#the kimchi bunny
stick-by-me · 7 months
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They're up to some mischief!
(From this shop here!)
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fuckyeahcoelacanths · 2 years
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Holographic Constellation Sky Fish Stickers by TheKimchiBunny
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secretsecretbunny · 4 months
me: *peacefully eating kimchi*
my roommate: that looks and smells fucking disgusting
me: bitch so do you??????
my roommate: I wish your mom's culture had better food
???????????? I'm going to go to jail
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shirozen · 1 month
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Fermentation protection on
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teadocs · 3 months
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Chamchi, Dubu, Kimchi, & Moka - The Pets of Teadocs 2/?
Breed/Species: mini rex (C), Holland lop (D), Netherland dwarf (K), & lionhead (M) rabbits Colouration: blue chinchilla (C), red eyed white (REW) (D), fawn (K), black silver marten (M) Timeline: pre-2021 — Guardian: Esther Park
Daniel and Esther have lived with bunnies almost as long as they can remember! Their mother had had some growing up, and once it became clear that at least one of her children was neurodivergent, she decided to bring a new one home from the store in hopes it would help with their development. Even though Daniel loved having 뽀삐 around and benefitted from interacting with her, it was always clear that she was Esther's bunny. So, about a year down the line, they decided to bring another rabbit home, in hopes he might prefer Daniel. Again, this bunny chose Esther as his person, and again, the family tried to get Daniel another pet. By this point, Esther had developed a special interest in rabbits, and began learning about and training in bunny agility, adding to their long list of active hobbies. The Parks kept approximately three rabbits at a time, usually sticking to adopting rexes and mini rexes out of comfort, and adding Chamchi to the family in 2019. When 2020 rolled around, however, Esther fell in love with Dubu's adoption profile, and convinced their parents to try out a new breed. After Daniel was cast in season 1 of Total Drama, Esther picked out Moka, joking that she was his replacement. Finally, during the filming of season 1, Esther began to really struggle with being apart from Paige and Daniel, and along came Kimchi as an impulse purchase. Well, as "impulse" as you can get with a reputable breeder anyways. At this point in the story (late 2026), the bunnies are starting to get up there in age, and Chamchi and Dubu have retired from agility.
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dhoranbolt · 4 months
Shy/easily embarrassed reader and unhinged Sukuna hc 2
this ones a lil long, shh pretend it's hc format and not a cross between that and a fic, suggestive, minors DNI all characters are 18+
Sukuna who decided to pop up more often now, though he doesn't say much more than before
Yuji and her are having a conversation, and suddenly a red eye is staring at her, a mouth slowly curving into a wicked grin. Sukuna won't say anything this time, he wants this to be just like at the warehouse- intimacy between just the two of them, poor Yuji completely unaware
Yuji doesn't know exactly what happened at the warehouse, his memory blipping out after he let Sukuna take over due to fatigue. But seeing as they both made it out of the job unscathed, he wouldn't press for questions.
Even if he tried, Sukuna wouldn't answer
"So why is my SLEEVE missing?" He yelled, staring at the slit under his eye in the mirror accusingly.
'The curse was hungry, your sleeve was collateral damage. Much like you.' Sukuna chuckled.
He still refuses to acknowledge the fact that he enjoys her presence, but he always manages to crack an eye open when she comes around
Sukuna is less than thrilled when Yuji's mood starts to change at the sight of her now, though. He won't act differently, lest the brat starts to pick up on his not affections for her.
Sukuna’s shifted his focus- he's no longer teasing her to get a reaction from both of them. Teasing Yuji however, is always on the table. He's teasing Yuji to upset him, to embarrass him in front of her now
She's still shy- but for the fact she has to look Yuji in his eyes and pretend she's not technically had his dick down her throat. Would Yuji do it differently? Caress the side of her face as he slid himself down her throat?
She realizes that maybe she was curious about it- until Sukuna came along and deprived her of air for his own pleasure. And now somehow that sounds so much better than soft touches, and gentle words.
Sukuna really had ruined him for her. Anything Yuji could do, she would compare it to Sukuna, who would do it better in his own way
Sukuna who grins when he sees her blushing because she caught him staring.
"What a cute red blush you're wearing."
Yuji sighs and rubs his forehead. It's not the worst thing to come out of Sukuna's mouth, and he is right. She does look cute with a blush. But her cheeks only burn hotter, and Sukuna’s grin widens
She kneels down to fix her shoe, and when she looks up Yuji is looming over her. Looming the way Sukuna did, and- the curse is looking down at her with a smugness, black marks settling on his face
'No one else is going to look at you from this position. Least of all that punk ass.' He doesn't say it out loud, and the words only flash in his mind for a second before he's shoving them away. What should he care for, if she's on her knees for anyone else? And then he's gone and ruined his own mood. Because she's his pet, no one else's, and that's just as disgusting to admit.
Sukuna is possessive, not only has he found something for himself that his vessel so clearly wants- but he's taken it right from under his nose. The brat has no idea, and it really is the best feeling. He's taken a piece of her Yuji will now never see. And he'll keep taking pieces of her to hide in his domain- but when are material things no longer enough? How long until Sukuna decides he's just going to keep her there too?
