#the layout is kinda weird sorry lol
heartsforhavik · 6 months
gorgeous (havik x gn! reader)
warnings: slight gore i suppose? and spoilers for mk1’s story mode but if ur reading this i’m sure you already know.
a/n: i still dont know how tumblr works but i love havik sm so i just wanna keep writing him. anyways this is based off of how i was listening to gorgeous by taylor swift and thought of havik bc he may look like a burnt rotisserie chicken but HE IS VERY GORGEOUS TO ME!!
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you always had a crush on havik. you originally met through quan chi, since you were both working with him. but you decided to not pursue havik, since he seemed very keen on his journey to liberation. you figured he wasn’t looking for a relationship, especially because he probably isn’t the type of guy to commit to one.
besides, you had some problems of your own to deal with. for example, even though you were working with him, you still found quan chi to be a pain in the ass. he was always asking you to do meaningless chores and missions, while giving the harder ones to your other allies like sareena, darrius, and nitara. you were tired of being treated like you were weak.
“quan chi.” you called out from behind him.
“oh, (y/n). i’m assuming you have finished scouting the area.” he said, as you were both at the ying fortress. you were there with quan chi, aiding him and shang tsung as they were working on their soul stealers. quan chi had ordered you to keep watch outside the fortress along with nitara and sareena. they apparently had a run-in with sub-zero, scorpion, and smoke.
“i have. sareena and nitara ran into a few intruders recently.” you informed.
quan chi furrowed his eyebrows. “intruders? were they sent by liu kang?”
you nodded. “most likely. nitara and sareena could not stop them. they are probably already inside as i speak.”
“stay here. keep watch while i apprehend our little intruders.” he growled.
you rolled your eyes. “i will not stay here. i’ll apprehend them myself, quan chi.”
then, you ran inside the fortress before he could argue with you. you must prove yourself useful, so quan chi will cease to underestimate your kombat.
you ran into the fortress and found a swarm of guards running around the area led by sub-zero himself and shang tsung.
“what is the meaning of this, shang tsung? isn’t sub-zero working for liu kang?” you questioned.
sub-zero scoffed. “i refuse to be associated with liu kang anymore. while working with him, the lin kuei were doomed to mediocrity. now, we will achieve greatness. unfortunately, kuai liang does not understand the lin kuei’s potential. we must not let him escape.”
you nodded, and went on your way to help find kuai liang. if you were the one to apprehend a member of the lin kuei, you would be well respected. you were determined to find him.
until you ran into havik and darrius. and they had just fought kuai liang.
unfortunately, it looked like havik’s face didn’t exactly survive the wrath of scorpion.
“havik..?” you whispered, seeing half of his face gone. it was flesh instead of his regular, beautiful skin and lips.
havik’s expression was of rage and exhaustion from his defeat. until he saw you, and his face softened. he went quiet, not replying to you and just looking down.
“what happened?” you asked, kneeling down to his side. “did scorpion do that to you?”
“yes. he shoved my face in there.” he spat, pointing at a pot of some kind of burning liquid.
“i see..” you sighed. “that must’ve hurt. aren’t you going to heal it?”
havik paused, and thought about your question. he stood up and looked into a reflective surface nearby, analyzing his new face.
“i suppose i won’t. i can use it as a symbol of chaos.” he claimed, proud of his new revelation. he looked down to your slightly disappointed face and scoffed. “is there a problem with that?”
“i mean, no, not at all. in fact, i think you still look… gorgeous.” you muttered.
havik raised an eyebrow. “still? gorgeous?”
you paused, deciding whether you can pretend you misspoke or be honest.
“yeah.. i thought you looked great when you still had your face. and now, i think you still look good. especially because of how proud you are of your new appearance. that is very honorable.” you admitted.
havik chuckled. “i see. i appreciate your compliments. i do believe my scars are a memorabilia of my past struggles and reminders of the kombat i have faced. my wounds are a sign that i honorably fight for liberation, and i will never surrender to anyone or give up, no matter how painful the journey may be.” he ranted.
you listened intently to his rant, genuinely interested in what he had to say. you didn’t fully agree to some of the things he does, but you overall sympathize with his struggles and understand that his anger and drive are because of his rough past. you wanted to help him, and free him of his pain. even if you disagree with some of his methods, you’ll be there for him.
“you are one of the only people to truly understand me. i appreciate your intelligence.” havik complimented. “would you like to join me in my journey? i could use your skills and i can provide you safe haven from harm. however, you must agree to accept chaos.”
you thought about his offer for a moment. if you decided to directly work with havik, you’ll most likely never go back to your regular life. you will make enemies that you don’t want. you realized he will probably be your only company for a while.
“i will join you.” you replied.
and so, you both worked together to spread chaos and bless outworld with anarchy. havik was very pleased with your efforts and how you wouldn’t hesitate to help aid him. he ended up confessing his feelings for you, and you were both pretty happy together. he was overprotective over you and vowed to keep you safe from harm. you were supportive and tried to help him heal from his past.
overall, havik loved you. even though he never imagined himself feeling so devoted to another being, he was grateful that you were the hope and light that kept him sane throughout his life full of blood, sweat, and tears. with you by his side, and slowly succeeding in freeing his people in seido, havik was very content with his life.
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myunghology · 2 years
can i request izumi, leo, and ritsu with a fem!s/o who's year younger than them and tends to act childish and affectionate?
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▬▬ READER TYPE ▸ fem, your/yours pronouns used. and i used the word "girl" ONCE. just once. feel free to change it while reading.
▬▬ LAYOUT ▸ headcanons.
▬▬ CW ▸ swearing..? like a lot of swearing
▬▬ PROOFREAD? ▸ u wish
▬▬ AUTHORS NOTE ▸ bro my hair keeps falling out? do i have cancer🗿 did u guys miss me doing enstar work🥺 wtf tumblr keeps hiding things from x reader tag. bitch how am i supposed to get famous
▬▬ REQUESTS ▸ closed.
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୨୧ bro.. give him a break :(. jk lol he doesn't deserve it
୨୧ he's about to grow more gray hairs <3 but it's okay! he still loves you and he's letting you slide. okay but he always let's you slide >:(.
୨୧ “l/n is doing dumb things again.” — tsukasa. izumi groans but it's a daily thing now! he's gotten used to it. he was just chilling until he heard you were messing with leo. but it was just a childish fight! you whine.
୨୧ let's you do your things sometimes, but not all the time! izumi still drags you from all the messes you cause. he scolds you everytime! can you blame him though?
୨୧ but.. he's kinda jealous of how you and leo get along so well.. i mean.. he hates having to scold you everytime, but he wants to spend time with you like that as well! why does it have to be leo :(? though he'll never admit that over his dead body.
