#the legend of kuzon
hibiskuit · 3 months
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Do you guys remember Kuzon? Kid just showed up at school one day, stood up to bullies and teachers, organized a secret dance party and then dipped. Absolute legend. I wonder what became of him...
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hererafjastori · 10 months
I got inspired by @captainkirkk 's writer!Zuko AU, so have a thing:
The premise would require Aang to know about Zuko moonlighting as an author.
I imagine Zuko coming up to Aang one day and going: “Hey Aang, I … have a proposal. I know this might seem insensitive, and you have every right to shut this idea down but…” “Just tell me.” “I was thinking that I want to write a book about the fate of the Airnomads.” “Go on” “You know that in my search for you I researched a lot about what happened to your people, and I learned a lot about your culture. And having that knowledge I can’t stand to see the way the last 100 years of propaganda have mischaracterized your people and twisted their teachings. I am in the unique position of knowing a lot about the happenings back then, having the resources to learn more, and in Dante’s fans the assurance that this story will have a large platform. I want to portray your people in an accurate, sympathetic light and reach readers in a way no museum will be able to replicate. I want to tell a story that accurately portrays not just your people’s suffering, but also the rich culture, philosophies and traditions. I want to raise awareness both of the horrifying betrayal at the hands of the fire nation, but also for the Airnomads as a distinct people, beyond ‘those who’s genocide marks the official start of the war’! But I am also well aware that as Fire Lord and descendant of Sozin, I might be the last person who should tell that story. So I have two questions: 1) Are you ok with the concept of me writing this, and 2) if you are, if you would be willing to advice me in writing it. Because this is your story more than anyone else’s, and I am not writing a single line without explicit consent. What do you say?” “Let me think about it?” “Of course.”
Aang does some thinking, and comes to the conclusion, that Zuko knows his stuff better than most others, that this is a great chance to educate about his lost culture, and that Zuko is very aware of the responsibility he has in writing this and treat it accordingly. He will ask, Aang, rather than making assumptions, taking “creative liberties” or filling in the gaps with misinformation. He will respect the subjects of his writing.
And so, he says yes. So Aang and Zuko start meeting regularly, and Aang tells him stories lost to time. Of holidays and sacred days nobody remembers to celebrate. Of a culture build around communal life, change and an active separation of one’s roots no other nation is able to understand with their respective cultural upbringing. Of the philosophies of airbending and the typical schooling a monk would go through. Of elders who led those communities, and the faces they made when hit with a well aimed fruit pie. Of games played in the courtyard, bison bonding, typical topics of the gossips interest. Of both, the official order of things and the actual social dynamics of his people. Of the various ways people reacted to him being a prodigy and the avatar. Of music, and dancing, and stories, and legends, and crafts, and recipes, and colloquialisms and proverbs. Of whistle tongue, a language spoken purely through whistling, that was impossible to reproduce for non-airbenders, that would sound through the Temples at all times of the day. Of being able to travel freely between the nations, and being encouraged to learn other cultures and their perspectives. About befriending the prince of Omashu. Of traditional southern waterbending dances he can’t remember in detail and Katara never got the Chance to learn. Of being shown hospitality in the earth kingdom, and being seen as a good omen. Of Dragons and of Kuzon’s parents being shunned for housing a *insert slur against airbenders* because the propaganda machine had been working for a while. Of tsungi-horns and the camelafant strut. From both the Airnomads and the other nations, the good, the bad, the ugly, the mundane and everything else that was lost to war.
And Zuko sits, asks, writes, and most importantly: listens. On top of that, the whole Gaang regularly meets to go through all the stolen stuff stored in the fire palace like it’s the British museum and working to bring everything back to it’s original owner. While they do this, they all explain the cultural significance behind each item, so that everyone gets a better grasp of each others culture.