Tags: @saiki-enthusiast @yukios-medic @alice-smutthoughts @idktbhloley @rezitio @matchat3a @mo0nforme @bleach-your-panties @fateisnotafactor @lov3ly-bunny @antishadow2021 @xo-evangeline @ackachii @tiredravenette @carpioassists @yoongislatinagff @i-likebread @squishybabei @emyyy007 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @kokushibosgirl @wishandluck @kimchi-zaks @kyriekurokami @not-brionnne @andic137 @tang3r1n @nayasch @chilichopsticks @peachyminx
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borathae · 6 months
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"Jungkook loves having a break from work because it means that he can make you breakfast in the morning and welcome you home with dinner."
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff
Warnings: Jungkook being a cutie, cozy mornings, casual use of Bunny & Mommy as non-kinky petnames, kisses, flirting because they're in love!
Wordcount: 2.6k
a/n: this was planned for january but we all need fluff more than smut rn so i decided to switch up my schedule a little. i hope this can cheer you guys up.
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You wake up in darkness like most mornings because you and your husband prefer to have the electric blinds down. And like most mornings, the first thing you do is look for him in the darkness by swiping your hand over the sheets. However, unlike most mornings, you can’t locate him today. He must have gotten up already, which was weird considering he had the day off today. 
Because of one of his countless work trips, he has this week off. He gave himself that rule. The longer the work trip was and the higher the stress level, the longer he'll relax at home as balance. He wasn’t home for a month this time around, so for one week you will have him playing house husband. 
Jungkook shouldn’t be out of bed yet. It was his second day home and he should be getting his well-deserved sleep. You have to get up for university, but Jungkook should still be snoozing. You have to see what could be so important that he is already out of bed.
You open the blinds with a click of the button you have next to your bedside lamp and use the growing light to get out of bed. You stretch your arms above your head, yawning loudly to get the oxygen flowing. Then you make your way to the bathroom for the mandatory post wake up pee. Once relieved and equipped with a glass of fresh water to drink on the way, you make your way to the living area in hopes of locating Jungkook. 
The faint sound of music calls you to the kitchen. Soon the smell of breakfast tickles your nose. So that's where he went off to. He is cooking breakfast. 
You smile once you lay eyes on him. He is turned to you as he is using the kitchen island counter to chop kimchi. He is wrapped in a dark blue kimono robe and a black apron. The long sleeves of the kimono he fixed according to Japanese traditions, making it so that they wouldn’t get in the way as he cooks. 
He is singing to the song on the radio, lifting his eyes as they catch your movements.
His face lights up.
“Good morning”, he says and keeps gazing at you as you make your way to him.
“Good morning”, you increase your steps, needing to be with him, “why are you up already? It’s so early.”
Jungkook checks the time, “I didn’t feel tired anymore. I’ve been up since five thirty.” 
“Why? Bunny, today’s your free day”, you whine, setting the empty glass aside.
“I’m seriously fine. I think jetlag’s still doing it to me. I’m making breakfast.”
“I know, it already smells amazing”, you say and wrap your arms around his waist. 
He puts the knife down and turns in your hold, lifting his arms so you could snuggle into his chest. He closes his arms around you, swaying from side to side as your bodies naturally move to the music. 
He closes his eyes and rests his cheek against your head. 
“You should be in bed snoozing”, you mumble into him.
“I’m okay”, he says in a chuckle, “I feel really rested.”
“Mhm okay fine I believe you”, you give up and squeeze him gently, “my bunny. Shit, I missed you.”
“I missed you too”, he says and squeezes you back, “so much.”
“I missed you more. You know?” 
Jungkook laughs, “that’s impossible because I missed you so much that nobody could ever top it.”
You chuckle, “wow that’s a lot.”
“Mh-hm it’s a lot.”
You lift your head, grinning up at him. He retorts it, scrunching his nose. 
“You’re a stupid noodle.”
“What are you making?” 
“Steamed salmon in a teriyaki glaze, multigrain rice, kimchi and miso soup.”
“That literally sounds like heaven, holy fuck.” 
“And I’m making jujube tea with ginger because it’s getting chilly.” 
“You’re seriously amazing. I was so down to eat soggy cereal today and now you’re treating me to such a royal breakfast.”
He giggles, “yeah, I hope it’ll taste yummy. I made the glaze myself and, I don’t know, I think I used too much ginger.” 
“I bet it’ll be amazing.”
“Yeah, hopefully.”
The air fryer beeps, calling Jungkook’s attention.
“Oh! Food’s ready! Sit down Mommy, I’ll serve it to you”, he says and wiggles out of the hug in excitement. He skips to the air fryer, humming to himself.
You do as you are told and sit down by the round dining table, watching him scramble to get the food plated. You are wiggling your toes in happiness. He is so cute. 
“You look so handsome in your kimono, Bunny”, you tell him.
“Thank you, Mommy”, he says, but otherwise stays rather unresponsive as he is fully concentrated on making the food look pretty. 