୨୧ “bro.. i was just joking:)” *runs*
୨୧ but his responses to your affection are so:( man im so fucking single. example ; “hey, izumi, kiss me if im wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?” and he kisses you. MAN
୨୧ he does get a tiny bit flustered, but you have to squint to see! you have a new achievement though if you get him off guard <3. be as flirty with him all you want, but he WILL flirt back. goodluck if you get flustered easily.
୨୧ “you remind me of a star. do you know why?” — izumi, “..because im full of gas?” — y/n, “no, dumbass! it's because your beautiful.” — izumi.
୨୧ overall, nagseselos ako sa relationship nyo<3 ( translation ; you guys are so cute! ) ( the translation is right<3 don't translate it. it's right i swear🥺 )
୨୧ izumis about to shit himself
୨୧ y'all are cute he won't lie! but give the man a break
୨୧ okay enough about izumi .
୨୧ you guys are such soulmates <3 both chaotic and affectionate that's so cute. helping leo compose in a chaotic way = leo having fun with you in any way you can think of!
୨୧ tsukasa is also about to shit himself! but anyway, dating leo while also practically being his twin is soooo fun. when he first met you his eyes were sparkling <3 knights know they've regretted their life choices right after though
୨୧ insert you running to leo while his arms are wide opened
୨୧ his response to your affection is more affection, like squshing your face and kissing all over it :(. bro what if i cry
୨୧ he thinks your adorable!! you two get weird stares, but it's not like you two care. it's almost impossible to see you two not being together.
୨୧ try to flirt and he'll pause for a bit, but hits you back with the MOST CHEESIEST pickup lines. but it's okay, he's trying okay.. but you can't lie, it's cute, isn't it!?
୨୧ overall, iiyak na talaga ako. ( translation ; you guys have an amazing relationship <3! ) ( it's still right i swear )
୨୧ oh shit
୨୧ okay, first of all.. he doesn't really care? im sorry as long as you're with him then, he doesn't give a single shit. but then again, he thinks your adorable.
୨୧ doesn't wanna be waken up by anyone unless it's you:( or mao but more you.
୨୧ one time you tripped over him and he almost swore at you.. (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ) but then he realized it was you, and he just pulled you into his arms, “behave for me, would you? i can't hurt a girl, so, just stay still and be good for me.” AAAAAAAAAA
୨୧ he doesn't really care what messes you make, as long as your enjoying yourself, then that's all that matters. and as long as he doesn't have to clean up after your messes.
୨୧ his responses to your affection though.. he just... smirks ? bro please. have mercy
୨୧ try to flirt and he WILL also flirt back. but unlike those other two up there ^^ he makes suggestive comments. good luck if you get flustered easily too. im not helping you with that babes
୨୧ MAYBE. maybe if your lucky, he'll give affection back too. but he's more used to receiving. why? it's ritsu we're talking about you know why
୨୧ let's say you are lucky enough! it only lasts a day though:( but it's better than nothing! it happens like.. once a month.
୨୧ overall, lulunod ko na talaga sarili ko. ( translation ; i wanna live to see your relationship <3 ) ( i don't think you should translate this one )
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©miihai ; AAAAND. that's done! All the translations are right dw 🥺
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takami-takami · 5 months
Okay. I need thoughts.
I made another account for like funsies BUT THE LAYOUT... IS SO MUCH CUTER. LOOK AT IT @takamv (sorry the pic is blurry lol idk whats wrong w my phone just click the account lol).
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I like it sooooooo much I actually kinda want to make this my main layout. But the problem is, I still want all my dividers for my fics to be the red gradient one I made for consistency, so like... Would that look weird with different color themes? I'm thinking of like, randomly changing my page theme to pink or purple or mint green... but keeping the red dividers.
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winryrockbellwannabe · 5 months
so, the lovely @dontwannastudybutihaveto sent me an ask for the End of the Year ask game, but i accidently deleted the ask😭
luckily, i was already answering it on my notes app, so i can answer it anyways lol
3 - Favorite musical artist/group you started listening to this year?
Hm... I actually can't remember any that i actively follow.
Maybe Sabrina Carpenter?? I used to be obsessed with her bc of Girls meet World, and would listen to the entire Eyes Wide Open obsessively, but then never thought about her music again until this year lol.
Also, League of Legends has a boy band now??? (dont ask me much about it, my friends like LoL and made me listen to the song) And I'm kinda obsessed with Paranoia, so really curious if Heartsteel is going to have any other cool songs soon.
13 - How was your birthday this year?
yeah, I have mixed feelings about that one. I had to stay in college city, bc my parents had some work related stuff and they thought they wouldn't be able to pick me up.
And it was nice, I was with my friends, and had lunch with my sister, it was really nice.
But then in the evening/dinner i decided to invite two friends. Well, they were in a commited relationship, but also kinda in a situationship with me???? and i was in a weird mental health moment that time, so we barely discussed it, and I was a bit confused about what was going on? And it was weird, and when they left i just ended up feeling really badly about a lot of stuff (mostly not their fault).
And my mom ended up being home on time, so we felt really bad i wasn't home with her. But won't complain much, bc my best friend gave me a custom made haikyuu sweatshirt which is one of the coolest things i own now lol.
21 - What's something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Hm, for once i bought a christmas tree lol. Which is pretty cute btw. Also, Im constantly changing my bedroom layout, and adding posters and pics on the walls. ^^
tysm for the ask!! (sorry for the tmi in the birthday question lol)
(and sorry if I answered the wrong questions, since i don't have the ask to confirm it lol)
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Ok, so I've been thinking a lot about tae's last live and would appreciate it if you could humor me a bit. This will be long (sorry) I just have a lot on my mind
I don't know much about their apartment situation or layout, but what I'm assuming is that tae was at jungkook's apartment.
Tae has made it clear he doesn't work out, so why would he have a home gym
If it was his apartment, then I find it odd that he did the live in that room specifically, especially since he ended the live after he opened the door (we know someone was over). From previous lives, we know if he has ppl over then he goes to his room, so why not this time? 🤨
What I've been seeing people talk about from this live is a picture in the background that supposedly has the face covered. Some people are saying it's jungkook, and some others are saying it's jungkooks trainer. Idk how I feel about that. I kinda feel like ppl are over analyzing that a bit
Anyways, the main thing that's driving me nuts is why does taekook hide?
I just don't understand why. They're coworkers and friends, so all this hiding is just so odd to me. If they are dating, then it's so easy to disguise outtings and being with one another with the friendship/coworker title. I feel like it's more suspicious to be throwing all these subtle hints and trying to make it seem that they aren't at one another's place
I remember reading one of your other asks where someone posted a prediction that taekook are basically back together. I know you said you don't believe it, but I can see that being plausible with how loud and active taekook have been recently. I know a lot of people would like to believe taekook has been together for all these years, but I don't. I strongly feel like there was a period where they broke up/separated.