Afterwards Zuko begins to write, with Aang as a sensitivity reader. He tells the story of an average Airnomad called Sanna, about 7 years older than Aang. They grow up in the southern Airtemple. He writes about philosophical debates, schoolyard games and quarrels, important holidays, traditional foods, common jokes, and Airnomad humor. About wise teachings, annoying teachers, cultural norms, traditions, pets, language and writing. But all of that is in the background, given enough explanation that ignorant readers can follow, but the narrative treats it as the everyday life of the protagonist, seamlessly interwoven with the story that it doesn’t feel like a textbook or lecture, but simply like it actually takes place there. Because the reader learning the Airnomad alphabet and gaining a better understanding of Airnomad culture is goal, but the heart of the story is the protagonist growing up into this increasingly hostile world.
Of the Sanna being faced with more and more adversity, the farther they venture from the temple, the more aware they grow of negative sentiments against them, the more vicious the propaganda becomes. Of the night of Sozin’s comet and Sanna trying desperately to survive afterwards. Of the inner conflict between the Airnomad’s teachings and doing what they have to do to survive. Of dealing with being uprooted in a way that never should have happened. And of all the friendship, betrayal, small kindnesses, prejudice, companionship, trauma and precious memories made, lived and suffered along the way. A lot of it is drawn from Aang’s dealing with the destruction of his culture and his confrontation with Ozai, but a lot of the feelings of displacement and flitting through a world that is unwelcoming towards you, are taken from Zuko’s banishment.
When Basco’s book is published the dedication reads: “To my friend
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, your advice in creating this was invaluable, and without you I never would have dared to write something like this. May this live up to your hopes and expectations.” Once the readers of the book have gained a vague understanding of the airnomad Alphabet, and learn that
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translates to Aang, pandemonium breaks loose. Aang claims that he and Dante only corresponded through letters and he doesn’t know his identity, but that he got to fact check everything, and that every mention of airnomad culture is accurate. This book goes on to define the widespread understanding of pre-war Airnomad culture, and even scholars sometimes relying on Aang’s assurance of the accuracy of this book to gain a better understanding of culture and context of their topics of research.
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therodrigator6 · 1 year
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Did some art of my Avatar Legends RPG OC, Kuzon Kai!
We haven't even started our campaign but I love him.
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itsmoonpeaches · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
So you've probably noticed I'm mostly not writing ATLA/LOK at the moment, so 3 of these will be outside of that fandom.
Here are 5 fics that are some of my favorites I've written from older ones that I feel are "staples" of mine and to newer ones.
My Mirror, My Sword, My Shield Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Description: The war is over, and Dimitri is king. The Church wants Byleth as Archbishop, but she makes another choice and Dimitri offers her one…a chance to stay by his side. But all Byleth sees is the hurt she left in her wake when she abandoned the people she loves. Chapters: 4 Status: Complete
All the King's Horses Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Description: Years after the fall of the Blaiddyd line, Fódlan lives on. A short AU in which there are magical weapons in a forest. Chapters: 1 Status: Complete
The Blue Morning of Jeju Island Fandom: Extraordinary Attorney Woo Description: Written for Flash Fiction Friday on Tumblr. Prompt: #FFF163 Splash of Waves. Woo Young-woo doesn't like sleeping in unfamiliar places and this one is too loud. Lee Jun-ho has an idea. Chapters: 1 Status: Complete
The Ghosts That We Knew Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra Description: When there are assassination attempts made on Zuko, Iroh calls his nephew's friends to the Fire Nation for help. But, there is something else underneath it all, and it's affecting Aang and Katara more than the others. Chapters: 4 Status: Complete
Society Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Description: The story of Kuzon and how he leaves the Fire Nation after the Air Nomad Genocide in search of Aang, Bumi, and the justice for the innocent lives that were lost. Chapters: 3 Status: Complete
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jplupine · 7 months
~Unpublished WIPs~
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Note: These are not all of my WIPs, just the ones I know I will most likely continue to work on and eventually publish. Other WIPs will eventually be added to this list once they are more established! This list is to also help me keep track of things.