“It’s a shame that I gotta leave for classes today ‘cause I just wanna stare at you all day.” 
At that Jungkook lifts his eyes. He glances at you. Flusters. Looks away. Blushes. 
You chuckle fondly, grinning to yourself. Of course your words would fluster him. That was your goal after all.
“And then later if you let me, I’d unwrap you like a little treat.”
Jungkook glances at you again. He is so obviously shy from your words, but he doesn’t let it show at all.
“Food is, uhm, it’s done”, he says.
“You’re just gonna ignore me, mhm?” you tease with a smile.
“I don’t know what to say to that”, he confesses, making you chuckle 
“You’re so fucking cute.”
He serves the food on a bamboo tray, setting it down with a kiss to your cheek and his left hand petting the back of your head.
“Thank you, my love”, you say, leaning into the kiss.
“Mhm, you can start already. I’ll just get mine.” 
And as Jungkook hurries back to the kitchen, you scan your eyes over the food. It looks amazing. The salmon looks crispy in a dark glaze and the multigrain rice has a nice purple colour to it. The miso soup is steaming and the fresh kimchi from Jungkook’s mom is served in a small glass bowl.
“The food looks amazing”, you tell him.
“Yeah, dig in. Dig in”, he dismisses you as he is terribly busy with scooping rice into his bowl.
“I am”, you say and chuckle. He is so cute. 
You pick up the wooden spoon and scoop up the first bite of many. You try to make it equal parts rice and equal parts salmon, topping it off with a piece of kimchi.
Jungkook sits down on the chair next to yours, resting his chin on the back of his hands. He is watching you intently, showing off his teeth in a sweet bunny smile. 
You take the first bite. 
“And?” he instantly asks, leaning closer to you as he is waiting for the praise.
“Mh”, you let out and pull a face of pure culinary ecstasy, giving him two thumbs up as you chew deliciously. 
He giggles, “good?”
“S’amazing”, you mumble and take a bite of the miso soup, “mhhm, mhm hm mh”, you hum, continuously giving him thumbs up.
“Heh thank you”, he whispers and sways happily, “eat a lot, Mommy. I made it with all the love in the world.”
“I can taste it. It’s so yummy”, you say and swallow your bite. You put your hand at the back of his head and pull him into a kiss.
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out, twisting the front of your shirt as his legs squeeze together under the table.
You break the kiss with a ruffle of his hair.
“Thank you so much for cooking”, you whisper and smile.
Jungkook’s eyes sparkle, his lips curl into a giddy grin.
“My cutie”, you add and break away to continue eating. The food is too delicious not to put your entire attention on it.
Jungkook watches you take a bite and eat it happily, then he finally begins eating as well, doing so with a frown.
“Mhm yes, this is good food”, he comments and nods his head.
“Yeah, it really is”, you agree and for the next few moments, you and him are silent as you concentrate on eating.
The amazing thing about being married is being able to see eating time as what it is. Eating time. In society, eating with other people most often means forcing conversation for the sake of friendliness. Foods get cold from being neglected for talking, bites aren’t properly chewed for the sake of conversation and tastes aren’t properly enjoyed. Being married to your soulmate and comfort means that those forced conversations cease to exist. You already have the greatest bonding time eating and sharing cozy silence.  
By the time the food is almost all gone, the conversation naturally begins to seep into the silence again. You and he were able to enjoy the food and are now finally ready to talk. Oh, it is so nice to be married.
“Will you go to afternoon lectures as well?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah, I have to. What she’s talking about right now is really important.”
“I see. Is it still about behavioural studies?” 
“Mmh nice. What you told me on the phone always sounded really interesting.”
“Yeah, it is. Mhm Bunny seriously, I can’t get over how everything is though. Like fuck college talk, your food’s amazing.” 
He scrunches his nose, “thank you, my love. I have another surprise for you too.”
“What do you mean? A surprise?”
“Mh-hm. Don’t make me say it yet. You know I suck at keeping surprises a secret”  he says and smiles his cutest bunny smile.
“Okay, but now you gotta tell me. What did you do?”
“No, I’m not telling you”, Jungkook says and gets up to flee to the kitchen. He giggles as he does, looking over his shoulder to check if you were watching him.
“Bunny”, you warn in a chuckle, getting up to chase him, “tell me.”
He is by the sink, loading the dishwasher and shaking his head.
“Tell me”, you say and tickle his sides.
Jungkook squeaks and writhes away, pressing his arms to his sides as best as possible.
“Mommy stop”, he whines between giggles.
“Tell me”, you insist, tickling his waist instead.
Jungkook turns and grabs your lower arm.
“You’re unfair”, he squeaks. 
You laugh, tickling him again just so you can get his reaction. Jungkook squeaks in laughter. He pulls his biggest move by tickling your sides in return.
“Ah!” you twitch away, “hey! Not fair.”
Jungkook snickers, “it’s what you get for being mean.”
You click your tongue, “you’re a little brat.” 
He grins, “and you’re almost running late.” 