I know you don't believe in taennie, so I won't waste your time too much lol. There was a blind item talking about jennie cheating on her bf. The person who talked about it claimed it was about jennie and gd, but the blind item stated something about the bf going to the military soon. This obviously makes it about tae. There's just too many coincidences with the photos. My theory is taennie broke up and taekook rekindled things.
It's Tae's apartment:
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He's been using this room for Instagram stories for a while now, always focusing on the gym equipment.
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Now whilst Tae doesn't do gym stuff generally, it's clear he works out but to have all that equipment is weird for me. That's why I agree that it's mostly there for JK and Tae occasionally will use as when he feels like being gym fit.
And this...
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Just makes me think if BT21 Cookie, perhaps it's someone wearing the headpiece... perhaps JK?
I don't think it's out of the realms of possibility that Taekook have been mostly together since 2016, but I know about the other theories, but when I look at content, even the edited stuff, I can't see the correlation. But each to their own I suppose.
As for Taennie, there was another blind that suggested that Jennie had a Chebeol's son as boyfriend. As well as a fake blind about Taekook contract issues. I feel unless their coming out of KNetz forum K Pop blinds should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.
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httpiastri · 9 months
Hello love!
It's been a little while, so first of all-Happy belated birthday! I saw the messages on the day and wanted to write a little something, but then I got so busy 🙈 so I wish you all the best, for all of your wishes to be fulfilled and a great year overall!
I really like the new layout, it seems so calm 🩵
I feel like my life has been so busy lately, I barely had time to catch my breath. But for now, I am incredibly happy to be here and getting to know me again in a completely different environment. My host family is so lovely and last weekend I met some nice au pairs that live really close to me, so now I am not even alone anymore haha!
Being here also means that I am kinda always out and about, so I only watched fp3 yesterday and the start of the f2 race today. It's a shame it got cancelled so soon :( but safety first of course!
I won't be able to watch the F1 race tomorrow, but I am still hoping for some Lando magic. I really want him to win the race, but I also want to be there and watch it live? But it will be Max's win anyways lol!
In the last ask you said you were planning dropping out of uni- I am sorry to hear that, even though its probably for the best if you don't like the subjects. I don't know how people react in your country with news like that, but just remember that it's most important to be happy with what you do! (Who knows? Maybe you want to do a year abroad somewhere as well?)
I will probably catch up on all the writing you uploaded in the last couple of days and go to bed then- I am exhausted 😴
love! hello!! thank you so much, i hope you get a lovely year too 💘 and thank you! my old theme was so random shssjhs i do enjoy this a bit more !!
aw it makes me so glad to hear that you are happy and that the people around you are good to you. and i love the positive mindset! it must be really challenging but you’re doing so well 🥹 and oooo you met some people!! that’s lovely !!! are they from a lot of different countries or is it all kind of similar? if you get what i mean shsksjs
yeah it must be hard to keep track of all racing when you’re so busy… i was disappointed about them cancelling f2 but i do think it was a good choice, it didn’t seem very safe. it just sucks that they can’t like postpone sessions instead of cancel them :( like i get that it’s because of the schedule on the track but it still sucks! for everyone probably
!! crossing my fingers for lando tomorrow !!!! hoping for maybe a little rain (but not so much that it’s dangerous) for tomorrow’s f2 feature so arthur can get some easy climbing…. pls he deserves some points 🙏🙏🙏
hmm well in my country i guess it’s kinda like… not super weird to not go to uni? or at least it’s common to take a few years off to work and stuff after high school. the good thing about sweden is that school doesn’t cost anything so i have no debts and won’t lose any money for dropping out, which i guess is a big problem for people dropping out in other countries. we even get paid to go to school here, and tbh i was gonna use that money to pay for rent but that’s not happening now…. so well 🫠 but yes thank you, i will try to remember that!! <3
to be honest, i’ve thought a lot about moving to another major city or even going abroad, because recently i feel like this place isn’t for me in some way. i applied (and got accepted) to a school in the second biggest city, but i have too many responsibilities here this year that i just can’t escape from so it just wouldn’t work out 🥲 but i really do think that moving abroad is going to be the goal for me for the future! idk how but im gonna try to make it happen lmao!! i shall take inspiration from your braveness 🥰🤭
awh, i hope you get some good sleep and dream sweet dreams of our boys!! 😚😚😚
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ixiraider · 1 year
Sorry for never ever being active I just honestly am not feeling Neopets anymore which is a tragedy because I grew up on that damn site. Next year should be my 20th anniversary, isn’t that insane? I don’t think I’d have ever grown out of it completely on my own, but the current state of the site is just entirely unusable for me. Flash dying and the broken ass conversion to the new layout was totally the final nail in the coffin. 99% of what made the site enjoyable to me is gone. No new events to speak of, customization is broken, no games and the few that are converted are super broken and clunky, a ton of dailies still not working, etc. Random little glitches that have literally never happened until the last few years, like my pets occasionally losing their outfits completely? I know some people have other things about the site they enjoy that they can still do, like pet trading or stocks or collecting, but I’m a simple guy and for me Neo was always a mindless little relaxant where I could play nostalgic games and dailies and slowly earn money to buy my pets nice things. That was kind of it. With the site so broken it has lost basically all appeal.
And with that said, I just really do not agree with the direction JumpStart/NetDragon has gone at all and I am partly not playing out of defiance or something lol. The NFTs are a joke and I can’t believe they are still engaging with metaverse BS -- I’m kinda appalled that so many people gave up criticizing this and have returned to playing like normal, NGL. It was only in July of this year that the official NFT ambassadors called anti-NFT Neopets players “worse than COVID.” Do people not realize that the Neopets Metaverse Instagram is up and active and there is currently a beta version of a crypto-based Neopets being referred to by the project devs as a “fully-upgraded Neopia”? Where the trailers reveal updated versions of games that are still unplayable either due to shoddy HTML5 conversion or no conversion at all, such as Turmac Roll and Meerca Chase? Alongside customization, NeoHome decoration, a fully animated BattleDome... basically everything broken on the main site, being given a full makeover on the crypto version? Like, I feel like I just am not going to stoop to “playing the shitty forgotten version of Neopets that has been sidelined over a crypto NFT money laundering scheme” lol. I can just go do something else with my free time.
Aside from that, it’s just one thing after another with poor communication, low effort art and events (when they happen at all), lack of transparency and weird vague surveys about features that absolutely nobody wants with a very clear bias suggesting that these things will happen whether Neopians vote against them or not. The third party/outsourced apps that are clearly made by groups with no knowledge of Neopets whatsoever before being paid to make a shitty Neopets clone of popular apps riddled with microtransactions, the poor quality nostalgia-bait merch while doing NOTHING to improve the actual site in any tangible way. I don’t blame TNT for the most part, I’ve said this before, I have a feeling their hands are pretty tied and they have mostly been stuck doing damage control as JumpStart refuses to give them the funding needed to make any major improvements and basically lets the site die off in favor of the metaverse version, but omfg, I’m not wasting my time or pride playing this shit anymore. Sorry.