Media Name | Fic Title: Ship [Canon x OC] | Current word count
Some info about the fic/Summary
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Alice in Borderland | 9 of Clubs: Chishiya x Ridley | 13.3k
Ridley was traveling for work when they find themself stuck in a strange, cruel world pitting people against each other in deadly games with survival as the prize. While trying to figure out a way of escaping, Ridley finds themself teamed up with Chishiya and quickly realize he is their best chance at getting back home.
Avatar: TWoW | Collecting Shards: Miles x Sunee | 11.7k
Sunee is lost in the jungle with amnesia and trying to recollect what happened before the crash. Strange Na'vi with extra fingers track Sunee down and explain that Sunee is their guide through the wilderness, but there's something off about these Na'vi that Sunee can't quite figure out.
Charmed | Cat's Collar: Cole x Ariel | 54k
Ariel is saddled with 3 wards who can't keep themselves out of trouble. When Ariel realizes a demon is trying to worm his way into one of the Charmed Ones' heart, they devise a plan to thwart the demon.... but neither expected for things to get so far off course.
Haikyuu!! | Magnetic Attraction: Aone x Chihiro | 11.1k [Plan to rework]
Chihiro will do almost anything for a dare if there's a reward. Aone can't help when his anxiety and conscience leaves him wanting to make sure Chihiro doesn't get into too much trouble.
Tenshi vs. Akuma: Asahi x Kurai | 1.7k [Plan to rework]
Kurai is struck by the big beauty on the volleyball team and wants nothing more than to have his attention.
What They See: Ushijima x Hinome | 6k
Socially awkward Hinome dreams of playing volleyball with a team, but obstacle after obstacle keeps interfering. With help from Tendo and Ushijima, Hinome regains hope.
Hunter x Hunter | Cold Hearted: Hisoka x Tokage | 2.5k
Only seeking survival, Tokage finds themself traveling with a strange Hunter looking to utilize their skills.
Kengan Ashura | War of Hearts: Raian x Kit | 29.9k
Kit was groomed to be a bodyguard capable of extreme feats and dogged loyalty to their employer. However, one accident and several mistakes later, Kit's world is crashing down all around them when lifelong lies are exposed and new delights are found.
Legend of Korra | Sweet Dreams: Bolin x Kuzon | 41.1k
Utterly smitten with the sweetheart Bolin, Kuzon is head over heels but can't bring themself to confess- Not when Bolin clearly has a type, and Kuzon's not it. Kuzon tries to be there for Bolin as a good friend supporting him through heartbreak after heartbreak all the while swallowing their own feelings. All they need is for Bolin to be happy, truly....regardless of whoever it's with.
Lost in Space | I'm Yours: Scarecrow x Jude | 4.1k
The plucky mechanic Jude is fascinated by the new robotic aliens among their colony group. Jude wants to learn everything they can, and hopefully, get a look at the tech under the alien's plates.
Magicians | Devil Do: Penny x Jasper | 13.3k
Penny finds out Jasper's biggest secret, and rather than die to keep it hidden, Penny offers a deal to save his ass in a way that also benefits Jasper. Agreeing to the deal, Jasper learns Penny is more interesting than they previously thought.
MCU | Wing It: Loki x Alba | 9.5k [Plan to rework]
Outlast: Whistleblower | Dearest Darling: Eddie x Seth | 21k
Seth is tricked by Eddie's charm, but it's too late by the time they realize they've been fooled. Seth knows they need to somehow outsmart Eddie if they want to get away and live to tell the tale.
Seven Deadly Sins | Black Sheep: Ban x Darcy | 30k
Born cursed and driven out, Darcy wanders the world alone just trying to survive and make it to the next day. That is until Darcy stumbles upon a little tavern full of people who are strong enough to survive their curse. And what is a poor ram to do when they get a crush on the much bigger predator?
Toriko | Honey, Don't Worry: Zebra x Kaida | 38.9k
Having an established shop, Kaida's honey is known far and wide. Kaida believes making a delivery to a renown Warden Love is an in and out job until they get roped into a wild adventure. Kaida planned to go home to their little shop once the adventure is over, but it's not that simple when Zebra discovers the truth behind Kaida's delicious honey.