You glance at the clock.
“Oh shit. Fuck, I gotta wash up”, you gasp and sprint off, “you stupid noodle you. You distracted me with your cute butt. Also, if I come downstairs and see you changed outta your robe so you could drive me, I’m punishing your ass. You’re staying home today”, you scold him as you run up the stairs, taking two at a time. 
Jungkook laughs. Seconds later, the upstairs bathroom falls closed.
Jungkook abandons the cleaning up for now in order to prepare your backpack for you. He would drive you to campus on other days, but you told him last night that you would take the bus today as you needed to swing by the library either way. Jungkook didn’t really want to argue with you about it so he just agreed to whatever you insisted on. 
But that doesn’t mean that he won’t make sure that you are leaving the house perfectly prepared. He fills your thermos cup with your favourite coffee, puts a water bottle into your backpack after making sure you have all the books and notes backed and he even slipped some little love notes between the pages you will read today. He hopes that you will love them. He is already so giddy at the thought of you discovering them.
You are stomping down the stairs again, putting on your earrings as you do.
“Have you seen my backpack? I'm going crazy. It’s not in my office.”
“It’s here, my love. You always forget it downstairs on Tuesdays because you come home so late”, Jungkook says, carrying it for you as you hurry to the coat closet. 
“Ah yeah. Fuck, did I get my books?”
“Everything you need is in the bag.”
“My notes?”
“Yes, those too.”
You scramble to get your shoes on. Jungkook in the meantime gets your coat so he could help you later.
“Shit, I didn’t get to make coffee.” 
“I did. Don’t worry”, he assures you.
“And water. I need water for later.”
“It’s in the bag.”
“A big-” 
“Yes, a big bottle.”
You halt in your hurried actions for a moment, looking at him in adoring disbelief. He is still holding your backpack and another bag in one hand, whilst offering you your favourite coat with the other. Your eyes flit back to the bag.
“What’s that?” 
“My surprise.” 
“Your surprise?” 
“First. Coat”, he says and helps you slip it on, “then backpack”, he helps you again, “now surprise”, he hands you the bag. 
You look into it. Your thermos of coffee is in there, a metal spoon and a pair of chopsticks wrapped in a paper towel as well, your favourite chocolate bar, a small package of salted pretzels, a tangerine, a banana and a metal bento box.
You look up to meet his shy gaze.
“You made me lunch?” you get out squeakily, pouting as your eyes fill with fond tears.
Jungkook nods his head, “it's something so yummy. I also packed you favourite snacks and some fruits for vitamins. But don’t open the bento until it’s time for lunch.”
“Bunny. Oh my god, you’re gonna make me cry. I love it so much.”
Jungkook wipes your tears away, smooches your forehead and then places his hands on your shoulders to lead you to the elevator. He calls it with a press of the button.
“No tears. You’re running late.”
You laugh, feeling your heart flutter. He is so fucking adorable.
The elevator dings and opens. He shoves you gently until you naturally walk on your own.
“How do you expect me to be normal after this? You’re the sweetest noodle ever”, you whine. 
“Thank me by thinking of me all day”, he says and giggles.
You turn. He is still in the penthouse while you’re in the elevator. One reach is all that separates you and him.
Jungkook lifts his hand to wave you goodbye. Just a few more seconds and the doors would close. It’s now or never. 
The doors begin closing.
“Good luck today, my love. See you late-eeek”, Jungkook squeals and stumbles into the elevator as you pull him inside by the collar of his robe.
You twirl him and press him against the wall, knocking a surprised gasp out of him.
The elevator moves.
“What are you doing? I’m in my robe. I don’t have my keycard with me. I don’t-”
“Take mine. You can open the door for me later”, you interrupt him.
“But. The robe.”
“Nobody will care. Wanna make use of the time”, you dismiss him and pull him into a kiss. 
Jungkook whimpers, grasping you instantly. His heart is racing, his knees are buckling. So here he is. In his robe, without clothes underneath, pinned against a cold wall as he is getting tongue kissed in an elevator. It’s not what he had hoped would happen if he made you lunch, but it’s definitely not the worst outcome.
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beomie3 · 4 months
txt on valentine’s day
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bf txt x reader & fluff :)
♡choi yeonjun
this man would seduce the hell out of you from the start...
he was leaning on the hood of his car, a bouquet of red roses in hand.
he dressed up so nicely for you; a chic red sweater with jeans that hugged his legs so nicely and his hair styled in a way that left you frozen where you stood.
he would kiss your hand so sensually and open the car door like the gentleman he is.
when you got in the car you found that he had your name engraved on the passenger mirror because that was your spot and your spot only.
the back seat was arranged with pink gift bags and a sweet arrangement of all of your favorite candies/snacks.
when you leaned in for a kiss, his soft lips tasted of cherry chapstick; the scent of his cologne just driving you crazy. you just couldn't get enough of him.
"just wait for the present i have for you tonight, baby." he would say with a handsome smirk and kiss to your cheek before driving the two of you to a romantic dinner.