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twildflower · 13 hours
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i was complaining to my sister how weird the tumblr layout is cause i always thought this was how many likes i got until i got the 10000 likes notification and i was like huh???? wasnt i just at 5000???? like. yeah ik like every other platform stores what you liked somewhere but showing a number made me thought it was how many i got lmaooooo.....
i dont. like. really care too much abt likes received. i post bc i just like seeing people reblog with some funny caption like they almost choked drinking water because of my post or keysmash or wtv. so it doesnt really affect me. but like. idk i just think this is a weird ass design lmao. its like saying you've been on tumblr too much lol. which this kinda proves i dont. i dont even follow that many people lmaoo.. but i guess its kinda bc i go on insta a lot when at school cuz idk why school just hates tumblr?? they blocked it really fuckin cringe. but ive also been tryna reduce insta usage to like just checking for a few minutes on like friends stories or artists n see if anyone posted somth. like. eh i prefer playing pmex or drawing or whatever if i can. oops im rambling too long againnnn
also erm okay very long ramble post sorry but speaking of my sister we went to mcdonalds today and i told her i got 10000 likes on this tumblr acc and she yelled to my mom i got 10000 likes for posting my nudes and my mom as i expected only heard nudes and was like what? what nudes? like as a joke. idk why but my mom always likes to say im taking nudes or posting nudes whenever i dont let her see what im doing. so its kinda a inside joke ig. or my sister actually she says this to both of us. but anyway then i showed my sister i make mems and she was like oh these and my mom was very surprise to hear that my dog pics dont get likes lmao. like well yeah. cus i dont tag them and its like. just blurry ahh dog pics whatd you expect. my goddamn phone camera doesn work i cant take any clear pictures like. sigh. okay i am yappin too much gn i have to wake up in like 45 hours idk whyd i stay up im so tired
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rainypebble07 · 1 year
i hope you're feeling better now but i just saw your post from the other day and i sure do have Things to put in your askbox so
hello hi tell me about your writing process ! and i mean literally any part of it, literally any Thing, i'm just kind of curious because i really love what you write and my wips generally stay unfinished no matter how much i like the idea so i'm also kinda just curious how you manage to Get It Done yk?
no pressure at all i was just wondering
(Dude, I wrote too much. Sorry. i love to speak. I was excited I got an ask)
Hi! Yes! I'm feeling a little better now, still kinda sick, but so it goes. And that's so sweet of you! I'm glad you like my writing!
Writing Process? Oh boy, this is gonna be so disappointing. Most of the stories I've written come to me at random moments and over the course of a few days I'll make up this weird elaborate plot in my head until I get to the point where I'm like 'ok, this need to be a fic'.
I usually use two documents while writing something. I've got a layout (that's where I pull the crazy planning posts from) and the actual story(where I get the out-of-context stuff). I write down everything I want to happen in the layout document and add as much to it as I see fit (this can include really anything from specific conversations I want to really generic plot points) as well as block out chapters and after I'm finished with that, it usually just looks like a weirdly formatted poem or something. I never use spellcheck or anything on that either and I use such casual language, so it always looks like something I wrote while blackout drunk, but I love it nonetheless. Here's the first chapter of "Mike Wheeler's Ultimate Guide to the Undead"'s outline for example:
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As you can see, it's a mess, but I love it. And somehow I got the first chapter out of this.
The point of that is pretty much it's an outline, but it's also kind of fun since it's so casual, so I've found it helps to motivate me to write new parts of the story bc I'm engaged by the strange wording I use on the outline. I also use this doc for title planning and other stuff I have to figure out beforehand. For example, I wrote the poem in Shady Business on an outline doc.
I then transfer this over to the story doc in an actual storytelling format. Most of my writing comes out of absolutely nowhere and idk what to say about it. I'll word-vomit for about ten minutes and get a page, look at it, and go 'oh hey, why isn't that horrible?'. I'm also super conversational in my writing, which helps it flow better. I always thought that made my writing hard to read, but a lot of people have actually said they like my writing style so I guess it's not that bad! I just treat it as if I'm telling the story over a cup of coffee. As for representing the character well (because they are real characters), I just try to get into their mindset as much as possible. I don't really have any specific way I do that, though. I recently had to create a fake "Am I the Asshole" post for Mike so I could try to understand his feelings on something better within myself (made it on the outline doc!).
After the initial word vomit of a chapter, I'll go back and read it over, adding or taking away what I see fit and fixing initial spelling mistakes and making sure it reads well. I don't have a beta reader (I wish I did), so I've gotta just assume it's readable and go with it. After the initial fixes, I'll read it over again just to make sure. I only fix all the spelling mistakes by the time I go to publish because I use Grammarly on the Ao3 post thing lol. By that point, it's only like 4 mistakes left anyway (and the stuff Grammarly says is incorrect but I don't care bc it sounds good and I can do what I want).
I also highlight my little outline as I go (usually in green bc byler brainrot, you can see it in the image) and it helps me visualize my progress and keep going!
But, yeah. That's pretty much the entire process and I have no better explanation than it's simply a dumpster fire of improv and weird pieces of moment I have glued together in my brain. It's arts and crafts, at the best, but somehow I pull it together and create a story!
As for motivation, most of it's four things. One, the anticipation of writing scenes I really want to. Two, telling myself I'm gonna get fun comments and reading old comments (I thrive off of positive feedback from poeple). Three, a specialized playlist for the fic. I make playlists for my stories with songs I like that fit the overall vibe and sometimes I get inspiration from them and it gives me new ideas. And four, probably the most important, I just really like writing. It's my favorite things ever to just put words on a page and make a story out of it. It's so fun and so cool and so magical and I love it.
And that's about it. The end. That's my writing process. It doesn't really make much sense, but I guess it works, so it works for me! If you're looking to improve your own completion rate, I mean, maybe try some of it, but it's really a personal preference. You've gotta do tril and error. And I've really gotta work on slowing down anyway because I can totally rush writing a fic and end up making it a lot less than it could have been if I took more time. And If you're not feeling motivated to write, don't force it. Seriously. Things like I suggested totally help me keep up with it, but what I hate more than anything is stuff I wrote when I didn't want to write. It's just... uninspired.
Okay! Thank you so much for asking that! Hopefully this long rant of nonsense (omg like my writing) answered your question! Sorry I wrote an essay!
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wannaonescenarios · 7 years
park wink as your bf please? thank you💖
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thanks for requesting!!
-definition of a gentlemen
- the type to hold the unbrella over u when its raining even if he gets wet, makes sure that u are walking on the side farthest away from cars, walks u home when its late bc hes scared of u walking alone
- secretly likes seeing u in his clothing so he leaves a lot of sweaters hanging around in hopes that he would see u one day wearing them
- once he saw u wearing his sweater and he nearly f A INTED
- help this poor boy
- he thought u were so cute and swore his heart almost stopped beating
- u were that cute
- going out shopping to buy matching items
- once suggested to have matching sweaters
- but u quickly denied it LMFAO especially when he held up a mustard yellow sweater and ur like
- so instead, u guys get matching phone charms!!! or lanyards w matching keychains!! ooo or those little plushies!!