Vikings | Who Are You, Really?: Ivar x Dawn | 13.7k
Dawn is captured by a Viking army to be Ivar's new thrall- but not without bloodshed when Dawn refuses to go easily. The main problem being Ivar's thrall is his curiosities that only Dawn can sate. But Dawn also begins to get curious about this Viking and his people the longer they're around each other.
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thelegendofkuzon · 5 years
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A little something I made for Pride Month. Saria Forest, a professional airbender, and Anana Hookfin, a ninja waterbender. The two of them have faced many things together and found something great; They discovered their love for each other. Love is love! Happy Pride!
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
The Legend of Kuzon Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Teamwork
(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Korra or Kirby!)
Kuzon and I were heading to King Dedede’s castle.
Him being an expert on spirits, I was sure he could tell what this spirit was.
“Poyo poyo."
"Seems like he’s grown accustomed to our world,” Kuzon said.
“I just can’t wait to learn what kind of spirit Kirby is,” I said.
Kuzon stopped.
“Kirby? What’s Kirby?”
“That's….. what I decided to call him,"
I knocked on the door and the king’s servant, Escargoon opened the door.
"Let me guess, you left something in the castle again?” He asked annoyed.
“Not quite. But we have something the king is gonna wanna see.”
We were in the room explaining the situation.
“And so we were wondering if you know what Kirby was."
"What’s a Kirby?”
“Not a Kirby, Kirby,” Kuzon said.
“Ok show him what you got,”.
Kirby opened his mouth and inhaled a chocolate bar.
“Wow, he’s got vacuum power?"
"Yes Uncle Dedede, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
I allowed Kirby to inhale me and then spit me out.
He had a hairstyle similar to mine and could blow gusts of wind.
“Incredible. Do me, do me!”
“What?!” Asked Escargoon, “Absolutely not!”
Kirby inhaled the King’s hammer and gave it back.
He now had a hammer on his own.
“Looks like we got 2 Uncle Dededes now,”
“Let’s see what else he can eat."
He threw a bunch of food at Kirby and he ate it all.
He could even eat some inedible objects.
"Let’s try this,” Escargoon said grabbing a coffee machine.
“NOT THE COFFEE MACHINE!” Kuzon and I said in unison.
“Well, based on his ability to copy other abilities,” King Dedede begun, “I think it would be best to dub him as… an Echo Fighter.”
“What was wrong with my idea?” Asked Escargoon.
“Its not a bad idea, but….. Siamese warrior?"
Kuzon and Kirby laughed.
"Saria, I need you to call the guys and tell them to meet at this location,” he said giving me a piece of paper.
“Why’s that?”
“You’ll see,"
We were an abandoned park in Republic City that used to be a training ground for elements.
"So your father was part of the Knight of Cydonia?” I asked.
“That’s right,” said Kuzon, “He was a well known hero and leader of the group.”
“So where do we come in?” Asked Anana.
“Well, you all have bending abilities,” said Kuzon.
“Basically he wants to carry on Dad’s legacy,” said Zoe, “Which is why I upgraded Kuzon’s suit.”
She showed them a hologram of other suits she created.
“I realize I can’t take on this Tokuga guy on my own, which is why I think you guys would make good teammates.”
“I have also done the same for you all to upgrade your abilities based on your element,” said Zoe.
“Whoa, why is my costume that heinous color orange?"
"You don’t like it?” Asked Zoe.
“Do you want me to look like a geek? Change it!”
“Do your thing,” Zoe said giving her the hologram.
I changed it to green.
“Now that’s more like it,”
Later we were telling each other about our bending abilities.
“We need some code names,” said Kanji.
“That might work. I’m gonna go by Fish Hooks.”
“Why that name?” Asked Kuzon.
“Well, this,” she answered.
Her water bending resembled a hook.
“Nice,” said Zoe.
“Thanks,” said Anana.
Saria stepped forward.
“Of course you guys know I can airbend,” I said, “But I also have a hidden talent.”