♡choi soobin
would treat you like the princess of princesses.
he would take you out to get your nails done and then proceed to melt when you give him head scratches/back scratches with your new nails hehe.
would have the apartment decorated for you top to bottom with sparkly decorations and little rose petals scattered around with candles and chocolates.
he would cook a delicious dinner for you and bake the most delicious pastries that literally had you convinced he was secretly a professional baker.
he would take the two of you out to an arcade later that night where you beat him in pretty much every game but he didn't care, he just loved seeing you so happy.
the one thing he did win was a huge bunny plushie for you!
"that way i will always be with you," he smiled as he handed you the plushie but you hugged him instead.
you took the cutest selfies together at the arcade <3
♡choi beomgyu
you two spent the day inside, just cuddling on the couch when an idea sparks his mind.
"let's make chocolate-covered strawberries!"
the kitchen is already a mess in not even 10 minutes of the two of you being in there.
he is chasing you around the kitchen island with a finger dipped in chocolate just needing to smear some across your nose as payback for doing it to him.
his hands would clasp around your waist when you stood at the sink rinsing off the strawberries.
later that evening he took you out to watch the sunset at the beach where the two of you sat in the sand, head on his shoulder as you stared off into the orange sky, talking about your futures together.
"do we want one or two kids?" he would ask, already knowing you wanted three, since it was his lucky number.
he brought his film camera and would capture the cutest most aesthetic pictures of your silhouette in the sunset, making sure to post it on his instagram <3
♡kang taehyun
this boy would write you a 10-page love letter about how much you mean to him, including little poems, doodles, and polaroids he pasted onto the pages :'(
a sweet picnic at the park on a sunny day under some shady trees was the perfect way to spend valentine's day with your terry.
he made you homemade kimchi fried rice, tteokbokki, and ramyeon in which he all packed in little pots and set out for you to help yourself to and eat until your heart was content <3
after eating you both laid on the blanket and stared at the clouds, you on his chest as he hummed little tunes for you.
the wind swaying through the trees, birds chirping, subtle background noises of cars passing by and people chatting, mixed with this angelic voice had you falling in love with him all over again.
"you're my favorite person on this entire planet, you know that?"
♡huening kai
kai would set up the cutest little movie night date at his apartment for you.
when you arrived, the couch was covered in plushies and fluffy blankets, a plethora of his hoodies draped over the arm of the couch so that you pick one to wear for the night.
being cuddled up in his arms was the ultimate comfort despite all of the comfy things he provided for you <3
your laughs could probably be heard outside as you literally were dying over the funny scenes in the movie, even popcorn flew everywhere as he could not control himself.
after the movie he brought his guitar out and sang an original he wrote just for you :)
he gave you a piggy back ride to his room where you would have pillow fights and late night talks, laughing until you fell asleep.
even though you are dating, you are still the best of friends above all else :,)
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a/n: happy valentine’s day everyone!! <33 i hope u all have the best day ever, treat urself to something special today!!! :) love u so much! 💝 + thank you so much for over 700 followers it means the world to me 🥺
-valentine’s day divider credits: @f-loqweres and @gigittamic
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spadesolace · 7 months
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polaroid love - bonus chapter. the shade
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while y/n waits for her flight from korea to japan to leave, scrolling on her phone, she stumbled upon a video about her and hanni. it wasn’t like the public didn’t know they’re close, after the mama performance everyone sort of assumed that the groups that participated became close.
10 minutes of nmixx y/n and newjeans hanni acting like a married couple
clip 1: mama behind the scenes
in the somewhat back of the dance practice, a very blurry clip of y/n and hanni can be seen talking to each other. hanni is holding something somewhat clutching it in fear of possibly losing it while y/n is taking pics of her. with the pictures of hanni holding onto her koala plushie and y/n with her miffy plush can be seen being next to each other.
the scene was then changed to the pair still in the mama practice room talking, some may consider a bit too close for comfort as y/n hands her an onigiri.
these two acting like a married couple in front of my kimchi
clip 2: hanni’s vlog in LA
it starts off with hanni holding the camera close to her face, she’s inside a car, a bit unfamiliar as it is not the usual car bunnies see on their contents.
“you think if i played some songs the company would be mad?” hanni looked at the owner of the voice with a teasing smile, as if she knows what they’ll do even if she tells them off.
“don’t even try.” a somewhat familiar chuckle is heard but it could be easily mistaken for someone else.
ok, it might be a stretch that this is y/n.
“what if i played the songs i’ve written and produced?” hanni looked like she was thinking it through and she nodded.
as the familiar beat of love countdown starts to play, hanni is heard screaming and stopping the radio. which quickly revealed y/n laughing while driving.
“maybe not that.”
“alright, how about this?”
polaroid love lowly plays in the background.
confirmed that it was indeed y/n driving!!!
clip 3: hanni’s vlog in LA, GUCCI campaign
hanni starts off the vlog with her in the outfit chosen for her, showing her entire fit on camera, with little to no idea that someone had entered the frame. wearing a blue checkered coat with a bit of leather padding and pocket covers, with her hair a bit slicked back and a few strands of bangs popping out.
hanni shouted upon seeing y/n, who only laughed at her [girlfriend].
