but when it comes to you, he is stone cold serious.
Will constantly ask you if you’re okay if you seem more nervous or shakier than usual.
Always holds your hand when you’re feeling more shaky, will go into any quieter space to get you to a safer environment just in case
Even though his shows can be flashy and loud, he really prefers that you stay home or listen to CD’s of the shows of his that are flashier and with more lights. He’s talked to his producers about incorporating more epilepsy friendly aspects into his shows and videos so that more people can enjoy it safely.
On the times that you do watch him, he makes sure that the place is better lit, and no strobing lights.
Will rub the top of your head softly when you go into one, and holds you to where you wont hurt yourself during it.
He knew you had them, but you said that it was less common these days. So he thought that it would most likely be a while before you had one.
The first time you had a seizure in front of him, he was terrified and confused on what to do.
You were sitting beside him, listening to him strum on his guitar as try to work out the sound to his new song.
Your Kirlia sat beside you, listening too.
When he looked up from the strings and papers he had scattered around him, rewriting certain parts he paled.
Your arms were shaking as you began to fall backwards rather quickly. Luckily your Kirlia predicted this and carefully grabbed your shoulders and placed you on your side.
Kirlia’s eyes rose to Piers and she instructed him to gently rub at your arms as she used her abilities to work on the overfiring electrical impulses your brain was having.
Piers scanned your body frantically, your twitching limbs and far off stare causing his heart to race in nervousness. He didn’t know what to do, but hoped that what he was doing helped in some way.
Your Kirlia called softly as your twitching began to stop and your eyes regained their soft e/c hue. You hummed a little as you blinked back the glaze over your eyes.
“Y/N, hey… are you with me?” Piers asked, eyebrows knitted together, refusing to leave your side.
You gave him a confused stare and nodded slowly. “Yes…what…?”
Your Kirlia touched your forehead and you understood.
“Thank you… for helping me, Piers.” You patted your Kirlia’s hand greatfully. “And you too Meena, you did amazing.”
From then on Piers was sure to be more observant and learn about how to be better prepared for the next attack. The zigzagoon brigade are always alert and ready to go into pillow mode to help you not hit your head or hurt yourself. 
The absolute best at making sure that you are taking you meds and taking care of yourself
Always tries to make sure that you have enough time to get enough sleep and goes to bed at the same time as you to help make it easier
He’s used to dealing and helping new gym challengers that have anxiety problems, so he knows how to relax you and help manage your stress
Being as strong as he is, it’s nothing for him to grab you when your legs give out when you go into one, making sure that you are laid down on your side safely
His big hands will make soothing touches and coax you through it, making sure everyone around you is quiet so you’re not overwhelmed with voices around you
If you ever feel bad about having them, he is so quick to reassure you that it is never a problem and he loves you so much
The first time you went into one
You were battling him as your first gym battle, with your Espeon battling against his Glossifleur.
You seemed so strong, easily ordering move after move from your companion, but that changed when you started to wobble on your feet, your Espeon immediately ran to your side to catch you from hitting your head and braced your body against her own and let you fall at a slower rate to the ground safely.
Milo gave a wave to the stadium, with a shout of “Everyone stop!” and made his way over to you. The stadium went into a quick and silent hush. The rotom camera, now focused on you.
Your body jerked involuntarily, your gaze far off and unfocused.
Your partner pokemon gave a cry and rubbed against your body while Milo held your head to where it would be easier for you to breath.
“Hey, Y/N… it’s okay lass. You’re okay.” He said softly, his hat blocking out the harsh sun above you. He gave your cheek a few soft pats, his green eyes searching your face.
It took about a few moments for your hands to stop seizing and jerking. When they did you let out a steady breath. You blinked slowly and gave a low hum as your eyes refocused and fell upon the grass type gym leader above you.
“There you are, are you hurt?” Milo asked you, his voice lower but understandable for your comfort.
You swallowed, and went to slowly sit up, the sun from above now shining painfully on you. You blinked your eyes shut but nodded and turned to him.
 “Yeah… just...” you began and suddenly noticed where you were and felt the anxiety well up inside of you.
“Would it be possible to…stop our battle for today? Please?” you finished and picked at a part of your nails, cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry but I think I need to lay down for a while, I’m just wiped after…” you tried to explain yourself, your Espeon chittered next to you, rubbing against you softly.
Milo held up a hand with a genuine and kind smile. “Say no more, Y/N. Let’s get you to the nurse on call to get a look at you. Make sure you’re okay.” He rose to hit feet and held a hand out to you. “Can you stand?”
You gave a nod and stood up slowly, but wobbled a little, your legs still unsteady.
Milo scooped you up into his arms effortlessly. “Just rest, I’ll get you there safe and sound.”
And he did, 
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