#the jaime discourse
greensaplinggrace · 9 months
#hot take #truths the fandom isn’t ready for #fans of this never bring up - *proceeds to discuss topics already extensively discussed in fandom and by fans*
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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ACoK - Bran VII
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ADwD - Daenerys II
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ASoS - Jaime IX
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AFfC - Brienne VII
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AFfC - Samwell IV
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“asoiaf is nihilistic and grimdark” absolutely not.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 7 months
So my English lecturer talked about ASOIAF today and described Cersei and Jaime "freaky" rather than just saying they're fucking and I had to sit there amongst actual normal human beings like
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rohanneofcoldmoat · 1 year
whenever someone posts a bad jaime take, brienne is glaring at them across the common room of the inn in spirit. then she's abruptly retiring to her room
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knightsickness · 1 year
‘how do you like criston after he called rhaenyra a cunt’ i wanted to fuck jaime after he tried to kill that child. genuinely what show do you think we’re watching. let hot guys kill evilly
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melrosing · 6 months
so what i get from your opinion is that the girl that was just made beacuse the starks were getting along very well with eachother without drama, the girl that has the less conexion to the north, no direwolf, no references or reverence to the old gods, looks are purely tully, had always prefered southern customs over the northern ones, the one that betrayed her own family for a boy that her own younger sister (plus robb and jon) could see was a cruel son of a bitch, the one that her own brother, the king of the north disinherited from his will, the one that thinks that a highborn squire is lower than her, the one and only sansa lannister should be the north's ruler smh
here we go again
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francy-sketches · 1 year
I love how stannis girlies joking about him being a teenage girl or whatever gets people so pressed. They’ll be like “ummmm actually he’s a raging misogynist 🤨 not a teenage girl 🙄 you’re so weird for this” it’s really not that serious omg
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janiedean · 15 days
thoughts on the people who blame Jaime for what happened with tysha and say that he was a kingsguard adult and he allowed tysha to be raped that he was an accomplice ( well we were never told if he knew what was going to happen ) and tywin showed a level of control over his kids ( remember how cersei asked tywin for leave when as Tyrion put it he should be asking her for leave since shes the queen
(answering this and the other two you sent now sorry for the lateness but as said I'm really out of spoons these days)
I think I went in depth on the specific matter on the novels of jaime meta I wrote so I'm gonna be extremely concise for my standards but
people who blame Jaime for what happened with tysha > well we established literacy is dead and if you blame jaime for a thing tywin did then congrats on showing you skipped english class in elementary school
he was a kingsguard adult > ah yeah the guy who got into the kg at 15 and ended up killing his king at 17 and got vietnam war level ptsd in three years plus also joined out of being manipulated into it and whose like maturity development was stuck at 17 at the ripe age of 34 and who should have never gone into the kg anyway and joined when he was a minor and went through all that trauma as a minor is the responsible adult okay then I never heard this until now and I'm glad because it's just brainrot
that he was an accomplice > if he was an accomplice he'd have had to facilitate it and to take part in it which he hadn't, also considering the guy basically lost his hand and got kicked in the stump to prevent a woman that at that point he didn't even like nor care for from getting raped I doubt he'd have done that and like someone coercing you into agreeing with smth like that doesn't make you an accomplice but ig people don't know what words mean anymore
tywin showed a level of control over his kids > tywin was an abusive af piece of shit who abused the hell out of all his children in different ways which were all reprehensible and trauma-inducing and blaming any of them for shit he did (c. included) is not knowing how to read and not having a clue of how that kinda thing works but if you don't grasp it reading the book then you're hopeless but yeah right obviously he has a level of *control* over them, if you want to please your abusive father at all costs or not want to go against him because you're too afraid to do it ofc he has control over you and again tyrion's adwd not-great stint is because he killed shae who didn't deserve it, not because he killed tywin who had it 100% coming and imvho deserved exactly what he got, hope tyrion feels good about it throughout the whole series
tldr: if someone comes at me blathering that jaime is in any way at fault about tysha when he's dissociated it out of his head for 20 years just because he can't handle the fact that he hurt tyrion that much I'm not even hearing the rest because I know it'll be a braindead take, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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befooremoonrisee · 6 months
i don't control very much the lore of dragon age, but i found very interesting how they portray traditional medieval knighthood in both templars and chevaliers.
the templars get all the religious part of being a knight, the grooming for violence, the being war dogs for the chantry. the violence hiding behind a mask of duty and piety.
meanwhile chevaliers take the "performance" part of knighthood, the shine, the glory, the fighting in jousts , the courtly love. the violence hiding behind a mask of glory and chivalry.