I casted to gusts of strong wind and they were sharp enough to put cuts on the statue.
“Shit,” said Kuzon.
“That’s not all,” said Zoe, “Kuzon I need you to be a test subject for something.”
“What is it?” Asked Kuzon.
I had a cape on her costume.
“This cape has a hidden ability as well,” said Zoe, “So try striking her.”
“Ok,” said Kuzon.
He charged up a punch and threw it at me.
I quickly dodged it.
“Not that hard dumbass!” Said Zoe.
“Hey, you said to strike her not how hard to strike her,” said Kuzon.
“Ok, try again,” said Zoe holding a camera.
“Any reason why you’re recording?” Kuzon asked.
“Research,” said Zoe.
Kuzon charged up another punch and threw it.
I swung my cape and it went straight back at Kuzon knocking him into something.
Zoe was laughing.
“Get rid of that footage!” Said Kuzon.
“I’m gonna go with… Ambar,” said Saria.
They all turned to Kanji.
“So what about you man, what’s your hidden power?” Anana asked.
“I’m not…. I can’t do it in here.”
“Well just do it out there."
"I don’t know,"
"Come on! Kanji! Kanji! Kanji! Kanji!”
Everyone else chanted with me until Kanji gave in.
“Alright,” said Kuzon stepping outside near the statue.
“There’s our guy,"
"Get down when I say,” Kanji said getting ready.
“Get down when I say,” Kuzon said mocking him.
“Get back,"
We stepped back some then came back out.
"Get back!”
We stayed there.
“Whatever,” said Kanji.
He started running then his body was starting to cover up in stone.
His whole body was stone and he ran straight to the statue crushing it.
“Whoa!” Said Kuzon.
We started to clap.
“Now that was amazing,”
The next day, Zhu Li was helping people with certain situations.
Korra was welcomed back by many of her friends while Zoe was working with Asami on some blueprints.
“I have to say, the people of Republic City owe it to Zhu li for her impressive leadership skills,” Tenzin said, “Meanwhile Raiko is busy with the reelection to talk to his people about their problems.”
“I’ll say. At this rate even a flying lemur could run against him.”
“Why not Pokey!” Meelo said.
“Is there anything we can do to help?” I asked.
“Perhaps an audience with the avatar can lift their spirits up,"
"Go get ‘em Korra,”
When she stepped out people started to crowd her.
“I’m sorry about what happened, but believe me I’ll do whatever it takes to help. Me and a group of allies I met over the last few days.”
“Allies?” Kanji asked, “Looks like she’s found some other assistance.”
“She’s talking about us,"
The people had a bunch of requests.
"I got an idea,"
He stepped out gathering everyone’s attention.
"I understand you’re all tired, frustrated, and all of the above, but a great man once told me that change can be good or bad depending on your point of view. So I think it would be best to take this as a new beginning.”
“Kuzon…” Korra said smiling.
“I’m sure that whatever comes our way, all of us, benders, non benders, can face these challenges together, and live in balance with one another,” said Kuzon, “And evolving into our best selves becoming who we truly are! For the Future!”
“FOR THE FUTURE!” Said everyone.
Kuzon and Korra secretly held hands.
“That was a great speech Kuzon, thanks for helping me out there.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said.
Asami had some housing plans.
“Now we just need to show these to him,” Asami said.
“I’ll tag along,” I said.
Uncle Wenyan was showing Raiko a poster for his reelection.
“This seems a bit misleading as Korra was the one who was responsible for saving Republic City from whatever the Yellow Devil was,” he said.
“Mr. President!” I said, “Can I speak with you for a moment.”
“Saria, don’t you see the president is having an important conversation?” Asked Uncle Wenyan.
“Please, I’m not too busy to speak with someone,” Raiko said.
Asami handed him some blueprints for housing.
“These people need some homes really fast,” I said, “Asami has been working on some plans.”
He took a look at them.
“These seem interesting,” he said.
Uncle Wenyan was looking at them and then came up with a scheme.