“you look stunning.” y/n was in awe, seeing hanni despite having somewhat similar fits for the campaign, she is just left standing there admiring the girl.
“thank you, you look amazing as well.” hanni opened her arms as y/n hugged her looking at the camera with a teasing smile.
i’m surprised the company kept the clip
it was then cut to hanni and y/n in different outfits, a part of the campaign just to get the ambassadors close. some of which are being directed that they get a bit touchy as the pair are known to be somewhat best friends already. y/n being the playful person that she is, as the wave goodbye to the end of the content being filmed, she kissed hanni’s hand that was holding onto hers.
clip 4: y/n gucci campaign behind the scenes
“hello nswers, i’m currently at LA, just finished doing the campaign and i’m about to head out to get dinner with someone.”
y/n is showing her fit in front of the full body mirror in her hotel room, strutting like a model until she almost tripped.
“probably should have looked where i was going. ANYWAYS! nswers, i’m trying to match my fit with my uh-” y/n paused placing the camera down and sitting in front of it, thinking of the right term for it.
“ah yes, my date. you’ve probably seen some clips but i’m with newjeans’ hanni.”
with like… together in a relationship or together like just within the same vicinity?
“we’ll go sightseeing, just hang out and take a few pics here and there. our managers are with us so we’ll be safe, no need to worry nswers.”
the clip showed the pair from a fan’s point of view where the two are holding their cameras with managers a bit behind and holding each other’s hand. followed by another clip of the pair without cameras and just the two of them still holding hands and laughing.
maybe they’re just really… really… really close friends.
hanni had seen an octopus hat with y/n and joked about buying it just to have matching hats. the faint “why not?” turned out that one has to win in the fair in order to win the hats which they both said no as to not waste any money.
i swear these two are the most practical and chaotic pair.
clip 5: nmixx midsummer dream behind
y/n is seen beside hanni as she teaches the choreography to super shy, while lily and danielle are conversing on one side with kyujin and haerin. although the camera focuses on haewon talking about the challenge being done by the two aussies and the 06 liners, one could see the two messing with each other.
“for someone who produced the song, you sure can’t keep up with the fast choreo.” y/n could only give hanni the side eye as the group settled and prepared for the challenge.
“with the amount of things i have to do, han, this is the least of my worries.”
“stop bantering like a married couple, we get it.”
just kyujin’s comment alone says a lot about the pair’s dynamic.
the behind the scenes showed y/n wrapping her arm around hanni’s waist as they watched kyujin and haerin do the challenge with cat paw gloves. looking like a married couple and adoring their children who are having fun and playing around.
married couple for real, i don’t make the rules
clip 6: last one, gucci milan fashion week
blonde hanni has made her appearance during milan fashion week, with that many cameras, it was no surprise that many would capture y/n’s reaction to it. as hanni made her entrance before y/n, walking inside the venue being followed by the nmixx member who didn’t recognize the girl right away.
“y/n! have you seen hanni?” the idol smiled as she gave the signed cd back to its rightful owner and shook her head as a response.
“sadly, i haven’t seen her.”
the nmixx member turned around to see hanni walking towards her along with her bodyguards behind. y/n seemed frozen in the clip, touching hanni’s hair and jaw dropped being aware that it’s the real deal. putting hanni’s hair behind her ear as y/n admired the girl, forgetting they’re in a public area and people are taking videos of the interaction.
“you like what you see?” y/n nodded as hanni hugged her and the fans were losing it. the two continued on with their interaction with fans, even taking pics.
if these two aren’t dating, i’ve lost all faith in the world.
bonus clip: y/n’s birthday live
y/nbunny: unnie, did any of your friends greet you?
y/n is seen looking at her manager if she can talk about it. her smile got brighter as if she got approval to talk about idols that weren’t under the same company.
“yeah, quite a lot greeted me but you know that feeling when you’re waiting for a specific person to greet you?”
the chat flooded with agreement, some were talking about their experience and y/n could only laugh at the comments.
“i’m waiti-” y/n looked down on her phone where she read comments and fell quiet. looking at her manager for confirmation, sliding her phone towards them.
yoothebest: what do you think she got?
hae_stressed_won: im worried for y/n
bae_stie: maybe its a surprise???
lily.potter: lmao imagine if it’s the person she’s waiting for
“sorry about that, just had some technical difficulties. going back, yeah i’m wai-” the lights turned off and y/n looked up and out. “i can’t even finish my statement without something interrupting me.”
the abrupt singing of happy birthday from the staff startled y/n but what surprised her more was the person holding the cake and placing it on the table. her mouth moving with now a brighter smile on her face.
anyone who can’t lipread, y/n just said what are you doing here. han?
“i- uh- wow. there’s a note.” y/n showed the camera the two notes, one from newjeans and the other from nmixx. her smile brighter than before and looking at the staff.
there’s no confirmation whether it actually is hanni, but just the cake and a brighter smile after that. they’re my parents, i want them to stay that way.
the video ended just at the right time as the plane was about to leave. y/n put her headphones on as watched the scenery change from her seat, patiently waiting to see and greet hanni for her birthday, just to surprise the girl.