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ludcake · 9 months
i need to get on the reread grind to make proper meta...... atm all i'm thinking about is things that frustrate me with worldbuilding which is not what the germ intended. he would not want for us to give ourselves over to haterism. to caring about minor worldbuilding. focus on the characters and their struggles. focus on the themes. stop thinking about the really weird shit in fire and blood and twoiaf-
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
Always very funny (read: annoying) to me how frequently people will say something like, "Oh, I love fucked-up fictional relationships, I love TOXIC ROMANCE, I need my ships to have Problems™ that would make even the most stoic adult cringe in shame" and then vehemently reject literally any fictional romantic dynamic that involves a woman being horrible.
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falllpoutboy · 18 days
the fifth anniversary of braime canon has passed recently but as we all know, something sinister and horribly twisted happened within the same episode and the 8th and final season of game of thrones was generally panned (select moments like the aforementioned aside). my question to the fandom then becomes, half a decade later, is:
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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This kind of read still existing legitimately drives me up the wall. One of the worst things GoT has done is turn Brienne into such a one note character when it comes to her emotions which in turn birthed “Brienne being in love with a character who she had a very integral mutual dynamic with all throughout the series and crying about it??? uhhh good job reducing a strong female character!!” Like yall are just saying words. A female character having a love interest and a romantic arc does not reduce her. A “strong female character” being vulnerable and emotional is not counterintuitive. With a character as unconventional as Brienne a romantic arc is pretty cool actually. I am certainly not saying its underrepresented with female characters (it often frustratingly sidelines them in fact), but it is when it comes to characters like her. She is a young woman who yearns for intimacy and love in a world where she is ostracized and deemed unlovable for physical traits out of her control. Where women are valued for the physical attractiveness. She falls in love, and it is extremely scary for her, it is one of the main things we know about her. She IS a romantic heroine as well. And no, her lesson should not be: “dumb naive girl falling in love with pretty men?? do not do that let love and romance go and be a warrior who represses all of her desires for eternity or settle.” When she falls for Jaime she does not fall for a surface either. That is the point of their whole dynamic. Like it is not at all like with Renly, it is the opposite. She had a terrible impression of him based on preconceived notions and his actual behavior, she saw him at his worst, she was at the receiving end of the persona that became a part of him, until she watched him lay himself bare over time to her. She also is not delusional about him right now either. She knows him intimately, she knows all of his sins and his virtues. She does not trust easily, but she chooses to trust him. That is meant to be brave for her character. Renly was very much a safe and distant star for her. It was not true vulnerability, she never entertained the idea of truly having him. It was love from a comfortable distance. She craves that comfortable distance which is why she is trying to repress her very obvious emotions for Jaime. Jaime is gonna be a stage that is not that. A female character being in love with and having a connection to a male character is not inherently reducing her to a love interest. George dwells so much on Brienne and how her emotions work, it is complex and well written and an aspect of HER character. Within the framework of Brienne’s story Jaime is her love interest, not the other way around. Putting her into a box when it comes to how she should behave because of her “archetype” is the opposite of the point of her character. Personally, some of my favorite Brienne moments in the books is when she is being vulnerable, when she is falling in love and struggling with that. If you view that as dehumanizing for a character, I think you are out of your mind.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Ur favourite ships in Asoiaf?
no other ship in the main series has had the same hold on me like jaime/cersei. sorry to bran but as soon as i saw jaime push him from that window with mine own two eyes i thought 'oh, so we're really doing this' and hopped on the train
i also like the jonsa subtext in the show
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dreamingdruka · 1 year
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thegameisonat221b · 6 months
just saw an awful take: tywin could have married sansa to jaime and together they could have been winning at the game of thrones. first of all how is winning the game of thrones still a thing. second of all she's 12. third of all jaime??? jaime winning ?????? he's literally buried in a thousand layers of denial and would rather die than be a politician.
i gotta stay off them youtube shorts
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