“If I use these, I can give Raiko the credit and turn the others against the avatar,” he said to himself.
“Asami finish up drawing these plans and we will carry out immediately,” said President Raiko.
“Thank you sir,” Asami said.
“Kuzon, if I can speak with you for a moment,” President Raiko said.
“Yes sir?” He asked.
“What did this rat do now?” Uncle Wenyan asked, “Did he violate another statue?”
“This is a private matter,” Raiko said.
He brought Kuzon to another room.
“Keep a sharp eye on this Knuckle Joe character,” said President Raiko, “I know he is doing his best to help us and the Avatar protect Republic City.”
“Finally, something we agree on,” said Kuzon.
“And if you see anything suspicious, you or Saria let me know about it,” he finished, “I don’t think I want to continue being the mayor anymore, and we will need someone else to run against me.”
Kuzon had some ideas.
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evelynda-dahling · 3 years
i have been watching so much ATLA and LoK that last night I had a dream where Korra saw the Gaang in the spirit world or like a dream or something and everyone was like an evil ghost-version of themselves dressed in random costumes/characters they’d been through the show, like Katara was the painted lady, Zuko was the blue spirit, Sokka was a Kyoshi warrior, Aang was dressed as Kuzon (the fire nation student), and Toph was Melon Lord. Now I need someone to draw this like immediately
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mrsmiroir · 3 years
a little continuation of this au !!
hama and kanna find aang, and he lives with them and learns waterbending with hama, the best waterbender in the south pole. they haven’t told him about what happened to his people, and the raids have quieted down, so he isn’t fully aware of the war. he finds out about it one day when the fire nation raids their village while he’s out, and he arrives just in time to stop them from taking hama.
the herbalist lives up on a mountain and tends to wounded earth kingdom soldiers who happen to be passing by. she’s an earthbender, but prefers to practice in secret, as fire nation soldiers also pass through the area often, and she would rather not draw too much attention to herself. bumi, too busy “running a kingdom”, suggests that aang go find another earthbending teacher. some time later, the new “gaang” runs into the herbalist, who offers to let them stay at her place and help them, seeing as they’re being chased by iroh and his men.
iroh is continuing the family tradition of hunting down the avatar, and when he catches wind of the avatar’s return in the south pole, he immediately sets of to try and capture him. he’s young and relatively immature and with his father’s backing, his quest for the avatar (for honor) is much easier than zuko’s. jeong jeong is a young soldier who reluctantly joined the fire nation army (mandatory conscription is a bitch!). he was tasked with helping the crown prince capture the avatar, and through his travels, he comes to see the brutality of the fire nation, which solidifies his desire to leave. he turns on iroh and is the last to join the new “gaang”.
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wickedsick · 4 years
@anyone making NSFW content of korra/asami/kyoshi/rangi:
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legomocfodder · 3 years
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Sorry for the late post today. I'm working on a big minifig project, but in the meantime, here are some minifigures I made a while back and held onto for a situation just like this.
It's the Avatars at arguably their lowest points. Korra when she was wandering the Earth Kingdom in book 4, and Aang, undercover as Kuzon Fire.
NSFW blogs do not reblog!
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returnofahsoka · 4 years
"Lu Ten wakes up and his first thought is that he's dead.
His second thought is that he's in a forest and the constellations above are unknown to him. And his third one is that he's not alone."
Lu Ten made a promise to his father. Then, Lu Ten died before the walls of Ba Sing Se. Fortunately, he's not the only one who made an impossible promise in his lifetime.
or, the one in which Prince Lu Ten makes friends with a man who uses way too much outdated slang
me writing a fic about two extremely niche side characters of the avatar universe at 2 am? it's more likely than you think
reblogs, replies and likes give me life
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theotherace · 4 years
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this is so much fun.
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immortal-cataclysm · 4 years
It's sad that we never actually got to see kuzon,, especially since aang often mentions him when talking about the fire nation or to zuko, when asking him if they would have been friends had they met before the war. But we never knew what had happened to him? Idk if they explain that in the comics somehow (tried reading then but god tired instantly) but he just really exists in the background for the most part.