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dailybunnymemes · 9 months
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What if my reflection in the pond is just another bunny from a parallel universe? - Kimchi
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stick-by-me · 1 month
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Get your daily dose of vitamin C, as in vitamin cuteness.
(From this shop here!)
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Not a YoonMin-er but would like to add my thoughts around this beautiful relationship. Yoongi was indisputably the member that influenced Jimin’s mindset pre-debut. His words of encouragement to a teenager who was being left in the limbo day in day out was so profound that Jimin has referred to it many many times. Yes Jimin himself is mentally strong and capable but we all need someone in our corner and for Jimin, that person was Yoongi. I also believe that because Yoongi was already making music and part of the industry in some way, his words held more weight.
I do feel that Jimin is closest to Yoongi (after JHope), and Namjoon more than Jungkook and V. Because of how Jimin thinks and because of what Yoongi himself has been through in terms of mental and emotional struggle. YoonMin to me are the true soulmates. They bicker, they make fun of each other. But let someone else do it and then will see red. Their relationship is so beyond the normal brotherhood and friendships.
For all the hate Yoongi gets from JM solo stans about the comments he makes (and admittedly some have been or could be perceived as being in bad taste), Jimin himself would never crucify Yoongi for them. I don’t even think he would take these comments seriously. And if Jimin’s ment at DDay finale wasn’t proof enough if their special bond (he literally called out Yoongi for being a bad host and not introducing his guest, at the guys own show infront of 100s of 1000s of people 😂😂😂), I don’t know what is.
I don’t know whether they had anything between them or not. Most likely not. But it seems that currently Yoongi is the only one Jimin would listen to. He only had to beg twice for a LC and TM performance and he didn’t even bribe whereas poor Jungkook has offered chicken, bam, boxing and even nakedness and got no Jimin 😂😂😂😂
Poor JK needs to beg some more. Maybe he can do a mukbang again with some Kimchi Jigae…but wait, Taeyang already offered that to Jimin 😂😂😂😂
You say you're not a yoonminer but after reading your ask, I'm very curious about what you are. It's interesting that you feel Jimin is closest to Yoongi because of what they've both been through "...in terms of mental and emotional struggle" and while I understand that yoonmin have bonded over shared personal journeys, I feel this could be said more for Yoongi's relationship growth with Hoseok and Namjoon. It's not often alluded to in the fandom but Hoseok and Joon have had their own deep struggles with depression and insecurity, and the way Yoongi and Hoseok have been able to emotionally open up to each other, the way Yoongi has deepened his emotional connection to and respect for Namjoon over the years, make Yoongi’s relationships with Namseok foundational to him in the group. Or like soulmates, to use your words. More so than with Jimin, in my opinion.
It’s also interesting that you say “They bicker… but let anyone else do it and then they will see red.” …but don’t you notice all the times this happens and it’s Jungkook that’s seeing red? To Yoongi?
Just off the top of my head, during their last visit to the UN when Jimin made that cute gaff and the guys were joshing him for it after. Yoongi (and a couple others) kept going, twisting that little pain point and JK (plus Hobi) was the first to put an end to it. Jungkook did it in such a sassy way too, considering he was speaking to people older than him. I’m not sure if it was captured in the English subtitles, but Jungkook very easily laid down the law in one second, signalled to the others that they were close to crossing a line in teasing Jimin. Not like Jimin needed his help, but it’s still worth noting that very publicly in their least rehearsed moment (on Vlive) it was JK speaking up.
Jungkook also damn near jumped Yoongi with a frying pan too, in that one RUN BTS episode (ep 100 I think) for mistakenly hitting Jimin. Jungkook in general is pretty big, so how you’ve missed that muscle bunny showing up to show out for Jimin, almost everyday for 10 years, is a real curiosity for me.
I agree with you that in terms of emotional outlets, Yoongi is one of the steadfast sounding boards for Jimin. There’s a lot about those two that does indicate that in another life, they would be kindred souls and I guess in some ways they already are. But today, in this universe, I can’t really say Jimin is closer to Yoongi than to Jungkook. I just don’t see it.
We don’t really know any of them, and who they are close too at various points changes all the time depending on whatever’s happening in their real lives, but Jimin today gives me the sense he’s somewhat detached from everyone in the group for long stretches so he can focus on his solo work. I’m not really seeing anything to tell me there’s been a massive shift and he’s now closer to Yoongi than to Jungkook. He could have become closer to Yoongi than before, to be as close to Yoongi as he is to Jungkook, maybe, but jikook’s relationship fundamentally remains the same in Chapter 2.
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Chowder Halloween Headcanons 🎃 💜 🎃 💜
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💜 Original headcanons 🎃
🍬 Ao3 version 👻
• Chowder LOVES HALLOWEEN! 🎃 💜 It’s his second favorite holiday. (His first favorite is Thanksgiving 🦃 🥔 🌽 🧅 🍠 🥧.)