- jihoon loves to buy u tiny matching keychains bc he thought it would be cute 
- but tbh u have a lot so u give some away to the members LMFAO 
- and then all of u are matching!!
- lots of cuddles!!
- likes to cuddle a lot when u two are laying down or spending time together
- when u guys cuddle, likes to give u kisses on ur neck or shoulders
- or just peppering ur face in kisses if u were on his lap bc he loves to spoil u
- so cute ok
- anyways, he likes to give a lot of hugs!!
- doesn’t matter what kind, he will hug u anytime
- but lowkey loves backhugs bc he likes to rest his head on ur shoulder and then u guys do that little waddle u know
- clingy af but knows when to back off lol
- likes to cling on to ur arms when ur purposely ignoring him or something
- ‘’why are u paying attention to ur phone?? pay attention to me instead!!”
- likes to hold hands a lot!!
- doesn’t matter if ur hands get sweaty lmao he likes to cling on to ur hands
- claims that he will love u even if u got sweaty hands lol
- date time!!
- the two of u like to go out on dates to find those aesthetically pleasing places lmao
- like cafes
- latte art!! jihoon thinks its so cool and so do u ngl 
- also, long walks in the park!!
- especially if he sees that there are people walking their dogs bc he lOVES dogs
- the type of person to stop and ask people if he can pet their dog LMFAO
- the two of u also like to have picnic on rlly nice days and invite the rest of wanna one
- mostly bc it gets wILD
- but gets jealous when he sees u having long convos w someone else and he’s not apart of it 
- the type to pout at you and get grumpy bc it should be him making u laugh not seongwoo >:(
-and karaoke battles w the rest of wanna one
- the night ends up w u and jihoon escaping bc it got too wild u were both scared that u guys would get kicked out LMFAO 
- the type to replace the shoelaces on ur shoes to different colors and tie them for u
- ‘’there!! we match now :>’’ 
- enjoys taking selfies w u and posting the cringiest captions or pick up lines lol
- also the type to judge u if u take those aesthetic pictures of ur food
- but then u end up judging him bc he does it too
- ‘’do u have to do that every time we go out?” 
- ‘’uhm excuse me?? YOURE DOING IT TOO WTF’’ 
- ‘’…..’’ 
- also the type to nap in ur lap when the two of u are watching a movie
- and demands that u play w his hair
- ‘’why are u paying attention to the movie?? aren’t i more interesting??”
- cue him pouting cutely at u ndjknfds
- and ur like
- ‘’,,,u loser’’ and u finally look at him
- and he just gives u a cute little grin and ur like
- dying
- how can a person be so cute??? the world may never know,,,
- also likes to give u lots and lots of kisses
- his kisses are, in general, the softest and sweetest in the world (in ur opinion)
- also the type to pull u close to him while he is kissing u because he likes the feeling of holding u close!!
- likes to put lots of emotions behind it bc he wants to convey what he feels through it
- gets flustered and stutters a bit when u two pull away bc he’s still relishing the feeling of ur lips on his
- and he’s like
- ‘’wOW’’
- ‘’how did i get so lucky???”
- jeojangs u a lot
- jihoon: look!!-you:???
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-fights can be kinda rough w jihoon
-bc u two are still young, there can be misunderstandings and u guys get angry easily
-usually jihoon gets very defensive once u argue w him
- if it’s something dumb, he’ll scoff and roll his eyes but probably say something that makes u even angrier lmfao
- if it escalated into something more serious, u would be the type to walk out first
-mostly bc u know if u get jihoon angry, he would lose control of his filter and would say whatever what was on his mind
- and as mad as u are, u didn’t want this to go to the point where it could end up really bad
-’’u can yell as much as u want but im leaving before i will say something i regret’’
- and u just leave like boom
- but despite the harsh argument, he would be the type to go find you after cooling down 
-and wouldn’t leave u alone bc he hates when u guys drag on the argument, especially over something petty
-making up is mutual tho, the two of u talk it and see what terms u guys can agree to and fix
- in the end, the two of u reunite and spend the rest of the night cuddling away
-because really, who can resist park jihoon??
-especially w his puppy eyes that are steal your heart away? 
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kindpopstar · 3 years
....5am sleepless thinking about f/o thoughts but is there any... saba Vex x reader fics. I need them for.... research purposes
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mklt · 2 years
Just random thoughts about mikami and light 
it’s kinda long and so messy -w-
idk how to write long post on tumblr with good layout lol i got burnout from irl problems rly bad and it's already 3.30am here ;w; 
(mostly from my random threads on twitter (hence the weird formatting) and i try to tl-ed from my main language to english (with the help of google translation lol)
These are just my imagination and maybe personal preference (?) please don’t take it personally
Thread 1: 17th march 2022
this is so random but when i re-read death note manga again i can’t get rly emotional with mikami’s backstory i wonder why? Is it because I'm so weak seeing a kid being bullied? I don’t really like looking at child being abused too haha (but i remember someone said mikami’s backstory is like redditor sobstory WWWWWWWWWW sorry 
i don't know but i'm so weak with characters who have been bullied alskdal like im sad i don't want to see a little kid being bullied :(((((((((( let's focus on him (mikami) bein a kira simp
just the idea of ​​him trying to open up with light about his mom and his sad past is a bit painful for me aksdjaskl and i don't have any idea for light’s response too.. :( maybe mikami looks indifferent when he tried to explain it surely mikami said “that's why i'm thankful there's Kira” ? (i’m not rly sure about this)
but light is like  (??? at that time, there is not kira yet) so i think it continues to be like a one-sided delusion from mikami wwwww
hmm, even if they won, I think Light will randomly get quiet when he becomes tired from work (kira work??) (daydreaming?) and then suddenly when asked why by mikami, he randomly blurts "it’s my late father’s bday today" What will you respond???????? alsdkal it seems like this could be the time where Mikami starts to talk about his mother too?