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visit-ba-sing-se · 3 years
on the topic of Wang Fire, Sapphire Fire, Kuzon & Lee
personally I believe that the reason why the gaang got away with so many things without being found out is because the war (and to a degree also absence of the avatar) really disrupted the passing of knowledge and exchange between the nations. 
like, some of that knowledge very obviously was overwritten with propaganda (which thrives during times of conflict/war), where the most prominent example is ba sing se. If you are not even able to know about the war, how and what can you know about the fire nation? What would you know about the eye colour most of their citizens have, or that their prince is banished? So  then  why would they find any Lee with a scar suspicious? And this of course worked because the very precise control system inside the town, but one can seriously doubt that it would have worked just as well if people from all nations/regions would regularly come in and out of the city, especially if those people are merchants/ travelling artists/ somewhat wealthy traveler and not desperate refugees run down by war who are less concerned with how your town is governed and more with if they will make it to the next morning, and if so what they will eat then.  Or, this is more between the lines but not difficult to imagine, think of the propaganda the fire nation government would be spreading about the colonies and their citizens (with regard to the fact that the best way to establish a right to rule is to paint your self superior). So now, you have a kind of strange kid with a name from 100 year ago whose parents are called Wang and Sapphire Fire, and you approach it form the perspective the constant exposure to this narrative has given you. How far of a reach is it to believe that these names are a result of a clumsy attempt to fit in? And yes, they do seem a bit young to be parents, but you heard that they do have strange costumes and might be a bit backwards, you have never seen what those places actually look like or met people from there before so....it kind of does check out? 
And then, beyond the blunted propaganda, you just have the simple alienation and disconnect that the war did come with.  Katara and Sokka did not know about the costumes at the nothern water tribe (or any of the people there), for example. if it had not been for the war, they surely would have grown up at least visiting for festivals there regularly (just look at Legend of Korra for comparison). For Aang it was normal to have friends from other nations growing up. They had not even really met the member of another nation their age before they met him. And under this circumstances, as an average citizen, how much are you supposed to know and notice, especially if you have more urgent issues, which are...a war (and having shelter and food in these rampant times). How much do you care if the girl you are selling cabbages to has a blue necklace with a certain carving? You really just want to sell that cabbage, and your income is not enough to worry about jewellery of any kind really.  No need or time to speculate whether she is from the water tribe. (If that even still exists, you are not sure. your overheard some rumours recently. a big fish was involved.) As opposed to, if you were familiar with more travellers from all places, you would probably just register: “ah yes, this looks really like it was made in the north”.
(And, side note, the only ones to ever really call out an undercover identity are Bumi, who is old enough to have seen the time before the war, and Piandao, who is part of a secret organisation that aims to connect the nations with each other again.) I mean, of course in the situations itself it is hilarious (and helps the gaang get through), but I do feel like all those gaps emphasises the disruption the 100 years of war bring. And that is not even touching upon all the knowledge erased between the generations, e.g, inside the southern water tribe as a results of the raids, or with the murder of the air nomads 
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Azulaang - alternate opening
Azulaang Week Day 4. Here’s my take on Tenzin’s intro narration in legends of Korra set in the Zutara timeline. Totally SFW.
“Earth. Fire. Air. Water.
When I was a boy, my father, Avatar Aang, and my mother, Ronin Azula, told me and my siblings, Ursa, Zuki and Kuzon, the story of how they and their friends heroically saved the world from Ten Thousand years of eternal darkness and chaos during harmonic convergence by Fall’s end right after the end the Hundred Year War by summer’s end.
My parents, my aunt Katara and my uncle Zuko transformed all nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, a society where benders, nonbenders, humans and spirits could live and thrive together in peace, harmony and true balance. They named the capital of this great land, Republic City with Aunt Katara as it’s first president.
Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life. But sadly, his time in this world came to an end. And like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the Avatar began anew.”
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