• He wears a pumpkin costume!
• Mung forces Shnitzel to take him trick or treating.
• Whenever someone is serving candy at their door, Chowder would not only consume all the candy but also the bowl itself.
• Every year, the purple bunny would eat so much candy that he would grow all big and round like a ball, and Schnitzel would always have to be the one to roll him back to the kitchen.
Mung Daal:
• Mung loves entering the gang and himself in costume contests. (He remembers last Halloween where they went dressed as The Addams Family. Mung was Gomez, Truffles was Morticia, Schnitzel was Wednesday, Chowder was Pugsley, and somehow Kimchi was Uncle Fester.)
• He loves cooking up Halloween-themed dishes.
• He'll hardcore flirt with women in revealing outfits.
• Every year, he’d come up with a creative plan to mess up Endive’s kitchen. (He either teepees the place or covers it in silly string or eggs.)
• Shnitzel is the type of rock person who believes that you’re never too old for Halloween.
• His favorite Halloween jams are "The Monster Mash", "The Original Ghostbusters Theme", and "I Put A Spell On You" from Hocus Pocus.
• He DOES NOT like haunted houses! THEY’RE HAUNTED!
• He likes telling ghost stories, that is, until a real ghost shows up, then he gets scared, screams like a girl, and passes out.
• He likes lifting up heavy pumpkins and carving them.
• MAMA LOVES HALLOWEEN! (Even more than Chowder does.)
• Likes to get Halloween-themed nail designs on her nails.
• The ghosts and ghouls of the night are scared of her.
• She's on candy duty at the door.
• Once the trick-or-treaters are gone for the night, she will eat the rest of the candy in a secret room and hiss at anyone who comes near. Truffles does NOT like to share.
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shirozen · 9 months
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Constructing a cozy fermentation
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introvertllux · 4 days
Story Reboots!
Thank you to everyone who has read my stories over the years! It really means a lot. However, I have found myself in a rut creatively and see that I have a pattern of just coming up with story ideas, but not dedicated myself to having a clear outline and direction for them. This leads to me abandoning stories early on, not completing them, or having storylines that don't match.
I'm tired of doing this pattern. So now, I'm going to move on to taking my time to outline, plan, and putting out stories I want to write!
Thank you again and I hope you will join me on this journey!
Stories under construction and will be rebooted:
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Okay no not really, I'm just sick and super melodramatic about it
It's been done a thousand times before and it'll be done a million times more: bangtan reactions to you being sick 🤒 I need comfort
here is one i did about covid a while back. - I didnt read the wwhole thing in a while so there might be some repeats.
Namjoon - Phones his mom for some sort of ancient Korean remedy that only moms seem to know. He then makes you eat/drink a lot of it until you're not sure if you're still sick or just nauseous from the intake. After that he will get you comfy in bed and sit on a chair nearby reading you a story so you can fall asleep to his deep comforting voice (If he isn't afraid to get sick so there are no promotions going on he will probably sit in bed and stroke your hair too.
Seokjin - Doesn't have to phone his mom, he had some kind of magic kimchi recipe that clears your sinuses right out. I think Seokjin is a fusser. He will hover around you constantly, checking in every half and hour to make sure you don't need anything and are getting enough rest. He provides you with many blankets and if he leaves the house he returns with a new stuffed animal or surprise box toy in the hopes that it'll make you smile just for a second
Yoongi - Very practical. When he first notices you are getting sick he will run a bath for you and sit next to the bath helping you to wash the areas you cant reach because its too much energy. He gives you his soft clothes to wear to bed so your's don't get associated with sickness in your head. He refreshes a cold compress for you every so often and then mostly leaves you be. He worries himself so much he will also probably end up sick.
Hoseok - Spends a lot of time cuddling you and watching whatever shitty comfort movie it is that you want to watch, he will even pay for extra streaming services or downloads just to get you the exact shitty movie that you are craving no matter how obscure. He orders in plenty of juice and soup to help flush your system and just ugs you until the worst passes.
Jimin - Probably frets a lot. Wants to call the doctor even when you assure him it's nothing. Phones Namjoon for his moms cure all. FIlls the room with fresh flowers and balloons everyday because he feels like if you can't see the physical manifestation of his love he won't be able to make you feel better. Big on force feeding you soup and laying in your lap while you sit up because lying down probably makes it hard to breath and your head pound.
Taehyung - I feel like sick people break Taehyung. He really struggles to think of ways to take care of people properly, he tries his darnedest though. As soon as he knows you are sick he deposits Tannie in your lap so you have a nice warm friend to hug and then he goes out and buys an almost criminal amount of pain killers and bath soaks. Then he comes back and climbs into bed with you so you can all take a nap together.
Jungkook - Clingy bunny(tm). I wouldn't call it hovering like Jin because hovering implies some space, this man tried to follow you into the bathroom... Still he is a reassuring and warm presence when you get the chills. and despite all of the hard abs he is a very excellent hugger and will do your bidding regardless of how ridiculous the ask.
I hope you feel better soon!
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