i dunno but if it's mikalight au I think Light actually wants to say he misses his father but he doesn't want to say that he misses and loves his father (so much) idk?? maybe he doesn't want to look vulnerable in front of mikami because he still has to act to be a strong role model for mikami
It's so hard for me to imagine them just blissfully being happy, i definitely remember this and the emotional baggage sucks Moreover, when people who like to write about light who still can't move on about L Gosh thinking about it is really heavy haha
i dunno but in my headcanon for my kira wins au light is reluctant to meet with sachiko/sayu because it seems like he still can't move on with soichiro’s dead (and because he doesn't have the heart to see sayu who’s still recovering from trauma) that’s why he likes to find reasons so he can't go home
i’m not trying to justify that light is a SaD boi But to me, the only redeeming quality about him is  he really loves his family so much (www luv u light So I like to imagine him hating himself because of his father’s death. But he likes to think that my father died like this because I have to sacrifice for a more peaceful world That's why when his father died, light is really conflicted
but light bein light I'm sure he'll change his mindset after that “my father is not good because he doesn't believe kira, he is a good person but he’s not on Kira's side” (which in his heart he is still very hurt thinkin about soichiro)
Thread 2 : 8th February 2022
... I'm looking for drawing ref, then reread DN again and again (yes I know— It’s kinda endearing when mikami in front of ppl he looks so cold and mean but if with God His demeanor is like that >>>>
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not uwu but like its funny… he's scawy–! Suddenly he’s become kinda nervous? Less hostile?? Hm but  i also think that when he finds out Light is a False God maybe he explodes and got mad-! btoom! And i was like oh yea thats our mkm alright haha
idk maybe i'm just making an excuse but from the manga’s scenes mk/lt is like.. master/disciple but not as maniac in anime? I really like when the disciple, who's scary outside but he's obsessed with his master! Maybe he will become a softie?!! I like the silent yandere type! And i think i f they have an argument mikami won't be hysterical or something >_>
Even if they had direct contact (not by takada) Light will tell mikami (about mikami killing lazy people) "I don't like how you do things stop it." then maybe mikami looks a bit shocked and i think ofc he will say my bad- LOL but i'm also sure he's the type who asked for an explanation why because he's not that stupid ahaha im sad
Even if it's been explained, I'm sure Light will complain directly to mikami "I don't believe you can still ask me back."
Thread 3 : 9th march 2022 (AU)
If mkm and light live together, does light live in kyoto or mkm in tokyo? But when you think about canon it means they are in long distance relationship :0
Yes, but if the train is 2 hours fast, just the idea of ​​them being willing to live alone is a bit complicated??
I think if Mikami’s position is high enough-- he can go to Tokyo and pretend to visit Light at the NPA office (then when he arrived Lighto isn't there (..........)
Because lighto is busy? And because of his work is that he is more in a private room (because he is more into intelligence / hacking role etc.)
Maybe Mikami can go to Tokyo because there is a case that he should discuss with the police (¿) if the case is serious enough hooho
Maybe they will meet at the rooftop (?) Mikami eats alone ? but maybe his assistants from kyoto office tag along too) then Light just finished with the other team. But mikami can only stare at light because they don't want to be exposed if they are acquaintances (bc for identity of Kira)
Jabsjadsbsh what if someone is trying to introduce them ?? Mikami and Lighto pretending to “get to know better
when they shake hands… Mikami held Lighto's hand tighter and maybe light playing with his finger on Mikami's wrist (trying to be subtle-subtle---) "Nice to meet you– Teru-san" “Nice to meet you,”
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
sorry this took a while to get out. for some reason i just had no energy to finish writing this until now haha
okay, here's my review of episode two of snc's the attachment series
aka "The Haunting of Hill House (CURSED CASTLE)"
so first off, i've read a couple reviews that you lovely ppl have posted on here... and now i feel like i'm gonna be in the minority bc i did actually liked this video lol
i had higher hope for this video strictly bc the last one was so-so at best, and i think it surpassed it. but i definitely understand why some of yall didn't like this video.
the overall vibe of the video felt very... manic? to me. probably not the best word for it, but the energy was off the whole way through. idk if that's a good or bad thing, but something was a bit skewed.
also, again, idk why they go to these places where they can't get a full night to do an investigation. both past video felt very rushed, but this one especially. not to mention, you're trying to do an investigation in a place that has ppl/staff still inside. so how are you gonna use any noise as a sign indicator when there are ppl walking around still?????
the first half of the video (basically anything before the actual investigation): idk what they did differently about the opening for this video, but them explaining the history, exploring the castle, and talking to the medium was so much more interesting than in the previous video.
i think it's hilarious the way snc describe any sort of history. something about the way the two bounce off each other just sounds like two friends having to do a book report but one of them only read half way thru the book and the other read the spark notes so they both don't really know how the story ends. honest to god, if you would tell me that every single video where they do the "history" portion was all made up on the spot (like the history itself, not the speech), i wouldn't be surprised lmao
the castle itself, while very beautiful, was very hard to understand the layout. and it didn't help that snc didn't really explain it all that well either. so when we finally get back to some of these rooms for the investigation, it was hard to understand where they were and what level they were on (and this probably added to the level of the "manic" feeling i was getting throughout the video).
and as for the medium, i actually really liked her. it's a shame she wasn't there the whole time. but i think it was interesting what she said about how we all have abilities and kat especially having something, along with colby. literally like i've been talking about on here lol
tho i would have loved to hear her read colby and not kat, but that's a different story.
her saying that sam has a trickster spirit attached is interesting. i don't know too much about trickster spirits, but it's interesting nonetheless.
while it took them 20 mins again to get into the action, for some reason it felt faster so that's a plus.
my reaction to the rest of the video:
colby's phone randomly playing an xplrclub video... honestly, i don't think it's paranormal. that app is hella weird and i wouldn't be surprised if it would just randomly starting playing a video without even being open
colby continuing to call lady mary "queen mary" is kinda funny
no offense to joel, celina's brother, but like... if you're gonna be holding the camera, trying not to breathe like you just ran up a flight of steps. i noticed it in the last video too, but for some reason it was more noticeable in this one.
this is also a note to snc: get an extra mic to use and not just the one you connect to your camera !!
i expect nothing less from the group to get freaked out over a floor board settling... but again every time it happens, i have to roll my eyes.
random things that colby said during the video that were just hilarious:
"he had a hot wife... i think?"
"aren't quarantines those little oranges? *long pause* or a CLEMENTINE"
omg colby never change.
i also love no one paid attention to him saying that. everyone is just so used to his strange-ness lol
the mirror portions... idk why any of that was kept tbh. this is the type of shit you do at sleepovers when you're 12. they only have a couple hours to do an investigation and they are wasting time looking at themselves in a mirror. that unfollow button is looking mighty fine rn lmao jk
while i don't mind celina and kat exploring their possible psychic abilities, i don't think this was the video to try and showcase it in. like yeah, maybe use them to ask how the room feels to them, but to use their untrained and extremely newbie senses as if they are actual mediums is a bit much. again, i don't mind them exploring their abilities, but don't rely on them the whole way thru. fun fact, you can also use YOUR OWN :O
i love that they use the spirit box that just pops up words, but honest to god, i wish they would stop talking over each other trying to figure out or connect every word. it's so annoying. like let the box speak and then connect afterwards. sam has such a tendency to jump at every word and he's already trying to connect them, when i'm still trying to figure out what was said in the first place.
having a major reaction to every piece of evidence you get also FEEDS the spirits your energy, both good and bad. i implore them to try to relax, even a little bit, for the sake of their own protection.
celina and kat were very connected in this video. it's strange how many times they both would say something at the same time or being feeling the exact same way.
colby kissing the henry wax figure SENT me lmao
in sir henry's office: ...it was fine. nothing too weird. the flash light and the music box was cool. again, i just wish they would calm down and stop speaking over each other and just SLOWLY figure out who they may be talking to, instead of trying to jump down each other's throats saying who they think they are communicating with.
maid room: first off, why was the room extremely orange?? secondly, why didn't they use their thermo gun? it would have made sense to since kat was saying her legs were really cold. you could have at least got a base temp of the room and then if her legs were abnormally cold, then that could be more evidence.
so all the evidence they were getting in this room was really cool, and clearly they had a very active spirit there that wanted to communicate. that's great! i also find it interesting every time a flashlight went off, it was the one closest to whoever was speaking. like sam spoke, the one next to him lit up, colby spoke, the one next to him lit up. this spirit was very active, smart, and well aware of what was happening. that's great honestly.
what snc should have done afterwards is see if there ever was a jackie that worked at the castle. there's probably records of that and that would have been more evidence.
now the prayer part.... while i love the boys for trying to help the spirit, i don't think that prayer technically helped the spirit. clearly it was still in the room with them even after they did it. maybe the spirit felt some happiness from it, and that's fine. but i don't think that prayer actually helped it crossover. snc and the rest are not mediums, they can only do so much. it would have been better if they would have had someone there that could help the spirit crossover instead of them just saying the lord's prayer and thinking that's enough. idk. that whole part was just so... awkward to me.
i love the second they gotta do a prayer, christian colby comes out lol
the stables: while i genuinely love that they do the estes method a lot now, bc i think it's one of their more interesting pieces of equipment/ways to get evidence, they HAVE to find a way to show us what is being said. if elton can do it, so can you guys.
that being said, props to kat. idk why but i have a feeling that the estes method is scary. so good on her for doing it the first time. that being said, idk what it was but everyone talking over each other and not letting kat just say what was being said, or them trying to connect every word together was so annoying. i think snc (and co) have to realize that some spirits aren't "intelligent" aka they aren't aware of where they are or that they're dead. some are trapped repeating the same thing over and over again, and some are just energy bursts of moments in time (so in a sense they aren't even there). so they could be "talking" (or more like listening) to something that isn't there with them, that isn't answering their questions and is just going thru the motions. it's like having someone on the phone in front of you and thinking they're talking to you, but in reality they are talking to the other person on the phone.
what i'm trying to say is NOT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER. so, stop trying to make it all make sense in the moment.
so celina's ability is very interesting. definitely reads of someone who is clairvoyant, which is fascinating. the experiences i have had, i don't get flashes of images, so seeing someone who does is really cool. that being said, all the devices going off and then her brother's necklace breaking... that was kinda creepy, ngl. but personally, it wouldn't make sense for the necklace to break in the sense that an (assumingly) dark spirit would be like "fuck your necklace bitch" and break it off. that type of energy you FEEL. so i think it might have just been happenstance that it broke randomly. not to mention he did say "i was touching it when we were praying" so maybe it just randomly came undone??? the timing couldn't have been more perfect.
slightly embarrassing thing to mention but colby yelling at the spirits that they can't follow them... was kinda hot lmao
OVERALL: i think this video was pretty decent. again, i know i was in the minority comparatively to some of yall, but that's okay haha. i definitely plan to make a list of things i want the boys to incorporate or improve on in their coming videos (after season one obviously). i'll probably post that later at some point. i would rate this video like a 2.8/5. i was gonna rate it a 3, but that felt too high, and i rated the last one a 2.5/5 so... compromise lol
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littlepuffy4ever · 2 years
Okay, so, ssorry for the infodump, I tried to keep spoilers to a minimum! I just really wanted to infodump my (hyped) opinions
So Fusionzgamer uploaded 3 parts at the time of writing this, and I am SO GLAD because I REALLY REALLY wanna watch this game!! I might play it if I manage to get it!! 😥
Glamrock Freddy gives me this big dumb (affectionate) gay dad vibes like!! Yeah 💞
All of these robots are LGBT!! I totally make up the rules so it's now cannon. /J /J
I LOVE THE ATTENTION TO DETAILS, THE POSTERS!! Omfg I love it all!! I love the layout!! Its a bit complicated at the time of speaking but, like.. woah.. /pos
These staff bots are little snitches! >:[
There aren't many that I could think of, as I am still watching part 2 at the time of writing these, so sorry if these seem so cryptic/weird/half assed qnenejwjw :"]
-KA is so excited he got lightheaded, w o o p s
Yeah, I'm honestly surprised with somethings of it
I feel that the Freddy's design came out a bit eh tbh ;;--;; and some logics kinda bug me like HOW can GREGORY fit into him and that baby crib thing???
Also Gregory is so mean to my man ;;--;; spoiled kid Gregory ig /lh
Kinda wondering WHY he's there tho? or if he was just... picked randomly (bc I remember the first trailer mentioning friends and it sounding like he and a group of kids broke into the mall)
Overall, I think liking it but i wonder how long the game is? I can't remember if anyone said something about it before i left the fandom
I'm really vibing with the other robots designa and the crews voice tho and the interections (also vanessa doesn't seem evil so far lol)
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
So, now that I'm all gradjimatated from cardiac rehab - I took myself over to exercise in the regular portion of the health center ( it's a whole medical/exercise complexy thing. kinda weird but not worth going into) ... I didn't go over Monday but i probably should have but whatever- i didn't - because i had stayed up too late sunday and i kinda just felt like "bleh - monday. don't wanna - don't hafta so i'm not gonna." Which... Is fine. The only one losing out when I don't go is me. It also means I I have to accept that when I don't go I'm not progressing toward my goals. So whenn I decided I would go today (after therapy) it was from a place that wasn't one of obligation or petulance... More just one of, " ok, I'm gonna go and do it - take the opportunity." Doesn't mean I enjoyed doing it, just that I did go and do it and did it for a bit longer like I had wanted to during rehab. Felt like the machine I was on today was hard than the one I used in rehab but it's ok. Also used one of the resistance machines for core stuff and dude - I am WEAK lol. Two dudes way older than I am were using it at higher levels for more reps - had to laugh internally. Room for improvement there methinks.
There are lots of machines I am not familiar with. (Not to mention that there are floors above and below the main level, and the pools. ) I don't know the layouts or locations of stuff or how to use certain things. However, I don't like asking people for help... Asking people for help is hard. (Guess what is another thing we talked about in therapy today... did you guess "asking for help?" you did?! good job- you win an imaginary cookie!) I always struggle with asking for guidance or help because I feel like either I am supposed to know the answer to the question I need to ask or that people will judge me for being stupid along with the judgement i will probably already get about being fat. (cue my therapist asking me " do you think YOU moralize about your weight along with other people?" my reply you ask? It was along the lines of, " oh yeah. I think i do it to myself more than most people probably do to me otherwise... If I think about others logically I know they're likely not thinking about me much at all, but emotionally? My knee-jerk reaction is always that they will be thinking badly of me." So... Did I ask for help today? >.< No. I ALMOST did, but then chickened out. So instead i did my cardio on the stepper that i already knew how to use, and watched some other people use some of the resistance machines with easy sight lines from my machine and did a tiny bit of strength work on those ( just like 2 of them) for a few minutes before i did my ending stretches and that was the hour up. Plan is to go tomorrow and maaaaaaybe I ask someone then. Maybe being there in a different space won't feel as awkward, and I'll feel better about asking for some guidance.
Oh - lastly - sorry i've been quiet here- haven't really beefed up the queue again. I have lots of things to add to it from my likes - but you might be seeing a lot of blog repeats unless i take the time to really do some organizing :/ and honestly, i'm feeling a bit lazy. I'm feeling like i need to something creative but i don't have the space i would need to do messy crafts/art ( so art journaling is kind of out - boo) and right now i could knit but that's not what i really want... I want something that can be colorful and also get some feelings out... if i was any good at drawing/painting I'd do those, but i am so not. Not that I have to be good - I don't but I'm not sure how to express the feelings emotionally if i can't literally express the feelings visually/physically... That is if i can't draw or represent the feelings in color/form on the page does that do anything to help the emotional stew? I suppose the only way to find out is to do it? Hrmmmm - Idk.- we shall see I suppose.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
I have a feeling I'm either going to get Honey or a Horrortale skele, so here we go for Matchups! -🍊
-very sleepy. I stay up till 5am and sleep till 2pm.
-helpful! I like feeling needed lol.
-sensitive. I have an abusive mother im in therapy for, so I need someone soft :(
-im very artistic! I love drawing, painting, listening to music, even making it, anything that keeps my hands busy and my ADHD at bay.
-minecraft! I've just downloaded the game, I've had it for a year now, and I love the building in it lol. The mobs scare me tho.
-rps!!! I LOVE roleplaying!!!! Rpg games, DnD, hell, I even have a few oc based text rps on discord I'm into. It gets me SO excited when I make up little stories with my friends, the gremblin in my enjoys shiny new universes
-Snarky/teasing/snappy jokes, or being teased in general. I'm a sensitive person who takes a bit too much to heart. Mal and Red scare me.
-loud noises/crowded areas. Another trama trigger for me, I feel trapped in a situation and it makes me paranoid. I'd rather sit outside and watch a thunderstorm than go to a local fair.
-being pushed out of my comfort zone and/or being forced to get in contact with family I've kicked out of my life, the whole 'well family is family!' saying means jack shit to me. I've put my demons at bay, I don't want someone to push me out of my comfort zone, or else I feel sick with nerves. I don't like traveling or being around a lot of people, I'd rather just text someone than see them face to face, words come easier then. Brain weird.
Deal breakers
-anyone who forces me to be social. I have anxiety, leave me be dammit. If someone kept pushing and complaining about it, it would make me feel guilty and blegh. Let's not go down that rabbit hole.
-cheating, I have a low image of myself, I don't need someone flirting with others or being all handy with them. Once the wound it made, I'm not letting the knife near me again.
-someone who yells a lot. Loud voices, especially male ones, make me panicked and scared. If Edge ever lectured me I would simply. Cry.
-someone violent, which is a given. Sorry mafia men, but blood scares me. I'm a wheeny.
-someone forcing me to change. I'm chonky, so being forced into a diet or something would make me think low of myself, I couldn't stay with someone like that. Or someone pushing me to get anxiety meds or giving me a bedtime. I like my independence and I'm working on myself, I don't need to be pressured to do it faster.
-passive aggressiveness, it makes me confused on what to say in an argument and that junk.
-most of these have already been said, but I'm introverted with low energy, I don't like going to big events or traveling away from home.
-sensitive. Any jokes aimed at me can and will be obsessed over to oblivion, I'm not the teasing type.
-awkward. I was kinda isolated as a kid, so social skills are hard. Don't expect me to pop up on conversations all the time, I mostly listen to what my friends say and nod along.
-hygene. This is also something I'm working on. I've had depression episodes that sometimes still surface, sometimes it's hard to even leave my bed, let along brush my teeth, hair, etc. Some days I'm just not feeling it. I also come from a neglectful house, so I wasn't even raised with those habits. But I'm trying, and that's what I'm focusing on. Don't be like 'ewEwW yOu HaVeNt BrUsHeD yOuR TeEtH tOdAy?!' That's both hurtful and annoying, life sucks man
-god aweful at spelling, sorry rat
-someone who's soft and caring. I never had a motherly figure, and I'm too old now for my dad to watch me like a toddler, so I want to feel the love I mostly missed out on. Not babied or anything, just loved and cared for. Hug me, please. Alternatively: aha mommy kink go brr
-cuddly/affectionate. I need to feel wanted, since I was raised in a house that I wasn't, so words of reassurance are really nice, especially if that person wants to be around me close enough to cuddle
I tried making this as neat as I could, since I tend to ramble a lot, so I hope this layout is easy to read! Tell me if I need to add any physics stuff, thank you for the matchup! -🍊
Alright, you were right on probably getting a horror lol. I think the best fit for you is……..BASIL (horrorswap papyrus)!
Here’s the tricky bit. Getting to know basil is here. He’s also extremely anxious, to the point where he’s practically non-verbal to anyone he doesn’t know. But once you do get close enough for him to crush and even confess, you’ll get to see a butch more protective and attentive side to him. Basil is a protector at his core and actually prefers a timid SO unlike honey who likes confident and organized characters.
Basil would be great at balancing between encouraging you to be your best self and not being too pushy. Gentle is basically his main personality trait. And considering who it is here, it’s hard to feel nagged with him being the one giving you those gentle reminders.
You like cuddles? You’re getting your cuddles. Basil is shy about touch so it’s up to you to initiate, but when you do, you’ll find that he’s pretty much touch starved. He likes having you in his lap the most. Basil has mild insomnia so cuddling with a SO is the best way to help him doze off
Basil hasn’t been introduced to the wonderful world of video games yet. Minecraft would be a great starter! If you manage to get him into it, he’ll wind up getting addicted to sims most likely. Or FarmVille. He likes chill games
One important thing about dating basil is that your basically going to have to go vegetarian. You can eat meat outside the house when he’s not around, but the sight and taste of raw meat is a trigger for him. Luckily he’s a wonderful cook and makes up for it in his baking and pasta ;)
I was also thinking of rust and possibly slim for you. (Yes I know slim is a mafia but he’s great at keeping his work hidden)
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